Re: CSHow did we ever get here on this subject?

2010-06-23 Thread Shiona Phillips

VERY well said, Macolm.  Once you know the tactics .

Malcolm wrote:

I'm much more concerned with the drift that
this is becoming a 'Believer's' forum and that someone who resorts to
arcane and unavailable 'proof' such as calibration which, note, is
used as a weapon as much as a sign of cosmic - and note that - approval
of rectitude, is making this his own fiefdom.

Yes, the hypnotic? ad nauseum posts, (on both lists) the subtle insults 
to anyone who disagrees, the ignoring of any challenges by those who DO 
know what they are talking about with regards to scientific 
methodologies.  The blurring of boundaries creating cognitive 
dissonance. The extreme arrogance.

- you may detect a strong desire to control the conversation and beliefs
of others.  

Yep - I certainly do.  Like it's a mission of some sort.

I despise it, and though I find all this stuff about dowsing, demons and
other disembodied entities interesting,I find Boddhi's use of it to
further his control of a clacque disgusting.

Off course there are many kinds of disease -  (strong clue here as to 
where he is coming from)


Wonder why he doesn't use his real name? 

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Re: CSLyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Shiona Phillips

bodhisattva wrote:

Marshalls paragraph calibrates at about 1000 (or very close, I round 
up/down), your reply is dangerously close to zero.

OR ...just MAYBE you're method of  calibration  is... 
possibly  totally meaningless amd misleading?

  So either CS wasn't the sole reason you are cured, or you still have 
lyme, or a combination of both.

and  MAYBE  some of your statements also!

To date, I have never heard of anyone curing themselves of Lyme with 
just CS,

MAYBE  you have not heard of everything ?

But I will point out, there have been suppressed clinical studies that 
PROVE Negative Ions dramatically improve the absorption and usage of 
VitaminC by the body.

Surprise, surprise!!


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Re: CSLyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Shiona Phillips

Marshall Dudley wrote:

.  Lyme has a number of hiding places, and cannot be eliminated with a 
protocol that gets them as well, such as the Beck protocol.

Another mistake?  Sounds like you are a bit confused.


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Re: CSLyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Shiona Phillips

bodhisattva wrote:

  There is absolutely no statistical odds of that happening unless 
we're tapping the same cosmic wisdom.

OR... unless you are both very confused :)


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Re: CSLyme disease

2010-05-18 Thread Shiona Phillips

Malcolm wrote:


Naah, but he is trying to get stuff written when his mind is tired;
hence bauxite for basalt and other examples of what Kurt Vonnegut
referred to as  mental gears skipping a tooth.  Ice Nine? Granfalloon?



I've replied on the Off Topic List.


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Re: CSpre mixing CS and DMSO Mix skin Tags ???

2009-12-22 Thread Shiona Phillips

Hi Dee,

Well I did use H202 for a few days which didn't seem to have any 
noticeable effect before trying the CS, so it might actually have been 
the combination of both that did it, must say I was pretty surprised 
when it dropped off !


Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Unfortunately, this has never worked for me.  dee

On 21 Dec 2009, at 13:54, Shiona Phillips wrote:


C.S on it's own worked for me in removing a skin tag after spraying it for only 
a few days.



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Re: CSpre mixing CS and DMSO Mix skin Tags ???

2009-12-21 Thread Shiona Phillips
C.S on it's own worked for me in removing a skin tag after spraying it 
for only a few days.

Shiona wrote:

In a message dated 12/20/2009 10:59:40 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Would Brooks mix be good for skin tags as well?
thanks much debbie

Hi Debbie, I'm not sure as I have never used it fro that. I do know 
the subject of skin tags  has been discussed before  someone had 
good luck with something.-- Hopefully that person will see this  

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Re: CSSpeaking of Migraines....

2009-12-10 Thread Shiona Phillips
Hidden infections under teeth could also be a factor.  My regular 
migraines cleared up after having a root canal treated tooth removed.
I was only getting mild toothache but having tried many things before 
this, diet, cleansing fasts, herbs, chiropractic, acupuncture, decided 
to have it removed after reading (Dr Hulda Clark) about potential 
problems with root canal treated teeth,  and found that indeed it was 
infected underneath.

There's often a combination of causes.  Mine were also linked to neck 
problems and hormonal cycles, but it was having the tooth out that 
cleared them up for me

Wishing your wife success in finding a solution.


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Re: CSskin tags

2009-08-07 Thread Shiona Phillips

Have you tried C.S yet?   It worked for me on a skin tag.


jessie70 wrote:

I bought this bloodroot and put on a skin tag on my neck. I had to use a
bandaid and then got 2 boils nearby and then a burn mark on my skin where
the stuff must have sat on my skin. Nothing happened to the skin tag though.
The burn really itched for about a week while it was healing. Jess


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Re: CSRemoving Moles (Documentation) No way !

2009-06-11 Thread Shiona Phillips
Not sure about moles but for skin tags it's worth trying colloidal 
silver before anything more drastic. I removed a skin tag by applying 
colloidal silver and after a few days it just dropped off.  Also tried 
the duct tape method (actually suggested by my doctor), on a verouca and 
that worked too.   Apparently it's the deprivation of oxygen method that 
knocks a verouca on the head, so this might be effective on skin tags 
and moles also..   As for skin tags, CS certainly worked for me!


Day Sutton wrote:

My Grandmother (in the late 30's and early 40's) would put mashed 
potatoes on her moles and bandaid on top.   They would drop off in two 
to three weeks... I have since heard that they require oxygen.  That 
would cut off their supply.  Also lends credence to the Duct Tape cure 


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Re: CSThe Good, The BAD, and The Ugly, Nicotine and H2O2

2008-08-30 Thread Shiona Phillips

Wayne Fugitt wrote:

  I am working on an article called,  The Health Benefits of Nicotine.
  It has been used for a medicine for hundreds of years.

  One of the worlds greatest doctors State..

  Nicotine prevents and Cures many diseases.

That FACT, is totally suppressed from the American People.  Why ? Why 
? Why 

Hi Wayne,

I would be interested to see your article.   I researched the subject 
myself several years ago, being a smoker myself, and it's fascinating 
just what has been hidden behind the scenes on the subject.  Some tribal 
cultures have traditionally smoked large amounts of tobacco without any 
adverse side effects, but of course this was/is natural tobacco 
without the thousands of chemicals that commercial tobacco products 
contain. I myself grew my own for many years before it was possible to 
buy American Spirit in the UK.

American Spirit -

The beneficial properties of nicotine are related to the affects of 
acetylcholine on neurotransmitters -  - enabling one to think 
more clearly and apparently it also has something to do with improving 
the transmission of oxygen to the brain.   There is also research to 
suggest that some people have more of a need for assistance in this 
department than others due to their biological make-up which is why some 
people get hooked  after their first cigarette and some don't.

I heard a story once which illustrates something of it's properties.  A 
group of people are held in a siege situation.  There is a need for 
everyone to stay calm and suppress their natural desire to escape, to 
run away and make a bid for freedom.  However, due to the obviously life 
threatening dangers presented by the enemies which surround the 
building, this would of course be rather foolish.   People in the room 
have differing types of receptors and therefore differing abilities  to 
produce the calming and feel good chemicals such as endorphins and 
seratonin required to make them feel settled enough in the situation 
to just sit it out.

Those who have less of these will obviously be feeling more discomfort 
and agitation in such a situation.   It could also be compared to a 
classroom of children where some of them seem to spend alot of time 
daydreaming out of the window, something which I myself did alot of :)

Native shamans have also traditionally used nicotine to remove negative 
entities from a persons energy field and some refer to it having 
grounding properties.

Marijuana has been blacklisted in a similar fashion.   However recent 
studies have proved that it most definately does have medicinal 
properties which have helped many people already with various illnesses 
including MS, Arthritis and Alzheimers

Recent discoveries of it's benefits show how it contains an anti-cancer 

which is very exciting in it's abilities to heal brain cancers :

and breast cancers :,2933,312132,00.html



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Re: CSFriend with Basil Cell Carcinoma

2008-07-29 Thread Shiona Phillips

David Bearrow wrote:

I would not use black salve on a nose as the nose tissue is too small 
and the black salve is very aggressive and you risk burning a hole in 
your nose if not burning your nose off completely.

Jason Eyton experimented on himself and took pictures of removing a 
skin cancer off his trunk with a black salve called cansema (now off 
the market, guy who sold it in jail).

Warning graphic pictures in this link:


Ingrid Naimon has written an excellent book on the subject

A friend of mine experimented with one of her herbal salve recipes with 
very good results but has now decided to opt for surgery as the location 
of his carcenoma just below the eye is very awkward, and therefore 
proved very difficult to apply the cream without it getting in his eye.

Ingrid recommends a less aggressive salve for less aggressive 
carcenomas. The formula of hers we tried is basically goldenseal, 
turmeric and calendula oil. This is a much more gentle salve than the 
black salves, but if one wants the faster and more aggressive approach, 
zinc chloride can be added to this goldenseal recipe. If one chooses the 
zinc chloride route then one should do plenty of research beforehand and 
then act quickly and be persistent with following the procedures 
otherwise there is the danger of possibly aggravating the growth of that 
which one is trying to eradicate.

When there is no real definition of the treatment site, i.e., when no 
one really knows how extensive the malignancy or infection is, it is 
virtually impossible to anticipate the size or nature of the reaction to 
bloodroot. When bloodroot is mixed with zinc chloride—as it usually 
is—reactions can be violent and unpredictable. Elsewhere on this site, I 
speculate about how and why this happens. I suspect it is because the 
morbidity is extensive, i.e., not as localized as the tumorous mass itself.

Where there is infection, toxicity, acidity, and various other 
conditions in the vicinity of the tumor, responses to bloodroot 
applications can take place in minutes and affect much more tissue than 
the actual site where the paste is applied. Then, depending on the 
product used and the skill of the person using the product, 
inflammation, pain, and ultimately scarring can be more than some people 
expect. It is for such reasons that I feel that most people should be 
treated by experts, people with experience in this particular treatment 

Other Concerns

Since reactions to bloodroot can be painful and highly inflammatory, it 
seems to me that those opting for this treatment need to be 
well-informed, prepared, resolute, and decisive. To me, it has never 
seemed like an option to start this treatment and quit though I know 
people who have started and then turned to surgery as well as those who 
interrupted the treatment for some weeks or months and later resumed it. 
The fact that they lived suggests that the treatment is not as dangerous 
as it looks, but it is also not for the faint of heart. I personally 
believe that those using bloodroot preparations are well-advised to 
destroy the entire tumor as quickly as possible since I feel that 
inflammation and irritation of the tumor can conceivably aggravate tumor 


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Re: Fw: CSFrench Clay May Be The Answer to MRSA

2008-05-28 Thread Shiona Phillips
Yes, wonderful stuff . ..clay.There was a news report recently in 
the UK showing villages in India where food shortages are occurring as a 
direct result of  land that was once food producing now being utilized 
for bio-fuel production. The villagers are living off baked mud cakes, 
as there is nothing else to eat.

At least they'll be getting a healthy dose of  the healing properties of 

Many people ingest clay on a regular basis for it's therapeutic 
benefits,  myself included.  A helpful site and discussion group at :


Paula Perry wrote:

This is an old message that I had saved. In light of the huge number of
people contacting MRSA these days it seems important that we have items on
hand that can be administered quickly in addition to CS.
Scientists have discovered a new and highly effective weapon against
deadly superbugs like the MRSA sweeping through Britain's dirty hospital
wards –


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Re: CSIonic minerals

2008-01-09 Thread Shiona Phillips

Mark Fletcher wrote:

If this question is off-topic for this list, please let me know (I'm a 
I was wondering what the general consensus is here about ionic mineral 
supplements. Are they useful? I have been taking Concentrace on and 
off for 15 years. I don't feel any more or less nourished when I take 
it or go without it.


Hi Mark,

Last year Concentrace was discussed and it appears that several on the 
list have tried this product and feel that it benefits them. I've 
included a post by Terry which was very informative and also one from 
myself which illustrates the differences between seawater products and 
transdermal magnesium chloride oil, which has also been a subject of 
discussion here. Magnesium is the main ingredient in Concentrace and 
apparently is an extremely beneficial supplement that is particularly 
effective if applied transdermally to the skin - in baths or with a 
body spray.

Niagri (de-hydrated seawater used as the basis for making Tofu) has 
recently been suggested as a cheaper substitute for transdermal 
magnesium chloride oil, however it appears that Niagri, due to it's 
having been de-hydrated, does not contain such a high concentration of 
magnesium chloride as the transdermal oil products. However it is a 
cheaper alternative and therefore maybe it might also be a cheaper 
alternative to Concentrace as a general mineral supplement?

Quote: According to Quinton, which sells injectable Hypertonic and 
Isotonic sea water medical products (approximately $56 per liter and 224 
dollars per gallon) sea water which has been subjected to evaporation, 
and then to subsequent reconstitution from the resulting dry residue, 
does not display the same living qualities as seawater products that are 
not dried. This would apply to Nagari magnesium products that are sold 
for making tofu.


Dee said,
 At one time I used to buy the so-called colloidal
minerals from Joel Wallach and others. I then read
that these were no good because they are not bio
available in that form, so I started taking
Concentrace. I can't remember why I stopped taking it
but can you tell me why it is better than the
colloidal minerals mentioned? 

The source of Wallachs minerals is from a huge deposit
found in Utah, I believe. On one side of a small
mountain is where they are mined. On the other side is
the mining location owned by the Clark family. I
suspect they are digging these minerals from two sides
of the same huge deposit.

The form of minerals they are extracting from the
ground is called humic shale. It is believed to be the
remains of dinosaurs, trees, plants, etc., that were
buried in earthquake crevasses or sucked into tar
ponds, etc. In other words, the mineral levels and
proportions would be what you would find in a living
organism. The minerals have turned pretty much into
rock again (fossilized), but, when ground up into
powder and then suspended in liquid, they make a
comprehensive source of minerals. Although some folks
claim that these are not the type of minerals our
bodies need (being essentially rock), there is enough
positive evidence to support using them as a possible
mineral supplement (especially if you cannot get

Concentrace comes from the Great Salt Lake, also in
Utah. The Great Salt Lake is actually a small ocean,
according to the scientists. It is distinctive in that
water flows into this ocean (lakes, streams), but no
water flows out. It does not overflow because the heat
in Utah causes the water to constantly evaporate. The
evaporation causes the water to leave, but the
minerals in the water to remain (Natures
distillation). The water in the Lake is so
concentrated with minerals that, if you were to wade
out into the water as far as you could go, you would
only sink in up to your waste. The water is actually
“thick” with minerals. The minerals come from various
plant matter that washes down from surrounding
vegetation, as well as soil minerals. People travel
from all over the world to bathe in the Great Salt

What impressed me about Concentrace (apart from the
much cheaper price), was that the minerals in it are
dissolved minerals, rather than suspended. The Wallach
(and Clark) stuff is artificially suspended, and will
fall out of suspension (you need to shake the bottle).
Concentrace has an infinite shelf life. Plus, the
Clark/Wallach stuff is mixed with flavorings and
sweeteners, which I do not personally want. Just give
me the minerals, please. Concentrace has every mineral
the body needs, over 100, and these minerals are in
the nearly identical proportions to each other as is
found in healthy human blood plasma. Humic shale has
about 80 minerals.

The term, bio-available, refers to how easy to
assimilate a substance is. The minerals found in the
ground, being metallic, must be converted by our
bodies to a form our bodies can use before they are
assimilated and utilized by our bodies. Plants do the
converting for us, by changing 

Re: CSExceptions

2007-12-27 Thread Shiona Phillips wrote:

It is an abcess probably from the cavity. He has been tested for 
appropriate filling material which is the most inert one and has no 
problems in other teeth. He gagged and vomitted after the oil pulling 

You could consider using Bentonite clay.  Here's a testimonial from the 
website owner of Eytons Earth.  The following link takes you to a 
discussion on the subject.


I'd like to share a very recent experience with the treatment of a mouth 
infection, which was secondary to a small injury.

After injuring a tooth ( blunt trauma ), the individual developed an 
abscess, complete with significant pain and swelling, including swelling 
of the lymph nodes below the jaw.

These types of infections can very often resist antibiotic treatment, 
and silver/H2O2 often fail to adress the condition as well.

White paper towels were used ( torn up ), and then saturated with 
colloidal bentonite, hydrated with 1/2 isolated colloidal silver, and 
1/2 high PH water. The process of preperation was very similiar to 
making paper mache.

A strip of the dressing, having been saturated with the clay magma, is 
then packed in the mouth, so that the treatment area is completely 
covered. Using something such as a paper towel makes the dressing very 
maleable to conform to any surface.

The clay compress was left on for 30 minutes per treatment. This needs 
to be continued UNTIL the wound begins to irrigate. Upon removal of the 
dressing, one should see blood on the dressing.

Although an increase in pain may be felt ( and in this case, was felt ), 
continued treatment has always lead to rapid cessation of the pain. 
After three thirty minute treatments, the pain was vastly reduced.

After the abcess began to drain, isolated silver, mixed with a small 
amount of H2O2, was used ( but not swallowed ). .. This mixture should 
be held in mouth for as long as possible. Only a small amount of H2O2 is 
needed; five drops of 3% per two ounces ( I have utilized as much as 4 
drops of 35% H2O2 per 4 ounces of silver ).

This treatment can be safely done as often as needed.

The abscess cleared within 36 hours.

Care must be taken, however; sometimes an infection reaches the jaw 
bone. Such a treatment is not a replacement for proper medical diagnosis.

If the infection has reached deep into the bone, prolonged treatment 
with clay must be conducted, even when the pain has completely left. In 
some situations, H2o2/silver should be used in both ears.

I cannot say why the h2o2/silver treatment in the ear has proven to be 
valueable with severe mouth infections; I can only document that it has, 
on at least 3 occassions, proven advantageous.

~ Jason

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CSFrench Clay May Be The Answer to MRSA

2007-11-05 Thread Shiona Phillips

French Muck: The New Penicillin for MRSA? (28 October 2007)
Scientists have discovered a new and highly effective weapon against 
deadly superbugs like the MRSA sweeping through Britain's dirty hospital 
wards – green French muck. The dramatic antibiotic success of agricur, a 
clay made from ancient volcanic ash found near the Massif Central, marks 
it out as a potential rival to penicillin, the wonder drug of the 20th 
century. In experiments, the clay killed up to 99 per cent of superbug 
colonies within 24 hours. Control samples of MRSA (methicillin-

resistant Staphylococcus aureus) grew 45-fold in the same period. The 
clay has a similar effect on other deadly bacteria tested, including 
salmonella, E. coli, and a flesh-eating disease called buruli, a 
relative of leprosy which disfigures children across central and western 
Africa. It has been classed as an emerging public health threat by the 
World Health Organization (WHO).

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Re: CSre

2007-10-24 Thread Shiona Phillips

faith gagne wrote:

Does anyone have any suggstions for coping with insomnia?  That will 
be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.


You could try Melatonin.  I get mine from


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Re: CSMagnesium Chloride - Transdermal Therapy

2007-09-30 Thread Shiona Phillips

jessie70 wrote:

Shiona, how do you take the mag oil, internally? Jess


Hi Jessie,

It appears that the oil is very similar to other forms of liquid 
minerals such as Concentrace, so no doubt can be taken in similar 
dosages internally (and apparently the only side effect from taking too 
much would be a laxative one, as with Vitamin C) but Dr Sircus's website 
highlights the advantages of applying transdermal applications of the 
oil such as adding a couple of ounces in a bath, or footbath, or using a 
body spray. The theory is that applying the oil to the skin is a much 
more effective and faster way of getting higher doses into the body 
without side effects, than by taking oral supplements (and also avoids 
the possible dangers of polluted pharmaceutical grade magnesium products).

From his website:

There is no specific information about oral magnesium chloride in liquid 
form but it is reasonably safe to assume it would be more absorbable 
than magnesium taurate. Liquid minerals are thought to be much more 
absorbable than tablets.

3-5 sprays of magnesium chloride in a glass of pure water is an
excellent way to take magnesium internally. It assists digestion,
counteracts excess acidity in the stomach, and delivers magnesium
swiftly into the bloodstream for distribution to all the cells of the body.

Daniel Reid
Tao of Detoxification

The taste of the solution is not very good (it has a bitter-saltish 
flavor) so a little of fruit juice (grapefruit, orange, lemon) can be 
added to the solution. Individuals with very sensitive taste buds may 
start using it in tiny amounts mixed with strongly flavoured food and 
increase doses very gradually. Alternatively, drink it in one gulp 
dissolved in water while pinching your nose and quickly drink something 
pleasant afterwards.

Daniel Reid says, “Using Magnesium Oil is the quickest and most 
convenient way to transmit magnesium chloride into the cells and tissues 
through the skin. 2-3 sprays under each armpit function as a highly 
effective deodorant, while at the same time transporting magnesium 
swiftly through the thin skin into the glands, lymph channels, and 
bloodstream, for distribution throughout the body. Spray it onto the 
back of the hand or the top of the feet any time of day or night for 
continuous magnesium absorption. Regardless of where you apply the spray 
on the body, once it penetrates the surface of the skin, the body 
transports it to whichever tissues need magnesium most.”

Dr. Norm Shealy recommends using 6-8 oz in each bath you take when you 
use his suggested magnesium chloride product, which is a food grade 
magnesium chloride. With the Magnesium Oil that we recommend using, the 
recommended amount per bath is only 2 oz. The cost and the amount you 
use is dependent on the concentration of the magnesium oil used. The 
magnesium oil we recommend is 30–35 percent Magnesium Chloride as 
opposed to 25 percent for Dr. Shealy’s oil. It’s the difference between 
using MgCl2 evaporated from sea water and MgCl2-6H2O powder to make the 

The magnesium oil also comes in a gel (lower concentration for massage) 
form as well as a small bottle with a spray pump for easy application to 
the skin. All massage therapists should be using the gel, and even 
families, for it is always a good idea to combine a massage with a 
magnesium treatment. The oil, which is not an oil actually, (it just has 
an oily consistency), is also usable in massage applications. If we 
really appreciated how important it is to make sure our magnesium levels 
are satisfactory we would be spraying our underarms with it everyday, 
spraying it on to different parts of our body and would never leave it 
out of our baths.


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Re: CSmagnesium oil and Concentrace

2007-09-30 Thread Shiona Phillips

Teri Johnston wrote:

At 05:20 PM 9/29/2007, you wrote:

Since Concentrace feels oily and both magnesium and chloride are 
listed as present, can I assume that this product is mostly magnesium 
oil??? tia pj Anybody know for sure, for sure??? 


I have concentrace here along with the Magnesium oil and yes they do 
feel similar. But the Magnesium Oil does not list all contents? But 
that said I see many of the same things listed on both products. My 
guess is they are very similar but one is for internal use and the 
other for skin use??

Hoping someone else will answer what is now both of our question?


There certainly does appear to be a big similarity between the products 
as both derive from seawater brine. (BTW I've been taking Concentrace 
for a few months now and have definately noticed the effects showing by 
the improvement in my fingernails which are much stronger than before).

Here's how Dr Sircus's website describes the seawater Magnesium Oil 
product that he recommends.

Product Information

The International Medical Veritas Association highly recommends that 
magnesium chloride be taken in the most natural form available. In 
keeping with this recommendation, we have found that magnesium chloride 
taken from the ocean is superior to manufactured magnesium chloride. The 
manufacturing processes, which yields a crystal or powdered product, 
usually involves the use of hydrochloric acid.

The reasons for a preference for natural sources for magnesium chloride 
are abundant but the most essential reasons are as follows:

• The Magnesium Oil we will refer you to is considerably less toxic in 
terms of heavy metals than industrial fabricated products.

• The magnesium oil that we will refer you to is considerably more 
concentrated than all the other products we have investigated. There is 
approximately twice as much elemental magnesium as in magnesium oils 
that are created from magnesium chloride powder or crystal, thus making 
the products we recommend more cost effective and more therapeutically 

• Magnesium products from the ocean have certain properties that cannot 
be replicated in a manufacturing process. The Sea has all ninety two 
known minerals, and in the exact proportion to human blood. One of 
Hawaii's fastest-growing exports is seawater. Super-cold water sucked up 
from thousands of feet below the Pacific Ocean's surface is being 
marketed as healthy, pure, mineral-rich drinking water. Japanese 
consumers are paying top dollar for desalinated Hawaiian deep-sea water 
being marketed as a dietary supplement that aids weight loss, stress 
reduction, skin tone and digestion. A two-ounce bottle of Hawaii Deep 
Marine's Kona Nigari seawater mineral concentrate (to mix with regular 
water) sell for $33.50 ($2,144 a gallon) reported USA Today.[i] And 1.5 
liter bottles of desalinated seawater sells for between $4 to $6 each in 
Japan and Korea.

• According to Quinton, which sells injectable Hypertonic and Isotonic 
sea water medical products (approximately $56 per liter and 224 dollars 
per gallon) sea water which has been subjected to evaporation, and then 
to subsequent reconstitution from the resulting dry residue, does not 
display the same living qualities as seawater products that are not 
dried. This would apply to Nagari magnesium products that are sold for 
making tofu.

• In general the above seawater products are not concentrates of 
magnesium chloride but offer a full balance of minerals and trace 
elements. The Magnesium Oil the IMVA recommends is between 30-35% 
magnesium chloride by weight. The magnesium in this magnesium oil 
(there is no oil but magnesium chloride at this concentration yields an 
oily feel to the product) is not Magnesium Chloride hexahydrate 
(MgCl2-6H20) mixed with distilled water. In each gallon there are four 
pounds of completely natural magnesium chloride (6H20 not included) 
which means there are 3319 milligrams of elemental magnesium in each 
ounce and approximately 18 milligrams in each spray. The International 
Medical Veritas Association recommends this natural form of Magnesium 
Oil because of its strength, purity, price and versatility of use. (It 
can be used as a mouthwash, for sports and sport injuries and even as a 
beauty aid for the skin and hair.) Please contact us for more 
information on sources and prices. The International Medical Veritas 
Association can make this available to you at significantly discounted 
and affordable prices. Send your inquiries to:


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Re: CSMagnesium Chloride - Transdermal Therapy

2007-09-29 Thread Shiona Phillips

ruth strackbein wrote:

Hi, I am very interested in the Magnesium Chloride Oil, but on 
skimming through your post and the information from the address you 
gave, I see nothing that tells me where to buy Magnesium Chloride Oil 
or how much it costs.  Ruth

Hi Ruth,

A couple of sites that were recommended and who are both selling the 
same product at $72 for half a gallon.

Global Light Network:

Ocean Magnesium Products:

Apparently the Global Light Network product is thought highly of by many 
people, including Dr Sircus and also another doctor, Carole Dean who 
wrote The Miracle of Magnesium.  However Dr Sircus although previously 
recommending their product, now recommends a new source of Magnesium oil 
from Europe which he says is the purest form he's found yet and it will 
be available in the US in a few months through a company called LL's 
Magnetic Clay

Here's a link to the European Magnesium :

and LL's Magnetic Clay :'s what Dr Sircus had to say on his 
mailing list about Global Light's Magnesium oil.

Magnesium Oil, a solution gathered by salt water evaporation has been 
our favorite magnesium chloride solution until now. I have been 
recommending a product from Global Light Network and I have seen it do 
miracles, even saving the life of my oldest online friend. But recently 
I have received hints of problems when I was in the interior of Brazil 
sitting clinic with Dr. Augusto Vinholis. We had ordered a gallon of 
magnesium oil and what came in the magnesium oil bottle was magnesium 
gel. Global Light was very unresponsive and seemed not to think it was 
I am aware that Global Light had hired an FDA consultant to put a 
quality program together, but, instead, after a few months, decided 
against instituting a full quality assurance program. Without such a 
program their product does not meet minimum requirements and should be 
re-filtered before any more is sold. It is disturbing to find problems 
like this especially in the face of something so necessary and positive 
in terms of furthering the health and recovery of many people from 
serious disease. Because of this the IMVA can no longer can no longer 
reccomend Global Light's products.


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CSMagnesium Chloride - Transdermal Therapy

2007-09-28 Thread Shiona Phillips
Over on the  list there has 
been a discussion over the last few days on the subject of transdermal 
magnesium chloride which involves applying magnesium chloride oil to the 
skin, which is apparently a very effective way of getting it into the 
body, using oil derived from brine solutions from seawater. I haven't 
tried it myself but it looks interesting ...

This is the home page of Dr. Mark Sircus, the author of a recommended 
book Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

 There are over 200 published clinical studies[iii] documenting the 
need for magnesium and many examples of miraculous “cures” from the use 
of this common mineral. Even DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctors 
underestimate autistic children’s needs recommending only 50 milligrams 
twice a day in oral form. Not much of that is going to get into the 
children’s blood and cells because oral administration of magnesium is 
not absorbed readily and is made less available because of all the 
problems in these kids’ GI systems. Professor Gilbert LeLord of France 
published six studies evaluating the use of vitamin B6 with magnesium, 
on autistic children and adults. Their studies typically used as much as 
500 milligrams of magnesium with more than satisfactory results.

According to Dr. Norman Shealy oral magnesium supplementation takes 
between 6 to 12 months to restore intracellular levels whereas a 
transdermally applied magnesium lotion with 25% magnesium chloride 
restores intracellular levels within 4 to 6 weeks. Some nutritional 
experts now believe that 750 milligrams of magnesium supplement per day 
is a more physiologic[iv] recommendation but to take that much orally 
might upset the digestive system, cause diarrhea, and end up not being 
properly absorbed.

Good sources of magnesium include whole grains, nuts, peanut butter, 
cottonseed, peanut and soybean flours, green leafy vegetables and 
spices. It's better to get magnesium from foods rather than supplements 
because high doses have a laxative effect--the body's way of preventing 
toxic levels. But unfortunately we have to come to terms with the fact 
that the food values of magnesium have been dropping over the last fifty 
years making it extremely difficult to receive all we need from foods. 
The International Medical Veritas Association recommends a system of 
transdermal magnesium therapy that bypasses the problems evident with 
oral magnesium supplementation. (See treatment recommendations) 


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Re: CSVarious posts

2007-04-14 Thread Shiona Phillips

Must have ben a temporary glitch, it does now.


Dee wrote:

This website doesn't respond.  Dee  
/---Original Message---/
/*From:*/ Shiona Phillips

/*Date:*/ 13/04/2007 21:36:22
/*Subject:*/ Re: CSVarious posts

Thanks for the suggestion of Concentrace, I had recently been looking

into buying minerals on a regular basis at an economical price and was
about to purchase some of more commonly available type of liquid
minerals product (diluted in juice) in bulk from the USA, as this would
cost less (even with postage) than the usual price per bottle in UK
health shops.   Luckily Concentrace appears to be available in the UK
from  at 
very reasonable prices.

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Re: CSNot pH again! Yep.

2007-04-14 Thread Shiona Phillips

Thanks for the explanation, it's a complex subject.


Terry Chamberlin wrote:

Strangely, although I reject the concept that alkaline
pH is healthy, with most of my clients I strive to
bring them up into the alkaline pH range, at least
initially. What I am finally after is BALANCED pH.

Terry Chamberlin

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Re: CSConcentrace, Wallach, etc.

2007-04-13 Thread Shiona Phillips

sol wrote:

I thought the GSL was quite polluted from agricultural run off, 
perhaps from mine run off (Kennecott copper, et al) and so forth.
Anyone know? I don't think I'd drink anything from it. And if you've 
ever been there it smells like sewage, yuck. Is the concentrace 
product treated in any way to remove pollutants?


This is what they say on their website:

We test our ponds regularly for a broad spectrum of contaminants, 
including tests during every major harvest period. Contaminant tests 
include organic and petroleum chemicals, agricultural chemicals and 
pesticides, and heavy metals. Heavy metals testing also provides some 
data on additional trace elements.


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Re: CSVarious posts

2007-04-13 Thread Shiona Phillips

now where can I get the Concentrace at a reasonable

Call whatever HF stores are near you and ask for it.
If they do not carry it, contact friends who are not
near you whom you visit periodically and ask them to
call the HF stores near them. If no one carries it, I
can ship it to you - $30 plus shipping.

Terry Chamberlin



Thanks for the suggestion of Concentrace, I had recently been looking 
into buying minerals on a regular basis at an economical price and was 
about to purchase some of more commonly available type of liquid 
minerals product (diluted in juice) in bulk from the USA, as this would 
cost less (even with postage) than the usual price per bottle in UK 
health shops.   Luckily Concentrace appears to be available in the UK 
from  at very reasonable prices. 

I've recently renewed my interest in organic gardening and have started 
collecting seaweed from a nearby beach to make a liquid plant feed with 
as it is meant to be the best kind of fertilizer due to high mineral 
content.  However I would imagine considerable research would need to go 
into checking the purity of any local seawater before deciding to drink 
it and of course there is the issue of how to remove the salt.

I've also been investigating the supposed benefits of ingesting 
Bentonite clay.  I've used  it a few  times in colon cleanses (mixed 
with psyllium), but upon looking at the information at this site, have decided to buy  in bulk some calcium 
bentonite and explore not only  more regular internal use, but external 
use in baths, which are claimed to be very therapeutic and assist the 
body in removing toxins and heavy metals.

I did a colon cleanse  a few years ago following Dr Richard Anderson's 
Cleanse and Purify protocol, and using his Arise and Shine liquid 
minerals.  In his book  he  affirms the importance of PH testing before 
a cleanse and suggests that a healthy morning urine sample taken after 
eating acid forming foods the previous day, ought to show an acidic 
reading of 5.7 to 6 (ideally 5.6 or below) , proving that the body has 
enough alkaline mineral supply to remove the acids. 

If the urine test after eating acid forming foods the previous day shows 
a very high alkaline level, then this shows that mineral depletion is 
occurring.  If over 6.8 then there are no mineral reserves left and the 
kidneys are having to excrete ammonia into the urine in order to deal 
with expulsion of the acids.   He says that mineral depletion occurs 
from consuming too much acid-forming foods after which the body has to 
steal minerals from elsewhere in the body and that this category of 
people often gain weight as the body is diluting the acids with lymph 
and storing them or they may lose weight and suffer from various 
digestive disorders.

He considers a healthy first saliva test of the day to be around 6.4 to 
6.6, but ideally 6.7 to 7.  He also suggest  doing a lemon juice saliva 
test. The body should react quickly to an extremely acid condition by 
flushing alkalinity into the mouth and within minutes we should have 
readings of 8 or above, if not, this is apparently another indication of 
lack of alkaline minerals.



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Re: CSNew Subscriber

2007-04-07 Thread Shiona Phillips

Hi Frank,

I also live in the UK and buy my water from Boots chemist.  It's called
Ransom's Purified Water and costs around £6 per 5 litres, and it makes
nice clear C.S.   Someone posted a while back and said (if I remember
correctly),  that there is not really that much difference between
distilled, purified and  ionised water and with regards to making
Colloidal Silver/EIS,  any of these waters are ok to use.



joe bloggs wrote:

I would be very grateful if you could add me to the silver digest list.

I am very new at making colloidal silver - I've made about 8 batches of
8oz colloidal silver, using a home made generator with four 9v
batteries.  I'm fascinated by it all and also not too sure if I'm doing
it right.

My biggest problem is getting hold of distilled water.  I live in
England and you wouldn't believe how rare this stuff is now.  I'm sure I
can remember a time when we could buy distilled water easily.  Now it's
like gold-dust, LOL.  So I'm thinking of buying a distiller.  Only
problem is finance.  I am always totally skint - hence the four 9v

Could I make colloidal silver using de-ionised water, which can be
bought at any garage?  For the moment the choice for me is colloidal
silver using de-ionised, or not make it at all.  In other words, is
de-ionised better than nothing?  Or would it be detrimental?

Thanks in advance for any info or advice.

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Re: CSdistilled water

2007-04-07 Thread Shiona Phillips

Hi Frank,

Forgot to mention that it has to be ordered by them for you.  You may 
very likely as I did, get an initial response of no we don't sell it, 
but don't believe them!  They can order it and it should only take a few 


joe bloggs wrote:

Shiona, thank you so much for that.  I'll get down to Boots first 
thing Tuesday.  I supposed they'll be closed over Easter.  Happy 
Easter and thanks again.

Hi Frank,

I also live in the UK and buy my water from Boots chemist.  It's called
Ransom's Purified Water and costs around £6 per 5 litres, and it makes
nice clear C.S.   Someone posted a while back and said (if I remember
correctly),  that there is not really that much difference between
distilled, purified and  ionised water and with regards to making
Colloidal Silver/EIS,  any of these waters are ok to use.



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Re: CSquestion about CS

2007-04-07 Thread Shiona Phillips


I've been meaning to try this in my new Pureaire device, ( )  thanks for the reminder.  It's a water 
based airpurifier, humidifier and ioniser that has the option of also 
scenting the air when you add  fragrances to it, costs £40 (approx $70) 
and comes with 5 samples of organic oils, I love it!  Not sure if they 
ship abroad or whether that would be economical for someone outside the 
UK but there may be other similar products available if one googles.   
There's no filter in it which I believe some humidifiers have and these 
may inhibit the efficacy of the CS, it also doesn't involve any heat 
which could result in the CS being left behind when the water evaporates 
such as occurs in heat based humidifiers.  Something like this will 
cleanse and purify a whole room  in a few hours, and then if one also 
adds CS to it .  well that sounds like a really good idea to me, 
especially if one has a cold or respiratory problems as it does some of 
the work of a nebuliser, (which would no doubt be much more efficient at 
getting CS into the lungs for serious conditions).

Shiona wrote:

I use a small spray bottle 3/4 filled with full strength CS.
I then add a small amount of of the few that don't bother 
me...Jean Nate Cologne or a few drops of Lemon Oil.
By doing I cutting the efficacy of the CS?
By combining the two   I am hoping to disinfect the air as will as 
leave a pleasant scent.
Most scents are verboten in our house because of my allergies.   
thanks  V.

See what's free at

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Re: CSCystic fibrosis

2006-10-30 Thread shiona phillips

On Thursday, October 19, 2006, at 10:26 PM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

I have one tip:  several years ago I read a series of articles about a 
gadget that CF patients use to breathe in ordinary air.  The device in 
some manner caused the air to enter the lungs in a pattern or manner 
that breaks up mucous.

I do not recall all the details, but a Google search might turn up this 
information.   The device was not expensive, simple to use, and 
according to the claims, very effective.   It saved parents from having 
to pound on their childrens' backs to break up the mucous, and was much 
more effective.

Hope this helps.


The user simply exhales a number of times into the mouthpiece of the 
FLUTTER - causing a steel ball to vibrate inside the casing. The 
pressure of blowing against this steel ball, and the vibrations that it 
makes, travel back into the lungs where they start to have a positive 

The vibrations affect all the branches of the airways, and like shaking 
apples from the branches of a tree, mucus is loosened.


Re: CSCANSEMA Salve -- suppliers

2005-12-27 Thread Shiona Phillips

Hi Pete,

Although I haven't yet experimented myself with using escharotic salves, 
I've been reading Ingrid Naimon's book Cancer Salves and thought I'd pass 
on what she advises in case it is of any use to you.

She says that after the eschar detaches, the site should be bloodless, 
clean and pinkish.  Sometimes the site is flat, other times there is a 
significant crater.  Often, there is a hole at the bottom of the crater 
from which morbid material is discharged.  This is usually greenish-grey 
with an unpleasant odor.  If this is the case, it is important that the 
hole remains open so long as the discharge continues.  Poulticing 
(suggestion: equal parts slippery elm, lobelia, bayberry root bark and 
flax seeds) keeps the area clean, draws out the morbid material, and 
prevents the site from closing.   When the discharge subsides,  her 
recipe Golden Myrrical, for healing the site is 5oz Goldenseal, 4oz 
Myrhh and 3 oz Irish Moss blended with castor oil and cured overnight in 
a yoghurt maker.  This lotion helps to keep the site from closing 

Sometimes, after detachment of the eschar, parts of the tumor remain of 
a different colour to the healthy tissue.  Sometimes greenish gray 
patches can be seen, and if any part remains it's necessary to apply 
diluted enucleating paste to that spot.  It can be diluted and painted 
on these spots or packed into the crater, depending on how much appears 
to be remaining.  Apparently unless the salve is diluted it will hurt.  
If there are only a few tiny spots, the escharotic can be applied 
directly to those spots ( being careful to apply the preperation to a 
larger area than the visible tumor).  The rest of the crater can be 
filled with the herbal mixture described above.  The site should be 

She says that if some of the tumor remains, it can because the tumor was 
large and deep, or too little of the enucleating salve was used, or 
because scratches in the eschar were not made or this step was omitted 
(something she recommends in order to penetrate the eschar and reach the 
tumor underneath) and that it is crucial that any residuals are 
necrotized whilst there is easy access to them.

 A second eschar will form, usually smaller than the first one and will 
also usually detach faster.  While waiting for it to form, the 
procedures are essentially the same as the first time.  The enucleating 
salve should be used until the tumor is necrotized.  Poultices are 
indicated when there is discharge and Golden Myrrical can be applied to 
assist seperation.  The area should be kept occlusive and dressings 
changed at least every day.  The site should be kept clean with 
Colloidal Silver/ Hydrogen Peroxide.

This cycle is repeated so long as there is evidence or suspicion of 
remaining malignancy.  When completely satisfied that destruction of the 
entire tumor has occurred, healing can be permitted.   At this time, the 
treatment site should be free of discharges and odor and should appear 
entirely clean and pinkish  To be extra certain, it may still be wise to 
apply poultices and ointments for a few more days.

She lists various recipes in her book, but a simple healing salve can be 
made from Goldenseal powder and honey, or a simple Calendula based 
ointment can be used.

When the time comes to close the treatment site,  she recommends that 
Turmeric be added to any healing ointment used, in order to prevent 
scarring, the healing salve applied thickly for a few days under a 
bandage/plaster, later gently rubbed into treatment area and surrounding 

The Homeopathic remedy Hydrastis candensis can also be used in the 
healing stage, 3 or 4 times a day for a week.

Her recipe for a gentler enucleating paste than Bloodroot based black 
salves is :

5oz Goldenseal
4oz Turmeric
3oz White Willow
Calendula Oil

Homeopathic Arnica montana and  Apis mellifica can be added to the salve 
or taken orally for pain relief.

Blend ingredients and leave overnight in a yoghurt maker.  Zinc Chloride 
can be added gradually according to how strong a paste is desired, using 
a dropper bottle containing a teaspoon Zinc Chloride mixed with 
distilled water. (Do not touch any metal object to the Zinc Chloride)

Ingrid does mention in her book that some of the escharotics on the 
market are so aggressive that they will cause a reaction in healthy as 
well as malignant tissue  This is therefore a feature of that particular 
escharotic so that despite clams to the contrary reactions are not a 
clue to malignancy or lack thereof.   She says that bloodroot is so 
unpredictable and inflammatory that there is no way to estimate it's 
potential action once applied to the skin.   There may be no reaction at 
all or it may become so systemic that excruciating pain and fever are 
almost immediate   and prefers salves based on Goldenseal which she 
refers to as being  elegant and precise


Re: CSCansema Paste - Recipe

2005-12-21 Thread Shiona Phillips

On Tuesday, December 20, 2005, at 12:21 AM, Carol Ann wrote:

Hi Jonathan,
For the welfare, safety  and anonymity of all concerned your suggestion 
seems very reasonable.

There is absolutely NO law that prohibits recipes in a public 
domain.  Let the govt perps have a fit if they are monitering these 
lists because from what I can see there are no illegal 
ingredients...and as of today at least,  we still have freedom of 
choice to to self-treat and make our salve.

Carol Ann

Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

It would be a valuable public service if a precise recipe could be
placed in the public domain. All ingredients are readily available,
I think.


Hi all,

I've been looking into this subject recently as my partner has a basal 
carcenoma that we're going to try and treat.

As for websites selling Cansema type products, I read on the Alpha 
Omega website that they are alerting people to the fact that there is 
one particular imitation of their product to watch out for,  being 
offered by one of their previous customers , a company called, Rising 
Sun Health   which definately 
does NOT contain the original ingredients of their product

I'm reading an excellent book by Ingrid Naiman  Cancer Salves A 
Botanical Approach to Treatment  full of useful information on the 
history of use of salves, receipes for various salves and detailed 
instructions on using the salves.

The methods described in Ingrid Naiman's book Cancer Salves: A 
Botanical Approach to Treatment were traditionally used mainly for 
breast tumors and skin cancers, but they have been successfully employed 
for a wide variety of other malignancies, including pancreatic, liver, 
and kidney cancer. Derivative treatments can be used for uterine-cervix 
and brain cancer as well as many abnormal conditions affecting the 
lymphatic system. The internal tonics, often regarded as more important 
than the external, can be used as either primary or adjunctive treatment 
for most cancers.

She recommends a Golden Seal, rather than Bloodroot, salve for general 
use as this though taking a longer time, is less aggressive, 
inflammatory and painful.  In her recipe, based on studies of the work 
19th Century doctor Guy Pattison,  Zinc Chloride can be added to 
increase the strength and turn it into an enucleating salve (blisters 
the skin).  I am not sure whether to post the actual recipe as she does 
not actually include this on her website, rather encourages people to 
buy her book as she considers it important that people also have 
background knowledge and detailed instructions on methods of 
application.  However, the main ingredients are Goldenseal,   Tumeric,  
White Willow Bark, Calendula Oil (made in apricot kernel oil)

If zinc chloride is used, she recommends adding it gradually, according 
to the needs of the individual, sensitivity, stage of treatment etc -  
from a dropper bottle filled with 1tsp zinc chloride mixed with 
distilled water

Her book  is 
extremely informative on the whole history of the subject and contains 
very useful and detailed instructions on using the salves .  Her website 
is well worth a visit which also includes a discussion list on the 
subject of using salves.


Re: CSRe:treating melanoma

2005-12-01 Thread Shiona Phillips


I've been googling on this subject and there do appear to be various 
black salves based on a combination of the herb bloodroot and zinc 
chloride available, but apparently the original Cancema product made by 
Alpha Omega Labs  at is not available anywhere at 
present.  On their website they alert people to the fact that there is 
an imitation of their product to watch out for,  being offered by one of 
their previous customers , a company called, Rising Sun Health  which does NOT contain 
the original ingredients of their product and which they refer to as 
an   illegal use of our trademark and the deliberate adulteration and 
mislabelling of the product.

Both the Cancema product and another one, called Tumorx at  seem to have a large amount of testimonial 
success to back up the efficacy of this type of salve, but what caught 
my attention most was the website of Ingrid Naimon who has published a  
book on natural remedies

Her website is extremely informative and offers a wealth of useful info. 
on various skin cancers and their treatment using herbal preperations 
and her book includes recipes for their preperation.   She does not 
recommend using a bloodroot salve as an initial treatment, as apparently 
it is quite strong,  but advises an initial approach of combining inner 
cleansing using herbal formulas with treating the outer condition by 
using gentler (though still effective) herbal salves and also recommends 
certain other herbal combinations that help the prevention and healing 
of scar tissue.  There is also a bulletin board with discussion of many 
people's healing journey's in this area.  There are some quite 
remarkable stories of people removing all sorts of tumours, inner and 
outer, using these techniques.  Well worth a look.


On Thursday, December 1, 2005, at 09:36 PM, Acmeair wrote:

you can do a google on can-x,   and cansemato try to find more 
sources and/or recipes to make your own, if need be. i've personally 
observed cansema take off a skin cancer in 15 days. it was not 
melanoma.  please keep me updated, as i have a relative that has had 


Jonathan B. Britten wrote:

I would recommend finding the original Cancema salve and starting with 
that.   The product is still available but not from vendors in the 
USA.See   Melanoma is the most dangerous skin 
cancer and time is of the essence.

On Thursday, Dec 1, 2005, at 13:45 Asia/Tokyo, andy andraschko wrote:

Hi Group,
Has any of group had experience treating melanoma with CS and what 
are the

success with it.

Andy Andraschko

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