problem with Tomcat and port 8080

2003-02-17 Thread Michael Harrison
I'm running (or trying to) Tomcat 4.0.6 on RedHat 8.0 for PC. I installed Tomcat from 
a binary (ie. I just unpacked it and moved it into /usr/local. I ultimately hope to 
run it connected to Apache (2.0.44) through an ajp13 connector, but for now I just 
want the server to run by itself on port 8080.

When I startup Tomcat, it writes an error to logs/catalina.out about a BindException: 
address already in use:8080. To try to shut off whatever might be listening on 8080, 
I've made sure to kill the 'java' process for Tomcat and Apache (which starts 
automatically when rebooting). But I still get the same error.

Another strange thing: despite the BindException, the 'java' process keeps running. 
Executing produces the four Using... lines of output and then hangs--I 
have to use Ctrl-C to get a prompt back, and the 'java' process continues to run.

Also: a bit of history. I had Tomcat working OK on 8080 a few days ago. Then I began 
working to set up the connector: I complied a mod_jk and set up httpd.conf with the 
proper directives. Something I did must have offended Tomcat, because it stopped 
responding on 8080. To get a fresh start, I downloaded a new copy of Tomcat this 
morning and installed it in a separate directory under /usr/local. It's this new copy 
that has been returning the BindException.



A problem with Tomcat and port 8080

2003-02-17 Thread Michael Harrison
I'm running (or trying to) Tomcat 4.0.6 on RedHat 8.0 for PC. I installed Tomcat from 
a binary (ie. I just unpacked it and moved it into /usr/local. I ultimately hope to 
run it connected to Apache (2.0.44) through an ajp13 connector, but for now I just 
want the server to run by itself on port 8080.

When I startup Tomcat, it writes an error to logs/catalina.out about a BindException: 
address already in use:8080. To try to shut off whatever might be listening on 8080, 
I've made sure to kill the 'java' process for Tomcat and Apache (which starts 
automatically when rebooting). But I still get the same error.

Another strange thing: despite the BindException, the 'java' process keeps running. 
Executing produces the four Using... lines of output and then hangs--I 
have to use Ctrl-C to get a prompt back, and the 'java' process continues to run.

Also: a bit of history. I had Tomcat working OK on 8080 a few days ago. Then I began 
working to set up the connector: I complied a mod_jk and set up httpd.conf with the 
proper directives. Something I did must have offended Tomcat, because it stopped 
responding on 8080. To get a fresh start, I downloaded a new copy of Tomcat this 
morning and installed it in a separate directory under /usr/local. It's this new copy 
that has been returning the BindException.

The sysadmin assures me that port 8080 is not being blocked on the machine, either.



Problem with servlets in Tomcat 4.1.18

2003-02-17 Thread David . T . Clark
Hello, I have recently downloaded Tomcat 4.1.18 and I am having a little
problem getting servlets to work.  After installing a Tomcat 4.1.18 I
created a directory called test under the webapps directory.  I then
created directory WEB-INF under test and classes under WEB-INF.  I placed a
single servlet called HelloWorldExample in the classes directory.  When I
try to use it I get the 404 error message saying it cannot find it..  The
really frustrating part is I can copy this directory into the webapps
directory for Tomcat 4.1.10  or just copy this servlet into any other
preexisting directory and it works fine.  I can't seem to get any servlets
to work in any directory I create.  Any ideas?  I have never had this
problem before in Tomcat. JSPs work fine, just can't get servlets to work.
Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks

David T Clark
Batch/Intranet/Rename Support
ALLTEL Information Services
Core Systems (MAD Development Center)
(904) 854-5095   (Jacksonville)

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2003-02-17 Thread Cédric Grun
I must use an applet in my webapp, but this applet uses library which 
are in directory WEB-INF/lib.
If I copy this library in same directory the jsp page, the applet works. 
But if I put my packed applet
in directory WEB-INF/lib, the jsp page can't found it.
How can I do to not copy library, which are uses also by servlet, and 
users can't access the applet
by typing his url address ?

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Re: A problem with Tomcat and port 8080

2003-02-17 Thread Peng Tuck Kwok
Something is running on port 8080, it looks like the old tomcat is 
running. You could try and kill all java processes in your machine to be 
sure then start up your new copy.

Michael Harrison wrote:
I'm running (or trying to) Tomcat 4.0.6 on RedHat 8.0 for PC. I installed Tomcat from a binary (ie. I just unpacked it and moved it into /usr/local. I ultimately hope to run it connected to Apache (2.0.44) through an ajp13 connector, but for now I just want the server to run by itself on port 8080.

When I startup Tomcat, it writes an error to logs/catalina.out about a BindException: address already in use:8080. To try to shut off whatever might be listening on 8080, I've made sure to kill the 'java' process for Tomcat and Apache (which starts automatically when rebooting). But I still get the same error.

Another strange thing: despite the BindException, the 'java' process keeps running. Executing produces the four Using... lines of output and then hangs--I have to use Ctrl-C to get a prompt back, and the 'java' process continues to run.

Also: a bit of history. I had Tomcat working OK on 8080 a few days ago. Then I began working to set up the connector: I complied a mod_jk and set up httpd.conf with the proper directives. Something I did must have offended Tomcat, because it stopped responding on 8080. To get a fresh start, I downloaded a new copy of Tomcat this morning and installed it in a separate directory under /usr/local. It's this new copy that has been returning the BindException.

The sysadmin assures me that port 8080 is not being blocked on the machine, either.



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ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Tomcat 4.0.6

2003-02-17 Thread Vincenzo Marchese
Hello Tomcat users,
We are encountering a problem in a site running tomcat 4.0.6.
Every now and then (at least once a week) the server crashes complaining 
of an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in SocketInputStream, logs following (IPs 
masked for privacy :) )

2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  An incoming request is being 
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]   The incoming request has 
been awaited
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]   parseConnection:, port=8080
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0] Normalized: 
'/myapp/MyApp/pages/login.jsp' to '/myapp/MyApp/pages/login.jsp'
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Request is 'GET' for 
'/myapp/MyApp/pages/login.jsp' with protocol 'HTTP/1.0'
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header accept = image/gif, 
image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/, 
application/, application/msword, */*
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header referer =;jsessionid=4CF6BD25491A6BC1789C312ED4714927
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header accept-language = fr
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Adding locale 'fr'
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header pd =
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header connection = Keep-Alive
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header user-agent = 
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header host 
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header pragma = no-cache
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header cookie = 
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Requested cookie session id 
is 4CF6BD25491A6BC1789C312ED4714927
2003-02-14 11:02:23 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Adding cookie 
2003-02-14 11:02:24 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  An incoming request is being 
2003-02-14 11:02:24 HttpProcessor[8080][0]   The incoming request has 
been awaited
2003-02-14 11:02:24 HttpProcessor[8080][0]   parseConnection:, port=8080
2003-02-14 11:02:24 HttpProcessor[8080][0] Normalized: 
'/myapp/MyApp/home.jsp' to '/myapp/MyApp/home.jsp'
2003-02-14 11:02:24 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Request is 'GET' for 
'/myapp/MyApp/home.jsp' with protocol 'HTTP/1.0'
2003-02-14 11:02:24 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header accept = image/gif, 
image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/, 
application/, application/msword, */*
2003-02-14 11:02:24 HttpProcessor[8080][0]  Header referer =;jsessionid=4CF6BD25491A6BC1789C312ED4714927
2003-02-14 11:02:24 HttpProcessor[8080][0] process.parse

Looking into the offending SocketInputStream I found this code snippet:

   while (!eol) {
   // if the buffer is full, extend it
   if (readCount = maxRead) {
   if ((2 * maxRead) = HttpHeader.MAX_VALUE_SIZE) {
   char[] newBuffer = new char[2 * maxRead];
   System.arraycopy(header.value, 0, newBuffer, 0,
   header.value = newBuffer;
   maxRead = header.value.length;
   } else {
   throw new IOException
   // We're at the end of the internal buffer
   if (pos = count) {
   // Copying part (or all) of the internal buffer to 
the line
   // buffer
   int val = read();
   if (val == -1)
   throw new IOException
   pos = 0;
   readStart = 0;
   if (buf[pos] == CR) {
   } else if (buf[pos] == LF) {
   eol = true;
   } else {
   // FIXME : Check if binary conversion is working fine
   int ch = buf[pos]  0xff;
   header.value[readCount] = (char) ch; 

Re: Problem with servlets in Tomcat 4.1.18

2003-02-17 Thread Holger Klawitter
Am Montag, 17. Februar 2003 01:14 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 Hello, I have recently downloaded Tomcat 4.1.18 and I am having a little
 problem getting servlets to work.  After installing a Tomcat 4.1.18 I
 created a directory called test under the webapps directory.  I then
 created directory WEB-INF under test and classes under WEB-INF.  I placed a
 single servlet called HelloWorldExample in the classes directory.  When I
 try to use it I get the 404 error message saying it cannot find it..  The
 really frustrating part is I can copy this directory into the webapps
 directory for Tomcat 4.1.10  or just copy this servlet into any other
 preexisting directory and it works fine.  I can't seem to get any servlets
 to work in any directory I create.  Any ideas?  I have never had this
 problem before in Tomcat. JSPs work fine, just can't get servlets to work.
 Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks

The behaviour of tomcat changed.
The invoker Servlet Mapper is turned of by default.
You have to turn it on your webapp web.xml or in the global web.xml.

sarcasm target=tomcat-mainteriners
This info is well hidden at the very end of the RELEASE_NOTES, the first place 
of *new* users to look in.

sidenote target=tomcat-maintainers type=reconsiling
Looking in the archive of the mailing list would also help as this question 
gets posted and answered every day.

With kind regards / mit freundlichem Gruß
Holger Klawitter
Holger Klawitter

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R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
Yeah, I already did this test

I put an echo in both starting side and stopping side of tomcat script

I'm not looking at any files, I just looking at the console connected
directly on the server...

I saw (on the screen) the echoed string during startup but I don't see them
during shutdown...

That's why I suppose the script is not executed

 -Messaggio originale-
 Inviato: lunedi 17 febbraio 2003 0.38
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script

 Hmmm.. what file exactly are you looking at again?

 I'm not sure if it suppose to write anything... you should try to do
 netstat -a | grep $TOMCAT_PORT where TOMCAT_PORT is typically 8080
 after the restart and see if its truly alive. sleep for like 3 seconds
 and then grep for the port.

 Otherwise, try directly echo'ing out some debug vars and see if that

 echo Stopping tomcat
 ... whatever ...

 see if that outputs to your log

 - Original Message -
 From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 3:23 pm
 Subject: R: Startup/shutdown script

  I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
  executed when the
  server shutdown
  during the startup I see..
  Starting Tomcat [OK]
  while during the shutdown I see
  Stopping atd [OK]
  here should be tomcat
  Stopping mysql[OK]
  Very strange to see this.
   -Messaggio originale-
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Cc: Tomcat User List
   Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
   Instead of
   could you try
   also you can try to capture the pid during startup and if its still
   alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
   ./  /dev/null 21 
   echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
   if [ $? != 0 ];
  kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/`  /dev/null 21
   also I assume you're running this guy as root... because if
  you're not
   then you might have to give the user permissions to read/write into
   the file system where tomcat is installed.
   The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to the
   specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script
   Hopefully that helps.
   - Original Message -
   From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
   Subject: Startup/shutdown script
Hello All,
I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when the
  machine is
stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown script (the
script I'm
referring to is the one below, not the inside tomcat
bin dir) is
not executed (or, at least, it doesn't write to the console
Shutting down
tomcat [OK] nor write it to the boot.log nor messages and also
doesn'twrite to the catalina.out file the fact that tomcat was
shut down.
If I execute the script at cmd line, the script shuts down the
processDoes anybody has a clue of what the problem could be?
Thank you
I'm using this script:
case $1 in
   cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin
   cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin
   echo usage tomcat start|stop
this is named tomcat, set into the init.d dir inside /etc
and there is K11tomcat link in the rc0.d dir inside /etc
Simone Chiaretta
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
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R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
Hello Oscar,
when I /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop manually the service is stopped

btw... what does the chkconfig is?
Thank you

PS: I saw your script on the page and (restart and status options apart)
it's like mine...

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script

 What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop

 I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of the script such
 #chkconfig: 345 84 14
 #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server

 Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for

 /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the symbolic links
 /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how it starts up
 /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
 symbolic links

 I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with daemon scripts:

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

  I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
 executed when the
  server shutdown
  during the startup I see..
  Starting Tomcat [OK]
  while during the shutdown I see
  Stopping atd[OK]
  here should be tomcat
  Stopping mysql  [OK]
  Very strange to see this.
   -Messaggio originale-
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Cc: Tomcat User List
   Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
   Instead of
   could you try
   also you can try to capture the pid during startup and if its still
   alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
   ./  /dev/null 21 
   echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
   if [ $? != 0 ];
  kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/`  /dev/null 21
   also I assume you're running this guy as root... because if you're not
   then you might have to give the user permissions to read/write into
   the file system where tomcat is installed.
   The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to the directory,
   specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script
   Hopefully that helps.
   - Original Message -
   From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
   Subject: Startup/shutdown script
Hello All,
I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when the machine is
stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown script (the
script I'm
referring to is the one below, not the inside tomcat
bin dir) is
not executed (or, at least, it doesn't write to the console
Shutting down
tomcat [OK] nor write it to the boot.log nor messages and also
doesn'twrite to the catalina.out file the fact that tomcat was
shut down.
If I execute the script at cmd line, the script shuts down the
processDoes anybody has a clue of what the problem could be?
Thank you
I'm using this script:
case $1 in
   cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin
   cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin
   echo usage tomcat start|stop
this is named tomcat, set into the init.d dir inside /etc
and there is K11tomcat link in the rc0.d dir inside /etc
Simone Chiaretta
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
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Reading large log files with a servlet.

2003-02-17 Thread Peng Tuck Kwok
I've noticed that app servers like Sun One allows a administrator to 
view the contents of the log file in the administrative interface. Has 
anyone have any experience in doing that with a servlet in tomcat ? 
Could you share you experience please ? Thanks.

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RE: Log4J and tomcat using Commons logging

2003-02-17 Thread Collins, Jim
Hi Larry,

In my myapp/WEB-INF/lib I have:


In myapp/WEB-INF/classes I have: 

In common/lib I have:


And in server/lib I have no logging files.

I intend to use log4j anyway so it is not a major problem if I use it
directly rather than through commons-logging. It would however be nice to be
able to chop and change the underlying logging implementation without having
to change my code.



 -Original Message-
 From: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 14 February 2003 18:14
 Subject: RE: Log4J and tomcat using Commons logging
 Hey Jim, 
 Can you help me understand your configuration so I can help identify
 where the breakdown is? I am most curious about where all the 
 jar files
 are - common/lib, shared/lib, or WEB-INF/lib? Probably the best info
 would be directory listings of common/lib, shared/lib, and 
 I suspect that log4j is being loaded to far up the classloader tree to
 be able to find your configuration file when used through
 commons-logging, but when you use it directly, it is loaded again by
 another classloader that is able to find your configuration file. That
 is why I was asking if there was a way to tell log4j to use the
 properties file without relying on the class loader. I do not 
 use log4j,
 so I do not know what it can do.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/14/03 10:38 AM 
 Hi Larry,
 I am not having a problem with log4j I deploy the to
 myapp/WEB-INF/classes and it works fine. I would not want to have
 log4j.properies in common/classes because I want to be able 
 to configure
 logging for individaul apps. The problem is if I use commons-logging,
 SHOULD use the underlying log4j implementation and the
 that I have deployed with my app. With commons-logging you do 
 not log to
 particular logging implementation.
  -Original Message-
  From: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 14 February 2003 17:11
  Subject: RE: Log4J and tomcat using Commons logging
  I have never used log4j, but you might try putting the
  file in common/classes, it means all apps get the same log 
  settings, but
  may work. :-/
  Is there a way to tell log4j to use the properties file 
  without relying
  on the class loader, like an environment variable or something? That
  might make it easier to use.
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/14/03 09:55 AM 
  Hi Larry,
  There have been some problems with the location of the 
  file. It was in server/lib but this causes intermittent 
 problems that
  Tomcat to crash. I have posted this problem to this mail 
 list and the
  problem has been published on other mail lists. The fix is to move
  commons-logging.jar from server/lib to common/lib and not to deploy
  commons-logging with your webapp. At the moment I have
  only in common/lib and the log4j jar file in common/lib and my apps
  WEB-INF/lib dir. If I log directly to log4j it uses my
  but if I use commons-logging it uses the default.
  For the moment I will stick to calling log4j directly. It 
  would be nice
  clear this up though as a lot of other people are having the same
  trying to use commons-logging.
   -Original Message-
   From: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: 14 February 2003 15:40
   Subject: RE: Log4J and tomcat using Commons logging
   Where are your commons-logging and log4j jars?
   If they are loaded by a different classloader than the
   file, it may not work.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/14/03 02:47 AM 
   I have managed to get log4j to work for my webapps. I just have a file in WEB-INF/classes and it works. I can't get
   commons-logging to work though. If I try commons-logging 
 it does not
   pick up
   my file yet using log4j directly does pick 
   up the file.
   I have spent a lot of time trawling Tomcat/Struts/Commons 
   mail archives
   try and find how to get this to work to no avail. Reading 
 these mail
   archives I can see that a lot of other people are having the same
   problem as
   As Tomcat and Struts uses commons-logging could someone 
  please try and
   clarify how we set up a webapp to use commons-logging with its own
   configuration file. I am sure this would prove useful to a 
   large number
   Many thanks
-Original Message-
From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 13 February 2003 18:11
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Log4J and tomcat


Castor doclet and ArrayList

2003-02-17 Thread PALLUEL Sylvie

I'm a newbie in Castor. And I'm using  castor doclet to generate my mapping
file. The databases used are mySql and Oracle8i/9i.

In the doclet's documentation I've found One to One Relationship example,
but nothing about One to N.

My class scapin.donnees.assures.Assure  has an attribute 
  // This is a collection of scapin.donnees.demandes.Demande
  private java.util.Collection lesDemandes = new ArrayList();

and the getter/setter methods

  public Collection  getLesDemandes() {
return lesDemandes;
  public void  setLesDemandes(Collection lesDemandes) {
this.lesDemandes = lesDemandes;

Which doclet tags can I use for my attribute ?
Or have I to manually modify my mapping.xml file (and with which
informations )  ? 

I have tried this :
field name=lesDemandes type=scapin.donnees.demandes.Demande
  bind-xml name=lesDemandes /

How has to be defined my attribute lesDemandes in my database create schema

Thanks for your help.

Sylvie Palluel


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RE : Castor doclet and ArrayList

2003-02-17 Thread PALLUEL Sylvie
Oups ... sorry ... I 'm not in the right list !!!

Sylvie Palluel


 -Message d'origine-
 De : PALLUEL Sylvie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Envoyé : lundi 17 février 2003 10:49
 À : 'Tomcat Users List'
 Objet : Castor doclet and ArrayList
 I'm a newbie in Castor. And I'm using  castor doclet to generate my
 file. The databases used are mySql and Oracle8i/9i.
 In the doclet's documentation I've found One to One Relationship
 but nothing about One to N.
 My class scapin.donnees.assures.Assure  has an attribute
   // This is a collection of scapin.donnees.demandes.Demande
   private java.util.Collection lesDemandes = new ArrayList();
 and the getter/setter methods
   public Collection  getLesDemandes() {
 return lesDemandes;
   public void  setLesDemandes(Collection lesDemandes) {
 this.lesDemandes = lesDemandes;
 Which doclet tags can I use for my attribute ?
 Or have I to manually modify my mapping.xml file (and with which
 informations )  ?
 I have tried this :
 field name=lesDemandes type=scapin.donnees.demandes.Demande
   bind-xml name=lesDemandes /
 How has to be defined my attribute lesDemandes in my database create
 Thanks for your help.
 Sylvie Palluel
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Question about

2003-02-17 Thread Ben, heart wanderer
Hi All,
  I downloaded and installed Tomcat 4.1.18 with IIS
5.0 on Win2k. I'm using an example workers2.prop file:

# Define the communication channel 
info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

# Map the Tomcat examples webapp to the Web server uri
info=Map the whole webapp

#info=Global server options
# Default Native Logger (apache2 or win32 )
# can be overriden to a file logger, useful
# when tracing win32 related issues

I tried loading the isapi_redirector2.dll but it
failed with a bunch of error messages in the Event
Viewer about shm and lb failures.

After adding the following entries to workers2.prop,
the redirector loaded correctly and worked fine.

file=D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Tomcat

info=Default load balancer.

My question is what is the minimal
file possible and why are there defaults for the shm
and lb entries in the isapi redirector?

Thanks, Tomcat looks awesome!
Ben Schleimer

The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own 
skull; therefore he approaches the programming task in full humility, and among other 
things he avoids clever tricks like the plague - Edsger Dijkstra

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Tomcat 3.2.1: Basic authentication and Win 2000

2003-02-17 Thread Thomas Muller

When I try to apply basic authentication to an area, Win 2000 pops up with a
login dialog that requires windows credentials (or something). It seems like
Windows refuses do allow Tomcat to do authentication alone. Without any
knowledge of Tomcat internals, I guess it's the AccessInterceptor that
controls the behaviour (or at least tries to):

RequestInterceptor className=org.apache.tomcat.request.AccessInterceptor

I've tried to define the windows login credentials in tomcat-users.xml,
allow the actual Tomcat service to run as that user etc etc. Nothing helps.
Can't log in.


web-resource-nameProtected Area/web-resource-name



!-- Default login configuration uses BASIC authentication
realm-nameBasic Authentication Area/realm-name

How can I instruct win 2000 (or Tomcat) to override the OS specific

Any input on this would be much appreciated.



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Issues with IISConfig inTomcat 4.1.18

2003-02-17 Thread Ben, heart wanderer
  The IISConfig Listener in Tomcat 4.1.18 generates
configuration data for jk, even though 4.1.18 ships
with jk2. I just thought to bring it to people's

Ben Schleimer

The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own 
skull; therefore he approaches the programming task in full humility, and among other 
things he avoids clever tricks like the plague - Edsger Dijkstra

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help need with

2003-02-17 Thread Dan O'Callaghan
I'm trying to install Tomcat for the firat time.
I've got the basic tomcat working, but I'm struggling with the

I've downloaded the jakarta-tomcat-connectors source code but cannot
get the to compile.
All i get is the mod_webapp.c file.

I've pasted below a copy of my log file.
Can somebody let me know what i'm doing wrong.


Dan O'Callaghan 
Network and Systems Administrator 
Cogent Defence and Security Networks Ltd. 
Phone: 01633 292001 
Fax: 01633 292215 
Mobile: 0774 0670230 

output of log file:

This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.

It was created by WebApp Module configure , which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.57.  Invocation command line was

  $ ./configure --enable-debug

## - ##
## Platform. ##
## - ##

hostname = websrv2
uname -m = sun4u
uname -r = 5.8
uname -s = SunOS
uname -v = Generic_108528-13

/usr/bin/uname -p = sparc
/bin/uname -X = System = SunOS
Node = websrv2
Release = 5.8
KernelID = Generic_108528-13
Machine = sun4u
BusType = unknown
Serial = unknown
Users = unknown
OEM# = 0
Origin# = 1
NumCPU = 2

/bin/arch  = sun4
/usr/bin/arch -k   = sun4u
/usr/convex/getsysinfo = unknown
hostinfo   = unknown
/bin/machine   = unknown
/usr/bin/oslevel   = unknown
/bin/universe  = unknown

PATH: usrlocalbin
PATH: /usr/sbin
PATH: /usr/bin
PATH: /usr/local/bin
PATH: /usr/ccs/bin
PATH: /usr/ucb
PATH: /opt/sfw/bin
PATH: /opt/SUNWseam/3_0/bin
PATH: /usr/local/pgsql/bin
PATH: /usr/local/pgsql/bin
PATH: /usr/local/pgsql/lib
PATH: /usr/local/lib/
PATH: /usr/local/apache1.3.24/bin

## --- ##
## Core tests. ##
## --- ##

configure:1256: result: 
configure:1258: result: Configuring WebApp Module 
configure:1272: checking build system type
configure:1290: result: sparc-sun-solaris2.8
configure:1298: checking host system type
configure:1312: result: sparc-sun-solaris2.8
configure:1346: checking for sources directory path
configure:1354: result: /download/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp
configure:1372: checking for build directory path
configure:1380: result: /download/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp
configure:1500: result: 
configure:1502: result: Checking Apache APXS
configure:1507: checking for apxs name
configure:1533: result: apxs
configure:1575: checking for apxs
configure:1593: found /usr/local/apache1.3.24/bin/apxs
configure:1605: result: /usr/local/apache1.3.24/bin/apxs
configure:1614: checking for apxs availability
configure:1622: result: /usr/local/apache1.3.24/bin/apxs
configure:1629: checking for apxs version
configure:1645: result: /usr/local/apache1.3.24/bin/apxs (1.3)
configure:1650: checking for apxs sanity
configure:1673: result: ok
configure:1680: result: 
configure:1682: result: Apache 1.3 module compilation (APR checks)
configure:1692: checking for apr sources
configure:1718: result: ./apr
configure:1721: checking for apr sources directory path
configure:1729: result: /download/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp/apr
configure:1810: checking for proper command execution
configure:1813: result: ok (0)
configure:1829: checking for apr CC variable
configure:1875: result: gcc
configure:1880: checking for apr CPP variable
configure:1926: result: gcc -E
configure:1931: checking for apr SHELL variable
configure:1977: result: /bin/bash
configure:1983: checking for apr CFLAGS variable
configure:2029: result: 
configure:2034: checking for apr CPPFLAGS variable
configure:2080: result: -DSOLARIS2=8 -D_POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS
configure:2085: checking for apr LDFLAGS variable
configure:2131: result: 
configure:2137: checking for apr LIBS variable
configure:2183: result: -lsendfile -lrt -lm -lsocket -lnsl -lresolv -ldl
configure:2188: checking for apr EXTRA_INCLUDES variable
configure:2234: result: 
configure:2240: checking for apr APR_LIB
configure:2286: result: apr-0
configure:2291: checking for apr APR_LIBNAME
configure:2336: result:
configure:2341: checking for apr headers
configure:2364: result:
configure:2367: checking for apr libtool
configure:2370: result: /bin/bash
/download/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/webapp/apr/libtool --silent
configure:2374: result: 
configure:2376: result: Apache 1.3 module compilation (APXS checks)
configure:2381: checking for apxs CC variable
configure:2394: result: gcc
configure:2419: checking for compiler coherency
configure:2433: result: ok (gcc)
configure:2482: checking for apxs INCLUDEDIR variable
configure:2495: result: /usr/local/apache1.3.24/include
configure:2521: checking for apache 1.3 headers directory path
configure:2529: result: /usr/local/apache1.3.24/include
configure:2570: checking for apxs CFLAGS variable
configure:2583: result: -DSOLARIS2=280 -DUSE_EXPAT -I../lib/expat-lite
configure:2609: checking for apxs CFLAGS_SHLIB 

/manager does not work on Tomat 4.0.3

2003-02-17 Thread Alex K.

 How is everyone ? I get this error when I try to access manager app:


 I am running Tomcat 4.0.3

 tomcat-users.xml has an entry with user that uses role manager

 Any thoughts?

 Best Regards,

 Alex Korneyev

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Error while running JSP's on tomcat 3.2.4

2003-02-17 Thread Gupta, Ashish (CORP, Consultant)
Hello All,
   I have an installation of Tomcat 3.2.4 on a windows 2000 professional box. The 
server parses the HTML pages fine, however on parsing the JSP pages i get the 
following error:

Error: 500
Location: /examples/jsp/dates/date.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(
at org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool$
Root cause: 
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown argument
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(
at java.text.Format.format(
at org.apache.jasper.Constants.getString(
at org.apache.jasper.Constants.message(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Directive.accept(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread.runIt(
at org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool$

 I have been trying to figure out the cause of the problem but in vain.

Would appreciate any help or clues as to what the problem might be.


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RE: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4.1.12 on W2K

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

See my Win2K/WinXP HOWTO:

It uses 4.1.18, but the setup is exactly the same.  It details the setup of
the atuo-config option for Apache, though the file is now called
mod_jk.conf, not tomcat-auto.conf.

Also, regarding the AddModule's required for Apache 1.3, not
used for Apache 2.  Apache 2 only needs the LoadModule directive, Apache 1.3
needs both.


 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Bothma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 2:36 AM
 To: Tomcat Help
 Subject: Apache 2 and Tomcat 4.1.12 on W2K
 I want to use Apache as a front end server to server static 
 content and
 Tomcat listening on port 8009 using mod_jk or perhaps another 
 method to get
 Apache to forward *.jsp and /servlet requests to Tomcat.
 I'm using James 4.1.12 on W2K an would like to use the 
 file. I've looked through the documentation for Tomcat but 
 can't find out
 where I need to add the setting to enable Tomcat to create the file on
 startup. I've tried the Tomcat 3 method of using ApacheConfig
 confighome=c:/jakarta-tomcat/conf/ / in /conf/server.xml, 
 but I can't
 still find the config file.
 Any idea what I need to do to create this file.
 FYI. I'm want to use the auto config file, because I'm having 
 troubles using
 a file that I created manually for Apache. The problem is 
 with the AddModule
 mod_jk.c line in /conf/httpd.conf. I've looked through 
 Apache's docs and it
 appears that the AddModule statement has been removed. I 
 guess that the
 mod_jk.dll only works for version 1.3 of  Apache. (I did 
 notice something in
 the Apache docs that there are some changes to how modules 
 are loaded in v.
 Any ideas on what can be done to get Tomcat and Apache 2 to 
 work together.
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RE: webpage servlets !

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

I think you've got your terminology a little mixed up.

Accessing them through the HTML tags inside the servlet itself isn't

If you mean that your servlet generates HTML text that is sent to the
browser, and some of that HTML text refers to the page you are looking for,
then the URL needs to be a URL that the client browser can resolve, that is
something like

If you mean that your servlet is trying to read the file that is sitting on
your hard drive, using some sort of Java File object, then you need to refer
to the file in a filesystem-related manner, such as

In either case, you will get much faster (and more accurate) help if you:

1) explain exactly what it is you want to do, and
2) post the code that you've written that is trying to do it, and
3) describe the manner (URL) you're using to execute that servlet code, and
4) post the error message you get when you execute that code


 -Original Message-
 From: Swapneel Dange [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 2:32 AM
 Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
 i am accesing the webpage inside the SERVLET itself. and i am 
 trying to 
 access them as normal webpage and normal .txt page, but the 
 .txt page is 
 then made into a .html page.
 And there is no link as such on nay page for the webpage i am 
 trying to 
 access. i am accessing them through the html tags inside the 
 servlet itself.
 Swapneel Dange
 From: Peng Tuck Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
 Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 14:30:07 +0800
 How are you referring to the link in your html or jsp page?
 Swapneel Dange wrote:
 hi there !
 i am running a servlet, which takes the username and then 
 the password and 
 opens another webpage in the browser , my servlet is under the 
 webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes but my .txt file for running 
 the webpage are 
 not inside the directory known as classes( i am generating 
 a webpage by 
 making a .txt file first and then making a .html file out of that)
 the .txt and .html files are under webapps/ROOT/dange/ , 
 and whenever i 
 try to access the .txt files, i get some error like tha one 
 i am sending 
 can anybody help me on this ! 
 (The system cannot find the path specified)
 Swapneel Dange
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RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

man chkconfig

chkconfig provides a simple command-line tool for maintaining the
/etc/rc[0-6].d directory hierarchy by relieving system administrators of the
task of directly manipulating the numerous symbolic links in those


 -Original Message-
 From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:57 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
 Hello Oscar,
 when I /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop manually the service is 
 btw... what does the chkconfig is?
 Thank you
 PS: I saw your script on the page and (restart and status 
 options apart)
 it's like mine...
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
  What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
  I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of 
 the script such
  #chkconfig: 345 84 14
  #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
  Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for
  /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the symbolic links
  /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how 
 it starts up
  /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
  symbolic links
  I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with daemon scripts:
  On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
   I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
  executed when the
   server shutdown
   during the startup I see..
   Starting Tomcat [OK]
   while during the shutdown I see
   Stopping atd  [OK]
   here should be tomcat
   Stopping mysql[OK]
   Very strange to see this.
-Messaggio originale-
Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
A: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Tomcat User List
Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
Instead of
could you try
also you can try to capture the pid during startup and 
 if its still
alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
./  /dev/null 21 
echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
if [ $? != 0 ];
   kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/`  
 /dev/null 21
also I assume you're running this guy as root... 
 because if you're not
then you might have to give the user permissions to 
 read/write into
the file system where tomcat is installed.
The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to 
 the directory,
specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script
Hopefully that helps.
- Original Message -
From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
Subject: Startup/shutdown script
 Hello All,
 I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
 I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when 
 the machine is
 stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
 The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown 
 script (the
 script I'm
 referring to is the one below, not the 
 inside tomcat
 bin dir) is
 not executed (or, at least, it doesn't write to the console
 Shutting down
 tomcat [OK] nor write it to the boot.log nor 
 messages and also
 doesn'twrite to the catalina.out file the fact that tomcat was
 shut down.

 If I execute the script at cmd line, the script shuts down the
 processDoes anybody has a clue of what the 
 problem could be?
 Thank you

 I'm using this script:


 case $1 in
echo usage tomcat start|stop

 this is named tomcat, set into the init.d dir inside /etc
 and there is K11tomcat link in the rc0.d dir inside /etc

 Simone Chiaretta
 Any sufficiently advanced technology is 
 indistinguishable from magic

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RE: why can't i use jsp:useBean

2003-02-17 Thread Edson Alves Pereira
Make sure that your package is in webapps´s CLASSPATH,
here´s the way to do that.



 Responder:Tomcat Users List
 Enviada:  sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2003 17:28
 Assunto:  why can't i use jsp:useBean
 i am using tomcat 4.1.10 and am trying to write a jsp.  when i use:
 jsp:useBean id=foo scope=request class=Bar /
 i get a servlet context error.  i am importing the package that Bar.class 
 is in.
 any suggestions?
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RE: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss

2003-02-17 Thread Dennis Cartier
Hi Manjo,

Your web.xml is fine. Accessing http://servername/mig/HelloWorldExample
should work. The error you are getting sounds like it is coming from Apache.
This is most likely due to the positioning of the JkMount statement that
Jeff mentioned. Make sure is within your main directory section where the
default index and other resources are served from. If you place it there,
then you should not have to modify the order of deny, allow.

Once you get this working, you will learn that the color of the error gives
you a basis of the source. The error messages produced by Tomcat are light
blue, Apache tends to be black and white. This gives you the hint on where
to start looking for the source of the trouble.


-Original Message-
From: Manoj Kithany [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss

Hi Dennis,

Thank you for your reply.

My /mig/WEB-INF/web.xml follows:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;




From: Dennis Cartier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 14:19:54 -0500

Please post your web.xml from the WEB-INF dir in mig.war

-Original Message-
From: Manoj Kithany [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss

I checked the mod_jk.log file and found following...

[Fri Feb 14 09:44:47 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:47 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map
URI '/mig/'
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:47 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c
(502)]:jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a context match ajp13
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:51 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:51 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map
URI '/mig/'
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:51 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c
(502)]:jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a context match ajp13
[Fri Feb 14 09:52:43 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into
[Fri Feb 14 09:52:43 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map
URI '/mig/test.jsp'
[Fri Feb 14 09:52:43 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c
(558)]:jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a suffix match ajp13


 From the LOG file above it seems that INTEGRATION is successful BUT
I access http://MY.IP.ADDR.ESS/mig/test.jsp it shows FOLLOWING ERROR on
You don't have permission to access /mig/test.jsp on this server

Any guideline on this is appreciated!

 From: Manoj Kithany [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss
 Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 15:29:11 +
 I have a simple WAR file 'mig.war' and want to see if that wokrs on
 Architecture - Apache + JBoss(Tomcat).
 I have my mig.war file in /jboss/server/default/deploy
 I have my connector in /usr/local/apache/libexec directory
 My httpd.conf has following information at end:
 LoadModule jk_module  libexec/
 JkWorkersFile /jboss/catalina/conf/jk/
 JkLogFile /usr/local/apache/logs/mod_jk.log
 JkLogLevel info
 JKMount /examples/servlet/* ajp13
 JKMount /examples/*.jsp ajp13
 JKMount /mig/servlet/* ajp13
 JKMount /mig/*.jsp ajp13
 JKMount /mig/* ajp13

RE: applet

2003-02-17 Thread Edson Alves Pereira
First you must put the package in /WEB-INF/lib, for instance we
could use blah.jar. Following the new Applet specification you must put the
archive param in your object or applet tag like: archive=blah.jar
and call the full applet name as code=com.blah.JSuperApplet.
This solve all, try it!

 De:   Cédric Grun[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Responder:Tomcat Users List
 Enviada:  segunda-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2003 3:21
 Assunto:  applet
 I must use an applet in my webapp, but this applet uses library which 
 are in directory WEB-INF/lib.
 If I copy this library in same directory the jsp page, the applet works. 
 But if I put my packed applet
 in directory WEB-INF/lib, the jsp page can't found it.
 How can I do to not copy library, which are uses also by servlet, and 
 users can't access the applet
 by typing his url address ?
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R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
I manage linux at home becuase when I'm at work I cannot access the linux
box (due to firewall restrictions where I work)

I run a linux box on my own, not for my principal job


 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 14.33
 A: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

 man chkconfig

 chkconfig provides a simple command-line tool for maintaining the
 /etc/rc[0-6].d directory hierarchy by relieving system
 administrators of the
 task of directly manipulating the numerous symbolic links in those


  -Original Message-
  From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:57 AM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  Hello Oscar,
  when I /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop manually the service is
  btw... what does the chkconfig is?
  Thank you
  PS: I saw your script on the page and (restart and status
  options apart)
  it's like mine...
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
   What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
   I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
  the script such
   #chkconfig: 345 84 14
   #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
   Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for
   /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the symbolic links
   /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
  it starts up
   /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
   symbolic links
   I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with daemon scripts:
   On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
   executed when the
server shutdown
during the startup I see..
Starting Tomcat [OK]
while during the shutdown I see
Stopping atd[OK]
here should be tomcat
Stopping mysql  [OK]
Very strange to see this.
 -Messaggio originale-
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Cc: Tomcat User List
 Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script

 Instead of


 could you try


 also you can try to capture the pid during startup and
  if its still
 alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down

 ./  /dev/null 21 
 echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/

 if [ $? != 0 ];
kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/` 
  /dev/null 21

 also I assume you're running this guy as root...
  because if you're not
 then you might have to give the user permissions to
  read/write into
 the file system where tomcat is installed.

 The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to
  the directory,
 specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script

 Hopefully that helps.


 - Original Message -
 From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
 Subject: Startup/shutdown script

  Hello All,
  I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
  I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when
  the machine is
  stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
  The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown
  script (the
  script I'm
  referring to is the one below, not the
  inside tomcat
  bin dir) is
  not executed (or, at least, it doesn't write to the console
  Shutting down
  tomcat [OK] nor write it to the boot.log nor
  messages and also
  doesn'twrite to the catalina.out file the fact that tomcat was
  shut down.
  If I execute the script at cmd line, the script shuts down the
  processDoes anybody has a clue of what the
  problem could be?
  Thank you
  I'm using this script:
  case $1 in
 cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin
 cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin
 echo usage tomcat start|stop
  this is named tomcat, set 

RE: Problem with servlets in Tomcat 4.1.18

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

In recent versions of Tomcat, the default Invoker servlet is disabled by
default for security reasons.  You either have to enable the Invoker servlet
in your web application's web.xml file (not recommended), or explicitly map
your servlet to a URL in your web application's web.xml.

If you decide to use the Invoker, you will want to check the /examples web
app's web.xml file to see how to do that.

If you decide to explicitly map your servlet(s), you would do something like
this in your web.xml file:



Note that the order of elements in web.xml is rigidly enforced, you have to
follow the DTD to avoid generating syntax errors.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 7:15 PM
 Subject: Problem with servlets in Tomcat 4.1.18
 Hello, I have recently downloaded Tomcat 4.1.18 and I am 
 having a little
 problem getting servlets to work.  After installing a Tomcat 4.1.18 I
 created a directory called test under the webapps directory.  I then
 created directory WEB-INF under test and classes under 
 WEB-INF.  I placed a
 single servlet called HelloWorldExample in the classes 
 directory.  When I
 try to use it I get the 404 error message saying it cannot 
 find it..  The
 really frustrating part is I can copy this directory into the webapps
 directory for Tomcat 4.1.10  or just copy this servlet into any other
 preexisting directory and it works fine.  I can't seem to get 
 any servlets
 to work in any directory I create.  Any ideas?  I have never had this
 problem before in Tomcat. JSPs work fine, just can't get 
 servlets to work.
 Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks
 David T Clark
 Batch/Intranet/Rename Support
 ALLTEL Information Services
 Core Systems (MAD Development Center)
 (904) 854-5095   (Jacksonville)
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Re: Basic Auth with Apache+Tomcat

2003-02-17 Thread Erik Price

Jake Robb wrote:

Seems to me that if Tomcat had that information, it would be in the Session
variable, not the Request variable.  See if maybe it's available via

The variables (sometimes called cgi variables since CGI is what they 
are historically used with) sent by the user are sent in the HTTP 
request, which is why they are held in the HttpServletRequest object 
(not the HttpSession).

String user = request.getRemoteUser();


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Re: [OT] question about killfile

2003-02-17 Thread Erik Price

Denise Mangano wrote:

Hey all :)

Sorry for the dumb question... But I keep seeing people talk about a
killfile.  Seeing as how this is the first list I've ever subscribed to, I
had to ask - what exactly is a killfile?

You guessed it -- a file of email addresses whose email you don't want 
to see.  It actually stems from Usenet since you couldn't reject 
newsgroup postings (everyone on the server needs access to them) but the 
killfile would prevent certain posters' postings from appearing in your 

Without pointing fingers, there
are some poster(s) I'd like to block.  I know I can block the address, or
set up a rule in Outlook to automatically move messages from a specific
address to the deleted items folder...  But I was just curious if this
killfile was something different, and more effective.

Same diff.  Note that I couldn't get Outlook filters to work very 
effectively -- it seemed that for some reason I'd get lots of mail 
slipping right through them.  I think partly because Outlook uses some 
complex wizard to help decide for you how to filter the email, rather 
than just letting you say move all messages with  content in  
email header to  folder.  That's the main reason I moved to Mozilla 
for mail.  (Very satisfied with it, btw.)


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DataSource connection problem

2003-02-17 Thread meissa . Sakho
Hi all,

This problem has has been posted before.
But I've searched the list to find the solution in vain.

I'm trying to migrate my web applications from tomcat 4.0 to 4.1.18

My database connnections are handled within declaration in the server.xml 
(see the default context definition below)

everything works fine in tomcat 4.0

But in the 4.1.18 version, the server is unable to load my driver class 
Name and create a connection.

the driver jar file is both version in common/lib .

if someone could help .


  Environment name=ressourceDir type=java.lang.String
  Resource name=jdbc/formation auth=Container
   ResourceParams name=jdbc/formation

Re: webpage servlets !

2003-02-17 Thread Chong Yu Meng
Swapneel Dange wrote: 
(The system cannot find the path specified)

Arrgh! Swapneel ! Look at the directory ! Unless you have a
jakarta-tomcat directory under ANOTHER jakarta-tomcat directory, I do
believe you have a typo error !!


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RE: [OT] question about killfile

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

That Outlook rule is the exact rule I use for some of the folks on this
list. ;) Works like a charm.

I think the problem with Outlook rules is that there are server rules and
client rules, and the two sometimes conflict.  I've found that if I stick
with 100% server rules, I do OK, Outlook's many other problems and
deficiencies aside.


 -Original Message-
 From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 9:02 AM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: [OT] question about killfile
 Denise Mangano wrote:
  Hey all :)
  Sorry for the dumb question... But I keep seeing people talk about a
  killfile.  Seeing as how this is the first list I've ever 
 subscribed to, I
  had to ask - what exactly is a killfile?
 You guessed it -- a file of email addresses whose email you 
 don't want 
 to see.  It actually stems from Usenet since you couldn't reject 
 newsgroup postings (everyone on the server needs access to 
 them) but the 
 killfile would prevent certain posters' postings from 
 appearing in your 
  Without pointing fingers, there
  are some poster(s) I'd like to block.  I know I can block 
 the address, or
  set up a rule in Outlook to automatically move messages 
 from a specific
  address to the deleted items folder...  But I was just 
 curious if this
  killfile was something different, and more effective.
 Same diff.  Note that I couldn't get Outlook filters to work very 
 effectively -- it seemed that for some reason I'd get lots of mail 
 slipping right through them.  I think partly because Outlook 
 uses some 
 complex wizard to help decide for you how to filter the email, rather 
 than just letting you say move all messages with  
 content in  
 email header to  folder.  That's the main reason I moved 
 to Mozilla 
 for mail.  (Very satisfied with it, btw.)
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Re: An easy one... Default Config in conf/web.xml

2003-02-17 Thread Erik Price

Andoni wrote:

Thanks for that.  I think I'll look up your other recommendations first.  I
don't know ant at all so I'll start with the other one.

Ant is worth learning -- you can figure it out in a couple of hours.  It 
will make all of your webapp deployment a lot easier.

There is a decent ten-page tutorial at

(Your mail client may break the URL so be sure to repair any spaces in 
it.  Also, that's a PDF.)


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RE: Log4J and tomcat using Commons logging

2003-02-17 Thread Larry Meadors
Hey Jim,

I think Yoav's answer is very practical, and in spite of the fact that
it would require a code change if you change loggers down the road, it
is only a few lines in one place. You should think about it, because it
is pretty low-cost, compared to the amount of time we have already
spent. ;-)

However, in the interest of understanding what is going on, I think what
is happening is that the common classloader is loading commons-logging
and log4j and looking for configuration there. It cannot find it because
at that point, it does not know where to look - the configuration is at
a lower level and is not available to the common classloader. Then when
you try to use commons logging in myapp, it is not found in the myapp
classloader, so it looks up to the common classloader and uses that one
with the configuration found there. 

I would try adding commons-logging.jar to your WEB-INF/lib directory.
That way, when the server wants to log, it should be able to. When your
app wants to log, it should find commons logging and log4j right there
and log4j should find the config there too. I will keep my fingers
crossed. ;-)


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/17/03 02:08 AM 
Hi Larry,

In my myapp/WEB-INF/lib I have:


In myapp/WEB-INF/classes I have: 

In common/lib I have:


And in server/lib I have no logging files.

I intend to use log4j anyway so it is not a major problem if I use it
directly rather than through commons-logging. It would however be nice
to be
able to chop and change the underlying logging implementation without
to change my code.



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AElfred parser error

2003-02-17 Thread Marcelino Cruz

Trying to startup Tomcat I get the following error:
Feb 14,2003 2:03:19 PM org.apache.comons.digester.Digester getParser
SEVERE: Digester.getParser: javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException: AElfred 
parser is non-validaing
at com.icl.saxon.aelfred.SAXParserFactoryImpl...

...and Tomcat fails to start.  I'm trying to use the Xerces parser instead, but Tomcat 
insists on looking for the AElfred XML parser.  How can I make Tomcat use the Xerces 
parser and/or eliminate this error?


Re: RTFM and Ettiquette was: MY ATTITUDE

2003-02-17 Thread Erik Price

Paul Brinkley wrote:

The solution that causes the least amount of distress to all
parties (that I can think of) is to teach netiquette to Internet
newcomers in some hard-to-avoid location.


Unfortunately, this is a culture change, and hence it will take
a while, possibly as much as a generation (25 years) or more.
Those of you with kids: start now...

And those of you who refuse to do some legwork before posting to the 
list, please don't have kids.


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Re: AElfred parser error

2003-02-17 Thread Jacob Kjome

1.  Do you have the Alfred parser in CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed or 

2.  Do you have the Alfred parser somewhere on your classpath?

3.  Are you setting an environment variable for the sax parser to be Alfred?

In cases 1 and 2, getting rid of Alfred and the problem should go away.  In 
case 3, you will have to make sure to either not set this environment 
variable or set it to the xerces sax parser.


At 09:23 AM 2/17/2003 -0500, you wrote:

Trying to startup Tomcat I get the following error:
Feb 14,2003 2:03:19 PM org.apache.comons.digester.Digester getParser
SEVERE: Digester.getParser: 
javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException: AElfred parser is non-validaing
at com.icl.saxon.aelfred.SAXParserFactoryImpl...

...and Tomcat fails to start.  I'm trying to use the Xerces parser 
instead, but Tomcat insists on looking for the AElfred XML parser.  How 
can I make Tomcat use the Xerces parser and/or eliminate this error?


RE: Log4J and tomcat using Commons logging

2003-02-17 Thread Collins, Jim
Hi Larry,

Thanks for your help on this. I did have commons-logging.jar in
myapp/WEB-INF/lib and also in server/lib but I had to move them because this
was causing Tomcat to crash. I have found an email from Remy where he states
it is a Tomcat classloader problem which will not be fixed until Tomcat 5.

In the meantime I will stich to logging to log4j directly.

Thanks again.


PS I hope this has been of help to anyone else having logging problems :)

 -Original Message-
 From: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 17 February 2003 14:13
 Subject: RE: Log4J and tomcat using Commons logging
 Hey Jim,
 I think Yoav's answer is very practical, and in spite of the fact that
 it would require a code change if you change loggers down the road, it
 is only a few lines in one place. You should think about it, 
 because it
 is pretty low-cost, compared to the amount of time we have already
 spent. ;-)
 However, in the interest of understanding what is going on, I 
 think what
 is happening is that the common classloader is loading commons-logging
 and log4j and looking for configuration there. It cannot find 
 it because
 at that point, it does not know where to look - the 
 configuration is at
 a lower level and is not available to the common classloader. 
 Then when
 you try to use commons logging in myapp, it is not found in the myapp
 classloader, so it looks up to the common classloader and 
 uses that one
 with the configuration found there. 
 I would try adding commons-logging.jar to your WEB-INF/lib directory.
 That way, when the server wants to log, it should be able to. 
 When your
 app wants to log, it should find commons logging and log4j right there
 and log4j should find the config there too. I will keep my fingers
 crossed. ;-)
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/17/03 02:08 AM 
 Hi Larry,
 In my myapp/WEB-INF/lib I have:
 In myapp/WEB-INF/classes I have: 
 In common/lib I have:
 And in server/lib I have no logging files.
 I intend to use log4j anyway so it is not a major problem if I use it
 directly rather than through commons-logging. It would however be nice
 to be
 able to chop and change the underlying logging implementation without
 to change my code.
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Re: Tomcat as a production server?

2003-02-17 Thread Ben Ricker
You want to put a profiler on that box and see what threads are racing
away. You can also tell the JVM to throw a traceback of all the threads
being used, but I for got how exactly :(

Anyway, look at the code. You definately have something going on there.

Ben Ricker

On Sat, 2003-02-15 at 18:47, Arcadius A. wrote:
 We're using tomcat 4.1.12, Apache 1.3.27 , mod_jk1.2.2 on a redhat 7.3
 server ( AMD Duron 1.2GHz, 256 RAM).
 The problem is that the server runs quite fine the first few days but
 after a week, the server is heavily busy: While the number of tomcat
 processes and the memory usage is slightly the same, the CPU usage of each
 of the tomcat processes highly increase (  from 0.0% to about 19% for each
 of the tomcat processes). so tomcat can no longer respond to requests
 from the browser. the only one thing I use to do is restart the
 server then everything works fine again
 Note that all the  6 java processes shown in the attached file are from
 tomcat. And we're using tomcat's default configurations.
 Please has anyone coped with this problem before?
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RE: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss

2003-02-17 Thread Dennis Cartier
Hi Manjo,

I just spotted your post in the JBoss forums. You showed more of your
httpd.conf in that one. The problem is definitely in the placement of your
JkMount directives. You have to move them inside either a directory
directive or a virtual host directive.

As well the alias and the directory directive pointing to
/jboss/server/default/deploy is not required. Just move the JkMounts to
inside the default directory section, and it will all start working. I


-Original Message-
From: Manoj Kithany [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 3:35 PM
Subject: RE: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss

Hi Dennis,

Thank you for your reply.

My /mig/WEB-INF/web.xml follows:
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?

!DOCTYPE web-app
PUBLIC -//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN;




From: Dennis Cartier [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 14:19:54 -0500

Please post your web.xml from the WEB-INF dir in mig.war

-Original Message-
From: Manoj Kithany [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss

I checked the mod_jk.log file and found following...

[Fri Feb 14 09:44:47 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:47 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map
URI '/mig/'
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:47 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c
(502)]:jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a context match ajp13
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:51 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:51 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map
URI '/mig/'
[Fri Feb 14 09:44:51 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c
(502)]:jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a context match ajp13
[Fri Feb 14 09:52:43 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (460)]: Into
[Fri Feb 14 09:52:43 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c (477)]: Attempting to map
URI '/mig/test.jsp'
[Fri Feb 14 09:52:43 2003]  [jk_uri_worker_map.c
(558)]:jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a suffix match ajp13


 From the LOG file above it seems that INTEGRATION is successful BUT
I access http://MY.IP.ADDR.ESS/mig/test.jsp it shows FOLLOWING ERROR on
You don't have permission to access /mig/test.jsp on this server

Any guideline on this is appreciated!

 From: Manoj Kithany [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Simple WAR on Apache + Tomcat + JBoss
 Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 15:29:11 +
 I have a simple WAR file 'mig.war' and want to see if that wokrs on
 Architecture - Apache + JBoss(Tomcat).
 I have my mig.war file in /jboss/server/default/deploy
 I have my connector in /usr/local/apache/libexec directory
 My httpd.conf has following information at end:
 LoadModule jk_module  libexec/
 JkWorkersFile /jboss/catalina/conf/jk/
 JkLogFile /usr/local/apache/logs/mod_jk.log
 JkLogLevel info
 JKMount /examples/servlet/* ajp13
 JKMount /examples/*.jsp ajp13
 JKMount /mig/servlet/* ajp13
 JKMount /mig/*.jsp ajp13
 JKMount /mig/* ajp13
 My file contains

How to configure Tomcat to follow symbolic links.

2003-02-17 Thread guykaisin

I have a problem with symlinks.

As I want to host many web applications with different host definition, I just define 
my server.xml file as follow:


Host appBase=webapps.montaigne

Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger directory=logs 
prefix=montaigne_host_log. suffix=.txt timestamp=true/

Valve className=org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve directory=logs 
prefix=montaigne_access_log. suffix=.txt pattern=combined resolveHosts=true/


Context path= docBase=montaigne2 debug=0

Resources docBase= className=org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext 
allowLinking=true caseSensitive=true/

Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger prefix=montaigne2_log. 
suffix=.txt timestamp=true/



I Have resources (images) located in /montaigne2/img/par_img

where par_img is a symlink to /usr/.../par_img.

So, I suppose the url will work

In fact not !

but if I modify my config like this:


Context path=/montaigne2 docBase=montaigne2 debug=0

Resources docBase= className=org.apache.naming.resources.FileDirContext 
allowLinking=true caseSensitive=true/

Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger prefix=montaigne2_log. 
suffix=.txt timestamp=true/


If I try the, everything works fine. But I want 
the user to type the url as

So, why does it work in the second form of my config, and not the first ???


Thanks all of you ...



2003-02-17 Thread Curley, Thomas
Hi all,

using 4.1.12 - is there any issues with setProperty()

I have a simple form with 3 textfields (1 shown in example below for clarity) and a 
java bean class (again cut down 1 method).

problem - the bean does not get populated when I hit submit (ie) when I call 
getFname() from addUserA.jsp its null.  When I reload the html the form also resets 
(ie) fields do not retain their value





jsp:useBean id='form' class='login.bean.AddUserForm' scope='request'
  jsp:setProperty name='form' property='*' /

form name=form method=post  action=addUserA.jsp
  table width=50% border=0 align=center
tr class=headingtd class=heading colspan=2h3 align=centerPlease enter 
the users details/h3/td/tr
  td width=25%bFirst Name/b/td
  td width=75%input type=text name=fname maxlength=50 size=50 
  td colspan=2 height=50
div align=centerbinput type=submit name=Submit value=Add 


package login.bean;

public class AddUserForm

  public String getFname()
return fname != null ? fname: ;
  public void setFname(String fname)
this.fname = fname;

  private String uname;

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authentication fails at first

2003-02-17 Thread Udo Benz
Hi all
I am having a strange problem with authentication. If a user tries to 
login to the web site access is sometimes denied at first (this is not a 
mis-typed password).  Going back to the login page and typing the same 
username + password again works??
Did anyone have a similar problem?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am using a Mysql table to authenticate users.

Realm  className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm debug=99
 connectionName = user
 connectionPassword = pass digest=MD5
 userTable=customer userNameCol=userid 
 userRoleTable=user_roles roleNameCol=role_name /


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How to get web server to see updated classes?

2003-02-17 Thread Jim Cobban
I am running a servlet on a Tomcat server.  However users access that application 
through an Apache web server.  When I use the manager application to redeploy the 
servlet context the behavior of the updated classes does not appear to users coming 
through the Apache web server.

How do I make the updated classes visible through the Apache web server?

34 Palomino Dr.
Kanata, ON, CANADA
K2M 1M1

Tomcat 3.x / JDK1.4

2003-02-17 Thread Thomas Colin de Verdière
Hi there any troubles with Tomcat 3.x under JDK1.4? I did not see anything
except an obscur performance problem with SSL. But are there any other problem 
we can encounter.


Thomas Colin de Verdière

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LDAP connection pool suggestions?

2003-02-17 Thread White, Joshua A (CASD, IT)
Hello all,

I finally got MSSQL 2000 to work with DBCP.  (I am putting together my
lessons learned now)  I am looking for a similar facility for LDAP
connections.  Can anyone suggest a similar solution?  I am using JDK 1.3.x.



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tomcat 4.1.12 root

2003-02-17 Thread Lynn Young

I am new to tomcat 4.  I used to work on tomcat 3.3.

If I want to read a text file under my application_folder\data\ through 
a java bean program which is under my 
application_folder\web-inf\classes\myBean, how can I specify the path in the bean 
program?  In 3.3, the 
root is installation_folder\bin, so I can use relative path, this 
doesn't seem to work under 4.1.12, how to go around this?  

I know this question could have been asked before, but I couldn't find 
the answer in the archive, so thanks for any info.


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RE: Error while running JSP's on tomcat 3.2.4

2003-02-17 Thread Paul Bothma

Could you please post the JSP file.

The problem appears to be with a MessageFormat.format() call in your code


-Original Message-
From: Gupta, Ashish (CORP, Consultant)
Sent: 17 February 2003 15:24
Subject: Error while running JSP's on tomcat 3.2.4

Hello All,
   I have an installation of Tomcat 3.2.4 on a windows 2000 professional
box. The server parses the HTML pages fine, however on parsing the JSP pages
i get the following error:

Error: 500
Location: /examples/jsp/dates/date.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
Root cause:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown argument
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(
at java.text.Format.format(
at org.apache.jasper.Constants.getString(
at org.apache.jasper.Constants.message(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Directive.accept(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(

 I have been trying to figure out the cause of the problem but in vain.

Would appreciate any help or clues as to what the problem might be.


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RE: Error while running JSP's on tomcat 3.2.4

2003-02-17 Thread Gupta, Ashish (CORP, Consultant)
Hi Paul,
The Code is as follows :-

  Copyright (c) 1999 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights 

%@ page session=false%

body bgcolor=white
jsp:useBean id='clock' scope='page' class='dates.JspCalendar' 
type=dates.JspCalendar /

font size=4
liDay of month: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=dayOfMonth/
liYear: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=year/
liMonth: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=month/
liTime: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=time/
liDate: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=date/
liDay: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=day/
liDay Of Year: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=dayOfYear/
liWeek Of Year: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=weekOfYear/
liera: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=era/
liDST Offset: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=DSTOffset/
liZone Offset: is  jsp:getProperty name=clock property=zoneOffset/



-Original Message-
From: Paul Bothma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 12:50 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: Error while running JSP's on tomcat 3.2.4


Could you please post the JSP file.

The problem appears to be with a MessageFormat.format() call in your code


-Original Message-
From: Gupta, Ashish (CORP, Consultant)
Sent: 17 February 2003 15:24
Subject: Error while running JSP's on tomcat 3.2.4

Hello All,
   I have an installation of Tomcat 3.2.4 on a windows 2000 professional
box. The server parses the HTML pages fine, however on parsing the JSP pages
i get the following error:

Error: 500
Location: /examples/jsp/dates/date.jsp
Internal Servlet Error:
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager.service(
Root cause:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown argument
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(
at java.text.Format.format(
at org.apache.jasper.Constants.getString(
at org.apache.jasper.Constants.message(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser$Directive.accept(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Parser.parse(
at org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler.compile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.doLoadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JasperLoader.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.loadJSP(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.tomcat.core.ServletWrapper.doService(

quick jspc question

2003-02-17 Thread Felipe Schnack
  If you use -webinc JSP command-line option, jspc creates a xml file
with servlet declaration for each JSP file you just compiled. My doubt
is how I do include these declarations in my web.xml? There is something
like a include directive in this file? I tried to look into its DTD
file but no luck...


Felipe Schnack
Analista de Sistemas
Cel.: (51)91287530
Linux Counter #281893

Centro Universitário Ritter dos Reis
Fone/Fax.: (51)32303341

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Re: webpage servlets !

2003-02-17 Thread Swapneel Dange
yeah, there is the servlet code as an attachment to this mail. and ther 
hierarchy for the servlet classes are as folllows :

  SubmitServlet.class and all other supporting class files.

i am not able to understand the meaning of the error such as the following : 
(The system cannot find the path specified)

although it says that FILE NOT FOUND, but i am pretty sure that the FILE is 
there in the directory, anyways.. !

Swapneel Dange

From: Peng Tuck Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:55:58 +0800

I do not see why you cannot access a directory under a legit webapp, much 
less get the text file you put in there.
 Can you please send your servlet code ?

Swapneel Dange wrote:
i am accesing the webpage inside the SERVLET itself. and i am trying to

access them as normal webpage and normal .txt page, but the .txt page is 
then made into a .html page.

And there is no link as such on nay page for the webpage i am trying to 
access. i am accessing them through the html tags inside the servlet 

Swapneel Dange

From: Peng Tuck Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 14:30:07 +0800

How are you referring to the link in your html or jsp page?

Swapneel Dange wrote:

hi there !

i am running a servlet, which takes the username and then the password 
and opens another webpage in the browser , my servlet is under the 
webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes but my .txt file for running the webpage 
are not inside the directory known as classes( i am generating a webpage 
by making a .txt file first and then making a .html file out of that)

the .txt and .html files are under webapps/ROOT/dange/ , and whenever i 
try to access the .txt files, i get some error like tha one i am sending 

can anybody help me on this ! 
(The system cannot find the path specified)

Swapneel Dange

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Doubts about How can I set up the TomCat to run with IIS?

2003-02-17 Thread Edemilson Aguiar

We are having some problems when we try to set up the IIS to run with
TomCat. We are using the following documentations.

How can I set up the TomCat with the IIS and if somebody has another
documentations, please let's me know.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: webpage servlets !

2003-02-17 Thread Swapneel Dange
hey CHONG !

ur right man, its kind of weird but i do have a jakarta directory under a 
jakarta directory. i am not at all mistaken in the directory path 
description i guess. anyway thanx for reminding to take a look at the 
directory stucture i have defined.

Swapneel Dange

From: Chong Yu Meng [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 22:03:16 +0800

Swapneel Dange wrote: 
(The system cannot find the path specified)

Arrgh! Swapneel ! Look at the directory ! Unless you have a
jakarta-tomcat directory under ANOTHER jakarta-tomcat directory, I do
believe you have a typo error !!


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RE: webpage servlets !

2003-02-17 Thread Filip Hanik
your servlet should also be under classes, not under WEB-INF


Namaste - I bow to the divine in you
Filip Hanik
Software Architect

-Original Message-
From: Swapneel Dange [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !

yeah, there is the servlet code as an attachment to this mail. and ther
hierarchy for the servlet classes are as folllows :

   SubmitServlet.class and all other supporting class files.

i am not able to understand the meaning of the error such as the
following :
(The system cannot find the path specified)

although it says that FILE NOT FOUND, but i am pretty sure that
the FILE is
there in the directory, anyways.. !

Swapneel Dange

From: Peng Tuck Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:55:58 +0800

I do not see why you cannot access a directory under a legit webapp, much
less get the text file you put in there.
  Can you please send your servlet code ?

Swapneel Dange wrote:
i am accesing the webpage inside the SERVLET itself. and i am trying to

access them as normal webpage and normal .txt page, but the .txt page is
then made into a .html page.

And there is no link as such on nay page for the webpage i am trying to
access. i am accessing them through the html tags inside the servlet

Swapneel Dange

From: Peng Tuck Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 14:30:07 +0800

How are you referring to the link in your html or jsp page?

Swapneel Dange wrote:

hi there !

i am running a servlet, which takes the username and then the password
and opens another webpage in the browser , my servlet is under the
webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes but my .txt file for running the webpage
are not inside the directory known as classes( i am generating
a webpage
by making a .txt file first and then making a .html file out of that)

the .txt and .html files are under webapps/ROOT/dange/ , and
whenever i
try to access the .txt files, i get some error like tha one i
am sending

can anybody help me on this !
(The system cannot find the path specified)

Swapneel Dange

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Local/Internet access problem

2003-02-17 Thread Todd Paridon
I am still feeling my way through the setup and operation of these 
applications so please be gentle and explicit if you could.

I have tomcat 4.1.18 running with Apache 2.0.43 and mod_jk2.0.43 running 
on Mandrake-Linux 8.2.

I can run the supplied tomcat examples from within my local network 
using the server's local name, but when accessing the server from the 
internet all I get is a blank page for those same examples.  Apache 
seems to be working OK as I can access my web pages stored there with no 
problem from the internet.  I am using to handle my dynamic 
IP .  I don't know if this is an apache, tomcat, mod_jk or other setup 
problem.  Any ideas?  I'm guessing there is something in a conf file 
someplace, but not sure where to start looking.

Thanks very much
Todd Paridon

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RE: webpage servlets !

2003-02-17 Thread Swapneel Dange
hey filip !

ur right that my servlets should be inside classes, but my classes are under 
WEB-INF, and i guess thats what the documentation on the servlet says in the 
book ADVANCED JAVA PROGRAMMING - by Dietel  Dietel. Anyway i will be glad 
if u could explain to me after seeing my directory stucture, as to where 
should i move my files for running the servlets.

Swapneel Dange

From: Filip Hanik [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 10:23:34 -0800

your servlet should also be under classes, not under WEB-INF


Namaste - I bow to the divine in you
Filip Hanik
Software Architect

-Original Message-
From: Swapneel Dange [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !

yeah, there is the servlet code as an attachment to this mail. and ther
hierarchy for the servlet classes are as folllows :

   SubmitServlet.class and all other supporting class files.

i am not able to understand the meaning of the error such as the
following :
(The system cannot find the path specified)

although it says that FILE NOT FOUND, but i am pretty sure that
the FILE is
there in the directory, anyways.. !

Swapneel Dange

From: Peng Tuck Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:55:58 +0800

I do not see why you cannot access a directory under a legit webapp, 
less get the text file you put in there.
  Can you please send your servlet code ?

Swapneel Dange wrote:
i am accesing the webpage inside the SERVLET itself. and i am trying to

access them as normal webpage and normal .txt page, but the .txt page 
then made into a .html page.

And there is no link as such on nay page for the webpage i am trying to
access. i am accessing them through the html tags inside the servlet

Swapneel Dange

From: Peng Tuck Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 14:30:07 +0800

How are you referring to the link in your html or jsp page?

Swapneel Dange wrote:

hi there !

i am running a servlet, which takes the username and then the 
and opens another webpage in the browser , my servlet is under the
webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes but my .txt file for running the webpage
are not inside the directory known as classes( i am generating
a webpage
by making a .txt file first and then making a .html file out of that)

the .txt and .html files are under webapps/ROOT/dange/ , and
whenever i
try to access the .txt files, i get some error like tha one i
am sending

can anybody help me on this !
(The system cannot find the path specified)

Swapneel Dange

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RE: webpage servlets !

2003-02-17 Thread Swapneel Dange
john !

i think that the first thing u referred to the fact that i am generating a 
.txt and .html file , which eventually gets fed to the browser to view the 
webpage i want. Exactly thats what i am  trying to do but i think that i 
have somewhere in keeping the proper directory stucture.

And thats why i was curious to know has anybody ever had this problem 
wherein it was solved or not ?

Swapneel Dange

From: Turner, John [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 08:31:08 -0500

I think you've got your terminology a little mixed up.

Accessing them through the HTML tags inside the servlet itself isn't

If you mean that your servlet generates HTML text that is sent to the
browser, and some of that HTML text refers to the page you are looking for,
then the URL needs to be a URL that the client browser can resolve, that is
something like

If you mean that your servlet is trying to read the file that is sitting on
your hard drive, using some sort of Java File object, then you need to 
to the file in a filesystem-related manner, such as

In either case, you will get much faster (and more accurate) help if you:

1) explain exactly what it is you want to do, and
2) post the code that you've written that is trying to do it, and
3) describe the manner (URL) you're using to execute that servlet code, and
4) post the error message you get when you execute that code


 -Original Message-
 From: Swapneel Dange [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 2:32 AM
 Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !

 i am accesing the webpage inside the SERVLET itself. and i am
 trying to
 access them as normal webpage and normal .txt page, but the
 .txt page is
 then made into a .html page.

 And there is no link as such on nay page for the webpage i am
 trying to
 access. i am accessing them through the html tags inside the
 servlet itself.

 Swapneel Dange

 From: Peng Tuck Kwok [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: webpage  servlets !
 Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 14:30:07 +0800
 How are you referring to the link in your html or jsp page?
 Swapneel Dange wrote:
 hi there !
 i am running a servlet, which takes the username and then
 the password and
 opens another webpage in the browser , my servlet is under the
 webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes but my .txt file for running
 the webpage are
 not inside the directory known as classes( i am generating
 a webpage by
 making a .txt file first and then making a .html file out of that)
 the .txt and .html files are under webapps/ROOT/dange/ ,
 and whenever i
 try to access the .txt files, i get some error like tha one
 i am sending
 can anybody help me on this !
 (The system cannot find the path specified)
 Swapneel Dange
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Tomcat 4.1.8 and httpd-2.0.40-11

2003-02-17 Thread Xue-Feng Yang
Hi all,

I tried to connect  Tomcat 4.1.8 and Apache2(httpd-2.0.40-11 ) with jk2 
on my redhat 8.0 box, where apach2 was installed when I installed Redhat 
8.0. I use JDK 1.4.1.

When I used ant to build native, I met some errors. I fixed one error:

 [so] /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/include/jni.h:27:20: jni_md.h: No such 
file or directory

by copying   /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.1_01/include/linux/jni_md.h to 

Then I met more(see attched). I cannot resolve this. Could anyone help 
me on this?

Thank you very much,


  [so] StdErr:
  [so] In file included from 
apr.h: No such file or directory
apr_errno.h: No such file or directory
apr_time.h: No such file or directory
apr_strings.h: No such file or directory
  [so] In file included from 
  [so]  from 
  [so]  from 
  [so]  from 
  [so]  from 
  [so]  from 
  [so]  from 
parse error before apr_time_t
warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
warning: data definition has no type or storage class
parse error before maxTime
warning: data definition has no type or storage class
parse error before startTime
warning: data definition has no type or storage class
parse error before jkStartTime
warning: data definition has no type or storage class
parse error before endTime
warning: data definition has no type or storage class
  [so] In file included from 
  [so]  from 
  [so]  from 
  [so]  from 
  [so]  from 
parse error before apr_time_t
warning: no semicolon at end of struct or union
`read' redeclared as different kind of symbol
  [so] /usr/include/unistd.h:310: previous declaration of `read'
`write' redeclared as different kind of symbol
  [so] /usr/include/unistd.h:313: previous declaration of `write'
parse error before '}' token

UTF-8 Sending to Database.

2003-02-17 Thread Andoni

I am trying to send a Euro symbol (  €  ) to my database but it keeps being
corrupted on the way to the servlet from the form on my page.

When I replace the SQL string in my servlet with one which has a Euro symbol
hard-coded it works fine and displays in my .jsp fine as the Euro symbol but
when I submit a form from my JSP with a Euro symbol it gets corrupted into
nonsense on the way to the servlet.

Can anyone please help??



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Where is the 3.3.x .exe for Tomcat (Microsoft installation exe)?

2003-02-17 Thread daemeonr

A few days ago, I downloaded the Tomcat .exe's (MS Windows environment 
install) for 3.3.x and 4.x. Now I am trying to repeat the process to 
document it. ... I no longer can find 3.3.x's .exe ... only 4.x tree has 
the .exe (under the appropriate 586 branch). I need to install 3.3.x on 
Windoze platforms due to the

Where is the 3.3.x .exe for Tomcat?
.exe is there (as is 4.0.6),


does not have the .exe (nor does it appear to be anywhere else under 
v3.3.1 (or 3.3.1a)).

I *think* that there was no 3.3.1a when I downloaded 3.3.1. Is it 
possible that, when making that patch, something broke?

Any idea where I can find the 3.3.x .exe?

Would anyone responding with a DEFINITIVE answer please cc me at 


Daemeon Reiydelle

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RE: Local/Internet access problem

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

Apache and Tomcat have to be configured to answer to the server name and URL
that you enter into your browser.

Typically, something like http://localhost/examples is a default, so it
works.  However, something like does not.

If you're using the auto-config option of mod_jk, all you have to do is
setup a Host container in server.xml that sets up that host name.  Something


Listener className=org.apache.ajp.tomcat4.config.ApacheConfig
append=true forwardAll=false
modJk=/some/path/to/apache2/modules/ / 

Context path=/myApp docBase=/some/path/to/myApp



Then restart Tomcat, then restart Apache.  If you're not using the
auto-config option, you'll need to do the same thing as above, but minus the
Listener container, and then do something like the following in Apache's


# Static files 
Alias /myApp /some/path/to/myApp

Directory /some/path/to/myApp
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.jsp 

Location /myApp/WEB-INF/*
AllowOverride None
deny from all

Location /myApp/META-INF/*
AllowOverride None
deny from all

JkMount /*.jsp ajp13
JkMount /servlet/* ajp13



 -Original Message-
 From: Todd Paridon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 1:39 PM
 Subject: Local/Internet access problem
 I am still feeling my way through the setup and operation of these 
 applications so please be gentle and explicit if you could.
 I have tomcat 4.1.18 running with Apache 2.0.43 and 
 mod_jk2.0.43 running 
 on Mandrake-Linux 8.2.
 I can run the supplied tomcat examples from within my local network 
 using the server's local name, but when accessing the server from the 
 internet all I get is a blank page for those same examples.  Apache 
 seems to be working OK as I can access my web pages stored 
 there with no 
 problem from the internet.  I am using to handle 
 my dynamic 
 IP .  I don't know if this is an apache, tomcat, mod_jk or 
 other setup 
 problem.  Any ideas?  I'm guessing there is something in a conf file 
 someplace, but not sure where to start looking.
 Thanks very much
 Todd Paridon
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Re: UTF-8 Sending to Database.

2003-02-17 Thread THG
It could be, that the form data is double encoded or
the jdbc driver automatically encoding the data on the
fly. do u use prepared statements (setString())?

what is the encoding of your dbms?

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:22:55  
 Andoni wrote:

I am trying to send a Euro symbol (  €  ) to my database but it keeps being
corrupted on the way to the servlet from the form on my page.

When I replace the SQL string in my servlet with one which has a Euro symbol
hard-coded it works fine and displays in my .jsp fine as the Euro symbol but
when I submit a form from my JSP with a Euro symbol it gets corrupted into
nonsense on the way to the servlet.

Can anyone please help??



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Re: UTF-8 Sending to Database.

2003-02-17 Thread Andoni
The dbms stores UTF-8 fine and I can see them in the same JSP with has the
text box for inputting characters to my test app.

I don't use prepared statements but I could if you think that may have an
effect?  I'll try that.

The fact that the browser can receive Euro symbols should mean that the
driver is Ok?  Should it not?


- Original Message -
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: UTF-8 Sending to Database.

 It could be, that the form data is double encoded or
 the jdbc driver automatically encoding the data on the
 fly. do u use prepared statements (setString())?

 what is the encoding of your dbms?

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:22:55
  Andoni wrote:
 I am trying to send a Euro symbol (  ?  ) to my database but it keeps
 corrupted on the way to the servlet from the form on my page.
 When I replace the SQL string in my servlet with one which has a Euro
 hard-coded it works fine and displays in my .jsp fine as the Euro symbol
 when I submit a form from my JSP with a Euro symbol it gets corrupted
 nonsense on the way to the servlet.
 Can anyone please help??
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Re: UTF-8 Sending Euro symbol to Servlet in Form data.

2003-02-17 Thread Andoni
Actually the prepared statements couldn't help as I can get the Euro symbol
into the database fine by hard-coding it into my statement.  It is only
getting the information **from the form to the servlet** that is having a


- Original Message -
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: UTF-8 Sending to Database.

 It could be, that the form data is double encoded or
 the jdbc driver automatically encoding the data on the
 fly. do u use prepared statements (setString())?

 what is the encoding of your dbms?

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:22:55
  Andoni wrote:
 I am trying to send a Euro symbol (  ?  ) to my database but it keeps
 corrupted on the way to the servlet from the form on my page.
 When I replace the SQL string in my servlet with one which has a Euro
 hard-coded it works fine and displays in my .jsp fine as the Euro symbol
 when I submit a form from my JSP with a Euro symbol it gets corrupted
 nonsense on the way to the servlet.
 Can anyone please help??
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RE: webpage servlets !

2003-02-17 Thread Wendy Smoak
 i think that the first thing u referred to the fact that i am generating a

 .txt and .html file , which eventually gets fed to the browser to view the

 webpage i want. Exactly thats what i am  trying to do but i think that i 
 have somewhere in keeping the proper directory stucture.

Do you mean that inside your Servlet, you're using some sort of Writer and
generating text that gets saved to a file?

I can't imagine why you'd want to do this, but if you insist, then try a
relative path using '..' to back up one level and write the file.

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

Re: UTF-8 Sending Euro symbol to Servlet in Form data.

2003-02-17 Thread jeff . guttadauro
Hi, Andoni.

I'm not 100% sure how this all works, but I think there's a 
default system encoding on the system where your Tomcat is running.  This 
encoding determines how the form request parameters come across.  I think 
when I ran into a similar problem a while back I got around it by doing 
something like this:

String param = request.getParameter(param);
byte[] paramBytes = param.getBytes(UTF-8);
String paramToDatabase = new String( paramBytes, UTF-8 );

Then, you can send paramToDatabase to the database.  See if 
something like that works for you.  I've also seen discussion on this list 
about using Filters to intercept the request and handle this kind of 
thing, but I've never dealt with that.


02/17/03 01:56 PM
Please respond to Tomcat Users List

To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
Subject:Re: UTF-8 Sending Euro symbol to Servlet in Form data.

Actually the prepared statements couldn't help as I can get the Euro 
into the database fine by hard-coding it into my statement.  It is only
getting the information **from the form to the servlet** that is having a


- Original Message -
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: UTF-8 Sending to Database.

 It could be, that the form data is double encoded or
 the jdbc driver automatically encoding the data on the
 fly. do u use prepared statements (setString())?

 what is the encoding of your dbms?

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:22:55
  Andoni wrote:
 I am trying to send a Euro symbol (  ?  ) to my database but it keeps
 corrupted on the way to the servlet from the form on my page.
 When I replace the SQL string in my servlet with one which has a Euro
 hard-coded it works fine and displays in my .jsp fine as the Euro 
 when I submit a form from my JSP with a Euro symbol it gets corrupted
 nonsense on the way to the servlet.
 Can anyone please help??
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Re: UTF-8 Sending Euro symbol to Servlet in Form data.

2003-02-17 Thread THG
try the following code snippet:

String value = String from your form;
value = new String(value.getBytes(ISO-8859-1), UTF-8)
catch (Exception ex) {}

Then write the value (i. e. with a PreparedStatement) to the db.

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:56:54  
 Andoni wrote:
Actually the prepared statements couldn't help as I can get the Euro symbol
into the database fine by hard-coding it into my statement.  It is only
getting the information **from the form to the servlet** that is having a


- Original Message -
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: UTF-8 Sending to Database.

 It could be, that the form data is double encoded or
 the jdbc driver automatically encoding the data on the
 fly. do u use prepared statements (setString())?

 what is the encoding of your dbms?

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:22:55
  Andoni wrote:
 I am trying to send a Euro symbol (  ?  ) to my database but it keeps
 corrupted on the way to the servlet from the form on my page.
 When I replace the SQL string in my servlet with one which has a Euro
 hard-coded it works fine and displays in my .jsp fine as the Euro symbol
 when I submit a form from my JSP with a Euro symbol it gets corrupted
 nonsense on the way to the servlet.
 Can anyone please help??
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Re: jsp:setProperty

2003-02-17 Thread Pascal Nicolas

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Curley, Thomas wrote:


 problem - the bean does not get populated when I hit submit (ie) when I call
 getFname() from addUserA.jsp its null.  When I reload the html the form also
 resets (ie) fields do not retain their value


 jsp:useBean id='form' class='login.bean.AddUserForm' scope='request'
   jsp:setProperty name='form' property='*' /



 package login.bean;

 public class AddUserForm

   public String getFname()
 return fname != null ? fname: ;
   public void setFname(String fname)
 this.fname = fname;

   private String uname;

Are you sure of your code above ? did you compile it ?
You define a property uname and you use fname. It's strange, no ?

Pascal NICOLASUniversity of ANGERS
Web Page :

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Re: UTF-8 Sending Euro symbol to Servlet in Form data. - SOLVED!! ;-)

2003-02-17 Thread Andoni
Thank you all VERY much with this.  It is 8:30pm here and I'm close to
another 12 hour day trying at this problem.

I don't understand why the browser still insists on sending the data as
ISO-8859-1 if the header of the page and the accept-encoding tag on the form
both explicitly specify UTF-8 ??  Bizarre ;-8

Anyway, thanks a million again to:

Jeff Guttadauro


- Original Message -
To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 8:14 PM
Subject: Re: UTF-8 Sending Euro symbol to Servlet in Form data.

 try the following code snippet:

 String value = String from your form;
 value = new String(value.getBytes(ISO-8859-1), UTF-8)
 catch (Exception ex) {}

 Then write the value (i. e. with a PreparedStatement) to the db.

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:56:54
  Andoni wrote:
 Actually the prepared statements couldn't help as I can get the Euro
 into the database fine by hard-coding it into my statement.  It is only
 getting the information **from the form to the servlet** that is having a
 - Original Message -
 To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 7:42 PM
 Subject: Re: UTF-8 Sending to Database.
  It could be, that the form data is double encoded or
  the jdbc driver automatically encoding the data on the
  fly. do u use prepared statements (setString())?
  what is the encoding of your dbms?
  On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:22:55
   Andoni wrote:
  I am trying to send a Euro symbol (  ?  ) to my database but it keeps
  corrupted on the way to the servlet from the form on my page.
  When I replace the SQL string in my servlet with one which has a Euro
  hard-coded it works fine and displays in my .jsp fine as the Euro
  when I submit a form from my JSP with a Euro symbol it gets corrupted
  nonsense on the way to the servlet.
  Can anyone please help??
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RE: webpage servlets !

2003-02-17 Thread Swapneel Dange
Wendy !

i am creating a webpage using the HTML ags inside the servlets, and why i am 
using the .txt file becuase i find its easy to update my webpage using the 
.txt file whenever needed. but if i use straight away the HTML tags inside 
the servlet to access in the BROWSER the relevant webpage then everytime to 
make a small change i will have to change the HTML tags inside the servlet. 
Using a .txt file solves this problem that everytime i wont have to tamper 
my servlet code for any relevant changes in the WEBPAGE. i can just make the 
changes in the .txt and they will be reflected in the WEBAPGE.

but the problem i am having now is, i am not able to access the .html or the 
.txt file which is created by the servlet itself. as the servlet is not able 
to locate the file it creates by itself.

Swapneel Dange

From: Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Tomcat Users List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: webpage  servlets !
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 13:05:47 -0700

 i think that the first thing u referred to the fact that i am generating 

 .txt and .html file , which eventually gets fed to the browser to view 

 webpage i want. Exactly thats what i am  trying to do but i think that i
 have somewhere in keeping the proper directory stucture.

Do you mean that inside your Servlet, you're using some sort of Writer and
generating text that gets saved to a file?

I can't imagine why you'd want to do this, but if you insist, then try a
relative path using '..' to back up one level and write the file.

Wendy Smoak
Applications Systems Analyst, Sr.
Arizona State University PA Information Resources Management

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

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Re: UTF-8 Sending Euro symbol to Servlet in Form data. - SOLVED!!;-)

2003-02-17 Thread Jon Roberts
Andoni wrote:

I don't understand why the browser still insists on sending the data as
ISO-8859-1 if the header of the page and the accept-encoding tag on the form
both explicitly specify UTF-8 ??  Bizarre ;-8

If it helps... for Servlet API 2.0+, you can use the ServletRequest 
method getCharacterEncoding() to verify the charset used by the 
submitting page.

Jon Roberts

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Tomcat NT Service with IIS issues.

2003-02-17 Thread Haytham Samad

I had Tomcat 4.1.8 and IIS configured with the isapi redirector dll working
fine.  When I uninstalled tomcat using tomcat.exe and reinstalled it with a
modified configuration (just added some jvm arguments to better handle
garbage collection) the redirectory stopped working with the following event

Event Type: Warning
Event Source:   W3SVC
Event Category: None
Event ID:   36
Date:   2/17/2003
Time:   2:56:33 PM
User:   N/A
Computer:   computer name
The server failed to load application '/LM/W3SVC/3/Root/tomcat'.  The error
was 'The server process could not be started because the configured identity
is incorrect.  Check the username and password.
For additional information specific to this message please visit the
Microsoft Online Support site located at:

I am not sure why this happened?  Has anybody had this issue before and
knows how to deal with it?  I would appreciate any help on this as I will
definitely need to reconfigure tomcat's NT service installation and I want
it to work when I do so.



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Compiling tomcat.exe?

2003-02-17 Thread Alex Cruise
Hi folks,

I've been trying to find the source code for tomcat.exe (distributed 
with the Windows Tomcat 4.0.x installer), because I want to compile a 
customized version of it.

The source for jk_nt_service.exe is easy to find, but I need that of 
tomcat.exe because I want to load the JVM via its DLL, so that java.exe 
doesn't show up in the Windows process listing.

TIA for any pointers you can give...

Alex Cruise - Programmer, Iconoclast, Opinionated Bastard.
GCS/P v3.1a: d- s+:+ C$ UF++ UL++ P--- L++ E++ W++ N+ K w-- O- M
PS++ PE- Y+ PGP-- t+@ 5- X-- R !tv b++ DI++ D++ G e* h--- r+++ y+++

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Re: Local/Internet access problem

2003-02-17 Thread Todd Paridon
Sorry for the dumb question, as I said I'm just learning this stuff... 
This was installed a while ago and I don't remember the method I used. 
Is there any way to tell if the auto-config option is being used?

Thanks for your patience

Todd Paridon

If you're using the auto-config option of mod_jk, all you have to do is
setup a Host container in server.xml that sets up that host name.  Something

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RE: Local/Internet access problem

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

Best indicator is if a file called mod_jk.conf is created in
CATALINA_HOME/conf/auto when Tomcat is started.  Also look for Listeners
that call ApacheConfig in server.xml.


 -Original Message-
 From: Todd Paridon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:21 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Local/Internet access problem
 Sorry for the dumb question, as I said I'm just learning this 
  This was installed a while ago and I don't remember the 
 method I used. 
  Is there any way to tell if the auto-config option is being used?
 Thanks for your patience
 Todd Paridon
 If you're using the auto-config option of mod_jk, all you 
 have to do is
 setup a Host container in server.xml that sets up that host 
 name.  Something
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RE: UTF-8 Sending Euro symbol to Servlet in Form data.

2003-02-17 Thread Arnold Shore
From a lurker:

Maybe it's simply the form's default charset value that's the pblm.  I've
been able to get all UTF8 stuff (into an ASP app'n) by casting the charset
as utf8 wherever it applies, including page and form.

Arnold Shore
Annapolis, MD USA

-Original Message-
From: THG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:15 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: UTF-8 Sending Euro symbol to Servlet in Form data.
Importance: High

try the following code snippet:

String value = String from your form;
value = new String(value.getBytes(ISO-8859-1), UTF-8)
catch (Exception ex) {}

Then write the value (i. e. with a PreparedStatement) to the db.

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 19:56:54
 Andoni wrote:
Actually the prepared statements couldn't help as I can get the Euro symbol
into the database fine by hard-coding it into my statement.  It is only
getting the information **from the form to the servlet** that is having a


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RE: Unanswered questions

2003-02-17 Thread Wouter Boers
1. Is there a way to hup the tomcat server or otherwise reload files
from the commandline?

The Tomcat Ant plug-in knows how to reload / load/ remove applications.
So yes it is possible. You can use ant for that or figure out yourselv
how that is done.


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R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
I just got home from work
I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during shutdown a row
Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the /var/log/boot
and /var/log/messages

I cannot figure out what the problem could be

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script

 What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop

 I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of the script such
 #chkconfig: 345 84 14
 #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server

 Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for

 /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the symbolic links
 /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how it starts up
 /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
 symbolic links

 I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with daemon scripts:

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

  I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
 executed when the
  server shutdown
  during the startup I see..
  Starting Tomcat [OK]
  while during the shutdown I see
  Stopping atd[OK]
  here should be tomcat
  Stopping mysql  [OK]
  Very strange to see this.
   -Messaggio originale-
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Cc: Tomcat User List
   Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
   Instead of
   could you try
   also you can try to capture the pid during startup and if its still
   alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
   ./  /dev/null 21 
   echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
   if [ $? != 0 ];
  kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/`  /dev/null 21
   also I assume you're running this guy as root... because if you're not
   then you might have to give the user permissions to read/write into
   the file system where tomcat is installed.
   The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to the directory,
   specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script
   Hopefully that helps.
   - Original Message -
   From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
   Subject: Startup/shutdown script
Hello All,
I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when the machine is
stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown script (the
script I'm
referring to is the one below, not the inside tomcat
bin dir) is
not executed (or, at least, it doesn't write to the console
Shutting down
tomcat [OK] nor write it to the boot.log nor messages and also
doesn'twrite to the catalina.out file the fact that tomcat was
shut down.
If I execute the script at cmd line, the script shuts down the
processDoes anybody has a clue of what the problem could be?
Thank you
I'm using this script:
case $1 in
   cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin
   cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin
   echo usage tomcat start|stop
this is named tomcat, set into the init.d dir inside /etc
and there is K11tomcat link in the rc0.d dir inside /etc
Simone Chiaretta
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
RH-installed script would do them.

For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions, you aren't
calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.

I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your script does not
stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?

If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in /etc/init.d and insert
tomcat-specific commands where required.


 -Original Message-
 From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
 I just got home from work
 I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during 
 shutdown a row
 Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the 
 and /var/log/messages
 I cannot figure out what the problem could be
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
  What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
  I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of 
 the script such
  #chkconfig: 345 84 14
  #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
  Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for
  /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the symbolic links
  /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how 
 it starts up
  /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
  symbolic links
  I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with daemon scripts:
  On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
   I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
  executed when the
   server shutdown
   during the startup I see..
   Starting Tomcat [OK]
   while during the shutdown I see
   Stopping atd  [OK]
   here should be tomcat
   Stopping mysql[OK]
   Very strange to see this.
-Messaggio originale-
Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
A: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Tomcat User List
Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
Instead of
could you try
also you can try to capture the pid during startup and 
 if its still
alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
./  /dev/null 21 
echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
if [ $? != 0 ];
   kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/`  
 /dev/null 21
also I assume you're running this guy as root... 
 because if you're not
then you might have to give the user permissions to 
 read/write into
the file system where tomcat is installed.
The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to 
 the directory,
specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script
Hopefully that helps.
- Original Message -
From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
Subject: Startup/shutdown script
 Hello All,
 I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
 I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when 
 the machine is
 stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
 The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown 
 script (the
 script I'm
 referring to is the one below, not the 
 inside tomcat
 bin dir) is
 not executed (or, at least, it doesn't write to the console
 Shutting down
 tomcat [OK] nor write it to the boot.log nor 
 messages and also
 doesn'twrite to the catalina.out file the fact that tomcat was
 shut down.

 If I execute the script at cmd line, the script shuts down the
 processDoes anybody has a clue of what the 
 problem could be?
 Thank you

 I'm using this script:


 case $1 in
echo usage tomcat start|stop

 this is named tomcat, set into the init.d dir inside /etc
 and there is K11tomcat link in the rc0.d dir inside /etc

 Simone Chiaretta
 Any sufficiently advanced technology is 
 indistinguishable from magic

RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

And use chkconfig, or do all the symlinking and other administration by


 -Original Message-
 From: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:58 PM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
 In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
 RH-installed script would do them.
 For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions, 
 you aren't
 calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
 I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your 
 script does not
 stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?
 If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in 
 /etc/init.d and insert
 tomcat-specific commands where required.
  -Original Message-
  From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  I just got home from work
  I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during 
  shutdown a row
  Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the 
  and /var/log/messages
  I cannot figure out what the problem could be
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
   What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
   I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of 
  the script such
   #chkconfig: 345 84 14
   #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
   Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for
   /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the 
 symbolic links
   /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how 
  it starts up
   /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
   symbolic links
   I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with 
 daemon scripts:
   On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
   executed when the
server shutdown
during the startup I see..
Starting Tomcat [OK]
while during the shutdown I see
Stopping atd[OK]
here should be tomcat
Stopping mysql  [OK]
Very strange to see this.
 -Messaggio originale-
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Cc: Tomcat User List
 Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script

 Instead of


 could you try


 also you can try to capture the pid during startup and 
  if its still
 alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down

 ./  /dev/null 21 
 echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/

 if [ $? != 0 ];
kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/`  
  /dev/null 21

 also I assume you're running this guy as root... 
  because if you're not
 then you might have to give the user permissions to 
  read/write into
 the file system where tomcat is installed.

 The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to 
  the directory,
 specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script

 Hopefully that helps.


 - Original Message -
 From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
 Subject: Startup/shutdown script

  Hello All,
  I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
  I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when 
  the machine is
  stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
  The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown 
  script (the
  script I'm
  referring to is the one below, not the 
  inside tomcat
  bin dir) is
  not executed (or, at least, it doesn't write to the console
  Shutting down
  tomcat [OK] nor write it to the boot.log nor 
  messages and also
  doesn'twrite to the catalina.out file the fact that 
 tomcat was
  shut down.
  If I execute the script at cmd line, the script 
 shuts down the
  processDoes anybody has a clue of what the 
  problem could be?
  Thank you
  I'm using this script:
  case $1 in
 cd $TOMCAT_HOME/bin

R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't get it on the
In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat was stopped...


 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
 A: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

 In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
 RH-installed script would do them.

 For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions, you aren't
 calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.

 I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
 script does not
 stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?

 If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in /etc/init.d and insert
 tomcat-specific commands where required.


  -Original Message-
  From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  I just got home from work
  I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
  shutdown a row
  Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
  and /var/log/messages
  I cannot figure out what the problem could be
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
   What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
   I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
  the script such
   #chkconfig: 345 84 14
   #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
   Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for
   /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the symbolic links
   /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
  it starts up
   /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
   symbolic links
   I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with daemon scripts:
   On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
   executed when the
server shutdown
during the startup I see..
Starting Tomcat [OK]
while during the shutdown I see
Stopping atd[OK]
here should be tomcat
Stopping mysql  [OK]
Very strange to see this.
 -Messaggio originale-
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Cc: Tomcat User List
 Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script

 Instead of


 could you try


 also you can try to capture the pid during startup and
  if its still
 alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down

 ./  /dev/null 21 
 echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/

 if [ $? != 0 ];
kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/` 
  /dev/null 21

 also I assume you're running this guy as root...
  because if you're not
 then you might have to give the user permissions to
  read/write into
 the file system where tomcat is installed.

 The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to
  the directory,
 specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script

 Hopefully that helps.


 - Original Message -
 From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
 Subject: Startup/shutdown script

  Hello All,
  I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
  I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when
  the machine is
  stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
  The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown
  script (the
  script I'm
  referring to is the one below, not the
  inside tomcat
  bin dir) is
  not executed (or, at least, it doesn't write to the console
  Shutting down
  tomcat [OK] nor write it to the boot.log nor
  messages and also
  doesn'twrite to the catalina.out file the fact that tomcat was
  shut down.
  If I execute the script at cmd line, the script shuts down the
  processDoes anybody has a clue of what the
  problem could be?
  Thank you
  I'm using this script:
  case $1 in

RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

Where do you have it?  What run level?

What is the entry for it? Is it a K entry or a S entry?

What happens if you remove the cd $CATALINA_HOME/bin entries, and instead
call the scripts directly, like this:



 -Original Message-
 From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:17 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
 I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
 I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't get it on the
 In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat was 
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
  A: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
  In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
  RH-installed script would do them.
  For example, you aren't sourcing 
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions, you aren't
  calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
  I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
  script does not
  stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?
  If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in 
 /etc/init.d and insert
  tomcat-specific commands where required.
   -Original Message-
   From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
   I just got home from work
   I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
   shutdown a row
   Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
   and /var/log/messages
   I cannot figure out what the problem could be
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
A: Tomcat Users List
Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
/etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
   the script such
#chkconfig: 345 84 14
#description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
Then you can do this to add all the appropriate 
 symbolic links for
/sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the 
 symbolic links
/sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
   it starts up
/sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
symbolic links
I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with 
 daemon scripts:
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
 I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
executed when the
 server shutdown

 during the startup I see..

 Starting Tomcat [OK]

 while during the shutdown I see

 Stopping atd  [OK]
 here should be tomcat
 Stopping mysql[OK]

 Very strange to see this.


  -Messaggio originale-
  Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Cc: Tomcat User List
  Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
  Instead of
  could you try
  also you can try to capture the pid during startup and
   if its still
  alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
  ./  /dev/null 21 
  echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
  if [ $? != 0 ];
 kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/` 
   /dev/null 21
  also I assume you're running this guy as root...
   because if you're not
  then you might have to give the user permissions to
   read/write into
  the file system where tomcat is installed.
  The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to
   the directory,
  specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script
  Hopefully that helps.
  - Original Message -
  From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
  Subject: Startup/shutdown script
   Hello All,
   I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
   I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when
   the machine is
   stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
   The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown
   script (the
   script I'm
   referring to is the one below, not the
   inside tomcat
   bin dir) is
   not executed (or, at 

RE: Where is the 3.3.x .exe for Tomcat (Microsoft installation exe)?

2003-02-17 Thread Larry Isaacs
Tomcat 3.3.x doesn't have an equivalent to the .exe that
Tomcat 4 provides.  To install, unzip the distribution
and create the short-cuts you want.  It may not be as simple
as using the installer, but you will have more control over
which JDK(s) you use to run Tomcat and can have multiple
versions installed separately, if desired.


 -Original Message-
 From: daemeonr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 2:31 PM
 Subject: Where is the 3.3.x .exe for Tomcat (Microsoft 
 installation exe)?
 A few days ago, I downloaded the Tomcat .exe's (MS Windows 
 install) for 3.3.x and 4.x. Now I am trying to repeat the process to 
 document it. ... I no longer can find 3.3.x's .exe ... only 
 4.x tree has 
 the .exe (under the appropriate 586 branch). I need to 
 install 3.3.x on 
 Windoze platforms due to the
 Where is the 3.3.x .exe for Tomcat?
.exe is there (as is 4.0.6),


does not have the .exe (nor does it appear to be anywhere else under 
v3.3.1 (or 3.3.1a)).

I *think* that there was no 3.3.1a when I downloaded 3.3.1. Is it 
possible that, when making that patch, something broke?

Any idea where I can find the 3.3.x .exe?

Would anyone responding with a DEFINITIVE answer please cc me at 


Daemeon Reiydelle

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
I installed it also with chkconfig after u told me...
so now it's with K11tomact in rc0.d

I tried calling the file directly, too...

and when I call the script manually the server stops...

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 23.20
 A: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

 Where do you have it?  What run level?

 What is the entry for it? Is it a K entry or a S entry?

 What happens if you remove the cd $CATALINA_HOME/bin entries,
 and instead
 call the scripts directly, like this:



  -Original Message-
  From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:17 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
  I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't get it on the
  In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat was
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
   A: 'Tomcat Users List'
   Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
   In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
   RH-installed script would do them.
   For example, you aren't sourcing
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions, you aren't
   calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
   I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
   script does not
   stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?
   If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in
  /etc/init.d and insert
   tomcat-specific commands where required.
-Original Message-
From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
I just got home from work
I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
shutdown a row
Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
and /var/log/messages
I cannot figure out what the problem could be
 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script

 What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop

 I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
the script such
 #chkconfig: 345 84 14
 #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server

 Then you can do this to add all the appropriate
  symbolic links for

 /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the
  symbolic links
 /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
it starts up
 /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
 symbolic links

 I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with
  daemon scripts:

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

  I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
 executed when the
  server shutdown
  during the startup I see..
  Starting Tomcat [OK]
  while during the shutdown I see
  Stopping atd[OK]
  here should be tomcat
  Stopping mysql  [OK]
  Very strange to see this.
   -Messaggio originale-
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Cc: Tomcat User List
   Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
   Instead of
   could you try
   also you can try to capture the pid during startup and
if its still
   alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
   ./  /dev/null 21 
   echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
   if [ $? != 0 ];
  kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/` 
/dev/null 21
   also I assume you're running this guy as root...
because if you're not
   then you might have to give the user permissions to
read/write into
   the file system where tomcat is installed.
   The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to
the directory,
   specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script
   Hopefully that helps.
   - Original Message -
   From: Simone 

Re: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Oscar Carrillo
Why don't you try my script and substitute your environment variables?

Go down to the bottom and click on tomcatd. Save it to 

/sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #to be safe
/sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd

If it works then figure out what's different if you want to learn
why yours doesn't work.


On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

 I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
 I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't get it on the
 In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat was stopped...
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
  A: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
  In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
  RH-installed script would do them.
  For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions, you aren't
  calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
  I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
  script does not
  stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?
  If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in /etc/init.d and insert
  tomcat-specific commands where required.
   -Original Message-
   From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
   I just got home from work
   I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
   shutdown a row
   Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
   and /var/log/messages
   I cannot figure out what the problem could be
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
A: Tomcat Users List
Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
/etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
   the script such
#chkconfig: 345 84 14
#description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for
/sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the symbolic links
/sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
   it starts up
/sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
symbolic links
I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with daemon scripts:
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
 I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
executed when the
 server shutdown

 during the startup I see..

 Starting Tomcat [OK]

 while during the shutdown I see

 Stopping atd  [OK]
 here should be tomcat
 Stopping mysql[OK]

 Very strange to see this.


  -Messaggio originale-
  Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Cc: Tomcat User List
  Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
  Instead of
  could you try
  also you can try to capture the pid during startup and
   if its still
  alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
  ./  /dev/null 21 
  echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
  if [ $? != 0 ];
 kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/` 
   /dev/null 21
  also I assume you're running this guy as root...
   because if you're not
  then you might have to give the user permissions to
   read/write into
  the file system where tomcat is installed.
  The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to
   the directory,
  specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script
  Hopefully that helps.
  - Original Message -
  From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
  Subject: Startup/shutdown script
   Hello All,
   I'm using tomcat 4.0.4 on a linux (red hat 7.3) server
   I've a problem shutting down the tomcat deamon when
   the machine is
   stopped/rebooted from maintenance.
   The problem is that during the shutdown the shutdown
   script (the
   script I'm
   referring to is the one below, not the
   inside tomcat
   bin dir) is
   not executed (or, at least, it 

R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
Alreay done
nothing changed


 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.05
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

 Why don't you try my script and substitute your environment variables?

 Go down to the bottom and click on tomcatd. Save it to

 /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #to be safe
 /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd

 If it works then figure out what's different if you want to learn
 why yours doesn't work.


 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

  I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
  I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't get it on the
  In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat was stopped...
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
   A: 'Tomcat Users List'
   Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
   In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
   RH-installed script would do them.
   For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions,
 you aren't
   calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
   I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
   script does not
   stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?
   If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in
 /etc/init.d and insert
   tomcat-specific commands where required.
-Original Message-
From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
I just got home from work
I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
shutdown a row
Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
and /var/log/messages
I cannot figure out what the problem could be
 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script

 What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop

 I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
the script such
 #chkconfig: 345 84 14
 #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server

 Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for

 /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the
 symbolic links
 /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
it starts up
 /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
 symbolic links

 I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with
 daemon scripts:

 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

  I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
 executed when the
  server shutdown
  during the startup I see..
  Starting Tomcat [OK]
  while during the shutdown I see
  Stopping atd[OK]
  here should be tomcat
  Stopping mysql  [OK]
  Very strange to see this.
   -Messaggio originale-
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Cc: Tomcat User List
   Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
   Instead of
   could you try
   also you can try to capture the pid during startup and
if its still
   alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
   ./  /dev/null 21 
   echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
   if [ $? != 0 ];
  kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/` 
/dev/null 21
   also I assume you're running this guy as root...
because if you're not
   then you might have to give the user permissions to
read/write into
   the file system where tomcat is installed.
   The other suggestion i can offer is rather than cd to
the directory,
   specify the full path to the startup/shutdown script
   Hopefully that helps.
   - Original Message -
   From: Simone Chiaretta [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Sunday, February 16, 2003 10:03 am
   Subject: Startup/shutdown script
Hello All,

RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Turner, John

Just to make are testing this with a shutdown?  Or a reboot?
Reboot kills go in rc6.d.


 -Original Message-
 From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:31 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
 I installed it also with chkconfig after u told me...
 so now it's with K11tomact in rc0.d
 I tried calling the file directly, too...
 and when I call the script manually the server stops...
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 23.20
  A: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
  Where do you have it?  What run level?
  What is the entry for it? Is it a K entry or a S entry?
  What happens if you remove the cd $CATALINA_HOME/bin entries,
  and instead
  call the scripts directly, like this:
   -Original Message-
   From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:17 PM
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
   I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
   I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't 
 get it on the
   In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat was
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
A: 'Tomcat Users List'
Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
RH-installed script would do them.
For example, you aren't sourcing
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions, you aren't
calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
script does not
stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?
If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in
   /etc/init.d and insert
tomcat-specific commands where required.
 -Original Message-
 From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

 I just got home from work
 I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
 shutdown a row
 Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
 and /var/log/messages

 I cannot figure out what the problem could be

  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
  What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
  I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
 the script such
  #chkconfig: 345 84 14
  #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
  Then you can do this to add all the appropriate
   symbolic links for
  /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the
   symbolic links
  /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
 it starts up
  /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
  symbolic links
  I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with
   daemon scripts:
  On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
   I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
  executed when the
   server shutdown
   during the startup I see..
   Starting Tomcat [OK]
   while during the shutdown I see
   Stopping atd  [OK]
   here should be tomcat
   Stopping mysql[OK]
   Very strange to see this.
-Messaggio originale-
Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
A: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Tomcat User List
Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
Instead of
could you try
also you can try to capture the pid during startup and
 if its still
alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
./  /dev/null 21 
echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
if [ $? != 0 ];
   kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/` 
 /dev/null 21

Re: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Oscar Carrillo

What does this output?:
/sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd

It should output this:
tomcatd 0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on4:on5:on6:off

Are you doing this all as root?

I guess I haven't really looked at my boot process when shutting down. 
I'll try it.


On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

 Alreay done
 nothing changed
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.05
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Oggetto: Re: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  Why don't you try my script and substitute your environment variables?
  Go down to the bottom and click on tomcatd. Save it to
  /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #to be safe
  /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd
  If it works then figure out what's different if you want to learn
  why yours doesn't work.
  On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
   I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
   I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't get it on the
   In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat was stopped...
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
A: 'Tomcat Users List'
Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
RH-installed script would do them.
For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions,
  you aren't
calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
script does not
stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?
If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in
  /etc/init.d and insert
tomcat-specific commands where required.
 -Original Message-
 From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

 I just got home from work
 I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
 shutdown a row
 Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
 and /var/log/messages

 I cannot figure out what the problem could be

  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
  What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
  I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
 the script such
  #chkconfig: 345 84 14
  #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
  Then you can do this to add all the appropriate symbolic links for
  /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the
  symbolic links
  /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
 it starts up
  /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
  symbolic links
  I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with
  daemon scripts:
  On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
   I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
  executed when the
   server shutdown
   during the startup I see..
   Starting Tomcat [OK]
   while during the shutdown I see
   Stopping atd  [OK]
   here should be tomcat
   Stopping mysql[OK]
   Very strange to see this.
-Messaggio originale-
Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
A: Tomcat Users List
Cc: Tomcat User List
Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script
Instead of
could you try
also you can try to capture the pid during startup and
 if its still
alive you can forcefully kill it when you shut it down
./  /dev/null 21 
echo $!  $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/
if [ $? != 0 ];
   kill -9 `/bin/cat $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/` 
 /dev/null 21
also I assume you're running this guy as root...
 because if you're not
then you might have to give the user permissions to

Problem starting services

2003-02-17 Thread McClure, Timothy J(IndSys, GE Interlogix)
On some machines the Main class of our service is not called and Tomcat appears to 
start the service twice.  We only experience this situation on some machines, other 
work fine.  Is there some type of debugging we can turn on to evalute the problem.

Tim McClure

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
During shutdown
anyway, there is a K11tomcat in rc6.d too...

 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 23.35
 A: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

 Just to make are testing this with a shutdown?  Or a reboot?
 Reboot kills go in rc6.d.


  -Original Message-
  From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:31 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  I installed it also with chkconfig after u told me...
  so now it's with K11tomact in rc0.d
  I tried calling the file directly, too...
  and when I call the script manually the server stops...
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 23.20
   A: 'Tomcat Users List'
   Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
   Where do you have it?  What run level?
   What is the entry for it? Is it a K entry or a S entry?
   What happens if you remove the cd $CATALINA_HOME/bin entries,
   and instead
   call the scripts directly, like this:
-Original Message-
From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:17 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't
  get it on the
In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat was
 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
 A: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

 In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
 RH-installed script would do them.

 For example, you aren't sourcing
/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions, you aren't
 calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.

 I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
 script does not
 stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?

 If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in
/etc/init.d and insert
 tomcat-specific commands where required.


  -Original Message-
  From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  I just got home from work
  I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
  shutdown a row
  Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
  and /var/log/messages
  I cannot figure out what the problem could be
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
   What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
   I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
  the script such
   #chkconfig: 345 84 14
   #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
   Then you can do this to add all the appropriate
symbolic links for
   /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the
symbolic links
   /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
  it starts up
   /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
   symbolic links
   I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with
daemon scripts:
   On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
   executed when the
server shutdown
during the startup I see..
Starting Tomcat [OK]
while during the shutdown I see
Stopping atd[OK]
here should be tomcat
Stopping mysql  [OK]
Very strange to see this.
 -Messaggio originale-
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Cc: Tomcat User List
 Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script

 Instead of


 could you try



Context from webapps

2003-02-17 Thread Christian Stenvik
Hey al!
Tomcat 5 on RH 8
Each time you start Tomcat, after it loads Contexts (both from the
server.xml and automatically from $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps) ..
This doesnt happen for me. Had the same problem in Tomcat 4.
On windows it does though.
Had to add:
Context path= docBase=root debug=0 reloadable=true/Context
Context path=/tomcat-docs docBase=tomcat-docs debug=0 
in the virtual host in server.xml, to get the welcome page to be displayed.
But should this really be necessary?
Both root and docs folder contains WEB-INF with web.xml by default.
After startup, the default web applications included with Tomcat 5
will be available by browsing:  http://localhost:8080/ 
But I just got the Error 500 No Context configured to process this request
Can someone please explain!
Thanks! Calmera

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sessions Lost ?

2003-02-17 Thread Eddie Fung
Not sure if this is an Apache, Tomcat or Struts issue but here goes !

Has anyone experienced any problems with Sessions being lost between 
actions ? We have a situation where we place an object into Session Context 
and then forward to another Action (we are using Struts). We can clearly 
see that the object is being put into the Session Context but when we 
access the attribute at the other end it appears that the Session itself is 
'gone'  - the request.getRequestedSessionId() is null and the attribute we 
try and read is null..

We are using Apache and Tomcat and have mapped multiple domains within a 
single Tomcat instance. Is this an issue ? We do not pass sessions across 
multiple domains...



R: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
exactly, I have this line

and I'm doing everything as root...

I noticed the problem because in catalina.out I just saw

Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0.4

but saw Stopping service Tomcat-Standalone only when shuting down manually
the server


 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.13
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script


 What does this output?:
 /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd

 It should output this:
 tomcatd 0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on4:on5:on6:off

 Are you doing this all as root?

 I guess I haven't really looked at my boot process when shutting down.
 I'll try it.


 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

  Alreay done
  nothing changed
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.05
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Oggetto: Re: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
   Why don't you try my script and substitute your environment variables?
   Go down to the bottom and click on tomcatd. Save it to
   /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #to be safe
   /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd
   If it works then figure out what's different if you want to learn
   why yours doesn't work.
   On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't get it on the
In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat
 was stopped...
 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
 A: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script

 In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
 RH-installed script would do them.

 For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions,
   you aren't
 calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.

 I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
 script does not
 stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?

 If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in
   /etc/init.d and insert
 tomcat-specific commands where required.


  -Original Message-
  From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
  To: Tomcat Users List
  Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  I just got home from work
  I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
  shutdown a row
  Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
  and /var/log/messages
  I cannot figure out what the problem could be
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
   What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
   /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
   I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
  the script such
   #chkconfig: 345 84 14
   #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
   Then you can do this to add all the appropriate
 symbolic links for
   /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the
   symbolic links
   /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
  it starts up
   /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
   symbolic links
   I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with
   daemon scripts:
   On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
   executed when the
server shutdown
during the startup I see..
Starting Tomcat [OK]
while during the shutdown I see
Stopping atd[OK]
here should be tomcat
Stopping mysql  [OK]
Very strange to see this.
 -Messaggio originale-
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 19.22
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Cc: Tomcat User List
 Oggetto: Re: Startup/shutdown script

 Instead of


Cookie Handling Question

2003-02-17 Thread Ben Ricker
We have some strange behavior going on, probably due to the strange
setup one of our customers use. Before I get into it, some facts:

Running Apache 1.3.27 with mod_jk 1.2.1 on two Redhat Linux servers
talking to 4 Tomcat 4.0.5 instances. The Tomcats are running 2 per
server on Sun Solaris 8 boxes using Sun's JDK 1.4.1. The Apache's are
load-balancing to the Tomcats and we have a Cisco load-balancer in front
of the Apache servers.

Here is where it gets messy: the client is using IE 5.5 running on a
Citrix terminal server. They are using multiple stations within a
location and using the same account! So, user goes to station 1, logs
in, does their business, then leaves the station without explicitely
logging out of the app. They go to station 2, login, do their thing
there then leavesetc.

On top of this, there are other users who use the same stations but use
different browser windows and different logins. 

The problem is that the user complains of having to re-login to station
1 after a couple of hours when he comes back to use the session he
left open previously. Of course, with roughly 200 users at this site, we
have only had 2 complaints of this behavior but we are doing due
diligence to figure out what is going on. It looks like the browser is
getting confused about which session cookie is the right one for the
session and it sends the wrong cookie, thereby getting the invalidated
session, please login again screen.

Can anyone shed any light on how this sort of behavior might cause
session timeouts because of mishandled cookies? How does IE 5.x know
that a cookie is for this particular window, let's say, and not another?
Are cookies tied to windows? Being a Unix sysadmin, I can only look out
Windows (TM); I don't use them.

Any info would be appreciated.

Ben Ricker 

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Re: R: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Oscar Carrillo

I think I have this problem too. It may be that tomcat is getting heldup 
on shutdown and never gets outputted in time. Not sure.

I will have to look into it further.
Please stand by...

Unless John has some more insight?

I'll try to get back in a little while with some more info.


On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta 

 exactly, I have this line
 and I'm doing everything as root...
 I noticed the problem because in catalina.out I just saw
 Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
 Apache Tomcat/4.0.4
 but saw Stopping service Tomcat-Standalone only when shuting down manually
 the server
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.13
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  What does this output?:
  /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd
  It should output this:
  tomcatd 0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on4:on5:on6:off
  Are you doing this all as root?
  I guess I haven't really looked at my boot process when shutting down.
  I'll try it.
  On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
   Alreay done
   nothing changed
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.05
A: Tomcat Users List
Oggetto: Re: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
Why don't you try my script and substitute your environment variables?
Go down to the bottom and click on tomcatd. Save it to
/sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #to be safe
/sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd
If it works then figure out what's different if you want to learn
why yours doesn't work.
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
 I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
 I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't get it on the
 In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat
  was stopped...


  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
  A: 'Tomcat Users List'
  Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
  In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the way that a
  RH-installed script would do them.
  For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions,
you aren't
  calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
  I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
  script does not
  stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty OK prompt?
  If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in
/etc/init.d and insert
  tomcat-specific commands where required.
   -Original Message-
   From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
   To: Tomcat Users List
   Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
   I just got home from work
   I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
   shutdown a row
   Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
   and /var/log/messages
   I cannot figure out what the problem could be
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
A: Tomcat Users List
Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script
What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
/etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop
I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
   the script such
#chkconfig: 345 84 14
#description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server
Then you can do this to add all the appropriate
  symbolic links for
/sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the
symbolic links
/sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd #this will tell you how
   it starts up
/sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #this will get rid of all
symbolic links
I use RedHat 7.3 and I published my HOWTO along with
daemon scripts:
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
 I've tried everything, but it seems like the script is not
executed when the
 server shutdown

 during the startup I see..

 Starting Tomcat [OK]

 while during the shutdown I see


R: R: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Simone Chiaretta
happy not to be a white fly :-)

Infact one thing I noticed is that tomcat take a few seconds to stop... a
probably the system is halted before it gets to write something to the
catalina.out and to the console
I thought the script was run sincronously, so the other waiting the previous
to finish...


 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.41
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script


 I think I have this problem too. It may be that tomcat is getting heldup
 on shutdown and never gets outputted in time. Not sure.

 I will have to look into it further.
 Please stand by...

 Unless John has some more insight?

 I'll try to get back in a little while with some more info.


 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta

  exactly, I have this line
  and I'm doing everything as root...
  I noticed the problem because in catalina.out I just saw
  Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
  Apache Tomcat/4.0.4
  but saw Stopping service Tomcat-Standalone only when shuting
 down manually
  the server
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.13
   A: Tomcat Users List
   Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
   What does this output?:
   /sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd
   It should output this:
   tomcatd 0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on4:on5:on6:off
   Are you doing this all as root?
   I guess I haven't really looked at my boot process when shutting down.
   I'll try it.
   On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
Alreay done
nothing changed
 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.05
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

 Why don't you try my script and substitute your
 environment variables?

 Go down to the bottom and click on tomcatd. Save it to

 /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #to be safe
 /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd

 If it works then figure out what's different if you want to learn
 why yours doesn't work.


 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

  I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
  I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't
 get it on the
  In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat
   was stopped...
   -Messaggio originale-
   Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
   A: 'Tomcat Users List'
   Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
   In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the
 way that a
   RH-installed script would do them.
   For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions,
 you aren't
   calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
   I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
   script does not
   stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty
 OK prompt?
   If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in
 /etc/init.d and insert
   tomcat-specific commands where required.
-Original Message-
From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
I just got home from work
I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
shutdown a row
Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
and /var/log/messages
I cannot figure out what the problem could be
 -Messaggio originale-
 Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Inviato: domenica 16 febbraio 2003 15.02
 A: Tomcat Users List
 Oggetto: Re: R: Startup/shutdown script

 What happens if you shut it down manually (as root)?
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/tomcat stop

 I find it easier to put a chkconfig line near the top of
the script such
 #chkconfig: 345 84 14
 #description: Tomcat jakarta JSP server

 Then you can do this to add all the appropriate
   symbolic links for

 /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd  #this will add the
 symbolic links
 /sbin/chkconfig --list 

Re: Compiling tomcat.exe?

2003-02-17 Thread Jacob Kjome
Hello Alex,

You won't find it in Tomcat's source.  It is simply a renamed
JavaService.  Find the source here:


Monday, February 17, 2003, 3:00:56 PM, you wrote:

AC Hi folks,

AC I've been trying to find the source code for tomcat.exe (distributed 
AC with the Windows Tomcat 4.0.x installer), because I want to compile a 
AC customized version of it.

AC The source for jk_nt_service.exe is easy to find, but I need that of 
AC tomcat.exe because I want to load the JVM via its DLL, so that java.exe 
AC doesn't show up in the Windows process listing.

AC TIA for any pointers you can give...

Best regards,
 Jacobmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: R: R: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

2003-02-17 Thread Oscar Carrillo
I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but the I see tomcat is trying to
shutdown but the network is already down, so it throws an exception.
I had my network script wait for 10 seconds first, but that didn't help.

It seems like there may also be something with using daemon/killproc,
instead of any other method for shutdown.

I also had a minor issue with having not commented out JMX Beans
in server.xml.

Still working...


On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:

 happy not to be a white fly :-)
 Infact one thing I noticed is that tomcat take a few seconds to stop... a
 probably the system is halted before it gets to write something to the
 catalina.out and to the console
 I thought the script was run sincronously, so the other waiting the previous
 to finish...
  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.41
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  I think I have this problem too. It may be that tomcat is getting heldup
  on shutdown and never gets outputted in time. Not sure.
  I will have to look into it further.
  Please stand by...
  Unless John has some more insight?
  I'll try to get back in a little while with some more info.
  On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta
   exactly, I have this line
   and I'm doing everything as root...
   I noticed the problem because in catalina.out I just saw
   Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
   Apache Tomcat/4.0.4
   but saw Stopping service Tomcat-Standalone only when shuting
  down manually
   the server
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.13
A: Tomcat Users List
Oggetto: Re: R: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
What does this output?:
/sbin/chkconfig --list tomcatd
It should output this:
tomcatd 0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on4:on5:on6:off
Are you doing this all as root?
I guess I haven't really looked at my boot process when shutting down.
I'll try it.
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
 Alreay done
 nothing changed


  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 12.05
  A: Tomcat Users List
  Oggetto: Re: R: R: Startup/shutdown script
  Why don't you try my script and substitute your
  environment variables?
  Go down to the bottom and click on tomcatd. Save it to
  /sbin/chkconfig --del tomcatd  #to be safe
  /sbin/chkconfig --add tomcatd
  If it works then figure out what's different if you want to learn
  why yours doesn't work.
  On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Simone Chiaretta wrote:
   I'm saying that the shutdown script is not executing..
   I tried putting a debug line in the script but I don't
  get it on the
   In the catalina.out I don't get a line saying that Tomcat
was stopped...
-Messaggio originale-
Da: Turner, John [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Inviato: lunedì 17 febbraio 2003 22.58
A: 'Tomcat Users List'
Oggetto: RE: R: Startup/shutdown script
In the script you posted, you aren't doing things the
  way that a
RH-installed script would do them.
For example, you aren't sourcing /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions,
  you aren't
calling daemon() or killproc(), etc. etc. etc.
I'm not sure what you want to see...are you saying that your
script does not
stop Tomcat, or just that you don't get the pretty
  OK prompt?
If it's just the prompt, copy one of the scripts in
  /etc/init.d and insert
tomcat-specific commands where required.
 -Original Message-
 From: Simone Chiaretta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:49 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: R: R: Startup/shutdown script

 I just got home from work
 I tried your start/shutdown script but I never see during
 shutdown a row
 Stopping Tomcat [OK] coming out in the console nor in the
 and /var/log/messages

 I cannot figure out what the problem could be

  -Messaggio originale-
  Da: Oscar Carrillo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Inviato: domenica 16 

Re: Tomcat as a production server?

2003-02-17 Thread Arcadius A.

Ben Ricker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 You want to put a profiler on that box and see what threads are racing
 away. You can also tell the JVM to throw a traceback of all the threads
 being used, but I for got how exactly :(

Please where can I get a free non graphical profiler? (The server doesn't
have any graphic stuff installed)


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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

JK2 mess

2003-02-17 Thread Carlos Cajina
Hi. I've been trying to configure Apache 2.0.44 and Tomcat 4.1.18 to work together 
under WinXP Pro with no success. Maybe somebody on the list allready did this and can 
point out the things I'm missing or doing wrong.

Here's what I've done so far:

1. Added the  LoadModule jk2_module modules/mod_jk2-2.0.43.dll line in Apache's 
httpd.conf file.

2. Modify Tomcat's server.xml file to define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 
8009 as follows:
  Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector port=8009 
minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=75 enableLookups=true redirectPort=8443 
acceptCount=10 debug=0 connectionTimeout=2 useURIValidationHack=false 
protocolHandlerClassName=org.apache.jk.server.JkCoyoteHandler /

3. Left unchanged the default Tomcat file. Here it is:
# Set the desired handler list
# handler.list=apr,request,channelJni
# Override the default port for the socketChannel
# channelSocket.port=8019
# Default: 
# channelUnix.file=${jkHome}/work/jk2.socket
# Just to check if the the config  is working
# shm.file=${jkHome}/work/jk2.shm

# In order to enable jni use any channelJni directive
# channelJni.disabled = 0
# And one of the following directives:

# apr.jniModeSo=/opt/apache2/modules/

# If set to inprocess the mod_jk2 will Register natives itself
# This will enable the starting of the Tomcat from mod_jk2
# apr.jniModeSo=inprocess

4. Tried to use some of the example file (which I placed in the 
Apache conf directory) shown in, like 
 # define the worker

# Uri mapping

After doing this Tomcat starts just fine, but Apache gives me this error messages on 
the Windows Event Viewer:

a)Event Type: Error
Event Source: Apache Service
Description: The Apache service named  reported the following error:  (OS 
10048)Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is 
normally permitted.  : make_sock: could not bind to address

b) Event Type: Error
Event Source: Apache Service
Description: The Apache service named  reported the following error:  no listening 
sockets available, shutting down.

c) Event Type: Error
Event Source: Apache Service
Description: The Apache service named  reported the following error:  Unable to 
open logs.

I'll appreciate any help.

Kind regards,

Carlos Cajina

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