Re: Make The Bat! default email application

2009-10-06 Thread Dierk Haasis
On Tue, 6 Oct 2009 12:32:24 +0100, Simon

(Privateofcourse) wrote:

>So full system integration is just a no go then..never?

I've been asking for proper integration some time back - specifically
because of the ActiveSync prob since there is no substitute for AS if
you have a Windows Mobile device.

Unfortunately this feature request/bug report isn't very high up RL's

[DH² Publishing]
Writing and Imaging

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Re: Make The Bat! default email application

2009-10-05 Thread Dierk Haasis
On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 23:57:10 +0100, Simon

(Privateofcourse) wrote:

>It's not the mailto:URL that is the problem. It's the MAPIMAIL problem!

The problem is RITLabs' API. A few years back they developed their own
MAPI DLL because there was some trouble with MS' MAPI when it came to
TB. The current implementation - SimpleMAPI handler, installable
through TB's preferences - handles only the most basic call[s].

Unfortunately TB doesn't work with Microsoft's MAPI DLL and other
progs give problems with RITLabs' MAPI DLL, i.e. ActiveSync will not

[DH² Publishing]
Writing and Imaging

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FQ: Scheduler Action Delete Message

2009-05-11 Thread Dierk Haasis
I'd like to have an additional Action for the Scheduler: Delete

Reason: Oftentimes I have messages, like vouchers, valuable only up to
a certain date; after that date they can be deleted. I'd like to
automate the process such that I get a reminder before the 'best
before' and then an automatic delete after the date if I do not delete

[DH² Publishing]
Writing and Imaging

Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Moving Account QTs to COmmon QTs

2008-12-27 Thread Dierk Haasis
On Thu, 25 Dec 2008 12:10:35 +0100, MAU

>Don't tell me, I'm just another user. Log you feature request in:

Don't take everything personal.

[DH² Publishing]
Writing and Imaging

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Re: Moving Account QTs to COmmon QTs

2008-12-25 Thread Dierk Haasis
On Wed, 24 Dec 2008 21:26:00 +0100, MAU

>You may try something, don't know if it works because I haven't tried 

What we need is the rather simple - in terms of usage - capability to
d'n'd QTs.

Consider this a feature request.

[DH² Publishing]
Writing and Imaging

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4.1.5: Thanks and more

2008-12-23 Thread Dierk Haasis

first a thanks for finally crushing my pet bug [the one where I had to
change focus of a folder before I could empty it]. At least for now it
seems to be gone.

Unfortunately I have to say that RITLabs' ordering process is more of
an obstacle than an asset. It got worse when element5/Digital River
redirected me to PayPal, where I got presented with an error message.
The service provider for RITLab's payments has trouble with Opera -
even when the browser masks as IE I couldn't throw my hard-earned
money into the gaping gullet.

Make it easy for people to buy your program!

[DH² Publishing]
Writing and Imaging

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Re: Let's write an English manual for The Bat! that is suitable for printing

2008-12-02 Thread Dierk Haasis
On Mon, 1 Dec 2008 12:31:39 +, Privateofcourse

>Yes, me too! However, the difference is that the manual that users are
>proposing to produce here is a printable manual, not an electronic manual
>for viewing/reading on a monitor.

Actually it is no more difficult to offer a printable PDF or HTML for
download than it is to come up with the CHM file. Apart from some
rather minor formatting [page breaks can be awkward] the only downside
for RITLabs is the additional traffic the PDF will generate - since
many will download it.

I'd gladly offer the PDF version if

a) RITLabs agrees [either in public or by written statement] that I am
allowed to do so,
b) RITLabs provides me with good JPEGs of their logo and one or two
image variations of the bat so I can polish up the PDF a bit.

A quick test run yesterday showed that there's one very annoying
formatting problem, which I think I can tackle in relatively short
time [hence: do it for free]. If it turns out I have to put in more
than a reasonable amount of time I will say so and either not produce
the PDF or ask for a little bit of compensation.

After all, The Bat! is a commercial product and my time is precious,

[DH² Publishing]
Writing and Imaging

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Re: Model/view design for text editor

2002-12-27 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Allie!

On Friday, December 27, 2002 at 11:55:50 PM you wrote:

>>> It's pretty clear already.  The bottom line is that everyone (I hope)
>>> using the program has paid to do so.  It is completely within reason
>>> to want a little bit more from your investment.

DH>> Well, I paid for a programme "as is", not because it may in the
DH>> future be what I want it to be.

> Are you implying here that users should use the program as is and
> not ask for enhancements?

Surely not. I just commented on the implication of the original

We should be happy to get enhancements *without paying again*. That is
an advantage of software over hardware. Or do you consider it your
right to ask for enhancements in your car because you paid for it? And
I don't mean repairs. I am writing about complaints that your motor
doesn't deliver the power you want. Or a slightly rougher ride than
you expected.

Isn't the big advantage of shareware to test it before deciding to buy
it and then complain.

All this sounds much more harsh than it was originally intended to be.
The thread started with a good - actually the best ever on the lists -
critique of TB's editor. Several members tried to answer it, within
reason. Then came up one or two messages telling those that like the
editor as is off.

In the last few weeks I found that ever more users seem to like TB but
want more features, not all of them unreasonable, most surely be
possible through a plug-in interface, or being optional. All in all I
find a strange trend toward making TB what other mailers are.
Sometimes even on the grounds of "variety is essential". Well, Maxxx
once (actually more than once) wrote passionately about TB first
ironing out bugs then adding features. He also kept track of feature
requests for a while and tried to sort them by importance.

Back to the editor: Leave it as it is but make it possible to use an
external editor.

Oh, I just see that this is not only a long-standing wish but also one
several times being reported as "will be in v2". Alright with me.

Not alright it is (shades of Yoda) to tell me about the "wrong" way of
TB's editor. BTW, some of the arguments used pro TB haven't even been
addressed ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

That's what Love will make you do ... (Little Milton)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: [Model/view design for text editor][27/12/2002-19:54 GMT]

2002-12-27 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Peter!

On Friday, December 27, 2002 at 9:22:28 PM you wrote:

> If there was anything else you wanted to tell us, I must say, I'm sorry, I
> didn't get it...

He tried to send me something privately.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

He who hesitates is probably right.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Model/view design for text editor

2002-12-27 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Bruno!

On Friday, December 27, 2002 at 3:16:48 PM you wrote:

> I think many problems, such as editor preference, stem from comments
> such as a and b above.  Who's definition of "natural" has been used to
> qualify TB's usage?

Not you and I. The sentences you quoted are marketing claims, not
scientifically proven ones. Which I think is obvious and not to

> We agree that the Agent editor has many shortcomings but also has a
> number of strengths.

Don't know why this paragraph was in, I never doubted Agent's
abilities. Whenever someone comes up with "add news capabilities to
TB" I strongly recommend Agent for that.

> Alas, you're now confusing e-mail with text composition.

No. Go back to my original message and you will see that I don't.

>> So, you cannot just make up a paragraph by one new line, you need two.

> Says who?  You can easily make a new paragraph in agent with a single
> new line.  This is all in implementation.

My sentence is an observation, not a god-given principle.

>> Which has become standard even in business letters

> Oh oh  Someone bringing up "standards" while trying to make an
> argument against the very use of them.

Whatever you say here about me is

 a) wrong
 b) derogatory.

I don't care if TB's editor uses any presumed standards, I want it to
work properly under certain conditions. which it does, especially
considering e-mail.

> Must be because your viewer isn't smart enough to wrap those lines. :)

No, look at the context of my rhetorical question and you'll easily
see that it is certain mailers (like OE/OL, although not exclusively
them and not under all circumstances) don't use LB/CR at the end of
a line.

> How often do I make a table in an email message?  Not very often.

So, now we are down to, "I don't do it, so leave it".

> Don't take away my freedoms in using a program because you don't
> think it's convenient for you. I don't find it very convenient
> having to constantly ALT-L.

You can use whatever you want. As I want to use what I want. What I
don't want is a variety of programmes behaving alike; that is not the
point of "choice". If someone wants HTML mail composition, use a
mailer who can do it, not TB. You don't like the editor *and* are not
comfortable with the reasons others give why they like it *and* don't
want the advice of how you can achieve what you want, go use another

That's why we need different [sic!] e-mail clients (this applies to
every artefact).

> But that functionality does seem tied to the incorrect function.  It
> would more logically be tied to auto-wrap (because that's what it's
> doing) rather than auto-format.

I am not in the least interested of which function should be labeled
how. Yes, I'd like companies to try to make up useful labels, I'd like
to have an easy way through a programme, car, cell phone, digital
camera, computer.

But that wasn't the point here, I just tried to show you (or whoever)
how to achieve what you want.

> I will point you back to your own comments regarding Agent.  Really,
> follow along. :)  Composition can be presented in any way a software
> author wants.  There are really no limits with this.  The relationship
> between composition and final text can be as similar or as obscure as
> a software author would like it to be.

And Marck and I tried to argue why it is a good idea to see during
composition how the end product looks like. ever heard the term

>> It's a feature, yes. It's wrong, no. It doesn't fit your needs, maybe.

> He, and others, including myself, are telling you is most definitely
> does not suit our needs.  No maybe about it.  It is "wrong" only in
> the sense that it does not follow normal conventions.

>  I consider a shortcoming.

Second first: Me not.

Whatever you consider "normal conventions" ... others may not.
Consider a thought experiment, a so-called "other world": If TB's
editor had been there before Word and become more popular (through
which ways ever), the normal convention would be TB's behaviour.

> It's pretty clear already.  The bottom line is that everyone (I hope)
> using the program has paid to do so.  It is completely within reason
> to want a little bit more from your investment.

Well, I paid for a programme "as is", not because it may in the future
be what I want it to be.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Todo, pero con manera (Everything, but with civility.).

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: [problems (IMAP, secure pop3, certificates, etc.)/help needed]

2002-12-27 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello James!

On Friday, December 27, 2002 at 7:17:32 AM you wrote:

> Does "version 2" have any anticipated release date?

Somewhere in the future. Sorry, the only thing known about the release
date is that the developers wok hard on it.

> Hopefully soon? I keep hearing of people reporting problems and
> shortcomings with this version and that version that are supposedly
> fixed in "version 2", but I don't believe I've heard any official
> word from RITLabs about what new features / bug fixes are in version
> 2 and when they believe they'll have either the beta or final
> product ready.

There once was an interview Marck conducted. Most of what was promised
then has now been become part of 1.6x.

BTW, there are not many bugs left in TB, and the shortcomings have
more to do with certain aspects users want.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Wer von anderen nichts erwartet, darf sich nicht wundern, wenn er
nichts erhält. (Aleks Papst)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Model/view design for text editor

2002-12-27 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Melissa!

On Friday, December 27, 2002 at 3:07:25 AM you wrote:

> You seem to like Agent's editor, and I think it's a very weak
> editor...especially in comparison to the editor in The Bat! To each
> our own. :-)

I'd really like to use TB's editor with Agent, whose editor is nothing
more than a tool to put in characters and observe a pre-defined line
length. The only good part about it is they way you can easily change
between VPF and NVPF - or was that only in message view?

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Shoot them all - let GOD sort them out. (Grandpa Simpson)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Model/view design for text editor

2002-12-27 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello marek!

On Friday, December 27, 2002 at 2:36:11 AM you wrote:

> In precisely the way other clients do. I'm not talking about
> brain-dead software like Outlook Express; I'm talking about
> *excellent* software such as Forte Agent.

Sorry, Agent uses soft-wraps during composition and will only change
that to hard-wraps during send. Luckily the developers knew the rouble
behind this and decided to soft-wrap at the pre-defined lengths -
regardless of the window size.

> Specifically, it inserts a newline character where the user didn't.
> So again, there is nothing to disttinguish. The program should
> simply respect what the user entered. If I want a paragraph break,
> I'll press Enter. If I don't, I don't.

That's not quite the right way with e-mail, the standard is to have a
LB/CR (hard-wrap) at around 72 characters; PGP and Agent, BTW, use
exactly that as default. So, you cannot just make up a paragraph by
one new line, you need two. Which has become standard even in business
letters (instead if indenting the first line of a new paragraph). You
do exactly that with TB, it recognises a new paragraph through a blank
line. As would the recipient, since indenting the first line is not
good enough for recognition on a monitor.

> The client can and should break lines at a predefined length when
> sending, and all modern email clients do so, although it isn't really
> necessary most of the time.

1) Nobody questioned that, to the contrary.
2) What Marck wrote was that the sender should *see* the message the
way it will be sent (or even received ...).
3) How come I regularly get messages - mostly from OL/OE - which don't
wrap at all, they show even lengthy posts in just one long line?

> Does it have to be the same in appearance?

Try making up a table.

> Isn't it much more convenient if you can resize the window as you're
> typing, and have the text automatically conform to the new size of
> the window - and so can the recipient?


> Isn't it more convenient when, if you add or remove some text inside
> a paragraph, the paragraph stays, rather than being split into a
> bunch of uneven lines?

You can achieve this with TB through Auto-Format, Auto-Wrap, .

> TheBat insists on inserting linebreaks where I didn't enter them.

Which it will do regardless of what you see, *as long as it conforms
to breaking lines at certain lengths*. You now can see it, with your
scheme you won't know how it looks upon sending.

> Initially, I thought it was a hitch of an early version that would
> eventually be ironed out - but now that it seems to be a
> well-entrenched feature, it's still wrong.

It's a feature, yes. It's wrong, no. It doesn't fit your needs, maybe.
Just because something doesn't works like you want it to be doesn't
make it wrong.

You know, I am now around three years on these lists using TB for
about the same time. This editor discussion pops up every few weeks,
one can always see when a new marketing wave has hit, because new
users complain about it. Every single time I've found those
complaining loudest became the most ardent converts. Like with

> (the above is what TheBat did after I inserted "it provides" into a
> previously-typed paragraph. I would now have to go back and reformat
> it to make it look good. Very awkward. )

You just had to  while your cursor is still in the paragraph.
Or use Auto-format.

> Simply put, TheBat's editor doesn't have the concept of a paragraph.

Not quite, it uses the now common business letter paragraph,
everything between two empty lines is a paragraph.

> It may be a lot of things, but it is not convenient. And all of the
> popular text-only editors for Windows (Textpad, NoteTab, Ultraedit)
> managen to avoid this problem.

All three mentioned, and Word since 2k, offer free-caret editing ike
TB, but they don't have the restriction of using only plain text with
a certain line lengths.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. (Albert Einstein)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: password on messages

2002-12-26 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Jonathan!

On Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 6:24:42 PM you wrote:

>> I might be wrong here, but as I remember that is how it works.

> I think it'd need to be placed at the end of line if the line contains
> characters, and at the beginning of the line if the line didn't
> contain characters.

Apart from the nice idea of a line containing no characters having not
the same end and begin position ...

This question can be answered by two simple experiments. Anybody


Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Lebe inkonsistent! (D.A. Wien)

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Re: [problems (IMAP, secure pop3, certificates, etc.)/help needed]

2002-12-26 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Luigi!

On Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 1:55:59 PM you wrote:

> It's not just IMAP problem. The same happens with POP3 using TLS protocol.

> I had to get and installa manually the certificate of my ISP in order to
> establish a secure communication.

> Is this a missing feature, or is a deliberate behaviour?

I'd say it's a problem with secure connections. You see, to establish
one, you need a server supporting it and the correct implementation
incl. certificates.

A feature of TB is to use the best secure method even if the server
doesn't use it. But in one of the last versions that was changed to
revert to the next possible authentication, AFAIK. When TB connects to
one of my mail servers (don't know if it is POP or SMTP) the log
always shows "unknown authentication method" but TB nonetheless

Sorry to be that vague, but this is more a question for some of our
more tech savvy members, who seem to be vacationing.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Yes, *you* can make a difference. You just have to *do* something ...
anything. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: password on messages

2002-12-26 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Allie!

On Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 12:55:12 PM you wrote:

> Where ever you have the blank lines, just put %- at the beginning
> of the line.

Not at the end?

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

That's what Love will make you do ... (Little Milton)

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Re: [problems (IMAP, secure pop3, certificates, etc.)/help needed]

2002-12-26 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Aldo!

On Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 11:47:42 AM you wrote:

> Could you advice, please, on what I should do ?

Well, TB 1.x does support IMAP only very rudimentary, it will connect
to the server and download mail. Actually IMAP in TB is currently
nothing more than POP3 via IMAP server.

Version 2 is said to have complete IMAP support.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

The First Amendment presupposes that right conclusions are more likely
to be gathered out of a multitude of tongues, than through any kind of
authoritative selection. (Judge Learned Hand as cited in New York
Times v. Sullivan)

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Re: AW: The Bat FREEZES again!

2002-12-25 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello nenad!

On Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 6:47:20 PM you wrote:

> Now I think I really wasted my money for that program I though it would
> be the onliest one, which is worth paying for.

Did you ever contemplate that TB is not the culprit?

Firstly TB never froze on me except once or twice in a very unstable
beta about one and a half to two years ago. Neither on Win95 nor XP
Home did it freeze.

Secondly you have now tested different builds of TB which are
programmed differently (even different languages) and it still freezes
your comp? A problem that is not widespread. Perhaps something else on
your system interferes. Like Zone Alarm, any firewall at all, some
malware, a wrong system configuration.

Just suggestions.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

If all men acted from enlightened self interest, the world would be a
paradise in comparison to what it is. (Bertrand Russell)

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Re: Wasted space inserted by macros.

2002-12-25 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello John!

On Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 9:41:25 AM you wrote:

> As I understand this,a "%-" is to be added to ~each~ of the macros
> above which a line of space is wasted?

Yes, this specific macro tells TB to not insert a line break.

You could also put all your macros at the end of the message; just be
sure to have any macro that attaches a file before the macro typing
out attachments.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

I think the idea of art is killing creativity. (Douglas Adams)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Feature Request I'd Like To See in "The Bat!"

2002-12-25 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Victor!

On Wednesday, December 25, 2002 at 2:28:12 AM you wrote:

> Built in calendar with mail scheduling features.
> Anniversaries, Birthdays, Holidays, Business...

Scheduling: Concur.
Full-blown calendar: No.

> I would also like to see support for newsgroups which should
> be somewhat a standard for mail clients.

It was said his will come via plug-in with v2.
I'd prefer TB stays an e-mail client. News is much more than mail and
there are at least two good news clients on the market (Gravity and
Agent, even Free Agent is very good).

I also think that mailing lists and Web fori steadily replace Usenet.

> Extract information from the body and sort to address book
> or to file.

Isn't that possible with RegEx?

> Reply without using default reply address but templates reply
> address.

I may misunderstand this, but isn't that what AB templates (perhaps in
conjunction with QTs) are for?

> A full quick template window instead of the fixed size.


> Instead of one button for all macros it should be much like
> the file menu aligned along the top for all macro
> categories.

Concur. And it should be able to access *all* macros.

> Sorting office filters window should not be a fixed size window.


> More options in the sense of one filter with check box
> options for read, replied, etc...

Hm, that is all in there, just, the usability concept is another one
than yours.

> Happy Holidays :)



Merry Christmas to all!

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Second Marriage: Another instance of the triumph of hope over
experience. (Samuel Johnson)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Bat Registration - why can't I get it?

2002-12-23 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello John!

On Monday, December 23, 2002 at 10:32:12 AM you wrote:

> I disagree.  The best customer you can have is the one you already
> have.  Proven fact.  (or myth?)

Wrongly worded. I think this myth comes from distribution department.

The customer you already have is *easier* to have as a customer.

That may sound circular but it isn't. You need much more money and
effort to get a new customer than you need to hold an existing one.

This is vital in advertising and marketing because it also tells you
to concentrate most of your efforts on *new* customers. I am actually
convinced that you cannot lose customers you already have by changing
your advertising, you lose them through bad service. Hence advertising
can solely be targeted at potential clients.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity. (Derek

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Re: Pictures

2002-12-21 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 12:44:53 AM you wrote:

> Well, I never used OL/OE, but I also had some business associates who
> sent me their vCards with every message. Quite an annoying habit. Once
> I have their details in my AB, I don't need them to attach their vCard
> again and again.

1. Nothing to do with what I wrote.

2. What you describe is a shortcoming in MS's software, you only have
the option to include vCard with every message or none at all. Another
point where TB shows its supremacy.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

The graveyards are full of people who rushed in bravely but unwisely.
(Terry Pratchett)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Pictures

2002-12-20 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Simon!

On Friday, December 20, 2002 at 12:08:07 PM you wrote:

> Let's  say a check box under your personal photo *in your personal VCard* to
> allow  sending  of  your photo,

*That* is a good idea.
Two years ago I couldn't include a portrait into my vCard because the
vCard consistently crashed OL/OE - and most of my contacts use that.
As some of them are business associates it is not a good idea to send
them messages crashing their PCs.

Hence, what I suggest is to give "Add vCard" a submenu: - with photo
- without photo
    - just photo

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Pictures

2002-12-20 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Peter!

On Friday, December 20, 2002 at 11:48:04 AM you wrote:

> Just to clear things a little bit: I was not nitpicking on "waste of
> bandwidth" because of "too much headerline" or "superfluous information
> in mails".

No problem with your arguments, actually we just took the same
approach with partly even identical wording in answering Thomas' -
hopefully tongue-in-cheek - post. As you have read by now.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Statistics are like bikinis: What they reveal is suggestive, but what
they conceal is vital.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Pictures

2002-12-20 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Friday, December 20, 2002 at 4:37:25 AM you wrote:

> If I do that, will you allow me one line for the X-Face?

Let's be perfectly honest, the best way to get rid of unnecessary
overhead would be to ban e-mail, actually computers. The Internet is
there to solve problems one would not have without them.

Take the TB lists, perfectly self-referential and therefore useless to
everyone not using TB.

That is why I hate arguments on specifics, in this case "bandwidth".
It does not hold for me, my line is wide enough to download even the
notoriously big security patches from MS in a little more than 2
minutes - and this line doesn't cost me extra for time or traffic.

I still don't want X-Face or something similar. I also don't want
people to always be exposed to my face - or whatever I chose to put
in. I like the idea of the Rogues Gallery but even that is not used
"honestly". In my experience there'll always be clowns using Bart
faces, *LotR* characters, *Star Wars* images. I don't want to see

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Only the strong survive.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Format block as quoted

2002-12-20 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Roelof!

On Friday, December 20, 2002 at 9:49:58 AM you wrote:

> But if you start the line with a space TB will never display it as
> bold.

And if it is "Bold" specifically that bothers you switch - like me -
to the PTV (Yes, your lines would have been shown in red).

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Why don't you ever see the headline, "Psychic Wins Lottery?"

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Pictures

2002-12-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello myob!

On Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 8:51:25 PM you wrote:

> Agreed. I've found it one of the plus points in Ameol, and would
> like it as an option in TB! too.

Seems to be a real killer feature.

Let's go wells and bhistles everyone!

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Life is like a sewer: What you get out of it, depends on what you put
into it! (Tom Lehrer)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Pictures

2002-12-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 8:57:48 PM you wrote:

> I do. It isn't compulsory to use, and if someone does, the overhead is
> minimal.

How can it not be compulsory. If someone sends it, I see it ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always
so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
(Bertrand Russell)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Pictures

2002-12-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Heiko!

On Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 8:11:51 PM you wrote:

> I couldn't see a point of it until I used it. It makes Emails much
> more personal if you have a picture of the sender displayed.

I don't want that.

And I don't intend to get this into a pseudo-logical/rational debate.
So don't ask why. I just don't want it.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Silence is the virtue of fools. (Francis Bacon)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Pictures

2002-12-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 4:44:18 PM you wrote:

> It would only be a handful of lines of code to include this option. I
> wouldn't call that bloat.

A few line here, a few lines there ... "Bloat" is part of a continuum,
like "heap". How much can be considered right, and when is it too

Also, one man's useful feature is another woman's bloat.

I don't want X-Image (or whatever that is called).

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself. (Ricky

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Getting 'educational' out of the headers?

2002-12-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 4:37:40 PM you wrote:

> OTOH, I was a Person when I bought TB, and now I am a Student. Should
> I ask for a refund?

I always thought it was my impression that students are not persons
... I now see that it is a common notion. ;-)

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Jede gute Tat zieht ihre Bestrafung nach sich. (Aleks Papst)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Pictures

2002-12-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Heiko!

On Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 2:27:30 PM you wrote:

> It seems that with TB, I have to press Shift-Ctrl-O to get the
> picture. Or is there a way to show it as default, like in YAM?

The picture is a bitmap only stored in the AB/vCard.

> If not, I´ll have to find out how to request a new feature... ;-)

Sad to say it is already suggested. At least through the list.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

There *is* love at first sight.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Opera and TB

2002-12-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Luc!

On Thursday, December 19, 2002 at 1:19:57 AM you wrote:

DH>> with the new beta 2 other than the M2 internal mailer is chooseable.
DH>>   And it works with TB flawlessly.
>  Could you expand a bit on this Dierk? Do you mean that you couldn't
>  point the preferences to TB! in your b1? That worked fine for me.
O7b1 and b1b were not complete, they, beside other things, lacked the
prefs for choosing an e-mail client. That was discussed on the beta
group, confirmed by various OS employees.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Second Marriage: Another instance of the triumph of hope over
experience. (Samuel Johnson)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Opera and TB

2002-12-18 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello TBUDL Members!

  Just for those members interested in the current Opera beta series,
  with the new beta 2 other than the M2 internal mailer is chooseable.
  And it works with TB flawlessly.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Marry someone you love to talk to. As you get older, conversational
skills will grow more important.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-12-16 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Spike!

On Monday, December 16, 2002 at 4:09:53 PM you wrote:

> This is why I refuse to use any M$ mailer 'product' for my
> systems.  Standards should be standards (unless you are
> MicroShaft)! This just doesn't work for me..

Just replied to change the subject.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Only the strong survive.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-12-16 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Scott!

On Monday, December 16, 2002 at 3:15:44 AM you wrote:

DH>> My own position is, we should all sign all our messages and even
DH>> encrypt it. I am not the one to tell others what is important or not.

> I would never tell others what they have to do, but if it ever comes
> to this point, where everyone *must* sign and encrypt, then you won't
> see my smiling ASCII here any longer.

I wrote "should".

> To my understanding, this is not the intent of the powers that be so
> no need for anyone to correct me on this point. Besides...wouldn't
> encrypting messages here defeat the purpose of this list? Don't we
> want as many people as possible to see the wonders of The Bat! and
> the excellent help offered here? Why would we ever want to hide the
> messages from "outside eyes" by encrypting them?

"Our" did not mean "we on this list" but everybody at all. For
practical purposes mailing-list traffic shouldn't - and, BTW, couldn't
easily - be encrypted.

> What I am not for is Using the technology here in this list day
> after day. Do you think I need a certificate to beleive that you are
> indeed Dierk?

To me it actually doesn't matter who you believe I am. It's, BTW, not
the purpose of PGP signing to ensure your believe of me as a person.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

If you ask the government for a permit, you admit to having no right!

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: pgp plugin?

2002-12-16 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Toby!

On Monday, December 16, 2002 at 6:10:52 AM you wrote:

>am I missing something?

Concerning PGP and TB: No. The menu just changed its name some time

Your sig, OTOH, was a bit excessive ... Don't forget, your messages
are archived on-line with access to everybody.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Die Trunkenheit vermehrt schön zwei schöne Dinge - Mut und Liebe.
(Jean Paul)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: question 2

2002-12-15 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Miguel!

On Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 11:05:22 AM you wrote:

> I know, I was just joking because of "the other thread". I also hate
> having to scroll down to read messages. That is why in a threaded
> environment like this list I would prefer top posting, but that would
> take us again to one of those recursive and endless discussions.

Me not. But you know that I am an ardent fighter for in line posting

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Don't let a little dispute injure a friendship.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-12-15 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Scott!

On Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 10:48:30 AM you wrote:

> Don't get me wrong...I see the point of signing and certificates when
> dealing with sensitive data and important Emails, but here?

My own position is, we should all sign all our messages and even
encrypt it. I am not the one to tell others what is important or not.

BTW, if everybody encrypted posts, nobody could be prejudiced to be
"guilty" of anything just because he encrypts (and I am not just
thinking of dictatorial nations but specifically of current
developments in Great Britain, Germany and the USA).

That signing is a good thing is out of the question ...

And why does this "bandwidth" argument often comes up to say "This
discussion should not be held"?

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Respect Yourself. (Pops Staples)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: question 2

2002-12-15 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Miguel!

On Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 10:34:51 AM you wrote:

> Bandwidth concerns? ;-)

No, readability. I am on a DSL flat rate with 2 Mbit/s download.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Ernährung ist tödlich! Jeder, der sich lange genug ernährt, ist
bislang gestorben.

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: question 2

2002-12-15 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Tony!

On Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 2:50:10 AM you wrote:

> Thanks to BOTH you and Mark for your suggestions, sometimes its the
> simplest things, (runs and hides with head down)

Tony, as a fellow user (I am *not* a moderator) I'd like to ask you
for two things concerning future messages:

1. Please use a meaningful subject.

2. Please cut away excess quotes.

Thank you!

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

He, who doth not look back, will lose his way. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: SmartBat new features?

2002-12-14 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Peter!

On Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 11:28:39 AM you wrote:

> I guess it's not for integrating different editors, but more for being
> able to switch between Editor and e.g. Calendar and whatever should
> come with "PIM" functionality which is announced.

Then I want at least the editor of my choice being in SmartBat instead
of Notepad.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Mitfreude, nicht Mitleiden macht den Freund. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: SmartBat new features?

2002-12-14 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Jim!

On Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 12:32:13 AM you wrote:

>   Are there any attempts at documenting this feature (besides the FAQ
>   which has some brief mentions of it)???

And when this new design will do what I think it will - namely
incorporating various editors into TB via SmartBat - when will others
installed on a system, like TextPad on mine, be supported?

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

The most powerful strategy in life is tit-for-tat. None other is as
successful. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.62 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: XP; TB not autodialing

2002-12-13 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Joseph!

On Friday, December 13, 2002 at 5:14:08 AM you wrote:

> Kerio PF 2.1.4. Not sure how that would matter, though, because the
> autodialing itself is independent of the firewall, and there are rules
> in place to allow the message retrieval.

XP firewall?

Took me (and a very helpful TBUDL member) five minutes to think of
that when we set up my LAN.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

The graveyards are full of people who rushed in bravely but unwisely.
(Terry Pratchett)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: About TB ON XP *freezing*

2002-12-12 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Gerard!

On Thursday, December 12, 2002 at 8:16:17 PM you wrote:

> My problems started after about 9 months of problem free operation.

Nine months seems to be the normal period before the sleepless nights,
loud noises, strange smells etc. happen.

Sorry, couldn't resist, and it was a long week,very cold, not to my
liking, with some rather bad news ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Cynic: A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not
as they ought to be. (Ambrose Bierce)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: SOT: LDAP Vs POP3 & What about PGP on XP?

2002-12-10 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Melissa!

On Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 7:29:56 PM you wrote:

> You also asked why some of us sign all our messages with PGP. I could
> give you an explanation of my *several* reasons, but it would be a bit
> too far off-topic for TBUDL. If you wish to take that to TBOT or
> private email, I'll be happy to continue the discussion.

Let me add that usually all my messages are PGP signed, until recently
my TB mailing list ones, too. As several members complained about it
once too often I decided not to make the moderator's life to hard by
inserting the %NOUSEPGP into my TB templates.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Everybody loves a winner, but when you lose, you lose alone. (William

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: SOT: LDAP Vs POP3 & What about PGP on XP?

2002-12-10 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Victor!

On Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 6:59:56 PM you wrote:

>  Can you please be kind enough to help me find it or the
>  main source to it please? Thank you

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

The two shortest books in the world? Very easy: *The Complete History
of Italian Heroes* and *A Survey of German Humour*. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: F8 to selected address book

2002-12-10 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Miguel!

On Tuesday, December 10, 2002 at 12:59:18 PM you wrote:

> It sticks until you exit TB. When you start again, Account Properties
> | General | Default address book still shows the setting I have
> selected but F8 doesn't open it.

Just changed it from "" to one of my ABs called "Privat". I
then tried , which opened "Leipzig" for me. So, didn't work at

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Statistics are like bikinis: What they reveal is suggestive, but what
they conceal is vital.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: SOT: LDAP Vs POP3 & What about PGP on XP?

2002-12-10 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Victor!

On Monday, December 9, 2002 at 12:38:52 PM you wrote:

>   I heard The Bat! doesn't use PGP 8 and heard PGP 8 is the
>   only compatible app to work with XP...

PGP 6.5.8ckt build 9 (beta) *is* compatible with WinXP and has a
plug-in for TB written by Imad Faiad himself.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Sex is hereditary. If your parents never had it, chances are you won't
either. (Murphy's Law on Sex)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Macro for PGP sign and crypt

2002-12-06 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Cedric!

On Friday, December 6, 2002 at 10:12:34 PM you wrote:

> I mean, in the howto, it says that there is a way with macro to crypt
> or sign a mail message automatically...

There are numerous ways to achieve automated signing and encrypting.
One way would be to enable in PGP preferences both options (Always
sign ... and Always encrypt ...). To not sign/encrypt every message
you then put the %NOUSEPGP macro into your templates. that's how I
avoid signing on these mailing lists.

You could also do it the other way round and use %SIGNCOMPLETE or
%ENCRYPTCOMPLETE in templates - a much more tedious way.

BTW, as for encryption the addressee needs to have his PGP key, it
would just be an annoyance if you enable "Always encrypt ...";
messages to folks without a key wouldn't be encrypted but you would be
asked to choose the key from the list or a server.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Assumptions are the mother of all screw ups. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Query re use of generic email addresses

2002-12-06 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello David!

On Friday, December 6, 2002 at 6:00:09 PM you wrote:

> Any help (in simple language) would be very much appreciated.

Since I am not quite sure I understood you correctly I can only give a
hint that may suit you: Quick Templates used for Mass Mailing (This is
a feature available from the Address Book).

With MM you can customize your posts to the people on you list such
that they get individual messages with only their own address anywhere
in it.

For an automated process one can surely utilize filters, macros and
RegExs. IIRC somewhere in the FAQ is an article by Leif Gregory on how
to set up a mailing list with TB.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

When people have problems using a design, it's not because they are
stupid. It's because the design is too difficult. (Jakob Nielsen)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: My comments about The Bat! & a question

2002-12-06 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Victor!

On Friday, December 6, 2002 at 5:12:20 PM you wrote:

>   Would asking for a customized macro on this list be a wise
>   idea? I do not write macros and learning The Bat! can go
>   from snowball to avalanche at the launch of a help file.

The very idea of this list i to ask such questions and get answers to

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62 Christmas Edition on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Military Intelligence is a contradiction in terms.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: MS Office integration

2002-12-05 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Nick!

On Thursday, December 5, 2002 at 1:05:17 PM you wrote:

> Oh dear!  Making TB! the MAPI handler prevents my (essential) OL2002 plug-ins
> from working and still doesn't fix the original problem.

OK, know what you mean. Tried it just now on my XP machine, although
TB told me it had been successful, WordXP still had the option to send
to mail client grayed out.

It could be the WinXP system security preventing TB to correctly
replace the MAPI DLL. Or we have to tweak the registry in addition to
the DLL exchange.

BTW, although I was quite sure it worked on my Win95 machine, just now
a test led to a frozen system ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

It's never too late to start all over again. (John Kay)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: SOT: the other TB! Lists are dead!

2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Eddie!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 7:54:22 PM you wrote:

> I'm writing into this ML just to hear the opinion of the others. I'm
> not getting news in the other TB! nor in other ML such as PGP KPF.
> They all on Y!groups. Di you also experience on your site this
> silence?

The lists under the Silverstones domain (TBUDL and TBBETA) have medium
traffic at the moment, the third one on this domain (TBTECH) is from
what I see quiet - as often.

TBOT did have some messages, but I don't know exactly when the last
ones came in, as I am filtering all TB related mail into one folder.
It's the olden way, before TBUDL was split up ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity. (Derek

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Eddie!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 7:47:17 PM you wrote:

> Thanks Dierk. Do you know if it in the pipe for v2?

Not sure. It is high on the wish list, though.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

In politics, stupidity is not a handicap. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: MS Office integration

2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Geoff!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 4:09:14 PM you wrote:

> On 04 December 2002, 14:46, Nick Dutton wrote:

>> Is is possible to get TB! to integrate with MS Word etc? I'd like
>> to use the

Try installing Tb as Simple MAPI handler (it's somewhere in some
Preferences of TB).

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Ein Berater ist jemand, der 49 Liebespositionen kennt, aber kein
einziges Mädchen. (Kasimir M. Magyar)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Eddie!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 2:19:23 PM you wrote:

>- is this normal?

Yes, that's actually the point of MIME.

>- what is PGP/MIME?

A standard used by some mailers (i.e. Eudora) to sign and encrypt a
message (and its attachments), and then not showing it inline but as
a MIME attachment.

>- can TB! handle this?

Not yet.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Beauty is only skin deep.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Setup an AV correctly for TB!

2002-12-04 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Eddie!

On Wednesday, December 4, 2002 at 11:24:17 AM you wrote:

> So what could be done differently to change this?

Unless there is a plug-in for TB or the AV scanner has an option to
scan incoming mail - nothing.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

You can love somebody even after knowing him for just a second. (Derek

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Setup an AV correctly for TB!

2002-12-03 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Jonathan!

On Tuesday, December 3, 2002 at 10:35:02 AM you wrote:

>>- is my current AV strong enough to handle newer kind of malisious
>>  code such as the 'eicar'?

> Ok, I have to laugh about this one line. :-)

To add something.

F-Secure is one of the strongest - if not *the* strongest - AV
programmes on the market. It uses two (the XP version: three) scan
engines. The point is to update your virus definition base regularly.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Shoot them all - let GOD sort them out. (Grandpa Simpson)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Long line

2002-12-02 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Adam!

On Monday, December 2, 2002 at 7:03:13 PM you wrote:

DH>> b) Make it a URL format.

> Can you explain?

Write your line and begin it with "http://"; ((without the quotes));
everything in the following should be written as one long word - or
use "%20" or underscores for spaces.

A URL will not be hard-wrapped.

Ah, although this works, my advice was solely tongue-in-cheek ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams, don't
have much.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Long line

2002-12-02 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Adam!

On Monday, December 2, 2002 at 2:53:39 AM you wrote:

> If you take a paragraph that is formatted fine, could you turn it into
> one long logical line, as you've probably seen many a time? I'm not
> sure what Utilities could do it.  Basic opposite of ALT L I guess.

a) What for?

b) Make it a URL format.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to
correct it.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Adding attachment to mass mail

2002-11-30 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Richard!

On Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 7:26:06 PM you wrote:

> Which path - sorry to be thick?

As I wrote earlier, someone sent me a message which is usually
processed completely automatically on my side. It gets filtered and an
auto-reply is created; this reply contains two small files (my PGP

About four weeks ago I bought me a notebook which i now my main
working computer; TB was carried over by an internal backup/restore,
which kept all my filters and templates intact. Since the notebook's
HD is partitioned in a slightly different way from the old one and I
chose to distribute certain files in a different way, some of the
paths I use as values in TB's macros didn't work anymore.

In this specific case, the %ATTACHFILE macro lines (each file uses
one) showed E:\path instead of D:\path. After I corrected that
everything worked fine.

On a side note, the same happened for my cookies line.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

The First Amendment presupposes that right conclusions are more likely
to be gathered out of a multitude of tongues, than through any kind of
authoritative selection. (Judge Learned Hand as cited in New York
Times v. Sullivan)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Anti-virus

2002-11-30 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 7:01:32 PM you wrote:

> I don't get your question. My AV-software doesn't have a plug-in
> either (PC-Cillin), but I have set it to real-time scan, so everything
> that comes in is scanned. No need for a command-line option.

Seems PC-cillin can be set to scan incoming e-mail. There may be
scanners which cannot (like F-Secure), a behaviour I like.

With my new notebook and a new version of F-Secure I have set it to
real-time-scan - actually I was fed up with every time unloading RTS,
as F-Secure does always go back to RTS when the system is started
again. But that does only work when a file in question is accessed.

For sentimental reasons and a more transparent scanning I chose to use
F-Secure's command line version for scanning of files I download with

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Wieso gilt eigentlich gerade das Nackte als anzüglich? (D.A. Wien)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Adding attachment to mass mail

2002-11-30 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Richard!

On Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 6:57:53 PM you wrote:

> But that's why I asked, we're both using it already :-(

Sorry, your signature and X-Mailer header show beta 7.

And mine works (after I corrected the path).

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Wer von anderen nichts erwartet, darf sich nicht wundern, wenn er
nichts erhält. (Aleks Papst)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Adding attachment to mass mail

2002-11-30 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Richard!

On Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 6:42:08 PM you wrote:

> No, all the same. I don't suppose it's this new beta causing it?

Easy to find out: Download the current version (beta 16) and try

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

If all men acted from enlightened self interest, the world would be a
paradise in comparison to what it is. (Bertrand Russell)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Adding attachment to mass mail

2002-11-30 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Richard!

On Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 6:10:06 PM you wrote:

> Strange but that doesn't work at all and, even if I put the cursor at
> the beginning of the message, it still puts the macro at the end :-(

It was just a try. It is only important to have the attachment macro
before the macro listing the attachments.

As today I ran into the same problem - an automated reply didn't have
the attachments - I now another idea. Did you by any chance change
your directory hierarchy lately? I did and had to correct the value
for the macro.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

We are at that awkward stage in history: It's too early to shoot the
bastards, and too late for working within the system to do any good.
(Clair Wolfe)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Marking messages as Read when replied.

2002-11-30 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Daniel!

On Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 11:38:55 AM you wrote:

> as  mentioned in the other message, its read, just not marked as such.
> Its  a  bizarre  little  setup  I  use I know, but it works for me, so
> unless  someone  can think of a better solution, its what I would like
> to   stick   to...  -  I  just  want  to  mark  the  message  as  read
> automatically, so that I don't forget to do that as well :)

Flagging or Colour Groups. You can search for flagged or coloured

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Living is learning. One of the important things to learn: Scrap
Respect, it is usually just fear of your own courage. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Adding attachment to mass mail

2002-11-30 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Richard!

On Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 10:01:36 AM you wrote:

> All I have is the following in the bottom of each mail
> %ATTACHFILE="XXX" but no separate attach window in the message and no
> attach icon in the out box and I know the attachment doesn't get sent
> because I tried it last night and have already had complaints that it
> wasn't there ;-)

Put it at the beginning of your template/message with the addition of
%- at the end of the line.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Wer Kritik übel nimmt, hat etwas zu verbergen. (Helmut schmidt)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Marking messages as Read when replied.

2002-11-30 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Daniel!

On Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 7:10:46 AM you wrote:

> I  realise  I could set up a filter to do this, but I want it to do it
> for  every  folder... - if i write a reply to a unread message, I want
> it to be marked as read, regardless of it's location...

Sorry, but how can you reply to a message not being read?

Otherwise you just set a time limit (or use another of the offered
options) to make a message read ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

There are four essential things in the world: Life, Truth, Freedom,
Love. From them stems everything, and none of them is superior to the
others. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: html mailto bug

2002-11-29 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Allie!

On Friday, November 29, 2002 at 12:52:20 PM you wrote:

> You ask the question. How is TB! to know when the mail-to link
> ends???

> You can't compare an incorrectly formatted mailto link embedded in
> text to an incorrectly formatted url or other link put in a browsers
> address field. The browser can safely assume that all characters
> entered in the address field, makes up the URL. So if there's a
> space, it will automatically insert the %20 characters.

Yes, I see what you mean. But, AIUI, the original poster asked about a
"bug" in TB - the application not recognising a space in a link
correctly. As my example showed, there is a good reason to *not* have
spaces in a link; this, BTW, holds for any application.

Programmes that interpret malformed links "correctly" use a database
behind it, like in your example, the browser uses a specified field. I
can programme such forms in Paradox (or any other database
application) telling it "Use this field for e-mail addresses" or "This
field contains web links". Paradox will then a) format the values I
put in and b) make them live.

The use of mailto links in connection with TB implied to me the
scenario of a user clicking on such a link in a web page, TB opening
and then showing a cut off Subject line. Which is not a bug in TB but
a flaw in the mailto link.

Or am I thick?

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Shoot them all - let GOD sort them out. (Grandpa Simpson)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: html mailto bug

2002-11-29 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Nathan!

On Friday, November 29, 2002 at 8:21:30 AM you wrote:

>  The "be lenient in what you accept, strict in what you send"

So, TB should "send" mailto links correctly coded and "accept" (in
other mails) them wrong?

First, I am not sure what that means in this context.

Second, how the hell should TB know what part after a mailto: belongs
to the link and what is the next normal text?

PGP keys available:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=SendMyPGPkeys for
secure and private conversation per e-mail with me.


Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Asking dumb questions is easier than correcting dumb mistakes.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: html mailto bug

2002-11-28 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Nathan!

On Thursday, November 28, 2002 at 8:03:53 AM you wrote:

> I think I've found a minor, but annoying mailto: bug.

This is not actually a bug, simply a malformed value for the protocol
used. There are no blanks allowed in such links unless they are
correctly encoded as "%20" (without quotation marks). Somewhere in the
FAQs you find a link to an article (or the article itself, I can't
remember) by Leif Gregory on how to form such links. The most valuable
idea being to use an underscore instead of an encoded blank.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta16 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Second Marriage: Another instance of the triumph of hope over
experience. (Samuel Johnson)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: culling e-mail addresses from in-box for group mailing to friends

2002-11-27 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello sacksa!

On Monday, November 25, 2002 at 7:33:02 PM you wrote:

> [I also presume that putting all names in the bcc field and then sending
> the message to myself is the easiest way to avoid having everyone on the
> list see everyone else's address?  Correct?]

No, the easiest way is to use a Quick Template for a Mass Mailing.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

When life is reduced to its very essence, we find that we have many
genes in common with every species on Earth, and that we're not so
different from one another. (J. Craig Venter)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Very quiet ...

2002-11-24 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello TBOT Members!

  ... or do I have a server problem?

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Use your health, even to the point of wearing it out. That is what it
is for. Spend all you have before you die; and do not outlive
yourself. (George Bernard Shaw)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-23 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

1: "Shavian" is the adjective of Shaw; it is used specifically to name
an alphabet G.B. Shaw advised for the English language.

2: "ghoti" is - as was, despite a typo by me, correctly identified -
"fish", the prime example of Shaw's why the English spelling needs a
reform. "gh" from "tough", "o" from "women", "ti" from "nation".

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Wenn Ärger im Menschen ist, so macht er selten das Klügste, sondern
gewöhnlich das Dümmste. (Jeremias Gotthelf)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Jonathan!

On Friday, November 22, 2002 at 8:49:18 PM you wrote:

>  and apparently American's spell Cheese 'KRAFT'... ;) So it's
> no real wonder people are always confused ;)

"ghote" = Shavian for ...

The answer I will publish later, for those not familiar with his
(another answer I provide later) famous fight against English

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Das Vergleichen mit anderen ist das Ende des Glücks und der Anfang der
Unzufriedenheit. (Sören Kierkegaard)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Simon!

On Friday, November 22, 2002 at 2:47:14 PM you wrote:

> ???  I  must  have  missed  your reply Dierk ??? Sorry. Yes, can you post it
> again please?

Yes, "res" means literally "a thing". From your clear statement in
this paragraph I am sure you are a Latin scholar with deep historic
knowledge, so forgive my following correction.

"Res" also stands for "being" or "phenomenon"; the term "republic"
stems from the Latin expression "res publica" meaning literally
"something concerning all people" (although those people actually were
citizens, therefore not at all "all" people).

For a very long time Latin has been the language of the literate
people - they spoke it deep into the Middle Ages, sometimes even up to
modern times, and they wrote in it. In *lettres* they used the used
the ablative "re" to show right at the beginning what the following
pamphlet was about. Thus it came into use in the sense of "concerning,
regarding". It is pure coincidence that the prefix "re-" in the
English word "reply" (borrowed from Latin) is spelled the same.

Actually the term used by RITLabs "Subject" is a tell-tale sign for
the original meaning of "re:" being a translation of "res". Even a
most basic Latin dictionary like *Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch
Lateinisch* gives a lot of meanings for "res" including the original
"Schatz, Besitz" (treasure, property, possession).

Thank you for your time.

((This is a re-post of my answer to a message by Thomas Fernandez, not
being altered.))

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

You can't talk to a man with a shotgun in his hand. (Carole King)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Simon!

On Friday, November 22, 2002 at 2:27:31 PM you wrote:

> I'm  not  altogether  convinced,  and  please  don't take that as a personal
> remark  as that isn't what is intended. However, I do accept that in clients
> like TB! the use of Re: means 'Reply'.

Thought my research presented here cleared the matter ... If not I
gladly post it again.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Be contend with what you get, and what you get will be contend with
you. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: (SOT) Use of Re: in the subject line

2002-11-22 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Friday, November 22, 2002 at 6:19:31 AM you wrote:

> The author's assessment that "res" is a Latin expression meaning "in
> the matter of" is wrong, "res" is just a female noun meaning "thing"
> or "matter". Whether "Re:" stands for "res" (in which case I wonder
> why we exchange the last "s" with a colon) or for "Reply:" is
> anybody's guess. I would say the latter, in the sense of: "I am
> replying to your mail with a subject of: [followed be the original
> subject]".

Yes, "res" means literally "a thing". From your clear statement in
this paragraph I am sure you are a Latin scholar with deep historic
knowledge, so forgive my following correction.

"Res" also stands for "being" or "phenomenon"; the term "republic"
stems from the Latin expression "res publica" meaning literally
"something concerning all people" (although those people actually were
citizens, therefore not at all "all" people).

For a very long time Latin has been the language of the literate
people - they spoke it deep into the Middle Ages, sometimes even up to
modern times, and they wrote in it. In *lettres* they used the used
the ablative "re" to show right at the beginning what the following
pamphlet was about. Thus it came into use in the sense of "concerning,
regarding". It is pure coincidence that the prefix "re-" in the
English word "reply" (borrowed from Latin) is spelled the same.

Actually the term used by RITLabs "Subject" is a tell-tale sign for
the original meaning of "re:" being a translation of "res". Even a
most basic Latin dictionary like *Langenscheidts Taschenwörterbuch
Lateinisch* gives a lot of meanings for "res" including the original
"Schatz, Besitz" (treasure, property, possession).

Thank you for your time.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Student, Private, and Business versions

2002-11-21 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Jonathan!

On Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 11:15:23 AM you wrote:

> Hmmm, I've never been very fond of the whole "Human Right" argument. To
> be honest it is fairly silly. Nature doesn't guarantee anything.

Nothing to do with Nature - whatever that should mean. Nature is in
the best sense a-moral. Ethical values stem solely from our existence.
If you don't like Human Rights as a universal it's alright with me. I
therefore decline you the right to privacy, security, freedom, life.
You are now blacklisted and have to watch your back constantly if you
think you have a right to live.

My reasoning behind this is simple, since you explained that I have no
natural rights to that you say everybody can decide for himself how to
handle other people. I decided you are not worth living.

Since someone surely will read this wrong, I add:

You surely see how universal Human Rights have come about. It has
something to do with protecting oneself (there'll always be someone
stronger than me). All the abstract discourses in philosophy and
religion will finally resolve to the simple (natural) realization that
a "Strongest will Survive" world will not work.

BTW, as usual so-called Social Darwinists (incl. sadly Herbert
Spencer) misinterpreted Darwin's ideas. Darwin himself didn't like
Spencer's adage "Survival of the Fittest", which has been
misinterpreted in its own way.

Yes, altruism is natural.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Aim Low, Reach Your Goals, Avoid Disappointment.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: How to use a different FROM address in a single account?

2002-11-21 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello maillisten!

On Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 10:02:44 AM you wrote:

> Could I use templates to achieve what I'm trying to do?

Make up a Quick Template with the following line

%FROM='Your alternative address'

where the part between the quotes should be changed to your address.
You can now change the From address by inserting the QT (type the
handle and press +.

Another way would be to set up different accounts for your various
addresses. You will then have the addresses handy in the drop-down in
the From field. You don't actually need to use these accounts,
although you could also use them and filter mail from all accounts
within TB to one.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect
if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good,
nothing but blind, pitiless indifference. (Richard Dawkins)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Student, Private, and Business versions

2002-11-21 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 8:24:39 AM you wrote:

> A special discount is given for those who are in the educational field
> *and* are not ashamed of it. If one of the two doesn't apply, why do
> you want to take advantage of a special discount that is only given
> when both conditions are met, i.e. does not apply to you?

When did "shame" enter the equation? And since when has privacy
anything to do with it? And who are you to tell me when I have to be

I am in advertising but have never been proud of it; the only reason I
am not ashamed of it is that I joke about myself. I have a degree in
English and American Studies, Sociology, Philosophy and have never
been a big fan of university, particularly German ones, especially my
own Alma Mater Hamburg - maybe the worst educational institute for a
lot of fields (definitely not all, the medical, the physics, even the
biology departments are quite good).

But none of that has anything to do with privacy. The main point is
that *I* decide what I want to give away and what not - nobody else.
The argument you are bringing up reminds me a lot of the age old "If
you don't do anything wrong, you have nothing to fear by our new
measures". This is so stupid I don't want to, but seemingly have to,
point it out again.

Just two examples where information gathering seemed perfectly
harmless until times changed:

 1. In Denmark you didn't have anything to fear in the 1930s
 when a survey was made to record all Jews in the country -
 rest assured, the intentions were really perfectly harmless.
 Guess what happened when Germany invaded. When the War ended
 not many Danish Jews were left. Have Jews really be ashamed
 of their religious roots?

 2. Until the 7th December 1941 there wasn't a reason to be
 ashamed of Asian forefathers. After that you were likely to
 be interned just because you looked Japanese - even if you
 were a third generation US citizen of Chinese decent. John
 Milius, Oliver Stone and Steven Spielberg showed the Asian
 Hysteria of Americans quite funny in *1941*.

With an ever-growing marketing/advertising industry keen on
information about everyone with the slightest cent to spend I don't
like the frivolous approach to Privacy you showed. Actually I fear
information about me in the hands of private corporations much more
than officials knowing something about me.

> How much is your percieved privacy issue worth to you?

Privacy is a Human Right. There is no price tag. Except in Red China!

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

One thing about the past. It's likely to last. (Ogden Nash)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Student, Private, and Business versions

2002-11-21 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Sean!

On Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 3:31:08 AM you wrote:

> The 'educational' line in the x-mailer header gives out information
> about me that some people would otherwise not know. It's not a huge
> deal

It *is* a big issue, as marketing people now know enough about you to
make you part of a qualified target group. It is something advertising
agencies are trying to sell as a benefit to the customer for years
now: You will only get those adverts (e-mail, banners, letters) you
are interested in. That, BTW, is the main point behind harvesting
addresses from newsgroups or mailing-lists.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

The two shortest books in the world? Very easy: *The Complete History
of Italian Heroes* and *A Survey of German Humour*. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Student, Private, and Business versions

2002-11-21 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 1:09:39 AM you wrote:

>> Privacy has to be paid for? Privacy is only for the rich?

> No, you get privacy for the normal price (irrespective of the fact
> that we have determined that this matter has nothing to do with
> privacy). There is no extra fee for it.

You could be in the German government - apply for Hans Eichel's job.

Another point to be made: An e-mail message is mine, not RITLabs' or
MS' or any other company's, therefore I am in charge of if and how a
advertise my software. It's actually bad enough that the mail client
is included within the headers at all. OE/OL users know what I mean,
always been sneered at. In Usenet this is even worse, people always
telling others about their "bad apps".

Is there any reason, beyond pillory, to announce a discount version of
TB (or any other software) like this? Even marketing isn't a very goof
argument, since the same effect could be achieved by just telling
people "X-Mailer: The Bat! (".

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Wer von anderen nichts erwartet, darf sich nicht wundern, wenn er
nichts erhält. (Aleks Papst)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Replace reply-to address

2002-11-20 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Simon!

On Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 8:08:05 PM you wrote:

> ;)  Yeah,  I  know  :) Thought I'd avoid that. I am just very finicky, and I
> think  it  looks really scruffy, especially as the name is displayed as well
> in  most  clients  anyway.  I  just  like  to see lowercase email addresses.
> Personal preference/pet hate, whatever 

That's how it goes, I like it just the other way round.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

If a Creator exists, I conclude that he has an inordinate fondness for
beetles. (J.B.S. Haldane)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Student, Private, and Business versions

2002-11-20 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 5:45:11 AM you wrote:

> No, I am suggesting that they pay the normal price if they are
> concerned about this.

Privacy has to be paid for? Privacy is only for the rich?

As a professional cynic I like that ... specifically for Third World
countries. Really, nice idea ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Tritt jemand anderen nicht auf die Füße, so steht er sich selbst im
Weg. (Aleks Papst)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: X-Faces in TB?

2002-11-20 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello John!

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 10:50:02 PM you wrote:

> Where did I say anything about gamers?

Did I write you did? I did, and it was meant derogatory. Not against
any individual but against those people looking for "new" looks like
XP, MacOs X, skinning ...

TB until now is "no nonsense", and I hope it'll stay such. Call me

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: OT: Opera (was: Re: Opera 7, TheBat!, FAQ, DOM)

2002-11-20 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello mm!

On Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 1:29:50 AM you wrote:

> I've been using Opera for years and am currently stuck with 5.12
> because I don't like the "new" one. But I went onto Opera's page after
> seeing the other posts here, (Opera had not sent me an upgrade notice
> and I'm a paid up 6.05 version customer even tho I don't actually use
> that version) and saw that there's no mention of an upgrade path

Since 7 is a beta there cannot be an official upgrade notice.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

I learn each day what I need to know to do tomorrow's work. (Arnold

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Opera 7, TheBat!, FAQ, DOM

2002-11-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Luc!

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 8:16:55 PM you wrote:

>  DOM level 2 should be supported now.
>  Form Opera's support page:

I know, I tested it for Marck on the weekend. I just meant that due to
the early beta status of O7 Marck didn't change the site, yet.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.
(George Bernard Shaw)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Opera 7, TheBat!, FAQ, DOM

2002-11-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Richard!

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 7:49:04 PM you wrote:

> If the "Enable javascript" button *is* selected, the page
> doesn't load. How's that? ;-)

OK, I just revisited again. First I had JS enabled and was identifying
as Opera. What came up was the warning by Marck and the FAQ in Opera
mode - as I expected. I then switched of JS and got a horrible page
which told me I have to use a browser with JS - as expected.

Conclusion: Marck hasn't yet changed the page for Opera 7. As I
presumed. As I find correct.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Everybody loves a winner, but when you lose, you lose alone. (William

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Opera 7, TheBat!, FAQ, DOM

2002-11-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Richard!

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 7:02:01 PM you wrote:

> not if you don't untick "Enable javascript" it doesn't, or at least it
> doesn't with me :-(

OK, rarely, but happened: You lost me completely in this sentence. A
fivefold negative? I mean, double is hard enough ...

BTW, I am not sure Marck already changed the FAQ proper since O7 is
still in beta - and it isn't really that usable due to its very
unfinished state.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Doing something with your own hands is *not* creativity; or
masturbation would be an art everybody is excelling in. (Derek

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Opera 7, TheBat!, FAQ, DOM

2002-11-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Paddy!

On Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 6:53:27 PM you wrote:

> I am sure Marck will be happy to hear that Opera 7.0(early beta) now
> renders the FAQ as intended.

I am in contact with him privately about that. We will have to wait
for the final to see if Opera at last has grown up ... in terms of
MaArck's needs ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Assumptions are the mother of all screw ups. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: X-Faces in TB?

2002-11-19 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello John!

On Monday, November 18, 2002 at 10:46:35 PM you wrote:

> X-face is supported in several programs that are popular, including
> Becky! and the new Dialog, and in mail programs I regularly use like
> EdMax and Datula. The Bat! is one of those programs aimed at the
> kind of person who likes such neat features,

1. There is a lot in "popular" programmes I don't want to see, e.g.

2. You are wrong in assuming TB is aimed at gamers; it's target group
is professionals (not just computer pros, but professionals in all
aspects of life) rying to make one specific parts of their
professional life easier. Not more colourful ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

America is the only nation in history which miraculously has gone from
barbarism to degeneration without the usual interval of civilization.
(Georges Clemenceau)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: random signature quotes

2002-11-18 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Deborah!

On Monday, November 18, 2002 at 6:59:12 PM you wrote:

> I would like to be able to insert random quotations in my signature.



after your sig delimiter into your templates.

Put a text file on any drive and path you want, it should held your
favourite quotations each in a separate line.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Why is the man who invests all your hard earned money called a

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: X-Faces in TB?

2002-11-18 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Dejan!

On Monday, November 18, 2002 at 6:21:55 PM you wrote:

> I was wondering; is it possible to have "x-faces" in The Bat?

Not in the moment, hopefully not in the future.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Blessed are the censors; they shall inhibit the earth.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: filtering problem

2002-11-18 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Jos!

On Monday, November 18, 2002 at 10:37:00 AM you wrote:

>>> in: Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya
>>> Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet
>>> Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit

> The city of angels, the great city, the residence of the Emerald Buddha, the
> impregnable city (of Ayutthaya) of God Indra, the grand capital of the world
> endowed with nine precious gems, the happy city, abounding in an enormous
> Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where reigns the reincarnated
> god, a city given by Indra and built by Vishnukarn.

Now, that tells me why the National Geographic didn't give the
"correct" name for the town in question in its current edition ...

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Science is the art of the soluble. (Sir Peter Medawar)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Template (%CURSOR) problem

2002-11-18 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Monday, November 18, 2002 at 4:39:47 AM you wrote:

> The cursor always goes into the TO field first. The %Cursor macro just
> states where it should go once you focus on the message body.

Except when the To field's value is set automatically.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others;
Responsibility for your actions.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Thread stealing (attempt to address the issues)

2002-11-18 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Thomas!

On Monday, November 18, 2002 at 4:36:08 AM you wrote:

> Actually, no.

Actually, yes. If you have an AB template to fill in the value for the
field automatically (I just have to put in TBU, TBO, TBB or TBT, the
rest comes automatically).

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Wer Kritik übel nimmt, hat etwas zu verbergen. (Helmut schmidt)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Thread stealing (attempt to address the issues)

2002-11-17 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Simon!

On Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 6:45:11 PM you wrote:

> Yeah,  that's  a fair point, mainly using TB! the way you do. Does that mean
> you use the ticker as well then? I mean to read and reply to mail? I don't
> use the ticker at all.

Yes, the MT comes up, I see if there's something interesting there,
double click and read/reply.

> I use both Address book and Folder templates. AB generally for new messages,
> accessed  via TB's Tray icon, and Folder templates when replying to mail, as
> I  always  have the client maximised for reading and replying. So I guess it
> depends on how you mainly use TB!.

Did that once, too. Decided after an initial set-up of the AB (with
some QTs) it is much less work to not use folder templates, only AB
and account.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Yes, *you* can make a difference. You just have to *do* something ...
anything. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Thread stealing (attempt to address the issues)

2002-11-17 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Simon!

On Sunday, November 17, 2002 at 5:46:49 PM you wrote:

> Using  folder level templates for most things seems more coherent to me, and
> it also means of course that I can either simply highlight, in this case, my
> TBUDL  inbox,  or  any message in my TBUDL inbox, and just hit F5 to start a
> new message based on the TBUDL folder template. Never had a problem doing it
> like this, or any cock ups.

First of all, I don't have to think about where my focus is at all -
using AB templates. TB is most of the time minimised to TrayIcon and I
don't have to maximize it to see where I am.

Secondly, whenever somebody writes he doesn't ever had a problem with
folder templates I bet that within a week *it* happens to him - never
lost in 2 and a half years.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Everybody loves a winner, but when you lose, you lose alone. (William

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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