Re: [sqlalchemy] Handling detached instances

2014-10-01 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 30 Sep 2014, at 23:18, tonthon wrote:
 I didn't knew merge was supposes to be used in such a case, it works like a 
 Following that tip, I've added this decorator :
  def cache_wrapper(func):   
   ensure a model returned from a cached function is attached to the 
  current session  
  def cached_func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): 

  obj = func(*args, **kwargs)   

  if object_session(obj) is None and has_identity(obj): 

  obj = DBSESSION().merge(obj)  

  return obj

  return cached_func_wrapper  

Keep in mind that merge can still hit your SQL database to refresh and 
attributes. If you know your cache is not stale you will want to use the 
load=False parameter for merge() to prevent that from happening.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] too many SQL variables in in_

2014-09-13 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 13 Sep 2014, at 11:25, pyArchInit ArcheoImagineers 
 Il giorno giovedì 11 settembre 2014 18:39:24 UTC+2, Jonathan Vanasco ha 
 i once thought about extending SqlAlchemy to handle this issue behind the 
 scenes, but each database treats `IN()` differently.  for example: oracle 
 maxes out at a number of elements, while mysql maxes out based on the size of 
 the overall statement (which is configured on the server).  it's too much 
 work to limit this in sqlalchemy, as these limits change across servers.  [ i 
 forget what postgres maxed out on, i think it was a hard number too.]
 the workaround I used was to just build a query-base, and then run multiple 
 selects with a single `IN` within a for-loop which appends to a list.  i 
 found that performance to be much better than chaining multiple `IN()` with 
 My problem is to find a dataset of more than 999 records and sort all through 
 ORDER BY statement. How can I use multiple selects and order all records?

You can try a different approach, such as creating a (temporary table) which 
you fill with all your ids, and then do a SQL statement with something like 
WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM temp_table); That bypasses any limits in the IN 


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Re: [sqlalchemy] How can I make a rollback in a sequence?

2014-08-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

 On 20 Aug 2014, at 20:02, Rafael Henrique da Silva Correia wrote:
 Hi !
 I have a block of code similar to this I made to test:
 def TEST():
 teste = Test(descricao=str('wololo'))
 except IntegrityError, e:
 print e.message
 I dont receive any error BUUUTT my sequence increases even in a case except

That’s just how PostgreSQL works. From the PostgreSQL documentation:

Important: To avoid blocking concurrent transactions that obtain numbers from 
the same sequence, a nextval operation is never rolled back; that is, once a 
value has been fetched it is considered used, even if the transaction that did 
the nextval later aborts. This means that aborted transactions might leave 
unused holes in the sequence of assigned values.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Session.execute() calls aren't committing...

2014-04-17 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 17 Apr 2014, at 04:43, Chip Kellam wrote:

 I have an application in which I primarily rely on MySQL/InnoDB and using the 
 SQLAlchemy ORM and leveraging the transaction python module.  Everything is 
 My problem is that, try as I might, using code similar to the following, I 
 can't get the transaction to commit:
 with transaction.manager:
 session.execute(INSERT INTO table (c1, c2) VALUES (v1, v2))
 All I get is a rollback.  Is there a pre-defined way to do this with issuing 
 raw SQL BEGIN/END statements?

From the zope.sqlalchemy documentation at :

By default, zope.sqlalchemy puts sessions in an 'active' state when they are 
first used. ORM write operations automatically move the session into a 
'changed' state. This avoids unnecessary database commits. Sometimes it is 
necessary to interact with the database directly through SQL. It is not 
possible to guess whether such an operation is a read or a write. Therefore we 
must manually mark the session as changed when manual SQL statements write to 
the DB.

Which you do like this:

from zope.sqlalchemy import mark_changed


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Re: [sqlalchemy] celery and race conditions

2014-04-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 15 Apr 2014, at 01:12, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

 i've got that now as a stopgap; i was hoping someone has better ideas.  i 
 don't like the idea of a post-commit hook, because i fear requesting the 
 celery task request will create an error.  I really don't want to build 
 `transaction` support for celery, but i might need to.

That isn't an uncommon scenario; I touched upon that in as well. For rq I am using a variant 
of . One extra problem you need to 
take into account is that you are likely to run into problems when one of the 
arguments is a SQLAlchemy ORM instance: when your function is later run in 
another process that instance won't be associated with the current session, so 
you need to merge it.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] defining a relationship with IS NOT

2014-04-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 15 Apr 2014, at 13:25, Richard Gerd Kuesters 

 interesting, i didn't knew that :D
 i was using shomething like (for softwares such as st2, which has pep8 
 ## variables
 NULL = None  # f**k pep-8
 TRUE = True  # f**k pep-8
 FALSE = False  # f**k pep-8

You can also use sqlalchemy.sql.null(), sqlalchemy.sql.true() and 


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Re: [sqlalchemy] query returns sqlalchemy.util._collections.KeyedTuple. not a maped class instance

2014-04-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 15 Apr 2014, at 13:06, robert wrote:

 Hi there,
 I m using SQLAlchemy V. 8.6 together with geomalcheny 2.4a second I get a call
 I have a a mapped class:
 # tblKey2goGdataLocation
 class tblKey2goGdataLocation(Base):
__tablename__ = tblKey2goGdataLocation
id =  Column(Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
location = Column(Geometry('Point'))
name = Column( Text )
description = Column( Text )
location_type = Column( Integer )
companies = relation(
secondary= tblCompanyLocation.__table__,
 I try to retrieve an maped instance  using this query:
 q = session.query(tblKey2goGdataLocation.__table__)
 c = tblKey2goGdataLocation.__table__.c
 q = q.filter(c['id'] == 123)
 result = q.first()
 now result is of type:
 class 'sqlalchemy.util._collections.KeyedTuple'

Because you are asking SQLALchemy to return a table object from its query, 
which is a somewhat odd thing to do. I'm surprised it actually returns anything 
at all :). Since id is your primary key you can just do this:

result = session.query(tblKey2goGdataLocation).get(123)

This also won't do an extra SQL query if that object already happens to have 
been loaded during the current session. if you want to filter on other columns 
use the filter() method instead:

result = session.query(tblKey2goGdataLocation).filter( 
== 123).first()


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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy 0.9.1 released

2014-01-07 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 08 Jan 2014, at 01:26, limodou wrote:

 But I don't know why make this decision. Because where NULL will get 
 nothing. And in 0.8.X version, I need to combine multiple condition according 
 user input to one condition, so my code just like:
 cond = None
 for c in conditions:
 cond = c  cond

Why don’t you change the initial value to true() instead of None? If I read the 
documentation correctly that should work correctly in both SQLAlchemy versions.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] PostgreSQL: interval columns, values measured in months or years

2013-12-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 25 Dec 2013, at 00:27, David Bolen wrote:

 Sibylle Koczian writes:
 Exactly, that's it. The stackoverflow discussion was very instructive,
 thank you! I'll try out psycopg2-dateutils.
 I'm a big fan of dateutil.  If you do use it, you may also choose to
 bypass the use of timedelta entirely, since as you've seen it can fail
 to accurately represent the database value (timedelta only has days,
 minutes and seconds as components).
 For example, I use the code below to map PostgreSQL interval columns
 directly to dateutil's relativedelta subclass.

How does your code differ from ?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] PostgreSQL: interval columns, values measured in months or years

2013-12-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 24 Dec 2013, at 08:11, Laurence Rowe wrote:
 Postgres' INTERVAL supports deltas of quantities other than days, +1 month 
 may mean 28/29/30/31 days depending on the month. From,
  dateutil has support for a richer relativedelta type and this can configure 
 it on the psycopg2 level:

In theory that works. Unfortunately the psycopg2-dateutils is two years old and 
still not installable due to a bug in its


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Using session.execute to bulk-insert into MySQL

2013-10-02 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On Oct 2, 2013, at 3:53 AM, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

 do you recall if `flush()` initiated 'mark_changed' at some point in history? 
  i thought it did.

I'm pretty sure it never did that.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Using session.execute to bulk-insert into MySQL

2013-10-01 Thread Wichert Akkerman
This message did not make it to the list last time, lets see if it work now..

On Sep 29, 2013, at 2:41 PM, Roman Iten wrote:

 I started a pyramid project using the alchemy scaffold (includes 
 ZopeTransactionExtension to scope sessions to requests, see [1]).
 Trying to insert many 'shots' into a MySQL database with a single SQL 
 statement, I implemented the following view:
 DBSession = scoped_session(
 def upload_view(request):
  shotlist = []
  # The transaction is only committed if this line is enabled:
  # DBSession.add(Shot(score=42))
[shot.__dict__ for shot in shotlist])
  return Response('OK')
 But the transaction is not committed. I discovered that the transaction is 
 committed only if I call add() on DBSession (all five shots are inserted 

That is expected behaviour: zope.sqlalchemy can only detect changes when you 
use the ORM. If you execute statements directly you need to tell 
zope.sqlalchemy explicitly that a change was made in the session. This is done 
via mark_changed:

  from zope.sqlalchemy import mark_changed

For more information see the zope.sqlalchemy documentation at 


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Re: [sqlalchemy] possible bug in InstrumentedAttribute.__delete__?

2013-07-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On Jul 13, 2013, at 22:59, Michael Bayer wrote:
 The original intent of default for Column is that it acts exactly like 
 server_default, except it runs on the Python side for the case that your 
 schema wasn't created with this default, or the functionality of your default 
 is not supported by the database.  But otherwise, just like a 
 server_default, the value is None on the Python side until the INSERT 

For what it's worth I forget that all the time and end up flushing objects out 
just to get the default values right.

 Really, a better solution here would be an ORM-level default, that's what 
 you've implemented anyway.

In order to keep things pythonic I wonder if this should just be left as 
default arguments for the constructor. If everyone would do this:

class Foo(Base):
   start_end = sa.Column(sa.Timestamp())

   def __init__(self, start_end=datetime(2001, 2, 3), **kw):
   Base.__init__(self, start_end. **kw)

This is standard python and easy to read. For association tables you already 
need to do this, either this way or by supplying a factory function, so the 
step to doing it for other objects is not that big. The downside is that the 
default value is now at a different place than the column definition, but it 
does make it very clear that this operates at the Python object level instead 
of the core SQL level.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] between .one() and .first()

2013-06-17 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On Jun 17, 2013, at 08:58 , Chris Withers wrote:

 Hi All,
 I seems to commonly need to do a query which should return zero or one mapped 
 .one() isn't what I want as no returned object is ok.
 .first() isn't what I want as if my query would return more than one object, 
 I have the query wrong and so want an exception.
 Is there something already available that meets this need?

This will requrie you to run a query which limits the result to max 2 rows so 
you can check if more than one result would be returned. I would just create a 
simple wrapper function:

def one_optional(query):
rows = query.limit(2).all()
count = len(rows)
if count == 0:
return None
elif count == 1:
return rows[0]
raise RuntimeError('More than one result found.')


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Re: [sqlalchemy] sqlalchemy does not enforce foreign key constraint

2013-05-23 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On May 23, 2013, at 07:16 , Shyam Purkayastha wrote:
 I am trying to play with the sql alchemy ORM based db definition with an 
 inmemory sqlite db.

SQLite does not enforce foreign key constraints unless you manually tell it to. 
You can do that with a PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON statement. See section two of for the exact details.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Relate to Object by Two Refs

2013-05-16 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On May 16, 2013, at 03:09 , Ji Zhang wrote:

 Say I have a Request model and User model:
 class Request(Base):
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   user_id = Column(Integer)
   admin_id = Column(Integer)
 class User(Base):
   id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   username = Column(String)
 The Request is created by a user (User) and get verified by an admin (also a 
 User). How to get both request.user and request.admin?

You will need to specify the foreign keys used for the relation ship:

class Request(Base):
user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
user = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[user_id])
admin_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
admin = relationship(User, foreign_keys=[admin_id])

You can find more details in the SQLAlchemy documentation:


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[sqlalchemy] Using a UUID as primary key

2013-05-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman
I was looking at using a UUID as primary key for a table. Using the 
backend-agnostic GUID type from
 I get strange behaviour though. I whipped up a simple test case:

class Data(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'data'
uuid = Column(GUID(), primary_key=True)

session = sessionmaker(autocommit=False)()

uuid = 'ac4daeff-3af3-4b83-b8c7-3aa34e34151c'
obj = Data(uuid=uuid)
assert session.query(Data).get(uuid) is obj
assert session.query(Data).filter(Data.uuid == uuid).first()  is obj

Both asserts fail when I do this. The problem appears to be conversion from to 
a uuid.UUID instance in GUID.process_result_value: this always creates a new 
UUID instance, which probably causes a miss when SQLAlchemy tries to find an 
instance in its identify map.

Is this a bug in the GUID example in the documentation, or is this something 
that can be improved in the identity map?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Using a UUID as primary key

2013-05-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman
For reference I have attached a complete test case including a copy of the GUID 
code from the documentation.

On May 6, 2013, at 23:22, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

 I was looking at using a UUID as primary key for a table. Using the 
 backend-agnostic GUID type from
  I get strange behaviour though. I whipped up a simple test case:
 class Data(BaseObject):
 __tablename__ = 'data'
 uuid = Column(GUID(), primary_key=True)
 session = sessionmaker(autocommit=False)()
 uuid = 'ac4daeff-3af3-4b83-b8c7-3aa34e34151c'
 obj = Data(uuid=uuid)
 assert session.query(Data).get(uuid) is obj
 assert session.query(Data).filter(Data.uuid == uuid).first()  is obj
 Both asserts fail when I do this. The problem appears to be conversion from 
 to a uuid.UUID instance in GUID.process_result_value: this always creates a 
 new UUID instance, which probably causes a miss when SQLAlchemy tries to find 
 an instance in its identify map.
 Is this a bug in the GUID example in the documentation, or is this something 
 that can be improved in the identity map?

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On May 6, 2013, at 23:22, Wichert Akkerman wrote:I was looking at using a UUID as primary key for a table. Using the backend-agnostic GUID type from get strange behaviour though. I whipped up a simple test case:class Data(BaseObject):  __tablename__ = 'data'  uuid = Column(GUID(), primary_key=True)metadata.create_all()session = sessionmaker(autocommit=False)()uuid = 'ac4daeff-3af3-4b83-b8c7-3aa34e34151c'obj = Data(uuid=uuid)session.add(obj)assert session.query(Data).get(uuid) is objassert session.query(Data).filter(Data.uuid == uuid).first() is objBoth asserts fail when I do this. The problem appears to be conversion from to a uuid.UUID instance in GUID.process_result_value: this always creates a new UUID instance, which probably causes a miss when SQLAlchemy tries to find an instance in its identify map.Is this a bug in the GUID example in the documentation, or is this something that can be improved in the identity map?Wichert.from uuid import UUID
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql

metadata = MetaData(bind=create_engine('sqlite://'))
BaseObject = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

class GUID(TypeDecorator):
Platform-independent GUID type.

Uses Postgresql's UUID type, otherwise uses CHAR(36), storing as
stringified hex values.

This implementation is based on the SQLAlchemy 
`backend-agnostic GUID Type`_

impl = CHAR

def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect):
if == 'postgresql':
return dialect.type_descriptor(postgresql.UUID())
return dialect.type_descriptor(CHAR(36))

def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
if value is None:
return value
elif == 'postgresql':
return str(value)
if not isinstance(value, UUID):
return str(UUID(value))
# hexstring
return str(value)

def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
if value is None:
return value
return UUID(value)

class Data(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'data'
uuid = Column(GUID(), primary_key=True)

session = sessionmaker(autocommit=False)()

uuid = 'ac4daeff-3af3-4b83-b8c7-3aa34e34151c'
obj = Data(uuid=uuid)
assert session.query(Data).get(uuid) is obj
assert session.query(Data).filter(Data.uuid == uuid).first()  is obj

Re: [sqlalchemy] SA 0.8.0 UnicodeDecodeError with Postgres 9.1.9

2013-04-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On Apr 19, 2013, at 08:54 , Andreas Jung wrote:

 Problem seems to be related how I moved the database (pg_dump + pg_restore).
 After moving the database files directory I can no longer reproduce this 

I would guess you loaded your database dump into a database with a different 
encoding, which is an easy to make and common mistake.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] updating with a Session ?

2013-02-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On Feb 6, 2013, at 03:05 , Jonathan Vanasco wrote:

 I use SqlAlchemy in a Pyramid app.  All my models, connections, etc
 are within and set up by Pyramid.
 I'm trying to do a maintenance script, and am a bit confused.
 In my script, thanks to a bootstraped commandline Pyramid feature, i
 have a Session which can query objects.  great.
 results = dbSession.query( model.core.Useraccount )\
 here's my problem.  i want to do execute a command like this:
 stmt =   model.core.Useraccount.update()\
.where( list_of_uids ) )\
.values( last_login = 'now()' )
 I'm not actually updating the last_login field. just using this as an

Is your problem possibly that you are not commiting your changes? Without that 
your transaction is aborted when your script ends. Try adding this at the end 
of your script:

   import transaction

and see if that helps.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Docs in PDF are not being generated

2013-01-30 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On Jan 30, 2013, at 17:53 , Michael Bayer wrote:
 I've asked people before about this seemingly ridiculous generate twice 
 requirement of LaTeX and I get these incredulous answers like why? what's 
 wrong with running it twice?, as though I'm being unreasonable.

It is an artefact if how TeX works: it makes a single pass over your document, 
so if it is missing something that is defined later, like TOC entries, it can't 
fill them in and skips them. It does write status files during processing so 
that a later run will have the missing information. In some case you may even 
need to run it more than two times to get page number references to stabilise. 
This strategy was probably an excellent choice in the late 70s / early 80s when 
TeX was created and memory was a scarce resource.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Couple of questions about filtering...

2013-01-22 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On Jan 22, 2013, at 08:26 , Alexey Vihorev wrote:

 Hi. Couple of questions...
 1. Does SQLA support deep filtering, i.e. something like this:

You'll need to use a join to do this:

query(Invoice).join(Customer).join(Country).filter( == 'France')

 2.Can I use hybrid properties for filtering? I tried to do that, but that’s 
 what I got:
 p = Person('John', 'Doe')
 res = s.query(Person).filter(Person.full_name=='John Doe').all()
 Person.first_name Person.last_name

Note that you never added p to the session, so it was never stored. Try this:

p = Person('John', 'Doe')
print s.query(Person).all()


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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy 0.8.0b2 released

2012-12-16 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On Dec 14, 2012, at 22:11, Michael Bayer wrote:
 But the effect of only publishing 0.8.0b1 on Sourceforge was that I didn't 
 get the impression that we had so many people going out and testing the beta 
 as we normally do.  I was reminded by Chris McDonough that a project which 
 really can't afford to jump to 0.8 on an automatic basis should have a 
 requirement set up to keep them on 0.7.   So we'll see how it goes -if your 
 project needs to stay on 0.7, *please* set up a requirement for SQLAlchemy  
 0.8 in your requirements.txt and/or install_requires.  Otherwise, you'll be 
 a beta tester for 0.8.0b2.

There is a small problem here: 0.8b2  0.8 with python's versioning rules. 
There is an alternative spelling though: use SQLAlchemy  0.8dev to make sure 
all pre-releases for 0.8 are also rejected.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] mixing association proxies and mixin classes

2012-06-21 Thread Wichert Akkerman

That works like a charm, thanks!

On 06/21/2012 12:46 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

do it like this for now:

class FilterMixin(object):
 def _filters(cls):
 cls.filters = association_proxy('_filters', 'filter')
 return relationship(cls.filter_class,

there's a patch for 0.8 only in .

On Jun 20, 2012, at 1:13 PM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

I am struggling a little bit with mixin classes. The pattern I am trying to 
implement is a mixin-class that adds a list of validated search queries to a 
model. A minimised version of the code is below. The problem I am running into 
is that putting an association_proxy on a mixin class does not appear to work 
here: it always picks the first seen class type to create new values instead of 
picking up what the relationship of the current instance requires. With the 
example below that results in this error:

AssertionError: Attribute '_filters' on class 'class '__main__.TypeB'' doesn't 
handle objects of type'class '__main__.FilterA''

My initial though was that this might be fixed by making the association_proxy 
instance itself a declared_attr, but that results in other problems.

Is there an alternative way to implement this, or is this a bug in the 
declarative logic?

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

metadata = MetaData()
BaseObject = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

class BaseFilter(BaseObject):
__abstract__ = True

id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
filter = Column(UnicodeText(), nullable=False)

def __tablename__(cls):
return '%s_filter' % cls.parent_tablename

def parent_id(cls):
return Column(Integer(),
ForeignKey('' % cls.parent_tablename,
ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE'),
nullable=False, index=True)

def __init__(self, filter, **kw):
super(BaseFilter, self).__init__(filter=filter, **kw)

def validate_filter(self, key, value):
assert len(value)   2
return value

class FilterA(BaseFilter):
parent_tablename = 'type_a'

class FilterB(BaseFilter):
parent_tablename = 'type_b'

class FilterMixin(object):
def _filters(cls):
return relationship(cls.filter_class,

filters = association_proxy('_filters', 'filter')

#def filters(cls):
#return association_proxy('_filters', 'filter')

class TypeA(BaseObject, FilterMixin):
__tablename__ = 'type_a'
filter_class = FilterA
id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

class TypeB(BaseObject, FilterMixin):
__tablename__ = 'type_b'
filter_class = FilterB
id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

engine = create_engine('sqlite://')
metadata.bind = engine
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()


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[sqlalchemy] mixing association proxies and mixin classes

2012-06-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman
I am struggling a little bit with mixin classes. The pattern I am trying 
to implement is a mixin-class that adds a list of validated search 
queries to a model. A minimised version of the code is below. The 
problem I am running into is that putting an association_proxy on a 
mixin class does not appear to work here: it always picks the first seen 
class type to create new values instead of picking up what the 
relationship of the current instance requires. With the example below 
that results in this error:

AssertionError: Attribute '_filters' on class 'class '__main__.TypeB'' doesn't 
handle objects of type'class '__main__.FilterA''

My initial though was that this might be fixed by making the 
association_proxy instance itself a declared_attr, but that results in 
other problems.

Is there an alternative way to implement this, or is this a bug in the 
declarative logic?

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr

metadata = MetaData()
BaseObject = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

class BaseFilter(BaseObject):
__abstract__ = True

id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
filter = Column(UnicodeText(), nullable=False)

def __tablename__(cls):
return '%s_filter' % cls.parent_tablename

def parent_id(cls):
return Column(Integer(),
ForeignKey('' % cls.parent_tablename,
ondelete='CASCADE', onupdate='CASCADE'),
nullable=False, index=True)

def __init__(self, filter, **kw):
super(BaseFilter, self).__init__(filter=filter, **kw)

def validate_filter(self, key, value):
assert len(value)  2
return value

class FilterA(BaseFilter):
parent_tablename = 'type_a'

class FilterB(BaseFilter):
parent_tablename = 'type_b'

class FilterMixin(object):
def _filters(cls):
return relationship(cls.filter_class,

filters = association_proxy('_filters', 'filter')

#def filters(cls):
#return association_proxy('_filters', 'filter')

class TypeA(BaseObject, FilterMixin):
__tablename__ = 'type_a'
filter_class = FilterA
id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

class TypeB(BaseObject, FilterMixin):
__tablename__ = 'type_b'
filter_class = FilterB
id = Column(Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

engine = create_engine('sqlite://')
metadata.bind = engine
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()


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Re: [sqlalchemy] How to (quick) check if a table exists in schema?

2012-04-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 04/25/2012 03:57 PM, Massi wrote:

Hi everyone,

in my script I have to deal with a huge database with thousands of
tables. Given a table name (a python string) I would have to now if
such a table exists or not. Up to now I have written this function:

def DBGetTableByName(table_name) :
 metadata = MetaData(engine)
 try :
 table = Table(table_name, metadata, autoload=True)
 return table
 except NoSuchTableError :
 return None

I use its return value to check if the table exists, but the problem
is that it is too slow. Since I have to repeat this operation several
times I wonder if there is a faster (and smarter) way to perform this
Any hints?

Use the inspector:

from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector

inspector = Inspector.from_engine(engine)
print table_name in inspector.get_table_names()

You can find the documentation here:


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Re: [sqlalchemy] stucco_evolution 0.4 released

2012-04-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 04/19/2012 07:43 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
If you've seen my recent talks you saw that I'm a little skeptical of 
what you're terming non-monolithic databases.Let's say this 
means, a database with a set of tables maintained by entirely 
different packages, but with the possibility of dependencies between 
those tables.If I understand correctly, if we were dealing with 
sets of tables that didn't have any dependency, you wouldn't need a 
distributed migration tool, each package would handle migrations for 
its own set of tables independently, is that right ?

That suggests that every package would have its own migration tool, 
which is not very practical from a sysadmin point of view. I am an 
upgrading an application I want to be able to run all necessary 
migrations for all components of an application in one run. I do not 
want to be required to figure out which packages an application was 
running and then migrate them all separately. So I definitely see a need 
for an upgrade framework that can deal with multiple packages.

I think what I need to see here are, what exactly are these packages, 
outside of the Django community, that actually create their own tables 
yet encourage dependencies between those tables and your app's own 
tables ?   I know people are working on them since I see people asking 
questions about those use cases, but what are they ?  What's the 
openid and user/groups package you're thinking of here ?

s4u.image is such an example: . 
That package implements an image store which supports on-demand scaling 
of images. Metadata is stored in a SQL database and commonly you add 
references to images to other tables. Every site we build uses s4u.image 
to manage image handling. This happens to be in-house developed by us, 
but for all intents and purposes it is a third-party package to our 
front-end developers.

In the development world I've always lived in, we just don't have 
third party libraries that bring in their own sub-schemas.  Up until 
now the thinking has been, if it's significant enough that it is part 
of your datamodel, it's part of what you should own yourself, though 
certainly drawing upon past recipes.

I suspect a difference is that we are often building different sites 
that build on shared common functionality. Our main business is building 
sites that deal with online fashion, so everything we build has to deal 
with things like images and clothing articles. The code to handle those 
has been split out to separate packages (s4u.image is one of those) that 
define core datamodels and some logic, and our sites build on those. 
Sometimes we extend the base models, for example when for a particular 
site we need to track extra data for clothing, and sometimes we use the 
base models as-is and reference them directly via relationships and 
foreign keys. That results in an ecosystem of many different packages 
and sites that each have their own evolve in their own way and require 
their own migrations.

When we upgrade a site our process is pretty simple: upgrade version 
pins for buildout, rerun buildout, run upgrade-script, tell mod_wsgi to 
reload. The upgrade-script walks through all migrations from all 
packages a site uses so we have a single interface for administrators to 
upgrade everything. The upgrade framework itself is extremely minimal 
(see ), but works well enough 
for us. Note that we deviate from stucco_evolution in three important 
ways: we do not use versioning but require upgrade steps to test if an 
upgrade is necessary, our upgrade framework is not tied to SQLAlchemy 
but has a more generic requirements-system so you can use it for other 
things (we use it for filesystem changes and SOLR configuration as well 
for example), and it does not support dependencies. Personally I 
consider the first two to be desirable qualities for an upgrade 
framework. Dependencies are something that we will probably need to add 
at some point.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] dogpile.cache 0.1.0 released

2012-04-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2012-4-9 17:28, Michael Bayer wrote:

There's a decent README up now at and 
you can read all the docs at   I'm hoping 
to get some testers and initial feedback.

Can you shed some light on how this differs from retools 
(, other than that 
dogpile does not support redis and retools only supports redis?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] dogpile.cache 0.1.0 released

2012-04-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2012-4-9 18:28, Michael Bayer wrote:

On Apr 9, 2012, at 11:49 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

On 2012-4-9 17:28, Michael Bayer wrote:

There's a decent README up now at and 
you can read all the docs at   I'm hoping 
to get some testers and initial feedback.

Can you shed some light on how this differs from retools 
(, other than that dogpile does 
not support redis and retools only supports redis?

Basically the caching and distributed locking features of retools should be a dogpile 
backend, and in fact they can be if retools wants to publish a dogpile.cache backend.
Though looking at the source he'd have to rip out some more rudimental functions out of 
CacheRegion.load(), which seems to be totally inlined right now.   The redis lock itself 
could be used but needs a wait flag.

Would you also be willing to accept a pull request (assuming you use 
git, otherwise a patch?) that adds a redis backend to dogpile directly?

It seems like we'd almost be better off taking the stats logic wired into 
load and just making that an optional feature of dogpile, so that all the backends 
could get at hit/miss stats equally.  The get/set/lock things i see in retools would only give us 
like a dozen lines of code that can actually be reused, and putting keys into redis and locking are 
obviously almost the same as a memcached backend in any case.   It's just a question of, which 
project wants to maintain the redis backend.

The statistics are certainly very useful.

He appears to have a region invalidate feature taking advantage of being able 
to query across a range in redis, that's not something we can generalize across backends 
so I try not to rely on things like that, but dogpile can expose this feature via the 
backend directly.

Region invalidate is very very useful in my experience: for us it allows 
us to have a management-system invalidate caches for a running website 
without having to make it aware of all the implementation details of the 
site. We can now simple say 'invalidate everything related to magazines' 
instead of invalidating 15 different functions separately (which will 
get out of sync as well).

The function decorators and the dogpile integration in retools are of course 
derived from Beaker the same way dogpile's are and work similarly.  Dogpile's 
schemes are generalized and pluggable.

A problem I have with the Beaker and retools decorators is that they 
make it very hard to include context from a view into a cache key. For 
example for complex views it is very common that you want to cache a 
helper method for the view class, but you want the context and things 
like request.application_url to be part of the cache key, but those are 
never passed to the method. That leads to code like this:

class MyView:
 def _slow_task(self, context_id):
# Do something

 def slow_task(self):
 return self._slow_task(

one approach I used to take was to use a decorator which could take a 
function parameter which returned extra cache keys. You could use that 
like this:

class MyView:
def _cachekey(self, *a, **kw):
return (self.request.application_url,

def slow_task(self):
# Do things here

It seems like Ben stuck with the @decorate(short-term, namespace) model we first did 
in Beaker, whereas with dogpile.cache though the API looks more like flask-cache 
(, where you have a cache object that provides the 

That sounds like the dogpile approach does not supported environments 
where you have multiple copies of the same application in the same 
process space but using different configurations? That's a rare 
situation, but to some people appears to be to important.

Queue/job/etc appears to be something else entirely, I'd ask how that compares 
to celery-redis and other redis-queue solutions.

I can already answer that one :)


Wichert Akkerman   It is simple to make things.  It is hard to make things simple.

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[sqlalchemy] late-binding association proxy fixes error with ordered many-to-many list

2012-02-07 Thread Wichert Akkerman
I have been looking at making an ordered many-to-many list. The example 
from Jason Kirkland from 2008 
) worked, but our version of it did not. I have modified his version 
(see code at the end of the mail) to use declarative syntax to make it 
more similar to others, which ended up revealing something interesting. 
Writing the associationproxy like this:

movies = association_proxy('usermovies', 'movie')

works fine. But writing it like this:

movies = association_proxy(usermovies, 'movie')

which should be identical gives this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File, line 43, inmodule
class User(BaseObject):
  File, line 49, in User
movies = association_proxy(usermovies, 'movie')
 line 76, in association_proxy
return AssociationProxy(target_collection, attr, **kw)
 line 136, in __init__
type(self).__name__, target_collection, id(self))
 line 734, in __str__
return str(self.parent.class_.__name__) + . + self.key
AttributeError: 'RelationshipProperty' object has no attribute 'parent'

I am not sure if that is a bug in SQLAlchemy or a wrong expectation on 
my side.


from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

meta = MetaData('sqlite://')
users = Table('users', meta,
   Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
   Column('name', String(128)))
movies = Table('movies', meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
Column('name', String(128)))
user_movies = Table('user_movies', meta,
 Column('user_id', Integer,
 Column('movies_id', Integer,
 Column('position', Integer))

BaseObject = declarative_base(metadata=meta)

class Movie(BaseObject):
__table__ = movies

def __init__(self, name): = name
def __repr__(self):
return 'Movie %r' %

class UserMovie(BaseObject):
__table__ = user_movies

movie = relation(Movie)

def __init__(self, movie): = movie

class User(BaseObject):
__table__ = users

usermovies = relation(UserMovie, backref='user',
 cascade='all, delete-orphan',
movies = association_proxy('usermovies', 'movie')

session = create_session()
u = User()
u.movies.extend([Movie('a'), Movie('b'), Movie('c')])
print list(
del u.movies[2]
print list(

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Anticipating an IntegrityError before it happens (or noticing it immediately after)

2012-01-22 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2012-1-23 03:23, Jackson, Cameron wrote:

Anyway, it kind of looks to me like any attempt to do this in some sort
of clever automatic way is going to be more trouble than its worth, so I
think I'll just bite the bullet and put backrefs on all of the
relationships that are going to the table in question, and then just
check all of the backrefs before deletion. This was always the most
obvious solution to me, but I was hoping for some perfect magical
function that would do it automatically. One can dream! :)

Doing this by hand is always going to be complex and error-prone I would 
expect. If your backend support it you might be able to get away with 
using savepoints (see ).


Wichert Akkerman   It is simple to make things.  It is hard to make things simple.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] a question about engine in sqlalchemy

2012-01-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2012-1-12 06:55, 贾晓磊 wrote:

hi, all:

when i try to make a connection to my mysql-server with salchemy, a
problem as follows appears:

  from sqlalchemy import *

Try this URL: mysql://pabb:pabb@drone-006/LN_PABB2

See for 
documentation on database URLs.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] migration to trac 0.12

2011-12-30 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 12/30/2011 02:36 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:

Hi all -

Just in the interests of keeping fresh, I've upgraded Trac from 0.11 to 0.12, 
as part of a migration of all of to a new host.  Assuming your 
dns has switched, you'll be browsing around the updated interface which has 
some newer bells and whistles.

Also of note is that I've installed the Trac AccountManager plugin, so that people can 
now create accounts to log in.  The guest login is gone, and I'd like for new 
ticket posters to create accounts, add their email, that way we know who everyone is and 
can do followups and all that.

I have some other tentative plans regarding auth but for now I think this is an 
improvement over just using guest.

It's typical that there are glitches when a hosting move/trac upgrade occurs so 
if anyone has problems let me know !

I don't know if it is related or not, but searching the documentation no 
longer works. This appears to be due to javascript errors. For example 
searchtools.js has this in it:

var stopwords = {{ search_language_stop_words }};

which suggest that some templating step is not being run.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] add results in a python object

2011-11-23 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 11/17/2011 01:42 PM, raulna wrote:


i need save results in a python object from multiples querys, like:

for user in users:
 phones = DBSession.query(Phone).filter('...
  python_object = python_object + phones   ?

How can i append this results in unique object?

The simplest is to fetch all results from a query and concatenate the lists:

results = query_1.all() + query_2.all() + query_3.all()

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Properly handling sessions in rollback

2011-11-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 11/13/2011 06:51 PM, Vlad K. wrote:
Yes, again thanks for joining the topic there. Savepoints are doable 
by zope.transaction I am just not sure to what extent. I can't seem to 
find any docs and I have to walk through the code and not all features 
are commented or docstring'd.

They should be fully supported.

I'm assuming you're mixing the terms ZODB transaction and 
zope.transaction here, as its the latter which integrates with 
SQLAlchemy, from my understanding.  The ZODB is just one of many 
kinds of data sources that can participate in a zope.transaction.

Actually the Transaction package is part of ZODB, at least it is 
listed as such both in the PyPi and any available docs I managed to 
find. There is no zope.transaction package.

transaction was split out from ZODB a while ago. You can use transaction 
with many different backends: ZODB, SQLAlchemy (via zope.sqlalchemy), 
the filesystem (via repoze.filesafe), mongo (via mongopersist) and others.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] default NULL

2011-11-11 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 11/11/2011 11:20 AM, Alex K wrote:

Thanks, but if I need allow nullable primary_keys it not works.
I tried:
user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('', ondelete='SET NULL'), primary_key=True, 
nullable=True, server_default=text('NULL'))

A primary key can never be null. The PostgreSQL documentation describes 
this as follows: Technically, a primary key constraint is simply a 
combination of a unique constraint and a not-null constraint..

I suggest that you replace primary_key=True with unique=True.


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[sqlalchemy] association proxy not persisting?

2011-11-01 Thread Wichert Akkerman
I am fighting a bit of an odd issue (using SQLAlchemy 0.7.3). I have an 
account class, where each account has a list of strings managed via an 
association proxy. For a reason I can't seem to find the values are not 
persisted. The test case below demonstrates this: SQLAlchemy prints a 
Object of type Specialism not in session, delete operation along 
'Account._specialism' will not proceed error and the first assert 
fails. Strangely enough if I remove the cascade on the _specialism 
relationship adding items does work correctly, but trying to remove them 
fails with a Dependency rule tried to blank-out primary key column 
'specialism.account_id' error  (which is expected).

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy import schema
from sqlalchemy import types
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///')
metadata = schema.MetaData()
BaseObject = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)
Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)

class Specialism(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'specialism'

account_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),
type = schema.Column(types.String(16), primary_key=True)

def __init__(self, type):
self.type = type

class Account(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'account'

id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
schema.Sequence('account_id_seq', optional=True),
primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

_specialism = orm.relationship(Specialism,
cascade='delete, delete-orphan')
#: List of :term:`specialismsarticle specialism` this account is
#: authorized for.
specialisms = association_proxy('_specialism', 'type')

session = Session()

account = Account()
account.specialisms = ['foo', 'bar']
assert session.query(Specialism).count() == 2
account.specialisms = ['buz']
assert session.query(Specialism).count() == 1

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Re: [sqlalchemy] deferrable constraints

2011-09-27 Thread Wichert Akkerman
I hate to do this kind of thing, but I haven't gotten any feedback on 
this and I would love to hear some feedback/opinions. How do other 
people handle deferrable constraints?

On 2011-9-14 13:59, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

On 09/14/2011 12:25 PM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

Constraints marked as deferrable result in a syntax error when using
SQLite. Is this deliberate, or a bug in the sqlite dialect?

As a workaround I figured I could use events to only add deferrable
constraint variants on PostgreSQL and use the non-deferrable version on
other database. That resulted in this code:

_generic_constraints = [UniqueConstraint('article_id', 'colour, 'size')]
_ deferrable_variant_constraints = [
UniqueConstraint('article_id', 'uuid', deferrable=True,

class Article(BaseObject):
__table_args = (_generic_constraints[0], _deferrable_constraints[0], {})

def deferrable_supported(ddl, target, bind, **kw):
Check if deferrable constraints are supported.

This function can be used as a callable for
:ref:`execute_ifsqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.schema.DDLElement.execute_if` to
only run DDL statements on databases that support deferrable constraints.

return bind.dialect == 'postgresql'

def deferrable_not_supported(ddl, target, bind, **kw):
Check if deferrable constraints are not supported.

This function can be used as a callable for
:ref:`execute_ifsqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.schema.DDLElement.execute_if` to
only run DDL statements on databases that do not support deferrable

return not deferrable_supported(ddl, target, bind, **kw)

for constraint in _generic_variant_constraints:
listen(Article.__table__, 'after_create',

for constraint in _deferrable_variant_constraints:
listen(Article.__table__, 'after_create',

But this fails as well since SQLite does not support ALTER TABLE .. ADD
CONSTRAINT. Is there another way to create deferrable constraints only
on databases that support it?


Wichert Akkerman   It is simple to make things.  It is hard to make things simple.

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Re: [sqlalchemy] obtaining * field when more than 1 table

2011-09-16 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2011-9-15 18:58, RVince wrote:

Suppose I wish to do something like:
Session.query(Files.original_name, MSPResponse.*
because MSPResponse table has so many fields, and I want to get them
all. How do I do this given that I am also picking field(s) from other
tables ? Thanks RVince

You can use the power of python:

  *[ for c in MSPResponse.__table__.c])


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[sqlalchemy] update for polymorphic types

2011-09-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman
I am correct in assuming that update() does not work on polymorphic 
classes? I'm getting a ArgumentError: Only update via a single table 
query is currently supported error which seems to suggest that is the case.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] update for polymorphic types

2011-09-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 09/15/2011 04:13 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:

that is the case    you'd need to emit UPDATE against each table 

I tried that quickly but still got the same error. My model looks like 
this (the full thing is at 

class SurveyTreeItem(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = tree
__table_args__ = (schema.UniqueConstraint(session_id, path), {})

id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
type = schema.Column(Enum([risk, module ]),
nullable=False, index=True)
__mapper_args__ = dict(polymorphic_on=type)

class Risk(SurveyTreeItem):
Answer to risk.

__tablename__ = risk
__mapper_args__ = dict(polymorphic_identity=risk)

identification = schema.Column(Enum([None, uyes, uno, n/a]))
frequency = schema.Column(types.Integer())
effect = schema.Column(types.Integer())
probability = schema.Column(types.Integer())
priority = schema.Column(Enum([None, ulow, umedium, uhigh]))
comment = schema.Column(types.UnicodeText())

and I'm trying to update it with this:

old_tree = orm.aliased(SurveyTreeItem, name='old_tree')
in_old_tree = sql.and_(
old_tree.session_id ==,
SurveyTreeItem.zodb_path == old_tree.zodb_path,
SurveyTreeItem.profile_index == old_tree.profile_index)
old_risk = orm.aliased(Risk, name='old_risk')
is_old_risk = sql.and_(in_old_tree, ==
identification =[old_risk.identification], is_old_risk)
new_risks = session.query(Risk.__table__)\
.filter(Risk.session == self)\
.filter(sql.exists([]).where(sql.and_( ==,
in_old_tree, old_tree.type == 'risk'))
new_risks.update({'identification': identification},

I have tried to replace the JOINs with EXISTS tests so I can do the 
update against just Risk.__table__, but that still results in the same 


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[sqlalchemy] deferrable constraints

2011-09-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Constraints marked as deferrable result in a syntax error when using 
SQLite. Is this deliberate, or a bug in the sqlite dialect?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] deferrable constraints

2011-09-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 09/14/2011 12:25 PM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
Constraints marked as deferrable result in a syntax error when using 
SQLite. Is this deliberate, or a bug in the sqlite dialect?

As a workaround I figured I could use events to only add deferrable 
constraint variants on PostgreSQL and use the non-deferrable version on 
other database. That resulted in this code:

_generic_constraints = [UniqueConstraint('article_id', 'colour, 'size')]
_ deferrable_variant_constraints = [
UniqueConstraint('article_id', 'uuid', deferrable=True, 

class Article(BaseObject):
__table_args = (_generic_constraints[0], _deferrable_constraints[0], {})

def deferrable_supported(ddl, target, bind, **kw):
Check if deferrable constraints are supported.

This function can be used as a callable for
:ref:`execute_ifsqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.schema.DDLElement.execute_if` to
only run DDL statements on databases that support deferrable constraints.

return bind.dialect == 'postgresql'

def deferrable_not_supported(ddl, target, bind, **kw):
Check if deferrable constraints are not supported.

This function can be used as a callable for
:ref:`execute_ifsqlalchemy:sqlalchemy.schema.DDLElement.execute_if` to
only run DDL statements on databases that do not support deferrable

return not deferrable_supported(ddl, target, bind, **kw)

for constraint in _generic_variant_constraints:
listen(Article.__table__, 'after_create',

for constraint in _deferrable_variant_constraints:
listen(Article.__table__, 'after_create',

But this fails as well since SQLite does not support ALTER TABLE .. ADD 
CONSTRAINT. Is there another way to create deferrable constraints only 
on databases that support it?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] use session inside the class

2011-09-02 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 09/02/2011 03:31 AM, Michael Bayer wrote:
With SQLAlchemy you should have an ongoing transaction/session defined 
externally to individual operations on your mapped objects - SQLA uses 
the unit of work pattern which specifically is about grouping 
related persistence/query operations together. The usage you have 
above is still thinking in the active record style of things - 
session per individual persistence operation - and won't take full 
advantage of SQLA's way of doing things.

I can see this  being useful if you need a id generated by a serial 
though. In places where I need something like that I use 
object_session(self), which seems to work well.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: group_by argument as a result of a query

2011-08-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 08/15/2011 10:20 AM, Eduardo wrote:

Here is the example:

column_names = session.query(
column_names = [column_name for (column_name,) in column_names]

I'm not sure what you are trying to do here. I can see two problems:

   * You are asking here to group the results by the value of the
 'name' column, where I suspect you want to group based on the name
 column itself.
   * You are grouping based on something you are not selecting, which
 is not allowed


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: Softcoding .filter(...)

2011-08-12 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 08/12/2011 05:52 PM, NiL wrote:
say you want to filter on the 'field' (field would be a string 
representing the name of the field) on objects of class == Klass

field_attr = getattr(Klass, field)

 would give you the instrumented attribute


Session.query(Klass).filter(field_attr == searchString)



would run

Alternatively if you are only interested in equality you can skip the 
getattr and use filter_by in combination with python's keyword argument 

Session.query(klass).filter_by(**{field: value})


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[sqlalchemy] ordered many-to-many relation

2011-08-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman
I have a model where I have articles and images, with a many-to-many 
relation between them. Since the order of images for an article is 
important this relation should be ordered from the article site. My 
naieve implementation looks like this:

article_images = Table('article_image', BaseObject.metadata,
Column('article_id', Integer(),
onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),
Column('image_id', Integer(),
onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),
Column('position', Integer()))

class Image(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'image'
id = Column(Integer(),
Sequence('image_id_seq', optional=True),
primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
path = Column(String(128), nullable=False, unique=True)

class Article(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'article'
id = Column(Integer(),
Sequence('article_id_seq', optional=True),
primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

#: An ordered list of images for this article. The first image
#: is considered to be the *key* image.
images = relationship(Image,

Unfortunately this breaks since OrderingList assumes that the position 
attribute is set on Image instead of the article_images table. From what 
I can see this is not easily fixed since OrderingList only gets the list 
of Image instances and doesn't have access to the related article_images 
row. Is there another way to accomplish this?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] ordered many-to-many relation

2011-08-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 08/09/2011 02:38 PM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
I have a model where I have articles and images, with a many-to-many 
relation between them. Since the order of images for an article is 
important this relation should be ordered from the article site. My 
naieve implementation looks like this:

article_images = Table('article_image', BaseObject.metadata,
Column('article_id', Integer(),
onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),
Column('image_id', Integer(),
onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),
Column('position', Integer()))

class Image(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'image'
id = Column(Integer(),
Sequence('image_id_seq', optional=True),
primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
path = Column(String(128), nullable=False, unique=True)

class Article(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'article'
id = Column(Integer(),
Sequence('article_id_seq', optional=True),
primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

#: An ordered list of images for this article. The first image
#: is considered to be the *key* image.
images = relationship(Image,

Unfortunately this breaks since OrderingList assumes that the position 
attribute is set on Image instead of the article_images table. From 
what I can see this is not easily fixed since OrderingList only gets 
the list of Image instances and doesn't have access to the related 
article_images row. Is there another way to accomplish this?

I found a possible workaround in an earlier post to this list: 
. The approach is interesting: it hides the many-to-many relationship 
behind an extra association proxy, giving OrderingList something to work 
with. I've copied a modified version of my test below to demonstrate how 
this works with declarative syntax. Is this still the recommended 
approach to do this?

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list
from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///')
metadata = MetaData(engine)
BaseObject = declarative_base(metadata=metadata)

class Image(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'image'
id = Column(Integer(),
Sequence('image_id_seq', optional=True),
primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
path = Column(String(128), nullable=False, unique=True)

class ArticleImage(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'article_image'

article_id = Column(Integer(),
onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),
image_id = Column(Integer(),
onupdate='CASCADE', ondelete='CASCADE'),
image = relationship(Image)
position = Column(Integer())

def __init__(self, image=None, **kw):
if image is not None:
kw['image'] = image
BaseObject.__init__(self, **kw)

class Article(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = 'article'

id = Column(Integer(),
Sequence('article_id_seq', optional=True),
primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

_images = relationship(ArticleImage,
images = association_proxy('_images', 'image')

session = create_session()
article = Article()
print session.query(ArticleImage).count()

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Declarative Field Type 'Alias'

2011-08-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 08/05/2011 10:46 PM, Mark Erbaugh wrote:

This is more of a Python issue than a SA issue, but I had trouble getting this to 
work. I did, but the code seems a little awkard to mesigh.  In addition to 
the requirements already, I also wanted toe default value to be a class level 
'constant'.  The problem, as I see it, is that since the class definition isn't 
complete, it's namespace isn't avaialble.  Since the default value 'constant' is a 
class data member, it would make sense if the function were a @classmethod, but I 
couldn't get python to accept:

class  Table(Base):



def CustomColumn(cls):
return Column(Integer, default=DEFAULT)

that should be cls.DEFAULT


field1 = CustomColumn()

Python complained 'classmethod object is not callable' on the last line above.

You can only call a class method on a class. In this case that would be 
Table.CustomColumn(). However since the Table class is not available at 
this point you can't do that. You can do this sort of thing with 
metaclasses, but I would not recommend going down that paht.

What I finally ended up with that works is:

class Table(Base):

def CustomColumn(default=DEFAULT):
return Column(Integer, default=default)


field1 = CustomColumn()

That looks like a pretty good solution.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] mortar_rdb 1.2.0 released!

2011-07-17 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2011-7-17 11:07, Chris Withers wrote:

On 30/06/2011 09:30, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

On 06/30/2011 10:14 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

- Specify sqlalchemy 0.6 as a requirement, until
zope.sqlalchemy is ported, mortar_rdb shouldn't be
used with :mod:`sqlalchemy` 0.7.

What is missing? zope.sqlalchemy seems to work fine with sqlalchemy 0.7
as far as I've seen.

It uses an old-fashioned SessionExtension, it needs to be ported over to
the new events stuff that arrived in 0.7.

That might be a nice change, but the 'old-fashioned SessionExtension' 
still works, so I see no reason not to use it.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] mortar_rdb 1.2.0 released!

2011-06-30 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 06/30/2011 10:14 AM, Chris Withers wrote:

- Specify sqlalchemy 0.6 as a requirement, until
  zope.sqlalchemy is ported, mortar_rdb shouldn't be
  used with :mod:`sqlalchemy` 0.7.

What is missing? zope.sqlalchemy seems to work fine with sqlalchemy 0.7 
as far as I've seen.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] I'm missing something with the session...

2011-03-24 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 3/23/11 23:11 , Hector Blanco wrote:

Yeah... the closing thing is because this is going to be in a
webserver, and the framework that controls the requests really, really
messed up everything (mysql daemon, sqlalchemy...) if the http request
was canceled (If I had a user pressing F5 in Firefox all the time, I
got coredumps that stopped the server)

That was me:

That's why I decided to commit, close, and such as soon as possible
(leave the sessions opened as little as possible)

The problem seems to have improved lately (there was an update of the
Zope framework recently, and the problem seems to have relaxed a
bit)... but I'm still scared!! According to some other documents/posts
I've read, maybe a commit (without the closing) would still work,

FWIW I do a fair bit of SQLAlchemy things in Zope and have never seen 
such problems, nor have I ever heard of anyone seeing problems like that 
using Zope and SQL, which is a fairly common setup. Perhaps the missing 
trick here is to use zope.sqlalchemy and/or z3c.saconfig to

handle the SQLAlchemy/Zope integration.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Pypi release policy

2011-02-16 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2/16/11 09:20 , Chris Withers wrote:

On 15/02/2011 14:27, Eric Lemoine wrote:

But aren't apps supposed to use=0.6.99 to avoid backward compats

Well, I wish I could just say  0.7 but I guess that would suck in 0.7
betas? Tarek?

 0.7dev is the right restriction to use.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy 0.7 beta 1 released

2011-02-15 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Hi Mike,

I grabbed SQLAlchemy from pypi when it was still there so I could do a 
quick test with my current projects (yay for buildout with version 
pinning). I'm happy to be able to report that the upgrade was seemless, 
and all my tests were passing with 0.7b1.


On 2/13/11 01:51 , Michael Bayer wrote:

Hey list -

The first beta release of SQLAlchemy 0.7 is available for download.

0.7 is the latest iteration of our yearly cycle where each new version brings 
lots of new features and enhancements, refines APIs and patterns while 
deprecating others, and removes old APIs that have been deprecated for at least 
one major revision series (i.e. throughout 0.6).

The initial push in 0.7 focuses on a reorganization of the event system.  Over the years we've 
accumulated various Extension classes like MapperExtension, SessionExtension, as well as core 
constructs like ConnectionProxy, PoolListener, and then a bunch of other more surreptitious systems like 
class instrumentation events, schema association events that were not fully public.   In 0.7, everything 
resembling an event is now available through a single unified API called sqlalchemy.event.   It's 
a single import of a single function listen() that serves as the gateway to associating user-defined 
callables with all events throughout the core and ORM.   All the Extension classes and similar still remain 
for the time being, their underlying implementations now routing through event.

At the same time as event was going on, I found myself using Ants Aasma's derived attributes example like crazy in my day job.   This system allows the construction of Python 
class attributes that produce a Python result at the object level and a SQL expression at the class level, building upon the paradigm already present in a SQLAlchemy mapped class.I enhanced the 
example in 0.6 such that special cases where the two situations weren't completely symmetrical could be implemented using some additional directives.It became apparent that the extremely simple 
idea in derived attributes was really a superset of synonym, comparable_property, and to some degree composite().So in 0.7 we've 
mainstreamed derived attributes as sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid.   The synonym, comparable_property, and composite  APIs have been 
refactored such that their usage is mostly the same as it was previously, but their underlying implementation uses approximately the sam

e concept as ext.hybrid, and their implementations have been moved out of the core ORM 
modules, allowing us to simplify some things internally.  The documentation now 
encourages the usage of sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid for customized attributes that 
produce new expressions derived from the class and also function at the instance level, 
in lieu of synonym and comparable_property.

The third story of 0.7 is that we did a lot more work on speed, which includes that we've come up with a viable replacement for 
the mutable behavior of certain types, mainly PickleType, composite(), and postgresql.ARRAY.   The 
mutable flag on these types is now turned off by default - while the old system of detecting in place 
mutation was fine for small jobs, it completely cripples the application as it begins to handle higher volumes of data, as 
it relied upon scanning all mutable objects in the Session in order to detect changes in these attributes.  The 
autoflush operation basically becomes O(N) instead of O(1) the minute an object with a mutable attribute is placed in 
the session.

A new system which allows one to construct on change events specific to the kind of data structure being stored in a 
scalar value is added in sqlalchemy.ext.mutable.   This is a brand new system that hopefully should grow as we move 
through 0.7 to support various Python structures out of the box, like dicts, lists and composites of those.   The turning off of 
mutable is likely the one most major hard change in the system - if your application relies upon in-place 
mutation of PickleType or postgresql.ARRAY, you'd need to turn that flag on until your app can be altered to use the new system.  
 If your application relies upon in-place mutability of composite() (I'm assuming this is a very rare scenario, composite() isn't 
that common in the first place), the new system has to be used for that, which requires a little bit of modification to the 
user-defined composite class.   Heavy users of mutable should notice an immediate effect by switching off of the old 

A long list of everything to be aware of is ready for viewing at .While there are many 
changes, it is my impression that the vast majority of applications coded 
against 0.6 will run on 0.7 without modification,   Very few changes are 
backwards incompatible, and of those fifteen changes which are, most are things 
that were never documented or were essentially silent failures.

The purpose of the beta is to get community 

Re: [sqlalchemy] Pypi release policy

2011-02-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2/14/11 10:57 , M3nt0r3 wrote:

Yesterday my life become an hell. :)
On saturday ( :O )  SA0.7.b1 is released and easy_install start to use
it. The problem is that it broke some installer and doesn't work with
my app.

That sounds like a bug in your installer, not in SQLAlchemy.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Pypi release policy

2011-02-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2/14/11 11:25 , M3nt0r3 wrote:

My installer for windows download during the process some libs. I use
easy_install sqlalchemy and it works. Now too works but 0.7.b1 is not
working with the app itself now so it create a lot of problem. I thought
that if 0.7.b1 is a beta and brokes API maybe it should be better to use
sqlalchemy==0.7 or sqlalchemy == dev.

It sounds like the dependencies in your package are too liberal. I would 
change your dependency to SQLAlchemy =0.6, 0.7dev. That way you can 
never accidentally install an incompatible SQLAlchemy version.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Pypi release policy

2011-02-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2/14/11 11:39 , Tarek Ziadé wrote:

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 11:31 AM, Wichert  wrote:

It sounds like the dependencies in your package are too liberal. I would
change your dependency to SQLAlchemy=0.6,0.7dev. That way you can
never accidentally install an incompatible SQLAlchemy version.

If the changes that break the code did not have a deprecation step in
0.6, that's still an issue to fix imo


you don't release at pypi a version that breaks the latest stable.  or
if you do, you check the hidden attribute on that release, to avoid
this problem with installers

SQLAlchemy 0.7b1 is hidden. The hidden flag only hides it from humans 
though, not from setuptools.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy 0.6.6 Released

2011-01-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Hi Mike,

On 1/9/11 00:14 , Michael Bayer wrote:

The majority of my time is now spent developing 0.7, which is nearly ready for 
beta releases pending a few more little features I'd like to try to get in.  
0.7 is really exciting with its new event API, lots of other nice touches and 
of course the most radical reduction in callcounts we've had in a few years.

Has been there a decision on enabling the C extensions by default in 
0.7, or is that still too controversial?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy-Future

2010-12-29 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 12/28/10 20:54 , Michael Bayer wrote:

On Dec 28, 2010, at 2:22 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

On 2010-12-28 08:18, Hong Minhee wrote:

I don’t know why setuptools provides pkg_resources, implements another
incompatible way to declare namespace packages, additionally in spite of
existence of pkgutil.extend_path, the standard way to do it. IMO
sqlalchemy.contrib namespace have to be declared by using
pkgutil.extend_path, because it is a part of Python standard library so
it don’t force users to install setuptools.

The vast majority of packages using namespaces that I have seen support both 
with this snippet:

except ImportError:
from pkgutil import extend_path
__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)

I would suggest that SQLAlchemy does the same thing.

what are some of these packages ?   Can I see some examples so I can get a feel 
for how this is used and what naming schemes are common ?

Every zope.* and* package on pypi as well as most repoze.* 


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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy-Future

2010-12-29 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 12/29/10 16:45 , Michael Bayer wrote:

Yeah this is what I'm seeing, that top level packagenames are used. I.e.
I would just say, Use sqlalchemycontrib as your package name, that's
what everyone should use. It would appear this approach means nothing
needs to happen at all witihin sqlalchemy core.

I suspect you mean use sqlalchemycontrib as your package namespace? 
Otherwise you will get 50 packages all called sqlalchemycontrib, which 
would be a bit confusing :)


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Re: [sqlalchemy] SQLAlchemy-Future

2010-12-27 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2010-12-28 08:18, Hong Minhee wrote:

I don’t know why setuptools provides pkg_resources, implements another
incompatible way to declare namespace packages, additionally in spite of
existence of pkgutil.extend_path, the standard way to do it. IMO
sqlalchemy.contrib namespace have to be declared by using
pkgutil.extend_path, because it is a part of Python standard library so
it don’t force users to install setuptools.

The vast majority of packages using namespaces that I have seen support 
both with this snippet:

except ImportError:
from pkgutil import extend_path
__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)

I would suggest that SQLAlchemy does the same thing.


Wichert Akkerman   It is simple to make things.  It is hard to make things simple.

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[sqlalchemy] rowcount not populated?

2010-10-26 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On an environment using SQLAlchemy 0.6.5 and psycopg 2.2.2 I run the 
following code:


this returns a ResultProxy object, which always has rowcount set to 0:

(Pdb) p result.supports_sane_rowcount()
(Pdb) p result.rowcount

doing the same thing manually in a psql session shows that 858 rows are 
updated by this command. Is my expectation that result.rowcount should 
be set here incorrect?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] ...kill_hung_threads status...

2010-09-30 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 9/30/10 16:26 , dobrysmak wrote:

Hi guys.

I keep getting this message:

[paste.httpserver.ThreadPool] kill_hung_threads status: 10 threads (1
working, 9 idle, 0 starting) ave time 0.03sec, max time 0.03sec,
killed 0 workers

that's just the paste httpserver checking if any of your application 
threads are stuck. It's a purely diagnostic message that you can safely 
ignore. It has no relation to SQLAlchemy.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] forcing an insert

2010-08-03 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 8/3/10 16:50 , Benjamin Peterson wrote:

Is there a way to force the ORM to insert a new row instead of updating?
Something like the must_insert argument to model's save method in Django's ORM.
The use case is I must create a unique session key (for a cookie) and want an
error when the key isn't unique, so perhaps there's a better way?

Declare the key to be unique?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: open session blocks metadata create_all method

2010-07-29 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 7/29/10 17:18 , Faheem Mitha wrote:

Hi Simon,

Thanks. Do you understand why this blocking takes place? I assume by
default create_all tries to make a different connection, and fails for
some reason?

My guess is that it does not fail, but your database is blocking the 
create_all statements while another transaction is active.


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[sqlalchemy] Creating sequence

2010-04-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman
What is the preferred method to have metadata.create_all() create 
sequences? I tried to find something in the wiki but could not find 
anything. For indexes you can do this:

schema.Index(public_event_idx, Event.workflow, Event.deleted)

but a similar statement for a sequence:

schema.Sequence(invoice_number, metadata=meta.metadata)

does not do anything. From what I gather from the source Sequence is not 
derived from SchemaItem, so it is not picked up automatically. I could 
do a DDL construct like this (untested, but basic idea should work):

from sqlalchemy.schema import DDL
def sequenceSupported(event, schema_item, connection):
return connection.dialect.sequence_supported:

DDL(CREATE SEQUENCE invoice_number, on=sequenceSupported)\
.execute_at(after-create, metadata)

but I would rather not have to hardcode the SQL statement, especially
since SQLAlchemy is capable of generating the statement as well.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: joining sessions / two phase commit

2010-02-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2/14/10 19:02 , Antoine Pitrou wrote:

Le dimanche 14 février 2010 à 17:47 +, Chris Withers a écrit :

Wichert Akkerman wrote:

On 2010-2-9 09:48, Chris Withers wrote:

I know that zope's transaction package aims to do just this, I wonder if
anyone's used that, or anything else, with SA to solve this problem?

You mean ZODB's transaction package?

it's actually now just a standalone package ;-)

I've found it to be an active nuisance. For example it will forbid the
use of commit() on the session, forcing you to use transaction.commit()

That is by design: zope.sqlalchemy (which is really the thing you are 
complaining about) forces you to commit the entire transaction. This is 
required to coordinate transactions between multiple participants in a 
transaction, prevent one of them from getting out of sync.

And transaction.commit() has the annoying side effect that it will
also purge the session afterwards, making all your objects unusable
unless you go out of your way to fetch them again manually.

Iirc it starts a new session, making sure that you do not leak things 
between transactions.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: joining sessions / two phase commit

2010-02-14 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2/14/10 19:54 , Antoine Pitrou wrote:

Le dimanche 14 février 2010 à 19:45 +0100, Wichert Akkerman a écrit :

That is by design: zope.sqlalchemy (which is really the thing you are
complaining about) forces you to commit the entire transaction. This is
required to coordinate transactions between multiple participants in a
transaction, prevent one of them from getting out of sync.

I understand this is by design, but better again would have been a flag
to disable it.

I have never seen a request for such a flag before, which makes me 
suspect it is not a widely requested feature. You are more than welcome 
to contribute such a flag to zope.sqlalchemy though.

And transaction.commit() has the annoying side effect that it will
also purge the session afterwards, making all your objects unusable
unless you go out of your way to fetch them again manually.

Iirc it starts a new session, making sure that you do not leak things
between transactions.

Well, there are situations where you'd want to leak things between
transactions... If SQLAlchemy itself doesn't enforce it, I'm not sure
why the transaction package thinks it should.

If you are trying to put blame anywhere do it in the right place: the 
'transaction' package does not do this. The SQLAlchemy transaction glue 
in the zope.sqlalchemy package does.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] getting the actual sql used for a session.execute(sql,subs)

2010-02-11 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2010-2-11 12:13, Chris Withers wrote:

Hi All,

How can I get the actual sql executed by a:



I tried turning on echo in the engine, but that just shows %s where the
substitutions should happen.

Is there any way to get the post-substitution sql?

SQLAlchemy does not do the substitutions, the DB-API driver does that. 
So you'll need to look at your database driver to see if that supports 
logging of commands. You can make postgres log all its commands, perhaps 
that is an option for you.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Re: joining sessions / two phase commit

2010-02-09 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 2010-2-9 09:48, Chris Withers wrote:

I know that zope's transaction package aims to do just this, I wonder if
anyone's used that, or anything else, with SA to solve this problem?

You mean ZODB's transaction package? :). I use that all the time to get 
transactions working across multiple storage systems. Most commonly 
using repoze.tm2 to integrate with a WSGI stack, zope.sqlalchemy to 
integrate SQLAlchemy with transaction and repoze.filesafe to do 
transaction-safe file creation.


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[sqlalchemy] Timezone handling with postgres

2010-01-29 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Postgres can handle timezones fairly well. Using a direct select you can 
see how it handles daylight saving correctly:

test=# select
'2010-01-15 12:30 Europe/Amsterdam'::timestamp with time zone,
'2010-01-15 12:30 Europe/Amsterdam'::timestamp with time zone +
 interval '7 months',
'2010-08-15 12:30 Europe/Berlin'::timestamp with time zone;
  timestamptz   |?column?|  timestamptz
 2010-01-15 12:30:00+01 | 2010-08-15 12:30:00+02 | 2010-08-15 12:30:00+02
(1 row)

When using a table to store a timestamp this still works properly:

tribaspace=# create table test (moment timestamp with time zone);
tribaspace=# insert into test values ('2010-01-15 12:30 
Europe/Berlin'::timestamp with time zone);

tribaspace=# select moment + interval '7 months' from test;

 2010-08-15 12:30:00+02
(1 row)

However that extra timezone information is lost when I use SQLAlchemy. 
After adding a primary key column I use this bit of python to test the 
timezone handling:

import datetime
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy import schema
from sqlalchemy import types

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class Test(Base):
__tablename__ = test
id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True, 

moment = schema.Column(types.Time(timezone=True))

engine = create_engine('postgres:///test')

Session = orm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

row = session.query(Test).first()
print row.moment
print row.moment + datetime.timedelta(days=212)

Which outputs:

2010-01-15 12:30:00+01:00
2010-08-15 12:30:00+01:00

The second timestamp should have +02:00 as timezone due do daylight 
saving differences. Unfortuantely the timezone information reported on 
the column has a fixed offset instead of the more informative 
Europe/Amsterdam time.

I am guessing that this is mostly due to psycopg2 not handling timezones 
properly. I am wondering if SQLAlchemy itself will handle this correctly 
if psycopg2 would do the right thing, and if other dialects implement 
this better?


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Re: [sqlalchemy] Off Topic: Declarative-style for XML?

2009-12-18 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 2009-12-18 20:50, AF wrote:

 I've become quite used to SQLAlchemy's Declarative style notation for
 defining data to be stored in SQL.

 Does anyone know of library that will do something similar for simple

 Basically I need objects (and attributed collections of objects) that
 are effectively records for groups of simple data types like strings,
 dates, numbers, etc.

lxml with its objectify mode?


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[sqlalchemy] dynamic relation forgets join condition on .count() ?

2009-11-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman
I have a data model which has accounts and events, and a many-to-many 
relation between the two using a CalendarEvent class. It boils down to this:

class Account(BaseObject):
 __tablename__ = account
 id = schema.Column(id, types.Integer(), primary_key=True)

class Event(BaseObject):
 __tablename__ = event
 id = schema.Column(id, types.Integer(), primary_key=True)

class CalendarEvent(mBaseObject):
__tablename__ = calendar
 account_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 schema.ForeignKey(, onupdate=CASCADE, 
 primary_key=True, nullable=False)
 account = orm.relation(Account,
 backref=orm.backref(calendar, lazy=dynamic))
 event_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 schema.ForeignKey(, onupdate=CASCADE, 
 primary_key=True, nullable=False)
 event = orm.relation(Event, lazy=False)

the calendar backref works fine when you generate a query for it and 
generates SQL like this:

SELECT calendar.account_id AS calendar_account_id, calendar.event_id AS 
calendar_event_id, AS event_1_id
FROM event, calendar LEFT OUTER JOIN event AS event_1 ON = 
WHERE :param_1 = calendar.account_id

but if you use acount.calendar.count() the join conditions disappears 
and you end up with this:

SELECT count(1) AS count_1
FROM calendar, event
WHERE %(param_1)s = calendar.account_id

which results in an incorrect result. Am I doing something wrong here, 
or could this be a SQLALchemy bug? If so I can try to boil this down to 
a failing testcase.


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Re: [sqlalchemy] dynamic relation forgets join condition on .count() ?

2009-11-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 2009-11-25 16:15, Michael Bayer wrote:
 Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 I have a data model which has accounts and events, and a many-to-many
 relation between the two using a CalendarEvent class. It boils down to

 class Account(BaseObject):
   __tablename__ = account
   id = schema.Column(id, types.Integer(), primary_key=True)

 class Event(BaseObject):
   __tablename__ = event
   id = schema.Column(id, types.Integer(), primary_key=True)

 class CalendarEvent(mBaseObject):
  __tablename__ = calendar
   account_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
   schema.ForeignKey(, onupdate=CASCADE,
   primary_key=True, nullable=False)
   account = orm.relation(Account,
   backref=orm.backref(calendar, lazy=dynamic))
   event_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
   schema.ForeignKey(, onupdate=CASCADE,
   primary_key=True, nullable=False)
   event = orm.relation(Event, lazy=False)

 the calendar backref works fine when you generate a query for it and
 generates SQL like this:

 SELECT calendar.account_id AS calendar_account_id, calendar.event_id AS
 calendar_event_id, AS event_1_id
 FROM event, calendar LEFT OUTER JOIN event AS event_1 ON =
 WHERE :param_1 = calendar.account_id

 but if you use acount.calendar.count() the join conditions disappears
 and you end up with this:

 SELECT count(1) AS count_1
 FROM calendar, event
 WHERE %(param_1)s = calendar.account_id

 why is event in either of those queries ?  In the first case its valid
 for the LEFT OUTER JOIN since that's the eager load, but I also see it
 stated a second time, by itself, not associated to anything.  Both queries
 are incorrect.  The mapping you illustrate doesn't involve event at all
 between Account and Calendar, which wouldn't be rendered as a standalone
 FROM object unless you are specifically saying filter( == 'bar')
 without establishing your join().

I should have been more explicity, sorry about that. This is the full query:

today =
query = self.context.calendar\

I was expecting the join to automatically created since the 
Account.calendar relation depends on it. Adding a .join(model.Event) to 
the query before the filter() calls indeed fixes this. Does SQLAlchemy 
indeed assume that my usage of models.Event as query filters has no 
relation at all to the calendar relation?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Unsupported Type

2009-11-02 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 11/2/09 14:04 , Sir Rawlins wrote:

 Hello Guys,

 I'm getting an exception thrown when trying to save an entity into a
 SQLite database, this is a database/app which has been ported over
 from a MySQL backend.

 The exception looks like this:

 InterfaceError: (InterfaceError) Error binding parameter 0 - probably
 unsupported type. u'INSERT INTO bluetooth_session
 (bluetooth_session_id, result, address, message_id, campaign_id,
 created, modified) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' [UUID
 ('ed6ce6a6-4918-421e-9fa5-b41972931713'), dbus.String
 (u'org.openobex.Error.LinkError'), dbus.String(u'00:1F:6B:58:4A:F5'),
 1686, 274, '2009-11-02 12:59:03.521275', '2009-11-02 12:59:03.521275']

 Now, my first instincts tell me that the issue here is probably the
 UUID which I'm using as the PK for the table, the column datatype is
 set to varchar(50) and the definition in the mapper for the class
 looks like this:

 bluetooth_session_id = Column(String, primary_key=True,

 Now, do I have to make a change somewhere here? do I perhaps have to
 change that default statement somehow to format the UUID object as a

Try this:

 bluetooth_session_id = Column(String, primary_key=True,
  default = lambda: str(uuid.uuid4()))


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Relation w/ declarative

2009-08-06 Thread Wichert Akkerman

On 8/6/09 09:30 , werner wrote:
 IIRC correctly the __init__ section is only needed if you want to do:
 add = Address('an email address')

 I never do this, i.e. I assign like this
 add = Address()
 add.email_address = 'an email address'

You can also do this with the default declarative base constructor:

   add = Address(email_address='')

All columns can be used as named parameters.


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[sqlalchemy] missing parenthesis on generated query?

2009-08-05 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I have a fairly complex SQL query which looks like this:


When printing the resulting clause list I get this:

tree.type = :type_1 AND tree.skip_children = :skip_children_1 AND 
FROM tree
WHERE tree.session_id = tree.session_id AND tree.type = :type_2 AND 
risk.inventory = :inventory_1 AND tree.depth  tree.depth AND tree.path 
LIKE tree.path || :path_1)) OR = AND tree.type = :type_3 
AND risk.inventory = :inventory_2

 From what I can see this is not correct: there should be parenthesis to 
make sure the ANDs and ORs are grouped correctly. Does this look like a 
bug, or am I missing something?


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[sqlalchemy] descriptor design question

2009-05-20 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I am struggling a bit with a design question. I have a database of
articles, where each article has a price in a specific currency. The
currency and their conversion rates are in a separate table. In order to
be able to do fast queries I also keep the price in Euros in the article
table. The classes look like this:

class Currency(BaseObject):
A currency

Currencies are identified by their ISO 4217 three letter currency
__tablename__ = currency

code = schema.Column(types.String(3), primary_key=True)
rate = schema.Column(types.Numeric(precision=6, scale=2), nullable=False)

def __repr__(self):
return Currency %s rate=%.2f % (self.code, self.rate)

class Article(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = clothing_image

id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
title = schema.Column(types.Unicode(80), nullable=False)
currency = schema.Column(types.String(3),
schema.ForeignKey(currency.code, ondelete=RESTRICT),
nullable=False, default=EUR)
_price = schema.Column(price, types.Numeric(precision=6, scale=2),
price_euro = schema.Column(types.Numeric(precision=6, scale=2),
nullable=False, index=True)

def _get_price(self):
return self._price

def _set_price(self, value):

price = orm.synonym(_price, descriptor=property(_get_price, _set_price))

this breaks down when you create a new Article instance: as soon as you
set the price on the newly created instance the _set_price method is
called. The query to get the currency in there triggers a flush, which
fails since the (non-nullable) title is not set at that point. If this
happens in a unittest the result appears to be a hang or python

I am wondering what the best solution to this issue is. I can think of
several options:

- create INSERT and UPDATE triggers and use those to update the
  price_euro column. Downside: code is less portable and you can
  no longer use SQLite for testing.

- require a manual updated for price_euro. Downside: this needlessly
  complicates the internal API

- forget about the price_euro column and always do a table join.
  Downside: SQL queries become more complex and expensive.

I am hoping someone here has encountered this pattern before and came up
with a good solution.


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Generating INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT column in sqlite

2009-05-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Werner F. Bruhin wrote:
 Hi Leonard,
 paniq303 wrote:
  how is the progress with this feature - how can I use it? My
  application strongly depends on AUTOINCREMENT being available.
  To explain:
  Without AUTOINCREMENT, a deleted primary key will be reassigned.
  As an example: three records are created, with ids 1, 2 and 3. Now the
  record with id 3 is being deleted. We create a new record, and this
  record will get id 3 again, instead of id 4. In this way, there can be
  confusion between the old and the new record with id 3.

 It is available in SA, i.e. I use it with Firebird SQL and in my model I 
 just do this:
 sa.Column(u'langid', sa.Integer(), 
 sa.Sequence('gen_language_langid'), primary_key=True, nullable=False),

Can someone explain what the differences between using a sequence like
this or autoincrement=True on the column are?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Multiple self-referential relations

2009-05-19 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Michael Bayer wrote:
 On May 18, 2009, at 7:01 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
 session = orm.relation(SurveySession, cascade=all,
 parent = orm.relation(TreeNode, cascade=all,
 you want to say '' here, or  
 'remote_side=[]'.   Or just 'remote_side=id'.   the  
 argument to remote_side is one of:  1. a string that is evaluated  
 entirely 2. a column 3. a list of columns

Doing that for the remote_side for the parent relation results in the
exact same error unfortunately.


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[sqlalchemy] Multiple self-referential relations

2009-05-18 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I am building a tree datastructure using parent pointers. The only differece
from a standard adjancancy list is that I can have multiple trees, each
identified by a root session node. In order to be allow fast queries each tree
node has a pointer to the session id (ie the root node).

Unfortunately I can't seem to get the relation declared properly. My latest
attempt looks like this:

import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import orm
from sqlalchemy import schema
from sqlalchemy import types
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

session = orm.create_session()
db_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(sqlite:///)
BaseObject = declarative_base()

class TreeNode(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = tree

id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
type = schema.Column(types.String(10), nullable=False, index=True)
session_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
schema.ForeignKey(, onupdate=CASCADE, ondelete=CASCADE),
nullable=False, index=True)
parent_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
schema.ForeignKey(, onupdate=CASCADE, ondelete=CASCADE),
nullable=True, index=True)

__mapper_args__ = dict(polymorphic_on=type)

session = orm.relation(SurveySession, cascade=all,
parent = orm.relation(TreeNode, cascade=all,

class SurveySession(TreeNode):
__tablename__ = session
__mapper_args__ = dict(polymorphic_identity=session)

id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)

print query.all()

but running that results in this error message:

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Relation TreeNode.parent could not determine any 
local/remote column pairs from remote side argument 
set([sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnClause at 0x1120bd0;])

I can't seem to figure out what the correct spelling is.


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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[sqlalchemy] bindparams not resolved?

2009-05-11 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I am wondering if this is a bug in my reasoning, or in SQLAlchemy
(0.5.3). I have a model which is pretty simple:

class ClothingArticle(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = clothing_article

id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
currency = schema.Column(types.String(3),
nullable=False, default=EUR, index=True)
price = schema.Column(types.Numeric(precision=6, scale=2),
price_euro = schema.Column(types.Numeric(precision=6, scale=2),
nullable=False, index=True)

When a currerency rate changes I am trying to update it, using a simple
prepared statement:


The statement is processed correctly:

(Pdb) print update
UPDATE clothing_article SET price_euro=(clothing_article.price * :newrate) 
WHERE clothing_article.currency = :currency

But when I try to use it:

   session.execute(update, currency=currency[code], newrate=newrate)

I get an error:

TypeError: get_bind() got an unexpected keyword argument 'currency'

I find it hard to believe parameter binding does not work, since SA uses
that internally, but I also can't spot my mistake unfortunately.


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Seeing Queries in Postgres

2009-03-04 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Alex Ezell wrote:
 Sorry the double and top post, but please disregard. I've been
 informed by a coworker that this is a PostgreSQL limitation on the
 length of the current_query column and that thus far, the PostgreSQL
 devs will not change it.

Postgres has a log_statement configuration settings which you can use to
make it log all queries to its logfile. Perhaps that would be useful for


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: What's the use of expunge?

2009-02-26 Thread Wichert Akkerman

Previously Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Feb 26, 2009, at 8:21 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:
  What happens if you do not call expunge on it, but pickle the object  
  in a
  cache, load it later and then merge it?
 the state of the newly unpickled object, that is the current value of  
 its mapped attributes, would be merged with the persistent version in  
 the session.  merge() will load the object from the database into an  
 in-session, persistent instance before merging the external state.  
 because your unpickled instance never actually enters the session,  
 conflicts with its previous session or an already present in-session  
 object are nicely avoided.

I actually skip that and invalidate the cache entry on changes to
prevent that SQL hit. What I meant was: does it matter if you never
explicitly call expunge?


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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[sqlalchemy] Re: join_depth in two directions with adjancency lists

2008-12-26 Thread Wichert Akkerman
On 12/25/08 4:37 PM, Michael Bayer wrote:
 On Dec 25, 2008, at 6:45 AM, Wichert Akkerman wrote:

 I have a reasonably standard hierarchical datastructure which I'm
 to store in SQL. The basic model looks like this:

 class Page(BaseObject):
 __tablename__ = page
 id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True,
 path = schema.Column(types.Unicode(128), nullable=False,
 children = orm.relation(Page, cascade=all,

 This works fine. As shown in the basic_tree example you can configure
 the children relation with eager loading and a join_depth to load
 tree structure efficiently.

 this can't work as stated above.  You have a relation() from Page to
 itself but no notion of foreign key between the page table and
 itself is specified.  You'll get an error.

That is mostly due to a copypaste error. I forgot this line:

 parent_id = schema.Column(types.Integer(),
 schema.ForeignKey(, onupdate=CASCADE, ondelete=CASCADE),

 I want to do the reverse: build a relation which returns a list of all
 parents of an object. I figured this would work:

 parents = orm.relation(Page, remote_side=[id],
  lazy=False, join_depth=5)

 That only returns the first parent, not a list of successive
 parents. Is
 it possible to build that parent list like that?


 if this is a standard adjacency list relation, Page.parent is a many
 to one.Joining up five levels will give you a Parent referencing
 its Parent referencing its Parent, etc.

It did not though: I only got the direct parent.

 To roll those up into a
 single set of result columns in a single SQL statement would be very
 involved - a recursive iterator would be way easier, i.e.

 def parents_iterator(self):
   s = self.parent
   while s:
   yield s
   s = s.parent

that suggests that join_depth the other way (recursive children) is also 
expensive, which the documentation does not mention. Is that correct?


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[sqlalchemy] join_depth in two directions with adjancency lists

2008-12-25 Thread Wichert Akkerman

I have a reasonably standard hierarchical datastructure which I'm trying
to store in SQL. The basic model looks like this:

class Page(BaseObject):
__tablename__ = page
id = schema.Column(types.Integer(), primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
path = schema.Column(types.Unicode(128), nullable=False, index=True)
children = orm.relation(Page, cascade=all,

This works fine. As shown in the basic_tree example you can configure
the children relation with eager loading and a join_depth to load entire
tree structure efficiently.

I want to do the reverse: build a relation which returns a list of all
parents of an object. I figured this would work:

parents = orm.relation(Page, remote_side=[id], 
 lazy=False, join_depth=5)

That only returns the first parent, not a list of successive parents. Is
it possible to build that parent list like that?


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

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