Re: Announcement - FAQ addition

2000-09-24 Thread Rev. Bob 'Bob' Crispen

The bat of happiness fluttered its wings and whispered to me that
Marck D. Pearlstone said on Sunday, September 24, 2000:

> I am pleased to announce a new page on the TB FAQ web site.

> Allie (Curtis Martin) has written a wonderful section on the use of
> templates and this has now been added to the FAQ. You can read this
> new info on

Thank you.  As you can see from the first line of this post, I found
it pretty useful.  ;-)
Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen
crispen at hiwaay dot net

"His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity."

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Re: Digest (09/25/2000 02:57) Special Issue (#2000-335)

2000-09-24 Thread Clearwater Landscapes

Hi Marck,

CL>> To respond to your message, I highlighted the above and hit F4,
CL>> but all that came up was my template (so I had to Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V
CL>> to copy it here). No error messages, the quoting just doesn't
CL>> show up in the reply.

Tmtdc> A thought dawns ... does your reply template still include the %QUOTES
Tmtdc> macro? Without that, TB has nowhere to place the quoted text.

Tmtdc> (CCing to you personally since I see you subscribe to the digest).

Many thanks Marck. That was the problem, and as I thought, one
that was so obvious that I should have found it myself.

Best Regards,
 Dan Eskelson

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Re[2]: wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)

2000-09-24 Thread Rev. Bob 'Bob' Crispen

The bat of happiness fluttered its wings and whispered to me that
Tony Boom said on Sunday, September 24, 2000:

>   Can I, as a subscriber to a discussion list about The Bat e-mail
>   client, call upon the odd moderator or two, to ask that the Bat/Becky
>   comparison be moved onto TBOT or whatever the new Bat versus other
>   e-mail clients list is please.

Warning -- one of the periodic meta-discussions that generate huge
amounts of low-value traffic on lists all over the world follows!

I dunno, if we're interested in improving the TB! as well as learning
how to use it, I don't think comparisons (as opposed to advocacy) are
all that bad.  If I knew of a good feature in Exchange Client (sweet
Jesus, if I only knew of *one*) I think it might not be OT to bring it
up here.

>   If I want to know how good Becky or Eudora or calypso is, I would
>   subscribe to the relevant list.
OMG!  There's a list of people who think Eudora and Calypso are

Rev. Bob "Bob" Crispen
crispen at hiwaay dot net

If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize world
peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be until the
looting started. 

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Re: wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)

2000-09-24 Thread Karin Spaink

On 25-09-2000 at 00:05, Tony Boom kindly wrote:
>   Andrzej ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed:

A>> Hi! There  are other minor nice implementations in the interface of
A>> Becky that I like:

>   If, and that's a big IF... Becky is so good and that is your chosen
>   e-mail client which you are quite obviously using, why are you
>   subscribed to a mailing list primarily for users of The Bat e-mail
>   client?

I don't claim to speak for others, but some of us are (or
very recently) were in need of making up their mind.
That in itself is a good reason to discuss the comparative
merits of one mailer to the other. Plus, through these
discussions, I have seen people coming up with nice
suggestions for TB. So all in all, I don;t mind them at all.

>   You have absolutely no chance of converting a Bat user over to Becky.

He's not trying to, is he?

>   If I want to know how good Becky or Eudora or calypso is, I would
>   subscribe to the relevant list.
Right now, I am explaining the merits of TB on
comp.mail.eudora ms-windows. Would you rather have me
abstain from doing that? ;-)

- K -


Maybe us NOT feeling so good about ourselves is what took 
us so far; made us the only culture in the world where 
life is not a toss up between horror and boredom. 
  - Julie Burchill: Sex and Sensibility

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Re: Announcement - FAQ addition

2000-09-24 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Marck,

On  Sunday, September 24, 2000  at  22:27:45 GMT +0100 (which was 2:27 PM
where I live) witnesses say Marck D. Pearlstone typed:

> Greetings Bat Fans,

> I am pleased to announce a new page on the TB FAQ web site.

> Allie (Curtis Martin) has written a wonderful section on the use of
> templates and this has now been added to the FAQ. You can read this
> new info on

This is indeed a very well written discussion.  I thought I should
mention that a couple of templates were left out.  Don't forget the
Print templates (Account level and folder level, I'm not sure about
address book level).  And of course the Save Messages Templates.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal
 See header for e-mail address

 Using The Bat! 1.47 Beta/3
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)

2000-09-24 Thread Arjan de Groot

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 23:05:54 +0100, Tony Boom wrote:

>Can I, as a subscriber to a discussion list about The Bat e-mail
>client, call upon the odd moderator or two, to ask that the Bat/Becky
>comparison be moved onto TBOT or whatever the new Bat versus other
>e-mail clients list is please.



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Re: Announcement - FAQ addition

2000-09-24 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Januk,

On 24 September 2000 at 15:31:59 GMT -0700 (which was 23:31 where I
live) Januk Aggarwal wrote and made these points on the subject
of "Announcement - FAQ addition":

>> Allie (Curtis Martin) has written a wonderful section on the use of
>> templates and this has now been added to the FAQ. You can read this
>> new info on

JA> This is indeed a very well written discussion. I thought I should
JA> mention that a couple of templates were left out. Don't forget the
JA> Print templates (Account level and folder level, I'm not sure
JA> about address book level). And of course the Save Messages
JA> Templates.

Of course - a very good point or two there! Thanks for pointing these
out. I don't use either myself, which is probably why I didn't pick up
the omission. (excuses, excuses).

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 It is difficult to win an argument when your opponent
is unencumbered with logic or a knowledge of the facts.
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

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%ISSIGNATURE explanation

2000-09-24 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hello TBUDL,

Replying to your msg dated Sunday 9/24/2000
re: Digest (09/25/2000 02:57) Special Issue (#2000-335) you wrote:

JR>>  Here is one of my account "new message" templates.

JR>> ||--| Begin Template |--||


JR>>   %Cursor

JR>> --
JR>> Jan Reply to: %REPLYADDR
>  Mistake! Your template is *not* a signature ... it
> contains one. The last two lines be replaced with one which says

I'm sitll un-clear about the %ISSIGNATURE macro. Where did you *find*
the command "%QINCLUDE"? I couldn't find this anywhere

> I have had to assume above that you have given your QT a handle of

JR>> ||--| Begin Quick Template |--||
JR>> --
JR>> Jan Rifkinson
JR>> President, Bogart's Daddy, Inc.
JR>> Tel 203.431.1691
>^^^ Here is where this belongs
JR>> ||--| End Quick Template |--||

OK, so I've now done this. Now what? Again I must ask where I would
place my cursor to substitute one signature for the other. What is
supposed to happen? Everywhere I tried to insert a Quick Template
signature, the original signature ahead of the %ISSIGNATURE was not
replaced, meaning that I then had both signatures in view. Clearly
I still don't get this. Thanks again for your continued support.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re: Announcement - FAQ addition

2000-09-24 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 23:47:21 +0100, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

>>> Allie (Curtis Martin) has written a wonderful section on the use of
>>> templates and this has now been added to the FAQ. You can read this
>>> new info on

JA>> This is indeed a very well written discussion. I thought I should
JA>> mention that a couple of templates were left out. Don't forget the
JA>> Print templates (Account level and folder level, I'm not sure
JA>> about address book level). And of course the Save Messages
JA>> Templates.

MDP> Of course - a very good point or two there! Thanks for pointing these
MDP> out. I don't use either myself, which is probably why I didn't pick up
MDP> the omission. (excuses, excuses).

Same here. I clean forgot myself. I'm already thinking of where and how
to make the additions. Thanks for the suggestion Januk.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Seeing is deceiving. It's eating that's believing. "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

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Re: wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)

2000-09-24 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 23:05:54 +0100, Tony Boom wrote:

TB> If, and that's a big IF... Becky is so good and that is your chosen
TB> e-mail client which you are quite obviously using, why are you
TB> subscribed to a mailing list primarily for users of The Bat e-mail
TB> client?

In all fairness Tony, I don't think we should make those who are not
using TB! unwelcome here. There is no rule to say that you should be
using TB! to be subscribed and I don't think there ever will or should
be such a rule.

TB> You have absolutely no chance of converting a Bat user over to
TB> Becky. We've all been there, we've all done that and the only "T"
TB> shirt we wanted to buy had The Bat! written all over it.

:-) I know what you're trying to say but we should look at these sort of
posts in a more positive light. I wouldn't say that he's trying to
convert anyone but is instead sharing with us what he thinks are good
Becky features. Now I know the 'software salespeople' types do exist and
tend to invade other lists to further their agendas but I don't think
Andrej has earned such suspicion.

TB>   Yes, Becky is good... But it 'aint good enough.

I tried it myself and don't think so either.

TB> Can I, as a subscriber to a discussion list about The Bat e-mail
TB> client, call upon the odd moderator or two, to ask that the
TB> Bat/Becky comparison be moved onto TBOT or whatever the new Bat
TB> versus other e-mail clients list is please.

I've been reading the thread and am expecting that it will die a natural
death. :-) I haven't felt the urge to intervene because it's not yet
become circular and others seem to be interested, especially since there
are a lot of subscribers at present who are in a state of flux with
their decision making on which client to settle on. A comparison with
other clients may therefore be beneficial.

TB> If I want to know how good Becky or Eudora or calypso is, I would
TB> subscribe to the relevant list.

:-) I hear your cry Tony but let's leave it a bit shall we?

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Oxymoron: Smart Bomb. "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for message and sender verification.


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Re: wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)

2000-09-24 Thread Andrzej

Dear Mr. Boom!

1. I did not start this thread [TB versus Becky v.2]

2. I am not trying to "convert" anybody. Why should I? It's a pure

3. I do not like this kind of defensive behaviour. We are not
discussing any ideological matters here. 

4. I am currently using both programs and trying to find the best one to
suit my needs

5. Thank you, guys, for solidarity in oppression...

6. Let's not get insane about the whole thing...

7.Please read carefully.

Warm greetings from Warsaw,
Andrzej <>

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Re: wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)

2000-09-24 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Tony,

On 24 September 2000 at 23:05:54 GMT +0100 (which was 23:05 where I
live) Tony Boom wrote and made these points on the subject
of "wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)":

TB> Can I, as a subscriber to a discussion list about The Bat e-mail
TB> client, call upon the odd moderator or two, to ask that the
TB> Bat/Becky comparison be moved onto TBOT or whatever the new Bat
TB> versus other e-mail clients list is please.

I should give you the courtesy of a reply.

TB> If I want to know how good Becky or Eudora or calypso is, I would
TB> subscribe to the relevant list.

While I sympathize with your position I agree with Karin's summation
that it is good for the growth of TB as a product that features from
competing software should be discussed in this forum.

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 When it comes to tax  - Be audit you can be!
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

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Re: %ISSIGNATURE explanation

2000-09-24 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 19:01:00 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR>>> --
JR>>> Jan Reply to: %REPLYADDR
>>  Mistake! Your template is *not* a signature ... it
>> contains one. The last two lines be replaced with one which says

JR> I'm sitll un-clear about the %ISSIGNATURE macro. Where did you *find*
JR> the command "%QINCLUDE"? I couldn't find this anywhere

Yes, it's not listed with the other macros via the template editor

What %QINCLUDE does is to place the contents of a quick template in
another template.

My TBUDL signature is a quick template with the handle name 'tbudl'

The introductory line to this message to you was also created with a quick
template with handle name 'intro'.

The text that's quoted from your message was done using another quick
template who's handle name is 'quote'.

Now look at my reply template for this list:

- -start template--


- --

- reply template---

You see? I can insert quick templates with the use of the %QINCLUDE
macro. If I didn't have the QINCLUDE macro to use, this is how my reply
template would appear.

- ---start template---
 %OFROMNAME wrote:

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "%COOKIE="F:\Program Files\The Bat!\Cookies\cookie.txt" "

Using TB! v%THEBATVERSION «» Win2k Pro SP1

%FROM="A. Curtis Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
- ---end template---

See how much more complicated and tedious it would be. Also if I use a
quick template in several locations with the %QINCLUDE macro, editing
the quick template will reflect in all templates I use it.

Have I confused you even more?

>> I have had to assume above that you have given your QT a handle of
>> "JANSIG".

JR>>> ||--| Begin Quick Template |--||
JR>>> --
JR>>> Jan Rifkinson
JR>>> President, Bogart's Daddy, Inc.
JR>>> Tel 203.431.1691
JR>>> ICQ 41116329  %ISSIGNATURE
>>^^^ Here is where this belongs
JR>>> ||--| End Quick Template |--||

JR> OK, so I've now done this. Now what? Again I must ask where I would
JR> place my cursor to substitute one signature for the other.

Create a new message. Now, place the cursor in the message body area,
anywhere but not adjacent to any other characters and type the handle
name for your signature template above followed by  What is supposed to happen?

The old signature disappears and the new one takes it's place.

JR>  Everywhere I tried to insert a Quick Template
JR> signature, the original signature ahead of the %ISSIGNATURE was not
JR> replaced, meaning that I then had both signatures in view.

That's because you did not have the %ISSIGNATURE macro in the quick
template signature.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "(A)bort (R)etry (F)ail (U)nplug & (S)ell. "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for message and sender verification.


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Re: wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)

2000-09-24 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Andrzej,

On 25 September 2000 at 01:18:22 GMT +0200 (which was 00:18 where I
live) Andrzej wrote and made these points on the subject
of "wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)":

A> 5. Thank you, guys, for solidarity in oppression...

The majority welcomes this debate and supports your right to have it

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 Beauty Shop: Dye now!
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness!


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Re: %ISSIGNATURE explanation

2000-09-24 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Hi Jan,

On 25 September 2000 at 19:01:00 GMT -0400 (which was 00:01 where I
live) Jan Rifkinson wrote and made these points on the subject
of "%ISSIGNATURE explanation":

JR> OK, so I've now done this. Now what?

Well, this example is complete of itself in that your template has
loaded the signature from the Quick Template.

JR> Again I must ask where I would place my cursor to substitute one
JR> signature for the other.

That is another issue, separate from ordinary template. The anwser?
Anywhere in the text. "Oh look - this is the wrong signature for this

JR> What is supposed to happen?

Wherever you are in the message body, type JANSIG and your
signature is swapped for the one in the quick template.

JR> Everywhere I tried to insert a Quick Template signature, the
JR> original signature ahead of the %ISSIGNATURE was not replaced,
JR> meaning that I then had both signatures in view. Clearly I still
JR> don't get this. Thanks again for your continued support.

I just changed the sig on this message three times - the third time
being back to the "MOD" signature I use for TBUDL. It doesn't matter
where the cursor is, I just type the handle and hit . It
just works. I don't know what you might be doing wrong. As long as the
QT you're using has the %ISSIGNATURE macro in it, and as long as your
message body has a signature delimiter (dash-dash-space) in it, the
signature will be "hot-swapped".

- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 Everyone is entitled to my opinion
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness!


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Re: wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)

2000-09-24 Thread Gary

Hi A,

On Sunday, September 24, 2000, 5:58 PM, you wrote in part about "wishlist (was Re: 
Main Window in Bat!)":

A> In all fairness Tony, I don't think we should make those who are not
A> using TB! unwelcome here. There is no rule to say that you should be
A> using TB! to be subscribed and I don't think there ever will or should
A> be such a rule.

Heck, half the time I say something on this list, it is from Mutt, or
EXMH, or 4 other MUAs when I am in *nux. 

Best regards,

Today's thought: Everytime I think I've hit the bottom, someone lends me a shovel. 

PGP Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=SendPGPKey

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%ISSIGNATURE explanation

2000-09-24 Thread Jan Rifkinson

Hello TBUDL,

Replying to your msg dated Sunday 9/24/2000
re: Digest (09/25/2000 05:48) Special Issue (#2000-336) you wrote:

> From: "Marck D. Pearlstone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> %ISSIGNATURE is a macro which only has relevance to Quick Templates.
> That's where it lives.

> If you invoke a Quick Template which has %ISSIGNATURE in it from
> *anywhere* in a message - in the editor or in a regular template -
> then any other signature in the message at that moment is replaced
> *immediately* with the signature in that Quick Template.

From: A. Curtis Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

JR>  Here is one of my account "new message" templates.
JR> ||--| Begin Template |--||
JR>   %Cursor
JR> --
JR> Jan Reply to: %REPLYADDR

This doesn't have to be here. It should be in your quick template
signature that you wish to replace the above signature with.

>>> -|| End Original Msg ||-<<<

I  GOT  IT  -  whopie.   Works  like a charm.  With the two of you
double  teaming  me,  it  finally  sunk  in.   Thanks so much for your

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

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Re: %ISSIGNATURE explanation

2000-09-24 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 19:39:15 -0400, Jan Rifkinson wrote:

JR> I GOT IT - whopie. Works like a charm. With the two of you
JR> double teaming me, it finally sunk in. Thanks so much for your
JR> patience.

Now aren't these templates just marvelous? 

Glad to be of help.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "The worst day fishing is better than the best day working. "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for message and sender verification.


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Re: "Created" in mailheader

2000-09-24 Thread Arjan de Groot

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 18:46:26 -0700, Jan Deppisch wrote:

[From the header:]

| Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2000 18:46:26 -0700
Do you live in Bangkok? I guess not.

>[...] But in the message list columns, where the date or time of
>the email is shown, only the other date/time appears:


>I would like to see the "correct" time (18:29 im my example) there! 
>Is this possible to set up somehow ?

Yes it is. You'll just have to set up Windows for the correct
Timezone, which in your case, I guess, should be GMT+01:00.
Changing the Timezone is easy: double-click on the little clock in the
Windows taskbar, then choose the Tab "Timezone" in the pop-up menu and
select "(GMT +01:00) Berlin, Stockholm, ...etc" from the list of
available timezones).

That should do the trick!


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Re: Anybody have an ad-remover for messages from lists?

2000-09-24 Thread tracer

Hello Marck D. Pearlstone,
On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 01:58:02 +0100 GMT your local time,
which was Sunday, September 24, 2000, 7:58:02 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

> Hi tracer,

t>> %Cursor%Quotes="%SetPattRegExp=""(?is)(.*^-BEGIN PGP SIGN
t>> ED.*?\n(Hash:.*?\n)?\s*|\A-.*---.*?\n{1,})?(.*?)
t>> (^(- --\s*\n|- ---\s*\n|--\s*\n|---\s*\n|_{40,}\s*\n|-BEG
t>> IN PGP SIGNATURE)|\z)""%RegExpBlindMatch=""%text""%SubPatt=""3"""

> This doesn't look right to me. It seems to look for the "PGP signed"
> header before the advert block, which is *not* the order in which they
> appear. Hmm.

No idea, I posted it like Alex send it. I have that original one from
you installed for pgp chopping

>  Hey .. Tracer! How about a bit of quote trimming to
> relevant text when replying? ;-) 

Ok, but I hope these expressions donot qualify for that as something
too much chopped  and it becomes useless...

Best regards,


Using theBAT 1.47 Beta/5 with Windows NT
I am using FireTalk: 321338
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Re: Announcement - FAQ addition

2000-09-24 Thread Paula Ford

"Other Mentionable Macros" - Would that be as opposed to "unmentionable"
macros? What happens if the unmentionable ones are mentioned? Sounds
scary, especially since I don't know which ones are unmentionable and no
one will be able to tell me, as they would have to mention them. ;-)

Kidding aside, great job, Allie. Keep it up and TB might soon have a
respectable Help.

Paula Ford
The Bat! 1.46c (reg)
Windows 95 4.0 Build 950

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Re[2]: PGP encrypt entire test to specific addressees

2000-09-24 Thread net5zero

Hash: SHA1

Friday, September 22, 2000, Marck D. Pearlstone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hash: SHA1

> Hi net5zero,

> On 22 September 2000 at 00:19:09 GMT -0400 (which was 05:19 where I
> live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points on the subject
> of "PGP encrypt entire test to specific addressees":

nnn>> Under PGP's options, I can set it to "encrypt new messages by default".
nnn>> But I only want to encrypt messages to certain addressees.  Is there a
nnn>> way to do this by template, macros or otherwise?

> Add the %ENCRYPTCOMPLETE or %SIGNCOMPLETE macro to your template.

With the "encrypt new messages by default" checked OR unchecked, the
message gets encrypted when completed.

I have 2 keys -- for different email address.  In the past, I recall
that *sometimes* a dialogbox will pop up and let me select the keys that
I want to encrypt to.  So, how can I get that dialog box to ALWAYS pop
up before mail is encrypted -- so that I can choose which (of my) key I
want to encrypt to?

Thanks in advance


Using The Bat! 1.44
Under Windows 95 4.0 Build 950

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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pgp 7.0

2000-09-24 Thread Peter Zhigulin


I want to upgrade my PGP instalation from 6.5.8 to 7.0
and here's a Q. Will TB! work with 7.0 version?


Using The Bat! 1.46c
under Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195

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Re: Slow changing folders

2000-09-24 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hi Deryk,

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 19:33:08 +0100GMT (25/09/2000, 02:33 +0800GMT),
Deryk Lister wrote:

>>  Nevertheless, I defrag my disk every month or so. The way output
>> onto disk works, it makes good sense. ;-)

DL> Using NTFS here, but it seems that Microsoft's old claims of it being
DL> non-fraggable are untrue :)

I never used NT, so I would have to read up on NTFS. "Non-fraggable"?
Never heard of it. How is that supposed to work (technically)? Where
did they say this? I'll read up and comment. ;-)



Message reply created with The Bat! 1.46d
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
on a Pentium II/350 MHz.

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Re: Using TB with dual boot

2000-09-24 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hi Allie,

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 12:51:32 -0500GMT (25/09/2000, 01:51 +0800GMT),
A . Curtis Martin wrote:

ML>> If memory serves (I, after all, installed TB for the first time
ML>> several months ago), TB would ask you for the location where you
ML>> would like to store your mail.

Right. But you don't have to uninstall TB and reinstall to change the
mail directory.

ACM> The other two times I moved my mail folders, I closed TB!, moved the
ACM> folders, edited the HKCU/Software/RIT/The Bat!/Users Depot entry values
ACM> appropriately and only then did I restart TB! to see things working as if
ACM> nothing had happened.

While this is a nice workaround, there is an easier way. I jsut moved
the mail directory from one of my accounts, and it worked as follows
from within TB:

1. Create the new directory on your HD. I did this on the same drive as
the previous one, but I am sure this works also with another drive.

2. Copy the whole Mail directory with all subdirectories over.

3. Start TB. Go to Account / Properties / Files&Directories.

4. Choose Home Directory / Browse. You guessed it, go to the directory
you have created.

5. Close the Account dialogue. The folders in the account don't show,
and you have zero messages. Exhale anyway.

6. Hit shft-crtl-alt-L.

7. If you have a problem with the filters, or the account properties
seemed to have disappeared, check whether all the account.* files are
where they should be. This wasn't the case, so I had to copy them over
from the old directory again, of course copied from another account's
directory and didn't understand the world. Don't do that. Copy from
the account you have moved.

8. Let us know whether it worked.



Message reply created with The Bat! 1.46d
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
on a Pentium II/350 MHz.

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Second filter does not work (WAS Re[3]: Anybody have an ad-remover for messages from lists?)

2000-09-24 Thread Gerd Ewald

Hash: SHA1


On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 05:48:44 +0700 GMT your local time,
which was 25.09.2000, 00:48 (GMT+0200) where I live, you wrote:


Tmtdc>> my 'egroup de-advertising' filter moves the advert-containing message to the
Tmtdc>> trash folder and leaves the ad-free in the Inbox.

> Why  not  directly  into  your  TB  folder, Gerd ? (Or else: what am I
> missing in understanding your setup?)

Every time I tried that, the ad-containing message was moved to the
egroups-folder, the ad-free was created and left in Inbox.

> (I'm  using  the  same  combination  of  filtering and Dirk's cut.exe,
> thanks  to Rev. Bob 'Bob"s explanation, and the Actions > Run External
> Programme string in the Filters can include any folder you like as the
> destination of the ad-stripped msgs.)

H, I am going to try this again when I'm back on Thursday (sorry, I was
urgently called; I'm already in Digest mode; that's why the threading of this
topic is broken). Maybe I made an error typing my filter.

THX anyway !


> Best(e Gruesse),

 Moderators ! The author of this mail just sent greetings in German.
He didn't insult anyone ! He does not like trouts or kippers (I assume) ;-)

- --
Best regards,
Using The Bat! Version 1.47 Beta/5

Unser Gehirn ist kein Gefäss, das gefüllt werden will,
sondern ein Feuer, das gezündet werden will.

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for authentication purposes ! Gerd Ewald


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Re: Using TB with dual boot

2000-09-24 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 14:01:31 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

ACM>> The other two times I moved my mail folders, I closed TB!, moved the
ACM>> folders, edited the HKCU/Software/RIT/The Bat!/Users Depot entry values
ACM>> appropriately and only then did I restart TB! to see things working as if
ACM>> nothing had happened.

TF> While this is a nice workaround, there is an easier way. I jsut moved
TF> the mail directory from one of my accounts, and it worked as follows
TF> from within TB:

TF> 7. If you have a problem with the filters, or the account properties
TF> seemed to have disappeared, check whether all the account.* files are
TF> where they should be.

This is exactly the problem I had when I did it this way in that I lost
all my folder settings, templates and filters. Lucky for you, you copied
the folder to the new location instead of moved it, a critical
difference in method. :-)

TF> This wasn't the case, so I had to copy them over from the old
TF> directory again, of course copied from another account's directory
TF> and didn't understand the world. Don't do that. Copy from the
TF> account you have moved.

What TB! seems to do when we changed it's working directory path was to
create basic config files in the new directory, *overwriting* the ones
we had before. This is the reason behind the apparent disappearance of
the templates, filters etc. Since you had copied the folder, you could
then easily copy back over the config files again solving the problem. I
wasn't so lucky. Admittedly it's a good idea, provided the folder is
copied and not moved. :-)

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Oxymoron: Sit up. "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

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Re: Slow changing folders

2000-09-24 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 13:52:21 +0800, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

DL>> Using NTFS here, but it seems that Microsoft's old claims of it being
DL>> non-fraggable are untrue :)

TF> I never used NT, so I would have to read up on NTFS. "Non-fraggable"?
TF> Never heard of it. How is that supposed to work (technically)? Where
TF> did they say this? I'll read up and comment. ;-)

I posted a reply to TBOT since this has now become off-topic.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Reality is an obstacle to hallucination. "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Digitally signed for message and sender verification.


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Re: Announcement - FAQ addition

2000-09-24 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 00:42:58 -0400, Paula Ford wrote:

PF> "Other Mentionable Macros" - Would that be as opposed to
PF> "unmentionable" macros?

 No. Not at all. You're sounding like a lawyer. ;-b The English
language can be a challenge at times eh?.

PF> What happens if the unmentionable ones are mentioned? Sounds scary,
PF> especially since I don't know which ones are unmentionable and no
PF> one will be able to tell me, as they would have to mention them. ;-)

I did. I said in the document, before my 'unmentionable' subtopic 
that a full list of all macros with a short description of each could be
found in the on-line help. Is that enough mentioning? :-)

PF> Kidding aside, great job, Allie. Keep it up and TB might soon have a
PF> respectable Help.

Thanks Paula.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Don't be so open-minded your brains fall out. "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

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Re: Using TB with dual boot

2000-09-24 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hi Allie,

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 01:14:49 -0500GMT (25/09/2000, 14:14 +0800GMT),
A . Curtis Martin wrote:

ACM> This is exactly the problem I had when I did it this way in that I lost
ACM> all my folder settings, templates and filters. Lucky for you, you copied
ACM> the folder to the new location instead of moved it, a critical
ACM> difference in method. :-)

Aaah, the old "keep backups before you try something new" rule does
have its merits! :-)

ACM> What TB! seems to do when we changed it's working directory path was to
ACM> create basic config files in the new directory, *overwriting* the ones
ACM> we had before.

That's why. I get it.



Message reply created with The Bat! 1.46d
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
on a Pentium II/350 MHz.

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Re[2]: wishlist (was Re: Main Window in Bat!)

2000-09-24 Thread Graham

Hash: SHA1

On Sun, 24 Sep 2000 23:05:54 +0100
Tony Boom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

TB>   Can I, as a subscriber to a discussion list about The Bat e-mail
TB>   client, call upon the odd moderator or two, to ask that the Bat/Becky
TB>   comparison be moved onto TBOT or whatever the new Bat versus other
TB>   e-mail clients list is please.

As the person who first raised the issue of The Bat vs. Becky 2, I'd
agree with this.  I only pointed out that Becky was a program to which
TB developers could cast a glance to see how TB interface could be

I'll continue to use Becky, but I like TBUDL, as TB is my second mail
client.  Just because I use Becky doesn't mean I should not contribute
or lurk on TBUDL.
Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: To get my keys send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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attachments panel horizontal?

2000-09-24 Thread Marc Weinmann


  Didn't find this in the faq.. is there a way to have the attachments
  "pane" be horizontal, rather than vertical?


Medicine can only cure curable diseases, and then not always - Chinese proverb 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] * AIM:ncl2fth * ICQ: 5354781
TB! 1.47 Beta/5 * Windows 2000

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Re: attachments panel horizontal?

2000-09-24 Thread A . Curtis Martin

Hash: SHA1

On Mon, 25 Sep 2000 02:37:24 -0400, Marc Weinmann wrote:

MW> Didn't find this in the faq.. is there a way to have the attachments
MW> "pane" be horizontal, rather than vertical?

Another ardent wish by quite a few on this list, ie, an option to do
this very thing.

- --
A. Curtis Martin..
Moderator TBUDL/TBBETA  |  PGP Key ID: 0xEE079937
PGP Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendAlliePGPKey
- ---
** "Health is the slowest rate at which one can die. "

Using TB! v1.46d «» Win2k Pro SP1

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Announcement - FAQ addition

2000-09-24 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hash: SHA1

Greetings Bat Fans,

I am pleased to announce a new page on the TB FAQ web site.

Allie (Curtis Martin) has written a wonderful section on the use of
templates and this has now been added to the FAQ. You can read this
new info on


- --
[Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
[ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]
[ PGP Key:  ]

 Rap is to music what Etch-a-Sketch is to art
 TB! v1.46d S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows 98 4.10 Build   A

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Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness!


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