[tw] Re: doc.tiddlywiki.org: malware

2009-01-12 Thread Mark S.

For what its worth, the McAfee SiteAdvisor gives the site a green
status (meaning OK).

On Jan 12, 2:00 pm, Murray  wrote:
> The security filter where I work blocks doc.tiddlywiki.org as a site
> containing malware or spyware.
> Is there anything to this?
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[tw] Re: how to make bullets easier - shift+* is so time consuming!

2009-01-12 Thread M)

that did it.  Thanks!
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Re: Problem with Realm in Cleanup tiddler

2009-01-12 Thread Simon Baird
On Wed, Dec 24, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Joe A.  wrote:

> Simon, all
> The Cleanup tiddler, properly displays items (tasks) that belong to
> the active Realm(s), thanks to the mgtdList macro.
> However, when attempting to delete the 'displayed' items, the system
> attempts to delete ALL outdated items, from ALL REALMS. This is
> probably, due to use of a different method to collect the tiddlers, -
> with <> macro.

> Any idea's on fixing <> to consider the active Realm
> (s) only ?
That sounds like a genuine bug. Thanks for the kind words and thanks for
reporting this problem. I will take a look at it soon.




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[tw] Re: tiddlyweb installation

2009-01-12 Thread ccahua

On Jan 12, 9:48 am, FND  wrote:

> As you've guessed, it's a missing feature in the TiddlyWeb adaptor for
> now. It's nothing massively complicated - I simply haven't gotten around
> to it yet.
> > creating a new tiddler is't working! I think the necessary fields for
> > syncing are missing
> That sounds likely.
> However, a few weeks ago we made TiddlyWeb instances create a "common"
> bag by default, and the TiddlyWebConfig plugin then sets the respective
> variable (config.defaultCustomFields) accordingly.
> So if that bag and all the latest plugins (TiddlyWebAdaptor,
> TiddlyWebConfig, ServerSideSavingPlugin) are present, everything should
> be working fine.
> Maybe it's just that the "common" bag is missing because you'd created
> your instance before we implemented this change?

I'd like to piggyback on this thread and post some observations to
share in the 'saving' issue pool.

My question is given that the default recipe is set to "server.bag":
"common", is there a way to save to a bag other than common, ie imwiki
to new bag?

I was happy to be able to save to the default recipe under so
I haven't tested 095 when it came out. Also I wasn't able to save to a
bag other than common (python2.5)

Now upgrading to 095 I can't save anymore unless I use an old instance
made in 093 using ServerSideSavingPlugin v3.2

I failed this test that v095 saves to default recipe where
{{{config.defaultCustomFields = {
"server.bag": "common"};
and this test that v095 saves to different bag
*made new instance
*made new bag
*imported existing tiddlers into new bag
When the "server.bag": "common" is set to , has losted editing capability with the
chkHttpReadOnly is set to true and was only accessible from
AdvancedOptions as the backstage area disappeared.
Unchecking the chkHttpReadOnly to false to regain editing mode
persisted after a relaunch but subsequently modifying an existing
tiddler resulting in the usual 'You must save this tiddler.. " dialog

So conclusion, I was unable to save to a different bag other than
'common' in 093 and 095.

Under 095, I was able to change and save back in the ServerConfig
tiddler to "server.bag": "common" but unable to save again in general,
unlike 093.

Only successful save was to change the server.bag custom field to
'wiki' and back to 'common' but unable to save to SiteTitle nor
GettingStarted, nor new tiddler :-(

As evident in the server log and a $ls -R showing 1, 2 and 3 revisions
of ServerConfig:
{{{ - GUEST [12/Jan/2009:16:59:22 ] "PUT /bags/system/tiddlers/
ServerConfig?nocache=0.6353539275179345 HTTP/1.1" 2
04 - ""; "Mozilla/
5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:
Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 Ubiquity/0.1.4"

I tried doing a $twanager update but that still didn't let me save
under 0.9.5

I tried making a new instance but that too didn't work.

I saved my old instance from 093 and double checked was able to save
again. whew!

ran a diff between ServerSideSavingPlugin 3.2 and 3.3 and the new
addition was this line: {{{readOnly = false; //# enable editing over

The thing I don't get is why I can save under the instance in 093 but
not the new instance made from 095. I guess ServerConfig is not the
only plugin that needs editing, but a $ grep -R "common" * in my
instance doesn't show any other tiddler with the specific
"server.bag": "common" parameter.

Eduard had saving success with 095, so I'll keep checking.

Anyway, it is still nice to save under v093 and i await the beta
launch :-)

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[tw] Re: Set an optionbox so it is saved permanently

2009-01-12 Thread Amzg

Only two things I can add;
Fantastic +Thanks


On Jan 13, 12:27 am, Eric Shulman  wrote:
> > <>
> > provides an option of presenting an [Encrypted] button in the tiddler
> > instead of the encrypted code.
> > how do I set the above option permanently?
> Add the following to a tiddler tagged with systemConfig:
> config.options.chkShowDecryptButtonInContent=true;
> -e
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[tw] Re: loadTiddlers script detail

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> Quick scripting question  how to write<>  so that it
> uploads all tiddlers from another TWFile that have the same tag as the
> tiddler I am calling from.something like {{{< {{tiddler.title}} OtherTWFile.html>>}}}.

The <> macro  defined by
was written using an older style of macro parameter handling that pre-
dates the core's support for named parameters.

While the "tag:..." param described in the macro documentation appears
to be a typical use of a named macro parameter, it's really not...
rather, it's simply a regular 'positional' parameter that just happens
to have "tag:" as the first four characters of it's value.  As a
result of this difference, you need to use a slightly different syntax
for passing a computed tag value to the macro.  Instead of:
you will need to write:

Note: the computed value also depends upon the use of the 'tiddler'
context variable, which is now available in the latest standard
release of TW (v2.4.3), or can be patched into earlier releases by

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: how to make bullets easier - shift+* is so time consuming!

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> > var f=config.formatters[config.formatters.findByField('name','list')];
> > f.match="^(?:[\\.\\*#;:]+)";
> > f.lookaheadRegExp=/^(?:(?:(\.)|(\*)|(#)|(;)|(:))+)/mg;
> Eric, this turns the use of * into a numbered bullet.  Is this a
> problem on my side or the code above?

Nuts!  Despite that power that regExp pattern matching provides, it's
precisely this kind of subtle stuff that makes it such as PITA to work

The problem is that the parenthesized term: (\.) that was added to the
lookaheadRegExp shifted the index for the other parenthesized terms
that follow it, so that they no longer line up with the corresponding
handlers in the core code.  As a result, * now produces a "numbered
list", while # erroneously results in a "definition list".  To fix
this, change this:

i.e., (\.)|(\*) becomes ([\*\.]), so that only a single set of
parentheses are used.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: Set an optionbox so it is saved permanently

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> <>
> provides an option of presenting an [Encrypted] button in the tiddler
> instead of the encrypted code.

> how do I set the above option permanently?

Add the following to a tiddler tagged with systemConfig:



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[tw] Re: TW interface annoyances - what are yours?

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> Regarding your neat little GotoPlugin; would you say it can fully
> replace your wonderful SearchOptionsPlugin that I'm currently using?
> (A thought; maybe a combo would be beneficial? - i.e something that
> behaves like GP with its narrow "popup slider" but with that current
> bottom "Search for" feature resulting in that (kind of) top tiddler
> that SO results in. The GP current floating search result are kind of
> obscures things.

GotoPlugin doesn't actually do anything special to render the search
results... the 'search for text' entry in the GotoPlugin droplist
simply invokes a regular search action, just as if you had typed into
the search field.  If you don't have SearchOptionsPlugin installed,
you get the standard TW default search behavior (i.e., immediately
display all matching tiddlers).

If you *do* have SearchOptionsPlugin installed, then the results are
rendered based on the settings in that plugin, including the option to
display the results in a list at the top of the story column.  Thus,
you can install both GotoPlugin and SearchOptionsPlugin together to
get the effect you want.

Also, the 'floating' search results panel on TiddlyTools is not part
of either GotoPlugin or SearchOptionsPlugin.  Rather, it is a custom
tweaked #searchPanel DIV that is explicitly-defined in the
PageTemplate so it can incorporate the <> macro to make
it float (see TiddlyTools' MoveablePanelPlugin and
PanelManagePlugin).  Without this customization, the #searchPanel will
appear as a DIV at the top of the story column, as usual (assuming you
have enabled that option in SearchOptionsPlugin)

> While at it, a smallie; for GP, maybe a little [>]
> type button next to the fill-in-field as one is now forced to mouse
> down to click "Search" otherwise.)

If you enter text into the GotoPlugin input field and press ENTER, it
opens the specified tiddler (even if it doesn't exist).  However, if
you press SHIFT-ENTER, it immediately invokes the 'search for text'
item, directly from the GotoPlugin input field.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: TiddlyWikis for Writers?

2009-01-12 Thread Amzg

Maybe some clues here,



On Jan 12, 11:06 pm, Måns  wrote:
> I've used Lisa Janice Cohens TiddlyWikiWrite for my students.(Danish
> boarding school)http://www.ljcohen.net/TiddlyWikiWrite-2-4-0.html
> Read about her concept 
> here:http://www.scribd.com/doc/5271682/Organize-Your-Novel-with-a-Wiki
> I've made my own danish version - custumized for my pupils 
> here:http://buksetrolden.tiddlyspot.com/
> There's a special program for making TiddlyWikis automatically from
> text with hypertextlinks here (TweeBox) :http://gimcrackd.com/etc/src/
> Maybe You knew about these readymade writertools already - but if You
> didn't - You should - they are awesome.
> On Jan 12, 5:36 pm, mikemunsil  wrote:
> > Can anyone point me towards Tiddlywikis that would be useful for
> > writers?
> > I'm writing an ongoing series of articles on computer tech for witers
> > and TiddlyWiki is one tool that I'd like to focus on.
> > Here's one I modified for the members of my own writing 
> > forums:http://wiki.libertyhallwriters.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?id=resources%3Ar...
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[tw] Set an optionbox so it is saved permanently

2009-01-12 Thread Amzg

I use Mr. Pearces TiddlerEncryptionPlugin[1] that via;


provides an option of presenting an [Encrypted] button in the tiddler
instead of the encrypted code.

But, apparently, the setting does not survive as it is saved and then
opened on another computer - i.e the encrypted tiddlers are presented
with the encoded text visible instead of the button, and the above
optionbox is unchecked.
(I'm using it for a public TW hosted on TiddlySpot)

But, some checkboxes clearly "make it" between computers such as those
in the Options panel.

So, how do I set the above option permanently?

Thank you!


[1] http://www.remotely-helpful.com/TiddlyWiki/TiddlerEncryptionPlugin.html
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[tw] Re: TW interface annoyances - what are yours?

2009-01-12 Thread Amzg

Eric, thanks for your input. I was really not expecting actual help on
the matters, but I was delighted to get it. Particularly that little
"jump to top" in the templates is wonderful. Altho I can understand
such a thing may not be a core thingy, maybe an idea would be to put
it into some kind of "tweak package" that an average user probably
would typically appreciate. Just a thought.
BTW, is there any way to somehow put it into stylesheet or something
so that it won't be overwritten with updates (because it will be now,

As for;
> [[GettingStarted]] just presents *instructions* for what to do...

Yeah, that's exactly my point. And it would be more user friendly if
it was *not* merely instructions, but instead a type of form field
tiddler where things can actually be filled in directly instead, in
one place, or if things could be edited directly where they are - for
example, letting an empty TWs top field read  instead of the current "My
TiddlyWiki" and "a reusable..."
I dunno. But I do feel it is a bit annoying as it is,

Regarding your neat little GotoPlugin; would you say it can fully
replace your wonderful SearchOptionsPlugin that I'm currently using?
(A thought; maybe a combo would be beneficial? - i.e something that
behaves like GP with its narrow "popup slider" but with that current
bottom "Search for" feature resulting in that (kind of) top tiddler
that SO results in. The GP current floating search result are kind of
obscures things. While at it, a smallie; for GP, maybe a little [>]
type button next to the fill-in-field as one is now forced to mouse
down to click "Search" otherwise.)

> > * Options slider is filled with blue links, attracting attention if
> > nothing else, but none of them exist...
> > * TiddlyWiki is also a link that does not

 I'm sure there are good "behind the scene explanations". I'm just
pointing out that they *are*, for me as a regular user, diverting my
attention. Not much, but a bit.

Again, thank you for all your input Mr.Shulman! I was kind of more
expecting it to turn into a thread of generally expressed preferences
and differences of opinion. Your help was of course a much betting
thing LOL.


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[tw] Re: TiddlyWikis for Writers?

2009-01-12 Thread Måns

I've used Lisa Janice Cohens TiddlyWikiWrite for my students.(Danish
boarding school)
Read about her concept here:
I've made my own danish version - custumized for my pupils here:
There's a special program for making TiddlyWikis automatically from
text with hypertextlinks here (TweeBox) :

Maybe You knew about these readymade writertools already - but if You
didn't - You should - they are awesome.

On Jan 12, 5:36 pm, mikemunsil  wrote:
> Can anyone point me towards Tiddlywikis that would be useful for
> writers?
> I'm writing an ongoing series of articles on computer tech for witers
> and TiddlyWiki is one tool that I'd like to focus on.
> Here's one I modified for the members of my own writing 
> forums:http://wiki.libertyhallwriters.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?id=resources%3Ar...

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[tw] doc.tiddlywiki.org: malware

2009-01-12 Thread Murray

The security filter where I work blocks doc.tiddlywiki.org as a site
containing malware or spyware.
Is there anything to this?

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[tw] Re: how to make bullets easier - shift+* is so time consuming!

2009-01-12 Thread M)

> ---
> var f=config.formatters[config.formatters.findByField('name','list')];
> f.match="^(?:[\\.\\*#;:]+)";
> f.lookaheadRegExp=/^(?:(?:(\.)|(\*)|(#)|(;)|(:))+)/mg;
> ---

Eric, this turns the use of * into a numbered bullet.  Is this a
problem on my side or the code above?
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[tw] Re: TiddlyWikis for Writers?

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Hough

I think that Reasoning Well is one to the best TWs when it comes to
matching clear thinking, well thought out hypertext writing and TW



2009/1/12 mikemunsil :
> Can anyone point me towards Tiddlywikis that would be useful for
> writers?
> I'm writing an ongoing series of articles on computer tech for witers
> and TiddlyWiki is one tool that I'd like to focus on.
> Here's one I modified for the members of my own writing forums:
> http://wiki.libertyhallwriters.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?id=resources%3Aresources_for_writers&cache=cache&media=resources:tom_s_tiddlers.zip
> >

t: 0161 442 2202
m: 0781 372 50 17

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[tw] loadTiddlers script detail

2009-01-12 Thread c.skye

Hi All

Quick scripting question  how to write<>  so that it
uploads all tiddlers from another TWFile that have the same tag as the
tiddler I am calling from.something like {{{<>}}}.

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2009-01-12 Thread ike9898

When I edit a tiddler and hit 'done/close', it exits the edit mode but
does not close. I think that in effect, 'done/close' does exactly what
'done' does.

I apologize if this comment is naive or redundant of others, I'm new

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Can't import plugins into GTD...

2009-01-12 Thread Doug Durham

I've looked through this forum and didn't see this addressed.  I was
trying to get the upload plugin to work in GTD (MonkeyGTD 3.0 alpha
r619213), and found that the "import" function in backyard didn't
work.  It works fine in a vanilla Tiddlywiki or in a standard Monkey
TW, but not in GTD.

I ended up having to open my GTD in vi, and add the div's one by one.

Has anyone else encountered this?  If so what's the resolution.


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[tw] Re: Saving tiddlywiki Mac

2009-01-12 Thread stefan_s

I found the problem:
Somehow the autosave-checkbox was left unchecked. I have no idea how
this could happen, as I always hide the options-box. Found it out
because pressing "save" from the backstage menu did the job
Problem solved for now,

On 12 Jan., 18:09, stefan_s  wrote:
> Hi
> I use tiddlywiki on my MacBook with Safari since about a year now. It
> used to work every day without major problems. From one day to the
> other now it refuses to be saved. I did not change anything at all on
> my Mac. No matter what I try, it won't be saved, I updated to the
> newest tiddlysaver.jar, nothing helps.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks in advance
> Stefan
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[tw] Re: "tagged as A B C" versus "tagged as B A C"

2009-01-12 Thread altiplano

OK, TW being so full of possibilities it's a relief to be able to
discard some :-)

Thanks again. I'll then simply stick to placing the most relevant/
accurate tag at the beginning of the Tags field.
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[tw] Re: A is tagged with B, B with C. Do A and C "know" each other ?

2009-01-12 Thread altiplano

Thank you Eric for this (once more) clear and accurate answer.
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[tw] Re: A is tagged with B, B with C. Do A and C "know" each other ?

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> Nonetheless I'd like to know if a tiddler (A) can be easily handled
> based on the fact it has a tag tagged with C.
> Can the "grandson-grandfather" link between A and C for example be
> used for handling and display (lists) purpose ?

It's *possible*, but would require custom code to 'follow the trail'
from A to B to C.  Some of this kind of handling may already be
present in the TagglyTagging plugin, which can 'group' tiddlers based
on common tags, but this kind of processing is not generalized in the

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: tiddlyweb installation

2009-01-12 Thread FND

Sorry for the somewhat delayed response; the last week was very busy for
me, and some technical issues got in the way as well...

> backstage sync shows 'errors in macro <>'

If you click on that message, the resulting popup should give you more 
information about the error - could you let us know what it says?
Also see this page:

> renaming isn't working

As you've guessed, it's a missing feature in the TiddlyWeb adaptor for 
now. It's nothing massively complicated - I simply haven't gotten around 
to it yet.

> creating a new tiddler is't working! I think the necessary fields for
> syncing are missing

That sounds likely.

However, a few weeks ago we made TiddlyWeb instances create a "common"
bag by default, and the TiddlyWebConfig plugin then sets the respective
variable (config.defaultCustomFields) accordingly.

So if that bag and all the latest plugins (TiddlyWebAdaptor, 
TiddlyWebConfig, ServerSideSavingPlugin) are present, everything should 
be working fine.
Maybe it's just that the "common" bag is missing because you'd created
your instance before we implemented this change?

> the only thing we miss, we borrowed the wizard plugin from teamtasks
> and modified it to create some default tiddlers from forms
> [...]
> I think the essential fields for tiddlyweb are missing and we don't
> now the syntax

You need to add some fields in the saveTiddler call:
  store.saveTiddler(title, newTitle, newBody, modifier, modified,
  tags, {
  "server.type": "tiddlyweb",
  "server.host": "",
  "server.bag": ""

Please let us know how you get on!

-- F.

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[tw] Re: "tagged as A B C" versus "tagged as B A C"

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> I am wondering if from the TW code "point of view", tagging a tiddler
> with A, B and C is different from tagging it B, A and C. In other
> words, does the order in which tags are added matter ? Can it bring
> useful possibilities ?

Tiddlers tags are stored as an arrays within the tiddler runtime data,
and as space-separated strings of tags in the storeArea written to the
file.  There is no automatic sorting of the tags, so the order of the
tags for any given tiddler is based on the order they were entered
into that tiddler.Thus, it is *possible* to write code whose
results are based on the order of the tags... but I don't think it is
a good idea.

Here's why:

Current TW code typically invokes tiddler.isTagged(),
tiddler.tags.containsAny(...), or tiddler.tags.containsAll(...)
functions to determine if a tiddler is tagged with a specific tag or
tags, regardless of the *order* in which those tags occur.  However,
there are a few functions that 'loop through' the array of tags, so
that it is possible that the 'natural' order of the tags can effect
the result, though it would probably not be intentional and, with a
few exceptions here and there, it would most likely be considered to
be a bug in that function.

>From a semantic usage standpoint, relying on the order of the tags
could be really problematic: it's just too easy to add a tag 'out of
order' when editing the tiddlers, which would then cause a different
result to be produced when the tags are processed later on... and, if
the difference is subtle, it might not even be apparent that an error
in the order of the tags is responsible (or even that the wrong
results were reported).

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: Tags in the Main Menu

2009-01-12 Thread bob

I've used Eric's OpenTaggedTiddlers...not from the MainMenu but from a


It gives a list depending upon tag selected. Very good and quick and you
can 'name' the tag something sensible to help the user.


 On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 07:07 -0800, Queseuq wrote:
> I've not been playing around with TiddlyWiki long but there is
> something specific I'd like to do and I can't find out how I would go
> about getting it working.  What I'd like is for some tags to appear in
> the main menu so that whenever I clicked on one it would bring up all
> the tiddlers with that tag.  Is this possible?
> > 

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[tw] Re: How do I display a long tiddler at the top?

2009-01-12 Thread bob

Thanks Eric

The reversing the tiddler display to put them on top in sequence rather
than on the bottom approach, sounds just what I need.  I'm happy to test
it in my limited TW as a novice user.

Thanks too to Daniel for expressing the request in a way that makes

On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 05:46 -0800, Eric Shulman wrote:
> > So I guess you are asking for a modification to OpenTaggedTiddlers to
> > scroll the page back to the first of the opened tiddlers, instead of
> > the last.  Eric?  Sound possible?
> OpenTaggedTiddlers calls the displayTiddlers() function, which takes
> an array of tiddler titles and display's them all in the order they
> occur in the array.  It does this by invoking displayTiddler() for
> each title which, in turn, automatically triggers a scroll action
> using the core's ensureVisible() function.
> Normally, the solution would be to simply invoke a call to
> window.scrollTo() after calling on displayTiddlers().  However, this
> won't work, due to the asynchronous display handling used when
> *animating* the opening of the tiddlers.
> In order to achieve the desired effect regardless of animations,
> OpenTaggedTiddlers will need to do it's own processing of the list of
> titles rather than using the core's displayTiddlers() function, so
> that it can display the tiddlers in reverse order *and* insert each
> tiddler as the *top* of the stack.  Then, the normal core-triggered
> scrolling action that occurs at the end of the animation sequence will
> result in the topmost tiddler being scrolled into view (if not already
> visible).
> This change shouldn't be difficult to implement, but will need to be
> carefully tested under different conditions to ensure that some subtle
> side-effect isn't introduced.  If I haven't posted something by the
> end of this week, give this message a 'bump' to remind me.
> -e
> > 

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[tw] Re: TiddlyTools for TW2.4.3

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> Version use with TW2.4.2
> Is that simply an oversight or are CoreTweaks not yet ready for 2.4.3?

Documentation oversight.  CoreTweaks now correctly refers to "2.4.3"
instead of "2.4.2"


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[tw] "tagged as A B C" versus "tagged as B A C"

2009-01-12 Thread altiplano

Hi again,

I am wondering if from the TW code "point of view", tagging a tiddler
with A, B and C is different from tagging it B, A and C. In other
words, does the order in which tags are added matter ? Can it bring
useful possibilities ?

If so, I'd like to know how you eventually use this aspect, be it
through plugins or core features.

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[tw] Saving tiddlywiki Mac

2009-01-12 Thread stefan_s


I use tiddlywiki on my MacBook with Safari since about a year now. It
used to work every day without major problems. From one day to the
other now it refuses to be saved. I did not change anything at all on
my Mac. No matter what I try, it won't be saved, I updated to the
newest tiddlysaver.jar, nothing helps.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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[tw] TiddlyWikis for Writers?

2009-01-12 Thread mikemunsil

Can anyone point me towards Tiddlywikis that would be useful for

I'm writing an ongoing series of articles on computer tech for witers
and TiddlyWiki is one tool that I'd like to focus on.

Here's one I modified for the members of my own writing forums:

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[tw] A is tagged with B, B with C. Do A and C "know" each other ?

2009-01-12 Thread altiplano

I'm looking for a way to keep the number of tags associated to a
single tiddler to a minimum, mostly for display convenience.

But I feel it's not a good approach in general and for some plugins
effectiveness (like TagCloud I may starting using) in particular. So I
may not use this method.

Nonetheless I'd like to know if a tiddler (A) can be easily handled
based on the fact it has a tag tagged with C.
Example :
Rosina (=A) is a tiddler describing a restaurant I like and is only
tagged as MyFavoriteRestaurants (=B).
MyFavoriteRestaurants is tagged with MyTastes (=C), Food (=D) and
Places (=E).

Can the "grandson-grandfather" link between A and C for example be
used for handling and display (lists) purpose ?

No need for detailed steps/macros for now as I'm just in the curiosity
stage about this possibility.

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Re: mGTD 3 - printing

2009-01-12 Thread Scott Kingery
Thanks, Daniel. I looked through the code by opening up my tiddlywiki and
found the Media Print section. There is a .button in there the hides the
buttons from printing. I removed that then added the following to my
StyleSheet Print and it works great.

.button.off {display: none ! important;}

On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 5:44 AM, Daniel Baird  wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 8:08 AM, Scott Kingery 
> wrote:
> > any ideas on this?
> I guess I'd use MODI (slayeroffice.com) to find the class of those
> things, then grep through the source looking for a css specifier that
> included ".theclass".  Some CSS rule is gonna be inside a media: print
> { } block, and set them to display: none.
> Then edit that css tiddler to NOT do display:none.
> Hopefully you can follow that story...
> Cheers
> ;Daniel
> --
> Daniel Baird
> I've tried going to the XHTML  a few times, but it's always closed.
> >

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[tw] Re: TiddlyTools for TW2.4.3

2009-01-12 Thread HeX


I'm a bit confused that http://www.tiddlytools.com/#CoreTweaks
Version use with TW2.4.2

Is that simply an oversight or are CoreTweaks not yet ready for 2.4.3?


On 12 Jan, 15:38, Eric Shulman  wrote:
> TiddlyTools has been upgraded to use TW2.4.3
> Except for updates to CoreTweaks and CoreTweaksArchive, there were no
> significant changes to any TiddlyTools plugins, scripts, styles,
> templates, etc., and you shouldn't encounter any problems with
> upgrading to TW2.4.3 (at least in regard to use of TiddlyTools
> components).
> enjoy,
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki 2.4.2 & 2.4.3 Released

2009-01-12 Thread josep

Problem solved. I installed SimpleSearchPlugin
and search shows all references (tags included).


On Jan 12, 5:06 pm, josep  wrote:
> It apears that the basic search functionality dosn't run well.
> I tried searching a TW 2.4.3 with 10 plugins.
> When I search for systemConfig returns the message
> "2 tiddlers found matching 'systemConfig'".
> Cheers
> josep
> On Jan 12, 3:19 pm, Jeremy Ruston  wrote:
> > We've just published the new release 2.4.3 of TiddlyWIki to the usual place:
> >http://www.tiddlywiki.com/
> > As the eagle-eyed will have spotted, this release was originally going
> > to be 2.4.2 (http://bit.ly/xEqr), but last week Martin, Fred and I
> > accidentally released it prematurely, and without a couple of the
> > scheduled fixes, hence the new 2.4.3 version number for the final,
> > complete release.
> > There's a bunch of small fixes and enhancements in this release that
> > are listed on the site. From an end user perspective, highlights
> > include the ability to reference "tiddler" and "place" parameters in
> > computed macro parameters, and the ability to override configuration
> > options via a paramifier (eg,http://www.tiddlywiki.com/#chkAnimation:false).
> > Please go ahead and upgrade to the new release - but remember that the
> > prudent user should make backups of any important documents before
> > upgrading.
> > As usual, thanks are due to many members of the TiddlyWiki community
> > who have contributed to this release, but I'd like to particularly
> > call out Martin Budden, Eric Shulman, Fred Dohr and Saq Imtiaz.
> > Cheers
> > Jeremy
> > --
> > Jeremy Ruston
> > mailto:jer...@osmosoft.comhttp://www.tiddlywiki.com
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[tw] Re: TiddlyWiki 2.4.2 & 2.4.3 Released

2009-01-12 Thread josep

It apears that the basic search functionality dosn't run well.

I tried searching a TW 2.4.3 with 10 plugins.
When I search for systemConfig returns the message
"2 tiddlers found matching 'systemConfig'".


On Jan 12, 3:19 pm, Jeremy Ruston  wrote:
> We've just published the new release 2.4.3 of TiddlyWIki to the usual place:
> http://www.tiddlywiki.com/
> As the eagle-eyed will have spotted, this release was originally going
> to be 2.4.2 (http://bit.ly/xEqr), but last week Martin, Fred and I
> accidentally released it prematurely, and without a couple of the
> scheduled fixes, hence the new 2.4.3 version number for the final,
> complete release.
> There's a bunch of small fixes and enhancements in this release that
> are listed on the site. From an end user perspective, highlights
> include the ability to reference "tiddler" and "place" parameters in
> computed macro parameters, and the ability to override configuration
> options via a paramifier (eg,http://www.tiddlywiki.com/#chkAnimation:false).
> Please go ahead and upgrade to the new release - but remember that the
> prudent user should make backups of any important documents before
> upgrading.
> As usual, thanks are due to many members of the TiddlyWiki community
> who have contributed to this release, but I'd like to particularly
> call out Martin Budden, Eric Shulman, Fred Dohr and Saq Imtiaz.
> Cheers
> Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Ruston
> mailto:jer...@osmosoft.comhttp://www.tiddlywiki.com
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[tw] Re: Tags in the Main Menu

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> I've not been playing around with TiddlyWiki long but there is
> something specific I'd like to do and I can't find out how I would go
> about getting it working.  What I'd like is for some tags to appear in
> the main menu so that whenever I clicked on one it would bring up all
> the tiddlers with that tag.  Is this possible?

The TW core macro, <>, will insert a link that, when
clicked will show a popup list of all tiddlers tagged with the
indicated value.  One of the items in that list is "open all".

Alternatively, you could install this script:
   (requires http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#InlineJavascriptPlugin)
which is used like this:
   (see script source for documentation)

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios

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[tw] Tags in the Main Menu

2009-01-12 Thread Queseuq

I've not been playing around with TiddlyWiki long but there is
something specific I'd like to do and I can't find out how I would go
about getting it working.  What I'd like is for some tags to appear in
the main menu so that whenever I clicked on one it would bring up all
the tiddlers with that tag.  Is this possible?

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[tw] TiddlyTools for TW2.4.3

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

TiddlyTools has been upgraded to use TW2.4.3

Except for updates to CoreTweaks and CoreTweaksArchive, there were no
significant changes to any TiddlyTools plugins, scripts, styles,
templates, etc., and you shouldn't encounter any problems with
upgrading to TW2.4.3 (at least in regard to use of TiddlyTools

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] TiddlyWiki 2.4.2 & 2.4.3 Released

2009-01-12 Thread Jeremy Ruston

We've just published the new release 2.4.3 of TiddlyWIki to the usual place:


As the eagle-eyed will have spotted, this release was originally going
to be 2.4.2 (http://bit.ly/xEqr), but last week Martin, Fred and I
accidentally released it prematurely, and without a couple of the
scheduled fixes, hence the new 2.4.3 version number for the final,
complete release.

There's a bunch of small fixes and enhancements in this release that
are listed on the site. From an end user perspective, highlights
include the ability to reference "tiddler" and "place" parameters in
computed macro parameters, and the ability to override configuration
options via a paramifier (eg,

Please go ahead and upgrade to the new release - but remember that the
prudent user should make backups of any important documents before

As usual, thanks are due to many members of the TiddlyWiki community
who have contributed to this release, but I'd like to particularly
call out Martin Budden, Eric Shulman, Fred Dohr and Saq Imtiaz.



Jeremy Ruston

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[tw] Re: TW interface annoyances - what are yours?

2009-01-12 Thread Dave Gifford - http://www.giffmex.org/

> * In sidebar, I frequently go into Timeline and All, but very rarely
> into Tags.
> On the other hand, under More... I go into Shadow quite often (but
> only for a few specific tiddlers in there).

This is an annoyance? Just be happy for all that functionality. I use
tags quite a bit now, though when I was a newbie I didn't use it at

My annoyances with the original TW design are still the following:

1. Header is so stinking tall! What a bunch of vertical real estate
gets wasted on the header. Almost all my TW adaptations reduce that
quite a bit.
2. TW and most of the TW users tend to favor Arial font, which I find
unpleasant to read. All my stuff is switched to Verdana, and some of
my personal stuff is now in Calibri.
3. When you make change #2 you discover how incredibly narrow the
MainMenu is, so I had to widen it on mine.

Those are the only changes I would make to the standard interface. The
rest of the changes I make by default are things I don't think should
be part of the standard TW interface.


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[tw] Re: TW interface annoyances - what are yours?

2009-01-12 Thread altiplano

About issue 1), I use Ctrl+Enter after editing and it brings me to the
top of the tiddler. I'm new to TW (using MPTW) and can't tell if it's
a basic feature or not.

I share your annoyance about issue 2) : focus on the top (=title) of
the new lowermost tiddler would be more user-friendly, as well as a
keyboard shortcut to jump to the previous/next tiddler beginning.

Issue 3) : single TW user too and only local use so far, so no related
problem encountered yet.
Issue 4) : I prefer to keep the Getting Started tiddler as is for any
future reference. I've just added TW and Tutorial tags to it. Maybe it
could include a "Click here to create your first own tiddler" mention.

Also one thing that is not an interface annoyance so to speak but an
aspect I find hard to explain :
the fact that the upper frame (which contains the TW title and
subtitle) holds around 15% of the screen height in most themes (when
half of it would be enough).
GTD TW theme is a notable exception.
Well I guess this depends on what you do with your TW.
And maybe I'm not into "read on screen" enough to realise this layout
is better for the eyes.

I'm less preoccupied with the TW screen width as I suppose it just has
to fit the nature and density of your tiddlers content, and your read-
on-screen preferences.
I may come to use different TW : one tight for explicit or low-
detailed stuff and one wide for unhaikuable things :-)
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[tw] Re: How do I display a long tiddler at the top?

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> So I guess you are asking for a modification to OpenTaggedTiddlers to
> scroll the page back to the first of the opened tiddlers, instead of
> the last.  Eric?  Sound possible?

OpenTaggedTiddlers calls the displayTiddlers() function, which takes
an array of tiddler titles and display's them all in the order they
occur in the array.  It does this by invoking displayTiddler() for
each title which, in turn, automatically triggers a scroll action
using the core's ensureVisible() function.

Normally, the solution would be to simply invoke a call to
window.scrollTo() after calling on displayTiddlers().  However, this
won't work, due to the asynchronous display handling used when
*animating* the opening of the tiddlers.

In order to achieve the desired effect regardless of animations,
OpenTaggedTiddlers will need to do it's own processing of the list of
titles rather than using the core's displayTiddlers() function, so
that it can display the tiddlers in reverse order *and* insert each
tiddler as the *top* of the stack.  Then, the normal core-triggered
scrolling action that occurs at the end of the animation sequence will
result in the topmost tiddler being scrolled into view (if not already

This change shouldn't be difficult to implement, but will need to be
carefully tested under different conditions to ensure that some subtle
side-effect isn't introduced.  If I haven't posted something by the
end of this week, give this message a 'bump' to remind me.

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[tw] Re: How do I display a long tiddler at the top?

2009-01-12 Thread Daniel Baird

On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 2:16 AM, bob  wrote:
> [...]
> http://www.ettrickvillagehall.org/CommunitySurvey2008.html
> If you select Results Part One from the MainMenu you are presented with
> a table of topics, each topic has a link which gathers together all the
> tiddlers by tag, using OpenTaggedTiddlers, which relate to the topic.
> When the selected tiddlers are displayed, I get the list as expected but
> the list is left with the 'display' at the bottom of the viewer panel.

So I guess you are asking for a modification to OpenTaggedTiddlers to
scroll the page back to the first of the opened tiddlers, instead of
the last.  Eric?  Sound possible?


Daniel Baird
I've tried going to the XHTML  a few times, but it's always closed.

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[tw] Re: Long list of tags - is there a way to put them in columns?

2009-01-12 Thread Michael.Tarnowski

Have a look at  TagglyTaggingPlugin by Simon Baird,
Cheers Michael

On Jan 7, 10:47 pm, MJaffe  wrote:
> Like many TWs, my tag list has grown to over 40 different tags, so
> when I want to choose a tag I have a long verticle box that goes off
> the page.   I thought I once saw a TW that put the tags into several
> columns.   Could someone point me to what that was?   Thanks.
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[tw] Re: Autogrow textarea

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Hough

Hi Eric,

I'll give that a try, thanks.

I found the page [1] while surfing around jQuery over the weekend in
anticipation of jQuery coming into TW. Adding functionality using
classes and ids to enable a plugin to work on a particular div is easy
for me to understand. If you could edit tiddler titles and tags in
without having to open the whole edit template by adding a class to
their divs it would make tiddler editing neater.

The autoGrow at the moment saves to a php server (out of my knowledge)
but I thought it could save to TWs story?


[1] http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable/custom.html

2009/1/12 Eric Shulman :
>> The Autogrow textarea feature here is something i think could be good on a 
>> TWhttp://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable/custom.html
> http://www.TiddlyTools.com/#TextAreaPlugin
> adds several usability features to the tiddler body textarea control
> displayed in edit mode.  You can add a 'grab bar' to the bottom of the
> text area so you can manually stretch/shrink the height of the field
> by including the following in your EditTemplate:
> and, to automatically adjust the height of the text area so that it
> will fit all lines of text without using a scrollbar, add
> "autosizeEditor" to the space-separated list of commands in the
> [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]] slice value or, if using an older,
> customized EditTemplate, add the toolbar command to the macro invoked
> directly in the template:
> Note: if you are not using a custom EditTemplate, you don't need to
> make any manual changes to the template, because TextAreaPlugin
> automatically tweaks the standard default ("shadow") EditTemplate to
> add the above macro and toolbar definitions automatically.
> enjoy,
> -e
> Eric Shulman
> TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
> >

t: 0161 442 2202
m: 0781 372 50 17

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[tw] Re: TW interface annoyances - what are yours?

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> * one is typically forced to scroll up after having edited a tiddler.
> Ought to be some kind of "jump to top" at bottom of each tiddler,
> particularly in edit view.

The following can be added to your ViewTemplate (and/or EditTemplate):


You can see this in action on www.TiddlyTools.com

> * I am the typical single TW user... and thus I typically go under the
> name "YourName" in most of my TWs and tiddlers. Name specification
> ought to be an optional feature. (This is btw particularly confusing
> for server side implementations, such as tiddlyspot, that require a
> username that may not be the same as whatever is in place of
> YourName..)

Unless you have added TiddlyTools' SetUserNamePlugin, you aren't
actually forced to *set* the value of 'txtUserName' (which defaults to
"YourName")... of course, regardless of the value, when you edit a
tiddler, the current username is saved in the 'modifier' field of that
tiddler.  However, there's not any actual need to *display* that
username when viewing the tiddler.  Just modify the ViewTemplate
definition and remove this:
so that the username is no longer shown.

> * On a related note, when starting out with an empty TW, why can't I
> just fill in the GettingStarted tiddler straight away instead of
> having to open everything manually.

[[GettingStarted]] just presents *instructions* for what to do... and
includes links to the individual tiddlers that are used to set the

> * In sidebar, I frequently go into Timeline and All, but very rarely
> into Tags.

While "Timeline" has obvious utility, the "All" tab is only really
useful when you know the title of the tiddler you want to view... and,
for that case, I use TiddlyTools' GotoPlugin, which lets me simply
type in a few characters to quickly match and select a tiddler title
from a droplist of all tiddlers in the document.

Also, the usefulness of the "Tags" tab depends entirely on how you are
using tags in your document... if there are lots of tiddlers with
different tags, the "Tags" tab can be indispensable, both for
navigation and tag management.

> On the other hand, under More... I go into Shadow quite often (but
> only for a few specific tiddlers in there).

The only time I use "Shadowed" is when I am initially customizing a
default definition.  Once a custom version of a shadow tiddler is
created, it appears in the regular Timeline and All lists, so there's
really no need to go back to the Shadowed tab just to select that
tiddler.  This is especially so if using the GotoPlugin noted above,
as it becomes trivial to just type a few letters to jump straight to
the desired tiddler.

> * Options slider is filled with blue links, attracting attention if
> nothing else, but none of them exist...

These tiddlers *do* exist on TiddlyWiki.com, and provide some basic
info about their corresponding options.  However, while the default
[[SidebarOptions]] shadow tiddler contains references to these info
tiddlers, the info tiddlers themselves are not shadows, and thus are
not automatically present in an 'empty' TiddlyWiki starter document.

> And the recurring word
> TiddlyWiki is also a link that does not exist. I'd say 100% of us has
> clicked it at one one early stage, only to become a tad confused.

Same as above... though for this case, I think that adding a shadow
definition for [[TiddlyWiki]] might make some sense.  This shadow
could contain a very short description (e.g., "TiddlyWiki is ..."),
followed by links to www.TiddlyWiki.com and www.TiddlyWiki.org.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: TW interface annoyances - what are yours?

2009-01-12 Thread bob

I'm new so I don't feel competent to give a technical response. However
I do recognise some issues that pain me too and would like to add my
voice/learn the fix for it.

When I auto generate a bunch of tiddlers the focus goes to the bottom
one, I would like it to go to the top one please. A 'jump to top' of a
bunch of tiddlers, automatically applied when a group of tiddlers are
auto displayed, would be great!

On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 02:25 -0800, Amzg wrote:

> * one is typically forced to scroll up after having edited a tiddler.
> Ought to be some kind of "jump to top" at bottom of each tiddler,
> particularly in edit view. Even a small tiddler template change such
> as swapping places for the tiddler name and the menu actually makes a
> surprisingly positive difference (I've edited my templates). It is
> surprising how often I previously found myself forced to scroll a mere
> centimeter to reach the menu.
> * if I have a bunch of tiddlers and I'm focussed on the lowermost one,
> and close this one... I get to watch the bottom of the new lowermost
> tiddler or even a screen of nothing. Instead, default ought to put e.g
> the lowermost tiddler into focus (including its tiddler title).

> > 

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[tw] TW interface annoyances - what are yours?

2009-01-12 Thread Amzg

For core TW (and also to a great extent for MPTW):

Please note that most questions are just *rhetorical*.

* one is typically forced to scroll up after having edited a tiddler.
Ought to be some kind of "jump to top" at bottom of each tiddler,
particularly in edit view. Even a small tiddler template change such
as swapping places for the tiddler name and the menu actually makes a
surprisingly positive difference (I've edited my templates). It is
surprising how often I previously found myself forced to scroll a mere
centimeter to reach the menu.

* if I have a bunch of tiddlers and I'm focussed on the lowermost one,
and close this one... I get to watch the bottom of the new lowermost
tiddler or even a screen of nothing. Instead, default ought to put e.g
the lowermost tiddler into focus (including its tiddler title).

* I am the typical single TW user... and thus I typically go under the
name "YourName" in most of my TWs and tiddlers. Name specification
ought to be an optional feature. (This is btw particularly confusing
for server side implementations, such as tiddlyspot, that require a
username that may not be the same as whatever is in place of

* On a related note, when starting out with an empty TW, why can't I
just fill in the GettingStarted tiddler straight away instead of
having to open everything manually. Or, why can't I click, say, the
SiteTitle up there and edit it directly?
BTW, A newbie recently attempted to edit the very tiddler-name
"SiteTitle" into his desired site title. Actually makes sense.

* In sidebar, I frequently go into Timeline and All, but very rarely
into Tags.
On the other hand, under More... I go into Shadow quite often (but
only for a few specific tiddlers in there).

* Options slider is filled with blue links, attracting attention if
nothing else, but none of them exist... And the recurring word
TiddlyWiki is also a link that does not exist. I'd say 100% of us has
clicked it at one one early stage, only to become a tad confused.

What are your interface annoyances?

P.S The above is written to be constructive as opposed to negative. I
love TW.


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[tw] Re: 'Being edited' warning

2009-01-12 Thread bob

I'm very interested in this topic. A 'distributed' TW would be an ideal
solution for collaborative community work. 

At the moment although we open the whole TW for edit, there is a sub
layer that just opens a tiddler to perform the actual edit.

Could this two stage edit approach be developed so that a lock could be
placed at tiddler level rather than whole TW file level?

On a typical web deployment there is a live file and an area for
uploading files that, once verified (to a limited degree) are then
loaded onto the live server.

Could the bit of TW that combines all the tiddlers into one file be the
'server side' functionality? The tiddler to be edited then locked to
edit only. Any other edited tiddler, once saved could then trigger a
reload of the whole TW, including the last state of any tiddler locked.

Or am I moving into normal wiki mode and away from the 'tiddly' model? I
should think that if BT are interested they will probably be looking at
a distributed future for TW and probably trying to keep it 'tiddly' too
for the mobile phone platform.

Just a thought...

On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 00:58 -0800, overett1 wrote:
> > So if you want reliable multi-user collaboration, I don't think there's
> > a way around server-side solutions (apart from TiddlyLock maybe, which
> > has already been mentioned):
> >  http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Server-Side_Implementations
> >
> > I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.
> >
> > -- F.
> I certainly agree with this. Unfortunately that requires installing
> software which is verboten. Finding Tiddlywiki was therefore a
> revelation, but I realise that what we'd ideally want to do goes
> beyond its capabilities. So I'm trying to find the nearest thing. So
> far a combination of TiddlyLockPlugin and a warning for 'offline'
> editing still seem to be the way forward.
> Any advances on 'HideWhenPlugin' showing a message in ViewTemplate
> when a tiddler is tagged as being edited offline?
> Jonathan
> > 

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[tw] Re: Autogrow textarea

2009-01-12 Thread Eric Shulman

> The Autogrow textarea feature here is something i think could be good on a 
> TWhttp://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable/custom.html


adds several usability features to the tiddler body textarea control
displayed in edit mode.  You can add a 'grab bar' to the bottom of the
text area so you can manually stretch/shrink the height of the field
by including the following in your EditTemplate:
and, to automatically adjust the height of the text area so that it
will fit all lines of text without using a scrollbar, add
"autosizeEditor" to the space-separated list of commands in the
[[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]] slice value or, if using an older,
customized EditTemplate, add the toolbar command to the macro invoked
directly in the template:

Note: if you are not using a custom EditTemplate, you don't need to
make any manual changes to the template, because TextAreaPlugin
automatically tweaks the standard default ("shadow") EditTemplate to
add the above macro and toolbar definitions automatically.

Eric Shulman
TiddlyTools / ELS Design Studios
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[tw] Re: Autogrow textarea

2009-01-12 Thread Amzg

In line with what I assume is an intentionally minimalistic interface,
I would agree with the above.


On Jan 12, 9:33 am, "Alex Hough"  wrote:
> TwHeroWarriors
> The Autogrow textarea feature here is something i think could be good on a 
> TWhttp://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable/custom.html
> Alex
> (getting excited about the jQueryTW)
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[tw] Re: Installing an xpi addition...

2009-01-12 Thread Amzg

I followed FNDs instructions and they were spot on. My sincere thanks.
And also to Morris of course, for your more general approach.
I have added both to tiddlywiki.org accordingly [1] i.e also the more
general one. If it is not considered suitable there, then anyone is of
course free to cut it out. I reasoned it is relevant for the sake of
installing TiddlySnip.

Thank you!


[1] http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/TiddlySnip#Firefox_3_Support

On Jan 12, 9:41 am, Morris Gray  wrote:
> From my post on the TiddlySnips Group
> I have developed the habit of saving the xpi files in a folder like
> FFAddons then for installation on Firefox clicking File>Open
> File>*.xpi
> Give that a try maybe coming from the local disk might help.
> Morris
> On Jan 12, 7:38 pm, FND  wrote:
> > > How do I actually install and xpi file that, presumably is some type
> > > of addition to an existing TW plugin? (specifically, the TiddlySnip
> > > 1.21beta.xpi [1] )
> > XPI is Mozilla's extension format* - so technically, it has little to do
> > with TiddlyWiki plugins.
> > The easiest way to install an XPI in Firefox is probably to open the
> > Add-ons dialog from the Tools menu and drag the XPI file in there.
> > > I believe it is a question of general concern so I intend to add
> > > good answers to tiddlywiki.org
> > Great!
> > -- F.
> > *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XPI
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[tw] Re: 'Being edited' warning

2009-01-12 Thread overett1

> So if you want reliable multi-user collaboration, I don't think there's
> a way around server-side solutions (apart from TiddlyLock maybe, which
> has already been mentioned):
>      http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/Server-Side_Implementations
> I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.
> -- F.
I certainly agree with this. Unfortunately that requires installing
software which is verboten. Finding Tiddlywiki was therefore a
revelation, but I realise that what we'd ideally want to do goes
beyond its capabilities. So I'm trying to find the nearest thing. So
far a combination of TiddlyLockPlugin and a warning for 'offline'
editing still seem to be the way forward.

Any advances on 'HideWhenPlugin' showing a message in ViewTemplate
when a tiddler is tagged as being edited offline?

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[tw] Re: 'Being edited' warning

2009-01-12 Thread FND

> Maybe TiddlyWeb (and the other related) are aimed to deal with this?
> For one thing, I believe ccTiddly would be a possible solution.

Indeed. The single-file paradigm combined with purely client-side 
processing makes concurrent editing a very challenging issue.
So if you want reliable multi-user collaboration, I don't think there's 
a way around server-side solutions (apart from TiddlyLock maybe, which 
has already been mentioned):

I'd be happy to be proven wrong though.

-- F.

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[tw] Re: 'Being edited' warning

2009-01-12 Thread overett1

On Jan 12, 12:16 am, Amzg  wrote:
> The question posed is a very important one, from a user and usability
> perspective IMO.
> Maybe TiddlyWeb (and the other related) are aimed to deal with this?
> For one thing, I believe ccTiddly would be a possible solution.
Agree that a wiki with a server-side would be better suited but that
route has been investigated and, as mentioned, is not currently

> Like what Mr. Girard suggests; One central TW and everyone makes his/
> her changes into a copy. Additionally, this copy is set up so that its
> timeline is refreshed continuously from the central TW at some
> periodic time interval. Maybe plugins like Mr.Shulmans
> LoadTiddlersPlugin, or ExportTiddlersPlugin plus Mr.Borkowskis
> AutoRefreshPlugin could be used, with the latter autorefreshing the
> sidebar-lists thus. This way, I figure, each user gets force fed with
> an updated listing ensuring it is at least a recent edition.
I can see that might work with a small group and a relatively small
wiki but I suspect the overheads would be too high with a larger wiki
and group of people, and you still seem to run the risk of people's
changes being accidentally overwritten.

> (If the above is possible perhaps a primitive plugin could deal with
> the following potential solution:
> Now, if the user is about to save, maybe it's possible to have
> something comparing the "last modified" time, i.e;
> Say, tiddler A has a "last modified time" at 1 o'clock. This is stored
> at t1
> You open A to edit.
> Meanwhile, there is a sync (as described above) with the central TW.
> Now, as you wish to save tiddler A, t1 is compared to the "last
> modified time" for A.
> If A has a *new* "last modified time", this means someone else has
> saved a new copy of A, and you're informed about it - and perhaps with
> the option of opening the latest A to apply your intended changes to
> it, or maybe you can save your version as A(1) etc...
> )
Thanks for the ideas. I still think that TIddlyLockPlugin on one
central wiki, then devising some kind of warning where a tiddler is
being edited 'offline' would be simplest and minimise risks of
accidental overwrites though.


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[tw] Re: 'Being edited' warning

2009-01-12 Thread overett1

On Jan 11, 11:46 pm, Ken Girard  wrote:
> When editing TW, you are editing the entire file, not just one
> tiddler.
> If I open the TW file at 9am and start editing Tiddler43, and you open
> the TW file at 9:01am and start editing Tiddler26, then who ever saves
> last will be the only one to have made changes to the file. If I save
> last then only Tiddler43 will show changes.
Yes, that is why we will be using TiddlerLockPlugin to lock people out
of the wiki when it is being edited 'online'.

> A different idea: Have each person desiring to make edits import the
> tiddler they want to edit into their own personal TW, and then once
> they are done with that re-import the edited tiddler into the official
> TW. You still have to worry that someone will leave the file open, and
> then save it 6 hour later, wiping out all the changes made between
> times.
Yes, we will just be operating one wiki for that reason.

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[tw] Re: Installing an xpi addition...

2009-01-12 Thread Morris Gray

>From my post on the TiddlySnips Group

I have developed the habit of saving the xpi files in a folder like
FFAddons then for installation on Firefox clicking File>Open

Give that a try maybe coming from the local disk might help.


On Jan 12, 7:38 pm, FND  wrote:
> > How do I actually install and xpi file that, presumably is some type
> > of addition to an existing TW plugin? (specifically, the TiddlySnip
> > 1.21beta.xpi [1] )
> XPI is Mozilla's extension format* - so technically, it has little to do
> with TiddlyWiki plugins.
> The easiest way to install an XPI in Firefox is probably to open the
> Add-ons dialog from the Tools menu and drag the XPI file in there.
> > I believe it is a question of general concern so I intend to add
> > good answers to tiddlywiki.org
> Great!
> -- F.
> *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XPI
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[tw] Re: Installing an xpi addition...

2009-01-12 Thread FND

> How do I actually install and xpi file that, presumably is some type
> of addition to an existing TW plugin? (specifically, the TiddlySnip
> 1.21beta.xpi [1] )

XPI is Mozilla's extension format* - so technically, it has little to do 
with TiddlyWiki plugins.

The easiest way to install an XPI in Firefox is probably to open the 
Add-ons dialog from the Tools menu and drag the XPI file in there.

> I believe it is a question of general concern so I intend to add 
> good answers to tiddlywiki.org


-- F.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XPI

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[tw] Autogrow textarea

2009-01-12 Thread Alex Hough


The Autogrow textarea feature here is something i think could be good on a TW

(getting excited about the jQueryTW)

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[tw] Installing an xpi addition...

2009-01-12 Thread Amzg

How do I actually install and xpi file that, presumably is some type
of addition to an existing TW plugin? (specifically, the TiddlySnip
1.21beta.xpi [1] )

What do I actually do with that file?

Thank you


P.S Not only do I gratefully hope for an answer, but I believe it is a
question of general concern so I intend to add good answers to
tiddlywiki.org [2]

[1]  http://tinyurl.com/67cbty
[2]  http://www.tiddlywiki.org/wiki/TiddlySnip
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