Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:*

2016-02-12 Per discussione Marián Kyral

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Pavel Machek 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 11. 2. 2016 14:24:24
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:*

> Ahoj,
> narazil jsem na tag wikipedia:cs=*, který mi na tak nějak

> nefunguje.
> Jedna věc je, že to opravím, ale stejně, dle wiki http://wiki.
> org/wiki/Cs:Key:wikipedia
> by se měl odkaz wikipedia: použít pouze v případě, že chceme 
> další jazyk (třeba proto, že tam více informací/obrázků).
> Z toho mi vyplývá, že pokud je u daného osm objektu pouze tag wikipedia:
> měl by se převést na wikipedia=cs:
> Jen tak jemně jsem si zadal dotaz na overpass-turbo - vypadlo mi cca 1000 
> použití wikipedia:cs v bboxu kolem ČR. Něco je legitimní využití, je tam 
> hodně duplicit, takže v reálu to bude méně - až bude čas, tak to zkusím 
> trochu pročistit.
> Ale třeba u Lokte mne překvapilo, že hlavní jazyk je ruština :-O
>     "wikipedia": "ru:Локет (замок)",
>     "wikipedia:cs": "Loket (hrad)"

Jo, to by asi chtelo opravit.

Overpass turbo query zobrazující body s tagem wikipedia v Česku který 
nezačíná znaky "cs:"

This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard.
The original search was:
“wikipedia:cs=* and wikipedia is null”

// gather results
  // query part for: “"wikipedia:cs"=* and wikipedia!=*”
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;

Jsou tam věci jako celá url, názvy začínající na "cz:" (tohle kupodivu 
funguje), narazil jsem i na neexistující stránku. Spousta věcí je v 
pohraničí, případně přímo na hranici - tam asi záleží, kdo přijde dřív. V 
některých případech česká stránky úplně chybí.

"wikipedia": "cz:Pražského povstání (stanice metra)"
"wikipedia": "en:Králický Sněžník"
"wikipedia": "pl:Przełęcz Okraj"
"wikipedia": "pl:Habartice"
"wikipedia": "de:Prebischtor"
"wikipedia": "Děčínský Sněžník"
"wikipedia": "de:Nové Zvolání"
"wikipedia": "pl:Vidnava (stacja kolejowa)"
"wikipedia": "de:Jitrovník"
"wikipedia": "pl:Kiczory (szczyt)"
"wikipedia": "de:Prager Altstadt"
"wikipedia": "en:Rešov (Horní Město)"
"wikipedia": "de:Cínovec"
"wikipedia": "pl:Wielka Czantoria"
"wikipedia": "en:The Resistance Flag Monument Statue, Prague"
"wikipedia": "pl:Polanka (dzielnica Krosna)"
"wikipedia": "pl:Przełęcz Beskidek"
"wikipedia": "en:Czech Republic"
"wikipedia": "de:Jeřabina"
"wikipedia": ";
"wikipedia": "en:European GNSS Agency"
"wikipedia": "de:Burg Nové Hrady"
"wikipedia": "de:Pracký kopec"
"wikipedia": "de:Adolfov"
"wikipedia": "en:Krušná hora"
"wikipedia": "de:Mílov (Boží Dar)"
"wikipedia": ";
"wikipedia": "pl:Przełęcz Szklarska (Sudety)"
"wikipedia": "en:Prague Metronome"
"wikipedia": "de:Lesenská pláň"
"wikipedia": "á;
"wikipedia": "de:Na strašidlech"
"wikipedia": "de:Fojtovice"
"wikipedia": "de:Habartice u Krupky"
"wikipedia": "de:Krásný Les Les (Petrovice)"
"wikipedia": "en:Ivo of Ramsey"
"wikipedia": "en:Battle of Lobositz"
"wikipedia": ""
"wikipedia": "de:Rohanstein"
"wikipedia": "en:Klácelka"
"wikipedia": "de:Königlich-Sächsische Triangulation"
"wikipedia": "ru:Локет (город)",
"wikipedia:cs": "Loket",
"wikipedia:de": "Loket"
"wikipedia": "en:Jiříkov (okres Bruntál)"
"wikipedia": "pl:Opacz (Masyw Śnieżnika)"
"wikipedia": "de:Freiberger Mulde"
"wikipedia": "pl:Rudawiec (szczyt)"
"wikipedia": "de:Excalibur City"
"wikipedia": "de:Dreiherrenstein bei Oberwiesenthal"
"wikipedia": "cz:Kostel Všech svatých (Sedlec)"
"wikipedia": "
"wikipedia": "ru:Локет (замок)",
"wikipedia:cs": "Loket (hrad)"
"wikipedia": "de:Königlich-Sächsische Triangulation"
"wikipedia": ";
"wikipedia": "
"wikipedia": "ru:Гончаренко, Иван Григорьевич"
"wikipedia": "en:Vinzenz Priessnitz"
"wikipedia": "de:Rudoltovice"
"wikipedia": "
"wikipedia": ";
"wikipedia": "pl:Jasień (Masyw Śnieżnika)"
"wikipedia": "en:Francysk Skaryna"
"wikipedia": "de:Königlich-Sächsische Triangulation"
"wikipedia": "pl:Krasov (Vidnava)"
"wikipedia": "de:Königlich-Sächsische Triangulation"
"wikipedia": "de:Königlich-Sächsische Triangulation"
"wikipedia": "de:Milovany"
"wikipedia": "de:Kohout (Nordböhmen)"
"wikipedia": "cz:Čertousy (zámek)"
"wikipedia": "en:MAC cosmetics"
"wikipedia": "de:Pohradická hora"
"wikipedia": "en:Dvůr Králové Zoo"

[Talk-GB] Size of download into JOSM

2016-02-12 Per discussione Stuart Reynolds

Does anyone know if the limits on download size have changed recently? I’ve 
been working on the schools project by downloading “Southend on Sea” via a 
place search and then choosing “boundary” from the list of 2 - that gives me 
the whole Borough in one go. But today (having upgraded to r9329) it is telling 
me that it is a bad request and that the area is too large. It’s a pain if I 
want to work on multiple schools to have to download bits of the town.



Stuart Reynolds
for traveline south east & anglia

m: +44 7788 106165
skype: stuartjreynolds

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Métro 1

2016-02-12 Per discussione dHuy Pierre
@éric: bien pratique ton lien je pense que je vais l'utiliser à fond pour 
traquer les imperfections :)Tu as pensé à l'intégrer avec des OpenData? 

Le Jeudi 11 février 2016 16h24, Éric Gillet  a 
écrit :

 Les arrêts sont à nouveau présents, merci Christian.
Reste plus que quelques bricoles à faire pour être conforme Public Transport :)
Le 11 février 2016 à 15:45, Christian Quest  a écrit :

  Je regarde... j'ai fait des modifs il y a peu de temps j'espère ne pas être 
le fautif ;)
 On 11/02/2016 15:32, dHuy Pierre wrote:
  Bonjour tout le monde, 
  La station Esplanade semble avoir disparue sur la ligne 1 du métro parisien, 
de même qu'une portion de ligne sur la relation Vincennes/Défense près de la 
Défense. Quelqu'un de motivé pour corriger ça? 
Talk-fr mailing list
Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France 
Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=townhall et place=village à séparer ?

2016-02-12 Per discussione Nicolas Moyroud

Il y a aussi les mairies annexes, donc plusieurs mairies par commune.
Oui c'est exactement ce que je disais en précisant "hors des grandes 
villes". Je ne pense pas qu'on trouve beaucoup de mairies annexes dans 
les villages. Ah si peut-être sur des communes vraiment étendues avec 
des hameaux éloignés. Tu as des exemples ?


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-GB] Schools Mapping Progress Tools

2016-02-12 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
A few additional features that I've added to my tools at recently:

* On the maps on postcode area pages e.g. , matches via ref:*
tags are now distinguished from matches based on proximity. The former
are shown with darker green lines, and latter with lighter ones.

* I've built a facility to provide manual corrections to postcodes
from the official data sources. So if any are missing or incorrect or
use a forwarding address, my tools can be given better data. See for
automatically detected issues. If you want to go hunting for any
missing postcodes, then feel free to email them to me. I need the
Edubase URN (or the appropriate ref from one of the other data
sources), the current postcode in the data source and the corrected

* There is another table at that
reports on ref:* tag values that couldn't be parsed into a
valid-looking number. Most of the initial errors there were Edubase
URNs that people had entered as "E 123456" rather than just "123456".
This is probably my fault as it was how I was displaying the numbers
in various tables in my tool. I've now changed the formatting to
hopefully make it more obvious that it's just the number that's the

Best wishes,


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=townhall et place=village à séparer ?

2016-02-12 Per discussione Nicolas Moyroud
Et du coup pour tagguer des trucs comme "Maison d'agglomération" ou 
"Caisse d'Allocations Familiale" y-a-t'il quelque chose de plus 
spécifique que building=public qui permette de les différencier entre 
eux ? Je penserai notamment à mettre en place un truc du genre 
public:FR:type=caf, etc... Parce que le name c'est pas vraiment 
exploitable comme critère de différenciation.


Le 11/02/2016 16:06, Christian Quest a écrit :

Ce sont des bâtiments publics, mais pas une mairie où l'on va trouver
les services d'une mairie comme l'état civil.

Pour moi amenity=townhall n'est à utiliser que pour la mairie elle même

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Davide Mangraviti
vi posso raccontare la mia esperienza direttamente con il gruppo provinciale
dei Vigili del fuoco delle mie parti. 
Proprio in una serata di presentazione di OSM di due mesi fa, avevo
lanciato, tra le altri, la proposta di inserire gli idranti nel db di OSM,
(per un uso operativo web e mobile) cosa che io ho cominciato a fare a
campione sul territorio per mostrare come funzionava.
In un successivo incontro nelle loro sedi, sono emerse le reali richieste,
legate ai loro standard operativi (teniamo conto che parliamo di Ministero
degli Interni..).
Loro chiaramente devono avere la sicurezza del dato. E abbiamo convenuto che
su OSM questo lo si ottenere con eventuale compromesso logico che si sarebbe
Al momento loro procederanno alla realizzazione di un GIS o WebGIS Intranet
con i dati in loro possesso.
Ad ogni modo si ragiona a compartimenti provinciali, non si può pensare di
tirare fuori un modello generale. In pratica io ho trovato qui, comunque
delle persone giovani, che hanno la cultura e la sensibilità
all'innovazione. Non sarà così ovunque.
Ripeto parliamo di realtà ministeriali, connesse tra loro sul territorio, e
legate a procedure standardizzate e rodate, magari vecchie ma ai loro occhi

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappare una Calchèra infossata.

2016-02-12 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 12/02/2016 08:33, Federico Cortese ha scritto:
> Ma ti riferisci al "cleanup"? A parte quello non mi pare che la pagina
> sia considerata per la cancellazione.
> Ciao
> Federico

Sì, mi riferivo a quello.

Però usando product, forse stona usare craft.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Güllegruben

2016-02-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 11. Februar 2016 um 19:10 schrieb Florian Lohoff :

> Für mich
> ist ein tank auch nicht zwangsweise geschlossen.

mag sein, dass das nicht unbedingt Teil der Definition ist, aber
normalerweise würde man einen offenen Tank doch eher anders bezeichnen, als
Becken oder Tümpel oder See.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 11/02/16 21:32, Michael Booth wrote:
> So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities? Only
> by population, or do we also take into account their generally accepted
> status (whilst trying to be consistent across the country)?

Population is only a rough indicator ... as you say it's more local
choice on any final distinction. I think Facebook may have solved the
problem ... EVERYTHING is a city! Even if getting the city into the
right county/country is something that still has to be fixed :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=townhall et place=village (osm: message 6 of 20) à séparer ?

2016-02-12 Per discussione Jérôme Seigneuret

Il faut reprendre la définition:

- un hameau c'est un groupe d'habitations isolé. Certains hameaux sont des
anciens hameaux ou lieu-dit qui ont été absorbé par le village lui-même par
la densification de l'habitat. Il n'y a dans ce cas plus de rupture et l'on
peut considéré que c'est un voisinage. Le hameau n'a pas à proprement parlé
de taille mais n'a pas de fonction administrative. Quant le hameau est une
ferme habité, une maison de particulier (ancienne ferme ou bâtiment
industriel converti, château, église chateau d'eau et peu importe le type
et la fonction tant qu'il y a habitation) on utilise
place=isolated_dwelling (ou place=farm mais ça n'a pas d'intérêt de
spécifier ici que c'est une ferme vu que le critère déterminant est la
taille pas la fonction... )
place=isolated_dwelling à été limité à 1 ou 2 habitations donc il ne faut
pas prendre le nombre d'habitants comme critère mais peut-être que le
nombre de ménages serait la clé.

La définition est basée sur la hiérarchisation des zones habitées "à

- le village a une activité administrative même minime chez nous. On a des
villages sans habitant (village non reconstruit suite à la guerre mais
ayant un maire)... Dans ce cas il y a soit une délégation spéciale pour
jouer le rôle de maire; Soit la préfecture décide de fusionner la commune
sans maire à une autre. Un village à pour moi une autonomie que n'a pas un
un simple hameau. Cette autonomie passe par l’existence d'un maire. Sinon
cela devient un simple "quartier" et le village n'en est plus un.

Dans le cas des grandes ville la décomposition de l'activité est liée à une
vie de quartiers et dans ce cas il y a un place=suburb ou/et quarter s'il

Le rapprochement avec les églises n'a, en France, pas de sens. L'activité
d'un village et sa taille ne sont plus liées à la présence ou non de
l'église (on n'est plus au moyen age). Il y a plein de village qui n'ont
pas d'église... Certaines sont en ruines faute de financement de la commune
pour entretenir le bâtiment et c'est la même pour les châteaux.

Bonne journée,

Le 12 février 2016 à 03:48, Jérôme Amagat  a écrit

> Le jeudi 11 février 2016,  a écrit :
>> Le 11/02/2016 03:13, Jérôme Amagat - a écrit :
>> Le jeudi 11 février 2016,  a écrit :
>>> Le 10/02/2016 22:24, Nicolas Moyroud - a écrit :
>>> D'ailleurs les nœud place=village ne devrai je pense n'être accrocher a
>>> rien.
>>> En théorie oui, en pratique à vérifier.
>>> J'ai vu des moteurs de routage ne pas savoir aller à un endroit parce
>>> qu'il était à 5 m de la route sans chemin piéton pour y aller.
>> Le probleme vient plutot du moteur de routage dans ce cas. :)
>> Certes mais on n'a jamais dit qu'on ne taggait pas pour le moteur, juste
>> pas pour le rendu ;-)
>> Moi je dirais qu'il ne faut plus mettre population= sur les place= en
>> France vu qu'on a un meilleur endroit pour le mettre, les relation commune,
>> alors que sur un place=Village on ne sais pas si c'est la population de la
>> commune entière ou bien d'une possible ancienne commune ou du village
>> seulement. D'ailleurs si je vois ça à l'étranger je me dis que c'est la
>> population du village.
>> Vu qu'on a toutes les relations de commune depuis quelques temps je
>> dirais qu'il ne faut plus utiliser les tags population et ref:Insee ( et
>> peut être d'autre) sur des place=
>> Je ne parlais pas des population= mais du type de place.
>> Car si on ajoute les lieux-dits on a des "place=hamlet" mais aussi des
>> "place=village"
>>  Je sais pas trop pour le choix hamlet ou village. Pour les chef lieu de
> commune ou d'anciennes communes j'utiliserai plutôt village (ou plus grand)
> pour le reste hamlet (sauf si c'est vraiment très grand).
> Je viens de regarder des définitions de hameau et hamlet, il y a bien sur
> des définitions qui disent " petit village" mais d'autre disent village
> sans église ou village qui n'ai pas le village principal de la commune.
> Faut voir si dans osm le mieux c'est une définition très strict avec une
> limite de population ou alors si ça dépend des usages.
> Petit exemple la commune de Celles dans le Cantal 200 habitants mais le
> lieu dit "Celles" c'est un "château" et 2 ou 3 maisons. Il faut mettre quoi
> sur le lieu dit, "village"?
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappare una Calchèra infossata.

2016-02-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-11 23:24 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :

> Io ho usato old:product=lime, però ho usato un motore di traduzione,
> manco ho pensato a wikipedia.

perché "old:product"? C'è anche un "new:product" / "product"? Per me la
chiave "historic" già dice che si tratta di un impianto storico, poi non
metterei anche gli attributi che descrivono l'oggetto in un namespace
"old", ma mi potrei sbagliare. Cosa dite?

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 288

2016-02-12 Per discussione Tom Ka
Ahoj, je dostupné vydání 288 týdeníku weeklyOSM:

Téma čísla: Zákaz odbočení

* Novinky v traceru od Mariána.
* Importovat telefonní budky?
* Testování nového Merkaatoru.
* Rozšíření působnosti Osmose.
* OSM HOT na akci FOSDEM.
* Kontrolní nástroj OSMLint.

Pěkné počtení...

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] surface per scale

2016-02-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-11 12:45 GMT+01:00 Francesco Pelullo :

> >
> >
> > Se attivi i dati vedi tutto il tratto.
> Mi sembra ragionevole, solo che il tratto di sentiero prima e dopo gli
> scalini lo dovresti declassare da track a path.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=townhall et place=village à séparer ?

2016-02-12 Per discussione Christian Quest
Il risque fort d'y en avoir quelques centaines dans les communes
déléguées des communes nouvelles ;)

On 12/02/2016 10:07, Nicolas Moyroud wrote:
>> Il y a aussi les mairies annexes, donc plusieurs mairies par commune.
> Oui c'est exactement ce que je disais en précisant "hors des grandes
> villes". Je ne pense pas qu'on trouve beaucoup de mairies annexes dans
> les villages. Ah si peut-être sur des communes vraiment étendues avec
> des hameaux éloignés. Tu as des exemples ?
> Nicolas
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-TW] 「橋」 及 「瀑布」?

2016-02-12 Per discussione Kuang-che Wu
瀑布的話應該沒錯, 只是不是每個 map 都會把瀑布畫出來

橋的話, 不應該 "疊上去", 而是把 way 切斷, 然後中間那段標 bridge,
我剛修掉其中幾個, 不過沒修完.


- 在靠近瀑布那邊的步道是不是還有一座橋沒標上去? 從 bing map 上有看到像橋的東西.
- leisure=park (雙流森林遊樂區) 應該是 area 不是 node, jsom 有 warning icon
- josm validator 有好幾個地方 warning "跨越水路/公路"
  看起來有橋跟河交叉但忘了標 layer (前人忘了, 不是你畫錯的)

On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 04:46:51PM +0800, 洪朝貴 wrote:
> 大家新年快樂!
> 過年就是要畫地圖啊, 不然要幹嘛? :-)
> 想請教大家: 我這兩天在畫雙流森林遊樂區的步道:
> 地圖最右邊步道的盡頭旁邊應該有一個瀑布
> 還有地圖左邊的步道應該有三座橋
> (其中一座是天空之橋, 所以路徑自相交叉)。
> 按照橋的解說:
> 我應該先不管橋, 先直接把整條步道畫好,
> 然後再在步道上方疊上一座橋, 對嗎?
> 我在 josm 或 id 裡面都看得見 (如附圖)
> 可是在對外的地圖上卻看不見。
> 請問我是哪裡做錯了嗎?
> 這塊區域裡還有哪些錯誤麻煩各位大大幫我糾正一下囉。
> (josm 的 validator 的訊息看不太懂)
> 感謝啊!
> --
> 校園P2P是否合法? 請搜尋『windows 10 打臉教育部』
> Chao-Kuei Hung 洪朝貴

> /tmp/waterfall.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, resolution (DPCM), 
> density 28x28, segment length 16, comment: "Created with GIMP", progressive, 
> precision 8, 810x504, frames 3

> /tmp/bridge.jpg: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, resolution (DPCM), 
> density 28x28, segment length 16, comment: "Created with GIMP", progressive, 
> precision 8, 1274x917, frames 3

> ___
> Talk-TW mailing list

Description: PGP signature
Talk-TW mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] weeklyOSM 290

2016-02-12 Per discussione Manfred A. Reiter
Am 12.02.2016 1:58 vorm. schrieb "Andy Townsend" :
> On 12/02/2016 00:08, Manfred A. Reiter wrote:
>> The correct links are:
>> English:
>> Spanish:
> ... well nearly ;-)

:-) yes

> English:
> Spanish:
> Default (will use whatever language you have previously selected, or
English if you haven't previously selected a language):

To avoid these mistakes wouldn't it be better to communicate only


talk mailing list

[Talk-it] People mover Bologna Marconi

2016-02-12 Per discussione Maurizio Daniele

Mi sono accorto che sulla mappa è comparso il people mover a servizio del
l'aeroporto di Bologna, taggato come "costruction".

Chiedo ai Bolognesi se é corretto. Le ultime notizie che avevo erano che
era una infrastruttura solo in progetto e anche molto discussa, e che
pertanto non dovrebbe essere riportata sulla mappa.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mappare una Calchèra infossata.

2016-02-12 Per discussione Gian Mario Navillod
Fin'ora ho mappato le fornaci di calce abbandonate così:


Questa combinazione di tag si utilizza per le fornaci di calce e gli
altiforni abbandonati e ridotti a rudere.
man_made=kiln indica genericamente un forno. A questo tag si aggiunge
l'indicazione del prodotto della lavorazione: product=quicklime per la
calce viva
product=charcoal per il carbone di legna
product=smelting per gli altiforni di fusione del minerale

qualche foto la trovate qui:

Buon mapping.


Il giorno 11 febbraio 2016 22:15, girarsi_liste 
ha scritto:

> La Calchèra sarebbe una fornace per "cuocere" le pietre calcaree e fare
> in sostanza la calce, in passato ne erano presenti in zona.
> Sto cercando di capire come mappare al meglio questa [0], nel frattempo
> ho già creato un poligono somigliante, e messo alcuni tag [1], ci sono
> altre way nello stesso poligono, ma vi invito a guardarla con josm, per
> vedere tutto l'assieme, per cui chiedo qualche idea in merito, credo la
> cosa si avvicini, seppur di diversa natura, alle giacciaie del friuli,
> postate qualche mese fà, ma le buche rivestite di muri a secco, non sono
> facili da mappare, non tanto per il muro ma per il verso della profondità.
> [0]
> [1]
> --
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:*

2016-02-12 Per discussione Marián Kyral
Že bychom udělali seznam a ten poslali do konference wikipedistům?
Asi nějakou mají ne?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Dalibor Jelínek 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 12. 2. 2016 12:11:41
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:*



neco jsem upravil, ale je zajimave, ze je celkem dost 

mist, ktere maji Wiki stranku jen v nemcine a ne v cestine. 




 From: Marián Kyral [] 
 Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 10:24 AM
 To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:* 



-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Pavel Machek 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 11. 2. 2016 14:24:24
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:* 

> Ahoj,
> narazil jsem na tag wikipedia:cs=*, který mi na tak nějak

> nefunguje.
> Jedna věc je, že to opravím, ale stejně, dle wiki http://wiki.
> org/wiki/Cs:Key:wikipedia
> by se měl odkaz wikipedia: použít pouze v případě, že chceme 
> další jazyk (třeba proto, že tam více informací/obrázků).
> Z toho mi vyplývá, že pokud je u daného osm objektu pouze tag wikipedia:
> měl by se převést na wikipedia=cs:
> Jen tak jemně jsem si zadal dotaz na overpass-turbo - vypadlo mi cca 1000 
> použití wikipedia:cs v bboxu kolem ČR. Něco je legitimní využití, je tam 
> hodně duplicit, takže v reálu to bude méně - až bude čas, tak to zkusím 
> trochu pročistit.
> Ale třeba u Lokte mne překvapilo, že hlavní jazyk je ruština :-O
>     "wikipedia": "ru:Локет (замок)",
>     "wikipedia:cs": "Loket (hrad)"

Jo, to by asi chtelo opravit. 

Overpass turbo query zobrazující body s tagem wikipedia v Česku který 
nezačíná znaky "cs:" 


This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard.
The original search was:
“wikipedia:cs=* and wikipedia is null”

// gather results
  // query part for: “"wikipedia:cs"=* and wikipedia!=*”
// print results
out body;
out skel qt; 


Jsou tam věci jako celá url, názvy začínající na "cz:" (tohle kupodivu 
funguje), narazil jsem i na neexistující stránku. Spousta věcí je v 
pohraničí, případně přímo na hranici - tam asi záleží, kdo přijde dřív. V 
některých případech česká stránky úplně chybí. 


"wikipedia": "cz:Pražského povstání (stanice metra)"
"wikipedia": "en:Králický Sněžník"
"wikipedia": "pl:Przełęcz Okraj"
"wikipedia": "pl:Habartice"
"wikipedia": "de:Prebischtor"
"wikipedia": "Děčínský Sněžník"
"wikipedia": "de:Nové Zvolání"
"wikipedia": "pl:Vidnava (stacja kolejowa)"
"wikipedia": "de:Jitrovník"
"wikipedia": "pl:Kiczory (szczyt)"
"wikipedia": "de:Prager Altstadt"
"wikipedia": "en:Rešov (Horní Město)"
"wikipedia": "de:Cínovec"
"wikipedia": "pl:Wielka Czantoria"
"wikipedia": "en:The Resistance Flag Monument Statue, Prague"
"wikipedia": "pl:Polanka (dzielnica Krosna)"
"wikipedia": "pl:Przełęcz Beskidek"
"wikipedia": "en:Czech Republic"
"wikipedia": "de:Jeřabina"
"wikipedia": "
"wikipedia": "en:European GNSS Agency"
"wikipedia": "de:Burg Nové Hrady"
"wikipedia": "de:Pracký kopec"
"wikipedia": "de:Adolfov"
"wikipedia": "en:Krušná hora"
"wikipedia": "de:Mílov (Boží Dar)"
"wikipedia": "
"wikipedia": "pl:Przełęcz Szklarska (Sudety)"
"wikipedia": "en:Prague Metronome"
"wikipedia": "de:Lesenská pláň"
"wikipedia": "á
"wikipedia": "de:Na strašidlech"
"wikipedia": "de:Fojtovice"
"wikipedia": "de:Habartice u Krupky"
"wikipedia": "de:Krásný Les Les (Petrovice)"
"wikipedia": "en:Ivo of Ramsey"
"wikipedia": "en:Battle of Lobositz"
"wikipedia": "
"wikipedia": "de:Rohanstein"
"wikipedia": "en:Klácelka"
"wikipedia": "de:Königlich-Sächsische Triangulation"
"wikipedia": "ru:Локет (город)",
"wikipedia:cs": "Loket",
"wikipedia:de": "Loket"
"wikipedia": "en:Jiříkov (okres Bruntál)"
"wikipedia": "pl:Opacz (Masyw Śnieżnika)"
"wikipedia": "de:Freiberger Mulde"
"wikipedia": "pl:Rudawiec (szczyt)"
"wikipedia": "de:Excalibur City"
"wikipedia": "de:Dreiherrenstein bei Oberwiesenthal"
"wikipedia": "cz:Kostel Všech svatých (Sedlec)"
"wikipedia": "

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione SK53
Like you I would certainly expect Kirkcaldy & Dunfermerline as place=towns.
They were elevated to this status only in the past 2 months, after having
been towns on OSM since 2007. I'll restore them to that status.

Unfortunately the rules for places described on the wiki are poorly
conceived and are not generally applied in the UK: they led to many inner
post-industrial suburbs of US cities being labelled as hamlets. In practice
common usage, and local knowledge are what matter. It would be pretty
unusual to change the status of a village/town on OSM in the UK now as most
of these represent a tacit consensus about the choice of tag.

Large villages of the size of yours are often edge cases between village
and town.

Personally I usually find some knowledge of the history of a place as a
guide. In S. Nottinghamshire we have several places with populations near
10,000, but many of them have grown in size very recently: either as
dormitory commuter suburbs (Keyworth, Ravenshead) or as colliery villages
(Cotgrave). On the other hand both Bingham & East Leake which have also
experienced considerable growth post-war, were also significant places
before that. Bingham also has a market place which implies a town-like role
long ago.

Obvious towns in an area of Scotland I know well, Argyll, all less than
10,000 are Oban, Dunoon, Campbeltown, Lochgilphead and Rothesay. Even
Inveraray counts. Most of these would have been Burghs. These illustrate
that it is not possible to apply a hard and fast rule about population, but
instead that (like a lot of tags in OSM) one needs to use situational
knowledge which reflects the role of a given place in its local context.
This tends ot mean the threshold for town-ness is low in sparsely populated


On 11 February 2016 at 21:32, Michael Booth  wrote:

> Hi all, new mapper with a question about the place=* tag.
> I noticed my town (population 6,000+) was tagged as place=village, so I
> looked at the wiki and also other places in my council area before making
> any changes.
> The wiki gives a suggestion to go by population: city > 100,000; town >
> 10,000; village < 10,000, > 200. But if we do that there will surely be
> differences when compared to how these places are commonly or legally
> perceived?
> In Scotland, only four cities are above 100,000:
> - so should Perth, Inverness and Stirling be downgraded to towns in OSM?
> Currently Dunfermline and Kirkcaldy are tagged (wrongly IMO) as cities -
> should they be changed to towns?
> Same goes for towns/villages - I've seen places tagged as villages when
> smaller places are marked as towns. Or places which Wikipedia refers to as
> villages, but are tagged as towns and vice-versa.
> So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities? Only by
> population, or do we also take into account their generally accepted status
> (whilst trying to be consistent across the country)?
> Thanks!
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:*

2016-02-12 Per discussione Dalibor Jelínek

neco jsem upravil, ale je zajimave, ze je celkem dost

mist, ktere maji Wiki stranku jen v nemcine a ne v cestine.




From: Marián Kyral [] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2016 10:24 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:*



-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Pavel Machek  >
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic  >
Datum: 11. 2. 2016 14:24:24
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:*


> Ahoj,
> narazil jsem na tag wikipedia:cs=*, který mi na tak nějak 
> nefunguje.
> Jedna věc je, že to opravím, ale stejně, dle wiki http://wiki.openstreetmap.
> org/wiki/Cs:Key:wikipedia
> by se měl odkaz wikipedia: použít pouze v případě, že chceme přidat
> další jazyk (třeba proto, že tam více informací/obrázků).
> Z toho mi vyplývá, že pokud je u daného osm objektu pouze tag wikipedia:cs, 
> měl by se převést na wikipedia=cs:
> Jen tak jemně jsem si zadal dotaz na overpass-turbo - vypadlo mi cca 1000 
> použití wikipedia:cs v bboxu kolem ČR. Něco je legitimní využití, je tam 
> hodně duplicit, takže v reálu to bude méně - až bude čas, tak to zkusím 
> trochu pročistit.
> Ale třeba u Lokte mne překvapilo, že hlavní jazyk je ruština :-O
> "wikipedia": "ru:Локет (замок)",
> "wikipedia:cs": "Loket (hrad)"

Jo, to by asi chtelo opravit.


Overpass turbo query zobrazující body s tagem wikipedia v Česku který nezačíná 
znaky "cs:"


This has been generated by the overpass-turbo wizard.
The original search was:
“wikipedia:cs=* and wikipedia is null”

// gather results
  // query part for: “"wikipedia:cs"=* and wikipedia!=*”
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;


Jsou tam věci jako celá url, názvy začínající na "cz:" (tohle kupodivu 
funguje), narazil jsem i na neexistující stránku. Spousta věcí je v pohraničí, 
případně přímo na hranici - tam asi záleží, kdo přijde dřív. V některých 
případech česká stránky úplně chybí.


"wikipedia": "cz:Pražského povstání (stanice metra)"
"wikipedia": "en:Králický Sněžník"
"wikipedia": "pl:Przełęcz Okraj"
"wikipedia": "pl:Habartice"
"wikipedia": "de:Prebischtor"
"wikipedia": "Děčínský Sněžník"
"wikipedia": "de:Nové Zvolání"
"wikipedia": "pl:Vidnava (stacja kolejowa)"
"wikipedia": "de:Jitrovník"
"wikipedia": "pl:Kiczory (szczyt)"
"wikipedia": "de:Prager Altstadt"
"wikipedia": "en:Rešov (Horní Město)"
"wikipedia": "de:Cínovec"
"wikipedia": "pl:Wielka Czantoria"
"wikipedia": "en:The Resistance Flag Monument Statue, Prague"
"wikipedia": "pl:Polanka (dzielnica Krosna)"
"wikipedia": "pl:Przełęcz Beskidek"
"wikipedia": "en:Czech Republic"
"wikipedia": "de:Jeřabina"
"wikipedia": ";
"wikipedia": "en:European GNSS Agency"
"wikipedia": "de:Burg Nové Hrady"
"wikipedia": "de:Pracký kopec"
"wikipedia": "de:Adolfov"
"wikipedia": "en:Krušná hora"
"wikipedia": "de:Mílov (Boží Dar)"
"wikipedia": ";
"wikipedia": "pl:Przełęcz Szklarska (Sudety)"
"wikipedia": "en:Prague Metronome"
"wikipedia": "de:Lesenská pláň"
"wikipedia": "á;
"wikipedia": "de:Na strašidlech"
"wikipedia": "de:Fojtovice"
"wikipedia": "de:Habartice u Krupky"
"wikipedia": "de:Krásný Les Les (Petrovice)"
"wikipedia": "en:Ivo of Ramsey"
"wikipedia": "en:Battle of Lobositz"
"wikipedia": ""
"wikipedia": "de:Rohanstein"
"wikipedia": "en:Klácelka"
"wikipedia": "de:Königlich-Sächsische Triangulation"
"wikipedia": "ru:Локет (город)",
"wikipedia:cs": "Loket",
"wikipedia:de": "Loket"
"wikipedia": "en:Jiříkov (okres Bruntál)"
"wikipedia": "pl:Opacz (Masyw Śnieżnika)"
"wikipedia": "de:Freiberger Mulde"
"wikipedia": "pl:Rudawiec (szczyt)"
"wikipedia": "de:Excalibur City"
"wikipedia": "de:Dreiherrenstein bei Oberwiesenthal"
"wikipedia": "cz:Kostel Všech svatých (Sedlec)"
"wikipedia": ";
"wikipedia": "ru:Локет (замок)",
"wikipedia:cs": "Loket (hrad)"
"wikipedia": "de:Königlich-Sächsische Triangulation"
"wikipedia": ";
"wikipedia": "ru:Гончаренко, Иван Григорьевич"
"wikipedia": "en:Vinzenz Priessnitz"
"wikipedia": "de:Rudoltovice"
"wikipedia": ";
"wikipedia": "pl:Jasień (Masyw Śnieżnika)"
"wikipedia": "en:Francysk Skaryna"
"wikipedia": "de:Königlich-Sächsische 

Re: [Talk-GB] UK war office maps of Africa digitised

2016-02-12 Per discussione Tim Waters
Hi Richard,

Are you still having issues? That map appears to be okay now, last
rectified 3 days ago and was able to rectify it just now. I've a
screenshot here:

Find me on IRC as chippy sometime if you are still encountering problems.



On 9 February 2016 at 18:44, Richard Symonds
> Tim,
> A lot of these maps won't rectify, even though I've completed all the
> control points. The one I've just come up with is
> - can someone try and preview it, or tell
> me what I'm doing wrong?
> Richard Symonds
> Wikimedia UK
> 0207 065 0992
> Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
> Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
> Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
> United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
> movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
> operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).
> Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit charity with no legal control over
> Wikipedia nor responsibility for its contents.
> On 9 February 2016 at 17:30, Jez Nicholson  wrote:
>> I tinkered with the "Kilimanjaro to Tsavo Stn. U.R.. WOOS-8-3-1" map a
>> fair bit. Started by using recognisable locations (features on lakes, etc.)
>> but eventually settled on tagging the grid lines and using online conversion
>> tools to give me the WGS-84. The ones with hills in look great in Google
>> Earth, e.g. Difficult to get the map
>> spot on.
>> On Tue, 9 Feb 2016 at 16:28 Tim Waters  wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> so after a fix was applied to the Wikimaps Warper the collection of
>>> 581 maps from Wikimedia Commons was re-imported and added to a mosaic
>>> (layer)
>>> The mosaic:
>>> The Tiles link is{z}/{x}/{y}.png
>>> and the WMS details can be found at
>>> and of course individual maps have their own WMS and Tiles endpoints too
>>> Cheers,
>>> Tim
>>> p.s. Note that loading up a map for the first might take a once only
>>> period of a couple of minutes as the map gets requested from commons
>>> and is loaded up in the warper ... you should see a progress bar in
>>> that case!
>>> p.p.s. There's an issue with the warper not getting the correct
>>> thumbnail for some of the maps, but it shouldn't affect how it works
>>> in the warper.
>>> On 2 February 2016 at 13:58, Jez Nicholson 
>>> wrote:
>>> > The export tab includes a
>>> > WMS
>>> > link "for JOSM OpenStreetMap Editor"
>>> >
>>> > I haven't tried it yet as my company have firewalled the office with an
>>> > https whitelist.
>>> >
>>> > On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 at 17:34 Andy Mabbett 
>>> > wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> On 1 February 2016 at 13:02, Tim Waters  wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >> > Great stuff. I think a few hundred maps (if not all) from this
>>> >> > collection
>>> >> > are already in the wikimaps warper.
>>> >> > However there was an issue with making a mosaic (stitched layer) for
>>> >> > the
>>> >> > category, so this will be fixed soon.
>>> >>
>>> >> Once that's done, how can people see the layer in JOSM?
>>> >>
>>> >> > I think the British Library also has control points for the maps
>>> >> > which
>>> >> > could
>>> >> > be added to the warper when ready (I'd have to double check on this
>>> >> > point
>>> >> > though).
>>> >>
>>> >> My contact tells me they (BL & Indigo Trust) want to see the maps
>>> >> reused; if there's a speciific request, I can forward it to them.
>>> >>
>>> >> --
>>> >> Andy Mabbett
>>> >> @pigsonthewing
>>> >>
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] filtro x scaricare su josm solo la parte di dati che serono dal server OSM

2016-02-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-09 18:55 GMT+01:00 Paolo Monegato :

> +1, anche secondo me è vivamente sconsigliato un approccio del genere.
> Quoto. Ma si può sempre scaricare i dati che servono in quel modo e poi,
> dopo aver selezionato tutto, cliccare su "Scarica i percorsi/relazioni da
> cui dipende"

si, ma non trova tutti "i percorsi/relazioni da cui dipende", trova
soltanto quelli direttamente necessari al livello informatico, mentre i
percorsi dipendono da tutto ciò che è mappato. Se tu sposti una strada
anche solo 5 metri già di può capitare di introdurre errori topologici (se
non sposti anche gli oggeti al lato della strada potrebbero cambiare lato
in certi casi). Per me dovrebbe essere impossibile fare modifiche con i
filtri accessi.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Bulk Import of Address Range in GTHA from Metrolinx, Second attemps

2016-02-12 Per discussione Kevin Farrugia
Whoa whoa whoa,

I manually imported data from peel open data on my own time. By import I
mean I traced out the ranged and manually typed in the addresses.

Before I get in trouble...
On Feb 12, 2016 7:36 AM, "Stewart C. Russell"  wrote:

> Hi again Mojgan —
> > … I noticed that 21 days ago, region of Peel imported the address
> > ranges in the Caledon neighborhood and some parts of Brampton
> Just for clarity: Peel imported data into OSM? If so, what is their user
> name, and how long have they been importing without letting anyone know?
> Best Wishes,
>  Stewart
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Additional Tagging Suggestions for Schools

2016-02-12 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On 12 February 2016 at 09:51, Stuart Reynolds
> As a side issue, does your tool currently ignore disused:amenity=* tags? If 
> not, can it please. Thanks.

The tool only fetches amenity=school and amenity=college objects, so
disused:amenity=* (and other similar variants) will always be ignored.

On 12 February 2016 at 10:07, Stuart Reynolds
> …oh, and if the name matching could be tolerant to “&” and “and", that would 
> be brilliant, too. It’s not a biggie, because I’m getting matched against the 
> Edubase reference, but the names are otherwise the same and I’m using & for 
> brevity.

The name matching (which currently just checks the two strings for an
exact match) isn't actually used for much. The only place it's used is
when looking for a geographically close match between an OSM object
and an official location, a pair with an exact name match will be
preferred over other closer matches. Matches based on ref:* tags
always take priority, and if there's no exact name match, then the
nearest unmatched object with 1km is chosen.

That said, it's on my To Do list to look at doing a fuzzy name
comparison -- probably by deleting common words / phrases (School,
Academy, CofE, Voluntary Controlled, and, &, etc) from both strings
and then seeing if what's left is equal. This would probably be used
to flag up possible errors in matched pairs (either in the OSM name or
the matching), rather than as a way to get better matching in the
first place. The latter can always be solved by adding the ref:*
values to OSM.

Best wishes,


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] People mover Bologna Marconi

2016-02-12 Per discussione Rallysta74

Sono iniziati i lavori propedeutici alla realizzazione, si prevede di aprire
la tratta nel 2019

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Réseau francilien: STIF, RATP et SNCF

2016-02-12 Per discussione dHuy Pierre
En regardant avec l'outil d'Eric je me suis rendu compte de nombreuses 
inconsistances (network RER, SNCF, STIF, Transilien...) dans le réseau parisien 
et je voudrais avoir votre point de vue sur les tags operator et network.Le 
network, ne devrait-il pas être STIF? Et les opérator RATP ou SNCF? Quid des 
ligne H, J, TER...? Et enfin, les grandes lignes appartiennent-elles au network 
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Réseau francilien: STIF, RATP et SNCF

2016-02-12 Per discussione Otourly Wiki
Le lien d'Éric est chouette, mais je ne retrouve pas les funiculaires, et la 
gestion des voies non plus (je me base sur Network=TCL) ; en effet sur ce 
réseau les lignes A,B et D ont été dédoublées respectant ainsi le sens de 
fonctionnement. Florian Farge aka Otourly

Le Vendredi 12 février 2016 11h45, dHuy Pierre  a écrit :

 En regardant avec l'outil d'Eric je me suis rendu compte de nombreuses 
inconsistances (network RER, SNCF, STIF, Transilien...) dans le réseau parisien 
et je voudrais avoir votre point de vue sur les tags operator et network.Le 
network, ne devrait-il pas être STIF? Et les opérator RATP ou SNCF? Quid des 
ligne H, J, TER...? Et enfin, les grandes lignes appartiennent-elles au network 
Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] wikipedia:cs=* -> wikipedia=cs:*

2016-02-12 Per discussione Vladimír Slávik

to je asi tím že historicky vzato byly některé obce české a některé 
německé. Což by se odrazilo do kolektivní paměti toho kterého místa, 
včetně historických pramenů a taky důvodů proč o tom místě psát - lidé 
žijící v době Benešových dekretů ještě stále žijí a mají potomky kterým 
vyprávějí vzpomínky, podívají se tam... Docela dobře se to dá odhadovat 
z historických map, např. jestli je to někde Weisswasser nebo Bílá Voda 
(nesmyslný příklad) atd.


Dne 12.2.2016 v 12:09 Dalibor Jelínek napsal(a):


neco jsem upravil, ale je zajimave, ze je celkem dost

mist, ktere maji Wiki stranku jen v nemcine a ne v cestine.


Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Couche Route500 mise à jour (édition 2015)

2016-02-12 Per discussione Christian Quest
J'ai mis à jour la couche Route500 sur
avec les données 2015 de l'IGN (publiées discrètement en août dernier).

Elles débordent un peu des frontières françaises, mais semblent très
décalées dès qu'on s'éloigne un peu.


Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Paul Berry
Hi Michael,

Going the other way, what's the cutoff between a hamlet and a village?
Population 50? 100? I'd say that with these categories there's some
fuzziness so go with what feels right. On the ground experience over
armchair mapping wins out here I think (as it does for most things OSM).
More complexity: a place that would be a hamlet or village near a town or
city can find itself a neighbourhood or suburb over time. Again the
distinction can be a fine one.

Also, and a more important point than all the above, welcome!


On 12 February 2016 at 12:04, Tom Hughes  wrote:

> On 12/02/16 11:51, Ian Caldwell wrote:
>> On 11 February 2016 at 21:32, Michael Booth > > wrote:
>> So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities?
>> Only by population, or do we also take into account their generally
>> accepted status (whilst trying to be consistent across the country)?
>> In England towns will normally have a town council. Villages
>> will normally have a parish council. Only really a name difference see
>> .
> Normally is a very strong word... There are many, many towns and villages
> without any town or parish council.
> Tom
> --
> Tom Hughes (
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Stefanof
Salve a tutti, 
vi seguo sempre con enorme piacere e interesse.
Penso che la realtà OSM in tutte le sue filiazioni abbia un enorme
potenziale per la PA (VVF), andrebbe veicolato e seguito, vi dico questo
perche mi occupo di pianificazione in fase di emergenza e formazione per il
CNVVF, tempo fà  mi era stato segnalato da
Maurizio Napolitano, se vi và credo che sia un buon modo per iniziare una
collaborazione con tutti voi, nei nostri DB ovviamente ci sono molti dati
che potremmo condividere con OSM, ne volevo parlare con Simone Cortesi di
persona al convegno OpenGeoData a Roma ma non ci siamo incontrati...
Che ne pensate!?



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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Colin Smale
According to Wikipedia, it is country-dependent. As it is an English
word, we should only discuss about its meaning in an English-speaking
context. There is no such thing as a hamlet in Germany for example; they
have different words with different semantics, which may or may not map
onto English concepts. 

The common theme indicated by the Wikipedia article is that a hamlet is
in some way dependent or subordinate to a larger settlement. For example
it may not have its own church. That in itself does not define an
absolute cut-off point in terms of population; it is dependent on the
settlement's context with respect to its surroundings.

In the UK of course it is a matter of status to be called a City, and
there is an unambiguous list of cities. This list can only be changed by
the Crown through parliament. The smallest city is St Davids in Wales,
with a population of 1841 (2011 figure). Any attempt to retag it in OSM
to place=village will probably be reverted within 0.1 nanoseconds 

A smaller incorporated settlement (civil parish) can decide unilaterally
to call itself a town. Changes don't happen very often of course, but it
is a point of civic pride for the inhabitants as the council becomes a
Town Council and they can have a Town Mayor. This is also independent of
the population, but the status is carried by the council whose area may
include a substantial rural element, which would also become part of the
"town". If you ask an inhabitant of that area whether X is a town or a
village, they will tell you, and it has nothing to do with

In other countries a rule based on population may be appropriate, but in
the UK it is definitely a question of status. 


On 2016-02-12 13:39, Paul Berry wrote:

> Hi Michael, 
> Going the other way, what's the cutoff between a hamlet and a village? 
> Population 50? 100? I'd say that with these categories there's some fuzziness 
> so go with what feels right. On the ground experience over armchair mapping 
> wins out here I think (as it does for most things OSM). More complexity: a 
> place that would be a hamlet or village near a town or city can find itself a 
> neighbourhood or suburb over time. Again the distinction can be a fine one. 
> Also, and a more important point than all the above, welcome! 
> Regards, 
> _Paul_
> On 12 February 2016 at 12:04, Tom Hughes  wrote:
> On 12/02/16 11:51, Ian Caldwell wrote:
> On 11 February 2016 at 21:32, Michael Booth  > wrote:
> So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities?
> Only by population, or do we also take into account their generally
> accepted status (whilst trying to be consistent across the country)?
> In England towns will normally have a town council. Villages
> will normally have a parish council. Only really a name difference see
> .
> Normally is a very strong word... There are many, many towns and villages 
> without any town or parish council.
> Tom
> -- 
> Tom Hughes (
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list ___
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Size of download into JOSM

2016-02-12 Per discussione SK53
It's a limitation in the API (quarter of a degree or 50k nodes IIRC), so
Southend has crept over that limit.

There are a number of options:

   - Perform multiple downloads & then keep a Southend file locally. You
   can then request that it be updated before editing (I do this for a couple
   of areas of London where I edit sporadically).
   - It's easy to download just the schools in Overpass & do something
   similar in JOSM. I'm not sure how one might get all objects within multiple
   schools in Overpass but it might be possible.
   - Download schools as centroids from Overpass, load into JOSM and use
   the todo plugin to work through them downloading small areas for each
   school. I'm doing something like this using FHRS data in Northern Ireland
   (although the postcode centroids used by FHRS are often 100s of metres away
   from the school).


On 12 February 2016 at 09:54, Stuart Reynolds <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone know if the limits on download size have changed recently?
> I’ve been working on the schools project by downloading “Southend on Sea”
> via a place search and then choosing “boundary” from the list of 2 - that
> gives me the whole Borough in one go. But today (having upgraded to r9329)
> it is telling me that it is a bad request and that the area is too large.
> It’s a pain if I want to work on multiple schools to have to download bits
> of the town.
> Thanks.
> Stuart
> Stuart Reynolds
> for traveline south east & anglia
> m: +44 7788 106165
> skype: stuartjreynolds
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-12 10:36 GMT+01:00 Davide Mangraviti :

> In un successivo incontro nelle loro sedi, sono emerse le reali richieste,
> legate ai loro standard operativi (teniamo conto che parliamo di Ministero
> degli Interni..).
> Loro chiaramente devono avere la sicurezza del dato. E abbiamo convenuto
> che
> su OSM questo lo si ottenere con eventuale compromesso logico che si
> sarebbe
> individuato.

chiaramente su OSM non si può ottenere una sicurezza o certezza come quella
richiesta per i vigili del fuoco, non potrà mai diventare uno strumento
"ufficiale" proprio per il fatto che chiunque può fare qualsiasi cosa (come
cancellare o spostare dati). Loro non possono rischiare le vite delle
persone perché qualcuno ha cancellato un idrante. *)

> Al momento loro procederanno alla realizzazione di un GIS o WebGIS Intranet
> con i dati in loro possesso
> Ripeto parliamo di realtà ministeriali, connesse tra loro sul territorio, e
> legate a procedure standardizzate e rodate, magari vecchie ma ai loro occhi
> funzionali

Certo. Meno male mi viene da aggiungere.
Loro potrebbero usare in maniera inufficiale i sistemi OSM (e app che si
muovono nel relativo contesto), o forse come opzione, ma non si possono
basare ufficialmente su un sistema UGC. Mi ricordo che in qualche Land
della Germania la Polizia (che in Germania è del Land) usa navigatori OSM,
ma sicuramente non come unica fonte di informazione, piuttosto come
ulteriore alternativa.


PS (offtopic):
Poi che si rischiano comunque i beni e le vite delle persone per
comodità/pigrizia è un altro discorso, esempio qui:,12.4922147,3a,75y,279.05h,71.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s0vnPJ8wGJLrExZTqaT8pfg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
strada con divieto di fermarsi sul lato destro (per strettezza), non
applicato, sul lato destro ci sono sempre parcheggiate le macchine in fila
continua lungo tutta la strada (la foto streetview non è indicativa,
normalmente non ci sono "posti" liberi su quel lato) ristringendone la
larghezza finché non passano più i camion dei vigili del fuoco. I vigili
non fanno niente (un giorno hanno rimosso una macchina che stava bloccando
proprio la fine della strada anche per una Fiat 600, ma non hanno fatto
niente al resto delle macchine).

Oppure un'altro esempio, il classico (porte di sicurezza bloccate):
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Alessandro Palmas

Ho abbozzato la pagina Wiki in italiano
chi vuole proseguire nella traduzione è ben accetto.

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Size of download into JOSM

2016-02-12 Per discussione Stuart Reynolds
Thanks. I discovered that I *can* actually get the whole Borough, if I dispense 
with about a mile and a half of sea to the south. As there aren’t many schools 
down the pier, I thought I could probably live with that :)

Will take your advice and save locally / update.


Stuart Reynolds
for traveline south east & anglia

On 12 Feb 2016, at 10:35, SK53 > 

It's a limitation in the API (quarter of a degree or 50k nodes IIRC), so 
Southend has crept over that limit.

There are a number of options:

  *   Perform multiple downloads & then keep a Southend file locally. You can 
then request that it be updated before editing (I do this for a couple of areas 
of London where I edit sporadically).
  *   It's easy to download just the schools in Overpass & do something similar 
in JOSM. I'm not sure how one might get all objects within multiple schools in 
Overpass but it might be possible.
  *   Download schools as centroids from Overpass, load into JOSM and use the 
todo plugin to work through them downloading small areas for each school. I'm 
doing something like this using FHRS data in Northern Ireland (although the 
postcode centroids used by FHRS are often 100s of metres away from the school).


On 12 February 2016 at 09:54, Stuart Reynolds 

Does anyone know if the limits on download size have changed recently? I’ve 
been working on the schools project by downloading “Southend on Sea” via a 
place search and then choosing “boundary” from the list of 2 - that gives me 
the whole Borough in one go. But today (having upgraded to r9329) it is telling 
me that it is a bad request and that the area is too large. It’s a pain if I 
want to work on multiple schools to have to download bits of the town.



Stuart Reynolds
for traveline south east & anglia

m: +44 7788 106165
skype: stuartjreynolds

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Andrea Lattmann
>Oppure un'altro esempio, il classico >(porte di sicurezza bloccate): 

È meglio che non mi esprimo, se no i miei toni potrebbero scandalizzare più di 
una persona in lista. Stendo un velo pietoso, se no sbotto. Le uscite di 
sicurezza le ho trovate anche saldate, che danno nel vuoto (si, al secondo 
piano senza scala di emergenza perché costava... :-D ) e la finisco qui, se no 
scriverei per ore ed in lista si suiciderebbero tutti! :-D
Un grosso applauso ai Vigili del Fuoco che realmente rischiano la vita tutti i 
giorni! (Visto quello che vedo in giro...)

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Motortrafikvej burde være motorroad=yes?

2016-02-12 Per discussione Michael Andersen

Hvis du kigger på vores landegrænse i OSM, som er en såkaldt relation der 
omfatter hele Danmark, vil du kunne se at den har en såkaldt forældrerelation, 
der angiver "default" maxhastigheder og adgangsbegrænsninger for blandt andet 
motor og motortrafikveje i Danmark. Her er det angivet at der ikke er adgang 
for cyklister på danske motortrafikveje, så motorroad=yes er ganske enkelt 
underforstået og dermed ikke nødvendig på disse.

Jeg har også lige forsøgt mig med
på et stykke motortrafikvej hvor bicycle=* ikke specifikt er angivet og det ser 
ud til at virke udmærket.

Mvh Hjart

Torsdag den 11. februar 2016 00:29:40 skrev Adrian Kern:
> Så vidt jeg kan se så bruger vi ikke tagget motorroad=yes i Danmark.
> Desuden bruger vi highway=trunk kun til motortrafikveje. Det ser ud til at
> andre lande bruger highway=trunk en smule mere generelt.
> Jeg vil ikke umidbart ændre på hvornår vi bruger highway=trunk. Men vi kan
> stadig tagge alle dem med motorroad=yes. Så behøver vi heller ikke at
> specificere nærmere at cyckler og fodgængere ikke på bruge dem. Desuden vil
> så også nærmere os lidt mere hvordan andre lande tagger

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Ian Caldwell
On 11 February 2016 at 21:32, Michael Booth  wrote:

> So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities? Only by
> population, or do we also take into account their generally accepted status
> (whilst trying to be consistent across the country)?

In England towns will normally have a town council. Villages
will normally have a parish council. Only really a name difference see .

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Tom Hughes

On 12/02/16 11:51, Ian Caldwell wrote:

On 11 February 2016 at 21:32, Michael Booth > wrote:

So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities?
Only by population, or do we also take into account their generally
accepted status (whilst trying to be consistent across the country)?

In England towns will normally have a town council. Villages
will normally have a parish council. Only really a name difference see .

Normally is a very strong word... There are many, many towns and 
villages without any town or parish council.


Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] UK war office maps of Africa digitised

2016-02-12 Per discussione Richard Symonds
yep, seems to be working now! I'll get cracking.

Richard Symonds
Wikimedia UK
0207 065 0992

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

*Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit charity with no legal control
over Wikipedia nor responsibility for its contents.*

On 12 February 2016 at 11:25, Tim Waters  wrote:

> Hi Richard,
> Are you still having issues? That map appears to be okay now, last
> rectified 3 days ago and was able to rectify it just now. I've a
> screenshot here:
> Find me on IRC as chippy sometime if you are still encountering problems.
> regards,
> Tim
> On 9 February 2016 at 18:44, Richard Symonds
>  wrote:
> > Tim,
> >
> > A lot of these maps won't rectify, even though I've completed all the
> > control points. The one I've just come up with is
> > - can someone try and preview it, or
> tell
> > me what I'm doing wrong?
> >
> > Richard Symonds
> > Wikimedia UK
> > 0207 065 0992
> >
> > Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
> > Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
> > Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A
> 4LT.
> > United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
> > movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
> > operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).
> >
> > Wikimedia UK is an independent non-profit charity with no legal control
> over
> > Wikipedia nor responsibility for its contents.
> >
> >
> > On 9 February 2016 at 17:30, Jez Nicholson 
> wrote:
> >>
> >> I tinkered with the "Kilimanjaro to Tsavo Stn. U.R.. WOOS-8-3-1" map a
> >> fair bit. Started by using recognisable locations (features on lakes,
> etc.)
> >> but eventually settled on tagging the grid lines and using online
> conversion
> >> tools to give me the WGS-84. The ones with hills in look great in Google
> >> Earth, e.g. Difficult to get
> the map
> >> spot on.
> >>
> >> On Tue, 9 Feb 2016 at 16:28 Tim Waters  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi folks,
> >>>
> >>> so after a fix was applied to the Wikimaps Warper the collection of
> >>> 581 maps from Wikimedia Commons was re-imported and added to a mosaic
> >>> (layer)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The mosaic:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> The Tiles link is
> >>> and the WMS details can be found at
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> and of course individual maps have their own WMS and Tiles endpoints
> too
> >>>
> >>> Cheers,
> >>>
> >>> Tim
> >>>
> >>> p.s. Note that loading up a map for the first might take a once only
> >>> period of a couple of minutes as the map gets requested from commons
> >>> and is loaded up in the warper ... you should see a progress bar in
> >>> that case!
> >>>
> >>> p.p.s. There's an issue with the warper not getting the correct
> >>> thumbnail for some of the maps, but it shouldn't affect how it works
> >>> in the warper.
> >>>
> >>> On 2 February 2016 at 13:58, Jez Nicholson 
> >>> wrote:
> >>> > The export tab
> includes a
> >>> > WMS
> >>> > link "for JOSM OpenStreetMap Editor"
> >>> >
> >>> > I haven't tried it yet as my company have firewalled the office with
> an
> >>> > https whitelist.
> >>> >
> >>> > On Mon, 1 Feb 2016 at 17:34 Andy Mabbett 
> >>> > wrote:
> >>> >>
> >>> >> On 1 February 2016 at 13:02, Tim Waters 
> wrote:
> >>> >>
> >>> >> > Great stuff. I think a few hundred maps (if not all) from this
> >>> >> > collection
> >>> >> > are already in the wikimaps warper.
> >>> >> > However there was an issue with making a mosaic (stitched layer)
> for
> >>> >> > the
> >>> >> > category, so this will be fixed soon.
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Once that's done, how can people see the layer in JOSM?
> >>> >>
> >>> >> > I think the British Library also has control points for the maps
> >>> >> > which
> >>> >> > could
> >>> >> > be added to the warper when ready (I'd have to double check on
> this
> >>> >> > point
> >>> >> > though).
> >>> >>
> >>> >> My contact tells me they (BL & Indigo Trust) want to see the maps
> >>> >> reused; if there's a speciific 

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Andy Townsend

On 12/02/2016 13:15, Colin Smale wrote:

According to Wikipedia, ...

... I wouldn't assume that what wikipedia says has any particular 
relevance with respect to how something is mapped in OSM.  The language 
used in the English wikipedia is a mix of American and English (and 
other) usages, and how things are mapped in OSM doesn't always match 
"common [British] English usage".

it is country-dependent.

That, however, is entirely correct.  The Irish, for example have a very 
clear idea of what their "cities" are.  It's less clear on this side of 
the Irish Sea.

In the UK of course it is a matter of status to be called a City, and 
there is an unambiguous list of cities. 

That's the legal definition, not the OSM one.  Perhaps you are 
unfamiliar with the previous discussion, but this has been done to death 
before.  See these threads among others:

and particularly this post:

which makes it clear why using the "legal city definition" might not 
make sense in OSM _across the board_.  It might in some places (it's 
essentially what the Irish do, I believe), but I'd argue it doesn't here 
because of e.g. St David's (see below) and Telford, which despite its 
size doesn't really feel like a city to me - although if someone more 
local says I'm wrong, I'll believe them.

This list can only be changed by the Crown through parliament. The 
smallest city is St Davids in Wales, with a population of 1841 (2011 
figure). Any attempt to retag it in OSM to place=village will probably 
be reverted within 0.1 nanoseconds 

I'd be interested to see the history of St David's.  The current node

was only created in August 2015; I wonder what it was before?

 but it is a point of civic pride for the inhabitants as the 
council becomes a Town Council ...

A number of places _call_ themselves a town council, because they can.  
It's pretty irrelevant to status in OSM.  See Jerry's post above (from 
that for example I'd call Bingham a town and Keyworth not because that's 
what they feel like to me).

What doesn't work with city/town/village classification is someone 
diving in and making lots of changes without explaining why; what does 
is a bit of discussion first so that we know that yes, there are still 
different opinions on this and that of the various options XYZ tagging 
has the least oponents.



Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Stuart Reynolds
Leigh-on-sea has a Town Council. And the residents of Leigh (myself included) 
like to give it an identity that is distinct from Southend-on-sea, which 
historically it was. But in practice you would be hard pushed to claim that 
Leigh was a separate town. Administratively, it has been part of the Borough 
(Town) of Southend-on-sea for many, many years and there are no hard and fast 
boundaries that show where it starts and ends on at least two sides. So just 
because it has a Town Council (but not, in this case, a mayor), it doesn’t mean 
that it _is_ a town.

Personally, I had always regarded Hamlet/Village/Town as being population-based 


Stuart Reynolds
for traveline south east & anglia

On 12 Feb 2016, at 13:15, Colin Smale 
> wrote:

According to Wikipedia, it is country-dependent. As it is an English word, we 
should only discuss about its meaning in an English-speaking context. There is 
no such thing as a hamlet in Germany for example; they have different words 
with different semantics, which may or may not map onto English concepts.

The common theme indicated by the Wikipedia article is that a hamlet is in some 
way dependent or subordinate to a larger settlement. For example it may not 
have its own church. That in itself does not define an absolute cut-off point 
in terms of population; it is dependent on the settlement's context with 
respect to its surroundings.

In the UK of course it is a matter of status to be called a City, and there is 
an unambiguous list of cities. This list can only be changed by the Crown 
through parliament. The smallest city is St Davids in Wales, with a population 
of 1841 (2011 figure). Any attempt to retag it in OSM to place=village will 
probably be reverted within 0.1 nanoseconds

A smaller incorporated settlement (civil parish) can decide unilaterally to 
call itself a town. Changes don't happen very often of course, but it is a 
point of civic pride for the inhabitants as the council becomes a Town Council 
and they can have a Town Mayor. This is also independent of the population, but 
the status is carried by the council whose area may include a substantial rural 
element, which would also become part of the "town". If you ask an inhabitant 
of that area whether X is a town or a village, they will tell you, and it has 
nothing to do with population

In other countries a rule based on population may be appropriate, but in the UK 
it is definitely a question of status.


On 2016-02-12 13:39, Paul Berry wrote:

Hi Michael,

Going the other way, what's the cutoff between a hamlet and a village? 
Population 50? 100? I'd say that with these categories there's some fuzziness 
so go with what feels right. On the ground experience over armchair mapping 
wins out here I think (as it does for most things OSM). More complexity: a 
place that would be a hamlet or village near a town or city can find itself a 
neighbourhood or suburb over time. Again the distinction can be a fine one.

Also, and a more important point than all the above, welcome!


On 12 February 2016 at 12:04, Tom Hughes 
> wrote:
On 12/02/16 11:51, Ian Caldwell wrote:

On 11 February 2016 at 21:32, Michael Booth 

>> wrote:

So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities?
Only by population, or do we also take into account their generally
accepted status (whilst trying to be consistent across the country)?

In England towns will normally have a town council. Villages
will normally have a parish council. Only really a name difference see .

Normally is a very strong word... There are many, many towns and villages 
without any town or parish council.


Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] filtro x scaricare su josm solo la parte di dati che serono dal server OSM

2016-02-12 Per discussione Federico Cortese
Il 12/feb/2016 13:37, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha
> si, ma non trova tutti "i percorsi/relazioni da cui dipende", trova
soltanto quelli direttamente necessari al livello informatico, mentre i
percorsi dipendono da tutto ciò che è mappato. Se tu sposti una strada
anche solo 5 metri già di può capitare di introdurre errori topologici (se
non sposti anche gli oggeti al lato della strada potrebbero cambiare lato
in certi casi). Per me dovrebbe essere impossibile fare modifiche con i
filtri accessi.

Condivido pienamente!


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Chris Hill

On 12/02/16 11:51, Ian Caldwell wrote:

On 11 February 2016 at 21:32, Michael Booth > wrote:

So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities?
Only by population, or do we also take into account their
generally accepted status (whilst trying to be consistent across
the country)?

In England towns will normally have a town council. Villages 
will normally have a parish council. Only really a name difference see .

The whole situation is complex. There are places with 'city status' that 
really aren't for OSM's purposes, there are villages that become towns, 
villages bigger than many towns that are still villages, there are town 
council areas and civil parishes that have more than one settlement in 
them with separate names, some of which may ormay not be a hamlet. I 
have found a local example where a civil parish has declared itself to 
be a town, but both of the settlements in it are still firmly villages 

I love living in a country with such variety and I'm very pleased that 
OSM copes nicely with this variety (if the tag and wiki fiddlers just 
leave things alone).

Cheers, Chris (chillly)

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Philip Barnes

On Fri Feb 12 13:52:13 2016 GMT, Andy Townsend wrote:
> which makes it clear why using the "legal city definition" might not 
> make sense in OSM _across the board_.  It might in some places (it's 
> essentially what the Irish do, I believe), but I'd argue it doesn't here 
> because of e.g. St David's (see below) and Telford, which despite its 
> size doesn't really feel like a city to me - although if someone more 
> local says I'm wrong, I'll believe them.

I'm local, and you are not wrong.  A city needs to be more than a big housing 
estate and a shopping centre that closes in the evening. True  50 years after 
the original planners blunder they are  doing something about it.
> I'd be interested to see the history of St David's.  The current node
> was only created in August 2015; I wonder what it was before?
It was certainly a city before then, as far as I remember it was a road 
junction node, I should be able find it when I get home.

Phil (trigpoint )

Sent from my Jolla
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione SK53
On 12 February 2016 at 13:15, Colin Smale  wrote:

> According to Wikipedia, it is country-dependent. As it is an English word,
> we should only discuss about its meaning in an English-speaking context.
> There is no such thing as a hamlet in Germany for example; they have
> different words with different semantics, which may or may not map onto
> English concepts.
> //colin

I think this is an example of where relying on wikipedia might be

German mappers have mapped lots (my browser gave out at 21k for Bavaria).
OK, some of these may be small villages & a cursory inspection suggests
that some may be closer to what we'd use place=locality for, but certainly
in alpine areas summer hamlets are an integral part of agricultural life.
Switzerland, which I know better and shares similar settlement patterns to
parts of Germany has 4800 hamlets cf. 3600 villages.
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Killyfole and District Development Association
Hi all,

In Northern Ireland we have a government body called the Northern Ireland 
Statistics and Research Agency, who work with the census data to determine the 
size and definition of a settlement -

Do you not have the same in the rest of the UK?

Usually when they publish a report on settlements the local newspapers write 
an article about it, the last report I read was of settlements being 
downgraded due to a decline in population.  The newspaper concluded that mass 
emigration of young people was to blame.  It was quite the talking point!


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Andrea Lattmann
Bravo Ale, è l'idrante a pilastro che non è convenzionalmente chiamato così. Di 
solito viene detto soprassuolo. Volevo chiedere una cosa, si può proporre altri 
tag tipo per taggare un idrante soprassuolo ADR?

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Andrea Lattmann
>se vi và credo che sia un buon modo per >iniziare una collaborazione con tutti 

Io sono disponibilissimo e la collaborazione in OSM è a mio parere le 
fondamenta senza la quale OSM non esisterebbe. :-)

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Colin Smale
Can I mention the City of Brighton and Hove? The city status is held by
the unitary authority (Brighton and Hove City Council). Neither Brighton
nor Hove is a city. 


On 2016-02-12 15:23, Chris Hill wrote:

> On 12/02/16 11:51, Ian Caldwell wrote: 
>> On 11 February 2016 at 21:32, Michael Booth > > wrote:
>> So my question is, how are we defining villages, towns and cities?
>> Only by population, or do we also take into account their
>> generally accepted status (whilst trying to be consistent across
>> the country)?
>> In England towns will normally have a town council. Villages will normally 
>> have a parish council. Only really a name difference see 
>> .
> The whole situation is complex. There are places with 'city status' that 
> really aren't for OSM's purposes, there are villages that become towns, 
> villages bigger than many towns that are still villages, there are town 
> council areas and civil parishes that have more than one settlement in them 
> with separate names, some of which may ormay not be a hamlet. I have found a 
> local example where a civil parish has declared itself to be a town, but both 
> of the settlements in it are still firmly villages (see 
> I love living in a country with such variety and I'm very pleased that OSM 
> copes nicely with this variety (if the tag and wiki fiddlers just leave 
> things alone).
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Colin Smale
We are never going to get worldwide consensus on this, so let's stop trying. 
Just focusing on the UK situation, as has been mentioned many times before, 
there are multiple definitions of these terms, all equally correct within their 
own contexts. there is the legal definition, the people's definition, and the 
definition based on population. If we use population for place=*, how do we get 
the rendering to correspond to expectations? We will need additional tags I 

On 12 February 2016 14:52:13 CET, Andy Townsend  wrote:
>On 12/02/2016 13:15, Colin Smale wrote:
>> According to Wikipedia, ...
>... I wouldn't assume that what wikipedia says has any particular 
>relevance with respect to how something is mapped in OSM.  The language
>used in the English wikipedia is a mix of American and English (and 
>other) usages, and how things are mapped in OSM doesn't always match 
>"common [British] English usage".
>> it is country-dependent.
>That, however, is entirely correct.  The Irish, for example have a very
>clear idea of what their "cities" are.  It's less clear on this side of
>the Irish Sea.
>> In the UK of course it is a matter of status to be called a City, and
>> there is an unambiguous list of cities. 
>That's the legal definition, not the OSM one.  Perhaps you are 
>unfamiliar with the previous discussion, but this has been done to
>before.  See these threads among others:
>and particularly this post:
>which makes it clear why using the "legal city definition" might not 
>make sense in OSM _across the board_.  It might in some places (it's 
>essentially what the Irish do, I believe), but I'd argue it doesn't
>because of e.g. St David's (see below) and Telford, which despite its 
>size doesn't really feel like a city to me - although if someone more 
>local says I'm wrong, I'll believe them.
>> This list can only be changed by the Crown through parliament. The 
>> smallest city is St Davids in Wales, with a population of 1841 (2011 
>> figure). Any attempt to retag it in OSM to place=village will
>> be reverted within 0.1 nanoseconds 
>I'd be interested to see the history of St David's.  The current node
>was only created in August 2015; I wonder what it was before?
>>  but it is a point of civic pride for the inhabitants as the 
>> council becomes a Town Council ...
>A number of places _call_ themselves a town council, because they can. 
>It's pretty irrelevant to status in OSM.  See Jerry's post above (from 
>that for example I'd call Bingham a town and Keyworth not because
>what they feel like to me).
>What doesn't work with city/town/village classification is someone 
>diving in and making lots of changes without explaining why; what does 
>is a bit of discussion first so that we know that yes, there are still 
>different opinions on this and that of the various options XYZ tagging 
>has the least oponents.
>Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Le formulaire de recherche OSMand ignore la grande majorité des villes françaises

2016-02-12 Per discussione Dominique Faure
Un petit tour sur montre que la carte
"France addresses-nationwide Europe" ne semble plus être disponible.
La seule référence disponible ailleurs (
date de 2014

En l'état, seules les adresses définies directement dans la carte sont
utilisables dans OsmAnd.

2016-02-11 23:54 GMT+01:00 :

> Le 11/02/2016 22:03, Jean-Michel Pouré - a écrit :
> Bonsoir à tous,
> J'espère que c'est le bon endroit pour poser cette question :
> pas vraiment mais tu dois tomber sur une communauté d'utilisateurs qui
> sera aussi intéressée par les réponses.
> Méthode différente de celle de Philippe (je n'ai pas chargé la base dont
> il parle).
> Je viens de faire un test : carte Bretagne téléchargée (version complète
> mais ça ne doit pas changer grand chose), mode avion.
> Recher de Roscanvel (moins de 1 000 habitants, même code postal que
> Camaret-sur-Mer).
> Sur l'onglet PI (point d'intérêt) :
> Roscanvel est trouvé (2 hameaux, un port, un bureau de poste avec les
> heures d'ouverture, un village et un terrain de jeu).
> N'as-tu pas cherché par adresse ? Dans ce cas il faut cliquer sur
> "rechercher plus de villages et codes postaux" car il filtre sérieusement.
> J'en suis déjà à mon deuxième jour d'utilisation d'OSMAND.
> Attention : les géométries ne sont pas respectées lors de la recherche il
> ne semble tenir compte que du plus proche.
> De même les lieux-dits sont à chercher dans "ville" (non dans l'adresse de
> la rue).
> Il trouve des hamlet (pas de isolated_dweling même s'il est affiche sur la
> carte).
> Si on reprend Roscanvel il connaît un bon nombre de rue y compris les
> numéros ! Et les hameaux aussi.
> Donc oui il faut un brevet de pilote pour utiliser OSMAND mais ça vaut le
> coup de le passer.
> Pour le moment j'ai fait mon premier trajet guidé : il semble fiable mais
> muet.
> Il doit y avoir un truc dans un coin.
> Jean-Yvon
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Fotky rozcestniku na

2016-02-12 Per discussione Michal Grézl
2016-02-10 21:36 GMT+01:00 Tom Ka :
> Dneska jsem chvili upravoval kontroly rozcestniku z minula:
> - nalezeny a odstraneny nespravne uzly v DB, celkem je jich ted tedy
> 12000 misto 14600
> - vzdalenost pro kontrolu snizena z 50 na 20m
> - fotek v DB je 4633, rozcestnik v OSM blizko: 3009, zadny blizky
> rozcestnik v OSM: 1624
> - vypisuje nyni vsechny blizke obrazky ne jen jejich celkovy pocet
> - je videt, ze se da z DB obrazku dost informaci vytezit ve stavajicim stavu
> - hodne by pomohla pouzitelna editace polozek v obrazkove DB, ve
> stavajicim stavu neni moc efektivni opravovat REF nebo chybne
> souradnice apod.

editor menit nebudu, me to tak vyhovuje:) nicmene api je dostupne a
neni problem si napsat vlastni
moznosti hromadne zmeny pri dodani nejakeho stroojove zpracovatelneho
formatu se rozhodne nebranim

souradnice se budou menit primo v mape az to napisu ja nebo nekdo jiny.
zatim to stejne ma smysl akorat pri rozcestnikach s 0,0, nebo s chybne
zadanymi souradnicemi. to je na mape videt, je to par kousku a resim
to zatim rucne primo v db.

> - generovani analyzy porad trva hodne dlouho, radove 2-3min.
> - je na githubu OsmHiCheck -
> Bye

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Downloading a section of the Philippine open street map

2016-02-12 Per discussione Jim Morgan
Erwin Olario wrote on Monday, 08 February, 2016 02:56 PM:
> Try this utility:

This is brilliant. I'd never come across that before. Great for downloading 
small areas like cities you're visiting, without having to download the entire 
country. Thanks for sharing. 


   datalude: information security

talk-ph mailing list

[Talk-GB] Additional Tagging Suggestions for Schools

2016-02-12 Per discussione Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
A couple of areas where I think we could improve on our tagging to
help data users:

* I think it would be useful if we had a machine-readable way to tag
an amenity=school area that is actually a site shared between two or
more individual schools. In this case, while the area will probably be
tagged amenity=school, it doesn't actually correspond to an individual
school, and data uses should expect additional amenity=school objects
for the individual schools within it. Maybe something like
school=shared_site. My tools could then ignore such objects for the
purposes of matching to official data.

* I think it would be useful if we had a machine-readable way to tag a
school site that isn't the main site for that particular school. This
would let data-users know that the school object isn't a separate
school, but is part of another school that they should expect to find
another amenity=school object for. This would also help my tools as
they could then check that there is only one main site for each
official school and flag up errors where this is not the case. Any
matching distance errors could also be downgraded on non-main sites.
I'm not sure how best to tag this though. main_site=no,
additional_site=yes, ... ?

Best wishes,


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Le formulaire de recherche OSMand ignore la grande majorité des villes françaises

2016-02-12 Per discussione Jean-Marc Liotier
On 2016-02-12 15:16, Dominique Faure wrote:

> Un petit tour sur montre que la carte 
> "France addresses-nationwide Europe" ne semble plus être disponible.

Crénom - tu as raison... Idem sur mon OsmAnd. 

> La seule référence disponible ailleurs 
> (
>  date de 2014

OsmAnd dit que mon fichier date de Juillet 2015. 

> En l'état, seules les adresses définies directement dans la carte sont 
> utilisables dans OsmAnd.

Feature or bug ? 
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Bulk Import of Address Range in GTHA from Metrolinx, Second attemps

2016-02-12 Per discussione Mojgan Jadidi
"...This would be okay (and preferable) if the node addresses were
consecutive, but some of the ones I saw were longer. If you still have
the data, I remember seeing this at the intersection of Kennedy Road and
Eglinton Avenue East, on the east side of Kennedy. It would be at/near
the south end of this way, # 129483334 :;

I checked it and resolve the issue in our data!


*Mojgan (Amaneh) Jadidi, Ph.D.*
*Intern, Applied Research & Corporate Monitoring*
*Planning & Policy | **Metrolinx | 97 Front Street West, Toronto, ON, M5J
1E6 | T: 416-202-5844 <416-202-5844>*

*Postdoctoral Research Fellow*
*GeoICT Lab | York University | 4700 Keele St, Toronto, ON, **M3J 1P3*
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] place=village/town/city

2016-02-12 Per discussione Philip Barnes
On Fri, 2016-02-12 at 14:53 +, Philip Barnes wrote:

On Fri Feb 12 13:52:13 2016 GMT, Andy Townsend wrote:

I'd be interested to see the history of St David's.  The current

was only created in August 2015; I wonder what it was before?

It was certainly a city before then, as far as I remember it was a
road junction node, I should be able find it when I get home.

The original node,

Phil (trigpoint )

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] surface per scale

2016-02-12 Per discussione Francesco Pelullo
Il 12/feb/2016 10:55, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha
>> Mi sembra ragionevole, solo che il tratto di sentiero prima e dopo gli
scalini lo dovresti declassare da track a path.
> perché?

Perché se ci sono gradini lungo il percorso allora significa che non è
funzionale all'uso dei veicoli, ma dei pedoni.

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Descarga de CSV

2016-02-12 Per discussione ihg

Hola a todos,

Quisiera saber si existe algún lugar de donde conseguir gratuitamente 
ficheros CSV en los cuales aparezcan las coordenadas de paises, ciudades 
y (a lo sumo, calles). Es posible que si existen, estos CSV contengan 
más datos que ya me encargaría yo de descartarlos.

Vamos, que me interesaría algo tipo:


Donde las X y las Y serían las coordenadas.

¿Existe algo así? ¿Gracias!

Un saludo.

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] People mover Bologna Marconi

2016-02-12 Per discussione Maurizio Daniele
Si, ok, ma da "lavori propedeutici" (immagino qualche area recintata qui e
là, misure, al limite verifiche del terreno) a segnare tutto il percorso
come in costruzione ce ne passa, mi pare.

Insomma, per dire che mi confermi che non s'è mappato quello che c'è sul
terreno ma il progetto di una cosa in divenire, immagino sulla base proprio
delle mappe del progetto o di qualche ricostruzione trovata su internet.

Il 12/feb/2016 13:54, "Rallysta74"  ha scritto:

> Sono iniziati i lavori propedeutici alla realizzazione, si prevede di
> aprire
> la tratta nel 2019
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-pt] C.M. de Lisboa - Geodados - Plataforma de Dados Abertos Georreferenciados

2016-02-12 Per discussione pixolex

*O Projeto *
O Geodados é a plataforma da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa para a
disponibilização de coleções de dados geográficos sobre a cidade de
Lisboa. Este projecto pretende potenciar a utilização e a reutilização
de informação produzida pelo município, com vista à sua divulgação e à
criação de produtos e serviços que lhe acrescentam valor, acessíveis por
diversos tipos de dispositivos informáticos.

*Os Dados *
Disponibilizamos os dados nos formatos CSV (folha de cálculo), KML ou
SHP (para utilização em Sistemas de Informação Geográfica) e API. Os
conjuntos de dados passíveis de alteração são atualizados bimensalmente.
Consulte os respetivos metadados para mais detalhes sobre a informação.
Para mais informações consulte os termos e o manual de utilização. Fique
atento, novos temas serão adicionados em breve.

Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] surface per scale

2016-02-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-12 16:37 GMT+01:00 Francesco Pelullo :

> Perché se ci sono gradini lungo il percorso allora significa che non è
> funzionale all'uso dei veicoli, ma dei pedoni.

si, ma se fino alle scale fosse percorribile sarebbe probabilmente un
track. Un track non deve essere continuo, potrebbe essere anche una strada

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Descarga de CSV

2016-02-12 Per discussione Iván Sánchez Ortega
El Viernes 12. febrero 2016 17.18.15 ihg escribió:
> Hola a todos,
> Quisiera saber si existe algún lugar de donde conseguir gratuitamente
> ficheros CSV en los cuales aparezcan las coordenadas de paises, ciudades
> ¿Existe algo así? ¿Gracias!


Iván Sánchez Ortega   

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-it] gradinata (scalinata ampia)

2016-02-12 Per discussione
come si tagga una gradinata cioè una scalinata molto larga?



View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Le formulaire de recherche OSMand ignore la grande majorité des villes françaises

2016-02-12 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

Le 12/02/2016 17:56, Jean-Marc Liotier - a écrit :
La seule référence disponible ailleurs 
date de 2014

OsmAnd dit que mon fichier date de Juillet 2015.
Date du téléchargement et non du fichier récupéré je suppose. 
Normalement c'est bien la date de création mais si tu l'as récupéré 
"ailleurs" peut-être que OSMAND gère différemment.
En l'état, seules les adresses définies directement dans la carte 
sont utilisables dans OsmAnd.

Feature or bug ?

Oui, mais il accepte les intersections de route comme définition d'adresse.

Quelque part, comment trouver (hors ligne) ce qui n'est pas sur la carte 
(couches OSM ou POI importés par exemple) ?
Tu peux aussi ajouter par toi-même une base d'adresses (je n'ai pas 
pratiqué et effectivement si le fichier n'est plus dispo il faudra que 
quelqu'un convertisse la BANO ;-)).
Comme maintenant les adresses sont intégrées à la carte peut-être que la 
base d'adresses n'apportait rien (quand même les données étaient pour 
toute la France et non région par région... Intérêt : avoir la carte 
routière complète et les adresses sans le bâti ?).

Tiens je vois "Free County" comme région française. Weird, isn't it?
C'est sur l'appli, pas sur

Je n'arrive pas à comprendre non plus pourquoi des régions sont en 
anglais et d'autres en français.

> Pour le moment j'ai fait mon premier trajet guidé : il semble fiable 
mais muet.

> Il doit y avoir un truc dans un coin.
Aujourd'hui il avait la parole.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Any File
On Fri, Feb 12, 2016 at 12:25 PM, Alessandro Palmas
> Ho abbozzato la pagina Wiki in italiano
> chi vuole proseguire nella traduzione è ben accetto.

Ho tradotto un pezzo, ma in alcuni casi l'originale inglese è poco comprensibile

e preferire che prima venga migliorata la pagina in inglese, piuttosto
che inventarmi come scriverla in Italiano (anche perché le mie
conoscenza in materia di idranti sono decisamente scarse...)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Additional Tagging Suggestions for Schools

2016-02-12 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 12/02/16 10:51, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:
> That said, it's on my To Do list to look at doing a fuzzy name
> comparison -- probably by deleting common words / phrases (School,
> Academy, CofE, Voluntary Controlled, and, &, etc) from both strings
> and then seeing if what's left is equal. This would probably be used
> to flag up possible errors in matched pairs (either in the OSM name or
> the matching), rather than as a way to get better matching in the
> first place. The latter can always be solved by adding the ref:*
> values to OSM.

I adopted the standard of official_name=xxx where the edubase listing
differs from the signage or other local 'format'. A few schools have
been 're-branded' as they became academies, but either the local site
has yet to updated, or the school IS using a different name to that
registered. A quite common one is the CofE and how it's printed on site
or on other documents. This is a bit of a mess across the board :(

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] gradinata (scalinata ampia)

2016-02-12 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 12/02/2016 17:37, ha scritto:
> come si tagga una gradinata cioè una scalinata molto larga?
> grazie.
> -enrico

Non so se è attinente, ma qualche tempo fà chiesi per gli scloni degli
spalti dei campi da calcio, e mi fu suggerito building=grandstand.

Però in quel caso ci si può sedere, qui non so se è valida, perchè non è
fattibile per identificare il numero di scalini.

Quindi non so, oserei un barrier=* sugli spigoli dei singoli scalini e
ai bordi un highway=steps, steps_count=*, infine un incline up/down a
seconda della direzione delle highway.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] surface per scale

2016-02-12 Per discussione Andrea Lattmann
Se ti riferisci al thread iniziale: 
Secondo me non può essere una track
Perché ha scritto:
>lungo un sentiero di montagna,
pertanto è un sentiero. :-)

Se ti riferisci a Simone, mi è già capitato una track del genere ed è percorsa 
da fuoristrada e trattori. Ora dipende da com'è la sua di "track". Ci vorrebbe 
una bella foto :-)
Interessa anche a me la risposta della domanda di, perché è un 
sentiero che mi capita spesso di percorrere.
Grazie a tutti.

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] gradinata (scalinata ampia)

2016-02-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-12 17:37 GMT+01:00 :

> come si tagga una gradinata cioè una scalinata molto larga?

tema non risolto ;-)
Ci sono dei concetti in giro però, una mia proposta molto vecchia si chiama
relation type=area, ma non è supportato da niente...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Andrea Lattmann
Se qualcuno mi da una dritta come funziona il Wiki (come fare una sandbox) 
posso scrivere quello che so sugli'idranti... un pochettino né so...

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-02-12 20:01 GMT+01:00 Andrea Lattmann :

> Se qualcuno mi da una dritta come funziona il Wiki (come fare una sandbox)
> posso scrivere quello che so sugli'idranti... un pochettino né so...

non ci sono i "sandbox" veri, ma puoi creare delle bozze nel tuo
"userspace" (sottopagine della pagina )
Io al solito scrivo direttamente dove voglio che appare la versione

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] gradinata (scalinata ampia)

2016-02-12 Per discussione Andrea Lattmann
Enrico, ti sei dato alle scale? :-D
Vuoi gareggiare al Valtellina Vertical Tube Race? :-D

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmHydrant mappatura idranti

2016-02-12 Per discussione Andrea Lattmann
Grazie mille, sempre molto gentile. 

>Io al solito scrivo direttamente dove >voglio che appare la versione "finale".

preferisco fare la sotto pagina e discuterne, non voglio fare danni. :-)

Andrea Lattmann

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Le formulaire de recherche OSMand ignore la grande majorité des villes françaises

2016-02-12 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

Le 12/02/2016 19:28, osm.sanspourriel a écrit :
Tu peux aussi ajouter par toi-même une base d'adresses (je n'ai pas 
pratiqué et effectivement si le fichier n'est plus dispo il faudra que 
quelqu'un convertisse la BANO ;-)).
Comme maintenant les adresses sont intégrées à la carte peut-être que 
la base d'adresses n'apportait rien (quand même les données étaient 
pour toute la France et non région par région... Intérêt : avoir la 
carte routière complète et les adresses sans le bâti ?).

Si tu veux essayer d'en créer un, voir un lien qui explique comment faire :!topic/osmand/C-Aojwp5F8U 

(vers la fin).
Pense à utiliser une version 64 bits de Java quand tu essayeras sur la 
France entière après avoir testé sur une petite zone.

Ensuite tu convertis en obf.
Et tu nous tiens au courant voir publie l'info et le résultat.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] surface per scale

2016-02-12 Per discussione girarsi_liste
Il 12/02/2016 20:12, Andrea Lattmann ha scritto:
> Se ti riferisci al thread iniziale: 
> Secondo me non può essere una track
> Perché ha scritto:
>> lungo un sentiero di montagna,
> pertanto è un sentiero. :-)
> Se ti riferisci a Simone, mi è già capitato una track del genere ed è 
> percorsa da fuoristrada e trattori. Ora dipende da com'è la sua di "track". 
> Ci vorrebbe una bella foto :-)
> Interessa anche a me la risposta della domanda di, perché è un 
> sentiero che mi capita spesso di percorrere.
> Grazie a tutti.
> Andrea Lattmann

Il sentiero è fondamentalmente una track, per forestali, in quanto
all'inizio ci sono questi cartelli, e si vede l'inizio del
sentiero/strada (perdonate il rovescio):

Gli scalini per un trattore non comportano problemi, sono alti circa 10
cm, in fondo non ci deve fare rally..., comunque il tratto
interessato è questo:

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] RFC: LA County building import

2016-02-12 Per discussione maning sambale

[posted in talk-us and imports-us lists.]

We are proposing a building import of the public domain building and
assessor data for LA County [0].
This covers ~3M buildings for the whole county (2008 - 2014). Two
datasets from LA county will be imported.
The building data for geometry and the assessors data for building use
(i.e. residential, commercial, etc.).
There is also an address data but we are punting this for now due to
various data conflation issues.

Before we go ahead with the process, we are requesting the community
for review and approval:

* Scripts and conversion available in github [1] based on NYC imports process.
* Workflow for a community managed manual import [2].
* Sample data for evaluation, available in a custom Tasking Manager
[3].  Please evaluate the data and test the

Do not import any data into the main OSM DB.  If you want to test the
full import process use the OSM dev server.
For any issues, please post in the Github [4].


In behalf of the team,

Alan McConchie, @almccon
Jon Schleuss, @jschleuss
Omar Ureta, @cityhubla
Maning Sambale, @maningsambale

- [0],_California/Buildings_Import
- [1]
- [2]
- [3]
- [4]

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] gradinata (scalinata ampia)

2016-02-12 Per discussione Aury88
onestamente il nostro sistema di tagging per i percorsi pedonali lo trovo un
po' distinzione tra footway e pedestrian è minima e quasi
sempre è solo una questione di larghezza...a mio avviso non ha senso
estendere questa ridondanza anche agli la scalinata è solo
larga io direi che si può applicare ad una highway=steps il tag width
se la scalinata oltre che larga è composta da scaloni, cioè scale molto
"profonde" (bassissime pendenza) direi che si potrebbe pensare di utilizzare
addirittura una highway= footway o pedestrian con il solito tag width e un
nodo con tag barrier in corrispondenza della posizione di ogni scalino, ma a
mio avviso meglio continuare ad usare  highway=step... questo poi con uno 
step_count, la lunghezza della way, il tutto   associato ai dati di
dislivello, fa capire la tipologia/geometria della scala mappata.
tieni sempre a mente che l'uso del tag building o tag di superficie/area
deve comunque essere associato ad una mappatura tramite way per venire
incontro le necessità/capacità dei navigatori.

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[OSM-talk-be] MOVE database: shops in Wallonia

2016-02-12 Per discussione Julien Minet
Hi list,   

Yesterday, I found this article 
( (in 
French) about this research group at ULg that have recorded about 35000 shops 
in Wallonia (see this page 

Does someone knows about these guys? A win-win collaboration with OSM for shops 
would be welcome! Shops information are rapidly evolving (new shops, closed 
shops), so that a continuous update is necessary, especially for this kind of 


Hier, j'ai trouvé cet article 
( à 
propos du groupe de recherche SEGEFA à l'ULg qui a répertorié 35000 points de 
ventes en Wallonie (cfr cette page 

Est-ce que qqn connait ces personnes? Une collaboration win-win avec OSM serait 
la bienvenue! Les infos sur les points de vente évoluent extrêmement vite si 
bien qu'une mise à jour continue est indispensable pour ce type de données. 


Talk-be mailing list

[Talk-it] Re[: People mover Bologna Marconi

2016-02-12 Per discussione bvivi

Credo che le mappatura corretta sua Construction per le zone cantierate e 
Proposed per la parte in progetto na non cantierata.
Inviato da Libero Mail per Android venerdì, 12 febbraio 2016, 05:35PM +01:00 da 
Maurizio Daniele <> :

>Si, ok, ma da "lavori propedeutici" (immagino qualche area recintata qui e là, 
>misure, al limite verifiche del terreno) a segnare tutto il percorso come in 
>costruzione ce ne passa, mi pare.
>Insomma, per dire che mi confermi che non s'è mappato quello che c'è sul 
>terreno ma il progetto di una cosa in divenire, immagino sulla base proprio 
>delle mappe del progetto o di qualche ricostruzione trovata su internet.
>Il 12/feb/2016 13:54, "Rallysta74" < > ha scritto:
>>< >
>>Sono iniziati i lavori propedeutici alla realizzazione, si prevede di aprire
>>la tratta nel 2019
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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports-us] RFC: LA County building import

2016-02-12 Per discussione Frederik Ramm

On 02/13/2016 06:45 AM, maning sambale wrote:
> We are proposing a building import of the public domain building and
> assessor data for LA County [0].

How many of your team are local to LA, and how are you cooperating with
the OSM community in LA?

What is your estimate about participation of local mappers? Is it likely
that we'll see 10 people participating, half of them not even living in
the area, and each of them importing 300,000 of the 3 million buildings?

That would be my main fear about this; it is not unheard of for previous
building footprint imports in the US to be called a "community import"
but the community was really a very eager one-digit number of people who
mostly didn't even have any ties to the area they were importing in.

Can we have the hope that the LA building footprint import will be
handled by people who have actually been to the area they see on their
editor screen?

Will there be people participating in this community import as part of
their day job?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Opentopomap Preview

2016-02-12 Per discussione cesare gerbino
Il render della mappa è molto interessante e lo trovo molto ben fatto.
Anche io ho notato che lo zoom è però limitato al livello 15, mentre sulla
mappa in dev si arriva al 17 . qualcuno sà perchè?

Buona giornata


Cesare Gerbino

Questo è un account di posta personale di Cesare Gerbino: tutte le opinioni
espresse sono personali e non riflettono necessariamente quelle del mio
datore di lavoro

This is Cesare Gerbino mail account. Text is written by Cesare Gerbino:
 the views expressed  are mine and not necessarily those of my employer.

Il giorno 5 febbraio 2016 21:40, Cascafico Giovanni 
ha scritto:

> lo sto provando come sfondo di umap, ma per qualche motivo lo zoom è
> limitato al 15
> Il giorno 5 febbraio 2016 16:38, Federico Cortese 
> ha scritto:
>> 2016-02-05 13:16 GMT+01:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
>> > Segnalo che ci sarà presto uno nuovo stile, opentopomap, "ispirato"
>> dallo
>> > stile delle mappe topografiche tedesche ufficiali, e una beta è già
>> > disponibile:
>> Grazie per la segnalazione Martin, è il più bel rendering che abbia
>> visto finora.
>> E poi per un topografo non c'è niente di meglio di una opentopomap :)
>> Ciao
>> Federico
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Métro 1

2016-02-12 Per discussione Éric Gillet
Le 12 février 2016 à 11:11, dHuy Pierre  a écrit :

> @éric: bien pratique ton lien je pense que je vais l'utiliser à fond pour
> traquer les imperfections :)
> Tu as pensé à l'intégrer avec des OpenData?

Bonne idée, mais OSMTransportViewer est bien loin de ce genre de
perfectionnements ;)
Il me semble que même s'il existe des formats standards pour les données de
transports en communs (GTFS par ex.), il n'y a pas d'homogénéité dans
l'utilisation de ces formats par les différentes régies de transport, ce
qui obligerais intégrer manuellement ville par ville les données
(corrigez-moi s'il y a mieux comme process).

Pour l'instant il fait juste affichage des données d'une requête Overpass.
La priorité à mon avis est d'ajouter un système de validation des données
pour déceler plus facilement/rapidement les erreurs de tagging,
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Additional Tagging Suggestions for Schools

2016-02-12 Per discussione John Aldridge

On 12-Feb-16 20:22, Lester Caine wrote:

On 12/02/16 19:34, John Aldridge wrote:

On 12-Feb-16 17:31, Lester Caine wrote:

I adopted the standard of official_name=xxx where the edubase listing
differs from the signage or other local 'format'...

I'm not objecting, but why did you feel you wanted to clone information
from edubase into OSM at all?

Given the presence of the ref:edubase tag, I can look the official
information up if I want to know (and without the risk of it becoming
out of date).

I have no problem on them being removed,

I have no intention of removing anything -- I'm merely curious!

but while cross checking they
were a useful reference, and seeing the entry I can see how many are
different in edubase.

You mean they serve the same function as not:name does for street names 
in reducing noise from automated consistency checking? OK, I can see 
that's useful.

But don't assume that the data
provided by the third party are more up to date than the OSM version ;)

But in this case of official_name I thought you were saying the 
appropriate value was the value from edubase, so by definition it 
couldn't be out of date there.

A substantial number of the website links I loaded are out of date on
the edubase records :( OSM is now more accurate than edubase ...

Now that doesn't surprise me at all! I absolutely agree that putting 
(e.g.) website information into OSM is appropriate -- especially if 
edubase is wrong.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Inserire uso del suolo e indici di vegetazione

2016-02-12 Per discussione Marco_T
Paola Capone wrote
> Una volta riportate in JOSM ottengo le stesse isoipse ma con un infinità
> di
> nodi.

Se vuoi semplificare una polilinea (ridurre il numero di nodi) esiste il
comando "Semplifica percorso" nel menu Strumenti di JOSM.
Puoi aumentare o diminuire il fattore di Deviazione modificando la variabile
"simplify-way.max-error" come spiegato qui:
Non mi ricordo se questa variabile esiste di default o devi creartela...


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] GPS à correction d'erreur / RTK GPS / RTKlib

2016-02-12 Per discussione Jean-Michel Pouré
Bonsoir à tous,

Je signale ce tutoriel Instructables:

La page reprend les informations DIY discutées ici ... Mais c'est un
peu cher, de l'ordre de 250€ par balise.

Avec ces technologies, les services de précision commercialisés par les
opérateurs sont techniquement "morts". 

La France a investit dans Galiléo. Les services de précision seront
diffusés sur abonnement. On comprend que l'administration française ne
déploie que quelques rares balises de correction accessibles

C'est dommage. Il vaudrait mieux passer pour acquis la disponibilité de
la technologie RTKlib et la déployer massivement, plutôt que de faire
l'autruche et continuer de croire au schéma économique de Galiléo.

D'où l'idée que seules des communautés libres peuvent à terme déployer
RTKlib Pour cela, il faudrait une solution matériel bon marché ... de
l'ordre de 100€ tout compris pour une balise fixe. C'est assez proche
du prix des composants.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Additional Tagging Suggestions for Schools

2016-02-12 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 12/02/16 19:34, John Aldridge wrote:
> On 12-Feb-16 17:31, Lester Caine wrote:
>> I adopted the standard of official_name=xxx where the edubase listing
>> differs from the signage or other local 'format'...
> I'm not objecting, but why did you feel you wanted to clone information
> from edubase into OSM at all?
> Given the presence of the ref:edubase tag, I can look the official
> information up if I want to know (and without the risk of it becoming
> out of date).

I have no problem on them being removed, but while cross checking they
were a useful reference, and seeing the entry I can see how many are
different in edubase.

Of cause what would be nice is a tool that imports third party data
records given a reference in OSM. But don't assume that the data
provided by the third party are more up to date than the OSM version ;)
A substantial number of the website links I loaded are out of date on
the edubase records :( OSM is now more accurate than edubase ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-es] Descarga de CSV

2016-02-12 Per discussione ihg

Gracias Iván! :)

He visto que Geonames dispone estas dos páginas:


El primer enlace veo que contiene ficheros ZIPs con todos los códigos 
postales por país, con lo que podría obtener la localización de las 
ciudades (genial!!).

El segundo enlace contiene ficheros ZIP cuyo contenido no entiendo aún 
muy bien que es... parece que sean POIs de cada país...

¿Existe algo como lo del primer enlace, pero para las calles?

Muchas gracias!


Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Inserire uso del suolo e indici di vegetazione

2016-02-12 Per discussione marco bra
Per josm esistono vari plugins utilissimi ( li puoi installare
direttamente da josm

Cosa intendi per comporre i poligoni in Josm ?

1) Semplificare le geometrie quando ci sono molti vertici
(installa plugin

2) affiancare i confini dei poligoni adiacenti in modo che i confini
risultino perfettamante combacianti mantenendo pero' i poligoni divisi
(installa ed usa il  plugin contourmerge


3) fare il merge di poligoni (fai in modo di avere i confini coincidenti o
anche sovrapposti, poi selezioni il poligono 1° poi tenendo premuto il
tasto ctrl selezioni il poligono 2° e poi premi shift+j;
Se guardi questo video che fa
vedere il modo + veloce per tracciare gli edifici, vedrai, ad un certo
punto, per gli edifici disegnati come aree sovrapposte, l'uso del merging
delle aree, quello che in pratica che dovrei fare per i poligoni.

Poi potresti mappare, inviando la zona, i poligoni a vigneto su Josm,
aggiungi "landuse=vineyard" ad ogni poligono

Un qualcosa di simile a questa zona:


Il giorno 12 febbraio 2016 21:41, Paola Capone  ha

> Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno risposto.
> Ma proseguo con la mia indagine:
> Ho prodotto diversi shp in qgis del famoso vigneto da cui partivo, uno dei
> quali in curve di livello come indicatore NDVI.
> Classificazione tramite 5 classi.
> Una volta riportate in JOSM ottengo le stesse isoipse ma con un infinità
> di nodi.
> Ho cercato dei plugins che potessero comporre poligoni in automatico
> basandosi su quelli di partenza di QGis ma ovviamente, non ho trovato nulla.
> Consigli?
> Ripeto, rimarrà sempre un progetto teorico. Quindi qualsiasi consiglio da
> persone più esperte è ben accetto!
> Il giorno 11 febbraio 2016 17:17, Luca Delucchi  ha
> scritto:
>> 2016-02-11 13:16 GMT+01:00 Paola Capone :
>> > Ciao,
>> >
>> ciao,
>> > vorrei un parere ed eventualmente delle indicazioni pratiche rigurardo
>> > all'inserimento di Uso del Suolo per un solo campo : un vigneto di 0.7
>> > ettari e poligoni all'interno per valore NDVI di vegetazione.
>> >
>> > Premetto: non verrà caricato realmente su OSM
>> > E' un lavoro teorico.
>> >
>> > Dunque: ho un .tiff relativo ad un vigneto, dal quale costruirò uno shp
>> con
>> > 5 valori di NDVI, semplificando lo shp originale pesantissimo. Il
>> risultato
>> > sarà un campo diviso al suo interno da poligoni.
>> > Questo lavoro sarà svolto CON QGIS caricando come sfondo OSM.
>> >
>> > Quesito 1:
>> > le immagini di Bing possono essere importate in QGIS?
>> >
>> si, oltre al già citato openlayer, penso che il futuro sarà il plugin
>> quickmapservices
>> > Quesito 2:
>> > come carico poi il mio prodotto? è possibile importarlo da QGIS a JOSM?
>> Se
>> > si, non trovo il comando!
>> si, con JOSM puoi aprire molti formati GIS tra cui shp
>> >
>> > Per i Tag.. poi ci penso.
>> >
>> > Quesito 3: (il più filosofico dove contano solo i pareri)
>> > Ha senso utilizzare OSM come piattaforma per la condivisione e
>> > partecipazione di informazioni geografiche di questo tipo?
>> >
>> si per il landcover, no per NDVI
>> >
>> > --
>> > Paola Capone
>> >
>> --
>> ciao
>> Luca
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> --
> Paola Capone
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Linux Infinite Freedom

I'm writing from this place:
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Inserire uso del suolo e indici di vegetazione

2016-02-12 Per discussione Paola Capone
Grazie a tutti coloro che hanno risposto.

Ma proseguo con la mia indagine:

Ho prodotto diversi shp in qgis del famoso vigneto da cui partivo, uno dei
quali in curve di livello come indicatore NDVI.
Classificazione tramite 5 classi.

Una volta riportate in JOSM ottengo le stesse isoipse ma con un infinità di
Ho cercato dei plugins che potessero comporre poligoni in automatico
basandosi su quelli di partenza di QGis ma ovviamente, non ho trovato nulla.


Ripeto, rimarrà sempre un progetto teorico. Quindi qualsiasi consiglio da
persone più esperte è ben accetto!

Il giorno 11 febbraio 2016 17:17, Luca Delucchi  ha

> 2016-02-11 13:16 GMT+01:00 Paola Capone :
> > Ciao,
> >
> ciao,
> > vorrei un parere ed eventualmente delle indicazioni pratiche rigurardo
> > all'inserimento di Uso del Suolo per un solo campo : un vigneto di 0.7
> > ettari e poligoni all'interno per valore NDVI di vegetazione.
> >
> > Premetto: non verrà caricato realmente su OSM
> > E' un lavoro teorico.
> >
> > Dunque: ho un .tiff relativo ad un vigneto, dal quale costruirò uno shp
> con
> > 5 valori di NDVI, semplificando lo shp originale pesantissimo. Il
> risultato
> > sarà un campo diviso al suo interno da poligoni.
> > Questo lavoro sarà svolto CON QGIS caricando come sfondo OSM.
> >
> > Quesito 1:
> > le immagini di Bing possono essere importate in QGIS?
> >
> si, oltre al già citato openlayer, penso che il futuro sarà il plugin
> quickmapservices
> > Quesito 2:
> > come carico poi il mio prodotto? è possibile importarlo da QGIS a JOSM?
> Se
> > si, non trovo il comando!
> si, con JOSM puoi aprire molti formati GIS tra cui shp
> >
> > Per i Tag.. poi ci penso.
> >
> > Quesito 3: (il più filosofico dove contano solo i pareri)
> > Ha senso utilizzare OSM come piattaforma per la condivisione e
> > partecipazione di informazioni geografiche di questo tipo?
> >
> si per il landcover, no per NDVI
> >
> > --
> > Paola Capone
> >
> --
> ciao
> Luca
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Paola Capone
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Inserire uso del suolo e indici di vegetazione

2016-02-12 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Con riferimento alla prima risposta di Dino: se si vuole utilizzare il
risultato per OSM non si possono utilizzare le foto di Google, solo quelli
di Bing.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] amenity=townhall et place=village à séparer ?

2016-02-12 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
La CAF n'est pas a proprement parler un service public, même si elle est
investie d'une mission de service public, surtout par les départements. Et
elle n'est pas seule, car il y a d'autres organismes paritaires ayant les
mêmes missions comme la MSA. Pour moi c'est plutôt un "social_facility".
Comme aussi les caisses de sécurité sociale ou caisses de retraites des
régimes obligatoires. Même chose pour Pôle Emploi, lui aussi paritaire. Et
ceci même si l'État et les collectivités les subventionnent largement ou
leur confie des lignes budgétaires pour remplir leurs missions, voire même
leur délègue du personnel par endroit.
Le 12 févr. 2016 10:37, "Nicolas Moyroud"  a écrit :

> Et du coup pour tagguer des trucs comme "Maison d'agglomération" ou
> "Caisse d'Allocations Familiale" y-a-t'il quelque chose de plus spécifique
> que building=public qui permette de les différencier entre eux ? Je
> penserai notamment à mettre en place un truc du genre public:FR:type=caf,
> etc... Parce que le name c'est pas vraiment exploitable comme critère de
> différenciation.
> Nicolas
> Le 11/02/2016 16:06, Christian Quest a écrit :
>> Ce sont des bâtiments publics, mais pas une mairie où l'on va trouver
>> les services d'une mairie comme l'état civil.
>> Pour moi amenity=townhall n'est à utiliser que pour la mairie elle même
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
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