[RCSE] Emerald Stabs!

2002-08-28 Thread Charles Miller

Good morning!
I am looking for a pair of the light weight,composite stabs for an
I think Wings and Things has them???
Any help would be appreciated..

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[RCSE] Tow Line Snag!

2002-07-17 Thread Charles Miller

No rigging problems here!!!

The chute will catch the glider if the tension isnt there upon
releaseOr you go to deep in the bucket before the zoom..
We all have done it!

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[RCSE] Volz X !

2002-07-15 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning!
I have the new Volz X in my Escape.. I really can tell the difference
from the older Volz servo's. I have many of the older ones.. They
actually work well.. Only striped out a half dozen or so. Due to my own
mistake's. (landing with flaps extended)
The new X servo's have not had a problem . They are , or seem more
positive, and are a bit more silent...
I will buy more

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[RCSE] HLG Cost???

2002-06-07 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning!!
This is an interesting thread concerning cost... This isn't an
unfamiliar thread..It happens every year right after the IHLG
The first thing I will say is that everyone,, I mean everyone!! Has the
opportunity to make their own DLG.. Or open class ship.. Just come up
with a wing plan.. Fuse plan. And go for it!!  Just come home from a
hard days work at your real job. Get out the epoxy, glass, carbon,
kevlar, and start working! Breath deep!! Because this isn't a pleasant
Win a few contest with it. Then start production and charge what you
I have this same opportunity. But I choose to fly. Not try to come up
with the latest greatest.. I really don't think just anyone can make it
I look at my Escape and wonder how someone could make such a beautiful
fitting glider. And it works better than most out there... That talent
is not common!
I think it would be a good idea to hold contests where you can only use
a javelin HLG !
There still are lots of them out there. And lots of people who fly them.
It is the flying and friendly competition that is fun for all...
But when you go to the IHLG contest , you are now messing with the best
of the best.. And they will use the finest equipment. And compete to
I think every club out there has a situation where there are a few DLG ,
but mostly HLG.
It is a constant battle to keep up in this sport. As well as with many
sports out there...
I think its up to the individual to decide ,, keep up?? Or fly what they
have and be satisfied with that decision. Enjoy the flying! I fly
everyday! I compete also. But that is an event that happens just a few
times a year for me on a national level.. I truly enjoy just flying.. I
think that's where we get our experience. When there isn't pressure.
Just fun!

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[RCSE] Rubber Duckies!!!

2002-05-22 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning!
I have a rubber duck antenna... I had to use it one contest.. I had my
unlimited glider as high as I ever care to be and have had no problems!
So far I see no reason to not use one.. I have started useing mine for
the discus launch glider. With the move to throw a discus launch glider
I find the antenna on my Stylus to move ! I really don't want to tighten
the set screw for the antenna to much.. I want it to move if I ram it
into something .

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[RCSE] Thanks!!!

2002-04-17 Thread Charles Miller

Thanks to all who responded about the Portland sites This list is a
very valuble tool!

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[RCSE] Converting to DLG

2002-03-01 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning
I just finished my Raptor.. Learning the throw.. Doing some minor
fracturing. And repairing.
I have a Mirage. This is a kevlar construction.. I was wondering if
anyone tried to Discus launch this glider?? I am thinking if I can beef
up the wing mount, and wing joints, I may be able to discus launch this
Any information would be appreciated..

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[RCSE] 3-D Electric!

2002-02-12 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning
I saw a 3-D electric at the SWC demonstrated I really would like to
get this plane.
I would like any information you might have as to where to buy this set

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[RCSE] Bash!

2002-01-23 Thread Charles Miller

Hope this dosn't start up again..

Even though it sometimes is great entertainment!

I have not lost respect for Sal, Or Karlton. Or anyone else people have
bashed... The only respect I have lost is for the people who are doing
the bashing!

If I need someting I will contact these people and do my buisness! They
have soaring stuff! I need soaring stuff!


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[RCSE] Genesis

2002-01-11 Thread Charles Miller

It may look like a cool little glider. The Genesis is not what they
expected. It isn't all that much fun to fly. It never really did well at
contests.. Allthough it was suppose to be the new thing for gliders!
I see the Genesis just a thing of the past. One that will fade away!
Good idea though!

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[RCSE] Nat's Coverage?

2001-11-01 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning
I just recieved my Model Aviation magazine. It covers the Nat's.
It still looks like controll line and free flight get way more press
than Soaring
It seems like AMA just isn't into it!

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[RCSE] What the ????

2001-10-29 Thread Charles Miller

This exchange is looking more like a chat room everyday!
Why are we using such trashy words!!
We do have a reputation to uphold..
Most all soaring pilots I know have more class than that!
Lets clean it up shall we??

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[RCSE] Do Not Quick Charge?

2001-07-24 Thread Charles Miller

Good afternoon!
I am no battery expert! I was into charging over night for many years as
a power flyer. It wasn't until the last 3 years that I have been quick
charging. I didn't really know what the con's were when quick charging.
Ofcourse we hear allot of opinions about it. But what's the real scoop?
I haven't found any negative things about quick charging. I observe that
all the top guns in the country that compete quick charge. About 80% of
ther entire soaring community around here quick charges..
Plus I have no idea how you would keep up in competitions not being able
to quick charge, You could change
batteries, That isn't always easy though!
So I guess I am quick charging!

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[RCSE] Thanks

2001-06-13 Thread Charles Miller

Thanks Jack!
Thanks for the application site for the nat's!!!

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[RCSE] Twin Jet!

2001-05-10 Thread Charles Miller

Well the Twin Jet still rocks!

I really didn't want to test the durability of this fun model. But I did
in a manuver comming out of inverted. Thought I had the room.
Didn't!!!It hit level in weeds.. No damage to frame! All though I
did take the speed controll out. I guess thats the price you pay when
tha battery is aft!... So Karlton if you see this I need another 40 amp
speed controll hahahahahah!
Yesterday due to the other speed controller I installed... The engines
cut out when I was doing a go around.. It landed flat but
cartwheeled...  Still no damage to frame.. Impressive!
I don't want to do anymore test!  But so far ,, so good!

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[RCSE] Electrics @ gliderfield

2001-05-04 Thread Charles Miller

I don't think its an issue as to who is able to fly where... It's an
issue of if the land owner, or nearby residents protest electric then we
have to stop.. It's not worth loosing a field over I have a place
where I can fly everything at one location if I choose The power
Co-operation is the best thing...

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[RCSE] Kids are the future!!!

2001-03-30 Thread Charles Miller

I see some comments about keeping people int he dark about r/c,,, Well
if we dont teach kids, then who will doing this hobby when we are old
and out of it
We ALLWAYS  encourage young kids to give it a try.. Let them fly the
slope combat wing.. They really pick it up fast !! And they can crash
many times and just try it again.. The foam wing has been a great
learning tool
We have one kid in our club that is prety awsome.His name is Joe. In
fact we could be in trouble!! He just turned 10 I think.. He flies an
Eclipes Yup!! And he did prety well at Phoenix
So to shrug away the youth fromt his sport would be like stepping on our
own toes.
But good positive imput to the observers that are either curious,, or
interested is a good thing Our image is very important to the
community.. If we turn into a bunch of erogant jerks,, Well why would
they want us aroung thier neighborhood???

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2001-03-29 Thread Charles Miller

The times they are a changin (Bob Dylan)

Lots of interesting comments concerning the rule (or proposed rule
I think it will be something we will have to address. Go with the flow!
Make it work!! If  we want to fly F3J.
I know everyone isn't into F3J,  But for us who are? Good positive
consideration is needed..

I will agree! It is a bit over reacting to shut down everything because
on one incident. Stuff happens in all sports and hobbies It is very
unfortunate that this happened.. I feel for the friends and family !
This is to allot of people just a hobby..  This isn't suppose to happen!

But when you get a bunch of very competitive pilots together and compete
at a fairly aggressive level. Then its a sport...
Personally I think there are a few more possibilities of something
happening with two men towing. Either apposeing tow's , Or formation

There is allot of change going on in our sport.. Look at hand launch!
The International will be a whole new ball game this year... Something
to try and keep up with!!!

The gliders for Unlimited,F3J,F3b they all change,, Another thing to
keep up with,,

Glider clubs loosing their fields all over the country... Another thing
to keep up with,,,

I think this sport could be in danger due to lack of land !!!  Its just
to pricey to have for a hobby!!!
Or someone just doesn't like it So move it!!  People can be that
way.. Hell! we get people who build a house next to an airport and then
complain about the noise!!  Want to move the airport!!

So it seems like we are at the mercy of many things that can effect
us.  We need to adjust the best we can. Or we may just go nuts!


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[RCSE] Euro Trash!!

2001-02-12 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning
I guess people should know that in the full scale glider world... The
Germans have it !!!  Look at the most competitive gliders of the world,,
They are German!!!  My glider ASW20,, German
This has something to do with liability of the product... Well that's
one thing... It seems like the Americans can't afford the liability... I
am sure they could come up with something competitive...
But this goes way back in history,, The Germans are the pioneer's of
Quality and performance

I don't think we should bash the Euro gliders. Maybe we should make more
effort in producing competitive gliders I fly an Emerald...Saphire,,
American But I have Euro stuff to.Xantipa, Eraser Extreme!!. I
appreciate all of them. And look at them simply as gliders... No
Judgment! The way I look at it? All the more power to them ! We have
the same opportunity to come up with a better idea..
I will also drive a Toyota until the Americans can beat that!!

Another point is. What do we like?? How use to a model are we??? The
contests show that it really doesn't matter what we fly,, They all seem
to win! The pilot ofcorse has everything to do with that
Lots of people think if they get a new state of the art glider that it
will give them big advantages ,,, Maybe??
I have seen Novice pilots get new gliders. Only to watch them beat them
up. Not really seeing the true performance the glider has to offer

I know I get tired of seeing a new glider come out every six months...
Wondering if that's the one?? Well not many prove to be the one, They
kinda come and go,, (like disco)   I got the Emerald because it has been
around for years.. (like an old Neil Young song)  It works!!  I got the
Xantipa because of it's flying characteristics..And the wing is
beautiful!! It still is one of my favorite gliders to fly. I still have
three!  The Xantipa didn't hit the top ten. But until you fly one your
missing out on a good fun glider

I just like Models that fly well,,
I don't care who makes them!!


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[RCSE] Radio???

2000-12-21 Thread Charles Miller

Yes the radio is a sailplane radio BUT you have to use a Y harness for
flaps :( on the Cockpit MM.
So then you can't adjust each flap independently?   I guess
mechanically you could

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[RCSE] Virus????

2000-12-18 Thread Charles Miller

Hey Guys
I didin't mean to send that out,,, According to my server.. The virus
was sent by the original person that sent the landings, a waste of
time I got that this morning... I am useing my office computer
today no Virus here.. I forget the name of the guy who sent the
original Landings,, a waste of time.
Again sorry
I think I will just throw my home computer away,,, Its very old

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[RCSE] Tragic!!!

2000-12-06 Thread Charles Miller

I have thought allot about my high start coming out at the stake end. I
use the strong Holiday rubber. I pull back very hard on this.  I don't
know if I could react if it broke?  I use the bullet ends on them, they
could probably get moving!!!

I like the idea of a parachute at that end...
Something to slow it down... I think an oversized chute would be my

Thanks for that idea. To bad it took an incident...My sympathy goes out
to the families...

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[RCSE] Cold Temps?Flying

2000-12-05 Thread Charles Miller

I did notice that my Battery I keep int he back of my truck dosn't last
nearly as long this time of year, It is one of them jumper boxes that
mechanics use... This normally lasts allmost a month... That is
chargeing everyday.
This time of year it may go two weeks So batteries are an issue..

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[RCSE] Thermals?Winter?

2000-11-30 Thread Charles Miller

Good point about the lift at any temp!!
I fly full scale gliders... One thing that we allways need to know is
the laps rate...  What is the laps rate???
When the air at altitude is cooler as you go higher.. the thermals will
rise through that air faster, and with more intensity. Hot air rises
through cold air , better than through warmer or hotter air
In Colorado.. With all the sun days we get. we do have heat building up
,,, The spring , Fall season is the best for max thermals...
As far as models go.. and the low altitudes we fly. I am not sure we
need the max laps rate for good lift
But the more I fly R/C Gliders , the more amazed I am as to how much
lift there is out there on a regular basis...
I also agree, I am ready for the southwest

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[RCSE] Temps?Equipment???

2000-11-30 Thread Charles Miller

Thats a very gray area The cold !!
I have been lucky so far.. I have not had any problems,,And I have
gotten my glider really ,, really cold!!
But it is definatly something to think about ok I thought about
it,, I just gotta fly!

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[RCSE] Question?

2000-11-10 Thread Charles Miller

When I purchased a Spectre I was told that the Monarch would be
discontinued,,, I have monarchs,,, I really like this ship,,
I saw on DJ's website that the Monarch is offered
Whats up???

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[RCSE] Makeing A Living with Models?

2000-11-09 Thread Charles Miller

Concideriing how much I have spent on models, Support equipment..
Airfares to contests.. Hotel ,Food,  buying goodies at the contest..
Someone is making a dime or two, But I think it's spread out so much , I
don't think there are too many shops going to DisneyLand all to soon...
But I am thankfull they are all out there waiting to take my money.

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[RCSE] RES????

2000-10-12 Thread Charles Miller

It seems to me that there are some people out there that want WIN!! At
any cost...
So lets put hundreds of dollars into an RES, and go fly against Gentle
ladies!!!How can a pilot feel good about that   Where is the
sportsmanship in fair play???
I think this is forcing another class.. OPEN RESWOOD RES???
I think if your that serious about having the best, latest greatest
ship. go with unlimited!!!

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[RCSE] Soggy Servo's??

2000-09-26 Thread Charles Miller

I prefer servo's that won't get soggy with milk You know,, the
crunchy ones...

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[RCSE] EPP????

2000-09-25 Thread Charles Miller

Hi Folks
Needing some EPP foam.. cutting small wings,,
Any help would be appreciated

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[RCSE] Airtronics!

2000-09-22 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning
Seems to me that Airtronics has the market flooded.. In the glider area
for sure!!  At contests, I have never seen so many Airtronics radio's in
my life!!!
I have used Airtronics for ten years.. Mostly for my powered stuff..
When I got a Stylist , I was very impressed. I have three now... You
can't have too many!!
I think it will be a long time before any radio will be more popular
than the Airtronics,.
They just WORK

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[RCSE] Skeggs?

2000-09-20 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning
I have decided to make my skeggs,, I can get more variety this way, I
can get ugly,, Or just enough for conditions... I have tried waxing the
nose . then trying to lay it up. I just don't know about this, I may be
using the wrong kind of resin/?? Would this make all the difference???
Or would good epoxy be ok??
I was curious as to using a condom on the nose,, Tape it on tight, lay
up the skegg. then it should remove easily.. Off the wall idea, But it
sounds like it should work... I want the skegg to fit over the nose a
bit. then tape should hold it on just behind the skegg.
Any input would be appreciated.

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[RCSE] F3B Rule Violation!!!

2000-09-08 Thread Charles Miller

Good Morning
Well there seems to be some controversy about whether or not Daryl Broke
a rule
I am not up on all the rules, so could someone state the exact rule
(no opinions please, Just facts)
Can you change gliders? or parts? during a round?? between rounds
I think if everyone on this exchange understood the exact violation, we
could make a better decision about this issue. I feel there are some
fans. or friends that would overlook this , just to see him get on the
team. And that's going to happen. I on the other hand would like to base
this on fact

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[RCSE] Nats 2000

2000-07-27 Thread Charles Miller

I would also like to know the results for all the events up to date,, I
have team members there, and am interested in how they are doing...I
know this isn't the worlds,, but it is important to me...

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2000-07-05 Thread Charles Miller

So far so good,
Keep up the good work guys
oh., and dusty,, lets get the lead out..
today i wore my f3j team shirt in support,, a spiritual support if you

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Re: [RCSE] How do you charge the battery that charges the batteries?

2000-04-06 Thread Charles Miller

interstate batterie's makes a nice charger for that 12 , 7.2  i think it's around 40 
to 50 bucks.,
works great,, use it all the time another idea is to get one of them jump start 
car batteries,, they come with a charger and
have 250 cold cranking amps. it lasts a very long time.. about 90 to 120 bucks... it 
has a cigarette lighter hole,, ou charge it
through that,, and you can plug in your chargers there. or anything else

 Don't know if it matters that I use one for starting glow powered planes
 rather then as a recharger, but I just went to Hobbyshack and bought a
 trickle/wall charger for this purpose.

 At 06:26 AM 4/6/00 -0700, Nathan  Marni Woods wrote:
 How do you guys charge the 12V 7.2 Amp gel cell batteries that are used as
 field quick chargers?
 I have a Sirrus Pro series charger and a Panasonic 12V 7.2 Amp gel cell
 battery.  I can no longer charge my tx packs and rx packs take forever.
 I assume it's because the current or voltage in the gel cell has been overly
 depleted.  How do I charge the gel cell?
 Nathan Woods
 Orange CA.
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 OnTheWay Quake 2 server utility:   http://www.planetquake.com/ontheway
 The Unoffical Extra 300 Home Page: http://www.bayarea.net/~nathan/extra300/
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[RCSE] the wing is the thing!!

2000-03-08 Thread Charles Miller

well i think the wing is not an aggressive full out combat ship. it;s a
great flyin ship, there are several friends of mine that got attracted
to the wing, they are hang glider pilots, not r/c pilots, they look like
hang gliders in the air... they got boomerangs and are haveing a ball
with them..they picked it up right away. they aren't hard to fly in
anyones oppinion.i remember the first time i flew one, i thought. whats
the big deal? they practicaly fly themselves we have been getting
young people in their teens to try it, and they are doin well in just a
few minutes in some cases,, they are perfect for teaching young people
about soaring, they fly well, they can't really get hurt no matter what
they do, so we can get them back in the air in a matter of minutesi
think the hardest concept for them is not the flying of the ship, but
understanding how to work ridge lift, once they get that,, they have no
problem...they are in my oppinion meant for one thing,, combat!!! but
you can just fly them around and have fun if you like.. i also have a
mad p-111, now that is much more of a hand full , and you need lots more
air but it gets with the program real well..
well thats my take
soar on people

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[RCSE] hey

2000-01-28 Thread Charles Miller

would mark howard please e-mail me i must have your old address

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Re: [RCSE] Is list down?

1999-08-18 Thread Charles Miller

gee, by the looks of it, i should start an airage anonimous club, everyone seems to be 
quite addicted , and when the mails don't
come through.. everyone freaks out
just an observation


 Is the list down?  I havnt recieved any messages in 2 days

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