[TruthTalk] Fw: Satan

2005-06-05 Thread Judy Taylor

- Forwarded Message -
From: "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Hughes Jonathan 

even if an angel from 

I think it was from James Jordan that I first encountered the notion that 
Satan may have had a legitimate teaching task in 
Eden. After all, despite popular mythology, we don't have a 
biblical text that specifically points out when Satan fell. Moreover, 
elsewhere in Scripture, angels are teachers of human 
beings - indeed, angel means messenger. Furthermore, as I 
think I noted recently, God pronounces a curse upon the serpent specifically in 
connection with his deception of Adam and Eve; it could be argued that this is 
the initial curse against Satan.
Hmmm I don't have to ask who the author of this is. 
Legitimate teaching task? Only if you want to learn the lie; what do you 
expect the Father of lies to teach? We do have a biblical text that tells 
us Satan fell from the third heaven with the angels who rebelled with him, no 
date but it was before God created AE. I'd like to see somewhere in 
scripture where angelsteach. A messenger announces something and/or 
delivers a message. A teacher teaches.
But it strikes me that there is one further possible line of evidence: 
Galatians 1.8. "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to 
you, let him be accursed." It seems to me that it is not much of a 
stretch to think that Paul is alluding to Satan coming as a messenger from 
heaven and "preaching" something other than what had already been preached to 
Adam and Eve - namely, the words of God in Genesis 2.16-17. This is only 
fortified by the resultant curse upon the serpent in Gen 3.14-15 and Paul's use 
of the term anathema. The point then would not be that the serpent/Satan 
was not supposed to be in the garden - he had a legitimate teaching 
task. But he "preached another message," and Adam and Eve's calling was to judge 
it in terms of the message they had already received.
AE were to fellowship with and obey God and when 
they chose to obey the voice with the opposite message they lost it.
This again opens up a further interesting door upon what 
the serpent was doing, if the analogy goes further. Paul is speaking of 
those who are offering "a different gospel," or 
rather, not another one, but a perversion of the gospel that they had heard. 
Suggesting, if the parallel holds, that Satan wasn't just telling nothing but 
lies; rather, he was twisting the truth that they knew. All very 
interesting possibilities which deserve further reflection and investigation, it 
seems to me. 
And.. Should we give our pulpits over to Satan 
now as the teacher??

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Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Satan

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

Don't wait up all night looking for a response.

-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: truthtalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 02:19:03 -0400Subject: [TruthTalk] Fw: Satan

From: Hughes Jonathan 

even if an angel from heaven

I think it was from James Jordan that I first encountered the notion that Satan may have had a legitimate teaching task in Eden. After all, despite popular mythology, we don't have a biblical text that specifically points out when Satan fell. Moreover, elsewhere in Scripture, angels are teachers of human beings - indeed, angel means messenger. Furthermore, as I think I noted recently, God pronounces a curse upon the serpent specifically in connection with his deception of Adam and Eve; it could be argued that this is the initial curse against Satan.
Hmmm I don't have to ask who the author of this is. Legitimate teaching task? Only if you want to learn the lie; what do you expect the Father of lies to teach? We do have a biblical text that tells us Satan fell from the third heaven with the angels who rebelled with him, no date but it was before God created AE. I'd like to see somewhere in scripture where angelsteach. A messenger announces something and/or delivers a message. A teacher teaches.
But it strikes me that there is one further possible line of evidence: Galatians 1.8. "But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed." It seems to me that it is not much of a stretch to think that Paul is alluding to Satan coming as a messenger from heaven and "preaching" something other than what had already been preached to Adam and Eve - namely, the words of God in Genesis 2.16-17. This is only fortified by the resultant curse upon the serpent in Gen 3.14-15 and Paul's use of the term anathema. The point then would not be that the serpent/Satan was not supposed to be in the garden - he had a legitimate teaching task. But he "preached another message," and Adam and Eve's calling was to judge it in terms of the message they had already received.
AE were to fellowship with and obey God and when they chose to obey the voice with the opposite message they lost it.
This again opens up a further interesting door upon what the serpent was doing, if the analogy goes further. Paul is speaking of those who are offering "a different gospel," or rather, not another one, but a perversion of the gospel that they had heard. Suggesting, if the parallel holds, that Satan wasn't just telling nothing but lies; rather, he was twisting the truth that they knew. All very interesting possibilities which deserve further reflection and investigation, it seems to me. 
And.. Should we give our pulpits over to Satan now as the teacher??

This e-mail and any attachments contain confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal. Thank you for your cooperation in connection with the above.Ce courriel ainsi que tous les documents s'y rattachant contiennent de l'information confidentielle et privilégiée. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire visé, s.v.p. en informer immédiatement son expéditeur par retour de courriel, effacer le message et détruire toute copie (électronique ou autre). Toute diffusion ou utilisation de cette information par une personne autre que le destinataire visé est interdite et peut être illégale. Merci de votre coopération relativement au message susmentionné. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

Pure and undefiled religion is defined by James in terms of two different kinds of activities. One has to do with our relationship to others. A second concern is our relationship to ourselves (Jam 1:27). Only the most thoughtless would believe that our responsibility to others is fulfilled in a "Hi and how are you" to the fatherless or that the fatherless are to be our only concern. And we not much help, in some cases, if we are doing what we can to keep ourselves free of worldly influences. 

Social concern, then, is a part of our divine imperative. 

In James, a book written to those who tended towards legalism and the "doing of church," he pointedly reminds his readers that their efforts are good for nothing if their speech is not followed by action. Be thou warmed and fill is a part of the message of the church. But if it is not accompanied with that which is necessary for the health and well-being of the body, their message is of no use (James 2:16,17)

The story of the good Samaritan is a story that is all about social responsibilities. It's message is as much for us todayas it was 2000 years ago. It is a lie of the Father of Lies to believe and teach that the preaching of repentance is the only evangelical concern of the church. Evangelical, I say, as if social considerations were part of the evangelical outreach of the church. If that is what you thought I had in mind, then I want you to know that, yes, I confirm that impression. God is manifest in us and how we react to the world we live in. That is the example ofChrist. Our lives should be lived with His in mind. 

He fed, perhaps, tens of thousands of people (the loaves and the fishes -- is the count of men only?)A dramatic statement of His concern for the social welfare of the community in which He had influence. 

His miracles expressed his social concern, as well. 

And passages such as Is 58:9-11 make it clear that our search for God will not be complete if it does not included an out-pouring for the hungry and the afflicted.

I, for one, admit my hypocrisy in this part of the ministry of reconciliation. I have failed in the showing of social concern. The question, ask by others on this in an effort to continue the fight, is nonetheless, a good questionwhat are we going to do about the suffering of those not so white and not so rich? I do not know. I am just now asking myself this question.And there will be an answer. 

there is too much in scripture for me to deny. A change of mind, for me, is in order and I appreciate Lance and Gary having things to say on this subject that have brought me to this moment. 

Grace to you who know not grace,
Peace to you who know not peace,
Love to those who show no love

and mercy upon us all


Re: [TruthTalk] [Bulk] Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir
CPL suggests that 'people with discernment also know WHY they discern the
things they do'. To some extent, IMO, this is illustrative of a genuine
logical dilemma. It has to do with apprehension and articulation. Also, IMO,
such apprehension is available to all of humankind. Sometimes things
(realities) are 'just known'. Again, sometimes this knowing comes over time
via tutelage, mentoring, discipling or apprenticeship. Occasionally life
itself 'teaches' those who are of a mind to learn. This is why the
generalization 'few have ought of substance to say before the age of
40).Before this becomes even more boring, I'll just conclude by saying that
'we all know more than we can say'.

- Original Message - 
From: Charles Perry Locke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: June 04, 2005 19:13
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] [Bulk] Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: NIV Bible Quiz

 Lance, I cannot disagree that Gary MAY have the gift of discernment.
 However, people with discernment also know WHY they discern the things

 From: Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
 To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
 Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] [Bulk] Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: NIV Bible
 Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 11:41:46 -0400
 Gary might have the gift of discernment, Charles. If this is the case
 simply 'discerning' (though he didn't, as you seem to suggest infer David
 was a false prophet, IMO) is sufficient.
 Why not let David take care of this privately?
 - Original Message -
 From: Charles Perry Locke [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
 Sent: June 04, 2005 11:32
 Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] [Bulk] Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: NIV Bible
   Gary, To call someone's comments a myth (even without any evidence)
   expresses your unsupported opinion. But, your parenthetical comment
   David to a false prophet. Rather than level such an ad hominem attack,
   please provide exidence to support your claim or retract it.
   Perry the moderator
   Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
   To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
   Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz
   Date: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 21:51:16 -0600
   myth (false prophets speak of JC in the past tense for manipulative
   personal reasons or as does the author, below)
   On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 20:09:38 -0400 David Miller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
..Jesus also respected Scripture the way that we do.
   Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
 know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
   If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
 friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.
 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
 know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)
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 [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed.  If you have a
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 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man.  (Colossians 4:6)

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Re: [TruthTalk] A public request to DaveH

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

Dave:Thanks for taking a 'run' at it. I'm surprized 
at your response to #1 and, I'll attempt to elucidate. As to #2, I'm afraid it's 
a 'Roseanne Roseanna Danna thingy. (I said Evangelicalism NOT 

I believe that thinking shoul be 'open structured'. 
You've read me on this previously so, I'll not repeat myself. I also believe 
that Who Jesus Is is absolutely central to the gospel.(See the Nicean Creed). 
There are distinctives, not historically but in contrast to current evangelical 
thought, that I espouse (see them best articulated in the archives by Bill 
Taylor). Given this, I never cease to subject my beliefs to critical 
questioning. Not unlike yourself, I do this best with those who do not simply 
offer a caricature of that which I believe.
I not only could but do offer a critique of my own 
theology regularly. (Get to the point, Lance) This is that which I sought from 

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 04, 2005 20:30
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] A public request 
  to DaveH
  Lance Muir wrote: 

You've outlined your reasons for being here on 
numerous occasions, Dave.You write well. You read well. You've 
undoubtedly learned much. DAVEH: Thank you for 
  the kind words, Lance. Though I'm not sure I quite deserve 
Would you kindly consider the 

1. Write a description of Mormonism, as if you 
were a non-Mormon, utilizing the information you've gleaned while being a 
participant on TT?DAVEH: I'm afraid I 
  don't know how to do that. I think I am far too biased to ever write 
  such from a non-LDS viewpoint.

2. Write a description of Evangelicalism, from 
a Mormon persepctive, utilizing the information you've gleaned while being a 
participant on TT?DAVEH: ??? 
  I'm not sure I can do that either. What I see on TT appears not to be 
  evangelism from my (LDS biased) perspective. Maybe if you would define 
  it as you perceive it, the perhaps I could offers my thoughts. 
   Let me explain how I perceive evangelism, and then 
  you can correct (or enlighten) me if I am wrong. I see evangelism as a 
  way or calling to spread the gospel of the Lord. I don't see that 
  happening in TT though. While many have expressed a desire to bring 
  others to Jesus, what appears to happen on TT is quite the opposite. 
  What is said seems to have more an opposing force, rather than an attractive 
  effect. Let me give you an example. To a 
  committed Mormon, having their holy underwear waved in their faces at 
  Conference time is an abomination, and would cause many to recoil rather than 
  be attracted to the message. Similarly, if another TTer takes what I 
  find holy and tries to embarrass me with it in TT, would you think I would be 
  attracted to the person trying to denigrate my beliefs? So where's 
  evangelism in TT? Instead I see strife and intended conflict. It 
  almost seems some folks are here to witness the blood an carnage, if not being 
  the perpetrators of such themselves. Maybe it's like a wrestling 
  match. Do people really watch wrestling to see good triumph over evil, 
  or do they instead simply want to see two guys brutalize one another. 
  IOWthe more blood drawn, the more enthused the crowd. Those who do 
  not enjoy seeing the blood, simply leave the arena after getting their fill of 
  it. Perhaps those of us who remain have a high capacity for the talk 
  that is less true and more battle. SoHas TT merely become a 
  spectator sport in a virtual world of TruthTalk gladiators and not much 

It need not be some multi-page, 
to-be-published, document. Just do what you've already demonstrated that you 
do well.DAVEH: I may have failed you on that 
  one, Lance. I don't think I can step aside my LDS biases enough to give 
  you that view. And, I suspect we have two strikingly different 
  understandings of evangelism. If you want me to elaborate, you'll have 
  to define evangelism as you understand it.

I. and every thoughtful participant on TT, 
understands that youdraw a distinction between believers  
non-believerswhich places 'us' in the 
NB category.DAVEH: Not at all, Lance. As 
  far as I've seen, I think all TTers are believers. We just don't believe 
  all the same things. For that matter, I don't think there are any two 
  TTers who believe alike. But in my book, that doesn't mean they are all 
  unbelievers.  As I see it though, 
  believing is simply not enough to achieve salvation.

I'm genuinely interested in this. Unless 
the moderator objectsDAVEH: You mean besides 
  objecting to my definition of evangelism, or do you think he will 
  object to me teaching you what I think? :-) 
I'd really like to hear you on both of the 


 Dave Hansen

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Satan

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

Lance Muir did not make that submission I've no 
idea who did.

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 05, 2005 01:47
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Satan
  DAVEH: Mormons have been criticized for suggesting the 
  same. Has JJ received a lot of similar criticism from other 
  Christians?Lance Muir wrote: 

even if an angel from heaven

I think it was from James Jordan that I first encountered the notion that 
Satan may have had a legitimate teaching task in 
 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Satan

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

Whoops! I now believe that I forwarded something 
received from my friend, Jonathan. Sorry 'bout that.

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 05, 2005 01:47
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Satan
  DAVEH: Mormons have been criticized for suggesting the 
  same. Has JJ received a lot of similar criticism from other 
  Christians?Lance Muir wrote: 

even if an angel from heaven

I think it was from James Jordan that I first encountered the notion that 
Satan may have had a legitimate teaching task in 
 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain six email lists...

Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

Correctamundo, bishop!

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 05, 2005 00:19
  Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV 
  Bible Quiz
  To my shame, I am much more inclined to go 2nd grade with you, 
  Kevin. Lance and Gary simply do not spend much time returning 
  insults -- and I am constantlyhaving to hold myself 
  back. If you really were concerned for their answers, they would 
  give answer. But when their words will be twisted and used against 
  them NO MATTER WHAT IS SAID -- well what is the point. 
  You are here on TT just for the fight and nothing else. Virtually 
  all of your posts are about the fight -- complete with insults and 
  the most uncaring presentation of anyone on this forum. 
  JD-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: 
  Sat, 4 Jun 2005 20:32:05 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] 
  NIV Bible Quiz

  Are you asking Lance ALSO?
  He is a little backed up with questions he is 
  Get in Line![EMAIL PROTECTED] 

does the "love of God" in your life say anything to this problem or is 
your thinking that the Government fulfills your responsiblity to those dying 
in the Congo? - or is that just more liberal nonsense? 

JD-Original Message-From: 
ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 09:54:13 
-0500Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Lance, get it off 
your chest and please EXPLAIN to us 
exactly what you want US to do SPECIFICALLY about the CONGO! 
Shall we follow your example and just blame other 
entirely guiltless people for it so that we can feel how compassionate we are? 

On Behalf Of Lance 
MuirSent: Saturday, June 
04, 2005 4:21 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV 
Bible Quiz

Myopia. Ask your husband about 
it. I've found a total lack of concern on TT, from DM to DH, for global 
issues. To make light of 4M deaths is simply beyond my comprehension. Wait, 
actually it's not as you've all made jokes at any reference to events 
outside of either your neighborhoods or some 'sodomite' convention with an 
accompanying 'hollerin'' contest.

  - Original Message - 
  From: ShieldsFamily 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 
  03, 2005 21:19
  Subject: RE: 
  [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz
  You don?t make me 
  feel uncomfortable except for you, Lance. You?re really ?out there? 
  my friend. And your concerns about the Congo?what are you and Canada doing about it? Did you 
  have a complaint with someone other than your beloved United Nations? 
  (It?s a crooked JOKE!!!) Izzy
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Friday, June 03, 2005 1:25 
  PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] 
  NIV Bible Quiz
  It's truly uncomfortable is it 
  not? When (in print) you sound, often, like someone so ?yuck! Do 
  be faithful to one of your own, Iz. Joe looks down from 'the great 
  'hearing in the sky.' He's on the lookout for 'commies' like homeland 
  security is on the lookout for terrorists. It's the head in the sand 
  thingy, Iz.
  You want serious? I'll give 
  you serious! Does anyone out there know the following: One thousand people 
  die every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and nearly half of 
  these deaths are accounted for by children under five years of age. 
  These deaths add daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million fatalities 
  since the crisis began in August, 1998 to the end of April 2004. 
  This makes the DRC conflict worse than any other conflict since the end of 
  World War II and in terms of death toll exceeds other recent crises, 
  including Bosnia (estimated 250,000 dead), Rwanda (800,000), Kosovo 
  (12,000),. and Darfur in Sudan 
  Despite this, the 
  international community has failed to take the necessary action to 
  alleviate the crisis. During 2004, only 42% of funding sought by the 
  United Nations for its activities had been raised by August, while 
  contributions by the United Sates Agency for International Assistance to 
  DRC for 2004 have declined by almost 25% when compared with 2003. 
  "No other recent confllict has claimed as many lives and mortality rates 

Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

1. Intercessory prayer
2. Tell others to pray
3. Be further informed so as to separate the false 
information from the true.
4. Were any of you to watch 'Shake Hands With the 
Devil', you would have heard Dallaire criticize the UN along with the former 
Canadian Ambassador to the UN, Stephen Lewis. The UN ain't much that is good 
but, neither is it nothing.

Does anyone know of the millions who interceded re: 
what has been referred to as the 10/40 window? Of late many Muslims within that 
10/40 window have been receiving visions/dreams of Jesus. 

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 04, 2005 22:23
  Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV 
  Bible Quiz
  Neither Lance nor JD has been one bit helpful today in 
  suggesting concrete ways in which we can cure the ills of the Congo. I 
  am sorely disappointed. Izzy
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin 
  DeeganSent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 7:28 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: 
  Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz
  I asked you before what you were DOING. You did not want to answer 
  because it is not important. Right!
  What gets it DONE JD?
  Tell us how you do it.
  Is this not a REAL ISSUE? Then don't avoid it. 
  Just come out and admit it, you are DOING 

Hidding behind tough words don't get it done, Deegan. 
Just another way of avoiding the real and important issues. 

JD-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: 
Fri, 3 Jun 2005 13:52:25 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] 
NIV Bible Quiz

These deaths add daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million 
fatalities since the crisis began in August

Why don't you go over there and do something about it?
Talk is cheap!Lance Muir 



  It's truly uncomfortable is it not? When (in 
  print) you sound, often, like someone so ?yuck! Do be faithful to 
  one of your own, Iz. Joe looks down from 'the great 'hearing in the sky.' 
  He's on the lookout for 'commies' like homeland security is on the lookout 
  for terrorists. It's the head in the sand thingy, Iz.
  You want serious? I'll give you serious! Does 
  anyone out there know the following: One thousand people die every day in 
  the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and nearly half of these deaths are 
  accounted for by children under five years of age. These deaths add 
  daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million fatalities since the crisis 
  began in August, 1998 to the end of April 2004. This makes the DRC 
  conflict worse than any other conflict since the end of World War II and 
  in terms of death toll exceeds other recent crises, including Bosnia 
  (estimated 250,000 dead), Rwanda (800,000), Kosovo (12,000),. and Darfur 
  in Sudan (70,000)
  Despite this, the international community has 
  failed to take the necessary action to alleviate the crisis. During 
  2004, only 42% of funding sought by the United Nations for its activities 
  had been raised by August, while contributions by the United Sates Agency 
  for International Assistance to DRC for 2004 have declined by almost 25% 
  when compared with 2003. "No other recent confllict has claimed as 
  many lives and mortality rates remain elevated at an alarming level. 
  In spite of these unambiguous facts, the international community has not 
  yet mobilized the necessary will or resources to effectively address the 
  crisis," according to the latest mortality study, a joint effort by the 
  New York based International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Australia's Burnet 
- Original Message - 

To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 

Sent: June 03, 2005 14:27
Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] 
NIV Bible Quiz

Oh, good 
grief---why is it that liberals always fall back on those old tried and 
true names to call other people? If it isn?t ?Hitler? it?s 
?McCarthy?. Get a new, but more creative insult please. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Friday, June 03, 2005 11:47 
AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] 
NIV Bible Quiz

So then Kevin, in 
Senator McCarthy like fashion you hurl out accusations sans proof 
in the hope that the accusation itself will serve you well enough! I'd 

Re: [TruthTalk] Christian conspiracy in Canada

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Prov 28:1 The wicked flee when no man pursuethShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Christian “conspiracy” in Canada: http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44581 

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
G  L, rooted and grounded in the word?

LOL, neither has posted even one scripture reference in how long?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And where, pray tell, do you see "Gary" or "Lance" referenced belwow in my wording - not that anyone one rigth really cares about what I actually write? 

But more than that aside - being rooted and grounded in Wod's Wod is exactly waht I see in these brothers. So who decides? You or me? Or maybe we just agree to live and let live. 

JD-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 13:14:44 -0400Subject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

JD it is impossibleto "try the spirits" aside from being rooted and grounded in God's Word which is not true for
either Lance or Gary. Lance claims repeatedly that we can not know anything (because of the enlightenment) and
what comes from Gary's computer is more Dylan than scripture (out of the abundance that fills the heart the mouth speaks). To me this has everything to do with everything because aperson can be honestly deceived so being 
honest is not a litmus test either. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 13:07:23 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What does this have to do with anything? I believe in prophecy, Judy.And I have known a few honest people who claim to be prophets. And I believe in testing the spirits to confirm thedifference. 

JD__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

FWIW my submissions, in part, are my own biblically 
grounded conclusions. Why not cite the scriptures upon which these conclusions 
are based? I read what interminable 'conversations' (?) extend from doing such. 
I've posted my little formula on this.(biblical interpretation) I actually 
believe it.('it' being my little formula concerning interpretation)

I'm attempting to engage Dave in a conversation as 
to his 'take on evangelicalism (not evangelism, Dave) as drawn from TT. If I 
were Dave, I'd be in stitches most of the time over much of what is said 

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 05, 2005 07:52
  Subject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: 
  [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz
  G  L, rooted and grounded in the word?
  LOL, neither has posted even one scripture reference in how 
  long?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And where, pray tell, do you see "Gary" or "Lance" 
referenced belwow in my wording - not that anyone one rigth 
really cares about what I actually write? 

But more than that aside - being rooted and grounded 
in Wod's Wod is exactly waht I see in these brothers. So who 
decides? You or me? Or maybe we just agree to live 
and let live. 

JD-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 13:14:44 
-0400Subject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible 

JD it is impossibleto "try the spirits" aside 
from being rooted and grounded in God's Word which is not true 
either Lance or Gary. Lance claims repeatedly 
that we can not know anything (because of the enlightenment) 
what comes from Gary's computer is more Dylan than 
scripture (out of the abundance that fills the heart the mouth 
speaks). To me this has everything to do with everything because 
aperson can be honestly deceived so being 

honest is not a litmus test either. 

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 13:07:23 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  What does this have to do with anything? I believe in 
  prophecy, Judy.And I have known a few honest people who claim 
  to be prophets. And I believe in testing the spirits to 
  confirm thedifference. 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Again more evidence of Baseless claims, since it would have been a simple feat to provide the examples of "rooted  grounded" posts by the dynamic duo. Avoid  dance. Notice JD dance  that with only one foot[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First of all, I thought you were responding to my words, since you included them in your response -- callme crazy. Secondly, are you tryng to tell me that nothing written by Gary was (is) biblical -- all of it was rock and roll? Are you trying to convince me that the Bishop from the North only speaks of movies? That seems to be what you just said. There is no point in going onwith this discussionif that is your "recollection." What is your claim against these two men, once again? NOTHING but rock and roll and the movies? Is that what you just said? 

JD-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 15:06:15 -0400Subject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Gary  Lance are referenced in my wording not yours because they are two of the three who are most critical of David Miller and his spiritual gift. I'd be interested in some examples of the rooting and grounding (in God's Word) that you perceive in the writings of both Lance and Gary JD. Lance is an expert in old movies and this is what he writes about. Gary is taken up with his own writings, those of Bob Dylan, and the word "myth" ... So how about giving me some examples of what I have missed. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 14:42:23 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

And where, pray tell, do you see "Gary" or "Lance" referenced below in my wording - not that anyone one rigth really cares about what I actually write? But more than that aside - being rooted and grounded in Wod's Wod is exactly waht I see in these brothers. So who decides? You or me? Or maybe we just agree to live and let live. 


JD it is impossibleto "try the spirits" aside from being rooted and grounded in God's Word which is not true for
either Lance or Gary. Lance claims repeatedly that we can not know anything (because of the enlightenment) and
what comes from Gary's computer is more Dylan than scripture (out of the abundance that fills the heart the mouth speaks). To me this has everything to do with everything because aperson can be honestly deceived so being 
honest is not a litmus test either. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 13:07:23 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What does this have to do with anything? I believe in prophecy, Judy.And I have known a few honest people who claim to be prophets. And I believe in testing the spirits to confirm thedifference. 

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

RE: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
What does it mean to be rooted  grounded in the word?
JD must have a diferent definition.
A simple verbal profession of devotion?
Maybe he means LIP service.ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They are definitely that! ROFL! Iz

But more than that aside - being rooted and grounded in Wod's Wod is exactly waht I see in these brothers.

		Discover Yahoo! 
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RE: [TruthTalk] A review of Lance Muir

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

JD, it never stops. You ARE judging
DM by saying he is arrogant. (Would you be shocked if you knew that that
is exactly how you were perceived???) THEN you go on to judge me.
Interesting, coming from the man who loves to quote judge not so
frequently. I agree with Davidlets discuss something
worthwhile. Izzy

Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 9:49
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] A review
of Lance Muir

I am not judging Daivd in his arrogance. For all I
know, he might think that arrogance can be a good thing - of the

As far as you not understanding what is posted
-- I have seen that happen a number of times. I think it is
because youstart thinking of your replywell before you
have finished AND considered the post. 


-Original Message-
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 21:09:33 -0500
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] A review of Lance Muir

David cannot see his arrogance (but who's
judging?)JD, you are.

You Linda rejects authority (go
ahead -- moderator -- and tell me the last time
you corrected her and received what you receive from the
likes of me -- that would be something like
understood.What on earth are
you rambling about here??? Izzy

Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

Silence is golden.

So practice what you preach, deegan and shut up.


RE: [TruthTalk] Fw: Satan

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

Unfortunately, many already have. Izzy

And.. Should we give our pulpits over to Satan now as the teacher??

RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

No, please tell us about it. I was reading that 
the big Newsweek lie-scandal about supposed prison guards defacing Korans was 
actually in fact cases of Iraqis defacing the Koran and saying they hated 
it. Maybe that's why? Izzy

Does anyone know of the millions who interceded re: 
what has been referred to as the 10/40 window? Of late many Muslims within that 
10/40 window have been receiving visions/dreams of Jesus. 

RE: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

Kevin, you just have to take their word for it that their many 
opinions are Biblically-based--in spite of the fact that there is 
norational evidence of such. Izzy

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin 
DeeganSent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 5:53 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: 
[TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

G  L, rooted and grounded in the word?

LOL, neither has posted even one scripture reference in how 

RE: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

The "new" you? 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 6:35 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible 

Silence is golden.

So practice what you preach, deegan and shut up.


RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

4. And realize that nothing in 1-4 has been YOU changing a 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance 
MuirSent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 4:43 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV 
Bible Quiz

1. Intercessory prayer
2. Tell others to pray
3. Be further informed so as to separate the false 
information from the true.
4. Were any of you to watch 'Shake Hands With the 
Devil', you would have heard Dallaire criticize the UN along with the former 
Canadian Ambassador to the UN, Stephen Lewis. The UN ain't much that is good 
but, neither is it nothing.

Does anyone know of the millions who interceded re: 
what has been referred to as the 10/40 window? Of late many Muslims within that 
10/40 window have been receiving visions/dreams of Jesus. 

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 04, 2005 22:23
  Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV 
  Bible Quiz
  Neither Lance nor JD has been one bit helpful today in 
  suggesting concrete ways in which we can cure the ills of the Congo. I 
  am sorely disappointed. Izzy
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin 
  DeeganSent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 7:28 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: 
  Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz
  I asked you before what you were DOING. You did not want to answer 
  because it is not important. Right!
  What gets it DONE JD?
  Tell us how you do it.
  Is this not a REAL ISSUE? Then don't avoid it. 
  Just come out and admit it, you are DOING 

Hidding behind tough words don't get it done, Deegan. 
Just another way of avoiding the real and important issues. 

JD-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: 
Fri, 3 Jun 2005 13:52:25 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] 
NIV Bible Quiz

These deaths add daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million 
fatalities since the crisis began in August

Why don't you go over there and do something about it?
Talk is cheap!Lance Muir 



  It's truly uncomfortable is it not? When (in 
  print) you sound, often, like someone so ?yuck! Do be faithful to 
  one of your own, Iz. Joe looks down from 'the great 'hearing in the sky.' 
  He's on the lookout for 'commies' like homeland security is on the lookout 
  for terrorists. It's the head in the sand thingy, Iz.
  You want serious? I'll give you serious! Does 
  anyone out there know the following: One thousand people die every day in 
  the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and nearly half of these deaths are 
  accounted for by children under five years of age. These deaths add 
  daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million fatalities since the crisis 
  began in August, 1998 to the end of April 2004. This makes the DRC 
  conflict worse than any other conflict since the end of World War II and 
  in terms of death toll exceeds other recent crises, including Bosnia 
  (estimated 250,000 dead), Rwanda (800,000), Kosovo (12,000),. and Darfur 
  in Sudan (70,000)
  Despite this, the international community has 
  failed to take the necessary action to alleviate the crisis. During 
  2004, only 42% of funding sought by the United Nations for its activities 
  had been raised by August, while contributions by the United Sates Agency 
  for International Assistance to DRC for 2004 have declined by almost 25% 
  when compared with 2003. "No other recent confllict has claimed as 
  many lives and mortality rates remain elevated at an alarming level. 
  In spite of these unambiguous facts, the international community has not 
  yet mobilized the necessary will or resources to effectively address the 
  crisis," according to the latest mortality study, a joint effort by the 
  New York based International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Australia's Burnet 
- Original Message - 

To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 

Sent: June 03, 2005 14:27
Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] 
NIV Bible Quiz

Oh, good 
grief---why is it that liberals always fall back on those old tried and 
true names to call other people? If it isn?t ?Hitler? it?s 
?McCarthy?. Get a new, but more creative insult please. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Friday, June 03, 2005 11:47 

RE: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

By the way, one of the pieces performed by our church band this 
weekend was "Watergrave" by Atomic Opera. Definitely the most passionate, 
moving musical _expression_ about baptism that I have ever heard. It reminds 
you what it really takes to be a "new man". Izzy

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
ShieldsFamilySent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 7:03 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible 

The "new" you? 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 6:35 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible 

Silence is golden.

So practice what you preach, deegan and shut up.


RE: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
ShieldsFamilySent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 7:18 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible 

By the way, one of the pieces performed by our church band this 
weekend was "Watergrave" by Atomic Opera. Definitely the most passionate, 
moving musical _expression_ about baptism that I have ever heard. It reminds 
you what it really takes to be a "new man". Izzy

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
ShieldsFamilySent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 7:03 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: RE: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible 

The "new" you? 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 6:35 AMTo: 
TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible 

Silence is golden.

So practice what you preach, deegan and shut up.


Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

Well...perhaps not so quietly but, praise God for 
such as yourself and, for what you've done. Indeed, this is exactly what 'living 
the gospel' is all about. I shall not even attempt a rejoineder for, how could 
one in the light of this?

May God richly bless you, your husband and 


  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 05, 2005 08:55
  Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Social concerns 
  and the church
  JD, it seems that the 
  ones who do the most kvetching about others not helping the poor and being 
  socially responsible are the ones who talk, talk, talk, but do little if 
  anything. I’ve been waiting for a day now for a sincere suggestion from 
  kvetching Lance and kvetching JD on what I personally can do to cure the 
  problems in the Congo, but when the rubber meets 
  the road there is only more kvetching or silence. 
  Meanwhile, yesterday 
  I cooked and sent a pot of soup and a big bowl of chicken salad to a neighbor 
  who has guests in her home for the week. While I was quilting I saw that 
  the two big dogs belonging to one of my lesbian neighbors were loose, and I 
  stopped everything and went outside and made sure her dogs got back safely 
  into her yard and talked to her for a while. Today someone from our 
  church is arriving with a truck to pick up 3 pieces of furniture to deliver to 
  a woman who needs furniture for her family. Our church routinely 
  completely re-habs and refurnishes homes for the poor who need it—often poor 
  black women fresh out of prison for doing drugs or theft who are trying to 
  start their lives over. They are given a beautiful home, yardwork, furniture, 
  clothing, and whatever else they need. Last Christmas my husband and I 
  decided that instead of giving each other gifts we would provide Christmas for 
  a needy family, and many others in our church did also. They are rarely ever 
  members of our church, but just someone that someone heard about. I could bore 
  you for hours with everything our benevolence ministry has done like 
  that. We help those that God puts in front of us. We do what we 
  can, and we trust Him to provide where we can’t. 
  We work quietly as 
  unto the Lord for our own and for others. And we don’t 
  On Behalf Of 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 12:40 
  AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns 
  and the church
  Pure and undefiled religion is defined by 
  James in terms of two different kinds of activities. One has to do 
  with our relationship to others. A second concern is our 
  relationship to ourselves (Jam 1:27). Only 
  the most thoughtless would believe that our responsibility to others is 
  fulfilled in a "Hi and how are you" to the fatherless or that the fatherless are to be our only 
  concern. And we not much help, in some cases, if we are doing what we 
  can to keep ourselves free of worldly influences. 
  Social concern, then, is a part 
  of our divine imperative. 
  In James, a book written 
  to those who tended towards legalism and the "doing of church," he pointedly reminds his readers that their 
  efforts are good for nothing if their speech is not followed by action. 
  Be thou warmed and fill is a part of the message of the church. 
  But if it is not accompanied with that which is necessary for the health and 
  well-being of the body, their message is of no use (James 
  The story of the good Samaritan is a story that is all 
  about social responsibilities. It's message is as much for 
  us todayas it was 2000 years ago. It is a lie of the Father 
  of Lies to believe and teach that the preaching of repentance is the only 
  evangelical concern of the church. Evangelical, I say, as if social 
  considerations were part of the evangelical outreach of the 
  church. If that is what you thought I had in mind, then I 
  want you to know that, yes, I confirm that impression. 
  God is manifest in us and how we react to the world we live in. That is 
  the example ofChrist. Our lives should be lived with His in 
  He fed, perhaps, tens of 
  thousands of people (the loaves and the fishes -- is the 
  count of men only?)A dramatic statement of His concern for the social welfare 
  of the community in which He had influence. 
  His miracles expressed his 
  social concern, as well. 
  And passages such as Is 58:9-11 
  make it clear that our search for God will not be complete if it does not 
  included an out-pouring for the hungry and the afflicted.
  I, for one, admit my hypocrisy in this part of the 
  ministry of reconciliation. I have failed in the showing of social concern. The 
  question, ask by others on this in an effort to continue 

Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

I shan't as it's not a genuine question, IMO. Only 
to say that an Iraqi woman in the company of her husband and baby were but one 
example of many who have testified to it.They were here the day before yesterday 
preparing to return to the Middle East today.

  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 05, 2005 09:00
  Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV 
  Bible Quiz
  No, please tell us about it. I was reading that 
  the big Newsweek lie-scandal about supposed prison guards defacing Korans was 
  actually in fact cases of Iraqis defacing the Koran and saying they hated 
  it. Maybe that's why? Izzy
  Does anyone know of the millions who interceded 
  re: what has been referred to as the 10/40 window? Of late many Muslims within 
  that 10/40 window have been receiving visions/dreams of Jesus. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

A geat resport!! When you can't walk on water, you had better be in the boat. Glad you are aborad --

-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 07:55:14 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

JD, it seems that the ones who do the most kvetching about others not helping the poor and being socially responsible are the ones who talk, talk, talk, but do little if anything. I?ve been waiting for a day now for a sincere suggestion from kvetching Lance and kvetching JD on what I personally can do to cure the problems in the Congo, but when the rubber meets the road there is only more kvetching or silence. 

Meanwhile, yesterday I cooked and sent a pot of soup and a big bowl of chicken salad to a neighbor who has guests in her home for the week. While I was quilting I saw that the two big dogs belonging to one of my lesbian neighbors were loose, and I stopped everything and went outside and made sure her dogs got back safely into her yard and talked to her for a while. Today someone from our church is arriving with a truck to pick up 3 pieces of furniture to deliver to a woman who needs furniture for her family. Our church routinely completely re-habs and refurnishes homes for the poor who need it?often poor black women fresh out of prison for doing drugs or theft who are trying to start their lives over. They are given a beautiful home, yardwork, furniture, clothing, and whatever else they need. Last Christmas my husband and I decided that instead of giving each other gifts we would provide Chr
istmas for a needy family, and many others in our church did also. They are rarely ever members of our church, but just someone that someone heard about. I could bore you for hours with everything our benevolence ministry has done like that. We help those that God puts in front of us. We do what we can, and we trust Him to provide where we can?t. 

We work quietly as unto the Lord for our own and for others. And we don?t kvetch.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 12:40 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

Pure and undefiled religion is defined by James in terms of two different kinds of activities. One has to do with our relationship to others. A second concern is our relationship to ourselves (Jam 1:27). Only the most thoughtless would believe that our responsibility to others is fulfilled in a "Hi and how are you" to the fatherless or that the fatherless are to be our only concern. And we not much help, in some cases, if we are doing what we can to keep ourselves free of worldly influences. 

Social concern, then, is a part of our divine imperative. 

In James, a book written to those who tended towards legalism and the "doing of church," he pointedly reminds his readers that their efforts are good for nothing if their speech is not followed by action. Be thou warmed and fill is a part of the message of the church. But if it is not accompanied with that which is necessary for the health and well-being of the body, their message is of no use (James 2:16,17)

The story of the good Samaritan is a story that is all about social responsibilities. It's message is as much for us todayas it was 2000 years ago. It is a lie of the Father of Lies to believe and teach that the preaching of repentance is the only evangelical concern of the church. Evangelical, I say, as if social considerations were part of the evangelical outreach of the church. If that is what you thought I had in mind, then I want you to know that, yes, I confirm that impression. God is manifest in us and how we react to the world we live in. That is the example ofChrist. Our lives should be lived with His in mind. 

He fed, perhaps, tens of thousands of people (the loaves and the fishes -- is the count of men only?)A dramatic statement of His concern for the social welfare of the community in which He had influence. 

His miracles expressed his social concern, as well. 

And passages such as Is 58:9-11 make it clear that our search for God will not be complete if it does not included an out-pouring for the hungry and the afflicted.

I, for one, admit my hypocrisy in this part of the ministry of reconciliation. I have failed in the showing of social concern. The question, ask by others on this in an effort to continue the fight, is nonetheless, a good question.what are we going to do about the suffering of those not so white and not so rich? I do not know. I am just now asking myself this question.And there will be an answer. 

there is too much in scripture for me to deny. A change of mind, for me, is in order and I appreciate Lance and Gary having things to say on this subject that have brought me to this moment. 

Grace to you who know not grace,

Peace to you who know not peace,

Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

Oh, absolutely, my dear and ifDeegan follows my advice, it will result in something wonderful in his life -- not to mention everyone elses. 

God In Peace

JD-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 08:03:30 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

The "new" you? 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 6:35 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Silence is golden.

So practice what you preach, deegan and shut up.


Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Dave

DAVEH: I confess Lance there are occasions when a smile has been
seen to crack my face while reading TT posts.  :-) 

 Perhaps my stupidity for equating evangelicalism
with evangelism is one of those times.instead, I find myself
embarrassed!  :-[ 

Lance Muir wrote:

  I'm attempting to engage Dave in a
conversation as to his 'take on evangelicalism (not evangelism, Dave)
as drawn from TT. If I were Dave, I'd be in stitches most of the time
over much of what is said herein.

 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
 things I find interesting,
 I maintain six email lists...

Re: [TruthTalk] A public request to DaveH

2005-06-05 Thread Dave

Lance Muir wrote:

  Dave:Thanks for taking a 'run' at
it. I'm surprized at your response to #1

DAVEH: Really?!?!?! I had lunch with some LDS friends yesterday.
They asked what I was doing spending so much time on the computer. I
mentioned TT to them, and they asked what kind of things I discuss. I
specifically mentioned your question #1. One of them said exactly
what I was thinkingit is impossible for an LDS person to answer.

   and, I'll attempt to elucidate. As
to #2, I'm afraid it's a 'Roseanne Roseanna Danna thingy. (I said
Evangelicalism NOT Evangelism)!

DAVEH: To me they seem very similar. But I had a gut feeling that I
shouldn't answer because I really don't understand what you meant by it.

  I believe that thinking shoul be
'open structured'. You've read me on this previously so, I'll not
repeat myself. I also believe that Who Jesus Is is absolutely central
to the gospel.(See the Nicean Creed).

DAVEH: Which is as you know, a point I find very interesting and I
believe to be a major problem with Protestantism.

   There are distinctives, not
historically but in contrast to current evangelical thought, that I
espouse (see them best articulated in the archives by Bill Taylor).
Given this, I never cease to subject my beliefs to critical
questioning. Not unlike yourself, I do this best with those who do not
simply offer a caricature of that which I believe.
  I not only could but do offer a
critique of my own theology regularly. (Get to the point, Lance) This
is that which I sought from yourself. 

DAVEH: Ahhh...I see. Sorry to disappoint you Lance, but I
don't have that innate desire to critique my own faith. I suppose I am
too simple minded to do such.

Original Message - 


June 04, 2005 20:30
Re: [TruthTalk] A public request to DaveH

Lance Muir wrote:

  You've outlined your reasons for
being here on numerous occasions, Dave.You write well. You read well.
You've undoubtedly learned much. 

DAVEH: Thank you for the kind words, Lance. Though I'm not sure I
quite deserve them

  Would you kindly consider the
  1. Write a description of
Mormonism, as if you were a non-Mormon, utilizing the information
you've gleaned while being a participant on TT?

DAVEH: I'm afraid I don't know how to do that. I think I am far too
biased to ever write such from a non-LDS viewpoint.

  2. Write a description of
Evangelicalism, from a Mormon persepctive, utilizing the information
you've gleaned while being a participant on TT?

DAVEH: ??? I'm not sure I can do that either. What I see on TT
appears not to be evangelism from my (LDS biased) perspective. Maybe
if you would define it as you perceive it, the perhaps I could offers
my thoughts. 

 Let me explain how I perceive evangelism, and then you can correct
(or enlighten) me if I am wrong. I see evangelism as a way or calling
to spread the gospel of the Lord. I don't see that happening in TT
though. While many have expressed a desire to bring others to Jesus,
what appears to happen on TT is quite the opposite. What is said seems
to have more an opposing force, rather than an attractive effect.

 Let me give you an example. To a committed Mormon, having their
holy underwear waved in their faces at Conference time is an
abomination, and would cause many to recoil rather than be attracted to
the message. Similarly, if another TTer takes what I find holy and
tries to embarrass me with it in TT, would you think I would be
attracted to the person trying to denigrate my beliefs? So where's
evangelism in TT? Instead I see strife and intended conflict. It
almost seems some folks are here to witness the blood an carnage, if
not being the perpetrators of such themselves. Maybe it's like a
wrestling match. Do people really watch wrestling to see good triumph
over evil, or do they instead simply want to see two guys brutalize one
another. IOWthe more blood drawn, the more enthused the crowd.
Those who do not enjoy seeing the blood, simply leave the arena after
getting their fill of it. Perhaps those of us who remain have a high
capacity for the talk that is less true and more battle. SoHas TT
merely become a spectator sport in a virtual world of TruthTalk
gladiators and not much else?

  It need not be some multi-page,
to-be-published, document. Just do what you've already demonstrated
that you do well.

DAVEH: I may have failed you on that one, Lance. I don't think I can
step aside my LDS biases enough to give you that view. And, I suspect
we have two strikingly different understandings of evangelism. If you
want me to elaborate, you'll have to define evangelism as you
understand it.

  I. and every thoughtful
participant on TT, understands that youdraw a distinction between

Re: [TruthTalk] A public request to DaveH

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

OK. Thanks anyway for engaging me.


  - Original Message - 
  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: June 05, 2005 11:50
  Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] A public request 
  to DaveH
  Lance Muir wrote: 

Dave:Thanks for taking a 'run' at it. I'm 
surprized at your response to #1DAVEH: 
  Really?!?!?! I had lunch with some LDS friends yesterday. 
  They asked what I was doing spending so much time on the computer. I 
  mentioned TT to them, and they asked what kind of things I discuss. I 
  specifically mentioned your question #1. One of them said exactly 
  what I was thinkingit is impossible for an LDS person to answer.
and, I'll attempt to elucidate. As to #2, I'm 
afraid it's a 'Roseanne Roseanna Danna thingy. (I said Evangelicalism NOT 
Evangelism)!DAVEH: To me they seem very 
  similar. But I had a gut feeling that I shouldn't answer because I 
  really don't understand what you meant by it.

I believe that thinking shoul be 'open 
structured'. You've read me on this previously so, I'll not repeat myself. I 
also believe that Who Jesus Is is absolutely central to the gospel.(See the 
Nicean Creed).DAVEH: Which is as you know, a 
  point I find very interesting and I believe to be a major problem with 
There are distinctives, not historically but in 
contrast to current evangelical thought, that I espouse (see them best 
articulated in the archives by Bill Taylor). Given this, I never cease to 
subject my beliefs to critical questioning. Not unlike yourself, I do this 
best with those who do not simply offer a caricature of that which I 
I not only could but do offer a critique of my 
own theology regularly. (Get to the point, Lance) This is that which I 
sought from yourself. DAVEH: 
  Ahhh...I see. Sorry to disappoint you Lance, but I don't have 
  that innate desire to critique my own faith. I suppose I am too simple 
  minded to do such.

  Original Message - 
  June 04, 2005 20:30
  Re: [TruthTalk] A public request to DaveH
  Lance Muir wrote: 

You've outlined your reasons for being here 
on numerous occasions, Dave.You write well. You read well. You've 
undoubtedly learned much. DAVEH: Thank you 
  for the kind words, Lance. Though I'm not sure I quite deserve 
Would you kindly consider the 

1. Write a description of Mormonism, as if 
you were a non-Mormon, utilizing the information you've gleaned while 
being a participant on TT?DAVEH: I'm 
  afraid I don't know how to do that. I think I am far too biased to 
  ever write such from a non-LDS viewpoint.

2. Write a description of Evangelicalism, 
from a Mormon persepctive, utilizing the information you've gleaned 
while being a participant on 
  TT?DAVEH: ??? I'm not 
  sure I can do that either. What I see on TT appears not to be 
  evangelism from my (LDS biased) perspective. Maybe if you would 
  define it as you perceive it, the perhaps I could offers my 
  thoughts.  Let me explain how I perceive 
  evangelism, and then you can correct (or enlighten) me if I am 
  wrong. I see evangelism as a way or calling to spread the gospel of 
  the Lord. I don't see that happening in TT though. While many 
  have expressed a desire to bring others to Jesus, what appears to happen 
  on TT is quite the opposite. What is said seems to have more an 
  opposing force, rather than an attractive 
  effect. Let me give you an example. To a 
  committed Mormon, having their holy underwear waved in their faces at 
  Conference time is an abomination, and would cause many to recoil rather 
  than be attracted to the message. Similarly, if another TTer takes 
  what I find holy and tries to embarrass me with it in TT, would you think 
  I would be attracted to the person trying to denigrate my beliefs? 
  So where's evangelism in TT? Instead I see strife and intended 
  conflict. It almost seems some folks are here to witness the blood 
  an carnage, if not being the perpetrators of such themselves. Maybe 
  it's like a wrestling match. Do people really watch wrestling to see 
  good triumph over evil, or do they instead simply want to see two guys 
  brutalize one another. IOWthe more blood drawn, the more 
  enthused the crowd. Those who do not enjoy seeing the blood, simply 
  leave the arena after getting their fill of it. Perhaps those of us 
  who remain have a high capacity for the talk that is less true and more 
  battle. SoHas TT merely become a 

Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

2005-06-05 Thread ttxpress

U.S. Challenged to Increase Aid to 


Published: June 5, 2005 :: NYTimes.com

"A powerful consensus is building for a doubling of aid 
to Africa among the world's heavyweight donors, except 
the United States, a divide that is likely to come into sharp relief 
this week .."

On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 11:45:55 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..passages such as Is 58:9-11 
  make it clear that our search for God will not be complete if it does not 
  included an out-pouring for the hungry and the afflicted.

[TruthTalk] On this 'quoting Scripture' thingy

2005-06-05 Thread Lance Muir

Except involving myself and, the Mormons (yikes!!, 
does that make you guys feel bad or good?) I've witnessed extensive and, 
extended Scriptural engagements by and between many TTers. Apart from 
concessions over the most minute of points, I have yet to note any significant 
change of heart/mind/spirit on virtually anything. Certainly the factions of 
like-minded folk have 'Amened' one another. There has taken place an appropriate 
smattering of 'applause' over a good 'serve and volley' every now and then.So, I 
am saddened to say that you of the 'frequent quoting society' (KJV, of course) 
have demonstrated the diminished value of such an 'exercise'. I and the Mormons 
(unless they choose to dissociate themselves from me), await any significant 
demonstration to the contrary.

Speaking historically, I thought the conversations 
between Bill Taylor and David Miller came closest to putting the lie to what 
I've just said but, no cigar was forthcoming.

Re: [TruthTalk] brothers in prison

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise


RE: [TruthTalk] On this 'quoting Scripture' thingy

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

Apparently (re-)reading the words of
scripture do not make your heart sing, Lance. Too bad. Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 10:27
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: [TruthTalk] On this
'quoting Scripture' thingy

Except involving myself and, the Mormons (yikes!!, does that
make you guys feel bad or good?) I've witnessed extensive and, extended
Scriptural engagements by and between many TTers. Apart from concessions over
the most minute of points, I have yet to note any significant change of
heart/mind/spirit on virtually anything. Certainly the factions of like-minded
folk have 'Amened' one another. There has taken place an appropriate smattering
of 'applause' over a good 'serve and volley' every now and then.So, I am
saddened to say that you of the 'frequent quoting society' (KJV, of course)
have demonstrated the diminished value of such an 'exercise'. I and the Mormons
(unless they choose to dissociate themselves from me), await any significant
demonstration to the contrary.

Speaking historically, I thought the conversations between
Bill Taylor and David Miller came
closest to putting the lie to what I've just said but, no cigar was

Re: [TruthTalk] On this 'quoting Scripture' thingy

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

Sriipture? Are you referring to the mindless quoting of scripture offered in the hopes that Lance will be impressed with just far under the surface he is in the Pond of Hell? 

JD-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 12:26:37 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] On this 'quoting Scripture' thingy

Apparently (re-)reading the words of scripture do not make your heart sing, Lance. Too bad. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 10:27 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] On this 'quoting Scripture' thingy

Except involving myself and, the Mormons (yikes!!, does that make you guys feel bad or good?) I've witnessed extensive and, extended Scriptural engagements by and between many TTers. Apart from concessions over the most minute of points, I have yet to note any significant change of heart/mind/spirit on virtually anything. Certainly the factions of like-minded folk have 'Amened' one another. There has taken place an appropriate smattering of 'applause' over a good 'serve and volley' every now and then.So, I am saddened to say that you of the 'frequent quoting society' (KJV, of course) have demonstrated the diminished value of such an 'exercise'. I and the Mormons (unless they choose to dissociate themselves from me), await any significant demonstration to the contrary.

Speaking historically, I thought the conversations between Bill Taylor and David Miller came closest to putting the lie to what I've just said but, no cigar was forthcoming.

Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Judy Taylor

It's not the fact that you don't quote scripture per 
se. If your conclusions were scripturally based those who are
well grounded in scripture would recognize them. 

On Sun, 5 Jun 2005 08:13:08 -0400 "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  FWIW my submissions, in part, are my own 
  biblically grounded conclusions. Why not cite the scriptures upon which these 
  conclusions are based? I read what interminable 'conversations' (?) extend 
  from doing such. I've posted my little formula on this.(biblical 
  interpretation) I actually believe it.('it' being my little formula concerning 
  I'm attempting to engage Dave in a conversation 
  as to his 'take on evangelicalism (not evangelism, Dave) as drawn from TT. If 
  I were Dave, I'd be in stitches most of the time over much of what is said 
From: Kevin Deegan 
G  L, rooted and grounded in the 

LOL, neither has posted even one scripture reference in how 
long?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  And where, pray tell, do you see "Gary" or "Lance" 
  referenced belwow in my wording - not that anyone one rigth 
  really cares about what I actually write? 
  But more than that aside - being rooted and 
  grounded in Wod's Wod is exactly waht I see in these brothers. 
  So who decides? You or me? Or maybe we just agree 
  to live and let live. 
  JD-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: 
  TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 13:14:44 
  -0400Subject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible 

  JD it is impossibleto "try the spirits" 
  aside from being rooted and grounded in God's Word which is not true 
  either Lance or Gary. Lance claims 
  repeatedly that we can not know anything (because of the enlightenment) 
  what comes from Gary's computer is more Dylan 
  than scripture (out of the abundance that fills the heart the mouth 
  speaks). To me this has everything to do with everything because 
  aperson can be honestly deceived so being 
  honest is not a litmus test either. 
  On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 13:07:23 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

What does this have to do with anything? I believe in 
prophecy, Judy.And I have known a few honest people who 
claim to be prophets. And I believe in testing the spirits 
to confirm thedifference. 

__Do You 
Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

Yes. Precisely why I said they were grounded in scripture. Those who do not recognize this truth are obviously not grounded in scripture - or could it be that we are really talking about how eachunderstandsthe biblical message? I vote for the latter. 

Jd-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 14:30:00 -0400Subject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

It's not the fact that you don't quote scripture per se. If your conclusions were scripturally based those who are
well grounded in scripture would recognize them. jt

On Sun, 5 Jun 2005 08:13:08 -0400 "Lance Muir" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

FWIW my submissions, in part, are my own biblically grounded conclusions. Why not cite the scriptures upon which these conclusions are based? I read what interminable 'conversations' (?) extend from doing such. I've posted my little formula on this.(biblical interpretation) I actually believe it.('it' being my little formula concerning interpretation)

I'm attempting to engage Dave in a conversation as to his 'take on evangelicalism (not evangelism, Dave) as drawn from TT. If I were Dave, I'd be in stitches most of the time over much of what is said herein.

From: Kevin Deegan 
G  L, rooted and grounded in the word?

LOL, neither has posted even one scripture reference in how long?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And where, pray tell, do you see "Gary" or "Lance" referenced belwow in my wording - not that anyone one rigth really cares about what I actually write? 

But more than that aside - being rooted and grounded in Wod's Wod is exactly waht I see in these brothers. So who decides? You or me? Or maybe we just agree to live and let live. 

JD-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 13:14:44 -0400Subject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

JD it is impossibleto "try the spirits" aside from being rooted and grounded in God's Word which is not true for
either Lance or Gary. Lance claims repeatedly that we can not know anything (because of the enlightenment) and
what comes from Gary's computer is more Dylan than scripture (out of the abundance that fills the heart the mouth speaks). To me this has everything to do with everything because aperson can be honestly deceived so being 
honest is not a litmus test either. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 13:07:23 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What does this have to do with anything? I believe in prophecy, Judy.And I have known a few honest people who claim to be prophets. And I believe in testing the spirits to confirm thedifference. 

__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

Is there a good reason why not? 

JD-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 12:23:57 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

Let's see-if America is already giving double what everyone else is, they want it doubled again??? 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 10:10 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

U.S. Challenged to Increase Aid to Africa


Published: June 5, 2005 :: ©NYTimes.com

"A powerful consensus is building for a doubling of aid to Africa among the world's heavyweight donors, except the United States, a divide that is likely to come into sharp relief this week .."


On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 11:45:55 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

..passages such as Is 58:9-11 make it clear that our search for God will not be complete if it does not included an out-pouring for the hungry and the afflicted.


Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Man was created for the expressed purpose of the expansion of community (ye shall be fruitful and multiply) ?.. 

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Let's take the first paragraph of your response below: tell me how youcan read my article, with an honest heart, and conclude that it is written with aview of prersenting humanism as opposed to a God-centered faith? I say that such is IMPOSSIBLE. 

JD-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 12:49:46 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

Thanks for asking, JD. To me humanism is the religion worshipping humans. Putting humans and humanistic thinking ahead of God and thinking according to God?s Word. I have no idea how DM would define it. I also don?t appreciate your insinuation that I get my ideas from DM. 

Regarding your post, it sounded ?nice? and all. But a religion that spends time promoting ?Community? is off-base IMO. The true Church is not about promoting the community of humans, but is all about lifting up Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The true community which springs from that as a byproduct is truly wonderful, as you seem to understand. Izzy

PS Here is how a Humanist defines Humanism: http://www.jcn.com/humanism.html. (Is it NOT Christianity.)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 10:18 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

Well, it most certainly is not humanism, Linda. Or maybe I should ask what you think humanism is before going any further. David M accused me of the same thing -- perhaps this is where you got the idea. He too, left off giving me a definition. 

What was written below is a first draft attempt at continuing the task of understanding, on my part. It could not be more God centered -- so how is it humanism. What is you defintion?

-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 09:47:48 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

JD, all this talk of community above everything else just comes across to me as humanism. Lift us Jesus and all men will be drawn unto Him, and coincidentally to each other?s fellowship. It?s a priority thing. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 12:03 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God


Thinking Out Loud (again). Some of these thoughts and wording comes from From Cells to Souls -- a section in that book written by Alan Torrance. The following is a combination of AT?s thinking and my understanding of the importance of his presentations. 

In search of a truly heuristic consequence, many have involved themselves in the recovery of the gospel story as realized in the triune God and the Sonship of Christ. 

?Christians acknowledge that the complexity of the world is irreducible to anything other than the simplest explanation of all --- the God who has created persons in his image for personal communion with himself, with each other and, indeed, with all the other sentient beings which contribute o to the richness of the world we know. ? (p222). And there you have it -- ?the simplest explanation of all,? that mankind has been created in His very image. If there is another explanation for that image, certainly it must in clude the idea of ?community.? 

God loves the Son, the Son loves the Father and the Holy Spirit is the _expression_ of each in this world and in the lives of those who are a part of His creation after The Reconciliation (Col 1:17ff).

That being true, the personal behavior of man is incomplete until expressed in the company of others (p210). Man was created for the expressed purpose of the expansion of community (ye shall be fruitful and multiply) ?.. God?s covenant with Abraham had everything to do with the blessing of an increasing community of persons. Israel was God manifest in national function. His Christ was all about the reconciliation of all things  /SPAN -- a tearing down of the barriers erected in the garden, allowing the bridging of the divide created by man?s decision to chart
 his own course, to go his own way, to misappropr iate the revealed word of the day [?ye shall not surely die ]nb sp; His church is His bride, bearing the offspring of all that reveals His power and presence -- a community of believers that live to reveal God to a lost and confused world. He is the Father, we are his adoptive children. Community is written on every page and thought of God?s dealings with man. ?The relational dimens ion of human nature? is at the 

Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
I have done that with Lance...successfully 

Keepreassuring your self
say it a few more times a little bit louder and you may start believing it.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

myth (read:lie) : Gary O has no relationship with the Word of God 

Gary is not a man of many words -- kind of like Terry. He may not seem as traditional in thought as some on this forum -- but he is clearly concerned with the Word, God in Christ and so on. To argue otherwise is to pita lie against the truth. I will certainly go into the archives to demonstrate my point. I have done that with Lance...successfully , I might add. Do any doubt that this can be done with Mr. G? Will there be moderated comments about bearing false witness now that someone on the "left" has proven the accepted gossip to be a untrue. 

JD-Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 14:01:25 -0600Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

Isaiah'spointabout false worshipsolidifies in ch2, relates to 'trusting in man';in ch5, Isaiahcondemns the arrogant attitude/s ofGod's people; e.g., '..you live alone in the land' (5:8), acriticism of their economicswhichreflectstheirreal poverty (lording themselves over the poor)..apparentlysuch povertyresults primarily fromman-centeredness witnessed inthephilosophy partic ofthe/irreligious establishment(cp. 3:12, 14); also, 5:14does not mention 'hell'--its about a blessed society trapped in the throes of(its) spiritual suicide

On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 23:44:34 -0400 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

. read ..Isaiah 5:13,14
		Do you Yahoo!? 
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Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
I don't think JD has a problemunderstanding
I think he misrepresents others views ( as amply shown in the past) in order to shoot down the STRAW MAN he created.Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That is your myth (read lie) JD because Inever made a statement anything like what you have written below. Did I sayGary O never reads the Bible? What I said is thathe is not sufficiently rooted and grounded in God's Word to discern what is and what is not a genuine spiritual gift in operation. Actually I suspect he
would say they are all bogus because of the fact that he is Calvinistic at heart. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 18:01:59 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

myth (read:lie) : Gary O has no relationship with the Word of God 


Isaiah'spointabout false worshipsolidifies in ch2, relates to 'trusting in man';in ch5, Isaiahcondemns the arrogant attitude/s ofGod's people; e.g., '..you live alone in the land' (5:8), acriticism of their economicswhichreflectstheirreal poverty (lording themselves over the poor)..apparentlysuch povertyresults primarily fromman-centeredness witnessed inthephilosophy partic ofthe/irreligious establishment(cp. 3:12, 14); also, 5:14does not mention 'hell'--its about a blessed society trapped in the throes of(its) spiritual suicide

On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 23:44:34 -0400 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

. read ..Isaiah 5:13,14

		Discover Yahoo! 
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Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
JD you must be under some stress. Your rambling in your posts lately.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

They ( Then) why did Jesus blow it off by telling the disciples they would always have the poor . Well, this is perhaps the most upsetting of my discussions here on TT. I really have nothing more to say. 

We have virtually nothing in common. You will not believe me, but I am going to think about what has just happened, do some praying (part of it will be "intercessory" as we call it in the land of the Charismata) and return. 

John Smithson

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 17:54:58 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What I believe, Judy, is that your response is one of the more bazaar comments entertained here on TT. 
In my book, David's " children sent to hell " comment is number 1; 

jt: What on earth are you talking about JD - Solomon?

this is number 2, for the time being. You ask a question to which the answer would have absolutely no meaning to you -- so why ask? I mean, dead is dead -- right? 

jt: I have no idea what you are referring to or talking about - what was the question?

We are not going to even entertain a benevolent emotion because they are better off dead anyway!!! 

jt: Your words not mine and again, I have no idea what you are talking about or referring to.

That is not only nasty but gross and disgusting. Yeah !!! It most definitely is not the widom of God. On one hand we beat the banner for action in Iraq. I am one who, thus far, thinks intervention in Iraq is a good thing. But, for me, we should be there for the same reasons we should be in Durfar and the Congo and so on. The fact that we are not in the Congo or Durfar is evidence , to me, that humanitarian concerns had nothing to do with our going to Iraq. I believe that the people of that country benefitted from our hypocricy anyway.

jt: It's good that you have opinions about all this JD. I don't since I am not in the position to know all details
I leave that to the ppl God has placed in authority - the ones who make these kinds of decisions.

A position that ignores the blight of the poor and hungry finds people without a divine awareness, per Is 58:9-11.

jt: They why did Jesus blow it off by telling the disciples they would always have the poor among them?I guess he
must have been void ofdivine awareness also.

What is critical in the Is 58 passage is the fact that the disciple is pictured as one who is searching for God, but finding Him only when a number of realities are entertained in his life - not the lest of which is the outpouring for the hungre and and afflicted. Jd

jt: No JD; it is dealing with the sin in their lives as a whole - it is not playing God to the whole globe. jt

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Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

"be fruitful and multiply" is something you disagree with? Absolutely nothing humanistic about it. Try something else or maybe you do not understand what "humanism" actually means when realted to a theological discussion.  


-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 13:08:15 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

Man was created for the expressed purpose of the expansion of community (ye shall be fruitful and multiply) ?.. 

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Let's take the first paragraph of your response below: tell me how youcan read my article, with an honest heart, and conclude that it is written with aview of prersenting humanism as opposed to a God-centered faith? I say that such is IMPOSSIBLE. 

JD-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 12:49:46 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

Thanks for asking, JD. To me humanism is the religion worshipping humans. Putting humans and humanistic thinking ahead of God and thinking according to God?s Word. I have no idea how DM would define it. I also don?t appreciate your insinuation that I get my ideas from DM. 

Regarding your post, it sounded ?nice? and all. But a religion that spends time promoting ?Community? is off-base IMO. The true Church is not about promoting the community of humans, but is all about lifting up Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The true community which springs from that as a byproduct is truly wonderful, as you seem to understand. Izzy

PS Here is how a Humanist defines Humanism: http://www.jcn.com/humanism.html. (Is it NOT Christianity.)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 10:18 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

Well, it most certainly is not humanism, Linda. Or maybe I should ask what you think humanism is before going any further. David M accused me of the same thing -- perhaps this is where you got the idea. He too, left off giving me a definition. 

What was written below is a first draft attempt at continuing the task of understanding, on my part. It could not be more God centered -- so how is it humanism. What is you defintion?

-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 09:47:48 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

JD, all this talk of community above everything else just comes across to me as humanism. Lift us Jesus and all men will be drawn unto Him, and coincidentally to each other?s fellowship. It?s a priority thing. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 12:03 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God


Thinking Out Loud (again). Some of these thoughts and wording comes from From Cells to Souls -- a section in that book written by Alan Torrance. The following is a combination of AT?s thinking and my understanding of the importance of his presentations. 

In search of a truly heuristic consequence, many have involved themselves in the recovery of the gospel story as realized in the triune God and the Sonship of Christ. 

?Christians acknowledge that the complexity of the world is irreducible to anything other than the simplest explanation of all --- the God who has created persons in his image for personal communion with himself, with each other and, indeed, with all the other sentient beings which contribute o to the richness of the world we know. ? (p222). And there you have it -- ?the simplest explanation of all,? that mankind has been created in His very image. If there is another explanation for that image, certainly it must in clude the idea of ?community.? 

God loves the Son, the Son loves the Father and the Holy Spirit is the _expression_ of each in this world and in the lives of those who are a part of His creation after The Reconciliation (Col 1:17ff).

That being true, the personal behavior of man is incomplete until expressed in the company of others (p210). Man was created for the expressed purpose of the expansion of community (ye shall be fruitful and multiply) ?.. God?s covenant with Abraham had everything to do with the blessing of an increasing community of persons. Israel was God manifest in national function. His Christ was all about the reconciliation of all things  /SPAN -- a tearing down of the barriers erected in the garden, allowing the bridging of the divide created by man?s decision to chart his own course, to go his own way, to 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perry vs DaveH

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Even if they believe something correctly (from your perception), they are at fault because of simply being LDS.
Mormons are the most Persecuted people on earth! WAH WAH WAH

DH says IMO, the ax you grind against Mormonism is getting duller the more you grind, Perry.
Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
IS 41 So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is ready for the sodering: and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved.
Hammer away you hostile hands. Your hammers break; Gods's anvil stands!

DAVEH: ??? I don't see where Blaine guessed at anything, or that he implied he made up a definition for priestcraft. I felt he was merely explaining how he understands it so any confusion would be minimized. Even if he had not had a previous knowledge or understanding of its true definition.then his guess would still have been accurate, would it not? Yet you would criticize him for guessing the truth? Wowyou are a pretty tough critic, Perry. Perhaps that explains a lot of why you find fault with what Mormons believe. Even if they believe something correctly (from your perception), they are at fault because of simply being LDS. In effect, any truth spoken by a Mormon is inherently false, from your perspectiveis that correct, Perry? Interestingly,
 Blaine even explained his understanding of the definition so that if you or anybody else had a different definition, there would be no room for confusion. In effect he was trying to make sure there was no misunderstanding from a difference of definitions so that you would not find a reason to be critical. Yet that's exactly what you did anyway, is it not? IMO, the ax you grind against Mormonism is getting duller the more you grind, Perry.Charles Perry Locke wrote: 
Dave, Blaine wrote, "Priestcraft is, by my definition," which admits that he guessed at or made the definition up that suits him. Had he said "according to Webster's", or " the definition of Priestcraft is" I could not have made the assertion I made. Perry 
From: Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perry vs DaveH Date: Sat, 04 Jun 2005 12:33:09 -0700 DAVEH: According to the dictionary definition, it's obvious Blaine was not making it up as your below assertion, Perry ...Will Blaine receive a forthcoming apology? Charles Perry Locke wrote: 
I never use the term, and have no definition. But if I wanted one I would see if there was a comon usage for the term. I wouldn't make up my own definition to fit my own desires. 
So, what is your definition of "priestcraft," Perry? Blaine In a message dated 6/3/2005 7:17:13 AM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Blaine wrote: Priestcraft is, by my definition, ... Here we go again...the mormons like to make up their own meanings for words, to suit thier own personal perception of the world. I call this the "Queen of Hearts" syndrome: "Words mean exactly what I want them to mean!" When a person is steeped in a culture in which the cultural leaders redefine words to have untraditional meanings, for the purpose of making the culture appear to be other than it really is, this begins to affect it's adherents, as we see with
 Blaine above, and have recently seen with DaveH in his limited definition of the word "teach", which exclusdes his own actions on TT. Another case in point is the Clinton case where his attempt tp liimit the definition of certain words and phrases to exclude his own actions has been passed down to our youth, who at times use these tactics to try to exclude thier own actions. Another, but inverse, example is the word "homophobe". In this case the definition of the word has been EXPANDED to include not only those who fear homosexuality (traditional definition), but to include those who beleive that it is sinful behavior. The root of this is in the "politically correct" movement, where it does not matter what you feel or believe, but how you are perceived. Wow. What a world! Perry
 Dave Hansen
 If you wish to receive
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Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

In your first post on this subject, you did not say that at all, Mrs. Taylor. Not even close. 
But your side does not care what it has written -- only what it says it has written. Let's move on.


That is your myth (read lie) JD because Inever made a statement anything like what you have written below. Did I sayGary O never reads the Bible? What I said is thathe is not sufficiently rooted and grounded in God's Word to discern what is and what is not a genuine spiritual gift in operation. Actually I suspect he
would say they are all bogus because of the fact that he is Calvinistic at heart. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 18:01:59 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

myth (read:lie) : Gary O has no relationship with the Word of God 


Isaiah'spointabout false worshipsolidifies in ch2, relates to 'trusting in man';in ch5, Isaiahcondemns the arrogant attitude/s ofGod's people; e.g., '..you live alone in the land' (5:8), acriticism of their economicswhichreflectstheirreal poverty (lording themselves over the poor)..apparentlysuch povertyresults primarily fromman-centeredness witnessed inthephilosophy partic ofthe/irreligious establishment(cp. 3:12, 14); also, 5:14does not mention 'hell'--its about a blessed society trapped in the throes of(its) spiritual suicide

On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 23:44:34 -0400 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

. read ..Isaiah 5:13,14

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Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

2005-06-05 Thread Judy Taylor

Let me repeat; in my original post on this subject Mr. 
Smithson I said that neither Lance nor Gary were
sufficiently rooted and grounded in God's Word to 
correctly discern a genuine spiritual gift in operation.
Look in the archives. This is what I said. 

On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 16:34:04 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  In your first post on this subject, you 
  did not say that at all, Mrs. Taylor. Not even 
  But your side does not care what it has written -- only 
  what it says it has written. Let's move on. 
That is your myth (read lie) JD because 
Inever made a statement anything like what you have written 
below. Did I sayGary O never reads 
the Bible? What I said is thathe is not sufficiently rooted and 
grounded in God's Word 
to discern what is and what is not a genuine spiritual gift in 
operation. Actually I suspect he
would say they are all bogus because of the fact 
that he is Calvinistic at heart. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 18:01:59 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  myth (read:lie) : Gary O has no relationship with the 
  Word of God 


  Isaiah'spointabout false 
  worshipsolidifies in ch2, relates to 'trusting in man';in ch5, 
  Isaiahcondemns the arrogant attitude/s ofGod's people; e.g., 
  '..you live alone in the land' (5:8), acriticism of their 
  economicswhichreflectstheirreal poverty (lording 
  themselves over the poor)..apparentlysuch povertyresults 
  primarily fromman-centeredness witnessed inthephilosophy 
  partic ofthe/irreligious establishment(cp. 3:12, 14); 
  also, 5:14does not mention 'hell'--its about a 
  blessed society trapped in the throes of(its) spiritual 
  On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 23:44:34 -0400 Judy Taylor 
. read ..Isaiah 
  Discover Yahoo!Find restaurants, movies, travel  more fun for the 
  weekend. Check it out! 

Re: [TruthTalk] Perry vs DaveH

2005-06-05 Thread Blainerb473

Lance, You seem capable of objective thought, so you earn an "A" for that, 
at least, in my little mental roll book. 

In a message dated 6/4/2005 7:14:39 AM Mountain Standard Time, 
  wrote: We may have unamimity on my next observation (?): At 
  the end of all ends what will matter is whether or not Jesus 
  identifies you as a Christian.Amen, Lance. Well said. 
  Whether or not we know Jesus is not nearly as important as whether or not 
  Jesus knows us.Peace be with you.David Miller. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

2005-06-05 Thread ttxpress

note the word 
'correctly', below--as noted, the notion is intrinsic to (her)dualism 

didn'tLance's spiritual discernment recognize correctly JCs gifts through 
the Spirit toPastor Smithson?

On Sun, 5 Jun 2005 17:12:33 -0400 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  ..to correctly discern a 
  genuine spiritual gift in operation.

Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

This is just how far out in lala land you are, Kevin. Those on both sides of the divide are scratching their heads (except, perhaps, Izzy), wondering just exactly what your point is in all this. I feel a little silly reminding you that "be fruitful and multipy" come from Gen 1:28. amazingly weird.


-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 13:35:16 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

JD says "be fruitful and multiply" is something you disagree with?

When God destroyed every living soul on the Face of the Earth except for the 8 that got in the Ark, was he disagreeing with: "be fruitful and multiply"?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

"be fruitful and multiply" is something you disagree with? Absolutely nothing humanistic about it. Try something else or maybe you do not understand what "humanism" actually means when realted to a theological discussion.  


-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 13:08:15 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

Man was created for the expressed purpose of the expansion of community (ye shall be fruitful and multiply) ?.. 

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

Let's take the first paragraph of your response below: tell me how youcan read my article, with an honest heart, and conclude that it is written with aview of prersenting humanism as opposed to a God-centered faith? I say that such is IMPOSSIBLE. 

JD-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 12:49:46 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

Thanks for asking, JD. To me humanism is the religion worshipping humans. Putting humans and humanistic thinking ahead of God and thinking according to God?s Word. I have no idea how DM would define it. I also don?t appreciate your insinuation that I get my ideas from DM. 

Regarding your post, it sounded ?nice? and all. But a religion that spends time promoting ?Community? is off-base IMO. The true Church is not about promoting the community of humans, but is all about lifting up Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. The true community which springs from that as a byproduct is truly wonderful, as you seem to understand. Izzy

PS Here is how a Humanist defines Humanism: http://www.jcn.com/humanism.html. (Is it NOT Christianity.)

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 10:18 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

Well, it most certainly is not humanism, Linda. Or maybe I should ask what you think humanism is before going any further. David M accused me of the same thing -- perhaps this is where you got the idea. He too, left off giving me a definition. 

What was written below is a first draft attempt at continuing the task of understanding, on my part. It could not be more God centered -- so how is it humanism. What is you defintion?

-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 09:47:48 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God

JD, all this talk of community above everything else just comes across to me as humanism. Lift us Jesus and all men will be drawn unto Him, and coincidentally to each other?s fellowship. It?s a priority thing. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 12:03 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] community and the Kingdom of God


Thinking Out Loud (again). Some of these thoughts and wording comes from From Cells to Souls -- a section in that book written by Alan Torrance. The following is a combination of AT?s thinking and my understanding of the importance of his presentations. 

In search of a truly heuristic consequence, many have involved themselves in the recovery of the gospel story as realized in the triune God and the Sonship of Christ. 

?Christians acknowledge that the complexity of the world is irreducible to anything other than the simplest explanation of all --- the God who has created persons in his image for personal communion with himself, with each other and, indeed, with all the other sentient beings which contribute o to the richness of the world we know. ? (p222). And there you have it -- ?the simplest explanation of all,? that mankind has been created in His very image. If there is another explanation for that image, certainly it must in clude the idea of ?community.? 

God loves the Son, the Son loves the Father and the Holy Spirit is 

Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

Here is your original post, Mrs Taylor. I am the one who spoke of rooting and grounding -- not you. but you can read it for yourself.  

Gary  Lance are referenced in my wording not yours because they are two of the three who are most critical of David Miller and his spiritual gift. I'd be interested in some examples of the rooting and grounding (in God's Word) that you perceive in the writings of both Lance and Gary JD. Lance is an expert in old movies and this is what he writes about. Gary is taken up with his own writings, those of Bob Dylan, and the word "myth" ... So how about giving me some examples of what I have missed. jt

And here is what you said you said: 
Let me repeat; in my original post on this subject Mr. Smithson I said that neither Lance nor Gary were
sufficiently rooted and grounded in God's Word to correctly discern a genuine spiritual gift in operation.
Look in the archives. This is what I said. jt

Not having a good week, are we? JD
-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 17:12:33 -0400Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

Let me repeat; in my original post on this subject Mr. Smithson I said that neither Lance nor Gary were
sufficiently rooted and grounded in God's Word to correctly discern a genuine spiritual gift in operation.
Look in the archives. This is what I said. jt

On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 16:34:04 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In your first post on this subject, you did not say that at all, Mrs. Taylor. Not even close. 
But your side does not care what it has written -- only what it says it has written. Let's move on. 

That is your myth (read lie) JD because Inever made a statement anything like what you have written below. Did I sayGary O never reads the Bible? What I said is thathe is not sufficiently rooted and grounded in God's Word to discern what is and what is not a genuine spiritual gift in operation. Actually I suspect he
would say they are all bogus because of the fact that he is Calvinistic at heart. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 18:01:59 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

myth (read:lie) : Gary O has no relationship with the Word of God 


Isaiah'spointabout false worshipsolidifies in ch2, relates to 'trusting in man';in ch5, Isaiahcondemns the arrogant attitude/s ofGod's people; e.g., '..you live alone in the land' (5:8), acriticism of their economicswhichreflectstheirreal poverty (lording themselves over the poor)..apparentlysuch povertyresults primarily fromman-centeredness witnessed inthephilosophy partic ofthe/irreligious establishment(cp. 3:12, 14); also, 5:14does not mention 'hell'--its about a blessed society trapped in the throes of(its) spiritual suicide

On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 23:44:34 -0400 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

. read ..Isaiah 5:13,14

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Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan

LANCE chirps I've found a total lack of concern 

Here is your opportunity to FLAP your gums.

In what way have you demonstrated your Concern Lance?
Who teaches that the incarnation is a book?

Backup your statement, for once in your life. Anyone can make accusations, what is your basis for such?
Lanceyou areon display for all to see. Be a man for once in your life and fess up.Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

FWIW my submissions, in part, are my own biblically grounded conclusions. Why not cite the scriptures upon which these conclusions are based? I read what interminable 'conversations' (?) extend from doing such. I've posted my little formula on this.(biblical interpretation) I actually believe it.('it' being my little formula concerning interpretation)

I'm attempting to engage Dave in a conversation as to his 'take on evangelicalism (not evangelism, Dave) as drawn from TT. If I were Dave, I'd be in stitches most of the time over much of what is said herein.

- Original Message - 
From: Kevin Deegan 
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
Sent: June 05, 2005 07:52
Subject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

G  L, rooted and grounded in the word?

LOL, neither has posted even one scripture reference in how long?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

And where, pray tell, do you see "Gary" or "Lance" referenced belwow in my wording - not that anyone one rigth really cares about what I actually write? 

But more than that aside - being rooted and grounded in Wod's Wod is exactly waht I see in these brothers. So who decides? You or me? Or maybe we just agree to live and let live. 

JD-Original Message-From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgCc: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 13:14:44 -0400Subject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

JD it is impossibleto "try the spirits" aside from being rooted and grounded in God's Word which is not true for
either Lance or Gary. Lance claims repeatedly that we can not know anything (because of the enlightenment) and
what comes from Gary's computer is more Dylan than scripture (out of the abundance that fills the heart the mouth speaks). To me this has everything to do with everything because aperson can be honestly deceived so being 
honest is not a litmus test either. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 13:07:23 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What does this have to do with anything? I believe in prophecy, Judy.And I have known a few honest people who claim to be prophets. And I believe in testing the spirits to confirm thedifference. 

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Re: [TruthTalk] Perry vs DaveH

2005-06-05 Thread Blainerb473

Hmm, I see your point, but yours is a special case, wouldn't you say? 
I have to say your point is actually weak. Associatiing JS with 
other false priests, is a badassociation no matter how you look at 
it. JS gave dates, descriptions of what took place, etc, which 
none of these people did. Besides, how do we know they were not inspired, 
anyway? Surely God gives direction to all liberally, who ask in 
faith. I'd hate to judge these people as being falsely 
 Considering that in the last days, there is to be 
1. An angel appearing on the horizon with the everlasting gospel to 
preach to all nations, kindreds, etc., 
2. There are to be 140,000 missionary l;eaderscalled to assist 
in this great work, 
3. Israel is to be gathered out of the caves and other such remote 
4. According to Daniel, a great kingdom, the Kingdom of God, is 
to be set up without hands, meaning by God, and not by men, 

I would say that for these great fetes to be accomplished, a well organized 
effort would beat the lazziz faire arrangement you seem to favor. 
The LDS Church has(as of December, 2004)51,067 full time 
missionaries out;241,239 converts for the year 2004, a total membership of 
12,275, 822; with 26,670 wards and branches. Not to knock what you do, I 
am convinced you do a lot of good with your approach, so hang in there, but for 
the final mop-up, I am afraid it is going to take more than individuals working 
under their own auspices.

In a message dated 6/4/2005 6:39:46 AM Mountain Standard Time, 
  wrote: You are using the "guilt by association" approach to 
  reasoning, which is false reasoning, and shameful for anyone to have 
  to resort to it.Are you sure that "guilt by association" is false 
  reasoning? Don't you use the same reasoning in the very next 
  sentence?Blaine wrote: By the way, the Mormon Church is now 
  the 4th largest denomination in America. Just two years ago, it 
  was the 5th largest.By saying that you are the 4th largest 
  denomination, you are using association to make your case. Isn't 
  that the same thing as "guilt by association" only in reverse?Now 
  I realize to you, being a large denomination is a good thing, but to me, 
  being a large denomination is a bad thing. So what I hear from you 
  is guilt by association. Is this faulty reasoning that you are 
  using? Does being the 4th largest denomination mean 
  anything?Peace be with you.David Miller. 

Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Furthermore, who teaches such?
Do you make this stuff up in your sleep?Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Backup your statement, for once in your life. Anyone can make accusations, what is your basis for such?Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
As I said David, it is you. Your citations demonstrate a misreading of both.(Jesus  Scripture)- Original Message - From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: June 03, 2005 20:09Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz Lance wrote:  I was simply alluding to those on TT who believe  that God 'incarnated' in book form as opposed  to a human being. (You, David, Judy and Izzie) I wouldn't use the word 'incarnated' but because you threw my name intothe mix, I suppose you are addressing my great respect for Scripture. Don'tyou think Jesus also respected Scripture the way that we do? Consider the straining at the letter of Scripture that Jesus does in the following passage: John
 10:34-36 (34) Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? (35) If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; (36) Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? Besides Jesus demonstrating here that he is a legalist, he illustrates respect for every jot and tittle of Scripture. And why not, he alsotaught that no jot or tittle would fail until heaven and earth pass away. Matthew 5:17-18 (17) Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I amnot come to destroy, but to fulfil. (18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Remember too that Jesus encouraged his disciples to
 listen and obey those expounders of Scripture whom many on TruthTalk would label as legalists. Matthew 23:2-3 (2) Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: (3) All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do;but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. So who here is walking in the tradition of Jesus Christ? Is it those who greatly respect the Scriptures and follow it closely, or is it those who think it would be evil legalism to do so? Peace be with you. David Miller. -- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you mayknow how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)http://www.InnGlory.org If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have
 afriend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.--"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

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Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan

You givehim an endless source of matrerial. 

Jd-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 18:33:14 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

Are you stuck in a RUT man?

Everything you post is either "MYTH" or "DUALISM"[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

dualistically, then, false worship depends on an incorrect heart attitude

On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 15:58:39 -0400 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

true worship depends upon a correct heart attitude

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Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

You missed my post on this.

Jd-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 19:00:31 -0700 (PDT)Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Just come out and admit it JD, you are DOING _ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Neither Lance nor JD has been one bit helpful today in suggesting concrete ways in which we can cure the ills of the Congo. I am sorely disappointed. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin DeeganSent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 7:28 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

I asked you before what you were DOING. You did not want to answer because it is not important. Right!

What gets it DONE JD?
Tell us how you do it.

Is this not a REAL ISSUE? Then don't avoid it. 
Just come out and admit it, you are DOING _[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hidding behind tough words don't get it done, Deegan. Just another way of avoiding the real and important issues. 

JD-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 13:52:25 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

These deaths add daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million fatalities since the crisis began in August

Why don't you go over there and do something about it?
Talk is cheap!Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's truly uncomfortable is it not? When (in print) you sound, often, like someone so ?yuck! Do be faithful to one of your own, Iz. Joe looks down from 'the great 'hearing in the sky.' He's on the lookout for 'commies' like homeland security is on the lookout for terrorists. It's the head in the sand thingy, Iz.

You want serious? I'll give you serious! Does anyone out there know the following: One thousand people die every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and nearly half of these deaths are accounted for by children under five years of age. These deaths add daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million fatalities since the crisis began in August, 1998 to the end of April 2004. This makes the DRC conflict worse than any other conflict since the end of World War II and in terms of death toll exceeds other recent crises, including Bosnia (estimated 250,000 dead), Rwanda (800,000), Kosovo (12,000),. and Darfur in Sudan (70,000)

Despite this, the international community has failed to take the necessary action to alleviate the crisis. During 2004, only 42% of funding sought by the United Nations for its activities had been raised by August, while contributions by the United Sates Agency for International Assistance to DRC for 2004 have declined by almost 25% when compared with 2003. "No other recent confllict has claimed as many lives and mortality rates remain elevated at an alarming level. In spite of these unambiguous facts, the international community has not yet mobilized the necessary will or resources to effectively address the crisis," according to the latest mortality study, a joint effort by the New York based International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Australia's Burnet Institute.

- Original Message - 
From: ShieldsFamily 
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
Sent: June 03, 2005 14:27
Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Oh, good grief---why is it that liberals always fall back on those old tried and true names to call other people? If it isn?t ?Hitler? it?s ?McCarthy?. Get a new, but more creative insult please. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Friday, June 03, 2005 11:47 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

So then Kevin, in Senator McCarthy like fashion you hurl out accusations sans proof in the hope that the accusation itself will serve you well enough! I'd have though as much.

Discover Yahoo!Have fun online with music videos, cool games, IM  more. Check it out! 
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__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:American Nationalist PRIDE

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
We are going preaching there this fall, what are you doing?

Why badger? If you put the onous on others then put up or shut up.
Be ye DOERS and notthe voiciferous duoonly
Deceiving your own selves

CMON Lance lay it on us your heart is Bleeding for those people in Africa!
What is your plan, and when are you implementing it?

Y0ou could care less about the folks in the Congo -- so why continue badgering Lance.

JD-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 20:13:06 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:American Nationalist PRIDE

CMON Lance lay it on us your heart is Bleeding for those people in Africa!
What is your plan, and when are you implementing it?Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

IFF you are content to be and, remain, somewhat more narrowly focused then, do so. Hell, Iz they're only black people dying of aids, starvation and war. I think it was Alfred E Newman who said 'What, Me Worry'? N

- Original Message - 
From: ShieldsFamily 
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
Sent: June 04, 2005 10:54
Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Lance, get it off your chest and please EXPLAIN to us exactly what you want US to do SPECIFICALLY about the CONGO! Shall we follow your example and just blame other entirely guiltless people for it so that we can feel how compassionate we are? Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 4:21 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Myopia. Ask your husband about it. I've found a total lack of concern on TT, from DM to DH, for global issues. To make light of 4M deaths is simply beyond my comprehension. Wait, actually it's not as you've all made jokes at any reference to events outside of either your neighborhoods or some 'sodomite' convention with an accompanying 'hollerin'' contest.

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily 

To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 

Sent: June 03, 2005 21:19

Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

You don?t make me feel uncomfortable except for you, Lance. You?re really ?out there? my friend. And your concerns about the Congo?what are you and Canada doing about it? Did you have a complaint with someone other than your beloved United Nations? (It?s a crooked JOKE!!!) Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Friday, June 03, 2005 1:25 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

It's truly uncomfortable is it not? When (in print) you sound, often, like someone so ?yuck! Do be faithful to one of your own, Iz. Joe looks down from 'the great 'hearing in the sky.' He's on the lookout for 'commies' like homeland security is on the lookout for terrorists. It's the head in the sand thingy, Iz.

You want serious? I'll give you serious! Does anyone out there know the following: One thousand people die every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and nearly half of these deaths are accounted for by children under five years of age. These deaths add daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million fatalities since the crisis began in August, 1998 to the end of April 2004. This makes the DRC conflict worse than any other conflict since the end of World War II and in terms of death toll exceeds other recent crises, including Bosnia (estimated 250,000 dead), Rwanda (800,000), Kosovo (12,000),. and Darfur in Sudan (70,000)

Despite this, the international community has failed to take the necessary action to alleviate the crisis. During 2004, only 42% of funding sought by the United Nations for its activities had been raised by August, while contributions by the United Sates Agency for International Assistance to DRC for 2004 have declined by almost 25% when compared with 2003. "No other recent confllict has claimed as many lives and mortality rates remain elevated at an alarming level. In spite of these unambiguous facts, the international community has not yet mobilized the necessary will or resources to effectively address the crisis," according to the latest mortality study, a joint effort by the New York based International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Australia's Burnet

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily 

To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 

Sent: June 03, 2005 14:27

Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Oh, good grief---why is it that liberals always fall back on those old tried and true names to call other people? If it isn?t ?Hitler? it?s ?McCarthy?. Get a new, but more creative insult please. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Friday, June 03, 2005 11:47 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

So then Kevin, in Senator McCarthy like fashion 

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:American Nationalist PRIDE

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Don't do what Lance says, do what he does not do!
Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

STOPBlaming others what are you doing ?
Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Tell us? Ask Jesus what you should do, Iz. Guiltless? Have you seen 'Shake Hands With The Devil"? Look at Clinton and Albright showing up in Rwanda years later claiming that they did not know the extent of that holocaust. That holocaust was a mere 800,000. Who was the General who stayed behind during the conflict? Why Iz, it was Romeo Dallaire, a Canadian General.I'll pay for the rental cost if you'll get it and watch it. Thereafter I'd love to hear something other than a simple dismissal re: the second worst tragedy since WWII.

- Original Message - 
From: ShieldsFamily 
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
Sent: June 04, 2005 11:16
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Re:American Nationalist PRIDE

I’m still WAITING, Lance. Answer the QUESTION, Lance! Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 9:10 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: [TruthTalk] Re:American Nationalist PRIDE

IFF you are content to be and, remain, somewhat more narrowly focused then, do so. Hell, Iz they're only black people dying of aids, starvation and war. I think it was Alfred E Newman who said 'What, Me Worry'? N

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily 

To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 

Sent: June 04, 2005 10:54

Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Lance, get it off your chest and please EXPLAIN to us exactly what you want US to do SPECIFICALLY about the CONGO! Shall we follow your example and just blame other entirely guiltless people for it so that we can feel how compassionate we are? Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 4:21 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Myopia. Ask your husband about it. I've found a total lack of concern on TT, from DM to DH, for global issues. To make light of 4M deaths is simply beyond my comprehension. Wait, actually it's not as you've all made jokes at any reference to events outside of either your neighborhoods or some 'sodomite' convention with an accompanying 'hollerin'' contest.

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily 

To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 

Sent: June 03, 2005 21:19

Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

You don’t make me feel uncomfortable except for you, Lance. You’re really “out there” my friend. And your concerns about the Congo—what are you and Canada doing about it? Did you have a complaint with someone other than your beloved United Nations? (It’s a crooked JOKE!!!) Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance MuirSent: Friday, June 03, 2005 1:25 PMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

It's truly uncomfortable is it not? When (in print) you sound, often, like someone so ?yuck! Do be faithful to one of your own, Iz. Joe looks down from 'the great 'hearing in the sky.' He's on the lookout for 'commies' like homeland security is on the lookout for terrorists. It's the head in the sand thingy, Iz.

You want serious? I'll give you serious! Does anyone out there know the following: One thousand people die every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and nearly half of these deaths are accounted for by children under five years of age. These deaths add daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million fatalities since the crisis began in August, 1998 to the end of April 2004. This makes the DRC conflict worse than any other conflict since the end of World War II and in terms of death toll exceeds other recent crises, including Bosnia (estimated 250,000 dead), Rwanda (800,000), Kosovo (12,000),. and Darfur in Sudan (70,000)

Despite this, the international community has failed to take the necessary action to alleviate the crisis. During 2004, only 42% of funding sought by the United Nations for its activities had been raised by August, while contributions by the United Sates Agency for International Assistance to DRC for 2004 have declined by almost 25% when compared with 2003. "No other recent confllict has claimed as many lives and mortality rates remain elevated at an alarming level. In spite of these unambiguous facts, the international community has not yet mobilized the necessary will or resources to effectively address the crisis," according to the latest mortality study, a joint effort by the New York based International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Australia's Burnet

- Original Message - 

From: ShieldsFamily 

To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 

Sent: June 03, 2005 14:27

Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Oh, good grief---why 

Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

What in the world are you talking about, Kevin. Lance voiced an opinion about Miller and you are asking him "who teaches such? do you just make this stuff up in your sleep? You still talking about Lances opinion on Miller's claims are have you moved on -- once again - without telling us?


-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 19:04:10 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Furthermore, who teaches such?
Do you make this stuff up in your sleep?Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Backup your statement, for once in your life. Anyone can make accusations, what is your basis for such?Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
As I said David, it is you. Your citations demonstrate a misreading of both.(Jesus  Scripture)- Original Message - From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: June 03, 2005 20:09Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz Lance wrote:  I was simply alluding to those on TT who believe  that God 'incarnated' in book form as opposed  to a human being. (You, David, Judy and Izzie) I wouldn't use the word 'incarnated' but because you threw my name intothe mix, I suppose you are addressing my great respect for Scripture. Don'tyou think Jesus also respected Scripture the way that we do? Consider the straining at the letter of Scripture that Jesus does in the following passage: John 10:34-36 (34) Jesus answered them, Is it not
 written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? (35) If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; (36) Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? Besides Jesus demonstrating here that he is a legalist, he illustrates respect for every jot and tittle of Scripture. And why not, he alsotaught that no jot or tittle would fail until heaven and earth pass away. Matthew 5:17-18 (17) Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I amnot come to destroy, but to fulfil. (18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Remember too that Jesus encouraged his disciples to listen and obey those expounders of Scripture whom many on TruthTalk would label as legalists.
 Matthew 23:2-3 (2) Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: (3) All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do;but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. So who here is walking in the tradition of Jesus Christ? Is it those who greatly respect the Scriptures and follow it closely, or is it those who think it would be evil legalism to do so? Peace be with you. David Miller. -- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you mayknow how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)http://www.InnGlory.org If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have afriend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.--"Let your spee
ch be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

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Re: [TruthTalk] Refresher concerning the TruthTalk forum

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
I never said "go to Hell" I did say you are a LIAR


Like I said, Deegan -- you are here for the fight and nothing else. You have my explanation s below and they will not be revisited. It really is a shame about your hate. 

JD-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 21:01:15 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Refresher concerning the TruthTalk forum

John wrote:  So where was the concern when Deegan called me a liar half a dozen times? 
Just for the record, John, I wrote Gary privately about that and his response was asking me to dig up the old posts for him. Then he posted something to TruthTalk that basically said he wanted people to be free to speak however they like to speak. Peace be with you. David Miller. 
John wrote: Too bad you don't work for a living -- it would go a long way to keeping you off the street. You are the liar on this one. Kevin. I wrote a post minutes after this first -- which made the point I was trying to make. 
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Thu, 19 May 2005 16:40:57 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fond Farewells
We went thru this all before and JD knows this. I don't mind if any call me ANGRY (CW) or worse (Johnathan). But to continue to propagate outright lies, well that is JD. 
This is a little bit of a sore point, as I will try and explain (again) I do not have my own business but am employed by others. I was married to Cheryl for 10 years in which we never had a vacation because all my vacation and many weekends and evenings were spent in ministy, in church  out. 
LIE TWO I am not the one saying this. Lie number two for Deegan. 
Kevin DeeganWed, 20 Apr 2005 04:25:52 -0700
DO not LIE  imply that I ever said "GO TO HELL" or have any wishes that anyone go there. 
You are a liar. (Like father like son)[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

In a message dated 4/19/2005 3:21:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

LM says Go to hell, DavidLance has caught the Jezebel Spirit!
So you don't like it when someone says it back to you? JD 

LIE THREE The churches he cited were not a part of the Churches of Christ , mainstream Restoration. The Boston C of C is not a part of the mainstream Restoration body. They have somewhere around 160 congregations and hopefully, their influence will die out completely. The fact that you and David did not know this is proof of my point. Lie number three , Kevin. 
Kevin DeeganSun, 24 Apr 2005 04:50:29 -0700
First it was you never talked to any CoC's Then it was never in the Church 
And now that david has posted the names it becomes Well you never preached in one! 
Just like the "NONE" that mysteriously changed to "few" 
Par for the course for the LIAR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

In a message dated 4/23/2005 2:12:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm not sure who you are talking about when you say "ignorant" Church of Christers, or what you mean by saying that I handled them so effectively. Many of them have sought me out, some I have accepted invitations to come visit them in their church or home, some have approached me trying to convert me to their way but ending up slipping on the creek bank and becoming baptized in the Holy Ghost and coming out of the Church of Christ. 
Nonsense, David. Absolute nonsense. You have never been invited to a non- instrument Church of Christ and delivered members of that church from whatever -- if that is a part of your claim in the above. Names, David. Give me the name of any Church of Chrsit you prached in. not unless you pretended to be one of them. 

Kevin DeeganWed, 20 Apr 2005 11:07:24 -0700
LIAR says You got me. Whoa -- how could I have been so inconsistent? No, actually, I meant what I said. Judy is the one who equated "one" with a "lot." This is what I mean -- you really don't read our posts. You just react. Point is you changed your story. That is to be expected. 
When one lies it gets hard to keep the stories straight! 
I changed nothing. David nor you know the differeence between the mainstream C of C and the Boston church. They are not in fellowship with each other -- they are separate as the Mormons are from the Baptist. Once again, Deegan you know nothing of what you are talking about. 

In a message dated 4/20/2005 4:52:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JD NOW says By the way -- "one" is not "a lot." JD previously said "There are no corrupt Bibles"SO, what you really meant to say was "there are few corrupt Bibles"
You got me. Whoa -- how could I have been so inconsistent? No, actually, I meant what I said. Judy is the one who equated "one" with a "lot." This is what I mean -- you really don't read our posts. You just react. JD 

Judy TaylorWed, 20 Apr 2005 11:25:39 -0700
Another lie to cover the first one JD? Why not just "give it up" 

Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Satan

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Does JJ suggest that Satan is Jesus Brother?Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
DAVEH: Mormons have been criticized for suggesting the same. Has JJ received a lot of similar criticism from other Christians?Lance Muir wrote: 

even if an angel from heaven

I think it was from James Jordan that I first encountered the notion that Satan may have had a legitimate teaching task in Eden.-- 
 Dave Hansen
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Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Social concern, then, is a part of our divine imperative. 

You've lostyour moral superiority. You do NOTHING

You said it:
speech is not followed by action[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pure and undefiled religion is defined by James in terms of two different kinds of activities. One has to do with our relationship to others. A second concern is our relationship to ourselves (Jam 1:27). Only the most thoughtless would believe that our responsibility to others is fulfilled in a "Hi and how are you" to the fatherless or that the fatherless are to be our only concern. And we not much help, in some cases, if we are doing what we can to keep ourselves free of worldly influences. 

Social concern, then, is a part of our divine imperative. 

In James, a book written to those who tended towards legalism and the "doing of church," he pointedly reminds his readers that their efforts are good for nothing if their speech is not followed by action. Be thou warmed and fill is a part of the message of the church. But if it is not accompanied with that which is necessary for the health and well-being of the body, their message is of no use (James 2:16,17)

The story of the good Samaritan is a story that is all about social responsibilities. It's message is as much for us todayas it was 2000 years ago. It is a lie of the Father of Lies to believe and teach that the preaching of repentance is the only evangelical concern of the church. Evangelical, I say, as if social considerations were part of the evangelical outreach of the church. If that is what you thought I had in mind, then I want you to know that, yes, I confirm that impression. God is manifest in us and how we react to the world we live in. That is the example ofChrist. Our lives should be lived with His in mind. 

He fed, perhaps, tens of thousands of people (the loaves and the fishes -- is the count of men only?)A dramatic statement of His concern for the social welfare of the community in which He had influence. 

His miracles expressed his social concern, as well. 

And passages such as Is 58:9-11 make it clear that our search for God will not be complete if it does not included an out-pouring for the hungry and the afflicted.

I, for one, admit my hypocrisy in this part of the ministry of reconciliation. I have failed in the showing of social concern. The question, ask by others on this in an effort to continue the fight, is nonetheless, a good questionwhat are we going to do about the suffering of those not so white and not so rich? I do not know. I am just now asking myself this question.And there will be an answer. 

there is too much in scripture for me to deny. A change of mind, for me, is in order and I appreciate Lance and Gary having things to say on this subject that have brought me to this moment. 

Grace to you who know not grace,
Peace to you who know not peace,
Love to those who show no love

and mercy upon us all


__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
I do practice what I preach 
You do not as has been demonstrated by your LIP Service

But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
Are those addictions under control yet?

Silence is golden.
So practice what you preach, deegan and shut up.

Jd__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

RE: [TruthTalk] On this 'quoting Scripture' thingy

2005-06-05 Thread ShieldsFamily

Youve heard of it, JDyou know,
all those little numbered verses in the Bible? Izzy

Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 12:05
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] On this
'quoting Scripture' thingy

Sriipture? Are you referring to the mindless
quoting of scripture offered in the hopes that Lance will be impressed with
just far under the surface he is in the Pond of Hell? 


-Original Message-
From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 12:26:37 -0500
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] On this 'quoting Scripture' thingy

Apparently (re-)reading the words of
scripture do not make your heart sing, Lance. Too bad. Izzy

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 10:27
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: [TruthTalk] On this
'quoting Scripture' thingy

Except involving myself and, the Mormons (yikes!!, does that
make you guys feel bad or good?) I've witnessed extensive and, extended
Scriptural engagements by and between many TTers. Apart from concessions over
the most minute of points, I have yet to note any significant change of
heart/mind/spirit on virtually anything. Certainly the factions of like-minded
folk have 'Amened' one another. There has taken place an appropriate smattering
of 'applause' over a good 'serve and volley' every now and then.So, I am
saddened to say that you of the 'frequent quoting society' (KJV, of course)
have demonstrated the diminished value of such an 'exercise'. I and the Mormons
(unless they choose to dissociate themselves from me), await any significant
demonstration to the contrary.

Speaking historically, I thought the conversations between
Bill Taylor and David Miller
came closest to putting the lie to what I've just said but, no cigar was

RE: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
the ones who do the most kvetching about others not helping the poor and being socially responsible are the ones who talk, talk, talk, but do little if anything.

That is because their conscience is bearing witness to them
Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another;)
Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JD, it seems that the ones who do the most kvetching about others not helping the poor and being socially responsible are the ones who talk, talk, talk, but do little if anything. I’ve been waiting for a day now for a sincere suggestion from kvetching Lance and kvetching JD on what I personally can do to cure the problems in the Congo, but when the rubber meets the road there is only more kvetching or silence. 

Meanwhile, yesterday I cooked and sent a pot of soup and a big bowl of chicken salad to a neighbor who has guests in her home for the week. While I was quilting I saw that the two big dogs belonging to one of my lesbian neighbors were loose, and I stopped everything and went outside and made sure her dogs got back safely into her yard and talked to her for a while. Today someone from our church is arriving with a truck to pick up 3 pieces of furniture to deliver to a woman who needs furniture for her family. Our church routinely completely re-habs and refurnishes homes for the poor who need it—often poor black women fresh out of prison for doing drugs or theft who are trying to start their lives over. They are given a beautiful home, yardwork, furniture, clothing, and whatever else they need. Last Christmas my husband and I decided that instead
 of giving each other gifts we would provide Christmas for a needy family, and many others in our church did also. They are rarely ever members of our church, but just someone that someone heard about. I could bore you for hours with everything our benevolence ministry has done like that. We help those that God puts in front of us. We do what we can, and we trust Him to provide where we can’t. 

We work quietly as unto the Lord for our own and for others. And we don’t kvetch.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 12:40 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

Pure and undefiled religion is defined by James in terms of two different kinds of activities. One has to do with our relationship to others. A second concern is our relationship to ourselves (Jam 1:27). Only the most thoughtless would believe that our responsibility to others is fulfilled in a "Hi and how are you" to the fatherless or that the fatherless are to be our only concern. And we not much help, in some cases, if we are doing what we can to keep ourselves free of worldly influences. 

Social concern, then, is a part of our divine imperative. 

In James, a book written to those who tended towards legalism and the "doing of church," he pointedly reminds his readers that their efforts are good for nothing if their speech is not followed by action. Be thou warmed and fill is a part of the message of the church. But if it is not accompanied with that which is necessary for the health and well-being of the body, their message is of no use (James 2:16,17)

The story of the good Samaritan is a story that is all about social responsibilities. It's message is as much for us todayas it was 2000 years ago. It is a lie of the Father of Lies to believe and teach that the preaching of repentance is the only evangelical concern of the church. Evangelical, I say, as if social considerations were part of the evangelical outreach of the church. If that is what you thought I had in mind, then I want you to know that, yes, I confirm that impression. God is manifest in us and how we react to the world we live in. That is the example ofChrist. Our lives should be lived with His in mind. 

He fed, perhaps, tens of thousands of people (the loaves and the fishes -- is the count of men only?)A dramatic statement of His concern for the social welfare of the community in which He had influence. 

His miracles expressed his social concern, as well. 

And passages such as Is 58:9-11 make it clear that our search for God will not be complete if it does not included an out-pouring for the hungry and the afflicted.

I, for one, admit my hypocrisy in this part of the ministry of reconciliation. I have failed in the showing of social concern. The question, ask by others on this in an effort to continue the fight, is nonetheless, a good questionwhat are we going to do about the suffering of those not so white and not so rich? I do not know. I am just now asking myself this question.And there 

RE: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
We need to help others!
Lets use your money!ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JD, it seems that the ones who do the most kvetching about others not helping the poor and being socially responsible are the ones who talk, talk, talk, but do little if anything. I’ve been waiting for a day now for a sincere suggestion from kvetching Lance and kvetching JD on what I personally can do to cure the problems in the Congo, but when the rubber meets the road there is only more kvetching or silence. 

Meanwhile, yesterday I cooked and sent a pot of soup and a big bowl of chicken salad to a neighbor who has guests in her home for the week. While I was quilting I saw that the two big dogs belonging to one of my lesbian neighbors were loose, and I stopped everything and went outside and made sure her dogs got back safely into her yard and talked to her for a while. Today someone from our church is arriving with a truck to pick up 3 pieces of furniture to deliver to a woman who needs furniture for her family. Our church routinely completely re-habs and refurnishes homes for the poor who need it—often poor black women fresh out of prison for doing drugs or theft who are trying to start their lives over. They are given a beautiful home, yardwork, furniture, clothing, and whatever else they need. Last Christmas my husband and I decided that instead
 of giving each other gifts we would provide Christmas for a needy family, and many others in our church did also. They are rarely ever members of our church, but just someone that someone heard about. I could bore you for hours with everything our benevolence ministry has done like that. We help those that God puts in front of us. We do what we can, and we trust Him to provide where we can’t. 

We work quietly as unto the Lord for our own and for others. And we don’t kvetch.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 12:40 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

Pure and undefiled religion is defined by James in terms of two different kinds of activities. One has to do with our relationship to others. A second concern is our relationship to ourselves (Jam 1:27). Only the most thoughtless would believe that our responsibility to others is fulfilled in a "Hi and how are you" to the fatherless or that the fatherless are to be our only concern. And we not much help, in some cases, if we are doing what we can to keep ourselves free of worldly influences. 

Social concern, then, is a part of our divine imperative. 

In James, a book written to those who tended towards legalism and the "doing of church," he pointedly reminds his readers that their efforts are good for nothing if their speech is not followed by action. Be thou warmed and fill is a part of the message of the church. But if it is not accompanied with that which is necessary for the health and well-being of the body, their message is of no use (James 2:16,17)

The story of the good Samaritan is a story that is all about social responsibilities. It's message is as much for us todayas it was 2000 years ago. It is a lie of the Father of Lies to believe and teach that the preaching of repentance is the only evangelical concern of the church. Evangelical, I say, as if social considerations were part of the evangelical outreach of the church. If that is what you thought I had in mind, then I want you to know that, yes, I confirm that impression. God is manifest in us and how we react to the world we live in. That is the example ofChrist. Our lives should be lived with His in mind. 

He fed, perhaps, tens of thousands of people (the loaves and the fishes -- is the count of men only?)A dramatic statement of His concern for the social welfare of the community in which He had influence. 

His miracles expressed his social concern, as well. 

And passages such as Is 58:9-11 make it clear that our search for God will not be complete if it does not included an out-pouring for the hungry and the afflicted.

I, for one, admit my hypocrisy in this part of the ministry of reconciliation. I have failed in the showing of social concern. The question, ask by others on this in an effort to continue the fight, is nonetheless, a good questionwhat are we going to do about the suffering of those not so white and not so rich? I do not know. I am just now asking myself this question.And there will be an answer. 

there is too much in scripture for me to deny. A change of mind, for me, is in order and I appreciate Lance and Gary having things to say on this subject that have brought me to this moment. 

Grace to you who know not grace,

Peace to you who know not peace,

Love to those who show no love

and mercy upon us all


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RE: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
So with most things they state.

Izzy are you the one that teaches Jesus was Incarnated in a Book?ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kevin, you just have to take their word for it that their many opinions are Biblically-based--in spite of the fact that there is norational evidence of such. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin DeeganSent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 5:53 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

G  L, rooted and grounded in the word?

LOL, neither has posted even one scripture reference in how long?
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RE: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Total Immersion!ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The "new" you? 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 6:35 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Silence is golden.

So practice what you preach, deegan and shut up.

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Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Easy for you to SAY, You DO Nothing but hear deceiving yourself.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

A geat resport!! When you can't walk on water, you had better be in the boat. Glad you are aborad --

-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 07:55:14 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

JD, it seems that the ones who do the most kvetching about others not helping the poor and being socially responsible are the ones who talk, talk, talk, but do little if anything. I?ve been waiting for a day now for a sincere suggestion from kvetching Lance and kvetching JD on what I personally can do to cure the problems in the Congo, but when the rubber meets the road there is only more kvetching or silence. 

Meanwhile, yesterday I cooked and sent a pot of soup and a big bowl of chicken salad to a neighbor who has guests in her home for the week. While I was quilting I saw that the two big dogs belonging to one of my lesbian neighbors were loose, and I stopped everything and went outside and made sure her dogs got back safely into her yard and talked to her for a while. Today someone from our church is arriving with a truck to pick up 3 pieces of furniture to deliver to a woman who needs furniture for her family. Our church routinely completely re-habs and refurnishes homes for the poor who need it?often poor black women fresh out of prison for doing drugs or theft who are trying to start their lives over. They are given a beautiful home, yardwork, furniture, clothing, and whatever else they need. Last Christmas my husband and I decided that
 instead of giving each other gifts we would provide Chr istmas for a needy family, and many others in our church did also. They are rarely ever members of our church, but just someone that someone heard about. I could bore you for hours with everything our benevolence ministry has done like that. We help those that God puts in front of us. We do what we can, and we trust Him to provide where we can?t. 

We work quietly as unto the Lord for our own and for others. And we don?t kvetch.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 12:40 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] Social concerns and the church

Pure and undefiled religion is defined by James in terms of two different kinds of activities. One has to do with our relationship to others. A second concern is our relationship to ourselves (Jam 1:27). Only the most thoughtless would believe that our responsibility to others is fulfilled in a "Hi and how are you" to the fatherless or that the fatherless are to be our only concern. And we not much help, in some cases, if we are doing what we can to keep ourselves free of worldly influences. 

Social concern, then, is a part of our divine imperative. 

In James, a book written to those who tended towards legalism and the "doing of church," he pointedly reminds his readers that their efforts are good for nothing if their speech is not followed by action. Be thou warmed and fill is a part of the message of the church. But if it is not accompanied with that which is necessary for the health and well-being of the body, their message is of no use (James 2:16,17)

The story of the good Samaritan is a story that is all about social responsibilities. It's message is as much for us todayas it was 2000 years ago. It is a lie of the Father of Lies to believe and teach that the preaching of repentance is the only evangelical concern of the church. Evangelical, I say, as if social considerations were part of the evangelical outreach of the church. If that is what you thought I had in mind, then I want you to know that, yes, I confirm that impression. God is manifest in us and how we react to the world we live in. That is the example ofChrist. Our lives should be lived with His in mind. 

He fed, perhaps, tens of thousands of people (the loaves and the fishes -- is the count of men only?)A dramatic statement of His concern for the social welfare of the community in which He had influence. 

His miracles expressed his social concern, as well. 

And passages such as Is 58:9-11 make it clear that our search for God will not be complete if it does not included an out-pouring for the hungry and the afflicted.

I, for one, admit my hypocrisy in this part of the ministry of reconciliation. I have failed in the showing of social concern. The question, ask by others on this in an effort to continue the fight, is nonetheless, a good question..what are we going to do about the suffering of those not so white and not so rich? I do not know. I am just now asking myself this question.And there will be an answer. 

there is too much in scripture for me to deny. A change of mind, for me, is in order and I appreciate Lance and Gary having things to say on this subject that have brought 

Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
In your eyes the Bible is the same as the thing you wrap a fish with.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I like "book chapter and verse" because of my churched traditions. Our two friends perhaps are not the same tradition. But I certainly identify scripture in their context  they oftenspeakAS OF the oracles of God. There is a caution to the "b, c and v" thingy -- proof-texting. Might as well be reading out of the newspaper when scripture is used in that manner. 

Defense Team Representatiive
Jd -Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]comTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 08:02:06 -0500Subject: RE: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Kevin, you just have to take their word for it that their many opinions are Biblically-based--in spite of the fact that there is norational evidence of such. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin DeeganSent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 5:53 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: Rmoderator Commant: was: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

G  L, rooted and grounded in the word?

LOL, neither has posted even one scripture reference in how long?__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Your some example addictions and all.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Oh, absolutely, my dear and ifDeegan follows my advice, it will result in something wonderful in his life -- not to mention everyone elses. 

God In Peace

JD-Original Message-From: ShieldsFamily [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 08:03:30 -0500Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

The "new" you? 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED]Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2005 6:35 AMTo: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSubject: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Silence is golden.

So practice what you preach, deegan and shut up.

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Re: [TruthTalk] brothers in prison

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Conscience got ya?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

		Yahoo! Mail Mobile 
Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Check email on your mobile phone.

Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Sort of like when JD argued that "ALL" which became "most" and finally "some" when confronted with his own statement.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

In your first post on this subject, you did not say that at all, Mrs. Taylor. Not even close. 
But your side does not care what it has written -- only what it says it has written. Let's move on.


That is your myth (read lie) JD because Inever made a statement anything like what you have written below. Did I sayGary O never reads the Bible? What I said is thathe is not sufficiently rooted and grounded in God's Word to discern what is and what is not a genuine spiritual gift in operation. Actually I suspect he
would say they are all bogus because of the fact that he is Calvinistic at heart. jt

On Sat, 04 Jun 2005 18:01:59 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

myth (read:lie) : Gary O has no relationship with the Word of God 


Isaiah'spointabout false worshipsolidifies in ch2, relates to 'trusting in man';in ch5, Isaiahcondemns the arrogant attitude/s ofGod's people; e.g., '..you live alone in the land' (5:8), acriticism of their economicswhichreflectstheirreal poverty (lording themselves over the poor)..apparentlysuch povertyresults primarily fromman-centeredness witnessed inthephilosophy partic ofthe/irreligious establishment(cp. 3:12, 14); also, 5:14does not mention 'hell'--its about a blessed society trapped in the throes of(its) spiritual suicide

On Fri, 3 Jun 2005 23:44:34 -0400 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

. read ..Isaiah 5:13,14

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Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Here are the facts JD

Lance wrote:  I was simply alluding to those on TT who believe  that God 'incarnated' in book form as opposed  to a human being. (You, David, Judy and Izzie)David Judy  Izzy do you believe such?

JD your even starting to sound like me.
Ya know I think that there is deep down inside of JD just a little bit of me trying to break out. he really wants to be a preacher!
From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 19:04:10 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible QuizFurthermore, who teaches such?

Do you make this stuff up in your sleep?

What in the world are you talking about, Kevin. Lance voiced an opinion about Miller and you are asking him "who teaches such? do you just make this stuff up in your sleep? You still talking about Lances opinion on Miller's claims are have you moved on -- once again - without telling us?


-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 19:04:10 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Furthermore, who teaches such?
Do you make this stuff up in your sleep?Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Backup your statement, for once in your life. Anyone can make accusations, what is your basis for such?Lance Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
As I said David, it is you. Your citations demonstrate a misreading of both.(Jesus  Scripture)- Original Message - From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Sent: June 03, 2005 20:09Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz Lance wrote:  I was simply alluding to those on TT who believe  that God 'incarnated' in book form as opposed  to a human being. (You, David, Judy and Izzie) I wouldn't use the word 'incarnated' but because you threw my name intothe mix, I suppose you are addressing my great respect for Scripture. Don'tyou think Jesus also respected Scripture the way that we do? Consider the straining at the letter of Scripture that Jesus does in the following passage: John
 10:34-36 (34) Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? (35) If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; (36) Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God? Besides Jesus demonstrating here that he is a legalist, he illustrates respect for every jot and tittle of Scripture. And why not, he alsotaught that no jot or tittle would fail until heaven and earth pass away. Matthew 5:17-18 (17) Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I amnot come to destroy, but to fulfil. (18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Remember too that Jesus encouraged his disciples to
 listen and obey those expounders of Scripture whom many on TruthTalk would label as legalists.  Matthew 23:2-3 (2) Saying, The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: (3) All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do;but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. So who here is walking in the tradition of Jesus Christ? Is it those who greatly respect the Scriptures and follow it closely, or is it those who think it would be evil legalism to do so? Peace be with you. David Miller. -- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you mayknow how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)http://www.InnGlory.org If you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have
 afriend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to[EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.--"Let your spee ch be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.orgIf you do not want to receive posts from this list, send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and you will be unsubscribed. If you have a friend who wants to join, tell him to send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and he will be subscribed.

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Re: [TruthTalk] Perry vs DaveH

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
I'd hate to judge these people as being falsely motivated.

Just those people?
No problem accusing others of false motivation. Do you have a special gift?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmm, I see your point, but yours is a special case, wouldn't you say? I have to say your point is actually weak. Associatiing JS with other false priests, is a badassociation no matter how you look at it. JS gave dates, descriptions of what took place, etc, which none of these people did. Besides, how do we know they were not inspired, anyway? Surely God gives direction to all liberally, who ask in faith. I'd hate to judge these people as being falsely motivated.
 Considering that in the last days, there is to be 
1. An angel appearing on the horizon with the everlasting gospel to preach to all nations, kindreds, etc., 
2. There are to be 140,000 missionary l;eaderscalled to assist in this great work, 
3. Israel is to be gathered out of the caves and other such remote places,
4. According to Daniel, a great kingdom, the Kingdom of God, is to be set up without hands, meaning by God, and not by men, 

I would say that for these great fetes to be accomplished, a well organized effort would beat the lazziz faire arrangement you seem to favor. The LDS Church has(as of December, 2004)51,067 full time missionaries out;241,239 converts for the year 2004, a total membership of 12,275, 822; with 26,670 wards and branches. Not to knock what you do, I am convinced you do a lot of good with your approach, so hang in there, but for the final mop-up, I am afraid it is going to take more than individuals working under their own auspices.

In a message dated 6/4/2005 6:39:46 AM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Blaine wrote: You are using the "guilt by association" approach to reasoning, which is false reasoning, and shameful for anyone to have to resort to it.Are you sure that "guilt by association" is false reasoning? Don't you use the same reasoning in the very next sentence?Blaine wrote: By the way, the Mormon Church is now the 4th largest denomination in America. Just two years ago, it was the 5th largest.By saying that you are the 4th largest denomination, you are using association to make your case. Isn't that the same thing as "guilt by association" only in reverse?Now I realize to you, being a large denomination is a good thing, but to me, being a large denomination is a bad thing. So what I hear from you
 is guilt by association. Is this faulty reasoning that you are using? Does being the 4th largest denomination mean anything?Peace be with you.David Miller. 

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Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

The immedicate ocntext of my remarks was on this wise: you preach "silence is golden" but you talk and talk and talk and, somehow manage to say nothing of consequence.conclusion:  youdo not practice what you preach. 

Jd-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 19:55:24 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

I do practice what I preach 
You do not as has been demonstrated by your LIP Service

But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
Are those addictions under control yet?

Silence is golden.
So practice what you preach, deegan and shut up.

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Re: [TruthTalk] Re:WWCofG lives on

2005-06-05 Thread Marlin halverson

It seems that with very narrow exceptions, all roads lead 
to Rome. As the Virginia Slims cigarette commercial said to the 'liberated 
woman,' "You've come a long way baby." It is now time for 
thatcorporatebody, which has a papal form of government,to 
take"Rome's Challenge"of 1893. 


- Original Message - 

  To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
  Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 9:12 PM
  Subject: [TruthTalk] Re:WWCofG lives 
  Years ago, when I too, was a legalist, I enjoyed listening to 
  Herbert W Armstrong and Garner Ted. 
  But they lost me with their emphasis on the Old LAw. Many of their 
  arguments -- such as "against evolution" -- were 
  actually very good. 
  Anyway -- Carner Ted did the twist with one of 
  the sisters and Herbert died in the mid 80"s
  and something very unusual happened to this fellowship. I don't 
  know what to think about all the changes, but one very important change 
  was the "end of the law" and life in a relationship with the Christ.
  You just might find this article interesting. 

Re: [TruthTalk] Re:WWCofG lives on

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
Do you believe Sunday Worship is the mark of the beast?Marlin halverson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It seems that with very narrow exceptions, all roads lead to Rome. As the Virginia Slims cigarette commercial said to the 'liberated woman,' "You've come a long way baby." It is now time for thatcorporatebody, which has a papal form of government,to take"Rome's Challenge"of 1893. 


- Original Message - 

To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org 
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 9:12 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Re:WWCofG lives on

Years ago, when I too, was a legalist, I enjoyed listening to Herbert W Armstrong and Garner Ted. 

But they lost me with their emphasis on the Old LAw. Many of their arguments -- such as "against evolution" -- were actually very good. 

Anyway -- Carner Ted did the twist with one of the sisters and Herbert died in the mid 80"s

and something very unusual happened to this fellowship. I don't know what to think about all the changes, but one very important change was the "end of the law" and life in a relationship with the Christ.

You just might find this article interesting. 


Jd__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: [TruthTalk] Exerpts

2005-06-05 Thread Kevin Deegan
How does your spiritual gift discern between MYTH and Dualism?[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

note the word 'correctly', below--as noted, the notion is intrinsic to (her)dualism 

e.g., didn'tLance's spiritual discernment recognize correctly JCs gifts through the Spirit toPastor Smithson?

On Sun, 5 Jun 2005 17:12:33 -0400 Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

..to correctly discern a genuine spiritual gift in operation.
||__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 

Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

2005-06-05 Thread knpraise

So Judy and David M -- agree with Deegan on this one ??? 

What about, Izzy -- no miracles today ? You all "agree" -- so I guess I should know the answer to this question. 

Jd-Original Message-From: Kevin Deegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.orgSent: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 19:48:12 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Of late many Muslims within that 10/40 window have been receiving visions/dreams of Jesus.

Someone must be casting incantations