Re: [sqlalchemy] 0.6b1 and pymssql

2010-02-04 Thread Yannick Gingras
On February 4, 2010, Michael Bayer wrote:
 In 0.6 we can probably just shoot for supporting the new pymssql
 since its supposed to be much better than the old.

I've seen pymssql 1.0.2 segfault the interpreter when under medium
load.  And yes, I had a core to prove that pymssql was as fault.  I
would probably consider pyodbc is I was stuck with MSSQL.

Yannick Gingras -- track coordinator -- lead organizer

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [sqlalchemy] 0.6b1 and pymssql

2010-02-04 Thread Yannick Gingras
On February 4, 2010, Michael Bayer wrote:
  I've seen pymssql 1.0.2 segfault the interpreter when under medium
  load.  And yes, I had a core to prove that pymssql was as fault.  I
  would probably consider pyodbc is I was stuck with MSSQL.

 did you contact the pymssql maintainer about that ?  Also, even if
 pymssql was at fault I've observed that sometimes native libs
 segfault due to specific usages, which the dialect can be made to
 ensure never occur.

If I recall correctly, we were still trying to come up with an easy to
reproduce test case for that one when the project got canned and we
moved to MySQL.  For the record, the segfault occurred in
PyTuple_SET_ITEM() on line 2186 of mssqldbmodule.c.  I don't have an
MSSQL instance handy right now so it's hard to give details.

Yannick Gingras -- track coordinator -- lead organizer

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Re: [sqlalchemy] Working with temp tables on Postgres

2010-01-31 Thread Yannick Gingras
On January 29, 2010, Michael Bayer wrote:
 I usually go with the IN clause but I wonder if its possible to
 write PG stored procedures that can get to xapian as well (since you
 can write them in python or any other language).

Beside the fact that you need admin rights to create the proc, the
solution with PL/Python is very clean:

  org_id INTEGER,
  rank INTEGER

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION org_ft_match (terms text)
as $$
  import xappy
  DB_PATH = /.../data/org_ft/

  conn = xappy.SearchConnection(DB_PATH)
  q = conn.query_field(name, terms)
  res =, 0, 500)
  for i, r in enumerate(res):
  yield (int(, i)
$$ language plpythonu IMMUTABLE;

select name from organization o
join org_ft_match('bob AND jane') on org_id =
# [...] more joins for other criteria
order by rank

Yannick Gingras -- track coordinator -- lead organizer

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[sqlalchemy] Working with temp tables on Postgres

2010-01-29 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings, Alchemists, 
what's the best way to work with temp tables on Postgres?

It's fairly easy to have one created:

  tmp_foo = Table('tmp_foo', 
  Column('id', Integer, unique=True),
  Column('bar', Integer),

The problem is that if I am not sure that the table was created, I
can't use it.  The following:


does not work.  It issues the following SQL that won't find a match
for temp tables:

  select relname from pg_class c 
   join pg_namespace n on n.oid=c.relnamespace 
   where n.nspname=current_schema() and lower(relname)=%(name)s

One work around would be to use ON COMMIT DROP but I don't now how
to do that since Table() has no `suffixes` parameter.

Any help on that one?

While I'm at it, I might as well state the high level problem that
pushed me to use temp tables.  I'm using Xapian to do full text
indexing.  Xapian is good to give me a list of document ids that I can
then retrieve from the database but if I want to apply additional
criteria, I have to do the filtering on the database side.  On way to
do that is with a huge IN clause, the other is with a temp table.  I
like the temp table because I can also use it to order by Xapian
ranking and do the paging on the alchemy side.  I could also duplicate
all the criteria on the Xapian side but I want to avoid that if

Any suggestions for either problems?

Yannick Gingras -- track coordinator -- lead organizer

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [sqlalchemy] Working with temp tables on Postgres

2010-01-29 Thread Yannick Gingras
On January 29, 2010, Michael Bayer wrote:
  One work around would be to use ON COMMIT DROP but I don't now how
  to do that since Table() has no `suffixes` parameter.
 from sqlalchemy.schema import CreateTable
 from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
 def check_temporary(create, compiler, **kw):
 table = create.element
 ret = compiler.visit_create_table(create)
 if 'TEMPORARY' in table._prefixes:
 return ret

Very nice, thanks!

  On way to do that is with a huge IN clause, the other is with a
  temp table.  I like the temp table because I can also use it to
  order by Xapian ranking and do the paging on the alchemy side.

 I usually go with the IN clause but I wonder if its possible to
 write PG stored procedures that can get to xapian as well (since you
 can write them in python or any other language).

I would not be too hard to make it run on in PL/Python but PL/Python
is a non-safe language so it's a bit of a pain to have new versions of
the proc deployed since you need to admin in PG to update it.  This is
why I'd rather go with a solution on the client side.

When you go with the big IN, you sort by full text ranking on the
Python side?  This forces you to fetch the full result set to have the
desired page.  My experience is that the IN solution get unbearably
slow quite fast.  With 4+ results from Xapian, it can take several
seconds to get my results with IN.  I doubt that any sane human will
go through all those 40k results so it's probably safe to only send
the first fer thousands full text ids to the database but our
requirements call for an accurate page count.  

The more I think about it, the more it looks like the stored proc in
PL/Python is the only same way to do it.

Thank again for all the infos.

Yannick Gingras -- track coordinator -- lead organizer

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[sqlalchemy] Looking for a schema / database migration tool

2009-12-28 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings Alchemists, 
  I'm looking for a schema migration tool, ideally one that works well
with SQLAlchemy.  I know about sqlalchemy-migrate but I find its
monotone numbering scheme hard to reconcile with distributed
development.  More details on that specific problem on their mailing

Are there any other tool that could do the job?  How hard would it be
to modify sqlalchemy-migrate to work with dependencies instead of
sequential version numbers?

Best regards, 

Yannick Gingras -- track coordinator -- lead organizer

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[sqlalchemy] Slow session.commit()?

2009-12-11 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings Alchemists, 
  maybe I'm doing something wrong but it seems to me that commiting a
session, especially one with many objects (say, 150k), requires a lot
of processing power.  

In the following script, commiting the session takes roughly three
times longer then generating the objects, no matter what the database
is: I get roughly the same ration with Postgres, MySQL, and SQLite.
That's to be expected since it's at commit time that we actually send
the objects to the database.  What puzzles me though is that `top`
suggests that the process is CPU bound on the Python side, not
io-bound on the database side.

Am I doing something wrong?  Beside the obvious raw SQL statements, is
there a way to speed things up?

Here is my example script:
from timeit import timeit

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm import relation

engine = create_engine('sqlite:tmp/foo.db', echo=False)
Base = declarative_base()

class Department(Base):
__tablename__ = 'department'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

class Employee(Base):
__tablename__ = 'employee'

id = Column(String, primary_key=True)
dept_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(
dept = relation(Department, backref=employees) 


session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)()

def insert():
for i in range(5):
dept = Department(id=i)
for j in range(3):
emp = Employee(id=%d-%d % (i, j))

print timeit(insert, number=1)
print timeit(session.commit, number=1)

Yannick Gingras -- track coordinator -- lead organizer

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[sqlalchemy] License of the example files

2009-10-19 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings Alchemists, 
  I plan to base a chunk of my code on one of the examples in
sqlalchemy/examples.  I just want to make sure that those are free to
use.  SQLAlchemy is licenced under the X11 (MIT) license.  Is it also
the case for the examples?

Yannick Gingras -- track coordinator -- lead organizer

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[sqlalchemy] Duck-typing style of relations

2009-10-09 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings Alchemists, 
  this is more of a general data modeling question but maybe Alchemy has
a neat trick to resolve this issue.

It happens quite often that I want to use instances of a class as
attributes of unrelated objects.  One example is Addresses.  Both
Companies and Persons have addresses and it would be somewhat awkward
to derive both from a common ancestor, even though mixins would do the
trick.  However, the concept of mixins is not straightforward to
transpose to data mapping.  The Address example could be implemented
as follow:

class Address(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'address'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
city = Column(Unicode(255))
postal_code = Column(Unicode(15))
# ...

class Company(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'company'
address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
address = relation(Address)

class Person(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'person'
address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
address = relation(Address)

One problem with that is that it's hard to prevent orphan addresses.
Another thing that may or may not be a problem is that you could have
the same address being used for more than one company or person, which
could lead to a funny situation if one of them moves.

To allow for more than one address per entity, one could do:

class Company(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'company'
shipping_address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
shipping_address = relation(Address, primary_join=...)
billing_address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
billing_address = relation(Address, primary_join=...)

Similarly, an open ended number of addresses can be implemented with a
join table:

class CompanyAddress(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'company_address'
address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
address = relation(Address, primary_join=...)
company_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
company_address = relation(Company, primary_join=...)

class PersonAddress(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'preson_address'
address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
address = relation(Address, primary_join=...)
person_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
person_address = relation(Person, primary_join=...)

But we still have the problem of orphan addresses and it get somewhat
tricky to prevent addresses re-use.

It's easier to check for address re-use with a multi-slot join table:

class AddressMap(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'address_map'
address_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
address = relation(Address, primary_join=...)
company_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
company_address = relation(Company, primary_join=...)
person_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''))
person_address = relation(Person, primary_join=...)

However, it's hard to extend when you need a new kind of objects that
has addresses.  

Is there a better solution?

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Duck-typing style of relations

2009-10-09 Thread Yannick Gingras
On October 9, 2009, Conor wrote:
 I think your best solution is similar to your AddressMap idea above, but
 just make it part of Address instead with check and unique constraints
 on your FK columns: [...]
 The check constraint above is a bit overkill for just 2 FK columns (you
 could just use (company_id IS NULL)  (person_id IS NULL), but it is
 easy to extend to 2 FK columns.

Thats a very nice solution indeed.  

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Portable Enum Columns

2009-10-07 Thread Yannick Gingras
On October 7, 2009, Michael Bayer wrote:
 the ticket is here:
 you'll see from the discussion the issue is not nearly so straightforward.

Right, looks like I should either go with PGEnum or stick to varchar
FKs if I need something that is portable.  Thanks for the info.

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Portable Enum Columns

2009-10-06 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings Alchemists, 
  I want to define a column that will only accept a handful of possible
values.  Sure enough, I can to that with a check constraint or with a
lookup table an a foreign key.  However, for some reason, I really like
the semantic of an enum column.  That is, I like to read a definition 
that looks like that:

  class Order(DeclarativeBase):
  __tablename__ = 'order'
  id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
  code = Column(Enum('CMTP'), nullable=False, default='C')
  # ...

There is the low level MySQL enum type and there is a somewhat dated
recipe on the wiki:

Is there another way to do it?  Something that would be portable and
to both MySQL and Postgres would be great.


Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] call for speakers

2009-09-23 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings Alchemists, 
  I'm coordinator for the Python track at the conference and I
have an announcement to make that will certainly be of interest to
many of you.

PHP-Québec, Montréal-Python, Ruby Montréal, W3Qc, and OWASP Montréal
are organizing the first edition of the conference,
which will be held in Montréal on March 10th through 12th at the
Hilton Bonaventure Hotel.  With over 500 expected attendees, is the largest Web development conference in North

We are looking for the best speakers willing to share their experience
and skills with programmers, managers, marketers and decision
makers. The conference is divided into two parts:

  A technical part, encompassing different aspects of Web development:
  PHP, Python, Ruby, security, project management, CMSs and
  frameworks, databases, systems administration, Web standards,
  accessibility and agile methods.

  A decision-making part: referencing (SEO), Web marketing analysis,
  and social networking.

Presenters can decide to present in English or French.  Presentations
are roughly one hour long and these may be recorded for later
broadcast in digital format.  All relevant details concerning the
conference are available on the call for speaker website [1].

Even though Python can be used for a wide range of programming tasks,
the Python track at will focus on Web development with
Python.  For all the other fascinating aspects of Python, do not
hesitate to submit a talk to PyCon [2], which is also running its
call for speakers as I write this.

Share the word!


Yannick Gingras

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[sqlalchemy] Re: Problems with pyodbc on RHEL 64

2009-05-14 Thread Yannick Gingras

On Wednesday 13 May 2009 19:43:04 Rick Morrison wrote:
  Are you using pymssql 0.8.0 or the 1.0.x branch?  They somewhat change
  the API in 1.0.x to make it more compliant with the python db api 2.0
  and I assume that it has impacts on the Alchemy support.

 I'm using 0.8.0, the release notes for 1.0 implied it was more or less a
 total rewrite; I stayed away for the time being.

Last question: are on 32 bit or on 64 bit?  Our dev boxen are in 32 bit
and there a lot of stuff that goes fine on them until we push the code
to the staging server that runs on 64 bit.

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Problems with pyodbc on RHEL 64

2009-05-13 Thread Yannick Gingras

On Tuesday 12 May 2009 21:53:55 Rick Morrison wrote:
 AFAIK, there's nothing in SQLA that will address this -- the issue sounds
 new to me, and it seems to me that it's pretty clearly some kind of
 pyodbc/FreeTDS issue. Check your character encoding settings, there's quite
 a few reported issues with MSSQL + pyodbc + unicode statements. You may
 want to browse the FreeTDS lists as well. Please report back anything
 pertinent that you find.

How about the pymssql route?  Have you guys tried it?  I get weird
formatting errors when I go pymssql 1.0.2.  I looks like it does not
like stuff like:

  conn.execute(select foo from bar where qux like '%quux%')

I get errors regarding 0x27 (single quote) not being a proper
formatting character.  We could escape all the percent signs in our
code but I'd rather avoid it and Pyodbc does not seem to have a
problem with them, which is a big plus.  We are mostly using Alchemy
for the connection pooling; we have a few mapped objects but most of
our queries are still hand written and we don't want to convert them
all to the SQL abstraction layer provided by Alchemy right now.

Any advice on using Pymssql with Alchemy?

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Problems with pyodbc on RHEL 64

2009-05-13 Thread Yannick Gingras
On May 13, 2009, Rick Morrison wrote:
 I personally use pymssql with the 0.4 series, I don't know if it's broken
 in 0.5x or not. It's not a panacea by any stretch: pymssql has a somewhat
 long list of caveats (30 char identifier limit, no unicode, no
 varchar(255), etc.) - see the wiki for some of the details. The issue with
 the quoted parameters is news to me - while I primarily use the SQLA orm
 and sql-api layers, we do have a handful of text-based SQL with quoted
 string-interpolated parameters and also with quoted-string constants that
 all seem to work fine.

Are you using pymssql 0.8.0 or the 1.0.x branch?  They somewhat change
the API in 1.0.x to make it more compliant with the python db api 2.0
and I assume that it has impacts on the Alchemy support.

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Problems with pyodbc on RHEL 64

2009-05-12 Thread Yannick Gingras

Hi, I also reported this problem on the pyodbc mailing list but maybe
one of you know a workaround.

I'm trying to use pyodbc on RHEL 5.3 64 bit but all my strings are
filled with garbage after position 1024.  Here is an example:

  import pyodbc
  conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL 
  conn.execute(select %r % (= * 1030))

This is what I get back:


This is the content of my /etc/odbcinst.ini:
[SQL Server]
Description = FreeTDS Driver
Driver = /usr/lib64/
UsageCount = 1

When I try to do the same on Ubuntu 8.10, both 32 bit and 64 bit, I
get expected result, that is, a string of = 1030 character long.

On RHEL 5.3, unixodbc is 2.2.11-7.1, on Ubuntu it's 2.2.11-16build2,
what ever that means.  I'm running Pyodbc 2.1.5 on Python 2.5.

I get the same error with SQLAlchemy 0.5.3 with the following:

  from sqlalchemy import create_engine
  eng = create_engine(mssql://foo:b...@qux/quux?DRIVER={SQL 
  conn = eng.connect()

Anyone has an idea on what can cause this and how it can be solved?

My idea was to fall back on pymssql but Alchemy 0.5.3 does not seem to
like pymssql 1.0.2 and I find 0.8 has documented problems on 64 bit
systems.  What do you guys recommend?  Running the experimental 0.6
Alchemy branch?

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Comparable ColumnDefaults for shema diffing

2008-06-12 Thread Yannick Gingras
Greeting Alchemists, 
  in order to implement schema diffing, it would be nice if two similar
ColumnDefault objects would be comparable as such.  I attach a path to
implement such test.  Would it make sense to add this support in
Alchemy's core or should a schema diffing library add it through
monkey patching?

Yannick Gingras

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Index: lib/sqlalchemy/
--- lib/sqlalchemy/ 4842)
+++ lib/sqlalchemy/ copy)
@@ -970,2 +970,2 @@
 return column_default
 __visit_name__ = property(_visit_name)

+def __eq__(self, other):
+if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
+return NotImplemented
+if callable(self.arg) and callable(other.arg):
+return NotImplemented
+return self.arg == other.arg
+def __ne__(self, other):
+return not self.__eq__(other)
 def __repr__(self):
 return ColumnDefault(%s) % repr(self.arg)

 class Sequence(DefaultGenerator):
 Represents a named database sequence.

[sqlalchemy] Re: Comparable ColumnDefaults for shema diffing

2008-06-12 Thread Yannick Gingras

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 can't the schema diff utility include a function such as  
 compare_defaults(a, b) ?   a ColumnDefault isn't really like a SQL  
 expression object so the __eq__()/__ne__() seems inappropriate (in  
 general, overriding __eq__() is an endeavor to be taken on carefully,  
 since it heavily changes the behavior of that object when used in  
 lists and such).

You are right that defining __eq__() can have nasty side effects but
it seems strange to me that

  ColumnDefault(20) == ColumnDefault(20)

is False.  If you think that there might be other side effect that I
didn't foresee, I will implement the comparator in the diffing

It the same way, what do you think about __eq__() for types?  This is

  types.Integer(10) == types.Integer(10)

which was unexpected to say the least but there might be a good reason
for it.

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Schema and database migration: how to diff?

2008-06-05 Thread Yannick Gingras


 see as an attempt to do this over 2 
 svn co

It works pretty well.  How about a small cleanup to make it truly
general an a promotion to a package of its own?  With the `changeset`
parts of sqlalchemy_migration, we could generate most of the upgrade
script from the computed diff.  Unless you already do that and I
missed that part somehow.

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Schema and database migration: how to diff?

2008-06-02 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings alchemists, 
  I'm trying to setup the migration strategy for our project and I'm
looking for some kind of schema differ.

I took a look at sqlalchemy_migrate: the changeset module provides
interesting functionalities to add columns, alter tables, and create
constraints on an existing database but the versioning parts seems
clumsy and fragile: I have to perform all the schema upgrade by hand
and I have to keep track of the upgrade with some kind of crude
revision control system.  There is that and the fact that the doc is
out of date which convince me that I have to find some other solution.

All our table definitions are written in Python with the Alchemy ORM
facility; nothing is inferred through autoload.  I guess we could get
a rough idea of the changes by walking the list of table with and
comparing the column names in both version.  The diff for a new column
would be easy enough to compute and we could trigger and error if the
column is changed so a human could write the appropriate alter

I'm sure I'm not the first to look for a solution to schema upgrade.
Is there a package out there to compute the differences between two
versions of a schema?  If not, what gotchas should I know about before
I try my hand at such a framework?

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Pre-commit hooks

2008-05-15 Thread Yannick Gingras

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 easy enough to build yourself a generic MapperExtension that scans  
 incoming objects for a _pre_commit() method.

Yeah indeed.  I used this:

class HookExtension(MapperExtension):
 Extention to add pre-commit hooks.

Hooks will be called in Mapped classes if they define any of these
  * _pre_insert()
  * _pre_delete()
  * _pre_update()

def before_insert(self, mapper, connection, instance):
if getattr(instance, _pre_insert, None):

def before_delete(self, mapper, connection, instance):
if getattr(instance, _pre_delete, None):

def before_update(self, mapper, connection, instance):
if getattr(instance, _pre_update, None):

It works great.  Thanks for the pointers.

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Pre-commit hooks

2008-05-15 Thread Yannick Gingras


 speed wise, this is better: hasattr is implemented as getattr + try 
 except. i would do it even:
   f = getattr(instance, _pre_insert, None)
   if f: f()
 Thus the func name is spelled only once - avoids stupid mistakes.

Spelling only once is the killer feature of your approach.  I just
refactored my implementation.


Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Connecting to an MS SQL server ?

2008-05-15 Thread Yannick Gingras



Hello Tarun, 

 This is my first encounter with sqlalchemy. I am trying to connect to
 an MS SQL server 2000 that is not on local  host. I want to connect
 using Integrated Security and not use a specific username and
 password. Can anyone tell me the format of the connection string ?

I don't know about Integrated Security but we use alchemy to connect
to a MSSQL from a GNU/Linux box and it works really well.  We use Unix
ODBC with TDS with the DSN registered with the local ODBC.

Take a look at

My obdb.ini looks like

 Driver  = TDS
 Trace   = No
 Server  =
 Port= 1433

and my alchemy connection string is


Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query filtering like isinstance()

2008-05-14 Thread Yannick Gingras

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If I want to query on containers and on area, I can simply do

  q = Container.query().filter(...)

 but, if I receive a query on Item and a base class, say either Item,
 Container or Area, how can I filter() my query to receive only the
 sub-items from this base class?

 filter on[area, container]) is one approach.  Easier  
 though is session.query(Container); it'll load from the join of items/ 
 containers so you wouldn't get any non-Container objects.   

Sounds good.  I didn't find how to get the polymorphic_identity of a
mapped class.  Is it possible to retried it if I have only the class
object?  This is not a big problem since I can use Item.__name__ as
the polymorphic_identity.

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Pre-commit hooks

2008-05-14 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings Alchemists,
  Is it possible to define a hook in a mapped class that will be called
to test the sanity of an instance before it gets committed?

As an example:

  class Item(object):
def _pre_commit(self):
  assert (self.dry_weight + self.fluids)  50
  mapper(Item, items_table)

I don't want to put the test mutators of dry_weight or fluids since
it's OK to have a temporary inconsistent state as long as the state is
consistent at commit time.

I see that some of this functionality if covered by MapperExtention
but since the test is only related to Item I'd rather put the test in
Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query filtering like isinstance()

2008-05-14 Thread Yannick Gingras

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Sounds good.  I didn't find how to get the polymorphic_identity of a
 mapped class.  Is it possible to retried it if I have only the class
 object?  This is not a big problem since I can use Item.__name__ as
 the polymorphic_identity.

 class_mapper(cls).polymorphic_identity should work

It does.


Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query objects and empty slices

2008-05-11 Thread Yannick Gingras

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 yes.  but the question was, limit is ignored when offset is zero,
 which is not the issue.  LIMIT is ignored when its zero, period (it
 evaluates to false).  the decision to be made is, should Query
 circumvent querying altogether when limit is zero.  this will be
 easy to fix in 0.5 since slices will no longer be generative, so
 we'll just return an empty iterator.  ticket 1035 in trac.

Sounds good.  Keep up the good work.

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Query objects and empty slices

2008-05-02 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings Alchemists,
  I really like the transparent slicing of Query object but there seems
to be a bug some with empty slices.  First or all, fire up your
favorite Python shell and convince yourself that all or those return
empty lists:


Now, if you were to apply the same slices to a query object, you would
be shocked as you notice that only the last returns an empty list; the
fist two return the whole database.

I looked in orm.Query.__getitem__ and the handling of slices seems to
be correct.  As and example, both


return 0.

My guess is that the underlying Select object does not take limit
into account when offset is 0.

You will all agree that this is a bug and that it needs to be fixed.
I don't mind digging into the sources to fix it.  Can anyone point me
in the right direction?

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Query objects and empty slices

2008-05-02 Thread Yannick Gingras

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 My guess is that the underlying Select object does not take limit
 into account when offset is 0.

 you mean, a limit of zero itself is ignored.  an offset of zero  
 doesn't affect limit.

When _offset is 0 or None, _limit seems to be ignored.  There might be
something else but I see:

 print q[:0] # no limit statement in the SQL
 print q[0:0] # no limit statement in the SQL
 print q[1:1] # limit statement is there

 You will all agree that this is a bug and that it needs to be fixed.
 I don't mind digging into the sources to fix it.  Can anyone point me
 in the right direction?

 if the limit is zero Id imagine that no SQL would be issued at all.   
 do you agree ?

That's one way to see it and it would make sense.  However, issuing
the query anyway validates that aside from returning nothing, all the
selected tables are there.  My preference goes for returning an empty
list without emitting SQL.

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Aliasing automatic joins with relation.any()

2008-05-01 Thread Yannick Gingras

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Although, I think it may be wise here if SQLA set the correlate
 value on the expression returned by any() to prevent these errors from
 occuring at all.  Below is a patch that does it.  It needs a little
 bit of tweaking to work with inheritance though so i might add a
 ticket for this.

 OK, you'll have to wait for 0.5 for this feature :).  I have it  
 working over there along with some other refinements.

Is there a workaround in the mean time?  Calling reset_joinpoint()
after filter_by() won't do it:

   Item.query().join(ref_ids, aliased=True).filter_by(ref_id = OP-10)\
   .reset_joinpoint().filter(not_(Item.ref_ids.any(ref_id = OP-10-47000)))\

   class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError': Select
   statement 'SELECT 1 FROM items, item_ids AS item_ids_1 WHERE = item_ids_1.item_id AND item_ids_1.ref_id =
   :item_ids_ref_id_1' is overcorrelated; returned no 'from' clauses

Could I do it with raw exists()?

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Aliasing automatic joins with relation.any()

2008-05-01 Thread Yannick Gingras

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Calling reset_joinpoint() after filter_by() won't do it

 that I'm not able to reproduce.  If i create a similar situation which  
 creates the same error, reset_joinpoint() turns off all the aliasing  
 for subsequent filter() calls and then it works.  It also works on  
 0.4.5.  Can you make sure you're on 0.4.5 and then create a test case  
 for me ?

I was with 0.4.4.  It works perfecly fine with 0.4.5 and reset_joinpoint().


Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Aliasing automatic joins with relation.any()

2008-04-30 Thread Yannick Gingras

Hi, I have two classes, Item and ItemId where one Item can have
multiple ItemIds accessible from its ref_ids relation.

I can do:

  Item.query().filter(not_(Item.ref_ids.any(ref_id = OP-10-47000)))

if I want all the items except the ones with an ItemId with ref_id
set to OP-10-47000 and I can do

  Item.query().filter(not_(Item.ref_ids.any(ref_id = OP-10-47000)))\
  .join(ref_ids, aliased=True).filter_by(ref_id=OP-10)

and I will get all the Items with an ItemId of OP-10 except the ones
with OP-10-47000.  This is great.  

However, if I flip the order and I do:

  Item.query().join(ref_ids, aliased=True).filter_by(ref_id=OP-10)\
  .filter(not_(Item.ref_ids.any(ref_id = OP-10-47000)))
I get the following error:

  class 'sqlalchemy.exceptions.InvalidRequestError': Select
  statement 'SELECT 1 FROM items, item_ids AS item_ids_1 WHERE = item_ids_1.item_id AND item_ids_1.ref_id =
  :item_ids_ref_id_1' is overcorrelated; returned no 'from' clauses

I had the same error with the first query before I aliased it so I
assume that it's an aliasing problem.  How can I alias the
ref_ids.any() clause?

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: ORM as a view

2008-04-08 Thread Yannick Gingras

jason kirtland [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 A couple approaches come to mind:
 - map Obj to a select() with the restrictions baked in

I adapted the example the manual:

It works great!  

The only thing that wasn't explicit from the example was that the
properties of the mapped objected has to use the columns of the select
object instead of the tables ones:

 -_next_join = (po_details_table.c.status_code_next
 +_pod_select = select([po_details_table],
 + and_(po_details_table.c.line_type == J ,
 +  po_details_table.c.line_no  0)
 + ).alias(pod_select)
 +_next_join = (_pod_select.c.status_code_next
== order_rules_table.c.status_code)
 -_last_join = (po_details_table.c.status_code_last
 +_last_join = (_pod_select.c.status_code_last
== order_rules_table.c.status_code)
 -mapper(PODetail, po_details_table,
 +mapper(PODetail, _pod_select,

It would be nice if the example could illustrate this subtlety.
Otherwise, I love it.


Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] ORM as a view

2008-04-02 Thread Yannick Gingras

Hi, I use Alchemy to connection to a legacy system from which I pull
data to be inserter into a new system that is being built with Python.

I'm only interested by a tiny fraction of the legacy data and I'm
wondering if it's possible to specify constraints to the mapper do


would only fetch rows with col_a == foo and col_b == bar.

I know how to do that for a field of the object with 
  relation(..., primary_join=...)

How would I do that at the object level?

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Read-only Sessions

2007-10-25 Thread Yannick Gingras

Greetings Alchemists, 
  I'm using Alchemy for a Pylons application and I just migrated to 0.4.
My application has a read only mode and even though I do all the
relevant checks all over the place, I know I'm going to forget a
critical spot one of there days so I used to do:

  def abort_ro():

  if c.site_readonly: 
 model.ctx.current.flush = abort_ro

I'd like to do something like this with Alchemy 0.4 but I'm a bit
lost.  I use a scoped session like this:

  db_sess = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True, 

So the session object is reused all over the place and overwriting one
of its methods is not a good idea.  What would be my best option to
implement readonly mode?

Yannick Gingras

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Read-only Sessions

2007-10-25 Thread Yannick Gingras

Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 If you were setting ctx.current.flush to something for every new
 session, the approach here would be the same (Session ().flush =
 abort_ro).  if you were only setting ctx.current.flush to abort_ro()
 at the module level, then your 0.3 approach wasn't working either
 (since 'current' is a functional property) ;).


Yeah I was setting it on a per-session basis.  There is a global
read-only mode but there is also a per-request read-only mode.  I use
it to implement soft-bans: a banned user can read the site but he
can't make changes.

What do you recommend for a per-session read-only mode?

Yannick Gingras

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