[sage-devel] memory leak or some other weirdness

2010-09-19 Thread David Harvey
Consider the following script, which saves a p-adic matrix and then
repeatedly loads it into a list:

from time import time

K = Qp(13, 10)
M = Matrix(K, [[K.random_element() for j in range(200)] for k in range(200)])

L = []
for i in range(40):
last = time()
now = time()
print took %.2f seconds % (now - last)
last = now


Here is typical output for sage 4.5.3, AMD linux:


took 0.21 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.39 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.44 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.48 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.51 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.56 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.60 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.64 seconds
took 0.20 seconds
took 0.69 seconds
took 0.20 seconds
took 0.73 seconds
took 0.20 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.77 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.81 seconds
took 0.20 seconds
took 0.86 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 0.89 seconds
took 0.20 seconds
took 0.94 seconds
took 0.20 seconds
took 0.98 seconds
took 0.20 seconds
took 0.21 seconds
took 1.02 seconds
took 0.20 seconds
took 1.07 seconds


About half of them are 0.2 seconds, but the rest keep getting longer and
longer, apparently the increase is linear in the number of iterations.
This smells like some kind of weird leak, but I'm not sure. Any thoughts?


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[sage-devel] Sage is embarrassingly slow

2010-09-09 Thread David Harvey

Dear sage-devel,

Sage is very slow. I discovered this (again) while trying to write a  
prototype of an algorithm for computing zeta functions of projective  
varieties. I need to multiply lots of polynomials and matrices over  
finite rings, and frequently move coefficients between polynomials  
and matrices. The arithmetic is actually not too bad; it's the boring  
data movement stuff that really sucks. I made a bunch of tickets:


Maybe I can be the first to #1 if I keep going!


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[sage-devel] overhead in creating p-adic elements

2010-08-13 Thread David Harvey


sage: K = Qp(13, 5)
sage: 13^5

sage: y = K(10)
sage: z = K(20)
sage: timeit(x = y * z)
625 loops, best of 3: 961 ns per loop   # varies a bit but this is  

sage: timeit(x = y + z)
625 loops, best of 3: 942 ns per loop   # ditto

That's the cost of arithmetic. Pretty slow in my opinion, but anyway.  
Here is the real problem:

sage: timeit(x = K(4))
625 loops, best of 3: 22.6 µs per loop
sage: y = int(4)
sage: timeit(x = K(y))
625 loops, best of 3: 23.2 µs per loop
sage: from sage.rings.padics.padic_capped_relative_element import  

sage: timeit(x = pAdicCappedRelativeElement(K, 4))
625 loops, best of 3: 17.6 µs per loop

So there seems to be serious overhead in several places. Note that  
the cost cannot be in determining the valuation, since the simple x  
= y + z would have to do that too.

I ran into this while trying to multiply a p-adic by an integer:

sage: y = K(10)
sage: z = 20
sage: timeit(x = y * z)
625 loops, best of 3: 23.9 µs per loop

Is there an easy way to fix this?


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[sage-devel] silly license question

2009-10-01 Thread David Harvey

I am confused. I want to release bernmm 1.1 under the (modified) BSD  
license. It depends on NTL, which is GPL-licensed. Can I do this? Or  
am I forced to release bernmm under GPL?


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[sage-devel] Re: round(), floor() and ceil() on interval objects

2009-09-17 Thread David Harvey

I disagree with this change. One of the main purposes of interval
arithmetic is to be able to take a function f(x) that operates on
floats, and pass in intervals instead, to determine the possible range
of outputs a given input interval could produce. This change violates
that paradigm. The author of f(x) shouldn't need to care whether they
are operating on floats or intervals.


On Sep 17, 3:53 am, Jason Grout jason-s...@creativetrax.com wrote:
 Currently, round(), floor(), and ceil() on interval objects return

 There is a patch up at #2899 that changes these functions to return
 integers (round- round the midpoint, floor - largest integer below
 the bottom of the interval, etc.).  I think the reasoning is that
 round(), floor, ceil, etc. should always return integers.

 What do people think?  Should we close the ticket, or should we merge
 the patch (after possible rebasing).

 To illustrate:


 sage: R = RealIntervalField(100)
 sage: a = R(9.5, 11.3); a.str(style='brackets')
 '[9.500 .. 11.300710542735760101]'
 sage: floor(a).str(style='brackets')
 '[9.000 .. 11.00]'


 sage: floor(a)



 Jason Grout
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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 4.0.2.rc0 released

2009-06-15 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 15, 9:57 am, William Stein wst...@gmail.com wrote:

 line 212:
     sage: w = bernoulli(10, num_threads=16)     # 1.87 seconds
 Exception raised:
     Traceback (most recent call last):


This is now http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/6304.


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[sage-devel] Re: coercion issue?

2009-05-30 Thread David Harvey

This is now http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/6168.


On May 30, 12:03 pm, Bill Hart goodwillh...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Regarding compilation with debug, zn_poly is passed the flag -DNEBUG
 for a couple of files, instead of -DNDEBUG. This is a sloppy typo on
 my part. Originally I think I took the output from the zn_poly
 configure script, but in the latest version there were some new files,
 and I guess I added the targets by hand to the FLINT makefile.

 At any rate, that is not the cause of our problems, and I will fix it
 in the next version of FLINT.

 As for something not being reduced before being passed to zn_poly, it
 is likely that someone assumed FLINT reduces coefficients mod p before
 doing anything with them, which it does not. I met at least one such
 person. It would be a performance issue to do this at any level.
 Instead, FLINT assumes all polynomials it is passed have reduced
 coefficients and it guarantees too return polynomials which respect
 this, except for I think one function (zmod_poly_add_nored I think)
 which would be specifically documented as not doing so.

 Sorry none of this actually helps find the bug. It is still possible
 of course that zn_poly is actually being passed garbage by FLINT, and
 that garbage just happens to not be reduced.

 At some point in Martin's wrapper of zmod_poly in Sage, there was an
 option you could switch on to compare the output from FLINT with that
 of Pari. Thus helped us track down the specific polynomial computation
 which caused the issue last time.


 On 30 May, 06:11, David Harvey dmhar...@cims.nyu.edu wrote:

  On May 29, 10:54 pm, David Harvey dmhar...@cims.nyu.edu wrote:

   Hmmm let me try again. Would appreciate help from people familiar with
   FLINT wrapper and/or coercion system.

   sage: R.x = PolynomialRing(Integers(121))
   sage: S.y = PolynomialRing(Integers(11))
   sage: S(50*x)
   sage: R(S(50*x))
   50*x     # !!

   I think what's actually happening is that the underlying FLINT
   zmod_poly object is not getting coefficients reduced into [0, 10].
   This causes other problems indirectly (e.g. #5817). I can't quite
   trace why this is happening. Any ideas?

  There is a also a performance issue. The following is in sage 3.4.2:

  sage: R.x = PolynomialRing(Integers(11^6))
  sage: S.y = PolynomialRing(Integers(11^3))
  sage: f = R([ZZ.random_element(11^6) for _ in range(100)])
  sage: time g = f * f
  CPU times: user 0.96 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.97 s
  Wall time: 0.96 s
  sage: f = S(f)
  sage: time g = f * f
  CPU times: user 0.93 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.93 s
  Wall time: 0.93 s
  sage: f = S([ZZ.random_element(11^3) for _ in range(100)])
  sage: time g = f * f
  CPU times: user 0.55 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.55 s
  Wall time: 0.55 s

  What appears to be happening is that FLINT is using kronecker
  substitution for the multiplication (packing polynomials into an
  integer and then multiplying the integers), but in the second
  multiplication above it is *not* reducing mod 11^3 before doing this.

  Even better evidence is the following: if I install flint 1.2.5 (as
  per trac #5817) I get:

  sage: R.x = PolynomialRing(Integers(11^6))
  sage: S.y = PolynomialRing(Integers(11^3))
  sage: f = R([ZZ.random_element(11^6) for _ in range(100)])
  sage: f = S(f)
  sage: time g = f * f
  sage.bin: zn_poly/src/zn_poly.h:185: zn_mod_add_slim: Assertion `x 
  mod-m  y  mod-m' failed.
  /home/dmharvey/5817/sage-3.4.2-new/local/bin/sage-sage: line 198:
  16421 Aborted                 (core dumped) sage-ipython $@ -i

  This means two things: (1) zn_poly is getting compiled with debug
  assertions, which it shouldn't, since this is a major performance
  loss, and (2) some zn_poly routine is getting called on a polynomial
  with non-normalised coefficients.

  But I still don't know exactly where the non-normalisation is

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[sage-devel] Re: coercion issue?

2009-05-29 Thread David Harvey

I'm an idiot, it's a not a bug. I misunderstood the definition of
change_ring. Sorry for the noise.


On May 29, 7:46 pm, dmharvey dmhar...@cims.nyu.edu wrote:
 Is this a bug?

 sage: version()
 'Sage Version 3.4.2, Release Date: 2009-05-05'
 sage: S.t = PolynomialRing(Integers(14641))
 sage: f = 1 + 9581*t
 sage: R = PolynomialRing(Integers(1331), t)
 sage: ff = f.change_ring(R)
 sage: ff
 264*t + 1
 sage: type(f)
 sage: type(ff)
 sage: ff[0]
 264*t + 1
 sage: f[0]
 sage: type(ff[0])

 (This came up in relation to trac #5817)
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[sage-devel] Re: coercion issue?

2009-05-29 Thread David Harvey

Hmmm let me try again. Would appreciate help from people familiar with
FLINT wrapper and/or coercion system.

sage: R.x = PolynomialRing(Integers(121))
sage: S.y = PolynomialRing(Integers(11))
sage: S(50*x)
sage: R(S(50*x))
50*x # !!

I think what's actually happening is that the underlying FLINT
zmod_poly object is not getting coefficients reduced into [0, 10].
This causes other problems indirectly (e.g. #5817). I can't quite
trace why this is happening. Any ideas?


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[sage-devel] Re: coercion issue?

2009-05-29 Thread David Harvey

On May 29, 10:54 pm, David Harvey dmhar...@cims.nyu.edu wrote:

 Hmmm let me try again. Would appreciate help from people familiar with
 FLINT wrapper and/or coercion system.

 sage: R.x = PolynomialRing(Integers(121))
 sage: S.y = PolynomialRing(Integers(11))
 sage: S(50*x)
 sage: R(S(50*x))
 50*x     # !!

 I think what's actually happening is that the underlying FLINT
 zmod_poly object is not getting coefficients reduced into [0, 10].
 This causes other problems indirectly (e.g. #5817). I can't quite
 trace why this is happening. Any ideas?

There is a also a performance issue. The following is in sage 3.4.2:

sage: R.x = PolynomialRing(Integers(11^6))
sage: S.y = PolynomialRing(Integers(11^3))
sage: f = R([ZZ.random_element(11^6) for _ in range(100)])
sage: time g = f * f
CPU times: user 0.96 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.97 s
Wall time: 0.96 s
sage: f = S(f)
sage: time g = f * f
CPU times: user 0.93 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.93 s
Wall time: 0.93 s
sage: f = S([ZZ.random_element(11^3) for _ in range(100)])
sage: time g = f * f
CPU times: user 0.55 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.55 s
Wall time: 0.55 s

What appears to be happening is that FLINT is using kronecker
substitution for the multiplication (packing polynomials into an
integer and then multiplying the integers), but in the second
multiplication above it is *not* reducing mod 11^3 before doing this.

Even better evidence is the following: if I install flint 1.2.5 (as
per trac #5817) I get:

sage: R.x = PolynomialRing(Integers(11^6))
sage: S.y = PolynomialRing(Integers(11^3))
sage: f = R([ZZ.random_element(11^6) for _ in range(100)])
sage: f = S(f)
sage: time g = f * f
sage.bin: zn_poly/src/zn_poly.h:185: zn_mod_add_slim: Assertion `x 
mod-m  y  mod-m' failed.
/home/dmharvey/5817/sage-3.4.2-new/local/bin/sage-sage: line 198:
16421 Aborted (core dumped) sage-ipython $@ -i

This means two things: (1) zn_poly is getting compiled with debug
assertions, which it shouldn't, since this is a major performance
loss, and (2) some zn_poly routine is getting called on a polynomial
with non-normalised coefficients.

But I still don't know exactly where the non-normalisation is


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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.4 Installation error (due to gmp-mpir-0.9's installation ) on Playstation 3 (with Ubuntu 8.10 Linux)

2009-05-19 Thread David Harvey

On May 19, 11:17 pm, David Harvey dmhar...@cims.nyu.edu wrote:
 On May 19, 1:58 pm, Ralf-Philipp Weinmann crypto@gmail.com

  zn_poly/pack.c:86:2: error: #error Not nails-safe yet
  zn_poly/pack.c:168:2: error: #error Not nails-safe yet
  zn_poly/pack.c:252:2: error: #error Not nails-safe yet
  zn_poly/pack.c:351:2: error: #error Not nails-safe yet
  zn_poly/pack.c:433:2: error: #error Not nails-safe yet

  Is there any easy fix to this? Apparently it's compiling in 32-bit
  mode. If you want full logs, I can put them up.

 This message indicates that zn_poly thinks either that GMP is compiled
 with nails support (which I doubt), or that unsigned long is a
 different width from mp_limb_t. I can think of several possible
 causes (1) Sage is actually compiling with unsigned long !=
 mp_limb_t, or (2) GMP/MPIR is not defining things like GMP_NUMB_BITS
 correctly, etc. In case (1), there is no easy fix (the next version of
 zn_poly will be able to handle mp_limb_t != unsigned long, but won't
 be ready for release for a few months yet). In case (2), hopefully the
 MPIR guys can help debug.

Sorry, in case (1), I should have said, there is no easy fix from
within zn_poly itself. If Sage is not supposed to be compiling with
unsigned long != mp_limb_t, then if you can figure out how to make it
use unsigned long == mp_limb_t, everything should work fine.


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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 3.4 Installation error (due to gmp-mpir-0.9's installation ) on Playstation 3 (with Ubuntu 8.10 Linux)

2009-05-19 Thread David Harvey

On May 19, 11:41 pm, mabshoff mabsh...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Well, in this case it is completely ironic that the zn_poly 0.9 code
 in FLINT is compiled, but not used since it causes a doctest failure
 in the Monsky code. When using only FLINT it passes the doctest. The
 failure is a different one compared to when FLINT shipped with zn_poly
 0.8, but there are two possibilities:

  (a) the glue code from FLINT to zn_poly or some other change Bill
 might have made to zn_poly inside FLINT causes the bug

  (b) zn_poly 0.9 has an undetected bug.

Ok, I wasn't aware of this, let me know when/if you have more details.


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[sage-devel] Re: Clarification of Sage and GPL

2009-05-06 Thread David Harvey

On May 6, 10:41 am, kcrisman kcris...@gmail.com wrote:

 So is there any final consensus on this?  Is the following Sage
 program automatically GPL?



 Or only in the following form?



 Please no flames!  I only wanted to know if there was a consensus, I
 got sort of confused by 50 messages on this in my RSS reader at once.

 If there isn't a consensus (and it seems there is not) then please
 don't reply, and I will go along with Rob B. and publish whatever Sage
 worksheets I want to under whatever license I deem appropriate, if

Totally awesome thread guys.

What about this one?

def is_prime(n):
  return not any([1 * n / d == n // d for d in range(2, n)])

Works in sage, but not in python. Is it GPL?


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[sage-devel] Re: Sage 4.0 release plan

2009-04-24 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 24, 2:26 pm, Tim Abbott tabb...@mit.edu wrote:

 As I understand it, David Harvey isn't physically at NYU yet and nobody
 had mentioned the patch to Victor prior to my sending it to Victor.

Actually, I've been physically at NYU since last July, i.e. almost a
year. But Victor has been away on sabbatical, I haven't even met him
face-to-face yet.


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[sage-devel] Re: GMP 4.3.0

2009-04-22 Thread David Harvey

Oh look, I've been involved in Sage since mid-2006. This is the first
major strategic decision with which I've disagreed so strongly, and
the first time I've felt truly unwelcome on this list. It's quite

I sincerely believe the costs of the fork to the community outweigh
the benefits.

Probably no-one will believe me, but this whole kerfuffle started as a
result of me trying some shuttle diplomacy to get the two projects
talking. The personal animosities involved are quite astonishing.

Hopefully my planned career as a mathematician will be more successful
than my career as a diplomat.

Anyway, forget it. Good luck with MPIR guys.


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[sage-devel] Re: GMP 4.3.0

2009-04-21 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 21, 3:08 pm, Robert Bradshaw rober...@math.washington.edu

 I wish all forks could be as amicable as the Pyrex/Cython one, but  
 understandably that is rarely the case. I support the reasons behind  
 MPIR, but I think it's a very good thing to provide a GMP spkg for  
 Sage--it gives users the choice.

But Robert, that choice is illusory. Already it's impossible to
install the gmp-4.3 spkg without breaking all those doctests. Over
time, it's inevitable that the APIs of the two packages will diverge,
unless the projects can come to some kind of agreement. I can't see
how this can be a good thing.


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[sage-devel] Re: GMP 4.3.0

2009-04-21 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 21, 2:31 pm, Bill Hart goodwillh...@googlemail.com wrote:

 In some cases it would be less work to just contribute features
 directly to MPIR to bring the current code up to par.

I think you are underestimating how much work it is to design, write
and debug these things.

And whatever happened to not reinventing the wheel? I suppose that's
a Sage motto but not an MPIR one?


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[sage-devel] Re: GMP 4.3.0

2009-04-21 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 21, 8:06 pm, Robert Bradshaw rober...@math.washington.edu

 The only doctests that break are the xgcd ones, right? This has been  
 an issue before, and so I think perhaps the doctests should be improved.

Also some doctests related to modular symbols. I don't know enough
about this area to tell whether it's xgcd related or whether it's
really a new bug in GMP.

  Over time, it's inevitable that the APIs of the two packages will  
  unless the projects can come to some kind of agreement. I can't see
  how this can be a good thing.

 You're right, I don't see this as a good long-term solution. I really  
 hope the two projects can come to some kind of agreement--the current  
 situation is in many ways a waste of time and recourses. Of course  
 this may be wishful thinking given the clashing of goals, licensing  
 issues, and personalities.  However, the (upper level) gmp api is  
 pretty stable as far as api's go, so I think it's good to have this  
 option in the short term while the dust settles until a better  
 relationship between the projects can be reached.

I am talking about the mpn-level interface, which is relevant for a
lot of the things I work on.


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[sage-devel] Re: p-adic precision loss in charpoly

2009-03-19 Thread David Harvey

Hi guys,

Thanks for looking into this. I ended up working around the problem by
lifting to Z and doing the charpoly there (I know in advance the
output precision, and the complexity is not that important for my
application, so it's no big deal). I've put up a patch for review
here: http://sagetrac.org/sage_trac/ticket/793  (wink wink nudge


On Mar 19, 10:00 am, David Kohel drko...@gmail.com wrote:

 The algorithm used doesn't need to be specific to the p-adics,
 but shouldn't apply an algorithm for fields or integral domains.

 Rather than the matrix code, it looks like this is the source of
 the problem:

 sage: M.parent().base_ring()
 101-adic Ring with capped relative precision 2
 sage: R.is_integral_domain()

 With such a result, the wrong linear algebra is applied.

 One could possibly identify which algorithms to apply for real
 complex fields, p-adics, and power series rings from this:

 sage: R.is_exact()

 Inexact rings are only approximations to mathematical
 objects.  However, in this case the intended ring is the
 quotient ring Z/p^nZ (= Z_p/p^n Z_p), which is 'exact'
 (i.e. a well-defined ring) but is not an integral domain.

 I would hope that the matrix code would then pick up a
 valid algorithm to apply, even if not the most efficient.

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[sage-devel] Re: hyperelliptic curve constructor question

2009-03-16 Thread David Harvey

Awesome! Looks like your patch is a little more comprehensive than
what I was planning, I might pick and choose a bit :-)


On Mar 15, 11:09 pm, Nick Alexander ncalexan...@gmail.com wrote:
 My wrapper that I never got around to submitting...



 On 15-Mar-09, at 7:59 PM, Alex Ghitza wrote:

  Hi David,

  On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 1:12 PM, David Harvey  
  dmhar...@cims.nyu.edu wrote:

  Ah. The reason I asked is that various people have requested that I
  write a better wrapper for my hypellfrob library in Sage, and I was
  about to try doing that. I thought it should be some kind of method
  frobenius_charpoly or something attached to a hyperelliptic curve
  object, and I was trying to find out what already existed. The
  count_points and zeta_series interfaces don't seem quite right for
  this. But if you guys are working heavily on that code now, perhaps
  you can tell me where the code should go, and I can put up a patch,
  which you might need to merge if things change too much in the

  I'm very happy you're wrapping hypellfrob in Sage.  I agree with  
  Justin's suggestion that you should just attach it to the existing  
  hyperelliptic code in whatever way is most convenient to you.  If in  
  the course of refactoring that code we need to make some changes to  
  what you did, we'll deal with that there and then.

  And please open tickets if you run into stupid stuff along the way.  
  We'll try to get issues fixes as we go along.



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[sage-devel] Re: hyperelliptic curve constructor question

2009-03-15 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 15, 10:00 pm, Justin Walker jus...@mac.com wrote:

 The short answer is: we're working on it (as a part of an SD14  
 project).  The whole schemes directory is being scrubbed (and of  
 course, it takes time to figure out what is intended, before cleaning  
 it up).

 Trac items will appear in due course, but if you find something, feel  
 free to create a Trac report for it.  Add any information you feel is  
 useful (including patches :-}).

 There isn't much of a long answer right now -}


Ah. The reason I asked is that various people have requested that I
write a better wrapper for my hypellfrob library in Sage, and I was
about to try doing that. I thought it should be some kind of method
frobenius_charpoly or something attached to a hyperelliptic curve
object, and I was trying to find out what already existed. The
count_points and zeta_series interfaces don't seem quite right for
this. But if you guys are working heavily on that code now, perhaps
you can tell me where the code should go, and I can put up a patch,
which you might need to merge if things change too much in the

(This is also related to my unanswered question on sage-devel a few
days ago about characteristic polynomials of p-adic matrices, but I
know how to work around that bug.)


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[sage-devel] Re: sage 3.3 fails to build (preserving permissions problem)

2009-03-08 Thread David Harvey


I had the same problem a month or two ago with sage 3.1.2 (?) but
didn't report it.

I had the same problem just now with sage 3.3. I tried fixing the NTL
build by removing the -p options but then the build failed for
whatever came next (eclib I believe).

Then I found this thread and realised it was probably a filesystem
issue. I tried doing the sage build on my local drive (/scratch)
instead of the NFS drive and now it seems to be working smoothly.


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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [MPFR] new license for GNU MPFR

2009-03-06 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 5, 10:28 pm, Bill Hart goodwillh...@googlemail.com wrote:

 Let's clear up another misconception here. GPL v3+ software is NOT
 banned from Sage. This is explicitly stated online.

Where does it say this? The comments on this thread suggest that Sage
will not upgrade to the next release of MPFR solely because of the
license change, which suggests that a de facto ban on GPL3 code is in

 It just doesn't get included in the GPL v2+ version of Sage,

What do you mean, GPL v2+ version of Sage? Where can I download this
version? As far as I know, there is only one Sage download available,
and it does not include any GPL3 code.


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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [MPFR] new license for GNU MPFR

2009-03-06 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 6, 7:27 am, Robert Bradshaw rober...@math.washington.edu

 I would guess that sooner or  
 later we will accept GPL3 packages into Sage, while still maintaining  
 the GPL2-only version for a while (which will become more and more  
 obsolete as GPL3 upstream packages evolve). Time will tell.

I hope this is true. My worry is that Sage does not have the developer
resources or willpower to maintain two separate versions. I think it
will get harder and harder, especially with all the forking activity
going on.


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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [MPFR] new license for GNU MPFR

2009-03-06 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 6, 9:49 am, William Stein wst...@gmail.com wrote:

   As far as I know, there is only one Sage download available,
  and it does not include any GPL3 code.

 It does.

Ah. So am I correct in deducing that MSR employees are unable to use
Sage 3.3?


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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [MPFR] new license for GNU MPFR

2009-03-06 Thread David Harvey

Hmmm okay, it looks like I have been guilty of contributing to some of
the misinformation on this thread. My apologies for this.


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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: [MPFR] new license for GNU MPFR

2009-03-05 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 5, 1:10 am, Robert Bradshaw rober...@math.washington.edu

  Can you 'backport' code from a GPL3L+ code base to a [L]GPLv2+ code
  base?  Just curious.

 Not code, but you can read the release notes and then fix the bugs  

Surely this becomes a stupid waste of time at some point. Not
reinventing the wheel, etc etc.


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[sage-devel] Re: Bordeaux talk tomorrow

2008-10-15 Thread David Harvey

There is a typo on the page Matrix of Frobenius on Hyperelliptic  
Curves. Where you say We do the same calculation over the bigger  
field F_{101^4}, it's not doing anything over an extension field.  
It's computing in Z/101^4 Z.


On Oct 15, 2008, at 6:52 PM, William Stein wrote:


 I'm giving a talk at Bordeaux tomorrow that is a sort of birds eye  
 view overview
 of number theory functionality in Sage.  I've attached my slides to  
 this email.

  -- William

 William Stein
 Associate Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washington


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[sage-devel] macports

2008-10-05 Thread David Harvey

This is the first time I've seen this:

Found MacPorts in  /opt/local/bin/port


Found either MacPorts or Fink in your path, which potentially wrecks  
the Sage build process.
You should make sure MacPorts and Fink cannot be found.  Either:
(1) rename /opt/local and /sw, or
(Once Sage is built, you can restore them.)


Would it be excessively uncivilised to *automatically* change the  
path during the build process?


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[sage-devel] Re: macports

2008-10-05 Thread David Harvey

On Oct 5, 2008, at 5:32 AM, Justin C. Walker wrote:

 On Oct 5, 2008, at 02:11 , David Philp wrote:

 Would it be excessively uncivilised to *automatically* change the
 path during the build process?

 Well, the kind of people who will come across it will be capable of
 changing their own path---and maybe sensitive. And, it might require
 root permissions.

 Changing the PATH and related environment variables does not require
 any permissions.  However, these variables can be modified each time a
 shell starts up, depending on how the startup works, so that may not

 It's kind of tricky, but David's suggestion makes sense to me.  I've
 worked around this by changing the settings in my startup file, and
 that may be uncivilized.  If it can be done without modifying the
 local startup files, that would be ideal.

 Any other thoughts?

Two other thoughts.

(1) this is the first time ever that I can recall sage not building  
on my machine by simply issuing make. I think it's a Bad Thing that  
this now happens. It will happen to me every time I build sage  
because I do not want to remove MacPorts permanently.

(2) Here's how I got around it. I looked at my environment by typing  
env. Then I manually typed in export PATH=, including all the  
directories in my original PATH minus the ones involving /opt/local.  
Then I ran make. This seems to work. But Justin suggests above that  
this might not be enough; perhaps other shells being created during  
the build process are using a path from some startup script, which I  
haven't changed. So even though I am the kind of person who is  
capable of changing my path, but I actually have no idea what I'm  
doing, and quite possibly tricked sage into doing the wrong thing  


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[sage-devel] Re: C/C++ Library Versioning in Sage

2008-09-28 Thread David Harvey

Hi guys,

The present discussion was precipitated by my submission of the  
zn_poly 0.9 spkg, which included some modifications to the makefile  
suggested by Tim, specifically the library versioning stuff.

I still don't totally understand what's going on, but the ensuing  
discussion has been very illuminating (thanks everyone!)

I think from my point of view the crux of the matter is this exchange:

On Sep 28, 2008, at 1:25 PM, mabshoff wrote:

 On Sep 27, 8:50 am, Tim Abbott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But no binary Linux distribution can distribute the Sage
 dependencies unless they do proper library versioning.

 Sure, but that is not the problem I need to solve :)

So, in other words, it's useful for the purposes of Debian packaging  
for me to do proper library versioning, at least as far as indicating  
when interfaces change. On the other hand, Michael doesn't think  
versioning is important for Sage, and he points out that the method  
suggested by Tim is GNU-specific, whereas I don't want zn_poly to be  
GNU-specific (as far as I can help it).

But at the end of the day, as long as I provide the versioning  
information, both Sage and Debian can trivially patch the makefile to  
make it work how they want. I think I know enough about the Sage  
build system to be able to handle this myself for the spkg (with  
occasional guidance from mabshoff).

So my question becomes: how do I provide versioning information in a  
non-GNU-specific way? I guess if I can do this then I can make  
everyone happy.


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[sage-devel] Re: does PARI know the primes up to 35?

2008-09-24 Thread David Harvey

On Sep 23, 2008, at 7:26 PM, Craig Citro wrote:

 sage: K.a = CyclotomicField(23)
 sage: K.class_number()


 PariError: not enough precomputed primes, need primelimit ~  (35)

 Hah, that's pretty hilarious. :) Actually, what it's telling you is
 that it needs primes up to a primelimit, and then it doesn't actually
 put in the primelimit. (This is a bug in our processing of Pari's
 error messages.) It's then saying that this is PariError #35. The
 effect is awesome, though.


 And maybe one last good question: David, were you surprised that
 Pari/Sage couldn't tell you this? Would you have preferred a
 non-verified answer (along with information that it wasn't provably
 correct, of course), what you got, or something else entirely?

I just wanted to know the class number of that field! (More  
precisely, I was trying to remember which was the first cyclotomic  
field with non-trivial class group.)

It would have been okay to get a non-verified answer with the  
information that it was non-verified but then I would have wanted  
to be able to try again to get the verified answer.


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[sage-devel] does PARI know the primes up to 35?

2008-09-23 Thread David Harvey

| SAGE Version 3.1.2, Release Date: 2008-09-19   |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|

sage: K.a = CyclotomicField(23)
sage: K.class_number()

   ***   Warning: large Minkowski bound: certification will be VERY  
PariError Traceback (most recent call  

/home/dmharvey/ipython console in module()

number_field.py in class_number(self, proof)
2069 proof = proof_flag(proof)
- 2070 return self.class_group(proof).order()
2072 def composite_fields(self, other, names=None):

number_field.py in class_group(self, proof, names)
2038 except AttributeError:
2039 self.__class_group = {}
- 2040 k = self.pari_bnf(proof)
2041 cycle_structure = eval(str(k.getattr('clgp.cyc')))

number_field.py in pari_bnf(self, certify, units)
1901 try:
1902 if certify:
- 1903 self.pari_bnf_certify()
1904 return self.__pari_bnf
1905 except AttributeError:

number_field.py in pari_bnf_certify(self)
1934 raise TypeError, Unable to coerce number field  
defined by non-integral polynomial to PARI.
1935 if not self.__pari_bnf_certified:
- 1936 if self.pari_bnf(certify=False,  
units=True).bnfcertify() != 1:
1937 raise ValueError, The result is not correct  
according to bnfcertify
1938 self.__pari_bnf_certified = True

/home/dmharvey/gen.pyx in sage.libs.pari.gen._pari_trap (sage/libs/ 

PariError: not enough precomputed primes, need primelimit ~  (35)


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[sage-devel] Re: Major bug in GF(109)['x', 'y']

2008-09-09 Thread David Harvey

On Sep 9, 2008, at 10:20 PM, mabshoff wrote:

 Could a ticket be opened?

 #4095 it is.

You all know what this means.


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[sage-devel] Re: pari slowness

2008-07-22 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 9, 2008, at 10:36 PM, mabshoff wrote:
 Okay, I can confirm that with sage 3.0.1, sage -gp has the same speed
 as my standalone GP build. So mostly likely the change to GMP 4.2.2
 introduced a speed regression (probably the core 2 patches not being
 applied properly).

 Ok, I will investigate and made this a blocker for 3.0.3: #3388

 As is the gmp.spkg with the Core2 patches and all that fun stuff is a
 giant mess including the OSX fixes made by William :)

 Let's hope MPIR is here sooner than later 

I just noticed that the slowness happens on amd64 as well, so  
probably Gaudry's patches are not being applied properly either.

This is on alhambra (2.6GHz opteron):

| SAGE Version 3.0.1, Release Date: 2008-05-05   |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|

sage: x = ZZ.random_element(2^1000)
sage: y = ZZ.random_element(2^1000)
sage: time z = x * y
CPU times: user 0.19 s, sys: 0.02 s, total: 0.21 s
Wall time: 0.21
sage: time z = x * y
CPU times: user 0.19 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.20 s
Wall time: 0.20
sage: time z = x * y
CPU times: user 0.20 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.20 s
Wall time: 0.20

| SAGE Version 3.0.2, Release Date: 2008-05-24   |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|

sage: x = ZZ.random_element(2^1000)
sage: y = ZZ.random_element(2^1000)
sage: time z = x * y
CPU times: user 0.41 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.41 s
Wall time: 0.42 s
sage: time z = x * y
CPU times: user 0.41 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.41 s
Wall time: 0.41 s
sage: time z = x * y
CPU times: user 0.41 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.41 s
Wall time: 0.41 s


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[sage-devel] Re: pari slowness

2008-07-22 Thread David Harvey

On Jul 22, 2008, at 12:35 PM, David Harvey wrote:

 Okay, I can confirm that with sage 3.0.1, sage -gp has the same  
 as my standalone GP build. So mostly likely the change to GMP 4.2.2
 introduced a speed regression (probably the core 2 patches not being
 applied properly).

 Ok, I will investigate and made this a blocker for 3.0.3: #3388

 As is the gmp.spkg with the Core2 patches and all that fun stuff is a
 giant mess including the OSX fixes made by William :)

 Let's hope MPIR is here sooner than later 

 I just noticed that the slowness happens on amd64 as well, so
 probably Gaudry's patches are not being applied properly either.

This seems to have been fixed already in 3.0.5. Sorry for the noise.


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[sage-devel] Re: does zn_poly normally take a long time to build?

2008-07-17 Thread David Harvey

On Jul 16, 2008, at 11:54 PM, tkeller wrote:

 I may have been imprecise. To clarify, zn_poly built, then displayed
 this message:
 Calibrating cycle counter... ok (3.84e+18)

Okay, this means that zn_poly thinks your clock speed is around 3.84  
billion GHz. (Yes, 3.84 * 10^18 cycles per second.) This means  
zn_poly thinks it's allowed to spend a bit longer (!) on the tuning  

I assume your machine is not really that fast.

It's possible that either my cycle counting code is not working on  
your machine, or that something like getrusage is not working as I  
expect on your machine, or maybe some other weird timing fluke. Could  
you try building again, to see if it's easily reproducible?


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[sage-devel] Re: [Sage Bug Report] Invalid polynomials generated in formal group law calculation

2008-07-17 Thread David Harvey
Hi, I don't have time to debug this now, but I want to mention that  
it sounds suspiciously similar to this ticket:


Maybe there are some clues there, but I never quite got to the bottom  
of it.


On Jul 17, 2008, at 8:50 AM, Hamish wrote:

 Dear sage-devel,

 I have recently come across a bug which is perhaps best summarised in
 the following code (I've removed a big chunk of the backtrace to make
 it easier to read; the full backtrace is available at the end of this

 --- BEGIN ---

 sage: k.a = GF(5^2, 'a')
 sage: EllipticCurve(k, [1,1]).formal_group().group_law(prec = 7)
 TypeError Traceback (most recent call

 /Users/hlaw/src/ipython console in module()

 elliptic_curves/formal_group.py in group_law(self, prec)
 440 lam3 = lam2*lam
 441 t3 = -t1 - t2 - \
 -- 442  (a1*lam + a3*lam2 + a2*nu + 2*a4*lam*nu +
 3*a6*lam2*nu)/  \
 443  (1 + a2*lam + a4*lam2 + a6*lam3)
 444 inv = self.inverse(prec)


 /Users/hlaw/src/polynomial_element.pyx in
 sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element.Polynomial.valuation (sage/

 TypeError: The polynomial, p, must have the same parent as self.

 --- END ---

 (Note that the polynomial referred to in the TypeError is a red
 herring: it's an optional parameter to the  valuation()  method that
 is not being used in this case.)  So the bug is being triggered in the
 Polynomial.valuation() method, but from what I've determined so far,
 it occurs because the polynomial whose valuation is being calculated
 is corrupted in the following sense.  If  p  is the polynomial
 triggering the error, then:

   p.coeffs()  is  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
   p.degree()  is  6
   p.is_zero()  is  False

 Moreover, the error only occurs at certain precisions.  For example:

 sage: def run_test(field, prec_bound=20):
 E = EllipticCurve(field, [1,1])
 FG = E.formal_group()
 error_precisions = []
 for precision in range(2, prec_bound):
 gl = FG.group_law(precision)
 except TypeError:
 return error_precisions

 sage: run_test(GF(5^2, 'a'), 30)
 [5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29]

 I have tried randomly changing the elliptic curve and the field
 degree, but  run_test()  returned exactly the same list each time.
 Changing the base field modifies the list a bit:

 sage: run_test(GF(7^2, 'a'), 30)
 [5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29]

 So 14 and 26 are now gone, but 18 and 20 have been introduced.

 And finally, no errors occur at all if we use a prime finite field
 instead of a non-prime one:

 sage: run_test(GF(5), 30); run_test(GF(7), 30)

 The same basic bug occurs on the following machines:
   Sage 3.0.3 (upgraded from 2.11), Ubuntu Linux 8.04, x86
   Sage 2.11, Ubuntu Linux 8.04, x86
   Sage 3.04, Mac OS X 10.5.3, x86

 The examples in this message were all calculated on the MacOSX

 Also, I'd like to be put on the CC list of the ticket, if/when a
 ticket is created for this bug.

 Thanks in advance,

 Full backtrace:

 sage: k.a = GF(5^2, 'a')
 sage: EllipticCurve(k, [1,1]).formal_group().group_law(prec = 7)
 TypeError Traceback (most recent call

 /Users/hlaw/src/ipython console in module()

 elliptic_curves/formal_group.py in group_law(self, prec)
 440 lam3 = lam2*lam
 441 t3 = -t1 - t2 - \
 -- 442  (a1*lam + a3*lam2 + a2*nu + 2*a4*lam*nu +
 3*a6*lam2*nu)/  \
 443  (1 + a2*lam + a4*lam2 + a6*lam3)
 444 inv = self.inverse(prec)

 /Users/hlaw/src/element.pyx in
 sage.structure.element.RingElement.__mul__ (sage/structure/element.c:

 /Users/hlaw/src/coerce.pxi in sage.structure.element._mul_c (sage/

 /Users/hlaw/src/power_series_poly.pyx in
 sage.rings.power_series_poly.PowerSeries_poly._mul_c_impl (sage/rings/

 /Users/hlaw/src/element.pyx in
 sage.structure.element.RingElement.__mul__ (sage/structure/element.c:

 /Users/hlaw/src/coerce.pxi in sage.structure.element._mul_c (sage/

 /Users/hlaw/src/polynomial_element.pyx in
 sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element.Polynomial._mul_c_impl (sage/

 /Users/hlaw/src/polynomial_element.pyx in

[sage-devel] Re: does zn_poly normally take a long time to build?

2008-07-17 Thread David Harvey

On Jul 17, 2008, at 10:31 AM, tkeller wrote:

 Rebuilt 3.0.5 and didn't have any issues this time.
 Cycle counter gave (1.68e+09) this time around and zn_poly built in
 about 2 minutes or so.
 I also rebuilt 3.0.3 and likewise didn't have any problems.
 Sorry for the phantom bug report.

I've been looking at the calibration code and I can see one spot  
where (in extremely rare circumstances) the behaviour you observed  
could occur. Thanks for the bug report, and let us know if it happens  


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[sage-devel] Re: [Sage Bug Report] Invalid polynomials generated in formal group law calculation

2008-07-17 Thread David Harvey

On Jul 17, 2008, at 9:51 AM, Hamish wrote:

 I don't have time to debug this now, but I want to mention that
 it sounds suspiciously similar to this ticket:


 It certainly does. (I probably should have filtered the tickets with
 power series instead of just polynomial when I was looking through

 The main difference seems to be that in the the present case, the base
 ring of the polynomial ring is exact, though the polynomial ring in
 question is derived from the inexact power series ring used in the
 calculation of the formal group law.  Anyway, I get something that
 works if I remove the bit in the patch in ticket 2943 that uses the
 old way of determining __nonzero__-ness for exact base rings (i.e.
 now the code says a polynomial is  __nonzero__  if all its
 coefficients are nonzero, instead of checking if the list of
 coefficients is non-empty).

I have added a link back to this thread from the ticket. If you find  
out any more, please add comments to that ticket.


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[sage-devel] Re: Epydoc API Documentation for Sage

2008-07-17 Thread David Harvey

On Jul 17, 2008, at 6:06 AM, Mike Hansen wrote:

 Hello all,

 I played around a bit with Epydoc this morning and was able to get it
 to produce semi-decent output for Sage (by explicitly importing
 sage.all at the top of the epydoc script).  You can find the
 documentation at
 http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/mhansen/sage-epydoc .

Hmmm looks really nice, but there's some strangeness, e.g. the  
documentation for next_prime() in sage.rings.arith has some weird  
stuff in the proof flag.


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[sage-devel] Re: Make on sage 3.0.3 failed on flint-1.06.p3

2008-07-05 Thread David Harvey

On Jul 5, 2008, at 2:03 PM, William Stein wrote:

 On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 7:38 AM, Shing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  When I try to complile sage 3.0.3, I have an error installing
 flint-1.06.p3. Below
 is the intallation.log. I am compiling on a PC running opensuse 11  
 with a Athlon 1700 CPU. From the log, sage seems to think I have gcc

 It says in the log:
 WARNING: gcc version less than 3.4.0
 GCC version less than 3.4.0
 Flint will not be able to compile successfully

 You need to install a gcc version  3.4.0.

But it also says in the log

gcc version 4.3.1 20080507 (prerelease) [gcc-4_3-branch revision  
135036] (SUSE Linux)

So the version detection logic must be incorrect.


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-07-02 Thread David Harvey
Returning to a slightly old thread.

I have implemented a new algorithm for computing large Bernoulli  

Running on 10 cores for 5.5 days, I computed B_k for k = 10^8, which  
I believe is a new record. (Recall the Mathematica blog post  from  
April was for k = 10^7.)

Essentially it's the multimodular algorithm I suggested earlier on  
this thread, but I figured out some tricks to optimise the crap out  
of the computation of B_k mod p.

Patch is up for review here:


Preprint is here (comments welcome):


One data point, on a 2.6GHz opteron:

sage: time x = bernoulli(10^5, algorithm=pari)
CPU times: user 0.16 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.16 s
Wall time: 20.57 s
sage: time y = bernoulli(10^5, algorithm=bernmm)
CPU times: user 6.54 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 6.54 s
Wall time: 6.54 s
sage: time z = bernoulli(10^5, algorithm=bernmm, num_threads=3)
CPU times: user 6.54 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 6.57 s
Wall time: 2.71 s
sage: x == y
sage: x == z

Timings for some bigger k:

k = 10^7:
PARI/GP = 75 h
Mathematica = 142 h
bernmm (1 core) = 11.1 h
bernmm (10 cores) = 1.3 h

k = 10^8:
bernmm (10 cores) = 131h = 5.5 days


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[sage-devel] Re: presentation about Maxima at Sage developer days

2008-06-20 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 20, 2008, at 5:42 PM, root wrote:

 I believe you sidestepped the question. My point is that Sage
 makes the claim that it will be a viable alternative to the 4Ms.
 In computational mathematics that is a testable claim. So test it.


I think it would be good for someone to test Sage on those suites you  
suggest. It's just a question of someone offering to come forward and  
do the work!


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[sage-devel] Re: Testing futur mirror : www.sagemath.fr

2008-06-18 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 18, 2008, at 8:15 PM, Dan Drake wrote:

 [1]: http://blog.mozilla.com/gen/2007/02/27/the-cost-of-monoculture/
 [2]: http://blogs.zdnet.com/Ou/?p=412
 [3]: http://www.korealawblog.com/entry/ 

Holy crap.


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[sage-devel] Re: Pickling functions

2008-06-14 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 14, 2008, at 1:25 PM, Daniel Bump wrote:

 Some code that has been proposed by Nicolas Thiery
 for sage/combinat/families.py would create classes
 that have as attributes dictionaries of functions.

 However dumps(s) will raise an exception if s is
 such a class instance.

 Example: the simple reflections in a Weyl group. See:


 What it boils down to is this. The following is
 fine in native Python:

 import pickle
 def f(x): return x+1

 But if you try to run this from within Sage,
 both calls to dumps() will raise exceptions.

 Is this a bug in Sage?

I actually thought you couldn't really pickle functions, even in  
plain python.


Note that functions (built-in and user-defined) are pickled by  
``fully qualified'' name reference, not by value. This means that  
only the function name is pickled, along with the name of module the  
function is defined in. Neither the function's code, nor any of its  
function attributes are pickled. Thus the defining module must be  
importable in the unpickling environment, and the module must contain  
the named object, otherwise an exception will be raised.


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[sage-devel] weird documentation thing

2008-06-12 Thread David Harvey

In Sage (as in MPFR), floating-point numbers of precision $ p$  are  
of the form 1251#175 , where 1252#176 , 1253#177 , and 1254#178 ;  
plus the special values +0, -0, +infinity, -infinity, and NaN (which  
stands for Not-a-Number).

What does it mean for a floating point number to be of the form  
1251#175? Is that supposed to be a reference to an image file? I  
looked at the HTML source and didn't quite understand it.


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[sage-devel] Re: elliptic curve division polynomials

2008-06-10 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 10, 2008, at 10:34 AM, John Cremona wrote:

 Problem/question 2:  looking at the code in ell_generic.py I find that
 there are now *3* different implementations of division polys of
 various kinds.

 (1) E.division_pol = E.torsion_pol is by David Kohel (2005-04-25) and
 returns a polynomial in x alone, with a factor of the 2-division poly
 in x when m is even.
 (2) E.full_division_pol is William's new code (which can be asked to
 call the preceding when m is odd) which returns a polynomial in x and
 y, i.e. in the 2-variable poly ring over K, which happens to be of the
 form p(x) or y*p(x) where p is a poly in x alone (but belonging to
 (3) There is code which is all commented out due to David Harvey
 (2006-09-24) consisting of 3 functions pseudo_torsion_polynomial(),
 multiple_x_numerator(() and  multiple_x_denominator().  The first is
 the same as before for odd m but for even m just omits the factor of
 the 2-division poly.  I like this implementation:  it uses a cache,
 and also the user supplies their own 'x' which need not be an
 indeterminate.  This is *very* useful since it is expensive to compute
 (say) the 10th division poly as a polynomial and then substitute
 avalue for x, it is much faster to evaluate as you go along.  The last
 two give the numerator and denominator of the x-coordinate of m*P,
 i.e. of the first rational function returned by William's
 multiplication_by_m().  [By the way, it is easy to get the
 y-coordinate from the x-coordinate:  if the x-coord is X(x) then the
 y-coord is c*y*X'(x) where c is a constant.  I think the constant is m
 in this case (look at the invariant differential).

 Does anyone know why those three functions are commented out?
 William, why did you write your own new functions instead of using
 these?  Can we try to clean all this up once and for all?  Would you
 trust me to do this?

I can't remember why they are commented out.

However I should mention that there is yet *another* implementation  
of something very similar, see sage.schemes.elliptic_curves.padics,  
the function _multiply_point().


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[sage-devel] pari slowness

2008-06-09 Thread David Harvey


This is on an 8-core 2GHz xeon running debian. (Tom Boothby's machine.)

In a clean build of sage-3.0.2:

sage: time x = bernoulli(4)
CPU times: user 4.19 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 4.20 s
Wall time: 4.20 s
sage: time x = bernoulli(4)
CPU times: user 3.18 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 3.18 s
Wall time: 3.19 s
sage: time x = bernoulli(4)
CPU times: user 3.18 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 3.19 s
Wall time: 3.19 s
sage: time x = bernoulli(4)
CPU times: user 3.18 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 3.19 s
Wall time: 3.19 s

Then I tried building my own PARI/GP. I first built gmp 4.2.1 with  
jason martin's core 2 patches. Then I built pari/gp. I get:

? #
timer = 1 (on)
? x = bernfrac(4);
time = 1,972 ms.
? x = bernfrac(4);
time = 1,317 ms.
? x = bernfrac(4);
time = 1,316 ms.
? x = bernfrac(4);
time = 1,316 ms.

Why is the sage version three times slower than the gp version?


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[sage-devel] Re: pari slowness

2008-06-09 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 9, 2008, at 1:19 PM, mabshoff wrote:

 On Jun 9, 10:05 am, David Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi David,

 This is on an 8-core 2GHz xeon running debian. (Tom Boothby's  

 In a clean build of sage-3.0.2:

 sage: time x = bernoulli(4)
 CPU times: user 4.19 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 4.20 s
 Wall time: 4.20 s
 sage: time x = bernoulli(4)
 CPU times: user 3.18 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 3.18 s
 Wall time: 3.19 s
 sage: time x = bernoulli(4)
 CPU times: user 3.18 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 3.19 s
 Wall time: 3.19 s
 sage: time x = bernoulli(4)
 CPU times: user 3.18 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 3.19 s
 Wall time: 3.19 s

 Then I tried building my own PARI/GP. I first built gmp 4.2.1 with
 jason martin's core 2 patches. Then I built pari/gp. I get:

 ? #
 timer = 1 (on)
 ? x = bernfrac(4);
 time = 1,972 ms.
 ? x = bernfrac(4);
 time = 1,317 ms.
 ? x = bernfrac(4);
 time = 1,316 ms.
 ? x = bernfrac(4);
 time = 1,316 ms.

 Why is the sage version three times slower than the gp version?

 No clue. Can you actually compare the gp binary from Sage directly
 with the timings from your self builid binary to eliminate the problem
 that libPari is involved here? If the gp binary in Sage is slower by a
 factor of three compared to the one you build this sounds like a bug
 to me. But it could also be conversation overhead for example.

With sage -gp, I get something *in between*:

? x = bernfrac(4);
time = 3,272 ms.
? x = bernfrac(4);
time = 2,260 ms.
? x = bernfrac(4);
time = 2,260 ms.

The banner printout is exactly the same for both gp builds:

   GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.3.3 (released)
  amd64 running linux (x86-64/GMP-4.2.1 kernel) 64- 
bit version
compiled: Jun  9 2008, gcc-4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease)  
(Debian 4.1.1-21)
(readline v5.2 enabled, extended help available)

except that my standalone build says readline not compiled in.


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[sage-devel] Re: pari slowness

2008-06-09 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 9, 2008, at 5:17 PM, Jonathan Bober wrote:

 On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 10:19 -0700, mabshoff wrote:

 No clue. Can you actually compare the gp binary from Sage directly
 with the timings from your self builid binary to eliminate the  
 that libPari is involved here? If the gp binary in Sage is slower  
 by a
 factor of three compared to the one you build this sounds like a bug
 to me. But it could also be conversation overhead for example.

 Definitely could be conversion overhead. On my machine (warning: I'm
 still running the ridiculously old Sage 2.10.2) I get

 sage: time y = pari(4).bernfrac()
 CPU times: user 4.14 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 4.14 s
 Wall time: 4.15
 sage: type(y)
 type 'sage.libs.pari.gen.gen'
 sage: time x = Rational(y)
 CPU times: user 1.50 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 1.50 s
 Wall time: 1.50

 It looks like the conversion from sage.lib.pari.gen.gen to
 sage.rings.rational.Rational just converts y to a string and then  
 the resulting string, which is why this takes so long.

That's true, that definitely accounts for part of it.

But there's still quite a big gap between the times from sage -gp and  
from my standalone GP build (see my followup email earlier on this  

I wonder if we are just building GMP incorrectly. That bernfrac()  
routine should depend mainly on the speed of long integer  
multiplication and division. I am not a GP expert --- how does one  
generate large random integers in GP? I could try multiplying them to  
see how long that takes.


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[sage-devel] Re: pari slowness

2008-06-09 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 9, 2008, at 5:35 PM, Michael Abshoff wrote:

 I wonder if we are just building GMP incorrectly. That bernfrac()
 routine should depend mainly on the speed of long integer
 multiplication and division. I am not a GP expert --- how does one
 generate large random integers in GP? I could try multiplying them to
 see how long that takes.

 Well, I believe that out spkg-install for GMP is potentially broken  
 since we updated to gmp 4.2.2. There are also some potential issues  
 with pre-3.0.3 gmp.spkgs, so I am adding some explicite messages  
 that lets you know that Jason's GMP patch was actually applied.

In which version of sage did we switch to gmp 4.2.2? I will try  
building the previous version on this machine and compare results.


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[sage-devel] Re: pari slowness

2008-06-09 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 9, 2008, at 5:17 PM, Jonathan Bober wrote:

 On Mon, 2008-06-09 at 10:19 -0700, mabshoff wrote:

 No clue. Can you actually compare the gp binary from Sage directly
 with the timings from your self builid binary to eliminate the  
 that libPari is involved here? If the gp binary in Sage is slower  
 by a
 factor of three compared to the one you build this sounds like a bug
 to me. But it could also be conversation overhead for example.

 Definitely could be conversion overhead. On my machine (warning: I'm
 still running the ridiculously old Sage 2.10.2) I get

 sage: time y = pari(4).bernfrac()
 CPU times: user 4.14 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 4.14 s
 Wall time: 4.15
 sage: type(y)
 type 'sage.libs.pari.gen.gen'
 sage: time x = Rational(y)
 CPU times: user 1.50 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 1.50 s
 Wall time: 1.50

 It looks like the conversion from sage.lib.pari.gen.gen to
 sage.rings.rational.Rational just converts y to a string and then  
 the resulting string, which is why this takes so long.

This is now


(this ticket does not include the discrepancy in GP timings)


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[sage-devel] Re: pari slowness

2008-06-09 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 9, 2008, at 5:58 PM, William Stein wrote:

 On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 2:43 PM, David Harvey  

 On Jun 9, 2008, at 5:35 PM, Michael Abshoff wrote:

 I wonder if we are just building GMP incorrectly. That bernfrac()

 routine should depend mainly on the speed of long integer
 multiplication and division. I am not a GP expert --- how does one
 generate large random integers in GP? I could try multiplying  
 them to
 see how long that takes.

 Well, I believe that out spkg-install for GMP is potentially  
 broken since we
 updated to gmp 4.2.2. There are also some potential issues with  
 gmp.spkgs, so I am adding some explicite messages that lets you  
 know that
 Jason's GMP patch was actually applied.

 In which version of sage did we switch to gmp 4.2.2? I will try  
 building the
 previous version on this machine and compare results.

 The last version, so that we could build on cygwin, and also it was  
 for OS X 10.5 64-bit.   We will switch to mpir soon, as soon as  
 there is a
 release :-)

Okay, I can confirm that with sage 3.0.1, sage -gp has the same speed  
as my standalone GP build. So mostly likely the change to GMP 4.2.2  
introduced a speed regression (probably the core 2 patches not being  
applied properly).


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[sage-devel] Re: coercing of sqrt(2)

2008-06-04 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 4, 2008, at 7:07 AM, Bill Page wrote:

 Ok (and thanks also for the clarification, David). There are of course
 two different uses of object here: 1) object of some category, 2)
 Python object. All Python objects have a 'type', i.e. belong to some
 Python class.

 So in Sage 3.0.2 I observe for example:

 sage: type(1)
 type 'sage.rings.integer.Integer'
 sage: parent(1)
 Integer Ring
 sage: type(parent(1))
 type 'sage.rings.integer_ring.IntegerRing_class'
 sage: category(parent(1))
 Category of rings
 sage: type(category(parent(1)))
 class 'sage.categories.category_types.Rings'


 sage: type(1.0)
 type 'sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealNumber'
 sage: parent(1.0)
 Real Field with 53 bits of precision
 sage: type(parent(1.0))
 type 'sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealField'
 sage: category(parent(1.0))
 Category of fields
 sage: type(category(parent(1.0)))
 class 'sage.categories.category_types.Fields'

 These seem consistent to me, albeit rather complex. However I am not
 sure I understand the following:

 sage: parent(IntegerRing())
 type 'sage.rings.integer_ring.IntegerRing_class'
 sage: parent(RealField())
 type 'sage.rings.real_mpfr.RealField'

 Could you explain why the parent of an object of some category is a  

I'm not an expert on these things any more, but I can tell you what  
happened back in the day (when the sage version number was slightly  

Only elements have real parents. Since ZZ = IntegerRing() is not an  
element, it doesn't have a parent. If X does not have a parent,  
then parent(X) returns the type of X instead. I'm not sure this is a  
good idea, but there it is.

Of course then you're wondering why ZZ is not an element of the  
category of the rings. That I do not know. But you can try:

sage: IntegerRing().parent()

to see that IntegerRing() simply doesn't have a parent() method,  
which is why the global version parent(IntegerRing()) returns the  
type of IntegerRing() instead.

One difficulty with ZZ being both a parent and an element is that  
Cython does not support multiple inheritance.

BTW I should mention that the whole idea of parents vs types is  
one of the main conceptual things inherited from Magma.

sorry gotta go cannot answer rest of email, hopefully someone else  


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[sage-devel] Re: New Sage website

2008-06-04 Thread David Harvey

Everyone keeps saying they don't like the blue.

Well, I *do* like the blue!

Just my 2 cents :-)


On Jun 4, 2008, at 1:40 PM, Clement Pernet wrote:

 First, I really think this web site looks much better, and mature.  
 I asked my roomate, Alan,  to review it, since he's quite a bit  
 into web
 app. development. Here are his comments:

 * in general: less pages, dont hide things 3 pages deep. everything on
 the site  could be edited down to 5 or 6 pages.

 * you can try Sage online here should be either the first or second
 thing on the page. this is a major hook.

 * the blurb and links in the feature tour page should be on the first
 page  above the icons.

 * search box should be on first page. get rid of separate pages.

 * therefore, the number of buttons reduces to 4

 * rss feed should have _orange_ rss icon (people looking for RRS link
 get are looking for something orange)

 * put the try sage online link in the download section too

 * remove second level of navigation tabs. no one expects these to be
 there. instead, put all the content in the separate sub-pages in one
 page under their own headings.

 * links pages have no context. put links where they belong. if  
 its to
 packages you use, put them under a packages we use heading in
 development section or sometime

 My 2 cents to the discussion are:
 * the blue is too blue (already said),
 * in the download section: the left column is way too large ; I would
 visually prefer a 1/3 2/3 proportion.

 Maybe some of these comments would involve too deep modifications  
 to be
 taken into account, but I hope it will still be of any help.




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[sage-devel] new website

2008-06-04 Thread David Harvey
nitpicking issues. (some are more subjective than others, feel  
free to ignore any of the suggestions below)

main page:

Python based = Python-based

Next to the download button, shouldn't be a space between 3.0.2 and  
the comma; and I don't see the need for a colon after Version

inconsistent capitalisation: Quickstart - Research - Education are  
capitalised, documentation - support - references are not

Download page:

hardware platforms = hardware

announcement newsletter = mailing list

[I don't think the subscribe box/button should be on that page. It  
clutters it up unnecessarily.]

Beneath Microsoft Windows, might as well get rid of VMWare Image.  
That's unnecessary. The process is described on the right.

read additional instructions here = read these additional  

It is currently = There is currently

native port to = native port for

Efforts are undertaken to make a native port possible = We are  
currently working on a native port. [Perhaps provide a link to the  
wiki page where mabshoff is coordinating efforts for this]

The current VMWare Image is available and provides you with an  
encapsulated and solid tested system. It contains everything and  
needs nearly no configuration. This sounds weird to me. Perhaps it  
should be a separate paragraph before the one about the native port.  
Or perhaps it shouldn't exist at all.

Under Linux:

by right click = by right clicking

Meanwhile, there are binary builds available = Binary builds are  

distribution specific = distribution-specific

Efforts are currently done for = Progress is being made for

Under source:

complete source of Sage = complete source for Sage

It ships together with everything it needs to compile itself and  
also provides all bits and pieces to develop Sage. This includes the  
source code of Sage, all dependencies including Python and the  
complete changelog in a mercurial repository. can be simplified. How  
about just: It ships with all dependencies including Python and the  
complete changelog in a Mercurial repository.

read the installation guide = read the installation guide.

a copy of Sage on DVD = a copy of Sage on DVD.

Going back up to the Linux section, for consistency, the first line  
should be a link download Linux binaries.


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[sage-devel] Re: new website

2008-06-04 Thread David Harvey
Some more.

Development page:

The proclaimed mission is = Our mission is

Let's be consistent with create vs creating. It's different here  
from the main page. I think creating is better.

In the enumerated list, I would prefer n-dashes (ndash;) instead of  

There is the IRC channel = There is an IRC channel

Sage uses several techniques to continually improve overall software  
quality: = We take code quality seriously:

On the search page, I find the list of examples a bit confusing. It  
looks like a list of headings for different types of searches you can  

Acknowledgements page:

Developing Sage benefited from financial support of numerous  
institutions and the work of many developers of included components.  
= Sage development has benefited from the financial support of  
numerous institutions, and the previous (and ongoing) work of many  
authors of included components.

Acknowledgment for Supporting Sage sound weird to me.

Financial and Infrastructure Support = Financial and  
infrastructure support. I'm not sure if infrastructure is the right  
word. Can't quite think of the right word now. Maybe material. Not  


Sage Developers around the World = Sage Developers around the  
world, or even Sage developers around the world

Back to the main page:

search Sage related websites = search Sage-related websites


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[sage-devel] Re: new website

2008-06-04 Thread David Harvey

On the main page, why not put the mission *first*, and then  
afterwards put Sage is...

Also, under Library, I don't know what works means. Maybe that  
works in deutsch, but it doesn't work in english :-). Do you mean  
like projects that use Sage, or tools built on top of Sage, or  
something along those lines?


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[sage-devel] Re: new website

2008-06-04 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 4, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Harald Schilly wrote:

 Also, under Library, I don't know what works means.

 This was already a problem mentioned somewhere else. Very interesting.
 I looked it up in a dictionary and it is the correct translation.
 Maybe it is used differently? Or is the word workings better? You
 used it in ...and the previous (and ongoing) work of many authors of
 included components. I think, in German it has a broader meaning but
 is still the same word.

I think the word must be used differently in english. There is a  
subtle distinction for example between the works of Gauss and the  
work of Gauss. The former is perhaps more like the German meaning  
(I'm not speaking with any knowledge of German here); it refers to  
the specific texts that Gauss wrote. The latter refers more generally  
to the activities and research in which Gauss engaged. You can also  
say works of art or mathematical works of the 19th century, but  
it sounds very strange to say works by itself without any further  
context. I'm not completely sure why. It's just one of those weird  

(Workings is much much worse.)

 What I mean is written (digital) text that has been done for, about
 and with Sage excluding development (howto's, papers, examples, ...) -
 that ends up in a collection, called library.

How is this different from the Help section?


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[sage-devel] Re: coercing of sqrt(2)

2008-06-03 Thread David Harvey

On Jun 3, 2008, at 10:04 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

 How does it related to the
 concept of parent - which seems equally ill-defined to me?

 A Parent is an Object in the category of Sets,

huh? Don't you mean to say something more like a parent is an object  
of a concrete category, i.e. a category C with a faithful functor  
f : C - Set, such that the elements (as understood by Sage) of the  
parent P are exactly the elements of f(P)?

 though in the context
 of coercion one usually assumes one can some kind of arithmetic
 (binary operations) on their elements.


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[sage-devel] Re: slightly OT: new M4RI library

2008-05-17 Thread David Harvey

On May 17, 2008, at 8:38 PM, Bill Hart wrote:

 Of course one can go too crazy with optimisation.

No surely that never happens around here.


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-05-06 Thread David Harvey

On May 6, 2008, at 12:53 PM, mhampton wrote:

 That certainly merits a blog post somewhere - ?

 On May 5, 2:02 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My computation of bernoulli(10^7+4) using GP version 2.3.3 has  
 completed in 217417011 miliseconds.  That's about 2 days, 12  
 hours.  Anybody know how I can print the thing to file?

Quad-core 2.0Ghz Xeon, 1333MHz FSB, 32GB RAM.

 Currently, my gp session is using 4GB of RAM.

You might also want to check the result using the  
bernoulli_mod_p_single function that I mentioned a few days ago on  
this thread.


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-05-06 Thread David Harvey

On May 6, 2008, at 1:18 PM, William Stein wrote:

 On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 10:15 AM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  William has mentioned some congruence tests that we can perform  
 -- I'd like to make sure that I got the right answer before we pat  
 ourselves on the back too much.

 David Harvey's congruence tests would be pretty good.  Just choose
 *any* prime p  10^7 + 10
 say and compute B_{10^7+4} modulo it using David Harvey's function;

 sage: p = next_prime(10^7+10)
 sage: time bernoulli_mod_p_single(p, 10^7+4)
 CPU times: user 0.49 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.49 s
 Wall time: 0.51

 Pretty cool, eh?

. and the natural question is, could you then reconstruct the  
actual bernoulli number, by computing it modulo sufficiently many  
primes? Well, I did the estimates a few days ago, and it turns out  
that the asymptotic behaviour of this proposed algorithm is pretty  
much *the same* as the one using the zeta function (i.e. the one Pari  
uses); they are both around n^2 log^2(n), if I'm not mistaken.  
Unfortunately, I did some further tests, and even if I sped up  
bernoulli_mod_p_single() by the largest factor I could conceive of,  
overall it would still be maybe 50x slower than Pari. If anyone can  
find an extra constant factor of 50x in this algorithm, I'd love to  
hear about it.


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-05-06 Thread David Harvey

On May 6, 2008, at 2:12 PM, Mike Hansen wrote:

 I think a blog post with PARI timings and then timings for a modular
 dsage approach would be cool.

Probably not so cool, since it would be like 50 machines vs one machine.


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-05-06 Thread David Harvey

On May 6, 2008, at 2:19 PM, Mike Hansen wrote:

 Probably not so cool, since it would be like 50 machines vs one  

 Sure, but the Mathematica blog post is scalablity: In Mathematica, a
 core principle is that everything should be scalable. So in my job of
 creating algorithms for Mathematica I have to make sure that
 everything I produce is scalable.

But Pari's algorithm is already parallelisable (just farm off a bunch  
of euler factors to each thread).

The only advantage my algorithm has in scalability is that each  
thread needs only O(1) memory, instead of O(n log n) which would be  
required for Pari's algorithm. So if memory were tight, but you had  
lots of processors, and your n was really big, then perhaps this  
algorithm would win. But when I think about the actual numbers  
involved, the economics just don't work out. Even 80 processors is a  
pathetically small number, given a 50x serial slowdown in the  
algorithm. You would need thousands of cpus to even consider this  
approach. And even then, it would only be worthwhile if each cpu had  
very limited memory.


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-05-02 Thread David Harvey

On May 2, 2008, at 2:56 PM, mhampton wrote:

 It takes about 30 seconds on my machine to get the 10^5 Bernoulli
 number.  The mathematica blog says it took a development version of
 mathematica 6 days to do the 10^7 calc.  So it would probably take
 some work, but we are not that badly off as is.

But what about the asymptotics? I tried 10^5 and 2*10^5 and 4*10^5  
and it wasn't pretty.


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-05-02 Thread David Harvey

On May 2, 2008, at 3:40 PM, William Stein wrote:

 Also, when I tried


 directly in Sage there were a couple of issues that arose, since  
 that command
 is much more designed for smaller input.   I fixed those small issues.
 I guess we'll see in a week ..

I hope you did:

sage: x = bernoulli(10^7 + 2)

and not

sage: bernoulli(10^7 + 2)


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-05-02 Thread David Harvey

On May 2, 2008, at 3:43 PM, Bill Hart wrote:

 I think the asymptotics aren't going to go our way if we use pari. It
 takes 11s for 10^5 and I've been sitting here for quite a few minutes
 and didn't get 10^6 yet.

So far I have on a 2.6GHz opteron:

sage: time x = bernoulli(6)
Wall time: 3.79

sage: time x = bernoulli(12)
Wall time: 16.97

sage: time x = bernoulli(24)
Wall time: 118.24

sage: time x = bernoulli(48)
Wall time: 540.25

and I'll report back with 96 hopefully within an hour.


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-05-02 Thread David Harvey

On May 2, 2008, at 3:45 PM, William Stein wrote:

 The complexity mostly depends on the precision one uses in
 computing a certain Euler product approximation to zeta
 and also the number of factors in the product.  If you look
 at the PARI source code the comments do *not* inspire confidence in
 its correctness.  I had a student give a provable bound on precision
 and number of factors needed and wasn't able to get anything
 as good as what PARI uses.

 Here's the funny part of the PARI code (in trans3.c):

   /* 1.712086 = ??? */
   t = log( gtodouble(d) ) + (n + 0.5) * log(n) - n*(1+log2PI) +  

One way to check it is to use the bernoulli_mod_p_single() function,  
which computes B_k mod p for a single p and k, and uses a completely  
independent algorithm.

sage: x = bernoulli(24)

sage: p = next_prime(50)
sage: bernoulli_mod_p_single(p, 24)
sage: x % p

sage: p = next_prime(10^6)
sage: bernoulli_mod_p_single(p, 24)
sage: x % p

So I would say the answer is correct.


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[sage-devel] Re: Computing large Bernoulli numbers

2008-05-02 Thread David Harvey

On May 2, 2008, at 4:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Funny this should come up.  William just gave a take-home midterm  
 in which we had to predict the runtime for various computations, so  
 I wrote some generic code to help.  According to my code, and some  
 liberal assumptions, it should take 5.1 days.  I've attached the  
 plots that show the curves I fit to some runtime data (x-axis is log 
 (n,1.5) y-axis is seconds).

Sorry, could you please say more precisely what the two axes are? I'm  
seeing negative time the way I interpret your statement.


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[sage-devel] Re: fast vs viable (offline post)

2008-05-01 Thread David Harvey

On May 1, 2008, at 2:42 PM, William Stein wrote:

 Optimistically, perhaps one indirect contribution in this
 direction is that Sage being open might make some people
 a little more aware
 of the extent to which one must never blindly trust the output of
 mathematical software.  I think having the source code open
 helps *reduce* people's trust in mathematical software... which
 is in my opinion a good thing.  In contrast, I think the approach
 Mathematica takes with this statement from their reference
 manual is bad:

 Nevertheless, particularly after all the testing that has been done
 on it, the probability that you will actually discover an error in
 Mathematica in the course of your work is extremely low.
 Doubtless there will be times when Mathematica does things you do not
 expect. But you should realize that the probabilities are such that it
 is vastly more likely that there is something wrong with your input to
 Mathematica or your understanding of what is happening than with the
 internal code of the Mathematica system itself.''

Arrrgggh, I just puked over my keyboard. William, don't you ever do  
that again.


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[sage-devel] Re: Slightly OT: SCC 2008 Braid Groups

2008-04-30 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 30, 2008, at 4:50 PM, root wrote:

 But we've already had this discussion and it is clear that I'm
 completely out-in-the-weeds, talking-nonsense, and obviously have
 no idea how REAL-open-source-projects are done. So lets just leave
 it where it left off before, which is that I've simply dropped the
 attempt to give the benefit of experience.

Hi Tim,

I've been vaguely following your posts to this list over the last few  
weeks. I don't think you're talking nonsense, but I don't completely  
understand what point you are trying to make. You seem to be making  
the following argument, correct me if I'm wrong. You claim that the  
documentation of the implementations of algorithms in Sage is not  
good enough, in the sense that someone looking at the Sage codebase  
in a few years won't be able to understand what is going on. You  
conclude that Sage will die. The implication is that the way to fix  
things is for us to improve the documentation of these  
implementations (perhaps via literate programming or whatever), so  
that Sage will be more likely to succeed.

But isn't the core problem simply one of limited resources? We all  
have limited time (fields-medallists and non-fields-medallists  
alike), and so there is some tradeoff between getting something to  
work as quickly as possible (and hence is useful NOW) and making a  
beautiful product which meets higher standard of scholarship (and  
hence is more useful LATER). I can't see any way around this  
tradeoff. The only thing I can see that will stop a project like Sage  
from dying is to keep building a steady inflow of users and  
contributors, so that the knowledge you refer to remains as alive as  


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[sage-devel] Re: Slightly OT: SCC 2008 Braid Groups

2008-04-30 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 30, 2008, at 7:06 PM, root wrote:

 I WANT Sage to live. I want it to succeed. I want it to be the
 lingua-franca of the business so that we can all post our results
 in Sage at conferences. I want to be able to drag and drop
 your publication onto my system and have your code just work,
 your documentation just connect. I want to be able to not only
 use what you write, but to understand it so I can use it effectively.
 I want MMA and Maple users to write for Sage instead.


 My problem is that I don't see the fundamental difference between
 Sage and any other system that I've touched in the past.

Obviously you must see something, or you wouldn't be writing to this  
list :-)

 And I don't
 want this whole generation of mathematicians to do it all over again
 without some fundamental gain. I may be wrong that the literate
 documentation is the key. And I admit I'm a knuth-boy fanatic about  
 My question is, what can you suggest that will make it live when  
 have not?

A vibrant developer community. Lots of naive young people like me,  
who don't listen to doomsayers like you :-)


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[sage-devel] gens and ngens

2008-04-30 Thread David Harvey
Regarding ticket


can someone explain to me what the gens and ngens methods are  
supposed to mean? There seems to be a lot of inconsistency. For example:

sage: ZZ.gens()

These are the additive generators.

Ditto here:

sage: GF(7).gens()

Okay, what about this:

sage: GF(49, a).gens()

That's not an additive generator. That's a generator as an algebra  
over the base ring (GF(7) in this case). Similarly:

sage: ZZ[x, y].gens()
(x, y)

So is this rule that

(1) If R has a base ring distinct from R, then R.gens() returns the  
generators over the base ring, where generator is interpreted  
according to what category we're working in, and
(2) If the base ring of R is just R, then R.gens() returns the  
additive generators?

That's a bit weird.

I hate to think what happens if we implement, e.g. the ring of  
continuous functions on the interval [0, 1]. I suppose then gens  
needs to return some kind of uncountable generator object perhaps  
(excuse the pun)?


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[sage-devel] Re: Project

2008-04-21 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 21, 2008, at 12:09 PM, root wrote:

 I think you'd feel the same frustrations with Python if you compiled
 Python from scratch for every platform. You ship sources but assume
 that the python language exists and is compatible, which is not likely
 to be the case when 3.0 arrives. If you can assume the python  
 why can't you assume the lisp language? If you can't assume the lisp
 language, why can you assume the python language?

We do compile python from scratch on every platform. It's part of the  
Sage distribution.


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[sage-devel] Re: Noncanonical coercion (finite fields)

2008-04-14 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 13, 2008, at 12:50 PM, Kiran Kedlaya wrote:

 Any opinions about what

 sage: F9.a = GF(9); F81.b = GF(81); F81(a)

 should return? There is no canonical answer, so it may be better to
 throw an exception rather than pick one of the two correct answers.
 But any of these would be better than the current behavior, which is
 to return 0.

Interesting that's not what happens in my install of sage 2.11. I  

sage: F9.a = GF(9)
sage: F81.b = GF(81)
sage: F81(a)
type 'exceptions.IndexError': n=17606600 must be  self.order()


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[sage-devel] Re: Fwd: use zip instead of 7zip for distributing the sage binary

2008-04-10 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 10, 2008, at 11:35 AM, mabshoff wrote:

 On Apr 10, 4:40 pm, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We should make Sage as easy or easier to install than
 any of Mathematica, Maple, Matlab, or Magma.
 I see no reason to compromise on this at all, since the
 goal is to provide a viable alternative to Mathematica,
 Maple, Matlab, and Magma.  Part of this is that Sage must be
 as easy to install as those programs.

 Sage *is* easy to install provided one is capable of reading and
 following README.txt. All the points about computer literacy aside
 [insert when I was young I had to walk both ways to school uphill
 rant] I believe that this is a sad, sad world when somebody who is
 attempting to get a college education is incapable of following a
 simple README.txt. And I am not asking people to do anything hard
 here, i.e. Robert's argument that people should learn mathematics
 instead of CS skills does not reflect reality, but to follow an url,
 download a 1MB binary and install it.

 Other people in IRC have pointed out that my expectations of the
 average college student seem rather high and not grounded in reality,
 so I have no intention of opposing the switch to zip files for the
 vmware image. But it is my understanding the people at a University
 are supposed to acquire the skills to solve problems, i.e. become
 capable to approach a problem they have never solved and solve it by
 thinking about it. I don't want to sound like an elitist jerk [too
 late I guess], but if you are foiled by a 7zip archive maybe we have a
 case of PEBKAC :) [look it up if you don't know what that is ;)]

I don't think the issue is whether or not the prospective user is  
capable of following instructions. The real issue is the cost-benefit  
analysis for the prospective user.

I think there are a lot of potential users who might have vaguely  
heard about Sage from a colleague/teacher/whoever, and get to  
sagemath.org, and have to figure out what to do next. For many of  
these people, we now have their eyeballs for about 15 seconds. If  
they can't figure out how to download and start using Sage with less  
neurons than it takes to get distracted by the newspaper or their cup  
of coffee or whatever, then we lose them. The thing is, they *don't  
care about Sage yet*, and if the coffee smells better, they'll go for  
the coffee.

So for this reason I advocate we push this even further. We should  
try to absolutely minimise the number of clicks needed to get them  
running Sage on their own machine. Currently on sagemath.org, they  
have to do the following:
(1) click on download,
(2) click on Microsoft Windows Binary (note that many users may not  
even know what binary means),
(3) figure out that they need to download the zip file, i.e. click on  
it (note that many users at this stage might never have seen an  
apache-served directory listing)

I reckon it needs to be WAY simpler than this. It needs to be a  
single click from the main page, labelled Download Sage for  
Microsoft Windows, which goes straight to a self-extracting  
installer. The contents of README.txt need to be put on the screen  
without even needing to click on README.txt.


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[sage-devel] Re: hyperlinks for Colloquy users

2008-04-09 Thread David Harvey


This sounds like a much better approach than what I did, but when I  
run that I get an error message about not being able to find the objc  


On Apr 9, 2008, at 2:54 AM, Yi Qiang wrote:

 I thought this was a great idea but I found the patching Colloquy
 approach to be a bit hardcore, especially since it does the wrong
 things for channel urls in other channels.

 I whipped up a quick python plugin using Colloquy's plugin framework.
 To install it, just drop it into ~/Library/Application
 Support/Colloquy/PlugIns/ and type /reload plugins or restart

 You can get the plugin here:




 On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 10:22 AM, David Harvey  

  Hi all,

  This message is for Sage developers who use the Colloquy IRC chat

  I have patched Colloquy so that text like #1234 gets  
 hyperlinked to
  the sage trac server.

  Here is the patch file, which should get applied to the file Panels/
  JVDirectChatPanel.m in the root of the colloquy tree (you can get  
  original source via svn from the main colloquy web site):


  Also I made a binary. I think I made it Universal. But really I have
  no idea what I'm doing, since I don't really know how to use XCode,
  but it seems to work for me (OSX 10.4.11, intel):




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[sage-devel] Re: hyperlinks for Colloquy users

2008-04-09 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 10, 2008, at 1:02 AM, Yi Qiang wrote:

 I debugged this some more with Craig Citro and it turns out it's a bug
 in Colloquy itself. It seems that on Leopard system it links against
 Python 2.3 by default. I've recompiled it so it links against Python
 2.5 if it exists and falls back to Python 2.3 if it does not (so it's
 still compatible on 10.4)

 You can find the app here:


 Follow the same instructions as in the previous email to install  
 the plugin.

 Craig reported it working correctly on his machine now so I'm curious
 to see if anyone else has success =)

So now I have to both use a patched Colloquy *and* a plugin? :-)

But seriously, if this is really a colloquy bug, you should submit it  
to the author(s). They seem to have a pretty ferocious release schedule.

I'm too tired to try it now, will try tomorrow.


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[sage-devel] Re: fractional ideals

2008-04-08 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 8, 2008, at 4:27 PM, Alex Ghitza wrote:

 Hi folks,

 On Sunday we had an interesting discussion on #sage-devel about the
 current implementation of fractional ideals in Sage.  This was spurred
 mainly by #821, but went beyond the issues in that ticket.  I am going
 to try to summarize the main points of the discussion, first so  
 that we
 have a record of it, and also so it can continue and we can see  
 what we
 can/should do about it.

 1. At the moment, NumberFieldFractionalIdeal inherits from
 Ideal_generic, which David Harvey pointed out is *very bad*, since
 fractional ideals are *not ideals*.  Yes, the terminology is  
 but we don't have the luxury of convincing Kummer or whoever came up
 with it that it should be changed.

 2. Another sketchy thing is that for a number field K, the method
 ideal() overrides the ring ideal method and returns 0 or a fractional
 ideal.  Even if the objection from point 1 did not exist, this  
 is bad, because if I want to write a function that deals with  
 ideals in
 rings, I would have to do something special if my ring is a number  
 (since ideal() does not have a consistent behavior).

 Here is, as far as I remember, what the irc discussion identified as
 preferred behavior:

 (a) For any ring R, R.ideal([list of elements of R]) should return the
 ideal of R which is generated by the elements in the list.  This  
 in particular happen for a number field, i.e. if K is a number field
 then K.ideal([list of elements of K]) should return either the  
 ideal generated by 0 or the Principal ideal generated by 1.

 (b) mathematically speaking, a fractional ideal is a rank one  
 module over a Dedekind domain R; equivalently, it is a nonzero
 finitely-generated R-submodule of the fraction field K=Frac(R).  This
 latter description might be more amenable to computation.  I don't  
 we have Dedekind domains in Sage, so maybe we can just have this  
 work in
 the main area of application (algebraic number theory), by having
 fractional ideals in number fields.  So if O is an order in a number
 field K, we would like O.fractional_ideal([list of elements of K]) to
 return the fractional ideal of O generated by the elements in the  
 ~ For convenience, we might also want K.fractional_ideal([list of
 elements of K]) to be an alias for OK.fractional_ideal([list of  
 of K]), where OK is the ring of integers of K.

 Just getting all of this straightened out for rings of integers would
 already be a serious but very worthwhile endeavor.

 Whoever was around #sage-devel when this was going on, please correct
 anything that I might have misrepresented.  Everybody else, please  


Strongly support everything you've said here, and thanks for taking  
the time to write this summary.

(I'm slightly concerned about what should happen for non-maximal  
orders, but I can't quite remember how this is supposed to work  


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[sage-devel] trac is down....

2008-04-07 Thread David Harvey


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[sage-devel] hyperlinks for Colloquy users

2008-04-04 Thread David Harvey

Hi all,

This message is for Sage developers who use the Colloquy IRC chat  

I have patched Colloquy so that text like #1234 gets hyperlinked to  
the sage trac server.

Here is the patch file, which should get applied to the file Panels/ 
JVDirectChatPanel.m in the root of the colloquy tree (you can get the  
original source via svn from the main colloquy web site):


Also I made a binary. I think I made it Universal. But really I have  
no idea what I'm doing, since I don't really know how to use XCode,  
but it seems to work for me (OSX 10.4.11, intel):



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[sage-devel] Re: your opinions about 0.digits()

2008-04-03 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 3, 2008, at 10:05 AM, Joel B. Mohler wrote:

 I intentionally made 0.digits() return [] because that seems to me  
 the most
 consistent mathematical thing to do.



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[sage-devel] Re: bug in factoring over number fields?

2008-04-02 Thread David Harvey
This is now



On Apr 2, 2008, at 12:57 PM, John Cremona wrote:

 You are right.  As a list, F has three elements of which the first is
 (2,1) -- i.e. 2 to the power 1 -- but when the list is converted to a
 Factorization type this first factor is left alone instead of being
 converted into the __unit part.


 On 02/04/2008, David Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is the following a bug?

  sage: K.a = NumberField(x^2 + 1)
  sage: R.y, z = PolynomialRing(K)
  sage: f = 2*y^2 + 2*z^2
  sage: F = f.factor(); F
  2 * (y + (-a)*z) * (y + a*z)
  sage: F.unit_part()

  Shouldn't the unit part be 2? It seems to be listing 2 as a bona  

  (This was reported by Genya Zaytman.)


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[sage-devel] multivariate polys over residue fields of number fields are broken

2008-04-02 Thread David Harvey
This example from Genya Zaytman:

sage: F1.u = NumberField(x^6 + 6*x^5 + 124*x^4 + 452*x^3 + 4336*x^2  
+ 8200*x + 42316)
sage: reduct_id = F1.factor_integer(47)[0][0]
sage: Rf = F1.residue_field(reduct_id)   # = GF(47^3)
sage: R1.X,Y = PolynomialRing(Rf)
sage: ubar = Rf(u)
sage: I = ideal([ubar*X+Y])
sage: I.groebner_basis()

Is this supposed to work? It's just a multivariate poly over a finite  

I've put it up at:



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[sage-devel] Re: Crash in quo_rem

2008-04-01 Thread David Harvey

On Apr 1, 2008, at 4:53 AM, mabshoff wrote:

 On Apr 1, 10:41 am, shreevatsa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Someone else was trying to do something, and I tried something and  
 a crash; mabshoff asked me to post a backtrace. (So if it is very
 long, don't blame me ;-))

 This is probably invalid mathematics that should raise an exception,
 but it causes a crash instead on my OS X 10.4. The other person also
 had this problem on Linux. mabshoff speculated it is a 32-bit/64-bit
 issue, since it raises an exception for him.

 K.x=QQ['X']; p=EuclideanDomainElement(K);
 q=EuclideanDomainElement(K); (x^3+p*x+q).quo_rem(3*x^2+p)

Wait a second

if I type

sage: K.x = QQ['X']
sage: p = EuclideanDomainElement(K)

what is this supposed to even mean? What is p supposed to be here? I get

sage: p
  Generic element of a structure

I think the __init__ call gets redirected to Element.__init__, which  
just sets the parent. In my opinion, this constructor call should be  
disallowed somehow. Unless there's something about the new coercion  
model that I don't know.


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[sage-devel] Fwd: Multivariate Polynomial Factoring is Broken

2008-03-31 Thread David Harvey
Begin forwarded message:

 From: Genya Zaytman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: March 31, 2008 1:15:21 PM EDT
 To: David Harvey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Fwd: Multivariate Polynomial Factoring is Broken

 Begin forwarded message:
 From: Genya Zaytman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: March 31, 2008 1:14:39 PM EDT
 Subject: Multivariate Polynomial Factoring is Broken

 sage: version()
 'SAGE Version sage-2.11, Release Date: 2008-03-30'
 sage: q = 1073741789
 sage: T.aa, bb = PolynomialRing(GF(q))
 sage: f = aa^2 + 12124343*bb*aa + 32434598*bb^2; f
 aa^2 + 12124343*aa*bb + 32434598*bb^2
 sage: f.factor()
 (32434598) * (16373350*aa^2 + 437239695*aa*bb + bb^2)
 sage: g = (32434598) * (16373350*aa^2 + 437239695*aa*bb + bb^2); g
 aa^2 - 49344938*aa*bb + 32434598*bb^2
 sage: f == g

So basically, in the example above, we factor a homogeneous degree 2  
polynomial in two variables, multiply it back out and get a different  


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[sage-devel] Re: polynomials: cyclotomic, sparse etc

2008-03-31 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 31, 2008, at 6:09 PM, William Stein wrote:

 Relevant code:


To profile this properly, you shouldn't do it just at powers of ten,  
since the running time will depend heavily on the factorisation  
pattern of n. I guess you should do some examples with lots of small  
prime factors, examples with high prime powers, examples with just a  
prime, etc.


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[sage-devel] Re: polynomials: cyclotomic, sparse etc

2008-03-31 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 31, 2008, at 3:43 PM, John Cremona wrote:

 There was some discussion a week or so ago about a more efficient
 implentation of cyclotomic polynomials, which led to trac#2654.  I
 have tried various alternatives of the prototype code posted there,
 finding that the speed varied enormously as a result of
 trivial-seeming changes.

 The key operation needed is to replace f(x) by f(x^m) for various
 positive integers m, where f is an integer polynomial.  Doing
 f = f(x**m)
 was very slow, especially for large m.  Faster is to apply this  
 def powsub(f,m):
 assert m0
 if m==1: return f
 for i in d:
 return f.parent()(g)

 Is there a better way?  And is this operation needed elsewhere, in
 which case the function should be available generally?

 I thought of using sparse polynomials, but the algorithm also needs
 exact polynomial division whcih (as far as I can see) is not available
 for sparse integer polys.

 Suggestions welcome, so we can put a decent patch in for this
 important function!

Perhaps if you have a bound for the size of the coefficients you  
could do a modular approach. Work mod N where the coefficients are  
guaranteed to be at most N. Usually I guess N will fit into a single  
word, so the polynomial arithmetic will be much faster than working  
over ZZ.


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[sage-devel] Re: polynomials: cyclotomic, sparse etc

2008-03-31 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 31, 2008, at 8:18 PM, Robert Bradshaw wrote:

 By the way, I just did some cyclotomic polynomial benchmarking
 in on Intel Core 2 Duo 2.6Ghz laptop.  Here are the results:

 n| Sage 2.11 | newcyc at #2654 | PARI   | Magma
 10^5 | 1.29  |  0.37   |   1.24 |  0.02
 10^6 | ? | 32.89   | 123.8  |  0.20
 10^7 | ? |  ?  |   ?|  2.37

 Magma crushes everything else yet again...

 Fixed up the ZZ[x] constructor, now we crush Magma (I don't feel bad
 taking credit 'cause I wrote the original cyclotomic coefficient  

 sage: time f = cyclotomic_polynomial(10^5)
 CPU times: user 0.00 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.00 s
 Wall time: 0.00
 sage: time f = cyclotomic_polynomial(10^6)
 CPU times: user 0.01 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.02 s
 Wall time: 0.02
 sage: time f = cyclotomic_polynomial(10^7)
 CPU times: user 0.15 s, sys: 0.08 s, total: 0.22 s
 Wall time: 0.24

 sage: time f = cyclotomic_polynomial(next_prime(10^5))
 CPU times: user 0.05 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 0.05 s
 Wall time: 0.06
 sage: time f = cyclotomic_polynomial(ZZ.random_element(10^5, 10^6))
 CPU times: user 0.02 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.03 s
 Wall time: 0.06


mate that's awesome.


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[sage-devel] Re: Trac Guidelines are now in the Wiki

2008-03-30 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 30, 2008, at 6:31 AM, mabshoff wrote:

 Hello folks,

 there have been a large, nebulous set of rules regarding how things
 are done in trac, patch review and merging and the Sage development
 process in general. Now I finally took the time to clear those up and
 I put a *draft* of the guidelines up at


 What I wrote there is obviously not the final version and none of the
 rules are written in stone. I would actually like a discussion about
 the rules to clear any potential issue where things are either wrong
 or unclear. I consider what I wrote  down the consensus from having
 done releases for the last four months, but even I do make mistakes ;)

 I am working on additional sections on workflow and so on. I believe
 that eventually the content of that Wiki page should go into the
 documentation or that at least a link from the official doc should
 point to that wiki page.

On a quick skim-read, I found the Sage Specific paragraph very  
confusing. Are you trying to say that if someone makes up their own  
version of Sage that ships different versions of packages to the ones  
we normally ship, then they are on their own? Or something else?


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[sage-devel] Re: interact versus manipulate

2008-03-08 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 8, 2008, at 10:18 AM, William Stein wrote:

 I'm trying to decide if Sage's new mathematica manipulate like
 functionality should
 be called manipulate or interact.


 Thoughts about the above names:
1. Mathematica calls this command Manipulate, so if
 we call it manipulate, then the name will be immediately
 familiar to mathematica users, and we benfit from them learning
 it more easily as well (since it can do much the same thing).

Also more likely to get sued.

2. Manipulate sounds sinister (as my wife pointed out rather
3. Interact sound very positive and non-sinister, but perhaps
 doesn't have quite the same ring to it as manipulate.
4. Interact is shorter, which is a plus.

Well they also mean different things. Manipulate means the user is in  
control, and the computer is just doing what it's being told to do.  
It's more like driving a car. Interact means it's more like a  
conversation, with information flowing in both directions. The  
problem with interact is that you're *always* interacting with  
sage, this is just a different type of interaction, a bit more  
physically intuitive.

Here are some other words I found in an online thesaurus (not to be  
taken too seriously)


Well I never even heard of vivify before.

Another option might be to try to come up with a word that emphasises  
the controls themselves, like lever or slider or something.


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[sage-devel] Re: interact versus manipulate

2008-03-08 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 8, 2008, at 10:53 AM, David Harvey wrote:

 I'm trying to decide if Sage's new mathematica manipulate like
 functionality should
 be called manipulate or interact.

Oh and by the way, it looks way cool. I'm looking forward to playing  
with it.


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[sage-devel] Re: Doc Days

2008-03-06 Thread David Harvey

On Mar 6, 2008, at 1:01 PM, William Stein wrote:

 Before we can release Sage-3.0 the doctest coverage must reach 50%.
 This is one of the more
 difficult goals for Sage-3.0.  Thus I propose that we have a Sage Doc
 Days this Sunday.
 Whose interested in helping?



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[sage-devel] exact numerical integration

2008-03-05 Thread David Harvey

I tried doing some integrals today and the output doesn't make much  
sense to me:

sage: f = e^(-x^2)
sage: f.integrate(x, 0, 0.1)
sage: f.integrate(x, 0, 1/10)

H. Does this mean erf(1/10) is a rational number? That's a little  
surprising to me. In fact:

sage: RR(f.integrate(x, 0, 0.1))
sage: RR(f.integrate(x, 0, 1/10))

What's going on here?


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[sage-devel] Fwd: sage-devel exact numerical integration

2008-03-05 Thread David Harvey
Begin forwarded message:

 From: Andrzej Chrzęszczyk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: March 5, 2008 6:23:53 PM EST
 Subject: sage-devel exact numerical integration

 Dear David

 sage: maxima_console()
 (%i1) integrate(%e^(-x^2),x,0,0.1);
 `rat' replaced .05623145800914245 by 2066/36741 = .05623145804414686
 2066 sqrt(%pi)
 (%o1)   --

 then you will see that (behind the scene)
 maxima replaces more accurate result .05623145804414686 sqrt(%pi)
 by the less accurate one:  2066 sqrt(%pi)/36741 (default maxima  

 Your exact calculations are OK but why do you mix the exact-inexact.
 Pure numerical version using GSL:

 sage: numerical_integral(lambda x:e^(-x^2),0,-.1)
 (-0.099667664290336327, 1.1065333570574191e-15)

 is in a good accordance with your exact calculations

 Andrzej Chrzeszczyk

 (I'm not in sage-devel so I'm using your  e-mail adress,
 I hope You will excuse me)

Okay, I can see this makes sense from within Maxima, since you get to  
see the replacement message.

But in Sage, it's really terrible! When I do

sage: f = e^(-x^2)
sage: f.integral(x, 0, 0.1)

I have absolutely no idea what is going on in the background. It  
could be maxima, or sympy, or some other library that someone plugged  
in, or who knows what.

How am I supposed to tell that 2066*sqrt(pi)/36741 is not an exact  
answer? Since it contains sqrt(pi), it's very suggestive that it's  
supposed to be exact.

Another example: if I do

sage: f = x*e^(2*x)
sage: f.integral(x, 0, 1)
e^2/4 + 1/4

Is that an exact answer? Or it just close enough to e^2/4? What use  
is the answer if I can't tell?


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[sage-devel] trac is down.....

2008-03-03 Thread David Harvey
Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /sage_trac/.

Reason: Error reading from remote server



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[sage-devel] polynomial_dense_modn_ntl and all that

2008-02-25 Thread David Harvey

Currently in sage.rings.polynomial we have the following class  


The implementations are via some weird combination of direct NTL  
access and libs.ntl.

Is there eventually supposed to be Polynomial_dense_modp_ntl_zz and  
Polynomial_dense_modp_ntl_ZZ as well? Currently, if I do  
PolynomialRing(Integers(7)), it's apparently implemented via ZZ_pX  
(via libs.ntl!), but if I do PolynomialRing(Integers(1000)), it's  
implemented via zz_pX. So we get weird things like:

sage: R.x = PolynomialRing(Integers(7))
sage: f = R([ZZ.random_element() for _ in range(100)])
sage: timeit(g = f*f)
625 loops, best of 3: 168 µs per loop


sage: R.x = PolynomialRing(Integers(100))
sage: f = R([ZZ.random_element() for _ in range(100)])
sage: timeit(g = f*f)
625 loops, best of 3: 26.2 µs per loop

i.e. it's six times faster if the modulus is composite.


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[sage-devel] Re: harmonizing derivatives of symbolic expressions and polynomials

2008-02-24 Thread David Harvey

After hearing some ideas on IRC regarding the derivatives mess, in  
this email I propose a plan. It's rough around the edges. Comments  


There are currently at least 18 different functions for  
differentiation in Sage, attached to polynomials, power series,  
symbolics, and other things. (See my previous email for a complete  

There are about 4 diff, 12 derivative, one differentiate, and  
sometimes (but not always) these names are aliases to each other.

I count six different call signatures (all derivatives replaced by  
diff in the following list):

def diff(self): mainly for univariate polynomial and power series types.

def diff(self, verbose=None): only in the sage.functions.elementary  
module. All doctests are switched off on this file. The documentation  
says that this function *integrates* things! The verbose flag seems  
to be something passed to maxima.

def diff(self, *args): only in calculus.calculus.SymbolicExpression.  
This is the most powerful version, and is the closest to what I want  
to eventually support everywhere.

def diff(f, *args, **kwds): only in calculus.functional. This is a  
global, and just dispatches to the diff method on f.

def diff(self, variable, have_ring=False): in the libsingular  
multivariate polynomial code, and also mysteriously crops up in  
polynomial_modn_dense_ntl.pyx. The parameter have_ring seems to be  
ignored everywhere, and somewhere claims that it is needed for  
compatibility reasons. But I can't figure out what this means.

def diff(self, var='x', n=1): only in  
interfaces.maxima.MaximaElement. It means differentiate n times with  
respect to x. Note that the variable is supplied as a *string*. We  
might want to leave this one out of the discussion; I guess here the  
diff function is supposed to conform to maxima semantics (about which  
I know nothing) rather than fit into the sage object model.

There are three open tickets on this issue:

http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/756 (patch is problematic)
http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/753 (not much interesting  
http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/1578 (there's a patch here,  
might need to get superseded, sorry Nick)

There are two separate issues here: function naming, and function  
signatures. The former is much simpler, so I'll discuss that first.


I propose that we deprecate differentiate.

I propose that we use diff as the basic name, and have derivative  
as an alias for any object supporting diff.

I propose that there be a lower-level function _diff with a simpler  
signature, see below.


Here is an approximation to what I would like to see.

Any object F supporting differentiation should have a function  
_diff (def or cpdef) taking at least one argument var=None. It can  
have additional arguments, but these must be optional. For example:
def _diff(self, var=None)
def _diff(self, var=None, have_ring=False)
def _diff(self, var=None, verbose=False)

If var is supplied, it should be a variable object (for example, a  
symbolic variable, or a generator of a polynomial ring). It need not  
lie in the parent of F. Examples:

* If F is in S[x] for some ring S, and you call F._diff(x), you get  
what you expect.
* If F is in S[x] for some ring S, and you call F._diff(y), then  
G._diff(y) gets called for each coefficient of F.
* If F is in the symbolic ring, then var can be any symbolic variable.

If var is None, the object makes a decision about the default  
variable and uses that. For example:

* a univariate polynomial or power series will differentiate w.r.t.  
the generator.
* a symbolic expression containing precisely one variable will use  
that variable.
* a multivariate polynomial will raise an exception.
* a symbolic expression containing more than one variable will raise  
an exception.

Now we come to the diff method. It must have an *args-style  
argument, which must be interpreted according to the following list  
of examples (which is almost clear enough to serve as a  
specification :-)):

F.diff(): equivalent to F._diff(None)
F.diff(2): equivalent to F._diff(None)._diff(None)
F.diff(x): equivalent to F._diff(x)
F.diff(x, 3): equivalent to F._diff(x)._diff(x)._diff(x)
F.diff(x, y): equivalent to F._diff(x)._diff(y)
F.diff(x, 3, y, 2, z): equivalent to F._diff(x)._diff(x)._diff 
F.diff(2, x): equivalent to F._diff(None)._diff(None)._diff(x)  
[this one currently causes an infinite loop for symbolic objects!]
F.diff([x, y, z]): equivalent to F._diff(x)._diff(y)._diff(z)
F.diff((x, y, z)): equivalent to F._diff(x)._diff(y)._diff(z)

For the list and tuple versions, it must be the only parameter, and  
repetition counts are not allowed.

When I say equivalent in the above descriptions, I don't mean it  
literally has to call _diff that way, I just mean the behaviour  
should be equivalent.

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