Re: CS>Personal Experience Update on Nebulizer/Humidifier Use

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson
This is interesting Michael,

Do you have links to further information.


- Original Message - 
From: "michael murray" 
Sent: Friday, 23 March 2001 05:07
Subject: Re: CS>Personal Experience Update on Nebulizer/Humidifier Use

> Dear Jason,
>  Next time you buy a bottle of Rum and apply it as alcohol
> inhalation therapy.  This removes the garbage the chemtrails drop in
> there.  Once the garbage is removed the cs nebulizer will be
> exponentialy more effective in less time.  You stay on the rum in
> anothers presense until it is coughed out.  It will be green, black,
> and sick looking.
> Michael

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Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

2001-03-23 Thread Itssuzy2
As for the technical discussions, they are greatly appreciated.  There is no 
other place in which to find such detailed and specific information and 
research, than here.
Not being a scientist or researcher, I can NOT honestly say I understand it 
all, but I certainly am learning and appreciative.  Thank you.  suzy

Re: CS>On "Acceptable" CS Topics

2001-03-23 Thread Joanne
Some very wise words of wisdom


Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember that  peace is found in

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; yet listen to others, even to the dull
and ignorant; for they too have a message for you. Avoid loud and aggressive
persons; they will lower your spirit through their fear.

Yet, do not compare yourself with others, lest you become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy
your own achievements however humble, as well as your plans. Keep interested
in your own standing for it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of
trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons
strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism, if you will
seek it.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Be not cynical about Love;
for without it, all is aridity and finally, disenchantment. Love is as the
Lotus. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrender the things
of youth. Exercise strength of spirit to shield you against misfortune. But
do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are simply born of
loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are
seeking perfection, you are not it, yet.

You are a child of the universe and no less than the trees and the stars,
you have earned the right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you now, your universe is unfolding as it
must. Therefore be at peace with your God, whatever you conceive God to be.
And whatever your labours and aspirations, avoid the noise and confusion of
life, keep in peace for your soul. Ignore their sham, drudgery and drunken
dreams. It is a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Decide to be happy. For it is
your choice and one of the few that cannot be denied you on your journey.
- Original Message -
From: "Arthur Rambo" 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: CS>On "Acceptable" CS Topics

> There's not much need to reply to such a protest. Like Chuck said;
> it'll pass.
>I hope you guys aren't put out by Marshas' rant.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>On "Acceptable" CS Topics

2001-03-23 Thread Arthur Rambo
 There's not much need to reply to such a protest. Like Chuck said;
it'll pass.
   I hope you guys aren't put out by Marshas' rant.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Personal Experience Update on Nebulizer/Humidifier Use

2001-03-23 Thread Ted Windsor
Hi Brickey:
I am using output of 9V= 300 amps, my tester show 5 PPM after 40 minutes for 32
ALLERGIES, SINUS, COLDS, HEADACHES: This is one of our best medicines for
 sinus problems, colds and headaches. Excellent for dispersing headaches
and sinus
 allergies/problems. Lie down, place three to five drops into each
nostril, when they hit the
 back of the throat, sit up and blow your nose, then suck down from the
roof of your mouth
 (snort)  $20.00 Canadian. + S&H

Ted wrote:

> Ted. What voltage do you use on the wall adapter to silver pulser? 13.5 VDC?
> I bought a silver pulser and magnetic pulser finally hoping to get rid of a
> chronic sinus problem.  I have been drinking one cup of hot tea made with Cs
> each night for a GERDS problem.  Any reflux includes Cs?  Seems like my
> heartburn is improving. Some of the tea is still in my stomach the next
> morning.  So I need to make larger quantities of Cs than 16 ounces.
> I just got back home from a trip south where I saw lots of people with flu.
> So far I haven't caught it.  Got my 45th IV chelation and dental work in
> Mexico.  People are now saying that 90% of people who have had chelation
> treatments will not get Cancer.
> Brickey
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Helping Hand Consulting

Re: CS>Personal Experience Update on Nebulizer/Humidifier Use

2001-03-23 Thread Brickeyk
Ted. What voltage do you use on the wall adapter to silver pulser? 13.5 VDC?  
I bought a silver pulser and magnetic pulser finally hoping to get rid of a 
chronic sinus problem.  I have been drinking one cup of hot tea made with Cs 
each night for a GERDS problem.  Any reflux includes Cs?  Seems like my 
heartburn is improving. Some of the tea is still in my stomach the next 
morning.  So I need to make larger quantities of Cs than 16 ounces.
I just got back home from a trip south where I saw lots of people with flu.  
So far I haven't caught it.  Got my 45th IV chelation and dental work in 
Mexico.  People are now saying that 90% of people who have had chelation 
treatments will not get Cancer.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fw: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread M. G. Devour
Marsha wrote:
> > >  Marsha, who once left the list because of your incomprehensible
> > >  "free speech", and may do so again...

Stuart replied:
> > ST: Please do us a favour and p... off.

Ted observed
> Your not getting through Mike.

The only thing I can *HOPE* is that Stuart did not read *ALL* of his 
mail before he reacted to Marsha and whipped off a reply. This is an 
*extremely* good habit to get into. If he had done so he'd have 

1) The problem had been dealt with already.

2) He'd be sticking his foot in it, big time.

Stuart, that kind of behavior is way off base and sufficient cause for 
banishment. Is that what you want, sir?

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 8:04:40 PM EST, writes:

<< No, I have not. Both silver carbonate and silver hydroxide reduce to 
 oxide. Hydroxide releases hydrogen and carbonate release CO2. So all you
 wind up with is silver oxide. 
 For more details, see my write up on what happens as water is evaporated 
 a high ionic solution in the FAQ.
 frank key

Frank: I don't understand. Aren't you saying that the solubility limit of 
silver is governed by the solubility product of silver carbonate or silver 
hydroxide? So why wouldn't an UNADULTERATED residue contain one or both of 
these compounds? When exactly do these decomposition reactions take place? Is 
it while water is evaporated from the sample, or are you talking about 
something else? Surely there must be a way to prep such a residue without 
driving off CO2 or hydrogen. Failing that approach, various types of 
microscopic phase identification and analyses could be tried. Roger

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: CS>On "Acceptable" CS Topics

2001-03-23 Thread Ted Windsor
Next time look for a plant called plantain chew a couple of leaves and apply, 
will solve the problem next time
Ted wrote:

> That was too funny!! :)
> By the way, Cs did not work on a lovely hive episode I acquired on vacation.
> Ended up in EMR for an antihistamine shot.
> ~Hanan
> In a message dated 3/23/01 5:54:29 PM, writes:
> << Nonsense,
> We don't respond because we know how the list works, and what is going to, and
> not going to happen. No need for outrage or even response.
> Marsha's tirade is predictable. Look at its date, and check for it next month.
> Don't you guys ever learn ANYTHING?
> AWRIGHT, now Let's Get It On!!!
> Chuck
> I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol! >>
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Helping Hand Consulting

Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread Del or Elmay Crow
Excellent comments.  I have recently found a couple of websites I hope will
show that there is, indeed,  hope.   You doubtless have at least 'heard'
that the disease causing organisms can be destroyed by the correct
frequencies broadcast into the 'researcher's body?   Most detractors said
that was nothing but 'hype' but when a number of groups started coming up
with the same frequencies it interested someone to find out "why".   GO TO for a long list of frequencies
which certainly indicate the amount of work went into this by hundreds of
people, then GO TO  for academic
justification.   I hope you all see a parallel to what is going on here on
the silver listDel
- Original Message -
From: "Steve & Jackie Young" 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 5:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

> Marsha,
> Some of us are counting on you having visits with the professors at BYU
> are probably doing the very same sort of research that you find so boring.
> We are counting on you being interested enough in the science as well as
> results that you will be motivated to probe the BYU professors and pass on
> what they are discovering.  We would like to read any papers they have
> produced about any aspect of their research.  So please, repent of your
> "outta here" attitude and hang around.
> While I don't understand the details of the electrochemistry that Stuart,
> Ivan, Roger,  Stephen, Frank, Brooks, etc. discuss with each other, I do
> feel it is of utmost importance to learn just how and what our CS
> produce, and exactly how and why they are so effective or not effective in
> us.  Until the key mechanisms are known, how can we possibly hope to
> systematically make improvements?
> What is offensive, and which probably drives away people from the list is
> the nasty tone which acompanies some contributer's presentations and
> responses.  The actual science can always be appreciated, even if not
> understood, especially when based on carefully planned and controlled and
> repeatable laboratory experiments.  There needs to be much more
> experimentation and much less defense of pet hypothesis.  I hope our
> illustrious colleges will continue conduct experiments and publish results
> which conclusively prove the in vitro effectivity of ions vs particles vs
> combination of both.  And I hope they will be honest in reporting results,
> even if ultimately the intention is for financial gain, as has been
> occassionally.  I personally have no problem with people making a
> profit from their labors and experiments.  I have a big problem if people
> are so driven by the prospects of great wealth that they will falsify
> research results, deny the fact that they may have overlooked something,
> attack other people's research, etc.
> It would also be valuable if experiments were conducted to see what foods
> medicines or chemicals enhance or reduce the potency of CS products.  For
> example, if one drinks a few ounces of CS and also pops a couple of
> at the same time, is that good, bad or of no consequence?
> So, can't we all just be more civil and help each other?  Marsha can
> continue to help the newbies.  Anecdotal testimonies are a valuable
> contribution to the list.  The electrochemical scientists can help each
> other to make more scientific progress together than they could make
> if they will just swallow some pride and admit there is much yet to learn
> about CS.
> --Steve
> - Original Message -
> From: Marsha Hallett 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 7:22 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys
> > > Oh my God, Marsha will be so offended with my reply that she may go
> > list
> > > AGAIN? Ivan, Stuart, Frank are you listening? TAKE OUR DISCUSSION OFF
> > > IMMEDIATELY, AND I MEAN NOW (Boy, I sure hope this works, don't
> you?)
> > > Roger
> >
> > OK, you win, I`m outta here.
> > I hope someone will benefit from CS, in spite of you.
> > Marsha
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >
> >

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Ishak

Thanks everyone for your responses. Now, I have something
to start on...


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread Steve & Jackie Young

Some of us are counting on you having visits with the professors at BYU who
are probably doing the very same sort of research that you find so boring.
We are counting on you being interested enough in the science as well as the
results that you will be motivated to probe the BYU professors and pass on
what they are discovering.  We would like to read any papers they have
produced about any aspect of their research.  So please, repent of your
"outta here" attitude and hang around.

While I don't understand the details of the electrochemistry that Stuart,
Ivan, Roger,  Stephen, Frank, Brooks, etc. discuss with each other, I do
feel it is of utmost importance to learn just how and what our CS generators
produce, and exactly how and why they are so effective or not effective in
us.  Until the key mechanisms are known, how can we possibly hope to
systematically make improvements?

What is offensive, and which probably drives away people from the list is
the nasty tone which acompanies some contributer's presentations and
responses.  The actual science can always be appreciated, even if not
understood, especially when based on carefully planned and controlled and
repeatable laboratory experiments.  There needs to be much more
experimentation and much less defense of pet hypothesis.  I hope our
illustrious colleges will continue conduct experiments and publish results
which conclusively prove the in vitro effectivity of ions vs particles vs a
combination of both.  And I hope they will be honest in reporting results,
even if ultimately the intention is for financial gain, as has been alleged
occassionally.  I personally have no problem with people making a reasonable
profit from their labors and experiments.  I have a big problem if people
are so driven by the prospects of great wealth that they will falsify their
research results, deny the fact that they may have overlooked something,
attack other people's research, etc.

It would also be valuable if experiments were conducted to see what foods or
medicines or chemicals enhance or reduce the potency of CS products.  For
example, if one drinks a few ounces of CS and also pops a couple of aspirin
at the same time, is that good, bad or of no consequence?

So, can't we all just be more civil and help each other?  Marsha can
continue to help the newbies.  Anecdotal testimonies are a valuable
contribution to the list.  The electrochemical scientists can help each
other to make more scientific progress together than they could make alone,
if they will just swallow some pride and admit there is much yet to learn
about CS.
- Original Message -
From: Marsha Hallett 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 7:22 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

> > Oh my God, Marsha will be so offended with my reply that she may go off
> list
> > AGAIN? Ivan, Stuart, Frank are you listening? TAKE OUR DISCUSSION OFF
> > IMMEDIATELY, AND I MEAN NOW (Boy, I sure hope this works, don't
> > Roger
> OK, you win, I`m outta here.
> I hope someone will benefit from CS, in spite of you.
> Marsha
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: CS>On "Acceptable" CS Topics

2001-03-23 Thread RAINISAGE
That was too funny!! :)

By the way, Cs did not work on a lovely hive episode I acquired on vacation. 
Ended up in EMR for an antihistamine shot.


In a message dated 3/23/01 5:54:29 PM, writes:

<< Nonsense,
We don't respond because we know how the list works, and what is going to, and
not going to happen. No need for outrage or even response.
Marsha's tirade is predictable. Look at its date, and check for it next month.
Don't you guys ever learn ANYTHING?

AWRIGHT, now Let's Get It On!!!
I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol! >>

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>On "Acceptable" CS Topics

2001-03-23 Thread CKing001
We don't respond because we know how the list works, and what is going to, and
not going to happen. No need for outrage or even response.
Marsha's tirade is predictable. Look at its date, and check for it next month.
Don't you guys ever learn ANYTHING?

AWRIGHT, now Let's Get It On!!!
I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol!

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001 00:33:23 EST, wrote:

>Frankly, I'm surprised that my objection and that of Stuart's 
>have been the only ones heard. The freedom to speak ones mind is perhaps the 
>most important of all the liberties that an open society enjoys. The fact 
>that almost no one on this list has protested at the suggestion to limit 
>discussion to "acceptable" CS topics, speaks volumes about how much our 
>values have deteriorated.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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To post, address your message to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread DotsieBoo
Here is a link with a good explanation of the differences between Zappers and 
Beck Blood Purifier's

Do You Know the Differences Between a Magnetic Pulse Generator,a Zapper, and 
a Beck Blood Purifier?

by Dennis Harwood

The Hulda Clark Zapper is a small electronic device that uses two copper 
handholds to deliver an electrical current of approximately 7 to 8 volts to 
the body.  This current produces a square wave with a frequency of about 
30KHz (Kilohertz).  There are some units that have frequencies as low as 2KHz 
to 5KHz and some that even have a variable frequency.  The lower frequencies 
are supposed to make it easier for the current to penetrate into the body and 
be more effective.  Regardless of the frequency used, all of the Clark 
Zappers work on the same principle of a DC current with a square wave applied 
to the body through the handholds.  These handholds can be placed on any part 
of the body desired, not just held in each hand.   As a matter of fact, it is 
recommended that you routinely switch the position of the handholds to 
different parts of the body to promote penetration of the current to all 
areas and extremities.The Bob Beck Blood Purifier (Silver Pulser) is also an 
electronic device that uses two small electrodes that are placed over major 
blood supply arteries or veins on the wrists or ankles.  It produces a small 
micro-current in the blood stream as the blood circulates past the 
electrodes.  It uses a higher voltage, typically about 27 volts, but a much 
lower frequency than the Zapper.The Magnetic Pulse Generator does not use 
electrical currents, but instead uses a high intensity, short duration 
magnetic pulse of approximately 21 Kilogauss as its means of killing or 
immobilizing parasites.   The unit consists of a small box which holds the 
electronics and a round coil attached by a cord.  It is the coil which 
produces the pulse every 5-8 seconds.   The coil can be placed anywhere on 
the body, including the head and face.  The ability to place the coil 
anywhere means that areas not covered by the Zapper or the Black Box/Blood 
Purifier are easily treated, including the Lymph system, stomach, head, and 
intestines.All three devices are attempting to do the same thing, i.e. to use 
either small electrical currents or high intensity magnetic pulses applied to 
various areas of the body to kill living organisms that are in your body that 
shouldn't be there.  This includes organisms such as: viruses, bacteria, 
mold, fungi, and parasites, which includes such nasties as tapeworms, 
ringworms, roundworms, flukes, HIV, Flu bugs, etc.  I'll be using the term 
parasite from here on to mean any and all of the previously mentioned 
organisms.  So please keep that in mind while reading the remaining text.The 
number of microscopic and non-microscopic invaders that are in the human body 
on a regular basis is truly astounding!  What's even more astounding, though, 
is the fact that the medical establishment seems to be completely oblivious 
to their presence.  The damage they do, however, is very real and is a major 
source of suffering for an almost completely unsuspecting public.  The World 
Health Organization and other knowledgeable health groups around the world 
have stated that parasite infestation is the number one health problem in the 
world.  Yet your friendly, local doctor is unaware for the most part.  Or it 
may be that he is simply unwilling to waste time trying to convince people of 
the problem.  In the United States we, as a people, seem to believe that 
parasites are only problems for poor people from some third world country.  
We are too clean and civilized to ever have parasite problems.  Think again!  
Read the article In any event, to get back to the task at hand:  How do these 
devices differ and do you need to use all three of them?  In short, they are 
different in major ways and, Yes, you do need to use them all to be more 
effective in eliminating parasites of all types.  The Zapper kills by passing 
an electrical current through the body.  Electricity travels on the surface 
of muscle tissue and will not penetrate the body like radio waves or x-rays 
do.  Therefore, there are large areas of the body that the current cannot 
reach, making it ineffective in eliminating parasites in those locations.  
Areas such as the contents of your stomach and your intestines, your sinus 
cavities, parasites inside gallstones in your gallbladder and/or liver, and 
the blood stream and lymph tend to be impervious to the Zapper.  
Unfortunately, large numbers of parasites live in all of those areas.  So you 
need different devices to reach different areas.The Bob Beck Blood Purifier 
differs from the Zapper in that it's sole intention is to clean the blood 
stream by immobilizing the parasites found there by means of a small 
micro-current applied directly to a blood vein or artery.  It takes 

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread Frank Key
Roger wrote:

> Frank: Since the solubility products of either silver carbonate or silver 
> hydroxide indicate very low silver solubility, it would appear to be a simple 
> procedure to collect any residue from a LVDC CS process that produced a CS 
> concentration above, say,  20 PPM CS (which is above your proposed silver 
> solubility limit), heat gently to remove any hydrated water, and then use 
> x-ray diffraction to confirm the presence of either silver carbonate or 
> silver hydroxide. Have you attempted to do that? Roger 

No, I have not. Both silver carbonate and silver hydroxide reduce to silver 
oxide. Hydroxide releases hydrogen and carbonate release CO2. So all you
wind up with is silver oxide. 

For more details, see my write up on what happens as water is evaporated from 
a high ionic solution in the FAQ.

frank key

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Tyndall yet clear

2001-03-23 Thread Robert L. Berger

Check the files, I believe that Marshall was the orginator of that piece of
data, and its been some time ago.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hear Ye;

Do not forget the making CS is an adulterated silver electroplaing operation.
Here we are using pure water,m just add some sodium cyanide to improve the
transport and walla you are plating silver !!! The "black stuff" on the cathode
is silver. Just rub some betewwn your fingers and they will turn silver.

"Ole Bob"

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Solubility Product of Silver Sulfide

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN

Sorry if this message has gone through already, but I want to make sure it 
got posted correctly. Roger

Marshall: Something isn't right. I just looked up the Solubility Product of 
silver sulfide. It's 6 * 10 ^-51. I noticed that AgSO3 is 1.5*10^-14 and 
AgSO4 is 1.4 * 10^-5, but as I said earlier, I don't believe these compounds 
will form at the expense of silver sulfide. Why not check the silver sulfide 
Solubility Product with your own references. Roger

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 4:14:07 PM EST, writes:

<< silver carbonate (Ag2CO3) is 8.46 x exp(-12) ( from CRC handbook)
 silver oxide (Ag2O) is not in the CRC handbook, but we calculate as follows:
 The solubility of silver oxide is 0.0013 g/100 ml of water.  It is a 
 brown-black cubic crystal of density 7.14 g/cc. and it decomposes at 300 
deg. C. 
 the molar solubility is 5.6 x exp(-5)  moles/L, which would make the 
 solubility product constant, at 20 deg. C, = 7.02 x exp(-13) 
 frank key

Frank: Since the solubility products of either silver carbonate or silver 
hydroxide indicate very low silver solubility, it would appear to be a simple 
procedure to collect any residue from a LVDC CS process that produced a CS 
concentration above, say,  20 PPM CS (which is above your proposed silver 
solubility limit), heat gently to remove any hydrated water, and then use 
x-ray diffraction to confirm the presence of either silver carbonate or 
silver hydroxide. Have you attempted to do that? Roger 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Living Waters

2001-03-23 Thread Ted Windsor
There is already an answer to these problems of drinkable water, people
with money will not invest, unless they get total control over your

michael murray wrote:

> Dear Judith,
>  Don't blame your neighbors the farmers because, from the several
> I've talked with in the U.S. southwest, they too are disgusted with the
> regulations placed upon them by what is known here as u.s. department
> of agriculture.  The natural predators of insects are poisoned and dead
> so that there is no reversal of the blasphemy done against creation by
> the Cabal through their tentacle fronts that they hide behind, unseen,
> abstracted, but always footprints leading to their door on the mount
> where Judas betrayed messiah to the priestcraft.  Then Judas hung
> himself in the potters field at the base of that mountain, where the UN
> minions coordinate the deal they made with lucy in Babylon.  They have
> literally sold their souls and already have their fate demonstrated to
> them by Judas their guide!  My local group will be working on some
> exotic technologies for this problem and equivalent value should be
> $200 per unit with accessories optional.
> -

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fw: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread Ted Windsor
Your not getting through Mike.

gaia research wrote:

> Dear Marsha
> You wrote:
> > >  More Power Boys, listen up! You are Boing! Go off list with each
> > >  other...please?
> > >
> >  Marsha, who once left the list because of your incomprehensible "free
> > speech", and may do so again...
> ST: Please do us a favour and p... off.
> Regards
> Stuart
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Helping Hand Consulting

Re: CS-silver in olden times

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 3:54:14 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS-silver in olden times
 Date:  3/23/01 3:54:14 PM EST
 From: (Marshall Dudley)
 It's not that low.  In cold water it is .2 ppm and in warm water higher. (CRC
 Handbook specified as .2 grams per 100 cc).  Thus a gallon of cold milk
 could dissolve about .8 mg of silver if the sulfur is available.  A family 
 goes through 3 gallons of milk a week could would dissolve about 2.5 mg of
 silver sulfide a week, and a 1 oz silver coin would lose 10% of its thickness
 in about 1000 weeks or 20 years. Thus coins that are done this way for a
 generation or two could become noticably thinner.  The effect would be higher
 in a rain barrel since there is more water and it is warmer.

Marshall: Something isn't right. I just looked up the Solubility Product of 
silver sulfide. It's 6 * 10 ^-51. I noticed that AgSO3 is 1.5*10^-14 and 
AgSO4 is 1.4 * 10^-5, but as I said earlier, I don't believe these compounds 
will form at the expense of silver sulfide. Why not check the silver sulfide 
Solubility Product with your own references. Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Personal Experience Update on Nebulizer/Humidifier Use

2001-03-23 Thread michael murray
I read somewhere that 0- is better than just 0 or 0+.  Any elaboration,
I seek.  How to electronicly produce 0-?

--- "A.V.R.A"  wrote:
> Greeetings,
> I don't believe it says "too dense for acute infections".  The
> density of the mist causes it to line the throat to the point of
> complete condensation.  I'm sure the same thing happens as the
> colloidal silver enters the lungs.With the oxygen nebulizer, the
> mist more readily enters the deeper portion of the lungs.
> I'm not sure that backing away from the humidifier is a solution. 
> Again, the humidifiyer certainly works, but not like the oxygen
> nebulizer.
> I'm CERTAIN the pure oxygen is a contributing factor as well!
> The O2 nebulizer does use quite a bit less than the humidifier.
> Jason
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Russ Rosser 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:24 AM
>   Subject: Re: CS>Personal Experience Update on Nebulizer/Humidifier
> Use
>   Hi--
> says humidifiers produce
> denser concentration than nebulizers, possibly too string for acute
> infections.  Presumably, one could simply inhale at whatever distance
> from the humidifier yields the optimal concentration.  Is the
> nebulizer therefore an alternative to the wastefulness
>   of humidifiers, which necessarily produce overkill concentrations,
> or is the oxygen somehow synergistic with the silver protocol?
>   --Russ

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Living Waters

2001-03-23 Thread michael murray
Dear Judith,
 Don't blame your neighbors the farmers because, from the several
I've talked with in the U.S. southwest, they too are disgusted with the
regulations placed upon them by what is known here as u.s. department
of agriculture.  The natural predators of insects are poisoned and dead
so that there is no reversal of the blasphemy done against creation by
the Cabal through their tentacle fronts that they hide behind, unseen,
abstracted, but always footprints leading to their door on the mount
where Judas betrayed messiah to the priestcraft.  Then Judas hung
himself in the potters field at the base of that mountain, where the UN
minions coordinate the deal they made with lucy in Babylon.  They have
literally sold their souls and already have their fate demonstrated to
them by Judas their guide!  My local group will be working on some
exotic technologies for this problem and equivalent value should be
$200 per unit with accessories optional.

--- Judith Thamm  wrote:
> Dear Michael,
> Yes I have 2 of Dr Batmanghelidj's books.
> There is much concern that the next major world crisis will be over
> 'potable water' ie water that is fit for drinking.  The farmers pour
> deadly sprays on their crops - 80% of which evaporates to join clouds
> in the sky.  The rain brings down the sprays that the farmers poured
> on their crops.  Our rivers here in Australia are chemical sewers -
> the water for South Australia - where I live - is piped from the
> River
> Murray after being treated by 78 chemicals and filtration - and I
> drink it only out of politeness - ie when I have a hot drink while
> out
> visiting.
> The Murray is over 2200 km in length [someone swam the distance
> recently over a 3 month period - that's how I know].  It irrigates
> cotton, rice, orchards, vines, dairy farms etc etc imagine the return
> run off!!  And there are all the septic tanks [toilet systems that
> have a solid waste catching tank that supposedly turns waste into
> liquid that seeps into the underground water table]... that also add
> to the pollution
> Good posting.
> Judith.
> ...> Dr F
> > Batmanghelidj states that the human body requires between 3 and 6
> pints
> > of good, high-energy water on a daily basis to maintain optimum
> > function and that all pain signals within the body are a result of
> > internal water shortage. He continues to describe how obesity,
> excess
> > body weight, asthma, allergies, hiatus hernia, diabetes, dyspepsia,
> > rheumatoid arthritis, backache, headaches, stress, depression,
> > hypertension and high cholesterol can all be treated by increased
> water
> > intake. Most of us are drinking tea, coffee and alcohol which are
> all
> > diuretics that actively dehydrate the body. We are also drinking
> > minerals and sodas instead of the pure, unadulterated water which
> our
> > body desperately needs for optimum function. The above book
> contains
> > much new, highly detailed information on water regulation and
> histamine
> > activity within the body. This model is in sharp contrast to
> > mainstream, established medical understanding. Many therapists
> using
> > homeopathy and other types of vibrational medicine experience
> faster
> > and better results with their fully hydrated patients. It is well
> known
> > that it is very difficult to vibrate a dry body.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
> to: 
>  -or- 
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread Frank Key
Roger wrote:

> Frank: What are the Solubility Products of silver carbonate and silver 
> hydroxide?

silver carbonate (Ag2CO3) is 8.46 x exp(-12) ( from CRC handbook)

silver oxide (Ag2O) is not in the CRC handbook, but we calculate as follows:

The solubility of silver oxide is 0.0013 g/100 ml of water.  It is a 
brown-black cubic crystal of density 7.14 g/cc. and it decomposes at 300 deg. 
the molar solubility is 5.6 x exp(-5)  moles/L, which would make the 
solubility product constant, at 20 deg. C, = 7.02 x exp(-13) 

frank key

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To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Fw: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread gaia research
Dear Marsha

You wrote:
> >  More Power Boys, listen up! You are Boing! Go off list with each
> >  other...please?
> >
>  Marsha, who once left the list because of your incomprehensible "free
> speech", and may do so again...

ST: Please do us a favour and p... off.



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS and more

2001-03-23 Thread Annhope1

> < been the technically oriented people who have taken the newbies by the hand 
> and answered their questions despite the fact that such answers could be 
> found easily in the archives. In addition, some of us have gone the extra 
> mile to use the experience of lurkers as well as active participants by 
> soliciting their comments. I, myself, have spent quite a few hours putting 
> together, what I believe to be, the first List survey which should be quite 

Roger I agree with you.  I have seen alot of help from the techies for the 
newbies, including me . I haven't seen a newbie yet that hasn't been helped 
asking the same old repetative questions.  (you're a patient bunch :) 
Do I understand all this high tech rhetoric... no.  Do I read it... rarely, 
mostly just breeze over it. No complaints here,  as its truely part of the 
list discussion.For now, whether clear or yellow, CS is CS to me... but 
someday that might change. Through all this info, someone might stumble on a 
discovery that could benefit us all.  
For the past year I've seen people come and go from the list for whatever 
reason.  For those that "threaten" to leave... Really, isn't that cutting off 
your nose to spite your face?  Who's losing? 
Heres a toast to you fellows who continue to help the newbies and "tech it 
out" for the betterment of all...   \~/ (ice tinkling in glass :)
My best,
Terri L.

Re: CS-silver in olden times

2001-03-23 Thread Marshall Dudley
It's not that low.  In cold water it is .2 ppm and in warm water higher. (CRC
Handbook specified as .2 grams per 100 cc).  Thus a gallon of cold milk
could dissolve about .8 mg of silver if the sulfur is available.  A family that
goes through 3 gallons of milk a week could would dissolve about 2.5 mg of
silver sulfide a week, and a 1 oz silver coin would lose 10% of its thickness
in about 1000 weeks or 20 years. Thus coins that are done this way for a
generation or two could become noticably thinner.  The effect would be higher
in a rain barrel since there is more water and it is warmer.

Marshall wrote:

> In a message dated 3/23/01 11:51:08 AM EST, writes:
> << The only reaction I know of that silver will enter into easily is with
>  sulfur.  Both silver sulfide and silver sulfate are slightly soluable,
>  so I suspect that the silver reacts with the sulfur, tarnishes, and the
>  tarnish slowly dissolves.  If the milk was kept in a metal container,
>  then the reaction could have been galvanic, and actually made CS right
>  in the milk I suppose.
>  Marshall
>   >>
> Marshall: I think you'll find that the absolute value of the free energy of
> formation of silver sulfide is greater than that of silver sulfate which
> means that once silver sulfide forms, it stays as silver sulfide. In
> addition, I believe the Solubility Product of silver sulfide is incredibly
> low, smaller than 10 ^ -20. Roger
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Tyndall yet clear

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 2:06:03 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS>Tyndall yet clear
 Date:  3/23/01 2:06:03 PM EST
 From: (Robert L. Berger)

 The T.E. can be related to concentration to the first power, and particle
 size to the third power. >>

Bob: Could you explain how you arrived at this observation? Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Apology

2001-03-23 Thread M. G. Devour
> PS> Yes, you'll get two copies of this message, because I sent it to
> both you and the list, just to make sure you'd see it in a timely
> fashion!

And just *how* I managed to send two copies of that message I do not 
know! *My* apologies, folks! 

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re[2]: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Solar
Hello Del,

Friday, March 23, 2001, 10:43:23 AM, you wrote:

DoEC> I have owned a Beck's Silver pulser from Sota Instruments for a couple of
DoEC> years.  The concept is simple electrolution of all the bloodstream 
DoEC> at 100 milliamps in vivo, plus you make CS with it.   Parts would cost 
DoEC> 40 bucks if you were into electronics.  Plans are freely given (not by
DoEC> Sota...they are into selling their units at about $200).   Some say the
DoEC> Jaguar one is better and cheaper.   Many say that the Clarkes does not do
DoEC> quite what it is supposed to even in the organism  specific sense where 
DoEC> the Becks or Jaguar there,s no need to know the germ(s) name(s).
DoEC> Interestingly, prety much right across the board, thereb seems to be a
DoEC> pretty constant recommendation to use CS as well.Del
DoEC> - Original Message -
DoEC> From: "julie m" 
DoEC> To: 
DoEC> Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: CS>>zappers

>> i intend to buy a machine of this kind for health
DoEC> purposes/experimentation.
>> i can't decide which type of machine would be best for overall health; for
>> the money.  there is the clark zapper, the beck/ rife machine, the
DoEC> enhancer,
>> etc.  all the web sites say their machine is the best and each one i look
>> into sounds better than the last. anyone have an opinion about which would
>> best to try?  i know nothing about electricity, except to respect it, so i
>> would be most comfortable purchasing something already constructed.  i
>> respect the great wealth of experience and knowledge on this list.
>> thanks in advance,
>> julie m.
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>>  -or-
>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> To post, address your message to:
>> Silver-list archive:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Actually, it is NOT 100 milliamps, but 100 MICROAMPS.

Best regards,

Re: CS>Apology

2001-03-23 Thread M. G. Devour
> I keep seeing all of these posts with my name in them.  I feel really
> bad about this.  I never meant to start trouble or perpetuate it.  If
> I don't understand a post, I just delete it or save it to peruse
> later.  Please don't continue to blast each other because of something
> I said.


Be at peace, dear lady! There's no fault in your actions here.

You've merely stumbled into the midst of some uncomfortable changes
and our trying to adjust to them. We've sometimes gone for weeks at a
time without problems and enjoyed a great deal of closeness and
consideration amongst our regular contributors. 

It's my aim for us to see that again. I hope you'll stick with us until 
that happens.

Be well,

Mike Devour

PS> Yes, you'll get two copies of this message, because I sent it to
both you and the list, just to make sure you'd see it in a timely 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Apology

2001-03-23 Thread M. G. Devour
> I keep seeing all of these posts with my name in them.  I feel really
> bad about this.  I never meant to start trouble or perpetuate it.  If
> I don't understand a post, I just delete it or save it to peruse
> later.  Please don't continue to blast each other because of something
> I said.


Be at peace, dear lady! There's no fault in your actions here.

You've merely stumbled into the midst of some uncomfortable changes
and our trying to adjust to them. We've sometimes gone for weeks at a
time without problems and enjoyed a great deal of closeness and
consideration amongst our regular contributors. 

It's my aim for us to see that again. I hope you'll stick with us until 
that happens.

Be well,

Mike Devour

PS> Yes, you'll get two copies of this message, because I sent it to
both you and the list, just to make sure you'd see it in a timely 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-03-23 Thread M. G. Devour
Marsha wrote:
> OK, you win, I`m outta here. I hope someone will benefit from CS, in
> spite of you. 

And so Marsha and Roger, and the rest of us, reap the harvest of trying 
to play List Cop.

Marsha is welcome to consider the tech stuff boring and the boorish
behavior of the "mo power guys" distasteful! Heck, if I didn't care
about it as much as I do, I would too!

Where she stepped out of line is by telling them to go away... I'll get 
back to this point in a moment.

Roger, forging ahead in the cause of free speech and Liberty for *ALL!*
... ahem, sorry ... registered his criticism of Marsha and accused her
of various crimes against the community, being admittedly a bit up in
the dander over her attempt to limit discussion ...

When you've got two folks who are both essentially correct, and each 
arguing about different things, or different aspects of the same 
problem ... well, feelings get hurt.

Now let me draw our two friends' reactions together into one context, 
perhaps the only one that really matters here...

The list is a near perfect example of a benign dictatorship. I can shut
it down today and not one of you would have a legal or civil basis to
act against me. I can invite anyone in, or kick them out, deciding for 
myself what standards of behavior will influence that choice, if any! I 
can be as just or as arbitrary as I want to.

The only recourse you have is to try to persuade me to change things,
or the option Marsha is exercising, that of voting with your feet.

Each of you is here as my guest. As your host, I need to do what I can 
to make you comfortable, the company good, and topics of discussion of 
value. If I deliver that value -- good information, camaraderie, a 
pleasant environment -- the list will survive and even prosper.

I have been negligent. 

I have let the technical discussions dominate and failed to intervene
when they became too surly. 

Ivan notes, correctly, there has been little other discussion to
"dilute" the effect of the tech-talk since we established the .

I ought to have been reminding lurking newcomers to ask for help and 
everyone to continue to use the list as before, with the proviso that 
OT discussions now have a place to *go* when they need to be taken off 
of the silver-list.

So, Marsha, I need to apologize to you for recent conditions on the
list, and say again that I consider you a valuable member. I respect 
your right to leave at any time that we don't serve your needs, or that 
the aggravation outweighs the benefits. Only I wish you wouldn't.

Roger, Marsha has no more right than you do to police what others say
on the list. If others were unexpectedly reluctant to step forward it's
probably because they recognized that it's not their place to do so.
Or, given the rawness of the list lately, maybe they'd just given up
caring one way or another. I hope not. 

But it wasn't your job to correct her. Such complaints as yours and 
hers should be brought to *me*. I'm the only real List Cop.

And I apologize to *you* for permitting the conditions that triggered  
Marsha's outburst.

I will encourage the technical discussions to continue, as long as
*all* the participants meet their obligation to treat others with
respect and leave competition and hostility at the door.

Let me also remind everyone to use the list to get what you need,
whether basic information, a bit of reassurance, or help with a
specific problem. Contribute what you can by sharing your results and
answering the questions that you have experience with.

Not all the discussion will be on-topic, but we can keep the list from
being overwhelmed by it if everyone would go to ...

... and set up a yahoo username and password if you don't have one 
already, then subscribe to the silver-off-topic-list.

Now, if you *don't* want to see the off-topic discussions come into
your regular mailbox, click on Delivery Options on the list home page
and select "no e-mail." Then, anytime you want to follow an OT thread
to that list, you'll be able to browse it at the web site, post your
comments if you want to, and otherwise ignore the whole thing without
any further burden on your time.

If we use them right, the silver-list will stay better focused on the
main topic, while the silver-off-topic-list will satisfy our curiosity 
about other things. The net effect should be *more* needs being met 
more completely, while unburdening the delete key fingers of the folks 
on the silver-list.

Except for tech talk, people have been afraid to bring up anything on
the silver-list lately for fear of being off-topic. Amazingly, after an 
initial flurry of activity, the OT list has been fairly quiet as well.

This tells me we're not making the best use of our resources. Please 
help me to change that for the better.

In the end, please remember that you are my guest here. If you hurt or
insult another member, you hurt or i

Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 12:11:15 PM EST, writes:

<< Subj: RE: CS>Solubility of silver in water.
 Date:  3/23/01 12:11:15 PM EST
 From: (James Osbourne, Holmes)
 That link is
 a great resource: thanks much. Being from the "Official and Accredited"
 sources, it will have great weight with skeptics.

JOH: Thank Ivan (our main man) not me. Roger

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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

2001-03-23 Thread Dick Tanguay
How many hours have the rest of us lurkers contributed to this list compared
to the More Power Boys?  And like it says below, these people take the time
to answer ANY question us newbies have when we could look it up in the
archives.  If I had to make a choice between the "techies" and the not so
well informed (me included), I pick the techies because without them , we
would still be picking our noses and scratching our butts.  :-)

Go to and become enlighten about INCOME TAXES.
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

> In a message dated 3/23/01 9:28:39 AM EST, writes:
> << Subj: Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!
>  Date:  3/23/01 9:28:39 AM EST
>  From: (Ivan Anderson)
>  Reply-to:
>  I think the tech stuff is at about the same level as it has been for
>  some months, it is just not as diluted as before.
>  These discussions do get pretty robust at times and need a decorum
>  check, but it is amazing how this makes one redouble one's efforts in
>  research and so long as one can admit to being mistaken, or at
>  least to not being as sure of one's ground...
>  I have found by experience that to speak in absolutes makes that bitter
>  pill very large and the throat very dry, when one eventually has to
>  swallow it.
>  I have been ignoring Marsha's goading of the techies, but most certainly
>  do appreciate her constant newby help, (if only she would use two
>  batteries instead of three).
>  Mike, perhaps you should amend the introduction message to new members,
>  inviting them to just ignore the technical discussions, and not to be
>  intimidated by them, and to reassure them that we all welcome their
>  questions no matter how basic.
>  Thanks for your continuing efforts, and best of luck balancing on that
>  fence.
>  Ivan.
>   >>
> Ivan: I would like to expand on Ivan's comments. More often than not, it
> been the technically oriented people who have taken the newbies by the
> and answered their questions despite the fact that such answers could be
> found easily in the archives. In addition, some of us have gone the extra
> mile to use the experience of lurkers as well as active participants by
> soliciting their comments. I, myself, have spent quite a few hours putting
> together, what I believe to be, the first List survey which should be
> helpful to newbies and experienced CS users alike. However, I have to tell
> you that it gets my dander up when ANYBODY attempts to limit the CS dialog
> this list which has been so successful in spreading the CS (scientific and
> anecdotal) word. Let's work together to keep it that way by maintaining
> highest level of tolerance for each others opinions. Roger
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS-silver in olden times

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 11:51:08 AM EST, writes:

<< The only reaction I know of that silver will enter into easily is with
 sulfur.  Both silver sulfide and silver sulfate are slightly soluable,
 so I suspect that the silver reacts with the sulfur, tarnishes, and the
 tarnish slowly dissolves.  If the milk was kept in a metal container,
 then the reaction could have been galvanic, and actually made CS right
 in the milk I suppose.

Marshall: I think you'll find that the absolute value of the free energy of 
formation of silver sulfide is greater than that of silver sulfate which 
means that once silver sulfide forms, it stays as silver sulfide. In 
addition, I believe the Solubility Product of silver sulfide is incredibly 
low, smaller than 10 ^ -20. Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS-silver in olden times

2001-03-23 Thread Joanne
I can remember years ago when I was a kid I used to get styes quite often.  I 
had a cousin who told  me to rub a silver dime 
 till it was hot and then place it on my stye.  I would do this a few times and 
my styes always went away.  Don't know if it was the heat or the silver.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:42 PM
  Subject: Re: CS-silver in olden times

  Hi Old Bob: 

  My Grandmother always kept a silver dollar in the milk, and one in the rain 
  barrel out by the barn.  Grandma was born in 1897, so she might have been 
  considered "old Americana."  Over the years, those silver dollars got pretty 
  thin and worn looking. 
  I have no idea what chemical reaction might have taken place with these old 
  silver dollars.  The milk always tasted fresh, with or without refrigeration 
  (the milk came straight from the cow in those early days, and not the grocery 

  One of the reasons that brought me to this board to begin with, was to try to 
  figure out what Grandma knew about silver and keeping milk fresh, along with 
  water.  To this day, we add either a silver wire (or now CS) to the milk from 
  the store.  We rarely use milk and this prolongs its shelf life 

  As kids, when we would get a skinned knee or elbow, grandma would tape a 
  silver dollar to the knee or elbow.  Don't know if it actually did any good, 
  or made us feel better, but things healed quickly, and I don't ever remember 
  getting an infection. 


Hear Ye Hear Ye; 
> Go back to your early Americana. The  pioneers when they crossed this 
> land placed a silver coin in the water and milk jugs to keep them fresh, 
> it worked. 
> When I performed the silver test in the tropics, I mentioned that I 
> one batch of water with the silver wire and the 1000/1 
> petri dish was clean while the 100/1 started to show colonies.  At that 
> Dr John Warren our lab head said "all you have to do is put a few dimes 
> that time they were silver) in a jug shack it up and let it sit overnight 
> be safe." Something D-mn well happened. 
> What has happened to the knowledge of the ancients 
> "OLD BOB" 

Re: CS and Cats

2001-03-23 Thread Joanne
I have 5 cats.. 3 will drink whatevcer is there..with or without CS  One
prefers straight CS and will go to the container it is being made in and
help herself and 1 will only dirnk the water straight out of the facuet
while sitting in the sink.  Fortunately we have good water.
- Original Message -
From: "d.linen" 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS and Cats

> Kehoe wrote:
> >
> > I'm not really sure how she can tell.  I did not see her go to the bowl
> > originally, but she made such a commotion I figured it out real quick.
> > has me very well trained :o).
> They sure are good at that, aren't they? ;)
> Diane
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2001-03-23 Thread Beverle Sweitzer
I keep seeing all of these posts with my name in them.  I feel really bad
about this.  I never meant to start trouble or perpetuate it.  If I don't
understand a post, I just delete it or save it to peruse later.  Please
don't continue to blast each other because of something I said.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 11:32:05 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS>Re: saturated solution 
 Date:  3/23/01 11:32:05 AM EST
 From: (Frank Key)
 Ivan wrote:
 > There can only one anion formed at the cathode, given we only have water
 > and silver, and that is OH-.
 This statement seems to ignore dissolved CO2 in the water. Besides hydroxide,
 the other anion formed is carbonate.
 Without the CO2 present, pure water will become saturated with silver ions 
 at 13.3 ppm at room temperature. To make higher ppm requires additional 
anions in the form of the carbonates.
 frank key

Frank: What are the Solubility Products of silver carbonate and silver 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re: CS>Annoying more power boys

2001-03-23 Thread Joanne
Jason..what do you do stay up all night  reading and answering e-mailt:-)

"Personally, I have over twelve email addresses, one of which accumulates
over two hundred messages each daily. " 

Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 11:16:13 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.
 Date:  3/23/01 11:16:13 AM EST
 From: (Del or Elmay Crow)
 Sorry, but you guys are confusing me.  The thing you are dealing with is a
 change of energy levels.The silver is still silver.  There is supposedly no
 metal exchanged between the annode and cathode.  All you could expect is
 that the water is changed to accomodate this.  Bubbles of hydrogen at one
 side, oxegen at the other plus the water electron-cloud structure change to
 possibly up to 105degrees.   None of us can measure this stuff, let alone
 imagine it!!! >>

Del: I think what you have to keep in mind is when ~27 volts are applied 
across silver electrodes in pure water, certain oxidation/reduction reactions 
are possible.

Let's look at the anode where oxidation takes place. At the voltage stated, 
these are the reactions that MAY take place,

(1) Ag ---> [Ag+] + 1e
(2) 1/2O2(g) + 2[H+] -> H2O + 1e
(3) 2[OH-] -> H2O + 1/2O2 + 1e 

And for the cathode, the following reactions MAY take place,

(4) [Ag+] + 1e ---> Ag
(5) [H+] + 1e > 1/2H2(g)
(6) H2O + 1e > 1/2O2(g) + 2[H+] 

Now, the way I remember how to proceed, and it has been a very long time 
since I did these calculations, is to examine the standard electrode 
potential for each reaction. The reaction that has the smallest absolute 
electrode potential will proceed under STANDARD conditions, that is. In this 
case, however, water is essentially the electrolyte (at least in the 
beginning of CS electrolysis) so we can use the standard electrode potential 
directly to determine which of the "water reactions" will proceed, and since 
water is in abundance, that reaction will set the maximum potential at that 
electrode. Now, here's where silver enters the picture: If silver can be 
oxidized at the anode at the maximum electrode potential (dictated by one of 
the water reactions), silver ions will be produced. Similarly at the cathode, 
if silver ions can be reduced at the maximum electrode potential (dictated by 
one of the water reactions) then metallic silver will be produced (from the 
silver ions generated at the anode). Perhaps, Ivan (or anyone else versed in 
electrochemistry) can fill in the blanks with regard to which of these water 
reactions will prevail at the anode and cathode, and/or whether or not I made 
any boo boos. Roger

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread Beverle Sweitzer
Marsha, please stay - I will get so lonely!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread J.M. Mitchell,Jr.
Bye bye, Marsha!

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

2001-03-23 Thread Tom Bassett
CS Gang,
I also read, learn, enjoy and benefit from the open discussions.
Keep them coming.
Stay well all,
Tom B.

- Original Message -
From: Stephen Quinto 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 12:40 PM
Subject: RE: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

> Ivan, Roger, Mike etal,
> The technical discussions suggest acute intellectual curiosity, and,
> like others here, I confess to having learned a great deal from them. The
> ultimate beneficiaries of such discourse may well be those who participate
> [orlurk] on this list.  I'm sure a majority of your audience appreciates
> dialogues.  Regards
> Stephen
> -Original Message-
> From: Ivan Anderson []
> Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 9:20 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!
> I think the tech stuff is at about the same level as it has been for
> some months, it is just not as diluted as before.
> These discussions do get pretty robust at times and need a decorum
> check, but it is amazing how this makes one redouble one's efforts in
> research and so long as one can admit to being mistaken, or at
> least to not being as sure of one's ground...
> I have found by experience that to speak in absolutes makes that bitter
> pill very large and the throat very dry, when one eventually has to
> swallow it.
> I have been ignoring Marsha's goading of the techies, but most certainly
> do appreciate her constant newby help, (if only she would use two
> batteries instead of three).
> Mike, perhaps you should amend the introduction message to new members,
> inviting them to just ignore the technical discussions, and not to be
> intimidated by them, and to reassure them that we all welcome their
> questions no matter how basic.
> Thanks for your continuing efforts, and best of luck balancing on that
> fence.
> Ivan.
> - Original Message -
> From: "M. G. Devour" 
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, 23 March 2001 01:18
> Subject: Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!
> > Hi all,
> >
> > It's always hard to strike a balance with my remarks. When one thing
> > has gotten out of hand and I take a swat at it, other things often
> rise
> > up to take its place.
> >
> > Such it is with Marsha and Roger nipping at each other. (Hi folks!)
> >
> > The "mo power" folks have sorta filled the void left when much of the
> > OT chatter got shunted to the
> ...
> > The particular set of conflicts took on too much weight, what with
> > nothing like Jason's testimonial and Beverle's questions to focus us.
> >
> > Now, I hope we'll see the casual users come back out of hiding as we
> > rein in the tech guys a little -- without hammering the technical
> > discussions out of existence either!
> >
> > I don't see the need for a single purpose list, so I don't agree with
> > Marsha that the other guys should disappear. When they start hammering
> > each other, yes, but not when they're behaving themselves.
> >
> > But what happens if nobody says anything about the simple stuff and
> our
> > willingness to help new people? What just happened is what happens!
> > All the helpful folks disappear and newcomers see only the technical
> > discussions (however well or il-behaved they may be at the moment).
> >
> > It's usually been my job to pipe up once in a while to remind
> everyone,
> > and inform the lurkers, that we have a dual role to fill here and that
> > their basic questions are essential if we're going to be able to help
> > them get what they need.
> >
> > If I'm too busy to do that, which I have been, I think it's time to
> ask
> > some of you to step into the cheerleader role... Jason? Ivan? Marsha?
> > Any of a number of you are well suited to the task.
> >
> > If there are no basic threads being worked, and it's been a day or two
> > of nothing but tech stuff, it's time to chime in with an anecdote or
> > comment and an invitation for questions.
> >
> > No need to play list-cop or criticize anything else that's going on
> > (talk to me instead!). The tech guys'll keep doing their job if we
> > just let'em. Nope, just a reminder for any new folks that stumble in
> to
> > start askin' questions if they want to get some help.
> >
> > Is it starting to make some sense folks?
> >
> > My availability will rise and fall with my obligations here. I hope
> > that I can get some of you seasoned veterans to help keep us in
> > balance. Share the duties so nobody's under pressure, but take some
> > responsibility for keeping the equilibrium going.
> >
> > I welcome your feedback, folks.
> >
> > Be well,
> >
> > Mike D.
> > da owner...
> >
> > [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> > []
> > [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest sen

RE: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

2001-03-23 Thread Stephen Quinto
Ivan, Roger, Mike etal,
The technical discussions suggest acute intellectual curiosity, and,
like others here, I confess to having learned a great deal from them. The
ultimate beneficiaries of such discourse may well be those who participate
[orlurk] on this list.  I'm sure a majority of your audience appreciates the
dialogues.  Regards

-Original Message-
From: Ivan Anderson []
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

I think the tech stuff is at about the same level as it has been for
some months, it is just not as diluted as before.
These discussions do get pretty robust at times and need a decorum
check, but it is amazing how this makes one redouble one's efforts in
research and so long as one can admit to being mistaken, or at
least to not being as sure of one's ground...
I have found by experience that to speak in absolutes makes that bitter
pill very large and the throat very dry, when one eventually has to
swallow it.

I have been ignoring Marsha's goading of the techies, but most certainly
do appreciate her constant newby help, (if only she would use two
batteries instead of three).

Mike, perhaps you should amend the introduction message to new members,
inviting them to just ignore the technical discussions, and not to be
intimidated by them, and to reassure them that we all welcome their
questions no matter how basic.

Thanks for your continuing efforts, and best of luck balancing on that


- Original Message -
From: "M. G. Devour" 
Sent: Friday, 23 March 2001 01:18
Subject: Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

> Hi all,
> It's always hard to strike a balance with my remarks. When one thing
> has gotten out of hand and I take a swat at it, other things often
> up to take its place.
> Such it is with Marsha and Roger nipping at each other. (Hi folks!)
> The "mo power" folks have sorta filled the void left when much of the
> OT chatter got shunted to the
> The particular set of conflicts took on too much weight, what with
> nothing like Jason's testimonial and Beverle's questions to focus us.
> Now, I hope we'll see the casual users come back out of hiding as we
> rein in the tech guys a little -- without hammering the technical
> discussions out of existence either!
> I don't see the need for a single purpose list, so I don't agree with
> Marsha that the other guys should disappear. When they start hammering
> each other, yes, but not when they're behaving themselves.
> But what happens if nobody says anything about the simple stuff and
> willingness to help new people? What just happened is what happens!
> All the helpful folks disappear and newcomers see only the technical
> discussions (however well or il-behaved they may be at the moment).
> It's usually been my job to pipe up once in a while to remind
> and inform the lurkers, that we have a dual role to fill here and that
> their basic questions are essential if we're going to be able to help
> them get what they need.
> If I'm too busy to do that, which I have been, I think it's time to
> some of you to step into the cheerleader role... Jason? Ivan? Marsha?
> Any of a number of you are well suited to the task.
> If there are no basic threads being worked, and it's been a day or two
> of nothing but tech stuff, it's time to chime in with an anecdote or
> comment and an invitation for questions.
> No need to play list-cop or criticize anything else that's going on
> (talk to me instead!). The tech guys'll keep doing their job if we
> just let'em. Nope, just a reminder for any new folks that stumble in
> start askin' questions if they want to get some help.
> Is it starting to make some sense folks?
> My availability will rise and fall with my obligations here. I hope
> that I can get some of you seasoned veterans to help keep us in
> balance. Share the duties so nobody's under pressure, but take some
> responsibility for keeping the equilibrium going.
> I welcome your feedback, folks.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> da owner...
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Version: 6.0.237 / Virus Database: 115 - Release Date: 08/03/2001

Re: CS>Tyndall yet clear

2001-03-23 Thread Robert L. Berger

Clear CS with a brigth T.E. (tyndall) most probably says large particles.

The T.E. can be related to concentration to the first power, and particle
size to the third power.

What you do what is COLORLESS not yellow or any other color.

> My peculiar generator uses multi frequency pulsed dc,and stirring,with
> current limiting.

This sounds like hype to me.

"Ole Bob:

Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread Marshall Dudley
Marsha Hallett wrote:

All the stuff you guys are hashing over does no good for the newbies, who

> are rather bewildered by your, to us, nonsensical discussions.
> If CS works when made simply, why not just let it go at that?
> Oh, no, that`s impossible, for you need More Power!!!
> And I`m not limiting your free speech, just asking you to take your
> conversations to private email, so our computers aren`t overloaded with it.

If I recall a few years ago, the process by which most made their CS, and the
results were far inferior to what we are doing today.  The discussions use to
say that yellow was best and darker was better. Yuk.  It is through scientific
investigation, experimenting, and discussion that we have gotten protocols that
produce excellent product for everyone.

But years ago people could have said that it works so why try to improve it.
Well, I am convinced that certain parties are developing pathogens that are more
and more deadly and possibly somewhat immune to the effects of silver, and
spreading them worldwide.  An improved product might just save some lives.

If we have someone who has something not responding well to anything, then they
are limited to about a gallon of CS per day.  But if Frank is right and the
ionic silver is not effective, and the CS they are making is 99% ionic, that
means that their 10 ppm CS is only 0.1 ppm active particles.  If methods are
developed to increase the particles to 50%, then that means they can get as much
effectiveness in 2 oz as in a gallon of the 99% ionic.  The difference could
easily be the difference between being cured and dieing.

We need to do some in vitro studies of pure ionic and pure particles and
determine the actual effectiveness of each.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fwd: Dr. Jon's Special Silver FAQ's 3-19-01

2001-03-23 Thread Marshall Dudley
That is the same question as to how CS works, and no one seems to know for
sure, but there are lots of ideas.  Silver DOES kill pathogens even when
macro sized, NASA and airlines use a silver mesh to sterlize their water.


Ivan Anderson wrote:

> - Original Message -
> From: "Frank Key" 
> >
> > Bacteria coming in contact with metallic silver is the mechanism that
> I
> > believe is at work here.
> >
> >
> > frank key
> How does this mechanism work Frank?
> Ivan.
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.237 / Virus Database: 115 - Release Date: 08/03/2001
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Tyndall yet clear

2001-03-23 Thread Marshall Dudley
It simply means that the particles are too small to absorb light in the
visible spectrum, and the Tyndall means that you have lots of particles.

Sounds like good stuff to me.

Marshall wrote:

> Has anyone a decent explanation of how come I  get a "clear",colourless
> colloidal silver which although clear{low turbitity},and colourless (not
> yellow or any other hue) exhibits a lovely bright tyndall effect when my
> laser is shone through it?
> Does this correspond to a high concentration of silver particles(ppm)with
> very small particle size?
> My peculiar generator uses multi frequency pulsed dc,and stirring,with
> current limiting.
> petemc
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS-silver in olden times

2001-03-23 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:

> Hi Old Bob:
> My Grandmother always kept a silver dollar in the milk, and one in the
> rain
> barrel out by the barn.  Grandma was born in 1897, so she might have
> been
> considered "old Americana."  Over the years, those silver dollars got
> pretty
> thin and worn looking.
> I have no idea what chemical reaction might have taken place with
> these old
> silver dollars.

The only reaction I know of that silver will enter into easily is with
sulfur.  Both silver sulfide and silver sulfate are slightly soluable,
so I suspect that the silver reacts with the sulfur, tarnishes, and the
tarnish slowly dissolves.  If the milk was kept in a metal container,
then the reaction could have been galvanic, and actually made CS right
in the milk I suppose.


Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

2001-03-23 Thread A.V.R.A

Would you mind briefly outlining the benefit of the two battery method?  I
had thought that 30 volts brewed cleanest when one is not limiting the
current.  The four battery method certainly appears to burn cleaner than the
three, but I really hadn't considered two ( must have missed the previous
discussions ).

(if only she would use two
> batteries instead of three).

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread A.V.R.A

If it wasn't for the "more power boys" - you wouldn't HAVE your precious
colloidal silver.  This isn't Tool Time here.

The newbies coming onto the list DO get one thing from these discussions, if
only one thing - and that is, that there are serious and incredibly
qualified people who have been working with colloidal silver research for a
long time.  That's one of the FIRST things that set my mind at ease when I
first joined this list.

That's a good thing.

When I first began my view into CS research, it's lucky the first thing I
came across was Peter Lindemann's essay.  My subsequent searches turned up
alot of information that would have just as easily led me to say, "yea
right, not a chance in the world..."

On many of these websites, I half expect a line that says something like

"Simply place two silver rods in your mouth, dunk your hands in some saline
solution, and plug your two middle fingers into the wall socket.  Instant
Colloidal Silver! Don't forget to stick a lightbulb in your ear!"

People who are not normally subject to scientific "inquiry" and debate get a
chance to see that science as a human endevour ( this isn't limited to
colloidal silver ) is not as absolute as science often likes to present
itself as being.  Growth comes from challenging ideas and clear thinking.  A
group setting is excellent for both of these things.

There are many alt-med lists that have nowhere NEAR this kind of dynamic

The basic stuff doesn't always work.  "Let's keep it at that" might be an
excellent personal choice for some to make.  I suppose there are several
different "types" of people concerning this.  Some people, when whatever it
is doesn't work, just throw it away and by a new one ( yet again in our case
this doesn't help anybody, because you could be throwing away your life ).
Some people pop it open and jury rig it with toothpicks and paperclips.
Some people get a trite irritated, break it all down, redesign it, and thus
make everyone's life the better.

I'm a TRUE free speech advocate myself, with the following qualifiers:  One
respects the realm in which one enters into.  One doesn't go into a
Speaker's Club meeting and get upset when you find out your demand to play
the violin is not met well!  An vice versa, one doesn't go into a Speakers
meeting and and insist that a jazz band would liven up the room.

Personally, I have over twelve email addresses, one of which accumulates
over two hundred messages each daily.  I'm not interested in 99.9% of the
subject matter on some other lists.  But it's well worth that .1% that
applies to what I am doing and what I am interested in.  Occasionally, I'll
see something which I can add to, thus possibly assist JUST ONE other human
being to get where they most need to go.

If one doesn't have time in a given day to scrutinize emails, one can simply
mass delete messages after scanning headers with two clicks and a keystroke.

If a list group starts to interefere with personal emails, or the traffic
becomes too high, I simply open another hotmail account, add it to my
outlook express 2000 accounts so I don't have to check the email via a
web-interface.  I archive a lot of data for future reference.

- Original Message -
From: Marsha Hallett 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

> >  Dear Beverle, Good for you! Occasionally, someone comes along who has
> something interesting to read, so DO hang in there!!
> >  More Power Boys, listen up! You are Boing! Go off list with each
> >  other...please?
> >
> > Marsha: For all their (our) faults, the "More Power Boys" have never
> to
> > limit the free speech of others on this list. I suggest you exercise a
> much > greater degree of tolerance so that others can feel free to explore
> > aspect of CS that they find interesting. These narrow minded rants of
> yours are becoming annoying. Roger
> Well, Excuse me!
> Shoot, I`d rather be annoying than boring!
>  All the stuff you guys are hashing over does no good for the newbies, who
> are rather bewildered by your, to us, nonsensical discussions.
> If CS works when made simply, why not just let it go at that?
> Oh, no, that`s impossible, for you need More Power!!!
> And I`m not limiting your free speech, just asking you to take your
> conversations to private email, so our computers aren`t overloaded with
> I have 67 messages this morning, most of which I`ll delete pretty quickly.
> Now THAT`S annoying!
>  Marsha, who once left the list because of your incomprehensible "free
> speech", and may do so again...
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-l

RE: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes

That link is
a great resource: thanks much. Being from the "Official and Accredited"
sources, it will have great weight with skeptics.


-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 6:03 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

Ivan: Recently, you mentioned that the electrolytic generation of CS
electrical neutrality insofar that for each anion produced at one electrode,
a cation is produced at the other electrode. I asked you to provide some
examples of anions, but, so far at least, you haven't responded. In
I would characterize your reaction above as corrosion which, as I'm sure you
are aware, requires electrolytic 'microcells' to form. So my question here
the same as the one I asked previously, please give us examples of anionic
species to provide the electrical neutrality which you insist is essential
for electrolysis to proceed.

 Thermal currents and diffusion will dilute the concentration near this
 interface, so that in order to maintain an equilibrium more silver will
 (well worth reading, if you are into silver ions)
 'This unique physical structure, in combination with the oxygen
 atoms/molecules that are trapped in the crystal lattice, contribute to
 the enhanced solubility of the films which continue to release silver
 until the concentration in solution reached 66 mg/L a level that is 50
 to 100 times higher than is expected from typical bulk pieces of silver
 metal. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed., CRC Press,
 Cleveland, 1974, pp B-134.'

 This passage would seem to suggest one can expect a concentration of
 0.66 - 1.32mg/L to be eventually reached in solution.

Ivan: How did you arrive at these figures?


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cs>plans for zapper

2001-03-23 Thread Dan R Smith
Ishak go to

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread Frank Key
Ivan wrote:

> There can only one anion formed at the cathode, given we only have water
> and silver, and that is OH-.

This statement seems to ignore dissolved CO2 in the water. Besides hydroxide,
the other anion formed is carbonate.

Without the CO2 present, pure water will become saturated with silver ions 
at 13.3 ppm at room temperature. To make higher ppm requires additional anions 
in the form of the carbonates.

frank key

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Del or Elmay Crow
I have owned a Beck's Silver pulser from Sota Instruments for a couple of
years.  The concept is simple electrolution of all the bloodstream organisms
at 100 milliamps in vivo, plus you make CS with it.   Parts would cost about
40 bucks if you were into electronics.  Plans are freely given (not by
Sota...they are into selling their units at about $200).   Some say the
Jaguar one is better and cheaper.   Many say that the Clarkes does not do
quite what it is supposed to even in the organism  specific sense where with
the Becks or Jaguar there,s no need to know the germ(s) name(s).
Interestingly, prety much right across the board, thereb seems to be a
pretty constant recommendation to use CS as well.Del
- Original Message -
From: "julie m" 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 6:28 AM
Subject: Re: CS>zappers

> i intend to buy a machine of this kind for health
> i can't decide which type of machine would be best for overall health; for
> the money.  there is the clark zapper, the beck/ rife machine, the
> etc.  all the web sites say their machine is the best and each one i look
> into sounds better than the last. anyone have an opinion about which would
> best to try?  i know nothing about electricity, except to respect it, so i
> would be most comfortable purchasing something already constructed.  i
> respect the great wealth of experience and knowledge on this list.
> thanks in advance,
> julie m.
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>contact with silver kills bacteria

2001-03-23 Thread Frank Key
Ivan wrote:

> How does this mechanism work Frank?

I do not know how it works, but that it does work is demonstrable.

frank key

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
Hi Ivan,

Where does the electron come from, and what balances the pH of the water?


-Original Message-
From: Ivan Anderson []
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 4:16 AM
Subject: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

There is a constant, but small reaction, at the silver metal/water
Ag + e <> Ag+.
Thermal currents and diffusion will dilute the concentration near this
interface, so that in order to maintain an equilibrium more silver will
(well worth reading, if you are into silver ions)
'This unique physical structure, in combination with the oxygen
atoms/molecules that are trapped in the crystal lattice, contribute to
the enhanced solubility of the films which continue to release silver
until the concentration in solution reached 66 mg/L a level that is 50
to 100 times higher than is expected from typical bulk pieces of silver
metal. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed., CRC Press,
Cleveland, 1974, pp B-134.'

This passage would seem to suggest one can expect a concentration of
0.66 - 1.32mg/L to be eventually reached in solution.


- Original Message -
From: "Frank Key" 
Sent: Thursday, 22 March 2001 08:35
Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: Dr. Jon's Special Silver FAQ's 3-19-01

> Dean wrote:
> > I see.  So what is it that increases the conductivity of the water
> > after a few days when a silver ingot has been added?
> If you believe that silver is dissolving in water, then try a simple
> 1. Using a lab balance that reads to 5 places in grams, determine the
> (mass) of a small pure silver object.
> 2. Place this object in pure DI water for a period of time (hours,
days, etc).
> 3. Remove the object and again weigh it.
> This will tell you if you are dissolving silver in water.
> > If silver particles don't change the conductivity, then the silver
> > must be going into the water as ionic silver.
> Since silver is not water soluble, then silver ions are not being
added to the
> water. The change in conductivity is probably the result of the
addition of
> absorbed gasses.
> To test this theory, draw some pure DI water and measure its
> Place part in an open container, and part in an evacuated container
(vacuum or
> filled with an inert gas such as argon).
> Let both containers sit for about a few days, then measure the
> The increased conductivity of the open container demonstrates the
> of gases.
> > I admit that my chem classes in college were some time ago, but I
> > been under the (probably erroneous) impression that "to dissolve"
> > meant to "make ions" of whatever's being dissolved.
> Indeed, dissolving does cause ions to be added to the solution. The
problem lies in the fact that silver is not water soluble.
> The only way to dissolve silver in water is to pass an electric
current through
> it. This forces the removal of an orbital electron from an atom of
silver changing it to a silver ion which is water soluble.
> frank key

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread Del or Elmay Crow
Sorry, but you guys are confusing me.  The thing you are dealing with is a
change of energy levels.The silver is still silver.  There is supposedly no
metal exchanged between the annode and cathode.  All you could expect is
that the water is changed to accomodate this.  Bubbles of hydrogen at one
side, oxegen at the other plus the water electron-cloud structure change to
possibly up to 105degrees.   None of us can measure this stuff, let alone
imagine it!!!
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 6:06 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

> In a message dated 3/23/01 9:02:59 AM EST, writes:
> << Subj: Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.
>  Date:  3/23/01 9:02:59 AM EST
>  From: (Ivan Anderson)
>  Reply-to:
>  I guess you have read my reply by now, Roger, did it suffice?
>  Electrical neutrality simply refers to the fact that for every electron
>  absorbed by the anode there must be one supplied by the cathode in order
>  to complete a circuit. >>
> Ivan: Sorry 'bout dat. However, as usual, I had an observation or two that
> you should have received by now. I'll await your response. Thanks. Roger
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Lenny


I like the blood electifier, because it is low frequency, 4 Hz.
It is almost as slow as D.C.

Dr. Beck, on the Granada Forum Video, tells us that this unit kills the 
aids vius, 95% of cancers, and parasites.

The circuit includes a colloidal silver maker.

Here are the plans, plus circuit diagram.

I always use an ic socket, when replacing a chip, or building something. 
If the chip is bad, or goes bad, you can easily replace it, and it saves 
heat damage etc. It is hard to unsolder an integated circuit.


Ishak wrote:


What is this zapper thing.  Where can I get hold of one or schematics
to build one, or urls to learn more about and acquire one.



After using a zapper on and off for 5 (or so) years, I've noticed that
my immune system has greatly improved.  I'm not saying the zapper has
done that directly, but it sure has controlled the problem that was
knocking down my immune system.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-

with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 10:00:41 AM EST, writes:

<< Well, as a whole, the solution contains no more charge than it did
 before electrolysis, it is just that the charges have been separated
 into positive and negative ions. It is just like a battery, when fresh,
 one side is positive and one side is negative, and when consumed both
 sides are neutral, but the same amount of electrons and protons exist in
 both states.
 The pH of the solution is determined by the amount of H+ ions (H3O) but
 as hydrogen is reduced at the cathode it leaves the cell as H2 gas, but
 it leaves as a neutral species and so does not effect the net electrical
 state >>

Ivan: But if some OH- is generated at the cathode why doesn't the pH rise? If 
the reaction,

(1) [H+] + [OH-} --> H2O

is consuming OH-, then where is the H+ coming from? If it's coming from the 
dissociation of water then the pH will rise since THAT reaction is the 
reverse of reaction (1). Roger 


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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread A.V.R.A
That was a nice little silver essay, thanks Ivan...

- Original Message - 
From: Ivan Anderson 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 4:16 AM
Subject: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

> There is a constant, but small reaction, at the silver metal/water
> interface:
> Ag + e <> Ag+.
> Thermal currents and diffusion will dilute the concentration near this
> interface, so that in order to maintain an equilibrium more silver will
> dissolve.
> (well worth reading, if you are into silver ions)
> 'This unique physical structure, in combination with the oxygen
> atoms/molecules that are trapped in the crystal lattice, contribute to
> the enhanced solubility of the films which continue to release silver
> until the concentration in solution reached 66 mg/L a level that is 50
> to 100 times higher than is expected from typical bulk pieces of silver
> metal. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed., CRC Press,
> Cleveland, 1974, pp B-134.'
> This passage would seem to suggest one can expect a concentration of
> 0.66 - 1.32mg/L to be eventually reached in solution.
> Ivan.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Del or Elmay Crow
The simplest and probably the most generally effective is the Becks...Jaguar
makes one similar but reportedly better.   I own a Becks from Sota
instruments.  The schematics and parts list are free and found at apparently uses about $40 in
parts and Beck is adamant he is giving the info free. I have a 1997 tape
that says so, OK?  I use it and figure it works as it says, electrocuting
practically any bloodstream infection with about 100 ma of current.  The
frequency is irrelevant in this method.  The thing
'pulses at about 10 or 12 per second, just fast enough that I can't count
it, changing polarity (the brochure says) 4 times/second.  I have no  clue
why they bother with changing polarity.

The Royal Rife plasma frequency devices which can be used for roomfuls of
people simultaneously, apparently use only about 300 to 400 dollars of
'parts' but cost thousands. Goto for schematics.
Following, it leads to the schematic for the 555 timing board,too.

 Goto  for frequencies.

   Mathematically, why it works at certain specific frequencies for specific
organisms, based upon the dna helixes,  go to

- Original Message -
From: "Ishak" 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 4:50 AM
Subject: Re: CS>zappers

> Hi,
> What is this zapper thing.  Where can I get hold of one or schematics
> to build one, or urls to learn more about and acquire one.
> Thanks
> Ishak
> >After using a zapper on and off for 5 (or so) years, I've noticed that
> >my immune system has greatly improved.  I'm not saying the zapper has
> >done that directly, but it sure has controlled the problem that was
> >knocking down my immune system.
> >
> >-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson

- Original Message -

>  Roger,
>  There can only one anion formed at the cathode, given we only have
>  and silver, and that is OH-.
> Ivan: Then perhaps you can explain the following: Brewing a typical
LVDC for
> 30-45 minutes will generate a 'net' CS of 5-10 PPM and the 'solution'
will be
> neutral to slightly acidic. So please explain how electrical
neutrality was
> maintained when,
> 1) The generation of OH- would have created a basic pH and/or
> 2) The complete reduction of ALL Ag+ at the cathode would have
resulted in NO > ionic silver present, at situation that Frank (and
probably you too) asserts
> is virtually impossible.


> It seems to me that the evidence is pretty strong that there is an
> IMBALANCE, and THAT imbalance is precisely what maintains particle
> separation. What think thee Ivan?

Well, as a whole, the solution contains no more charge than it did
before electrolysis, it is just that the charges have been separated
into positive and negative ions. It is just like a battery, when fresh,
one side is positive and one side is negative, and when consumed both
sides are neutral, but the same amount of electrons and protons exist in
both states.

The pH of the solution is determined by the amount of H+ ions (H3O) but
as hydrogen is reduced at the cathode it leaves the cell as H2 gas, but
it leaves as a neutral species and so does not effect the net electrical

> b Both silver and H2 have a similar reduction
>  potential, silver slightly lower. So silver ions will be reduced
>  preferentially to hydrogen, once they make the journey from the
>  hydrogen will be reduced until then. But even when silver ions are
>  in quantity there reduction will cause a lowering in concentration in
>  the immediate cathode area which will allow hydrogen to be reduced
>  again, untill the concentration is restored, and so on.
>  > Ivan: Even allowing for prolonged contact with air, I wonder how
>  readily Ag+
>  > will react with dissolced CO2 [CO3=] to form Ag2CO3? My guess is
>  they
>  > don't readily react. Likewise for Ag+ & OH- forming AgOH. What
>  the
>  > literature?
>  Here is a worked example of Ag+ ions added to a sloution containing
>  CO3- and Cl- .
>  At the concentrations of colloidal silver (10-5M) there will be no
>  precipitates of AgCO3 or AgOH I shouldn't think, as the
>  of these molecules will be very low given the neutral or acidic pH of
>  the solution. Both OH- and CO3- are bases.
> Ivan: Are you simply saying that in an acidic to neutral pH, the
> of these species is too high to cause them to precipitate? Roger

Yes, the concentration of  OH- and CO3(2-) will be very low and so they
exist as free ions.


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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 9:28:39 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!
 Date:  3/23/01 9:28:39 AM EST
 From: (Ivan Anderson)
 I think the tech stuff is at about the same level as it has been for
 some months, it is just not as diluted as before.
 These discussions do get pretty robust at times and need a decorum
 check, but it is amazing how this makes one redouble one's efforts in
 research and so long as one can admit to being mistaken, or at
 least to not being as sure of one's ground...
 I have found by experience that to speak in absolutes makes that bitter
 pill very large and the throat very dry, when one eventually has to
 swallow it.
 I have been ignoring Marsha's goading of the techies, but most certainly
 do appreciate her constant newby help, (if only she would use two
 batteries instead of three).
 Mike, perhaps you should amend the introduction message to new members,
 inviting them to just ignore the technical discussions, and not to be
 intimidated by them, and to reassure them that we all welcome their
 questions no matter how basic.
 Thanks for your continuing efforts, and best of luck balancing on that

Ivan: I would like to expand on Ivan's comments. More often than not, it has 
been the technically oriented people who have taken the newbies by the hand 
and answered their questions despite the fact that such answers could be 
found easily in the archives. In addition, some of us have gone the extra 
mile to use the experience of lurkers as well as active participants by 
soliciting their comments. I, myself, have spent quite a few hours putting 
together, what I believe to be, the first List survey which should be quite 
helpful to newbies and experienced CS users alike. However, I have to tell 
you that it gets my dander up when ANYBODY attempts to limit the CS dialog on 
this list which has been so successful in spreading the CS (scientific and 
anecdotal) word. Let's work together to keep it that way by maintaining the 
highest level of tolerance for each others opinions. Roger  

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread julie m
i intend to buy a machine of this kind for health purposes/experimentation.
i can't decide which type of machine would be best for overall health; for
the money.  there is the clark zapper, the beck/ rife machine, the enhancer,
etc.  all the web sites say their machine is the best and each one i look
into sounds better than the last. anyone have an opinion about which would
best to try?  i know nothing about electricity, except to respect it, so i
would be most comfortable purchasing something already constructed.  i
respect the great wealth of experience and knowledge on this list.

thanks in advance,
julie m.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson
Sounds like he used the hand holds to measure the frequencies you give
out, and then used something else to stimulate the acupressure points?

This is completely different treatment to zapping, the aim of which is
to affect the pathogens directly.


- Original Message -
From: "Nick Grant" 
Sent: Friday, 23 March 2001 15:24
Subject: CS>zappers

> Hi again
> Just looking for comments from those of you who have used zappers.
> I went to a doctor yesterday for treatment as I have systemic candida.
> had a machine, not unlike a zapper, in that you held copper pipes, and
> ran off a 9 volt battery.  It was attached to a computer which gave
> readings, and he used accupressure/accupuncture points.
> I asked him about the zapper, since his machine was similar, and he
was not
> in favour of them.  He said it was because the range of frequencies
that it
> delivers to all the accupressure points in the hands, this in turn
> the immune system.  Sort of overstimulates it.  I hope I am explaining
> o.k.  Anyway, it said it wasn't good for the immune system to be
> in that way.
> What do you all think?
> Tracy

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson
I think the tech stuff is at about the same level as it has been for
some months, it is just not as diluted as before.
These discussions do get pretty robust at times and need a decorum
check, but it is amazing how this makes one redouble one's efforts in
research and so long as one can admit to being mistaken, or at
least to not being as sure of one's ground...
I have found by experience that to speak in absolutes makes that bitter
pill very large and the throat very dry, when one eventually has to
swallow it.

I have been ignoring Marsha's goading of the techies, but most certainly
do appreciate her constant newby help, (if only she would use two
batteries instead of three).

Mike, perhaps you should amend the introduction message to new members,
inviting them to just ignore the technical discussions, and not to be
intimidated by them, and to reassure them that we all welcome their
questions no matter how basic.

Thanks for your continuing efforts, and best of luck balancing on that


- Original Message -
From: "M. G. Devour" 
Sent: Friday, 23 March 2001 01:18
Subject: Re: CS>More list owner comments, PLEASE READ!

> Hi all,
> It's always hard to strike a balance with my remarks. When one thing
> has gotten out of hand and I take a swat at it, other things often
> up to take its place.
> Such it is with Marsha and Roger nipping at each other. (Hi folks!)
> The "mo power" folks have sorta filled the void left when much of the
> OT chatter got shunted to the
> The particular set of conflicts took on too much weight, what with
> nothing like Jason's testimonial and Beverle's questions to focus us.
> Now, I hope we'll see the casual users come back out of hiding as we
> rein in the tech guys a little -- without hammering the technical
> discussions out of existence either!
> I don't see the need for a single purpose list, so I don't agree with
> Marsha that the other guys should disappear. When they start hammering
> each other, yes, but not when they're behaving themselves.
> But what happens if nobody says anything about the simple stuff and
> willingness to help new people? What just happened is what happens!
> All the helpful folks disappear and newcomers see only the technical
> discussions (however well or il-behaved they may be at the moment).
> It's usually been my job to pipe up once in a while to remind
> and inform the lurkers, that we have a dual role to fill here and that
> their basic questions are essential if we're going to be able to help
> them get what they need.
> If I'm too busy to do that, which I have been, I think it's time to
> some of you to step into the cheerleader role... Jason? Ivan? Marsha?
> Any of a number of you are well suited to the task.
> If there are no basic threads being worked, and it's been a day or two
> of nothing but tech stuff, it's time to chime in with an anecdote or
> comment and an invitation for questions.
> No need to play list-cop or criticize anything else that's going on
> (talk to me instead!). The tech guys'll keep doing their job if we
> just let'em. Nope, just a reminder for any new folks that stumble in
> start askin' questions if they want to get some help.
> Is it starting to make some sense folks?
> My availability will rise and fall with my obligations here. I hope
> that I can get some of you seasoned veterans to help keep us in
> balance. Share the duties so nobody's under pressure, but take some
> responsibility for keeping the equilibrium going.
> I welcome your feedback, folks.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> da owner...
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> []
> [Speaking only for myself...   ]
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message
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> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread Marsha Hallett
> Oh my God, Marsha will be so offended with my reply that she may go off
> AGAIN? Ivan, Stuart, Frank are you listening? TAKE OUR DISCUSSION OFF LIST
> IMMEDIATELY, AND I MEAN NOW (Boy, I sure hope this works, don't you?)
> Roger

OK, you win, I`m outta here.
I hope someone will benefit from CS, in spite of you.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 9:07:00 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys
 Date:  3/23/01 9:07:00 AM EST
 From: (Marsha Hallett)
 >  Dear Beverle, Good for you! Occasionally, someone comes along who has
 something interesting to read, so DO hang in there!!
 >  More Power Boys, listen up! You are Boing! Go off list with each
 >  other...please?
 > Marsha: For all their (our) faults, the "More Power Boys" have never tried
 > limit the free speech of others on this list. I suggest you exercise a
 much > greater degree of tolerance so that others can feel free to explore
 > aspect of CS that they find interesting. These narrow minded rants of
 yours are becoming annoying. Roger
 Well, Excuse me!
 Shoot, I`d rather be annoying than boring!
  All the stuff you guys are hashing over does no good for the newbies, who
 are rather bewildered by your, to us, nonsensical discussions.
 If CS works when made simply, why not just let it go at that?
 Oh, no, that`s impossible, for you need More Power!!!
 And I`m not limiting your free speech, just asking you to take your
 conversations to private email, so our computers aren`t overloaded with it.
 I have 67 messages this morning, most of which I`ll delete pretty quickly.
 Now THAT`S annoying!
  Marsha, who once left the list because of your incomprehensible "free
 speech", and may do so again...

Oh my God, Marsha will be so offended with my reply that she may go off list 
AGAIN? Ivan, Stuart, Frank are you listening? TAKE OUR DISCUSSION OFF LIST 
IMMEDIATELY, AND I MEAN NOW (Boy, I sure hope this works, don't you?) 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 9:02:59 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.
 Date:  3/23/01 9:02:59 AM EST
 From: (Ivan Anderson)
 I guess you have read my reply by now, Roger, did it suffice?
 Electrical neutrality simply refers to the fact that for every electron
 absorbed by the anode there must be one supplied by the cathode in order
 to complete a circuit. >>

Ivan: Sorry 'bout dat. However, as usual, I had an observation or two that 
you should have received by now. I'll await your response. Thanks. Roger

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Annoying More Power Boys

2001-03-23 Thread Marsha Hallett
>  Dear Beverle, Good for you! Occasionally, someone comes along who has
something interesting to read, so DO hang in there!!
>  More Power Boys, listen up! You are Boing! Go off list with each
>  other...please?
> Marsha: For all their (our) faults, the "More Power Boys" have never tried
> limit the free speech of others on this list. I suggest you exercise a
much > greater degree of tolerance so that others can feel free to explore
> aspect of CS that they find interesting. These narrow minded rants of
yours are becoming annoying. Roger

Well, Excuse me!
Shoot, I`d rather be annoying than boring!
 All the stuff you guys are hashing over does no good for the newbies, who
are rather bewildered by your, to us, nonsensical discussions.
If CS works when made simply, why not just let it go at that?
Oh, no, that`s impossible, for you need More Power!!!
And I`m not limiting your free speech, just asking you to take your
conversations to private email, so our computers aren`t overloaded with it.
I have 67 messages this morning, most of which I`ll delete pretty quickly.
Now THAT`S annoying!
 Marsha, who once left the list because of your incomprehensible "free
speech", and may do so again...

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 8:14:37 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: Re: CS>Re: saturated solution 
 Date:  3/23/01 8:14:37 AM EST
 From: (Ivan Anderson)
 - Original Message -
 > Ivan: You said, "Of course for every silver ion liberated at the anode
 > is a corresponding anion formed at the cathode (or the reduction of a
 > so the solution remains electrically neutral." Would you please
 provide some
 > examples of the anions formes at the cathode.
 There can only one anion formed at the cathode, given we only have water
 and silver, and that is OH-.

Ivan: Then perhaps you can explain the following: Brewing a typical LVDC for 
30-45 minutes will generate a 'net' CS of 5-10 PPM and the 'solution' will be 
neutral to slightly acidic. So please explain how electrical neutrality was 
maintained when,

1) The generation of OH- would have created a basic pH and/or
2) The complete reduction of ALL Ag+ at the cathode would have resulted in NO 
ionic silver present, at situation that Frank (and probably you too) asserts 
is virtually impossible.

It seems to me that the evidence is pretty strong that there is an electrical 
IMBALANCE, and THAT imbalance is precisely what maintains particle 
separation. What think thee Ivan?

b Both silver and H2 have a similar reduction
 potential, silver slightly lower. So silver ions will be reduced
 preferentially to hydrogen, once they make the journey from the anode...
 hydrogen will be reduced until then. But even when silver ions are there
 in quantity there reduction will cause a lowering in concentration in
 the immediate cathode area which will allow hydrogen to be reduced
 again, untill the concentration is restored, and so on.
 > Ivan: Even allowing for prolonged contact with air, I wonder how
 readily Ag+
 > will react with dissolced CO2 [CO3=] to form Ag2CO3? My guess is that
 > don't readily react. Likewise for Ag+ & OH- forming AgOH. What sayeth
 > literature?
 Here is a worked example of Ag+ ions added to a sloution containing OH-,
 CO3- and Cl- .
 At the concentrations of colloidal silver (10-5M) there will be no
 precipitates of AgCO3 or AgOH I shouldn't think, as the concentrations
 of these molecules will be very low given the neutral or acidic pH of
 the solution. Both OH- and CO3- are bases.

Ivan: Are you simply saying that in an acidic to neutral pH, the solubility 
of these species is too high to cause them to precipitate? Roger

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson
I guess you have read my reply by now, Roger, did it suffice?

Electrical neutrality simply refers to the fact that for every electron
absorbed by the anode there must be one supplied by the cathode in order
to complete a circuit.

>  This passage would seem to suggest one can expect a concentration of
>  0.66 - 1.32mg/L to be eventually reached in solution.
> Ivan: How did you arrive at these figures?

The preceding passage referred to the CRC manual, and stated that the
66mg/L concentration of silver ions achieved in solution by the silver
oxide coating is 50 to 100 times that released by bulk silver metal into
solution as stated in the manual.

I have not looked up the reference myself as yet.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, 24 March 2001 01:03
Subject: Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

> Ivan: Recently, you mentioned that the electrolytic generation of CS
> electrical neutrality insofar that for each anion produced at one
> a cation is produced at the other electrode. I asked you to provide
> examples of anions, but, so far at least, you haven't responded. In
> I would characterize your reaction above as corrosion which, as I'm
sure you
> are aware, requires electrolytic 'microcells' to form. So my question
here is
> the same as the one I asked previously, please give us examples of
> species to provide the electrical neutrality which you insist is
> for electrolysis to proceed.
>  Thermal currents and diffusion will dilute the concentration near
>  interface, so that in order to maintain an equilibrium more silver
>  dissolve.
>  (well worth reading, if you are into silver ions)
>  'This unique physical structure, in combination with the oxygen
>  atoms/molecules that are trapped in the crystal lattice, contribute
>  the enhanced solubility of the films which continue to release silver
>  until the concentration in solution reached 66 mg/L a level that is
>  to 100 times higher than is expected from typical bulk pieces of
>  metal. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed., CRC Press,
>  Cleveland, 1974, pp B-134.'
>  This passage would seem to suggest one can expect a concentration of
>  0.66 - 1.32mg/L to be eventually reached in solution.
> Ivan: How did you arrive at these figures?
> Roger

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Chemotherapy & c/s

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson
I have not heard of any such reaction. It would be wise to separate the
doses of the two by a couple of hours.


- Original Message -
From: "Grant Mckenzie" 
To: "Silver - List" 
Sent: Thursday, 22 March 2001 16:30
Subject: CS>Chemotherapy & c/s

> Listers:
> Very dear friend of mine is going to be taking a
> regiment of Chemo!.
> Does anyone know of any adverse reactions if  they continue
> using c/s
> during the chemo?.
>Tks.. Grant..

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Ishak


What is this zapper thing.  Where can I get hold of one or schematics
to build one, or urls to learn more about and acquire one.



After using a zapper on and off for 5 (or so) years, I've noticed that
my immune system has greatly improved.  I'm not saying the zapper has
done that directly, but it sure has controlled the problem that was
knocking down my immune system.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>knowledge of the ancients????

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson
Old Bob,

you ask "What has happened to the knowledge of the ancients".
Perhaps it got drowned in science.


- Original Message -
From: "Robert L. Berger" 
Sent: Thursday, 22 March 2001 11:00
Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: Dr. Jon's Special Silver FAQ's 3-19-01

> Hear Ye Hear Ye;
> Go back to your early Americana. The  pioneers when they crossed this
> land placed a silver coin in the water and milk jugs to keep them
fresh, and
> it worked.
> When I performed the silver test in the tropics, I mentioned that I
> one batch of water with the silver wire and the 1000/1
> petri dish was clean while the 100/1 started to show colonies.  At
that time
> Dr John Warren our lab head said "all you have to do is put a few
dimes (at
> that time they were silver) in a jug shack it up and let it sit
overnight to
> be safe." Something D-mn well happened.
> What has happened to the knowledge of the ancients

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CS>DON'T MISS IT --Mon 3/ 26 at 9:00 pm

2001-03-23 Thread BILL D

26th at 9:00 pm
Subject: Trade Secrets: A Moyers Report on PBS - March 26th at 9:00 pm
In TRADE SECRETS: A MOYERS REPORT, correspondent Bill Moyers and producer
Sherry Jones uncover how our health and safety have been put at risk and
why powerful forces don't want the truth to be known. This investigative
report, accompanied by a Web site, is based on a massive archive of
secret industry documents as shocking as the "tobacco papers."
TRADE SECRETS provides everyone working on toxic chemicals and
environmental health issues a tremendous education and outreach
opportunity. To help maximize that opportunity, the Environmental Health
Fund, the Environmental Working Group, the Center for Health, Environment
and Justice and Women's Voices For the Earth are launching Coming Clean, a
project aimed at cleaning up the chemical industry's contamination of our
food, our bodies and our environment.
Coming Clean is working with groups across the country to organize local
TRADE SECRETS viewing events. For more information about how you can
organize a viewing event in your community, please contact Ann Long at, Charlotte Brody at, Bryony Schwan at or Monica Rohde at or visit
Whatever you do, make sure you're watching PBS on March 26th. And make sure
everyone you know is watching with you. To be forewarned is to be
forearmed. Thanks to Bill Moyers, we're about to get one of our biggest and
best weapons yet in the fight against a poisoned planet.

Re: CS>Fwd: Dr. Jon's Special Silver FAQ's 3-19-01

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson

- Original Message -
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

> Simple contact of pathogens with a macro piece of copper or silver
will kill
> them.  I don't think any of the silver has to go into solution to be
> somewhat effective in killing bacteria in milk or water.
> Marshall
Are you sure? By what mechanism?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Fwd: Dr. Jon's Special Silver FAQ's 3-19-01

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson

- Original Message -
From: "Frank Key" 

> Bacteria coming in contact with metallic silver is the mechanism that
> believe is at work here.
> frank key

How does this mechanism work Frank?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: saturated solution

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson

- Original Message -

> Ivan: You said, "Of course for every silver ion liberated at the anode
> is a corresponding anion formed at the cathode (or the reduction of a
> so the solution remains electrically neutral." Would you please
provide some
> examples of the anions formes at the cathode.

There can only one anion formed at the cathode, given we only have water
and silver, and that is OH-. Both silver and H2 have a similar reduction
potential, silver slightly lower. So silver ions will be reduced
preferentially to hydrogen, once they make the journey from the anode...
hydrogen will be reduced until then. But even when silver ions are there
in quantity there reduction will cause a lowering in concentration in
the immediate cathode area which will allow hydrogen to be reduced
again, untill the concentration is restored, and so on.

> Ivan: Even allowing for prolonged contact with air, I wonder how
readily Ag+
> will react with dissolced CO2 [CO3=] to form Ag2CO3? My guess is that
> don't readily react. Likewise for Ag+ & OH- forming AgOH. What sayeth
> literature?
Here is a worked example of Ag+ ions added to a sloution containing OH-,
CO3- and Cl- .

At the concentrations of colloidal silver (10-5M) there will be no
precipitates of AgCO3 or AgOH I shouldn't think, as the concentrations
of these molecules will be very low given the neutral or acidic pH of
the solution. Both OH- and CO3- are bases.

> Thanks,
> Roger


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN

Ivan: Recently, you mentioned that the electrolytic generation of CS requires 
electrical neutrality insofar that for each anion produced at one electrode, 
a cation is produced at the other electrode. I asked you to provide some 
examples of anions, but, so far at least, you haven't responded. In addition, 
I would characterize your reaction above as corrosion which, as I'm sure you 
are aware, requires electrolytic 'microcells' to form. So my question here is 
the same as the one I asked previously, please give us examples of anionic 
species to provide the electrical neutrality which you insist is essential 
for electrolysis to proceed.   

 Thermal currents and diffusion will dilute the concentration near this
 interface, so that in order to maintain an equilibrium more silver will
 (well worth reading, if you are into silver ions)
 'This unique physical structure, in combination with the oxygen
 atoms/molecules that are trapped in the crystal lattice, contribute to
 the enhanced solubility of the films which continue to release silver
 until the concentration in solution reached 66 mg/L a level that is 50
 to 100 times higher than is expected from typical bulk pieces of silver
 metal. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed., CRC Press,
 Cleveland, 1974, pp B-134.'
 This passage would seem to suggest one can expect a concentration of
 0.66 - 1.32mg/L to be eventually reached in solution.

Ivan: How did you arrive at these figures?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Tyndall yet clear

2001-03-23 Thread Ode Coyote
  I would say "yes"
 I have found no truth to the statement that all LVDC CS is mostly ionic.
Some, maybe...but not all.

At 11:12 PM 3/23/01 +1100, you wrote:
>Has anyone a decent explanation of how come I  get a "clear",colourless
>colloidal silver which although clear{low turbitity},and colourless (not
>yellow or any other hue) exhibits a lovely bright tyndall effect when my
>laser is shone through it?
>Does this correspond to a high concentration of silver particles(ppm)with
>very small particle size?
>My peculiar generator uses multi frequency pulsed dc,and stirring,with
>current limiting.
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>Silver-list archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread Ode Coyote
This also suggests that oxygen plays a role in the size and shape of the
crystal lattice structure which might also play a role in the "color" of a
colloidal particle.
 It is easily observable that H2O2 clears up a colored CS very quickly.

>(well worth reading, if you are into silver ions)
>'This unique physical structure, in combination with the oxygen
>atoms/molecules that are trapped in the crystal lattice, contribute to
>the enhanced solubility of the films which continue to release silver
>until the concentration in solution reached 66 mg/L a level that is 50
>to 100 times higher than is expected from typical bulk pieces of silver
>metal. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed., CRC Press,
>Cleveland, 1974, pp B-134.'
>This passage would seem to suggest one can expect a concentration of
>0.66 - 1.32mg/L to be eventually reached in solution.
>- Original Message -
>From: "Frank Key" 
>Sent: Thursday, 22 March 2001 08:35
>Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: Dr. Jon's Special Silver FAQ's 3-19-01
>> Dean wrote:
>> > I see.  So what is it that increases the conductivity of the water
>> > after a few days when a silver ingot has been added?
>> If you believe that silver is dissolving in water, then try a simple
>> 1. Using a lab balance that reads to 5 places in grams, determine the
>> (mass) of a small pure silver object.
>> 2. Place this object in pure DI water for a period of time (hours,
>days, etc).
>> 3. Remove the object and again weigh it.
>> This will tell you if you are dissolving silver in water.
>> > If silver particles don't change the conductivity, then the silver
>> > must be going into the water as ionic silver.
>> Since silver is not water soluble, then silver ions are not being
>added to the
>> water. The change in conductivity is probably the result of the
>addition of
>> absorbed gasses.
>> To test this theory, draw some pure DI water and measure its
>> Place part in an open container, and part in an evacuated container
>(vacuum or
>> filled with an inert gas such as argon).
>> Let both containers sit for about a few days, then measure the
>> The increased conductivity of the open container demonstrates the
>> of gases.
>> > I admit that my chem classes in college were some time ago, but I
>> > been under the (probably erroneous) impression that "to dissolve"
>> > meant to "make ions" of whatever's being dissolved.
>> Indeed, dissolving does cause ions to be added to the solution. The
>problem lies in the fact that silver is not water soluble.
>> The only way to dissolve silver in water is to pass an electric
>current through
>> it. This forces the removal of an orbital electron from an atom of
>silver changing it to a silver ion which is water soluble.
>> frank key
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>The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>That @#$%ard, Dr. Brooks, is a knave......admitted

2001-03-23 Thread Ode Coyote
 Forgot to mention that my kitties will drink CS straight out of the
beaker. I think they actually prefer it.

At 08:19 AM 3/22/01 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi Beverle,
>I'm using an eyedropper to get the CS in my cat's mouth. He has a skin
>condition that is being helped by the CS. 
>Beverle Sweitzer wrote:
>> I would be very interested in what you did for your cat and how.  I belong
>> to a natural cat list and sometimes there is discussion of UTI.  We use
>> homeopathy but I am ignorant of cat dosage.  How do you get it in the cat?
>> Eye dropper, turkey baster?  There is so much hollering and squabbling on
>> this site - please don't think this post is a hoax.  I really am
>> I have 3 beloved babies and want the best for them.  Thanks in advance.
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>>  -or-
>> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
>> To post, address your message to:
>> Silver-list archive:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Open heart surgery infection

2001-03-23 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 3/23/01 3:21:13 AM EST, writes:

<< Subj: CS>Open heart surgery infection
 Date:  3/23/01 3:21:13 AM EST
 From: (Mary Christensen)
 Reply-to: (Mary Christensen)
 My father in law had open heart surgery, went home for recovery and had home 
health care twice a week. He had an infection then got bad enough that he had 
to return to the hospital for a few days and then went to a nursing home 
close to the doctor's office for about 2 months. He has now returned home and 
has been there about 2 weeks. His infection is starting to come back and 
they're talking about the possibility of surgery for the infection. When he 
returned home after that 2 months I gave him 1 gal. of CS and he was drinking 
about 4 oz. daily. From what I am starting to hear this was probably not 
enough CS for him to take. Does anyone have some idea how much he should take 
daily and does it need to be taken once a day, twice a day, 3 times a day or 
 He is also diabetic and he is a smoker. (One of those that refuses to stop) 
 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Gary: From the CS survey completed a month or so ago, I recall one individual 
who was successful combating a particularly difficult infection (no 
antibiotics worked) by taking a gallon per day while suffering no side 
effects. My suggestion is to take the CS as often as possible because I 
believe that FREQUENCY may be more important than AMOUNT. However, for 
systemic problems, that same survey revealed that, aside from potential 
(~1:20 chance) digestive problems, taking large amounts of CS were not toxic 
to the body, and were often beneficial when lower doses were unsuccessful. 

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Re: CS>On "Acceptable" CS Topics

2001-03-23 Thread Arnold Beland

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 11:33 PM
Subject: CS>On "Acceptable" CS Topics

> In a message dated 3/22/01 11:37:12 PM EST, writes:
> << Subj: Re: CS>The List Owner speaketh:
>  Date:  3/22/01 11:37:12 PM EST
>  From: (Erwin Hanke)
>  Reply-to:
>  ?Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You find it boooring. I find it
>  fascinating. You find cats,
>  dogs, babies, or what have you fascinating, I find them boooring.
>  Fortunately, we both have
>  Delete keys. Hopefully, we will continue to use them when each of us
>  finds it appropriate.
>  Personally, I would hate to see them go off list because it is CS and in
>  spite of their snipping at
>  each other, there is experimenting going on (I think) and hopefully, we
>  will all be better off in the
>  end.
>  Erwin
>   >>
> Erwin: While I'm thankful that at least a couple of people on this list
> understand that scientific discussions/experimention often has practical
> benefits, that was definitely NOT the point of my earlier comments. My
> was that attempts to limit CS discussion on this list, when the list owner
> has always maintained a 100% open policy for ANY type of CS dialogue is
> reprehensible. Frankly, I'm surprised that my objection and that of
> have been the only ones heard. The freedom to speak ones mind is perhaps
> most important of all the liberties that an open society enjoys. The fact
> that almost no one on this list has protested at the suggestion to limit
> discussion to "acceptable" CS topics, speaks volumes about how much our
> values have deteriorated. And if there are any Libertarians reading this
> message, I'm still waiting to here why you are not outraged at this
> suggestion. If anyone is moved to respond, please contact me off list, so
> that we don't impinge on the rights of list participants who want to
> CS topics exclusively; ALL CS TOPICS. Roger
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Tyndall yet clear

2001-03-23 Thread BRPETERMC
Has anyone a decent explanation of how come I  get a "clear",colourless
colloidal silver which although clear{low turbitity},and colourless (not
yellow or any other hue) exhibits a lovely bright tyndall effect when my
laser is shone through it?
Does this correspond to a high concentration of silver particles(ppm)with
very small particle size?
My peculiar generator uses multi frequency pulsed dc,and stirring,with
current limiting.

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2001-03-23 Thread Dick Tanguay
Thank you for your replies to the "hemangionai" question.  I did suggest she
do her own research about CS to satisfy herself before I gave her some.
Anyway, I can tell her about using it for "thrush".  Thanks again.


Go to and become enlighten about INCOME TAXES.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Personal Experience Update on Nebulizer/Humidifier Use

2001-03-23 Thread Beverle Sweitzer
I have one of those little Robey generators.  I let it go for 20 minutes
which is supposed to be 10 ppm.  I split the contents of the little bottle
between the Mr. and me, twice a day.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Dick Tanguay
I built the Clark zapper and I can't tell what it is doing.  I measured the
output, with a fresh 9 v. battery, to be about 4.50 v.  The only thing I'm
sure of is the little light comes on.  :-)  I have not been to a doctor.

Go to and become enlighten about INCOME TAXES.

- Original Message -
From: "Nick Grant" 
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:24 PM
Subject: CS>zappers

> Hi again
> Just looking for comments from those of you who have used zappers.
> I went to a doctor yesterday for treatment as I have systemic candida.  He
> had a machine, not unlike a zapper, in that you held copper pipes, and it
> ran off a 9 volt battery.  It was attached to a computer which gave him
> readings, and he used accupressure/accupuncture points.
> I asked him about the zapper, since his machine was similar, and he was
> in favour of them.  He said it was because the range of frequencies that
> delivers to all the accupressure points in the hands, this in turn
> the immune system.  Sort of overstimulates it.  I hope I am explaining it
> o.k.  Anyway, it said it wasn't good for the immune system to be
> in that way.
> What do you all think?
> Tracy
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Solubility of silver in water.

2001-03-23 Thread Ivan Anderson
There is a constant, but small reaction, at the silver metal/water
Ag + e <> Ag+.
Thermal currents and diffusion will dilute the concentration near this
interface, so that in order to maintain an equilibrium more silver will
(well worth reading, if you are into silver ions)
'This unique physical structure, in combination with the oxygen
atoms/molecules that are trapped in the crystal lattice, contribute to
the enhanced solubility of the films which continue to release silver
until the concentration in solution reached 66 mg/L a level that is 50
to 100 times higher than is expected from typical bulk pieces of silver
metal. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th ed., CRC Press,
Cleveland, 1974, pp B-134.'

This passage would seem to suggest one can expect a concentration of
0.66 - 1.32mg/L to be eventually reached in solution.


- Original Message -
From: "Frank Key" 
Sent: Thursday, 22 March 2001 08:35
Subject: Re: CS>Fwd: Dr. Jon's Special Silver FAQ's 3-19-01

> Dean wrote:
> > I see.  So what is it that increases the conductivity of the water
> > after a few days when a silver ingot has been added?
> If you believe that silver is dissolving in water, then try a simple
> 1. Using a lab balance that reads to 5 places in grams, determine the
> (mass) of a small pure silver object.
> 2. Place this object in pure DI water for a period of time (hours,
days, etc).
> 3. Remove the object and again weigh it.
> This will tell you if you are dissolving silver in water.
> > If silver particles don't change the conductivity, then the silver
> > must be going into the water as ionic silver.
> Since silver is not water soluble, then silver ions are not being
added to the
> water. The change in conductivity is probably the result of the
addition of
> absorbed gasses.
> To test this theory, draw some pure DI water and measure its
> Place part in an open container, and part in an evacuated container
(vacuum or
> filled with an inert gas such as argon).
> Let both containers sit for about a few days, then measure the
> The increased conductivity of the open container demonstrates the
> of gases.
> > I admit that my chem classes in college were some time ago, but I
> > been under the (probably erroneous) impression that "to dissolve"
> > meant to "make ions" of whatever's being dissolved.
> Indeed, dissolving does cause ions to be added to the solution. The
problem lies in the fact that silver is not water soluble.
> The only way to dissolve silver in water is to pass an electric
current through
> it. This forces the removal of an orbital electron from an atom of
silver changing it to a silver ion which is water soluble.
> frank key

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS

2001-03-23 Thread Paula.May
Hi Tracy There is a clinic going under the name Rainbow in Rotorua Aiden
Pargetter is the name of the owner .Maybe that is where your friends silver
came from .
- Original Message - Paula
From: Nick Grant 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2001 8:18 PM
Subject: CS

> Hi there
> A friend of mine purchased some CS at a health shop here  in Christchurch.
>  my city). She informed me today that the instructions say 3 drops twice
> daily.  What sort of CS would this be?  I have never heard of drops, have
> you?  IVAN - do you know matey, since you live in the same country?  I
> they call themselves Rainbow something or another.
> Enquiring minds want to know.
> Thanks guys
> Tracy
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Dean T. Miller
On Fri, 23 Mar 2001 15:24:11 +1200, "Nick Grant" 
>I asked him about the zapper, since his machine was similar, and he was not
>in favour of them.  He said it was because the range of frequencies that it
>delivers to all the accupressure points in the hands, this in turn disrupts
>the immune system.  Sort of overstimulates it.  I hope I am explaining it
>o.k.  Anyway, it said it wasn't good for the immune system to be stimulated
>in that way.
>What do you all think?

What kind of tests did he make?  I'll even accept anecdotal comments.

After using a zapper on and off for 5 (or so) years, I've noticed that
my immune system has greatly improved.  I'm not saying the zapper has
done that directly, but it sure has controlled the problem that was
knocking down my immune system.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moines  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Open heart surgery infection

2001-03-23 Thread Mary Christensen
My father in law had open heart surgery, went home for recovery and had home 
health care twice a week. He had an infection then got bad enough that he had 
to return to the hospital for a few days and then went to a nursing home close 
to the doctor's office for about 2 months. He has now returned home and has 
been there about 2 weeks. His infection is starting to come back and they're 
talking about the possibility of surgery for the infection. When he returned 
home after that 2 months I gave him 1 gal. of CS and he was drinking about 4 
oz. daily. From what I am starting to hear this was probably not enough CS for 
him to take. Does anyone have some idea how much he should take daily and does 
it need to be taken once a day, twice a day, 3 times a day or what?

He is also diabetic and he is a smoker. (One of those that refuses to stop) 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!




2001-03-23 Thread Nick Grant
Hi there

A friend of mine purchased some CS at a health shop here  in Christchurch.
 my city). She informed me today that the instructions say 3 drops twice
daily.  What sort of CS would this be?  I have never heard of drops, have
you?  IVAN - do you know matey, since you live in the same country?  I think
they call themselves Rainbow something or another.

Enquiring minds want to know.

Thanks guys


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>zappers

2001-03-23 Thread Nick Grant
HI Tony

I will ask him on Thursday (my next appointment), for you.


- Original Message - 
From: Tony Moody 
Sent: Friday, 23 March 2001 18:20
Subject: Re: CS>zappers

> Hi Tracy,
> I would really like to know where your Dr got his information about the
> Zapper overstimulating the immune system. If it is valid info I would
> like to include it in my protocol.
> I know that a small percentage of people can have a strong detox
> reaction to the zapper. So the precaution, if the person is sensitive or
> very ill, is to start with short sessions , say 1 minute and gradually
> increase. Also it is so important to drink plenty of water throughout
> the day to flush out waste products.
> Tony
> Nick Grant wrote:
> > 
> > Hi again
> > 
> > Just looking for comments from those of you who have used zappers.
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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