RE: CS>bromine in breads

2010-02-07 Thread Ode Coyote

Green house?  Cold frame? That South facing window or sun room and mud 
buckets of dirt.  Buy bulk in season...Home canning and freezing?

farmers market online   whole foods online  [Google]

Get together and petition the local grocers for what you want to buy.
If you establish that there is a market, they will get it and sell it.
If you prepay a bulk order to prove that you are serious, they will order 
even if they won't stock.
 A guaranteed sale beats waste in the dumpster. [ A HUGE expense for a 
grocer ]

Start a co-op. [There might already be one you don't know about in some 
bodies basement ]
 Both the food and the transportation exists...eagerly looking for 
somewhere to go.


Hey Ode, where I live there aren't any farmers markets* and one cannot 
grow enough food to be more than a nice fresh treat during the very short 
season. I do grow very nice egyptian onions and chives though. The onions 
are so hardy I will be able to start cutting some in late March. The ONLY 
thing I've ever found that will start growing that early and is not much 
affected by frost.

We used to get people who would bring up tomatoes, peppers, peaches, 
apples, corn, onions, etc from Colorado or Utah and set up in various 
parking lots, but they don't come here anymore. Well, one very seedy group 
came here last year, but I wouldn't fish their stuff out of a dumpster for 
free, forget paying for it.

The grocery store produce (of any kind) is gawdawful.
The nearest whole foods type market is a 340 mile RT.

*there is a thing that claims to be a "farmer's market" that is held one 
day a week in late summer early fall for 4 hours a day, but it sells 
crafts, not much produce.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?

2010-02-07 Thread Ode Coyote

  Brigham Young University did a detailed time/PPM/kill study.
 Don't recall details well, but [probably] as little as 3 PPB sterilized 
water over some period of time, where 3 PPM did it a lot faster.

David A. Revelli
Brigham Young University
Dr. Ron W. Leavitt, Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology/Molecular Biology

 Commercial silver ion water treatment systems have been available for 
decades and are used by the merchant marines, various airlines, NASA., some 
water treatment plants both in the USA  and Russia.
 Honeywell Rockwell and others us "Ag-Ion" [TM] silver ion exchange resins 
to keep filters sterile.
 Curad silver bandaids work by using body fluids as the electrolyte to 
make silver ions migrate from a silver fabric layer to an aluminum fabric 
layer. [Battery effect]
The newest trend is the use of nano-silver particles to deliver silver ions.

ANY chemical reaction involves the exchange of ions [??]
 I sorta recall hearing that the the whole field of chemistry can be 
expressed in electrical terms.

 Copper and zinc [and many other] ions will also kill germs.


At 01:52 PM 2/6/2010 -0800, you wrote:

Hello Steve,

I am begining to realize that the exact mechanism of how silver works 
inside the body is still a "little" theoritical...

Let's jump outside the body for just a moment.  Other sanatizers require a 
concentration of the product to be in contact with the pathogen for a 
period of time.  With chlorine dioxide, for example, the CT values allow 
you to adjust the process time for the concentration you are using.  When 
disinfecting wilderness water, I use a CT of 1000 mg-minutes/liter.  When 
I mix up a 4 PPM chlorine dioxide solution, I know that to sanatize a 
liter of water it is going to take 250 minutes.  If I have lots of time, 
and am concerned with better taste, I can reduce the concentration to 2 
PPM chlorine dioxide, and extend the time out to 500 minutes.

Does anything like this exist for EIS?

- Original Message -
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?

I was skirting this because it is a secondary issue. Silver ions are very 
active and will form compounds with the first substance it can. Silver 
ions do not survive the digestive system as free ions. They probably react 
with stomach acid to primarily form silver chloride. The silver may also 
react with other substances such as ammopnia to form other compounds. But 
they do not remain as silver ions.

- Steve N

From: poast 
Sent: Fri Feb 05 16:03:24 2010
Subject: Re: CS>

Hello Steve,

OK, I am beginning to understand.

I have looked at the Altman paper, but have not studied it.  I will take 
another look at it, in detail.

If I may present a somewhat weak argument...

Doesn't it stand to reason that if you take more, you will not only ingest 
more ions, but also more particles.  Perhaps the elimination through the 
kidney is just because there is more of both in the body...

Back to the books, for now.



- Original Message -
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 10:43 AM
Subject: CS>


I am not suggesting daily use over use as needed. There was a time when I 
first used EIS I used it several times a day. It allowed me to get off a 
long term dependence on antibiotics. Now I take it when I think I need it.

As to why I think that large doses of EIS do not significantly increase 
the effectiveness of EIS is a little more complex and somewhat 
controversial. It has to do with how EIS is processed in the body. The 
best clue to that comes from the Altman Silver Excretion Study. You can 
find the study at the Silver Medicine web site. Unfortunately the study 
pnly provides clues but not definitive answers. That is where the 
interpretation I mentioned in may previous post is important.

IMO the important issue is whether the silver eliminated by the kidney is 
is in solution or particulate form. Silver in solution is far more active 
than silver in particulate form. There are varying opinions on that 
question. One of the more popular theories is that it is a soluble 
silver/ammonia compound is formed and since it contains ammonia it is 
removed by the kidney. However I have found that one of the most likely 
ammonia compounds, Ag(NH3)2, is eliminated by the liver and not the 
kidney. While I cannot say it with absolute certainly, my research 
indicates that all silver compounds in solution are removed by the liver.

For various reasons it appaers that taking large ammounts of EIS 
predominately increases the amount of silver that excretes through the 
kidney which is therefore the much l

Re: CS>bromine in breads

2010-02-07 Thread Ode Coyote

  Maybe you, but probably not the 10-100 million others headed this way.


At 03:53 PM 2/6/2010 -0600, you wrote:
No farmers market here and just one grocery store. LOL You got room for 
all of us when things get really rough? LOL

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?

2010-02-07 Thread Ode Coyote

  We do have an ability to make workable decisions based on nearly no 
information...but they aren't always the best ones.
 If there are enough stones there to get across the stream, the other 
stones don't matter once on the other side.

 But, that's not the only way to get across.


At 03:33 PM 2/6/2010 -0800, you wrote:

Hello Ode,

When I studied chaos theory in school I was sure this was something that I
would never be able to actually apply.  Now I am not so sure...

I have played with little children who can do a great job of connecting the
dots, and do so effortlessly.  Perhaps we just need to be a little more
creative in our approach.

On the other hand, who needs dots anyway... :)

- Original Message -
From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?

>   However, the body is a dynamic chemical soup loaded with intelligent ion
> exchanges and [to coin a phrase] nano battery effects.
>   Anything done in a test tube isn't going to tell the whole story.
>   Given individual differences and temporary conditions, there may not
> BE a whole story to tell.
> This is like a game of connect the dots with most of the dots missing.
> Ode
> At 04:59 PM 2/5/2010 -0600, you wrote:
> >I was skirting this because it is a secondary issue. Silver ions are very
> >active and will form compounds with the first substance it can. Silver
> >ions do not survive the digestive system as free ions. They probably
> >with stomach acid to primarily form silver chloride. The silver may also
> >react with other substances such as ammopnia to form other compounds. But
> >they do not remain as silver ions.
> >- Steve N
> >
> >
> >--
> >From: poast 
> >To: 
> >Sent: Fri Feb 05 16:03:24 2010
> >Subject: Re: CS>
> >
> >Hello Steve,
> >
> >OK, I am beginning to understand.
> >
> >I have looked at the Altman paper, but have not studied it.  I will take
> >another look at it, in detail.
> >
> >If I may present a somewhat weak argument...
> >
> >Doesn't it stand to reason that if you take more, you will not only
> >more ions, but also more particles.  Perhaps the elimination through the
> >kidney is just because there is more of both in the body...
> >
> >Back to the books, for now.
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >Tom
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: Norton, Steve
> >To:
> >Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 10:43 AM
> >Subject: CS>
> >
> >Tom,
> >
> >I am not suggesting daily use over use as needed. There was a time when I
> >first used EIS I used it several times a day. It allowed me to get off a
> >long term dependence on antibiotics. Now I take it when I think I need
> >
> >As to why I think that large doses of EIS do not significantly increase
> >the effectiveness of EIS is a little more complex and somewhat
> >controversial. It has to do with how EIS is processed in the body. The
> >best clue to that comes from the Altman Silver Excretion Study. You can
> >find the study at the Silver Medicine web site. Unfortunately the study
> >pnly provides clues but not definitive answers. That is where the
> >interpretation I mentioned in may previous post is important.
> >
> >IMO the important issue is whether the silver eliminated by the kidney is
> >is in solution or particulate form. Silver in solution is far more active
> >than silver in particulate form. There are varying opinions on that
> >question. One of the more popular theories is that it is a soluble
> >silver/ammonia compound is formed and since it contains ammonia it is
> >removed by the kidney. However I have found that one of the most likely
> >ammonia compounds, Ag(NH3)2, is eliminated by the liver and not the
> >kidney. While I cannot say it with absolute certainly, my research
> >indicates that all silver compounds in solution are removed by the liver.
> >
> >For various reasons it appaers that taking large ammounts of EIS
> >predominately increases the amount of silver that excretes through the
> >kidney which is therefore the much less effective particulate form. So I
> >suggested two complementary methods that will increase the silver that is
> >in solution while reducing the amount in particulate form. One is holding
> >additional EIS in the mouth to allow transport of silver ions through the
> >mucosal tissues without swallowing. The other is contained in the note
> >regarding the use of Gatortade.
> >I hope this helps.
> >
> >  - Steve
> >
> >
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: poast 
> >To: 
> >Sent: Fri Feb 05 11:03:13 2010
> >Subject: Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?
> >
> >Hello Steve,
> >
> >I am totally new to EIS, so please be gentle with me...
> >
> >Your opinion seems to be that the best use EIS is to maintain a level in
> >body through daily use.  You also ind

Re: CS>FDA approval

2010-02-07 Thread Ode Coyote

  Yup..and I think it was someone on this list that made the original inquiry.
 Specific questions got a specific answer for a change.

 Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D. (John Hopkins University)

&you should be advised that we recently completed an extensive review of 
the scientific literature on the afety of silver, especially as it relates 
to its one known potential side effect, namely, Argyria. Argyia is an 
irreversible discoloration of the pigment (skin) caused by excessive silver 
intake or chronic exposure to silver by certain tissues. The amount of 
silver required to develop Argyria is estimated to be 3.8 grams per day.

That's the first time I've heard the "Per Day" statement and the minimum 
seems to range between 2 and 4 grams depending on who's talking, usually 
with no time period specified or considering any hint of an elimination or 
absorption rate.which sort of leaves us with a few tough to define 
assumptions about *retention* being a huge factor.

 PHD [Piled higher and deeper, once again ]

 I think I could probably swallow a One Troy Ounce Silver Eagle every day 
from now on and not retain any significant amount of silver.
 [Then drown in a pool of water due to having so much ballast...but it was 
da silver whut killed im. ]

 It's that very lack of context that makes all the dosing recommendations 
I've run across [so far ] totally worthless.

Paraphrasing Mike D
 If it worked, it was enough.
 If more still doesn't work, do that differently till it does, or try 
something else.
..and once the reason for doing it doesn't apply, forgetting to do it is quit.

..and there's more than one way to turn blue.  Being dead is one of them.


At 03:37 PM 2/6/2010 -0800, you wrote:

Hello Ode,

I am sure you have seen this FDA communication...

I found the language very interesting.


- Original Message -
From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 6:42 AM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA approval

> If you need "approval" for everything you do, you'll never do anything.
>The very reason we make EIS and use it is because we are CHEAP and
> give a hoot WHAT the FDA says.
> Besides
>   Even the FDA can't afford to test things to their own standards.
> Their "final word" [in so many words] reads like:
> "We don't know, we don't want to know, we've found no reason to want to
> knowso shut up and do what you want tojust don't make claims and
> won't have to come down there and slap you
> ..and if you ASK, we'll just say no to cover our don't
> "  [Likewise with the Product Safety Commissionif we don't know, just
> say no to be safe.]
>   "Not proven safe and effective" [FDA double talk]  just means it hasn't
> been tested, which ISN'T proof of being unsafe or ineffective.
>   The FDA situation is such that they can't afford to prove ANYTHING and
> have to rely on those that CAN afford to...which can have a few "problems"
> now and then.
>   But then, yanking something from the shelves to cover their buttocks in
> the face of a consumer scare, has happened many times.
> But never with EIS.
>   They are far more concerned with what's ON bottle, than what's in it.
> FOIA request has established that the FDA has no matching records
> concerning "EIS" of any reported cases, yea OR nay.
> If it works, no harm done.if it doesn't.loop back to the medical
> establishment. [and maybe the SAME harm done that would have happened
> anyway, had you not tried. ]
> Ode
> At 04:52 PM 2/5/2010 -0800, you wrote:
> >There has been a LOT of discussion about FDA approvals and what it takes
> >to get them and how much it costs, etc.
> >
> >OK, so?   How many people are there now who make their own EIS?
> >
> >How many people are there in addition who might want to use it if it were
> >FDA approved?
> >
> >Hundreds?  Thousands?  More?
> >
> >Individually we do not have the resources of a large pharmaceutical
> >company, but together, all thousands of us, maybe we could put together
> >the wherewithall to do the research, conduct the tests, and perfect a
> >product that could be FDA approved!
> >
> >Why not?
> >
> >Any interest out there, besides me?
> >
> >Dick
> >
> >
> >--
> >The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> >Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> >To post, address your message to:
> >
> >Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >
> >The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

RE: CS>bromine in breads

2010-02-07 Thread Ode Coyote

I'm assuming you speak of conditions in Australia?

 A few years ago I was amazed to find that the common as dirt [here in N 
America] canning jar was a collectors item there.
Also, that growing vegetables was considered beneath one in Belizeno 
"man" would ever stoop so low.

 Agreed, there is a dependency shakeup in the works. [where peeps will 
probably kill for ANY food "believing" in their own helplessness. ]

 There's a hundred ways to do just about anything.
 Corporations became what they are by doing them...and others believing 
they can't.

Yet, no matter where you go there's a Black Market of non believers 
supplying whatever will sell, legal or not.


We need a revolution, or a depression, I don't care which comes first.  As 
I think I said earlier, I can see the day when some will actually KILL for 
quality food.  If that sounds ridiculous or science fiction...then let's 
wait and see...There IS a breaking point!


If It Exists, You'll Find it on SEEK Shopping Trolley Mechanic

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FDA approval

2010-02-07 Thread Martsmail53
Tom, Thanks   This is best info I have ever seen Thanks
In a message dated 2/7/2010 8:52:33 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Fwd: CS> Anyone remember Tobie Anne with blood in urine

2010-02-07 Thread Martsmail53

Tobie Anne  was weighted at vets yesterday at 41.4 lbs.  up almost over 8 
lbs. Her urine test did show signs of toxins taken a month ago. 

Sent: 1/24/2010  11:04:42 P.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: CS> Tobie Anne with blood in  urine

I took,  sol recommendation, straight 5 ppm EIS for a  while. Dog was not 
eating much or drinking that I could see. ( cat drinks  out of same bowl ) So 
I gave Tobie 2 tablespoons of milk with 1  tablespoon of EIS ever other 
hour waking hour for several days. She  normally drinks well water, not city 
water. Each day I cut up a chicken  fryer along with dry food. Tobie Anne age 
13 who was exposed to mold in  car with me( she has gone to work with me 
everyday for 13 years),  lost 15 lbs over  2 years, from 48 lbs. to  33 lbs.,  
gained  almost 5 lbs back according to vet in 16 days. Future test is  
planned for urine and possible toxin testing. It is hard to tell, she  doesn't 
say much, but she seems happier ! Runs around like a puppy now.  Thanks for 
everyone's recommendations.  Marty
Toby is female dog 33 lbs how much cs should I  give her in water dish

- Original Message - 
From:  _martsmai...@aol.com_ (  
To: _silver-l...@eskimo.com_ (  
Sent: Thursday, January 07, 2010  12:02 AM
Subject: CS> Dog with blood in  urine

Any recommendations for colloidal silver consumption. Dog threw up  
antibiotic from vet.


Sent: 1/7/2010  12:02:20 A.M. Central Standard Time
Subj: CS> Dog with blood in  urine

Any recommendations for colloidal silver consumption. Dog threw up  
antibiotic from  vet.

Fwd: CS> Sorry way OFF TOPIC Hot Tubs

2010-02-07 Thread Martsmail53


Sent: 2/4/2010 7:45:49 P.M. Central Standard  Time
Subj: Re: CS>CS > OFF TOPIC Hot Tubs

Hi Marty,
I have not opened this email in ages and have had problems with my  
Voicemail service. I just pulled 36 messages that werent there a few days  ago.
1 pint of h2o2 will treat 1000 gallons.
The neat thing about h2o2 is you dont have the worry of putting in too  
much like chlorine.
I go by the smell in my hot tub. If it smells musty then i pour some  in.
website is: _www.lighth2o2use.com_ ( 
Definitely interested -- but again, how much h2o2 would it  take?


 From: ""  
Sent: Mon, January 25, 2010 8:44:12  AM
Subject: CS>CS > OFF  TOPIC Hot Tubs

Use ceramic magnets and hydrogen peroxide. I know someone who uses  
hydrogen peroxide rather than CS.. If your interested I will get scope for you  
hot tubs, on how much she uses and what type. 
In a message dated 1/25/2010 6:48:38 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Kills bacteria, viruses, etc. (viri?), and is much more healthful for  
humans than chlorine, bromine, or the other stuff they use for that  purpose.


 From: ""  
Sent: Mon, January 25, 2010 7:24:22  AM

What is reason for CS in hot  tub
In a message dated 1/25/2010 6:17:04 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Told you I could do the math right ... one more time:

200  cups, 50 quarts, 12+ gallons.  It's early...  :-)



 From: Richard Goodwin  
Sent: Mon, January 25, 2010 7:07:38  AM

Yow!  1/2 cup of EIS per gallon of hot tub water?

That  would be ... if I do the math right ... for a 400 gallon hot tub, 200 
 cups, 40 quarts, 10 gallons of EIS.  

I use it in our hot tub  too, but put about 1/2 gallon into it (approx 400 
gallons of hot tub  water).  It seems to work ok.  Water stays clear and 
sweet, and  doesn't create any problems that we know of.

Here's a  question:  Is there any good way to test hot tub (or other) water 
for  bacteria growth?



 From: John E. Stevens  
Sent: Mon, January 25, 2010 5:02:12  AM

Hi, Gayla:

Thanks,  Gayla.  About a 1/2  cup per gallon - or so.  I'm not  worried 
about using too much because I know CSW is good for my skin,  too.  I'm kind of 
guessing at how much to use because I can't find  any info on it - so I use 
what I think is appropriate and  safe.


On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Gayla Roberts  <_aera...@gmail.com_ 
( >  wrote:

John very interesting! How much CS do you use per  gallon in your tub? I 
have a 2 person SoftTub that I would love to treat  with CS.
The house sounds lovely!

Re: CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2010 #161

2010-02-07 Thread sol

At 09:13 AM 2/6/2010, you wrote:
It cured my lyme, and my wife's, and the guy's who taught me how to 
make CS, and hosts of other people he has cured...

You are saying you used ACS brand of CS? I forget what ACS stands for, LOL.

Could you pls post your Lyme CS protocol in detail?
Brand of CS
ppm of CS
how much taken each dose
total taken daily
taken between meals or ???
how long it took to cure/clear Lyme
did you also clear Lyme co-infections?
and anything else I've forgotten to ask ;-)

Re: CS>FDA approval

2010-02-07 Thread sol

At 01:25 PM 2/6/2010, you wrote:

  The fact "that most people won't touch anything that isn't 
approved by the FDA," as you say, doesn't carry much weight with 
the folks who know the power of silver.

Doesn't carry much weight with me for sure, since my brother nearly 
died from an FDA approved blood pressure med that did kill several 
others who took it.


Re: CS>bromine in breads

2010-02-07 Thread sol

At 02:23 PM 2/6/2010, you wrote:

No, I just thought you'd been eating Big Macs and Taco Bell on
brominated wheat bread...

Yum! I confess I love fast food, and would eat it every meal if I 
could, and if I didn't know better. I limit myself to one meal a week though.
I always see people say how nasty fast food is, but I really love it, 
love the taste, love the grease, everything, except I do not eat fast 
food burgers, too gristly.
BTW, you may like to check out Fat Head, Tom Naughton's send up of 
Supersize me. here is the amazon link, but I watched it or some of it 
online, which I cannot find the link to now.

CS>Spurlockian bologna

2010-02-07 Thread sol

Ok, Ok, I know I am veering seriously OT, but I can't resist posting this:
Check out the video, which is taken from the movie "Fat Head"

Re: CS>FDA approval

2010-02-07 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
This is brilliant!  I have kept it so show sceptics.  dee

On 7 Feb 2010, at 15:28, wrote:

> Tom, Thanks   This is best info I have ever seen Thanks
> In a message dated 2/7/2010 8:52:33 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
> writes:

Re: CS>bromine in breads

2010-02-07 Thread sol

At 05:25 PM 2/6/2010, you wrote:

Where the heck do ya live, Sol?

southwest corner of wyoming, high altitude desert

Wayne Fugitt once told me if I would write him the details of the 
climate and soil here he could help me grow some serious 
food.I sent those details, and he didn't have any help 
for me, LOL. He might have told me to get a huge greenhouse, but if 
he did I don't remember it. I figure if Wayne, gardener/grower 
extraordinaire felt this was a hopeless climate for gardening 


RE: CS>bromine in breads

2010-02-07 Thread sol

  I don't bake those types of bread. What I bake is for my DH, who 
won't eat crusty bread, will not eat anything but white bread, no 
whole grain, not even partial whole grain, and wouldn't touch 
sourdough bread with a pole.  If you want a good recipe for regular 
old white bread, I can send you the one I use in the bread machine. 
Haven't baked anything else since the machine arrived.


At 06:48 PM 2/6/2010, you wrote:

Hi Sol,

Would you be willing to share a couple of your best bread recipes?

I have yet to master the art of making bread the way you can get it 
from a bakery (baguettes, French, scalia, sourdough etc.)

Re: CS>FDA approval

2010-02-07 Thread John E. Stevens

The FDA and King Pharma trade representatives (individuals) back and forth
like playing checkers.  One drug rep goes to the FDA as one FDA rep goes to
King Pharma.  They're all in cahoots and I don't trust anything they do.
Their tests are skewed in favor of whatever company has paid them the most.
Money talks and good health walks.

Hypertension is often indicative of a heart and circulatory problem - not a
high blood pressure problem.  Just what are these idiots analyzing, anyway?
They don't treat the real problem, they treat one of the symptoms of the
real problem.

Allopathic medicine seems to side-step most of the real health concerns of
most individuals.  I think the human physiologists (i.e., Hulda R. Clark)
may be more on the right track.  They study the entire body.

With King Pharma controlling (and they have since the early 1900's) most of
the curriculum that med students study at med school, I don't have much
faith in where they're headed - which is mostly to make more money for King
Pharma and their constituents while good folks think they're being treated
well - when in fact they're being treated on a continual basis just to
ensure more payments to the King.  and usually treated poorly.  Do they
cure?  No.  just treat.  And mostly, they treat until you die.  Wonderful
principles, huh?  It's so far off track it's dizzying.  Whatever happened to
the Hippocratic Oath?  I think it's more of a Hypocritical Oath these

I think everyone has to ask the very serious question:  Where does our
health come from?  Chemicals or foods?  Are our bodies more used to being
healed and "treated" with food or pharmaceutical drugs?  We can't and don't
live off drugs and chemicals.  Our bodies would never sustain itself on
drugs and chemicals.  We get our nutrients and sustenance from foods - and
that is where the majority of natural cures are found.  In balancing out
exactly what nutrients our body (and that's very individualistic) needs to
not only prevent disease, but to treat and "cure" (that four letter word
never used by King Pharma...) disease.  That cannot be found in chemicals
and pharmaceutical drugs.  and I don't think it ever will be...


On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 12:44 PM, sol  wrote:

>  At 01:25 PM 2/6/2010, you wrote:
> Dick:
>   The fact "that most people won't touch anything that isn't approved by
> the FDA," as you say, doesn't carry much weight with the folks who know the
> power of silver.
> Doesn't carry much weight with me for sure, since my brother nearly died
> from an FDA approved blood pressure med that did kill several others who
> took it.
> sol

Re: CS>bromine in breads

2010-02-07 Thread Tad Winiecki

Sol wrote:

  Very sad, bread (of any kind) is one of my most favorite foods. 
Donuts and coffee is my favorite breakfast. And if I don't lose some 
more weight here soon, I may toss the low carb diet out the window, 
and to heck with the high BP (as well as bromine) and go back to it.


Sol-  I have found that gluten is a problem for me, and had to give up 
wheat breads.  I used to make sourdough, I don't really miss it because 
I know what it will do to me if I eat it, but I had a little attack of 
nostalgia recently.   One of the supermarket women's magazines recently 
featured a diet free from gluten, saying gluten causes unhealthy weight 
gain and the gluten-free grains don't.

So I do eat some gluten-free grains, like buckwheat, quinoa, rice, 
millet, and amaranth.  I don't try to make breads out of them for the 
most part, but eat them just cooked in water, with savory vegetables 
like onion, garlic, and some mushrooms, and some vegetable accompaniment 
like zucchini, broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale, etc.   I also like 
them with some herbal topping (present fav- fennel seed ground in a 
coffee grinder, dillweed, and parmesan cheese) or lemon pepper, and 
melted cheese or sour cream.   I use either tea (for the caffeine to 
speed up the metabolism) or honey and apple cider vinegar as an aid to 
losing weight, they seem to be working for me.  For my birthday "cake" 
last time I made pumpkin cheese cake with no grains, sweetened with 
stevia, and with nut, cinnamon, and stevia crust, and topped it with 
vanilla whipping cream sweetened with stevia.  It was yummy.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>bromine in breads

2010-02-07 Thread Tad Winiecki

> Go to the freekin farmers market and meet those that grew it and 
make stuff THEY want to eat.

-Err...that would be location dependent?

If you live on the west coast check out, they have 
truck routes all up and down and grow all the grains, seeds, etc., and 
sell them cheaply, if you can find a drop near you.  I don't know if 
there is an east coast equivalent or not, a health store/farming co-op.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?

2010-02-07 Thread poast
Hello Ode,

Thank you so much for sharing the name of David A. Revelli.  He, and Brigam
Young University, have been involved in a lot of testing that puts CS in a
very favorable light.

However, the water test was done with "nano-catalytic" silver particles with
a "tetrasilver tetroxide coating" that "emit a frequency that kills
microbes."  I am not sure the EIS that you and I make shares these

I am somewhat familiar with water treatment.  I will have to do some more
studying, but I was under the impression that the silver used for water
filters was to prevent biofilm from growing between batch use of the
filters.  I don't think it is used to actually prufiy the water, but rather
to keep it from becoming contaminated during the filtering process.

The Brigam Young people have also run tests indicating that their silver
doesn't seem to effect healthy intestinal flora bacteria while still being
effective at killing pathogenic bacteria.  Interesting...


- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 5:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?

>Brigham Young University did a detailed time/PPM/kill study.
>   Don't recall details well, but [probably] as little as 3 PPB sterilized
> water over some period of time, where 3 PPM did it a lot faster.
> David A. Revelli
> Microbiologist
> Brigham Young University
> Dr. Ron W. Leavitt, Ph.D.
> Professor of Microbiology/Molecular Biology
>   Commercial silver ion water treatment systems have been available for
> decades and are used by the merchant marines, various airlines, NASA.,
> water treatment plants both in the USA  and Russia.
>   Honeywell Rockwell and others us "Ag-Ion" [TM] silver ion exchange
> to keep filters sterile.
>   Curad silver bandaids work by using body fluids as the electrolyte to
> make silver ions migrate from a silver fabric layer to an aluminum fabric
> layer. [Battery effect]
> The newest trend is the use of nano-silver particles to deliver silver
> ANY chemical reaction involves the exchange of ions [??]
>   I sorta recall hearing that the the whole field of chemistry can be
> expressed in electrical terms.
>   Copper and zinc [and many other] ions will also kill germs.
> ode
> At 01:52 PM 2/6/2010 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> >Hello Steve,
> >
> >I am begining to realize that the exact mechanism of how silver works
> >inside the body is still a "little" theoritical...
> >
> >Let's jump outside the body for just a moment.  Other sanatizers require
> >concentration of the product to be in contact with the pathogen for a
> >period of time.  With chlorine dioxide, for example, the CT values allow
> >you to adjust the process time for the concentration you are using.  When
> >disinfecting wilderness water, I use a CT of 1000 mg-minutes/liter.  When
> >I mix up a 4 PPM chlorine dioxide solution, I know that to sanatize a
> >liter of water it is going to take 250 minutes.  If I have lots of time,
> >and am concerned with better taste, I can reduce the concentration to 2
> >PPM chlorine dioxide, and extend the time out to 500 minutes.
> >
> >Does anything like this exist for EIS?
> >
> >Tom
> >- Original Message -
> >From: Norton, Steve
> >To:
> >Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 2:59 PM
> >Subject: Re: CS>moon on fingernails? -- how much do you use?
> >
> >I was skirting this because it is a secondary issue. Silver ions are very
> >active and will form compounds with the first substance it can. Silver
> >ions do not survive the digestive system as free ions. They probably
> >with stomach acid to primarily form silver chloride. The silver may also
> >react with other substances such as ammopnia to form other compounds. But
> >they do not remain as silver ions.
> >- Steve N
> >
> >
> >--
> >From: poast 
> >To: 
> >Sent: Fri Feb 05 16:03:24 2010
> >Subject: Re: CS>
> >
> >Hello Steve,
> >
> >OK, I am beginning to understand.
> >
> >I have looked at the Altman paper, but have not studied it.  I will take
> >another look at it, in detail.
> >
> >If I may present a somewhat weak argument...
> >
> >Doesn't it stand to reason that if you take more, you will not only
> >more ions, but also more particles.  Perhaps the elimination through the
> >kidney is just because there is more of both in the body...
> >
> >Back to the books, for now.
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >Tom
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: Norton, Steve
> >To: 

Re: CS>FDA approval

2010-02-07 Thread poast
Hello Ode,

I would speculate that if you turned blue when you drowned in the pool, they
would insist that it was the silver... :)


- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 6:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA approval

>Yup..and I think it was someone on this list that made the original
>   Specific questions got a specific answer for a change.
>   Quoting from Alexander G. Schauss, Ph.D. (John Hopkins University)
> &you should be advised that we recently completed an extensive review of
> the scientific literature on the afety of silver, especially as it relates
> to its one known potential side effect, namely, Argyria. Argyia is an
> irreversible discoloration of the pigment (skin) caused by excessive
> intake or chronic exposure to silver by certain tissues. The amount of
> silver required to develop Argyria is estimated to be 3.8 grams per day.
> That's the first time I've heard the "Per Day" statement and the minimum
> seems to range between 2 and 4 grams depending on who's talking, usually
> with no time period specified or considering any hint of an elimination or
> absorption rate.which sort of leaves us with a few tough to define
> assumptions about *retention* being a huge factor.
>   PHD [Piled higher and deeper, once again ]
>   I think I could probably swallow a One Troy Ounce Silver Eagle every day
> from now on and not retain any significant amount of silver.
>   [Then drown in a pool of water due to having so much ballast...but it
> da silver whut killed im. ]
>   It's that very lack of context that makes all the dosing recommendations
> I've run across [so far ] totally worthless.
> Paraphrasing Mike D
>   If it worked, it was enough.
> Adding
>   If more still doesn't work, do that differently till it does, or try
> something else.
> ..and once the reason for doing it doesn't apply, forgetting to do it is
> quit.
> ..and there's more than one way to turn blue.  Being dead is one of them.
> Ode
> At 03:37 PM 2/6/2010 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hello Ode,
> >
> >I am sure you have seen this FDA communication...
> >
> >
> >
> >I found the language very interesting.
> >
> >Tom
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "Ode Coyote" 
> >To: 
> >Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 6:42 AM
> >Subject: Re: CS>FDA approval
> >
> >
> > > If you need "approval" for everything you do, you'll never do
> > >
> > >The very reason we make EIS and use it is because we are CHEAP and
> >don't
> > > give a hoot WHAT the FDA says.
> > > Besides
> > >   Even the FDA can't afford to test things to their own standards.
> > >
> > > Their "final word" [in so many words] reads like:
> > > "We don't know, we don't want to know, we've found no reason to want
> > > knowso shut up and do what you want tojust don't make claims
> >we
> > > won't have to come down there and slap you
> > > ..and if you ASK, we'll just say no to cover our don't
> >ask.
> > > "  [Likewise with the Product Safety Commissionif we don't know,
> > > say no to be safe.]
> > >
> > >   "Not proven safe and effective" [FDA double talk]  just means it
> > > been tested, which ISN'T proof of being unsafe or ineffective.
> > >
> > >   The FDA situation is such that they can't afford to prove ANYTHING
> > > have to rely on those that CAN afford to...which can have a few
> > > now and then.
> > >   But then, yanking something from the shelves to cover their buttocks
> > > the face of a consumer scare, has happened many times.
> > >
> > > But never with EIS.
> > >   They are far more concerned with what's ON bottle, than what's in
> > >
> > > FOIA request has established that the FDA has no matching records
> > > concerning "EIS" of any reported cases, yea OR nay.
> > >
> > > If it works, no harm done.if it doesn't.loop back to the
> > > establishment. [and maybe the SAME harm done that would have happened
> > > anyway, had you not tried. ]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Ode
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > At 04:52 PM 2/5/2010 -0800, you wrote:
> > > >There has been a LOT of discussion about FDA approvals and what it
> > > >to get them and how much it costs, etc.
> > > >
> > > >OK, so?   How many people are there now who make their own EIS?
> > > >
> > > >How many people are there in addition who might want to use it if it
> > > >FDA approved?
> > > >
> > > >Hundreds?  Thousands?  More?
> > > >
> > > >Individually we do not have the resources of a large pharmaceutical
> > > >company, but together, all thousands of us, maybe we could put
> > > >the wherewithall to do the research, conduct the tests, and perfect a
> > > >product that could be FDA approved!
> > > >
> > > >Why not?
> > > >
> > > >Any interest out there, besides me?
> > > >
> > > >Dick
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >--
> > > >The Silver List is a m

Re: CS>Cell Phone/RF Radiation

2010-02-07 Thread Tad Winiecki

Del Wrote-

PS: We have also taken measures to eliminate EMF fields emaniting from the

electrical circuits.  When we measure these (with yet another meter) they
were nearly off the charts.  Now they are well within the safety limits.

Del- what did you use for this?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>bromine in breads

2010-02-07 Thread Dan Nave
Looked up the town of Eden in SW Wyoming.  The satelite view shows
plenty of agriculture, but obviously irrigated.  If you can find
water, you should be able to grow stuff during the summer.
Temperature looks no worse than Minnesota...

Perhaps an economic opportunity...


On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 12:40 PM, sol  wrote:
> At 05:25 PM 2/6/2010, you wrote:
> Where the heck do ya live, Sol?
> southwest corner of wyoming, high altitude desert
> Wayne Fugitt once told me if I would write him the details of the climate
> and soil here he could help me grow some serious food.I sent
> those details, and he didn't have any help for me, LOL. He might have told
> me to get a huge greenhouse, but if he did I don't remember it. I figure if
> Wayne, gardener/grower extraordinaire felt this was a hopeless climate for
> gardening food.well
> sol

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>FDA approval

2010-02-07 Thread Dan Nave
Paraphrasing David G. Williams

'Disease is not a drug deficit'...


On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 1:59 PM, John E. Stevens
> Sol:
> The FDA and King Pharma trade representatives (individuals) back and forth
> like playing checkers.  One drug rep goes to the FDA as one FDA rep goes to
> King Pharma.  They're all in cahoots and I don't trust anything they do.
> Their tests are skewed in favor of whatever company has paid them the most.
> Money talks and good health walks.
> Hypertension is often indicative of a heart and circulatory problem - not a
> high blood pressure problem.  Just what are these idiots analyzing, anyway?
> They don't treat the real problem, they treat one of the symptoms of the
> real problem.
> Allopathic medicine seems to side-step most of the real health concerns of
> most individuals.  I think the human physiologists (i.e., Hulda R. Clark)
> may be more on the right track.  They study the entire body.
> With King Pharma controlling (and they have since the early 1900's) most of
> the curriculum that med students study at med school, I don't have much
> faith in where they're headed - which is mostly to make more money for King
> Pharma and their constituents while good folks think they're being treated
> well - when in fact they're being treated on a continual basis just to
> ensure more payments to the King.  and usually treated poorly.  Do they
> cure?  No.  just treat.  And mostly, they treat until you die.  Wonderful
> principles, huh?  It's so far off track it's dizzying.  Whatever happened to
> the Hippocratic Oath?  I think it's more of a Hypocritical Oath these
> days...
> I think everyone has to ask the very serious question:  Where does our
> health come from?  Chemicals or foods?  Are our bodies more used to being
> healed and "treated" with food or pharmaceutical drugs?  We can't and don't
> live off drugs and chemicals.  Our bodies would never sustain itself on
> drugs and chemicals.  We get our nutrients and sustenance from foods - and
> that is where the majority of natural cures are found.  In balancing out
> exactly what nutrients our body (and that's very individualistic) needs to
> not only prevent disease, but to treat and "cure" (that four letter word
> never used by King Pharma...) disease.  That cannot be found in chemicals
> and pharmaceutical drugs.  and I don't think it ever will be...
> John
> On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 12:44 PM, sol  wrote:
>> At 01:25 PM 2/6/2010, you wrote:
>> Dick:
>>   The fact "that most people won't touch anything that isn't approved by
>> the FDA," as you say, doesn't carry much weight with the folks who know the
>> power of silver.
>> Doesn't carry much weight with me for sure, since my brother nearly died
>> from an FDA approved blood pressure med that did kill several others who
>> took it.
>> sol

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CS>hot tub dosing

2010-02-07 Thread Shirley Reed
  Someone on one list suggested using about a dozen drops of geranium oil to 
keep the hot tub nice and cozy.  My husband uses it regularly instead of 
bromine.  He says it works and the ph is always in the correct range.We are not 
sure about the tubing--whether it is safe for the h202.  And the spa companies 
lie about it a lot so rather than take chances he just uses the oil.  We have 
used some 27% h202 one time and it did a great job on the filters.  He uses 
more than a dozen drops at a time.  Personally I can't stand spas and hot tubs. 
 I have offered a few potatoes, carrots, and onions but he has rejected my kind 
offers!!  :)   pj


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Re: CS>FDA approval

2010-02-07 Thread Annie B Smythe
Oh Lord that hit my funny bone...Bwahahahahaha.. 
Sorry I have the weirdest sense of humor.

Disease is a health deficit ;>

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Dan Nave wrote:
 Paraphrasing David G. Williams

'Disease is not a drug deficit'...


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CS>Heres how to get FDA approval.

2010-02-07 Thread Alchemysa
Collecting a million anecdotes will not do it. The only way the FDA  
will approve CS is if clinical human trials are conducted.  And as  
I've said here before the only body in the US with the money and the  
duty to conduct a trial is the National Centre for Complimentary and  
Alternative Medicine. (NCCAM)

NCCAM is a part of the US health department. They have a relatively  

To quote from the NCCAM website ..."The National Center for  
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) is the Federal  
Government's lead agency for scientific research on the diverse  
medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are NOT  

They have funded over 1,200 research projects - but so far nothing on  

If enough taxpaying US members of this list contacted the NCCAM and  
suggested they research CS (or fund a trial of CS) then something  
might get done.

Of course they could fund a big trial and conclude that CS doesn't  
work but thats a risk I'm happy to live with.


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Re: CS>lab results

2010-02-07 Thread poast
Hello Ode,

A few thoughts...

Most people don't adhere to laboratory procedures.  When baking a cake, a
precisely measured cake tastes just as good as one that has been "thrown"
together.  However, in chemistry things are different.

One of the biggest challenges in chemistry is to minimize cross
contamination.  When you get to the point where you are measuring micro
amounts (as in uS), any trace of contamination can throw the measurement

Pure water is used in industry and one of the major difficulties is knowing
how pure it actually is.  Here is an informative article on this focused on
the calibration solutions provided by the meter manufacturers.  As you read
this, keep in mind that the Hanna PWT meter calibration solution is rated at
84 uS, which is below their value of 100 uS.

Cole-Parmer offers this note on the FAQ for conductivity testing...

"16. Is there an expiration date on the standardizing solutions?

  Unopened with an unbroken seal, the solution will last one year. Opened,
but placed in an airtight container, the solution will last six months.
Opened and exposed to air, the solution will last one day.

  Note: Standards below 100 uS will degrade at a faster rate than others due
to air. The conductivity of air is approximately 120 uS; any standard lower
than 120 uS will slowly rise in conductivity until it reaches a state of
equilibrium. Evaporation drastically increases conductivity values."
It seems that the calibration solution wants to rise in conductivity to 120

Now, what does this mean to us?

When I received my PWT meter, I conditioned it in distilled water for 30
minutes, then rinsed it with fresh distilled water several times.  I then
poured some of the calibration solution into a container that had also been
rinsed several times with distilled water and adjusted the calibration of
the meter.  I then dumped all the solutions, rinsed the meter and container
with fresh distilled water again, filled the container with more calibration
solution and checked the repeatability and calibration of the meter.

With my calibrated meter, I then made a cross standard calibration solution
that came in at 123 uS.  Since I made up 500 ml of this solution, and it
cost me next to nothing to make, I will frequently use it to check my meter
and only pull out the official calibration solution when I notice things
drifting.  Since the conductivity is above the air conductivity, it will be
much more stable than the other solution.

Just for grins...  I re-calibrated the PWT to simulate a contaminated
calibration solution.  My 123 uS solution was used, but I set the PWT to
read 84 uS.  Here is what I observed:

My distilled water was reading 1.1 uS.  With the mis-calibrated PWT, that
dropped to 0.6 uS.
I just made a batch of EIS that came in at 11.4 us, and that solution
dropped to 7.6 uS.  In this case the "adjustment" factor is 1.5.

Is it possible that Trem's 1.2 factor may be influenced by calibration

Another question that arises is if the calibration solution can become
contaminated by CO2, can CO2 also have an effect on the newly made EIS


- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 
Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 6:07 AM
Subject: CS>lab results

> Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2003 12:09:55 -0500
> X-Loop:
> Subject: CS>Test Results from Colloidal Science Laboratories, Frank Key
> OK Folks
> Here it is from Frank Key, in bold [ouch] print as promised in the light
> operating truthfully "to the best of my knowledge" [in 2003]
> [That's the "kicker"]
> These results were obtained using the latest version of the series 2
> silverpuppy generator [gts2b1] to run batches. [DC output/ one milliamp
> controlled current on 7" of electrode and Thermal Stirrer ]
> I have no idea how they apply to previous versions except that they are
> to shut down at nearly the same conductivity and voltage references within
> .06 volts and 100 'seen' at the electrodes.
> My reply to Frank Key:
> Your uS readings are very close to my re-calibrated PWT [ie, PWT is
> last.]
> Here's what I recorded. [An Experiment that was run to show heat effects
> PWT readings showed about +1 uS change per +10 deg F. as 'worst case
> Batch #1 22uS at finish @ 91.1 deg F
> 11.1 uS in 8 days
> Very faint TE with little change during stabilization period. This was an
> unexpected occurrence seeing the amount of conductivity
> drop...possiblymostly very very small particles not into red laser
> range of visibility? [Deemed probable and provable] Maybe,
> unstable ions [wellway far fetched]
> What I "figured" using Trems uS x 1.2 fudge factor...[silver making
> is virtually identical except for temperature. Fudge factor derived from
> his results from same lab.]
> It'

Re: CS>RE: silver help with lymes & type?

2010-02-07 Thread poast
Hello Greg,

You may find this article informative...

  - Original Message - 
  From: Greg Ball 
  Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 5:37 PM
  Subject: CS>RE: silver help with lymes & type?

  Dick - what type of silver were you using - what generator? I've always heard 
silver isn't a cure for lyme. Did you and the others you mentioned have it for 
  I've had it for over 20 years - was misdiagnosed for about 17 years. I have a 
silvergen, and it's not made much of a difference with the lyme when I've used 
it for  some time. That's why I was wondering about the ACS. Also you see 
mesosilver out there on the web saying it's the most effective kind of silver 
out there. So I was wondering if there's a silver that can be more effective 
than my silvergen makes like the two above mentioned. 

  It cured my lyme, and my wife's, and the guy's who taught me how to make CS, 
and hosts of other people he has cured...


  From: Greg Ball 
  Sent: Fri, February 5, 2010 11:18:28 PM
  Subject: CS>RE: silver-digest Digest V2010 #161

  I'm dealing with late stage lyme disease and babesia. I have a 
  silvergen and have used silver for 20 years for infections like bladder 
  or lung infections. I've been hearing about silver for lyme, but it's 
  the doctor who developed the ACS brand of silver who's saying it can 
  kill lyme. I've always heard silver won't eradicate lyme. I'm wondering 
  if you think it can reduce my bacteria load, and the protazoan load 

  If so, is ACS better than other brands? Or is there a better brand? Or 
  is my silvergen silver as good? 


Re: CS>about niacin

2010-02-07 Thread Dan Nave
Inositol hexanicotinate

"Fatty Acid Metabolism

"Reducing fatty acid levels in the blood is associated with increased
release of HGH. Acetyl L-carnitine and niacin are potent nutrients
that help to metabolize fatty acids. Inositol hexanicotinate is a slow
release form of niacin that does not produce a flushing response, and
has been demonstrated to produce a significant reduction in fatty acid
levels over the course of the entire night."

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:48 PM, Annie B Smythe  wrote:
> I'm curious Jose,
> I've been researching the differences in the Niacin forms. What benefits can
> you get from the Niacin bound to Inositol? And so far what you've said lines
> up with the reading I've been doing. I just don't know why the
> Niacin/Inositol would be recommended by a doctor instead of regular Niacin.
> For instance it's a recommended Niacin type in the Iodine Protocol. The
> literature says it doesn't have the same effect but then it frustrates the
> devil out of me because it won't say what the differences are or what
> effects it actually has that are beneficial. Do you know? I'd be grateful
> for clearing up of the muddled information I've found.
> Annie
> Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

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Re: CS>Cell Phone/RF Radiation

2010-02-07 Thread Del

For RF (Radio Frequency) radiation (cell phone, etc.) we got

But for detecting dirty power entering through the electrical wiring and 
generating EMF, we got the Stetzer unit, as recommended by Jonathan Wright:
We purchased the Stetzer plug in meter first then the necessary number of 
Stetzer filters.

All our electrical outlets now measure below 40 on the meter.


- Original Message - 
From: "Tad Winiecki" 

Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Cell Phone/RF Radiation

Del Wrote-

PS: We have also taken measures to eliminate EMF fields emaniting from 

electrical circuits.  When we measure these (with yet another meter) 

were nearly off the charts.  Now they are well within the safety limits.

Del- what did you use for this?


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