CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi folks,

Thank you for sharing your opinions, as I requested. I hope that those 
that are threatening to leave will hang around long enough to see the 
end of this discussion and take part in forming its results.

A number of quite interesting points are being made, and others are 
being demonstrated, although not by anyone's specific remarks...

One of the latter points this discussion shows, confirming over a 
decade of experience for me, is that our group has been and always will 
be divided between those who want more free-flowing discussion and 
others who want us to remain closer to the topic -- and neither group 
will ever be completely satisfied with any compromise that I ever 
strike between the two extremes! 

(Yes, there are folks who are pretty well satisfied in the middle 
ground, too! )  

So, on this first point, please let me offer a few remarks that I hope 
will help everyone understand better what it takes to keep this forum 
even half-way successful in its mission...


Remember, first of all, that I don't see messages before they go out! I 
do all my "moderating" after the fact. I depend on EACH OF YOU to 
regulate your own behavior, consistent with the list rules and the 
culture I try to instill in the membership by public guidance and 
private coaching. Your self-control is the price I demand of you for 
the privelege of staying in the group.  

Next, one of the very first things I learned when I took over ownership 
of the list is that I would NEVER be allowed to stop ALL off-topic 
posting if our group were going to continue to accomplish what we 
should and could with our efforts. Here's why:

Inevitably, easily half the questions people will ask have a non-CS 
related component: "Will CS cure...?" "My friend has ... will CS help?" 
"Does anybody know anything to do for ...? Whether CS is useful in each 
case or not, a lot of the time there are non-CS-related answers that 
these people need and deserve to hear. I've never prohibited non-CS-
related information that might be able to HELP somebody.

Other questions people ask have no relationship to CS to begin with, 
yet are obviously important or urgent for them, and frequently 
interesting to many of the rest of us.

The guideline for these worthwhile off-topic discussions? Make them 
fairly brief, a day or two, giving out basic information and pointers 
to other resources so folks can continue their research elsewhere.

For me to re-evaluate this fundamenal aspect of the list would require 
some pretty convincing arguments. Many members have just finished 
saying how much valuable stuff they've learned from the group on topics 
besides CS. I would not want those questions to go unanswered.

Another point to consider is the members' responsibility to mold the 
discussion to their own needs. All new members are urged (in the 
instructions they receive upon joining) to ASK QUESTIONS in order to 
get the conversation moving in a direction that will help them. When 
they do this they normally get answers. If they don't, the conversation 
moves on without them.

This is not an organized lecture series, where you can sit back 
passively and have all your questions answered, but rather more like a 
cocktail party, with folks milling around and talking amongst 
themselves. Anyone who wants to pick up the microphone and ask a 
question about the main topic is welcome to do so, and they'll get 
plenty of help as long as they need it.

If I demanded that everybody sit quietly until somebody asks a proper 
question, it would be a very different place, and I think we'd lose a 
whole lot more people than we probably do when things get too noisy for 
too long. 

Who's to say what's the right balance? Ummm... Well, me, I'm afraid. 
Which is why I'm asking questions.


Now, as I consider specific actions or possible changes in policy in 
response to the present complaints, I think we might all benefit from 
some analysis to see just how things really look.

I've surveyed list traffic for the first 23 days of August. Here are 
some statistics:

*** Posts per day:

average 24.26
min 8
max 50
stdev   10.68

There've been 5 days over 30 messages and 8 days under 20.

*** Counting threads and posts:

Threads ranged from single unanswered posts to multi-day 40-post 
behemoths. For this analysis I looked at Subject: lines and samplings 
of posts, but did not account for subject drift within threads or count 
threads with "Unidentified Topic" or "Silver Digest" titles. 

On topic threads have a significant CS component. Threads for Other 
Questions offer information not related to CS but relevant to health-
related questions raised by members. Off topic counts everything from 
Kurt's polemics to computer questions to humor and chit-chat.   

On topic: 44 threads; 194 posts
Other questions: 32 threads; 198 posts
Off-Topic: 30 threads; 136 posts

Frankly, I'm not willing to analyse and rat

Re: CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.

2008-08-24 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Steve,

Along these same lines, . almost.

>> At 11:39 PM 8/23/2008, you wrote:
>>  I received a newsletter  that states that  Colloidal Silver and 
CS Generators could

>>  be banned by March  2009 by the Environmental Protection Agency.

When the FEDS sued a friend of mine, ( a few years ago, but not many 
) and his product,  they used a Law dating back to the 1700.s 
 Relative to Maritime LAW

The FDA knocked on his door. He told the FDA Rep, .

"Come go to the post office with me to pick up my orders".   The FDA rep went.
My friend said the guy was nice and friendly.

And Guess what ?  My friend won the Case in court.

Lawyers to work against the FEDS, .. are not cheap.  Not at all.

My fried put an ad in many papers to summons the FDA to prove a 
point.  And  it worked

in grand style.

The last time I heard from him, he was hiding out at a remote 
ranch.  He was fearful that he was on

the HIT LIST and they would kill him.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>hear hear! seconded...

2008-08-24 Thread dee
very sensibly put MA!  And thank you for your felicitations about my 
computer and my mental health!  You are absolutely right of course, I 
would be going mad now if I didn't have my laptop while big brother is 
in 'hospital'!  After all, I would not have discovered CS if I hadn't 
been able to use my computer, and I wouldn't have been able to 
communicate with all you wonderful folks on the list would I?  So maybe 
it wasn't so off topic after all <>  dee

marmar...@bellsouth.net wrote:
I wasn't offended at all by your posts about your computer problems, 
Dee.  I simply skimmed through them and then hit the delete button as 
they weren't pertinent for me.  I also wasn't offended by Kurt's posts 
either (although I think they're mostly paranoid -- sorry Kurt).  I 
think it's normal for any group of people to drift into conversations 
other than on-topic, if said topic happens to be stagnant at the 
moment.  Be pretty hard to legislate against human nature.  Also, 
that's what God made the *delete* button for (uh-oh -- does that make 
this a religious post? LOL)  As long as the off-topic posts are 
related to health issues (well, even the computer post was related to 
health -- your mental health Dee, right?)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>hear hear! seconded...

2008-08-24 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Dee,

At 02:10 AM 8/24/2008, you wrote:
very sensibly put MA!  And thank you for your felicitations about my 
computer and my mental health!  You are absolutely right of course, 
I would be going mad now if I didn't have my laptop while big 
brother is in 'hospital'!

  You are getting wiser by the day.  

  I have 3 computers, all within reach, .. they all work 
perfect and access the internet.

  You need at least 2,  or 3 is better.

One is a super laptop, I use very little. but it is ready for duty, 
like a good soldier.

I have 3 or 4 older ones, they all work too.

Never give up.  You will be a techie one day.

Then if will be your turn to teach us a few things.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>So they want to colloidal make silver illegal?

2008-08-24 Thread B Magnatta
Where can I get wire for my generator that I don't know how to make on my
own yet , lol?

Did you see the meta cafe video about the guy using silver wire, a phone
jack and lemon juice?

BTW, I GOT an Algea Stick for my pool and I haven't had a problem with algea
at all!Thanks for the suggestion.  I have used less chlorine, but still have
problems with swimmer's ear in my one son.

Sincerely, Barb M.

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread dee
I go along with all that you say Mike, and appreciate your tolerance to 
OT subjects.  I for one am  only on *this*  list (and silverpets) and 
because it *is* an alternative health list (when did *your* doctor 
prescribe CS?) it is the only place I feel there may be someone with 
enough knowledge or experience to help with other alternative health 
matters.  I am therefore grateful that these questions are allowed.  I 
also like to hear from people like Kurt  because who knows what is going 
on out there, and I for one like to be kept informed about what could be 
happening.  He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so 
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

M. G. Devour wrote:

Hi folks,

Thank you for sharing your opinions, as I requested. I hope
 that those 
that are threatening to leave will hang around long enough to see
end of this discussion and take part in forming its results.

 number of quite interesting points are being made, and others are 

 demonstrated, although not by anyone's specific remarks...

One of the latter
 points this discussion shows, confirming over a 
decade of experience for me,
 is that our group has been and always will 
be divided between those who
 want more free-flowing discussion and 
others who want us to remain closer
 to the topic -- and neither group 
will ever be completely satisfied with
 any compromise that I ever 
strike between the two extremes! 

(Yes, there
 are folks who are pretty well satisfied in the middle 
ground, too! )

So, on this first point, please let me offer a few remarks that I hope
will help everyone understand better what it takes to keep this forum 
even half-way successful in its mission...


 first of all, that I don't see messages before they go out! I 
do all my
 "moderating" after the fact. I depend on EACH OF YOU to 
regulate your own
 behavior, consistent with the list rules and the 
culture I try to instill
 in the membership by public guidance and 
private coaching. Your
 self-control is the price I demand of you for 
the privelege of staying in the group. 

Next, one of the very first things I learned when I took over ownership
of the list is that I would NEVER be allowed to stop ALL off-topic 
posting if our group were going to continue to accomplish what we 
should and

 could with our efforts. Here's why:

Inevitably, easily half the questions
 people will ask have a non-CS 
related component: "Will CS cure...?" "My
 friend has ... will CS help?" 
"Does anybody know anything to do for ...?
 Whether CS is useful in each 
case or not, a lot of the time there are
 non-CS-related answers that 
these people need and deserve to hear. I've never

 prohibited non-CS-
related information that might be able to HELP somebody.

Other questions people ask have no relationship to CS to begin with, 
 are obviously important or urgent for them, and frequently 
interesting to

 many of the rest of us.

The guideline for these worthwhile off-topic
 discussions? Make them 
fairly brief, a day or two, giving out basic information
 and pointers 
to other resources so folks can continue their research


For me to re-evaluate this fundamenal aspect of the list would
some pretty convincing arguments. Many members have just finished 
saying how much valuable stuff they've learned from the group on topics 
besides CS. I would not want those questions to go unanswered.

Another point to
 consider is the members' responsibility to mold the 
discussion to their
 own needs. All new members are urged (in the 
instructions they receive upon
 joining) to ASK QUESTIONS in order to 
get the conversation moving in a
 direction that will help them. When 
they do this they normally get answers.
 If they don't, the conversation 
moves on without them.

This is not an
 organized lecture series, where you can sit back 
passively and have all
 your questions answered, but rather more like a 
cocktail party, with folks
 milling around and talking amongst 
themselves. Anyone who wants to pick up
 the microphone and ask a 
question about the main topic is welcome to do so,
 and they'll get 
plenty of help as long as they need it.

If I demanded
 that everybody sit quietly until somebody asks a proper 
question, it would
 be a very different place, and I think we'd lose a 
whole lot more people
 than we probably do when things get too noisy for 
too long. 

Who's to
 say what's the right balance? Ummm... Well, me, I'm afraid. 
Which is why

 I'm asking questions.


Now, as I consider
 specific actions or possible changes in policy in 
response to the present
 complaints, I think we might all benefit from 
some analysis to see just how

 things really look.

I've surveyed list traffic for the first 23 days of
 August. Here are 
some statistics:


Re: CS>hear hear! seconded...

2008-08-24 Thread dee

I do love an optimist Wayne!  dee

Wayne Fugitt wrote:

Never give up.  You will be a techie one day.

Then if
will be your turn to teach us a few things.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.

2008-08-24 Thread Faith Gagne

- Original Message - 
From: "Steven Foss" 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 2:32 AM
Subject: CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.

Dear Silver List,

Here are some links to websites on this issue. The CTA and FOE (Center for 
Technology Assessment and Friends of the Earth) are making a big issue over 
Nano Technology.)

However, in the case of the CTA the Nano Technology is only Silver, and the 
hit list contains a number of bottle Colloidal Silvers including Sovereign 
Silver and Meso Silver among Silver Socks and Cosmetics, etc.

I do not think that your generators would be confiscated, nor will there be 
door to door searches.  However, if you have any plans of purchasing 
additional Colloidal Silver Generators after the EPA ruling you may be 
disappointed. The Colloidal Silver Generator may go the way of the Rife 
Machine. It is illegal to purchase a Rife Machine in California.

Dear Mr. Foss:

You are hyping this to the skies and you are way WAY out of line.

First of all, this is far from being a done deal.  (One of the Ph.D ' health 
scientists' writes in one of these articles that nano silver that is washed 
down the drain may get into the environment (as if people are not the 
environment)  and kill fish and other animals.  Huh?  Evidently this "Ph.D" 
knows nothing about CS.  I emailed that group and told them that a Ph.D 
after one's name does not stand for education (anymore).  We should all 
start emailing these groups and telling them that they are poorly informed 
and to look elsewhere to entertain themselves.

Secondly, Whoever heard of door to door searches in this country looking for 
a product that is no longer on the market?   This is ridiculous and 
FABRICATED fear mongering.  You get a big fat Zero Flunk!

Faith G. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread David Bearrow


It was not my intent to start a firestorm. For that I apologize. 
Perhaps my blood sugar was a little low and I got cranky and 
responded too quickly to Kurt's email. Normally I would wait a day 
before hitting the send button and likely or not I wouldn't have sent 
it or I would have heavily edited it.

I think perhaps I did not put across exactly why I think that post 
should not be on this list. There are certain conspiracy theories out 
there that have a small basis in fact but then take the facts and 
extrapolate out until they make good science fiction plots but are no 
longer factual. Kurt invariably likes to copy and paste from websites 
devoted to these conspiracy theories and post them to the list. I do 
not mind the off topic health type questions. But Kurt does not post 
questions, he proselytizes like a politician or priest about subjects 
that cause division where ever they are discussed. If, in the course 
of answering health related questions, those topics Kurt loves happen 
to come up and in his own words he discussed them in relation to the 
question then I would not object. Indeed, I would likely respond with 
a counterpoint post. But it is his method to drop a copy/paste email 
bomb out of the blue not in response to any current threads. This 
type of post is not conducive to the conversation. One cannot create 
a counter post as you would not be talking to the poster but to the 
person who wrote the website Kurt is copying and pasting from and 
that person will never see the counter post.

If you have saved all the posts do a sort on kmilkowski. He started 
posting 9-14-07. He consistently posts off topic about his 3 favorite 
pet conspiracy theories chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food 
supplies, which have nothing to do with our current conversations. He 
usually starts these as new threads and pulls the list way out there 
into science fiction land.

I think your existing policies are good and don't need changing. My 
beef is with Kurts obsession with conspiracy theories about 
chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food supplies and his need to 
share that obsession with us over and over and his method of sharing 
which excludes argument.


At 12:03 AM 8/24/2008, you wrote:

So, I'm open to specific suggestions or ideas. In light of the points
I've made above, please tell me:

How much traffic is too much? Off topic versus on-topic?

Do you feel my basic policies need to be changed or updated?

Should I do a better job of enforcing them? How, specifically?

Should we stop answering non-CS-related health questions entirely?

Should we ban *all* politics-related posts, no matter their importance?
Or is the existing policy (brief, occasional, little or no discussion)
good enough if it's enforced?

Should I more vigorously police the "style" of certain messages so as
not to scare new people off or annoy the regulars?

Any other points you think I've not covered yet?

Thank you for your patience, ladies and gentlemen. It's not a bad thing
to air grievances and sound each other out every once in a while,
though I *will* get riled if folks make a habit of spouting off their
objections on the list instead of privately! 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Faith Gagne

Dear David:  Very well put.  I do have to agree.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: "David Bearrow" 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 10:57 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...


It was not my intent to start a firestorm. For that I apologize. 
Perhaps my blood sugar was a little low and I got cranky and 
responded too quickly to Kurt's email. Normally I would wait a day 
before hitting the send button and likely or not I wouldn't have sent 
it or I would have heavily edited it.

I think perhaps I did not put across exactly why I think that post 
should not be on this list. There are certain conspiracy theories out 
there that have a small basis in fact but then take the facts and 
extrapolate out until they make good science fiction plots but are no 
longer factual. Kurt invariably likes to copy and paste from websites 
devoted to these conspiracy theories and post them to the list. I do 
not mind the off topic health type questions. But Kurt does not post 
questions, he proselytizes like a politician or priest about subjects 
that cause division where ever they are discussed. If, in the course 
of answering health related questions, those topics Kurt loves happen 
to come up and in his own words he discussed them in relation to the 
question then I would not object. Indeed, I would likely respond with 
a counterpoint post. But it is his method to drop a copy/paste email 
bomb out of the blue not in response to any current threads. This 
type of post is not conducive to the conversation. One cannot create 
a counter post as you would not be talking to the poster but to the 
person who wrote the website Kurt is copying and pasting from and 
that person will never see the counter post.

If you have saved all the posts do a sort on kmilkowski. He started 
posting 9-14-07. He consistently posts off topic about his 3 favorite 
pet conspiracy theories chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food 
supplies, which have nothing to do with our current conversations. He 
usually starts these as new threads and pulls the list way out there 
into science fiction land.

I think your existing policies are good and don't need changing. My 
beef is with Kurts obsession with conspiracy theories about 
chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food supplies and his need to 
share that obsession with us over and over and his method of sharing 
which excludes argument.


At 12:03 AM 8/24/2008, you wrote:

So, I'm open to specific suggestions or ideas. In light of the points
I've made above, please tell me:

How much traffic is too much? Off topic versus on-topic?

Do you feel my basic policies need to be changed or updated?

Should I do a better job of enforcing them? How, specifically?

Should we stop answering non-CS-related health questions entirely?

Should we ban *all* politics-related posts, no matter their importance?
Or is the existing policy (brief, occasional, little or no discussion)
good enough if it's enforced?

Should I more vigorously police the "style" of certain messages so as
not to scare new people off or annoy the regulars?

Any other points you think I've not covered yet?

Thank you for your patience, ladies and gentlemen. It's not a bad thing
to air grievances and sound each other out every once in a while,
though I *will* get riled if folks make a habit of spouting off their
objections on the list instead of privately! 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Darn_itsme

He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

I agree with Dee on this.  I am very surprised at the way this thread was 
handled by the members of this list.  I noticed that the person was attacked 
and nothing was really spoken about the message itself.  I happened to be 
very interested in this as my husband came home and told me he heard 
somthing about it on the radio, my son came across a small blurb about it in 
the local newspaper and I found another article from another source in my 
inbox.  Honestly, for the intellagence that is on this list, I was really 
hoping for some useful information since I happen to like feeding my family 
food that won't possibly eventually kill us.  Especially since this popped 
up so quick with no heads up on this action.

I think what disturbs me the most is that people here can make generators 
but not know how it use a delete key even when you say you know you can't 
stand a certain persons posts.  I mean, nobody is *making* anyone read those 

Commenting on the article itself, I don't like Mike Adams and the way he 
writes BUT there is usually some truth to what he writes about and it's up 
to me to figure out what is garage and to disregard it.  At the moment, his 
article continued to back up other sources that showed up all in one day.

I do hope that this list stays pretty much on the same course it has (thank 
you Mike) without all the bickering.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Rowena
Okay, I will put in  my little piece too.  

I've been with the group for a few years now, and was recommended to join after 
I bought my CS generator.  It has not been a disappointment.  Mike is a great 
moderator.  It's nice to feel that pretty much any subject can be raised, that 
there isn't someone in charge who has a strong opinion that weeds out any 
comments that don't fall in line with his own ideas. He will act behind the 
scenes if necessary, though.  And people really helped me get the confidence 
with  my CS making.

We have lost some great members along the way, people in practice or with 
experience, who had very useful input.  And new members have come along.  My 
impression - and I haven't been keeping any vigorous survey - is that while 
people may join and inject a new feel foreign to the existing group for a 
while, they do in time get a feel for the group and kind of fit in.  

I can't keep up with every post all the time, so go largely by the subject 
lines.  So if you don't look after your subject lines appropriately, you may 
not get read.  But at least you got your comment off your chest, and you are 
not taking up valuable archives space, because there aren't any archives.  And 
if anyone was consistently cross they would tend not to get read.

Some groups are tightly moderated and done well and are useful, with watchful 
eyes kindly reminding transgressors of the rules, the manners, the subject 
lines, whatever.  Some are not so much moderated as censored, so your comment 
may not even appear.  This group must be just about the most comfortable there 

"Out there" in forum land there are some nasty characters who have to speak 
contemptuously of others' opinions in one way or another like some sort of 
internet bullies.  We seem to be a pretty friendly bunch, pretty well mannered 
at least.  The character and comments vary over time, as people come and go, 
and people who came to learn about CS and succeeded stay to chat about other 
things too.  I think this is the group where I have had the biggest input on 
the widest range of subjects, and I've appreciated it.  It has led me up many 
different paths, and some of you have consistently turned in posts so valuable 
you have your own box where your posts get preserved. Others of you have your 
posts forwarded to my private little share-circle of health buddies around the 
world, which is the equivalent of having a gold star stuck on your essay; these 
posts are also preserved.  And as various ones remind us - the delete button 
works for when the sheer weight of input gets too much. 

Every now and then I think to myself that I really need to thin out my groups.  
But I know I will stick to my CS group.  Daddybob has a policy whereby even if 
he is not active on a group, he remains a member and looks in every now and 
then.  That's kind of what I do now - when a group gets less interesting, or if 
I feel the weight of posts too great, I set my preferences to no mail so that I 
can look in on the archives from time to time, or start to receive the mail 
again, and can still access any files they may have.  Some groups I don't go 
"no mail" on are the Rife forum, microelectricity, Frex, Crock Lakhovsky and 
now DMSO (again).  And the silver list of course.

Thanks Mike.

Speaking for myself.



Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Faith Gagne

Dear Debbie:

You are discussing everything but Colloidal Silver.  Do you use it?  Do you 
buy it or make it yourself?  Faith G.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

I agree with Dee on this.  I am very surprised at the way this thread was 
handled by the members of this list.  I noticed that the person was 
attacked and nothing was really spoken about the message itself.  I 
happened to be very interested in this as my husband came home and told me 
he heard somthing about it on the radio, my son came across a small blurb 
about it in the local newspaper and I found another article from another 
source in my inbox.  Honestly, for the intellagence that is on this list, 
I was really hoping for some useful information since I happen to like 
feeding my family food that won't possibly eventually kill us.  Especially 
since this popped up so quick with no heads up on this action.

I think what disturbs me the most is that people here can make generators 
but not know how it use a delete key even when you say you know you can't 
stand a certain persons posts.  I mean, nobody is *making* anyone read 
those posts.

Commenting on the article itself, I don't like Mike Adams and the way he 
writes BUT there is usually some truth to what he writes about and it's up 
to me to figure out what is garage and to disregard it.  At the moment, 
his article continued to back up other sources that showed up all in one 

I do hope that this list stays pretty much on the same course it has 
(thank you Mike) without all the bickering.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Darn_itsme
From this list I have learned to buy it, use it and make it myself.  Am I to 

be attacked now?

BTW, I have also been here for years.


- Original Message - 
From: "Faith Gagne" 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

Dear Debbie:

You are discussing everything but Colloidal Silver.  Do you use it?  Do 
you buy it or make it yourself?  Faith G.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

I agree with Dee on this.  I am very surprised at the way this thread was 
handled by the members of this list.  I noticed that the person was 
attacked and nothing was really spoken about the message itself.  I 
happened to be very interested in this as my husband came home and told 
me he heard somthing about it on the radio, my son came across a small 
blurb about it in the local newspaper and I found another article from 
another source in my inbox.  Honestly, for the intellagence that is on 
this list, I was really hoping for some useful information since I happen 
to like feeding my family food that won't possibly eventually kill us. 
Especially since this popped up so quick with no heads up on this action.

I think what disturbs me the most is that people here can make generators 
but not know how it use a delete key even when you say you know you can't 
stand a certain persons posts.  I mean, nobody is *making* anyone read 
those posts.

Commenting on the article itself, I don't like Mike Adams and the way he 
writes BUT there is usually some truth to what he writes about and it's 
up to me to figure out what is garage and to disregard it.  At the 
moment, his article continued to back up other sources that showed up all 
in one day.

I do hope that this list stays pretty much on the same course it has 
(thank you Mike) without all the bickering.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Helen Martin

well..  I don't have time to edit this list of all the off topic
stuff..   because people refuse to actually use the subject
line properly you can't just wholesale delete..  
 I'm have many other responsibilities in my life..  I came here
to learn about CS, not every other alternative health idea that comes to
somebodies head..  
so, I'm gone..   again...
thanks to the folks who have actually taught me about CS...

Helen Martin
Nanaimo, BC Vancouver Island, Canada


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Starshar
Hi gang,

I've been on this list "forever", except for the long period of time when 
Comcast blocked it (stifling rant on that topic).

I love this list! I think we have the best moderator on the 'net-kudos to 
you, Mike!

I love getting all the varied bits of info that you nice people throw out for 
all the rest of us.

And, yes, I do get a little crazed now and then when the "off topic" gets 
overwhelming. When my keyboard needs to be replaced, it will be because of the 
death of the delete key first.

I have been on other lists where the moderation got so tight that the list 
eventually just died out. I hate to see that happen!

Mike seems to step in when the heat gets quite high, and he manages to be so 
tactful that almost anyone can hang in there peacefully.

If this were a referendum, I'd vote to keep the list as is-just reminding 
others about that wonderful little key called "delete"!

Just my 1+1/2 cents worth,


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread marmar845

Well, I've been mulling this over -- and for me, I guess I've come to the conclusion that I pretty much like the list the way that it is.    I agree that it's easy for a list to become stagnant if there's too much restriction of topic matter, and I think that the current rules and regs pretty well keep things under control.  But I do understand David's position, and actually agree with his points regarding Kurt's posts -- but it's an easy matter to solve.  David, if I understand you correctly, it's only Kurt's posts that bug you, yes?  So when you open your inbox, you can check for and delete all of Kurt's incoming email.  That way you don't have to read it.  Or better yet, you can set your email program to block all of Kurt's mail so that it doesn't get into your inbox to begin with.  Problem solved.  I think that's more reasonable than asking Mike to spend ever more time trying to meet all of our individual needs.  I do think that we all can do a better job of changing the subject line when we respond to posts and the subject matter is morphing.  That way folks can more easily delete posts in their inbox in which they have no interest.  I guess where this is leading me is that as list members we need to accept the responsibility for our own use of and participation in the list, rather than asking Mike to do it for us.  MA
-- Original message from David Bearrow : -- > Sir, > > It was not my intent to start a firestorm. For that I apologize. > Perhaps my blood sugar was a little low and I got cranky and > responded too quickly to Kurt's email. Normally I would wait a day > before hitting the send button and likely or not I wouldn't have sent > it or I would have heavily edited it. > > I think perhaps I did not put across exactly why I think that post > should not be on this list. There are certain conspiracy theories out > there that have a small basis in fact but then take the facts and > extrapolate out until they make good science fiction plots but are no > longer factual. Kurt invariably likes to copy and paste from websites > devoted to these conspiracy theories and post them to the list. I do > not mind the off topic health type questions. But Kurt does not post > questions, he proselytizes like a politician or priest about subjects > that cause division where ever they are discussed. If, in the course > of answering health related questions, those topics Kurt loves happen > to come up and in his own words he discussed them in relation to the > question then I would not object. Indeed, I would likely respond with > a counterpoint post. But it is his method to drop a copy/paste email > bomb out of the blue not in response to any current threads. This > type of post is not conducive to the conversation. One cannot create > a counter post as you would not be talking to the poster but to the > person who wrote the website Kurt is copying and pasting from and > that person will never see the counter post. > > If you have saved all the posts do a sort on kmilkowski. He started > posting 9-14-07. He consistently posts off topic about his 3 favorite > pet conspiracy theories chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food > supplies, which have nothing to do with our current conversations. He > usually starts these as new threads and pulls the list way out there > into science fiction land. > > I think your existing policies are good and don't need changing. My > beef is with Kurts obsession with conspiracy theories about > chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food supplies and his need to > share that obsession with us over and over and his method of sharing > which excludes argument.  

Re: CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.

2008-08-24 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Faith Gagne,

Your post accused me of "hyping this to the skies and you are way WAY out of 

You wrote, "Secondly, Whoever heard of door to door searches in this country 
looking for a product that is no longer on the market?"

If you re-read my original post you will see that I wrote, 

"I do not think that your generators would be confiscated, nor will there be 
door to door searches."  

In what part of this sentence did I commit the crime of either fabrication or 
fear mongering? I believe you misread my sentence in haste.

You also wrote, "First of all, this is far from being a done deal."

I stated this in my email to the list that the ruling will not occur until 
March 2009.

However, let's look at the facts:

1. Multiple organizations are petitioning the EPA with resources into the 
millions of dollars.  These organizations have lawyers, public relations teams, 
newsletters, internet websites, access to the media. 

2. Speaking of the media, remember Paul Karason of the Today Show, People 
Magazine, and Oprah fame. Let's not forget the ABC news report that started 
this back in December which was shown multiple times on ABC, CNN, Fox Cable 
news.  Have you seen a rebuttal or anyone connected to Colloidal Silver being 
given anytime, let alone equal time, on any of the above shows or stations?

3. The average person in the US is not enlightened to the benefits of Colloidal 
Silver, even less so after the Mr. Karason's more than 15 minutes of fame.  If 
10 million is truly representative number of CS users in the US from all 
sources, (some say the number is underestimated, others say its inflated) then 
294,959,019 people in the US are not taking Colloidal Silver. The majority of 
these individuals watch TV. What conclusions do you think they will draw?

4. The Manufacturers of CS bottles and Generators do not have the resources, 
financial backing, or or even an organization to fight this petition to EPA. In 
fact most of these companies are barely on speaking terms with one another.  

5. The Natural Products Association (Health Food manufacturers, wholesalers, 
and retailers organization) isn't going to be too concerned as Colloidal Silver 
isn't a big seller, CS already has a final ruling by the FDA which restricts 
the information to CS as "mineral supplement" (nothing more) and all Vitamin 
and Supplement sales is not endangered.

6. How many small companies can afford an EPA environmental impact report? (Let 
alone paying for the "science" to prove that Silver does not kill or impact 
beneficial bacterial, piscine, or mammalian life. Have you ever seen an EPA 
environmental impact report? The small ones are the size of multiple phone 
books for New York City or Los Angeles. And these only concern building a 
road.) One would require the deep pockets of a big drug company or 
multinational corporation for these expenses.

The EPA is taking this seriously. The EPA on their website is currently 
soliciting manufacturers to register "pesticides" and pesticide devices with 
links for assistance and to an Ombudsman.

Although Colloidal Silver is the target, "Nanotechnology Dangers" will be the 
Headlines. People either resist or fear new technology. Sometimes rightfully 
so. Irradiation of food, rBST in milk, microwaves from cellphones, Nuclear 
Energy, etc, sometimes unwarrantably, "If man was meant to fly , he would have 
wings.  The human body cannot withstand speeds over 25 miles per hour. If you 
sail to far you will fall of the edge of the earth."   (Or well two out of 
three isn't bad).

You wrote, "Evidently this "Ph.D" knows nothing about CS."

This is quite true, however, this "Ph.D" would be considered a credible witness 
on the basis of his schooling and advanced degree. Truth and Logic do not 
necessarily triumph in a Courtroom situation (reasonable doubt) or in a 
government regulatory hearing.  How many Ph.D's will be singing the praises of 
Colloidal Silver?  

There is at least one study which infers that Nano Silver is harmful to brain 
cells. The is one published paper that multiple Doctors conclude a man in his 
70's developed status epilecticus and died 5 months later from using Colloidal 
Silver among other supplements for 4 months. (I can find fault with the study, 
but I am not 4 doctors, ergo an incompetent witness.)

Also do you think a Government Bureaucracy which recently extended its realm 
into Nano Silver Regulation is likely to reverse itself and abandon its new 
acquisition? Hardly likely. The ATF fought the FDA over tobacco control for 
decades. Do you think the EPA will not enforce its regulation of Silver as a 

Also thanks to our friends at FOE (friends of the earth) are also petitioning 
the FDA to as to Nanotechnology. In this case, there is some validity in Nano 
Sunscreens, but OT I have seen reports on the relationship of increased 
Melanoma incidences from regular Sunscreen use.

Both Petitions want NanoTech to be halted until prove

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread Peter Converse

Well said Debbie,

The bickering, bickering and more bickering is a waste of energy, time and 
thought; profiting no one.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so
whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee

I agree with Dee on this.  I am very surprised at the way this thread was 
handled by the members of this list.  I noticed that the person was 
attacked and nothing was really spoken about the message itself.  I 
happened to be very interested in this as my husband came home and told me 
he heard somthing about it on the radio, my son came across a small blurb 
about it in the local newspaper and I found another article from another 
source in my inbox.  Honestly, for the intellagence that is on this list, 
I was really hoping for some useful information since I happen to like 
feeding my family food that won't possibly eventually kill us.  Especially 
since this popped up so quick with no heads up on this action.

I think what disturbs me the most is that people here can make generators 
but not know how it use a delete key even when you say you know you can't 
stand a certain persons posts.  I mean, nobody is *making* anyone read 
those posts.

Commenting on the article itself, I don't like Mike Adams and the way he 
writes BUT there is usually some truth to what he writes about and it's up 
to me to figure out what is garage and to disregard it.  At the moment, 
his article continued to back up other sources that showed up all in one 

I do hope that this list stays pretty much on the same course it has 
(thank you Mike) without all the bickering.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>What to Delete and What to NOT delete

2008-08-24 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Starshar,

At 11:02 AM 8/24/2008, you wrote:
And, yes, I do get a little crazed now and then when the "off topic" 
gets overwhelming. When my keyboard needs to be replaced, it will be 
because of the death of the delete key first.

  My delete key should last 100 years.

  I do not delete anything,  Except,

  The one line messages

  and the Half line messages

  That quote 59 lines and 20 to 30,000 bytes that have been often 
quoted, 2, 3, or 5 times.

   ( there is no excuse under the sun for that )

  I do not want that CRAP in my archives.

   Changing the subject and trimming the posts, .. would 
make the list better and help those people whose  "IN" Box is Stuffed.

   Back to the daily chores..  Staying Dry is number one.  



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.

2008-08-24 Thread Sam L.
Hi Faith.

I thought Steve did a great job of the post. He was very carefull in the way
that he wrote it as to not inject his own ideas but to stay on the facts and
he also backed them up with links. He probably spent a great deal of his
time on that post. Other people had asked questions on that subject and also
for links.

As mentioned before all of us have a delete key, just because some one
doesnt agree with a post doesnt give them the right to attack. It does
however give them the right to delete the post.

My therory is 

Sam L

On Sun, Aug 24, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Faith Gagne  wrote:

> - Original Message - From: "Steven Foss" 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 2:32 AM
> Subject: CS>EPA to Ban CS and CS generators as Pesticides.
> Dear Silver List,
> Here are some links to websites on this issue. The CTA and FOE (Center for
> Technology Assessment and Friends of the Earth) are making a big issue over
> Nano Technology.)
> However, in the case of the CTA the Nano Technology is only Silver, and the
> hit list contains a number of bottle Colloidal Silvers including Sovereign
> Silver and Meso Silver among Silver Socks and Cosmetics, etc.
> I do not think that your generators would be confiscated, nor will there be
> door to door searches.  However, if you have any plans of purchasing
> additional Colloidal Silver Generators after the EPA ruling you may be
> disappointed. The Colloidal Silver Generator may go the way of the Rife
> Machine. It is illegal to purchase a Rife Machine in California.
> Dear Mr. Foss:
> You are hyping this to the skies and you are way WAY out of line.
> First of all, this is far from being a done deal.  (One of the Ph.D '
> health scientists' writes in one of these articles that nano silver that is
> washed down the drain may get into the environment (as if people are not the
> environment)  and kill fish and other animals.  Huh?  Evidently this "Ph.D"
> knows nothing about CS.  I emailed that group and told them that a Ph.D
> after one's name does not stand for education (anymore).  We should all
> start emailing these groups and telling them that they are poorly informed
> and to look elsewhere to entertain themselves.
> Secondly, Whoever heard of door to door searches in this country looking
> for a product that is no longer on the market?   This is ridiculous and
> FABRICATED fear mongering.  You get a big fat Zero Flunk!
> Faith G.
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org
> To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to
everything you have. Google Ron Paul

CS>Use OF Silver

2008-08-24 Thread Donna Gros
With the use of Silver being of the increase in the hospitals for use in so 
many areas and it also has been used with burn patients over the years in the 
burn centers. I feel that the use of silver will never be banned.  The medical 
field has found that it has been very useful.   My question to others  after 
knowing this info is why would the hospitals with their use and also the help 
healing critical burn patients let silver be banned from use?   Working in the 
emergency medical field for a good may years and also knowledge with my 
son-in-law in medical supplies with a very large hospital I do have this 
knowledge that the increase is on the rise with the use of CS and  my feelings 
that the hospitals will fully support the use of silver even in the medical 

I just had to add this to let others know that  for me I feel that a ban on 
silver really is out of the question.   Door to door   I just really had a good 
laugh from that and know this will never ever happen.  

I really  question about our government trying to reduce the population.   Just 
think about this for a minute.  We the working people  are supporting the rich 
which includes anyone working in the government.  If population is reduced  
more than normal deaths due to Dr. messing up and meds giving and causing more 
problems than the reason they had been taking the Rx  for in the first place 
why would they want less working people???  Just think about this  for a while 
and I'm sure you will understand what I'm talking about.  

The only thing that is involved is  the  be MMoney!!  Supply and demand and 
anyone treating theirselves naturally always reduces the demand on the meds 
being sold.  

Sorry everyone  I'm a very simple thinking person and this I know is the bottom 
line of this world we now live in, but to reduce the population means less 
money coming in for the rich! Bottom-line and this they don't want to do now or 
in the future.  The more people working  the more money  the government gets 
and with the sick go with the convention way of healing through RX and the Drs. 
they keep getting richer also.   

Just mo opinion but so simple to understand. hagd and a great week 
everyone!!Donna, Pa. 

CS>You've got to love the Federal Government!

2008-08-24 Thread Carole Coffman
On a lighter note and to keep this thread on topic (well it's about water 
anyway!) I thought I would post this joke...

A Department of Water Resources representative stops at a Texas ranch and talks 
with an old rancher.
He tells the rancher, I need to inspect your ranch for your water allocation.
The old rancher says, 'Okay, but don't go in that field over there.
The Water representative says, 'Mister, I have the authority of the Federal 
Government with me. See this card? This card means I am allowed to go WHEREVER 
I WISH on any agricultural land. No questions asked or answered. Have I made 
myself clear? Do you understand?'
The old rancher nods politely and goes about his chores.
Later, the old rancher hears loud screams and spies the Water Rep running for 
his life and close behind is the rancher's bull. The bull is gaining with every 
step. The Rep is clearly terrified, So the old rancher immediately throws down 
his tools, runs to the fence and yells at the top of his lungs.“Your card! 
Show him Your card!!”

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread cking001
Hey Mike!
Cut the silverlist traffic by a third by starting another sub-list.
Call it the "Bitch-Box"...
For ALL complaints.


Most people want to serve God, but only in an advisory position.

On 8/24/2008 12:58:12 AM, M. G. Devour (mdev...@eskimo.com) wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Thank you for sharing your opinions, as I requested. I hope that those
> that are threatening to leave will hang around long enough to see the
> end of this discussion and take part in forming its results.
> A number of quite interesting points are being made, and others are
> being demonstrated, although not by
> anyone's specific remarks...
> One of the latter points this discussion shows, confirming over a
> decade of experience for me, is that our group has been and always will
> be divided between those who want more free-flowing discussion and
> others who want us to remain closer to the topic -- and neither group
> will ever be completely satisfied with any compromise that I ever
> strike between the two extremes!
> (Yes, there are folks who are pretty well satisfied in the middle
> ground, too! )
> So, on this first point, please let me offer a few remarks that I hope
> will help everyone understand better what it takes to keep this forum
> even half-way successful in its mission...
> Remember, first of all, that I don't
> see messages before they go out! I
> do all my "moderating" after the fact. I

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG - http://www.avg.com
Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.6.7/1629 - Release Date: 8/23/2008 1:16 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Another list ? Not really !

2008-08-24 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Good Evening Chuck,

At 02:51 PM 8/24/2008, you wrote:

Hey Mike!
Cut the silverlist traffic by a third by starting another sub-list.
Call it the "Bitch-Box"...
For ALL complaints.

  You could do it.

   And you might be better at running it than Mike.   

   You could call it,   "The Chopping Block".

   I don't think I would be needed.

   You might think so.  . Maybe so.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Re Silver and the EPA

2008-08-24 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Donna Gros,

You wrote, 

"With the use of Silver being on the increase in the hospitals for use in so 
many areas and it also has been used with burn patients over the years in the 
burn centers."

Silver's use in medicine is not in question, Silver Nitrate, Silver Chloride, 
and Silver Sulfadiazine (Silver Compounds) are approved drugs which have been 
in use for multiple decades, some 
silver compounds have been in use for nearly a century. Indeed Silver still has 
a place in medicine at least in the US. These drugs are regulated by the FDA.

Where you aware that the European Economic Community banned the use of Silver 
by mouth for medicine prior to 2000? Or that during the year 2000 an EEC 
committee discussed the ban of Silver as a food coloring agent in medicine 
(pill colorants), even though the quantity of Silver contained was so minuscule 
and the cumulative effect to be unlikely to cause harm, just harmonize the by 
mouth medicine rule? 

Contact me personally if you want a PDF copy of the Report.

The EEC ruling isn't very strictly enforced or has EEC's rulings have 
inadequate resources to police its decisions. For example over the counter 
medicine (OTC), a good friend of mine purchases OTC preparations of Colloidal 
Silver, Copper, and Zinc in France as well as Argentum metalicum, a homeopathic 
remedy made from Silver.

"I feel that the use of silver will never be banned."

Silver as used in electronics, jewelry, eating utensils will never be banned. 
These uses are not under question as these are not a Nano Technology issue. 

Nano Silver Particles in Clothes, in Bandages, in carbon water filters, and 
Colloidal Silver (including generators that produce Colloidal Silver)is under 

"My question to others after knowing this info is why would the hospitals with 
their use and also the help healing critical burn patients let silver be banned 
from use?" 

I never said that Silver compounds or FDA approved Silver drugs would be 
banned, nor has the EPA. I was referring to silver in colloidal silver 
preparations (and some other uses) as being banned if not registered and 
approved as pesticides. I presume that not all the subscribers to the Silver 
List have their own colloidal silver generators.

On the other hand Hospitals have little say as to what is used or not used 
other than choosing from FDA approved Drugs, Medical Devices, etc. Use a non 
approved device and the administrators would have liability issue, face losing 
their insurance, or both.

"Working in the emergency medical field for a good may years and also knowledge 
with my son-in-law in medical supplies with a very large hospital I do have 
this knowledge that the increase is on the rise with the use of CS and  my 
feelings that the hospitals will fully support the use of silver even in the 
medical facilities."

Silver use in medical facilities is on the increase and elsewhere in industry, 
but Colloidal Silver per se is not among the Silver used or approved for use in 
Medical Facilities. Silver impregnated dressings which are used for instance 
are among the items listed by the CTA for regulation as "pesticides." 

There is a stabilized Colloidal Silver that has EPA approval for use on Cruise 
Ships for killing a variety of pathogens including Avian Flu virus, Human 
Corona Virus (SARS), MRSA (Antibiotic resistant Staph)on hard surfaces. The 
Dept of Defense also has authorized the use of a Patented stabilized Colloidal 
silver (with Naptha and Formaldehyde, or Moth Balls and Embalming Fluid, both 
Carcinogens) for application against Biological Agents. Both fall under the 
pesticide descriptions.

The 200 odd items that are list by the CTA regulations do include Colloidal 

"Door to door, I just really had a good laugh from that and know this will 
never ever happen."

I had to laugh, too, because my post said the exact opposite. If one takes time 
to read it, you will find that I stated,
"I do not think that your generators would be confiscated, nor will there be 
door to door searches." 

(I am reminded of the game of  telephone we played in grammar school.)

The EPA doesn't have the personnel, nor are they an arm of the Justice Dept. or 
any Law enforcement agency. 

The EPA does have a fine for knowingly selling an unapproved pesticide (or 
pesticide related device). $5,000 per incident. Tell me who would attempt to 
sell generators or CS under such a threat.

I do not think that Silver in all its uses will be banned.  

I definitely believe that Bottle Colloidal Silver retail sales and Colloidal 
Silver Generator sales could be regulated out of existence in the US. 

We will find out in less than eight months.

Best Regards,

Steve Foss



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-of

Re: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

2008-08-24 Thread bbanever
Sadly, this is 100% true.  It has been a policy of the neocons for many years 
to sicken the population and prevent us from taking charge of our health.  The 
sicker we become, the more pharmaceuticals we will consume.  This is a 
conspiracy of Big Pharma and our government.  It is no longer a secret, they 
are openly defying our Constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit 
of happiness.  This is fascism, pure an simple... the marriage of 
multi-national corporations with government.   They want us to be slaves to 
their dangerous and ineffectual products, and they don't care if we die in the 

  - Original Message - 
  From: James McCourt, Ph.D. 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:34 PM
  Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce 
and Other Vegetables

  Massive agricultural corporations with long shipping routes from uninspected 
international countries with lower hygiene standards must destroy food enzymes 
and foreign contaminants so the product won't rot along with their profits. Or 
you could just buy local food and vote for politicians that would enforce our 
antitrust laws.
- Original Message - 
From: Peter Converse 
To: jessie70 ; silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and 
Other Vegetables

Hi All,

Kurt may be off topic but who can say that he is reporting inaccurately? We 
need to wake up and speak up for ourselves and our children!


  - Original Message - 
  From: jessie70 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:24 PM
  Subject: RE: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and 
Other Vegetables

-Original Message-
From: Day Sutton [mailto:day.sut...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:08 PM
To: jwilliams...@cfl.rr.com; agman...@aol.com; Bob Olivier; Cameron 
Sutton; dduf...@aol.com; Elizabeth Grymes; Hannah Coker; Jean Coker; Jim 
Collins; Lisa Ellis; Silver Post
Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and 
Other Vegetables

I'm not having any trouble believing this.  Most of it is already 
happening.  Do some research..  Conspiracy theory ot not, I think we need a 
wake up call now and then..

Think about this: If the FDA has its way:

Â. All your food will be irradiated, pasteurized or killed
Â. All your children will be vaccinated
Â. All your medicine will be based on pharmaceuticals
Â. All your free speech about health will be suppressed
Â. All informative labeling on food and supplements will be outlawed
Â. Growing and selling non-irradiated garden vegetables will become 
a crime! 


If you don't believe the FDA wants the public to be sick then just 
look at the Oncologists, or anything to do with cancer treatment.

Already you can't sell any product other than a pharmaceutical that 
claims to treat or prevent any disease.
This is by design. I believe the FDA wants the American public to 
be sickened and diseased. Why else would they ban Free Speech about healing 
foods like cherries, broccoli and garlic? Why would they outlaw the selling of 
herbs and nutritional supplements that claim to treat and prevent disease? The 
FDA wants you to be sick, enslaved and medicated, and irradiating the food 
supply is the quickest way to accomplish that.


Day Sutton

Re: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

2008-08-24 Thread kmilkowski
Careful there Bob, you don't want to be labeled as" paranoid" do you??? it's 
too late for me!!! LOL

 bbanever  wrote: 
> Sadly, this is 100% true.  It has been a policy of the neocons for many years 
> to sicken the population and prevent us from taking charge of our health.  
> The sicker we become, the more pharmaceuticals we will consume.  This is a 
> conspiracy of Big Pharma and our government.  It is no longer a secret, they 
> are openly defying our Constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit 
> of happiness.  This is fascism, pure an simple... the marriage of 
> multi-national corporations with government.   They want us to be slaves to 
> their dangerous and ineffectual products, and they don't care if we die in 
> the process.   
> Bob
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: James McCourt, Ph.D. 
>   To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
>   Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:34 PM
>   Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, 
> Lettuce and Other Vegetables
>   Massive agricultural corporations with long shipping routes from 
> uninspected international countries with lower hygiene standards must destroy 
> food enzymes and foreign contaminants so the product won't rot along with 
> their profits. Or you could just buy local food and vote for politicians that 
> would enforce our antitrust laws.
> - Original Message - 
> From: Peter Converse 
> To: jessie70 ; silver-list@eskimo.com 
> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 6:51 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and 
> Other Vegetables
> Hi All,
> Kurt may be off topic but who can say that he is reporting inaccurately? 
> We need to wake up and speak up for ourselves and our children!
> Blessings,
> Peter
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: jessie70 
>   To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
>   Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:24 PM
>   Subject: RE: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and 
> Other Vegetables
>   TRUE
> -Original Message-
> From: Day Sutton [mailto:day.sut...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:08 PM
> To: jwilliams...@cfl.rr.com; agman...@aol.com; Bob Olivier; Cameron 
> Sutton; dduf...@aol.com; Elizabeth Grymes; Hannah Coker; Jean Coker; Jim 
> Collins; Lisa Ellis; Silver Post
> Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce 
> and Other Vegetables
> I'm not having any trouble believing this.  Most of it is already 
> happening.  Do some research..  Conspiracy theory ot not, I think we need a 
> wake up call now and then..
> Think about this: If the FDA has its way:
> Â. All your food will be irradiated, pasteurized or killed
> Â. All your children will be vaccinated
> Â. All your medicine will be based on pharmaceuticals
> Â. All your free speech about health will be suppressed
> Â. All informative labeling on food and supplements will be 
> outlawed
> Â. Growing and selling non-irradiated garden vegetables will 
> become a crime! 
> (snip)
> If you don't believe the FDA wants the public to be sick then 
> just look at the Oncologists, or anything to do with cancer treatment.
> Already you can't sell any product other than a pharmaceutical 
> that claims to treat or prevent any disease.
> This is by design. I believe the FDA wants the American public to 
> be sickened and diseased. Why else would they ban Free Speech about healing 
> foods like cherries, broccoli and garlic? Why would they outlaw the selling 
> of herbs and nutritional supplements that claim to treat and prevent disease? 
> The FDA wants you to be sick, enslaved and medicated, and irradiating the 
> food supply is the quickest way to accomplish that.
>   -- 
> Day Sutton
> day.sut...@gmail.com

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>swimmer's ear

2008-08-24 Thread Clayton Family

swimmer's ear is a fungal infection

On Aug 24, 2008, at 7:33 AM, B Magnatta wrote:

Where can I get wire for my generator that I don't know how to make on 
my own yet , lol?

Did you see the meta cafe video about the guy using silver wire, a 
phone jack and lemon juice?

BTW, I GOT an Algea Stick for my pool and I haven't had a problem with 
algea at all!Thanks for the suggestion.  I have used less chlorine, 
but still have problems with swimmer's ear in my one son.

Sincerely, Barb M.

CS>CAREFUL!!! More on Nuked Food

2008-08-24 Thread kmilkowski
Follow up with medical studies on the use of irradiated food. Please DELETE, if 
you find this offensive. Not written by Mike Adams, since there are those that 
seem to have a problem with him. This may help some people discern whether or 
not this is "paranoid" infromation. This is being put up to follow up with more 
evidence, the intention is not to start onother food fight.

"Nuked Food" - The Dangers of Irradiated Food 

 Nuked food is the common term for irradiated food - food which is exposed to 
high level radiation for the purpose of sterilizing it. This high level 
radiation penetrates the food which, as anyone who has paid attention in 
chemistry knows, raises the energy level of the atoms and molecules which the 
food is composed of. This results in myriad "free radicals" - atoms which have 
lost an outer electron due to having absorbed a shot of higher energy. 

And instead of being chemically neutral, such an atom has now become strongly 
attractive. This will break and re-arrange many chemicals bonds in the atoms, 
molecules and chemical compounds of the cells of the food under radiation. So 
much so that the cellular processes of any micro-organisms in the food are 
disrupted, and the micro-organisms in the food are killed.

The cells of micro-organisms live and die by exactly the same chemical laws and 
processes that our cells live by. And if our cells were subjected to the same 
radiation, they would die just as surely.

The idea is that the radiation dissipates, and things return to normal. But we 
have come to know and understand that free radicals form stable compounds that 
are different from the original chemical compounds, and that the free radicals 
and the altered compounds are harmful to us in many, many ways - among them a 
trigger for heart diseases and cancer.

The greatest danger, in my view, is the havoc such free radicals can wreak in 
the delicate chemistry of reproduction, when our cells, or an ova, divide and 
replicate - a cell or an an ovum is about the same size as a micro-organism - 
and in the growth and development of the embryo, when it is acutely vulnerable 
to any abnormalities.

Personally, I cannot understand how people can be so irresponsible to allow and 
apply what is such a powerful free radical creation tool that it kills all 
micro-organisms in the food - micro-organisms which live and die by exactly the 
same chemistry as we do. To me this is incomprehensible.

Here then is a calm and cogent article by an accomplished and respected Cancer 
research scientist, plus a few abstracts (no abstracts were available for many 
more papers) of animal trials done with irradiated food, as listed in the 
Public Archives of the National Library of Medicine.

Original Article:

George L. Tritsch, PhD
Cancer Research Scientist, Roswell Park Memorial Institute, New York State 
Department of Health.

I am speaking as a private citizen, and my opinions are my own, based on 
thirty-three years of experience since my doctorate at Cornell Medical College, 
Rockefeller University and, since 1959, as a cancer research scientist and 
biochemist at Roswell.

I am opposed to consuming irradiated food because of the abundant and 
convincing evidence in the refereed scientific literature that the condensation 
products of the free radicals formed during irradiation produce statistically 
significant increases in carcinogenesis, mutagenesis and cardiovascular disease 
in animals and man. I will not address the reported destruction of vitamins and 
other nutrients (what? - more nutrient deficiencies?; my comment) by 
irradiation because suitable supplementation of the diet can prevent the 
development of such potential deficiencies. However, I cannot protect myself 
from the carcinogenic and other harmful insults to the body placed into the 
food supples and I can see no tangible benefit to be traded for the possible 
increased incidence of malignant disease one to three decades in the future.

Irradiation works by splitting chemical bonds in molecules with high energy 
beams to form ions and free radicals. When sufficient critical bonds are split 
in organisms contaminating a food, the organism is killed. Comparable bonds are 
split in the food. Ions are stable; free radicals contain an unpaired electron 
and are inherently unstable and therefore reactive. How long free radicals 
remain in food treated with a given dose of radiation or the reaction products 
formed in a given food cannot be calculated but must be tested experimentally 
for each food. Different doses of radiation will produce different amounts and 
kinds of products.

The kinds of bonds split in a given molecule are governed by statistical 
considerations. Thus, while most molecules of a given fatty acid, for example, 
may be split in a certain manner, other molecules of the same fatty acid will 
be split differently. A free radic

RE: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

2008-08-24 Thread Carl Deb Charter
I enjoy reading Kurt's posts and find them enjoyable.  If the posts are
on the OT list, then there really shouldn't be a problem.  Also, it's
not just the neocons doing it to us, but the same old "old" cons as well
(just my 2 cents worth!! lol)

-Original Message-
From: bbanever [mailto:bbane...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 6:53 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach,
Lettuce and Other Vegetables

Sadly, this is 100% true.  It has been a policy of the neocons for many
years to sicken the population and prevent us from taking charge of our
health.  The sicker we become, the more pharmaceuticals we will consume.
This is a conspiracy of Big Pharma and our government.  It is no longer
a secret, they are openly defying our Constitutional right to life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  This is fascism, pure an
simple... the marriage of multi-national corporations with government.
They want us to be slaves to their dangerous and ineffectual products,
and they don't care if we die in the process.   

- Original Message - 
From: James   McCourt, Ph.D. 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:34 PM
Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach,
Lettuce and Other Vegetables

Massive agricultural corporations with long shipping routes from
uninspected international countries with lower hygiene standards must
destroy food enzymes and foreign contaminants so the product won't rot
along with their profits. Or you could just buy local food and vote for
politicians that would enforce our antitrust laws.

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Converse   
To: jessie70   ; silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and
Other Vegetables

Hi All,
Kurt may be off topic but who can say that he is reporting inaccurately?
We need to wake up and speak up for ourselves and our children!

- Original Message - 
From: jessie70   
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:24 PM
Subject: RE: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and
Other Vegetables


-Original Message-
From: Day Sutton [mailto:day.sut...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:08 PM
To: jwilliams...@cfl.rr.com; agman...@aol.com; Bob Olivier; Cameron
Sutton; dduf...@aol.com; Elizabeth Grymes; Hannah Coker; Jean Coker; Jim
Collins; Lisa Ellis; Silver Post
Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and
Other Vegetables

I'm not having any trouble believing this.  Most of it is already
happening.  Do some research..  Conspiracy theory ot not, I think we
need a wake up call now and then..

Think about this: If the FDA has its way:

Â. All your food will be irradiated, pasteurized or killed
Â. All your children will be vaccinated
Â. All your medicine will be based on pharmaceuticals
Â. All your free speech about health will be suppressed
Â. All informative labeling on food and supplements will be outlawed
Â. Growing and selling non-irradiated garden vegetables will become a



If you don't believe the FDA wants the public to be sick then just look
at the Oncologists, or anything to do with cancer treatment.


Already you can't sell any product other than a pharmaceutical that
claims to treat or prevent any disease.
This is by design. I believe the FDA wants the American public to be
sickened and diseased. Why else would they ban Free Speech about healing
foods like cherries, broccoli and garlic? Why would they outlaw the
selling of herbs and nutritional supplements that claim to treat and
prevent disease? The FDA wants you to be sick, enslaved and medicated,
and irradiating the food supply is the quickest way to accomplish that.


Day Sutton

RE: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

2008-08-24 Thread kmilkowski
Thanks Deb! :)

 Carl Deb Charter  wrote: 
> I enjoy reading Kurt's posts and find them enjoyable.  If the posts are
> on the OT list, then there really shouldn't be a problem.  Also, it's
> not just the neocons doing it to us, but the same old "old" cons as well
> (just my 2 cents worth!! lol)
> Deb
> -Original Message-
> From: bbanever [mailto:bbane...@earthlink.net] 
> Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 6:53 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach,
> Lettuce and Other Vegetables
> Sadly, this is 100% true.  It has been a policy of the neocons for many
> years to sicken the population and prevent us from taking charge of our
> health.  The sicker we become, the more pharmaceuticals we will consume.
> This is a conspiracy of Big Pharma and our government.  It is no longer
> a secret, they are openly defying our Constitutional right to life,
> liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  This is fascism, pure an
> simple... the marriage of multi-national corporations with government.
> They want us to be slaves to their dangerous and ineffectual products,
> and they don't care if we die in the process.   
> Bob
> - Original Message - 
> From: James   McCourt, Ph.D. 
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:34 PM
> Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach,
> Lettuce and Other Vegetables
> Massive agricultural corporations with long shipping routes from
> uninspected international countries with lower hygiene standards must
> destroy food enzymes and foreign contaminants so the product won't rot
> along with their profits. Or you could just buy local food and vote for
> politicians that would enforce our antitrust laws.
> - Original Message - 
> From: Peter Converse   
> To: jessie70   ; silver-list@eskimo.com 
> Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 6:51 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and
> Other Vegetables
> Hi All,
> Kurt may be off topic but who can say that he is reporting inaccurately?
> We need to wake up and speak up for ourselves and our children!
> Blessings,
> Peter
> - Original Message - 
> From: jessie70   
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:24 PM
> Subject: RE: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and
> Other Vegetables
> -Original Message-
> From: Day Sutton [mailto:day.sut...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:08 PM
> To: jwilliams...@cfl.rr.com; agman...@aol.com; Bob Olivier; Cameron
> Sutton; dduf...@aol.com; Elizabeth Grymes; Hannah Coker; Jean Coker; Jim
> Collins; Lisa Ellis; Silver Post
> Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and
> Other Vegetables
> I'm not having any trouble believing this.  Most of it is already
> happening.  Do some research..  Conspiracy theory ot not, I think we
> need a wake up call now and then..
> Think about this: If the FDA has its way:
> Â. All your food will be irradiated, pasteurized or killed
> Â. All your children will be vaccinated
> Â. All your medicine will be based on pharmaceuticals
> Â. All your free speech about health will be suppressed
> Â. All informative labeling on food and supplements will be outlawed
> Â. Growing and selling non-irradiated garden vegetables will become a
> crime! 
> (snip)
> If you don't believe the FDA wants the public to be sick then just look
> at the Oncologists, or anything to do with cancer treatment.
> Already you can't sell any product other than a pharmaceutical that
> claims to treat or prevent any disease.
> This is by design. I believe the FDA wants the American public to be
> sickened and diseased. Why else would they ban Free Speech about healing
> foods like cherries, broccoli and garlic? Why would they outlaw the
> selling of herbs and nutritional supplements that claim to treat and
> prevent disease? The FDA wants you to be sick, enslaved and medicated,
> and irradiating the food supply is the quickest way to accomplish that.
> -- 
> Day Sutton
> day.sut...@gmail.com

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread kmilkowski
Thanks Dee!! :)

 dee  wrote: 
> I go along with all that you say Mike, and appreciate your tolerance to 
> OT subjects.  I for one am  only on *this*  list (and silverpets) and 
> because it *is* an alternative health list (when did *your* doctor 
> prescribe CS?) it is the only place I feel there may be someone with 
> enough knowledge or experience to help with other alternative health 
> matters.  I am therefore grateful that these questions are allowed.  I 
> also like to hear from people like Kurt  because who knows what is going 
> on out there, and I for one like to be kept informed about what could be 
> happening.  He does not go on about what he posts, but others do, so 
> whose fault is it that the thread gets carried on?  I suppose the answer 
> is as always, moderation (no pun intended)  in all things.  dee
> M. G. Devour wrote:
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > Thank you for sharing your opinions, as I requested. I hope
> >  that those 
> > that are threatening to leave will hang around long enough to see
> >  the 
> > end of this discussion and take part in forming its results.
> >
> > A
> >  number of quite interesting points are being made, and others are 
> > being
> >  demonstrated, although not by anyone's specific remarks...
> >
> > One of the latter
> >  points this discussion shows, confirming over a 
> > decade of experience for me,
> >  is that our group has been and always will 
> > be divided between those who
> >  want more free-flowing discussion and 
> > others who want us to remain closer
> >  to the topic -- and neither group 
> > will ever be completely satisfied with
> >  any compromise that I ever 
> > strike between the two extremes! 
> >
> > (Yes, there
> >  are folks who are pretty well satisfied in the middle 
> > ground, too! )
> >   
> >
> > So, on this first point, please let me offer a few remarks that I hope
> >  
> > will help everyone understand better what it takes to keep this forum 
> > even half-way successful in its mission...
> >
> >
> > Remember,
> >  first of all, that I don't see messages before they go out! I 
> > do all my
> >  "moderating" after the fact. I depend on EACH OF YOU to 
> > regulate your own
> >  behavior, consistent with the list rules and the 
> > culture I try to instill
> >  in the membership by public guidance and 
> > private coaching. Your
> >  self-control is the price I demand of you for 
> > the privelege of staying in the group. 
> >  
> >
> > Next, one of the very first things I learned when I took over ownership
> >  
> > of the list is that I would NEVER be allowed to stop ALL off-topic 
> > posting if our group were going to continue to accomplish what we 
> > should and
> >  could with our efforts. Here's why:
> >
> > Inevitably, easily half the questions
> >  people will ask have a non-CS 
> > related component: "Will CS cure...?" "My
> >  friend has ... will CS help?" 
> > "Does anybody know anything to do for ...?
> >  Whether CS is useful in each 
> > case or not, a lot of the time there are
> >  non-CS-related answers that 
> > these people need and deserve to hear. I've never
> >  prohibited non-CS-
> > related information that might be able to HELP somebody.
> >
> > Other questions people ask have no relationship to CS to begin with, 
> > yet
> >  are obviously important or urgent for them, and frequently 
> > interesting to
> >  many of the rest of us.
> >
> > The guideline for these worthwhile off-topic
> >  discussions? Make them 
> > fairly brief, a day or two, giving out basic information
> >  and pointers 
> > to other resources so folks can continue their research
> >  elsewhere.
> >
> > For me to re-evaluate this fundamenal aspect of the list would
> >  require 
> > some pretty convincing arguments. Many members have just finished 
> > saying how much valuable stuff they've learned from the group on topics 
> > besides CS. I would not want those questions to go unanswered.
> >
> > Another point to
> >  consider is the members' responsibility to mold the 
> > discussion to their
> >  own needs. All new members are urged (in the 
> > instructions they receive upon
> >  joining) to ASK QUESTIONS in order to 
> > get the conversation moving in a
> >  direction that will help them. When 
> > they do this they normally get answers.
> >  If they don't, the conversation 
> > moves on without them.
> >
> > This is not an
> >  organized lecture series, where you can sit back 
> > passively and have all
> >  your questions answered, but rather more like a 
> > cocktail party, with folks
> >  milling around and talking amongst 
> > themselves. Anyone who wants to pick up
> >  the microphone and ask a 
> > question about the main topic is welcome to do so,
> >  and they'll get 
> > plenty of help as long as they need it.
> >
> > If I demanded
> >  that everybody sit quietly until somebody asks a proper 
> > question, it would
> >  be a very different place, and I think we'd lose a 
> > whole lot mor

Re: CS>CAREFUL!!! More on Nuked Food

2008-08-24 Thread Clayton Family


No one in their right mind would want to eat irradiated food- if they 
know it. However, there is a huge difference in the presentation of 
this article and the other articles you have been posting.

On Aug 24, 2008, at 8:05 PM,  wrote:

Follow up with medical studies on the use of irradiated food. Please 
DELETE, if you find this offensive. Not written by Mike Adams, since 
there are those that seem to have a problem with him. This may help 
some people discern whether or not this is "paranoid" infromation. 
This is being put up to follow up with more evidence, the intention is 
not to start onother food fight.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CAREFUL!!! More on Nuked Food

2008-08-24 Thread kmilkowski
If I ever meet anybody in thier right mind I'll be shocked! Everybody here 
knows I'm not. :)
Thanks though!
[this is meant as a joke, all but the part reffering to myself]
 Clayton Family  wrote: 
> Kurt,
> No one in their right mind would want to eat irradiated food- if they 
> know it. However, there is a huge difference in the presentation of 
> this article and the other articles you have been posting.
> On Aug 24, 2008, at 8:05 PM,  wrote:
> > Follow up with medical studies on the use of irradiated food. Please 
> > DELETE, if you find this offensive. Not written by Mike Adams, since 
> > there are those that seem to have a problem with him. This may help 
> > some people discern whether or not this is "paranoid" infromation. 
> > This is being put up to follow up with more evidence, the intention is 
> > not to start onother food fight.
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other Vegetables

2008-08-24 Thread Terry
I find them repetitious.

-Original Message-
From: Carl Deb Charter [mailto:carl...@charter.net] 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 6:18 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach,
Lettuce and Other Vegetables

I enjoy reading Kurt's posts and find them enjoyable.  If the posts are on
the OT list, then there really shouldn't be a problem.  Also, it's not just
the neocons doing it to us, but the same old "old" cons as well (just my 2
cents worth!! lol)

-Original Message-
From: bbanever [mailto:bbane...@earthlink.net] 
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2008 6:53 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach,
Lettuce and Other Vegetables

Sadly, this is 100% true.  It has been a policy of the neocons for many
years to sicken the population and prevent us from taking charge of our
health.  The sicker we become, the more pharmaceuticals we will consume.
This is a conspiracy of Big Pharma and our government.  It is no longer a
secret, they are openly defying our Constitutional right to life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness.  This is fascism, pure an simple... the
marriage of multi-national corporations with government.   They want us to
be slaves to their dangerous and ineffectual products, and they don't care
if we die in the process.   

- Original Message - 
From: James   McCourt, Ph.D. 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:34 PM
Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce
and Other Vegetables

Massive agricultural corporations with long shipping routes from uninspected
international countries with lower hygiene standards must destroy food
enzymes and foreign contaminants so the product won't rot along with their
profits. Or you could just buy local food and vote for politicians that
would enforce our antitrust laws.

- Original Message - 
From: Peter Converse   
To: jessie70   ; silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other

Hi All,
Kurt may be off topic but who can say that he is reporting inaccurately? We
need to wake up and speak up for ourselves and our children!

- Original Message - 
From: jessie70   
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:24 PM
Subject: RE: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other


-Original Message-
From: Day Sutton [mailto:day.sut...@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 6:08 PM
To: jwilliams...@cfl.rr.com; agman...@aol.com; Bob Olivier; Cameron Sutton;
dduf...@aol.com; Elizabeth Grymes; Hannah Coker; Jean Coker; Jim Collins;
Lisa Ellis; Silver Post
Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and Other

I'm not having any trouble believing this.  Most of it is already happening.
Do some research..  Conspiracy theory ot not, I think we need a wake up call
now and then..

Think about this: If the FDA has its way:

Â. All your food will be irradiated, pasteurized or killed
Â. All your children will be vaccinated
Â. All your medicine will be based on pharmaceuticals
Â. All your free speech about health will be suppressed
Â. All informative labeling on food and supplements will be outlawed
Â. Growing and selling non-irradiated garden vegetables will become a crime!



If you don't believe the FDA wants the public to be sick then just look at
the Oncologists, or anything to do with cancer treatment.


Already you can't sell any product other than a pharmaceutical that claims
to treat or prevent any disease.
This is by design. I believe the FDA wants the American public to be
sickened and diseased. Why else would they ban Free Speech about healing
foods like cherries, broccoli and garlic? Why would they outlaw the selling
of herbs and nutritional supplements that claim to treat and prevent
disease? The FDA wants you to be sick, enslaved and medicated, and
irradiating the food supply is the quickest way to accomplish that.


Day Sutton

Re: CS>CAREFUL!!! More on Nuked Food

2008-08-24 Thread marmar845

Kurt!  You have a sense of humor!!  Who knew  lol   MA
P.S.  Love your new subject lines!  :-D
-- Original message from : -- Follow up with medical studies on the use of irradiated food. Please DELETE, if you find this offensive. Not written by Mike Adams, since there are those that seem to have a problem with him. This may help some people discern whether or not this is "paranoid" infromation. This is being put up to follow up with more evidence, the intention is not to start onother food fight.  

Re: CS>CAREFUL!!! More on Nuked Food

2008-08-24 Thread kmilkowski
Thanks! That all depends on who you talk to.

 marmar...@bellsouth.net wrote: 
> Kurt!  You have a sense of humor!!  Who knew  lol   MA
> P.S.  Love your new subject lines!  :-D
> -- Original message from : -- 
> Follow up with medical studies on the use of irradiated food. Please DELETE, 
> if you find this offensive. Not written by Mike Adams, since there are those 
> that seem to have a problem with him. This may help some people discern 
> whether or not this is "paranoid" infromation. This is being put up to follow 
> up with more evidence, the intention is not to start onother food fight. 

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Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Food Irradiation OT

2008-08-24 Thread Steven Foss
Dear Silver List,

I have posted some comments on food irradiation at 
silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com for those who are interested.


Steve Foss


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Old news, Still Important, when It is different

2008-08-24 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Morning Deb,

>> At 08:18 PM 8/24/2008, you wrote:
I enjoy reading Kurt's posts and find them enjoyable.  If the posts 
are on the OT list, then there really shouldn't be a problem.

   I do not think you know of which you speak.

   Many of them belong here.   Food and health related items, and 
deadly legislation,

Seems to me, .. to relate to health and longevity.

 Also, it's not just the neocons doing it to us, but the same old 
"old" cons as well (just my 2 cents worth!! lol)

   Not exactly the same old stuff.  Some of it has new twists, and 
new research.

   And if you think,"The Minority shall Rule", you are in the 
wrong country.

   Sometimes posting old stuff is important for the younger people,

   Too bad I am not one of them.



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Official Griping Time ( My Turn )

2008-08-24 Thread Wayne Fugitt

I guess I am entitled to ONE small grip, considering the others are 
large and often unjustified.

Mine is Totally Justified, with facts to back it up.

Wasted Bandwidth

Wasted Disk Space

It stuffs some peoples "IN BOX" .   (  Heaven Forbid. )

What do you call it ?   Three Guesses.

  "Trimming the Posts".

Now the byte count of the message.

It quoted all of Dee's message and all of Mikes message.

I believe it was Mikes long message that had been quoted TWICE.
( likely if I checked all messages,  it was quoted 20 times. )

So I would deduct that some have worn out the delete key deleting 
Kurt's and my messages.

Do you really want to know the byte count?

19 bytes written in the message.( Thanks Dee!! :)
   That is all the written message,  the (  )  are mine added.

Total message size.  10,217 bytes.   is that enough ?

That included the message header, and in both numbers, the end of file marker,
but no other "High order characters" that I could see. ( Plain Jane 
ASCII File, some call a text file )

That 10,217 bytes included the silver list signature also.

The list signature file often that exists in the quoted text,
Two or three times or more.

It is not a big task, no hill to climb, just like changing the subject line.

Plus,  A Very Big PLUS, .. when you do this right, 
you are not helping yourself so much

as you are helping Others, . ALL of the members.

Is that not what we want to do ?

I do not mention this often.  I have seen a few others mentions 
it.  And thanks to them.

But I seriously believe my gripe is more justified than some of the others.

At least I offer the Facts and Reasons.. 

Back to the wood shed, chopping wood.


Almost forgot, the ratio of written to quoted, is  537

( actually SENT is slightly different that quoted.  I used quoted, 
but is really is SENT. )

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Address Off-Topic messages to: silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour