Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-03-30 Thread Norman

 Umm ... not the tick tock ... :-)

Strange. Maybe your message too the long way around :o)
I suspect there's some data in the message headers we can use to find out - but 
I'm not all that clued up on that part of emailing 

 CD's / DVD's / Downloads / Magazines, etc ... all add to the total cost 
 of ownership.  Although it may not seem so obvious to the user.

Of course they do - you should see my QL software collection, and all the 
magazines I have had or still do have (every issue of QL Toady). My wife dearly 
wants me to 'get rid of that mess' - aspecially as we will soon be moving house.

On the other hand, I work as an Oracle DBA in my 'real life' - you should see 
how much 'stuff' I have for that !

 Still, all a part of the fun !

Of course :o)


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-03-29 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], 


 Where has Demon been hiding your email for the last month? It seems you
 need a new ISP!

Nothing wrong with Demon, I've been using them for years and years and 
years. I suspect Malcolm's clock is wrong as a number of his posts have 
ended up in the 'ages ago' category. I had a similar problem myself 
when my laptop's clock was running about two years slow. I think it was 
Geoff who pointed out the problem to me.

Umm ... not the tick tock ... :-)

Just one of those mysteries .

 I use the Fedora distribution of Linux.


CD's / DVD's / Downloads / Magazines, etc ... all add to the total cost 
of ownership.  Although it may not seem so obvious to the user.

Still, all a part of the fun !

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-03-27 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], David 

On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 17:47 +, Malcolm Cadman wrote:
 David, you should raise more issues about the Q60 on this list.
 No need to wait 2 years again ... :-(.

I don't have any Q60 issues any more. When no one could tell me how to
get Text87 to run, I got a PC and ran OpenOffice instead. This
low-specification, home-built machine runs at 20 time the speed of the
Q60, and, apart from a few QL legacy programs, linux gives me everything
I want -- for free. As for the Q60, that lives in storage, since no one
wanted to buy it.

You mean getting Text87 to run on a Q60 ...

We have inherited a copy of Text87 at the London Quanta Group, and it 
works fine on a QL + Gold Card.

Sure, the PC hardware has sped along so speak.

I am not sure how free Linux really is ... all those downloads from the 
internet, all the compiling time if you are in to that side of it, all 
the magazines to buy, all the applications to acquire ...

I guess it all adds up to time is money too ... :-)

May be your Q60 will see the light of day again ?

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-21 Thread Roy wood
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Daniele Terdina 
 It is, in this respect just the same as LINUX. Peter can be a reseller
 and give it away for free if he wants. We will not stop hi,

If I understand the licence correctly, resellers have to pay 10 euros to TT,
and I'm not sure whether there's also a fee for GD2 or other components, so
reseller can't give binaries away for free.

The 10 Euro fee to TT ended a while ago and we reduced the price 
accordingly. There are no other fees payable and the money we would 
charge, if we ever sold any, is purely costs of materials, 
administration of the manuals, postage costs and future support. No ever 
comes to SMSQ/E for the first time and does not get back in touch with a 
few questions. So, yes, if he abides by the rules of the licence, 
supplies a manual and a master disk,, is willing to offer support, only 
distributes the current authorised code, he can become a reseller and 
give it away for free. This is correct is it not Wolfgang?
Roy Wood
Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501  skype : royqbranch
web :

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-21 Thread pgraf
Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

 pgraf at wrote:
  The registrar can at any time accept changes/additions/modifications
  which are not distributed in source, but which may be essential. So
  the SMSQ/E license does of course NOT provide this liberty. Instead, a
  developer would depend on the mood of the registrar.

 Whch is, of course, true for ALL additions to the official version 
 since, as said earlier, I do vet them.

 With one exception, there is, if course, no example of a file not 
 distibuted as source.

Of course? So passages that keep SMSQ/E from being open-source compliant 
are persistently kept, even though there are not intended to be used.

 And that file is, ... wait for it one of the system sprites.

Which shows the importance of keeping SMSQ/E a proprietary OS.

  Nobody talked about myriads. For one example, a practical offer was
  even published on this list a few years ago:
  Working native TCP/IP plus native Ethernet plus graphical mail client
  plus native webserver + browser.
  Waiting until developers have lost interest and then saying they
  wouldn't have done anything anyway is even cheaper talk.

 Ok, so maybe there was one project where the author said that he could 
 do something (compared to all those that have really seen the light) - 
 but he didn't. Probably because he pretended the licence wouldn't let

 Talk is cheap, indeed.

Quite informative to see the SMSQ/E registrar shed some light on his 
attitude regarding the importance of native OS support for TCP/IP and 
ethernet. And a confirmation that I'd only get reasonable opportunities 
for major QL hardware again, if the slow and painful route of a free QL OS 
is taken first.

To those who asked: Small things like SD/MCC might be realistic, as long 
as no OS-level driver is expected, and folks can live with a user program 
to access the card. If there are news, they'll be posted here.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-21 Thread Norman

 Quite informative to see the SMSQ/E registrar shed some light on his 
 attitude regarding the importance of native OS support for TCP/IP and 
 ethernet. And a confirmation that I'd only get reasonable opportunities 
 for major QL hardware again, if the slow and painful route of a free QL OS 
 is taken first.

Steady Peter, steady :o)

I didn't read it that way. Talking (typing?) from not a lot of experience on 
the matter, the way I see it is this :

There has been much talk of TCP running natively on the QL (of whichever 
variant) but after a flurry of initial development, silence! At present I have 
absolutely no idea what the current status of said project is - is it still 
viable, defunct, abandoned, or what - do you know ?

Now, before any accusations/flames come flying in about those comments, I am 
not starting any flame wars here. 

I've developed software, commercial and otherwise, for the QL for many years 
(ok, not as much recently) and written articles for QL Review, QL Toady and 
IQLR magazines for more years that I care to remember and I *know* how 
disheartening it can be when you either lose interest or motivation in a 
project, or worse, cannot find the time. 

I have a number of projects on my hard drive that have stalled - Printermaster 
2 (although Dilwyn has the source somewhere and I've given permission to 
distribute it if wanted) a PE version of Dilwyn's Printer Master software, ARSE 
(!) the ARchive Syntax Evaluator whihc was a 'compiler' project to read in 
Archive PRO and PRG(?) files, and screens, and convert them to something that 
DBAS could use (or it might have been Data Design - I forget!).

I've even got a blank repository on SourceForge for my cross platform QStripper 
app, I just have not had the time to upload the current version. Plus my QDOS 
Internals web site is way behind on updates - need I go on.

It's not easy enjoying writing software for a 'hobby' computer :o(


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-21 Thread Daniele Terdina
 The 10 Euro fee to TT ended a while ago and we reduced the price

If that's the case, the licence on the official SMSQ/E web site should be
updated to current version.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-21 Thread John Sadler
So when are you going to include George Gwilt's changes which enable SMSQE to 
be assembled with QMAC or Gwass?

This will open up SMQE to other improvements which are needed.

On Tuesday 20 February 2007 09:00, Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:
 On 20 Feb 2007 at 8:02, Roy wood wrote:
  SMSQ/E is an open O/S. Anyone can have the code and anyone can make
  changes to it so long as they
  a) submit them to Wolfgang for vetting
  b) ensure that the changes do not adversely affect other parts of the
  c) can be made compatible with all other versions of SMSQ/E (if they are
  hardware specific code must run on other systems to ensure that software
  based on the changes will not completely crash just return a message
  stating why it does not run)

 Actually, the licence is a bit different:

 In a nutshell, and without this affecting the licence at all:

 Liberties :
 You can get the source code, I mean, heck it's on the website...
 You may make ANY change you wish to it.
 You may distribute the source code with your changes to whom you want (with
 a restriction of how, physically, the distribution is made, i.e. only via
 direct email or via CDROM). You do not have to submit your code to me at
 all if you don't want to.

 ONLY I may distribute binaries, and I only give them to the resellers.
 The version I distribute is the official version, any other source code
 version is unofficial. If you want your code included in the official
 version, then, true, I do try to vet it, to weed out code that would be
 incompatible with all machines bar one (unless justified by the specific
 capailities of the machine), code that seems to be buggy etc.

 (As an aside - this has never happened, all code submitted to me has been

 I do recommend to the resellers that they only support official versions,
 but they do what they want.

 AFAIK since the time I became registrar, all resellers have made the
 updates available completely free of charge to all those who had bought a
 version of smsq/e!

 As for the rest, all those myriad programmers who would have done things if
 the licence were different and all those projects that would exist but for
 the licence, as a very personal note, all I can say it -  talk is cheap.

 On the other hand, SMSQ/E HAS progressed, thanks to Marcel, of course, but
 not only him:

 Bruno Coativy
 Fabrizio Diversi
 Phoebus Dokos
 George Gwilt
 Jerome Grimbert
 John Hall
 Marcel Kilgus
 Mark Swift
 Thierry Godefroy
 Per Witte

 have all contributed


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-21 Thread Norman
 Norman at wrote:
  Steady Peter, steady :o)
 Shouldn't your reminder better go to the one who started this myriad 
 programmers, personal note and talk is cheap stuff? o:-)

Actually, I meant to put 'steady everyone'. Apologies for 'picking' on you. 
That was not my intention, sorry. I was hopefully trying to steer the list 
clear of another 'discussion' of the kind endured some time back. 

 Shouldn't this question have been asked by Wolfgang before he tells the 
 public that I didn't do something?

Well, I wasn't aware that he has referring to you actually, I thought that 
someone else (Jon Dent perhaps, but if not, apologies in advance!) was 
developing the TCP stuff - that's the only one I knew about.


 Time to grow silent for a while. I hadn't planned to get drawn into 
 another debate anyway.

No worries, apologies again for referring to you personally. Thanks for the 


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-20 Thread Roy wood
Duncan wrote:

 Do you have any othe projects else up your sleeve?

Not absolutely impossible. But nothing major can happen until there's a
decent free QL OS. All reasonable ways I have to implement OS level code
for new hardware involve re-using free software and getting help from
persons that won't be motivated by a proprietary OS.
SMSQ/E is an open O/S. Anyone can have the code and anyone can make 
changes to it so long as they
a) submit them to Wolfgang for vetting
b) ensure that the changes do not adversely affect other parts of the 
c) can be made compatible with all other versions of SMSQ/E (if they are 
hardware specific code must run on other systems to ensure that software 
based on the changes will not completely crash just return a message 
stating why it does not run)

It is, in this respect just the same as LINUX. Peter can be a reseller 
and give it away for free if he wants. We will not stop hi,

I realise that he thinks Jochen and I have been raking in thousands for 
our sales of SMSQ/E.

There is a bus to the real world at the end of his street. (They do 
charge a fare though).

I saddens me that he rakes all this up again. Q Branch posted a 2000+ 
loss in the previous tax year and a 1000+ loss this year. We keep going 
and I devote hours of my time to writing for the magazine because we 
have a loyalty to the users that dates back over twelve years. All 
updates to SMSQ/E are free to anyone who has a copy and I have not sold 
a new copy in ages.

I do not want to start the argument up again but the licence exists to 
protect the end user from unsupervised tinkering and the only reason I 
write this now is that there are new users on this list and they need to 
Roy Wood
Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501  skype : royqbranch
web :

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-20 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz
On 20 Feb 2007 at 8:02, Roy wood wrote:
 SMSQ/E is an open O/S. Anyone can have the code and anyone can make 
 changes to it so long as they
 a) submit them to Wolfgang for vetting
 b) ensure that the changes do not adversely affect other parts of the 
 c) can be made compatible with all other versions of SMSQ/E (if they are 
 hardware specific code must run on other systems to ensure that software 
 based on the changes will not completely crash just return a message 
 stating why it does not run)

Actually, the licence is a bit different:

In a nutshell, and without this affecting the licence at all:

Liberties :
You can get the source code, I mean, heck it's on the website...
You may make ANY change you wish to it.
You may distribute the source code with your changes to whom you want (with a 
of how, physically, the distribution is made, i.e. only via direct email or via 
You do not have to submit your code to me at all if you don't want to.

ONLY I may distribute binaries, and I only give them to the resellers.
The version I distribute is the official version, any other source code version 
is unofficial.
If you want your code included in the official version, then, true, I do try to 
vet it, to
weed out code that would be incompatible with all machines bar one (unless 
justified by
the specific capailities of the machine), code that seems to be buggy etc.

(As an aside - this has never happened, all code submitted to me has been 

I do recommend to the resellers that they only support official versions, but 
they do what 
they want.

AFAIK since the time I became registrar, all resellers have made the updates 
completely free of charge to all those who had bought a version of smsq/e!

As for the rest, all those myriad programmers who would have done things if the 
were different and all those projects that would exist but for the licence, as 
a very personal 
note, all I can say it -  talk is cheap.

On the other hand, SMSQ/E HAS progressed, thanks to Marcel, of course, but not 
only him:

Bruno Coativy
Fabrizio Diversi
Phoebus Dokos
George Gwilt
Jerome Grimbert
John Hall
Marcel Kilgus
Mark Swift
Thierry Godefroy
Per Witte

have all contributed

W. H. Lenerz
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-20 Thread Tony Firshman
Hash: SHA1

Wolfgang Lenerz wrote:

 On the other hand, SMSQ/E HAS progressed, thanks to Marcel, of course, but 
 not only him:
 Bruno Coativy
 Fabrizio Diversi
 Phoebus Dokos
 George Gwilt
 Jerome Grimbert
 John Hall
 Marcel Kilgus
 Mark Swift
That is interesting.  Isn't he the QDOS Classic man?
 Thierry Godefroy
 Per Witte
 have all contributed


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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-20 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz
On 20 Feb 2007 at 9:19, Tony Firshman wrote:
  Mark Swift
 That is interesting.  Isn't he the QDOS Classic man?

Idon't know - he gave persimsion to use his code to re/set the Qx0 
cachemodes in SMSQ/E


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-20 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz
 The registrar can at any time accept changes/additions/modifications 
 which are not distributed in source, but which may be essential. So the 
 SMSQ/E license does of course NOT provide this liberty. Instead, a 
 developer would depend on the mood of the registrar.


Whch is, of course, true for ALL additions to the official version 
since, as said earlier, I do vet them.

With one exception, there is, if course, no example of a file not 
distibuted as source.

And that file is, ... wait for it one of the system sprites.

 Nobody talked about myriads. For one example, a practical offer was even 
 published on this list a few years ago:

 Working native TCP/IP plus native Ethernet plus graphical mail client plus 
 native webserver + browser.

 Waiting until developers have lost interest and then saying they wouldn't 
 have done anything anyway is even cheaper talk.
Ok, so maybe there was one project where the author said that he could 
do something (compared to all those that have really seen the light) - 
but he didn't. Probably because he pretended the licence wouldn't let him?

Talk is cheap, indeed.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-20 Thread Daniele Terdina
 It is, in this respect just the same as LINUX. Peter can be a reseller
 and give it away for free if he wants. We will not stop hi,

If I understand the licence correctly, resellers have to pay 10 euros to TT,
and I'm not sure whether there's also a fee for GD2 or other components, so
reseller can't give binaries away for free.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-19 Thread Neil Riley
Where do i sign ?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 16 February 2007 09:28 
Neil Riley wrote:

 GoMMC, a RomDisq on steroids but with the opportunity to 
 remove the mem card, excellent.

 Once again, Id buy one if developed for the QL.

How would it sound if a SD/MMC device for SuperGoldCard, Q40 and Q60
already been prototyped and a free software to access it was already 


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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-19 Thread David McCann
On Sat, 2007-02-17 at 15:24 +0100, Bob Spelten wrote:
 When I searched for the latest version of DBAS I got version 2.13 from the  
 Quanta librarian (Dec 2002) who told me YOU were the one that last  
 tinkered with it.
 Does this mean you lost your own commented source code?

Not guilty! I never had the source-code and wouldn't be able to do much
with it if I had.

On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 17:47 +, Malcolm Cadman wrote: 
 David, you should raise more issues about the Q60 on this list.
 No need to wait 2 years again ... :-(.

I don't have any Q60 issues any more. When no one could tell me how to
get Text87 to run, I got a PC and ran OpenOffice instead. This
low-specification, home-built machine runs at 20 time the speed of the
Q60, and, apart from a few QL legacy programs, linux gives me everything
I want -- for free. As for the Q60, that lives in storage, since no one
wanted to buy it.
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-19 Thread David Tubbs
At 23:01 18/02/2007 -0500, you wrote:

David Tubbs wrote:

NO I DID NOT ! ! ! ! ! !

  At 19:30 15/02/2007 +, you wrote:
 Then there's the lack of USB and printer support.
 But just a provocative thought. Have you ever tried to connect a USB only
 laptop to a parallel printer? PC World don't know the answer to that one,

EBAY can get you the answer to this problem :-)

Had to go this route for the wife's new lappy,  it was cheep
reminded me of the Miracle interface for the QL.

Paul Holmgren
2 57 300-C's in Indy
Hoosier Corps L#6

No virus found in this outgoing message.
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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-18 Thread Paul Holmgren
David Tubbs wrote:

 At 19:30 15/02/2007 +, you wrote:
Then there's the lack of USB and printer support.

But just a provocative thought. Have you ever tried to connect a USB only
laptop to a parallel printer? PC World don't know the answer to that one,

EBAY can get you the answer to this problem :-)

Had to go this route for the wife's new lappy,  it was cheep
reminded me of the Miracle interface for the QL.

Paul Holmgren
2 57 300-C's in Indy
Hoosier Corps L#6
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-17 Thread Bob Spelten
Op Fri, 16 Feb 2007 17:58:22 +0100 schreef David McCann  

 One of the many reasons I have for preferring SuperBasic to XBasic is
 the availability of dbas. But this is another project which got
 abandoned. I may be out of date, but the last time I looked the version
 supplied with the commercial front end for it (can't remember the name)
 was older than the one I'm using (2.13). Quanta had a copy of the
 commented source code, not for inclusion in the library (why?), but they
 lost it ...

I am a bit confused here.
When I searched for the latest version of DBAS I got version 2.13 from the  
Quanta librarian (Dec 2002) who told me YOU were the one that last  
tinkered with it.
Does this mean you lost your own commented source code?
I haven't seen any mention of a later version anywhere.

The only commercial DBAS front-end program I know of is Suqcess and I  
have included DBAS_sys 2.13 in the package since v1.15. In fact I have  
modified it to avoid a clash between its RESET command and the SMSQ/E  
RESET keyword.
But the current version 2.04 can work with v2.13 or v2.13mod and will not  
reset SMSQ/E!


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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-17 Thread Dilwyn Jones
 I know that Dilwyn Jones has put most of the available documentation 
 his web site, which is easy to access.
Errr, slight typo:

The documentation is actually on the third of my 3 sites though :-)

The main site is

All 3 sites link to each of these days I'll get the time 
to put the whole lot onto one site (the UK6 one, since that's the only 
one with space for everything,t hanks to those nice UK6 people at 

And what didn't fit there is on the QL Documentation CD which you can 
get from Q-Celt Computing and other traders if you ask nicely enough. 
Little known fact: Quanta members can get it cheaply through Quanta 

Most of the Documentation CD was on a  QL Today cover CD not so long 
ago. It's been updated a few times since then, though.

It's actually quite interesting to realise that people often ask if I 
have info on xyz, not realising it's either on my website or my CDs. 
As Rich Mellor pointed out not so long ago, there's so much material 
that even I forget I have some files sometimes!

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-17 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Dilwyn Jones 

 I know that Dilwyn Jones has put most of the available documentation
 his web site, which is easy to access.
Errr, slight typo:

The documentation is actually on the third of my 3 sites though :-)

The main site is

All 3 sites link to each of these days I'll get the time
to put the whole lot onto one site (the UK6 one, since that's the only
one with space for everything,t hanks to those nice UK6 people at

And what didn't fit there is on the QL Documentation CD which you can
get from Q-Celt Computing and other traders if you ask nicely enough.
Little known fact: Quanta members can get it cheaply through Quanta

Most of the Documentation CD was on a  QL Today cover CD not so long
ago. It's been updated a few times since then, though.

It's actually quite interesting to realise that people often ask if I
have info on xyz, not realising it's either on my website or my CDs.
As Rich Mellor pointed out not so long ago, there's so much material
that even I forget I have some files sometimes!

Yes, we all need reminding, every now and again ... :-)

I have just come across this quotation :

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread pgraf
Neil Riley wrote:

 GoMMC, a RomDisq on steroids but with the opportunity to 
 remove the mem card, excellent.

 Once again, Id buy one if developed for the QL.

How would it sound if a SD/MMC device for SuperGoldCard, Q40 and Q60 had 
already been prototyped and a free software to access it was already 


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread Rich Mellor
On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 09:28:51 -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Neil Riley wrote:

 GoMMC, a RomDisq on steroids but with the opportunity to
 remove the mem card, excellent.

 Once again, Id buy one if developed for the QL.

 How would it sound if a SD/MMC device for SuperGoldCard, Q40 and Q60 had
 already been prototyped and a free software to access it was already

That would sound brilliant - I for one would want to offer it for sale !!

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread Matrassyl
In a message dated 16/02/2007 09:49:30 GMT Standard Time,  

That  would sound brilliant - I for one would want to offer it for sale  !!

 I would want to buy one
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread Matrassyl
In a message dated 16/02/2007 09:29:17 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

 How  would it sound if a SD/MMC device for SuperGoldCard, Q40 and Q60 had 
  already been prototyped and a free software to access it was already 


Do you have any othe projects else up your sleeve?
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread pgraf
Duncan wrote:

 Do you have any othe projects else up your sleeve?

Not absolutely impossible. But nothing major can happen until there's a 
decent free QL OS. All reasonable ways I have to implement OS level code 
for new hardware involve re-using free software and getting help from 
persons that won't be motivated by a proprietary OS.

For peace sake the SMS license issue must rest, so the only way forward 
can be to re-invent the wheel and work on a free QL OS. This is of course 
a quite unsatisfactory task and the work on it crawls slowly. Some of my 
own work was done years ago, e.g. on native TCP/IP, and on a major 
hardware project I gave up during the license war. I started to forget, so 
things become increasingly difficult and unlikely. But I still have a 
little interest in major QL projects.

All the best

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread Malcolm Cadman

Neil Riley wrote:

 GoMMC, a RomDisq on steroids but with the opportunity to
 remove the mem card, excellent.

 Once again, Id buy one if developed for the QL.

How would it sound if a SD/MMC device for SuperGoldCard, Q40 and Q60 had
already been prototyped and a free software to access it was already


I would say get it on the market !

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Roy wood 

In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], gwicks

Those of us who went to the Sinclair show in Norwich a couple of years ago
had a very strong impression that the Spectrum has not moved on to the same
extent as the QL. We saw stall after stall selling Spectrum hardware and
software that we remembered using in our Spectrum days. The only QL stall
selling similar vintage QL software was Simon Goodwins.

I was about to write the same thing. The Spectrum has not 'moved on' or
got 'up to date'. The scene is only stronger than the QL because people
like playing the retro games (maybe because, given the age of the users,
the modern ones are too hard for them to take in). It was obvious at
that show that the QL was light years ahead of the Spectrum and equally
obvious that we had no software to offer. There is not one piece of
software for the QL that would tempt someone to get into the QL scene.

Probably the only exception is QWord, which can be installed on a native 
QL system that has a QXL capacity, or a foreign system like a PC.

It is also well packaged on a CD, and is easy to install.

Not that I am a word game fan, really.

The QL has moved on much further than the Spectrum with hardware.

We have some exceptional QL emulators, and good range of technical 
utilities - like Launchpad and QDT.

Unfortunately the applications are not being newly written to take full 
advantage; and the updates to older software are only partial.  Usually 
done a good will basis.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], Peter Graf [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes

David McCann wrote:

 The QL no longer has enough users to make commercial products viable,
 nor to produce enough programmers to support open-source products.

True, but why does nobody seem to see that it's possible to get help
from friendly open source folks outside the QL scene? There is good,
nearly QL style code out there, it just needs to be discovered and
adapted. Open source doesn't necessarily mean *nix.

Some time ago I had a good degree of success in a few QL software
projects, that could mean a decade of sparetime work, if done without
help. That I didn't release them, was mostly because there was no decent
open source OS covering the major QL targets. (I mean open source in
the definition of the real world, so it is possible to link code from
the real world, and to involve persons who just can't be motivated by a
proprietary system.)

Some collaborative and cross-over projects like that would be great to 
see on the QL.

Like you I remain optimistic.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread David McCann
On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 23:02 +0100, Peter Graf wrote:
 I don't think Richard gave up UQLX. Some other QL wheels also need to be
 turned, so there may be different priorities. Usually, if you email him,
 he sends you more recent code.
Then why is the old, uncompilable version still on his website, a site
which hasn't been updated since 2002?

This ties in with the problem that other people raised last night about
the availability of documentation. There is too much work which has been
done but which is inaccessible for others to build on.

One of the many reasons I have for preferring SuperBasic to XBasic is
the availability of dbas. But this is another project which got
abandoned. I may be out of date, but the last time I looked the version
supplied with the commercial front end for it (can't remember the name)
was older than the one I'm using (2.13). Quanta had a copy of the
commented source code, not for inclusion in the library (why?), but they
lost it ...

I even bought a Q60 to stay in the QL world (a step further than most of
those reading this rant!), but my experiences (recounted in QL Today)
were hardly encouraging. Bad documentation and lack of help. For
example, my query about how to run Text87 on it was circulated on the
internet and in Quanta, yet it took two years to find the answer: by
accident. By that time, I'd naturally switched to OpenOffice.

I liked the QL and its operating system (rather Unix-like in a way), but
I fear the QL community are their own worse enemies.
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-16 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: Roy wood 
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 11:56 PM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

But just a provocative thought. Have you ever tried to connect a USB only
laptop to a parallel printer? PC World don't know the answer to that one,
but I do mainly because of my QL experience of looking for solutions to
 That is easy - there is a specific bale to do it or a USB port
 replicator. I have both even though my laptop has a parallel port.

I mentioned this to raise the point that it is not only in the QL world that 
you sometimes have unusable hardware. The largest PC company in the country 
is not interested in solving problems like that as they would rather sell 
you a new printer. More usable products being dumped in landfill. At least 
we QL-ers have been good recyclers.

I just reasoned that if SH could produce a serial to parallel interface with 
all the electronics in the cable, then some bright spark could do something 
similar for a potentially bigger market.

On the specific point of USB to parallel interfaces, Maplin's are currently 
selling these as a special offer. They are obviously old stock as the 
installation information is for Windows98, but they work perfectly with XP 
once you have figured out how to install,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-15 Thread Rick Chagouri-Brindle

Malcolm Cadman wrote:

 Both old and new users are stimulated by something new.

 Repeating a list that I gave earlier - probably 3 item ranges will be 
 suited :

 1 - £50 to £100 a card of some type, probably modular too, that most 
 people would have an interest in to add to their existing system

 2 -  £100 to £200+ a card of some type, probably again modular too, that 
 would significantly change the system - discarding the existing GC's and 

 3 - £300 to £400 an entirely, or almost entirely, new system of a small 
 size, or even portable, using standard available parts as far as 
I think if any or all of these projects could get off the ground then 
the availability would itself generate further interest. Or maybe I am 
living in QL dreamland again . . . who knows
 Rich Mellor recently gave me this link to an interesting hardware 
 development for the BBC model B computer, that had 32K RAM.

 The GoMMC which allows the BBC to use a  multi-media card (MMC) - see

 Cost is around 74 euros plus postage and the MMC.
I have two of these on my BBC B and my BBC Master and can't rate them 
highly enough.  They have really given my Beebs are new lease of life, 
not to mention stimulated interest from the younger generation - my 
nephews - who would never have sat by waiting for programs to load from 
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-15 Thread gwicks

- Original Message - 
From: David McCann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 4:53 PM
Subject: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

 To keep an old computer going you need a reasonable user-base and a
 perceived function. The Spectrum gets continued support because it had
 masses of users to start with and it's easy and fun to write games for

Indeed. The Spectrum was a success right from the start, but the QL was seen 
by the experts as a failed computer practically from day one. It was the 
peripherals industry that turned it into a practical computer. In other 
words the QL has only survived for 23 years because people developed new 
hardware at an early stage in its life.

Those of us who went to the Sinclair show in Norwich a couple of years ago 
had a very strong impression that the Spectrum has not moved on to the same 
extent as the QL. We saw stall after stall selling Spectrum hardware and 
software that we remembered using in our Spectrum days. The only QL stall 
selling similar vintage QL software was Simon Goodwins.

 The QL
no longer has enough users to make commercial products viable,

Just as Quanta has to change if it wants to survive, so too have the 

 Then there's the lack of USB and printer support.

But just a provocative thought. Have you ever tried to connect a USB only 
laptop to a parallel printer? PC World don't know the answer to that one, 
but I do mainly because of my QL experience of looking for solutions to 

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-15 Thread Tony Firshman
Hash: SHA1

gwicks wrote:

 Then there's the lack of USB and printer support.
 But just a provocative thought. Have you ever tried to connect a USB only 
 laptop to a parallel printer? PC World don't know the answer to that one, 
 but I do mainly because of my QL experience of looking for solutions to 
USB to serial interface and one of the QL serial to parallel converters
- - with a QL to 9D converter.
... but there are commercial 9D serial to parallel converters as well.


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QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [ql-users] Hardware and software - new horizons

2007-02-15 Thread Roy wood
In message [EMAIL PROTECTED], gwicks 
Those of us who went to the Sinclair show in Norwich a couple of years ago
had a very strong impression that the Spectrum has not moved on to the same
extent as the QL. We saw stall after stall selling Spectrum hardware and
software that we remembered using in our Spectrum days. The only QL stall
selling similar vintage QL software was Simon Goodwins.
I was about to write the same thing. The Spectrum has not 'moved on' or 
got 'up to date'. The scene is only stronger than the QL because people 
like playing the retro games (maybe because, given the age of the users, 
the modern ones are too hard for them to take in). It was obvious at 
that show that the QL was light years ahead of the Spectrum and equally 
obvious that we had no software to offer. There is not one piece of 
software for the QL that would tempt someone to get into the QL scene.

 The QL
no longer has enough users to make commercial products viable,

Just as Quanta has to change if it wants to survive, so too have the
There is little a trader can do these days. Since I do not write 
software myself, and I am offered little new software, I am stuck. Take 
away the cash flow and I will have to fold at some point. I keep going 
because I still enjoy it and I want to support the people who have been 
my customers for 10 years or so.

 Then there's the lack of USB and printer support.

But just a provocative thought. Have you ever tried to connect a USB only
laptop to a parallel printer? PC World don't know the answer to that one,
but I do mainly because of my QL experience of looking for solutions to
That is easy - there is a specific bale to do it or a USB port 
replicator. I have both even though my laptop has a parallel port.

Roy Wood
Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 386030fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501  skype : royqbranch
web :

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