RE: VirtualHost overlaps VirtualHost

2003-02-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
As your example doesn't contain I would guess 
that you have an config error in the part of the http.conf that 
you didn't post. (Like a ServerName outside 
the virtual host definitions)

> -Original Message-
> From: tomcat guy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 1:57 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: VirtualHost overlaps VirtualHost
> Here is the httpd.conf definition:
> NameVirtualHost *
> ServerName
> ServerName
> ServerName

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RE: java processes after tomcat exits

2003-02-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
Which vm do you use?

For IBM and Sun you can call 'kill -QUIT ' to get the 
stacktraces of the threads. You can find the output in
catalina.out. That might give you an idea what's causing 
these behaviour.

> -Original Message-
> From: Sven Köhler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 1:50 AM
> Subject: java processes after tomcat exits
> if i stop my tomcat 4.1.18 with " stop" and type ps aux, i 
> still see many java-processes.
> tomcat itself doesn't seem to run anymore, but there are still some 

Re: WAR format question

2003-02-04 Thread Bill Barker
Read-only files can be placed anywhere you want.  For files that you need to
write to, use the 'javax.servlet.context.tmpdir' attribute of the
ServletContext (since you can't write to a WAR file :).  Assuming that your
servlet extends GenericServlet (this includes the cases of HttpServlet, and
Tomcat's default JSP page Servlet), then something like:

  String tmpDir =
  File outFile = new File(tmpDir, "myFile.ext");
  OutputStream outF = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
  // write something here

"Jim Carlson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
>I have a question about the WAR directory structure.  Namely, where
> is the appropriate place to put configuration files, log files, and
> other files that need to be read/written-to by my application?  Clearly
> putting them in the webroot isn't right.  Can my application access
> arbitrary files under WEB-INF?  How?  I know that conf files can be put
> in the classpath (e.g. WEB-INF/classes), but this seems like the wrong
> solution for files that will change after deployment.
>In the past, I've used the technique of creating my own application
> root, which contained a webroot/ directory in the WAR format, and
> pointed the servlet container at that.  I used servlet parameters in the
> web.xml file to specify the location of the application root to my
> servlets, so that they could access my conf/log files.  This works fine,
> but forces me to 'embrace and extend' the orginal WAR concept.
>Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Jim Carlson

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Re: classloader issues using ../common/lib vs. ../shared/lib

2003-02-04 Thread Bill Barker
Except for stuff like jdbc drivers, 90% of the time you will see no
difference between common/lib and shared/lib.  The difference is that the
internal Tomcat classes can see what is in common/lib (which the above
mentioned 90% of the time means that they could care less :).

"Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Are there any potential classloader problems with putting .jar files that
> are shared across webapps (ie. junit, cactus, etc) in ../common/lib vs.
> ../shared/lib?
> We've been tossing .jars into ../common/lib, but after reading the Tomcat
> classloader how-to it seems that's discouraged, ie. should be done only
> when the classes are needed both by Tomcat and applications such as db
> drivers for JDBC realm and application use. I'm guessing, but does putting
> the .jars in ../shared/lib would spread work out better between
> Our application and integration tools are working great, but the fact
> not configured the way the how-to suggests concerns me.

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RE: Object pooling (was: more about custam tag life cycle)

2003-02-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
As Craig already said, it's not good to generalize.
The only way to find out, is to test. (And always be prepared
that the result may change in the next release of the vm)

If the garbage collector works as you describe, it's "quite easy"
to improve it in a way that it does the opposite of your conclusion:
If the gc stores the object in generation buckets, and your pooled 
objects live long enough to be stored in the older generation they 
don't have to be copied which each run of the gc. This way you may 
win performance from pooling.

Beside the performance, there may be other advantages of object 
pooling, like the reduction of memory defragmentation or the
reduction of memory usage.

I prefer to use pooled objects either for relative small number of
long lived objects or for objects that are expensive to create, or 
immutable objects that consume some memory and are likely to be in 
use concurrently.

In fact 'pooled objects' is sometimes an over technical phrase for 
things like the following:

static final Integer cMinusOne = new Integer(-1);
static final Integer cZero = new Integer(0);

Or the usage of Boolean.TRUE instead of new Boolean(true)

> -Original Message-
> From: Will Hartung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 11:42 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Object pooling (was: more about custam tag life cycle)
> > From: "Erik Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 2:16 PM
> > Subject: Re: more about custam tag life cycle
> > Are you saying that in general, object pooling is 
> deprecated?  In other
> > words, it's always a bad idea, with the exception of DataSource type
> pools?
> As a design issue, Object Pooling is frowned upon with the 
> modern garbage
> collectors because short lived objects are "cheap". One of 
> the original
> goals of Object Pooling was to put less strain on the GC by 
> not creating
> lots of short term objects.
> With modern collectors, this is much less of an issue. For 
> example, modern
> collectors during a GC will copy active objects. So, your GC time is
> relative to the number of active objects, rather than total allocated
> objects. For example, if you have 1000 active objects, and 
> the GC will be
> copying them, then by the time the GC happens, it's 
> essentially irrelevant
> whether you have 100 inactive objects or 1 inactive 
> objects, your GC
> time will be the same.
> Therefore, the modern GCs are, if anything, "punishing" you 
> for keeping
> objects around, rather than punishing you for simply creating objects.
> So, that means that whereas before the expense of an object was its
> creation, release, and GC, now the only expense is its 
> creation and release.
> Of course, object creation is not free so as a general 
> guideline it's better
> to minimize object creation in general. However, using an 
> Object Pool is not
> necessarily prudent for generic objects, as you will be "punished" for
> saving them.
> Now, for objects that are especially expensive in their 
> creation and are
> also inherently reusable, then pooling makes sense (and DB 
> connections fall
> well into this category).
> All that being said, it does not mean the pooling within, 
> say, a JSP code
> generator is necessarily bad. It can make the code a wee bit easier to
> create, as you simply surround Tag use (in this case) with
> "getOrCreateTagFromPool" and "placeTagBackInPool". This puts 
> the burden of
> tracking used Tags and what not upon the JSP runtime, rather than the
> compiler.
> This is not a big deal in this case because the Object Pool 
> could have a
> short life span and probably won't survive a GC.
> Anyway, in summary, as a general rule Object Pools are more 
> expensive than
> they are worth with modern GCs. However, with a better 
> understanding of
> them, you may find scenarios where they are worth utilizing.
> Regards,
> Will Hartung
> -
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RE: Error 500

2003-02-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
There happens a NullPointerException in line 47 of

Without the source of that class (or at least a relevant snippet)
we can't help you much.

> -Original Message-
> From: Lindomar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 6:03 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Error 500
> First, thanks for all messages.
> Well, i'm using j2sdk 1.4, Tomcat 4.1.1, Win NT 4, my app access DB2.
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>  at eshop.share.LoginCommand.execute(   

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2003-02-04 Thread Chris Faulkner

I am looking at running a cluster of Tomcat servers running on separate machine behind 
a cluster of web servers. I need the same session information stored and to be 
available across all instances of 
Tomcat - I can't guarantee that requests from the same client will end up at the same 
instance of Tomcat. So here are my potential solutions. I'd really appreciate people's 
comments on the stability/usability 
of each, please ?

1. Use the Persistent Manager component, provided by Tomcat itself, with  a JDBC based 
store. This looks great until I read that the implementation is considered 
experimental. What are people's 
experiences with this and how long will it be before this is considered stable ?

2. Write my own Filter which goes to the database and restores session stuff 
information for a client every time. 

3. Use JavaGroups ( Looks 
great but there is a single point of failure - what happens if the JavaGroups 
component goes down ? Does anyone 
have any experience with this ? What is reliability and performance like ?



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RE: Object pooling (was: more about custam tag life cycle)

2003-02-04 Thread Joe Tomcat
On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 00:34, Ralph Einfeldt wrote:
> I prefer to use pooled objects either for relative small number of
> long lived objects or for objects that are expensive to create, or 
> immutable objects that consume some memory and are likely to be in 
> use concurrently.

Pooling is actually a great thing to do with immutable objects.  The
object is immutable, so it is in a correct state from construction to
garbage collection.  Also, because it is immutable, it can be shared by
multiple threads and other objects.  That's great.  If tags were
immutable, then pooling might be a very cool feature.  Unfortunately,
tags have the worst of both worlds: they are mutable, and they are
pooled.  This means they are difficult to use correctly because they are
trying to work like C++ things instead of like Java things.

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Re: more about custam tag life cycle

2003-02-04 Thread Bill Barker

"Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Will Hartung wrote:
> > Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2003 11:00:46 -0800
> > From: Will Hartung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: more about custam tag life cycle
> >
> > > From: "Felipe Schnack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 10:12 AM
> > > Subject: RE: more about custam tag life cycle
> >
> >
> > > This makes me feel much better :-)
> >
> > On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 16:09, Tim Moore wrote:
> > > This is NOT true, AFAIK.  The same tag instance can be used multiple
> > *sequentially*
> > > but not *concurrently*.  Check out the lifecycle state diagram in the
> > spec.
> >
> > The way to look at it is simply that the generated code is going to use
> > tag pool for each distinct class of tags. Unfortunately, there is no
> > specific action that tells the tag it is being pulled from or being put
> > from the pool.
> >
> The page will call release() before it is put back in the pool.

Totally and completely false.  Please go back and read the JSP Spec.  The
page will call release() before the tag is released to GC, and for no other

> > All tags follow the basic lifecycle of simpy
> > constuctor
> > setPageContext
> > doStartTag
> > doEndTag
> >
> > In the pooled environment, it's:
> > constructor
> > setPageContext
> > doStartTag
> > doEndTag
> > doStartTag
> > doEndTag
> > etc.
> >
> > (I've seen some containers, I thinik Tomcat is one, that call
> > on each tag, but I've seen others that do not, so setPageContext is not
> > reliable method to reset the tag properties).
> >
> > If the tag implments the TryCatchFinally interface, then a doFinally is
> > called after the doEndTag.
> >
> This only helps in a JSP 1.2 container, and comes with at least some
> performance price due to the extra try/catch/finally block that the page
> compiler has to create.
> > What's is non-obvious is that the doEndTag and doFinally are supposed to
> > assume the role of cleaning the tag up for reuse.
> That is not what they are for.
> The purpose of doEndTag() is to finish up whatever processing your tag
> does, at the end of the closing tag on the page.  You should not be
> modifying the attribute values that were set by the page anyway, so there
> should be no need to clean up here.
> The purpose of doFinally() is to deal with exceptions that were thrown
> within the body of your tag.  You really do not want to spend the extra
> processor cycles when such exceptions do not occur, or don't matter to
> you.
> >
> > I particularly like this quote from the spec:
> >
> > "The particular code shown below assumes there is some pool of tag
> > that are managed (details not described, although pool managing is
> > when
> > there are no optional attributes),"
> >
> > This entire problem, at least as I've encountered it, revolves around
> > only optional, but also contradictory tags (i.e. it's okay to specify
> > paramter a, b, or c, but no combination in the same tag).
> >
> There are really two issues here -- tag *pooling* (the container recycles
> a previous tag instance instead of creating a new one every time) and tag
> *reuse* (the container uses the same instance for more than one tag with
> identical attributes).  It's entirely legal to have tag reuse even in a
> container that does not implement tag pooling, so you have to account for
> both possibilities.
> Tag reuse is only allowed when the set of attributes that are used, and
> their values, are identical.  For example, the following two tags will
> *always* use different instances:
> because the attribute value is different.  Likewise, the following two
> tags will *always* use different instances:
> because different attribues are used.
> However, the following tag instances *can* be reused (and smart developers
> will always program their tags as if they *will* be reused):
> If your container does implement tag pooling (in addition to or instead of
> tag reuse), it will call release() before returning the instance to the
> pool.  That makes release() the right place to reset everything to
> defaults.
> > And like I said earlier, it would be nice if there were a pool interface
> > added to the lifecycle to clean up the tag processing to make optional
> > properties more portable and easier to write for.
> >
> There are two simple rules for writing pooling-safe and reuse-safe tags:
> * Do not modify the instance variables that were
>   set by your attribute setters in ANY of the
>   doXxx() methods.
> * If you want to clean up, do so in release(),
>   which will be called before a tag instance can
>   be returned to the pool.
> Or, in JSP 2.0, use the new SimpleTag API and dispense with the whole

Re: Reading client certificates

2003-02-04 Thread Martin Craig
Thanks for this! I now have it working too!


This is also what I was following - what seems to be missing to make it
work is:

> SSLVerifyClient require

Presumably it doesn't read or pass on the certificate info unless you 
insist on the certificate being verified. Makes sense I guess...



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Could this be a Tag Libs implementation bug?

2003-02-04 Thread Switch
Hello everybody.

I've just signed up this list, then I must present myselft first.
My name is Paco. I'm a J2EE developer for a local SW copany at Balearic
Islands (Spain - Europe).

I apologize me for my english. I write as well as I can :-)
I've read the etiquette and I've read the FAQ and I've read the mail
archieve, without having found an explanation to my problem.

Here it goes:

I've developed a small "iterate" TagLib. This Tag Lib works fine with WL and
Oracle iAS and I'm currently migrating to jboss + tomcat.

At the end of this e-mail I'will paste some code to explain properly why I
think there's a bug.
I've created a very simple JSP that tests my "IterateTag" and I get a
"NullPointerException" because of the EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE returned by

I've been looking ".java" generated file from ".jsp" and I can see this
piece of code:

 int _jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 = _jspx_th_bit_iterate_0.doStartTag();
 if (_jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 != javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_BODY) {
   String str = null;
   if (_jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 !=
javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE) {
 javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent _bc = pageContext.pushBody();
 out = _bc;
 str = (String) pageContext.findAttribute("str");
   do {
 if (evalDoAfterBody !=
   } while (true);
   if (_jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 !=
 out = pageContext.popBody();

I can't undestand why this generated ".java" file executes "if !=
EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE" and I think it should be "if == EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE" (May
be I'm wrong).

I've read the following at J2EE 1.3 javadoc about BodyTagSupport class

public static final int EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE

Evaluate body into existing out stream. Valid return value for doStartTag

I can workarround this by returning EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED (so this isn't a
critical error)

Could anybody explain why is _jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 being compared to be

Tell me if you need something else.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Some source code for ""
public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException
if(iterator==null) return SKIP_BODY;
  Enumeration en =
  while (en.hasMoreElements()) System.out.println("Attributute: " +
else return SKIP_BODY;

  public int doAfterBody() throws JspTagException
System.out.println("IterateTag.doAfterBody. name: " + name + "
Iteratior: " + iterator + "Type: " + type);
  return SKIP_BODY;

  public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException
System.out.println("IterateTag.doEndTag. name: " + name + " Iteratior: "
+ iterator + "Type: " + type);
  if(bodyContent != null)
catch( e)
  throw new JspTagException("IO Error: " + e.getMessage());
System.out.println("Fin IterateTag.doEndTag. ");
return EVAL_PAGE;

Some source code for a JSP test file:
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-15"%>
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
<%@ taglib uri="mytags" prefix="bit" %>
  Vector v = new Vector();
  v.addElement("First Element");
  v.addElement("Second Element");
  v.addElement("Third Element");
  v.addElement("Fourth Element");


This items contains <%=str.length()%> characters and its
value is <%=str%>


taglib.tld contents:


Iterate Tag Lib.
a simple iterator





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tomcat 4.1.12 ssl connector stop responding

2003-02-04 Thread ing.Marco Baiguera
i'm using tomcat 4.1.12 on jdsk 1.4.0 as a standalone server with coyote http 1.1 
having http (8080) connector accessible from internal lan only and https (8443) 
accessible from external hosts (natted to port 443)
after two-three days tomcat stops responding on the https connector (runs ok on http) 
without any exception or log trace.
any hint?
follows my connector configuration.
what about "useURIValidationHack" (can't find any documentation on this) ?
thank you


Ing. Marco Baiguera
Web Application Designer

Via Fura, 10
25122 Brescia - Italy
Tel  +39 030 3510711
Int + 39 030 3510816
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STILL NEED HELP! - Tomcat 4.1 acting weird with redirect / sessions

2003-02-04 Thread Noncubicle Corp
Hi all,
I have an application that has been up and running on Tomcat 3.x for over a 
year and I rewrote it on a Windows 2000 box using Tomcat 4.0 recently. I 
have uncovered a weird error once I moved it to the production server, 
which is running Linux 7.2 and Tomcat 4.1.X.

Once I log into the application, I set a couple of variables into the 
session scope. All is cool (as in I can get and set values in the active 
session) until the FIRST time I use response.sendRedirect(). For whatever 
reason, the first time this occurs, the session is lost, and I get a new 
one (thus triggering my security code which redirects the user to the login 

But...once at the login page, if I log in again (without a restart or 
anything like that) all is OK and the exact code which caused this 
behaviour acts exactly as I would expect, and always maintains a valid 
handle on the current session. This has never happened on Tomcat 4.0 (at 
least on Windows...I went directly from Tomcat 3x to 4.1 on the prod. 
server). For now, I have simply asked users to log in twice, wich makes me 
look like a real pro...:-(

So, does anyone have any ideas? I replaced the offending redirect with a 
requestDispatcher forward, but all that did was MOVE the problem to the 
next piece of code which uses response.sendRedirect(). I am not really in 
the mood to replace ALL instances of the redirects with forwards, as that 
feels like a band-aid solution, so please help if you can!



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DB Connection Pooling with Tomcat

2003-02-04 Thread Noncubicle Corp
I am wondering about connection pooling. I am using Tomcat 4.1 with Sybase. 
Does Tomcat have some some of pooling functionality, or do I look to my DB 
vendor? Right know we use one put together by someone (no one seems to know 
where it came from), and I am not convinced it is as good as it could be.



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RE: Could this be a Tag Libs implementation bug?

2003-02-04 Thread Barney Hamish
Have you considered using the struts logic tags
( or the JSTL
( rather than implementing this
stuff yourself? There are some useful custom tags (like the iterate tag
you're trying to implement).

> -Original Message-
> From: Switch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 11:10 AM
> To: Tomcat User Group
> Subject: Could this be a Tag Libs implementation bug?
> Hello everybody.
> I've just signed up this list, then I must present myselft first.
> My name is Paco. I'm a J2EE developer for a local SW copany 
> at Balearic
> Islands (Spain - Europe).
> I apologize me for my english. I write as well as I can :-)
> I've read the etiquette and I've read the FAQ and I've read the mail
> archieve, without having found an explanation to my problem.
> Here it goes:
> I've developed a small "iterate" TagLib. This Tag Lib works 
> fine with WL and
> Oracle iAS and I'm currently migrating to jboss + tomcat.
> At the end of this e-mail I'will paste some code to explain 
> properly why I
> think there's a bug.
> I've created a very simple JSP that tests my "IterateTag" and I get a
> "NullPointerException" because of the EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE returned by
> doStartTag.
> I've been looking ".java" generated file from ".jsp" and I 
> can see this
> piece of code:
>  int _jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 = _jspx_th_bit_iterate_0.doStartTag();
>  if (_jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 != 
> javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.SKIP_BODY) {
>String str = null;
>if (_jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 !=
> javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE) {
>  javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyContent _bc = 
> pageContext.pushBody();
>  _bc.clear();
>  out = _bc;
>  _jspx_th_bit_iterate_0.setBodyContent(_bc);
>  _jspx_th_bit_iterate_0.doInitBody();
>  str = (String) pageContext.findAttribute("str");
>do {
>  ...
>  if (evalDoAfterBody !=
> javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag.EVAL_BODY_AGAIN)
>} while (true);
>if (_jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 !=
> javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.Tag.EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE)
>  out = pageContext.popBody();
>  }
> I can't undestand why this generated ".java" file executes "if !=
> EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE" and I think it should be "if == 
> be I'm wrong).
> I've read the following at J2EE 1.3 javadoc about BodyTagSupport class
> (
> sp/tagext/Tag.
> public static final int EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE
> Evaluate body into existing out stream. Valid return value 
> for doStartTag
> I can workarround this by returning EVAL_BODY_BUFFERED (so 
> this isn't a
> critical error)
> Could anybody explain why is _jspx_eval_bit_iterate_0 being 
> compared to be
> Tell me if you need something else.
> Thanks in advance for your help.
> Some source code for ""
> ---
> public int doStartTag() throws JspTagException
>   {
> if(iterator==null) return SKIP_BODY;
> if(iterator.hasNext())
> {
> pageContext.setAttribute(name,,PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
>   Enumeration en =
> pageContext.getAttributeNamesInScope(PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
>   while (en.hasMoreElements()) 
> System.out.println("Attributute: " +
> en.nextElement());
> }
> else return SKIP_BODY;
>   }
>   public int doAfterBody() throws JspTagException
>   {
> System.out.println("IterateTag.doAfterBody. name: " + name + "
> Iteratior: " + iterator + "Type: " + type);
> if(iterator.hasNext())
> {
> pageContext.setAttribute(name,,PageContext.PAGE_SCOPE);
>   return EVAL_BODY_AGAIN;
> }
> else
> {
>   return SKIP_BODY;
> }
>   }
>   public int doEndTag() throws JspTagException
>   {
> System.out.println("IterateTag.doEndTag. name: " + name + 
> " Iteratior: "
> + iterator + "Type: " + type);
> try
> {
>   if(bodyContent != null)
> bodyContent.writeOut(bodyContent.getEnclosingWriter());
> }
> catch( e)
> {
>   throw new JspTagException("IO Error: " + e.getMessage());
> }
> System.out.println("Fin IterateTag.doEndTag. ");
> return EVAL_PAGE;
>   }
> ---
> Some source code for a JSP test file:
> ---
> <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-15"%>
> <%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="mytags" prefix="bit" %>
> <%
>   Vector v = new Vector();
>   v.addElement("First Element");
>   v.addElement("Second Element");
>   v.addElement("Third Element");
>   v.addElement("Fourth Element");
> %>
> This items contains <%=str.length()%> 
> characters and its
> value is <%=str%>
> ---
> taglib.tld contents:
> ---
>  Tag Library

Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3

2003-02-04 Thread Iain Downie
Deat List,

I'm trying to get charts embedded into my web applications using Tomcat
4.0.3 and JDK1.3.1. The graphing and servlet software is CEWOLF
(incorporating JFreeChart). I have no bother getting the charts to show on
Windows, but I face a problem rendering the images on Linux, which is what I
really want. I understand what the problems are, and need to install the
Pure Java AWT libraries.

However, I'm having a helluva time working out how to set Tomcat up so that
no matter what web application I run on Tomcat, these libraries will be

Has anyone else ever used the PJA Toolkit (
Would really appreciate some help configuring.


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RE: Could this be a Tag Libs implementation bug?

2003-02-04 Thread Switch
> From: Barney Hamish
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: Could this be a Tag Libs implementation bug?

Hi Hamish, thanks for your response.
> Have you considered using the struts logic tags
> ( or the JSTL
> ( rather than
> implementing this
> stuff yourself? There are some useful custom tags (like the iterate tag
> you're trying to implement).

Oh! Yes. I'm currently using some of them. The IterateTag I've pasted is a
test to reproduce a problem.
My TagLibs generated NullPointerException with JBoss and I wrote some very
simple files to post it here. So, if they were a bug, it would be easier for
developer to path it.

Thanks for the idea.

> Hamish
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Switch
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 11:10 AM
> > To: Tomcat User Group
> > Subject: Could this be a Tag Libs implementation bug?
> >
> >
> > I've developed a small "iterate" TagLib. This Tag Lib works
> > fine with WL and
> > Oracle iAS and I'm currently migrating to jboss + tomcat

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Re: more about custam tag life cycle

2003-02-04 Thread Felipe Schnack
> > > The way to look at it is simply that the generated code is going to use
> a
> > > tag pool for each distinct class of tags. Unfortunately, there is no
> > > specific action that tells the tag it is being pulled from or being put
> back
> > > from the pool.
> > >
> >
> > The page will call release() before it is put back in the pool.
> Totally and completely false.  Please go back and read the JSP Spec.  The
> page will call release() before the tag is released to GC, and for no other
> reason.
  Now I'm really convinced that I should use doFinally()



Felipe Schnack
Analista de Sistemas
Cel.: (51)91287530
Linux Counter #281893

Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis
Fone/Fax.: (51)32303341

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RE: Object pooling (was: more about custam tag life cycle)

2003-02-04 Thread Felipe Schnack
> I prefer to use pooled objects either for relative small number of
> long lived objects or for objects that are expensive to create, or 
> immutable objects that consume some memory and are likely to be in 
> use concurrently.
  And what you think about objects that are created millions of times
and pratically do not change any of its properties?
  I have some objects that deal with database queries (I store my SQL
queries in a XML file... long story), so I have one of these objects
created for each query executed in my database... I was thinking about
pooling these guys, but I'm not sure.


Felipe Schnack
Analista de Sistemas
Cel.: (51)91287530
Linux Counter #281893

Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis
Fone/Fax.: (51)32303341

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form based authentication problem

2003-02-04 Thread Ralf Lorenz
guess that was to much of description last time! next try

can anybody tell me how to do some action, say put an object in the session
or/and update a list in the servlet context directly after a user was logged
in successfully via form-based authentication (context) with a jdbc-realm?


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RE: form based authentication problem

2003-02-04 Thread Barney Hamish
I did something like that using struts. I wrote a base action class which
all my other action classes extended. The base class performs any
initialization (initializing objects in the session etc) as required.

If you don't want to use struts you might consider using a filter.

> -Original Message-
> From: Ralf Lorenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 1:13 PM
> Subject: form based authentication problem
> guess that was to much of description last time! next try
> can anybody tell me how to do some action, say put an object 
> in the session
> or/and update a list in the servlet context directly after a 
> user was logged
> in successfully via form-based authentication (context) with 
> a jdbc-realm?
> ralf
> -
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RE: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / mod_jk-2.0.43.dll to wo rk together properly

2003-02-04 Thread Turner, John

There were no attachments.

Instead of copying the localhost Host container, what happens if you just
change the localhost Host container to


> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:25 AM
> Subject: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / 
> mod_jk-2.0.43.dll to
> wo rk together properly
> I can't seem to get mod_jk-2.0.43 working perfectly with my 
> Tomcat-Apache
> environment.
> All my Tomcat servlets and JSPs work perfectly when 
> referenced locally as
> http://localhost:8080/examples or http://localhost/examples. 
> HOWEVER, the servlets and JSP's fail to work when addressed 
> with anything
> other than "localhost". For example,
> results in an HTTP 404.
> I have copied and added to my server.xml 
> , and I even
> tried the server.xml  element, all to no avail. 
> Server.xml is attached. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Error 500 - OK

2003-02-04 Thread Lindomar
Ok Ralph.
I didn't sad that this class is calling from a command of websphere, then my
application jsp stay ready.
The problem was from macro, not from form, how i was thinking.
Thanks for all.

- Original Message -
From: "Ralph Einfeldt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 06:39
Subject: RE: Error 500

E-mail Premium BOL
Antivírus, anti-spam e até 100 MB de espaço. Assine já!
There happens a NullPointerException in line 47 of

Without the source of that class (or at least a relevant snippet)
we can't help you much.

> -Original Message-
> From: Lindomar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 6:03 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Error 500
> First, thanks for all messages.
> Well, i'm using j2sdk 1.4, Tomcat 4.1.1, Win NT 4, my app access DB2.
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>  at eshop.share.LoginCommand.execute(

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IIS 5.0 Tomcat 4 , HTTP 500 error

2003-02-04 Thread Siyavus
Hello friends,
I have a got a problem with publishing my jsp pages under windows 2000. My
entry page under IIS 5.0 (with Tomcat 4) is login.jsp.
When I press login button on login.jsp page to enter to another page I
error "Http-500 Internal Server Error"
Could you help me?

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RE: Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3

2003-02-04 Thread Oliver Meyn
Not sure if it's relevant to you, but if you move to JDK1.4.1 you can run
headless, which means the JFreeChart libraries won't try to call the X11
libraries for drawing (which seems to be what you're trying to get around
with the PJA).  It's a very annoying problem you're trying to solve - good


> -Original Message-
> From: Iain Downie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: February 4, 2003 06:16
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3
> Deat List,
> I'm trying to get charts embedded into my web applications using Tomcat
> 4.0.3 and JDK1.3.1. The graphing and servlet software is CEWOLF
> (incorporating JFreeChart). I have no bother getting the charts to show on
> Windows, but I face a problem rendering the images on Linux,
> which is what I
> really want. I understand what the problems are, and need to install the
> Pure Java AWT libraries.
> However, I'm having a helluva time working out how to set Tomcat
> up so that
> no matter what web application I run on Tomcat, these libraries will be
> available.
> Has anyone else ever used the PJA Toolkit (
> Would really appreciate some help configuring.
> Iain
> -
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Re: Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3

2003-02-04 Thread Iain Downie

> Not sure if it's relevant to you, but if you move to JDK1.4.1 you can run
> headless, which means the JFreeChart libraries won't try to call the X11
> libraries for drawing (which seems to be what you're trying to get around
> with the PJA).  It's a very annoying problem you're trying to solve - good
> luck.

Thanks Oliver

I run tomcat4.0.3 on a linux development server on-site, so I know I could
migrate to jdk1.4.1 and everything would work quite easily. However, our
live server runs Oracle App Server, and upgrading that (for either PJA or
JDK1.4.1) is a bit of a black box, so I'm trying to work out the best
solution. Knowing how to install PJA in the first place would be a help in
making decisions. I may just have to grin and investigate upgrading the jdk
on both servers.


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Re: form based authentication problem

2003-02-04 Thread Ralf Lorenz
thanks, that's exactly the solution i discussed right now with some other
developers of my company.
the question with the filter is whether it is called when the container
forwards or redirects to the
claimed resource after the authentication is done? theoretically i'd say yes
but who knows?
try and error i guess!

- Original Message -
From: "Barney Hamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 1:35 PM
Subject: RE: form based authentication problem

> I did something like that using struts. I wrote a base action class which
> all my other action classes extended. The base class performs any
> initialization (initializing objects in the session etc) as required.
> If you don't want to use struts you might consider using a filter.
> Hamish
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Ralf Lorenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 1:13 PM
> > Subject: form based authentication problem
> >
> >
> > guess that was to much of description last time! next try
> >
> > can anybody tell me how to do some action, say put an object
> > in the session
> > or/and update a list in the servlet context directly after a
> > user was logged
> > in successfully via form-based authentication (context) with
> > a jdbc-realm?
> >
> > ralf
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> -
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RE: JNDI context in ServletContextListener

2003-02-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav
This is a tricky issue.

First of all, see section SRV 9.11 of the Servlet Specification, v2.3.
Tomcat 4.x is an implementation of that Servlet Specification.  Tomcat
4.x is NOT a J2EE 1.3 implementation, and therefore is not required to
support JNDI lookups as outlined in the J2EE spec.  For servlet spec
2.3, it appears that Resin has implemented the J2EE 1.3 spec in this
area and tomcat 4.x hasn't.

The Servlet Spec 2.3 says changes are expected in the next version.  The
Servlet Spec 2.4 PFD doesn't seem to have changes in this area, however.

You raise an interesting point.  I'll have to look through the relevant
catalnia code to see exactly what's going on.  But I'd keep this on the
radar screen as it may be a "good thing" to do for 5.0.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Jason Axtell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 9:16 PM
>Subject: JNDI context in ServletContextListener
>I have a web app that I've been deploying on both Tomcat and Resin
>any problems for the past several weeks. Originally, I was performing a
>lookup for a DataSource whenever I needed a database connection (ie.
>whenever an HTTP request came in). To improve performance, I decided to
>the JNDI lookup to a ServletContextListener (in the contextInitialized
>My DataSource was bound under key java:comp/env/jdbc/OracleDB
>When I ran my modified code on Resin, everything worked just fine.
>when I ran it on Tomcat, I got a NameNotFoundException telling me that
>'jdbc' wasn't defined in the context (java:comp/env). I couldn't find
>obvious cause for the problem, since the only change I made to both my
>Tomcat and Resin configurations was adding the ServletContextListener.
>wrote another ServletContextListener to enumerate all the bindings in
>JNDI context.
>Running my new ServletContextListener on Resin produced the following
>The following bindings were found in java:comp/env:
>jdbc: [ContextImpl jdbc]
>servlet: [ContextImpl servlet]
>caucho: [ContextImpl caucho]
>ejb: [ContextImpl ejb]
>Context enumerated.
>The following bindings were found in java:comp/env/jdbc:
>OracleDB: [DBPool jdbc/OracleDB]
>test: [DBPool jdbc/test]
>projman: [DBPool jdbc/projman]
>Context enumerated.
>Running the same code on Tomcat produced this:
>The following bindings were found in java:comp/env:
>Context enumerated.
>javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this
>(stack trace follows)
>Now, I don't expect to see the same set of bindings on Tomcat as I do
>Resin. However, I do expect to see *some* bindings on Tomcat.
>as far as I can tell, my Tomcat JNDI directory is completely empty at
>time in the lifecycle that ServletContextListener.contextInitialized is
>called. My expectation would be for JNDI to contain all of the global
>application-specific bindings *before* a ServletContextListener is
>(this is the way Resin behaves). Is this expectation incorrect?
>So, here are my questions:
>1. Has anyone else run into this same problem?
>2. Is this actually a problem, or have I just run into a part of the
>which I was previously ignorant?
>3. Am I just doing something stupid in my configuration?
>Here are the relevant portions of the various files in question:
> type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
>public class JndiBindingsEnumerationServletContextListener implements
>  private void printBindings(Context rootContext, String
>throws NamingException
>  {
>NamingEnumeration names = rootContext.listBindings(subContextName);
>System.out.println("The following bindings were found in " +
>subContextName + ":");
>while (names.hasMore()) {
>  Binding binding = (Binding);
>  String name = binding.getName();
>  Object o = binding.getObject();
>  System.out.println(name + ": " + o);
>System.out.println("Context enumerated.");
>  }
>  /**
>   * @see
>   */
>  public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent event)
>  {
>try {
>  Context context = new InitialContext();
>  this.printBindings(context, "java:comp/env");
>  this.printBindings(context, "java:comp/env/jdbc");
>catch (NamingException e) {
>  e.printStackTrace();
>  }
>  /**
>   * @see

RE: Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3

2003-02-04 Thread Ralph Einfeldt
We use the xvfb to achieve that goal. (It's
typically part of the linux distribution)

With that it works quite transparently without 
any additional toolkit.

The only thing we have to change in the tomcat 
installation is to set an env var DISPLAY that
points to te virtual frame buffer.

> -Original Message-
> From: Iain Downie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:16 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3
> I face a problem rendering the images on Linux, 
> which is what I really want. I understand what the 
> problems are, and need to install the
> Pure Java AWT libraries.
> Has anyone else ever used the PJA Toolkit 
> (
> Would really appreciate some help configuring.

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RE: form based authentication problem

2003-02-04 Thread Raible, Matt
If you map the filter to the same url-pattern as your protected resource, it
will be called immediately after someone authenticates.



> -Original Message-
> From: Ralf Lorenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 6:59 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: form based authentication problem
> thanks, that's exactly the solution i discussed right now 
> with some other
> developers of my company.
> the question with the filter is whether it is called when the 
> container
> forwards or redirects to the
> claimed resource after the authentication is done? 
> theoretically i'd say yes
> but who knows?
> try and error i guess!
> ralf
> - Original Message -
> From: "Barney Hamish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Tomcat Users List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 1:35 PM
> Subject: RE: form based authentication problem
> > I did something like that using struts. I wrote a base 
> action class which
> > all my other action classes extended. The base class performs any
> > initialization (initializing objects in the session etc) as 
> required.
> >
> > If you don't want to use struts you might consider using a filter.
> > Hamish
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Ralf Lorenz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 1:13 PM
> > > Subject: form based authentication problem
> > >
> > >
> > > guess that was to much of description last time! next try
> > >
> > > can anybody tell me how to do some action, say put an object
> > > in the session
> > > or/and update a list in the servlet context directly after a
> > > user was logged
> > > in successfully via form-based authentication (context) with
> > > a jdbc-realm?
> > >
> > > ralf
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: 
> > >
> >
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> -
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deploying a WAR file to Tomcat 4.0

2003-02-04 Thread Inocencio Richiez
Hi can someone here please help???
 I have a WAR file that was succesfully deployed in
 WebSphere Application Server. The file now needs to
 deployed in
 Tomcat apache 4.0. I copied the WAR file into the
 webapps folder. Restarted the machine and tomcat was
 able to extract
 the contents of this WAR file and build the folder
 structure neccessary. When I run the application, the
 login page comes
 up, but once I try to login, I get the following
 Apache Tomcat/4.0.6 - HTTP Status 500 - Internal
 Server Error

 type Exception report
 message Internal Server Error
 description The server encountered an internal error
 (Internal Server Error) that prevented it from
 fulfilling this request.
 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path index.jsp
 does not start with a "/" character

 Here is an example of my web.xml file:";

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problems starting tomcat

2003-02-04 Thread Softwareentwicklung Hauschel
Hey all,
my tomcat wouldn't start anymore ;-(
where can i set a "pause" command to see what's his problem ?

Sorry, I'm using w2k ;-)


P.S. there are no entries in the log

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Path index.jsp does not start with a "/"

2003-02-04 Thread Inocencio Richiez
Hi can someone here please help???
I have a WAR file that was succesfully deployed in
WebSphere Application Server. The file now needs to
be deployed in Tomcat apache 4.0. I copied the WAR 
file into the webapps folder. When I run the 
application, my first page (login page) comes up
great. But once I try to login, I get the following
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path index.jsp
does not start with a "/" character at


Here is what I've included in the server.xml file:


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Re: Tomcat startup question

2003-02-04 Thread Milt Epstein
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr. wrote:

> I'm running Tomcat 4.0.5 on RedHat 7.3.  I'd like to know if it is
> normal that you can start Tomcat multiple times in a row via the
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script?  I can run the script and then
> if I run it again (without shutting down Tomcat) it executes again.
> I remember on an older version of Tomcat that I used that if you did
> this you would get an error.

I'd think you'd at least get some port binding exceptions, because
you'd be trying to resuse the same ports over and over again.  Did you
see anything in the logs.

Milt Epstein
Research Programmer
Integration and Software Engineering (ISE)
Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services (CITES)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

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problem using Tomcat 3.3.1

2003-02-04 Thread Liquid

im using Tomcat 3.3.1 on FreeBSD with JDK1.3.1 and my aplication go very
well but afther that take 99% of CPU time and i must restart Tomcat. And it
doing around.
Can you help me?


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RE: problems starting tomcat

2003-02-04 Thread Turner, John

- open a command window


- bin\catalina.bat run (instead of startup.bat)

This will open a second command window that will not disappear if Tomcat
shuts down due to error, leaving the error displayed on the screen.  You can
also review the log files like catalina.out.


> -Original Message-
> From: Softwareentwicklung Hauschel
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:37 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: problems starting tomcat
> Hey all,
> my tomcat wouldn't start anymore ;-(
> where can i set a "pause" command to see what's his problem ?
> Sorry, I'm using w2k ;-)
> Fredy
> P.S. there are no entries in the log
> -
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RE: deploying a WAR file to Tomcat 4.0

2003-02-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav
Try adding a /, e.g. /index.jsp, to your welcome-file elements.  That
should make the error go away.

Please note that for tomcat 4.x, your deployment descriptor (web.xml)
must conform to the Servlet Specification v2.3 standard.  It's written
to the 2.2 standard right now, as shown by the doctype declaration near
the top of the file.

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Inocencio Richiez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:23 AM
>Subject: deploying a WAR file to Tomcat 4.0
>Hi can someone here please help???
> I have a WAR file that was succesfully deployed in
> WebSphere Application Server. The file now needs to
> deployed in
> Tomcat apache 4.0. I copied the WAR file into the
> webapps folder. Restarted the machine and tomcat was
> able to extract
> the contents of this WAR file and build the folder
> structure neccessary. When I run the application, the
> login page comes
> up, but once I try to login, I get the following
> exception:
> Apache Tomcat/4.0.6 - HTTP Status 500 - Internal
> Server Error
> --
> type Exception report
> message Internal Server Error
> description The server encountered an internal error
> (Internal Server Error) that prevented it from
> fulfilling this request.
> exception
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path index.jsp
> does not start with a "/" character
>   at
> er(
> Here is an example of my web.xml file:
>  Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
> "";
> et-class
> rvlet-class
> Here is a copy of my server.xml
>port="8080" minProcessors="5"
> maxProcessors="75"
> redirectPort="8443"
>acceptCount="10" debug="0"
> connectionTimeout="6"/
>   className="org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.Ajp13Connector"
>port="8009" minProcessors="5"
> maxProcessors="75"
>acceptCount="10" debug="0"/
>   debug="0"
>   className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
>   prefix="catalina_log." suffix=".txt"
>   timestamp="true"/
>className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" /
>   appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true"
>   className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
>  directory="logs"
> prefix="localhost_access_log." suffix=".txt"
>  pattern="common"/
>   className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
>  directory="logs"
> prefix="localhost_log." suffix=".txt"
>   timestamp="true"/
> reloadable="true" crossContext="true"
>   debug="0" privileged="true"/
>   value="15"/
>  override="false"/
> type="javax.sql.DataSource"/
> type="javax.mail.Session"/
>  port="8008" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
>  enableLookups="true" appBase="webapps"
>  acceptCount="10" debug="0"/
>  name="Apache" debug="0"
>   className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
>   prefix="apache_log." suffix=".txt"
>   timestamp="true"/
>   className="org.apache.catalina.realm.MemoryRealm" /

RE: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1

2003-02-04 Thread Larry Isaacs
There isn't enough information here to offer much help.
Not knowing what your web application is doing, it
can't be determined if this is a bug in Tomcat or a
bug in your web application.

You are welcome to give Tomcat 3.3.2-dev a quick try
to see if it behaves differently.  You can find it


> -Original Message-
> From: Liquid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:43 AM
> Subject: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1
> Hi,
> im using Tomcat 3.3.1 on FreeBSD with JDK1.3.1 and my 
> aplication go very
> well but afther that take 99% of CPU time and i must restart 
> Tomcat. And it
> doing around.
> Can you help me?
> Liquid
> -
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Re: Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3

2003-02-04 Thread Iain Downie

> We use the xvfb to achieve that goal. (It's
> typically part of the linux distribution)

Yeh, I have read about this, but I did a 'find' for Xvfb on our RedHat 7.2
installation, and it didn't appear as an executable. As usual (being a bit
of a Linux grunt) I could find no obvious documentation on the system to
re-install or get it running. This would have been my favoured choice as it
means not changing anything to do with Tomcat or Oracle App Server, however
my ignorance made me look at alternativeshence the toolkit.


> With that it works quite transparently without
> any additional toolkit.
> The only thing we have to change in the tomcat
> installation is to set an env var DISPLAY that
> points to te virtual frame buffer.

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Re: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1

2003-02-04 Thread Liquid
I use it, but its looks like the same.
Wahat informations do yuou need from me for help me?
In my logs is this terrible error. Broken pipe
 at Method)
 at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13.send(
 at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13.doWrite(
 at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.flushBuffer(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.flush(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.close(
 at GameList.processRequest(
 at GameList.doGet(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.invoke(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.service(
 at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(

Thank for your help.


- Original Message -
From: "Larry Isaacs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 3:53 PM
Subject: RE: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1

There isn't enough information here to offer much help.
Not knowing what your web application is doing, it
can't be determined if this is a bug in Tomcat or a
bug in your web application.

You are welcome to give Tomcat 3.3.2-dev a quick try
to see if it behaves differently.  You can find it


> -Original Message-
> From: Liquid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:43 AM
> Subject: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1
> Hi,
> im using Tomcat 3.3.1 on FreeBSD with JDK1.3.1 and my
> aplication go very
> well but afther that take 99% of CPU time and i must restart
> Tomcat. And it
> doing around.
> Can you help me?
> Liquid
> -
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RE: Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3

2003-02-04 Thread Oliver Meyn

Finding and using rpmfind made all the difference for me on the road to
linux happiness :)

ps sorry for wrap...

> -Original Message-
> From: Iain Downie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: February 4, 2003 10:13
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: Graphics (CEWOLF) using tomcat4.0.3
> > We use the xvfb to achieve that goal. (It's
> > typically part of the linux distribution)
> Yeh, I have read about this, but I did a 'find' for Xvfb on our RedHat 7.2
> installation, and it didn't appear as an executable. As usual (being a bit
> of a Linux grunt) I could find no obvious documentation on the system to
> re-install or get it running. This would have been my favoured
> choice as it
> means not changing anything to do with Tomcat or Oracle App
> Server, however
> my ignorance made me look at alternativeshence the toolkit.
> Iain
> > With that it works quite transparently without
> > any additional toolkit.
> >
> > The only thing we have to change in the tomcat
> > installation is to set an env var DISPLAY that
> > points to te virtual frame buffer.
> -
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RE: tomcat 4.1.12 ssl connector stop responding

2003-02-04 Thread Mohamed Nasser
I know there was a bug with the coyote connector for tomcat 4.1.12 as I configured 
with apache. I upgraded to 4.1.18 and I have had no problems.

-Original Message-
From: ing.Marco Baiguera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tue, February 04, 2003 5:09 AM
Subject: tomcat 4.1.12 ssl connector stop responding

i'm using tomcat 4.1.12 on jdsk 1.4.0 as a standalone server with coyote http 1.1 
having http (8080) connector accessible from internal lan only and https (8443) 
accessible from external hosts (natted to port 443)
after two-three days tomcat stops responding on the https connector (runs ok on http) 
without any exception or log trace.
any hint?
follows my connector configuration.
what about "useURIValidationHack" (can't find any documentation on this) ?
thank you


Ing. Marco Baiguera
Web Application Designer

Via Fura, 10
25122 Brescia - Italy
Tel  +39 030 3510711
Int + 39 030 3510816
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Tomcat3.2, IIS 5, and ISAPI (ajp12)

2003-02-04 Thread derrick . robertson
I am currently running the above for my servlet application.
My problem is that I am getting a "page not found error"(405.htm i think)
when I push the number of simultaneous threads up to 250. I can set my
server up to a limit on 200 threads (get 403-9.htm) and dont get the
previous error page.

When I look in my ISAPI.log file fore errors, i get this:
jk_ajp12_worker.c : ajpv12_handle_response, error writing back to server
jk_isapi_plugin.c : jk_ws_service_t::write, writeclient failed

(basically lots of these ajp12 worker and isapi plugin error messages)
No other errors noted, except instead of JSP page, I get a default error
page as mentioned previously.

I am running a default connection pool through my tomcat configuration!!
What is likely to be the problem!!

Is 250 threads to hardcore for this setup!
Is it my memory or server (dual-700 x86 nt)
Has anybody had this setup over 250 threads??

Any ideas on how to test this further to find out where the bottleneck is, I
would most apprechiate.

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Re: WAR format question

2003-02-04 Thread Erik Price

Jacob Kjome wrote:

In order to obtain access to a file under WEB-INF in a completely 
portable way, use something like...


What about if we have a tag descriptor somewhere below WEB-INF, is it 
safe to refer to the path directly from the "uri" attribute of the <%@ 
taglib %> directive?


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RE: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1

2003-02-04 Thread Larry Isaacs
This implies you are using mod_jk.  What version of
mod_jk are you using?

There has not been much maintenance on the local mod_jk
provided with Tomcat 3.3.1.  It will be removed in
Tomcat 3.3.2 and replaced by the version which is part
of the jakarta-tomcat-connectors project.  If you haven't
tried it, get the current mod_jk release here:

and give it a try.

Unfortunately, I have not had time to keep up with the
changes that have been made to mod_jk since the Tomcat 3.3.1
release.  I'm not sure if "Broke pipe" is that serious an
error or whether may actually be a normal occurrence under
certain circumstances.

However, if a bug in mod_jk or its tomcat connector leaves the
thread servicing the request in a "hung" state when this occurs,
then that could be the source of this problem.  If this was a
problem in older mod_jk's, hopefully it is addressed in the
current release.


> -Original Message-
> From: Liquid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:16 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1
> I use it, but its looks like the same.
> Wahat informations do yuou need from me for help me?
> In my logs is this terrible error.
> Broken pipe
>  at Method)
>  at
>  at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13.send(
>  at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13.doWrite(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13Response.doWrite(Ajp13In
> :491)
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(OutputBuffe
>  at 
> org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.flushBuffer(
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.flush(
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.close(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletWriterFacade.close(ServletWrit
> 117)
>  at GameList.processRequest(
>  at GameList.doGet(
>  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.doService(ServletHandl
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.invoke(
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
>  at 
> org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.service(ServletHandler
> .java:485)
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(ContextM
> 7)
>  at 
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13Interceptor.processConne
> ction(Ajp13Int
>  at
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
> ThreadPool.jav
> a:516)
>  at
> Thank for your help.
> Liquid
> - Original Message -
> From: "Larry Isaacs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 3:53 PM
> Subject: RE: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1
> There isn't enough information here to offer much help.
> Not knowing what your web application is doing, it
> can't be determined if this is a bug in Tomcat or a
> bug in your web application.
> You are welcome to give Tomcat 3.3.2-dev a quick try
> to see if it behaves differently.  You can find it
> here:


> -Original Message-
> From: Liquid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:43 AM
> Subject: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1
> Hi,
> im using Tomcat 3.3.1 on FreeBSD with JDK1.3.1 and my
> aplication go very
> well but afther that take 99% of CPU time and i must restart
> Tomcat. And it
> doing around.
> Can you help me?
> Liquid
> -
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Transalating & Compiling JSP: Name conflicts

2003-02-04 Thread Gustavo Nestares
I'm trying to pre-compile my jsp pages of my web app in order to be free
of statics errors (those erros that can be catched in compilation face). I
have no problem adding a task to ANT for the transalting face, the problem
emerge when i want to compile my   "". In my web app i have two
folder with a page named "index.jsp" in each one. Both pages are translated
to diferent foldes in the "work" directory with names "", both
belonging to the same package!!!
When i want to compile this, the following errors arises:

duplicate class: org.apache.jsp.index_jsp
public class index_jsp extends HttpJspBase {
duplicate class: org.apache.jsp.index_jsp
public class index_jsp extends HttpJspBase {



pd: here is part of my ant script:

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RE: Path index.jsp does not start with a "/"

2003-02-04 Thread Tim Moore
What does your login page do when it's submitted?  It sounds like it's
calling ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher("index.jsp") which isn't
quite legal.

>From the Javadocs for getRequestDispatcher:

"The pathname must begin with a "/" and is interpreted as relative to
the current context root."

I guess WebSphere may not be strictly conformant.
Tim Moore / Blackboard Inc. / Software Engineer
1899 L Street, NW / 5th Floor / Washington, DC 20036
Phone 202-463-4860 ext. 258 / Fax 202-463-4863

> -Original Message-
> From: Inocencio Richiez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:36 AM
> Subject: Path index.jsp does not start with a "/"
> Hi can someone here please help???
> I have a WAR file that was succesfully deployed in
> WebSphere Application Server. The file now needs to
> be deployed in Tomcat apache 4.0. I copied the WAR 
> file into the webapps folder. When I run the 
> application, my first page (login page) comes up
> great. But once I try to login, I get the following
> exception:
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path index.jsp
> does not start with a "/" character at
> org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext.getRequestDispatch
>  er(
> Here is what I've included in the server.xml file:
> .
>  debug="0" 
> reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
>  privileged="true"/>
> .
> __
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Error Message Explanation

2003-02-04 Thread Hari Venkatesan
Any idea what this error means?
1) org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler  - Error in action code Connection reset by peer: socket write
2) WARN - Server has closed connection
470508266 [Thread-6] WARN org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket  -
Server has closed connection
I am using Connection Pools and my timeout is set to 15 seconds. Is the
above error because the server is closing connections upon timeout?

RE: more about custam tag life cycle

2003-02-04 Thread Tim Moore
> -Original Message-
> From: Felipe Schnack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 6:20 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: more about custam tag life cycle
> > > > The way to look at it is simply that the generated code 
> is going 
> > > > to use
> > a
> > > > tag pool for each distinct class of tags. 
> Unfortunately, there is 
> > > > no specific action that tells the tag it is being 
> pulled from or 
> > > > being put
> > back
> > > > from the pool.
> > > >
> > >
> > > The page will call release() before it is put back in the pool.
> > 
> > Totally and completely false.  Please go back and read the 
> JSP Spec.  
> > The page will call release() before the tag is released to 
> GC, and for 
> > no other reason.
>   Now I'm really convinced that I should use doFinally()

I'm personally of the opinion that you should *never* have to clear your
tag attributes for any reason, because you're guaranteed by the spec
that a given tag instance will only be reused for invocations with the
same attribute set.  Each attribute will either be overwritten or
assumed to stay the same, so why do you need to ever clear them?

Tim Moore / Blackboard Inc. / Software Engineer
1899 L Street, NW / 5th Floor / Washington, DC 20036
Phone 202-463-4860 ext. 258 / Fax 202-463-4863

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RE: Throwing jar file through servlet..CODEBASE problem

2003-02-04 Thread Tim Moore
> -Original Message-
> From: paridhi bansal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 10:56 PM
> Subject: Throwing jar file through servlet..CODEBASE problem
> Hi!!
> I have a servlet throwing a jar file with a
> main applet..I have my directory test within webapps  
>  directory..I have kept my servlet in   
> /test/WEB-INF/ classes/ directory.. Where should i
> keep
> my applet and jar file so that they can be accessed
>  ..I am using  tag for throwing jar and
> applet through servlet..I have to set CODEBASE field
> in my servlet ccordingly..if i set it to /test, i ned
> to keep
> applet class file and jar file in /webapps/test
> directory . But this has public access and iy shows
> the directory listing if accessed..and i want to keep
> my applet and jar files in side WEB-INF(private
> access)..So what should be the codebase and in which
> directory shld i keep my jar file and the applet?
> Regards,
> Paridhi

It sounds like you want two contradictory things! ;-)

If you want anyone to be able to use your applet, it needs to be
publicly accessible.  You need to keep the client-side classes outside
of WEB-INF so that they can be downloaded by users' web browsers.

Tim Moore / Blackboard Inc. / Software Engineer
1899 L Street, NW / 5th Floor / Washington, DC 20036
Phone 202-463-4860 ext. 258 / Fax 202-463-4863

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Re: Conflicts between 2 lib in Tomcat 4.0.3

2003-02-04 Thread Elodie Tasia

> Or maybe he is using  the old Xerces (1.4.4) with the new Xerces(2.x). 
> They have make huge changes between the 2 versions and backward 
> compatibility is no longer supported (Xerces 1.4.4 doesn't fully 
> supports JAXP, Xerces 2.x does). They probably use a public API, but not 
> the JAXP one. You will have to stick with that version or ask other app 
> to update to Xerces 2.x :-(

I thought the same thing... last week, ant I tried ti update myself the olds apps 
(because the developpers have gone), but I lost too time...

> Also, the classloader will not properly load the second jar since it 
> doesn't load a class that is in memory. Since your 2 xerces share some 
> base classes, that's probably why it doesn't work.
That's exactly the problem : when I try to access to new methods in xerces2, I get an 
exception. So why does Tomcat load the older librairy before the newer ? Does it know 
which one is the old ?

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RE: error page for error code 500?

2003-02-04 Thread Jeff_Mychasiw

Thank you for the reply.

I should be clearer. We are developing a struts app and I am using tiles
and declarative error handling features.
My goal is to have the user only my error pages (not server errors ect.)
I know that certain errors  fall outside of the struts controller.

Over the course of development, I have triggered the odd 404,400, and 500
tomcat error page.
In web.xml i was able to map 404 and 400 but not 500.

I can simulate each error:
404 - calling a non existent page
400 - calling a non existent action mapping
500 - calling without a web app context: ie / instead of
/myApp/'m sure there are other ways..)

The reason I posted to this list is that I am under the understanding that
I could map any error code to a page.

Am I wrong?




  Thanks for the help..

"Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/03/2003 10:01:07 PM

Please respond to "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:RE: error page for error code 500?

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Chong, Kwong wrote:

> Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 09:04:42 +1100
> From: "Chong, Kwong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 'Tomcat Users List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: error page for error code 500?
> Doesn't error 500 means the server (tomcat) isn't responding?
> in which case, if there's a problem with tomcat, it can't then process
> request to tell you there's a problem ;)

By far the most common cause is that Tomcat is running fine, but your
servlet or JSP page threw an exception.  The only way to know for sure is
to examine the exception traceback that is presented in the response
and/or in the log files created by Tomcat in the $CATALINA_HOME/logs

Just for fun, run the following JSP page and see what you get:

int i = 5;
int j = 0;
int k = i / j;

and examine the stack trace that shows up (a divide by zero error).
That's an application programming error, and nothing to do with the


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RE: more about custam tag life cycle

2003-02-04 Thread Felipe Schnack
  because sometimes we have a tag attribute that isn't actually an
getter/setter attribute for declaring in TLD file... is just a instance
variable that you need, like a counter, or something like it.

On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 13:44, Tim Moore wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Felipe Schnack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 6:20 AM
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: Re: more about custam tag life cycle
> > 
> > 
> > > > > The way to look at it is simply that the generated code 
> > is going 
> > > > > to use
> > > a
> > > > > tag pool for each distinct class of tags. 
> > Unfortunately, there is 
> > > > > no specific action that tells the tag it is being 
> > pulled from or 
> > > > > being put
> > > back
> > > > > from the pool.
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > The page will call release() before it is put back in the pool.
> > > 
> > > Totally and completely false.  Please go back and read the 
> > JSP Spec.  
> > > The page will call release() before the tag is released to 
> > GC, and for 
> > > no other reason.
> >   Now I'm really convinced that I should use doFinally()
> I'm personally of the opinion that you should *never* have to clear your
> tag attributes for any reason, because you're guaranteed by the spec
> that a given tag instance will only be reused for invocations with the
> same attribute set.  Each attribute will either be overwritten or
> assumed to stay the same, so why do you need to ever clear them?
> -- 
> Tim Moore / Blackboard Inc. / Software Engineer
> 1899 L Street, NW / 5th Floor / Washington, DC 20036
> Phone 202-463-4860 ext. 258 / Fax 202-463-4863
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Felipe Schnack
Analista de Sistemas
Cel.: (51)91287530
Linux Counter #281893

Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis
Fone/Fax.: (51)32303341

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RE: [BUG?] Can't set my app as root app without errors

2003-02-04 Thread Raible, Matt
Moving my app to ROOT and changing my context's path to point to ROOT vs.
appname fixed the problem.  I believe this is a bug, so I'll enter it in



> -Original Message-
> From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 5:19 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Cc: Raible, Matt
> Subject: RE: [BUG?] Can't set my app as root app without errors
> looks like this conflicts with the ROOT context.
> hence it will get loaded twice. There are a couple of ways around it.
> I believe the path ROOT is hardcoded in the Tomcat code base.
> 1. Put your app in the ROOT directory under webapps/ROOT
> 2. hmm, just ran out of ideas :)
> Filip
> -Original Message-
> From: Raible, Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:02 PM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: [BUG?] Can't set my app as root app without errors
> There's nothing really in my server.xml, but here it is:
> port="11009" minProcessors="5" maxProcessors="75"
>acceptCount="10" debug="0"/>
>  prefix="catalina_log." suffix=".txt"
>   timestamp="true"/>
>   unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="true">
>   directory="logs"  prefix="localhost_access_log."
> suffix=".txt"
>  pattern="common"/>
>   directory="logs"  prefix="localhost_log." 
> suffix=".txt"
>   timestamp="true"/>
> If I use  in the file below - 
> everything works fine
> - it's only when I try to set my app as the root (default) context.
>  prefix="cct_log." suffix=".txt" timestamp="true"/>
>  debug="99" 
> driverName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" digest="SHA"
> connectionURL="jdbc:oracle:thin:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> 1521:cctprd" 
> userTable="user_sys_access" userNameCol="userid" 
> userCredCol="password" userRoleTable="user_role" 
> roleNameCol="role_name"/>
>  type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
> factory
> org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory
> maxActive
> 0
> maxIdle
> 0
> maxWait
> 1
> username
> cct_tool
> password
> password
> driverClassName
> oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
> url
> jdbc:oracle:thin:@
> validationQuery
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:53 PM
> > To: Tomcat Users List
> > Subject: RE: [BUG?] Can't set my app as root app without errors
> > 
> > 
> > are you sure this has to do with your ROOT context?
> > This looks like an error with your JDBC driver. It tries to 
> > load a class that isn't defined.
> > 
> > why don't you post your server.xml
> > 
> > Filip
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Raible, Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 3:43 PM
> > Subject: [BUG?] Can't set my app as root app without errors
> > 
> > 
> > I can't seem to set my application (cct) as the root 
> > application for Tomcat.
> > If I use , my app appears to load fine, 
> > but then Tomcat
> > seems to attempt to load it a second time, and I get the 
> > following error:
> > 
> > WARN [main] JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions(35) | SQL Error: 0,
> > SQLState: null
> > ERROR [main] JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions(42) | Cannot 
> > load JDBC
> > driver class 'null'
> > WARN [main] SessionFactoryImpl.(163) | Could not obtain 
> > connection
> > metadata
> > java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class 'null'
> > 
> > From this, I assumed that Tomcat was trying to load my app 
> > both at the root
> > context path ("") and a context path that's the same as the 
> directory
> > ("/cct").  So I created a second xml file in webapps, and 
> > named it cct2.xml
> > and changed the path to "/cct".  I don't get the error above, 
> > but the app
> > does indeed load twice.  I was hoping I could turn off this
> > load-the-second-one behavior by changing unpackWARs and/or 
> > autoDeploy to
> > false on my  element, but no such luck.  Is there a way 
> > to fix this?
> > 
> > I can successfully use the app at http://localhost/, but I'd 
> > rather not see
> > these errors, and I'd rather not see it load twice.  
> > 
> > I'm using Tomcat 4.1.18, 

Re: error page for error code 500?

2003-02-04 Thread Jon Wingfield
If you are trying to generate a 500 by accessing a url outside a context 
then the error page defined within the context won't get triggered. 
Where are you putting your error-page tags? You could try altering the 
web.xml in tomcats conf directory...


Thank you for the reply.

I should be clearer. We are developing a struts app and I am using tiles
and declarative error handling features.
My goal is to have the user only my error pages (not server errors ect.)
I know that certain errors  fall outside of the struts controller.

Over the course of development, I have triggered the odd 404,400, and 500
tomcat error page.
In web.xml i was able to map 404 and 400 but not 500.

I can simulate each error:
404 - calling a non existent page
400 - calling a non existent action mapping
500 - calling without a web app context: ie / instead of
/myApp/'m sure there are other ways..)

The reason I posted to this list is that I am under the understanding that
I could map any error code to a page.

Am I wrong?




 Thanks for the help..

"Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/03/2003 10:01:07 PM

Please respond to "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:RE: error page for error code 500?

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Chong, Kwong wrote:


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 09:04:42 +1100
From: "Chong, Kwong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Tomcat Users List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: error page for error code 500?

Doesn't error 500 means the server (tomcat) isn't responding?
in which case, if there's a problem with tomcat, it can't then process


request to tell you there's a problem ;)


By far the most common cause is that Tomcat is running fine, but your
servlet or JSP page threw an exception.  The only way to know for sure is
to examine the exception traceback that is presented in the response
and/or in the log files created by Tomcat in the $CATALINA_HOME/logs

Just for fun, run the following JSP page and see what you get:

   int i = 5;
   int j = 0;
   int k = i / j;

and examine the stack trace that shows up (a divide by zero error).
That's an application programming error, and nothing to do with the


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RE: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / mod_jk-2.0.43.dll t o wo rk together properly

2003-02-04 Thread Dave Taylor
Good idea! I tried it unsuccessfully last night, unfortunately.

I also tried: 
1. Lots of experimentation with IP addresses, versus "localhost" or
"" (behavior unchanged).

2. Turning up logging on mod_jk.log to "debug". This logged consistent "done
without match" on GETs. Not very interesting. See

3. Turning on a TCPMON and watching the HTTP traffic, via incoming requests
on port 8070, forwarded by TCPMON to port 80. This configuration actually
works! So today, port 8070 works (redirected to 80), port 8080 works, but
port 80 fails. See for the
8070->80 HTTP log.

Keep in mind that standard Apache requests to non-Tomcat resources on port
80 have always worked just fine. And FYI, my server.xml and other
configuration files may be viewed at

Hopefully someone who wants a gift book from their wish list can
help me out of this quagmire.

Thanks in advance!

-Original Message-
From: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 6:03 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / mod_jk-2.0.43.dll
t o wo rk together properly

There were no attachments.

Instead of copying the localhost Host container, what happens if you just
change the localhost Host container to


> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:25 AM
> Subject: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / 
> mod_jk-2.0.43.dll to
> wo rk together properly
> I can't seem to get mod_jk-2.0.43 working perfectly with my 
> Tomcat-Apache
> environment.
> All my Tomcat servlets and JSPs work perfectly when 
> referenced locally as
> http://localhost:8080/examples or http://localhost/examples. 
> HOWEVER, the servlets and JSP's fail to work when addressed 
> with anything
> other than "localhost". For example,
> results in an HTTP 404.
> I have copied and added to my server.xml 
> , and I even
> tried the server.xml  element, all to no avail. 
> Server.xml is attached. Thanks in advance.

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Re: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1

2003-02-04 Thread Liquid
In now using 1.2.2  version of mod_jk.

But this problem is continue if i set up comunication Aapche to Tomcat
without mod_jk. (by mod_proxy to localhost:8080/aplications)

Thanks for help.


- Original Message -
From: "Larry Isaacs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 4:33 PM
Subject: RE: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1

This implies you are using mod_jk.  What version of
mod_jk are you using?

There has not been much maintenance on the local mod_jk
provided with Tomcat 3.3.1.  It will be removed in
Tomcat 3.3.2 and replaced by the version which is part
of the jakarta-tomcat-connectors project.  If you haven't
tried it, get the current mod_jk release here:

and give it a try.

Unfortunately, I have not had time to keep up with the
changes that have been made to mod_jk since the Tomcat 3.3.1
release.  I'm not sure if "Broke pipe" is that serious an
error or whether may actually be a normal occurrence under
certain circumstances.

However, if a bug in mod_jk or its tomcat connector leaves the
thread servicing the request in a "hung" state when this occurs,
then that could be the source of this problem.  If this was a
problem in older mod_jk's, hopefully it is addressed in the
current release.


> -Original Message-
> From: Liquid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:16 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1
> I use it, but its looks like the same.
> Wahat informations do yuou need from me for help me?
> In my logs is this terrible error.
> Broken pipe
>  at Method)
>  at
>  at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13.send(
>  at org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13.doWrite(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13Response.doWrite(Ajp13In
> :491)
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.realWriteBytes(OutputBuffe
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.flushBuffer(
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.flush(
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.OutputBuffer.close(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletWriterFacade.close(ServletWrit
> 117)
>  at GameList.processRequest(
>  at GameList.doGet(
>  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>  at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.doService(ServletHandl
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.invoke(
>  at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.facade.ServletHandler.service(ServletHandler
> .java:485)
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.internalService(ContextM
> 7)
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13Interceptor.processConne
> ction(Ajp13Int
>  at
>  at
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPool$
> ThreadPool.jav
> a:516)
>  at
> Thank for your help.
> Liquid
> - Original Message -
> From: "Larry Isaacs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 3:53 PM
> Subject: RE: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1
> There isn't enough information here to offer much help.
> Not knowing what your web application is doing, it
> can't be determined if this is a bug in Tomcat or a
> bug in your web application.
> You are welcome to give Tomcat 3.3.2-dev a quick try
> to see if it behaves differently.  You can find it
> here:


> -Original Message-
> From: Liquid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:43 AM
> Subject: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1
> Hi,
> im using Tomcat 3.3.1 on FreeBSD with JDK1.3.1 and my
> aplication go very
> well but afther that take 99% of CPU time and i must restart
> Tomcat. And it
> doing around.
> Can you help me?
> Liquid
> -
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RE: more about custam tag life cycle

2003-02-04 Thread Tim Moore
> -Original Message-
> From: Felipe Schnack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 10:59 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: more about custam tag life cycle
>   because sometimes we have a tag attribute that isn't 
> actually an getter/setter attribute for declaring in TLD 
> file... is just a instance variable that you need, like a 
> counter, or something like it.

Oh...well in that case it's not really a "tag attribute" per se (i.e., not 
container-managed), but what the Jakarta taglib developer guidelines call 
"invocation-specific state."  In those cases, by all means you can release them in 
doFinally. :-)

Although, frequently you can just reset them in doStartTag and not have to incur the 
expense of a try/catch/finally block.  It's only when you're holding onto an expensive 
resource (db connection, file handle, etc.) through the invocation of the tag that it 
makes sense to release it in doFinally.

Tim Moore / Blackboard Inc. / Software Engineer
1899 L Street, NW / 5th Floor / Washington, DC 20036
Phone 202-463-4860 ext. 258 / Fax 202-463-4863

> On Tue, 2003-02-04 at 13:44, Tim Moore wrote:
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Felipe Schnack [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 6:20 AM
> > > To: Tomcat Users List
> > > Subject: Re: more about custam tag life cycle
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > > > The way to look at it is simply that the generated code
> > > is going
> > > > > > to use
> > > > a
> > > > > > tag pool for each distinct class of tags.
> > > Unfortunately, there is
> > > > > > no specific action that tells the tag it is being
> > > pulled from or
> > > > > > being put
> > > > back
> > > > > > from the pool.
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > The page will call release() before it is put back in 
> the pool.
> > > > 
> > > > Totally and completely false.  Please go back and read the
> > > JSP Spec.
> > > > The page will call release() before the tag is released to
> > > GC, and for
> > > > no other reason.
> > >   Now I'm really convinced that I should use doFinally()
> > 
> > I'm personally of the opinion that you should *never* have to clear 
> > your tag attributes for any reason, because you're 
> guaranteed by the 
> > spec that a given tag instance will only be reused for invocations 
> > with the same attribute set.  Each attribute will either be 
> > overwritten or assumed to stay the same, so why do you need to ever 
> > clear them?
> > 
> > --
> > Tim Moore / Blackboard Inc. / Software Engineer
> > 1899 L Street, NW / 5th Floor / Washington, DC 20036
> > Phone 202-463-4860 ext. 258 / Fax 202-463-4863
> > 
> > 
> -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 
> -- 
> Felipe Schnack
> Analista de Sistemas
> Cel.: (51)91287530
> Linux Counter #281893
> Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis 
> Fone/Fax.: (51)32303341
> -
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> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: WAR format question

2003-02-04 Thread Jacob Kjome
Hello Erik,

Sorry, I don't do JSP and haven't a clue about taglibs


Tuesday, February 04, 2003, 9:31:27 AM, you wrote:

EP> Jacob Kjome wrote:
>> In order to obtain access to a file under WEB-INF in a completely 
>> portable way, use something like...
>> getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/myproperties.xml");

EP> What about if we have a tag descriptor somewhere below WEB-INF, is it 
EP> safe to refer to the path directly from the "uri" attribute of the <%@ 
taglib %>> directive?

EP> Erik

EP> -
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 Jacobmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: error page for error code 500?

2003-02-04 Thread Jeff_Mychasiw

That is a good point.
You can tell that I am new to server issues. ( so far I just live in my
little web app world  ).

It is my desire to trap JSPExceptions as well,  and if possible all

Do other people do this?

More testing

Thanks again.

Jon Wingfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/04/2003 10:10:30 AM

Please respond to "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject:Re: error page for error code 500?

If you are trying to generate a 500 by accessing a url outside a context
then the error page defined within the context won't get triggered.
Where are you putting your error-page tags? You could try altering the
web.xml in tomcats conf directory...


>Thank you for the reply.
>I should be clearer. We are developing a struts app and I am using tiles
>and declarative error handling features.
>My goal is to have the user only my error pages (not server errors ect.)
>I know that certain errors  fall outside of the struts controller.
>Over the course of development, I have triggered the odd 404,400, and 500
>tomcat error page.
>In web.xml i was able to map 404 and 400 but not 500.
>I can simulate each error:
>404 - calling a non existent page
>400 - calling a non existent action mapping
>500 - calling without a web app context: ie / instead of
>/myApp/'m sure there are other ways..)
>The reason I posted to this list is that I am under the understanding that
>I could map any error code to a page.
>Am I wrong?
>  Thanks for the help..
>"Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/03/2003 10:01:07 PM
>Please respond to "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To:Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:RE: error page for error code 500?
>On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Chong, Kwong wrote:
>>Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 09:04:42 +1100
>>From: "Chong, Kwong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: 'Tomcat Users List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: RE: error page for error code 500?
>>Doesn't error 500 means the server (tomcat) isn't responding?
>>in which case, if there's a problem with tomcat, it can't then process
>>request to tell you there's a problem ;)
>By far the most common cause is that Tomcat is running fine, but your
>servlet or JSP page threw an exception.  The only way to know for sure is
>to examine the exception traceback that is presented in the response
>and/or in the log files created by Tomcat in the $CATALINA_HOME/logs
>Just for fun, run the following JSP page and see what you get:
>  <%
>int i = 5;
>int j = 0;
>int k = i / j;
>  %>
>and examine the stack trace that shows up (a divide by zero error).
>That's an application programming error, and nothing to do with the
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RE: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / mod_jk-2.0.43.dll t o wo rk together properly

2003-02-04 Thread Turner, John

Well, the first thing:  httpd.conf, either through manual entry or
mod_jk.conf, needs an entry that looks something like this:

Alias /examples "C:/tomcat/Tomcat-4-1-18/webapps/examples"

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.jsp 

AllowOverride None
deny from all

AllowOverride None
deny from all

AllowOverride None
deny from all

AllowOverride None
deny from all

JkMount /examples/servlet/*  ajp13
JkMount /examples/*.jsp  ajp13

Basically, the error message is 100% descriptive.  The worker can't find a
match for that host, for that URL.

How about disabling the auto-config (just disable the Include in httpd.conf)
and putting the VirtualHost container with the appropriate JkMounts in
there, and seeing what happens?  

Keep it simple...start with a default install, then add/change things a step
at a time.  I just tried a default install, and replaced every occurence of
"localhost", except for the defaultHost parameter, in server.xml with
"myhost" and it works.



> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 11:04 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / 
> mod_jk-2.0.43.dll
> t o wo rk together properly
> Good idea! I tried it unsuccessfully last night, unfortunately.
> I also tried: 
> 1. Lots of experimentation with IP addresses, versus "localhost" or
> "" (behavior unchanged).
> 2. Turning up logging on mod_jk.log to "debug". This logged 
> consistent "done
> without match" on GETs. Not very interesting. See
> 3. Turning on a TCPMON and watching the HTTP traffic, via 
> incoming requests
> on port 8070, forwarded by TCPMON to port 80. This 
> configuration actually
> works! So today, port 8070 works (redirected to 80), port 
> 8080 works, but
> port 80 fails. See for the
> 8070->80 HTTP log.
> Keep in mind that standard Apache requests to non-Tomcat 
> resources on port
> 80 have always worked just fine. And FYI, my server.xml and other
> configuration files may be viewed at
> Hopefully someone who wants a gift book from their 
> wish list can
> help me out of this quagmire.
> Thanks in advance!
> -Original Message-
> From: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 6:03 AM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / 
> mod_jk-2.0.43.dll
> t o wo rk together properly
> There were no attachments.
> Instead of copying the localhost Host container, what happens 
> if you just
> change the localhost Host container to
> John
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Dave Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:25 AM
> > Subject: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / 
> > mod_jk-2.0.43.dll to
> > wo rk together properly
> > 
> > 
> > I can't seem to get mod_jk-2.0.43 working perfectly with my 
> > Tomcat-Apache
> > environment.
> > 
> > All my Tomcat servlets and JSPs work perfectly when 
> > referenced locally as
> > http://localhost:8080/examples or http://localhost/examples. 
> > 
> > HOWEVER, the servlets and JSP's fail to work when addressed 
> > with anything
> > other than "localhost". For example,
> results in an HTTP 404.
> I have copied and added to my server.xml 
> , and I even
> tried the server.xml  element, all to no avail. 
> Server.xml is attached. Thanks in advance.

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Re: Tomcat startup question

2003-02-04 Thread Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr.
I don't think it's starting a second instance...I think it's just stopping
and restarting???  I really don't know.  But I do know that I don't get any
exceptions.  I would think that I should given that it's trying to use the
same port.


- Original Message -
From: "Haytham Samad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat startup question

> Is it pickign up the same port to start up the other instances?  8080? or
> another port?  It should give an error if it is configured to only pick up
> port 8080?
> -Original Message-
> From: Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:36 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat startup question
> I'm running Tomcat 4.0.5 on RedHat 7.3.  I'd like to know if it is normal
> that you can start Tomcat multiple times in a row via the
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script?  I can run the script and then if I
> run it again (without shutting down Tomcat) it executes again.  I remember
> on an older version of Tomcat that I used that if you did this you would
> an error.
> Thanks,
> Kenny
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
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Re: Tomcat startup question

2003-02-04 Thread Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr.
I don't think it's starting a second instance...I think it's just stopping
and restarting???  I really don't know.  But I do know that I don't get any
exceptions.  I would think that I should given that it's trying to use the
same port.


- Original Message -
From: "Haytham Samad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat startup question

> Is it pickign up the same port to start up the other instances?  8080? or
> another port?  It should give an error if it is configured to only pick up
> port 8080?
> -Original Message-
> From: Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:36 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat startup question
> I'm running Tomcat 4.0.5 on RedHat 7.3.  I'd like to know if it is normal
> that you can start Tomcat multiple times in a row via the
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script?  I can run the script and then if I
> run it again (without shutting down Tomcat) it executes again.  I remember
> on an older version of Tomcat that I used that if you did this you would
> an error.
> Thanks,
> Kenny
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Tomcat startup question

2003-02-04 Thread Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr.
I don't think it's starting a second instance...I think it's just stopping
and restarting???  I really don't know.  But I do know that I don't get any
exceptions.  I would think that I should given that it's trying to use the
same port.


- Original Message -
From: "Haytham Samad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat startup question

> Is it pickign up the same port to start up the other instances?  8080? or
> another port?  It should give an error if it is configured to only pick up
> port 8080?
> -Original Message-
> From: Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:36 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat startup question
> I'm running Tomcat 4.0.5 on RedHat 7.3.  I'd like to know if it is normal
> that you can start Tomcat multiple times in a row via the
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script?  I can run the script and then if I
> run it again (without shutting down Tomcat) it executes again.  I remember
> on an older version of Tomcat that I used that if you did this you would
> an error.
> Thanks,
> Kenny
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Tomcat startup question

2003-02-04 Thread Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr.
I don't think it's starting a second instance...I think it's just stopping
and restarting???  I really don't know.  But I do know that I don't get any
exceptions.  I would think that I should given that it's trying to use the
same port.


- Original Message -
From: "Haytham Samad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat startup question

> Is it pickign up the same port to start up the other instances?  8080? or
> another port?  It should give an error if it is configured to only pick up
> port 8080?
> -Original Message-
> From: Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:36 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat startup question
> I'm running Tomcat 4.0.5 on RedHat 7.3.  I'd like to know if it is normal
> that you can start Tomcat multiple times in a row via the
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script?  I can run the script and then if I
> run it again (without shutting down Tomcat) it executes again.  I remember
> on an older version of Tomcat that I used that if you did this you would
> an error.
> Thanks,
> Kenny
> -
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> -
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Re: Tomcat startup question

2003-02-04 Thread Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr.
I don't think it's starting a second instance...I think it's just stopping
and restarting???  I really don't know.  But I do know that I don't get any
exceptions.  I would think that I should given that it's trying to use the
same port.


- Original Message -
From: "Haytham Samad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat startup question

> Is it pickign up the same port to start up the other instances?  8080? or
> another port?  It should give an error if it is configured to only pick up
> port 8080?
> -Original Message-
> From: Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:36 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat startup question
> I'm running Tomcat 4.0.5 on RedHat 7.3.  I'd like to know if it is normal
> that you can start Tomcat multiple times in a row via the
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script?  I can run the script and then if I
> run it again (without shutting down Tomcat) it executes again.  I remember
> on an older version of Tomcat that I used that if you did this you would
> an error.
> Thanks,
> Kenny
> -
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> -
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Re: Tomcat startup question

2003-02-04 Thread Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr.
I don't think it's starting a second instance...I think it's just stopping
and restarting???  I really don't know.  But I do know that I don't get any
exceptions.  I would think that I should given that it's trying to use the
same port.


- Original Message -
From: "Haytham Samad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: Tomcat startup question

> Is it pickign up the same port to start up the other instances?  8080? or
> another port?  It should give an error if it is configured to only pick up
> port 8080?
> -Original Message-
> From: Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 3:36 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Tomcat startup question
> I'm running Tomcat 4.0.5 on RedHat 7.3.  I'd like to know if it is normal
> that you can start Tomcat multiple times in a row via the
> $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script?  I can run the script and then if I
> run it again (without shutting down Tomcat) it executes again.  I remember
> on an older version of Tomcat that I used that if you did this you would
> an error.
> Thanks,
> Kenny
> -
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> -
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Re: Tomcat startup question

2003-02-04 Thread Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr.
I would think that I would get port binding exceptions too but I don't get
any error.  I just starts up Tomcat like I had never started it.


- Original Message -
From: "Milt Epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: Tomcat startup question

> On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Kenny G. Dubuisson, Jr. wrote:
> > I'm running Tomcat 4.0.5 on RedHat 7.3.  I'd like to know if it is
> > normal that you can start Tomcat multiple times in a row via the
> > $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ script?  I can run the script and then
> > if I run it again (without shutting down Tomcat) it executes again.
> > I remember on an older version of Tomcat that I used that if you did
> > this you would get an error.
> I'd think you'd at least get some port binding exceptions, because
> you'd be trying to resuse the same ports over and over again.  Did you
> see anything in the logs.
> Milt Epstein
> Research Programmer
> Integration and Software Engineering (ISE)
> Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services (CITES)
> University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
> -
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Joey: First mobile J2EE application server for PocketPC and J2ME

2003-02-04 Thread info

We are pleased to announce the release of Joey 1.0.  Joey is the world's
first mobile J2EE application server that runs in disconnected mode on J2ME
and J2SE devices, including Compaq iPaq and other PocketPC 2002 devices,
Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA, and all Windows/Linux laptops.

What is Joey?
* Joey is the first ever J2EE application server that runs on PDAs, laptops
and mobile phones.
* Joey runs all your servlets and JSPs - in connected and disconnected
modes - on PDAs and laptops.
* You develop your servlets and JSPs using standard development environments
(IDEs).  Joey does not require any special development tools.
* Joey is easy to deploy and run on all platforms.

Download Joey today at

Why Joey?
Enterprise web applications today remain beholden to 24x7 network
connections that confine them to desktop computers. When disconnected, the
applications are unusable.  Even with more processing power and better local
area network connectivity, PDAs, phones and network appliances are unable to
communicate with corporate applications reliably.   Developing the same
application across multiple platforms in a disconnected world requires
multiple point-solutions and parallel projects, multiplying complexity and

Joey is a key infrastructure component for all enterprises that want to
operate web applications seamlessly, efficiently, reliably and
cost-effectively on a vast range of platforms in both connected and
disconnected mode, in fixed and mobile environments.

With Joey, you can:
* Build enterprise applications once and deploy them across all platforms --
with one application, enable mobile phones, PDAs, barcode scanners, GPS
receivers, TV set-top boxes, toasters and more!
* Run all web-based applications in both connected and disconnected modes
* Take your enterprise portal with you on your personal device
* Simplify application development with your existing J2EE infrastructure
* Get more out of your J2EE investments

 Joey 1.0
* Runs on: PersonalJava (J2ME), Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE)
* Operating Systems: PocketPC (Windows CE), Linux and all flavors of Windows
* J2EE Servlet Specification 2.3 compliant
* Footprint: 700 KB
* Devices: Compaq iPaq and other PocketPC 2002 devices, Sharp Zaurus Linux
PDA, all Windows/Linux laptops

For questions, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Joeysoft Team

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Re: WAR format question

2003-02-04 Thread Erik Price

Well, thanks anyway.  Maybe somebody else knows the score on this one 
and will pipe up.  :)


Jacob Kjome wrote:
Hello Erik,

Sorry, I don't do JSP and haven't a clue about taglibs


Tuesday, February 04, 2003, 9:31:27 AM, you wrote:

EP> Jacob Kjome wrote:

In order to obtain access to a file under WEB-INF in a completely 
portable way, use something like...


EP> What about if we have a tag descriptor somewhere below WEB-INF, is it 
EP> safe to refer to the path directly from the "uri" attribute of the <%@ 
taglib %>> directive?

EP> Erik

EP> -
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tomcat-apache.conf not created during Tomcat startup

2003-02-04 Thread Bert Catsburg

I am trying to setup the Struts Framework. The install docs
tell me to edit the tomcat-apache.conf file. But I do not have
one. The docs tell me also that this file is created during
startup of Tomcat in the $TOMCAT_HOME\conf directory.
Well, it isn't.

My configuration:
OS: Windows 2000
Apache version: Apache 1.3.27 (win32)
Tomcat version: 4.1.18

TOMCAT_HOME = "c:\Program Files\ApacheGroup\Tomcat"
Apache home = "c:\Program Files\ApacheGroup\Apache"
Connector between Tomcat and Apache: Warp

Everything is running fine, but no tomcat-apache.conf file.

I guess if somebody can email me one, preferably one with the
Struts config already in it, I can modify httpd.conf myself.
But I'm worried why the file is not created.

Please help me on this.


Bert Catsburg

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Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Zabel, Ian


We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
application's users.


In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other pages in our
app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session is created
on HTTPS (  ), when they are
switched over to HTTP (  ) the
session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their


NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.


Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
but there are places we can't do this. 


We did not start having this problem until we switched from
Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.


We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.


Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
on HTTP?





tomcat realm issue

2003-02-04 Thread Keppel Yin
Hi, All,

After installing and starting tomcat 4.1.10, I can load the home page
Then in the server.xml, I added my own context parameter just below the
tomcat root context. 



Now I restart tomcat and try to load the tomcat home page, the browser just
waited and eventually timed out.

If I comment out the above , then I can load the home page

Why?  How can I make it work while I  keep the   section?

Thank you very much,


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RE: JNDI context in ServletContextListener

2003-02-04 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Shapira, Yoav wrote:

> Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 09:02:56 -0500
> From: "Shapira, Yoav" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Tomcat Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: JNDI context in ServletContextListener
> Howdy,
> This is a tricky issue.
> First of all, see section SRV 9.11 of the Servlet Specification, v2.3.
> Tomcat 4.x is an implementation of that Servlet Specification.  Tomcat
> 4.x is NOT a J2EE 1.3 implementation, and therefore is not required to
> support JNDI lookups as outlined in the J2EE spec.  For servlet spec
> 2.3, it appears that Resin has implemented the J2EE 1.3 spec in this
> area and tomcat 4.x hasn't.

The design goal for Tomcat has to implement JNDI in a manner as close to
the way it's specified for J2EE as possible.

> The Servlet Spec 2.3 says changes are expected in the next version.  The
> Servlet Spec 2.4 PFD doesn't seem to have changes in this area, however.
> (Craig?)
> You raise an interesting point.  I'll have to look through the relevant
> catalnia code to see exactly what's going on.  But I'd keep this on the
> radar screen as it may be a "good thing" to do for 5.0.

IMHO, if Tomcat doesn't currently expose the webapp's JNDI naming context
to a ServletContextListener, that's a bug and should be reported on

> Yoav Shapira
> Millennium ChemInformatics


> >-Original Message-
> >From: Jason Axtell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 9:16 PM
> >Subject: JNDI context in ServletContextListener
> >
> >I have a web app that I've been deploying on both Tomcat and Resin
> without
> >any problems for the past several weeks. Originally, I was performing a
> >lookup for a DataSource whenever I needed a database connection (ie.
> >whenever an HTTP request came in). To improve performance, I decided to
> >move
> >the JNDI lookup to a ServletContextListener (in the contextInitialized
> >method).
> >
> >My DataSource was bound under key java:comp/env/jdbc/OracleDB
> >
> >When I ran my modified code on Resin, everything worked just fine.
> However,
> >when I ran it on Tomcat, I got a NameNotFoundException telling me that
> >'jdbc' wasn't defined in the context (java:comp/env). I couldn't find
> any
> >obvious cause for the problem, since the only change I made to both my
> >Tomcat and Resin configurations was adding the ServletContextListener.
> So,
> >I
> >wrote another ServletContextListener to enumerate all the bindings in
> my
> >JNDI context.
> >
> >Running my new ServletContextListener on Resin produced the following
> >output:
> >
> >The following bindings were found in java:comp/env:
> >jdbc: [ContextImpl jdbc]
> >servlet: [ContextImpl servlet]
> >caucho: [ContextImpl caucho]
> >ejb: [ContextImpl ejb]
> >Context enumerated.
> >The following bindings were found in java:comp/env/jdbc:
> >OracleDB: [DBPool jdbc/OracleDB]
> >test: [DBPool jdbc/test]
> >projman: [DBPool jdbc/projman]
> >Context enumerated.
> >
> >Running the same code on Tomcat produced this:
> >
> >The following bindings were found in java:comp/env:
> >Context enumerated.
> >javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this
> Context
> >at
> >org.apache.naming.NamingContext.listBindings(
> >...
> >(stack trace follows)
> >
> >Now, I don't expect to see the same set of bindings on Tomcat as I do
> on
> >Resin. However, I do expect to see *some* bindings on Tomcat.
> >Unfortunately,
> >as far as I can tell, my Tomcat JNDI directory is completely empty at
> the
> >time in the lifecycle that ServletContextListener.contextInitialized is
> >called. My expectation would be for JNDI to contain all of the global
> and
> >application-specific bindings *before* a ServletContextListener is
> called
> >(this is the way Resin behaves). Is this expectation incorrect?
> >
> >So, here are my questions:
> >
> >1. Has anyone else run into this same problem?
> >2. Is this actually a problem, or have I just run into a part of the
> spec
> >of
> >which I was previously ignorant?
> >3. Am I just doing something stupid in my configuration?
> >
> >Here are the relevant portions of the various files in question:
> >
> >server.xml:
> >
> >...
> > 
> >   >   type="javax.sql.DataSource"/>
> >  
> >...
> >  
> > 
> >...
> >
> >web.xml:
> >
> >...
> > 
> >
> > >class>edu.stanford.irt.mesa.bootstrap.JndiBindingsEnumerationServl
> >etContextListener
> > 
> >...
> >
> >
> >
> >public class JndiBindingsEnumerationServletContextListener implements
> >ServletContextListener
> >{
> >  private void printBindings(Context rootContext, String
> subContextName)
> >throws NamingException
> >  {
> >NamingEnumeration names = rootContext.listBindings(subContextName);
> >System.out.pri

RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Filip Hanik
yeah, it is a security issue I believe. Not sure how tomcat does that, but it 
shouldn't allow a session that was created on HTTPS to switch to HTTP.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP



We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
application's users.


In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other pages in our
app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session is created
on HTTPS (  ), when they are
switched over to HTTP (  ) the
session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their


NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.


Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
but there are places we can't do this. 


We did not start having this problem until we switched from
Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.


We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.


Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
on HTTP?





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Re: tomcat-apache.conf not created during Tomcat startup

2003-02-04 Thread Bert Catsburg
And I forgot to tell that both Apache and Tomcat are running as
a Windows Service.

Bert Catsburg wrote:


I am trying to setup the Struts Framework. The install docs
tell me to edit the tomcat-apache.conf file. But I do not have
one. The docs tell me also that this file is created during
startup of Tomcat in the $TOMCAT_HOME\conf directory.
Well, it isn't.

My configuration:
OS: Windows 2000
Apache version: Apache 1.3.27 (win32)
Tomcat version: 4.1.18

TOMCAT_HOME = "c:\Program Files\ApacheGroup\Tomcat"
Apache home = "c:\Program Files\ApacheGroup\Apache"
Connector between Tomcat and Apache: Warp

Everything is running fine, but no tomcat-apache.conf file.

I guess if somebody can email me one, preferably one with the
Struts config already in it, I can modify httpd.conf myself.
But I'm worried why the file is not created.

Please help me on this.


Bert Catsburg

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RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Zabel, Ian
As far as I know, and are supposed
to be allowed to share cookies on standard ports.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

yeah, it is a security issue I believe. Not sure how tomcat does that, but
it shouldn't allow a session that was created on HTTPS to switch to HTTP.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP



We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
application's users.


In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other pages in our
app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session is created
on HTTPS (  ), when they are
switched over to HTTP (  ) the
session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their


NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.


Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
but there are places we can't do this. 


We did not start having this problem until we switched from
Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.


We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.


Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
on HTTP?





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RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Filip Hanik
This scenario will convince you...maybe :)

1. You enter a bank on non secure page- HTTP
2. You log in and start messing with your accounts
3. Then you go back to HTTP and somebody can hi-jack your sessionID
4. They use that ID to go back to HTTPS and now have access to your account 

For security purposes, I believe Tomcat must use a different sessionId when you are in 
secure mode. Because this ID is encrypted using SSL on HTTPS mode. 


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:47 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

As far as I know, and are supposed
to be allowed to share cookies on standard ports.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

yeah, it is a security issue I believe. Not sure how tomcat does that, but
it shouldn't allow a session that was created on HTTPS to switch to HTTP.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP



We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
application's users.


In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other pages in our
app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session is created
on HTTPS (  ), when they are
switched over to HTTP (  ) the
session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their


NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.


Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
but there are places we can't do this. 


We did not start having this problem until we switched from
Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.


We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.


Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
on HTTP?





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RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Filip Hanik
I could be wrong of course :))

-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:51 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

This scenario will convince you...maybe :)

1. You enter a bank on non secure page- HTTP
2. You log in and start messing with your accounts
3. Then you go back to HTTP and somebody can hi-jack your sessionID
4. They use that ID to go back to HTTPS and now have access to your account 

For security purposes, I believe Tomcat must use a different sessionId when you are in 
secure mode. Because this ID is encrypted using SSL on HTTPS mode. 


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:47 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

As far as I know, and are supposed
to be allowed to share cookies on standard ports.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

yeah, it is a security issue I believe. Not sure how tomcat does that, but
it shouldn't allow a session that was created on HTTPS to switch to HTTP.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP



We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
application's users.


In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other pages in our
app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session is created
on HTTPS (  ), when they are
switched over to HTTP (  ) the
session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their


NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.


Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
but there are places we can't do this. 


We did not start having this problem until we switched from
Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.


We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.


Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
on HTTP?





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RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Zabel, Ian
Cookies are only valid for a domain though. So if the cookie was created on it will be valid for as well. It is
the same website. resolves to the same IP address either way.
It's just a protocol switch.

You session id will never be sent to a third party server.

If you go to and click on a link to you will have two different sessions, two different
cookies. Hijacking in that way is not possible.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:51 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

This scenario will convince you...maybe :)

1. You enter a bank on non secure page- HTTP
2. You log in and start messing with your accounts
3. Then you go back to HTTP and somebody can hi-jack your sessionID
4. They use that ID to go back to HTTPS and now have access to your account

For security purposes, I believe Tomcat must use a different sessionId when
you are in secure mode. Because this ID is encrypted using SSL on HTTPS


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:47 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

As far as I know, and are supposed
to be allowed to share cookies on standard ports.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

yeah, it is a security issue I believe. Not sure how tomcat does that, but
it shouldn't allow a session that was created on HTTPS to switch to HTTP.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP



We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
application's users.


In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other pages in our
app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session is created
on HTTPS (  ), when they are
switched over to HTTP (  ) the
session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their


NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.


Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
but there are places we can't do this. 


We did not start having this problem until we switched from
Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.


We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.


Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
on HTTP?





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deployment descriptor priority

2003-02-04 Thread Stas Gushcha
Hello tomcat-user,

  Could anybody explain me the way of processing deployment
  descriptors (web.xml): one of them is default and placed in
  /conf folder an another one is placed in /WEB-INF folder of my
  application. I tryes to configure descriptor to process *.jsf
  files (because it is a suggestion of JSP specification to
  fragments of jsp).
  Simple adding following lines


  to the default web.xml works, but when i try to add these lines
  to the application web.xml nothing is happened - simple adding text
  of *.jsf file without compilation. What is a solution for my
  task? It seems that application web.xml processed first of
  all, then default web.xml. So during processing application
  web.xml there is no any information about servlet with name
  'jsp' (it will be declared later - in default web.xml) ?
  Can i solve this problem - process *.jsf files without changing
  default web.xml and what will be happen when i declare once
  again servlet to process jsp pages in my application web.xml?


Best regards,
 Stas  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Filip Hanik
maybe you misunderstood me.

if I want to pretend that I am you, all I have to do is to put a network packet 
sniffer between your computer and your bank, look up your session Id and then make a 
request to your bank server using your sessionId. So I am not switching domain.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:55 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

Cookies are only valid for a domain though. So if the cookie was created on it will be valid for as well. It is
the same website. resolves to the same IP address either way.
It's just a protocol switch.

You session id will never be sent to a third party server.

If you go to and click on a link to you will have two different sessions, two different
cookies. Hijacking in that way is not possible.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:51 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

This scenario will convince you...maybe :)

1. You enter a bank on non secure page- HTTP
2. You log in and start messing with your accounts
3. Then you go back to HTTP and somebody can hi-jack your sessionID
4. They use that ID to go back to HTTPS and now have access to your account

For security purposes, I believe Tomcat must use a different sessionId when
you are in secure mode. Because this ID is encrypted using SSL on HTTPS


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:47 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

As far as I know, and are supposed
to be allowed to share cookies on standard ports.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

yeah, it is a security issue I believe. Not sure how tomcat does that, but
it shouldn't allow a session that was created on HTTPS to switch to HTTP.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP



We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
application's users.


In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other pages in our
app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session is created
on HTTPS (  ), when they are
switched over to HTTP (  ) the
session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their


NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.


Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
but there are places we can't do this. 


We did not start having this problem until we switched from
Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.


We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.


Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
on HTTP?





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RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Mike Jackson
Hijacking is possible for any "man-in-the-middle" situation.  That's
one of the reasons that going https for just the login is a bad
idea (tm).

mike jackson

> -Original Message-
> From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:55 AM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP
> Cookies are only valid for a domain though. So if the cookie was
> created on
> it will be valid for as
> well. It is
> the same website. resolves to the same IP address either way.
> It's just a protocol switch.
> You session id will never be sent to a third party server.
> If you go to and click on a link to
> you will have two different sessions, two different
> cookies. Hijacking in that way is not possible.
> Ian.
> -Original Message-
> From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:51 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP
> This scenario will convince you...maybe :)
> 1. You enter a bank on non secure page- HTTP
> 2. You log in and start messing with your accounts
> 3. Then you go back to HTTP and somebody can hi-jack your sessionID
> 4. They use that ID to go back to HTTPS and now have access to
> your account
> information.
> For security purposes, I believe Tomcat must use a different
> sessionId when
> you are in secure mode. Because this ID is encrypted using SSL on HTTPS
> mode.
> Filip
> -Original Message-
> From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:47 AM
> To: 'Tomcat Users List'
> Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP
> As far as I know, and
> are supposed
> to be allowed to share cookies on standard ports.
> Ian.
> -Original Message-
> From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:40 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP
> yeah, it is a security issue I believe. Not sure how tomcat does that, but
> it shouldn't allow a session that was created on HTTPS to switch to HTTP.
> Filip
> -Original Message-
> From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:35 AM
> Subject: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP
> All;
> We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
> application's users.
> In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
> homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other
> pages in our
> app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session
> is created
> on HTTPS (  ), when they are
> switched over to HTTP (  ) the
> session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their
> session.
> NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
> session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
> switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.
> Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
> but there are places we can't do this.
> We did not start having this problem until we switched from
> Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.
> We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.
> Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
> on HTTP?
> Ian.
> -
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> -
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RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Filip Hanik
for example, once you are logged on to https, they will 
not let you access that server using http.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:58 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

maybe you misunderstood me.

if I want to pretend that I am you, all I have to do is to put a network packet 
sniffer between your computer and your bank, look up your session Id and then make a 
request to your bank server using your sessionId. So I am not switching domain.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:55 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

Cookies are only valid for a domain though. So if the cookie was created on it will be valid for as well. It is
the same website. resolves to the same IP address either way.
It's just a protocol switch.

You session id will never be sent to a third party server.

If you go to and click on a link to you will have two different sessions, two different
cookies. Hijacking in that way is not possible.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:51 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

This scenario will convince you...maybe :)

1. You enter a bank on non secure page- HTTP
2. You log in and start messing with your accounts
3. Then you go back to HTTP and somebody can hi-jack your sessionID
4. They use that ID to go back to HTTPS and now have access to your account

For security purposes, I believe Tomcat must use a different sessionId when
you are in secure mode. Because this ID is encrypted using SSL on HTTPS


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:47 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

As far as I know, and are supposed
to be allowed to share cookies on standard ports.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

yeah, it is a security issue I believe. Not sure how tomcat does that, but
it shouldn't allow a session that was created on HTTPS to switch to HTTP.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP



We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
application's users.


In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other pages in our
app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session is created
on HTTPS (  ), when they are
switched over to HTTP (  ) the
session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their


NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.


Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
but there are places we can't do this. 


We did not start having this problem until we switched from
Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.


We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.


Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
on HTTP?





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RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

2003-02-04 Thread Zabel, Ian
Hm, I understand what you're saying, and I agree.

But, this used to work fine before Tomcat. ServletExec maintained our
sessions across HTTP and HTTPS.

I don't know how Tomcat deals with this, which I guess is why I'm asking the

One thing I have discovered by using a bit of a sniffer locally is that
Internet Explorer simply does not send the jsessionid cookie created in
HTTPS to the HTTP server. To me, this looks like a choice IE is making.

If cookies are not to be shared across HTTP and HTTPS server, I would
appreciate a link to a specification or some documentation, if anyone knows
where it is.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:58 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

maybe you misunderstood me.

if I want to pretend that I am you, all I have to do is to put a network
packet sniffer between your computer and your bank, look up your session Id
and then make a request to your bank server using your sessionId. So I am
not switching domain.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:55 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

Cookies are only valid for a domain though. So if the cookie was created on it will be valid for as well. It is
the same website. resolves to the same IP address either way.
It's just a protocol switch.

You session id will never be sent to a third party server.

If you go to and click on a link to you will have two different sessions, two different
cookies. Hijacking in that way is not possible.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:51 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

This scenario will convince you...maybe :)

1. You enter a bank on non secure page- HTTP
2. You log in and start messing with your accounts
3. Then you go back to HTTP and somebody can hi-jack your sessionID
4. They use that ID to go back to HTTPS and now have access to your account

For security purposes, I believe Tomcat must use a different sessionId when
you are in secure mode. Because this ID is encrypted using SSL on HTTPS


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:47 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

As far as I know, and are supposed
to be allowed to share cookies on standard ports.


-Original Message-
From: Filip Hanik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:40 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP

yeah, it is a security issue I believe. Not sure how tomcat does that, but
it shouldn't allow a session that was created on HTTPS to switch to HTTP.


-Original Message-
From: Zabel, Ian [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 9:35 AM
Subject: Session lost between HTTPS and HTTP



We are having a chronic problem that is causing a lot of trouble with our
application's users.


In our app, we authenticate users on our HTTPS server and then serve the
homepage also on HTTPS. All links on the homepage to the other pages in our
app switch the user to the same url on HTTP. If a user's session is created
on HTTPS (  ), when they are
switched over to HTTP (  ) the
session cookie is not sent by the browser and they therefore lose their


NOTE: This is not a problem if the user's session is created on HTTP. The
session is created on HTTP, they authenticate over HTTPS and then are
switched back to HTTP, and their session is maintained with no problems.


Our workaround has been to pass the jsessionid on the url wherever we can,
but there are places we can't do this. 


We did not start having this problem until we switched from
Apache/ServletExec to Apache/Tomcat4.0.x/mod_jk.


We are using Apache with OpenSSL to serve our HTTPS pages.


Is it valid for a cookie created on HTTPS to be sent to the same exact URL
on HTTP?





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RE: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1

2003-02-04 Thread Larry Isaacs
I would assume the stack trace is different when using mod_proxy.
What does it look like?


> -Original Message-
> From: Liquid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 11:15 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: problem using Tomcat 3.3.1
> In now using 1.2.2  version of mod_jk.
> But this problem is continue if i set up comunication Aapche to Tomcat
> without mod_jk. (by mod_proxy to localhost:8080/aplications)
> Thanks for help.
> Liquid

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Re: can I define a subcontext within a global context?

2003-02-04 Thread Jan-Michael Ong
Hi there,

This sounds like a dumb question (probably is) but can I define a 
subcontext within another global context?

In other words if I define a web application context to be


and I want another mini-web application (separate from /myapplication but 
within it)



Is this possible?

In other words, can I set up




and have them be distinct?

How would this look like in apache's httpd.conf and tomcat's server.xml?

I think the answer is "no" because the parent context (/myapplication in 
this case) will take precedence over the miniapplication context... but 
then again I could be wrong.

Thanks in advance.


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" /examples " Application at context path /examples could notstart

2003-02-04 Thread Dennis Hasch

This used to work, but now it does not.

Every time I try to start the /examples app. in the
the Tomcat Web Application Manager, I get the
following error:

Application at context path /examples could not 

And then when I try to get to
" The requested resource (/examples) is not available."

I can get into Admin and Web Application Manager 
with no problem.

Can someone help me confirm that what I have
in the server.xml file is correct:

This is what I have in that key:

Thanks for your help!

Smithsonian Institution,
National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)
Research & Collections, Informatics Office
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  //  202.357.4267

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RE: WAR format question

2003-02-04 Thread Tim Moore
Hi Erik,

> > EP> What about if we have a tag descriptor somewhere below 
> WEB-INF, is 
> > EP> it
> > EP> safe to refer to the path directly from the "uri" 
> attribute of the <%@ 
> > taglib %>> directive?

Yeah, you can do that. :-)

Tim Moore / Blackboard Inc. / Software Engineer
1899 L Street, NW / 5th Floor / Washington, DC 20036
Phone 202-463-4860 ext. 258 / Fax 202-463-4863

> -Original Message-
> From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 12:27 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: WAR format question
> Jake,
> Well, thanks anyway.  Maybe somebody else knows the score on this one 
> and will pipe up.  :)
> Erik
> Jacob Kjome wrote:
> > Hello Erik,
> > 
> > Sorry, I don't do JSP and haven't a clue about taglibs
> > 
> > Jake
> > 
> > Tuesday, February 04, 2003, 9:31:27 AM, you wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > EP> Jacob Kjome wrote:
> > 
> >>>In order to obtain access to a file under WEB-INF in a completely
> >>>portable way, use something like...
> >>>
> >>>getServletContext().getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/mypropert
> ies.xml");
> >>>
> > 
> > 
> > EP> What about if we have a tag descriptor somewhere below 
> WEB-INF, is 
> > EP> it
> > EP> safe to refer to the path directly from the "uri" 
> attribute of the <%@ 
> > taglib %>> directive?
> > 
> > 
> > EP> Erik
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > EP> 
> --
> > EP> ---
> > EP> To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
> > EP> For additional commands, e-mail: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -
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RE: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / mod_jk-2.0.43.dll to work together properly

2003-02-04 Thread Sean Dockery
This seems to me to be an Apache configuration issue--rather than a 
mod_jk/Tomcat issue.

Two suggestions:

First, ensure that you are restarting Apache after restarting Tomcat so 
that Apache picks up changes that Tomcat makes to the mod_jk.conf file 
(after you've changed the server.xml file).  If that isn't the problem...

Second, try enabling the "NamedVirtualHost *" directive--located 
approximately 15 lines from the bottom of your httpd.conf file.  I would 
also recommend making a copy (for testing purposes) of the mod_jk.conf file 
that is generated by Tomcat, change  to  in the copy, and use the modified copy in lieu of the automatically 
generated file.

Sean Dockery
Certified Java Web Component Developer
Certified Delphi Programmer
SBD Consultants

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Re: VirtualHost overlaps VirtualHost

2003-02-04 Thread chris schild
Galbayar, I didn't get an explanation but let me try and decipher...
You are saying for EACH VirtualHost to have a   directive?
Defined where?  Below the DocumentRoot in httpd.conf?  Or below each

Would the JkMount(s) also go below each ?

- Original Message -
From: "Galbayar Dorjgotov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:58 PM
Subject: RE: VirtualHost overlaps VirtualHost

> ServerName
> ServerAlias
> DocumentRoot /apache/Tomcat4.1/CDE
> ErrorLog logs/
> CustomLog logs/ common
> Options Indexes MultiViews
> AllowOverride None
> Order allow,deny
> Allow from all
> DirectoryIndex main.jsp
> JkMount* ajp12
> JkMount*.jsp ajp12
> -Original Message-
> From: tomcat guy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 8:57 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: VirtualHost overlaps VirtualHost
> Has anyone come across  this warning?  Any guesses as to what is wrong?
> Here is the httpd.conf definition:
> NameVirtualHost *
> ServerName
> ServerAlias
> DocumentRoot /apache/Tomcat4.1/CDE
> JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> ErrorLog logs/
> CustomLog logs/ common
> ServerName
> ServerAlias
> DocumentRoot /apache/Tomcat4.1/QV
> JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> ErrorLog logs/
> CustomLog logs/ common
> ServerName
> ServerAlias
> DocumentRoot /apache/Tomcat4.1/AMW
> JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> ErrorLog logs/
> CustomLog logs/ common
> # 
> JkWorkersFile "d:\Apache\Tomcat4.1\conf\jk\"
> JkLogFile "d:\Apache\Tomcat4.1\logs\mod_jk.log"
> Include d:/Apache/Tomcat4.1/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf
> everything appears to be working normally but why the error???
> -
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Re: VirtualHost overlaps VirtualHost

2003-02-04 Thread chris schild
Oscar, per the docs that I used NameVirutalHost is suppose to use the *.

- Original Message -
From: "Oscar Carrillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 10:26 AM
Subject: Re: VirtualHost overlaps VirtualHost

> I'm not very familiar with Apache configuration, but shouldn't your "*"
> be replaced with the ServerName. I'm not sure what "NameVirtualHost"
> should be set at. I have mine set to the servername of the only servername
> I have.
> Oscar
> On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, chris schild wrote:
> > Sorry, here is the error from apache.exe -t
> >
> > VirtualHost overlaps with VirtualHost,
> > the first has precedence, perhaps you need a NameVirtualHost directive
> >
> > - Original Message -
> >
> > From: "Oscar Carrillo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:59 AM
> > Subject: Re: VirtualHost overlaps VirtualHost
> >
> >
> >
> > > What error?
> > >
> > > Oscar
> > >
> > > On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, tomcat guy wrote:
> > >
> > > > Has anyone come across  this warning?  Any guesses as to what is
> > > >
> > > > Here is the httpd.conf definition:
> > > >
> > > > NameVirtualHost *
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > ServerName
> > > > ServerAlias
> > > > DocumentRoot /apache/Tomcat4.1/CDE
> > > > JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> > > > JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> > > > ErrorLog logs/
> > > > CustomLog logs/ common
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > ServerName
> > > > ServerAlias
> > > > DocumentRoot /apache/Tomcat4.1/QV
> > > > JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> > > > JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> > > > ErrorLog logs/
> > > > CustomLog logs/ common
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > ServerName
> > > > ServerAlias
> > > > DocumentRoot /apache/Tomcat4.1/AMW
> > > > JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
> > > > JkMount /servlet/* ajp13
> > > > ErrorLog logs/
> > > > CustomLog logs/ common
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > # 
> > > > JkWorkersFile "d:\Apache\Tomcat4.1\conf\jk\"
> > > > JkLogFile "d:\Apache\Tomcat4.1\logs\mod_jk.log"
> > > > Include d:/Apache/Tomcat4.1/conf/auto/mod_jk.conf
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > everything appears to be working normally but why the error???
> > >
> > >
> > > -
> > > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> -
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RE: can I define a subcontext within a global context?

2003-02-04 Thread Shapira, Yoav
You would have to do many workarounds and remappings and have robust
servlets that handle all sorts of redirection.  It would suck.

You could probably save a lot of time and effort, and end up with a
maintainable and portable product, if you redesign your app to either be
one webapp or two completely separate ones, not one contained within

Yoav Shapira
Millennium ChemInformatics

>-Original Message-
>From: Jan-Michael Ong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 1:34 PM
>To: Tomcat Users List
>Subject: Re: can I define a subcontext within a global context?
>Hi there,
>This sounds like a dumb question (probably is) but can I define a
>subcontext within another global context?
>In other words if I define a web application context to be
>and I want another mini-web application (separate from /myapplication
>within it)
>Is this possible?
>In other words, can I set up
>and have them be distinct?
>How would this look like in apache's httpd.conf and tomcat's
>I think the answer is "no" because the parent context (/myapplication
>this case) will take precedence over the miniapplication context... but
>then again I could be wrong.
>Thanks in advance.
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Env vars, mod_jk and JkEnvVar?

2003-02-04 Thread Jack on vacation

What's the way to pass environment variables from Apache to Tomcat when 
using mod_jk?

gives JkEnvVar SSL_CLIENT_V_START as an example, but how do I read this
in a JSP? Will it appear as an attribute, if so, with what name?

Many thanks


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Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / mod_jk-2.0.43.dll/ ssl to work together properly

2003-02-04 Thread Shufelt, Jonathan S.
I'm sure a few people on the list have gotten Apache 2.0.44, tomcat
4.1.18, mod_jk-2.0.43.dll working together with ssl.  I would be grateful if
a few of you could post your working .conf files; ie httpd.conf,
ssl.conf..etc.  Perhaps that will help some of us figure out our problems.
Thanks, Jonathan

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RE: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / mod_jk-2.0.43.dll to work together properly

2003-02-04 Thread Dave Taylor
Okay -- making progress!

I changed Tomcat's server.xml mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 11:40 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Dave Taylor
Subject: RE: Can't get Apache 2.0.44 / tomcat 4.1.18 / mod_jk-2.0.43.dll
to work together properly

This seems to me to be an Apache configuration issue--rather than a 
mod_jk/Tomcat issue.

Two suggestions:

First, ensure that you are restarting Apache after restarting Tomcat so 
that Apache picks up changes that Tomcat makes to the mod_jk.conf file 
(after you've changed the server.xml file).  If that isn't the problem...

Second, try enabling the "NamedVirtualHost *" directive--located 
approximately 15 lines from the bottom of your httpd.conf file.  I would 
also recommend making a copy (for testing purposes) of the mod_jk.conf file 
that is generated by Tomcat, change  to  in the copy, and use the modified copy in lieu of the automatically 
generated file.

Sean Dockery
Certified Java Web Component Developer
Certified Delphi Programmer
SBD Consultants

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Re: tomcat-apache.conf not created during Tomcat startup

2003-02-04 Thread Bert Catsburg
I think I can answer my own question:
The tomcat-apache.conf is not created when using the
warp connector... Is this correct?

So, I dit a couple of things:
- Extract the struts-documentation.war
   cd wepapps\struts-documentation
   jar -xvf ..\struts-documentation.war
- Deployed the application in httpd.conf.
  Virtual Host section now looks like:
   ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   DocumentRoot c:/bert/jsp
   ErrorLog logs/test_bert.error_log
   CustomLog logs/test_bert.access_log common
   WebAppDeploy struts-documentation conn /struts-documentation
   WebAppInfo /webapp-info
- Go to the site:

Hey, it works 

Well, thanks anyway, I'm going to Strut :-)

Bert Catsburg wrote:

And I forgot to tell that both Apache and Tomcat are running as
a Windows Service.

Bert Catsburg wrote:


I am trying to setup the Struts Framework. The install docs
tell me to edit the tomcat-apache.conf file. But I do not have
one. The docs tell me also that this file is created during
startup of Tomcat in the $TOMCAT_HOME\conf directory.
Well, it isn't.

My configuration:
OS: Windows 2000
Apache version: Apache 1.3.27 (win32)
Tomcat version: 4.1.18

TOMCAT_HOME = "c:\Program Files\ApacheGroup\Tomcat"
Apache home = "c:\Program Files\ApacheGroup\Apache"
Connector between Tomcat and Apache: Warp

Everything is running fine, but no tomcat-apache.conf file.

I guess if somebody can email me one, preferably one with the
Struts config already in it, I can modify httpd.conf myself.
But I'm worried why the file is not created.

Please help me on this.


Bert Catsburg

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Re: WAR format question

2003-02-04 Thread Erik Price

Tim Moore wrote:

Hi Erik,

EP> What about if we have a tag descriptor somewhere below 

WEB-INF, is 

EP> it
EP> safe to refer to the path directly from the "uri" 

attribute of the <%@ 

taglib %>> directive?

Yeah, you can do that. :-)

Thanks.  Actually, I've already done it and it works -- but is it "to 
spec"?  In other words, it's guaranteed to work on every container?


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system.conf parameter values

2003-02-04 Thread Marcelino Cruz

I recently downloaded ccm-core-cms-5.0.3 and am in the process of setting it
up.  The CCM configuration section on the CCM Installation Guide does not
define nor provide values for these parameters:


Also, for cache-peers it states the following: "If running multiple front
end servers..."  What if you are not running multiple front end servers...
should I leave that empty?  What does that parameter default to?

Sorry if these are simple questions; I'm new to this technology and am doing
my best following the docs.  Could anyone help me out?


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RE: WAR format question

2003-02-04 Thread Tim Moore
> -Original Message-
> From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 2:14 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: WAR format question
> Tim Moore wrote:
> > Hi Erik,
> > 
> > 
> >>>EP> What about if we have a tag descriptor somewhere below
> >>
> >>WEB-INF, is
> >>
> >>>EP> it
> >>>EP> safe to refer to the path directly from the "uri"
> >>
> >>attribute of the <%@
> >>
> >>>taglib %>> directive?
> > 
> > 
> > Yeah, you can do that. :-)
> > 
> Thanks.  Actually, I've already done it and it works -- but is it "to 
> spec"?  In other words, it's guaranteed to work on every container?

Yup :-) The spec even contains some examples like that.
Tim Moore / Blackboard Inc. / Software Engineer
1899 L Street, NW / 5th Floor / Washington, DC 20036
Phone 202-463-4860 ext. 258 / Fax 202-463-4863

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