Re: [talk-au] Editing speed limit in Australia

2019-03-08 Per discussione Ross Scanlon

Welcome to oz roads.

I had a look on street view and can not see any 60 signs along Warwick 
Road they are all 70.



On 09/03/19 10:20, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Sat, 9 Mar 2019 at 08:48, Ross Scanlon > wrote:

What you've said is correct for off ramps but would be incorrect
for on ramps.

The on ramp speed limit may be determined from the adjoining
road(s), as the last speed limit sign is the applicable limit
until you pass another sign.

So in the example given if the 60 sign was not on the link the
applicable limit would be what it was for Warwick Road, which from
memory is 70 near that underpass, and this would be the limit up
to the 60 sign.

So for this link it should be 70 - 60 - 100 as you go past the 60
and 100 signs.

Or, stupidly enough, if for some reason you've come down off the 
Centenary Highway via, 
through the traffic lights, then taken the on ramp we're talking about 
to go back up onto the Highway, your speed would be 60 - 60 - 100 as 
there's a 60 sign on that off-ramp. So you'd, quite legally, have 2 
different speed limits on that stretch of road!



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag per Iscrizioni o Epigrafi

2019-03-08 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Scusate da telefono non accedo alla sez discussione della wikiproposta...

Mi chiedo un paio di cose:

"ele" non è di solito riferita al mare?

siamo sicuri ci possano essere mappabili solo oggetti historic?

Il ven 8 mar 2019, 20:40 Martin Koppenhoefer  ha

> Ho creato una bozza di proposta, anche perché cosí possiamo parlarne e ci
> rimane traccia ;-)
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Il 8 mar 2019 8:40 PM, "Martin Koppenhoefer"  ha

Am Fr., 8. März 2019 um 19:49 Uhr schrieb Sergio Manzi :

> Guarda, sinceramente, fate come volete. Io sono per la semplicità, ma qui
> sempre più spesso mi sembra di avere a che fare con l'UCAS di Fantozziana
> memoria (*ricordate? Ufficio Complicazione Affari Semplici*), e non mi
> riferisco solo a questo thread, ma un po' in generale, tanto che
> incominciano a sorgermi seri dubbi sulla sostenibilità del progetto...

certo, facciamo tutti come vogliamo. Io scrivevo nel merito degli epigrafi
perché non è la prima volta che ci manca un tag, e con "historic=yes" non
si capisce se parliamo di una scritta oppure di un'altra cosa che ha anche
una scritta.

Ho creato una bozza di proposta, anche perché cosí possiamo parlarne e ci
rimane traccia ;-)


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag per Iscrizioni o Epigrafi

2019-03-08 Per discussione canfe
Sì', scusa Martin, refuso: historic

Io ipotizzavo che questi due tag potessero essere applicati a building o
altri oggetti su cui ci sono le scritte.

Sent from:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] sjezdovky

2019-03-08 Per discussione Marián Kyral
On 09. 03. 19 6:41, Marek Janata wrote:
> Ahoj,
> zkusil jsem v JOSM doplnit chybějící vlek a jezdovku ve Zdobnici, ale
> výsledek se mi moc nelíbí -
> - jak to mám
> vyznačit/označit správně?
> Nebo mám jen nakreslit vlek a typ sjezdovky označit do něj?

taky na to nejsem expert, ale, ač neaktivní lyžař, jsem nějakou
sjezdovku nedávno taky dělal.

Případně a mrknout na nějaké pěkně zmapované
středisko, jak je to udělané.

Předem upozorňuji, že na normální mapě sjezdovkyy neuvidíš.


talk-cz mailing list

[talk-cz] sjezdovky

2019-03-08 Per discussione Marek Janata

zkusil jsem v JOSM doplnit chybějící vlek a jezdovku ve Zdobnici, ale
výsledek se mi moc nelíbí - - jak to mám
vyznačit/označit správně?
Nebo mám jen nakreslit vlek a typ sjezdovky označit do něj?

dík moc

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Joseph Eisenberg
Natural=peak must be a local high point, so it has to be at least a
few meters higher than the surrounding land. A natural=peak does not
have to be the highest point of a mountain, but it has to have some
topographical prominence. Not all spot elevations on USGS are of
peaks, some are just a visually prominent part of a ridge, and other
are saddles.

In October 2018 there was a suggestion to use the value "promontory"
for points that are not peaks, for example a prominent shoulder of a
mountain or the end of a ridge. Thus natural=promontory could work,
along with ele=* and name=* for some of these features.

Wikipedia definition:

Link to previous discussion:

On 3/9/19, Martijn van Exel  wrote:
> Perhaps they should be tagged not as peaks then but as a place node
> (place=locality probably)?
>> On Mar 8, 2019, at 10:23 AM, Mike Thompson  wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 6:29 AM Kevin Broderick > > wrote:
>> Would
>>  be an example of (or very
>> similar to) what you're talking about?
>> Yes, slightly different, but same general concept.
>> I've been told that one is a local reference point ("25 Short", ie. 25
>> feet short of 10k), and at least one article
>> (
>> )
>> backs that up.
>> I have seen back country trip reports mention such points (at least those
>> that are high points), and they have *some* value therefore, but as I
>> suggested earlier, "point n,nnn" is to me more of a description rather
>> than a name in most cases.
>> Mike
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US map rendering (Was: Re: Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet))

2019-03-08 Per discussione Kevin Kenny
On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 5:46 PM Phil! Gold  wrote:
> I started work last year on a better system that generates SVGs on the fly
> from OSM data, so it doesn't need the pregeneration step.  I got bogged
> down with other things before I quite finished, but it's mostly there.
It's really great hearing from you!  I had tried to message you a few
times through OSM and tried to find a working email for you, but never
heard anything back. I definitely had things I wanted to pick your
brain about!

> (There are just a few Canadian routes left to convert; I was having
> difficulty finding official specs for their signs.)

I think that between Minh and me, we have the signs for all ten Canadian
provinces, and a lot of Ontario counties. (The other provinces use a standard
'county highway' sign.)

I'll have a look at your code, but frankly, we've diverged an awful
lot at this point. I got kind of bogged down in the stored procedures,
because the requirement that the PostgreSQL filesystem be visible at
Mapnik's runtime was getting tangled up in the chroot jail on my
server, and the fact that a stock Mapnik now makes a read-only
connection to the database was also a stumbling block. (Even a trigger
firing from a read-only connection cannot update the database.) Rather
than running from forks, I wound up reworking things so that the SVG
generation happens when osmosis runs, rather than when the tile is
built, and that went a lot smoother.

I also pretty much totally reworked the stored procedures for better
readability, and to make them compatible with the GroupSymbolizer.
(Your shield clusters are gorgeous, but I found them to be a bridge
too far and decided to try out Mapnik's stock support.) Could I get
your opinion of ?
 I think that might be a more maintainable starting point, and it also
appears to be faster - it's pretty zippy at render time.
> I don't think this is really documented yet, but I now support four
> different sign styles, passed as the `style` parameter to the Python
> rendering functions:
>  * "generic" uses a standard, generic style for every US state and county,
>disregarding their individual styles.
>  * "guide" matches the styles used on highway guide signs.  This is now
>the default, since it seems most fitting to map rendering.
>  * "sign" looks like the roadside reassurance markers.
>  * "cutout" is a modification of the "sign" style to remove dark
>background areas.  This used to be the default with my old system.

Sounds reasonable. I'm making more use of pictorial shields than I
think you were, but in some cases that's a bad idea. I'd like to have
the 'guide' style, for instance, in place of all the pictorial shields
for the NY state parkways - the NY highway shield, but white-on-green
instead of black and white, with the parkway's initials.

> Anyway, the code is here:
> Hopefully at some point I'll find time to finish up my changes.  (And,
> ideally, merge in all of the extra shields you and Minh have put
> together.)

Thanks, I'll have a look!

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] motel vs. hotel

2019-03-08 Per discussione Bryan Housel
Good question!
As others have said - hotels have rooms that open indoors, motels have rooms 
that open outdoors.  That’s the only difference.

I did a bit of research on this last year for 
 because we are using this 
project to capture the recommended tagging for all the brands of the world.

Check out the hotel/motel files here if you are curious! 

For example:
Super 8 is almost always tagged as `tourism=motel`, and Travelodge is almost 
always tagged as `tourism=hotel`, even though both brands often exist in either 
kind of building.

I think this is one of those tags where it really doesn’t matter much which one 
people use.


> On Mar 8, 2019, at 7:47 PM, Peter Dobratz  wrote:
> How do you distinguish between the tourism=hotel and tourism=motel tags?
> The criteria that I was imagining is that a motel is a single story building 
> where you have the ability to park you car directly outside of your room. A 
> hotel would be other types of buildings such as multi-story where most guests 
> cannot park directly outside their room.
> There's the curious case of the two Motel 6 facilities directly across the 
> road from each other.  I had marked these as tourism=hotel based on the 
> building architecture, but maybe all Motel 6's should be tourism=motel?
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] motel vs. hotel

2019-03-08 Per discussione OSM Volunteer stevea
As I believe the etymology of the word "motel" (circa 1920s) is a contraction 
of "motor hotel," I believe it is fair to say that a motel is a hotel which 
caters to motorists.  That is, patrons who arrive in an automobile and wish for 
it to be immediately accessible, as in parked directly outside the room in the 
case of a single story facility, or very nearby for multiple story.

Others say hotels are "closer to an airport or business district" and while 
this is a more general criterion, (think of resort hotels where you do not 
arrive in your automobile as an exception, for example), I believe that "caters 
to motorists" is the defining difference for motels.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] motel vs. hotel

2019-03-08 Per discussione Joseph Eisenberg
This was discussed at the main Tagging mailing list a couple of months ago:

Start of thread:
Continuation in January:

The wiki page for Motel was updated at that time:

A number of people said that the name on the sign is the main way to
distinguish a hotel vs a motel, but some thought that the easy access
to no-fee motor vehicle parking from the rooms was also a useful

On 3/9/19, Martijn van Exel  wrote:
> I've slept in some pretty nice places that had exterior room access. I
> wouldn't call that out as the only demarcating property. To my mind it's a
> combination of location, amenities and layout / architecture.
> Interesting discussion!
> Martijn van Exel
>> On Mar 8, 2019, at 18:03, Tod Fitch  wrote:
>> For me the difference is interior hallway to access room (hotel) vs
>> exterior access to each room (motel).
>>> On March 8, 2019 4:47:33 PM PST, Peter Dobratz  wrote:
>>> How do you distinguish between the tourism=hotel and tourism=motel tags?
>>> The criteria that I was imagining is that a motel is a single story
>>> building where you have the ability to park you car directly outside of
>>> your room. A hotel would be other types of buildings such as multi-story
>>> where most guests cannot park directly outside their room.
>>> There's the curious case of the two Motel 6 facilities directly across
>>> the road from each other.  I had marked these as tourism=hotel based on
>>> the building architecture, but maybe all Motel 6's should be
>>> tourism=motel?
>>> What do you think?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Peter
>> --
>> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] motel vs. hotel

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
I've slept in some pretty nice places that had exterior room access. I wouldn't 
call that out as the only demarcating property. To my mind it's a combination 
of location, amenities and layout / architecture.

Interesting discussion!

Martijn van Exel

> On Mar 8, 2019, at 18:03, Tod Fitch  wrote:
> For me the difference is interior hallway to access room (hotel) vs exterior 
> access to each room (motel).
>> On March 8, 2019 4:47:33 PM PST, Peter Dobratz  wrote:
>> How do you distinguish between the tourism=hotel and tourism=motel tags?
>> The criteria that I was imagining is that a motel is a single story building 
>> where you have the ability to park you car directly outside of your room. A 
>> hotel would be other types of buildings such as multi-story where most 
>> guests cannot park directly outside their room.
>> There's the curious case of the two Motel 6 facilities directly across the 
>> road from each other.  I had marked these as tourism=hotel based on the 
>> building architecture, but maybe all Motel 6's should be tourism=motel?
>> What do you think?
>> Thanks,
>> Peter
> -- 
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 北海道拓殖バスオープンデータのインポートについて

2019-03-08 Per discussione Hokkosha






2019年3月8日(金) 19:10 yuu hayashi :
> hayashiです
> 上り下りが分離されたいいデータですね
> 一箇所「鹿追5号」だけ既存データがあります。名前がないデータですが位置情報は既存データのほうが正確かもしれません。
> 共同運行のところは Wikiにあるように ノードをわけずに operatorにセミコロンでつないで入れるので良いです。
> 同じ場所に 会社ごとにポールが2本以上立ってる場合も1ノード(bus platform)でまとめのがいいです。
> 同じ場所にあるポールで 停留所の名前が路線毎に違う場合も セミコロンでまとめるのがいいです。
> 気になった点は、インポート用のアカウント名ですが、プロジェクト毎の方がいいのでは?「Takubasu_import_2019」とか
> リレーションは、停留所を入力したあとに手作業でやるほうが簡単だと思います
> 停留所のインポートが完了したら、
> 1)国道241の2条化
> 2)バスルートリレーションを入力
> を実行日を決めて分担してやるのも面白いかも ← オンラインマッピングパーティー?
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] motel vs. hotel

2019-03-08 Per discussione Tod Fitch
For me the difference is interior hallway to access room (hotel) vs exterior 
access to each room (motel).

On March 8, 2019 4:47:33 PM PST, Peter Dobratz  wrote:
>How do you distinguish between the tourism=hotel and tourism=motel
>The criteria that I was imagining is that a motel is a single story
>building where you have the ability to park you car directly outside of
>your room. A hotel would be other types of buildings such as
>where most guests cannot park directly outside their room.
>There's the curious case of the two Motel 6 facilities directly across
>road from each other.  I had marked these as tourism=hotel based on the
>building architecture, but maybe all Motel 6's should be tourism=motel?
>What do you think?

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.___
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] motel vs. hotel

2019-03-08 Per discussione Ian Dees
I think your description of motels as parking directly outside rooms is
good, but I've seen plenty of motels that had multiple stories.

Wikipedia's page on motels is good and has this definition:

"a type of hotel consisting of a single building of connected rooms whose
doors faced a parking lot and in some circumstances, a common area or a
series of small cabins with common parking"

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 6:49 PM Peter Dobratz  wrote:

> How do you distinguish between the tourism=hotel and tourism=motel tags?
> The criteria that I was imagining is that a motel is a single story
> building where you have the ability to park you car directly outside of
> your room. A hotel would be other types of buildings such as multi-story
> where most guests cannot park directly outside their room.
> There's the curious case of the two Motel 6 facilities directly across the
> road from each other.  I had marked these as tourism=hotel based on the
> building architecture, but maybe all Motel 6's should be tourism=motel?
> What do you think?
> Thanks,
> Peter
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] motel vs. hotel

2019-03-08 Per discussione Kevin Broderick
I thought the defining architectural difference was whether access to the
room was via interior hallway (hotel) or exterior walkway (motel).

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019, 19:51 Shawn K. Quinn  wrote:

> On 3/8/19 18:47, Peter Dobratz wrote:
> > How do you distinguish between the tourism=hotel and tourism=motel tags?
> >
> > The criteria that I was imagining is that a motel is a single story
> > building where you have the ability to park you car directly outside of
> > your room. A hotel would be other types of buildings such as multi-story
> > where most guests cannot park directly outside their room.
> Some motels have two- or even three-story buildings. For me, the
> defining difference would be that a hotel is closer to an airport or
> business district and either has limited parking or charges for parking,
> whereas motels as I know them never charge for parking, and are often
> farther away from the business districts and airports.
> --
> Shawn K. Quinn 
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] motel vs. hotel

2019-03-08 Per discussione Shawn K. Quinn
On 3/8/19 18:47, Peter Dobratz wrote:
> How do you distinguish between the tourism=hotel and tourism=motel tags?
> The criteria that I was imagining is that a motel is a single story
> building where you have the ability to park you car directly outside of
> your room. A hotel would be other types of buildings such as multi-story
> where most guests cannot park directly outside their room.

Some motels have two- or even three-story buildings. For me, the
defining difference would be that a hotel is closer to an airport or
business district and either has limited parking or charges for parking,
whereas motels as I know them never charge for parking, and are often
farther away from the business districts and airports.

Shawn K. Quinn

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] motel vs. hotel

2019-03-08 Per discussione Peter Dobratz
How do you distinguish between the tourism=hotel and tourism=motel tags?

The criteria that I was imagining is that a motel is a single story
building where you have the ability to park you car directly outside of
your room. A hotel would be other types of buildings such as multi-story
where most guests cannot park directly outside their room.

There's the curious case of the two Motel 6 facilities directly across the
road from each other.  I had marked these as tourism=hotel based on the
building architecture, but maybe all Motel 6's should be tourism=motel?

What do you think?

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Editing speed limit in Australia

2019-03-08 Per discussione Graeme Fitzpatrick
On Sat, 9 Mar 2019 at 08:48, Ross Scanlon  wrote:

> What you've said is correct for off ramps but would be incorrect for on
> ramps.
> The on ramp speed limit may be determined from the adjoining road(s), as
> the last speed limit sign is the applicable limit until you pass another
> sign.
> So in the example given if the 60 sign was not on the link the applicable
> limit would be what it was for Warwick Road, which from memory is 70 near
> that underpass, and this would be the limit up to the 60 sign.
> So for this link it should be 70 - 60 - 100 as you go past the 60 and 100
> signs.
Or, stupidly enough, if for some reason you've come down off the Centenary
Highway via,
through the traffic lights, then taken the on ramp we're talking about to
go back up onto the Highway, your speed would be 60 - 60 - 100 as there's a
60 sign on that off-ramp. So you'd, quite legally, have 2 different speed
limits on that stretch of road!


Talk-au mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] New Local Electoral Areas 2018

2019-03-08 Per discussione Cormac O Murchú
These are all done now bar in Cork and possibly Dublin counties but don’t
import them to quite yet.


Could someone update us on Dublin, we do not have an official new Cork City
boundary yet and cannot do the MD/LEA updates in and around Cork City yet. 




Talk-ie mailing list


2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
ne abbiamo parlato recentemente e pare che si mappano con admin_level=7
(contradite mi se mi sbaglio).
Se tutti sono d’accordo, dovremmo scriverlo nel wiki

Ciao, Martin 

sent from a phone

> On 8. Mar 2019, at 23:05, Alberto Varalli  wrote:
> Buonasera, non avendo esperienza sulla mappatura di confini amministrativi vi 
> scrivo per chiedervi come fare a mappare un’insieme di comuni costituenti una 
> UNIONE o una COMUNITA’ MONTANA ad esempio. Vi ringrazio anticipatamente per 
> la collaborazione
> Saluti
> Bertu90
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US map rendering (Was: Re: Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet))

2019-03-08 Per discussione Phil! Gold
* Phil! Gold  [2019-03-08 17:44 -0500]:

Oops, that's the master branch, which doesn't have the changes.  You need
to look at the svg branch:
-- contrarian of the first order... /
PGP: 026A27F2  print: D200 5BDB FC4B B24A 9248  9F7A 4322 2D22 026A 27F2
--- --
#if _FP_W_TYPE_SIZE < 32
#error "Here's a nickle kid.  Go buy yourself a real computer."
   -- linux/arch/sparc64/double.h
 --- --

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Editing speed limit in Australia

2019-03-08 Per discussione Ross Scanlon
| In some situations, especially on off-ramps, there isn’t any speed 
limit sign at the beginning of the link only at the end of it or in the

| middle. I observed that in these situations the speed limit of the 
motorway is added on the first part of the link. Because this is the

| predominant way of adding speed limit on links, we will map in the 
same way: if there isn’t a speed limit sign at the beginning of the link

| we will add the speed limit of the motorway and other speed limit that 
occurs along the link. If there is a speed limit sign at the beginning | 
of the link (e.g.SL60 in our example) we will add the speed limit in the 
way you mentioned (60 then 100).

What you've said is correct for off ramps but would be incorrect for on 

The on ramp speed limit may be determined from the adjoining road(s), as 
the last speed limit sign is the applicable limit until you pass another 

So in the example given if the 60 sign was not on the link the 
applicable limit would be what it was for Warwick Road, which from 
memory is 70 near that underpass, and this would be the limit up to the 
60 sign.

So for this link it should be 70 - 60 - 100 as you go past the 60 and 
100 signs.



On 09/03/19 02:11, Lacramioara Maghiar - (p) wrote:

Thanks for your response!

I got 80 from the trunk way from which the motorway link leaves.

In some situations, especially on off-ramps, there isn’t any speed 
limit sign at the beginning of the link only at the end of it or in 
the middle. I observed that in these situations the speed limit of the 
motorway is added on the first part of the link. Because this is the 
predominant way of adding speed limit on links, we will map in the 
same way: if there isn’t a speed limit sign at the beginning of the 
link we will add the speed limit of the motorway and other speed limit 
that occurs along the link. If there is a speed limit sign at the 
beginning of the link (e.g.SL60 in our example) we will add the speed 
limit in the way you mentioned (60 then 100).



*From:* Graeme Fitzpatrick 
*Sent:* Thursday, February 28, 2019 12:19 AM
*To:* Lacramioara Maghiar - (p) 
*Subject:* Re: [talk-au] Editing speed limit in Australia

Hi Lacri

On Wed, 27 Feb 2019 at 21:56, Lacramioara Maghiar - (p) 
> wrote:

Hi all,

I’m writing you regarding the speed limit mapping in Australia.

Specifically, how would you add the speed limit on a motorway link
where the speed limit sign appears in the field towards the end/in
the middle of the link?

In Qld at least (& I think Aust-wide) speed limits officially change 
at the sign - you may start accelerating as you pass it, not before; 
but you must start slowing early so you're at the lower limit as you 
pass the sign.

Please take a look at the following example: Here, there is a speed
limit sign of 100 (SL100 hereafter) in the middle of the motorway
link. You can see the sign here:


In which way would you add the speed limit information in the
above-mentioned case:

 1. maxspeed=80 until the SL100 sign and maxspeed=100 until the
end of the link?

I'm not sure where you got 80 from? I can only see a 60 sign at the 
start of the link 
& speed then jumps to 100 just before merging out onto the Cunningham 

 1. maxspeed=80 represents the speed limit of the trunk way from
which the motorway link leaves.

Welcome to Australian roads! Just because it's a trunk road, doesn't 
necessarily mean it's got an appropriate speed limit :-(

 2. nothing until the SL100 sign but maxspeed=100 starting with
the appearance of the sign in the field?

60, not "nothing" between the 2 signs, then 100.

Hope that helps!



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US map rendering (Was: Re: Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet))

2019-03-08 Per discussione Phil! Gold
* Kevin Kenny  [2019-03-08 14:25 -0500]:
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 11:37 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:
> >
> > I agree that a local US OSM map with a *subtly* adapted rendering would be 
> > fantastic. Phil Gold did some interesting work years ago on rendering US 
> > style highway shields taking into account (sometimes crazy) route 
> > concurrency 
> > (
> >  - note that this is based on years-old data and probably pre-carto-switch 
> > stylesheet). Lars Ahlzen created the beautiful TopOSM which is a lot more 
> > divergent from the main map style, but another great example of initiatives 
> > around custom map rendering coming out of the US community.
> I've borrowed ideas (and some limited amount of code) from both of
> them in doing my experimental rendering
> The chief roadblocks to scaleability are that the graphics are
> generated in what amounts to a batch process, taking several minutes,
> Then there's the issue that the graphics for individual shields are
> being stored in PNG, which is rendered in a batch process that takes
> typically several minutes (so could not cope with minutely updates).

I started work last year on a better system that generates SVGs on the fly
from OSM data, so it doesn't need the pregeneration step.  I got bogged
down with other things before I quite finished, but it's mostly there.
(There are just a few Canadian routes left to convert; I was having
difficulty finding official specs for their signs.)

I don't think this is really documented yet, but I now support four
different sign styles, passed as the `style` parameter to the Python
rendering functions:

 * "generic" uses a standard, generic style for every US state and county,
   disregarding their individual styles.
 * "guide" matches the styles used on highway guide signs.  This is now
   the default, since it seems most fitting to map rendering.
 * "sign" looks like the roadside reassurance markers.
 * "cutout" is a modification of the "sign" style to remove dark
   background areas.  This used to be the default with my old system.

Anyway, the code is here:

Hopefully at some point I'll find time to finish up my changes.  (And,
ideally, merge in all of the extra shields you and Minh have put

-- contrarian of the first order... /
PGP: 026A27F2  print: D200 5BDB FC4B B24A 9248  9F7A 4322 2D22 026A 27F2
--- --
What computers do Daleks use?  X-TERMINALS, X-TERMINALS!
 --- --

Talk-us mailing list


2019-03-08 Per discussione Alberto Varalli
Buonasera, non avendo esperienza sulla mappatura di confini amministrativi vi 
scrivo per chiedervi come fare a mappare un’insieme di comuni costituenti una 
UNIONE o una COMUNITA’ MONTANA ad esempio. Vi ringrazio anticipatamente per la 



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Les contours de la Bretagne

2019-03-08 Per discussione David Crochet


Le 08/03/2019 à 22:23, Jacques Lavignotte a écrit :
Profites-en pour inclure le Mont Saint Michel... 

o ! Ho  !! HO !!! H 

Faut pas pousser mamie dans les orties non plus !!


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Les contours de la Bretagne

2019-03-08 Per discussione Jacques Lavignotte

Le 08/03/2019 à 22:18, a écrit :

Comme je suis pour le retour de la Loire-Atlantique en Bretagne,

Profites-en pour inclure le Mont Saint Michel...


le vendredi c'est trolldi.

GnuPg : C8F5B1E3 Because privacy matters.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Les contours de la Bretagne

2019-03-08 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

(Summary below)

J'ai regardé quelques points, ça ne m'a pas l'air d'être complètement le 

Par exemple

passe de 8/commune (faux) à 6/departement (faux, hélas ;-)).

Ça devrait être 4/region.

Là ça semble bien être le cas.

Discussion sur les changeset ou revert?

Comme je suis pour le retour de la Loire-Atlantique en Bretagne, je veux 
bien faire un commentaire (ou un texte expliquant le blocage de 

Ceci dit cet utilisateur a fait exactement deux modifications, or on ne 
fait pas des milliers de modification dans ses deux premières éditions.

Donc *plutôt pour un revert et un blocage de l'utilisateur *car il 
s'agit à mon avis de mauvaise foi.

On devrait comme Wikipédia avoir deux entrées, dont une relation 
Bretagne historique / (alt_name Bretagne) définie par les 5 départements 
bretons en subarea. Et en mettant en end_date la création par Pétain de 
la Bretagne amputée (ou 1972 lors de la recréation des région par De 

Au fait quelqu'un sait l'utilité de la relation Bretagne sans îles ni 
capitale ?

Frederik tut mir leid für die Sprache aber falls du es weiterleiten 

Summary: this user made exactly 2 edits, modifying thousands of objects 
in those two edits. So it's a fake user, I'm for 2 actions: revert + 
user block as he/she created the user by purpose.

We should add a new relation "Brittany" using the 5 départements as 
subarea (for easier maintenance) but having an end_date.

I can imagine to write the text the user would read when being blocked 
(as I'm also for a full-size Brittany)


Le 08/03/2019 à 21:18, Frederik Ramm - a écrit :

Bonjour talk-fr,

someone has reported these two changesets

and said:

"Cet utilisateur a rédifini les contours de la Bretagne incluant le
département de la Loire Atlantique. Si ce sujet est bien débattu, et n'a
actuellement aucun impact sur le tracé des contours administratifs
régionaux. OpenStreetMap n'a pas à recevoir des données qui proviennent
d'un choix personnel et qui ne sont pas une réalité administrative et
politique du département de Loire-Atlantique."

Could you have a look at these changes and tell me if they need to be
reverted? (Or revert them yourselves if you want.)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US map rendering (Was: Re: Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet))

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Kevin — yes, I was talking about SOTM US. Please do stay tuned to this list and 
OSM US blog for announcements for community scholarships and other initiatives 
we will deploy to make it possible to have many more community members attend 
(and also present! on interesting topics like this one.)

> On Mar 8, 2019, at 12:25 PM, Kevin Kenny  wrote:
> Finding the time and money to attend a conference that my employer
> doesn't sponsor is hard for me at the moment, particularly since I'm
> already committed once or twice a year to conferences on another "free
> time" (hah!) project. (Also, I presume you mean SOTM-US? An overseas
> conference would add a whole other level of complexity to my getting
> to go.)

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] How to stop violation of OSM copyright by Mapbox?

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
to me it seems you did represent facts, although I am not sure I would see the 
click-to-see attribution on small screens a violation of copyright, I agree it 
is suspicious that there is space for a mapbox logo but not for an OSM 

Cheers, Martin 

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Les contours de la Bretagne

2019-03-08 Per discussione Frederik Ramm
Bonjour talk-fr,

someone has reported these two changesets

and said:

"Cet utilisateur a rédifini les contours de la Bretagne incluant le
département de la Loire Atlantique. Si ce sujet est bien débattu, et n'a
actuellement aucun impact sur le tracé des contours administratifs
régionaux. OpenStreetMap n'a pas à recevoir des données qui proviennent
d'un choix personnel et qui ne sont pas une réalité administrative et
politique du département de Loire-Atlantique."

Could you have a look at these changes and tell me if they need to be
reverted? (Or revert them yourselves if you want.)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] We need to have a conversation about attribution

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Di., 5. März 2019 um 11:20 Uhr schrieb Frederik Ramm :

> With today's interactive options, it would indeed be possible to show
> the authors of individual features when hovering ;)

yes, ALL authors of course, not just the last one ;-)

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag per Iscrizioni o Epigrafi

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Fr., 8. März 2019 um 19:49 Uhr schrieb Sergio Manzi :

> Guarda, sinceramente, fate come volete. Io sono per la semplicità, ma qui
> sempre più spesso mi sembra di avere a che fare con l'UCAS di Fantozziana
> memoria (*ricordate? Ufficio Complicazione Affari Semplici*), e non mi
> riferisco solo a questo thread, ma un po' in generale, tanto che
> incominciano a sorgermi seri dubbi sulla sostenibilità del progetto...

certo, facciamo tutti come vogliamo. Io scrivevo nel merito degli epigrafi
perché non è la prima volta che ci manca un tag, e con "historic=yes" non
si capisce se parliamo di una scritta oppure di un'altra cosa che ha anche
una scritta.

Ho creato una bozza di proposta, anche perché cosí possiamo parlarne e ci
rimane traccia ;-)

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-us] US map rendering (Was: Re: Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet))

2019-03-08 Per discussione Kevin Kenny
On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 11:37 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:
> I agree that a local US OSM map with a *subtly* adapted rendering would be 
> fantastic. Phil Gold did some interesting work years ago on rendering US 
> style highway shields taking into account (sometimes crazy) route concurrency 
> (
>  - note that this is based on years-old data and probably pre-carto-switch 
> stylesheet). Lars Ahlzen created the beautiful TopOSM which is a lot more 
> divergent from the main map style, but another great example of initiatives 
> around custom map rendering coming out of the US community.

I've borrowed ideas (and some limited amount of code) from both of
them in doing my experimental rendering at It has North American
highway shields. I say 'North American' because it handles the
Canadian and a few Mexican ones, with concurrences, also.  It has a
lot more than Phil! incorporated thanks to a yeoman effort by Minh
Nguyen (sorry, Minh, no time to go hunting for Vietnamese diacritics
to spell your name correctly!)

It has scalability issues that are fixable, but imply ditching a fair
piece of the toolchain.
I'm tracking a project for it at  I have a Kanban for
it at

The chief roadblocks to scaleability are that the graphics are
generated in what amounts to a batch process, taking several minutes,
triggered by the Osmosis update of the 'northamerica' export from If the process is to scale to minutely updates and the
whole planet, it needs to do shield rendering incrementally in
response to specific updates affecting it.

The fact that osm2pgsql does not and will not ever support querying of
relations at rendering time is a headache, and so the first job will
have to be retooling everything to the table formats used by imposm3.
(This is entirely doable; it's quite a lot of very routine programming
that I've simply not had time to take on.)

Then there's the issue that the graphics for individual shields are
being stored in PNG, which is rendered in a batch process that takes
typically several minutes (so could not cope with minutely updates). I
have some sketches for how that could be accomplished, but again, I
keep running out of time.

Also, 'carto' does not have support for the GroupSymbolizer in Mapnik,
needed for highway shield rendering, so I'm still stuck with defining
the rendering in Mapnik XML. This isn't a problem for me, but others
might demand better support.

Finally, Mapnik itself would benefit from being able to render SVG's
with template parameters substituted from objects in the database. I
think that the pipeline could be implemented in a scalable fashion
without this last task, but there would be more custom code about.

I've sounded out the maintainers of various of the OSM software, and
get different assessments.
osm2pgsql - Actively hostile to supporting what I need, contend that
osm2pgsql is the wrong tool for the job.
imposm3 - Interested and helpful, and it appears that they wouldn't
actually have to do anything (imposm3 may have everything needed
'right out of the box').
Phil Gold!'s 'highway shields' project - Moribund, but I've extracted
from it what I think I need and put the code at
TopOSM - Again, moribund, but I have working renderings derived from
it that suit me and could serve as starting points for new
Carto - Maintainers would be very interested in GroupSymbolizer support.
OSM Carto - Little interest, but that's because of the emphasis on
consistent rendering worldwide, and this is really a project specific
to North America.
Mapnik - I've not really needed to approach the Mapnik team yet - I've
been treating it as a black box.

So, it looks as if there's a path forward, but it involves a bunch
more programming than I've had time to take on. I'm very good at
programming, but my time is limited. I'm much less good at project
management, and I'm terrible at recruiting, so I've been unable so far
to form a team to tackle this. A better leader than I could probably
make significant forward progress with my technical assistance. I may
find this thrust upon me, but I hope to dodge any requests to lead
open-source development efforts while I'm still in the paid workforce.
(With luck, retirement is a couple or three years away.)

> Perhaps something for a BoF session at the next SOTM!

Finding the time and money to attend a conference that my employer
doesn't sponsor is hard for me at the moment, particularly since I'm
already committed once or twice a year to conferences on another "free
time" (hah!) project. (Also, I presume you mean SOTM-US? An overseas
conference would add a whole other level of complexity to 

Re: [Talk-it] Tag per Iscrizioni o Epigrafi

2019-03-08 Per discussione Sergio Manzi
Guarda, sinceramente, fate come volete. Io sono per la semplicità, ma qui 
sempre più spesso mi sembra di avere a che fare con l'UCAS di Fantozziana 
memoria (/ricordate? Ufficio Complicazione Affari Semplici/), e non mi 
riferisco solo a questo thread, ma un po' in generale, tanto che incominciano a 
sorgermi seri dubbi sulla sostenibilità del progetto...



On 2019-03-08 18:23, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> sent from a phone
>> On 8. Mar 2019, at 00:11, Sergio Manzi  wrote:
>> ma capisco che a volte l'oggetto in se può essere poco significativo e non 
>> degno di mappatura, mentre l'inscription sì.
> il fatto che ci sia l’inscription renderebbe l’oggetto degno di mappatura. 
> Potrebbe essere proprio la scritta stessa l’oggetto mappato, perciò 
> historic=inscription/epigraph 
> Ciao, Martin 
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [talk-it] discrepanza classifica strade su pagina wiki

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 8. Mar 2019, at 18:16, Volker Schmidt  wrote:
> Il mio punto è, che finora pensavo che nella gerarchia residential e 
> unclassified sono sullo stesso livello. Invece nel testo sulla pagina la 
> versione inglese combacia con quello che penso sia la prassi comune, invece 
> quello italiano dice che residential è "sotto" unclassified.

avevo capito, io invece vedevo da sempre unclassified sopra residential, cosa 
confermava in qualche modo anche il rendering (non so se ancora).
Nelle discussioni precedenti c’erano avvocati di entrambe le posizioni. In 
generale penso “residential” è una classe per penalizzare le strade 
residenziali (per evitare inutile traffico di transito e perché effettivamente 
potrebbero essere più lente da percorrere), quindi mi sembra giusto vederle 
come “inferiore”

Ciao, Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag per Iscrizioni o Epigrafi

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 8. Mar 2019, at 00:11, Sergio Manzi  wrote:
> historic=yes, inoltre, è già ben usato, quindi non mi sembrerebbe una 
> anomalia...

si, ci sono, ma ci sono altri tag molto migliori, che specificano cosa sia. C’è 
anche highway=road o building=yes
più di 5000 landuse=yes

Ciao, Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
Perhaps they should be tagged not as peaks then but as a place node 
(place=locality probably)?

> On Mar 8, 2019, at 10:23 AM, Mike Thompson  wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 6:29 AM Kevin Broderick  > wrote:
> Would 
>  be an example of (or very 
> similar to) what you're talking about? 
> Yes, slightly different, but same general concept.  
> I've been told that one is a local reference point ("25 Short", ie. 25 feet 
> short of 10k), and at least one article 
> (
> )
>  backs that up.
> I have seen back country trip reports mention such points (at least those 
> that are high points), and they have *some* value therefore, but as I 
> suggested earlier, "point n,nnn" is to me more of a description rather than a 
> name in most cases.
> Mike
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag per Iscrizioni o Epigrafi

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 8. Mar 2019, at 00:11, Sergio Manzi  wrote:
> almeno che non vogliamo taggare anche le pubblicità sui muri, e spero di non 
> stare suggerendo una brutta idea a qualcuno!)

ho creato anni fa un tag per le pubblicità, ha avuto qualche successo (persone 
che mi scrivevano per spingere la proposta) 

Ciao, Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Mike Thompson
On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 6:29 AM Kevin Broderick 

> Would be an example of (or
> very similar to) what you're talking about?
Yes, slightly different, but same general concept.

> I've been told that one is a local reference point ("25 Short", ie. 25
> feet short of 10k), and at least one article (
> backs that up.
I have seen back country trip reports mention such points (at least those
that are high points), and they have *some* value therefore, but as I
suggested earlier, "point n,nnn" is to me more of a description rather than
a name in most cases.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag per Iscrizioni o Epigrafi

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 8. Mar 2019, at 00:11, Sergio Manzi  wrote:
> ma capisco che a volte l'oggetto in se può essere poco significativo e non 
> degno di mappatura, mentre l'inscription sì.

il fatto che ci sia l’inscription renderebbe l’oggetto degno di mappatura. 
Potrebbe essere proprio la scritta stessa l’oggetto mappato, perciò 

Ciao, Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] KeepRight might do that already | Re: HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Dave F via talk
Keepright returns far too many false positives (in the UK) to be useful. 
I'm not an expert, but it seems the further (ie another country) you are 
away from the server storing the website the less likely Keepright will 
find it.

It makes me wonder if Bryce's script, running from the US, will garner a 
decent hit rate. Would running it from different world locations 
discover more?

Happy to have it clarified to me.


On 27/02/2019 15:19, Rory McCann wrote:
I think KeepRight checks websites, and can report things like that: 

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [talk-it] discrepanza classifica strade su pagina wiki

2019-03-08 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Il mio punto è, che finora pensavo che nella gerarchia residential e
unclassified sono sullo stesso livello. Invece nel testo sulla pagina la
versione inglese combacia con quello che penso sia la prassi comune, invece
quello italiano dice che residential è "sotto" unclassified.

On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 18:07, Martin Koppenhoefer 

> mi sembra giusto il testo italiano. Come anche evidenziato recentemente in
> una lunga discussione su tagging, la classe unclassified viene visto come
> “quartiary” cioè viene utilizzato per indicare strada di accesso ad un
> piccolo quartiere (dove la strada non è nemmeno tertiary).
> Ciao, Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Tag per Iscrizioni o Epigrafi

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 8. Mar 2019, at 16:46, canfe  wrote:
> Concordo Sergio, e' esattamente quello che avevo proposto:
>   historical=yes
>   inscription=*
> in modo da non far proliferare i tag come raccomandato.

intendi “historic”? Quindi la classe della cosa mappata sarebbe ‘storico’ e 
Penso per descrivere oggetti è sempre utile essere un minimo specifico. Se per 
chi fa la mappa non importa finché sia un oggetto storico, potrebbe sempre 
valutare tutti gli oggetti con tag
historic= e tag inscription.

Ciao, Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [talk-it] discrepanza classifica strade su pagina wiki

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
mi sembra giusto il testo italiano. Come anche evidenziato recentemente in una 
lunga discussione su tagging, la classe unclassified viene visto come 
“quartiary” cioè viene utilizzato per indicare strada di accesso ad un piccolo 
quartiere (dove la strada non è nemmeno tertiary).

Ciao, Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] More imagery

2019-03-08 Per discussione chilton steve via Talk-GB

Following on from Rob's email the contact person for Getmapping is: Jake Lauder 

Web: Address: Virginia Villas, High Street, Hartley 
Wintney, RG27 8NW

If making contact I suggest you mention the discussion that he and Steve 
Chilton had recently at the GeoForum2019 meeting at Lancaster University.

Also stating the obvious: The request should outline what OSM plan to do 
(tracing) and where the data will be used.


Steve Chilton (Steev8)

> On 06 March 2019 at 22:12 Rob Nickerson  wrote:
> Sounds good. Although it is worth noting that OSM UK is us - i.e. the 
> OpenStreetMap community in the UK. Yes it does happen to be a registered 
> company which helps in some conversations (some companies like to speak with 
> other companies) but to get things moving fastest we welcome help from fellow 
> OSMers. If not then it will fall to the OSM UK board, of which there are 5 
> people (I am one) with limited volunteer time.
> To get things started I have written to OSMF's advisory board to see if 
> any of the local groups or organisations that form part of that have 
> experience with getmapping imagery. If you can pass contact details from 
> getmapping then we can start enquiries.
> P.S. If anyone reading this wants to jump in and help, please let me know.
> With best regards,
> Rob
> On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 at 21:14, chilton steve < 
> > wrote:
> > > 
> > Rob,
> > 
> > Thanks for the response.
> > 
> > In fact I would prefer to hand over to OSMUK or some more formal 
> > part of the project, particularly if they have experience of such 
> > discussions/negotiations.
> > 
> > I don't know what the level of content is. They market themselves 
> > as leading provider in UK so I don't think global.
> > 
> > I will email OSMUK first before going to the company, just to see 
> > how the land lies (pun intended!).
> > 
> > Cheers
> > 
> > Steve
> > 
> > > > > On 06 March 2019 at 19:54 Rob Nickerson < 
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hi Steve,
> > > 
> > > >Would OSM benefit from another imagery source? Getmapping 
> > > have tentatively offered theirs. See: 
> > > and get 
> > > back to me via any of the normal methods.
> > > >
> > > >Cheers
> > > >Steve Chilton (@steev8)
> > > 
> > > It's certainly worth exploring and I think this is something 
> > > that OSM UK company can assist with if they prefer to discuss with a 
> > > registered company rather than an individual (could still be you, just on 
> > > behalf of, and with the support of OSM UK if that helps with discussions).
> > > 
> > > What are the next steps? I guess confirming it is unique 
> > > content is a good step - rather than a copy of Digital Globe imagery 
> > > already available to us for example. Do you want to start an email 
> > > discussion with them cc'ing in and 
> > > we can arrange a call / meeting with them if that helps.
> > > 
> > > P.S. Are we speaking UK or global?
> > > 
> > > Best regards,
> > > Rob
> > > 
> > > > > 
> > > 
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] EU-Urheberrechtsrichtlinie: Banner und Aktionsseite für

2019-03-08 Per discussione Florian Lohoff

Hi Michael,

On Fri, Mar 08, 2019 at 12:31:36AM +0100, Michael Reichert wrote:
> Hallo,
> in seiner Sitzung hat der FOSSGIS-Vorstand sich vorletzte Woche mit den
> gewohnten Veränderungen an einverstanden erklärt. Diese
> habe ich jetzt vorbereitet. Dabei handelt es sich um:
> - Die Aktionsseite (die übrigens immer noch online, aber nicht mehr
>   verlinkt war) habe ich aktualisiert. Zu den Änderungen bitte ich um
>   Kommentare.
> - Für die Aktionsseite in ihrer alten Fassung habe ich eine englische
>   Übersetzung erstellt. Mithilfe bei der Aktualisierung der englischen
>   Fassung ist hier willkommen.
> - Ich habe etwas dezentere (dunkelgraue statt schwarze) Banner für die
>   Start- und Kartenseite eingebaut.
> Auf könnt ihr
> sehen, wie es aussehen wird. Die Änderungen gegenüber dem Status quo
> könnt ihr im Quellcode unter
> anschauen.
> Ich habe mittlerweile drei Seiten mit Listen von Demonstrationen
> gefunden. Ist der Protest v.a. in Mittel- und Osteuropa aktiv oder sind
> mir noch keine Seiten für West- und Südeuropa über den Weg gelaufen?

Als Aktionsseite kenne ich noch:

und eben

Für die Linksammlung unter "Was kann ich dagegen tun?"

Florian Lohoff
UTF-8 Test: The  ran after a , but the  ran away

Description: PGP signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
I agree that a local US OSM map with a *subtly* adapted rendering would be 
fantastic. Phil Gold did some interesting work years ago on rendering US style 
highway shields taking into account (sometimes crazy) route concurrency 

 - note that this is based on years-old data and probably pre-carto-switch 
stylesheet). Lars Ahlzen created the beautiful TopOSM which is a lot more 
divergent from the main map style, but another great example of initiatives 
around custom map rendering coming out of the US community.

Perhaps something for a BoF session at the next SOTM!

Finally, I don’t think it’s a funding or infrastructure issue. It’s just that 
someone needs to lead it.


> On Mar 8, 2019, at 9:27 AM, Kevin Kenny  wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 10:59 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:
>> If it’s just a shortcut to have the main OSM map display elevation in feet, 
>> that’s not right, but it indicates a need that is currently unaddressed: 
>> displaying elevation in local units on the main map.
> Even as a USAian, I'm fine with SI units on the main map. If the
> USAians need a map localised to US conventional units, let the USAians
> host it.
> (and miught be a perfect place to put such a thing,
> but I know, the infrastructure and funding really isn't there.)

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Kevin Kenny
On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 10:59 AM Martijn van Exel  wrote:
> If it’s just a shortcut to have the main OSM map display elevation in feet, 
> that’s not right, but it indicates a need that is currently unaddressed: 
> displaying elevation in local units on the main map.

Even as a USAian, I'm fine with SI units on the main map. If the
USAians need a map localised to US conventional units, let the USAians
host it.

(and miught be a perfect place to put such a thing,
but I know, the infrastructure and funding really isn't there.)

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Editing speed limit in Australia

2019-03-08 Per discussione Lacramioara Maghiar - (p)
Thanks for your response!

I got 80 from the trunk way from which the motorway link leaves.
In some situations, especially on off-ramps, there isn’t any speed limit sign 
at the beginning of the link only at the end of it or in the middle. I observed 
that in these situations the speed limit of the motorway is added on the first 
part of the link. Because this is the predominant way of adding speed limit on 
links, we will map in the same way: if there isn’t a speed limit sign at the 
beginning of the link we will add the speed limit of the motorway and other 
speed limit that occurs along the link. If there is a speed limit sign at the 
beginning of the link (e.g.SL60 in our example) we will add the speed limit in 
the way you mentioned (60 then 100).


From: Graeme Fitzpatrick 
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2019 12:19 AM
To: Lacramioara Maghiar - (p) 
Subject: Re: [talk-au] Editing speed limit in Australia

Hi Lacri

On Wed, 27 Feb 2019 at 21:56, Lacramioara Maghiar - (p)>> wrote:
Hi all,

I’m writing you regarding the speed limit mapping in Australia.
Specifically, how would you add the speed limit on a motorway link where the 
speed limit sign appears in the field towards the end/in the middle of the link?

In Qld at least (& I think Aust-wide) speed limits officially change at the 
sign - you may start accelerating as you pass it, not before; but you must 
start slowing early so you're at the lower limit as you pass the sign.

Please take a look at the following example: Here, there is a speed limit sign 
of 100 (SL100 hereafter) in the middle of the motorway link. You can see the 
sign here:
In which way would you add the speed limit information in the above-mentioned 

  1.  maxspeed=80 until the SL100 sign and maxspeed=100 until the end of the 
I'm not sure where you got 80 from? I can only see a 60 sign at the start of 
the link,
 & speed then jumps to 100 just before merging out onto the Cunningham Highway

  1.  maxspeed=80 represents the speed limit of the trunk way from which the 
motorway link leaves.
Welcome to Australian roads! Just because it's a trunk road, doesn't 
necessarily mean it's got an appropriate speed limit :-(

  1.  nothing until the SL100 sign but maxspeed=100 starting with the 
appearance of the sign in the field?
60, not "nothing" between the 2 signs, then 100.

Hope that helps!


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
If it’s locally known as such, to my mind, it’s totally fine tagging it that 
way, even if it’s only by backcountry skiers. I would say this is common in 
OSM, I see (and appreciate) a lot of named trails that are not always 
signposted as such but locally known by those names (like 
). Local knowledge trumps most 
everything in OSM.

If it’s just a shortcut to have the main OSM map display elevation in feet, 
that’s not right, but it indicates a need that is currently unaddressed: 
displaying elevation in local units on the main map. I don’t see a ticket 
currently on the osm-carto repo that addresses this. I think it would be hard 
to get ’regional’ rendering preferences accepted however. A better / other way 
to improve on this is to change the convention for the ele tag to be more like 
maxspeed: default to meters but allow other units to be entered as ‘8801 ft’ 
for a value. Then osm-carto could pick that up more easily.


> On Mar 8, 2019, at 6:27 AM, Kevin Broderick  wrote:
> To elaborate on my previous response, now that I'm back at a computer:
> Would 
>  be an example of (or very 
> similar to) what you're talking about?
> I've been told that one is a local reference point ("25 Short", ie. 25 feet 
> short of 10k), and at least one article 
> (
> )
>  backs that up. The old USGS quad does have a point elevation of 9975' on 
> that knob, but it looks to more properly be a shoulder of a larger mountain, 
> not a proper mountain on its own.
> I'm not suggesting that the current tagging is correct, but in this case (and 
> I believe in some others, although I don't even have anecdotes to back that 
> up), point elevation marks on USGS maps have become the "names" for local 
> topographical features. They're a little wonky on the 
> on-the-ground-verifiability (you can easily verify that a height-of-land 
> exists there, but I don't know that there's a sign or survey marker 
> indicating "this is 9975" or "this is 25 Short"), but [some] locals who 
> travel in the vicinity will use the reference. So it seems like something 
> that may be very reasonable to map, but I don't know what the best tagging 
> scheme is. I do think that normalizing to meters loses the meaning in the 
> current tag-for-the-renderer scheme, because a '3040m' label isn't going to 
> translate well to '25 Short' or '9975' unless you happen to particularly good 
> at math.
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 4:53 AM Dave Swarthout  > wrote:
> This is simply a way to get an otherwise unnamed peak to render and also, I 
> suspect, to sidestep the inconvenience of converting the elevation to meters. 
>  AFAIK, there are no peaks with the generic name "Point" on any USGS Topos. 
> In addition, placing the elevation into the name is another trick that should 
> be discouraged.
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:38 PM Mateusz Konieczny  > wrote:
> If it is a peak then ele=XXX and noname=yes would be OK.
> If it is not a peak it should not be present at all - otherwise it opens way 
> to importing
> LIDAR data into OSM (and there are datasets with resolution of 5 cm, dumping 
> it
> into OSM would be case of unverifiable data making it impossible to edit).
> I opened 
>  to reduce chance that it will be 
> discussed 
> and forgotten.
> If this is really used name - then it would be OK but my bet is that this is 
> not an actually used name.
> Mar 7, 2019, 7:04 PM by :
> It seems that there are a couple of mappers in Colorado US (at least, perhaps 
> mapping in other areas as well) who are adding spot elevations (presumably 
> from USGS Topo maps) to OSM tagging them as 
> natural=peak
> name=Point (elevation in feet)
> For example:
> What does the community think about this?
> natural=peak might be ok if said spot elevation is really a local high point 
> (some are not).  The name I am less sure of. If this belongs on the map at 
> all, it should probably have an ele tag, with value in meters.
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
> -- 
> Dave Swarthout
> Homer, Alaska
> Chiang Mai, Thailand
> Travel Blog at 

Re: [Talk-it] Tag per Iscrizioni o Epigrafi

2019-03-08 Per discussione canfe
Concordo Sergio, e' esattamente quello che avevo proposto:
in modo da non far proliferare i tag come raccomandato.



Sent from:

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-br] Geometria de lagos com margens muito variáveis

2019-03-08 Per discussione Fernando Trebien
Olá a todos,

Tenho atualizado a geometria da Lagoa dos Patos no RS, uma lagoa rasa,
com margens quase planas em diversos locais. O nível da água depende
das marés próximo do oceano, e dos ventos em terra [1], e com isso às
vezes invade áreas com centenas de metros e às vezes mais de um
quilômetro. A minha dúvida é se estou representando corretamente no

1. A área dentro da variação do nível da água
- Praias de areia: natural=beach + surface=sand + tidal=yes/no ("no"
na parte seca, "yes" na parte às vezes submersa)
- Outras áreas periodicamente submersas: natural=wetland + wetland=tidalflat

2. Os limites da lagoa com a terra seca: no OSM as coastlines devem
aproximar a média astronômica da maré alta [2], ou "mean high water
spring" (MHWS) [3]. Como não temos essa informação, tenho comparado as
imagens do Bing e do ESRI e escolhido a que tem a maré mais alta para
atualizar essa geometria, e a de maré mais baixa para definir a área
periodicamente alagada (item anterior).

3. Os limites administrativos definidos em termos dos limites da
lagoa: tenho colocado junto à maré baixa, que é mais próxima da
geometria do IBGE e me parece mais próxima também do que seriam a
Linha do Preamar Média (LPM) e da Linha Média de Enchentes Ordinárias
(LMEO) definidas em 1831, quando o nível da água era mais baixo que o
atual. A LPM e a LMEO de 1831 estão sendo levantadas pelo governo
federal já faz uns anos. [5]

Escolhi uma área [4] mais complicada para avaliar a aplicação dessas
definições e gostaria de ouvir opiniões sobre se parece correto ou se
algo deveria ser diferente.

A aplicação dessas definições parece ter sido um tanto inconsistente
no exterior. [6]


Fernando Trebien

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] How to map new housing?

2019-03-08 Per discussione Lester Caine

On 08/03/2019 15:15, Brian Prangle wrote:
Whilst being immensely useful, Planning Applications are usually heavily 
annotated as Copyright,  both Crown Copyright and Developer Copyright- 
so even if the developer gives you permission you're still lumbered with 
OS encumbrance

The site plans may use OS material, but the developers drawings don't 
and in most cases even OS don't have the new roads and other details so 
permission to use is all that IS needed.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] How to map new housing?

2019-03-08 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Whilst being immensely useful, Planning Applications are usually heavily
annotated as Copyright,  both Crown Copyright and Developer Copyright- so
even if the developer gives you permission you're still lumbered with OS



On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 11:24, Lester Caine  wrote:

> On 08/03/2019 10:35, Dave Abbott wrote:
> > I'm quite new to OSM, and am wondering how I might go about mapping new
> > housing plots in my area.
> >
> > In general, there is nothing on the imagery - I know I can walk the new
> > streets and map them with GPS - but how to go about mapping the new
> > buildings?
> >
> > Is there a guide I can look at?
> One source of information that I use is the planning application.
> Although it may also be necessary to ask the builders if you can use it
> directly. It's a useful background on josm ... when combined with a GPS
> walk around.
> --
> Lester Caine - G8HFL
> -
> Contact -
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
> EnquirySolve -
> Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
> Rainbow Digital Media -
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Bryce Jasmer
Thanks for pointing that out. I have fixed it by redirecting between the
two pages.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 4:28 AM Michael Reichert 

> Hi Bryce,
> Am 22/02/2019 um 08.02 schrieb Bryce Jasmer:
> > The wiki page is
> I have seen that you started uploading. Could you please add a link to
> that wiki page to the profile page of b-jazz-bot or create
> as a redirect page to
> in order to comply with the Automated Edits Code of Conduct.
> Best regards
> Michael
> --
> Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
> ausgenommen)
> I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Fw: Road name contradictions in the UK

2019-03-08 Per discussione Dave F via Talk-GB

On 08/03/2019 10:15, Andy Townsend wrote:
OS Locator is/was a good source of those missing names, as shown in 
"Musical Chairs" here: 

There's also:

Although don't be deceived by the 'Last Updated' date - It's not being 
updated. When I contacted ITO to check if they'd had a change of heart & 
were using OS Open Data, I received a reply "no plans to spend any time 
developing OSM Analysis or Ito Map any further"

Would it take much effort to upgrade Musical Chairs to use OS Open Roads?


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] How to map new housing?

2019-03-08 Per discussione Philip Barnes
Field boundaries are often retained (development usually takes a field
at a time), look out for these. They are a useful guide to aligning
stuff with old aerial imagery.
Phil (trigpoint)

On Fri, 2019-03-08 at 14:38 +, Dave F via Talk-GB wrote:
> Hi
> Welcome to OSM.
> Mapping new developments is trickier without aerial imagery, but
> there's quite a bit you can do to make it more accurate than
> guesswork.
>   if you're mapping the roads use the GPS to walk down their
> centre, if it's safe to do so, of course)
>   Takes *lots* of photos. Videos are even better
>   If there is something already mapped in OSM Field Papers may
> help:
>   I found that many new estates have a certain amount of
> conformity. Try offsetting a copy of the road centre lines to
> use as guidelines ensuring buildings equidistant from the
> road
> & the same width
> To map larger buildings you can walk walk around it taking
>   waypoints with a GPS whenever you're in line with the plane of
> a
>   building's side. These points can then have a way drawn with
> their
>   opposite number to create the buildings outline. Make sure
> you're
>   far enough away from it to avoid GPS interference.  
> Cheers
> DaveF   
> On 08/03/2019 10:35, Dave Abbott wrote:
> >   Hi,
> > I'm quite new to OSM, and am wondering how I might go about mapping
> > newhousing plots in my area.
> > In general, there is nothing on the imagery - I know I can walk the
> > newstreets and map them with GPS - but how to go about mapping the
> > newbuildings?
> > Is there a guide I can look at?
> > TIA,
> > Dave Abbott
> > 
> >   
> > 
> >   
> >   
> > 
> >   ___Talk-GB
> > mailing
> >
> > 
> > 
> ___Talk-GB mailing 
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] How to map new housing?

2019-03-08 Per discussione Dave F via Talk-GB

Welcome to OSM.

Mapping new developments is trickier without aerial imagery, but there's 
quite a bit you can do to make it more accurate than guesswork.

 * if you're mapping the roads use the GPS to walk down their centre,
   if it's safe to do so, of course)
 * Takes *lots* of photos. Videos are even better
 * If there is something already mapped in OSM Field Papers may help:
 * I found that many new estates have a certain amount of conformity.
   Try offsetting a copy of the road centre lines to use as guidelines
   ensuring buildings equidistant from the road & the same width

To map larger buildings you can walk walk around it taking waypoints 
with a GPS whenever you're in line with the plane of a building's side. 
These points can then have a way drawn with their opposite number to 
create the buildings outline. Make sure you're far enough away from it 
to avoid GPS interference.


On 08/03/2019 10:35, Dave Abbott wrote:


I'm quite new to OSM, and am wondering how I might go about mapping new
housing plots in my area.

In general, there is nothing on the imagery - I know I can walk the new
streets and map them with GPS - but how to go about mapping the new

Is there a guide I can look at?


Dave Abbott

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] evento su mappatura accessibilità a Milano

2019-03-08 Per discussione Andrea Canevazzi
grazie mille Alessandro per la visibilità sul nostro incontro in AMAT.
Spero che alcuni dei mappatori di Milano riescano a passare perchè, oltre
ad essere l'occasione per spiegare con maggiore dettaglio le nostre
prospettive, sarà anche l'occasione per un uno scambio di opinioni sui
prossmi passi e su eventuali correzioni di rotta. al'incontro dovrebbero
esserci anche rappresentanti delle istituzioni e delle associaioni.

Se riuscite a iscrivervi su Eventibrite ci faresste un pacere perché ci
mettete nelle condizioni di capire come organizzarci.


*Arch. Andrea Canevazzi, Ph.D.*
 +39 3482453713 

*Via Novara, 160 | 20153 Milano | Italia*

*L’invio di documenti anche contabili  tramite posta elettronica è un mezzo
consentito, ai sensi dell’art.21 DPR 633/72 e a seguito della CM n. 45/E
del 19/10/2005; il documento informatico dovrà essere materializzato da chi
lo riceve tramite stampa su supporto cartaceo e quindi conservato come ogni
altro documento su carta.  *

priva di virus.


Il giorno ven 8 mar 2019 alle ore 11:00 Alessandro Sarretta <> ha scritto:

> Non riesco ad essere presente fisicamente, ma seguo con interesse gli
> sviluppi, se possibile.
> E complimenti ancora ad AMAT Milano per le iniziative e l'approccio!
> Ale
> On 08/03/19 09:47, Alessandro Palmas wrote:
> Gli amici di AMAT Milano, già presenti su questa lista e attivi anche
> sulla wiki (santi subito :-) ), organizzano un incontro su *Cartografia e
> analisi delle barriere architettoniche a Milano* venerdì 15 marzo dalle
> 15,30.
> AMAT sta avviando la mappatura della rete pedonale di Milano e della sua
> accessibilità, direttamente sulla piattaforma OpenStreetMap e su Mapillary.
> Durante l’incontro racconteranno metodo e finalità di tale progetto e
> risponderanno alle domande degli interessati al tema.
> Per organizzare al meglio gli spazi e l'accoglienza chiedono la
> registrazione al link:
> Sperando che questa opportunità venga colta da molti di voi inoltro con
> piacere il loro invito.
> Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT
> ___
> Talk-it mailing 
> listTalk-it@openstreetmap.org
> --
> --
> Alessandro Sarretta
> skype/twitter: alesarrett
> Web:
> Research information:
>- Google scholar profile
>- Research Gate
>- Impactstory 
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Kevin Kenny
On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:38 AM Mateusz Konieczny
> If it is a peak then ele=XXX and noname=yes would be OK.
> If it is not a peak it should not be present at all - otherwise it opens way 
> to importing
> LIDAR data into OSM (and there are datasets with resolution of 5 cm, dumping 
> it
> into OSM would be case of unverifiable data making it impossible to edit).

If it isn't a peak, it's a spot elevation of something else. Map the
thing, tag its elevation. Some things don't have names.

If there's a spot elevation that isn't associated with a thing, ignore
it. There are better sources for elevation data. But few maps show
these. In the databases, most spot elevations that aren't 'real'
natural or human features are monumented trig points and can be tagged
as such.

So Mateusz is right, mostly.  Things other than peaks have elevations,
and if there's a real thing with a spot elevation, map it!

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 4:53 AM Dave Swarthout  wrote:
> This is simply a way to get an otherwise unnamed peak to render and also, I 
> suspect, to sidestep the inconvenience of converting the elevation to meters. 
>  AFAIK, there are no peaks with the generic name "Point" on any USGS Topos. 
> In addition, placing the elevation into the name is another trick that should 
> be discouraged.

Agreed that the practice should be discouraged - if that in fact is
what's going on.

On the other hand, in the Catskills there are multiple summits NAMED
'High Peak' and 'High Point'.  The hikers distinguish them by
decorating the names: 'Windham High Peak', 'Kaaterskill High Peak',
'Ashokan High Point', ...  Many otherwise nameless peaks in the
Adirondacks have been given names by hikers, 'Northrop Lake Mountain',
'West Lake Mountain' and so on, and as Kevin Broderick points out,
some simply are referred to by their elevation on old topo maps -
which often is quite inaccurate, but tend to remain the names of
things even after more accurate elevation determinations have been

So don't assume that a 'onesy-twosey' tagging of a spot named by its
elevation is wrong unless there's an obvious mass-tagging going on -
particularly if the mapper who tagged it is responsive!

(Yes, the US has a Board of Geographic Names - but its only authority
is to dictate the names that go on official US Government maps.
Otherwise, in the US, the name of a thing is whatever people call it.
Don't expect to find authoritative answers for many names.)

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Kevin Broderick
To elaborate on my previous response, now that I'm back at a computer:

Would be an example of (or
very similar to) what you're talking about?

I've been told that one is a local reference point ("25 Short", ie. 25 feet
short of 10k), and at least one article (
backs that up. The old USGS quad does have a point elevation of 9975' on
that knob, but it looks to more properly be a shoulder of a larger
mountain, not a proper mountain on its own.

I'm not suggesting that the current tagging is correct, but in this case
(and I believe in some others, although I don't even have anecdotes to back
that up), point elevation marks on USGS maps have become the "names" for
local topographical features. They're a little wonky on the
on-the-ground-verifiability (you can easily verify that a height-of-land
exists there, but I don't know that there's a sign or survey marker
indicating "this is 9975" or "this is 25 Short"), but [some] locals who
travel in the vicinity will use the reference. So it seems like something
that may be very reasonable to map, but I don't know what the best tagging
scheme is. I do think that normalizing to meters loses the meaning in the
current tag-for-the-renderer scheme, because a '3040m' label isn't going to
translate well to '25 Short' or '9975' unless you happen to particularly
good at math.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 4:53 AM Dave Swarthout 

> This is simply a way to get an otherwise unnamed peak to render and also,
> I suspect, to sidestep the inconvenience of converting the elevation to
> meters.  AFAIK, there are no peaks with the generic name "Point" on any
> USGS Topos. In addition, placing the elevation into the name is another
> trick that should be discouraged.
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:38 PM Mateusz Konieczny 
> wrote:
>> If it is a peak then ele=XXX and noname=yes would be OK.
>> If it is not a peak it should not be present at all - otherwise it opens
>> way to importing
>> LIDAR data into OSM (and there are datasets with resolution of 5 cm,
>> dumping it
>> into OSM would be case of unverifiable data making it impossible to edit).
>> I opened to reduce chance
>> that it will be discussed
>> and forgotten.
>> If this is really used name - then it would be OK but my bet is that this
>> is not an actually used name.
>> Mar 7, 2019, 7:04 PM by
>> It seems that there are a couple of mappers in Colorado US (at least,
>> perhaps mapping in other areas as well) who are adding spot elevations
>> (presumably from USGS Topo maps) to OSM tagging them as
>> natural=peak
>> name=Point (elevation in feet)
>> For example:
>> What does the community think about this?
>> natural=peak might be ok if said spot elevation is really a local high
>> point (some are not).  The name I am less sure of. If this belongs on the
>> map at all, it should probably have an ele tag, with value in meters.
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list
> --
> Dave Swarthout
> Homer, Alaska
> Chiang Mai, Thailand
> Travel Blog at
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Kevin Broderick
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Diversity-talk] Anything happening for Int. Women's Day?

2019-03-08 Per discussione Rebecca Firth
Hi Rory,

Thanks for raising the topic!

Sharing a blog with a few ways people can get involved in mapping for
gender projects
- and for any YouthMappers on the list, join our competition for the chance
to win a scholarship to the HOT Summit and State of the Map!

Thanks all on this list who work to improve diversity across OSM,


On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 2:52 PM Rory McCann  wrote:

> Hello all,
> In just over 2 weeks, on 8th March, it's International Women's Day. Is
> anything happening? Does anyone know of any events? I know the
> Communications Working Group is interested in promoting events, or
> helping to spread information around then.
> So, anyone know anything? Anyone doing anything? Anything people here
> should do (or not do )? Feel free to post/promote your thing, or
> suggest a thing? Should we attempt a mapping project again?
> Rory
> Read more:
> ___
> Diversity-talk mailing list
> Code of Conduct:
> Contact the mods (private):

*Rebecca Firth*
Director, Community & Partnerships 

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
web  | twitter  | facebook
 | donate 
Diversity-talk mailing list
Code of Conduct:
Contact the mods (private):

[talk-cz] Témata kvartálního piva v Jiné Krajině

2019-03-08 Per discussione Pavel Zbytovský

nakonec jsme byli v komorním počtu, ale témata byla velmi inspirativní.
Třeba někoho také zaujmou:

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Michael Reichert
Hi Bryce,

Am 22/02/2019 um 08.02 schrieb Bryce Jasmer:
> The wiki page is

I have seen that you started uploading. Could you please add a link to
that wiki page to the profile page of b-jazz-bot or create
as a redirect page to
in order to comply with the Automated Edits Code of Conduct.

Best regards


Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] How to map new housing?

2019-03-08 Per discussione David Woolley

On 08/03/2019 11:23, Lester Caine wrote:

One source of information that I use is the planning application. 
Although it may also be necessary to ask the builders if you can use it 
directly. It's a useful background on josm ... when combined with a GPS 
walk around.

Planning applications are made available to the the public on the strict 
understanding that they may only be used for planning purpose.  They 
generally contain maps which, if from digital sources, have a condition 
that all copies be destroyed after a year.

Generally I would say that planning applications are not an acceptable 

Personally I think people put too much emphasis on building outlines, 
probably because they can be armchair mapped.  Having housenumbers is, 
in my view, more useful, but less common.

Unless you can convince the developer to contribute them, I would 
suggest that only old fashioned triangulation, or hiring a professional 
drone operator/commissioning aerial photography, are going to give you 
good information.

I suppose you could laser scan, but the hire fees will be excessive.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] [talk-it] discrepanza classifica strade su pagina wiki

2019-03-08 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Ho per caso visto che sulla pagina

nella grande tabella c'è una discrepanza di testo fra l'inglese e
l'italiano nella riga "Italiy" nella colonna "unclassified"

Il testo inglese dice:
" Everything else, "residential" in urban areas"
cioè dice che "unclassified" e "residential" sono sullo stesso livello
nella gerarchia

Il testo italiano invece dice:
" livello base della rete stradale
Nota: sotto ci sono le *residential* (residenziale)"

Il testo italiano mi sembra sbagliato.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Fw: Road name contradictions in the UK

2019-03-08 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Hi Andy

Try  OS  Open Roads

On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 10:16, Andy Townsend  wrote:

> On 07/03/2019 13:56, Gregory Marler wrote:
> > 1) Can you elaborate on the source(s) of suspected road names?
> > 2) It would helpful if each of us could look at your list in a more
> > localised aspect. Either including county would be more helpful, or at
> > least having latitude and longitude in separate columns makes it
> > easier to use in other tools usually.
> > 3) There's some obvious reasons why some of those aren't in OSM just
> > by looking at the first 5.
> > 3a) One was on a caravan park, so it might not have an official name
> > or even a sign (again I would like to question the source).
> > 3b) A way was about 3 metres to connect one road to another, it's
> > debatable whether it should be named itself but could be fixed without
> > a survey.
> > 3c) There are lots of abbreviated names in your spreadsheet, even
> > "Clos" which I presume is a strange shortening of "Close".
> >
> > A Maproulette challenge might tempt people to copy the names from your
> > spreadsheet (the legality and suitability of that is very unknown!).
> >
> +1 to all of that.  Without knowing the source of these names any
> spreadsheet containing "missing names" is going to be very
> problematical.  If a missing name isn't signed on the ground, then
> what?  If an unsigned name's "correct" (e.g. it's available from OS
> OpenData or another similarly admissible source) I'd typically add it
> and then add "name:signed=no" to indicate that it's not useful for
> giving directions.  In this case we've got a list of names which mostly
> probably won't be signed on the road (caravan parks, buildings, etc.)
> OS Locator is/was a good source of those missing names, as shown in
> "Musical Chairs" here:
> but as the OS have been playing "musical chairs" with their open data
> offerings it may be that there isn't a more recent open OS source (that
> example shows some missing new build roads).
> Best Regards,
> Andy
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] How to map new housing?

2019-03-08 Per discussione Brian Prangle
If you've got no imagery - basically you're stuffed for building outlines
except for guesswork ( I tag these as "visual estimate" - sound a bit
better). Digital Globe Imagery tends to have more new housing estates than
other imagery sets .If you've surveyed an area just add address nodes



On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 10:37, Dave Abbott 

> Hi,
> I'm quite new to OSM, and am wondering how I might go about mapping new
> housing plots in my area.
> In general, there is nothing on the imagery - I know I can walk the new
> streets and map them with GPS - but how to go about mapping the new
> buildings?
> Is there a guide I can look at?
> TIA,
> Dave Abbott
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] How to map new housing?

2019-03-08 Per discussione phil
Hi Dave
In general new housing is a bit of a best guess and a bit of creative use of 
gps traces. I use techniques such as walk the roads and cross over, or put a 
wiggle in, when I am level with the ends of the building.  

I tend to use those traces locally in josm as they will be a bit odd to someone 

HTH Phil (trigpoint)

On Friday, 8 March 2019, Dave Abbott wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm quite new to OSM, and am wondering how I might go about mapping new
> housing plots in my area.
> In general, there is nothing on the imagery - I know I can walk the new
> streets and map them with GPS - but how to go about mapping the new
> buildings?
> Is there a guide I can look at?
> TIA,
> Dave Abbott

Sent from my Sailfish device
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Etiquetas lcn=yes, principalmente por Madrid

2019-03-08 Per discussione Santiago Crespo
Perdón, si queremos mantener las rutas oficiales del Ayuntamiento aunque
no estén marcadas sobre el terreno, en lugar de lcn=X podríamos usar,
por ejemplo:

name="Puerta del Sol"
operator="Ayuntamiento de Madrid"



On 3/8/19 11:41 AM, Santiago Crespo wrote:
> Hola,
> Sobre las lcn=yes: después de revisar el uso de esta etiqueta en
> Madrid[1] estoy de acuerdo que hay que tomar una decisión y hacer algo
> con ellas. Según la web del Ayuntamiento[2] hay 13 rutas, 10 de ellas
> numeradas. Pero creo que no hay nada marcado sobre el terreno (excepto
> las rutas de la Casa de Campo y el Parque Juan Carlos I). Así que o
> cambiamos de lcn=yes a lcn=X siendo X el número que asigna el
> Ayuntamiento cuando corresponda y borramos el resto, o borramos todas.
> Sobre las "network=lcn": las revisé el 12 de enero y todas son rutas
> ciclistas oficiales: el Anillo Verde Ciclista Madrid, la Ruta de la Casa
> de Campo, la Senda ciclista del Parque Juan Carlos I y la M-10.
> Mi única duda es la M-10, pues aunque es oficial, creo que no hay nada
> sobre el terreno que indique esta ruta (los ciclocarriles están
> marcados, pero creo que en ningún sitio pone "M-10").
> Saludos,
> Santiago Crespo
> [1]
> [2]
> On 3/8/19 4:04 AM, Ismael Aderdor Domingo wrote:
>> Desde hace unos meses he visto que, particularmente Madrid, está llena
>> de calles que tienen la etiqueta lcn=yes. Tras indagar un poco y
>> preguntar en el grupo de telegram, me enteré de que dicha etiqueta tiene
>> que ir avalada por algún ayuntamiento o autoridad, o bien estar
>> señalizada como tal. Si observáis, veréis que hay un manojo
>> impresionante de calles marcadas como tal, sin demasiada lógica.
>> A efectos prácticos, en Madrid diría que hay poquísimas: el anillo
>> verde, unas rutas turísticas o de ocio que aparecen en la web del
>> ayuntamiento, la Casa de Campo y el recorrido por el Juan Carlos I. Esto
>> además se suma a que, según tengo entendido, la etiqueta correcta es
>> network=lcn. Ojo, hay un mapa de la bici de Madrid, pero dicho mapa
>> refleja la infraestructura existente, no las rutas existentes.
>> Una vez dicho esto, querría exponer las siguientes dudas
>>  - ¿Hay algún recurso que conozcáis en el que estén las rutas ciclistas
>> locales del ayuntamiento de Madrid o de los alrededores?
>>  - Dado que casi todas las rutas no reflejan la realidad ¿Habría que
>> eliminar todas aquellas que no tengan una fuente fiable?
>> Un saludo
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Etiquetas lcn=yes, principalmente por Madrid

2019-03-08 Per discussione Santiago Crespo

Sobre las lcn=yes: después de revisar el uso de esta etiqueta en
Madrid[1] estoy de acuerdo que hay que tomar una decisión y hacer algo
con ellas. Según la web del Ayuntamiento[2] hay 13 rutas, 10 de ellas
numeradas. Pero creo que no hay nada marcado sobre el terreno (excepto
las rutas de la Casa de Campo y el Parque Juan Carlos I). Así que o
cambiamos de lcn=yes a lcn=X siendo X el número que asigna el
Ayuntamiento cuando corresponda y borramos el resto, o borramos todas.

Sobre las "network=lcn": las revisé el 12 de enero y todas son rutas
ciclistas oficiales: el Anillo Verde Ciclista Madrid, la Ruta de la Casa
de Campo, la Senda ciclista del Parque Juan Carlos I y la M-10.
Mi única duda es la M-10, pues aunque es oficial, creo que no hay nada
sobre el terreno que indique esta ruta (los ciclocarriles están
marcados, pero creo que en ningún sitio pone "M-10").

Santiago Crespo



On 3/8/19 4:04 AM, Ismael Aderdor Domingo wrote:
> Desde hace unos meses he visto que, particularmente Madrid, está llena
> de calles que tienen la etiqueta lcn=yes. Tras indagar un poco y
> preguntar en el grupo de telegram, me enteré de que dicha etiqueta tiene
> que ir avalada por algún ayuntamiento o autoridad, o bien estar
> señalizada como tal. Si observáis, veréis que hay un manojo
> impresionante de calles marcadas como tal, sin demasiada lógica.
> A efectos prácticos, en Madrid diría que hay poquísimas: el anillo
> verde, unas rutas turísticas o de ocio que aparecen en la web del
> ayuntamiento, la Casa de Campo y el recorrido por el Juan Carlos I. Esto
> además se suma a que, según tengo entendido, la etiqueta correcta es
> network=lcn. Ojo, hay un mapa de la bici de Madrid, pero dicho mapa
> refleja la infraestructura existente, no las rutas existentes.
> Una vez dicho esto, querría exponer las siguientes dudas
>  - ¿Hay algún recurso que conozcáis en el que estén las rutas ciclistas
> locales del ayuntamiento de Madrid o de los alrededores?
>  - Dado que casi todas las rutas no reflejan la realidad ¿Habría que
> eliminar todas aquellas que no tengan una fuente fiable?
> Un saludo
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-GB] How to map new housing?

2019-03-08 Per discussione Dave Abbott

I'm quite new to OSM, and am wondering how I might go about mapping new
housing plots in my area.

In general, there is nothing on the imagery - I know I can walk the new
streets and map them with GPS - but how to go about mapping the new

Is there a guide I can look at?


Dave Abbott

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 北海道拓殖バスオープンデータのインポートについて

2019-03-08 Per discussione yuu hayashi
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Fw: Road name contradictions in the UK

2019-03-08 Per discussione Andy Townsend

On 07/03/2019 13:56, Gregory Marler wrote:

1) Can you elaborate on the source(s) of suspected road names?
2) It would helpful if each of us could look at your list in a more 
localised aspect. Either including county would be more helpful, or at 
least having latitude and longitude in separate columns makes it 
easier to use in other tools usually.
3) There's some obvious reasons why some of those aren't in OSM just 
by looking at the first 5.
3a) One was on a caravan park, so it might not have an official name 
or even a sign (again I would like to question the source).
3b) A way was about 3 metres to connect one road to another, it's 
debatable whether it should be named itself but could be fixed without 
a survey.
3c) There are lots of abbreviated names in your spreadsheet, even 
"Clos" which I presume is a strange shortening of "Close".

A Maproulette challenge might tempt people to copy the names from your 
spreadsheet (the legality and suitability of that is very unknown!).

+1 to all of that.  Without knowing the source of these names any 
spreadsheet containing "missing names" is going to be very 
problematical.  If a missing name isn't signed on the ground, then 
what?  If an unsigned name's "correct" (e.g. it's available from OS 
OpenData or another similarly admissible source) I'd typically add it 
and then add "name:signed=no" to indicate that it's not useful for 
giving directions.  In this case we've got a list of names which mostly 
probably won't be signed on the road (caravan parks, buildings, etc.)

OS Locator is/was a good source of those missing names, as shown in 
"Musical Chairs" here:

but as the OS have been playing "musical chairs" with their open data 
offerings it may be that there isn't a more recent open OS source (that 
example shows some missing new build roads).

Best Regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 北海道拓殖バスオープンデータのインポートについて

2019-03-08 Per discussione yuu hayashi



共同運行のところは Wikiにあるように ノードをわけずに operatorにセミコロンでつないで入れるので良いです。
同じ場所に 会社ごとにポールが2本以上立ってる場合も1ノード(bus platform)でまとめのがいいです。
同じ場所にあるポールで 停留所の名前が路線毎に違う場合も セミコロンでまとめるのがいいです。



を実行日を決めて分担してやるのも面白いかも ← オンラインマッピングパーティー?
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Hakatonai

2019-03-08 Per discussione Tomas Straupis
2019-03-08, pn, 10:40 Mantas rašė:
> Sprendžiant iš anketos, tai norima organizuoti labiau ne hackathonus, o 
> workshopus?

  Pagal tavo formuluotę labiau panašu į workshopus.
  Bet šiaip mintis yra labai laisva. Gali būti viena tema, gali būti
kelios. Esmė, kad susitikimo metu būtų vienas ar keli žmonės, kurie
jau turi praktikos su tema ir kiti dalyviai, kurie nori gauti
praktinių patarimų. Tada priklausomai nuo konkretaus susitikimo gali
būti parodomas kažkoks iš anksto paruoštas pristatymas, o gali būti,
kad dalyviai tiesiog užduoda klausimus ir žinantys parodo kaip kur
kas. Galbūt „vedėjai“ net ir nežinos tikslaus atsakymo į užduotą
klausimą, tada galima visiems drauge ieškoti atsakymo
(google+bandymai). Dalyviai gali ateiti su iš anksto turimomis
mintimis ką nori sukurti (gal net jau pradėtais projektais), o gali
vietoje tiesiog pabandyti padaryti ką nors nedidelio pagal temą, kad
gautų praktinės patirties.

  Žodžiu kol kas mintis yra daryti labai laisva forma. Su laiku bus
matyti, kiek yra norinčių, kokie susitikimai pavyksta labiau, kokie

  Todėl ir yra ši mikro-apklausa ir diskusija talk-lt, kad būtų galima
išsiaiškinti, kokių žinių ir kokia forma reikia.

  Beje, viršuje išdėstytos mintys yra mano asmeninės (turiu patirties
su mokymais ir workshopais, bet nė karto nesu daręs ar dalyvavęs
  Galite visi siūlyti kitokius variantus, jūsų mintys labai laukiamos.


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] evento su mappatura accessibilità a Milano

2019-03-08 Per discussione Alessandro Sarretta
Non riesco ad essere presente fisicamente, ma seguo con interesse gli 
sviluppi, se possibile.

E complimenti ancora ad AMAT Milano per le iniziative e l'approccio!


On 08/03/19 09:47, Alessandro Palmas wrote:
Gli amici di AMAT Milano, già presenti su questa lista e attivi anche 
sulla wiki (santi subito :-) ), organizzano un incontro su 
*Cartografia e analisi delle barriere architettoniche a Milano* 
venerdì 15 marzo dalle 15,30.

AMAT sta avviando la mappatura della rete pedonale di Milano e della 
sua accessibilità, direttamente sulla piattaforma OpenStreetMap e su 
Mapillary. Durante l’incontro racconteranno metodo e finalità di tale 
progetto e risponderanno alle domande degli interessati al tema.

Per organizzare al meglio gli spazi e l'accoglienza chiedono la 
registrazione al link:

Sperando che questa opportunità venga colta da molti di voi inoltro 
con piacere il loro invito.

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list


Alessandro Sarretta

skype/twitter: alesarrett

Research information:

 * Google scholar profile
 * Research Gate 
 * Impactstory 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Spot elevations collected as natural=peak and name=Point (height in feet)

2019-03-08 Per discussione Dave Swarthout
This is simply a way to get an otherwise unnamed peak to render and also, I
suspect, to sidestep the inconvenience of converting the elevation to
meters.  AFAIK, there are no peaks with the generic name "Point" on any
USGS Topos. In addition, placing the elevation into the name is another
trick that should be discouraged.

On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 2:38 PM Mateusz Konieczny 

> If it is a peak then ele=XXX and noname=yes would be OK.
> If it is not a peak it should not be present at all - otherwise it opens
> way to importing
> LIDAR data into OSM (and there are datasets with resolution of 5 cm,
> dumping it
> into OSM would be case of unverifiable data making it impossible to edit).
> I opened to reduce chance that
> it will be discussed
> and forgotten.
> If this is really used name - then it would be OK but my bet is that this
> is not an actually used name.
> Mar 7, 2019, 7:04 PM by
> It seems that there are a couple of mappers in Colorado US (at least,
> perhaps mapping in other areas as well) who are adding spot elevations
> (presumably from USGS Topo maps) to OSM tagging them as
> natural=peak
> name=Point (elevation in feet)
> For example:
> What does the community think about this?
> natural=peak might be ok if said spot elevation is really a local high
> point (some are not).  The name I am less sure of. If this belongs on the
> map at all, it should probably have an ele tag, with value in meters.
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Road name contradictions in the UK

2019-03-08 Per discussione phil
I have downloaded the spreadsheet and split the lat/lon column into two numeric 
columns so that I can apply bounding boxes to see what there is within the 
areas I have knowledge of.

Ran out of time but should get to have a look later. 

Phil (trigpoint) 

On Friday, 8 March 2019, Andy Robinson wrote:
> Candidate for project of the month?
> Cheers
> Andy
> From: Oisin Herriott (Insight Global Inc) via Talk-GB
> [] 
> Sent: 22 February 2019 20:47
> To:
> Subject: [Talk-GB] Road name contradictions in the UK
> Hi Everyone,
> Our Open Maps team (
> 63417ee38408d68d2e9a4b%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C63685162
> 8660533805=fQkRtSQ0jQaJ7s7fWg23NervMF7yX3SGJxEwANMTOIM%3D=0>
> ) has been continuing to work on analyzing OSM in the UK.  Some of you may
> have seen my session in Milan where we talked about Microsoft's ongoing OSM
> work in Australia.
> We've created a list of the top 1500 streets in the UK that appear to be
> missing names along with the name that we suspect should be there. We are
> not 100% certain if our suspicious are correct and, not being local to these
> areas we are not remotely trying to fill these in. If there are folks that
> know these areas we could use your help closing these gaps. 
> The complete list is available here:
>  x%2Fs!
> 7C5f43e39d0d63417ee38408d68d2e9a4b%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C
> 0%7C636851628660543799=mHI1fOL4xJFNZTL%2BRcpoVlsg5hFQHJSJUEwCaXjHmtY%3
> D=0> 
> These are not major roads but they are associated with a large number of
> residential addresses so end up having a big impact.  We may also create a
> Maproulette challenge for these as well if that is preferable?
> Thanks,
> Oisin
> Sent from Mail   for Windows
> 10

Sent from my Sailfish device
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Road name contradictions in the UK

2019-03-08 Per discussione Andy Robinson
About 50% of those in the list in my Cheshire patch are one housing estates
which are still under construction. I tend to update these about once every
three months or so.





From: Andy Robinson [] 
Sent: 08 March 2019 08:58
Cc: 'Oisin Herriott (Insight Global Inc)'
Subject: RE: [Talk-GB] Road name contradictions in the UK


Candidate for project of the month?





From: Oisin Herriott (Insight Global Inc) via Talk-GB
Sent: 22 February 2019 20:47
Subject: [Talk-GB] Road name contradictions in the UK


Hi Everyone,


Our Open Maps team (

) has been continuing to work on analyzing OSM in the UK.  Some of you may
have seen my session in Milan where we talked about Microsoft's ongoing OSM
work in Australia.


We've created a list of the top 1500 streets in the UK that appear to be
missing names along with the name that we suspect should be there. We are
not 100% certain if our suspicious are correct and, not being local to these
areas we are not remotely trying to fill these in. If there are folks that
know these areas we could use your help closing these gaps. 


The complete list is available here:!As04HHdPPfhgg4lYigS4IiWjp2JJiw


These are not major roads but they are associated with a large number of
residential addresses so end up having a big impact.  We may also create a
Maproulette challenge for these as well if that is preferable?






Sent from Mail   for Windows


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Arpav, meteo Veneto, nessuna attribuzione paina dedicata PM10.

2019-03-08 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
 Luca Menini, Direttore del Servizio Informatica e Reti at ARPAV.

On Fri, 8 Mar 2019 at 10:07, Alessandro Sarretta <> wrote:

> Ho segnalato al volo intanto su Twitter:
> Ale
> On 08/03/19 01:05, Sergio Manzi wrote:
> Eh beh, sì... ci dovrebbe proprio stare...
> Qualcuno ha contatti?
> Sergio
> On 2019-03-07 20:38, liste DOT girarsi AT posteo DOT eu wrote:
> Segnalo, mancata attribuzione mappa dinamica, visto si tratta di sito
> ufficiale, non ho mandato email.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing 
> listTalk-it@openstreetmap.org
> --
> --
> Alessandro Sarretta
> skype/twitter: alesarrett
> Web:
> Research information:
>- Google scholar profile
>- Research Gate
>- Impactstory 
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Arpav, meteo Veneto, nessuna attribuzione paina dedicata PM10.

2019-03-08 Per discussione Alessandro Sarretta
Ho segnalato al volo intanto su Twitter:


On 08/03/19 01:05, Sergio Manzi wrote:

Eh beh, sì... ci dovrebbe proprio stare...

Qualcuno ha contatti?


On 2019-03-07 20:38, liste DOT girarsi AT posteo DOT eu wrote:

Segnalo, mancata attribuzione mappa dinamica, visto si tratta di sito
ufficiale, non ho mandato email.

Talk-it mailing list


Alessandro Sarretta

skype/twitter: alesarrett

Research information:

 * Google scholar profile
 * Research Gate 
 * Impactstory 

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] evento su mappatura accessibilità a Milano

2019-03-08 Per discussione Alessandro Palmas

Gli amici di AMAT Milano, già presenti su questa lista e attivi
anche sulla wiki (santi subito :-) ), organizzano un incontro su Cartografia
  e analisi delle barriere architettoniche a Milano venerdì 15
marzo dalle 15,30.
AMAT sta avviando la mappatura della rete
  pedonale di Milano e della sua accessibilità, direttamente sulla
  piattaforma OpenStreetMap e su Mapillary.
  Durante l’incontro racconteranno metodo e finalità di tale
  progetto e risponderanno alle domande degli interessati al tema.

Per organizzare al meglio gli spazi e
  l'accoglienza chiedono la registrazione al link:

Sperando che questa opportunità venga colta da molti di voi inoltro
con piacere il loro invito.

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Hakatonai

2019-03-08 Per discussione Mantas
Sprendžiant iš anketos, tai norima organizuoti labiau ne hackathonus, o

Arba aš tiesiog klaidingai suprantu terminus. Kiek man žinoma:

*hackathonas* - yra ne mokymuisi skirtas renginys, kai dalyviai pasiskirsto
į komandas ir dirba prie savo susigalvotų projektų arba visi dalyviai dirba
prie vieno projekto atskirų funkcijų, klaidų pataisymų ar pan., siekiant
hackathono pabaigoje padaryti veikiantį projekto prototipą arba įgyvendinti
vieno projekto funkciją, pataisyti klaidą ir pan.

*workshopas* - yra toks pusiau edukacinis renginys, kai organizatoriai
paskelbia konkrečią temą ir visi kartu bando atkartoti tai ką daro renginio
vedantysis, vėliau visa tai pereina į savarankišką darbą.

Tiesiog bandau suprasti, ar norit organizuoti edukacinius renginius ar
susitikimus, kur kartu būtų dirbama prie vieno ar kito projekto?

2019-03-07, kt, 21:19 Tomas Straupis  rašė:

> Sveiki
>   Vis planuojam planuojam hakatonus ir taip ir nesuplanuojam. Todėl
> reikia jūsų pagalbos. Užpildykite šią trumpą anketą, kad būtų aiškiau,
> kokių hakatonų norisi.
>   Gal šiaip kokių pastebėjimų/pageidavimų turite?
>   Arba gal neaiškios kai kurios siūlomos hakatonų temos?
> --
> Tomas
> ___
> Talk-lt mailing list

Talk-lt mailing list