Re: [RDD] Rivendell 4rc1 RN macro

2022-12-29 Thread wa7skg

Have you tried

chmod a+x


The script itself needs permissions set, not in rd.conf.


Tim Camp wrote on 12/29/22 1:47 PM:


Regardless of how I set the permissions for RN macro in rd.conf,
scripts will not execute from within Rivendell.

Scripts run fine from terminal.

Scripts are owned by rivendell:rivendell.

rduser is a member of rivendell.


Tim Camp
Mobile, AL.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] [Rivendell] Mailing list - future directions

2022-10-03 Thread wa7skg
I am owner of a number of groups, and a moderator for several 
more. I've also been involved with Rivendell since the early days, 
around 2004 or so.

Generally, there is very little involved with managing these lists. I 
would be happy to take on one more.

Michael WA7SKG
Former engineer with World Radio Network
Former Director of Engineering for Salem Radio Network
Semi-retired independent contractor

Jim W7RY via wrote on 10/3/22 7:45 AM:

You are welcome here!

I can make someone that you think should be a moderator an admin on this 

Let me know.

James Colville list owner.

On 10/3/2022 8:51 AM, Fred Gleason wrote:

Greetings Rivendell Folks!

My apologies for the cross-posting and repetition. Those of us the 
Rivendell-Dev listserv has been having some discussions about possible 
replacements for our GNU Mailman-based system (for reasons that will 
be obvious in the appended message), and the ‘’ 
list came up. Might you folks be interested in taking on the role? 
Appended is the original post that got the discussion rolling:

*** snip snip ***
Howdy Folks:

Many of you here (especially those whose e-mail is delivered by via 
accounts hosted by Google) have likely noticed that the reliability of 
messages from this listserv has taken a significant nosedive over the 
past several months. After ~20 years of self-hosting this list and 
(for the past several months) spending many, many hours wrestling with 
obscure and intermittent bounces generated by Google’s MTAs, I’ve come 
to the conclusion that it’s time to move this service to a provider 
that has the requisite skills and resources to manage it in the 
“Google age”. Our options appear to be:

1) Host the existing list with a commercial company.

2) Move to a “non-commercial" existing listserv that has the available 
capacity and would be willing to take it on —e.g. an ‘edu’ type 

3) Move to some other, non-email based service (the FB Rivendell group 
is one that has come up as a possibility).

WRT option 1), I’ve done some shopping around and found none with the 
needed functionality that would at the same time be affordable (really 
trying to avoid advertisement-based models).

I’m open to ideas regarding the possibilities.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |     Chief Developer             |
|                           |     Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                 |
|                     -- Cicero   |
*** snip snip ***

Thanks and 73, Jim W7RY

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Mailing list - future directions

2022-10-02 Thread wa7skg
I subscribe to over 50 ham radio, broadcast, and other activity related 
forums on It seems to be a fairly robust system, has a 
calendar, file storage area, self-subscribe/unsubscribe, searchable 
archives, flexible delivery, email and web based access, etc. There is a 
free model for small and non-profit groups, and various tiers of paid 
service depending on your needs. You can have public and private groups, 
sub groups, various moderation levels and other features.

I manage half a dozen groups myself. I would encourage you to look into 
it. Personally, I find it far superior to Google Groups and the old 
Yahoo Groups platforms.


Fred Gleason wrote on 10/2/22 1:13 PM:

Howdy Folks:

Many of you here (especially those whose e-mail is delivered by via 
accounts hosted by Google) have likely noticed that the reliability of 
messages from this listserv has taken a significant nosedive over the 
past several months. After ~20 years of self-hosting this list and (for 
the past several months) spending many, many hours wrestling with 
obscure and intermittent bounces generated by Google’s MTAs, I’ve come 
to the conclusion that it’s time to move this service to a provider that 
has the requisite skills and resources to manage it in the “Google age”. 
Our options appear to be:

1) Host the existing list with a commercial company.

2) Move to a “non-commercial" existing listserv that has the available 
capacity and would be willing to take it on —e.g. an ‘edu’ type institution.

3) Move to some other, non-email based service (the FB Rivendell group 
is one that has come up as a possibility).

WRT option 1), I’ve done some shopping around and found none with the 
needed functionality that would at the same time be affordable (really 
trying to avoid advertisement-based models).

I’m open to ideas regarding the possibilities.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Scheduler automation

2022-08-22 Thread wa7skg
I use a short bash script to create logs three days out. It runs every 
night. I go a couple days out so people can check the day before to see 
if they need to fix anything.

[rd@khrb_rd1 ~]$ crontab -l
20 02 * * * /home/rd/scripts/ >/dev/null 2>&1

[rd@khrb_rd1 ~]$ less /home/rd/scripts/

#  Create RD logs for 3rd day
#  change after -s to 

export DISPLAY=:0
/usr/bin/rdlogmanager -g -s KHRB -d 2
exit 0

/home/rd/scripts/ (END)


chris cottingham wrote on 8/22/22 9:49 AM:

Has anyone been able to automate scheduler/log generation? If so, how?

I want to autogenerate the next days logs at a specific time each day. I would 
really like to know how to script it into a cron job or something similar.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Download question

2022-06-23 Thread wa7skg
We ran into a similar issue. The program provider had variable names for 
the files. No wildcards work with RDCatch other than the specified date 
wildcards. While I could have written some clever scripts to handle 
downloads with cron jobs, etc. it did not meet our system constraints. 
(No heroic measures or procedures not readily teachable and 
understandable to the general staff in case I get hit by a bus. That 
includes anything using CLI.)

Our solution, less than ideal, was to have those few programs manually 
downloaded weekly via Filezilla and imported into RDLibrary. A simple 
step-by-step instruction page that almost anybody can follow for each 
program is in the HOWTO book. There are only three programs in this 
category and it takes about ten minutes once a week.

Unfortunately, some program providers have even more limited resources 
than we do and their "computer people" have "their ways" that don't 
always make it easy on us. Not only do hard-to-automate filenames come 
into play, but there are also a few FTP protocols that RDCatch does not 
support that leave us hanging as well.


Tony Cox wrote on 6/23/22 7:25 AM:
I am having an issue with a file download using RDCatch and I am hopeful 
that someone on the list can provide me with some a workable solution.

We have a program that we download in 8 segments. It is on a websever 
and we access using http. The example address is below.

Example address:

Each week the "filename-1.mp3" will change to the next number (i.e., 
1616 will become 1617, then the next week 1618).

I can download using RDCatch if I give RDCatch the exact filename. But, 
if I attempt to use a wildcard in the address “filename*-1.mp3, nothing 
happens. Additionally, I believe there are multiple weeks of the 
“filename*-1.mp3” on the server, so I need to be able to have a starting 
point “1616” and then each week have it increase the count by 1.

I hope I am explaining this properly.

I am puzzled and could really use some guidance.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Fwd: Re: Samba configuration question

2021-11-30 Thread wa7skg

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Re: [RDD] Samba configuration question
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 14:29:14 -0800
From: wa7skg 
To: Jason McMullan 

Hi Jason,

I don't know that there is a default Samba installation in the standard 
Rivendell configuration. Samba is only needed for drive/folder sharing 
with Windows computers. If you need to interface with Windows computers, 
you will probably need to install and configure Samba from scratch.

As Samba is not necessary for Rivendell, there is nothing about it in 
the Rivendell documentation.


Jason McMullan wrote on 11/30/21 1:59 PM:


I'm on Rivendell 3.6.2, is there information on the default samba 
configuration somewhere in the ops and admin guide or somewhere else? I 
think I need to make some changes but I don't want to break anything. I 
believe it's currently running the configuration that comes with a new 
install of Rivendell.


Jason McMullan (he/him/his)
Program Coordinator at WHUS Radio <> . 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Serial Port as GPIO

2021-11-22 Thread wa7skg
An interesting discussion came up. Using just the handshaking pins of 
the serial port as GPIOs instead of a device like a GPIO board. Is it 
possible to configure the port pins themselves? Can I ultimately use a 
macro to set/unset or read the DTR, DSR, RTS, and CTS lines?

Thanks for your ideas and thoughts.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] How to automatically import audio into a specific Cut inside of a Cart?

2021-11-18 Thread wa7skg
What about rdcatch? We use it all the time to automate file retrieval 
and import. We have lots of daily programs. Each program is one cart 
with cuts for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. There is an rdcatch entry 
each morning to download the next day's program and import it into the 
appropriate cut. I'm happy to help with setup, if you need it.


Tony Cox wrote on 11/17/21 3:18 PM:

I can import an audio Cut into a specific Cart number using the Import Audio 
GUI with no problem. I have been trying to use a Dropbox to do the same thing, 
but to no avail.

Is there a way to use Dropboxes to replace existing Cuts inside of a Cart? Is 
there a particular Metadata expression to use to define the cut?

For context:

I have 5 Audio Files that are replaced each week. 31_001, 31_002, 
31_003, 31_004, and 31_005.

It is easy to do using the Import GUI, but I would like to automate.

Rivendell noob. Please help. Thank you in advance.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Mounting Audio Store on Reboot Still Not Working

2021-09-19 Thread wa7skg

Rob, would you mind sharing that script?


Rob Landry wrote on 9/19/21 6:12 AM:

I always write a "/root/" shell script and set up a cron job 
to run it on boot. It includes a mount command for /var/snd and anything 
else I need to happen at boot time.

The problem with using /etc/fstab is that if a mount fails, the machine 
won't boot at all, making it impossible to diagnose the problem remotely.


Не думай что всё пропели,
Что бури все отгремели;
Готовься к великой цели,
А слава тебя найдёт.

On Sat, 18 Sep 2021, wa7skg wrote:

Rivendell 3.5.0, CestOS 7.

I am still having problems with mounting /var/snd on reboot.

I have tried many variations of fstab entries, systemd stuff, and the
[AudioStore]. Nothing seems to work.

Here's an excerpt from the messages file:

Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Configuration file 
/etc/systemd/system/var-snd.mount is marked executable. Please remove 
executable permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found ordering cycle on 

Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found dependency on var-snd.mount/start
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found dependency on 
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Breaking ordering cycle by deleting 
job var-snd.mount/start
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Job var-snd.mount/start deleted to 
break ordering cycle starting with nfs-server.service/start

I removed the executable bits from /etc/systemd/system/var-snd.mount 
and no longer get that warning, however it still does not mount on 
reboot. This has really caused us some issues when someone used the 
computer and /var/snd was not mounted. Carts were created but were 
only stored on the local drive. Then they did not air from the main on 
air machine.

Further ideas on getting /var/snd to mount the remote folder on reboot 
would be greatly appreciated.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Mounting Audio Store on Reboot Still Not Working

2021-09-19 Thread wa7skg

Thanks, David. I had everything but the last file
/etc/auto.rd.audiostore. Once I set that up, it seems to work properly.

One thing left off your list was "sudo systemctl enable
autofs.service" so it ran on reboot.

It now works on a forced reboot. Now I need to wait until I get back to 
the station and try it on power fail restart.

Thanks again,


David Klann wrote on 9/18/21 11:40 AM:

Hi Michael,

On 9/18/21 11:22, wa7skg wrote:

Rivendell 3.5.0, CestOS 7.

I am still having problems with mounting /var/snd on reboot.

I have tried many variations of fstab entries, systemd stuff, and the
[AudioStore]. Nothing seems to work.

I've had great success using the auto-mount system for /var/snd (as well
as other directories).

Here's an excerpt from the messages file:

Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Configuration file
/etc/systemd/system/var-snd.mount is marked executable. Please remove
executable permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found ordering cycle on
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found dependency on var-snd.mount/start
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found dependency on
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Breaking ordering cycle by deleting
job var-snd.mount/start
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Job var-snd

.mount/start deleted to

break ordering cycle starting with nfs-server.service/start

I tried using /etc/fstab and also systemd to mount /var/snd, but, like
you none of the techniques were reliable. I've settled on using the
systemd-controlled autofs.service to perform mounting of /var/snd.

I removed the executable bits from /etc/systemd/system/var-snd.mount and
no longer get that warning, however it still does not mount on reboot.
This has really caused us some issues when someone used the computer and
/var/snd was not mounted. Carts were created but were only stored on the
local drive. Then they did not air from the main on air machine.

Further ideas on getting /var/snd to mount the remote folder on reboot
would be greatly appreciated.

Here's my autofs setup (pretty much straight from the
"Fred-Gleason-recommended" way to do it):

  - ensure /var/snd exists and contains no files or subdirectories. On
    all the systems I work on
this directory looks something like this
    with "ls -ld /var/snd":

drwxrwxr-x. 4 rivendell rivendell 196608 Sep 18 14:30 /var/snd

  - /etc/auto.master - make sure it includes the line


    I believe that line is in the file by default.

  - /etc/auto.master.d/rd.audiostore.autofs - make sure this file exists
    and contains at least the line:

/-    /etc/auto.rd.audiostore

  - /etc/auto.rd.audiostore - this is the final piece: make sure this
    file includes the line:

/var/snd    -fstype=nfs,rw,noexec

    Adjust the IP address for your installation.

On the systems I work with the "whitespace" in all the autofs
configuration files are  characters. I'm not sure it matters
whether you use  or  characters.

After creating and editing any of the autofs configuration files,
refresh the service daemon with "sudo systemctl reload-or-restart

Now anytime a process attempts t
o access a file in /var/snd the autofs
system will ensure it is mounted.

Hope this helps!

   ~David Klann

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Mounting Audio Store on Reboot Still Not Working

2021-09-18 Thread wa7skg

Rivendell 3.5.0, CestOS 7.

I am still having problems with mounting /var/snd on reboot.

I have tried many variations of fstab entries, systemd stuff, and the
[AudioStore]. Nothing seems to work.

Here's an excerpt from the messages file:

Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Configuration file 
/etc/systemd/system/var-snd.mount is marked executable. Please remove 
executable permission bits. Proceeding anyway.
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found ordering cycle on 

Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found dependency on var-snd.mount/start
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Found dependency on 
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Breaking ordering cycle by deleting 
job var-snd.mount/start
Sep 18 09:00:40 khrb-rd2 systemd: Job var-snd.mount/start deleted to 
break ordering cycle starting with nfs-server.service/start

I removed the executable bits from /etc/systemd/system/var-snd.mount and 
no longer get that warning, however it still does not mount on reboot. 
This has really caused us some issues when someone used the computer and 
/var/snd was not mounted. Carts were created but were only stored on the 
local drive. Then they did not air from the main on air machine.

Further ideas on getting /var/snd to mount the remote folder on reboot 
would be greatly appreciated.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Autostart RDSoftpanels On Boot

2021-08-10 Thread wa7skg
I have a small RDSoftpanel set up to control our switcher. It normally 
lives in the upper right hand corner of the desktop. I would like to 
have it launch and assume the correct position when the computer boots. 
I already have RDAirplay launch and load the appropriate log on boot, 
but this looks like something different. Plus I need to get it to the 
proper location on the desktop.

Ideas appreciated.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Mount of /var/snd On reboot Does Not Work

2021-06-27 Thread wa7skg

Thanks, but nope. Still doesn't mount on reboot.

Michael wrote on 6/27/21 5:48 PM:

This works for me:

# Rivendell
{IP address of Rivendell Server}:/var/snd /var/snd nfs 
auto,nofail,noatime,nolock,intr,tcp,actimeo=1800 0 0

On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 5:09 PM wa7skg <>> wrote:

Two machines in client/server configuration. CentOS7 and RD 3.5.

Set up export stuff on rd1 and fstab on rd2.

rd1:/var/snd         /var/snd      nfs     _netdev,defaults,auto   0 0

However, if I reboot rd2, it does not mount /var/snd from rd1. If I
'sudo mount -a' it mounts fine.

I have inquired about this on other forums with various results

"Your mount does not work because your network/nfs is not up at the time
/etc/fstab is evaluated."

"NOTE: you mount external /var/snd to local /var/snd which is
definitely bad idea."

"Use autofs"

"Use systemd"

"In your fstab replace “auto” with “noauto,x-systemd.automount”"

Perhaps some of these comments may be useful, but I don't know how to
implement any of them.

I've been out of this for a few years, and the whole systemd thing is
still confusing to me.

I've been given a number of setup guides which all have fstab
configurations, but they may be for older versions of stuff.

Is anybody up to date with modern equipment on this?

Thanks for any ideas.


Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Auto Mount of /var/snd On reboot Does Not Work

2021-06-27 Thread wa7skg

Two machines in client/server configuration. CentOS7 and RD 3.5.

Set up export stuff on rd1 and fstab on rd2.

rd1:/var/snd /var/snd  nfs _netdev,defaults,auto   0 0

However, if I reboot rd2, it does not mount /var/snd from rd1. If I 
'sudo mount -a' it mounts fine.

I have inquired about this on other forums with various results including:

"Your mount does not work because your network/nfs is not up at the time
/etc/fstab is evaluated."

"NOTE: you mount external /var/snd to local /var/snd which is
definitely bad idea."

"Use autofs"

"Use systemd"

"In your fstab replace “auto” with “noauto,x-systemd.automount”"

Perhaps some of these comments may be useful, but I don't know how to 
implement any of them.

I've been out of this for a few years, and the whole systemd thing is 
still confusing to me.

I've been given a number of setup guides which all have fstab 
configurations, but they may be for older versions of stuff.

Is anybody up to date with modern equipment on this?

Thanks for any ideas.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDImport Notifications

2021-06-26 Thread wa7skg
While working on another issue, I took a look at /var/log/boot.log. I 
had recently imported a bunch of music to the library with rdimport. I 
find these entries in boot.log:

Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" 

Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: added new connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 rdxport.cgi: processing RDXPORT_COMMAND_TRIMAUDIO
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART MODIFY 35741" 

Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: closed connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: cleaned up connection 4
Jun 26 17:00:41 rd2 ripcd: sent notification: "NOTIFY CART ADD 35741" to

First, I don't understand why there are a bunch of Rivendell status 
stuff in the boot.log to begin with.

Second, where/what is IP address and why is Rivendell 
sending any notifications to it? Is this a security thing? Is it 
required? Can I stop it?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Sending RML Commands From Windows or Mac

2021-06-16 Thread wa7skg
Is it possible to send an RML command from a Windows or Mac computer? 
Specifically switcher commands?

I have a Broadcast Tools switcher connected to my Rivendell machine. I'd 
like to be able to send commands to the switcher from the sanctuary 
sound booth to switch from Rivendell to the live service. They have both 
Windows and Mac computers, no Linux, in the sound booth.

I thought I had read about this somewhere, but can't find it now. 
Searching these archives is not easy.

Any ideas?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Restarting Rivendell Service After Configuration Change

2021-06-14 Thread wa7skg

Fred Gleason wrote on 6/13/21 6:01 AM:

> With the exception of (some) things related to JACK, it should never be
> necessary to restart the rivendell service after making configuration
> changes in rdadmin(1). If you find a situation where that is necessary,
> please report it as a bug!
> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
> |   | Paravel Systems

I don't know if this qualifies for Fred's statement or not.

I had a standalone system (rd1) running the station. I built a second 
computer (rd2) to use in the studio. I restored the rd2 database from a 
backup copy of the primary machine (rd1) and ran it on the bench for a 
while as a standalone. It was generating logs and chaining appropriately.

I took the new computer (rd2) to the station and installed it in the 
studio. It did not run rdairplay or a log, it just basically sat there 
on the network. I forgot to stop the log generation cron job, so that 
script ran each night generating logs on this station (rd2).

I later returned to join the two computers to a single system. I mounted 
/var/snd from rd1 and changed rd.conf to use the database on rd1. I 
disabled mariadb on rd2. I went into rdadmin and set up  rd2 in the 
hosts section.

That night at midnight, the next day's log did not load, and we had dead 
air until the next day when staff loaded and started the log.

In reviewing the operations log for rd1 for previous days, I discovered 
that each night at midnight the CHAINTO cart ran on the log followed by 
an RML command from *rd2* to load the next days log. When I connected 
rd2 to the rd1 database the RML was no longer sent at midnight. I 
verified all settings in rdadmin were correct. The next night, the same 
thing. The CHAINTO cut played, but no log loaded. The operations logs 
did not go back far enough to see when the RML started coming from rd2 
instead of rd1. I assume it was when I installed it in the studio and 
connected  it to the network, however, it was still in standalone 
configuration and should not have been sending anything to rd1.

Only after restarting the rivendell service, which locked up rdairplay 
requiring a forced kill and restart, taking us off the air for a few 
minutes, did things return to normal. At midnight, the CHAINTO cart 
played and an RML from rd1 correctly loaded and started the next day's log.

So, this is the situation where I made configuration changes in rdadmin 
and a restart of the rivendell service was necessary to get things back 
on track.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] HPI Error: #104

2021-06-10 Thread wa7skg
This is still bothering me. This error shows up after every 3 or 4 carts 
in the /var/log/rivendell/operations log.

Jun  8 08:34:48 khrb_rd1 caed: HPI Error: #104 - OBJ_NOT_OPEN, 
rdhpiplaystream.cpp line 823

RD 3.5 CentOS-7

Does anyone else get this error?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Preferred VNC server for Rivendell

2021-06-10 Thread wa7skg

Is there a preferred VNC server for Rivendell 3.5 on CentOS7?

I think I will try tigervnc-server, but wanting to know if something 
else is preferred.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Growing the Rivendell system

2021-06-10 Thread wa7skg
I'm adding a new RD machine (RD2) to an existing standalone unit (RD1). 
CentOS7 and RD 3.5. Way too many guides out there and most do not 
reference what version of RD or what Linux distribution used.

I followed the various steps to allow database sharing and file sharing 
for the /var/snd folder. It properly mounts to RD2 for the audio store.

I did these steps to share the database:
Share the database so it can be accessed throughout the network.
From a terminal window and type:
Press Enter, type in the root password and press Enter again
>mysql –u root –p mysql
Press Enter twice until you see “mysql>”
Type in the following and press Enter when done:
UPDATE user SET host = ‘localhost’ WHERE user = ‘root’ AND host = ‘%’;
Type in the following and press Enter when done:
Type “exit” and press Enter
Type "systemctl restart mariadb” and press Enter

Everything seemd to work.

On the client machine (rd2) I edited the rd.conf file [mySQL] section to 
put the hostname as rd1. I disabled the database with

sudo systemctl disable mariadb

then tested with mysql –u root –p –h rd1 and all worked as advertised.

I then went to rdadmin on rd1 and set up the new host as rd2.

Now is where I got confused. I should be using one database and all 
should be happy. But the instructions given me say

Perform a manual backup of the existing Rivendell system database.

Copy the database backup to a new Rivendell Client system.
Open RDAdmin and restore the copied database to the new system

(I know this is for an older version as RD 3.5 no longer uses RDAdmin to 
backup and restore the database.)

Then I restarted RD with

systemctl restart rivendell

My confusion is, if I am using one database, running on rd1, for both 
machines, why am I doing a restore on rd2? That would be restoring the 
database on rd1, wouldn't it?

Everything seemed to be going well until I tried some new carts in 
RDLibrary. I imported a couple cuts and played them back okay. Then I 
went record from the microphone directly into a cut. When I clicked the 
RECORD button, nothing happened. The arrow did not flash green and no 
meter indication. It would play back a cut, but not record.

The more I fiddled with it, the worse it got. Some cuts would play, some 
would not. I finally got a cut to record and thought I was good, but 
then found I couldn't play anything previously existing in the library. 
Then I found stuff recorded on rd2 I could not play on rd1.

Right now, rd2 is not usable as I cannot record on it and I cannot play 
anything back that was recorded before I started this whole thing.

Does anybody have a current guide for RD 3.5 for database configuring 
for a client/server operation?

Any other advice to get this mess working?


wa7skg wrote on 5/25/21 5:32 PM:

Not a lot of response last time.

Just got a new studio built and going from a standalone to a 
two-computer operation. The client-server instructions I received are 
apparently for an older version of everything I have.

Currently using CentOS7 and Rivendell 3.5. I have two computers 
essentially the same. They are both on the same network. I need to join 
them for a common audio library and database. I do want to have a backup 
of the audio on the studio computer so everything can run from there if 
I have to take the main machine down for any reason. I suppose that can 
be done via a morning rsync cron job after all the daily program 
downloads complete.

Is there any document for setting up the client/server stuff? Like 
mounting the library on the second computer and how to share the 
database? And whatever else I need to do to get this to work.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Howto 'Legal copy' 'logger' continous recording...

2021-05-30 Thread wa7skg

I ran into this in my previous position. Two issues.

First, was recording our satellite channels for various compliance and 
troubleshooting purposes. We needed multiple channels logged with the 
ability to go to a specific date/time and channel to review or copy. The 
requirement was for multiple users to be able to access the audio. After 
looking at a variety of options, we used a multi-channel logging 
recorder similar to that used for public safety (911) centers and air 
traffic control facilities. It was essentially a rack mount Linux 
computer with two 8-channel audio cards and a really big hard drive. The 
software was all proprietary and the audio cards were custom, so it was 
very expensive ($18K, IIRC), but did the job nicely.

The second issue was the need to record various broadcast TV networks 
for talk show hosts. If the host heard something interesting on a show 
or news, they wanted an audio clip to use in their program. There were 
ten stations of interest. This was a low priority minimal budget 
project. And had to be very simple for the end users. I ultimately used 
three Rivendell machines built from surplus computers with M-Audio 
cards. Two machines had three audio inputs, one had four. These were all 
fed from a bank of DirectTV satellite receivers that also fed our 
in-house CATV system. Using RDCatch, each channel was recorded in 30 
minute segments, 48 recordings per channel per day. This covered a week, 
then overwrote the files. We did not need to keep anything over a week 
old. I had a series of scripts run by cron that took the recorded .wav 
files, converted them to .mp3, and posted them to a web page. If a show 
host was watching TV and heard something he wanted, he told his producer 
"I heard Bob say something at 9:15 on Fox. Be sure I have it for my 
morning show." The producer would go to the website, download the 9 
o'clock segment, open it in Audacity, clip out the desired audio, import 
it into the show automation (Enco) and assign it to a screen button for 
the host to use on the air. Might be a bit clunky, but it was cheap (I 
don't think I had more than $1500 in the whole thing) and reliable. The 
whole thing ran unattended or messed with for several years. While it 
took a while to set up, RDCatch handled the hundreds of record events 
without problem.

Just some ideas.


Alejandro Olivan Alvarez wrote on 5/30/21 4:15 AM:
Hi list! ... I'm blowing my mind out of this, pretty standard radio 
automation feature (AFAIK systems): A continuous, segmented, in 
'Library' , recording of aired audio as means of 'legal copy' To my 
knowledge, this is a 'pro' feature on automation systems, and not all or 
'lite' versions lack it and depend on an external tool for the task... 
My bet is Rivendell can do it!

Rivendell has no dedicated continuous / legal copy GUI module, OK, but 
has a dedicated record event in RDCatch that can also be triggered by 
RML, also there are host variables to play with ... Sure, I can do this 
'externally' using many approaches: cron/systemd timers , 
ffmpeg/liquidsoap/rotter , Dropbox/rdimport ... but, I guess, there has 
to be an elegant way of doing this using Rivendells modules, since, 
usually, users are not system programmers.

What puzzles me (maybe I'm really missing something big!) is that 
recording within RDCatch/RML implies having an already created 
cart/cut... no way of targeting a cart and let cuts be spawned there, 
but, even If I use a cart for every piece of recording, I need to have a 
card for it... Sure, this could, theoretically be achieved 'brute 
forcibly' , I mean, having let's say, one year of hourly cart/cuts 
pre-created, and the corresponding monstrous amount of rdcatch events 
manually created, but that wouldn't be neither clever nor elegant! ... 
How are you approaching these guys?

Can I add some 'logic' or expression within RML to dynamically target a 
certain cart/cut? How could I, for a very simple example, tell Rivendell 
to maintain 365 carts with 24 cuts each of recordings?  or is it that, 
simply, Legal Copy / 'Logger' feature was (is) outside business logic on 
Rivendell's design?

Best regrads!!

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Using Audacity On Rivendell Computer

2021-05-26 Thread wa7skg
The computer has on-board audio that works fairly well and is completely 
usable with Audacity. My issue is limited audio resources. This is a 
very small operation. We have a small Behringer Q802 mixer. We use two 
microphones, Rivendell ins and outs, and a CD deck. That pretty much 
fills it up. Trying to wire in an additional set of ins and outs for the 
on-board audio simply won't fit. And having to have people try to change 
wiring to go from production to on-air is going to be above their skill-set.


Rob Landry wrote on 5/26/21 4:01 AM:

Get a USB audio interface -- the Henry Radio one is a bit pricy but 
excellent -- and set that up for Audacity, leaving the Audioscience card 
to Rivendell.


Не думай что всё пропели,
Что бури все отгремели;
Готовься к великой цели,
А слава тебя найдёт.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Using Audacity On Rivendell Computer

2021-05-25 Thread wa7skg
We have a Rivendell workstation in the studio running Rivendell 3.5 on a 
CentOS7 platform. It has an Audioscience ASI 6540 card for audio and 
works fine with Rivendell.

We would like to do some production work on this machine using Audacity, 
however, Audacity does not show the ASI card as an available resource. 
It does show the onboard audio, however, I really don't want to fool 
with that, especially since the ASI card is already wired in and I don't 
have spare channels on the small mixer we are using.

So, any ideas on how to get the ASI card working with Audacity without 
blowing up Rivendell?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Growing the Rivendell system

2021-05-25 Thread wa7skg

Not a lot of response last time.

Just got a new studio built and going from a standalone to a 
two-computer operation. The client-server instructions I received are 
apparently for an older version of everything I have.

Currently using CentOS7 and Rivendell 3.5. I have two computers 
essentially the same. They are both on the same network. I need to join 
them for a common audio library and database. I do want to have a backup 
of the audio on the studio computer so everything can run from there if 
I have to take the main machine down for any reason. I suppose that can 
be done via a morning rsync cron job after all the daily program 
downloads complete.

Is there any document for setting up the client/server stuff? Like 
mounting the library on the second computer and how to share the 
database? And whatever else I need to do to get this to work.


Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Bulk Edit RDCatch

2021-05-20 Thread wa7skg
I'm changing things to another computer. I backed up the database on the 
existing primary computer and did a restore to move everything to the 
second computer. I now want the second computer to take over the rdcatch 
duties. On Computer1, all the rdcatch actions are listed with RD1 in the 
location column. I want Computer 2 to take over the downloads. Is there 
an easy way to change all the locations to rd2 from rd1? I hate to have 
to edit a couple hundred entries individually.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDCatch Downloads Trimmed

2021-05-20 Thread wa7skg
I download a 2-minute news file every hour. For some reason, the CUT END 
marker is set about 4 seconds from the end, cutting off the last word or 
two. Each time the file downloads, it resets the marker to about 1:55. 
If I catch it after the download at :17, I can fix it before it airs at 
:30. Otherwise, it cuts it off every time.

Is there some setting someplace that sets this marker? I can't imagine 
it is in the file as downloaded from the FTP site. The whole file is 
there. If I open in rdlibrary and edit markers to move to the end of the 
audio it plays fine.

Any help?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Database Mismatch Error

2021-05-07 Thread wa7skg
Well, I thought I had things going, then noticed I somehow installed 
version 2.9 instead of 3.5.

I followed some upgrade instructions at 
and it seemed to go okay. But after the upgrade I tried to run rdadmin 
and I get Database version mismatch, should be 346, is 275. I found lots 
of references to that type of error, but nowhere could I find what to do 
about it.

It's looking like I'll need to start from scratch and reinstall CentOS 
and Rivendell all over again. Unless somebody has another idea.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Changing from Single to Multiple system

2021-05-07 Thread wa7skg
When I first set things up, we had just one computer and I did the 
install as root/ --standalone
Now we are adding a second computer and I want to do a server/client 
system. We want the original machine to be the server and primary on air 
machine and the new studio machine to be a client that runs off the 
database and library of the primary.

How do I upgrade the primary machine to server status?

Added complexity, I am building the second machine at a remote location, 
then I need to take it to the station and install it and put it on line. 
Is it possible to load the library on the second machine to test with 
before taking it to the station, then connecting to the server?

OR, should I build the new machine to be the server, load everything, 
take it to the station, update from the current primary, then use the 
current primary in the studio?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Fwd: Re: New Build Failure

2021-05-06 Thread wa7skg
You're my hero! That was it. Change the secure boot settings and we're 
in business.

Thanks much.


chris cottingham wrote on 5/6/21 6:42 PM:

I think It’s the boot type. Check for secure boot under the efi settings in 
bios. Set it to legacy boot if you can.

Sent from my iPhone

On May 6, 2021, at 6:41 PM, wa7skg  wrote:

It initially boots to the DVD and gives a menu from the DVD. It just does not 
do anything after that. I can go into a command prompt as well as look at BIOS 
settings. I would assume I could not do that if the RAM was not installed 

The only peripherals are the mouse, keyboard, and monitor. I've tried both HDMI 
and VGA monitors with no change. No BIOS settings for the hard drive. It just 
says it is there. No RAID chips, I don't know what AHCI is.


Jake Tremper wrote on 5/6/21 3:49 PM:

Bad or incorrectly installed RAM is the first place I'd start if it won't even 
boot a live CD. Next, remove any peripherals 1 by 1 until it boots. If that 
fails, look at the different BIOS settings for the hard drive. Sometimes AHCI 
or RAID chips are weird and don't want to work right. Good luck!
On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 6:40 PM wa7skg>> wrote:
Just built a new computer for Rivendell in our new studio. ASUS Pro
B460M-C motherboard with 32G of RAM. Trying to install CentOS7 from DVD
I have used on previous installs. On boot, I get a menu asking to
install CentOS7, test media & install, or troubleshoot. Regardless of
which I choose, the screen blanks, the DVD drive runs for a bit, then
nothing happens. I have tried two different DVDs, tried booting to a
KNOPPIX DVD, tried booting to a USB stick with the CentOS7 ISO, all
the same results.
Any ideas?
-- 73,
    Michael WA7SKG
"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Fwd: Re: New Build Failure

2021-05-06 Thread wa7skg
It initially boots to the DVD and gives a menu from the DVD. It just 
does not do anything after that. I can go into a command prompt as well 
as look at BIOS settings. I would assume I could not do that if the RAM 
was not installed correctly.

The only peripherals are the mouse, keyboard, and monitor. I've tried 
both HDMI and VGA monitors with no change. No BIOS settings for the hard 
drive. It just says it is there. No RAID chips, I don't know what AHCI is.


Jake Tremper wrote on 5/6/21 3:49 PM:
Bad or incorrectly installed RAM is the first place I'd start if it 
won't even boot a live CD. Next, remove any peripherals 1 by 1 until it 
boots. If that fails, look at the different BIOS settings for the hard 
drive. Sometimes AHCI or RAID chips are weird and don't want to work 
right. Good luck!

On Thu, May 6, 2021 at 6:40 PM wa7skg <>> wrote:

Just built a new computer for Rivendell in our new studio. ASUS Pro
B460M-C motherboard with 32G of RAM. Trying to install CentOS7 from DVD
I have used on previous installs. On boot, I get a menu asking to
install CentOS7, test media & install, or troubleshoot. Regardless of
which I choose, the screen blanks, the DVD drive runs for a bit, then
nothing happens. I have tried two different DVDs, tried booting to a
KNOPPIX DVD, tried booting to a USB stick with the CentOS7 ISO, all
the same results.

Any ideas?


Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] New Build Failure

2021-05-06 Thread wa7skg
Just built a new computer for Rivendell in our new studio. ASUS Pro 
B460M-C motherboard with 32G of RAM. Trying to install CentOS7 from DVD 
I have used on previous installs. On boot, I get a menu asking to 
install CentOS7, test media & install, or troubleshoot. Regardless of 
which I choose, the screen blanks, the DVD drive runs for a bit, then 
nothing happens. I have tried two different DVDs, tried booting to a 
KNOPPIX DVD, tried booting to a USB stick with the CentOS7 ISO, all with 
the same results.

Any ideas?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Fred

2021-03-31 Thread wa7skg
There were pictures of Fred on Facebook a couple weeks ago. He was 
working on an eight station upgrade. He even got to drive a Tesla. He 
looks pretty much the same as he did last time I saw him about ten years 

Stan Fotinos wrote on 3/30/21 7:47 PM:

Hi all

I haven't seen Fred post anything for a while, is anyone in contact with 

Hope all is well!


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDCatch Error Notification

2021-03-30 Thread wa7skg
Our station currently runs predominately automated. There are days when 
no one even looks at the computer. I only come in once a week, sometimes 
not every week.

I'd like to know when a program download fails in RDCatch. I know 
everything is logged in the /var/log/rivendell/operations log, but I 
really don't want to log into the computer everyday and scan the file. 
Especially when we only have a failure once every couple weeks or so.

Is there a way to somehow have RD detect and send me an email when an 
RDCatch download fails?


Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Linux Mint

2021-03-30 Thread wa7skg
We have a local e-cycler called Free Geek who refurbishes and resells 
computers. Linux Mint is the normal distribution used. I have four of 
these machines in service, the oldest almost four years old, with no 
complaints whatsoever. Granted, they are normal desktop use, not 
Rivendell, but for general use they have been great. Rock solid.

I have also set several folks up with them who were not "computer 
people". They were prior Windows users who wanted a new computer at a 
good price. These units were typically $100-140, mostly late model Dell 
or HP office computers. Using LibreOffice, Firefox, and Thunderbird to 
handle documents, web surfing, and email, these people have all been 
very happy. Most of them still don't know they are using Linux.


Alan Peterson wrote on 3/30/21 11:23 AM:
Everyone may already know the folks at RadioTools broadcast software in 
the UK have devised a way to run Rivendell under Linux Mint; a desktop 
distro based on Ubuntu. They call their incarnation "AirPro".

There have been some good packages created such as RRAbuntu and Edge 
Radio's RPi version with Raspbian, but has anyone here tried Mint as a 
suitable and stable OS? If so, what were your impressions?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RD Airplay Autostart

2021-03-18 Thread wa7skg

I am assuming you are talking about starting RDAirplay on reboot?

There's many ways to do this. This is how I do it. This is not a Desktop 

First, I use a crontab entry to call a startup script.

@reboot sleep 90 && export DISPLAY=:0 && /home/rd/scripts/

This runs on a reboot. It waits for 90 seconds to give time for all the 
other startup stuff to finish.

The this script runs:
# Script loads up Rdairplay with current log in format MM_DD_ and 
starts playing log.
# Notifies in notice area that system has been rebooted automatically 
and ensures it is in automatic mode

# Gives the user the option to cancel and start RDAirplay manually
# Meant for unattended restart.  It also assumes loading the log into 
log machine 1


for ((i=0; i<=max; i++)) ;
let percent=($i*100/$max)
let seconds=($max-$i)

echo "$percent" ;
echo "#Launching RDAirplay in automatic mode in " $seconds " seconds
\nPress Cancel to Abort" ;
sleep 1
# Change this next line if you are using a different format

date1=`date +"%m""%d"`

rdairplay  --log1=KHRB-$date1 &

sleep 5
day=`date +"%m"/"%d"/"%Y"-"%T"`
# Set to Automatic Mode
rmlsend PM\ "2"! &
# Send a Play Next
rmlsend PN\ "1"! &
# Notify next host of unattended restart
rmlsend LB\ "System Rebooted Automatically at "$day\!

) |
 zenity --progress \
  --title="RDAirplay" \
  --text="Launching RDAirplay" \
  --percentage=0 \

 if [ "$?" = -1 ] ; then
zenity --error \



Of course you will have to tweak it to match your configuration.

This will launch RDAirplay, load the current log and start it playing. 
Be sure your BIOS is configured to boot the computer on return from 
power loss.


Angelena Chapman wrote on 3/18/21 8:24 AM:
Does anyone want to share their Desktop Entry for getting RD Airplay to 
autostart in CentOS 7?

I used to use ~/.kde/Autostart/rdairplay.desktop ... but this new build 
is not using .kde so I don't really know where to put the Desktop Entry 
and autostart or what to put in it???

Thanks for any tips or help pointing me in the right direction!

*Angelena Chapman

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDImport issue

2021-03-04 Thread wa7skg
Well, I messed up a bit. Had a special situation to load some music for 
a particular purpose. I created a group "Special-M" and assigned cart 
numbers 5-50500 with "Enforced Cart Number" checked. The music was 
copied into a folder and I ran rdimport to load it all into the library.

Everything ran fine and I thought I was good. My mistake was in not 
counting the songs. I thought there were about 300 songs. Checking after 
rdimport ran showed all 500 cart numbers used. That's when I checked the 
folder and found there were 794 songs. So, I edited the group to allow 
1000 carts. The question is, how do I now run rdimport again on the 
folder to get the remaining 294 songs loaded? I don't want any 
duplicates and I'm not sure which 500 of the 794 carts loaded.

The only thing that comes to my mind is to delete that group, create a 
new group with enough cart numbers and re-import all 794 songs.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] ISO Motherboard

2021-03-03 Thread wa7skg
I'm looking for a motherboard to build a new Rivendell computer. We are 
using a full length PCI ASI audio card (ASI6012). It appears this 
capability is becoming rare. We found one vendor, but they keep pushing 
back the delivery date.

Suggestions welcome.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Local Maintenance Routines

2021-02-23 Thread wa7skg
I'd still like to know what this is. I see it in the operations logs. It 
runs frequently, but seemingly at random. What does it do? Why does it run?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] HPI Error: #104 - OBJ_NOT_OPEN

2021-02-23 Thread wa7skg

Waiting for what this error is and how to fix it.


wa7skg wrote on 2/9/21 8:05 PM:

I'm finding this error throughout my operations log. Do I have a problem?

Feb  9 01:43:35 khrb_rd1 caed: HPI Error: #104 - OBJ_NOT_OPEN, rdhpiplaystream.cpp line 823 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] USB Mixer

2021-02-16 Thread wa7skg
Has anybody used Rivendell with a USB mixer? We have a Behringer Q802USB 
mixer in our production studio. It has a USB connection to provide audio 
to and from the computer. Would this be an alternative to finding an 
Audioscience card? It would certainly make cabling easier.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list


2021-02-12 Thread wa7skg

That is outside of my skill set.


Ben Hamilton (Ben Bradshaw) wrote on 2/12/21 12:21 PM:

Can you recompile curl with ftpes support?

Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 12, 2021, at 2:15 PM, wa7skg  wrote:

I finally found the answer, but it doesn't help.

Supposedly, to use FTP over TLS in EXPLICIT mode, you use ftpes instead of 
ftps. However, that kicks back with

curl: (1) Protocol ftpes not supported or disabled in libcurl

So, I guess we're either going to have to do it manually in Filezilla or drop 
the program.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch FTP over TLS

2021-02-12 Thread wa7skg

And how do I incorporate that into RDCatch?


Kit Haskins wrote on 2/12/21 12:10 PM:

Would wget work ?

wget -r --level=5 -m --no-remove-listing --reject "index.html" -c 
--progress=dot -N --secure-protocol=auto --no-proxy --no-passive-ftp 
--ftp-user=X --ftp-password=Y --no-check-certificate 


Rivendell-dev mailing list


2021-02-12 Thread wa7skg

I finally found the answer, but it doesn't help.

Supposedly, to use FTP over TLS in EXPLICIT mode, you use ftpes instead 
of ftps. However, that kicks back with

curl: (1) Protocol ftpes not supported or disabled in libcurl

So, I guess we're either going to have to do it manually in Filezilla or 
drop the program.


David Klann wrote on 2/11/21 8:46 PM:

On 2/11/21 21:54, wa7skg wrote:

Sorry, no joy.

I can't get RDCatch to work for me over SSH right now.

I'm trying this initially using curl from cli.

curl -u  ftps://

I get the error

curl: (7) Failed connect to; Connection timed out

when I try normally.  If I try specifying the port

curl -u  ftps://

I get

curl: (35) I/O operation timed out

I think there is more to it than just specifying the port between
implicit and explicit.

Well, that's a reasonable troubleshooting approach. If you can't make
the curl CLI do it, then you certainly won't be able to do it in
RDCatch. Maybe the curl manual page has more to say about this?

Otherwise, I suggest capturing the traffic with tcpdump(1) or tshark(1)
and then analyzing it in wireshark(1). At least that way you can get a
clue as to why the remote end isn't playing nicely...

This is part of why Rivendell has supported SFTP for a long time, and
has not supported FTPS until just recently: FTPS is a huge worm pile and
the "standards" (RFC's) are not all that helpful.

~David Klann


David Klann wrote on 2/11/21 7:11 PM:

On 2/11/21 17:44, wa7skg wrote:

I think I found my problem. There are two types of FTP over TLS.
Explicit uses port 21 while implicit uses port 990. Apparently
RDCatch/curl uses implicit over port 990, which the host does not
accept. In Filezilla, I have an option to select implicit or explicit.
Is there any way to specify that in RDCatch? The host is not accepting a
connection via port 990.


I believe you can specify the port in the FTP URL. Something like:


I just tried this with an FTPS server that *only* listens on TCP port
990, so I can't say for sure that it will work for you on port 21, but
it's worth a try.

  ~David Klann

wa7skg wrote on 2/9/21 11:47 AM:

Thank you for the FTPS tip. I never saw that as an option anywhere. I
haven't dealt with FTP over TLS before, and there is no reference to it
in the OpsGuide.

As far as the @ is concerned, I was just getting a "failed to connect"
error. I tried the username\@hostname escape, but RDCatch did not accept
it in the username. I'll try the url-encoding tip and see what happens.

I'll have to research the cURL library.

Thanks for the suggestions.


David Klann wrote on 2/9/21 9:26 AM:

FTPS (FTP over TLS, as opposed to SFTP, Secure Shell FTP) is supported
starting with Rivendell 3.5.0. SFTP has been supported for a long time,
FTPS support is new.

The URL should look like: ftps://

In what way does the "@" foul things up? I wonder if escaping it with
"\" (as in (username\@hostname) or "url-encoding" the at-sign (as in
username%40hostname). If you try the latter, you might need to use two
"%" symbols otherwise RDCatch may think you are trying to use a "percent
wildcard"; I kind of doubt this, but I do not know if RDCatch looks for
percent wildcards in the username field.

In any event, Rivendell (RDCatch) uses the cURL library to perform the
actual download. That library may impose other constraints on the

Hope this helps, good luck!

    ~David Klann

On 2/9/21 10:27, wa7skg wrote:

We have a program provider who has changed his ftp server and  I have
run into two issues.

First, he specifies he is using FTP over TLS. I'm not sure how to set
this up in RDCatch.

The other problem is he is using an email address for a username. I know
this is common for users accessing websites, but the first I have seen
it for FTP access. Naturally the @ in the username fouls things up. How
can I properly utilize the @ in a username in RDCatch?



Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Aman install

2021-02-12 Thread wa7skg

Pardon my ignorance and curiosity. What is aman? Google doesn't know.


Tom Van Gorkom wrote on 2/12/21 9:39 AM:
I'm setting up new servers, Master and Slave, on Centos 7 for Riv 3.5. 
Can aman be installed from the CLI: yum -y install aman, or does that 
miss components, ie, need to build it from code?

Does it work well with Rivendell 3.5?

Thanks for any input,

Tom Van Gorkom
Radio Esperanza Engineering, KRIO AM/FM, KOIR FM
Office: 956-380-8150
Cell: 865-803-7427 

Director of Media
Rio Grande Bible Ministries
4300 S US Hwy 281
Edinburg, TX 78539 


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDAirplay Dumping Logs - local maintenance routines

2021-02-12 Thread wa7skg
In the last couple days, we have had three instances of RDAirplay 
dumping the log. The air was silent and when a staff member went to look 
at the computer, RDAirplay was running, but no log was loaded. I looked 
back at the operations log and see that

rdservice: ran local maintenance routines

ran just prior to the log disappearing.

These routines run randomly throughout the day. I can find no 
documentation on them and have no idea what they are. But three times 
now, the log has disappeared and had to be reloaded.

Any ideas?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list


2021-02-11 Thread wa7skg

Sorry, no joy.

I can't get RDCatch to work for me over SSH right now.

I'm trying this initially using curl from cli.

curl -u  ftps://

I get the error

curl: (7) Failed connect to; Connection timed out

when I try normally.  If I try specifying the port

curl -u  ftps://

I get

curl: (35) I/O operation timed out

I think there is more to it than just specifying the port between 
implicit and explicit.


David Klann wrote on 2/11/21 7:11 PM:

On 2/11/21 17:44, wa7skg wrote:

I think I found my problem. There are two types of FTP over TLS.
Explicit uses port 21 while implicit uses port 990. Apparently
RDCatch/curl uses implicit over port 990, which the host does not
accept. In Filezilla, I have an option to select implicit or explicit.
Is there any way to specify that in RDCatch? The host is not accepting a
connection via port 990.


I believe you can specify the port in the FTP URL. Something like:


I just tried this with an FTPS server that *only* listens on TCP port
990, so I can't say for sure that it will work for you on port 21, but
it's worth a try.

~David Klann

wa7skg wrote on 2/9/21 11:47 AM:

Thank you for the FTPS tip. I never saw that as an option anywhere. I
haven't dealt with FTP over TLS before, and there is no reference to it
in the OpsGuide.

As far as the @ is concerned, I was just getting a "failed to connect"
error. I tried the username\@hostname escape, but RDCatch did not accept
it in the username. I'll try the url-encoding tip and see what happens.

I'll have to research the cURL library.

Thanks for the suggestions.


David Klann wrote on 2/9/21 9:26 AM:

FTPS (FTP over TLS, as opposed to SFTP, Secure Shell FTP) is supported
starting with Rivendell 3.5.0. SFTP has been supported for a long time,
FTPS support is new.

The URL should look like: ftps://

In what way does the "@" foul things up? I wonder if escaping it with
"\" (as in (username\@hostname) or "url-encoding" the at-sign (as in
username%40hostname). If you try the latter, you might need to use two
"%" symbols otherwise RDCatch may think you are trying to use a "percent
wildcard"; I kind of doubt this, but I do not know if RDCatch looks for
percent wildcards in the username field.

In any event, Rivendell (RDCatch) uses the cURL library to perform the
actual download. That library may impose other constraints on the

Hope this helps, good luck!

      ~David Klann

On 2/9/21 10:27, wa7skg wrote:

We have a program provider who has changed his ftp server and  I have
run into two issues.

First, he specifies he is using FTP over TLS. I'm not sure how to set
this up in RDCatch.

The other problem is he is using an email address for a username. I know
this is common for users accessing websites, but the first I have seen
it for FTP access. Naturally the @ in the username fouls things up. How
can I properly utilize the @ in a username in RDCatch?


Michael WA7SKG

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list


2021-02-11 Thread wa7skg
I think I found my problem. There are two types of FTP over TLS. 
Explicit uses port 21 while implicit uses port 990. Apparently 
RDCatch/curl uses implicit over port 990, which the host does not 
accept. In Filezilla, I have an option to select implicit or explicit. 
Is there any way to specify that in RDCatch? The host is not accepting a 
connection via port 990.


wa7skg wrote on 2/9/21 11:47 AM:
Thank you for the FTPS tip. I never saw that as an option anywhere. I 
haven't dealt with FTP over TLS before, and there is no reference to it 
in the OpsGuide.

As far as the @ is concerned, I was just getting a "failed to connect" 
error. I tried the username\@hostname escape, but RDCatch did not accept 
it in the username. I'll try the url-encoding tip and see what happens.

I'll have to research the cURL library.

Thanks for the suggestions.


David Klann wrote on 2/9/21 9:26 AM:

FTPS (FTP over TLS, as opposed to SFTP, Secure Shell FTP) is supported
starting with Rivendell 3.5.0. SFTP has been supported for a long time,
FTPS support is new.

The URL should look like: ftps://

In what way does the "@" foul things up? I wonder if escaping it with
"\" (as in (username\@hostname) or "url-encoding" the at-sign (as in
username%40hostname). If you try the latter, you might need to use two
"%" symbols otherwise RDCatch may think you are trying to use a "percent
wildcard"; I kind of doubt this, but I do not know if RDCatch looks for
percent wildcards in the username field.

In any event, Rivendell (RDCatch) uses the cURL library to perform the
actual download. That library may impose other constraints on the 

Hope this helps, good luck!

    ~David Klann

On 2/9/21 10:27, wa7skg wrote:

We have a program provider who has changed his ftp server and  I have
run into two issues.

First, he specifies he is using FTP over TLS. I'm not sure how to set
this up in RDCatch.

The other problem is he is using an email address for a username. I know
this is common for users accessing websites, but the first I have seen
it for FTP access. Naturally the @ in the username fouls things up. How
can I properly utilize the @ in a username in RDCatch?


Michael WA7SKG

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Rivendell Logs for Troubleshooting

2021-02-09 Thread wa7skg
Does Rivendell create any logs for troubleshooting purposes other than 

I had an incident today where my helper was as the station working on 
some computer networking when he heard dead air. He looked at the 
Rivendell computer and he said the log screens were blank. RDAirplay was 
up, just no log loaded and nothing running. He manually loaded today's 
log and started playing and everything has been fine since. It just 
seems that somehow the log unloaded.

I went to the operations log and see that carts were playing normally.
A cart started at 14:21 and finished at 14:24. That was the last thing 
to play, then silence. I see that the local maintenance routines ran at 
14:26. These seem to run somewhat randomly throughout the day. Usually 
once per hour, but they skip some hours and run two or three times in 
some hours. Is it possible the maint routine somehow dumped the log? I 
can find zero documentation mentioning the local or system-wide 
maintenance routines. I see them in the log, and their randomness seems 
to indicate something is triggering them, but I have no idea what is 
going on.

Feb  9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: finished event: Line: 
452  Cart: 10638  Cut: 1 Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port:

Feb  9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: HPI Error: #104 - OBJ_NOT_OPEN, 
rdhpiplaystream.cpp line 823
Feb  9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: UnloadPlayback - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Handle: 140
Feb  9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: LoadPlayback  Card: 0  Stream: 0  Name: 
/var/snd/010515_001.wav  Handle: 141
Feb  9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: started audio cart: 
Line: 453  Cart: 10515  Cut: 1 Pos: 0  Card: 0  Stre

am: 0  Port: 0
Feb  9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: PlaybackPosition - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Pos: 0  Handle: 141
Feb  9 14:21:09 khrb_rd1 caed: Play - Card: 0  Stream: 0  Handle: 141 
Length: 181367  Speed: 10  Pitch: 0
Feb  9 14:24:10 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: finished event: Line: 
453  Cart: 10515  Cut: 1 Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port:

Feb  9 14:24:10 khrb_rd1 caed: UnloadPlayback - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Handle: 141

Feb  9 14:26:35 khrb_rd1 rdservice: ran local maintenance routines
Feb  9 14:28:41 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: loaded log 'KHRB-0209' in Main Log
Feb  9 14:29:07 khrb_rd1 caed: LoadPlayback  Card: 0  Stream: 0  Name: 
/var/snd/010582_001.wav  Handle: 142
Feb  9 14:29:07 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: started audio cart: 
Line: 279  Cart: 10582  Cut: 1 Pos: 0  Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port: 0
Feb  9 14:29:07 khrb_rd1 caed: PlaybackPosition - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Pos: 0  Handle: 142
Feb  9 14:29:07 khrb_rd1 caed: Play - Card: 0  Stream: 0  Handle: 142 
Length: 248737  Speed: 10  Pitch: 0
Feb  9 14:33:16 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: finished event: Line: 
279  Cart: 10582  Cut: 1 Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port: 0

Thanks for any guidance.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] HPI Error: #104 - OBJ_NOT_OPEN

2021-02-09 Thread wa7skg

I'm finding this error throughout my operations log. Do I have a problem?

Feb  9 01:43:35 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: finished event: Line: 28 
 Cart: 10747  Cut: 1 Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port: 0
Feb  9 01:43:35 khrb_rd1 caed: HPI Error: #104 - OBJ_NOT_OPEN, 
rdhpiplaystream.cpp line 823
Feb  9 01:43:35 khrb_rd1 caed: UnloadPlayback - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Handle: 189
Feb  9 01:43:35 khrb_rd1 caed: LoadPlayback  Card: 0  Stream: 0  Name: 
/var/snd/060129_011.wav  Handle: 190
Feb  9 01:43:35 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: started audio cart: 
Line: 29  Cart: 60129  Cut: 11 Pos: 0  Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port: 0
Feb  9 01:43:35 khrb_rd1 caed: PlaybackPosition - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Pos: 4272  Handle: 190
Feb  9 01:43:35 khrb_rd1 caed: Play - Card: 0  Stream: 0  Handle: 190 
Length: 6866  Speed: 10  Pitch: 0


Feb  9 02:21:24 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: finished event: Line: 48 
 Cart: 10086  Cut: 1 Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port: 0
Feb  9 02:21:24 khrb_rd1 caed: HPI Error: #104 - OBJ_NOT_OPEN, 
rdhpiplaystream.cpp line 823
Feb  9 02:21:24 khrb_rd1 caed: UnloadPlayback - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Handle: 202
Feb  9 02:21:24 khrb_rd1 caed: LoadPlayback  Card: 0  Stream: 0  Name: 
/var/snd/060129_010.wav  Handle: 203
Feb  9 02:21:24 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: started audio cart: 
Line: 49  Cart: 60129  Cut: 10 Pos: 0  Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port: 0
Feb  9 02:21:24 khrb_rd1 caed: PlaybackPosition - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Pos: 3960  Handle: 203
Feb  9 02:21:24 khrb_rd1 caed: Play - Card: 0  Stream: 0  Handle: 203 
Length: 9362  Speed: 10  Pitch: 0

Feb  9 03:24:35 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: finished event: Line: 78 
 Cart: 10037  Cut: 1 Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port: 0
Feb  9 03:24:35 khrb_rd1 caed: HPI Error: #104 - OBJ_NOT_OPEN, 
rdhpiplaystream.cpp line 823
Feb  9 03:24:35 khrb_rd1 caed: UnloadPlayback - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Handle: 225
Feb  9 03:24:35 khrb_rd1 caed: LoadPlayback  Card: 0  Stream: 0  Name: 
/var/snd/010213_001.wav  Handle: 226
Feb  9 03:24:35 khrb_rd1 rdairplay: log engine: started audio cart: 
Line: 79  Cart: 10213  Cut: 1 Pos: 0  Card: 0  Stream: 0  Port: 0
Feb  9 03:24:35 khrb_rd1 caed: PlaybackPosition - Card: 0  Stream: 0 
Pos: 0  Handle: 226
Feb  9 03:24:35 khrb_rd1 caed: Play - Card: 0  Stream: 0  Handle: 226 
Length: 160679  Speed: 10  Pitch: 0

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch FTP over TLS

2021-02-09 Thread wa7skg
Thank you for the FTPS tip. I never saw that as an option anywhere. I 
haven't dealt with FTP over TLS before, and there is no reference to it 
in the OpsGuide.

As far as the @ is concerned, I was just getting a "failed to connect" 
error. I tried the username\@hostname escape, but RDCatch did not accept 
it in the username. I'll try the url-encoding tip and see what happens.

I'll have to research the cURL library.

Thanks for the suggestions.


David Klann wrote on 2/9/21 9:26 AM:

FTPS (FTP over TLS, as opposed to SFTP, Secure Shell FTP) is supported
starting with Rivendell 3.5.0. SFTP has been supported for a long time,
FTPS support is new.

The URL should look like: ftps://

In what way does the "@" foul things up? I wonder if escaping it with
"\" (as in (username\@hostname) or "url-encoding" the at-sign (as in
username%40hostname). If you try the latter, you might need to use two
"%" symbols otherwise RDCatch may think you are trying to use a "percent
wildcard"; I kind of doubt this, but I do not know if RDCatch looks for
percent wildcards in the username field.

In any event, Rivendell (RDCatch) uses the cURL library to perform the
actual download. That library may impose other constraints on the username.

Hope this helps, good luck!

~David Klann

On 2/9/21 10:27, wa7skg wrote:

We have a program provider who has changed his ftp server and  I have
run into two issues.

First, he specifies he is using FTP over TLS. I'm not sure how to set
this up in RDCatch.

The other problem is he is using an email address for a username. I know
this is common for users accessing websites, but the first I have seen
it for FTP access. Naturally the @ in the username fouls things up. How
can I properly utilize the @ in a username in RDCatch?


Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDCatch FTP over TLS

2021-02-09 Thread wa7skg
We have a program provider who has changed his ftp server and  I have 
run into two issues.

First, he specifies he is using FTP over TLS. I'm not sure how to set 
this up in RDCatch.

The other problem is he is using an email address for a username. I know 
this is common for users accessing websites, but the first I have seen 
it for FTP access. Naturally the @ in the username fouls things up. How 
can I properly utilize the @ in a username in RDCatch?


Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] USB to Serial Adapter

2021-01-21 Thread wa7skg

Has anybody used one of these with Rivendell?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Broadcast Tools ACS 8.2 Switcher

2021-01-15 Thread wa7skg
Has anybody interfaced Rivendell with a Broadcast Tools ACS 8.2 
Switcher? I'm interested in RDCatch being able to switch sources on 


Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Red Cart Playing

2021-01-11 Thread wa7skg
NTP is properly running, clock is fine. I don't understand how the clock 
would cause a problem with only the Saturday programs.


Robert Jeffares wrote on 1/11/21 12:43 PM:

Hmmm time to check the clock?

date +"%Z %z" will tell you where you are at.

it may be the old 'what day is this what town are we in trick?'

The PC clock should be running ZULU / GMT and you should be operating in 
your local TZ

If the carts are scheduled only Sat & Sun then check all weekdays is not 
going to be a problem.

The cart perms are as they should be ..


On 12/01/21 8:40 am, wa7skg wrote:
We do not use dayparting. The Air Date/Time and Daypart boxes are 
checked DISABLED. For Day of the Week, Saturday and Sunday are 
checked. It only shows red and  [NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] for Saturday, on 
Sunday it displays normally. The carts do play as they should. It is 
just the display in RDAirplay that looks weird.

For the affected programs ls -l shows
-rw-rw-r--. 1 rivendell rivendell 299952516 Jan  8 01:45 
-rw-rw-r--. 1 rivendell rivendell 654917132 Jan  8 01:56 
-rw-rw-r--. 1 rivendell rivendell  11646668 Jan  8 22:10 

The permissions are the same for all carts.

Very strange.


Robert Jeffares wrote on 1/11/21 10:54 AM:


double click on the cut in the cart and see what dates are set. There 
are options for start date and end date, day part and day of the week.

No audio available indicates a permissions issue if the audio is there.

Can you post the output of

ls -l /var/snd/cart_number*



On 11/01/21 3:38 pm, wa7skg wrote:
Interestingly, this did not occur on Sunday. The weekend programs 
air on both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I get the red cart and 
the [NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] thing. On Sunday, the same carts play 
without issue.

Very strange.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 1:33 PM:
Okay, it's all of my Saturday programs exhibit this behavior. I do 
not see this on any of my weekday programs, just Saturday so far. 
I'll try to watch on Sunday.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 11:24 AM:
Just discovered a second program doing the same thing. This one 
downloads via RDCatch on Friday morning and airs Saturday. Again, 
everything looks good in RDLibrary. The cart in RDAirplay is red 
and says [NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] and the run length shows 00:00. When 
the program started, the green progress bar ran across in about 
two seconds. The countdown/countup timers on either end of the 
progress bar are running normally for the 26 minute program.

Very weird.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 10:14 AM:
Still curious about this one. This is a weekend program. The 
program is manually downloaded from the provider website and 
imported into RDlibrary. Everything in RD library looks good. 
There is no indication looking at the log there is an issue. It 
doesn't seem to affect programming, but looks concerning when 
looking at the screen.


wa7skg wrote on 1/2/21 10:07 AM:
Watching RDAirplay doing its thing, a new hour started and the 
teaching program cart is displaying red. Under the title it says 
[NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] and no time information is showing. The 
progress bar ran across in the first few seconds. Audio is 
playing as it should. The time progress counters on either end 
of the progress bar are running normally and the countdown timer 
clock is running normally.

So, why the red cart and the no audio statement? Everything else 
seems normal.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Red Cart Playing

2021-01-11 Thread wa7skg
We do not use dayparting. The Air Date/Time and Daypart boxes are 
checked DISABLED. For Day of the Week, Saturday and Sunday are checked. 
It only shows red and  [NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] for Saturday, on Sunday it 
displays normally. The carts do play as they should. It is just the 
display in RDAirplay that looks weird.

For the affected programs ls -l shows
-rw-rw-r--. 1 rivendell rivendell 299952516 Jan  8 01:45 
-rw-rw-r--. 1 rivendell rivendell 654917132 Jan  8 01:56 
-rw-rw-r--. 1 rivendell rivendell  11646668 Jan  8 22:10 

The permissions are the same for all carts.

Very strange.


Robert Jeffares wrote on 1/11/21 10:54 AM:


double click on the cut in the cart and see what dates are set. There 
are options for start date and end date, day part and day of the week.

No audio available indicates a permissions issue if the audio is there.

Can you post the output of

ls -l /var/snd/cart_number*



On 11/01/21 3:38 pm, wa7skg wrote:
Interestingly, this did not occur on Sunday. The weekend programs air 
on both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I get the red cart and the 
[NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] thing. On Sunday, the same carts play without issue.

Very strange.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 1:33 PM:
Okay, it's all of my Saturday programs exhibit this behavior. I do 
not see this on any of my weekday programs, just Saturday so far. 
I'll try to watch on Sunday.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 11:24 AM:
Just discovered a second program doing the same thing. This one 
downloads via RDCatch on Friday morning and airs Saturday. Again, 
everything looks good in RDLibrary. The cart in RDAirplay is red and 
says [NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] and the run length shows 00:00. When the 
program started, the green progress bar ran across in about two 
seconds. The countdown/countup timers on either end of the progress 
bar are running normally for the 26 minute program.

Very weird.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 10:14 AM:
Still curious about this one. This is a weekend program. The 
program is manually downloaded from the provider website and 
imported into RDlibrary. Everything in RD library looks good. There 
is no indication looking at the log there is an issue. It doesn't 
seem to affect programming, but looks concerning when looking at 
the screen.


wa7skg wrote on 1/2/21 10:07 AM:
Watching RDAirplay doing its thing, a new hour started and the 
teaching program cart is displaying red. Under the title it says 
[NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] and no time information is showing. The 
progress bar ran across in the first few seconds. Audio is playing 
as it should. The time progress counters on either end of the 
progress bar are running normally and the countdown timer clock is 
running normally.

So, why the red cart and the no audio statement? Everything else 
seems normal.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Red Cart Playing

2021-01-10 Thread wa7skg
Interestingly, this did not occur on Sunday. The weekend programs air on 
both Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, I get the red cart and the [NO 
AUDIO AVAILABLE] thing. On Sunday, the same carts play without issue.

Very strange.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 1:33 PM:
Okay, it's all of my Saturday programs exhibit this behavior. I do not 
see this on any of my weekday programs, just Saturday so far. I'll try 
to watch on Sunday.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 11:24 AM:
Just discovered a second program doing the same thing. This one 
downloads via RDCatch on Friday morning and airs Saturday. Again, 
everything looks good in RDLibrary. The cart in RDAirplay is red and 
says [NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] and the run length shows 00:00. When the 
program started, the green progress bar ran across in about two 
seconds. The countdown/countup timers on either end of the progress 
bar are running normally for the 26 minute program.

Very weird.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 10:14 AM:
Still curious about this one. This is a weekend program. The program 
is manually downloaded from the provider website and imported into 
RDlibrary. Everything in RD library looks good. There is no 
indication looking at the log there is an issue. It doesn't seem to 
affect programming, but looks concerning when looking at the screen.


wa7skg wrote on 1/2/21 10:07 AM:
Watching RDAirplay doing its thing, a new hour started and the 
teaching program cart is displaying red. Under the title it says [NO 
AUDIO AVAILABLE] and no time information is showing. The progress 
bar ran across in the first few seconds. Audio is playing as it 
should. The time progress counters on either end of the progress bar 
are running normally and the countdown timer clock is running normally.

So, why the red cart and the no audio statement? Everything else 
seems normal.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Red Cart Playing

2021-01-09 Thread wa7skg
Okay, it's all of my Saturday programs exhibit this behavior. I do not 
see this on any of my weekday programs, just Saturday so far. I'll try 
to watch on Sunday.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 11:24 AM:
Just discovered a second program doing the same thing. This one 
downloads via RDCatch on Friday morning and airs Saturday. Again, 
everything looks good in RDLibrary. The cart in RDAirplay is red and 
says [NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] and the run length shows 00:00. When the 
program started, the green progress bar ran across in about two seconds. 
The countdown/countup timers on either end of the progress bar are 
running normally for the 26 minute program.

Very weird.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 10:14 AM:
Still curious about this one. This is a weekend program. The program 
is manually downloaded from the provider website and imported into 
RDlibrary. Everything in RD library looks good. There is no indication 
looking at the log there is an issue. It doesn't seem to affect 
programming, but looks concerning when looking at the screen.


wa7skg wrote on 1/2/21 10:07 AM:
Watching RDAirplay doing its thing, a new hour started and the 
teaching program cart is displaying red. Under the title it says [NO 
AUDIO AVAILABLE] and no time information is showing. The progress bar 
ran across in the first few seconds. Audio is playing as it should. 
The time progress counters on either end of the progress bar are 
running normally and the countdown timer clock is running normally.

So, why the red cart and the no audio statement? Everything else 
seems normal.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Red Cart Playing

2021-01-09 Thread wa7skg
Just discovered a second program doing the same thing. This one 
downloads via RDCatch on Friday morning and airs Saturday. Again, 
everything looks good in RDLibrary. The cart in RDAirplay is red and 
says [NO AUDIO AVAILABLE] and the run length shows 00:00. When the 
program started, the green progress bar ran across in about two seconds. 
The countdown/countup timers on either end of the progress bar are 
running normally for the 26 minute program.

Very weird.


wa7skg wrote on 1/9/21 10:14 AM:
Still curious about this one. This is a weekend program. The program is 
manually downloaded from the provider website and imported into 
RDlibrary. Everything in RD library looks good. There is no indication 
looking at the log there is an issue. It doesn't seem to affect 
programming, but looks concerning when looking at the screen.


wa7skg wrote on 1/2/21 10:07 AM:
Watching RDAirplay doing its thing, a new hour started and the 
teaching program cart is displaying red. Under the title it says [NO 
AUDIO AVAILABLE] and no time information is showing. The progress bar 
ran across in the first few seconds. Audio is playing as it should. 
The time progress counters on either end of the progress bar are 
running normally and the countdown timer clock is running normally.

So, why the red cart and the no audio statement? Everything else seems 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Red Cart Playing

2021-01-09 Thread wa7skg
Still curious about this one. This is a weekend program. The program is 
manually downloaded from the provider website and imported into 
RDlibrary. Everything in RD library looks good. There is no indication 
looking at the log there is an issue. It doesn't seem to affect 
programming, but looks concerning when looking at the screen.


wa7skg wrote on 1/2/21 10:07 AM:
Watching RDAirplay doing its thing, a new hour started and the teaching 
program cart is displaying red. Under the title it says [NO AUDIO 
AVAILABLE] and no time information is showing. The progress bar ran 
across in the first few seconds. Audio is playing as it should. The time 
progress counters on either end of the progress bar are running normally 
and the countdown timer clock is running normally.

So, why the red cart and the no audio statement? Everything else seems 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Print Degrees in RML

2021-01-05 Thread wa7skg
Had to tweak it a bit. I had to use \xe2\x84\x89 to get F instead of C 
and didn't need all the paths, but it works great.


Robert Jeffares wrote on 1/5/21 8:12 PM:


hotness=`echo 18 $'\xe2\x84\x83'`
/usr/bin/rmlsend --to-host=localhost --to-port=5858 LB\ "$hotness"!

works in v3.x

substitute $temperature  for 18 using your local variable



On 6/01/21 3:31 pm, wa7skg wrote:
I have a script that grabs weather information, manipulates it, pulls 
an appropriate audio cart, and airs the temperature periodically. I 
have modified the script to add the rmlsend LB command to display the 
current temperature in the Label box of RDAirplay. The script is

rmlsend LB\ "KHRB-LP $T Degrees"\!

If possible, I'd to have that display the degrees symbol (superscript 
o) instead of Degrees. I've researched trying to find how to print 
special characters in bash to no avail.

Is this possible in RML?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Print Degrees in RML

2021-01-05 Thread wa7skg
I have a script that grabs weather information, manipulates it, pulls an 
appropriate audio cart, and airs the temperature periodically. I have 
modified the script to add the rmlsend LB command to display the current 
temperature in the Label box of RDAirplay. The script is

rmlsend LB\ "KHRB-LP $T Degrees"\!

If possible, I'd to have that display the degrees symbol (superscript o) 
instead of Degrees. I've researched trying to find how to print special 
characters in bash to no avail.

Is this possible in RML?


Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Red Cart Playing

2021-01-02 Thread wa7skg
No, the program was downloaded and imported a week ago. Everything looks 
good in RDLibrary. Because of the filenames the provider chooses to use, 
we must manually download it and import it into the library.


Lorne Tyndale wrote on 1/2/21 11:49 AM:

Is it possible that cart is being recorded while you are playing it back? 
Rivendell supports this and would explain why there was no audio there but then 
is able to play its audio.

 Original Message 

Watching RDAirplay doing its thing, a new hour started and the teaching
program cart is displaying red. Under the title it says [NO AUDIO
AVAILABLE] and no time information is showing. The progress bar ran
across in the first few seconds. Audio is playing as it should. The time
progress counters on either end of the progress bar are running normally
and the countdown timer clock is running normally.

So, why the red cart and the no audio statement? Everything else seems

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Red Cart Playing

2021-01-02 Thread wa7skg
Watching RDAirplay doing its thing, a new hour started and the teaching 
program cart is displaying red. Under the title it says [NO AUDIO 
AVAILABLE] and no time information is showing. The progress bar ran 
across in the first few seconds. Audio is playing as it should. The time 
progress counters on either end of the progress bar are running normally 
and the countdown timer clock is running normally.

So, why the red cart and the no audio statement? Everything else seems 

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Back on topic? Add our station to Riv Wiki (was Re: Slightly Off Topic: A request for Members of this list)

2020-12-31 Thread wa7skg
In the "Coming Attractions" section, we hope to have Rivendell on the 
air at KHRB-LP in Harrisburg, Oregon by mid-January. KHRB-LP is operated 
by Calvary Chapel Tri-County and serves the Harrisburg community with 
Christian teaching and music. The addition of Rivendell will be a major 
upgrade for the station allowing the local staff to readily change 
programming, giving them back control of their station.


David Klann wrote on 12/31/20 9:23 AM:


I also added a couple other stations that I know use Rivendell.

Keep 'em coming! It's about time we got the primary list updated!


On 12/31/20 10:18 AM, Bj Mora wrote:

KGCE-LP FM 107.9 “GraceRadio” is a Christian teaching and music station
in Modesto, California.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Really Need To Solve Audio Problem - SOLVED

2020-12-29 Thread wa7skg


After checking everything I don't know how many dozen times, I 
discovered I apparently cannot count pins on a punchblock. I had my 
speakers connected to LO1 and RO0.

Everything is working as it should now.

Thanks everybody for your help. My humble apologies for wasting your 
time with my ineptitude.


Fred Gleason wrote on 12/29/20 5:35 AM:
On Dec 29, 2020, at 08:07, Rob Landry < 
> wrote:

This maybe a silly question, but are you using the Audioscience HPI 
driver? Or ALSA?

I have never used ASI cards with anything but the HPI driver; but 
there is an ALSA driver for those cards, and if you have both 
installed, that may be creating some confusion. What does Rivendell do 
when both drivers are installed?

Generally, ‘mayhem will ensue’ if both are attempted to be used 
simultaneously. This was a problem with early CentOS 7 installs, which 
shipped with an ALSA driver for some AudioScience cards. The Rivendell 
installer now blacklists those automatically, so it shouldn’t be an 
issue if the install was at all recent (last couple years).

alsamixer should be useless if you're using the HPI driver, unless I'm 

Correct. HPI uses a completely different API for the mixer.

In general, this is a very strange issue. The ASI6122 has been supported 
for years and years, and has worked very reliably in lots of setups. I’m 
hard pressed to visualize a software problem that could cause this kind 
of behavior (which is not to say that it couldn’t, of course). I’d check 
the external wiring very carefully. Are you using one of the standard 
ASI breakout cables?


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|               Normal is just a setting on your dryer.               |
|                                                                     |
|                                                   -- Erma Bombeck   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Really Need To Solve Audio Problem

2020-12-29 Thread wa7skg
I used the Rivendell installer downloaded from the website a couple 
weeks ago, so everything should be up to date. I'm not sure how to check 
which driver is used. I have forgotten so much about this stuff after 
being out of it for five years or so, it is incredibly frustrating. Some 
is coming back, bit by bit.

I am using a Belkin F2N962 50 pin SCSI to Centronics cable jumpered  to 
a punch block with a 25 pair telco cable. This is what I used for a 
whole bunch of Rivendell installations back in the day, so I don't think 
it is a wiring issue. I'm checking the audio right at the pins on the 
punch block. The Belkin cable is basically identical to the AudioScience 
CBL4004 at a fraction of the price.

I have used literally over a hundred ASI cards and, to my recollection, 
have never had a failure. I don't know that I have even heard of a 
failure. So, while anything is possible, I am reluctant to consider that 
possibility. Even if that was the case, I still should be able to use 
the on-board audio for the audition output. Either through the speaker 
jack on the back of the computer or the HDMI output to the monitor.

It is too bad there is not a Linux equivalent of ASIControl to check the 
card with.

I'm starting to get pressure to put this system in service, but I cannot 
do that until it is fully functional.


Fred Gleason wrote on 12/29/20 5:35 AM:
On Dec 29, 2020, at 08:07, Rob Landry < 
> wrote:

This maybe a silly question, but are you using the Audioscience HPI 
driver? Or ALSA?

I have never used ASI cards with anything but the HPI driver; but 
there is an ALSA driver for those cards, and if you have both 
installed, that may be creating some confusion. What does Rivendell do 
when both drivers are installed?

Generally, ‘mayhem will ensue’ if both are attempted to be used 
simultaneously. This was a problem with early CentOS 7 installs, which 
shipped with an ALSA driver for some AudioScience cards. The Rivendell 
installer now blacklists those automatically, so it shouldn’t be an 
issue if the install was at all recent (last couple years).

alsamixer should be useless if you're using the HPI driver, unless I'm 

Correct. HPI uses a completely different API for the mixer.

In general, this is a very strange issue. The ASI6122 has been supported 
for years and years, and has worked very reliably in lots of setups. I’m 
hard pressed to visualize a software problem that could cause this kind 
of behavior (which is not to say that it couldn’t, of course). I’d check 
the external wiring very carefully. Are you using one of the standard 
ASI breakout cables?


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|               Normal is just a setting on your dryer.               |
|                                                                     |
|                                                   -- Erma Bombeck   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Really Need To Solve Audio Problem

2020-12-28 Thread wa7skg
I really need a solution to this. I have an AudioScience ASI6122 audio 
card. No matter what I do, all audio only comes out of Port 0. I have 
made the changes in rdadmin to set rdlibrary to Port 1, however the 
audio still comes out over the air when trying to audition a cut. The 
computer has onboard audio built into the motherboard, but I can't seem 
to access that. It does not show up on any audio sources in Rivendell. 
For my purposes, using the onboard audio would be fine for audition use. 
It shows up in alsamixer, but not as an available resource in rdadmin.

Help, please.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audioscience board outputs

2020-12-26 Thread wa7skg

I installed hpiinfo. I went to System> ASI Card configuration
which required me to log in as administrator. The app shows Adapter Mode 
as "Four Output Streams" The only other options was "Six Output 
Streams". I've tried both options, The output of rdlibrary still comes 
out of Port 0 along with the on-air audio.

I need to be able to listen to cuts in the library without affecting 
what is on the air.

Next idea?


Fred Gleason wrote on 12/26/20 6:29 AM:
On Dec 26, 2020, at 07:33, John Boles > wrote:

You should have a program under System->ASI Configuration
You will need the root password.

You may need to install this, as it’s not included in the default 
install. The package name is ‘hpiinfo’.

yum install hpiinfo

should get it done on a standard CentOS setup.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell Technical and Administration Guide

2020-12-26 Thread wa7skg
No, that's the Operations Guide. I'm looking for the Technical Guide. On 
Page 8 of the Ops Guide your referenced:

Chapter 2.
Managing the Current User with RDLogin
2.1. RDLogin
Rivendell uses a sophisticated system of user privileges to keep track 
of which users have permission to perform what operations. These 
privileges are tracked by the system on the basis of user accounts. 
Creating user accounts and administering their permissions are done in 
the RDAdmin module and are covered in

the Rivendell Technical and Administration Guide.

Also, on Page 62:

Next, if it is desired to have RDLogManager try to insert material 
automatically from the Autofill List to  ensure  that  the  event  has 
the  length  indicated  by  its  parent  clock,  the  Use  Autofill  box 
 in  the ENFORCING LENGTH section should be checked. (Configuring the 
Autofill List is covered in detail in

the Rivendell Technical and Administration Guide).

Additional references on Pages 63, 64, 65, 67.

These all appear to reference another document.

So, where is the "Rivendell Technical and Administration Guide"?


Fred Gleason wrote on 12/26/20 6:25 AM:
On Dec 24, 2020, at 19:04, wa7skg <>> wrote:

I find numerous references to this document, however, I am unable to 
find it.

Does this exist? Is it publicly available? If so, where might I find it?

Online at:

You can also find an HTML version at:


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audioscience board outputs

2020-12-25 Thread wa7skg

And how would I do that?


John Boles wrote on 12/25/20 6:13 PM:

Check if the ASI Card is in Low Latency Mode.
For me that has only ever given me 1 In and Out on the card in that mode.


On Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 11:28 AM David Klann <>> wrote:

Hi Michael,

On 12/24/20 12:18 PM, you wrote:
 > Please forgive my ignorance and feeble memory. I can't seem to figure
 > out how to use rdalsaconfig.
 > I open it with sudo rdalsaconfig. A box pops up with three devices
 > HDAudio Generic - ALC1150 Analog[01]
 > HDAudio Generic - ALC1150 Analog[02]
 > HDAudio Generic - ALC1150 Analog[03]
 > I can select or unselect each one. There are Save and Cancel
buttons at
 > the bottom of the list.
 > Do those represent my onboard sound? If I select them then hit Save,
 > nothing really happens. Nothing changes in my available Audio
 > Michael

Yes, those represent the different entities within your on-board audio
devices. Clicking on a line "selects" that device (i.e., makes it
available for use as a Rivendell audio device). You'll need to have
create and/or write permissions on the file /etc/asound.conf in
order to
save your choices in rdalsaconfig(1). Clicking the "Save" button saves
your choices.

I recommend playing with it -- try selecting just one line (like, the
first one) and see if you can hear audio with headphones or a speaker
plugged into the output of the on-board audio jack.


 > David Klann wrote on 12/24/20 10:04 AM:
 >> Michael,
 >> On 12/24/20 11:12 AM, you wrote:
 >>> Is there any way to use the computer onboard sound for the
audition output?
 >> Yes, absolutely (as long as it is supported by ALSA).
 >> Once you configure your ALSA devices using rdalsaconfig(1) they will
 >> appear as additional audio devices in the host's list of audio
 >> In my experience, ASI cards always show up as the lower numbered
 >> (starting with the first card, number Zero). ALSA devices show up as
 >> higher-numbered cards.
 >> Note that running rdalsaconfig stops the currently playing audio in
 >> RDAirplay...
 >>      ~David Klann
 >>> Michael
 >>> Fred Gleason wrote on 12/24/20 9:05 AM:
 >>>> On Dec 24, 2020, at 12:00, wa7skg>
 >>>> < <>>> wrote:
 >>>>> Only have one host, so, yes. Single computer system for now.
 >>>> Interesting.
 >>>> Could you post the contents of the ‘Audio Resources
Information’ dialog
 >>>> in rdadmin(1)?
 >>>> Cheers!

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Rivendell Technical and Administration Guide

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg
I find numerous references to this document, however, I am unable to 
find it.

Does this exist? Is it publicly available? If so, where might I find it?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Filling Time with Music

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg
I have incorporated these suggestions. I have run into an issue I may 
have missed mention of. We want to start each hour with the teaching 
program starting right at the top of the hour. We want to end each hour 
exactly at 59:50 with a legal ID, all of which are 10 seconds.

Following the provided examples, I over fill the hour with music. My 
problem is the last song before the Legal ID. The song may be anywhere 
from a couple seconds to a minute or two into it when the time for the 
legal ID comes and the song is very abruptly cut off to play the LID.

Is there any way to at least fade down or something before the ID? The 
sudden chop sound pretty bad.


David Klann wrote on 12/23/20 4:52 AM:

On 12/23/20 6:04 AM, wrote:

On 2020-12-22 23:24, wa7skg wrote:

What is the best way to fill a block of time with music? We start
pretty much each hour with a teaching program for about 26 minutes.
I'd like to fill the rest of the hour with music. Is there a way to
create an event that just pulls songs sort of randomly to fill X
number of minutes? Or do I have to create a dozen or so events to each
pull one song?

You can certainly create an event that randomly picks carts from a
About scheduling and generating logs, this page
covers the entire process in a thorough and illustrated manner.
That's what kickstarted me when converting my station to rivendell 10
years ago.

. leo

There is also a more up-to-date tutorial on music scheduling on the
Rivendell wiki at
with links to the reference manual.

~David Klann

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Weather and Time Announcements

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg
This station I am moving to Rivendell is currently running on a Windows 
system. They somehow download the local weather from a NOAA site and 
cull the local temperature from it. They have a Windows text-to-speech 
program that reads the .txt file with the temp and creates a short mp3 
file with the current temperature. They have a whole list of mp3 files 
covering temps from 0-115 degrees. They also have a bunch of time files 
with 0-12 hours, 0-59 minutes, and am/pm. I can't seem to find anything 
in the existing Windows computer that actually performs this function.

The previous engineer who set all this up basically evaporated leaving 
no documentation. The current staff knows it happens, but no idea how it 
works. I found the time and temp audio files and an exe text2speech app, 
but nothing else.

Is there anything in Rivendell or Linux I could use to provide this 

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audioscience board outputs

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg
Please forgive my ignorance and feeble memory. I can't seem to figure 
out how to use rdalsaconfig.

I open it with sudo rdalsaconfig. A box pops up with three devices

HDAudio Generic - ALC1150 Analog[01]
HDAudio Generic - ALC1150 Analog[02]
HDAudio Generic - ALC1150 Analog[03]

I can select or unselect each one. There are Save and Cancel buttons at 
the bottom of the list.

Do those represent my onboard sound? If I select them then hit Save, 
nothing really happens. Nothing changes in my available Audio Resources.


David Klann wrote on 12/24/20 10:04 AM:


On 12/24/20 11:12 AM, you wrote:

Is there any way to use the computer onboard sound for the audition output?

Yes, absolutely (as long as it is supported by ALSA).

Once you configure your ALSA devices using rdalsaconfig(1) they will
appear as additional audio devices in the host's list of audio resources.

In my experience, ASI cards always show up as the lower numbered cards
(starting with the first card, number Zero). ALSA devices show up as
higher-numbered cards.

Note that running rdalsaconfig stops the currently playing audio in

~David Klann


Fred Gleason wrote on 12/24/20 9:05 AM:

On Dec 24, 2020, at 12:00, wa7skg>> wrote:

Only have one host, so, yes. Single computer system for now.


Could you post the contents of the ‘Audio Resources Information’ dialog
in rdadmin(1)?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audioscience board outputs

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg

Is there any way to use the computer onboard sound for the audition output?


Fred Gleason wrote on 12/24/20 9:05 AM:
On Dec 24, 2020, at 12:00, wa7skg <>> wrote:

Only have one host, so, yes. Single computer system for now.


Could you post the contents of the ‘Audio Resources Information’ dialog 
in rdadmin(1)?


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audioscience board outputs

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg

  AudioScience HPI [4.20.21]
  JACK Audio Connection Kit [Generic]
  Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) [1.1.8]

Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
MPEG Layer 1
MPEG Layer 2
MPEG Layer 3
PCM16 Linear
PCM24 Linear

Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
MPEG Layer 2
MPEG Layer 3
PCM16 Linear
PCM24 Linear

  Card 0: AudioScience 6122 [1]
  Driver: AudioScience HPI
  Inputs 2
  Outputs 2

  Card 1: Not present

  Card 2: Not present

  Card 3: Not present

  Card 4: Not present

  Card 5: Not present

  Card 6: Not present

  Card 7: Not present

  Card 8: Not present

  Card 9: Not present

  Card 10: Not present

  Card 11: Not present

  Card 12: Not present

  Card 13: Not present

  Card 14: Not present

  Card 15: Not present

  Card 16: Not present

  Card 17: Not present

  Card 18: Not present

  Card 19: Not present

  Card 20: Not present

  Card 21: Not present

  Card 22: Not present

  Card 23: Not present

Fred Gleason wrote on 12/24/20 9:05 AM:
On Dec 24, 2020, at 12:00, wa7skg <>> wrote:

Only have one host, so, yes. Single computer system for now.


Could you post the contents of the ‘Audio Resources Information’ dialog 
in rdadmin(1)?


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audioscience board outputs

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg
And, for testing, I tried switching rdairplay to port 1 output. That 
does not work either. Audio still coming out of port 0.


wa7skg wrote on 12/24/20 9:00 AM:

Only have one host, so, yes. Single computer system for now.


Fred Gleason wrote on 12/24/20 8:23 AM:
On Dec 24, 2020, at 11:19, wa7skg <>> wrote:

I've restarted rdairplay and everything else. I've even restarted the 
computer several times. In rdadmin, Manage Hosts, the rdlibrary 
button shows input and output both using Card 0, Port 1, but anything 
I play in rdlibrary still comes out of Port 0.

Are you sure you’re changing the correct host profile?


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audioscience board outputs

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg

Only have one host, so, yes. Single computer system for now.


Fred Gleason wrote on 12/24/20 8:23 AM:
On Dec 24, 2020, at 11:19, wa7skg <>> wrote:

I've restarted rdairplay and everything else. I've even restarted the 
computer several times. In rdadmin, Manage Hosts, the rdlibrary button 
shows input and output both using Card 0, Port 1, but anything I play 
in rdlibrary still comes out of Port 0.

Are you sure you’re changing the correct host profile?


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Audioscience board outputs

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg
I've restarted rdairplay and everything else. I've even restarted the 
computer several times. In rdadmin, Manage Hosts, the rdlibrary button 
shows input and output both using Card 0, Port 1, but anything I play in 
rdlibrary still comes out of Port 0.


Fred Gleason wrote on 12/24/20 7:34 AM:
On Dec 23, 2020, at 16:46, wa7skg <>> wrote:

I have an ASI6122 board in my machine. I go into rdadmin > Manage 
Hosts > (MyHost) > rdlibrary. For both Input and Output, I select Card 
0, Port 1. I click OK, then close windows until I am out of rdadmin.

However, when I try to play a cut in rdlibrary, it still comes out on 
the over the air channel, not the audition speakers. Rdairplay is set 
to port 0. I go back and double check and rdlibrary is still set to 
port 1.

I am obviously missing something, but am at a loss as to what.

You’ll need to restart rdairplay(1) for those changes to get picked up.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer             |
|                           |             Paravel Systems             |
|         A room without books is like a body without a soul.         |
|                                                                     |
|                                                         -- Cicero   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell Facebook closed?

2020-12-24 Thread wa7skg
That's the one I'm trying to join. Apparently the admin is no longer 
active to approve new members. Kind of worthless, like most everything 
else on Facebook.


Gavin Stephens wrote on 12/24/20 6:38 AM:

It's still active, I'm a member in the group.

This is the one I'm a member of:



On 24/12/2020 7:20 pm, wa7skg wrote:

Rivendell Open Source Automation Users

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell Facebook closed?

2020-12-23 Thread wa7skg

Requested membership in this closed Facebook group last week. Crickets.

Apparently it is no longer active.


wa7skg wrote on 12/18/20 4:27 PM:
Funny, this group never showed up in a search for Rivendell. Now I have 
the full name and found the right page. Membership in group applied for.


Andy Higginson wrote on 12/18/20 3:36 PM:


You may be looking at the wrong Facebook group.  The one to look at is 
"Rivendell Open Source Automation Users”.  The last post to this group 
was 3 days ago, with the last comment 5 hours ago.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Audioscience board outputs

2020-12-23 Thread wa7skg
I have an ASI6122 board in my machine. I go into rdadmin > Manage Hosts 
> (MyHost) > rdlibrary. For both Input and Output, I select Card 0, 
Port 1. I click OK, then close windows until I am out of rdadmin.

However, when I try to play a cut in rdlibrary, it still comes out on 
the over the air channel, not the audition speakers. Rdairplay is set to 
port 0. I go back and double check and rdlibrary is still set to port 1.

I am obviously missing something, but am at a loss as to what.

Thanks for any ideas.

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Filling Time with Music

2020-12-23 Thread wa7skg

Thanks guys for those references. They were very helpful.

I see where my error was. I was expecting one event to import all the 
music needed to fill the time slot. Now I see I need one event per song. 
It has been 5 or 6 years since I had fooled with this and my elder 
memory has flaws. I seem to remember just putting in one event and it 
pulled the necessary music to fill the desired time. Now I think that 
was something else that did that. A whole bunch of three minute events 
does the trick.


David Klann wrote on 12/23/20 4:52 AM:

On 12/23/20 6:04 AM, wrote:

On 2020-12-22 23:24, wa7skg wrote:

What is the best way to fill a block of time with music? We start
pretty much each hour with a teaching program for about 26 minutes.
I'd like to fill the rest of the hour with music. Is there a way to
create an event that just pulls songs sort of randomly to fill X
number of minutes? Or do I have to create a dozen or so events to each
pull one song?

You can certainly create an event that randomly picks carts from a
About scheduling and generating logs, this page
covers the entire process in a thorough and illustrated manner.
That's what kickstarted me when converting my station to rivendell 10
years ago.

. leo

There is also a more up-to-date tutorial on music scheduling on the
Rivendell wiki at
with links to the reference manual.

~David Klann

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Filling Time with Music

2020-12-22 Thread wa7skg
What is the best way to fill a block of time with music? We start pretty 
much each hour with a teaching program for about 26 minutes. I'd like to 
fill the rest of the hour with music. Is there a way to create an event 
that just pulls songs sort of randomly to fill X number of minutes? Or 
do I have to create a dozen or so events to each pull one song?

Michael WA7SKG

"Any day you do not learn one new thing is a wasted day."
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Bulk Add Audio Files

2020-12-21 Thread wa7skg

That's nice. Would you mind sharing the name of the program?


R. Choy wrote on 12/21/20 9:27 AM:
There is a program I've been using for years to convert, batch convert, 
run in a script, almost every music format to any other music format. I 
think it is still available. The paid version is cheap and has many 
features. I believe it will run on Linux Mint under Wine and other distros.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-20 Thread wa7skg
We all live within certain restrictions and limitations. I must work 
within the caveats of my position. The staff is being trained on the 
various functions of Rivendell. They are able to handle certain things 
in outside programs, such as downloading files via Filezilla, renaming 
them, and putting them in a folder to be ingested by the automation. The 
hope was to automate as much as possible. If program changes need to be 
made, the staff needs to be able to do that without my involvement. That 
will leave out any kind of scripts or cron jobs or pretty much anything 
else command line related. If rdcatch is not up to the task for these 
particular programs, then they will have to go to the old method of 
manual downloads. Fortunately, there are only a couple programs that 
fall into this category. They will only have to do this once per week 
with two programs, not a half dozen daily programs every day of the week.


Robert Jeffares wrote on 12/20/20 10:17 PM:

tut tut

On 18/12/20 12:50 pm, wa7skg wrote:
I need to keep this all within rdcatch, no scripts or exotic 
solutions. If it can't be done in rdcatch, then the staff will have to 
go back to manual daily downloads like they were doing prior to 

you write a shell script that downloads every week on the same day to a 
local folder

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-20 Thread wa7skg
Turns out there are two Rivendell Facebook pages. Only one shows up in a 
search. That one, Rivendell, radio broadcast automation solution, the 
last post was March 20, 2018.

The other one, Rivendell Open Source Automation Users, is a private 
group that cannot be seen unless someone gives you a link. It says there 
have been 24 posts this month, but I cannot see any of them. I requested 
to join the group, but have received no reply.


Robert Jeffares wrote on 12/20/20 9:26 PM:

On 19/12/20 11:04 am, wa7skg wrote:
There hasn't been a post to the Rivendell Facebook page in 2 1/2 years. 

not true.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - More Wildcards

2020-12-20 Thread wa7skg

The doc is more recent than my eyes. Apparently missed that.


Mike Carroll wrote on 12/20/20 12:50 PM:
Be sure you have the most recent doc?  Appendix D.1, Filepath 
Wildcards/Definition, under the "" description, shows $ to 
uppercase the first letter and ^ to uppercase the entire value.


On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 9:37 AM wa7skg <>> wrote:

Thanks, John. I couldn't find that in the documentation.

Works great.


John Boles wrote on 12/19/20 4:34 PM:
 > It would be %$b to give you Dec
 > John
 > On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 1:44 PM wa7skg>
 > < <>>> wrote:
 >     Another date wildcard issue. Looking at the wildcard list in the
 >     ROG, I find
 >     %b      Abbreviated Month Name (e.g. jan, feb)
 >     %h      Abbreviated Month Name (e.g. jan, feb)
 >     However, nothing for
 >     Abbreviated Month Name (e.g. Jan, Feb)
 >     Of course, being non-Windows servers, the URLs are case
sensitive. I
 >     need a program that has filenames of
 >     abc_Dec1520.mp3
 >     I use
 >     abc_%b%d%y.mp3
 >     The download resolves to
 >     abc_dec1920.mp3
 >     and gives me a file not found error.
 >     Although I have not yet needed it, this will also be an issue
 >     weekdays, that %a gives mon, tue, etc. and %A gives monday,
 >     etc.
 >     No wildcard seems to give these capitalized.
 >     Thanks for any ideas.
 >     Michael

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - More Wildcards

2020-12-19 Thread wa7skg

Thanks, John. I couldn't find that in the documentation.

Works great.


John Boles wrote on 12/19/20 4:34 PM:

It would be %$b to give you Dec


On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 1:44 PM wa7skg <>> wrote:

Another date wildcard issue. Looking at the wildcard list in the
ROG, I find
%b      Abbreviated Month Name (e.g. jan, feb)
%h      Abbreviated Month Name (e.g. jan, feb)

However, nothing for
Abbreviated Month Name (e.g. Jan, Feb)

Of course, being non-Windows servers, the URLs are case sensitive. I
need a program that has filenames of


I use

The download resolves to

and gives me a file not found error.

Although I have not yet needed it, this will also be an issue with
weekdays, that %a gives mon, tue, etc. and %A gives monday, tuesday,

No wildcard seems to give these capitalized.

Thanks for any ideas.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDCatch Questions - More Wildcards

2020-12-19 Thread wa7skg

Another date wildcard issue. Looking at the wildcard list in the ROG, I find
%b  Abbreviated Month Name (e.g. jan, feb)
%h  Abbreviated Month Name (e.g. jan, feb)

However, nothing for
Abbreviated Month Name (e.g. Jan, Feb)

Of course, being non-Windows servers, the URLs are case sensitive. I 
need a program that has filenames of


I use

The download resolves to

and gives me a file not found error.

Although I have not yet needed it, this will also be an issue with 
weekdays, that %a gives mon, tue, etc. and %A gives monday, tuesday, etc.

No wildcard seems to give these capitalized.

Thanks for any ideas.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-18 Thread wa7skg
Funny, this group never showed up in a search for Rivendell. Now I have 
the full name and found the right page. Membership in group applied for.


Andy Higginson wrote on 12/18/20 3:36 PM:


You may be looking at the wrong Facebook group.  The one to look at is 
"Rivendell Open Source Automation Users”.  The last post to this group was 3 
days ago, with the last comment 5 hours ago.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-18 Thread wa7skg
There hasn't been a post to the Rivendell Facebook page in 2 1/2 years. 
Not a lot of help there. Facebook is a horrible place for user support.


Mike Carroll wrote on 12/18/20 12:50 PM:

If you have a Facebook presence you might also check the Rivendell group 
there; it's geared more towards Rivendell users than this mailing list 
(which is geared more to the development of Rivendell).


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-18 Thread wa7skg
After rereading this about nine times, the light finally came on. 
Looking at the wildcard specs again, I see the  variable, 
and understand what you mean.

First, my offset list:

Monday - 0
Tuesday - 86400
Wednesday - 172800
Thursday - 259200
Friday - 345600

That would make my strings:

By setting the Event Offset for 3 days and running all of these on 
Friday, that should give me all the programs for the next week.

I'll try these as macros as suggested below to see if they actually work.

That takes care of the date issues. Now I need to figure out how to deal 
with the changing episode names. Apparently, the traditional wildcards 
of * and ? do not work in rdcatch. In testing, I find that in ftp, the 
wildcards do not work with the get command, but they do work with mget. 
Is there possibly any way to get rdcatch to use the mget command when 
fetching files?


John Boles wrote on 12/17/20 5:29 PM:
Not knowing if you download everything on the same day or if everything 
is downloaded the day of

This is if you Download on a Friday (tomorrow 2020-12-18) for the next week 

So the 25900 equates to 3 days in seconds
1 day is 86400 seconds

If you download the day of:  Today of this week for this Weeks Monday in 
this example 

If you want to test what your metadata values will turn out to.
Use the Host Variables in RDAdmin->Manage Hosts->Host Variables.
Create your Host Variable:
Var Name: %DownloadDate%
Var Value:  %Y-%m%-259200d
Remark: Variable Tests

Then create a macros to display the value in RDAirplay.
LB Folder Date: %DownloadData%!
SP 5000!
LB !

Save and run the macro from the library and you should see the values 
equate in RDAirplay Message Box

Hope this makes sense

On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 5:04 PM wa7skg <>> wrote:

To reiterate - "I need to keep this all within rdcatch, no scripts or
exotic solutions. If it can't be done in rdcatch, then the staff will
have to go back to manual daily downloads like they were doing prior to

I am only providing part time assistance to this station. The staff is
doing well with Rivendell. However, anything else is out of their
They want to be able to make their own changes with programming and
retrieval. That mandates staying within whatever Rivendell does. They
have training and documentation to use Rivendell and I can walk them
through pretty much anything over the phone. External cron jobs,
scripts, and other convoluted gymnastics goes against my support plan.
They were in the pickle they were in previously with an engineer who
many things with "creative solutions" that were undocumented and
the normal operations of things over the last many years, then
evaporated leaving them hanging.

Whatever I set up needs to be within the documented system, so if I get
hit by a truck next week, they are not again left hanging.


chris cottingham wrote on 12/17/20 3:52 PM:
 > Maybe you can do an intermediary download with a program that can
deal with the file structure to a folder on your RD server? Then Set
RD To import from your folder?
 > Just thinking off the top of my head.
 > Sent from my iPhone
 >> On Dec 17, 2020, at 3:50 PM, wa7skg>> wrote:
 >> No RSS feed. I tried
 >> but both %d wildcards pull the same day each time. The first one
needs to keep Monday's date while the second one does Monday through
 >> I need to keep this all within rdcatch, no scripts or exotic
solutions. If it can't be done in rdcatch, then the staff will have

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-18 Thread wa7skg
Well, the date issue notwithstanding. how do you deal with random 
portions of the filename? In the below example, while "program" is 
always the same, the "episode-name" is unique to each file, like 
"C4701_Paul_trip_1", "C7604_Acts_Chapter_3", "C7605_Acts_Chapter_4", 
etc. How can you automate that?

I thought using a "*" or "?" in the filename would take care of that, 
but it apparently is not allowed.


David Klann wrote on 12/17/20 2:32 PM:

Hi Michael

On 12/17/20 1:02 PM, you wrote:

Yes, there are more.

One program I need to download has a troublesome file structure.

There is a folder for the program, then a folder for each week beginning
on Monday. The weekly folder holds the files for that week. For example:

This looks to me like:

This only works if "program_episode-name" does not change from episode
to episode. At this time, Rivendell does not support arbitrary
differences in download filenames. Does this program have an RSS feed?
If so, I might be able to help with a script I wrote specifically for
downloading and ingesting audio from an RSS feed.

~David Klann


I can't figure out how to set up a wildcard to deal with the weekly
folder with Monday's date.

This is a popular program that quite a few stations carry, so I'm sure
there must be a way to automate it.

Thanks for any ideas.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-17 Thread wa7skg
To reiterate - "I need to keep this all within rdcatch, no scripts or 
exotic solutions. If it can't be done in rdcatch, then the staff will 
have to go back to manual daily downloads like they were doing prior to 

I am only providing part time assistance to this station. The staff is 
doing well with Rivendell. However, anything else is out of their realm. 
They want to be able to make their own changes with programming and 
retrieval. That mandates staying within whatever Rivendell does. They 
have training and documentation to use Rivendell and I can walk them 
through pretty much anything over the phone. External cron jobs, 
scripts, and other convoluted gymnastics goes against my support plan. 
They were in the pickle they were in previously with an engineer who did 
many things with "creative solutions" that were undocumented and outside 
the normal operations of things over the last many years, then 
evaporated leaving them hanging.

Whatever I set up needs to be within the documented system, so if I get 
hit by a truck next week, they are not again left hanging.


chris cottingham wrote on 12/17/20 3:52 PM:

Maybe you can do an intermediary download with a program that can deal with the 
file structure to a folder on your RD server? Then Set RD To import from your 

Just thinking off the top of my head.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 17, 2020, at 3:50 PM, wa7skg  wrote:

No RSS feed. I tried*.mp3

but both %d wildcards pull the same day each time. The first one needs to keep 
Monday's date while the second one does Monday through Friday.

I need to keep this all within rdcatch, no scripts or exotic solutions. If it 
can't be done in rdcatch, then the staff will have to go back to manual daily 
downloads like they were doing prior to Rivendell.


David Klann wrote on 12/17/20 2:32 PM:

Hi Michael

On 12/17/20 1:02 PM, you wrote:

Yes, there are more.

One program I need to download has a troublesome file structure.

There is a folder for the program, then a folder for each week beginning
on Monday. The weekly folder holds the files for that week. For example:

This looks to me like:
This only works if "program_episode-name" does not change from episode
to episode. At this time, Rivendell does not support arbitrary
differences in download filenames. Does this program have an RSS feed?
If so, I might be able to help with a script I wrote specifically for
downloading and ingesting audio from an RSS feed.
~David Klann


I can't figure out how to set up a wildcard to deal with the weekly
folder with Monday's date.

This is a popular program that quite a few stations carry, so I'm sure
there must be a way to automate it.

Thanks for any ideas.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-17 Thread wa7skg

No RSS feed. I tried*.mp3

but both %d wildcards pull the same day each time. The first one needs 
to keep Monday's date while the second one does Monday through Friday.

I need to keep this all within rdcatch, no scripts or exotic solutions. 
If it can't be done in rdcatch, then the staff will have to go back to 
manual daily downloads like they were doing prior to Rivendell.


David Klann wrote on 12/17/20 2:32 PM:

Hi Michael

On 12/17/20 1:02 PM, you wrote:

Yes, there are more.

One program I need to download has a troublesome file structure.

There is a folder for the program, then a folder for each week beginning
on Monday. The weekly folder holds the files for that week. For example:

This looks to me like:

This only works if "program_episode-name" does not change from episode
to episode. At this time, Rivendell does not support arbitrary
differences in download filenames. Does this program have an RSS feed?
If so, I might be able to help with a script I wrote specifically for
downloading and ingesting audio from an RSS feed.

~David Klann


I can't figure out how to set up a wildcard to deal with the weekly
folder with Monday's date.

This is a popular program that quite a few stations carry, so I'm sure
there must be a way to automate it.

Thanks for any ideas.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-17 Thread wa7skg
Yes, that is exactly the problem. The week folder has  Monday's date. 
The provider has over a hundred stations taking their program and nobody 
else seems to have a problem, so they don't want to change just for one 

If it didn't use the date twice in the overall path, I could do it with 
offsets, but that doesn't work either.

I'd like to keep this all inside rdcatch and not get into exotic cron 
jobs or scripts.


Mark Murdock wrote on 12/17/20 2:36 PM:

It looks like you would need to change the number for the weekly folder every 
time you wanted files for a new week.

This is close, but won't work:

because the first "%d" would change to the current date every day and thus mess 
up the file folder name. In the past when I had an issue like this with a provider that 
created a new folder for each month, I discussed the issue with them, and they decided to 
put their files into the same folder each month. Sometimes if you negotiate with these 
people they will modify their practices.

Mark Murdock
90 E. 16th St.
Merced, CA 95340
(209) 723-1015

-Original Message-
 On Behalf Of wa7skg
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2020 11:03 AM
Subject: [RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

Yes, there are more.

One program I need to download has a troublesome file structure.

There is a folder for the program, then a folder for each week beginning on 
Monday. The weekly folder holds the files for that week. For example:


I can't figure out how to set up a wildcard to deal with the weekly folder with 
Monday's date.

This is a popular program that quite a few stations carry, so I'm sure there 
must be a way to automate it.

Thanks for any ideas.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Bulk Add Audio Files

2020-12-17 Thread wa7skg
Well, rdimport worked fine for me for a bunch of mp3 files. However, I 
have another 450+ .ogg files. Unfortunately, the filenames are all 
numbers, like 10005-03, 10005-18, 10015-08, 10015-10, etc. I can open 
these in MediaPlayer, Audacity, etc. and see the metadata with name and 
artist, etc. but the metadata does not import into Rivendell like it did 
with the mp3 files.

I am using the following command:

rdimport --verbose --segue-level=-10 MUSIC *.ogg 2>> errorlog.txt

That command worked fine with the mp3 files, inputting the title, 
artist, and other info. With the ogg files, it puts "Imported from 
10005-03.ogg" as the cart title and no other info.

I've never messed with ogg files before. I must be missing something.

Thanks for any help.


wa7skg wrote on 12/16/20 4:16 PM:

Aha, forgot about command line tools.


David Klann wrote on 12/16/20 3:09 PM:


rdimport(1) is your friend.

    man rdimport

to get started.


On 12/16/20 5:07 PM, wa7skg wrote:

In my feeble memory, I seem to recall there was a way to bulk add audio
files. I have a couple hundred songs to import into Rivendell and adding
one at a time will take forever. Any way to speed it up?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Wiki Access

2020-12-17 Thread wa7skg



Rich Gattie wrote on 12/17/20 11:37 AM:

    I tried to request an account for the wiki and received an error 

Error sending mail:

Failed to connect to 
 [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: 
Permission denied (code: -1, response: )]

Figured I should bring this to someone's attention...


-=:{ Rich Gattie, KB2MOB }:=-

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDCatch Questions - Weird Wildcards

2020-12-17 Thread wa7skg

Yes, there are more.

One program I need to download has a troublesome file structure.

There is a folder for the program, then a folder for each week beginning 
on Monday. The weekly folder holds the files for that week. For example:


I can't figure out how to set up a wildcard to deal with the weekly 
folder with Monday's date.

This is a popular program that quite a few stations carry, so I'm sure 
there must be a way to automate it.

Thanks for any ideas.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

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