Re: CSdifference of opinions

2009-10-06 Thread M. G. Devour
 ... I make my own as the
 good doctor instructed but I am concerned that possibly the silver that
 I make is less effective than the many retail products that I read of
 and  that always discount the value of the home prepared silver. 

Welcome Dave,

If you're following Beck's protocol for making silver there might be 
some things you can do to update your method. The general consensus 
these days is to *NOT* use any kind of starter to speed up the process 
except for maybe leaving some of the previous batch in the jar. 

Some of our local experts have determined that limiting the current 
density at the electrode surface will prevent agglomeration, keeping 
the particle size low and promoting the ionic component up to the 
solubility limits of silver in the water.

The result is clear, colorless, with a faint Tyndall effect, and 

Let us know how you're making it and we'll be able to suggest specifics 
for your setup. (Voltage, current, electrode geometry, timing, 
temperature, whatever else you think describes your recipe...)

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Ode Coyote

  Your EIS generator makes Alkaline water in equal proportion to silver ions.

 Date 2006
 Upon looking into Alkaline water and the machines used to make it, it 
appears that the process is similar to making EIS, but the [hydronium?] 
ions and hydroxyl anions are kept apart by use of a membrane interface. 
Alkaline water is said to have a bitter flavor.

 To see if that's the case, I ran a quick and dirty experiment:

 Setup: Two tall narrow glass jiggers set side by side with distilled 
water in each and a loop of stainless steel welding rod between them to 
make an electrical connection.
 Placed the silver electrodes of a generator, [DC output mode] each one in 
each jigger, not touching the stainless loop connector and ran the 
arrangement for a while.

 [I don't see *why* that would actually work, but it apparently did...]
 Removed everything, tasted the water.  One had metallic flavor, the other 
Added a drop H2O2 to each jigger, one flashed brown [silver ions], the 
other had no effect [no silver ions]
Conclusion: [**] Very fresh CS is made of Alkaline water and free silver 
ions. Alkaline water is water that is high in Hydroxyl radicals but doesn't 
have opposite charged ions to neutralize it. [??] Alkaline water 
supposedly oxygenates the blood and acts like a free radical scavenger. [As 
does, supposedly, Ozone  and Peroxide therapy, all of which have similar 
radical Oxygen dangle atoms...O1 vs the normal O2]

Date 2009
 Possibly Faulty memory seems to recall the use of salt in Alky water makers

Least-ways, in *this* one...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you need to add minerals, and what kind?
A: Yes, minerals are required in order for the ionizer to work. I have 
found that the most effective mineral to add is salt. Salt is needed to 
make the water conductive so that the ionizer will work.

Ohhh Kay.
If salt is used, one electrode makes Hypochlorus acid and the other, sodium 
hydroxide [Lye] which will definitely make that water Alkaline.
 From the handy dandy household cleaner article that sheds light on what 
blood electrifiers aka Zappers, might actually be doing. [Controllable 
Electro-Chemo-Therapy? or an MMS analog with an antidote right around the 
corner...not a blood electrolizer but a blood electro-chemicalizer, cuz 
blood is bloody salty]

..easier to just add a few Lye crystals to water. [And turn it into salt 
water when it hits the ole tummy]


At 12:37 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Hi Marshall,

Can you tell me how you make alkalized water? I think my pH is way off too
and I'm interested in getting squared away!



-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing

Well, my wife and I have been using the alkalized water now for about a
week I guess.  She has also gotten all the green stuff to go with the
diet, and is eating mostly alkaline foods.  Her pH has gone from 5.5 to
6.0/6.25 range first thing in the morning. Mine went from 6.75 to 8
yesterday, which is too alkaline, so I switched back to eating more acid
foods, but this morning it is 8.5, which is way too alkaline.  I am
going to have to start drinking untreated water, to try and get back in
balance.  However it seems that her insomnia has gone away as well as
most of her pains.


Dianne France wrote:

 I really hope you will keep us updated on the results.  Wish the best
 for your wife.  I am also diabetic and have to watch but think I am
 holding my own right now.  Would love to rid myself of this disease.

 I think the better fats help.  Since everyone has gone to the canola
 oils etc. I think there is more incidence of the disease.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSilver list at Eskimo

2009-10-06 Thread Ode Coyote's not my list...I've just been on it a long time.
..and have lots of crazy ideas.
Some half baked, a few over toasted...with the occasional accident that 
works. [wink]

It's Mike Devours list.


At 09:42 AM 10/5/2009 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Nessie and other Appriciated members! I'm a new member. But have found 
very needful info on this site! Ode is a wonderful man. But terribly 
buisy! I am asking that the members that also have CS usage help Ode keep 
this list going. I'm a retired Intel comp. tech. with qwite a lot of time 
help. But don't have the aquired knowledge that you have. So if any of you 
would like to get together on e-mail. Then let's see what we can do! 
Regards, Larry

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-10-06 Thread Ode Coyote

  You can turn blue from over consumption of ANY sort of silver 
preparation...but even worse case, it's extremely rare.
 The problem that the few have had using home made CS [EIS] is that they 
had zero idea how strong they made it, [the commonly 
parroted   instructions of 1PPM per Minute is simply not true, ESPECIALLY 
if you used salt or tap water ] used a LOT of it and were one out of those 
several thousand that had an abnormal metals elimination system.

Byron J. Richards [founder of Wellness Resources] sells colloidal silver 
[MSP] and so has a reason to DIS a much safer and more effective DIRT CHEAP 
home made product.

Colloidal Silver

   * Pharmaceutical grade mild silver protein
   * Superior quality and concentration

Wellness Resources® Colloidal Silver is a high-grade mild silver protein 
nutritional supplement.

$27.20 for 4 Oz

PS  He plagiarized most of that article from the [Copy wronged] Parrots 
Union archives.


At 06:58 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I read this article and it's quite interesting: however, it bothered me to
read the following excerpt:

The issue is complicated by the fact that not all colloidal silver products
are of the same quality. Products made at home or by the use of electrical
charges to ionize and suspend the silver are products not worth taking. They
are typically clear in color, are lucky to have any potency after two weeks,
and run a much higher risk for silver depositing in the skin (argyria).

Does this mean that the Silver Puppy I just spent $150+ is producing less
than optimal EIS/CS ???  AND on top of that it may cause argyria?

I've been taking a shot glass worth every day (as my children are) to
prevent any flu from entering the household. I was planning on doing this
through November. Am I doing the right thing?

Please, I'd like to hear some feedback regarding these matters



-Original Message-
From: Hanneke []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:43 PM

By Byron J. Richards, CCN
October 3, 2009

Colloidal silver is the product the FDA and many mainstream medical
people love to hate. Listening to them you would think every person
taking colloidal silver is going to turn gray with silver
accumulation in their skin (argyria). Their worst nightmare is people
taking colloidal silver to combat the H1N1 swine flu - the nightmare
for them is that it might actually work. Since I am a health
professional who has utilized colloidal silver in practice for more
than 15 years with thousands of people, I'm more than happy to share
some insights on the subject.

For full article:

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-10-06 Thread Ode Coyote

  My GFs daughter lost 150 pounds and has kept it off for 9 
yearsactually sorta skinny now.
She had 3 kids, now ages 6-9... walks them EVERYWHERE that's less than a 
few and from school a mile away, to and from the PX
 All 4 are like skinny little rails.  She to put this 
delicately... ummm  a FAT, lazy, self centered  bitch!
 Now she's a skinny little screaming self centered bitch..but getting 
better as she grows up

 Kids LIKE to walk places...once you get them going. [They can be 
trained to not poop in the neighbors yard too ]

 When I was a kid, I got a whack from stick if I whined and a big fat NO 
just because I was whiny...never mind what the what was.

..doesn't take long to figure out *that* doesn't work.
 My Mom never bothered to scream at us...WHACK! ...and you KNOW why.
[She was never a bitch]


At 07:49 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I was walking on a treadmill for a little bit -- but of course something
comes up and it gets me off track (literally). I've got 3 kids and am
primary caretaker (husband works awful hours and is rarely home and lately
working 7 days a week). The twins keep me busy (they just turned four) and
lately all of them seem to be acting up more than usual and I'm sure it's a
result from Daddy not being home.

So...yea, whine whine whine -- got to tell them
NO and say Mommy needs 20 minutes on the treadmill and for them to not try
and get on it or they'll get an OWIE !



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Native American stories--OT

2009-10-06 Thread Ode Coyote

 Gangsta cultural influence came about with integration.
Working mothers, semi orphaned kids seek new families.
 Gangstas have nothing better to do than be that new family.
 Gangsta is a culture of blame and victim-hood used to justify lashing 
out and manipulating others vs accomplishment

Political Correctness prohibits reasonable discussions.


At 10:31 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I totally agree!
Donna ACS

This is nothing to do with the belief or disbelief in God.  It is because 
children are no longer taught from the cradle up, to respect other people 
and other people's property.  There is no discipline and no deterrents, 
so what do we all expect?  Society is reaping the benefits?  I think not.  dee

On 5 Oct 2009, at 02:44, Bruce Anderson wrote:

Dear Cindi:
I am 72yoa.  When I was in school most of the boys, and some of the 
girls,  carried pocket knives.  We whittled sticks, cut string, etc. 
and sometimes cut ourselves and the teacher might give us a band-aid.
The serious offenses were running in the halls, chewing gum / talking in 
class and paper wads.

 NOW it's murder, stabbings, drugs, rape and assault and battery.
But then, that is after they ask God to leave.

This nation was founded on Judeo/Christian principles
The Pledge of allegence contains one nation under God
Even our money states In God we trust

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
Funny Ode!

I'd love to walk my kids places too...but we're rural and they're schools at
least 4 miles away, plus no sidewalks and roads are twisty and curvy and
unfortunately nobody pays attention to the 35 mph speed limit!

That won't stop me from getting back on the treadmill though -- I owe it to
myself AND my kids to feel better and have more energy :o)


-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 6:55 AM
Subject: RE: CSMMS and MRSA

   My GFs daughter lost 150 pounds and has kept it off for 9 
yearsactually sorta skinny now.
She had 3 kids, now ages 6-9... walks them EVERYWHERE that's less than a 
few and from school a mile away, to and from the PX
  All 4 are like skinny little rails.  She to put this 
delicately... ummm  a FAT, lazy, self centered  bitch!
  Now she's a skinny little screaming self centered bitch..but getting 
better as she grows up

  Kids LIKE to walk places...once you get them going. [They can be 
trained to not poop in the neighbors yard too ]

  When I was a kid, I got a whack from stick if I whined and a big fat NO 
just because I was whiny...never mind what the what was.
..doesn't take long to figure out *that* doesn't work.
  My Mom never bothered to scream at us...WHACK! ...and you KNOW why.
[She was never a bitch]


At 07:49 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:
I was walking on a treadmill for a little bit -- but of course something
comes up and it gets me off track (literally). I've got 3 kids and am
primary caretaker (husband works awful hours and is rarely home and lately
working 7 days a week). The twins keep me busy (they just turned four) and
lately all of them seem to be acting up more than usual and I'm sure it's a
result from Daddy not being home.

So...yea, whine whine whine -- got to tell them
NO and say Mommy needs 20 minutes on the treadmill and for them to not try
and get on it or they'll get an OWIE !



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
I hate to admit it -- but I'm *totally* confused now.

I made several batches of EIS and stored them in a half gallon container.
Now being 3 days old it's definitely taken on a metallic type taste. I used
DW in most of the batches and forgot to use it one time and wound up using
our tap water which is actually well water. We do have a higher level of
iron in ours so we use a Brita filter when we drink it.

Should I be adding a pinch of salt to my water? And could I stick with my
well water (after awhile DW does add up in cost -- since I'm not working)!
And if I use Himalayan sea salt ok?



-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:42 AM
Subject: RE: CSAlkalizing

   Your EIS generator makes Alkaline water in equal proportion to silver

  Date 2006
  Upon looking into Alkaline water and the machines used to make it, it 
appears that the process is similar to making EIS, but the [hydronium?] 
ions and hydroxyl anions are kept apart by use of a membrane interface. 
Alkaline water is said to have a bitter flavor.
  To see if that's the case, I ran a quick and dirty experiment:

  Setup: Two tall narrow glass jiggers set side by side with distilled 
water in each and a loop of stainless steel welding rod between them to 
make an electrical connection.
  Placed the silver electrodes of a generator, [DC output mode] each one in 
each jigger, not touching the stainless loop connector and ran the 
arrangement for a while.
  [I don't see *why* that would actually work, but it apparently did...]
  Removed everything, tasted the water.  One had metallic flavor, the other 
Added a drop H2O2 to each jigger, one flashed brown [silver ions], the 
other had no effect [no silver ions]
Conclusion: [**] Very fresh CS is made of Alkaline water and free silver 
ions. Alkaline water is water that is high in Hydroxyl radicals but doesn't 
have opposite charged ions to neutralize it. [??] Alkaline water 
supposedly oxygenates the blood and acts like a free radical scavenger. [As 
does, supposedly, Ozone  and Peroxide therapy, all of which have similar 
radical Oxygen dangle atoms...O1 vs the normal O2]

Date 2009
  Possibly Faulty memory seems to recall the use of salt in Alky water

Least-ways, in *this* one...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you need to add minerals, and what kind?
A: Yes, minerals are required in order for the ionizer to work. I have 
found that the most effective mineral to add is salt. Salt is needed to 
make the water conductive so that the ionizer will work.

Ohhh Kay.
If salt is used, one electrode makes Hypochlorus acid and the other, sodium 
hydroxide [Lye] which will definitely make that water Alkaline.
  From the handy dandy household cleaner article that sheds light on what 
blood electrifiers aka Zappers, might actually be doing. [Controllable 
Electro-Chemo-Therapy? or an MMS analog with an antidote right around the 
corner...not a blood electrolizer but a blood electro-chemicalizer, cuz 
blood is bloody salty]

..easier to just add a few Lye crystals to water. [And turn it into salt 
water when it hits the ole tummy]


At 12:37 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:
Hi Marshall,

Can you tell me how you make alkalized water? I think my pH is way off
and I'm interested in getting squared away!



-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing

Well, my wife and I have been using the alkalized water now for about a
week I guess.  She has also gotten all the green stuff to go with the
diet, and is eating mostly alkaline foods.  Her pH has gone from 5.5 to
6.0/6.25 range first thing in the morning. Mine went from 6.75 to 8
yesterday, which is too alkaline, so I switched back to eating more acid
foods, but this morning it is 8.5, which is way too alkaline.  I am
going to have to start drinking untreated water, to try and get back in
balance.  However it seems that her insomnia has gone away as well as
most of her pains.


Dianne France wrote:
  I really hope you will keep us updated on the results.  Wish the best
  for your wife.  I am also diabetic and have to watch but think I am
  holding my own right now.  Would love to rid myself of this disease.
  I think the better fats help.  Since everyone has gone to the canola
  oils etc. I think there is more incidence of the disease.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 

RE: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
...another note -- I have prill water too. Would this be the best to use
over the DW and/or well water?

-Original Message-
From: Lisa [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 8:16 AM
Subject: RE: CSAlkalizing

I hate to admit it -- but I'm *totally* confused now.

I made several batches of EIS and stored them in a half gallon container.
Now being 3 days old it's definitely taken on a metallic type taste. I used
DW in most of the batches and forgot to use it one time and wound up using
our tap water which is actually well water. We do have a higher level of
iron in ours so we use a Brita filter when we drink it.

Should I be adding a pinch of salt to my water? And could I stick with my
well water (after awhile DW does add up in cost -- since I'm not working)!
And if I use Himalayan sea salt ok?



-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:42 AM
Subject: RE: CSAlkalizing

   Your EIS generator makes Alkaline water in equal proportion to silver

  Date 2006
  Upon looking into Alkaline water and the machines used to make it, it 
appears that the process is similar to making EIS, but the [hydronium?] 
ions and hydroxyl anions are kept apart by use of a membrane interface. 
Alkaline water is said to have a bitter flavor.
  To see if that's the case, I ran a quick and dirty experiment:

  Setup: Two tall narrow glass jiggers set side by side with distilled 
water in each and a loop of stainless steel welding rod between them to 
make an electrical connection.
  Placed the silver electrodes of a generator, [DC output mode] each one in 
each jigger, not touching the stainless loop connector and ran the 
arrangement for a while.
  [I don't see *why* that would actually work, but it apparently did...]
  Removed everything, tasted the water.  One had metallic flavor, the other 
Added a drop H2O2 to each jigger, one flashed brown [silver ions], the 
other had no effect [no silver ions]
Conclusion: [**] Very fresh CS is made of Alkaline water and free silver 
ions. Alkaline water is water that is high in Hydroxyl radicals but doesn't 
have opposite charged ions to neutralize it. [??] Alkaline water 
supposedly oxygenates the blood and acts like a free radical scavenger. [As 
does, supposedly, Ozone  and Peroxide therapy, all of which have similar 
radical Oxygen dangle atoms...O1 vs the normal O2]

Date 2009
  Possibly Faulty memory seems to recall the use of salt in Alky water

Least-ways, in *this* one...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you need to add minerals, and what kind?
A: Yes, minerals are required in order for the ionizer to work. I have 
found that the most effective mineral to add is salt. Salt is needed to 
make the water conductive so that the ionizer will work.

Ohhh Kay.
If salt is used, one electrode makes Hypochlorus acid and the other, sodium 
hydroxide [Lye] which will definitely make that water Alkaline.
  From the handy dandy household cleaner article that sheds light on what 
blood electrifiers aka Zappers, might actually be doing. [Controllable 
Electro-Chemo-Therapy? or an MMS analog with an antidote right around the 
corner...not a blood electrolizer but a blood electro-chemicalizer, cuz 
blood is bloody salty]

..easier to just add a few Lye crystals to water. [And turn it into salt 
water when it hits the ole tummy]


At 12:37 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:
Hi Marshall,

Can you tell me how you make alkalized water? I think my pH is way off
and I'm interested in getting squared away!



-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing

Well, my wife and I have been using the alkalized water now for about a
week I guess.  She has also gotten all the green stuff to go with the
diet, and is eating mostly alkaline foods.  Her pH has gone from 5.5 to
6.0/6.25 range first thing in the morning. Mine went from 6.75 to 8
yesterday, which is too alkaline, so I switched back to eating more acid
foods, but this morning it is 8.5, which is way too alkaline.  I am
going to have to start drinking untreated water, to try and get back in
balance.  However it seems that her insomnia has gone away as well as
most of her pains.


Dianne France wrote:
  I really hope you will keep us updated on the results.  Wish the best
  for your wife.  I am also diabetic and have to watch but think I am
  holding my own right now.  Would love to rid myself of this disease.

RE: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread
to many hidden potential problems

Best Weight Loss Program - Click Here!


2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
Thanks Dianne,


I've already joined the MMS group and I think you're right - the DMSO group
would be great to become a member too.







From: Dianne France [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:53 PM
To: silver-list
Subject: RE: CSMMS and MRSA


There are a couple groups on yahoo that you may want to consider joining
that have lots of information on DMSO and MMS.

 If you join the groups the files and information will be available for your
reading at your leisure.  You will probably have to copy and paste the web
addresses as they don't seem to show up as links.
 Subject: RE: CSMMS and MRSA
 Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 19:07:37 -0400
 I just downloaded the first part of the book for free. Once I read that in
 its entirety and receive my MMS I'll decide whether or not to take the
 plunge on the 2nd part. 
 On another note... with all this wonderful information on all these
 different products: DMSO, MMS, EIS/CS etc. -- is there a list on how to
 these products effectively and efficiently? Am I wrong in wanting to take
 some of these products for prevention rather than resolution on an
 I'm overweight, tired, sluggish -- probably have candida, no energy and
 really wanting to become balanced (and now I've heard of being properly
 and getting alkalinized). I'm a bit overwhelmed and would like to ensure
 that I use these newfound products properly.
 Thanks for some feedback.
 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Barker [] 
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:50 PM
 Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
 Hi Lisa, you certainly can make it in your own home and relatively 
 easily. The second part of Jim Humble's book explains how to do it in 
 great detail. The biggest problem seems to be accessing the sodium 
 chlorite as, in some countries, it has to be labelled as dangerous 
 goods for transit purposes.
 Cheers, Roger B
 On 6/10/2009, at 9:42 AM, Lisa wrote:
  Can you (as in us at home) make their own MMS or should it be 
  purchased? I
  just purchased 4 oz. but if there's a recipe to do it at home I'm 
  all ears
  -Original Message-
  From: []
  Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:39 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
  I recall that made up MMS had a shelf life of two years. Must be
  kept away from light.
  There's an exception to every rule, except this one.
  On 10/5/2009 12:49:07 PM, Marshall Dudley (
  Melly Bag wrote:
  I want to buy MMS, what is its shelf life?
  It should be indefinite as long as it is in a closed bottle. The 
  thing that can make it break down is acid.
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
  To post, address your message to:
  Address Off-Topic messages to:
  The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
  List maintainer: Mike Devour


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RE: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
What's the heximer effect?



From: Deborah Gerard [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623



If you are concerned about the strength of what your making, how much do you
use in a day? Do you ever notice the heximer affect?




From: zoe w
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 6:44:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

Follow the money trail.  If the writer stands to profit  by you not making
your own  then take it with a grain of salt.

The silver I make  is at least 3 times as strong  and the stuff I bought
commercially  before making my own, and the prices they charge  seem totally
unwarranted  considering how  inexpensive it is to make.


dave bermes wrote:
 It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are some very
experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate enough to have
attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced me to use silver ever
since and I believe it to be very helpful. I make my own as the good doctor
instructed but I am concerned that possibly the silver that I make is less
effective than the many retail products that I read of and  that always
discount the value of the home prepared silver. I joined this group to learn
more from experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles me. I am
here to learn. dave
 - Original Message - From:
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:36 PM
 Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour



2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
Yes but that's by prescription...

Is it hard to convince one's doctor to write it up OR can we get it overseas
(being in the US) without one?

-Original Message-
From: Garnet [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

Don't forget about LDN to increase your endorphins 300%!

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:
 I just downloaded the first part of the book for free. Once I read that in
 its entirety and receive my MMS I'll decide whether or not to take the
 plunge on the 2nd part. 
 On another note... with all this wonderful information on all these
 different products: DMSO, MMS, EIS/CS etc. -- is there a list on how to
 these products effectively and efficiently? Am I wrong in wanting to take
 some of these products for prevention rather than resolution on an
 I'm overweight, tired, sluggish -- probably have candida, no energy and
 really wanting to become balanced (and now I've heard of being properly
 and getting alkalinized). I'm a bit overwhelmed and would like to ensure
 that I use these newfound products properly.
 Thanks for some feedback.
 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Barker [] 
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:50 PM
 Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
 Hi Lisa, you certainly can make it in your own home and relatively  
 easily. The second part of Jim Humble's book explains how to do it in  
 great detail. The biggest problem seems to be accessing the sodium  
 chlorite as, in some countries, it has to be labelled as dangerous  
 goods for transit purposes.
 Cheers, Roger B
 On 6/10/2009, at 9:42 AM, Lisa wrote:
 Can you (as in us at home) make their own MMS or should it be  
 purchased? I
 just purchased 4 oz. but if there's a recipe to do it at home I'm  
 all ears


 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:39 PM
 Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

 I recall that made up MMS had a shelf life of two years. Must be
 kept away from light.

 There's an exception to every rule, except this one.

 On 10/5/2009 12:49:07 PM, Marshall Dudley (
 Melly Bag wrote:
 I want to buy MMS, what is its shelf life?

 It should be indefinite as long as it is in a closed bottle.  The  
 thing that can make it break down is acid.


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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

2009-10-06 Thread Hanneke

I think Debbie might have meant to say  Herxheimer effect.

At 11:11 PM 6/10/2009, you wrote:

What's the heximer effect?

From: Deborah Gerard []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

If you are concerned about the strength of what your making, how 
much do you use in a day? Do you ever notice the heximer affect?


From: zoe w
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 6:44:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

Follow the money trail.  If the writer stands to profit  by you not 
making your own  then take it with a grain of salt.

The silver I make  is at least 3 times as strong  and the stuff I 
bought commercially  before making my own, and the prices they 
charge  seem totally  unwarranted  considering how  inexpensive it is to make.


dave bermes wrote:
 It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are 
some very experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate 
enough to have attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced 
me to use silver ever since and I believe it to be very helpful. I 
make my own as the good doctor instructed but I am concerned that 
possibly the silver that I make is less effective than the many 
retail products that I read of and  that always discount the value 
of the home prepared silver. I joined this group to learn more from 
experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles me. I am 
here to learn. dave
 - Original Message - From:

 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:36 PM
 Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623


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2009-10-06 Thread Neville Munn

As even blind Freddy should be aware by now, smurf lovers consume anything BUT 
EIS so I would include here That would be excluding preparations consisting of 
the *big 3*...pure fine silver, Distilled Water and electricity ALONE.


 Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 06:20:57 -0400
 You can turn blue from over consumption of ANY sort of silver 
 preparation...but even worse case, it's extremely rare.
 The problem that the few have had using home made CS [EIS] is that they 
 had zero idea how strong they made it, [the commonly 
 parroted instructions of 1PPM per Minute is simply not true, ESPECIALLY 
 if you used salt or tap water ] used a LOT of it and were one out of those 
 several thousand that had an abnormal metals elimination system.
 Byron J. Richards [founder of Wellness Resources] sells colloidal silver 
 [MSP] and so has a reason to DIS a much safer and more effective DIRT CHEAP 
 home made product.
 Colloidal Silver
 * Pharmaceutical grade mild silver protein
 * Superior quality and concentration
 Wellness Resources® Colloidal Silver is a high-grade mild silver protein 
 nutritional supplement.
 $27.20 for 4 Oz
 PS He plagiarized most of that article from the [Copy wronged] Parrots 
 Union archives.
 At 06:58 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:
 I read this article and it's quite interesting: however, it bothered me to
 read the following excerpt:
 The issue is complicated by the fact that not all colloidal silver products
 are of the same quality. Products made at home or by the use of electrical
 charges to ionize and suspend the silver are products not worth taking. They
 are typically clear in color, are lucky to have any potency after two weeks,
 and run a much higher risk for silver depositing in the skin (argyria).
 Does this mean that the Silver Puppy I just spent $150+ is producing less
 than optimal EIS/CS ??? AND on top of that it may cause argyria?
 I've been taking a shot glass worth every day (as my children are) to
 prevent any flu from entering the household. I was planning on doing this
 through November. Am I doing the right thing?
 Please, I'd like to hear some feedback regarding these matters
 -Original Message-
 From: Hanneke []
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:43 PM
 By Byron J. Richards, CCN
 October 3, 2009
 Colloidal silver is the product the FDA and many mainstream medical
 people love to hate. Listening to them you would think every person
 taking colloidal silver is going to turn gray with silver
 accumulation in their skin (argyria). Their worst nightmare is people
 taking colloidal silver to combat the H1N1 swine flu - the nightmare
 for them is that it might actually work. Since I am a health
 professional who has utilized colloidal silver in practice for more
 than 15 years with thousands of people, I'm more than happy to share
 some insights on the subject.
 For full article:
 avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
 Virus Database (VPS): 091004-0, 04/10/2009
 Tested on: 6/10/2009 9:12:54 AM
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 Address Off-Topic messages to:
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour
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2009-10-06 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
This is from the Wellness Resources - Byron J Richards and usually,  
their articles are really good.  Lord knows where they got this  
rubbish from - probably from a manufacturer of pure colloids or  
something.  I don't think it helps to 'shoot the messenger' though!  dee

On 6 Oct 2009, at 00:23, Acmeair wrote:

it would help if you posted whereever you found this little piece.  
there is nothing solid in that mess to refute. where did you read  
this, a magazine, or another news letter or where   you might  
want to educate yourself a little better. jim

Oct 5, 2009 03:59:01 PM, wrote:
I read this article and it's quite interesting: however, it bothered  
me to

read the following excerpt:

The issue is complicated by the fact that not all colloidal silver  
are of the same quality. Products made at home or by the use of  
charges to ionize and suspend the silver are products not worth  
taking. They
are typically clear in color, are lucky to have any potency after  
two weeks,
and run a much higher risk for silver depositing in the skin  


2009-10-06 Thread Hanneke
The article was written by Byron for this latest edition of 
Newswithviews.  From  earlier readings I had noticed that he is not 
quite knowledgeable about colloidal silver/EIS.

At 11:43 PM 6/10/2009, you wrote:
This is from the Wellness Resources - Byron J Richards and usually, 
their articles are really good.  Lord knows where they got this 
rubbish from - probably from a manufacturer of pure colloids or 
something.  I don't think it helps to 'shoot the messenger' though!  dee

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 091005-0, 05/10/2009
Tested on: 6/10/2009 11:52:58 PM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

2009-10-06 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
We all make our own EIS and have wonderful results from using it.  A  
product is only as good as the results it gets and my home- made gets  
marvelous results.  I have recently cured dogs with sickness within  
hours of ingesting lots of small doses.  The one who didn't have the  
silver (stupid woman owners fault) was in the vets on a drip.  My  
friend who couldn't talk with laryngitis the other day is now chatting  
away almost fully recovered.  The reason I cited the dogs in  
particular, was that you can't fool dogs into thinking they have a  
'miracle.'  They either get better or they don't!  Simple.  dee

On 6 Oct 2009, at 02:37, dave bermes wrote:

It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are  
some very experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate  
enough to have attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced me  
to use silver ever since and I believe it to be very helpful. I make  
my own as the good doctor instructed but I am concerned that  
possibly the silver that I make is less effective than the many  
retail products that I read of and  that always discount the value  
of the home prepared silver. I joined this group to learn more from  
experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles me. I am  
here to learn. dave

- Original Message - From:
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:36 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Peter Converse

Hi Lisa,

Stick to using DW or you'll be making other compounds you don't want.


- Original Message - 
From: Lisa

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 8:15 AM
Subject: RE: CSAlkalizing

I hate to admit it -- but I'm *totally* confused now.

I made several batches of EIS and stored them in a half gallon container.
Now being 3 days old it's definitely taken on a metallic type taste. I 

DW in most of the batches and forgot to use it one time and wound up using
our tap water which is actually well water. We do have a higher level of
iron in ours so we use a Brita filter when we drink it.

Should I be adding a pinch of salt to my water? And could I stick with my
well water (after awhile DW does add up in cost -- since I'm not working)!
And if I use Himalayan sea salt ok?



-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote []
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:42 AM
Subject: RE: CSAlkalizing

  Your EIS generator makes Alkaline water in equal proportion to silver

 Date 2006
 Upon looking into Alkaline water and the machines used to make it, it
appears that the process is similar to making EIS, but the [hydronium?]
ions and hydroxyl anions are kept apart by use of a membrane interface.
Alkaline water is said to have a bitter flavor.
 To see if that's the case, I ran a quick and dirty experiment:

 Setup: Two tall narrow glass jiggers set side by side with distilled
water in each and a loop of stainless steel welding rod between them to
make an electrical connection.
 Placed the silver electrodes of a generator, [DC output mode] each one in
each jigger, not touching the stainless loop connector and ran the
arrangement for a while.
 [I don't see *why* that would actually work, but it apparently did...]
 Removed everything, tasted the water.  One had metallic flavor, the other
Added a drop H2O2 to each jigger, one flashed brown [silver ions], the
other had no effect [no silver ions]
Conclusion: [**] Very fresh CS is made of Alkaline water and free silver
ions. Alkaline water is water that is high in Hydroxyl radicals but 

have opposite charged ions to neutralize it. [??] Alkaline water
supposedly oxygenates the blood and acts like a free radical scavenger. 

does, supposedly, Ozone  and Peroxide therapy, all of which have similar
radical Oxygen dangle atoms...O1 vs the normal O2]

Date 2009
 Possibly Faulty memory seems to recall the use of salt in Alky water

Least-ways, in *this* one...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you need to add minerals, and what kind?
A: Yes, minerals are required in order for the ionizer to work. I have
found that the most effective mineral to add is salt. Salt is needed to
make the water conductive so that the ionizer will work.

Ohhh Kay.
If salt is used, one electrode makes Hypochlorus acid and the other, 

hydroxide [Lye] which will definitely make that water Alkaline.
 From the handy dandy household cleaner article that sheds light on what
blood electrifiers aka Zappers, might actually be doing. [Controllable
Electro-Chemo-Therapy? or an MMS analog with an antidote right around the
corner...not a blood electrolizer but a blood electro-chemicalizer, cuz
blood is bloody salty]

..easier to just add a few Lye crystals to water. [And turn it into salt
water when it hits the ole tummy]


At 12:37 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Hi Marshall,

Can you tell me how you make alkalized water? I think my pH is way off


and I'm interested in getting squared away!



-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing

Well, my wife and I have been using the alkalized water now for about a
week I guess.  She has also gotten all the green stuff to go with the
diet, and is eating mostly alkaline foods.  Her pH has gone from 5.5 to
6.0/6.25 range first thing in the morning. Mine went from 6.75 to 8
yesterday, which is too alkaline, so I switched back to eating more acid
foods, but this morning it is 8.5, which is way too alkaline.  I am
going to have to start drinking untreated water, to try and get back in
balance.  However it seems that her insomnia has gone away as well as
most of her pains.


Dianne France wrote:

 I really hope you will keep us updated on the results.  Wish the best
 for your wife.  I am also diabetic and have to watch but think I am
 holding my own right now.  Would love to rid myself of this disease.

 I think the better fats help.  Since 

RE: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

2009-10-06 Thread Neville Munn

[you can't fool dogs into thinking they have a 'miracle.' They either get 
better or they don't! Simple]

-Pezactly, try telling the vet your dog was fixed in less than 24 hours 
after MONTHS of his concoctions failed miserably.  I know exactly where you're 
coming from.  I made a point to let him know as well, he said he had heard of 
EIS...but that's ALL he said!  Oh dear, how sad, too bad...but then I didn't 
particularly care what he thought anyway, I made my point which was the whole 
purpose of the excercise, less income for his business and me spreading the 
word about EIS to other animal lovers would be all he would've been thinking 


 Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623
 Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 14:22:14 +0100
 We all make our own EIS and have wonderful results from using it. A 
 product is only as good as the results it gets and my home- made gets 
 marvelous results. I have recently cured dogs with sickness within 
 hours of ingesting lots of small doses. The one who didn't have the 
 silver (stupid woman owners fault) was in the vets on a drip. My 
 friend who couldn't talk with laryngitis the other day is now chatting 
 away almost fully recovered. The reason I cited the dogs in 
 particular, was that you can't fool dogs into thinking they have a 
 'miracle.' They either get better or they don't! Simple. dee
 On 6 Oct 2009, at 02:37, dave bermes wrote:
  It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are 
  some very experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate 
  enough to have attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced me 
  to use silver ever since and I believe it to be very helpful. I make 
  my own as the good doctor instructed but I am concerned that 
  possibly the silver that I make is less effective than the many 
  retail products that I read of and that always discount the value 
  of the home prepared silver. I joined this group to learn more from 
  experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles me. I am 
  here to learn. dave
  - Original Message - From:
  Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:36 PM
  Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour
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Re: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Peter Converse

Hi All,

I just ran a few quick tests which verify what Ode has said.

I did pH testing using test strips on 4 liquid samples and came up with this 

1) Tap Water - pH of ~6

2) Ionized water from Jupiter Neptune Ionizer which   uses only tap water 
(no added salt or minerals unless you choose to...I don't) - pH of ~10 when 
pushed to the upper limit.

3) DW - pH of ~5

4) Fresh EIS (made yesterday, at least and made using DW) - pH of ~6

My ionized water when made to around pH 7 to 7.5 tastes wonderfully fresh 
and clean, literally like a mountain spring, unlike my tap water, DW or RO 
water or most other waters I have tasted. I don't sell these ionizers but I 
love mine!

In the first few weeks I used my ionized water I had to work up in quantity 
and pH very slowly because of the die-off effect it created in me. I 
couldn't believe it at the time so repeated the experiment several times to 
verify the findings (which always remained the same...die-off)

Some say that ionized water has restructured molecules I think. I'm no 
chemist and can't refute or confirm that  statement but I will say that it's 
the only water which I have ever received die-off from drinking (Herxheimer 
effect). That being said, it hasn't cured me of anything, that's for sure! 
(except for fat wallet syndrome)

My ionizer uses only the minerals in the tap water to do its thing but can 
be used with supplemental calcium if desired.


- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:42 AM
Subject: RE: CSAlkalizing

  Your EIS generator makes Alkaline water in equal proportion to silver 

 Date 2006
 Upon looking into Alkaline water and the machines used to make it, it 
appears that the process is similar to making EIS, but the [hydronium?] 
ions and hydroxyl anions are kept apart by use of a membrane interface. 
Alkaline water is said to have a bitter flavor.

 To see if that's the case, I ran a quick and dirty experiment:

 Setup: Two tall narrow glass jiggers set side by side with distilled 
water in each and a loop of stainless steel welding rod between them to 
make an electrical connection.
 Placed the silver electrodes of a generator, [DC output mode] each one in 
each jigger, not touching the stainless loop connector and ran the 
arrangement for a while.

 [I don't see *why* that would actually work, but it apparently did...]
 Removed everything, tasted the water.  One had metallic flavor, the other 
Added a drop H2O2 to each jigger, one flashed brown [silver ions], the 
other had no effect [no silver ions]
Conclusion: [**] Very fresh CS is made of Alkaline water and free silver 
ions. Alkaline water is water that is high in Hydroxyl radicals but 
doesn't have opposite charged ions to neutralize it. [??] Alkaline 
water supposedly oxygenates the blood and acts like a free radical 
scavenger. [As does, supposedly, Ozone  and Peroxide therapy, all of which 
have similar radical Oxygen dangle atoms...O1 vs the normal O2]

Date 2009
 Possibly Faulty memory seems to recall the use of salt in Alky water 

Least-ways, in *this* one...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you need to add minerals, and what kind?
A: Yes, minerals are required in order for the ionizer to work. I have 
found that the most effective mineral to add is salt. Salt is needed to 
make the water conductive so that the ionizer will work.

Ohhh Kay.
If salt is used, one electrode makes Hypochlorus acid and the other, 
sodium hydroxide [Lye] which will definitely make that water Alkaline.
 From the handy dandy household cleaner article that sheds light on what 
blood electrifiers aka Zappers, might actually be doing. [Controllable 
Electro-Chemo-Therapy? or an MMS analog with an antidote right around the 
corner...not a blood electrolizer but a blood electro-chemicalizer, cuz 
blood is bloody salty]

..easier to just add a few Lye crystals to water. [And turn it into salt 
water when it hits the ole tummy]


At 12:37 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Hi Marshall,

Can you tell me how you make alkalized water? I think my pH is way off 

and I'm interested in getting squared away!



-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing

Well, my wife and I have been using the alkalized water now for about a
week I guess.  She has also gotten all the green stuff to go with the
diet, and is eating mostly alkaline foods.  Her pH has gone from 5.5 to
6.0/6.25 range first thing in the morning. Mine went from 6.75 to 8

Re: CSHelp! asthma, again

2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
If we assume a dosage of 100,000 IU for a 200 pound adult, and a 3 year 
old weights 30 pounds, I would render a guess that 1/6, or about 15,000 
would be right.


Gina Moore wrote:

Serrapeptase has come up a few times I should really look into it.  I'm
on several Lyme boards and it's one of the recommended things to take for
that.  This is the first I heard of it for asthma, but it makes sense!

My next question would be... what is the recommended doses of all of those
things (on the website you sent) for a 3 year old?  I've heard 1/3 of the
adult dose.  Anyone know for sure what is ok for a 3 year old?


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

2009-10-06 Thread Clayton Family
I thnk she is referring to herxheimer reaction. Googling turns up:  
this reaction occurs when large amounts of toxins are released into  
the body as bacteria die, due to antibiotic treatment or detoxification.

Silver works as an antibiotic, so this reaction is known to occur  
using it.


On Oct 6, 2009, at 7:41 AM, Lisa wrote:

What’s the heximer effect?

From: Deborah Gerard []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

If you are concerned about the strength of what your making, how  
much do you use in a day? Do you ever notice the heximer affect?


From: zoe w
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 6:44:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

Follow the money trail.  If the writer stands to profit  by you not  
making your own  then take it with a grain of salt.

The silver I make  is at least 3 times as strong  and the stuff I  
bought commercially  before making my own, and the prices they  
charge  seem totally  unwarranted  considering how  inexpensive it  
is to make.


dave bermes wrote:
 It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are  
some very experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate  
enough to have attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced me  
to use silver ever since and I believe it to be very helpful. I make  
my own as the good doctor instructed but I am concerned that  
possibly the silver that I make is less effective than the many  
retail products that I read of and  that always discount the value  
of the home prepared silver. I joined this group to learn more from  
experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles me. I am  
here to learn. dave


Re: CSHelp! asthma, again

2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
Sorry, I have absolutely no knowledge or wisdom to share on glaucoma.  
Wish I did.  I do not think it has anything to do with blood pressure 


Sandee George wrote:
Hi There Marshall - do you have the exact answer for glaucoma - I know 
it is a elevated pressure in the eyes however
naturally does it go in line with actual high blood pressure or is the 
pressure in the eye caused from something else ?

What would be the best natural way to reduce it ?
Thanks as always for your input

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
Hi Peter,

Will you share what ionizer you have?

-Original Message-
From: Peter Converse [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:07 AM
To: Ode Coyote;
Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing

Hi All,

I just ran a few quick tests which verify what Ode has said.

I did pH testing using test strips on 4 liquid samples and came up with this


1) Tap Water - pH of ~6

2) Ionized water from Jupiter Neptune Ionizer which   uses only tap water 
(no added salt or minerals unless you choose to...I don't) - pH of ~10 when 
pushed to the upper limit.

3) DW - pH of ~5

4) Fresh EIS (made yesterday, at least and made using DW) - pH of ~6

My ionized water when made to around pH 7 to 7.5 tastes wonderfully fresh 
and clean, literally like a mountain spring, unlike my tap water, DW or RO 
water or most other waters I have tasted. I don't sell these ionizers but I 
love mine!

In the first few weeks I used my ionized water I had to work up in quantity 
and pH very slowly because of the die-off effect it created in me. I 
couldn't believe it at the time so repeated the experiment several times to 
verify the findings (which always remained the same...die-off)

Some say that ionized water has restructured molecules I think. I'm no 
chemist and can't refute or confirm that  statement but I will say that it's

the only water which I have ever received die-off from drinking (Herxheimer 
effect). That being said, it hasn't cured me of anything, that's for sure!

(except for fat wallet syndrome)

My ionizer uses only the minerals in the tap water to do its thing but can 
be used with supplemental calcium if desired.


- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:42 AM
Subject: RE: CSAlkalizing

   Your EIS generator makes Alkaline water in equal proportion to silver 

  Date 2006
  Upon looking into Alkaline water and the machines used to make it, it 
 appears that the process is similar to making EIS, but the [hydronium?] 
 ions and hydroxyl anions are kept apart by use of a membrane interface. 
 Alkaline water is said to have a bitter flavor.
  To see if that's the case, I ran a quick and dirty experiment:

  Setup: Two tall narrow glass jiggers set side by side with distilled 
 water in each and a loop of stainless steel welding rod between them to 
 make an electrical connection.
  Placed the silver electrodes of a generator, [DC output mode] each one in

 each jigger, not touching the stainless loop connector and ran the 
 arrangement for a while.
  [I don't see *why* that would actually work, but it apparently did...]
  Removed everything, tasted the water.  One had metallic flavor, the other

 Added a drop H2O2 to each jigger, one flashed brown [silver ions], the 
 other had no effect [no silver ions]
 Conclusion: [**] Very fresh CS is made of Alkaline water and free silver 
 ions. Alkaline water is water that is high in Hydroxyl radicals but 
 doesn't have opposite charged ions to neutralize it. [??] Alkaline 
 water supposedly oxygenates the blood and acts like a free radical 
 scavenger. [As does, supposedly, Ozone  and Peroxide therapy, all of which

 have similar radical Oxygen dangle atoms...O1 vs the normal O2]

 Date 2009
  Possibly Faulty memory seems to recall the use of salt in Alky water 

 Least-ways, in *this* one...

 Frequently Asked Questions

 Q: Do you need to add minerals, and what kind?
 A: Yes, minerals are required in order for the ionizer to work. I have 
 found that the most effective mineral to add is salt. Salt is needed to 
 make the water conductive so that the ionizer will work.

 Ohhh Kay.
 If salt is used, one electrode makes Hypochlorus acid and the other, 
 sodium hydroxide [Lye] which will definitely make that water Alkaline.
  From the handy dandy household cleaner article that sheds light on what 
 blood electrifiers aka Zappers, might actually be doing. [Controllable 
 Electro-Chemo-Therapy? or an MMS analog with an antidote right around the 
 corner...not a blood electrolizer but a blood electro-chemicalizer, cuz 
 blood is bloody salty]

 ..easier to just add a few Lye crystals to water. [And turn it into salt 
 water when it hits the ole tummy]


 At 12:37 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:
Hi Marshall,

Can you tell me how you make alkalized water? I think my pH is way off 
and I'm interested in getting squared away!



-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing

Well, my 


2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
That is pure BS, absolutely no truth to it at all. Home made when done 
properly is the best you can get.  Please read for some good reliable information.


Lisa wrote:

I read this article and it's quite interesting: however, it bothered me to
read the following excerpt:

The issue is complicated by the fact that not all colloidal silver products
are of the same quality. Products made at home or by the use of electrical
charges to ionize and suspend the silver are products not worth taking. They
are typically clear in color, are lucky to have any potency after two weeks,
and run a much higher risk for silver depositing in the skin (argyria).

Does this mean that the Silver Puppy I just spent $150+ is producing less
than optimal EIS/CS ???  AND on top of that it may cause argyria?

I've been taking a shot glass worth every day (as my children are) to
prevent any flu from entering the household. I was planning on doing this
through November. Am I doing the right thing?

Please, I'd like to hear some feedback regarding these matters




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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSdifference of opinions

2009-10-06 Thread Clayton Family
Of course, those who are selling colloidal silver are trying to make  
some money at it, which is fine, but in doing so they are mistakenly  
criticizing those who make it at home. Properly made, electrically  
isolated silver water, will beat store bought any time in my opinion,  
because it is fresher, and I have found that even well made silver  
that sits on the shelf needs shaking or something. There are a few  
brands I still buy and use when necessary, and they work fine, but it  
costs much more than what I make.

Whether or not one's home made silver water is superior to store  
bought depends entirely on the materials and the process, which  
determines what we end up with. Using pure water, pure silver, and a  
current controlled power source will yield ions of silver in solution  
in the water. You can't get any better than that, in my opinion.


On Oct 5, 2009, at 11:33 PM, dave bermes wrote:

It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are  
some very
experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate enough to  
attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced me to use silver  
since and I believe it to be very helpful. I make my own as the good  
instructed but I am concerned that possibly the silver that I make  
is less
effective than the many retail products that I read of and  that  
discount the value of the home prepared silver. I joined this group  
to learn
more from experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles  
me. I am

here to learn. dave
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:36 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

CSRe: Re Glaucoma

2009-10-06 Thread Sandee George
Thanks Marshall, am going to see an eye doctor here today and will  
hopefully get out of him some facts which are missing
from my information bank - will share what I learn when I am done with  
this !

Take good care
As always many thanks for giving me your time

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water

2009-10-06 Thread Clayton Family

Hi Lisa,

Good for you for posting your questions. I am confused as to why you  
want ionized water. You are making it with your set up- the electrodes  
(silver wires) do electrolyze the water. Some have said that to get  
alkaline water simply move one of the wires to a different container  
of water, so each wires is in it's own jar. One jar will have - ions,  
the other will have + ions, at least in theory.

Somebody else have more?


On Oct 5, 2009, at 6:43 PM, Lisa wrote:

Hi Steve,

I'm glad you weren't irritated with me -- I didn't even think that (I
believe Jim is irritated with ME since I didn't realize you were  

that article as something that stated untruths).

I'm here to learn, educate myself and keep myself and my family  
protected and safe without all the garbage that both the food  
industry tries
to shove down our throats AND big pharma in trying to convince us  
that every
little hiccup in our lives is a disease and they have a pill to fix  

I'm glad that what I have can make us EIS/CS that is safe, effective  

doesn't seem to have an issue with generous amounts when taking it.

Now if I can only figure out how to ionize water cheaply without  
buying a

machine that costs $1000's !!!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
H...I guess then I'm confused with ionized and alkalinized.

The Kangen water filters etc., I thought these created ionized water and the
EIS was different. I have a tendency to get wrapped up into the latest and
greatest without knowing exactly what's going on. Hence, the confusion and
if I'm getting ionized water with my EIS -- yea! I'll have to go back and
try to understand the alkalinized part.


-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water

Hi Lisa,

Good for you for posting your questions. I am confused as to why you  
want ionized water. You are making it with your set up- the electrodes  
(silver wires) do electrolyze the water. Some have said that to get  
alkaline water simply move one of the wires to a different container  
of water, so each wires is in it's own jar. One jar will have - ions,  
the other will have + ions, at least in theory.

Somebody else have more?


On Oct 5, 2009, at 6:43 PM, Lisa wrote:

 Hi Steve,

 I'm glad you weren't irritated with me -- I didn't even think that (I
 believe Jim is irritated with ME since I didn't realize you were  
 that article as something that stated untruths).

 I'm here to learn, educate myself and keep myself and my family  
 protected and safe without all the garbage that both the food  
 industry tries
 to shove down our throats AND big pharma in trying to convince us  
 that every
 little hiccup in our lives is a disease and they have a pill to fix  

 I'm glad that what I have can make us EIS/CS that is safe, effective  
 doesn't seem to have an issue with generous amounts when taking it.

 Now if I can only figure out how to ionize water cheaply without  
 buying a
 machine that costs $1000's !!!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSdifference of opinions

2009-10-06 Thread Garnet
At this point I am not convinced that true colloidal is 
superior to
ionic. My suspicion is that even the colloidal is converted 
to ionic

form in the body. I have no proof though but neither do they.

Most processes in our bodies involve electrically charged 
Delivery of the silver to the pathogen is the biggest issue 
in my mind.

Cell membranes and the cell walls of pathogens are composed of
lipid molecules with receptors and channels that open in 
to certain molecules, like DMSO. If anything I would put my 
to enhance delivery into DMSO rather than into dosing myself 

a non-charged electrically neutral atom of silver.

Over a period of  years I have used gallons of very high 
commercial CS. Although the methods I use to evaluate are 

subjective I can say I have not noticed a
greater effect with the high voltage commercial CS products 

were from more than one mfg.

It's really hard to for me to believe someone who is selling 
a product
try and tell me that I need to pay so much more for their 

without any real proof.

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

dave bermes wrote:

It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are some very
experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate enough to have
attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced me to use silver ever
since and I believe it to be very helpful. I make my own as the good doctor
instructed but I am concerned that possibly the silver that I make is less
effective than the many retail products that I read of and  that always
discount the value of the home prepared silver. I joined this group to 
more from experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles me. 
I am

here to learn. dave
- Original Message -

Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:36 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
Do you have an fields or woods around you could walk in?  I prefer to 
walk in the woods over urban areas any time.


Lisa wrote:

Funny Ode!

I'd love to walk my kids places too...but we're rural and they're schools at
least 4 miles away, plus no sidewalks and roads are twisty and curvy and
unfortunately nobody pays attention to the 35 mph speed limit!

That won't stop me from getting back on the treadmill though -- I owe it to
myself AND my kids to feel better and have more energy :o)


-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 6:55 AM

Subject: RE: CSMMS and MRSA

   My GFs daughter lost 150 pounds and has kept it off for 9 
yearsactually sorta skinny now.
She had 3 kids, now ages 6-9... walks them EVERYWHERE that's less than a 
few and from school a mile away, to and from the PX
  All 4 are like skinny little rails.  She to put this 
delicately... ummm  a FAT, lazy, self centered  bitch!
  Now she's a skinny little screaming self centered bitch..but getting 
better as she grows up

  Kids LIKE to walk places...once you get them going. [They can be 
trained to not poop in the neighbors yard too ]

  When I was a kid, I got a whack from stick if I whined and a big fat NO 
just because I was whiny...never mind what the what was.

..doesn't take long to figure out *that* doesn't work.
  My Mom never bothered to scream at us...WHACK! ...and you KNOW why.
[She was never a bitch]


At 07:49 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:

I was walking on a treadmill for a little bit -- but of course something
comes up and it gets me off track (literally). I've got 3 kids and am
primary caretaker (husband works awful hours and is rarely home and lately
working 7 days a week). The twins keep me busy (they just turned four) and
lately all of them seem to be acting up more than usual and I'm sure it's a
result from Daddy not being home.

So...yea, whine whine whine -- got to tell them
NO and say Mommy needs 20 minutes on the treadmill and for them to not try
and get on it or they'll get an OWIE !



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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Ruth Bertella
I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is back 
(well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very 
diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why nothing 
was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with 
diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS.  I only had a 
minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).

Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one that 
is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone is 
deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth should 
probably be pulled.  And the pockets in the gums have enlarged again.  He 
wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist.  I did not fill 
the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors.  I told him this, and about 
CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress with my 'home 
remedies'.  LOL   He's not against my using home remedies, but of course says 
he can't professionally endorse them either.  He's giving me time to try to fix 
things before making further recommendations.  (IF I fix everything, he will 
probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my upper partial to 
accommodate the crown that has broken.  The other is a cavity on the lower back 
molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to reach place - so he wants to 
crown instead of filling the cavity?  go figure!))

I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple times 
daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted about a protocol 
that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember that?  Details please - 
what/how much/when, etc.

What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one cavity in 
check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and enamel, and 
a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head again?

Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread John E. Stevens
H202 mixed into a paste with sodium bicarbonate will help control the
periodontal infections by brushing as you normally would.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Ruth Bertella berte...@lfdcbham.comwrote:

  I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is
 back (well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very
 diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why nothing
 was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with
 diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS.  I only had a
 minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).

 Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one
 that is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
 deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth should
 probably be pulled.  And the pockets in the gums have enlarged again.  He
 wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist.  I did not
 fill the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors.  I told him this, and
 about CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress with
 my 'home remedies'.  LOL   He's not against my using home remedies, but of
 course says he can't professionally endorse them either.  He's giving me
 time to try to fix things before making further recommendations.  (IF I fix
 everything, he will probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my
 upper partial to accommodate the crown that has broken.  The other is a
 cavity on the lower back molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to
 reach place - so he wants to crown instead of filling the cavity?  go

 I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
 times daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted about a
 protocol that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember that?
 Details please - what/how much/when, etc.

 What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one
 cavity in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and
 enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head

 Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Day Sutton
There is a really inexpensive book called Good Teeth from Birth to Death
available on the internet. just substitute CS/EIS where he uses H2O2.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Ruth Bertella berte...@lfdcbham.comwrote:

  I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is
 back (well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very
 diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why nothing
 was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with
 diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS.  I only had a
 minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).

 Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one
 that is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
 deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth should
 probably be pulled.  And the pockets in the gums have enlarged again.  He
 wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist.  I did not
 fill the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors.  I told him this, and
 about CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress with
 my 'home remedies'.  LOL   He's not against my using home remedies, but of
 course says he can't professionally endorse them either.  He's giving me
 time to try to fix things before making further recommendations.  (IF I fix
 everything, he will probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my
 upper partial to accommodate the crown that has broken.  The other is a
 cavity on the lower back molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to
 reach place - so he wants to crown instead of filling the cavity?  go

 I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
 times daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted about a
 protocol that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember that?
 Details please - what/how much/when, etc.

 What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one
 cavity in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and
 enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head

 Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

Day Sutton

CSMaking CS

2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley

Lisa wrote:

I hate to admit it -- but I'm *totally* confused now.

I made several batches of EIS and stored them in a half gallon container.
Now being 3 days old it's definitely taken on a metallic type taste. I used
DW in most of the batches and forgot to use it one time and wound up using
our tap water which is actually well water. We do have a higher level of
iron in ours so we use a Brita filter when we drink it.
Use the one from well water for adding to your plants, or topically, I 
would not drink it.
Should I be adding a pinch of salt to my water? 

No, never.

And could I stick with my
well water (after awhile DW does add up in cost -- since I'm not working)!
And if I use Himalayan sea salt ok?

No, it produces silver salts, not collidal silver ( EIS ).





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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water

2009-10-06 Thread Garnet

You are making distilled water into water with silver ions
in it. This is not the same as the ionized water that
people talk about. There are many types of ions,
silver is just one of them.

But for purposes related to medical benefits of silver
you do not want other ions in your EIS, just the silver.

Buy a water distiller from www. wholesalewaterdistillers
.com - remove spaces. They are about $130 for a one
gallon unit. I have had mine for 6 years and I make all
of my drinking water with it as I am on city water.

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:

H...I guess then I'm confused with ionized and alkalinized.

The Kangen water filters etc., I thought these created ionized water and the
EIS was different. I have a tendency to get wrapped up into the latest and
greatest without knowing exactly what's going on. Hence, the confusion and
if I'm getting ionized water with my EIS -- yea! I'll have to go back and
try to understand the alkalinized part.


-Original Message-
From: Clayton Family [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:33 AM

Subject: Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water

Hi Lisa,

Good for you for posting your questions. I am confused as to why you  
want ionized water. You are making it with your set up- the electrodes  
(silver wires) do electrolyze the water. Some have said that to get  
alkaline water simply move one of the wires to a different container  
of water, so each wires is in it's own jar. One jar will have - ions,  
the other will have + ions, at least in theory.

Somebody else have more?


On Oct 5, 2009, at 6:43 PM, Lisa wrote:

Hi Steve,

I'm glad you weren't irritated with me -- I didn't even think that (I
believe Jim is irritated with ME since I didn't realize you were  

that article as something that stated untruths).

I'm here to learn, educate myself and keep myself and my family  
protected and safe without all the garbage that both the food  
industry tries
to shove down our throats AND big pharma in trying to convince us  
that every
little hiccup in our lives is a disease and they have a pill to fix  

I'm glad that what I have can make us EIS/CS that is safe, effective  

doesn't seem to have an issue with generous amounts when taking it.

Now if I can only figure out how to ionize water cheaply without  
buying a

machine that costs $1000's !!!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Garnet

Ipsab from Home Health works. The topical liquid.

It has Prickly Ash Bark, an old remedy. Swab on twice daily.

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Ruth Bertella wrote:
I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is 
back (well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay 
very diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder 
why nothing was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this 
back in 2005 with diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of 
CS.  I only had a minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they 
Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one 
that is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone 
is deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth 
should probably be pulled.  And the pockets in the gums have enlarged 
again.  He wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a 
periodontist.  I did not fill the rx and don't intend to see any other 
doctors.  I told him this, and about CS, and he wants to see me again on 
11/5/09 to see how I progress with my 'home remedies'.  LOL   He's not 
against my using home remedies, but of course says he can't 
professionally endorse them either.  He's giving me time to try to fix 
things before making further recommendations.  (IF I fix everything, he 
will probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my upper partial 
to accommodate the crown that has broken.  The other is a cavity on the 
lower back molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to reach place 
- so he wants to crown instead of filling the cavity?  go figure!))
I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple 
times daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted 
about a protocol that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember 
that?  Details please - what/how much/when, etc.
What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one 
cavity in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone 
and enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly 
head again?
Thanks in advance for all suggestions!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSMaking CS

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
Ok thanks...I'll have to throw out what I have as I made 3 batches and put
them all in one glass half gallon jar. With three kids we'll go through it
on a regular basis...that's why I was making some to stock up.

I guess I'll try my silver puppy on a half gallon container and see how long
it takes to make that work!


-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:53 AM
Subject: CSMaking CS

Lisa wrote:
 I hate to admit it -- but I'm *totally* confused now.

 I made several batches of EIS and stored them in a half gallon container.
 Now being 3 days old it's definitely taken on a metallic type taste. I
 DW in most of the batches and forgot to use it one time and wound up using
 our tap water which is actually well water. We do have a higher level of
 iron in ours so we use a Brita filter when we drink it.
Use the one from well water for adding to your plants, or topically, I 
would not drink it.
 Should I be adding a pinch of salt to my water? 
No, never.
 And could I stick with my
 well water (after awhile DW does add up in cost -- since I'm not working)!
 And if I use Himalayan sea salt ok?
No, it produces silver salts, not collidal silver ( EIS ).




The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-10-06 Thread Garnet

You can order LDN without an Rx from

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:

Yes but that's by prescription...

Is it hard to convince one's doctor to write it up OR can we get it overseas
(being in the US) without one?

-Original Message-
From: Garnet [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:21 PM

Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

Don't forget about LDN to increase your endorphins 300%!

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:


I just downloaded the first part of the book for free. Once I read that in
its entirety and receive my MMS I'll decide whether or not to take the
plunge on the 2nd part. 

On another note... with all this wonderful information on all these
different products: DMSO, MMS, EIS/CS etc. -- is there a list on how to


these products effectively and efficiently? Am I wrong in wanting to take
some of these products for prevention rather than resolution on an


I'm overweight, tired, sluggish -- probably have candida, no energy and
really wanting to become balanced (and now I've heard of being properly


and getting alkalinized). I'm a bit overwhelmed and would like to ensure
that I use these newfound products properly.

Thanks for some feedback.


-Original Message-
From: Roger Barker [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:50 PM

Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

Hi Lisa, you certainly can make it in your own home and relatively  
easily. The second part of Jim Humble's book explains how to do it in  
great detail. The biggest problem seems to be accessing the sodium  
chlorite as, in some countries, it has to be labelled as dangerous  
goods for transit purposes.

Cheers, Roger B

On 6/10/2009, at 9:42 AM, Lisa wrote:

Can you (as in us at home) make their own MMS or should it be  
purchased? I
just purchased 4 oz. but if there's a recipe to do it at home I'm  
all ears



-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

I recall that made up MMS had a shelf life of two years. Must be
kept away from light.

There's an exception to every rule, except this one.

On 10/5/2009 12:49:07 PM, Marshall Dudley (

Melly Bag wrote:

I want to buy MMS, what is its shelf life?

It should be indefinite as long as it is in a closed bottle.  The  

thing that can make it break down is acid.


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Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
You will not find any conflict here on this.  The reason is that no one 
here is trying to sell their stuff, we are all interested in what works 
best, period.  You will not find any on the market that works better 
than what you can make. That is a simple fact borne out by over 100 man 
years of experience here.


dave bermes wrote:
It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are some 
very experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate enough 
to have attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced me to use 
silver ever since and I believe it to be very helpful. I make my own 
as the good doctor instructed but I am concerned that possibly the 
silver that I make is less effective than the many retail products 
that I read of and  that always discount the value of the home 
prepared silver. I joined this group to learn

more from experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles 
me. I am

here to learn. dave
- Original Message - From:
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:36 PM
Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

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CSArticle by Byron J. Richards re CS

2009-10-06 Thread Harold MacDonald 

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CSCan this woman be saved?

2009-10-06 Thread dingyung49
I saw TV this morning a young woman became paralized from eating a store 
brought frozen ground beef contaminating E Coli.  Do you think homemade CS 
would save her if drinking enough it when earlier symptoms appeared?  Or MMS 
would be a better weapon? or may be both?  opinion please.  thanks.   Helen


Re: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
I stopped drinking the super alkaline water ( sodium citrate ) yesterday 
since my pH was 8 or higher, and ate acid foods, like turkey, and drunk 
a coke.  My pH is now around 7.2 which is right where I want it.  My 
wife's pH which has started at 5.5 or lower, and was 6.5 yesterday came 
in right at 7.0 to 7.2 today.  Interestingly enough she is losing 2 to 3 
pounds a day now, without significant exercise.  We are having a bit of 
a problem keeping her glucose down. It seems that the body in trying to 
find acid to stabilize the pH is stripping her acid fat reserves, which 
is either converting to glucose, or being burned in place of glucose, 
elevating her glucose either way.


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Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water

2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
Although the water from making CS is alkalized, it is far from being 
alkalized as much as a water ionizer will do.  It will give you about 6, 
whereas my ionizer consistently gives me 10.  Since the pH scale is 
logarithmic that is a 10,000 to one ratio.  So drinking 10,000 gallons 
of EIS would be as alkalizing as one gallon of ionic water.   Actually 
it is more than that because the ionized water contains minerals that 
buffer the pH, making it appear less alkaline than it really is.  Using 
ionized water is one of the easiest and most reliable ways to help keep 
you healthily alkaline.


Clayton Family wrote:

Hi Lisa,

Good for you for posting your questions. I am confused as to why you 
want ionized water. You are making it with your set up- the electrodes 
(silver wires) do electrolyze the water. Some have said that to get 
alkaline water simply move one of the wires to a different container 
of water, so each wires is in it's own jar. One jar will have - ions, 
the other will have + ions, at least in theory.

Somebody else have more?


On Oct 5, 2009, at 6:43 PM, Lisa wrote:

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Re: CSMaking CS

2009-10-06 Thread Marshall Dudley
You can use 10 to 20% from a previous batch to seed it, and that will 
really cut the time down.


Lisa wrote:

Ok thanks...I'll have to throw out what I have as I made 3 batches and put
them all in one glass half gallon jar. With three kids we'll go through it
on a regular basis...that's why I was making some to stock up.

I guess I'll try my silver puppy on a half gallon container and see how long
it takes to make that work!



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Re: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Larry Biggar
Hi Marshall! I'm getting into CS and finding it has amazing healing! I also 
started making my own Organic Soy Milk. The very first glass that i drank. 
Brought my glucose down 100 points and has kept it down! That was about 2 years 
ago. Plus, if you go into some of the quilities of SM you will find that it 
does a lady's systems a lot of good! I even make a yogart from it! My dr. at VA 
recomended me to try it. But he is into natural meds. being of Indian descent. 
Let me know if you need help in choosing a maker or whatever. Since i've had 
some time to evaluate it. The VA even gives me SM when i'm in thier hospital! 
Regards, Larry

From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tue, October 6, 2009 9:01:35 AM
Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing

I stopped drinking the super alkaline water ( sodium citrate ) yesterday since 
my pH was 8 or higher, and ate acid foods, like turkey, and drunk a coke.  My 
pH is now around 7.2 which is right where I want it.  My wife's pH which has 
started at 5.5 or lower, and was 6.5 yesterday came in right at 7.0 to 7.2 
today.  Interestingly enough she is losing 2 to 3 pounds a day now, without 
significant exercise.  We are having a bit of a problem keeping her glucose 
down. It seems that the body in trying to find acid to stabilize the pH is 
stripping her acid fat reserves, which is either converting to glucose, or 
being burned in place of glucose, elevating her glucose either way.


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Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

2009-10-06 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
My vet is quite good like this, although I never go to see him (touch  
wood) he is quite interested and if I needed him to inject it or  
anything, I'm sure he would.  Murphy is seven now and a German  
Shepherd.  Notorious for poor immune systems, but the only thing I  
have actually taken him to the vets for, was an adenoma and a big cyst  
he has had from young.  He is prone to these and also this damned  
Demodex thing which I treat myself.  I have now got some beta glucans  
on the way to boost his immune system, but EIS clears up any sickness  
or diarrhoea which he might catch from other dogs.  He is raw fed and  
un-vaccinated, apart from his puppy ones which I actually think  
damaged him in the first place.  He is usually really healthy though  
(again, touch wood!)  dee

On 6 Oct 2009, at 15:00, Neville Munn wrote:

[you can't fool dogs into thinking they have a 'miracle.' They  
either get better or they don't! Simple]
-Pezactly, try telling the vet your dog was fixed in less than  
24 hours after MONTHS of his concoctions failed miserably.  I know  
exactly where you're coming from.  I made a point to let him know as  
well, he said he had heard of EIS...but that's ALL he said!  Oh  
dear, how sad, too bad...but then I didn't particularly care what he  
thought anyway, I made my point which was the whole purpose of the  
excercise, less income for his business and me spreading the word  
about EIS to other animal lovers would be all he would've been  
thinking about.


Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Alan Jones
Jim Humble claims that MMS will tighten the teeth:

From: Jim Humble
Somewhere in Mexico

Dear Reader,
You are receiving this email because you either requested MMS
information from me, or you have read my book concerning the Miracle
Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century.  This is not a sales letter.
(There is a place to unsubscribe at the end of this email.)

MMS (the Miracle Mineral Supplement) has now treated more than 100
different diseases with good reports in 99% of the cases.  There are
hundreds of reports of complete relief from the various diseases.  You
may think that there really isn't that many different diseases, but
now days, there are many more than that, and they are all caused by
microorganisms.  They are all treatable by MMS.

Let me tell you one of the most important uses of MMS.  The fact is
that health in the mouth affects every other part of the body.  It is
almost impossible to overcome health problems of the body if the mouth
is unhealthy.  MMS helps the mouth in a big way.  It will usually stop
a tooth ache in less than an hour.  This includes even an abscessed
tooth.  The only abscess that it cannot overcome is a tooth that is
abscessed on the inside of the tooth where the MMS simply cannot
reach, but even then it will usually stop the pain.  However, stopping
teeth from aching is not the important use of MMS.

MMS will change the health of your mouth within a week, and over about
3 weeks you will get a mouth that is healthier than it has ever been
before.  A lot of people have a nice set of teeth and they think that
their mouths are in perfect shape, but if they will brush with MMS for
three weeks they will still notice a healthier mouth.  Their gums will
become harder than they thought was possible, the teeth will be whiter
and there simply will be no breath odor at all.  On the other hand,
those who have poor gum health, pyorrhea, gingivitis, bleeding gums,
loose teeth and other dental diseases will find all of that gone in
less than a week and if they continue for 3 weeks they will have solid
gums, teeth that are rock solid in place, and a really healthy mouth.
Even if they need a lot of dental work all of the diseases will be

I have from time to time had people call me and state, The MMS isn't
working; it's been over three weeks and although my mouth is getting a
little better, it has not completely cleared up as you suggested it
would.  That's because it takes just a little bit more than just
swishing MMS around in your mouth.  It takes brushing so that the MMS
gets under your gums next to the teeth.  Health of the body really
begins in the mouth.  Creating a healthy mouth will make it much
easier to create a healthy body.  There is at least one laboratory now
days that claims a healthy mouth will prevent prostrate cancer.  So by
clearing up the mouth and taking MMS, you might have a tremendous
chance of overcoming prostrate cancer, or preventing yourself from
getting it.  (Why can I say this?  Because I don't sell MMS in the
USA, I just sell my book and DVD).

So this is how to have a healthy mouth in less than one week!  Mix up
a 10 drop dose of MMS.  Put 10 drops in a dry empty glass, add 50
drops or ¾ teaspoon of lemon juice or 10% citric acid solution, swirl
to mix, and wait 3 minutes and add ¼ glass of water.  Using a soft
tooth brush, pour a few drops on the tooth brush and brush your gums
at the point where the gums and teeth come together. Keep this up for
5 to 8 minutes or more.  Be very thorough; keep adding drops to your
tooth brush.  Brush so that a little bit of MMS works it way under the
gums where they touch the teeth.  Of course brush the teeth as well.
MMS will not hurt the enamel of the teeth and will kill plaque and
other buildups on the teeth.  If you gums and mouth is in very bad
shape (bleeding, with loose wobbly teeth, aching, and bad smelling)
brush as described above three or four times a day for several days.
Also floss you teeth while holding small amounts of MMS in you mouth.
No matter how bad, if you brush and floss properly, they will be
mostly cleared up within a week.  Give them three weeks for the gums
to be completely cleared up, and hard.  It may take up to 2 months
until all teeth are solid like they were welded in place.  After being
treated with MMS it will normally be unnecessary to pull most of the
teeth that would otherwise need pulling.  However, if there are teeth
that you are sure will need to be pulled, don't wait until the teeth
are solidly in place.  At that point they will be extremely hard to
pull as they will become attached to the jaw bone as nature meant them
to be.  So far all those people who have called to say it didn't work,
have also called to say that once they used MMS right, their mouth
cleared up.  MMS is a weak oxidizer and cannot hurt anything in the
mouth or body except pathogens.  Once your mouth is completely
healthy, you will not need to floss and you will need to brush with
MMS only once or twice a 

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

2009-10-06 Thread Larry Biggar
Dear Dave, I also have came to this sight to learn! Plus have read lot's of 
interesting things on the net. Utopia silver and Silver Puppy has much reading! 
I have been doing a lot of research about how, who and why for self knowledge. 
But the biggest thing is and only mfr. has all of these qualities. They are 
particle size which is determined by less than a ohm currant. That's the only 
advantage the commercial product has. But only one product i know of that does 
it. If you want to find out, email me. For i don't know if promoting it is ok 
on this site. But i had a over nite healing of a big sore about the size of a 
silver dollar. Because of my diabetes, the skin was entirely rubbed off! Then 
after spraying CS in my nostrils and mouth. I hard breathing has been greatly 
helped. After two applications of 6 sprays per nostril and throat! Regards, 

From: Marshall Dudley
Sent: Tue, October 6, 2009 8:47:40 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

You will not find any conflict here on this.  The reason is that no one here is 
trying to sell their stuff, we are all interested in what works best, period.  
You will not find any on the market that works better than what you can make. 
That is a simple fact borne out by over 100 man years of experience here.


dave bermes wrote:
 It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are some very 
 experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate enough to have 
 attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced me to use silver ever 
 since and I believe it to be very helpful. I make my own as the good doctor 
 instructed but I am concerned that possibly the silver that I make is less 
 effective than the many retail products that I read of and  that always 
 discount the value of the home prepared silver. I joined this group to learn
 more from experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles me. I am
 here to learn. dave
 - Original Message - From:
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:36 PM
 Subject: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623
 -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread cking001
Jim Humble claimed teeth tightening with MMS.
seemed to work for me.

The waterpick idea seems worth of a trial...

Two most common elements: hydrogen, stupidity

On 10/6/2009 10:46:38 AM, Ruth Bertella ( wrote:
 I went to the dentist yesterday. Apparently my periodontal disease is back
 I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very diligent 
 forever). Or at least it's
 a big problem again (wonder why nothing was said 6 months ago?). I thought
 I had conquered this back in 2005 with diligent cleaning and almost
 obsessive use/swishing of CS. I only had a minimal amount of plaque (less
 than most patients they said).
 Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well. There is only one
 that is noticeable to me. But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
 deteriorating. The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth
 should probably be pulled. And the pockets in the gums have enlarged
 again. He wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist. I
 did not fill the rx and
 don't intend to see any other doctors. I told him this, and about CS, and he 
 wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress with my 'home
 remedies'. LOL  He's not against my using home remedies, but of course
 says he can't professionally endorse them either. He's giving me time to
 try to fix things before making further recommendations. (IF I fix
 everything, he will probably want to do two cr
No virus found in this outgoing message.
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Re: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Dan Nave
I'm not sure I buy into your conclusions about your test.

There are no ions being exchanged from one jar to the other.  This is
like running two cells in series.  Each cell therefore has
approximately half the voltage across it.  One cell has silver for the
positive electrode and stainless steel for the negative electrode.
This cell makes normal colloidal silver.  The other cell has stainless
steel for the positive electrode and silver for the negative
electrode.  This cell makes no CS and presumably does not add metal
into the water via electrolysis.  This cell could be duplicated by
using the silver puppy operating in one water cell with a stainless
steel positive electrode and a silver negative electrode.  Do that and
see if the result is the same as the one jar in your experiment...


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 4:42 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:

  Your EIS generator makes Alkaline water in equal proportion to silver ions.

  Date 2006
  Upon looking into Alkaline water and the machines used to make it, it
 appears that the process is similar to making EIS, but the [hydronium?] ions
 and hydroxyl anions are kept apart by use of a membrane interface. Alkaline
 water is said to have a bitter flavor.
  To see if that's the case, I ran a quick and dirty experiment:

  Setup: Two tall narrow glass jiggers set side by side with distilled water
 in each and a loop of stainless steel welding rod between them to make an
 electrical connection.
  Placed the silver electrodes of a generator, [DC output mode] each one in
 each jigger, not touching the stainless loop connector and ran the
 arrangement for a while.
  [I don't see *why* that would actually work, but it apparently did...]
  Removed everything, tasted the water.  One had metallic flavor, the other
 Added a drop H2O2 to each jigger, one flashed brown [silver ions], the other
 had no effect [no silver ions]
 Conclusion: [**] Very fresh CS is made of Alkaline water and free silver
 ions. Alkaline water is water that is high in Hydroxyl radicals but doesn't
 have opposite charged ions to neutralize it. [??]     Alkaline water
 supposedly oxygenates the blood and acts like a free radical scavenger. [As
 does, supposedly, Ozone  and Peroxide therapy, all of which have similar
 radical Oxygen dangle atoms...O1 vs the normal O2]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Hi Ruth.  Sorry to hear about your teeth woes.  I can tell you that using a 
Godzilla unit will kill any infections in your mouth.  Also, when my dentist 
told me I had (mild) periodontal disease around one tooth -- and tried to sell 
me a product to take care of it -- I simply thanked him and went home and used 
a water pik with EIS instead of water on the area.  Next visit, he told me the 
peri disease was gone and to keep doing what I was doing.  Swishing of CS won't 
accomplish the same thing as driving it up under the gum line with a water 
pik.  I can't help you with tightening the teeth -- hope someone else can.  
Good luck, kiddo.  MA

From: Ruth Bertella
Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:46:38 AM
Subject: CSDental Issues

I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is back 
(well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very 
diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why nothing 
was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with 
diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS.  I only had a 
minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).
Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one that 
is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone is 
deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth should 
probably be pulled.  And the pockets in the gums have enlarged again.  He 
wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist.  I did not fill 
the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors.  I told him this, and about 
CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress with my 'home 
remedies'.  LOL   He's not against my using home remedies, but of course says 
he can't professionally endorse them either.  He's giving me time to try to fix 
things before making further recommendations.  (IF I fix everything, he will 
probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my upper partial to 
accommodate the crown that has broken.  The other is a cavity on the lower back 
molar at the gum line in the
 very back hardest to reach place - so he wants to crown instead of filling the 
cavity?  go figure!))
I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple times 
daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted about a protocol 
that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember that?  Details please - 
what/how much/when, etc.
What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one cavity in 
check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and enamel, and 
a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head again?
Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

RE: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Elizabeth Williams

Someone suggested oil pulling with added a couple drops of neem oil, this has 
been working for me and I am trying to avoid a root canal.

Elizabeth Williams


Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 10:34:32 -0700
Subject: Re: CSDental Issues

Hi Ruth.  Sorry to hear about your teeth woes.  I can tell you that using a 
Godzilla unit will kill any infections in your mouth.  Also, when my dentist 
told me I had (mild) periodontal disease around one tooth -- and tried to sell 
me a product to take care of it -- I simply thanked him and went home and used 
a water pik with EIS instead of water on the area.  Next visit, he told me the 
peri disease was gone and to keep doing what I was doing.  Swishing of CS won't 
accomplish the same thing as driving it up under the gum line with a water pik. 
 I can't help you with tightening the teeth -- hope someone else can.  Good 
luck, kiddo.  MA

From: Ruth Bertella
Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:46:38 AM
Subject: CSDental Issues

I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is back 
(well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very 
diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why nothing 
was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with 
diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS.  I only had a 
minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).
Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one that 
is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone is 
deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth should 
probably be pulled.  And the pockets in the gums have enlarged again.  He 
wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist.  I did not fill 
the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors.  I told him this, and about 
CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress with my 'home 
remedies'.  LOL   He's not against my using home remedies, but of course says 
he can't professionally endorse them either.  He's giving me time to try to fix 
things before making further recommendations.  (IF I fix everything, he will 
probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my upper partial to 
accommodate the crown that has broken.  The other is a cavity on the lower back 
molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to reach place - so he wants to 
crown instead of filling the cavity?  go figure!))
I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple times 
daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted about a protocol 
that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember that?  Details please - 
what/how much/when, etc.
What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one cavity in 
check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and enamel, and 
a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head again?
Thanks in advance for all suggestions!
Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

RE: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Norton, Steve
Brooks Bradley once posted a whitening protocol that I remember as
consisting of mixing 3% hydrogen peroxide with 10% DMSO to whiten teeth.
It should also work to kill infections.
 - Steve N

From: Ruth Bertella
Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 9:46:38 AM
Subject: CSDental Issues

I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is
back (well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay
very diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder
why nothing was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this
back in 2005 with diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of
CS.  I only had a minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they
Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one
that is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone
is deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth
should probably be pulled.  And the pockets in the gums have enlarged
again.  He wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a
periodontist.  I did not fill the rx and don't intend to see any other
doctors.  I told him this, and about CS, and he wants to see me again on
11/5/09 to see how I progress with my 'home remedies'.  LOL   He's not
against my using home remedies, but of course says he can't
professionally endorse them either.  He's giving me time to try to fix
things before making further recommendations.  (IF I fix everything, he
will probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my upper partial
to accommodate the crown that has broken.  The other is a cavity on the
lower back molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to reach place
- so he wants to crown instead of filling the cavity?  go figure!))
I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
times daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted
about a protocol that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember
that?  Details please - what/how much/when, etc.
What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one
cavity in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone
and enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly
head again?
Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Dan Nave
My experience has been that swishing and brushing CS helps only with
surface infection and plaque.

If you have pockets of infection, you would need to use something like
CS with 20%, by volume, of DMSO.  Swish this in the mouth for up to 5
minutes.  Repeat daily for as long as it takes, depending on how bad
the infections are.  The DMSO will allow the CS to penetrate the
tissues.  Otherwise, the CS will only work on the surface tissues.

Also, get one of those rubber dental probes, such as they used to have
on the bottom of toothbrushes years back.  Use the point, gently, to
trace between the teeth and gum, with the tip pointing towards the
gum.  Then insert the rubber tip between each pair of teeth and and
press Up or Down towards the gum (on the upper jaw, press up, on the
lower jaw, press down).  This presses the puss out of the pockets.
You can press the gums with your finger too, from the gum towards the
tooth for deep pockets on the sides of teeth.

I know DMSO tastes terrible, but one can get used to it (I did), and
it is not as bad as some other things...

This WILL get rid of most of the problem.

MMS has been known to help with killing germs and tightening gums, but
I have read many reports of people who indicate that it affected their
enamel because it was too acidic.  Be careful...


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Ruth Bertella wrote:
 I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is back
 (well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very
 diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why nothing
 was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with
 diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS.  I only had a
 minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).

 Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one
 that is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
 deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth should
 probably be pulled.  And the pockets in the gums have enlarged again.  He
 wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist.  I did not
 fill the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors.  I told him this, and
 about CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress with
 my 'home remedies'.  LOL   He's not against my using home remedies, but of
 course says he can't professionally endorse them either.  He's giving me
 time to try to fix things before making further recommendations.  (IF I fix
 everything, he will probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my
 upper partial to accommodate the crown that has broken.  The other is a
 cavity on the lower back molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to
 reach place - so he wants to crown instead of filling the cavity?  go

 I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
 times daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted about a
 protocol that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember that?
 Details please - what/how much/when, etc.

 What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one cavity
 in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and
 enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head

 Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water

2009-10-06 Thread sms
Hi Garnet,
And what do use to add minerals back into your water?
I'm about to purchase a distiller and well as a Berky.

---Original Message---
From: Garnet
Date: 10/6/2009 7:57:10 AM
Subject: Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water
You are making distilled water into water with silver ions
in it. This is not the same as the ionized water that
people talk about. There are many types of ions,
silver is just one of them.
But for purposes related to medical benefits of silver
you do not want other ions in your EIS, just the silver.
Buy a water distiller from www. wholesalewaterdistillers
.com - remove spaces. They are about $130 for a one
gallon unit. I have had mine for 6 years and I make all
of my drinking water with it as I am on city water.

CSColorful History of Colloidal Silver Other Silver

2009-10-06 Thread sms
H!  Sorry, just changed the subject so it reads w/o all Caps!
Change it back if you want to.

Re: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Peter Converse

I did...Jupiter it!


- Original Message - 
From: Lisa

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:16 AM
Subject: RE: CSAlkalizing

Hi Peter,

Will you share what ionizer you have?

-Original Message-
From: Peter Converse []
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:07 AM
To: Ode Coyote;
Subject: Re: CSAlkalizing

Hi All,

I just ran a few quick tests which verify what Ode has said.

I did pH testing using test strips on 4 liquid samples and came up with 


1) Tap Water - pH of ~6

2) Ionized water from Jupiter Neptune Ionizer which   uses only tap water
(no added salt or minerals unless you choose to...I don't) - pH of ~10 

pushed to the upper limit.

3) DW - pH of ~5

4) Fresh EIS (made yesterday, at least and made using DW) - pH of ~6

My ionized water when made to around pH 7 to 7.5 tastes wonderfully fresh
and clean, literally like a mountain spring, unlike my tap water, DW or RO
water or most other waters I have tasted. I don't sell these ionizers but 

love mine!

In the first few weeks I used my ionized water I had to work up in 

and pH very slowly because of the die-off effect it created in me. I
couldn't believe it at the time so repeated the experiment several times 

verify the findings (which always remained the same...die-off)

Some say that ionized water has restructured molecules I think. I'm no
chemist and can't refute or confirm that  statement but I will say that 

the only water which I have ever received die-off from drinking 
effect). That being said, it hasn't cured me of anything, that's for 

(except for fat wallet syndrome)

My ionizer uses only the minerals in the tap water to do its thing but can
be used with supplemental calcium if desired.


- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:42 AM
Subject: RE: CSAlkalizing

  Your EIS generator makes Alkaline water in equal proportion to silver

 Date 2006
 Upon looking into Alkaline water and the machines used to make it, it
appears that the process is similar to making EIS, but the [hydronium?]
ions and hydroxyl anions are kept apart by use of a membrane interface.
Alkaline water is said to have a bitter flavor.
 To see if that's the case, I ran a quick and dirty experiment:

 Setup: Two tall narrow glass jiggers set side by side with distilled
water in each and a loop of stainless steel welding rod between them to
make an electrical connection.
 Placed the silver electrodes of a generator, [DC output mode] each one 

each jigger, not touching the stainless loop connector and ran the
arrangement for a while.
 [I don't see *why* that would actually work, but it apparently did...]
 Removed everything, tasted the water.  One had metallic flavor, the 

Added a drop H2O2 to each jigger, one flashed brown [silver ions], the
other had no effect [no silver ions]
Conclusion: [**] Very fresh CS is made of Alkaline water and free silver
ions. Alkaline water is water that is high in Hydroxyl radicals but
doesn't have opposite charged ions to neutralize it. [??] Alkaline
water supposedly oxygenates the blood and acts like a free radical
scavenger. [As does, supposedly, Ozone  and Peroxide therapy, all of 

have similar radical Oxygen dangle atoms...O1 vs the normal O2]

Date 2009
 Possibly Faulty memory seems to recall the use of salt in Alky water

Least-ways, in *this* one...

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do you need to add minerals, and what kind?
A: Yes, minerals are required in order for the ionizer to work. I have
found that the most effective mineral to add is salt. Salt is needed to
make the water conductive so that the ionizer will work.

Ohhh Kay.
If salt is used, one electrode makes Hypochlorus acid and the other,
sodium hydroxide [Lye] which will definitely make that water Alkaline.
 From the handy dandy household cleaner article that sheds light on what
blood electrifiers aka Zappers, might actually be doing. [Controllable
Electro-Chemo-Therapy? or an MMS analog with an antidote right around the
corner...not a blood electrolizer but a blood electro-chemicalizer, cuz
blood is bloody salty]

..easier to just add a few Lye crystals to water. [And turn it into salt
water when it hits the ole tummy]


At 12:37 PM 10/5/2009 -0400, you wrote:

Hi Marshall,

Can you tell me how you make alkalized water? I think my pH is way off
and I'm interested in getting squared away!



-Original Message-

Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Tony Moody

You could pay attention to sinuses. I flushed mine with weak VitC / 
Bicarb  solution and then with EIS, because of  being unwell. . Had to do 
the flush a few  times to get dried stuff to come out and them many, 
many times over a few days before it stopped. I try to remember to do the 
flush again each week. 

Some of my tooth gum is growing back again and that could be due to the 
cleaner sinuses



On 6 Oct 2009 at 9:46, Ruth Bertella wrote about : Subject : CSDental 

 I went to the dentist yesterday.  Apparently my periodontal disease is
 back (well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay
 very diligent forever).  Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why
 nothing was said 6 months ago?).  I thought I had conquered this back in
 2005 with diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS.  I
 only had a minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).
 Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well.  There is only one
 that is noticeable to me.  But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
 deteriorating.  The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth
 should probably be pulled.  And the pockets in the gums have enlarged
 again.  He wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist.
  I did not fill the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors.  I told
 him this, and about CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how
 I progress with my 'home remedies'.  LOL   He's not against my using home
 remedies, but of course says he can't professionally endorse them either. 
 He's giving me time to try to fix things before making further
 recommendations.  (IF I fix everything, he will probably want to do two
 crowns and possibly redo my upper partial to accommodate the crown that
 has broken.  The other is a cavity on the lower back molar at the gum line
 in the very back hardest to reach place - so he wants to crown instead of
 filling the cavity?  go figure!))
 I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
 times daily swishing CS.   But it seems a while back, someone posted about
 a protocol that actually tightened their teeth.  Anyone remember that? 
 Details please - what/how much/when, etc.
 What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one
 cavity in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone
 and enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly
 head again?
 Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSMaking CS

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
Brilliant thank you -- I'll use this idea going forward!

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: CSMaking CS

You can use 10 to 20% from a previous batch to seed it, and that will 
really cut the time down.


Lisa wrote:
 Ok thanks...I'll have to throw out what I have as I made 3 batches and put
 them all in one glass half gallon jar. With three kids we'll go through it
 on a regular basis...that's why I was making some to stock up.

 I guess I'll try my silver puppy on a half gallon container and see how
 it takes to make that work!



The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
What's the generic name...I'm trying to find it now :o)

-Original Message-
From: Garnet [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

You can order LDN without an Rx from

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:
 Yes but that's by prescription...
 Is it hard to convince one's doctor to write it up OR can we get it
 (being in the US) without one?
 -Original Message-
 From: Garnet [] 
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:21 PM
 Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
 Don't forget about LDN to increase your endorphins 300%!
 Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN
 Lisa wrote:

 I just downloaded the first part of the book for free. Once I read that
 its entirety and receive my MMS I'll decide whether or not to take the
 plunge on the 2nd part. 

 On another note... with all this wonderful information on all these
 different products: DMSO, MMS, EIS/CS etc. -- is there a list on how to
 these products effectively and efficiently? Am I wrong in wanting to take
 some of these products for prevention rather than resolution on an
 I'm overweight, tired, sluggish -- probably have candida, no energy and
 really wanting to become balanced (and now I've heard of being properly
 and getting alkalinized). I'm a bit overwhelmed and would like to ensure
 that I use these newfound products properly.

 Thanks for some feedback.


 -Original Message-
 From: Roger Barker [] 
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:50 PM
 Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

 Hi Lisa, you certainly can make it in your own home and relatively  
 easily. The second part of Jim Humble's book explains how to do it in  
 great detail. The biggest problem seems to be accessing the sodium  
 chlorite as, in some countries, it has to be labelled as dangerous  
 goods for transit purposes.

 Cheers, Roger B

 On 6/10/2009, at 9:42 AM, Lisa wrote:

 Can you (as in us at home) make their own MMS or should it be  
 purchased? I
 just purchased 4 oz. but if there's a recipe to do it at home I'm  
 all ears


 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:39 PM
 Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

 I recall that made up MMS had a shelf life of two years. Must be
 kept away from light.

 There's an exception to every rule, except this one.

 On 10/5/2009 12:49:07 PM, Marshall Dudley (
 Melly Bag wrote:
 I want to buy MMS, what is its shelf life?

 It should be indefinite as long as it is in a closed bottle.  The  
 thing that can make it break down is acid.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour



2009-10-06 Thread Garnet

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:

What's the generic name...I'm trying to find it now :o)

-Original Message-
From: Garnet [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 11:22 AM

Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

You can order LDN without an Rx from

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:

Yes but that's by prescription...

Is it hard to convince one's doctor to write it up OR can we get it


(being in the US) without one?

-Original Message-
From: Garnet [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:21 PM

Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

Don't forget about LDN to increase your endorphins 300%!

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:


I just downloaded the first part of the book for free. Once I read that


its entirety and receive my MMS I'll decide whether or not to take the
plunge on the 2nd part. 

On another note... with all this wonderful information on all these
different products: DMSO, MMS, EIS/CS etc. -- is there a list on how to


these products effectively and efficiently? Am I wrong in wanting to take
some of these products for prevention rather than resolution on an


I'm overweight, tired, sluggish -- probably have candida, no energy and
really wanting to become balanced (and now I've heard of being properly


and getting alkalinized). I'm a bit overwhelmed and would like to ensure
that I use these newfound products properly.

Thanks for some feedback.


-Original Message-
From: Roger Barker [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:50 PM

Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

Hi Lisa, you certainly can make it in your own home and relatively  
easily. The second part of Jim Humble's book explains how to do it in  
great detail. The biggest problem seems to be accessing the sodium  
chlorite as, in some countries, it has to be labelled as dangerous  
goods for transit purposes.

Cheers, Roger B

On 6/10/2009, at 9:42 AM, Lisa wrote:

Can you (as in us at home) make their own MMS or should it be  
purchased? I
just purchased 4 oz. but if there's a recipe to do it at home I'm  
all ears



-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

I recall that made up MMS had a shelf life of two years. Must be
kept away from light.

There's an exception to every rule, except this one.

On 10/5/2009 12:49:07 PM, Marshall Dudley (

Melly Bag wrote:

I want to buy MMS, what is its shelf life?

It should be indefinite as long as it is in a closed bottle.  The  

thing that can make it break down is acid.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

[Fwd: [Fwd: Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water]]

2009-10-06 Thread Garnet

Hi Sasha,

I tried to send this to your email address but it bounced.
So I am posting it to the list.

Zeolite is mostly silicon.

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

sms wrote:

Excellent!  I have to go to Whole Foods today and will pick some up.
Have you ever used Zeolite in liquid or powder form?
Do you think it is similar in mineral content?
/---Original Message---/
/*From:*/ Garnet

/*Date:*/ 10/6/2009 11:12:42 AM
/*To:*/ sms
/*Subject:*/ Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water
For my drinking water I use Concentrace drops. Some

people also add 1/8 - 1/4 t of baking soda per gallon to
neutralize the acidic pH.
Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN
sms wrote:

  Hi Garnet,
  And what do use to add minerals back into your water?
  I'm about to purchase a distiller and well as a Berky.
  /---Original Message---/
  /*From:*/ Garnet
  /*Date:*/ 10/6/2009 7:57:10 AM

  /*Subject:*/ Re: CSTHE COLORFUL--ionizing water
  You are making distilled water into water with silver ions
  in it. This is not the same as the ionized water that
  people talk about. There are many types of ions,
  silver is just one of them.
  But for purposes related to medical benefits of silver
  you do not want other ions in your EIS, just the silver.
  Buy a water distiller from www. wholesalewaterdistillers
  .com - remove spaces. They are about $130 for a one
  gallon unit. I have had mine for 6 years and I make all
  of my drinking water with it as I am on city water.


Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Bob Banever


   In my experience the most effective way of getting rid of dental 
infections in roots, in teeth, or in gums, is by using a DC current of 3 
volts, switching polarity every three or four minutes.  This can easily be 
done with a device known as the Godzilla.  This method rarely fails... and 
the bacteria are killed usually within 6 minutes no matter where they 
reside.  Go to microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo... You can make 
your own device for less than $10.00.  It has saved me many visits to the 
dentists office.

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nave

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: CSDental Issues

My experience has been that swishing and brushing CS helps only with
surface infection and plaque.

If you have pockets of infection, you would need to use something like
CS with 20%, by volume, of DMSO.  Swish this in the mouth for up to 5
minutes.  Repeat daily for as long as it takes, depending on how bad
the infections are.  The DMSO will allow the CS to penetrate the
tissues.  Otherwise, the CS will only work on the surface tissues.

Also, get one of those rubber dental probes, such as they used to have
on the bottom of toothbrushes years back.  Use the point, gently, to
trace between the teeth and gum, with the tip pointing towards the
gum.  Then insert the rubber tip between each pair of teeth and and
press Up or Down towards the gum (on the upper jaw, press up, on the
lower jaw, press down).  This presses the puss out of the pockets.
You can press the gums with your finger too, from the gum towards the
tooth for deep pockets on the sides of teeth.

I know DMSO tastes terrible, but one can get used to it (I did), and
it is not as bad as some other things...

This WILL get rid of most of the problem.

MMS has been known to help with killing germs and tightening gums, but
I have read many reports of people who indicate that it affected their
enamel because it was too acidic.  Be careful...


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Ruth Bertella wrote:

I went to the dentist yesterday. Apparently my periodontal disease is back
(well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very
diligent forever). Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why 

was said 6 months ago?). I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with
diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS. I only had a
minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).

Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well. There is only one
that is noticeable to me. But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
deteriorating. The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth 

probably be pulled. And the pockets in the gums have enlarged again. He
wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist. I did not
fill the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors. I told him this, 
about CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress 

my 'home remedies'. LOL He's not against my using home remedies, but of
course says he can't professionally endorse them either. He's giving me
time to try to fix things before making further recommendations. (IF I fix
everything, he will probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my
upper partial to accommodate the crown that has broken. The other is a
cavity on the lower back molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to
reach place - so he wants to crown instead of filling the cavity? go

I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
times daily swishing CS. But it seems a while back, someone posted about a
protocol that actually tightened their teeth. Anyone remember that?
Details please - what/how much/when, etc.

What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one 

in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and
enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head

Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CS Re: Lisa MMS and MRSA

2009-10-06 Thread Sandy
On the alldaychemist site the name used is Naltima.


--- On Tue, 10/6/09, Lisa wrote:

 From: Lisa
 Subject: RE: CSMMS and MRSA
 Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 2:41 PM
 What's the generic name...I'm trying
 to find it now :o)
 -Original Message-
 From: Garnet []
 Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 11:22 AM
 Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
 You can order LDN without an Rx from
 Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN
 Lisa wrote:
  Yes but that's by prescription...
  Is it hard to convince one's doctor to write it up OR
 can we get it
  (being in the US) without one?
  -Original Message-
  From: Garnet []
  Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:21 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
  Don't forget about LDN to increase your endorphins
  Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN
  Lisa wrote:
  I just downloaded the first part of the book for
 free. Once I read that
  its entirety and receive my MMS I'll decide
 whether or not to take the
  plunge on the 2nd part. 
  On another note... with all this wonderful
 information on all these
  different products: DMSO, MMS, EIS/CS etc. -- is
 there a list on how to
  these products effectively and efficiently? Am I
 wrong in wanting to take
  some of these products for prevention rather than
 resolution on an
  I'm overweight, tired, sluggish -- probably have
 candida, no energy and
  really wanting to become balanced (and now I've
 heard of being properly
  and getting alkalinized). I'm a bit overwhelmed
 and would like to ensure
  that I use these newfound products properly.
  Thanks for some feedback.
  -Original Message-
  From: Roger Barker []
  Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:50 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
  Hi Lisa, you certainly can make it in your own
 home and relatively  
  easily. The second part of Jim Humble's book
 explains how to do it in  
  great detail. The biggest problem seems to be
 accessing the sodium  
  chlorite as, in some countries, it has to be
 labelled as dangerous  
  goods for transit purposes.
  Cheers, Roger B
  On 6/10/2009, at 9:42 AM, Lisa wrote:
  Can you (as in us at home) make their own
 MMS or should it be  
  purchased? I
  just purchased 4 oz. but if there's a recipe
 to do it at home I'm  
  all ears
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:39 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
  I recall that made up MMS had a shelf life
 of two years. Must be
  kept away from light.
  There's an exception to every rule, except
 this one.
  On 10/5/2009 12:49:07 PM, Marshall Dudley (
  Melly Bag wrote:
  I want to buy MMS, what is its shelf
  It should be indefinite as long as it is
 in a closed bottle.  The  
  thing that can make it break down is
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for
 discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted
  To post, address your message to:
  Address Off-Topic messages to:
  The Silver List and Off Topic List
 archives are currently down...
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

2009-10-06 Thread Deborah Gerard
thanks I knew i should of used spell check :)

From: Clayton Family
Sent: Tuesday, October 6, 2009 7:11:11 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

I thnk she is referring to herxheimer reaction. Googling turns up: this 
reaction occurs when large amounts of toxins are released into the body as 
bacteria die, due to antibiotic treatment or detoxification.

Silver works as an antibiotic, so this reaction is known to occur using it.


On Oct 6, 2009, at 7:41 AM, Lisa wrote:

What’s the heximer effect?

From: Deborah Gerard [] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623
If you are concerned about the strength of what your making, how much do you 
use in a day? Do you ever notice the heximer affect?

From: zoe w
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 6:44:33 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2009 #623

Follow the money trail.  If the writer stands to profit  by you not making 
your own  then take it with a grain of salt.

The silver I make  is at least 3 times as strong  and the stuff I bought 
commercially  before making my own, and the prices they charge  seem totally  
unwarranted  considering how  inexpensive it is to make.


dave bermes wrote:
 It appears opinions vary. Which is accurate? I realize there are some very 
 experienced users in this group. My friend was fortunate enough to have 
 attended a Beck lecture years ago and he convinced me to use silver ever 
 since and I believe it to be very helpful. I make my own as the good doctor 
 instructed but I am concerned that possibly the silver that I make is less 
 effective than the many retail products that I read of and  that always 
 discount the value of the home prepared silver. I joined this group to learn 
 more from experts, which I am certainly not. This conflict troubles me. I am 
 here to learn. dave


RE: CSDental Issues

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
Would this resemble the zapper at all?

-Original Message-
From: Bob Banever [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: CSDental Issues


In my experience the most effective way of getting rid of dental 
infections in roots, in teeth, or in gums, is by using a DC current of 3 
volts, switching polarity every three or four minutes.  This can easily be 
done with a device known as the Godzilla.  This method rarely fails... and 
the bacteria are killed usually within 6 minutes no matter where they 
reside.  Go to microelectricitygermkiller group on Yahoo... You can make 
your own device for less than $10.00.  It has saved me many visits to the 
dentists office.

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nave
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: CSDental Issues

My experience has been that swishing and brushing CS helps only with
surface infection and plaque.

If you have pockets of infection, you would need to use something like
CS with 20%, by volume, of DMSO.  Swish this in the mouth for up to 5
minutes.  Repeat daily for as long as it takes, depending on how bad
the infections are.  The DMSO will allow the CS to penetrate the
tissues.  Otherwise, the CS will only work on the surface tissues.

Also, get one of those rubber dental probes, such as they used to have
on the bottom of toothbrushes years back.  Use the point, gently, to
trace between the teeth and gum, with the tip pointing towards the
gum.  Then insert the rubber tip between each pair of teeth and and
press Up or Down towards the gum (on the upper jaw, press up, on the
lower jaw, press down).  This presses the puss out of the pockets.
You can press the gums with your finger too, from the gum towards the
tooth for deep pockets on the sides of teeth.

I know DMSO tastes terrible, but one can get used to it (I did), and
it is not as bad as some other things...

This WILL get rid of most of the problem.

MMS has been known to help with killing germs and tightening gums, but
I have read many reports of people who indicate that it affected their
enamel because it was too acidic.  Be careful...


On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Ruth Bertella wrote:
 I went to the dentist yesterday. Apparently my periodontal disease is back
 (well, I'm thinkin it never fully goes away - ya must have to stay very
 diligent forever). Or at least it's a big problem again (wonder why 
 was said 6 months ago?). I thought I had conquered this back in 2005 with
 diligent cleaning and almost obsessive use/swishing of CS. I only had a
 minimal amount of plaque (less than most patients they said).

 Some of my teeth have gotten loose this time as well. There is only one
 that is noticeable to me. But on the xrays you can see where the bone is
 deteriorating. The dentist said this will spread and the worst teeth 
 probably be pulled. And the pockets in the gums have enlarged again. He
 wrote an rx for doxycycline and wants me to see a periodontist. I did not
 fill the rx and don't intend to see any other doctors. I told him this, 
 about CS, and he wants to see me again on 11/5/09 to see how I progress 
 my 'home remedies'. LOL He's not against my using home remedies, but of
 course says he can't professionally endorse them either. He's giving me
 time to try to fix things before making further recommendations. (IF I fix
 everything, he will probably want to do two crowns and possibly redo my
 upper partial to accommodate the crown that has broken. The other is a
 cavity on the lower back molar at the gum line in the very back hardest to
 reach place - so he wants to crown instead of filling the cavity? go

 I know I can mostly handle the pockets with very, very diligent muliple
 times daily swishing CS. But it seems a while back, someone posted about a
 protocol that actually tightened their teeth. Anyone remember that?
 Details please - what/how much/when, etc.

 What suggestions can y'all offer to 'tighten' the teeth, keep the one 
 in check so he doesn't have to fill or crown, rebuilding the bone and
 enamel, and a long term plan to keep all this from raising it's ugly head

 Thanks in advance for all suggestions!

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CS Re: Lisa MMS and MRSA

2009-10-06 Thread Lisa
H...I found it - under naltroxene (under the generic tab rather than
brand name). A bit taken aback with the $25 processing/handling fee but I
suppose that goes with the territory. It's also 50mg, how long will 10 pills
last knowing that the dose is between 2-4mg?


-Original Message-
From: Sandy [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:54 PM
Subject: RE: CS Re: Lisa MMS and MRSA

On the alldaychemist site the name used is Naltima.


--- On Tue, 10/6/09, Lisa wrote:

 From: Lisa
 Subject: RE: CSMMS and MRSA
 Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 2:41 PM
 What's the generic name...I'm trying
 to find it now :o)
 -Original Message-
 From: Garnet []
 Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 11:22 AM
 Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
 You can order LDN without an Rx from
 Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN
 Lisa wrote:
  Yes but that's by prescription...
  Is it hard to convince one's doctor to write it up OR
 can we get it
  (being in the US) without one?
  -Original Message-
  From: Garnet []
  Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:21 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
  Don't forget about LDN to increase your endorphins
  Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN
  Lisa wrote:
  I just downloaded the first part of the book for
 free. Once I read that
  its entirety and receive my MMS I'll decide
 whether or not to take the
  plunge on the 2nd part. 
  On another note... with all this wonderful
 information on all these
  different products: DMSO, MMS, EIS/CS etc. -- is
 there a list on how to
  these products effectively and efficiently? Am I
 wrong in wanting to take
  some of these products for prevention rather than
 resolution on an
  I'm overweight, tired, sluggish -- probably have
 candida, no energy and
  really wanting to become balanced (and now I've
 heard of being properly
  and getting alkalinized). I'm a bit overwhelmed
 and would like to ensure
  that I use these newfound products properly.
  Thanks for some feedback.
  -Original Message-
  From: Roger Barker []
  Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:50 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
  Hi Lisa, you certainly can make it in your own
 home and relatively  
  easily. The second part of Jim Humble's book
 explains how to do it in  
  great detail. The biggest problem seems to be
 accessing the sodium  
  chlorite as, in some countries, it has to be
 labelled as dangerous  
  goods for transit purposes.
  Cheers, Roger B
  On 6/10/2009, at 9:42 AM, Lisa wrote:
  Can you (as in us at home) make their own
 MMS or should it be  
  purchased? I
  just purchased 4 oz. but if there's a recipe
 to do it at home I'm  
  all ears
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:39 PM
  Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA
  I recall that made up MMS had a shelf life
 of two years. Must be
  kept away from light.
  There's an exception to every rule, except
 this one.
  On 10/5/2009 12:49:07 PM, Marshall Dudley (
  Melly Bag wrote:
  I want to buy MMS, what is its shelf
  It should be indefinite as long as it is
 in a closed bottle.  The  
  thing that can make it break down is
  The Silver List is a moderated forum for
 discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted
  To post, address your message to:
  Address Off-Topic messages to:
  The Silver List and Off Topic List
 archives are currently down...
  List maintainer: Mike Devour


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS to alkalize DW

2009-10-06 Thread Harold MacDonald
I distill all my potable water and use approx. 35 drops of Concentrace 
minerals per US gallon to bring it up to 7+pH.
Makes a huge difference in taste and enjoyment ,and, it sure makes coffee so 
much better.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Re: Lisa MMS and MRSA

2009-10-06 Thread Garnet

They also sell a brand called Nodict. But you should be
able to look any of the brand names up using the
generic drug name Naltrexone.

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Sandy wrote:

On the alldaychemist site the name used is Naltima.


--- On Tue, 10/6/09, Lisa wrote:

From: Lisa
Subject: RE: CSMMS and MRSA
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 2:41 PM
What's the generic name...I'm trying
to find it now :o)

-Original Message-
From: Garnet []

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

You can order LDN without an Rx from

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:

Yes but that's by prescription...

Is it hard to convince one's doctor to write it up OR

can we get it

(being in the US) without one?

-Original Message-
From: Garnet []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

Don't forget about LDN to increase your endorphins


Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:


I just downloaded the first part of the book for

free. Once I read that

its entirety and receive my MMS I'll decide

whether or not to take the
plunge on the 2nd part. 

On another note... with all this wonderful

information on all these

different products: DMSO, MMS, EIS/CS etc. -- is

there a list on how to


these products effectively and efficiently? Am I

wrong in wanting to take

some of these products for prevention rather than

resolution on an


I'm overweight, tired, sluggish -- probably have

candida, no energy and

really wanting to become balanced (and now I've

heard of being properly


and getting alkalinized). I'm a bit overwhelmed

and would like to ensure

that I use these newfound products properly.

Thanks for some feedback.


-Original Message-
From: Roger Barker []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

Hi Lisa, you certainly can make it in your own
home and relatively  

easily. The second part of Jim Humble's book
explains how to do it in  

great detail. The biggest problem seems to be
accessing the sodium  

chlorite as, in some countries, it has to be
labelled as dangerous  

goods for transit purposes.

Cheers, Roger B

On 6/10/2009, at 9:42 AM, Lisa wrote:

Can you (as in us at home) make their own
MMS or should it be  

purchased? I
just purchased 4 oz. but if there's a recipe
to do it at home I'm  

all ears


-Original Message-


Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

I recall that made up MMS had a shelf life

of two years. Must be

kept away from light.


There's an exception to every rule, except

this one.

On 10/5/2009 12:49:07 PM, Marshall Dudley (

Melly Bag wrote:

I want to buy MMS, what is its shelf


It should be indefinite as long as it is
in a closed bottle.  The  

thing that can make it break down is



The Silver List is a moderated forum for

discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted


To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List

archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Roger Barker
Hi Marshall, our tap/drinking water hovers around a pH of 8. What I'd  
like to ask is, would your protocol laid out below be a good addition  
to our drinking water to lower body pH?

Cheers,  Roger B

On 6/10/2009, at 6:58 AM, Marshall Dudley wrote:

I am using the following protocol:

1. Put one level tablespoon of citric acid and one level tablespoon  
of baking soda into a drinking glass of at least 8 ounces.
2. add about 2 ounces of water.  When foaming diminishes, stir until  
foam once again diminishes
3. add 1/4 teaspoon of soda.  Stir until foaming diminishes again. It  
is normal for this to get very cold.
4. add 2 or 3 ounces of water and another 1/4 teaspoon of soda and  
stir. If it fizzes, repeat.  After adding soda about 3 times it  
should not fizz any more when adding.  At that point it should be  
right at a pH of 7 or slightly aklaline.  If you taste it before  
adding the additional baking soda it should taste somewhat sour.   
Once it has quit fizzing it should taste salty.  You can always use a  
pH test as well, you are aiming for a pH of 7 or slightly over.

Either put the entire amount into 5 gallons of water, or add  
sufficient water to have 5 ounces, and add one ounce to a gallon of  
water.  If you have it, add 4 drops of MMS to each gallon as well  
( or 15 drops of water alkalizing drops).  It is important that the  
water be a pH of 7 or more at this point, or it will activate the  
MSM, which you do NOT want.

If drinking this water be sure to take a calcium, magnesium and  
potassium supplement.  This water contains significant sodium and you  
need to make sure and keep your electrolytes balanced.  Also monitor  
blood pressure if you are sensitive to sodium, as it may increase  
blood pressure in some people due to the sodium content.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CS Re: Lisa MMS and MRSA

2009-10-06 Thread Garnet

50 mg in 50 ml of distilled water makes 50 ml of
1 mg/ml concentration.

Beyond about 30 days it starts to break down
even kept in the frige. I toss anything that starts
to develop a sulfurous odor.

Or you could break the tabs in half but that is
a bit more difficult to do accurately.

If you dose at 2.5 mg then it will last 20 days.
You need to read up on dosing as some
people experience some headaches and vivid
dreams so need to start really low. I would
join one or two of the LDN Yahoo lists such
so you can ask questions there.

I actually started out very low 0.5 mg because
I am very sensitive and did not want to put up
with any side effects. Decided I would rather
go more slowly, for my body to adjust, but
some start off at 4.5 and never have any
issues. It all depends on your system.

And yes the shipping is high per tab unless you
are ordering larger numbers. It's still cheaper
than any other source.

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:

H...I found it - under naltroxene (under the generic tab rather than
brand name). A bit taken aback with the $25 processing/handling fee but I
suppose that goes with the territory. It's also 50mg, how long will 10 pills
last knowing that the dose is between 2-4mg?


-Original Message-
From: Sandy [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:54 PM

Subject: RE: CS Re: Lisa MMS and MRSA

On the alldaychemist site the name used is Naltima.


--- On Tue, 10/6/09, Lisa wrote:

From: Lisa
Subject: RE: CSMMS and MRSA
Date: Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 2:41 PM
What's the generic name...I'm trying
to find it now :o)

-Original Message-
From: Garnet []

Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 11:22 AM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

You can order LDN without an Rx from

Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:

Yes but that's by prescription...

Is it hard to convince one's doctor to write it up OR

can we get it

(being in the US) without one?

-Original Message-
From: Garnet []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 9:21 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

Don't forget about LDN to increase your endorphins


Dr Chris Steele, ITV's This Morning supporting LDN

Lisa wrote:


I just downloaded the first part of the book for

free. Once I read that

its entirety and receive my MMS I'll decide

whether or not to take the
plunge on the 2nd part. 

On another note... with all this wonderful

information on all these

different products: DMSO, MMS, EIS/CS etc. -- is

there a list on how to


these products effectively and efficiently? Am I

wrong in wanting to take

some of these products for prevention rather than

resolution on an


I'm overweight, tired, sluggish -- probably have

candida, no energy and

really wanting to become balanced (and now I've

heard of being properly


and getting alkalinized). I'm a bit overwhelmed

and would like to ensure

that I use these newfound products properly.

Thanks for some feedback.


-Original Message-
From: Roger Barker []
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 5:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

Hi Lisa, you certainly can make it in your own
home and relatively  

easily. The second part of Jim Humble's book
explains how to do it in  

great detail. The biggest problem seems to be
accessing the sodium  

chlorite as, in some countries, it has to be
labelled as dangerous  

goods for transit purposes.

Cheers, Roger B

On 6/10/2009, at 9:42 AM, Lisa wrote:

Can you (as in us at home) make their own
MMS or should it be  

purchased? I
just purchased 4 oz. but if there's a recipe
to do it at home I'm  

all ears


-Original Message-


Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: CSMMS and MRSA

I recall that made up MMS had a shelf life

of two years. Must be

kept away from light.


There's an exception to every rule, except

this one.

On 10/5/2009 12:49:07 PM, Marshall Dudley (

Melly Bag wrote:

I want to buy MMS, what is its shelf


It should be 


2009-10-06 Thread Dianne France

Thought I would give you an interesting update.  My friends X that was taking 
the activated MMS and using CS on the MRSA thought he would add ickthemal (sp?) 
on two of the older sores on his arm to try to draw things out more.  My friend 
told him not to but he did it anyway.  His arm got worse so he went to another 
doctor.  After he explained his previous bout with MRSA and how long he had 
been treating and how bad his condition had been when the doctors eyes got big 
as saucers (according to current wife) and looked at him and asked what in the 
world have you taken to fix this so quickly?  He told him he was using 
activated oxygen and cs plus the ickthemal.  He told him NOT to us ickthemal 
and whatever he did not to stop using the treatment protocal he was using.  He 
also asked to please let him know where he could get information on MMS.  He 
knew about cs.  Maybe there are some doctors out there that still have open 


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Re: CSCan this woman be saved?

2009-10-06 Thread Peter Converse
Lugol's solution 5% 
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 12:00 PM
  Subject: CSCan this woman be saved?

I saw TV this morning a young woman became paralized from eating a 
store brought frozen ground beef contaminating E Coli.  Do you think homemade 
CS would save her if drinking enough it when earlier symptoms appeared?  Or MMS 
would be a better weapon? or may be both?  opinion please.  thanks.   Helen



2009-10-06 Thread Neville Munn

[The issue is complicated by the fact that not all colloidal silver products
 are of the same quality. Products made at home or by the use of electrical
 charges to ionize and suspend the silver are products not worth taking. They
 are typically clear in color, are lucky to have any potency after two weeks,
 and run a much higher risk for silver depositing in the skin (argyria).]


And contrary to what may be popular opinion, EIS (which is three things...pure 
fine silver, distilled water and electrolysis) will NOT cause any of this 
colour issue {my opinion based on available literature and will not be moved at 
this point in time}.


[I've been taking a shot glass worth every day (as my children are) to
 prevent any flu from entering the household. I was planning on doing this
 through November. Am I doing the right thing?]

-Most certainly are, I've been doing this daily for over 4 years, and 2 years 
prior to that intermittently, with a stabilized EIS, before breakfast when the 
mouth is driest and swirling under tongue for 2-3 minutes before swallowing.  
Only exception would be that same quantity for the kids, much less would be 
needed than that shot glass for them, cut it back to a quarter or third of a 
shot at most I'd say.



 Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 18:58:10 -0400
 I read this article and it's quite interesting: however, it bothered me to
 read the following excerpt:
 The issue is complicated by the fact that not all colloidal silver products
 are of the same quality. Products made at home or by the use of electrical
 charges to ionize and suspend the silver are products not worth taking. They
 are typically clear in color, are lucky to have any potency after two weeks,
 and run a much higher risk for silver depositing in the skin (argyria).

 Does this mean that the Silver Puppy I just spent $150+ is producing less
 than optimal EIS/CS ??? AND on top of that it may cause argyria?
 I've been taking a shot glass worth every day (as my children are) to
 prevent any flu from entering the household. I was planning on doing this
 through November. Am I doing the right thing?
 Please, I'd like to hear some feedback regarding these matters
 -Original Message-
 From: Hanneke [] 
 Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 6:43 PM
 By Byron J. Richards, CCN
 October 3, 2009
 Colloidal silver is the product the FDA and many mainstream medical 
 people love to hate. Listening to them you would think every person 
 taking colloidal silver is going to turn gray with silver 
 accumulation in their skin (argyria). Their worst nightmare is people 
 taking colloidal silver to combat the H1N1 swine flu - the nightmare 
 for them is that it might actually work. Since I am a health 
 professional who has utilized colloidal silver in practice for more 
 than 15 years with thousands of people, I'm more than happy to share 
 some insights on the subject.
 For full article:
 avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
 Virus Database (VPS): 091004-0, 04/10/2009
 Tested on: 6/10/2009 9:12:54 AM
 avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

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Re: CSAlkalizing

2009-10-06 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Tokyo Broadcasting System ran a series about alakaline/acid water 
machines some years ago.   A man who was to lose his foot due to 
diabetic gangrene saved his foot in hospital by soaking it in acid 
water (which alkaline water machines make as runoff, or by selecting 
the acid setting.)

The acidic water healed his foot.  He also had to drink three liters of 
alkaline water per day.  This partially reversed the diabetes to the 
extent that he greatly cut back on insulin use.   The Isle of Langeurs 
(sp?) that produces insulin also recovered and started production 
again, according to the MDs at the hospital.

This may tie in with someone's recent claim that gastric bypass surgery 
reverses diabetes.   I know nothing about that, but alkaline water 
might have some bearing on gastric acid effects on insulin production.  
 Just speculation, but interesting.

I concur with the observation that commercial alkaline water output has 
a superb taste.  It makes wonderful tea, too.

The same machine has worked well for me for more than 10 years -- worth 
every penny of the purchase.   It's a shame they aren't widely sold 
outside Japan.   Mass production brings the price down to reasonable 

On Tuesday, Oct 6, 2009, at 23:06 Asia/Tokyo, Peter Converse wrote:

Some say that ionized water has restructured molecules I think. I'm no 
chemist and can't refute or confirm that  statement but I will say 
that it's the only water which I have ever received die-off from 
drinking (Herxheimer effect). That being said, it hasn't cured me of 
anything, that's for sure! (except for fat wallet syndrome)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSmike,really this is my last post,,,really..

2009-10-06 Thread Jim Holmes
Certain groups have made it so that speaking relevant truth is anti
and many people are conditioned to make very negative assumptions about
people who even address some issues.  It is truly an elephant in the living

On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 8:21 AM, aKa Jhon wrote:

 There seems to be a 'prejudice' against 'prejudiced' people...

 I think that the lofty idea of 'the war on racism' is gradually turning
 into a hideously false ideology. . And this anti-racism will be for the
 twenty-first century what communism was for the twentieth century: a source
 of violence.

  I totally agree Garnet. This is not the place for religious discussions
 and certainly not the place for misguided prejudice. Knock it off Bruce.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour