RE: Original SAM design?

2000-07-23 Thread Si Owen
Allan Skillman wrote:
> I remember that one, there was a series in Crash back in 1988-89,
> which included early designs for the Sam. Unfortunately I had to
> throw out all my old copies of Crash on pain of death (or worse)
> a while back.

Sounds rather familiar!  Alyson refused to allow mine to come with us when
we moved house - I can imagine it was something like that for you!

Still, I did go through all of them first to pull out any good articles to
keep, which did include the SAM stuff :-)


RE: Windows 2000 - the new spawn of satan?

2000-07-15 Thread Si Owen
Simon Cooke wrote:
> Win2k has better direct disk access support

Maybe, but only _just_ from what I can see!

> ; you have to use the IOCTL's though.

All they seem to have done is break up floppy.sys into flpydisk.sys and
fdc.sys, and create some internal I/O control codes to communicate between
them.  It does mean a new floppy driver no longer includes any direct
controller communication (and has added arbitration), but means that the rest
(and the most part too) must still be done in the new driver.

For a SAM-friendly driver it still seems to require flpydisk to be rebuilt
(after some minor tweaking), which is something that could have been done
under NT4 too!  With a change in driver layout it just seems to have made
things more complicated to support both W2K and NT4.

> I explicitly asked the Win2k NTFS team for it ... why? for SIMCoupe'
> of course :)

Flpydisk.sys still has the same fixed format-detect tables for various floppy
formats, and won't treat a low-density disk as anything other than 9 sectors
per track  :-/

Am I missing something?  Perhaps you could enlighten me on how a W2K solution
is now so much easier!

> How's that for forward planning? :-)

It would have been much nicer to have something like a
IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_GEOMETRY to allow overrides for particular formats, which
is what I ended up writing a driver to do for a W2K _and_ NT4 solution.  Or
perhaps they could also have allowed sector access using CHS addressing in
addition to the linear device-style access...


RE: free: the complete spectrum rom disassembly

2000-06-30 Thread Si Owen
Ian Collier wrote:
> imc (who already has one, but all the pages are falling out)

Heh, mine too :-)  I still vividly remember how hard it was to get hold of
that book in the first place too!


RE: Expansion Memory

2000-06-30 Thread Si Owen
Andrew Collier wrote:
> HMPR (251dec) bit 7 MCNTRL
> If this bit is set when the CPU addresses high memory, then the external
> signal XMEM goes low and the Coupe looks on its expansion connector for
> memory sections C and D (addresses 32768 to 65536)
> This isn't enough information. I'm pretty certain there are another two
> ports, one each to specify a page in sections C and D. But I've no idea
> what port addresses they're at.

Port 0x80 is the external page for section C, and port 0x81 is for section D.
As you said above bit 7 of HMPR has to be set for these to be visible, and the
page in section D appears to cover ROM1 when paged in too.

The other important things is that each extra MB added is present from the top
of memory down.  If you have the maximum 4MB then all external pages from 0 to
255 are available, but if you have 3MB then only 64-255 are valid (128-255 for
2MB and 192-255 for 1MB).

> Over to... Si?

Well, over to the SimCoupe source - I don't have any external memory either!


RE: So... where do i get it?

2000-06-28 Thread Si Owen
Edwin Blink wrote:
> or EDDAC

Are the SAMdac and EDDAC both 8-bit stereo on the same ports?

> Will you also implement  a COM port ?

Would that be for a modem, or did you have something else in mind?

I did have a bit of a play with the serial port stuff, which was enough to get
it to talk to my modem on COM1, but not enough to add to the GUI.  I managed
to extract a few details from Simon Cooke's Termite source (is there a binary
of that available?) to get that working, but I don't have any other docs to
work with - can anyone help me with that?


RE: Anyone help here

2000-06-27 Thread Si Owen
Chris White wrote:
> SDF for sale did i miss something !

I was thinking more of an original Pipemania disk! :-)  (and any other SAM
software I can lay my hands on that's still about!)


RE: So... where do i get it?

2000-06-27 Thread Si Owen
David L wrote:
> So, where can I find the latest version of the emulator?

To steal from Dan Doore's message:

"Or have a go with the Win32 port of SimCoupe...

...and then get the latest snapshot EXE from Si...";

> And is the windows version fully working?

Pretty much so, yes - it should cope with virtually anything you throw at it!
There are a few small issues in that version that have since been fixed, and a
couple more things that are being worked on.  I'll do another snapshot update
soon, and hopefully update the docs etc. too so there's a single package to
download once more.

Next version will have slightly improved sound support, which improved the
sound of the BEEP command and sound samples playback.  Mono DAC and SAM DAC
support is up and running too, so Stefan's MOD player sounds better than ever!
After that there'll be some printer support (finally!), and more...


RE: Anyone help here

2000-06-26 Thread Si Owen
Chris White wrote:
> But i have a proxy server that only send mail if high priority , will have
> to look @ setting on that end

ah, you have our sympathy!  At least you don't have something that tags a 50
line disclaimer to the message! ;-)


RE: Anyone help here

2000-06-26 Thread Si Owen
David L wrote:
> It was pretty much a standard SAM format... although there was an unformated
> sector IIR

Depends whether the game refuses to run if it can't find it - probably if it's
the intended protection!  An SDF image would preserve the original format and
wouldn't require any code modifications to hack around it, etc.  Anyone got it
for sale?


RE: Anyone help here

2000-06-26 Thread Si Owen
Chris White wrote:
> saw Wayne Hay other day ( incase you don't know him he did
> Pipemania on Sam for Enigma )
> No showed him WinCoupe and he loved it , now he need a image ov Pipemania.

What sort of copy protection does it have?  Simple enough for a DSK or will
it need an SDF jobbie?


btw, your e-mail program is still set up to mark ALL your e-mails as
high-priority!  Could you please turn it off?  Ta!

RE: Simcoupe 0.8 Alpha

2000-06-22 Thread Si Owen
Ian Spencer wrote:
> I know Si hasn't included foreign keyboards yet and my system
> is German.

If your using an older EXE (named as WinCoupe.exe) then the symbols should
be in the right place, but other keys that differ from UK/US layouts may be
wrong.  The newer SimCoupe.exe versions should do mappings for the other
keys too (tested with the AZERTY layout with French keyboard layout).  If
it's still wrong with the newer version then I'll have to look into it - are
(m)any non-symbol keys in different locations on a German keyboard?

> Whereas 1 to 6 work normally very strange! Has anyone else noticed

Very strange indeed!  Hopefully you're just using an old EXE and can update
yours with I'll see if
I can reproduce it using a German keyboard layout on my system here...


RE: Completely off topic posting!!!

2000-06-20 Thread Si Owen
Howard Price wrote:
> Daveykins wrote:
> >* 380w Speakers
> What the hell?!!  I'm not sure I want a WindowsDing to go that loud.
> You must be pretty damn deaf, man.

It's 380W PMPO tho, which is usually how they rate speaker to make them
sound better than they are.  Hi-Fi speakers tend to be rated in RMS, which
is a lot more honest, and on that scale the 380W speakers would be roughly
25W RMS - doesn't sound quite so impressive!.  My Crossfires are 100W RMS
which gives a daft sounding 1000W+ PMPO!

(you can tell I'm bored in work today can't you?)


RE: Shows etc

2000-06-20 Thread Si Owen
Justin Skists wrote:
> where's Horwich?

NW of Manchester, near Bolton.  See:;

I've been to Bolton loadsa times but I didn't know where Horwich was until I
checked too!


RE: Shows etc

2000-06-20 Thread Si Owen
Dave L wrote:
> Weelll... that's 2 votes for November any further ones? :)

November's fine by me...

Horwich would actually be pretty convenient too - my other half can visit
her mum while I'm at the show, as she lives just down the road :-)


Re: Sim Coupe

2000-06-15 Thread Si Owen
Dan Doore wrote:
> Si Owen and others are beavering away with SimCoupe to make it
> super-shiny, in the meantime members of this list can download
> the 0.8 alpha version from

Also, if anyone would like to try a recent binary, I've uploaded the latest
snapshot to

Note: this is just a bare EXE so you'll need to have the older WinCoupe
package mentioned above - many of the key mappings have changes, and I've
not updated the docs yet!  Also note that the EXE is now called SimCoupe.exe
instead of WinCoupe.exe :-)

Dave Laundon and I have been working very hard on it over the last few
weeks, and hope it's faster and more accurate than ever.  There aren't many
known problems at the moment, and we'd would welcome any feedback on how
runs compared to the previous version as well as anything you think that
runs differently to the real beast.  E-mail me if you have any problems,
questions, suggestions, etc.

Share and enjoy...


RE: Looking for old SAM stuff

2000-06-10 Thread Si Owen
Simon Cooke wrote:
> Umm... the parallax protection was kind of... tortuous.
> But it might work :) E-Copy can handle it (but then, E-Copy was
> spawned from the Parallax Disk Copier :))

It's certainly a lot easier to create an image from an original disk than to
create a duplicate version of it anyway!


RE: Looking for old SAM stuff

2000-06-09 Thread Si Owen
Dan Doore wrote:
> This has reminded me of an earlier post about the SDF format that
> Win/SimCoupe supports - was there ever a SDF-maker around?

I got e-mailed about that recently too, and the answer is 'sorta'!  I did
write some bits of program to do it, but it was only enough for me to know
it worked, as it still requires lots of messing about to use it.

I requires 2 drives and two floppies for each disk to convert, and for the
BASIC part of it to be edited before each side of the disk is converted.
Then the 2 floppies need to be converted to .SAD (not .DSK) format, and a
binary editor used to chop off the 22 byte header, and the last half of the
disk data.  You are left with two raw binary sides which need concatenating
to form the SDF image (well strictly a header needs to be added too, tho the
latest released SimCoupe only understands files without them!  Quite a lot
of messing really - I've only converted about 5 disks myself so far!

If anyone fancies taking what I've got and doing something better with it
they're welcome to it!  Otherwise I'll get around to it at some point, maybe
once the next SimCoupe release is ready...


RE: Screen viewer 1.27

2000-06-08 Thread Si Owen
Dave Laundon wrote:
> Things I've been testing with that now seem to work -

> Big on-screen scrolly in Mnemodemo 1 (that was a tough one!)

That's been eating at me for a LONG time, and I thought it would probably be
one of the last things that would be unfixed!  The boundary timings seemed
pretty critical to get it visible, but there was still an extra fringe on
the top and it didn't scroll smoothly.  It looks really nice now - it seems
your breaking down the timings to the fundamental workings is really paying

There still seems to be a small problem with it, in that it looks slightly
stretched just to the left of the right-hand border area.  It seems to do
that when the whole scroller is slightly too far left, so the preparation
for the next line is done on the right edge of the screen instead of in the
right border area.  I remember seeing the same effect on border scrollers
too, but all the ones I've checked are still fine.

> If there are any obvious ones I've not tried, let me know!

Only other thing I've seen is that there's a slight flicker on the left side
of the palette in Flash!, which wasn't there in the last version I had.
Hopefully any minor things like that will all be caused by the same thing,
so once it's fixed it'll fix em all!

Great work Dave - I look forward to a source update and details of the
mystical changes!


RE: Screen viewer 1.27

2000-06-07 Thread Si Owen
Edwin Blink wrote:
> If you need a a demo to test your timings I could send you my mode3/4 mode
> mixing demo (as featured on blitz 6)

Thanks, got it from Dave Laundon.  The SimCoupe version I have gets it
pretty close, tho it seems to manage the mode changes 1 screen block too
late in each case (see  Not sure how Dave's
latest CPU/timing changes will affect that yet...


RE: Screen viewer 1.27

2000-06-06 Thread Si Owen

Sorry about the name being wrong in the previous posts - first time I've
posted to the list since I set it up in Outlook again!


RE: Wincoupe again...

2000-05-26 Thread Si Owen
Bob Wilkinson wrote:
> Thanks Edwin, but I have that version, it's the next release I'm
> waiting for, but it just seems a long time coming and some news
> would be welcome.

It got archived away around New Year and was completely untouched until the
middle of last month.  A few people were interested in it, so I apologise to
them, but it sounded like it was too much of a threat to the real SAM for
people to be interested in it.  The responses to the Millennium Poll asking
how often is was used seemed to confirm the general lack of interest, so I
lost all motivation to work on it and stopped.  The fuss over releasing a
GPL program without the source halted any further binary releases for people
to play with - it was only ever given to people on this list as a private
release, and not announced on any other sites.  I'm not really sure whether
people are still as anti-SAM-emulation as before - anyone want to speak up
on whether it should be buried for a bit longer?

It was only last month that I unpacked it and started to do a bit more on
it...  I've moved all the Win32-specific code out of the core modules, and
am keeping it clean of any conditional code to avoid the usual unreadable
conditional code soup.  It's probably not completely settled down as there
are some things I'm still not completely happy with, but it's most of the
way there.  It compiles and runs on BeOS, but with dummy versions of any
OS-specific code so it's not of any use yet.  Hopefully it won't be too bad
to port back to Linux etc. but only time will tell - I still don't regret
the revamp I've done on it.  I'm back to calling it SimCoupe to show that
it's more general, but will still probably refer to the Win32 version as
WinCoupe if it's something specific to that version.

I've added in support for MIDI out (port, interrupt and flags) to drive
Windows MIDI devices (mainly for sound card synth playback) - thanks to Dave
Laundon and his Mtracker app for helping me with this!  Saving back to the
various disk images is now hooked up too, so it's probably a lot more useful
to most people that previous versions.  The Atom support is still broken, as
it has been since BDOS added CD-ROM support - all the ATA(PI) stuff is
munged together and needs separating, as well as support adding for both
master and slave.  It's generally more advanced than it was in terms of
emulation accuracy (instruction boundary timing support, etc.), tho I've not
really looked to see how much of a performance hit it's made.

On the Win32 side, the generalisation move has broken things like the option
saving/loading (which was a quick (G/S)etPrivateProfileString
implementation), and other new core additions may mean it's not running
optimally at the moment.  than it was since many people last saw it, but
nothing drastic has happened in the UI dept.  I've rewritten the keyboard
code to cope with non-QWERTY keyboards in addition to symbols in different
locations.  Some of the video stuff still needs to be moved about,
particularly some of the dangerous primary buffer access.  I can reproduce
the strange slow-down with 'Hardware support' enabled with my G200 in work
(it's faster with it disabled), but haven't tracked down why it's happening.
Preliminary Win9x direct disk access support is in, but it's very slow and
shaky (damn the Win16 mutex!).  I'm almost done with the WinNT/W2K hack, er,
implementation, which is much faster and smoother than the Win9x version.
I'm just finishing off the driver needed for it, which will also allow other
SAM apps to use it to regular format access SAM disks (Edwin's utils etc.?),
tho have a few side-effects to finish off to make it seamless.

If people are happy playing with unfinished, potentially buggy test
versions, I don't mind making them available as new features are added.  I'm
up for handing out the source in its current state, on request, and would
welcome feedback and enhancements to it.  I've yet to add in the GPL headers
on source files and remove lots of commented test sections of code, etc.
It's still under active development, and I'd like to maintain control the
master source for now; I'd also like to keep control of official releases of
it, and would prefer if there weren't unofficial versions floating about.
Any objections?

That about cover what were asking?  (*runs for cover*)


btw, my personal e-mail address has changed from [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Upgrading to a cable modem at home has also meant my
Demon web page has gone, tho I have got an new site to put things on,

RE: your mail

2000-01-07 Thread Si Owen
Simon Cooke wrote:
> To be honest... I couldn't find it either... I followed your
> directions, and couldn't understand anything that was there (it was
> all in Russian). I nosied around, couldn't find anything in English,

Clicking on the British flag seems to make it worse!  If you click straight
on the Sprinter button on the left it seems to be ok.  Or you can use this
URL for the English version:


(btw, Happy New Year/Millennium peeps!)

Re[3]: Christmas Greetings, etc.

1999-12-21 Thread Si Owen
Frode Tenneboe wrote:
> Ditto.

Me too!


Re: SimCoupe's "Spectrum mode"

1999-12-16 Thread Si Owen
[Sorry for the delay in replying to this - I've been off with flu and not
really up to doing very much!]

Andrew Collier wrote:
> Just wondering will WinCoupe have the swame option as SimCoupe
> to emulate a Spectrum instead of a Sam?

I put it back in a few weeks ago...

> And if it does, will it still have all the Sam's instruction
> timings and whatever?

Yeah, everything's the same as SAM mode 1, except that it's seen as a real
ROM chip so it runs uncontended - that might actually even make it even less
useful than an emulator running in SAM mode as it's running too fast!  It
certainly doesn't use a Z80 clock of 3.5/3.54MHz or anything fancy like

> Would it make the code much simpler to take the feature out?

It wasn't really much to add back in, so it's easy to take out - the only
changes made were:

- Use the Spectrum ROM image instead of ROM0
- Use a different keyboard table map so PC keyboard symbols locations are
correct for the Spectrum
- Border colour defaults to white on Z80 reset
- SAM memory paging is prepared so LMPR and HMPR don't overlap.

> I'm just thinking it perhaps isn't massively useful to include
> direct support for the Sam to emulate a Spectrum, when you can
>achieve that by loading a Spectrum emulator in the virtual Sam machine

Yeah true, and Martijn's excellent Spectrum emulator certainly does it a lot
better!  I used it for the first time recently, and it's a long way on from
the simple write-protected ROM method I used to use!  Alternatively, it's
even better to use a 'real' Spectrum emulator (like Z80 v4.0), or even a
real Spectrum if you're lucky enough to own one!

I suppose the Spectrum feature doesn't really belong in a SAM emulator
anyway.  I can't imagine replacing ROM 0 with a Spectrum ROM chip will work
on a real SAM anyway, as LMPR/HMPR are zero initialised on reset and
therefore overlap.

> no disk support, no tape support. Literally all you could do was
> type in a few lines of BASIC (without the symbol-shift key).

Well, there's better keyboard support in WinCoupe, but no disk or tape
support.  I didn't really think about it being so useless until you
mentioned this!  I guess it should probably be taken back out, tho the
keyboard mode might be worth keeping...  Anyone any thoughts/preference?


Re: Wincoupe

1999-12-05 Thread Si Owen
Andrew Collier wrote:
> One idea you could consider, which Ian described to me (I think he'd used
> it in his X spectrum emulator) would be that Left-Shift produces the
> keystroke you'd expect from looking at your PC's keyboard (eg, left-shift
> and '0' gives ')') wheras Right-Shift directly corresponds to the Shift
> on the Sam (eg, right-shift and '0' gives '~').

I tend to use the different shift keys fairly interchangably when typing,
depending on what I'm shifting to get at, which would give very strange
results!   Instead I've got 3 keyboard modes to choose from:

1) Raw, which doesn't do any magic, so shift-0 gives ~ (as on a real SAM)
2) SAM mode, which does SAM-specific key translations so shift-0 gives ) (as
on the PC)
3) Spectrum mode, which does Spectrum-specific key translations, so shift-0
gives ) with the Spectrum ROM or | in SAM BASIC (from symbol-9 as needed by
the Spectrum)

Switching between SAM and Spectrum system modes in the menu automatically
selects the relevant keyboard mode, but you can override it after that if
you like.

> Then again, not all keyboards can distinguish between left and right
> including all USB keyboards I've tried.

Some of the Win32 keyboard functions don't distinguish between left and
right versions, except under NT/W2K.  WinCoupe uses DirectInput for keyboard
reading, which gives a table of raw key states in scancode order, and does
distinguish between left and right versions on all platforms.  I've not got
access to any USB keyboards to try it out... if they're cheap enough I might
give it a try!

> Frankly, the idea of implementing all this on the iMac is giving me

Join the SimCoupe nightmare club!  ;-)

btw, did you ever ask Richard Bannister about the MacCoupe (hehe!) source
code?  From what I remember, he was offering to pass it on to someone that
could continue to develop it...


Re: Wincoupe

1999-12-05 Thread Si Owen
Dave Laundon wrote:
> Talking about customising the keys in WinCoupe, could we have options for
> customising the Insert/Home/Page Up block of keys?

Yeah, nice idea... It can probably go in at the same time as clipboard
pasting as it'll probably use some of the same tables.

> Maybe map Shift+Backspace to Delete, Inv to Insert and
> Cntrl+Left/Right to Home/End?  Perhaps even Symbol+Edit (IIRC) to Num

Shift-backspace for Delete is already in as I kept trying to use it!  Insert
is a much better choice for INV that I currently have, and the others are
good and general too.

I've also put the Spectrum keyboard mode back in, and added as many normal
key combinations as possible to it; only the extend mode symbols are not
available on their usual keys.

> I suppose this calls for a SimCoupe.ini file...

Already got a WinCoupe.ini!  Uh-oh, not back to that discussion again...

> How about the MIDI ports?  How easy would it be to interface with the
> Windows MIDI devices?

I reckon it should be ok, but I'd not looked into it as I've no SAM software
that drives the MIDI port for music.  I've done more work on using the MIDI
port for network access (over TCP sockets), but it's not at a very useful
stage yet.

> I have a program that plays E-Tracker tunes out of Sams MIDI port.

If you're willing to send me your program, I'll take a look once I've tied
up some more loose ends...


Re: Wincoupe

1999-12-05 Thread Si Owen
Simon Cooke wrote:
> The problem's this: Right-Alt, Right-Shift and Right-Ctrl aren't always
> available on all machines. (Some laptops don't have them - mine doesn't
> right-ctrl or right-alt, for instance). Also, on European machines,
> Right-Alt is used as "Alt-Gr" to generate graphics characters for
> language-layout keyboards. :)

Alt-Gr is effectively Right-Alt (same scancode), as that's what my UK
keyboard has (tho it often effectively presses left-ctrl too) - it's not
needed for it's normal special character use on a SAM so it won't really be
missed.  As long as there is an equivalent key on most keyboards (I thought
there would be) it shouldn't be a problem; if not then it'll have to go
somewhere else, along with the INV (currently keypad enter I think).  Does
your keyboard have anything in the place of right-alt that could be the same

Right-shift isn't really needed, but I use it in conjunction with Left-shift
for something strange.  On my UK keyboard " is Shift-2, but pressing both
shifts and 2 actually gives the copyright symbol, becuase the 2 and one
shift are toggled when generating the SAM " symbol, but the remaining shift
acts on that to give the copyright symbol.  Not terribly useful, but it
helped me check some combinations and I thought I'd leave it in.  Don't
worry, I don't have Shift-2 hard-wired for " - it should work normally
wherever it's located on your keyboard!

Right-ctrl is currentl used as an extra for SAM Cntrl, for when the left-alt
option is disabled to use the key for menu access instead.  It might be that
users of keyboards without a right-ctrl will just have to suffer using
left-alt (well, until Dave Laundon's key mapping idea is implemented - next


RE: WinCoupe & DosCoupe

1999-12-03 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> Yea, you probably want me to change the name of my stuff to DosCoupe...
> :)



RE: Wincoupe

1999-12-03 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> 0.78 is the latest version by Allan J.Skillman. There are several
> advantages over 0.72.
> Versions above 0.78 were compiled and distributed by me. There are several
> new advantages. If you use 0.72 I consider this wrong.

I went from 0.72 as there were both DOS and Unix versions available, as the
Unix version hadn't been updated to 0.78.  I've since compared the source
and can't see much that applies to what I've used.  Most of the changes are
in code that isn't used (DOS/Unix stuff, including UI) or has been
re-written (floppy, sound, ...).

> I thing people don't change frameskip and some other options so often.

True, but I still find I do use it, and it's easier than going to the menu
each time.  If there are function keys free then there's no harm in
assigning them to something.

> As you wrote Sam Coupe programs usually redraw whole screen, your
> WinCoupe redraw whole screen, so there is no reason of changing frameskip.

That doesn't really make sense - frameskip isn't really anything with the
full-screen redraw method.

> Especially when there is no information about the fps in fullscreen, so
> people can hardly see what happens.

The new display is on-screen instead, so it's visible full-screen as well as
windowed mode.

> I found a bug: Joystick up and down are reversed.
> Should be: 9=up, 8=down.

Thanks, I'll check that - I guess the y-axis origin is opposite to what I
expected.  I've only ever played Manic Miner on my gamepad, which isn't
something that really makes use of up and down!

> I would be nice to see autoboot when I insert new disk (not after reset).

It gets more complicated for disk insertions as it might require a reset to
put the machine back in a state where the disk can be booted, and
auto-resetting would be extremely dangerous!  Why not just press the reset
key followed by F9?

The idea behind auto-boot was just to allow a method to start the emulator
with a disk inserted and have it automatically boot.  So it's a one-off boot
done after the first reset only.

> > But right-Alt is used for SAM Edit!
> (I'd like to see an option in WinCoupe to enable or disable right alt.

I meant the EDIT key on the SAM - you must use that sometimes!  Anyway, why
would you possibly want right-Alt to be left alone?  I can't see it's of any
other use when WinCoupe is active anyway... am I missing something?  I can
understand the reasons for having 'Left-Alt as control' as optional,
defaulting to disabled tho.

> I have seen some software which uses two modes together (Sphera uses
> mode 2 and mode 4 for lower part of the screen, Kapsa uses modes 3 & 4).
> This worked well on SimCoupe. I hope it works in WinCoupe too.

Of course it does!  It's far more flexible than the original version in
terms of updates - you can even do mode changes part way through a line,
like some of the Mnemodemos use.  Have you not actually tried these out on

> > You sometimes have a way of wording things that come over as a bit
> > provocative!
> You're right. ;)

It's also made particularly 'effective' by your strong opinions on some

> Also, I like to see direct writes into uncompressed images (to avoid
> data loss when application/system crashes - can happen anytime in Windows
:((( ).

Uncompressed images are currently handled by transparently ZLIB, but it
could still be done like that.

> the usual one-sector writes are slow, and you never know how many
> sectors of a particular tracks are to be written.

True, but it's something that could be optimised by, say, caching writes
within a single track until a different track is written to, then writing
the track's worth of data out to the floppy.  Not really thought about it
much, but there are various ways to help speed it up.

> And what about printer?

Depends what you want to do with the data - I imagined it being more useful
to write it to a file than out of the port, as you can do what you like with
it then.  Windows doesn't make it easy to provide the same low-level of port
access as DOS, so it probably can't be as transparent as you might like
(well, without resorting to methods very platform specific).  I think the
saving to a file

Of course the SAM parallel port is also used for other devices, but there'll
be an option to select the hardware you want on each port.

> I though Allan already did this, since it is a really simple task.
> Really simple task.

It's easy if you just want to squirt it out of LPT1, with the read status
faked to keep the caller happy.  There's still a complication in that the
Windows spooler won't see any data until LPTx is closed, so there will have
to be something to guess when the job is considered done.  It doesn't look
as easy as you say...

In a separate e-mail, Aley Keprt wrote:
> I think the general structure of my emulator is better, but -
> obviously - Dave's emulator have far better sound output.

I'd say that was different rather than better - it's just an imple

RE: Wincoupe

1999-12-02 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> I don't understand why so many Win32 programs are called
> a) Winsomething
> b) Windows something
> c) something32

Just seems to be the normal convention to distinguish between them from
non-Windows version, in the same way that Unix programs for X are
x.  Filenames are just textual labels, so if they tell us more
about the file it's a bonus!

It was confusing having an EXE with the same name for the Win32 version, and
which also meant I couldn't have them both in the same directory to share
ROMs etc.  I first called it SC32.EXE (option c, but avoiding long
filename!) but later changed it to WinCoupe.exe (option a!) as that's what
other people were calling it.  The nickname and filename have just stuck as
that.  As a side-effect it also means that SAM programs that say 'this
doesn't run on SimCoupe' are still correct, even tho they do :-)

> So I preffer "SimCoupe for Win32".

That's fine...  Call it Squiggle if you like - anything that makes it easy
to know which version is being referred to for problems/praise etc.!


RE: Wincoupe

1999-12-02 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> Possibly. I don't have much time to spend with any alpha's.
> Please send a beta, and we will see.

It's getting closer to becoming a beta - the version you have is certainly
alpha as it lacks some important features that a beta would have (certainly
disk/option saving!).  The alpha was released early on request and does
still give a taste of what it'll be like, even tho there are some bugs in

> Well, there should be an option for these Alt+F etc.
> Is it a problem to add some options to enable these shortcuts to the menu?

The shortcuts work automagically if you use TranslateMessage() on everything
in the message loop, even if you've not explicitly assigned shortcut keys in
the menu resource.  I'd taken it out, but it's now back in (optionally)
along with the underlines in the menu, so everyone should be happy!  I admit
it might have confused some Windows users!

> I don't use turbomon and I want Alt+F for emulator menu.

Whad'ya mean you don't use TurboMON?! ;-)

> You probably didn't see SimCoupe later than 0.78. Did you?
> I changed the F-functionality a bit.

Only more recently - from what I remember WinCoupe is based on a mixture of
the 0.72 DOS and Unix sources.

> e.g. I moved reset to F12, since this is a really strong function and it
> should be "protected".
> So I moved to the end of the keyboard :)
> Also I moved NMI as well. (the same reason)

I've stayed away from F12 as Windows NT has a built-in feature that halts
programs if F12 is pressed when running under a debugger, which would be
most inconvenient for my testing (tho I can always use an alternative key
for the debug version).  Having reset as a shifted key might also make it a
bit safer than a plain key, tho I've yet to lose anything from hitting it

I was considering using some of the standard keys used by MAME and many
other emulators:
F9   Change frame skip on the fly
F10  Toggle speed throttling
F11  Toggle speed display
Shift+F11Toggle profiler display

Any thoughts on using those?

> btw. Your fast reset is the thing I everytime wanted. Thank you very much.

:-)  I do have an auto-boot option too, but it's not working well enough yet
to put on the menu.  One of the Mnemodemos enables a border effect (for
debugging?) if F9 is held down, so I'd like to find a way reliably boots the
disk but without holding it down for too long.

> Or reversed. (right for menu, left for sam)

But right-Alt is used for SAM Edit!

> > You might then appreciate how much time and effort I've put
> > into it so far.
> What? I won't go into this.
> oo

Looks like I might have taken your comment the wrong way!  It can sometimes
be hard to tell, but I'll have to be more careful - sorry!

> takes too much programmers time, and gives too little benefits
> (especially when we have your nice code)
>  :)))

LOL! :-)

> The question is what you do when a program uses double buffering (i.e.
> switching VMPR at 50hz interrupt). Do you handle this anyway?

The old method remembered the line number for the change, and redrew all
lines from the current position up to that line number on the next frame,
effectively doing a full redraw.  Since the VMPR is being changed every
frame it would mean a full screen redraw every frame.  In that case there's
no benefit from remembering dirty lines, so the emulation may run slow if
the host machine isn't up to it.  This is also true for anything that makes
any palette/border/vmpr changes every frame, which is just about every SAM
demo and most games!

WinCoupe always redraws complete frames, but may skip drawing some frames to
keep the emulation at full speed.  The double-buffering doesn't make any
difference really, and there certainly won't be any real visible different
when frames are skipped (except it not being as smooth, which it can't be
anyway if frames are skipped).

> Although you all usually see my mails as "flamewars" etc.,

You sometimes have a way of wording things that come over as a bit

> The thing which shlould be really optimised is floppy drive i/o.

All disk images are read entirely into memory to give fast access and to
work around not being able to selectively write to compressed files.  Even
the old uncached method might not be too bad under Windows as there's always
going to be a disk cache to help out!

The preliminary direct floppy access caches reads a track at a time (single
sector reads seem a lot slower than DOS!), but does writes directly to the
disk to avoid losses if the disk is ejected suddenly.  It's still a bit
flakey and will probably benefit from your expertise in that area!


RE: Wincoupe

1999-12-02 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> My should know that my technology is generally better. It uses
> the system of audio drivers, so it allows to do several advantages.

Better in what sense?  WinCoupe uses DirectSound, which uses specific
drivers (usually) written by the sound card manufacturers, so it should give
better support than the general DOS-style drivers.  I can't imagine card
coverage isn't really too much of a problem anyway, as most people will have
something that's SB compatible.

> 5. It works with Aztech soundcards. I don't know why you tell that it
> doesn't. You probably misunderstood the documentation.

The docs say:  "Note that SAAemu currently support mixer in SBPro mode only,
so it doesn't work on some Aztech soundcard models."  which seemed to
suggest that there'd be a problem with some cards.

> Generally, current SAAemu can hardly match SAAsound's quality,
> but it can be enhanced. And that's it. You can say: "Enahance
> it and then I will include it in SimCoupe." But is this right way?

If it was enhanced for envelope (etc.) support and to work on all platforms
then I feel it'd be a lot more useful and would be worth using it.  Without
those I imagine it'd just generate too many support questions and source
code complications.

Maybe I'm just too much of a perfectionist and don't want to settle for 2nd
best - I want the most accurate and complete emulation possible in every

> This is clear. I would to know how does it work:
> Do you create a whole 320x240 or 640x240 image everytime and then use
> blt to put this stuff to videoram? Or do you put there line by line using
> separate blt's?

It generates the display in a back-buffer line by line, and blits the entire
image to the visible display at the end of the frame.  The image size is
either 320x240 or 640x240 depending on whether the accurate mode3 option is
enabled (actually, it's stightly taller now to show more of the vertical
border as would see on a real SAM).  Of course, if the frame is being
skipped it doesn't do any generation or blitting.

> Do you emulate on-line video changes? (I mean when the ray
> is on line 100 and I change something on line 50, it shouldn't be
> visible.)

Yes, it uses a finer grained version of the original method, and follows the
raster scan down the display.  If you change the palette/border/vmpr as it's
part way through a horizontal scan, the remainder of the line will be drawn
with the new settings (if applicable).  It allows fancier effects to be
displayed correctly but is more likely to reveal flicker where the
instruction timings aren't quite correct yet - something the old updating
method masked.

Data changes (writing to the display memory) are not updated as accurately,
but are still correct for within 1 scanline, so you will still see shearing
if you're updating the display as the raster passes the update position.
Without the current forced update at the end of a line (something I hope to
change for accurate data changes at some point) some demo star-fields are
not visible, as they have already been removed by the time the display is
updated at the end of the frame!

> 2. Windows version is much faster generally since it uses video
> acceleration. Video acceleration gives more than anything other can
> take. Right?

Most modern cards do support it but older and cheaper cards may well not, so
they have to fall back to using the DirectX software emulation which is more
CPU intensive.  The new 5:4 aspect ratio option will be a breeze for system
with hardware support or fast processors but will be appallingly slow on
older systems!

It's rather ironic that the machines least likely to have hardware video
assistance will also be the ones with slower CPUs that will struggle more
with software blitting!


Re: WinCoupe: frameskip auto

1999-12-02 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> I still don't understand why frameskip auto shows higher fps values than
> frameskip none.

> I'm affraid that number shown in the window's title bar shows number of
> frames rendered and skipped together. And that IS nonsense.

Ah, I see what you mean, and I completely agree!  It was more of an
indicator to show general relative SAM speed, with 50fps being normal.  It
does give an idea of how fast it's running, but it's a bit misleading!

I actually changed it a couple of weeks ago, and split it into a percentage
to show relative SAM speed for the emulation, and a separate figure for the
number of rendered frames per second.  Fast machines will manage 100% with
50fps, and slow machines should still manage ~100% but with a lower fps as
frames are skipped.

> btw. WinCoupe's "about" message says: "SimCoupe - a Sam Coupe' emulator"
> So is it WinCoupe or SimCoupe?

WinCoupe seems to be more of a nickname for the Win32 version of SimCoupe,
and I started using it after a few people referred to it as that.  It seems
to be easier to call it that so people know which version you're talking
about, so I think it's gonna stick - I'll update the about box.  It's still
SimCoupe underneath, and when the source is ported back to whatever it'll
still be SimCoupe...


RE: Wincoupe bug

1999-11-27 Thread Si Owen
Robert Wilkinson wrote:
> Wincoupe has a wierd effect on my Win 95 desktop.
> It keeps re-arranging my icons.

It it re-arranging them to a 320x240 rectange in the top left of your
desktop?  (so anything further down or right is pulled into that rectangle).
I've only seen that happen when DirectX wasn't exited after full-screen mode
has been used - seems ok on mine tho... hmmm.

Does it happen if you start WinCoupe, switch to full-screen, then switch
back to windowed mode with F9, and quit?  The video change detection in that
version is a bit too aggressive, as I noticed it won't even let you alt-tab
out of the program!  It could be related to that, so hopefully the next
version should sort it out.


RE: Wincoupe bug

1999-11-27 Thread Si Owen
Dave Hooper wrote:
> I was actually thinking of emulating the sound interference you
> get when the disk drive is going :)
> (Seriously ! Would it be a cool idea, or just stupid?)

Might be nice as an option! ;-)  In what way would you change the sound when
it's active/stepped?


RE: Wincoupe bug

1999-11-27 Thread Si Owen
Dave Laundon wrote:
> First, I still can't seem to get the MOD Player to work.  Was
> this supposed to have been fixed?  Or is it still being worked on,
> Dave?

This one's been fixed - it was a bug in SimCoupe itself rather than in
Dave's DLL.  It still had the original code doing an absolute compare for
the sound register address, rather than an a mask and compare, which the MOD
player seems to make use of.  The bug is still in the alpha version on my
site, but I'll sort out a 2nd release early next week when I'm back.

> Another sound bug, playing tunes which have envelopes enabled for
> saw waves, etc (eg, a lot of Roger Hartley tunes) the enveloped
> channels sound out of tune, especially at low frequencies.

I'm not sure about this one, but Dave has made some changes to the envelope
stuff recently that might include it.  Try grabbing the latest version from: to see if it sorts it out.

If it's not that it might be another bug in the previous WinCoupe version,
which only called through to SAASound.dll when the data register was written
to; register selection writes were just cached for the register to use next
time data was written.  This was wrong as multiple writes to port 511 do
seem to affect the sound output (in a way that I don't really understand but
Dave proved to me!).

> Now an idea for Wincoupe itself: I think it would handy if there was some
> indication, perhaps on the title bar, of when the disk drives are being
> accessed, so during some long pauses I can tell that it's not
> crashed.

Yeah, I did think Lemmings had crashed when the music stopped and I couldn't
move the mouse, which felt rather like Windows had crashed on me!  I've not
added motor off support (after 10 revolutions or something) to the floppy
controller, but do have some green lights planned for the edge of the
screen - something I've seen on an Amiga emulator I think.

> maybe you could even mimic the screen dimming as the drives are
> spun up! ;-)

hehe!  And adding a buzzing to the sound output, especially when the drive
is stepped (it does that one my real SAM anyway!).

> BTW, I think WinCoupe is excellent and I LOVE IT



Re[2]: samdsk

1999-11-26 Thread Si Owen
Frode Tenneboe wrote:

> "Si Owen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > as the NT based versions of
> > Windows are the future of MS Windows.
> I didn't know it had any. :)

Go get him Aley! ;-)

I was careful not to just say 'the future of windows'!  W2K is close to
complexity critical mass by the sounds of it, so it'll probably explode
before 2001.


RE: samdsk

1999-11-25 Thread Si Owen
Simon Cooke wrote:
> Using the Windows NT/ Windows 98 device driver dev kit and writing a
> filesystem driver for it? :-)

I don't think so!  Last time I checked the NT file systems driver docs were
practically non-existant, and I don't fancy spending a couple of thousand on
a course in the US for it!  It'd also mean a separate version for Win9x, tho
the documentation is better. I made a start on Win9x version a while back
but didn't get very far through it before getting bored!

It's more likely that an Explorer namespace extension is written to support
the disk images in the same way as the MS CAB viewer.  It'll only work from
Explorer, but should make it very easy to copy files in and out of images.
Something similar could probably be done for dealing with real disks, but
I've not really thought very far down that track.  Something I'll probably
do first is an Explorer property-sheet handler for the disk images, which
would give an authentic SAM directory list on a property tab.  That could
even support drag-n-drop as an alternative to the name space extension.

So much to do, so little time to do it...


RE: samdsk

1999-11-25 Thread Si Owen
Justin Skists wrote:
> If I had so much trouble with this from NT4. How is doing it all
> from WinCoupe going to help it any better?

Well, just as an abstraction layer to hide the conversion details; you can
convert between DSK/SAD/SDF and real floppy just by copying disk to disk in
the same way you would do on a real SAM.

That said, the initial support is for Win95/98 only, as NT4/2000 will
require a separate device driver to provide the functionality that the
standard floppy kernel-mode driver lacks.  It won't get done straight away,
but I'd like to see it done at some point, as the NT based versions of
Windows are the future of MS Windows.


RE: samdsk

1999-11-25 Thread Si Owen
Justin Skists wrote:
> If I remember rightly, the program gave 9 boxes and an X for each
> track. My SAM certainly did not like booting the resulting disks...

Ah, so it can't read the 10th sector.  I think you need the special version
of FDREAD to allow access to the 10th sector...

> I'm determined to play with these utilities and games that I
> downloaded whether it kills me or not

I've been using Aley's 2SAD.EXE with the -s option to convert from .DSK to
the normal uncompressed .SAD files, then using his SBK.EXE with the 'r'
command to write it back out to a real floppy.  All best done from real DOS
or Command-prompt only mode outside Win9x (not on NT!).  Both those
utilities can be found in:

It shouldn't be long before you can do it all from within WinCoupe, by
selecting the source .DSK image in one drive and the real floppy drive in
the other, then just doing a normal SAM disk copy between them...


Re: Wincoupe

1999-11-18 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> there are probably some weird bugs (in SimCoupe).

I'm sure there are bugs - that's why it's an 'alpha test' version! (for
SAM-users list members only).  I've already found and fixed various things
that were discovered since that version, but there are bound to be others.
Before making that version available it was only tried on 3 different PCs!

> > mode 3 on --- 175fps with "skip auto" --- 142fps with "skip none"
> > mode 3 off ---  50fps with "skip auto" ---  25fps with "skip none"

Firstly, I hope it's obvious that it shouldn't run that slowly, so there's a
problem!  Does disabling the 'Hardware support' option still give similar

Are you sure you've got the 'mode 3' state correct there?  There is a
problem with having the mode 3 option enabled when using the 1x1 window that
caused can cause big slow-down (already fixed).  If your display driver
supports hardware stretching WinCoupe tries to create the DirectDraw back
surface in video memory so it can use it.  However if it doesn't support
hardware shrinking then DirectX uses software emulation to provide the
shrinking.  Reading from video memory is extremely slow, and the emulated
blit requires many reads from the source image to do the shrinking.  I've
can only reproduce this with the TNT NT drivers, as the Win9x drivers DO
support shrinking.

> > 1. I though "skip none" should be the fastest. I can see "skip auto" is
> > faster. A bug?

'skip none' means it generates and displays ALL frames, even if it means the
emulation will be running under real SAM speed, as it will on slower PCs.

With the frame sync enabled, 'skip auto' skips as many frames as is
necessary to keep the emulation running at 50fps.  At the end of each frame
it checks to see if the next frame is overdue (because the current one took
too long), and if so it skips the following frame (i.e. doesn't generate the
frame data or blit the image).  With a fast enough PC no frames will be
skipped (well, the odd one might be if other Windows apps steal away too
much CPU time).  It will still drop below 50fps if the image blitting is
taking an unusually long time, or if the system is too slow to even be able
to run the CPU emulation with the 1fps video generation (the minimum

With the frame sync disabled 'skip auto' will give the same effects, but
only if the PC isn't up to running at 50fps with the 'skip none' option.
With faster machines it doesn't work in the same way, but just happens to
skip some frames, so it'll still be faster than 'skip none'.

> > Well, menu has no shortcuts. I want at least Alt+Space to enter
> > the menu.

The current Alt functionality is actually exactly how I intended it to be!
Left-Alt is used for the SAM 'Cntrl' key, as it's in about the same position
on the keyboard.  The menus can't be accessed directly using combinations
like Alt-F because the combination needed for cntrl-f on the SAM (as used by
TurboMON and more).  I purposely left the menu text without any accelerators
to show they can't be used.  I put in some special cases for Alt-Tab,
Alt-Esc and Alt-Space (tho this last one seems broken!) so they can be used
for their normal Windows operations.

To access the menu you just have to press and then release the Alt key (or
F10, as Windows automatically uses that too), at which point it will be
highlighted (full screen mode too).  You can then use the mouse as normal
(even when the SAM mouse is enabled), or press the initial letter of menu
you want to open (space for the system menu), or just navigate using the
cursor keys and press Return on your selection!

To keep everyone happy I've now made the use of Left-Alt as SAM Cntrl
optional.  The PC right-Control key is also the SAM Cntrl key, so that can
be used to generate the combinations when Left-Alt is used exclusively for

> > Dirty lines are too complicated? It's because you've probably did too
> > optimised video code.

If you think you can do better then you'd better get to work on enhancing
0.79 (you obviously wouldn't want any of my crap code).  You might then
appreciate how much time and effort I've put into it so far.

> I can imagine your sources. :-)))

Well, have fun imagining...  ;-P

> > Mame uses dirty rectangles (the thing you call "dirty lines") and it
> > benefits from it. You're right, that it can slow the whole emulator.
> > But how much? A little bit.

Even the old simple method potentially is quite costly.  EVERY memory write
needs to be examined to see if it falls within the display area of the
current screen mode, and if that's true then the something needs to be done
to ensure it's updated next time.  The simple case just sets a flag in a
line array, but if you really do mean rectangles then it'll be a LOT more
costly!  General solutions are fine for the general cases, but I felt that
more could be gained by examining the specific SAM case.

Just one change to border, palette or vmpr within a frame requires that the
full frame

RE: Wincoupe

1999-11-17 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> Hey, you are the man who could use
> SAAemu instead of SAAsound in SimCoupe.
> Si Owen doesn't believe but this is really true.

For ferks sake Aley, if you have to quote me will you at least try and
include what I actually said or at least something that resembles it!  To
quote the e-mail I sent you, in reply to your request that I add SAAemu
support to WinCoupe I said:

"To be honest I don't think it'll be worth using anything other than
ave[ Hooper]'s DLL. The synth version isn't as accurate, and lacks the high
resolution changes needed for sound samples, and the Spectrum beeper support
used by the SAM BASIC sound effects."

My reasoning being:

Benefits of the synth version:
 - Faster than the SAASound.dll

Drawbacks of the synth version:
 - No support for Windows NT or Windows 2000
 - No support for the rapid audio changes required to play sound samples
 - No support for the Spectrum beeper used for the BASIC error rasp, the
beep/zap/pow/zoom commands, and Spectrum software
 - No support for envelope effects
 - Noise generators aren't emulated correctly on OPL2/3 sound drivers, due
to OPL2/3 inability to play white noise.
 - Envelope-ctrl is used only to override the channel-mask bit, so some
tunes still play even if you mask out all the channels.
 - Doesn't work with all sound cards (includes some Aztech cards)

It's a perfect case of not getting anything for nothing - yours is fast but
lacks features is inaccurate, Dave's is slower but fully featured and very

The DOS version of SimCoupe is faster than the Windows version for exactly
the same reason - the instruction timing and video generation code in the
Windows version is much more accurate (along with lots of other bits that
don't directly affect performance).

> DOS SimCoupe cannot use all that hardware acceleration of the latest
> video/audio cards, but it can still run well on P100.

Actually, the only thing in WinCoupe that gets hardware assistance is the
image blitting, and that's only when the card supports it; the audio side
isn't accelerated in any way.  The main advantage the Windows version gets
is the hardware /abstraction/ through DirectX.

If your machine is up to running the Windows version, then I'm sure you'd
want perfect sound emulation with it!  It reduced the maximum frame rate on
my work machine down from 113 to 108 (about 4%) when enabling 22kHz 16-bit
stereo sound, which is is peanuts.  If a machine isn't up to running
WinCoupe, even with the frame skipping (I can't imagine a P100 is!), then
you're probably better off sticking with the DOS version, which already
includes the faster synth sound emulation.


RE: Atom

1999-11-15 Thread Si Owen
Martijn Groen wrote:
> >I'm currently working on B-DOS 1.6c ( version up to
> >1.5 were made by Edwin Blink, so credits to him!)
> >B-DOS 1.6c has nice ATAPI CD-ROM support.

Is there a version later than 1.4e available from anywhere?


RE: Wincoupe

1999-11-12 Thread Si Owen
Robert Wilkinson wrote:
> My machines a 166 pentium.
> Wincoupe needs a faster machine than this, needs a zimmer frame to get
> around in this machine.

hehe!  Try using fullscreen mode and making sure the 'accurate mode 3'
option is disabled.  That will use 320x240 mode which requires no image
stretching, so it's the fastest it'll go!  Not sure how it'll compare to the
speed of the DOS version under the same conditions tho.  With the 'accurate
mode 3' option enabled it uses 640x480 which requires the 2x1 generated
image to be vertically doubled by the display driver.  Unfortunately you
can't see the window title bar in fullscreen mode to know the speed, so
you'll have to guess how well it's running - on-screen display is coming
soon to solve that!

What the maximum framerate do you get on the startup screen with the 1x1
window size and the 'frame skipping' set to 'none'?
It's unfortunate that the only 2 machines I use are a PII-400 in work (S3
video card with no hardware help) and a (dual) Celeron 550 at home (TNT
video card *with* hardware help).  With the 1x1 window I get 167fps in work
and ~307fps at home, so I hoped it would be ok on something like a P166 even
tho I hadn't tried it out!  I can't get it to drop under 50fps under any
conditions at home!

The frame skipping tries to make up the extra time to keep the underlying
speed the same, but if the screen blits are taking far too long it can't
quite compensate enough!  Slow blits also make the keyboard less responsive
as it's possible for keys to have been released before the keyboard scan
sees then (and using keyboard buffering only leads to lagged keys which are
awful in games!).

I've (possibly contraversially?) removed the dirty line checking from the
memory and video code, as the frame skipping and high resolution updates
made things too complicated.  About the only drawback is that you no longer
get a speed boost when no video, palette or border changes are made in a
frame, but the frame skipping should cover those cases unnoticably anyway
when things are running below normal speed.  I reckon most SAM software
didn't really benefit from it anyway, and it also resulted in more of a
speed fluctuation during use.  With the tests removed all memory writes are
a bit faster which benefits things as a whole. The only loss I can think of
are possible inter-line 'pixel effects', done by writing data to the screen
close to the raster position (not including VMPR, border and palette changes
which are still done accurately).  The undrawn part of each line is still
updated at the end of the line to ensure to sure that they're not more than
1 line behind - without this it magically removes the star field from some

> Looks very good though.

:-) It's getting there!


RE: New WinCoupe alpha test version

1999-11-11 Thread Si Owen
Simon Cooke wrote:
> especially as somehow it manages to play samples back

Just careful line and cycle counter timing for the gap between each out, and
calls to Dave superb sound DLL to generate the data itself.  I'd already
done the video generation using the same sort of method so it wasn't too bad
(well, after the initial pulling out to figure out the buffering!).

> (but not Modplayer stuff).

Really?  What does it do?  and where can I find some MODplayer stuff?!

> There's something decidedly weird with the sound emulation though -
> NT 4 shouldn't have those problems (ST_SOUND works fine, y'see).

Might be my sound card drivers or the fact that it's an ISA card, but I've
seen lots of other latency complaints with NT4.  I allocate a single static
secondary buffer x times the size needed for a single frame of data, and
just top it up during after after each frame.  My logging even confirms the
buffer stays almost completely full!  I even checked it by saving the sound
data for a pure note to disk, and the WAV file is perfect but it plays with
clicks in it!

I might try installing NT4 at home with my SB Live! to see how it is (I
usually share the same installation between home and work on a removeable
hard disk).  It's fine under Windows 2000 RC2, but that's got all the
updated DirectX code in it!  I'll have a look for ST_SOUND tomorrow and give
it a try in work!

> also, on the SCPDU 6 demo, the vubars are too far to the left.
> FLASH looks odd too...

There a many more of them too - all caused by the instruction timing for the
main screen area not being right (it's a very poor approximation at the
moment, but will be improved very soon!).  Any very timing sensitive
main-screen or bottom border effects run too quickly, so the on-screen
effects are usually a bit scrambled and the bottom border effects are
shifted left (but should be aligned perfectly vertically!).  Ironically it's
the accurate video code that's uncovering things that the previous line
method masked!

I'd like to go through most of the Z80 instruction set and do on-screen
timing to try and sort them out.  A lot of the visual glitches will be
cleaned up pretty quickly, but some (like the VMPR scrolly in one of the
Mnemotech demos) might end up relying on instructions split across
contention boundaries which will be harder to solve!

The border timing should be pretty good (thanks to people on the list!), as
will the screen-off timing (as relied upon by Defender!).  The external
memory and ROMs are correctly uncontended too - the system reset is very
slow if the ROMs are contended!

> But we're getting there.

Shame it took so long - if only I'd not had the summer off!  *grins*

> Si -> Nice work on the floppy drive emulation. I'm kind of surprised -
> loaded up SAMDice, and it gave all the right kind of info for a track read
> :) You damn silly fool :)

It's not something that's really very useful but I couldn't resist it!

I'm still doing the WRITE_TRACK data parsing that's needed for formatting
correctly (currently it reports 'write protected' if you try a format).  The
READ_TRACK data is a bit too accurate in some way too, as the read
controller seems to trip over particular values (46 or something daft) and
appears to get the MFM decoding out of step after that!  The general
structure should be ok, even the header CRCs are correct with SDF images!


New WinCoupe alpha test version (Was: Re: Defender)

1999-11-11 Thread Si Owen
Simon Cooke wrote:
> Mr. Owen... pretty please... release a new beta? alpha? anything?

Aw, go on then, as long as you promise the GPL goblins won't come and get
me!  I've uploaded a new alpha test version to:

Please read the text files that come with it, and also note that it doesn't
save disk changes back to the image file in this version, even though the
image in memory IS updated!  Well, that's what you get for having a test

Please let me know how you get on with it, as feedback (positive and
negative!) is much needed at this stage!  There are still a few more things
to add, but probably not a huge amount for the upcoming version.  I think
I'm still on target to release the sources at the end of next week, after
some general tidying...  (and may then start working through the next to-do
list of features!)

H... I've got to be up in 4 hours  *sigh*

ICQ: 9769343, Homepage:

RE: SAD Disk format?

1999-09-29 Thread Si Owen
Si Cooke wrote:
> By the way... does anyone have any documentation on the SAD format?

Never seen an official spec either, but here's what I use:

#define SAD_SIGNATURE  "Aley's disk backup"

// Format of a SAD image header (22 bytes)
typedef struct
BYTE abSignature[sizeof SAD_SIGNATURE - 1];

BYTE bSides; // Number of sides on the disk
BYTE bTracks;// Number of tracks per side
BYTE bSectors;   // Number of sectors per track
BYTE bSectorSizeDiv64;   // Sector size divided by 64

Followed by actual data: side 0 track 0,  side 0 track 1,  side 0 track 2,
etc.  So data for the second side of the disk (if any) is slightly more than
halfway through the image file.  DSK images (as well as lacking the header)
interleave the tracks instead, giving: side 0 track 0,  side 1 track 0,
side 0, track 1, etc.

SAD version 2 is just the same but gzipped up.


ICQ: 9769343, Homepage:

RE: Re Finally

1999-09-29 Thread Si Owen
Si Cooke wrote:
> You'd get richer from:

I've always blamed myself being poor on investing heavily in:



RE: SOLUTION: SAASound.dll ; SAA32.exe ; Saaemu0.60

1999-09-29 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> 1. Add SAAemu.lib to your project.
> 2. Include SAAemu.h in your source code
> 3. Use functions of SAAemu in you program

Since you're distributing SimCoupe 0.79 with this, I presume you'll be
releasing your sources as required by the GPL?

> Are you all beginners or what? You should understand this, when you
> programm in Win32. ?

Lemme guess... it's an extract from your forthcoming book "How to get along
with people"?


ICQ: 9769343, Homepage:

RE: Sam IN / OUT timings

1999-09-26 Thread Si Owen
Andrew Collier wrote:
> The "stretching" effect is just the right hand side of the scrolly --
> because I had assumed a TV doesn't display further right,

Ah, yeah, I stepped thru it and found the preparations for the next line :-)

> So... that scrolly was written on the assumption that the left
> border is no bigger than 24 pixels wide, and the right border is no
> bigger than 16 pixels wide.

It's 32 on each side at the moment, which is half of the potential border
area.  Might be worth chopping down to avoid seeing problems that don't
really exist!  Is a typical TV border only 16 pixels?  I'll have to check

> I reckon there should be something like 40 pixels at the top and bottom,
> but less at the sides than you've already got

The current 24 pixels top and bottom is quite a bit short of that!  It's
probably worth generating the extra lines as they can be displayed in the
windowed mode and just cropped for full screen.

The 125% horizontal stretching you mentioned in a previous message could
also be done for free if the video card supports hardware stretching, but
would be deadly slow if it needs to be done it hardware.  It might look
awful anyway so I'll have to try it out first!

> In my menu for FRED issue 65, there's an effect underneath the border
> scrolly which goes to just about the bottom of my old TV display, if that
> helps.

I've only got FRED disks 37 and 37 :-/  Shame there isn't a CD compilation
of them for sale or something!

> Yes, it does look like an 8 tstate rounding thing going on.

Thanks for the results - the uncontended timings and I/O delays seems to be
working well, it's just the contended timings that are complete pants!  The
simple doubling causes problems with a lot of software (even with the
exceptions mentioned on the list) so I'm going to stick with 8 t-state
rounding and add extra time for the more memory intensive exceptions.  In
the end it may end up simpler with time doubling and reductions for the
exceptions but I'll have to see.

> How many comparisons would you need to do in order to determine if the
> instruction covers the transition between contended and uncontended
> operation?

I have 2 flags for the current contention: the first is recalculated once
per line (or on each video change) to determine whether the current line
might be contended (checking screen on/off state, for mode 1, and vertical
position wrt the borders). The second it done for each instruction iff the
first flag is set, and checks for mode 1 and horizontal position wrt the

For a split check: if the first one is set (and we're not in mode 1) we need
to check to see if the current position + instruction time pushed it over
the borders at 64 or 320 cycles.  Could be done something like:

(64 - tstates) < (LineCycleCounter > 64 ? LineCycleCounter-320 :


RE: Sam IN / OUT timings

1999-09-26 Thread Si Owen
Si Cooke wrote:
> Hmmm... it sounds like a Simcoupe problem; the disk is standard
> format; the only real difference is that I've got my QDOS on the booter;
> so does that come up?

The QDOS booter is fine, it's just when loading after that.  The last thing
it reads on the disk is side 0, track 52, sector 2 - it also gets stuck
there when loading some of the other stuff, which suggests a corrupt data
somewhere!  It does the same on the DOS version so it's not anything I've
broken.  I'll try writing the SAD back to a disk and see if it works on my
real SAM (it's decided the display will only be shades of green today!).


RE: Sam IN / OUT timings

1999-09-26 Thread Si Owen
Si Cooke wrote:
> Have you tried out the "Auf Wiedeshen Monty"/SCPDU 6 demo from the Entropy
> Experience disk yet? Because all the source code to the border scrolly on
> that is available... :) (that, and I'd love to see a screen-shot of it ;))

I transferred the original disk over to a SAD again and SBK complained about
track 79 on side 0 being unreadable.  It just hangs with a black screen when
I try a BOOT, but the original disk boots in a real SAM.  It's either a
SimCoupe problem or the disk is a funny format that SAD can't cope with...

Still, a BOOT 1 works and I can load the demo.  Check out:  Scroller runs great, and the bars
at the bottom are stable (just slightly too far left - I've not had a chance
to do the instruction timing tweaks (from Ian and David) so it might just be


RE: Sam IN / OUT timings

1999-09-25 Thread Si Owen
Si Cooke wrote:
> Have you tried out the "Auf Wiedeshen Monty"/SCPDU 6 demo from the Entropy
> Experience disk yet? Because all the source code to the border scrolly on
> that is available... :) (that, and I'd love to see a screen-shot of it ;))

Do you have a disk image of it anywhere?  I've got a .SAD version of 'The
Entropy Experience' disk I got from you that time I was in Tyldesley, but it
seems to be corrupt - if I load the SCDPU-5 BASIC program on it I just get a
listing of rubbish. :-/  If I can find the real disk one from the loft I'll
give it another try...


RE: Sam IN / OUT timings

1999-09-24 Thread Si Owen
Andrew Collier wrote:
> 16* uncontended t-states for an IN a,(n) or OUT (n),a;
> 20** uts for an IN a,(c) or OUT (c),a.
> Question: Does SimCoupe currently use those values for the
> instruction time?

Not quite so fixed as the position in the scanline can vary the timings by 4
t-states.  I currently still have the raw timings for the instructions in
the code (i.e. 11 for IN A,(n), 12 for OUT (C),r and 16 for OUTI) but then
tweak the values as necessary by the display position and state.  At some
point I'll wrap the 'tstate' variable assignment macro to get the values to
be compiled to be 4 t-states rounded to save doing it at run-time.

The current implementation does 8 t-state instruction rounding for all parts
of the mode 1 display, or just for the centre 256x192 block of the screen in
the other modes when the screen is enabled.  The remaining situations use
the normal 4 t-state rounding.  I treat mode 2 the same as modes 3 and 4,
except the screen can't be disabled - am I right in thinking the timings are
the same.

For all the instructions that do port reads and writes there's an additional
4 t-states that are added for situations when the current scan position is
not already 8 t-state aligned, and only for ports >= 0xe0 (from Si Cooke).

Additional timings values I'm using that make a big difference for some
software are: IM0/IM1 time = 8 t-states, IM2 = 16 t-states (rounded),
interrupts active for 120 t-states and visible on the status port for 102
t-states (thanks for all those Ian!) and line interrupts are triggered  at
the start of the right-hand border area (line cycle position = 384-64 =
320).  I've removed all of the original timing tweaks that were in the code
for whatever reason as they only seemed to break things - I was hoping to do
without any but we'll see how it goes.  All these have help it survive
various small timing tests done by various people, including the now
infamous Defender loop ;-)

Now I've implemented the display changes (border, palette and/or video mode)
to instruction level it's possible to see how it copes with some of the SAM
demos that rely on perfect timing.  In general it seems to cope quite well,
but there still seem to be some subtle timing issues that means the
left-right positioning isn't quite right (not looked into yet).  Effects in
the border seem to run at the right speed, but ones on the main screen area
run a little too fast.  Here are some screenshots and problems (20-30K

Mnemo demo 1, part 2 (  The
bottom border display stays synchronised correctly but it's left-right
position isn't correct.  The scroller on the main screen uses rapid VMPR
switching, but the diagonal pattern shows it's running too fast so it's not
lined up correctly, so some additional delay is needed.

Mnemo demo 2, part 2 (  Scroller
lined up ok, but the right hand edge has a strange stretching effect for the
edge of the character (and 'o' in this case) that's appearing.

Mnemo demo 2, part 3 (  Bars in
bottom border jump left and right by 1 to 2 blocks worth, and the
misalignment give additional lines that should probably be aligned with the
bars (?).  [it doesn't just run at 11fps as the title says, I'd just
unpaused it and it hadn't settled].

E-Tunes demo ( VMPR switched
scroller now visible, tho the start position is slightly to the right and
it's also a couple of blocks too short.

Lyra 3 (  Top scroller seems to run
fine, and bottom static image is shifted to the right.  The other visual
artifacts I used to see (where the screen should be disabled to hide stuff?)
are no longer visible :-)

The current SimCoupe doesn't seem to show enough of the border areas (mainly
top and bottom) to show all of the border effects, so it might be worth
having windowed modes show more of them (possibly optionally).  'ESI' in
Lyra 3 does look rather like 'FST' :-)

> Summary:
> OUT (n),a   OUT (c),a   IN a,(n)IN a,(c)
> VMPR 16 *20 **   16 *20 **

Those values fit the case when the scan position isn't 8 t-state aligned,
since the extra 4 t-states is being added to both (of course, there's no 8
t-state rounding to consider in your tests).  If you put a NOP before the
other instructions I'd expect you to get the same timing result, as the NOP
will add 4 t-states but there won't be an additional 4 t-states to add for
the alignment - would you please be able to try it?

I've noticed that some places where the video timing isn't quite right seems
to involve DJNZ for tight delay loops.  The width of the scroller section
used by the E-Tunes demo is mainly just one such loop.  Is there anything
special about DJNZ in terms of timing that could cause it to be too fast?

I'm also starting to wonder about instructions lying across the boundaries
where mem

RE: SimCoupe 0.79

1999-09-23 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> DSK can't be GZipped, since there is no header and we need to know
> the size of uncompressed file. Otherwise it would be slow.

The Win32 version uses C++ disk classes that handle with SDF, SAD and DSK in
regular file, gzip and regular zip.  I check for the file types in that
order as the first 2 are easy to spot from their signatures.  For DSK images
I just read 819200 bytes from it make sure there's no more data in the
stream, so the size can be used as a kind of signature.  If all of those
fail then it's not it's not a valid disk image.

> I've sent the WORKING library to Si Owen some weeks ago!
> Si, don't you remenber?

I got SAASound.dll, which works great with your SAA32.EXE, but the only
extra source stuff was a .LIB and a simple header file that includes some
structures and a class definition (no class implementation).  The DLL
exports don't include any decorated functions that would be required for the
class, and there's no header file for the other exported functions.  Am I
missing something?

> You can see the interface in action. Look to SimCoupe 0.79 sources.

The source directory for 0.79 doesn't seem to have all the modules that
contain the sound stuff (such as procssor.c).  Have they not changed since
0.783a?  If they have, could you please send me them - thanks!

> Win32 version runs on NT well, latency is stange.
> It is only experimental version, the latency is 1 second.
> Too much, I think.

Just having sound will be a start, but that's going to have to come down a
lot for anything with sound effects!

> note: Win32 version with HQ driver (high quality) is not
> ready for public, because the author Dave Hooper
> don't want to release HQ driver.

I was in touch with Dave yesterday, and I certainly won't be releasing
anything of his without prior permission.  I was highly impressed with his
HQ driver, which ran great under NT too, so I'm keenest to get that up and
running first, with your extra sound drivers done after that.


ICQ: 9769343, Homepage:

Re: SimCoupe 0.79

1999-09-23 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> 2. new floppy interface, can read/write GZipped SAD images!!!

Is SAD version 2 just SAD version 1 in a gzip archive, or are there any
other structural changes?  Is gzipped DSK support too, as they're more
commonly used.

> note: SAAemu 0.60 is now available in Win32 version too.
> (I hope it will be included in the first Win32 release of SimCoupe.
> .Who knows.)

I was waiting to hear back from you about it - is there anything I can try?
I'd be interested in seeing Dave's hq stuff in action, but I've not got
enough interface documentation to use the DLL you sent me a couple of weeks

What's the sound latency like - is there much lag when playing games?
(crashes when run under NT so I'll try it tonight...)


ICQ: 9769343, Homepage:

Re: Vortex Assembler - Update

1999-09-22 Thread Si Owen
Back in March, Si Cooke wrote:
> Well, the assembler is proceeding apace... features so far include:

Was it ever finished?  If not, is it still being worked on at all?


ICQ: 9769343, Homepage:

More SimCoupe timings (was: Re: Defender on SimCoupe)

1999-09-21 Thread Si Owen
David Laundon wrote:

> NOPs removed   HL on exit (sometimes varies by 1 between calls)
> 0/15d8
> 2/367e
> 4/574e
> 6/7859
> 8/99bd
> 10/11  bb0

I changed the uncontended timings to round them up to the next 4, as they
should be, and I was getting values that were slighly higher yours.  This
was tracked down to being an error in the original 12/16 condition in the IN
A,(n) implementation.  The original code was:

if (LineCycleCounter % 8) tstates+=4;

which adds an extra 4 t-states if the cycle counter is not a multiple of 8.
After this is done the original 12 t-states is added giving an instruction
total of 16 t-states.  However, since the original value wasn't 8 aligned,
the new value isn't aligned either, so it's mis-aligned for the next
instruction, which is wrong.  The fix was just to reverse the condition to:

if (!(LineCycleCounter & 7))
tstates += 4;

Since an iteration of the main loop is 80 tstates (a nice multiple of 8)
once the LineCycleCouner value is aligned it remains aligned, so (all INs
take 12 t-states and the loop works fine - I now get exactly the same
results as you for 0 to 11 NOPs.

Naturally I thought that would mean the Defender loop would also be correct,
but strangely it wasn't (tho IX was a consistent 0x4848).  I single stepped
through the first few loops and it was 80 t-states per loop as expected, but
it was only doing 1481 iterations instead of the expected 1496.  After a lot
more logging I noticed that some of the INs were taking 16 t-states, so
something was knocking the LineCycleCounter alignment out.  The culprit was:

if (LineCycleCounter==4) LineCycleCounter +=4;

which was part of the end of scan line processing.  I'd no idea why it was
in and had just commented it as something to ask Allan about at some point!
(Allan: if you're reading this, please explain!).  I now see that it was a
complete fluke that the Defender loop worked correctly before, but
thankfully it does once more!

> Hopefully you can use this to help you track down where the error is :)
> (You mentioned you can't use your Sam at the moment).

Thanks for the sample code, it's been extremely useful :-)

> Going back to the bit you mentioned about screen contention being
> applied across the whole line rather than just two thirds - how about
> reducing the number of lines contended to 128 (2/3 of 192), so the
> overall slow down over a frame is correct.

Now the timing appears to be getting more accurate I think it'd be worth
implementing it properly, even tho it does mean a couple more comparisons
per Z80 instruction.

I've also a few more questions that I hope someone can kindly help me out

- Is mode 1 contended for all parts of every scanline, or is it still
uncontended for the border strips of each line too?

- For the 128 of the 384 tstates per scanline that aren't on the main
screen, are 64 tstates spent in each border?  or is it a little less to
allow time for the beam to move back to the left of the display? (could that
be what the extra 4 tstates were for?)


ICQ: 9769343, Homepage:

Re: Defender on SimCoupe (Was: Defender Source Code)

1999-09-17 Thread Si Owen
Andrew Collier wrote:
> Well, there are some more specific effects in certain cases, but
> essentially yes, all instruction times are always rounded to at least a 4
> t-state boundary.

I'm still confused about why the Defender loop runs ok - maybe multiple
timing errors are cancelling each other out in some strange way!  I might
try and work out what the value should be in theory, and add some SimCoupe
logging to show what it's doing for each line etc.

> There's a scrolly message in the middle of the screen. However, you said
> that screen on/off effects only happen at line resolution; how about VMPR
> changes?

It's the same for all video effects - the video state at the end of the
scanline is assumed to have been the situation for the entire line.  It'll
take a good chunk more processing to be able to generate the display
correctly on the fly, but it'd be nice if it was done - probably as an
option, with the less accurate method for slower machines!

> If you watch the horizontal bars at the sides of the screen; as they
> shrink, they should move at 1 byte every frame. With your SimCoupe
> timings, does this appear to be the case?

Yes - I got it to wait for a keypress between frames and can see it move in
by two pixels each time.  I've not seen it under the DOS version (and am in
NT at the moment so I daren't try it!) to know what it used to be like.

> > > The message is sixteen pixels high, so this actually causes
> > > the program to run at one sixteenth of the proper speed.

Still not seen the message itself - where is it?  Could it be a video effect
that's being missed by the line-resolution display generation?

> No, the eject button exists the program. I'd guess that you've actually
> returned to BASIC at that point, but all the palette entries would be set
> to zero...

ah, phew!


RE: Defender on SimCoupe (Was: Defender Source Code)

1999-09-17 Thread Si Owen
David Laundon wrote (oh yes he did):
> For internal ports the number of t-states used depends on when the
> instruction occurs.  IN A,(n) and OUT (n),A takes 12 *OR* 16
> t-states

This is already in place, with the extra 4 t-states being added when
LineCycleCounter is not a multiple of 8.  I notice it's also important in
getting the correct Defender value, as it doesn't work without with it
commented out.

> and IN r,(C) and OUT (C),r takes 16 *OR* 20 t-states.

These need adding, and are probably important for palette changing code that
is often part of line-interrupt handlers, since as Andrew (:-)) mentioned
the timing accurancy for them is pretty critical.

I expect INd(R) and OTd(R) instructions will probably need similar
modifications, especially as OTDR is probably the most commonly used method
for setting up a palette.

> The number of t-states since some fixed point (beginning of the frame?)
> after the instruction seems to be rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8.

The Defender timing stabilisation fix needed the LineCycleCounter to be
resynchronised at the start of the frame, so it does seem to suggest that
it's frame based.

> *However* :) For external ports this rounding to the nearest 8 since some
> fixed point doesn't seem to occur.  Also, IIRC, IN A,(n) and IN r,(C) both
> take the same time for external ports (12 t-states).

Some are obviously internal or external, but I'm not sure about all of them.
Are the MIDI, floppy, printer and sound ports still classed as internal?
(possibly)  I'd guess that reads/writes for unhandled ports will be fast
too, in which case the only ones that need slowing down will be special
hardware devices.  If that's true then only special hardware (that has to be
emulated specially) will need the extra 4 t-states - that might just be the
clock and hard disk ports for now.  Does that sound about right?

> Well, that should keep you going for a while :)

The missing additional timings are easily added, and the external special
cases might not be too bad either - I'll add em over the weekend unless
there are other complications!


Re: Defender on SimCoupe (Was: Defender Source Code)

1999-09-17 Thread Si Owen
Ian Collier wrote:
> Er, actually I didn't...  :-)

Ook, you're right...  I knew I was going to make that mistake at some point!
(Sorry Andrew!)

How about:

> > Ian Collier didn't write:
> > > Do you also ensure that the screen is black when the display



RE: Defender on SimCoupe (Was: Defender Source Code)

1999-09-17 Thread Si Owen
Ian Collier wrote:
> Do you also ensure that the screen is black when the display is disabled?

Yes, but currently only to the resolution of a single scanline.  If the
screen is disabled at the end of the line when it comes to draw it it'll be
drawn black instead, even if it was only disabled in the right-hand border

> Some of my code relies on this for cosmetic effect - ie, cleaning up
> pixels which couldn't be modified in time. I think ESI's The Lyra 3 does
> this too.

Sounds like that'll need finer control...  it should still be possible by
going off the LineCycleCounter value when it's been switched off, but
instruction timing is going to be even more crucial!  Multiple on-offs on
the same line would be a bit of a pig to do too tho!

There does still seems to be some mess left below the 'loading' counter from
the previous screen in The Lyra 3 for some reason.

> I suspect it may well be easier and probably more accurate to hard-wire
> all the instruction times up to the nearest 4 (more accurate than the
> standard timings because instruction reads always occur at 4 t-state
> boundaries, even when the processor is running in uncontended RAM.[1])

A while ago when I was playing with instruction timings, I went through the
Z80ops/edops/cbops and changed the instruction timings from the tweaked
versions to the values from the Rodnay Zaks book, with the plan to
round/tweak values by either wrapping each value in a macro for a
compile-time change, or doing a run-time calculation.

To get the apparent correct value for Defender I'm using the raw unrounded
values.  I've just tried using "(tstates + 3) & ~3" to round up to the next
4 t-states [just noticed the 8 t-state rounding formula rounding was wrong
in my last message!] but the Defender loop works out the value wrong.  Also,
the only instructions in the loop that were not already 4 t-state rounded
were the IN A,(249) and the JP NZ,nn, and manually rounding these up in
z80ops.c gave another different value.

I might have to look more closely to see what the LineCycleCounter value is
throughout the loop, but it seems like a strange coincidence that the raw
values give the correct 0xc0c0 result!  Are the instruction times always
going to be 4 t-state rounded?

> It would be interesting to see how your modified timing code copes with my
> second E-Tunes player (Fred 63 onwards, or from

*gulps*  Is that ETUNES63.DSK.GZ?  (loads straight from the file using zlib
:-))  What am I looking for where?  (remember there's no sound support yet
so I can't hear anything, and my SAM's back in the loft until I can get a
SCART cable!).

> The problem there is that a lot of line interrupt routines are involved in
> displaying the scrolling message - in current versions of SimCoupe the
> processing for one line takes too long, and the code misses the following
> line's interrupt, so has to wait for that during the next frame.

Hopefully it won't run too slow anymore, but it might run too fast ;-)

I've got a menu screen that has relies on pretty critical timing for some
mode 3 palette switching , and I seem to remember that it's always run a
little too fast under SimCoupe.  It uses line interrupts for the start of a
section, but relies on small delays and instruction timing to keep in
synchronised for the remaning 25 or so lines in the larger characters.  I
had a quick look and it doesn't look much different - I need to have a
closer look at that too.

> The message is sixteen pixels high, so this actually causes the program to
> run at one sixteenth of the proper speed.

Can't see a scrolly so maybe there's something else wrong!  If I go for
eject on that screen I just get a black screen - should I be seeing
something else after that point?

> [1] Running from ROM or external RAM will be different, of course, but
> that is probably of secondary importance?

Ah, I'd forgotton about those cases...  Fewer things will rely on timings
there, so it may well have to go on the to-do list for now!


Re: Lost SAM mailing list messages

1999-09-13 Thread Si Owen
Will Easson wrote:
> I use Outlook 98 on a Win98 PC. That any use?

Yeah, that'd be great!  I'm using Outlook 2000, but the .pst file will be
compatible.  I'll e-mail you directly about it...

(Thanks for the offer too Frode!)

> Currently at DeVille and Woolliscroft, Sherwood, Nottingham, UK.
> Moving to Ashfield House Vet Hospital, Long Eaton, Nottingham, UK.

Ooo, just down the road - I'm in Wollaton :-)


ICQ: 9769343, Homepage:

Lost SAM mailing list messages

1999-09-13 Thread Si Owen
Are there any other Outlook users (not Outlook express) that subscribe to
this list?

When re-nstalling NT over the top of itself, it deleted my 200MB OUTLOOK.PST
file from the Windows\Profiles branch.  Fortunately I had a backup from a
month before, so I've not lost everything.  I'm looking to get back the
messages between Friday 30th July and Friday 3rd September.  The messages
can be exported to a .pst file by either copying them to a sub-folder and
exporting that, or using a date filter on the export.  A zipped version of
the .pst file shouldn't be too big hopefully!

Can anyone help me with this?


Defender on SimCoupe (Was: Defender Source Code)

1999-09-13 Thread Si Owen
Chris Pile wrote:
> For those interested I have made the Defender source code available.

I've only just got around to playing this - it's a superb port!  I think a
few of us will pay you back in beer or something :-)  The difficulty is very
authentic too as I've yet to get past the 2nd wave!  We're you one of those
people that could spend hours playing a single game??

I think I've tracked down some of the problems with it running under
SimCoupe...  I experienced the same running fast and slow when down to the
last few landers.  Seems to be to do with instruction timing, as after I
added an approximate form of memory contention(*) and it seems to be fine
now.  I'm guessing it normally runs at 25fps, so the uncontended timings
meant it could manage a frame in under 1/50th when there wasn't so much to
do.  Manic Miner doesn't seem to have much in the way of frame
synchronisation and seemed to run too fast on SimCoupe, but the memory
contention seem to bring it back to a normal speed, and even stabilise the
border effect in the Cold Store!

Your 'anti-emulation' code almost ran correctly because I've already
implemented Ian Collier's 20us interrupt time, 17us of which it's visible on
the status port.  The value of IX after your timing loop was either 0xc0c0
(correct) or 0xc8c8, so it sometimes started the game ok!  The fix for this
was to re-align the LineCycleCounter value to the end of the line when it
reached the end of the display, meaning the new frame always started with at
the start of the first display line - sorta cheating but forgivable I hope!
The 'fix' might also make other timing sensitive video effects a little more
stable, but I've yet to try any.

If only I could stop myself getting distracted by minor (but worthwhile, I
suppose) details I might even get the Win32 to a releasable state.  I seem
to have a bad habit of chipping away at lots of bits instead of
concentrating on each one and finishing them off.  *sigh*


ICQ: 9769343, Homepage:

(*) No contention when display is disabled (modes 3 and 4 only), or when
outside the main 192 lines of the screen in modes 2, 3 and 4.  It doesn't
take into account the speed-up in the border areas of the main screen, but
that doesn't affect most things and can be added in the future.  Uncontended
timings use the documented instruction timing, and contended timings use a
rough formula of "((tstates + 7) & -7) - 1" (!) to give 8 t-state rounding.
It's a start anyway...

RE: SAM Downloads

1999-08-20 Thread Si Owen
Andrew Collier wrote:
> But I agree with Si - Defender is still quite new and I don't think it has
> had a chance to sell to its entire market yet. Has it ever been for sale
> at a Gloucester show, for example?

I'm up for buying it from anyone that's offering (legally)!  I can't remember
what else I was interested in buying now tho. I'll have to have a look around
for some reviews - I'm open to suggestions too...


RE: SAM Downloads

1999-08-20 Thread Si Owen
Andrew Collier wrote:
> For some time I've been wanting to buy Chris Pile's "Defender" game. But
> I've been too nervous about Persona's current stalemate to dare send a
> cheque - who knows if I'd ever see it again?

Back in April I was asking about buying software from Persona and Dave Ledbury
said I should be fine to place an order, making the cheque payable to Mrs
Mackenzie.  I didn't receive the order and the cheque was never payed in AFAIK
(don't they expire after about 6 months?).

Hopefully Persona will be back up and running at some point so I can re-order
the items (including Defender :-)), but I've been waiting for a message from
David before I do anything.  It's a shame that so many items are stuck until
Persona's back, but I understand the sensitive situation so am prepared to
wait a bit.


RE: Hmmm - on topic discussion again.

1999-08-19 Thread Si Owen
Dave L wrote:
> And since when has dual celeron processing been relevant to SAM ?

er, well I can run a SimCoupe on them!  It was as on-topic as your message
about Celery adaptors!

> Now that was something that was discussed by Edwin a while ago

Musta been before I rejoined the list...


OT: Celery, Athlon and other vegetables (was: RE: My take on the SAM Scene)

1999-08-19 Thread Si Owen
Dave L wrote:
> After seeing how many Abit boards are dealt with via our returns
> department - I wouldn't recommend this to anyone!

Then you've been very unlucky - my last 4 boards have been ABit
(HX->LX->BH->BP) and I've not had any problems.  General review sites also
speak highly of them.  What sort of problems do you get with them?

> Just get an Athlon instead if you want a DECENT bit of power at a reasonable
> cost ;)

And dual-550 isn't decent?  Uniprocessor in Win98 is fast enough, but it flies
under NT and Linux (kernel compile in under 2 mins).

> (Guess what I'm saving up for?!)

The BP6 board and the two chips cost me £205 inc VAT, which is pretty
incredible bang for buck - who needs to save up? ;-)   How much are Athlons?


RE: My take on the SAM Scene

1999-08-18 Thread Si Owen
Dave L wrote:
> The only reason for shopping around for a Celery adaptor is if u want one of
> the modified ones for Clocking or dual process use...

I highly recommend the ABit BP6 for a ready to go dual-Slot370 motherboard -
I've got 2 C366s running happily at 550 in one, with little more than a few
changes in the BIOS settings.


RE: My take on the SAM Scene

1999-08-17 Thread Si Owen
Nick Humphries wrote:
> Single figure sales and no commitment to rereleasing or compilations
> means that these titles are not marketable anymore, so is there any
> good reason for not putting them onto an FTP site?

It's not surprising sales are low as they're impossible to get hold of!  It'd
be sad to see some of them being given away when there are a few of us that
are still interested in paying for them, if they could find where to buy them

Could we build a list of known titles and where they can be bought from?  Have
places like Fred/Persona got full control over certain titles?  Are they open
for business or when are they expected to be?  etc.



1999-08-16 Thread Si Owen
Colin Piggot wrote:
> so I have taken it apon myself to create another mailing list

Is this really such a good idea?  The SAM world seems thin enough as it is
without spreading it out over two mailing lists.  The discussion on this list
isn't always on-topic, but it's not as though hundreds of messages a day come
through on it - the off-topic chit-chat actually seems to help keep the list

> This is a MODERATED mailing list for the needs of Sam Users and
> Developers alike. To subscribe, see my webpage at
> for information.

The web page also says: "This list is for REAL people who use REAL Sam
computers" and "No emulation. As stated above this is for users of real Sams".

So, does this also exclude REAL users who develop REAL SAM software on the
emulator?  Since this REAL software can also be run on a REAL SAM and would
benefit other REAL users.  Are you discriminating against emulation because
you feel it's a threat to the Quazar (like Dave L does with the hardware he's
involved with) and/or it can't be used with the emulator?

Good luck with your new list - I'm afraid I won't be joining you tho.

> ++---+
> | COLIN PIGGOT   | __  ___  __   |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |/| |  | |  |   / |  | |\   |
> ||   / | |  | |__|  /  |__| |_\  |
> |  QUAZAR: Hardware and  |  /_\| |__| |  | /__ |  | | \  |
> |  Software for the Sam  |   |
> ++---+

Your new list may allow large sigs, but I believe this one has a limit of 4
lines ;-)


RE: SAM disk formats (was: SimCoupe 0.783a - ZIP)

1999-07-14 Thread Si Owen
Ian Collier wrote:

Ah, thanks!

> Now I've seen it I'm not so sure...

It's pretty close but I'm not sure it's quite there either...

The Amstrad controller seems to have 2 status registers for each data read
command, but the SAM only has one for the actual data read.  The SAM also
has a status value returned as part of the READ_ADDRESS command, and I'm not
sure that it's equivalent to the other Amstrad status value.  The SAM
READ_ADDRESS command can be used without ever having to use a READ_SECTORX
command so the status value needs to be kept separate.  In fact, it's
possible to have a sector with a CRC error in the ID field header, which is
distinct from a CRC error in the data block, so it's something that needs to
be preserved.

The extended Amstrad format also copes with copy protected software
specifying 8K sectors, which is a clever hack since a track is only about 6K
long.  I'm not sure the SAM motor can be switched off on demand to be able
to manage to create it (anyone tried?), but it'd be another consideration
for the format needed.  The extended format is also a lot more compact and
gets rid of a lot of the unnecessary baggage that's in the original format
for legacy support.

So, if the 2 Amstrad status values are equivalent to the SAM's READ_ADDRESS
and READ_SECTORX values we should be able to use the same format.  If the 8K
sector hack is possible on the SAM we need the extended format to be able to
cover that possibility too (if it _is_ possible and SimCoupe can't handle it
then someone's bound to use it!).


Re: SAM disk formats (was: SimCoupe 0.783a - ZIP)

1999-07-14 Thread Si Owen
> On Tue, Jul 13, 1999 at 07:34:01PM -0700, Simon Cooke wrote:
> > The current format has no concept of sector addressing, it
> > doesn't know about different length sectors.

Ian Collier then wrote:
> I was under the impression that the format used for Amstrad disks could do
> that.  Bickbow.  Then again, we might have had this conversation already.

What he says is still true in that the current format (DSK) has no concept
of sector addressing.  SimCoupe does _need_ an additional format of some
sort to be able to describe every possibly physical disk that works on a
real SAM.

I never did track down a definitive spec for the Amstrad format(s) (anyone
know where I can find it?).  I got to the stage where I was looking through
source code to try and work it out, and only found out that it stored status
values for certain actions, which is something I do too.  If the format is
sufficient to cover the SAM floppy controller (as there are things that can
be done on the Amstrad that aren't possible on the SAM, and possible vice
versa) then I'd agree that it's best to use that.

The new format is certainly not set in stone as nobody else has a version
that uses it, and only Aley has seen a/the proposed format described, so
far.  I have a few disks (Lemmings, Prince of Persia, ...) in that format
that I use to play them, but they can easily be converted if the format is



1999-07-07 Thread Si Owen
David L wrote:
> The updated Persona Web site - as designed by the talented Gordon Wallis
> - is now up at

Does that mean Persona's back open for business too?


RE: SimCoupe 0.783a

1999-07-07 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> Si Owen still haven't released anything, so here is anothrer DOS version.

That's because Si Owen has only just returned from holiday - I've not even
had a chance to catch up on the SAM users list yet!

> since we must discuss the fileformat at first. (I don't want to make my
> standards as Si does.)

Then how do you explain the following in SimCoupe's fdi.h:
#define SAD_FORMAT_ID   "Aley's disk backup"

The only thing I've added is a disk format that can describe any type of SAM
disk, regular or protected, as none of the existing disk formats can handle
that.  .SAD disks are only .DSK files with a small header than nobody seems
to use anyway, but the new images are designed to be flexible enough for any
disk format possible on a regular SAM disk.  What's so bad about that?


RE: Linux vs. Win32 SimCoupe - must I fight?

1999-06-10 Thread Si Owen
Thomas Harte wrote:
> So you can see how it looks, yeah? You'll notice how
> 'doesn't want' is also future tense?

Actually it's present tense, but that's beside the point - the point is that
I didn't say it in the first place!  I can understand how it might have
looked, but trying to start a witch-hunt on hear-say isn't such a good idea.


Re: Linux vs. Win32 SimCoupe - must I fight?

1999-06-09 Thread Si Owen
*takes a deep breath*

Aley Keprt originally wrote:
> > Since Si Owen doesn't want to release his sources (I hate him for this),

Aley seems to have left out an all-important 'yet' from the end of this
sentence, probably not intentionally.

Thomas Harte then wrote:
> Hey, Sim Coupe was distributed under the GPL license. If Si doesn't
> want to surrender the modified source then he is breaking the law, and
> many people within the GPL sphere are perfectly happy to help fight if
> this is the case.

I've always said that I would release the modified source when I'm done, and
that's still what I intend to do.  It's not available yet because I've not
finished my changes, and I'm not going to be pressured into releasing it
early.  It'll be ready when it's ready - be patient!

My spare time has been extremely limited recently, so I've not had a chance
to work on it.  With any luck things should start to get back to 'normal' in
a few weeks time when some big work deadlines are out of the way and I'm
back from holiday.

> A win32 Sim boycott anyone?

Get a life Thomas...


RE: The win32 SIM Coupe

1999-06-03 Thread Si Owen
Alex Keprt wrote:
> Since it is noncommercial product, people doing Win32 version
> probably won't have sufficient resources (time, ability, ...) to
> do anything with Linux.

I've not had time to touch the Win32 version in about 5 weeks, and am tied
up for another few weeks yet :-/  I hope to get stuck into it after that and
finally get a version ready to people to use.

Time is the main problem will most things, as most of us have full time
jobs!  There's certainly plenty of ability around to get a Linux version
done, it's just the time problem again...


RE: Z80 Assembler update

1999-06-03 Thread Si Owen
> I don't understand whether this Z80 will be for Sam or PC.
> It looks like Java app., this would be much better.

It's for the PC, but it'll make it much easier to develop code for the SAM

> Does it support clever macros?

Knowing Simon, it'll support everything you'll ever need!



1999-05-27 Thread Si Owen
Has anyone had any dealings with Persona in the last couple of months?  I
ordered some software 6 weeks ago and still haven't received anything.  I've
also tried mailing [EMAIL PROTECTED], but haven't heard anything back
from there either.


RE: Help with : Writing my first (decent) SAM program . . .

1999-05-16 Thread Si Owen
David L wrote:
> If you've got a PC - the easiest solution is to get a PC TV card
> and use the REAL machine via the PC monitor... assuming you've got
> a PC that is ;)

Is your picture clear enough?  I borrowed a Haupage TV card but couldn't get
a decent picture, as tho the signal wasn't strong enough.  It was when I was
fiddling with the controls in my PSU that I broke something, which is why my
normal TV picture is streaky and blurred now!  The normal TV picture was
great on it...

btw Dave, any idea what's happened to my Persona order?  It's been about a
month and I've still not heard a thing!


RE: Putting the whole boring argumet simply

1999-04-30 Thread Si Owen
Simon Cooke wrote:
> Actually, the plan is to go through the Windows Multimedia subsystem, as
> it's easy to set up and splat stuff through, and that way you also get
> accurate timers so we can sync SimCoupe to 50Hz :)

but, but, it's been optionally synced to 50Hz for about 2 months now!

> But basically, it'll be stereo, 16-bit PCM output. All you'll need is a
> Windows driver for your sound card.
> Should be an easy port to the Mac too -- fingers crossed.

Hopefully the rest of it will be too...


RE: Sam Juggler (Re: SimCoupe & protected disks)

1999-04-29 Thread Si Owen
Andrew Collier wrote:
> MNEMOdemo1 part 2 (my bit) crashes. I never did manage to work out exactly
> why, but I rather suspect it has to do with interrupt timings.

I've corrected the interrupt timings (as discovered Ian or yourself) so the
interrupt bits aren't visible during the last 3us of the interrupt, but they
stay active so interrupts can still occur.  I've not tried that demo yet so
I'm not sure if that's related to the problem, but it can't do any harm!

> Also, according to the website, SamDice crashes on startup,

Fixed - turned out to be the missing 'read address' implementation in the
floppy controller. 'read track' was also needed for the 'diagnostic read' to
work without crashing.

I extended this to add full support for protected disks, so Prince of
Persia, Lemmings (tho I've broken the mouse support it seems), etc. now work
when they're converted to the new type of disk image needed to describe them
accurately. Existing DSK/SAD images can be formated, but only to the normal
10x512 sector format.  The new images can be formatted to custom formats
within the emulator, and can be viewed/edited with SamDice.

I've written a BASIC program and some ASM to use on the real SAM to scan
protected disks a side at a time and raw write it to another disk. I then
use SBK to transfer them to the PC and (for the moment, until there's a
utility to do it) use a binary editor to splice sections of them together.
Of course it'll be up to people to generate their own SDF image files for
any software they have as I won't distribute them, even if people claim to
own the original!


RE: Putting the whole boring argumet simply

1999-04-29 Thread Si Owen
Chris Pile wrote:
> When Si completes his Windows port (complete with sound and
> accurate timing!!!)

Well, it's not me that's writing that part of it - Dave Hooper, Aley Keprt
and Simon Cooke are involved with the sound side of things.

Accurate timing will probably come in time, but probably at the cost of a
small performance hit from a few more tests in the main Z80 loop.  At the
moment I've got the original spec values in, but am rounding the instruction
timing value up to the next 8 before adding it. This still isn't accurate
but gives better timing in some thing, especially Manic Miner that used to
run far too fast!

> developing for SAM under Simcoupe on the PC will be a breeze...

It'll be good for the majority of development, but things will still need
testing on a real SAM to make sure they work OK. SimCoupe is very good at
behaving like a real SAM when the software does work on a real SAM, but
there are certain fringe areas where it will behave differently. i.e. the
SimCoupe disk system is a lot more timing tolerant that the real version, so
any disk code would need more testing on a real SAM to make sure it works,
even if it's fine under the emulator!  That could probably be tightened up,
but there'll still be no guarantee it'll work on the real SAM!


RE: CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright

1999-04-28 Thread Si Owen
> David L wrote:
> Not so tricky with a good hard drive removable rack!

Indeed, I take the 2 hard disk caddies out of my machine in work every night
when I go home, so I can plug them in there if I need to use them.
Ironically, the last hard disk I had that died was the one fixed in the


Re: Source of technical information

1999-04-26 Thread Si Owen
Thomas Harte wrote:
> (don't have a clue what mode 2 was all about though, thinking in
> retrospect, was it something like Spectrum style with a higher colour
> resolution?)

Yeah, similar to the Spectrum but with an attribute byte for each data byte,
and without the annoying layout! ;-)

> and, ummm, the size of the floppy discs!

Standard format is the same as the +D: 800K, 780K available for data.

> All I've found online is the unfinished technical manual at nvg, is
> there anywhere else I can get information?

I think that might be Simon Cooke's unofficial technical manual that you've
seen.  You really need to get hold of the original official technical manual
for a description of graphics modes, keyboard, memory, sound chip, floppy
drive, etc.  It doesn't contain any on the mouse or clock (and other
peripherals), but it's still the best SAM reference out there.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure where you can a copy from now, but I'm sure
someone else on the list will know. My first bet would be to try Bob
Brenchley, if he's reappeared.

> Judging by the state and number of the only available emulator compared
> to the state and number of Spectrum emulators, I am assuming there is
> some complex voodoo going on at some point, but there you go.

I guess it's just because it's not as well known as Spectrum - there were an
awful lot more Spectrums than SAMs!  Only one person I know has heard of the
SAM, and he returned it shortly after buying it (back in '89) because he
wasn't happy with it!  SimCoupe is really the only serious contender as a
SAM emulator at the moment, and it's still being worked on, so watch this

I'd say it's more difficult to emulate than the Spectrum, mainly (I'd say)
because a lot of the software is very timing sensitive.  Things like
hi-resolution colour support can be optional in a Spectrum emulator but is
really a must for the SAM, or not even the startup screen will appear

> How does a Z80B differ to a regular Z80 anyway? And what about every
> other aspect of the machine?

It runs at 6MHz instead of 3.5MHz (for the Spectrum), but other than that's
is about the same. RAM contention eats a chunk of the 6MHz for normal SAM

> Any good online sources, or do I need to track down a copy of the
> original, finished, technical manual?

I'd start with the techincal manual, and maybe have a browse around the
SimCoupe source code to learn some additional bits and pieces. To supplement
that diet you can always ask questions here too...


RE: New Argument about COPYING (WAS CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON ->SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright )

1999-04-23 Thread Si Owen
> Its just a Means to a End , If you need to BACKUP your purchase, but its
> protected to stop PIRACY , MODIFYING Correctly working code (the
> Protection ) is illegal (SECTION 50C as previously stated) :)

Fortunately, backing up disks to a different media isn't modifying any code,
in fact it's not even changing much about the format of the disk, it just
lets us legal owners make the most of our purchase :-)


RE: Win32 SimCoupe (was: Z80 flags for INI(R) and OTI(R)? #2 (oops!))

1999-04-22 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> I can't imagine the situation, where unions are inefficient.
> Go and try it and you will see.
> The Z80 emulator I use in my programs use unions and it looks very
> efficient.

I've done it already and it didn't actually seem to make much difference to
the performance from my tests.  I've changed it to handle HL, IX and IY the
same way now too, instead of as separate special cases in each instruction
that used them, and that didn't make a whole lot of difference either from
what I can see (it does neaten it up a lot tho).


RE: Win32 SimCoupe

1999-04-22 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> I can't imagine what algos can be better than reading a one single value
> from a table. Especially in this case, when every table has 256 bytes, and
> there are some 4 or 8 tables in the Z80 emualtor. Is this too much for
> Celeron's cache? I don't think so.

Probably not from one table, but if you start adding table lookups for other
things you could push the working program size over the limit to be kept in
the cache.  I've not really looked into why the speed improvements I saw on
my Celeron didn't make any difference on the PII, but the cache size/speed
would be my first guess. The fact that my Celeron cache runs at full speed
compared to the half speed PII cache means there's a nice boost when it does
keep within it, and it still averages out at about PII speed even when it

It'll probably be worth looking into at some point to see if it help much...


RE: CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & C

1999-04-21 Thread Si Owen
JohnnaPig Teare wrote:
> Everybody who has ever wanted to buy lemmings or pop has got it now
> surely - I wouldn't even know where to point someone t buy a copy.

I've only just picked a few things up 2nd hand, as I couldn't see anywhere
obvious and easy to buy them from.  Last night was the first time I've seen
Lemmings on the SAM - great fun!  I'm just waiting for my order from Persona
that includes Defender...

> The SAM world can only survive if we start to pool our resources and
> help to advance SIM Coupe ie. getting it running in WIn32 properly.

My thoughts exactly, but one or more people on this list still see the
emulator as a threat.

> (Still no nearer tofinding that Win32 version - anybody going to let
> me in on th esecret?)

The original archive is still available as but lacks all sorts of things that have
been put in since (it's windowed only, but you can use F5 to change screen
size). I've not had much time to work on it recently, and there are a few
things that still need to be done before it's worth replacing the old


RE: New Argument about COPYING (WAS CLOSING ARGUEEMENT ON -> SimCoupe & protected disks & Copyright )

1999-04-21 Thread Si Owen
David Ledbury wrote:
> Some already does ;)
> Especially if it happens to be the Atom ;)

Owners of the Atom still can't use the hard disk for existing protected
titles tho - if I owned the hard disk I wouldn't be too happy about that. As
usual, the protection ends up as more of a disadvantage for the legal owner,
as people that want to hack/copy them will still do it anyway.

SAM software disks could always be personalised with the details of the
owner before being sent out, as people will be a lot less likely to
distribute disks if their name and address is part of them.  The Spectrum
emulator Z80 does (or at least _did_) this, and sections of code are
decrypted using those details to stop a simple patching job from getting
around it.  It wouldn't help the software already out there, but it'd be a
start.  Selling the software on to someone else would be interesting tho!


RE: Sam Juggler (Re: SimCoupe & protected disks)

1999-04-17 Thread Si Owen
Dave Whitmore wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Apr 1999 20:42:26 +0100 Sat, 17 Apr 99 00:54:05 BST,
> "David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Defender - thank goodness!
> He said "disk protection excluded" for christsakes!
> <\pedant>

I think he might be referring to some HPEN synchonisation stuff mentioned a
while back ; there's probably no reason why they both can't be 'fixed'. }:->

'thank goodness!' - hmmm, I can guess...


RE: Sam Juggler (Re: SimCoupe & protected disks)

1999-04-16 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> Juggler seems to use standard disk format, but it doesn't work in
> emulator. Any idea?

It's appears to be a bug in the SimCoupe floppy controller, caused by each
disk side being treated as a full drive controller with its own set of
registers etc. The only time the side bit of the port seems to be needed is
for actual data reads and writes.

Juggler steps the drive head using the I/O ports for the same side it wanted
to move to (224-227 for side 0, 228-231 for side 1), but always checked the
track value using the first 4 ports (side 0). So, as soon as it reached side
1 the track value it read back was always going to be stuck at 79 (the last
track position on side 0), leaving Juggler in an infinite loop trying to get
to the next position.

It probably also explains some strange logs I've seen where SAMDOS seems do
single steps that wrap the track below zero then back down to the track
position needed.

Is there any other stuff that doesn't work with SimCoupe? (disk protection
excluded, for now)


RE: Sam Juggler (Re: SimCoupe & protected disks)

1999-04-15 Thread Si Owen
Aley Keprt wrote:
> Yes, Juggler seems to use standard disk format, but it doesn't work in
> emulator. Any idea?

Hmmm, mine gets right up to the point of showing the animation and just sits
at a black screen.  Is that the same as you (I presume so!). If I get time
tomorrow I'll see if it's anything I can spot...

> Does Lyra III work in emulator?

It does seem to to me, but looks like it's missing a border effect. Then
again I've still not managed to transfer it back to a real floppy to use it
on my SAM!


RE: Sam interrupts: the sequel

1999-04-15 Thread Si Owen
Ian Collier wrote:
> Er, the multiple interrupt effect is the *whole point*!  The purpose of
> my program is to see how many times the multiple interrupt occurs, and
> thus determine how long the Sam holds the interrupt line for.

Ah, I never realised that it could/would be called multiple times, but
probably because almost all of the other interrupt handlers I write are long
enough to mask the effect!  It took me ages to track down my scroller
problem, but I thought the multiple calls was the problem that had been
uncovered, not realising that reducing the active interrupt time was really
what needed doing.

So reducing it to 20us (120 cycles) will bring it into line with what a real
SAM will do, and the adjustments to take the time to get to the interrupt
handler also needs to be taken into account. I guess there might still be
some quirks with programs that are very sensitive to it until the
instruction timings includes RAM contention (for the patch the start of the
main area of the display is being draw on the next line).

> so you can actually have an interrupt with no clear bit in the status
> register (but not in SimCoupe).

So on a real SAM the interrupt handler could be called without a bit reset
in the status flags? Or did I read that wrong?


RE: Sam interrupts: the sequel

1999-04-15 Thread Si Owen
Stefan Drissen wrote:
> Obviously p is the current program counter value.  56-p will ensure that
> the next instruction is then assembled at address 56

I wondered about p being PC, but 56 minus PC (that is about 32797 because of
my ORG 32768) didn't make any sense!  I now presume that it means pad out
the code (with NOPs or whatever) up to address 56 so some code can be there
for an IM 1 handler.  Is this the Comet assembler?  Where does it default to
putting the code if it assumes that PC is zero?  32768?

I might have a better chance at getting it to build right under the
SC_ASSEMBLER or Lerm assembler, if I can remember the directives to use
(DISP in one of them I think...). If all else fails I'll pad it out

> (also known as the address mode 1 interrupts jump to).

... and I've always thought the reset code was there!


RE: SCART Solution

1999-04-15 Thread Si Owen
Justin Skists wrote:
> [description clipped]
> Cool. Thanks. I'll have a go at making one sometime! :)

Bagsy I try first!  ;-)


RE: Sam interrupts: the sequel

1999-04-15 Thread Si Owen
Ian Collier wrote:
> The z80 code and a short binary follow.  You can test the binary

The binary seems munged again - could you please zip it and resend it?

>  defs 56-p

What's the 'p' part of this?  I can't see a label for it, so is it something
specific to your assembler?  What size should the gap be?  I assembled the
rest of it but it hung without doing anything, so I guess it

> The real Sam is keeping the interrupt active for somewhere between
> 120 and 132 cycles.

On a related note, I was looking at a repeated interrupt problem with
SimCoupe last night.  I had a line interrupt routine that was very short so
it completed while the interrupt was still active on the status port.  This
caused the handler to be run for a second time before the active interrupts
were cleared from the status port after the 30us (180 cycles).  I added an
extra variable that is reset when the interrupt is processed, leaving the
status_port alone so it can be read by the interrupt handler code. I can't
see that it's anything that I've broken from the original code, but that did
cross my mind!

I noticed this when the scroller in my PacMan was being displayed
incorrectly because the 2 line interrupts I used had got out of sync. This
only happened after I'd tweaked the instruction timings in the Z80 core,
which must have shortened the time taken by the handler to just below the
active time, so it was still active when it returned. I noticed that
shortening the interrupt active time to 20us (120 cycles) seemed to fix it,
as that was short enough to to the reset before the interrupt handler had

I'm surprised the multiple interrupt effect doesn't happen with your short
interrupt handler - when I can run it I'll have a look!

So, would reducing the active time to about 125 cycles, taking the actual
interrupt time into consideration for the active interrupt time, and adding
the flag to prevent multiple handle calls, cover it?


RE: SimCoupe interrupt timings

1999-04-13 Thread Si Owen
Ian Collier wrote:
> Not really - it's mostly guesswork, although I did measure a lot of
> instructions experimentally.  I think Pedro Gimeno did something similar
> for the Spectrum and the results are in the cssfaq

I found Pedro's work at lunch-time and it looks like a good starting point.
At the weekend I might have a look at adding the delays to (normal RAM)
reads and writes, just by rounding up to the next 8 t-states when I think
the main display area is being read by the ASIC (not including border). The
extra split timings will then need to be added for reads and writes within
the various instructions - thankfully a good chunk of the instructions don't
access memory!

It'll take a lot to get right, but hopfully it'll allow some timing
sensitive code (particularly in demos) to be closer to working as expected.


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