Re: [Talk-de] Suche einfache Android App nur um Punkte aufzunehmen

2019-03-19 Per discussione Daniel Litzbach
Such mal im Play Store nach "OSMTracker". Day könnte sein, was du suchst. Die 
App zeichnet eine Route auf und protokolliert per Tastendruck bestimmte 
Ereignisse, z. B. ein Schild, eine Ampel etc.

Die Tasten und deren Inhalte kannst du selbst definieren.

Aus der praktischen Arbeit muss ich aber auch sagen, dass es mit Mapillary 
tatsächlich besser funktioniert - du kannst hinterher viel mehr Details 
feststellen, undzwar in Ruhe und ohne Ablenkung beim Fahren.

Am 19. März 2019 22:56:47 MEZ schrieb Simon Poole :
>Am 19.03.2019 um 18:44 schrieb Max:
>> Finger weg von Smartphone im PKW.
>Kann man nur unterstreichen.
>Des weiteren ist es so, dass beim händischem Auslösen einer Markierung
>(wie auch immer) in der Praxis die Lokalisierung viel zu ungenau ist um
>wirklich von nutzen zu sein.
>> Mache automatische Fotosequenzen mit GPS tags. Nutze dazu mapillary
>> oder OpenStreetCam. Da werden dann auch die Straßenschilder schon
>> automatisch erkannt.
>> On 19.03.19 17:25, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
>>> Hallo,
>>> wie im Betreff gesagt. Oder, wie macht ihr das, beim Fahren mit Pkw,
>>> also
>>> höherer Geschwindigkeit, ohne anzuhalten, die Position von Schilder
>>> an der
>>> Straße aufnehmen. Im einfachsten Fall ist das Handydisplay eine
>>> Schaltfläche. Ein Tipp, eine Position.
>>> Besser noch eine konfigurierbare Fläche, für z.B.
>>> Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen, Überholverbot etc. aber immer groß
>>> genug um beim
>>> Fahren ohne Ablenkung bedient zu werden. Noch besser, wenn man dann
>>> noch per
>>> Spracheingabe weitere Angaben zum Punkt machen kann.
>>> Über Empfehlungen dankbar
>> ___
>> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Sydney mapathon

2019-03-19 Per discussione Andrew Harvey
> Casual meetup of Sydney based OSM mappers, let's meet up and do some
humanitarian mapping tasks on HOTOSM!

Dion, is the intention to be a local OSM meetup + a Missing Maps ( style humanitarian mapathon?

Should I come if I'm interested in Australian OSM, but not interested in
remote mapping outside Australia?

There's been two Missing Maps events in the past in Sydney that I know of
and both times almost all attendees were new to OSM, so it didn't act as a
local community meetup.

I'm very interested in a Sydney OSM event for locals to catch up about all
things OSM. I think a mix of presentations + social is perfect, like
GeoRabble, I see that as a bit different to a
mapathon, which is a bit of into followed by actual hands on work.

On Mon, 18 Mar 2019 at 19:08, Dion Moult  wrote:

> Hey all! I've started an event here:
> If you could sign up or comment there I can change the venue and time
> easily without spamming the talk-au list. I've changed the date to 30th
> March Saturday . it would also allow me to know who is coming and what to
> cater for if we get food.
> My company in north sydney is open on weekends and I've received approval
> for using computers and guest WiFi. Also informal approval for getting
> pizza and drinks (non alcoholic).
> Need a bit more approval from management to let strangers in the office (I
> will be liable, obviously) but I suspect I can host.
> Sent from ProtonMail mobile
>  Original Message 
> On 18 Mar. 2019, 2:34 pm, David Wales <> wrote:
> Hi Ben and Dion,
> Saturdays are normally good, but I'm moving house on the 23rd!
> So if that's the date, I won't be able to make it.
> Regards,
> David Wales
> On 18/3/19 1:29 pm, Ben Kelley wrote:
> > Practically it will probably need to be a weekday evening, as we are not
> > open on the weekend.
> >
> > Also it will need to be a time I can make it. :)
> >
> >
> >  - Ben Kelley
> >
> > On 18/3/19 13:03, Dion Moult wrote:
> >> Hey Ben! Thanks for the option!
> >>
> >> I'm going to tentatively suggest meeting this Saturday, 23rd March,
> >> say after lunch, so 2:30pm? Just for a very informal mapping session
> >> to see how things go, doesn't have to be a large crowd or anything?
> >>
> >> Ben, do you think it will be possible for us to use your office at
> >> that time? I do not have a laptop, so I'm not sure if computers can be
> >> used, or if that is against company policy?
> >>
> >> My company in North Sydney, walking distance from the train station,
> >> offers wifi, but although I've started asking internally, there is a
> >> little red tape before they might say yes to anything like providing
> >> refreshments and allowing strangers in the office. Although I think
> >> they might support this.
> >>
> >> Sent from ProtonMail mobile
> >>
> >>
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Very cool NSW transport real time map

2019-03-19 Per discussione Andrew Harvey

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 12:07, Dion Moult  wrote:

> Just thought I'd share this very cool real time map of transport in NSW
> that I found online - don't know who is behind it but it's awesome! And
> yes, it has OSM as a background.
> Dion Moult
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] DJI Fly SafeGEO ZONE MAP uses OSM data... without attribution

2019-03-19 Per discussione Warin

On 19/03/19 09:51, Nuno Caldeira wrote:
Was curious where DJI managed to get a worldwide DB of polygons of 
military facilities and points of prisons, triple checked with a 
couple of other users of OSM at Telegram and with polygons i added 
seven years ago. Without a doubt its from OSM, the coordinates of the 
vertices matches OSM perfectly. The names are also the same...

In Australia ... it does have commercial & military airports ... but no
small airports
military areas
national parks (yes some of these these are illegal unless you get 
special permission)

In short .. does not do a good job if you wanted real no fly information.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Francoerbi41 - Relazioni sentieri CAI

2019-03-19 Per discussione danbag--- via Talk-it

Franco ciao la tua risposta è un pochino"maleducata".
Ti informo che nelle province NO e VB e zone svizzere limitrofe hai 

17 relazioni dove hai lasciato source=";
1 relazione dove hai lasciato operator="CAI Sezioni Est Monte TRosa"
2 relazioni dove hai lasciato  operator="CAI Sezioni Est Monte Rosa"
1 relazione dove hai lasciato operator="CAI SEzioni Est Monte Rosa"

ti chiederei cortesemente di cancellare tu i riferimenti a Est Monterosa 
nelle varie forme source e operator, giuste e sbagliate che hai inserito.

Ti facilito la vita informandoti che puoi trovare facilmente le 
relazioni che non hai aggiornato per "pura dimenticanza" utilizzando la 
finestra di JOSM /"Scarica dalle API Overpass"/ dove al Wizard delle 
richieste inserisci via via:

source="; and user:Francoerbi41
operator="CAI Sezioni Est Monte TRosa" and user:Francoerbi41
le altre due puoi trovartele da solo 

Danilo Baggini (danbag)

Il 18/03/2019 10:16, Franco Erbetta ha scritto:
Le ho cancellate, se ne è rimasta qualcuna è per pura dimenticanza, e 
se le trovate potete cancellale voi.


Il lun 18 mar 2019, 10:11 danbag--- via Talk-it>> ha scritto:

Si è stato contattato e gli abbiamo chiesto di non inserire in
source e operator le Sezioni Est Monterosa e di cancellare dove
già inserito ma inutilmente.

Come commento vale quello che ho già scritto e cioè:

1) quanto scritto sopra

2) I tags ascent, descent, distance, duration delle relazioni
create da Francoerbi41 sono stati prelevati (copiati) da questo
sito quando estmonterosa è citato come source

Tutte le Relazioni citate appaiono come se fossero sotto l'egida
del CAI, mentre invece così non è.
Francoerbi41 dovrebbe indicare che è farina del suo sacco.
Lui crea le relazioni scopiazzando quà e là i dati, invece le
relazioni correttamente create dai Rilevatori CAI e Regione
Piemonte prevedono di operare prima sul campo rilevando la
traccia, rilevando lo stato dei sentieri, facendo foto e poi
creando le relazioni.
Puoi vedere moltissime relazioni create da me personalmente
(quelle che cominciano con la lettera P e la lettera X) nella zona
del VCO a questo link:!45.9712!8.5441

se clicchi Percorsi in basso a destra accedi all'elenco di quelli
se ne scegli uno dall'elenco appaiono tutti i tag della relazione
ed i commenti
se clicchi -> Sito Web vedi le foto georeferenziate su Google
Earth (vale solo per le relazioni fatte da me)

Prova a confrontare una qualsiasi delle relazioni di Francoerbi41
con quelle da me citate qui sopra..

Danilo Baggini
Rilevatore Regione Piemonte al numero 83
Membro del Gruppo Coordinamento Sentieri delle Sezioni Est Monterosa

Il 18/03/2019 09:52, Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:

Hai provato di contattare l'utente? Potresti anche commentare
alcuni changeset.


Mail priva di virus.


Danilo Baggini

Via Madonna di Campagna, 15
cell 349-2423238 
mail danbag (chiocciola) libero (punto) it

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Talk-it mailing list

Danilo Baggini
Via Madonna di Campagna, 15
cell 349-2423238
mail danbag (chiocciola) libero (punto) it

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-GB] Sheffield Pub Meeting June 2019

2019-03-19 Per discussione SK53
After a discussion in the pub tonight, we are proposing to return to
Sheffield for a notional East Midlands pub meeting in June.

The date will be Tuesday 18th June, venue to be determined. We will end up
in the Sheffield Tap at the station to enable those of us from further
South to have clean get-aways, but as the Tap's food offerings are not very
exciting we will meet somewhere else from around 19:30 to 21:00. All
suggestions are welcome.

One or two of us will aim to spend a fair amount of time beforehand doing
some Sheffield mapping. I hope people can join us.

Best wishes,

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import uso del suolo Veneto

2019-03-19 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Di., 19. März 2019 um 21:02 Uhr schrieb Federico Cortese <>:

> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 5:40 PM Graizzaro Gianfranco
>  wrote:
> >
> > Alcuni mappatori in alcuni comuni del Veneto (Sarego, Lonigo, ecc.) hanno
> > mappato loro l'uso del suolo, senza nessun commento e non eseguendo
> l'import
> > dal sito della Regione Veneto.
> > Cosa si fa in questo caso, si lascia stare e si da come importato, o si
> > cancella e si fa l'import dal sito della regione?
> >
> Premetto che non conosco la situazione nello specifico, ma di solito è
> preferibile la mappatura manuale piuttosto che l'import automatizzato.
> Sempre se la mappatura manuale è fatta bene dal punto di vista
> geometrico (come non sembrerebbe ad una prima vista dai casi linkati),
> non si sovrappone o collega alle strade ecc.
> Poi bisogna considerare anche su che supporto viene fatta la mappatura
> manuale: se si usano foto vecchie tipo le Bing del 2010 e i dataset
> della regione sono molto più recenti (e abbastanza dettagliati)
> potrebbero essere preferibili questi ultimi.

+1, mica lo scopo è importare tutto. Meno male che ci sono i mappatori. In
nessun caso vanno cancellate le cose esistenti per un import. Le regole per
le importazioni hanno come uno dei scopi principali proprio questo di
prevenire alle cancellazioni. Il beneficio di un import al solito è
piccolo, perché da una parte suggerisce che non ci sia più da mappare (e
con la copertura omogeonea camuffa le zone attive e non attive) e quindi
rende meno interessante OSM a mappatori attivi, dall'altra parte si tratta
sempre di dati vecchi, e soprattutto non unici (gli stessi dati sono già
disponibili altrove, non ha molto senso replicare la stessa cosa, chi
volesse questi dati si potrebbe prenderli alla regione).

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Measuring building height

2019-03-19 Per discussione Warin

On 20/03/19 07:51, Neil Matthews wrote:

So, I just tried this and I think it has a reasonable chance of giving 
a reasonable result.

Take a photo of a car outside the building. Measure number of pixels 
for the car and number of pixels for the building and the height can 
be approximated by:

    building_pixels / car_pixels * car_height_in_m

I reckon an average of 1.5m might be reasonable for the car height -- 
otherwise use something more detailed:

Obviously, the further the car is from the building the less accurate 
the measurement will be.

The further the camera/photo is from the building the better too. Less 
camera distortion.



On 19/03/2019 16:23, Tony Shield wrote:


Been figuring out how to do this for a while - my solution-

rule - I used 30cm (aka 1 foot), calculator, known length of arm - in 
my case .6m, OSM map to measure distance from target.

With hand holding rule vertically measure the target height against 
the rule for rule height, this is the key measurement, note the 
measurement point. From the map measure the distance from the 
measuring point to the target

With this information and using proportions (which is what a tangent 
is) -

target height = (rule height in metres * distance from measuring 
point to target) / length of arm in metres.

Using this technique I have this morning measured known height of of 
a local landmark, and the unknown height of a building. The known 
height of 50m measured 8cm at a range of 375m. The unknown height of 
the building with 5 floors was calculated to be 20.7 metres which 
would on the face of it be realistic (from 3cm and 414m). (Botany Bay 
mill in Chorley).


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Suche einfache Android App nur um Punkte aufzunehmen

2019-03-19 Per discussione Simon Poole

Am 19.03.2019 um 18:44 schrieb Max:
> Finger weg von Smartphone im PKW.

Kann man nur unterstreichen.

Des weiteren ist es so, dass beim händischem Auslösen einer Markierung
(wie auch immer) in der Praxis die Lokalisierung viel zu ungenau ist um
wirklich von nutzen zu sein.

> Mache automatische Fotosequenzen mit GPS tags. Nutze dazu mapillary
> oder OpenStreetCam. Da werden dann auch die Straßenschilder schon
> automatisch erkannt.
> On 19.03.19 17:25, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:
>> Hallo,
>> wie im Betreff gesagt. Oder, wie macht ihr das, beim Fahren mit Pkw,
>> also
>> höherer Geschwindigkeit, ohne anzuhalten, die Position von Schilder
>> an der
>> Straße aufnehmen. Im einfachsten Fall ist das Handydisplay eine einzige
>> Schaltfläche. Ein Tipp, eine Position.
>> Besser noch eine konfigurierbare Fläche, für z.B.
>> Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen, Überholverbot etc. aber immer groß
>> genug um beim
>> Fahren ohne Ablenkung bedient zu werden. Noch besser, wenn man dann
>> noch per
>> Spracheingabe weitere Angaben zum Punkt machen kann.
>> Über Empfehlungen dankbar
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] landuse & highways

2019-03-19 Per discussione marc marc
landuse=highway also exist (small diff with area:highway : it include 
all the highway land, including verges and not only the usable part)

Le 19.03.19 à 21:07, Lionel Giard a écrit :
> For what i understand, the landuse=grass is mostly a "landcover=grass" 
> tag which was never properly named (and thus it is used like that). The 
> surface=grass alone doesn't mean much in OSM as the surface tag is (i 
> think) only a secondary tag (adding information to other object like 
> highway=* ).
> For the original question, it seems indeed to be less accepted to 
> connect the landuse to the highway! And i find that it is so much easier 
> to edit when it is not connected to the highway (or to the landuse on 
> the other side) as it can just be directly moved without splitting 
> first. If you want to map the area of an highway there is the proposal 
> of tag "area:highway=*" that can be used but is not rendered at the 
> moment (see here : 
> But 
> it could in the future if the usage become more prevalent.
> Le mar. 19 mars 2019 à 19:55, Karel Adams  > a écrit :
> For what it is worth (and I do not think much of that, myself!): the
> landuse tag is one of the most confusing and most misused.
> In my self-assigned job of mapping aerodromes, and improving on
> them, I often see tags like
> landuse=grass
> and that seems incorrect to me, it ought to be surface=grass rather
> Correct usage of landuse includes (in my very personal
> appreciation!) landuse=industrial, landuse=military,
> landuse=commercial, landuse=recreational and more such. What that
> means to the mapping of highways is beyond my comprehension; and, to
> be frank, beyond my interest. I only wanted to give my opinion on
> the general usage of the landuse= tag. Perhaps the best application
> of the landuse tag to highways - but also to railways, canals,
> aerodromes, , would be landuse=infrastructure or
> landuse=public_infrastructure
> NB wasn't there a dedicated mailing list about tagging?
> For what it is worth,
> On 19/03/2019 18:33, Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be wrote:
>> Hi,
>> What are the opinions these days about landuse mapping: connect
>> landuses to highways or let space between landuse polygons and
>> adjacent highways? Is there a consensus or can everyone do
>> whatever he/she likes?
>> My opinion: I *hate* landuse connected to highways.
>> Regards,
>> StijnRR
>> ___
>> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Places PMR ?

2019-03-19 Per discussione deuzeffe

On 19/03/2019 09:11, Vincent Bergeot wrote:

donc cela donne pour une place de parking  PMR :





et si l'accessibilité est réelle wheelchair=yes

ce que je trouve un peu complexe du coup.

Mais complet. C'est ce que je tente de faire aussi. En contradiction 
avec le wiki, qui dit, de mémoire, que parking_space doit être dans un 
amenity=parking. Si la discussion permet de lever cette restriction, qui 
est parfois en contradiction avec le terrain, je suis pour.

deuzeffe. Mes 2F (donc).

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Measuring building height

2019-03-19 Per discussione Neil Matthews
So, I just tried this and I think it has a reasonable chance of giving a
reasonable result.

Take a photo of a car outside the building. Measure number of pixels for
the car and number of pixels for the building and the height can be
approximated by:

    building_pixels / car_pixels * car_height_in_m

I reckon an average of 1.5m might be reasonable for the car height --
otherwise use something more detailed:

Obviously, the further the car is from the building the less accurate
the measurement will be.



On 19/03/2019 16:23, Tony Shield wrote:
> Hi
> Been figuring out how to do this for a while - my solution-
> rule - I used 30cm (aka 1 foot), calculator, known length of arm - in
> my case .6m, OSM map to measure distance from target.
> With hand holding rule vertically measure the target height against
> the rule for rule height, this is the key measurement, note the
> measurement point. From the map measure the distance from the
> measuring point to the target
> With this information and using proportions (which is what a tangent
> is) -
> target height = (rule height in metres * distance from measuring point
> to target) / length of arm in metres.
> Using this technique I have this morning measured known height of of a
> local landmark, and the unknown height of a building. The known height
> of 50m measured 8cm at a range of 375m. The unknown height of the
> building with 5 floors was calculated to be 20.7 metres which would on
> the face of it be realistic (from 3cm and 414m). (Botany Bay mill in
> Chorley).
> TonyS999
> On 19/03/2019 09:30, Brian Prangle wrote:
>> There are also theodolite apps for smartphones
>> On Tue, 19 Mar 2019, 00:17 Rob Nickerson, > > wrote:
>> For building heights why not try using a laser measure? Those
>> with a Pythagoras Measurement mode should automate the
>> calculations for you.
>> Price has fallen a lot over the years. Seems like even a basic
>> £30 device is sufficient.
>> Best regards,
>> Rob
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Saints in street names in Ontario

2019-03-19 Per discussione john whelan
Go back to Ottawa and from the discussion we had there in Ontario it is the
municipality that is the authority.

>From memory years ago when OSM was mapped by cyclists taking photos of
street names what was on the sign post was deemed correct.

Unfortunately locally one street had three different signs that all
differed slightly.

Cheerio John

On Tue, Mar 19, 2019, 4:19 PM Tristan Anderson, 

> When in doubt, ask.
> I posed this question to three Ontario municipalities.  Red Lake has told
> me either are acceptable, as has Amherstburg.  However, this is the
> response I got after emailing
> Dear Tristan:
> Street names displayed on signs and outlined in official documents should
> match the authorized spelling of the road name. For street names beginning
> with Saint, the abbreviated spelling is correct.
> Best regards,
> John House
> Supervisor, Land & Property Surveys
> Engineering Support Services
> Engineering & Construction Services
> City of Toronto
> Names in Openstreetmap may only be abbreviated if the expanded version is
> incorrect.  Where either are acceptable, the Saint must be used.  In
> general, an abbreviation in an official document does not imply that the
> expanded version is incorrect; it may just be used for convenience.  I'm
> still not 100% convinced that we should be using St even in Toronto (note
> that John admits to it being an "abbreviated spelling") but I just wanted
> to throw his response out there.
> Tristan
> From: Nate Wessel 
> Sent: March 15, 2019 1:42 PM
> To: Jarek Piórkowski
> Cc: talk-ca
> Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Saints in street names in Ontario
> Interesting!
> I didn't mean to imply that etymology should be decisive, but that linking
> the name to the history of some beatified person would help explain the
> origin of the 'St'... In this case, seemingly supporting the abbreviation,
> but also referencing an actual 'saint' or two at the same time.
> I like Danny's suggestion of the pronunciation tag. That seems like the
> most elegant solution if anyone knows IPA. I've always wanted to learn it
> actually but haven't yet had a good enough reason.
> Nate Wessel
> Jack of all trades, Master of Geography, PhD candidate in Urban Planning
> On 3/15/19 1:18 PM, Jarek Piórkowski wrote:
> On Fri, 15 Mar 2019 at 13:02, Nate Wessel  wrote:
> Don't forget about the various alternative naming tags like alt_name=*,
> short_name=*, loc_name=*, and also name:etymology=* to make things
> absolutely clear.
> Having either spelling in one of these alternatives as appropriate would
> likely satisfy any dissenters and make both the full and abbreviated name
> searchable.
> Certainly, but my message is to suggest that "St. Clair Avenue West"
> _is_ the full name. We could set up an "expanded name" tag I suppose?
> Etymology wise, Wikipedia, citing (as far as I can tell) local
> historians, suggests that St. Clair Avenue is named after Augustine
> St. Clare, a character in Uncle Tom's Cabin, and the book spells the
> last name "St. Clare", never expanded to "Saint".
> In any case, suggesting etymology as being decisive for names seems to
> me problematic in many ways, especially in Canada where we've
> adopted/mangled many names and phrases from other languages.
> Thanks,
> --Jarek
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] landuse & highways

2019-03-19 Per discussione Karel Adams

Lionel, merci!

"landcover=" est du nouveau pour moi, faut que je regarde dedans!

Bien chaleureusement,

On 19/03/2019 20:07, Lionel Giard wrote:
For what i understand, the landuse=grass is mostly a "landcover=grass" 
tag which was never properly named (and thus it is used like that). 
The surface=grass alone doesn't mean much in OSM as the surface tag is 
(i think) only a secondary tag (adding information to other object 
like highway=* ).

For the original question, it seems indeed to be less accepted to 
connect the landuse to the highway! And i find that it is so much 
easier to edit when it is not connected to the highway (or to the 
landuse on the other side) as it can just be directly moved without 
splitting first. If you want to map the area of an highway there is 
the proposal of tag "area:highway=*" that can be used but is not 
rendered at the moment (see here : 
But it could in the future if the usage become more prevalent.

Le mar. 19 mars 2019 à 19:55, Karel Adams > a écrit :

For what it is worth (and I do not think much of that, myself!):
the landuse tag is one of the most confusing and most misused.

In my self-assigned job of mapping aerodromes, and improving on
them, I often see tags like


and that seems incorrect to me, it ought to be surface=grass rather

Correct usage of landuse includes (in my very personal
appreciation!) landuse=industrial, landuse=military,
landuse=commercial, landuse=recreational and more such. What that
means to the mapping of highways is beyond my comprehension; and,
to be frank, beyond my interest. I only wanted to give my opinion
on the general usage of the landuse= tag. Perhaps the best
application of the landuse tag to highways - but also to railways,
canals, aerodromes, , would be landuse=infrastructure or

NB wasn't there a dedicated mailing list about tagging?

For what it is worth,

On 19/03/2019 18:33, Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be wrote:


What are the opinions these days about landuse mapping: connect
landuses to highways or let space between landuse polygons and
adjacent highways? Is there a consensus or can everyone do
whatever he/she likes?
My opinion: I *hate* landuse connected to highways.



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Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Talk-ie Digest, Vol 118, Issue 12

2019-03-19 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny
Yes, the same applies to wikidata tag, should have the same prefix.

(replying not to ml due to digest thing)

Mar 19, 2019, 8:44 PM by

> Hi,
> I'll sort out the memorials. :) If one does subject:wikipedia does one also 
> need to do subject:wikidata ?
> Some less obvious "wiki" related tags.
>  *   FIXME
>  *   artist:wikipedia
>  *   brand:wikidata
>  *   brand:wikipedia
>  *   fixme
>  *   flag
>  *   image
>  *   name:etymology:wikidata
>  *   note
>  *   operator:wikidata
>  *   operator:wikipedia
>  *   photo
>  *   photograph
>  *   royal_cypher:wikidata
>  *   source:data
>  *   source:image
>  *   source:name
>  *   source:ref
>  *   subject:wikidata
>  *   subject:wikipedia
>  *   url
>  *   website
> Colm
> ---
> Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change 
> the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
> --
> Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 16:11:57 +
> From: Andy Mabbett <> 
> > >
> On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 13:04, Colm Moore <> 
> > > wrote:
>> 2. I add the wikipedia tag to a variety of objects, not just geographical 
>> entities.
> Please don't do that; at least not in the manner discussed below.
>> Memorials
> That should be subject:wikipedia=en:Lafcadio Hearn.
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] landuse & highways

2019-03-19 Per discussione Lionel Giard
For what i understand, the landuse=grass is mostly a "landcover=grass" tag
which was never properly named (and thus it is used like that). The
surface=grass alone doesn't mean much in OSM as the surface tag is (i
think) only a secondary tag (adding information to other object like
highway=* ).

For the original question, it seems indeed to be less accepted to connect
the landuse to the highway! And i find that it is so much easier to edit
when it is not connected to the highway (or to the landuse on the other
side) as it can just be directly moved without splitting first. If you want
to map the area of an highway there is the proposal of tag "area:highway=*"
that can be used but is not rendered at the moment (see here : But it
could in the future if the usage become more prevalent.

Le mar. 19 mars 2019 à 19:55, Karel Adams  a écrit :

> For what it is worth (and I do not think much of that, myself!): the
> landuse tag is one of the most confusing and most misused.
> In my self-assigned job of mapping aerodromes, and improving on them, I
> often see tags like
> landuse=grass
> and that seems incorrect to me, it ought to be surface=grass rather
> Correct usage of landuse includes (in my very personal appreciation!)
> landuse=industrial, landuse=military, landuse=commercial,
> landuse=recreational and more such. What that means to the mapping of
> highways is beyond my comprehension; and, to be frank, beyond my interest.
> I only wanted to give my opinion on the general usage of the landuse= tag.
> Perhaps the best application of the landuse tag to highways - but also to
> railways, canals, aerodromes, , would be landuse=infrastructure or
> landuse=public_infrastructure
> NB wasn't there a dedicated mailing list about tagging?
> For what it is worth,
> On 19/03/2019 18:33, Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be wrote:
> Hi,
> What are the opinions these days about landuse mapping: connect landuses
> to highways or let space between landuse polygons and adjacent highways?
> Is there a consensus or can everyone do whatever he/she likes?
> My opinion: I *hate* landuse connected to highways.
> Regards,
> StijnRR
> ___
> Talk-be mailing 
> listTalk-be@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import uso del suolo Veneto

2019-03-19 Per discussione Federico Cortese
On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 5:40 PM Graizzaro Gianfranco
> Alcuni mappatori in alcuni comuni del Veneto (Sarego, Lonigo, ecc.) hanno
> mappato loro l'uso del suolo, senza nessun commento e non eseguendo l'import
> dal sito della Regione Veneto.
> Cosa si fa in questo caso, si lascia stare e si da come importato, o si
> cancella e si fa l'import dal sito della regione?

Premetto che non conosco la situazione nello specifico, ma di solito è
preferibile la mappatura manuale piuttosto che l'import automatizzato.
Sempre se la mappatura manuale è fatta bene dal punto di vista
geometrico (come non sembrerebbe ad una prima vista dai casi linkati),
non si sovrappone o collega alle strade ecc.
Poi bisogna considerare anche su che supporto viene fatta la mappatura
manuale: se si usano foto vecchie tipo le Bing del 2010 e i dataset
della regione sono molto più recenti (e abbastanza dettagliati)
potrebbero essere preferibili questi ultimi.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Colm Moore

Note that subject:wikipedia=* doesn't create a hyperlink like wikipedia=* does. 
I'll hold off making changes for the moment.

Compare these:


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Talk-ie Digest, Vol 118, Issue 12

2019-03-19 Per discussione Colm Moore

I'll sort out the memorials. :) If one does subject:wikipedia does one also 
need to do subject:wikidata ?

Some less obvious "wiki" related tags.

  *   FIXME
  *   artist:wikipedia
  *   brand:wikidata
  *   brand:wikipedia
  *   fixme
  *   flag
  *   image
  *   name:etymology:wikidata
  *   note
  *   operator:wikidata
  *   operator:wikipedia
  *   photo
  *   photograph
  *   royal_cypher:wikidata
  *   source:data
  *   source:image
  *   source:name
  *   source:ref
  *   subject:wikidata
  *   subject:wikipedia
  *   url
  *   website


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 16:11:57 +
From: Andy Mabbett 

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 13:04, Colm Moore  wrote:

> 2. I add the wikipedia tag to a variety of objects, not just geographical 
> entities.

Please don't do that; at least not in the manner discussed below.

> Memorials

That should be subject:wikipedia=en:Lafcadio Hearn.

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import uso del suolo Veneto

2019-03-19 Per discussione Federico Cortese
On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 6:40 PM Graizzaro Gianfranco
> la foresta è stata creata il 25/03/2016 da

Non credo sia stata creata da landfahrer, perchè è un mappatore (mi
pare tedesco) che spesso corregge errori nella topologia degli
oggetti; immagino quindi che il suo intervento sia stato successivo
alla creazione.
Comunque ci sono molte relazioni con quel nome e con geometrie
talvolta assurde, oltre a qualche way; non so se sono tutte ma provo
ad elencarle:

Andrebbe fatta un po' di pulizia...


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Building Import

2019-03-19 Per discussione John Whelan

Bonne chance


Begin Daniel wrote on 2019-03-19 2:14 PM:

I expect Pierre, Tim and others to send me any data they believe would 
be problematic. If I send them my own test dataset, it may not cover 
the cases they are interested in. J


*From:*john whelan []
*Sent:* Tuesday, March 19, 2019 13:32
*To:* Begin Daniel
*Subject:* Re: [Talk-ca] Building Import

It would make logical sense to preprocess all the data but then you 
end up with two sources.  The Open Data original and the preprocessed 
data source.

From a logical point of view it would make sense to use the Microsoft 
data to fill in the gaps.  So add it into the preprocessed data.

Then you get to reality.  To make it work across Canada you need to 
get agreement and that I think will be the most difficult part.

Step one I think is ask Pierre nicely to review a sample and see if it 
meets his "quality" expectations.

Step two would be check with Tim in Montreal for his thoughts.

If they are both in agreement that it is acceptable then we see if we 
can get some sort of acceptance across the country possibly blacking 
out certain areas.

If we can we'll need to go back to the import mailing list and say we 
wish to combine two sources and amend the plan accordingly.

Otherwise it is up to whoever sorts out an import plan / import for a 
particular area to consider its use.

Cheerio John

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 12:59, Begin Daniel > wrote:

Hi all,

As mentioned a few weeks ago, I have almost completed the
development of a clean-up tool for the data to be imported.

So far, it removes nonessential vertices, orthogonalizes building
corners when reasonable and ensures walls’ alignment within given
tolerances. Building footprints that can’t be processed completely
are flagged accordingly, so they could be examined thoroughly at
import time.

Eventually, It should be easy to remove overlapping buildings
(potentially generated from a 3d mapping), but I doubt that
splitting terrace into individual buildings can be done

The tool uses some parameters that need to be adjusted. I would
like that those who are interested in this aspect of the import
send me benchmark data that could be problematic. I will process
them to adjust parameters and/or the tool, and I will send back
the results to the sender for a thorough examination.

I should soon document the process in the “Canada Building Import”
wiki page (in a pre-processing section).

Thought? Comments?


Talk-ca mailing list

Sent from Postbox 

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] DJI Fly SafeGEO ZONE MAP uses OSM data... without attribution

2019-03-19 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny 

is also with the same geometry

Note that while it was published in official sources it was mapped with 
different geometry

Mar 19, 2019, 7:48 PM by

> After more investigation noticed that the  military facilities on OSM 
> that don't have name, also don't have a  name on DJI also. If you search 
> on OSM the name of the facility  based on DJI info they match... wonder 
> why
>  Few users reporting that the geometry don't match in some  countries (i 
> presume they simplified the geometry in polygon with  X ammount of 
> vertices) or they have used other data. Compared the  data from 10 EU 
> countries and they all match OSM.
>  >  > More evidence ( compare thegeometries and the coordinates of 
> the vertices):
>  > Wrong military base name (in English)
>  OSM > 
>  DJI > 
>  Portugal
>  This Maritime Police station is wrongly tagged on OSM... is also  on DJI 
> > 
>  DJI has it > 
>  OTAN terminal > 
>  DJI exact same polygon > 
>  Spain
>  > 
>  DJI > 
>  >  France
> >  DJI > 
>  Germany
>  > 
>  DJI > 
>  Hungary - Notice the divisions betweent the different militaryfacilties 
> that are split...same on DJI
>  > 
>  DJI >
>   >  
> Às 11:42 de 19/03/2019, Nuno Caldeira  escreveu:
>> I don't see other data than airports in Taiwan. AsI mentioned on the 
>> initial, I'm talking about the militaryfacilities and prisons, not 
>> airports. China also don't havemilitary facilities on their map, 
>> being a Chinese company theyprobably filtered it. 
>> A terça, 19/03/2019, 11:28,  Dennis Raylin Chen <>> 
>> >> > escreveu:
>>> Not in Taiwan. 
>>> They just use the data release by the authorities. No  data 
>>> from OpenStreetMap.
>>> Dennis
>>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at  6:55 AM Nuno Caldeira <>>> 
>>>  wrote:
 Was curious  where DJI managed to get a worldwide DB of 
 polygons of  military facilities and points of prisons, 
 triple  checked with a couple of other users of OSM at 
  Telegram and with polygons i added seven years ago.   
Without a doubt its from OSM, the coordinates of the
   vertices matches OSM perfectly. The names are also the  
  Check yourself, head to 
   select your country, zoom in 
 and check the data.  Airports restriction areas seems not 
 to be OSM data,  but from other source. 
  Share your examples if you will.
  Again, sadly no attribution... tried to request via  

Re: [OSM-talk-be] landuse & highways

2019-03-19 Per discussione Karel Adams
For what it is worth (and I do not think much of that, myself!): the 
landuse tag is one of the most confusing and most misused.

In my self-assigned job of mapping aerodromes, and improving on them, I 
often see tags like


and that seems incorrect to me, it ought to be surface=grass rather

Correct usage of landuse includes (in my very personal appreciation!) 
landuse=industrial, landuse=military, landuse=commercial, 
landuse=recreational and more such. What that means to the mapping of 
highways is beyond my comprehension; and, to be frank, beyond my 
interest. I only wanted to give my opinion on the general usage of the 
landuse= tag. Perhaps the best application of the landuse tag to 
highways - but also to railways, canals, aerodromes, , would be 
landuse=infrastructure or landuse=public_infrastructure

NB wasn't there a dedicated mailing list about tagging?

For what it is worth,

On 19/03/2019 18:33, Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be wrote:


What are the opinions these days about landuse mapping: connect 
landuses to highways or let space between landuse polygons and 
adjacent highways? Is there a consensus or can everyone do whatever 
he/she likes?

My opinion: I *hate* landuse connected to highways.



Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] DJI Fly SafeGEO ZONE MAP uses OSM data... without attribution

2019-03-19 Per discussione Nuno Caldeira
After more investigation noticed that the military facilities on OSM 
that don't have name, also don't have a name on DJI also. If you search 
on OSM the name of the facility based on DJI info they match... wonder why
Few users reporting that the geometry don't match in some countries (i 
presume they simplified the geometry in polygon with X ammount of 
vertices) or they have used other data. Compared the data from 10 EU 
countries and they all match OSM.

More evidence ( compare the geometries and the coordinates of the vertices):

Wrong military base name (in English)

This Maritime Police station is wrongly tagged on OSM... is also on DJI

DJI has it

OTAN terminal
DJI exact same polygon





Hungary - Notice the divisions betweent the different military facilties 
that are split...same on DJI

Às 11:42 de 19/03/2019, Nuno Caldeira escreveu:
I don't see other data than airports in Taiwan. As I mentioned on the 
initial, I'm talking about the military facilities and prisons, not 
airports. China also don't have military facilities on their map, 
being a Chinese company they probably filtered it.

A terça, 19/03/2019, 11:28, Dennis Raylin Chen > escreveu:

Not in Taiwan.

They just use the data release by the authorities. No data from


On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 6:55 AM Nuno Caldeira>> wrote:

Was curious where DJI managed to get a worldwide DB of
polygons of military facilities and points of prisons, triple
checked with a couple of other users of OSM at Telegram and
with polygons i added seven years ago. Without a doubt its
from OSM, the coordinates of the vertices matches OSM
perfectly. The names are also the same...

Check yourself, head to
select your country, zoom in and check the data. Airports
restriction areas seems not to be OSM data, but from other
Share your examples if you will.

Again, sadly no attribution... tried to request via Twitter
 silent as in moon why would they reply to a contributor
blah. The Pandora box has been opened with exceptions about
the attribution, if other don't attribute, why would they?

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] landuse & highways

2019-03-19 Per discussione Jakka
I also hate the connection of landuse to highway. A landuse border do 
not stop in the middle of a highway but at its border of the highway...
extreme example a moterway with 2x4 lanes one side landuse foret other 
side farmland none reached at the middle of the motorway.
De connecting or cutting those highway to at max_xyz brings a lot of 
mistakes and strange shapes and  g

Op 19/03/2019 om 19:33 schreef Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be:


What are the opinions these days about landuse mapping: connect landuses
to highways or let space between landuse polygons and adjacent highways?
Is there a consensus or can everyone do whatever he/she likes?
My opinion: I *hate* landuse connected to highways.



Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Suche einfache Android App nur um Punkte aufzunehmen

2019-03-19 Per discussione Jo
Scheint mir auch die einzige sichere Möglichkeit. Und die Fotos nutzen auch
für andere Mapper.


On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 6:54 PM Heinz-Jürgen Oertel 

> Am Dienstag, 19. März 2019, 18:44:46 CET schrieb Max:
> > Finger weg von Smartphone im PKW.
> > Mache automatische Fotosequenzen mit GPS tags. Nutze dazu mapillary oder
> > OpenStreetCam. Da werden dann auch die Straßenschilder schon automatisch
> > erkannt.
> Auch eine Möglichkeit, mal ganz in Ruhe ansehen
> --
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] landuse & highways

2019-03-19 Per discussione Jo
I'm under the impression (from reading international mailing lists) most
dislike it when landuse gets glued to the highways nowadays.


On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 7:34 PM Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be <> wrote:

> Hi,
> What are the opinions these days about landuse mapping: connect landuses
> to highways or let space between landuse polygons and adjacent highways?
> Is there a consensus or can everyone do whatever he/she likes?
> My opinion: I *hate* landuse connected to highways.
> Regards,
> StijnRR
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] landuse & highways

2019-03-19 Per discussione Stijn Rombauts via Talk-be
What are the opinions these days about landuse mapping: connect landuses to 
highways or let space between landuse polygons and adjacent highways? Is there 
a consensus or can everyone do whatever he/she likes?My opinion: I *hate* 
landuse connected to highways.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny

Mar 19, 2019, 2:04 PM by

> Hi,
> 1. If it makes things easier for people, then go for it.
> 2. I add the wikipedia tag to>  a variety of objects, not just geographical 
> entities. Why won't these be converted?
wikipedia tag is supposed to be specifically about mapped object

For example statue of George Boole would have
subject:wikipedia=en:George Boole
tag, not
wikipedia=en:George Boole

on a McDonald's fast food rather than

for more info.

> 4. Are there actually only about 40 entries to be changed?
Yes, but note

that it may be rerun in future.

> wikidata 3904
> wikimedia_commons 3
> wikipedia 1633
> wikipedia:de 1
> wikipedia:en 38
> wikipedia:fi 1
> wikipedia_1 1
> 5. Is there a big discrepancy between the number of > wikidata (> 3904> ) and 
> wikimedia (> 1633> ) objects? Is this an issue?
In Poland tagging standard is to use both wikipedia and wikidata tags if 
possible, if
the tagging standard in Ireland is the same I may add missing wikipedia and 
wikidata tags.

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny

Mar 19, 2019, 3:10 PM by

> I'm not sure why one would bother with this, but whatever.
It went as follows:

- I made small prototype tool listing tourism attractions based on OSM data
- during development I discovered massive amount of broken wikipedia and 
wikidata tags
- due to scale and that problems were fixable by automatic edit I made a 
program for bot edits
(library parts ended on 
- I made bot edits that fixed tens of thousands objects in Poland
- in most cases (except one depending on links to TERYT, official government 
dataset in Poland)
scripts can be used in other regions
- so now I am checking whatever I would be allowed to run this script in 
various places,
including ones where some tagging issues are quite rare and would not justify
writing and testing an OSM bot - but running existing one is IMHO a good idea

> Are they any cases where there are more than wikipedia:XX tag, and what will 
> you do in that case? What will the wikipedia tag be?
In case of existing matching wikipedia tag - there is no problem and 
wikipedia:XX tags
will be removed.

Otherwise object will be skipped for a manual review.

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Building Import

2019-03-19 Per discussione Begin Daniel
I expect Pierre, Tim and others to send me any data they believe would be 
problematic. If I send them my own test dataset, it may not cover the cases 
they are interested in. ☺


From: john whelan []
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 13:32
To: Begin Daniel
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Building Import

It would make logical sense to preprocess all the data but then you end up with 
two sources.  The Open Data original and the preprocessed data source.

From a logical point of view it would make sense to use the Microsoft data to 
fill in the gaps.  So add it into the preprocessed data.

Then you get to reality.  To make it work across Canada you need to get 
agreement and that I think will be the most difficult part.

Step one I think is ask Pierre nicely to review a sample and see if it meets 
his "quality" expectations.

Step two would be check with Tim in Montreal for his thoughts.

If they are both in agreement that it is acceptable then we see if we can get 
some sort of acceptance across the country possibly blacking out certain areas.

If we can we'll need to go back to the import mailing list and say we wish to 
combine two sources and amend the plan accordingly.

Otherwise it is up to whoever sorts out an import plan / import for a 
particular area to consider its use.

Cheerio John

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 12:59, Begin Daniel>> wrote:
Hi all,
As mentioned a few weeks ago, I have almost completed the development of a 
clean-up tool for the data to be imported.
So far, it removes nonessential vertices, orthogonalizes building corners when 
reasonable and ensures walls’ alignment within given tolerances. Building 
footprints that can’t be processed completely are flagged accordingly, so they 
could be examined thoroughly at import time.
Eventually, It should be easy to remove overlapping buildings (potentially 
generated from a 3d mapping), but I doubt that splitting terrace into 
individual buildings can be done automatically.
The tool uses some parameters that need to be adjusted. I would like that those 
who are interested in this aspect of the import send me benchmark data that 
could be problematic. I will process them to adjust parameters and/or the tool, 
and I will send back the results to the sender for a thorough examination.
I should soon document the process in the “Canada Building Import” wiki page 
(in a pre-processing section).

Thought? Comments?


Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny

Mar 19, 2019, 5:04 PM by

> On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 08:49, Mateusz Konieczny <> 
> > > wrote:
>> For example "wikipedia:en=Ireland" is an old style link, while
>> "wikipedia=en:Ireland" is a form that is currently standard.
>> Please comment no matter what you think about this idea! I will not
>> make the edit without a clear support so please comment if you think
>> that it is a good idea and if you think that it should not be done.
> Sounds good. Can you do this outside Ireland also?
For now I processed Poland and USA.

I posted on mailing lists for Australia and Ireland, and I am planning to do it 
for GB.

It is not done as global edit as within Ukraine, Belarus and some other 
multitagging Wikipedia tags is done as compromise to language wars -
and I am not interested in retriggering this case of "Ukraine vs Russia" 

Also, proposing global bot edits is frequently protested by people believing
that any automated edit is harmful because it causes object to be edited.

>> Links detected as invalid (leading to disambigs, articles about humans,
>> animals, plants, events etc) are also skipped
> Can you flag these up; perhaps by writing to a list on a wiki page?
> They need to be reviewed, and probably corrected.
OK! I will do it and post about it on this mailing list.

Are you interested in Ireland, part of the Ireland or some other part of the 
Feel free to specify as narrow as you would like, requests up to
"withing X km from town Y" are feasible.

(in fact this bot edit is result of project that was about listing invalid 
wikipedia and wikidata tags).
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny

Mar 19, 2019, 5:11 PM by

> This is why its batter to tag with Wikidata IDs.
My favorite form is both wikipedia and wikidata tag,
wikipedia tag is human readable while wikidata is more stable
and allows easily follow article name changes.

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny

Mar 19, 2019, 6:13 PM by

> On 19/03/2019 09:49, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
>> Old style wikipedia link is one where language is stored in key, not in
>> value.
>> For example "wikipedia:en=Ireland" is an old style link, while
>> "wikipedia=en:Ireland" is a form that is currently standard.
> To expand, what do you mean here? What makes one the "standard" and the other 
> not? 
Usage. See 
 (8000 vs 1 088 000 

To lesser degree - OSM Wiki recommendations and support from data consumers.

> What/who consumers wikipedia* tags in OSM and what do they do with it?
As usual with data consumers - various things.

For example fetching descriptions from Wikipedia (Osmand and other map
displays) or influence on search results rankings (or example Nominatim) and 
others uses. 
 has lists of 4 more 
projects that
submitted used tags to taginfo, but there are more not mentioned there.

> Which format is better for the data consumers?
One where it is enough to support single tagging scheme.

> If the wikipedia=en:X format is better than wikipedia:en=X format for data 
> consumer Y, that's one thing. It just seems to squash a lot of data into one, 
> and run the risk of losing data, since many wikipedia tags would be removed 
> from OSM...
Information would not be lost. If there would be only wikipedia:en tag then 
wikipedia tag would be created.

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Suche einfache Android App nur um Punkte aufzunehmen

2019-03-19 Per discussione Heinz-Jürgen Oertel
Am Dienstag, 19. März 2019, 18:44:46 CET schrieb Max:
> Finger weg von Smartphone im PKW.
> Mache automatische Fotosequenzen mit GPS tags. Nutze dazu mapillary oder
> OpenStreetCam. Da werden dann auch die Straßenschilder schon automatisch
> erkannt.

Auch eine Möglichkeit, mal ganz in Ruhe ansehen

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Suche einfache Android App nur um Punkte aufzunehmen

2019-03-19 Per discussione Max

Finger weg von Smartphone im PKW.
Mache automatische Fotosequenzen mit GPS tags. Nutze dazu mapillary oder 
OpenStreetCam. Da werden dann auch die Straßenschilder schon automatisch 

On 19.03.19 17:25, Heinz-Jürgen Oertel wrote:


wie im Betreff gesagt. Oder, wie macht ihr das, beim Fahren mit Pkw, also
höherer Geschwindigkeit, ohne anzuhalten, die Position von Schilder an der
Straße aufnehmen. Im einfachsten Fall ist das Handydisplay eine einzige
Schaltfläche. Ein Tipp, eine Position.
Besser noch eine konfigurierbare Fläche, für z.B.
Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen, Überholverbot etc. aber immer groß genug um beim
Fahren ohne Ablenkung bedient zu werden. Noch besser, wenn man dann noch per
Spracheingabe weitere Angaben zum Punkt machen kann.

Über Empfehlungen dankbar

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import uso del suolo Veneto

2019-03-19 Per discussione Graizzaro Gianfranco
la foresta è stata creata il 25/03/2016 da

Sent from:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Building Import

2019-03-19 Per discussione john whelan
It would make logical sense to preprocess all the data but then you end up
with two sources.  The Open Data original and the preprocessed data source.

>From a logical point of view it would make sense to use the Microsoft data
to fill in the gaps.  So add it into the preprocessed data.

Then you get to reality.  To make it work across Canada you need to get
agreement and that I think will be the most difficult part.

Step one I think is ask Pierre nicely to review a sample and see if it
meets his "quality" expectations.

Step two would be check with Tim in Montreal for his thoughts.

If they are both in agreement that it is acceptable then we see if we can
get some sort of acceptance across the country possibly blacking out
certain areas.

If we can we'll need to go back to the import mailing list and say we wish
to combine two sources and amend the plan accordingly.

Otherwise it is up to whoever sorts out an import plan / import for a
particular area to consider its use.

Cheerio John

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 12:59, Begin Daniel  wrote:

> Hi all,
> As mentioned a few weeks ago, I have almost completed the development of a
> clean-up tool for the data to be imported.
> So far, it removes nonessential vertices, orthogonalizes building corners
> when reasonable and ensures walls’ alignment within given tolerances.
> Building footprints that can’t be processed completely are flagged
> accordingly, so they could be examined thoroughly at import time.
> Eventually, It should be easy to remove overlapping buildings (potentially
> generated from a 3d mapping), but I doubt that splitting terrace into
> individual buildings can be done automatically.
> The tool uses some parameters that need to be adjusted. I would like that
> those who are interested in this aspect of the import send me benchmark
> data that could be problematic. I will process them to adjust parameters
> and/or the tool, and I will send back the results to the sender for a
> thorough examination.
> I should soon document the process in the “Canada Building Import” wiki
> page (in a pre-processing section).
> Thought? Comments?
> Daniel
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-gb-westmidlands] Summer programme of meetings

2019-03-19 Per discussione Brian Prangle
As usual we travel around the region in the summer, improving the map away
from our usual haunts.

April-  usual evening - Alcester- Rob to find a pub
May - usual evening - Coventry - Rob to pick an area
June - Saturday TBA - Wombourne
July- usual evening- Bromsgrove
Aug- Saturday TBA- Southam
Sep - usual evening- Droitwich
Oct - Saturday TBA - joint visit to Rugby and a catchup for Houlton New Town

The usual evening is the first Thursday in the month


Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Defining a local mapper group

2019-03-19 Per discussione john whelan
This needs a bit of context.  It relates to importing building outlines of
which there are two Open Data sources available for Canada both have
acceptable licenses.

Traditionally mappers have concentrated on one aspect of mapping.  I happen
to like bus stops for example and bus shelters also footpaths that lead to

What we have discovered is different people have different ideas of what is
acceptable.  Ottawa mappers for example are happy with the building
outlines available for Ottawa.  At least one mapper outside Ottawa feels
the Ottawa building outlines are not acceptable because they do all have
right angles at the corners.

We have a mapper in Toronto who I understand feels that building outlines
should be simplified to omit things like bay windows.  Bay windows appear
to be acceptable in Montreal.

So what the local mappers find acceptable is acceptable.

Then we get to people like Jonathon whose only interest is not mapping
building outlines but in using tools such as street complete to add tags to
building outlines.  Students using street complete rather than drawing in
the building outline in iD then adding tags create fewer errors on the
map.  They are interested in having those building outlines on the map that
can be enriched.  Are their desires taken into account or do they have to
map something first?

Now we get to the tricky bit.  I'm local to Ottawa but I very rarely do
meetups.  So should my vote count?

If Africa there are lots of HOT remote mappers but ideally any decisions
are made by the "local" mappers.

So who counts as a local mapper?  Just those who attend a physical
meeting.  What about a conference call?  HOT allows its mumble servers to
be used for OSM business by the way.  Mumble is an Open Source VIOP.   I've
seen conference calls used to discuss things certainly, Slack is another
method of communication that I know nothing about other than it is
commercial. The major cities are fine but some of the smaller locations
have very few mappers.  One of the Ontario towns I've been mapping remotely
in has essentially one mapper who is very much in favour of importing
buildings.  Their thoughts are not really relevant since practically all
the building outlines in that location have been mapped with JOSM and the
buildings_tool plugin.  If I look at Ontario there is one mapper whose name
pops up all over the place but are they a "local" mapper for locations a
thousand kilometers apart?

So since it is the local mappers who make decisions, who are they?

Cheerio John

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 11:34, Martijn van Exel  wrote:

> If you’re interested in forming local mapper groups based on actual
> contributions to OSM you are free to use the Meet Your Mapper tool I built
> a little while ago.
> You can draw a bounding box and retrieve a list of mappers who contributed
> there. It generates some basic stats such as number of nodes / ways /
> relations and tries to classify mappers in a few categories.
> Some more information here:
> and the tool lives
> at
> Martijn
> On Mar 19, 2019, at 11:29 AM, Jonathan Brown  wrote:
> Ideally, a local mapper/group would be one that contributed data to an
> open digital map that can be verified and used to solve a problem (e.g.,
> food security, fresh water, climate change, etc.). The local mapping group
> should be able to contribute data via satellite imagery, open data, and/or
> a physical location. The challenge is how to cultivate and maintain local
> mapper groups based on volunteer work.
> Jonathan Brown
> *From: *John Whelan 
> *Sent: *Friday, March 15, 2019 10:01 AM
> *To: *Jonathan Brown 
> *Cc: *
> *Subject: *Re: [Talk-ca] Local groups as part of import plan
> The problem is defining and contacting a local group.  Once defined then
> they can make the decision.
> I've seen as few as two people make a local group decision on an import
> before now although normally it is done over coffee.
> Also we get into who is a local mapper.
> Many people have an interest in seeing the data imported but I'm under the
> impression only those with a OpenStreetMap userid who have contributed
> count.
> Would anyone care to define a local mapper or group?
> Thanks John
> Jonathan Brown wrote on 2019-03-15 9:46 AM:
> Could we get Stats Can to support a few local groups who want to use a
> common framework for a collaborative research project that addresses a
> sustainable development goal outcome (e.g., the OSM fresh security challenge
> and
> ?
> Jonathan
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
> --
> Sent from Postbox

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Rory McCann

On 19/03/2019 09:49, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

Old style wikipedia link is one where language is stored in key, not in

For example "wikipedia:en=Ireland" is an old style link, while
"wikipedia=en:Ireland" is a form that is currently standard.

To expand, what do you mean here? What makes one the "standard" and the 
other not? What/who consumers wikipedia* tags in OSM and what do they do 
with it? Which format is better for the data consumers? If the 
wikipedia=en:X format is better than wikipedia:en=X format for data 
consumer Y, that's one thing. It just seems to squash a lot of data into 
one, and run the risk of losing data, since many wikipedia tags would be 
removed from OSM...


Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import uso del suolo Veneto

2019-03-19 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Nello stesso contesto:
C'è un gruppo di relazioni con
name=Colli Berici
Overpass-turbo query:
// gather results
  // query part for: “name="Colli Berici"”
  relation["name"="Colli Berici"]({{bbox}});
// print results
out body;
out skel qt;

Non sapevo che c'è una foresta di nome "Colli Berici" ...e non trovo una
indicazione della fonte dei dati (e del nome)

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 17:40, Graizzaro Gianfranco <> wrote:

> Alcuni mappatori in alcuni comuni del Veneto (Sarego, Lonigo, ecc.) hanno
> mappato loro l'uso del suolo, senza nessun commento e non eseguendo
> l'import
> dal sito della Regione Veneto.
> Cosa si fa in questo caso, si lascia stare e si da come importato, o si
> cancella e si fa l'import dal sito della regione?
> Gianfranco
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] 提案 highway=living_street

2019-03-19 Per discussione InagakiM


 自分は私道に living street を付けていました。

 しばらく ML を読んでおらず、遅きに失した感がいっぱいなのですが、い
 もちろん、もう遅いよ、と云うことなら致し方ありません <(_ _)>

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Suche einfache Android App nur um Punkte aufzunehmen

2019-03-19 Per discussione Heinz-Jürgen Oertel
Am Dienstag, 19. März 2019, 17:33:04 CET schrieb Harald Hartmann:
> PS: möchte aber folgenden aktuellen Beitrag im Forum nicht unerwähnt
> lassen:

Danke, eben geladen und kurz angesehen. Sieht gut aus.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-it] Import uso del suolo Veneto

2019-03-19 Per discussione Graizzaro Gianfranco
Alcuni mappatori in alcuni comuni del Veneto (Sarego, Lonigo, ecc.) hanno
mappato loro l'uso del suolo, senza nessun commento e non eseguendo l'import
dal sito della Regione Veneto.
Cosa si fa in questo caso, si lascia stare e si da come importato, o si
cancella e si fa l'import dal sito della regione?


Sent from:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Suche einfache Android App nur um Punkte aufzunehmen

2019-03-19 Per discussione Harald Hartmann

PS: möchte aber folgenden aktuellen Beitrag im Forum nicht unerwähnt

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Suche einfache Android App nur um Punkte aufzunehmen

2019-03-19 Per discussione Heinz-Jürgen Oertel

wie im Betreff gesagt. Oder, wie macht ihr das, beim Fahren mit Pkw, also 
höherer Geschwindigkeit, ohne anzuhalten, die Position von Schilder an der 
Straße aufnehmen. Im einfachsten Fall ist das Handydisplay eine einzige 
Schaltfläche. Ein Tipp, eine Position.
Besser noch eine konfigurierbare Fläche, für z.B. 
Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen, Überholverbot etc. aber immer groß genug um beim 
Fahren ohne Ablenkung bedient zu werden. Noch besser, wenn man dann noch per 
Spracheingabe weitere Angaben zum Punkt machen kann.

Über Empfehlungen dankbar
mit freundlichen Grüßen aus Halle (Saale)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Measuring building height

2019-03-19 Per discussione Tony Shield


Been figuring out how to do this for a while - my solution-

rule - I used 30cm (aka 1 foot), calculator, known length of arm - in my 
case .6m, OSM map to measure distance from target.

With hand holding rule vertically measure the target height against the 
rule for rule height, this is the key measurement, note the measurement 
point. From the map measure the distance from the measuring point to the 

With this information and using proportions (which is what a tangent is) -

target height = (rule height in metres * distance from measuring point 
to target) / length of arm in metres.

Using this technique I have this morning measured known height of of a 
local landmark, and the unknown height of a building. The known height 
of 50m measured 8cm at a range of 375m. The unknown height of the 
building with 5 floors was calculated to be 20.7 metres which would on 
the face of it be realistic (from 3cm and 414m). (Botany Bay mill in 


On 19/03/2019 09:30, Brian Prangle wrote:

There are also theodolite apps for smartphones

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019, 00:17 Rob Nickerson, > wrote:

For building heights why not try using a laser measure? Those with
a Pythagoras Measurement mode should automate the calculations for

Price has fallen a lot over the years. Seems like even a basic £30
device is sufficient.

Best regards,
Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Andy Mabbett
On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 13:04, Colm Moore  wrote:

> 2. I add the wikipedia tag to a variety of objects, not just geographical 
> entities.

Please don't do that; at least not in the manner discussed below.

> Politician's office

That object does not map Leo Varadkar TD (presumably, it's his
registered office?). If you wish to add a Wikipedia tag, use something

   occupant:wikipedia=en:Leo Varadkar

> Memorials

That should be subject:wikipedia=en:Lafcadio Hearn.

> Historic feature


> 3. There are some features where the name of the Wikipedia entry has changed, 
> e.g. and 
> - I have no 
> recollection of adding the OSM entry originally. :)

This is why its batter to tag with Wikidata IDs.

Andy Mabbett

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Andy Mabbett
On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 08:49, Mateusz Konieczny  wrote:

> For example "wikipedia:en=Ireland" is an old style link, while
> "wikipedia=en:Ireland" is a form that is currently standard.

> Please comment no matter what you think about this idea! I will not
> make the edit without a clear support so please comment if you think
> that it is a good idea and if you think that it should not be done.

Sounds good. Can you do this outside Ireland also?

> Links detected as invalid (leading to disambigs, articles about humans,
> animals, plants, events etc) are also skipped

Can you flag these up; perhaps by writing to a list on a wiki page?
They need to be reviewed, and probably corrected.

Andy Mabbett

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Nordøstgrønland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Anders Hedelund
Så fik jeg onduleret mine punkter i Nordøstgrønland. Googlede lidt mere, 
og installerede så JOSM+Opendata. Så var det bare at normaliserede data 
gruppe for gruppe og importere. Gik som en sveske, og jeg fik slet ingen 

Med venlig Hilsen Anders Hedelund -  +45 3990 5335 Mob: +45 6150 
5335 TR: +90 531 831 0220
Et liv efter overlevelsen:

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: Tag place

2019-03-19 Per discussione Andrea Musuruane
Hi Andy,

On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 5:35 PM Andy Townsend  wrote:

> On 24/02/2019 12:11, Andy Townsend wrote:
> On 23/02/2019 22:39, mbranco2 wrote:
> A me basta la disponibilità di Fayor a rimuovere manualmente le sue
> modifiche, quindi dico di non fare il revert.
> OK - we'll wait a bit and give him time to do that.
> ("OK - aspettiamo un po 'e dargli il tempo di farlo.")
> Just following up this mail from a few weeks ago - have these places now
> been resolved so that the community is happy, or is there more work to do?

I recently found out this changeset by fayor - which was unannounced here:

It solved some problems we raised about these two changesets:

I'm happy with the editing done but I cannot comment on the following
places which are still not reverted:

Canosa di Puglia
Figline Valdarno
Incisa in Val d'Arno
Ponte nelle Alpi


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Defining a local mapper group

2019-03-19 Per discussione Martijn van Exel
If you’re interested in forming local mapper groups based on actual 
contributions to OSM you are free to use the Meet Your Mapper tool I built a 
little while ago.

You can draw a bounding box and retrieve a list of mappers who contributed 
there. It generates some basic stats such as number of nodes / ways / relations 
and tries to classify mappers in a few categories. 

Some more information here: 
 and the tool lives at  


> On Mar 19, 2019, at 11:29 AM, Jonathan Brown  wrote:
> Ideally, a local mapper/group would be one that contributed data to an open 
> digital map that can be verified and used to solve a problem (e.g., food 
> security, fresh water, climate change, etc.). The local mapping group should 
> be able to contribute data via satellite imagery, open data, and/or a 
> physical location. The challenge is how to cultivate and maintain local 
> mapper groups based on volunteer work. 
> Jonathan Brown
> From: John Whelan 
> Sent: Friday, March 15, 2019 10:01 AM
> To: Jonathan Brown 
> Cc: 
> Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Local groups as part of import plan
> The problem is defining and contacting a local group.  Once defined then they 
> can make the decision.
> I've seen as few as two people make a local group decision on an import 
> before now although normally it is done over coffee.
> Also we get into who is a local mapper.
> Many people have an interest in seeing the data imported but I'm under the 
> impression only those with a OpenStreetMap userid who have contributed count.
> Would anyone care to define a local mapper or group?
> Thanks John
> Jonathan Brown wrote on 2019-03-15 9:46 AM:
> Could we get Stats Can to support a few local groups who want to use a common 
> framework for a collaborative research project that addresses a sustainable 
> development goal outcome (e.g., the OSM fresh security challenge 
>  and 
> ) ? 
> Jonathan 
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
> -- 
> Sent from Postbox 
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Defining a local mapper group

2019-03-19 Per discussione Jonathan Brown
Ideally, a local mapper/group would be one that contributed data to an open 
digital map that can be verified and used to solve a problem (e.g., food 
security, fresh water, climate change, etc.). The local mapping group should be 
able to contribute data via satellite imagery, open data, and/or a physical 
location. The challenge is how to cultivate and maintain local mapper groups 
based on volunteer work. 

Jonathan Brown

From: John Whelan
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2019 10:01 AM
To: Jonathan Brown
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Local groups as part of import plan

The problem is defining and contacting a local group.  Once defined then they 
can make the decision.

I've seen as few as two people make a local group decision on an import before 
now although normally it is done over coffee.

Also we get into who is a local mapper.

Many people have an interest in seeing the data imported but I'm under the 
impression only those with a OpenStreetMap userid who have contributed count.

Would anyone care to define a local mapper or group?

Thanks John

Jonathan Brown wrote on 2019-03-15 9:46 AM:

Could we get Stats Can to support a few local groups who want to use a common 
framework for a collaborative research project that addresses a sustainable 
development goal outcome (e.g., the OSM fresh security challenge and ? 

Talk-ca mailing list

Sent from Postbox

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Vidéosurveillance

2019-03-19 Per discussione lmagreault
Shohreh wrote
> J'ai surtout beoin de savoir /où/ se trouvent ces caméras.
> Donc, légalement, la mairie n'a pas obligation de révéler leur emplacement
> ?


Lors de l'installation ou la modification du système de vidéoprotection, la
mairie a dû faire en préfecture une demande d'autorisation d'installer un
système de videoprotection.

Parmi les pièces à joindre à la demande, il y a un plan de détail :
"Il s’agit d’un plan à une échelle suffisante montrant le nombre, le
positionnement des caméras ainsi que les zones couvertes par celles-ci."
ou un plan du périmètre :
"Il s’agit d’un document qui peut se substituer au plan de détails et au
plan de masse, montrant l’espace susceptible d’être situé dans le champ de
vision d’une ou plusieurs caméras dans le cas d’une demande portant sur un
périmètre à vidéoprotéger"

Source :


Si le dossier est complet, un récépissé est remis au demandeur. La demande
est examinée par la commission départementale de vidéoprotection puis le
préfet prend un arrêté autorisant l'installation.

Exemple :


Bref, tu peux demander à la mairie le dossier complet de demande
d'autorisation qui est, à mon sens, un document administratif.

Sent from:

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-at] Mapathon in Wien, am 21. 3. 2019

2019-03-19 Per discussione Andreas


ich weiß sehr kurzfristig, habe aber auch gerade erst davon per Mail

Ärzte ohne Grenzen und dem Roten Kreuz veranstalten in Wien einen
Mapathon. Genaueres ist folgender Seite zu entnehmen und dort kann man
sich auch per Mail anmelden.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-lv] OSM atsauce

2019-03-19 Per discussione Marat
Patīkami ka Rīgas rogaininga organizatori izmanto OSM, pievienoja datus un
norādīja OSM.

Bet tajā pašā laikā Rīgas Meži OSM norādi ignorē
Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Rory McCann

I'm not sure why one would bother with this, but whatever.

Are they any cases where there are more than wikipedia:XX tag, and what 
will you do in that case? What will the wikipedia tag be?

On 19/03/2019 09:49, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

Old style wikipedia link is one where language is stored in key, not in

For example "wikipedia:en=Ireland" is an old style link, while
"wikipedia=en:Ireland" is a form that is currently standard.

Many old-style Wikipedia links remain and updating them to new style
manually is boring, tedious and some mistakes may appear during this.

Some OSM elements have old-style Wikipedia link without new tag what
means that this data is harder to process for editors and data

Also, remaining old-style Wikipedia tags confuse mappers, especially
less experienced.

Therefore I propose to run an automatic edit that will replace
old-style Wikipedia links with current style of Wikipedia links.

Please comment no matter what you think about this idea! I will not
make the edit without a clear support so please comment if you think
that it is a good idea and if you think that it should not be done.

Plan is as follows:

I will take full responsibility for all edits and if anything goes
wrong I will fix it.

Editing is limited to objects with old-style Wikipedia tags is not
conflicting with existing wikipedia=* or wikidata=* tag or other
old-style wikipedia tags.

Links detected as invalid (leading to disambigs, articles about humans,
animals, plants, events etc) are also skipped

Each changeset contains a single element or group of close elements to
avoid edits spanning across large areas (it is impossible in cases
where edited object itself spans very large area)

After every changeset bot sleeps for one minute.

This is proposed as reoccurring edit and may be made as soon as new
old-style wikipedia links appear.

documentation page on OSM Wiki is at

I have experience with automatic edits. exactly the same task was run
in Poland to remove more than 6000 old-style Wikipedia links what was
completed without any issues.

I recently processed also old-style Wikipedia tags across USA.

Talk-ie mailing list

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [vélo] Introduction d'un tag complexe pour décrire les DSC sur bande dans le wiki

2019-03-19 Per discussione Florimond Berthoux

Je ne vois pas l'intérêt du opposite_* sur une route oneway=no, étant donné
qu'il n'existe pas de sens "opposite".
Opposite veut dire le sens contraire de la circulation générale, à ne pas
confondre avec le sens du way.

alias de :
cycleway:left:oneway=-1 (si le sens du way = sens oneway général, sinon
Donc ça aurait du sens d'avoir cycleway:left:oneway=opposite :D

et pour le cas du cycleway:left=lane
on considère par défaut que cycleway:left:oneway=left:oneway
left:oneway valant en France -1 par défaut et yes en Angleterre par exemple.

Le mar. 19 mars 2019 à 13:43, Charles MILLET  a
écrit :

> J'ai vu cette remarque aussi mais merci de la faire remonter ici.
> Je suis un peu partagé parce que j'ai déjà vu des cas où le
> opposite_lane était adapté et compréhensible même pour une route que
> n'est pas à sens unique ...bon il s'agissait peut-être d'un
> opposite_track mais je trouve que les différents « opposite » (si ils
> survivent à ces débats) devraient pouvoir suivre une même logique.
> J'ai un peu arrêté d'avoir une opinion ferme sur ces sujets, je crois
> qu'il y a globalement une bonne approche dans les différents schémas...
> mais bref je cherche surtout à identifier la solution qui fait le plus
> consensus et qui ne soit pas poussée par la personne qui râle le plus
> fort même si la solution qu'elle présente est très bonne.
> Charles MILLET
> On 19/03/2019 11:10, marc marc wrote:
> > Le mer. 13 mars 2019 à 22:11, Charles MILLET
> >
> >> dans la pratique le opposite_lane est bien utilisé et parfaitement
> interprétable.
> > sur la ml tagging, une des critiques est que qui dit opposite_lane (les
> > vélos sont permis sur une bande dans le sens opposé au traffic),
> > dit que la route (pour les non-vélo) est en sens unique.
> > hors 6% de ces way n'ont pas le tag sens-unique.
> > pour couper l'herbe sous le pied de cette critique un peu légère (on ne
> > change pas de schéma parce qu'il y a qlq erreurs humaines) et améliorer
> > les données, Markus propose de les passer en revenue et de les corriger
> > (soit la rue n'est plus en sens unique et opposite_lane devient sans
> > doute lane, soit ajouter le tag manquant sens unique)
> > 181 pour la France
> > ___
> > Talk-fr mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Florimond Berthoux
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] Feature Proposal - RFC Proposed Japan tagging/Road types_2 - highway=cycleway; living_street

2019-03-19 Per discussione yuu hayashi

石野さんの方で進めている highway=cyclewayとhighway=living_street


Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Colm Moore

1. If it makes things easier for people, then go for it.

2. I add the wikipedia tag to a variety of objects, not just geographical 
entities. Why won't these be converted?

Politician's office


Historic feature

3. There are some features where the name of the Wikipedia entry has changed, 
e.g. and - I have no 
recollection of adding the OSM entry originally. :)

4. Are there actually only about 40 entries to be changed?

  *   wikidata 3904
  *   wikimedia_commons 3
  *   wikipedia 1633
  *   wikipedia:de 1
  *   wikipedia:en 38
  *   wikipedia:fi 1
  *   wikipedia_1 1

5. Is there a big discrepancy between the number of wikidata (3904) and 
wikimedia (1633) objects? Is this an issue?


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2019 09:49:08 +0100 (CET)
From: Mateusz Konieczny 
Subject: [OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of
old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

Links detected as invalid (leading to disambigs, articles about humans,
animals, plants, events etc) are also skipped
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] DJI Fly SafeGEO ZONE MAP uses OSM data... without attribution

2019-03-19 Per discussione Julio Costa Zambelli
Same here in Chile, only airports. None of our landuse=military polygons.

Julio Costa Zambelli
Fundación OpenStreetMap Chile
Cel: +56(9)89981083

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019 at 08:42, Nuno Caldeira 

> I don't see other data than airports in Taiwan. As I mentioned on the
> initial, I'm talking about the military facilities and prisons, not
> airports. China also don't have military facilities on their map, being a
> Chinese company they probably filtered it.
> A terça, 19/03/2019, 11:28, Dennis Raylin Chen 
> escreveu:
>> Not in Taiwan.
>> They just use the data release by the authorities. No data from
>> OpenStreetMap.
>> Dennis
>> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 6:55 AM Nuno Caldeira <
>>> wrote:
>>> Was curious where DJI managed to get a worldwide DB of polygons of
>>> military facilities and points of prisons, triple checked with a couple of
>>> other users of OSM at Telegram and with polygons i added seven years ago.
>>> Without a doubt its from OSM, the coordinates of the vertices matches OSM
>>> perfectly. The names are also the same...
>>> Check yourself, head to select
>>> your country, zoom in and check the data. Airports restriction areas seems
>>> not to be OSM data, but from other source.
>>> Share your examples if you will.
>>> Again, sadly no attribution... tried to request via Twitter
>>> silent as in moon why would they reply to a contributor blah. The Pandora
>>> box has been opened with exceptions about the attribution, if other don't
>>> attribute, why would they?
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list
>> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [vélo] Introduction d'un tag complexe pour décrire les DSC sur bande dans le wiki

2019-03-19 Per discussione Charles MILLET

J'ai vu cette remarque aussi mais merci de la faire remonter ici.

Je suis un peu partagé parce que j'ai déjà vu des cas où le 
opposite_lane était adapté et compréhensible même pour une route que 
n'est pas à sens unique ...bon il s'agissait peut-être d'un 
opposite_track mais je trouve que les différents « opposite » (si ils 
survivent à ces débats) devraient pouvoir suivre une même logique.

J'ai un peu arrêté d'avoir une opinion ferme sur ces sujets, je crois 
qu'il y a globalement une bonne approche dans les différents schémas... 
mais bref je cherche surtout à identifier la solution qui fait le plus 
consensus et qui ne soit pas poussée par la personne qui râle le plus 
fort même si la solution qu'elle présente est très bonne.

Charles MILLET

On 19/03/2019 11:10, marc marc wrote:

Le mer. 13 mars 2019 à 22:11, Charles MILLET

dans la pratique le opposite_lane est bien utilisé et parfaitement 

sur la ml tagging, une des critiques est que qui dit opposite_lane (les
vélos sont permis sur une bande dans le sens opposé au traffic),
dit que la route (pour les non-vélo) est en sens unique.
hors 6% de ces way n'ont pas le tag sens-unique.
pour couper l'herbe sous le pied de cette critique un peu légère (on ne
change pas de schéma parce qu'il y a qlq erreurs humaines) et améliorer
les données, Markus propose de les passer en revenue et de les corriger
(soit la rue n'est plus en sens unique et opposite_lane devient sans
doute lane, soit ajouter le tag manquant sens unique)
181 pour la France
Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Online mappy hour

2019-03-19 Per discussione OSM Volunteer stevea
I believe I can make that date and time!  (I do use with clients (though I don't / won't use Slack and other proprietary tools) ; THANK YOU for making a dial-in option available for those who tend towards Luddite / more open / old-fashioned comm methods).  Of course, I'm assuming you'll let us know (here?) the zoom credentials and/or a conference call phone #.And, I look forward to the camaraderie of a mappy hour!  Fantastic this is cranking back up!SteveA

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] hebdoOSM Nº 451 2019-03-05-2019-03-11

2019-03-19 Per discussione theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 451 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

Bonne lecture !

Saviez-vous que vous pouvez vous aussi soumettre des messages pour la note 
hebdomadaire sans être membre ? Il vous suffit de vous connecter sur avec votre compte OSM. Pour en savoir plus 
sur la rédaction d'un article, cliquez ici:

hebdoOSM ? 
Qui : 
Où :
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-ca] hebdoOSM Nº 451 2019-03-05-2019-03-11

2019-03-19 Per discussione theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 451 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

Bonne lecture !

Saviez-vous que vous pouvez vous aussi soumettre des messages pour la note 
hebdomadaire sans être membre ? Il vous suffit de vous connecter sur avec votre compte OSM. Pour en savoir plus 
sur la rédaction d'un article, cliquez ici:

hebdoOSM ? 
Qui : 
Où :
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-ht] hebdoOSM Nº 451 2019-03-05-2019-03-11

2019-03-19 Per discussione theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 451 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

Bonne lecture !

Saviez-vous que vous pouvez vous aussi soumettre des messages pour la note 
hebdomadaire sans être membre ? Il vous suffit de vous connecter sur avec votre compte OSM. Pour en savoir plus 
sur la rédaction d'un article, cliquez ici:

hebdoOSM ? 
Qui : 
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Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate ( pour 
traduire les messages.

[Talk-africa] hebdoOSM Nº 451 2019-03-05-2019-03-11

2019-03-19 Per discussione theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 451 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

Bonne lecture !

Saviez-vous que vous pouvez vous aussi soumettre des messages pour la note 
hebdomadaire sans être membre ? Il vous suffit de vous connecter sur avec votre compte OSM. Pour en savoir plus 
sur la rédaction d'un article, cliquez ici:

hebdoOSM ? 
Qui : 
Où :
Talk-africa mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] DJI Fly SafeGEO ZONE MAP uses OSM data... without attribution

2019-03-19 Per discussione Nuno Caldeira
I don't see other data than airports in Taiwan. As I mentioned on the
initial, I'm talking about the military facilities and prisons, not
airports. China also don't have military facilities on their map, being a
Chinese company they probably filtered it.

A terça, 19/03/2019, 11:28, Dennis Raylin Chen 

> Not in Taiwan.
> They just use the data release by the authorities. No data from
> OpenStreetMap.
> Dennis
> On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 6:55 AM Nuno Caldeira <
>> wrote:
>> Was curious where DJI managed to get a worldwide DB of polygons of
>> military facilities and points of prisons, triple checked with a couple of
>> other users of OSM at Telegram and with polygons i added seven years ago.
>> Without a doubt its from OSM, the coordinates of the vertices matches OSM
>> perfectly. The names are also the same...
>> Check yourself, head to select
>> your country, zoom in and check the data. Airports restriction areas seems
>> not to be OSM data, but from other source.
>> Share your examples if you will.
>> Again, sadly no attribution... tried to request via Twitter
>> silent as in moon why would they reply to a contributor blah. The Pandora
>> box has been opened with exceptions about the attribution, if other don't
>> attribute, why would they?
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] Nottingham (& Edinburgh) pub meetings tonight

2019-03-19 Per discussione SK53
Just a reminder that we are in the Lincolnshire Poacher tonight.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] DJI Fly SafeGEO ZONE MAP uses OSM data... without attribution

2019-03-19 Per discussione Dennis Raylin Chen
Not in Taiwan.

They just use the data release by the authorities. No data from


On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 6:55 AM Nuno Caldeira 

> Was curious where DJI managed to get a worldwide DB of polygons of
> military facilities and points of prisons, triple checked with a couple of
> other users of OSM at Telegram and with polygons i added seven years ago.
> Without a doubt its from OSM, the coordinates of the vertices matches OSM
> perfectly. The names are also the same...
> Check yourself, head to select
> your country, zoom in and check the data. Airports restriction areas seems
> not to be OSM data, but from other source.
> Share your examples if you will.
> Again, sadly no attribution... tried to request via Twitter
> silent as in moon why would they reply to a contributor blah. The Pandora
> box has been opened with exceptions about the attribution, if other don't
> attribute, why would they?
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] améliorer les panneaux entrée et sortie de ville

2019-03-19 Per discussione marc marc
Le 19.03.19 à 12:03, Bernard Lefrançois a écrit :
> Est-ce que quelqu'un a un avis sur ma proposition d'utiliser le champs 
> [value] décrit dans le wiki/Key:traffic_sign
> "Where the traffic sign requires a value, you can supply it after the ID 
> using brackets |[value]|."
> traffic_sign=FR:EB20[Ville1];EB10[Ville2]

techniquement rien n’empêche d'ajouter le champ [value]

niveau "légal", je me demande si cela un sens (le panneau n'est
pas de type "FR:EB20[Ville1]"
quand on regarde avec une 
recherche sur [
c'est surtout les vitesses qui sont renseignée.

au niveau pratique, il y a une majorité écrasante qui
renseigne l'effet du panneau (city_limit) au lieu de la ref officiel
du type de panneau

pour contenter tout le monde, on peux imaginer :
- traffic_sign=city_limit sur le way
- traffic_sign=FR:EB20[Ville1];EB10[Ville2] à l'endroit précis du poteau
même si je reste d'avis que les noms des agglos sont mieux renseigné
par un polygone d'aglomération (par ex boundary=urban et/ou place=city)
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] améliorer les panneaux entrée et sortie de ville

2019-03-19 Per discussione Bernard Lefrançois

Le 18/03/2019 à 23:02, deuzeffe a écrit :

Aucun avis sur la proposition (pas assez aguerrie, je suis).

En revanche, j'abonde avec le fait qu'on ne peut pas mettre 2x2 
panneaux sur le même nœud, et pourtant sur le terrain, de nombreux 
panneaux doubles sont pile face à face sur le bas-côté droit de chaque 
voie. Et comme je ne sais pas faire, je n'y ai pas touché dans ma zone.

Ben, pourquoi pas?

Dans ton cas, je suppose que tu places le nœud sur le highway.

Cas d'un panneau à 2 indications orienté dans un sens, et un autre 
panneau à 2 indications de l'autre côté de la route, orienté dans 
l'autre sens, tagués sur un seul nœud:


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] améliorer les panneaux entrée et sortie de ville

2019-03-19 Per discussione Bernard Lefrançois

Le 19/03/2019 à 10:02, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :
Ou avec Mapillary : 

Je suis tombé sur le même cas mais avec sur le même poteau les entrées 
et sortie inverse.
Est-ce que quelqu'un a un avis sur ma proposition d'utiliser le champs 
[value] décrit dans le wiki/Key:traffic_sign
"Where the traffic sign requires a value, you can supply it after the ID 
using brackets |[value]|."

Je me suis posé la question si [value] pouvait être de type "string" 
mais je me dis pourquoi pas?

Dans la sémantique OSM on décrit bien un attribut par key=value
(value n'ayant pas un sens strict de Valeur numérique).

Car, en une seule ligne on dirait tout:


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Code officiel géographique de l'Insee

2019-03-19 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

Le 19/03/2019 à 11:28, Rpnpif - a écrit :

C'est quoi le nom normalisé ?

Le nom avec des tirets à la place des espaces.

Une norme (de fait ?) dont avait parlé Philippe Verdy entre autres dans
un message il y a quelques mois.

Christian parle aussi souvent de ce tiret cadratin.

Dans ce cas on est d'accord, tout comme mettre les accents sur les

Je me demandais si ça allait au delà style Le Bono/Bono.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] import di 1632 link wikidata

2019-03-19 Per discussione Andrea Enzo
mi spieghi questa tua scelta?
Posso aiutarti in qualche maniera? 

+1 per cacaspilli 藍

Il 19 marzo 2019 09:01:12 CET, Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi 
 ha scritto:
>Ciao Ale,
>mi rendo conto che tu possa sentire astio nei confronti di una parte
>mappatori che fanno i cacaspilli, ma una reazione del genere mi
>non solo eccessiva ma anche estremamente deleteria, Ricorda che
>tutti i tuoi contributi comporterebbe l'eliminazione di tutto quello
>che è
>successo dopo, una bomba nucleare su genova in pratica (non sono
>sicuro che la licenza te lo consenta).
>Ho comunque scritto i miei 2 cent nella discussione al changeset. NOn
>perché mai un matching OSM/Wikidata dovrebbe aver bisogno di esser
>On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 9:20 AM Alessandro P. via Talk-it <
>> wrote:
>> Buongiorno lista,
>> ieri questo changeset
> è
>> stato commentato con "Can you link to a discussion confirming that
>> automated edit was accepted by OSM community?"
>> Pur non essendo l'autore di questo import, sto valutando se
>> al DWG che ogni mio contributo su OSM venga eliminato.
>> Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
>Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
>skype: asca_edom

Inviato dal mio dispositivo Android con K-9 Mail. Perdonate la brevità.___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] plusieurs traffic_sign sur un poteau

2019-03-19 Per discussione Rpnpif
Le 18 mars 2019, marc marc a écrit :

> Le 18.03.19 à 21:36, Florimond Berthoux a écrit :
> > comment mettre plusieurs panneau sur un même nœud (un même poteau) ?
> > proposition:
> > traffic_sign:forward:1=toto
> > 1 étant l'ordre de haut en bas sur le poteau.  
> propose :
> - un autre ordre traffic_sign:no:forward
> - pas de :1 pour le premier (ce qui permet au moins à celui là
> d'être utilisable par tous)
> - de mettre chaque panneau sur un nœud différent au même endroit (ce
> qui pose des soucis dans plusieurs éditeurs)
> je me demande s'il y a la moindre app capable d'utiliser ce micro mapping.
> perso je préfère rester dans le schéma classique hors propal

Il y a déjà direction=* qui est bien pratique.

Alain Rpnpif

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Code officiel géographique de l'Insee

2019-03-19 Per discussione Rpnpif
Le 18 mars 2019, a écrit :

> >> Une discussion précédente avait dit qu'on mettait le nom normlsié dans
> >> name=* et le nom officiel dans official_name=*  
> C'est quoi le nom normalisé ?

Le nom avec des tirets à la place des espaces.

Une norme (de fait ?) dont avait parlé Philippe Verdy entre autres dans
un message il y a quelques mois.

Alain Rpnpif

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Les portes de Paris

2019-03-19 Per discussione djakk djakk
Même problématique avec les stations de métro dont le nom defini le
quartier ;)

Les portes correspondent au carrefour sur les Maréchaux, en tout cas c’est
ce qu’indiquent les panneaux directionnels pour celles qui sont indiquées.

Julien « djakk »

Le mar. 19 mars 2019 à 10:44, Florimond Berthoux <> a écrit :

> Globalement d'accord avec toi Althio.
> Je voudrais insister sur le fait qu'un point place=locality me semble pas
> suffisant du tout, où le placer ? sur le boulevard, sur le periph, sur les
> rails du tramway, aux arrêt de bus ?
> Historiquement c'était assez simple, la porte c'était la porte, un unique
> lieu de passage, aujourd'hui c'est plusieurs lieux.
> Finalement je me dis que la porte n'existant plus, la notion de porte est
> portée par ces dérivés : arrêt de bus/tram, bretelle de périph, avenue, si
> bien qu'on pourrait retirer le nœud place=locality.
> Et j'aime pas cette définition de locality "pas de population", alors que
> c'est évidemment faux pour les portes de Paris.
> Je ne sais quoi décider, ajouter un place=gateway ?
> (Ça va se terminer en changeant rien, mais on peut rajouter les quartiers
> importants tout de même :D)
> Le lun. 18 mars 2019 à 22:46, althio  a écrit :
>> Presque pareil que Jean-Yvon pour moi :
>>> > Place=locality n'est pas un point, c'est un lieu sans habitant, les
>>> (quartiers) des "portes" de Paris sont maintenant habitées.
>>> Et actuellement personne n'habite sur une porte.
>>> Donc locality me va bien. Si par contre des quartiers s'appellent du nom
>>> de la porte d'à côté alors il faut mettre un contour et
>>> suburb/neighbourhood/quarter.
>> Un point avec place=locality : très bien pour les véritables lieux des
>> "Portes".
>> Je préfère un point, mais à la limite pourquoi pas un polygone qui
>> englobe les voies, le carrefour, de manière très étroite, mais pas les
>> bâtiments.
>> C'est le point exact si on vise une navigation avec cette destination ou
>> un passage par ce point.
>> Un point (ou un polygone qui englobe les habitations du quartier) avec
>> place=suburb/neighbourhood/quarter : si et seulement si il y a un véritable
>> quartier avec une existence locale, qui répond à ce nom.
>> Pour Porte d'Orléans, tout à fait, il me semble que c'est suffisamment
>> reconnu pour être un nom de quartier ("J'habite à Porte d'Orléans", en plus
>> des commerces, aménités et arrêts de transport en commun qui reprennent le
>> nom).
>> Il y aurait quand même un travail de recensement des portes et de leur
>> reconnaissance en tant que quartier, pour affecter le bon niveau de
>> place=suburb/neighbourhood/quarter aux lieux qui pourraient en
>> bénéficier... et puis estimer leur "centre" ou leur "périmètre".
>> On Sun, 17 Mar 2019 at 11:13, djakk djakk  wrote:
>>> Salut !
>>> Un peu perdu dans toutes les sous-discussions, j’en relance une :)
>>> C’est moi qui avait initié la cartographie des portes de Paris.
>>> Actuellement c’est le nom d’un carrefour, souvent marqué sur les panneaux
>>> routiers. Mais certaines portes sont très proches les une des autres : si
>>> la Porte d’Orléans peut être le nom du quartier, la porte de Montrouge
>>> toute proche n’en est pas un. Elle ferait partie du quartier « porte
>>> d’Orléans » .
>>> @+
>>> Julien « djakk »
>>> ___
>>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> --
> Florimond Berthoux
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [vélo] Introduction d'un tag complexe pour décrire les DSC sur bande dans le wiki

2019-03-19 Per discussione marc marc
Le mer. 13 mars 2019 à 22:11, Charles MILLET

> dans la pratique le opposite_lane est bien utilisé et parfaitement 
> interprétable.

sur la ml tagging, une des critiques est que qui dit opposite_lane (les 
vélos sont permis sur une bande dans le sens opposé au traffic),
dit que la route (pour les non-vélo) est en sens unique.
hors 6% de ces way n'ont pas le tag sens-unique.
pour couper l'herbe sous le pied de cette critique un peu légère (on ne 
change pas de schéma parce qu'il y a qlq erreurs humaines) et améliorer 
les données, Markus propose de les passer en revenue et de les corriger 
(soit la rue n'est plus en sens unique et opposite_lane devient sans 
doute lane, soit ajouter le tag manquant sens unique)
181 pour la France
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] A source for mapping New York City never more than two days old

2019-03-19 Per discussione Ilya Zverev
Hi folks,

Since last August I work at Juno, a ride-sharing service operating in New York 
City only, and recently I found out we have something to share with the 
OpenStreetMap community. We took all our GPX traces received from drivers and 
published these on a tile layer under an open license. Now, instead of one 
wobbly track a day on a standard GPS layer, NYC mappers can enable Juno GPS 
layer with tens of thousands of tracks — and that is not even the greatest part.

No data on our GPS layer is older than two days. If you see a line over a 
closed part of a road, you can be sure a taxi driver rode over it very 
recently. No leftover mess from 2009, and no puzzling over which is right, a 
satellite imagery or a gpx track. Sure, it is only for New York, but with this 
geodata source, we aim to inspire employees of other companies to do the same. 
Our map is called street map, so why not have the best, most recent street map 
of all?

Of course, one cannot expect from mappers to validate the whole big city daily, 
so we have other internal means of map validation. But for a source, this one 
should serve as a definitive proof for everything street-related. I hope this 
might show you a glipse at a future of OSM mapping sources: when you trace not 
a years-old imagery, but a series of super-fresh thematic layers.

And no, we don’t plan to do any automated mapping using this layer. New York is 
mapped nearly perfectly: just one out of thousand taxi rides encounters some 
minor error, like a wrong turn restriction. I just hope other companies could 
provide such validation for other cities they operate in.

See the announcement in the diary: 

And explore our GPS traces yourself: 

Have a nice mapping time,
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Les portes de Paris

2019-03-19 Per discussione Florimond Berthoux
Globalement d'accord avec toi Althio.
Je voudrais insister sur le fait qu'un point place=locality me semble pas
suffisant du tout, où le placer ? sur le boulevard, sur le periph, sur les
rails du tramway, aux arrêt de bus ?
Historiquement c'était assez simple, la porte c'était la porte, un unique
lieu de passage, aujourd'hui c'est plusieurs lieux.

Finalement je me dis que la porte n'existant plus, la notion de porte est
portée par ces dérivés : arrêt de bus/tram, bretelle de périph, avenue, si
bien qu'on pourrait retirer le nœud place=locality.
Et j'aime pas cette définition de locality "pas de population", alors que
c'est évidemment faux pour les portes de Paris.

Je ne sais quoi décider, ajouter un place=gateway ?

(Ça va se terminer en changeant rien, mais on peut rajouter les quartiers
importants tout de même :D)

Le lun. 18 mars 2019 à 22:46, althio  a écrit :

> Presque pareil que Jean-Yvon pour moi :
>> > Place=locality n'est pas un point, c'est un lieu sans habitant, les
>> (quartiers) des "portes" de Paris sont maintenant habitées.
>> Et actuellement personne n'habite sur une porte.
>> Donc locality me va bien. Si par contre des quartiers s'appellent du nom
>> de la porte d'à côté alors il faut mettre un contour et
>> suburb/neighbourhood/quarter.
> Un point avec place=locality : très bien pour les véritables lieux des
> "Portes".
> Je préfère un point, mais à la limite pourquoi pas un polygone qui englobe
> les voies, le carrefour, de manière très étroite, mais pas les bâtiments.
> C'est le point exact si on vise une navigation avec cette destination ou
> un passage par ce point.
> Un point (ou un polygone qui englobe les habitations du quartier) avec
> place=suburb/neighbourhood/quarter : si et seulement si il y a un véritable
> quartier avec une existence locale, qui répond à ce nom.
> Pour Porte d'Orléans, tout à fait, il me semble que c'est suffisamment
> reconnu pour être un nom de quartier ("J'habite à Porte d'Orléans", en plus
> des commerces, aménités et arrêts de transport en commun qui reprennent le
> nom).
> Il y aurait quand même un travail de recensement des portes et de leur
> reconnaissance en tant que quartier, pour affecter le bon niveau de
> place=suburb/neighbourhood/quarter aux lieux qui pourraient en
> bénéficier... et puis estimer leur "centre" ou leur "périmètre".
> On Sun, 17 Mar 2019 at 11:13, djakk djakk  wrote:
>> Salut !
>> Un peu perdu dans toutes les sous-discussions, j’en relance une :)
>> C’est moi qui avait initié la cartographie des portes de Paris.
>> Actuellement c’est le nom d’un carrefour, souvent marqué sur les panneaux
>> routiers. Mais certaines portes sont très proches les une des autres : si
>> la Porte d’Orléans peut être le nom du quartier, la porte de Montrouge
>> toute proche n’en est pas un. Elle ferait partie du quartier « porte
>> d’Orléans » .
>> @+
>> Julien « djakk »
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Florimond Berthoux
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Measuring building height

2019-03-19 Per discussione Brian Prangle
There are also theodolite apps for smartphones

On Tue, 19 Mar 2019, 00:17 Rob Nickerson,  wrote:

> For building heights why not try using a laser measure? Those with a
> Pythagoras Measurement mode should automate the calculations for you.
> Price has fallen a lot over the years. Seems like even a basic £30 device
> is sufficient.
> Best regards,
> Rob
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] améliorer les panneaux entrée et sortie de ville

2019-03-19 Per discussione Jérôme Seigneuret
Ou avec Mapillary :

Je suis tombé sur le même cas mais avec sur le même poteau les entrées et
sortie inverse.

C'est bien l'exemple que je souhaite mettre en avant.

Le lun. 18 mars 2019 à 21:37, marc marc  a
écrit :

> Le 18.03.19 à 21:16, Ralf Treinen a écrit :
> > On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 09:11:59PM +0100, Ralf Treinen wrote:
> >> On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 04:05:34PM +0100, Charles MILLET wrote:
> >>> Plutôt que name:in et name:out je crois que name:exit et name:entrance
> seraient
> >>> plus proche de ce que se fait déjà.
> >>
> >> Comment gérer le cas où le panneau est sur la frontière entre deux
> communes,
> >> c-a-d la sortie d'une commune est l'entrée de l'autre ?
> >
> > Désolé j'ai envoyé ce mail avant de voir la proposition de Bernard
> > de mapper dans ce cas deux panneaux différents.
> les exemples de Bernard sont des entrées/sortie d'agglomération,
> pas de commune.
> pour ma part je ne fais rien avec l'info commune,
> elle existe déjà dans la relation de la commune.
> mais c'est facilement ajouté dans le tag inscription=*
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Jérôme Seigneuret
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in Ireland

2019-03-19 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny

Old style wikipedia link is one where language is stored in key, not in

For example "wikipedia:en=Ireland" is an old style link, while
"wikipedia=en:Ireland" is a form that is currently standard.

Many old-style Wikipedia links remain and updating them to new style
manually is boring, tedious and some mistakes may appear during this.

Some OSM elements have old-style Wikipedia link without new tag what
means that this data is harder to process for editors and data

Also, remaining old-style Wikipedia tags confuse mappers, especially
less experienced.

Therefore I propose to run an automatic edit that will replace
old-style Wikipedia links with current style of Wikipedia links.

Please comment no matter what you think about this idea! I will not
make the edit without a clear support so please comment if you think
that it is a good idea and if you think that it should not be done.

Plan is as follows:

I will take full responsibility for all edits and if anything goes
wrong I will fix it.

Editing is limited to objects with old-style Wikipedia tags is not
conflicting with existing wikipedia=* or wikidata=* tag or other
old-style wikipedia tags.

Links detected as invalid (leading to disambigs, articles about humans,
animals, plants, events etc) are also skipped

Each changeset contains a single element or group of close elements to
avoid edits spanning across large areas (it is impossible in cases
where edited object itself spans very large area)

After every changeset bot sleeps for one minute.

This is proposed as reoccurring edit and may be made as soon as new
old-style wikipedia links appear.

documentation page on OSM Wiki is at

I have experience with automatic edits. exactly the same task was run
in Poland to remove more than 6000 old-style Wikipedia links what was
completed without any issues.

I recently processed also old-style Wikipedia tags across USA. 

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Places PMR ?

2019-03-19 Per discussione Vincent Bergeot

Le 18/03/2019 à 20:49, marc marc a écrit :

Le 18.03.19 à 18:02, Vincent Bergeot a écrit :

je n'imagine pas amenity=parking_space, capacity=8 et capacity:disabled=2

et pourtant si tu n'as d'image sat pour faire + précis,
tu peux faire un polygone devant l'entrée d'un magasin
et mettre de mémoire qu'il y a plusieurs places dont 2 PMR.
je trouve que c'est une erreur de se baser sur un tag capacity
pour décrire une restriction d'accès.

effectivement dans ce cas j'ajoute plutôt amenity=parking capacity=8 et 

je ne fais pas des places de parkings dans ce cas. Je crois que cela 
vient vraiment de ma représentation des places de parkings en mode 
unitaire, et donc pour moi en fait c'est un parking quand il y a 
plusieurs places de parkings !!!

   * parking_space=disabled

je trouve ce tag ambigu donc peux utilisable.
il a été utilisé avant d'être définit précisément.
du coup tu ne sais pas si le contributeur a voulu renseigner
la restriction d'accès ou l'accessibilité réelle.

ok, pour moi c'est vraiment la restriction d'accès (comme il peut y 
avoir des places pour les familles, pour les voitures de locations, pour 
les co-voiturages, ...). Et pas du tout l'accessibilité réelle, qui dans 
le cas des PMR pourra être renseignée par wheelchair et autres.

et le site renseigné sur le wiki comme l'utilisant,
ne semble plus l'utiliser. ex
(la surcouche est en 404)
c'est pour moi un bon candidat à être déprécié en faveur
de tag + précis :) mais c'est le + courant :-(

ok, pourquoi pas !

à propos de la restriction d'accès (disabled ou access:disabled)
j'avais vu je ne sais plus où un argument sur le conflit de mettre
disabled dans le nom du tag parce que les tag d'accès à gauche (les
clefs) sont des moyens de transport tandis que les usages sont à droite
(en valeur).

cela voudrait dire par exemple access:car=disabled  et cela pourrait 
marcher aussi pour carpool, family, rental, ...

j'aime bien cette idée, si cela peut en plus s'inclure dans un schéma 
cohérent plus général

la conséquence de mixer des utilisateurs dans la partie gauche
se pose par exemple lorsqu'on veux renseigner une place avec double
condition : les places PMR d'un magasin access=destination + disable=yes
Selon la logique de tous les autres tag d'accès (ex access=destination
foot=yes), c'est permis si on respecte au moins une condition non
surchargée access=destination ou disable=yes
du coup tu ne sais pas décrire les conditions multiples.
la solution que j'avais vu et utilisé était :
access=no + access:conditional=designated␣@␣disabled (yes au lieu de
designated fait aussi l'affaire)
215 utilisations mondiales dont sans doute bcp de moi

whaou !!!

Du coup, je met pour le moment les 2 (parking_space=disabled et accces)
en plus des 2 autres (capacity et wheelchair) pour favoriser
l'utilisation des données, mais c'est vraiment pas top.

donc cela donne pour une place de parking  PMR :





et si l'accessibilité est réelle wheelchair=yes

ce que je trouve un peu complexe du coup.

pour un vélo amenity=bicycle_parking, dommage que personne n'est pensé 
un disabled_parking

à plus

Vincent Bergeot

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] import di 1632 link wikidata

2019-03-19 Per discussione Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
Ciao Ale,
mi rendo conto che tu possa sentire astio nei confronti di una parte dei
mappatori che fanno i cacaspilli, ma una reazione del genere mi sembrerebbe
non solo eccessiva ma anche estremamente deleteria, Ricorda che cancelare
tutti i tuoi contributi comporterebbe l'eliminazione di tutto quello che è
successo dopo, una bomba nucleare su genova in pratica (non sono neppure
sicuro che la licenza te lo consenta).

Ho comunque scritto i miei 2 cent nella discussione al changeset. NOn vedo
perché mai un matching OSM/Wikidata dovrebbe aver bisogno di esser


On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 9:20 AM Alessandro P. via Talk-it <> wrote:

> Buongiorno lista,
> ieri questo changeset è
> stato commentato con "Can you link to a discussion confirming that this
> automated edit was accepted by OSM community?"
> Pur non essendo l'autore di questo import, sto valutando se richiedere
> al DWG che ogni mio contributo su OSM venga eliminato.
> Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
skype: asca_edom
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] new OpenStreetCam competition

2019-03-19 Per discussione Ross Scanlon

Hi Martijin,

When an upload completes how long should it take to show on the website?



On 19/03/19 01:08, Martijn van Exel wrote:


We had a good time with the first OpenStreetCam competition, the 
winners received their prizes, and we decided to hold another one. The 
main prize this time is an OSC Waylens Horizon camera. This is a 
fairly nifty device that lets you automatically record and upload to 
OSC. The competition is open now until April 15th. As before, just 
collect more OSC points than other mappers to win. Read details on the 
Telenav ImproveOSM blog: .

* A previous blog post 
the impact of competition number 1
* the OpenStreetCam JOSM plugin 
just updated with some new features as well.

Let me know if you have any questions, and Happy mapping!
 Martijn van Exel 

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-it] import di 1632 link wikidata

2019-03-19 Per discussione Alessandro P. via Talk-it

Buongiorno lista,
ieri questo changeset è 
stato commentato con "Can you link to a discussion confirming that this 
automated edit was accepted by OSM community?"

Pur non essendo l'autore di questo import, sto valutando se richiedere 
al DWG che ogni mio contributo su OSM venga eliminato.

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Correct way to tag pedestrian crossings with traffic signals

2019-03-19 Per discussione Marc Gemis
Hallo Thomas,

I only use the second method. If I see the first one, I add the nodes
for the crossings, tag them as in the second way and remove
crossing=traffic_signals from the original node.



On Tue, Mar 19, 2019 at 1:04 AM Thomas Manson  wrote:
> I am trying to determine the best way to tag pedestrian crossings.
> These are the map features that I am trying to tag: 
> and 
> They are currently tagged:
> crossing:traffic_signals
> highway:traffic_signals
> However, on the page 
>, there 
> appears
> to be 2 ways to tag this, with the alternative being:
> highway:crossing
> crossing:traffic_signals
> for the cases (like this is) where the pedestrian crossing is not separately 
> mapped - in this case it is only a pedestrian crossing, not an intersection.
> My reading is that the second way is preferred for this type of crossing. Am 
> I correct?
> Regards,
> Thomas
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list