Re: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

2010-09-15 Thread Tony Moody

On 14 Sep 2010 at 18:50, jaxi wrote about :
Subject : CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

 I have an infected gland in the genital area. I have read what the medical
 establishment's solution would be - which would be to drain it, put in a
 catheter, possible antibiotics, possible surgical procedure to create
 apermanentopening for drainage ... none of this sounds very fun to me. You
 all have a lot on knowledge and info. Any ideas on a dmso, CS, or other
 alternative method of addressing this? I plan to do some baths/soaks, but
 no idea topically if anything might help. The gland is called the
 bartholin's gland - I currently have anabscess- as indicated
 byinflammationand rather significant pain. I do NOT have an STD. Jaxi 

Hi Jaxi,

Its a sensitive area, so think of dulling the pain somehow, now that you know 
there is a 
problem there. CS will sooth and disinfect. DMSO is an analgesic and may sort 
out the infect 
and will also relax tissues; please use that very dilute; maybe less that 10% 
Brooks had a very good formula for that sort of insult and had lidocaine added 
too for pain , 
and H202 to potentise the cs and antibacteria. 

Other ways may be to use epsonsalts , honey and glycerine, all good at 

Sorry this has to end hope its not too garbled.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Renee,
I can access that from here, South Africa. 


On 14 Sep 2010 at 19:22, Renee wrote about :
Subject : Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - bl

 Nope. Every time I type in all I get is their product
 sales page. Wonder why?I've also typed in which
 also switches me to the product sales page. I cannot access the
 information site. 
 Are you in the US? 
 ---Original Message--- 
 I can access the complete site at 
 Could your access by restricted by your service provider, or somewhere
 higher up the net? 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSLupus, cancer, arthritis etc. autoimmune? or bugs having lunch?

2010-09-15 Thread Rowena

 Sorry, it's new to me too.  My only tools would be my Enar device, 

which I started using seriously again after reading this, and Bob Luhr's 
godzilla devices 
) which I intend to use again when I make some more attachments for the 
6v battery, having been a bit too kind in parting with what I had made, 
possibly to people who don't appreciate/use it.

I've been given a Hulda Clark device, but can't tell how to get it 
going, what goes where.  It's a home made device and not like anything 
I've seen before.


Actually, if I had any sense I would be using the 6v battery daily even 
without wiring/electrodes simply by winding some damp cotton or tissue 
around the terminals and touching them with fingers or toes.
Don't use higher than 6v without better technology in between you and it 
is the advice. People do, but at their own risk. It's not advised to go 
unprotected higher than 6v.

At least that would likely kill some germs, I don't know about raising 

To do exactly what Dr Tennant is doing you may need his device.  
However, I guess you could research and compare with goodies from the 
various Scenar and Denas sites.  I think they are all a huge leap forward.

On 15/09/2010 4:18 AM, needling around wrote:

Hi Rowena,
How do you raise your voltage?  I have started watching the videos and 
I agree with some things and not with others.  Dr. Tennant has a very 
expensive piece of equipment but I would think that there must be a 
simpler way.


- Original Message - From: Rowena
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 1:41 PM
Subject: CSLupus, cancer, arthritis etc. autoimmune? or bugs having 

Dr Jerry Tennant

An Understanding of How the body Works
This is just a quick transcription with lots of holes in it, so 
please watch the videos on this page!

If you have low voltage things begin to hurt, you hurt all the time. 
If you have pain, you have low voltage.

It controls the level of oxygen that's available, so if I start 
bubbling oxygen in the water through a tube the amount that will 
dissolve is determined by the voltage of the water, Higher - more 
oxygen, lower, leaves the water..

Our cells are 70% water. When the voltage drops in a cell the oxygen 
comes out and the cell has to get by with too little oxygen. We have 
a system inside the cells that generates energy for the cells to do 
their work.

Insert fat in one side of the Krebs cycle and what comes out the 
other side is a rechargeable battery called ATP - provides all the 
Electrons for your enzymes for your cell and discharges into a 
discharged rechargeable battery called ADP.

38 molecules out the other side - lots of energy.

If oxygen not available, for every unit of fat you only get 2 
molecules of ATP

Each of us contain a trillion bugs or so and they are asleep as long 
as oxygen is available. When they wake up with the drop of oxygen 
they want to eat. They put out digestive enzymes to get the nutrients 
out of your cells. Damaging the cells around them, but also go to 
distant places and damage cells there as well. Strep throat - 
bacteria having lunch there. Enzymes strep puts out can get in blood 
stream and scar heart. Damage knees, rheum arthritis. Same goes on 
through the body, so low voltage in gall bladder, and bugs there put 
out toxins that commonly damage the brain, so brain not working well 
could be because of low voltage in gall bladder.

I don't believe there is such a thing as autoimmune disease, just 
bugs having lunch and these enzymes going somewhere doing damage.. 
When we can't culture anything we say, oh, the body is attacking 
itself. Well, the body is not attacking itself, these enzymes that 
the bugs are putting out are attacking it. And one of the reasons I 
can say that is I have taken a fair number of people with Lupus with 
a high blood test called ANA, you go in, raise the voltage kill the 
bugs and the ANA goes back to normal and the people get well. Simply 
low voltage, bugs having lunch, enzymes going places and causing grief.

So then if voltage gets low enough, one of the bugs that grow are 
fungal bugs that you can see in the blood with a darkfield microscope.

And then those fungal forms begin to take over the cell and now you 
have a tumour, and that occurs at plus thirty mV

Chronic disease always defined by low voltage.

More questions: How do we measure the voltage? Acupuncture system 
just the fascial planes in the body to every organ and from that 
capsule a fibre goes down to every group of cells, so what we know as 
the fascia is the same as acupuncture system so you can tap into that 
and measure what is going on with the internal organs.

Also a sheath around every nerve, a second wiring system that carries 
voltage wherever we go. 

Re: CS black salve /Cansema / Potter skin cancer experience

2010-09-15 Thread Rowena

On the Centreforce link, if you click on My Photos you get photos of 
his skin after surgery, and then after Cansema treatment.  This page has 
been there for years.  You'll see that he is a computer technician (or 
something like that) by trade.

He says:
*This story has two episodes, one with doctors and the other with Cansema
**In August 2001 I was admitted to hospital for the removal of multiple 
cancerous lesions and extensive facial reconstruction. The lesions were 
basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinomas. The surgery was 
performed and an appointment was made for a checkup a month later. The 
result of the checkup was that the operation went OK but I would have to 
be admitted again at a latter date for a more extensive operation.

I was very unhappy about this so I decided to search for alternatives. 
About this time a friend sent me an email pointing me in the direction 
of Alpha Omega Labs and I purchased a jar of Cansema , with stunning 
results, it literally ate the lesions right out. That little jar of 
black gold has saved me from ongoing torture and thousands of dollars 

I was so impressed with Cansema and so angry with doctors that I decided 
to build a web site to tell others about Cansema and all the other 
amazing products from Alpha Omega Labs. Since then I have successfully 
helped many others in the same situation as myself.

These photos can tell the story from here.

Omitting the photos, he then says:

Episode One
This is how I looked after the operation for the removal of cancer to 
the right side of my face. Several stitches to my cheek, nose, ear and 
Two weeks after the operation I was pretty happy but I had a feeling 
there must be a better way.
Two months after the operation I wasn't happy about doctors, I had 
purchased Cansema on the internet and it immediately found cancer 
exactly where the surgeon had operated.
Cansema at work showing scab formation the day after application, fixing 
what the surgeon left behind.
Seven days later the scabs came off leaving cavities. I was 
wondering why doctors don't give a warranty like I have to do when I 
repair a computer.

   30 days later the wounds have healed over with very little scarring .
Cansema did a perfect job but the repercussions of the surgeons knife 
means my nose and ear still don't work properly
Episode Two This is the area of my forehead where the surgeon 
was going to operate, the greater part was to be removed and a skin 
graft executed
Two weeks before the operation I applied Cansema to the worst 
parts, this photo shows the scabs which had formed the next day.
   Seven days later the scabs came off leaving cavities, but much 
better than the surgeons knife
Fourteen days later everything is healing fast with the help of my home 
grown Aloe Vera.
30 days later the wounds have almost healed over with very little 
Cansema has saved me from the embarrassing situation of having an 
undesirable part of my body stuck on my forehead.

I'm also a few thousand dollars in front from the exercise.
Today I'm letting nature give shade to some of my face.
I'm much happier and wiser about my control over cancer and I want to 
share my newly gained knowledge that there are alternatives to surgery.


On 15/09/2010 7:30 AM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
A quick follow-up:   looking more closely at Bevan Potter's page,   he 
claims, in an undated letter,  to have decided to do the right thing:

Good for him, if he follows up.

His letter sounds sincere, and IF his products really work, more power 
to him, and indeed to all who sell effective skin-cancer remedies.

He's quite right that the basic formula is essentially in the public 
domain, though clearly he and Caton alike have set out to earn a 
living from combining and retailing these ingredients.

It would be wonderful if Potter's company is able and willing to 
gather the extensive testimonials and photographic evidence provided 
by resources on that site are really remarkable.

Whatever actions are taken against any retailers, people will be able 
to make their own salves, fortunately.   There are several recipes 
online, and the retail products list their ingredients on the labels.


Here is the entire letter from B. Potter:

 Cansema Name Change

After more then five years of producing Centreforce Cansema Black 
Salve, we have decided to abandon the name of “Cansema” in our products.

There are several problems for us with the Cansema name embedded in 
our products, the banning of Cansema by the FDA and Customs in the US, 
the banning of Cansema by the TGA for Human use In Australia and the 
freezing of our PayPal account until all buttons with the Cansema name 
were deleted from our web sites.

Other problems came as a surprise when the owners 

Re: CS black salve /Cansema / Potter site pages, cancer

2010-09-15 Thread Rowena

On the Centreforce link, if you click on Freedom of Choice you get 
his research and conclusions, mainly on cancer


Over the last twenty years, Western governments (particularly the U.S. 
Government through its Food  Drug Administration) has literally 
outlawed entire species, even genus, of cancer-fighting herbs. We don't 
just mean individual products. In some cases, we mean the entire genus 
of plant, scrub, even tree. In some cases, the outlaw plant, had a 
centuries-old, proven history of effectiveness. And in the case of 
chapparel (larrea tridentata, larrea mexicata, and three of species in 
North America), the FDA action was provoked by the most insignificant of 
data (in this case that chapparel was hepatotoxic to those with weak 

One plant after another has been banned as illegal. At any usage level, 
using any distillation method, using any part of the plant... period. 
Bloodroot, pokeroot, chapparel, purple lepacho... and proposed is even 
red clover! Mysteriously any plant that has shown strong anti-cancer 
properties has been removed from store shelves and placed on 
blacklists. And yet the plants that have been banned are those which 
exhibit the most promise and are empirically the most effective when 
properly processed. These plants are not banned by legislatures. There 
are no laws enforcing such bans. These are policy directives, 
bureaucratic decisions made without any input from the electorate or 
members of the everyday practicing health care community. These 
decisions are made by government workers with close ties to the 
pharmaceutical industry. There is no accountability to the electorate, 
only to large corporations whose profits in such obscene practices as 
radiation and chemotherapy treatment must be protected as all costs.

Fwd: Re: CS black salve /Cansema / Potter story and skin cancer experience

2010-09-15 Thread Rowena

 Forwarding again, as a couple of posts didn't come through - maybe I 

didn't put them in plain text. R.   From his page My Story (very long!) some 

If the Suntan Man was to resume his activities today, and claim that his 
recipe killed Skin Cancer, he would be arrested for practicing Quack 
Medicine. You can no longer buy the Salve to fix sunspots, (early Skin 
Cancer) or buy Apricot Seeds, because they are a banned substance. If 
you live in the city, you have little option but to eat the very things 
that are killing people around the world, unless you grow it yourself.

In all my travels, and all the sun scorched people I met in those early 
days, I never met one with skin cancer. Today almost every person I see, 
is affected with some form of cancer.

I have had a pterygium removed, that has left me half blind in one eye. 
Lesions chopped out of my nose, that prevents me from breathing 
properly. Lacerations to my eyebrow, chin and ear, that makes me look 
like I've done too many rounds with Mike Tyson. All of this because I 
have paid the penalty for my European skin being in the wrong part of 
the world, or am I in the world at the wrong time in the Evolution of 

Today, I am a Computer Consultant and Programmer, and every day I am 
amazed, at the advances made in Computer Technology and Evolution of the 
Computer Chip and Software. Why is it, that Technology has been 
Developed by man, to automate our lives with Computers to land on the 
Moon, send a Space Ship to Mars, make a Device that can extinguish 
everything on Earth - but there is no cure for a simple Skin Cancer?

The answer is being here in the wrong time, in the Evolution of Medicine 
is the biggest cause of all the Cancer related suffering that we are 
seeing today. The development of a Conventional Cancer Research is 
stagnant, Doctors are telling us to eat the wrong foods, we are being 
told lies by Health Authorities, and we are denied the right to choose 
Alternative Treatment that has been proven to work for years. But I 
found much more about the Cancer and health Industry and why there are 
thousands of people needlessly suffering and dying.

/*Taken from the introduction to The Healing of Cancer, The Cures-The 
Cover-ups and the Solution Now!
*The cancer establishment now has a 50-year history of vast corruption, 
incompetence and organized suppression of cancer therapies which 
actually work. Millions of people have suffered terrible torture and 
death because those in charge took payoffs, played it safe, had closed 
minds to the innovative, or simply were afraid to do what was obviously 
and morally right..

..  ..
/I recently purchased Cansema Salve on the 
Internet, that effectively ate the Lesions right off. The same ones that 
were previously diagnosed as Basal Cell Carcinoma and Squamous Cell 
Carcinoma. I applied Aloe Vera over the next few days, and healthy pink 
skin grew back. Furthermore, the Salve found cancer on the point of 
incision of the last Surgery. I was stunned, to think that this simple 
remedy was available and saved me from an Operation, that was considered 
by my Plastic Surgeon to be more serious than my previous one, involving 
a substantial Skin Graft. See _photos_

I have now used Cansema on more than forty Lesions on my face, neck and 
arms with one hundred percent success. It digs out Carcinoma and 
Melanomas without harming the surrounding tissue, which means you can 
put it on a spot that you might be worried about and if its not 
Cancerous it will do nothing, seems to be the perfect solution.
The exercise of actually doing it is quick and easy. Put a dab on the 
spot, leave it for the night, wash it off in the morning and you have a 
scab that falls off in a few days with the dead Cancer in tact, all you 
have in place of the Cancer is a clean hole that heals over with new 
Skin in a few weeks.

Without the Internet, I would never have known about this, and all the 
other health giving things that are available in other parts of the 
world, because our Freedom of Choice has been taken away from us, we are 
unable to purchase them any other way. Of course, one can eat what one 
grows and one can sell what one grows, but it is illegal for one to sell 
what one grows and claim that it kills cancer. These are the reasons 
most people in our country will never know about life saving Alternative 
Medical Cures.

Recently my Brother died of Lung Cancer. When he was diagnosed with only 
a few months to live, I asked him why he didn't want to go to hospital. 
He told me, that if he went to hospital they would only _use him to 
experiment,_ and he would rather die at home, than be used for their 
useless purposes. He had seen first hand, the treatment his friends 
received while dying in hospitals. If 

Re: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

2010-09-15 Thread Ode Coyote

At 07:17 PM 9/14/2010 -0500, you wrote:
I was wondering about zapping it somehow.  I do have a TENS machine on 
hand.  If I could re-purpose that?

Go to the Shack and get a 200 volt rated diode [about $1 ], put that in 
line with one of the electrode leads to convert BiPhasic [AC] to pulsed 
DC...adjust frequency  for pulse width current control and/or current level 
[intensity dial], for comfort and to prevent electro-chemical build up 
irritation and burns.

You now have a pulse modulated Zapper.

Use a strip of Litmus paper [pharmacy or science supply] to determine which 
electrode is producing the acid electro-chemical similar to MMS and which 
is basic.
To kill germs, I'd put the acid [Hypochloruous acid..similar to MMS] 
producing electrode directly over the spot and the  base [Sodium Hydroxide] 
on the opposite side of the limb, if possible.

Chemical buildup in the skin can be neutralized by switching the polarity 
of the electrodes.
If you are brave, you can insert a needle probe right into the gland and 
more closely target the problem area a lot faster with less current.
If it's a silver [or silver plated] probe or electrode, you make silver 
ions on site, which also kills germs. [If the acid side is positiveand 
I think it is.]

If not drained, a localized internal infection probably will form a cyst as 
the body encapsulates what it can't eliminate.
If it's close to the surface, soaking and cupping [making a vacuum in a 
cup by cooling hot air] will bring it to the surface where you can cut it 
open with a razor blade to empty it and pull the encapsulating sack out 
with tweezers.

Ice does a pretty good job of numbing the area. [Or hit the street for some 
cocaine ? Common use before Novacaine...or Procain like in sunburn sprays. ]

I've removed 2 encapsulated boils and a fatty cyst made around road rash 
gravel that way..had that road rash cyst for 25 years right where my belt 
would irritate it.
 Doctor wanted $500 [back in the 80s ] to do what I did in ten minutes for 
I actually told him For $500, I'll cut it out my own danged self !! ..he 
didn't say not, just looked at me SURE you will.
  [And sent me a bill for $80 just to look at it for 1 minute...which I 
didn't pay..the turkey.  $10, I'da paid, even though that's $600 an 
hour...$900+ in todays money.  ]

 Well, I DID...and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would 
be...after the initial [hold your breath and JUST DO IT ] slash.

..the rest was EASY and painless. [Minor Shock can be handy? ]
I've been cut much worse before and no big deal...doing that to yourself, 
on purpose, is a touch weird.
I can spell hesitation in all capitals. There are times when having a 
sadistic friend is a plus...or ex soldiers that got used to cutting people up?
..that's where I learned how.  A Nam combat Vet cupped and cut a boil out 
of my back in the parking lot of the motorcycle shop...learned it from the 
locals in Nam.

People that jump out of perfectly good airplanes shouldn't have those problems.


Open to ideas, as I said.  This is a first for me.  Once I got over being 
freaked out I had developed some cancerous growth I calmed down enough to 
do some research, but nothing is very helpful on alternative, natural 
remedies other than sitz baths and that they seem to mostly recommend for 
cyst phase - which I apparently skipped or never noticed - abscess phase 
does not sound like it resolves on its own well.  :-(

On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 7:09 PM, needling around wrote:
You are right, you do not have an STD.  But what you have is very 
painful.  If the combined expertise of this list can come up with an 
alternative treatment they will be helping womankind take a giant step forward.

I would research Ode's CS gel base and perhaps Renee's MMS and then the 
many versions of a zapper to kill the pathogen.

Best of luck and please let us know what happens.

- Original Message -
From: mailto:jaxi.sch...@gmail.comjaxi
To: ; 

Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:50 PM
Subject: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

I have an infected gland in the genital area.  I have read what the 
medical establishment's solution would be - which would be to drain it, 
put in a catheter, possible antibiotics, possible surgical procedure to 
create a permanent opening for drainage ... none of this sounds very fun 
to me.

You all have a lot on knowledge and info.  Any ideas on a dmso, CS, or 
other alternative method of addressing this?  I plan to do some 
baths/soaks, but no idea topically if anything might help.

The gland is called the bartholin's gland - I currently have an abscess - 
as indicated by inflammation and rather significant pain.  I do NOT have 
an STD.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for 

Re: CSTumor reduction

2010-09-15 Thread Ode Coyote

  Voltage is not current.
One of the electro-chemicals produced this way is Sodium Hydroxidewhich 
dissolves fat and oils making a water soluble substancesoap.

 New era in lipsuction?


At 07:39 AM 9/14/2010 -0500, you wrote:
Wow, another interesting story.  I'm guessing you had to cut his hair in 
the places where you placed the electrodes?  What device did you use?


On Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 10:54 PM, Bob Banever wrote:


   That's great news.  Keep up the program and let us know what 
happens.  My dog, a 14 year old Bichon Frise, had a tumor on the side of 
his neck.  Since it was always fairly soft and moveble (not fixed) I 
figured it was a fatty tumor.  Nevertheless, I decided one day to treat 
it using DC electricity.  I put electrodes on both sides of the tumor, 
top and bottom, and turned the device up to 3 volts DC current.  No 
sensation was felt by Max... but within two weeks the tumor had shrunk by 
more than half, where it remains today just a small lump of fatty 
tissue.  I only treated him once.  Just another approach to a problem I 
thought I'd relay to the board.


Alan Jones

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, 
or to the people.  (Tenth Amendment to the US Constitution)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Renee
Well, maybe it's banned here in the US, as he's back in prison now.  I've
tried every which way to get in, and can't.  Even on another computer.  

---Original Message---
Hi Renee,
I can access that from here, South Africa.

Re: CSTumor reduction

2010-09-15 Thread Renee
Unactivated MMS, rarely used, is simply the drops from an MMS bottle and no
acid added to the drops.  It can be used straight from the bottle for burns
(But must be washed off in 30 seconds) and some people have put a few drops
of straight MMS into a liter of water and sipped on that all day (which
tends to be exactly what stabilized oxygen is--just harder to say exactly
what percentage of sodium chlorite you are getting this way).

Activated MMS is when you take drops of MMS from the bottle, add some form
of acid, wait 3 minutes for it to 'activate'.  

Because Jim Humble always used just MMS for both straight and activated, it
was very confusing to some people.  I was trying to explain it to a German
friend of mine and she just couldn't get his book, and his calling it all
simply MMS, whether he meant activated or not.  So I took to calling the
activated (with acid added) as AMMS, and unactivated as simply MMS.  Then
she could understand.  So a few people picked up the AMMS, but of course,
not any of the followers of Jim.  So it's still all out there as MMS,
whether they are talking about activated or non-activated.  It can be
confusing.  I wish they'd all pick up the AMMS designation just to make it
easier for people new to MMS.

---Original Message---

Can anyone explain a little the difference between 'activated and 'unactivated' 
MMS?  I understand how to do it but I don't know how to discriminate when to 
use one versus the other.

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Renee
John, our site map here in the US on the site only refers
back to the sales pages.  Clicking each item does bring up a bit more
information but nothing at all like the old alpha labs site.  Plus,
previously I had purchased H3o from them.  That is no longer available I see
  If I search for it, all that comes up is the toothpaste.  It seems the big
bottles of straight H3o are no longer available.

---Original Message---
You may wish to check with the company, and also contact the Electronic
Freedom Frontier if you think the site is being blocked or censored.

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Renee
That's probably why you and Tony can access the alpha site and we can't.

If someone could check and see if they still have all the info on the H3o,
and copy that for me, I would appreciate it.  I bought H3o when they brought
it back (it was gone for a while) but didn't get around to copying the
health info on it--because I stupidly thought it would always be there and I
d 'get it later'  I should have known better.  sigh

---Original Message---

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Renee
Nope, even an educational web site talking about medicinal uses of products
cannot be made by you if you sell the products.  In some cases, you are not
even allowed to link to an educational site you do not own!!!  It's getting
to be Hitler's Germany over here, as far as health information goes.

A lady I know owns a neem company and they made her take the medicinal info
down about neem.  So she linked to a NON-us site about it (which she did not
own), and they made her take that link down, too.  She complied with what
they 'required' though there's no law about it--simply because she did not
want the harassment they are willing to meet out, and she knows that one way
or another they would eventually shut her down if she did not comply.  

Same way as they (FDA/FBI) went and kidnapped the owner of the alpha labs
from south America and hustled him back to the states for more prison time.

---Original Message---
 The can, however, set up an educational website.

RE: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas. . . .Bartholin Cyst Natural Remedy

2010-09-15 Thread sms

I googled Bartholin Cyst Natural Remedies and came up with this.  It looks
promising. The only contraindication is to NOT use if you are pregnant.

or use the tinyurl below

From: jaxi [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 4:50 PM
Subject: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas


I have an infected gland in the genital area.  I have read what the medical
establishment's solution would be - which would be to drain it, put in a
catheter, possible antibiotics, possible surgical procedure to create a
permanent opening for drainage ... none of this sounds very fun to me.


You all have a lot on knowledge and info.  Any ideas on a dmso, CS, or other
alternative method of addressing this?  I plan to do some baths/soaks, but
no idea topically if anything might help.


The gland is called the bartholin's gland - I currently have an abscess - as
indicated by inflammation and rather significant pain.  I do NOT have an



Re: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

2010-09-15 Thread Marshall Dudley
The only gland I am aware of in that area is a lymph gland.  If that is 
the case then a magnetic pulser is what you want to use.  CS does not 
make it into the lymph system from what I understand.


jaxi wrote:
I have an infected gland in the genital area.  I have read what the 
medical establishment's solution would be - which would be to drain 
it, put in a catheter, possible antibiotics, possible surgical 
procedure to create a permanent opening for drainage ... none of this 
sounds very fun to me.

You all have a lot on knowledge and info.  Any ideas on a dmso, CS, or 
other alternative method of addressing this?  I plan to do some 
baths/soaks, but no idea topically if anything might help.

The gland is called the bartholin's gland - I currently have 
an abscess - as indicated by inflammation and rather significant pain. 
 I do NOT have an STD.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Lisa
Yes.., I think several of us would like that info :-)


From: Renee [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed


That's probably why you and Tony can access the alpha site and we can't.


If someone could check and see if they still have all the info on the H3o,
and copy that for me, I would appreciate it.  I bought H3o when they brought
it back (it was gone for a while) but didn't get around to copying the
health info on it--because I stupidly thought it would always be there and
I'd 'get it later'  I should have known better.  sigh








---Original Message---








RE: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

2010-09-15 Thread Lisa
Ode that's cool!

Although I admit -- I'd need step by step instructions on how to build a
modified pulse modulated Zapper (I can be dense that way). I have not yet
built a zapper just for that reason...though I know how well they can work!

-Original Message-
From: Ode Coyote [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:23 AM
Subject: Re: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

At 07:17 PM 9/14/2010 -0500, you wrote:
I was wondering about zapping it somehow.  I do have a TENS machine on 
hand.  If I could re-purpose that?

Go to the Shack and get a 200 volt rated diode [about $1 ], put that in 
line with one of the electrode leads to convert BiPhasic [AC] to pulsed 
DC...adjust frequency  for pulse width current control and/or current level 
[intensity dial], for comfort and to prevent electro-chemical build up 
irritation and burns.

You now have a pulse modulated Zapper.


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  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

2010-09-15 Thread jaxi
How would I use the litmus?  Set up the electrodes on me elsewhere and run
for how long and then test each site?  They don't run unless there is a
completed circuit unless that diode would override that somehow.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 6:22 AM, Ode Coyote odecoy...@windstream.netwrote:

 At 07:17 PM 9/14/2010 -0500, you wrote:

 I was wondering about zapping it somehow.  I do have a TENS machine on
 hand.  If I could re-purpose that?

 Go to the Shack and get a 200 volt rated diode [about $1 ], put that in
 line with one of the electrode leads to convert BiPhasic [AC] to pulsed
 DC...adjust frequency  for pulse width current control and/or current level
 [intensity dial], for comfort and to prevent electro-chemical build up
 irritation and burns.

 You now have a pulse modulated Zapper.

 Use a strip of Litmus paper [pharmacy or science supply] to determine which
 electrode is producing the acid electro-chemical similar to MMS and which is
 To kill germs, I'd put the acid [Hypochloruous acid..similar to MMS]
 producing electrode directly over the spot and the  base [Sodium Hydroxide]
 on the opposite side of the limb, if possible.

 Chemical buildup in the skin can be neutralized by switching the polarity
 of the electrodes.
 If you are brave, you can insert a needle probe right into the gland and
 more closely target the problem area a lot faster with less current.
 If it's a silver [or silver plated] probe or electrode, you make silver
 ions on site, which also kills germs. [If the acid side is positiveand I
 think it is.]

 If not drained, a localized internal infection probably will form a cyst as
 the body encapsulates what it can't eliminate.
 If it's close to the surface, soaking and cupping [making a vacuum in a
 cup by cooling hot air] will bring it to the surface where you can cut it
 open with a razor blade to empty it and pull the encapsulating sack out with

 Ice does a pretty good job of numbing the area. [Or hit the street for some
 cocaine ? Common use before Novacaine...or Procain like in sunburn sprays. ]

 I've removed 2 encapsulated boils and a fatty cyst made around road rash
 gravel that way..had that road rash cyst for 25 years right where my belt
 would irritate it.
  Doctor wanted $500 [back in the 80s ] to do what I did in ten minutes for
 I actually told him For $500, I'll cut it out my own danged self !! ..he
 didn't say not, just looked at me SURE you will.
  [And sent me a bill for $80 just to look at it for 1 minute...which I
 didn't pay..the turkey.  $10, I'da paid, even though that's $600 an
 hour...$900+ in todays money.  ]

  Well, I DID...and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be...after
 the initial [hold your breath and JUST DO IT ] slash.
 ..the rest was EASY and painless. [Minor Shock can be handy? ]
 I've been cut much worse before and no big deal...doing that to yourself,
 on purpose, is a touch weird.
 I can spell hesitation in all capitals. There are times when having a
 sadistic friend is a plus...or ex soldiers that got used to cutting people
 ..that's where I learned how.  A Nam combat Vet cupped and cut a boil out
 of my back in the parking lot of the motorcycle shop...learned it from the
 locals in Nam.

 People that jump out of perfectly good airplanes shouldn't have those


  Open to ideas, as I said.  This is a first for me.  Once I got over being
 freaked out I had developed some cancerous growth I calmed down enough to do
 some research, but nothing is very helpful on alternative, natural remedies
 other than sitz baths and that they seem to mostly recommend for cyst phase
 - which I apparently skipped or never noticed - abscess phase does not sound
 like it resolves on its own well.  :-(

 On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 7:09 PM, needling around mailto: wrote:
 You are right, you do not have an STD.  But what you have is very painful.
  If the combined expertise of this list can come up with an alternative
 treatment they will be helping womankind take a giant step forward.

 I would research Ode's CS gel base and perhaps Renee's MMS and then the
 many versions of a zapper to kill the pathogen.

 Best of luck and please let us know what happens.

  - Original Message -
 From: mailto:jaxi.sch...@gmail.comjaxi
 To: ; mailto:
 Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 7:50 PM
 Subject: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

 I have an infected gland in the genital area.  I have read what the
 medical establishment's solution would be - which would be to drain it, put
 in a catheter, possible antibiotics, possible surgical procedure to create a
 permanent opening for drainage ... none of this sounds very fun to me.

 You all have a lot on knowledge and info.  Any ideas on a dmso, CS, or

Re: CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas. . . .Bartholin Cyst Natural Remedy

2010-09-15 Thread jaxi
Well that seems easy enough to try.  I did an epsom salt sitz bath last
night.  Plus put some EIS/DMSO (90/10) on it.  Was a little leary of the
DMSO given the location but it didn't hurt/sting.  It is actually slightly
less painful today.  I also hot packed it last night, which was odd
feeling but you do what you have to do.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 9:58 AM, wrote:


 I googled Bartholin Cyst Natural Remedies and came up with this.  It looks
 promising. The only contraindication is to NOT use if you are pregnant.

 or use the tinyurl below


 *From:* jaxi []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 14, 2010 4:50 PM
 *Subject:* CSinfected gland/cyst, ideas

 I have an infected gland in the genital area.  I have read what the medical
 establishment's solution would be - which would be to drain it, put in a
 catheter, possible antibiotics, possible surgical procedure to create
 a permanent opening for drainage ... none of this sounds very fun to me.

 You all have a lot on knowledge and info.  Any ideas on a dmso, CS, or
 other alternative method of addressing this?  I plan to do some baths/soaks,
 but no idea topically if anything might help.

 The gland is called the bartholin's gland - I currently have an abscess -
 as indicated by inflammation and rather significant pain.  I do NOT have an


RE: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread M. G. Devour
 That's probably why you and Tony can access the alpha site and we can't.

Jon wrote:

Okay, can somebody come up with SIMPLE instructions for us so Renee can 
try browsing the site using an offshore proxy and see what she's not 
being allowed to see from inside the US?

That'd be a fun experiment and a useful skill for us all to develop. 
I'd love to hear her report...

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSLupus, cancer, arthritis etc. autoimmune? or bugs having lunch?

2010-09-15 Thread Brickeyk
In a message dated 9/15/2010 1:08:49 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Dr Jerry  Tennant

 An Understanding of How the body  Works
  This is just a quick transcription with lots of holes in it, so 
  please watch the videos on this page!

DR Glenn Gordon must have read Tennant's book as he told me about the same  
thing. Except the low level infrared laser directs your body to send oxygen 
to  the point where the laser beam is directed. He said your cells use 
oxygen as a  fuel and die off when the oxygen level drops too low. 
I guess the oxygen drink using MMS is required so you have some oxygen  to 
send. I have been treating all kinds of problems with just the laser itself. 
 It does not seem to do that much for my recent knee replacement. I have a 
lot of  edema swelling. Been trying the re bounder with only one leg to try 
to get rid  of extra lymph.

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread jaxi
Ohhh ... I wanna do that too.  So if you figure out how please pass the info
along.  I find it exceedingly annoying to be censored and limited like this.


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 9:24 AM, M. G. Devour wrote:

  That's probably why you and Tony can access the alpha site and we can't.

 Jon wrote:

 Okay, can somebody come up with SIMPLE instructions for us so Renee can
 try browsing the site using an offshore proxy and see what she's not
 being allowed to see from inside the US?

 That'd be a fun experiment and a useful skill for us all to develop.
 I'd love to hear her report...

 Be well,

 Mike D.

 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

CSSilver- organic/inorganic?

2010-09-15 Thread Nenah Sylver


One of my respected colleagues recently wrote the following about colloidal


It usually does not muscle test as good for people. It certainly is an
effective pathogen killer. On the other hand, it is not in an organic form
and it does not appear to be a nutrient in the metallic form. The body may
treat it as a toxic metal.


My understanding is that organic versus inorganic means that a mineral
is BOUND to something else. However, I also know that silver is not
metallic in the sense I think he is using the term. I would think that the
EIS we all make is more ELEMENTAL silver.


Besides, according to my research, silver is an essential nutrient-though
it's unclear in what form it must be in order for the body to use it as an
essential nutrient.


Can someone who is better versed in chemistry than I am please comment?




Re: CSTurpentine, Vitamin E and Healing

2010-09-15 Thread Norton, Steve
Not really sure. Turpentine is antimicrobial and antifungal and may be
sufficient to preserve the Vitamin E. But since turpentine is not water
miscible, you can't add CS. One possibility to insure a long shelf life
could be to add a small amount of oregano or rosemary essential oil to
the mix.

 - Steve

-Original Message-
From: needling around [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSTurpentine, Vitamin E and Healing

Any idea what the shelf life is?  Is it something that has to be made up

each time or can one make up a small bottle and then keep it

- Original Message - 
From: Norton, Steve
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 12:09 PM
Subject: CSTurpentine, Vitamin E and Healing


Just FYI, here is a patent discussing the healing potential of
when combined with Vitamin E.

- Steve N
Therapeutic composition for treatment of cuts, burns and abrasions

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Marshall Dudley
As far as I can tell she is seeing what I am seeing.  Just the product 
page.  You can see what their site looked like 2 years ago here:

And if they are doing anything different outside the US you can often 
use this trick.  Google, then click on the cached copy in 
the listing. That will be what Google got when they spidered it from the US.


M. G. Devour wrote:

That's probably why you and Tony can access the alpha site and we can't.

Jon wrote:


Okay, can somebody come up with SIMPLE instructions for us so Renee can 
try browsing the site using an offshore proxy and see what she's not 
being allowed to see from inside the US?

That'd be a fun experiment and a useful skill for us all to develop. 
I'd love to hear her report...

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour


CSOil soluble silver compounds

2010-09-15 Thread Norton, Steve

Does anyone know of oil soluble silver compounds that could be used as a
preservative in oil based solutions and also be suitable for ingestion?

 Steve N

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Renee, 
I sent you three files. Sitemap and the H03 page and another. 
I have to go now  Please copy that to those that requested it from me on the 

I'm gone out of here.,

On 15 Sep 2010 at 9:52, Renee wrote about :
Subject : Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - bl

 That's probablywhy you and Tony can access the alpha site and we can't.
 If someone could check and see if they still have all the info on the
 H3o, and copy that for me, I 
 would appreciate it. I bought H3o when they brought it back (it was gone
 for a while) but didn't 
 get around to copying the health info on it--because I stupidly thought
 it would always be there 
 and I'd 'get it later' I should have known better. sigh 
 ---Original Message--- 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSSilver- organic/inorganic?

2010-09-15 Thread needling around
And in your comment would you explain why East Indians have been eating silver 
foil for thousands of years without any harm that I know of?
  - Original Message - 
  From: Nenah Sylver 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 2:43 PM
  Subject: CSSilver- organic/inorganic?



  One of my respected colleagues recently wrote the following about colloidal 


  It usually does not muscle test as good for people. It certainly is an 
effective pathogen killer. On the other hand, it is not in an organic form and 
it does not appear to be a nutrient in the metallic form. The body may treat it 
as a toxic metal.


  My understanding is that organic versus inorganic means that a mineral is 
BOUND to something else. However, I also know that silver is not metallic in 
the sense I think he is using the term. I would think that the EIS we all make 
is more ELEMENTAL silver.


  Besides, according to my research, silver is an essential nutrient-though 
it's unclear in what form it must be in order for the body to use it as an 
essential nutrient.


  Can someone who is better versed in chemistry than I am please comment?




Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Renee
Will do.

Thanks Tony. 
---Original Message---
Hi Renee,
I sent you three files. Sitemap and the H03 page and another.
I have to go now  Please copy that to those that requested it from me on the

RE: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Renee
Anyone that wanted what Tony sent me, please ask again so I can forward it
to you.  I have deleted those emails.  I did look at the wayback machine for
alpha omega labs, as Marshall suggested, and found their H3o information. 
But I dodn't know if in the 2 years they have updated it so will compare
what Tony sent me to that one later on this evening.  At one point they
could not sell H3o in the US, then when they went to s. America the started
making it again, and I ordered it, along with some tinctures.

At the time the h3o and the cansema came from SA and later the tinctures
came from here in the US.  So they have a US distributor, but was--at that
time--also sending things from SA, things not allowed to be sold in the US I
guess.  Now apparently they are not even being allowed to send stuff from SA
anymore, as we are being denied access to the SA site!!!  And here I thought
only China censored the Internet!

If anyone figures out a way around this, I would love to 'take it for a spin
 and report back here what I can see.



---Original Message---
Okay, can somebody come up with SIMPLE instructions for us so Renee can
try browsing the site using an offshore proxy and see what she's not
being allowed to see from inside the US?
That'd be a fun experiment and a useful skill for us all to develop.
I'd love to hear her report...

RE: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread cking001
How about TOR?
They use out of country servers.


When grasping at straws, any straw will do.

On 9/15/2010 10:19:48 AM, M. G. Devour ( wrote:
  That's probably why you and Tony can access the alpha site and we can't.
 Jon wrote:
 Okay, can somebody come up with SIMPLE instructions for us so Renee can
 try browsing the site using an offshore proxy and see what
 she's not
 being allowed to see from inside the US?
 That'd be a fun
 experiment and a useful skill for us all to develop.
 I'd love to hear her report...
 Be well,
 Mike D.
 [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
 [Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread jaxi
I'll have to check that out from home.  My government work computer blocked
the site.

*arches eyebrow*


On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 4:37 PM, wrote:

 How about TOR?
 They use out of country servers.


 When grasping at straws, any straw will do.

 On 9/15/2010 10:19:48 AM, M. G. Devour ( wrote:
   That's probably why you and Tony can access the alpha site and we
  Jon wrote:
  Okay, can somebody come up with SIMPLE instructions for us so Renee can
  try browsing the site using an offshore proxy and see what
  she's not
  being allowed to see from inside the US?
  That'd be a fun
  experiment and a useful skill for us all to develop.
  I'd love to hear her report...
  Be well,
  Mike D.
  [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
  [Speaking only for myself...   ]

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread cking001
Go to the wayback machine:


This what you want?

When in doubt, do what the President does, guess

On 9/15/2010 10:52:13 AM, Renee ( wrote:
 That's probably why you and Tony can access the alpha site and we can't.
 If someone could check and see if they still have all the info on the H3o,
 and copy that for me, I would appreciate it. I bought H3o when they
 brought it back (it was gone for a while) but
 didn't get around to copying the health info on it--because I stupidly 
 thought it would always be there and I'd
 'get it later' I should have known better. sigh
 ---Original Message---

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSOil soluble silver compounds

2010-09-15 Thread cking001
combine the two with an emulsifier?

When talking nonsense try not to be serious.

On 9/15/2010 3:55:31 PM, Norton, Steve ( wrote:
 Does anyone know of oil soluble silver compounds that could be used as a
 preservative in oil based solutions and also be suitable for ingestion?
 Steve N

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
It may that altcancer made a deal with the authorities to keep certain 
information off the site in order to be able to vend the product.

I don't know; it's just speculation.

On Wednesday, Sep 15, 2010, at 23:34 Asia/Tokyo, Renee wrote:

Well, maybe it's banned here in the US, as he's back in prison now.  
I've tried every which way to get in, and can't.  Even on another 

---Original Message---
Hi Renee,
I can access that from here, South Africa.

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List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

This is similar to the current site as accessed from outside the USA.

On Thursday, Sep 16, 2010, at 04:52 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley wrote:

As far as I can tell she is seeing what I am seeing.  Just the product 
page.  You can see what their site looked like 2 years ago here:

And if they are doing anything different outside the US you can often 
use this trick.  Google, then click on the cached copy 
in the listing. That will be what Google got when they spidered it 
from the US.


M. G. Devour wrote:
That's probably why you and Tony can access the alpha site and we 

Jon wrote:


Okay, can somebody come up with SIMPLE instructions for us so Renee 
can try browsing the site using an offshore proxy and see what she's 
not being allowed to see from inside the US?

That'd be a fun experiment and a useful skill for us all to develop. 
I'd love to hear her report...

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSCS with H2O2 inventor found?

2010-09-15 Thread Norton, Steve
I came across this at the Earth Clinic site and thought it might be of

- Steve N 

Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: Agyria is a common problem with
using a straight batch of colloidal silver, often the skin is not really
blue, it is closer to gray color. The problem occurs when a free silver
ions react with the sulfur in your body to from AgS, or silver sulfide.
Most colloidal silver produced are actually either a nonreactive Ag or a
reactive Ag with a charge, then it reacts with the body's available
sulfur to cause a blue skin, more more accurately is gray skin. 

This problem can be prevented, which I solved over a decade ago, which
required that a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide is added to a liter
of colloidal silver. The peroxide, reacts with the FREE silver ions to
form Silver Oxide. When I first add this, I get a cloudly solution, and
after three days, this cloudy solution becomes a clear white transparent
water. However, an unreacted Ag or Silver in a solution will show itself
is a faint yellow transparent solution. So this ia an easy way to tell.
If you add a drop of H2O2 into this it becomes cloudy. However, if the
solution is Silver oxide, it won't become cloudy as there is no longer
any free silver ions. When they are no longer free, it won't react
with the body's sulfur to form silver oxide. Hence, if a hydrogen
peroxide, at least, is added to the colloidal silver you buy, the silver
is no longer free, and the condition of blue skin or gray skin or agyria
is prevented.

However, there is ANOTHER way, that DOES NOT REQUIRE you to wait for
three days to fully digest the free Silver. When I make a batch of
colloidal silver, using the silver wire or silver rods as an electrode
using any D.C. adapter, the BEGINNING solution is distilled water with a
0.5% H2O2 concentration, which is 1/2 percent H2O2 concentration, or
approximate amount such as one tablespoon (plastic spoons!) of 3% H2O2
in a 1 or 1.5 liter of colloidal silver is generally sufficient, to
prevent any free metal silver form occuring.

It should be noted that a silver oxide may have a better antibacterial
properties and less staining problems then the use of pure silver. So in
practice, the use of COLLOIDAL SILVER OXIDE, is the one I actually use
and relatively problem free. For example, if a free silver has too much
charges, I have noted that constipation occurs if taken too much of
colloidal silver with FREE SILVER, but this doesn't happen (within
reason such as NOT DRINKING liters of it!) if a COLLOIDAL silver oxide
is prepared.

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List Owner: Mike Devour

CSWhat is to come: medicinal herbs to disappear, in Europe by April 2011, when will USA follow?

2010-09-15 Thread Hanneke

Virtually all medicinal herbs will be banned in Europe from  April 
2011 onwards. 

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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSOil soluble silver compounds

2010-09-15 Thread Norton, Steve

That may be the best solution. Maybe ethyl alcohol or dmso as well.
 - Steve N

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: CSOil soluble silver compounds

combine the two with an emulsifier?

When talking nonsense try not to be serious.

On 9/15/2010 3:55:31 PM, Norton, Steve ( wrote:
 Does anyone know of oil soluble silver compounds that could be used as
 preservative in oil based solutions and also be suitable for
 Steve N

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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSPotter on Bioelectro Medicine Part 1

2010-09-15 Thread Rowena

Bevan Potter has several pages on health subjects on the right of the
centreforce site.
This is taken from one of those pages:

Bioelectro Medicine

There are a number of devices that use *specialized electric fields* to
alter the function or condition of targeted tissue, organisms, or cells
within the body. These electric fields can be programmed to promote the
healing of healthy tissue or inhibit the growth of undesired organisms.
Where there are electric fields , there are also *magnetic fields*,
usually rotated at 90 degress to each other. The interplay of the
electric and magnetic fields play a role in this therapy, but the
frequency, the shape of the wave, the duration and polarity of the
pulse, etc., all play into the mix and can make the difference between
success or failure depending on the care and attention given to these

This is not necessarily a new technology. At the turn of the 19th
century, *Nikola Tesla* patented many Electro-inventions that
demonstrated incredible health-promoting attributes; some of them based
on the use of his high frequency, high voltage DC pulse generator
circuits which produced a new ether-derived form of energy called
Radiant Energy  Tesla had
even patented a highly efficient cold plasma ozone generator by 1893.

Dr. Royal Rife
In the late 20's and early 1930's, *Dr.* *Royal Raymond Rife* from San
Diego, California, developed a high powered microscope which he used in
conjunction with a frequency generator. Using special UV light, Rife's
mircroscope was capable of 60,000x magnification! This degree of
magnification allowed him to observe LIVE virus and bacteria organisms
while he applied the *MOR* (Mortal Oscillatory Resonance) frequency from
his frequency generator via plasma tube radiation of the energy. He was
able to destroy all manner of disease organisms (including cancer
related organisms) by merely /'tuning' /the generator to the correct
resonant frequency of these organisms and applying the oscillating
electric fields via the plasma driven, Beam Ray Tube. Everything in
the universe, living or dead, and its own *resonant frequency*.  If you
apply this exact resonant frequency to the object or organism, it will
begin vibrating until it literally shatters itself. You've all seen the
wine glass and the opera singer demonstration. Same deal for microbes.

60,000x magnifications is an unheard of degree of magnification in a
light microscope, even by today's technical standards. Today's electron
microscope can deliver high magnification, but it can only view DEAD
organisms. The ability to view micro organims in a LIVING state is of
great importance to diagnostic and therapeutic goals. This is an
_extremely important point_ to understand.

Rife's microscope played no role in the actual destruction of the
pathogenic organisms, but it allowed him to view the effects of the
electric fields from the Beam Ray Tube upon the organism itself. As Rife
adjusted and tuned his frequency generator to the correct frequency, he
was able to observe the disintegration of the bacteria, parasite, or
virii under the influence of the resonant electro-magnetic fields
exerted by the Beam Ray Tube.

At first, Rife's enormous accomplishments were ballyhooed in the press.
He was feted and hosted by the local medical elites of the day who were
hoping to climb onto the Glory Bandwagon with him and get their mug
published in the newspaper as a supporter and cohort of the man who
could finally end cancer. But the /Big Boys/ finally caught up with
him. I'm referring to the string pullers in organized medicine and the
pharmaceutical industry. Needless to say, once word of Rife's success
began to spread too wide, he was quickly 'neutralized' by organized
medicine and demoralized into obscurity (unending court litigation,
charges of quakery, intimidation of financial supporters, the burning
down of laboratories, etc...the usual' routine). His principle
persecutor was the head of the American Medical Association and chief
editor of the/ Journal of the American Medical Association/. His name
was Dr. Morris Fishbein   and he
never treated a patient in his life. He was motivated more by an
unmitigated lust for greed and power, and less by a desire to save
lives. Failing to convince Rife to sell him the exclusive rights to his
technique and therapy, Fishbein set out to crush Rife with a vengence.
The outrageous injustices against Rife by Fishbein and the medical
establishment are explained in great depth in a book by Barry Lynes
called/ The Cancer Cure That Worked/.

Fortunately, we have physicist Gary Wade, a specialist in Rife
technology, available to readers of this web site. He will explain to
you /exactly/ how Rife achieved his amazing results and how YOU can
learn how to apply Rife's hard 

CSPotter Bioelectro Medicine 2

2010-09-15 Thread Rowena

 Bevan Potter has several pages on health subjects in the right hand column of 
centreforce site.
This is Part 2  taken from one of those pages: 

Bob Beck Rescues Lakhovsky's MWO from Obscurity
 In the early 60's, *Dr Bob Beck *found an original Lakhovsky
Multi-Wave Oscillator in the basement of a well known southern
California hospital. He took it apart and described exactly how it was
built in a series of articles published by /Borderlands/ in 1963. After
Beck's articles were published, a number of builders began to assemble
MWO's and the word started to spread.

Two MWO builders who lived on the west coast, using the information
contained in Beck articles, began making and selling a lot of Multi Wave
Oscillators. Apparently they worked fairly well because the FDA got word
of the MWO's growing popularity and told Beck to come to Washington.
Beck and the two builders were told to lay off  promoting the MWO and
stop building them. They were told in no uncertain terms to cease and
desist immediately ...or else.

Beck and one of the MWO builders, Ed Skillings*,* complied, but the
second builder, Ralph Bergstresser, was determined to keep going, so he
actually formed a church dedicated to the worship of the MWO. Yes, you
read that correctly. And, for a couple of years at least, his
'parishioners' were able to come to church, sit around the MWO-perched
high atop an altar, with resonator antennas glowing - and received the
'blessed waves' from the Sacred Oscillator. It helped a lot of church
goers, until the 'pastor' was finally thrown into the slammer by the
Feds and had his modern version of the Ark of the Covenant hauled away.
He got out after a couple of years, but still went on building MWO's
anyway, distributing them through underground sources. Many present day
owners of  properly working MWO's are either using units built by or
copies of the pastor's work (now why isn't there an /Oscar/ category
reserved for a guy like that?).


In recent years, different electro-medicine units  have been promoted at
health expos and through magazine articles, interviews, books, etc.. One
of the more interesting devices is the *blood electrifier *of *Dr Bob
Beck*. I've seen laboratory reports and Institutional Review Board
studies that seem to clearly support claims made by Dr BobBeck that his
blood electrification device has caused 'complete spontaneous remission'
in literally thousands of AIDS patients, cancer patients, and chronic
fatigue sufferers among others. Dr Beck discovered the possibilities
offered by blood electrification   after reading a short
article in *1991* in a journal called *Science News*.

The Discovery
In the Fall of 1990, * *two researchers,  Drs *William Lyman *and*
Steven Kaali, *working at Albert Einstein Medical College in New York
City made an important discovery. They found that they could inactivate
the HIV virus by applying a low voltage direct current electrical
potential with an extremely small current flow to AIDS infected blood in
a test tube. Initially, they discovered this in the lab by inserting two
platinum electrodes into a glass tube filled with HIV-1 (type 1)
infected blood. They applied a direct current to the electrodes and
found that a current flow in the range of *50-100 microamperes* (uA)
produced the most effective results. /Practically all /o/f the HIV viral
particles were adversely affected while normal blood cells remained
unharmed. /The viral particles were not directly destroyed by the
electric current, but rather the outer protein coating of the virus was
affected in such a way as to prevent the virus from producing *reverse
transcriptase*, a necessary enzyme needed by the virus to invade human
cells. Reverse transcriptase allows the virus to enter a human *T cell*
line (called *CEM-SS)* and commandeer the DNA reproduction machinery.
After using the host cell to reproduce itself into thousands of new
virii, the swollen host cell (now called *syncytia*/ /or/ /giant cell)
will burst and spew the contents into the bloodstream or lymph system.
This is how the virus spreads, but lacking reverse transcriptase, the
HIV virus can't invade the host cell and it becomes vulnerable to
destruction by the body's immune system. (The details of this experiment   can be read
from Kaali's patent application.)

Getting the Word Out?
A brief announcement of this discovery appeared in /The Houston Post  (Mar 20, 1991),
then in /Science News (Mar. 30, 1991 pg.
207) and later in /Longevity magazine: (Dec.1992
pg. 14). Following their work in the Fall of 1990, Kaali and Lyman
presented their findings at the First International Symposium on

Re: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

2010-09-15 Thread Bob Banever
I'd love to see the info on the H30.  I remember when they were advertising it 
years ago.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Renee 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 2:35 PM
  Subject: RE: CShelp needed Skin cancer - black salve or chickweed

Anyone that wanted what Tony sent me, please ask again so I can forward 
it to you.  I have deleted those emails.  I did look at the wayback machine for 
alpha omega labs, as Marshall suggested, and found their H3o information.  But 
I dodn't know if in the 2 years they have updated it so will compare what Tony 
sent me to that one later on this evening.  At one point they could not sell 
H3o in the US, then when they went to s. America the started making it again, 
and I ordered it, along with some tinctures.

At the time the h3o and the cansema came from SA and later the 
tinctures came from here in the US.  So they have a US distributor, but was--at 
that time--also sending things from SA, things not allowed to be sold in the US 
I guess.  Now apparently they are not even being allowed to send stuff from SA 
anymore, as we are being denied access to the SA site!!!  And here I thought 
only China censored the Internet!

If anyone figures out a way around this, I would love to 'take it for a 
spin' and report back here what I can see.


---Original Message---

Okay, can somebody come up with SIMPLE instructions for us so Renee can
try browsing the site using an offshore proxy and see what she's not
being allowed to see from inside the US?

That'd be a fun experiment and a useful skill for us all to develop.
I'd love to hear her report...