Re: [Talk-cz] Skoleni Brno

2017-02-28 Thread majka
Nebylo by řešením pro takovéhle případy použít mapcontrib, například silnice,
Nedávno to bylo doporučené na HOT listu. Znamenalo by to sice vždy
připravit konkrétní téma, ale mohlo by to fungovat. Nebo další příklad ve
francouzštině, kontejnery

2017-03-01 8:39 GMT+01:00 Marián Kyral :

> Uživatel si na začátku vybere oblast (vesnice, městská část) a co chce
> mapovat (třeba ty koše nebo kontejnery), přes overpass-api by se dotáhly
> dané objekty z OSM. Pak by si mohl prohlédnout aktuální stav a po
> přihlášení by mohl jednotlivé objekty editovat, mazat a zakládat nové. No a
> na konci by to všechno mohl nahrát do OSM.
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Skoleni Brno

2017-02-28 Thread Jachym Cepicky
normální praktické provozní dotazy.

nesnažil bych se jejich gis integrovat do osm, nebude to dělat dobrotu. ať
si svoje data pasou dál inhouse a nam dají api,ze kterého to můžeme
propagovat do osm


On Wed, Mar 1, 2017, 08:40 Marián Kyral  wrote:

> -- Původní e-mail --
> Od: Petr Vozdecký 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 28. 2. 2017 2:11:31
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Skoleni Brno
> konkrétní člověk vznesl dotaz, zda něco jako e-learning existuje. Mj. i
> proto, že pokud by nějakému úředníkovi chtěl nařídit, aby si prostudoval
> kapitoly 1-8 a na základě toho naklikal do databáze všechny odpadkáče v
> dědině, tak prostě tuto možnost nemá...
> Sice mám z toho "přikazování" husí kůži - to nemusí vždy dopadnout dobře…
> Nicméně pro podobné případy bych si dokázal představit speciální aplikaci
> podobnou
> Uživatel si na začátku vybere oblast (vesnice, městská část) a co chce
> mapovat (třeba ty koše nebo kontejnery), přes overpass-api by se dotáhly
> dané objekty z OSM. Pak by si mohl prohlédnout aktuální stav a po
> přihlášení by mohl jednotlivé objekty editovat, mazat a zakládat nové. No a
> na konci by to všechno mohl nahrát do OSM.
> Pro zkušeného web programátora (kam se nepočítám ;-) ) práce tak na den
> plus pár dní na pořádné otestování.
> Marián
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose HS

2017-02-28 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret
Bonjour, pareil pour moi.

Le 1 mars 2017 à 08:49, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> aucune réponse du serveur (timeout sur la synnchronisation TCP, pas de
> session, aucun trafic envoyé ni réponse, connection reset côté client). Ou
> alors une connexion TCP (juste la négociation de taille de fenêtre TCP)
> mais aucune réponse en retour et timetout à nouveau (ou réponse vide sans
> aucun entête MIME).
> J'ai bien essayé de purger le cache DNS au cas où. Mais ni le site web
> Osmose de base n'est pas dispo depuis plus de 24h, il me semble planté.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Jérôme Seigneuret
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Osmose HS

2017-02-28 Thread Philippe Verdy
aucune réponse du serveur (timeout sur la synnchronisation TCP, pas de
session, aucun trafic envoyé ni réponse, connection reset côté client). Ou
alors une connexion TCP (juste la négociation de taille de fenêtre TCP)
mais aucune réponse en retour et timetout à nouveau (ou réponse vide sans
aucun entête MIME).

J'ai bien essayé de purger le cache DNS au cas où. Mais ni le site web
Osmose de base n'est pas dispo depuis plus de 24h, il me semble planté.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Skoleni Brno

2017-02-28 Thread Marián Kyral

-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Petr Vozdecký 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 28. 2. 2017 2:11:31
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Skoleni Brno
"konkrétní člověk vznesl dotaz, zda něco jako e-learning existuje. Mj. i
proto, že pokud by nějakému úředníkovi chtěl nařídit, aby si prostudoval
kapitoly 1-8 a na základě toho naklikal do databáze všechny odpadkáče v
dědině, tak prostě tuto možnost nemá...
Sice mám z toho "přikazování" husí kůži - to nemusí vždy dopadnout dobře…

Nicméně pro podobné případy bych si dokázal představit speciální aplikaci

Uživatel si na začátku vybere oblast (vesnice, městská část) a co chce
mapovat (třeba ty koše nebo kontejnery), přes overpass-api by se dotáhly
dané objekty z OSM. Pak by si mohl prohlédnout aktuální stav a po přihlášení
by mohl jednotlivé objekty editovat, mazat a zakládat nové. No a na konci by
to všechno mohl nahrát do OSM.

Pro zkušeného web programátora (kam se nepočítám ;-) ) práce tak na den plus
pár dní na pořádné otestování.

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] nouveau site Internet points géodésiques IGN

2017-02-28 Thread Christian Quest
J'ai mis les bornes du réseau de détail hier matin sur github (zippé car ça
fait plus de 70Mo de json).

J'ai aussi complété et remis au propre les noms des champs utilisés (x/y/x
pour les coordonnées légales, lat/lon/ele pour celles sur l'elipsoïde,
ajout de l'identifiant du repère, des système de projection, etc).

Il doit y avoir quelques sites qui passent mal (par exemple: 0301601) car
la sortie de pdf2txt est bien différente des autres... mais ça reste
marginal et je vais bien trouver comment régler ça.

J'ai aussi posté l'info aussi sur géorezo ( pour avoir du retour sur
les données provenant de géomaticiens, mais rien pour l'instant.

Le 28 février 2017 à 10:18, Florian LAINEZ  a écrit :

> Le 24 février 2017 à 12:37, Frédéric Rodrigo  a
> écrit :
>> J'aimerais bien connaitre l'argument qu'ils utilisent, c'est possible ?
> En vrac : ça demande trop de ressources, le visualiseur
> fait déjà bien le boulot pour nos utilisateurs actuels, on a peur que les
> données soient utilisées sans que les utilisateurs lisent la doc ("c'est
> trop compliqué"), la donnée évolue trop rapidement ... autant d'arguments
> qui ne m'ont pas vraiment convaincu.
> @Christian @Adrien on en est où ?
> Vous pensez qu'on pourrait faire une remontée massive à l'IGN des erreurs
> que l'on a trouvé ?
> Histoire de montrer que l'on peut les aider à corriger les données ...
> --
> *Florian Lainez*
> @overflorian 
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] kvartální pivo - Ostrava

2017-02-28 Thread Marián Kyral
Tak já nakonec taky vynechám. Mám nějaké vyřizování na úřadě a pak už do
Ostravy nepojedu.


-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Zbyněk Datinský 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 27. 2. 2017 13:28:47
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kvartální pivo - Ostrava
"ahoj. já za Ostravu tentokrát vynechávám...

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral 
Datum: 26. 2. 2017 22:03:04
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kvartální pivo - Ostrava

"Zcela neplánovaně budu nakonec v Ostravě. Přidá se někdo?


Dne 25.2.2017 v 13:20 Milan Cerny napsal(a):
> Ahoj, začátkem března by mělo být pivo 1Q 2017. Pokud platí první středa,
tak je to už tuto středu 1.3.
> Za sebe se hlásím na Pražskou část.
> Milan
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-ko] Questionable imagery

2017-02-28 Thread Changwoo Ryu
2017-02-24 23:49 GMT+09:00 Max :
> On 2017년 02월 24일 04:25, Changwoo Ryu wrote:
>>> Questions:
>>> 1. How comes? Where is the source? Is there a Korean blog entry, Naver
>>> cafe
>>> or other site that shows people how to do it? Can we stop it at the
>>> source?
>>> Could someone search this on naver/daum? I could not find it in a quick
>>> attempt, but there must be a source.
>> I suspected this:
>> This 1-month old blog entry had information on adding VMS as imaginary
>> source. So I have informed the author about the situation about two
>> weeks ago, and the author has deleted the info.
> It's still there! on the previous page:
> At least in the screenshots.

I contacted the author again and now it has been removed.

Talk-ko mailing list

Re: [Talk-ko] Use of questionable imagery in Korea

2017-02-28 Thread 느림보
(I didn’t write new topic even there was big difference with topic title
because Max raised naming issue in this thread. Is it better to start new

By the way, official Romanized form of 경복궁 is Gyeongbokgung ( )
and official English name is Gyeongbokgung Palace. There are instructions
related English translation; 공공 용어의 영어 번역 및 표기 지침 (English translation and
marking instructions of public terms,
and 문화재명칭 영문표기 기준 규칙 (English marking instruction of culture properties,
. I uploaded them into Google Drive because they were written in HWP and
hardly see it without a commercial software.

My concern is not that case, because  there exist differences between
translated form and Romanized form.

Then, how to treat name of places like 서울, 인천, 부산, ….? I saw Seoul,
Incheon, and Busan at name:en tags. However they are truly English? Aren’t
just Romanized forms? If they are not English, then is it OK to delete
name:en tag? Where does criteria exists dividing them? I don’t have idea
and it look like I won’t have.

That was reason that I suggested to write down Romanized form of
non-composite place name into name:en. It will reduce complexity of finding
proper tag name as well as helps non-Korean speaking people because many
renderers call-backed into name:en rather than name:ko_rm or name:ko_latn.
They can get readable characters without special care of Korean for
renderers (apologize for missing describe on non-composite place name. I
used it to describe names like 서울, 인천, 부산, …)

2017-03-01 14:22 GMT+09:00 Hanbyul Jo :

> (This discussion seems to be off from the original topic of the thread,
> but ...!)
> I do agree that ko-Latin data need general improvement (also guide for
> Korean region editing), but feel not sure about consolidating ko-Latin into
> ko-en.
>  I am thinking about names being used as landmarks like Han River (Which
> would be Hangang in ko-Latin) and Gyeongbokgung  Palace ( which would be
> Kyoungbokgung in ko-Latin). It is usually valuable to know how locals
> pronounce/call the pois like these, and is also helpful what they actually
> are. (Is it a river? a palace?)  I don't have specific use case in my
> hands, but do think ko-en and ko-Latin both have their own functions.
> It would be ideal to have both, but some names ,especially address ,are
> likely to have same name as Latin and as English, so users wouldn't feel
> very motivated (or sure) to type two different tags with a same name. In
> this case, renderer can fall back to the other one if there is no matching
> one. (likely fall back to ko-en when there is no ko_Latin)
> 2017-02-28 10:18 GMT-05:00 느림보 :
>> I’m new comer to OSM community. I joined the community after I noticed my
>> village was not displayed on Pokémon GO. I tried to join several years ago,
>> but I hesitated because I couldn’t find good guidance for editing. I didn’t
>> want to follow non-official source of guidance like blog posts, and gave up
>> soon.
>> At this present, I don’t understand guidance for Korean region clearly.
>> I’m just writing down my understanding and my rules on my profile page
>> believing someone will correct my mistake if she/he would see it.
>> I think some complexity come from name tags. There are many name tags for
>> one Korean POI -- name, name:ko, name:en, name:ko_hanja, name:ko_rm. As Max
>> pointed out, some name tag has English and Korean such as "name=새마을11교 (Sae
>> Village 11 Gyo)". I understood the usage of “한국어 (English)” came from
>> technical reason and the rule was changed “한국어” on Oct. 2014 (Source:
>> However, many POIs are remained with “한국어 (English)” without written
>> guidance (deleted and/or revised). In this reason, the first thing I did
>> was searching history of naming rules. I don’t know why the community left
>> “한국어 (English)” style until now, but believe such old-styles are fixed
>> immediately and automatically. I could write a bot if the community allows.
>> I have doubt on name:ko_rm and name:ko_hanja. Many ko_rm field was
>> transliterated mechanically from its name without concern exceptions
>> defined in Revised Romanization of Korean. Then how about hand over
>> Romanization of Korean to renderer if need? By the way, is useful for
>> foreigners? Is there a renderer displaying ko_rm? As a Korean, I don’t know
>> advantage of managing ko_rm field manually. Related this field, I saw
>> deleting line on ko_rm and suggestion of ko_Latn in
>> page, but it isn’t
>> harmonized with other wiki pages.
>> As well as, I suggest to modify ‘name:en’ to cover Revised Romanize
>> non-composite place 

Re: [Talk-ko] Mailinglist in Korean?

2017-02-28 Thread 느림보
I asked to open users: South Korea forum. I limited region to South Korea
because un-authorized communication between people in South Korea and
people in North Korea is prohibited in both Countries.

2017-03-01 10:41 GMT+09:00 느림보 :

> Opps, just Max said about interface language of mailman. I misunderstood
> his suggestion, so I just tried to describe barriers that I felt. (mailman
> and conversation language.) As 최규성 said I think interface language is not
> a big deal.
> 2017-02-28 23:23 GMT+09:00 Max :
>> Well, that's another big discussion about mailinglists vs. other means of
>> communication.
>> Some people for example prefer forums over email lists. There is no
>> "user: Korea" folder in the official osm forums
>> I'm not a fan of forums myself* so I am not volunteering to be admin for
>> that, but maybe someone else here wants to ask for the creation of "users:
>> Korea" there?
>> *exept that one I found pretty amazing
>> On 2017년 02월 28일 13:35, 느림보 wrote:
>>> From systematic view, I think two reasons made few Korean speaking
>>> members. One is clearly language. However, a mailing list itself would
>>> make it worse. I think a mailing list is one of the lease common
>>> communication system in my country. People might don’t know how to join
>>> and act in this system. It looks like foreign culture. (I don’t know,
>>> too. I tried to response some previous threads but I hesitated because I
>>> don’t know what is impolite attitude in a mailing list.)
>>> It might be very difficult to invite Korean contributors in this system,
>>> however more discussion in Korean might lead viewers into discussion. So
>>> strongly agree with this suggestion.
>>> 느림보 (Nrimbo)
>>> 2017-02-28 20:57 GMT+09:00 Max >> >:
>>> Since there is no separate email list for the DPRK, that might be
>>> correct to use ko or am I missing something?
>>> On 2017년 02월 28일 12:26, Changwoo Ryu wrote:
>>> Actually "ko" is the ISO639 code for Korean language. ("kr"
>>> ISO3166
>>> code for ROK.)
>>> 2017-02-28 19:02 GMT+09:00 Max >> >:
>>> Looking through
>>> I noticed that most of them have the interface in their
>>> respective language.
>>> talk-ko is in English though.
>>> (Not talking about the languag of the actual conversations,
>>> just the mailman
>>> interface)
>>> Could this be a reason for the few korean speaking members?
>>> Should this be changed? (I'd say yes)
>>> Any opinions, thoughts about it?
>> ___
>> Talk-ko mailing list
Talk-ko mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Allevamento galline ovaiole

2017-02-28 Thread Lorenzo Mastrogiacomi
Secondo me servirebbe proprio una famiglia di tag per le aziende agricole, di 
allevamento e cose del genere. Concordo che dovrebbe essere indipendente dai 

Stessa cosa per le attività industriali per le quali c'è industrial=*, come 
subtag di landuse=industrial ma che vedo meglio come tag a se allo stesso modo 
dei vari craft, shop,...
Tralascio man_made=works perché tra i man_made proprio non lo digerisco :)

Inviato dal mio dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Hume and Hovel Walking Track in the Bargo SF

2017-02-28 Thread Warin
Ok. Think most of this is done from the view point of LPI Base Map and 

Where they coexist I have chosen to use Strava and it might be better 
then LPI.

I have added a ferry route from the LPI Base Map to the H ... probably 
the low water route.

There are a few sections that could be joined easily using existing roads.
There is a section I could add as it leads past a camp site.
I have left these out as those who use the track can easily add the 
detail as they find it rather than rely on my 'suspicions'.

I will probably leave the H alone for others to contemplate. There are 
a lot of tracks for me to add in the Bargo SF.

On 21-Feb-17 01:54 PM, John Henderson wrote:

I haven't walked those sections between Blowering Dam and Tumbarumba, so
I'm happy to trust your judgement.

I'm still hoping to map more one day on foot with GPS.  If I do, I'll
revisit OSM, as I always do when I got good traces.


On 21/02/17 11:30, Warin wrote:

For comparison of the data

I have added;

Way: 475962239 - LPI path - probably H
Way 475966488 - Strava path - probably H

OSM H presently in that area;

Way 285630127 and Way: 248788644 + many others

I am inclined to go with the strava as that has more than one
source/person (I hope). Where that is lacking then the LIP data.

I am depreciating the present OSM data as it comes from one person
and no source is stated .. I think it is an indication - better than
a total lack of data, but there are now better sources.

- I think leaving all 3 is not helpful. But
what to remove and and why is a judgement call that would be made
from one area to another.

___ Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Allevamento galline ovaiole

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-02-28 21:23 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :

> Troppa specificità e dettaglio portano troppa manutenzione.
> Se tra un anno le galline ovaiole invecchiano e il padrone si mette a
> produrre brodo, chi va a modificare il subtag specifico in
> produce=chicken_stock?
> E se i pulcini maschi vengono fatti crescere e venduti come polli ma non
> tutti perché qualcuno deve fecondare le galline ovaiole eccetera
> eccetera?

sicuramente anche qui le cose cambiano come sempre, ma la specificità ci
sta anche dal lato contadino. Ha attrezzature, fabbricati ecc. per un certo
tipo di produzione e non cambia ogni anno perché non conviene. Non è chi fa
uova oggi domani fa latte e l'anno prossimo granturco.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM UK Chapter Directions

2017-02-28 Thread Rob Nickerson
Hi all,

As promised I have started an online collaboration so that those who cannot
attend on Saturday can still share there ideas.

You can jump right to the end and just add your ideas. Or you can help with
the "root cause analysis". OK, let's cut the business jargon - basically we
find better ideas by asking why we are struggling to meet our aims. And
then we ask why again. And so on. After a while you will start to come up
with ideas that you never thought you had before!!

Add your input here:

Best regards,
Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] mapper meeting in Louvain-la-Neuve/reunion de mappeurs à Louvain-la-Neuve 24/03

2017-02-28 Thread Lionel Giard

We've just created the meetup for the next meetup in LLN (Louvain-la-Neuve)
on Friday the
24st of March at La Crêperie Bretonne - La Mère Fillioux (remember ->
delicious pancake and beer !), I hope it will attract more people ! ;-)

Everybody is more than welcome to come!

Looking forward seeing you there!

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Allevamento galline ovaiole

2017-02-28 Thread Fabrizio Tambussa
Il 28/Feb/2017 20:54, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha

sent from a phone

> On 28 Feb 2017, at 20:24, Alberto  wrote:
> In ogni caso bisogna approfondire la cosa e scrivere delle pagine wiki

+1, penso dovremmo prima o poi sviluppare dei tags specifici per tutto ciò
che esiste, appunto galline/polli/tacchini per produrre carne (e le
tipologie di allevamento), galline per produrre uova (e le tipologie di
allevamento), mucche per latte, ecc.
Ci possono essere tags per pascoli, stalle, pollai, porcili, vaccherie,
aree recinte all'aperto...

Troppa specificità e dettaglio portano troppa manutenzione.
Se tra un anno le galline ovaiole invecchiano e il padrone si mette a
produrre brodo, chi va a modificare il subtag specifico in
E se i pulcini maschi vengono fatti crescere e venduti come polli ma non
tutti perché qualcuno deve fecondare le galline ovaiole eccetera

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Allevamento galline ovaiole

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 28 Feb 2017, at 20:24, Alberto  wrote:
> In ogni caso bisogna approfondire la cosa e scrivere delle pagine wiki 
> specifiche.

+1, penso dovremmo prima o poi sviluppare dei tags specifici per tutto ciò che 
esiste, appunto galline/polli/tacchini per produrre carne (e le tipologie di 
allevamento), galline per produrre uova (e le tipologie di allevamento), mucche 
per latte, ecc.
Ci possono essere tags per pascoli, stalle, pollai, porcili, vaccherie, aree 
recinte all'aperto...

"farmland" è il landuse, sopra ci potrebbe essere (tra altro ) una stalla (per 
esempio) come feature e non come subtag del farmland

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Allevamento galline ovaiole

2017-02-28 Thread Alberto
C'è stata poco giorni fa una discussione simile nella mailing list di tagging 
[1] sugli allevamenti intensivi di bovini.
Lì erano giunti alla conclusione che la cosa migliore era:

Per le galline ovaiole, nel caso vengano vendute le uova potrebbe essere:


e per specificare il tipo di allevamento si può anche aggiungere:


In mailing list si era discusso anche di animal_breeding [2], il problema è che 
il termine inglese breeding è strettamente connesso alla riproduzione e secondo 
chi è intervenuto nella discussione, non è adatto per i terreni dove i bovini 
crescono senza riprodursi.

Nel caso delle galline però potrebbe essere utilizzato animal_breeding, se è un 
allevamento dove le galline vengono fatte anche riprodurre.
In questo caso diventerebbe:


Per complicare il tutto c'è anche la proposta di animal_keeping [3], che però 
non è piaciuta nella discussione sui bovini.

In ogni caso bisogna approfondire la cosa e scrivere delle pagine wiki 
Fatemi sapere che ne pensate



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Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 2017-02-25

2017-02-28 Thread Dave Hansen
These are based off of Lambertus's work here:

If you have questions or comments about these maps, please feel
free to ask.  However, please do not send me private mail.  The
odds are, someone else will have the same questions, and by
asking on the talk-us@ list, others can benefit.


Map to visualize what each file contains:


Why did you do this?

I wrote scripts to joined them myself to lessen the impact
of doing a large join on Lambertus's server.  I've also
cut them in large longitude swaths that should fit conveniently
on removable media.

Can or should I seed the torrents?

Yes!!  If you use the .torrent files, please seed.  That web
server is in the UK, and it helps to have some peers on this
side of the Atlantic.

Why is my map missing small rectangular areas?

There have been some missing tiles from Lambertus's map (the
red rectangles),  I don't see any at the moment, so you may
want to update if you had issues with the last set.

Why can I not copy the large files to my new SD card?

If you buy a new card (especially SDHC), some are FAT16 from
the factory.  I had to reformat it to let me create a >2GB

Does your map cover Mexico/Canada?

Yes!!  I have, for the purposes of this map, annexed Ontario
in to the USA.  Some areas of North America that are close
to the US also just happen to get pulled in to these maps.
This might not happen forever, and if you would like your
non-US area to get included, let me know. 

-- Dave

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] MapRoulette questionnaire

2017-02-28 Thread m
Hi all, 

I put together a small questionnaire about MapRoulette. Your opinions and ideas 
are really important for future development of the project, so if you have used 
MapRoulette, I would appreciate a few minutes of your time to fill it out. 
Anyone who leaves their email is automatically enrolled in a mappy prize draw. 
Here is the link: 
 . If you don’t like Google Forms you 
can also send me your thoughts and ideas via email.

talk mailing list

[Talk-us] MapRoulette questionnaire

2017-02-28 Thread m
Hi all, 

I put together a small questionnaire about MapRoulette. Your opinions and ideas 
are really important for future development of the project, so if you have used 
MapRoulette, I would appreciate a few minutes of your time to fill it out. 
Anyone who leaves their email is automatically enrolled in a mappy prize draw. 
Here is the link: 
 . If you don’t like Google Forms you 
can also send me your thoughts and ideas via email.

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] SOTM 2017 un hyperlieu

2017-02-28 Thread mathy_ch
Un podcast sur les hyperlieux :
Très intéressant !___
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Archeologia agraria

2017-02-28 Thread Volker Schmidt

2017-02-28 16:30 GMT+01:00 :

> Salve,
> nelle nostre campagne si vedono spesso gli ovili tradizionali, ormai
> abbandonati,
> che in dialetto locale chiamiamo 'mannira'
> sono due o più quadrati,con perimetri in muretti in pietrame, con pianta
> più o meno complessa secondo le greggi che doveva ospitare.
> e non sempre aveva a fianco la casetta del pastore o in molti asi anche
> questa è diroccata
> come mappare  queste opere di 'archeologia agraria' in OSM?
> Grazie
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-02-28 14:20 GMT+01:00 Luca Moiana :

> ok, Martin.
> Non sono un mappatore così esperto, perciò seguendo i tuoi consigli, ti
> chiedo dei link di spiegazione su:
> come estrarre e dividere i multipoligoni
> come estrarre le way sovrapposte.

per selezionare un way sotto un altro puoi cliccare con il tasto centrale
del mouse, poi con "ctrl" si possono selezionare i way (JOSM).

dividere i multipoligoni (forse c'è un metodo automatico, io faccio così):
1. april il relation editor con la relazione che vuoi modificare
2. seleziona i ways che vuoi togliere (sulla mappa oppure nella lista)
3. crea una nuova relazione
4. inserisci i ways selezionati nella nuova relazione
5. togli i ways dalla vecchia relazione
6. clicca su "ok" in entrambi i relation editors per chiudere l'editore e
confermare l'edit.

eliminare ways sovraposti:
1. seleziona uno dei due ways
2. cancellalo e su richiesta rimuovilo dalla relazione
3. seleziona l'altro way e aggiungilo nella relazione dalla quale hai
cancellato il way.
4. verifica che i poligoni siano chiusi

per trovarli potrebbe aiutare il validator di JOSM.

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Archeologia agraria

2017-02-28 Thread


nelle nostre campagne si vedono spesso gli ovili tradizionali, ormai 
che in dialetto locale chiamiamo 'mannira'
sono due o più quadrati,con perimetri in muretti in pietrame, con pianta più o 
meno complessa secondo le greggi che doveva ospitare.
e non sempre aveva a fianco la casetta del pastore o in molti asi anche questa 
è diroccata
come mappare  queste opere di 'archeologia agraria' in OSM?


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-ko] Mailinglist in Korean?

2017-02-28 Thread 최규성
Dear Max, Andrew, Changwoo and others,

Thanks for the note.

Max's suggested a good point. But, I evaluate that changing language
setting can't be a catalyst of bringing the Korean speaking members.

As a local resident Korean, I suspect there two major reasons why Korean
speaking members can't join Talk-ko list.
First, there is no self-rewarding motivation to actively work for
OpenStreetMap itself. Since there are premium level of freely available
maps like Naver and Daum-Kakao, spending anyone's time and efforts only to
make a second or third level map don't move people to activate their
passion. This is the main reason many Koreans are indifferent to OSM.
Second, even among the selected Korean speaking members of OSM, they feel
language barrier to join the actual conversations. (The mailman interface
is just a peanut.)

In summary, though the mailman interface in Korean can't dramatically
change the situation of few Korean speaking members, it may help to provide
friendly environment for those who come to familiarize Talk-ko.

Respecting all your efforts,

Kyu-sung Choi, EZMapping (M. +82-10-5414-4374)
(주)이지매핑 대표 최규성 드림  (M. 010-5414-4374)

2017-02-28 21:00 GMT+09:00 :

> Send Talk-ko mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Talk-ko digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>1. Mailinglist in Korean? (Max)
>2. Re: Mailinglist in Korean? (Andrew Errington)
>3. Re: Mailinglist in Korean? (Changwoo Ryu)
>4. Re: Mailinglist in Korean? (Max)
> -- 전달된 메시지 --
> From: Max 
> To: "" 
> Cc:
> Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 11:02:26 +0100
> Subject: [Talk-ko] Mailinglist in Korean?
> Looking through
> I noticed that most of them have the interface in their respective
> language. talk-ko is in English though.
> (Not talking about the languag of the actual conversations, just the
> mailman interface)
> Could this be a reason for the few korean speaking members?
> Should this be changed? (I'd say yes)
> Any opinions, thoughts about it?
> -- 전달된 메시지 --
> From: Andrew Errington 
> To: OpenStreetMap Korea 
> Cc:
> Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 19:06:39 +0900
> Subject: Re: [Talk-ko] Mailinglist in Korean?
> I agree with this suggestion.  If it's easy to do and there are no
> objections I'll do it (I am the list administrator).  I'll wait a couple of
> days for a few more replies.  Tomorrow is a holiday in Korea.
> Andrew
> On Feb 28, 2017 7:03 PM, "Max"  wrote:
> Looking through
> I noticed that most of them have the interface in their respective
> language. talk-ko is in English though.
> (Not talking about the languag of the actual conversations, just the
> mailman interface)
> Could this be a reason for the few korean speaking members?
> Should this be changed? (I'd say yes)
> Any opinions, thoughts about it?
> ___
> Talk-ko mailing list
> -- 전달된 메시지 --
> From: Changwoo Ryu 
> To: OpenStreetMap Korea 
> Cc:
> Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 20:26:55 +0900
> Subject: Re: [Talk-ko] Mailinglist in Korean?
> Actually "ko" is the ISO639 code for Korean language. ("kr" ISO3166
> code for ROK.)
> 2017-02-28 19:02 GMT+09:00 Max :
> >
> > Looking through
> >
> > I noticed that most of them have the interface in their respective
> language.
> > talk-ko is in English though.
> > (Not talking about the languag of the actual conversations, just the
> mailman
> > interface)
> >
> > Could this be a reason for the few korean speaking members?
> > Should this be changed? (I'd say yes)
> > Any opinions, thoughts about it?
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-ko mailing list
> >
> >
> -- 전달된 메시지 --
> From: Max 
> To: OpenStreetMap Korea 
> Cc:
> Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2017 12:57:26 +0100
> Subject: Re: [Talk-ko] Mailinglist in Korean?
> Since there is no separate email list for the DPRK, that might be correct
> to use ko or am I missing something?

Re: [Talk-ko] Mailinglist in Korean?

2017-02-28 Thread Max
Well, that's another big discussion about mailinglists vs. other means 
of communication.

Some people for example prefer forums over email lists. There is no 
"user: Korea" folder in the official osm forums

I'm not a fan of forums myself* so I am not volunteering to be admin for 
that, but maybe someone else here wants to ask for the creation of 
"users: Korea" there?

*exept that one I found pretty amazing

On 2017년 02월 28일 13:35, 느림보 wrote:

From systematic view, I think two reasons made few Korean speaking
members. One is clearly language. However, a mailing list itself would
make it worse. I think a mailing list is one of the lease common
communication system in my country. People might don’t know how to join
and act in this system. It looks like foreign culture. (I don’t know,
too. I tried to response some previous threads but I hesitated because I
don’t know what is impolite attitude in a mailing list.)

It might be very difficult to invite Korean contributors in this system,
however more discussion in Korean might lead viewers into discussion. So
strongly agree with this suggestion.

느림보 (Nrimbo)

2017-02-28 20:57 GMT+09:00 Max >:

Since there is no separate email list for the DPRK, that might be
correct to use ko or am I missing something?

On 2017년 02월 28일 12:26, Changwoo Ryu wrote:

Actually "ko" is the ISO639 code for Korean language. ("kr" ISO3166
code for ROK.)

2017-02-28 19:02 GMT+09:00 Max >:

Looking through

I noticed that most of them have the interface in their
respective language.
talk-ko is in English though.
(Not talking about the languag of the actual conversations,
just the mailman

Could this be a reason for the few korean speaking members?
Should this be changed? (I'd say yes)
Any opinions, thoughts about it?

Talk-ko mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plus d'attributs pour les bandes cyclables

2017-02-28 Thread Shohreh
Nicolas Dumoulin-2 wrote
> Pour situer mon idée un brin militante, j'aimerai pouvoir
> classifier la qualité des aménagements grâce aux données OSM.

Ça ne répond pas à ta question, mais pour info, l'association  Paris en
selle    cherche justement à développer une appli
afin de permettre aux cyclistes de noter les infrastructures afin de mettre
en évidence sa piètre qualité : comme ailleurs en France, la ville de Paris
1) ne fait que dans la quantité et 2) inclut dans le "linéaire cyclable"
tout et n'importe quoi (bande, piste, DSC, sur le trottoir, etc.), sans
aucun soucis de qualité.

View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Luca Moiana
ok, Martin.

Non sono un mappatore così esperto, perciò seguendo i tuoi consigli, ti chiedo 
dei link di spiegazione su:

come estrarre e dividere i multipoligoni

come estrarre le way sovrapposte.



From: Martin Koppenhoefer 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 12:33 PM
To: openstreetmap list - italiano
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 13:29 GMT+01:00 Luca Moiana 
proverò a studiare gli errori e metterci mano, mi interessa tenere in ordine il 
mio paese.

capisco. Mi dispiace per te che devi combattere casini del genere. Un mappatore 
umano raramente avrebbe creato una struttura del genere. Inizierei a spezzare i 
multipoligoni in pezzi più piccoli e quindi più facilmente manutenibili. Anche 
le way sovraposte, visto che ci sono già i multipoligoni, sarebbero da 
eliminare e da inserire l'altro way nella relazione dove era il way eliminato.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread carlo folini
Ciao, riguardo ad un pezzo di domanda iniziale...
Con Josm devi abilitare il controllo remoto in preferenze / controllo
remoto (icona telecomando). Ricordati di riavviare. Da keep right cliccando
sul link JOSM verrai portato nel punto dell'errore di Josm

Il 28 feb 2017 1:34 PM, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha

> 2017-02-28 13:29 GMT+01:00 Luca Moiana :
>> proverò a studiare gli errori e metterci mano, mi interessa tenere in
>> ordine il mio paese.
> capisco. Mi dispiace per te che devi combattere casini del genere. Un
> mappatore umano raramente avrebbe creato una struttura del genere.
> Inizierei a spezzare i multipoligoni in pezzi più piccoli e quindi più
> facilmente manutenibili. Anche le way sovraposte, visto che ci sono già i
> multipoligoni, sarebbero da eliminare e da inserire l'altro way nella
> relazione dove era il way eliminato.
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ko] Mailinglist in Korean?

2017-02-28 Thread 느림보
>From systematic view, I think two reasons made few Korean speaking members.
One is clearly language. However, a mailing list itself would make it
worse. I think a mailing list is one of the lease common communication
system in my country. People might don’t know how to join and act in this
system. It looks like foreign culture. (I don’t know, too. I tried to
response some previous threads but I hesitated because I don’t know what is
impolite attitude in a mailing list.)

It might be very difficult to invite Korean contributors in this system,
however more discussion in Korean might lead viewers into discussion. So
strongly agree with this suggestion.

느림보 (Nrimbo)

2017-02-28 20:57 GMT+09:00 Max :

> Since there is no separate email list for the DPRK, that might be correct
> to use ko or am I missing something?
> On 2017년 02월 28일 12:26, Changwoo Ryu wrote:
>> Actually "ko" is the ISO639 code for Korean language. ("kr" ISO3166
>> code for ROK.)
>> 2017-02-28 19:02 GMT+09:00 Max :
>>> Looking through
>>> I noticed that most of them have the interface in their respective
>>> language.
>>> talk-ko is in English though.
>>> (Not talking about the languag of the actual conversations, just the
>>> mailman
>>> interface)
>>> Could this be a reason for the few korean speaking members?
>>> Should this be changed? (I'd say yes)
>>> Any opinions, thoughts about it?
>>> ___
>>> Talk-ko mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-ko mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ko mailing list
Talk-ko mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-02-28 13:29 GMT+01:00 Luca Moiana :

> proverò a studiare gli errori e metterci mano, mi interessa tenere in
> ordine il mio paese.

capisco. Mi dispiace per te che devi combattere casini del genere. Un
mappatore umano raramente avrebbe creato una struttura del genere.
Inizierei a spezzare i multipoligoni in pezzi più piccoli e quindi più
facilmente manutenibili. Anche le way sovraposte, visto che ci sono già i
multipoligoni, sarebbero da eliminare e da inserire l'altro way nella
relazione dove era il way eliminato.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Luca Moiana
Ciao Martin,

proverò a studiare gli errori e metterci mano, mi interessa tenere in ordine il 
mio paese.



From: Martin Koppenhoefer 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 11:42:12 AM
To: openstreetmap list - italiano
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 12:32 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer 
Ho cominciato a sistemare un po', ma è proprio incasinato.

sono andato via. Non ho più caricato il mio lavoro, perché mi sembrava troppo 
lontano da casa e troppo incasinato. Invito tutti quelli che hanno fatto questo 
import a riflettere quanto può essere utile caricare dei dati ufficiali, se poi 
il risultato sono dei multipoligoni con way sovrapposte e tanti membri (e una 
"forma topografica" con solo spigoli), che quasi nessuno tocchi mai più (e che 
fanno andare via gli altri mappatori invece di contribuire), perché si 
lavorerebbe tantissimo per vedere poi pocchissimo risultato, e soprattutto 
perché sistemare un import non piace mai a nessuno (perché invece di avere un 
problema ad un punto ci stanno problemi sistematici dappertutto, ed è 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-02-28 13:16 GMT+01:00 Max1234Ita :

> - Una way /residential/, o /pedestrian/, o /living_street/ che sia, che la
> attraversa nel modo più opportuno (aperta o chiusa, direi che dipende dai
> casi), name=Piazza TalDeiTali.Dubbio 1: Nel caso di way chiusa, si potrebbe
> anche usare / higway=pedestrian/living_street/ sulla medesima way che ha
> il
> tag /place/?

living_street penso sia da escludere, perché non descrive mai un area nel
senso di highway=* area=yes (nei casi che ho visto).
pedestrian + area=yes insieme a place=square è valido in casi eccezionali
(tutta la piazza è accessibile a piedi, cosa nella realtà lo trovi meno
spesso di quanto può sembrare, al solito si trovano fontane, strade ecc.
sulla piazza).

> Dubbio 2: Nel caso di way aperta ci sarebbe il tag /name/
> ridondato. Che fare?

non è ridondato, il nome è la proprietà dell'oggetto che lo porta. Lo
stesso nome può anche essere messo 100 volte su oggetti diversi, se tutti i
pezzi di strada hanno quel nome (per esempio le strade si devono spezzare
per ogni proprietà che cambia ed anche per i divieti di svolta, relation
route, ecc.).

> - Se una parte della piazza è adibita a posteggio (ed in Italia ce ne sono
> tante), una way chiusa che lo delimita, con /amenity=parking/ direi che ci
> sta eccome, e magari anche la sua bella /highway=service,
> service=parking_aisle/ che la raggiunge (se presente).

invece il place=square comprende tutta la piazza, ma al suo interno ci
possono essere altre aree, certo.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-02-28 Thread Max1234Ita

...Ed eccomi qui, bello fresco come una rosa! :-)

Scusate l'entrata, ma avrei bisogno di capire in modo un po' più chiaro:
"Come si mappa una piazza?" 
tra la lista ed il Wiki non è che  sia proprio agevole orientarsi...

Allora, stando a quanto ho potuto desumere dalla lettura, dovrebbe essere
- /place=square/; /name=Piazza TalDeiTali/ su una way chiusa, ad indicare
tuttto ciò che è pertinenza della piazza.

- all'interno dell'area suddetta, ciò che vi si trova, tipo aiuole,
giardini, parchi pubblici, fontanelle, ecc.

E questo per la descrizione del LUOGO. 

Poi c'è il discorso relativo a VIABILITA'/ROUTING.
E quindi, dentro/attraverso l'area sopra definita:

- Una way /residential/, o /pedestrian/, o /living_street/ che sia, che la
attraversa nel modo più opportuno (aperta o chiusa, direi che dipende dai
casi), name=Piazza TalDeiTali.Dubbio 1: Nel caso di way chiusa, si potrebbe
anche usare / higway=pedestrian/living_street/ sulla medesima way che ha il
tag /place/? Dubbio 2: Nel caso di way aperta ci sarebbe il tag /name/
ridondato. Che fare?

- Se una parte della piazza è adibita a posteggio (ed in Italia ce ne sono
tante), una way chiusa che lo delimita, con /amenity=parking/ direi che ci
sta eccome, e magari anche la sua bella /highway=service,
service=parking_aisle/ che la raggiunge (se presente).

Sarebbe corretto procedere in questo modo?

Scusate se ho scritto qualche banalità ma, come dicevo, ho bisogno di
chiarirmi le idee: a forza di trovare pezzetti d'informazione disseminati un
po' ovunque inizio a non raccapezzarmici più...

Ciao e buona giornata,

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-02-28 12:32 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :

> Ho cominciato a sistemare un po', ma è proprio incasinato.

sono andato via. Non ho più caricato il mio lavoro, perché mi sembrava
troppo lontano da casa e troppo incasinato. Invito tutti quelli che hanno
fatto questo import a riflettere quanto può essere utile caricare dei dati
ufficiali, se poi il risultato sono dei multipoligoni con way sovrapposte e
tanti membri (e una "forma topografica" con solo spigoli), che quasi
nessuno tocchi mai più (e che fanno andare via gli altri mappatori invece
di contribuire), perché si lavorerebbe tantissimo per vedere poi
pocchissimo risultato, e soprattutto perché sistemare un import non piace
mai a nessuno (perché invece di avere un problema ad un punto ci stanno
problemi sistematici dappertutto, ed è scoraggiante)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
al proposito: tutta quella zona è un gran casino grazie ad un import: ci
sono multipoligoni che hanno comunque le outer way sovraposte. Ho
cominciato a sistemare un po', ma è proprio incasinato.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Released OSRM 5.6.0

2017-02-28 Thread Daniel Hofmann
Correct. That's why we only penalize _turns_ onto such ways.
Think: high penalty for entering a gated community.

Read more about it here:

- (en)
- (de)

Daniel J H

On Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 11:45 AM, Florian Lohoff  wrote:

> Hi Patrick,
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 02:08:42PM +, Patrick Niklaus wrote:
> > Hey,
> >
> > The 5.6.0 release features some great new features. Most importantly
> > we now support the infamous issue
> > [#77]( Routing
> > on generic weights, not only the duration. This increased our resource
> > usage quite a bit, so if you are running global deployments make sure
> > you have enough headroom before upgrading. The car profile makes use
> > of this new feature by penalizing turns onto restricted streets
> > (hov-only, `access=destination`) heavily. This makes sure we don't
> > route through them but still support starting/stopping from them. We
> access=destination is IMHO a bad example for this. Penalizing those
> edges heavily will cause OSRM to very hard try to use the next
> possibility to leave the access=destination segments or to enter
> them at the very last possibility. The cost for using
> access=destination roads is not proportional to the amount of distance
> you travel on that road, but its a one time cost entering the
> road/segment/area.
> In the end most of the time access=destination based roads build a
> subgraph e.g. multiple interconnected roads and the area itself
> is access=destination.
> Flo
> --
> Florian Lohoff
>  UTF-8 Test: The  ran after a , but the  ran away
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-02-28 12:10 GMT+01:00 Luca Moiana :

> Il problema è un sentiero pregresso  che ora è attraversato da una nuova
> strada, nella fattispecie il sentiero continua ad esistere ed essere
> percorribile, viene interrotto nell'intersezione con la strada ma nessuno
> si è preoccupato di creare sovra o sotto passaggi.

va messo un nodo comune tra sentiero e nuova strada. Segnalerei forse anche
a Pab09 che ha messo la strada. (lavora solo con Potlatch2, ma non segnala
questo tipo di errore PL?).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Luca Moiana
Vi ringrazio delle risposte, sempre pronte e precise.

Nel caso che voglio correggere

Il problema è un sentiero pregresso  che ora è attraversato da una nuova 
strada, nella fattispecie il sentiero continua ad esistere ed essere 
percorribile, viene interrotto nell'intersezione con la strada ma nessuno si è 
preoccupato di creare sovra o sotto passaggi.

come mappiamo?



From: Martin Koppenhoefer 
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:58 AM
To: openstreetmap list - italiano
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 11:25 GMT+01:00 Luca Moiana 

Come si risolve questo: This highway intersects the highway #81894858 but there 
is no junction node

come posso aggiungere la junction in iD ? o devo passare a JOSM?

nel caso, c'è un modo in JOSM per filtrare solo gli errori così da poterli 

in questo caso c'è una intersezione tra 2 highway senza nodo in comune. La 
soluzione dipende dalla situazione (reale) sul posto. Potrebbe mancare un 
ponte, un tunnel, un tag layer, oppure un nodo in comune. Potrebbe essere anche 
completamente sbagliato uno dei due highway, avere i tag sbagliati (essere un 
waterway, ecc.).

Generalmente, i tools di controllo qualità richiedono parecchia esperienza, 
perché non segnalono soltanto errori, e perché non tutte le soluzioni per fare 
sparire gli errori sono sempre le misure giuste da intraprendere per mappare 
bene il punto (in generale un errore può indicare anche altri problemi nelle 
vicinanze, dallo stesso utente, ecc., quindi più che risolvere gli errori 
scriverei agli utenti per spiegare cosa hanno sbagliato e come possono fare 
meglio, per evitare che ripetino gli stessi errori per sempre).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Rendering hill figures

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-02-27 21:54 GMT+01:00 Warin <>:

> landcover=rock if you want to get detailed

Doesn't "rock" imply solid rock, not loose stones, or am I missled? IIRR we
either use stones, pebbles or bedrock as values to avoid ambiguity. I would
more point on the artwork subtype than on the material, this could qualify
as landart?

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2017-02-28 11:25 GMT+01:00 Luca Moiana :

> Come si risolve questo: This highway intersects the highway #81894858 but
> there is no junction node
> come posso aggiungere la junction in iD ? o devo passare a JOSM?
> nel caso, c'è un modo in JOSM per filtrare solo gli errori così da poterli
> correggere?

in questo caso c'è una intersezione tra 2 highway senza nodo in comune. La
soluzione dipende dalla situazione (reale) sul posto. Potrebbe mancare un
ponte, un tunnel, un tag layer, oppure un nodo in comune. Potrebbe essere
anche completamente sbagliato uno dei due highway, avere i tag sbagliati
(essere un waterway, ecc.).

Generalmente, i tools di controllo qualità richiedono parecchia esperienza,
perché non segnalono soltanto errori, e perché non tutte le soluzioni per
fare sparire gli errori sono sempre le misure giuste da intraprendere per
mappare bene il punto (in generale un errore può indicare anche altri
problemi nelle vicinanze, dallo stesso utente, ecc., quindi più che
risolvere gli errori scriverei agli utenti per spiegare cosa hanno
sbagliato e come possono fare meglio, per evitare che ripetino gli stessi
errori per sempre).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Marco
Ciao, si può fare anche con iD; selezioni una delle due strade (clicchi 
su una delle due way), a quel punto vedrai che tra due nodi della stessa 
strada compare un triangolino, ci clicchi con il mouse (tieni premuto il 
taso sx) e quello diventa un nuovo nodo della way, a quel punto lo 
trascini sopra la strada/sentiero che la interseca.

Il 28/02/2017 11:25, Luca Moiana ha scritto:


ho scoperto:

e sto sistemando un po' di errori.

Come si risolve questo: This highway intersects the highway #81894858 
but there is no junction node

come posso aggiungere la junction in iD ? o devo passare a JOSM?

nel caso, c'è un modo in JOSM per filtrare solo gli errori così da 
poterli correggere?

Grazie a tutti e buone mappe


Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] Released OSRM 5.6.0

2017-02-28 Thread Florian Lohoff

Hi Patrick,

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 02:08:42PM +, Patrick Niklaus wrote:
> Hey,
> The 5.6.0 release features some great new features. Most importantly
> we now support the infamous issue
> [#77]( Routing
> on generic weights, not only the duration. This increased our resource
> usage quite a bit, so if you are running global deployments make sure
> you have enough headroom before upgrading. The car profile makes use
> of this new feature by penalizing turns onto restricted streets
> (hov-only, `access=destination`) heavily. This makes sure we don't
> route through them but still support starting/stopping from them. We

access=destination is IMHO a bad example for this. Penalizing those
edges heavily will cause OSRM to very hard try to use the next
possibility to leave the access=destination segments or to enter
them at the very last possibility. The cost for using
access=destination roads is not proportional to the amount of distance
you travel on that road, but its a one time cost entering the

In the end most of the time access=destination based roads build a
subgraph e.g. multiple interconnected roads and the area itself
is access=destination.

Florian Lohoff
 UTF-8 Test: The  ran after a , but the  ran away

Description: Digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] wijzigingen n.a.v. Circulatieplan Gent

2017-02-28 Thread Jo
Hallo Seppe,

Dat is waar we de mailing list voor hebben, dus vraag maar! Eventueel wil
ik ook wel eens een Google Hangoutsessie doen om wat mee te helpen. Ik heb
de data voor Leuven omgezet, maar op zich stelt het niet zoveel voor. Veel
wegen splitsen, een aantal omdraaien. oneway=-1 vind ik geen goede
oplossing. Als ik die tegen kom, zet ik ze om naar oneway=yes (dmv van
reverse, natuurlijk).

Dat ze dat in Gent van de ene dag op de andere willen doen, lijkt me een
logistieke nachtmerrie, maar dat is niet echt ons probleem.



Op 28 februari 2017 om 10:55 schreef Santens Seppe 

> De data:
> ·OSM-bestanden: (let wel: enkel road
> network, hier en daar quick and dirty oplossingen, want enkel met het oog
> op routering)
> ·GIS-materiaal: (mag hergebruikt worden
> onder Open Data Licentie Gent ,
> equivalent met Gratis Open Data Licentie Vlaanderen)
> (let op: wetransfer links met beperkte houdbaarheidsdatum)
> Ik wil wel de zeer gemotiveerde persoon proberen zijn J Ik zal de
> mailinglijst dan wellicht nog enkele keren moeten lastigvallen met enkele
> bijkomende vraagjes (bedankt voor de tips/antwoorden tot nu toe).
> Groeten,
> Seppe
> *Van:* joost schouppe []
> *Verzonden:* maandag 27 februari 2017 15:09
> *Aan:* OpenStreetMap Belgium
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [OSM-talk-be] wijzigingen n.a.v. Circulatieplan Gent
> Mij lijkt het alleszins interessant om zowel de OSM-data als de GIS-data
> hier te delen.
> Doorgaans worden dit soort dingen door één zeer gemotiveerde persoon
> gedaan. Ik weet niet of er nu zo iemand in de zaal is :)
> Indien niet, dan kunnen we hier eventueel een task in de Belgische tasking
> manager aanmaken; eigenlijk alleen maar om te kunnen volgen wat al gedaan
> is en wat er nog moet gebeuren.
> Voor relaties: het enige dat ik zie waar je specifiek op zou moeten
> letten, is dat de role "forward" en "backward" moet omgedraaid worden als
> je de weg omdraait. Kan je eventueel vermijden door van oneway=yes naar
> oneway=-1 te gaan. Als je bij het knippen van wegen relaties onmogelijk
> maakt (vb een bus die een barriere passeert), dan is dit wel eenvoudig op
> te pikken door de QA tools denk ik.
> --
> Joost Schouppe
> OpenStreetMap  |
> Twitter  | LinkedIn
>  | Meetup
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-it] Sentiero, strada junction ?

2017-02-28 Thread Luca Moiana

ho scoperto:

e sto sistemando un po' di errori.

Come si risolve questo: This highway intersects the highway #81894858 but there 
is no junction node

come posso aggiungere la junction in iD ? o devo passare a JOSM?

nel caso, c'è un modo in JOSM per filtrare solo gli errori così da poterli 

Grazie a tutti e buone mappe

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-ko] Mailinglist in Korean?

2017-02-28 Thread Max

Looking through
I noticed that most of them have the interface in their respective 
language. talk-ko is in English though.
(Not talking about the languag of the actual conversations, just the 
mailman interface)

Could this be a reason for the few korean speaking members?
Should this be changed? (I'd say yes)
Any opinions, thoughts about it?

Talk-ko mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] wijzigingen n.a.v. Circulatieplan Gent

2017-02-28 Thread Santens Seppe
De data:

·OSM-bestanden: (let wel: enkel road network, 
hier en daar quick and dirty oplossingen, want enkel met het oog op routering)

·GIS-materiaal: (mag hergebruikt worden onder 
Open Data Licentie Gent, equivalent 
met Gratis Open Data Licentie Vlaanderen)
(let op: wetransfer links met beperkte houdbaarheidsdatum)

Ik wil wel de zeer gemotiveerde persoon proberen zijn ☺ Ik zal de mailinglijst 
dan wellicht nog enkele keren moeten lastigvallen met enkele bijkomende 
vraagjes (bedankt voor de tips/antwoorden tot nu toe).



Van: joost schouppe []
Verzonden: maandag 27 februari 2017 15:09
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] wijzigingen n.a.v. Circulatieplan Gent

Mij lijkt het alleszins interessant om zowel de OSM-data als de GIS-data hier 
te delen.

Doorgaans worden dit soort dingen door één zeer gemotiveerde persoon gedaan. Ik 
weet niet of er nu zo iemand in de zaal is :)

Indien niet, dan kunnen we hier eventueel een task in de Belgische tasking 
manager aanmaken; eigenlijk alleen maar om te kunnen volgen wat al gedaan is en 
wat er nog moet gebeuren.

Voor relaties: het enige dat ik zie waar je specifiek op zou moeten letten, is 
dat de role "forward" en "backward" moet omgedraaid worden als je de weg 
omdraait. Kan je eventueel vermijden door van oneway=yes naar oneway=-1 te 
gaan. Als je bij het knippen van wegen relaties onmogelijk maakt (vb een bus 
die een barriere passeert), dan is dit wel eenvoudig op te pikken door de QA 
tools denk ik.

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap | 
Twitter | 
LinkedIn | 
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk] Saudi Arabia?

2017-02-28 Thread Frederik Ramm

   is anyone in contact with mappers in Saudi Arabia? Is there such a
thing as a Saudi Arabian OSM community and if so, what communications
channel do they use - mailing list, forum, Facebook group, a messaging


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Skoleni Brno

2017-02-28 Thread Tomas Novotny
Nebo uz prelozene:

Na magistrate jsem to neukazal, protoze jsem si nebyl jisty obsahem, ale
vypada to dobre (jako prirucka).


On Tue, 28 Feb 2017 05:56:10 +0100
Marián Kyral  wrote:

> Stačí jen přeložit. Nebo třeba videa, která vznikla v rámci různých akcí. 
> Marián
> 28. února 2017 2:09:53 SEČ, "Petr Vozdecký"  napsal:
> >ano, toto mám jako jeden z nejsilnějších poznatků a to nejen z této
> >akce...
> >mám to jako cíl až opravdu nebudu mít co dělat... :)
> >
> >o co jde: každý, kdo se dostane do stadia "to mě zajímá, existuje
> >nějaká
> >literatura pro OSM nemluvňata typu Mé první krůčky s OSM?" tak zjistí,
> >že
> >nic takového (krom nekoordinovaných střípků pokusů) není. A to může mít
> >opravdu velké odhodlání a opravdu i penzum času, které tomu chce dát.
> >No a
> >když zjistí, že opravdu nenajde nic, co by mu dalo prvoorientační
> >nalejvárnu, zmocňují se jej pochybnosti a cloumá s ním hnev upřímné
> >nespravedlnosti - vždyť on chtěl pomoci a nemá jak...
> >
> >konkrétní člověk vznesl dotaz, zda něco jako e-learning existuje. Mj. i
> >proto, že pokud by nějakému úředníkovi chtěl nařídit, aby si
> >prostudoval
> >kapitoly 1-8 a na základě toho naklikal do databáze všechny odpadkáče v
> >dědině, tak prostě tuto možnost nemá...
> >
> >vop
> >
> >
> >-- Původní zpráva --
> >Od: Tomas Novotny 
> >Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> >Datum: 26. 2. 2017 15:41:02
> >Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Skoleni Brno
> >
> >"Ahoj,
> >
> >diky za shrnuti.
> >
> >Ja jen doplnim, ze se take ptali na moznost skoleni nebo e-learningu.
> >Na 
> >toto
> >tema zatim take nejsme moc pripraveni.
> >
> >Mejte se,
> >
> >T.
> >
> >On Sun, 26 Feb 2017 00:34:03 +0100
> >Vladimír Slávik  wrote:
> >  
> >> Ahoj,
> >> v pátek proběhlo avizované školení na magistrátě v Brně. Pokusím se
> >> nějak shrnout co se dělo.
> >>
> >> Účast za OSM: Vop, Tomáš Novotný, Vladimír Slávik
> >> Účast za magistrát - cca 10 lidí (kdo?)
> >>
> >> Mirka Suchého, který to celé domluvil, nakonec sklátila nemoc a  
> >přehodil  
> >> to celé překvapivě na mně den předem ve 22:00, takže moc přípravy
> >> neproběhlo. My přítomní jsme to zachraňovali jak se dalo; bez Vopa by  
> >to  
> >> asi původní cíl nenaplnilo (IMO), jelikož byl zřejmě jediný spojovací
> >> článek s předchozími jednáními.
> >>
> >> Neškolili jsme ve smyslu přispívání do OSM (jako mapery nováčky), ale
> >> spíše se snažili vysvětlit co jsme, co máme, co nabízíme, jak to
> >> funguje, co si přejeme, co můžeme dělat spolu. První čtvrtina se  
> >snažila  
> >> sledovat určitou logickou kostru témat, pak Vop doplnil to "soft" co  
> >my  
> >> technici nezvládali, poslední třetina byla víceméně řízena dotazy.
> >> Nadpoloviční většina publika měla smysluplné dotazy svědčící o
> >> nadpolovičním pochopení :)
> >>
> >> Závěr... těžko definovat. Rozešli jsme se s pocitem, že přítomní
> >> úředníci mají představu kdo jsme, jak fungujeme a jakou hodnotu  
> >nabízíme  
> >> veřejnosti i jim. Mimo to se Vop opakovaně jasně vyslovil že pokud  
> >mají  
> >> s osm vážné úmysly, bylo by prima mít u nich na to technika a  
> >manažera.  
> >> Nic konkrétního jsme ovšem nedomluvili.
> >>
> >> Pro úplnost je tu výpis všeho co si pamatuji, bez nároku na nějakou
> >> časovou posloupnost:
> >>
> >> Co z naší strany všechno zaznělo nebo bylo demonstrováno, ať  
> >plánovaně  
> >> či ne:
> >> - základní pojmy světa osm a vztahy mezi nim - komunita maperů,
> >> databáze, renderer, mapa na webu
> >> - jaký máme datový formát (body, cesty, tagy, relace), všechno na
> >> hromadě (bez vrstev)
> >> - jak pomocí tagů vzniká popis "co to je", konvence (úzus) a možnost
> >> vlastních tagů, dokumentace na wiki
> >> - minimální demonstrace "raw" dat v editoru - čáry, tagy, co to  
> >znamená  
> >> - co vše může být výstupem pro veřejnost - různé mapy (rendery),  
> >klikací  
> >> POI, 3d, turistické trasy, rozcestníky, ...
> >> - komunita maperů vs. pasivní konzumenti = obojí jsou veřejnost =  
> >právo  
> >> na státní (veřejná) data
> >> - co chceme - úplnost dat, kvalita
> >> - co nabízíme - validace dat v terénu
> >> - motivace maperů, jak ji vyrobit nebo zvýšit
> >> - možnosti importu dalších databází versus vzájemná synchronizace s  
> >nimi  
> >> - licence, právní problémy a odkud kam dosáhnou napříč řešením,  
> >attribution  
> >> - vandalismus a chybné změny, sledování změn v datech, historie,  
> >nápravy  
> >> atd.
> >> - problematika identifikovatelnosti "něčeho" v osm, mísení dat  
> >dalšími  
> >> editacemi - potřeba ref=*
> >> - import poštovních schránek jako příklad ověřování dat z oficiální
> >> databáze v terénu
> >> - turistické rozcestníky jako příklad vazby obrázků v podružné db na  
> >osm  
> >> data
> >> - demonstrace standard api vs Overpass 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Réseau de bus d'Avignon et SOTM FR

2017-02-28 Thread Florian LAINEZ
On pourrait même envisager de faire une mapping party liées aux données de
transport durant le SotM après cette mise en qualité ;)

Le 27 février 2017 à 19:21, Christian Rogel <> a écrit :

> Suite à l’annonce du SOTM FR à Avignon, j’ai consulté le site TCRA et je
> vois que la carte OSM n’est pas à jour. Dans le centre, les lignes
> numérotées ont été remplacées par 3 boucles : la Baladine (toutes les 12
> mn, arrêts à la demande), Cityzen Les Italiens (toutes les 6 mn) et Cityzen
> République (+ la navette du parking Piot, lequel est situé dans l’île de la
> Barthelasse, où se trouve aussi le camping d’Avignon)..
> La Baladne dessert le campus La Salle et Cityzen Les Italiens l’université.
> Il me semble que l’une des bonnes actions à faire serait de mettre à jour
> le réseau intra-muros et d’indiquer le tracé du futur tramway (banlieue
> Sud).
> Le centre historique d’Avignon a une superficie suffisamment restreinte
> pour que la plupart des déplacements s’y fassent à pied, mais, les
> transports en commun auront des avantages certains pour beaucoup des
> participants au SOTM, d’autant que la circulation des automobilies n’y est
> pas facilitée par les nombreux sens interdits .
> Christian R.
> Dans l’espoir de vous y voir
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list


*Florian Lainez*
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] nouveau site Internet points géodésiques IGN

2017-02-28 Thread Florian LAINEZ
Le 24 février 2017 à 12:37, Frédéric Rodrigo  a
écrit :

> J'aimerais bien connaitre l'argument qu'ils utilisent, c'est possible ?

En vrac : ça demande trop de ressources, le visualiseur
fait déjà bien le boulot pour nos utilisateurs actuels, on a peur que les
données soient utilisées sans que les utilisateurs lisent la doc ("c'est
trop compliqué"), la donnée évolue trop rapidement ... autant d'arguments
qui ne m'ont pas vraiment convaincu.

@Christian @Adrien on en est où ?
Vous pensez qu'on pourrait faire une remontée massive à l'IGN des erreurs
que l'on a trouvé ?
Histoire de montrer que l'on peut les aider à corriger les données ...


*Florian Lainez*
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-cz] Weekly OSM / Finální formát ref pro poštovní schránky - nečekané duplicity

2017-02-28 Thread majka
Díky za Weekly.

Dovoluji si znovu upozornit na to, že : s největší
pravděpodobností NENÍ jedinečným identifikátorem poštovní schránky.

Při zpracovávání "Depa České Budějovice" jsem narazila na několik schránek
se stejným ref, tedy se stejným pořadovým číslem. Pokud nedošlo k chybě při
zadávání, s největší pravděpodobností je v tom seznamu schránka sice
uvedená pod depem České Budějovice, vybírající pošta je však odlišná (České
Budějovice / Český Krumlov / pravděpodobně Třeboň / pravděpodobně Vodňany)
- a schránka je číslována v rámci každé z těchto pošt samostatně.

Bohužel nemám možnost to ověřit, jediné, co je zřejmé jsou ty duplikované
ref v OSM databázi, zatím jen ve formě samotného čísla, bez PSČ. Ofocené
mám štítky jen přímo v Českých Budějovicích, kde je jako vybírající PSČ
uvedeno depo 71, PSČ 37271. Jestli je jinde uvedená ta skutečně vybírající
pošta, to netuším.

Konkrétní příklad, obojí depo 71, České Budějovice, PSČ 37271,
Křepice  (ř. 3066 tabulky
ref. 10
Čéčova 711  (ř. 3619), ref.

Odhadem - ty Křepice vybírá pošta Vodňany

Pokud by na schránkách byla uvedena skutečná adresa vybírající pošty, bude
třeba jako identifikátor použít tohle PSČ, jinak to jednoznačná
identifikace není.

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] DGPS

2017-02-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 27 Feb 2017, at 21:32, carlo folini  wrote:
> In molti casi per me (Valtellina) sono state molto utili le ortofoto 
> 'antiche'.
> Da quelle del '54 e in quelle del '88 ho scoperto sentieri che nelle foto 
> 'moderne' non sono più evidenti.

in 63/29 anni è però abbastanza possibile che spariscono dei sentieri. Se 
conosci il sentiero va bene, ma se li scopri soltanto in quelle foto antiche 
vanno verificati nella realtà. Scusa se dico il ovvio ;-)

Talk-it mailing list