Re: CSRE: Cataracts

2009-09-18 Thread chaha

Have you tried anything else?  How about the flaxseed oil?



 Hi There to all - I have just run into something which I am going to try 
 myself and so am sharing my find with others - 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSQuestions about Fulvic Acid Minerals

2008-08-06 Thread chaha
Hi, List,

I have a few questions about Fulvic Acid Minerals.  Has anyone ever heard of 
them or used them?  I don't recall ever hearing anything about them.  One of my 
sisters has a thyroid issue, is on a supposedly natural thyroid meds from a 
compounding pharmacy, but never feels right.  This is supposed to help and she 
asked my opinion on it.  Just reading about it there is a lot to take in so I'm 
not sure what to even think.  Another question I have, if this is a bunch of 
ionic minerals, would this be different from something like Concentrace which 
is also a bunch of ionic minerals?   Or is it because the Fulvic Acid Minerals 
also contain amino acids? 

Thanks for your help!


This is the link she sent me:

CSRestless Leg Syndrome (Ivory Soap or D3)

2008-07-20 Thread chaha
Hi, Dee,

Who knows how it works, but such a simple cost of opening a new bar of ivory 
soap, it's definitely worth the try!  The People's Pharmacy have other home 
remedies for things like nose bleeds - take your car keys and drop them down 
the back of your shirt; gin soaked raisins for arthritis.  These crazy things 
seem to work for some.  

Worth a try in my opinion.  But as far as working, it depends on what the cause 
of the problem is.  If this doesn't work, you're on to the next idea.  

Take care,


Hi, Faith,

Don't remember what you said - do you have restless leg syndrome or was it 
something else?  

I used to have back issues and couldn't figure out why, including some muscle 
spasms.  Was going to the chiropractor at least every 6 weeks.  Now that I 
added vitamin D3, haven't been there in over 8 months.  Keep looking until you 
find what works.  It's out there!

Take care,


CSRestless Leg Syndrome

2008-07-19 Thread chaha
For Restless Leg Syndrome I've always heard to add B Vitamins.  This little 
article says to add Magnesium too:

The most common reason for Restless Leg Syndrome is a magnesium deficiency and 
Vitamin B deficiency. A magnesium deficiency will cause muscle tightening in 
the legs with spasms. A Vitamin B deficiency may cause the neurological problem 
and cause the crawling creeping feeling on the legs. But what about Restless 
Leg Syndrome ( RLS ) causes these two deficiencies? According to John Lee, MD, 
Estrogen Dominance causes Magnesium Deficiency and Vitamin B deficiency. 

From People's Pharmacy:

This home remedy mystifies us, but we have heard from many readers like you. 
The risk of unwrapping a fresh bar of soap and putting it under the bottom 
sheet where the legs will be is almost zero. The cost is far less than a 
prescription. Positive responses from other readers experimenting with Ivory 
soap remedy: 
A while back I wrote to complain that the bar of soap under the bottom sheet 
quit working for my restless legs. (It was great at first.) Then I got to 
thinking, it worked before, so why not now? That bar of soap had been there for 
six months, so I replaced it. The result: no more restless legs. A few times 
that I had symptoms, I put my feet on the soap and the sensations went away in 
about two minutes. 

My husband was having severe leg cramps at night. Without telling him, I 
placed a soap bar under his sheets for two nights before he noticed. It worked! 
He's had no more cramps. We still can't believe it! 

I have had severe leg cramps for years. When I read about putting a bar of 
soap in bed, I got a bar of Ivory and put it under the bottom sheet near my 
legs. It's been a month since I did that, and I have not had one leg cramp.


Re: CSWho Owns the Deer ?

2008-07-02 Thread chaha
Hi, Chuck,

You crack me up!  Really enjoy your tags aka Chuck-isms.

Take care,


Must be expensive!
Do you have any idea how many moths it takes to make a 50# bag of mothballs???


The statement below is true. 
The statement above is false.

Re: CSnight sweats after heart surg

2008-06-29 Thread chaha
Hi, Dianne,

I agree with Faith G - call the Doctor and tomorrow!  Night Sweats can be an 
infection.   But what ever it is, let the Doctor figure it out and how to treat 
it because he is still mending from a very recent surgery.   

Take care,


Re: CSBB Posts from Rowena - BHP post

2008-06-21 Thread chaha
Hi, Rowena,

I will help by doing one per day.  Email me privately.


CSBB Posts from Rowena

2008-06-20 Thread chaha
Is anyone else finding the Brooks Bradley posts from Rowena scrambled looking?  
Has anyone fixed any where they can resend?  

Thanks in advance,


Re: CSBrooks Post Collection

2008-06-13 Thread chaha
Thank you Wayne for the collection.

I remember when I joined Brooks made a couple or so posts regarding Potassium, 
which on two quick scans didn't find on your collection. 

If anyone kept his posts on Potassium would sure appreciate you sharing with me 
and/or list.

Thank you!!


CSMS Cure - a real possibility

2008-05-31 Thread chaha
We just got back from a party where I talked to a woman I've known for years 
who has had MS for about 7  years.  She was forwarded an article alerting her 
to look into wheat gluten/celiac disease for being the cause of MS.  Two days 
after she found out about it, on March 28th of this year, she began following 
the diet on  Now almost 2 months later she has 
so much more mobility, used to take naps now has too much energy for it, has 
lost weight in her stomach area (she's quite thin).  My friend has her PhD in 
nutrition and teaches at a local community college and at a local medical 
school (UT Southwestern).  She will be presenting her findings this Wed. to the 
medical school.  She wants her old MRI's there.  Although she is greatly 
improved, she said it's not time yet to do another MRI for comparison.  As a 
nutritionist, she couldn't believe her ailment was staring her in the face but 
remembered the Hippocrates quote Let they food by they medicine and they 
medicine by thy food.   I hope the word gets out to the many people suffering 
from this disease that's considered neurological.  How many other neurological 
disorders are caused by wrong food choices?

Their book explains that there are five common trigger foods that can set off 
the symptoms of MS--dairy, grains containing gluten, legumes, eggs and yeast. 
Yet because MS is such a complex disease, other foods may also be the culprits. 
The MS Recovery Diet explains the background, science and development of this 
diet in one source for the first time, and shows readers how to pinpoint their 
specific problem foods and sensitivities. 

CSBiofuel the Modern Family

2008-05-22 Thread chaha
Saw a news program recently about a California family who grew an abundance of 
crops on their large city lot, for themselves and also to sell.  They also 
collect old cooking oil for their diesel suburban to run.  Very interesting.

Their old website and biofuel:

CSRe: A Little Humor

2008-05-20 Thread chaha
List, sorry, meant to send this to the OT list.  Brain error.


CSA Little Humor

2008-05-19 Thread chaha
The chicken crossed the road because it was time for a CHANGE! 
The chicken wanted CHANGE! 
My friends, that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the 
need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on 
the other side of the road. 
When I was First Lady, I personally helped that little chicken to 
cross the road... We were under sniper fire and had to run zigzag or 
we could have been killed. Additionally, this experience makes me 
uniquely qualified to ensure -- right from Day One! -- That every 
chicken in this country gets the chance it deserves to cross the road. 
But then, this really isn't about me... 
The problem we have here is that this chicken won't realize that he 
must first deal with the problem on 'THIS' side of the road before it 
goes after the problem on the 'OTHER SIDE' of the road. What we need 
to do is help him realize how stupid he's acting by not taking on his 
'CURRENT' problems before adding 'NEW' problems. 
Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why 
he wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chicken 
learn from his mistakes and take falls, which is a part of life, I'm 
going to give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across the 
road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens. 
We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want 
to know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken 
is either against us, or for us. There is no middle ground here. 
Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite 
image of the chicken crossing the road... 
We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet 
been allowed to have access to the other side of the road. 
Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against 
it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the 
chicken's intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it. 
That chicken crossed the road because he's GUILTY! You can see it in 
his eyes and the way he walks. 
To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American. 
No one called me to warn me which way that chicken was going. I had 
a standing order at the Farmer's Market to sell my eggs when the price 
dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider 
Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, 
the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told. 
It is the nature of chickens to cross the road. 
Is what you saw a chicken? - Will you not fancy that the shadows 
which you formerly saw are truer than the objects which now cross the 
To die in the rain. Alone. 
Because the chicken was gay! Can't you people see the plain truth?' 
That's why they call it the 'other side.' Yes, my friends, that 
chicken is gay. And if you eat that chicken, you will become gay, too. 
I say we boycott all chickens until we sort out this abomination that 
the liberal media whitewashes with seemingly harmless phrases like 
'the other side.' That chicken should not be crossing the road. It's 
as plain and as simple as that. 
In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody 
told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough. 
Isn't that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the 
chicken tell, for the first time, the heart warming story of how it 
experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its 
life long dream of crossing the road. 
Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads together, in 
I have just released eChicken2007, which will not only cross roads, 
but also will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance 
your checkbook. Internet Explorer is an integral part of the Chicken. 
This new platform is much more stable and will never cra... 
Oops! Reboot... 
Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the 
I did not cross the road with THAT chicken. What is your definition of 
I invented the chicken! 
Did I miss one? 
Where's my gun? 
Why are all the chickens white? We need some black chickens. 

CSPlanning Surgery--knee

2008-05-16 Thread chaha
Hi, Diane,

I am not trying to frighten you, but just to send a word of caution.   

A friend of ours just had his 3rd knee replacement surgery.  The second one was 
evidentially the wrong knee type and caused continual pain.  Eight years later 
he went to a maverick type doctor who put in the 3rd knee.   Surgery took twice 
as long, partly because he took out a pound and a half of scar tissue.  Most 
doctors say you can only get up to two replacements in a lifetime and most 
doctors won't do a third.   I've heard of folks in the past have 
part-replacements to find out later the part was being recalled or that the 
doctor put in a part because he got a deal on it.   If your husband has good 
insurance, please consider getting a second opinion or do an investigation on 
your doctor through state boards, etc.  

And yes, I'll say prayers for both of  you.  Do keep us informed.

Take care,



CSBorax, mange, Lyme

2008-05-14 Thread chaha

Thanks for sharing this.  Knew about Earth Clinic but not about Fido's.  He is 
quite knowledgeable.



CSCataract Surgery

2008-05-08 Thread chaha
My Mother-in-Law had her first cataract surgery this week and had a rare 
complication of pressure build-up in her eye.  She has found it traumatic 
enough to want to wait a while before having the second eye done.  She is 
severely limited now in her activities and she's normally very active.  Big 
bummer for her.  

Both my parents have had both eyes done and love it.  My dad played golf the 
same day the second eye was done.  Both got the lense implant so glasses are 
not needed unless doing a lot of reading.  

It certainly depends on the person how you'll respond.  In both cases, they've 
gotten recommendations of friends that did had successful surgeries.


CSteeth to paula and a question for the group

2008-02-26 Thread chaha
BTW, what do you use for ear infections?

For ear infections in dogs or people use raw ACV (apple cider vinegar).  Just 
pour some on a cotton ball, wipe ear, some will drip down ear canal and balance 
the problem.  Sort of a probiotic for the problem.  


CSreceding gums

2008-02-24 Thread chaha
Hi, Paula,

It may depend if the tooth and root are healthy but instead of pulling the 
tooth, see if a dentist could do a surgery to put skin there, maybe a graft or 
some thing else they can recommend.  A big problem with pulling a tooth is that 
you'll need to put something back in there or all your teeth will shift.  

Hope you find what works.

Take care,


CSkidney stones

2008-02-11 Thread chaha
Hi, Lin,

My female dog has a congenital stone problem that killed the father and sister. 
 I keep her clear by giving herbs daily.  They are: Uva Ursi - this is 
powerful, can not be used for long period of time, and may hurt the stomach so 
I get around that by giving two pills for two days a week, with one pepcid each 
time.  The rest of the week, I gave Echinacea - two pills once a day.  Have 
done this for three years and she has been absolutely clear.  My holistic vet 
says to keep it up.  I recently switched the Echinacea to Parsley to give her 
system a change - it's only been a couple of weeks but every thing is fine.  
Doing an internet search you will find other herbs that are good for kidney 
stones.  I like the brand Natures Way and GAIA.

Another thing to consider is learning more about magnesium, here's a wonderful 
article from Mercola. com.

Hope you find what works.

Take care,



2008-01-28 Thread chaha
Hi, Dianne,

For Sciatica relief, I'll second the suggestion of taking L-Lysine!  Worked for 
me.  I'd suggest also adding Vitamin E to help combat internal scarring.  You 
can google stretching exercises, the one that worked the best for me was stand 
with hands on hips and knees slightly bent, arch back slowly and slightly.  Let 
us know when you start feeling better!

Take care,

L-lysine is an essential amino acid for humans and therefore must be supplied 
in the diet.  For years, lysine has been considered in the treatment of herpes 
and cold sores, and more recently, has been attracting attention as a possible 
addition to the fast-growing list of muscle-building nutrients.  L-lysine helps 
to build muscle protein, it is good for those recovering from surgery and 
sports injuries.

Vitamin E belongs to a family of fat-soluble compounds. It is available in 
different forms, the most common and potent being alpha tocopherol. Its main 
function is as an antioxidant. It Beneficial Effectss destruction of fats and 
vitamin A in the body by oxygen fragments. The vitamin also Enhances in the 
production of hormone-like substances that regulate blood pressure, 
reproduction, and muscle contraction.

CSCS nebulizer What if?

2007-12-05 Thread chaha
Hi, Ian,

Ok, I get it now - nebulize when no one is there.  Sounds good to me!!

Take care,


Re: CSBoxer with Fatty Tumor ....

2007-12-05 Thread chaha
Hi, bbanever,   

Thanks for the list of items used on your dogs.  Wow, lots of stuff to look 
into, which I'll start later today.  I may contact you privately if I have any 
questions.  Thanks for all your help!  

Even though I like my vet, as in my own healthcare, it's best to try and figure 
some of this out on our own.  Which is why I love this list so much.  My 
husband probably thinks I'm a little nuts at times, but when he sees it working 
for the dogs, he knows it's real.  

Take care, 


CSRe: Making CS in high volume

2007-12-05 Thread chaha
Hi, Marshall,

Perhaps I missed it, but may I ask, what do you do with so much CS?

Thanks in advance,


I make 55 gallons at a time. Takes about a week to make 250 gallons, at
 the rate of 1.5 gallons per hour.  I use silver plates totaling 100 square 
inches active area, 90 mA of current, and reverse the polarity every minute, 
with the water being pumped around to keep it stirred up.
I also use a flow through arrangement, so it never has the long time to  
start the process, and the output is very consistant.


CSTis the season for colds!

2007-12-05 Thread chaha
Hi, Mary,

You're G got me laughing.  I had the same problem when my kids were little 
except they weren't getting sick, just me.  So I started looking and feeling 
their hands - they were nasty; probably hadn't washed them since leaving the 
house.  Since then have asked my husband and kids to wash hands upon entering 
the house.  Even make some of the kids friends wash too.  

Don't know if you remember hearing about people getting stomach virus on cruise 
ships.  Heard of a line that requires everyone to use hand sanitizer before 
boarding the ship or entering a dining room.  This has been very successful at 
reducing number of people getting ill.  Same thing with hospitals - they are 
full of people, so they are full of germs.  Hospitals that require medical 
personnel to wash hands upon entering a room or before touching the patient 
have seen infection rates reduced.  

But since you're gotten pneumonia I'd encourage you to purchase a nebulizer 
(try ebay) for use with CS.  There are a ton on ebay and not too expensive.  We 
have an older model purchased by insurance when my son was an infant - saw same 
unit on ebay a couple years ago for under $5.  Picked up some new tubes and 
things incase we needed it at a pharmacy.

Take care,


p.s. Ian's idea keeps sounding better, and better!

CSNebulizer Files in Acrhive _What if?

2007-12-04 Thread chaha
Hi, Ian,

I just read a article in the Wall Street Journal, which I'll forward after this 
message, and they brought up the concern of cleaning too much.  If I'm 
remembering correctly 90 +% of the bugs are good guys so we don't want to 
kill them off.  I've also heard living with an animal, although obviously 
filthier but healthier.  

I can tend to be a germofobe, like I hate sitting in public chairs such as 
movie theaters or airplanes, and dislike shaking hands (hugs are fine!) but 
that would interfere with living life.  

Take care,


Ionic Silver nebulized restaurants and kitchens

CSGlutathione for Austism

2007-12-04 Thread chaha
I was watching Good Morning America this morning and there was a story on about 
a boy with autism who got experimental treatment of injection of Glutathione 
and had much improvement.  Here are portions of the article - left out some 
parts because the sister helped raise money for the study.  


v With an experimental autism treatment

v parents were impressed with changes they saw after Evan was injected with 
an amino acid and antioxidant called Glutathione

v His day-to-day life was filled with struggles. His mother heard it might 
help minimize his temper tantrums.

v family tried several things to help when they finally stumbled upon one 
that seemed to have drastic and dramatic results. 

v For the first time in his life, he was able to dress himself. 

v It has made a life-changing difference. Is Evan cured? No. Is he better? 
Yes, said his mother 

v But doctors are skeptical of Evan's changes because no scientific 
evidence is available to support the claims made by Glutathione proponents. 
Yet, after seeing Evan's progress, doctors at Kosair Children's Hospital in 
Louisville, Ky., agreed to try the treatment on other patients. 

v I have to tell you, I was very skeptical, said Dr. Steven Wright, of 
Kosair Children's Hospital. 

v The four patients the hospital tested saw improvements too, but four 
patients are not a scientific study. 

v There really is very little that can be generalized from a story about 
three or four individuals besides the interest in pursuing some real research 
on the topic, said Dr. Peter Gerhardt, of the Organization for Autism 

v A larger study would cost at least $200,000 

v Physicians at Kosair plan to begin the Glutathione studies on 50 patients in 
January, said Leslie Buddeke, of Kosair Children's Hospital Foundation.

CSTreating Lipomas

2007-12-04 Thread chaha
My dog's breed gets sebaceous cysts too.  I hate those things.  Have tried the 
Lugol's but didn't try it with the DMSO.  My female has one very near her eye.  
It's tiny but am taking her in today to have it removed before it gets large as 
they have gotten huge when I've tried cleaning them.In most cases it costs 
about $100 every time I've taken her in.  My male is a couple years younger and 
hasn't required sugery for them yet.  

Thanks for all who have contributed stories of trying to treat them.


Re: CSBoxer with Fatty Tumor ....

2007-12-04 Thread chaha
Hi, bbanever,

Are you dogs prone to Fatty Tumors and are you saying you think this product 



 Re: CSBoxer with Fatty Tumor 
You might also try proteolytic enzymes.  A good one is Vitalzyme with 
serrapeptase.   My dogs get them every day.   

Re: CSurinary tract infection

2007-11-28 Thread chaha
Regarding Bladder Infections, I give my female dog herbs for a 
congenital/heredity problem with bladder/kidney problems.  Her litter mate died 
with one kidney full of stone, and the other kidney about 3/4 full, and their 
father had problems.  My holistic vet tried various things and nothing really 
worked, but cost me.  So I looked in a couple of herb books I have and I gave 
her Uva Ursi, the purple cap which is standardized by Nature's Way.  First gave 
it to her for about 2 weeks, and she eventually bled, probably was her stomach 
as it can irritate it.  So now, I give it to her as two pills a day for two 
consecutive days in a row along with pepcid, each week.  Since she has a 
chronic problem I maintain her the rest of the week with Echinacea.  Done this 
for more than 2 years, probably 3.  Vet knows I'm not buying stuff from her but 
she tells me to keep doing what I'm doing because it's working.  This has to be 
better than being on antibiotics every few weeks.  


a.. Urinary antiseptic (antibacterial effect in the urine) 
a.. Diuretic (increases urine output) 
a.. Treatment of cystitis (Inflammation of the bladder, typically following a 
urinary tract infection) 
a.. Treatment of pyelonephrititis (inflammation of the kidney) 
a.. Used for mild urinary tract infections

CSCS mix with xylitol a no-no for dogs (try ACV instead)

2007-11-20 Thread chaha
Hi, Hanneke,


Regarding Dog Ear Problems, try using raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) on a cotton 
ball and wiping ears.  This has worked very well for my female.  When her ears 
get stinky, I do this twice a week for a couple of weeks, and then she's fine.  
 I've heard of people using distilled vinegar with success too.

Try putting it on her paw too.  The smell of the ACV will disappear after it 


Take care,



CSCS and Fever Blisters

2007-11-20 Thread chaha
Hi, SS,


Have been battling a fever blister now.  First was using tons of L-Lysine and 
Oil of Oregano internally, putting a L-Lysine stick similar to chap-stick on my 
sore, and no healing.  Remembered that I hadn't had an outbreak in years, so 
what did stop it in the past.come on brain, think..and remembered CS and DMSO 
did the trick.  

Alternated CS on a q-tip, and DMSO on a q-tip, now it's dried up, and almost 
fully healed.


Take care,



CSCS for Jessica

2007-11-08 Thread chaha
Hi, Jessica,

For very cheap CS try Rich who is on the Silver Pets List on Yahoo Groups.

Take care,


CShelp for my poor brain

2007-11-06 Thread chaha
Kathryn -

Here are some suggestions from  Saw the show Monday and these items 
were discussed:

a.. Regularly open up windows to air out your home of all the fumes and 
particles trapped inside. 
a.. Making your house healthier starts right at your front door. Take off your 
shoes when you enter to avoid tracking in pesticides and lawn chemicals. 
a.. When you microwave food, don't leave it in plastic containers or with 
plastic covering. That plastic could leak into the food. Instead, use glass or 
other microwave-safe containers. 
a.. Instead of using toxic chemicals to clean your sink and bathtub, Dr. Oz 
recommends using baking soda. And you can use white vinegar to clean your 
windows. Or look for brands like Shaklee's Get Clean line. Oprah says she loves 
their Basic H2 spot remover. 
a.. To avoid the chemicals used in dry cleaning, take your clothes out of the 
bags while you're outside and throw the bags away. Then, let your clothes air 
out for at least a day before wearing them. 
a.. Use a dehumidifier to cut down on potentially toxic mold in places like 
a.. If you must store old cans of paint and varnish, only do it in 
well-ventilated places that are far from your living area. 
a.. Include plants like spider plants, golden pothos and philodendrons in your 
home. They are experts at converting carbon dioxide to oxygen. 


Re: CSLung trouble (B-Vitamins for Energy)

2007-11-03 Thread chaha
Hi, Leslie,

Taking B complex has helped my energy levels a lot.  I buy 100 mg. capsules and 
took 4 to 6 a day for a few days until I felt good, then was able to maintain 
energy levels on about 2 a day.  Hope  you find what works for you.

Take care,


I just feel tired all the time. 

CSTorn retina, laser treatment

2007-10-11 Thread chaha
Hi, Mike,

WebMD is a website I like to check when I want a medical opinion not rooted in 
alternative healing.

Take care,


Re: CSSevere muscle cramps

2007-09-06 Thread chaha
Hi, Faith,

In response to needing help with muscle cramps, I'll throw my 2 cents in too.   
Hope you find something that works!

Take care,



Magnesium - calms muscles  (try another form, or increasing your amount)   (Great Article)


Vitamin E (don't take if you're on blood thinning medication)


Valerian - relaxant herb 


Quinine -Hylands Homeopathic Leg Cramp Tablets with Quinine


Chiropractic adjustment, or deep tissue massage


Bar of soap under sheets  (strange as it sounds, works for some people 
according to People's Pharmacy)


CMO - (when I used it couldn't believe how many aches went away)


Check out this website too:

CSBetter Treatment for dry and cracked feet

2007-07-12 Thread chaha
Hi, Sol,

So many of us women have dry and cracked feet.  Mine started after having 
children.  I don't like to pay for pedicures and manicures when I can do the 
same thing at home, but have learned about what additional products are out 
there.  I mostly wear simple sandals so want my feet looking nice.

Just purchased a callus shaver from Tweezerman.  It sounds violent to use, but 
is not too unlike using a razor to shave  dead skin off feet.  You would need 
to buy extra blades too.  I soak my feet until skin is pretty wet, then using 
lotion shave off the dead skin.  When I'm done, I wash off and clean my feet.  
Then apply a heavier lotion made for feet, and put socks on.  If you can put 
foot lotion on at night, while sleeping, that will help too.  It's the best my 
feet have looked in a long time.   Using a combination of the two will keep 
feet looking nice.


Sorry, not sure how to change the subject, it was:  Re: CSCopper 
cure...-silver in nose

Re: CSBrain Injuries

2007-07-12 Thread chaha
Hi, Pat,

Thanks for the clarification of my wording.  I gave the link for the article/s 
so they could be printed out and given to the doctor, not for anyone to use my 
wording which was incorrect.  

Take care,


I do not believe they removed the brain, but cut out a large part of the 
cranium to allow room for the brain swelling. Saw that in a recent interview 
with him.Pat

Re: CSBetter Treatment for dry and cracked feet..or parasites?

2007-07-12 Thread chaha
Hi, Tony,

Very interesting...  parasites.

I just looked at my eyes, they are red.  Skin is normal, I still wash my hair 
daily because it's oily, or it could be from products used, and have no flakes. 
 I figured my feet were this way because I rarely wear closed shoes.  

But where does one get parasites from?  Other than getting from drinking 
water or swimming in a lake, I have no idea.   Where I live they have 
supposedly changed the drinking water some years ago to an ozone water system 
from a chlorine and ammonia system.   Would that make any difference in 
parasites or make it worse?

Take care,


CSBrain Injuries

2007-07-11 Thread chaha
Hi, Frankie,

An Anchor with ABC news was hit by a roadside bomb some months ago and received 
a brain injury.  One of the key things that saved him was removing the brain 
from inside the head.  Since the brain needs room to swell, if it doesn't get 
it, then there will be permanent brain injury.  I too will pray for your son 
and family. 

God Bless,


p.s. You might want to print pertinent pages to give to your son's doctor.  One 
comment his wife said was that if he had received an injury like this in the US 
the doctors here wouldn't have known how to treat this (by removing the brain 
to give it room to swell).

CSRe: Iodine Lugols etc - Is mine Lugol's?

2007-07-10 Thread chaha
Hi, Rowena,

I don't understand taking Lugol's with raw ACV, wouldn't the iodine kill 
everything in the ACV?  I can see taking the ACV and honey afterwards, but not 
with it.  Both Dr. Jarvis mention using Lugol's with ACV but 
when I re-read their instructions it also says apple or grape juice as shown 
below in the middle of the last paragraph.   

Take care,


Dosage: One drop if body weight is 150 lbs. (68 kg.) or less; two drops for 
body weight of more than 150 lbs.

Directions: Take the suggested Dosage above two times per week - temporally 
equidistant (i.e. such as Wednesday and Saturday). In times of bacterial or 
viral infection, take Dosage three times per week (i.e Monday, Wednesday, 
Friday). Take Lugol's on an empty stomach about 20 minutes before eating in an 
8 oz. (236 ml.) glass of distilled or purified water with one teaspoonful of 
apple cider vinegar added for slight acidification. Also see: The contents are stirred with a spoon and sipped 
through the course of the meal, as one would drink a cup of coffee or tea.


Supplement Facts: Serving size: one (1) drop. Servings per container: 3,120. 
Ingredients: Distilled water, potassium iodine, iodine crystal. 
Warning: All iodine products can be toxic, or even deadly, if taken in 
excessive amounts. Follow the directions precisely and keep out of reach of 


Precautions: Lugol's, like bio-oxidative preparations, is oxidative. You should 
avoid taking anti-oxidant supplements (Vitamin A, C, E, selenium, glutithione, 
etc.) for the duration of your higher-than-normal usage of Lugol's. You 
should also follow high usage of iodine products with Microflora Restoration - 
or similar products to replenish vital intestinal flora.


Dr. Jarvis was particularly keen on the power of Lugol's iodine, for treating 
various illnesses, including colds and flu, and for countering the effects of 
stress: Supposing you do follow the suggestions outlined above (note:  not 
what I have above) and find that some weeks the pressures of your private and 
your business life are causing you to lose the ability to bounce back. Then you 
should add a drop of Lugol's solution of iodine to your glass of apple or grape 
juice at breakfast, or you may take it in the mixture of apple cider vinegar 
and water. The point is that the potassium in the solution (Lugol's is 5% 
potassium iodine) blocks off the body mechanism that organizes for aggressive 
action, releasing its hold on the body when opportunity for rest and relaxation 
arises. The iodine swings into action the body and the building up and storing 
of body reserves. When working under pressure, include the Lugol's solution 
dose each day until the period of pressure passes. If it should happen that 
your body becomes saturated with iodine, you will find that there is an 
increase of moisture in the nose. If this occurs, omit the iodine until the 
nose is normal. 

Re: CSCopper cure...-silver in nose

2007-07-10 Thread chaha
Hi,  Brickey,

Perhaps you could play with some of the ingredients in Vicks Vapo Rub and make 
your own formula to help with the fungus problem.  

Take care,


Do you have a fungus?  My wife just rid herself of a 20 year toenail
fungus on  both big toes by applying Vicks vapor rub every night .  The
new nails took about 70 days to grow out .  They look good!!!

Active Ingredients (Purpose)
Camphor 4.8% (Cough suppressant and topical analgesic)
Eucalyptus oil 1.2% (Cough suppressant)
Menthol 2.6% (Cough suppressant and topical analgesic)
Inactive Ingredients
Cedarleaf oil, nutmeg oil, special petrolatum, thymol, turpentine oil

For external use only; avoid contact with eyes.

Do not use: 

  a.. By mouth
  b.. With tight bandages
  c.. In nostrils 
  d.. On wounds or damaged skin 

CSa few questions

2007-06-22 Thread chaha
Hi, Zeb,

Here's a nice website to look at regarding heart health:

My dad had his heart value replaced and we think he may have missed or poorly 
timed his antibiotic dose prior to a dental cleaning.  He ended up with night 
sweats and took doctors months to figure out where the infection was.  

Take care,


CSStomach problems

2007-06-19 Thread chaha
Regarding several comments on stomach problems, may I say it's sometimes the 
simple things that can provide healing.  For instance, plain yogurt.  Take a 
spoonful or more with each meal, and over time you will see improvement.  I've 
done this for myself and a rescue dog who was vomiting and seen really good 

Also, taking Braggs raw Apple Cider Vinegar a couple times a day really 
strengthened my immune system.  Does wonders for a sore throat too.   Not 
everyone can tolerate the smell or taste, but doesn't bother me.  The first 
time I taste Kombucha tea  it tasted exactly like ACV except it was sweeter.   
The Kombucha mother looks much like the raw ACV mother.   

Both of these are fermented foods and would be easy enough to add to your diet. 


CSHelp with DMSO

2007-06-08 Thread chaha
Hi, Donna,

DMSO Nature's Healer by Morton Walker is a great place to start and is 
available from Amazon for $11 or less.  

To learn more go to 
The only caution is that ingesting it will require that you take something like 
chlorophyll for the body odor it gives.  Using externally should not give b.o.

Per my files from the above group:  I know of no cases of toxicity and would 
have expected to run across documentation by now if there were any readily 
traceable to DMSO. The only caveat is not to boil it and inhale the vapors. 
DMSO vapor is toxic but DMSO liquid is not. It took 10,000 times the 
therapeutic dose to establish a toxic dose in lab animals. 

Hope this helps,


Re: CSdental: pericoronitis.leaning towards osteomyelitis

2007-06-08 Thread chaha
Hi, Scott,

Maybe I read more into your post, but just in case though I'd say:  Be careful 
about gargling and then swallowing it when through.  It'd be better to spit it 
out then get a clean swig to swallow.  Also, look at getting vinegar that's not 
distilled.  Bragg's ACV is a quality raw vinegar.

Take care,


CSRe: Old movie name

2007-05-30 Thread chaha
Turner Classic Movies lists two:  Bataan  Back to Bataan.


CShelp with puppies and parasite

2007-05-30 Thread chaha
Hi, Nathalie,

I am not an expert in this area but I'll nutshell a problem I had and maybe 
something will help you find what is bothering your puppies.

Got a puppy mill rescue dog, who was vomiting and had pudding-poo.  After trial 
and error went to a second vet who diagnosed whip-worms because by this time my 
dog got it too.  Rescue boy was so infected he developed a secondary lung 
infection.  Since it was taking many doses, because it's hit or miss with the 
timing of parasite life cycle, also used DE in diet.  Remember, any parasite is 
infecting the other animals, as well as the location where they do their 
business, so clean up after each 'deposit' and spread DE over whatever remains 
you can't pick up, make sure you don't inhale while spreading it.  

The vet/s thought he had a secondary parasitic infection, which was thought to 
be fleas, although there were no signs.  All they need to do is scratch one 
flea off them, swallow, and now there's a new parasitic infection.  Again, he 
needed many treatments.  My dog didn't, but the vet said she should have them 
so avoid getting reinfected.

Ended changing food and adding yogurt  probiotic and he slowly got better but 
it took months.  

Two items that may help you:

The stool was checked several times and no parasite.  What finally helped was 
when they gave me several bottles to collect specimens.  I took some and left 
it outside for a day or two, and viola, they were there.  (It was warm outside).

Looking back I should have also slipped a probiotic into his behind after the 
parasite was gone.

Hope you find your answer!!


p.s. I kept him.  :)


Re: CS(About Clorox) Now Steam Vapor

2007-05-26 Thread chaha
Sorry, but I am a little behind on my reading, abut was reading up on the 
bleach topic, which I do use, but what I've been interested in trying is Steam 
Vapor for cleaning.  Once I saw how expensive my husband wasn't interested in 
trying to find a machine for me (darn!) but this seems like a good  definitely 
non-chemical way to keep the house clean.  


Water.nature's natural solvent, when super heated becomes dry steam vapor. 
Tackling the toughest of cleaning jobs.your steam vapor cleaner will melt away 
grease, grime and build-up while killing mold, mildew and bacteria deep where 
they hide.

CSExercise options for Sol

2007-05-01 Thread chaha
Hi, Sol,

Saw something in my paper today which might offer you another way to exercise - 
it's called Chair Yoga.

Here's an article to learn more about it:

Here's an Amazon link to see DVD's for sale:

Another thought is to check into Aqua Aerobics using a private or public pool.  
When we lived in a neighboring town the YMCA would hold swimming lessons in 
private pools, giving free lessons to the people offering the use of their 
pool.   Lots of folks are happy to share their pools as long as they are not 
held liable in case of accident or injury.

Take care,


CSvitamin a links and information?

2007-04-25 Thread chaha
Hi, Wendy,

Look for information about vitamin A from
Sometimes it's hard to navigate his website without accessing it from the once 
or twice email I get weekly, so consider subscribing.

Take care,


Re: CSTrem..nebulizer.

2005-10-10 Thread chaha
I'm sorry, been away and am catching up on emails, and did try to read the ones 
with the same theme.

Just don't understand:  why wouldn't just using a spray bottle of CS into the 
nose and throat be almost as efficient as a personal nebulizer?  


  The unit I bought is called a personal humidifier not a nebulizer, it is hand 
held. Walgreen discontinued stocking it. Richard Harris said he sells this same 
unit. He may have a few on stock. The humidifier had alot of problems where it 
would quit misting. Walgreen would replace the unit within one year of purchase.

Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2004 #642

2004-08-19 Thread chaha
Hi, Marlys,

I don't have the same problem but was having major pain in both hands due to 
inflammation.  I got on two minerals:  Magnesium and Potassium - and I'm 
basically healed.

I've purchased the Nature's Way Brand because both minerals are Chelated so 
your body will absorb them better.  Both are capsules.  

When I was in pain, I was taking two pills of each, in the morning and evening 
and within a couple of weeks the inflammation was gone.  I have found that just 
about every pain in my body was alleviated with this formula - whether it's 
bunion pain that crops up on occasion or back pain or a couple of times now, a 
stiff neck - haven't needed to see the chiropractor because this has taken care 
of those pains.  I've got my husband on this now and his pains are disappearing 

