[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
Some additional comments.

On Thu, Dec 09, 2021 at 08:32:43PM +, deavid wrote:

> 1) On really big codebases and complex projects, it's very easy to lose
> track of what things do. Types help detecting bugs early.

Static types help detecting *some* kinds of bugs early.

Python doesn't stop you from running static type checks on your code. 
That's what mypy, and other type checkers, already do. What does 
integration gain us apart from forcing people who care nothing about 
static type checking to care, whether they want to or not?

> (Ask anyone that
> has used Rust + Clippy, the amount of errors that are catched is amazing,
> programs tend to work on the first try)

Isn't that a contradiction? If the work on the first try, then obviously 
there weren't any errors to be caught. If there are errors that are 
caught and need to be fixed, then it wasn't your first try.

In any case, I can often say the same about Python code, with no static 
checking. Typically, after writing some functions, and fixing a handful 
of typos -- I've been writing Python more than 20 years and I still 
sometimes write {key=value} in dicts -- my unit tests Just Work.

(Unless they don't. *cough*)

But when they don't work, it's almost never *type* checks that fail. Its 
logic errors and programming errors in the algorithm, and static typing 
doesn't solve those.

> 2) Libraries are currently the top bottleneck for any team to start using
> MyPy/Pytype. Making types mandatory would ensure all libraries have type
> support.

Making types mandatory would more like ensure that many libraries would 
just stop being supported and they would move to other languages.

> Of course, types have their own set of drawbacks; for example it could make
> Python look harder to code for newcomers, or it might get in the way for
> things like Jupyter notebooks, ML, and similar stuff.


> Because of this, an
> escape hatch must always exist. (maybe there are even more problems I am
> not aware about, I'd love to hear)

But if there is an escape hatch, then the types are not mandatory, and 
many libraries will not use them, many projects will not use them, and 
you have the status quo except mypy is bundled with CPython.

So all you will actually gain is avoiding running

pip install mypy

or whatever command you use to install it. That's a lot of disruption to 
the entire Python ecosystem just so people can avoid installing mypy.

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[Python-ideas] Re: Python standard library TOML module

2021-12-10 Thread Valentin Berlier
Yes. This is desperately needed. Usually I'm not a big fan of adding new 
standard library modules but in this case since toml is becoming such a 
critical part of packaging it seems like a no-brainer.
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[Python-ideas] Re: [issue32683] isinstance is calling ob.__getattribute__ as a fallback instead of object.__class__.__get__

2021-12-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 12:03:15AM +, Gabriele N Tornetta wrote:

> class Side(object):
> def __getattribute__(self, name):
> ValueError(name)

You forgot to actually *raise* the exception. That will just instantiate 
the ValueError instance, and then immediately garbage collect it.

In any case, type() and isinsance() do not work the same way. type() 
does not inspect the `__class__` attribute.

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[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread Carl Meyer
Hi David,

I think there's an important distinction to be made between "enforcing
types" as in "type annotations that are present are checked for
consistency at compile time and enforced at runtime, instead of only
being checked by a linter and possibly totally wrong at runtime" vs
"enforcing types" as in "everything must always be fully typed." It
seems that you are proposing both together, and so far readers are
mostly reacting against the second. But I would like to observe that
the one does not have to imply the other.

I think requiring types everywhere is pretty much a non-starter for
the Python language and community; the resulting language would no
longer be Python, it would be a very different language with Python's

But I think integrating optional types more closely into the language,
so that users can trust that the type annotations that are present are
not well-intentioned lies, and the compiler can make use of them to
optimize some operations, increases the value of type annotations and
the experience of using them, and can still fully allow for untyped
and partially-typed code in the places where static types don't make
sense (because the code is highly dynamic or because its just a quick
script or prototype.)

I currently work on a project we call "Static Python" (not a great
name, since really it's fully dynamic Python with optional static
types) which does exactly this. Types remain fully optional, the type
system is gradual, but where you do specify annotations of types that
are built-ins or are defined in modules opted into the Static Python
compiler, you get compile-time type checking and runtime checks that
the values used match the annotated types. This is currently only
available if you use the fork of CPython in which we develop it [1].
We hope that at some point it may be possible to instead make it
available as a pip-installable extension to normal CPython, but this
is probably a long ways out yet. We are building this primarily for
the performance benefits. The benefit of being able to use statically
known and trusted type information to elide some costly dynamic
operations more than makes up for the cost of the added runtime type
checks, partly because our compiler is able to intelligently elide
those runtime type checks in static-to-static calls, only checking
when values first are passed in from untyped sources.

This is early experimental work, and very far from anything that might
be considered for mainstream CPython, but if you're interested in this
area, you might find it worth taking a look at this early stage!


[1] https://github.com/facebookincubator/cinder
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[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread Carl Meyer
Another project you may want to look at is MyPyC [1], which is similar
in concept but takes a different approach; it compiles type-annotated
Python to CPython C extension code. MyPyC is much more mature and
something you could easily try out today.


[1] https://github.com/mypyc/mypyc
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[Python-ideas] Re: Runtime-accessible attribute docstrings – take 2

2021-12-10 Thread Simão Afonso
On 2021-12-09 12:47:28, Paul Bryan wrote:
> On Thu, 2021-12-09 at 19:01 +, Simão Afonso wrote:
> > I'm using docstrings bellow the attributes (analogous to functions
> > and
> > classes), I think it works well.
> > It helps with distinguishing the class docstring from the arguments.
> I think you'll find on close inspection that those strings don't "go
> anywhere" (i.e. they're not in help documentation, they're not
> introspectable.)

Wow, that's right, I stand corrected.

They do appear on Sphinx auto-generated documentation, so I assumed it
was a regular annotation, like classes and functions.
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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread Eric V. Smith

On 12/6/2021 1:24 AM, Christopher Barker wrote:

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 10:38 AM David Mertz, Ph.D. 

I first discussed the idea of a "generalized deferred object/type"
on this list at least two years ago, probably more than three (I
haven't looked through archives lately to be sure the dates). The
idea got some vague interest, but I was too lazy, or too busy, or
whatever, to write an actual PEP or implementation.

I don’t think a full PEP is required at this point, but throughout 
this discussion, the idea of a deferred object being a better solution 
to this same problem has been brought up.

My sense it that some folks think if we want late-bound defaults, we 
really should just do deferred objects.

But I honestly don’t get it. My idea of a deferred object would be 
quite different that this, would not be a great replacement for this, 
and could quite happily co-exist with this idea. Clearly I’m missing 

I've used this example before.

Let's assume backticks create a "deferred object" (a name I hate, but 
I'll continue to use in this discussion). I realize backticks won't fly, 
I'm using them deliberately so as to not argue about the syntax here.

If I want to specify a late bound dataclasses default parameter, 
currently I have to say:

class A:
    my_list: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)

What I'd like to be able to say:

class A:
    my_list: list = `[]`

In the class A, before @dataclass is called, I want A.my_list to be a 
"deferred object" that I could then use when @dataclass is generating 
__init__(). Exactly how and when the "deferred object" would get 
evaluated is debatable, but not so important for the sake of this 
discussion. Suffice it to say that it would either be explicitly or 
implicitly evaluated at the start of __init__.

I think you can see that this would benefit from similar functionality 
to late-bound parameters, and that if we had this more general mechanism 
that late-bound parameters could use the same underlying mechanism.

Had these "deferred objects" existed when I designed dataclasses, I 
would have used them instead of the clunky default_factory. PEP 671 does 
not help with this use case, where a late-bound parameter isn't 
specified in a function definition. I need the late-bound parameter to 
be stored in an object I can refer to later.


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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread Christopher Barker
I’m still not clear if this is a disagreement about something more than
terminology, but as I understand it, other languages that have non-constant
defaults use late binding, and call them “defaults”.

It seems to be a well accepted term.


On Thu, Dec 9, 2021 at 12:45 AM Brendan Barnwell 

> On 2021-12-08 23:22, Chris Angelico wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 9, 2021 at 5:54 PM Brendan Barnwell 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> On 2021-12-08 20:36, Chris Angelico wrote:
> >> > Remember, though: The comparison should be to a function that looks
> like this:
> >> >
> >> > def f(a=[], b=_SENTINEL1, c=_SENTINEL2, d=_SENTINEL3):
> >> >  if b is _SENTINEL1: b = {}
> >> >  if c is _SENTINEL2: c = some_function(a, b)
> >> >  if d is _SENTINEL3: d = other_function(a, b, c)
> >> >
> >> > If you find the long-hand form more readable, use the long-hand form!
> >> > It's not going away. But the introspectability is no better or worse
> >> > for these two. The late-bound defaults "{}", "some_function(a, b)",
> >> > and "other_function(a, b, c)" do not exist as objects here. Using PEP
> >> > 671's syntax, they would at least exist as string constants, allowing
> >> > you to visually see what would happen (and, for instance, see that in
> >> > help() and inspect.signature).
> >>
> >> I don't want to get bogged down in terminology but I am becoming
> >> increasingly frustrated by you using the term "default" both for things
> >> that are values and things that are not, as if there is no difference
> >> between them.
> >
> > That's absolutely correct: I am using the term "default" for anything
> > that provides a default for an optional argument that was omitted. In
> > some cases, they are default values. In other cases, they are default
> > expressions. If your docstring says "omitting d will use the length of
> > a", then the default for d is len(a).
> Your definition is somewhat circular, because you say that a
> default is
> "anything that provides a default".  But that says "default" again.  So
> what is a default?
> By your definition, any arbitrary code inside a function body that
> eventually assigns something to an argument name is a default.  (It is
> not clear to me whether you would consider some code a default if it may
> or may not assign a value to an argument, depending on some conditions.)
>   So I don't agree with that definition.  That can be default BEHAVIOR,
> but it is function behavior; it is not an argument default.
> >>  There are no late-bound defaults here, in the sense that
> >> I mean, which as I said before has to do with default VALUES.  There is
> >> just code in the function body that does stuff.  I am fine with code in
> >> a function body doing stuff, but that is the purview of the function and
> >> not the argument.  An individual ARGUMENT having a default VALUE is not
> >> the same as the FUNCTION defining BEHAVIOR to deal with a missing value
> >> for an argument.
> >
> > In a technical sense, the default value for b is _SENTINEL1, but would
> > you describe that in the docstring, or would you say that omitting b
> > would use a new empty dictionary? You're getting bogged down, not in
> > terminology, but in mechanics. At an abstract level, the default for
> > that argument is whatever would be used if the argument is omitted.
> I don't agree.  At an abstract level, there is no clear dividing
> line
> between what you call an argument default and just "arbitrary behavior
> of the function".  What if "what would be used" depends on random
> numbers or data from some external source?
> Or, again, what you are describing is not an argument default (in
> my
> conception).  It may be the BEHAVIOR of the function to do a certain
> thing (like use a certain value in place of an omitted argument) but
> unless that behavior is segmented and associated with the argument
> itself (not merely part of the function's code flow) I don't consider it
> an argument default.
> As for the docstring, yes, I might well mention _SENTINEL1 in the
> docstring.  I certainly wouldn't see anything wrong with that.  That's
> what the default is.  Again, the function may USE that value in some
> way, but that doesn't mean that's not what the default is; it just means
> the function conditions its behavior on its argument value, as any
> function may do on any argument value, omitted or not.  I get the
> impression you think that in a case like that the default "really is"
> something else defined in the body of the function, but again I
> disagree.  The default really is _SENTINEL1.  Conceptually we may
> understand that the function will use that value in a special way, but
> that is not really any different than understanding that passing "r" to
> open() will open the file for reading while passing "w" will open it for
> writing.  It's just that to know how to use a function you need to know
> more than the default values of the arguments; you need t

[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread Christopher Barker
On Thu, Dec 9, 2021 at 2:31 AM Paul Moore  wrote

> Your email client is doing "white on white" again. You should try to
> get that fixed :-(

Aarrgg— it was iPhone “dark mode” — white on black for me. Why the heck it
preserves the text color (and not the background) is beyond me. I hope this
works now.

My point was more specific, though - that whenever deferred
> expressions have been discussed in the past (and they do come up every
> so often) it's fairly clear that one case they would be expected to
> handle would be calculating function defaults at call time (at least,
> that's my impression). So if they ever do get implemented, they would
> render this PEP obsolete.

But that’s exactly my question. I can see how a general purpose deferred
expression system could be used for the implementation of late-bound
defaults. But I can’t see how one would be both generally useful, and clear
and simple when used for late bound defaults.

Which is why I don’t think this PEP would be rendered obsolete— maybe the
reference implementation would be, but syntax specific to late bound
defaults would still be helpful.

This is different than the switch-case example, where pattern matching is a
clear superset.


Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

Python Language Consulting
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  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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[Python-ideas] Re: Runtime-accessible attribute docstrings – take 2

2021-12-10 Thread Ricky Teachey
On Fri, Dec 10, 2021, 6:08 AM Simão Afonso 

> On 2021-12-09 12:47:28, Paul Bryan wrote:
> > On Thu, 2021-12-09 at 19:01 +, Simão Afonso wrote:
> > > I'm using docstrings bellow the attributes (analogous to functions
> > > and
> > > classes), I think it works well.
> > > It helps with distinguishing the class docstring from the arguments.
> >
> > I think you'll find on close inspection that those strings don't "go
> > anywhere" (i.e. they're not in help documentation, they're not
> > introspectable.)
> Wow, that's right, I stand corrected.
> They do appear on Sphinx auto-generated documentation, so I assumed it
> was a regular annotation, like classes and functions.

Very very interesting that Sphinx already treats a bare string under the
parameter as documentation! I had no idea. Does it do the same thing at the
module level?

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[Python-ideas] Re: Python standard library TOML module

2021-12-10 Thread Christopher Barker
Yes please!

It always seemed very odd to me that the standard packaging system would
require a non-standard library.

Surely TOML is stable enough by now?


On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 4:06 AM Valentin Berlier 

> Yes. This is desperately needed. Usually I'm not a big fan of adding new
> standard library modules but in this case since toml is becoming such a
> critical part of packaging it seems like a no-brainer.
> ___
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Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

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[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread Christopher Barker
On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 4:10 AM Carl Meyer  wrote:

> Another project you may want to look at is MyPyC [1],

Or Cython, which has used a non-standard typing system for years, and is
currently working on adopting the new types.

It’s a very tricky business though, because Cython is generating C code, so
it can’t use even semi-dynamic types. E.g. needs to know if something is an
actual list, rather than a MutableSequence.

I wonder how MyPyC handles that. Honestly, I’m concerned that the Trent
towards static typing will turn Python into a very different language, as
it’s much easy to use “locked down” static types than truly dynamic ones.
E.g list rather than MutableSequence, or even better, the Protocol types.

Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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[Python-ideas] Re: Runtime-accessible attribute docstrings – take 2

2021-12-10 Thread Simão Afonso
On 2021-12-10 08:20:25, Ricky Teachey wrote:
> Very very interesting that Sphinx already treats a bare string under the
> parameter as documentation! I had no idea. Does it do the same thing at the
> module level?


> $ cat module.py
> """This is the module docs"""
> class CLS:
>   """CLS docs"""
>   attr: int
>   """CLS.attr doc"""
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[Python-ideas] Re: Python standard library TOML module

2021-12-10 Thread Sebastian Koslowski
There is already some info/discussion over on the bug tracker:


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[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread Steven D'Aprano
On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 08:32:27AM -0800, Christopher Barker wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 4:07 AM Steven D'Aprano  wrote:
> > > 1) On really big codebases and complex projects, it's very easy to lose
> > > track of what things do. Types help detecting bugs early.
> >
> > Static types help detecting *some* kinds of bugs early.
> Exactly. I’ve been advocating for Python for decades — and I think that
> static type checking catches lots of bugs, but they are usually shallow
> bugs — that is most get caught the first time you try to ru the code anyway
> — or certainly if you have decent tests.

That seems to be close to the opinion of Robert C Martin:


He also has some comments on languages like Koitlin and Swift that have 
gone down that path of mandatory static typing:


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[Python-ideas] Re: Runtime-accessible attribute docstrings – take 2

2021-12-10 Thread Ricky Teachey
On Fri, Dec 10, 2021 at 11:46 AM Simão Afonso <
simao.afo...@powertools-tech.com> wrote:

> On 2021-12-10 08:20:25, Ricky Teachey wrote:
> > Very very interesting that Sphinx already treats a bare string under the
> > parameter as documentation! I had no idea. Does it do the same thing at
> the
> > module level?
> Yes.
> > $ cat module.py
> > """This is the module docs"""
> >
> > class CLS:
> >   """CLS docs"""
> >
> >   attr: int
> >   """CLS.attr doc"""

I meant to ask about a (global) module member, not the module docstring
itself. Like MY_GLOBAL below:

 """This is the module docs"""

 """MY_GLOBAL docs"""

 class CLS:
   """CLS docs"""

   attr: int
   """CLS.attr doc"""

Is this "global docstring" recognized by Sphinx as a docstring, too?


"I've never met a Kentucky man who wasn't either thinking about going home
or actually going home." - Happy Chandler
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[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread Peter Ludemann
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

> > That seems to be close to the opinion of Robert C Martin:
> http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2016/05/01/TypeWars.html
> He also has some comments on languages like Koitlin and Swift that have 
> gone down that path of mandatory static typing:
> http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2017/01/11/TheDarkPath.html

Yet another example of "Uncle Bob" writing stuff that's "not even wrong". Of 
course, typing doesn't catch all bugs; but neither does Uncle Bob's 
testing-testing-testing. And never will. Programmers need all the help they can 
in catching bugs and also in understanding other people's code - and types are 
really helpful for that ... I can't count the number of hours I've spent at 
Google, figuring out how something works so that I can add some functionality - 
often by adding stuff like logging.info("Type of qqsv: %s", qqsv.__class_).

(On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I think that mandatory typing would be 
fabulous (to paraphrase Brian Reid: "most people won't use types even when you 
threaten them"). On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, I meditate on how 
difficult it is to write types in Haskell, which is far easier for typing than 
Python. On Sundays, I go for a head-clearing walk in the park.)

PS: For another example of "Uncle Bob" nonsense: 
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[Python-ideas] Re: Runtime-accessible attribute docstrings – take 2

2021-12-10 Thread Simão Afonso
On 2021-12-10 12:20:44, Ricky Teachey wrote:
> I meant to ask about a (global) module member, not the module docstring
> itself. Like MY_GLOBAL below:
>  """This is the module docs"""
>  MY_GLOBAL = None
>  """MY_GLOBAL docs"""
>  class CLS:
>"""CLS docs"""
>attr: int
>"""CLS.attr doc"""
> Is this "global docstring" recognized by Sphinx as a docstring, too?

My bad.

Double checked and that's right, it is recognised as such.
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[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread Joao S. O. Bueno
On Thu, 9 Dec 2021 at 17:54, deavid  wrote:

> Hi, I would like to hear the opinion of Python's community on enforcing
> types in the future for the language.

here goes opinion: "no"!

strong no.

while _using_ tooling that have correct typing is a bit easier, it can make
it hard to write
code, code harder to read, and in some instances, simply make it almost
type correctly what once has been one of the best features of the language:
things that are broad into
what they accept, strict in what they return, while not being ambiguous.

As an example, I will let you with the buitin functions "min" and "max".
Write teh pure-Python correct
annotation for those, and you will understand what people mean by "typing
can be painful".

Moreover, you missed that there are very different profiles of Python
users. Professional coders
working in big projects can take advantage of all the points you listed -
but a lot of people just want a way to "give orders to the computer".
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[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread deavid
Well, this has a lot of strong opinions already! I didn't expect less :-)

I'm not sure how to answer so many thoughts without making this super-long.
I'll try to reply in general.

I agree that a compile-time python makes no sense, it would be a different
language and we would lose 90% of what Python actually is.
This is not what I was suggesting (sorry, I might not have been clear on my
first email). I'm talking about something similar to what Typescript is.
(mypy even when strict, is closer to what Typescript does than to C++/Rust)
But there must be a way to skip typing altogether, both in programs and
libraries. (It could also be by file extension... just suggesting more
stuff here)

When I said earlier in "compile time", I was just trying to refer to the
parsing step, or pre-parsing step. Or maybe means that "python a.py" =>
"mypy a.py && python a.py".
I'm being very ambiguous here on purpose because there are tons of ways to
do this and "how to do it" or the cons of a particular method aren't
something that I wanted to discuss, I just wanted to get a general idea of
where the community stands.

A lot of you are referring to scripting, learning, and other ways of using
Python that would be badly impacted. I already acknowledged that these
exist (or at least I didn't notice here any other that I wasn't aware), and
that's why I mentioned that there should be a way to avoid type-enforcing
for these scenarios. Maybe by flag, by Python version, file extension...
The method doesn't matter much at this moment.
If it were "easy" to continue writing the old programs without types,
what's the problem in trying to make types more popular?

And yes, types cannot cover everything. I guess this goes for any language,
but especially in Python it is really impossible to type everything. But as
Typescript has demonstrated (I think), having a bit of types is better than
no types at all.
MyPy is there for those that want to use it, of course; but needs to be
promoted (this one or different tool) and encouraged. Otherwise most python
libraries are just impossible to use with MyPy; and using Python without
libraries is quite limiting.

>> Exactly. I’ve been advocating for Python for decades — and I think that
>> static type checking catches lots of bugs, but they are usually shallow
>> bugs — that is most get caught the first time you try to ru the code
>> — or certainly if you have decent tests.
>That seems to be close to the opinion of Robert C Martin:

This is not true unless your testing covers every branch in every possible
state input. This also means that your unit testing in dynamic languages
needs to be way more extensive than in static languages; because static
checking gives you certain proofs of correctness that you don't need to
More importantly, it removes the burden of remembering to do those test
cases for those tricky scenarios. Overall, your tests will be shorter and
easier to maintain.

But I would say that even with extensive testing still will not cover all
bugs that static type checks can catch: static type checks also can cover
future bugs, not only present ones. A type check will prevent someone from
calling a function/method in unexpected ways. Because type checks serve to
define contracts, and 6 months later you might have forgot that the
function assumed certain constraints for the input.

> Another project you may want to look at is MyPyC [1], which is similar
> in concept but takes a different approach; it compiles type-annotated
> Python to CPython C extension code. MyPyC is much more mature and
> something you could easily try out today.
> [1] https://github.com/mypyc/mypyc

There you have it. I'm amazed that this is already a thing and the
discussion of "enforcing types" didn't happen up to now.
If MyPyC can compile to C and get a 4x performance boost, it means that
Python is leaving a 4x boost on the table. When creating the bytecode (old
*.pyc files) Python could create for some functions a second one that
internally doesn't use Python objects, for those cases where the types
actually match. And the GIL could be released (sometimes) during the
execution of those.
(It might look that the above statement is far too simplistic. But it
should be roughly true with lots of caveats.)

Anyway, I see that people are generally against what I'm suggesting. But on
the other hand I also see that there are projects that are working towards
faster python implementations via type-checking.

I now noticed that PyPI includes filters for typed packages; I didn't
recall this from 3 years ago. I wish they promoted typed ones a bit more,
but well, at least we can filter.

El vie, 10 dic 2021 a las 17:49, Peter Ludemann ()

> Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > > That seems to be close to the opinion of Robert C Martin:
> > http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2016/05/01/TypeWars.html
> > He also has some comments on languages like Koitlin and Swift that have
> > gone down that path of ma

[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 7:44 AM deavid  wrote:
> When I said earlier in "compile time", I was just trying to refer to the 
> parsing step, or pre-parsing step. Or maybe means that "python a.py" => "mypy 
> a.py && python a.py".
> I'm being very ambiguous here on purpose because there are tons of ways to do 
> this and "how to do it" or the cons of a particular method aren't something 
> that I wanted to discuss, I just wanted to get a general idea of where the 
> community stands.

You could make a shell alias that does that, if that's what you want.

> A lot of you are referring to scripting, learning, and other ways of using 
> Python that would be badly impacted. I already acknowledged that these exist 
> (or at least I didn't notice here any other that I wasn't aware), and that's 
> why I mentioned that there should be a way to avoid type-enforcing for these 
> scenarios. Maybe by flag, by Python version, file extension... The method 
> doesn't matter much at this moment.
> If it were "easy" to continue writing the old programs without types, what's 
> the problem in trying to make types more popular?

Or by simply running Python without first running MyPy. That's a method.

> > Another project you may want to look at is MyPyC [1], which is similar
> > in concept but takes a different approach; it compiles type-annotated
> > Python to CPython C extension code. MyPyC is much more mature and
> > something you could easily try out today.
> > [1] https://github.com/mypyc/mypyc
> There you have it. I'm amazed that this is already a thing and the discussion 
> of "enforcing types" didn't happen up to now.
> If MyPyC can compile to C and get a 4x performance boost, it means that 
> Python is leaving a 4x boost on the table. When creating the bytecode (old 
> *.pyc files) Python could create for some functions a second one that 
> internally doesn't use Python objects, for those cases where the types 
> actually match. And the GIL could be released (sometimes) during the 
> execution of those.
> (It might look that the above statement is far too simplistic. But it should 
> be roughly true with lots of caveats.)

>From the MyPyC docs:

"""These are our near-term focus areas for improving mypyc:

* Improved compatibility with Python"""

The 4x speed boost is only if you restrict yourself to the things it
can handle. That's fine if a project specifically chooses to do that,
but not for general work. And it is definitely NOT a reason to push
type checking into the core language.

Side question: What if someone wants to use a different type checker
than MyPy? Why should that one single checker be blessed with language
support? Type annotations are intended to be there for *every* type
checker to use.

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[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE
On 2021-12-10 at 20:20:05 +,
deavid  wrote:

> A lot of you are referring to scripting, learning, and other ways of
> using Python that would be badly impacted. I already acknowledged that
> these exist (or at least I didn't notice here any other that I wasn't
> aware), and that's why I mentioned that there should be a way to avoid
> type-enforcing for these scenarios. Maybe by flag, by Python version,
> file extension...  The method doesn't matter much at this moment.  If
> it were "easy" to continue writing the old programs without types,
> what's the problem in trying to make types more popular?

I concede that certain programmers believe that type declarations and
static type checking are unilaterally and universally beneficial, and
that's why I think that there should be a way to request type-enforcing
for these scenarios.  Maybe by flag, by Python version, file
extension...  The method doesn't matter, because in all my decades of
writing software, in a dozen or more languages, getting the types right
at coding time has never been an issue.

It's very easy to get type checking if you want it, what's the problem
in trying to make types more popular?

[insert your own perfect-joking-serious-balance emoticon (no emoji,
please!)  here]
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[Python-ideas] Re: Should Python enforce Type-checking in the future?

2021-12-10 Thread Jean Abou Samra


(NB: I'm just a lurker here, posting for almost the
first time. I may say silly things.)

Le 09/12/2021 à 21:32, deavid a écrit :
Hi, I would like to hear the opinion of Python's community on 
enforcing types in the future for the language. I've been using Python 
as my main language for everything for around 10 years, until I 
started moving to Rust 2 years ago; one of the main factors was types.

Just before moving to Rust I started to use mypy heavily, which I 
liked a lot and uncovered tons of potential problems. Now (2 years 
later), it seems the situation hasn't changed much; I might be wrong, 
so let me know what improvements you think landed in this area in the 
last 2-3 years.

I don't follow typing closely at all, but I
do nevertheless see quite a number of typing
PEPs getting accepted. Here are a few recent
ones gathered just by reading the index in PEP 0:


I feel it's possible this topic might cause a lot of passionate 
answers, but I just want to hear honest opinions on this.

I firmly believe that Python's future would be better if types were 
enforced by default at "compile time" (whatever this means in Python), 
with an option/flag to disable this, and integrate MyPy or similar 
into the interpreter. I'm fully aware that a transition like this 
would be very hard and long, but I don't think it's impossible.

Here's a list of my reasons to think that Python is better if it was 

1) On really big codebases and complex projects, it's very easy to 
lose track of what things do. Types help detecting bugs early. (Ask 
anyone that has used Rust + Clippy, the amount of errors that are 
catched is amazing, programs tend to work on the first try)
2) Libraries are currently the top bottleneck for any team to start 
using MyPy/Pytype. Making types mandatory would ensure all libraries 
have type support. (If anyone has any other proposal to enforce this, 
I would like to hear)

3) IDE integration is way simpler and better with types.
4) The interpreter could take further optimizations if it can prove 
that a function or piece of code is guaranteed to have a limited set 
of types. This could be used by libraries to have great speed ups that 
currently are not possible.
5) Static analysis tools could also benefit from types to gain more 
insight on what the code is trying to do.

These are benefits of types in general, but
I don't see clearly how having checks built as
part of the standard CPython interpreter will
increase them. Performance perhaps, but the projects
using annotations to eliminate runtime overhead
are in experimental stage. Asking a genuine
question here: is it actually possible to generate
optimized code that supports all of Python?
What about things like int subclasses? MyPyC
doesn't support them as far as I can see,
and I don't see how it could when trying to
generate optimized code. It might only
optimize int operations when it can prove that
all callers don't pass int subclasses, but this
means recompiling when a new caller does pass
a subclass -- which turns Python into far
more of a compiled language. Or am I missing

On the other hand, with the specializing
adaptive that is the result of the Faster
CPython project, it might become eventually
possible to specialize based on types, and
have a cheaper code path when the annotation
is int that will still fall back to a slower
path when an int subclass instance is passed.

Also, you seem to imply that having typing
more tied to the core language will bring
it more popularity. How will this happen
exactly? People don't like it when you break
their code. If Python 4 causes trouble for
users who don't need/want typing, these users
will not suddenly start using typing, but
simply stay with Python 3. You'd apparently
want to require libraries to be annotated
for them to support Python 4, which means
pain that the ecosystem simply cannot afford,
I think. -- And if the annotations remain
optional, then I guess I don't really understand
how it's going to push people to add them,
especially on large libraries, where this is a
significant endeavor.

All the best,

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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread Eric V. Smith

On 12/9/2021 10:32 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:

On 12/6/2021 1:24 AM, Christopher Barker wrote:

But I honestly don’t get it. My idea of a deferred object would be 
quite different that this, would not be a great replacement for this, 
and could quite happily co-exist with this idea. Clearly I’m missing 

I've used this example before.

Let's assume backticks create a "deferred object" (a name I hate, but 
I'll continue to use in this discussion). I realize backticks won't 
fly, I'm using them deliberately so as to not argue about the syntax here.

If I want to specify a late bound dataclasses default parameter, 
currently I have to say:

class A:
    my_list: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)

What I'd like to be able to say:

class A:
    my_list: list = `[]`

In the class A, before @dataclass is called, I want A.my_list to be a 
"deferred object" that I could then use when @dataclass is generating 
__init__(). Exactly how and when the "deferred object" would get 
evaluated is debatable, but not so important for the sake of this 
discussion. Suffice it to say that it would either be explicitly or 
implicitly evaluated at the start of __init__.

I think you can see that this would benefit from similar functionality 
to late-bound parameters, and that if we had this more general 
mechanism that late-bound parameters could use the same underlying 

And in case I wasn't clear: to get the late-bound parameter 
functionality using this syntax, you'd use:

def foo(my_list = `[]`):

That's why I think we should have a larger concept that just late-bound 
parameters: I think there's a general concept here that can be extended 
beyond parameters. And that's why I thing not restricting it to a 
function-definition-only syntax is important: we should produce a syntax 
that can be used in more places than just functions. This is why I think 
we need to decide on this larger scope before accepting the narrow 
function-definition-only syntax: if we decide to add "deferred objects" 
later, we'd have two ways to specify late-bound parameters [0].


[0]: Or arguments, I can never remember which is which: someone needs to 
invent a memorable mnemonic device.

Had these "deferred objects" existed when I designed dataclasses, I 
would have used them instead of the clunky default_factory. PEP 671 
does not help with this use case, where a late-bound parameter isn't 
specified in a function definition. I need the late-bound parameter to 
be stored in an object I can refer to later.

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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 9:26 AM Eric V. Smith  wrote:
> On 12/9/2021 10:32 AM, Eric V. Smith wrote:
> On 12/6/2021 1:24 AM, Christopher Barker wrote:
> But I honestly don’t get it. My idea of a deferred object would be quite 
> different that this, would not be a great replacement for this, and could 
> quite happily co-exist with this idea. Clearly I’m missing something.
> I've used this example before.
> Let's assume backticks create a "deferred object" (a name I hate, but I'll 
> continue to use in this discussion). I realize backticks won't fly, I'm using 
> them deliberately so as to not argue about the syntax here.
> If I want to specify a late bound dataclasses default parameter, currently I 
> have to say:
> @dataclasses.dataclass
> class A:
> my_list: list = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
> What I'd like to be able to say:
> @dataclasses.dataclass
> class A:
> my_list: list = `[]`
> In the class A, before @dataclass is called, I want A.my_list to be a 
> "deferred object" that I could then use when @dataclass is generating 
> __init__(). Exactly how and when the "deferred object" would get evaluated is 
> debatable, but not so important for the sake of this discussion. Suffice it 
> to say that it would either be explicitly or implicitly evaluated at the 
> start of __init__.
> I think you can see that this would benefit from similar functionality to 
> late-bound parameters, and that if we had this more general mechanism that 
> late-bound parameters could use the same underlying mechanism.
> And in case I wasn't clear: to get the late-bound parameter functionality 
> using this syntax, you'd use:
> def foo(my_list = `[]`):
> That's why I think we should have a larger concept that just late-bound 
> parameters: I think there's a general concept here that can be extended 
> beyond parameters. And that's why I thing not restricting it to a 
> function-definition-only syntax is important: we should produce a syntax that 
> can be used in more places than just functions. This is why I think we need 
> to decide on this larger scope before accepting the narrow 
> function-definition-only syntax: if we decide to add "deferred objects" 
> later, we'd have two ways to specify late-bound parameters [0].

It's larger than argument defaults, but also smaller:

def bisect(a, hi=`len(a)`):

Would this work by your theory? Remember that it must still be
possible to pass a simple number (eg bisect(stuff, 5)), so the default
needs to coalesce to an actual value immediately. The overlap with
late-bound defaults is the simple case of mutable objects that you
want to freshly construct every time, but ultimately, that's not
hugely different from a lambda function:

stuff = defaultdict(lambda: [])
stuff = defaultdict(`[]`)

The only difference might be that you could use isinstance to
distinguish a deferred expression from some other sort of function.
I'm not sure whether that would be significant enough for dataclasses
to take advantage of.

(Another theoretical difference is that a deferred expression is
parsed in the context of its *usage* rather than its *definition*, but
that would break all manner of things in Python and is quite

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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread 2QdxY4RzWzUUiLuE
On 2021-12-10 at 17:24:22 -0500,
"Eric V. Smith"  wrote:

> [0]: Or arguments, I can never remember which is which: someone needs
> to invent a memorable mnemonic device.

Pass Arguments
Accept Parameters

(I don't know.  I just made that up.  For some reason, the fact that
functions have "formal parameters" stuck with me (to me?) from
somewhere, and then I can put the pieces together to figure out where
the arguments must come from.  And you can't unsee it now; sorry.)
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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 9:43 AM <2qdxy4rzwzuui...@potatochowder.com> wrote:
> On 2021-12-10 at 17:24:22 -0500,
> "Eric V. Smith"  wrote:
> > [0]: Or arguments, I can never remember which is which: someone needs
> > to invent a memorable mnemonic device.
> Pass Arguments
> Accept Parameters
> (I don't know.  I just made that up.  For some reason, the fact that
> functions have "formal parameters" stuck with me (to me?) from
> somewhere, and then I can put the pieces together to figure out where
> the arguments must come from.  And you can't unsee it now; sorry.)

Formal parameters are the placeholders - the variable names that receive values.

Arguments or "actual parameters" are what got used when the function got called.

An optional parameter can have a default argument which is used when
there is no argument passed. In some languages, a parameter can be
optional without a default, in which case it won't have a value, but
in current Python, defaults and optionality always go together.

Whether 'self' counts as a parameter, and whether the object to the
left of the dot counts as an argument, depends on your point of view.

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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread Christopher Barker
>> a memorable mnemonic device.

> Pass Arguments
> Accept Parameters

Darn — the P and A are swapped there. But that’s the paradox with mnemonics
— that may help me remember it :-)


> (I don't know.  I just made that up.  For some reason, the fact that
> functions have "formal parameters" stuck with me (to me?) from
> somewhere, and then I can put the pieces together to figure out where
> the arguments must come from.  And you can't unsee it now; sorry.)
> ___
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Christopher Barker, PhD (Chris)

Python Language Consulting
  - Teaching
  - Scientific Software Development
  - Desktop GUI and Web Development
  - wxPython, numpy, scipy, Cython
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[Python-ideas] Re: inline Python functions and methods

2021-12-10 Thread TobiasHT
So I went back and revised my idea for inline functions in python, and I 
realized that it would be harder to implement them in python the way I had 
originally thought about them, due to Python’s dynamic nature. However, the 
idea itself doesn’t seem so original, as Cinder already implements inline 
byte-code caching which significantly boosts its performance. I do not think 
they ever upstreamed these changes however.

So a modification of my idea goes like this. The inline functions can still be 
written with the inline keyword, but evaluated at runtime. This is because 
there are some cases such as in conditions where are function might never be 
called at all, so it wouldn’t need to be optimized in that case
so in cases where someone writes code like,

if True:
inline def func_version_one(*args):
#func body
inline def func_version_two(*args):
#func body

The right function to perform inlining on shall be determined at runtime and 
cached in the same scope as where it’s performing it’s operations from cases 
where the program performs large iterations or even in infinite loops and other 
cases that need optimization.
Like I said before, it’s still a work-in-progress, and I’m still putting lots 
of factors into consideration, including your incredible insight as the core 
dev team.
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[Python-ideas] Re: Runtime-accessible attribute docstrings – take 2

2021-12-10 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Simão Afonso writes:
 > On 2021-12-10 12:20:44, Ricky Teachey wrote:
 > > I meant to ask about a (global) module member, not the module docstring
 > > itself. Like MY_GLOBAL below:
 > > 
 > >  """This is the module docs"""
 > > 
 > >  MY_GLOBAL = None
 > >  """MY_GLOBAL docs"""
 > > 
 > > Is this "global docstring" recognized by Sphinx as a docstring, too?
 > My bad.
 > Double checked and that's right, it is recognised as such.

To my mind Sphinx is sufficiently widely used that this settles the
"above or below" question.


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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Eric V. Smith writes:

 > That's why I think we should have a larger concept that just late-bound 
 > parameters: I think there's a general concept here that can be extended 
 > beyond parameters.

One advantage of Chris's preferred syntax is that as a default in a
function's parameter list it could do whatever it needs to do there,
while in an executable context, it could return the object, as :=
does.  That's a bit inconsistent and quite ugly, I guess, and it might
lead to code like

def foo(x=>[]):
a = bar()
return x


which I think would be rather confusing.  Whether it would be
acceptable is a question of how often it would be used as an
assignment expression rather than as an assignment statement.

I think I've just convinced myself this is a non-starter, but I'll
leave it in as documentation that defining the syntax is a nontrivial

 > later, we'd have two ways to specify late-bound parameters [0].

We might want that anyway.  One of the aspects of Chris's proposal is
that late-bound parameters get resolved to objects in a well-specified
(if complicated) order at call time, before entering the function
body.  In


the compiler cannot know that x's value is a "deferred object" (aside:
how about "autoevaluated expression object", presumably with an
abbreviated form such as "autoeval" for normal use).  I don't see how
we can guarantee order of evaluation without syntax for late binding
of parameters.  I think the predictability is a potentially valuable
aspect of Chris's proposal that might justify special syntax for
late-bound defaults of formal arguments.[1]

 > [0]: Or arguments, I can never remember which is which: someone needs to 
 > invent a memorable mnemonic device.

C: argv and argc refer to the actual arguments, not the parameter list.

I just use "formal" vs. "actual" to modify "argument".

[1]  I write "potential" not to deprecate it but because I have no
particular use case for late-bound defaults that demands them, rather
than the sentinel idiom.  So I have no sense whether this
predictability is a big deal.

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[Python-ideas] Re: PEP 671 (late-bound arg defaults), next round of discussion!

2021-12-10 Thread Chris Angelico
On Sat, Dec 11, 2021 at 5:35 PM Stephen J. Turnbull
> Eric V. Smith writes:
>  > That's why I think we should have a larger concept that just late-bound
>  > parameters: I think there's a general concept here that can be extended
>  > beyond parameters.
> One advantage of Chris's preferred syntax is that as a default in a
> function's parameter list it could do whatever it needs to do there,
> while in an executable context, it could return the object, as :=
> does.  That's a bit inconsistent and quite ugly, I guess, and it might
> lead to code like
> def foo(x=>[]):
> a = bar()
> return x
> foo(x=>[a])
> which I think would be rather confusing.  Whether it would be
> acceptable is a question of how often it would be used as an
> assignment expression rather than as an assignment statement.

I'm not sure what that last line would mean. My proposal doesn't
change the call site in any way, so I'm trying to figure out what you
mean by that call. Are you saying that x=>[a] would be an assignment
statement that sets x to an unevaluated expression? If so, that's
independent of the default argument. If it's a special way to pass
keyword arguments to a function, which passes unevaluated expressions
that are collapsed into values upon usage, then this would be
extremely interesting, but highly bizarre behaviour. It would also
require significant changes to the way that nonlocal names are looked
up (or would be restricted in what nonlocals it can refer to, possibly
none at all).

>  > later, we'd have two ways to specify late-bound parameters [0].
> We might want that anyway.  One of the aspects of Chris's proposal is
> that late-bound parameters get resolved to objects in a well-specified
> (if complicated) order at call time, before entering the function
> body.  In
> foo(x=othermodule.bar())
> the compiler cannot know that x's value is a "deferred object" (aside:
> how about "autoevaluated expression object", presumably with an
> abbreviated form such as "autoeval" for normal use).  I don't see how
> we can guarantee order of evaluation without syntax for late binding
> of parameters.  I think the predictability is a potentially valuable
> aspect of Chris's proposal that might justify special syntax for
> late-bound defaults of formal arguments.[1]

Indeed. But here's the question: If a deferred object is to be a
replacement for default_factory, then it must by definition be able to
be stored for later. So it can't be autoevaluated unless there's some
mechanism for delaying the autoevaluation. This seems like an
incredibly messy approach.

The use-cases for deferred evaluation differ based on whether you need
it to be evaluated once or multiple times, whether you want names to
be looked up in the caller's or the callee's context, etc, etc, etc.
What would have overlap with argument defaults isn't the same thing
that would be useful for dataclasses. So there would need to be
multiple variants, or multiple ways to use them.

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