i don't know if this worked the first time so here goes nothing

1995-12-05 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Tue, 5 Dec 1995, Jon Bartlett wrote:

 but maybe you can go down to myron's or something.  jon (in catanostyle)
that's a good name for a band.  glad to know i have a style (i think...)

i never know how to interpret these backhanded compliments of yours, jon.

let's see what you nutty chuckleheads think about this:
-there shall be no more than three (3) posts a day per person to 
the sloan net.  offenders shall be warned and then removed from the 
this might cause some people to think before they post, it would 
eliminate the dreaded 2 line/word posts and would cut down on that 
traffic that some litle babies are whining about (digests are for weinies).

i've seen/heard of his idea being implemented on some other high traffic 
(and i mean high traffic lists, like the 250 msg a day punk list) lists, 
and sloan net is NOT high traffic at all, so maybe it might be too much, 
i don't know.  but maybe people would start to listen to those rules of 
sloan net that james sends new subscribers, like reading all of your mail 
before you respond to something, and hen maybe including several points 
in one interesting post, instead of four really dumb ones?

anyhoo, this will only work if james actually unsubs offenders, otherwise 
it'll be back to the same old say mould in no time.

just a thought.


ps - oh, and to deryl, if you don't think people jump on my ass, you 
really haven't been around here very long - and the difference between 
your random acts of senseless profanity and what i do is the fct that i 
actually try (i don't always suceed) to make some sort of point that is 
grounded in the temporal plane with what i write.  there is a difference 
between whining and criticism.  
gordon, ned and tyler are three good friends of mine and i think 
that preppy relatives are one of the best bands in this town - my post 
was merely to express my bewilderment at what is to come.  for fans of 
PR, this will be a very different show indeed.

pps - i think the nutty chuckleheads is a good band name as well.

Re: Sanisoft/Preppy Relatives/Jim Cooper show

1995-12-04 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Mon, 4 Dec 1995, Bob Reeves wrote:

 It should be cool show.  Gordon is promising a Preppy Relatives show unlike
 any anyone has ever seen.  Sanisoft might (but it looks doubtful) actually

the new preppy relatives (at least for this show):
gordon isnor on organ
tyler dewar on guitar
ned ludd on drums
some performance artist on performance art

one song, twenty minutes, two chords.  you be the judge.


Re: CASBY mystery band

1995-12-03 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Sun, 3 Dec 1995, Waye Mason wrote:

 then again, should we be talking about State Champs might as well being 
 from Southern California?  :)

actually, we've been honing our socal sound pretty well, mark and jon 
traded their fenders in for ibanezes (ibani?) and i bought some tama 
drums with double bass drums.  we've got MESA/boogie staxxx and cool 
a.r.t. rack efx.  i wrote this song called skater grrrl and we're 
releasing it on cruz records (it's produced by alvarez and stevenson - 
who else?).  it's like a more skateable version of descendants.  we;'re 
filming our new video at the halibowl and we got a proskates 
sponsorship.  things are finally looking up for the state champs (or 
should i say ... skate ramps?)

look for it in the bin next to shaken by the speed, and catch us on 
tour with big drill car. 


p.s. - was at the downtown sam's last week and i saw smeared in the delete 
bin.  the salesman said we've got to sell them somehow...

pps - waye is the devil.

Re: fuck math-rock!

1995-11-25 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Fri, 24 Nov 1995, Joel Healy wrote:

 *Every* band that DGC promotes sells well.
 Nirvana, Hole, Sonic Youth, Beck, Weezer, Veruca Salt.

with the exception of weezer, all of tose bands had exeptionally well 
recieved albums out on indies (or sort-of-indies) before signing to dgc, 
and, just for the record, sonic youth do not sell well (in dgc terms).  

 Most kids probably didn't even know That Dog existed until they toured 
 with Weezer.


 That Dog had their first album out before Weezer was even finished in the 


 Why is it that Weezer spent gawd knows how much on their Buddy Holly 
 video, but That Dog and Sloan spent very little?

dgc spent basically the same amount on each.  the buddy holly video cost 
next to nothing to make (according to spike jonze who made it), and he 
did that horrible that dog video where they are in the drive-in resaurant 
(i think that's what it is, they're all wearing uniforms...).

weezer are also a much more commercial sounding band than that dog, and 
are, imho, about 3,000,000,000 times better (and I DON'T like weezer at 
all).  that dog are shit.

 Anyway, my point is, that there is a very small group of people at DGC 
who decide the fate of these bands.  DGC could promote the heck out of 
anything and make it sell.  I mean, c'mon... if these kids will buy 
Silverchair and Bush X, they'll buy ANYTHING. 

they still aren't buying sonic youth, after dgc has promoted the hell out 
of them.  every time a new sy album comes out the dgc marketing machine 
rolls into effect - and they never sell particularly well.  

people (kids and adults alike) will buiy hits, and that's about it.  the 
record industry is STILL single dreivwn, and if a band doesn't producw a 
viable hit and a video to go with it, and then get the support of mtv, 
then the record isn't going to sell up to dgc's expectations.

btw - maybe france or joyce can confirm this, but i heard that sunny day 
real estate's diary was te biggest seller that sub-pop has ever had, 
with about 30,000 copies.  is this true?


Re: T-shirt rant yet again

1995-11-23 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Thu, 23 Nov 1995, Shawn Stackhouse wrote:

 I tried writing to Jonathan Dacey at [EMAIL PROTECTED] to enquire about 
 my unsent SloanNet T, and it bounced back.  It looks like the address 
 doesn't exist.
 Does anyone know if he's still around anywhere?  He still has my 10 

ok, here's the scoop from the frontlines, re: dace-t's.

the shipment of backordered t's came into the distributor last week or 
so, so the shirts should be done soon.  jon's account is overloaded and 
he cen't open it because the disk is full (i guess he only THOUGHT he had 
unsubscribed form all of those lists...).  

btw, $10 will not be enough to get you a t-shirt.  they were $10 PLUS 
shipping - if you were amongst the people that did not include shipping, 
jon will probably get in touch with you.

see ya
mike luv

Re: Thruster!! @The KLR mem. Ward Room

1995-11-16 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Thu, 16 Nov 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 you know how much i love you but, being

aw, i love you too. =)

 blunt, and when am i not, i have to say
 that in this particular case i think
 you're full of shit.

why, oh why, did i see this coming ;)

 but saying that it is the *same* kind
 of marginalizing move as calling women
 bitches is just ridiculous.

why?  where do we draw the line between what is a *fair* or *acceptable* 
stereotype and what isn't?  

 first of all, frat boy as a term describing
 a person with a certain mentality refers
 to a *voluntarily chosen ideology* rather
 than a biological or racial differentiation
 or a sexual orientation.

first of all, you are not using the term to describe only the members of 
fraternities.  i'm sure a lot of people who you are talking about 
probably have nothing to do with frats, and never would.  also, i'm sure 
the frats wouldn't want them either.

if you expect me to believe that you are purposely making some sort of pointed
 statement against 
patriarchal institutions when you say frat boy you are nuts.  i think 
you are saying it because it's easy.  it's a nice, easy term for you to 
use to discredit a bunch of people you don't like. oh, they're just frat 
boys.  don't pay any attention to them.  it's as patriarchal and as 
demeaning as dismissing feminists as a bunch of crazy lesbos.  the 
context in which the words are used is exactly the same and the sentiment 
behind them is exactly the same, so i am asking why one is socially 
correct and one not?  why is it only ok to pick on established 
institutions (institutions we ALL perpetuate and all participate in)?  
why is it any different for you to dismiss people as frat boys then it 
is for limbaugh to dismiss a group of women as feminazis?  all i want 
to know is what is the distinction?  when is it ok to discriminate?  when 
is it ok to stereotype?  

 so you'll forgive me if i dismiss your 
 remarks out of hand, but it's hardly
 a radical suggestion to point out that
 *voluntarily chosen ideologies*
 and *patriarchal structures* such as
 the frats have in the past and
 continue to *legitimate* and *nurture*
 sexist attitudes like the trash that 
 thruster disseminate.
 (i use that verb advisedly.)

it seems to me that living in our society today constitutes participating 
in a patriarchal structure and is a voluntarily chosen idealogy.  our 
work force is male dominated and patriarchal.  no news to me.  it seems 
pretty damn hard to escape all things patriarchal or idealogical.  
feminism is a chosen idealogy, and the same could be said for religion, 
and a host of other things so is it ok to stereotype these institutions 
because the participants have chosen to be a part of them?  

as easy as your distiction seems on the surface, it really doesn't do 
anything except excuse persecution.   

 complaints against the institutions 
 of patriarchy are not reverse discrimination.
 unless you believe rush limbaugh.

so what are complaints against non-patriarchal or non-mainstream 
institutions?  what are sweeping generalisations about jews and 
feminists?  when does choice stop - how much of our situation are we 
responsible for personally and how much can we dismiss into the realm of 
biology or sociology?

if you can answer that as easily as you dismiss my complaint than you really 
ought to be making more money than you do, james.

 *do* you believe rush limbaugh?

i believe he eats his pizza the wrong way.


ps - it seems that everyone puts their socio-political thinking caps on 
at this time of night... i guess it's more fun than essays on 

Re: les adventures avec moi, al tuck et les nerdz du super

1995-11-14 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Sat, 11 Nov 1995, Large Hearted Boy wrote:

 oh mon dieu,
 guys from the Nils playing for Al Tuck and SF ???   yikes...that's 
 awesome...I thought I was the only one who knew the Nils...the best band 
 in the world...after the Replacements and GbV ? I didn't really recognize 
 them though...hmmm...what's the guitarrist's name ? it's not one of the 
 brothers, is it ? is it ???

henri sangalang (ex-bass player from kearnry lk. rd.)  told me this story 
about when klr opened for the nils many years ago.  he said that they 
were a bunch of scary coke-heads who locked klr out of the dressing 
room and said that when he met the bass player this is how it went:
you have a nice bass, which is true, henri does have a nice bass.
i stole my bass from the last band that opened up for us.  i 
like yours more.
nice guys, eh?


Re: Al Tuck bad choice?

1995-11-08 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, colin mackenzie wrote:

 ok listen you pop rock kids, just because you can not mosh to something 
 does not mean it is not cool. Yea the Super Friendz are amazing, but if 
 you want to look a little closer at the music instead of just the cool: 
 you will find that Al Tuck has had a great influence on many of the Super 
 Friendz, both Matt and Charles played in his band. Rather than 
 discounting it as boring, perhaps you could sit down and let the music 
 sink in. Al by all counts, Chris Murphy too, is a genius song writer, and 
 if you can sit through a Sebadoh album then surely to God you can take a 
 minute and discover somthing that has not bee spoon fed to you by Much 
 Music, Spin,or Ray Gun.

by the same token, people don't HAVE to like something just because you 
or the suerfriendz do, and implying that they are dumb or uncultured or 
something because they think seeing al tuck opening for the superfriendz 
is a little weird, or disconcerting or whatever is rather rude.  

a lot of places that aren't hfx don't have the long tradition of mixing 
genres at shows - at a lot of places it's like rap show rock show 
folk show or whatever and people have ideas about what to expect, so 
hen they see a show like the al/sf show it's a little strange.  some 
people will react by saying that they like the mix, others will react by 
saying they don't - both are valid.  

and, just becuase you can sit through an entire sebadoh record, doesn't 
mean that you could sit through an entire lou barlow set if he was 
opening for pantera, especially if lou's sets were as long and as 
self-indulgent as al's tend to be (actually, they probably are).  al 
plays for a long long long time, and it can be a little hard to take.  i 
know lots and lots of people who don't think he's at all talented and 
don't like his music.  does this mean they are all dumb and uneducated?  
no, of course not, people are allowed to have different opinions, and 
al's music is really not for everyone.  

if you like it great, buy his records, go to his shows, etc, etc, but 
please don't try and make other (younger) people feel stupid because they 
don't.  people have the right to make up their own minds about music, and 
you telling them that they're wrong about al is no different than mm, 
raygun or spin telling tem what to like, how to dress, etc.


 lucky for you all Al will be back through on the way back.

maybe people still won't like him.  what do you do then?  

Re: mucheast

1995-11-08 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Wed, 8 Nov 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 talk about missing a scoop. what a moron. on saturday and sunday 
 afternoons, he could have interviewed people from what i consider to be 
 some of the most important record labels in canada...he could have gone to 
 some of the all ages shows and picked up on some of the lesser known but 
 just as cool (or cooler but anyway) bands...but no. i didn't see him at 
 the no-cases on friday night. in fact, i only saw him at the BAR shows.
 well, you know, there's a lot of reasons why that might be the case.
 just to play devil's advocate here...

as i said before, mike campbell WAS at the indie symposium and he was 
talking to labels (and making himself seem like a moron).  he was there 
when i got there on saturday morning (which was right when the doors 
opened) but i think he left before tara got there (which would be why she 
didn't see him).

 - label interviews just aren't as visually interesting as live band footage

but, people who run record labes are usually way more interesting than 
the bands on those labels.  picture this: an interview with a label guy 
cut in with appropriate shots of bands on said label.  not really a big 
concept.  bands don't often have much to say.

 - much east is basically a one-man operation and there's only so much
   that mike can cover, so it's no wonder that he sticks to higher-profile
   stuff.  much east *has* been described as content-starved and while
   the inner workings of sappy records may be fascinating to most of us
   on this list, much music is a business, not a charity.  if you compare
   much east to much west, much east is already covering some very low
   profile stuff.

tdm (tedium?)  does, however, go out of his way to interview people 
(although that show is the biggest pile of dreck that e'er was seen on 
muchmusic, except for than horrendous abomination that was mike+mike's 
inane cross cananda adventures) all over bc and the praries, he does 
features on 
every major music event, and is also practically a one-man operation.  

 - further to this one-man operation theme, i'm not really sure what
   kind of process is involved in cataloguing and transferring the 
   video footage to toronto, but i'm sure the work involved in that
   each week is a major reason that mike doesn't shoot more stuff.

probably a lot less than you would think.  if muchwest was taped and 
edited for a 1/2hr show every day last yr, it probably isn't unreasinable 
to expect an hour of quality every week - c'mon, every week!  brave new 
waves does a great show almost every night with a staff of three people 
doing everything, and mike campbell has the full support of the mm/city 
tv/chum-fm family.  

there really is no good excuse for the half-assed job he oes wih that 
show.  if he needs help getting it together, he should just *ask*, there 
are enough film students and starving artists in the region and a strong 
enough film and video community that he could easily find some young 
people to work as *gasp* interns, for little pay just so they can get 
some credentials on their resumes.  he's admitted that he is out of touch 
with the indie scene, and i had heard that mm were going to put two 
vj's on the show, one to cover the trad east coast stuff (campbell) and 
one to cover indie rock (new guy), but i guess that idea didn't jive to 
well with someone's ego or pocketbook, because it never happened.  why 
does campbell have to report everything?  why can't some other people be 
found to keep things a little more current?  couldn't there be a nfld 
correspondant? a nb correspondant?  it doesn't seem to be to unreasonable 
an idea... get some young punk to work on commision or something - ie, 
get paid for every peice they air - and mm will have a better show, and 
someone will have a nice looking resume item.  

on the other hand, the show is about east coast music, and the majority 
of east coast music that gets national attention, or international 
attention (ie, the stuff people outside the maritimes care about) is 
fiddle music like the rankins, barra macneils, etc, so you shouldn't 
complain about it being on mucheast - it has just as much of a right 
(maybe even more of one) to be there.  to expect full hour exposes every 
week on some pretty obscure topic that would be of little interest to 
anyone except fanatics is ridiculous.  most of the year there really 
isn't all that much going on in the indie scene (thrush hermit playing at 
the birdland is hardly cause for a feature), and when here is somehing 
major (like the popx) he covers it, but thigs like the jazz festival, the 
blues festival, and the gospel festival are all equally important as the 
popx and no cases.  so there are doubtlessly going to be weeks where 
there is no rock at all, and that's a valid thing.  also, about the 
limited number of videos that get aired, well, there really aren't many 
good videos that have come out of the region (and why 

madonna, sean, crispin and me

1995-10-23 Thread Michael Damian Catano
i just saw crispin glover do a reading of eight of his books at the 
birdland.  my oh my, that boy is wacky.

the movie the orkly kid was truly fuct. picture this: outcast in small town 
dreams of being olivia newton john impersonater.  he realises his dreams 
at a town talent show.


Re: thrush and other stuff

1995-10-23 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Mon, 23 Oct 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 this is a question that's been asked here a lot.
 as far as i know, speedo is strictly the name
 for the alyson-seb project, not a new name for
 hardship post.  as for the new lineup of hardship
 post, featuring alyson on guitar/vox, since they
 haven't gigged yet no one knows what songs they do.

seeing how at the time when speedo was formed, alyson was not in hardship 
post, and matt still was, i think that it is a fair assumption that now 
that alyson is in hardship post, there will be no more speedo, if there 
ever actually WAS a speedo.  all of the press about speedo said that it 
came out of alyson's need to sing/play guitar/write songs, and her 
limitations in jale, so now that she is free of those limitations in 
hardship post (and the other half of spedo is ALSO in hardship post) it 
would seem a little redundant to have the same band, with the same 
principle songwriters minus one member and call it something new. no,  i 
doubt we will ever hear of this speedo again.  

but you never know...


Re: from alt.music.canada: chris coyote logan

1995-10-18 Thread Michael Damian Catano

it occurs to me that when chris logan speaks of canadian bands doing 
tired remakes of already dead genres from the 70s and 80s, he forgets to 
mention the fact that his band is a third rate gloom rock band nestled 
firmly at the teet of all things '82.  In terms of rehashing what's been 
done, coyote do amout as much to help originate or further styles and 
genres with their birthday party/cult/bauhaus worshipas the monoxides do 
with their ridiculous stadium rock ha-ha rock is kitchyfunnycutesy 
schtick.  the main difference is that at least the monoxides have a sense 
of humour about what they are doing, whereas coyote (or at least chris - 
from what he writes) seem to see themselves as outside of this group and 
wholly original.  this is bullshit.  this kind of whining serves no 
purpose other than to further chris' own perception of himself as 
tortured artist and social critic who can't find acceptance within his 
peers.  maybe he should give up being a grumpy old fart and try to 
contribute something to the scene, as opposed to whining about it, but i 
suppose if he stopped whining he would actually have to DO something 
constructive, and what fun is that.
don't take this as a dis to coyote or the monoxides - they are both really 
good at their respective styles - it's just that they aren'texactly 
breaking new ground.  

this town needs to develop a sense of community that is sorely lacking.  
everyone here needs to star communicating a little better and trying to 
help each other out. maybe if we all stopped ripping each other apart 
behind each others backs and actually concentrated on keeping this scene 
alive and vibrant and growing things could be fun again.

I heard that both sloan and jale refused to take any money from the popx 
due to their recent financial troubles, and for this they should  
be applauded.  


gravitee shows

1995-10-11 Thread Michael Damian Catano
i was talking to Melfar from trike last night about the gravitee social 
club, and she said that it used to be this crazy soul music club, where 
all these funk bands used to play.  there was a shooting or something 
there, and then it sort of faded away.


see sloan ( i hear that they are playing first ...)


Re: Hrm.. same guy or an imposter?? ;)

1995-10-08 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Sun, 8 Oct 1995, Bob Reeves wrote:

 Mike Catano? Or is there rilly a Mike Gitano out there in Halifax? :)
 I just looked in the Halifax/Dartmouth/Bedford phone book and there is no
 Gitano- maybe you're onto something!

maybe it's that guy who makes Gitano jeans.  if i was THAT famous, my 
number would be unlisted too.

mike p.p. (yeah you know me...)


schedule ... here ya go...

1995-10-04 Thread Michael Damian Catano

i can't believe i'm doing this ...

wednesday, oct. 11th:

no venue show (6pm):
trike, state champs, special guests

birdland show (10pm):
l'il orton hoggett
the chinstraps
the sadies
cool blue halo

thursday, oct. 12

khyber show (2pm)
fire engine red
new brunswick
preppy relatives
elliot smith

no venue show (6pm)
stinkin' rich
witchdoc jo-run +guests

birdland show (10pm)
maker's mark
thrush hermit
crappo 2
elliot smith

friday, oct. 12

khyber show (2pm)
cleveland steamer
orange glass
space needle

no venue show (6pm)
the fastbacks
nerdy girl
bad luck #13

birdland show (10pm)
the fastbacks
rebecca west
thee suddens
scratching post

staurday, oct. 14th

khyber show (1pm)
broken girl
dusty sorbet
mighty fishermen
new grand

no venue show (6pm)
eric's trip
the motes

birdland show (10pm)
joyve raskin
pansy division
les pichous

sunday, oct. 15th

khyber show (1pm)
al tuck
leonard conan
radio blaster

no venue show (6pm)
thrush hermit
elevator to hell

birdland show (10pm)
wooden stars

there ya go.  if the schedule as posted includes band ORDER, then it 
would appear that there are some very FUCKED things happening.  but i 
doubt that is the case (elliot smith OPENING for crappo 2?!)


Re: flashing -- the new halifax trend

1995-10-03 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Tue, 3 Oct 1995, James Cooper wrote:

 ...and that the Tara S'appart tape isn't really that available, 
 refering to it would hardly be helpful.  BUT, the one song I've heard is 
 pretty good.:)
 where do your write to get a copy?

i can dub one for you, jimmy.  i have it - it's pretty o.k.  nothing to 
kill for, but s'allright.  the collide tape is better and i think there 
are a thousand copies around, too.



Re:Elevator to HELL line-up

1995-10-03 Thread Michael Damian Catano
elevator to hell: mark (drums) tara (bass) ron (keyboards) rick 
(guitar).  that's how they play live, and that's how the sappy single was 
recorded, i believe.

moonsocket is just chris, but once he played live (opening for merge i 
think) and rick played bass and ron played drums.

mike for the scraping.

Re: Holy bee-jeepers. Zloan et le Zuperfriendz et la Hardzhip pozt et ericz...

1995-10-03 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Mon, 2 Oct 1995 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 !BONUS! - (geez are you guys lucky.) If anyone already has Self=Title, pop
 that baby into th' cd-rom an look at the cindy page. Notice any
 similarities between the photo and an all too familiar album cover?

the picture is a joke.  it hangs in the murder records office.  heeheehee...


ps - the dacey/raymond/mullane/kelly band is called polvo.  whoops, it's 
actually called high society.  or polvo... ;)  love her is a 
raymond/mullane (and occaisionally catano, i suppose) thing.  the ladies 
will swoon, that's all i have to say.

a quick note

1995-09-12 Thread Michael Damian Catano

mark gaudet's favorite bands of all time are deep purple and venom.

just so you know what you're up against.


ps - i played yan (my new houseguest. take a bow, yan) the first two 
kearney lake road albums.  wAtch out!

WHICH windsor ...?

1995-09-11 Thread Michael Damian Catano
re: sloan + juliana hatfield

are we talkin' windsor, ns, or windsor, ont?

mike c.

ps - straight up, len are coming to hfx to play during the pop explosion, 
but not at the pop explosion, if ya catch ma' drift.  I think it's one o' 
them no case type deals.

pps - any word on the number of all-ages type shows at the pop 
explosion?  i was talking to amanda from plumtree and she said she had 
hears that there was only going to be ONE.  whooah... lame-o LC.

ppps - rumours abound that juliana hatfield is THIS close to playing at 
the birdland.  that might be neat, seeing how the biggest out of town act 
to play has been (correct me if i'm wrong) die cheerleader this past 
weekend.  and they ain't too big.

s - shouldn't the pop explosion line-up be out?  i thought james had 
said that we'd have it by now... ah well ...

SWERVEDRIVER review: NSC (was Re: hummm...)

1995-08-27 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Sat, 26 Aug 1995, Gord Dimitrieff wrote:

 On Sat, 26 Aug 1995, Michael Damian Catano wrote:
  you're the girl for me / i'm son of jaguar 'e'.
 hey is this Swervedriver?!  I was listening to their new album (what's it 
 called? Ejectorseat something-or-other) in HMV the other day, but it was 
 import for something like $25 or $30.. crazy.. the British pay *way* too 
 much for CD's... Has it been released domestically yet?

yep, gord, that little lyric was taken from ejector seat reservation, 
the snappy new record by british dreamrockers swervedriver.  i picked up 
an import copy of the vinyl (with a free 2-song bonus 7) about a week or 
so ago, and it's pretty damn cool.

first of all, it's VERY different from their first 2 records, but doesn't 
seem that bizarre if you've heard any of the e.p.'s that they've put out 
(like rave down, reel to real, etc.).  it's VERY retro, in a neat sort of 
way ... it's got loads of harmonies and jangle.  kind of like late-period 
beatles, with the tonnes of guitar overdubs, and strange string parts. 
very cool IMHO.  it's definately not going to impress anyone who was 
soley into the sort of swirly, dreamy aspects of the band, or solely into 
the rock out aspects of the band, because neither of these qualities are 
at the forefront of the record - it's definately song orientated ... 
which is good.

there are two weird sort of continuations of other swervedriver songs on 
the record: son of jaguar 'e' (from son of mustang ford off of raise) 
the other jesus (from jesus off of reel to real).  kind of a neat bonus 
for fans, i guess ... sort of like what a day and what a day maybe ..

uhmm ... some stand-outs include last day on earth and the title track, 
but the songs over all are excellent.  they are, in general, shorter and 
more upbeat than anything off of the previous two records.  it's a 
definate winner as far as i'm concerned. 

on a sloan-esque note, i think people who dig twice removed could really 
enjoy this record.  check it out if you can. 

unfortunately, swervedriver have been dropped by creation (they fucking 
suck ... first my bloody valentine, then slowdive, now swervedriver ... 
what the fuck kind of crack they on?) so distrobution as far as n. 
america goes is iffy.  their is no word as to their status on am records 
(their label outside of the uk), so no one knows what is going on as far 
as a n. american release date.  it ad been slated for release on our side 
of the ocean for mid-august, but there has been no sign of it.  if you 
are a real fan, i would suggest getting a copy of the uk import, for the 
sole fact that you may never be able to get a domestic copy, PLUS, trhe 
uk cd comes with two hidden tracks: flaming heart and plan 7 star 
satellite 10 (the same two songs that are on the bonus 7 that comes with the 


wheeew.  sorry for the lack of sloanality.  maybe i made up for it in 

Re: Moonsocket 7

1995-08-25 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Fri, 25 Aug 1995, France Chevalier wrote:

 Uh, sorry to contradict you but I do bellieve it has NO title.
 Yeah.. Loveless.

oh, come on!  she's kidding, right? right ...?

*sigh*  some people have no sense of humour.

brendan scores mucho points for this one...


rave down.

 On Fri, 25 Aug 1995, Helen Luu wrote:
  Does NE one know what the new Moonsocket 7 is called? Um, I think it's
  the one w/ the violet cover and has a picture of a guitar on the front..

Re: hear now '92 / e3

1995-07-04 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Sun, 2 Jul 1995, Carol Nishitoba wrote:

 hey :)
 version of underwhelmed; kinda like the _peppermint_ one, but not quite... 
 i like how they mention that chris played guitar, and patrick played bass for
 the song..  sean bryson, the drummer for Cool Blue Halo's track, is now

it's the second recorded version of underwhelmed, and yep, chris plays 
guitar ... he played guitar for sloan for their first slew of gigs, i 
guess until patrick got fed up with having the bass shaft.  this, btw, is 
why chris liner credits no smeared say he played erased guitar. funny 
.. haha.

 Leonard Conan, is now in the Super Friendz...  anything else i should know
 about member changes??

hey, mighty wayne macpherson (who plays on two tracks on hear and now: 
spike n's full circle round and adinsong's song the name of which 
eludes me...) went on to be the guitar weilding superhero of chaz rules, 
and now is a full-fledged metal maniac for the j. masters quartet.

mike, feeding the trivia beast ...

one champ says thanks...

1995-07-02 Thread Michael Damian Catano

it's very early in the morning on july 2nd, and i've got a few things to say.

i'd like to give a really sincere thank you to everyone who came out and 
supported my band yesterday, i really appreciate it.  we played three 
gigs in a day, and it was exhausting and everything like that, but it was 
really cool to see so many people out enjoying music on a crappy, rainy 

thanks to jim, james, tara lee and everyone who helped make our 7 
actually happen, thanks to gordon, greg and catherine for giving us shows 
to play (and no, catherine, i did not forget to put you on the guest 
list, you just beat me to the birdland, i think...).

so everything's cool, i guess...

watching you fall only makes me stronger

Re: Sloan MOTOX shirt

1995-06-30 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Thu, 29 Jun 1995, Andrew P. Rodenhiser wrote:
 motorcyle suits.  The logo is like the suzuki S but says sloan.  I DON'T 
 HAVE ONE so please don't beat on me if I'm inaccurate.  Anyone who does 
 should have posted by now.  Thus I'd say they're rather uncool because 
 nobody bought them. :)

i think that they are more expensive than uncool (30 or 40 buxxx?), plus, 
the appeal of yellow polyester kind of wears thin.  

very ... rave?


Re: hardship post

1995-05-31 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Tue, 30 May 1995, Rebecca F Snyder wrote:

 haD  a  silver cover and it's blue vinyl. SO is the sandpaper one limited 
 or something. I'm just curious and if anyone knows couldthey please tell 

1st pressing: sandpaper sleeves and CalciumLimeRust vinyl.
2nd pressing: silver gift wrap sleeves and swanky blue vinyl.


state champs tour

1995-05-09 Thread Michael Damian Catano

hey everybody, les champs are heading out onto the road on thursday 
morning, so if you live in boston or northamton, you can see us live and 
in person at:

-the middle east, may 14th (boston)
-tt the bear's, may 20th (boston)
-baystate hotel, may 21st (n.hampton)

listmanagerMAN, james covey will be our roadie and we'll be meeting up w/ 
lister yan raymond in boston.  it should be wicked.  many cool bands, 
many cool shows, many good times.

it's gonna be a freakin' beer ad, i tell ya'.


Re: hardship post

1995-04-17 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Sat, 15 Apr 1995, James R. Covey wrote:

 um, sorry to argue with *you*, tarababe, but the version you have
 on tape *may be* the bnw version and so that's why you may notice
 a difference.  so there.  :-)  i still insist that it's the same
 on vinyl as it is on the tape until someone proves me wrong.  :-)

it's the same version.  the 1st hardship post tape that i got had mood 
ring plus sugar cane and i think one or two other songs (i can't 
remember...) that weren't on either.  it was all recorded at the same 
time, and they are the same recordings that are on the tape and 7.

see ya

Re: The Yanx and Canux

1995-03-31 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Fri, 31 Mar 1995, Joe Clark wrote:

 But don't French, German, and especially Australian bands also have

french and german bands generally sing in french and german.  this would 
probably marginalize their appeal in north america.

 marginal appeal aux États-Unis? Midnight Oil and Hoodoo Gurus aren't

at the ttime of their deisel and dust lp, midnight oil were quite 
possibly one of the most popular pop bands in the world.  they did not, 
however, keep up with the tide of public fancy, so their sun faded.  They 
still, however, have lots of fans.

 exactly as big as the Stolling Rhônes, though Crowded House does figure in

the rolling stones have been around since the sixties.  they appeared in 
america at a time when british music was being embraced as a change from 
the simplistic, sterile pop that america was producing a the time.  What 
we are seeing now is a backlash in terms of popularity of foreign bands 
in america.  the culture (in terms of mainstream rock) has been so 
overewhelmed in terms of brit pop straight through to the eighties, when 
every band wanted to be british (duranduran, the cure, etc,etc), that 
there is now a strong movement to make american misic.  The fact that 
the rolling stones still have popularity is because they are a leftover 
from a bygone era - a british band these days would have little chance of 
having such a succesful career in america (elastica, oasis, blur, etc).  
Crowded house (who started out in the eighties) have managed to slip into 
mainstream consciousness at the tail end of this eighties brit pop 
appreciation.  That explains why they have managed to keep a rather 
steady fan base (although have any of their records reached temple of lo 
Men in terms of sucess since that time?).

because of this backlash towards foreign music canadian mnusic (which is 
by definition NOT american - no matter how hard some might try) can not 
suceed as canadian music in the US.  the only two canadian acts in 
recent years to acheive sucess in the US have been the crash test dummies 
and bryan adams - both of which recorded theit albums in america for 
american labels, etc, etc, and have down played their canadian-ness.

 BTW, I'm happy to give props to Canadian bands in Canada. A lot of Canadian

no, joe, i get the props, and you get the buttocks.

 bands are happy with that too. Who needs the Americans? And heck, we can

you (and others) seem to be confusing mainstream sucess and independant 
sucess.  they are apples and oranges.  most of the sucessful canadian 
indie bands (bands on canadian indie labels) are not in positions to quit 
whatever jobs they have currently outside of music, and very few ever 
will be.  Most american indie bands still have to have day jobs as well.  
To compare the level of sucess that say Pest 5000 have with someone like 
seBADoh is ludicrous.  derivative don't have the resources of subpop to 
promote their bands or send their bands on tour.  

in order to stay totally independant, and to be able to support 
yourselves and your bands as well takes a lot of time.  Candada does not 
have the network of independant distribution, independant record stores, 
'zine culture, plus the geography of the country makes it virtually 
impossible to tour effectively.  for a band in canada to even come close 
to matching the success of a popular american independant is very 
doubtful IMHO.

Don't get me wrong - i'd love to see this happen, it would be great if 
such a community were to develop, but it seems that most of canada's more 
popular indie bands are content to sign to majors asap, or to go with US 
indie labels - actions that are detrimental to the integrity of a 
canadian scene.  

 build our own communities or proto-communities, like SloanNet.

it's a start, but 150 records sold does not a career make.  it'll take a 
lot more than a sloan net to make indie music viable in a canadian 
context.  If there were sloan nets in every region of canada documenting 
every single scene (no matter how marginal or insignificant) then we 
might be getting somewhere, but it would seem that there isn't, so we've 
got a long way to go.


 Joe Clark


1995-03-23 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Thu, 23 Mar 1995, scott hutchens wrote:

 2) Do you think they should have taken all the money and invested it in
 CHED instead of Potmaster, as their second venture? Why? Odds are, I 
 would think anyway, that they only made enough profit off D:FR to 
 really get one other album under way, for now, so why shouldn't that
 band be Potmaster?

well, fr starters, it seems like it was never made clear wether or not 
the investors were signing up for a long term investment into the co-op 
or what.  this is stuff that should have been spoken of.  if it is in 
fact a co-op, then by definition, no decisions that would affect the 
group as a whole (i.e. SPENDING ALL OF THE MONEY) should be made 
unilateraly.  regardless of whose idea the whole thing was, if the 
project was designed as a collective or co-op, then they withdrew all 
rights to priority.  

the fact that the potboys were involved in the organization aspect of the 
comp, as well as reaping all immediate results from it make it look very 
fishy.  it is obvious that there was a lack of communication between BDR 
and the bands involved.  $100 to appear on a comp CASSETTE is fucking 
ludicrous.  they should've taken note and asked who is ripping us off 

but what's done is done.

 Having a local company interested only in helping local talent put
 out albums is a fantastic thing, but there are a lot of local bands
 to help out and all of them can't be helped at once. They have to 
 start somewhere... and that starting point has to be well picked in
 order to get the whole operation on solid ground. Perhaps they just
 felt that Potmaster was their surest investment as a second release.

i would be really really really really amazed if BDR managed to be the 
philanthropist organization you make it out to be.  i doubt they are in 
it to help out the poor put upon rockers of nfld.

most smaller record companies are a lot shadier than big ones.  rememeber 


 One thing I can tell you for sure, telling people to copy the tape
 instead of buying it isn't going to help anyone.
 |  scott hutchens [EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | 
 / in times of shame and rage, we change and stay the same, we rage and   \ 
 | blame, and everything we've built, I want to bury it, it's bleedin' |
 | with our guilt - BUNG  |

Re: de, not du

1995-03-23 Thread Michael Damian Catano
just my $.02 on the de/du controversy ...

as it it was myself who originally referred to sloan net as Les Ami(e)s 
de Sloan i think that i should have final say in the matter.

teehee ... ;)

i'm kidding, really, but in reality du makes better grammatical sense 
from a French POV.  de sounds better when transposed into english, but 
i don't think it's good French when translated.  du wins.

du basically means a peice of the whole, like i want a peice of cake 
or something like that.  since sloan net does not represent the entirity 
of sloan's fanbase (thank god for that) it is appropriate to say du.


Re: spine on muchmusic

1995-03-13 Thread Michael Damian Catano

just a little tidbit of industry info re: mucheast.  apparantly mr. 
campbell and the bigwigs at muchmusic/city tv have come to the 
realization that he is underequiped to handle the full spectrum of east 
coast music.  

an as yet undisclosed new videographer will be making the trip from TO to 
HFX shortly and will focus solely on east coast rock music, whereas mike 
campbell will now be working solely on traditional music.  this means 
that there will be more of a balance between the two on the show, 
whereas before it was all of one or the other.  hopefully the new guy 
will have a clue about indie rock, and will be able to do a better job 
than campbell did.

my gripe:  with the wealth of TV/folm people in the maritimes (eg, mike 
clattenburg, steve comeau, michael andreas kuttner, john dunsworth, etc, 
etc ad nauseum) why on earth does MM/CTYTV feel the need to add YET 
another upper canadian to the mix?  why not go local - someone who would 
already be in touch w/ the scene.



Re: motes

1995-03-10 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Fri, 10 Mar 1995, DAVID POUND wrote:

 What is this about Catano arguing with a girl about the rules if rock on 
 the Motes tape?

the intro to the second side is an excerpt from a phone converstaion i 
had over the air at CKDU during my show with some girl name lorraine.  
she called up to complain about me dissing pearl jam - saying that it was 
the cool thing to do, and accusing me of being the type to like them 
when the last album came out, 'cause it was cool to like pearl jam then. 
she was dumb beyond belief, and i had a nice little argument with her.  
my girlfreind said i was mean.  anyways, the little snippet goes 
something like this:

me: what i'm saying is that if you're going to say something, you should 
at least live up to it.

her: but rock and roll doesn't have any rules

me: that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard in my life.  of course it 
has rules, sure they may be unwritten, but they exist.

her: no.  so you're a conformist.

me: i guess so.  i guess i'm a big dumb conformist, and i don't know 
nothin' 'bout nobody.

it breaks into the end of me at this point.


ps - they have a couple copies of gesner down at sam's on barrington.


Re: random garble...

1995-02-28 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Mon, 27 Feb 1995, Tara Lee Bitchin' wrote:
 some Black Pool stuff features Chris on bass
 Kearney Lake Rd is chris and jay
 Snob Shop (chris helped out, it's laura borealis' project thing, i guess 
 - email shant or tara da costa for more details)
 and check out the otis haynes song on `not if i smell you first', the 
 sonic unyon compilation. Patrick and Chris are responsible for that mess 
 :) :) - it's a real *rocker*.

well, if we're gonna get nit-picking, they friggin' deluxe boys had a 
tape too, so there. :P


sloan discography mistake

1995-02-27 Thread Michael Damian Catano

in my haste i forgot:

-Never mind the molluscs - 4 band comp. cd/2x 7

-cod can't hear - live comp.


Re: random garble...

1995-02-27 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Mon, 27 Feb 1995, IAN JOSEPH DAYE wrote:

 hey people...
 i have a couple questions and am seeking answers( obviously)...although as
 i write it'll probably become more like 5-109 questions..but all are
 answerable and important(at least to me...)
 3) Here's something totally useless to the rest of the world...but about 6
 yrs ago there were two guys kicked out of St. Pat's in Halifax for wearing
 kilts to school, they were subsequently interviewed on CBC news and ifor
 some God awful, unknown reason i keep thinking it was two of the guys from
 Sloan...am I right ?(it is something they would've done) or am I just a pit
 of useless memories???

nope, it wasn't them.  the kids were from QEH (my home turf) and i 
actually have the footage of the whole caffufle from CBC on tape 
somewhere.  They were big punk rockers and my friend neil's big sister 
rachel used to date one of them.  chris went to hfx west high school, jay 
went to private school, andrew went to dartmouth high, but transfered to 
QEH to play basketball (i swear to god.  it was the cool thing for 
dartmouth jocks to do in their senior year.), and i have no idea where 
pat went to school.  I don't think they were punks by any stretch of the 
imagination in HS (chris loved minor threat, tho...).  In some more 
usless gossip, rachel (neil's big sister, remember?) went on to date jay 
a couple of years later.  she says he was really nice.

 4) I purchased copies of Pearl Jam Ten andVs. on vinyl as well as the
 new R.E.M. monster on vinyl as well...but the big thing i found (at least
 to me in the great white north...Cape Breton) was SLoan 2R' and H.C.G. on
 viyl...its not really a question just a statement of how much Sydney music
 stores suck...

do they suck for carrying vinyl, or for carrying PJ and REM, or do you 
suck for buying it?  I don't understand ;)

 5) Did anyone see the No-Cases stuff on MuchEast a week or so ago...how did
 it look???

no idea, but did anyone catch ET, stinkin' rich and the gracebabies last 
night on ME?

 7) lastly (I hope) can someone out there compile a COMPLETE listing of all
 the albums and singles that exist for Sloan...Tribute albums, 45's full
 length etc...if it was already here i probably missed it

i got nothing else to do, so i'll give it a shot.

the sloan discography (rough draft)

-three song(?) four-track demo tape (1st version of underwhelmed and be 
my valentine (blood) - which became torn)

-hear and now compilation cassette and cd (2nd version of underwhelmed)

-peppermint e.p. (3rd version of underwhelmed)

-smeared lp (4th version of underwhelmed)

-Underwhelmed cd single

-sugartune promo cd

-back to the garden joni mitchell tribute cd

-i am the cancer cd single

-sloan/eric's trip split 7

-DGC rarities vol. I cd compilation

-National Chart magazine promo flexi

-twice removed lp

-new murder records 7

please feel free to add to this list.

 oh well that's is enough thinking for today...off to class now..
 I found my friends,they're in my head...
 Ian Daye  :)

Re: sloan have *not* broken up...

1994-12-31 Thread Michael Damian Catano
certain members have different views on what purpose they want the band 
to serve.  they are talking it out - group therapy as it were.  they are 
by NO means broken up, and they don't plan on it.  


Re: intended for sloan net

1994-12-07 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Tue, 6 Dec 1994, Gord Dimitrieff wrote:

 Well no, but you can tell that they spent all of the 100,000 on
 recording.. It sounds way more produced than fireman...
actually, they spent 40g on new gear.

wow, wouldn't that be fun ... new gear ... *drool*drool*drool*

they also recorded in cali, which means that they had to travel to cali 
and stray there for however long it took them to record.


Re: intended for sloan net

1994-12-07 Thread Michael Damian Catano

On Wed, 7 Dec 1994, Andrew P. Rodenhiser wrote:

 }they also recorded in cali, which means that they had to travel to cali 
 }and stray there for however long it took them to record.
 I had to ask, Mike, in what manner did they stray while in Cali?  Did 
 they enter an underworld of crime, drugs, and prostitution?  Did they 
 wander unsuspectingly off the public beach and into the adjacent nudist 
 colony?  Or did they get lost in South Central LA?

actually, they saw some guy get killed by the mob while they were taking 
a short cut home through so. central, and had to spend the rest of the 
night caught up in a seemy underworld, avoiding imminant death, all to a 
soundtrack that rolling stone magazine would call groundbreaking and 
compelling and give four stars, ~ ¯¯

 This music *speaks* to me!!-- Steve Martin, _The Jerk_
 Andrew P. Rodenhiser, Ph.D. Candidate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Canada   or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

len/entrafis/street cent$

1994-12-04 Thread Michael Damian Catano
the hipsters at CBC have pulled a smoothie once again with their choice 
of Toronto based Len and Halifax's own Entrafis as the music of choice 
for this season of street cent$.  Len and Entrafis join the ranks of 
Halifax's Thrush Hermit and Truro's Hip Club Groove as independant 
canadian bands who have provided the music for the show.  hopefully the 
same success that has fallen upon the former theme musicians will come to 
Len and Entrafis.

wow, that sounded pretty slick, eh?

mike c.


1994-10-28 Thread Michael Damian Catano
Does anyone understand why Murder doesn't put out full-length lp's?  I 
can't figure it out...

Is it a cost thing?  I'm confused...

HCG recorded about eleven killer songs last yuear, but only about six are 
going to be released on Murder...I can't figure it out.  

And what ever happened to the Smart Bomb 12 with a bonus track?  

And is everything they do now going to be tatooed with MCA RECORDS on 
it?  Arew they one of those subsidiary type deals now?  


Re: Sloan, Pepsi and Eric's Trip

1994-09-26 Thread Michael Damian Catano
My god, Mark Gaudet is so blunted it is ridiculous.

Funny M. Gaudet story fer y'all - 
AT the the Double Deuce a few years back I was standing around after a 
show talking with Chris Murphy and Mark Gaudet.  They were talking about 
Mark's incredible puink rock roots (he was there when DC happened), and 
about all of the records that Mark has - it's absoloutely incredible, you 
name it, he has it in all available formats - and the subject of movies 
came up.  Mark talked about all of these punk shows he had bootlegged, 
and Chris talked about weird seventies stuff.  As a result they came 
to one of those heat of the moment conclusions that they should have a music 
movie fest.  Here is a smidgen of that conversation:

Wow! That will be great! Chris said in a fevered pitch, his 
glasses sliding seductively down the sweat-drenched bridge of his nose, 
I'm sooo excited to see all of that stuff you talked about!
Before he replied, Mark adjusted himself against the barstool 
that was bearing the brunt of his weight. Yeah, he said softly, in that 
hushed tone that drove the girls wild, and when it's all over with, we 
can break out the hardcore stuff! Mark's face was alight with a boyish 
enthusiasm that was uncharacteristic of this seasoned warrior. He 
hiccuped and took another drag off of his cigarette.
Hardcore? Chris was curious now. Ppuzzled, but entranced, You 
mean like Minor Threat? Chris convinced himself that this was true, and 
in this, he was content.
No...I mean...HARDcore! Mark emphasized what he meant with 
appropriate grunts, facial contortions, and hand gestures, You know what 
I mean? he slurred excitedly.
Chris was shocked.  Stunned.  
UmmmI don't think my mom would like that too much.
In an instant, he was gone.

Mike English 1000.06R Catano


