Re: logging qmail and qmail-smtpd

1999-04-08 Thread Frank D. Cringle

Van Liedekerke Franky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi,
> I'm using tcpserver and cyclog to log qmail and qmail-smtpd. Now I would
> like to know how to combine these two: in the qmail log I see who mailed to
> whom, but I don't know the IP address, this is in the qmail-smtpd log. So
> how can I combine these two logs?

Sort them...

% sort this-log that-log | tailocal

Here is a perl script that does this in a somewhat more comfortable
fashion.  It extracts a time-slice from the qmail-related logs and
merges them together.

You may need to change the names of the log directories, near the
beginning of the script.  Note: this script is strictly for raw cyclog 
files.  They must be named @<14-digit-timestamp> with each line
beginning with an accustamp time value.  Filenames ending in .gz will
be decompressed automatically.

You also need the Time::ParseDate module, available on CPAN.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Display merged pop3d, smtpd and qmail-send logs

# fdc, 1998-07-15

use strict;
use Time::ParseDate;
use Getopt::Std;

use vars qw($opt_g $opt_h $opt_p $opt_q $opt_s $opt_t);

my $pop3log = '/var/log/pop3d';
my $sendlog = '/var/log/qmail-send';
my $smtplog = '/var/log/smtpd';

getopts('g:hpqst') and !$opt_h or die < ] [ to|bis  ]

 -g re  only show lines matching re (grep)
 -p show POP3 log \\
 -q show qmail-send log   | show all logs if none of pqs are given
 -s show qmail-smtpd log  /
 -t test (just show the start and end times)

start and end are date/time specifications (see man Time::ParseDate)
default:  = now -1 minute;  =  +1 minute

my $now = time;
my @extra = (PREFER_PAST=>1, UK=>1, WHOLE=>1);
if (@ARGV) {
my($from,$x,$till) =
split / (through|thru|to|until|till|bis) /, "@ARGV";
$start = parsedate($from, @extra);
die "$from?\n" unless $start;
if ($till) {
push @extra, (NOW=>$start) unless $till =~ /now/;
$end = parsedate($till, @extra);
die "$till?\n" unless $end;
else { $end = $start+60 }
else {
$start = $now-60;
$end = $now;

if ($opt_t) {
print isodate($start), " -> ", isodate($end), "\n";
exit 0;

my @files = ();
push @files, $pop3log if $opt_p;
push @files, $sendlog if $opt_q;
push @files, $smtplog if $opt_s;
@files = ($pop3log, $sendlog, $smtplog) unless @files;

my $tmp = "/tmp/mail-log.$$";
open(OUT, "|sort|tailocal >$tmp") or
die "Can't create output pipe: $!\n";

$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { close OUT; unlink $tmp; die @_ };

foreach my $file (@files) {
scan($file, $start, $end);

close(OUT) or die "Pipe error: $!\n";

open(IN, $tmp) or die "Can't read results file ($tmp): $!\n";
print while ();
unlink $tmp;
exit 0;

sub scan {
my($d,$s,$e) = @_;
opendir(D, $d) or die "Can't open $d: $!\n";
my @logs = sort grep /^@/, readdir(D);
my $limit = sprintf "\@%014d", $s;
while (@logs > 1) {
last if $logs[1] gt $limit;
shift @logs;
foreach my $f (@logs) {
$f = "$d/$f";
$f = "gzip -cdq 2>/dev/null $1|" if $f =~ /(.*\.gz)$/;
open(F, $f) or die "Can't read $f: $!\n";
while () {
next unless /^(\d+)/;
next unless $1 >= $s;
last unless $1 <= $e;
next if $opt_g and !/$opt_g/o;
print OUT;

sub isodate {
my(@t) = localtime $_[0];
sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3], $t[2], $t[1], $t[0]);

Frank Cringle,  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
voice: (+49 2304) 467101; fax: 943357

Re: control/locals prolem

1999-04-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 09:17:09AM +0200, Uwe Ohse wrote:
> > it_isn't_in_my_control/locals_file,_so_I_don't_treat_it_as_local._(#5.4.6)
> > It Clearly show that  the line'' in control/locals has no any
> > effect.  :(
> >   Now what can do?
> Something like this should do it.
> btw: i think that kind of game is evil. 

What risks or problems are there in this game then?

Greetz, Peter
| 'He broke my heart,|  Peter van Dijk |
 I broke his neck'   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
   nognixz - As the sun  |Hardbeat@ircnet - #cistron/ |
 | Hardbeat@undernet - #groningen/#kinkfm/#vdh |

Re: control/locals prolem

1999-04-08 Thread Uwe Ohse

[.domain hack in locals]
> > btw: i think that kind of game is evil. 
> What risks or problems are there in this game then?

This will simply not work:

hosta IN MX 10 hosta
  IN MX 20 server-with-my-dotdomain-in-locals-hack
* IN MX 10 server-with-my-dotdomain-in-locals-hack

since locals is the first thing qmail-send looks at (note that it will
not work even for locally generated mail).
In case you _really_ want everything to go to the same host it may be
fine, but else it's just a way to get serious email problems very soon.

Regards, Uwe

Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir._(#4.2.1) (FIXED)

1999-04-08 Thread chris

Mime-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Content-MD5: 7USxvUzgj+ueQW0vQmWBJQ==


> Isn't qmail-local suppose to pick the UID in assign and deliver as


> the user defined there and if not, what user is it running as and how 


> could it deliver to the Maildir if it is 0700 ??

What are the permissions on and ownership of /var/qmail/popboxes/testeur/Maildir and

/var/qmail/popboxes/testeur/Maildir/* ?


I had the structure wrong, I had the cur tmp and new directories directly under 

/var/qmail/popboxes/testeur ( I was missing the /var/qmail/popboxes/testeur/Maildir 
directory )

I modified the structure, it now works OK for deliveries, I will now tackle the 

by users.

Thanks to Chris Johnson for his help.

PS: Does anybody know why the texts I post to the list typed in single space end up

double spaced ??

Christian (Chris) Tremblay

Chateau Stores of Canada Ltd.

Montreal, Canada.

Virtualdomains - Alias style VS. User style

1999-04-08 Thread Reid Sutherland

What do you guys think the benefits would be to using the alias style for
virtualdomains (~alias/.qmail-domain-user) or the user style
($HOME/user/.qmail-aliaseduser)? I'm trying to figure out the best way to
add my virtual domains to qmail. What do you guys use with your setup?

For those who are unfamiliar (as I was) with either style, allow me to
explain what I know about the two styles of virtual domain configuration.

First you can have your standard virtual domain attached to a local user
In control/virtualdomains you would have Then in
$HOME/user/ you would have .qmail-aliaseduser files to take care of the
routing to the accounts that you want to have on your virtual domain.

Second, we have the alias user. This is a global user that would normally
take care of the local (control/locals) aliases and such. If you want to use
this style, you would simply put this in your control/virtualdomains, Then in your ~alias/ dir you would make
.qmail-domain-aliaseduser files to take care of the routing.

So, [EMAIL PROTECTED] with mail being sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] would look like
this in local user account style.

in file
in file

And for the ~alias user style.

in file
in file

Now I'm not saying my way is correct. This is how I understand it works.
After reading the man pages, FAQ, and various list mailings, this is what I
understand. If I am wrong, PLEASE tell the list I am. I don't want my misled
info being searched on the archived one day, if in fact it is misled :)


Reid Sutherland
Network Administrator
ISYS Technology Inc.
Fingerprint: 1683 001F A573 B6DF A074  0C96 DBE0 A070 28BE EEA5

Re: Virtualdomains - Alias style VS. User style

1999-04-08 Thread Chris Garrigues

> From:  "Reid Sutherland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:  Thu, 8 Apr 1999 12:54:26 -0400
> What do you guys think the benefits would be to using the alias style for
> virtualdomains (~alias/.qmail-domain-user) or the user style
> ($HOME/user/.qmail-aliaseduser)? I'm trying to figure out the best way to
> add my virtual domains to qmail. What do you guys use with your setup?

It depends.  I've used both.  If I'm setting up a virtual domain which is 
managed by a user who isn't root, I redirect it all to that user, but on the 
other hand, I have a client (, who owns a virtual domain 
( most, but not all, of which is handled by a
.qmail-*-default which forwards it to the main domain.

So, the question is "who's going to manage the domain.  If it's the same as 
whoever manages your main domain, then it should probably be done in ~alias; 
if it's an otherwise unpriviledged user, it should be done by that user.


Chris Garrigues virCIO
+1 512 432 4046 4314 Avenue CO-
http://www.DeepEddy.Com/~cwg/   Austin, TX  78751-3709
+1 512 374 0500

  My email address is an experiment in SPAM elimination.  For an
  explanation of what we're doing, see http://www.DeepEddy.Com/tms.html 

Nobody ever got fired for buying Microsoft,
  but they could get fired for relying on Microsoft.

 PGP signature

Is *anybody* using XTND XMIT in qmail-pop3d ?

1999-04-08 Thread John Grant

Two days ago I asked if anybody had fixed the XMIT patches (that are
v1.01 specific) to work with 1.03. The silence was deafening...

It struck me that if no one is has done this, then maybe there is something
about the whole concept that I should be aware of ?

So, is anybody using XMIT ? Since it's a standard feature in qpopper I would
hope that someone is doing this...


Re: Is *anybody* using XTND XMIT in qmail-pop3d ?

1999-04-08 Thread Richard Letts

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, John Grant wrote:

> So, is anybody using XMIT ? Since it's a standard feature in qpopper I would
> hope that someone is doing this...

it may be a standard feature in qpopper, the issue here is that it's not
part of the POP standard, and so most mail clients don't seem to support
it. Hence, since none of my users is clamouring for it there's no point in
me spending time on it.

Re: Is *anybody* using XTND XMIT in qmail-pop3d ?

1999-04-08 Thread John Grant

>On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, John Grant wrote:
>> So, is anybody using XMIT ? Since it's a standard feature in qpopper I
>> hope that someone is doing this...
>it may be a standard feature in qpopper, the issue here is that it's not
>part of the POP standard, and so most mail clients don't seem to support
>it. Hence, since none of my users is clamouring for it there's no point in
>me spending time on it.

This to support our remote users who often end up on other companies'
networks. Many companies now use firewalls to redirect outgoing port 25
traffic that is not from a 'known' mailhost to the internal mail host for

We want our remote users to be able to send email with our company domain
name on it, without a) having to have customer firewalls reconfigured, or
b)leaving our mail server open as a spam relay.

So it looks like I'll be redoing the patches (and of course posting the

Re: Is *anybody* using XTND XMIT in qmail-pop3d ?

1999-04-08 Thread Juan Carlos Castro y Castro

John Grant wrote:

> We want our remote users to be able to send email with our company domain
> name on it, without a) having to have customer firewalls reconfigured, or
> b)leaving our mail server open as a spam relay.

No need to. You can use tcpserver to allow "relay" only from the
internal IP addresses. See the two consecutive FAQ questions starting at

 ___THE___  One man alone cannot fight the future. USE LINUX!
 \  \ /  /   ___
  \  V  /   |Juan Carlos Castro y Castro|
   \   /|[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
   /   \|Linuxeiro, alvinegro, X-Phile e Carioca Folgado|
  /  ^  \   |Diretor de Informática e Eventos Sobrenaturais |
 /  / \  \  |da E-RACE CORPORATION  |
 ~~~   ~~~   ---


1999-04-08 Thread Juan Carlos Castro y Castro

Sorry John Grant, I misunderstood your problem completely. It's much
more complicated than I thought at first.

You could use tcpserver and (urgh) recompile tcprules every time a
company member visits a customer.

Or... you could use tunelling. Theoretically, travelers could have their
notebooks to establish a IP-over-IP connection to your server from
wherever they are. This way, they'd be "local" no matter where they are.

I had this idea 30 seconds ago, but probably somebody has had it before.
Anything more consistent on the subject?

 ___THE___  One man alone cannot fight the future. USE LINUX!
 \  \ /  /   ___
  \  V  /   |Juan Carlos Castro y Castro|
   \   /|[EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
   /   \|Linuxeiro, alvinegro, X-Phile e Carioca Folgado|
  /  ^  \   |Diretor de Informática e Eventos Sobrenaturais |
 /  / \  \  |da E-RACE CORPORATION  |
 ~~~   ~~~   ---

Why does ~alias/.qmail-sim.hamp do nothing?

1999-04-08 Thread Simon

My first post to this group - I hope this is not a question that has been
asked before, but I could find it when I searched.

I'm trying to get qmail to route incoming mails from my ISP, pulled down by
fetchmail.  Mail is sent either to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or to my wife,
both of which are aliases for [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fetchmail passes mail over as simon.hampton@localhost  and I can teach
users/assign to tackle simon.hampton and deliver it linux user sim, but why
cannot I set up a .qmail file in ~alias to do this?  What is the aim of having
these two mechanisms for dealing with addresses that are direct user names on
my linux box?



authentication in proxy

1999-04-08 Thread Ganesh Kirti (EUS)

> Hi, We support single sign-on mechanism and user's don't need to
> provide their userid and password to access their mails. My mail proxy
> does
> the authentication of user(and some application specific stuff)
>  and forwards the request to qmail server. I don't want qmail to do
> authentication
> again and for the rest of the user's information it will use ldap
> directory.
> So, is there a way to turn-off authentication on qmail server?
> P.S. I just started using qmail server and sorry for this basic question
> Thanks,
> Ganesh 
> --
> -
> Ganesh Kirti (650)463-6902 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Ericsson Inc. Datacom Networks and IP Services

Re: qmail speed

1999-04-08 Thread Dave Sill


>Current speed is 20,000-40,000/hour on a PPRO200/PII350

Which is it? PPRO200 or PII350?

How's your qmail configured? What does qmail-showctl say?

What kind of connectivity do you have?

Running a local nameserver?

>with SCSI drives. Anybody know a better/faster way? 

Multiple servers? RAM disk? qmail 2.0?


Re: Why does ~alias/.qmail-sim.hamp do nothing?

1999-04-08 Thread Dave Sill

>Fetchmail passes mail over as simon.hampton@localhost  and I can teach
>users/assign to tackle simon.hampton and deliver it linux user sim, but why
>cannot I set up a .qmail file in ~alias to do this?

For security reasons, qmail replaces "."'s with ":"'s in .qmail
filenames. Try ~alias/.qmail-sim:hamp.

>What is the aim of having these two mechanisms for dealing with
>addresses that are direct user names on my linux box?

Flexibility. They each do things the other can't do.


Re: qmail speed

1999-04-08 Thread dirk

On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 03:59:18PM -0400, Dave Sill wrote:
> >Current speed is 20,000-40,000/hour on a PPRO200/PII350
> Which is it? PPRO200 or PII350?

20K/hour for PPRO200
40K/hour for PII350
> How's your qmail configured? What does qmail-showctl say?

concurrencyremote: Remote concurrency is 255.
databytes: (Default.) SMTP DATA limit is 0 bytes.
doublebounceto: (Default.) 2B recipient user: postmaster.
Messages for localhost are delivered locally.
percenthack: (Default.) The percent hack is not allowed.
qmqpservers: (Default.) No QMQP servers.
queuelifetime: (Default.) Message lifetime in the queue is 604800 seconds.

SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at localhost.
morercpthosts: (Default.) No effect.
morercpthosts.cdb: (Default.) No effect.
smtproutes: (Default.) No artificial SMTP routes.
timeoutconnect: (Default.) SMTP client connection timeout is 60 seconds.
timeoutremote: (Default.) SMTP client data timeout is 1200 seconds.
timeoutsmtpd: (Default.) SMTP server data timeout is 1200 seconds.
virtualdomains: (Default.) No virtual domains.

> What kind of connectivity do you have?

That particular box is connected to a 100Mbit network (located at Exodus)
> Running a local nameserver?

> >with SCSI drives. Anybody know a better/faster way? 
> Multiple servers? RAM disk? qmail 2.0?

/tmp is on a RAM disk

Is qmail 2.0 out?

> -Dave

Re: Is *anybody* using XTND XMIT in qmail-pop3d ?

1999-04-08 Thread Peter van Dijk

On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 04:08:57PM -0300, Juan Carlos Castro y Castro wrote:
> John Grant wrote:
> > We want our remote users to be able to send email with our company domain
> > name on it, without a) having to have customer firewalls reconfigured, or
> > b)leaving our mail server open as a spam relay.
> No need to. You can use tcpserver to allow "relay" only from the
> internal IP addresses. See the two consecutive FAQ questions starting at

No. He said 'remote users'.

Greetz, Peter
| 'He broke my heart,|  Peter van Dijk |
 I broke his neck'   | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
   nognixz - As the sun  |Hardbeat@ircnet - #cistron/ |
 | Hardbeat@undernet - #groningen/#kinkfm/#vdh |

Re: qmail speed

1999-04-08 Thread Mark Delany

Ug. You're invoking qmail-queue for each recipient? Is that necessary?

Most of your system resources are probably spend putting individual messages 
into the queue and deleting individual messages as they're delivered.

Try this as an alternative injection script:

sed s/^/Bcc: / What speed should one be able to expect from qmail?
>A client of ours is delivering a newsletter to 230,000
>people which we are feeding into the queue like this:
>#! /bin/sh
>for address in `cat list`
>echo -ne "[EMAIL PROTECTED]\000T$address\000\000" >/tmp/address
>sed s//$address/g /tmp/message | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue 1<
>echo $address  >>log
>Current speed is 20,000-40,000/hour on a PPRO200/PII350 with
>SCSI drives. Anybody know a better/faster way? 

Re: Why does ~alias/.qmail-sim.hamp do nothing?

1999-04-08 Thread Stefan Paletta

Simon wrote/schrieb/scribsit: see Subject

Because ~alias/.qmail-sim:hamp does.
FAQ 4.6


Re: Why does ~alias/.qmail-sim.hamp do nothing?

1999-04-08 Thread Timothy L. Mayo

>From "man dot-qmail":

WARNING: For security, qmail-local replaces any dots in ext with colons
before checking .qmail-ext.  For convenience, qmail-local converts any
uppercase letters in ext to lower-case.

Based on this, your qmail file should be named:


On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, Simon wrote:

> My first post to this group - I hope this is not a question that has been
> asked before, but I could find it when I searched.
> I'm trying to get qmail to route incoming mails from my ISP, pulled down by
> fetchmail.  Mail is sent either to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or to my wife,
> both of which are aliases for [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Fetchmail passes mail over as simon.hampton@localhost  and I can teach
> users/assign to tackle simon.hampton and deliver it linux user sim, but why
> cannot I set up a .qmail file in ~alias to do this?  What is the aim of having
> these two mechanisms for dealing with addresses that are direct user names on
> my linux box?
> Simon
>  --

Timothy L. Mayo mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Administrator

The National Business Network Inc.
One Monroeville Center, Suite 850
Monroeville, PA  15146
(412) 810- Phone
(412) 810-8886 Fax

Re: qmail speed

1999-04-08 Thread Craig I. Hagan

> >Current speed is 20,000-40,000/hour on a PPRO200/PII350 with
> >SCSI drives. Anybody know a better/faster way? 

yup, you can get about an order of magnitude
speed boost if you are willing to play a little faster
and looser -- however if your machine crashes
there may be some risk in having a corrupted queue.

what you can do is remove ALL of the fsync calls
in qmail. This will DRAMATICALLY speed up queue
operations as it allows the OS (e.g. linux/freebsd) to
take full advantage of their filesystem cache. The
risks of doing this should be obvious. OTOH, for
bulk mailings this is a phenomonal way to get
a speed boost.

If anyone else does this, pls give me the numbers as i am

-- craig

Re: qmail speed

1999-04-08 Thread David Villeger

At 04:33 PM 3/9/99 -0500, Craig I. Hagan wrote:
>what you can do is remove ALL of the fsync calls
>in qmail. This will DRAMATICALLY speed up queue
>operations as it allows the OS (e.g. linux/freebsd) to
>take full advantage of their filesystem cache. The
>risks of doing this should be obvious. OTOH, for
>bulk mailings this is a phenomonal way to get
>a speed boost.
>If anyone else does this, pls give me the numbers as i am

FWIW, I did this, a while back, on a Solaris 2.6 Sun machine.
I send several hundreds thousand unique emails a day (not spam).

First, I did it with qmail-send: I did not notice any significant improvement.

Then, I did it with qmail-queue: qmail-send did not like it (got something
like "Sorry, message has wrong owner"). I never got to investigate (I
recall the problem was in spawn.c though).

David Villeger
(212) 972 2030 x34
The Internet Email Publishing Solution

Re: qmail speed

1999-04-08 Thread Craig I. Hagan

I did it across the board (all files, there were a few) in qmail-1.03.
I also ran my filesystem with atime turned off.

-- craig

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999, David Villeger wrote:

> At 04:33 PM 3/9/99 -0500, Craig I. Hagan wrote:
> >what you can do is remove ALL of the fsync calls
> >in qmail. This will DRAMATICALLY speed up queue
> >operations as it allows the OS (e.g. linux/freebsd) to
> >take full advantage of their filesystem cache. The
> >risks of doing this should be obvious. OTOH, for
> >bulk mailings this is a phenomonal way to get
> >a speed boost.
> >
> >If anyone else does this, pls give me the numbers as i am
> >curious.
> FWIW, I did this, a while back, on a Solaris 2.6 Sun machine.
> I send several hundreds thousand unique emails a day (not spam).
> First, I did it with qmail-send: I did not notice any significant improvement.
> Then, I did it with qmail-queue: qmail-send did not like it (got something
> like "Sorry, message has wrong owner"). I never got to investigate (I
> recall the problem was in spawn.c though).
> David.
> __
> David Villeger
> (212) 972 2030 x34
> The Internet Email Publishing Solution

'number only' aliases

1999-04-08 Thread Jerry Rose

I'm an end user of qmail rather than an admin and I have very little
in-depth knowledge of qmail so please go easy on me if this is a dumb
question.  I've looked through the FAQ but there didn't seem to be anything
about this.

All of my .qmail-alias files work perfectly except for one:


In theory, mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be delivered.  Qmail spits
it back out and moans about it.

My stuff was recently moved to a new server with a newer version of qmail
on it.  On the new server this alias quit working.  Does qmail not support
'number only' aliases?  A qmail configuration issue maybe?  Any help would
be much appreciated.  I've included a snippet of the logs below:

qmail: 923603642.218123 new msg 286775
qmail: 923603642.218226 info msg 286775: bytes 691 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
qp 9016 uid 1003
qmail: 923603642.287638 starting delivery 9664: msg 286775 to local
qmail: 923603642.287724 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
qmail: 923603642.363798 delivery 9664: failure:
qmail: 923603642.457488 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
qmail: 923603642.512605 bounce msg 286775 qp 9019
qmail: 923603642.512786 end msg 286775

Here's the version info if that helps:
Old Server:   ver 1.01
New Server:   ver 1.03

Thanks in advance for anyone's help!


Re: 'number only' aliases

1999-04-08 Thread Giles Lean

On Thu, 08 Apr 1999 16:15:41 -0500  Jerry Rose wrote:

> .qmail-360

> In theory, mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be delivered.  Qmail spits
> it back out and moans about it.

1.03 likse a ~alias/.qmail-360 file here just fine.  No idea what
your problem is, sorry.


Re: Ooops

1999-04-08 Thread Ludwig Pummer

At 12:15 PM 4/8/99 , Juan Carlos Castro y Castro wrote:
>Or... you could use tunelling. Theoretically, travelers could have their
>notebooks to establish a IP-over-IP connection to your server from
>wherever they are. This way, they'd be "local" no matter where they are.
>I had this idea 30 seconds ago, but probably somebody has had it before.
>Anything more consistent on the subject?

I use this. I do local port forwarding for smtp, imap, and pop3 using ssh.
Works great. The only limitation is that I need a SSH client from where I'm
sending the mail. This isn't a problem because I always do this from my laptop.

--Ludwig Pummer ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] ) ICQ UIN: 692441

Re: qmail speed

1999-04-08 Thread David Villeger

At 05:13 PM 4/8/99 -0400, David Villeger wrote:
>Then, I did it with qmail-queue: qmail-send did not like it (got something
>like "Sorry, message has wrong owner"). I never got to investigate (I
>recall the problem was in spawn.c though).

I just tried it again (I thought this was too weird), and it works fine. I
must have modified something else the first time.



Help with logfile?

1999-04-08 Thread Joe Junkin

Hi all. Running on Redhat 5.2 with the 2.2.5 kernel upgrade.
Something went batty with qmail yesterday and I am not sure why.
Every time I tried to send a message the system would spawn multiple smtp and
queue processes. These would remain listed indefinitely and the message never
I think it may have had something to do with the pop3d in inetd.
At any rate, it is operational again.

But, when I was trouble shooting the problem I moved and then blew away
I expected another to be created instantly. One did not appear, so I touch'd a
new one and it remains empty after a day. I ran a grep in the /var/log directory
and found no other logs for qmail operations. It was all running just fine
before I blew it away.

Does anybody know what I have done here? Where is the directive for the log

Joseph R. JunkinDatafree Corporation

Re: 'number only' aliases

1999-04-08 Thread Aaron L. Meehan

Well, if you're an end-user rather than the sysadmin, I am *guessing*
you would not have permission to add files to ~alias, so perhaps your
mail should be addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?  Like I said,
just guessing here..


Quoting Jerry Rose ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I'm an end user of qmail rather than an admin and I have very little
> in-depth knowledge of qmail so please go easy on me if this is a dumb
> question.  I've looked through the FAQ but there didn't seem to be anything
> about this.
> All of my .qmail-alias files work perfectly except for one:
> .qmail-360
> In theory, mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be delivered.  Qmail spits
> it back out and moans about it.

Systems Administrator   Central Oregon Internet

modify outgoing headers

1999-04-08 Thread 914


i am not at all fimiliar with qmail, but i am using a qmail drop-box
(this one) for some net-related business.. (

the nature of that business exposes me to a variety of nuts and freaks,
and i'd like to conceal the originating IP address in my outgoing
headers  if you look at the header of this note you should see that
i'm on []

how can i force qmail to NOT send that RECIEVED FROM line?

i've looked through the FAQ and the list archives, but haven't found
what i'm looking for  but please remember that i'm far from a


Re: Help with logfile?

1999-04-08 Thread Andrzej Kukula

On  8 Apr 99 at 15:17, Joe Junkin wrote:

> But, when I was trouble shooting the problem I moved and then blew away
> /var/log/maillog.
> I expected another to be created instantly. One did not appear, so I touch'd a
> new one and it remains empty after a day. I ran a grep in the /var/log directory
> and found no other logs for qmail operations. It was all running just fine
> before I blew it away.
> Does anybody know what I have done here? Where is the directive for the log
> file?

Just restart qmail and watch the log.


Re: modify outgoing headers

1999-04-08 Thread Stefan Paletta

914 wrote/schrieb/scribsit:
> headers  if you look at the header of this note you should see that
> i'm on []
> how can i force qmail to NOT send that RECIEVED FROM line?

Modify qmail-smtpd to not write that header or see FAQ 5.5.


Re: modify outgoing headers

1999-04-08 Thread 914

> Modify qmail-smtpd to not write that header or see FAQ 5.5.
> Stefan

OK..  cool... except that i don't see how FAQ 5.5 has anything to do
with it.   Still, if i can get away without modifying any binaries, i'll
be happy

maybe you could be a little more explicit with what you mean?  or maybe
you have a different FAQ?  attached is what i have for sec 5.5, and the
online version doesn't seem to use numbers like that. There is a section
on "user masquerading"  but it just deals with the defaulthost

attached is what i have for 5.5 of the FAQ

vielen Dank!

5.5. How do I fix up messages from broken SMTP clients?

Answer: Three steps. First, put

   | bouncesaying 'Permission denied' [ "@$HOST" != "@fixme" ]
   | qmail-inject -f "$SENDER" -- "$DEFAULT"

into ~alias/.qmail-fixup-default. Second, put


into /var/qmail/control/virtualdomains, and give qmail-send a HUP.
Third, follow the procedure in question 5.4, but set RELAYCLIENT to the
string ``@fixme'':

   tcp-env:, setenv = RELAYCLIENT @fixme

Here and are the clients' IP addresses. If you are using
tcpserver instead of inetd and tcpd, put,RELAYCLIENT="@fixme",RELAYCLIENT="@fixme"

into /etc/tcp.smtp, and run tcprules as in question 5.4.

Re: qmail speed

1999-04-08 Thread dirk

Each message is personalized to the recipient. They truly are 230,000
different messages. That why it is fed into the queue.


On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 01:12:58PM -0700, Mark Delany wrote:
> Ug. You're invoking qmail-queue for each recipient? Is that necessary?
> Most of your system resources are probably spend putting individual messages 
> into the queue and deleting individual messages as they're delivered.
> Try this as an alternative injection script:
> (
> sed s/^/Bcc: /  cat /tmp/message
> ) /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
> Each delivery will only require the sync writing of one byte to say the 
> recipient got it rather than wholesale deletion of a message. Each insertion 
> is just one extra recipient in the list rather than wholesale message 
> insertion.
> Regards.
> At 12:51 AM Thursday 4/8/99, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >What speed should one be able to expect from qmail?
> >
> >A client of ours is delivering a newsletter to 230,000
> >people which we are feeding into the queue like this:
> >
> >#! /bin/sh
> >
> >for address in `cat list`
> >do
> >
> >echo -ne "[EMAIL PROTECTED]\000T$address\000\000" >/tmp/address
> >sed s//$address/g /tmp/message | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue 1<
> /tmp/address
> >
> >echo $address  >>log
> >done
> >
> >Current speed is 20,000-40,000/hour on a PPRO200/PII350 with
> >SCSI drives. Anybody know a better/faster way? 
> >
> >Dirk

Re: 'number only' aliases

1999-04-08 Thread Eric Dahnke

Also, some unices (RH) complain about usernames which begin with
numbers. In your case 360 is an alias, so that wouldn't matter, but it
is something to keep in mind.

- eric

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Spark Sistemas E-mail
   - presentado por IWCC Argentina S.A.
   Tel: 4702-1958
   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

"Aaron L. Meehan" escribió:
> Well, if you're an end-user rather than the sysadmin, I am *guessing*
> you would not have permission to add files to ~alias, so perhaps your
> mail should be addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] ?  Like I said,
> just guessing here..
> Aaron
> Quoting Jerry Rose ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > I'm an end user of qmail rather than an admin and I have very little
> > in-depth knowledge of qmail so please go easy on me if this is a dumb
> > question.  I've looked through the FAQ but there didn't seem to be anything
> > about this.
> >
> > All of my .qmail-alias files work perfectly except for one:
> >
> > .qmail-360
> >
> > In theory, mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be delivered.  Qmail spits
> > it back out and moans about it.
> --
> Aaron L. Meehan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Systems Administrator   Central Oregon Internet

Re: Help with logfile?

1999-04-08 Thread Eric Dahnke

And instead of deleting the log, do a cp /dev/null /var/log/maillog,
same result as a del and you don't have to worry about those problems.

- eric

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Spark Sistemas E-mail
   - presentado por IWCC Argentina S.A.
   Tel: 4702-1958
   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Andrzej Kukula escribió:
> On  8 Apr 99 at 15:17, Joe Junkin wrote:
> > But, when I was trouble shooting the problem I moved and then blew away
> > /var/log/maillog.
> > I expected another to be created instantly. One did not appear, so I touch'd a
> > new one and it remains empty after a day. I ran a grep in the /var/log directory
> > and found no other logs for qmail operations. It was all running just fine
> > before I blew it away.
> >
> > Does anybody know what I have done here? Where is the directive for the log
> > file?
> Just restart qmail and watch the log.
> andrzej

Re: qmail speed

1999-04-08 Thread dirk

What kind of speed improvement are you seeing?


On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 06:16:17PM -0400, David Villeger wrote:
> At 05:13 PM 4/8/99 -0400, David Villeger wrote:
> >Then, I did it with qmail-queue: qmail-send did not like it (got something
> >like "Sorry, message has wrong owner"). I never got to investigate (I
> >recall the problem was in spawn.c though).
> I just tried it again (I thought this was too weird), and it works fine. I
> must have modified something else the first time.
> Sorry.
> David.

Autoreply for incoming email.

1999-04-08 Thread hsilver

A few versions back (I think 1.00 but I could be wrong) of qmail, I
seem to recall someone posted a very simple way to send an automatic reply
for all messages that came _into_ a user's Mailbox (or Maildir for that
matter) by adding one or two lines to the .qmail file in the user's home

The directives in the .qmail file in the user's home directory simply cat
the contents of a textfile in the user's home directory back to the
original sender. I can't seem to find reference to this in the FAQ or in
the docs of version 1.03 now and I was wondering if there is as simple and
staightforward way of doing this now. If so, what are the directives in
the .qmail file to do this ?

Thanks in advance,

Harley Silver

Re: Is *anybody* using XTND XMIT in qmail-pop3d ?

1999-04-08 Thread John Grant

>So it looks like I'll be redoing the patches (and of course posting the

Well it looks like I have a working version with XMIT. When I have had time
to test it properly I'll post the patches...

Tcpserver echoing?

1999-04-08 Thread MountaiNet Tech Support

I start all my qmail stuff with this in /etc/rc.d/rc.local:

csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -v -u 1002 -g 101 0 smtp
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &
2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

For some reason, it sends everything that tcpserver does to the screen as
well as the logfile.  Any ideas why?  I feel like Im missing something
stupid.can someone help me out?  Thanks

Re: Tcpserver echoing?

1999-04-08 Thread Chris Johnson

On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 07:45:08PM -0400, MountaiNet Tech Support wrote:
> I start all my qmail stuff with this in /etc/rc.d/rc.local:
> csh -cf '/var/qmail/rc &'
> /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -x/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -v -u 1002 -g 101 0 smtp
> /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd &
> 2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &
> /usr/local/bin/tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
> /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &
> For some reason, it sends everything that tcpserver does to the screen as
> well as the logfile.  Any ideas why?  I feel like Im missing something
> stupid.can someone help me out?  Thanks

Remove the ampersand from the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd line and replace it
with a backslash.


Re: Autoreply for incoming email.

1999-04-08 Thread Tillman


> A few versions back (I think 1.00 but I could be wrong) of qmail, I
> seem to recall someone posted a very simple way to send an automatic reply
> for all messages that came _into_ a user's Mailbox (or Maildir for that
> matter) by adding one or two lines to the .qmail file in the user's home
> directory.
> The directives in the .qmail file in the user's home directory simply cat
> the contents of a textfile in the user's home directory back to the
> original sender. I can't seem to find reference to this in the FAQ or in
> the docs of version 1.03 now and I was wondering if there is as simple and
> staightforward way of doing this now. If so, what are the directives in
> the .qmail file to do this ?

[tillman][/var/qmail/alias]$ cat .qmail-ping
# This alias simply sends a "pong" message back to the recipient
# It's used both to remotely confirm qmail operation and as an
# example of how to do an auto-responder under qmail.
# Note that this sends any responses/bounces to *another* account
# by faking the "from" header.
# Tillman Hodgson, Nov 15/98 11:00pm
|/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -- "$SENDER" < ./auto/ping.txt

[tillman][/var/qmail/alias/auto]$ cat ping.txt
From: Automatic Reply System <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Pong!

This is an automatically generated message.

It's an email pinger, of sorts :-)

Standard disclaimers:
* It does no loop checking.  This is a very bad thing.
* I got the idea for this by searching the archives one day after I couldn't
get the rate-limited autoresponder to work right.  5 minutes after doing this,
the r-l autoresponder problem worked itself out.  I should probably be using
that, but this is the example you asked for.
* There's undoubtedly better ways of doing this: I am not a qmail guru by any

- Tillman

Auto responder

1999-04-08 Thread Martin Searancke

Does anyone know of any Auto Responding Software or Scripts to attach to
I.e. To receive the email as normal but also send a reply to the sender as
soon as its received.
The scripting available in the .qmail files looks powerful enough to do what
I want but im sorry im just a bit of a novice and thought someone else might
have already done it.


Martin Searancke
CommSoft Group Ltd.
Level 6, 90 Symonds St
Auckland, New Zealand

+64 21 778592

Opps fond one.

1999-04-08 Thread Martin Searancke

I must be blind, I just found exactly what I was looking for at the web


Martin Searancke
CommSoft Group Ltd.
Level 6, 90 Symonds St
Auckland, New Zealand

+64 21 778592

qmail Digest 8 Apr 1999 10:00:01 -0000 Issue 604

1999-04-08 Thread qmail-digest-help

qmail Digest 8 Apr 1999 10:00:01 - Issue 604

Topics (messages 23972 through 24016):

Is the double bounce's envelope sender wrong?
23990 by: "Fred Lindberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

QMTP suggestion
23973 by: "Fred Lindberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23976 by: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23983 by: Richard Letts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23986 by: "Chris Garrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23988 by: "Fred Lindberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23991 by: Peter van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24001 by: "Peter C. Norton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I know this is possible, just not sure how to make it work
23974 by: Donna Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23975 by: Russell Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23977 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

maildirserial -> ccMail Link fails
23978 by: Dirk Vleugels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23985 by: Richard Letts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ESMTP SIZE and qmail
23979 by: Lee Shakespeare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24012 by: Anand Buddhdev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mail Message Replication.
23980 by: R Aldridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23981 by: Peter Gradwell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23987 by: Richard Letts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Question regarding - in aliases.
23982 by: Greg Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23984 by: "Jay D. Dyson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23989 by: Greg Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23992 by: Justin Bell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23998 by: Spike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24003 by: Greg Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24007 by: Greg Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24008 by: "Peter C. Norton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

bare LF's, how ?
23993 by: Gordon Soukoreff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23994 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23999 by: "Scott D. Yelich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Where is others qmail-command?
23995 by: Sean Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
23997 by: "Fred Lindberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

24002 by: Chris Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Domain names in header records
24000 by: John Conover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As many of these things as I've done...
24004 by: Vince Vielhaber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

baffling qmail error
24005 by: "Adam D. McKenna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24006 by: "Adam D. McKenna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mickey Hates qmail
24009 by: Gordon Soukoreff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

control/locals prolem
24010 by: "Yessure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24011 by: Uwe Ohse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

logging qmail and qmail-smtpd
24013 by: Van Liedekerke Franky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
24016 by: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Frank D. Cringle)

qmail speed
24015 by: Van Liedekerke Franky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To bug my human owner, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:


Harald Hanche-Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  | Qmail use the address #@[] as the envelope sender address for double
>  | bounces. The messages with this sender address are rejected by
>  | Microsoft Exchange IMS with this error (from qmail logs):
>  |
>  | Connected_to_NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN_but_sender_was_rejected.
>  | /Remote_host_said:_553_malformed_address:_<#@[]>/
>  |
>  | I have read the RFC821 (SMTP) and it seems to me that this address
>  | is ilegal. [...]
>  I am no RFC lawyer myself, but it looks like you're right.  In fact,
>  if memory serves, that address was chosen because practically all
>  servers will accept it as a sender address, but at the same time it is
>  guaranteed to be unreplyable, which puts an effective stop to bounce
>  loops.


First, thank you very much for your help. This information confirms my problem's 

About the sender address used by qmail, I understand that it's difficult to 
choose an address given that the RFC's don't reserve any for this purpose. 
However the choice of an "ilegal" address seems to me a little unfortunate, even 
more since it's hard coded. Though it could be useful in most cases, some RFC 
compliant product, as Microsoft Exchange in this case, would be affected. Many 
founded critics to Microsoft products are based on their standards violations. 
It's surprising that an excelent program as qmail suffers a "similar" flaw.

>  [I skipped the part about patching qmail to use a different double
>  bounce sender, since you already discovered that an external solution
>  works just as well.]