[Biofuel] Things are not any better in England

2006-05-04 Thread D. Mindock

 From: http://www.colsweb.com/constdraw.htm
BLOG NOTES March 2006; UK Government gross maltreatment of 
ill folk.For the last 14 years, at least, invalid/disabled and private 
pension payments have been overtaken by real inflation thus lessening there 
value each year by approximately 10 percent and are thus worth less than one 
quarter what they were. Disabled folk are now additionally burdened with UK 
National Health Service and government law which requires them to pay for things 
which were previously free ie; wheelchairs, home help etc etc. Mentally 
ill and some physically disabled folk also continue not to be employable due to 
employee insurance non availability (despite proof of their qualifications and 
capabilities) or even much insurance at all despite revision of the disabled and 
mental health acts which were supposed to give equal opportunity and 
rights. These prove the deliberate totally unwarranted inhumane stance 
taken toward the very ill and most venerable folk in society by the Labour Party 
Government of the UK and their bamboozlement of the general public with false 
media public relations propaganda. To say the least we are all 
APPALLED and ask WHY as everyone is told by the government the 
Country is financially well.End of Blog Notes March 2006 
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Re: [Biofuel] Are Americans torturers or supporters of torture?

2006-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
>Hey Randall,
>its greed just greed and again greed and only greed!

Maybe, but whose greed, exactly?

I'm not addressing this at anyone in particular...

This is a simple thing that's become woven into a hugely complicated 
situation, a matter of empire. As a result it's not "only" anything 
anymore, though the simple thing remains, which is that torture is 
evil, fullstop.

People can talk about war being necessary sometimes or even about 
"holy" wars, but you can't argue that torture is necessary sometimes 
or talk about "holy" torture unless you're voting for the return of 
the Inquisition.

Torture is not necessary under any circumstances, because all you 
need to do to break somebody's will is to keep them awake. That's 
torture too, but it always works. So why do people have to use brutal 
violence and such perversions as electric shocks to people's genitals?

You find these people in every society, people who'll run death camps 
if that's what's happening, whether passively as guards who are 
indeed probably just doing their job, enslaved people will do 
anything you want them to, or actively as torturers and killers, sick 
and twisted people who'll do it because they love it.

That doesn't have anything to do with greed. Every society has its 
psychopaths, they're a tiny minority, they do not define the society 
they're a part of, they don't define anything except themselves.

States employ torture, not humans unless they're sickos who get off 
on it. You know, people like Hannibal the Cannibal.

The US attempt to blame low-ranking cannon-fodder for Abu Ghraib etc 
is just a case of the true culprit throwing up a smokescreen, as 
usual. You'll always be able to find people who'll stoop to torture 
if you institutionalise torture, and then if it gets spotlighted you 
can use them as the fall guys.

Hakan's right, IMHO. Many people have commented that Americans just 
aren't interested in the torture issue, they're turning a blind eye 
while it goes on happening and spreads.

Pointing the finger, or a finger, at the UN is something you might do 
if you don't know much about John Bolton either - Americans are 
definitely to blame for him too, and he's there for one reason only, 
to kick the UN into a compliant shape. Please read this:

Response to Criticism of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights 
(Human Rights Watch, 15-12-2005)

That's UN Ambassador John Bolton on US torture.

John R. Bolton - SourceWatch

[Biofuel] Steamroller Bolton at the U.N.

Tom Barry: John Bolton's Baggage

Institutionalised torture is an abomination, it stains everybody with 
complicity in a nation that condones it or institutes it, unless they 
live under a totalitarian dictatorship.

It's said people get the government they deserve. There's a lot of 
meaning in that but it's not really true. The amount of say that most 
people have in their governments is only theirs on sufferance, those 
in a totalitarian state have no say, they're slaves. But people who 
had every say and every opportunity and who let it all slip away 
through sheer negligence get the government they deserve. In this 
current case, everybody else's problem is that the rest of us are 
getting that government too and we don't deserve it.

If you want to blame someone, blame this:

"Propaganda is to a democracy what violence is to a dictatorship."
-- William Blum - Rogue State, on how governments control their citizens

People get the newspapers they deserve too.

It's also said it's our imaginations that keep us human, the ability 
to live a thousand lives. So use it - put yourself and your feelings 
inside someone who's screaming themselves to death while mad 
torturers laugh and jeer and do everything they can to make it worse. 
See how much you can take even just trying to imagine it, let alone 
have it happen to you. Then make excuses, if you still want to. Try 
to put yourself inside one of the torturers too, see how "only human" 
it is. Like hell it is.

Stop talking about blame, dump all the finger-pointing and get it fixed.



>- Original Message -
>From: Randall
>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 3:19 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Are Americans torturers or supporters of torture?
>To answer your question:  No.  Your questions imply that ALL Americans have
>proof about systematic and long-term torture, and quite simply I do not
>believe that you have the evidence to support that assertion.  What other
>countries have been reported to and are listed with Amnesty International as
>having employed torture?Are you going to issue the same indictment of
>the citizens

Re: [Biofuel] Are Americans torturers or supporters of torture?

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver

Much of what you say is true but to lump everyone here in the US 
together is not fair.  BushCo flat stole the last vote, and a HUGE group 
of us
USers (I hate the term "American" - it's as if Mexico and Canada don't 
exist) are now and have ALWAYS been working as hard as we can to fight 
his programs.
My business and my personal life are shaped by this struggle, as are the 
lives of my friends.  The opposition never went away in the States.

No one I know is in favor of torture, and if you follow the news in the 
US, even most of the Republicans are against it. This is a Bush Admin. 
thing, not an "American"

"Stop talking about blame, dump all the finger-pointing and get it fixed."

We are, and our numbers are growing each day!


Keith Addison wrote:

>>Hey Randall,
>>its greed just greed and again greed and only greed!
>Maybe, but whose greed, exactly?
>I'm not addressing this at anyone in particular...
>This is a simple thing that's become woven into a hugely complicated 
>situation, a matter of empire. As a result it's not "only" anything 
>anymore, though the simple thing remains, which is that torture is 
>evil, fullstop.
>People can talk about war being necessary sometimes or even about 
>"holy" wars, but you can't argue that torture is necessary sometimes 
>or talk about "holy" torture unless you're voting for the return of 
>the Inquisition.
>Torture is not necessary under any circumstances, because all you 
>need to do to break somebody's will is to keep them awake. That's 
>torture too, but it always works. So why do people have to use brutal 
>violence and such perversions as electric shocks to people's genitals?
>You find these people in every society, people who'll run death camps 
>if that's what's happening, whether passively as guards who are 
>indeed probably just doing their job, enslaved people will do 
>anything you want them to, or actively as torturers and killers, sick 
>and twisted people who'll do it because they love it.
>That doesn't have anything to do with greed. Every society has its 
>psychopaths, they're a tiny minority, they do not define the society 
>they're a part of, they don't define anything except themselves.
>States employ torture, not humans unless they're sickos who get off 
>on it. You know, people like Hannibal the Cannibal.
>The US attempt to blame low-ranking cannon-fodder for Abu Ghraib etc 
>is just a case of the true culprit throwing up a smokescreen, as 
>usual. You'll always be able to find people who'll stoop to torture 
>if you institutionalise torture, and then if it gets spotlighted you 
>can use them as the fall guys.
>Hakan's right, IMHO. Many people have commented that Americans just 
>aren't interested in the torture issue, they're turning a blind eye 
>while it goes on happening and spreads.
>Pointing the finger, or a finger, at the UN is something you might do 
>if you don't know much about John Bolton either - Americans are 
>definitely to blame for him too, and he's there for one reason only, 
>to kick the UN into a compliant shape. Please read this:
>Response to Criticism of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights 
>(Human Rights Watch, 15-12-2005)
>That's UN Ambassador John Bolton on US torture.
>John R. Bolton - SourceWatch
>[Biofuel] Steamroller Bolton at the U.N.
>Tom Barry: John Bolton's Baggage
>Institutionalised torture is an abomination, it stains everybody with 
>complicity in a nation that condones it or institutes it, unless they 
>live under a totalitarian dictatorship.
>It's said people get the government they deserve. There's a lot of 
>meaning in that but it's not really true. The amount of say that most 
>people have in their governments is only theirs on sufferance, those 
>in a totalitarian state have no say, they're slaves. But people who 
>had every say and every opportunity and who let it all slip away 
>through sheer negligence get the government they deserve. In this 
>current case, everybody else's problem is that the rest of us are 
>getting that government too and we don't deserve it.
>If you want to blame someone, blame this:
>"Propaganda is to a democracy what violence is to a dictatorship."
>-- William Blum - Rogue State, on how governments control their citizens
>People get the newspapers they deserve too.
>It's also said it's our imaginations that keep us human, the ability 
>to live a thousand lives. So use it - put yourself and your feelings 
>inside someone who's screaming themselves to death while mad 
>torturers laugh and jeer and do everything they can to make it worse. 
>See how much you can take even just trying to imagine it, let alone 
>have it happen to you.

Re: [Biofuel] Electric lynch motors

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver

you can't smoke in an outdoor cafe here in the US but you can pour 
mercury-laden smoke into the atmosphere to your heart's content!


Hakan Falk wrote:

>Nothing, if they have not done it the last 8 month. I did not see
>any solar, not even on the houses. The tour boats are not small,
>generally they take 100 or more passengers, with spacious
>dining, entertainment and kitchen areas. I was very surprised
>by the contradictions between the vocal care for environment
>and the dirty tourist ships. There are many of them, but the
>Americans try to keep their mind in rest, by not allowing
>smoking. LOL
>At 01:06 04/05/2006, you wrote:
>>Never heard of biscuit tin motors, but I have heard of lynch motors --
>>used for all kinds of little electric vehicals.  I've also heard a bit
>>about eletric boats and ferries -- they used to have one for president
>>Roosevelt (Teddy) I think, for the official launch (equivalent to his
>>Marine 1 helicopter now I guess).  As he said, weight is not an
>>issue, and nowadays, you can easily (technically, if you can afford
>>it) put a kW or so of PV as a shade canopy on the barge and run it
>>around all day, pollution free.  I know that the galapagos islands
>>were wanting to convert alot of their little tour boats, because they
>>just tool around all day belching diesel (which also kills alot of the
>>very wildlife the tourists are there to see, in the frequent fuel
>>spills).  Not sure how far along they've gotten on this plan.
>>On 5/3/06, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>Hi all
>>>A nice person wrote to me from the UK and told me about this, among
>>>other things - anyone know about 'biscuit tin motors'?
You may be interested to know that I own a 1936 canal barge which I
have had converted so that the propulsion system is an electric
lynch motor. I dare say you already know about lynch motors but just
in case you don't they are also known as 'biscuit tin motors'
because they are so tiny that they will actually fit inside one.

The lynch motor happily pushes along my boat which is 72 feet long
and weighs in at over 20 tons 
Fortunately on a boat , batteries are a positive attribute because
they become ballast to keep the hull down in the water. I usually
have 1,650 amp hours of them onboard. The weak link is the fact that
my budget didn't stretch to the kilowatt of photovoltaics needed to
do the propulsion system justice so I don't travel very far at
present : >(

Hugh, who fitted the lynch motor has a website   www.solarboat.co.uk
which you may find interesting.

>>>L.M.C. Manufacturers of Permanent Magnet DC Motors
>>>Lynch Motor Company
>Biofuel mailing list
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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel videos

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
If you're not a little oily and there ain't a few stains on the floor 
you can't be doing it right!

Joe Street wrote:

>I just watched a biodiesel DVD that was made in eastern Ontario.  It was 
>obvious that a pile of money was invested by somebody but everything 
>looked brand new and shiny, instead of used and oily like it should.  
>There were three hot water tanks in all, one for preheating, one for 
>reacting and one for drying. As I watched it became obvious that this 
>guy did not have a lot of knowledge.  He had a small automotive style 
>cartridge filter for filtering feed stock!  We have just been discussing 
>gravity settling on this list and why prefiltration is not needed.  They 
>were using bubble washing and heating the fuel and bubbling air through 
>the fuel for drying which is a nice recipe for oxidizing.  Then the guy 
>fires up the blender for a demo batch and with 200 ml of methoxide 
>frothing and spitting away with blender running he takes the lid off to 
>pour oil in, and this is also indoors. Yikes!  They then start showing a 
>full size batch but completely skip over the process after filling the 
>pre-heating tank with what looked to be very well settled or previously 
>filtered oil.  When he demonstrates a measuring cup of glycerin he has 
>decanted in the background on the sight tube you can see the reactor 
>doesn't even have anything in it. There is no pre wash test or anything 
>and he doesn't say anything about titration for that matter either. Has 
>anybody else seen similar crap?  I wonder how much of this nonsense is 
>floating around out there.  It makes me cringe. I have been asked twice 
>to be on TV and once approached to help make one of these DVD's and I am 
>starting to get the creeps!
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's 
why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...

Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to 
be the craziest person on the list.


Jason & Katie wrote:

>Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.
>- Original Message - 
>From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
> > Is this clear...or am I coming 
>>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] The Predator's Ball

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
But think of the fallout for the average working stiff with NO safety 
net - we need to keep the good and change the bad.  Just because it's 
gotten MUCH worse under Bush doesn't mean we can't repair it.

Look at Roosevelt's programs - that was a wholesale change without a 
total collapse and failure - sure the Depression spurred it, but the 
country as a whole did not fail.  I've spent enough time in Africa to 
know societal collapse is not the answer...

Jason & Katie wrote:

>i say LET IT FAIL. let it fail like a drunk acrobat with no net. if anything 
>we should try to accelerate the process. the faster we hit bottom, the 
>faster we can re-establish something decent. there are very few ways to 
>repair this mess without a total demolition and refurbishment.
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 2:17 AM
>Subject: [Biofuel] The Predator State = Enron, Tyco, WorldCom... and the 
>U.S. government?
>>The Predator State
>>Enron, Tyco, WorldCom... and the U.S. government?
>>By James K. Galbraith
>>04/29/06 "Mother Jones"  -- -- WHAT IS THE REAL NATURE of American
>>capitalism today? Is it a grand national adventure, as politicians
>>and textbooks aver, in which markets provide the framework for benign
>>competition, from which emerges the greatest good for the greatest
>>number? Or is it the domain of class struggle, even a "global class
>>war," as the title of Jeff Faux's new book would have it, in which
>>the "party of Davos" outmaneuvers the remnants of the organized
>>working class?
>>The doctrines of the "law and economics" movement, now ascendant in
>>our courts, hold that if people are rational, if markets can be
>>"contested," if memory is good and information adequate, then firms
>>will adhere on their own to norms of honorable conduct. Any public
>>presence in the economy undermines this. Even insurance-whether
>>deposit insurance or Social Security-is perverse, for it encourages
>>irresponsible risktaking. Banks will lend to bad clients, workers
>>will "live for today," companies will speculate with their pension
>>funds; the movement has even argued that seat belts foster reckless
>>driving. Insurance, in other words, creates a "moral hazard" for
>>which "market discipline" is the cure; all works for the best when
>>thought and planning do not interfere. It's a strange vision, and if
>>we weren't governed by people like John Roberts and Sam Alito, who
>>pretend to believe it, it would scarcely be worth our attention.
>>The idea of class struggle goes back a long way; perhaps it really is
>>"the history of all hitherto existing society," as Marx and Engels
>>famously declared. But if the world is ruled by a monied elite, then
>>to what extent do middle-class working Americans compose part of the
>>global proletariat? The honest answer can only be: not much. The
>>political decline of the left surely flows in part from rhetoric that
>>no longer matches experience; for the most part, American voters do
>>not live on the Malthusian margin. Dollars command the world's goods,
>>rupees do not; membership in the dollar economy makes every working
>>American, to some degree, complicit in the capitalist class.
>>In the mixed-economy America I grew up in, there existed a
>>post-capitalist, post-Marxian vision of middle-class identity. It
>>consisted of shared assets and entitlements, of which the bedrock was
>>public education, access to college, good housing, full employment at
>>living wages, Medicare, and Social Security. These programs, publicly
>>provided, financed, or guaranteed, had softened the rough edges of
>>Great Depression capitalism, rewarding the sacrifices that won the
>>Second World War. They also showcased America, demonstrating to those
>>behind the Iron Curtain that regulated capitalism could yield
>>prosperity far beyond the capacities of state planning. (This, and
>>not the arms race, ultimately brought down the Soviet empire.) These
>>middle-class institutions survive in America today, but they are
>>frayed and tattered from constant attack. And the division between
>>those included and those excluded is large and obvious to all.
>>Today, the signature of modern American capitalism is neither benign
>>competition, nor class struggle, nor an inclusive middle-class
>>utopia. Instead, predation has become the dominant feature-a system
>>wherein the rich have come to feast on decaying systems built for the
>>middle class. The predatory class is not the whole of the wealthy; it
>>may be opposed by many others of similar wealth. But it is the
>>defining feature, the leading force. And its agents are in full
>>control of the government under which we live.
>>Our rulers deliver favors to their clients. These range from Native
>>American casino operators, to Appalachian coal companies, to Saipan
>>sweatshop operators, to the wou

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
FWIW - I have not bought ANY petro products for almost a year now except 
for diesel on one long trip and the least amount of NG as possible for 
cooking and showers.  I hope to go to BD heating for water, or get my BD 
generator running and use electric.  I heat with wood.

I went from being the neighborhood crank to having a steady stream of 
visitors and questions about BD

M&K DuPree wrote:

>Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and cellulosic 
>ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow I have been 
>blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle and general 
>"world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my dependence upon 
>oil as an energy source.  All of sudden I am seeing how out of my control my 
>life really is.  And to tell you and everyone the truth, I'm damned 
>frightened, and angry, and depressed, and then...is that my .38 over 
>there???  Somehow I have been able to keep the madness of this world at bay, 
>but no more, all because of rising oil prices and my subsequently felt 
>urgency to research and find alternative energy sources.  This research has 
>led me into the politics of the whole energy arena and ultimately a world 
>view that, when I include not just me and mine, but the whole freakin 6.5 
>billion of us (and growing exponentially), has me pretty much freaked.  Just 
>another suburban kid gone over the edge (or perhaps, more accurately, come 
>back from having been over the edge into dreamland into the reality of 
>limited resources and the need for a stripped down lifestyle that takes into 
>account the full extent of my actions).  This side of the edge, however, 
>isn't something I can easily make my own, because, it appears to me, if I am 
>going to be able to truly regain what little sense of my self I might truly 
>possess, I must be willing to put my tent on my back and just simply begin 
>to wander and then keep wandering until I fall over dead (can't stop by the 
>local Salvation Army for refreshment...that would only be dipping my toe 
>back over the edge into dreamland again).  Is this clear...or am I coming 
>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
> Anyway, so I am curious about your own comments.  I'm still reading 
>through all the articles connected to the links you have shared, so maybe my 
>questions will be answered along the way.  Nonetheless, I want to ask them 
>here: 1) in regards to "how well industrial-scale processes fit rational 
>biofuels production," would you please explain in more detail? Also, perhaps 
>lead me to a model industrial-scale process that DOES fit rational biofuels 
>production?  My immediate response to this has to do with a main point I 
>have observed in my own interest in making biofuel: that this is not 
>something me and all of my neighbors can do individually for various 
>reasons, but especially because of limited feedstock and difficulty of 
>distribution.  Democracy does not extend to the realm of limited resources. 
>I believe packaging of product for individuals has promoted this appearance. 
>Consequently, it appears to me (and I could still be very blind on this 
>point), we need some level of industrial-scale processes; and 2) will you 
>please explain further how "gobbling up crop wastes" is done "at the expense 
>of soil fertility maintenance?"  Please understand, I am in NO WAY trying to 
>be argumentative.  I really am profoundly concerned about our world 
>situation today and how I can be on the helpful side of it all (knapsack and 
>all???).  I don't have that much time left on the planet, and I'd like to go 
>down swinging.  Thanks.  Mike
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 1:17 PM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
>>Hi Mike
>>>Hi...I'd like to hear the list's opinion about the process developed
>>>by Iogen to produce "cellulosic ethanol."  Goldman Sachs announced
>>>yesterday (May 1) an investment of $30million Canadian in the
>>>company.  Royal Dutch/Shell, Petro-Canada, and the Canadian Gov't
>>>have also all partnered with or are supporting Iogen.
>>>The first article below, by Sam Jaffe, an editor with The
>>>Scientist magazine, discusses cellulosic ethanol as well as a fuel
>>>cell developed by Lanny Scmidt.  The second link is to the Iogen
>>>website itself.  Thanks.  Mike
>>Here's some previous discussion:
>>Search results for 'iogen'
>>94 matches
>>Ethanol from cellulose
>>Maybe it'll get off the ground now, it's been around for years and
>>nothing happens. Like all the other ethanol-from-cellulose projects.
>>What bothers me about it, other than how well industrial-scale
>>processes fit rational biofuels pr

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Fred Finch
Hey Weaver!!I like the crackpots and cranks on the list.  Todd's writing keeps me entertained for hours.  And you and Redler keep me spinning.  To the point where I lose track of which mike is saying what.I too am the "former neighborhood crank/mad scientist now the forward thinking nutjob who might save the world."
We need more of me!!fOn 5/4/06, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
FWIW - I have not bought ANY petro products for almost a year now exceptfor diesel on one long trip and the least amount of NG as possible for
cooking and showers.  I hope to go to BD heating for water, or get my BDgenerator running and use electric.  I heat with wood.I went from being the neighborhood crank to having a steady stream ofvisitors and questions about BD
M&K DuPree wrote:>Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and cellulosic>ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow I have been>blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle and general
>"world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my dependence upon>oil as an energy source.  All of sudden I am seeing how out of my control my>life really is.  And to tell you and everyone the truth, I'm damned
>frightened, and angry, and depressed, and then...is that my .38 over>there???  Somehow I have been able to keep the madness of this world at bay,>but no more, all because of rising oil prices and my subsequently felt
>urgency to research and find alternative energy sources.  This research has>led me into the politics of the whole energy arena and ultimately a world>view that, when I include not just me and mine, but the whole freakin 
6.5>billion of us (and growing exponentially), has me pretty much freaked.  Just>another suburban kid gone over the edge (or perhaps, more accurately, come>back from having been over the edge into dreamland into the reality of
>limited resources and the need for a stripped down lifestyle that takes into>account the full extent of my actions).  This side of the edge, however,>isn't something I can easily make my own, because, it appears to me, if I am
>going to be able to truly regain what little sense of my self I might truly>possess, I must be willing to put my tent on my back and just simply begin>to wander and then keep wandering until I fall over dead (can't stop by the
>local Salvation Army for refreshment...that would only be dipping my toe>back over the edge into dreamland again).  Is this clear...or am I coming>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
> Anyway, so I am curious about your own comments.  I'm still reading>through all the articles connected to the links you have shared, so maybe my>questions will be answered along the way.  Nonetheless, I want to ask them
>here: 1) in regards to "how well industrial-scale processes fit rational>biofuels production," would you please explain in more detail? Also, perhaps>lead me to a model industrial-scale process that DOES fit rational biofuels
>production?  My immediate response to this has to do with a main point I>have observed in my own interest in making biofuel: that this is not>something me and all of my neighbors can do individually for various
>reasons, but especially because of limited feedstock and difficulty of>distribution.  Democracy does not extend to the realm of limited resources.>I believe packaging of product for individuals has promoted this appearance.
>Consequently, it appears to me (and I could still be very blind on this>point), we need some level of industrial-scale processes; and 2) will you>please explain further how "gobbling up crop wastes" is done "at the expense
>of soil fertility maintenance?"  Please understand, I am in NO WAY trying to>be argumentative.  I really am profoundly concerned about our world>situation today and how I can be on the helpful side of it all (knapsack and
>all???).  I don't have that much time left on the planet, and I'd like to go>down swinging.  Thanks.  Mike>>- Original Message ->From: "Keith Addison" <
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>To: >Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 1:17 PM>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
>>Hi Mike>Hi...I'd like to hear the list's opinion about the process developed>>>by Iogen to produce "cellulosic ethanol."  Goldman Sachs announced
>>>yesterday (May 1) an investment of $30million Canadian in the>>>company.  Royal Dutch/Shell, Petro-Canada, and the Canadian Gov't>>>have also all partnered with or are supporting Iogen.
>>>The first article below, by Sam Jaffe, an editor with The>>>Scientist magazine, discusses cellulosic ethanol as well as a fuel>>>cell developed by Lanny Scmidt.  The second link is to the Iogen
>>>website itself.  Thanks.  Mike>>>http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/2004/0407.jaffe.html>>>
http://www.iogen.ca/Here's some previous discussion:http://snipurl.com/pxs2>>biofuel>>Search results for 'iogen'
>>94 matchesEthanol from cellulose>>http://jo

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Joe Street

Mike Weaver for President!!

Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.


Mike Weaver wrote:

  I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's 
why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...

Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to 
be the craziest person on the list.


Jason & Katie wrote:

Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.

- Original Message - 
From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

  Is this clear...or am I coming 


  off as the probable lunatic I might really be???


Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] FFA's as Weed Killer

2006-05-04 Thread Thomas Kelly
Fox Mulder wrote:
"hi, pouring glycerine on the leaves kills.
glycerine is alkaline; so, alkalinity kills leaves.
Further, methyl ester kills leaves.
 The best weed killer;
 Follow the ingredients;
glycerine left over from your biodiesel 2parts
sodium ethanoate  1part"

We are talking about the FFAs separated out of the glycerine cocktail; 
the coproduct of biodiesel production.
The value of FFAs as a weed killer comes from the fact that it is readily 
broken down and there is minimum, if any contamination of the soil. The pH 
of the FFAs, as best I can determine, is very similar to the pH of my soil 
~ 6.5.
 It has been pointed out that the use of the glycerine "left over from 
your biodiesel"  kills weeds, but the concern is that it also kills 
earthworms  one of the hardest-working employees I have in my garden. 
My use of compost and a thick layer of mulch is as much an attempt to build 
an environment attractive to earthworms, saprophytic fungi and bacteria as 
it is to support plant growth directly. If fact, w/o these organisms, much 
of the nutrients tied up in the compost and mulch would not be available to 
my plants.
 Once separated (see JTF) the crude glycerine (methanol recovered) is 
slightly acidic, not alkaline. It can be neutralized it w.  baking soda or 
ammonia and can be used to produce biogas (methane), or added to the 
ferment > ethanol. At the moment, I neutralize it w. ammonia and add it 
to my compost (1 part glycerine: 2 parts water). The glycerine is rapidly 
metabolized for energy and the ammonia contributes nitrogen. It seems to 
work well.
 The minerals that precipitate out upon separation of the cocktail (in 
my case a mix of sodium and potassium phosphate) are fertilizers. My compost 
piles are essentially layers of grass clippings, then leaves, then manure 
..  repeat. I dissolve about 1 tablespoon of the mineral precip. in the 
water that I mix with the glycerine and pour it on the leaf layer using a 
watering can. I have several pounds of mineral precip and many gallons of 
glycerine, so I may have to find other ways to use it, but am more than 
hesitant to spray either directly on my garden or flower beds.
That leaves the FFAs from separation. I've noodled around with adding 
them to my heating fuel (BD100). I suspect that there was some glycerine 
contamination because after a bout a week to 10 days the electrodes in my 
burner were coated w.  a thick, crusty goo. I'll let it settle for a month 
at warmer temp & get back to that , but for now, FFAs as weed killers has 
caught my interest.
 Sorry to get so wordy. I'm not adding anything new. It has all been 
discussed at JTF and by list members. The discussion, so far, has put an 
emphasis on the minimal environmental impact of FFAs as weed killers, not 
that they are "the best", as in most effective. After all there's always 
Roundup or 2,4-D if one simply wants to kill plants w/o worrying about 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Thomas Kelly
You wrote:
"Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to be 
the craziest person on the list."

Not to worry, you are right there with him. I often have to check to see 
which Mike I'm reading. For a while there I was fairly certain there really 
only was one Mike.
   I noticed that while Mike R. "was away", we didn't hear from Mike W.
   Two of my favorite characters on the list. Never stay away long.
- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

>I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's
> why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
> Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...
> >
> -Mike
> Jason & Katie wrote:
>>Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.
>>- Original Message - 
>>From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
>> > Is this clear...or am I coming
>>>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/biofuel_sustainablelists.org
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> messages):
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
Dear Thomas,

Do not believe anything Weaver says. He makes things up.


Thomas Kelly wrote:

>You wrote:
>"Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to be 
>the craziest person on the list."
>Not to worry, you are right there with him. I often have to check to see 
>which Mike I'm reading. For a while there I was fairly certain there really 
>only was one Mike.
>   I noticed that while Mike R. "was away", we didn't hear from Mike W.
>   Two of my favorite characters on the list. Never stay away long.
>   Tom
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:15 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
>>I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's
>>why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
>>Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...
>>Jason & Katie wrote:
>>>Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.
>>>- Original Message - 
>>>From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
Is this clear...or am I coming

off as the probable lunatic I might really be???

>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the 
job indicates that one is unfit for the post.
I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will 
come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.
I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.

Joe Street wrote:

> Mike Weaver for President!!
> Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.
> J
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's 
>>why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
>>Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...
>>Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to 
>>be the craziest person on the list.
>>Jason & Katie wrote:
>>>Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.
>>>- Original Message - 
>>>From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
Is this clear...or am I coming 

off as the probable lunatic I might really be???


>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Joe Street

Ohhh no.  I've already shot myself in the foot on many occasions and
shotguns are too devastating.  I need something left to put in my mouth
from time to time!


Mike Weaver wrote:

  I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the 
job indicates that one is unfit for the post.
I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will 
come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.
I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.

Joe Street wrote:

Mike Weaver for President!!

Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.


Mike Weaver wrote:

  I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's 
why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...

Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to 
be the craziest person on the list.


Jason & Katie wrote:


Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.

- Original Message - 
From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List


  Is this clear...or am I coming 



  off as the probable lunatic I might really be???



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):


Biofuel mailing list

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Biofuel mailing list

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Biofuel mailing list

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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver

Joe Street wrote:

> Ohhh no.  I've already shot myself in the foot on many occasions and 
> shotguns are too devastating.  I need something left to put in my 
> mouth from time to time!
> J
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the 
>>job indicates that one is unfit for the post.
>>I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will 
>>come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.
>>I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.
>>Joe Street wrote:
>>>Mike Weaver for President!!
>>>Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.
>>>Mike Weaver wrote:
I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's 
why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...

Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to 
be the craziest person on the list.


Jason & Katie wrote:



>Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.
>- Original Message - 
>From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
>>Is this clear...or am I coming 
>>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 



>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Joe Street

How about a biogas powered potato cannon?  Redler can provide the gas I

Mike Weaver wrote:


Joe Street wrote:

Ohhh no.  I've already shot myself in the foot on many occasions and 
shotguns are too devastating.  I need something left to put in my 
mouth from time to time!


Mike Weaver wrote:

  I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the 
job indicates that one is unfit for the post.
I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will 
come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.
I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.

Joe Street wrote:


Mike Weaver for President!!

Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.


Mike Weaver wrote:


  I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's 
why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...

Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to 
be the craziest person on the list.


Jason & Katie wrote:


Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.

- Original Message - 
From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List



  Is this clear...or am I coming 





  off as the probable lunatic I might really be???



Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):



Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Fritz Friesinger

Hey Guys,
i think Redler would be better of with a good old 
bavarian Dumplingcanon?!

  - Original Message - 
  Joe Street 
  To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org 
  Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 12:00 
  Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Redler for 
  How about a biogas powered potato cannon?  Redler can 
  provide the gas I think.Mike Weaver wrote:

Joe Street wrote:

Ohhh no.  I've already shot myself in the foot on many occasions and 
shotguns are too devastating.  I need something left to put in my 
mouth from time to time!


Mike Weaver wrote:

  I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the 
job indicates that one is unfit for the post.
I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will 
come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.
I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.

Joe Street wrote:


Mike Weaver for President!!

Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.


Mike Weaver wrote:


  I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's 
why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...

Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to 
be the craziest person on the list.


Jason & Katie wrote:


Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.

- Original Message - 
From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List



  Is this clear...or am I coming 



  off as the probable lunatic I might really be???


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):



Biofuel mailing list

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  ___Biofuel mailing 
  at Journey to 
  Forever:http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.htmlSearch the 
  combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at J

Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
We better find out how much he weighs before we design a cannon to shoot 
him from.


Fritz Friesinger wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> i think Redler would be better of with a good old bavarian Dumplingcanon?!
> Fritz
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Joe Street 
> *To:* biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 04, 2006 12:00 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President
> How about a biogas powered potato cannon?  Redler can provide the
> gas I think.
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>Joe Street wrote:
>>>Ohhh no.  I've already shot myself in the foot on many occasions and 
>>>shotguns are too devastating.  I need something left to put in my 
>>>mouth from time to time!
>>>Mike Weaver wrote:
I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the 
job indicates that one is unfit for the post.
I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will 
come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.
I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.

Joe Street wrote:



>Mike Weaver for President!!
>Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.
>Mike Weaver wrote:
>>I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's 
>>why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
>>Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...
>>Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to 
>>be the craziest person on the list.
>>Jason & Katie wrote:
>>>Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.
>>>- Original Message - 
>>>From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
Is this clear...or am I coming 



off as the probable lunatic I might really be???



>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 



>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
You tryin' ta say Redler's gassier than me?

Joe Street wrote:

> How about a biogas powered potato cannon?  Redler can provide the gas 
> I think.
> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>Joe Street wrote:
>>>Ohhh no.  I've already shot myself in the foot on many occasions and 
>>>shotguns are too devastating.  I need something left to put in my 
>>>mouth from time to time!
>>>Mike Weaver wrote:
I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the 
job indicates that one is unfit for the post.
I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will 
come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.
I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.

Joe Street wrote:



>Mike Weaver for President!!
>Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.
>Mike Weaver wrote:
>>I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's 
>>why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
>>Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...
>>Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to 
>>be the craziest person on the list.
>>Jason & Katie wrote:
>>>Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.
>>>- Original Message - 
>>>From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
>>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
Is this clear...or am I coming 



off as the probable lunatic I might really be???



>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 



>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread M&K DuPree

Thanks Jason and Kate.  I suspected 
as much, so I carry on with my suspicions.  Mike
- Original Message - 

From: "Jason & Katie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 4:26 
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to 
> Sanity is the ability to doubt your own 
sanity.> > - Original Message - > From: "M&K 
DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: > Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM> Subject: Re: 
[Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List> > > > Is this 
clear...or am I coming >> off as the probable lunatic I might really 
be???> > > 
___> Biofuel mailing 
list> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/biofuel_sustainablelists.org> > Biofuel at Journey to Forever:> 
http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html> > Search the combined Biofuel and 
Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/> > 
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread M&K DuPree
Mike...during your neigborhood conversion from "neighborhood crank to having 
a steady stream of visitors and questions about BD," are the neighbors 
changing?  If so, how?  One of my concerns in my post in response to Keith 
is that not everyone will have the ability/interest to set up their own BD 
plant, as well as have access to feedstock.  It seems to me, since you are 
already set up with some kind of access to feedstock, you could be the new 
neighborhood "gas pump."  Don't you think???  Of course, once you, or 
someone, becomes this person, the community necessarily transforms your 
individual production into the need for an "industrial-scale process."  In 
fact, the existence of a community that demands the lifestyle provided by BD 
or any fuel to run our machinery that gives us this lifestyle must 
necessarily adopt "industrial-scale" processes.  Don't you think?? 
Presently, I do.  Consequently, I'm especially interested in learning about 
any size community that has developed/is developing "industrial-scale 
processes (that) fit rational biofuels production," to use Keith's terms. 
Another Mike

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

> FWIW - I have not bought ANY petro products for almost a year now except
> for diesel on one long trip and the least amount of NG as possible for
> cooking and showers.  I hope to go to BD heating for water, or get my BD
> generator running and use electric.  I heat with wood.
> I went from being the neighborhood crank to having a steady stream of
> visitors and questions about BD
> M&K DuPree wrote:
>>Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and cellulosic
>>ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow I have 
>>blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle and general
>>"world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my dependence upon
>>oil as an energy source.  All of sudden I am seeing how out of my control 
>>life really is.  And to tell you and everyone the truth, I'm damned
>>frightened, and angry, and depressed, and then...is that my .38 over
>>there???  Somehow I have been able to keep the madness of this world at 
>>but no more, all because of rising oil prices and my subsequently felt
>>urgency to research and find alternative energy sources.  This research 
>>led me into the politics of the whole energy arena and ultimately a world
>>view that, when I include not just me and mine, but the whole freakin 6.5
>>billion of us (and growing exponentially), has me pretty much freaked. 
>>another suburban kid gone over the edge (or perhaps, more accurately, come
>>back from having been over the edge into dreamland into the reality of
>>limited resources and the need for a stripped down lifestyle that takes 
>>account the full extent of my actions).  This side of the edge, however,
>>isn't something I can easily make my own, because, it appears to me, if I 
>>going to be able to truly regain what little sense of my self I might 
>>possess, I must be willing to put my tent on my back and just simply begin
>>to wander and then keep wandering until I fall over dead (can't stop by 
>>local Salvation Army for refreshment...that would only be dipping my toe
>>back over the edge into dreamland again).  Is this clear...or am I coming
>>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
>> Anyway, so I am curious about your own comments.  I'm still reading
>>through all the articles connected to the links you have shared, so maybe 
>>questions will be answered along the way.  Nonetheless, I want to ask them
>>here: 1) in regards to "how well industrial-scale processes fit rational
>>biofuels production," would you please explain in more detail? Also, 
>>lead me to a model industrial-scale process that DOES fit rational 
>>production?  My immediate response to this has to do with a main point I
>>have observed in my own interest in making biofuel: that this is not
>>something me and all of my neighbors can do individually for various
>>reasons, but especially because of limited feedstock and difficulty of
>>distribution.  Democracy does not extend to the realm of limited 
>>I believe packaging of product for individuals has promoted this 
>>Consequently, it appears to me (and I could still be very blind on this
>>point), we need some level of industrial-scale processes; and 2) will you
>>please explain further how "gobbling up crop wastes" is done "at the 
>>of soil fertility maintenance?"  Please understand, I am in NO WAY trying 
>>be argumentative.  I really am profoundly concerned about our world
>>situation today and how I can be on the helpful side of it all (knapsack 
>>all???).  I don't have that much time left on the planet, and I'd like to 

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Mike

I enjoyed reading that, thanks. Not that I enjoy your plight, but you 
put it well. I think you're in good company.

You can be argumentative if you like, go right ahead (but no need for 
the .38! LOL!). It's when people get argumentative just for the sake 
of it or to throw up a smokescreen or something that people mind. At 
least they do here. No harm in being a probable lunatic either, as 
long as you're more or less polite about it. In a mad world you have 
to go a bit nuts sometimes or you'll go nuts.

Regarding rational biofuels production, you might find this interesting:

"How much fuel can we grow? How much land will it take?"

Re "gobbling up crop wastes", here's an old admonition from 60 years ago:

Pay Dirt - Part 3b

... followed, of course, by 60 years' worth of gobbled up crop 
wastes. Soil robbery. I don't know anymore these days how many farms 
go past per minute on their way to the Dead Zone if you stand on the 
banks of the Mississippi. Or River X. Sustainable biofuels aren't 
sustainable if the feedstock crops aren't sustainably grown, and that 
means following nature's Law of Return. Not a problem, unless you 
ignore it. If you do it right there's plenty to spare, nature's 
bounty is never-ending.

Upping stakes and wandering off is a sound idea, IMHO, follow your 
nose and do whatever happens to you. I'll bet it turns out to be a 
lot less aimless and chaotic than I'm sure everyone will tell you, 
very efficient way of going about finding what you're looking for.



>Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and cellulosic
>ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow I have been
>blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle and general
>"world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my dependence upon
>oil as an energy source.  All of sudden I am seeing how out of my control my
>life really is.  And to tell you and everyone the truth, I'm damned
>frightened, and angry, and depressed, and then...is that my .38 over
>there???  Somehow I have been able to keep the madness of this world at bay,
>but no more, all because of rising oil prices and my subsequently felt
>urgency to research and find alternative energy sources.  This research has
>led me into the politics of the whole energy arena and ultimately a world
>view that, when I include not just me and mine, but the whole freakin 6.5
>billion of us (and growing exponentially), has me pretty much freaked.  Just
>another suburban kid gone over the edge (or perhaps, more accurately, come
>back from having been over the edge into dreamland into the reality of
>limited resources and the need for a stripped down lifestyle that takes into
>account the full extent of my actions).  This side of the edge, however,
>isn't something I can easily make my own, because, it appears to me, if I am
>going to be able to truly regain what little sense of my self I might truly
>possess, I must be willing to put my tent on my back and just simply begin
>to wander and then keep wandering until I fall over dead (can't stop by the
>local Salvation Army for refreshment...that would only be dipping my toe
>back over the edge into dreamland again).  Is this clear...or am I coming
>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
> Anyway, so I am curious about your own comments.  I'm still reading
>through all the articles connected to the links you have shared, so maybe my
>questions will be answered along the way.  Nonetheless, I want to ask them
>here: 1) in regards to "how well industrial-scale processes fit rational
>biofuels production," would you please explain in more detail? Also, perhaps
>lead me to a model industrial-scale process that DOES fit rational biofuels
>production?  My immediate response to this has to do with a main point I
>have observed in my own interest in making biofuel: that this is not
>something me and all of my neighbors can do individually for various
>reasons, but especially because of limited feedstock and difficulty of
>distribution.  Democracy does not extend to the realm of limited resources.
>I believe packaging of product for individuals has promoted this appearance.
>Consequently, it appears to me (and I could still be very blind on this
>point), we need some level of industrial-scale processes; and 2) will you
>please explain further how "gobbling up crop wastes" is done "at the expense
>of soil fertility maintenance?"  Please understand, I am in NO WAY trying to
>be argumentative.  I really am profoundly concerned about our world
>situation today and how I can be on the helpful side of it all (knapsack and
>all???).  I don't have that much time left on the planet, and I'd like to go
>down swinging.  Thanks.  Mike
>- Original Message -
>From: "Keith Addison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Tuesday, May 02

[Biofuel] Wise words from a GA carpet manufacturer?

2006-05-04 Thread Catherine Booker
Hi List,
I'm new, but I think this is a worthy posting...relevant that is.
I saw Ray Anderson, CEO of Interface, Inc speak last week. Some may recognize him from the Corporation documentary. It was refreshing and inspirational to hear a man in a suit, a southerner even (GA is my home state too!), speak with such conviction about environmental ethics and how he hopes his company will lead toward a new, sustainable industrial paradigm. Here's a version of the speech he gave. Enjoy and of course, I would like to hear what the list has to say! 

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Michael Redler
"Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to   be the craziest person on the list."Thank you. Thank you. What an honor it is to be chosen for this great,  great award. I'd like to thank the academy for it's wonderful work and  support. ...and of course this wouldn't be possible without a great  cast and crew...oh...and of course Mom and Dad for making it all  possible (it runs in the family).:-)  - RedlerMike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to be the craziest person on the list.-MikeJason & Katie
 wrote:>Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.>>- Original Message - >From: "M&K DuPree" >To: >Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List>>> > Is this clear...or am I coming >  >>>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???>>___
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Are Americans torturers or supporters of torture?

2006-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Mike

>Much of what you say is true but to lump everyone here in the US
>together is not fair.  BushCo flat stole the last vote,

And the one before, and the next one. But which president didn't? 
It's just a matter of degree of in-your-faceness. The Business Party 
wins every time.

'It has often been pointed out by political scientists that the US is 
basically a one-party state -- the business party, with two factions, 
Democrats and Republicans. Most of the population seems to agree. A 
very high percentage, sometimes passing 80%, believe that the 
government serves "the few and the special interests," not "the 
people." ... More serious political scientists in the mainstream 
describe the US not as a "democracy" but as a "polyarchy": a system 
of elite decision and periodic public ratification. There is surely 
much truth to the conclusion of the leading American social 
philosopher of the 20th century, John Dewey, whose main work was on 
democracy, that until there is democratic control of the primary 
economic institutions, politics will be "the shadow cast on society 
by big business."' - Noam Chomsky

That is hardly unique to the US.

>and a HUGE group
>of us
>USers (I hate the term "American" - it's as if Mexico and Canada don't

We've discussed that before. But it's worldwide usage. I don't think 
it causes much confusion, Washington, Americans, North Americans, 
everybody understands that.

>are now and have ALWAYS been working as hard as we can to fight
>his programs.

Huge? You (collectively) were outmanoeuvred 30 years ago and you've 
hardly got a thing right since, you didn't see anything coming. You 
weren't even easy meat for Bushco, there wasn't any need to take any 
notice of you at all. The left or whatever you want to call it has 
been pathetic, and still is.

>My business and my personal life are shaped by this struggle, as are the
>lives of my friends.  The opposition never went away in the States.
>No one I know is in favor of torture,

Of course they're not.

>and if you follow the news in the
>US, even most of the Republicans are against it. This is a Bush Admin.
>thing, not an "American"

The School of the Americas, eg?

If all you want is to get things back the way they were before 
Bushco, then you're liable to have another Bushco ere long. 
Business-as-usual over the last 60 years is what has to go, not just 
Bushco. Particularly with foreign policy.

>"Stop talking about blame, dump all the finger-pointing and get it fixed."
>We are, and our numbers are growing each day!


But, nationwide, what you see is silence, people looking the other 
way, compliance. Torture rates as a minor issue or a non-issue. Rice 
and Bolton et al can still deny that it happens and get away with it. 
After three and a half years! If you were a torture victim, you'd 
still be waiting patiently all this time would you? It's two years 
since congress was treated to three hours of slides and videos of US 
troops abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib, yet your leaders can still 
deny it happens. Not exactly under a lot of pressure, are they?

"There is no indication of meaningful action by the US government to 
remedy the situation and prevent further abuse." -- Amnesty 

Americans are waking up in large numbers, at long last, and maybe 
it's not even too late, but it hasn't reached the torture issue yet. 
You can still say nobody cares, and people do say that. Of course 
there are exceptions, there always are.

I'm not knocking you Mike, nor the efforts of any and all who oppose 
power and brute force, I'm sure you know that.

But I don't think you've made a dent in anything I said.

Published on Thursday, January 6, 2005 by New York Times
We Are All Torturers Now

The New Yorker
Outsourcing Torture
The secret history of America's "extraordinary rendition" program
Issue of 2005-02-14
>On January 27th, President Bush, in an interview with the Times, 
>assured the world that "torture is never acceptable, nor do we hand 
>over people to countries that do torture."

And he's still there, eh?

Most Americans haven't got a clue what they look the other way at.



>Keith Addison wrote:
> >>Hey Randall,
> >>its greed just greed and again greed and only greed!
> >>Fritz
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Maybe, but whose greed, exactly?
> >
> >I'm not addressing this at anyone in particular...
> >
> >This is a simple thing that's become woven into a hugely complicated
> >situation, a matter of empire. As a result it's not "only" anything
> >anymore, though the simple thing remains, which is that torture is
> >evil, fullstop.
> >
> >People can talk about war being necessary sometimes or even about
> >"holy" wars, but you can't argue that torture is necessary sometimes
> >or talk about "holy" torture unless you're voting for the return of
> >

Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Michael Redler
Hey!!! That's not nice!I guess politics is dirty AND stinky.Besides, I want to be secretary of defense. I have a foolproof  alternative to resolving foreign policy conflicts. Our armies will no  longer need to carry rifles.As we speak, I have an elite force infiltrating hostile lands, causing confusion and chaos.http://www.tucsonweekly.com/gbase/Currents/Content?oid=81815...see also http://tinyurl.com/6ekee- Redler  Joe Street <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  How about a biogas powered potato cannon?  Redler can provide the gas I  think.  Mike Weaver wrote:  Slingshot?Joe Street wrote:Ohhh no.  I've already shot myself in the foot on many occasions and shotguns are too devastating.  I need something left to put in my mouth from time to time!JMike Weaver wrote:  I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the job indicates that one is unfit for the post.I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.Joe Street wrote: Mike Weaver for President!!Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.JMike Weaver wrote:   
  I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to be the craziest person on the list.-MikeJason & Katie wrote: Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.- Original Message - From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AMSubject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Mike

I think you need to learn something about the Appropriate Technology 
approach, essentially technology as if people mattered, the necessary 
adjunct to Schumacher's "Small is beautiful - economics as if people 

An introduction:
Appropriate technology

Generally seen as something for poor countries, but at least as 
appropriate in rich countries.



>Mike...during your neigborhood conversion from "neighborhood crank to having
>a steady stream of visitors and questions about BD," are the neighbors
>changing?  If so, how?  One of my concerns in my post in response to Keith
>is that not everyone will have the ability/interest to set up their own BD
>plant, as well as have access to feedstock.  It seems to me, since you are
>already set up with some kind of access to feedstock, you could be the new
>neighborhood "gas pump."  Don't you think???  Of course, once you, or
>someone, becomes this person, the community necessarily transforms your
>individual production into the need for an "industrial-scale process."  In
>fact, the existence of a community that demands the lifestyle provided by BD
>or any fuel to run our machinery that gives us this lifestyle must
>necessarily adopt "industrial-scale" processes.  Don't you think??
>Presently, I do.  Consequently, I'm especially interested in learning about
>any size community that has developed/is developing "industrial-scale
>processes (that) fit rational biofuels production," to use Keith's terms.
>Another Mike
>- Original Message -
>From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:27 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
> > FWIW - I have not bought ANY petro products for almost a year now except
> > for diesel on one long trip and the least amount of NG as possible for
> > cooking and showers.  I hope to go to BD heating for water, or get my BD
> > generator running and use electric.  I heat with wood.
> >
> > I went from being the neighborhood crank to having a steady stream of
> > visitors and questions about BD
> >
> > M&K DuPree wrote:
> >
> >>Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and cellulosic
> >>ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow I have
> >>been
> >>blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle and general
> >>"world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my dependence upon
> >>oil as an energy source.  All of sudden I am seeing how out of my control
> >>my
> >>life really is.  And to tell you and everyone the truth, I'm damned
> >>frightened, and angry, and depressed, and then...is that my .38 over
> >>there???  Somehow I have been able to keep the madness of this world at
> >>bay,
> >>but no more, all because of rising oil prices and my subsequently felt
> >>urgency to research and find alternative energy sources.  This research
> >>has
> >>led me into the politics of the whole energy arena and ultimately a world
> >>view that, when I include not just me and mine, but the whole freakin 6.5
> >>billion of us (and growing exponentially), has me pretty much freaked.
> >>Just
> >>another suburban kid gone over the edge (or perhaps, more accurately, come
> >>back from having been over the edge into dreamland into the reality of
> >>limited resources and the need for a stripped down lifestyle that takes
> >>into
> >>account the full extent of my actions).  This side of the edge, however,
> >>isn't something I can easily make my own, because, it appears to me, if I
> >>am
> >>going to be able to truly regain what little sense of my self I might
> >>truly
> >>possess, I must be willing to put my tent on my back and just simply begin
> >>to wander and then keep wandering until I fall over dead (can't stop by
> >>the
> >>local Salvation Army for refreshment...that would only be dipping my toe
> >>back over the edge into dreamland again).  Is this clear...or am I coming
> >>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
> >> Anyway, so I am curious about your own comments.  I'm still reading
> >>through all the articles connected to the links you have shared, so maybe
> >>my
> >>questions will be answered along the way.  Nonetheless, I want to ask them
> >>here: 1) in regards to "how well industrial-scale processes fit rational
> >>biofuels production," would you please explain in more detail? Also,
> >>perhaps
> >>lead me to a model industrial-scale process that DOES fit rational
> >>biofuels
> >>production?  My immediate response to this has to do with a main point I
> >>have observed in my own interest in making biofuel: that this is not
> >>something me and all of my neighbors can do individually for various
> >>reasons, but especially because of limited feedstock and difficulty of
> >>distribution.  Democracy does not extend to the realm of limited
> >>resources.
> >>I believe packaging of product for individuals has promoted this
> >>appearance.
> >>Conseque

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
There are too many Mikes around here.

I'm familiar with Schumacher though it's been years since I read it.
I'm working on a modified square foot gardening plan now.

Other Mike: No.  The immediate neighbors are MAD MAD MAD.  They do not like:
1.  12 year old p/u truck
2.  Trarped and stacked wood - quote "it's ugly" They also think freshly 
cut Oak stinks.
3.  They don't like the wood smoke
4.  They don't like my BD buddies coming by in 23 year old diesels
5.  My garden is ugly "You've ruined my view".
6.  My lawn is not perfect - I refuse to put weedkiller on it.
7.  I build stuff and make noise.
8.  I have rain barrels
9.  I move oil in big barrels

But, there is a lot of interest in the groups close to my neighborhood - 
the local Democrats, parents at my kid's school, people who ask about 
the stickers on my VW, other wood heat nuts, and friends.  I'm working 
on a BD coop. for my area.

Keith Addison wrote:

>Hello Mike
>I think you need to learn something about the Appropriate Technology 
>approach, essentially technology as if people mattered, the necessary 
>adjunct to Schumacher's "Small is beautiful - economics as if people 
>An introduction:
>Appropriate technology
>Generally seen as something for poor countries, but at least as 
>appropriate in rich countries.
>>Mike...during your neigborhood conversion from "neighborhood crank to having
>>a steady stream of visitors and questions about BD," are the neighbors
>>changing?  If so, how?  One of my concerns in my post in response to Keith
>>is that not everyone will have the ability/interest to set up their own BD
>>plant, as well as have access to feedstock.  It seems to me, since you are
>>already set up with some kind of access to feedstock, you could be the new
>>neighborhood "gas pump."  Don't you think???  Of course, once you, or
>>someone, becomes this person, the community necessarily transforms your
>>individual production into the need for an "industrial-scale process."  In
>>fact, the existence of a community that demands the lifestyle provided by BD
>>or any fuel to run our machinery that gives us this lifestyle must
>>necessarily adopt "industrial-scale" processes.  Don't you think??
>>Presently, I do.  Consequently, I'm especially interested in learning about
>>any size community that has developed/is developing "industrial-scale
>>processes (that) fit rational biofuels production," to use Keith's terms.
>>Another Mike
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:27 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
>>>FWIW - I have not bought ANY petro products for almost a year now except
>>>for diesel on one long trip and the least amount of NG as possible for
>>>cooking and showers.  I hope to go to BD heating for water, or get my BD
>>>generator running and use electric.  I heat with wood.
>>>I went from being the neighborhood crank to having a steady stream of
>>>visitors and questions about BD
>>>M&K DuPree wrote:
Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and cellulosic
ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow I have
blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle and general
"world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my dependence upon
oil as an energy source.  All of sudden I am seeing how out of my control
life really is.  And to tell you and everyone the truth, I'm damned
frightened, and angry, and depressed, and then...is that my .38 over
there???  Somehow I have been able to keep the madness of this world at
but no more, all because of rising oil prices and my subsequently felt
urgency to research and find alternative energy sources.  This research
led me into the politics of the whole energy arena and ultimately a world
view that, when I include not just me and mine, but the whole freakin 6.5
billion of us (and growing exponentially), has me pretty much freaked.
another suburban kid gone over the edge (or perhaps, more accurately, come
back from having been over the edge into dreamland into the reality of
limited resources and the need for a stripped down lifestyle that takes
account the full extent of my actions).  This side of the edge, however,
isn't something I can easily make my own, because, it appears to me, if I
going to be able to truly regain what little sense of my self I might
possess, I must be willing to put my tent on my back and just simply begin
to wander and then keep wandering until I fall over dead (can't stop by
local Salvation Army for refreshment...that would only be dipping my toe
back over the edge into dreamland again).  Is this clear...or am I coming
off as the probabl

[Biofuel] [Fwd: [May 9-10, 2006] National Sustainable Design Expo]

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver

*Environmental and Energy Study Institute
*122 C Street, NW, Suite 630 • Washington, DC 20001
Phone (202) 628-1400 • Fax (202) 628-1825 • [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 • _www.eesi.org_ 


*National Sustainable Design Expo featuring EPA's P3 Award*
*Tuesday, May 9, 2006 (9:00 am - 5:00 pm) and Wednesday, May 10, 2006 
(9:00 am - 3:00 pm)*
*National Mall (between 3rd and 4th Streets)*

The* Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI)* cordially invites 
you to attend the National Sustainable Design Expo on the National Mall 
*May 9 and 10* to see cutting-edge sustainable technologies developed by 
university students and their faculty advisors. The Expo will also 
include exhibits by nonprofit organizations and government agencies that 
are working to advance sustainability and industry professionals who 
will demonstrate sustainable products that are currently available in 
the marketplace.

More than 350 college and university students from across the nation 
will be competing at the Expo for the EPA's Second Annual P3 (People, 
Prosperity, Planet) Award. The highest-rated design will receive a grant 
of up to $75,000 to help the winning team bring their sustainable design 
innovation to market. Students participating in the Expo will showcase 
their novel designs for super-efficient green buildings, production of 
alternative fuel technologies, rainwater collection systems, and 
frameworks for manufacturing products like clothing and prescription 
drugs more sustainably. Representatives from various companies, 
nonprofit organizations and government agencies will also display 
products and practices they are employing to reduce their environmental 
footprint and improve prospects for people, prosperity and the planet. 
We encourage you to take a tour of the exhibits on the Mall to view 
innovations that can help teach Americans how we can meet energy needs 
in a cleaner, more efficient and sustainable way.

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI), the National 
Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) and The American Chemical 
Society Green Chemistry Institute's (GCI) are co-sponsoring EPA's 
National Sustainable Design Expo. Forty-two organizations have partnered 
with the EPA to organize the P3 competition and awards. For a full list 
of partners, exhibitors and other details about the National Sustainable 
Design Expo, including the projects designed by each student team, visit 
_*www.epa.gov/p3*_ .

_*National Sustainable Design Expo Agenda*_
Tuesday, May 9, 2006*
9:00 am - 9:30 am Welcome and Opening Ceremony
9:30 am - 4:45 pm Exhibits Open to the Public; Judging of University 
4:45 pm - 5:00 pm Closing Ceremony

*Wednesday, May 10, 2006*
9:00 am - 9:10 am Opening Remarks
9:10 am - 3:00 pm Exhibits Open to the Public; Judging of University 
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm Exhibits Open to the Public
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm EPA P3 Awards Ceremony & Reception - hosted by the 
Green Chemistry Institute at the National Academies of Science Building, 
Washington DC /(Only registered exhibitors and students will be admitted)/

_*Participating Universities
*_Appalachian State University
California Polytechnic State University - San Luis Obispo
Carnegie Mellon University, University of Pittsburgh - Main Campus
Clarkson University
Drexel University
Duke University
Eastern Illinois University
Gonzaga University
Iowa State University, Federal University of Vicosa
Iowa State University
Lafayette College*
Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New Mexico State University
Northern Illinois University
Ohio Northern University
Oklahoma State University, Green Blue Institute*
Portland State University
Rutgers University
Stanford University
Texas A & M University
Trinity University*
Tufts University
University of California - Riverside
University of Cincinnati
University of Colorado at Boulder*
University of Florida
University of Iowa, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
University of Kentucky
University of Massachusetts - Lowell
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor*
University of Missouri - Rolla
University of Texas at El Paso
University of Virginia
Virginia Wesleyan College

* Two teams from the university are participating.

Please contact Theresa Murzyn, Environmental and Energy Study Institute 
(202-662-1884), [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with any 
questions or comments.
Feel free to forward this notice.


/The* Environmental and Energy Study Institute* is a non-profit 
organization established in 1984 by a bipartisan, bicameral group of 
members of Congress to provide timely information on energy and 
environmental policy issues to policymakers and stakeholders and develop 
innovative policy solutions that set us
on a cleaner, more secure and sustainable energy path.

Please click _here_ 

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Mark Manchester
Dear Mikes,
I'm on to you with wonderful Schumacher, what a delight.  With your  
neighbours, what IS their problem.  This would clearly be an  
unpleasant experience, first thing in the morning, when you step out  
to sm the flowers.  Now, me, my rainbarrels are municipally  
supplied!!!  The neighbourhood kids think it's so fun to come over  
and get wet!  I don't really know how to be sunny about your  
neighbourly disparity, but humm, there must be some common ground  
somewhere.  What do THEY like to do?  Play crib?
Further, I feel your presidential aspirations are entirely appropriate.
On May 4, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Mike Weaver wrote:

> There are too many Mikes around here.
> I'm familiar with Schumacher though it's been years since I read it.
> I'm working on a modified square foot gardening plan now.
> Other Mike: No.  The immediate neighbors are MAD MAD MAD.  They do  
> not like:
> 1.  12 year old p/u truck
> 2.  Trarped and stacked wood - quote "it's ugly" They also think  
> freshly
> cut Oak stinks.
> 3.  They don't like the wood smoke
> 4.  They don't like my BD buddies coming by in 23 year old diesels
> 5.  My garden is ugly "You've ruined my view".
> 6.  My lawn is not perfect - I refuse to put weedkiller on it.
> 7.  I build stuff and make noise.
> 8.  I have rain barrels
> 9.  I move oil in big barrels
> But, there is a lot of interest in the groups close to my  
> neighborhood -
> the local Democrats, parents at my kid's school, people who ask about
> the stickers on my VW, other wood heat nuts, and friends.  I'm working
> on a BD coop. for my area.
> Keith Addison wrote:
>> Hello Mike
>> I think you need to learn something about the Appropriate Technology
>> approach, essentially technology as if people mattered, the necessary
>> adjunct to Schumacher's "Small is beautiful - economics as if people
>> mattered".
>> An introduction:
>> http://journeytoforever.org/at.html
>> Appropriate technology
>> Generally seen as something for poor countries, but at least as
>> appropriate in rich countries.
>> Best
>> Keith
>>> Mike...during your neigborhood conversion from "neighborhood  
>>> crank to having
>>> a steady stream of visitors and questions about BD," are the  
>>> neighbors
>>> changing?  If so, how?  One of my concerns in my post in response  
>>> to Keith
>>> is that not everyone will have the ability/interest to set up  
>>> their own BD
>>> plant, as well as have access to feedstock.  It seems to me,  
>>> since you are
>>> already set up with some kind of access to feedstock, you could  
>>> be the new
>>> neighborhood "gas pump."  Don't you think???  Of course, once  
>>> you, or
>>> someone, becomes this person, the community necessarily  
>>> transforms your
>>> individual production into the need for an "industrial-scale  
>>> process."  In
>>> fact, the existence of a community that demands the lifestyle  
>>> provided by BD
>>> or any fuel to run our machinery that gives us this lifestyle must
>>> necessarily adopt "industrial-scale" processes.  Don't you think??
>>> Presently, I do.  Consequently, I'm especially interested in  
>>> learning about
>>> any size community that has developed/is developing "industrial- 
>>> scale
>>> processes (that) fit rational biofuels production," to use  
>>> Keith's terms.
>>> Another Mike
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: 
>>> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:27 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
 FWIW - I have not bought ANY petro products for almost a year  
 now except
 for diesel on one long trip and the least amount of NG as  
 possible for
 cooking and showers.  I hope to go to BD heating for water, or  
 get my BD
 generator running and use electric.  I heat with wood.

 I went from being the neighborhood crank to having a steady  
 stream of
 visitors and questions about BD

 M&K DuPree wrote:

> Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and  
> cellulosic
> ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow  
> I have
> been
> blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle  
> and general
> "world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my  
> dependence upon
> oil as an energy source.  All of sudden I am seeing how out of  
> my control
> my
> life really is.  And to tell you and everyone the truth, I'm  
> damned
> frightened, and angry, and depressed, and then...is that my .38  
> over
> there???  Somehow I have been able to keep the madness of this  
> world at
> bay,
> but no more, all because of rising oil prices and my  
> subsequently felt
> urgency to research and find alternative energy sources.  This  
> research
> has
> led me into the politics of the whole energy ar

Re: [Biofuel] Are Americans torturers or supporters of torture?

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
NOT TRUE!  The court gave him the first one.  He stole the 2nd one ;-)
The next one?  Even I'm beginning to wonder.

FWIW I think Reagan beat Carter w/o chicanery at the ballot box.

I'm not arguing that we're lurching towards a coporatocracy - we are, 
but I'm not throwing in the towel yet.

I think there is hope yet, but we'll see.

I agree the left (I prefer Progessives but then I still consider myself 
a musuem quality Liberal) has been hapless of late.  But I don't think 
all is lost.
If nothing else we are certainly energized as we haven't been since the 

One thing we need to learn is that the perfect is the enemy of the good.

Keith Addison wrote:

>Hello Mike
>>Much of what you say is true but to lump everyone here in the US
>>together is not fair.  BushCo flat stole the last vote,
>And the one before, and the next one. But which president didn't? 
>It's just a matter of degree of in-your-faceness. The Business Party 
>wins every time.
>'It has often been pointed out by political scientists that the US is 
>basically a one-party state -- the business party, with two factions, 
>Democrats and Republicans. Most of the population seems to agree. A 
>very high percentage, sometimes passing 80%, believe that the 
>government serves "the few and the special interests," not "the 
>people." ... More serious political scientists in the mainstream 
>describe the US not as a "democracy" but as a "polyarchy": a system 
>of elite decision and periodic public ratification. There is surely 
>much truth to the conclusion of the leading American social 
>philosopher of the 20th century, John Dewey, whose main work was on 
>democracy, that until there is democratic control of the primary 
>economic institutions, politics will be "the shadow cast on society 
>by big business."' - Noam Chomsky
>That is hardly unique to the US.
>>and a HUGE group
>>of us
>>USers (I hate the term "American" - it's as if Mexico and Canada don't
>We've discussed that before. But it's worldwide usage. I don't think 
>it causes much confusion, Washington, Americans, North Americans, 
>everybody understands that.
>>are now and have ALWAYS been working as hard as we can to fight
>>his programs.
>Huge? You (collectively) were outmanoeuvred 30 years ago and you've 
>hardly got a thing right since, you didn't see anything coming. You 
>weren't even easy meat for Bushco, there wasn't any need to take any 
>notice of you at all. The left or whatever you want to call it has 
>been pathetic, and still is.
>>My business and my personal life are shaped by this struggle, as are the
>>lives of my friends.  The opposition never went away in the States.
>>No one I know is in favor of torture,
>Of course they're not.
>>and if you follow the news in the
>>US, even most of the Republicans are against it. This is a Bush Admin.
>>thing, not an "American"
>The School of the Americas, eg?
>If all you want is to get things back the way they were before 
>Bushco, then you're liable to have another Bushco ere long. 
>Business-as-usual over the last 60 years is what has to go, not just 
>Bushco. Particularly with foreign policy.
>>"Stop talking about blame, dump all the finger-pointing and get it fixed."
>>We are, and our numbers are growing each day!
>But, nationwide, what you see is silence, people looking the other 
>way, compliance. Torture rates as a minor issue or a non-issue. Rice 
>and Bolton et al can still deny that it happens and get away with it. 
>After three and a half years! If you were a torture victim, you'd 
>still be waiting patiently all this time would you? It's two years 
>since congress was treated to three hours of slides and videos of US 
>troops abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib, yet your leaders can still 
>deny it happens. Not exactly under a lot of pressure, are they?
>"There is no indication of meaningful action by the US government to 
>remedy the situation and prevent further abuse." -- Amnesty 
>Americans are waking up in large numbers, at long last, and maybe 
>it's not even too late, but it hasn't reached the torture issue yet. 
>You can still say nobody cares, and people do say that. Of course 
>there are exceptions, there always are.
>I'm not knocking you Mike, nor the efforts of any and all who oppose 
>power and brute force, I'm sure you know that.
>But I don't think you've made a dent in anything I said.
>Published on Thursday, January 6, 2005 by New York Times
>We Are All Torturers Now
>The New Yorker
>Outsourcing Torture
>The secret history of America's "extraordinary rendition" program
>Issue of 2005-02-14
>>On January 27th, President Bush, in an interview with the Times, 
>>assured the world that 

Re: [Biofuel] Filtering - was Re: Vegtable oil sources...

2006-05-04 Thread mark manchester
Thanks Keith.  There's the smallest chance we will achieve our goal!  Okay,
an enormous chance, thanks to the information we have here in the archives
and due to your good will.  We're attending Joe's workshop in June and will
forthwith be ridiculously irritating on-list, I'm sure.  Cheers, Jesse

> From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 08:56:44 +0900
> To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Filtering - was Re:  Vegtable oil sources...
> Hi Jesse
>> Hi Keith, Tom,
>> Thanks again for this useful information.  But please, on the Super Easy
>> Titration Chart:  what "lye water"?  Lye mixed with water, okay sure, but
>> no, wait, how much water?  I'm very confused.
>> Jesse
> It means millilitres of 0.1% NaOH solution, which is what's used in
> titration to find out how much lye (NaOH) is needed to neutralise the
> extra Free Fatty Acids (FFA) in the oil. The longer and hotter the
> oil is cooked the more FFA it contains.
> More about lye
> How much lye to use?
> Basic titration
> Better titration
> http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make2.html#lye
> Best
> Keith
>>> This US chart, a "Super Easy Titration Table" for making biodiesel,
>>> classifies less than 1.5 ml as Great Oil, 1.5 to 2.5 as Good Oil, 2.5
>>> to 3.5 as Marginal Oil and 3.5 to 4.5 as Poor Oil.
>>> http://www.diyfuel.com/TitrationTable.htm
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/biofuel_sustainablelists.org
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
I just want to say that it's an honor, Sir, to share a list with you.

Michael Redler wrote:

> "Except Redler. He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to
> be the craziest person on the list."
> Thank you. Thank you. What an honor it is to be chosen for this great, 
> great award. I'd like to thank the academy for it's wonderful work and 
> support. ...and of course this wouldn't be possible without a great 
> cast and crew...oh...and of course Mom and Dad for making it all 
> possible (it runs in the family).
> :-)
> - Redler
> */Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included. That's
> why I like it. "Regular" people bore me.
> Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...
> Except Redler. He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to
> be the craziest person on the list.
> -Mike
> Jason & Katie wrote:
> >Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.
> >
> >- Original Message -
> >From: "M&K DuPree"
> >To:
> >Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
> >Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
> >
> >
> > > Is this clear...or am I coming
> >
> >
> >>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
> >>
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
We're a small bunch now mostly due to my time-constraints - I wanted to 
see if it is possible to live without petro.  It is.
But, I have a small house and am handy, and have friends that help.  I 
would really like to get off the grid a la Zeke but haven't finished the
work - I'm close.

I think I could make 300 - 400 gallons a week and not really bother 
anyone.  I don't now because I don't drive much and my car gets 50 mpg.

I'm stuck in suburbia for 9 more years then I'm moving out to somewhere 
with land.

I live in a small house in a sea of mansions and SUV's - but not by 

M&K DuPree wrote:

>Mike...during your neigborhood conversion from "neighborhood crank to having 
>a steady stream of visitors and questions about BD," are the neighbors 
>changing?  If so, how?  One of my concerns in my post in response to Keith 
>is that not everyone will have the ability/interest to set up their own BD 
>plant, as well as have access to feedstock.  It seems to me, since you are 
>already set up with some kind of access to feedstock, you could be the new 
>neighborhood "gas pump."  Don't you think???  Of course, once you, or 
>someone, becomes this person, the community necessarily transforms your 
>individual production into the need for an "industrial-scale process."  In 
>fact, the existence of a community that demands the lifestyle provided by BD 
>or any fuel to run our machinery that gives us this lifestyle must 
>necessarily adopt "industrial-scale" processes.  Don't you think?? 
>Presently, I do.  Consequently, I'm especially interested in learning about 
>any size community that has developed/is developing "industrial-scale 
>processes (that) fit rational biofuels production," to use Keith's terms. 
>Another Mike
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:27 AM
>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
>>FWIW - I have not bought ANY petro products for almost a year now except
>>for diesel on one long trip and the least amount of NG as possible for
>>cooking and showers.  I hope to go to BD heating for water, or get my BD
>>generator running and use electric.  I heat with wood.
>>I went from being the neighborhood crank to having a steady stream of
>>visitors and questions about BD
>>M&K DuPree wrote:
>>>Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and cellulosic
>>>ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow I have 
>>>blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle and general
>>>"world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my dependence upon
>>>oil as an energy source.  All of sudden I am seeing how out of my control 
>>>life really is.  And to tell you and everyone the truth, I'm damned
>>>frightened, and angry, and depressed, and then...is that my .38 over
>>>there???  Somehow I have been able to keep the madness of this world at 
>>>but no more, all because of rising oil prices and my subsequently felt
>>>urgency to research and find alternative energy sources.  This research 
>>>led me into the politics of the whole energy arena and ultimately a world
>>>view that, when I include not just me and mine, but the whole freakin 6.5
>>>billion of us (and growing exponentially), has me pretty much freaked. 
>>>another suburban kid gone over the edge (or perhaps, more accurately, come
>>>back from having been over the edge into dreamland into the reality of
>>>limited resources and the need for a stripped down lifestyle that takes 
>>>account the full extent of my actions).  This side of the edge, however,
>>>isn't something I can easily make my own, because, it appears to me, if I 
>>>going to be able to truly regain what little sense of my self I might 
>>>possess, I must be willing to put my tent on my back and just simply begin
>>>to wander and then keep wandering until I fall over dead (can't stop by 
>>>local Salvation Army for refreshment...that would only be dipping my toe
>>>back over the edge into dreamland again).  Is this clear...or am I coming
>>>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
>>>Anyway, so I am curious about your own comments.  I'm still reading
>>>through all the articles connected to the links you have shared, so maybe 
>>>questions will be answered along the way.  Nonetheless, I want to ask them
>>>here: 1) in regards to "how well industrial-scale processes fit rational
>>>biofuels production," would you please explain in more detail? Also, 
>>>lead me to a model industrial-scale process that DOES fit rational 
>>>production?  My immediate response to this has to do with a main point I
>>>have observed in my own interest in making biofuel: that this is not
>>>something me and all of my neighbors can do individually for various
>>>reasons, but especially because of limited feedstock and difficulty of

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver
They like:

BIG cars.
Perfect lawns - CHEMLAWN
Huge houses
Vinyl siding
Endless structured "activities" for the kids (Jeez, give them a rest 
once in a while)
working until 8 pm every night to afford the above

I tried all that:  Monkey suit, real job, long hours big(er) house, big 
car (diesel Benz), it doesn't work for me.
I'm happier doing what I do.  That's why me and Keith are so rich. ;-)

Another Mike

Mark Manchester wrote:

>Dear Mikes,
>I'm on to you with wonderful Schumacher, what a delight.  With your  
>neighbours, what IS their problem.  This would clearly be an  
>unpleasant experience, first thing in the morning, when you step out  
>to sm the flowers.  Now, me, my rainbarrels are municipally  
>supplied!!!  The neighbourhood kids think it's so fun to come over  
>and get wet!  I don't really know how to be sunny about your  
>neighbourly disparity, but humm, there must be some common ground  
>somewhere.  What do THEY like to do?  Play crib?
>Further, I feel your presidential aspirations are entirely appropriate.
>On May 4, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Mike Weaver wrote:
>>There are too many Mikes around here.
>>I'm familiar with Schumacher though it's been years since I read it.
>>I'm working on a modified square foot gardening plan now.
>>Other Mike: No.  The immediate neighbors are MAD MAD MAD.  They do  
>>not like:
>>1.  12 year old p/u truck
>>2.  Trarped and stacked wood - quote "it's ugly" They also think  
>>cut Oak stinks.
>>3.  They don't like the wood smoke
>>4.  They don't like my BD buddies coming by in 23 year old diesels
>>5.  My garden is ugly "You've ruined my view".
>>6.  My lawn is not perfect - I refuse to put weedkiller on it.
>>7.  I build stuff and make noise.
>>8.  I have rain barrels
>>9.  I move oil in big barrels
>>But, there is a lot of interest in the groups close to my  
>>neighborhood -
>>the local Democrats, parents at my kid's school, people who ask about
>>the stickers on my VW, other wood heat nuts, and friends.  I'm working
>>on a BD coop. for my area.
>>Keith Addison wrote:
>>>Hello Mike
>>>I think you need to learn something about the Appropriate Technology
>>>approach, essentially technology as if people mattered, the necessary
>>>adjunct to Schumacher's "Small is beautiful - economics as if people
>>>An introduction:
>>>Appropriate technology
>>>Generally seen as something for poor countries, but at least as
>>>appropriate in rich countries.
Mike...during your neigborhood conversion from "neighborhood  
crank to having
a steady stream of visitors and questions about BD," are the  
changing?  If so, how?  One of my concerns in my post in response  
to Keith
is that not everyone will have the ability/interest to set up  
their own BD
plant, as well as have access to feedstock.  It seems to me,  
since you are
already set up with some kind of access to feedstock, you could  
be the new
neighborhood "gas pump."  Don't you think???  Of course, once  
you, or
someone, becomes this person, the community necessarily  
transforms your
individual production into the need for an "industrial-scale  
process."  In
fact, the existence of a community that demands the lifestyle  
provided by BD
or any fuel to run our machinery that gives us this lifestyle must
necessarily adopt "industrial-scale" processes.  Don't you think??
Presently, I do.  Consequently, I'm especially interested in  
learning about
any size community that has developed/is developing "industrial- 
processes (that) fit rational biofuels production," to use  
Keith's terms.
Another Mike

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

>FWIW - I have not bought ANY petro products for almost a year  
>now except
>for diesel on one long trip and the least amount of NG as  
>possible for
>cooking and showers.  I hope to go to BD heating for water, or  
>get my BD
>generator running and use electric.  I heat with wood.
>I went from being the neighborhood crank to having a steady  
>stream of
>visitors and questions about BD
>M&K DuPree wrote:
>>Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and  
>>ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow  
>>I have
>>blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle  
>>and general
>>"world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my  
>>dependence upon
>>oil as an energy source.  All o

Re: [Biofuel] Filtering - was Re: Vegtable oil sources...

2006-05-04 Thread Mike Weaver

Keith is pulling your leg.  "Lie water" is what George W. drinks for 
breakfast every morning.

mark manchester wrote:

>Thanks Keith.  There's the smallest chance we will achieve our goal!  Okay,
>an enormous chance, thanks to the information we have here in the archives
>and due to your good will.  We're attending Joe's workshop in June and will
>forthwith be ridiculously irritating on-list, I'm sure.  Cheers, Jesse
>>From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 08:56:44 +0900
>>To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Filtering - was Re:  Vegtable oil sources...
>>Hi Jesse
>>>Hi Keith, Tom,
>>>Thanks again for this useful information.  But please, on the Super Easy
>>>Titration Chart:  what "lye water"?  Lye mixed with water, okay sure, but
>>>no, wait, how much water?  I'm very confused.
>>It means millilitres of 0.1% NaOH solution, which is what's used in
>>titration to find out how much lye (NaOH) is needed to neutralise the
>>extra Free Fatty Acids (FFA) in the oil. The longer and hotter the
>>oil is cooked the more FFA it contains.
>>More about lye
>>How much lye to use?
>>Basic titration
>>Better titration
This US chart, a "Super Easy Titration Table" for making biodiesel,
classifies less than 1.5 ml as Great Oil, 1.5 to 2.5 as Good Oil, 2.5
to 3.5 as Marginal Oil and 3.5 to 4.5 as Poor Oil.

>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-04 Thread Chris Bennett
My semi-continuous processor should be operational in about 3-4 weeks. 
18 litre capacity, estimated production of 3 litres per 5 minuites. In 
the UK the environment agency insist on expensive waste management 
licenses if you produce diesel in batches exceeding 100 litres, but have 
no regulations limiting the storage of WVO or biodiesel. I am trying to 
increase my production without falling out of this loophole. If all goes 
well I should be able to scale up 500% and produce 3 litres per minuite 
without being naughty in the E.Agencies eyes!

Has anyone been using this sugar/acid catalyst thats all the talk at the 
moment on various forums? Just wondering how people are finding it.
I am VERY interested in the sugar catalyst as it appears to produce zero 
soap. It esterifies as well as transesterify so yield/waste ratio should 
be significantly higher. A friend tried a small batch and it reacted 
much quicker than with lye and after seperation the catalyst fell out to 
be re-used (doesnt dissolve in the mix and is filtered out) and the 
diesel produced was bottled with water, shaken for several minuites and 
then after rapid seperation the water was clear. Sounds too good to be 
true but it seems to be! No more premix catalyst, no more titration, no 
more washing, no more soap! Hmm... I need to try some I think. It can 
also be home made! Also I can see advantages with regard the byproduct. 
Am I correct in saying that the soap is causing the problem with burning 
the byproduct as a heating fuel? If so then maybe using this method it 
can be preheated and fed through a waste oil heater, or a mother earth 
burner? I feel we need to all start doing some experiments with this 
catalyst and gain as much info as possible as I feel it could be a 
significant step forwards as long as there are no problems. Having a 2nd 
hand oven delivered tomorrow to start cooking some sugar to try.

Chris Bennett..

I am not suffering from insanity, I am loving every minuite of it!

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Zeke Yewdall
Ack, chemlawn!!  I see their trucks coming out here now that it's
spring.  To me, that's the worst possible marketing thing you could
do, but I guess it works...There's also an add on the radio asking
whether you'd prefer the yard with bird sounds, or the one with
playing kids (getting cancer and endocrinological imbalances from
playing in the chemlawn, presumably).  Personally, I like the lawns
that are natural meadows, grass and wildflowers and weeds, not mowed
or watered  and believe it or not, kids can still play in them.

Although if I have to say I'd sort of like to try the perfect uniform
lawn look if I was in the right neighborhood -- in bright purple
astroturf just to annoy the neighbors while following the letter of
the law...


On 5/4/06, Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> They like:
> BIG cars.
> Perfect lawns - CHEMLAWN
> Huge houses
> Vinyl siding
> Endless structured "activities" for the kids (Jeez, give them a rest
> once in a while)
> working until 8 pm every night to afford the above
> I tried all that:  Monkey suit, real job, long hours big(er) house, big
> car (diesel Benz), it doesn't work for me.
> I'm happier doing what I do.  That's why me and Keith are so rich. ;-)
> Another Mike
> Mark Manchester wrote:
> >Dear Mikes,
> >I'm on to you with wonderful Schumacher, what a delight.  With your
> >neighbours, what IS their problem.  This would clearly be an
> >unpleasant experience, first thing in the morning, when you step out
> >to sm the flowers.  Now, me, my rainbarrels are municipally
> >supplied!!!  The neighbourhood kids think it's so fun to come over
> >and get wet!  I don't really know how to be sunny about your
> >neighbourly disparity, but humm, there must be some common ground
> >somewhere.  What do THEY like to do?  Play crib?
> >Further, I feel your presidential aspirations are entirely appropriate.
> >Jesse
> >On May 4, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Mike Weaver wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>There are too many Mikes around here.
> >>
> >>I'm familiar with Schumacher though it's been years since I read it.
> >>I'm working on a modified square foot gardening plan now.
> >>
> >>Other Mike: No.  The immediate neighbors are MAD MAD MAD.  They do
> >>not like:
> >>1.  12 year old p/u truck
> >>2.  Trarped and stacked wood - quote "it's ugly" They also think
> >>freshly
> >>cut Oak stinks.
> >>3.  They don't like the wood smoke
> >>4.  They don't like my BD buddies coming by in 23 year old diesels
> >>5.  My garden is ugly "You've ruined my view".
> >>6.  My lawn is not perfect - I refuse to put weedkiller on it.
> >>7.  I build stuff and make noise.
> >>8.  I have rain barrels
> >>9.  I move oil in big barrels
> >>
> >>But, there is a lot of interest in the groups close to my
> >>neighborhood -
> >>the local Democrats, parents at my kid's school, people who ask about
> >>the stickers on my VW, other wood heat nuts, and friends.  I'm working
> >>on a BD coop. for my area.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Keith Addison wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>Hello Mike
> >>>
> >>>I think you need to learn something about the Appropriate Technology
> >>>approach, essentially technology as if people mattered, the necessary
> >>>adjunct to Schumacher's "Small is beautiful - economics as if people
> >>>mattered".
> >>>
> >>>An introduction:
> >>>http://journeytoforever.org/at.html
> >>>Appropriate technology
> >>>
> >>>Generally seen as something for poor countries, but at least as
> >>>appropriate in rich countries.
> >>>
> >>>Best
> >>>
> >>>Keith
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> Mike...during your neigborhood conversion from "neighborhood
> crank to having
> a steady stream of visitors and questions about BD," are the
> neighbors
> changing?  If so, how?  One of my concerns in my post in response
> to Keith
> is that not everyone will have the ability/interest to set up
> their own BD
> plant, as well as have access to feedstock.  It seems to me,
> since you are
> already set up with some kind of access to feedstock, you could
> be the new
> neighborhood "gas pump."  Don't you think???  Of course, once
> you, or
> someone, becomes this person, the community necessarily
> transforms your
> individual production into the need for an "industrial-scale
> process."  In
> fact, the existence of a community that demands the lifestyle
> provided by BD
> or any fuel to run our machinery that gives us this lifestyle must
> necessarily adopt "industrial-scale" processes.  Don't you think??
> Presently, I do.  Consequently, I'm especially interested in
> learning about
> any size community that has developed/is developing "industrial-
> scale
> processes (that) fit rational biofuels production," to use
> Keith's terms.
> Another Mike
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:

Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Jason & Katie
theres an idea. dont HIRE our presidents, CONSCRIPT them. then we have 
someone who just wants to get it over with and go home. then there will be 
very little actual politicking, just straight business.

- Original Message - 
From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:44 AM
Subject: [Biofuel] Redler for President

>I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the
> job indicates that one is unfit for the post.
> I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will
> come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.
> I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.
> Joe Street wrote:
>> Mike Weaver for President!!
>> Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.
>> J
>> Mike Weaver wrote:
>>>I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's
>>>why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
>>>Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...
>>>Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to
>>>be the craziest person on the list.
>>>Jason & Katie wrote:
Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.

- Original Message - 
From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

>Is this clear...or am I coming

>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 

>>>Biofuel mailing list
>>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/biofuel_sustainablelists.org
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 
> messages):
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/
> -- 
> No virus found in this incoming message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
> Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.5.2/330 - Release Date: 5/3/2006

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread mark manchester
We have annoyed our neighbours repeatedly with musical evenings  Perhaps
this would only widen the gap for you?  but it has been fun for us...

Bring yer guitars and a songbook doesn't hurt, because it's difficult if we
don't actally remember any WORDS to any songs, that is essential.
Percussion instruments are handy, even if they are lentils to shake in a

Watermelon may be essential also, I'm not sure.   Important to have a kids'
activity, also, like maybe lots of coloured markers or crayons, and a mural
of paper.  Usually, in my experience, they sing.

> From: Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 16:33:17 -0400
> To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen -  Post to List
> They like:
> BIG cars.
> Perfect lawns - CHEMLAWN
> Huge houses
> Vinyl siding
> Endless structured "activities" for the kids (Jeez, give them a rest
> once in a while)
> working until 8 pm every night to afford the above
> I tried all that:  Monkey suit, real job, long hours big(er) house, big
> car (diesel Benz), it doesn't work for me.
> I'm happier doing what I do.  That's why me and Keith are so rich. ;-)
> Another Mike
> Mark Manchester wrote:
>> Dear Mikes,
>> I'm on to you with wonderful Schumacher, what a delight.  With your
>> neighbours, what IS their problem.  This would clearly be an
>> unpleasant experience, first thing in the morning, when you step out
>> to sm the flowers.  Now, me, my rainbarrels are municipally
>> supplied!!!  The neighbourhood kids think it's so fun to come over
>> and get wet!  I don't really know how to be sunny about your
>> neighbourly disparity, but humm, there must be some common ground
>> somewhere.  What do THEY like to do?  Play crib?
>> Further, I feel your presidential aspirations are entirely appropriate.
>> Jesse
>> On May 4, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Mike Weaver wrote:
>>> There are too many Mikes around here.
>>> I'm familiar with Schumacher though it's been years since I read it.
>>> I'm working on a modified square foot gardening plan now.
>>> Other Mike: No.  The immediate neighbors are MAD MAD MAD.  They do
>>> not like:
>>> 1.  12 year old p/u truck
>>> 2.  Trarped and stacked wood - quote "it's ugly" They also think
>>> freshly
>>> cut Oak stinks.
>>> 3.  They don't like the wood smoke
>>> 4.  They don't like my BD buddies coming by in 23 year old diesels
>>> 5.  My garden is ugly "You've ruined my view".
>>> 6.  My lawn is not perfect - I refuse to put weedkiller on it.
>>> 7.  I build stuff and make noise.
>>> 8.  I have rain barrels
>>> 9.  I move oil in big barrels
>>> But, there is a lot of interest in the groups close to my
>>> neighborhood -
>>> the local Democrats, parents at my kid's school, people who ask about
>>> the stickers on my VW, other wood heat nuts, and friends.  I'm working
>>> on a BD coop. for my area.
>>> Keith Addison wrote:
 Hello Mike
 I think you need to learn something about the Appropriate Technology
 approach, essentially technology as if people mattered, the necessary
 adjunct to Schumacher's "Small is beautiful - economics as if people
 An introduction:
 Appropriate technology
 Generally seen as something for poor countries, but at least as
 appropriate in rich countries.
> Mike...during your neigborhood conversion from "neighborhood
> crank to having
> a steady stream of visitors and questions about BD," are the
> neighbors
> changing?  If so, how?  One of my concerns in my post in response
> to Keith
> is that not everyone will have the ability/interest to set up
> their own BD
> plant, as well as have access to feedstock.  It seems to me,
> since you are
> already set up with some kind of access to feedstock, you could
> be the new
> neighborhood "gas pump."  Don't you think???  Of course, once
> you, or
> someone, becomes this person, the community necessarily
> transforms your
> individual production into the need for an "industrial-scale
> process."  In
> fact, the existence of a community that demands the lifestyle
> provided by BD
> or any fuel to run our machinery that gives us this lifestyle must
> necessarily adopt "industrial-scale" processes.  Don't you think??
> Presently, I do.  Consequently, I'm especially interested in
> learning about
> any size community that has developed/is developing "industrial-
> scale
> processes (that) fit rational biofuels production," to use
> Keith's terms.
> Another Mike
> - Original Message -
> From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:27 AM
> S

Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

2006-05-04 Thread Ryan Pope
  With some sort of per gallon fuel discount for gallons of good quality 
oil (WVO, SVO, crop mass, whatever) donated to the fuel production 
measure...it's crossed my mind a few times.


From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen -  Post to List
Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 10:27:44 -0500

Mike...during your neigborhood conversion from "neighborhood crank to 

a steady stream of visitors and questions about BD," are the neighbors
changing?  If so, how?  One of my concerns in my post in response to Keith
is that not everyone will have the ability/interest to set up their own BD
plant, as well as have access to feedstock.  It seems to me, since you are
already set up with some kind of access to feedstock, you could be the new
neighborhood "gas pump."  Don't you think???  Of course, once you, or
someone, becomes this person, the community necessarily transforms your
individual production into the need for an "industrial-scale process."  In
fact, the existence of a community that demands the lifestyle provided by 

or any fuel to run our machinery that gives us this lifestyle must
necessarily adopt "industrial-scale" processes.  Don't you think??
Presently, I do.  Consequently, I'm especially interested in learning about
any size community that has developed/is developing "industrial-scale
processes (that) fit rational biofuels production," to use Keith's terms.
Another Mike

- Original Message -
From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List

> FWIW - I have not bought ANY petro products for almost a year now except
> for diesel on one long trip and the least amount of NG as possible for
> cooking and showers.  I hope to go to BD heating for water, or get my BD
> generator running and use electric.  I heat with wood.
> I went from being the neighborhood crank to having a steady stream of
> visitors and questions about BD
> M&K DuPree wrote:
>>Hi Keith...thanks so much for the links to info on Iogen and cellulosic
>>ethanol generally.  This whole area is very new to me.  Somehow I have
>>blind for most of my 54 years to the extent that my lifestyle and 
>>"world view" have been dependent upon and propped up by my dependence 
>>oil as an energy source.  All of sudden I am seeing how out of my 

>>life really is.  And to tell you and everyone the truth, I'm damned
>>frightened, and angry, and depressed, and then...is that my .38 over
>>there???  Somehow I have been able to keep the madness of this world at
>>but no more, all because of rising oil prices and my subsequently felt
>>urgency to research and find alternative energy sources.  This research
>>led me into the politics of the whole energy arena and ultimately a 
>>view that, when I include not just me and mine, but the whole freakin 

>>billion of us (and growing exponentially), has me pretty much freaked.
>>another suburban kid gone over the edge (or perhaps, more accurately, 

>>back from having been over the edge into dreamland into the reality of
>>limited resources and the need for a stripped down lifestyle that takes
>>account the full extent of my actions).  This side of the edge, however,
>>isn't something I can easily make my own, because, it appears to me, if 

>>going to be able to truly regain what little sense of my self I might
>>possess, I must be willing to put my tent on my back and just simply 

>>to wander and then keep wandering until I fall over dead (can't stop by
>>local Salvation Army for refreshment...that would only be dipping my toe
>>back over the edge into dreamland again).  Is this clear...or am I 

>>off as the probable lunatic I might really be???
>> Anyway, so I am curious about your own comments.  I'm still reading
>>through all the articles connected to the links you have shared, so 

>>questions will be answered along the way.  Nonetheless, I want to ask 

>>here: 1) in regards to "how well industrial-scale processes fit rational
>>biofuels production," would you please explain in more detail? Also,
>>lead me to a model industrial-scale process that DOES fit rational
>>production?  My immediate response to this has to do with a main point I
>>have observed in my own interest in making biofuel: that this is not
>>something me and all of my neighbors can do individually for various
>>reasons, but especially because of limited feedstock and difficulty of
>>distribution.  Democracy does not extend to the realm of limited
>>I believe packaging of product for individuals has promoted this
>>Consequently, it appears to me (and I could still be very blind on this
>>point), we need some level of industrial-scale processes; and 2) will 

>>please explain further how "gobbling u

Re: [Biofuel] Filtering - was Re: Vegtable oil sources...

2006-05-04 Thread mark manchester
Yipers, so THAT's why 'Commander-In-Chief"was cancelled.  -J

> From: Mike Weaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Date: Thu, 04 May 2006 16:34:44 -0400
> To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Filtering - was Re:  Vegtable oil sources...
> Mark,
> Keith is pulling your leg.  "Lie water" is what George W. drinks for
> breakfast every morning.
> mark manchester wrote:
>> Thanks Keith.  There's the smallest chance we will achieve our goal!  Okay,
>> an enormous chance, thanks to the information we have here in the archives
>> and due to your good will.  We're attending Joe's workshop in June and will
>> forthwith be ridiculously irritating on-list, I'm sure.  Cheers, Jesse
>>> From: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Reply-To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>> Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 08:56:44 +0900
>>> To: biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Filtering - was Re:  Vegtable oil sources...
>>> Hi Jesse
 Hi Keith, Tom,
 Thanks again for this useful information.  But please, on the Super Easy
 Titration Chart:  what "lye water"?  Lye mixed with water, okay sure, but
 no, wait, how much water?  I'm very confused.
>>> It means millilitres of 0.1% NaOH solution, which is what's used in
>>> titration to find out how much lye (NaOH) is needed to neutralise the
>>> extra Free Fatty Acids (FFA) in the oil. The longer and hotter the
>>> oil is cooked the more FFA it contains.
>>> More about lye
>>> How much lye to use?
>>> Basic titration
>>> Better titration
>>> http://journeytoforever.org/biodiesel_make2.html#lye
>>> Best
>>> Keith
> This US chart, a "Super Easy Titration Table" for making biodiesel,
> classifies less than 1.5 ml as Great Oil, 1.5 to 2.5 as Good Oil, 2.5
> to 3.5 as Marginal Oil and 3.5 to 4.5 as Poor Oil.
> http://www.diyfuel.com/TitrationTable.htm
>>> ___
>>> Biofuel mailing list
>>> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>>> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/biofuel_sustainablelists.org
>>> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
>>> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000
>>> messages):
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/
>> ___
>> Biofuel mailing list
>> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
>> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/biofuel_sustainablelists.org
>> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
>> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
>> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel@sustainablelists.org
> http://sustainablelists.org/mailman/listinfo/biofuel_sustainablelists.org
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel.html
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):
> http://www.mail-archive.com/biofuel@sustainablelists.org/

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-04 Thread Jason & Katie
they are discussing the sugar catalyst in detail at 

if i am reading these people's experiences right, the catalyst is made by 
partially breaking down a sugar molecule by heating it, and then introducing 
an acid (H2SO4). this creates a "nanobot" of sorts by attatching the acidic 
molecules to the pyrolized sugar near a basic branch, giving us the 
acid/base process on an infinitely small scale repeated trillions of times 
per second, and barely depleting the catalyst (theyre still debating useful 
lifespans of the material). i cannot vouch for any of these statements as 
true or false, but with all the research going on around the subject, and 
the fact that these people have attempted it, then it may have an extreme 
value if not interest.

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Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] distilling fuel/reactant ethanol

2006-05-04 Thread Jason & Katie
i had another thought, (scary huh?)

these are the presumptions this idea revolves around:

1. exposing a substance to vacuum lowers the boiling point
2. a substance under vacuum vaporizes more quickly than at atmospheric 
3. excess energy or energy byproduct (normally lost)  tapped from another 
source to produce vacuum qualifies as a low cost, if not (net, 
at least) free expenditure.

if one were to apply vacuum to a castor based alcohol refinery, the heat 
required would be considerably less, therefore the front-end energy 
requirements would be less. does it make sense to use this to speed the 
vaporization process, or am i just lost?


all the permit applications and tax references i have looked up, at least in 
the US, require fuel grade alcohol to be denatured at a minimum of at least 
5% to qualify for the alcohol tax exemption(not sales or road taxes ). can 
castor oil be used as a denaturant? unless taken in large amounts it is 
generally not harmful to humans, it is biodegradeable, and as we discussed 
previously, it dissolves in alcohol. as an added bonus, drinking castor 
treated alcohol should in theory make a person violently ill with very few 
lasting side effects (i think the threat -even percieved- of violent 
diarrhea and vomiting would be a powerful deterrent to drinking the stuff 

I can feel the laser dots on my forehead already...

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Are Americans torturers or supporters of torture?

2006-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Mike Weaver



>The court gave him the first one.  He stole the 2nd one ;-)
>The next one?  Even I'm beginning to wonder.
>FWIW I think Reagan beat Carter w/o chicanery at the ballot box.

You miss the point. There's no need to cheat if the whole charade is 
a shell game anyway.

>I'm not arguing that we're lurching towards a coporatocracy - we are,
>but I'm not throwing in the towel yet.

You're IN a corporatocracy. But that's no reason to throw in the towel either.

>I think there is hope yet, but we'll see.

Of course there's hope, perhaps more now than ever before. Look it in 
the face, no need to rose-tint it, you might find more hope there 
than you think.

>I agree the left (I prefer Progessives but then I still consider myself
>a musuem quality Liberal) has been hapless of late.  But I don't think
>all is lost.
>If nothing else we are certainly energized as we haven't been since the
>One thing we need to learn is that the perfect is the enemy of the good.

Can you explain to me how that applies to domestic opposition to US torture.

Or how it applies to the shambles of "Progressive" opposition during 
the last 30 years.

It's a noble attempt to stick a band-aid over it.

I said I wasn't belittling your efforts, and you know it's true. But 
please don't evade the issue and then chuck stuff like this at me. 
Stop trying to paint me as negative while you squirm to get off the 

You say you've been out fighting all this time along with the "huge" 
number of Americans who "are now and have ALWAYS been working as hard 
as we can". Happily accepted, but what efforts have you put into 
campaigning against US torture?

Insert from previous:

> >>>It's also said it's our imaginations that keep us human, the ability
> >>>to live a thousand lives. So use it - put yourself and your feelings
> >>>inside someone who's screaming themselves to death while mad
> >>>torturers laugh and jeer and do everything they can to make it worse.
> >>>See how much you can take even just trying to imagine it, let alone
> >>>have it happen to you. Then make excuses, if you still want to. Try
> >>>to put yourself inside one of the torturers too, see how "only human"
> >>>it is. Like hell it is.

Did you try it Mike, and you're still prevaricating?

Why am I having to re-focus you on the topic? Twice now.

> >But, nationwide, what you see is silence, people looking the other
> >way, compliance. Torture rates as a minor issue or a non-issue.

> >http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0106-26.htm
> >Published on Thursday, January 6, 2005 by New York Times
> >We Are All Torturers Now



>Keith Addison wrote:
> >Hello Mike
> >
> >
> >
> >>Keith,
> >>
> >>Much of what you say is true but to lump everyone here in the US
> >>together is not fair.  BushCo flat stole the last vote,
> >>
> >>
> >
> >And the one before, and the next one. But which president didn't?
> >It's just a matter of degree of in-your-faceness. The Business Party
> >wins every time.
> >
> >'It has often been pointed out by political scientists that the US is
> >basically a one-party state -- the business party, with two factions,
> >Democrats and Republicans. Most of the population seems to agree. A
> >very high percentage, sometimes passing 80%, believe that the
> >government serves "the few and the special interests," not "the
> >people." ... More serious political scientists in the mainstream
> >describe the US not as a "democracy" but as a "polyarchy": a system
> >of elite decision and periodic public ratification. There is surely
> >much truth to the conclusion of the leading American social
> >philosopher of the 20th century, John Dewey, whose main work was on
> >democracy, that until there is democratic control of the primary
> >economic institutions, politics will be "the shadow cast on society
> >by big business."' - Noam Chomsky
> >
> >That is hardly unique to the US.
> >
> >
> >
> >>and a HUGE group
> >>of us
> >>USers (I hate the term "American" - it's as if Mexico and Canada don't
> >>exist)
> >>
> >>
> >
> >We've discussed that before. But it's worldwide usage. I don't think
> >it causes much confusion, Washington, Americans, North Americans,
> >everybody understands that.
> >
> >
> >
> >>are now and have ALWAYS been working as hard as we can to fight
> >>his programs.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Huge? You (collectively) were outmanoeuvred 30 years ago and you've
> >hardly got a thing right since, you didn't see anything coming. You
> >weren't even easy meat for Bushco, there wasn't any need to take any
> >notice of you at all. The left or whatever you want to call it has
> >been pathetic, and still is.
> >
> >
> >
> >>My business and my personal life are shaped by this struggle, as are the
> >>lives of my friends.  The opposition never went away in the States.
> >>
> >>No one I know is in favor of torture,
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Of course they're not.
> >
> >
> >
> >>and if you follow the news in the
> >>US, even most o

Re: [Biofuel] Redler for President

2006-05-04 Thread Keith Addison
>theres an idea. dont HIRE our presidents, CONSCRIPT them. then we have
>someone who just wants to get it over with and go home. then there will be
>very little actual politicking, just straight business.

He/she'd be assassinated.

"If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the 
United States in a few days.  Permanently.  I would first apologize 
-- very publicly and very sincerely -- to all the widows and the 
orphans, the impoverished and the tortured, and all the many millions 
of other victims of American imperialism.  I would then announce that 
America's global interventions -- including the awful bombings -- 
have come to an end.  And I would inform Israel that it is no longer 
the 51st state of the union but -- oddly enough -- a foreign country. 
I would then reduce the military budget by at least 90% and use the 
savings to pay reparations to the victims and repair the damage from 
the many American bombings and invasions.  There would be more than 
enough money.  Do you know what one year of the US military budget is 
equal to?  One year.  It's equal to more than $20,000 per hour for 
every hour since Jesus Christ was born. That's what I'd do on my 
first three days in the White House.  On the fourth day, I'd be 
assassinated." -- Bill Blum


>- Original Message -
>From: "Mike Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:44 AM
>Subject: [Biofuel] Redler for President
> >I am afraid I must refuse to serve, because I believe that wanting the
> > job indicates that one is unfit for the post.
> > I propose we draft Redler for Pres. He might have a shotgun, which will
> > come in handy for the VP, who should be Street.
> > I would serve as Secretary of Energy in the Redler Administration, though.
> >
> > Joe Street wrote:
> >
> >> Mike Weaver for President!!
> >>
> >> Sorry Redler.you can be VP as long as you don't own a shotgun.
> >>
> >> J
> >>
> >> Mike Weaver wrote:
> >>
> >>>I personally think this list is mostly crackpots, me included.  That's
> >>>why I like it.  "Regular" people bore me.
> >>>Better a smart nut than a dull "normal" person...
> >>>
> >>>Except Redler.  He really is crazy, which annoys me, because I like to
> >>>be the craziest person on the list.
> >>>
> >>>-Mike
> >>>
> >>>Jason & Katie wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> Sanity is the ability to doubt your own sanity.
> - Original Message -
> From: "M&K DuPree" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Iogen - Post to List
> >Is this clear...or am I coming
> >
> >
> >off as the probable lunatic I might really be???

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Re: [Biofuel] Sweet catalyst & continuous processes

2006-05-04 Thread Leif Forer
Some students at Wake Forest University in North Carolina used a  
sugar based catalyst as a pretreat step before base  
transesterification.  Here are their blog posts on the results of the  
experiment. (http://wfubiofuels.blogspot.com/)

Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Sugar Catalyzed Reaction

Recently there has been a lot of buzz by a Japanese group’s solid  
acid catalyst made from sugar (Nature, vol. 438, p 178, 2005). They  
reported converting FFA’s to the ethyl esters. This catalysis is  
special because it is hydrophobic and consists of sheets of fused  
rings with covalently attached SO3H groups.

Our group decided to make some and see how well it works. Making the  
catalysis was easy. We took 2 g of sucrose and heated at 400C for 15  
hours under nitrogen. The remaining 0.5 g (loss of mass is due to  
dehydration of the sugars) was ground and heated to 150C in  
concentrated H2SO4 for 15 hours under nitrogen. After washing and  
drying, the yield was 0.61g (about a 30% mass return from the  
starting amount of sucrose)

 From reading (Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2005, 44, 5353-5363) about solid  
acid catalyst we saw where most reactions were using 1 to 5% catalyst  
by weight. Also the WVO we are using is not tremendously high in FFA  
based on some initial titrations. So the rational for using this  
catalysis was to convert any FFA’s to the methyl ester in a fashion  
that would make the subsequent base step much easier. We also wanted  
to see if this reaction could also be used to convert the oil over to  
the FAME. This would mean using a large excess of MeOH. Here were the  

12 g WVO
12 g MeOH (100% by weight, large excess to try to push oil over to  
0.6 g Cat (5% by weight or about 40 g/L)
Heat at 75 C for 12hours (again long reaction time for the oil to  

After heating, the reaction was filtered and the catalyst was washed  
with 20 mL THF and 20 mL hexanes. Solvent was removed by rotary  
evaporation. The pale yellow oil was centrifuged for 15 min yielding  
a small pellet of glycerin. So workup is very easy.

The small amount of glycerin instantly indicated that the most of the  
oil did NOT convert over to the ester as wished. Using 13C NMR and  
comparing to authentic samples we could see that the major component  
was oil with a small (~10% to 15%) amount of FAME. Actually more FAME  
than I expected so maybe some of the FFA’s were converted over? So it  
looks like it worked so far.

I suppose the real test will be the behavior of the “pretreated” oil  
under base conditions? If the FFA’s were indeed converted over to the  
methyl ester then the base step should be much easier to process. So  
next is to setup a base catalyzed reaction and see how it behaves.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005
UPDATE: Sugar Catalyzed Reaction

We already know the feed stock oil requires 8 to 9g/L of NaOH when  
used as is. But after pretreatment with the sugar catalyst I regarded  
it as virgin oil. I used 3.5g/L of NaOH and 25% by volume MeOH. I  
heated to 65 C for 3 hours under nitrogen. I also used a reflux  
condenser to stop MeOH loss. I separated the glycerin off and washed  
three times with dilute HCl. Then a final water wash. I did not see a  
lot of emulsion unless I used distilled water??? The washed product  
was heated to 60 C and allowed to cool overnight. The FAME was  
transparent and light amber in color. I performed a GC analysis and  
it passed the GC test. So at least on a small scale (10 g oil) the  
pre-treatment shows promise. I suspose how well this works for a  
range of FFA levels as well as how scale effects matters remains to  
be seen.

Now that classes are over I want to try making a few more acid and  
base heterogeneous catalysis.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] distilling fuel/reactant ethanol

2006-05-04 Thread lres1
Jason & Katie wrote
> 1. exposing a substance to vacuum lowers the boiling point

In some instances this is used to lower the temperature such as in the
extraction of Tee Tree oils. This gives the oil derived by such means a
higher re-sale value as it is not "boiled" off at high temperatures.

> 2. a substance under vacuum vaporizes more quickly than at atmospheric
> pressure

This brings to me yet another question. A lot of old automotive sensors
using capillary tubes used an alcohol base as the expansion medium. How does
Ethanol compare to R134a as a refrigerant? From what I can glean the
freezing temp is low and the boiling point low thus close to an ideal


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