Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki


[Trisquel-users] Why I can't install lspci dmesg acpitool lspnp lsusb in Trisquel mini ?

2013-12-21 Thread dadix

sudo apt-get install lspci dmesg acpitool lspnp lsusb
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package lspci
E: Unable to locate package dmesg
E: Unable to locate package lspnp
E: Unable to locate package lsusb

[Trisquel-users] HTPC Controlled By Gamepad - Home/Launcher Button

2013-12-21 Thread virx61
I'm trying to create a game console-like environment with a PC and free  
software. On a side note, I wonder how many other people are interested in  
this sort of thing, especially considering the beautiful small HTPC models  
available at ThinkPenguin.

I've managed to get my computer paired with a bluetooth game controller at  
boot, and the controller works perfectly with games like rRootage,  
SuperTuxKart, and FreeDink; as well as XBMC, which is essential.

Everything is ready to go except one thing: I need a way to launch XBMC from  
the controller. I don't want it to start without the controller (I use my PC  
for regular stuff when I'm not gaming on it). I've decided I want to launch a  
process from .xsessionrc that watches for BTN_MODE to be sent from the  
controller indicating I've pressed the guide button, which will then launch  
XBMC or do whatever else I want. However I don't know how to do this. I think  
I need to watch /dev/input/event or uinput.

This guide does something similar, watching for events from LIRC . How can I look for events  
from the controller? xboxdrv says events are sent to event10 or js0.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why I can't install lspci dmesg acpitool lspnp lsusb in Trisquel mini ?

2013-12-21 Thread dadix
I think that packages are moved in another packages like lspnp moved to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why I can't install lspci dmesg acpitool lspnp lsusb in Trisquel mini ?

2013-12-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki

lspci is in pciutils
dmesg is in util-linux
lsubs is in usbutils

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why I can't install lspci dmesg acpitool lspnp lsusb in Trisquel mini ?

2013-12-21 Thread dadix
I need these because I want to see if my laptop can by hacked to support  
Coreboot like in these informations:

thanks lembas

Re: [Trisquel-users] HTPC Controlled By Gamepad - Home/Launcher Button

2013-12-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Does xev see the keypresses from the controller?

If yes, those can be used with xbindkeys.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why I can't install lspci dmesg acpitool lspnp lsusb in Trisquel mini ?

2013-12-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki

You're welcome. Fingers crossed!

[Trisquel-users] What are these numbers from lscpi output ?

2013-12-21 Thread dadix

I run this command:  lspci -nnvvv  lscpi.log

Now I see these numbers. What are these? These are blobs?

00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor  
Family DRAM Controller [8086:0104] (rev 09)

Subsystem: Samsung Electronics Co Ltd Device [144d:c0b6]
	Control: I/O- Mem+ BusMaster+ SpecCycle- MemWINV- VGASnoop- ParErr-  
Stepping- SERR- FastB2B- DisINTx-
	Status: Cap+ 66MHz- UDF- FastB2B+ ParErr- DEVSEL=fast TAbort- 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-21 Thread wlqdqxvu
The problem is not so much the ability to ship, but the perceived insurance  
«in case anything happens». It's easier to send the laptop in the same  
country and even monitor the traject. If they are nearby I can even go to the  
shop myself. This is why I would like some dealer in France. But I won't rely  
solely on DuckDuckGo to find me a salesperson.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why block Tor even for browsing?

2013-12-21 Thread wlqdqxvu
Never crossed my mind such an issue would be already reported. Glad to meet  
another Tor user!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-21 Thread wlqdqxvu
Thank you GNUser for your input. Only there's no such problem in my case.  
Debian 6 is out of the question, the kernel is too old. But Debian 7 does  
work, till it freezes. Tails, which is Debian 6 with a recent kernel had some  
issues, now it goes without a problem. Ubuntu I don't touch because of their  
Microsoftish policies. I know they are free. I also know that I am not  
skilled enough to take everything harmful out. I didn't like Fedora either  
because of their «latest software», huge quantity of updates and rpm. I  
don't know. In the past I have bricked a few computers with rpm updates. I  
never tricked deb distributions into that. But Fedora is smooth. And Fedora  
has security updates. And it can handle everything I throw at it it seems.  
Including upgrading full disk encrypted systems. Trisquel can't run on my  
hardware because it needs too many proprietary code, including for  

I used to build up my own PC. Since I switched to laptop only I'm handicapped  
and depend on others to do it for me. Heck! I don't need a webcam or optical  
driver either.

Free BIOS would be nice. Long battery life and the ability to go over to  
their shop if there's an issue I can't fix trumps that. Or, as you point out:  
going with a Trisquel CD.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What are these numbers from lscpi output ?

2013-12-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki
Not blobs. As the lspci manual page states, the - switch will Show
hexadecimal   dump   of   the extended  (4096-byte) PCI configuration space  
available  on  PCI-X  2.0 and PCI Express buses. So they are some registers.

If somebody on the other hand presented you with a source code that looked  
like that, then that'd be a blob.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-21 Thread wlqdqxvu
Yea, but who is going to pay the exchange tax, the VAT, the eco tax and any  
other tax the EU is going to put on that laptop? Than who is going to pay for  
the price of sending back the laptop if anything happens? And who is going to  
pay for a replacement during that time. Y'know, transatlantic postal packs  
don't go in a couple of hours.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why block Tor even for browsing?

2013-12-21 Thread wlqdqxvu

Thank you andrew. That's the best way to handle it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread wlqdqxvu
I'm a newcomer and I have no idea what threads are you talking about. But if  
the Trisqel community can't hold its viewpoint at home, on its own territory  
without bullying and censorship (you can call that moderation) than what  
chance does it stand outside with paid tech editors, advertising budgets and  
government bribery (they call it lobby)?

I never ever had anything as big as fedora forum and nothing even close to  
linux questions. But I have noticed that letting people free can help on the  
long term. Sure, bot spam doesn't help anybody. Probably it would even help  
you drop to the tenth page in search engines. But otherwise let people  
express themselves. An Ignore function is a far better choice than a  
moderator that can delete posts and ban users.

I have read through the comments so far. And from what I have noticed  
unpopular views (I wouldn't go that far to call them all trolling) multiply  
like Hydra's heads with so called moderation.

Guidelines? They are nice to have for nice people that do bother to read  
them. Enforcing guidelines is a very unfair process. And I know for sure that  
thread hijacking is never enforced as with quite a lot of abuse. I'm from  
Europe, most forums I visit are mostly american. Maybe it has something to do  
with the cultural differences. Because a sincere «fuck off» would most  
certainly bring a delete, maybe even a temporary ban, while a 10k post member  
hunting around a new user and calling that person all sort of names like  
«troll» or just pointing out obvious things that scream «idiot» without  
writing the word «idiot», now that guy can even make points with the  

Of course, I'm just a newcomer and I don't delude myself I can have a  
contribution to the final outcome. But I can add my contribution and troll  
you with my opinions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread aaz893

How about personal filters for users?

If somebody feel buthurt, then somebody else criticize
RMS/FLOSS/Mother_Teresa, in that case her/she needs to add the person in  
personal ignore list. IMHO, this is excellent alternative for forum  

Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser
It's funny, I checked your account... You barely do anything other than  
posting in your own threads, not taking the time to actually answer any  
questions of other users (I thought this forum was here to help people with  
doubts and questions), yet you come here and say I am bored as if it was a  
rational argument and just say I want this guy banned simply because I told  
you to fuck off, which means, don't bore me to death with your self imposed  
need to rule over other people's views/forums/etc.
So, yeah, I have basically told you everything that you needed to read, I  
will only clarify one more thing: I was the first person mentioning the  
raising prices yes but I was also the first to say they were in their own  
right to do so. You basically felt the need to defend them from a  
non.existent attack. And you probably did so with the intent of starting a  
fight with me (trying to get me into trouble, you are not the first one to  

Any person with a little brain inside their skulls will see that I was not  
attacking glug, or their work, merely stating a fact and my personal opinion  
about that fact. What happened after that was caused by you, because you  
apparently need the feeling of power over others. Well, not over me sir,  
don't even think about it. I state my views whenever I feel I should, and you  
ain't gonna shut me down. So, again, fuck off.

And I am done with you, get a life and don't bother me again, I am here for  
the honest people who need help or merely a little debate, not for people  
like you who only look for themselves. Bye.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why block Tor even for browsing?

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser
Nice to meet you too. I am happy to see other people here using Tor as their  
main browser. It's a very important thing to protect ourselves (I know that  
from personal experience :S).
If you don't mind me asking, which OS do you run, and what other  
privacy/security tools do you use?
I am running Debian right now, and enjoying it very much, I usually pay some  
attention to firewall rules, and have been looking into rootkits lately.

As for the blocking thing, we will have to wait. Andrew already did what was  
necessary. Given the fact that Tor is free software, and protects people  
online, there is no reason for us to be blocked. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser

No problem.
I think you might have misunderstood me, what I meant was that for some  
reason, my laptop appears to only accept the Debian based distros. In your  
case, every Debian based seems to give you trouble. So, maybe you should go  
to another family, maybe Fedora-family,since it works well for you.  
However, I agree that from what one reads online, Fedora versions are hit or  
miss. Some of them are very crashy.
Since you are on the look for a NEW laptop, I would suggest actually trying  
one that supports Debian family. You have two FSF endorsed distros (if that  
is important for you) Triquel and GNewSense, you have Debian itself which is  
also free software only, you also get other kind of distros like Tails (since  
you like Tor, you probably have heard of Tails by now) and Puppy (for some  
specific ocasions it can be good).

As for the hardware... one thing you must realise is that no manufacturer out  
there thinks I will build a laptop with free software friendly hardware  
only. Yes, ThinkPenguim and Glug actually make some changes on laptops that  
are themselves very friendly, but you don't need to buy there if it is a  
problem to you (because of the reasons you mentioned below). You can just  
look at the specs and look for one that uses the same hardware brands and  
There are some good rules of thumb: no CPU with vPro or Txt, no ATI graphics  
card (you won't have ANY luck playing games with that, trust me), etc.  
Basically by taking a Trisquel live cd you can be assured that at least  
Trisquel will run on it, that is already good. If eventually you want to  
change, the Debian family has a lot of distros that will also run great with  
free software only, since you already do so with trisquel. If you want a free  
bios, look for one that is supported by Coreboot, and decide if you want to  
make the work yourself (or if you prefer contacting glug and have them doing  
that for you on your laptop, maybe they can provide that service too).

Well, sorry for the long reply, but I hope it was any help for you. Let us  
know how it turns out ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-21 Thread shiretoko
Also, I don't know in what country you live in, but EUROPE AND USA ARE IN A  
FINANCIAL CRISIS THESE DAYS! You don't just hand a job application and get  
the job. 

You got a point there.
I don't like this whole argument of just quit your job, find another one! go  
into the coal-mines or the steel-factory or

just get a job at mcdonalds; your family doesn't need much money.
Those people don't know what they're talking about. A job at mcdonalds is  
nothing everyone can built a happy life on.
And honestly: developing proprietary software is not good and I think they  
should try to somehow get something else; but it's not that someone dies  
everytime they sell a program.

Hey GNUser, I know it's hard, but maybe you can manage to calm down a bit?
I mean they'll bann you otherwise and then you achieved nothing.
Believe me, your words will only have a chance to be heard if you speak them  
in a calm manner.

Lol, maybe I'll get banned for saying this. Who knows.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread onpon4
Lots of open source supporters think of free software as being religious and  
RMS as being like a messiah or something, but what's really funny is that  
they say this, then they go around and just agree with whatever Torvalds  
says. Meanwhile, in the free software movement, we have a lot of people that  
disagree with RMS' political views, such as anarchist capitalists, and he has  
a lot of views that are easy to disagree with. I, personally, am annoyed any  
time I hear RMS talking about global heating, which is a term that distorts  
the reality of the science of climate change, and I completely disagree with  
his insistence on restricting derivative works of his statements of opinion.  
I also think he gets angry way too easily sometimes, though that's probably  
just be a result of stress from going from place to place so much (he's only  
human, after all).

We agree with RMS about certain things, and disagree with him about other  
things. No one views him as a saint or messiah. Saint IGNUcious and the  
Church of Emacs is a joke. If anyone is religious, it's the Torvalds fans  
who assert such ridiculous things as GNU being irrelevant.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser
Lol, they will ban you alright... for trying to make me calm down (that way  
they don't get to ban me) :P

And yes, I have seen the storm coming... things are about to change here,  
with members wanting to become moderators (for our protection of course -.- )  
and some people who don't even participate that much here wanting to say who  
gets to stay and who gets to go (see the FSF endorsed thread)... Yes, people  
like me will probably get banned. Who loses? The forum, and the few good  
honest people who stay, too afraid to speak up their own mind. Still I thank  
you for the advice. I actually enjoyed our debates even if there was a  
moment we could have cut each others throat :P In the end I achieved  
something, you realized why illegal sharing is bad ;) No pirates here, just  
illegal sharing :)

Remember what I once told you about the hammer staying a hammer no matter  
what use you give it? Well, that's the problem here. People can come here and  
say whatever they want as long as they remain civil, but when someone says  
fuck you, I have to give food to my son everyone gets offended. Apparently  
for some guys here good manners are above everything else... even reason.

I am happy to see that someone understand that getting a job is not that  
much easy these days and that proprietary software is not killing people. I  
dislike proprietary software, but I don't attack those who create it. For me,  
Canonical is a lot worse, because they produced free software that spies on  
their users. Free software should mean freedom, not you are free to look at  
the way we spy on you and control you, here is the source code of our spying  
tool. :P

Well, see you around (until one of us gets banned :P)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-21 Thread onpon4
The only part of the system that has to do with hardware compatibility is the  
kernel, Linux. So unless all Debian-based systems are using a different  
kernel version than all those other systems, maybe your computer has a Secure  
Boot feature that doesn't have keys these other systems are signed with, or  
perhaps these other systems aren't signed at all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-21 Thread onpon4
I'm not aware of any cases like this. Moderation here is very hands-off.  
You're confusing the desire of some of the users for how they think it should  
be with how it actually is.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki
global heating, which is a term that distorts the reality of the science  
of climate change
The IPCC disagrees with you, see e.g. (9  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread tegskywalker
One of my big issues with this forum is the attack on permissive licenses  
even though they are free software. Most of the people here want everything  
to be GPL and will support it blindly even though it doesn't fit the scope of  
many projects and is considered too restrictive by modern developers.

The fears. The worries. The finger pointing. It makes you wonder if anyone is  
working on getting the next version of Trisquel out at this point. This site  
is turning into a glorified message board spreading evangelism and arguments  
with those who question it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-21 Thread shiretoko
I recognize that there are *many* users who want to change the moderationfor  
the bad. As far as I could see those are many long-established members, some  
of them even participate in the development in trisquel (correct me if I'm  
So I think it's more like the base of the community wants to protect  
themselves from new influences;

but I hope you're right and it's not the majority. Time will show.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why block Tor even for browsing?

2013-12-21 Thread gramex
I don't think it should be blocked even if it was nonfree software. It would  
just be like blocking Internet Explorer because it's  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-21 Thread gramex
Quakers are a strict sect of Christians. Most Christians are not Quakers.  
What is fatalism?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-21 Thread george . standish incorrect belief that we have no input  
in our lives, fate determines everything

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread george . standish
my suggestion: rename, or specifically describe, the (en) users-forum as  
technical support only! create a new OFFTOPIC forum for all discussion  
topics, not directly related to technical support issues.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-21 Thread unknown . 10001 . notthis

I think we'd like to think that purely 'we' makes the choises.
But you have to consider that we are not singular entities, each of us are  
made up of several parts that cooperate to make the choise. Our emotions  
tells us one thing, and our logic the other. Do we decide what emotions to  
have at a particular time? Maybe it is possible through technology, but  
currently i do not consciously decide what emotions to have.
So i don't know whether it is correct to say that we have freedom, as in the  
moment we were born(of which we did not choose to do), we were 'given the  
combined functionalities of our parents(of which we did not pick).

[Trisquel-users] A uqestion about a WIFI pasword

2013-12-21 Thread franparpe

Greetings ladies and gentlemen.

If my WIFI password has only numbers in it, it makes my network less secure  
for crackers?

I don't know much about WIFI.

Thank you

Re: [Trisquel-users] A uqestion about a WIFI pasword

2013-12-21 Thread george . standish
bad news - no matter what you do, your wifi can be cracked.  wep is broken  
at an ecryption level however, so wpa/wpa2 is a better suggestion.  using a  
long password makes breaking it much more difficult (well, time consuming  
really).  however, the only real solution is to change your password more  
often/faster then the cracker can brute force it (not something most people  
do, changing their wifi passwords often i mean).  best of luck.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-21 Thread shiretoko

(...) there was a moment we could have cut each others throat :P

Forget about that! We just had a bad start ;)

 In the end I achieved something

Yeah, but I think I had reached the conclusion faster if you had put it in a  
less offending way...
You know, people have the tendency to not listening anymore once they feel  
attacked. After all, they're only humans.

People can come here and say whatever they want as long as they remain  

AND as long as they don't criticize the fsf, you forgot that ;)

but when someone says fuck you, I have to give food to my son everyone  
gets offended. Apparently for some guys here good manners are above  
everything else... even reason.

That's true, but really a lot of people think so. I always admired RMS for  
his ability to stay calm no matter how he gets offended.
I think you'll reach more people that way and your words will have a bigger  
impact. Just my point of view!

Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-21 Thread stask

Article on Gluglug laptop

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-21 Thread shiretoko
One example proves nothing. It's like we don't have a financial crisis, THIS  
guy has a job.
RMS has outstanding programming skills and a bachelor degree at MIT. I think  
he was pretty much in the situation to try out things without fears for his  
financiel position.
And after all he decided against family and children; he is free to do so,  
but again, a bad example for how you can make a living without coding prop.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread cya
Probably would be better to actually start a Trisquel OS technical support  
forum; and allow this way-out-there-in-la-la-land bashing party to be moved  
into a back room, hidden from public view. :-)

Too many of the discussions are becoming laughable, and business people have  
begun to drop by to be entertained by the kids here. Unfortunately, that was  
an actual discussion at a recent meetings in the computer lab. Lack of  
management and supervision leads to chaos... but at least it is entertaining!

Re: [Trisquel-users] I bought a Replicant/Cyanogenmod-incompatible Android phone.

2013-12-21 Thread LDrumbler

Replicant's minimum criteria for a new port are:

* The device must be supported by CyanogenMod
* Its network type must be GSM and not CDMA (true of this device)
* There must be a way to flash images to the device using a free program  
(Samsung devices have a dedicated program, Heimdall, for this purpose) More  
accurately, installing images on the device must not require running any  
non-free software on the host computer. We can run anything necessary on the  
device, since it will be erased during installation. For example, one of our  
upcoming targets, the LG Optimus L9, must be upgraded to Android 4.2  
Jellybean before you can install Replicant on it.
* The kernel must not be signed; the bootloader must not check the kernel's  
signature. If this is the case, the device won't boot anything but a signed  
kernel from the manufacturer. Samsung devices are generally safe for this.
* The kernel source code must have been released. It does not look like this  
device has a release yet, but Samsung is legally obligated to provide a copy  
if we ask, because the kernel is under GPLv2.
* The device's processor must not be Qualcomm (these devices have bad  
hardware design where the modem can access many hardware features and spy on  
the user, and they also require a high number of blobs) or Nvidia Tegra 2  
(found to have unusably slow graphics under Replicant). Your device's  
processor is an ARM Cortex.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HTPC Controlled By Gamepad - Home/Launcher Button

2013-12-21 Thread virx61

I don't know why I didn't think of that. I use xbindkeys for other things.

In any case, it doesn't work; seems to only get keyboard and mouse events,  
and the manpage doesn't seem to indicate I could connect it to other events.

That's exactly like what I would be looking for, though, so I'm now hunting  
around for something similar to xev/xbindkeys that can watch  
/dev/input/event* and uinput.

Re: [Trisquel-users] HTPC Controlled By Gamepad - Home/Launcher Button

2013-12-21 Thread virx61
Here's something promising: evtest /dev/input/event10 detects and outputs  
joystick button events.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why block Tor even for browsing?

2013-12-21 Thread adrian . malacoda
Why is there a need for whitelisting user agent strings anyway? The user  
agent string is easily changed, and malicious clients will just spoof a  
legitimate one anyway.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A uqestion about a WIFI pasword

2013-12-21 Thread franparpe

Thank you

Re: [Trisquel-users] HTPC Controlled By Gamepad - Home/Launcher Button

2013-12-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki

Packages I'd look at


Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-21 Thread arielxgbarton
I agree; These laptops are probabaly in short supply, and people must decide  
whether they are prepared to pay extra for a free BIOS.

A lot of that laptop are being sold on ebay for about £120. Clearly that  
extra money is to pay for the effort he put into developing it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why block Tor even for browsing?

2013-12-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki

I'd bet the reason is fighting spammers.

[Trisquel-users] Replicant: About the Fairphone

2013-12-21 Thread mikko . viinamaki
I thought this theoretical marriage might interest quite a few people here.  
Spoiler: it's unlikely as of yet.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why block Tor even for browsing?

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser
Usually Tor users face some prejudice on the internet... Some evil doers  
use Tor, so Tor get's blocked at a lot of places. Problem is, the real evil  
doers will use other ways to do so, while the good honest people using Tor  
for their protection will lose access to content because of that.
When I get a block because of being a Tor user in some website, I usually  
either try using startpage proxy, or just give up on the website altogether.  
Some websites made the conscious decision to block Tor and if that's so, I  
just think they are not worth my time  
reading/writing/participating/cooperating/etc on their work. Since apparently  
trisquel will allow the new user agent soon, I think it deserves at least  
that (for a little amount of time) I keep using the old one to have access to  
the website. If they persist, maybe I will stop participating. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Buying a Trisquel laptop in France

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser
What you say makes sense... but I never heard of any special signature in  
Debian, or even my laptop (which is 5 years old already) having restricted  
I don't really care, because I prefer Debian, but I would like to be able to  
run other stuff from times to times.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser

(I really hate to be the one saying this...)

Wow, man... calm down. I understand how you feel (you know damn well I do)  
but you must consider the move you are making, it might not be the best one.  
you see, the FORUM has a lot of problems, yes, and I am talking about  
political/social problems, not technical ones. The distribution on the other  
hand, has some technical problems (I have mentioned a few already in other  
threads) but it has pretty much the correct political/social priorities. So,  
while you are correct on not bringing people here, you can still point the  
distribution (maybe offering advice for them to stay away from the forums and  
offering your own help for solving problems).
I only say this because, even if I prefer Debian right now over Trisquel (and  
even the social contract, which I believe is pro-freedom), it's true they are  
kept out of FSF list because of some petty political arguments. Not because  
of the distro itself. So, I think we should be careful to not fall into the  
same mistake.
Of course, I know it sounds silly for me to try to make you calm down and  
stay here, but, if you really want to make a difference, you have to stay.  
And maybe you will consider that if I am the one encouraging you to do so...  
maybe there is a reason for that :P
But of course, it's up to you :) I will try to fight back against several  
people who try to turn this forum into a dictatorship. I guess I could take  
some help from a person like you ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] A uqestion about a WIFI pasword

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser
Well, it's true that wpa/wpa2 is better than wep. But as far as the password  
goes, you should take some things into account. First, you should have a  
password with:

regular letters
numbers (12345...)
Symbols .,-?º+*

Second, make it at least 12 characters long.
Why all of this? Because if the router is susceptible of an attack using  
rainbow tables, it will make it almost impossible.
Third, you should NOT change it very often. When we try to think of a  
password that is strong, we usually can come up with one that is both strong  
and easy to remember. However, the more we change it, the more simplified  
our passwords will become. Because we tend to do so, in order to remember it.  
So we make it weaker by changing it.
In the end, you must check if your router has a pin activated. Read here
Basically what it says (and it works!) is that now matter how strong you  
password is, if someone can get the pin mentioned in the article, they will  
get in. So, yeah... keep an eye out for this too.

Also, you should change the name of the wireless network. Some routers have  
names that somehow reveal information about the router itself making it  
EASY for a total NEWBIE to crack your password (thomson routers for example).

That's all the advice I can give you =) hope it helps.

Re: [Trisquel-users] SteamOS based on Debian a good thing for Ubuntu/Trisquel?

2013-12-21 Thread thepouar
I think Valve and SteamOS is what convinced Nvidia to start helping out with  

Re: [Trisquel-users] HTPC Controlled By Gamepad - Home/Launcher Button

2013-12-21 Thread virx61
lembas: thanks. It seems like you think I should find an extra device to send  
commands to start the program?

Progress: I've been unable to find anything like xbindkeys or irxevent that  
can watch an arbitray device in /dev/input. I thought briefly of browsing and  
modifying the source code of either program, but instead I think I SHOULD be  
able to do something this simple with a shell script.

evtest offers something interesting: the --query option queries the current  
state of a certain button and returns 0 if it is not pressed, non-zero if it  
is. I can set up a watch command like this watch evtest --query  
/dev/input/event10 EV_KEY BTN_MODEevtest

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-21 Thread Tiberiu C. Turbureanu

În 2013-12-21 19:36, a scris:

a bad example for how you can make a living without
coding prop.  software.

You don't follow the Trisquel Community Guidelines:

Non-free software is never a solution so please do not rationalize, 
justify, or minimize the consequences of proposing non-free software as 
a solution.

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9  3260 F033 8452 4154 1967

Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
Înscrie-te ca membru! (

Re: [Trisquel-users] Has development on Trisquel 7 started?

2013-12-21 Thread arielxgbarton

Is he Spanish? It said that Trisquel was started in Spain on Distrowatch.

Does he use the forums? What is his username?

Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-21 Thread Tiberiu C. Turbureanu

În 2013-12-21 15:21, a scris:

It's funny, I checked your account... You barely do anything other
than  posting in your own threads, not taking the time to actually
answer any  questions of other users

My activity on this forum is of no relevance to the topic. Violation of 
rule #3 of the Code of Conduct:

Personal attacks: We don't tolerate personal attacks here.

Rest assured I help promoting Trisquel and offer assistance to Trisquel 
users with my foundation. My focus is on Romanian-speaking users.

I was the first person
mentioning the  raising prices yes but I was also the first to say
they were in their own  right to do so. You basically felt the need to
defend them from a  non.existent attack.

You attacked Gluglug by saying that the company is not driven 
(motivated) by ethics, but only by profit.

And you probably did so with
the intent of starting a  fight with me (trying to get me into
trouble, you are not the first one to  try).

You are a victim.

I state my
views whenever I feel I should, and you  ain't gonna shut me down.

This is not your backyard to do whatever you feel like. You should be 
banned and you should serve as an example for other new and old trolls.

So, again, fuck off.

Violation of rule #2 of the Code of Conduct:

Language: Express yourself without hard language (i.e. cursing).

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9  3260 F033 8452 4154 1967

Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
Înscrie-te ca membru! (

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread shiretoko

It's not that I'm planning to leave, maybe I expressed it wrong!
There are some intelligent people in here and though there are problems I  
like (some of) the discussions and I hope things will somehow develop in the  
right direction (away from cencorship and evangelism).

But I imagine how a friend of mine (he just started with free software and  
gnu systems) would come here and start a thread like Hey everyone, I like  
opensource and I even bought a raspberry pi to have a free dropbox  
alternative I can control myself; my father is a software developer and I  
often argue with him
and then he would get answers like: don't use this term, don't use that  
term; you bought the wrong device. Tell your immoral father to quit his job;  
this really frightens me. So I don't think I can recommend the trisquel  
community anymore to him.

But it's true that there is no reason to mix up the distro and the community.

And if you're telling me that I'm overreacting maybe I should think about it  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-21 Thread shiretoko
First, I think you should better provide arguments which show that I'm wrong  
instead of pointing towards the rule not to talk about certain things.

Second, your definitly wrong. I didn't rationalize, justify or minimize the  
consequences of *proposing non-free software as a solution*. I was talking  
about *developing* proprietary software and make a living from it.

You might think that it's all the same, but it's not.
You don't put yourself under any risk if you choose not to endorse  
proprietary software. In contrast, the developer of proprietary software does  
since he has to quit his job and find another one.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] A uqestion about a WIFI pasword

2013-12-21 Thread mampir
You should consider leaving your WiFi without a password so other people can  
use it.

Almost everyone's WiFi routers stay idle most of the time.  Even when the  
WiFi owner uses the Internet connection, it isn't usually utilized fully.   
Why not share the connection then?  That's what I do and it doesn't make my  
connection bad.

Sometimes when I'm out with my laptop, I'm able to connect to the Internet  
through someone's opened WiFi router.  I can then do some web browsing and  
some brief communication through my computer.  If find this very useful.  If  
most WiFi routers were opened like this, cell phones will be a lot less  

Try leaving your WiFi without a password to see, if it's any hindrance at  

Re: [Trisquel-users] A uqestion about a WIFI pasword

2013-12-21 Thread shiretoko
You should consider leaving your WiFi without a password so other people can  
use it.

Please mention also the legal problems which can arise.
He should do a lot of research about the law in his country before he opens  
his wlan. Things can turn out pretty bad otherwise. 

[Trisquel-users] RMS, in 2001, talked about a 1999 NSA backdoor in MS server software

2013-12-21 Thread adel . afzal

It's one sentence at around 10:42.  Can anyone find an article on what he  
talked about?

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS, in 2001, talked about a 1999 NSA backdoor in MS server software

2013-12-21 Thread adel . afzal
21:45 and especially 22:10 onward ... it's sad almost in a storybook kind of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Has development on Trisquel 7 started?

2013-12-21 Thread jbar
Rubén's nick in this forum is quidam [1] but he usually does not use the  
forum. And yes, he's from Spain.


Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser
One thing I have learned (though it took me some time to do so): Don't feed  
the trolls.
Reading this comment of yours, I realized you are a troll. It's amazing I  
hadn't realized it before, but finally this comment of yours was so full of  
your self importance that I was able to see it. So, this is the last reply  
you will get from me. And I am only doing this last one to let you know  
that... you know, since you are gonna act like a troll on the internet, you  
should be more careful, and not post your personal information in your  
signature. It could prove to be... unhealthy. Especially when you don't know  
when to fuck off, even when told by me three times...

See you never (we both hope)

P.S.: Fuck off

[Trisquel-users] Antwort: A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-21 Thread simonhandel
It's a pity that you both argue so much about this issue. I have sympathy for  
both of your opinions. Here is enough space for all opinions, isn't it.

Maybe we should simply ask gluglug about the reason for raising the price  
over 100%. Maybe he like to expand and need money to develop an alternative  
Notebook running with free software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A uqestion about a WIFI pasword

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser
Agreed. As much as I appreciate the ideals behind Open Wireless Movement,  
there are still many legal issues to be taken into account. Of course, if he  
can make sure he has no problem with being a part of it, he is welcome to do  
so. BUT, right now, I don't think things are in such a good legal status as  
to do so blindly.

Also,  a_slacker_here, maybe you could consider helping your community other  
way... by providing a Tor relay. You can read about the Tor project in and think about it, if you want to help others with your  
internet connection.

As for the security of the router, I hope you read my comment above.

Re: [Trisquel-users] A uqestion about a WIFI pasword

2013-12-21 Thread mampir

You are making it sound like this is something very dangerous and it's not.

The router has an option for no password, so people can use it.  If your  
country's police is known for severely punishing people without WiFi  
password, you should probably be aware of this.

I know where I live there are many public spaces where they have WiFi without  
password, so I don't feel I need to do a lot of research about the law to  
figure how things are.  I have better things to do.

In any case, you are free to do your law research because I wont.  But first  
consider what is good for people.  If everyone worries so much about breaking  
the law rather than doing good, I think everyone will be pretty miserable.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread gnuser
And if you're telling me that I'm overreacting maybe I should think about it  

Takes one to know the other :P

In the hope we can make this forum a better place, I have decided to change  
the way I interact here a little bit... no more arguing. I state my views,  
opinions, information, links, suggestions, whatever I have to state, ONCE. I  
won't get into arguments with other users who clearly are not making  
reasonable questions, just trying to pick up a fight. I might add some  
important info that I left out initially when asked for, but other than that,  
I will try to stick with one comment per thread, maybe it will bring us  
better results. I will hardly change the way I express myself however,  
because I don't tolerate censorship. If I need to say something is good the  
correct word is good. If I need to say something is broken the correct word  
is broken. If I need to say someone screwed the entire fucking world in a  
single decision the correct expression is screwed up the entire fucking  

[Trisquel-users] Free software compatible All-in-One

2013-12-21 Thread punkxlash

Hi guys,

I would like to buy a All-In-One printer like this:
But i dont know if it is free software friendly... there is a driver under  
GPL but im unable to know if is entirely free software.

Can any one help me with this odyssey? XD

Thanks in advance!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Front end for qrencode

2013-12-21 Thread gramex
I can't seem to get the output from the zenity dialog box into the read  
[variable here] command.

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS, in 2001, talked about a 1999 NSA backdoor in MS server software

2013-12-21 Thread gramex

It sounds familiar to me, but I don't have a link.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Has development on Trisquel 7 started?

2013-12-21 Thread aaz893

Hmm, but Ruben is Armenian name. Is he an Armenian?

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS, in 2001, talked about a 1999 NSA backdoor in MS server software

2013-12-21 Thread stask
Interesting speech, thanks for the link. It sounds like he is talking about  
things that are happening now!

There is a citation to Stallman's story on page 5 of this pdf.

Here is the link

This article from 1999 and is often cited in many similar-type stories.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread stask
Re: Debian and petty political arguments, please note the video mentioned  
in this thread:

It shows how Stallman feels about Linux vs. GNU and why he feels that way.  
Maybe watching that video will provide background that illustrates why  
freedom is so important an issue and how the slightest deviation from it  
affects Stallman so strongly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] RMS, in 2001, talked about a 1999 NSA backdoor in MS server software

2013-12-21 Thread Andrew Roffey
Also, here's the email correspondence between Duncan Campbell and
Microsoft from the year 2000 about the NSA key:


Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-21 Thread ahj
I think it's about time someone puts the proverbial banhammer down on your  
backside. All I see from the majority of your posts is constant whining and  

You know what they say. It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool  
than to speak out and remove all doubt.

And you my friend have removed all doubt in a stunning display of inane  
shitposting which has lead yet again to the derailment of ewhat should be a  
useful, constructive thread.

Re: [Trisquel-users] gluglug thinkpad x60 w/ coreboot mini review

2013-12-21 Thread ahj
It's nice to see that this laptop has received the 'Respects your freedom'  
certification from the FSF.

Also, I received an update from Mr Rowe the other day, it seems that a new  
revision of the coreboot stack is ready:

Hi xx,

Benefits of this new release:
 - Coreboot payload: GRUB2
 - GRUB2 payload: SeaBIOS (available in boot menu)
 - GRUB2 payload: MemTest86+ (available in boot menu)

 - Non-free microcode updates removed from coreboot
 - Native graphics support (replaces the nonfree VBIOS / VGA option ROM)
 - thinkpad_acpi support (needed for the backlight and other things)

 - Source code 100% free and deblobbed.
 - Parabola and gNewSense are now usable.

3rd release.
2013 December 14th

Compiled version () (pre-compiled coreboot.rom, flashrom/bucts source code.  

 - useful if you just want to flash the new version:

Source code () (coreboot, bucts, flashrom, grub2, memtest86+. Config files.  

 - useful if you want to study and hack the source code:

 - Added SeaBIOS payload to GRUB2 (for booting USB drives)
 - new grub.cfg

Updating your firmware always has a risk of bricking the machine.
Instructions are included, but be careful.

If you are not sure about how to update or would like help during the  
procedure, I'm more than happy to provide it.

Hope this helps

Francis Rowe. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-21 Thread Tiberiu C. Turbureanu

În 2013-12-22 01:19, a scris:

One thing I have learned (though it took me some time to do so): Don't
feed  the trolls.

And I am following this path with you, feeding you all the way. But I 
hope this will end well for this forum, with you banned from it.

So, this is the last reply  you will get from me.

It's the second time you promise that: And I am done with you. [...] 

you  should be more careful,
and not post your personal information in your  signature.
It could prove to be... unhealthy.

I will make sure to report this public threat as well. This goes beyond 
personal attack (rule #3 of the Code of Conduct). I am sure the team 
didn't even think they should include public threats in the list of 
forbidden activities on this community forum.

Especially when you don't know  when to fuck
off, even when told by me three times...
See you never

Yet another violation of #2 rule of the Code of Conduct: Language: 
Express yourself without hard language (i.e. cursing).

This of course goes beyond rule #2, because you are actually trying to 
banish me from this community. Like a dictator, but you forget you are 
not in charge here.

(we both hope)

Double personality or you are acting as part of a troll team, with 
quantumgravity (shiretoko) as your sidekick (and from what I see, with 
few more showing their interests in joining you).

Everybody else on this forum, I am sorry for this mess on such a 
wonderful news topic.

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9  3260 F033 8452 4154 1967

Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
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Re: [Trisquel-users] Antwort: A laptop earns FSF Respects Your Freedom certificate

2013-12-21 Thread Tiberiu C. Turbureanu

În 2013-12-22 01:16, a scris:

Maybe we should simply ask gluglug about the reason for raising the
price over 100%.

By all means. If this issue is important to you, take action. This 
community is not the one selling the laptops. So it's useless to guess 
and debate guesses about what are Gluglug's reasons for raising the 
prices and what motivates them to liberate a laptop (although it should 
be obvious they are ethical *and* for profit).

Tiberiu C. Turbureanu
Președinte, Fundația Ceata
Telefon: +40-761-810-100
GPG: 8B51 53CB 354E 3049 FAE9  3260 F033 8452 4154 1967

Susții libertatea artelor și tehnologiilor?
Înscrie-te ca membru! (