Page videos do not load:

2015-10-08 Thread azed13
I am not sure if this is a Browser or Provider problem. My TV system is 
through Direct TV, my internet prover is Comcast. When I click on a 
choice in Today in Video at my home page (Xfinity) the page opens but no 
videos ever load. An example follows;

There are multiple "loading" indicators no videos. I have been unable to 
find anything in Xfinity support that addresses this situation. Perhaps 
someone in this group has some insight. Since videos play normally on 
most sights, I wonder if there is something unique about the videos on 
this site or if a tweak in needed in Seamonkey.

Thanks in advance,

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Page videos do not load:

2015-10-08 Thread azed13 wrote:

azed13 wrote:

I am not sure if this is a Browser or Provider problem. My TV system is
through Direct TV, my internet prover is Comcast. When I click on a
choice in Today in Video at my home page (Xfinity) the page opens but no
videos ever load. An example follows;

There are multiple "loading" indicators no videos. I have been unable to
find anything in Xfinity support that addresses this situation. Perhaps
someone in this group has some insight. Since videos play normally on
most sights, I wonder if there is something unique about the videos on
this site or if a tweak in needed in Seamonkey.

I see the same using:
- SeaMonkey 2.33.1
- Internet Explorer 9
- Google Chrome 45
on Windows Vista

I guess something is broken on that site. Either that or, being in the
UK, they're blocking me from seeing the videos (or whatever it is that's
supposed to be loading).


Thank you Mark. Since you are able to duplicate the problem I suspect it 
is a Comcast glitch. I will have to chase customer service a little harder.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey startup taking longer.

2015-06-29 Thread azed13

Lee wrote:

On 6/28/15, azed13 wrote:

Jonathan N. Little wrote:

azed13 wrote:

I have noticed over a period of several months that each time I update
Seamonkey (currently 2.33.1) it seems to take longer to open when called
upon. I have timed it and the delay before an operational browser is
available has been up to two minutes. Is this normal?

I do not have extensions or add ons except for User Agent switcher
and Last Pass Security. I have two PC's and a laptop, the second PC has
only User Agent Switcher and all three experience this delay. Is there a
setting I am missing or could this be an ISP problem. I have Cox Cable
which is the so called fastest in this area.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Switch your home page to blank or a local HTML page and test to take Cox
out of the equation.

I set the home page to Blank, no change to delay. I then disabled the
Host file which is quite large and thought it might be a cause. However,
after closing the browser and shutting down the system a cold boot and
restart of Seamonkey the delay is still apparent.

If I close Seamonkey and restart it, the delay is minimal. It appears
that upon the initial start of Seamonkey after boot up something is
interfering with or configuring the program before it opens and is then
erased when the system shuts down. Does this make any kind of sense?

Yes.  Sounds like an anti-virus program set to check programs before
loading  remember the results so it doesn't have to scan on
subsequent program loads.

So... do you ahve an a/v program?   set to check programs when they
load?  and set to scan only on the first load?


First, my thanks to all of you responders for the great suggestions. 
Second, mea culpa because the responses made me use my ancient brain to 
dig through my machine looking for other possible causes. And, I found it.

Back in mid 2014 I thought my boot time seemed to be a little too long. 
when we get old we sometimes get impatient. I found a small program that 
was designed to delay applications from preloading in the background 
during boot. So, the net effect is some programs took a minimal amount 
of extra time to load when called upon. I was not aware that Seamonkey 
would be in that category. As Seamonkey went through the various updates 
it appears that little program had more effect then on other applications.

I disabled it and the problem vanished. So, my apologies to all for 
bugging you with something that really turned out to be way off topic.

Conversely, my thanks for nudging me in the right direction to solve it.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey startup taking longer.

2015-06-29 Thread azed13

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

azed13 wrote:

8 gigs ram, Task Mgr. says 4.9 cached (Windows 7 Limitation??)
1 Terabyte Drive, 517 Gigs free. WD 5400 RPM - SATA.

Seems like plenty of capacity. I appreciate that you are trying to help.

Is it just SM, or is the whole system performing poorly? If it's the
system, it's probably not SM's fault (though it could be).

Try clearing cache and cookies, compact folders, then restart SM.

What does Windows Task Manager say is using all that 4.9 GB? You may
have to show processes from all users (checkbox at bottom).

Just Seamonkey Paul. Task Manager shows Seamonkey far and away the 
largest user at 350,000 K+ The second largest group of users is all the 
Host Processes for Windows Services also exceeding 350,000 K.

I haven't noticed any unusual delay opening other programs such as 
Photoshop or Office.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey startup taking longer.

2015-06-29 Thread azed13

Lee wrote:

On 6/28/15, azed13 wrote:

Jonathan N. Little wrote:

azed13 wrote:

I have noticed over a period of several months that each time I update
Seamonkey (currently 2.33.1) it seems to take longer to open when called
upon. I have timed it and the delay before an operational browser is
available has been up to two minutes. Is this normal?

I do not have extensions or add ons except for User Agent switcher
and Last Pass Security. I have two PC's and a laptop, the second PC has
only User Agent Switcher and all three experience this delay. Is there a
setting I am missing or could this be an ISP problem. I have Cox Cable
which is the so called fastest in this area.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Switch your home page to blank or a local HTML page and test to take Cox
out of the equation.

I set the home page to Blank, no change to delay. I then disabled the
Host file which is quite large and thought it might be a cause. However,
after closing the browser and shutting down the system a cold boot and
restart of Seamonkey the delay is still apparent.

If I close Seamonkey and restart it, the delay is minimal. It appears
that upon the initial start of Seamonkey after boot up something is
interfering with or configuring the program before it opens and is then
erased when the system shuts down. Does this make any kind of sense?

Yes.  Sounds like an anti-virus program set to check programs before
loading  remember the results so it doesn't have to scan on
subsequent program loads.

So... do you ahve an a/v program?   set to check programs when they
load?  and set to scan only on the first load?



I have Microsoft Security Essentials as well as AVG Free edition. Any 
kind of scheduled or auto scan is disabled in both. Real-time 
protection is enabled in MSE and Resident Shield is enabled in AVG. 
As far as I can tell looking at the settings for both programs there is 
no indication of a request to scan any particular program before 
opening. However, I really don't know what Real-time protection is in MSE.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey startup taking longer.

2015-06-28 Thread azed13

Jonathan N. Little wrote:

azed13 wrote:

I have noticed over a period of several months that each time I update
Seamonkey (currently 2.33.1) it seems to take longer to open when called
upon. I have timed it and the delay before an operational browser is
available has been up to two minutes. Is this normal?

I do not have extensions or add ons except for User Agent switcher
and Last Pass Security. I have two PC's and a laptop, the second PC has
only User Agent Switcher and all three experience this delay. Is there a
setting I am missing or could this be an ISP problem. I have Cox Cable
which is the so called fastest in this area.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Switch your home page to blank or a local HTML page and test to take Cox
out of the equation.

I set the home page to Blank, no change to delay. I then disabled the 
Host file which is quite large and thought it might be a cause. However,
after closing the browser and shutting down the system a cold boot and 
restart of Seamonkey the delay is still apparent.

If I close Seamonkey and restart it, the delay is minimal. It appears 
that upon the initial start of Seamonkey after boot up something is 
interfering with or configuring the program before it opens and is then 
erased when the system shuts down. Does this make any kind of sense?

I can live with the slow start up, it's just an annoyance. I'm now just 
curious as to cause and effect and would appreciate any further insights 
that might explain it.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey startup taking longer.

2015-06-28 Thread azed13

Jonathan N. Little wrote:

azed13 wrote:

I set the home page to Blank, no change to delay. I then disabled the
Host file which is quite large and thought it might be a cause. However,
after closing the browser and shutting down the system a cold boot and
restart of Seamonkey the delay is still apparent.

If I close Seamonkey and restart it, the delay is minimal. It appears
that upon the initial start of Seamonkey after boot up something is
interfering with or configuring the program before it opens and is then
erased when the system shuts down. Does this make any kind of sense?

I can live with the slow start up, it's just an annoyance. I'm now just
curious as to cause and effect and would appreciate any further insights
that might explain it.

Sounds like an issue with the specs of your system...slow drive? Short
on RAM? Full Drive?...

8 gigs ram, Task Mgr. says 4.9 cached (Windows 7 Limitation??)
1 Terabyte Drive, 517 Gigs free. WD 5400 RPM - SATA.

Seems like plenty of capacity. I appreciate that you are trying to help.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Seamonkey startup taking longer.

2015-06-27 Thread azed13
I have noticed over a period of several months that each time I update 
Seamonkey (currently 2.33.1) it seems to take longer to open when called 
upon. I have timed it and the delay before an operational browser is 
available has been up to two minutes. Is this normal?

I do not have extensions or add ons except for User Agent switcher
and Last Pass Security. I have two PC's and a laptop, the second PC has 
only User Agent Switcher and all three experience this delay. Is there a 
setting I am missing or could this be an ISP problem. I have Cox Cable 
which is the so called fastest in this area.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey startup taking longer.

2015-06-27 Thread azed13

Jonathan N. Little wrote:

azed13 wrote:

I have noticed over a period of several months that each time I update
Seamonkey (currently 2.33.1) it seems to take longer to open when called
upon. I have timed it and the delay before an operational browser is
available has been up to two minutes. Is this normal?

I do not have extensions or add ons except for User Agent switcher
and Last Pass Security. I have two PC's and a laptop, the second PC has
only User Agent Switcher and all three experience this delay. Is there a
setting I am missing or could this be an ISP problem. I have Cox Cable
which is the so called fastest in this area.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Switch your home page to blank or a local HTML page and test to take Cox
out of the equation.

Thank you, I will try that.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ? Revisited!

2014-02-24 Thread azed13

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 23/02/14 17:17, azed13 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 22/02/14 11:29, azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I had already done as instructed with no results and then
realized I
not getting the option to select news group for the new
click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired up my
which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and behold,
clicking on new account does indeed give me the choice and I
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is
something in about:config that is not correct?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Just to be sure we are on the same page for your desktop:

Click Window, Mail  Newsgroups, Edit, Mail  Newsgroups Account
Settings..., Add Account

You should now see the screen New Account Setup. On that screen
third item is used to set up a Newsgroup Account. Do you get
on your desktop?
account (4th selection on mine!)

Whoops!! You only see that New Account Setup for a new profile.
Let me
sleep on this.

Happy to wait for a solution that works.

How about if you select *Edit* -Mail  Newsgroup Account Settings
select Add Account on the left panel. Do you get the chance to
add a
Newsgroup account (4th selection for me) there??

Nope as stated before, on this computer Win 7 Pro. latest Seamonkey, I
do not get that option no matter what method is used to open a new
account. I only get the mail setup wizard and entering anything in
dialogue box wipes out my current Mozilla group. So I repeat my
question, is there a about:config entry that is screwed up? I
have no
problem setting up on my laptop or my other desktop. All with Win 7
and latest Seamonkey.

In short, *YES*!!

Setting up a new account should not wipe out an existing account,
and by
using the method I mentioned above I can, and Arnie can, set up new
Newsgroup Account, so you've (or your computer) have done something

You sure you are trying the *Edit* dropdown, now, rather than the
Window dropdown that was mentioned above??

Absolutely, positively, Yes.

It looks like this may be a bug as reported here:

Thanks Arnie:

At least I know I'm not crazy. This appears to be a very selective bug
that has been around since 2009. Funny that it is random and does not
affect every installation of Seamonkey. Nothing worse than an
intermittent bug in any system. I will have to access News on
one of my other computers for now. A bit annoying but it will have to do.


There is a workaround mentioned in the Bug that states:

Workarounds: Set mail.server.serverX.valid to true or delete invalid
news account.

I am not sure I'm ready to tackle that on the one computer of mine where
there is a problem. Maybe someday ...


In my case it was mail.server.server5.valid=. I reset to true and it 
does work. I was then able to setup with 
with no problems. Thanks for the help.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ? Revisited!

2014-02-24 Thread azed13

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 23/02/14 17:17, azed13 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 22/02/14 11:29, azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I had already done as instructed with no results and then
realized I
not getting the option to select news group for the new
click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired
up my
which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and
clicking on new account does indeed give me the choice
and I
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is
something in about:config that is not correct?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Just to be sure we are on the same page for your desktop:

Click Window, Mail  Newsgroups, Edit, Mail  Newsgroups Account
Settings..., Add Account

You should now see the screen New Account Setup. On that
third item is used to set up a Newsgroup Account. Do you get
on your desktop?
account (4th selection on mine!)

Whoops!! You only see that New Account Setup for a new profile.
Let me
sleep on this.

Happy to wait for a solution that works.

How about if you select *Edit* -Mail  Newsgroup Account Settings
select Add Account on the left panel. Do you get the chance to
add a
Newsgroup account (4th selection for me) there??

Nope as stated before, on this computer Win 7 Pro. latest
Seamonkey, I
do not get that option no matter what method is used to open a new
account. I only get the mail setup wizard and entering anything in
dialogue box wipes out my current Mozilla group. So I repeat my
question, is there a about:config entry that is screwed up? I
have no
problem setting up on my laptop or my other desktop. All with Win 7
and latest Seamonkey.

In short, *YES*!!

Setting up a new account should not wipe out an existing account,
and by
using the method I mentioned above I can, and Arnie can, set up new
Newsgroup Account, so you've (or your computer) have done something

You sure you are trying the *Edit* dropdown, now, rather than the
Window dropdown that was mentioned above??

Absolutely, positively, Yes.

It looks like this may be a bug as reported here:

Thanks Arnie:

At least I know I'm not crazy. This appears to be a very selective bug
that has been around since 2009. Funny that it is random and does not
affect every installation of Seamonkey. Nothing worse than an
intermittent bug in any system. I will have to access News on
one of my other computers for now. A bit annoying but it will have to


There is a workaround mentioned in the Bug that states:

Workarounds: Set mail.server.serverX.valid to true or delete invalid
news account.

I am not sure I'm ready to tackle that on the one computer of mine where
there is a problem. Maybe someday ...


In my case it was mail.server.server5.valid=. I reset to true and it
does work. I was then able to setup with
with no problems. Thanks for the help.


Wow! Great news. I found exactly the same thing for .server5, and
changed to True and it now works for me also. Thanks for letting me know
about your success.

You are very welcome.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ? Revisited!

2014-02-23 Thread azed13

Daniel wrote:

On 23/02/14 17:17, azed13 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 22/02/14 11:29, azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I had already done as instructed with no results and then realized I
not getting the option to select news group for the new account.
click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired up my lap
which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and behold,
clicking on new account does indeed give me the choice and I was
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is there
something in about:config that is not correct?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Just to be sure we are on the same page for your desktop:

Click Window, Mail  Newsgroups, Edit, Mail  Newsgroups Account
Settings..., Add Account

You should now see the screen New Account Setup. On that screen the
third item is used to set up a Newsgroup Account. Do you get that
on your desktop?
account (4th selection on mine!)

Whoops!! You only see that New Account Setup for a new profile. Let me
sleep on this.

Happy to wait for a solution that works.

How about if you select *Edit* -Mail  Newsgroup Account Settings and
select Add Account on the left panel. Do you get the chance to add a
Newsgroup account (4th selection for me) there??

Nope as stated before, on this computer Win 7 Pro. latest Seamonkey, I
do not get that option no matter what method is used to open a new
account. I only get the mail setup wizard and entering anything in that
dialogue box wipes out my current Mozilla group. So I repeat my
question, is there a about:config entry that is screwed up? I have no
problem setting up on my laptop or my other desktop. All with Win 7 Pro.
and latest Seamonkey.

In short, *YES*!!

Setting up a new account should not wipe out an existing account, and by
using the method I mentioned above I can, and Arnie can, set up new
Newsgroup Account, so you've (or your computer) have done something wrong!!

You sure you are trying the *Edit* dropdown, now, rather than the
Window dropdown that was mentioned above??

Absolutely, positively, Yes.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ? Revisited!

2014-02-23 Thread azed13

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 23/02/14 17:17, azed13 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

On 22/02/14 11:29, azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I had already done as instructed with no results and then
realized I
not getting the option to select news group for the new account.
click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired up my
which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and behold,
clicking on new account does indeed give me the choice and I
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is
something in about:config that is not correct?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Just to be sure we are on the same page for your desktop:

Click Window, Mail  Newsgroups, Edit, Mail  Newsgroups Account
Settings..., Add Account

You should now see the screen New Account Setup. On that screen
third item is used to set up a Newsgroup Account. Do you get that
on your desktop?
account (4th selection on mine!)

Whoops!! You only see that New Account Setup for a new profile.
Let me
sleep on this.

Happy to wait for a solution that works.

How about if you select *Edit* -Mail  Newsgroup Account Settings and
select Add Account on the left panel. Do you get the chance to add a
Newsgroup account (4th selection for me) there??

Nope as stated before, on this computer Win 7 Pro. latest Seamonkey, I
do not get that option no matter what method is used to open a new
account. I only get the mail setup wizard and entering anything in that
dialogue box wipes out my current Mozilla group. So I repeat my
question, is there a about:config entry that is screwed up? I have no
problem setting up on my laptop or my other desktop. All with Win 7 Pro.
and latest Seamonkey.

In short, *YES*!!

Setting up a new account should not wipe out an existing account, and by
using the method I mentioned above I can, and Arnie can, set up new
Newsgroup Account, so you've (or your computer) have done something

You sure you are trying the *Edit* dropdown, now, rather than the
Window dropdown that was mentioned above??

Absolutely, positively, Yes.

It looks like this may be a bug as reported here:

Thanks Arnie:

At least I know I'm not crazy. This appears to be a very selective bug 
that has been around since 2009. Funny that it is random and does not 
affect every installation of Seamonkey. Nothing worse than an 
intermittent bug in any system. I will have to access News on 
one of my other computers for now. A bit annoying but it will have to do.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ? Revisited!

2014-02-22 Thread azed13

Daniel wrote:

On 22/02/14 11:29, azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I had already done as instructed with no results and then realized I
not getting the option to select news group for the new account. The
click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired up my lap
which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and behold,
clicking on new account does indeed give me the choice and I was
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the choice?
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is there
something in about:config that is not correct?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Just to be sure we are on the same page for your desktop:

Click Window, Mail  Newsgroups, Edit, Mail  Newsgroups Account
Settings..., Add Account

You should now see the screen New Account Setup. On that screen the
third item is used to set up a Newsgroup Account. Do you get that far
on your desktop?
account (4th selection on mine!)

Whoops!! You only see that New Account Setup for a new profile. Let me
sleep on this.

Happy to wait for a solution that works.

How about if you select *Edit* -Mail  Newsgroup Account Settings and
select Add Account on the left panel. Do you get the chance to add a
Newsgroup account (4th selection for me) there??

Nope as stated before, on this computer Win 7 Pro. latest Seamonkey, I 
do not get that option no matter what method is used to open a new 
account. I only get the mail setup wizard and entering anything in that 
dialogue box wipes out my current Mozilla group. So I repeat my 
question, is there a about:config entry that is screwed up? I have no 
problem setting up on my laptop or my other desktop. All with Win 7 Pro. 
and latest Seamonkey.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ? Revisited!

2014-02-21 Thread azed13

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I used to be able to bring up a Big List of
available News Groups to subscribe to, but I
forgot how to do that a long ago.

Specifically looking for something to replace
Windows XP Annoyances which is now defunct.

I have to find out why an Enter Password
window keeps relentlessly popping up.


As mentioned by several people, first add a


then to that server add the group:

microsoft.public.windowsxp.general  AGAIN - HOW?  DoctorBill

Doctor Bill,

You can sign up for free newsserver access here:

I don't think it will be too difficult if you follow their
However, be aware that you cannot register if you are using an

It has at least two XP newsgroups including the following:


Those of us in our eighties have no problem registering with and using
Eternal-September so you young pups in your seventies should be able to
handle it :-)


I join you as another guy in the 80's with a big difference. I have
registered with Eternal-September but for some reason I am unable to add
the account as a new group. Every time I select New or Add account
from any menu, when I enter the E-S org name and select next my
account with gets wiped out and I need to set it up all
over again. I have followed the directions in Seamonkey Help, to the
best of my knowledge, correctly but the result is always the same.
What am I missing? In the past years I had more groups other then
Mozilla but lost them when my ISP stopped providing news service.

E-T .org says my news client needs to be set up and perhaps I am
incorrect thinking Seamonkey is my Client.

Any clarifying information would be greatly appreciated.


Here are two links that may help out:!topic/24hoursupport.helpdesk/v0aE0IWPjr8

Thanks, I will look them up.

I had already done as instructed with no results and then realized I was 
not getting the option to select news group for the new account. The 
click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired up my lap top 
which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and behold, 
clicking on new account does indeed give me the choice and I was 
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the choice?
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is there 
something in about:config that is not correct?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ? Revisited!

2014-02-21 Thread azed13

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I had already done as instructed with no results and then realized I was
not getting the option to select news group for the new account. The
click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired up my lap top
which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and behold,
clicking on new account does indeed give me the choice and I was
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the choice?
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is there
something in about:config that is not correct?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Just to be sure we are on the same page for your desktop:

Click Window, Mail  Newsgroups, Edit, Mail  Newsgroups Account
Settings..., Add Account

You should now see the screen New Account Setup. On that screen the
third item is used to set up a Newsgroup Account. Do you get that far
on your desktop?

Nope, goes directly to the mail wizard. The same as choosing File, New, 
Account in the mail window.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ? Revisited!

2014-02-21 Thread azed13

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I had already done as instructed with no results and then realized I was
not getting the option to select news group for the new account. The
click on account goes directly to the mail wizard. I fired up my lap top
which also has the latest version of Seamonkey and lo and behold,
clicking on new account does indeed give me the choice and I was
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer does not give me the choice?
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem is not solved. Is there
something in about:config that is not correct?

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Just to be sure we are on the same page for your desktop:

Click Window, Mail  Newsgroups, Edit, Mail  Newsgroups Account
Settings..., Add Account

You should now see the screen New Account Setup. On that screen the
third item is used to set up a Newsgroup Account. Do you get that far
on your desktop?

Whoops!! You only see that New Account Setup for a new profile. Let me
sleep on this.

Happy to wait for a solution that works.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ?

2014-02-20 Thread azed13

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I used to be able to bring up a Big List of
available News Groups to subscribe to, but I
forgot how to do that a long ago.

Specifically looking for something to replace
Windows XP Annoyances which is now defunct.

I have to find out why an Enter Password
window keeps relentlessly popping up.


As mentioned by several people, first add a


then to that server add the group:

microsoft.public.windowsxp.general  AGAIN - HOW?  DoctorBill

Doctor Bill,

You can sign up for free newsserver access here:

I don't think it will be too difficult if you follow their instructions.
However, be aware that you cannot register if you are using an

It has at least two XP newsgroups including the following:


Those of us in our eighties have no problem registering with and using
Eternal-September so you young pups in your seventies should be able to
handle it :-)


I join you as another guy in the 80's with a big difference. I have 
registered with Eternal-September but for some reason I am unable to add 
the account as a new group. Every time I select New or Add account 
from any menu, when I enter the E-S org name and select next my 
account with gets wiped out and I need to set it up all 
over again. I have followed the directions in Seamonkey Help, to the 
best of my knowledge, correctly but the result is always the same.
What am I missing? In the past years I had more groups other then 
Mozilla but lost them when my ISP stopped providing news service.

E-T .org says my news client needs to be set up and perhaps I am 
incorrect thinking Seamonkey is my Client.

Any clarifying information would be greatly appreciated.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Other News Groups - How ?

2014-02-20 Thread azed13

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Arnie Goetchius wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

Paul wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I used to be able to bring up a Big List of
available News Groups to subscribe to, but I
forgot how to do that a long ago.

Specifically looking for something to replace
Windows XP Annoyances which is now defunct.

I have to find out why an Enter Password
window keeps relentlessly popping up.


As mentioned by several people, first add a


then to that server add the group:

microsoft.public.windowsxp.general  AGAIN - HOW?  DoctorBill

Doctor Bill,

You can sign up for free newsserver access here:

I don't think it will be too difficult if you follow their instructions.
However, be aware that you cannot register if you are using an

It has at least two XP newsgroups including the following:


Those of us in our eighties have no problem registering with and using
Eternal-September so you young pups in your seventies should be able to
handle it :-)


I join you as another guy in the 80's with a big difference. I have
registered with Eternal-September but for some reason I am unable to add
the account as a new group. Every time I select New or Add account
from any menu, when I enter the E-S org name and select next my
account with gets wiped out and I need to set it up all
over again. I have followed the directions in Seamonkey Help, to the
best of my knowledge, correctly but the result is always the same.
What am I missing? In the past years I had more groups other then
Mozilla but lost them when my ISP stopped providing news service.

E-T .org says my news client needs to be set up and perhaps I am
incorrect thinking Seamonkey is my Client.

Any clarifying information would be greatly appreciated.


Here are two links that may help out:!topic/24hoursupport.helpdesk/v0aE0IWPjr8

Thanks, I will look them up.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Watched Threads?

2014-02-03 Thread azed13

Trane Francks wrote:

On 2/3/14 3:18 PM +0900, azed13 wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

azed13 wrote:

LnrB wrote:

Trane Francks wrote:

On 2/2/14 8:50 AM +0900, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
 Dennis wrote:

 LnrB wrote:
 What happened to the little eye that used to indicate watched

 When I was more active I used that quite a lot.  It used to be
set by
 the 'W' key, and ignored threads by the 'I' key. View/Threads 

 that's how it's still supposed to be.

 I can't make mine work.  Bug?

 Still works here.

 Not here -- I can't seem to find any way to mark a thread as
watched or
 ignored. Tried both here in the NG and in regular mail. SM 2.23,

WFM: SM 2.23, OS X 10.7.5.

So it works in Linux and Mac.
That would seem to indicate it's an SMWindowsversion issue.
  Just tried it here, Windows 7 Pro SM2.23 Menu Bar Message last 
Watch thread little eye popped right up. So, it would not seem to 
be a

Windows problem.

Just tried exactly as you said, here in the NG, with the current
thread (view settings: messages all, threads with unread, sort by
date, ascending, threaded). Menu option had no effect, letter W had no
effect. Toggled several times, no visible change. If SM is marking the
thread, it's a secret to me.

I should have added that the w lc key toggles the eye on and off for
me, the i key lc or uc  and uc W have no effect. since I rarely use
this function I don't know if that is normal or not. I'm a little
confused, the Watch Thread option is under Message on the menu bar not
under View. Perhaps I misunderstood your reply.


Don't confuse Shift-w with an uppercase W. In the world of key-press 
parsing, Shift-w is not key-code equivalent to an uppercase W. If you 
turn on caps lock, I think you'll find that pressing w works just fine.
Thank you Trane, I learned something new today. For an old guy my age 
that really is an accomplishment.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Watched Threads?

2014-02-03 Thread azed13

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

Just tried exactly as you said, here in the NG, with the current
thread (view settings: messages all, threads with unread, sort by
date, ascending, threaded). Menu option had no effect, letter W had
no effect. Toggled several times, no visible change. If SM is
marking the thread, it's a secret to me.

I should have added that the w lc key toggles the eye on and off
for me, the i key lc or uc  and uc W have no effect. since I
rarely use this function I don't know if that is normal or not. I'm a
little confused, the Watch Thread option is under Message on the
menu bar not under View. Perhaps I misunderstood your reply.

Not sure how you've understood my reply, but upper- and lowercase W 
have the same null effect on my machine, as does the menu option 
Message | Watch Thread.

The K does seem to work, but not in an obvious way. It immediately 
removes several options from the menu, but has no other visible 
effect. (In that respect, it reminds me of several other features of 
the sqlite database -- when I delete an entry, SM does so secretly 
without updating the display, but when I navigate and return I see 
that the item is gone.) So if I kill the current thread, I won't know 
for sure unless I navigate away from it, and then the choice will be 
unrecoverable because I won't be able to unkill it if I can't see it.


If you can read my reply to Tranes' comment you can see that I don't 
have the knowledge to go any further than to say it works for me. I was 
surprised to find that shift w has a different result than caps lock 
w does. As Trane said, that action works fine. I hope you get enough 
help to solve your problem.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Watched Threads?

2014-02-02 Thread azed13

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

azed13 wrote:

LnrB wrote:

Trane Francks wrote:

On 2/2/14 8:50 AM +0900, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
 Dennis wrote:

 LnrB wrote:
 What happened to the little eye that used to indicate watched

 When I was more active I used that quite a lot.  It used to be
set by
 the 'W' key, and ignored threads by the 'I' key. View/Threads says
 that's how it's still supposed to be.

 I can't make mine work.  Bug?

 Still works here.

 Not here -- I can't seem to find any way to mark a thread as
watched or
 ignored. Tried both here in the NG and in regular mail. SM 2.23, 

WFM: SM 2.23, OS X 10.7.5.

So it works in Linux and Mac.
That would seem to indicate it's an SMWindowsversion issue.

  Just tried it here, Windows 7 Pro SM2.23 Menu Bar Message last item
Watch thread little eye popped right up. So, it would not seem to be a
Windows problem.

Just tried exactly as you said, here in the NG, with the current 
thread (view settings: messages all, threads with unread, sort by 
date, ascending, threaded). Menu option had no effect, letter W had no 
effect. Toggled several times, no visible change. If SM is marking the 
thread, it's a secret to me.
I should have added that the w lc key toggles the eye on and off for 
me, the i key lc or uc  and uc W have no effect. since I rarely use 
this function I don't know if that is normal or not. I'm a little 
confused, the Watch Thread option is under Message on the menu bar not 
under View. Perhaps I misunderstood your reply.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Watched Threads?

2014-02-01 Thread azed13

LnrB wrote:

Trane Francks wrote:

On 2/2/14 8:50 AM +0900, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
 Dennis wrote:

 LnrB wrote:
 What happened to the little eye that used to indicate watched 

 When I was more active I used that quite a lot.  It used to be 
set by

 the 'W' key, and ignored threads by the 'I' key. View/Threads says
 that's how it's still supposed to be.

 I can't make mine work.  Bug?

 Still works here.

 Not here -- I can't seem to find any way to mark a thread as 
watched or

 ignored. Tried both here in the NG and in regular mail. SM 2.23, Win7.

WFM: SM 2.23, OS X 10.7.5.

So it works in Linux and Mac.
That would seem to indicate it's an SMWindowsversion issue.
 Just tried it here, Windows 7 Pro SM2.23 Menu Bar Message last item 
Watch thread little eye popped right up. So, it would not seem to be a 
Windows problem.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.22.1 Install nag: Did not install.....!!

2013-11-29 Thread azed13

Daniel wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Daniel wrote:

azed13 wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:


That is what I have been seeing, not with installs but generally.
It is
sporadic, about 1/4 of the time.

See the thread SeaMonkey Shutdown (started 25 Nov 2013) in this

Thanks David:

I read the thread but I'm not sure it is of any help. My system has
shut down for almost 24 hours yet after booting up for a new session, I
still got the nag when I opened Seamonkey. I'm not a programmer or
code wise but it seems improbable that Seamonkey was running while
everything was shut down without power. And, I'm not much for creating
new profiles. It's been years since the last time I did that and it was
a horrible experience including recovering all my mail and bookmark
files. Why that happened I don't know but at this stage I'm really much
too old to risk what works well for everything else. I'll keep an
eye on
that thread to see if anything else pops up.


O.K., azed, is it possibly that just before you did the update/install,
you had a problem with Windows/SeaMonkey which caused Windows to
shutdown?? If so, it is possible that the previously running SeaMonkey
process had written a file to your disk drive to stop you starting
another (second) instance of SeaMonkey. If SM had closed normally, this
file would have been erased.

The file is called something like parent.lock. With SM completely closed
(including the quickstart function if you have it set up), do a Windows
Find File or Folder looking for parent.*, then in Windows Explorer
(making sure you ha Windows Explorer set up to display hidden folders),
go to that location and delete parent.lock.

Report back.


I can't recall ever having a Windows shutdown while using Seamonkey.
BTW, I apologize for not stating that I am on Windows 7 Pro, X64 service
pack 1. I did a search  anyway and found 43 files with some variation of
parent buried in them. None were in any Seamonkey folder and the
newest one is dated January 2013. This is long before the problem
started. I still get the nag at each start of Seamonkey and the message
seems to indicate that the auto-update install file is somewhere in my
system and still trying to install 2.22.1 which I have done manually.

Oops! I missed the instruction to search with Seamonkey closed. I will
search again and report back if the results are any different. Per my
original query, I would still be interested in where that auto install
file is located.


azed, I think the auto-install files having an ending something like
.mac, so if someone were to post the correct ending, you could do a
Windows search for it and delete it.


Thanks again. Since I last posted, while working a different program (no 
Seamonkey session open and off line) suddenly a dialogue box popped up 
stating that the Seamonkey update failed for some reason I don't recall 
asking to download the full or complete file. I clicked OK and the 
dialogue box changed to connecting to server and downloading. I don't 
remember the full details. I do know that after about 15 minutes nothing 
happened and I cancelled the operation. My mystery problem appears to 
have been solved by another mystery. I no longer get the nag message. 
However, Seamonkey seems to take much longer to open. I'm not sure if 
that is because of Seamonkey or something on my system. I will watch 
what happens for a period of time to see if this is a persistent 
problem. Meanwhile, my thanks to all who offered assistance.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.22.1 Install nag: Did not install.....!!

2013-11-28 Thread azed13

Daniel wrote:

azed13 wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:


That is what I have been seeing, not with installs but generally.  It is
sporadic, about 1/4 of the time.

See the thread SeaMonkey Shutdown (started 25 Nov 2013) in this

Thanks David:

I read the thread but I'm not sure it is of any help. My system has been
shut down for almost 24 hours yet after booting up for a new session, I
still got the nag when I opened Seamonkey. I'm not a programmer or
code wise but it seems improbable that Seamonkey was running while
everything was shut down without power. And, I'm not much for creating
new profiles. It's been years since the last time I did that and it was
a horrible experience including recovering all my mail and bookmark
files. Why that happened I don't know but at this stage I'm really much
too old to risk what works well for everything else. I'll keep an eye on
that thread to see if anything else pops up.


O.K., azed, is it possibly that just before you did the update/install,
you had a problem with Windows/SeaMonkey which caused Windows to
shutdown?? If so, it is possible that the previously running SeaMonkey
process had written a file to your disk drive to stop you starting
another (second) instance of SeaMonkey. If SM had closed normally, this
file would have been erased.

The file is called something like parent.lock. With SM completely closed
(including the quickstart function if you have it set up), do a Windows
Find File or Folder looking for parent.*, then in Windows Explorer
(making sure you ha Windows Explorer set up to display hidden folders),
go to that location and delete parent.lock.

Report back.


I can't recall ever having a Windows shutdown while using Seamonkey. 
BTW, I apologize for not stating that I am on Windows 7 Pro, X64 service 
pack 1. I did a search  anyway and found 43 files with some variation of 
parent buried in them. None were in any Seamonkey folder and the 
newest one is dated January 2013. This is long before the problem 
started. I still get the nag at each start of Seamonkey and the message 
seems to indicate that the auto-update install file is somewhere in my 
system and still trying to install 2.22.1 which I have done manually.

Oops! I missed the instruction to search with Seamonkey closed. I will 
search again and report back if the results are any different. Per my 
original query, I would still be interested in where that auto install 
file is located.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: New query, send to mail recipient option

2013-11-27 Thread azed13

Jens Hatlak wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Has a workaround been found for the failure of Seamonkey Mail Client to
open when send to mail recipient is selected for images, etc. 2.22.1
still opens a new browser page not mail.

Unfortunately there is no workaround (other than manually attaching
files from disk). It might be fixed in SM 2.23, but we will only know
for sure once SM 2.23 Beta 1 is released and receives some testing.



Thanks Jens:

How safe is it to install an older release and must I get rid of all 
2.22.1 or will an older version install over it? I've never had a 
profile problem and would not like to do something that might create one 
for me. Waiting for the new 2.23 is really holding things up. Like 
another poster, I use Picasa a lot because it automatically converts 
images to a size that the mail servers have no problems with.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.22.1 Install nag: Did not install.....!!

2013-11-27 Thread azed13

David E. Ross wrote:

On 11/26/2013 10:22 PM, azed13 wrote:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 11/26/2013 4:40 PM, azed13 wrote:

I checked for the latest update and allowed Seamonkey to download the
update and install. I never do that, preferring to download the file and
do a manual install.

The instructions are to restart Seamonkey for the update to be
installed. I did that and got the message that the update could not be
installed because Seamonkey is already running, etc. and a new
Seamonkey browser opens immediately after closing the message. I
restarted Seamonkey several times and the message just repeats.

I decided to do my usual and download the latest update, installed it
with high hopes. No joy! Every time I start Seamonkey I get the nag. Can
anyone tell me the name of the auto update file and where it might have
been downloaded to my computer?

I would like to find it and kill it. I have no wish to keep seeing this
message for an eternity. Thanks in advance,


BTW; a check with Windows Task Manager does not find any Seamonkey
session open except the one that displays the message.

In the Task Manager, did you look on the Processes tab for
seamonkey.exe or only on the Applications tab for SeaMonkey?

I did look in processes, only the current instance, ending the process
closed the current browser. No others were listed.

That is what I have been seeing, not with installs but generally.  It is
sporadic, about 1/4 of the time.

See the thread SeaMonkey Shutdown (started 25 Nov 2013) in this

Thanks David:

I read the thread but I'm not sure it is of any help. My system has been 
shut down for almost 24 hours yet after booting up for a new session, I 
still got the nag when I opened Seamonkey. I'm not a programmer or 
code wise but it seems improbable that Seamonkey was running while 
everything was shut down without power. And, I'm not much for creating 
new profiles. It's been years since the last time I did that and it was 
a horrible experience including recovering all my mail and bookmark 
files. Why that happened I don't know but at this stage I'm really much 
too old to risk what works well for everything else. I'll keep an eye on 
that thread to see if anything else pops up.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: New query, send to mail recipient option

2013-11-27 Thread azed13

azed13 wrote:

Jens Hatlak wrote:

azed13 wrote:

Has a workaround been found for the failure of Seamonkey Mail Client to
open when send to mail recipient is selected for images, etc. 2.22.1
still opens a new browser page not mail.

Unfortunately there is no workaround (other than manually attaching
files from disk). It might be fixed in SM 2.23, but we will only know
for sure once SM 2.23 Beta 1 is released and receives some testing.



Thanks Jens:

How safe is it to install an older release and must I get rid of all
2.22.1 or will an older version install over it? I've never had a
profile problem and would not like to do something that might create one
for me. Waiting for the new 2.23 is really holding things up. Like
another poster, I use Picasa a lot because it automatically converts
images to a size that the mail servers have no problems with.


Correction, if you happen to read the 2.22.1 Install nag thread I 
started I did have a profile problem many years back. my comments in 
that thread can explain my concerns. I think it was still Netscape at 
that time, but I could be wrong.

support-seamonkey mailing list

2.22.1 Install nag: Did not install.....!!

2013-11-26 Thread azed13
I checked for the latest update and allowed Seamonkey to download the 
update and install. I never do that, preferring to download the file and 
do a manual install.

The instructions are to restart Seamonkey for the update to be 
installed. I did that and got the message that the update could not be 
installed because Seamonkey is already running, etc. and a new 
Seamonkey browser opens immediately after closing the message. I 
restarted Seamonkey several times and the message just repeats.

I decided to do my usual and download the latest update, installed it 
with high hopes. No joy! Every time I start Seamonkey I get the nag. Can 
anyone tell me the name of the auto update file and where it might have 
been downloaded to my computer?

I would like to find it and kill it. I have no wish to keep seeing this 
message for an eternity. Thanks in advance,


BTW; a check with Windows Task Manager does not find any Seamonkey 
session open except the one that displays the message.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.22.1 Install nag: Did not install.....!!

2013-11-26 Thread azed13

David E. Ross wrote:

On 11/26/2013 4:40 PM, azed13 wrote:

I checked for the latest update and allowed Seamonkey to download the
update and install. I never do that, preferring to download the file and
do a manual install.

The instructions are to restart Seamonkey for the update to be
installed. I did that and got the message that the update could not be
installed because Seamonkey is already running, etc. and a new
Seamonkey browser opens immediately after closing the message. I
restarted Seamonkey several times and the message just repeats.

I decided to do my usual and download the latest update, installed it
with high hopes. No joy! Every time I start Seamonkey I get the nag. Can
anyone tell me the name of the auto update file and where it might have
been downloaded to my computer?

I would like to find it and kill it. I have no wish to keep seeing this
message for an eternity. Thanks in advance,


BTW; a check with Windows Task Manager does not find any Seamonkey
session open except the one that displays the message.

In the Task Manager, did you look on the Processes tab for
seamonkey.exe or only on the Applications tab for SeaMonkey?

I did look in processes, only the current instance, ending the process 
closed the current browser. No others were listed.

support-seamonkey mailing list

New query, send to mail recipient option

2013-11-26 Thread azed13
Has a workaround been found for the failure of Seamonkey Mail Client to 
open when send to mail recipient is selected for images, etc. 2.22.1 
still opens a new browser page not mail. This is a feature that I have 
often used in conjunction with digital photo programs and with the 
holidays I find a real need since my mail servers have little tolerance 
for multiple photo e-mails.

support-seamonkey mailing list

2.22 Closing page in browser opens blank page. Keyboard errors.

2013-11-03 Thread azed13
I finally moved up to 2.22, net result, when I close a web page 
Seamonkez opens a new blank page. Tzping in the news group, zou will 
notice that using the Whz kez results in a z being printed. Hitting the 
z kez results in y. Manz other kezs produce special characters such as Ä 
for quote kez Ö for the colon kez.

What goes_ the previous character is supposed to be a question mark.

Do I need to go back to an earlier release_

Also, the spacing of lines in the news reader has turned to double space.

These are the first problems I have had with a release going back 
literallz for zears.

Advice would be appreciated.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.22 Closing page in browser opens blank page. Keyboard errors.

2013-11-03 Thread azed13

MCBastos wrote:

Interviewed by CNN on 03/11/2013 20:43, azed13 told the world:

I finally moved up to 2.22, net result, when I close a web page
Seamonkez opens a new blank page. Tzping in the news group, zou will
notice that using the Whz kez results in a z being printed. Hitting the
z kez results in y. Manz other kezs produce special characters such as Ä
for quote kez Ö for the colon kez.

What goes_ the previous character is supposed to be a question mark.

Do I need to go back to an earlier release_

Also, the spacing of lines in the news reader has turned to double space.

These are the first problems I have had with a release going back
literallz for zears.

Advice would be appreciated.

As for the keyboard problem: it seems that you have an alternate
keyboard configured in your computer. Windows allows you to have several
keyboards configured, and will attempt to remember which layout to use
in which window.

 From the errors you mention, you seem to have both a QWERTY-based layout
(English, Spanish, Portuguese, Scandinavian languages and several
others) and a QWERTZ-based layout (German and Eastern Europe, mostly).

The solution is to open the Windows Control Panel, click on the Change
Keyboards or other input methods link, click on the Change keyboards
button and uninstall the undesired keyboard layouts.

As for the open blank page when closing... does this happens only when
you are trying to closing the last tab on the windows, or always? The
load-blank-page-on-closing-the-last-tab thing is there by design, and
can be turned off by an about:config option. If it's happening in other
situations, however, there might be something else wrong.

Thanks for the reply. The keyboard problem only occurred while typing in 
the news reader and as you can see, it appears to have disappeared. I do 
have an alternate keyboard program installed but it is and has been set 
for English (US). The glitch comes and goes at random but only in e-mail 
and this news group.

I did run Periforms Crap Cleaner after sending my post and cleaned out 
a lot of buried Temp files along with other junk in my browser and 
operating system, Win 7 Pro. I also ran a system scan that found no 
problems. Perhaps that took care of the problem.

As for the blank windows, they did occur when I had several tabs open 
along with programs that I was using to attach files to e-mail. In 
several cases, my ISP rejected the send option because the files were 
too large. A blank window opened with each rejection. For now, things 
seem to be working properly and I will post if the problems return.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: 2.22 Closing page in browser opens blank page. Keyboard errors.

2013-11-03 Thread azed13

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

MCBastos wrote:

From the errors you mention, you seem to have both a QWERTY-based
layout (English, Spanish, Portuguese, Scandinavian languages and
several others) and a QWERTZ-based layout (German and Eastern Europe,

The solution is to open the Windows Control Panel, click on the
Change Keyboards or other input methods link, click on the Change
keyboards button and uninstall the undesired keyboard layouts.

I agree with your diagnosis, but I wouldn't prescribe surgery. Windows
allows the user to toggle between different keyboards, and perhaps the
OP has forgotten to do so, or else chosen not to display the tray icon
that shows which keyboard is active. So that's what I'd do -- toggle
back to QWERTY.


Please see my reply to McBastos above.

Thank you,
support-seamonkey mailing list

2.2 Install offers options but doesn't deliver:

2011-07-14 Thread azed13
Normally, when I install new versions of Seamonkey I check custom so 
that I can disable things like Chatzilla and a couple of other services 
I never. I installed 2.2 on my laptop, selected Custom which only 
offered installation directory choice and where I wanted shortcuts. I 
tried it twice, no change. Consequently, I something called IRC Chat in 
my quick launch bar (which I absolutely do not want) and 2.2 seems to be 
loading pages much slower with too many time outs. How do I fix this or 
is there another installer that will actually control what is installed 
like earlier versions?

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