Re: [Texascavers] TSA Activities Newsletter Returns :

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Mail discounts are understandable, can the newsletters not be archived on
the website for members in pdf format?


> I would say there has been huge conversations and debates around this
> issue at TSA meetings and among past and present officers...  Currently
> the consensus I remember is that to make it available on-line would be
> an all or nothing thing.  We run so close to the bulk mail discount that
> removing people from the mailing causes a large increase in postage for
> the remaining issues being mailed.  The way the caver is printed is
> cheaper based on a bulk run.
> There are some copyright things that have been discussed in the past too
> but I think the TSA has been working on those.
> So who knows, come to a meeting, bring it up and enjoy the lively
> discussion about it.
> Cheers!
> Joe

Texascavers mailing list

CaveTex: OT: network security engineer wanted

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
If you or you know someone that is a network security engineer that is
looking for a job, or a better job, I'm in the market to hire someone.

Must know unix and firewall technologies, prefer Cisco Pix, but if you
know security, the type of firewall doesn't matter.

Must live in the DFW area or be willing to move, I can't pay relo fees
unfortunately.  Pay is competitive and the job is pretty laid back, we
don't work too hard and we have a good time.

Please send me a resume or have someone get in touch with me if there are
any questions!


We now take you back to the caving program already in progress

To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to
with the following message--unsubscribe cavetex.  For help and
information go to
List administrator:

Re: texascavers

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Yes I do.  I had the server down yesterday evening and early this morning
for maintenance, it came back online around 7am or so.  Email seems to be
processing nicely since then.  Give it another 4 hours, if you don't see
your missing one, send it again.

No worries, I'm here to help

> Hey Charles,
> Do I remember right that you're running the texascavers list? I sent two
> e-mails
> to it earlier today, but only one went through (it's been at least 3-4
> hrs.). No
> bounce. Any idea what might've happened? Should I just resend? Thanks,
> Ed

Re: [Texascavers] Cueva La Boca - Monterrey, Mexico, Part 1

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Yeah, exactly... I wonder if that is a "feature" of gmail or a problem
with my mail server.  I'll investigate.

Thanks for the info.

> None of the postings I send to texascavers comes back to me.  That's ok,
> they are in my send box.  Is that what you mean?
> -Don C.

RE: [Texascavers] new LED light from Siemens 1000 Lumens.

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Mark, I'm not a techie when it comes to caving gear, I'm still too new I

However, a couple of suggestions for content for your excellent
publication:  You may already do this, but do you get most/all of the
Texas area grotto newsletters to gather their best content?  If each
grotto sends you the electronic version of their newsletter each month,
you could pull the best articles and post them for all Texas cavers.

My second suggestion is our little mailing list here, take your most
memorable posts from Cavetex/Texascavers and create a section call the
Cavetex.  Another suggestion is to put the text onto a background that
looks like paper, maybe even change the font to one that looks like
handwriting so that it looks like it was a letter to the editor.  I dunno,
just food for thought, something to mix things up and give you content.

Good luck

> All,
> we seem to have a lot of techies here and I was wondering if one of y'all
> would be interested in doing
> a column in The TEXAS CAVER.
> It could be on anything from helmets and packs to lights to techniques.
> Contact me offline, if interested.
> Thanks,
> Mark Alman
> Editor - The TC

Re: [Texascavers] Cueva La Boca - Monterrey, Mexico, Part 1

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
David, I don't post from my gmail account, but I do know that some email
clients won't post the email that you just sent.  It aggravates me that
Lotus Notes does this by default, and I'm sure there are others.

Any other gmail users seeing this problem?


> My e-mail is not receiving my post to Cavetex, but I seem to be getting
> everybody elses?
> This is a follow-up to my post Sunday night concerning Cueva La Boca.
> How long has it been since you have been to Cueva La Boca?
> There is a new chain-link fence, running straight up the mountain
> to the eastern wall of the cave entrance, and then across the cave
> entrance. It looks like the poles have been there for a few months,
> but the fence looks brand new.
> They are building a much stronger fence across the entrance. 4" square
> post about 8 feet high and angled outward another foot, and have been
> installed
> in the entrance about 15 feet apart.   They are all set in cement.
> I assume that this is an effort to keep people out, and not part of some
> sort
> of eco-tourism plan.
> About 1,000 people hiked up to the entrance on Sunday.Imagine that!
> My brother in law, a "regiomontano," called it the "fila india"  I
> wouldn't
> call them spelunkers. None of them had flashlights. Many were in
> sandals and some barefooted. The main goal seems to be "how fast
> you can get up and down."  The problem was everybody was elbowing
> one another to get up.   There was a huge bottleneck, at a place I
> call
> "the Hillary Step."  Here you have 2 trespassing choices.  You can
> crawl under the fence or you can follow the fence up the hill, squeezing
> your body between the fence and the cave wall.  Either route sucks,
> especially with a toddler.
> An eco-tourist consultant was conducting a survey up at the
> cave. It was a 2 page questionaire, with one of the questions being
> do you know what "histo" is?  The guy doing the survey was wearing
> an old shirt that read "Amigos de la Naturaleza."
> Many of the males hiking to the cave where shirtless covered in tattoes
> and carrying a Tecate beer can. However, there was no litter on the
> trail or in the cave - just lots of spray-painted murals, one being some
> sort of clowns face about 12 feet tall. Most of the girls were young
> and dressed in casual clothes and with their boyfriends.But there
> were many families making the pilgramage.
> Down in the canyon was chaos. Thousands of cars driving thru the
> canyon - bumper to bumper. There are about a dozen cheap roadside food
> stands
> set up in front of the cave, mostly selling roasted corn - "elotes."
> I hadn't been to the cave in about 16 years, but went a few times back in
> the 80's.
> I didn't go far enough into the cave to report anything, but the entrance
> floor
> seems to be greatly altered due to mining. I am pretty sure you could
> drive
> a small ATV to the end of the twilight zone if you could haul one up
> there.
> Because of all the rocks and dirt piled up just inside the entrance it is
> difficult
> to get a photo like the ones on the AMCS brochures.
> Another change was the road exit from the Inter-American Highway. You
> have
> to go under the highway and drive back north along a huge traffic jam and
> road-side
> stands and then exit right goint to the town of Caderyet.It is total
> chaos.
> By the way, the locals refer to the dam as "La Cortina." I have always
> asked
> people where the "presa" was and they have always seemed confused, even
> though the roadside sign clearly says "La Presa."
> Personally, I think the fence needs to be located further back in the
> cave.However,
> this looks like it was not a choice, due to all the construction rubble.
> I believe if you could remove all the breakdown and bat guano, that you
> would have
> a very interesting cave passage.
> David Locklear

Re: texascavers to troubleshooting

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
I'm the owner of the mailing list, is
still subscribed to the mailing list and should receive mail as normal to
the address.

Let me know if you have any questions or need help with further


> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> We've recently made some changes to the mail farm, and would
> like to see if this rectified delivery problems to
> from the mailing list.
> If possible, could you re-test delivery to and let us
> know if we have further troubleshooting to be done, or if the delivery
> issue has cleared up?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rob Hustwit
> - --
> Rob Hustwit
> Co-Manager On Duty,
> Internet Texoma, Inc.
> Website:
> Support:
> Suggestions:
> Office Numbers:
> (903) 813-4500 Sherman
> (972) 542-4020 McKinney
> (972) 484-3434 Farmer's Branch/Dallas area
> (940) 612-2332 Gainesville
> (800) 697-0206 Toll Free
> "I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code"
> - -- Unknown
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -
> Fe3bxpJCdjrHQSwEEnu2LDo=
> =hLFU

Re: texascavers to troubleshooting

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
I'm the owner of the mailing list, is
still subscribed to the mailing list and should receive mail as normal to
the address.

Let me know if you have any questions or need help with further


> Hash: SHA1
> Hello,
> We've recently made some changes to the mail farm, and would
> like to see if this rectified delivery problems to
> from the mailing list.
> If possible, could you re-test delivery to and let us
> know if we have further troubleshooting to be done, or if the delivery
> issue has cleared up?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rob Hustwit
> - --
> Rob Hustwit
> Co-Manager On Duty,
> Internet Texoma, Inc.
> Website:
> Support:
> Suggestions:
> Office Numbers:
> (903) 813-4500 Sherman
> (972) 542-4020 McKinney
> (972) 484-3434 Farmer's Branch/Dallas area
> (940) 612-2332 Gainesville
> (800) 697-0206 Toll Free
> "I would love to change the world, but they won't give me the source code"
> - -- Unknown
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -
> Fe3bxpJCdjrHQSwEEnu2LDo=
> =hLFU

Re: texascavers website

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Surprisingly no one has said a word about it.  Spam dropped off
dramatically across the web a few weeks ago when a major spam network was
shutdown.  Spam across my server dropped by 75% or so and I saw a similar
drop at work on our antispam servers.

Spam will find you anywhere you go, the spammers have lots of different
methods of finding your email, including trying dictionary attacks against
mail servers.,,, etc.  I've seen
these types of probes against my servers.  The emails that don't bounce,
they know are good, take record of it, and send spam to it.  I created a
second gmail account at the same time that I created, but
I've never used it to send or receive any mail.  It gets about 400 spam a
month so far.  Funny thing is, wokkad only gets about 100, and I use it
quite a bit.  Luck of the draw I guess.

I haven't used my gmail for any groups or mailing lists outside of
cavetex, but my thinking is that its tied into a cookie on your desktop
computer, pointing everything over to your gmail.  It may be an option to
turn off, but that's purely a guess.

Good luck.

> That's understandable.  I would imagine you had texascavers subscribers
> making inquiries to whether there was a connection between their
> association
> of texascavers and the arrival of fetid spam in their mailboxes.  I know I
> had a lot that seemingly came from nowhere.
> It has declined quite a bit in the last two weeks or so. (to
> - I've YET to receive any junkmail in my new
> wavycaver@gmail - I hope it stays that way!)
> Incidentally, I've noticed that now I cannot post to any newsgroups
> without
> my gmail address getting involved - so I don't.  Not on this platform. I
> think my membership to all google-piped and google-based 'newsgroups'
> automatically is associated with my java-embedded identity.  Other than
> using a different computer or signing in as Mr. Anonymous when I start XP
> -
> do you know of another way of sidestepping this?
> I tried to make my group associations go back to wavycaver@yahoo (what I
> used in the past) but the google environment just won't allow it.
> Otherwise thanks for convincing me to use gmail - it really is the best
> I've
> seen since way back when I was using "Agent" (back in those pre spam-mania
> days with ISP based email).
> -Don C.
> PS - the confusion about the "wizard dialogs and mail services selection"
> turned out to be Outlook doing ITS thing when encountering a 'mailto:' and
> not knowing how to process it.  G - microsoft..
> On 3/7/07,  wrote:
>> Sorta, and we always have problems with phishers... the software is
>> supposed to strip out email addresses from the archives, and it was only
>> partially working, so I took them down until and update can be provided
>> to
>> fix it.
>> > Hey - what happened to the archive view on Texascavers?
>> > Trouble with the phishers?
>> > -Don C
>> >

Re: texascavers website

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Sorta, and we always have problems with phishers... the software is
supposed to strip out email addresses from the archives, and it was only
partially working, so I took them down until and update can be provided to
fix it.

> Hey - what happened to the archive view on Texascavers?
> Trouble with the phishers?
> -Don C

Re: [Texascavers] OT the chupacabra

2007-03-26 Thread wokka

If you google for it, lots of "pictures" can be found, but it's a mythical


> Nico,
> I've never seen a chupacabra.  But I'd like to.
> Bill
>  Nico Escamilla  wrote:
>> I dont wanna stir a bee's nest but I just cannot believe what a teacher
>> just
>> said today during my class
>> He said that scientists found that the chupacabra was a kind of
>> vampire bat that lives in really really deep caves and feeds on
>> a slimy algae.. then he said that the years when the chupacabra struck
>> where particularly dry, enough to dry the algae and cause the chupacabra
>> to emerge looking for food and attacked the goats because the texture
>> of their necks was very similar to that of the slimey algae they usually
>> feed on.
>> Obviously as I caver I had to respond that not a single
>> caver/speleologist
>> has ever reported seeing such thing as a chupacabra and that algae
>> cannot
>> form inside a cave cause there's no light. He got all nervous after I
>> made
>> such
>> an obvious clarification and immediatly changed the subject. haha
>> Has anybody seen or think you have seen something like a chupacabra?
>> Nico

[Fwd: [Texascavers] TCC Winter Conference February 24]

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
 Original Message 
Subject: [Texascavers] TCC Winter Conference February 24
Date:Thu, February 15, 2007 1:04 pm

TCC Winter Conference
February 23-25, 2007

February 24-Workshops-caving-tours-party.


TCC Headquarters & area caves:
1800 West Park
Cedar Park, Texas
Cell Phone for information on the February 24.
John Worsfold   512-585-5398
The Texas Cave Conservancy would like to invite you out to a new event
that we plan on hosting each year here in Cedar Park, Texas. The TCC
Winter Conference, February 23-25, 2007 is an opportunity for you to get
out that winter coat, tent, sleeping-bag and do some camping, caving,
learning and even some partying. The cave CO2 levels should be
at their lowest this time of the year. It is a time for caving. This
annual event is directed toward new cavers. Even the old folks are

Camping (with a campfire) is available at the TCC Headquarters. In the
event of a real winter we can make space for cavers inside the TCC
Headquarters. Breakfast will be available on Saturday and Sunday. We will
have an evening meal Saturday night followed by a special
presentation and a party. Caving is available all weekend.

With a ten- dollar donation for the old- time cavers and free for cavers
that have been caving for less than five years, how can you go wrong? This
event will be what we make of it. If you want to hold a workshop, cave
ballads, slides, or whatever, contact us. If it is not fun, it probably is
not worth doing.

Most of the events will start Saturday morning at the Twin Creeks
Conference area located approximately five miles from the TCC
Headquarters. This 49 acre park is a special place. With a 100- year old
log cabin, springs, year round water, tall trees and a great shelter cave,
this will be a great home for the TCC Winter Conference. The following are
just some of the activities planed for the conference. Most of the events
will start at 10:00 A.M. Saturday morning.

Guided Tours: Starts at the Twin Creeks Conference area, 10:00 A.M. Saturday.

Lifestyle�s of the Indians of the Cedar Park Area.
Bob Finger

Cave Related Geology of the Cedar Park Area.
Mike Warton.

Discovery of the Buttercup Creek area caves.
Bill Larson.

The TCC Owned Educational Show Cave-Avery
Ranch Cave and the TCC owned vertical training site, Dies Ranch Treasure
Cave will be available for visitation.  In addition, a number of Cedar
Park caves will be open for caving(both vertical and horizontal).

Workshops & Stuff:
Everything at the Twin Creeks Conference area, following the Indian tour.

Cave Photography. Ernie Garza.
Cave Survey. Jerry Fant.
Cave Restoration. Donna Mosesmann.
Vertical Training. Becky Jones.
Salamander Search. Andy Gluesenkamp.
Cave Biology.  Andy Gluesenkamp.
Cave Monitoring. John Worsfold.
Cave Library. Jeanette Larson.
B.A.B.E. Pit -CO2 Study- Scott Serur
Hall of Texas Cavers. Dave Cave

Saturday Night Special Presentation:
The Golden Beginnings of Mexican Speleology �Terry Raines & Associates.

Saturday Night Party at the TCC Headquarters.  Mexican food and
Margaritas, beer and soft drinks. (Dave Caves Saloon).

To reach the TCC Headquarters from Hwy 183 & RR 620 continue on Hwy
183(north) to Lakeline Boulevard (not Lakeline Mall Boulevard), turn left
(west) under the overpass and drive 3.8 miles to the traffic light at Park
Street. Turn left and park.

To reach the Twin Creeks Conference area from Hwy 183 & RR 620, drive west
(toward Lake Travis), just over a one mile. Turn right on Volente Road (RR
2769). Stay on RR 2769 and drive past Dies Ranch Road (�
miles). Turn right into the Twin Creeks Conference
area road(1/4 mile). Follow the TCC signs.

All activities will start Saturday at 10:00 A.M. at the Twin Creeks
Conference area.  If you can not make it until later, go by the TCC
Headquarters at 1800 West Park and pick up info on how to reach the caves.

We will have cavers at Twin Creeks until noon. After that the gate will be
closed but unlocked. To find the shelter cave, follow the orange flags.
Don�t miss the spring.

Activity handouts will then be available at the headquarters. For
telephone assistance on February 24, call John Worsfold at 512-585-5398.
 For info prior to the event call Mike Walsh at 512-249-2283.

Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Texascavers] Step Sister Forum - Wind Generators - Political Rally's, etc.

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
It's possible, the archiving software I use does its best to strip out 
email addresses from the archives:

But when people reply, sometimes their email program quotes the real 
address and the software goofs on it and displays it.

It's not perfect, but it's the best that I have been able to do.  Spam 
is a way of life these days, there are so many different ways to get 
people's email addresses.  My mail logs on the server show dictionary 
attacks against every one of my domains, looking for valid email boxes 
that don't bounce.

If enough people asked me to take the archives down or password protect 
them, then I would, I just haven't taken the time to setup a better system.

Butch Fralia wrote:

I think I've answered my own question but since you brought this subject up,
can an e-mail harvesting spider get to the list to harvest e-mail addresses.
Since you don't have to log into anything to get to the archives, it could
be spidered.  Fritz Holt just sent me an e-mail about getting a lot of spam
and wondered if it was because he was on the list.  I told him he probably
registered for something somewhere that his e-mail address was sold to a
spam list.

I learned from the Beach-Comber BBS there's a command you can give an Apache
Server that will show all the list servers and list addresses.  Whatever it
is they've turned it off because so many lists have been getting spammed.



Re: [Texascavers] Step Sister Forum - Wind Generators - Political Rally's, etc.

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Some people prefer forums, others like mailing lists.  For those of you 
who want to browse our list mail by thread in a web page, there is 
always the handy archives: 
conveniently linked from

I guess I'm just old school, I prefer my email to come to me via an 
email program.  Web pages are ok, good for searching archives, same with 

Butch, a suggestion on spammers, etc on your forums, lock it down that 
new accounts are required to be authorized by an admin.  A minor pain 
for new users to have to wait, and for the admin, but it sounds like you 
are already in pain :)   Also, phpbb has addon modules to require new 
accounts put in a security code (given via image, usually garbled) so 
that accounts can't be automatted.  If you need help with either of 
these, let me know, I've setup both on phpbb.


Diana Tomchick wrote:
While I find the NSS forum to be useful on occasion 
(, I haven't yet found unique information on 
the TSA forum. Everything that's posted there seems to get posted here.

Most modern email programs allow you to search by thread, topic, etc. 
so that's not a huge advantage for the forum. The big advantage (or 
diadvantage) is that your posting can be around for a very long time 
for lots of people to see.


On Feb 12, 2007, at 4:12 PM, Butch Fralia wrote:

And speaking of servers powered by alternate wind sources, uh energy
sources, this is a reminder that there's this neat forum set up over at:  The forum was originally implemented 
after a

discussion that involved many of the folks on CaveTex about how nice it
would be to have a place where off topics, on topics and whatever's 
could be
taken.  Many people (other than Bill Mixon) seemed to support the 
idea at

first.  I don't think many of the supporters ever bothered to register.

The cool thing about a forum is that threads can be kept together so the
reader can find all the comments and wise cracks in the same place 

than have to hunt through dozens of e-mails to follow the topic.

The poor forum hasn't seen much use since it was put up and frankly 
it being use, it's more trouble than it's worth to maintain.  Some 
folks out

in Cyberspace have written programs that hunt for Bulletin Boards and
register bogus e-mail addresses all so they can get their porno, 
drug, or
other useless website listed in the member list.  Mark Alman or I 
delete as
many as 30 of these a day while only 31 TSA members have ever 
bothered to


So Topic of Discussion!  Do I uninstall it? or do some of these 

get to move over there?

Feel free to take my comments seriously.

Butch Fralia

Re: [Texascavers] Step Sister Ellie

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Folks, don't sweat posting email to our beloved Cavetex if you are 
worried about saving the environment.  Our server is fueled many 
hamsters that only eat pure, natural corn grown here in Texas.  They are 
very fit and healthy, and produce clean energy for our postings :)

The diesel generator I have attached for backup power purposes isn't 
quite so clean, but the power has been stable lately, knock on wood!

Of course, this was meant in jest, please, no one take my ramblings 
seriously :)

Charles wrote:

   I wonder how much energy has been wasted on the Internet by this 
energy coal/wind turbine/natural gas burning email thread?

How much energy does an email use?
Electrons per million miles?


Re: [Texascavers] Speleo Digest editor sought

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Scott, I'd be interested in a bit more information about this.  How does 
one collect all of the information, newsletters, etc?  Many a grotto or 
IO editor begs and pleads for information, so hopefully the Speleo 
editors don't have to do the same.  How big is a typical Digest (I just 
ordered my first), I'd never heard of this book :)

Sorry for all of the questions :/
Charles wrote:
 NSS Needs You and a couple of good pals 
  By: Scott Fee  (Birmingham, Alabama) 
The Speleo Digest is the one of the most popular books the NSS 
publishes, and certainly the most unusual. You've probably got at 
least one on your bookshelf. If you don't, then why not? The Speleo 
Digest showcases the best in caving articles, artwork, humor, prose 
and cartoons from an entire year's worth of grotto newsletters. This 
is by far the best way for you to keep up with developments in caving 
around the nation and even the globe. 
But.we've come to a standstill. No editors. 
I'm looking for editors for future Speleo Digest issues. Yes, it is a 
bunch of work, and producing an issue will occupy your time for many 
months -- BUT it is a fun and interesting project (I know -- I've 
worked on or edited five issues) and not to mention you will get in 
touch with a lot of cavers around the country, and your name will be 
on the cover of a book. Naturally, you could do it yourself, but it 
would make a great grotto project with three or four dedicated members 
helping you out. 
Each Editor is responsible for selecting articles and other items to 
be included in the Speleo Digest, gathering the articles, graphics, 
photos, and what not, and producing the books final manuscript. The 
Series Editor is there to help and guide you as well as overseeing 
publishing of the book once the manuscript has been completed. Of 
course you may delegate tasks to a committee of assistants. 
Interested? Got the time, a computer, and an aptitude for desktop 
publishing? Willing to round up and lead a production team utilizing 
some of your caver buddy's? Please contact me! Scott Fee 
Don't let the 2003 issue be the last Speleo Digest ever. We need 
your help! 
Permission is given to repost this anywhere. Please help get 
the word out! 

Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:


Re: [Texascavers] admin email and list bounces

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

Thank you  Tammy :)

Tammy Cox wrote:


I also want to thank you for all the time and hard work you put into
maintaining the list.   

Tammy Cox
State Farm Insurance
Phone: 817 237-8218
Fax: 817 238-9117

-Original Message-
From: Bill Bentley [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:56 PM

Subject: Re: [Texascavers] admin email and list bounces

Charles and the list,
  I commend you for your efforts, I of all people know how demanding
the maintenance of a mailing list can be at times... I know all of the
Texas Caving community and others outside the state appreciate your

Live Long and Cave Safely,

Bill  Bentley
- Original Message -
From: "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" 
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 6:51 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] admin email and list bounces


For those of you who post to the list, you have probably been seeing
some weird admin or bounce messages.  These are safe to ignore and
delete.  Please do so with my apologies.  The problem is hopefully
resolved and no one will get anymore of these.  If you do after a day


so, please forward one to me and let me know about it.

Again, my apologies for it, but hopefully I'll get my act together and
won't let it happen again.

Cavetex email list maintainer and server hobbyist :)

[Fwd: [Texascavers] Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:[Texascavers] Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks
Date:   Thu, 01 Feb 2007 13:24:51 +
From:   Denise P 

From: "Luke Metzger, Environment Texas Advocate"

Date: January 31, 2007 11:10:41 AM CST
Subject: Environment Texas : Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks


Last year during the gubernatorial campaign, Governor Perry pledged support
for full funding for our state parks system. Unfortunately, he has since
backed away from that position, telling the Fort Worth Star-Telegram he
thinks "the Parks and Wildlife Department cannot effectively spend that
money on parks."

Please sign our petition to Governor Perry asking him to live up to his
campaign promise and support full funding for our parks. Then, ask your
friends to do the same by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web

From the desert wilderness of Big Bend Ranch State Park to the bayous and
live oaks of Brazos Bend State Park, our parks system is a big part of what
makes Texas special. Our parks help protect drinking water supplies and
wildlife habitat, provide countless recreation opportunities, and are home
to some of the most breathtaking views in America.

Shamefully ranked 49th in the nation in per-capita spending on state parks,
the Legislature has willfully let our state parks go without even the
minimal support needed to maintain them, never mind acquiring new land for
our state's rapidly growing population. According to the Fort Worth
Star-Telegram "while state government increased spending for services
generally by 68 percent between 1990 and 2003 -- it decreased spending on
parks by 34 percent".

The good new is that Rep. Harvey Hilderbran has filed HB 6, legislation
which would increase funding for state parks by more than $85 million. The
bill already has 71 co-sponsors, which means we have a great chance of

But the issue is far from over. Several weeks ago, Gov. Perry appeared to
back away from campaign promises to fully fund the parks, saying that
perhaps some of the money should be refunded to taxpayers as rebates.

Please sign our petition to Governor Perry asking him to live up to his
campaign promise and support full funding for our parks. Then, ask your
friends to do the same by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web


Luke Metzger
Environment Texas Advocate

P.S. Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this e-mail
with your family and friends.


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[Fwd: [Texascavers] Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:[Texascavers] Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks
Date:   Thu, 01 Feb 2007 13:24:51 +
From:   Denise P 

From: "Luke Metzger, Environment Texas Advocate"

Date: January 31, 2007 11:10:41 AM CST
Subject: Environment Texas : Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks


Last year during the gubernatorial campaign, Governor Perry pledged support
for full funding for our state parks system. Unfortunately, he has since
backed away from that position, telling the Fort Worth Star-Telegram he
thinks "the Parks and Wildlife Department cannot effectively spend that
money on parks."

Please sign our petition to Governor Perry asking him to live up to his
campaign promise and support full funding for our parks. Then, ask your
friends to do the same by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web

From the desert wilderness of Big Bend Ranch State Park to the bayous and
live oaks of Brazos Bend State Park, our parks system is a big part of what
makes Texas special. Our parks help protect drinking water supplies and
wildlife habitat, provide countless recreation opportunities, and are home
to some of the most breathtaking views in America.

Shamefully ranked 49th in the nation in per-capita spending on state parks,
the Legislature has willfully let our state parks go without even the
minimal support needed to maintain them, never mind acquiring new land for
our state's rapidly growing population. According to the Fort Worth
Star-Telegram "while state government increased spending for services
generally by 68 percent between 1990 and 2003 -- it decreased spending on
parks by 34 percent".

The good new is that Rep. Harvey Hilderbran has filed HB 6, legislation
which would increase funding for state parks by more than $85 million. The
bill already has 71 co-sponsors, which means we have a great chance of

But the issue is far from over. Several weeks ago, Gov. Perry appeared to
back away from campaign promises to fully fund the parks, saying that
perhaps some of the money should be refunded to taxpayers as rebates.

Please sign our petition to Governor Perry asking him to live up to his
campaign promise and support full funding for our parks. Then, ask your
friends to do the same by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web


Luke Metzger
Environment Texas Advocate

P.S. Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this e-mail
with your family and friends.


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[Fwd: [Texascavers] Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:[Texascavers] Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks
Date:   Thu, 01 Feb 2007 13:24:51 +
From:   Denise P 

From: "Luke Metzger, Environment Texas Advocate"

Date: January 31, 2007 11:10:41 AM CST
Subject: Environment Texas : Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks


Last year during the gubernatorial campaign, Governor Perry pledged support
for full funding for our state parks system. Unfortunately, he has since
backed away from that position, telling the Fort Worth Star-Telegram he
thinks "the Parks and Wildlife Department cannot effectively spend that
money on parks."

Please sign our petition to Governor Perry asking him to live up to his
campaign promise and support full funding for our parks. Then, ask your
friends to do the same by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web

From the desert wilderness of Big Bend Ranch State Park to the bayous and
live oaks of Brazos Bend State Park, our parks system is a big part of what
makes Texas special. Our parks help protect drinking water supplies and
wildlife habitat, provide countless recreation opportunities, and are home
to some of the most breathtaking views in America.

Shamefully ranked 49th in the nation in per-capita spending on state parks,
the Legislature has willfully let our state parks go without even the
minimal support needed to maintain them, never mind acquiring new land for
our state's rapidly growing population. According to the Fort Worth
Star-Telegram "while state government increased spending for services
generally by 68 percent between 1990 and 2003 -- it decreased spending on
parks by 34 percent".

The good new is that Rep. Harvey Hilderbran has filed HB 6, legislation
which would increase funding for state parks by more than $85 million. The
bill already has 71 co-sponsors, which means we have a great chance of

But the issue is far from over. Several weeks ago, Gov. Perry appeared to
back away from campaign promises to fully fund the parks, saying that
perhaps some of the money should be refunded to taxpayers as rebates.

Please sign our petition to Governor Perry asking him to live up to his
campaign promise and support full funding for our parks. Then, ask your
friends to do the same by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web


Luke Metzger
Environment Texas Advocate

P.S. Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this e-mail
with your family and friends.


Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[Fwd: [Texascavers] Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:[Texascavers] Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks
Date:   Thu, 01 Feb 2007 13:24:51 +
From:   Denise P 

From: "Luke Metzger, Environment Texas Advocate" 

Date: January 31, 2007 11:10:41 AM CST
Subject: Environment Texas : Ask Gov. Perry to Save Texas Parks


Last year during the gubernatorial campaign, Governor Perry pledged support 
for full funding for our state parks system. Unfortunately, he has since 
backed away from that position, telling the Fort Worth Star-Telegram he 
thinks "the Parks and Wildlife Department cannot effectively spend that 
money on parks."

Please sign our petition to Governor Perry asking him to live up to his 
campaign promise and support full funding for our parks. Then, ask your 
friends to do the same by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web 

From the desert wilderness of Big Bend Ranch State Park to the bayous and 
live oaks of Brazos Bend State Park, our parks system is a big part of what 
makes Texas special. Our parks help protect drinking water supplies and 
wildlife habitat, provide countless recreation opportunities, and are home 
to some of the most breathtaking views in America.

Shamefully ranked 49th in the nation in per-capita spending on state parks, 
the Legislature has willfully let our state parks go without even the 
minimal support needed to maintain them, never mind acquiring new land for 
our state's rapidly growing population. According to the Fort Worth 
Star-Telegram "while state government increased spending for services 
generally by 68 percent between 1990 and 2003 -- it decreased spending on 
parks by 34 percent".

The good new is that Rep. Harvey Hilderbran has filed HB 6, legislation 
which would increase funding for state parks by more than $85 million. The 
bill already has 71 co-sponsors, which means we have a great chance of 

But the issue is far from over. Several weeks ago, Gov. Perry appeared to 
back away from campaign promises to fully fund the parks, saying that 
perhaps some of the money should be refunded to taxpayers as rebates.

Please sign our petition to Governor Perry asking him to live up to his 
campaign promise and support full funding for our parks. Then, ask your 
friends to do the same by forwarding this email to them.

To take action, click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web 


Luke Metzger
Environment Texas Advocate

P.S. Thanks again for your support. Please feel free to share this e-mail 
with your family and friends.


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For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Texascavers] admin email and list bounces

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

Thanks RD :)

RD Milhollin wrote:

Thanks for keeping this working.


Re: [Texascavers] admin email and list bounces

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

Thanks Bill :)

Bill Bentley wrote:

Charles and the list,
  I commend you for your efforts, I of all people know how demanding the
maintenance of a mailing list can be at times... I know all of the Texas
Caving community and others outside the state appreciate your dedication.

Live Long and Cave Safely,

Bill  Bentley

admin email and list bounces

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
For those of you who post to the list, you have probably been seeing 
some weird admin or bounce messages.  These are safe to ignore and 
delete.  Please do so with my apologies.  The problem is hopefully 
resolved and no one will get anymore of these.  If you do after a day or 
so, please forward one to me and let me know about it.

Again, my apologies for it, but hopefully I'll get my act together and 
won't let it happen again.

Cavetex email list maintainer and server hobbyist :)

Re: [Texascavers] RE: [Cowtown] Site available for use

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Rick, perhaps you could join forces with, develop a 
diving section there, I know there are lots of cavers in the area that 
are also divers.  You have a plethora of information on your site, and 
I'm sure they would welcome the addition of more information.

Good luck

Rick wrote:

That's fine, I've already got a group of my cave diver buddies using it for
us to organize our scuba trips so nothing is wasted, I figured I would
extend it for other uses if people wanted to use it, my small group of
divers won't push the limits of the site by any means so I figured if people
want it, it's there.

Re: [Texascavers] RE: [Cowtown] Site available for use

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Rick, your effort is great, I know sites like these take up a lot of 
time, I've done my fair share of them.  Also, please don't take this the 
wrong way, I'm intending it to be constructive criticism.

The Texas caving community already has a state wide website/forums that 
a lot of cavetex/ members are on.

Duplicating efforts will only split the community, and I don't think 
anyone wants that to happen.

I'll be happy to discuss this further if you want.


Rick wrote:

Sounds pretty nice, if people want to use the site then the script could be
setup for it.

-Original Message-
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 9:13 PM

Subject: Re: [Cowtown] Site available for use

Nice... I actually know a guy that is programming a php script to take a 
mailing list and input it into forums, and also doing the reverse. Once 
he's finished and gets the bugs worked out (its currently in beta 
software now), I had planned on trying it out for our mailing lists that 
I host. I know some like mailing lists, and others prefer forums, and 
this would solve everything, and keep things synchronized.


Re: [Texascavers] Clapper LED light

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

David, just a heads up, but your pc's date is way off, reporting May 1999. wrote:

Finally - what took so long?

The Clapper LED flashlight is now on sale at Gander

What a great gift for a caver party!!

Anybody want to test it and give a report?

I think it was $ 30. It is rather bulky, but it beats fumbling for a
light when you need to
get up in the middle of the night when nature calls.

It has a very unique bulb arrangement with lens collators over the bulbs.

David Locklear

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Re: [Texascavers] CHANGE of email address

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

Ok, it's set, let me know if you have any problems.


Stephen Fleming wrote:

Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith wrote:
Stephen, just to clarify, are you asking me to update your address in 
the database, 

I hadn't thought of that. Yes, please update. Thanks.

Re: [Texascavers] CHANGE of email address

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Stephen, just to clarify, are you asking me to update your address in 
the database, or are you just notifying everyone for their personal 
address book updates?  Either way, doesn't matter, just making sure that 
you didn't need my assistance with the mailing list.


Stephen Fleming wrote:

Please note that effective Feb 1, my current email address of

will be terminated due to a relocation

*Until further notice, please use*

After Jan 31 all mail to will bounce


Stephen Fleming


Re: [Texascavers] Administrative update

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Hey Bill, long time no chatter.  It's my small way of contributing.  
It's easier to contribute when its something we do for our jobs anyway 
and already have the resources available to get the task accomplished. 

I typically only get one or two emails a month about he mailing list, 
usually just a question or asking for digest access.  It literaly only 
takes me minutes to maintain the list over the month, so its no work.  I 
initally invested very little money and only a few hours to move and 
setup the mailing list from Bill Bentley.

No muss and no fuss, and everyone is happy.
See you underground! wrote:

Thank you very much for taking care of this chore. 

-- Original message --
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith 

> Just a small update from the list-owner around here. 2006 was a
> good and successful year for and our mailing list.
> Things are stable, everyone is having a good time and no major
> around here.
> A few months ago I was browsing around some old email and found
my very
> first email from the original mailing list, our
> home of this wonderful mailing list. It got me to thinking and I
> to see if the domain was available, and low and behold, was
> unowned. I snatched up quickly, then put it in my notes of
things to
> do. Well, I totally forgot about it, lost my notes, dog ate
them, you
> know the story. Anyways, it struck me ton ight to go looking for
> domain, and realized I already owned the rights to it :)
> Anyways, long story made short, is alive, it
> to a quick and dirty webpage on that gives a
> description and why it's there. Nothing special, just thought I
> let everyone know that our old home lives. Any old emails sent
to that
> domain will get forwarded to the new one.
> This is just in case someone has a really old bookmark and tries
to find
> the new list. Something that should have been done much sooner, but
> that's the life of a hobbyist in the wide world of the interweb :)
> Now, back to your regularly scheduled chitchat about caving, have a
> great year!
> Charles
> Visit our website:
> T o unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Texascavers] Administrative update

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith

Thanks Russ, I didn't get a chance to see that writeup.  Very poetic!

Johnson, Russ wrote:

I think this is very cool news.  I thought you might enjoy the post
below from the previous century, when, as I vaguely recall, flaming
arguments and mass unsubscribing roughly coincided with the moving the
cavetex email server.  And when, apparently, I was in the mood to wax

Take care,
Russ K. Johnson
1207 Ford St.
Llano, TX 78643

-Original Message-
From: Johnson, Russ [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 1999 2:39 PM

Subject: CaveTex: Eulogy

Some will say that Cavetex is better off now.
"We needed only accept Cavetex and we would be served.  It was out there

for us.  For each of us." -- Texas Caver

Cavetex suffered a brutal bought with self destructivism several weeks
ago.  Self doubt and noisy confidence took up arms, heaping insult upon
injury.  Everyone could see.  Everyone knew.  By Cavetex' own nature,
our friend did not hide the intensifying conflict.   This must certainly
have put the caretakers of our soon forgotten patron on alert.  And to
be sure they took steps to stop the hemorrhaging.  But our precious
friend never did recover, choosing instead to die nobly.  

It is as painful as it is plain, to those who knew and loved Cavetex,
that too much was lost.  In the silent vacuum of the calm after the
storm, our companion had no choice but to withdraw...there was nothing
left to show, nothing more to share.  Who in our community can say that
they do not notice; the once fertile fields of discussion now lay
barren.  The cure worse than the disease...Cavetex knew this.  And
rather than be subject to such treatment from those it lived to serve,
Cavetex has chosen not to live.

And it will be our loss.  We will all miss Cavetex and reminisce about
the long gone days when we all were part of the "Golden Age of Cavetex."
We will delude ourselves into believing that it was not our fault.  We
will inevitably forget our shame.  

Cavetex would not want us to mourn.  Not having such a collection of
eccentrics to deal with will be a peaceful and welcome change I'm sure.
I'll bet Cavetex sensed the fast approaching rapture, and faithfully
laid down everything, I say to you, acquiesced to the pulling of the
plug, for our sake...but who am I to eulogize...

And be fellow cavers and friends, I submit that any
reinvention or supposed reincarnation of the old is not the same.
Cavetex is dead.  A new server should be called by another name.
Perhaps "comfortless substitute" is appropriate, or maybe "Empty
Holetex."  But I condemn any attempt to name an imposter "Cavetex" as
tasteless at best, and at worst...sacrilegious.

Russ Johnson

UT Grotto Caver, amateur satirist, and future evangelical magnate

-Original Message-
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 9:54 PM

Subject: [Texascavers] Administrative update

Just a small update from the list-owner around here.  2006 was a very
good and successful year for and our mailing list.  
Things are stable, everyone is having a good time and no major problems

around here.

A few months ago I was browsing around some old email and found my very
first email from the original mailing list, our previous
home of this wonderful mailing list.  It got me to thinking and I went
to see if the domain was available, and low and behold, was
unowned.  I snatched up quickly, then put it in my notes of things to
do.  Well, I totally forgot about it, lost my notes, dog ate them, you
know the story.  Anyways, it struck me tonight to go looking for that
domain, and realized I already owned the rights to it :)

Anyways, long story made short, is alive, it points
to a quick and dirty webpage on that gives a
description and why it's there.  Nothing special, just thought I would
let everyone know that our old home lives.  Any old emails sent to that
domain will get forwarded to the new one.

This is just in case someone has a really old bookmark and tries to find
the new list.  Something that should have been done much sooner, but
that's the life of a hobbyist in the wide world of the interweb :)

Now, back to your regularly scheduled chitchat about caving, have a
great year!

Visit our website:
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Re: [Texascavers] Administrative update

2007-03-26 Thread Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Unfortunately cavetex is not a good place for example code.  What I know 
is all self taught, and most of my computer training is all self taught 
as well.  I didn't design, I aquired the website 
when I took over the mailing list and I've only done minor updates, 
never going back and cleaning up the code to make it fully compliant and 
correct, that takes time and hobbies get limited amounts of my time :)

I'll be happy to answer questions though, if you see something, and want 
to know how I did it, or why, I'll do the best I can to answer.

Good luck!

Rick Corbell wrote:


Thanks for all your work on behalf of keeping us cavers connected.  I 
have profound respect for you folks who have charged into the inner 
workings of the web.  I have just started an online HTML course.  This 
week's first lesson is really scary.  I'll be interested in checking 
what I can learn from the source code on cavetex and maybe help Randy 
Baker with our Bexar Grotto site.

Where did you learn html??

Rick Corbell

From:  /Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith /
To:  /
Subject:  /[Texascavers] Administrative update/
Date:  /Wed, 10 Jan 2007 21:53:41 -0600/
>Just a small update from the list-owner around here.  2006 was a
>very good and successful year for and our mailing
>list.  Things are stable, everyone is having a good time and no
>major problems around here.
>A few months ago I was browsing around some old email and found my
>very first email from the original mailing list, our
>previous home of this wonderful mailing list.  It got me to thinking
>and I went to see if the domain was available, and low and behold,
> was unowned.  I snatched up quickly, then put it in my
>notes of things to do.  Well, I totally forgot about it, lost my
>notes, dog ate them, you know the story.  Anyways, it struck me
>tonight to go looking for that domain, and realized I already owned
>the rights to it :)
>Anyways, long story made short, is alive, it
>points to a quick and dirty webpage on that
>gives a description and why it's there.  Nothing special, just
>thought I would let everyone know that our old home lives.  Any old
>emails sent to that domain will get forwarded to the new one.
>This is just in case someone has a really old bookmark and tries to
>find the new list.  Something that should have been done much
>sooner, but that's the life of a hobbyist in the wide world of the
>interweb :)
>Now, back to your regularly scheduled chitchat about caving, have a
>great year!
>Visit our website:
>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>For additional commands, e-mail:

Fixing up the home? Live Search can help 

[Fwd: texascavers Digest 3 Nov 2006 14:36:54 -0000 Issue 162]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:texascavers Digest 3 Nov 2006 14:36:54 - Issue 162
Date:   3 Nov 2006 14:36:54 -

texascavers Digest 3 Nov 2006 14:36:54 - Issue 162

Topics (messages 2250 through 2259):

Re: Texas Caver
2250 by: John P. Brooks
2252 by:
2253 by: Linda Palit
2254 by: Don
2256 by: J. LaRue Bills
2258 by: Rod Goke

2251 by: keith heuss

David - here is your next car
2255 by:

a new off-road magazine ?
2257 by: David

Re: [FloridaCavers] Alexander Klimchouk library fire
2259 by:


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:


--- Begin Message ---

> "I still think TSA Officers should consider making the Texas
> Caver an online newsletter only accessible by paid members."
The TSA is a member driven and  lead organization. We can do anything the
membership decides to do AND decides to support. If the membership wants
projects, on line newsletters, a website, a texas caver or an organizational
storewe can do it. But we do require a commitment from our members to
make it happen.
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
FWIW, we have a ballot coming out soon for TSA officer elections. We
could include a motion to approve/disapprove an online Texas Caver.
Just imagine how much money this would free up for the TSA to use on
other things. 
If folks still wanted one mailed to them or had zero/poor Internet
access, we could do that. 
Using the Activities Newsletter, as an example, Jerry did a great job on
it and reading it online only took nothing away from it. 
If someone wanted to print it out, go ahead.
Just my two cents and this is an idea worth considering, IMHO.
Mark Alman
Editor - The TC


This electronic mail transmission is confidential, may be privileged and
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From: John P. Brooks [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 7:48 AM
To: David Locklear; Darla; Cavers Texas
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Re: Texas Caver

> "I still think TSA Officers should consider making the Texas 
> Caver an online newsletter only accessible by paid members."
The TSA is a member driven and  lead organization. We can do anything
the membership decides to do AND decides to support. If the membership
wants projects, on line newsletters, a website, a texas caver or an
organizational storewe can do it. But we do require a commitment
from our members to make it happen. 
--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
Better check the constitution and bylaws on that ballot.  How does it need
to be authorized, or does it?  What type of ballot is binding, and does it
have to be done at a meeting?


I have mixed emotions about an online Caver, but am fine with the decision
of the majority.  




-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 12:00 PM
To: John P. Brooks; David Locklear; Darla; Cavers Texas
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] Re: Texas Caver



FWIW, we have a ballot coming out soon for TSA officer elections. We could
include a motion to approve/disapprove an online Texas Caver.


Just imagine how much money this would free up for the TSA to use on other


If folks still wanted one mailed to them or had zero/poor Internet access,
we could do that. 


Using the Activities Newsletter, as an example, Jerry did a great job on it
and reading it online only took nothing away from it. 


If someone wanted to print it out, go ahead.


Just my two cents and this is an idea worth considering, IMHO.



Mark Alman

Editor - The TC



This electronic mail transmission is confidential, may be privileged and
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From: John P. Brooks [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 02, 2006 7:48 AM
To: David Locklear; Darla; Cavers Texas
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Re: Texas Caver

> "I still think TSA Officers should consider making the Texas 
> Caver an online newsletter only accessible by paid members."
The TSA is a member driven and  lead organization. We can do anything the
membership decides to do AND decides to support. If t (used to be cavetex)

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
I'm still fairly new to the DFW area caving grotto's and since I started 
being involved, I've taken over the cavetex mailing list 
administration.  It never occurred to me that cavetex needed to be 
advertised to these established groups.  Recently I've had a few emails 
forwarded to me asking to be signed up, so I thought I might advertise 
it a bit.

What once was is now, which is a mailing 
list that is open to anyone to discuss caving in or around Texas.  Most 
members still affectionately refer to it as cavetex.

Subscribing is easy, just send an empty email to from the email account that you 
want subscribed.

The website has lots of good 
information about the mailing list, etc. 

If anyone has questions or problems with the website or mailing list, 
feel free to contact me.


Re: TSA Website

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Yeah, started tinkering with it, seeing what all I can do.  It's going 
to take some time to get everything setup and working smoothly.

Butch Fralia wrote:

I see you got a T-Shirt up on the Store.  At one time I thought I found
quite a bit of documentation on the store, it's probably over at the
OSCommerce website.  

I haven't done anything toward configuring the store.  There's stuff over in
the Admin area that will have to be set up to make it all work correctly,
especially the online credit transactions.


-Original Message-
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 6:19 PM

To: Butch Fralia
Subject: Re: TSA Website

I just figured you were working on it, tried to hit the store with no 
luck.  Will try again later or tomorrow.

Butch Fralia wrote:

If anyone tries to play TSA website, forum or store for a little bit,
the website is apparently down.  It's on the same server as  I turned in a trouble report on it, they came back 
and said they would have to reboot the server, it booted down but didn't 
boot up.  I'd expect that if it's not back up shortly we'll be getting a 
new server which isn't a bad thing.
This is the first time I've had this type of problem with this company
since I first started dealing with them four years ago.  I guess 
statistically it's about time.
I don't expect it will be down long.
Butch Fralia

FM Net Design
3412 Walton Av
Fort Worth, TX, 76133
H: 817-346-2039
C: 817-229-7693

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.1/440 - Release Date: 


Re: TSA Website

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
It's been working, I received 5 copies of your email about the 
newsletter over the evening, spread out by a few hours.

Butch Fralia wrote:

Now if I could just get them to get the mailing list working again, the new
newsletter is online and I can't tell nobody!

-Original Message-
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith [] 
Sent: Thursday, September 07, 2006 6:19 PM

To: Butch Fralia
Subject: Re: TSA Website

I just figured you were working on it, tried to hit the store with no 
luck.  Will try again later or tomorrow.

Butch Fralia wrote:

If anyone tries to play TSA website, forum or store for a little bit,
the website is apparently down.  It's on the same server as  I turned in a trouble report on it, they came back 
and said they would have to reboot the server, it booted down but didn't 
boot up.  I'd expect that if it's not back up shortly we'll be getting a 
new server which isn't a bad thing.
This is the first time I've had this type of problem with this company
since I first started dealing with them four years ago.  I guess 
statistically it's about time.
I don't expect it will be down long.
Butch Fralia

FM Net Design
3412 Walton Av
Fort Worth, TX, 76133
H: 817-346-2039
C: 817-229-7693

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.1/440 - Release Date: 

Re: TSA Website

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
I just figured you were working on it, tried to hit the store with no 
luck.  Will try again later or tomorrow.

Butch Fralia wrote:
If anyone tries to play TSA website, forum or store for a little bit, 
the website is apparently down.  It's on the same server as  I turned in a trouble report on it, they came back 
and said they would have to reboot the server, it booted down but didn't 
boot up.  I'd expect that if it's not back up shortly we'll be getting a 
new server which isn't a bad thing.
This is the first time I've had this type of problem with this company 
since I first started dealing with them four years ago.  I guess 
statistically it's about time.
I don't expect it will be down long.
Butch Fralia

FM Net Design
3412 Walton Av
Fort Worth, TX, 76133
H: 817-346-2039
C: 817-229-7693

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.405 / Virus Database: 268.12.1/440 - Release Date: 9/6/2006

[Fwd: [Texascavers] TSA Vertical Training Workshop Sept 29 - Oct 1.]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:[Texascavers] TSA Vertical Training Workshop Sept 29 - Oct 1.
Date:   Thu, 7 Sep 2006 09:36:22 -0500
From:   Geary Schindel 


About two months ago, I had announced that TSA was interested in having
a vertical training session this fall and I�ve been actively trying to
secure a facility.  The Boy Scouts have come through and offered their
excellent facilities for the weekend of September 29 (Friday evening) to
October 1 (Sunday afternoon).  The training will be held at Bear Creek
Scout Reservation located near Hunt, Texas.  I�m in the process of
working out the details but I wanted to make the announcement so people
can get it on their calendars.  Bear Creek is about 25 minutes west of

The site has a number of great rappelling sites including 3 drops of 30
to 50 feet and 2 drops of about 120 feet.

Basic Vertical Course Outline

We will be following the NSS Vertical Section Training Guidelines for
the basic vertical training.  This will include topics such as selection
of appropriate gear, setting up anchors, rappel configurations,
rappelling and ascending.

Intermediate Vertical Course Outline

Depending upon the interest, we may also have an intermediate training
program to include rebelays, advanced anchors, haul systems, pickoffs,
self rescue and advanced problem solving.  The intermediate training
will require that you have either completed the basic vertical course or
have extensive vertical experience and that you have permission of the
instructors.  The intermediate program will be limited to 10 - 15
participants and designed around the interests of the participants.

Who should attend?

Anyone who is either interested in or is actively vertically caving from
beginners to the advanced.  This is an excellent chance to learn from
some of the best vertical cavers in the area, pick up new techniques and
brush up on your skill sets.


If you have your own equipment, please feel free to bring it.  All
equipment will be inspected by an instructor before use.  Each student
will be required to bring 25 feet of 1-inch tubular climbing webbing
with a minimum of 3,800 pound breaking strength (available from your
local climbing and backpacking store or by mail order), two locking
carabineers, leather gloves, caving or climbing helmet with chin strap,
and sturdy boots.


Cost of the program materials will be around $20.  �m checking on
facility fees but they should be pretty nominal.  We will have a low
instructor to student ratio; however, you must sign up before hand so I
will know how many manuals I will need to buy.  Also, we will limit the
total number of folks so if you sign up, make sure that you show up as
you�ll be taking someone else�s spot.  Either way, if you sign up, you
will be expected to pay for the materials whether you make it or not.

When responding to this message, please respond to my EarthLink account
at  and put
vertical training in the subject area so that when I scan my spam
blocker, I�ll know you�re not trying to get me to invest in some
Nigerian bank deal.

Also, no complaints that nobody ever asks you to do anything cave
related, here is your chance folks.

Geary Schindel

[Fwd: [Texascavers] TSA Vertical Training Workshop Sept 29 - Oct 1.]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:[Texascavers] TSA Vertical Training Workshop Sept 29 - Oct 1.
Date:   Thu, 7 Sep 2006 09:36:22 -0500
From:   Geary Schindel 


About two months ago, I had announced that TSA was interested in having
a vertical training session this fall and I�ve been actively trying to
secure a facility.  The Boy Scouts have come through and offered their
excellent facilities for the weekend of September 29 (Friday evening) to
October 1 (Sunday afternoon).  The training will be held at Bear Creek
Scout Reservation located near Hunt, Texas.  I�m in the process of
working out the details but I wanted to make the announcement so people
can get it on their calendars.  Bear Creek is about 25 minutes west of

The site has a number of great rappelling sites including 3 drops of 30
to 50 feet and 2 drops of about 120 feet.

Basic Vertical Course Outline

We will be following the NSS Vertical Section Training Guidelines for
the basic vertical training.  This will include topics such as selection
of appropriate gear, setting up anchors, rappel configurations,
rappelling and ascending.

Intermediate Vertical Course Outline

Depending upon the interest, we may also have an intermediate training
program to include rebelays, advanced anchors, haul systems, pickoffs,
self rescue and advanced problem solving.  The intermediate training
will require that you have either completed the basic vertical course or
have extensive vertical experience and that you have permission of the
instructors.  The intermediate program will be limited to 10 - 15
participants and designed around the interests of the participants.

Who should attend?

Anyone who is either interested in or is actively vertically caving from
beginners to the advanced.  This is an excellent chance to learn from
some of the best vertical cavers in the area, pick up new techniques and
brush up on your skill sets.


If you have your own equipment, please feel free to bring it.  All
equipment will be inspected by an instructor before use.  Each student
will be required to bring 25 feet of 1-inch tubular climbing webbing
with a minimum of 3,800 pound breaking strength (available from your
local climbing and backpacking store or by mail order), two locking
carabineers, leather gloves, caving or climbing helmet with chin strap,
and sturdy boots.


Cost of the program materials will be around $20.  �m checking on
facility fees but they should be pretty nominal.  We will have a low
instructor to student ratio; however, you must sign up before hand so I
will know how many manuals I will need to buy.  Also, we will limit the
total number of folks so if you sign up, make sure that you show up as
you�ll be taking someone else�s spot.  Either way, if you sign up, you
will be expected to pay for the materials whether you make it or not.

When responding to this message, please respond to my EarthLink account
at  and put
vertical training in the subject area so that when I scan my spam
blocker, I�ll know you�re not trying to get me to invest in some
Nigerian bank deal.

Also, no complaints that nobody ever asks you to do anything cave
related, here is your chance folks.

Geary Schindel

Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Butch, why not just set aside a section in the forums for the 
newsletters, control access via the forum permissions.  I think there is 
even an addon for phpbb for file archives, but don't hold me to that.

Butch Fralia wrote:

We have plenty of space 1500MB and more bandwidth that we'll need.  Can we
get the back issues in PDF format or I can make PDF's for the issues that
were done in MS-Publisher.

Older caver's I'd put in a public area where anyone can get to them.  We can
set an aging limit to what's public; six months, a year?  The ANL is
certainly public.

We can have a members area (if you're not in a hurry).  It would require so
PHP programming that I can do.  The problem could be a database for it.  If
we have the BBS/Forum, it runs off a database and has a user table.  The
Store also has a registration area and is on a separate database.  Unless I
write some special interface, there's the opportunity to have even a 3rd
database and user registration table.


-Original Message-
From: Pete Lindsley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 12:20 PM

To: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Cc: Alman, Mark @ IRP; John P. Brooks; Nico Escamilla; David Locklear;
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

We have the room on the website. So we can talk about putting up both 
pictures and back issues of the TC!

  - Pete

Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith wrote:

I don't do the TSA website, I'll copy Butch and Pete on this and see
what they say about it.  Putting up the old issues would be great in my 


Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:

Good to hear, Charles.

I think a "Members Only" section would be great, as well as a 
link/plug for CaveTex and how to join, what it is, etc.

Would there be adequate server space for old issues of the Texas 

It's up to y'all/membership if we'd want to put these in the Members 
Only section, but, I have pdf's of all the ones I've done.

Some good thoughts and discussions going on, and, hey, they're 
actually constructive AND positive!

Keep up the great work on CaveTex and the TSA site!




-Original Message-
From: [] Sent:
Saturday, September 02, 2006 1:21 AM
To: John P. Brooks
Cc: Nico Escamilla; Alman, Mark @ IRP; David Locklear
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

Yes, with most forum software, especially phpbb, having a public 
section and a members only section would be very easy.  I understand 
that Butch and Pete are working on some new things for the TSA site.  
It's in very capable hands.

I would prefer to see this type of system set up on the TSA website. 
It would draw cavers to our website...and create a way for the TSA 
to more effectively communicate with its members...and its 
prospective member base. And members and prospective members would 
have an opportunity to see and explore the wealth of information on 
our website. And the increased traffic might supply the traffic for 
an on line store. Everyone says they want a stronger more active TSA 
that does a number of new things for its its time that 
we gave the TSA the tools it needs to reach out and grow.

I acknowledge what a wonderful tool cavetex has been for Texas Cavers.

And Charles and Bill desire our gratitude for keeping this going. 
if you guys want a vibrant organization...we need to make decisions 
beneficial to that end.

Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
I don't do the TSA website, I'll copy Butch and Pete on this and see 
what they say about it.  Putting up the old issues would be great in my 


Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:

Good to hear, Charles.

I think a "Members Only" section would be great, as well as a link/plug
for CaveTex and how to join, what it is, etc.

Would there be adequate server space for old issues of the Texas Caver?

It's up to y'all/membership if we'd want to put these in the Members
Only section, but, I have pdf's of all the ones I've done.

Some good thoughts and discussions going on, and, hey, they're actually
constructive AND positive!

Keep up the great work on CaveTex and the TSA site!




-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 1:21 AM

To: John P. Brooks
Cc: Nico Escamilla; Alman, Mark @ IRP; David Locklear
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

Yes, with most forum software, especially phpbb, having a public section
and a members only section would be very easy.  I understand that Butch
and Pete are working on some new things for the TSA site.  It's in very
capable hands.

I would prefer to see this type of system set up on the TSA website.
It would draw cavers to our website...and create a way for the TSA to 
more effectively communicate with its members...and its prospective 
member base.
And members and prospective members would have an opportunity to see 
and explore the wealth of information on our website. And the 
increased traffic might supply the traffic for an on line store.
Everyone says they want a stronger more active TSA that does a number 
of new things for its its time that we gave the TSA the 
tools it needs to reach out and grow.

I acknowledge what a wonderful tool cavetex has been for Texas Cavers.

And Charles and Bill desire our gratitude for keeping this going. But 
if you guys want a vibrant organization...we need to make decisions 
beneficial to that end.

Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Yes, with most forum software, especially phpbb, having a public section
and a members only section would be very easy.  I understand that Butch
and Pete are working on some new things for the TSA site.  It's in very
capable hands.

> I would prefer to see this type of system set up on the TSA website.
> It would draw cavers to our website...and create a way for the TSA to more
> effectively communicate with its members...and its prospective member
> base.
> And members and prospective members would have an opportunity to see and
> explore the wealth of information on our website. And the increased
> traffic
> might supply the traffic for an on line store.
> Everyone says they want a stronger more active TSA that does a number of
> new
> things for its its time that we gave the TSA the tools it
> needs
> to reach out and grow.
> I acknowledge what a wonderful tool cavetex has been for Texas Cavers. And
> Charles and Bill desire our gratitude for keeping this going. But if you
> guys want a vibrant organization...we need to make decisions beneficial to
> that end.
> And I believe we can allow access to the discussion forum to anyone we
> want...members and non-membersso Nico will not be left out.
> On 9/1/06 1:14 PM, "Nico Escamilla"  wrote:
>> I believe the PHPbb software is free, it would be neat to have such
>> discussion
>> board, whats not so neat tho is that I'm gonna be left out cause I'm not
>> a TSA
>> member but oh well.
>> here are some discussion boards using PHPbb
>> <>  site by chris saizan
>> <>  the NSS official discussion
>> board
>> maintained by Wayne Harrison from CO
>> Nico
>> On 9/1/06, Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith  wrote:
>>> Mark, David, both are very good ideas.  Our wonderful cavetex
>>> (texascavers) mailing list is hosted by myself, which has no
>>> affiliation
>>> with the TSA at all, other than being a member.  But as a member, I'm
>>> here to help out as necessary.  I do have the skills and ability to
>>> host
>>>   another "forum" for discussion, be it members of TSA only or an
>>> opt-in
>>> list for direct TSA discussions.
>>> We can do this via mailing list, or by a web based forum, for bulletin
>>> board system.  This can be done quickly, easily and at no cost.
>>> Anyone that wants to discuss it, contact me off-list.
>>> Charles
>>> Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Superior write-up, thanks for posting it!
>>>> >
>>>> > I'll add my 1/50th of a dollar below, plus a proposal I have.
>>>> >
>>>> > 
>>>> > *From:* David Locklear []
>>>> > *Sent:* Friday, September 01, 2006 7:25 AM
>>>> > *To:* Cavetex
>>>> > *Subject:* [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I believe the TSA is at a cross-roads. It has been there before,
>>>> > probably many times.  There are issues
>>>> > that I believe need to be discussed.   I believe the best way to do
>>>> that
>>>> > is on the internet on a forum separate but
>>>> > similar to Cavetex. There are some drawbacks to this.For
>>>> > example, the e-mail box clutter.   And who is going
>>>> > to maintain it?I do not have the computer skills, to volunteer
>>>> for
>>>> > that.
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > *Since Andy G. and I have access to and maintain the TSA members
>>>> list
>>>> > (Andy as Secretary and myself as the TC Editor), I am*
>>>> > *volunteering to start/moderate/maintain a user group * *for all
>>>> _PAID
>>>> > _TSA members that are interested in the friendly, positive, and
>>>> congenial*
>>>> > *free exchange of ideas and thoughts on the ideals of cave
>>>> conservation,
>>>> > caving, events, projects, and camarderie that the TSA represents.*
>>>> > **
>>>> > *Think of this group as an amiable gathering of like-minded friends
>>>> from
>>>> > around this far-flung state, who have chosen to congregate around
>>>> the

RE: [Texascavers] FW: Link to FTP Site

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Working great, thanks!

> Charles,
> Try it now and let me know if you have a problem.
> Geary
> Geary M. Schindel, P.G.
> Chief Technical Officer
> Program Manager - Aquifer Science
> Edwards Aquifer Authority
> 1615 N. St. Marys Street
> San Antonio, TX 78215
> 210-222-2204

RE: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Sounds good, let me know if you need any help.

> Charles,
> We're moving the TSA website to a new hosting company, for a number of
> reasons, not the least of which is better statistics to see how many
> people
> are actually using this thing.  It has PHPBB available for install so it
> would be directly attached to  I've set up two or three
> of
> these and as you know it isn't a big deal.  Mark could moderate the whole
> thing!
> Butch
> -Original Message-
> From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith []
> Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 12:13 PM
> To: Alman, Mark @ IRP
> Cc: David Locklear; Cavetex
> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion
> Mark, David, both are very good ideas.  Our wonderful cavetex
> (texascavers) mailing list is hosted by myself, which has no affiliation
> with the TSA at all, other than being a member.  But as a member, I'm
> here to help out as necessary.  I do have the skills and ability to host
>   another "forum" for discussion, be it members of TSA only or an opt-in
> list for direct TSA discussions.
> We can do this via mailing list, or by a web based forum, for bulletin
> board system.  This can be done quickly, easily and at no cost.
> Anyone that wants to discuss it, contact me off-list.
> Charles
> Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:
>> Superior write-up, thanks for posting it!
>> I'll add my 1/50th of a dollar below, plus a proposal I have.
>> --
>> --
>> *From:* David Locklear []
>> *Sent:* Friday, September 01, 2006 7:25 AM
>> *To:* Cavetex
>> *Subject:* [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion
>> I believe the TSA is at a cross-roads. It has been there before,
>> probably many times.  There are issues
>> that I believe need to be discussed.   I believe the best way to do that
>> is on the internet on a forum separate but
>> similar to Cavetex. There are some drawbacks to this.For
>> example, the e-mail box clutter.   And who is going
>> to maintain it?I do not have the computer skills, to volunteer for
>> that.
>> *Since Andy G. and I have access to and maintain the TSA members list
>> (Andy as Secretary and myself as the TC Editor), I am*
>> *volunteering to start/moderate/maintain a user group * *for all _PAID
>> _TSA members that are interested in the friendly, positive, and
>> congenial*
>> *free exchange of ideas and thoughts on the ideals of cave conservation,
>> caving, events, projects, and camarderie that the TSA represents.*
>> **
>> *Think of this group as an amiable gathering of like-minded friends from
>> around this far-flung state, who have chosen to congregate around the
>> proverbial *
>> *electronic campfire of cyberspace for a free exchange of dialogue on
>> how to take the TSA into the future, much like my favorite memories of
>> gathering *
>> *around the fire pits at CBSP and Kickapoo Caverns after a hard day of
>> mapping, surveying, brushwalking, etc. *
>> **
>> *Negative and hostile thinkers, rock throwers, gossipers, backbiters,
>> anyone who is antagonistic/caustic/cantankerous, arsonists (folks who
>> enjoy throwing a can of gas on the fire to incite flame wars and then
>> stand back to watch), or folks who dwell on the he said/she said
>> "someone done somebody wrong songs" of 1, 5, 10, 20 years ago*
>> *need not apply.*
>> *CaveTex is a great way for all cavers of all interests and
>> affiliations
>> throughout the state to converse, wisecrack, announce projects, and to
>> generally BS.*
>> **
>> *This new group would not take away from that. It would just eliminate
>> folks that have nothing to bring to the TSA table or else they'd be
>> members.*
>> I believe someday that you will hear cavers discuss topics concerning
>> the future of the TSA.
>> For example, back in the good ole days, people showed their caving
>> photos to people in slide shows. Soon
>> you will e-mail your slideshows, and we will all have giant plasma
>> screens to view the photos in the privacy of
>> our home, while sitting on a soft leather recliner. We will have
>> video-conferencing to hold meetings.We won't
>> need to drive across Texas to hold the convention.We will have
>> web-conventions. I am willing to go so far
>> as to say that by 2030, we

Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Mark, David, both are very good ideas.  Our wonderful cavetex 
(texascavers) mailing list is hosted by myself, which has no affiliation 
with the TSA at all, other than being a member.  But as a member, I'm 
here to help out as necessary.  I do have the skills and ability to host 
 another "forum" for discussion, be it members of TSA only or an opt-in 
list for direct TSA discussions.

We can do this via mailing list, or by a web based forum, for bulletin 
board system.  This can be done quickly, easily and at no cost.

Anyone that wants to discuss it, contact me off-list.


Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:
Superior write-up, thanks for posting it!
I'll add my 1/50th of a dollar below, plus a proposal I have.

*From:* David Locklear []
*Sent:* Friday, September 01, 2006 7:25 AM
*To:* Cavetex
*Subject:* [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

I believe the TSA is at a cross-roads. It has been there before, 
probably many times.  There are issues
that I believe need to be discussed.   I believe the best way to do that 
is on the internet on a forum separate but
similar to Cavetex. There are some drawbacks to this.For 
example, the e-mail box clutter.   And who is going
to maintain it?I do not have the computer skills, to volunteer for 
*Since Andy G. and I have access to and maintain the TSA members list 
(Andy as Secretary and myself as the TC Editor), I am*
*volunteering to start/moderate/maintain a user group * *for all _PAID 
_TSA members that are interested in the friendly, positive, and congenial*
*free exchange of ideas and thoughts on the ideals of cave conservation, 
caving, events, projects, and camarderie that the TSA represents.*
*Think of this group as an amiable gathering of like-minded friends from 
around this far-flung state, who have chosen to congregate around the 
proverbial *
*electronic campfire of cyberspace for a free exchange of dialogue on 
how to take the TSA into the future, much like my favorite memories of 
gathering *
*around the fire pits at CBSP and Kickapoo Caverns after a hard day of 
mapping, surveying, brushwalking, etc. *
*Negative and hostile thinkers, rock throwers, gossipers, backbiters, 
anyone who is antagonistic/caustic/cantankerous, arsonists (folks who 
enjoy throwing a can of gas on the fire to incite flame wars and then 
stand back to watch), or folks who dwell on the he said/she said 
"someone done somebody wrong songs" of 1, 5, 10, 20 years ago*

*need not apply.*
*CaveTex is a great way for all cavers of all interests and affiliations 
throughout the state to converse, wisecrack, announce projects, and to 
generally BS.*
*This new group would not take away from that. It would just eliminate 
folks that have nothing to bring to the TSA table or else they'd be 
I believe someday that you will hear cavers discuss topics concerning 
the future of the TSA.
For example, back in the good ole days, people showed their caving 
photos to people in slide shows. Soon
you will e-mail your slideshows, and we will all have giant plasma 
screens to view the photos in the privacy of
our home, while sitting on a soft leather recliner. We will have 
video-conferencing to hold meetings.We won't
need to drive across Texas to hold the convention.We will have 
web-conventions. I am willing to go so far
as to say that by 2030, we will all laugh at the idea of holding an 
outdoor convention. How many of us will be
still be around in 2030.  I will only be a young 66, so for me it is 
something to that is plausible.I think
if it is still done, it will only be for nostalgia's sake, like when 
we go caving with carbide.
*The advent of elctronics and the 'Net is the reason, David, that I 
firmly believe that the conventions, events, and projects that the TSA 
promotes that brings cavers face-to-face are all the more vital and 
important. *
*This from a longtime caver who just attended his first convention this 
*I love email, but, people are much less reluctant to issue disparaging 
remarks if that person is right in front of them. Email and the 'Net 
make it too easy issue to trash someone or to send an email or remark 
that is interpreted the wrong way.*
*Does the TSA have issues and the occasional "dysfunctional family 
moment", as my lovely wife likes to call them? *
*Heck, yes, but which family out there doesn't?! You just don't throw 
the baby out with the bath water.*
*Can these issues be worked thru and rectified? Sure and I think a 
dedicated TSA user group is a good first step.*
*Who's with me and whadda y'all think?*
*Mark Alman*

Re: [Texascavers] TSA Job Opening!

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

LOL, I like it!

Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:

OK, John, you convinced me to do the TSA renewal stuff, although, I was
glad to help out, anyway.

I suggest we just have one big booth with the TSA store, renewals, info,
old TC's etc. under one roof.

One stop shopping, in other words.

I'm also looking into buying a banner (we have a TSA one don't we?) that

Join the TSA or We Kill This Bat!

Before you react in horror, this is a take off of one of the most famous
marketing campaigns that National Lampoon put on the 
Cover of one of their magazines years ago. It worked very well, I might


Here's a link to it:

If y'all think it's too over the top, I won't pursue it.

Let me know what I can do to help out, Chuck and John.



-Original Message-
From: John P. Brooks [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 10:58 PM

To: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith; Mark Alman; Alman, Mark @ IRP
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TSA Job Opening!


I just copied you on a message from Kara and my response.
Can you take on coordinating the TSA store for TCR ?
I understand that Denise, from Austin, has also expressed an interest in
working with the store.but she will not be at TCR. But at some
point, we should all discuss how the store proceeds in the future...and
whom does what...or what everyone wants to do..
So if  you are willing to do TCR that would be a big help. I might offer
a suggestion...that you recruit a few cavers to cover several store
shifts for that you have the opportunity to enjoy TCR and don't
have to spend all of your time with the store. See if you can get David
Locklear to help sell T Shirts for a few hours! Or ask Darla Bishop to
I have committed to help the cooks for awhile...and need to help with
TSA dues renewals...which we might do out of the store boothso maybe
we can coordinate the TSA dues stuff with the store stuff. I am trying
to convince Mark Alman to coordinate the dues renewal he
might have an opinion on how we do this.

John Brooks
TSA Chairman

On 8/30/06 10:35 AM, "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" 

John, if no one else has volunteered for this, I'll take it in hand.
I've been trying to nudge my wife into volunteering for it, this way 
she won't have a choice :)


Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:
Not sure how well known this is, but, FWIW, I thought I would put a 
blurb here for a worthy candidate:

_*Store Keeper*_

*Description:  Someone who will take care of the TSA store items 
including books, patches, t-shirts and other items as they come 
available.  The responsibilities will include storing the inventory, 
hauling it to conventions and other TSA events then selling items 
once there..  The position will involve handling money received from 
sales and turning it over to the TSA Treasurer when the weekend is

Additional responsibilities will include responding to and shipping 
orders from the online store as they come in.*

*Requirements:  The applicant must be honest, responsible and egoless

to hold this thankless position.  The applicant will be expected to 
pass on family events, trips to Mexico or other wonderful places to 
have the store items on-site when a TSA Event is scheduled.*

*Benefits: experience and a TSA e-mail address to use for store 
correspondence.  Being able to say you did a good thing when the 
convention is over.  Get your picture and contact information listed 
on the Officers/Contacts page.*

With TCR coming up, it would be nice to get this position filled.

Contact John Brooks at 
<> or 
<>, if interested.




Mark Alman

Re: [Texascavers] FW: Link to FTP Site

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

Geary, just an FYI, that ftp site is not responding.

Geary Schindel wrote:

There have been a number of folks that have inquired about viewing the 
files for the LiDAR work that was performed at Punkin Cave.  Some of you 
have seen this file during the LiDAR presentation at the TSA Spring 
meeting.  I�ve had it posted on our FTP site at the following link.  
There are two files on the FTP site, one details the requirements for 
running for the board of directors for the Authority, the second file is 
titled Punkin Better.


The Punkin Better is the file you want to down load.  It is about 77 
megs so it will take a while.  I would appreciate it if the file would 
not be used for commercial purposes.  However, the file does give an 
idea of the level of detail that LiDAR can produce.  It will run on a MS 
media player.  Please let me know if you have any problems with the file.


Geary Schindel 

Re: [Texascavers] TSA Job Opening!

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
yep, got that message, and I'll helpout however.  I play to be at the 
TCR, so can definitely lend my time however.  Once we get things ironed 
out, I'll start getting some volunteers.

I'll also gladly help out with the dues work, would make sense to put it 
all in one spot, since it's all TSA.

John P. Brooks wrote:


I just copied you on a message from Kara and my response.
Can you take on coordinating the TSA store for TCR ?
I understand that Denise, from Austin, has also expressed an interest in
working with the store.but she will not be at TCR. But at some point, we
should all discuss how the store proceeds in the future...and whom does
what...or what everyone wants to do..
So if  you are willing to do TCR that would be a big help. I might offer a
suggestion...that you recruit a few cavers to cover several store shifts for that you have the opportunity to enjoy TCR and don't have to spend
all of your time with the store. See if you can get David Locklear to help
sell T Shirts for a few hours! Or ask Darla Bishop to help!
I have committed to help the cooks for awhile...and need to help with TSA
dues renewals...which we might do out of the store boothso maybe we can
coordinate the TSA dues stuff with the store stuff. I am trying to convince
Mark Alman to coordinate the dues renewal he might have an
opinion on how we do this.

John Brooks
TSA Chairman

On 8/30/06 10:35 AM, "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" 

John, if no one else has volunteered for this, I'll take it in hand.
I've been trying to nudge my wife into volunteering for it, this way she
won't have a choice :)


Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:

Not sure how well known this is, but, FWIW, I thought I would put a
blurb here for a worthy candidate:
_*Store Keeper*_

*Description:  Someone who will take care of the TSA store items
including books, patches, t-shirts and other items as they come
available.  The responsibilities will include storing the inventory,
hauling it to conventions and other TSA events then selling items once
there..  The position will involve handling money received from sales
and turning it over to the TSA Treasurer when the weekend is complete.
Additional responsibilities will include responding to and shipping
orders from the online store as they come in.*

*Requirements:  The applicant must be honest, responsible and egoless to
hold this thankless position.  The applicant will be expected to pass on
family events, trips to Mexico or other wonderful places to have the
store items on-site when a TSA Event is scheduled.*

*Benefits: experience and a TSA e-mail address to use for store
correspondence.  Being able to say you did a good thing when the
convention is over.  Get your picture and contact information listed on
the Officers/Contacts page.*

With TCR coming up, it would be nice to get this position filled.

Contact John Brooks at
<> or
<>, if interested.




Mark Alman

Re: [Texascavers] TSA Job Opening!

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
I'm game to help with it, and I have storage space in my office for it, 
extra garage space if needed.  I'd think that most of it was done via 
mail order, so no problem getting things to people.  If not, educate me 
and we'll rethink it and find a way.

John P Brooks wrote:
well now... I don't know...The TSA store inventory is stored in Logans 
garage and at the TSS office. We have a storage room. So I don't know 
how the logistics of it would work...but if you want to take this on...I 
am sure we can figure out a solution !

What do you think ?

*/Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith /* wrote:

Sorry, am in Fort Worth, but will that be a problem? I do plan on
attending TCR, this will just ensure that we're there :)

John P Brooks wrote:
 > Charles,
 > That would be great! one has volunteered for this...and
 > Dittmar and Logan McNatt has been good natured and has just
continued to
 > do it. Even though he wants to step aside.
 > I will find out how we can get you plugged into taking this over.
 > Are you in Austin ?
 > John
 > */Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith /* wrote:
 > John, if no one else has volunteered for this, I'll take it in hand.
 > I've been trying to nudge my wife into volunteering for it, this way
 > she
 > won't have a choice :)
 > Charles
 > Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:
 > > Not sure how well known this is, but, FWIW, I thought I would put a
 > > blurb here for a worthy candidate:
 > >
 > > *__*
 > > _*Store Keeper*_
 > >
 > > *Description: Someone who will take care of the TSA store items
 > > including books, patches, t-shirts and other items as they come
 > > available. The responsibilities will include storing the inventory,
 > > hauling it to conventions and other TSA events then selling items
 > once
 > > there.. The position will involve handling money received from
 > > and turning it over to the TSA Treasurer when the weekend is
 > complete.
 > > Additional responsibilities will include responding to and shipping
 > > orders from the online store as they come in.*
 > >
 > > *Requirements: The applicant must be honest, responsible and
 > egoless to
 > > hold this thankless position. The applicant will be expected to
 > pass on
 > > family events, trips to Mexico or other wonderful places to
have the
 > > store items on-site when a TSA Event is scheduled.*
 > >
 > > *Benefits: experience and a TSA e-mail address to use for store
 > > correspondence. Being able to say you did a good thing when the
 > > convention is over. Get your picture and contact information
 > listed on
 > > the Officers/Contacts page.*
 > >
 > > With TCR coming up, it would be nice to get this position filled.
 > >
 > > Contact John Brooks at
 > > or
 > > , if interested.
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > Later,
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > Mark Alman
 > >

Re: [Texascavers] TSA Job Opening!

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Sorry, am in Fort Worth, but will that be a problem?  I do plan on 
attending TCR, this will just ensure that we're there :)

John P Brooks wrote:

That would be great! one has volunteered for this...and Kara 
Dittmar and Logan McNatt has been good natured and has just continued to 
do it. Even though he wants to step aside.

I will find out how we can get you plugged into taking this over.
Are you in Austin ?

*/Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith /* wrote:

John, if no one else has volunteered for this, I'll take it in hand.
I've been trying to nudge my wife into volunteering for it, this way
won't have a choice :)


Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:
 > Not sure how well known this is, but, FWIW, I thought I would put a
 > blurb here for a worthy candidate:
 > *__*
 > _*Store Keeper*_
 > *Description: Someone who will take care of the TSA store items
 > including books, patches, t-shirts and other items as they come
 > available. The responsibilities will include storing the inventory,
 > hauling it to conventions and other TSA events then selling items
 > there.. The position will involve handling money received from sales
 > and turning it over to the TSA Treasurer when the weekend is
 > Additional responsibilities will include responding to and shipping
 > orders from the online store as they come in.*
 > *Requirements: The applicant must be honest, responsible and
egoless to
 > hold this thankless position. The applicant will be expected to
pass on
 > family events, trips to Mexico or other wonderful places to have the
 > store items on-site when a TSA Event is scheduled.*
 > *Benefits: experience and a TSA e-mail address to use for store
 > correspondence. Being able to say you did a good thing when the
 > convention is over. Get your picture and contact information
listed on
 > the Officers/Contacts page.*
 > With TCR coming up, it would be nice to get this position filled.
 > Contact John Brooks at
 > or
 > , if interested.
 > Later,
 > Mark Alman

Re: [Texascavers] TSA Job Opening!

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
John, if no one else has volunteered for this, I'll take it in hand. 
I've been trying to nudge my wife into volunteering for it, this way she 
won't have a choice :)


Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:
Not sure how well known this is, but, FWIW, I thought I would put a 
blurb here for a worthy candidate:
_*Store Keeper*_

*Description:  Someone who will take care of the TSA store items 
including books, patches, t-shirts and other items as they come 
available.  The responsibilities will include storing the inventory, 
hauling it to conventions and other TSA events then selling items once 
there..  The position will involve handling money received from sales 
and turning it over to the TSA Treasurer when the weekend is complete.  
Additional responsibilities will include responding to and shipping 
orders from the online store as they come in.*

*Requirements:  The applicant must be honest, responsible and egoless to 
hold this thankless position.  The applicant will be expected to pass on 
family events, trips to Mexico or other wonderful places to have the 
store items on-site when a TSA Event is scheduled.*

*Benefits: experience and a TSA e-mail address to use for store 
correspondence.  Being able to say you did a good thing when the 
convention is over.  Get your picture and contact information listed on 
the Officers/Contacts page.*

With TCR coming up, it would be nice to get this position filled.

Contact John Brooks at 
, if interested.




Mark Alman

Re: [Cowtown] RE: [Texascavers] Announcing Texas Cavers Reunion 2006

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

She will now, her address wasn't subscribed.


Langevin, John wrote:

Heather still isn't getting grotto e-mails. Her address is 

[Fwd: [Texascavers] Announcing Texas Cavers Reunion 2006]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:[Texascavers] Announcing Texas Cavers Reunion 2006
Date:   Thu, 27 Jul 2006 01:47:22 -0500
From:   Allan Cobb 
References: <>

Howdy Y'all,

It is that time of the year to announce the location and date for TCR
2006. The 29th Annual TCR will be on the weekend of October 20-22. We
are returning to Honey Creek Ranch for all of our fun and festivities.
We will have some trips into Honey Creek Cave for those who feel the
need to get underground as well as many fun and exciting things above
ground. For the latest information about TCR 2006, visit the website at .

Start making your plans to attend and help make this the best TCR ever!

Please forward this email, the information contained in this email, the
website for TCR, add this information to your newsletters and/or
websites, and pass along any other pertinent information gleaned from
this email to all interested parties.  All cavers are invited to attend
so don't be left out.

See y'all there...


No electrons were created or destroyed in sending this message.

Re: [Texascavers] e-mail size

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
David, email lists are not advisable for mobile's because you can't 
control what is coming in.  People know it's not polite to put 
attachments, but asking people to watch the size of a text email is a 
bit much.  If you don't have an unlimited data plan, I'd advise you to 
not subscribe to the mailing list.  I'd hate to have someone forget and 
max your data out with one wrong attachment.

At our homepage,, there is a handy link to the 
archives of the mailing list.  If you simply must stay connected to our 
wonderful little list, use the archives.

Hopefully this helps everyone out :)

David wrote:

This post falls under the "fyi" category.
Many of the post vary in size from 1 kB to 3 kB.
However, when you include unnecessary text in the post then

the size could be over 10 kB.
This is something to consider if your wireless data plan has a monthly 
limit of say 5 MB.
David Locklear

Re: [Texascavers] off-topic: consumer tip

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

Plasma TVs don't last as long, LCD is the wave of the future.

Bill Bentley wrote:

I recommend LCD over Plasma
Picture is noticeably brighter and is not subject to burn in either...

- Original Message -
*From:* David Locklear 
*To:* Cavetex 
*Sent:* Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:20 PM
*Subject:* [Texascavers] off-topic: consumer tip

This post of for any cavers planning to buy a new plasma
TV.( If you are going to watch cave-related documentaries,
you need one, right? )
Before you rush out and join the Jones' in getting a new plasma

TV, there is something I recommend you look at first.
At the CostCo store, they sell a TV cabinet where a remote

control raises and lowers the plasma TV into a hideaway compartment.
When closed it resembles a buffet-style cabinet and you would
never know a TV was inside.  But press a button on the remote,
and the TV magically rises from the cabinet like something out of a 
science-fiction movie. 
It could be called a "Motorized Hideaway TV Cabinet," but I think

it will get a simpler name like "Plasma Pop-up System," and then
it will get some fancy acronym, like PPS. So you can tell
your neighbors that you just bought a 60" HDTVPPS.
I am willing to bet that a large segment of the TV consumers are

going to be obsessed with this in the coming years.  I am
willing to
go so far as to say, this idea is almost as significant as the arrival
of the TV remote itself, and maybe even the VCR.  I doubt this
particular cabinet will be a big seller, but it will lead to similar
products that are desirable to the TV consumer, such as what you
see with in-dash car DVD players.  I believe that once people
see this, they are going to want a plasma TV; when before, it
really wasn't important to them. 
New TV buyers will someday be faced with a decision between

several ways of hiding the TV.  Maybe in a few generations,
houses will have the TV hidden into the floor.   
I would like to make a disclaimer:  I do not approve of

keeping up with Jones', and believe you should continue
to watch your tube TV, if it suits you. I would also like
to add, that general public spends too much time watching
David Locklear

Re: [Fwd: Re: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

Thank you Diana!

Diana Tomchick wrote:


Attached is the desired info. Three years ago I asked the same question 
on Cave Tex and Jacqui Bills sent me these documents. I haven't tried 
the system but intend to do it someday. Maybe I'll find the time before 
I'm too old,


On Jul 6, 2006, at 5:26 PM, Butch Fralia wrote:


I've probably got one somewhere but couldn't even guess where.  I'd 

you check with Diana, she has the library right now and it might even be
neatly filed.  Probably get it at the next grotto meeting.

I've copied her in case you don't have her e-mail handy.


-----Original Message-
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith []
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 5:18 PM
To: Fralia, Butch
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill]

Butch, do you happen to have a copy of this issue that I could borrow?
I was going to buy one from the website, but I haven't had an answer to
the email yet.  Not sure if I want to tackle building a treadmill, but I
wanted to look into it.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:05:53 -0500
From: J. LaRue Bills 
To: shannon summers ,


Texas Caver July/August 2000 shows/explains a treadmill system that works
with a long rope and no spicing. I've been very happy with how it works.

- Original Message -
From: "shannon summers" 
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 5:36 AM
Subject: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill

Not having any luck splicing rope together.  Any suggestions would be


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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B   
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.   

214-645-6383 (phone)
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Re: [Fwd: Re: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Heh, yep, in this digital age, it'd be nice to download a pdf for a 
small price :)

Butch Fralia wrote:

That'd make a good argument for copies of the caver being on the TSA website
wouldn't it.  


-Original Message-
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2006 5:18 PM

To: Fralia, Butch
Subject: [Fwd: Re: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill]

Butch, do you happen to have a copy of this issue that I could borrow? 
I was going to buy one from the website, but I haven't had an answer to 
the email yet.  Not sure if I want to tackle building a treadmill, but I 
wanted to look into it.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:05:53 -0500
From: J. LaRue Bills 
To: shannon summers ,


Texas Caver July/August 2000 shows/explains a treadmill system that works
with a long rope and no spicing. I've been very happy with how it works.

- Original Message -
From: "shannon summers" 
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 5:36 AM
Subject: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill

Not having any luck splicing rope together.  Any suggestions would be 


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[Fwd: Re: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Butch, do you happen to have a copy of this issue that I could borrow? 
I was going to buy one from the website, but I haven't had an answer to 
the email yet.  Not sure if I want to tackle building a treadmill, but I 
wanted to look into it.


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:05:53 -0500
From: J. LaRue Bills 
To: shannon summers ,

Texas Caver July/August 2000 shows/explains a treadmill system that works
with a long rope and no spicing. I've been very happy with how it works.

- Original Message -
From: "shannon summers" 
Sent: Monday, June 19, 2006 5:36 AM
Subject: [Texascavers] Any sugestions for a climbing treadmill

Not having any luck splicing rope together.  Any suggestions would be


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[Fwd: [Texascavers] Animated Knot-tying Instruction]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:[Texascavers] Animated Knot-tying Instruction
Date:   Mon, 12 Jun 2006 03:22:30 +

 From TagNet:

Animated Knot-tying Instruction
  By: Kirk Holland  (Austin, Texas)

A work colleague of mine here in Texas who is a caver pointed out an
interesting website: It's a well-done, even
cool website that not only clearly shows how a large variety of
climbing/caving knots should be properly tied, but also includes a bit
of history of specific knots, optional ways of (correctly) tying them,
equivalent/better knots and variations for specific purposes, and
warnings about how certain knots can be incorrectly tied and/or fail
in specific circumstances. (Ther e are also links to other pages and
sites with good info.) It seems to me that if not already being done,
this site could be useful in some vertical training programs for those
learning the ropes, so to speak, and otherwise serve as a
refresher/reference for the rest of us, whether one is doing the tying
or checking the knots of the person that does.

The old cyber-caver, Kirk

Re: [Texascavers] Hybrid car update

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
David, I drive about 75 miles a day commuting to work.  Last year I 
invested in a small motorcycle

I've got 11k miles on this bike and so far it gets 55 to 60 mpg 
reliably.  My car is a Mustang GT 2001, it only gets 19-21mpg on my 
commute on the highways.

This bike is fun to ride and very low powered as compared to other 
"crotch rockets"  At 250cc, it still has enough power to outrun just 
about any car from the line, so accelerating in traffic is no big deal, 
but isn't powerful enough to pull wheelies or anything crazy.  It's top 
speed is about 90 mph, although I haven't seen that speed on it.  It's 
light, around 300 pounds dry, so doesn't handle strong winds as well as 
a bigger bike, but for the gas mileage, I can't complain.

I bought a new one, with TT&L, it cost me right at $3500
For maintenance, I've changed the oil every 4k miles (oil and filter can 
be purchased at Walmart for that bike, I use regular motor oil), and 
after 6k miles, I started using synthetic oil.

I had to replace the rear tire at 8k miles, cost me $195 mounted and 
balanced.  I've also spent about $600 on gear and accessories.  The gear 
includes a helmet, winter jacket, winter pants, winter gloves, summer 
jacket, summer pants and summer gloves.  I purchased all but the helmet 
through  All of this gear is a must 
in my opinion, in case of an accident, the armor in all of this will 
protect me from any road rash, etc.

I've also taken the motorcycle safety course which was $150.

Even though the oil changes are a bit more often than my car and the 
tires are more expensive, I'm saving about $200 a month in gas alone, 
plus it's fun to ride.  It took a bit to get used to riding in traffic, 
and heavy traffic, but I've adapted.  I'm saving a lot of miles on my 
car and enjoying my commute a bit more.  I only drive my car when the 
weather is bad.  I don't suggest riding in the rain if you can keep from 
it, bikes are harder to deal with.

Kawasaki has a cheaper bike but I 
wanted the sport bike look, and I've been told this bike is way under 
powered for it's weight.  A lot of the safety courses use this, so if 
you want to trial ride it, find a course using them.

Hope this information helps you

David Locklear wrote:

My hybrid Honda just passed 191,000 miles.I haven't
spent a penny on it, since the last report.  Gas mileage
for the last tank was 43.2 mpg, but I was driving conservative. In 
my opinion, the motor/transmission is still mechanically

in good shape.

I was hoping to have a report on the new Lexus sedan as
they are advertising it on the radio. However, these ads
are just a trap to lure you into their stores.  The sedan
has not arrived in Houston yet.Toyota has TV ads now
for the hybrid Camry, however, I would be surprised to see one of those 
until late in the year.

I have been researching large motor scooters to see if one might reduce 
my transportation cost. Does anybody out there know anybody that has 
one of the

big scooters? ( please e-mail me privately )

Here is a futuristic one:

Here is a web-site comparing scooters:

The biggest scooter, a Suzuki, only gets about 4 miles
per gallon better than my hybrid car. The scooters
seem to end up in the shop often and
with more costly repairs than my car.They also
only have a range of 200 miles. So it doesn't look
like a scooter will cut my transportation cost.Right?

David Locklear

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For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Texascavers] how do I communicate with the list owner?

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Nancy never gave me any more information, I received more from others 
than anything, I'm not going to loose any sleep over a single reported 
issue.  We currently have 312 subscribers.

Carl Kunath wrote:
So, Charles, what was the true story of Nancy's attachment.  Was she 
being spammed individually or was there an attachment sent to the entire 
list, or ???
BTW, can you please tell me the number of current subscribers to the 
TexasCavers list?
===Carl Kunath

- Original Message -
*From:* Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith <>
*To:* Nancy Weaver <> ; <>
*Sent:* Monday, May 01, 2006 1:32 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Texascavers] how do I communicate with the list owner?

Nancy, I'll build those aliases to point to my email, but those are
over from an older software that used to run the mailing list.

My email address is
<> and a slew of addresses in the domain route to me, webmaster, postmaster, abuse, etc.

What can I help you with?

Nancy Weaver wrote:
 > this is the response I get to both addresses for texascavers
 >- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
 > (reason: 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 -
 >- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
 > (reason: 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 -
 > -
 > Visit our website:
 > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 > For additional commands, e-mail:

Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Texascavers] how do I communicate with the list owner?

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Nancy, I don't govern the list, nor moderate it, Bill advised me when I 
took it over not to try, just to let the group self moderate.  Makes 
less work for me and it's worked so far.

Most people are on broadband these days and its easy to forget when 
sending attachments that some recepients may not have the bandwidth 
available to receive attachments.

I wish that it was as simple as me changing a setting to prevent you 
from getting further attachments, but it is not.  The only thing that I 
can suggest to prevent any further problems is to read the list mail 
from a web client, I'd highly suggest google's mail,, its user 
friendly, free and works very well.  I use it for a backup to my 
personal email.


Nancy Weaver wrote:
No, this is something left over from the old software that Bill used 
when he maintained the list.  I sent him an email asking him to look 
into it and turn off that old notification email reminder.  You can 
safely delete it.

Did you have a question or something I could help you with?  Since you 
noticed that the emails in the original were not routing, you tried to 
send me something?


yes, the following is the message I tried to send . . . .

/I was talking with mark minton about the attachments issue and he 
said that the new mexico list addresses it by simply filtering any 
and all attachments out.  so if a message says see attached document 
it simply isnt there./

I truely cannot remember what the current status of attachments is - 
allowed? not allowed?  as someone who can only get modem dialup it is 
an ongoing source of irritation esp as the attachments get huger and 
huger - and I often have to call my server and have them do the 
deleting as it freezes the connection completely./

/I have learned not to mention it to the group at large.  several 
people were considerate enough to flood me with random attachments 
for several days.  a punishment I suppose for bringing the issue up./

could you let me know what the actual policy is?  thanks, and for all 
you do,/


Re: mailing list memberships reminder]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

Thanks Bill

Bill Bentley wrote:

I submitted a ticket to them

- Original Message - 
From: "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" 

To: "Bill Bentley" 
Sent: Tuesday, May 02, 2006 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: mailing list memberships reminder] is where it's coming from, owned by DimeNoc Services out of Orlando, FL, dns for that domain is &

Any of that mean anything to you?  I have no clue who it is.

Thanks for the help

Bill Bentley wrote:


I bid you greetings
I contacted the hosting company and they said that it was not coming


them...The site had been deleted...

Can you check the DNS on the actual email advanced header and see where


is coming from.
We can start there...
I have a feeling it is from the mailman software site...
- Original Message - 
From: "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" 

Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 8:12 AM
Subject: [Fwd: mailing list memberships reminder]

Bill, I'm still getting these, and I'm guessing its from the old web
host.  I can't find the email with your old login info, can you try to
login there and disable the list?  This will just confuse users if they
try to use the below links.


 Original Message 
Subject: mailing list memberships reminder
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 05:00:12 -0400

This is a reminder, sent out once a month, about your
mailing list memberships.  It includes your subscription info and how
to use it to change it or unsubscribe from a list.

You can visit the URLs to change your membership status or
configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery
or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

In addition to the URL interfaces, you can also use email to make such
changes.  For more info, send a message to the '-request' address of
the list (for example, containing
just the word 'help' in the message body, and an email message will be
sent to you with instructions.

If you have questions, problems, comments, etc, send them to  Thanks!

Passwords for

List Password // URL      iwerohxe

Re: mailing list memberships reminder]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith is where it's coming from, owned by DimeNoc Services out of Orlando, FL, dns for that domain is &

Any of that mean anything to you?  I have no clue who it is.

Thanks for the help

Bill Bentley wrote:


I bid you greetings
I contacted the hosting company and they said that it was not coming from
them...The site had been deleted...

Can you check the DNS on the actual email advanced header and see where it
is coming from.
We can start there...
I have a feeling it is from the mailman software site...
- Original Message - 
From: "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" 

Sent: Monday, May 01, 2006 8:12 AM
Subject: [Fwd: mailing list memberships reminder]

Bill, I'm still getting these, and I'm guessing its from the old web
host.  I can't find the email with your old login info, can you try to
login there and disable the list?  This will just confuse users if they
try to use the below links.


 Original Message 
Subject: mailing list memberships reminder
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 05:00:12 -0400

This is a reminder, sent out once a month, about your
mailing list memberships.  It includes your subscription info and how
to use it to change it or unsubscribe from a list.

You can visit the URLs to change your membership status or
configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery
or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

In addition to the URL interfaces, you can also use email to make such
changes.  For more info, send a message to the '-request' address of
the list (for example, containing
just the word 'help' in the message body, and an email message will be
sent to you with instructions.

If you have questions, problems, comments, etc, send them to  Thanks!

Passwords for

List Password // URL  iwerohxe

Re: [Texascavers] how do I communicate with the list owner?

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
No, this is something left over from the old software that Bill used 
when he maintained the list.  I sent him an email asking him to look 
into it and turn off that old notification email reminder.  You can 
safely delete it.

Did you have a question or something I could help you with?  Since you 
noticed that the emails in the original were not routing, you tried to 
send me something?


Nancy Weaver wrote:

charles:  how strange.  did you send this message today?

This is a reminder, sent out once a month, about your
mailing list memberships.  It includes your subscription info and how
to use it to change it or unsubscribe from a list.

You can visit the URLs to change your membership status or
configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery
or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

In addition to the URL interfaces, you can also use email to make such
changes.  For more info, send a message to the '-request' address of
the list (for example, **) containing
just the word 'help' in the message body, and an email message will be
sent to you with instructions.

If you have questions, problems, comments, etc, send them to
**.  Thanks!

at any rate this was the message I was trying to get to - whoever sent 
me that notice this morning . . .

/I was talking with mark minton about the attachments issue and he said 
that the new mexico list addresses it by simply filtering any and all 
attachments out.  so if a message says see attached document it simply 
isnt there./

I truely cannot remember what the current status of attachments is - 
allowed? not allowed?  as someone who can only get modem dialup it is an 
ongoing source of irritation esp as the attachments get huger and huger 
- and I often have to call my server and have them do the deleting as it 
freezes the connection completely./

/I have learned not to mention it to the group at large.  several people 
were considerate enough to flood me with random attachments for several 
days.  a punishment I suppose for bringing the issue up./

could you let me know what the actual policy is?  thanks, and for all 
you do,/


Re: [Texascavers] how do I communicate with the list owner?

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Nancy, I'll build those aliases to point to my email, but those are left 
over from an older software that used to run the mailing list.

My email address is and a slew of addresses in the domain route to me, webmaster, postmaster, abuse, etc.

What can I help you with?

Nancy Weaver wrote:

this is the response I get to both addresses for texascavers

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

(reason: 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkusr))

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -

(reason: 550 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 - chkusr))

Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

[Fwd: mailing list memberships reminder]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Bill, I'm still getting these, and I'm guessing its from the old web 
host.  I can't find the email with your old login info, can you try to 
login there and disable the list?  This will just confuse users if they 
try to use the below links.


 Original Message 
Subject: mailing list memberships reminder
Date: Mon, 01 May 2006 05:00:12 -0400

This is a reminder, sent out once a month, about your
mailing list memberships.  It includes your subscription info and how
to use it to change it or unsubscribe from a list.

You can visit the URLs to change your membership status or
configuration, including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery
or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.

In addition to the URL interfaces, you can also use email to make such
changes.  For more info, send a message to the '-request' address of
the list (for example, containing
just the word 'help' in the message body, and an email message will be
sent to you with instructions.

If you have questions, problems, comments, etc, send them to  Thanks!

Passwords for

List Password // URL  iwerohxe

Re: [Texascavers] attachments

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Thanks to everyone that assisted with this, just too many of you to send 
individual emails to this morning, been a busy day at work :)


Re: [Texascavers] attachments

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
I can't find one in the mail server and sent Nancy an email asking for 
details on it so we can look into it.


Stefan Creaser wrote:

I haven't seen one either?

Was it virus or spam that has been filtered for some people? Don't open
picture if you got it


-Original Message-
From: Butch Fralia [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 12:58 PM

To: 'Nancy Weaver';
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] attachments

I'm confused, I haven't gotten any attachements with any 
e-mail for several

days.  Are you sure it came from TexasCavers.COM or am I having e-mail

Butch Fralia

-Original Message-
From: Nancy Weaver [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 9:20 AM

Subject: [Texascavers] attachments

I was under the impression that attachments were disallowed on this 
list.  If that is not true, please unsubscribe me.

If that IS true, please unsubscribe the person who chose to clog my 
mailbox this morning with a photo which could have been sent directly 
to the person involved, instead of at least one person, who really 
did not want it.


Re: [Texascavers] attachments

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Nancy, since I've been on this list, the subject hasn't come up, and 
since I've started maintaining the list, it especially hasn't come up.

I haven't seen an email come through the list with an attached picture, 
please let me know the time/date and subject of it and I'll look into it.

Unsubscribe information is posted at the bottom of every email.


Nancy Weaver wrote:
I was under the impression that attachments were disallowed on this 
list.  If that is not true, please unsubscribe me.

If that IS true, please unsubscribe the person who chose to clog my 
mailbox this morning with a photo which could have been sent directly to 
the person involved, instead of at least one person, who really did not 
want it.


Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Texascavers] Bouncing off list

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

The list received the message ok.

Kevin McGowan wrote:

HI Charles,
Can you contact me off-list?  I haven't gotten any Texascaver mail in 
days.  I didn't get the test I sent to the list either.

Kevin McGowan

Re: [Texascavers]Off topic Re: Walls for Mac OSX?

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Just wait till all of those old programs are updated for the intel 
processor... once that's done, you'll start seeing some good speed 
comparisons between the two os's.


Brian Vauter wrote:
The comment is that the OLD version of the OS X programs, such as 
Photoshop, do not run as well on an INTEL-based Mac. Has nothing to do 
with Windows/XP/or anything from Microsoft.

All of the "old" programs coded to the PowerPC macs must be run through 
Rosetta, an emulator included with the OS, in order for them to run on 
the new macs. A program written as "universal" will run perfectly fine 
on the new macs. Which then kinda stretches the claim that the new macs 
run "2 times" faster than the old ones. Depends on how you measure that 
speed. For the most part, they are faster, but with old software, not so. wrote:

Was the statement about Adobe Photoshop running poorly on a Mac
related to a PC version of Photoshop running on a Mac under VPC
or was it XP/Bootcamp on Intel Based Mac machine?

Re: [Texascavers] OT - computer news

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

David, you are delving into a deep and unknown area :)

As WaVy states, most unix's/linux are free, so don't spend any money on
them.  A good one to play with (and you dont' have to install) is
Knoppix (it runs from a cd, or you can go through an
installer), just pop the cd in, reboot and off you go.  You can download
it for free or order a cd or dvd version if you are on dialup pretty
cheaply.  It's something good to play with and not mess with your
windows setup, unless you have a spare computer laying around.

Don't mess with purchasing one of the enterprise versions of linux,
you'll be disappointed.

All of my web, mail, etc servers run on unix, and I use it daily at work
for most of my tasks.  I only keep a windows computer around for gaming
these days.

If you have questions or need help, feel free to email me.

David Locklear wrote:

I am posting this here because it might interest
a few of you, and I feel it is important.
I was in a computer store last week in the book section

and there was a magazine that included CD's for a program called
"Mandriva Linux 2006."
I have been wanting to give Linux a try.   The

review below is intended to help someone, like me, with no knowledge
of Linux.  I hope this will save them from the
hassles of trying Linux.
Review of Mandriva Linux 2006:
I was impressed with this program. The $ 20 price

for the magazine included a ton of good software, almost
everything a computer user at home would need, including
an office suite, a web browser, a e-mail program, games,
I knew absolutely nothing about Linux and I was up and

running in less than an hour of tinkering with it.It immediately
recognized most of my hardware, even USB gadgets like memory sticks
and card readers.  I believe the only thing that failed were a modem
driver and a printer driver.I purchased a new modem that had
Linux drivers at Fry's  -   ( PCI Plus model 2920 ).
However, based on my experience, I would NEVER mix

Windows and Linux on your first experiments with this
operating system. I would get a cheap computer from
somewhere that has USB ports, and then transfer your
photos, music, etc. via USB sticks to the Linux computer.
The commercial version of Mandriva 2006 appears to
be around $ 85 on the web.
An equivalent MicroSoft product would cost over $ 1000. 
The magazine I purchased was:
In my opinion, Linux is ready to go mainstream, and Windows is

going to have some real competition.
Based on my "brief" encounter with Mandriva 2006,
I am convinced now that Linux has a very bright future. 
Before you spend money upgrading Windows to the new Vista, I recommend you
at least give Linux a test drive.There are many new releases of 
variations of Linux, besides

the one I tested. There is Fedora 5, DamnSmallLinux, Ubuntu, Linspire,
Xandros, and many many more.
Based on my web research the following distribution of Linux is getting 
some of the

best reviews: 
But to be fair, I can't say all is rosy and perfect.I couldn't get 
my favorite
windows-based program to run inside of Linux. And the more I tried, 
the more my computer
became screwed up.  I ended up with a big mess and had to reformat 
my partition.So, in my opinion,

trying to mix Windows and Linux is a bad idea for beginners.
Many of the computer books that I saw on Linux, seemed out-dated. If 
you buy one with
a disc in it, look for the books that were printed in 2006 and have a 
DVD.   However, those
are in the $ 45 range. You can find similar books in the used 
section for under $ 20.  
David Locklear

Re: [Texascavers] OT - computer news

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

David, you are delving into a deep and unknown area :)

As WaVy states, most unix's/linux are free, so don't spend any money on 
them.  A good one to play with (and you dont' have to install) is 
Knoppix (it runs from a cd, or you can go through an 
installer), just pop the cd in, reboot and off you go.  You can download 
it for free or order a cd or dvd version if you are on dialup pretty 
cheaply.  It's something good to play with and not mess with your 
windows setup, unless you have a spare computer laying around.

Don't mess with purchasing one of the enterprise versions of linux, 
you'll be disappointed.

All of my web, mail, etc servers run on unix, and I use it daily at work 
for most of my tasks.  I only keep a windows computer around for gaming 
these days.

If you have questions or need help, feel free to email me.

David Locklear wrote:

I am posting this here because it might interest
a few of you, and I feel it is important.
I was in a computer store last week in the book section

and there was a magazine that included CD's for a program called
"Mandriva Linux 2006."
I have been wanting to give Linux a try.   The

review below is intended to help someone, like me, with no knowledge
of Linux.  I hope this will save them from the
hassles of trying Linux.
Review of Mandriva Linux 2006:
I was impressed with this program. The $ 20 price

for the magazine included a ton of good software, almost
everything a computer user at home would need, including
an office suite, a web browser, a e-mail program, games,
I knew absolutely nothing about Linux and I was up and

running in less than an hour of tinkering with it.It immediately
recognized most of my hardware, even USB gadgets like memory sticks
and card readers.  I believe the only thing that failed were a modem
driver and a printer driver.I purchased a new modem that had
Linux drivers at Fry's  -   ( PCI Plus model 2920 ).
However, based on my experience, I would NEVER mix

Windows and Linux on your first experiments with this
operating system. I would get a cheap computer from
somewhere that has USB ports, and then transfer your
photos, music, etc. via USB sticks to the Linux computer.
The commercial version of Mandriva 2006 appears to
be around $ 85 on the web.
An equivalent MicroSoft product would cost over $ 1000. 
The magazine I purchased was:
In my opinion, Linux is ready to go mainstream, and Windows is

going to have some real competition.
Based on my "brief" encounter with Mandriva 2006,
I am convinced now that Linux has a very bright future. 
Before you spend money upgrading Windows to the new Vista, I recommend you
at least give Linux a test drive.There are many new releases of 
variations of Linux, besides

the one I tested. There is Fedora 5, DamnSmallLinux, Ubuntu, Linspire,
Xandros, and many many more.
Based on my web research the following distribution of Linux is getting 
some of the

best reviews: 
But to be fair, I can't say all is rosy and perfect.I couldn't get 
my favorite
windows-based program to run inside of Linux. And the more I tried, 
the more my computer
became screwed up.  I ended up with a big mess and had to reformat 
my partition.So, in my opinion,

trying to mix Windows and Linux is a bad idea for beginners.
Many of the computer books that I saw on Linux, seemed out-dated. If 
you buy one with
a disc in it, look for the books that were printed in 2006 and have a 
DVD.   However, those
are in the $ 45 range. You can find similar books in the used 
section for under $ 20.  
David Locklear

[Fwd: [Texascavers] Fw: Vertical Training workshop April 28-30]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

 Original Message 
Subject:[Texascavers] Fw: Vertical Training workshop April 28-30
Date:   Tue, 28 Mar 2006 22:58:52 -0600
From:   Geary Schindel 
Reply-To:   Geary Schindel 
CC: Geary Schindel Office ,


John Brooks has asked if I would coordinate a TSA vertical training
workshop.  Two years ago, we held a very suscessful vertical workshop at
Government Canyon State Natual Area.  However, Government Canyon was not
available to us this year.  I also contacted the climbing ranger at
the Alamo Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America and they are willing
to make their facility at Bear Creek near Kerrville in Kerr County
available for training.  The training will be open to cavers as well as
scout leaders which is a great opportunity to cross train with the scout
program.  (This is a great way to find volunteers for your pet
conservation projects.)

The training will be held over the weekend of April 28-30.  We would
begin an informal training program on Friday night around 7 pm.  Formal
training would be on Saturday and Sunday.  Camping will be at the scout
reservation in designated areas (away from other scout troops that may
also be using the camp.

The Bear Creek Scout Ranch facilities are excellent.  They are located
near the town of Hunt in Kerr County, about 15 miles northwest of
Kerrville.  The scout reservation has two cliffs that we can use for the
training including a number of bolted rig points along a 40 foot cliff
and also a 120 foot cliff.  I have also asked if we can use
the environmental pavalion which will offer good access to the cliffs
nearby as well as shelter from the sun.  We can also camp for the three
days at the reservation but they do ask that we follow their campground
rules of no alcohol.  I hope to also have access to the conference
facilities at the scout ranch for evening presentations.

We will be following the training manual from the Vertical Section of
the NSS.  This training is recommended for both experienced and
beginning vertical cavers.  Couse contents includes ropes, knots,
rigging, rappelling, and ascending using knots as well as mechanical
ascenders.  We will have examples of various vertical systems for
participants to try.  This will be a conprehensive training program that
will begin at 8 am on Sat. morning, run into Sat. evening, and begin
again on Sunday morning.  We hope to complete the training after lunch
on Sunday.

If you are interested in attending the training, it is open to all
interested participants.  We will cap the registration depending upon
the number of instructors that are available.  The estimated cost for
this event is about $20 and will include a training manual, access to
the scout reservation, camping, and equipment.  However, if you have
your own vertical equipment including helmet, you are welcome to bring
it.  Use of the equipment will be subject to inspection by one of the
instructors.  You must be 14 years or older to participate in the
trainning without special approval.

You may respond directly to my email.  However, note that I have a spam
filter so it may appear that the email was bounced.  However, the email
will go into a file which I will check every day or so and respond back
with confirmation.  If you do not get a response in a day or so, please
email me again.  Make sure that you use Vertical Training workshop in
the subject area.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or call.


Geary Schindel
210-479-2151 home
210-222-2204 work.

Re: unsubscribe cavetex

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Done, and just for you to know, every email on the cavetex mailing list 
has a footer with unsubsribe information.


charles,  please unsubscribe me from cavetex,  thanks,  john chelf  

Re: [Mav-list] Headcount for NSS BOG meeting in DFW Metroplex this coming weekend

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Bill, I'm still at work and it doesn't look like I'm getting out anytime 
soon.  Say hi to all the NSS folks for me and give'em hell for us!

Charles wrote:

Okay, see you guys Saturday night.

-- Original message --
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith 

 > Sorry Bill, forgot to include the pertinent information, it will be
 > Saturday night. I'll ask Tammy about your invitation for the back
yard :)
 > I've know the cowtowners just as long as I've known you, and
yeah, Roger
 > is a bit strange (even for a caver).
 > Not sure if you've noticed or not (and please never repeat this), RD
 > runs that show, Roger is just a puppet. It works out for them I
 > See ya Saturday
 > wrote:
 > > Charles,
 > >
 > > It's nice that Tammy and you will be coming; which night? Both
I hope,
 > > but Saturday night's the big shindig. Come and over-drink.
 > >
 > > Tell Glen that if he's really into caving, he'll never see an
 > > of cavers such as this one in the D/FW Metroplex again. Never
 > > never again. It won't happen.
 > >
 > > And what do you have against camping in our backyard? We killed
 > > fire ants. I'll even set a tent up for you (in case you don't
know how)
 > > and equip it with comfy bedding. You two might just find it
 > >
 > > And hey, what's the deal with the Cowtown Grotto chairman? What
 > > him so aloof? Has he caved more than me or something? I hear about
 > > third hand that "he can't make it" Saturday morning to welcome the
 > > officers and directors of the largest caving organization in
the world,
 > > yet the other two hosting grottos will have their chairmen
there, and
 > > the TSA chairman will also be there. Maybe Roger can't get off
 > > who knows? Or maybe there are too many honey-dos and a short
 > > But I wrote him and presented a formal request for his presence
and got
 > > no answer. What's with those Cowtowners, anyhow?
 > >
 > > See you whenever.
 > >
 > > Bill
 > >
 > >
 > > -- Original message --
 > > From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
 > >
 > > > Bill, Tammy and I will be there, Glen hasn't said anything about
 > > showing
 > > > up. We won't be camping in the back yard however.
 > > >
 > > > Thanks
 > > > Charles
 > > >
 > > > wrote:
 > > > > Hi Texas cavers,
 > > > >
 > > > > As you are probably aware, the next meeting of the Board of
 > > Governors of
 > > > > the National Speleological Society will be this coming
 > > March 24
 > > > > - 25, in Irving, Texas, next door to Dallas. There will be
 > > > > parties both Friday and Saturday nights, with the big one
 > > Saturday
 > > > > night. We'd like to get an idea of who's coming on which night
 > > for the
 > > > > sake of having enough refreshments and snack foods. Also, is
 > > anyone
 > > > > planning to camp in the backyard? There's plenty of room.
 > > > >
 > > > > For a schedule of events see the special Web site created
for the
 > > > > occasion by Webmaster Butch Fralia, who is also the current
 > > chairman of
 > > > > the Maverick Grotto.
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > > We're hoping for a good turnout of Texas cavers to show
 > > for the
 > > > > NSS and its hardworking officers and directors.
 > > > >
 > > > > Bill Steele
 > > > > D/FW Grotto Chairman
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > >

 > >
 > > > >
 > > > > ___
 > > > > Mav-list mailing list
 > > > >
 > > > >
 > >
 > > >

Re: [Texascavers] OT - LED lights

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
David, I received it.  Did you not see your own post?


> Did anybody get this post?   I sent it 2 days ago.
> Here is a chinese helmet with the light and battery integrated into
> the helmet.
> It looks kind of cheezy, but maybe the chinese are on to something here.
> For example, what if it were well built and had a dual light and a
> lightweight
> long-lasting battery?
> This company also has several interesting LED headlamps and a lantern:
> For example, here is a 1 watt LED headlamp with 5 regular LED bulbs:
> Here is an idea for a cave photography experiment.
> Someone could rig an LED rope light in a cave or down a pit.
> I believe a 150 foot LED rope light cost over $ 200 on the web.
> Here is a source for long LED rope lights:
> The longest I found was 656 feet:
> Below are 2 LED related things that I stumbled onto recently.
> There is a street in Houston where LED lights are
> embedded in the pavement and synchronized with the
> traffic signal.  When the light turns red, the pavement
> lights up red. I imagine they are just testing this, but
> it seems like a good idea.
> Another LED idea is in the medical arena,
> Doctors have invented a pill that you swallow that has
> an LED light and a video camera.
> Here is picture of someone's esaphagus taken with the
> camera-pill.
> David Locklear

Re: [Mav-list] Headcount for NSS BOG meeting in DFW Metroplex this coming weekend

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Sorry Bill, forgot to include the pertinent information, it will be 
Saturday night.  I'll ask Tammy about your invitation for the back yard :)

I've know the cowtowners just as long as I've known you, and yeah, Roger 
is a bit strange (even for a caver).

Not sure if you've noticed or not (and please never repeat this), RD 
runs that show, Roger is just a puppet.  It works out for them I guess.

See ya Saturday wrote:

It's nice that Tammy and you will be coming; which night?  Both I hope, 
but Saturday night's the big shindig.  Come and over-drink. 
Tell Glen that if he's really into caving, he'll never see an assemblage 
of cavers such as this one in the D/FW Metroplex again.  Never before, 
never again.  It won't happen.
And what do you have against camping in our backyard?  We killed the 
fire ants.  I'll even set a tent up for you (in case you don't know how) 
and equip it with comfy bedding.  You two might just find it romantic.
And hey, what's the deal with the Cowtown Grotto chairman?  What makes 
him so aloof?  Has he caved more than me or something?  I hear about 
third hand that "he can't make it" Saturday morning to welcome the 
officers and directors of the largest caving organization in the world, 
yet the other two hosting grottos will have their chairmen there, and 
the TSA chairman will also be there.  Maybe Roger can't get off work, 
who knows?  Or maybe there are too many honey-dos and a short leash.  
But I wrote him and presented a formal request for his presence and got 
no answer.  What's with those Cowtowners, anyhow?
See you whenever.

-- Original message --
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith 

 > Bill, Tammy and I will be there, Glen hasn't said anything about
 > up. We won't be camping in the back yard however.
 > Thanks
 > Charles
 > wrote:
 > > Hi Texas cavers,
 > >
 > > As you are probably aware, the next meeting of the Board of
Governors of
 > > the National Speleological Society will be this coming weekend,
March 24
 > > - 25, in Irving, Texas, next door to Dallas. There will be caver
 > > parties both Friday and Saturday nights, with the big one being
 > > night. We'd like to get an idea of who's coming on which night
for the
 > > sake of having enough refreshments and snack foods. Also, is
 > > planning to camp in the backyard? There's plenty of room.
 > >
 > > For a schedule of events see the special Web site created for the
 > > occasion by Webmaster Butch Fralia, who is also the current
chairman of
 > > the Maverick Grotto.
 > >
 > >
 > >
 > > We're hoping for a good turnout of Texas cavers to show support
for the
 > > NSS and its hardworking officers and directors.
 > >
 > > Bill Steele
 > > D/FW Grotto Chairman
 > >
 > >
 > >

 > >
 > > ___
 > > Mav-list mailing list
 > >
 > >

Re: [Mav-list] Headcount for NSS BOG meeting in DFW Metroplex this coming weekend

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Bill, Tammy and I will be there, Glen hasn't said anything about showing 
up.  We won't be camping in the back yard however.

Charles wrote:

Hi Texas cavers,
As you are probably aware, the next meeting of the Board of Governors of 
the National Speleological Society will be this coming weekend, March 24 
- 25, in Irving, Texas, next door to Dallas.  There will be caver 
parties both Friday and Saturday nights, with the big one being Saturday 
night.  We'd like to get an idea of who's coming on which night for the 
sake of having enough refreshments and snack foods.  Also, is anyone 
planning to camp in the backyard?  There's plenty of room. 
For a schedule of events see the special Web site created for the 
occasion by Webmaster Butch Fralia, who is also the current chairman of 
the Maverick Grotto.
We're hoping for a good turnout of Texas cavers to show support for the 
NSS and its hardworking officers and directors.
Bill Steele

D/FW Grotto Chairman

Mav-list mailing list

[Fwd: Re: [Texascavers] FW: ezmlm warning]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith


 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [Texascavers] FW: ezmlm warning
Date:   Mon, 20 Mar 2006 19:47:27 +


Two weeks ago tomorrow I was in Washingon, D.C. with my job, and part of
what we did was be treated to a "behind the scenes" tour in the reseach
labs of the Smithsonian.  We had two features - birds and mammals.  The
mammal lady had a real jackalope specimin out, and it's for real, but
what it is is a type of bacteria rabbit get that cause growths of
fingernail-type material that juts out like antlers.  It was pretty cool.


-- Original message --

 > The daemon doesn't photograph well, kinda like a jackelope.

Re: [Texascavers] FW: ezmlm warning

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
The daemon doesn't photograph well, kinda like a jackelope.

I'll send out a few emails about the meeting.

Work kept me out of the meeting this week, we had a cat crawl into a power
transformer and blew the top off the transformer, taking the company down
for about 8 hours on tuesday.

I started this email after I received yours, just noticed it was still on
my desktop unsent.  I did send the email out to the cowtown guys, but
didn't respond to you.  Sorry for the late reply.

> Charles,
>>> The daemon <<
> Hm-m, that's a new one for me.  Got a photo of one?
> You missed a good meeting the other night at the Mavericks.  We did the
> Mt. Thor show again.
> Since you're the liaison for next week's NSS BOG meeting, can you work on
> getting the Cowtown Grotto chairman to drop by the meeting portion of the
> weekend, on Saturday morning, March 25, at 8:30 a.m. at the Arts and
> Garden Center on Senter in Irving, to welcome the BOG to Texas?  I'll be
> there as DFW Grotto chairman, Butch as Maverick Grotto Chairman, and is it
> Roger Mercer?  Will you see about getting him there?  We'd like just a one
> paragraph welcome and statement about the Cowtown Grotto.  Not a speech.
> Just a quick paragraph.
> Will you be at both parties?  And Tammy?  And your brother?
> Bill
> -- Original message --
> From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith 
>> The daemon is kept locked up in a box next to the server, but he gets
>> out every now and then, causes havoc around the server room before he is
>> nabbed and locked back up :)
>> This happens whenever the mail server for can't
>> communicate for a time with your isp's mail server. Once the connection
>> is re-established, it sends out this email to let you know what you
>> missed.
>> If you have any more questions, let me know.
>> Charles
>> Ed Alexander wrote:
>> > I don't quite know what is going on here. Is our list master know this
>> ezmlm
>> > deamon?
>> >
>> > -Original Message-
>> > From:
>> > []
>> > Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 5:21 PM
>> > To:
>> > Subject: ezmlm warning
>> >
>> >
>> > Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
>> > mailing list.
>> >
>> > I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
>> > at
>> >
>> >
>> > Messages to you from the texascavers mailing list seem to
>> > have been bouncing. I've attached a copy of the first bounce
>> > message I received.
>> >
>> > If this message bounces too, I will send you a probe. If the probe
>> bounces,
>> > I will remove your address from the texascavers mailing list,
>> > without further notice.
>> >
>> >
>> > I've kept a list of which messages from the texascavers mailing list
>> have
>> > bounced from your address.
>> >
>> > Copies of these messages may be in the archive.
>> >
>> > To retrieve a set of messages 123-145 (a maximum of 100 per request),
>> > send an empty message to:
>> >
>> >
>> > To receive a subject and author list for the last 100 or so messages,
>> > send an empty message to:
>> >
>> >
>> > Here are the message numbers:
>> >
>> > 1
>> > 2
>> > 3
>> > 4
>> > 5
>> >
>> > --- Enclosed is a copy of the bounce message I received.
>> >
>> > Return-Path: <>
>> > Received: (qmail 5 invoked for bounce); 5 Mar 2006 09:10:08 -
>> > Date: 5 Mar 2006 09:10:08 -
>> > From:
>> > To:
>> > Subject: failure notice
>> >
>> > Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
>> > I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
>> addresses.
>> > This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
>> >
>> > :
>> > does not like recipient.
>> > Remote host said: 550 SPF NONE, to fix send an email to
>> > then resend original email, see
>> >
>> > Giving up on
>> >
>> >
>> > -
>> > Visit our website:
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> > For additional commands, e-mail:
>> >
>> -
>> Visit our website:
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:

[Fwd: Re: [Texascavers] FW: ezmlm warning]

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

FYI Guys, someone I became the Liason :)

 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [Texascavers] FW: ezmlm warning
Date:   Fri, 17 Mar 2006 13:28:42 +
To: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith 


 Since you're the liaison for next week's NSS BOG meeting, can you work
on getting the Cowtown Grotto chairman to drop by the meeting portion of
the weekend, on Saturday morning, March 25, at 8:30 a.m. at the Arts and
Garden Center on Senter in Irving, to welcome the BOG to Texas?  I'll be
there as DFW Grotto chairman, Butch as Maverick Grotto Chairman, and is
it Roger Mercer?  Will you see about getting him there?  We'd like just
a one paragraph welcome and statement about the Cowtown Grotto.  Not a
speech.  Just a quick paragraph.


Re: [Texascavers] FW: ezmlm warning

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

I stay away from penguins, they tend to be bloated :)

the verified thing must be a hotmail feature, I have no idea (never used 
hotmail) about that

Check your junk/spam mail for any posts from Edward...  spam filters for 
any mail service almost always catch some list traffic as spam, gmail 
did it, so does thunderbird whenever I first set that up 
(freeware/opensource email client).

all of the email goes through the server, the From: is left as the 
original email address, but the mail is really coming from the server, 
and unless you have a email rule/filter that doesn't like Edward's name, 
it won't pay attention to that, but from the content

hopefully I made my self clear and didn't muddy the cavewater too much 
with all of this

hit me with any questions you have

Don Cooper wrote:

Hey Charles
The worst part of my problem has been resolved.  Very Good.
There are still some wierd things (If ya find this challenging)
One thing I think is odd is that when I post to texascavers,
I get a reply to myself, but Hotmail says MY id is unverified (!).
Ocassionally people that are on my contacts list are identified
as UnVerified (!).
Another oddity - it appears that posts generated by Edward
Gelstone are not getting to me.  I only KNOW about them
because other people respond to his posts, and I *then*
see them (!) - i.e. THEIR posts, but with his content
You got some tricky daemons working for you.  I think
I'd swith to penguins!

Re: [Texascavers] FW: ezmlm warning

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
The daemon is kept locked up in a box next to the server, but he gets 
out every now and then, causes havoc around the server room before he is 
nabbed and locked back up :)

This happens whenever the mail server for can't 
communicate for a time with your isp's mail server.  Once the connection 
is re-established, it sends out this email to let you know what you missed.

If you have any more questions, let me know.

Ed Alexander wrote:

I don't quite know what is going on here. Is our list master know this ezmlm

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, March 16, 2006 5:21 PM
Subject: ezmlm warning

Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the mailing list.

I'm working for my owner, who can be reached

Messages to you from the texascavers mailing list seem to
have been bouncing. I've attached a copy of the first bounce
message I received.

If this message bounces too, I will send you a probe. If the probe bounces,
I will remove your address from the texascavers mailing list,
without further notice.

I've kept a list of which messages from the texascavers mailing list have
bounced from your address.

Copies of these messages may be in the archive.

To retrieve a set of messages 123-145 (a maximum of 100 per request),
send an empty message to:

To receive a subject and author list for the last 100 or so messages,
send an empty message to:

Here are the message numbers:


--- Enclosed is a copy of the bounce message I received.

Return-Path: <>
Received: (qmail 5 invoked for bounce); 5 Mar 2006 09:10:08 -
Date: 5 Mar 2006 09:10:08 -
Subject: failure notice

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

: does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 SPF NONE, to fix send an email to then resend original email, see
Giving up on

Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: FW: Re: [Texascavers] Sorry For Interruption, But..

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

You're welcome, I'm just glad it was an easy fix.

Don Cooper wrote:

(Others might not feel so thankful)

To: "Don Cooper" 
Subject: Re: FW: Re: [Texascavers] Sorry For Interruption, But..
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 12:13:43 -0600 (CST)

Don, after I made the adjustment in my mail server, allowing the email
from hotmail, I received this one.  The other emails may filter through
now, we'll see.


> Yeah - I cant even seem to send you a message!
> Lets see if THIS one makes it.
> -Don C,
>>From: "Bill Bentley" 
>>Subject: Re: [Texascavers]  Sorry For Interruption, But..
>>Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:29:04 -0600
>>Ah men...
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" 
>>To: "Homer Simpson" 
>>Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:12 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Sorry For Interruption, But..
>> > Email is not just a science, but an art in how some of the bigger
>> ISP's
>> > and information gatherer's deal with it these days.  I've posted 

>> > two different email accounts, through 4 different mail servers
>> (several
>> > ISPs and my own server) and it's all treated differently.  My 
own dsl
>> > isp is SBC, and email to a list always takes longer than an 
email to a
>> > person.  I think they are purposely doing this to discourage 

>> > but that is just a guess.
>> >
>> > The only thing I can tell you is to be patient.  I'm happy that the
>> mail
>> > is just flowing :)
>> > Charles
>> >
>> > Homer Simpson wrote:
>> > > I think there's something broken on this emailer remailer lister.
>> > > I sent out a mention of "The Devil's Sinkhole" movie yesterday
>> > > at about this time, I resent it that evening and it showed up
>> > > right away as a forwarded message.  By midnight, the original
>> > > it had not gone out and back again.  Then, the original showed
>> > > up this morning.
>> > > So If the guy that enjoys fixing the unfixable stuff finds 
this to

>> > > be his way of having fun, please "go for it".
>> > > (I think there's a leak between the ISP and the NSA)
>> > > From Springfield Texas,
>> > > Homer
>> > >
>> > >

>> > > Yahoo! Mail
>> > > Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail
>> > >

>> > > makes sharing a breeze.
>> >
>> >
>> > 

>> > Visit our website:
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> > For additional commands, e-mail:
>> >
>>Visit our website:
>>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: FW: Re: [Texascavers] Sorry For Interruption, But..

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
Don, after I made the adjustment in my mail server, allowing the email
from hotmail, I received this one.  The other emails may filter through
now, we'll see.


> Yeah - I cant even seem to send you a message!
> Lets see if THIS one makes it.
> -Don C,
>>From: "Bill Bentley" 
>>Subject: Re: [Texascavers]  Sorry For Interruption, But..
>>Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:29:04 -0600
>>Ah men...
>>- Original Message -
>>From: "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" 
>>To: "Homer Simpson" 
>>Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:12 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Sorry For Interruption, But..
>> > Email is not just a science, but an art in how some of the bigger
>> ISP's
>> > and information gatherer's deal with it these days.  I've posted with
>> > two different email accounts, through 4 different mail servers
>> (several
>> > ISPs and my own server) and it's all treated differently.  My own dsl
>> > isp is SBC, and email to a list always takes longer than an email to a
>> > person.  I think they are purposely doing this to discourage spammers,
>> > but that is just a guess.
>> >
>> > The only thing I can tell you is to be patient.  I'm happy that the
>> mail
>> > is just flowing :)
>> > Charles
>> >
>> > Homer Simpson wrote:
>> > > I think there's something broken on this emailer remailer lister.
>> > > I sent out a mention of "The Devil's Sinkhole" movie yesterday
>> > > at about this time, I resent it that evening and it showed up
>> > > right away as a forwarded message.  By midnight, the original
>> > > it had not gone out and back again.  Then, the original showed
>> > > up this morning.
>> > > So If the guy that enjoys fixing the unfixable stuff finds this to
>> > > be his way of having fun, please "go for it".
>> > > (I think there's a leak between the ISP and the NSA)
>> > > From Springfield Texas,
>> > > Homer
>> > >
>> > >
>> > > Yahoo! Mail
>> > > Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail
>> > >
>> > > makes sharing a breeze.
>> >
>> >
>> > -
>> > Visit our website:
>> > To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> > For additional commands, e-mail:
>> >
>>Visit our website:
>>To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>>For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: [Texascavers] a few things

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
The digest is a standard email message, but different email programs 
interpret it different ways.  Which email client do you use and let me 
see if I can duplicate it.


Q Wilkinson wrote:
Well my digest came and I do not have a progam to open it with --? 
what progam do I need?


Re: Fw: [Texascavers] Sorry For Interruption, But..

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith

Thanks for the heads up Bill, I've emailed him from my gmail account.

Bill Bentley wrote:
- Original Message - 
From: "Don Cooper" 

Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 4:04 PM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Sorry For Interruption, But..


Hey Bill,
I cant even send a message to
It looks like anything I send to gets
delayed and then failed.  I thought I'd remove myself
from the mailing list and then resubscibe, but I cant
even do this.  I hate to complain, but I feel like I'm
dealing with trying to straighten something out with
the DPS office...
-Don C.

From: "Bill Bentley" 
Subject: Re: [Texascavers]  Sorry For Interruption, But..
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 11:29:04 -0600

Ah men...
- Original Message -
From: "Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith" 
To: "Homer Simpson" 
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Sorry For Interruption, But..


Email is not just a science, but an art in how some of the bigger


and information gatherer's deal with it these days.  I've posted with
two different email accounts, through 4 different mail servers


ISPs and my own server) and it's all treated differently.  My own dsl
isp is SBC, and email to a list always takes longer than an email to a
person.  I think they are purposely doing this to discourage spammers,
but that is just a guess.

The only thing I can tell you is to be patient.  I'm happy that the


is just flowing :)

Homer Simpson wrote:

I think there's something broken on this emailer remailer lister.
I sent out a mention of "The Devil's Sinkhole" movie yesterday
at about this time, I resent it that evening and it showed up
right away as a forwarded message.  By midnight, the original
it had not gone out and back again.  Then, the original showed
up this morning.
So If the guy that enjoys fixing the unfixable stuff finds this to
be his way of having fun, please "go for it".
(I think there's a leak between the ISP and the NSA)
From Springfield Texas,



Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail




makes sharing a breeze.

Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:



Re: [Texascavers] Sorry For Interruption, But..

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Email is not just a science, but an art in how some of the bigger ISP's 
and information gatherer's deal with it these days.  I've posted with 
two different email accounts, through 4 different mail servers (several 
ISPs and my own server) and it's all treated differently.  My own dsl 
isp is SBC, and email to a list always takes longer than an email to a 
person.  I think they are purposely doing this to discourage spammers, 
but that is just a guess.

The only thing I can tell you is to be patient.  I'm happy that the mail 
is just flowing :)


Homer Simpson wrote:

I think there's something broken on this emailer remailer lister.
I sent out a mention of "The Devil's Sinkhole" movie yesterday
at about this time, I resent it that evening and it showed up
right away as a forwarded message.  By midnight, the original
it had not gone out and back again.  Then, the original showed
up this morning.
So If the guy that enjoys fixing the unfixable stuff finds this to
be his way of having fun, please "go for it".
(I think there's a leak between the ISP and the NSA)
From Springfield Texas,

Yahoo! Mail
Bring photos to life! New PhotoMail 
makes sharing a breeze. 

Re: On TagNet about

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &#x27;wokka' Goldsmith
Bill, one thing about me is that I'm not creative...  I know enough html 
to repair something, but I just don't have the artistic side to make a 
good looking web page.

My skill lies in the backend, making web, dns, mail, database, 
application servers run smoothly.

If that is something that I can help out with, sure, I'll help.  If its 
creating a good looking website that flows nicely, I'm not your person :)

Charles wrote:

Are you interested in being TSA Webmaster too?  There isn't a lot of 
work involved.

-- Original message --

> Pretty cocky, but oh well. I'm damned sure not going to
moderate... don't
> have the time or the want to. Part of the allure of our texas
list is
> that it is open and self moderated. Some of the stuff is OT, but
> ok, it's almost always interesting.
> > Charles,
> >
> > I thought you might find this interesting.
> >
> > Bill
> >
> >
> > TAG-Net
> > By: Alex Sproul (Greenville, Virginia)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Welcome to TAG-Net, Ron! Nice to see you finally in here!
> >
> >
> >
> > I know what you mean about CaveTex -- it's about the busiest list
> >
> > around, and full of OT posts and me-too's, because it's
> >
> > unmoderated. You'll appreciate that Jeff Dilcher keeps things
> >
> > more on track on TAG-Net.
> >
> >
> >
> > In both cases, I find it's a lot easier to deal with if you
get all of
> >
> > a day's posts consolidated into a single daily digest. Only one
> >
> > message in your in-box, no matter how many posts it contains.
> >
> >
> >
> > TAG-Net is digested (wisely, I think) by default, and is sent out
> >
> > daily at midnight.
    > >
> >
> >
> > The new TexasCavers list defaults to individual posts, and you
> >
> > change that yourself. But you can e-mail the list-monger and
> >
> > have him set it to digest for you. (I think I was the first to
> >
> > request that.) To subscribe, email Charles (Wokka} Goldsmith
> >
> > at . There is no residence requirement or
> >
> > resident endorsement needed, so any TAGer who is interested may
> >
> > join. There's a lot of silliness there still, but some really
> >
> > good stuff, too.
> >
> >
> >
> > Hope to see you at SERA, Ron, and definitely at Capers!
> >
> >
> >
> > Alex
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> >
> >
> > Alex Sproul, NSS 8086RL/FE
> >
> > 5715 Lee-Jackson Hwy, Greenville VA 24440
> >
> > 540-377-6364

Re: [Texascavers] a few things

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &quot;wokka" Goldsmith

Your email's are switched over, let me know how it works out on digest.

Thanks for the domain info, I'll keep a watch out.

Stephen Fleming wrote: wrote:

Those of you who are interested in a digest version of this list, email
and let me know which email address you want switched over.

I was hoping to snag the domain after it had expired, but it
seems a Kenya company has grabbed it and put a link/search ad selling
service on it the web page and a broken link to purchase the domain. was trying to sell it for $200 and I didn't want to spend

that much on it.  It's registered for a year.
Keep checking, it may come up as available. I recently let a domain 
name lapse and it was immediately grabbed by a bot. It showed being 
registered to a Wash DC company and then, a few weeks later, it was 
shown as being held by a Venezuelan company. Then, shortly after that, 
I checked one night and it was shown as open. I grabbed it back for 
the $5.95 registration fee. I suspect that when nobody approached them 
about buying it, they found that it wasn't so special or valuable 
after all.

Re: [Texascavers] a few things

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &quot;wokka" Goldsmith

Robert, you are setup as digest now, let me know how it works out for you.

Not much effort involved, and you are welcome for it.

Robert Albach wrote:

Hi Charles,

Thanks for taking on this effort. If there is a digest offering then I 
would like to take advantage of it.

Thanks again,

Robert wrote:

Just a few little things.

Those of you who are interested in a digest version of this list, email
and let me know which email address you want switched over.  I wish 
was an automatted way people could do that, but I haven't found it 
yet. It's not listed in the help or faq.  We have a few people using 
it now and

report that it works nicely.

I was hoping to snag the domain after it had expired, but it
seems a Kenya company has grabbed it and put a link/search ad selling
service on it the web page and a broken link to purchase the domain. was trying to sell it for $200 and I didn't want to spend
that much on it.  It's registered for a year.  Perhaps in the future 

be able to grab it for the normal registry rates and will forward that
domain to

Things are running smoothly around here, please let me know if I can 

in any way.


Visit our website:
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Re: [Texascavers] Wanted Store Manger for the TSA

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &quot;wokka" Goldsmith
Heh, that's kinda the stance I was taking.  I was hinting to my wife to 
take it, but she didn't take the bait :)

We'll talk about it a bit more and I'll let you know.  I was also going 
to volunteer my help to get a website up for the gear.

I'll be in touch

Kara Dittmer wrote:

I have had one inquiry... "if no one else comes
forward I'll consider it more" ... are you interested?


--- "Charles \"wokka\" Goldsmith"


Kara, have you had anyone volunteer for this?

Kara Dittmer wrote:

This job really only requires a couple hours a


besides working the conventions. Most everything


set in place already, its just maintaining it. And


good delegator shouldn't have to miss a whole
convention or anything. 


--- Fritz Holt 



WOW! The list of duties and responsibilities


seem to indicate a
full time job

-Original Message-
From: Kara Dittmer


Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 12:08 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] Wanted Store Manger for



Dear muddy people,

Because of my duties as the Vice-Chair of the


will not be able to continue on as the Manager of
TSA store. I did enjoy helping out in this way,


can no longer really give it what it needs to be
successful and fresh. 

SO! We really need some caver to take over the
It would be great if you can take it over by the
spring convention (details coming VERY soon!)
I really need the help. Maybe you have been
how you can help the TSA out more, or what you


do to be more involved in the caving


Texas. The Store really is a fun job, and I met


nice people sitting in the store booth, than just
attending a convention. If you are curious about
this entails here is a job description of the


store manager: 

The TSA Store Manager does the following:

Keeps the physical inventory of the TSA Store


and accessable for sales.
Keeps track of sales for inventory tracking and
financial record keeping.
Reports to the Executive Council.
Reorders needed replacements for sold inventory.
Advertises the TSA store.
Transports or requests assistance transporting


goods to caver functions. 
Manages the booth at the TSA Spring Convention


TCR, finds and delegates duties to other helpers.

Also possibly: Monitors and administers a Web


TSA store, ships out orders, and charges credit

In more detail:
The database of the inventory will be kept up to
at all times. An entire inventory recount will


place after the Spring Convention and TCR.


indicating stock levels, recent profits, petty


shrinkage, and inventory needs will be submitted


the Executive Council within one month of each
Petty Cash will be kept up to date. Amounts over

will be taken from Petty Cash and transferred to



Small change will be procured by the TSA Store
occasionally, for easier transactions during the
The TSA manager will store the inventory of the


store where it is accessable to them to fill


a timely manner. 

The manager will let it be known to the Executive
Council when inventory must be replenished. The
of money to be spent to buy for the store, and


product(s) being purchased will be included in


request. With Executive Council permission, the
Manager will place the order for new inventory,
arrange the payments with the Treasurer, receive


new inventory, and enter it into inventory


Also, the manager will let it be known to the
executive council when inventory must be reduced


price to be moved out. The council and the


together can agree on sale prices and terms.

The TSA Store Manager will advertise with print


The Texas Caver, The TSA Activities newsletter,
statewide grotto newsletters, TCMA Passages, NSS
Any advertising costs will be evaluated and


before ads are placed by the Store Manager by the
Executive Council.
As a general rule, 6 of these ads will be placed
throughout the year.

By word of mouth:
A once monthly reminder of the Web Store/


availability will be sent to Cavetex. This may be


automated email. A good example of this would
a "featured item" each month. 
In addition, taking a small sample of me

Re: [Texascavers] Wanted Store Manger for the TSA

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &quot;wokka" Goldsmith

Kara, have you had anyone volunteer for this?

Kara Dittmer wrote:

This job really only requires a couple hours a month,
besides working the conventions. Most everything is
set in place already, its just maintaining it. And a
good delegator shouldn't have to miss a whole
convention or anything. 


--- Fritz Holt  wrote:


WOW! The list of duties and responsibilities would
seem to indicate a
full time job

-Original Message-
From: Kara Dittmer [] 
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 12:08 PM

Subject: [Texascavers] Wanted Store Manger for the

Dear muddy people,

Because of my duties as the Vice-Chair of the TSA, I
will not be able to continue on as the Manager of
TSA store. I did enjoy helping out in this way, but
can no longer really give it what it needs to be
successful and fresh. 

SO! We really need some caver to take over the
It would be great if you can take it over by the
spring convention (details coming VERY soon!)
I really need the help. Maybe you have been
how you can help the TSA out more, or what you could
do to be more involved in the caving organizations
Texas. The Store really is a fun job, and I met more
nice people sitting in the store booth, than just
attending a convention. If you are curious about
this entails here is a job description of the ideal
store manager: 

The TSA Store Manager does the following:

Keeps the physical inventory of the TSA Store secure
and accessable for sales.
Keeps track of sales for inventory tracking and
financial record keeping.
Reports to the Executive Council.
Reorders needed replacements for sold inventory.
Advertises the TSA store.
Transports or requests assistance transporting store
goods to caver functions. 
Manages the booth at the TSA Spring Convention and

TCR, finds and delegates duties to other helpers.

Also possibly: Monitors and administers a Web Based
TSA store, ships out orders, and charges credit

In more detail:
The database of the inventory will be kept up to
at all times. An entire inventory recount will take
place after the Spring Convention and TCR. Reports
indicating stock levels, recent profits, petty cash,
shrinkage, and inventory needs will be submitted to
the Executive Council within one month of each
Petty Cash will be kept up to date. Amounts over

will be taken from Petty Cash and transferred to the

Small change will be procured by the TSA Store
occasionally, for easier transactions during the
The TSA manager will store the inventory of the TSA
store where it is accessable to them to fill orders
a timely manner. 

The manager will let it be known to the Executive
Council when inventory must be replenished. The
of money to be spent to buy for the store, and the
product(s) being purchased will be included in this
request. With Executive Council permission, the
Manager will place the order for new inventory,
arrange the payments with the Treasurer, receive the
new inventory, and enter it into inventory records.
Also, the manager will let it be known to the
executive council when inventory must be reduced in
price to be moved out. The council and the manager
together can agree on sale prices and terms.

The TSA Store Manager will advertise with print ads
The Texas Caver, The TSA Activities newsletter,
statewide grotto newsletters, TCMA Passages, NSS
Any advertising costs will be evaluated and approved
before ads are placed by the Store Manager by the
Executive Council.
As a general rule, 6 of these ads will be placed
throughout the year.

By word of mouth:
A once monthly reminder of the Web Store/ Mailorder
availability will be sent to Cavetex. This may be an
automated email. A good example of this would
a "featured item" each month. 
In addition, taking a small sample of merchandise to

as many caver functions as possible, including
parties, grotto meetings, and workshops, is highly

The Store Manager is expected to either load and
transport the store to the Spring Convention and TCR
or assist in the loading of the trailer for
Other help may be procured as the Store Manager sees

The Store Manager will manage the Booth at the
Convention and TCR including providing inventory
tracking methods, petty cash, change, and recruiting
help to man the store. Set up and Take down are an
important part of this process. 

Possibly in the future, strongly consider: Once the
TSA web store has been built, the TSA Store Manager
will monitor this system by logging in and
to sales on the website, charging credit cards and
shipping goods in a timely manner. (Shipped within
least 4 days of the order being placed) Some
familiarity with this system will have to be gained.
They will be assisted with the technical part of the
set up of the store as needed. 

Please don't let the Web store part sc

Re: [Texascavers] Job Status....

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &quot;wokka" Goldsmith
Bill, I know that he listed that email as it going out to the mailing 
list, but it did not hit the list, it's not in the archives and I didn't 
get it to either of my accounts.  It could be that fluke that I'm still 
chasing, but I don't see how it got out to the list and not get posted 
to the archives.  A search of the unix file system with grep didn't show 
him posting anything to the list.

I'm glad the email didn't get to the list, it wasn't appropriate and I 
was about to slam him for it in a private email, until I couldn't find 
it in my texascavers folder, except for this one that you cc'd me on 
(I'm guessing it was a bcc).

Thanks for the heads up, but let me know what you think about the email

Bill Bentley wrote:

Merry Christmas to YOU too...

Why did you put your reply to the whole list?
What did it have to do with being cave related?
I know 90% of the people on the list so that is why and Geez there is a lot
of NON related stuff on here.
So MR. Preston Knodell III I really don't care that you don't care!

Former keep of the mailing list!
- Original Message - 
From: "Preston Knodell III" 

To: ; 
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 11:11 AM
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] Job Status



What is this non cave related whining doing here? I don't care about your
Or if you lose it. Happens every day. Grow up. PK3

From: "Bill Bentley" 
To: "A Texas Caving Remailer for Texas Cavers"


CC: ,"New Mexico E-Mailing List" 
Subject: [Texascavers] Job Status
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 20:29:15 -0600

   As most of you all know the company I work for is in the


of being sold, which is scheduled for completion next month. For the last
month and a half  I have been stressed out with the possibility of losing


job. 3-7-06 was D-Day so to speak. You always hear about it happening to


other guy and it never happens to you. Well yesterday 45 people within the
West Texas Region were given their severance packages along with over a
hundred or so in the Cox Mid America region. Most were in management, but


few were in positions that were duplicated and being eliminated. I managed
to make the cut and am still employed. Much to my relief!
   I appreciate everyone's thoughts and kind words. After having


at the same place for the last 25 years I did not relish the idea of job
hunting and or possibly relocating...


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Re: [Texascavers] a few things

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &quot;wokka" Goldsmith

Done, please let me know how it works out.

Mike Flannigan wrote:

Yes please.  Put me on the digest version.

Mike Flannigan wrote:

Re: [Texascavers] a few things

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &quot;wokka" Goldsmith
Bill, if you'd like to contribute, play around with the software (I know 
time is a valued commodity), login and try it.

login: caveman
pw: cave987 (can change it once you login)

I don't upload the pic via the website, I ftp them up then point it 
appropriately... so let me know how that works out

If you have questions, let me know

Bill Bentley wrote:

Works for me...
I have several thousand caving pictures on the hard drive..


- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] a few things


Thanks for the kind words... as always, we try to do the best we can.

I'd like your thoughts on something, I'd like to put up a picture
repository for the list and all cavers, something that if people want to,
can upload pictures for the sharing (caving related).

I don't know of one for the texas caving community (I'm fairly new to this
group), so if you know of one that is already in place, let me know.

To forward this idea, I threw up a quick page and dropped a couple of
pictures in place to see how it looks:

This is not for public consumption, so please don't forward that anywhere.
 Search engines won't be able to find it either.

Just want your thoughts on it.


It's  a shame about the cavetex domain, I think there are forces at
work that when they see you inquiring about a domain and then they
somehow grab it up in an attempt to make money...I don't have, and it was snatched up minutes before I tried... One second
it was availabble then when I filled out the forms on line... it was
not available...Mike Speiss, the registrant said he just happened to
register it... What a coincidence... Back to cavetex...Tom White
seemed bitter about something when I contacted him about transfering
to me...Well Charles I think you are doing a great job... Glad you
stepped up to bat


Date: 2006/03/09 Thu AM 09:02:21 EST
Subject: [Texascavers] a few things

Just a few little things.

Those of you who are interested in a digest version of this list, email
and let me know which email address you want switched over.  I wish
was an automatted way people could do that, but I haven't found it yet.
It's not listed in the help or faq.  We have a few people using it now
report that it works nicely.

I was hoping to snag the domain after it had expired, but


seems a Kenya company has grabbed it and put a link/search ad selling
service on it the web page and a broken link to purchase the domain. was trying to sell it for $200 and I didn't want to spend
that much on it.  It's registered for a year.  Perhaps in the future
be able to grab it for the normal registry rates and will forward that
domain to

Things are running smoothly around here, please let me know if I can
in any way.


Visit our website:
To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Re: [Texascavers] a few things

2007-03-26 Thread Charles &quot;wokka" Goldsmith

Done, let me know how it works for you.

Louise Hose wrote:

I would love to switch to a digest version of the list (to this address).
Too many babbles!


Louise D. Hose, Director
National Cave and Karst Research Institute
1400 Commerce Drive, Suite 102
Carlsbad, NM 88220


Re: [Texascavers] a few things

2007-03-26 Thread wokka
You are switched over, please let me know how it works out.

> I would be glad to have a digest form if you set one up.
> Great idea.
> Quinta Wilkinson

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