Re: CS>Ode

2007-08-31 Thread SMax
I think Ode's Brain is getting heavily oxygenated by absorption through the 
ethers regarding the topic of MMS. He is racking up the points today. 
GOo Oooode! Whew!  Is there some place I can buy a bottle of
whatever you got going?
Or - Might you have any interest in a musical career.  You would make one
Hell of a Rapper.
Oh My Gosh!!! Ode.  How Glorious!
---Original Message--- 
From: Marshall Dudley 
Ode, did you just wake up from hibernation or something? LOL. 

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Re: CS>Fw: Non C/S - OT MLM, MMS, and ........ the Chase

2007-08-31 Thread SMax
Thanks Ode - "Coyote Code" 
How would I know if you did or didn't? 
It ain't mine anymore anyhow. 
I put it in keyboard code and tossed into the net for others to "take" [or 
toss] as they wish. 

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CS>Non-C/S - OT- Yahoo MMS Group

2007-08-31 Thread SMax
Did you know there is a yahoo group 
- an offshoot - from silverlist, actually 
dedicated to taking, experimenting, and 
reporting results back to the group? 
A decision was made to start this group 
because it is a topic of great interest and 
would create a lot of posting. 

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CS>Non C/S - OT - Dr. James Howenstein EXCELLENT ARTICLE ON LYME

2007-08-31 Thread SMax
Nothing would please me more than knowing that I helped save even one life
from this dreaded disease.  
Here is another link to an article that will explain about Lyme Disease
Couple of things regarding Lyme Disease. This disease is growing in epidemic
proportions. If you are bitten by an insect carrying this disease, it is
critical that you get medical attention by an INFORMED doctor, like a Lyme
Literate Medical Doctor, LLMD, to begin treating within 72 hours of the bite
 If you feel flu like, or have a headache, or muscle aches those are some of
the signs to watch carefully for. If you get a bullseye rash (which many do
not get) this is a clear indication that it is Lyme infection. Even if you
get a rash like poison oak, or poison ivy, seek help immediately. It is not
worth taking the risk of letting the infection invade the body wherein it
will be difficult, if not, impossible to eradicate. There is no such thing
as cure for Chronic Lyme Disease, yet. This is one of the most complicated
and complex diseases known to mankind today and it is completely
debilitating. Many can no longer work, walk, think or talk clearly, and many
are bed-bound and in extreme pain and discomfort in a variety of ways. 
Again, please, keep in mind, Lyme Disease is epidemic in this country.  I
wonder why so few know about it.  That is a rhetorical question.  I think
many of us do know why.  Follow the money.

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CS>Fw: Non C/S - OT MLM, MMS, and ........ the Chase

2007-08-30 Thread SMax
May I forward your message to two members in my Lyme Group? 
---Original Message--- 
From: Ode Coyote 
Date: 8/30/2007 6:48:09 AM 
Subject: Re: CS>Re: MLM, MMS, and  the Chase 
On March 11, 1999, the Federal Trade Commission filed suit charging Rose 
Creek Health Products, Inc., of Kettle Falls, Washington, its sister 
corporation (Staff of Life, 
doing business as R-Garden Internationale), and president Donald L. Smyth 
with making blatantly false and unsubstantiated health claims for "Vitamin 
O." [1] The defendants' ads -- which have appeared in USA Today, in other 
newspapers, and on the Internet -- have claimed that "Vitamin O" can cure 
or prevent serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and lung 
disease. An National Public Radio report quoted Smyth as saying that his 
company was selling 50,000 bottles per month [2]. The FTC says that the 
product appears to be nothing more than salt water. [Well OK, "sea salt" 
water ] 

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CS>Fw: Non C/S - OT Regulations . . . .and the TAO

2007-08-30 Thread SMax
Yep, Ode. 
It's amazing. We have to pay tribute to the TAO of it all. 
Like the Chinese didn't know that was going to play out? 
They have been way ahead of the game for centuries. 
They always will be. They understand the laws and the principles 
by which the Universe works, right down to politics and corruption. 
You can't fool them or play them for fools. 
---Original Message--- 
From: Ode Coyote 
At 07:13 AM 8/29/2007 -0400, you wrote: 
When we were kids Momma used to say, "Eat up, think about all those 
starving kids in China" 
We would say, "Send this crap to China, then" 
Now the Chinese are sending our kids lead toys and not starving. 
Payback time? 
Retribution for all those moldy meals? 
What about the lead to mold trade deficit, anyhow? 
I think we're not paying enough for lead. 
Maybe we should open up a mold mine in New Orleans and get the Government 
to jack up the import tariffs. 
They could certainly mis-use the difference. 
..even better than we can. 
And catch the Hell we don't want when they do. 
Shoot, we might even run the "Fed" out of the ecomomy reskewing business 
and go back on the mold standred. 
I hear that American mold is doing well against the Chinese slug. 
Things sure have changed. 
When we were kids, we were made to eat food only fit for starving Chinese 
kids and all we had to play with were old paint flakes. 
Now, they send US food only fit for starving Chinese kids and brand NEW 
paint flakes to play with. 

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CS>Fw: Non S/C - Tick Removal and Lyme Disease WebSite

2007-08-30 Thread SMax
Straight off of 
An excellent and highly regarded website to obtain information pertaining to
Lyme Disease which has reached epidemic proportions in the US. Please go to
this site if you are at all interested in educating yourself and your loved
ones about Lyme Disease, how to prevent it, and what to do about it if you
discover you have it, or want to investigate whether or not you might have
Perform a tick check and remove attached ticks: The transmission of B.
burgdorferi (the bacteria that causes Lyme disease) from an infected tick is
less likely to occur before 24 hours of tick attachment. For this reason,
daily checks for ticks and promptly removing any attached tick that you find
will help prevent infection. 
This is where an injection of Xylocaine with Adrenaline is administered
intradermally underneath the tick. It will generate a large blister at the
site. Ticks will release their grip due to the lack of blood to feed on, and
because of "positive pressure" from the temporary swelling. The tick will
back out on its own in a short time. 
Use an ordinary drinking straw and place it at a 45 degree angle with one
open end over the tick (the straw is simply being used as a guide to direct
the knot). Next, take a length of thread and tie a loose knot at the top or
midsection of the straw. Now, slide your knot down the straw to the site.
Position the knot underneath the tick's belly, so that the knot will
encircle the embedded part only. Slowly tighten the knot to close snugly
around the jaws. Now, remove the straw and pull the thread in a steady
upward motion. This will cause the tick to detach, without regurgitation. 
Images courtesy of CDC, Division of 
Viral and Rickettsial Diseases. 
TWEEZERS also see here for a review of some methods 
Embedded ticks can also be removed using fine-tipped tweezers by place the
ends of the tweezers as close to the skin as possible, squeezing them onto
the mouthparts of the tick and pulling firmly and steadily backwards until
the tick is removed. Any mouth parts that remain can be removed at the
doctors office. 
DO NOT use petroleum jelly, a hot match, nail polish, or other products. 
Once the tick is out, via any of these methods, you may notice a small
amount of blood at the bite site. It's either from the victim but more
commonly the tick. In either case, it's best to at least wash the site well
with an anti-bacterial saop. Follow up, when available, with an antiseptic. 
Taking preventive antibiotics after a tick bite: The relative
cost-effectiveness of post-exposure treatment of tick bites far out weighs
the danger and cost of not treating it. The doctors should make the decision
based on what they would do if it was their child who was bitten. Therefore,
treating persons who only have a tick bite is recommended. Individuals who
are bitten by a deer tick should remove the tick promptly, and consult with
their health care provider. 
Persons should promptly seek medical attention if they develop any signs or
symptoms of Lyme disease. 
Strategies to reduce tick abundance: 
The number of ticks in endemic residential areas may be reduced by removing
leaf litter, brush- and wood-piles around houses and at the edges of yards,
and by clearing trees and brush to admit more sunlight and reduce the amount
of suitable habitat for deer, rodents, and ticks. Tick populations have also
been effectively suppressed through the application of pesticides to
residential properties. Community-based interventions to reduce deer
populations or to kill ticks on deer and rodents have not been extensively
implemented, but may be effective in reducing the community-wide risk of
Lyme disease. New approaches such as deer feeding stations equipped with
pesticide applicators to kill ticks on deer, and baited devices to kill
ticks on rodents, are currently under evaluation 

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Re: CS>cream of tartar

2007-08-27 Thread SMax
Contact Duncan Crow at; 
or Donna Crow (no relation to Duncan) at 
Also, I have a number of posts regarding COPD, but nothing about Cream of
tartar use for that. Contact me at if you want me to forward
the COPD posts to you. Where are you getting information about CoT and COPD?
 I never heard that one.
---Original Message--- 
From: Bruce Anderson 
Date: 8/26/2007 4:30:01 PM 
Subject: CS>cream of tartar 
Hi, Listers 
Can someone please tell me how much and how often concerning cream of 
tartar and COPD? 
Bruce A 
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CS>OT - Just Don't Say It Is Free OT

2007-08-27 Thread SMax
Again, point of view, opinion, preference, judgment.  Ego. Sometimes, the
best thing is to "get out of our own way." e-mail me privately and I can
---Original Message--- 
From: faith gagne 
Date: 8/26/2007 2:43:22 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>Great file re: aspartine and the brain ( Jackwell.doc ) 
Fine. Just don't say it is free when it isn't. It is the principle of the 
- Original Message - 
From: "Smitty"  
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 4:57 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>Great file re: aspartine and the brain ( Jackwell.doc ) 
> Faith: 
> 9 bucks is a small price for info that might save the life & well-being 
> of you or your loved ones. 
> Smitty 

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Re: CS>What is FREE, not much.

2007-08-26 Thread SMax
You know, in my view (which is different from everyone else's view), some
things are just not worth complaining about or trying to change. Each of us
has a separate point of view and look at the world differently and make
different distinctions.
My point of view is so different than yours.  It's funny, because what I was
thinking was ten dollars isn't much to pay for this miracle gift that was
offered.  I actually felt almost guilty because I felt I should be paying
more.  I probably would have paid a million for it, had I had a million. 
---Original Message--- 
From: faith gagne 
Date: 8/26/2007 2:39:43 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>What is FREE, not much. 
Who said anything about the worth of part 2? Or any other part? Just don't 
say something is free when it isn't. 
From: "CWFugitt"  
> At 03:30 PM 8/26/2007, you wrote: 
>>I looked at this site out of curiosity.

>>The author goes on abut how FREE it is and how important it is that we 
>>pass it on to the rest of the world, FREE. That is just wonderful. 
>>But the book comes in 2 parts and there is a charge 
> Ten dollars is FREE. It is worth much more. 

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Re: CS>mag chloride

2007-08-17 Thread SMax
Try globallight. Also, your health food store should have 'Concentrace'
which is magnesium chloride. It is a great product. 
---Original Message--- 
Date: 8/17/2007 10:07:11 AM 
Subject: CS>mag chloride 
was this the list that talked about mag chloride oil or gel for aches and
pains? If so, can someone tell me where you buy yours? Thanks, Jess 

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Re: CS>cs and lyme

2007-08-04 Thread SMax
Personal experience is valuable and meaningful, Dave.  I completely
understand.  I also deeply and completely understand how profound your
information would be, as I suggested before, if what you say is true would
be in the Lyme Community.  You would have discovered something that no other
human being that I am aware of knows about who is either suffering from this
disease, or who has studied the disease for years to find a cure.  So, if
what you are saying is true, and your chronic late stage long term lyme is
gone, then take your information and experience and share it with the many
researchers, LLMD's, Lyme Associations, newspapers, and all other credible
sources of information so that others may benefit from your personal
experience, so as to find out how that could possibly be true.  If you need
source referrals, e-mail me personally, and I will do my best to assist you.

---Original Message--- 
From: Dave 
Date: 8/3/2007 5:38:49 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>cs and lyme 
I get my information from my own experience. 
Have you been reading the posts as they come in? 
I clearly said I had been through 42 years of late Lyme and cured it 
with this protocol in three days. 
The spirochetes come out into the blood to replicate once a month 
and if your timing is at that brief time they die. Some stay dormant 
for years but in my case I apparently got them all. (hopefully) they 
couldn't be detected and it's been around five years now. 

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RE: CS>Lyme Disease

2007-08-04 Thread SMax
Go to  That is the lyme group whose protocol
is Salt/C.  You will be able to find all of the answers and all of the help
you need there.  The members are 1500 now.
---Original Message--- 
From: jessie70 
Date: 08/04/07 06:55:42 
Subject: RE: CS>Lyme Disease 
To anyone on the list who knows: what is the salt - C protocol? Thanks, Jess


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Re: CS>cs and lyme

2007-08-03 Thread SMax
This would be profound if it were true. May I ask where or who you are
getting your information from? Has it been documented as true? This is the
first time I have ever heard anyone suggest such a thing. 
---Original Message--- 
From: Dave 
Date: 8/3/2007 2:43:39 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>cs and lyme 
That sounds pretty close but remember it isn't the overall amount that does
the trick but the timing. 
Dan Nave wrote: 
So, 12 cups total of CS a day? 
(3/4 cup per hour times 16 hours per day awake?) 

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CS>How To Culture Kefir

2006-11-30 Thread SMax
Ruth and anyone interested in Kefir Culture Instructions. 
I just posted the above subject info at
Okie Dokie.
Have a Kefir Kind of a Day.
Sasha Max 

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CS>Bill Misset-fibrous fingers

2006-09-17 Thread SMax
Have you checked out Serrapeptase, CMO (Cetyl Myristoleate), and Colostrum? 
Here are three links that may provide additional help and pointers. 

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CS>Silver Cleaner

2006-09-06 Thread SMax
This is a great inexpensive homemade recipe to clean your silver. The author
is Graham Haley of Haley's Cleaning Hints 
1 teaspoon water softener 
1 teaspoon salt 
1 cup heated water 
Place the above three in a glass baking dish or cup on top of aluminum foil.
 Dip your silver and a moment later . . . . . say Voila! 
Note: - Not recommended for silver with stones. 
---Original Message--- 
From: Ed Kasper 
Date: 9/5/2006 11:23:19 PM 
Thanks Ode. 
Is that the way the silver cleaner works. Putting baking 
soda in water with a piece of aluminum foil? 

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CS>Sore Knee

2006-09-02 Thread SMax
ebay has Needak rebounders for sale. Needak is one of the very best
rebounders you can buy. You don't want a cheap one from a sporting goods
store (trust me) as they will break your ankle and foot bones down and
absolutely will not support the weight. 
You can get a Needak for $199 or as low as $176. 
The first url will take you to an ebay full page of Needak Rebounders, and
the second url will take you to an ebay dealer that sells Needak for $176,
has 100% acceptance from 4200 sales. That's not bad. You can't beat the
price, but you might have to order a holding bar. Many people simply place
the rebounder by a tall-backed chair and hold on to the top of the chair
while they lightly bounce. Works just as well like that without the bar. 
P.S. You might want to google a Sun Ancon Chi Machine which would work your
lymphatics without you having to do anything except lay on the floor. Check
those out on ebay to see if they have any. But only go for a Sun Ancon which
is the original and best for the money. All others have a reputation of
breaking down. 
From: M. G. Devour 
Dear Marshalee, 
You'd need to buy a really *good* one, but a rebounder is probably one 
of the best exercise options you have with your current issues. 
For one example, the Reboundair quarter fold costs about $300. It's 
guaranteed for users up to 400 pounds. Buy the stabilizer bar with it 
and you'll have something to hang onto while you get your sea legs. 

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CS>AG Deodorant Chlorophyll or Activated Charcoal

2006-09-01 Thread SMax
Activated charcoal capsules are a possibility as well. 
---Original Message--- 
Date: 9/1/2006 11:26:15 AM 
Subject: Re: CS>AG Deodorant 
Goodness sakes! 
I know this is a CS list, but it is so much easier to pop a 
chlorophyll capsule or two and deodorize from the inside! 
I use concentrated garlic caps daily and the chlorophyll keeps it 
nicely under control. 
There are two theories to arguing with women. 
Neither one works. 

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CS>CS and lyme

2006-08-19 Thread SMax
That is fascinating!  I'm pretty certain that I have long-term LD (40 years)
 and have my own CS generator. I'm excited to know how you found out about
CS and LD.  I also want to express my condolences to you regarding your son.
 I'm so, so sorry.  No one should ever go through that experience. 
Are you doing the same protocol now and will CS be the only abx you will use
as a preventative?
---Original Message--- 
From: Dave 
Date: 08/19/06 08:57:32 
Subject: Re: CS>CS and lyme 
First things first! 
Would you please shut off your HTML and the receipt request. 
Now to the question: About five years ago I was diagnosed with Lyme by a
physician after a great deal of arguing to even be tested. He said I couldn
t have Lyme as it wasn't prevalent in this area. As if I had never strayed
from this area in my whole life. 
Later I had found CS and used it to cure the problem. 
I'd had Lyme for 42 years, long before they had a name for it. and never
took their antibiotics.The Protocol was: First I took enough to make sure
the Herx wouldn't be to bad to handle. Then I took A pint of 20 ppm all at
once followed by four ounces every 20 waking minutes for three days. On the
night of the third day I awoke with a great energetic feeling somewhat like
breaking a fever. 
Thats all there was to it. 
A few days ago, After being bit by something like 55 ticks in Arkansas and
Missouri I asked to be checked for a tick born disease called Ehrlichiosis
as it had killed my boy. 
Instead of that disease they checked me for Lyme and everything came back
negative proving for once and for all that I did in fact kill Lyme. 
Now I have to go back and insist they check me for Ehrlichiosis which is a
fatal disease. It attacks the bone morrow and causes internal bleeding. 

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CS>Fw: Re: CS>Teeth

2006-07-15 Thread SMax
You might be interested in Dr. Judd's Protocol - Good Teeth. 
A lot of people swear by his knowledge and protocol. 
---Original Message--- 
From: Scott 
Date: 07/15/06 05:46:00 
To: Silver List 
Subject: CS>Teeth 
I am a 46 y.o. white American male and have been using CS for over a year. I

have had the best health results from it than I have in all my life. I do, 
however, need to know if CS is directly involved in the deterioration of my 
teeth and the extreme sensitivity. Please let me know if anyone else has had

this same experience and whether or not it is linked to the CS. Thanks! 

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Re: CS>The Immune System ( 20 % )

2006-07-14 Thread SMax
In the best selling 'Energy Psychology' by Donna Eden and her psychologist
husband David Feinstein one of her techniques describes an exercise called 
Thump the Thymus' and is used to strengthen the immune system.  I can e-mail
you a copy of it if you like.  This book is packed with information,
techniques, and exercises to strengthen and heal the body through its own
natural energy healing system.
The foreward for the book was written by Carolyn Myss, and was given
testimonials by Bernie Siegel, M.D., Jean Houston, Ph.D., Richard Gerber, M
D. (author of Vibrational Medicine), Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., and John F.
Thie, D. C., (Founder of Touch for Health - Kinesiology).
Altogether, an excellent book if you are inclined toward energy medicine. 
Ifyou want to read more about the book, energy medicine, Donna and her
husband, visit their web at
---Original Message--- 
From: Jonathan B. Britten 
Date: 07/13/06 15:56:08 
Subject: Re: CS>The Immune System ( 20 % ) 
More than 20 years ago I read a fascinating book called Life Extension. 
The authors noted that thymus gland diminution begins in the late 
teens or early twenties. They suggested that this change is the 
start of immune system decline. I am not aware of therapies focusing 
on thymus gland improvement, but regenerative medicine may provide some 
answers in future. 

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CS>Fw: CS>[RE]CS>Sinus Surgery:COMMENT

2006-07-12 Thread SMax
As a practicing  (Quantum) Adv EFT therapist, I couldn't be more pleased as
to your resolution and outcome of conditions. And to Bernadette - 
If you are interested, I can send you a short but very complete description
as to 'How To Do the EFT Protocol'. (12 pages) 
You can e-mail me at for a free copy. 
---Original Message--- 
From: brooks76009 
Date: 07/12/06 12:22:19 
Subject: CS>[RE]CS>Sinus Surgery:COMMENT 
Deart Bernadette, 
I am dismayed to hear you required surgery for the sinus condition. EIS has
demonstrated to be of 
excellent value among all our volunteers who encountered post-surgical
conditions, such as you report. The most effective protocol turned out to be
one involving the use of 10 ppm CS (95% by volume) and DMSO (5% by vol..
Quite serendipitously, I allowd one of our younger staff members to "goad"
me into addressing this problem through an unusual (for me) type of address.
To wit, a very simple system originally designed to treat chronic,
non-responding, psychiatric presentations. The system is one well-known to
list members as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). The system I used was the
one designed by Gary Craig.not the more elaborate procedure designed by
Dr. Callahan. Within 6 days of beginning the very simple regimen I achieved
results one can only describe as spectacular. My sinuses are dry---day and
night---for the first time in 50 years! Since I am not a believer in 
NO-CAUSE" spontaneous remissionI am left with no alternative but the
beneficial effects of the EFT protocol. Additionally, being a chronic
sufferer of insominaI tried it on that also.with equally satisfying
results. The demonstrated effectiveness of such a seemingly "scientifically
procedurehas left me rather stupifiedbut convinced enough that we
are now inaugurating a formal evaluation of the system. 
Be well, my best personal regards, Brooks. 

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CS>Salt/C and CS

2006-07-06 Thread SMax
Hi Zeb, 
I am doing Salt/C. Only recently started the protocol, and immediately had
excellent results. I always take Salt/C and my CS 
apart from each other by hours for no other reason other than, personally,
it feels like the better thing to do. As far as any 
kind of studies, research, or investigation on the matter, I have none. That
probably doesn't help to answer your question, 
and I will look for more specific and detailed answers in the group
LymeStrategies. If you haven't joined in there, you might consider it. 
Sasha Max 
Rowena, are you using the salt c treatment for lyme disease? If anyone is 
and is having success, Please post. Also, I saw something posted a while ago

about using salt close to the time you use collodial silver. I didnt see any

answers as to whether this is a concern. 

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Re: CS>Bob Berger has passed away

2006-06-28 Thread SMax
We didn't know each other, but I greatly appreciated his directness and
sense of humor. I will always remember his posts, especially one having to
do with a formula of H2O2 that he used to eliminate his allergies.  It
cracked me up so much, that the image he created still lingers fondly in my
mind and heart.
You will be dearly missed "Ole Bob."  

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CS>Instructions on How To Change Body Polarity

2006-06-16 Thread SMax
Ian and All,
One of the best books on the market is entitled, 'Energy Medicine' by Donna
Eden and her husband psychologist David Feinstein.  They are Premiere
teachers internationally and have a wealth of information on the subject
matter. Google them or Energy Medicine.  Their book is replete with
instructions in 100's  of techniques to straighten, balance, and maintain
not only Reversed Polarity, but as well,  all bodily systems having to do
with Energy.
Thought you would like to know.
Sasha Max, Practitioner
Energy Psychology
Quantum Psychology
Polarity reversal, if that is what you are referring to, can occur in the
body. It is my understanding that it is not an over all condition but is
centered around specific issues. Usually these issues are chronic and
unrelieved. A quick search on the web turns up this site. http://www I know nothing about this site
only that it turned up quickly on a search of the term. 
One of the easiest way I know of to reverse polarity around certain areas is
through Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT) See Download a
manual for free, and the accompanying video DVD of the training is
Using Redmond Realsalt, or Himilayan Crystal Salt in cooking and on the
table may help. Also having a little bit of Succrinat (1 tsp) every day can
help. It is raw unprocessed cane sugar - doesn't taste real good but does
wonders for the body and its flow of electrical energy. 
Hope this is helpful. 
- Original Message - 
From: sol 
To: Ian Roe 
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:45 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>comment and report on control experiment 
Do you know anything about being "reversed"? I finally found out why muscle
testing doesn't work for me. I am reversed much of the time (not all the
time). But since I don't know when I'm reversed or not, I have no way to
tell if I'm getting an accurate answer or the reverse. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CMO results

2006-05-29 Thread SMax
Carol Ann, 
Hi, Not Ole Bob here, but instead Sasha. I am one of the thrilled users of
CMO, short for Cetylmyristoleate. I bought it at Whole Foods and it is
Jarrow brand. I only take one a day, and the results are truly outstanding.
I like Bob, was headed for a wheelchair, without a doubt, having barely any
cartilage on my left knee. The benefit from the use of CMO was quick. I
could feel the difference within a week. 
CMO is a powerful anti-inflammatory and a highly purified fatty acid ester
which some believe can reprogram memory cells, hence, heal arthritis and
reconstruct damaged joint tissue. Although, coffee is to be eliminated, I
still have my one cup in the morning, and then take the CMO two hours after
that. I also take serrapeptase and many other supplements too, it is the CMO
that is doing the repair.

'Ole' Bob wrote: 
Please clairfy, what does CMO stand foras you say, its been a few months
since it was mentioned. 
Robert Berger  wrote: 
About two months ago there were almost 100 posts on CMO, but to date no one
has reported any benefit received from it. So I will. During the first 10
days of April I took the 60 pills of Jarrow CMO, and as expected noting
happened until later. 
When I got up on May 18Th I found that I could walk with out limping and the
knee pains were almost gone. As of today I still am enjoying the wonderful
effects of CMO on my knees. .

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Good Poison Ivy Treatments

2006-04-30 Thread SMax
You want JEWELWEED.  It grows near to the Poison Ivy plant.  Click on the
following link for more information and where to order it.
Also, you want to take a bath in Himalayan Crystal Salt. See this link for
more information.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>New Group

2006-04-28 Thread SMax
The Singularity, the Quickening, the Cosmogenesis, a period of exponential
change - the New Age, the New World Order, Times of High Strangeness - it
seems that we are in the throes of a Global Paradigm Shift. 
This is a time where technological and global changes are happening faster
than we can track them. The convergence of science and 'metaphysics' is
gathering towards some kind of critical mass. Information Technology and
Artificial Intelligence are on the cutting edge of Accelerating Change. 
Is the human race evolving into some kind of 'biotech' hybrid? Or has Nature
outpaced us? Is the 'roar of approaching cataracts' of our own making - or
is it simply the clockwork of the Cosmos? 
This group focuses on the Mayan Long Count and Terence McKenna's Time Wave
Zero, both of which culminate on Dec. 21, 2012 - but other topics are
frequently discussed **as long as they do not interrupt the normal flow of
being victimized and oppressed by 'the government' or some other 'secret'
organization. I should also add that I'm NOT a great fan of 'channelers' or
any discarnate beings urging us to "relinquish control to the "Higher Will".

But back to the question - are we heading for a Singularity? Physical evidence 
points to the facts that the earth's magnetic field has weakened by 8% in the 
past 150 years, the sun's coronal magnetic flux has doubled in the past 
century, and the magnetic north pole has moved 1,000 km in the past 100 years. 
The last sunspot cycle ended with two of the biggest flares in history, and the 
second highest sunspot count on record. The next solar max will be in 2012, the 
year of the Global Shift, the extinction of Time Wave Zero, the end of the 
Mayan Long Count. Where will you be in 2012?

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