Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2012-01-06 Thread Knobbyclark

To solve my own problem I loaded ww-drt onto my 3 Buffalo Access Points,
removed WDS, setup each with the SAME SSID, Security settings and each
on a different channel 1,6  11. Both my radios are now working - 22
tracks without interruption (previously lucky to get 4) other one 30. I
would say that the issue IS with the Radios as my other units (Duet 
Touch) worked fine


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-29 Thread dlevine

Well, I bought a new wireless router (Apple Time Capsule, which is the
same as AirPort Extreme plus a hard disk for backups) and that seems to
have resolved my problem.  It's been three days since I installed it
(took maybe half an hour) and I haven't had a dropout since.  With the
new router, I also get the correct show title and image for Internet
radio programs more consistently.  And my new Nook e-reader will
connect to the new router, which it would not do at all with the old
one.  So it seems that the router was at fault all along.

Thanks to everyone who commented, and happy new year!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-29 Thread vdeknock

I have the same issue as OP and don't think my router is at fault. I
have quite a few items connected to a dual wifi network and they have
no issues. This is a fault that started with an upgrade on the radio.
My radio had worked for over 12 months with no issues, now i check it
each night before going to bed as I hate the default alarm.

My unit does not drop off so quick as yours, normally get a few days. I
have also noticed that when it drops the wifi connection the unit
becomes very slow to respond.

Might try the unit connected via cable for a few days to see what
happens as well, but I have no cable connection in my bedroom so that
would only identify an issue with wifi only.

With so many have issues I am sure this is a software issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-20 Thread emm

wonder boy;677573 Wrote: 
 Another solution to this problem seems to be here
 though not sure how I could use this with my BT home hub 3 router, it
 doesnt come up in the data base and the software doesn't allow me to do
 as suggested.

I have experienced the same exact problem as the OP.  Just purchased my
radio and it loses the wifi network connection daily.  Don't make
yourself crazy deciding you need to suddenly replace your router or
configure it with strange settings just to satisfy the needs of this
one device when every other device in your home has been working
happily.  You'll screw everything else up like I almost did.  It is not
the network or the router, it's the Logitech Squeezebox Radio
configuration.  Until Logitech does something about this, I am going to
try the port forwarding suggestion above and see if it works.  I'm using
a Linksys WRT54GX2, which is an older router (2 years old) but still
more than capable of supporting my home network, including a wireless
netbook and cell phone.  I will report back whether the port forwarding
solution solves the problem.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-20 Thread emm

Well that didn't take long.  Despite adding the port forward settings to
my linksys router per the link above, after playing for about 30 minutes
the squeezebox radio just lost the wifi signal again.  I will search the
forums for a better solution but I am inclined to simply return this
radio and wait for Squeezebox or some other company to make one that
actually works.  Frustrating.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-18 Thread wonder boy

Another solution to this problem seems to be here

though not sure how I could use this with my BT home hub 3 router, it
doesnt come up in the data base and the software doesn't allow me to do
as suggested.

wonder boy

2 Booms, 1 radio, a touch and an SB3...think that's enough?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-14 Thread toby10

Verified there are no duplicate IP's?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-14 Thread toby10

Something to try is maybe drop down the max settings for both Data Rate
and Transmit Power, maybe set them to Auto if available.
RF devices can become overwhelmed if there is too much power (signal)
hitting them.  Ask anyone who may live too close to a TV tower.  ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-14 Thread dlevine

As near as I can tell there are no duplicate IPs.  Can you recommend a
Mac utility or command-line tool to list all clients on a network? 
I've tried ping but the Squeezeboxes do not respond to
that, though they will respond to a ping to their individual IP
addresses.  The router has a screen that's supposed to list all DHCP
clients but it's blank for some reason; in any case, that would not
list any client that uses static IP.  

I'm disinclined to reduce the router's data rate or transmit power.  I
can't see how it will prevent the Radio from dropping off the network,
and I'm afraid that it will reduce performance for devices that are
farther away (I bought this high-powered router because I was
experiencing terrible performance at the end of my house).

Perhaps I should explain that messing with the router at all makes me
very nervous.  I have a complex, heterogenous network and it seems like
every time I mess with it at all, something goes haywire.  Yesterday,
for example, I switched the router from B/G to G-only.  I had to go
around the house and make sure every device was still on line, and in
fact I did have to re-enter the password on two of them.  Later in the
evening I came home from a meeting to find that I couldn't access any
web sites at all, and in fact I could not even access the wireless
router itself, even via Ethernet (though, weirdly, I could access the
other devices in the house).  I power-cycled the router and everything
came back.  But then this morning my TiVo complained it could not find
its server.  I rebooted the router a second time and now everything
seems to be fine, but I have low confidence that this will continue if
I keep changing the settings.

This is why I'm hoping that throwing money at the problem and buying a
new Radio might cure the problem, because I'd rather spend money than
keep spending time messing with every device on my network.  But I
would like to find out if there's any chance at all that a new Radio
will be any better.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-14 Thread dlevine

For that matter, could I set up Internet Connection Sharing on the
Squeezebox Server machine (a Mac Mini) and have the Radio connect to
that rather than the possibly-problematic router?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-14 Thread MrC

I suppose the only way to know would be to try.

Stepping back, if you're not comfortable adjusting something like the
Transmit Power, the Ruckus is probably not the ideal model for you. 
This company targets office and corporate environments, where they are
installed on the ceiling and have IT staff to install, test, and manage
them.  Yes, they tried nudging themselves into the consumer market, but
that hasn't worked out so well.  How well did this work out:

My experience agrees with toby10's comments re: power.

Yes, to your question re: radio dropping off.  Likewise a duet/receiver
pair, constantly. I can't recall about the Touch, as it was powered-off
for a long time.

We no longer have the duet/receiver; the radio and touch are now always
available since replacing the high end AP.  The Airport thus far (6
months) has proven to be exceptionally reliable in our home with as
many as 7 or 8 clients, and 2 additional clients via the SB3
Ethernet/wireless bridge.  I'm not being a fanyboy of any
vendor/product; rather cheer for whatever works best for your needs.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-14 Thread dlevine

Thanks for your recommendations! The Ruckus router has worked great for
years (much better than my previous piece-of-xxx router) except with
the Radio, but I will strongly consider switching to an Airport Express
or Time Capsule after the holidays.  In the meantime, I might try
bumping down the data rate and transmit power a bit.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread dlevine

I'm just about ready to give up on my year-old Squeezebox Radio.  It has
a problem that has been reported here by several other users with no
common solution: it falls off my wifi network (wifi icon turns red) at
least once a day, usually first thing in the morning.  All the other
devices in the house, including some in the same room, have no problems
with the network.

Sometimes if I wait (up to half an hour) it comes back by itself. 
Sometimes I have to reboot the Radio.  Sometimes I also have to
re-enter my wifi password (and that's a pain, because it is a long
one).  Sometimes I also have to reboot my wifi router (and that's a
huge pain, because some of the other devices in my house do not
consistently reconnect with the rebooted router -- including my two
Squeezebox Classics and my TiVo).  

When the Radio falls off the network, it shows no network name under
Settings  Advanced  Diagnostics  Wireless Info and my network shows
in the list of available wireless networks but with zero signal
strength (even though other devices in the same room have plenty of
signal).  Check Network shows Wireless - no link.  Repair Network
has no effect.  

I've tried SSH-ing into the Radio and running top to keep the network
alive, as another poster here suggested.  It didn't work.

There is a microwave oven in the same room as the Radio but there's no
apparent correlation between use of the oven and the Radio's network
problems.  Using wired Ethernet is not an option in this room.

Here's how the Radio reports itself to the server, when it's up:

Player Model: Squeezebox Radio
Firmware: 7.6.1-r9482
Player IP Address:
Player MAC Address: 00:04:20:28:cd:d5
Wireless Signal Strength: 83%

My wireless router is the powerful but rather obscure Ruckus 2825
Multimedia Wireless Router
It provides excellent signal strength throughout my house and has not
been problematic other than with the Radio.  Unfortunately, its
settings are rather limited and does not seem to offer control over
uPnP or DHCP lease time.  It is broadcasting my SSID (whose name
consists only of numbers and letters) and using channel 1 (I selected
this channel because none of my neighbors are using it).  I'm using WPA
Personal for security.

My router is in auto-select (B/G) mode.  I haven't yet changed this
because I am afraid it might require reauthenticating all my devices
after the change, which would be a pain.  I also have some older
devices that MIGHT not be G-compatible (I can't find their spec

At this point I'm pretty much at a loss.  I love everything about the
Radio except the fact that it doesn't work reliably, but I'm just about
ready to go back to my previous solution in this room which was an iPod
speaker set.

I haven't tried contacting Logitech.  The Radio is over a year old, and
I have not had good luck with technical issues like this.

As I see it, here are my options:

1. Try putting the router into G-only mode (might require
reauthenticating all devices).

2. Buy another Radio in hopes that this is a hardware defect ($129 at
Best Buy).

3. Try a different router, e.g. Airport Extreme or Time Capsule
($179-300, would definitely require reauthenticating all devices).

Any other suggestions?

I am a retired software professional and would be happy to try
diagnostics, turn on logging, etc. if that would help diagnose the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread MeSue

I would definitely try #1. Maybe try disabling security on your router
to see if it makes any difference, too. Have you tried moving the
Radio? Sometimes just a few feet can make a major difference. Powerline
adapters are another option. I use them in a few spots.



1 Touch | 2 Booms | 2 Radios | 1 Duet | 1 SB2 
HP MediaSmart EX470 | Logitech Media Server 7.7.1 | iPod Touch  iPad
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-*Logitech! Steal my idea, please! 'Squeezebox Radio 2.0'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread toby10

I agree on trying #1, G devices will likely disconnect but should
automatically reconnect without any additional authentication.
I've turned OFF b/G mode on many WiFi routers, making them G only, I've
never had a G device not reconnect by itself.

Have you done a WiFi site survey?  Other WiFi's near you possibly using
the same ch #?

Some very basic WiFi tweaks to possibly improve signal strength and

___Router Administration Basics (1-5 require admin access to your
1.  use a unique SSID name (name of your network/router)
2.  if using a G WiFi:  set WiFi to G only (turns off a  b modes)
3.  if using an N WiFi: set to G Compatibility mode (if using G
4.  change the broadcast channel to the least used channel near you
(see *)
5.  choose only channels 1 or 6 or 11 (or 13 if available)
___Physical (location)
6.  router and WiFi antenna orientation adjustments can help signal
7.  try to locate the router as #8220;central#8221; to the home as
possible, keeping in mind length  width  height
8.  keep router away from other electronic devices (cordless phones,
ISP modem, computers)
___Simple Maintenance
9.  reboot WiFi router every once in a while (once a month is usually

* If your WiFi network card software already gives the ch numbers and
the signal strength of all nearby networks, that's all you need.  But
there are free programs like NetStumbler if needed.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread dlevine

I have switched my router to G-only.  Some devices did have to
reauthenticate; others did not.

I'll let you know if that fixes the problem.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread wonder boy

dlevine;676510 Wrote: 
 I have switched my router to G-only.  Some devices did have to
 reauthenticate; others did not.
 I'll let you know if that fixes the problem.

I too have had a radio for a year and am noticing the daily drop out
but only very recently. I only use the radio for a morning alarm mostly
so I guess there may be more drop outs that I don't notice.

My router is a BT HH3 which is quite common in the UK, my other 4 boxes
are all wireless and are rock steady just the radio that drops out. I
have option to broadcast in N/B/G or B/G. Currently it's using N/B/G
and auto selecting the best channel which is currently 1. Very
annoying, will be interesting how you get on!

wonder boy

2 Booms, 1 radio, a touch and an SB3...think that's enough?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread dlevine

Well, switching to G-only did NOT fix the problem.  The Radio dropped
off the network while I was fixing dinner.  I rebooted it and it
dropped off again a few minutes later, only to come back by itself
after a while (a common pattern).

As I said in my original post, I am using channel 1 because none of my
neighbors are using it.  My SSID name is unique, there are no problems
with signal strength (83% when it's up), and the router gets rebooted
quite frequently because of this problem.  Any other suggestions?

I think my least expensive/disruptive solution at this point (other
than dumping the Radio and going back to an iPod) might be to buy
another Radio on the assumption that this one is a hardware sample
defect.  But is there any reason to assume that is the case?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread MeSue

dlevine;676539 Wrote: 
 The Radio dropped off the network while I was fixing dinner...

And you're sure it can't be from the microwave?



1 Touch | 2 Booms | 2 Radios | 1 Duet | 1 SB2 
HP MediaSmart EX470 | Logitech Media Server 7.7.1 | iPod Touch  iPad
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-*Logitech! Steal my idea, please! 'Squeezebox Radio 2.0'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread dlevine

Yes. We weren't using the microwave.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread MrC

I considered a Ruckus too, btw.

Some wireless APs regardless of price, touted range, features, may not
perform well in certain environments.  And this can be very bad with
the newer SBs.  A recent high end router was simply terrible here. 
We're now using an Airport Extreme, and it has been fantastic.  Our
original Belkin Pre-N was simply rock-solid (if perhaps not friendly to
the neighbors).

Try setting the AP back to auto-selecting the channel, and focusing on
the wireless settings on the AP (don't know anything about the Ruckus'

While you may not have used your microwave, your neighbors may have, or
perhaps there is other RF interference that happens to impact your AP
more than is acceptable.

I wouldn't focus on DHCP - if you are losing an IP, it is most likely
because you lose association.

I'd generally ignore the signal strength meter.  Your own experience is
telling you it is not too useful.  If you're streaming music reliably,
who cares what the number says.  If you're not, do you need a number to
reinforce this? :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Squeezebox Radio loses wifi daily

2011-12-13 Thread dlevine

Also, MrC, when you say you tried another router that was simply
terrible, were you seeing a Squeezebox Radio drop off the network like
I am?  (It's not a signal strength issue or DHCP, as near as I can
tell... it simply refuses to connect.)


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