1999-09-21 Thread Lew Fong How

 Dear Katarina,

 Here is the repost.

 Hi Diane,

  You wrote:

How does one find pure water?

At the present rate of global  pollution, there is really no source
of pure
It is unsafe to drink from streams, rivers and more so  from rain water 
when acid
rain is very common.   The human system is at the centre of an 
or etheric web which is generated by the bioradiation of tissue
salts and their fellow colloidal mineral  concomitants. Every body cell
potentially a small magnet. . This etheric shealth covering the body 
has been
proven scientifically and clairvoyantly,pulsates in rhythm with the
phases of respiration .It is fed by the Vital Force or Prana generated
in the
body  The etheric  spectrum of colours as demonstrated by Kirlian
photography ,
is a reflection of the quality of our Vital Force which is the
manifestation of
life energy. Hence,

We are what we eat
 We are what we drink
   We  are what we breathe
  We are what we think
We are what we practise

   The body system has the property to pick
up and to
store extraneous electro-
magnetic oscillations which may be pathological. These are seen in the
etheric web
as cracks  [mild] and  holes [severe] and serve to unbalance the
emotionally or physically . These become thought forms and behave like
cockroaches or etheric parasites. Therefore, by pure water, I mean that
the water
is not contaiminated by pathological oscillations from whatever
source.   As a
rule, anything
that has been touched , handled or exposed to a morbid environment,
should be
magnetised  using powerful magnets exceeding 3000 to 5000 gauss to
destroy the
stored up extraneous electro-magnetic oscillations.

 If possible,try to be selective in your
choice of
water for drinking to feed the brain  Qi . If doubtful, magnetise the
water for a few  hours before drinking.

  With regards


d.linen wrote:


 I'm almost speechless here. I can NOT tell you how much I appreciate
 your recent posts about this subject. This one is as valuable as the
 others. You've explained this in a very helpful, useful way.

 I'd like to ask one thing though. How does one find pure water? What
 will do or be acceptable?

 Your very grateful fan


 Lew Fong How wrote:

    it seems you're talking about  Yogic pranayama,right  ?
.  To breathe is to live and to be alive ,one has to
  breathe. In
  esoteric breathing, life is not measured in terms of years but in the number
  of breaths.
   Breathing is a mechanical act of inhalation and exhalation of atmospheric
  air, in and out of the body. Respiration is an on-going process from womb to
  the tomb, a life and energy generating process.
  The sanskrit word Prana meaning 
  Life is the equivalent of
  Qi or  Vital Force.   Ayama means  control. Pranayama means control
  of Prana
  or The Yoga Science of Breath Control. The prana in the atmospheric air
  performs a
  number of functions in the human body. Each has a specific name:
   1. Prana:  It circulates around the heart and controls breathing
   2. Apna:   It circulates in the lower region of the abdomen and controls
 functions [ Urine and faeces]
   3. Samana : It stimulates the gastric juices and aids digestion.
   4. Udana : It remains in the thoracic cage and controls the absorption of
  air and food.
   5. Vyana: It spreads throughout  the body and distributes the energy from
  food and
   6. Naga: It relieves abdominal pressure by provoking excretion.
   7. Kurma: It controls the eyelids to prevent foreign bodies from entering
  and dazzling
 light from harming the eyes.
   8. Krkara: It prevents certain substances from rising into the nasal
  cavities or
 descending into the throat causing sneezing and coughing.
   9. Devadutta: It ensures the absorption of extra oxygen into a tired body
  and causes
   10. Dhananjaya: It remains in the body even after death and sometimes
  causes the
corpse to swell.
   I practise Pranayama by closing my nostrile  with index finger and thumb
  first my right ,breathing out slowly through the left and then the left and
  breathing slowly through the right nostrile, 10 times daily.  One
  physio-biochemical rationale of this
  practice is to acclimatise the brain to an optimum level of Carbon dioxide
  to maintain patency of the 

Re: CSNew MSM product

1999-09-21 Thread FEDTOLEDO
I just found a new product at the Whole Foods, called Emer'gen-C, with
1000mg of Vitamin C.One of the products also has 1000mg of MSM, 32
mineral complexes, folic acid, B12, magnesium, manganese, potassium,
sodium, sulfur, zinc and chromium.It is sold in a box with 36
individual packets that fizz and immediately dissolve in a glass of
water, no stirring necessary.   36 packets cost $8.99.

They sold the packets separately, so I tried a couple.   They dissolve
fast, and it tastes o.k., better than plain MSM.Just thought someone
might like to know about this product, as it often comes up.  

Manufacturer is Alacer Corp., Foothill Ranch, CA  (800) 854-0249


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CSFw: Redish/Blue toe nails??

1999-09-21 Thread FEDTOLEDO
Hi All,

The toe nail bed on my big toe, left foot, has turned a dark redish/blue
over the last few days, and the right foot big toe seems to be joining
it.   I recently had foot surgery on right foot, so the circulation to the
toe on this foot may be somewhat reduced and could explain why it is less

I started taking homozon about 3 to 4 weeks ago.   I moved quickly from
1/4 tsp. a dat to 1 tsp twice a day.   Could this be related?Could I be
overdoing the Homozon?I stopped taking it yesterday to it the the
discoloration would go away.   I remember anesthesiologists used to moniter
the anesthesia in your system by noting the color of your toe nails and
fingernails, but don't know what they were looking for, or what the
indications were.Is this
redish/blue a sign of too much oxygen?   
Your thoughts are appreciated,


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Re: CSIt's Time for a newsgroup..

1999-09-21 Thread M. G. Devour
Hello Tim! Welcome to the group! 

The only way a newsgroup, or this list, could be more controlled is
if I (or a team of moderators) read and approved each posting before
it could go out. This by itself would slow things to a crawl.

Plus, by the nature of usenet news, messages would take days or more
to propagate to the entire usenet world, meaning we would totally
*lose* the near-real-time exchanges we take for granted here.

You wrote:

 More often than not, replies to the thread in this list, have
 nothing to do with the thread!

The same as in any forum where the listowner doesn't massage every
message before it goes out. I've elected not to put the list in full 
moderation mode for the sake of the responsiveness I mentioned above.

I rely on the fact that it is a privelege to post on the list, and 
that I can remove any individual at any time if they abuse it. This 
leads to responsible behavior and considerate use, most of the time.

We always *can* do better with subject lines and OT stuff. But more 
on that below...

 With a newsgroup, you would have the ability to subscribe to the
 group; get the message headers, then open only the ones you were
 interested in, instead of having your mailbox filled with junk that
 you have to delete individually, ( not wanting to miss anything

Actually, the key to using mailing lists well is learning how to
organize your e-mail. 

Do you use MS Outlook, Eudora, Pegasus Mail, Forte Agent? These are
e-mail programs I know for a fact will sort your incoming mail so
each mailing list ends up in a separate folder or mailbox. This
avoids the whole mailbox filled with junk deal. 

These filter or sorting functions, sometimes combined with 
the twit filter feature, are a vital tool to sane list use.

I open each folder in turn -- when I'm interested -- scan for good
looking threads, read what I want, and delete or keep what I choose.
Once a month or so I delete any unread messages over x weeks old
since I'm never going to get to them anyway and I don't want my disk
to fill up.

It's fantastic once you get the hang of setting it up in your e-mail

 Actually, two newsgroups would be better. 
 The silver list is growing, because silver works.
 Soon, the silver list will become unmanageable.

You read my mind (and others')! I am in the process of getting the 
silver list archived so folks can search for past discussions. That's 
step one.

Step two is fleshing out the web site to provide a place for
newcomers to get grounded in the subject, to store the FAQ's, and 
provide a place to post experimental results. Sort of a repository 
for the consensus of the list.

Step three, which is not far off, is to start an alternative health
list as a sister to the silver-list, where most of the off topic
stuff we get here will be *on* topic. The goal will be to provide the
same sort of sheltered, cooperative environment we have formed here.

With all this, volume on the silver list will go down some and S/N 
ratio will go up. We'd still have a place for all these freewheeling 

But one thing that will never disappear is a certain level of 
noise, in the form of OT questions and chit chat. Some of this is 
necessary to keep the sense of community going. Without that, we lose 
more than you can imagine.

That's the plan, anyway. If you can see any way to make it happen
faster, I'm open to collaboration!! GRIN

 I believe in it, use it, make it, don't sell it..
  Let's get a newsgroup.

If you can show me how it will improve things, I'd consider it. But I 
think we're going to get the bases covered by another route. 

The concerns you have are right on as is your analysis of the future, 
IMHO. Hopefully we'll be ready for it. Thanks for the ideas!

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIt's Time for a newsgroup..

1999-09-21 Thread M. G. Devour
Chuck wrote:

 Lists, especially moderated lists, are better than newsgroups.
 Less anarchy!

I find it supremely ironic that the least anarchy is the greatest 
goal of my efforts, being that I'm as much of an anarchist at heart 
as most anybody here. grin

But, I digress...

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIt's Time for a newsgroup..

1999-09-21 Thread Charles King
On Mon, 20 Sep 1999 17:23:49 -0700, Tim Cudzilo

This is list is just too much to sort through.
A newsgroup is needed.

And that would change what?

There is too much good information on silver solutions lost in the spew.
Think of the manhours wasted sorting through.. 
More often than not, replies to the thread in this list, have nothing to do
with the thread!

And a newsgroup would change what? And how?

With a newsgroup, you would have the ability to subscribe to the group; get
the message headers, then open only the ones you were interested in, instead of
having your mailbox filled with junk that you have to delete individually, ( 
wanting to miss anything good).

Learning the filtering features of your news/mail reader does the same

Actually, two newsgroups would be better. 
alt.silver  could contain basic information in the form FAQs, as well as
general requests for information and comments.

You get a FAQ when you join the newsgroup. You did read it??

alt.binaries.silver  could contain diagrams, pdf files, pictures, price
lists... whatever.

The Godess Victoria has provided a common site (work in progress)!
Uh...Right,  Oh Godess

Currently, ( at least on my news server ) there are no newsgroups using the
term silver.
The silver list is growing, because silver works.
Soon, the silver list will become unmanageable.
I believe in it, use it, make it, don't sell it..
 Let's get a newsgroup.
Lists, especially moderated lists, are better than newsgroups. 
Less anarchy!

Text processing has made it possible to right-justify any idea, even
one which cannot be justified on any other grounds.
-- J. Finnegan, USC.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS colour change - HELP!

1999-09-21 Thread boberger

I don't know where you are getting your tap water, but let me relate an
account from Dr. D'Antoni, who at the time was presidnet of Standrad Fruit
Co. in New Orleans, and I was the Chief Engineer of the Honduras Division.
Dr. D'Antoni was a tropical medicine specialist in New Orleans before taking
over the company from his father.

In discussing the mountain water in LaCeiba Honduras he commemted that
tripple distilling Mississippi river was not adequate for the reagents used
in tropical disease testing. He ordered his water from Washington state.

Your symptones say that the evolved gases must be getting back into the
condenser coils or you are running the still to fast. I would suggest that
you try running the water through a Britta filter first, then charcoal and
after it is made through a separate charcoal filter.

So many of today's chemicals have boiling points close to  water that some
times a frationating column is required. Now your talking money.

Question;. How do you know that you have 20 ppm? Have you had it tested?

Is there available  some commercial DW so that you can make a comparison

Do you have a digital multimeter to read the cell current?

What is the initial cell current?

What is the final cell current?

The answer to these wquestions will give me a better idae of what you are

Ole Bob

Ole Bob

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Re: CSIt's Time for a newsgroup..

1999-09-21 Thread Janine
I think a forum would be better than a newsgroup.

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1999-09-21 Thread Janine
Where can I get an atomizer or nebulizer? I had bronchitis 3 times last
winter as did much of my family. I was wondering if I get one of  these
devices and used it with cs when I have a cold or bronchitis would it nip it
in the bud???


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS colour change - HELP!

1999-09-21 Thread Steve King
Dear group:

Can anyone please tell me why my CS is turning PINK?!?!

I'm using DC to about 20 PPM. When I first began
making CS,  the solution started clear and then turned 
yellow and stayed that way for weeks or more.  Now the 
solution starts clear, turns yellow, and after a day or 
two, it turns pink. I'm also getting some sediment at the
bottom of jar  - where before there was none.

I haven't changed the voltage or electrodes, but I
have made a slight change to the water.  Could
water quality be causing the CS to age quickly?

The water I'm using is good ole tap water,
distilled once in a stainless steel distiller
and post filtered with carbon.

Not good enough?

many thanx,

Steve King

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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Re: CSNew electrode assembly - questions...

1999-09-21 Thread BRPETERMC
Hey Vicki...
I haven't heard of a standard electrode setup.I gather some use two
lengths of silver wire,others use minted silver coins,and then there are the
HVAC types.
I use a dual coil arrangement;silver wire coiled by winding around a pen
to form it,and positioned inside another coil formed by winding around a
jar.I have found this setup to be effective as electrode spacing is held
consistent,and a large surface area
is obtained.(LVDC).Should be interesting to hear what you devise
-Original Message-
From: Victoria Welch
To: Silver-List
Date: Tuesday, 21 September 1999 4:11
Subject: CSNew electrode assembly - questions...

Hello All and Thanks in advance.

I got some 14 gauge .999 siler wire courtesy of my sister this weekend
and am in the process of building up a new electrode assembly.

Since the idea (seems to me) is to get to some standard method of
doing things, I wanted to ask what everyone else is using for electrode
length (total and wetted length) as well as the spacing.

Please advise so I can build this thing to the accepted standard.

Thanks  take care, Vikki.
Victoria Welch, WV9K, DoD#-13, Net/Sys/WebAdmin,
#include coffee.h
Walking on water and developing software to specification are
easy as long as both are frozen - Edward V. Berard.
Do not unto others, that which you would not have others do unto you.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS[Fwd: CS Problems]

1999-09-21 Thread M. G. Devour
   .. to let you know that using a lot of fancy words and mixing them up
 won't snow us.. Its obvious you are very educated,so treat us the same way.
   I am here with you all to learn and to share. I work to earn it.
 Maybe I am merely trying to be as good as you are but not better. There are 
 things under the sun to talk about, why use fancy words. It is not education 
 are  talking about, you are talking about yourself. .
 Well, I'm glad you guys are fightin' 'cause I'm learning a LOT!
 Smile though

I'd say one other thing to keep carefully in mind is the potential 
for language barrier issues. I'm not sure that English is Lew's first 
language, though he does very well with it. 

We are a globe-spanning community and it is a great thing for us
monolingual folks that others make the effort to communicate with us. 
Thank you all.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS measurements ?!

1999-09-21 Thread Ivan Anderson
Check these sites to understand a little more about TDS and
conductivity/resistance: - which includes a chart and
graph relating TDS to conductivity.

Equivalent weight of Ag+ = 100
TDS as CaCo3(equiv. weight 50) x 2 = TDS as Ag+
(this assumes monovalent Ag+ ions)

Regards Ivan.

- Original Message -
From: Victoria Welch
Sent: Friday, 17 September 1999 18:23
Subject: CS measurements ?!

 James and Ian,

   [ ... ]
  I have become accustomed to using PPM because that is what
most everyone on
  the list uses.  I don't have a direct formula to convert mS
to PPM, but I
  will get one.  My meter displays either.

 If you have a formula to convert PPM to mS, I would appreciate
it if you
 could pass it along.  I now have the Hanna TDS and would like
to make it
 as useful (or potentially so) as possible.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS colour change - HELP!

1999-09-21 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:26:43 +0100, Steve King

I haven't changed the voltage or electrodes, but I
have made a slight change to the water.  Could
water quality be causing the CS to age quickly?

The water I'm using is good ole tap water,
distilled once in a stainless steel distiller
and post filtered with carbon.

Not good enough?

many thanx,

Steve King

That would be my guess. Got a way of measuring your start current?

 Division is futile!  Prepare to be approximated!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: question

1999-09-21 Thread M. G. Devour
Karen Croom wrote:
  I ... confessed that I thought I might be prejudiced.  I was serious, but he
 started laughing.  He knew that I was talking about the white race and we
 have white skin.  Well, I got over that but I still feel like asking
 forgiveness from people of other races for all of the sins of the past. 

Chuck wrote:
 Isn't that something!!!
 Now your supposed to feel GUILTY just for being who you are.

It troubles me most that we are tempted to throw out the *positive* 
lessons of history because of the failings of the people of the time.

The founding principles of my nation -- personal responsibility, 
individual freedom, property rights, self-government -- were crafted 
by men and women who were entirely human, within a human 
culture that was seriously flawed.

As a result, the biggest single change from Thomas Jefferson's 
original draft of the Declaration of Independence and the document 
finally approved by the Committee of the Whole, was the excision of 
his eloquent and powerful denunciation of the slave trade.

And at the very time these principles brought greater freedom, 
opportunity, and prosperity to a wider range of people than ever 
before -- our nation engaged in systematic genocide against Native 

Always, the painful reality has lagged behind the promise of our
shining principles, and it does so today. And in recent decades it 
seems our principles have lost considerable ground.

But it was those principles that pushed us to achieve. We are still
counted among the freest people on earth to the extent that we have 
held on to them.

I firmly believe that the only thing we can do to right the injustice
of the past is to prevent the injustice of the future. And the best
way to do that remains, today as always, giving people alive today
the fullest measure of their basic human birthright: freedom,
liberty, property, sovereignty. 

To the extent we let people live free we honor the greatness -- and 
atone for the wickedness -- of past generations.

And I strongly encourage us all, me included, to steer clear of much 
further discussion of political philosophy on the silver list, as 
seductive a temptation as it is. Drat. g

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSNew electrode assembly - questions...

1999-09-21 Thread M. G. Devour
I'm using 12 gauge, spacing 2, wetted length 3 1/2. Not an exact 
standard, but in the ballpark.

 Hello All and Thanks in advance.
 I got some 14 gauge .999 siler wire courtesy of my sister this
 weekend and am in the process of building up a new electrode
 Since the idea (seems to me) is to get to some standard method of
 doing things, I wanted to ask what everyone else is using for
 electrode length (total and wetted length) as well as the spacing.
 Please advise so I can build this thing to the accepted standard.
 Thanks  take care, Vikki.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSWeb forum version is excellent!

1999-09-21 Thread Steve King

I just tried the web forum version of
this list and its really nice. Threading
works great and I was able to search
the archive back to 1998.  

An on-line treasure trove. .. . and it
may cut down on simplistic, redundant
questions   :  )


Steve King

-- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS colour change - HELP!

1999-09-21 Thread Steve King

That would be my guess. Got a way of measuring your start current?

I've been putting that part off but I think I
understand now how important it is. My unit
is supposed to give me a red light if the
water is not within tolerances, but I
realise that this isn't meant to be
extremely accurate. 

So. . . I'll just slink off now into the web
archives and read up on current measuring
and limiting.   I just did an archive search on
the term -current- and it came up with
98 messages dating back to Nov 97.

Great stuff and a historical perspective. 
I love this list!

Steve King

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread O2 Communication
Hi, could someone please let me know the symptoms of Lyme disease - it looks
like one of my colleagues might have said condition.
Many thanks

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour []
Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSLyme disease

Amy Casca wrote:

 I have a friend here that we are very sure has Lyme disease.
 ... We are still seeking a Lyme Dr to work with us,but are
 having a very hard time finding one. We would like to start trying
 silver,if anyone out there has experience with Lyme and Collidial


Hi Amy. We've got a number of folks who'll be glad to help you and
your friend. There is no need to wait to take charge of your own
health. I'll let the others fill you in on the details. Expect some
conflicting opinions to sort through, but remember that the basics
will *work*, and that the rest is just refinement of the basics.


Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS colour change - HELP!

1999-09-21 Thread Steve King
Ivan, all-

You have answered your own question ;-)

thanx.  but there is one thing I can't 
answer (er. . . at least one thing!).

Why wouldn't single distilled water with
post carbon filtering be good enough
for making high quality CS? 

And related questions. . .

Can you have very pure water 
but with too high conductivity for some
reason? Is conductivity strictly
a function of impurities in the water?
Could I be ionizing or somehow
charging the water with my distiller
in a way that's not good?

best, Steve King

- Original Message -
From: Steve King
Sent: Tuesday, 21 September 1999 22:26
Subject: CS colour change - HELP!

 Dear group:

 Can anyone please tell me why my CS is turning PINK?!?!

 I'm using DC to about 20 PPM. When I first began
 making CS,  the solution started clear and then turned
 yellow and stayed that way for weeks or more.  Now the
 solution starts clear, turns yellow, and after a day or
 two, it turns pink. I'm also getting some sediment at the
 bottom of jar  - where before there was none.

 I haven't changed the voltage or electrodes, but I
 have made a slight change to the water.  Could
 water quality be causing the CS to age quickly?

 The water I'm using is good ole tap water,
 distilled once in a stainless steel distiller
 and post filtered with carbon.

 Not good enough?

 many thanx,

 Steve King

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Re: CSRe: question

1999-09-21 Thread Daniel and Karen Croom
(The following is off-topic-nothing about silver- just a response)

Dear Chuck and Vikii and Jhon,
I did not express myself well and will attempt so now.  That's the trouble
with not being able to look someone in the eye while communicating.  I've
never felt bad or guilty for being white,  nor do I think that anyone of
any color should.  I didn't elaborate, but the prejudice towards the white
race I experienced lasted maybe 30 minutes and occured after I had been
visiting with some Cherokee.  I also had just watched a report about how
store clerks respond to black customers as opposed to white and how
differently black people applying for jobs are rated.  A black young man
had recently asked me if Jesus liked black people.  That broke my heart to
think that He had been presented in any other light. (but of course, most
of the pictures of this Jew are with white skin and blue eyes)  I thought
that our friend in Malaysia would understand my statements without  going
into great detail.  Yes, I could have mailed him direct,( I normally do
when it's personal) but was hoping by putting it on the list to give others
a chance to respond to his need. (He contributes a lot)  I was also
conscious of the people who don't like to wade through long things, so
tried to shorten my story.  The point to what I wrote was forgiveness and
reconciliation, not shame and guilt.  I, personally, am in the business of
getting people free of all that.  But certain things have to be recognized
and dealt with before the freedom comes.  One of the most powerful things
I've seen was at a meeting where the speaker representing the white race
repented of racial hatred. (he had none personally)  Then a black man
walked up spontaniously and did the same and the next thing I knew black,
white, asian people (esp. men) were all over the room were hugging,
weeping, repenting for their own hatred.  Something broke in the spirit.  
I don't mind if you disagree with me about anything; I just was sorry that
I wasted your valuable input to this list by  an off- topic area over
something we actual agree on.
Hope this clarified and didn't add to division.
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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
I think whether CS alone can cure Lyme depends on where it has gotten to.  I
believe that once it crosses the blood brain barrier, gets into the lymph
systems, or gets into the joint cartiledge, CS has a hard time reaching it and
the other parts of Beck's protocol really shine for getting into these hiding
places.  In the early stages I suspect that CS would work extremely well for a
cure.  I am convinced that is works very well as a preventative.  I have been
bitten by ticks 4 times this summer in an area which is reported to have a 60%
Lyme infestation rate of the ticks.  One of the bites showed the bulls eye of
Lyme, but in each case I took about 4 oz of CS a couple of times a day for a
few days and it progressed no further.


Henry Reed wrote:

 Amy, Marsha H.  says that cs and cs alone CURED her lyme.  She will
 undoubtedly see your message and give you the whole story. Best Wishes.

 Charles King wrote:
  On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 22:25:57 -0700 (PDT), (Amy
  Casca) wrote:
  We would like to start trying silver,if anyone out there has experience
  with Lyme and Collidial Silver,your help would be GREATLY appreciated..
  Amy Casca
  Several on the list have the experience you're seeking, Amy. Lurk
   Time's sure fun when you're having flies!!!
  Kermit the Frog.
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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
You can research much of Beck's work at:


Amy Casca wrote:

 Can you please tell me where to find the archives??
 Thank you soo much!!

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Re: CS[Fwd: CS Problems]

1999-09-21 Thread Henry Reed
Mr. Devour,  Thank you for that kind and sensible reply.  It put out
some fires I think.

M. G. Devour wrote:
.. to let you know that using a lot of fancy words and mixing them 
  won't snow us.. Its obvious you are very educated,so treat us the same way.
I am here with you all to learn and to share. I work to earn it.
  Maybe I am merely trying to be as good as you are but not better. There 
  are many
  things under the sun to talk about, why use fancy words. It is not 
  education you
  are  talking about, you are talking about yourself. .
  Well, I'm glad you guys are fightin' 'cause I'm learning a LOT!
  Smile though
 I'd say one other thing to keep carefully in mind is the potential
 for language barrier issues. I'm not sure that English is Lew's first
 language, though he does very well with it.
 We are a globe-spanning community and it is a great thing for us
 monolingual folks that others make the effort to communicate with us.
 Thank you all.
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [   ]
 [Speaking only for myself...  ]
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CSDW filtering

1999-09-21 Thread Mike Marr
On Tuesday, September 21, 1999  3:20 PM, Amir Shoshan wrote:

Date: 21-Sep-1999 13:20:29 -0700
From: Amir Shoshan
To: m...@jazz {}
Subject: Re: CS colour change - HELP!


Try distilling the water through a second time but remove the carbon
post filter on the second pass.
This should help alot as carbon fines in the water can substantially
increase the conductivity.


What about coconut shell filters?  Would they pose the same problem?

Mike M.

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Re: CSRe: question

1999-09-21 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 11:22:57 +, M. G. Devour wrote:

To the extent we let people live free we honor the greatness -- and 
atone for the wickedness -- of past generations.

In a nutshell

And I strongly encourage us all, me included, to steer clear of much 
further discussion of political philosophy on the silver list, as 
seductive a temptation as it is. Drat. g

Damn, he's good though!
Consider that two wrongs never make a right, but that three lefts do.

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RE: CSRe: question

1999-09-21 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
The purpose of the 'racial' problems is to divide and distract us.  We must 
put all of that aside, and unite against the common enemy.

During the construction of the great transcontinental railways of this 
continent,  Blacks, Chinese,  Irish and others lived and worked 
side-by-side, without great problems, until the Railroad Companies 
segregated them.

In the South, at the time of the Civil War there were about 100 times as 
many indentured whites---who were essentially slaves---as there were slaves 
of African heritage.

All of the history we have been force-fed, is jive.  Look as who benefits, 
follow the money, read the unauthorized histories.

George Bush's father, Prescott (sp?) helped finance the Nazis.  Pull your 
head out and take a look around.

Rant, blather, sputter, etc.

James Osbourne Holmes

-Original Message-
From:   M. G. Devour []
Sent:   Tuesday, September 21, 1999 5:23 AM
Subject:Re: CSRe: question

Karen Croom wrote:

  I ... confessed that I thought I might be prejudiced.  I was serious, 
but he
 started laughing.  He knew that I was talking about the white race and 
 have white skin.  Well, I got over that but I still feel like asking
 forgiveness from people of other races for all of the sins of the past.

Chuck wrote:
 Isn't that something!!!
 Now your supposed to feel GUILTY just for being who you are.

It troubles me most that we are tempted to throw out the *positive*
lessons of history because of the failings of the people of the time.

The founding principles of my nation -- personal responsibility,
individual freedom, property rights, self-government -- were crafted
by men and women who were entirely human, within a human
culture that was seriously flawed.

As a result, the biggest single change from Thomas Jefferson's
original draft of the Declaration of Independence and the document
finally approved by the Committee of the Whole, was the excision of
his eloquent and powerful denunciation of the slave trade.

And at the very time these principles brought greater freedom,
opportunity, and prosperity to a wider range of people than ever
before -- our nation engaged in systematic genocide against Native

Always, the painful reality has lagged behind the promise of our
shining principles, and it does so today. And in recent decades it
seems our principles have lost considerable ground.

But it was those principles that pushed us to achieve. We are still
counted among the freest people on earth to the extent that we have
held on to them.

I firmly believe that the only thing we can do to right the injustice
of the past is to prevent the injustice of the future. And the best
way to do that remains, today as always, giving people alive today
the fullest measure of their basic human birthright: freedom,
liberty, property, sovereignty.

To the extent we let people live free we honor the greatness -- and
atone for the wickedness -- of past generations.

And I strongly encourage us all, me included, to steer clear of much
further discussion of political philosophy on the silver list, as
seductive a temptation as it is. Drat. g

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CSRe: question

1999-09-21 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 08:49:40 -0500, Daniel and Karen Croom wrote:

I don't mind if you disagree with me about anything; I just was sorry that
I wasted your valuable input to this list by  an off- topic area over
something we actual agree on.
Hope this clarified and didn't add to division.

I'm done!!

I've got nothing to say and I'll only say it once!

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Re: CS colour change - HELP!

1999-09-21 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 13:35:29 +0100, Steve King

Why wouldn't single distilled water with
post carbon filtering be good enough
for making high quality CS? 

Sometimes Good Enuf ain't good enough.

Can you have very pure water 
but with too high conductivity for some
reason? Is conductivity strictly
a function of impurities in the water?
Could I be ionizing or somehow
charging the water with my distiller
in a way that's not good?

Have you had the water tested?
 May not be what you think!
Make it idiot-proof and someone will make a better idiot.

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Re: CSRe: question

1999-09-21 Thread Victoria Welch
James Osbourne, Holmes wrote:
 The purpose of the 'racial' problems is to divide and distract us.  We must
 put all of that aside, and unite against the common enemy.
 During the construction of the great transcontinental railways of this
 continent,  Blacks, Chinese,  Irish and others lived and worked
 side-by-side, without great problems, until the Railroad Companies
 segregated them.
 In the South, at the time of the Civil War there were about 100 times as
 many indentured whites---who were essentially slaves---as there were slaves
 of African heritage.
 All of the history we have been force-fed, is jive.  Look as who benefits,
 follow the money, read the unauthorized histories.
 George Bush's father, Prescott (sp?) helped finance the Nazis.  Pull your
 head out and take a look around.
 Rant, blather, sputter, etc.

Bravo!  Nothing deleted, Things that need to be known!

Has someone else figured out the ultimate diagnostic tool to get real
answers?  I'm not sure what the correct name is, but I call it The
Money Flow Diagram.

And a fine rational rant it was, but watch this reality stuff, it
conflicts with special interests and the official line :-(.

I'm still composing mine and checking flack jacket and helment for
servicability :-).
Victoria Welch, WV9K, DoD#-13, Net/Sys/WebAdmin, 
The revolution will not be televised - anon.

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Re: CSRe: question

1999-09-21 Thread Victoria Welch
Daniel and Karen Croom wrote:
 (The following is off-topic-nothing about silver- just a response)

I'll apologise for the same thing since a response to this is, by
necessity, going to be long to communicate anything so it might be
understood and not taken for raw bigotry.  It is anything but :). 
Please read this through before you go off on me :-).

 Dear Chuck and Vikii and Jhon,
 I did not express myself well and will attempt so now.  That's the
 trouble with not being able to look someone in the eye while

A definite problem in this media :-).

  I've never felt bad or guilty for being white,  nor do
 I think that anyone of any color should.

On this we agree.

  I didn't elaborate, but the
 prejudice towards the white race I experienced lasted maybe 30 minutes
 and occured after I had been visiting with some Cherokee.

I've spent some time with several native american groups.  The following
statementd is represenative of my opinions of any group.  There is the
problem with  generalizations in that they are *generally* true.  Sad
say.  It is not those outstanding members of any ethnic group that cause
the fear and resentent of that group in general.

  I also had
 just watched a report about how store clerks respond to black
 customers as opposed to white and how differently black people
 applying for jobs are rated.

This is an unfortunate reality and it is, to me, a horror that this kind
of thing exists.  The problem is that it exists *for a reason*.  I do
not base my opinions here on governmental and crime statistics (although
they will back me up), but on my own personal experiences.

I spent many years in Atlanta (most recently Decatur (deep south)).  I
*personally* have been dragged out of my car at a stop light by a
(drunk) black man, having an (unloaded at that time) 9mm pistol at that
point was all that kept things from getting potentially *really* ugly,
fortunately I
didn't have to use it. just having it was enough.  My car was broken
into twice (witnesses said it was black youth, both times, but the were
never apprehended) and the dash ripped out to get my stereo (once in
driveway and once on street).  My cars have been keyed (scratched with
something metal, probably a key) in front of my residence and in my
driveway on more than a few occasions (majority of that neighborhood was
black). My roomie was raped on the front porch by a black man.  Involved
in a minor traffic fender bender with a black woman I was accused of
having slowed down so she would hit me because I was a racist.  Less
than this has sent people with checkbook in hand begging to join the KKK
{name radical organization of choice here} and established them as
confirmed racist.  

I could have gone that way, but the real truth of the matter is that
there is human sewage in all races.  I don't hate blacks because of
this, but I *sure as hell am careful with blacks I do not know*.  My
closest and dearest friend is a charming, wonderfully intelligent and
overall delightful black woman from Canada :-).

In several places where I have worked the black employees *in general*
WERE lazy, abusive, and several other unflattering descriptions.  One
place we had a black guy who was the best welder I (or anyone there) had
ever seen - he could work miracles with a welder and was a really decent
person.  The blacks that came in late (continually) if at all, took
severely extended breaks and lunches, got drunk and passed out in their
cars in the parking lot and who were generally OBNOXIOUS human beings
ended up pissing off most people in the company - not because they were,
necessarily, black, but because everyone had to work longer to make up
for the time they weren't on the job (long breaks and absents) and fix
sloppy substandard work (drunk or just not giving a damn).  The sad part
of this story was that the resentment built because of the scum to where
it affected the welder.  Eventually he quit to get away from the quota
blacks.  A major loss to the company, who was now so torqued about the
whole black problem that they weren't as open to minorities as they
should have been.  They had been burned by the loosers and *were* leary
of blacks specifically since 4 out of 5 were poor quality workers and of
course with the welder walking out.  I mention this only because of
your statement about how backs are treated on job interviews.  This
experience is apparently not uncommon from what I have heard, employers
*have* (or did at that time) to hire x% and after so much negative
experience such as the above that they experienced, they adopted the
generalization, because it was generally true in their experience.  

It certainly is NOT right, but you can see how it gets there.  The good
people always suffer because of the problem people.  Individual
accountability is something that does come to mind here.  What to do? 
Education would seem to be an answer here, but not the way it works in
american schools...

  A black young 

Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Sinaj101
In a message dated 9/21/99 10:13:04 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

 I think whether CS alone can cure Lyme depends on where it has gotten to.  
 believe that once it crosses the blood brain barrier, gets into the lymph
 systems, or gets into the joint cartiledge, CS has a hard time reaching it 
 the other parts of Beck's protocol really shine for getting into these hiding

I am not a medical professional and have not done any tests to 
substantiate this but I as a lyme suffer no longer have joint aches nor the 
headaches I did before CS.  I am not sure just what took it all away but I 
know mine was in the brain and joints bad.  I couldn't even get off of 
Doxycycline for 3 days and not have the tremendous headaches come back and 
last for another 3 days after starting Doxycycline again.  I still take the 
WaterOz Silver but I don't have a problem with headaches anymore and I have 
been off all prescribed antibiotics for almost 4 months now.  The last of 
this month will mark the 4 month time period.  I also don't have joint aches. 
 Now if it doesn't penetrate the blood/brain area or the joints how can this 
be happening.  Oh yes,  I was not in the early stages.  No way could being 
bitten in 1990 and having the classic bullseye rash and only getting 2 weeks 
of Doxycycline and then having the problems come back slowly and finally 
getting diagnosed as chronic lyme in 1997 be early lyme.  Nope I wasn't 
bitten by another tick if so I wouldn't have gotten to the stages I was when 
diagnosed.  Remember Oklahoma isn't suppose to have Lyme anyway.  I got 
probably the only one in my part of the state.  Lucky me.   LOL  Those of us 
who have lived with it and experienced it will all tell you that we feel 
silver does cross the blood/brain barrier and the joints.  I for one am 
thrilled I am at the point I am now and feel silver was a step in the right 
direction. Plus I did not do Beck's protocal.  Not saying its not good I just 
haven't done it and haven't felt a need.  


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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Transfix
I would have to disagree with you on the blood/brain barrier issue. I had 
what was first diagnosed after an angiogram, as macular degeneration--I had a 
central blind spot in my right eye (I don't think you can get more into the 
nervous system than that) It eventually turned out to be an inflamation of 
the optic nerve caused by the LYME. I took the ABX on and off for two years, 
and never shook the LYME. After Marsha told me about the CS, and I took it 
for 6 months, I am symptom free for 15 months.  I also had severe joint 
problems before I started the CS, which disappeared also.  I'm thoroughly 
convinced that the CS is what cured me of the LYME and I continue to take it 
daily as a preventative as you suggest.

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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Donna2424
  On the other hand there are numerous members of the list, present and those 
that have moved on, that have totally ridden themselves of lyme with just the 
CS.  With a few cases of this disease being pretty severe.  Nick, Marsah, and 
Candace to mention a few.  Nick was very bad, hospitalized at one point.  I 
know of another girl that was in intensive care of MS while the family knew 
it was lyme.  They starte her on CS and from what I hear from her brother she 
was out riding her bike last week.  As for the CS crossing the barrier, once 
again I must say, I believe it does.  I have had no brain fog and alot of my 
CNS symptoms are gone, and have not returned.  
Just my opinion,

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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
Great if it takes care of it.  If not totally successful, then give the 4 step
process a try.  The ONLY experience I have with a person with bad lymes required
the 4 step protocol.  Perhaps she was not taking as big a dosage as the others,
or her immune system was down, or she had a tougher strain of Lyme.  CS took 
of 90% of her problems, but the other 3 steps took care of it all.

Marshall wrote:

   On the other hand there are numerous members of the list, present and those
 that have moved on, that have totally ridden themselves of lyme with just the
 CS.  With a few cases of this disease being pretty severe.  Nick, Marsah, and
 Candace to mention a few.  Nick was very bad, hospitalized at one point.  I
 know of another girl that was in intensive care of MS while the family knew
 it was lyme.  They starte her on CS and from what I hear from her brother she
 was out riding her bike last week.  As for the CS crossing the barrier, once
 again I must say, I believe it does.  I have had no brain fog and alot of my
 CNS symptoms are gone, and have not returned.
 Just my opinion,

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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
I believe you are speaking of the Beck blood electrofication, or Clark's
zapper.  It appears that in the case of Beck's unit that you do have to avoid
anything toxic when you use it, especially garlic (if you happen to be in the
minority that this is a problem).  Clark's zapper does not seem to have this
constraint, but since it only affects 10% or so of the people I can't say for
sure.  Clark does not warn about it, and I have never heard of a problem with
toxins and her zapper, but have with toxins and Beck's unit.

Marshall wrote:

   I have a blood purifier here, someone made me one, I don't know how to use
 it.  I had heard that you have to avoid certain foods while using it along
 with the use of nicotene.
 Do you know if this is true.

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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Donna2424
  I have a blood purifier here, someone made me one, I don't know how to use 
it.  I had heard that you have to avoid certain foods while using it along 
with the use of nicotene.  
Do you know if this is true.

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CSANNOUNCING: Silver List Archives!

1999-09-21 Thread M. G. Devour
Hello all you silver listians!

As many of you have already figured out, last night I received notice 
that our archive is fully set up.

Point your browser to: 

... and select the Health and Medicine category. Scroll down a bit 
and there we are!

The direct route would be:

The chat and bulletin board are disabled right now, until such time 
as I think they'll be of service to our members.

Let us know how you like it! Talk about a lotta smarts all gathered 
in a small spot!

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Donna2424
  Where can I find Becks homepage?   All I come up with is Clarkes.   I am 
going to look into this device that I have here.  This one seems to have two 
cuffs that go on your wrist and it runs with 9 volt batteries.

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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Marshall Dudley
Go to and type in Bob Beck for the search string.  He has no
site himself but quite a few about him will pop up.  The 2nd and the 3rd entries
are the ones I just sent to this list earlier today.  There are more further

Marshall wrote:

   Where can I find Becks homepage?   All I come up with is Clarkes.   I am
 going to look into this device that I have here.  This one seems to have two
 cuffs that go on your wrist and it runs with 9 volt batteries.

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Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Charles King
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999 14:34:38 EDT, wrote:

  Where can I find Becks homepage?   All I come up with is Clarkes.   I am 
going to look into this device that I have here.  This one seems to have two 
cuffs that go on your wrist and it runs with 9 volt batteries.

Here's a site with a lot of Beck info:
Be careful when you're playing under an anvil tree

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS colour change - HELP!

1999-09-21 Thread Steve King
Have you had the water tested?
 May not be what you think!

Good point. I think I am going
to fall back to store-bought
purified BP water, which seems to
give my CS a longer shelf life,
at least until I can test my
home made DW.  thanx!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS colour change - HELP!

1999-09-21 Thread Amir Shoshan

Try distilling the water through a second time but remove the carbon
post filter on the second pass.
This should help alot as carbon fines in the water can substantially
increase the conductivity.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSANNOUNCING: Silver List Archives!

1999-09-21 Thread M. G. Devour
Pam Whitmire wrote:

 I love it, love it, love it! Now I get off the list? :-)

I *KNEW IT*!!! Give'em what they want and what do you get??? 

melodramatic pause...

A bunch of satisfied customers... sheepish grin

One condition, Pam!  Y'all come back and update us on your experience 
and successes, 'kay?

Be good and be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Henry Reed
Donna, what type blood purifier is it?  From whom did you get it?  I got
a zapper from Don Croft(someone on the silver list mentioned him in a
posting) and after only 2 wks. or so-- no naps needed in the afternoon. 
Wh! wrote:
   I have a blood purifier here, someone made me one, I don't know how to use
 it.  I had heard that you have to avoid certain foods while using it along
 with the use of nicotene.
 Do you know if this is true.
 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
 To post, address your message to:
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread MT

i've got a blood purifier
it's from SOTA and it's by beck's specifications
it's the one where you stick electrodes on your vanes

you should indeed not use
a heartpacer, be pregnant, be on medicinal herbs, potentially toxic 
medication, nicotine, alcohol, drugs, laxatives, tonics, GARLIC, 
potentially toxic vitamins

and due to electroporation, that makes bloodcells 30x more sensitive to the 


At 23:15 21-09-1999 , you wrote:

Donna, what type blood purifier is it?  From whom did you get it?  I got
a zapper from Don Croft(someone on the silver list mentioned him in a
posting) and after only 2 wks. or so-- no naps needed in the afternoon.
Wh! wrote:

   I have a blood purifier here, someone made me one, I don't know how 
to use

 it.  I had heard that you have to avoid certain foods while using it along
 with the use of nicotene.
 Do you know if this is true.

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSLyme disease

1999-09-21 Thread Donna2424
I don't know, it was built for me by someone that was on the list a long time 
ago.  Howm uch did you pay for yours?  Are there any restrictions to diet or 
anything with the one you have?  How about nicotene?

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: question

1999-09-21 Thread aka Jhon
Thank you Vikki,,well spoken,, and true..

- Original Message - 
From: Victoria Welch
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 1:11 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: question

 Daniel and Karen Croom wrote:
  (The following is off-topic-nothing about silver- just a response)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CShealth device claims

1999-09-21 Thread Keith Courtenay
written by Sott Rucker

A Port Stephens inventor is facing   court in an Australian Competition and 
Consumer Commission action against  the alleged false promotion of health 

Darryl John Jones has been taken to the Federal Court in relation to alleged 
breaches of sections 52 and 53 of the Trades Practices Act.

Among the companies health devices are Colloidal Silver makers,which are 
marketed as producing 'sub-micron, ultra-fine colloidal silver' that allegedly 
kills all disease causing bacteria, fungi and viruses within six minutes of 
The Vital Earth company product has been advertised as killing more than 650 
disease organisms including, in less than a minute( I think this is the writers 
mistake) anthrax, tuberculosis, shingles etc.

According to advertisements, colloidal silver can be used as an antibiotic for 
all the acquired diseases of active AIDS, has no side effects from regular use 
and has been used successfully against diabetes, leprosy, lupus, skin 
cancer,and syphilis.

The Commission is tackling Colin Ronald Dixon For allegedly making false 
representations about Vital Earth products on the Internet.
It has also challenged another company, Raylight Pty Ltd. In the Federal Court 
yesterday, Justice Antony Whitlam adjourned the commission's action against 
Raylight until Tuesday. Justice Whitlam produced short minutes of an order 
against Mr.Dixon. The 'orders of consent' said it had been found Mr. Dixon had 
engaged in  misleading or deceptive conduct and had falsely promoted the 
alleged benefits of Vital Silver 2000 and the Vital Silver 3000 Zapper.. A 
further directions hearing against Vital Earth has been scheduled for November 
23 1999 (end of article)

This is the first case of this kind in Australia, as you can see the 'screw' is 
about to be twisted if anyone out there can help these people with proof as we 
all know it would help fight the good fight.

In my 71 years of life I have seen this beautiful word being slowly destroyed, 
and I weep for all the younger people that are coming into this corrupt and 

have a healthy day

Keith Courtenay

  - Original Message - 
  From: Daniel and Karen Croom 
  Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 11:45 PM
  Subject: Re: CSFw: CSsilver mahine

  I haven't read a post from you since Sept. 15.  The Science Digest article 
got on the list yesterday and one was sent to you directly today.  If for some 
reason you didn't get it then send an address.  It takes two weeks in the mail. 
 Tell me the nature of the court case and I may have other cs information that 
would help.

  From: Keith Courtenay
  Subject: CSFw: CSsilver mahine
  Date: Tuesday, September 14, 1999 10:55 PM

  could you please send this message on as I am having som difficulty with the 
instructions. thanks in advance keith - Original Message - From: Keith 
Courtenay Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 1999 
1:36 PM Subject: Re: CSsilver mahine 
  G,day daniel  karen, I have tried to send you e-mail on your je...@webchoice 
but its like the australian boomrang it keeps on coming back. so I am going 
to try this one. I would appreiate you sending me ay of the article, for my 
mate he has to go back to court in early October, let me know how I can repay 
you for his favour, I am unable to send real kangaroo's by e-mail  keep happy 
and have a healthy day.  keith. 

  - Original Message - From: Daniel and Karen Croom To: Sent: Saturday, September 04, 1999 5:33 AM 
Subject: Re: CSsilver mahine 
  Sorry it took so long.  I finally got to the library and copied the Science 
Digest article
  Our Mightiest Germ Fighter and would be glad to send it to you if you still 
need it.  Send your address and if you e-mail me direct make sure the name 
jesus appears before (it doesn't on some people's server).
  About the article- since it's one of the most quoted, I wonder how many have  
read it?  A person named Jim Powell  wrote it and only quotes Dr. Margraf.  His 
actual findings (not on colloidal silver, but on silver compounds) are said to 
be  in Archives of Surgery  published by the AMA.
  In the article, it says that Japanese firms used it to purify air!  Hadn't 
heard that before.  Also, that 50 gal of raw sewage when flushed through silver 
electrodes was completely free of E. coli within three hours.

   From: Deborah Sais
   Subject: Re: CSsilver mahine
   Date: Monday, August 30, 1999 8:27 PM
   Dear Keith,
   I've sent you a few posts that I kept on file. If
   you would like any more information, just let me

Re: CSANNOUNCING: Silver List Archives!

1999-09-21 Thread Pam Whitmire
I love it, love it, love it! Now I
get off the list? :-)
Really, I love the list too, but a lurker like me is better off with a
searchable archive than a 50 email a day (or more) load. Thanks to all of
you lovely and wonderful people who have made my life a better and healthier
one with your generous info and research. I'll be reading you!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSIt's Time for a newsgroup..

1999-09-21 Thread Sam Earle
Go for it, Tim.

Make it, use it, share it, teach it.


Monday, September 20, 1999, 8:23:49 PM, you wrote:

TC Hello Silver List Folks -

TC This is list is just too much to sort through.

TC A newsgroup is needed.

TC There is too much good information on silver solutions lost in the spew.

TC Think of the manhours wasted sorting through..

TC More often than not, replies to the thread in this list, have nothing to do
TC with the thread!

TC With a newsgroup, you would have the ability to subscribe to the group; get
TC the
TC message headers, then open only the ones you were interested in, instead of
TC having
TC your mailbox filled with junk that you have to delete individually, ( not
TC wanting to miss anything good).

TC Actually, two newsgroups would be better.

TC alt.silver  could contain basic information in the form FAQs, as well as
TC general requests
TC for information and comments.

TC alt.binaries.silver  could contain diagrams, pdf files, pictures, price
TC lists... whatever.

TC Currently, ( at least on my news server ) there are no newsgroups using the
TC term silver.

TC The silver list is growing, because silver works.

TC Soon, the silver list will become unmanageable.

TC I believe in it, use it, make it, don't sell it..

TC  Let's get a newsgroup.

TC --
TC The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

TC To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
TC  -or-
TC with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

TC To post, address your message to:

TC List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSANNOUNCING: Silver List Archives!

1999-09-21 Thread Sam Earle

Is this archive protected from the general public and the FDA,
etc., per your earlier caution regarding newsgroups? The FDA can
take anything you say about silver and make it your label thus
disqualifying you from selling anything silver-related. This
could be a major setback for some on the list.

Make it, use it, share it, teach it.


Tuesday, September 21, 1999, 2:10:05 PM, you wrote:

MGD Hello all you silver listians!

MGD As many of you have already figured out, last night I received notice
MGD that our archive is fully set up.

MGD Point your browser to:


MGD ... and select the Health and Medicine category. Scroll down a bit
MGD and there we are!

MGD The direct route would be:


MGD The chat and bulletin board are disabled right now, until such time
MGD as I think they'll be of service to our members.

MGD Let us know how you like it! Talk about a lotta smarts all gathered
MGD in a small spot!

MGD Be well,

MGD Mike D.
MGD [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
MGD [   ]
MGD [Speaking only for myself...  ]

MGD --
MGD The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

MGD To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
MGD  -or-
MGD with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

MGD To post, address your message to:

MGD List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSElectrode assembly -- questions

1999-09-21 Thread Spiroflex
September 21, 1999
Hi Mike,
(Great job with the archive project! Wow!)
In your recent post you said that you are now using a 12 gauge silver wire for 
your generator electrodes, with 2 spacing, 3.5  long.  Did you previously use 
a thinner or thicker wire?  What I am getting at is this --- have you 
experimented with more than one thickness of wire and noticed a difference in 
generator performance attributable to simply a change of wire/electrode 
thickness or electrode surface area? A difference such as particle size? A 
difference in the TE? A difference in sludge amount? A difference in buildup on 
the electrodes? A difference in running time? A difference in the color of the 
I would like to ask these same questions of all the silver generator users.
 -- Spiroflex

Re: CSANNOUNCING: Silver List Archives!

1999-09-21 Thread Rob Lowe
Congratulations Mike...AND, heartfelt thanks for getting the archive up 
Bless you - Rob

- Original Message -
From: M. G. Devour
Sent: 22 September 1999 4:10 AM
Subject: CSANNOUNCING: Silver List Archives!

 Hello all you silver listians!

 As many of you have already figured out, last night I received notice
 that our archive is fully set up.

 Point your browser to:

 ... and select the Health and Medicine category. Scroll down a bit
 and there we are!

 The direct route would be:

 The chat and bulletin board are disabled right now, until such time
 as I think they'll be of service to our members.

 Let us know how you like it! Talk about a lotta smarts all gathered
 in a small spot!

 Be well,

 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [   ]
 [Speaking only for myself...  ]

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
 with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

 To post, address your message to:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSCarbon Dioxide / Lew

1999-09-21 Thread Vilik Rapheles

  I have just returned from a trip and happily stumbled across your post.
It looks like there were more...I will look. Here (below) you write about
carbon dioxide. Are you familiar with Buteyko breathing? It is a technique
of holding the breath to treat asthma. Excellent results. 

In addition, it seems that carbon dioxide is what actually releases oxygen
into the tissues. The Buteyko websites have very good scientific data on this.


  I practise Pranayama by closing my nostrile  with index finger and thumb
  first my right ,breathing out slowly through the left and then the
left and
  breathing slowly through the right nostrile, 10 times daily.  One
  physio-biochemical rationale of this
  practice is to acclimatise the brain to an optimum level of Carbon
  to maintain patency of the respiratoy tract.  The principle of making
  patients with
  wheezing cough breathe through a punctured paper bag and coughing through
  nose,was not known to me till lately. This is done mainly to conserve
and to
  the carbon dixide which restores the normal functions of the respiratory
  tract in obstructive airway disorders as in Asthma ,bronchitis and the

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour