Re: [Talk-cz] divný GPS tracklog

2018-11-14 Per discussione Petr Holub
> Zdravim dalsiho nadsence do RTK. Ja jsem pokusoval s M8N, ale nikdy jsem z 
> toho
> nemel dobre vysledky, float "floatoval" hrozne moc kolem cesty az vysledek byl
> casto horsi nez obycejny vypocet polohy co pocita sama GPSka. Vymenil jsem
> antenu za vetsi ale vysledek byl v podstate stejny.
> M8T se tedy zda byt mnohem lepsi podle tvych vysledku a i toho co jsem cetl
> jinde na internetu. Pokud nekdo chce zacit s RTK, urcite se vyplati ho
> koupit, nez setrit a potom se trapit s M8N, jako jsem to udelal ja.

Dobře vědět. Moje zkušenosti s tím floatem jsou veskrze pozitivní, byť při
dopřesňování se používám téměř výhradně fixed řešení. Oproti tomu, co dává
samotná GPS se i ten float na střeše auta dokáže popasovat relativně dobře
s multipath problémy apod.

> Ted ma ale UBLOX novy ZED-F9P prijimac co umi L1+L2+E5. Mam ho objednany z
> Kickstarteru [1], cena asi dvojnasobek toho co jsi psal, takze nic levneho.
> Ale je to vcetne magneticke vicepasmove anteny za ~200e. Az mi ten zazrak
> prijde tak sem kdyztak napisu nejake poznatky, o tom jak to funguje v realu,
> at uz s RTKLIBem nebo primo s HW RTK.

Určitě, na to jsem zvědav.

Já ještě přemýšlím o koupi druhé M8T, aby ji člověk mohl použít jako
base. Dle informací tady
by to mohlo pomoci hlavně pro využití GLONASS satelitů, pokud jsou ta
zařízení od stejného výrobce a stejého typu (zkoušel jsem trochu laborovat
s těmi bias pairs, protože vím, že třeba TUBO je Leica, ale upřímně
řečeno to k ničemu moc systematicky pozitivnímu nevedlo). Navíc by pak
měl člověk možnost si tu base dát někde, kde mapuje... a ne ji mít 40km


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] divný GPS tracklog

2018-11-14 Per discussione Petr Holub
> Střecha auta dělá zem - ground. Je to protiváha nikoliv reflektor. Když není 
> střecha chce to
> nějakou náhražku třeba kus plechu

Konkrétně ta anténa ANN-MS-0-005 tu base plate docela potřebuje (ostatně
na to upozorňují i v dokumentaci Ubloxu).

Ještě bych chtěl časem zkusit
ta by mohla fungovat velmi slušně i sama o sobě.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] OSM Foundation Membership

2018-11-14 Per discussione Saikat Maiti
Hi OSM India Community,

This is just a reminder, that the next election for the OSM Foundation
board will be on December 15 according to:
Anyone who wishes to participate in the voting must register as a member of
the Foundation by today, November 15 here:

Saikat Maiti
Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] divný GPS tracklog

2018-11-14 Per discussione Michal Poupa
Střecha auta dělá zem - ground. Je to protiváha nikoliv reflektor. Když není 
střecha chce to nějakou náhražku třeba kus plechu

15. 11. 2018 v 7:25, Jozef Matejička :

> Ahoj, 
> píšeš, že na kole to nefunguje a pak něco o base plate. Chápu to správně, že 
> střecha auta je reflektor pro anténu? 
> Děkuji! 
> Dne st 14. 11. 2018 22:55 uživatel Petr Holub  napsal:
>> > Osobně považuji tracklogy (pokud jich tam není hromada a neprůměruje se 
>> > to, což zase většinou
>> > znamená, že to bude daleko přesněji zakreslené v katastrální mapě) za 
>> > nedostatečně přesné pro
>> > mapování. Zrovna tady je to jednoznačně vidět, takže otázka není jak 
>> > odfiltrovat, ale jestli
>> > (a v jakých případech) to používat.
>> Mimochodem - v posledním měsící jsem si zkusil pohrát s Ubloxím modulem
>> M8T a RTKLIBem a base z EUREF (např. TUBO, KUNZ, CPAR, GOP6, GOP7). Pokud
>> se to vozí s anténou na střeše auta, tak to dává velmi uspokojivé výsledky
>> - a to i na 4Hz, což je pro to auto velmi prospěšné. Velmi často člověk
>> dostane RTK fixed a skoro furt RTK float, i při vzdálenosti rover-base cca
>> 40km. V podstatě hlavním nepřítelem jsou jen strom (listí). Setup za
>> cca 3,000 CZK.
>> Už to mám celkem automatizované - a dávám dohromady návod na OSM wiki:
>> (mám teď na to málo času, tak tu dokumentaci dodělávám dost sporadicky)
>> Mimochodem: docela by to pak chtělo nějak odlišit source=gps od toho
>> RTK float/fixed.
>> Petr
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] divný GPS tracklog

2018-11-14 Per discussione Jozef Matejička

píšeš, že na kole to nefunguje a pak něco o base plate. Chápu to správně,
že střecha auta je reflektor pro anténu?


Dne st 14. 11. 2018 22:55 uživatel Petr Holub  napsal:

> > Osobně považuji tracklogy (pokud jich tam není hromada a neprůměruje se
> to, což zase většinou
> > znamená, že to bude daleko přesněji zakreslené v katastrální mapě) za
> nedostatečně přesné pro
> > mapování. Zrovna tady je to jednoznačně vidět, takže otázka není jak
> odfiltrovat, ale jestli
> > (a v jakých případech) to používat.
> Mimochodem - v posledním měsící jsem si zkusil pohrát s Ubloxím modulem
> M8T a RTKLIBem a base z EUREF (např. TUBO, KUNZ, CPAR, GOP6, GOP7). Pokud
> se to vozí s anténou na střeše auta, tak to dává velmi uspokojivé výsledky
> - a to i na 4Hz, což je pro to auto velmi prospěšné. Velmi často člověk
> dostane RTK fixed a skoro furt RTK float, i při vzdálenosti rover-base cca
> 40km. V podstatě hlavním nepřítelem jsou jen strom (listí). Setup za
> cca 3,000 CZK.
> Už to mám celkem automatizované - a dávám dohromady návod na OSM wiki:
> (mám teď na to málo času, tak tu dokumentaci dodělávám dost sporadicky)
> Mimochodem: docela by to pak chtělo nějak odlišit source=gps od toho
> RTK float/fixed.
> Petr
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk] Wambachers OSM-Server - Maintenance 15.11.2018

2018-11-14 Per discussione wambacher

on 15.11 an urgent maintenance of the server became necessary.

On 12.11. I lost a 960 GB SSD and the OSM database is currently running
on a degraded raid5; one of 3x960 GB disks is defective and there is
currently no reliability.

I expect today (Thu) the delivery of the replacement disk (once again 
200 € from my private account, because the donation pot is empty *) and
will probably start in the early evening German time with the maintenance.

I will send in the defective disk (has still 8 days of 2 years warranty
!) and hope that it will be replaced for me. If this is the case, I will
integrate it into the raid5 as spare disk, which improves the
reliability considerably.



(Translated with

My projects:

Admin Boundaries of the World 
Missing Boundaries

Emergency Map 
Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
Postcode Boundaries of Germany 
talk mailing list

[Talk-us] Be Counted! (as an OSMF Member)

2018-11-14 Per discussione alyssa wright
Hi all!

Now that we have last week’s election behind us (sort of) we have another
one just around the corner. 

If you haven’t heard already, the international OpenStreetMap Foundation
elections are happening December 15 and you *need* to be a member by
 ... TOMORROW to vote.

Did you know that ~100M people voted last Tuesday? That’s the bar I’m
setting for our turnout. I mean, there will be no long lines or broken
machines on our election day.

Don’t prove us wrong.

Membership has its priveleges. Beyond having a voice in the future of
OpenStreetMap, you help keep the project going. Literally. Servers don’t
survive on  alone. (At least that’s what they tell me.)

So register now! Be a proud American (mapper)!

This message is supported by,
Alyssa and the OSMUS Board

PS This is tapped on a phone so ignore any spelling mistakes or bad jokes.
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] OSMF Elections

2018-11-14 Per discussione Jonah Adkins
Hello OSM-ers!

On behalf the OpenStreetMap US Board, I’d like to encourage everyone to become 
a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation and participate in the upcoming 
elections.  Joining the foundation helps keep the OpenStreetMap servers up and 
running around the world. Among many other benefits, membership gives you a 
voice in the global community as well as governance of the foundation. To vote 
in the next election your membership must be processed by November 15, 2018.

To join the OpenStreetMap Foundation -> 

For more information about the upcoming elections -> 


Jonah Adkins
OpenStreetMap US Board___
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-de] Wambachers OSM-Server - Wartung 15.11.2018

2018-11-14 Per discussione wambacher

am 15.11 ist eine dringende Wartung des Servers notwendig geworden.

Am 12.11. ist mir eine 960 GB SSD "abgeraucht" und die OSM-Database
läuft derzeit auf einem Degraded Raid5; eine von 3x960 GB Disks ist
defekt und derzeit ist keine Ausfallsicherheit mehr gegeben.

Ich erwarte heute (Do) die Lieferung der Ersatzplatte (mal wieder mal
schlappe 200 € aus der Privatkasse, da der Spendentopf leider leer ist
*) und werde wohl am *frühen Abend* mit der Wartung beginnen.

Ich werde die defekte Platte einschicken (hat noch 8 Tage von 2 Jahren
Garantie !) und hoffe, dass die mir ersetzt wird. Sollte das der Fall
sein, werde ich diese als Sparedisk in das Raid5 integrieren, was die
Ausfallsicherheit erheblich verbessert.



My projects:

Admin Boundaries of the World 
Missing Boundaries

Emergency Map 
Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
Postcode Boundaries of Germany 
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Climbing new heights in “interesting” tagging

2018-11-14 Per discussione

On 14/11/2018 21:25, Andrew Hain wrote:

Road signs tagged natural=peak:

I'd be gentle with them - it is their first and so far only edit :)

Best regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] divný GPS tracklog

2018-11-14 Per discussione r00t

Zdravim dalsiho nadsence do RTK. Ja jsem pokusoval s M8N, ale nikdy jsem z toho
nemel dobre vysledky, float "floatoval" hrozne moc kolem cesty az vysledek byl
casto horsi nez obycejny vypocet polohy co pocita sama GPSka. Vymenil jsem
antenu za vetsi ale vysledek byl v podstate stejny.
M8T se tedy zda byt mnohem lepsi podle tvych vysledku a i toho co jsem cetl
jinde na internetu. Pokud nekdo chce zacit s RTK, urcite se vyplati ho
koupit, nez setrit a potom se trapit s M8N, jako jsem to udelal ja.

Ted ma ale UBLOX novy ZED-F9P prijimac co umi L1+L2+E5. Mam ho objednany z
Kickstarteru [1], cena asi dvojnasobek toho co jsi psal, takze nic levneho.
Ale je to vcetne magneticke vicepasmove anteny za ~200e. Az mi ten zazrak
prijde tak sem kdyztak napisu nejake poznatky, o tom jak to funguje v realu,
at uz s RTKLIBem nebo primo s HW RTK.


[1] simpleRTK2B Kickstarter, konci ted v patek:

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione OSM Volunteer stevea
I've seen 25or6to4's work, I am impressed.  Furthermore, I've asked him 
(off-list) if he would be willing to share his work more widely (here on 
talk-us), as it may "spark" a wider launch into the sort of clean-up of 
tiger:LSAD=57 data I've been waiting to see happen.  (Their 
boundary=administrative tags are changed to boundary=census and their 
admin_level=8 tags are deleted.  I think we want to exclude Alaska from this).

And, of course, I agree with you that this community is awesome!

Yes, TIGER cleanup continues, TIGER cleanup will continue (and continue, and 
continue...) and one fine day we will drive the last wooden stake into its 
heart.  TIGER data were and are helpful, yet they continue to need tender, 
loving mapping from our awesome community, likely for years to come.  A fresh 
cat box is a beautiful thing, ask any cat.


> On Nov 14, 2018, at 2:06 PM, Martijn van Exel  wrote:
> Hi all, 
> User 25or6to4 contacted me offline mentioning that he has been working on 
> improving boundaries based on newer TIGER for the past months now. That, 
> taken together with the boundless (ha) energy exuding from this thread, makes 
> me have a very happy boundary-positive attitude! I’m not much of a boundary 
> editor myself, but fortunately we all have our favorite topics. This 
> community is awesome. 
> Martijn 

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Import des arrêts d'autobus de l'ARTM

2018-11-14 Per discussione Pierre Béland
Bonjour Claude,
Il faut malheureusement être patients avec les imports. A noter, selon la 
procédure de la Fondation OSM, cette consultation, n'est que la première étape. 
Avant d'importer, il faut écrire sur la liste De là, 
attend une semaine pour donner le temps de réagir.

Indiques que suite à consultation de la communauté sur talk-ca et obtention 
d'autorisation, tu présentes le projet sur import@osm (voir page wiki contenant 
liens vers autorisations, certaines à venir).

Mentionnes le but de l'import et que méthode est décrite sur la page wiki. 
L'import sera fait par quelques contributeurs seulement qui connaissent le 
schéma de données pour les transports.

Le mercredi 14 novembre 2018 16 h 48 min 48 s HNE, Alouette955 
 a écrit :  
 Bonjour, J’ai récemment soumis ici une proposition d’import des arrêts 
d’autobus de l’ARTM pour discussion en attendant l’autorisation des opérateurs 
de réseaux de l’ARTM. Je viens de recevoir l’autorisation du Réseau de 
Transport Métropolitain (exo) et j’ai mis à jour la page proposant l’import:,_ARTM_Autorit%C3%A9_r%C3%A9gionale_de_transport_m%C3%A9tropolitain
 Ayant reçu des commentaires sur ma méthode et l’ayant adaptée en conséquence 
je vais la mettre en oeuvre à moins d’un dernier commentaire de votre part. 
Merci, Claude___
Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Hi all, 

User 25or6to4 contacted me offline mentioning that he has been working on 
improving boundaries based on newer TIGER for the past months now. That, taken 
together with the boundless (ha) energy exuding from this thread, makes me have 
a very happy boundary-positive attitude! I’m not much of a boundary editor 
myself, but fortunately we all have our favorite topics. This community is 


> On Nov 14, 2018, at 1:02 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea  
> wrote:
> Carl Anderson is correct:  what is in the map from TIGER about LSAD is true 
> and affords the possibly to derive geo data about incorporated entities (in 
> some cases, where they haven't been deleted), although the data (being 
> somewhere between 11 and 13 years old) may not be accurate, given 
> annexations, etc.  However, OSM's community, through exhaustive consensus 
> (much of it right here on talk-us, many of these discussions are ref'd in a 
> wiki I noted earlier) agree that what the US Census Bureau says is not 
> necessarily what OSM does or should use to document such entities.  In other 
> words, the Census Bureau is not authoritative.  For what we agree to put into 
> OSM, the OSM community's consensus IS authoritative.  We have agreed that 
> census boundaries of CDPs are statistical, not administrative (what 
> admin_level attempts to denote).  We correctly document how to do this.  
> However, MUCH old TIGER data remain.
> Martijn, your OT link is helpful, here is a visual version:  
> (although that does not allow "" to 
> appear as often as your text-based version does, so thank you for that 
> formatting).  What this shows is that the importation of much Census Bureau 
> data as CDPs in Utah (and elsewhere in the USA) continues to have MUCH work 
> to do:  our wiki suggests admin_level=8 tag be removed from these, and the 
> boundary=administrative tag be changed to boundary=census.  This is correct, 
> it has achieved wide consensus in OSM (via these talk-us pages) and has been 
> documented in our wiki for some time.  And not simply in Utah, this is true 
> in all 50 states, except Alaska, where the state works closely with the 
> Census Bureau to "organize" (not in the legal sense) the Unorganized Borough 
> of Alaska (bigger than any other state, even Texas).  Carl offers a clever 
> way for us to sharpen up how we might do this:  choose admin_level=8 tagged 
> relations which have tiger:LSAD=57 (e.g. Mona, Utah), change 
> boundary=administrative to boundary=census, and delete the admin_level=8 tag. 
>  Import script, anyone?  (Whew, that's a loaded question!)
> However, I disagree with Martijn (or perhaps I do not understand his 
> intention) as he says about our US_admin_level wiki 
> "United_States_admin_level is really not correct... CDPs should be tagged 
> boundary=census, ideally without an admin_level=* tag."  I believe that IS a 
> correct statement, it is simply that Utah (and many other states, again, not 
> Alaska) have never had this "clean up" done.
> Martijn's assertion that "state municipalities: cities, towns, villages and 
> hamlets (infrequent)” is an incorrect description of what we INTEND to denote 
> with admin_level=8 in the USA is also incorrect.  Simply said, hoary old 
> TIGER data contradicts this true statement on a fairly large scale, in Utah, 
> yes, but in most other states, too.
> Let's not confuse what's in the map (from a noisy TIGER import) as correct, 
> when what really is correct is what we have achieved consensus about and 
> wiki-documented:  CDP data are boundary=census, not boundary=administrative 
> (and so, should have NO admin_level key, with any value).
> And, I'd much rather have "too much" wiki than "not enough."  Wiki can be 
> ignored if too verbose, however, the consensus such wiki express is not 
> easily conjured.
> Where I agree with Martijn is "I guess we have some work to do."  "Clean the 
> catbox" indeed!
> SteveA
> California

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] divný GPS tracklog

2018-11-14 Per discussione Petr Holub
> Osobně považuji tracklogy (pokud jich tam není hromada a neprůměruje se to, 
> což zase většinou
> znamená, že to bude daleko přesněji zakreslené v katastrální mapě) za 
> nedostatečně přesné pro
> mapování. Zrovna tady je to jednoznačně vidět, takže otázka není jak 
> odfiltrovat, ale jestli
> (a v jakých případech) to používat.

Mimochodem - v posledním měsící jsem si zkusil pohrát s Ubloxím modulem
M8T a RTKLIBem a base z EUREF (např. TUBO, KUNZ, CPAR, GOP6, GOP7). Pokud
se to vozí s anténou na střeše auta, tak to dává velmi uspokojivé výsledky
- a to i na 4Hz, což je pro to auto velmi prospěšné. Velmi často člověk
dostane RTK fixed a skoro furt RTK float, i při vzdálenosti rover-base cca
40km. V podstatě hlavním nepřítelem jsou jen strom (listí). Setup za
cca 3,000 CZK.

Už to mám celkem automatizované - a dávám dohromady návod na OSM wiki:
(mám teď na to málo času, tak tu dokumentaci dodělávám dost sporadicky)

Mimochodem: docela by to pak chtělo nějak odlišit source=gps od toho
RTK float/fixed.


Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-ca] Import des arrêts d'autobus de l'ARTM

2018-11-14 Per discussione Alouette955

J’ai récemment soumis ici une proposition d’import des arrêts d’autobus de 
l’ARTM pour discussion en attendant l’autorisation des opérateurs de réseaux de 

Je viens de recevoir l’autorisation du Réseau de Transport Métropolitain (exo) 
et j’ai mis à jour la page proposant l’import:,_ARTM_Autorit%C3%A9_r%C3%A9gionale_de_transport_m%C3%A9tropolitain

Ayant reçu des commentaires sur ma méthode et l’ayant adaptée en conséquence je 
vais la mettre en oeuvre à moins d’un dernier commentaire de votre part.


Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-GB] Climbing new heights in “interesting” tagging

2018-11-14 Per discussione Andrew Hain
Road signs tagged natural=peak:


Node: ‪Give way sign‬ (‪5890628171‬) | 
OpenStreetMap is a map of the world, created by people like you and free to use 
under an open license.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Mapping Roads for the Renderer

2018-11-14 Per discussione

On 14/11/2018 21:03, Paul Berry wrote:
I've dropped DWG a note because the mapper in question has just 
responded and I need to hold my tongue rather than reply.

Thanks (email received, BTW).

One other thing - if anyone sees issues with "highway" changes in Leeds, 
Manchester or MK that don't match their recollection please add a 
changeset comment with specifics - "I believe that road X is a Y not a Z 
based on ABC".  I've commented on one of the Lancs ones already.

Best Regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Mapping Roads for the Renderer

2018-11-14 Per discussione Paul Berry
I've dropped DWG a note because the mapper in question has just responded
and I need to hold my tongue rather than reply.

Thanks for the tip.


On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 20:57,  wrote:

> On 14/11/2018 19:48, Paul Berry wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Not for the first time I'm having a run-in with a user regarding
> > arbitrary mapping of road classifications in Leeds. Latest changeset
> > comments:
> In this particular case I'd drop a mail to the DWG at
> as they're not unfamiliar with this mapper.
> >
> > Does anyone have previous experience of nipping this kind of thing in
> > the bud?
> Lots of locals saying "no, that's wrong - X is not a Y, it is a Z, which
> is how it was mapped before" is a good place to start.  There are
> exceptions to "A road is primary" etc. in the UK (e.g. Oxford High
> Street among others), but they are fairly rare.
> >
> > I don't mind manually reverting changes at some point but I'd rather
> > not do that just to start/prolong what might be an edit war.
> Once there's a a concensus of local mappers it's not so much an edit war
> as one person who doesn't agree with everyone else.
> I'd also suggest a review by locals of their changes in MK too (and
> sadly for me I'm probably more familiar with the centre of MK than the
> centre of Leeds these days).
> Best Regards,
> Andy
> (from the DWG, although I wasn't directly involved in issues involving
> this mapper previously)
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Mapping Roads for the Renderer

2018-11-14 Per discussione

On 14/11/2018 19:48, Paul Berry wrote:


Not for the first time I'm having a run-in with a user regarding 
arbitrary mapping of road classifications in Leeds. Latest changeset 

In this particular case I'd drop a mail to the DWG at as they're not unfamiliar with this mapper.

Does anyone have previous experience of nipping this kind of thing in 
the bud?

Lots of locals saying "no, that's wrong - X is not a Y, it is a Z, which 
is how it was mapped before" is a good place to start.  There are 
exceptions to "A road is primary" etc. in the UK (e.g. Oxford High 
Street among others), but they are fairly rare.

I don't mind manually reverting changes at some point but I'd rather 
not do that just to start/prolong what might be an edit war.

Once there's a a concensus of local mappers it's not so much an edit war 
as one person who doesn't agree with everyone else.

I'd also suggest a review by locals of their changes in MK too (and 
sadly for me I'm probably more familiar with the centre of MK than the 
centre of Leeds these days).

Best Regards,


(from the DWG, although I wasn't directly involved in issues involving 
this mapper previously)

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione OSM Volunteer stevea
Carl Anderson is correct:  what is in the map from TIGER about LSAD is true and 
affords the possibly to derive geo data about incorporated entities (in some 
cases, where they haven't been deleted), although the data (being somewhere 
between 11 and 13 years old) may not be accurate, given annexations, etc.  
However, OSM's community, through exhaustive consensus (much of it right here 
on talk-us, many of these discussions are ref'd in a wiki I noted earlier) 
agree that what the US Census Bureau says is not necessarily what OSM does or 
should use to document such entities.  In other words, the Census Bureau is not 
authoritative.  For what we agree to put into OSM, the OSM community's 
consensus IS authoritative.  We have agreed that census boundaries of CDPs are 
statistical, not administrative (what admin_level attempts to denote).  We 
correctly document how to do this.  However, MUCH old TIGER data remain.

Martijn, your OT link is helpful, here is a visual version: (although that does not allow "" to 
appear as often as your text-based version does, so thank you for that 
formatting).  What this shows is that the importation of much Census Bureau 
data as CDPs in Utah (and elsewhere in the USA) continues to have MUCH work to 
do:  our wiki suggests admin_level=8 tag be removed from these, and the 
boundary=administrative tag be changed to boundary=census.  This is correct, it 
has achieved wide consensus in OSM (via these talk-us pages) and has been 
documented in our wiki for some time.  And not simply in Utah, this is true in 
all 50 states, except Alaska, where the state works closely with the Census 
Bureau to "organize" (not in the legal sense) the Unorganized Borough of Alaska 
(bigger than any other state, even Texas).  Carl offers a clever way for us to 
sharpen up how we might do this:  choose admin_level=8 tagged relations which 
have tiger:LSAD=57 (e.g. Mona, Utah), change boundary=administrative to 
boundary=census, and delete the admin_level=8 tag.  Import script, anyone?  
(Whew, that's a loaded question!)

However, I disagree with Martijn (or perhaps I do not understand his intention) 
as he says about our US_admin_level wiki "United_States_admin_level is really 
not correct... CDPs should be tagged boundary=census, ideally without an 
admin_level=* tag."  I believe that IS a correct statement, it is simply that 
Utah (and many other states, again, not Alaska) have never had this "clean up" 

Martijn's assertion that "state municipalities: cities, towns, villages and 
hamlets (infrequent)” is an incorrect description of what we INTEND to denote 
with admin_level=8 in the USA is also incorrect.  Simply said, hoary old TIGER 
data contradicts this true statement on a fairly large scale, in Utah, yes, but 
in most other states, too.

Let's not confuse what's in the map (from a noisy TIGER import) as correct, 
when what really is correct is what we have achieved consensus about and 
wiki-documented:  CDP data are boundary=census, not boundary=administrative 
(and so, should have NO admin_level key, with any value).

And, I'd much rather have "too much" wiki than "not enough."  Wiki can be 
ignored if too verbose, however, the consensus such wiki express is not easily 

Where I agree with Martijn is "I guess we have some work to do."  "Clean the 
catbox" indeed!

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Spam GPS traces

2018-11-14 Per discussione Dave F

Looks fine to me

A cock-up in JOSM? Report it to them.

On 14/11/2018 17:09, Silent Spike wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm editing this area 
( in JOSM and 
the GPS data in the area contains some traces uploaded which look like 
spam (loads of horizontal lines which seem to form the shape of the 
river and other features).

I'm unsure of the extent of the data, but it looks as though they are 
all marked as recorded from 01/01/70 01:00 - 01:00.

Is there somewhere to report this so that they can be removed? I had a 
look around the wiki and found the data working group, but it's not 
clear whether they deal with GPS traces and I couldn't find anywhere 
that specifically discusses them except a figure caption on the page 
for vandalism.

Here's a screenshot from JOSM  since 
private traces aren't visible on the website

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Mapping Roads for the Renderer

2018-11-14 Per discussione Paul Berry

Not for the first time I'm having a run-in with a user regarding arbitrary
mapping of road classifications in Leeds. Latest changeset comments:

Does anyone have previous experience of nipping this kind of thing in the

I don't mind manually reverting changes at some point but I'd rather not do
that just to start/prolong what might be an edit war.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] rappel concernant l'élection de OSMF board

2018-11-14 Per discussione Jarry Philippe
Je me suis inscrit à la fondation. 
Pour le vote il faudra m’expliquer comment rééquilibrer la gouvernance. 
À bientôt 
Philippe JARRY 

Envoyé de mon smartphone
Merci d’excuser les éventuelles fautes de frappe. 

> Le 13 nov. 2018 à 09:21, Christian Quest  a écrit :
> J'ai publié un appel à ce sujet: 
> Relayé sur:
> -
> -
>> Le lun. 12 nov. 2018 à 20:20, Vincent Privat  a 
>> écrit :
>> Je plussoie cet appel.
>> J'ai rajouté récemment sur la page d'accueil de JOSM un gros message 
>> incitant les utilisateurs à rejoindre les rangs.
>> Le message est traduit en de nombreuses langues j'espère que ça va aider à 
>> renforcer la représentativité de la communauté OSM au sein de la Fondation.
>> A+
>> Vincent
>>> Le lun. 12 nov. 2018 à 18:48, Guillaume Rischard  
>>> a écrit :
>>> Je m’excuse, j’avais gardé les membres qui n’ont jamais ou plus payé leur 
>>> cotisation.
>>> Les chiffres corrects du top 10 sont:
>>>   20 Australia
>>>   21 India
>>>   23 Italy
>>>   27 Canada
>>>   27 Switzerland
>>>   28 Netherlands
>>>   42 France
>>>  116 United Kingdom
>>>  201 Germany
>>>  384 United States
>>> Bonne soirée,
>>> Guillaume (Stereo)
>>> > On 12 Nov 2018, at 18:38, Guillaume Rischard  
>>> > wrote:
>>> > 
>>> > Bonsoir,
>>> > 
>>> > Si les Français ne s’inscrivent pas pour voter avant le 15 septembre, ils 
>>> > n’auront pas leur mot à dire dans OSM.
>>> > 
>>> > Je ne sais pas si des sociétés US achètent vraiment des votes, mais les 
>>> > chiffres internes de membres par pays montrent qu’on a un gros problème 
>>> > de sous-représentation :
>>> > 
>>> >  58 "Canada"
>>> >  73 "Switzerland"
>>> >  74 "Netherlands"
>>> >  83 "India"
>>> > 102 "France"
>>> > 318 "United Kingdom"
>>> > 470 "Germany"
>>> > 845 "United States”
>>> > 
>>> > Alors inscrivez-vous vite sur 
>>> > , c’est important, c'est 
>>> > 20 euros, c’est fait en cinq minutes, et c’est bientôt trop tard pour 
>>> > voter cette année.
>>> > 
>>> > Guillaume (Stereo), candidat à l’élection
>>> > 
>>> >> On 12 Nov 2018, at 17:03, Christine Karch  wrote:
>>> >> 
>>> >> Bonjour,
>>> >> 
>>> >> bientôt l'élection de OSMF board aura lieu. Si on veut participer il
>>> >> faut être membre de OSMF. Et il faut être membre un mois avant
>>> >> l'élection. Comme l'élection est le 15 Décembre 2018, il faut s'inscrire
>>> >> avant le 15 Novembre 2018 (si on est trop tard, on peut participer
>>> >> l'année prochaine, les élections sont jaque année).
>>> >> 
>>> >> On peut s’inscrire à la Fondation OSM ici (ça coûte £15):
>>> >> 
>>> >>
>>> >> 
>>> >> Vous trouvez toutes informations sur les dates ici et aussi les 
>>> >> candidates:
>>> >> 
>>> >>
>>> >> 
>>> >> (Je serais heureuse si quelqu'un de la France serais candidat.)
>>> >> 
>>> >> Amicalement,
>>> >> 
>>> >> Christine
>>> >> 
>>> >> ___
>>> >> Talk-fr mailing list
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > ___
>>> > Talk-fr mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> -- 
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Fwd: [Talk-de] Erinnerung an den fristgerechten OSMF-Beitritt für die OSMF-Vorstandswahl

2018-11-14 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Vi segnalo che domani è l'ultimo giorno utile per iscriversi alla OSMF, se
volete votare nelle prossime elezioni a dicembre. Attualmente i 10 paesi
con più membri OSMF sono:

Top 10:
20 Australia
21 India
23 Italia
27 Canada
27 Svizzera
28 Ollanda
42 Francia
116 Regno Unito
201 Germania
384 USA


Messaggio in tedesco:

-- Forwarded message -
From: Michael Reichert 
Date: Di., 13. Nov. 2018 um 20:19 Uhr
Subject: [Talk-de] Erinnerung an den fristgerechten OSMF-Beitritt für die
To: Openstreetmap allgemeines in Deutsch 


es haben sich jetzt die ersten fünf Kandidaten für die
OSMF-Vorstandswahl am 15. Dezember gemeldet. Mit dabei sind unter
anderem Tobias Knerr aus Deutschland und Guillaume Rischard aus
Luxemburg. Stichtag für die Kandidatur ist der 17. November.

Was aber wichtiger ist: Zwei Tage vorher, am Donnerstag, den 15.
November 2018 (übermorgen), endet die Frist binnen derer man der OSMF
beigetreten sein muss, damit man an der Vorstandswahl seine Stimme
abgeben darf. Die Abstimmung und die Versammlung erfolgt online.

Bis zum 17. November könnt ihr den Kandidaten Fragen stellen, die diesen
gebündelt zur Beantwortung übergeben werden und die diese ohne Wissen
der Antwort ihrer Kontrahenten beantworten sollen. Christoph Hormann hat
angeboten, Fragen ins Englische zu übersetzen:

Aktuelle Mitgliederstatistik (ohne ausgelaufene und noch nicht gültige
[1] Mitgliedschaften) Stand gestern Abend:

Top 10:
20 Australien
21 Indien
23 Italien
27 Kanada
27 Schweiz
28 Niederlande
42 Frankreich
116 Vereinigtes Königreich
201 Deutschland
384 Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika

Ich werde in deutscher Sprache noch über die Kandidaten bloggen, um euch
bei eurer Wahlentscheidung helfen.

Falls jemand gute Kenntnisse in einer anderen europäischen Sprache als
Deutsch, Englisch oder Französisch hat, ist er gerne eingeladen, deren
Community an die Wahl zu erinnern und für eine angemessene Präsenz der
Europäer in der OSMF zu sorgen. Es wäre schade, wenn es zu einer
Regulatory Capture der OSMF
( käme.

Viele Grüße


[1] Wenn die Zahlung noch nicht in der Mitgliederverwaltung registriert
wurde, ist die Mitgliedschaft noch nicht als gültig registriert. Macht
euch aber keine Sorgen, dass man euch so um euer Wahlrecht nimmt. Der
Finanzvorstand wird rechtzeitig vorher nochmal durch die Kontoauszüge

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione OSM Volunteer stevea
A lot of people have (quickly) chimed in about this; political boundaries, 
admin_level and cities extending into counties usually gets to be a "hot" topic 
as people have a lot to say or strong opinions on these.

I and others recognized this years ago and what has emerged in OSM are two 
wikis, one on admin_level in the US, the other on "boundaries."  The former is 
quite comprehensive, perhaps it could be called "prescriptive" (here is how we 
SHOULD tag) and almost begins to approach a master's thesis in political 
science.  (OK, I exaggerate a bit).  The latter is more "novice-oriented," has 
user-friendly graphics and is what might called "quick and easy," it is 
certainly more "descriptive" (here is how we DO tag).  Both wikis have "settled 
down" in the last six to eight months, affording us some stability for 
reflection.  I think the many authors of these like where they have "landed," 
and the community doesn't seem to be changing them or discussing them as if 
they need (much) further change.

These are, respectively:

They both point to each other.  The first one has extensive footnotes.  The 
"Consolidated city-counties, Independent cities" section mentions that Dallas, 
Texas even extends over FIVE counties, and links (click on "hundreds of US 
cities") to wikipedia article 
that further explains this.

We have patient, open-minded and dedicated-to-getting-it-right wiki authors in 
this project who create and update comprehensive and friendly wiki.  Thank you 
to all of them.  I know my OSM experience would not be anywhere near as rich if 
I didn't have so much excellent wiki to read.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Inserimento dati CAI

2018-11-14 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Mi., 14. Nov. 2018 um 07:43 Uhr schrieb Aury88 :

> L'interfaccia grafica è professionale e poco eyecandy

poco eyecandy? Ci sono al meno 3 stili diversi per le icone da scegliere ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] rappel concernant l'élection de OSMF board

2018-11-14 Per discussione Guillaume Rischard
En quelques jours, 76 nouveaux membres Français ont rejoint la fondation 
OpenStreetMap! Vous êtes géniaux, c’est complètement dingue. Bienvenue à tous 
les nouveaux!

Beaucoup d’entre nous ont des amis OSM qui ne sont pas membre de l’OSMF. La 
meilleure chose à faire, ce soir, c’est de les encourager à devenir membre. 
C’est la dernière ligne droite avant la clôture des listes d’électeurs demain.

Le lien:

Guillaume (Stereo), candidat à l’élection

> On 12 Nov 2018, at 18:38, Guillaume Rischard  wrote:
> Bonsoir,
> Si les Français ne s’inscrivent pas pour voter avant le 15 septembre, ils 
> n’auront pas leur mot à dire dans OSM.
> Je ne sais pas si des sociétés US achètent vraiment des votes, mais les 
> chiffres internes de membres par pays montrent qu’on a un gros problème de 
> sous-représentation :
>  58 "Canada"
>  73 "Switzerland"
>  74 "Netherlands"
>  83 "India"
> 102 "France"
> 318 "United Kingdom"
> 470 "Germany"
> 845 "United States”
> Alors inscrivez-vous vite sur 
> , c’est important, c'est 20 
> euros, c’est fait en cinq minutes, et c’est bientôt trop tard pour voter 
> cette année.
> Guillaume (Stereo), candidat à l’élection
>> On 12 Nov 2018, at 17:03, Christine Karch  wrote:
>> Bonjour,
>> bientôt l'élection de OSMF board aura lieu. Si on veut participer il
>> faut être membre de OSMF. Et il faut être membre un mois avant
>> l'élection. Comme l'élection est le 15 Décembre 2018, il faut s'inscrire
>> avant le 15 Novembre 2018 (si on est trop tard, on peut participer
>> l'année prochaine, les élections sont jaque année).
>> On peut s’inscrire à la Fondation OSM ici (ça coûte £15):
>> Vous trouvez toutes informations sur les dates ici et aussi les candidates:
>> (Je serais heureuse si quelqu'un de la France serais candidat.)
>> Amicalement,
>> Christine
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Spam GPS traces

2018-11-14 Per discussione Tom Hughes

No that's the effect of us (correctly) anonymising the order of points
in private and public traces.

Potlatch has been fixed to handle it but JOSM hasn't (yet).

See previous talk thread for more.


On 14/11/2018 17:33, Paul Berry wrote:
It could be obfuscated Strava logs or something like that. Would explain 
the deliberate lack of timestamps and a high use of footpaths/towpaths 
(for those out running) rather than roads.


On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 17:11, Silent Spike > wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm editing this area
( in JOSM
and the GPS data in the area contains some traces uploaded which
look like spam (loads of horizontal lines which seem to form the
shape of the river and other features).

I'm unsure of the extent of the data, but it looks as though they
are all marked as recorded from 01/01/70 01:00 - 01:00.

Is there somewhere to report this so that they can be removed? I had
a look around the wiki and found the data working group, but it's
not clear whether they deal with GPS traces and I couldn't find
anywhere that specifically discusses them except a figure caption on
the page for vandalism.

Here's a screenshot from JOSM
 since private traces aren't
visible on the website
Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Spam GPS traces

2018-11-14 Per discussione Paul Berry
It could be obfuscated Strava logs or something like that. Would explain
the deliberate lack of timestamps and a high use of footpaths/towpaths (for
those out running) rather than roads.


On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 17:11, Silent Spike  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm editing this area (
> in JOSM and the
> GPS data in the area contains some traces uploaded which look like spam
> (loads of horizontal lines which seem to form the shape of the river and
> other features).
> I'm unsure of the extent of the data, but it looks as though they are all
> marked as recorded from 01/01/70 01:00 - 01:00.
> Is there somewhere to report this so that they can be removed? I had a
> look around the wiki and found the data working group, but it's not clear
> whether they deal with GPS traces and I couldn't find anywhere that
> specifically discusses them except a figure caption on the page for
> vandalism.
> Here's a screenshot from JOSM  since
> private traces aren't visible on the website
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Spam GPS traces

2018-11-14 Per discussione Silent Spike
Hi folks,

I'm editing this area ( in JOSM and the
GPS data in the area contains some traces uploaded which look like spam
(loads of horizontal lines which seem to form the shape of the river and
other features).

I'm unsure of the extent of the data, but it looks as though they are all
marked as recorded from 01/01/70 01:00 - 01:00.

Is there somewhere to report this so that they can be removed? I had a look
around the wiki and found the data working group, but it's not clear
whether they deal with GPS traces and I couldn't find anywhere that
specifically discusses them except a figure caption on the page for

Here's a screenshot from JOSM  since
private traces aren't visible on the website
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Kevin Kenny
And another reminder: sparsely populated areas of the US may have
indefinite boundaries simply because nobody ever troubled to survey and
monument them. New York has a few county lines and a good many township
lines like that. They get resolved when and if there's a dispute. The tax
revenue from undeveloped forest lands is so minimal that the municipalities
don't bother as long as both landowners pay their taxes. In these areas,
you cannot assume that there's a definitive reference for the boundary

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 11:26 AM Kevin Kenny 

> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 11:07 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:
>> Hmm.
>> I guess is
>> really not correct then where it says: "Census Designated Places (CDPs) are
>> boundaries maintained by the Census Bureau for statistical purposes. CDPs
>> should be tagged boundary=census, ideally without an admin_level=* tag.”
>> Almost all Utah admin8 are in fact TIGER CDP boundaries:
>> Also,
>>  is
>> incorrect where it states that admin8 are "state municipalities: cities,
>> towns, villages and hamlets (infrequent)”
>> Furthermore,
>> is
>> also incorrect and suggests "Census-designated places (CDPs) are
>> statistical, not administrative areas. Project TIGER fixup deletes outdated
>> CDPs and retags relevant ones from boundary=administrative admin_level=8(or
>> 7) to boundary=census, no admin_level=*.”
>> Finally, there seem to be too many wiki pages covering this :) But that’s
>> not unique for this topic.
> CDP's do follow administrative boundaries for the most part, because many
> states ask the census to respect administrative boundaries (depending on
> census statistics for their own use).  Where stuff is really untrustworthy
> is where the Census Bureau had to invent the lines because a designated
> place was unincorporated.
> That's actually pretty common. New York has a couple of densely populated
> "hamlets" with populations of over 5 that never voted to adopt a city
> charter and so have no municipal government other than the township. Some
> of them even have official boundaries, generally because they are
> completely surrounded by incorporated communities, but sometimes as part of
> the town's bylaws.
> There are, nevertheless, a number of cases where the Census Bureau goofed.
> The neighbourhood where I grew up is one - for years the Census and the
> Post Office both placed it inside New York City, but it is not. The
> confusion was caused by the fact that the Post Office found it most
> convenient to sort the mail at an office in a neighbouring community that
> is in New York City, so the neighbourhood had a New York City ZIP code
> despite being in adjoining Nassau County. Residents found themselves in
> court, often, for failure to pay the New York City income tax that they did
> not owe, and so on. The city line is more or less correct in OSM, by the
> way, and I *think* that the Census Bureau had redrawn the CDP by the time
> TIGER was created.
> (Lesson: ZIP codes do not designate administrative regions. In fact, they
> do not necessarily designate contiguous geographic regions, or in fact, any
> geography at all. They are nothing more nor less than sets of mailboxes
> that the Post Office finds it convenient to sort together.)
> Also, TIGER. Enough said about TIGER.  Please clean the cat box any time
> that you get a chance.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Kevin Kenny
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 11:07 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:

> Hmm.
> I guess is
> really not correct then where it says: "Census Designated Places (CDPs) are
> boundaries maintained by the Census Bureau for statistical purposes. CDPs
> should be tagged boundary=census, ideally without an admin_level=* tag.”
> Almost all Utah admin8 are in fact TIGER CDP boundaries:
> Also,
>  is
> incorrect where it states that admin8 are "state municipalities: cities,
> towns, villages and hamlets (infrequent)”
> Furthermore,
> is
> also incorrect and suggests "Census-designated places (CDPs) are
> statistical, not administrative areas. Project TIGER fixup deletes outdated
> CDPs and retags relevant ones from boundary=administrative admin_level=8(or
> 7) to boundary=census, no admin_level=*.”
> Finally, there seem to be too many wiki pages covering this :) But that’s
> not unique for this topic.

CDP's do follow administrative boundaries for the most part, because many
states ask the census to respect administrative boundaries (depending on
census statistics for their own use).  Where stuff is really untrustworthy
is where the Census Bureau had to invent the lines because a designated
place was unincorporated.

That's actually pretty common. New York has a couple of densely populated
"hamlets" with populations of over 5 that never voted to adopt a city
charter and so have no municipal government other than the township. Some
of them even have official boundaries, generally because they are
completely surrounded by incorporated communities, but sometimes as part of
the town's bylaws.

There are, nevertheless, a number of cases where the Census Bureau goofed.
The neighbourhood where I grew up is one - for years the Census and the
Post Office both placed it inside New York City, but it is not. The
confusion was caused by the fact that the Post Office found it most
convenient to sort the mail at an office in a neighbouring community that
is in New York City, so the neighbourhood had a New York City ZIP code
despite being in adjoining Nassau County. Residents found themselves in
court, often, for failure to pay the New York City income tax that they did
not owe, and so on. The city line is more or less correct in OSM, by the
way, and I *think* that the Census Bureau had redrawn the CDP by the time
TIGER was created.

(Lesson: ZIP codes do not designate administrative regions. In fact, they
do not necessarily designate contiguous geographic regions, or in fact, any
geography at all. They are nothing more nor less than sets of mailboxes
that the Post Office finds it convenient to sort together.)

Also, TIGER. Enough said about TIGER.  Please clean the cat box any time
that you get a chance.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Kevin Kenny
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:46 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:

> I looked at a few place boundaries in Utah and compared with current TIGER
> files.. Definitely needs work..
>  (colored
> = current OSM, grey = TIGER places shape file 2018)

It may indeed need work, but don't expect admin levels in the US to be
hierarchical, except that typically there will be no administrative region
crossing state lines. (The examples of state-line-crossing cities above, as
the posters point out, are legally separate cities on the two sides of the

There are lots of weird cases. The Vermont-New Hampshire line does NOT
follow the Thalweg of the Connecticut River - and is monumented by the only
set of trig points placed by the Judicial Branch of the US Government -
their markers bear the legend "THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES" and
are offset from the line to keep them above high water.
- the Supreme Court was settling, in 1934, a boundary dispute that had been
festering since 1778.

New York has two cities (New York City, which is coterminous with five
counties, and Geneva) that cross county lines, and about 15% of the
villages cross township lines. The rules for New York are:
All counties are mutually exclusive, and all of the state is in one county
or another.
The next admin-level (township, city, Indian Reservation) are all mutually
exclusive, and all of the state is in one or another of these.  But cities
and Indian Reservations can cross county lines (townships cannot).
At the next admin-level all bets are off. No village overlaps a city, but
they cross township and occasionally county lines all the time.

Other states have other rules. There are no really good assumptions to be
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Ian Dees
Nope, I'm saying all those wiki pages are correct. CDPs are boundaries for
statistical purposes, not city boundaries.

But I agree there are too many wiki pages :).

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:04 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:

> Hmm.
> I guess is
> really not correct then where it says: "Census Designated Places (CDPs) are
> boundaries maintained by the Census Bureau for statistical purposes. CDPs
> should be tagged boundary=census, ideally without an admin_level=* tag.”
> Almost all Utah admin8 are in fact TIGER CDP boundaries:
> Also,
>  is
> incorrect where it states that admin8 are "state municipalities: cities,
> towns, villages and hamlets (infrequent)”
> Furthermore,
> is
> also incorrect and suggests "Census-designated places (CDPs) are
> statistical, not administrative areas. Project TIGER fixup deletes outdated
> CDPs and retags relevant ones from boundary=administrative admin_level=8(or
> 7) to boundary=census, no admin_level=*.”
> Finally, there seem to be too many wiki pages covering this :) But that’s
> not unique for this topic.
> I guess we have some work to do!
> Martijn
> On Nov 14, 2018, at 8:54 AM, Ian Dees  wrote:
> A friendly reminder that Census's TIGER data we have previously imported
> as admin8 polygons aren't actually official city boundaries. They're "Census
> Designated Places "
> which are just named "concentrations of people". In some cases the Census
> may have gone to the trouble of incorporating city boundary information,
> but my guess is that the majority of cases are just "Census blocks that
> look like they're part of the city".
> Having said that, there really isn't a good national-level dataset of city
> boundaries and Google uses CDP boundaries for their search results...
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:49 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:
>> Sorry that link is bad.
>> On Nov 14, 2018, at 8:44 AM, Martijn van Exel  wrote:
>> I looked at a few place boundaries in Utah and compared with current
>> TIGER files.. Definitely needs work..
>>  (colored
>> = current OSM, grey = TIGER places shape file 2018)
>> Martijn
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois de novembre: gendarmerie/police

2018-11-14 Per discussione Christian Quest
Oh, pas courant ça un fond de carte Michelin sur un site officiel !

J'adore le rendu Michelin, mais il est malheureusement très peu adapté à
l'affichage d'objets par dessus :(

Le mer. 14 nov. 2018 à 10:49, lenny.libre  a écrit :

> Le 13/11/2018 à 22:10, Donat ROBAUX a écrit :
> >
> > Sachez que j'ai un rendez-vous téléphonique demain avec une des 2
> > entrepreneurs d'intérêt général de la gendarmerie à propos de ce
> > projet et qui pour le coup correspond bien au défi
> >
> > Mais ca je ne l'ai vu que hier. Bref, y a vraiment moyen que tous nos
> > efforts servent.
> >
> > Donat
> >
> En regardant sur le site
> le fond de carte est Michelin et comme il se base sur l'adresse, la
> numérotation ne doit pas être complète (le n° 50 n'est peut-être pas
> présent), il y a interpolation et l’icône de la gendarmerie n'est pas
> placé au bon endroit.
> cordialement
> Leni
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Martijn van Exel

I guess 
 is really not 
correct then where it says: "Census Designated Places (CDPs) are boundaries 
maintained by the Census Bureau for statistical purposes. CDPs should be tagged 
boundary=census, ideally without an admin_level=* tag.”

Almost all Utah admin8 are in fact TIGER CDP boundaries:  


 is incorrect where it states that admin8 are "state municipalities: cities, 
towns, villages and hamlets (infrequent)”

also incorrect and suggests "Census-designated places (CDPs) are statistical, 
not administrative areas. Project TIGER fixup deletes outdated CDPs and retags 
relevant ones from boundary=administrative admin_level=8(or 7) to 
boundary=census, no admin_level=*.”

Finally, there seem to be too many wiki pages covering this :) But that’s not 
unique for this topic.

I guess we have some work to do! 


> On Nov 14, 2018, at 8:54 AM, Ian Dees  wrote:
> A friendly reminder that Census's TIGER data we have previously imported as 
> admin8 polygons aren't actually official city boundaries. They're "Census 
> Designated Places " 
> which are just named "concentrations of people". In some cases the Census may 
> have gone to the trouble of incorporating city boundary information, but my 
> guess is that the majority of cases are just "Census blocks that look like 
> they're part of the city".
> Having said that, there really isn't a good national-level dataset of city 
> boundaries and Google uses CDP boundaries for their search results...
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:49 AM Martijn van Exel  > wrote:
> Sorry that link is bad. 
>> On Nov 14, 2018, at 8:44 AM, Martijn van Exel > > wrote:
>> I looked at a few place boundaries in Utah and compared with current TIGER 
>> files.. Definitely needs work.. 
>>  (colored = current OSM, grey = TIGER places shape file 2018)
>> Martijn
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Paul Johnson
Looks about right.  There's examples of this sort of thing all over...
heck, there's some cities that straddle state lines.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018, 07:47  Hi,
> are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?
> see:
> left: Lee County
> right: DeKalb County
> there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany
> this is impossible.
> Regards
> walter/Germany
> --
> My projects:
> Admin Boundaries of the World 
> Missing Boundaries
> Emergency Map 
> Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
> Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
> Postcode Boundaries of Germany
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] "Give Box", Boîte à Dons

2018-11-14 Per discussione Guillaume C.

Merci! je vais utiliser le proposal amenity=reuse.


Le 13/11/2018 à 21:53, Lau Picado a écrit :


J'avais posé la question il y a qq temps sur le forum :

À bientôt,


Le 13 novembre 2018 21:26:57 GMT+01:00, "Guillaume C." 
 a écrit :


La ville de Talence en Gironde vient d'installer des "Boîtes à Dons", le
concept est simple : on y dépose ce que l'on veut, dans l'espoir de
dépanner quelqu'un d'autre.

Photo :

Je ne trouve pas comment tagger ça.

Dans le fonctionnement c'est proche des amenity=public_bookcase mais
avec une plus grande variété d'objets à donner.

On m'a suggéré amenity=recycling mais c'est plus pour une réutilisation
en seconde main qu'un "recyclage" des objets.

D'ailleurs il y a une clé seconde main "second_hand" qui me semble
pertinente, mais d'après le wiki, uniquement associée avec les "shop".

Je suis preneur de vos bons conseils!


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Ian Dees
A friendly reminder that Census's TIGER data we have previously imported as
admin8 polygons aren't actually official city boundaries. They're "Census
Designated Places "
which are just named "concentrations of people". In some cases the Census
may have gone to the trouble of incorporating city boundary information,
but my guess is that the majority of cases are just "Census blocks that
look like they're part of the city".

Having said that, there really isn't a good national-level dataset of city
boundaries and Google uses CDP boundaries for their search results...

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:49 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:

> Sorry that link is bad.
> On Nov 14, 2018, at 8:44 AM, Martijn van Exel  wrote:
> I looked at a few place boundaries in Utah and compared with current TIGER
> files.. Definitely needs work..
>  (colored
> = current OSM, grey = TIGER places shape file 2018)
> Martijn
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Shawn K. Quinn
On 11/14/18 07:46, wrote:
> are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?

I'm pretty sure parts of Houston, TX, extend past the Harris County

Shawn K. Quinn

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione EthnicFood IsGreat

Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2018 14:46:48 +0100
To: " Openstreetmap"

Subject: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?


left: Lee County

right: DeKalb County

there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany
this is impossible.




My projects:

Admin Boundaries of the World <>
Missing Boundaries
Emergency Map <>
Postal Code Map (Germany only) <>
Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) <>
Postcode Boundaries of Germany <>
-- next part --
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I personally know of an example in Indiana.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Sorry that link is bad. 

> On Nov 14, 2018, at 8:44 AM, Martijn van Exel  wrote:
> I looked at a few place boundaries in Utah and compared with current TIGER 
> files.. Definitely needs work.. 
>  (colored = current OSM, grey = TIGER places shape file 2018)
> Martijn
>> On Nov 14, 2018, at 8:35 AM, Kerry Irons > > wrote:
>> And let’s never forget College Corner, OH/IN.  It is in three counties and 
>> two states.  It has two different zip codes.  But really, it is two separate 
>> towns  -College Corner OH and West College Corner IN.  And of course Delmar 
>> and Mardel along the Delaware/Maryland state line.  Just to keep things 
>> interesting.
>> Kerry Irons
>> From: Brad Neuhauser > > 
>> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 10:18 AM
>> To: Clifford Snow>>
>> Cc: ; 
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois
>> Minnesota has around 40 cross-county cities, most of which have just a small 
>> portion in the second county. St. Cloud is notable for being in three 
>> counties! 
>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:01 AM Clifford Snow > > wrote:
>>> Yes - a city can cover more than one county in the US. I'm not familiar 
>>> with your example, but we have Bothell, WA which is in both King and 
>>> Snohomish County. 
>>> Best,
>>> Clifford
>>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 5:47 AM >> > wrote:
 are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?
 left: Lee County
 right: DeKalb County
 there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany 
 this is impossible.
 My projects:
 Admin Boundaries of the World 
 Missing Boundaries 
 Emergency Map 
 Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
 Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
 Postcode Boundaries of Germany 
 Talk-us mailing list 
>>> -- 
>>> @osm_seattle
>>> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
>>> ___
>>> Talk-us mailing list
>>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
I looked at a few place boundaries in Utah and compared with current TIGER 
files.. Definitely needs work..

 (colored = current OSM, grey = TIGER places shape file 2018)


> On Nov 14, 2018, at 8:35 AM, Kerry Irons  wrote:
> And let’s never forget College Corner, OH/IN.  It is in three counties and 
> two states.  It has two different zip codes.  But really, it is two separate 
> towns  -College Corner OH and West College Corner IN.  And of course Delmar 
> and Mardel along the Delaware/Maryland state line.  Just to keep things 
> interesting.
> Kerry Irons
> From: Brad Neuhauser  
> Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 10:18 AM
> To: Clifford Snow 
> Cc:;
> Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois
> Minnesota has around 40 cross-county cities, most of which have just a small 
> portion in the second county. St. Cloud is notable for being in three 
> counties! 
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:01 AM Clifford Snow  > wrote:
>> Yes - a city can cover more than one county in the US. I'm not familiar with 
>> your example, but we have Bothell, WA which is in both King and Snohomish 
>> County. 
>> Best,
>> Clifford
>> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 5:47 AM > > wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?
>>> see: 
>>> left: Lee County
>>> right: DeKalb County
>>> there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany 
>>> this is impossible.
>>> Regards
>>> walter/Germany 
>>> -- 
>>> My projects:
>>> Admin Boundaries of the World 
>>> Missing Boundaries 
>>> Emergency Map 
>>> Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
>>> Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
>>> Postcode Boundaries of Germany 
>>> ___
>>> Talk-us mailing list
>> -- 
>> @osm_seattle
>> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list
>> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Kerry Irons
And let’s never forget College Corner, OH/IN.  It is in three counties and two 
states.  It has two different zip codes.  But really, it is two separate towns  
-College Corner OH and West College Corner IN.  And of course Delmar and Mardel 
along the Delaware/Maryland state line.  Just to keep things interesting.



Kerry Irons


From: Brad Neuhauser  
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 10:18 AM
To: Clifford Snow 
Subject: Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois


Minnesota has around 40 cross-county cities, most of which have just a small 
portion in the second county. St. Cloud is notable for being in three counties!


On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:01 AM Clifford Snow> > wrote:

Yes - a city can cover more than one county in the US. I'm not familiar with 
your example, but we have Bothell, WA which is in both King and Snohomish 





On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 5:47 AM> > wrote:


are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?


left: Lee County

right: DeKalb County

there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany this is 




My projects:

Admin Boundaries of the World  
Missing Boundaries 

Emergency Map  
Postal Code Map (Germany only)  
Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany)  
Postcode Boundaries of Germany  

Talk-us mailing list




OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch

Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Brad Neuhauser
Minnesota has around 40 cross-county cities, most of which have just a
small portion in the second county. St. Cloud is notable for being in three

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 9:01 AM Clifford Snow 

> Yes - a city can cover more than one county in the US. I'm not familiar
> with your example, but we have Bothell, WA which is in both King and
> Snohomish County.
> Best,
> Clifford
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 5:47 AM  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?
>> see:
>> left: Lee County
>> right: DeKalb County
>> there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany
>> this is impossible.
>> Regards
>> walter/Germany
>> --
>> My projects:
>> Admin Boundaries of the World 
>> Missing Boundaries
>> Emergency Map 
>> Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
>> Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
>> Postcode Boundaries of Germany
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list
> --
> @osm_seattle
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Joseph Eisenberg
New York City has several counties within its borders.
I believe Houston and several other cities in Texas cross county borders.
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 11:08 PM Adam Franco  wrote:

> Last summer there was a big thread Differences with USA admin_level
> tagging
> that talked a lot about odd cases in the US. As one example, Kevin Kenny 
> pointed
> out
> Geneva,
> NY 
> which apparently has a portion in a second county. I haven't re-read the
> who thread, but I seem to remember others mentioning a number of other
> situations where administrative areas really can't be represented in a
> cleanly nested way.
> Best,
> Adam
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 8:49 AM  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?
>> see:
>> left: Lee County
>> right: DeKalb County
>> there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany
>> this is impossible.
>> Regards
>> walter/Germany
>> --
>> My projects:
>> Admin Boundaries of the World 
>> Missing Boundaries
>> Emergency Map 
>> Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
>> Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
>> Postcode Boundaries of Germany
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Thanks for pointing it out, Walter.

As others have said, local admin boundaries and their hierarchies are weird 
from a European perspective. I am still trying to understand it.

The boundary may still be wrong. Many (all?) of the admin8 boundaries were 
imported almost 10 years ago. I wouldn’t be surprised if many have not been 
updated to reflect boundary updates. Time to put in an effort to re-check them? 
(Potentially a lot of work, in Utah alone there’s 295 admin8 relations.)


> On Nov 14, 2018, at 7:58 AM, Clifford Snow  wrote:
> Yes - a city can cover more than one county in the US. I'm not familiar with 
> your example, but we have Bothell, WA which is in both King and Snohomish 
> County. 
> Best,
> Clifford
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 5:47 AM  > wrote:
> Hi,
> are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?
> see: 
> left: Lee County
> right: DeKalb County
> there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany this 
> is impossible.
> Regards
> walter/Germany 
> -- 
> My projects:
> Admin Boundaries of the World 
> Missing Boundaries 
> Emergency Map 
> Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
> Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
> Postcode Boundaries of Germany 
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
> -- 
> @osm_seattle
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Clifford Snow
Yes - a city can cover more than one county in the US. I'm not familiar
with your example, but we have Bothell, WA which is in both King and
Snohomish County.


On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 5:47 AM  wrote:

> Hi,
> are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?
> see:
> left: Lee County
> right: DeKalb County
> there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany
> this is impossible.
> Regards
> walter/Germany
> --
> My projects:
> Admin Boundaries of the World 
> Missing Boundaries
> Emergency Map 
> Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
> Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
> Postcode Boundaries of Germany
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Josh Lee
I can think of at least six examples in Pennsylvania off the top of my head:
Trafford, McDonald, Shippensburg, Seven Springs, Telford, Falls Creek.

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018, 08:49  Hi,
> are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?
> see:
> left: Lee County
> right: DeKalb County
> there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany
> this is impossible.
> Regards
> walter/Germany
> --
> My projects:
> Admin Boundaries of the World 
> Missing Boundaries
> Emergency Map 
> Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
> Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
> Postcode Boundaries of Germany
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Strange city boundary: Lee, Illinois

2018-11-14 Per discussione Adam Franco
Last summer there was a big thread Differences with USA admin_level tagging

that talked a lot about odd cases in the US. As one example, Kevin
Kenny pointed

which apparently has a portion in a second county. I haven't re-read the
who thread, but I seem to remember others mentioning a number of other
situations where administrative areas really can't be represented in a
cleanly nested way.


On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 8:49 AM  wrote:

> Hi,
> are there cities (admin level 8) in the USA which  part of two counties?
> see:
> left: Lee County
> right: DeKalb County
> there are some more, but i would like to know if that is ok. In Germany
> this is impossible.
> Regards
> walter/Germany
> --
> My projects:
> Admin Boundaries of the World 
> Missing Boundaries
> Emergency Map 
> Postal Code Map (Germany only) 
> Fools (QA for zipcodes in Germany) 
> Postcode Boundaries of Germany
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] California is too big ;)

2018-11-14 Per discussione Frederik Ramm
Thank you all for the helpful discussion. I have now split California in
a northern and southern part along the recommended counties. Let's see
how long it takes until the parts grow too big again!


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] OSM Foundation e comunidade latina

2018-11-14 Per discussione Nelson A. de Oliveira
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 8:45 AM Sérgio V.  wrote:
> Vocês sabem se, e onde, há uma lista dos concorrentes/candidatos ao OSMF 
> board deste ano?

Tem o calendário de eventos no fim também.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] OSM Foundation e comunidade latina

2018-11-14 Per discussione Sérgio V .
Vocês sabem se, e onde, há uma lista dos concorrentes/candidatos ao OSMF board 
deste ano?
Outros anos tinha uma wiki com os nomes e suas propostas, se não me  engano.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sérgio -

De: Wille 
Enviado: terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2018 11:27
Para: OSM talk-br
Assunto: [Talk-br] OSM Foundation e comunidade latina

A próxima eleição para o board da OSM Foundation será em 15 de Dezembro. Quem 
deseja participar da votação, deve se registrar como membro da Fundação até o 
dia 15 de novembro:

Consegui articular uma conversa entre membros do atual board da OSM Foundation 
e a comunidade OSM Latam. O chat será realizado na próxima terça, às 13:00, de 
Brasília, no canal telegram OpenStreetMap Latam - . Será 
uma oportunidade de expressarmos nossa opinião em relação ao OpenStreetMap e à 
OSM Foundation e conhecer melhor a visão do atual board.

Wille Marcel
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Národní archiv leteckých snímků

2018-11-14 Per discussione Michal Poupa
OK díky za info.
st 14. 11. 2018 v 11:23 odesílatel Honza Cibulka  napsal:
> Prahy letišť nejsou geodata vyjmenovaná v prováděcí vyhlášce ke 123/98, takže 
> tady to roli hrát nebude. Zjednodušeně řečeno, 123/98 Sb. nastupuje jen u dat 
> Zeměměřického úřadu.
> -Original Message-
> From: Michal Poupa 
> Sent: středa 14. listopadu 2018 11:15
> To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Národní archiv leteckých snímků
> Ten zákon  č. 123/1998 Sb. by mohl tedy komplikovat situaci i u ŘLP kdybych 
> chtěl třeba sopuřadnice prahů drah letišť to budou opět geodata ...
> po 12. 11. 2018 v 13:46 odesílatel Honza Cibulka  napsal:
> >
> > Tak on to ještě komplikuje zákon č. 123/1998 Sb., kterej prodej státních 
> > geodat výslovně umožňuje.
> >
> > A ta dýlka řízení: Správní úsek městskýho soudu v Praze je zasekanej na 
> > řadu let dopředu. A tohle velmi pravděpodobně bude pokračovat i před 
> > Nejvyššim správnim soudem.
> >
> > Jan Cibulka
> >
> >
> >
> > tel. 776 307 158
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 12 Nov 2018, at 12:17, Michal Poupa  wrote:
> >
> > po 12. 11. 2018 v 9:17 odesílatel Honza Cibulka  napsal:
> >
> >
> > Zdar vespolek,
> >
> > tuzemský právo nezná nic jako “všichni jsme to zaplatili, tak navalte.”
> >
> >
> > to je možná škoda když zřejmě  Zákon č. 106/1999 Sb. je málo (nejsem
> > právník)
> >
> >
> > Nicméně zná “informace v držení úřadu jsou veřejný”. Po tý linii už
> > proběhl jeden spor s ČÚZK, a dokonce vítězně:
> >
> > 08_20180605090044_prevedeno.pdf
> >
> >
> > To ale ke zveřejnění dat ZÚ nevedlo, tak probíhá spor navazující, výsledek 
> > bude odhadem za 3 roky.
> >
> >
> > Proč až za tři roky? To to jde tak šíleně pomalu?
> >
> > A stran těch snímků na webu a jejich licence ZÚ: Firmy licenci úřadu běžně 
> > porušujou, ten občas někomu blacklistne ipčko, ale co vím, tak se nikdy 
> > nesoudil. Takže kdo si co ukradne, to má.
> >
> >
> > Ale vždycky jsem žil v domění, že OSM komunita chce bejt ten good guy, 
> > takže když nemá výslovnej souhlas, tak data nepoužívá.
> >
> >
> > Nicméně kašlal bych na soudy. Pokud chcete něco udělat, tak chybí 
> > systematickej tlak na stát co se týče publikace geodat. Pro začátek je 
> > třeba vysvětlovat, že na tý snaze o prodej geodat ZÚ leda prodělává 
> > (obchodní odd. je stojí víc, než za kolik prodaj).
> >
> >
> > Takže pro začátek by třeba bylo fajn se objednat k předsedovi ZÚ a 
> > vysvětlit mu, který data by komunita chtěla a jak by to prospělo veřejnýmu 
> > dobru. Třeba ho ukecáte.
> >
> >
> > to jsem zkoušel už na ŘLP ... dokoce jsem se dostal na jednání 
> >
> > A když ne, tak aspoň nějak zabijem čas, než rozhodne ten soud ;)
> >
> >
> > Jan Cibulka
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > tel. 776 307 158
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On 12 Nov 2018, at 08:39, Michal Poupa  wrote:
> >
> >
> > Že to není zdarma když jsem za to už všichni zaplatili
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 11. 11. 2018 v 23:33, Jan Macura :
> >
> >
> > Ahoj,
> >
> >
> > On Sun, 11 Nov 2018 at 22:17, Michal Poupa  wrote:
> >
> >
> > a dá to někdo skutečně někdo  k tomu soudu?
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> > to je vlastně zajímavá otázka. Co přesně bys chtěl u soudu žalovat v tomhle 
> > případě?
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Re: [Talk-cz] Národní archiv leteckých snímků

2018-11-14 Per discussione Honza Cibulka
Prahy letišť nejsou geodata vyjmenovaná v prováděcí vyhlášce ke 123/98, takže 
tady to roli hrát nebude. Zjednodušeně řečeno, 123/98 Sb. nastupuje jen u dat 
Zeměměřického úřadu.

-Original Message-
From: Michal Poupa  
Sent: středa 14. listopadu 2018 11:15
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Národní archiv leteckých snímků

Ten zákon  č. 123/1998 Sb. by mohl tedy komplikovat situaci i u ŘLP kdybych 
chtěl třeba sopuřadnice prahů drah letišť to budou opět geodata ...
po 12. 11. 2018 v 13:46 odesílatel Honza Cibulka  napsal:
> Tak on to ještě komplikuje zákon č. 123/1998 Sb., kterej prodej státních 
> geodat výslovně umožňuje.
> A ta dýlka řízení: Správní úsek městskýho soudu v Praze je zasekanej na řadu 
> let dopředu. A tohle velmi pravděpodobně bude pokračovat i před Nejvyššim 
> správnim soudem.
> Jan Cibulka
> tel. 776 307 158
> On 12 Nov 2018, at 12:17, Michal Poupa  wrote:
> po 12. 11. 2018 v 9:17 odesílatel Honza Cibulka  napsal:
> Zdar vespolek,
> tuzemský právo nezná nic jako “všichni jsme to zaplatili, tak navalte.”
> to je možná škoda když zřejmě  Zákon č. 106/1999 Sb. je málo (nejsem 
> právník)
> Nicméně zná “informace v držení úřadu jsou veřejný”. Po tý linii už 
> proběhl jeden spor s ČÚZK, a dokonce vítězně: 
> 08_20180605090044_prevedeno.pdf
> To ale ke zveřejnění dat ZÚ nevedlo, tak probíhá spor navazující, výsledek 
> bude odhadem za 3 roky.
> Proč až za tři roky? To to jde tak šíleně pomalu?
> A stran těch snímků na webu a jejich licence ZÚ: Firmy licenci úřadu běžně 
> porušujou, ten občas někomu blacklistne ipčko, ale co vím, tak se nikdy 
> nesoudil. Takže kdo si co ukradne, to má.
> Ale vždycky jsem žil v domění, že OSM komunita chce bejt ten good guy, takže 
> když nemá výslovnej souhlas, tak data nepoužívá.
> Nicméně kašlal bych na soudy. Pokud chcete něco udělat, tak chybí 
> systematickej tlak na stát co se týče publikace geodat. Pro začátek je třeba 
> vysvětlovat, že na tý snaze o prodej geodat ZÚ leda prodělává (obchodní odd. 
> je stojí víc, než za kolik prodaj).
> Takže pro začátek by třeba bylo fajn se objednat k předsedovi ZÚ a vysvětlit 
> mu, který data by komunita chtěla a jak by to prospělo veřejnýmu dobru. Třeba 
> ho ukecáte.
> to jsem zkoušel už na ŘLP ... dokoce jsem se dostal na jednání 
> A když ne, tak aspoň nějak zabijem čas, než rozhodne ten soud ;)
> Jan Cibulka
> tel. 776 307 158
> On 12 Nov 2018, at 08:39, Michal Poupa  wrote:
> Že to není zdarma když jsem za to už všichni zaplatili
> 11. 11. 2018 v 23:33, Jan Macura :
> Ahoj,
> On Sun, 11 Nov 2018 at 22:17, Michal Poupa  wrote:
> a dá to někdo skutečně někdo  k tomu soudu?
> to je vlastně zajímavá otázka. Co přesně bys chtěl u soudu žalovat v tomhle 
> případě?
> H.
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
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> Talk-cz mailing list
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> Talk-cz mailing list
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> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Národní archiv leteckých snímků

2018-11-14 Per discussione Michal Poupa
Ten zákon  č. 123/1998 Sb. by mohl tedy komplikovat situaci i u ŘLP
kdybych chtěl třeba sopuřadnice prahů drah letišť to budou opět
geodata ...
po 12. 11. 2018 v 13:46 odesílatel Honza Cibulka  napsal:
> Tak on to ještě komplikuje zákon č. 123/1998 Sb., kterej prodej státních 
> geodat výslovně umožňuje.
> A ta dýlka řízení: Správní úsek městskýho soudu v Praze je zasekanej na řadu 
> let dopředu. A tohle velmi pravděpodobně bude pokračovat i před Nejvyššim 
> správnim soudem.
> Jan Cibulka
> tel. 776 307 158
> On 12 Nov 2018, at 12:17, Michal Poupa  wrote:
> po 12. 11. 2018 v 9:17 odesílatel Honza Cibulka  napsal:
> Zdar vespolek,
> tuzemský právo nezná nic jako “všichni jsme to zaplatili, tak navalte.”
> to je možná škoda když zřejmě  Zákon č. 106/1999 Sb. je málo (nejsem právník)
> Nicméně zná “informace v držení úřadu jsou veřejný”. Po tý linii už proběhl 
> jeden spor s ČÚZK, a dokonce vítězně: 
> To ale ke zveřejnění dat ZÚ nevedlo, tak probíhá spor navazující, výsledek 
> bude odhadem za 3 roky.
> Proč až za tři roky? To to jde tak šíleně pomalu?
> A stran těch snímků na webu a jejich licence ZÚ: Firmy licenci úřadu běžně 
> porušujou, ten občas někomu blacklistne ipčko, ale co vím, tak se nikdy 
> nesoudil. Takže kdo si co ukradne, to má.
> Ale vždycky jsem žil v domění, že OSM komunita chce bejt ten good guy, takže 
> když nemá výslovnej souhlas, tak data nepoužívá.
> Nicméně kašlal bych na soudy. Pokud chcete něco udělat, tak chybí 
> systematickej tlak na stát co se týče publikace geodat. Pro začátek je třeba 
> vysvětlovat, že na tý snaze o prodej geodat ZÚ leda prodělává (obchodní odd. 
> je stojí víc, než za kolik prodaj).
> Takže pro začátek by třeba bylo fajn se objednat k předsedovi ZÚ a vysvětlit 
> mu, který data by komunita chtěla a jak by to prospělo veřejnýmu dobru. Třeba 
> ho ukecáte.
> to jsem zkoušel už na ŘLP ... dokoce jsem se dostal na jednání 
> A když ne, tak aspoň nějak zabijem čas, než rozhodne ten soud ;)
> Jan Cibulka
> tel. 776 307 158
> On 12 Nov 2018, at 08:39, Michal Poupa  wrote:
> Že to není zdarma když jsem za to už všichni zaplatili
> 11. 11. 2018 v 23:33, Jan Macura :
> Ahoj,
> On Sun, 11 Nov 2018 at 22:17, Michal Poupa  wrote:
> a dá to někdo skutečně někdo  k tomu soudu?
> to je vlastně zajímavá otázka. Co přesně bys chtěl u soudu žalovat v tomhle 
> případě?
> H.
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
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Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Projet du mois de novembre: gendarmerie/police

2018-11-14 Per discussione lenny.libre

Le 13/11/2018 à 22:10, Donat ROBAUX a écrit :

Sachez que j'ai un rendez-vous téléphonique demain avec une des 2 
entrepreneurs d'intérêt général de la gendarmerie à propos de ce 
projet et qui pour le coup correspond bien au défi 
Mais ca je ne l'ai vu que hier. Bref, y a vraiment moyen que tous nos 
efforts servent.


En regardant sur le site

le fond de carte est Michelin et comme il se base sur l'adresse, la 
numérotation ne doit pas être complète (le n° 50 n'est peut-être pas 
présent), il y a interpolation et l’icône de la gendarmerie n'est pas 
placé au bon endroit.



Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] OSM sur le rendez-vous tech

2018-11-14 Per discussione orhygine

Un podcast tech qui aborde les sujets de la cartographie, OSM, OsmAnd et
MapsMe vers 50 mn :

Talk-fr mailing list