Re: CShard science on homozon

2001-12-12 Thread FHLew
Chuck wrote:

Try to get it on approval in case the ozone smell bothers you. It
doesn't bother me, but my wife can't stand it.

The unit of 5 in 1 Ozone processor installed in my clinic premises
keeps purring away  merrily non-stop for
the past 7 days. It is an add-on for evaluation and research.  My fish enjoy
the 15 minute of ozonated
bath at 15 mg/hour because ozone cleans up their moldy
left-overs. My canine friend, Jimmy, who sleeps beside me was a bit restless
the past few days. This morning I found him sleeping in the store-room . It
could be the odour. Definitely, Gentle Jim,smells better now.

 In passing, it is found that animals like elephants
communicate  by generating extremely low frequencies [ELF]. It may come as a
surprise that the feline family,
with exception of tigers, generates atmospheric electro-
magnetic waves of 14 Hz [Extremely Low Frequencies
- ELF ] which have anecdotally provided relief to
rheumatic patients.Hence, the proverbial picture of an
old lady carrying a cat in her arms.The skeletal components in the human
system  form a crystalline
organ regulating the resonance of  internal and external
vibrational signatures. The skin,bones and muscles are good sonic
conductors. The thoughts, as visible speech,
we hear in silent reading, are osseous vibrations,amplified by mineralised
body cavities. Hugging a cat, a dog or a tree for that matter, has healing
effects,emotionally and physically, due to the  filtering and rectifying
transmission of  healthy oscillations to the human organism by resonance. As
proven by Russian Tesla  technology experiments in the 1950s, prokaryo
organisms  produce an external electromagnetic field which consists of the
combined radiations from the millions of moving molecules in the biological
system. Humans also produce electrofield
frequences in much the same way, except that the nervous
system plays a more significant role. The Kaznacheyev
experiments proved conlusively that cellular death and disease pattern due
to absorbed Ultra-Violet  Death
photons from dead cells, can be transmitted and induced
In Rife's technology, it is the Universal Vibratory Language
that Rife wanted to share : the resonance of vibrational signatures. The
French biologist, Jacques
Beneviste, demonstrated in Digital Biology that healing can be effected
electronically  through the internet for transmission with a sample, as the
vibratory signature of the medicine.

With regards

- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: CShard science on homozon

 Try to get it on approval in case the ozone smell bothers you.
 It doesn't bother me, but my wife can't stand it.
 I'll put it on for a day if I see the need, rather than run continuous.
 Seems to work good for mold.
 Honk If You Love Peace and Quiet.

 On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 20:02:51 -0500, TJ Garland

 Does onyone have any experience with the Alpine ozone and ion air
 They apparently use Tesla Tech. and claim that they send their radio
 through walls to kill bugs inc. mites. Rife technology? I am considering
 buying one for molds in the basement.  Thanks.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: Light versus dark

2001-12-12 Thread Kevin Nolan
Well, I still didn't get it right. To Wild Bill and the others who finally got 
to my suggested link at, the place that actually contained 
info on CS and light, magnetic fields, etc, is Ken has already answered 
most of it with his posting.

regards, Kevin Nolan

Re: CSRe: Light versus dark

2001-12-12 Thread Bill
Thanks Kevin. I found that site about hype versus fact and it was eye
opening. We read so many opposing opinions though that I wonder if someone
else will say that THAT article is wrong. LOL   
Wild Bill

---Original Message---

Date: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 07:02:36 AM
Subject: CSRe: Light versus dark

Well, I still didn't get it right. To Wild Bill and the others who finally
got to my suggested link at, the place that actually
contained info on CS and light, magnetic fields, etc, is http://www Ken has already answered most of it
with his posting.

regards, Kevin Nolan

Re: CSRe: a reason to buy 400ppm CS

2001-12-12 Thread Ode Coyote
 If you carry 5 gallon buckets of gas and dump them into your tank, you get
a really good feel for how much gas you really burn. I did that for a
couple of years when I drove a tanker semi during the gas crisis. Well,
even though the gas was free, it was a real eye opener.
 Even more so for hand cranking out electricity. If you have 5 kids, you
might get to watch a 21 inch color TV in the dark. If they watched all the
Schwartzenegger movies, they'd start to resemble the star. That's how he
got his muscles...remember Conan the Destroyer at the turn stile? Well, he
was powering the movie cameras.  The stage lighting was all
used to be brighter than it is today. Watch any old Western for the proof.
;-) Oops, wrong era...try pitch torches.
 Depending on where you live, the local street gang or baseball team will
be drying your clothes. [maybe both sides of the team, or
one side of your clothes?]
 A one meter square solar panel could probably wrestle me to the ground. I
don't think I'm a 100 watt person, at least, not for very long.

 Comparativly, making CS is extremely low energy.

At 06:17 AM 12/13/01 +0600, you wrote:
There is so much room in our world for appropriate technology and you
are taking this thread in a fascinsting direction.  Another highly
simple solution that ocurrs to me is to actually peddle the bicycle that
goes along with the generator, since not everybody has the wind to
operate a windmill.  If one attachs the bike chain to a flywheel,
placing the generator on the other side of this, then a 12 volt car
battery can be charged.  This car battery has many options for what it
can power, including fluorescent lights, a CS generator, etc. and so
forth.  The benefit of getting the heart pumping on the bike may be
among the best of all.

Ode Coyote wrote,
  An alternator requires an outside source of power for the field
[a battery].  My bike gen [25+ yrs old] uses no battery and has perm
magnets to supply the field. [magneto?] Outputs a DC signal. The faster
pedal, the brighter the light. No light.
 Maybe this has changed in modern times.

 One cool thing to try is to use a bike generator attached to the same
rotational force as an alternator to supply the field current for a
alternator on a wind mill so when the windmill isn't getting much wind,
field voltage drops and the alternator outputs less power. If the wind
isn't blowing at all, there's no drain on a battery supplying field
to an alternator that isn't spinning.  When the wind picks up, the field

increases, the alternator provides more resistance while generating more

power, acting like a governer.
 A zener diode [from an old Brit motorcycle] in the battery case does
voltage regulation and helps keep batteries warm.

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Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Ode Coyote
  ##  Somehow my name got attached to something I didn't write.
But, hydroxide or not, salt or 10 to 30 PPM, you'd drown long
before you get anything like a toxic dose. At a 94% elimination rate per 48
hrs, you'd drown for years before you'd get argryia. [note below that
ingest per day might need to be changed to retain over all to get that
total load of 3 94x300? Or is that 6x 300 litres?]
 Note also that the 94% elimination rate was for an inhaled or ingested by
mouth dose of silver 'dust' eliminated via the feces.

 It has been postulated that the blue bloods got that name because they
ate off silver a lot and turned blue.  It seems they ate their dinnerware
for desert. A teaspoon a day keeps the bloodletter away?

  The requirement is very much higher than could possibly gained by
  normal strength CS, Roger.

  To become blue you would need to ingest about 3 grams of silver per
  according to Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D. Director, Life Sciences
  Division John Hopkins University. A litre of 10 ppm CS contains 10
  milligrams of silver, therefore one would need to ingest 300 litres
  day to reach this point.

  This is quite a bit higher than some of the references I have seen,
  even the most conservative estimate has one drinking tens of litres


At 08:00 AM 12/13/01 +0600, you wrote:
I never stopped to think that the silver may be the hydroxide, evedince
that my understanding of chemistry is limited. (Sometimes I stop and
think and sometimes I just stop.)  Can you fill me in on how it is that
the hydroxide is a salt? Does anybody else have an answer? I feel sure
that you're correct that the reason this is not harmful to us CS lovers
in the long run is that 10ppm is extremely dilute.  Of course this begs
a question about assertions here that it's not a problem to ingest ionic
silver at the really high concentrations.  If this sort of CS is
practically unattainable without the salts then responsible people
should talk about some kind of an upper ppm limit for ingesting.  On the
other hand finding that number may be difficult.

Also, back to my limited chemistry, I would like to know why it is that
one would have to isolate one element in a simple compound as the
culprit in a health problem.  For example with silver nitrate why does
the problem have to be either the silver or the nitrate.  I think the
problem is probably the compound.  Another example:  it's been stated
here that gold chloride is highly toxic, yet gold metal is beneficial
and chlorine is a lot less toxic.

Ode Coyote wrote:
Thanks for the reference material. The conditions seem to be
pretty extreme - not many of us are going to be
using 1500 PPM solution of silver salts of any kind as drinking water.
Nevertheless it raises an interesting matter.
Most of the home made CS has the silver in the form of a silver salt -
namely silver hydroxide, more so than actual
colloid. So is it only the low concentration and/or dosage that prevents
poisoning? It has been stated previously on this
list that in the case of silver nitrate, nitrate is the actual culprit.
But acetate is from vinegar, so it seems safe to
assume that in the case of silver acetate, only the silver could be to
blame. Is the picture more complicated than this -
meaning the stuff exists in the body in part as undissociated complex
that acts differently to either ionic species?

regards, Kevin Nolan

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Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'agglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Ode Coyote
  Can you get any color CS without a TE?  I haven't found it yet. 
I believe that having a color requires a particle and a particles are what
makes a TE visible. 
 If the TE is weak and the color is ,say, pale yellow... That would
indicate to me that the majority of the particles are fairly largish.  But
getting a pale yellow with a strong TE would indicate that the minority of
particles are that of the yellow color producing size and the majority are
of the smaller colorless variety.

 Something i noticed the other day..
A gallon of 25 +/- PPM crystal clear CS that's returned to the milk jug the
distilled water came out of is significantly darker than an identical jug
of distilled water.
...some sort of refraction effect i suppose.
Humm, I wonder if my 300PPM tap water does the same?

At 08:12 AM 12/13/01 +0600, you wrote:
You alchemist you!  Something you said about black, purple and yellow
got me thinking, and now I'm going to use my 'gone off' gray,
concentrated, once-upon-a-time CS to saturate an earthenware water
purifier.  Then we'll do the microbiological challenge on this candle.

After all, when we saturate the candles with concentrated ionic CS, an
electron is gained when this purifier dries.  Or there is similar
chemistry, the point being that silver cannot exist in our purifiers in
the ionic form.  Therefore I would imagine it makes sense that gray
silver solution, with no TE, could be used in our purifiers.

Ode Coyote said:
Making several batches in the same location while tickling the edges of
stable concenrations. LVDC Current controlled and mechanically stirred.

 One batch goes black. ..dilute to a purple appearance.  Too much
for the electrode area and hydration rate. [silver oxide crystals?
...maybe not]
One batch goes yellow. Room temperature too cool...batch cooled off too
fast. [If black crystals are silver oxides...why are yellow ones not
form of oxide?]

 Agglomeration of silver ions to colloids is similar to any saturated
solution. Warm water holds more material in solution before it is
saturated. Cooler water holds less. Hydration isolates ions from each
in groups with water molecules so they tend to form smaller crystals
they drop out of solution as the saturation point, dependant on
temperature, drops.
 As a crystal forms and drops out, more ions can take the space
water molecules.  If ions are made and drop out faster than the water
molecules can isolate them, they form larger crystals.
 Dropping the water temperature too fast allows larger crystals to form.

 Making ions faster than the water molecules can isolate them allows
crystals to form.

 Temperature shifts in storage [12 hours in winter to 3-4 months from
summer to winter] have repeatedly turned more concentrated batches than
other thing. Other things such as light have made no perceivable

 All other things being equal...
 I get more concentrated colorless batches going to yellow when using
 when allowing warm water to cool too far too fast
 and using water that's too hot. [Brownian collisions?]
 Batches going other colors follow the same pattern.

 The edge of stability seems to be around 17PPM ionic in 100 deg F
[as measured with meter].
Colloidal [as seen by TE] content varies.

 I presume that a stable high concentration CS will have little ionic
content [10 or 12 PPM in room temp water] and a very strong TE.
 How to achieve that with total repeatability...???
 I believe, control temperature shifts and ion production/hydration
very closely.

or HVAC/DC electrosputering?

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CSInnovative techniques ID 1000's of new Bacteria

2001-12-12 Thread larry tankersley
Dear List.. this is from Dr. Mercola's news letter
One gram of soil -- the weight of a little packet of low-calorie
sweetener -- can contain as many as 10,000 species unknown to science,
says Dr. Handelsman, a professor of plant pathology at the University of
For more than a decade, Dr. Handelsman had tantalizing glimpses of an
elusive microscopic world she could not enter. When she put samples of
soil under the microscope, she saw countless species of organisms she
couldn't identify. 
But efforts to isolate and grow these microbes in the lab failed, and
she couldn't learn much about them. Except for one thing: Genetic and
statistical analyses revealed that these unknown organisms must make up
99.9% of all the microbes in the soil. 
Now, for the first time, she and her colleagues, along with several
other research groups working independently, are learning to extract the
DNA of these mysterious creatures and clone it. 
They are finding that the microbes differ so profoundly from known
bacteria that they could represent entirely new kingdoms of life -- as
different from other bacteria as animals are from plants. That means
that the proteins produced by these creatures could have properties
unlike any other such substances known.
Most current antibiotics come from microbes in the soil. They include
streptomycin, the first treatment for tuberculosis, and vancomycin,
currently the drug of last resort for the toughest infections. 
By now, however, conventional bacteria have been largely mined out:
Most of their useful properties have already been exploited. Researchers
say that studies of the palette of novel biological agents Handelsman
and others are discovering could lead to a new wave of medicines,
anticancer drugs, insecticides and industrial enzymes, many radically
different from those already in use.
The research builds on earlier studies of exotic microbes that live in
boiling pools in Yellowstone National Park, at steaming volcanic vents
on the sea floor, and in other forbidding locales. 
These so-called extremophiles -- named for their affinity for extreme
environments -- were crucial in the development of one of molecular
biology's most useful tools, a method of extracting and studying DNA
called polymerase chain reaction, or PCR.
In a report in mid-November at the annual New Horizons in Science
briefing in Tempe, Ariz., Handelsman said she and her colleagues at
Wisconsin have already identified several new antibiotics from soil
microbes, at least one of which is also proving to be a powerful
And in California, Edward F. DeLong and his colleagues at the Monterey
Bay Aquarium have found a distinctive light-sensitive protein that could
have applications in optical computers. They expect these to be only the
first of many more such discoveries from a field of research known as
metagenomics, or environmental genomics.
Dazzling Variety 
The field has led, among other things, to a new view of biological
diversity. The dazzling variety of tropical rain forests, it turns out,
is dwarfed by the unseen diversity in the microbial world. 
To take one example, a single gram of sediment on the ocean floor
contains 1 billion organisms, says one of the field's pioneers,
biologist Norman R. Pace of the University of Colorado. 
Dig down about one-third of a mile to an even more forbidding
environment, and the sediment still contains about 10 million microbes
per gram. 
The microbes in that 500-meter-thick layer of ocean floor make up 10% to
20% of all the biological matter on earth, Pace says. They include
uncounted numbers of species unknown to science.
Even human intestines -- an environment most people consider pretty
familiar -- are home to perhaps 10,000 kinds of microbes. I've been
blown away by the diversity there, says Pace, whose work was recognized
in October with a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship. 
Indeed, one of the surprises in the decoding of the human genome was
that it contains more than 200 genes that come from bacteria. Microbes
not only keep us alive; in some small part, we are made of them.
Pace is looking at how these largely unknown microbes might play a role
in Crohn's disease, an inflammation of the small intestine. He has found
that the makeup of the mixed community of microbes in the intestines
changes in people with the disease. 
A similar thing might happen with tuberculosis, Pace says, leading him
to wonder whether some diseases might be caused not by a single
dangerous microbe but by a change in the microbial community -- an
ecological imbalance inside the human body.
Handelsman and Michelle R. Rondon, formerly of the University of
Wisconsin and now at Ohio State University, have done most of their work
with soil obtained from a University of Wisconsin research station 15
minutes from their lab. 
They devised a technique for isolating long pieces of DNA from soil,
something that other researchers had assured them could not be done.
Because soil is full of 

CSInnovative technology -- getting CS to the pathogen

2001-12-12 Thread Jdownmaine
A 78 year old friend of mine has a bad cold.  
She asked if that new stuff would help because 
she's been feeling lousy. I gave her a bottle of 
CS and suggested she do some nosedrops 
every half hour for 3-4 hours. 
Later she told me the CS was working pretty
well -- no more cough, no more sneezes.
HOWEVER -- she couldn't find her medicine
dropper and decided to use her turkey baster 
instead. The baster wasn't airtight, so she had 
to wrap in a towel or become soaked. She was
trying to balance baster, towel and bottle (to catch 
the run-off and not waste it) while lying down 
with head tipped well back. (Wish I'd seen that!)
She was going out to play bridge and couldn't take 
the baster along for obvious reasons and got a bit
behind on dosage.
She's a rational old bird after all and is high-tailing 
it to town for a dropper first thing this morning.
(Thought the list needed a smile. CS use isn't
always hyper-technical!)


Serenity is a blue heron 
on Maple Juice Cove
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Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Marshall Dudley
Reid Harvey wrote:


 Also, back to my limited chemistry, I would like to know why it is that
 one would have to isolate one element in a simple compound as the
 culprit in a health problem.  For example with silver nitrate why does
 the problem have to be either the silver or the nitrate.  I think the
 problem is probably the compound.  Another example:  it's been stated
 here that gold chloride is highly toxic, yet gold metal is beneficial
 and chlorine is a lot less toxic.

You have a good point here, although gold chloride is not a good example
since chlorine is deadly toxic.A good example would be hydrogen cyanide,
HCN, which is deadly toxic, yet hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen alone are
totally harmless.


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Re: CShard science on homozon

2001-12-12 Thread TJ Garland
I am 50 miles from the manuf. plant. in Greenville , TN.  It's called 
Ecoquest 423-638-7246   Now they call it Living Air. 
Now where did I get Alpine  ? hm. It uses 4 screens.

From: Tel Tofflemire
Subject: Re: CShard science on homozon
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 00:09:11 -0700

I have   2   of  them,  the Alpine ozone x15 works  well for mold, and 
down dust.  Also motels use them for removing smoke smell, or any oder.. 
draw back, is the co is out of business, and the glass plate inside will 
and no longer work after a couple yrs of use..If you know where I can find 

let me know, only one of mine is working. now again.
Tel Tofflemire
Phoenix, AZ

TJ Garland wrote:

 Does onyone have any experience with the Alpine ozone and ion air 
 They apparently use Tesla Tech. and claim that they send their radio 

 through walls to kill bugs inc. mites. Rife technology? I am considering
 buying one for molds in the basement.  Thanks.

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Re: CShard science on homozon

2001-12-12 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Thank You so much TJ Garland for the information, I used my Alpine Ozone for a
personal experiment, (I am not dead yet) I placed the Ozone above my model  777
silver generator while I was making  CS, I use a fish pump and I let it suck
ozone charged air into my CSit really had a nice sparkle to it and it tasted
great and I had it set for 15 ppm, and it tested 20ppm with a hanna tester.  I
know the settings are only aprox, and the Hanna tester is only ballpark, but
this seems like away to get ozone into the cs at a small amount in a short time
and very easy method...Useing the fish pump and aerator I have made perfectly
clear cs at 30ppm, and it stays clear for several weeks, by then its all gone.
(used up) I haven't stored it longer than 3 or 4 weeks yet to see if it stays
clear, I use clear glass to make it in and have stored it in clear fruit jars, I
didn't see nay difference in color, even if it is in the sunlight..
I gave James Allison a pt of my clear 28ppm cs so he could send in a sample to
ole Bob no word yet?
Tel Tofflemire

TJ Garland wrote:

 I am 50 miles from the manuf. plant. in Greenville , TN.  It's called
 Ecoquest 423-638-7246   Now they call it Living Air.
 Now where did I get Alpine  ? hm. It uses 4 screens.

 From: Tel Tofflemire
 Subject: Re: CShard science on homozon
 Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 00:09:11 -0700
 I have   2   of  them,  the Alpine ozone x15 works  well for mold, and
 down dust.  Also motels use them for removing smoke smell, or any oder..
 draw back, is the co is out of business, and the glass plate inside will
 and no longer work after a couple yrs of use..If you know where I can find
 let me know, only one of mine is working. now again.
 Tel Tofflemire
 Phoenix, AZ
 TJ Garland wrote:
   Does onyone have any experience with the Alpine ozone and ion air
   They apparently use Tesla Tech. and claim that they send their radio
   through walls to kill bugs inc. mites. Rife technology? I am considering
   buying one for molds in the basement.  Thanks.
   MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
   To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
   with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
   To post, address your message to:
   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

 Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.

Re: CSSilver Article / silver proteins/ silver compounds

2001-12-12 Thread Jason / AVRA
The Article by James South, an interview with Jay Kimball, is point and case 
for my arguement that silver protein products should be seriously questioned 
rather than blindly accepted.

This article, upon first glance, looks very impressive.  However, I believe 
Mr Kimball ( who is currently still in jail, I believe )purposefully spreads 
disinformation about ionic silver.

Not only that, but at least ONE marketing company has had formal action 
taken against them from claiming that Kimball's product was an approved 
OTC drug for oral use - the particular product at one time was approved for 
OTC use as a nasal spray only - and yet was being labelled as an OTC drug 
acceptable for oral use.

Kimball has extremely poor judgement and serves his own ego - while claiming 
to be interested in public health.  Yet close examination of the court case 
against him proves that his thinking isn't very clear.  I'm surprised that 
his group was shocked when the judge simply shut him up and put him behind 
bars ( for an issue not related to colloidal silver ).

The letter of the law cannot be manipulated, neither can the truth.  Kimball 
attempts and fails to do both, but has gathered quite extensive support for 
his efforts.

I would love to be able to provide more information about protein complexes, 
stabilizers, and compounds, but frankly there are very few trustworthy 
sources out there.

Most serious researchers either drop the subject early on in studies, or are 
currently trying new methods of production.  The ones that are trying new 
methods aren't doing much talking, because their end goal is to secure 

I spoke with Natural-Immunogenics briefly on the subject - I agree with 
their prevalant opinion based on tests conducted with one MSP product, that 
the silver proteins aren't nearly as effective as isolated silver products.

There is NO reason to think that silver proteins won't immediately begin to 
build up in the body upon ingestion in some cases.  At one teaspoon of say a 
150 ppm product, it might take extensive time to develop symptoms.  Studies 
that people like Kindall have done, pumping extreme amounts of proteins in 
the body for short periods of time, to prove that products are safe, are at 
best negligent, since 14 days is no where near enough time to make any 
reasonable determination of anything without measuring excretion of silver ( 
and still, 14 days... ).

Of course, now there are NO silver products that can be marketed as an OTC 
drug - not even the nasal products.

I don't want to discourage your pursuits, Reid... Not at all.  Like I 
mentioned earlier, I cannot imagine not being able to create a concentrated 
silver product that uses a protein stablizer that does not create 
potentially toxic silver compounds.  The only possible reason I can imagine 
wanting to do so is your reason!

Just be careful what you believe from these marketing companies!

From: Theodore Corbett
Subject: CSSilver Article
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 09:06:45 -0800 (PST)

Found this article on the net which might be of some
interest. The URL is;
Click on #19 Silver

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CSCurrent Meter

2001-12-12 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Bob, Terry, and the list,

Often I find myself using my multi-meter to monitor CS process.

So I decided to add a permanent current meter to the generator.

Likely I will use a panel meter, edge type.   A digital meter would be nice 
and it could have multiple scales but one scale should be all I need.

I think the target current needs to be from 10 to 15 or 20 ma.

Question is, what full scale range should the meter be.Either 25 or 50 
ma should be ok.

Typically, I will be working with 52 VDC and about 60 ounces.  I use CS for 
the conductivity starter.

Any suggestions?


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CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Kevin Nolan
Reid Harvey, Ode Coyote wrote:

 I never stopped to think that the silver may be the hydroxide, evedince
 that my understanding of chemistry is limited. (Sometimes I stop and
 think and sometimes I just stop.)  Can you fill me in on how it is that
 the hydroxide is a salt?

Silver hydroxide would not be a salt, but rather a base.  IE sodium
hydroxide is lye. Marshall

Technically speaking, that is true. But silver hydroxide is a very weak base, 
and in fact it's pH is lower than many 'genuine' salts. The point is, it exists 
in solution as dissociated ions - not as colloidal silver particles. Owing to 
claims made on the list that nitrate ion was the main problem with silver 
nitrate (even though argyria is a deposited silver condition), the question 
arises as to what species or combination of species potentially does the 
damage, and under what conditions. I think there is general agreement that 
unrealistically massive doses are required before home brew 'CS' would be a 
problem. But I got the impression that silver nitrate could cause trouble at 
much lower relative dosage - ie it's not just a matter of silver ion dosage 
alone. Nitrate is a known carcinogen (less so than nitrite), and an irritant at 
high enough concentration. But is argyria solely due to the high silver dosage 
possible with silver nitrate (very high solubility), or is there some kind of 
synergy effect as well?  Anything taken to excess will cause trouble. The gist 
is this - do certain anions, innocuous of themselves (eg, acetate, citrate) 
somehow significantly and selectively 'promote' toxicity of silver ion relative 
to say, silver hydroxide at the same concentration? Maybe there is simply no 
definitive data on that, but if there is it would be a good thing to know.

regards, Kevin Nolan

Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'agglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

Regarding the repeated point that the interests of the poor must be
paramount in the pursuit of appropriate silver colloids for Bangladesh
or elsewhere,   I keep coming back to this question:   what could be
cheaper than a couple of rods of pure silver and three rechargeable
nine-volt batteries?   Poor people could make their own
semi-distilled water just be running steam off a smooth metal pan into a
glass jar.There would be no distribution costs -- always a big
factor -- as with prepared products such as Microdyn,  about which I
know nothing other than that knowing nothing I do NOT want to mess with

I know a considerable amount about the lives of poor people,  and will
not go into that other than to say I have seen for extended periods a
good number of very poor folks in SE Asia,  and see no reason that these
folks, if they so desire,  could not manage to get three nine-volt
batteries and a cheap solar battery-charger -- we are talking about a
few bucks if distributed at wholesale cost --  and make all the CS they
want.   If we are  concerned about poor folks,  I fail to see much point
in going on and on about the protein stablilized CS.   I simply do not
believe this would represent a cost savings.   

Having said all that,  God bless anyone such as Reid who is out there in
the trenches.If my statements above are wrong,  I would be willing
to learn the reasons.Seems to me,  though,  that the simplest
posible home-brew CS setup would work for just about anyone who has at
least a shack, a fireplace,  and some sunshine.As for refugees who
lack even those things,  well,  then of course other solutions would be

I hope the tone of this message is not antagonistic.I do not intend
it to be.   





Reid Harvey wrote:
 Forgive me as I tread ever so lightly on thin ice.  I think that when
 you assert that there has never been a reason to study the rarer silver
 proteins this appears to be from the perspective of the establishment
 medicine folks who revile CS, low cost and all this stand for.  Don't
 get me wrong, I know you approach this issue conscientiously, but it all
 begs the question, what if the planners had done things a little
 Now that I feel I have a better idea of what's going on with the protein
 stailizer, that it's a long chain molecule, organic deflocculent, I can
 imagine that the little 15 ml. bottle of Microdyn may contain perhaps
 0.5% silver acetate, if indeed this is the protein used (a big 'if').
 That comes to 0.075ml., a very minute amount of silver acetate.
 Bear in mind that I am not arguing with you, appreciative of your
 raising the important issues of safety.  After all, somebody has got to
 raise these issues.  I think it's revealing that the manufactures' label
 you quoted placed silver acetate safety above that of the nitrate.  And
 I think it's important to consider cost benefit when providing health
 remedies to the poor.  For example, is it worse to get dengue fever
 because you didn't take diluted, concentrated CS, or is it worse to
 suffer the consequence of a minute amount of silver acetate?
 I also think that we on the silver list, God love us, bend over
 backwards to show that there are no negative effects whatsoever to the
 CS we know and love.  When you consider all the questionable stuff,
 chemicals and garbage that we injest daily in our food, all the cancers
 that result, ah,  Are we not guilty of scrupulosity, straining off a
 knat but gulpng down a camel.
 Perhaps you can tell me why it is that the protein deflocculent must be
 a silver compound, since I don't understand this.  But please understand
 I am aspiring to seek the interest of the poor who have no access to
 remedies.  In seeking to make a low cost water purifier I am simply
 seeing similar possibilities with respect to health remedies in
 general.  Once you strip away the profit motive, pure and simple, it is
 surprising to see that there are many wonderful possibilities.
 Jason wrote:
 I would say that making an assumption they ARE safe is treading on
 territory without knowing far more about the actual formulation.
 I don't know that any studies on rarer silver proteins ( whatever they
 be ) have been done, because there has never been a reason to.  The only
 people I've ever seen claiming that such products are safe ( not to
 more effective than isolated silver )are the people selling them.
 I haven't been real interested in protein study since I'm more
 interested in
 smaller particles than heavy concentration.  I can't imagine NOT being
 to create a protein stabilizer that does not result produce silver
 compounds, although I certainly don't have the background to do so.
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2001-12-12 Thread boberger
Hi Ya'all,

The URL is well worth printing out ALL 15 pages of
it. Read it carefully as it talks very much about Ag(e) or as we note
Ag-. To me is says make the CS with the weakest T.E. possible for a
given concentration. Note that some levels the author talks about are
0.01 PPM 

In my mind it settles the ionic vs particle question that has been
floating around the list for months. I go for ionic CS !!

I don't know who put this on the list but I thank you for it.

Ole Bob

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Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Jason / AVRA

From: Kevin Nolan
But is argyria solely due to the high silver dosage possible with silver 
nitrate (very high solubility), or is there some kind of synergy effect as 

regards, Kevin Nolan


The slate blue colour of argyria is not entirely due as one might suspect, 
to the deposition of metallic silver (Petering, 1976), but largely to an 
increased deposition of melanin.

Apparently, the issue of Argyria ( the two types ), is not as simple as it 
may first appear.

Silver, in any form, when it reaches a certain theoretical concentration 
in the body is a toxic substance.  Like most toxic substances, the effects 
will only last while the substance is active in the body.  The question is:  
When and why does silver accumulate in the body, and when and why does it 

The body knows, and responds, to a toxic substance when detected in the 
body.  This is a toxic response...  It happens every time one eats garlic, 
for instance.  The body moves to remove the substance as quickly as 
possible.  This is a system-wide, metabolic response of the body.  This 
response is markedly different than the normal elimination responses in the 

First, I believe that with the colloidal silver that most use, the body does 
NOT detect the silver as toxic.  I don't believe the concentration is great 
enough, even at say a liter per day.  I believe that isolated silver, 
whether in ion form or in colloidal particle form, is not deposited nor 
accumulated in organs or skin tissue, whether a toxic response is 
experienced or not.

I believe that some, if not many, silver salts and proteins DO deposit 
silver in the tissue, because the body does not handle these substances in 
the same manner as it does water.  This is the key concept.  What is the 
body trying to do with these salts and proteins?

I can induce a toxic reaction to isolated silver through heavy lung use.  If 
the silver accumulated in the organs, then the symptoms would continue as 
documented in many materia medicas.  However, the symptoms are temporary, 
corresponding very closely with the conclusions drawn in Roger Altman's 
informal study on silver elimination.

However, I believe that even a teaspoon of silver protein/salts can easily 
cause a toxic reaction in the body.  I believe this based upon the 
documented cases of Argyria from the old school medical documents and the 
EPA listed studies.  When a toxic reaction occurs to these substances, 
silver begins to accumulate in tissues.  Obviously, this doesn't ( or should 
say 'didn't ) occur in every case, or there would be thousands of more 
documented cases of Argyria back then.  Evidently, Argyria ( to the point 
where it was noticed and recorded ) only occured in a small percentage of 
the people using silver-based products.  These people may have accumulated 
silver more quickly through vitamin E and Selenium deficiencies.  There may 
be other factors involved as well.

The whole idea here:  One wants the silver product to be treated exactly 
like water, not like a food substance or a solid.  That is exactly what you 
get with a low PPM, fine particle/ionic isolated silver.  Luckily, there is 
every indication that silver oxide and silver chloride do not deposit silver 
into tissues.  Keep in mind:  just because silver comes in CONTACT with 
tissues, does not mean it will be DEPOSITED in tissues.

It certainly APPEARS as if the protein/salt combination CAUSES silver to be 
deposited in tissues.

Undoubtedly, there is a lot we don't know.  We don't know it, probably 
because nobody does!

Based on the information provided by Ken ( the lung study of metallic silver 
), it is becoming clearer that the issue of permanent silver toxicity is one 
of compounds and not silver itself.  However, it is good to keep in mind 
that it IS the silver that ultimately is responsible for the effects.

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CSH2O2 and CS revisited with a testimonial

2001-12-12 Thread Jason / AVRA

Hi all,

I think I've had just about all I can stand of silver compounds, salts, and 

Ole' Bob always talks about the cloud that appears when adding H2O2 to 
colloidal silver.  I always shrugged it off, not paying too much attention - 
never would I see any such cloud when I added H2O2 to my silver.  I would 
notice a very slight increase in the tyndall effect. It always remained 
crystal clear from the start, there was never any fallout, and all in all, 
the CS would remain stable long after the H2O2 fully decomposed.

Then, last week, I used a glass container that had a small amount of silver 
plated on the bottom.  I was in a rush, and didn't scrub down the glass 
before use. I was making a batch to be used specifically WITH hydrogen 

When I added the H2O2...  What do you know?  There was that cloud.  The CS 
became very turbid, with the solid tyndall effect that has often been 

It wasn't until I carefully examined the glass, noticing the small amount of 
silver plated, that I realized what was going on.  For many applications, I 
am very, very careful to make a highly ionic brew.  When doing so, I KNOW 
that I am also creating silver particles on the smaller end of the size 
scale.  I do so by carefully cleaning everything I use, and never touching 
or removing the silver rods, and not over-running my batches.  Therefore, 
when using H2O2 in the past, the reaction with the silver particles is not 
as prevalant.  I get a clean product that I have never had a problem with.

This particular case, however, was a small emergency.  I had been working 
with someone on a mouth infection - one that really required surgery, but 
the means were not available.  This was initially several months previously, 
and I did not use colloidal silver.  I used healing clay packed in the 
mouth.  I didn't use silver because the silver must reach the site of the 
infection, and I was not certain that it would do so with this infection.  
Healing clay has no such restrictions, it does not need to come into contact 
with the infection.

The problem is, the instructions have to be followed.  Pain relief is often 
so quick, that one stops.  In fact, having a clay pack inside the mouth is 
an uncomfortable experience.

In this case, the individual experienced rapid pain relief, and significant 
reduction in swelling/inflammation.  The infection was primarily caused by 
wisdom teeth that had not grown in fully.  The surface infection was removed 
upon first treatment, and the individual decided not to continue.

A few months down the road ( here we are ), the condition had resurfaced.  
Now, however, the individual had waited too long.  The infection had spread 
to the ear and possibly even the sinuses, complete with swollen lymph nodes. 
 Healing clay's ability to eliminate infections that are within the body 
does have limits.  Had the person continued with clay at the onset of the 
pain once more, the condition again would have been arrested.  However, too 
much time had passed with neglect.

The treatment was started with healing clay in the mouth, with little 
tolerance.  However, I insisited that we continue, until the clay pulled 
enough of the infection out to induce drainage ( the area will begin to 
bleed ).  When an infection is this deep, the process is painful.

Having accomplished this, it became evident that I wasn't going to be able 
to get enough clay in the mouth to do enough good, nor was it being 
tolerated well enough to continue the length of time needed for a desired 

Careful examination revealed an abcess, now partially drained.  Thus, I 
switched tactics.

I used the H2O2 silver formulation at a relatively heavy strength:  2 drops 
of 35% H2O2 to eight ounces of colloidal silver.  I have no idea how the 
colloidal silver reached the entire infection.  There is no doubt, however, 
that it did, and within seconds.  I had the individual lay on the side, and 
hold this solution in the mouth for as long as possible.  The first time, 
tolerance was limited to about 1.5 minutes.  The CS was then swallowed ( if 
one holds this formulation in your mouth for a long period of time, it is 
likely that one won't experience the H2O2 effect in the stomach ).

The individual described a severe burning sensation from the ear straight 
down to the infected gums.  This sensation ( which alarmed the individual, 
but was not unexpected ) lasted for about 20 minutes, then subsided.  As it 
subsided, so did all the raw pain from the infection.

This process was repeated three times in a row, over a duration of about two 
hours.  The burning sensation never occured after the first time.

48 hours later, with occasional use, the infection appeared to be 
completely eliminated with no inflammed tissues, and the swelling of the 
lymph nodes was gone.

Of course, this is not a permanent solution to the root problem of those 
wisdom teeth.  However, the individual now knows 

Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Kevin Nolan
Not such a good example, either. The problem is the cyano anion: CN-, which
is deadly whether as HCN, NaCN, KCN etc. The only 'synergy' effect I can see
here is the solubility and hence dosage available between one cyanide
compound and another. The cation per se is of little consequence, unless
toxic in it's own right (eg, mercury).

Kevin Nolan

- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 2:20 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

 Reid Harvey wrote:

  Also, back to my limited chemistry, I would like to know why it is that
  one would have to isolate one element in a simple compound as the
  culprit in a health problem.  For example with silver nitrate why does
  the problem have to be either the silver or the nitrate.  I think the
  problem is probably the compound.  Another example:  it's been stated
  here that gold chloride is highly toxic, yet gold metal is beneficial
  and chlorine is a lot less toxic.

 You have a good point here, although gold chloride is not a good example
 since chlorine is deadly toxic.A good example would be hydrogen cyanide,
 HCN, which is deadly toxic, yet hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen alone are
 totally harmless.


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Re: CSRe: Silver Article / silver proteins/ silver compounds

2001-12-12 Thread Jason / AVRA


When referring to the reason I meant to help the poor, and specifically a 
highly concentrated colloidal silver meant to use orally ( not with your 
water purification! ), ie. the only good reason I can think of to create a 
highly concentrated colloidal silver meant for use in the body is to help 
people who would have no access to it otherwise.

To find out more about these stabilizers, I think one would have to find to 
find an organic chemist that has experience in a related field.  
Unfortunately, although I have written a few, one doesn't see them sitting 
around.  In this age of drugs, it appears that there is quite the demand.

I really haven't pursued the issue any farther than already covered.  Of 
course, I would be interested to know anything else discovered!

From: Reid Harvey
To: silver list
Subject: CSRe: Silver Article / silver proteins/ silver compounds
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 08:45:23 +0600

I would also imagine that information on protein stabilizers is scarce,
but it's good to have a bit of confidence there shold be some that are
non-toxic. Where do you look for such infomation?  Also, you have said,
'the only possible reason I can imagine wanting to do so (i.e. make
concnentrated CS) is your reason!  I'm unclear on the reason you're
citing.  Primarily we use concentrated CS for saturation of earthenware
water purifiers.  An outgrowth of this rationale is what appears to be
the very real possibility of turning concentrated CS into an affordable
health remedy for the poor.

The U.N. recently came up with something like $30 million to provide
drug companies with an incentive to research prophylaxes and cures for
the new, virulent forms of malaria.  The incentive is necessary because
the beneficiaries are primarily poor Africans, who haven't got enough
money to be of interest to the drug companies.  I would imagine that on
a similar basis some donor could be interested in the researching of
non-toxic protein stabilizers for concentrated CS.  But then again, it
appears there is a bit of evidence that CS also works against the
malarial parasite.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Robb Allen

Greetings All..
since my last update about my arthritisI have severely relapsedI am 
personally 99% sure that what I am dealing with is none other than leaky gut 
syndrome...I experience alergic-like reactions whenever I eat..the 
main symptom besides the arthritis is watery eyes.this is just about to 
drive me nuts!!!My arthritis pain comes and goesand thus far is 
still avoiding my hands{Thank God}..My worst spot is my 
shoulders.the attacks jump around...from place to place...right now 
it is very very bad in my left shoulder..Feels like it has eate all the 
way through the soft tissues...and is on raw boneI had no choice but 
to take vioxx...nothing else I know of will take the edge off of the 
pain.I'm about to go nuts from all of this stuffif anyone can 
offer any would be much appreciated..I'm still hell bent 
against letting the medical proffesion do its's what 
I'm doing right nowI'm on the water cure..have been for a long 
time..since I weigh about 200.give or take.I'm drinking about 
100 ounces.I'm also on MSM6000 mg per day..b-12..6000 mcg per 
day...I just started liquid alo vera.3 ounces per dayand 
also just started PDA.these last two supplements were given by the 
advice of my local health food store guru.I've also stopped 
swallowing CS..I am doing the holding it in my mouth for 4 minute 
thingI'm afraid of further damaging my flora
If I fast for 2 or 3 days..the pain almost tottally 
disappears..but I gotsta eat.other than the hunger...I feel 
great while doing thisperhaps a marathon fast is in order??..I 
don't know if I can stand doing that or not..Many thanks to those of you 
who have offered help in the past.and many thanks in advance for what I 
know will be good advice in the future.Robb

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSMy Arthritis...Still

2001-12-12 Thread Robb Allen

Greetings All..
since my last update about my arthritisI have severely relapsedI am 
personally 99% sure that what I am dealing with is none other than leaky gut 
syndrome...I experience alergic-like reactions whenever I eat..the 
main symptom besides the arthritis is watery eyes.this is just about to 
drive me nuts!!!My arthritis pain comes and goesand thus far is 
still avoiding my hands{Thank God}..My worst spot is my 
shoulders.the attacks jump around...from place to place...right now 
it is very very bad in my left shoulder..Feels like it has eate all the 
way through the soft tissues...and is on raw boneI had no choice but 
to take vioxx...nothing else I know of will take the edge off of the 
pain.I'm about to go nuts from all of this stuffif anyone can 
offer any would be much appreciated..I'm still hell bent 
against letting the medical proffesion do its's what 
I'm doing right nowI'm on the water cure..have been for a long 
time..since I weigh about 200.give or take.I'm drinking about 
100 ounces.I'm also on MSM6000 mg per day..b-12..6000 mcg per 
day...I just started liquid alo vera.3 ounces per dayand 
also just started PDA.these last two supplements were given by the 
advice of my local health food store guru.I've also stopped 
swallowing CS..I am doing the holding it in my mouth for 4 minute 
thingI'm afraid of further damaging my flora
If I fast for 2 or 3 days..the pain almost tottally 
disappears..but I gotsta eat.other than the hunger...I feel 
great while doing thisperhaps a marathon fast is in order??..I 
don't know if I can stand doing that or not..Many thanks to those of you 
who have offered help in the past.and many thanks in advance for what I 
know will be good advice in the future.Robb

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'agglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Here is a weird fact I just read in an interesting book about vision:  
a specially made box created by a physicist is filled with light.  
There is nothing in the box;  the sides are, from what I gather, 
totally reflective.   If you look into the box,  you see darkness,
although it is filled with light.This is because you can not see
light,  only the reflection of light from objects.   If this is true
(see Jabob Lieberman TAke Off Your Glasses and See)  then the idea
that only particles produce color might be correct.   However,  isn't an
ion a thing?   It is a bit of an atom, right?   Therefore it may be that
ions CAN reflect light.   I am not a physicist and do not know.  


Ode Coyote wrote:
   Can you get any color CS without a TE?  I haven't found it yet.
 I believe that having a color requires a particle and a particles are what
 makes a TE visible.
  If the TE is weak and the color is ,say, pale yellow... That would
 indicate to me that the majority of the particles are fairly largish.  But
 getting a pale yellow with a strong TE would indicate that the minority of
 particles are that of the yellow color producing size and the majority are
 of the smaller colorless variety.
  Something i noticed the other day..
 A gallon of 25 +/- PPM crystal clear CS that's returned to the milk jug the
 distilled water came out of is significantly darker than an identical jug
 of distilled water.
 ...some sort of refraction effect i suppose.
 Humm, I wonder if my 300PPM tap water does the same?
 At 08:12 AM 12/13/01 +0600, you wrote:
 You alchemist you!  Something you said about black, purple and yellow
 got me thinking, and now I'm going to use my 'gone off' gray,
 concentrated, once-upon-a-time CS to saturate an earthenware water
 purifier.  Then we'll do the microbiological challenge on this candle.
 After all, when we saturate the candles with concentrated ionic CS, an
 electron is gained when this purifier dries.  Or there is similar
 chemistry, the point being that silver cannot exist in our purifiers in
 the ionic form.  Therefore I would imagine it makes sense that gray
 silver solution, with no TE, could be used in our purifiers.
 Ode Coyote said:
 Making several batches in the same location while tickling the edges of
 stable concenrations. LVDC Current controlled and mechanically stirred.
  One batch goes black. ..dilute to a purple appearance.  Too much
 for the electrode area and hydration rate. [silver oxide crystals?
 ...maybe not]
 One batch goes yellow. Room temperature too cool...batch cooled off too
 fast. [If black crystals are silver oxides...why are yellow ones not
 form of oxide?]
  Agglomeration of silver ions to colloids is similar to any saturated
 solution. Warm water holds more material in solution before it is
 saturated. Cooler water holds less. Hydration isolates ions from each
 in groups with water molecules so they tend to form smaller crystals
 they drop out of solution as the saturation point, dependant on
 temperature, drops.
  As a crystal forms and drops out, more ions can take the space
 water molecules.  If ions are made and drop out faster than the water
 molecules can isolate them, they form larger crystals.
  Dropping the water temperature too fast allows larger crystals to form.
  Making ions faster than the water molecules can isolate them allows
 crystals to form.
  Temperature shifts in storage [12 hours in winter to 3-4 months from
 summer to winter] have repeatedly turned more concentrated batches than
 other thing. Other things such as light have made no perceivable
  All other things being equal...
  I get more concentrated colorless batches going to yellow when using
  when allowing warm water to cool too far too fast
  and using water that's too hot. [Brownian collisions?]
  Batches going other colors follow the same pattern.
  The edge of stability seems to be around 17PPM ionic in 100 deg F
 [as measured with meter].
 Colloidal [as seen by TE] content varies.
  I presume that a stable high concentration CS will have little ionic
 content [10 or 12 PPM in room temp water] and a very strong TE.
  How to achieve that with total repeatability...???
  I believe, control temperature shifts and ion production/hydration
 very closely.
 or HVAC/DC electrosputering?
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
R.e. bluebloods -- I have heard this anecdote many times.  I have also
heard that the popular glass harmonica,  invented I think by Benjamin
Franklin,  or at least enjoyed by him,  caused big problems because
players got led poisioning by rubbing away at their crystal glasses!   
That is hard to imagine,  but from what I read,  it is true. Some
people advise never to drink from crystalware.This seems pertinent
when considering the possibility of argyria from silverware.  It could
well be true. 



Ode Coyote wrote:
   ##  Somehow my name got attached to something I didn't write.
 But, hydroxide or not, salt or 10 to 30 PPM, you'd drown long
 before you get anything like a toxic dose. At a 94% elimination rate per 48
 hrs, you'd drown for years before you'd get argryia. [note below that
 ingest per day might need to be changed to retain over all to get that
 total load of 3 94x300? Or is that 6x 300 litres?]
  Note also that the 94% elimination rate was for an inhaled or ingested by
 mouth dose of silver 'dust' eliminated via the feces.
  It has been postulated that the blue bloods got that name because they
 ate off silver a lot and turned blue.  It seems they ate their dinnerware
 for desert. A teaspoon a day keeps the bloodletter away?
   The requirement is very much higher than could possibly gained by
   normal strength CS, Roger.
   To become blue you would need to ingest about 3 grams of silver per
   according to Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D. Director, Life Sciences
   Division John Hopkins University. A litre of 10 ppm CS contains 10
   milligrams of silver, therefore one would need to ingest 300 litres
   day to reach this point.
   This is quite a bit higher than some of the references I have seen,
   even the most conservative estimate has one drinking tens of litres
 At 08:00 AM 12/13/01 +0600, you wrote:
 I never stopped to think that the silver may be the hydroxide, evedince
 that my understanding of chemistry is limited. (Sometimes I stop and
 think and sometimes I just stop.)  Can you fill me in on how it is that
 the hydroxide is a salt? Does anybody else have an answer? I feel sure
 that you're correct that the reason this is not harmful to us CS lovers
 in the long run is that 10ppm is extremely dilute.  Of course this begs
 a question about assertions here that it's not a problem to ingest ionic
 silver at the really high concentrations.  If this sort of CS is
 practically unattainable without the salts then responsible people
 should talk about some kind of an upper ppm limit for ingesting.  On the
 other hand finding that number may be difficult.
 Also, back to my limited chemistry, I would like to know why it is that
 one would have to isolate one element in a simple compound as the
 culprit in a health problem.  For example with silver nitrate why does
 the problem have to be either the silver or the nitrate.  I think the
 problem is probably the compound.  Another example:  it's been stated
 here that gold chloride is highly toxic, yet gold metal is beneficial
 and chlorine is a lot less toxic.
 Ode Coyote wrote:
 Thanks for the reference material. The conditions seem to be
 pretty extreme - not many of us are going to be
 using 1500 PPM solution of silver salts of any kind as drinking water.
 Nevertheless it raises an interesting matter.
 Most of the home made CS has the silver in the form of a silver salt -
 namely silver hydroxide, more so than actual
 colloid. So is it only the low concentration and/or dosage that prevents
 poisoning? It has been stated previously on this
 list that in the case of silver nitrate, nitrate is the actual culprit.
 But acetate is from vinegar, so it seems safe to
 assume that in the case of silver acetate, only the silver could be to
 blame. Is the picture more complicated than this -
 meaning the stuff exists in the body in part as undissociated complex
 that acts differently to either ionic species?
 regards, Kevin Nolan
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CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Reid Harvey
First off I should say that we produce concentrated CS using de-ionized
water, of TDS less than 10.  I am unclear as to just where the
dissociated hydroxide ions are coming from.

Kevin Nolan wrote:
Silver hydroxide would not be a salt, but rather a base.  IE sodium
hydroxide is lye. Marshall

Technically speaking, that is true. But silver hydroxide is a very weak
base, and in fact it's pH is lower than many
'genuine' salts. The point is, it exists in solution as dissociated ions
- not as colloidal silver particles. Owing to claims
made on the list that nitrate ion was the main problem with silver
nitrate (even though argyria is a deposited silver
condition), the question arises as to what species or combination of
species potentially does the damage, and under
what conditions. I think there is general agreement that unrealistically
massive doses are required before home brew
'CS' would be a problem. But I got the impression that silver nitrate
could cause trouble at much lower relative dosage -
ie it's not just a matter of silver ion dosage alone. Nitrate is a known
carcinogen (less so than nitrite), and an irritant at
high enough concentration. But is argyria solely due to the high silver
dosage possible with silver nitrate (very high
solubility), or is there some kind of synergy effect as well?  Anything
taken to excess will cause trouble. The gist is
this - do certain anions, innocuous of themselves (eg, acetate, citrate)
somehow significantly and selectively 'promote'
toxicity of silver ion relative to say, silver hydroxide at the same
concentration? Maybe there is simply no definitive
data on that, but if there is it would be a good thing to know.

regards, Kevin Nolan

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CSRe: concentrated CS and 'aglomeration'

2001-12-12 Thread Reid Harvey
This is all very interesting, a new twist I haven't seen here before.
So an indication of a majority of particles of small size is to be found
where there is pale yellow with good TE.  If this is a large majority I
would imagine there would be an argument to suggest that this CS is no
less beneficial than the 10ppm CS.  In this scenario the fine particles
would be penetrating where the large particles could not go, but the
large particles would be beneficial at the outer surfaces, which also
need CS.

Ode Coyote wrote:
  Can you get any color CS without a TE?  I haven't found it yet.
I believe that having a color requires a particle and a particles are
makes a TE visible.
 If the TE is weak and the color is ,say, pale yellow... That would
indicate to me that the majority of the particles are fairly largish.
getting a pale yellow with a strong TE would indicate that the minority
particles are that of the yellow color producing size and the majority
of the smaller colorless variety.

 Something i noticed the other day..
A gallon of 25 +/- PPM crystal clear CS that's returned to the milk jug
distilled water came out of is significantly darker than an identical
of distilled water.
...some sort of refraction effect i suppose.
Humm, I wonder if my 300PPM tap water does the same?

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CSRe: Silver Article / silver proteins/ silver compounds

2001-12-12 Thread Reid Harvey
I would also imagine that information on protein stabilizers is scarce,
but it's good to have a bit of confidence there shold be some that are
non-toxic. Where do you look for such infomation?  Also, you have said,
'the only possible reason I can imagine wanting to do so (i.e. make
concnentrated CS) is your reason!  I'm unclear on the reason you're
citing.  Primarily we use concentrated CS for saturation of earthenware
water purifiers.  An outgrowth of this rationale is what appears to be
the very real possibility of turning concentrated CS into an affordable
health remedy for the poor.

The U.N. recently came up with something like $30 million to provide
drug companies with an incentive to research prophylaxes and cures for
the new, virulent forms of malaria.  The incentive is necessary because
the beneficiaries are primarily poor Africans, who haven't got enough
money to be of interest to the drug companies.  I would imagine that on
a similar basis some donor could be interested in the researching of
non-toxic protein stabilizers for concentrated CS.  But then again, it
appears there is a bit of evidence that CS also works against the
malarial parasite.

Jason/ AVRA wrote:
.I don't want to discourage your pursuits, Reid... Not at all.  Like
mentioned earlier, I cannot imagine not being able to create a
silver product that uses a protein stablizer that does not create
potentially toxic silver compounds.  The only possible reason I can
wanting to do so is your reason!

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