[TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-05 Thread Judy Taylor


  jt: Biblically whenever angels appeared they spoke in line with the 
  rest of scripture
  and the book of Mormon along with the other two books are 'another 
  gospel'DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree.  The BoM is that sealed book 
prophesied by Isaiah.  (Is 29:11-18) 


  jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of by the prophet 
  Isaiah in Is 29:11-18 is the Scripture. No prophecy of scripture is 
  interpreted independently it must fit in with the rest of scripture and 
  there should be two or more clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible. 
  Isaiah here is speaking of Israel's restoration in the Messianic Age 
  and there are many corresponding scriptures Isa 35:3-6 is one. I've read 
  that JS was upset with what he saw in the churches and can understand this 
  sentiment but he was deceived by the angel and the Jesus of the LDS is 
  'another Jesus'
  DAVEH:  I'm not 
  sure why you think such, though you are right..I've heard it many 
  times on TT.  
  jt: Probably because as the 
  scriptures say "His sheep recognize His
  voice and another voice they do 
  not follow"  The Jesus of Mormonism is 'another voice'
  DAVEH: FTR..My Jesus 
  died for me that I will live again.  That is one very important part 
  of salvation.to overcome physical death.  He also atoned for my 
  sins IF I availeth myself to him and endure to the end...THEN I will 
  "achieve" full salvation.  Now understand this, Judy.  That I 
  have to take some steps by myself to reach that point where I can return 
  to heaven, it is something I canNOT do myself alone.  It is only by 
  virtue of our Lord's grace that I have the opportunity to reach the full 
  potential for which God has foreordained me to obtain.  I hope that 
  helps you understand my belief a bit better.  (And, I hope I haven't 
  confused you with my explanation!) 
  jt: This sounds a lot like the real but when you 
  add the ascending toward godhood and whole temple ritual thing that 
  is from what I've heard taken from Masonic ritual and this is the old 
  mystery religious stuff, the regenerative principle - it dresses itself 
  differently outwardly but is basically the same as the high places in 
  Israel when they were in apostasy and also what TPW is into. 

[TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-08 Thread Judy Taylor

Hi DaveH, Glad to see you are back at home now... [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 DAVEH:  My latest 
comments are in BLUE... 
jt: Biblically whenever angels appeared they spoke in line with the rest of 
scriptureand the book of Mormon along with the other two books are 'another 

  DAVEH:  I respectfully 
  The BoM is that sealed book prophesied 
  by Isaiah.  (Is 29:11-18) 
  jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of by the prophet Isaiah in Is 
  29:11-18 is the Scripture. DAVEH:  
  Agreed.  The question is..which Scripture?  I believe it applies 
  to the BoM, which I believe is Scripture too.  Now.when you suggest 
  it is "Scripture", I assume 
  you mean that you think it refers to the Bible?  How so?  Was the 
  Bible sealed?  Who and when was the Bible delivered to a learned man who 
  said, "I cannot; for it is sealed"?  And who was it delivered to that 
  said he was unlearned? 
  jt: So far as I am concerned (respectfully so) the book of Mormon is 
  extra biblical - the book had already been written - and does not qualify as 
  scripture... and yes the Bible is a sealed book, right now today to a lot of 
  people.  Without the Holy Spirit unlocking the meaning and giving 
  spiritual understanding it is a closed volume.  God hides things from the 
  wise and prudent and reveals them to babes - also no prophecy of scripture is 
  interpreted independently it must fit with the rest of scripture and there 
  should be two or more clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible. Isaiah here is 
  speaking of Israel's restoration in the Messianic Age and there are many 
  corresponding scriptures Isa 35:3-6 is one. 
  DAVEH:  Do you have specific 
  answers to my above questions, Judy? 
  jt: If you mean the name of the person who was unlearned - I don't have 
  one name in particular and many are too proud to admit they are blind (like 
  the Pharisees). They sat in the seat of Moses but when Jesus came in person 
  speaking God's Word they didn't recognize it or Him. So you could say the 
  scriptures were sealed to them even though they were teaching them and 
  believed themselves to be the experts.
  I've read that JS was upset DAVEH:  I don't remember that.  I think the word he used was 
  "confused". with what he saw in the churches and can 
  understand this sentiment but he was deceived by the angel DAVEH:  The angel you speak of is Jesus 
  Christ himself. and the Jesus of the LDS is 'another Jesus' 
  DAVEH:  I respectfully 
  disagree.  He is the same Jesus who died on the cross for 
  jt: The angel Moroni with the eyeglasses is 
  not the Jesus who died on the cross for us DaveH and the Book of Mormon given 
  to Joseph Smith in upstate NY if I remember correctly is not in harmony with 
  God's Truth.  In Galatians Paul writes that if anyone, even an angel of 
  god comes with a gospel other than what we have already received - let him be 
  DAVEH:  I'm not sure why you think 
  such, though you are right..I've heard it many times on TT. 
  jt: Probably because as the scriptures say 
  "His sheep recognize Hisvoice and another voice they do not 
  follow" DAVEH:  
  Reference, please? 
  jt: John 10:4,5 and the Jesus of Mormonism is 'another voice'
  DAVEH:  Once again, I 
  respectfully disagree. 
  jt: DaveH, since you have embraced this other gospel, how do you know 
  which voice you are listening to?
  DAVEH: FTR..My Jesus died for 
  me that I will live again.  That is one very important part of 
  salvation.to overcome physical death.  
  jt: Physical death is not the problem, we will 
  all die physically. It's the second death that should concern you - that is 
  spiritual death.  Jesus said not to fear man because all he can do is 
  kill the body.  We should fear God who can kill both body and 
  DAVEH: He also atoned for my sins IF I 
  availeth myself to him and endure to the end...THEN I will "achieve" full 
  salvation.  Now understand this, Judy.  That I have to take some 
  steps by myself to reach that point where I can return to heaven, it is 
  something I canNOT do myself alone.  It is only by virtue of our Lord's 
  grace that I have the opportunity to reach the full potential for which God 
  has foreordained me to obtain.  I hope that helps you understand my 
  belief a bit better.  (And, I hope I haven't confused you with my 
  jt: This sounds somewhat  like the real but when you add the 
  ascending toward godhood DAVEH:  
  That too is Biblical.."I 
  have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." PS 
  82:6 .Some on this 
  Forum have denied that "gods" has a divine meaning.  However, if you 
  consider the Lord's reply (Jn 10:34) to those who were trying to trap him into 
  a relationship with God, Jesus answered them. 
  jt: The Jews were wanting to stone him for blasphemy because they said he 
  made himself eq

[TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-08 Thread jandgtaylor1

 DAVEH:  My latest 
comments are in PINK... 
Judy Taylor wrote: 
 Hi DaveH, Glad to see you are back at home 
  now... [EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

  jt: Biblically whenever angels appeared they spoke in line with the rest of 
  scriptureand the book of Mormon along with the other two books are 'another 
DAVEH:  Does that mean you have read 
the BofM, Judy?  Or are you basing your opinion on what you've heard from 
jt: I have a copy of the Book of Mormon DaveH but I can't honestly say I 
have read it,  scripture is my priority.

DAVEH:  I respectfully 
disagree.The BoM is that sealed book prophesied by Isaiah.  (Is 
jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of by the prophet Isaiah in Is 
29:11-18 is the Scripture. DAVEH:  Agreed.  The question is..which 
Scripture?  I believe it applies to the BoM, which I believe is 
Scripture too.  Now.when you suggest it is 
"Scripture", I assume you 
mean that you think it refers to the Bible?  How so?  Was the 
Bible sealed?  Who and when was the Bible delivered to a learned man 
who said, "I cannot; for it is sealed"?  And who was it delivered to 
that said he was unlearned? jt: So far as I am concerned 
(respectfully so) the book of Mormon is extra biblical - the book had 
already been written - and does not qualify as scripture... and yes the 
Bible is a sealed book, right now today to a lot of people.  Without 
the Holy Spirit unlocking the meaning and giving spiritual understanding it 
is a closed volume.  God hides things from the wise and prudent and 
reveals them to babes - also no prophecy of scripture is interpreted 
independently it must fit with the rest of scripture and there should be two 
or more clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible. Isaiah here is speaking of 
Israel's restoration in the Messianic Age and there are many corresponding 
scriptures Isa 35:3-6 is one.DAVEH:  
Do you have specific answers to my above questions, Judy? jt: 
If you mean the name of the person who was unlearned - I don't have one name 
in particular and many are too proud to admit they are blind (like the 
Pharisees). They sat in the seat of Moses but when Jesus came in person 
speaking God's Word they didn't recognize it or Him. So you could say the 
scriptures were sealed to them even though they were teaching them and 
believed themselves to be the experts. DAVEH:  Your interpretation of Isaiah's comments are much 
'looser' than mine.  While you believe his prophecy was symbolically 
fulfilled by the Bible, I believe it was literally filled by the BoM.  
When I think about the book being delivered to one who is learned, and he 
says that he cannot read it because it is sealed.how does that sound 
like the Bible?  Have you ever heard account of anybody saying 
jt: No symbolic about it DaveH. I believe it is being fulfilled today 
and will be in the future, that is, literally fulfilled.  And yes, 
I have heard more than one preacher say that we are presently in a
famine for God's Word.  You may not understand that it can be a 
'dead letter' to some and God's
'living Word' to others.  When it is a 'dead letter' it is as a 
sealed book to that person.
I've read that JS was upset DAVEH:  I don't remember that.  I think the word he used 
was "confused". with what he saw in the churches and can 
understand this sentiment but he was deceived by the angel DAVEH:  The angel you speak of is Jesus 
Christ himself. and the Jesus of the LDS is 'another 
Jesus' DAVEH:  I respectfully 
disagree.  He is the same Jesus who died on the cross for 
jt: The angel Moroni with the 
eyeglasses is not the Jesus who died on the cross for me DaveH and the Book 
of Mormon given to Joseph Smith in upstate NY if I remember correctly is not 
in harmony with God's Truth.  In Galatians Paul writes that if anyone, 
even an angel of god comes with a gospel other than what we have already 
received - let him be accursed" DAVEH:  I'm not sure why you think such, though you are 
right..I've heard it many times on TT. jt: Probably because as the scriptures say "His 
sheep recognize Hisvoice and another voice they do not follow" 
DAVEH:  Reference, 
jt: John 10:4,5 and the Jesus of Mormonism is 'another voice' DAVEH:  
DAVEH:  Once again, I respectfully 
jt: DaveH, since you have embraced this other gospel, how do you know 
which voice you are listening to? DAVEH:  Because I feel I'm seeing it from both 
DAVEH: FTR..My Jesus died for me 
that I will live again.  That is one very important part of 
salvation.to overcome physical death. jt: Physical death is not the problem, we will 
all die physically. It's the secon

: [TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-09 Thread Judy Taylor

jt: Biblically whenever angels appeared they spoke in line with the rest 
of scriptureand the book of Mormon along with the other two books are 
'another gospel'
  DAVEH:  Does that mean you have 
  read the BofM, Judy?  Or are you basing your opinion on what you've heard 
  from others?
   jt: I have a copy of the Book of Mormon DaveH but I can't honestly 
  say I have read it,  scripture is my priority. 
  DAVEH:  OK.I understand.  Your comments 
  regarding it are then a result of what you've heard others say as opposed to 
  questions that arise from your personal reading of it. 
  jt: I have no reason to read the book of Mormon; I believe it is heresy 
  and that I would be wasting the Lord's time. 
  DAVEH:  I respectfully 
  disagree.  The BoM is that sealed book prophesied by Isaiah.  (Is 
  jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of by the prophet Isaiah in Is 
  29:11-18 is the Scripture. 
  DAVEH:  Agreed.  The question 
  is..which Scripture?  I believe it applies to the BoM, which I 
  believe is Scripture too.  Now.when you suggest it is 
  "Scripture", I assume you mean 
  that you think it refers to the Bible?  How so?  Was the Bible 
  sealed?  Who and when was the Bible delivered to a learned man who said, 
  "I cannot; for it is sealed"?  And who was it delivered to that said he 
  was unlearned? 
  jt: So far as I am concerned (respectfully so) the book of Mormon is 
  extra biblical - the book had already been written - and does not qualify as 
  scripture... and yes the Bible is a sealed book, right now today to a lot of 
  DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree with your 
  assessment.  As I see it, in no way has the Bible been sealed.  
  People may misunderstand it, but that does not in itself make it 
  jt: Why does your print keep getting bigger and bigger DaveH - is it 
  necessary to overemphasize your words - do you them more important or do you 
  have a humvee mentality??  Without the Holy Spirit unlocking the 
  meaning and giving spiritual understanding the Bible it is a closed 
  volume.  People can speculate about it and write big thick 
  books that bring them no closer to the Truth than they were before they 
  began.  God wants to perform a work of grace in the heart without which 
  noone is able to see him or to know him because he hides things 
  from the wise and prudent and reveals them to babes - also no prophecy of 
  scripture is interpreted independently it must fit with the rest of scripture 
  and there should be two or more clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible. 
  DAVEH:  IMHO, the BofM is a second witness of the 
  jt: You've got to be kidding.  The Book of Mormon is totally other 
  and this is the kind of thing the prophet warned of when he wrote Isaiah 
  8:20.  Isaiah 29:11 is speaking of Israel's restoration in the 
  Messianic Age and there are many corresponding scriptures Isa 35:3-6 is 
  DAVEH:  Lots of experts have poured over the Bible, 
  both in an effort to credit and discredit it.  I've never heard any 
  claiming it or the meaning was sealed to them..have 
  jt: Not so far but that doesn't mean there haven't been any 
  - I don't have to know ALL things.  FTR I don't believe that DavidM is 
  one of those. 
   jt: Probably because as the 
  scriptures say "His sheep recognize His voice and another voice they do not 
  follow" DAVEH:  
  Reference, please? 
  jt: John 10:4,5 and the Jesus of Mormonism is 'another voice' 
  DAVEH:  I obviously believe 
  the 'Mormon sheep' are hearing his voice (from both Biblical and extra 
  Biblical) sources and are seeking to follow the Shepherd.  There is much 
  Jesus said and did that is not included in the Bible, Judy (Jn 21:25), and I 
  think it is a bit shortsighted to not allow for extra Biblical material that 
  may be relevant. 
  jt: You may think it shortsighted DaveH but we have been warned about it 
  and everyone needs to follow their own conscience on the matter.  Jesus 
  has given us a comforter who also leads us into all truth so we are not 
  dependent upon anybody's extra biblical revelation.  OTOH we are told to 
  have our senses exercised so that we may discern good from evil and hold fast 
  to that which is good.
  DAVEH:  Once again, I respectfully 
  jt: DaveH, since you have embraced this other gospel, how do you know 
  which voice you are listening to? 
  DAVEH:  Because I feel I'm seeing 
  it from both sides. 
  jt: Just like Eve in the garden... "Hath God said?"  If you swallow 
  this you'll be able to see the bigger picture..  The Jews were 
  wanting to stone him for blasphemy because they said he made himself equal 
  with God. 
  DAVEH:  EXACTLY!  And Jesus 
  pointed out that their own Scripture allows for that.  The reason they 
  could not trap him in blaspheme is because Jesus was nothing for which 

[TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-10 Thread jandgtaylor1

***DAVEH:  My latest post has *** 

Judy Taylor wrote: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of by the 
prophet Isaiah in Is 29:11-18 is the Scripture.
DAVEH:  Agreed.  The question 
is..which Scripture?  I believe it applies to the BoM, which I believe 
is Scripture too.  Now.when you suggest it is 
"Scripture", I assume you mean 
that you think it refers to the Bible?  How so?  Was the Bible 
sealed?  Who and when was the Bible delivered to a learned man who said, "I 
cannot; for it is sealed"?  And who was it delivered to that said he was 
jt: So far as I am concerned (respectfully so) the book of Mormon is extra 
biblical and does not qualify as being scripture.***DAVEH:  I agree. - the book had already been written 
- and does not qualify as scripture... ***DAVEH:  I 
respectfully disagree.  Do you have a specific reason why it does not 
qualify as scripture, or are you just assuming such? 
jt: I am believing God's Word which says "To the law and to the testimony; if 
they speak not according to THIS WORD it is because there is no light in them" 
(Isaiah 8:20 KJV)..and yes the Bible is a sealed book, right now today to a lot 
of people.
DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree with your 
assessment.  As I see it, in no way has the Bible been sealed.  People 
may misunderstand it, but that does not in itself make it sealed. 
jt: Why does your print keep getting bigger and bigger DaveH - is it 
necessary to overemphasize your words - do you view them as more important than 
mine or do you have a humvee mentality?? ***DAVEH:   
LOL...No, Judy.  I use very old software that does not plainly 
distinguish between all the posts on these threads that contain numerous 
replies.  Your replies are very difficult for me to discern, because they 
get buried with previous hard to separate replies.  So, I've tried to make 
my posts distinctive each time so I can quickly sort out my most recent 
comments.  Then I look just beyond them for your replies.  I suspect I 
sometimes overlook your comments though, because there is not much that 
differentiates them from the old material. 
jt: I'm not surprised that they are hard to find because in the light of your 
gigantic print they are miniscule, probably the way you receive them. It is 
becoming more and more obvious to me that I am wasting my time because you are 
full of your own thoughts and anything other is only fodder for the war you 
are in against the Truth.  However, you will not prevail, you need to 
question some of your own assumptions because it is God who sits on the throne 
and He WILL have the last Word Without the Holy Spirit unlocking the 
meaning and giving spiritual understanding the Bible it is a closed volume. 
***DAVEH:  OK..Now I understand where you are coming 
from. jt: People can speculate about it and write big thick 
books that bring them no closer to the Truth than they were before they 
began.  God wants to perform a work of grace in the heart without which 
noone is able to see him or to know him because he hides things from the wise 
and prudent and reveals them to babes - also no prophecy of scripture is 
interpreted independently it must fit with the rest of scripture and there 
should be two or more clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible. DAVEH:  IMHO, the BofM is a second witness of the Bible. 

jt: You've got to be kidding. The witnesses must be in agreement whereas the 
Book of Mormon is completely other and teaches things never heard of in Israel. 
Actually it qualifies as a false prophet which God allows in order to test his 
people to see if their hearts are fully his.  No wonder you don't like this 
***DAVEH:  No I'm not kidding, Judy.  If you do 
little else, you might take out your copy of the BofM and read the title 
page.  It is only 2 paragraphs long, and probably won't cause you to loose 
your salvation.   :-)
jt: I'm not concerned about 'losing my salvation' DaveH but how 
would it benefit me to read the title page of a counterfeit 
book?  ***DAVEH:  IMHO, the BofM does 
speak according to God's word. 
jt: One could only say this if they did not understand God's Word to begin 
with. Isaiah 29:11 is speaking of Israel's restoration in the Messianic Age and 
there are many corresponding scriptures Isa 35:3-6 is one. 
***DAVEH:  Like I said before, I take Isaiah's comments 
about the sealed book far more literally than you do. 
jt: I take it literally also but not to the point of accepting what God 
has rejected. 
DAVEH:  I obviously believe the 'Mormon sheep' are hearing 
his voice (from both Biblical and extra Biblical) sources and are seeking to 
follow the Shepherd. 
ht: If the Mormon sheep are following the voice of Joseph Smith 
then they are not seeking to follow the One True Shepherd. 
***DAVEH:  I'm not here to force you to do anything your 
conscience opposes.  Let the Holy Spirit be your guide.  Since you are 
relatively new to TT, let me take a moment and explain 

Re: [TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-07 Thread Dave

DAVEH:  My latest comments are
in BLUE...
Judy Taylor wrote:

jt: Biblically whenever angels appeared they spoke
in line with the rest of scriptureand the book of Mormon along with the
other two books are 'another gospel'

DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree. 
The BoM is that sealed book prophesied by Isaiah.  (Is 29:11-18)

jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of by
the prophet Isaiah in Is 29:11-18 is the Scripture.
DAVEH:  Agreed.  The
question is..which Scripture?  I believe it applies to the BoM,
which I believe is Scripture too.  Now.when you suggest it is
"Scripture", I assume
you mean that you think it refers to the Bible?  How so?  Was
the Bible sealed?  Who and when was the Bible delivered to a learned
man who said, "I cannot; for it is sealed"?  And who was it delivered
to that said he was unlearned?
No prophecy of scripture is interpreted independently it must fit in
with the rest of scripture and there should be two or more clear witnesses
in the rest of the Bible. Isaiah here is speaking of Israel's restoration
in the Messianic Age and there are many corresponding scriptures Isa 35:3-6
is one.
DAVEH:  Do you have specific
answers to my above questions, Judy?
I've read that JS was upset
DAVEH:  I don't remember that. 
I think the word he used was "confused".
with what he saw in the churches and can understand this sentiment
but he was deceived by the angel
DAVEH:  The angel you speak
of is Jesus Christ himself.
and the Jesus of the LDS is 'another Jesus'
DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree. 
He is the same Jesus who died on the cross for us.DAVEH: 
I'm not sure why you think such, though you are right..I've heard it
many times on TT. jt:
Probably because as the scriptures say "His sheep recognize Hisvoice and
another voice they do not follow"
DAVEH:  Reference, please?
 The Jesus of Mormonism is
'another voice'
DAVEH:  Once again, I respectfully
  DAVEH: FTR..My Jesus
died for me that I will live again.  That is one very important part
of salvation.to overcome physical death.  He also atoned for my
sins IF I availeth myself to him and endure to the end...THEN I will
"achieve" full salvation.  Now understand this, Judy.  That I
have to take some steps by myself to reach that point where I can return
to heaven, it is something I canNOT do myself alone.  It is only by
virtue of our Lord's grace that I have the opportunity to reach the full
potential for which God has foreordained me to obtain.  I hope that
helps you understand my belief a bit better.  (And, I hope I haven't
confused you with my explanation!) jt: This sounds a lot
like the real but when you add the ascending toward godhood
DAVEH:  That too is Biblical..
"I have said, Ye are gods; and all
of you are children of the most High." PS 82:6
.Some on this Forum have
denied that "gods" has a divine meaning.  However, if you consider
the Lord's reply (Jn 10:34) to those who were trying to trap him into a
relationship with God, Jesus answered them.
".Is it not written in your
law, I said, Ye are gods?"
From this, it is quite obvious
that "gods" in both instances has divine properties.
When you consider the overall message
of the Bible, Judy, it only makes logical sense.  We were created
in the image of God (plural).  He is known to us by his parental name,
"Father".  He has given us the tools to become like him.the commandments. 
He has give us a commandment to do so.  (Mt 5:48)   
Furthermore, he has told us that we shall be like him.  (1Jn 3:2)

Now, why would you not think you have the potential to become like God? 
Let me provide a presumed answer for you.because you are a sinner and
God is perfect.  Is that correct, Judy?  Then let me answer that
our Beloved Brother, Jesus, has provided a way that we can do so..by
his grace, specifically by virtue of his resurrection and atoning sacrifice.
and whole temple ritual thing that is from what I've heard taken from
Masonic ritual and this is the old mystery religious stuff, the regenerative
principle - it dresses itself differently outwardly but is basically the
same as the high places in Israel when they were in apostasy and also what
TPW is into. Judy

DAVEH:  From the few things you've
said so far, I think you have a lot of misunderstandings about what I believe,
Judy.   I'm not trying to convert you to Mormonism.  Nor
am I quoting Latter-day Scripture to you.  What I've done above is
point out the Bible supports one of my beliefs that you find unacceptable. 
If you disagree (and I'm pretty sure you do), I'd sure like to know why
you think my analysis is wrong.  To me (from my LDS biased perspective),
it all makes logical sense.  I don't understand why Protestants find
it so hard to accept the basic message of the Bible as I've tried to explain
Dave Hansen
If you wish to receive
things I find interesting,
I maintain 

Re: [TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-08 Thread Dave

DAVEH:  My latest comments are
in PINK...
Judy Taylor wrote:
 Hi DaveH, Glad to see you are back at home
jt: Biblically whenever angels appeared they spoke in line with the
rest of scriptureand the book of Mormon along with the other two books
are 'another gospel'
DAVEH:  Does that mean you have
read the BofM, Judy?  Or are you basing your opinion on what you've
heard from others?

I respectfully disagree.The BoM is that sealed book prophesied by Isaiah. 
(Is 29:11-18)jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of
by the prophet Isaiah in Is 29:11-18 is the Scripture.
DAVEH:  Agreed.  The
question is..which Scripture?  I believe it applies to the BoM,
which I believe is Scripture too.  Now.when you suggest it is
"Scripture", I assume
you mean that you think it refers to the Bible?  How so?  Was
the Bible sealed?  Who and when was the Bible delivered to a learned
man who said, "I cannot; for it is sealed"?  And who was it delivered
to that said he was unlearned? jt: So far as I am concerned
(respectfully so) the book of Mormon is extra biblical - the book had already
been written - and does not qualify as scripture... and yes the Bible is
a sealed book, right now today to a lot of people.  Without the Holy
Spirit unlocking the meaning and giving spiritual understanding it is a
closed volume.  God hides things from the wise and prudent and reveals
them to babes - also no prophecy of scripture is interpreted independently
it must fit with the rest of scripture and there should be two or more
clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible. Isaiah here is speaking of Israel's
restoration in the Messianic Age and there are many corresponding scriptures
Isa 35:3-6 is one.DAVEH:  Do you
have specific answers to my above questions, Judy? jt: If
you mean the name of the person who was unlearned - I don't have one name
in particular and many are too proud to admit they are blind (like the
Pharisees). They sat in the seat of Moses but when Jesus came in person
speaking God's Word they didn't recognize it or Him. So you could say the
scriptures were sealed to them even though they were teaching them and
believed themselves to be the experts.
DAVEH:  Your interpretation
of Isaiah's comments are much 'looser' than mine.  While you believe
his prophecy was symbolically fulfilled by the Bible, I believe it was
literally filled by the BoM.  When I think about the book being delivered
to one who is learned, and he says that he cannot read it because it is
sealed.how does that sound like the Bible?  Have you ever heard
account of anybody saying that?
I've read that JS was upset
DAVEH:  I don't remember that. 
I think the word he used was "confused".
with what he saw in the churches and can understand this sentiment
but he was deceived by the angel
DAVEH:  The angel you speak
of is Jesus Christ himself.
and the Jesus of the LDS is 'another Jesus'
DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree. 
He is the same Jesus who died on the cross for us.jt: The angel Moroni
with the eyeglasses is not the Jesus who died on the cross for us DaveH
and the Book of Mormon given to Joseph Smith in upstate NY if I remember
correctly is not in harmony with God's Truth.  In Galatians Paul writes
that if anyone, even an angel of god comes with a gospel other than what
we have already received - let him be accursed" DAVEH: 
I'm not sure why you think such, though you are right..I've heard it
many times on TT. jt:
Probably because as the scriptures say "His sheep recognize Hisvoice and
another voice they do not follow"
DAVEH:  Reference, please?jt:
John 10:4,5 and the Jesus of Mormonism is 'another voice'
DAVEH:  Once again, I respectfully
disagree.jt: DaveH, since you have embraced this other gospel,
how do you know which voice you are listening to?
DAVEH:  Because I feel I'm
seeing it from both sides.
DAVEH: FTR..My Jesus died for
me that I will live again.  That is one very important part of salvation.to
overcome physical death. jt:
Physical death is not the problem, we will all die physically. It's the
second death that should concern you - that is spiritual death.  Jesus
said not to fear man because all he can do is kill the body.  We should
fear God who can kill both body and soul. DAVEH:
He also atoned for my sins IF I availeth myself to him and endure to the
end...THEN I will "achieve" full salvation.  Now understand this,
Judy.  That I have to take some steps by myself to reach that point
where I can return to heaven, it is something I canNOT do myself alone. 
It is only by virtue of our Lord's grace that I have the opportunity to
reach the full potential for which God has foreordained me to obtain. 
I hope that helps you understand my belief a bit better.  (And, I
hope I haven't confused you with my explanation!) jt: This
sounds somewhat  like the real but when you add the ascending toward
DAVEH:  That too is Biblical.."I
have said, Ye are gods; a

Re: [TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-09 Thread Dave

DAVEH:  My latest comments are in BLACK...
Judy Taylor wrote:
 Hi DaveH, Glad to see you are back at home
jt: Biblically whenever angels appeared they spoke in line with the
rest of scriptureand the book of Mormon along with the other two books
are 'another gospel'
DAVEH:  Does that mean you have
read the BofM, Judy?  Or are you basing your opinion on what you've
heard from others? jt: I have a copy of the Book of
Mormon DaveH but I can't honestly say I have read it,  scripture is
my priority.
DAVEH:  OK.I understand.  Your comments
regarding it are then a result of what you've heard others say as opposed
to questions that arise from your personal reading of it.

I respectfully disagree.  The BoM is that sealed book prophesied by
Isaiah.  (Is 29:11-18)jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book
spoken of by the prophet Isaiah in Is 29:11-18 is the Scripture.
DAVEH:  Agreed.  The
question is..which Scripture?  I believe it applies to the BoM,
which I believe is Scripture too.  Now.when you suggest it is
"Scripture", I assume
you mean that you think it refers to the Bible?  How so?  Was
the Bible sealed?  Who and when was the Bible delivered to a learned
man who said, "I cannot; for it is sealed"?  And who was it delivered
to that said he was unlearned? jt: So far as I am concerned
(respectfully so) the book of Mormon is extra biblical - the book had already
been written - and does not qualify as scripture... and yes the Bible is
a sealed book, right now today to a lot of people.
DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree with your assessment. 
As I see it, in no way has the Bible been sealed.  People may misunderstand
it, but that does not in itself make it sealed.
 Without the Holy Spirit unlocking the meaning and giving spiritual
understanding it is a closed volume.  God hides things from the wise
and prudent and reveals them to babes - also no prophecy of scripture is
interpreted independently it must fit with the rest of scripture and there
should be two or more clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible.
DAVEH:  IMHO, the BofM is a second witness of the
Isaiah here is speaking of Israel's restoration in the Messianic Age
and there are many corresponding scriptures Isa 35:3-6 is one.DAVEH: 
Do you have specific answers to my above questions, Judy?
jt: If you mean the name of the person who was unlearned - I don't have
one name in particular and many
DAVEH:  If you carefully read Isaiah's words, he
is prophesying a specific instance of the sealed book being presented to
two distinct people to be read.  Suggesting that it is symbolic obfuscates
the truth of what Isaiah is telling us.
are too proud to admit they are blind (like the Pharisees). They sat
in the seat of Moses but when Jesus came in person speaking God's Word
they didn't recognize it or Him. So you could say the scriptures were sealed
to them even though they were teaching them and believed themselves to
be the experts.
DAVEH:  Lots of experts have poured over the Bible,
both in an effort to credit and discredit it.  I've never heard any
claiming it or the meaning was sealed to them..have you?  As I
see it, you are presuming it to be sealed to them because they do not interpret
it as you do.  Similarly, you might think the Bible is sealed to DavidM,
because he does not agree with you on baptism.  To me, that is a faulty
way of looking at it.
DAVEH:  Your interpretation
of Isaiah's comments are much 'looser' than mine.  While you believe
his prophecy was symbolically fulfilled by the Bible, I believe it was
literally filled by the BoM.  When I think about the book being delivered
to one who is learned, and he says that he cannot read it because it is
sealed.how does that sound like the Bible?  Have you ever heard
account of anybody saying that?jt: No symbolic about it DaveH.
I believe it is being fulfilled today and will be in the future, that is,
literally fulfilled.
DAVEH:  If it is literally being fulfilled, then
you should be able to name names of those who Isaiah envisioned. 
If it applies to many people, then it becomes symbolic.
And yes, I have heard more than one preacher say that we are presently
in afamine for God's Word.
DAVEH:  Imagine that!   Was he LDS?   
You may not understand that it can be a 'dead letter' to some and God's'living
Word' to others.  When it is a 'dead letter' it is as a sealed book
to that person.
DAVEH:  I sure don't see that association. 
'Sealed' means one thing, 'dead letter' means another.  I just don't
think there is a relationship.
 I've read that JS was upset
DAVEH:  I don't remember that. 
I think the word he used was "confused".
with what he saw in the churches and can understand this sentiment
but he was deceived by the angel
DAVEH:  The angel you speak
of is Jesus Christ himself.
and the Jesus of the LDS is 'another Jesus'
DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree. 
He is the same Jesus who died on the cross for us.
jt: The angel Mor

RE: [TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-09 Thread David Miller
> If you carefully read Isaiah's words, he is prophesying 
> a specific instance of the sealed book being presented 
> to two distinct people to be read.  Suggesting that it 
> is symbolic obfuscates the truth of what Isaiah is telling 
> us.  ...  Lots of experts have poured over the Bible, both 
> in an effort to credit and discredit it.  I've never heard 
> any claiming it or the meaning was sealed to them..have 
> you?  As I see it, you are presuming it to be sealed to them 
> because they do not interpret it as you do.

Paul quotes Isaiah 29:14 and attributes it to be talking about the
hidden nature of the gospel.  

"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but
unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I
will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the
understanding of the prudent." (1 Corinthians 1:18-19 KJV)

So it seems to me that you contradict the teaching of the Bible because
of your adherence to the Book of Mormon. How would you resolve this

For reference:

Isa 29:10  For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep
sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers, the
seers hath he covered. 
Isa 29:11  And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a
book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying,
Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed: 
Isa 29:12  And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying,
Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned. 
Isa 29:13  Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near
me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed
their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the
precept of men: 
Isa 29:14  Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous work
among this people, even a marvellous work and a wonder: for the wisdom
of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent
men shall be hid.

Peace be with you.
David Miller, Beverly Hills, Florida. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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Re: : [TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-10 Thread Dave

***DAVEH:  My latest post has ***
Judy Taylor wrote:

jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of by
the prophet Isaiah in Is 29:11-18 is the Scripture.DAVEH: 
Agreed.  The question is..which Scripture?  I believe it
applies to the BoM, which I believe is Scripture too.  Now.when
you suggest it is "Scripture",
I assume you mean that you think it refers to the Bible?  How so? 
Was the Bible sealed?  Who and when was the Bible delivered to a learned
man who said, "I cannot; for it is sealed"?  And who was it delivered
to that said he was unlearned? jt: So far as I am concerned
(respectfully so) the book of Mormon is extra biblical
***DAVEH:  I agree.
- the book had already been written - and does not qualify as scripture...
***DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree.  Do you
have a specific reason why it does not qualify as scripture, or are you
just assuming such?
and yes the Bible is a sealed book, right now today to a lot of people.DAVEH: 
I respectfully disagree with your assessment.  As I see it, in no
way has the Bible been sealed.  People may misunderstand it, but that
does not in itself make it sealed. jt: Why does your print keep
getting bigger and bigger DaveH - is it necessary to overemphasize your
words - do you them more important or do you have a humvee mentality??
***DAVEH:   LOL...No, Judy.  I use
very old software that does not plainly distinguish between all the posts
on these threads that contain numerous replies.  Your replies are
very difficult for me to discern, because they get buried with previous
hard to separate replies.  So, I've tried to make my posts distinctive
each time so I can quickly sort out my most recent comments.  Then
I look just beyond them for your replies.  I suspect I sometimes overlook
your comments though, because there is not much that differentiates them
from the old material.
 Without the Holy Spirit unlocking the meaning and giving spiritual
understanding the Bible it is a closed volume.
***DAVEH:  OK..Now I understand where you are
coming from.
 People can speculate about it and write big thick books that
bring them no closer to the Truth than they were before they began. 
God wants to perform a work of grace in the heart without which noone is
able to see him or to know him because he hides things from the wise and
prudent and reveals them to babes - also no prophecy of scripture is interpreted
independently it must fit with the rest of scripture and there should be
two or more clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible.
DAVEH:  IMHO, the BofM is a second witness of the
Bible. jt: You've got to be kidding.
***DAVEH:  No I'm not kidding, Judy.  If you
do little else, you might take out your copy of the BofM and read the title
page.  It is only 2 paragraphs long, and probably won't cause you
to loose your salvation.   :-)
The Book of Mormon is totally other and this is the kind of thing the
prophet warned of when he wrote Isaiah 8:20.
***DAVEH:  IMHO, the BofM does speak according to
God's word.
Isaiah 29:11 is speaking of Israel's restoration in the Messianic Age
and there are many corresponding scriptures Isa 35:3-6 is one.
***DAVEH:  Like I said before, I take Isaiah's comments
about the sealed book far more literally than you do.
  DAVEH:  I obviously believe the 'Mormon sheep'
are hearing his voice (from both Biblical and extra Biblical) sources and
are seeking to follow the Shepherd.  There is much Jesus said and
did that is not included in the Bible, Judy (Jn 21:25), and I think it
is a bit shortsighted to not allow for extra Biblical material that may
be relevant. jt: You may think it shortsighted DaveH but we have
been warned about it and everyone needs to follow their own conscience
on the matter.
***DAVEH:  I'm not here to force you to do anything
your conscience opposes.  Let the Holy Spirit be your guide. 
Since you are relatively new to TT, let me take a moment and explain to
you why I am here.  I am very curious (due to my LDS biases) what
Protestants believe, and why they believe the way they do.  And, I
also try to answer questions of those who want to know what I believe,
and why I believe it.  Furthermore, I sometimes feel compelled to
correct errors and misunderstandings people may have about LDS theology,
as best I can with the knowledge I have.  Despite what some may think,
I'm not here to try to convert you to Mormonism.  (Though it wouldn't
hurt my feelings if you did!VBG)
Jesus has given us a comforter who also leads us into all truth so
we are not dependent upon anybody's extra biblical revelation.
***DAVEH:  I think you would agree that it is better
to have more of God's words than less.  Consider how important it
is to have the entire Bible, rather than one with fewer than the 66 books
now included.   IMO, with or without the HS, it is better to
have more than less of the Lord's revealed gospel.

dh: He is known
to us by his parental name, "Father".  He has given us the tools to
become like him.the c

Re: : [TruthTalk] Another Jesus and a different spirit ...

2003-12-10 Thread Kevin Deegan
DAVEH:  IF that were a valid explanation for Ps 82:6, then it would not have benefited Jesus to use that passage in defense of his accusers claiming he is God.  So, claiming "gods" equates to "judges" removes the divine nature that Jesus used in his defense. 
Again DaveH puts himself in a place of Authority, over even his own Church authorities. Mormon APOSTLE says Ps 82 refers to Judges!
"In Psalm 82:6, judges invested by divine appointment are called 'gods.'  To this scripture the Savior referred in His reply to the Jews in Solomon's Porch.  Judges so authorized officiated as the representatives of God and are honored by the exalted title 'gods.'  Compare the similar appellation applied to Moses (Exo. 4:16; 7:1).  Jesus Christ possessed divine authorization, not through the word of God transmitted to Him by man, but as an inherent attribute.  The inconsistency of calling human judges 'gods,' and of ascribing blasphemy to the Christ who called Himself the Son of God, would have been apparent to the Jews but for their sin-darkened minds."  (James Talmage, Jesus the Christ, page 501). 
Dave why do you go against your own churches teaching?
Does your Bishop know about these aberrent beliefs?
Are you trying to start your own splinter group?
Is there room for any more groups?
There are so many already claiming to be the ONE TRUE Church splintered off from Joe Smith.  They can't ALL be true. 
LDS - RLDS - Church of the Firstborn - Church of Christ
I need wisdom to know which is true.
The confusion & strife is so great among the various splinter groups, that I can't come to any certain conclusion who was right and who was wrong!
You and the General authorities understand the same passages of scripture so differently as to destroy all confidence in settling the question by an appeal to the Bible!
I did pray about it and I found out that all their professors were corrupt, and their creeds were an abomination. So I would be careful about starting a new ONE TRUE CHUCH if I was you!
You have NO Authority to claim PS 82 teaches godhood Your own Apostle with Authority teaches otherwise!
Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
***DAVEH:  My latest post has *** 
Judy Taylor wrote: 

jt: Not so DaveH, the sealed book spoken of by the prophet Isaiah in Is 29:11-18 is the Scripture.DAVEH:  Agreed.  The question is..which Scripture?  I believe it applies to the BoM, which I believe is Scripture too.  Now.when you suggest it is "Scripture", I assume you mean that you think it refers to the Bible?  How so?  Was the Bible sealed?  Who and when was the Bible delivered to a learned man who said, "I cannot; for it is sealed"?  And who was it delivered to that said he was unlearned? jt: So far as I am concerned (respectfully so) the book of Mormon is extra biblical ***DAVEH:  I agree. - the book had already been written - and does not qualify as scripture... ***DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree.  Do you have a specific reason why it does not qualify
 as scripture, or are you just assuming such? and yes the Bible is a sealed book, right now today to a lot of people.DAVEH:  I respectfully disagree with your assessment.  As I see it, in no way has the Bible been sealed.  People may misunderstand it, but that does not in itself make it sealed. jt: Why does your print keep getting bigger and bigger DaveH - is it necessary to overemphasize your words - do you them more important or do you have a humvee mentality?? ***DAVEH:   LOL...No, Judy.  I use very old software that does not plainly distinguish between all the posts on these threads that contain numerous replies.  Your replies are very difficult for me to discern, because they get buried with previous hard to separate replies.  So, I've tried to make my posts distinctive each time so I can quickly sort out my most recent comments.  Then I look just beyond them for your
 replies.  I suspect I sometimes overlook your comments though, because there is not much that differentiates them from the old material.  Without the Holy Spirit unlocking the meaning and giving spiritual understanding the Bible it is a closed volume. ***DAVEH:  OK..Now I understand where you are coming from.  People can speculate about it and write big thick books that bring them no closer to the Truth than they were before they began.  God wants to perform a work of grace in the heart without which noone is able to see him or to know him because he hides things from the wise and prudent and reveals them to babes - also no prophecy of scripture is interpreted independently it must fit with the rest of scripture and there should be two or more clear witnesses in the rest of the Bible. DAVEH:  IMHO, the BofM is a second witness of the Bible. jt: You've got to be kidding. ***DAVEH:  No I'm not kidding, Judy.  If you do little else, you might take out your copy of the BofM and read the title page.  It is only 2 paragraphs long, and probably won't cause you to loose your salvation.   :-) The Boo