[Tutor] Question about a python finction

2018-05-11 Thread kevin hulshof

Is there a function that allows you to grab the numbers between two numbers?

Eg. If you input the numbers 1 and 4
To make a list like this [1,2,3,4]

Thank you for you’re time

Sent from my iPhone
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] The game of nim in python

2016-04-22 Thread Henderson, Kevin (GE Aviation, US)
Python to Jython.

Can you help me with a Jython code for the Nim game?

Removing 1-4 sticks out of 13, last player who picks up the last stick wins

Player 1 vs player2(Computer)

player1=str(input("Enter your name. "))

if (strawsNumber%4)==1:

def removingStrawsComputer():
global strawsNumber
while removedNumber>strawsNumber:
return strawsNumber

def removingStrawsHuman():
global strawsNumber
return strawsNumber

def humanLegalMove():
global howMany
while not legalMove:
print("It's your turn, ",player1)
howMany=int(input("How many straws do you want to remove?(from 1 to 3) 
if  howMany>3 or howMany<1:
print("Enter a number between 1 and 3.")
while howMany>strawsNumber:
print("The entered number is greater than a number of straws remained.")
howMany=int(input("How many straws do you want to remove?"))
return howMany

def checkWinner(player):
if strawsNumber==0:
print(player," wins.")
global gameover
return gameover

def resetGameover():
global gameover
return gameover

def game():
while gameover==False:
print("It's ",player2,"turn. The number of straws left: 
if gameover==True:
print("The number of straws left: ",removingStrawsHuman())

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] (no subject)

2014-05-08 Thread Kevin Johnson

Total beginner to python and am working my way through Michael Dawsons
'Absolute beginner' book. Just got stuck on the last bit of the challenges
from chapter 3. Essentially need to create a game where the user picks a
number between 1 and 100 and the computer has to guess, program should
indicate to the computer if the guess need to be higher or lower, it should
also count the number of attempts and call a halt to the game if a set
number of attempts is reached.

The highlighted bit is where I think I'm going wrong but I just can't think
how to make the computer remember the previously closest highest and lowest
guesses, not sure if you have all read Micheal Dawsons book but I've not
covered a whole lot by chapter 3 and so any hints/solutions need to be
pretty basic as I don't want to get ahead of myself.


#numbers game again but...
#user picks number between 1 and 100
#and computer guesses

import random

user_number = int(input(Pick a number between 1 and 100: ))
computer_guess = random.randint(1, 100)
guesses = 1

while computer_guess != user_number:
print(The computers guess is, computer_guess)
if computer_guess  user_number:
if guesses == 10:
print(You lose computer!)
if computer_guess  user_number:
computer_guess = random.randrange(1, (computer_guess-1))
computer_guess = random.randint((computer_guess + 1), 100)
guesses += 1
if computer_guess == user_number:
print(Well done you guessed the number was, user_number)
print(It took you, guesses, tries)

input(Press the enter key to exit.)
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 123, Issue 27

2014-05-08 Thread Kevin Johnson
Alan and Steven,

Many thanks for both your help.

Although I understand that the method you described is the most efficient
way of guessing a random number, I was trying so that my program would have
the computer making repeated random guesses between a decreasing range of
its last two closest guesses. That is if the user chooses 55 as the number
and the computers first guess is 98 then its next guess would be between 1
and 97, if the 2nd guess was 23 the 3rd guess would between 24 and 97, if
the 4th guess was 50 then the 5th guess would be between 51 and 98, the 6th
guess being 60 then the 7th guess would be between 51 and 59, etc etc. I
was hoping that this may mean the computer won't get it every time in 10
guesses and be a bit more as a human might guess (at least the first few
times they played before they cottoned on to the method you described).

And thank you for the bug spot!

Also yes there is a typo in that I didn't mean to have have that
random.randrange in there ( was meant to be a randint)

Thank you for the info re highlighting!

Yes I think your example below describes what I was trying to do,

E.g. suppose you pick the number 50, and the computer guesses 25. Since
this is the first guess, it's automatically the closest.

Then the computer guesses 60. Since 60-50 = 10 is smaller than 50-25 =
25, 60 is the closest.

Then the computer guesses 30. Since 50-30 = 20 is greater than 10, 60
remains the closest.

Am I on the right track? Assuming I am, how might I program this? The
first thing is to have a variable that holds the closest value:
closest = ... what? Here's a trick. Since we know that the guesses are
always between 1 and 100, if we set the first closest to something
greater than 100, the first guess will always count as closer! So:

closest = 

Then, as you check each guess:

   if abs(computer_guess - user_number)  abs(closest - user_number):
   # this guess is closer than the previous closest
   closest = computer_guess

But (just to clarify) as I put the simple example you gave through the code
you supplied I get a little confused as it doesn't seem to save the
closest? For example this is how i worked it:

if (25 - 50)  ( - 50)
  closest = 25

if (60-50)  (25 - 50)
  closest = 25?

As you stated for yor example a guess of 60 would be closer than the guess
of 25.  As I said I really am a beginner and I apologise if my questions
are frustrating but I do appreciate any help offered.

Thanks again.


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 2:02 PM, tutor-requ...@python.org wrote:

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1. Re: Final review (Steven D'Aprano)
2. Re: (no subject) (Alan Gauld)
3. Re: (no subject) (Steven D'Aprano)
4. Re: How inefficient is this code? (Neil D. Cerutti)
5. Re: PyCountry currency formatting woes (Sithembewena Lloyd Dube)


 Message: 1
 Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 23:30:49 +1000
 From: Steven D'Aprano st...@pearwood.info
 To: tutor@python.org
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] Final review
 Message-ID: 20140508133048.GF4273@ando
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

 On Wed, May 07, 2014 at 08:49:11PM -0700, Scott W Dunning wrote:
greeting [len(greeting)]
   It is trying to access the character at the position 11, where the
   string Hello world doesn't contain any value in the index 11 and
   the maximum index is 10. So it throws the following error.
  I think this is where I am getting confused.  I guess I don?t
  understand why/how it?s trying to access the character at the index

 The value of greeting is Hello world. So let's write it out, showing
 the index of each character. Remember that Python starts counting from
 zero, not one:

 Index 0: H
 Index 1: e
 Index 2: l
 Index 3: l
 Index 4: o
 Index 5: space
 Index 6: w
 Index 7: o
 Index 8: r
 Index 9: l
 Index 10: d

 So the indexes start from 0, and go up to 10. How many characters are
 there? Count them, and you get 11. Which makes sense: one character per
 index, there are at least ten indexes (1 through 10), plus one extra
 (index 0) makes 11. So the length of the string is 11, but the highest
 index is 10.

 So greeting[0] gives H, greeting[1] gives e, greeting[2] gives l,
 and so on, until you get to greeting[10] which gives d, and
 greeting[len(greeting)] = greeting[11] which is an error.



 Message: 2
 Date: Thu, 08 May 2014 14:46:10 +0100
 From: Alan Gauld alan.ga...@btinternet.com

[Tutor] cx_freeze windows 7 python 3.3

2014-02-18 Thread KEVIN ROBINSON
I am new to this site so please forgive me if I am forwarding this question to 
the wrong person.
I am trying to use cx_freeze on windows 7 with python 3.3.
I can create a build folder and a dist folder using the command line without 
any problems.
When I click on the created .exe file I receive the following error:-
Cannot import traceback module.
Exception:cannot import name MAXREPEAT
Original Exception:cannot import name MAXREPEAT
I have looked for a solution but cannot find one.
Can anyone please help.
Thanks Kevin___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Please help with beautifulsoup and web scraping

2013-09-24 Thread Kevin Ndung'u
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] How to make a python script run on startup

2013-04-09 Thread Kevin Ndung'u
anybody know how to do this on linux?

On 4/9/13, eryksun eryk...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 5:54 AM, Alexander Mark rhettna...@gmail.com
 There is a startup folder, usually on the start menu, you can add the

 current user:
 %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

 all users:
 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

 Updating the latter will probably require elevation, which you do via
 ShellExecute with the runas verb, using either pywin32 or ctypes. If
 you don't want a console use the .pyw extension.
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Matplotlib Slider Widget and changing colorbar threshold

2013-03-12 Thread Kevin Khan
I am currently trying to work on a program that will allow the user to
display their dataset in the form of a colormap and through the use of
sliders, it will also allow the user to adjust the threshold of the
colormap and thus update the colormap accordingly.  The best to describe
this would be through the use of a picture:

  [1]: http://i.stack.imgur.com/1T9Qp.png

This image shows how the colorbar should look before (the image on the
left) and after (the image on the right) the adjustment.  As the threshold
values of the colrobar are changed, the colormap would be updated

Now I am mainly using matplotlib and I found that matplotlib does support
some widgets, such as a slider.  However the area I need help in is
devising a piece of code which will update the colorbar and colormap (like
the way shown in the picture above) when the slider is adjusted.  I was
wondering if anyone has done this before and might have a piece of code
they would be willing to share and might have pointers as to how this can
be achieved.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] help, complete beginner please!

2010-08-27 Thread kevin hayes
Hi all! I'm trying to write a basic text adventure game to start learning
python (just for fun). I've gone through the first four chapters of a learn
python game programming book and I'm having trouble with the exercise on
writing a text adventure.  I've been piecing together what is in the book
with some examples I found online. My goal with this question is not to
necessarily make the code I've written work, but to gain a fundamental
understanding of the concepts.
Can someone show me how to organize a text-based game with these
things kept in mind:  1)Each room will be a function 2)Direction(N,S,E,W)
3)Look at 4)Pick Up 5)Quit 6)Accumulated Gold Coins 7) Find all the Gold
 I'm looking for the simplest version of this as possible, because
I'm having trouble with the concepts. I'm only showing my code to give you
an idea where I'm at. However, I would really like someone to lay out a
little code structure for me.

I'm using Python 2.6.5 on a Mac Version 10.4.11 and don't consider myself
computer literate, so bear with my ignorance please.
Also, don't feel like you have to correct my code...please just
create your own example of code structure to get me on the right track.

Here is the start of my game:

First try at creating a text-based adventure game.  Trying to learn the
of creating functions and using if and loops.
kevin: 8/27/10

keepGoing = True
while keepGoing == True:

global gold
gold = 0

def RoomOne():
print You find yourself in a large room. Above you is a massive
print chandelier. In front of you is round stone fountain, spewing
print from it's center. On the walls hang green satin drapery.  The
print is comprised of three ornate arches. There is an arch in
front of you
print and to your right and left. A staircase leads up from under
the arch
print in front of you. Under the arches to your left and right are
large wooden
print doors, each with an iron handle. Enter 'Help' for a full list
of commands.
Command = raw_input(Please enter a command. )
Command = Command.upper()
if Command == N:
elif Command == S:
print You ditched the creepy castle and headed for the road.
keepGoing == False
elif Command == E:
elif Command == HELP:
print List of Commands: 'Help',then enter for this list.
print   'N', then enter = Door to the North.
print   'S', then enter = Door to the South.
print   'E', then enter = Door to the East.
print   'W', then enter = Door to the West.
print   'Look at', then 'objects name', then enter
= Looks at an object.
print   'Pick Up', then 'objects name', then enter
= Picks up an object.
print   'Q', then enter = Quit Game.

elif Command == W:
elif Command == LOOK AT FOUNTAIN:
print There appears to be 4 gold coins in it.
elif Command == PICK UP 4 GOLD COINS:
gold = gold + 4
print Current Gold = , gold
elif Command == Q:
keepGoing = False

print That doesn't work.

def RoomTwo():
print Current Gold = , gold
print In the middle of the room is a large Gargoyle with fiery red
print He's holding a cup. In the southeast corner of the room you
see a broom
print with dust and cob-webs on it. Next to the broom is a dead
print To the north is another door. In front of the door is an
overturned basket.

promptTwo = raw_input(What are you going to do? )
promptTwo = promptTwo.upper()

if promptTwo == N:
elif promptTwo == S:
print There is no door there.
elif promptTwo == W:
elif promptTwo == E:
print There is only a wall there.
elif promptTwo == Q:
keepGoing = False
elif promptTwo == PICK UP BASKET:
print You pick up the basket, revealing 2 gold pieces.
elif promptTwo == PICK UP 2 GOLD COINS:
gold = gold + 2
print Current Gold = , gold
elif promptTwo == LOOK AT GARGOYLE:
print Looking at the Gargoyle you notice he's really mean, and
really still.
elif promptTwo == LOOK AT BROOM:
print Looking at the broom, you notice it's unnecessarity dirty.
elif promptTwo == PICK UP BROOM:
print  You pick up the broom. But you don't notice anything
special, so you
print set it back down where it was.
elif promptTwo == LOOK AT CUP:
print You look at the cup, and find nothing of interest.
elif promptTwo == LOOK AT DEAD RAT:
print You look at the dead rat and find it utterly disgusting.
elif promptTwo == HELP:

Re: [Tutor] Running .py files in shell

2010-07-28 Thread Kevin Rapley

I am running Mac OSX v10.6.4 Snow Leopard
I am running Python 2.6.1

In general get the MacPython distributions of Python etc, they usually
install easier (ie from the GUI) than the Unix based versions.

Okay, thanks. I will look into that.

1. How do I execute .py files in the command line shell? I have my
files in /Users/Kevin/python-exercises/ and am opening python in
shell from that directory

There are numerous ways, especially in MacOS.
The simplest way is to put a shebang line at the top of your script
and then make them executable:

$ cat  myscript.py
What is the significance of this and how do I use it? I guess this is a 
command to add in to Shell, however when I use this I get the following 

 cat  tryme1.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File stdin, line 1, in module
NameError: name 'cat' is not defined

#! /bin/env python

With my configuration, I am guessing I need to change this snippet to:

#! /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.6/bin python

# the above line must be the first line in your file and tells the
# shell where to find python
# rest of your code follows.

Then use chmod +x to make it executable

$ chmod +x myscript.py

When I try to run this with one of my files I get the following error:

 chmod +x tryme1.py
  File stdin, line 1
chmod +x tryme1.py
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Now you can run it:

$ myscript.py

Alternatively you can just call python explicitly:

$ python myscript.py

I get a syntax error doing this too:

 python tryme1.py
  File stdin, line 1
python tryme1.py
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Running .py files in shell

2010-07-27 Thread Kevin Rapley
 Hello all, I am new to programming and have opted to learn Python as I 
hear it is a good first language. I am currently going through the 
exercises in 'How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with 
Python 2nd Edition'.

I am running Mac OSX v10.6.4 Snow Leopard
I am running Python 2.6.1

I have a couple of questions:

1. How do I execute .py files in the command line shell? I have my files 
in /Users/Kevin/python-exercises/ and am opening python in shell from 
that directory

2. How do I install GASP which is referenced in chapter 4? The 
instructions in this book are not complete. I have researched and found 
a reference on Stack Overflow which is contributed to by GASP programmers


I have MacPorts installed and have attempted to install PyObjC, which is 
referenced as a prerequisite to PyGame and GASP. I get the following 
error when attempting to install PyObjC:

sudo port install py-pyobjc
---  Computing dependencies for py-pyobjc
---  Fetching py-pyobjc
Error: Target org.macports.fetch returned: PyObjC 1.4 is for Mac OS X 
10.4 and lower. On 10.5, use py-pyobjc2 instead.
Log for py-pyobjc is at: 

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

It says to use py-objc2 instead, so I do so and get this error:

sudo port install py-pyobjc2
Error: Target org.macports.activate returned: Image error: 
/opt/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/modulegraph/__init__.py is being 
used by the active py-modulegraph port.  Please deactivate this port 
first, or use 'port -f activate py-modulegraph-devel' to force the 
Log for py-modulegraph-devel is at: 
Error: The following dependencies failed to build: py-py2app-devel 

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
To report a bug, see http://guide.macports.org/#project.tickets

I attempted to correct the issue by entering the following:

port -f activate py-modulegraph-devel

But it returned this error:

Warning: Failed to open Portfile from registry for py-modulegraph-devel 

---  Activating py-modulegraph-devel
Error: port activate failed: sqlite error: attempt to write a readonly 
database (8)

This is as far as I have got with resolving this issue so far. All help 
and guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Kevin Rapley
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread Kevin Kirton
Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone here can recommend any freeware program
that has been written in python and for which the source code is

Basically I just want to see a program that does something relatively
simple and straightforward, but something that is real world, I mean
something that people actually use, hopefully something that comes
with it's own installer and GUI.

I'd like to try out using the program as an ordinary user and then I
want to look at the source code to see how it's been achieved.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Kevin Kirton
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread Kevin Kirton
Christian Witts wrote:

 Maybe look through projects at Freshmeat [1].

 [1] http://freshmeat.net/tags/python

That's exactly what I was looking for. I've already selected a few
small programs and now I plan on installing them, seeing how they
operate from a user's perspective, then I'll take a look at the source
code and see what I can work out.

Thanks very much.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Any

2010-04-29 Thread Kevin Kirton
Alan Gauld wrote:

 But if thats not enough try both sourceforge and the PyGame web sites.
 On sourceforge search for projects using python... DIA is one that springs
 to mind(a Visio type drawing program)

 PyGame has lots of Python games you can download, several with source.

PyGame looks promising (very distracting too). DIA in itself looks
quite useful and interesting, so I might learn that as a user then see
if I can look through its code.

Thanks for your help.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] automatic output file naming scheme

2010-03-28 Thread kevin parks
okay. I got the subprocess bit to work and i have os walk doing its walk. But 
now for something i did not think about until i started to think about how to 
fit these two bits to work together.

os walk is going to traverse my dirs from some given starting point and process 
files that it finds that fit my criteria. So i my case it will look for all 
sound files in a given directly structure and then call sox and do a 
conversion. This part i can already probably do just by combining the working 
code that i have … but now i need to have some kind of automagic naming scheme 
that creates an output file name that is based on the input name but is unique, 
either adding a number or suffix before the file extension, or even a time 
stamp. Since we want to create file names that are unique and not clobber 
existing files, but also will tells us something meaningful about how the file 
was created so that finding:

foo01.aif or foo.1.aif would yield something like foo-out01.aif or 
foo01-out.aif or something similar.

How can you do such a thing in python? is there some elegant way to take the 
input file name and combine it with some other string to create the output file 


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] subprocess

2010-03-27 Thread kevin parks
I tried readings some toots and tried reading alan's thing. I just still can't 
grok how to use subprocess.

I am trying to call sox (fun fact: an early contributer to sox was none other 
than Guido van Rossum)

In the old days you would just use os i guess, like:

import os
os.system('sox -V3 -D -S St.01.aif -b16 Stout-01.aif rate -s -v 44100')

to call a unix executable that you would ordinarily run from the terminal.

what would the equivalent of this in python's new subprocess be? perhaps if i 
saw an example it would click..

additionally.. sox is a sound conversion tool. I plan to batch process a bunch 
of files. Will subprocess start all the jobs as it finds the files? or will it 
process one job and que the next? If it opened a thread and started a bunch of 
jobs it would likely bog down the system no?

anyway  I have the os walk and other stuff that i am working on and i was 
hoping to get some help on subprocess. There are a few pages on subprocess but 
they all might just as well be in chinese and none of them, none that i can see 
are equivalent to what i am trying to do (they all seem to be doing os-y things)

An example might help. Not sure why i am finding this so hard to get my head 

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Self-intro and two short newbie questions

2010-03-18 Thread Kevin Kirton
Hi all,

I've committed myself to learning Python and have started reading
Learning Python (Mark Lutz) and looking through various online
My career so far has involved a little high school teaching and about
10 years of translating Japanese to English, but no programming or

I've also joined this list today and this is my first post.

My aim is to be able to create Python programs, specifically
activities that work on the OLPC's XO laptops and SoaS (Sugar on a

My questions are: how long would you estimate it to take and how
complicated would it be to create the following as Python programs? (I
know it varies depending on the person, but for example, how long
would it take _you_?)

(i) a simple guitar tuning program involving an image of a guitar and
the playing of each of the standard strings of a guitar (E, A, D, G,
B, E) upon key input by the user
(something similar to this:
http://www.gieson.com/Library/projects/utilities/tuner/ (page is 782kb
to open))
(ii) a very basic turtle art program with an intentionally limited set
of commands and on-screen display words (say, a total of 30 to 50
specific strings), wherein the entire set of strings is offered to the
user (perhaps at first use of the program) in a format that enables
easy and full localization of the program so long as each of the
strings is translated appropriately and inputted to the program. I
know of turtle.py and xturtle.py, but I'm thinking of starting
something from scratch. It's the easy localization I'm interested in.

Hope these questions are appropriate. I'm grateful to be able to ask them here.

Kevin (in Australia)
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Self-intro and two short newbie questions

2010-03-18 Thread Kevin Kirton
Thanks very much for the responses.
I feel encouraged now to try to create the guitar tuner program by
myself first, and then the simple turtle art program after that.
It's kind of both exhilarating and daunting that I don't know exactly
where to start at the moment, but that's the fun of learning I guess.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] batch file processing w/ python using cmd line executable?

2010-02-12 Thread kevin parks


I am new territory here and not even sure where to start poking around  
other than the os module some.

Essentially i need to do something like a shell script for batch  
processing gobs of files. I am trying to use a command line tool (sox,  
an open source sound file converter that runs from the unix command  
line) and I don't want to edit the command line, run the job, edit the  
command line, etc over and over again for hundreds of small files.

I wonder if it is possible to use python to call sox and have it do  
os.mkdir, process all the input files in a particular directory and  
put the converted files into the directory it made with mkdir...

so if i had



The script would call sox repeatedly and create a new dir with a  
converted file for each found in the original folder. like so:



what makes this especially hairy is that sox is a monster an typically  
needs a crazy number of arguments, though these would be the same for  
the whole batch. A typical command line call i need to make to, say,  
batch convert files from one sample rate and bit depth to another  
would look like so:

% sox -V3 -D -S St.01.aif -b16  kp/flute/STout/St.01.wav rate -s -v  

Is there away to do this in python, by just pointing it to a whole dir  
of files and say do it to all of these?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] Automaton/transitional grammar query

2009-10-12 Thread kevin parks
I posted about this a couple weeks back, but then got horribly ill and  
dropped the ball so i was hoping to revisit.

I am not sure if this is and example of Finite Automaton or a Finite  
State Machine or perhaps it is related to a transition table or markov  
process. I think some one here told me it is called a transitional  
grammar? I am not sure. I am not a math person but i would love to  
know exactly what this is. I googled around and got lots of super  
complicated gobbledegoo all with knotty regex stuff, but what i want  
to do is much more simple. I am trying to use a table to define a  
bunch of moves like so:

1 -- 2 5
2 -- 1 4
3 -- 3
4 -- 1
5 -- 4 3

so that i can generate a sequence that, given an initial value, that  
will continue to grow according to these rules. Starting with 1 we  
then go to 2  5, 2 leads us too 1  4, the 5 leads us to 4  3, then  
we iterate over 1 4 4 and 3 to get 2 5 1 1 and 3 Like so:

2 5
1 4 4 3
2 5 1 1 3
1 4 4 3 2 5 2 5 3

. etc.

Essentially, iterating over the last added items to the list, applying  
the table, appending those new items to the list, applying the table
again... etc, until the sequence reaches some predetermined number of  
iterations and quits.

[ [1], [2, 5], [1, 4] , [4, 3], [2, 5], [1], [1], [3], [1, 4], [4, 3],  
[2, 5], [2, 5], [3] ]

First, as i mentioned I would like to know what, precisely, this kind  
of process is called so that i can look it up. Second, i would l like  
to add to what i have, which seems to work. But first here is the  
code, where we left off below:

#!/usr/bin/env python

rules = {1: (2, 5), 2: (1, 4), 3: (3,), 4: (1,), 5: (4, 3)}

def apply_rules(sequence):
for element in sequence:
# look it up in the global rules
values = rules[element]
# yield each of those in turn
for value in values:
yield value

def flatten(l, ltypes=(list, tuple)):
ltype = type(l)
l = list(l)
i = 0
while i  len(l):
while isinstance(l[i], ltypes):
if not l[i]:
i -= 1
l[i:i + 1] = l[i]
i += 1
return ltype(l)

def test():
data = [1]
outlist = []
for i in range(10):
gen = apply_rules(data)
data = list(gen)
outlist.append(data)  # one more to get the final result
print '\n\n', outlist, '\n\n'
flat = flatten(outlist)
count = 0
for item in flat:
print count, ',', item, ';'
count += 1
print '\n\n'

if __name__ == __main__:

This all appears to work. I am not sure if this is the best way to do  
it, but for the size lists i have been generating it seems zippy.

So what? You are asking a question you already know the answer to?  
Well now I would like to have this set of rules contain some  
probabilistic branching. Instead of having my go to rules or grammar  
hard wired it would be good if some steps could also have weighted  
choices. So that maybe 1 -- 2 5 70% of the time but maybe it goes 1 -- 
 2 4  every once in a while (as in 30%). So i am not sure how to do  
that... also, it occurs to me that i could define a grammar that got  
stuck in an infinite loop if not careful. I wonder if i should add  
some mechanism to check the dictionary defined rules before  
execution or if that is just too hard to do and i should just be  

Meanwhile I have my trusty old weighted random func all ready to go:

import random

def windex(lst):
'''an attempt to make a random.choose() function that makes  
weighted choices

accepts a list of tuples with the item and probability as a pair'''

wtotal = sum([x[1] for x in lst])
n = random.uniform(0, wtotal)
for item, weight in lst:
if n lt; weight:
n = n - weight
return item

My question is how to apply this since i am setting up my rules in a  
dictionary, so I am confused as to how all these pieces, which work in  
isolation, would fit together. Lastly, if i add the probabilities...  
is this just a super roundabout way to make a quasi markov table? i  
dunno. But it seems like a cool way to make patterns.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Automaton/transitional grammar query

2009-10-12 Thread kevin parks

 You might be interested in Steven Wolfram's book, A New Kind of
 Science and the many examples on his web site:
 http://www.wolframscience.com/ See Wikipedia as well. This is a very
 rich area.

Thanks. That was just the kind of reference I was looking for.  
I am sure i wont be able to grok the math bits but maybe i can begin  
to understand
thsese ideas on a conceptual level. I will look for this in the book  

 When you introduce the random element you are generating Markov  

That's what i thought. I would be interested in playing with some  
simple, 1st and 2nd order markov chains too, but i just want to define  
the transition tables with the elements and their probabilities and  
generate. Most of the Markov stuff i see out there is big and knotty  
and way more than i need.

 I don't understand why you want to flatten outlist; when I run your
 program I get one number per line, not one generation per line as  

 show above.

That's odd. Anyway in my program I am printing the list twice. The  
first time outlist is printed it is nested one level deep. That is  
just scaffolding. Then i pick through it one item per line having  
flattened it and print it in a format that my other program can read.

I been using that flatten function since 1970. Prolly pilfered from  
Tim Peters or Effbot. Remember them guys? Awesome dudes. I wonder if  
they even use python anymore. Anyway that is from way before itertools  
was even a glimmer. Additionally, your flatten function doesn't work  
for me actually. I get:

NameError: global name 'chain' is not defined

 enumerate() is simpler:

Thanks. enumerate is also still somewhat new to me.

 I don't think you will get an infinite loop. You may have a grammar
 that generates a stable or repeating pattern but I don't think you
 will be able to detect that without trying it.

Yeah i don't mean an infinite loop, but more like a perpetual dance  
back and forth between to items
that point to each other. I think I need to be careful when i define  
the rules that i don't get something like that... say if 1 goes to 4  
but 4's rule is go to 1, for example.

 our rules, instead of being just a list of numbers, become a list of
 probability mappings. I think you want to apply the probabilities to
 the whole sequence, so a single rule might be (using your example)
 1: [ ((2. 5), .7), ((2. 4), .3) ]

 Then change the apply_rules function to choose one of the  

 using your windex() function.

I'll roll this around in my pea sized brain and see if i can put this  
suggestion to work.

Thanks Kent!

Hopefully I will get this going and my psudo-markov thingy happening  
too. These things are fun for making patterns. I like these powerful  
little pea shooters.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Automaton/transitional grammar query

2009-10-12 Thread kevin parks

On Oct 12, 2009, at 8:02 PM, Dave Angel wrote:

Often, when a combination of existing stdlib collection types gets  
too confusing, it's time to consider classes and objects.  Not  
necessarily to make the program object oriented, but to make the  
program data structure understandable.

That's sage advice I just dislike and resist OO. But i do  
eventually need to make steps in that direction.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] need help with conditionals

2009-09-26 Thread kevin parks

On Sep 26, 2009, at 11:42 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:

Kent Johnson ken...@tds.net wrote

It appears to be

So it is, Thats a shame CSpy is one of my favourite competitors :-)

Pity it's apparently encouraging the use of eval like this with no  

But to the OP, keep with it, its not a bad tutorial, shame about  
this exercise!

Perhaps worth alerting the author? He's a nice guy and i e-mailed him  
many moons ago when i was working through that book with some concerns  
i had. He was really receptive and grateful to get feed back and was  
quick to make changes if he thought they would improv the text. A  
super good dude and it seems, a top notch educator. He tends to credit  
*everyone* who sends in a suggestion, no matter how minor.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] What is this an example of (and how can i use it?)

2009-09-22 Thread kevin parks

On Sep 21, 2009, at 9:52 AM, Kent Johnson wrote:

Calling a generator function gives you something that can be iterated.
You can create a list out of it (by passing it to the list() function)
or you can iterate the items in it directly with a for loop. Using the
example above, you could say
for item in roundrobin('abc', [], range(4),  (True,False)):
 print item

I kinda understand conceptually what iterators and generators do  
and why
they are a honking good idea (why create 100 of x when we just  
want the
100th, etc.) what i don't get is the syntax and how they are used  
in real

life. How generator and iterators behave in the wild.

It's really not that bad. They are just a generalization of what you
have already been doing with lists.

Even the Lutz is too
terse and generally poor on these two complex and relatively new  

They are a dark and obscure magic.

No, really they are not difficult. Read my essay and ask questions if
you don't understand.

Thanks. I have some time today and will read up on what you sent me  
and revisit
the lutz and other docs. It appears it is not so impenetrable as i  
initially though. Well iterators
aren't maybe, but generator do look tricky. So interators iterate over  
lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries
and any data type that is iterable, and generators are ways to make  
new iterables? Anyway, i will

brew some coffee and hit those links. Thanks,

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] What is this an example of (and how can i use it?)

2009-09-20 Thread kevin parks
I am afraid that in the long layoff in python has meant some new  
constructs have passed me by. In googling around I found some nice  
little code I want to use, but i don't quite understand it, how it is  
called, and what it is an example of. I guess there are generators and  
iterators now and it seems this might be an example of one of those  
new constructs. Can anyone explain what it is i am looking at, how it  
is called, and what it is an example of so that I can look it up:

def roundrobin(*iterables):
roundrobin('ABC', 'D', 'EF') -- A D E B F C
# Recipe credited to George Sakkis
pending = len(iterables)
nexts = cycle(iter(it).next for it in iterables)
while pending:
for next in nexts:
yield next()
except StopIteration:
pending -= 1
nexts = cycle(islice(nexts, pending))
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Re: [Tutor] What is this an example of (and how can i use it?)

2009-09-20 Thread kevin parks

On Sep 21, 2009, at 1:32 AM, Alan Gauld wrote:

kevin parks wrote:

called, and what it is an example of. I guess there are generators  
and iterators now and it seems this might be an example of one of  
those new

This is a generator expression.

That's unfortunate news for me.

It is like a list comprehension (you know about those right?)

Yes. I know and use and love them daily. Even if there were  
implemented backwards :)
[for x in range(10) x**2] would have been easier than: [x**2 for x in  
range(10)] But i am used to it now.

except it doesn't create the list it just returns each item on  
demand. You could think of a list as a list constructed using a  
generator expression.

def roundrobin(*iterables):
   roundrobin('ABC', 'D', 'EF') -- A D E B F C
   # Recipe credited to George Sakkis
   pending = len(iterables)
   nexts = cycle(iter(it).next for it in iterables)

note this is storing the next methods not the results of them.

   while pending:
   for next in nexts:
   yield next()

So the yield calls the stored method and returns the result.

So... then to call (by call i mean use/execute/doit) i would do, what?  

I kinda understand conceptually what iterators and generators do and  
why they are a honking good idea (why create 100 of x when we just  
want the 100th, etc.) what i don't get is the syntax and how they are  
used in real life. How generator and iterators behave in the wild. I  
am also bummed since generators have methods, which means they are OO  
which means i am i'd be in for 16 years of computer science study and  
super arcane, obscure and opaque concepts like what to do with  
__self__ and all that junk before i can use them.

Anyway i needed a pea shooter that does a round robin. This one does  
it, but i don't know how to use it.

I read up on gennies and itties and see if i can get my head around  
it. They are really poorly addressed nearly everywhere i look. They  
are explained so that really smart folks who know a lot of CS and are  
fluent in 15 computer languages can understand them, but not us  
mortals. Even the Lutz is too terse and generally poor on these two  
complex and relatively new constructs. They are a dark and obscure  
magic.  I'll try the links Kent pointed me to first and see how that  



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] working with multiple sets

2009-09-09 Thread kevin parks

This discussion is making my brain melt.

It is also showing how clever Bob was to do it the way he did... I  
found a solution that i think works, and think has not yet been  
suggested. I quarantined Bob's code into a black box ... and then cast  
the output as a plain old fashioned python built in dictionary on  
output. So now instead of printing the code Bob gave the collection is  
returned by the func.

Then i can cast it as a dict and pick over that dictionary as i wish.  
Here (as a bonus) I can transverse a range of keys that is inclusive  
of all my keys and also use python's get() dict method to also  
indicate index points (keys) that are empty.. which by default returns  
'None', which is also useful in this case to show me what is missing.  
But I also have to do some type testing tomfoolery since missing keys  
return None, which is a special type (and not a list like the  
others)... I wanted the value list sorted so... i did  if type(item)  
== type(foo):  not sure if there is a betterererer way.

Anyway, this woiks.


#!/usr/bin/env python

import collections

def pscape():
lookup = collections.defaultdict(list)
k1 = [34, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 58,  
60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68]

k2 = [51, 56, 58, 63, 65, 68, 70, 72, 75, 77, 80, 82]
y1 = [51, 53, 54, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 68, 70, 72, 73, 70,  
72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 80]

sets = {'k1': set(k1), 'k2': set(k2), 'y1': set(y1)}
for key, value in sets.items():
for element in value:
return lookup

def test():
gamut = dict(pscape())
# -- scaffolding
#print \n\n, type(gamut), \n\n, gamut, \n\n, gamut.keys()
print \n\n
foo = [1, 2, 3]
for x in range(30, 85):
item = gamut.get(x)
if type(item) == type(foo):
print x, item
print \n\n

if __name__ == __main__:

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Re: [Tutor] mapping/filtering a sequence

2009-09-09 Thread kevin parks
Prolly good to post final solutions for future goog'lerz (like when i  
forget) or anyone who was following along.

Here's where i ended up with this... shows both ways.

#!/usr/bin/env python

my_map = { 38:34, 40:39, 45:44, 47:46, 52:51, 59:58, 55:56 }

def filter_item(item):
return my_map.get(item, item)

# you can do it old skool with map()
def filter_test1():
foo = range(60)
mappedfoo = map(filter_item, foo)
for item in foo:
print foo[item], mappedfoo[item]

# you can also do it with a list comp
def filter_test2():
foo = range(60)
mappedfoo = [filter_item(n) for n in foo]
for item in foo:
print foo[item], mappedfoo[item]

if __name__ == __main__:
print \n,-- * 8, \n

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] working with multiple sets

2009-09-08 Thread kevin parks

I also notice that if i do:

def foo():
lookup = collections.defaultdict(list)
x = range(10)
y = range(5, 15)
z = range(8, 22)
sets = {'x': set(x), 'y': set(y), 'z': set(z)}
for key, value in sets.items():
for element in value:
for x in lookup:
print x, lookup[x]

in oder to print more clearly what I want to see, the sets (as usual  
for a mapping type) are not always in order. Note that from 5 to 7 for  
example 'y' is listed in front of 'x' and 8  9 have 'y', 'x', 'z' and  
not 'x', 'y', 'z' ... I am not clear on how to sort that as the  
dictionary 	method lookup.sort() either doesn't work or i have tried  
it in all the wrong places.

0 ['x']
1 ['x']
2 ['x']
3 ['x']
4 ['x']
5 ['y', 'x']
6 ['y', 'x']
7 ['y', 'x']
8 ['y', 'x', 'z']
9 ['y', 'x', 'z']
10 ['y', 'z']
11 ['y', 'z']
12 ['y', 'z']
13 ['y', 'z']
14 ['y', 'z']
15 ['z']
16 ['z']
17 ['z']
18 ['z']
19 ['z']
20 ['z']
21 ['z']

On Sep 8, 2009, at 10:52 PM, bob gailer wrote:

kevin parks wrote:

I am looking at this and wondering:

Why does this use collections.defaultdict ?

In fact i guess since collections.defaultdict is new to me i am not  
even sure why it exists
and why someone would use this as opposed to using Python's built- 
in dictionary? and why was it

used in this instance?

It simplifies coding, as it takes care of initializing each new  
entry to a list.

On Sep 6, 2009, at 3:06 AM, bob gailer wrote:

I want to be able to look at a number/item and see which lists it  
is in so that i could maybe have a master list of all the data, a  
superset, and then an indication of which lists that data  was in,  
as some items will only be in one list, some will appear in two  
lists (x  y, or x  z or y  z) and a small handful will be in  
all three lists.

I think you mean set rather than list

To enable processing of an arbitrary number of sets, put them in a  
collection (list or dictionary). Use a list if it is sufficient to  
identify sets by number, else use a dictionary.

Use a dictionary to relate items to their set(s).

import collections
lookup = collections.defaultdict(list)
sets = {'x': set((1,2,3)), 'y': set((2,3))}
for key, value in sets.items():
 for element in value:
print lookup

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] working with multiple sets

2009-09-08 Thread kevin parks


This seems like it works:


in like so:

def foo():
lookup = collections.defaultdict(list)
x = range(10)
y = range(5, 15)
z = range(8, 22)
sets = {'x': set(x), 'y': set(y), 'z': set(z)}
for key, value in sets.items():
for element in value:
print lookup, \n\n
for x in lookup:
print x, lookup[x]
#print type(lookup)
#print sets

I realized that i was trying to apply the standard:

k = lookup.keys()

in the wrong way and in the wrong place (i accidentally cut it out in  
my message when i removed the scaffolding)

I might try the tuple things to for educational purposes. I am  
somewhat nervous about using something other than
a built in type as i am not familiar with collections and it isn't  
well covered in beginner books or the docs.

On Sep 9, 2009, at 12:44 AM, Kent Johnson wrote:

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 10:07 AM, kevin parksk...@me.com wrote:

I also notice that if i do:

def foo():
   lookup = collections.defaultdict(list)
   x = range(10)
   y = range(5, 15)
   z = range(8, 22)
   sets = {'x': set(x), 'y': set(y), 'z': set(z)}
   for key, value in sets.items():
   for element in value:
   for x in lookup:
   print x, lookup[x]

in oder to print more clearly what I want to see, the sets (as  
usual for a
mapping type) are not always in order. Note that from 5 to 7 for  
example 'y'
is listed in front of 'x' and 8  9 have 'y', 'x', 'z' and not 'x',  
'y', 'z'

Dictionaries and sets are not ordered. The order of items in
sets.items() is an implementation detail, not something you can depend

... I am not clear on how to sort that as the dictionary  method
lookup.sort() either doesn't work or i have tried it in all the wrong

lookup can't be sorted directly as it is a (default)dict. Anyway it is
lookup[x] that you want to sort. Try
 print x, sorted(lookup[x])

for x in lookup:
 lookup[x].sort() # list.sort() sorts the list in place and does not
return a value.
 print x, lookup[x]

Another alternative would be to use a list of tuples instead of a dict
for sets, then the lookup values would be created in the desired
order, e.g.
sets = [ (x', set(x)), ('y', set(y)), ('z', set(z)) ]
for key, value in sets:
 # etc


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Re: [Tutor] working with multiple sets

2009-09-08 Thread kevin parks

I guess what i honestly want to asks, but am hesitant to since it  
makes me look like a dork is:

What would this look like if i want to use a straight up built-in  
dictionary type and not the collections.defaultdict.

import collections

def foo():
lookup = collections.defaultdict(list)
x = range(10)
y = range(5, 15)
z = range(8, 22)
sets = {'x': set(x), 'y': set(y), 'z': set(z)}
for key, value in sets.items():
for element in value:
print \n, lookup, \n\n
for x in lookup:
print x, lookup[x]
print \n

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] mapping/filtering a sequence

2009-09-06 Thread kevin parks
I actually find the map biz easier to get my head around than the list  
comp. I guess this makes it another good reason for me to be happy  
that map is apparently staying in after nearly being depreciated. I  
generally prefer list comp in every instance, but the idea of an if  
else construct within the conditional of a list comp really hurts my  
brain, but it is nice to see that, had map(), filter() and reduce()  
all gotten the boot, there is a way to do it with a list comp, opaque  
as it is.

Thanks to all who responded this.


On Sep 6, 2009, at 5:29 AM, Mark Tolonen wrote:

Douglas Philips d...@mac.com wrote in message news:9ee00578-6af7-4c6c-9968-af5f25a00...@mac.com 

On 2009 Sep 5, at 12:22 PM, Mark Tolonen wrote:

As a list comp:

[{38:34,40:39}.get(n,n) for n in L]

[30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 34, 39, 39]

True, that is terse, but IMHO has maintainability issues. The  
mapping data structure and the method of transformation (.get())  
are tangled  in with the transformation itself.
Again, IMHO, unless this is a very short script, the maintenance   
should outweigh raw terseness.

This *was* a very short script.  My point was using a list comp.  If  
you want to nitpick, don't use lower-case L for variables either :^)

my_map = { 38: 34, 40: 39 }

def filter_item(item):
   return my_map.get(item, item)

L = [filteritem(n) for n in L]



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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] mapping/filtering a sequence

2009-09-05 Thread kevin parks
I am doing some data massage, minor mapping and filtering really and i  
find that i have a lot of this kind of kludgy code:

# -- -
def filt_seq(inseq):
out_list = []
for item in inseq:
# 38 needs to be mapped on to 34 as we don't have a 38 in our 
if item == 38:
item = item - 4
# We also don't have a 40, but we do have a 39. Map that sucka
elif item == 40:
item = item - 1
		# if we get values that fall in good places, just pass them on to  
the out seq

return out_list

# -- -

To do some basic jiggering of some out of range off grid data.

There has to be a better, more elegant, more flexible less brute force  
more pythonic way to do this kind of mapping no?



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] working with multiple sets

2009-09-05 Thread kevin parks
I am doing some simple things with sets and so far have had a lot of  
success with python's built-in sets, which is such a great new(ish)  
batteries included type python data type.

 [snip]  [snip] -- [snip]  [snip]  

#!/usr/bin/env python

def test():
x = range(10)
y = range(5, 15)
z = range(8, 22)
setx = set(x)
sety = set(y)
setz = set(z)
print \n, x = , x, \n, y = , y, \n, z = , z, \n * 2
overlap1 = setx.intersection(sety)
overlap1 = sorted(list(overlap1))
print overlap of x and y:, overlap1
overlap2 = sety.intersection(setz)
overlap2 = sorted(list(overlap2))
print overlap of y and z:, overlap2
overlap3 = setx.intersection(setz)
overlap3 = sorted(list(overlap3))
print overlap of x and z:, overlap3

if __name__ == __main__:

 [snip]  [snip] -- [snip]  [snip]  

so silly stuff like that works fine. But i want to do a little more  
than that. I want to be able to look at a number/item and see which  
lists it is in so that i could maybe have a master list of all the  
data, a superset, and then an indication of which lists that data  was  
in, as some items will only be in one list, some will appear in two  
lists (x  y, or x  z or y  z) and a small handful will be in all  
three lists.

0 - x
1 - x
2 - x
3 - x
4 - x
5 - x, y
6 - x, y
7 - x, y
8 - x, y, z
9 - x, y, z
10 - y, x


Of course the whole point of this is that the sets will be more  
complicated than 0-9, 5-14, and 8-21 and additionally, the sets may  
not be a list of numbers but eventually a list of strings.

So the steps would be to create the superset
then test for membership for each list?

I kinda get it, the thing that warps my brain is the idea that there  
are more than 2 lists now to test against eventually my script  
needs to accommodate 4, 5, 6 sets.. but i would just like to see if i  
can get 3 sets to work first.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] Help deciding between python and ruby

2009-09-05 Thread kevin parks

1. go to the book store
2. pull a copy of learning ruby by Michael Fitzgerald (ora.com)
3. pull a copy of learning python by Mark Lutz (ora.com)
4. read chapter 1 of each
5. make a decision
6. get to work

Alternately check comp.lang.python where this question comes up over  
and over and over and over

and worry your head some more.

And while i am all for python advocacy. I:

1. Could not do better than the first 20 pages of the Lutz.

2. I am (and i am sure i will be over-ruled and shouted down for  
this), not entirely sure the tutor list
is the appropriate place for this query. Places like comp.lang.python  
better serve this purpose.

The tutor list is primarily a list (cribbing from http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor) 
 for folks
who want to ask questions regarding how to learn computer programming  
with the Python language.

I am not entirely sure i want to hear a long drawn out thought  
experiment on what one person thinks
upon adopting a new programming language. I joined this list to learn  
the specifics of programming in python
and to get help and learn from the questions and answers posted by  
others. If this place too gets clogged with
python -v- perl, python-v-ruby, phython -v- php navelgazing it is  
going to ruin the tutor list which has a pretty
clear mission and has served that purpose very very well over the  
years i have been on it. I think we should

redirect this query and avoid mission creep

All IMO, YMMV, etc.  co.

If you think i am just being a jerk, at least take my initial advice.  
The ora books BOTH have
great overviews of each language. A cup of coffee and reading the  
first 20 pages of each

will tell you great overviews of Python v Ruby.


On Sep 4, 2009, at 11:46 PM, Dan King wrote:

I think you will get at the least a slight bias toward Python.  
I think you should do your own research and reach your own  

Simply to get you started I put the following into Google: 'Python or
Ruby: Which to learn' and got more than 1M hits.

Best of luck.


Well, the slight (at the very least) bias toward Python is expected  
as this is a python mailing list. I have already done research on  
python and ruby via Google. I've found that python is described as  
more 'explicit,'  used in multiple situations, has better libraries,  
and has unique 'spacing  underscore' syntax requirements; and ruby  
on the other is more 'implicit,' used more in web-apps (via ROR),  
emphasizes code-readability/beauty, and is more flexible (i.e. has  
more than one way of doing something).

While the preceding information is nice, the information hasn't  
helped me decide which one to learn - that's the reason for my post.  
I want to sift through the hype for each language. I want to  
understand the perspectives of people who use python - why they like/ 
dislike it, if/why the would recommend learning it, and what  
experiences they've had with python in professional contexts.

To put my programming knowledge in context, I have experience with  
php and java; I enjoy php's ease and the syntax of java (everything  
is apparent from the code, although it can be a bit verbose). Look  
forward to the responses. Thanks.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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Re: [Tutor] mapping/filtering a sequence

2009-09-05 Thread kevin parks
Yeah the list seems flaky at the moment. Additionally, my query is an  
incredibly stupid one. But what you have works and represents an  
improvement over the unreadable kludge I was doing. Thanks to all who  



On Sep 6, 2009, at 12:26 AM, Douglas Philips wrote:

On or about 2009 Sep 5, at 10:45 AM, Martin A. Brown indited:

I must have missed a message or two, because I don't understand why  
math is being done on constants like that.

Given my misunderstanding, I'd go with:

my_map = { 38: 34, 40: 39 }

def filter_item(item):
   return my_map.get(item, item)

l = [ ... ]
l = map(filter_item, l)


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
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[Tutor] packing a list of lists

2009-08-28 Thread kevin parks
Back to python after a long long layoff. So i am running into some  
beginner's confusion...

I am trying to plot a list of numbers in gnuplot.py. To do that I am  
trying to pack the list with an index by iterating over the list so i  
can get something like:

foo = [12, 11, 9, 6, 2, 9, 3, 8, 12, 3, 5, 6]

[ [1, 12], [2, 11], [3, 9], [4, 6], [5, 2], [6, 9], [7, 3], [8, 8] ... ]

So that i have x, y pairs to plot. When i print in my func i get the  
right thing, for each item (note scaffolding) yet when i reurn the  
whole list i just get the last pair repeated over and over.

I am not sure why this is.

def pack(in_seq):
x = 1
ll=[1, 1]
for each in in_seq:
ll[0] = x
ll[1] = each
#print ll
x = x + 1
print out_list

# function declarations would go here
def test():
test function - say what this does here and skip a line

Keyword arguments:

foo = minus(200)
plot_me = pack(foo)
#print foo
print plot_me

if __name__ == __main__:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] packing a list of lists

2009-08-28 Thread kevin parks

Thanks for the replies. Though the list comprehension does not work:

TypeError: enumerate() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

On Aug 29, 2009, at 12:20 AM, vince spicer wrote:

   #print foohough I didn't test your code, I think what you are  
trying to accomplish can be done using enumerate cleaner

def pack(foo):
out = []
for x,y in enumerate(foo, 1):
return out

Or even cleaner with list comprehension

def pack(foo):
return [x for x in enumerate(foo, 1)]

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] packing a list of lists

2009-08-28 Thread kevin parks
I think this is b/c I am running 2.5. I also have 2.6 but i am using  
2.5 for gnupoly and an older audio lib i have.
I ran the listcom below on 2.6 and it worked, so i just have to figure  
out how that can be written for 2.5. I guess

2.6 has an update to enumerate.


On Aug 29, 2009, at 2:21 AM, afit...@gmail.com wrote:

Enumerate() is returning a tuple, I haven't tested this code but try:
[[x[0],x[1]] for x in enumerate(blah,1)]
--Original Message--
Sender: tutor-bounces+afith13+python=gmail@python.org
To: tutor@python.org
Subject: Re: [Tutor] packing a list of lists
Sent: Aug 28, 2009 9:49 AM

Thanks for the replies. Though the list comprehension does not work:

TypeError: enumerate() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

On Aug 29, 2009, at 12:20 AM, vince spicer wrote:

  #print foohough I didn't test your code, I think what you are
trying to accomplish can be done using enumerate cleaner

def pack(foo):
   out = []
   for x,y in enumerate(foo, 1):
   return out

Or even cleaner with list comprehension

def pack(foo):
   return [x for x in enumerate(foo, 1)]

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] packing a list of lists

2009-08-28 Thread kevin parks

Interestingly changing:



seems to work. The part of my brain that understood why that is must  
have sleeping.


On Aug 28, 2009, at 11:05 PM, i wrote:

Back to python after a long long layoff. So i am running into some  
beginner's confusion...

I am trying to plot a list of numbers in gnuplot.py. To do that I am  
trying to pack the list with an index by iterating over the list so  
i can get something like:

foo = [12, 11, 9, 6, 2, 9, 3, 8, 12, 3, 5, 6]

[ [1, 12], [2, 11], [3, 9], [4, 6], [5, 2], [6, 9], [7, 3], [8,  
8] ... ]

So that i have x, y pairs to plot. When i print in my func i get the  
right thing, for each item (note scaffolding) yet when i reurn the  
whole list i just get the last pair repeated over and over.

I am not sure why this is.

def pack(in_seq):
x = 1
ll=[1, 1]
for each in in_seq:
ll[0] = x
ll[1] = each
#print ll
x = x + 1
print out_list

# function declarations would go here
def test():
test function - say what this does here and skip a line

Keyword arguments:

foo = minus(200)
plot_me = pack(foo)
#print foo
print plot_me

if __name__ == __main__:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] packing a list of lists

2009-08-28 Thread kevin parks

On Aug 29, 2009, at 12:23 AM, Michael M Mason wrote:

i wrote:

def pack(in_seq):
x = 1
ll=[1, 1]
for each in in_seq:
ll[0] = x
ll[1] = each
#print ll
x = x + 1
print out_list

Variable out_list consists of list ll repeated however many times.  
time you change ll you're changing it everywhere it appears in  

That is, what's being appended to out_list isn't a copy of ll, it's a
pointer to ll.

You need something like:-


Right... ugh.. Totally forgot about that. Python 101. I don't know why  
my brain resists
that idea. Every time i let python alone a while and come back to it i  
get bit by this.

And you need to add a return at the end of the function, otherwise it
returns None:

return out_list

That, of course, i know... I was messing around debugging of course.

Thanks for the response.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Checking Syntax

2009-06-18 Thread Kevin Pearson
I am teaching myslef Python from a GIS tutorial
I have typed everything exactly like it is in the tutorial and when I go to
run a check on the sytax (before I try running the program) it places a
cursor like so:
outFeatureClas|s = outWorkspace + / +
I have checked the tutorial and I can't see what is wrong. I can't get past
this until it is corrected.
I have attached the script.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

#Import standard library modules
#imports system, operating system  Windows 32 modules
#sys refers to Python system, os refers to acess to operating system
import win32com.client, sys, os
#Create the Geoprocessor object
GP = win32com.client.Dispatch(esriGeoprocessing.GpDispatch.1)
#Set the input workspace
#argv = argument value
#argv[1] is the name of the script
GP.workspace = sys.argv[1]
#Set the clip featureclass
clipFeatures = sys.argv[2]
#Set the output workspace
outWorkspace = sys.argv[3]
#Set the cluster tolerance
clusterTolerance = sys.argv[4]
#try statement defines the beginning of a block of code that will be
#handled by its associated exception handler, or except statement
#try/except statements are used to handle unexpected errors
#this defines that the program should do when an exception happens
#Get a list of the featureclasses in the input folder
fcs = GP.ListFeatureClasses()
#Loop through the list of feature classes
#always reset a list so the first item is extracted
#so you can be sure you get the first item in the list
fc = fcs.Next()
while fc:
#Validate the new feature class name for the output workspace.
#ValidateTableName ensures output name is valid for output
#workspace, it returns unique name so no existing data is overwritten.
outFeatureClass = outWorkspace + / + GP.ValidateTableName(fc,
#Clip each feature class in list with the clip feature class.
#Do not clip the clipFeatures, it may be in the same workspace.
if str(fc) != str(os.path.split(clipFeatures)[1]):
GP.Clip(fc, clipFeatures, outFeatureClass,
fc = fcs.Next()
#except statement is required by the earlier try statement
#if an error occurs during execution the code in the except
#block will run
print GP.GetMessages(2)
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Efficiency of Doxygen on Python vs C++?

2007-08-16 Thread Kevin Cameron
Stephen McInerney wrote:
 My friend said the runtime efficiency of Doxygen on his build was much
 worse on the Python code than the C++ code, i.e. it took ages to parse
 the Python code.
It's not the efficiency of doxygen that's the question. The problem is 
that you can add fields to objects as you go in Python so you need to do 
a deep analysis of the code to determine the class structure which you 
don't have to do with C++ (or Java).


 Anyone agree/disagree, or have any efficiency tips on how to structure
 things for decent Doxygen performance?

 (I haven't used Doxygen myself and I don't have access to the build in 


 Learn.Laugh.Share. Reallivemoms is right place! 


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Module imports

2007-07-11 Thread kevin parks
With sincere apologies for such a basic question, and one i will  
admit that i asked once before, moons ago. But even after googling  
around a bit i don't understand what the right answer is, or if i  
once did, can't recall it now..

I have a script, let's call it foo.py

This script loads several modules from the standard library and a  
home brewed module that has a bunch code that i often reuse in it.

For example it might have:

# -- foo.py --

# -- batteries included
import random
import sys
import time

# -- homebrewed
import kp

[... code here ..]

That is fine and in this script i will call and use various things
from the random, sys, and time modules.

but my kp module also uses happens to call on certain things from the
random, time, and sys modules and so kp.py also has

import random
import sys
import time

Now so far this seems to be working fine and without error (as far as  
i can tell). However, shouldn't i only be importing random, sys and  
time once? and if so, where? in foo.py or kp.py?

It was explained to me that it is fine to import random, sys and time  
in both, and that only the first import uses up memory, and  
subsequent attempts to import the same module don't really cost  
anything and just add a reference in the namespace. but isn't loading  
it in both modules confusing and bad  additionally in this case  
which import is actually being used (or does this not even matter?)  
the one in kp.py or in foo.py?

For some reason i feel like i should understand how and why this  
works a little better in order to avoid overlap and conflict in what  
is becoming a bit more involved intermingling of modules and scripts.

or alternately you all can chime in and say dude, get over it,  
multiple and overlapping imports are not a big deal in python, you  
are worrying about nothing,  and making a problem where there is  
none! Get on with your life. haha



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] time(duration) formats basic time math query

2006-07-05 Thread kevin parks
I have been handed a huge number of documents which have hundreds of  
pages of times and durations, all calculated and notated by several  
different people over the course of many years. Sadly, no made any  
guidelines at all about how this work would proceed and all the  
documenters had their own ideas about how times/durations would be  
specified so the doc are a mess. Furthermore the person i work for  
changes her mind every 15 minutes so i have no idea what she will  
want at any given moment. This sounds to me like a job for Python  
hee hee

Essentially, I am trying to do 2 things:

move fluidly between different duration formats (take any, specify  
and display any). Such as:

pure miliseconds
seconds. msec

So the input doc would be grepped for times and i could just  
uncomment the line i need and get he format my boss wants at this  
particular moment.
So a recording that is 71 minutes and 33 seconds could be printed as:
4293 seconds
01:11.33.  or whatever

also i need to be able to adjust start times, durations, and end  
times which means doing a little time math.
Like if a recording is 71 minute and 33 seconds.. but there are  
several sonic events in that recording and i
need to specify the duration, or start time etc of those individual  
events... then i need to subtract... Additionally i
know that i will need to subtract pure minutes from an hh:mm format

I having a real hard time getting my head round the labyrinthian  
datetime module in the docs (i am guessing
that this is what i should use). I wonder if anyone could give me a  
hand and point me in the right direction.



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] cycle w/ shuffle

2006-04-29 Thread kevin parks
Thanks Kent. That is what i did the first time around but it didn't 
work ...
but that was do to something else that was not working in the script
hehe of course, this just shuffles the saved copy of the list which 
egg-zactly what i needed duh ... sorry...  gosh... red face=on


On Apr 27, 2006, at 6:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 kevin parks wrote:
 it seems to me that i need something like itertools cycle, except that
 i need to keep track of when i have exhausted my list and then call
 random.shuffle() on my sequence.

 def cycle(iterable):
  saved = []
  for element in iterable:
  yield element
  while saved:
  random.shuffle(saved) ###
  for element in saved:
  yield element


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] how to *really* copy a list

2006-04-29 Thread kevin parks

Thanks. Your message was very helpful. I will tattoo it to my forehead.
hehe... i notice that the learning python book also explains so of 
and i shall study that as well



On Apr 27, 2006, at 10:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 28/04/06, kevin parks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In most case you are fine operating on the list in place and altering 
 existing list. In some cases you want your code to stop molesting 
 your poor
 mutables and really honestly sincerly copy the dang thing. In this 
 case i am
 making a function that does odd smmetry mirroring. But i want my 
 orginal list
 to remain intact

 def mirror(seq):
 odd symmetry mirroring  [1, 2, 3, 4] -- [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 
 2, 1]
 foo=seq[:-1]# copy list, 
 excluding last element for odd symetry
 foo.reverse()   # flip it
 return seq

 Hi Kevin,

 Your problem is this line:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] how to *really* copy a list

2006-04-29 Thread kevin parks

I should have realized that the nesting would create the problem, but i 
didn't have
that in mind... i always thought that the difference between extend and 
was that extend did not yield a nested list.

I really need to revisit this issue and get it right in my mind. It is 
a 'gotcha'
that i remember reading about often but, now that it has bit me a few 
hehe  so much to know...


On Apr 29, 2006, at 6:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Kevin,

 Your problem is this line:

 This is the line that mutates your original list.

 There are a few ways you could procede here.  One way is to make a
 copy of the argument, like this:

 def mirror(seq):
 start = list(seq)
 end = seq[:-1]
 return start

 Notice that we've not calling any methods on seq, so seq won't be
 changed.  The first line, start = list(seq), instructs python to
 build a new list out of the elements of seq.  You could also write
 start = seq[:] here --- I'm not sure which is the preferred way.

 A little 'gotcha' with this is that if you have nested lists, these
 methods don't copy the nested lists, only the outer list (which makes
 sense, but can be surprising the first time you encounter it).  If for
 some reason you want to copy nested lists, look into deepcopy(),
 otherwise you'll be fine.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] how to *really* copy a list

2006-04-27 Thread kevin parks

I know there is an answer to this somewhere. it is prolly the biggest 
block to all python n00bs, but it hasn't been an issue for me in a 
Suddenly i am getting bit by it and can't for the life of me keep 
straight the
two way of opperating on lists.

In most case you are fine operating on the list in place and altering 
existing list. In some cases you want your code to stop molesting your 
mutables and really honestly sincerly copy the dang thing. In this case 
i am
making a function that does odd smmetry mirroring. But i want my 
orginal list
to remain intact

  a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]

clearly this is not happening. believe it or not i googled around 
figuring the
answer would be posted someplace... but if it is i haven't found it. 
Every thing
i land on says copy a list by [:] slicing like i have below...

how to i really (not kidding) copy a list? I swear i used to know this, 
but i haven't had
to do it in a long long long time.

# ===

dumb code:

def mirror(seq):
odd symmetry mirroring  [1, 2, 3, 4] -- [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1]
foo=seq[:-1]# copy list, excluding last 
element for odd symetry
foo.reverse()   # flip it
return seq

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] seq looping

2006-04-26 Thread kevin parks
Bob ... i used my kludge which defines some bounds and tests for  
it... but your
idea of stuffing that into a seperate black box as golden in that it  
made me think
of the problem as input -- doit -- result.
and made my loops simpler and easier to read... and i use that same  
gap making
typing thing in several loops, so encapsulating that meant that i  
could make
it general purpose, and re-usable and i can add to it later more easily.

Thanks for that suggestion. I ended up with this:

# if the flag (random float) is lower than our percentage of rest, we  
# a rest duration and add that to our start time creating a gap  
between events.
def make_rest(event, lowerbound, upperbound, start, rest_percent):
restflag = random.random()
if (restflag  rest_percent):
# This kludge makes sure our last event does not get a rest, 
and we  
# prevent the first few events from getting rests as well to 
# our transitions between sections are seamless  sufficiently 
# NOTE LOWER bound is included
if event = lowerbound and event  upperbound:
rest_dur = windex(rest)
print \n, - * 8, [ rest : , rest_dur, ], 
- * 8, \n
start = start + rest_dur
print [bang]  # debug
return start

then in the master bedroom i just call it:

startime = foo.make_rest(event, 1, upperbound, startime, 



On Apr 25, 2006, at 11:27 PM, Bob Gailer wrote:

 How about separating the body into 2 functions, calling both for  
 all but the last list element, then calling just the first for the  
 last element:
 def step1(sample):
  global incr
  splt = os.path.split(sample)
  loc = random.random()
  dur = DUR()
  STEREO(startime, inskip, dur, amp, loc)
  print event no. %d @ %.2f (dur: %.2f, end: %.2f) -- sf: %s :  
 [flag: %.2f] % (event, startime, dur, startime+dur, splt[1], dry)
  incr = (dur * duty_factor) + kptools.windex(kptools.durations)
  startime = startime + incr

 def rest():
  global event
  restflag = random.random()
  if (restflag  rest_percent):
rest = kptools.windex(kptools.rest)
print \n, - * 8, [ rest : , rest, ], - * 8, \n
startime = startime + rest
event = event + 1

 for sample in smpl_lst[:-1]:

 so what i am trying to do its skip that
 if (restflag  rest_percent):

 biz on the last item if we are on our last sequence item. The  
 rests (which are random) is for padding between events
 and since we have just played our last event, we don't want any  
 extra padding so that our next call of the loop
 starts at the proper time (just at the last event of this loop is  
 over). The loop function will calculate the
 next start time, and return it so that we can use it as the start  
 time argument for our next call of the loop.

 so if i want to play 7 items i might get something like:

 item_7 (but we don't want any rest here ever! cause we might want  
 our next loop to start w/o any pause)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] cycle w/ shuffle

2006-04-26 Thread kevin parks
I am trying to write a loop that iterates over a sequence and do 
something x number of times. But sometimes i will need more events 
(larger number x) than i have have items in the sequence, so if i need 
more events that i have stuff in my sequence i would like to have the 
loop reload and shuffle the deck and start all over again, reloading as 
many times as necessary to get the number of events needed. I suppose i 
could go around cyclically modulo the list size but i would want to 
shuffle the deck before doing that again...

it seems to me that i need something like itertools cycle, except that 
i need to keep track of when i have exhausted my list and then call 
random.shuffle() on my sequence.

def cycle(iterable):
saved = []
for element in iterable:
yield element
while saved:
for element in saved:
yield element

def test():
seq = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 
'eight', 'nine', 'ten')
loop = cycle(seq)
count = 1
for item in range(25):
print count, loop.next()
count = count + 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

here i have gone through my list 2.5 times .. and somewhere after the 
second and third(tho incomplete) rounds i need to shuffle... but i am 
not sure how to fix that.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] cycle w/ shuffle

2006-04-26 Thread kevin parks
I am trying to write a loop that iterates over a sequence and do 
something x number of times. But sometimes i will need more events 
(larger number x) than i have have items in the sequence, so if i need 
more events that i have stuff in my sequence i would like to have the 
loop reload and shuffle the deck and start all over again, reloading as 
many times as necessary to get the number of events needed. I suppose i 
could go around cyclically modulo the list size but i would want to 
shuffle the deck before doing that again...

it seems to me that i need something like itertools cycle, except that 
i need to keep track of when i have exhausted my list and then call 
random.shuffle() on my sequence.

def cycle(iterable):
saved = []
for element in iterable:
yield element
while saved:
for element in saved:
yield element

def test():
seq = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 
'eight', 'nine', 'ten')
loop = cycle(seq)
count = 1
for item in range(25):
print count, loop.next()
count = count + 1

if __name__ == '__main__':

here i have gone through my list 2.5 times .. and somewhere after the 
second and third(tho incomplete) rounds i need to shuffle... but i am 
not sure how to fix that.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] seq looping

2006-04-25 Thread kevin parks
I have a loop that process each item in a sequence and after each item 
some updating is done to some variables. However i don't what these 
variable updated if we are processing the last item in the list. i 
could put in a conditional and test if the list is now empty after 
popping items from the list... but testing for an empty list and the 
bookkeeping of maintaining the popped list seems horribly inefficient 
and this is for a real time multimedia playback type situation so 
learning a more efficient idiom for this seems worth while:

You won't have all the dependancies... including the player (STEREO) 
and some tables of durations.. but you get the gist:

def playall(startime, amp, wet_percent, rest_percent, duty_factor, 
''' a play-loop that plays all samples in a directory, just once with 
temporal padding and also returns the end of the last duration so
that the begining of the next section can be determined'''
event = 1; inskip = 0; inchan = 0; incr = 0
for sample in smpl_lst:
splt = os.path.split(sample)
loc = random.random()
dur = DUR()
STEREO(startime, inskip, dur, amp, loc)
print event no. %d @ %.2f (dur: %.2f, end: %.2f) -- sf: %s : 
%.2f] % (event, startime, dur, startime+dur, splt[1], dry)
incr = (dur * duty_factor) + kptools.windex(kptools.durations)
startime = startime + incr
restflag = random.random()
if (restflag  rest_percent):
rest = kptools.windex(kptools.rest)
print \n, - * 8, [ rest : , rest, ], - * 
8, \n
startime = startime + rest
event = event + 1
print '\n', 'Next start = ', startime, '\n\n'

so what i am trying to do its skip that 

if (restflag  rest_percent):

biz on the last item if we are on our last sequence item. The rests 
(which are random) is for padding between events
and since we have just played our last event, we don't want any extra 
padding so that our next call of the loop
starts at the proper time (just at the last event of this loop is 
over). The loop function will calculate the
next start time, and return it so that we can use it as the start time 
argument for our next call of the loop.

so if i want to play 7 items i might get something like:

item_7 (but we don't want any rest here ever! cause we might want our 
next loop to start w/o any pause)

gosh.. i hope this is clear

anyway that's my query .. hehe  ...



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Alternating patterns

2006-03-28 Thread kevin parks
I have a set that i iterate over... but each time through it i would 
like to alternate between the original set and a variation of the set 
that has one of the members of the set altered (by + or - 1)

So if my original set is:

[0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]

I would use that the first pass but on the second pass i might like  
the third member (4,) to become 3, (-1) resulting in : [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 
9, 11]

But then back again to the original  on the next pass (+1 back to 4,): 
[0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]

and then back: [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11] again, etc.

in other words i would like to alternate members of the set back and 
forth. Usually only 1 (or sometimes 2,) member at time. i could also 
imagine a needing(alter one, alter another, undo that, undo the first 
back to the original set):

[0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11] -- [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11] -- [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 
8, 10] -- [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11] -- [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]


original -- [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]
altered -- [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11]
now back to 4, but change something else (like 11, is now 10):
[0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10]


How can one make such alternating patterns?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Alternating patterns

2006-03-28 Thread kevin parks


 Message: 10
 Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 22:43:38 -0500
 From: Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] Alternating patterns
 Cc: tutor@python.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 kevin parks wrote:
 I have a set that i iterate over... but each time through it i would
 like to alternate between the original set and a variation of the set
 that has one of the members of the set altered (by + or - 1)

 So if my original set is:

 [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]

 I would use that the first pass but on the second pass i might like
 the third member (4,) to become 3, (-1) resulting in : [0, 2, 3, 5, 7,
 9, 11]

 But then back again to the original  on the next pass (+1 back to 4,):
 [0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11]

 and then back: [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11] again, etc.

 How can one make such alternating patterns?

 itertools.cycle() will repeat a sequence indefinitely:
 In [2]: from itertools import cycle

 In [3]: i=cycle([1,2])

 In [5]: for j in range(6):
 ...: print i.next()

 For non-repeating sequences I would look at writing a generator 
 for the sequences.


okay.. i am painfully unaware of generators, iterators, sets, genexes 
and a lot of the new stuff post 2.3  2.4 stuffs... my problem is that 
i find the online docs kind of terse and few of the Python books yet 
cover these newer constructs in detail

itertools looks very cool are there any toots on the above and on 
Sets  itertools? It really seems like it would help to know these for 
my work... That liddo bit right up there with itertools.cycle already 
has me a drooling... (so helpful that would be!)


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] scaling values

2006-03-14 Thread kevin parks
i have various functions (that i didn't write) that put out data in 
lists of various types. But some functions (which i didn't write) that 
expect the data to be scaled, sometimes 0-1 sometimes 1-2, sometimes 
0-127..., sometimes 0 - 32768... gosh you name it. In other words i 
have a bunch of black boxes that don't speak the same language  is 
there a scaling function in python (or numeric or scipy) that can scale 
a list of values to a high precision?

x = [13, 71, 120, 88, 82, 100, 10, 65, 101, 45, 26]

foo = scale(x, 0, 1.0)

and get that list scaled 0 to 1, or if i had:

x = [.12789, .982779, .19798198, .266796, .656527, .257877091]

foo = scale(x, 0, 127)



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] scaling values

2006-03-14 Thread kevin parks

Seems my post added much confusion. Sorry... I was hoping not to have 
to post my code since it is really wrong and slightly embarrassing.. 
what i am trying to do is map an input range of values to output range. 
I was hoping to make it a bit of an all purpose utility that would map 
pretty much any input range to an output range, also do inverted 
mapping... and also handle negative numbers and perhaps even a flag for 
exponential mapping.

import random

def scaleX(in_seq, low, hi):
range1 = max(in_seq) - min(in_seq)
#range2 = max(out_seq) - min(outseq)
range2 = hi - low
ratio = range1/range2
return [(x * ratio) for x in in_seq]

def test():
# Create a list of 15 random integers in the range 0 to 127
# see if we can map it to 0 - 1
inseq = random.sample(xrange(128), 25)
print scaleX(inseq, 0.0, 1.0)

if __name__ == __main__:


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] scaling values

2006-03-14 Thread kevin parks
Thanks to Kent Johnson,  David Heiser and everyone else. Looks like i 
was most of the way there...hehe... David Heiser gets special bonus 
points for actually understanding my initial mysterious query.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] weighted choices from among many lists

2006-03-11 Thread kevin parks

On Mar 11, 2006, at 3:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Message: 1
 Date: Sat, 11 Mar 2006 08:34:49 -0500
 From: Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Tutor] weighted choices from among many lists
 Cc: tutor@python.org
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 kevin parks wrote:
 I have several lists... and i would like to some times chose from one
 list and for a while choose from a different list, etc.

 You don't say what isn't working but I have a guess. The actual 
 function looks OK to me.

yes, that part always worked fine... not the most robust thing, but it 

 def test():

  lst_a = [ 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'violet', 'yellow',
 'black', 'white' ]
  lst_b = ['Rottweiler', 'Beagle', 'Sheepdog', 'Collie', 'Boxer',
 'Terrier', 'Bulldog', 'Chihuahua', 'Retriever', 'Collie', 'Dachshund',
 'Doberman', 'Greyhound', 'Pug', 'Spaniel']
  lst_c = ['Ale', 'Lager', 'Pilsner', 'Bock', 'Porter', 'Stout']
  lst_d = ['fender', 'gibson', 'rickenbacker', 'guild', 'danelectro',
 'gretsch', 'martin', 'ibanez']
  x = [('lst_a', .50), ('lst_b', .25), ('lst_c', .10),('lst_d', .15)]

 x is list containing the *names* of the other lists. You need to keep
 references to the lists so you can pick from them.
   x = [(lst_a, .50), (lst_b, .25), (lst_c, .10),(lst_d, .15)]

i am an idiot... someone shoot me.. i guess i got so carried away with 
the single quotes for the above lists that when i went to pack those up 
for windex
i didn't realize that i had needlessly typed 'lst_a', etc. Sometimes 
you just need a
fresh pair of eyes to pick up on that type of thing

  i = 1
  while i  100:
  lst = windex(x)
  print i, lst,

 with the change above this will print the list, not its name
  pick = random.choice(lst)
 but this will work.

 If you want to be able to print the name of the list then you could
 include both the name and the actual list in x:

   x = [(('lst_a', lst_a), .50), etc...]

That produces:
('lst_c', ['Ale', 'Lager', 'Pilsner', 'Bock', 'Porter', 'Stout'])
['Ale', 'Lager', 'Pilsner', 'Bock', 'Porter', 'Stout']

i am actually trying to get name of list, the choice like so:


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] weighted choices from among many lists

2006-03-11 Thread kevin parks
 Yes, you need to unpack the result of calling windex(). You so ably
 demonstrated unpacking the list in your for loop I thought you would
 figure it out :-)

lst_name, lst = windex(x)

 then random.choice() and print.

Thanks Kent i got it, just another brain-fart on my side...

I was already doing something like:

lst_name, lst = windex(x)
pick = random.choice(lst)

But instead of:
print i, lst_name, pick

I was idiotically still printing:
print i, lst, pick

now matter how you unpack it all... you are still gonna get lst if that 
is what
is in your print statement... grrr

of course the another way i would be a use a dictionary and us the list 
name as
a key... the list as a value...



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] weighted choices from among many lists

2006-03-10 Thread kevin parks
I have several lists... and i would like to some times chose from one 
list and for a while choose from a different list, etc... so i cooked 
this up and it almost works so that i can get colors 50% of the time, 
doggies 25%, beer 10%, and guitars 100% (if i was real smart i would 
make my index thingy check to make sure my wieghets added up to 100% or 
scaled them to be. ) ... meanwhile, as you can see i am 90% of the 
way there, can anyone figure out what i got wrong or suggest 
improvements to the code...



#!/usr/bin/env python

import random

def windex(lst):
'''a random.choose() function that makes weighted choices

accepts a list of tuples with the item and probability as a pair
like:  x = [('one', 0.25), ('two', 0.25), ('three', 0.5)]
n = random.uniform(0, 1)
for item, weight in lst:
if n  weight:
n = n - weight
return item

def test():

lst_a = [ 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'orange', 'violet', 'yellow', 
'black', 'white' ]
lst_b = ['Rottweiler', 'Beagle', 'Sheepdog', 'Collie', 'Boxer', 
'Terrier', 'Bulldog', 'Chihuahua', 'Retriever', 'Collie', 'Dachshund', 
'Doberman', 'Greyhound', 'Pug', 'Spaniel']
lst_c = ['Ale', 'Lager', 'Pilsner', 'Bock', 'Porter', 'Stout']
lst_d = ['fender', 'gibson', 'rickenbacker', 'guild', 'danelectro', 
'gretsch', 'martin', 'ibanez']
x = [('lst_a', .50), ('lst_b', .25), ('lst_c', .10),('lst_d', .15)]
i = 1
while i  100:
lst = windex(x)
print i, lst,
pick = random.choice(lst)
print pick
i = i + 1

if __name__ == __main__:

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] activestate

2006-03-10 Thread kevin parks
I noticed a couple days ago that the active state archive seems to have 
Is it going away?



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] module imports

2006-03-08 Thread kevin parks

On Mar 8, 2006, at 7:09 PM, Bob Gailer wrote:

 kevin parks wrote:
 i have a module called foo.py

 foo.py imports random

 kp.py imports foo.py ... but in kp.py i also need to use stuff from 

 so kp.py also imports random

 but i prolly shouldn't do that right?


so it is okay to do that?

 Cause now, haven't i needlessly copied the same 
 names/attributes/methods/functions to 2 namespaces...

 The first import of a module runs its top level code, and creates a 
 module object. Subsequent imports simply place a reference to that 
 object in the current namespace.
 I get very confused about imports... and accessing names from other 
 spaces and such...
 and efficiency.

 i have 2 or more modules all of which need to access a given function 
 or method, what is the best way to do that.

 Put the function in a module and import it as needed.

but i mean a function from a standard module.

 i am so cornfused

 Apparently. Even your spell checker is addled.
[that was a joke]

so let's say i have a script called foo.py.
foo.py uses some things from the random module and therefore has

import random
import kp
import sys
import time

etc.  co.  in it

but foo.py also imports a module kp which also
happens to import random.

Should i only be importing random once or are you saying it
is just fine to import a module that imports another module that
you actually have already imported.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] list packing

2006-02-26 Thread kevin parks

I am using the os module to do some of my heavy lifting for me. I am 
tried of building lists
by hand so i decided that i would get python to look in a bunch of 
directories and stuff all the things it
find there into a list depending on it's extension.

Works great ... one problem sometimes i need just the filenames and 
that is fine, but more often i need
to feed the full path to my other functions yet i don't see *any* 
documentation on os.listdir() at all. I don't
know how to give me the full path ...

snd = [f for f in os.listdir('/Users/kevin/snd/') if f.endswith('.aif')]



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Gaussian integer values

2006-02-08 Thread kevin parks
hi all.

I am working with a list and would like to choose from the list  
randomly but not uniformly. I am interested in several distributions  
but the first one i looked at is Gaussian.

which you call like so:

random.gauss(mean, dev)

You can try this code courtesy of effbot (http://effbot.org/ 

# File: random-example-3.py

import random

histogram = [0] * 20

# calculate histogram for gaussian
# noise, using average=5, stddev=1
for i in range(1000):
 i = int(random.gauss(5, 1) * 2)
 histogram[i] = histogram[i] + 1

# print the histogram
m = max(histogram)
for v in histogram:
 print * * (v * 50 / m)

fine this works and works well...

one problem with this... if you are using this to create an index to  
a list you might be in trouble as each time you run it you get a  
slightly different min and max value.

so... how does one safely pick from a list of say 15 elements with a  
large bias towards the center values without over or under-running  
the bounds of your list?



ps. what would be the opposite of the Gaussian distro the scoop like  
one, the one where the outer elements are favored. Is that in the  
python standard lib? (or numpy?)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] soundfile picker rating system

2006-02-08 Thread kevin parks

I am a little bit stuck 

I want to play a bunch of soundfiles randomly, but i want to give each 
soundfile a rating (say 0-100) and have the likelihood that the file be 
chosen be tied to its rating so that the higher the rating the more 
likely a file is to be chosen.  Then i need some additional flags for 
repetition, and some other business. I am guessing a dictionary would 
be a great way to do this, with the key being the soundfile name and 
the values being my ratings and other flags  associated data.

#soundfile name : [rating, %chance it will repeat/loop]
sfiles = { (sf001) : [85, 15],
  (sf002) : [25, 75],
  (sf003) : [95, 45],
  (sf004) : [35, 95] }

But i am stuck on how to do a random chooser that works according to my 
idea of choosing according to rating system. It seems to me to be a bit 
different that just choosing a weighted choice like so:

def windex(lst):
'''an attempt to make a random.choose() function that makes weighted 

accepts a list of tuples with the item and probability as a pair
like:  x = [('one', 0.25), ('two', 0.25), ('three', 0.5)]
n = random.uniform(0, 1)
for item, weight in lst:
if n  weight:
n = n - weight
return item

And i am not sure i want to have to go through what will be hundreds of 
sound files and scale their ratings by hand so that they all add up to 
100%. I just want to have a long list that i can add too whenever i 
want, and assign it a grade/rating according to my whims!



Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] printing the random seed?

2006-02-01 Thread kevin parks

I am having some fun with python and making multiple runs on an 
algorhythm and sometimes getting some fun stuff that i would like to be 
able to reproduce, but there are some random elements in it. I wonder 
is there a way to see the random seed, and make note of it so that you 
could then set the seed for a subsequent run to get the same 
(initially) random results?



  (Hi Danny, if you are still here!)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] printing the random seed?

2006-02-01 Thread kevin parks
Danny (hope you are good!)  co,

I see that biz about random.seed()... but in the absence of setting 
that ... does it
just grab a value from the system clock?

Is there a way to just let it generate it's usual, known seed... but 
then observe
what that is in case you get an especially good run of data?

like i clearly can't just go:

zeed = random.seed()
print zeed = , zeed




Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] help

2005-11-27 Thread Kevin Gall

how do i use python, do i download it? how do i use it . kevin.Don't just Search. Find! The new MSN Search:  Fast. Clear. Easy.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Reversing

2005-07-20 Thread Kevin Bixler

I was asked to make a program that reverses the 
text that a user would input. I have tried what I thought would work which is 
phrase.reverse(). phrase = the raw_input. Help!
Thank you,
Kevin Bixler
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Single Underscore

2005-07-10 Thread Kevin Reeder
What's the significance of naming a variable with a single
underscore as its first character? For example, I'm looking at
find.py in the standard library and it has variables named _debug
and _prune.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Single Underscore

2005-07-10 Thread Kevin Reeder
Thanks for the info. I'll look into the links provided.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] fileinput problem

2005-06-25 Thread Kevin Reeder
On Sat, 25 Jun 2005 06:41:01 -0400
Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You named your program fileinput.py, so when you import fileinput
 you are getting your own program again instead of the library
 module. Change the name of your program and try again.

Doh! I do remember reading that somewhere before. Lesson learnt.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Calling a function

2005-06-09 Thread Kevin Reeder
I'm having trouble with this code which is meant to run a time
comparison between two similar functions. The first module is

def lots_of_appends():
zeros = []
for i in range(1):  

def one_multiply():
zeros = [0] * 1

The second module is timings.py.

import time, makezeros

def do_timing(num_times, *funcs):
totals = {}
for func in funcs: totals[func] = 0.0
for x in range(num_times):
for func in funcs:
starttime = time.time()
stoptime = time.time()
elapsed = stoptime-starttime
totals[func] = totals[func] + elapsed
 for func in funcs:
 print Running %s %d times took %.3f seconds %
(func.__name__, num_times, totals[func])

do_timing(100, (makezeros.lots_of_appends, makezeros.one_multiply))

Here's the outcome I get:

$ python ./Python/timings.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ./Python/timings.py, line 17, in ?
do_timing(100, (lots_of_appends, one_multiply))
  File ./Python/timings.py, line 10, in do_timing
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

BTW, the code is taken straight out of Learning Python, but I've
been banging my head on it for awhile. Any ideas??


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Calling a function

2005-06-09 Thread Kevin Reeder
Ewald  John,

thanks for the help. i'll work on it some more with your ideas in
mind (after getting some sleep).

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] re: IDLE

2005-04-09 Thread Kevin
Is there a way to get line numbers to show in python IDLE? I looked at
all the preferances but nothing?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Re: Help with classes

2005-04-08 Thread Kevin
Well this OOP stuff is realy hard for me as I have never even
programmed it took me a while just to understand defs. However I am
determined to learn how to do it. My biggest problem is with __init__
I still don't understand how to use it. Though I did try somthing
different with my code rather then having the dict of commands in the
main part of the code, I put it in th __init__ of class Comands like

class Command:
def __init__(self):
self.command_list = {}
self.command_list['get'] = 'get'
self.command_list['look'] = 'look'
self.command_list['kill'] = 'kill'

def UserCMD_get(self):
print Not in yet

def UserCMD_look(self):
print Not in yet

def UserCMD_kill(self):
print Not in yet

test = Command()
while 1:
prompt = raw_input(: )
if prompt not in test.command_list:
print That is not a command
if prompt in test.command_list:
exec 'test.UserCMD_' + prompt + '()'

though doing it like this to me the only real difference is the dict
of commands is in the __init__ of class. But why do I feel that this
is still the wrong way to do this. I was trying to look at other
examples but they are hard to fallow with no comments of any kind.
what my ultimate goal for right now is make it so that at the prompt
wich is :
When a player type is get sword it will add a sword to there
inventory. Wich I'm not sure if I am going about this the right way.



On Apr 8, 2005 3:01 AM, Andrei [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Bob Gailer bgailer at alum.rpi.edu writes:
  At 12:22 PM 4/7/2005, Andrei wrote:
  Kevin python.programming at gmail.com writes:
I am fooling around with classes and I was trying to create a very
small one player text adventure. I made a class called commands here
  I don't think you're making proper use of classes.
  IMHO there is no proper use of classes.
 Perhaps I didn't phrase that quite the way I intended. What I meant is that
 there are places where classes are obviously beneficial and there are places
 where a different solution is the easier one. Python is fortunately flexible
 enough to allow all kinds of approaches.
  In Python a class is whatever one creates using the class statement. In
 As it is in all languages. Which is not to say that any class the language
 allows you to make is actually useful or the best way to do the job. Python 
 with its tuples, lists, dicts and sets a whole bunch of collection types 
 available, which look like collections and are instantly recognized by any
 programmer as collections (unlike a class, which I for one would expect to be
 used as more than a collection when reading code).
  Kent's proposal makes IMHO excellent use of the class mechanism. One may
  also access the class __dict__ directly in lieu of using getattr.
 Yep, hence my statement that a class in this use case is just a confusing way 
 using a dict :). I read (perhaps misread) Kevin's post as a question from
 someone who is new to OOP and wants to learn about it, rather than a request 
 info regarding the manipulation of class internals.
  The Commands class is merely a collection of unrelated methods.
  But they are related. Each represents a game command; the class is the
  container for the commands. And it might be that as the program expands
  that there would be multiple instances representing players or saved games
  or ??? And class properties would keep track of the player's status.
 Guessing at Kevin's intentions is quite difficult by other means than reading
 the posted code. A class called Commands that only contains methods
 implementing actions as results to commands given by the human player, can't
 reasonably be interpreted as something that will at some point hold a
 character's status.
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Help with classes

2005-04-07 Thread Kevin
I am fooling around with classes and I was trying to create a very
small one player text adventure. I made a class called commands here
it is:
class Commands:
def __init__(self):
def quiting(self):
def look(self):
print \nNot working yet!\n
def get(self):
print \nNot working yet!\n
def take(self):
print \nNot working yet!\n
def kill(self):
print \nNot working yet!\n
def drink(self):
print \nNot working yet!\n
def eat(self):
print \nNot working yet!\n
def eq(self):
print \nNot working yet!\n
def helpsys(self,response):
answer = None
i = ['look','get','take','kill','drink','eat','eq','help']
while not answer in i:
answer = raw_input(response)
#Help files will go here
return answer

there is nothing special about it yet. But in the main code wich is:

while 1:
com = Commands()
a = ['look',
commandl = raw_input(: )
if commandl not in a:
print \nI don't understand that command?\n

I want to beable to type in a command from the list at the prompt and
have it call one of the functions from the class. I was looking for a
shorter way to write it but the only way I can think of is with an if
statment for each command. Is there a better way or shorter way to do

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Operator Overloading

2005-04-04 Thread Kevin Reeder
On Mon, 04 Apr 2005 21:14:21 +1200
John Fouhy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Are you sure you've giving us all the code?

No, I was trying to keep it simple. Anyway, here it is,

class MyList:
def __init__(self, start):
self.wrapped = [ ]
for x in start: self.wrapped.append(x)

def __add__(self, other):
return MyList(self.wrapped + other)

def __mul__(self, time):
return MyList(self.wrapped * time)

def __getitem__(self, offset):
return self.wrapped[offset]

def __len__(self):
return len(self.wrapped)

def __getslice__(self, low, high):
return MyList(self.wrapped[low:high])

def __setitem__(self, index, value):
self.wrapped[index] = value
print self.wrapped

def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self.wrapped, name)

def __repr__(self):
return `self.wrapped`


from mylist import MyList

class MyListSub(MyList):

calls = 0

def __init__(self, start):
self.adds = 0
MyList.__init__(self, start)

def __add__(self, other):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
return MyList.__add__(self, other)

def __mul__(self, time):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
return MyList.__mul__(self, time)

def __getitem__(self, offset):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
return MyList.__getitem__(self, offset)

def __len__(self):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
return MyList.__len__(self)

def __getslice__(self, low, high):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1  
return MyList.__getslice__(self, low, high)

def __setitem__(self, index, value):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
return MyList.__setitem__(self, index, value)
def __getattr__(self, name):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
return MyList.__getattr__(self, name)

 def __sub__(self, index):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
return MyList.__sub__(self, index)

def __and__(self, value):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
MyList.__and__(self, value)

def stats(self):
return self.calls, self.adds

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Operator Overloading

2005-04-03 Thread Kevin Reeder
Following an example from a book, I'm getting an unexpected outcome.
The point of exercise is to extend operator overloading methods from
a superclass and track the method calls. Here's the code,

class MyList:
def __init__(self, start):
self.wrapped = [ ]
for x in start: self.wrapped.append(x)

def __add__(self, other):
return MyList(self.wrapped + other)

def __len__(self):
return len(self.wrapped)


from module import MyList

class MyListSub(MyList):

calls = 0

def __init__(self, start):
self.adds = 0
MyList.__init__(self, start)

def __add__(self, other):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
return MyList.__add__(self, other)

def __len__(self):
MyListSub.calls = MyListSub.calls + 1
self.adds = self.adds + 1
return MyList.__len__(self)

def stats(self):
return self.calls, self.adds

This is not my code but is taken from the book I'm working with. My
problem is that whenever I call to the __add__ method the counters
increase by 2 while calls the __len__ method increase the counters
by 1 as expected. What I've concluded is that the method which
overloads and arithmetic operations executes the counter statements
twice while the method which overloads a sequencing operation
executes the counter statements only once. Otherwise, I can see no
difference between the two methods.

Here's an example,

 A = MyListSub([1, 2, 3])
(0, 0)
(1, 1)
 A + [4, 5, 6]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
(3, 3)

I'm stumped and and would appreciate any help.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] A simple question about creating a program

2005-03-30 Thread Kevin
I was wondering, can you make a program the uses alot of classes do
the exact same thing with out useing classes?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] Class and methods?

2005-03-30 Thread Kevin
I am sorta starting to get it. So you could use __init__ to ask for a
file name to see if there is one in a folder or not if there is then
open that file and conitue where that file left off. If its not there
create a new file with that name, then start the program? Or do I have
that all wrong?


On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 21:46:36 +0100, Alan Gauld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In a class is every def called a method
 Strictly speaking only those that have a 'self' parameter(or
 The others are unbound functions and pretty useless, usually being
 the result of programmer errors!...
  and the def __init__(self) is called the constructor method?
  I don't have a problem writting a def I am still not clear on how to
  use a constructor.
 Use the constructor to initialise the attributes of your new instance.
 When you create an instance by calling a class:
 instance = Class(a,b,c)
 what happens is that Python creates a blank instance of Class
 then calls the __init__ method of the new instance passing in
 the arguments you gave to the class, in our case a,b,c.
 [ If your class inherits from a superclass then its usually a
 good idea to call the superclass init method inside your init
 just to make sure the superclass attributes are all set up
 properly too. ]
  Is there a site that explains the constructor in
  great detail?
 Well I try... But it depends on how great a detail you want. Great
 implies not easy to understand, in which case the definitive site is
 Python documentation!
 Alan G
 Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] An attribute error problem

2005-03-29 Thread Kevin
Well I think I am going to learn how to create small little server the
will just send and recive a message from a client. I just want to know
is it easier to use twistedmatrix or just plain socket to create


On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 06:11:46 -0500, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin wrote:
  Well I just noticed somthing about the entire sServer.py file. All the
  code under each def is not indented
 sServer.py mixes tabs and spaces for indentation. If you view it in an editor 
 that indents 8 spaces
 for a tab it is fine.
 You might be interested in the reindent.py and untabify.py scripts in the 
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] An attribute error problem

2005-03-28 Thread Kevin

I fond this game on the internet I was able to fix most of the errors
that it was giving and it will
now start up ok. However when you try to enter a name to login to the
game it will crash and
give this:

in sServer.py
line 42, in removeConnection
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_fd'

How would I go about fixing this.

I have uploaded to entire game to http://lotheria.com/mudmaker.zp if
anyone would care to
take a look at it.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] Re: An attribute error problem

2005-03-28 Thread Kevin
Sorry http://www.lotheria.com/mudmaker.zip

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 13:35:20 -0500, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I fond this game on the internet I was able to fix most of the errors
 that it was giving and it will
 now start up ok. However when you try to enter a name to login to the
 game it will crash and
 give this:
 in sServer.py
 line 42, in removeConnection
 AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_fd'
 How would I go about fixing this.
 I have uploaded to entire game to http://lotheria.com/mudmaker.zp if
 anyone would care to
 take a look at it.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] An attribute error problem

2005-03-28 Thread Kevin
Nope it will still give the same Attribute error.

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 13:50:07 -0500, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin wrote:
  I fond this game on the internet I was able to fix most of the errors
  that it was giving and it will
  now start up ok. However when you try to enter a name to login to the
  game it will crash and
  give this:
  in sServer.py
  line 42, in removeConnection
  AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_fd'
  How would I go about fixing this.
 This error is because the caller is passing the wrong kind of argument to 
 removeConnection. It seems
 to expect a connection object but it is getting a tuple instead.
 My guess is the error is the line
self.closeConnection((self, f))
 in checkConnections(). The argument is (self, f) which is a tuple. Maybe it 
 should be
self.closeConnection(self._connections[f]) ??
  I have uploaded to entire game to http://lotheria.com/mudmaker.zp if
  anyone would care to
  take a look at it.
 That should be http://lotheria.com/mudmaker.zip
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] An attribute error problem

2005-03-28 Thread Kevin
Here is the entire error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\New
Folder\mudmaker\mmaker.py, line 55, in ?
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\New
Folder\mudmaker\sServer.py, line 73, in checkConnections
self.closeConnection((self, f))
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\New
Folder\mudmaker\sServer.py, line 49, in closeConnection
self.removeConnection((self, conn))
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\New
Folder\mudmaker\sServer.py, line 42, in removeConnection
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_fd'

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 14:06:49 -0500, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin wrote:
  Nope it will still give the same Attribute error.
 Please post the entire error including the stack trace and the whole error 
 message. Copy and paste
 the whole thing, don't transcribe it.
  On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 13:50:07 -0500, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin wrote:
 I fond this game on the internet I was able to fix most of the errors
 that it was giving and it will
 now start up ok. However when you try to enter a name to login to the
 game it will crash and
 give this:
 in sServer.py
 line 42, in removeConnection
 AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_fd'
 How would I go about fixing this.
 This error is because the caller is passing the wrong kind of argument to 
 removeConnection. It seems
 to expect a connection object but it is getting a tuple instead.
 My guess is the error is the line
self.closeConnection((self, f))
 in checkConnections(). The argument is (self, f) which is a tuple. Maybe it 
 should be
self.closeConnection(self._connections[f]) ??
 I have uploaded to entire game to http://lotheria.com/mudmaker.zp if
 anyone would care to
 take a look at it.
 That should be http://lotheria.com/mudmaker.zip
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] An attribute error problem

2005-03-28 Thread Kevin
Well I just noticed somthing about the entire sServer.py file. All the
code under each def is not indented, after I fixed all the indentation
I got a host of other errors when I try to log in. I posted the files
on my site if you want to take a look at it. There are to many
problems with it right now. I only wanted to look at how it ran under
a linux box and windows to see how a mud server would run.

Thanks for the help


On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 20:25:38 -0500, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin wrote:
  Here is the entire error message:
  Traceback (most recent call last):
File C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\New
  Folder\mudmaker\mmaker.py, line 55, in ?
File C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\New
  Folder\mudmaker\sServer.py, line 73, in checkConnections
  self.closeConnection((self, f))
 The line above is exactly the line I suggested you change (see below). It 
 doesn't look like you did.
 Did you understand my suggestion? Are you able to change the file?
File C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\New
  Folder\mudmaker\sServer.py, line 49, in closeConnection
  self.removeConnection((self, conn))
File C:\Documents and Settings\Kevin\Desktop\New
  Folder\mudmaker\sServer.py, line 42, in removeConnection
  AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_fd'
  On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 14:06:49 -0500, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin wrote:
 Nope it will still give the same Attribute error.
 Please post the entire error including the stack trace and the whole error 
 message. Copy and paste
 the whole thing, don't transcribe it.
 On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 13:50:07 -0500, Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Kevin wrote:
 I fond this game on the internet I was able to fix most of the errors
 that it was giving and it will
 now start up ok. However when you try to enter a name to login to the
 game it will crash and
 give this:
 in sServer.py
 line 42, in removeConnection
 AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute '_fd'
 How would I go about fixing this.
 This error is because the caller is passing the wrong kind of argument to 
 removeConnection. It seems
 to expect a connection object but it is getting a tuple instead.
 My guess is the error is the line
   self.closeConnection((self, f))
 in checkConnections(). The argument is (self, f) which is a tuple. Maybe 
 it should be
   self.closeConnection(self._connections[f]) ??
 I have uploaded to entire game to http://lotheria.com/mudmaker.zp if
 anyone would care to
 take a look at it.
 That should be http://lotheria.com/mudmaker.zip
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org
 Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] How and where to use pass and continue

2005-03-27 Thread Kevin
I am having lot of trouble learning where and when to use pass and
continue. The two books that I use don't explian these very good. Is
there a website the explains these is great detail?
I have also looked at the python tutorial as well.


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] How and where to use pass and continue

2005-03-27 Thread Kevin
That was a great help I understand now what they do and how to use
them. Thanks alot for all your help.

On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 21:43:45 -0500, Bill Mill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 20:37:02 -0500, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am having lot of trouble learning where and when to use pass and
  continue. The two books that I use don't explian these very good. Is
  there a website the explains these is great detail?
  I have also looked at the python tutorial as well.
 I'll try to help you out - pass and continue are pretty simple
 concepts. Consider the following code snippet which I will try to use
 to explain both:
 command = None
 while command != '3':
 command = raw_input(Press 1 to pass, 2 to continue, or 3 to exit )
 if command == '1':
 print passing
 elif command == '2':
 print continuing
 print othering
 print end of loop reached
 print exiting
 The 'pass' statement simply means 'do nothing'. In the example above,
 when the python interpreter encounters the pass statement, it simply
 continues with its execution as it normally would.  It is usually used
 as the only statement in the body of an if statement to denote
 explicitly that nothing is to be done. I will often use it as a
 placeholder so that a program compiles correctly, like:
 if 'a':
 elif 'b':
 #TODO: implement do_something_else()
 elif 'c':
 Without the pass statement, there are no statements in the second
 block, and python will raise a SyntaxError.
 In the first example above, Python sees the pass, exits the series of
 'If...elif... conditions, advances to the final statement of the
 while loop, prints end of loop reached, and resumes execution at the
 top of the loop.
 The continue statement means what it says - continue with the loop,
 but resume execution at the top of the loop. In the case of a while
 loop, the exit condition will be evaluated again, and execution
 resumes from the top. In the case of a for loop, the item being
 iterated over will move to its next element. Thus,
 for i in (1,2):
 print i
 print we never get here
 Will print 1, hit the continue, update i to the value 2, print 2, hit
 the continue, and exit because there are no more iterations for i.
 In the first example I gave, after python reaches the continue,
 'command' is again evaluated to see if its value is 3, then the loop
 proceeds from the top down. If you run the example, you should be able
 to figure out what's going on.
 There are a couple more wrinkles - for example, continue only works on
 the innermost loop in its execution context - but generally, they work
 as you expect. The longer you work with python, the more you'll find
 this to be the case, but I'm biased.
 Hope this helps, and feel free to ask questions about what you don't 
 Bill Mill
 bill.mill at gmail.com
  Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] How and where to use pass and continue

2005-03-27 Thread Kevin
Ok I have another question now I noticed that at the tope of a while
loop there will be somthing like this:

test = None
while test != enter:
 test = raw_input(Type a word: )
 if test == enter:

what is the purpose of test = None ?


On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 22:13:45 -0500, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That was a great help I understand now what they do and how to use
 them. Thanks alot for all your help.
 On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 21:43:45 -0500, Bill Mill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 20:37:02 -0500, Kevin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I am having lot of trouble learning where and when to use pass and
   continue. The two books that I use don't explian these very good. Is
   there a website the explains these is great detail?
   I have also looked at the python tutorial as well.
  I'll try to help you out - pass and continue are pretty simple
  concepts. Consider the following code snippet which I will try to use
  to explain both:
  command = None
  while command != '3':
  command = raw_input(Press 1 to pass, 2 to continue, or 3 to exit )
  if command == '1':
  print passing
  elif command == '2':
  print continuing
  print othering
  print end of loop reached
  print exiting
  The 'pass' statement simply means 'do nothing'. In the example above,
  when the python interpreter encounters the pass statement, it simply
  continues with its execution as it normally would.  It is usually used
  as the only statement in the body of an if statement to denote
  explicitly that nothing is to be done. I will often use it as a
  placeholder so that a program compiles correctly, like:
  if 'a':
  elif 'b':
  #TODO: implement do_something_else()
  elif 'c':
  Without the pass statement, there are no statements in the second
  block, and python will raise a SyntaxError.
  In the first example above, Python sees the pass, exits the series of
  'If...elif... conditions, advances to the final statement of the
  while loop, prints end of loop reached, and resumes execution at the
  top of the loop.
  The continue statement means what it says - continue with the loop,
  but resume execution at the top of the loop. In the case of a while
  loop, the exit condition will be evaluated again, and execution
  resumes from the top. In the case of a for loop, the item being
  iterated over will move to its next element. Thus,
  for i in (1,2):
  print i
  print we never get here
  Will print 1, hit the continue, update i to the value 2, print 2, hit
  the continue, and exit because there are no more iterations for i.
  In the first example I gave, after python reaches the continue,
  'command' is again evaluated to see if its value is 3, then the loop
  proceeds from the top down. If you run the example, you should be able
  to figure out what's going on.
  There are a couple more wrinkles - for example, continue only works on
  the innermost loop in its execution context - but generally, they work
  as you expect. The longer you work with python, the more you'll find
  this to be the case, but I'm biased.
  Hope this helps, and feel free to ask questions about what you don't 
  Bill Mill
  bill.mill at gmail.com
   Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] cyclically rotate a seq

2005-03-10 Thread kevin parks
Hi folks,
I am trying to cyclically rotate a seq until it reached the beginning 
stage again.
I would like to be able to rotate in both directions and using any 
arbitrary interval.
I think that I have this correct, but would be happy for someone to 
check it and also
i am interested in any improvements or enhancements. It is important 
that this
work correctly or the whole rest of my code will be in barf *^-^* hee 
hee. So
any help would be appreciated.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import random
# cyclically rotate a sequence
# -- 
# should work on any sequence type
# should work with any hop(n) interval
# should also work in both directions (left or right)
# -- 
def rotate(seq, n=1):
if len(seq) == 0:
return seq
# Normalize n, using modulo - even works for negative n
n = n % len(seq)
return seq[n:] + seq[:n]

def test():
start = 1
x = [7, 2, 1, 0, 11, 6, 5, 4]
print; print x; print '--' * 8
for i in range(len(x)):
out = rotate(x, start)
print out
start = start + 1
if __name__ == __main__:
#  EOF 
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] (no subject)

2005-03-04 Thread Kevin
Hello all. I have just completed my very first python program just a
simple number guessing. I would like for someone to try it out if they
could and let me know how I did with it and where I could have
improved apon it. There are t files main.py and defs.py



from defs import *
import sys

choice() #Lets call the main menu up for the user
#This is used to ask if you would like to keep playing#
while 1:
play = raw_input(What is your choice? ) #Aks use to enter a choice
from the menu
if play == '3': #If user picks 3
print \nHave a nice day!\n #Tell them to have a nice day
sys.exit() #Then exit the entire thing
elif play == '2': #If user picks 2
instruct() #Then lets call the instructions function
elif play == '1': #If user picks 1
game() #Then lets call the game function for the user to play
elif play == '': #This is used is the menu leaves the screen so the
user can get it back
choice() #Bring back the menu
print \nYou need to pick 1, 2 or 3 or hit enter to see 
#Let the user know that they can only pick 1, 2, 3 or just hit enter
and nothing else.

import random
import sys
#This is not used in the game yet
def yesno(question):
Asks the use a yes or no question
answer = None
while answer not in ('y','ye','yes','n','no'):
answer = raw_input(question).lower()
if answer not in ('y','ye','yes','n','no'):
print Please enter Y or N
return answer

#This is the guessing game#
def game():
This is the main part of the guessing game
tries = 5 #Set the number of tries to 5
guess = random.randrange(2)+1 #Computer picks a number from 1 to 20
while 1:
answer = int(raw_input(What is your guess? )) #Ask 
the user to
guess the number
if answer != guess: #Check to see if answer is not 
equal to guessed number 
tries -= 1 #if answer is wrong reduce the 
number of tries by 1
print Thats not it, you only have %d tries 
left %tries #Tell
user not right  answer
if tries == 0: #Check to see if user has run 
out of tries
print \nYou lost this round! #If no 
tries left let the user know
raw_input(\n[Hit Enter to 
Continue]\n) #Wait for user to go
back to main menu
choice() #Show main menu for user
break #Then break out of the loop
if answer == guess: #If the answer is equal to the 
guessed number
print \nCongrats you just Won this round!! 
#Tell the user he
just one in so many tries
raw_input([Hit Enter to Continue]) #Wait for 
user to go back to main menu
choice() #Show main menu for user
break #Break out of the loop
except ValueError: #Lets make sure that the user is only 
typeing in
numbers and nothing else
print \nYou can only use numbers\n #Let user 
know they can only
use numbers

#This is the main menu for the game
def choice():
The main menu of the game

#  #
#  #
# - Created by Kevin J #
#  #
# 1 - Play #
# 2 - instructions #
# 3 - Quit #

#This is the instuctions on how to play the game that can be called
from the main menu
def instruct():
Instructions on how to play the
guessing game

# To play this game all you need to do is guess a number from 1 to 20. #
# You will only have 5 tries to beat the game. Once you have beat the  #
# game or you have used up all of your 5 tries you will be sent back   #
# to the main screen were you can quit or start over again

[Tutor] printing out a box of O's

2005-02-28 Thread Kevin
I just started getting in to python and for taking a look at the for
loop. I want to print out a box
of O's 10o chars long by 10 lines long this is what I came up with. Is
there a better way to do

j = 'O'
for i in j*10:
print i * 100


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] (no subject)

2005-02-17 Thread Kevin Hine

Hello I'm very new to python but need to write a script to update a single geodatabase table in arcview9 from several dbf files. If I can do this I can then use windows scheduled tasks to up date the tables automatically. The field names in the dbs files are or can be slightly different from those in the geodatabase table and the information already contained within the geodatabase table must be kept.in the ge___
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] permutations, patterns, and probability

2005-02-01 Thread kevin parks
I am working on a program to produce patterns. What would like is for 
it to  exhaustively produce all possible permutations of a sequence of 
items but for each permutation produce variations, and also a sort of 
stutter based on probability / weighted randomess.

Let us say we have tiles of four primary colors: ['Red', 'Blue', 
'Green', 'Yellow']. Now we also have 4 alternatives or substitutes for 
each color ['Maroon', 'Navy_Blue', 'Forest_Green', 'Dark_Brown']

We pick a unique permutation, say: ['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']
Now I would like to pick the primary colors substitute (say 30% chance 
for each element) so instead of our plain

['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']
we might end up with:
['Red', 'Navy_Blue', 'Yellow', 'Forest_Green']
['Maroon', 'Navy_Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green']
Whatever... The main point is that sometimes the original color is 
retained and sometimes the dark color is substituted.

Now I want to take this list and sometimes stutter an element so that 
there is, let us say a 50% chance for each element, that it is 
stuttered, and it may be repeated 1 (34%), 2(66%), or 3(33%) times. So 
that we could get:

['Maroon','Maroon','Navy_Blue', 'Yellow','Yellow','Yellow','Yellow', 

The program would quit when all 24 (in the case of 4 elements) was 

I have code that makes weighted randomness. I have code that makes 
permutations, but I am having trouble putting this all together... 
While i work on it though that i might ask for help... I'd like for the 
code to be reusable and am building a library of functions for 

### This is not mine, it is from a python book... I believe the Lutz 

def permute(list):
if not list:# shuffle any 
return [list]   # empty sequence
res = []
for i in range(len(list)):
rest = list[:i] + list[i+1:]# delete 
current node
for x in permute(rest): # permute the 
res.append(list[i:i+1] + x) # add node at 
return res

mport random
### This this is mine, but seems to work anyway hee hee
def windex(lst):
'''an attempt to make a random.choose() function that makes 
weighted choices

accepts a list of tuples with the item and probability as a pair
like:  x = [('one', 0.25), ('two', 0.25), ('three', 0.5)]
n = random.uniform(0, 1)
for item, weight in lst:
if n  weight:
n = n - weight
return item

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] permutations, patterns, and probability

2005-02-01 Thread kevin parks
Tremendously helpful One question though. How can i pluck a unique 
item from my exhaustive list of permutations without repeats making 
sure that each one is used once? Like filling a bag, shaking it, and 
then picking from the bag and removing that item from the bag so it 
isn't used again

On Feb 1, 2005, at 8:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
f you had a randomizeList function and a stutterList function then 
your top-level function would
look like this:

permutations = permute(['Red', 'Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green'])
permutations = [ randomizeList(list) for list in permutations ]
permutations = [ stutterList(list) for list in permutations ]
In other words you start with the basic permutations, then apply the 
randomize function to each
permutation, then apply the stutter function.

The randomizeList function should walk through the list, find the 
right randomize list for that list
element (a dict could help with that - look up the list element and 
get the randomize list), and
build a new list with the randomized values.

The stutterList function walks through the list building a new list 
with possibly repeated elements.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

[Tutor] How would python messure up in performance?

2005-01-23 Thread Kevin
How well would a multi user texed based game created in just Python
run if there were over 300 - 400 players (Just a hypathetical
question) Would python be to slow to handle that amount of traffic?


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] How would python messure up in performance?

2005-01-23 Thread Kevin
Well not sure how to answer that but I will try. For file I/O you
would have a seperat file for each character that would store
HP/MANA/MOVE points, store items that the character would have on.
Areas would be loaded from there own files with all the creatures and
items for that area in the same file. Spells would probably have there
own seperate file to load from. As far as unning the game it would be
run on a redhat linux server.

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 13:06:47 +, Max Noel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 23, 2005, at 12:55, Kevin wrote:
  How well would a multi user texed based game created in just Python
  run if there were over 300 - 400 players (Just a hypathetical
  question) Would python be to slow to handle that amount of traffic?
It depends... What would be happening in said game? What would it
 involve, calculation-wise? What would you be running it on?
In that kind of program, the core programming itself is rarely a
 bottleneck (IOW, Python should work just fine). The true elements on
 which your game's performance depend are:
 1) Connection bandwidth and latency
 2) Database access (especially if the DB is not on a remote server)
 3) File I/O, if any
Could you give us a few more specs?
 -- Max
 maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
 Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting
 and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a
 perfect, immortal machine?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Re: [Tutor] How would python messure up in performance?

2005-01-23 Thread Kevin
Thanks for the advise. I am no ware near ready to do this as i am just
learning to use python. I just thought it would be interesting to see
a mud made in python rather then always in C or C++. So for now I am
only going to start out making small programs to learn with. So thanks
for answering the question.

On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 00:04:25 +, Max Noel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jan 23, 2005, at 23:57, Kevin wrote:
  Well not sure how to answer that but I will try. For file I/O you
  would have a seperat file for each character that would store
  HP/MANA/MOVE points, store items that the character would have on.
  Areas would be loaded from there own files with all the creatures and
  items for that area in the same file. Spells would probably have there
  own seperate file to load from. As far as unning the game it would be
  run on a redhat linux server.
That's a bizarre design choice (for the characters, I mean), this just
 screams Database, especially since you may find yourself with
 concurrent write accesses on some files (e.g. a player attacks another
 while the other is moving).
Anyway. This looks like you'll be doing lots of file I/O, with a few
 calculations inbetween, right? Then unless your server is really
 shitty, Python should handle this just fine.
 -- Max
 maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
 Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting
 and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you challenge a
 perfect, immortal machine?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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