Re: NO Ticker as default folder setting

2001-01-08 Thread Karin Spaink

On 09-01-2001 at 03:06, Douglas Hinds kindly wrote:
 Hello Karin  others on TBUDL following this thread,

 it [would] do me any good to compress if TB! is nearly always
 open? (I even use it for certain word processing tasks), and
 don't tend to eliminate messages except manually or via spam

KS Most probably: yes. Because everything goes to your inbox
KS first and will be filtered or manually moved to seperate
KS folders (unless you keep everything in your inbox).

 Whoa! When are folders compressed? When TB! is closed or when the
 folder is left for another?

De[pends on your folder settings.

 Re where my mail goes: Lists and regular things are filtered to
 their own folders, occasional things stay in the inbox unless copied
 or moved to specific issue oriented folders. So all my recent
 inboxes are kept free of unread messages and any spam getting
 through is killed there.

That means that mail generally moves out of your inbox. If
you've never compressed that, there's a helluva lot of diskspace
to gain.

 I'd better repeat: When are folders compressed? When TB! is closed
 or when the folder is left for another?

On two occasions:

- When you exit (*if* you have defined the filder to do so;
check under Folder -- Properties to reassure yourself), or
- when you manually demand a compression (by selecting
folder -- purge and compress).

 Or does compression have
 novel meaning here (like deleting deleted messages)?

That's hardly novel. That's the standard use for compression
in databases - which is basically what mail boxes are.

- K -


When I get my hands on some money, I'll kiss it's green skin 
And I'll ask it's dirty face: "where the hell have you been?" 
  - Swans: Failure

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Re: NO Ticker as default folder setting

2001-01-08 Thread Karin Spaink

On 09-01-2001 at 04:36, Douglas Hinds kindly wrote:

 In the Moldavian version of the word compress, no compression
 occurs. What does happen is that "deleted" messages ARE deleted (w/o
 the quotes. AIFAIK, this is equivalent to the American English word
 PURGE (purging "deleted" messages, in this case, so that they become
 simply truly deleted messages. So if compressing is really purging, then
 what is purging?

Read my explanation about databases and their indices:

Think of your actual mail-in-a-folder as residing in a
database. What you see when you look at a folder is just the
*index* (the list of headers). When a message is deleted, it
disapperas from the index - but it still resides in the
database, as the option "browse deleted messages" proves. In
order to get really rid of deleted messages, you need to
compress - which is basically rebuilding the database using
the index as the criterium.

(And yes, compressing and purging is the same in TB, as has
been explaioned before.)

- K -


Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it 
might appear to others that what you were or might have 
been was not otherwise than what you had been would have 
appeared to them to be otherwise. 
  - Lewis Carroll: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

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Re: NO Ticker as default folder setting

2001-01-09 Thread Karin Spaink

On 09-01-2001 at 18:02, Mark Aston kindly wrote:

 does you know which file TB! stores cookie lines?

In account.cfg .

- K -


Has anyone yet said publicly how nice it is to write on 
rubber with a ballpoint pen? 
  - Nicholson Baker: The Size of Thoughts

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Re: Account configuration file

2001-01-14 Thread Karin Spaink

On 14-01-2001 at 00:10, Olivier Reubens kindly wrote:

 The information for each The Bat! mail account is apparently stored in
 a file called ACCOUNT.CFG (stored at drive:\TheBat\Main\Mailbox\),


 Is there a formal description of how this file is made up ?

No, unfortunately not.

  If yes, I
 could modify my "OnConnect" program to fill in the details of my
 current ISP and change the SMTP server setting depending on what ISP
 I'm connected to.  This would basically solve my problem altogether.

Ah, perhaps what you could do is work with a batch file...

Create an account.cfg for all your accounts, store them in a
safe place (perhaps drive:\TheBat\Main\extra\), and then
have a batch file copy the appriopriate .cfg into your
\Main\Mailbox program, so that TB has the correct
information for that dial-up available. Then, wehn you
connect to another provider, your batch file will copy
*that* account's information to the proper place.

- K -


A virus is only doing its job. It's trying to live its 
life. The fact that it's destroying you by doing so is 
not its fault. 
  - David Cronenberg in an interview

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Re: import from Calypso?

2001-01-14 Thread Karin Spaink

On 14-01-2001 at 13:59, Martin Posch kindly wrote:

 There is for instance one feature of Calypso/Eudora(also
 Pegasus): I can copy one directory (with calypso one file)
 form my notebook to my DesktopPc and have my complete
 Mail-Program-Setup copied. With TheBat! I always had to
 fiddle with registry-Entries.

Nope, you can just copy the new directory and make your
laptop version of TB recognise it by pressing
Ctrl-Shift-Alt-L (which is the command for: search for
unlisted folders).

- K -


Maybe us NOT feeling so good about ourselves is what took 
us so far; made us the only culture in the world where 
life is not a toss up between horror and boredom. 
  - Julie Burchill: Sex and Sensibility

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Re: Account configuration file

2001-01-14 Thread Karin Spaink

On 14-01-2001 at 19:01, Olivier Reubens kindly wrote:
 On Sun, 14 Jan 2001 16:19:18 +0100, you wrote:

[me suggesting batch files connected to dial-up entries, and
therein copying the appropriate account.cfg to its proper

I thought about that, too. But what would happen if you wanted
to change something in your account setup?
What is stored in those files? Column settings? Filter rules? If
you changed these, it could be a real mess to recreate your
backup .cfg files :-(

 The make-multiple-files-and-just-copy-right-one solution had occured
 to me. but you stated it right on the nose why I'm not feeling very
 comfortable in doing it that way.  If the file _ONLY_ has account
 details, it wouldn't be a problem. But it appears also templates are
 stored in it.

Create several users and a Grouyp user. Then, in the future,
log in to TB using the Group User account. Templates and
filters created from the Group User account will appear in
*all* account.cgf files.

Done ;-)

- K -


If God had not given freedom of speech to the snake, then 
none of us would be here today. Perhaps the followers of God 
should remember this when they criticize the followers of 
the snake for speaking their minds, and vice versa. 
   - Zenon Panoussis

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Re: Last reply quotation

2001-01-15 Thread Karin Spaink

On 15-01-2001 at 14:01, Michal Kozusznik kindly wrote:

   Can TB! include last sender sentences to the replying mail only? I mean
   situation when I want not quotation from previous senders?

No, but TB comes close:

Select the text that you want to reply to and press F4. Only
the selection will be there, as a quote, and the rest of the
mail won't be included.

- K -


She's selfish and cruel as only the weak can be - 
because cruelty is all she has to keep her safe. 
  - Kathryn Harrison: The Kiss

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Re: Hai, newmember..and small template

2001-01-15 Thread Karin Spaink

On 15-01-2001 at 20:10, solid snake kindly wrote:

  I don't know how to change WIndows Time, It's can't changed

Go to Start -- Settings -- Control Panel -- Regional settings
Select the "Time" tab and tell it to use HH:mm:ss . Done.

- K -


What if the Christ and the Messiah come, and they're two 
different guys? Would they debate on television? Would they 
lead their faithful off two different rewards, separate, 
restricted heavens? 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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Re: splitting TBUDL

2001-01-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 16-01-2001 at 17:56, Ming-Li kindly wrote:

[on spliiting lists]

 I don't know about you, but I'll be in trouble. Where
 should I post? Is this too advanced (tech-oriented) or
 not? Should TBUDL no longer discuss anything about RegEx?
 Or Windows registry?

Exactly what I thought, too. And there is a risk that people
will crosspost, thereby creating double postings for those
who are on both lists. (Then again, I'm sure that a techie
will come up with a nice filter that automatically kills
those dupes ;-))

I hope that threads will simply be *moved* from the one list
to the other; upgraded, as it were.

For the rest, I understand the need for a split in a techie
 a newbie list, if only for volume size (and I'll subscribe
to both)

- K -


I cry with the intention of getting my mother in trouble, 
cry harder and longer, learning the power of vengeance.
  - Kathryn Harrison: The Kiss

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Re: I just want the filters to work

2001-01-29 Thread Karin Spaink

On 29-01-2001 at 17:29, Pasquale J. Festa Sr. kindly wrote:

   I don't care if the mail is a 5th reply of a fifth reply if it has
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] or any variations to send that mail to the
   bat folder on retrieval  or the Opera folder for anything in the
   header that says or its variations.

Easy. Go to Sorting Office (under Account in the main
window), select Incoming Mail, select New, give the filter a
name, use Source Folder: Inbox, Move Messages to [your Bat
folder], and then put in:

Strings:Location   Presence

and make sure that you tick the "Rule is active" box. Done.

- K -


Many bastards succeed. But I, I've learned nothing. 
I can't even elegantly bleed. 
  - Swans: Failure

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Re: Help! where have all my menus gone?

2001-01-30 Thread Karin Spaink

On 30-01-2001 at 15:13, Wolfgang Kynast kindly wrote:

 i need som
 assistance from Swedes in the group, where could the key be on the
 Swedish keyboard which on an american keyboard gives a slash sign?

KS The / key is above the 7: press Shift-7.

 I'm afraid this won't work because you have to press
 ctrl-shift-alt and the key we are looking for simultanously :-)

No, not on *Swedish* keyboards, which is what Kirsten asked
about. (I have a Swedish keyboard right next to me. I know.)

- K -


I've often thought that there should be beauty contests 
for the insides of bodies. 
  - David Cronenberg: Dead Ringers

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Re: What newsreader do you use?

2001-02-02 Thread Karin Spaink

On 02-02-2001 at 18:07, John kindly wrote:

 Since the Bat! does not read news for the moment (I
 understand this function will be added in a near future),
 which newsreader do you either use or recommend?

Many people here use Agent, or its free derivate Free Agent.

- K -


When women hold off from marrying men, we call it 
independence. When men hold off from marrying women, 
we call it fear of commitment. 
  - Warren Farrell, American psychologist

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Re: TB! 1.49 Registration turnaround time?

2001-02-04 Thread Karin Spaink

On 04-02-2001 at 18:54, Mark Knipfer kindly wrote:

 Does anyone know the turn around time on receiving TheBat!
 registration information?

Usually it takes no more than two working days.

- K -


... she had come to realise that Authority, even 
when it refrained from violence, could be as 
disturbing a specter as anything she had seen. 
  - Neil Stephenson: The Diamond Age

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Re: Documenation woes

2001-02-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 16-02-2001 at 23:32, Nick Andriash kindly wrote:
 On February 16, 2001, at 2:15:16 PM, Lyle Scully Wrote:

LS I am the CTO for a medium sized ISP here in the US, and 90% of my
LS clients are businesses that don't have time to sit and fiddle with a
LS program to figure it out.

 Yes, I tend to agree with you about the lack of documentation. However,
 if you are the SysAdmin for your Company,

I don't think that Lyle is talking about his collegues. He's
talking about the ISP customers - and fortunately, ISPs do
not have access to their clients' workstations ;-)

- K -


Gay men are men first, and men are pigs. If 
straight men could get laid as easily and 
frequently as gay men, they would. 
  - Columnist Dan Savage, Out magazine, January 2001

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Re: Importing Outlook Contacts

2001-02-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 17-02-2001 at 01:18, Mike Yetto kindly wrote:
 On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, at 15:54:44 [GMT +0100], Jannik Lindquist wrote:

JL You are quite right, but I thought that it would be easier to export
JL from OL to OE and then to TB - than to export to a CSV-format and
JL fiddle with fields :-)

 When I exported from PMMail to TB! I created an entry in the PMMail
 address book with the name of the field as the data in the field.
 After exporting to a CSV-format I moved this entry to the top of the
 file.  TB!'s import function then suggested the correct mapping for
 each corresponding field.

When I installed TB! on a friend's computer, I exported
their Outlook address books as a comma-delimited file and
imported that into TB's address book. It went beautifully.

- K -


She's selfish and cruel as only the weak can be - 
because cruelty is all she has to keep her safe. 
  - Kathryn Harrison: The Kiss

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Re: Moderators: Point of Order

2001-02-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 17-02-2001 at 01:41, Mike Yetto kindly wrote:

 many people do reply to the last message they read
 rather than creating a new thread

Fortunately, it is not many people who do so.

 and my question concerns the proper
 way to handle this.  Should the moderators immediately start a new
 thread before it gets buried in something many of us may already be
 skipping?  Is this even possible?

I'd suggest that whoever answers to such a message, takes
the effort to turn their reply into a new message, thereby
achieving the goal: the ensuing thread will be pulled out of
the old, existing one, and will be clearly visible to all.

While I do realise that in this way we suddenly might see
two new threads emerge, or perhaps even three, when more
people answer and create new threads, I don't think it's
fair for us to sit and wait until the moderators do

 Does anyone have something else for
 the moderators to think about this weekend?

What about sex, life and the meaning of the universe? ;-)

- K -


This is the land of opportunity, gentlemen. You have 
 the opportunity to turn yourself in. 
  - General Devereaux in The Siege

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Re: Moderators: Point of Order

2001-02-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 17-02-2001 at 03:01, Marck D. Pearlstone kindly wrote:
 Mike Yetto wrote and made these points:

[how to deal with new postings that are actually sent as a
reply to an existing thread - one needs to start a new tread
on one's reply]

 but you have to change both the Subject and the Follow-up

The Follow-up information? I only know this as a newsgroup
header... [checks her TBDUL / TBTECH mail headers]

Ahhh! This is where you can break the chain of references,
and create a new, fresh reply indeed, as in: bereft of
ancestors. Chut. I thought I knew most of what TB had to
offer - but I am *still* learning.

- K -


Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, 
unpardonable insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our 
worst, we are never as bad as Scientology. 
  - ex-member Thunderclouds motorcycle club

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Re: (No Subject)

2001-02-19 Thread Karin Spaink

On 19-02-2001 at 20:20, áÎÄÒÅÊ òÑÂËÏ× kindly wrote:

Nope, not for the Mac.

- K -


At last official count nearly 500 gay and lesbian couples 
had been united in civil unions this summer in Vermont. 
There were flowers, champagne, brides and brides, grooms and 
grooms. The sky did not fall. The earth did not split in 
two. Happy families and happy friends watched happy people 
pledge their love. 
  - Columnist Anna Quindlen, Newsweek, Sept. 11 2000.

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Re: 3x SMTP in one account?

2001-02-19 Thread Karin Spaink

On 20-02-2001 at 00:19, Wim Speekenbrink kindly wrote:

 I have 3 ISP's and therefore 3 different SMTP servers. I only use 1
 e-mail adress (= 1 pop3 server). Is it really necessary to create 3

If you get mail at the other accounts (and can't put a
.forward on them): yes.

However, there is an excellent work-around that Januk has
described previously. You can find it on the TBUDL archive:

And if you need help, I might be able to provide that to

 or is it possible to have 3 SMTP servers within 1 account?


- K -


The First Amendment presupposes that right conclusions are 
more likely to be gathered out of a multitude of tongues, 
than through any kind of authoritative selection. - Judge 
Learned Hand as cited in New York Times v. Sullivan

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Re: A backing-up story

2001-02-24 Thread Karin Spaink

On 24-02-2001 at 12:54, A Curtis Martin kindly wrote:
 24 Feb 2001 14:11:13 +1000, K graced us with these comments:

K Well during that time I sorted out a
K neat backup method that I still use in favor of the TB! Backup
K Function, here's what I do:
  --procedure snipped--
K It works for me, I like it.

 My problem with it is the lack of automation and this is why I don't
 use TB!'s backup facility. I don't think of backing up but it just
 happens. My active accounts and registry key are backed up every
 morning at 4am and my archive account backed up weekly by using the
 system scheduler, WinRAR and two batch files. RAR archives are created
 and placed on a 250MB zip disk.

I fully agree. I use a similar procedure (incremental
backups via a batch file that is calling arj, in
combination with a scheduler that starts the whole thing at
7 a.m.), but I have added one important step: encrypting the

I might be a tad paranoid - the "Church" of Scientology is
after me, and in such cases one can't be too cautious - but
I really believe that all private communications should be
stored encrypted. I also use a PGP-disk as my mail

- K -


Did you ever read poor old George Orwell's 1984? Yes, yes, 
that's wonderful. That would be - could be the palest 
imagined shadow of what a world would be like under the rule 
of the secret use of Scientology with no remedy in 
  - Scientology's founder L. Ron Hubbard, PDC tape 20

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Re: Ouch! Where Are My Messages?

2001-02-24 Thread Karin Spaink

On 24-02-2001 at 07:47, Thomas kindly wrote:

 I always have a couple hundred to a couple of throusand
 messages in the inbox. It's for those senders that do not
 warrant their own folder.

That's a *lot* for an inbox.

 When the traffic with these senders increases, I will create a folder,
 because it annoys me that incoming and outgoing messages are in
 seperate folders, this being the major reason.

You could consider to create chronological folders for this.
That's what I do: apart from separate folders for some
people, I store my mail per year amd within that, per month.
When the month is done I move my sent mail to that folder

- K -


The charm of self-inflicted insults comes in knowing how 
far to dig the knife and, with a surgeon's precision, how 
to avoid the rawest nerves. It is as harmless a sport as 
tickling oneself.
  - Alain de Botton: Kiss  Tell

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Re: A backing-up story

2001-02-24 Thread Karin Spaink

On 24-02-2001 at 17:29, Alexander Levenetz kindly wrote:

 encrypting the backup.

 How do you do that exactly?

Here's my batch file for incremental backups  encryption:

@echo off
set path=c:\utils\backup;e:\backups\h-drive
set tz=met-1dst
c:\utils\arj\arj32 a -r -hm0 -i2 -h# -jm -b1 -x!c:\utils\backup\h-exclude.txt 
e:\backups\h-drive\h- h:\*.*
c:\utils\backup\pgp23 -e -w e:\backups\h-drive\h-*.arj Karin Spaink

I'll break up the last two lines:

  That's where my arj32.exe resides;

a -r -hm0 -i2 -h# -jm -b1 -x!c:\utils\backup\h-exclude.txt
  The switches for arj.exe:

  a = archive
  -r= use recursive directories
  -hm0  = to manage huge file lists
  -i2   = provides a combined percentage and bar progress display
  -h#   = append current date/time string
  -jm   = select high size reduction
  -b1   = backup changed files and reset archive bits
  -x[x] = exclude the files named in [x]

e:\backups\h-drive\h- h:\*.*
  Bsckup target and backup source

This results in files in the format H-010223.arj (for 23 Feb
2001). In the last line, this file is encrypted
(conventional encryption), using the key stored in the
backup directory:

c:\utils\backup\pgp23 -e -w e:\backups\h-drive\h-*.arj Karin Spaink

  -e   = encrypt file
  -w   = wipe original

That's it. It's executed in well under five minutes, using a

- K -


If babies are innocent, it is not for lack of will to 
 harm, but for lack of strength. 
  - St Augustine of Hippo, Confessions

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Re: Ouch! Where Are My Messages?

2001-02-24 Thread Karin Spaink

On 24-02-2001 at 17:33, Keith Russell kindly wrote:

 If needs be, you can check your whole account for a specific
 mail. I have just under 90.000 messages stored, and TB goes
 through them *real* fast.

 How do you search a whole account? Last time I checked, I couldn't
 manage to do that. Clearly, I missed something.

In the first screen that comes up when you search, there's a
small list:

  Look in:
  O  Folder
 O  Include subfolders
  O  Curent account
  O  All accounts

- K -


Being an artist is not a profession. It is a dilemma. 
  - Performer and artist Ulay

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Re: The Bat compared to Becky and Calypso

2001-02-24 Thread Karin Spaink

On 24-02-2001 at 21:06, Dierk Haasis kindly wrote:
 On Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 7:46:57 PM Jannik wrote:

 (BTW, you really ought to have a look at Agent as well!)

 As a mailer? I am always recommending it as a newsreader. In this area
 it is very good. As mailer? No internal PGP support, no subfolders ...

Actually, there *is* a plugin for Agent to accomodate for
PGP. I have even posted about it...

scratches head

For the life of me, I can't find that message.

- K -


Capricorns don't believe in astrology. 
  - Daniel Richler: Kicking Tomorrow

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Agent PGP (was: The Bat compared to Becky and Calypso)

2001-02-24 Thread Karin Spaink

On 24-02-2001 at 21:59, Dierk Haasis kindly wrote:
 On Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 9:50:16 PM Dierk wrote:

 Actually, there *is* a plugin for Agent to accomodate for
 PGP. I have even posted about it... scratches head

 Do you mean CryptEdit? that's a kind of front end for the 5.5.x
 versions not needed anymore since 6.0.2,

Nope, is was a real plugin and apparently took care of
everything, just like TB's does.

I went to to see if they perhaps list
plug-ins, but they don't.

checks Google for Agent and plug-ins

Found it! Actually, there are several plug-ins for integarted
use of PGP from within Agent. For the full list of Agent
plug-ins, check

- K -


I am an optimist, but about nothing.
  - Painter Francis Bacon

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Re: Kill Dupes

2001-03-07 Thread Karin Spaink

On 07-03-2001 at 15:02, John kindly wrote:

 I know there are dupes as some messages may have been imported more than
 So I used "Kill Dupes". To my surprise identical messages (Text,
 Sender, Recipient are identical except Received dates which are
 different)remained in the folder.

Kill Dupes uses *only* message ID to find duplicates. Are
you sure that you haven't received multiple copies?

Alternatively: Can you post the headers of two of these
identical messages here, such as left untouched by the Kill
Dupes command?

- K -


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Re: Mass Mailing Feature / in Filters? (Hard One)

2001-03-08 Thread Karin Spaink

On 08-03-2001 at 08:07, Thomas Speer kindly wrote:

 Is there any chance to do the folowing:
 I'd like to forward a mail I got to a Group of People. But all schould
 get a personalized mail saying:

 #Start of mail

 Hello "%TOFNAME"

 this Mail I got from . should be important for you too...

 *forwarded mail*
 *end of forwardet mail*

 #End of Mail

 So my thougt was creating a filter (trigered by Shortcut) that is
 sending out the replys to the People! This works as long as I am not
 trying to Personalize those mails which I would like to!

Januk came up with something last January that might be

= Original message text ===

From: Januk Aggarwal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Dierk Haasis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wednesday, January 03, 2001, 
Subject: Mass mailing using template

Hello Dierk,

On  Tue, 2 Jan 2001  at  22:45:50 GMT +0100 (which was 1:45 PM
where I live) witnesses say Dierk Haasis typed:

  Yip, when I tried it I - luckily - made it this way. So I could see
  that the mass mailing option still needs some work-over. To be
  specific: I want those messages not only with the QT but the actual
  AB templates (for personality).

I'm not sure I follow what you mean.  You are *completely* defining
the message to be sent to any given individual in the QT.  How could
TB alter that message to include aspects of your AB templates?

Having said that, you can make it more variable by using some creative
QT handles and using the %ABxxxPPP macros.  For example, define a
couple of QT's for greetings called "greet-business", "greet-personal"
and "greet-".

Now in your AB, use some unused field and fill in "business " or
"personal " or nothing depending on which of the three templates you
want to use.  Now in your Mass Mailing QT, use %ABtoXXX to access that
field.  I'm going to assume you use the MEMO field.  The end result
looks like: %QINCLUDE="greet-%ABtoMEMO"

Change the "greet-" part to reflect the different parts of your
message (eg. Signature, Quote-style, etc.)

You can also use regular expressions to get some flexibility too.  For
example, I have the following greeting macro so that I get "Hi ..." if
you're in my address book, and "Hello ..." if you're not.

%SETPATTREGEXP="(?(?=Hi\s;;)Hi\s;;(.*)|(.*);;)"%REGEXPMATCH="Hi %ABtoFIRSTNAME;;Hello 

  And you have to either enter text in the editor (try your computer by
  opening a mass mailing with 1500 addressees in the editor!) or make
  individual QT beforehand for every mailing that is different; the
  last method obviously intended.

Yep.  The only way to make things slightly better is to define the
main message part of the template in an external file and use the
%INCLUDE macro to insert it into the QT.  So now you don't have to
edit the *whole* template every time.  You only have to edit the
variable part.  Depending on the complexity of your template, this may
be worthwhile.

= End original message text ===

- K -


When I turned thirty, I broke off diplomatic relations with 
the Pepsi generation. Any hip young people want to 
communicate with me, they have to go through the Swiss. 
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Re: Search AB

2001-03-08 Thread Karin Spaink

On 07-03-2001 at 00:17, syv kindly wrote:

  I have a dozen of phone books and groups. When I
  search for somebody, TB places it in the Search
  Result. But I don't know which AB and which group it
  belongs to.

Open Address boek, search, and then right click on the name
and select properties. You'll see all the groups that the
person belongs to.

- K -


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Re: TB! v1.51 - NoCanvasHandle

2001-03-09 Thread Karin Spaink

On 09-03-2001 at 18:27, A Curtis Martin kindly wrote:

MG Anybody know how to pinpoint the culprit under NT 4? Is there a
MG GDI resource monitor just like for win 9x?

 Use the NT Taskmanager. Go to View - Select Objects and choose 'GDI

Huh? I can't find a "Select Objects" item in the task
manager View menu.

(I'm running NT4 SP6.)

- K -


As you go on living with someone, you slowly lose the 
power to make them happy, while your capacity to hurt 
them remains undiminished. 
  - Julian Barnes: Talking it Over

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Re: TB! v1.51 - NoCanvasHandle

2001-03-10 Thread Karin Spaink

On 09-03-2001 at 22:13, A Curtis Martin kindly wrote:
 On Fri, 9 Mar 2001 20:34:47 +0100, Karin thoughtfully wrote the

KS Huh? I can't find a "Select Objects" item in the task manager View
KS menu.

 Sorry. That should be 'select columns'. Though this is what I see in
 Win2k, I think WinNT should support this.

Ah, that one. Thanks!

- K -


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Re: Kill Dupes

2001-03-11 Thread Karin Spaink

On 11-03-2001 at 19:54, jlaikan kindly wrote:

 So I used "Kill Dupes". To my surprise identical messages (Text,
 Sender, Recipient are identical except Received dates which are
 different)remained in the folder.

KS Kill Dupes uses *only* message ID to find duplicates. Are
KS you sure that you haven't received multiple copies?

KS Alternatively: Can you post the headers of two of these
KS identical messages here, such as left untouched by the Kill
KS Dupes command?

 I thought my problems with dupes are definitely solved, unfortunately

 I copied messages imported from Eudora Light3.0 twice into a
 folder, thinking that Kill Dupes would remove duplicates. I found out
 that none of these messages displayed their mailer or message ID (even
 if Mailer and Message ID are checked in View/Message Header/Message ID).

Ah, but that is one of Eudora's really big shortcomings
(which I unfortunately only found out about *after* I had
moved to The Bat; had I known before, I would have migrated
much earlier): until version 4.x, Eudora didn't create
message-IDs for outgoing mail. Which in turn means that
there is nothing for TB to check when you order it to kill
dupes, because TB looks at message-IDs.

 Kill Dupes did not remove the duplicates (ALL messages are
 duplicated)which start like this(RCF-822 headers being

 To: "Maximum Output Software" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 From: "L.S.K.  Lai kan" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

See? No message-ID 

- K -


If New Age had been holding the wheel that steered the 
twentieth century, we would have nothing black, nothing 
sexy, nothing sleazy. 
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Re: Kill Dupes

2001-03-11 Thread Karin Spaink

On 11-03-2001 at 20:29, jlaikan kindly wrote:

 Please ignore my previous message. I am posting it again because I
 became aware that I didn't give complete Headers. Sorry for that.

The answer is nevertheless the same. Look at the headers:
there are no message-IDs.

- K -


When I turned thirty, I broke off diplomatic relations with 
the Pepsi generation. Any hip young people want to 
communicate with me, they have to go through the Swiss. 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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Re: automatic backups

2001-03-12 Thread Karin Spaink

On 12-03-2001 at 19:55, Tony Owens kindly wrote:

   I'd like TB! to automatically backup all my mail accounts
   periodically or, if this isn't possible, to periodically
   remind me to backup manually.

From two earlier postings of mine:

=== fwd 1 ===

I use .. incremental backups via a batch file that is
calling arj, in combination with a scheduler that starts the
whole thing at 7 a.m., but I have added one important step:
encrypting the backup.

I might be a tad paranoid - the "Church" of Scientology is
after me, and in such cases one can't be too cautious - but
I really believe that all private communications should be
stored encrypted. I also use a PGP-disk as my mail

=== fwd 2 ===

Here's my batch file for incremental backups  encryption:

@echo off
set path=c:\utils\backup;e:\backups\h-drive
set tz=met-1dst
c:\utils\arj\arj32 a -r -hm0 -i2 -h# -jm -b1
-x!c:\utils\backup\h-exclude.txt e:\backups\h-drive\h- h:\*.*
c:\utils\backup\pgp23 -e -w e:\backups\h-drive\h-*.arj Karin Spaink

I'll break up the last two lines:

  That's where my arj32.exe resides;

a -r -hm0 -i2 -h# -jm -b1 -x!c:\utils\backup\h-exclude.txt
  The switches for arj.exe:

  a = archive
  -r= use recursive directories
  -hm0  = to manage huge file lists
  -i2   = provides a combined percentage and bar progress display
  -h#   = append current date/time string
  -jm   = select high size reduction
  -b1   = backup changed files and reset archive bits
  -x[x] = exclude the files named in [x]

e:\backups\h-drive\h- h:\*.*
  Backup target and backup source

This results in files in the format H-010223.arj (for 23 Feb
2001). In the last line, this file is encrypted
(conventional encryption), using the key stored in the
backup directory:

c:\utils\backup\pgp23 -e -w e:\backups\h-drive\h-*.arj Karin Spaink

  -e   = encrypt file
  -w   = wipe original

That's it. It's executed in well under five minutes, using a

=== end fwd ===

- K -


Biographies rely on butch criteria: a life is plotted 
according to the markers of death, marriage, 
professional appointment, murder and military campaigns. 
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Re: Is there a way to make a Read Messages filter work with all folders?

2001-03-14 Thread Karin Spaink

On 15-03-2001 at 00:38, Mike Yetto kindly wrote:

 I think that more than just you and I would like to see filters that
 pertain to all folders and can target the mail to the current folder.
 By that I mean the message can start in any folder, be acted on, and
 remain where it is.

Seconded. Just like I would love to be able to change
standard templates in one go for all folders, instead of
needing to go through each and every folder seperately.

Tip for the developers: Agent has a nice solution for
newsgroup properties. You have "general properties" and
properties that pertain specific groups. It would for
instance be nice to be able *all* standard forwarding
templates in one go.

- K -


I am an optimist. but about nothing. 
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Re: Is there a way to make a Read Messages filter work with all folders?

2001-03-15 Thread Karin Spaink

On 15-03-2001 at 02:09, A Curtis Martin kindly wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Mar 2001 01:55:22 +0100, Karin contributed:

KS Just like I would love to be able to change
KS standard templates in one go for all folders, instead of
KS needing to go through each and every folder seperately.

 Two things which may help you in this regard.

 If you delete the templates from a folder, close the folder properties
 and reopen them, you'll see the default templates there. These are the
 templates found in the account properties. If you change the default
 template properties, this will be reflected in all folders using the
 default templates.

True, but then I'd lose all folder specific settings...

 Quick templates and the %Qinclude="qt handle macro can help a lot as
 well. Construct your template as a quick template and then where ever
 you wish to use the  template you use the %Qinclude macro.

That's a nice work-around, thanks!

- K -


Many bastards succeed. But I, I've learned nothing. 
I can't even elegantly bleed. 
  - Swans: Failure

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Message-ID macro?

2001-03-15 Thread Karin Spaink

I want to include the message-ID of the original when I
forward a message. However,


doesn't work, while according to the help file this macro
"inserts the original message’s Message ID (taken from the
message headers)". Any ideas?

- K -


If babies are innocent, it is not for lack of will to 
 harm, but for lack of strength. 
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Re: Message-ID macro?

2001-03-15 Thread Karin Spaink

On 15-03-2001 at 12:37, Thomas kindly wrote:
 Hi Karin,


 Do you mean %OMSGID (percent instead of ampersand)?

rubs her eyes, slaps herself severly

Arggh. I shouldn't be doing this when I'm just out of bed.

- K -


Comparing Scientology to a motorcycle gang is a gross, 
unpardonable insult to bikers everywhere. Even at our 
worst, we are never as bad as Scientology. 
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Re: From Outlook 2000 to TheBat! and then...

2001-03-28 Thread Karin Spaink

On 28-03-2001 at 14:34, Fabio Colonnello kindly wrote:

 My last question: what if I want to go back to another mail program !?
 Is it possibile to export mail archive from theBat! ?
 I take some tries but I was unable to export my mails

Go to the main window, select Tools, Export Messages, and
select either .msg format or Unix format. The Unix format
can be read by most programs.

(As for your other question: I can't help you there.)

- K -


Maybe Ellen Cherry Charles didn't look like a million 
dollars, but nobody could deny that she looked like the 
*tax* on a million dollars. 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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Address book hassle

2001-03-28 Thread Karin Spaink

For friends, I have set up a small network (two computers,
both running WinNT) using TheBat. The program resides on
computer A. All users have their own accounts, plus they
have access to the company's main account. There is also an
admin account, from which you can access all other accounts.
The address book resides in d:\thebat\admin .

The hassle is that they keep "losing" the address book. When
they want to enter a handle, TB sometimes can't find the
address book and looks either in the program directory
(c:\internet\thebat\) or in one of the user directories
(d:\thebat\user). In order to find the standard, common
address book they need to go to Tools - Address book -
File - Open Address book and navigate to d:\thebat\admin and
click on the AB, and then TB remembers for some time.

Is there any way to make TB remember once and for all?

- K -


People say when they cuddle they're like spoons, but we're 
a drawerful of knives and forks. 
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Re: Address book hassle

2001-03-30 Thread Karin Spaink

On 28-03-2001 at 20:52, Ming-Li kindly wrote:
 On Wednesday, March 28, 2001 at 20:19:23 +0200 Karin Spaink wrote:

 For friends, I have set up a small network (two computers,
 both running WinNT) using TheBat. The program resides on
 computer A. All users have their own accounts, plus they
 have access to the company's main account. There is also an
 admin account, from which you can access all other accounts.
 The address book resides in d:\thebat\admin .
 The hassle is that they keep "losing" the address book.

 I believe you're using one of the newest version (older versions
 store the information in the registry),

The use TB 1.51.

 so AFAIK the only place TB
 stores the location and name of the ABs in use in "AddrBook.INI"
 under the main directory of the message base (or the "working
 directory" as TB calls it). Please check all network HDs to see if
 there're other copies of the same .ini elsewhere.

There's only one AddrBook.ini and it listed the correct

 How do they normally use the computers? Do you log-in (into Windows,
 not TB) with different accounts? If so, I suspect there're some
 discrepancies as to where the "working directory" is at. The
 location is stored in the registry under the key:
 Since every Windows account has its own "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" tree,
 they might not share the same value for the "Working Directory"
 entry. And there are two computers, each with its own user accounts.

Right. Indeed most users had a wrong key there, which I have
dutifully corrected. The problem seems to be fixed now.

But this means that although AddrBook.ini is supposed to
tell the program where to look for the address book,
actually the registry entry takes precedence...

- K -


England and America are two countries separated by the same 
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Re: Folder settings (was: Changing message replyto via filter)

2001-03-30 Thread Karin Spaink

On 30-03-2001 at 10:30, Lars Geiger kindly wrote:

 If you want to change the settings for all folders (at least for
 all of one account) I would suggest using the keyboard. That's a
 pretty fast way for doing such a general change. Mark the first
 You can repeat this sequence until all your folder settings are

Yammie! I never realised that. I had some quite folders to
correct as well, and could never bring myself to go through
the hassle. But this *is* a fast procedure. Thanks!

- K -


Our society desperately needs monsters to reclaim its own 
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Re: Changing message replyto via filter

2001-03-30 Thread Karin Spaink

On 30-03-2001 at 20:13, A Curtis Martin kindly wrote:
 Karin wrote:


KS I wish it were. I never use the preview window; I read mail
KS using the folder view and then hop from message to message.
KS For me, that means that memo's are inaccesible: I can write
KS one but you can't save it.

 Try the following:

 Open a view folder window and then hit Ctrl+Shift+I. This should open the
 memo view window. The 'save' and 'clear' toolbar buttons should be blanked
 out so trying to create a memo for the currently selected message would be
 futile. Now select another message in the message list. You should now see
 the memo window toolbar buttons become active and you can now create the
 memo via the view folder window.

Blimey, you're right - although it is a bit buggy. I might
actualy start using memos from now on. Thanks, Allie.

[me quoting Marck's old rant]

KS The address auto-view is more responsive with the preview window.

 More responsive? Would you explain what you mean here?

Erm, that was form an old message from Marck. You'd better
ask him ;-)

- K -


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Re: Changing message replyto via filter

2001-03-31 Thread Karin Spaink

On 31-03-2001 at 14:49, Jan Rifkinson kindly wrote:
 Hello Karin,

Karin I might actualy start using memos from now on.

   The only use I've found for memos is to use them as an alphabetical
   list of tech notes. May I ask what you are thinking about using the
   memo function for?

To jot down notes for the reply. (Often I read mail and
don't reply immediately. Sometimes I thus forget a few
points that I wanted to make.)

- K -


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Re: encrypted mail saving !?

2001-04-05 Thread Karin Spaink

On 03-04-2001 at 08:05, Armin Schweitzer kindly wrote:

 But I just saw that the files that stores
 the mail are not encrypted. Is there a way to
 keep them encrypted?

No. The only way to keep them encrypted is to use an
encrption program, such as PGP-disk.

 It's because we're having our user home directories
 on a central server.
 I use passwords for my email-accounts. But as far
 as the files contain the messages in plain-text
 it's not worth much.
 I'm using TB under NT4 SP6a and Win2k SP1 and the
 Mail-directory is stored on a Sparc-Workstation
 using Samba.

Under WinNT you can set up private directories for users
that other users cannot access. Perhaps that's the way to go
about it...

- K -


I actually don't think I'm the first ever transsexual member of 
parliament in the world. Margaret Thatcher beat me to it by a 
number of years.
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Re: Auto Forwarding Filter / Template; Is It Possible?

2001-04-06 Thread Karin Spaink

On 06-04-2001 at 21:34, Paddy L kindly wrote:

 Looking at: Account  Sorting Office Filters  Actions, there is no
 forwarding option.  What am I missing?

Go to Sorting Office, selct Incoming mail, and create the
appropriate filter. Then, under the Action tab, scroll down
until you see

  Send Auto-reply


  Forward to

The icon next to it will light up and you can put in all
that you want: hardcoded recipients, standard text, macros
and what have you.

Then go to the Options tab, and click "send generated
messages - immediately". There!

- K -


Capricorns don't believe in astrology. 
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Re: Connection to host broken ....

2001-04-12 Thread Karin Spaink

On 10-04-2001 at 05:17, Jody Watts kindly wrote:

 I keep getting a message:
 !4/9/2001, 22:08:27: FETCH - Connection to host broken (last commands sent were: 
"RETR 2", "RETR 3")
 This started about a week ago. When it happens, most of the mail from
 the server is downloaded, but NONE is deleted and the next time it
 checks mail, it will download the same messages, fails again and so the
 cycle continues.

Have you tried to delete that one particular mail using the

In your main TB window, go to Account and select "Dispatch
mail on server". TB will start reading all your mail on the
server and will show you a list of them; from that window,
you can proceed to delete (or download) mail. Delete the one
mail that's creating havoc, press "Execute", close the
despatcher and try to fetch mail in the standard way.

- K -


There is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It's a headless 
blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. 
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Re: Why so many undeleted bat-tmp files in the temp-directory?

2001-04-12 Thread Karin Spaink

On 12-04-2001 at 16:54, Jonathan Wayne kindly wrote:

 Unless you tell me that this reply looked OK, I'm going to
 abandon replying to any more messages with this email
 client - Lotus Notes - which I hate immensely but have to
 use at work! Completely inflexible.

I'd dump Lotus Notes immediately. What it apparently does,
is re-create both the headers and the body of the message
that you are replying to, and present them in a kind of

 ||   Dierk Haasis  |
 || |
 ||   Sent by:  |
 ||   om|
 || |
 || |
 || |
 ||   Thursday April 12, 2001 10:40 |
 ||   AM|
 ||   Please respond to TBUDL   |
 || |

... and that's just the *header*.

- K -


Zwei Dinge sind unendlich: Die Dummheit und das All 
Nur die Liebe und das Wetter hren nimmer, nimmer auf 
  - Einstrzende Neubauten: Was ist ist

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Purging, was:: TB temp files mystery -- an experiment

2001-04-12 Thread Karin Spaink

On 12-04-2001 at 21:55, Dwight A Corrin kindly wrote:
 Thursday, April 12, 2001, 11:50:11 AM, Ming-Li wrote:

 I even did a little house
 cleaning job that I usually do in the weekend: killing dupes in all
 folders, purging and compressing all folders.

 Showing my ignorance, I would like to ask: What is purging?  It sounds
 destructive and I have been loathe to test to find out.

When you delete a message from a folder, it is not really
removed: it is only taken out of the folder's index file
(*.tbi). When you purge, it is really deleted. But you also
need to compress from time and time: remove old entries
(messages) from the messge database (*.tbb).

It will reduce the size of your folders and increse
operations somewhat. Especially the outbox, inbox and thrash
folders will open much quicker after a purge  compress.

- K -


"You've got a gift." 
"It's not a gift. It's just a brain." 
  - The Cube, 1997

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Re: Killing dupes

2001-04-13 Thread Karin Spaink

On 13-04-2001 at 15:54, Pete P kindly wrote:

 What happened was that I lost sixty messages that were NOT duplicates,
 all from same person. From his later messages I have discovered that
 all his messages have the same message-ID!! (..)

That is a serious error on his part. Message-IDs are *meant*
to be unique.

 It would have been nice if TB! had told me *what* were the
 messages it was about to kill... showing the basic "from" and
 "subject" info for instance.

Would be a nice option, indeed.

Have you tried to browse that particular folder for deleted
messages? You might be able to salvage them that way...

 Now it seems to me that the message-ID isn't a very
 reliable way to determine which messages are duplicates...

It is the only reliable way. But there is no way that TB can
foresee that somebody will, agains all RFCs, start using the
same message-ID over and over again...

- K -


Biographies rely on butch criteria: a life is plotted 
according to the markers of death, marriage, 
professional appointment, murder and military campaigns. 
  - Alain de Botton: Kiss  Tell

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Re: Receiving blank messages- help???

2001-04-13 Thread Karin Spaink

On 13-04-2001 at 16:10, [EMAIL PROTECTED] kindly wrote:

 I  have  a  strange  problem  that maybe an easy hit for many of the
 subscribers  of  this  group.  That is for some reason I am occasionally
 receiving  blank  messages in my inbox- that is to say no headers, from,
 to, or even text in the message! (not even rfc-822 headers)

There's a virus around that does exactly that, but it
usually has an attachment. Do you get attachments in these
empty mails? (Usually, the subject is "Hahaha".) I get at
least four a day.

- K -


At last official count nearly 500 gay and lesbian couples 
had been united in civil unions this summer in Vermont. 
There were flowers, champagne, brides and brides, grooms and 
grooms. The sky did not fall. The earth did not split in 
two. Happy families and happy friends watched happy people 
pledge their love. 
  - Columnist Anna Quindlen, Newsweek, Sept. 11 2000.

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Re: Killing dupes

2001-04-14 Thread Karin Spaink

On 13-04-2001 at 17:51, Pete P kindly wrote:
 Hello Karin,

KS Have you tried to browse that particular folder for deleted
KS messages? You might be able to salvage them that way...

 Well, I've got most of them back with the list-moderator's help so
 this is not as disasterous (is that a real word?!) as it first seemed.

"disastrous" is the correct word ;-)

 Now it seems to me that the message-ID isn't a very
 reliable way to determine which messages are duplicates...

KS It is the only reliable way. But there is no way that TB can
KS foresee that somebody will, agains all RFCs, start using the
KS same message-ID over and over again...

 Which leads me to a question: how *is* it possible to have same
 message-ID on several messages?! I'm dumbstruck!

Somebody on this list - I think it was sev - set all his
mail to have the same message-ID too, until he was warned of
the consequences. Sev, can you explain how you did it?

- K -


Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. 
  - Victor Borge

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Re: Administrator and more

2001-04-14 Thread Karin Spaink

On 13-04-2001 at 14:49, Michal Kozusznik kindly wrote:
 Friday, April 13, 2001, 1:36:17 PM, Marck D. Pearlstone wrote:

 TB is designed to be user specific. *Either* use a single windows
 login and multiple TB users *Or* use multiple Windows logins *and*
 multiple TB installations. You can probably use a single executable
 set but will need different mailbase root folders for each

 Yep. You're right. I'm doing as you wrote.
 Hmm. Is it enough to install TB! into the same directory from different
 windows account (is it the reason of register settings?)

You'll need to install TB as Windows administrator. Then,
*within* TB, go to Options -- Network  Administration --
Groups, and group names: Name1, Name2 etc and give them User
rights. Make sure to create one Admin account and give it
administrator rights.

Assign the appropriate accounts to each name, close TB and
restart. TB will ask you for a user name. If you enter that,
you'll only see the accounts assigned to that user.

- K -


I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them. 
  - Isaac Asimov

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Re: Change reply-to for a folder

2001-04-14 Thread Karin Spaink

On 14-04-2001 at 20:50, A Curtis Martin kindly wrote:
 On Sun, 15 Apr 2001 01:46:08 +0800, Thomas graced us with these comments:

T The moderators are doing too good a job - would mutiny be an option?

 And how would you go about doing that? Mail *bombing* us??? vbg

Collect the e-mail addresses of all frequent posters and
start a competing list on my mailserver? devilish grin

- K -


Our society desperately needs monsters to reclaim its own 
moral virginity.
  - Sylvre Lotringer

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Re: Change reply-to for a folder

2001-04-14 Thread Karin Spaink

On 14-04-2001 at 22:51, Marck D. Pearlstone kindly wrote:
 Hi Karin,

T The moderators are doing too good a job - would mutiny be an option?

 And how would you go about doing that? Mail *bombing* us??? vbg

KS Collect the e-mail addresses of all frequent posters and
KS start a competing list on my mailserver? devilish grin

 Mummy, mummy! Nasty lady took my ball away! Waaah!

The lady just published an article on castration, so that
figures another devilish grin

- K -


What if the Christ and the Messiah come, and they're two 
different guys? Would they debate on television? Would they 
lead their faithful off two different rewards, separate, 
restricted heavens? 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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Re: Change reply-to for a folder - OT

2001-04-14 Thread Karin Spaink

On 15-04-2001 at 01:36, Douglas Hinds kindly wrote:
 Hello Karin  others on this TB! list  following this thread,

T The moderators are doing too good a job - would mutiny be an option?

ACM And how would you go about doing that? Mail *bombing* us??? vbg

KS Collect the e-mail addresses of all frequent posters and
KS start a competing list on my mailserver? devilish grin

 It wouldn't be a competing list, as anyone could subscribe to any,
 all or none.

We were discussing how to go about a mutiny, weren't we?
Yopu hardly subscribe to a ship that you want to sink ;-)

 This fundamental issue is: Why do it?

Gouglas, we were joking. Seriously.

 Do you have the necessary expert participation lined up?

Me? Yes. I run a number of lists, one of them with almost
600 members.

- K -


If I had to choose between betraying my country and 
betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to 
betray my country. 
  - EM Forster: Two Cheers for Democracy

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Re: Change reply-to for a folder - OT

2001-04-15 Thread Karin Spaink

On 15-04-2001 at 05:38, Thomas kindly wrote:

KS Gouglas, we were joking. Seriously.

 "Gouglas"? Oh well. What's that stuff you're smoking?

Ordinary tobacco. I already privately apologised to Douglas.

 Do you have the necessary expert participation lined up?

 Yes, in a police line-up. They have all been caught using *very*
 *very* dangerous folder templates.

Ouch. That is *very* incriminating.

KS Me? Yes. I run a number of lists, one of them with almost
KS 600 members.

 Wait until your article about human castration gets published

It was. Both in a newspaper and on that particular list ;-)

- K -


Seduction operates somewhere between courtship and rape. 
  - Jenny Newman, Seduction

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Re: Administrator and more

2001-04-17 Thread Karin Spaink

On 16-04-2001 at 23:48, Michal Kozusznik kindly wrote:
 Saturday, April 14, 2001, 5:12:12 PM, Karin Spaink wrote:

 You'll need to install TB as Windows administrator. Then,
 *within* TB, go to Options -- Network  Administration --
 Groups, and group names: Name1, Name2 etc and give them User
 rights. Make sure to create one Admin account and give it
 administrator rights.

 OK.  I'll  try. But what account is an Administrator one under W98 ???

I'm not that familioar with Win98; I use NT. But probably
your own suggestion would work:

 Is   it   this   one,  without  any  registering  (ESC  on  user  name

- K -


Nell discovered that a smoothly functioning system 
was much harder to puzzle out than one that was 
  - Neil Stephenson: The Diamond Age

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Re: No MailTicker anymore...

2001-04-18 Thread Karin Spaink

On 18-04-2001 at 17:50, Olivier Mascia kindly wrote:

 I'm still with my problem of 'no MailTicker' anymore...

NA Have you also tried a Scandisk followed by a Defrag?

 I hardly see how it could be related to the problem, so I'll take it
 for humour. Thanks, no I didn't, but I've turned off the microwave oven :-)

Try switching off your coffee pot? Alledgedly, TB 2.0 will
take care of all your caffeine needs.

On a more serious note: you could try to temporarily
increase your screen resolution and check whether your
ticker has wandered off the screen. You wouldn't be the
first victim of an eloped ticker

- K -


You will find me if you want me in the garden 
unless it's pouring down with rain 
  - Einstrzende Neubauten: The Garden

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Re: No MailTicker anymore...

2001-04-18 Thread Karin Spaink

On 18-04-2001 at 21:15, Nick Andriash kindly wrote:
 On April 18, 2001, at 8:50:44 AM, Olivier Mascia wrote:

NA Have you also tried a Scandisk followed by a Defrag?

 I hardly see how it could be related to the problem, so I'll take it
 for humour. Thanks, no I didn't, but I've turned off the microwave oven :-)

 A little patronising there Olivier... and not much appreciated. The "if
 all else fails" suggestion to run Scandisk/Defrag was not meant as humour,

But Olivier's reply was. Nick, we've seen plenty of jokes
about TB 2.0 being able to make coffee. Actually, I relish
the possiblity of it also being able to take care of my
microwave ;-)

- K -


When I turned thirty, I broke off diplomatic relations with 
the Pepsi generation. Any hip young people want to 
communicate with me, they have to go through the Swiss. 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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Re: message vanished

2001-04-18 Thread Karin Spaink

On 19-04-2001 at 01:42, Susanne kindly wrote:

   I just accidently deleted a message I wanted to keep.
   I found it in the trash folder and moved it back to the
   folder I deleted it from, but now it seems to be totally
   It never appeared in the folder I moved it to and isn't in
   the trash folder anymore, either. (..)
   Any ideas how to get it back?

If you inadvertedly lost a message in any folder, focus on
that folder and go to the main menu -- Folder -- Browse
deleted messages. You will then see all moved and deleted
messages. (*) From that message list, you can move them to a
new destination. (**)

*   At this level, TB doesn't distinguish between "moved"
and "deleted". Both are deleted from the folder's index.

**  You cannot move a deleted message from the deleted list
back to its original folder: you need to take an
intermediate step, e.g. move it to your inbox and
reallocate it from there.

You can try doing this either from your inbox (since that is
where the message must have arrived at first) or from the
trash folder (since that is where it was moved from).

Another, more elaborate solution is to search through your
account for the message. But I realise that you can only do
so if you remember part of its header or its content...

- K -


... she had come to realise that Authority, even when it 
refrained from violence, could be as disturbing a specter 
as anything she had seen. 
  - Neil Stephenson: The Diamond Age

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Re: Different fonts for different use

2001-04-21 Thread Karin Spaink

On 19-04-2001 at 13:53, A Curtis Martin kindly wrote:
 On Thu, 19 Apr 2001 06:01:38 +0200, Sir wrote these words of wisdom:

SJ Where  can  I find Lucida Console and Lucida Sans Typ?

 As far as  I know these fonts are free but I don't know where to find them
 so I uploaded them for you. You can get them here:

When I try to follow the "dowload this file to your
computer" link, I get an error message:

"This link expired or no longer exists."

- K -


She's selfish and cruel as only the weak can be - 
because cruelty is all she has to keep her safe. 
  - Kathryn Harrison: The Kiss

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Re: Folder question

2001-04-21 Thread Karin Spaink

On 21-04-2001 at 18:09, azrael kindly wrote:

azreal experiences cursor problems]

 I don't think it's the mouse drive affecting the cursor. The Bat is
 the only software showing this behavior. Were I to attempt to place my
 cursor after the last letter of most words the cursor jumps 1
 character left.(but not always?)

 I suspect some cursor control is not set correctly although it
 could be mouse driver + Bat settings.

Are you referring to your text getting indented more with
each new paragraph? I suspect it is the "smart tabs" option
or the "auto-indent" option set in the Editor Preferences
(under Options). If you have any of these switched on, you
might just have found the solution.

- K -


If I had to choose between betraying my country and 
betraying my friend, I hope I should have the guts to 
betray my country. 
  - EM Forster: Two Cheers for Democracy

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Re: Auto-wraping of quoted text on reply ?

2001-04-22 Thread Karin Spaink

On 22-04-2001 at 16:14, Alexander Levenetz kindly wrote:
 Hello Allie,

 The %Wrapped macro is still very useful because it may be used to
 wrap introductions, cookies and other single paragraphs.

 Maybe a stupid question but why would I want to include cookies in
 an email??

If you think of the cookies that websites place on your
computer, you're right: that's useless. But the term
'cookies' also refers to random signatures, such as mine.
(*This* definition of cookies is, I believe, derived from
Chinese fortune cookies.)

I have a file in which I store quites that I like, and those
are selected randomly and then added to my signature. They
are generated by putting %cookie in my templates.

- K -


As you go on living with someone, you slowly lose the 
power to make them happy, while your capacity to hurt 
them remains undiminished. 
  - Julian Barnes: Talking it Over

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Re: Bringing newsgroup and mailing lists messages together

2001-04-28 Thread Karin Spaink

On 28-04-2001 at 20:02, PFord kindly wrote:

 So, I was thinking that I might switch to using Agent for both
 newsgroups and mailing lists, keeping The Bat! for non-mailing list use,
 but that would be a kludgy workaround. I'd rather find a way to get my
 newsgroups messages into The Bat!

Easy, but it takes some time. Go to a folder in Agent,
select all messages (using ctrl-A), go to File - Save
Messages As, and select Unix Message File and give the
file a name.

Then, in TB, create a new folder, and import them as Unix
Mailboxes. Done!

- K -


There is no conspiracy. Nobody is in charge. It's a headless 
blunder operating under the illusion of a master plan. 
  - The Cube, 1997

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Re: Sorting Office/Filters

2001-05-02 Thread Karin Spaink

On 02-05-2001 at 18:59, Frederick Fisher Jr. kindly wrote:

 I was a bit wrong in my last message...I don't have to hit re-filter to get
 a message to show up in the correct color group.  It seems that as soon as
 a message is marked read that it will show up correctly...

I'm afraid that your problem is that whith unread messages,
the colour simply doesn't show. Try making a coloured
message unread and watch the colour change to black, instead
of to fat colour :-(

- K -


When I get my hands on some money, I'll kiss it's green skin 
And I'll ask it's dirty face: where the hell have you been? 
  - Swans: Failure

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Re: Step-by-step for moving TB

2001-05-03 Thread Karin Spaink

On 03-05-2001 at 06:40, Jan Rifkinson kindly wrote:
 Hi Jason,

Jason I bought the new computer from Dell and
Jason everything was pre-installed,

   Having gone thru the same process myself on a new Dell I strongly
   suggest you have tech support point you to the Dell document that
   lists  describes all the loaded programs/products that startup
   automatically, then dump more than half of those that you won't
   need. This cleans up the machine considerably, speeds it up 
   reduces a lot of lockups/crashes, etc.

Plus: be *very* sure to make good backups. If something
crashes and you need to reinstall, the Dell recovery CD will
simply create a clean system. Oops. All data gone.

- K -


His apparent self-possession was really the fragile stasis 
of an ancient vase and if he had let himself be moved, or 
show feeling, he would have broken into a thousand pieces. 
  - Alan Judd: The Devil's Own Work

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The wish list (was: Auto-expand messages lists ?)

2001-05-03 Thread Karin Spaink

On 03-05-2001 at 10:39, Thomas kindly wrote:
 Olivier Mascia wrote:

OM Where could I : a) read the current wish list,

 Must be a trade secret. We only remember what is in there, because
 people usually announce this here. There used to be a wish list at or so, I don't know whether it still exists.

It's still there:

- K -


Conformity or rebellion? 
Neither one. Both ways are simple-minded - they are only 
for people who cannot cope with contradiction and ambiguity. 
  - Neil Stephenson: The Diamond Age

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Re: Message flags

2001-05-05 Thread Karin Spaink

On 05-05-2001 at 16:43, Silviu Cojocaru kindly wrote:

 What are message flags good for ?

To designate the meaning *you* attach to them. Some people
use flags to mark urgent mails, others use them to yet-to-
be-replied to mails, etc.

- K -


Inessential insanities get one in trouble with oneself. 
Essential insanities get one in trouble with others. It's 
always preferable to be in trouble with others. In fact, 
it may be essential. 
  - Tom Robbins: Still Life With Woodpecker

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Re: Cursor under the wrong message

2001-05-05 Thread Karin Spaink

On 05-05-2001 at 17:07, Sir Jinx! kindly wrote:

 Although  I  sort  my messages by creation time, in ascending order,
 when  I jump to a new folder [TBUDL or any other], the cursor almost
 always  falls in the middle of the message list! What i the cause of
 this annoying behavior?

I witnessed the same behaviour in a few - not all - folders.
As it turns out, the reason is that those folders, in folder
view, were arranged by subject; and since TB does remember
where its cursor was last located, it will return to that

Solution: switch to sorting by creation/received time in
folder view.

- K -


Horror film characters are forever watching horror movies, 
either in theatres or on television at home, and not a few 
horror plots turn on the horrifying consequences of looking 
at horror.
  - Carol Clover: Men, women and chainsaws

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Re: unopened message icon

2001-05-06 Thread Karin Spaink

On 06-05-2001 at 16:37, Dwight A Corrin kindly wrote:

 What is the difference between an unopened message with a yellow
 envelope icon and one with a red one?

The red one is a high-priority message.

- K -


What if the Christ and the Messiah come, and they're two 
different guys? Would they debate on television? Would they 
lead their faithful off two different rewards, separate, 
restricted heavens? 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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*.tmp files problem

2001-05-06 Thread Karin Spaink

Ever since I moved to v1.52 - yesterday evening - zero bytes
*.tmp files have started to accumulate in my c:\temp
directory. By now, I have 25 of them; some of them survived
shutting down TB overnight and can't be deleted (I assume
I'd need to shut down my computer before I can do that).

- K -


[Religion] is not merely the opium of the masses, it is 
the cyanide. 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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Re: *.tmp files problem

2001-05-06 Thread Karin Spaink

On 06-05-2001 at 17:57, Ron Secord kindly wrote:
 Hi Karin,

KS Ever since I moved to v1.52 - yesterday evening - zero bytes
KS *.tmp files have started to accumulate in my c:\temp
KS directory.

 There was a big debate about this back around Beta 10 or 11 and it
 seemed at the time that just about everyone was affected by the .tmp

I know. At the tiime, I didn't have them. Now, since
yesterday and since switching to 1.52 (not beta) I suddenly
have them.

- K -


Conformity or rebellion? 
Neither one. Both ways are simple-minded - they are only 
for people who cannot cope with contradiction and ambiguity. 
  - Neil Stephenson: The Diamond Age

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Re: Edit received messages

2001-05-06 Thread Karin Spaink

On 06-05-2001 at 18:13, Anne-Sophie Hombert kindly wrote:

 Up to now, I've been using the following: export the message(s) to *.mbx
 format, edit it(them) and then reimport in TB! It works fine but I was just
 wondering if there was a faster way to do this?

Move the message to the Outbox, edit and move back. The
drawback is that message-ID and date will change.

An alternative to your apporoach is to export only that
*one* message (in .msg format), edit it and reimport.

- K -


I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. 
  - Michelangelo

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The Bat! 1.52 - bug report

2001-05-07 Thread Karin Spaink

[Actually, this is a copy of a bug report I submitted for
TB 1.48. It still persists.]

  I'm using The Bat! Version 1.52
  Serial Number F6B77929
  under Windows NT 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 6

  The bug description:

When deleting a few mails simultaneously in an open thread
in Folder View, the body part of the screen turns blank. If
you then move to any message, bodies are shown again but the
buttons in the folder view are greyed and unusable.

  Steps to reproduce the bug:

Set your Folder view to Thread by reference, ordered by
subject. Open a tread and delete all (or a few) messages
within that thread. The cursor in the message list will jump
to the higher message and the lower part of the folder view,
where the body of a message is supposed to be shown, goes
blank. At the same time all buttons are greyed out and
unusable. If you then click on a message in Folder view, the
body window gets restored but the buttons remain 'dead'. The
only way to fully restore all functions is to close and
reopen the folder.

- K -


Conformity or rebellion? 
Neither one. Both ways are simple-minded - they are only 
for people who cannot cope with contradiction and ambiguity. 
  - Neil Stephenson: The Diamond Age

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Re: Changing message replyto via filter

2001-03-30 Thread Karin Spaink

On 29-03-2001 at 22:09, Dwight A Corrin kindly wrote:
 Thursday, March 29, 2001, 1:28:54 PM, you wrote:

 :-) All we have in TB to parallel this is the Memo. Ctrl-Shift-I.

 This is good.

I wish it were. I never use the preview window; I read mail
using the folder view and then hop from message to message.
For me, that means that memo's are inaccesible: I can write
one but you can't save it.

As Marck put it, some time ago [Sept. 27 2000;

... once the message is *open*, and there is an associated
memo, the memo-autoview window will display it. This is so whether the
message is open via the preview window or via folder view.

*However*, if I wish to edit a memo or add one to a message, I can only
do so if the message is open via the preview window.

rant It bugs me that I can do more to messages when they are open via
the preview window than when open in folder view. After-all, it's
supposed to be just a preview window. From the way it functions, it
really aught to be called the main message view window because the
message is clearly *opened* when being viewed via the preview window. I
can edit memo's only when messages are open via the preview window. The
address auto-view is more responsive with the preview window. This goes
against what is intuitively expected in the context of what a preview
window is supposed to represent metaphorically. /rant

- K -


Maybe Ellen Cherry Charles didn't look like a million 
dollars, but nobody could deny that she looked like the 
*tax* on a million dollars. 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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Re: Keeping messages on the server

2001-04-21 Thread Karin Spaink

On 21-04-2001 at 22:30, Santiago Cimadevilla kindly wrote:

I have, then, set The Bat! to 'leave messages on server' and 'keep
   messages for 1 day'.
However, I think I'm doing something wrong here, because the
   messages are apparently not getting deleted. I made a manual check
   of the contents of the server, and I see several messages that are 2
   days old or more.

TB has an oddity about counting days on server. Not only
doesn't it count today's messeages (as indeed it shouldn't),
it also will only delete a whole day's mail in one go when
it is that date's turn. You should rather think of the X
days as the amount of days in between today and the oldest
not-yet deleted mails.

I have set my TB to leave messages on server for two days;
thus, I'll not only find all of today's messages on the
server (April 22th), but also April 21, April 20 (as is to
be expected), but *also* April 19 because that day's cycle
has not yet fully passed - but it will, at 00:00 tonight.

- K -


The feeling you had when you first played these old 
computer games as a ten year old down in the basement during 
the summer, back in the days that you knew it all and while 
your friends were hanging around at the pool you'd be saving 
the galaxy!  - Menso on HfH, 1999-10-16
Oh, eh, thanks for saving the galaxy, by the way. You did a 
great job, Menso.- Marcel on HfH, 1999-10-16

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Re: PGP advice

2001-04-21 Thread Karin Spaink

On 22-04-2001 at 00:36, Shauna Scott kindly wrote:

 So, as you can see, instead of doing the work I should be doing, I've
 downloaded and installed PGP 6.5.8ckt build 05. The next trick is to
 get it to work with The Bat.

 If I look under Tools-OpenPGP-Choose OpenPGP Version, the only
 choices available are Internal and PGP Command Line, neither of
 which appears to be what I want. Is there something else I have to do
 to make PGP 6.0.x/6.5.x Plugin available?

You have downloaded the TB PGP plugin, I assume? It is
available from
You need to unzip the files, and put batpgp60.dll and/or
batpgp65.dll in your TB program directory.

If you now check Tools -- PGP -- Choose Version, you can
tick the PGP 6.0/6.5 option.

- K -


Another complication is that the subconscious mind is 
always changin'. Like an encyclopaedia that keeps puttin' 
out a whole new edition every day. 
  - Haruki Murakami: The Hard-Boiled Wonderland

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Wrapping cookies

2001-04-21 Thread Karin Spaink

On 21-04-2001 at 23:22, Sir Jinx! kindly wrote:
 A Curtis Martin said:

ACM The  %Wrapped macro is still very useful because it may be used
ACM to wrap introductions, cookies and other single paragraphs.

 Wrapping  cookies? This sounds very interesting! How can it be done?


 Can  it  be  done only with %COOKIES, or can it be done with cookies
 from text file?

See above ;-)

 Can 'center formating' also be specified?

Wrap only wraps long lines, it doesn't justify or center.

- K -


Problems are only opportunities in work clothes. 
  - Henry Kaiser

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Re: Folder question

2001-04-21 Thread Karin Spaink

On 21-04-2001 at 23:12, azrael kindly wrote:
 On Saturday, April 21, 2001, at 4:21:18 PM, Karin Spaink thoughtfully wrote:

KS Are you referring to your text getting indented more with each new
KS paragraph? I suspect it is the smart tabs option or the
KS auto-indent option set in the Editor Preferences (under Options). If
KS you have any of these switched on, you might just have found the
KS solution.

 Thank you; it was checked.  hope to hear confirmation of  an  improvement.

Your last messages have been indent-free indeed ;-)

- K -


Maybe Ellen Cherry Charles didn't look like a million 
dollars, but nobody could deny that she looked like the 
*tax* on a million dollars. 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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Re: Different fonts for different use

2001-04-21 Thread Karin Spaink

On 22-04-2001 at 02:25, azrael kindly wrote:
 On Saturday, April 21, 2001, at 8:13:43 PM, Karin Spaink thoughtfully wrote:

 Try this one:
 I just created it.

KS Yet, I get the same error message: even after a forced
KS reload of the page. Weird.

  I have the two font zipped file from Allie's link. Norton 2001 was
  updated just yesterday on this machine and I'd be happy to attach and
  send you the file.

That's very kind, but meanwhile Allie sent me the file
himself. As it turns out, the download link would terminate
itself after five people had actually downloaded the file.
(That gives a whole new meaning to the term killfile ;-))

- K -


Our society desperately needs monsters to reclaim its own 
moral virginity.
  - Sylvère Lotringer

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Re: Expanding Threads

2001-04-22 Thread Karin Spaink

On 22-04-2001 at 13:17, Chema Berian kindly wrote:

 Is there a way to expand completely a thread??

Press + on the numeric pad of your keybord, and the whole
thread will open.

 some threads become
 ugly in size.  If you are reading another thread/folder and a new
 message in a ugly thread comes, I must expand the thread manually one
 message each time.

You might like the crtl-] combination: once you're in
folder view, that keystroke will bring you to the next
unread message. Hence, no need to manually find it.

- K -


You know why God is a man? Because if God was a woman she 
would have made sperm taste like chocolate. 
  - Carrie Snow

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Re: Importing Eudora Mail

2001-05-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 16-05-2001 at 17:12, Gerry Doyon kindly wrote:
 Hello Marck,

GD Can he send me just the Eudora folder files for me to be able to
GD import it in to TB!?

MDP Since TB wants to point to Eudora, not just the folders, maybe this
MDP won't work. That will need an e-Eudora user to answer in more detail.

Here's an ex-Eudora user. I imported all my old mail (circa
75.000 messages) into my TB folders. All you need to do is
ask your friend to send you the *.mbx file and import it as
Unix mailbox.

The only problem I have had was with old Eudora mails. Since
Eudora didin't put the message-id's into the sent messages,
you must *not* kill the duplicates in TB folders that
contain old mail sent via Eudora. Ah, and on occasion dates
wouold not import correctly.

- K -


I actually don't think I'm the first ever transsexual member of 
parliament in the world. Margaret Thatcher beat me to it by a 
number of years.
  - New Zealand MP Georgina Beyer

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Re: Hard reset needed - TB crashes 1.52f

2001-05-17 Thread Karin Spaink

On 18-05-2001 at 01:02, Mark G. kindly wrote:

 I had the Bat v1.52f (business user licence) lock up
 my system completely three times today. My system is a
 Dell WinNT 4.0 Server SP6a running IIS 4.0 fully patched
 and Cold Fusion App. server 4.51.
 The lock up required a hard reset - CTRL-ALT-DEL
 (the three finger salute) didn't work and the mouse
 was frozen. (..)
 Anyone else had problems like this?

Nope, not this. But TB 1.52 has crashed a few times upon
closing down (access violation bla-di-bla), which is a

- K -


Capricorns don't believe in astrology. 
  - Daniel Richler: Kicking Tomorrow

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Re: When Did This Start?

2001-05-21 Thread Karin Spaink

On 21-05-2001 at 21:41, Nick Andriash kindly wrote:

 All of a sudden I now see that TB! amends any line starting with from by
 putting a  in front of it. I've never noticed that before, and so now I
 have to use the dash-escape feature of both PGP and GPG to dash-escape
 that line. This is what I mean:

 From here on in... This line should have  in front of it now.

It doesn't ;-)

me tries

From here on in...

Nope, I can type it fine without TB's editor kicking in and
putting quote characters in from^Hnt.

- K -


Our society desperately needs monsters to reclaim its own 
moral virginity.
  - Sylvère Lotringer

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Re: When Did This Start?

2001-05-21 Thread Karin Spaink

On 21-05-2001 at 22:03, Jason Ellis kindly wrote:
 Hello Karin,

 me tries
From here on in...
 Nope, I can type it fine without TB's editor kicking in and
 putting quote characters in from^Hnt.

 But actually, it is doing it. When I tested, the editor did not kick
 in - it never actually showed up in my editor screen. But once I sent
 the message, *then* it had it (and in fact so does yours).

Nope, not in mine. Neither in my Outbox, my Sent box *nor*
on TB as I received it. I checked. And double-checked.

This is weird. Couldf it be that TB 1.51 *sees* it
differently? [I use TB 1.52]

- K -


I lost my temper but I found it and nailed it down real hard 
so it won't get lost anymore.
  - Kari Jacobi on TBUDL, Dec 11 2000

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Re: Theading with non standard Subject containing SV:

2001-05-24 Thread Karin Spaink

On 24-05-2001 at 08:47, Ottar Grimstad kindly wrote:

   In Norway Microsoft in their wisdom (not) and disrespect for
   standards, prefaces answers with SV: instead of Re: in their mail
   products. This messes up the threading in a Norwegian mailing list I
   participate in.

Have you tried arranging threads by reference? If you do,
changing the subject won't matter and messages will still
thread properly.

(See View -- Sort by -- Reference)

- K -


The person you want to kill? Oops. I knew TheBat! v2 will 
be able to make coffee, but shouldn't there be a limit to 
what an email client can do? 
  - Thomas, on TheBat!'s users mailing list

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Re: X-MDaemon-Deliver-To

2001-05-25 Thread Karin Spaink

On 25-05-2001 at 14:04, John Phillips kindly wrote:

 Doe this mean that our good friends in Indonesia are using MDaemon to
 resend the mail  handle the mailing list?

You'd think so:

Received: from by
with SMTP (MDaemon.PRO.v4.0.1.R)

- K -


Hier gibt es keine harmlosen Worte 
alle viel zu gross 
  - Einstürzende Neubauten: Die Interimsliebenden

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Re: mailto: magic

2001-05-27 Thread Karin Spaink

On 27-05-2001 at 15:29, Maurice Snellen kindly wrote:

 I saw some mails on how to automatically get text into the body of the
 message using the mailto: URL; is it also possible to add custom
 headers to a message this way?


mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=X%20Ybody=Z

will create a mail addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with the subject:  X Y
and in the body:   Z

Don't use spaces, use %20 instead.

- K -


Assumption is the mother of all fuckups. 
  - Menso Heus, 28-03-2001

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Re: mailto: magic

2001-05-27 Thread Karin Spaink

On 27-05-2001 at 16:09, Charlie (ceejay) kindly wrote:
 Hi Karin,

KS mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=X%20Ybody=Z

KS will create a mail addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
KS with the subject:  X Y
KS and in the body:   Z

KS Don't use spaces, use %20 instead.

 Not good advice Karin, read:

If the W3 validator doesn't complain, I feel free to use it.
I think you're being over-cautious.

- K -


You've got a gift. 
It's not a gift. It's just a brain. 
  - The Cube, 1997

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Re: hot button suggestion

2001-05-28 Thread Karin Spaink

On 28-05-2001 at 09:36, Dwight A Corrin kindly wrote:
 On Monday, May 28, 2001, 2:13:38 AM, Dierk Haasis wrote:

 What about automatic purge+compress at shut down?

 I haven't found it.

Look under Folder - Properties.

- K -


I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them. 
  - Isaac Asimov

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Re: mailto: magic

2001-05-28 Thread Karin Spaink

On 29-05-2001 at 00:29, Maurice Snellen kindly wrote:
 Sunday, May 27, 2001, 3:51:43 PM, Karin wrote:

 I saw some mails on how to automatically get text into the body of the
 message using the mailto: URL; is it also possible to add custom
 headers to a message this way?

KS mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=X%20Ybody=Z

 OK, I was already aware of the 'subject' trick. Before this goes
 further astray into a discussion on whether or not to use this method
 for mailto: links at all, I'd like to point out that this will
 probably need to be used in a website where I have no access to cgi
 whatsoever so the whole issue of using forms is out of the question

The mailto trick works in html as well. You can see it in
action on one of my pages, .

 What I want to get back to, is my original question because what I'm
 trying to do, is to add headers such as X-www-page: main menu and
 X-www-page: my cv so that I can tell from the headers of the message
 wich page it was that someone clicked the mailto-link on.

You cannot add headers to *somebody else's* mail. All you
can do is add a small abbreviation in the subject or body of
the mail that you prepare in the html code, such as

a href=mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Subject=BlahBody=pagename;here/a

where you change the page name as you deem appropriate.

- K -


When I get my hands on some money, I'll kiss it's green skin 
And I'll ask it's dirty face: where the hell have you been? 
  - Swans: Failure

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Re: (No Subject)

2001-05-29 Thread Karin Spaink

On 30-05-2001 at 02:01, Brian Clark kindly wrote:
 @ 6:11:59 PM on 5/29/2001, Peter Palmreuther wrote:


PP *G* ... who would have thought THIS? *grin*

 I know, same here. Personally, I wouldn't do it that way though. If I
 *HAD* to do it, I'd use letters and punctuation. Also, (No Subject)
 doesn't give us any indication of what the topic might be. The
 appropriate thing to do in this case would have been to simply leave
 the subject blank.

I beg to differ. Because the moment there would be a follow-up -
as we see right now - the blank subject line wouldn't cover
the content of the tread any more, while now it does. No,
really, all in all the original poster dis a fine job.

- K -


What if the Christ and the Messiah come, and they're two 
different guys? Would they debate on television? Would they 
lead their faithful off two different rewards, separate, 
restricted heavens? 
  - Tom Robbins: Skinny Legs and All

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Re: Is there any handy list with the description of thebat's icons (e.g. half red envelope, staple, etc.) ?

2001-06-01 Thread Karin Spaink

On 30-03-2000 at 17:28, Sergey kindly wrote:

 Subj ?

Red envelope means: urgent. If yoiu want to set priority for
a message, click on the little green icon in the status bar
of your message (at the bottom of the message that you're

Btw, your computer clock is 14 months behind The date says:
3 March 2000.

- K -


If God had not given freedom of speech to the snake, then 
none of us would be here today. Perhaps the followers of God 
should remember this when they criticize the followers of 
the snake for speaking their minds, and vice versa. 
   - Zenon Panoussis

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Headers in 1.53bis

2001-06-16 Thread Karin Spaink

This may have been discussed here - I'm not reading the list
too well, due to the fact that I'm in the midst of writing a
book - so I apologise if I repeat somebody.

With version 1.53bis, I have quite a hassle if I want to
change a subject or addressee that I typed in. When I go
back into the field, it simply will *not* allow editing: you
can't move the cursor to the begining of the field, nor
higlight a word or an address. The only way to re-allow
editing is by pressing the down icon at the right, showing
the list of previous addressees or Subjects, and *then* I
can edit. Very annoying...

- K -


Not many people have taught me something.
  - Zenon, praising Karin

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Re: Headers in 1.53bis

2001-06-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 16-06-2001 at 21:51, Peter Palmreuther kindly wrote:
 Hello Karin,

KS With version 1.53bis, I have quite a hassle if I want to
KS change a subject or addressee that I typed in. When I go
KS back into the field, it simply will *not* allow editing: you
KS can't move the cursor to the begining of the field, nor
KS higlight a word or an address.

 As you may can see, I've changed the username part in the To-Address and I've
 done it without any hassle. Clicked into the field, changed it, got it.
 What about when you write a new mail? Something similar?

Same thing. Whether it's new mail or old, forwarded or
original, I invariably have this problem. And it's
independant of the folder that I am in, which rules out
templates and AB-entries.

 One silly question: are you sure you clicked THE FIELD and not it's
 description on the left?

Yes, quite sure ;-)

- K -


[She was] a beautiful neurotic who clung to her beauty as
if it were a chance piece of debris keeping her afloat 
on a violent sea. 
  - Mary Gaitskill: Two Girls, Fat and Thin

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Re: Headers in 1.53bis

2001-06-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 16-06-2001 at 21:51, Dierk Haasis kindly wrote:

 Not confirmed. Do you by any chance use the newer bis version (from

I use the June 14 version.

- K -


I let Jesus in to my heart. Now I've locked him in there and 
won't let him out until you accept my list of demands... 
  - Loz, on, May 8 2001

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Re: Headers in 1.53bis

2001-06-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 16-06-2001 at 22:10, Rainer Bauer kindly wrote:

KS With version 1.53bis, I have quite a hassle if I want to
KS change a subject or addressee that I typed in. When I go
KS back into the field, it simply will *not* allow editing: you
KS can't move the cursor to the begining of the field, nor
KS higlight a word or an address.

 Have you tried to move the cursor (left/right key) after you activated
 the filed. I have the same behaviour here. But after the cursor
 movement, the normal editing commands work again.

The hassle is that I cannot get my cursor there. When I
click the field, it remains grey and the cursor remains in
the body, no matter how often I click. And then suddenly -
often only after pressing the little arrow-down icon on the
far right and escaping - it finally works, and once it has
worked in one field, it works again in *all* fields.


- K -


Horror film characters are forever watching horror movies, 
either in theatres or on television at home, and not a few 
horror plots turn on the horrifying consequences of looking 
at horror.
  - Carol Clover: Men, women and chainsaws

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Re: Headers in 1.53bis

2001-06-16 Thread Karin Spaink

On 16-06-2001 at 23:04, Peter Palmreuther kindly wrote:
 Hello Karin,

KS The hassle is that I cannot get my cursor there. When I
KS click the field, it remains grey and the cursor remains in
KS the body, no matter how often I click. And then suddenly -
KS often only after pressing the little arrow-down icon on the
KS far right and escaping - it finally works, and once it has
KS worked in one field, it works again in *all* fields.

 *hmmm* sounds like a OS related problem.

Perhaps, but the problem only introduced itself with the new
version of TB. I'd be prone to consider that to be the

 Can you specify your OS as exact as possible so other with similar
 specifications can try to reproduce?

WinNT sp 6a, 600 Mhz, 128Mb memory.

- K -


I hope there is a god. If there is, when I die, I'm going 
to try to kill him. 
  - Aaron on, May 20 2001

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Re: What I am waiting for from TheBat! ... Soft Returns in the Editor

2001-06-17 Thread Karin Spaink

On 17-06-2001 at 02:44, A Curtis Martin kindly wrote:

 I use TB!'s editor with Forte' Agent, and also use it for some other
 editing tasks.

Huh? How do you do this? Not by coping text from Agent to
TB, replying to it and then copying it back, I presume? If
you have figured out another way, please let me now.

Although I throroughly disliked TB's editor to begin with, I
now find myself yearning for it while replying to Usenet
posting. I keep wanting to do Alt-L. Actually, I often give
the keystroke and then remember with disappointment that it
doesn't work in Agent...

- K -


Nothing is sacred about feeling miserable. 
  - Doug W on, May 11 2001

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Unnerving sigs

2001-06-19 Thread Karin Spaink

This has been bothering me for quite some time:

I have taken the time and effort to build quite a large
collection of quotes that I like and love, and most of the
short ones have by now found their way into my cookie file,
and are thus randomly appended under my mail.

Randomly? Really? All too often I wonder. All too often I
giggle because the - randomly appended - sig matches the
subject matter all too closely, sometimes even too the point
that I'd rather manually select another sig in order to
escape possible accusations that I was adding insult to
injury / was giving a bland summary / etc.

I *do* understand that I select my sigs myself, and that
thus they will reflect upon me. But I do wonder about
coincidence. How often does it happen that somebody mails
you out of the blue about suicide, you respond, and TB
happens to select a sig that relates to suicide? In my
case, that happens two out of three times.

Really, it is unnerving. I have a collection of 100+ cookies
and TB selects an appropriate one more often than is
called for. I'm starting to suspect some kind of NSA
paradigm at the heart of TB, or telepathy, or whatever.
Anyway, I *am* unnerved.

And of course, *this* time TB chose an innocent one just to
disprove me. I am freaking out.

- K -


Biographies rely on butch criteria: a life is plotted 
according to the markers of death, marriage, 
professional appointment, murder and military campaigns. 
  - Alain de Botton: Kiss  Tell

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