Re: [talk-au] Mapping each lane as a new way

2020-10-28 Thread Andrew Harvey
On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 at 07:32, Nemanja Bracko (E-Search) via Talk-au <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> My team has recognized that there are a couple of users who are repeatedly
> making questionable modeling choices.
> We’ve contacted them, and while some specific issues were fixed, new ones
> kept appearing. We wanted to reach out and to hear your opinions on this
> matter.
> User *Supt_of_Printing
> *
> This user is not using existing ways but he adds a new way on top of the
> existing one, making a lot of duplicates. The example can be:
> *
> *
> There is a way that is classified as track, but just over the existing one
> he added a new unclassified road.

Agreed that here they shouldn't be overlapping.

>From this 2014 imagery it does look like
it's just the one road there.

Unless there is malicious intent, then best to leave a comment each time
(to give benefit of the doubt in case it's from local knowledge or survey
if it's changed on the ground recently) and if you don't hear back then fix
it up. If it turns into an edit war then you can contact the DWG email to

The nature of OpenStreetMap is that changes do happen all the time and this
does mean you need to be constantly reviewing changes, a number of people
use OSMCha for this. Of course it's nice if we can just edit and never have
any negative edits, but the nature of OSM means this probably won't ever
happen and we have to deal with these negative changes as they happen.

> *
> *
> The other type of issue that we recognized is roundabout modeling.
> You can see in the provided example that way goes as a part of the
> roundabout. Also, it is noticeable that half of the roundabout has a
> [oneway] tag, but the other doesn’t.

Maybe it's been since fixed here but it looks correct as of now per
It's an interesting intersection that isn't a normal roundabout.

> Users *Map_baker * and 
> *Supt_of_Printing
> *
> They have remodeled a couple of junctions so each lane is one way, like
> here:
> *
> *

Due to the edits I can't see the issue clearly with this one.

> What’s happening with this remodeling:
>- Destination relations are broken;
>- Bus routes are not connected properly;
>- For navigation purposes additional turn restrictions would be needed
>to avoid unpleasant turn suggestions;
>- In some cases, roads cross each other without an intersection point;
>- It is impossible to apply correct lane information.
> Another example of remodeling:
> *
> *
> There are no physical barriers, so it should be modeled as a single way,
> but the actual osm data is currently divided based on lane information.

Agreed with you here, I believe the consensus is that it should be modeled
as a single way here, so no problem fixing this by re-modelling it to use a
single way. I know it might feel pointless leaving comments on their
changesets, but if you can just to again raise the issue and explain what's
wrong and the reasons for you making your changes on top, then it makes it
easier to block them if they are still defiant as we can show that we've
provided feedback, giving opportunity for any counter points and discussion.


> Although we recognize that there are different approaches to modeling
> junctions, these users are creating a lot of issues by remodeling in this
> way.
> Please can you advise what to do now since I believe that all osm users
> need to spend a significant amount of time checking all their previous
> edits?
> Users *Map_baker * and 
> *travaudat
> *
> They are going across Australia and converting multiple way roundabouts
> into one. We had a discussion on Talk-AU about that, where I have tried to
> explain why it is not okay to do (since attributes may change within the
> roundabout), but I can see that practice has continued.

If you can point out specific changesets, and ideally once where there have
been changeset comments explaining what the issue is, then it can be
forwarded onto the DWG.
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Chiusura massiva di note

2020-10-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Mi., 28. Okt. 2020 um 22:59 Uhr schrieb Ivan R. :

> Buonasera a tutti, è la prima volta che mando un'email a questo
> Talk-It, spero di non fare casini e spero che segnalazioni di questo
> tipo siano ok.
> Volevo solo segnalarvi che 5 giorni fa in Calabria un utente ha
> "risolto" 161 note in blocco. Non ho modo di controllarle tutte
> ovviamente, ne ho controllate due a caso e la richiesta formulata
> nella nota non era stata ancora risolta. Segnalo piu' che altro perchè
> sono anni e anni di note contenenti informazioni potenzialmente utili
> che andrebbero "perse".

grazie della segnalazione, e benvenuto qui!
Ci dovresti dire il nome dell'utente, altrimenti lo dovremmo cercare noi ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois Décembre : lieux de test COVID (était "Carte des lieux de test COVID")

2020-10-28 Thread Yves P.
> Une recherche rapide en mode gros doigts sur un smartphone donne ce :
> Pour ceux qui ont un vrai clavier et une souris, pouvez-vous regarder si on 
> trouve des données  pour les autres régions ?

J'ai fait une recherche et il ne semble pas y avoir de données, seulement un 
renvoi vers

En hackant la page, retourne les données paginées 
depuis ou vers un site Drupal.
C'est loin d'être une API 

Bon, on verra ça demain…


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [osm-ve] Retos de MapRoulette en Venezuela

2020-10-28 Thread Andrew Wiseman via Talk-ve
Hola a todos,

Este es Andrew nuevamente, actualicé los desafíos de MapRoulette para Venezuela 
nuevamente con nuevos datos de OSM. Los desafíos están todos en este proyecto: 



Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 

> On Feb 26, 2020, at 12:03 PM, Andrew Wiseman  wrote:
> Hola a todos,
> Este es Andrew de Apple. Quería que todos supieran que acabamos de actualizar 
> los desafíos de la red de carreteras MapRoulette en Venezuela con nuevos 
> datos de OSM.
> Puede encontrar los retos en este proyecto de MapRoulette: 
> , e incluyen cosas como 
> ángulos de carretera demasiado afilados, carreteras que se cruzan pero no 
> están conectadas, carreteras que no están conectadas a nada , carreteras 
> superpuestas, restricciones de giro, carreteras cercanas pero no conectadas a 
> otras, y otros problemas similares. Planeo trabajar en algunos de ellos 
> también.
> Si no lo ha usado antes, MapRoulette le permite analizar problemas 
> potenciales en los datos de OSM uno por uno y corregirlos o indicar que no 
> son un problema. Los desafíos se crearon con nuestra herramienta de análisis 
> de datos Atlas: 
> .
> Si no está seguro de qué desafío intentar, los ángulos agudos o el cruce de 
> carreteras son probablemente los más fáciles, pero todos deberían ser 
> bastante sencillos.
> Avíseme si tiene alguna sugerencia o comentario. ¡Gracias!
> Andrew 
> Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 
>> On Jul 23, 2019, at 12:14 PM, Andrew Wiseman > > wrote:
>> Hola OSM Venezuela,
>> Este es Andrew del equipo de mapas de Apple. Llevamos algún tiempo 
>> trabajando en Venezuela ( 
>> ) y recientemente usado 
>> nuestro herramienta Atlas para análisis de datos 
>> ( ) para 
>> buscar algunos tipos de posibles problemas, como partes de la costa que 
>> están muy largas o con esquinas agudos, que pueden deberse a digitalización 
>> inexacta o a muy pocos vértices o esquinas como sea necesario. Pongo los 
>> resultados de los retos en MapRoulette ( 
>> ), un herramienta que te permite pasar los 
>> problemas uno por uno y corregirlos o marcar que no son un problema. Quería 
>> hacerles saber que estaban disponibles en caso de que alguien quisiera 
>> intentar arreglarlos. Yo también arreglaré algunos.
>> En MapRoulette escoges un problema random o haz clic en un problema 
>> especifico. Puedes arreglarlo, omitirlo o marcarlo "no es un problema”, y 
>> escoge otro problema a cerca, o random.
>> Por favor, hágamelo saber si tiene alguna pregunta o comentario, o ideas 
>> para otros retos.
>> Hay más detalles y instrucciones en el reto: 
>> Muchas gracias,
>> Andrew
>> Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 

Talk-ve mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] OdbL: Section 4.6, Does data/methods have to be released on public Produced Work?

2020-10-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 28. Oct 2020, at 16:19, Kathleen Lu  wrote:
> Actually quality scores would be not be subject to sharealike, per the 
> Collective Database Guideline.

Why does the collective database guideline apply? Aren‘t they coloring 
OpenStreetMap derived data? To me this looks like a derivative database.

Cheers Martin 
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] id Editor auto-converts split polygons into MP relation

2020-10-28 Thread Dave F via talk

On 27/10/2020 03:56, Bryce Cogswell wrote:

I agree it’s a little counterintuitive for experienced users but I understand 
the rationale: If you’re splitting a building (closed way) how is the result 
valid unless it’s converted to a multipolygon?

The editor is presuming the splitting of the way is the final & desired 
result of the contributor. This is wrong.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] id Editor auto-converts split polygons into MP relation

2020-10-28 Thread Dave F via talk
iD editor attracts a hell of a lot of "WTFs", doesn't it? I mean, even 
its most ardent fan must occasionally raise a Roger Moore eyebrow.

bhuousel has taken the presumptive decision that the contributor's 
desired end result will always be a MP relation. This is wrong, plain & 
simple (& quite arrogant). iD editor should provide tools to allow 
contributors to make their own decisions as easily as possible & not 
take them on their behalf.

As has been noted other, editors don't make this assumption.

The correct solution to split polygons with tags on the ways is to 
rejoin those ways, not create a MP.

 A MP with only one* outer is invalid.

* splitting it still means there's only one.

Relations were created to allow mapping of entities, not possible with 
just ways. They aren't meant to be the default for all objects.


On 27/10/2020 08:11, Simon Poole wrote:
Its done that essentially since day one. As Bryce points out doing so 
keeps the object a valid "area" (and iD makes a valiant effort to stop 
you from breaking that).

It is also one of my favourite examples in talks why trying to keep 
things simple for the user is very difficult and some times 

Lots of people have had the wtf moment when they come along a 
multi-polgon consisting of just one ring built from two ways. The 
problem is that once the user has split the polygon, there is no 
obvious point in time were you can be sure that the user is finished 
with it and you could simplify, particularly when you are trying to 
get the user to save often and early. So the simplification for the iD 
user comes at the expense of wtf's of everybody else.


Am 27.10.2020 um 02:05 schrieb Dave F via talk:


I don't use iD editor much, but I've just discovered it auto-converts 
closed polygons which are split (Shortcut Key = X) into MP relations.

I'm struggling to comprehend a logical reason for this. Is there one? 
If there's been a previous discussion which I've missed please post a 

There's a couple of threads on iD's github issues, bhousel closed 
them with "wontfix - I Saw A Thing I Didn't Like (but is valid in OSM).

It may be valid, but is it desirable or helpful? I split closed ways, 
in P2, for various reasons without wanting them to be converted. How 
many newbies would even know what a MP relation is?

Having them as as split tagged ways is just as "valid". More so, 
considering splitting long ways is desirable.


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Online Stammtisch

2020-10-28 Thread scubbx


Wir haben schon ein kleines Programm zusammen! :-)

Wie Negreheb im OSM Forum Austria 
( angemerkt hat, 
gibt es Probleme, wenn man mit einem zu alten Browser an Jitsi teilnimmt.
Insbesondere bei FireFox achtet bitte darauf, dass es mindestens die 
Version 83 ist.

lg, Markus (ScubbX)

Am 25.10.20 um 23:42 schrieb scubbx:

Hallo, Leute!

Am Donnerstag, dem *29.10.2020*, ab 19:00 Uhr wird ein *virtueller **
**OpenStreetMap Stammtisch* stattfinden!
Der Wiener Hackerspace Metalab ( hat uns erlaubt,
deren Jitsi-Server für einen Online-Stammtisch zu benutzen.

Die URL zur Teilnahme lautet: **

Die Website des Stammtisches ist weiterhin: 

Die Online-Variante bringt einige Vorzüge, aber auch Nachteile mit sich:

+ Die räumliche Distanz ist kein Hindernis mehr! Egal, ob man in Wien 
sitzt oder in Graz - die Teilnahme ist für alle mit dem gleichen 
Aufwand verbunden

- Es kann nicht jeder zeitgleich mit jedem Quasseln. Aber dieses Manko 
wandeln wir in ein (+) um, denn:

+ Es gibt ein loses Programm. Wenn ihr ein Thema habt, das ihr jetzt 
schon aufgelistet haben wollt, bitte teilt es mit oder tragt es auf 
der Wiki-Seite ein, ansonsten landet dieses unter "Weitere Punkte" am 
Ende der Liste

Ob die Bandbreite dafür ausreicht, dass wir alle mittels Video 
teilnehmen, werden wir sehen - stellt euch aber eher darauf ein, dass 
wir die Videoübertragung möglicherweise auf 1-2 Leute gleichzeitig 
beschränken werden müssen.
Was nach verschiedenen Erfahrungen immer von Vorteil ist, ist einen 
ganz aktuellen Browser zu benutzen.

Ich freue mich, euch online zu treffen,
Markus (ScubbX)

Talk-at mailing list
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] projet du mois de novembre ? Et projet du mois de décembre

2020-10-28 Thread Yves P.
> Vous remarquerez que les centres de prélèvement sont sur leur carte sauf
> celui de prélèvement Covid :

2 explications possibles :
le lieu de prélèvement de l'ancienne caserne n'est plus en activité
le site web n'est pas à jour car c'est un lieu temporaire, il faut appeler le 
prestataire de services pour modifier le site, racker… ?

"A partir du lundi 28/09/2020, les prélèvements en vue du dépistage Covid 19, 
seront réalisés SANS RENDEZ VOUS sur le site de l’ancienne caserne des 
pompiers, située à l’angle de la rue Henri Dunant et de la rue François Le Levé 
à Lorient de 7h45 à 12h30 du lundi au vendredi et de 7h45 à 11h30 le samedi"
Source :

Dans OSM, il n'y a pas d'ancienne casernes des pompiers à Lorient ;)


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Chiusura massiva di note

2020-10-28 Thread Ivan R.
Buonasera a tutti, è la prima volta che mando un'email a questo
Talk-It, spero di non fare casini e spero che segnalazioni di questo
tipo siano ok.

Volevo solo segnalarvi che 5 giorni fa in Calabria un utente ha
"risolto" 161 note in blocco. Non ho modo di controllarle tutte
ovviamente, ne ho controllate due a caso e la richiesta formulata
nella nota non era stata ancora risolta. Segnalo piu' che altro perchè
sono anni e anni di note contenenti informazioni potenzialmente utili
che andrebbero "perse".

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois Décembre : lieux de test COVID (était "Carte des lieux de test COVID")

2020-10-28 Thread Eric SIBERT via Talk-fr
Ou suite à une suspicion vendredi dernier, un premier appel tardif 
(>19h) sur le labo d'analyse habituel, je tombe sur quelqu'un qui me dit 
que les tests PCR se font sur rendez-vous et qu'il faut appeler le 
lendemain matin à partir de 9h pour prendre rendez-vous.

Donc, le lendemain matin, appel en force mais ça tourne en boucle sur 
des automates sans jamais arriver sur un humain. Une vingtaine d'essais 
plus loin et quelques variations sur d'autres labos à proximité avec le 
même résultat, je me suis rendu physiquement au labo le plus proche où, 
après avoir fait la queue dehors (petit labo), j'ai pu avoir un 
rendez-vous (pour demain :-().

Donc, oui pour un outil ousefairetesteraucovid19 avec les modalités 
d'accès, en particulier rendez-vous ou pas. (voir type de test?).


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] projet du mois de novembre ? Et projet du mois de décembre

2020-10-28 Thread Georges Dutreix via Talk-fr


Et ce serait un gros boulot de recycler "çaresteouvert" en un site 
"oumefaireuntest" ?

Bon ok, c'est un peu facile, yakafokon, je sais  :-)
mais je pose quand même la question car ça rejoindrait le projet du mois.
Un rond rouge sur tous les lieux susceptibles de faire des tests, et 
chacun pourrait répondre oui / non / dans le nez / à quelles heures, etc.

On pourrait sûrement récupérer sur  OSM la localisation de plein de 
labos au passage.


Le 28/10/2020 à 21:52, a écrit :

Bonjour, avec le reconfinement on va à nouveau avoir des restaurants en
mode "vente à emporter uniquement" et autres commerces non essentiels

On voit ce que nous "offre" Castex demain pour savoir s'il ne faut pas
remettre des tags :covid19 en place ?

Oui une sorte de CRO V2 car le virus a les crocs (elle était facile et
ça vous évite de la faire).

Question ouverte.

Pour le projet labos : ajouter le lien vers les sites des labos permet
de mettre une information plus pérenne dans OSM : leur site sera sans
doute à jour.


Je n'ai pas fait exprès je regardais le texte quand j'ai vu la carte au
dessous ;-).

Vous remarquerez que les centres de prélèvement sont sur leur carte sauf
celui de prélèvement Covid :


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] projet du mois de novembre ? Et projet du mois de décembre

2020-10-28 Thread osm . sanspourriel

Bonjour, avec le reconfinement on va à nouveau avoir des restaurants en
mode "vente à emporter uniquement" et autres commerces non essentiels

On voit ce que nous "offre" Castex demain pour savoir s'il ne faut pas
remettre des tags :covid19 en place ?

Oui une sorte de CRO V2 car le virus a les crocs (elle était facile et
ça vous évite de la faire).

Question ouverte.

Pour le projet labos : ajouter le lien vers les sites des labos permet
de mettre une information plus pérenne dans OSM : leur site sera sans
doute à jour.


Je n'ai pas fait exprès je regardais le texte quand j'ai vu la carte au
dessous ;-).

Vous remarquerez que les centres de prélèvement sont sur leur carte sauf
celui de prélèvement Covid :


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Port Phillip Steer Clear Areas Proposed Import

2020-10-28 Thread Graeme Fitzpatrick
Good work Andrew.

Maybe they could reciprocate by giving us the numbers / names for all their
docks / berths, plus the O to map them all?


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] religion=* and denomination=*

2020-10-28 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Talk-ie
I am really sorry for offtopic and quoting offlist message. Not sure what 
I just used standard reply.

Oct 28, 2020, 19:54 by
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] religion=* and denomination=*

2020-10-28 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Talk-ie
Huh, I though that secularization/atheisation of Ireland was quite 
far reaching and nearly complete.

(good thing that I included that diclaimer)

"crucifixes in most classrooms" applies also to Poland, but
"school boards pray at the start of board meetings" would be likely
to be considered as ridiculous.

AFAIK "teachers need to be certified to teach religion" applies
only to teachers teaching religion here and
"Religious organisations own the vast majority of schools" does
not apply (mostly result of WW II damage and communist occupation).

Oct 28, 2020, 15:13 by

> Hi,
> This email is off-list. Thank you for the feedback - I'll wait for more 
> people to comment before I answer your questions..
> In the Republic of Ireland, religion is fairly all-pervasive in schools. 
> Religious organisations own the vast majority of schools, school boards pray 
> at the start of board meetings, there are crucifixes in most classrooms, 
> teachers need to be certified to teach religion or it is difficult to get a 
> job, there are no Sunday schools. Inter-Denominational and 
> Multi-Denominational schools only account for 5% of schools and 7% of 
> students. Non-Denominational schools are essentially non-existent. The 
> religious organisations subvert the Department of Education.
> Northern Ireland isn't much different.
> The below data is for primary schools in the Republic of Ireland.
> Colm
>  Mainstream Schools  %   Special Schools %   Total   %
> Catholic  2,760 88.9%   105 78.4%  
> 2,86588.4%
> Church Of Ireland1725.5%0.0%  
> 172   5.3%
> Inter Denominational17  0.5% 1  0.7%  
>18 0.6%
> Jewish1 0.0%0.0%   1  
>   0.0%
> Methodist 1 0.0%0.0%  
>  10.0%
> Multi Denominational 1364.4%  1914.2% 
> 155   4.8%
> Muslim2 0.1%0.0%   2  
>   0.1%
> Presbyterian16  0.5%0.0% 16   
>   0.5%
> Quaker1 0.0%0.0%   1  
>   0.0%
> Other/Unknown9  6.7%   90.3%
> Total 3,106 100.0%  134 100.0% 3,240  
>   100.0%
> --
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 15:04:55 +0100 (CET)
> From: Mateusz Konieczny 
> Cc: "" 
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-ie] religion=* and denomination=*
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Disclaimer: I never visited Ireland
> 27 paź 2020, 14:41 od
>> 3.  Holy wells, mass rocks and the like. These are predominantly Roman 
>> Catholic, but possibly with pagan origins.
> Are they still used by pagans/new age people? For OSM purposes current usage 
> matters, not origins.
>> 4.  Some objects have dual tagging, e.g. religion=christian;pagan or 
>> denomination=protestant;roman_catholic Are people happy to have such tagging?
> If say church is shared by Roman Catholic parish and Protestant congregation 
> and not
> used by other denominations then denomination=protestant;roman_catholic is 
> 100% fine.
>> 5.  Many religious-run schools do not have the religion or denomination 
>> tagged.
> It is a bit tricky as at least some religious-run schools have absolutely no 
> trace of religion
> in running of school, there is simply a religious owner/operator.
> In such cases operator:type=religious would fit better than religion tag
>> 8.  There are religion=no, religion=none and denomination=none tags. Should 
>> these tags be rationalised or otherwise tidied up?
> How this tags are used?
> denomination=none seems fine for say ecumenical chapel used by all kinds of 
> denomination
> of a given religion...
>> multifaith 47 <
> This may be actually valid.
> --
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list

Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-it] Fwd: [Osm] Fwd: Costruzione Calendario geoNovember 2020

2020-10-28 Thread Anisa Kuci

Ciao a tutti,

inoltro questa mail delle attività di novembre legate alla “settimana 
della consapevolezza geografica" e la “OSM geo week" (16 – 22 novembre).

C'è ancora qualche giorno fino al deadline (31 ottobre) per proporre 
delle attività da inserire nel calendario.

Buona serata,


 Forwarded Message 
Subject:[Osm] Fwd: Costruzione Calendario geoNovember 2020
Date:   Mon, 26 Oct 2020 21:58:12 +0100
From:   Matteo Zaffonato 

Ciao a tutti,
ho ricevuto questa mail da un contatto che lavora presso l'Università di 
Padova. Avete in mente alcune attività da proporre?

Ciao, grazie

-- Forwarded message -
From: *Massimo De Marchi* >

Date: Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 11:40 AM
Subject: Costruzione Calendario geoNovember 2020


il mese di novembre è particolarmente ricco di eventi celebrati a 
livello internazionale su Geografia GIS, GIScience.

Oltre al famoso GISday, che quest'anno si celebra il 18 di novembre, la 
terza settimana di novembre vede le celebrazioni della “settimana della 
consapevolezza geografica" e la “OSM geo week" (16 – 22 novembre).

Come Master in GIScience e SPR lo scorso anno abbiamo avviato dal 2017 
il coordinamento della Settimana della Consapevolezza Geografica e dal 
2018 il Geonovember.

Il Geonoveber nasce per mettere in rete una serie di iniziative a tema 
che si terranno nel mese di novembre, ma che non ricadono nella 
settimana celebrata a livello mondiale.

Vi riporto in basso quanto possiamo già mettere in calendario quest'anno:

4 novembre, "Feminism and Degrowth: Post Development Paths beyond Pandemia"

13 novembre, "Inaugurazione Master GIScience"

18 novembre, "GISday"

27 novembre, "Notte della Ricerca"

Vi chiedo quindi se per il 31 di ottobre riuscite a farci sapere se ci 
sono altre iniziative in programma nel mese di novembre in modo da 
chiudere la locandina complessiva del Geonovember e far circolare il 

Intanto un saluto e buon GeoNovember.


Prof. Massimo De Marchi, PhD

Direttore del Master di secondo livello in
GIS science e Sistemi a Pilotaggio Remoto
per la gestione integrata del territorio e delle risorse naturali 

Co-director: Programa conjunto en “Políticas de Cambio Climático,
Biodiversidad y Servicios Ecosistémicos", Università di Padova (UNIPD),
Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (UASB), Quito, Ecuador 

Responsible of the International Joint Master Degree on
Sustainable Territorial Development - Climate Change Diversity 
Cooperation (STeDe - CCD)
Department of Civil Architectural Environmental Engineering, University 
of Padova 

Coordinator research programme on: Climate change, territory, diversity 

Director of Laboratory GIScience and Drones 4 Good 

Professor of Geography (11/B1)

Dip. di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale  - Università di Padova
Via Marzolo 9 - 35131 Padova - Italia

tel. ++ 39 049 8275454
mob. (Italia) ++ 39 335 6848539
mob.1 (Ecuador, 2019) ++ 593  0968969718 


Skype: massimo-de-marchi

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois Décembre : lieux de test COVID (était "Carte des lieux de test COVID")

2020-10-28 Thread Topographe Fou
  Oui ce style de pancarte ou un simple A4 disant "Nous ne faisons pas les tests PCR" ou "Nous faisons les tests PCR, appeler au 0x" . LeTopographeFou   De: yves.prat...@gmail.comEnvoyé: 28 octobre 2020 10:58 AMÀ: talk-fr@openstreetmap.orgRépondre à: talk-fr@openstreetmap.orgObjet: Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois Décembre : lieux de test COVID (était "Carte des lieux de test COVID")  Retour d'expérience d'un de mes collègues : le site contiendrait pas mal de données obsolètes. Sur les 10-15 lieux autour de chez lui qu'il a appelé fin septembre, tous lui ont dit qu'ils ne faisaient plus les tests. Merci pour ce retour.Cela ouvre par contre un champ où osm pourrait contribuer à la qualité des données et pourquoi pas reverser à l'ARS ou autre.Oui, sauf que la licence osm ne le permet pas. L'ARS regarde pour rendre compatible sa licence de GEODAE avec la notre.Je vois plusieurs pistes.Ajouter les labos absent d'OSM.Améliorer leur localisation.Mettre à jour les données ref:FR:FINESStéléphone, site web, email...Une partie peut se faire automatiquement.Quand à faire remonter l'info à l'ARS concernant la possibilité de se faire tester pour le covid-19, on peut en discuter avec notre contact ?  Le principe de correlation avec une source terrain me parait donc encore plus indispensable que d'habitude (les labos près de chez moi ont tous une pancarte disant si oui ou non ils peuvent faire du PCR et/ou du virologique).Une pancarte de ce style ?,30-09-2020.html__Yves
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Ca reste ouvert - richiesta feedback dei bisogni della comunità

2020-10-28 Thread Matteo Zaffonato
Concordo con Manuel, possono essere punti di forza per proporre il 
servizio alle amministrazioni comunali e alle Confcommercio per 
prepararsi ad un eventuale lockdown.

Ciao, grazie
Matteo Zaffonato

Il 28/10/2020 16:11, Manuel ha scritto:
Io penso che ripartire almeno da dove eravamo rimasti sia un buon 
punto, quindi prendendo in considerazione i vari tag covid:19 related 
(opneing_hours, delivery, take_away, access) di ristoranti, bar ed 
esercizi commerciali in generale (togliendo, ovviamente, cinema e 
teatri, chiusi per DPCM).

Manuel, Mannivu @Wikimedia
Il 28/10/2020 15:41, Anisa Kuci ha scritto:

Ciao a tutti,

manderò una mail al team di "ca reste ouvert" (versione originale di per chiedere delle informazioni sul servizio visto 
che sul gruppo telegram OSM Italia c'è stato interesse da parte di 
membri della comunità.

So che il team farà una riunione per parlarne e sarebbe utile se 
possiamo dare un feedback su quali sono i bisogni della comunità 
italiana così potranno prenderli in considerazione.

Vi chiederei gentilmente un feedback su quali servizi ritenete più 



Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Reprendre les vidéos libres de CapitaineMoustache sur

2020-10-28 Thread Cédric Frayssinet

J'ai discuté avec lui avec la messagerie OSM. Du coup, c'est moi qui lui ai 
suggéré de modifier la licence, ce qu'il a fait rapidement.
Il veut aussi les mettre sur le Peertube OSM mais attend un compte, peut-être 
Vincent que tu peux lui faire cela car il a d'autres vidéos en tête.

Oui sur PT, on peut rajouter les sous-titres mais il faudra les générer avec un 
logiciel, exemple aegisub de mémoire.

J'ai d'ailleurs ouvert une issue sur le GitHub pour upgrader la version de PT, 
merci aux techs 


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Reprendre les vidéos libres de CapitaineMoustache sur

2020-10-28 Thread Vincent Bergeot

Le 28/10/2020 à 16:04, Jean-Christophe Becquet a écrit :


Sur Dessinetaville, j'avais salué la première vidéo de
CapitaineMoustache consacrée à OpenStreetMap.

Il vient de libérer son travail en optant pour la licence Creative
Commons BY.

Je trouve que ces vidéos mériteraient un hébergement libre sur

Il y a 2 vidéos pour le moment :

OpenStreetMap ? C'quoi ?

4 outils pour se lancer sur OpenStreetMap et dessiner son bout du monde

Libérons ! il en restera toujours quelque chose :-)

Bonne continuation


je viens de les récupérer avec un outil qui n'a pas le droit d'être 
publié sur github et cela part vers le peertube

à creuser pour que cela soit plus évident que c'est fait par le cap'tain 
moustache, si ce dernier se créé un compte je lui transfert la "propriété"

à plus

Vincent Bergeot

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Reprendre les vidéos libres de CapitaineMoustache sur

2020-10-28 Thread Yves P.
> Il vient de libérer son travail en optant pour la licence Creative
> Commons BY.
Bravo et merci.

Je trouve que ces vidéos mériteraient un hébergement libre sur

Est-ce possible de rajouter des sous titres avec peetube ?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] OdbL: Section 4.6, Does data/methods have to be released on public Produced Work?

2020-10-28 Thread Kathleen Lu via legal-talk
Given that the attribution is exactly as requested on the website, I would
imagine any issues with below 993 layout pixels is an oversight or a bug. A
friendly email would suffice, but it certainly does not merit a letter from
OSMF. You are free to send the email yourself.

OSM does not contain residential quality of land. Even assuming there
exists a Derivative Database with nontrivial transforms, that would only
cover the shapes of the polygons. Actually quality scores would be not be
subject to sharealike, per the Collective Database Guideline.

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 3:16 AM Martin Koppenhoefer 

> sent from a phone
> > On 27. Oct 2020, at 22:15, Kathleen Lu via legal-talk <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Again, not conducting a comprehensive survey here, but if 95% of the
> polygons match OSM polygons, then even if there is technically a derivative
> database, then I think this simply isn't worth our time to investigate.
> in any case they are using a significant amount of OpenStreetMap data
> and must attribute. They are actively hiding map attribution for all
> screens with less than 993 layout pixels width (i.e. all phones and
> most tablets):
> @media (max-width: 992px) {
> .leaflet-control-attribution {
> display: none;
> }
> }
> This alone merits a letter from OSMF. I have been lucky finding a
> mention of osm hidden in the fourth paragraph of "über
> Wohnlagenkarte", but it does not link to osm and which has no mention
> of copyright or the ODbL.
> The transforms they are applying to OSM data do not seem trivial to
> me. Can someone explain to me why we are not interested in the data
> about the residential quality of the land?
> Cheers
> Martin
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Ca reste ouvert - richiesta feedback dei bisogni della comunità

2020-10-28 Thread Manuel

Io penso che ripartire almeno da dove eravamo rimasti sia un buon punto, quindi 
prendendo in considerazione i vari tag covid:19 related (opneing_hours, 
delivery, take_away, access) di ristoranti, bar ed esercizi commerciali in 
generale (togliendo, ovviamente, cinema e teatri, chiusi per DPCM).
Manuel, Mannivu @Wikimedia
Il 28/10/2020 15:41, Anisa Kuci ha scritto:

Ciao a tutti,

manderò una mail al team di "ca reste ouvert" (versione originale di per chiedere delle informazioni sul servizio visto che sul gruppo 
telegram OSM Italia c'è stato interesse da parte di membri della comunità.

So che il team farà una riunione per parlarne e sarebbe utile se possiamo dare 
un feedback su quali sono i bisogni della comunità italiana così potranno 
prenderli in considerazione.

Vi chiederei gentilmente un feedback su quali servizi ritenete più importanti.



Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Reprendre les vidéos libres de CapitaineMoustache sur

2020-10-28 Thread Jean-Christophe Becquet

Sur Dessinetaville, j'avais salué la première vidéo de
CapitaineMoustache consacrée à OpenStreetMap.

Il vient de libérer son travail en optant pour la licence Creative
Commons BY.

Je trouve que ces vidéos mériteraient un hébergement libre sur

Il y a 2 vidéos pour le moment :

OpenStreetMap ? C'quoi ?

4 outils pour se lancer sur OpenStreetMap et dessiner son bout du monde

Libérons ! il en restera toujours quelque chose :-)

Bonne continuation

Jean-Christophe Becquet
APITUX - le choix du logiciel libre
06 25 86 07 92 - -

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème extraction thème hydro

2020-10-28 Thread PanierAvide


D'après la documentation d'Osmosis [1], l'option "way-key-value" ne 
filtre que les chemins (way), or ici le cours d'eau est plutôt 
représenté sous la forme d'une relation. Pour être sûr de prendre tous 
les cours d'eau qu'ils soient chemins ou relations, peut-être utiliser 
plutôt "tag-filter" ? [2]



Adrien P.

Le 28/10/2020 à 15:44, PIERRE Sylvain via Talk-fr a écrit :


Je cherche à extraire toutes les rivières d’europe présentes dans OSM. 
Je suis parti du fichier europe-latest de Geofabrik. J’enchaine avec 
un petit coup d’osmosis :

osmosis --read-pbf file="europe-latest.osm.pbf" --way-key-value 
--used-node --write-pbf europe-hydro.pbf

Je rencontre un problème sur l’extraction des surfaces 
hydrographiques : certaines remontent bien d’autre pas. A titre 
d’exemple :



Je n’arrive pas à comprendre cette écart dans le résultat de mon filtre…

Si quelqu’un a une piste je suis preneur. D’avance merci.

*→**Sylvain PIERRE***

Chef de projet système d’information

Direction des Systèmes d’Information

Service Projets et Applications Numériques

*Conseil Départemental du Bas-Rhin*

Hôtel du Département
 1 place du Quartier Blanc 67964 Strasbourg Cedex 9
 Tél : 03 88 76 68 88 - mobile :
 Mobile :
 Email : 

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Problème extraction thème hydro

2020-10-28 Thread PIERRE Sylvain via Talk-fr

Je cherche à extraire toutes les rivières d’europe présentes dans OSM. Je suis 
parti du fichier europe-latest de Geofabrik. J’enchaine avec un petit coup 
d’osmosis :
osmosis --read-pbf file="europe-latest.osm.pbf" --way-key-value 
--used-node --write-pbf europe-hydro.pbf

Je rencontre un problème sur l’extraction des surfaces hydrographiques : 
certaines remontent bien d’autre pas. A titre d’exemple :


Je n’arrive pas à comprendre cette écart dans le résultat de mon filtre…

Si quelqu’un a une piste je suis preneur. D’avance merci.

→  Sylvain PIERRE
 Chef de projet système d’information
 Direction des Systèmes d’Information
 Service Projets et Applications Numériques
   Conseil Départemental du Bas-Rhin
 Hôtel du Département
 1 place du Quartier Blanc 67964 Strasbourg Cedex 9
 Tél : 03 88 76 68 88 - mobile :
 Mobile :
 Email :

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Ca reste ouvert - richiesta feedback dei bisogni della comunità

2020-10-28 Thread Anisa Kuci

Ciao a tutti,

manderò una mail al team di "ca reste ouvert" (versione originale di per chiedere delle informazioni sul servizio visto 
che sul gruppo telegram OSM Italia c'è stato interesse da parte di 
membri della comunità.

So che il team farà una riunione per parlarne e sarebbe utile se 
possiamo dare un feedback su quali sono i bisogni della comunità 
italiana così potranno prenderli in considerazione.

Vi chiederei gentilmente un feedback su quali servizi ritenete più 



Anisa Kuci
Responsabile OpenStreetMap
Wikimedia Italia - Associazione per la diffusione della conoscenza libera
Via Bergognone 34 - 20144 Milano
Tel. (+39) 02 97677170 | |

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] religion=* and denomination=*

2020-10-28 Thread Colm Moore

This email is off-list. Thank you for the feedback - I'll wait for more people 
to comment before I answer your questions..

In the Republic of Ireland, religion is fairly all-pervasive in schools. 
Religious organisations own the vast majority of schools, school boards pray at 
the start of board meetings, there are crucifixes in most classrooms, teachers 
need to be certified to teach religion or it is difficult to get a job, there 
are no Sunday schools. Inter-Denominational and Multi-Denominational schools 
only account for 5% of schools and 7% of students. Non-Denominational schools 
are essentially non-existent. The religious organisations subvert the 
Department of Education.

Northern Ireland isn't much different.

The below data is for primary schools in the Republic of Ireland.


Mainstream Schools  %   Special Schools %   Total   %
Catholic  2,760 88.9%   105 78.4%  
Church Of Ireland1725.5%0.0%  
172   5.3%
Inter Denominational17  0.5% 1  0.7%
 18 0.6%
Jewish1 0.0%0.0%   1
Methodist 1 0.0%0.0%
Multi Denominational 1364.4%  1914.2%   
  155   4.8%
Muslim2 0.1%0.0%   2
Presbyterian16  0.5%0.0% 16 
Quaker1 0.0%0.0%   1
Other/Unknown9  6.7%   90.3%
Total 3,106 100.0%  134 100.0% 3,240


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2020 15:04:55 +0100 (CET)
From: Mateusz Konieczny 
Cc: "" 
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-ie] religion=* and denomination=*
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Disclaimer: I never visited Ireland

27 paź 2020, 14:41 od

> 3.  Holy wells, mass rocks and the like. These are predominantly Roman 
> Catholic, but possibly with pagan origins.
Are they still used by pagans/new age people? For OSM purposes current usage 
matters, not origins.

> 4.  Some objects have dual tagging, e.g. religion=christian;pagan or 
> denomination=protestant;roman_catholic Are people happy to have such tagging?
If say church is shared by Roman Catholic parish and Protestant congregation 
and not
used by other denominations then denomination=protestant;roman_catholic is 100% 

>  5.  Many religious-run schools do not have the religion or denomination 
> tagged.
It is a bit tricky as at least some religious-run schools have absolutely no 
trace of religion
in running of school, there is simply a religious owner/operator.

In such cases operator:type=religious would fit better than religion tag

>  8.  There are religion=no, religion=none and denomination=none tags. Should 
> these tags be rationalised or otherwise tidied up?
How this tags are used?

denomination=none seems fine for say ecumenical chapel used by all kinds of 
of a given religion...

> multifaith 47 <
This may be actually valid.


Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] disservizio Wikipedia - OSM

2020-10-28 Thread Nicolò Balzarotti
Ok se hai poco tempo allora faccio il possibile e poi nell'ora al
massimo rivediamo le modifiche assieme.

Per ora sono "a buon punto", ma ho un problema anche con lo script


Aprendo da browser vedo che [2] non funziona e mi rimanda a [3] che non

Ne sai qualcosa?

Grazie, Nicolò


Luca Delucchi  writes:

> On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 12:04, Nicolò Balzarotti  wrote:
>> Ciao a tutti!
> Ciao,
>> Sembra un lavoraccio, ma a tempo perso ho un po' iniziato a fare il
>> porting da python2 a python3.  Non conosco il codice (e non l'ho mai
>> usato) quindi mi sto affidando al readme e al comportamento della
>> versione in python2.
>> Il mio branch per il work in progress è qui:
> grazie mille,
>> Se qualcuno conosce il codice meglio si può organizzare un incontro
>> online (IRC? pair programming?) e lavorarci assieme, per ora faccio ciò
>> che posso, tempo permettendo.
> io lo conosco molto poco e ho ancora meno tempo, però per un incontro
> di un'oretta il tempo lo trovo
>> Nicolò
> ciao
> Luca
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] disservizio Wikipedia - OSM

2020-10-28 Thread Luca Delucchi
On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 12:04, Nicolò Balzarotti  wrote:
> Ciao a tutti!


> Sembra un lavoraccio, ma a tempo perso ho un po' iniziato a fare il
> porting da python2 a python3.  Non conosco il codice (e non l'ho mai
> usato) quindi mi sto affidando al readme e al comportamento della
> versione in python2.
> Il mio branch per il work in progress è qui:

grazie mille,

> Se qualcuno conosce il codice meglio si può organizzare un incontro
> online (IRC? pair programming?) e lavorarci assieme, per ora faccio ciò
> che posso, tempo permettendo.
io lo conosco molto poco e ho ancora meno tempo, però per un incontro
di un'oretta il tempo lo trovo

> Nicolò


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Port Phillip Steer Clear Areas Proposed Import

2020-10-28 Thread Andrew Harvey
Correct, it's not yet mapped.

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020, 10:43 pm Mateusz Konieczny via Talk-au, <> wrote:

> Thanks for posting
> allowing easy review of data.
> Just to confirm: it is not tagged already, right?
> Oct 28, 2020, 06:27 by
> The Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) contacted me about adding
> their Steer Clear Areas into OpenStreetMap/OpenSeaMap.
> I worked through with them to get this dataset as open data
> and
> to get the waiver in place
> I've prepared this data for import at
> These are areas where it is illegal to anchor and identified by VicPorts
> as Steer Clear areas
> .
> I'm proposing we apply the
> seamark:precautionary_area:restriction=no_anchoring tag per
> This is
> also what VicPorts have requested to use for tags.
> Are there any objections, questions, concerns, suggestions about importing
> this into OpenStreetMap?
> If I don't hear back I'll go ahead in a week.
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Port Phillip Steer Clear Areas Proposed Import

2020-10-28 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Talk-au
Thanks for posting
allowing easy review of data.

Just to confirm: it is not tagged already, right?

Oct 28, 2020, 06:27 by

> The Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) contacted me about adding their 
> Steer Clear Areas into OpenStreetMap/OpenSeaMap.
> I worked through with them to get this dataset as open data > 
> and to get the waiver in place > 
>> .
> I've prepared this data for import at > 
>> .
> These are areas where it is illegal to anchor and identified by VicPorts as 
> Steer Clear areas > 
>  .
> I'm proposing we apply the 
> seamark:precautionary_area:restriction=no_anchoring tag per > 
>> . This is also 
> what VicPorts have requested to use for tags.
> Are there any objections, questions, concerns, suggestions about importing 
> this into OpenStreetMap?
> If I don't hear back I'll go ahead in a week.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] disservizio Wikipedia - OSM

2020-10-28 Thread Nicolò Balzarotti
Ciao a tutti!

Sembra un lavoraccio, ma a tempo perso ho un po' iniziato a fare il
porting da python2 a python3.  Non conosco il codice (e non l'ho mai
usato) quindi mi sto affidando al readme e al comportamento della
versione in python2.

Il mio branch per il work in progress è qui:

Se qualcuno conosce il codice meglio si può organizzare un incontro
online (IRC? pair programming?) e lavorarci assieme, per ora faccio ciò
che posso, tempo permettendo.


Andrea Musuruane  writes:

> Ciao,
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 10:32 AM Luca Delucchi  wrote:
>> Ciao Martin,
>> On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 10:10, Martin Koppenhoefer
>>  wrote:
>> >
>> > non si può avere python2 e 3 insieme sulla macchina?
>> >
>> si, però da gennaio python 2 non sarà più supportato e non voglio
>> inquinare il nuovo server con librerie vecchie e per lo più
>> inutilizzate.
> Python è EOL dal 1 gennaio di quest'anno, anche se ad aprile hanno fatto un
> rilascio ma con patch inserite prima di quella data.
> Ciao,
> Andrea
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import civici Milano - preview

2020-10-28 Thread Alessandro Oggioni
Grazie Giovanni,
sono disponibili in modo analogo anche zona 8 e 9? Sono quelle che conosco 
meglio e su cui posso quindi dare indicazioni migliori


> On 27 Oct 2020, at 20:58, Cascafico Giovanni  wrote:
> Il 27/10/20, Alessandro Oggioni ha scritto:
>> C’è un modo per indicare accuratezza e/o precisione? Come faccio a dare
>> feedback?
> Qui [1] trovi Milano 5 e Milano 9. Il feedback lo puoi dare durante la
> validazione, nel campo fixme.
> [1]
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] OdbL: Section 4.6, Does data/methods have to be released on public Produced Work?

2020-10-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
sent from a phone

> On 27. Oct 2020, at 22:15, Kathleen Lu via legal-talk 
>  wrote:
> Again, not conducting a comprehensive survey here, but if 95% of the polygons 
> match OSM polygons, then even if there is technically a derivative database, 
> then I think this simply isn't worth our time to investigate.

in any case they are using a significant amount of OpenStreetMap data
and must attribute. They are actively hiding map attribution for all
screens with less than 993 layout pixels width (i.e. all phones and
most tablets):

@media (max-width: 992px) {
.leaflet-control-attribution {
display: none;

This alone merits a letter from OSMF. I have been lucky finding a
mention of osm hidden in the fourth paragraph of "über
Wohnlagenkarte", but it does not link to osm and which has no mention
of copyright or the ODbL.

The transforms they are applying to OSM data do not seem trivial to
me. Can someone explain to me why we are not interested in the data
about the residential quality of the land?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Port Phillip Steer Clear Areas Proposed Import

2020-10-28 Thread Ewen Hill
  As usual, a well executed plan and addition to OSM that both values adds
and increases the chances of more of these types of government datasets
becoming available..


On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 17:42, Phil Wyatt  wrote:

> Great work Andrew,
> I cant think of any objections at all!
> Cheers - Phil
> *From:* Andrew Harvey 
> *Sent:* Wednesday, 28 October 2020 4:28 PM
> *To:* OSM Australian Talk List 
> *Subject:* [talk-au] Port Phillip Steer Clear Areas Proposed Import
> The Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) contacted me about adding
> their Steer Clear Areas into OpenStreetMap/OpenSeaMap.
> I worked through with them to get this dataset as open data
> and
> to get the waiver in place
> I've prepared this data for import at
> These are areas where it is illegal to anchor and identified by VicPorts
> as Steer Clear areas
> .
> I'm proposing we apply the
> seamark:precautionary_area:restriction=no_anchoring tag per
> This is
> also what VicPorts have requested to use for tags.
> Are there any objections, questions, concerns, suggestions about importing
> this into OpenStreetMap?
> If I don't hear back I'll go ahead in a week.
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Warm Regards

Ewen Hill
Internet Development Australia
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois Décembre : lieux de test COVID (était "Carte des lieux de test COVID")

2020-10-28 Thread Yves P.
> Retour d'expérience d'un de mes collègues : le site contiendrait
> pas mal de données obsolètes. Sur les 10-15 lieux autour de chez lui qu'il
> a appelé fin septembre, tous lui ont dit qu'ils ne faisaient plus les
> tests.
Merci pour ce retour.

Cela ouvre par contre un champ où osm pourrait contribuer à la qualité des
> données et pourquoi pas reverser à l'ARS ou autre.
Oui, sauf que la licence osm ne le permet pas. 
L'ARS regarde pour rendre compatible sa licence de GEODAE avec la notre.

Je vois plusieurs pistes.
Ajouter les labos absent d'OSM.
Améliorer leur localisation.
Mettre à jour les données ref:FR:FINESS
téléphone, site web, email...

Une partie peut se faire automatiquement.

Quand à faire remonter l'info à l'ARS concernant la possibilité de se faire
tester pour le covid-19, on peut en discuter avec notre contact ?

> Le principe de correlation avec une source terrain me parait donc encore
> plus indispensable que d'habitude (les labos près de chez moi ont tous une
> pancarte disant si oui ou non ils peuvent faire du PCR et/ou du
> virologique).
Une pancarte de ce style ?,30-09-2020.html

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] disservizio Wikipedia - OSM

2020-10-28 Thread Andrea Musuruane

On Wed, Oct 28, 2020 at 10:32 AM Luca Delucchi  wrote:

> Ciao Martin,
> On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 10:10, Martin Koppenhoefer
>  wrote:
> >
> > non si può avere python2 e 3 insieme sulla macchina?
> >
> si, però da gennaio python 2 non sarà più supportato e non voglio
> inquinare il nuovo server con librerie vecchie e per lo più
> inutilizzate.

Python è EOL dal 1 gennaio di quest'anno, anche se ad aprile hanno fatto un
rilascio ma con patch inserite prima di quella data.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] disservizio Wikipedia - OSM

2020-10-28 Thread Luca Delucchi
Ciao Martin,

On Wed, 28 Oct 2020 at 10:10, Martin Koppenhoefer
> non si può avere python2 e 3 insieme sulla macchina?

si, però da gennaio python 2 non sarà più supportato e non voglio
inquinare il nuovo server con librerie vecchie e per lo più
Il disservizio punta più a far si che qualcuno faccia l'aggiornamento
del codice sorgente

> Ciao Martin


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] disservizio Wikipedia - OSM

2020-10-28 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 28. Oct 2020, at 09:51, Luca Delucchi  wrote:
> Ciao a tutti,
> nei prossimi giorni verrà rimosso il servizio di connessione degli
> elementi OSM con pagine Wikipedia [0] poichè il software [1] che
> genera le pagine non supporta Python 3, se qualcuno avesse voglia di
> aggiornare il codice poi si potrebbe riattivare il servizio.

non si può avere python2 e 3 insieme sulla macchina?

Ciao Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SPAM notes in Brazil again

2020-10-28 Thread Andy Townsend

On 27/10/2020 23:50, Erick de Oliveira Leal wrote:
Some time ago I reported that several anonymous SPAM notes were being 
created in Brazil, through the "Report" option available in the note. 
Someone told me it was not SPAM, so I showed the amount of notes in 
sequence, so they blocked the IP of this account. But now they started 
creating several SPAM notes again, I reported again and the user @mavl 
told me that I should close the notes and not report them anymore, but 
the "report SPAM" tool exists for that, if not to report SPAM cases , 
then it should be removed from the selectable options. For example, 
note 2401429 is a mere copy of note 1230095, another example: note 
2401510 merely copies the name of an existing element under it. All 
notes are sent in sequence, anonymously, copying from non-anonymous 
notes or existing elements. Please block this IP, it is getting in the 

It would help if, when reporting new issues like this you explained what 
the actual problem is (such as "note 2401429 is a mere copy of note 
1230095").  Unfortunately on the issue here your report was instead just 
"SPAM".  You then (I presume after sending this email) explained the 
actual problem, and as soon as that was received the admins were alerted 
by the DWG member handling the issue to see if they could help.

However, as Mateusz has said, IP blocks are not effective, as most 
regular internet users won't have a fixed IP address (and anyone who 
wants not to be tracked by IP can ensure that every request is from a 
different one).  In some cases of unwanted notes it's possible to detect 
a problem note from content, but here that's not easy here because 
"detecting exactly the same contents as another note somewhere else" is 
(a) a computationally heavy task (b) will yield false positives and (c) 
is trivial to evade.

There will come a time, I suspect, when we no longer allow anonymous 
notes to be created in OSM (anonymous note comments are already 
blocked).  We already do get spammers (real spammers trying to advertise 
businesses, which this note adder in Brazil isn't) creating one account 
per edit.

Best Regards,

Andy (from the DWG)

talk mailing list

[Talk-it] disservizio Wikipedia - OSM

2020-10-28 Thread Luca Delucchi
Ciao a tutti,

nei prossimi giorni verrà rimosso il servizio di connessione degli
elementi OSM con pagine Wikipedia [0] poichè il software [1] che
genera le pagine non supporta Python 3, se qualcuno avesse voglia di
aggiornare il codice poi si potrebbe riattivare il servizio.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois Décembre : lieux de test COVID (était "Carte des lieux de test COVID")

2020-10-28 Thread Topographe Fou
  Bonjour,Retour d'expérience d'un de mes collègues : le site contiendrait pas mal de données obsolètes. Sur les 10-15 lieux autour de chez lui qu'il a appelé fin septembre, tous lui ont dit qu'ils ne faisaient plus les tests. J'ignore l'ampleur du problème mais cela refroidit pas mal pour utiliser des données ARS telles quelles. Il a finit pas réserver sur Doctolib... Cela ouvre par contre un champ où osm pourrait contribuer à la qualité des données et pourquoi pas reverser à l'ARS ou autre.Le principe de correlation avec une source terrain me parait donc encore plus indispensable que d'habitude (les labos près de chez moi ont tous une pancarte disant si oui ou non ils peuvent faire du PCR et/ou du virologique).Cordialement,  LeTopographeFou   De: yves.prat...@gmail.comEnvoyé: 27 octobre 2020 6:41 PMÀ: talk-fr@openstreetmap.orgRépondre à: talk-fr@openstreetmap.orgObjet: Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois Décembre : lieux de test COVID (était "Carte des lieux de test COVID")  c'est dans le langage courant ce n'est pas
  le test qui est introduit dans le nez, - est-ce qu'on indique les différents types de test ?A priori je ne vois pas l'intérêt de saisir ça dans OSM.J'imagine qu'on va au centre le plus proche... le reste concerne les médecins.De plus les critères de l'ARS sont les suivants :Prélèvement Covid-19 (3388)Prélèvement Covid-19 Créneaux pour personnes prioritaires (236)Prélèvement Covid-19 - Temporaire (72)Prélèvement Covid-19 - Personnes prioritaires uniquement (53)ce sont les
  mêmes dans tous les pays ?Je pense que non
Le labo prés de chez moi ne propose ces tests qu'à certaines
  heures, qui ne sont pas les mêmes que celles d'ouverture du labo
  (opening_hours)Bonne remarque : En théorie on peut noter tout ça dans opening_hours...Concernant le nombre, 3749 ça fait beaucoup.Mais on doit en avoir aussi pas mal dans OSM Après conflation, je pense qu'il faut se concentrer sur les autres.Une question reste en suspend pour moi : ou trouver les données ?Je ne vois pas de lien sur le site de L'ARS : pense qu'un coup de fil à l'ARS s'impose.__Yves
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 532

2020-10-28 Thread <0174


zajímavé, teď mi to ukazuje českou verzi i na původním odkazu, včera 
odpoledne mi to ale ukázalo anglickou. Stejný počítač, prohlížeč, IP adresa.

Každopádně těch vlaječek napravo jsem si předtím nevšiml, tak díky za 


Dne 27. 10. 2020 v 23:15 Jan Macura napsal(a):

On Tue, 27 Oct 2020 at 19:45, Tom Ka > wrote:

Ano, jazyk se da sice prepnout i primo na webu, ale primy odkaz na CZ
verzi je jak pise <0174.

Resp. web to přenaviguje podle jazykového nastavení uživatele, takže 
minimálně těm, kteří ještě nezanevřeli na hacky a carky by se měla 
zobrazit česká verze i z původního odkazu ;-)

Nicméně díky za dobrou připomínku, pochybuji totiž, že například 
fallback sk->cz tam bude fungovat...


talk-cz mailing list
talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Port Phillip Steer Clear Areas Proposed Import

2020-10-28 Thread Phil Wyatt
Great work Andrew,


I cant think of any objections at all! 


Cheers - Phil


From: Andrew Harvey  
Sent: Wednesday, 28 October 2020 4:28 PM
To: OSM Australian Talk List 
Subject: [talk-au] Port Phillip Steer Clear Areas Proposed Import


The Victorian Ports Corporation (Melbourne) contacted me about adding their 
Steer Clear Areas into OpenStreetMap/OpenSeaMap.


I worked through with them to get this dataset as open data and 
to get the waiver in place


I've prepared this data for import at


These are areas where it is illegal to anchor and identified by VicPorts as 
Steer Clear areas


I'm proposing we apply the seamark:precautionary_area:restriction=no_anchoring 
tag per This is 
also what VicPorts have requested to use for tags.


Are there any objections, questions, concerns, suggestions about importing this 
into OpenStreetMap?


If I don't hear back I'll go ahead in a week.

Talk-au mailing list