Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dear Ubuntu List Team i have something to draw to your attention

2021-06-24 Thread Colin Law
On Thu, 24 Jun 2021 at 20:25, Mark Dorrington 

> I am posting the ubuntu technicians e-mail address in case ubuntu does not
> fix any
> technical issues within ubuntu so he can report it to his developers.

Who are you asking to contact the technician?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] todoman bug

2018-12-30 Thread Colin Law
On Sun, 30 Dec 2018 at 13:40, Ade Attwood  wrote:
> Hi all first timer here
> I have an issue with the package "todoman". The bug is fixed on GitHub
> with v3.4.1 but in the repos the latest version is v3.3.0. I have done
> an apt show on the package and gone to the bugs URL. However, I need an
> account on launchpad. What is the best way to get this repackaged. If it
> means creating an Ubuntu one account I can.

It is unlikely that the version will be updated in existing releases
of Ubuntu unless it is a security issue or fairly serious.  See [1]
for the update policy.  Ubuntu 18.10 has 3.4.0 by the way.


> --
> ___ __  ___  __  __  __
>/ _ |___/ /__   / _ |/ /_/ /___  ___  ___/ /
>   / __ / _  / -_) / __ / __/ __/ |/|/ / _ \/ _ \/ _  /
>  /_/ |_\_,_/\__/ /_/ |_\__/\__/|__,__/\___/\___/\_,_/
>  HomePage:
> --


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Adobe Flash problem

2018-08-21 Thread Colin Law
 On 21/08/18 06:39, Michael wrot
 > Problems watching ITV on 32bit 18.04. Have tried several Adobe flash
 > versions, nothing happens after unpack, Which Adobe flash version for
 > 18.04 please, how do I do it.Tks, Michael D

Is flashplugin-installer installed?  If not then try installing it.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] ppa problem

2018-06-26 Thread Colin Law
On 25 June 2018 at 22:07, Jim Price  wrote:
> ...
> Lesson learned - don't just delete PPAs which have been disabled by a
> dist-upgrade.

That's true, but in fact the better lesson is to purge ppas before
upgrading and then put them back again.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] ppa problem

2018-06-25 Thread Colin Law
On 25 June 2018 at 20:33, Jim Price  wrote:
> I've ended up in a bit of a bind. I updated from 14.04 to 16.04, which
> seemed to go well but then I noticed that VLC was no longer installed. On
> trying to re-install it, it could not find its dependency on vlc-nox.
> vlc-nox is not in the 16.04 repo. I tried all the googleable suggestions,
> but it would seem that as the version I had was installed from a ppa and
> although the ppa is disabled (it got that way during the upgrade) even
> re-enabling it didn't allow me to reinstall vlc and then ppa-purge it. The
> ppa was the videolan stable repo. Is there any way of telling the apt
> database that the package details (specifically the dependencies I guess)
> are not correct any more for vlc and it should reload them from the universe
> repo?
> I did think of trying the snap of vlc, but that didn't work with a similar
> error message. There are now two vlc packages visible in synaptic too, which
> may be the result of something else I've tried.

I would start off by uninstalling it.


> --
> JimP
> --


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Xubuntu Display Settings

2017-07-14 Thread Colin Law
On 14 July 2017 at 00:05, Nigel Verity  wrote:
> Hi
> I've been doing a bit of distro hopping recently and have returned to my
> Linux "first love" - Xubuntu. Xfce has improved considerably since I
> abandoned it 3 or 4 years ago for MATE. It was always capable of looking
> really good, but the default theme settings used on Xubuntu and most other
> distros used to be pretty uninspiring.
> Everything works brilliantly, but I have one minor issue which I can't
> fathom out. I have installed Xubuntu on a laptop. If it is running on
> battery power and I then plug the mains adaptor in to top the battery up the
> "Display Settings" dialog appears - not one instance, sometimes 5 or 6.
> I could understand this if I were plugging a monitor in, but I am simply
> applying mains power.

Do you see anything useful in /var/log/syslog when you plug it in?
If, in a terminal, your run
tail -f /var/log/syslog
then it will show the end of syslog and wait for new stuff to be
written there. Then plug in the mains and see what happens in the
terminal.  If necessary you can copy/paste the extra stuff here (use
Ctrl+Shift+C to copy marked text from the terminal).


> Any ideas, please?
> Thanks
> Nige
> --


Re: [ubuntu-uk] wifi dongles

2016-11-30 Thread Colin Law
On 30 November 2016 at 12:03, Dave Morley  wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Nov 2016 11:56:01 + (UTC)
> George Tripp  wrote:
>> Can anyone recommend a wifi dongle that's plug & play / compatible
>> with 16.04.
>> George
> Pretty much any will work personally I have tp-link ones that work fine.

I have never come across one that does not work with Ubuntu.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyboard " and @ change.

2016-10-20 Thread Colin Law
On 20 October 2016 at 16:33, Michael <>

> On 20/10/2016 16:39, Colin Law wrote:
> On 20 October 2016 at 15:27, Michael <>
> wrote:
>> My " and @ symbols have changed from the UK layout to the American one.
>> I have checked 16.04 keyboard and language settings and both seem to be
>> correct.
>> Problem found on switch-on today.
> There was a bug that caused that intermittently on some systems, though I
> thought it had been fixed. If it is that then it would probably be ok if
> you rebooted.  Otherwise have you got an icon on the top panel for
> selecting the keyboard layout? Probably a white rectangle with black
> letters indicating the country, should be En1 probably. If so see if there
> are options there, perhaps you inadvertently select the USA one. On mine
> En2 is the USA one.
> Colin
>  Tks Colin.
> Have checked, don't see an icon that you suggest, I could try reloading
> 16.04 if it might resolve ?
> System Settings > Text Entry


> --

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyboard " and @ change.

2016-10-20 Thread Colin Law
On 20 October 2016 at 15:27, Michael 

> My " and @ symbols have changed from the UK layout to the American one.
> I have checked 16.04 keyboard and language settings and both seem to be
> correct.
> Problem found on switch-on today.

There was a bug that caused that intermittently on some systems, though I
thought it had been fixed. If it is that then it would probably be ok if
you rebooted.  Otherwise have you got an icon on the top panel for
selecting the keyboard layout? Probably a white rectangle with black
letters indicating the country, should be En1 probably. If so see if there
are options there, perhaps you inadvertently select the USA one. On mine
En2 is the USA one.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Script to dd from an SD card only partitioned area

2016-09-20 Thread Colin Law
On 20 September 2016 at 08:55, Neil Greenwood
<> wrote:
> On 19 September 2016 21:07:13 BST, Colin Law <> wrote:
>>On 19 September 2016 at 20:13, Neil Greenwood
>><> wrote:
>>> Sorry for the top post, I'm on my phone.
>>> I think partimage does what you want already. Clonezilla gives a
>>> slightly) friendlier front end, but I've not used either for several
>>> years...
>>I believe partimage does not handle ext4 which would be a problem (at
>>least that is what [1] says)
> You are right. It looks like it may work with ext4, but it's not supported. 
> fsarchiver is an alternative that does support ext4 and is written by the 
> partimage developer.

I think fsarchiver will only archive one partition at a time rather
than the complete device.

>>I had thought about clonezilla and will have another look at it. The
>>last time I used it (which was some time ago) it seemed overly
>>complex, but perhaps I just need to put a bit more effort in to see
>>how to use it from a script.
> Clonezilla definitely supports ext4, using partclone which may be more easily 
> scripted...

I can report that clonezilla does exactly what I need.  Having worked
my way through the rather tortuous UI it is, in fact, very easy to
script.  To clone the SD card I just need to unmount any mounted
partitions on the device (sdb in my case):
for n in /dev/sdb* ; do umount $n ; done

Then mount the folder I want to save the image in as /home/partimag
sudo mount --bind $FOLDERTOCLONETO /home/partimag
and run the command
sudo /usr/sbin/ocs-sr -q2 -c -j2 -z1p -i 4096 -fsck-src-part -p choose
savedisk  sdb

and to restore to a card, unmount its partitions and mount
/home/partimag as above and
sudo /usr/sbin/ocs-sr -g auto -e1 auto -e2 -c -r -icds -j2 -p true
restoredisk  sdb

This seems to work perfectly, and has the added bonus that the image
is much smaller that dd (even when gzipped).  The Raspbian Lite image
which contains about 1.3GiB of files in a 2GB partition (plus the
other bits and pieces) is squashed down to just over 0.5GiB when
cloned, but is 1.2GiB when dumped with dd and then gzipped.

Thanks all for the suggestions



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Script to dd from an SD card only partitioned area

2016-09-19 Thread Colin Law
On 19 September 2016 at 20:13, Neil Greenwood
<> wrote:
> Sorry for the top post, I'm on my phone.
> I think partimage does what you want already. Clonezilla gives a (very
> slightly) friendlier front end, but I've not used either for several
> years...

I believe partimage does not handle ext4 which would be a problem (at
least that is what [1] says)

I had thought about clonezilla and will have another look at it. The
last time I used it (which was some time ago) it seemed overly
complex, but perhaps I just need to put a bit more effort in to see
how to use it from a script.




> Neil
> On 19 September 2016 17:49:44 BST, Colin Law <> wrote:
>> On 19 September 2016 at 17:18, Robert McWilliam <> wrote:
>>>  On Mon, 19 Sep 2016, at 14:21, Colin Law wrote:
>>>>  I do a fair amount of work with SD cards and use dd to create an image
>>>>  for backup or for burning onto other cards. If I burn an image from an
>>>>  8GB card onto a 16GB card then I get a card which is only half used.
>>>>  If I then make an image from that one then I get a 16GB image (of
>>>>  which only 8GB or less is partitioned) which is larger than it needs
>>>>  to be and also if I burn that onto another 8GB card then it fails as
>>>>  the card is not large enough (or at least it says it has failed, the
>>>>  card will in fact be ok).
>>>  You can copy a single
>>> partition by pointing dd at the partition rather
>>>  than the device, e.g. sda1 rather than sda. I expect that would achieve
>>>  the same thing as  giving dd offset and size that you can get from fdisk
>>>  (but less likely to get those wrong).
>>>  Neither approach will give you an image that you can (reliably) put back
>>>  onto a card with (just) dd. It won't include the partition table.
>> Is not the partition table in the space before the first partition? So
>> in the example I posted where I had
>> Device Boot  Start End Sectors Size Id Type
>> /dev/sdb1 8192  137215  129024  63M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
>> /dev/sdb2   137216 4233215 4096000   2G 83 Linux
>> is not the partition table in sectors 0 to 8191? So if I copy sectors
>> 0 to 2333215 that should include the partition table and all the
>> partitions.  Is that not correct?
>>>  It
>>>  will work if the destination card is partitioned the same as the source
>>>  and you write to the same offset, or if you've got a partition the same
>>>  size and you update the offset to hit that, but otherwise you'd need to
>>>  update the partition table (and other partitions) to make an
>>>  appropriately sized gap for it and then write to that.
>>>  I think it's better to look at what you're trying to do, and see if dd
>>>  is the right tool. I can understand wanting to use dd for archiving or
>>>  backing up cards since it'll also catch things that have been deleted or
>>>  lost to filesystem corruption that you can then (try to) recover once
>>>  you've noticed that something is missing. I'm less convinced it's a good
>>>  idea going the other way; it causes the problems you're seeing when
>>>  sizes aren't the same and it means you're writing more to the cards than
>>>  you need to. I
>>> think you'd be better to mount the image file and copy
>>>  the files across to the card.
>> To do it that way I believe I would have to write a script to pick up
>> the partition info from the original card, mount and copy the files in
>> each partition, and save the partition info with the files. Then to
>> restore it I would need a script to re-partition the new card and copy
>> the files across to each partition.
>> Colin
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> --


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Script to dd from an SD card only partitioned area

2016-09-19 Thread Colin Law
On 19 September 2016 at 18:37, Robert McWilliam <> wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Sep 2016, at 17:49, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 19 September 2016 at 17:18, Robert McWilliam <> wrote:
>> Is not the partition table in the space before the first partition? So
>> in the example I posted where I had
>> Device Boot  Start End Sectors Size Id Type
>> /dev/sdb1 8192  137215  129024  63M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
>> /dev/sdb2   137216 4233215 4096000   2G 83 Linux
>> is not the partition table in sectors 0 to 8191? So if I copy sectors
>> 0 to 2333215 that should include the partition table and all the
>> partitions.  Is that not correct?
> Put a 4 in front of that end sector number, lose one of the 3's, and
> yes, I think you'd get partition table and those two partitions. That
> kind of transcription error is why I don't think you should play with
> offsets directly. That looks like a human transcription error so you
> wouldn't have exactly that type of error in a script, but parsing text
> to get a number is really fragile (what appears in the "Boot" column
> there when it has something? Will your parsing be thrown off that? What
> else might change?).

Indeed, that is precisely why I hoped there would either be better
ways of determining the partion information or a better way of doing
the whole exercise.

> ...
> For a whole card image you can make loopback devices for the partitions
> in it:
> $sudo losetup -Pf --show disk_image.raw
> then mount the partitions
> $sudo mount /dev/loop0p1 /mnt/point
> then copy the files to a card (or anywhere else) with normal file
> management tools, unmount the image:
> $sudo umount /mnt/point
> and detach the loopback device
> $sudo losetup -d /dev/loop0

That is interesting, thanks.

> For the single partition image you don't need the loopback device and
> can mount it directly with:
> $sudo mount -o loop partition_image.raw /mnt/point
> As for partitioning the destination card: I'd keep them all partitioned
> with one partition the full size of the card. If you want a clean card
> to restore an image too: rm -rf /where/its/mounted (be very, very,
> careful if putting that in a script with something to determine the
> mount point...).

I don't have full control of the partitions. The example I showed is
is a bootable raspbian lite card. Another is a NOOBS card running
raspbian, another is a SheevaPlug running Ubuntu 9.04 and so on. So if
I want an automatic script it will have to clean and re-partition the
new card appropriately.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Script to dd from an SD card only partitioned area

2016-09-19 Thread Colin Law
On 19 September 2016 at 17:18, Robert McWilliam <> wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Sep 2016, at 14:21, Colin Law wrote:
>> I do a fair amount of work with SD cards and use dd to create an image
>> for backup or for burning onto other cards. If I burn an image from an
>> 8GB card onto a 16GB card then I get a card which is only half used.
>> If I then make an image from that one then I get a 16GB image (of
>> which only 8GB or less is partitioned) which is larger than it needs
>> to be and also if I burn that onto another 8GB card then it fails as
>> the card is not large enough (or at least it says it has failed, the
>> card will in fact be ok).
> You can copy a single partition by pointing dd at the partition rather
> than the device, e.g. sda1 rather than sda. I expect that would achieve
> the same thing as  giving dd offset and size that you can get from fdisk
> (but less likely to get those wrong).
> Neither approach will give you an image that you can (reliably) put back
> onto a card with (just) dd. It won't include the partition table.

Is not the partition table in the space before the first partition? So
in the example I posted where I had

Device Boot  Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1 8192  137215  129024  63M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sdb2   137216 4233215 4096000   2G 83 Linux

is not the partition table in sectors 0 to 8191? So if I copy sectors
0 to 2333215 that should include the partition table and all the
partitions.  Is that not correct?

> It
> will work if the destination card is partitioned the same as the source
> and you write to the same offset, or if you've got a partition the same
> size and you update the offset to hit that, but otherwise you'd need to
> update the partition table (and other partitions) to make an
> appropriately sized gap for it and then write to that.
> I think it's better to look at what you're trying to do, and see if dd
> is the right tool. I can understand wanting to use dd for archiving or
> backing up cards since it'll also catch things that have been deleted or
> lost to filesystem corruption that you can then (try to) recover once
> you've noticed that something is missing. I'm less convinced it's a good
> idea going the other way; it causes the problems you're seeing when
> sizes aren't the same and it means you're writing more to the cards than
> you need to. I think you'd be better to mount the image file and copy
> the files across to the card.

To do it that way I believe I would have to write a script to pick up
the partition info from the original card, mount and copy the files in
each partition, and save the partition info with the files. Then to
restore it I would need a script to re-partition the new card and copy
the files across to each partition.



[ubuntu-uk] Script to dd from an SD card only partitioned area

2016-09-19 Thread Colin Law
I do a fair amount of work with SD cards and use dd to create an image
for backup or for burning onto other cards. If I burn an image from an
8GB card onto a 16GB card then I get a card which is only half used.
If I then make an image from that one then I get a 16GB image (of
which only 8GB or less is partitioned) which is larger than it needs
to be and also if I burn that onto another 8GB card then it fails as
the card is not large enough (or at least it says it has failed, the
card will in fact be ok).

The ideal would be a script which uses dd to make the image, but only
copies as much as is necessary of the card.  Before starting on a
script I thought I would bounce the idea of those here in case anyone
can see a flaw in my method, or has a better idea.

Running fdisk -l /dev/sdb gives

$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Disk /dev/sdb: 14.9 GiB, 15931539456 bytes, 31116288 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0xe5cfcef7

Device Boot  Start End Sectors Size Id Type
/dev/sdb1 8192  137215  129024  63M  c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/sdb2   137216 4233215 4096000   2G 83 Linux

>From which I see that the sector size is 512 bytes and the end sector
of the last partition is 4233215.  From this I deduce that I must tell
dd to copy (4233215+1)*512 bytes.  Am I missing anything here?  If
that is correct then I can see that I could write a script to use
fdisk to get the sector size and the highest value of end sector and
call dd accordingly.

Any better ideas?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu upgade 14.04 to 16.04 - incomplete Lois McNab

2016-08-04 Thread Colin Law
On 4 August 2016 at 13:43, Lois McNab <> wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> Thank you for the advice.
> Excuse my ignorance , how do I run sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade?

First a couple of points about protocol on this list.  Please don't
top post. Insert your reply into the previous message at appropriate
points.  Also please post in plain text not html.  Thanks.

You type it and hit enter.  That is after logging in as I explained previously.
Now you can see the benefit of inserting replies.  If you had done
that my previous post explaining what to do would have been just above
this so you could easily find it.  Now you are going to have to scroll
down looking for my previous reply.


> Thanks in advance
> Lois McNab
> From: ""
> <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, 4 August 2016, 13:00
> Subject: ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 136, Issue 5
> Send ubuntu-uk mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of ubuntu-uk digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1.  Ubuntu upgade 14.04 to 16.04 -incomplete (Lois McNab)
>   2. Re:  Ubuntu upgade 14.04 to 16.04 -incomplete (Colin Law)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2016 06:22:46 + (UTC)
> From: Lois McNab <>
> To: "" <>
> Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu upgade 14.04 to 16.04 -incomplete
> Message-ID:
> <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hello,
> I started to upgrade on 1.8.2016 from 14.04 to 16.04 ?and the files were
> being upgraded , when it stopped/froze.
> I attempted to restart the computer ,pressed F1 the following message
> appeared on ?black screen:
> [?ok?]?Started create volatile files and directories.? ? ? ? ?starting
> update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown...? ? ? ? ?starting network time
> synchronisation...[ok] ? starting update UTMP about system
> Boot/Shutdown..?[ok]?? started Network Time Synchronisation.[ok]?? Reached
> target System Time synchronised.[ok] ?Started Set console font and
> keymap.[ok]??Created slice system-getty.slice.[ok] ? started LSB: AppArmor
> initialisation.?[ok] ?started udev Kernel Device Manager.? ? ? ? ? starting
> Show Plymouth Boot screen[ok] ? Reached Target Printer
> Flashing cursor at bottom, I am unble to type anything.
> Any suggestions /advice ?would be much appreciated.
> ThanksLois?
> ?
> Lois McNab
> ------ next part --
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> URL:
> <>
> --
> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2016 08:32:33 +0100
> From: Colin Law <>
> To: Lois McNab <>, UK Ubuntu Talk
> <>
> Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu upgade 14.04 to 16.04 -incomplete
> Message-ID:

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu upgade 14.04 to 16.04 -incomplete

2016-08-04 Thread Colin Law
On 4 August 2016 at 07:22, Lois McNab  wrote:
> Hello,
> I started to upgrade on 1.8.2016 from 14.04 to 16.04  and the files were
> being upgraded , when it stopped/froze.
> I attempted to restart the computer ,pressed F1 the following message
> appeared on  black screen:
> ...
> Flashing cursor at bottom, I am unble to type anything.

Hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 which
should take you to a terminal.  Login there and run
sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade
if there are any errors come back to us.  Then reboot using
sudo reboot
and see if that helps


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Mystic Meg aka Facebook

2016-06-22 Thread Colin Law
On 22 June 2016 at 08:44, Pete Smout  wrote:
> On 22 Jun 2016 06:13, "Gareth France"  wrote:
>> On 22/06/16 01:10, Liam Proven wrote:
>>> Do you have the FB client on your smartphone? Did you let it access
>>> your contacts? Then it knows who you called, knows his number and made
>>> the connection.
>> As I understand it this would not be possible on the Ubuntu phone.
> There's is a great advert for the Ubuntu phone

Even better don't use facebook.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] New hard drive errors

2016-06-19 Thread Colin Law
On 18 June 2016 at 16:21, Mark Fraser  wrote:
> Bought a new 3TB hard drive this week onto which I created a new GPT partition
> table and a 3TB ext4 partition. This completed successfully and I used rsync
> to copy some files onto it.
> The next day, I was unable to mount the drive and so I ran fsck on it. This
> failed pass 5: Checking group summary information with lots of block bitmap
> differences.

If you have not already done so then check the SMART data for the disc.

Also look in syslog to see if there are any rude messages.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corrupt VLC problem in 4.2014

2016-04-04 Thread Colin Law
On 4 April 2016 at 20:32, Michael  wrote:
> I tried deleting in terminal but did not.
> A DVD causes drive-chatter, sometimes a box of error messages, but no
> playback possible, just shows the disc title.
> Was good, looks like VLC corruption has developed.

VLC will not have become corrupted.  It is just possible that some of
it's settings may have become messed up.  To check that logon as Guest
and try vlc again, that will give you a new set of settings for the
app.  If it works in guest then I suggest removing (back in your
normal login) the folder .config/vlc which I believe contains your
personal vlc settings.

> I'm hoping a complete removal is possible in terminal, is anybody able to
> tell me what to do, please ?

If you really want to remove it then
sudo apt purge vlc
That will remove the app and all configuration files installed by vlc.
To remove your personal settings for vlc remove the folder .config/vlc
as mentioned above.

However it sounds more like a hardware issue to me.  Does the drive
still work in a different player?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Missing menu in top panel.

2016-01-19 Thread Colin Law
On 19 January 2016 at 09:04, Barry Drake  wrote:
> On 13/01/16 20:37, Barry Drake wrote:
>> I have reported the missing menus in the top panel as bug #1533826 in
>> respect of Audacity.
> I have just reported the identical bug as Libreoffice Bug #1535579. Please
> can someone confirm it, as I have no idea how many other applications it may
> effect at this stage.  We are talking about Xenial, and it is not long to
> its release date.  My system is up to date as at yesterday.

I am not seeing it in either app, there must be something a bit
different about your machine.  Have you tried a fresh install?



Re: [ubuntu-uk]

2016-01-13 Thread Colin Law
On 13 January 2016 at 18:07, Barry Drake  wrote:
>>Not sure what you mean by gnome menus in the top panel. Can you be
>>more explicit? Are you running Ubuntu with Unity?
> Hi Colin .   When you move the mouse pointer into the top panel, many
> applications show a menu on the left of the top panel. Libreoffice is one
> example, but the one I'm having a problem with is Audacity.  The menu works
> OK in Thunderbird, but not in the others. I suppose I'll report it as and
> 'Audacity' bug, and see what response I get.

Both Audacity and LibreOffice ok on fully updated 16.04 here.  Have
you tried doing another update in case you you updated whilst the
repos themselves were being updated so you did not get all that you
should have?



Re: [ubuntu-uk]

2016-01-13 Thread Colin Law
On 13 January 2016 at 15:46, Barry Drake  wrote:
> Hi    In 16.04, currently all the gnome menus on the top panel seem to
> have disappeared.  This makes some applications, Libreoffice, not fully
> useable as some functions can only be accessed from the menu.  I can't find
> an existing bug report for this.  What program should I report it against
> please?

Not sure what you mean by gnome menus in the top panel.  Can you be
more explicit?  Are you running Ubuntu with Unity?

I will update mine (has not been done for a couple of days) to see if I see it.


> Regards,Barry.
> --
> --


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyboard shortcuts in 15.04

2015-12-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 December 2015 at 11:06, Liam Proven  wrote:
> On 17 December 2015 at 08:45, Barry Drake  wrote:
>> Sorry not to respond sooner.  I've booted into the BIOS settings.  I could
>> not find anything that has to do with wake/sleep.  The manual than deals
>> with the BIOS setup is at:

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyboard shortcuts in 15.04

2015-12-16 Thread Colin Law
On 16 December 2015 at 20:20, Liam Proven  wrote:
> * Ubuntu has its own software-driven suspend/resume and hibernate/wake

Is Ubuntu's hibernate (as opposed to suspend) reliable?  I thought it
was no longer supported.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyboard shortcuts in 15.04

2015-12-15 Thread Colin Law
On 15 December 2015 at 21:43, Barry Drake  wrote:
> Hi there   The +F3 is permanently hard-coded to sleep/wake.  I
> can't find anywhere a keyboard shortcuts conf file.  The locations given for
> earlier versions of Ubuntu on the internet are no longer valid for 15.04.  I
> need all the F keys to play different pieces of Christmas music (Carols)
> with the press of a key.  I need to set it up on my laptop before Christmas
> eve.  Anyone able to give me a clue please?

This may do what you want.
System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone

2015-12-01 Thread Colin Law
On 1 December 2015 at 17:47, Tony Pursell  wrote:
> I have both an Android and an Ubuntu phone.  The only Google thing the
> Ubuntu phone doesn't do is Hangouts.  I would love to have that.  What I do
> have is Gmail, G+, Maps & Calendar.

For those that use it Hangouts is an essential (including integration with SMS).
Does it do google navigation?  The real-time traffic data is the killer there.
I am not trying to be negative about Ubuntu Phone, it would be great
if it manages to catch up with Android.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone

2015-12-01 Thread Colin Law
On 1 December 2015 at 16:39, Alan Pope <> wrote:
> On 1 December 2015 at 16:35, Colin Law <> wrote:
>> Without the Google Apps (Gmail, Hangouts, Maps, navigation, G+) a lot
>> of Android users will be very resistant to moving to Ubuntu,
>> unfortunately.
> ..and many don't need any of those.. :)
> My brother - a very typical mobile phone user - just switched from a
> Samsung Android device to a Nokia/Windows device because all he wants
> is Facebook, a camera and browser.
> There's a lot of different types of users out there.

Agreed, I was not suggesting otherwise.  Though certainly a
significant majority of the dozen or so Android users I know require
at least a couple of the google apps.  They are not necessarily
typical users however.

For myself I wish I could justify having a second phone in order to
have Ubuntu on it.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu phone

2015-12-01 Thread Colin Law
On 1 December 2015 at 16:17, Barry Drake  wrote:
> On 01/12/15 14:19, Liam Proven wrote:
>> On 1 December 2015 at 15:15, Alan Pope  wrote:
>>> No, other platforms (Jolla, Tizen) have it.
>> And Blackberry 10, which isn't even a version of Linux. (I have a
>> Passport, a new smartphone with an actual physical *keyboard*. There's
>> innovation for you!)
> Oh, I know it's quite feasible.  And quite a lot of the system is open
> source.  Since it runs on a very limited Linux kernel, I can see it wouldn't
> be much of a problem.  If any of the phone team are listening, please put it
> on the wish-list.

Without the Google Apps (Gmail, Hangouts, Maps, navigation, G+) a lot
of Android users will be very resistant to moving to Ubuntu,



Re: [ubuntu-uk] $5 Computer

2015-11-26 Thread Colin Law
On 26 November 2015 at 13:17, Alan Lord  wrote:
> Slightly OT but I thought it interesting in case anyone missed the
> announcement this morning:

That's outrageous.  Free computer with magazine indeed.  What is the
world coming to?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 15.10 Wily - Dash problem

2015-08-30 Thread Colin Law
On 30 August 2015 at 17:07, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 30/08/15 17:01, Colin Law wrote:

 How did you remove them?

 In the Online Accounts settings window, on the Google account settings, each
 of these accounts shows an 'on/off' switch.  I turned all of them off to
 block access.  I didn't remove any software, or alter any other parameters.

Do you mean accounts in the left hand pane?  I am not seeing any there.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 15.10 Wily - Dash problem

2015-08-29 Thread Colin Law
On 29 August 2015 at 12:25, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 29/08/15 11:25, Alan Pope wrote:

 Do you mean the launcher on the left is gone, or it is there but empty, or
 it's there and you can open the dash (with the windows key) but no apps

 Hi Alan.  Thanks for your quick response. The launcher hasn't changed. The
 dash appears as normal, but shows only documents.  Clicking the 'apps' icon
 at the bottom of the dash tells me that there is nothing that matches the
 search (for all applications).  I said This happened immediately after I'd
 tried to 'de-google' the system as far as I was able.  I had removed all of
 the google integration settings from the system settings - online accounts
 with the exception of contacts.  It may have been co-incidental, but
 immediately after that, the problem first occurred.

Have you disabled online search? I know it should not make any
difference, but if so then try enabling it again.
System Settings  Security  Privacy  Search



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 15.10 Wily - Dash problem

2015-08-29 Thread Colin Law
On 29 August 2015 at 14:06, Barry Drake wrote:
 Hi Colin    Thanks for your reply which seems to have disappeared! No,
 the online search is not disabled - but I think I had it disabled when I was
 trying to avoid google interference.  Re-enabling everything did not cure
 the problem.

OK, I thought it might be (Dash search
of applications is randomly disabled when online searches have been
turned off) but apparently not.

Don't know then, sorry.


 Kind regards,   Barry.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Getting Amazon Prime videos to work

2015-08-12 Thread Colin Law
On 12 August 2015 at 22:09, David King wrote:
 I am having trouble getting Amazon Prime videos to work in Ubuntu. It's
 Ubuntu Studio 14.04 with XFCE desktop.

Can you give us a link to an example video?


 I have tried it in Firefox, Chromium, Qupzilla, Opera, Vivaldi and Midori --
 it fails in all of them, including causing Midori to crash. However I got it
 to work perfectly on a friend's laptop running Linux Mint 13.

 So I tried it in Linux Mint 17 in Virtual Box but that would not work. And
 then in Linux Mint 13 in Virtual Box, which did not work until I updated
 Firefox and installed Flash and then it worked perfectly.

 I know that some people get it working in Ubuntu (someone said they did in a
 recent Ubuntu podcast, episode 21 of series 8, but did not say how) -- so
 how can I get it to work in Ubuntu?

 I have got it working on my Raspberry Pi running OpenELEC/Kodi, but would be
 great to have it running in Ubuntu on my PC as well.

 David K



Re: [ubuntu-uk] WIFI sending problem ....

2015-08-12 Thread Colin Law
On 12 August 2015 at 07:02, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 11/08/15 21:22, Colin Law wrote:

 What do you see in syslog when it disconnects?

 Bless you Colin.  Looks like a hardware problem, and I think I've cracked
 it.  Never thought to look at the syslog.  Silly of me.  Thanks.

Glad to be of help




Re: [ubuntu-uk] WIFI sending problem ....

2015-08-11 Thread Colin Law
On 11 August 2015 at 21:16, Barry Drake wrote:
 Hi There ...  Just about to go off for a couple of days with my netbook.
 Haven't used it for a month or two.  WIFI was just fine then.  I'm running
 15.10.  I did all the updates, and as always, copied the .thunderbird
 directory over from my laptop.  I got all the more recent messages just fine
 BUT if I send a message, the WIFI connection is killed completely - only a
 re-boot gets it back.  I've tried two other email clients, with the same
 result.  I hope to receive emaile the next few days, but will not be able to
 sent to the list,  anything important, I can phone someone to reply to your
 personal email address.

 First, how can I report this as a bug (what program - it is not confined to
 a specific client).  Second, anyone got any thoughts?  I'm away for a
 holiday in a few weeks, and will have to install a different OS for the time
 being if there is no solution yet.

What do you see in syslog when it disconnects?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for old computers

2015-06-25 Thread Colin Law
On 25 June 2015 at 10:11, Barry Drake wrote:

 If anyone comes up with a better option than Zorin, I'll get it!

Have you tried ubuntu mate?  I have found it good on old PCs



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Pre installed - HP 'standard images' 'may not work' WTF

2015-06-07 Thread Colin Law
On 7 June 2015 at 10:50, alan c wrote:
 I was very interested in the HP laptops on EBuyer - Ubuntu pre installed.
 '..HP ProBook 455 Notebook PC is powered by an AMD A10-7300 APU with AMD
 Radeon™ R6 Graphics. ..'

 then I came across the caviat on the official certification site
 2) Standard images of Ubuntu may not work at all on the system or may not
 work well, though Canonical and computer manufacturers will try to certify
 the system with future standard releases of Ubuntu.
 Mmm. Not so keen now.

 I dont mind mmc cards not working or some specific slowness, but 'Standard
 images of Ubuntu may not work at all' For heavens sakes?
 Looks like a no deal, and something of a poison pill?

My interpretation of that would be that the system will work as
supplied but if you replaced the supplied system with a standard
Ubuntu one there is no guarantee.  I don't see that is unreasonable.
One cannot expect them to guarantee that the machine will work with
all future versions of Ubuntu any more than if you buy a Windows
machine it is guaranteed to work with all future versions of Windows.

You are still better off than buying one without Ubuntu pre-installed,
as that is not guaranteed to work at all with Ubuntu.

However I think I would want one with 14.04 not 12.04.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Annoying installation problem ....

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Law
On 6 June 2015 at 08:20, Barry Drake wrote:
 Hi there    I had a most annoying problem when installing the testing
 version of Wily - 15.10.  I have two internal drives.  One currently has
 Mint installed, and the other had 15.04 testing in use until I installed

 Following the defaults, the installer warned me that it wanted to install a
 boot partition and that this might not support a legacy BIOS boot that it
 had detected on another installation.  It gave me no alternative but a
 manual partitioning.  I followed the defaults.  The result was that the
 drive with Ubuntu on would not boot.  I had to boot into Mint and do
 'update-grub' in order to make it bootable from the other drive.  After
 trying to install a legacy boot partition to the Ubuntu drive, I ended up
 with so many problems that I re-installed 15.10.  This time, I was not asked
 the same question, and the install took place with no separate boot
 partition and behaved the way it previously had on earlier versions.

To understand the problem further, some questions.

Assuming the drives were sda and sdb which is which?
As originally setup how did you select which system to boot from?  Did
you tell the BIOS to boot off one disk or the other or did you get a
grub menu that allowed you to select which one?
If it was the latter then which drive did it actually boot from to
give you the grub menu (as setup in BIOS)?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Annoying installation problem ....

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Law
On 6 June 2015 at 11:27, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 06/06/15 11:07, Colin Law wrote:

 On 6 June 2015 at 10:32, Barry Drake wrote:

 On 06/06/15 08:31, Colin Law wrote:

 I don't think 'sda' is a valid answer to all the questions, notably:
 As originally setup how did you select which system to boot from? Did
 you tell the BIOS to boot off one disk or the other, or did you get a
 grub menu that allowed you to select which one?

 During installation, I used the BIOS boot menu to boot from a DVD.  This is
 not the BIOS default, which I had at that time set to boot from sda.  Both
 sda and sdb had a boot sector with grub installed.  The grub menu on both
 had been configured to allow booting from either of the two operating
 systems.  In this case, I had booted straight from the DVD so the
 installation should not have detected any extraneous information.

You did not answer the other questions on my previous post.  Apologies
if that is because you still have to sort out the answers.  I thought
I had better say in case you had missed the questions.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Annoying installation problem ....

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Law
On 6 June 2015 at 14:24, Barry Drake wrote:
 When I decided to re-install, everything was the same as before, but the
 warning did not appear at all.  Grub was installed to sda only, and sdb was
 not at that time made bootable.

I that case perhaps, as I suggested, you did not tell the installer to
use sdb for boot.

That does not explain why it would not boot off sdb the first time,
but it is may be too late to work that out now.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Annoying installation problem ....

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Law
On 6 June 2015 at 10:32, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 06/06/15 08:31, Colin Law wrote:

 Assuming the drives were sda and sdb which is which?
 As originally setup how did you select which system to boot from?  Did
 you tell the BIOS to boot off one disk or the other or did you get a
 grub menu that allowed you to select which one?
 If it was the latter then which drive did it actually boot from to
 give you the grub menu (as setup in BIOS)?

 Thanks Colin    The answer to all three questions is sda.

I don't think 'sda' is a valid answer to all the questions, notably:

As originally setup how did you select which system to boot from? Did
you tell the BIOS to boot off one disk or the other, or did you get a
grub menu that allowed you to select which one?

  I was
 installing to sdb, following all the defaults for reformatting and using the
 entire drive.  Mint was (is) on sda.  On completing the installation, sdb
 would not boot, although it had what looked like a valid boot installation
 on a 510 Mb FAT32 boot partition.  Nor had sda had an update to grub.  I
 really can't see why it had messed up what it ought to have done with the
 boot/grub process on sdb.

How were you trying to boot of sdb?

What exactly happened when you tried?

You should not have expected the grub on sda to be updated, as if I
understand correctly what you did that should not have affected sda at

 Neither can I see why it handled the re-installation differently. Basically,
 the installer doesn't seem to be able to handle systems with more than one
 bootable hard drive very intuitively.  The second installation did not make
 sdb bootable at all!  It re-installed grub to sda, and did an update-grub to
 that drive.  I had to install grub manually to sdb and do an update to that
 drive to make it bootable.  I find it most curious!

Are you sure you selected sdb as the drive to put grub on?  I think it
may default to sda, but not sure.  Perhaps that is the difference
between the first and second goes.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Annoying installation problem ....

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Law
On 6 June 2015 at 12:11, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 06/06/15 11:50, Colin Law wrote:

 You did not answer the other questions on my previous post.  Apologies
 if that is because you still have to sort out the answers.  I thought
 I had better say in case you had missed the questions.

 Sorry Colin .  I saw all the questions - the fact is I did not boot from
 the grub menu which was normally used to boot in the manner stated.  During
 installation, I had booted directly from the DVD.  Please ask me which part
 of the question I had not answered.  The BIOS boot setting was set to sda,
 but this was not used when booting the live DVD for installation.

 During the running of the live DVD, neither sda nor sdb were mounted until
 the installer mounted sdb and re-formatted it.

Copying from my previous post (with minor adjustments for clarification):
  I was
 installing to sdb, following all the defaults for reformatting and using the
 entire drive.  Mint was (is) on sda.  On completing the installation, sdb
 would not boot, although it had what looked like a valid boot installation
 on a 510 Mb FAT32 boot partition.  Nor had sda had an update to grub.  I
 really can't see why it had messed up what it ought to have done with the
 boot/grub process on sdb.

How were you trying to boot off sdb (when it would not boot)?

What exactly happened when you tried?

You should not have expected the grub on sda to be updated, as if I
understand correctly what you did that should not have affected sda at

 Neither can I see why it handled the re-installation differently. Basically,
 the installer doesn't seem to be able to handle systems with more than one
 bootable hard drive very intuitively.  The second installation did not make
 sdb bootable at all!  It re-installed grub to sda, and did an update-grub to
 that drive.  I had to install grub manually to sdb and do an update to that
 drive to make it bootable.  I find it most curious!

Are you sure you selected sdb as the drive to put grub on?  I think it
may default to sda, but not sure.  Perhaps that is the difference
between the first and second goes.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Annoying installation problem ....

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Law
On 6 June 2015 at 15:47, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 06/06/15 14:40, Colin Law wrote:

 I that case perhaps, as I suggested, you did not tell the installer to
 use sdb for boot.

 As Ubuntu is now so quick and easy to install, I popped a spare 80GiB drive
 into my caddy, and repeated the exact procedure to install onto sdc (the
 80GiB drive).
 1) Boot from DVD.
 2) Select 'Install Ubuntu' from the first partition.
 3) Followed defaults after selecting 'Erase disk and install Ubuntu', and
 selecting sdc as the disk to be erased.
 At no point was there anything to ask where I wanted grub to go.  I think
 this can only be done from the manual install screen.  As on the second
 occasion, there was no message about the boot not being compatible with
 legacy BIOS.

Is it possible, on your first attempt, that before selecting the erase
all option you had gone into the Something Else option and selected
sdb as the boot loader destination?  Unfortunately I have not got a
spare machine at the moment and don't want to go past the Erase Disk
option in case I accidentally erase my working system.

When you go onto the page where you select which disc to erase is
there nothing about boot loader destination?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Annoying installation problem ....

2015-06-06 Thread Colin Law
On 6 June 2015 at 15:47, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 06/06/15 14:40, Colin Law wrote:

 I that case perhaps, as I suggested, you did not tell the installer to
 use sdb for boot.

 As Ubuntu is now so quick and easy to install, I popped a spare 80GiB drive
 into my caddy, and repeated the exact procedure to install onto sdc (the
 80GiB drive).
 1) Boot from DVD.
 2) Select 'Install Ubuntu' from the first partition.
 3) Followed defaults after selecting 'Erase disk and install Ubuntu', and
 selecting sdc as the disk to be erased.
 At no point was there anything to ask where I wanted grub to go.  I think
 this can only be done from the manual install screen.  As on the second
 occasion, there was no message about the boot not being compatible with
 legacy BIOS.

 After the requested restart at the end of the installation, grub had been
 installed and updated to sda, and showed Mint, and the two installations of
 Ubuntu (the one on sdb and the one on sdc).  sdc itself had not been made

 That does not explain why it would not boot off sdb the first time,
 but it is may be too late to work that out now.

 It is also very difficult to understand why there were two differences in
 behaviour from the same DVD.  On the first installation, I was taken to a
 grub screen to select Live DVD, installation or OEM installation. The second
 and third time, I did not get this, or the subsequent warning about no
 compatibility with legacy BIOS.

I have not got a Wily install DVD so cannot check at the moment.
Immediately on booting from the DVD do you get, for a few seconds, a
picture of a man and keyboard at the bottom of screen?  If so what
happens if you immediately hit a key?

Will come back to the other issues.  I think I will have to download
Wily, which takes several hours on my slow broadband :(
See below also.

  The disk is read only, and finalised.  I
 can't think where the installer might have stored the new information ...
 The reason I am asking all this is because I understand so little about the
 installer itself - It's wonderful unless you have more than one disk drive

 I always follow the installation defaults whenever I install the testing
 version, as I assume that is what the majority of folk will do.  That way,
 hopefully, problems I find will be similar for most folk.  I suppose I could
 burn a fresh DVD and do another fresh install to sdc to see what happens,
 but if the information is not on the DVD, I guess the same would happen as

 Back to me real question - how can I report this strange behaviour?  I do
 regard it as a bug.

I think first it is worth while working out exactly what happened, but
when you get round to it I believe you should run from the DVD and
ubuntu-bug ubiquity




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Clock settings greyed out

2015-05-27 Thread Colin Law
On 27 May 2015 at 09:09, Dianne wrote:
 Running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Today my clock doesn't show in my menu bar,
 settings on clock tab are all OK but greyed out. Time is set to auto from
 internet, and I can change settings on this tab OK. I'm sure it was OK
 yesterday! No updates to system yesterday, though I've had quite a few over
 the previous few days, and I'm sure clock displayed OK since those updates.

That is likely this (intermittent) bug.  Logout/in usually sorts it.


 Thanks for any advice,



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-03 Thread Colin Law
On 3 May 2015 at 20:55, Gareth France wrote:
 My brain still hurts from figuring out everything I have done so far. I'd
 rather not have to start again if I can at all help it. As you say there
 will be a correct way to do this and I would hope that being pointed to that
 correct way I would be able to do so with the tools I am already using. I
 shall keep this message highlighted but I'd like to hold off looking at this
 sword thing for as long as possible, it sounds like it might just be the
 straw that broke the camel's back!

I thought you had got over the problem that Barry is addressing.  That
was the debian/source/format:3.0 (quilt) was it not?

No-one has replied to my suggestion that the answer to the path
problem is to install the s/w in /opt and put a link to the program in
/usr/bin/.  That is the way that teamviewer does it, for example

$ ls /opt/teamviewer9/
config  doc  logfiles  tv_bin

$ ls -l /usr/bin/teamviewer
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 Sep  4  2014 /usr/bin/teamviewer -

The question is whether that satisfies the rules or not.


 On 03/05/15 20:52, Barry Drake wrote:

 On 03/05/15 20:04, Gareth France wrote:

 As most people are now well aware I'm desperate to be able to work out
 GUI programming, but it does not seem to be my fate. There must be a
 correct way to submit a commercial command line only program. It is
 virtually useless if each user must be taught to use the full path each

 Gareth - I'm away from my main computer at the moment and don't have all
 the stuff with me.  This is the critical patch from the Sword library
 package.  I is a copy of Dmitri's original from an earlier Sword Debian
 package.  I do remember not being able to get it to work properly until
 I was told to use the chroot version of Debian.  I spent many frustrated
 hours trying.  There is no gui in the Sword engine - it's pure library
 binary stuff with the odd commanline program - and it was just fine.
 Your program does not need to be gui - it just needs to put stuff where
 Debian/Ubuntu allows it.  pbuilder under debootstrap is very strict, and
 gives a lot more error messages.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-05-03 Thread Colin Law
On 3 May 2015 at 12:01, Alan Pope wrote:
 On 3 May 2015 at 11:36, Gareth France wrote:
 There is no point in botching it to make it work as that's not really an
 instruction I can expect anyone downloading it to have to follow.

 Will the packaging moderators be happy with me installing to /usr/local?

 It will be rejected if you do.

 Submitting for inclusion

 Basic DOs and Dont's for packaging for Commercial Applications


 Please use /opt/application_name/ as your application root directory

I see some apps install a link to the application binary from
/usr/bin.  Is that the recommended approach?




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Issues packaging software

2015-04-28 Thread Colin Law
On 28 April 2015 at 08:22, Gareth France wrote:
 If it were clear how to do this then I would most certainly have done so. In
 practice I may have or I may have not. I have followed as much of the
 process as makes sense.

Please don't top post, thanks.

Are you saying you do not know how to test that the package installs
and runs on a clean install?


 On 28/04/15 08:19, Alan Pope wrote:

 The idea is that you test the package yourself before submission rather
 than use the publishing process for support and QA.

 Have you successfully built a Debian package from your config and
 installed it on a clean machine or VM. You should do that and confirm
 that the files deployed go in the right place and the package follows
 the packaging guidelines before uploading it.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Local IP Address Allocation

2015-03-30 Thread Colin Law
On 29 March 2015 at 23:29, Nigel Verity wrote:

 Just a minor question about local networking

 I routinely have a number of different devices connected to my home network 
 such as Ubuntu laptops, iPad, Android phone, Kindle, RPi and so on. The 
 router allocates local IP addresses to them as and when they connect. 
 Although those IP addresses are always within a very narrow range 
 ( - 12) they are not fixed.

 Is it normally possible to set a general purpose router to recognise a given 
 device and always allocate the same local IP address to it?

If your router does not provide the ability to lock a device to a
specific IP address then, if you need this, one option is to configure
each PC with its address (via Network Manager on each PC if using NM).
If you do this then make sure the addresses you choose are outside the
range of addresses that router is set up to allocate automatically.
However, in case you did not know, Ubuntu provides the ability to
reference devices by host name using host_name.local.  So, for
example, if you have named a pc called tigger, then from another
machine you can do
ping tigger.local
so it may be that you do not need fixed ip addresses.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Wine bug - new package?

2015-03-30 Thread Colin Law
On 30 March 2015 at 00:22, James Morrissey wrote:

 On 25 March 2015 at 08:28, Tony Pursell wrote:

 There is a ppa for up-to-date Wine versions, if you can enable it in Mint.

 Doesn't seem to fix the problem mentioned in the bugs offered by Barry:

According to
(comment #4) it was fixed in wine 1.7.20.  The ppa has 1.7.38.  Is it
not fixed in that?

What does
apt-cache policy wine
show for you when you have updated from the ppa?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Wine bug - new package?

2015-03-25 Thread Colin Law
On 25 March 2015 at 09:53, Barry Drake wrote:
 Hi ...I'm currently using Mint more than Ubuntu because of the need for
 Windows apps installed under Wine.  The bug I reported way back, that Wine
 cannot be made to open Microsoft .msi files, was fixed way back.  If any of
 you are in touch with the Wine packagers for Ubuntu, you might mention that
 the package containing the fix had not appeared in 15.04 as of yesterday.
 It would be great if it found its way in before release date (and I can get
 back to using Ubuntu all the time!

Can you provide more details of the package containing the fix.  Is
that a specific version of wine or what?
Also the link to the relevant bugs might be useful.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] USB 3.0 HDD Problem

2015-03-09 Thread Colin Law
On 9 March 2015 at 00:54, Nigel Verity wrote:

 I've just discovered that Ubuntu Mate 14.10 appears unable to mount a USB
 3.0 HDD (through a USB 2 port). It can mount a USB 2 HDD no problem. Both
 are formatted as ext4.

What do you see in syslog when you plug it in?

 I've repeated the installation/test on 2 different machines with the same
 result, and the USB 3.0 drive in question mounts OK on Mint 17 so I don't
 think it's a hardware fault per se.

Is that on the same PC?
What do you see in syslog in that case?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 14.04.1 to 14.04.2?

2015-02-20 Thread Colin Law
On 20 February 2015 at 08:13, mac wrote:
 Forgive my ignorance, but my 14.04.1 installation is humming along nicely, 
 and I'm assuming that all important security and bug fixes have been 
 happening during routine updates. Is there any need for me to upgrade to 
 14.04.2? (Looks like this only happens if you install from downloaded media?)

There is no need to re-install.  Provided you have installed all the
updates available you will have all the stuff in 14.04.2.  In fact it
is likely that you are already ahead of 14.04.2 as that must have been
frozen a short while ago so will not include any updates since then.
Therefore a re-install would take you backwards.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Rhinosupport tickets [was 14.04.1 to 14.04.2?]

2015-02-20 Thread Colin Law
On 20 February 2015 at 09:45, Alan Pope wrote:
 Spammer, removed and blocked from the list.

OK, thanks.



[ubuntu-uk] Rhinosupport tickets [was 14.04.1 to 14.04.2?]

2015-02-20 Thread Colin Law
Can anybody tell me why I have been getting these message (see below)
when I reply to questions here?


-- Forwarded message --
From: Power Pro
Date: 20 February 2015 at 09:03
Subject: Re: [ubuntu-uk] 14.04.1 to 14.04.2?
To: Colin Law

Your Ticket Re: [ubuntu-uk] 14.04.1 to 14.04.2? Has Been Submitted

View the Complete Ticket at:

Hi Colin,

We just wanted to let you know that your ticket (KEFMJCVMQG) has been
submitted and you should be hearing back from us shortly.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any issues.



To view your ticket please go to:

On 20 February 2015 at 08:13, mac wrote:  Forgive my ignorance, but
my 14.04.1 installation is humming along nicely, and I'm assuming that
all important security and bug fixes have been happening during
routine updates. Is there any need for me to upgrade to 14.04.2?
(Looks like this only happens if you install from downloaded media?)
There is no need to re-install. Provided you have installed all the
updates available you will have all the stuff in 14.04.2. In fact it
is likely that you are already ahead of 14.04.2 as that must have been
frozen a short while ago so will not include any updates since then.
Therefore a re-install would take you backwards. Colin --


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Exposure

2015-02-15 Thread Colin Law
On 15 February 2015 at 17:00, Sharif Shown wrote:
 I don't know...?

You don't know what?


 On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 8:38 PM, alan c wrote:

 On 15/02/15 12:57, Sheila Farmer wrote:
  Hi ,
  My name is Sheila Farmer, I am a friend of the Professor Mike and his
  machine, I have cured malignant brain cancer, my book is soon to be
  serialised in the National Tabloids, called Blue Rooms, Your party is mentioned in it, you will get extreme
  exposure from it.  The content of the book was censored but I have found a
  way around it.  If you would like to talk to me let me know.
  Thanks Sheila Farmer.  Michael Tellinger for president.

 Hi Sheila
 Nice to hear from you, although I think there is a misunderstanding here.
 For the benefit of others on this discussion list, I should say that I
 guess you see the name 'Ubuntu', and go from there? This is
 specifically a technical discussion list relating to a software,
 Ubuntu. It is well established and in worldwide use, and is based upon
 components which are strongly community based (of programmers,
 developers) volunteers, in the true spirit of Ubuntu. The name was
 well chosen by the founder of this brand of software, who is South
 African. The software is free of charge to get and use, and as far as
 possible in a commercial world we have, it comprises open code with as
 little as possible kept secretive.

 I do occasionally look into Michael Tellinger's  activities, including
 his recent political initiatives (Ubuntu Party? in South Africa?) and
 I wish him well. I very much hope your publishing venture also go
 well. Best regards

 (If you have questions re the Ubuntu software I will be happy to try
 to answer them. By all means contact me at my email  )
 alan cocks




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Computer restarts on shutdown

2015-02-03 Thread Colin Law
On 3 February 2015 at 04:35, James Morrissey wrote:
 Hi Colin,

 Thanks for getting back to me.

 On 1 February 2015 at 16:43, Colin Law wrote:
 Try it with a normal shutdown and a failed one and see if there are
 any obvious differences.  The order of messages will vary from time to
 time as they come from multiple threads so it can be tricky to find

 I am trying to do this, but it is difficult to identify when the shutdown
 begin (because messages are being printed to this all the time). Can anyone
 tell me how i can identify this process, so that i can compare relevant
 outputs for both processes (successful and unsuccessful shutdowns)?

Do you mean messages are continually being written to /var/log?  That
should not be the case, you might expect to see a few messages each
minute.  If you run
tail -f /var/log/syslog
it will show you the log as it is added to.  If that is continually
being added to then there is something wrong so I would investigate
that first.  If it is so then post a couple of dozen messages from the
end of the log (after the machine has booted and been allowed to
settle for a couple of minutes.

Most, if not all, messages in the log should have a timestamp at the
start. so if you run the tail, note the timestamps at the end of the
log and then initiate the power down you can find where the power down
started.  You can identify the start of the power up from kernel
messages starting with
Feb  3 08:25:23 tigger kernel: [0.00]
The number is [] is the time since the kernel started.  The first few
messages of the restart will preceed the first of the kernel messages.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Computer restarts on shutdown

2015-02-03 Thread Colin Law
On 3 February 2015 at 15:14, James Morrissey wrote:
 Thanks, i can only look at this during my evenings (i am currently in the

 On 3 February 2015 at 07:09, Stuart Ward wrote:

 On 3 February 2015 at 04:35, James Morrissey

 I am trying to do this, but it is difficult to identify when the shutdown
 begin (because messages are being printed to this all the time). Can anyone
 tell me how i can identify this process, so that i can compare relevant
 outputs for both processes (successful and unsuccessful shutdowns)?

 Use the command

 $ logger shutdown started; sudo shutdown -h now

 Are you saying that if i use this command, an entry in the log will be
 generated stating 'shutdown started'? So i can just ctrl + f for that and
 that will indicate the start of the shutdown sequence?

Yes, good idea Stuart.

However, as I said previously, if your log is continually being
written to then look at that problem first.  It may be related to the
shutdown problem and should be easier to analyse.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Computer restarts on shutdown

2015-02-01 Thread Colin Law
On 1 February 2015 at 20:47, James Morrissey wrote:
 Hi all,

 Following up on this again as the issue persists in 14.10.

 To recap: When i go to shutdown my system - through whatever means
 (terminal, GUI etc.) - the system restarts. The issue only occurs if i have
 suspended the system since last starting the machine. If i have not
 suspended, everything shuts down fine.

Does it actually shutdown and restart (so you see the BIOS startup
screen) or does it just logout and back in again?  Or possibly not
even logout, just tries to logout, fails,and goes back to desktop.

Have a look in /var/log/syslog to see if there are any clues.  Note
the time that you start to shutdown so you can find the right place in
the log.

Try it with a normal shutdown and a failed one and see if there are
any obvious differences.  The order of messages will vary from time to
time as they come from multiple threads so it can be tricky to find



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corporation tax submission issues

2015-01-29 Thread Colin Law
On 28 January 2015 at 23:01, Tony Pursell wrote:
 I have just tested filling out a form using Evince (aka Document Viewer) and
 it seems to work OK, but only if you download the form.  If the PDF form is
 just open in Firefox you cannot fill out the form.

 The form I used was the N1 Claim Form from

 Is there something special about Corporation Tax forms?

Some pdf's with forms are ok, some are not.  See the bug I linked to
for more detail



 On 28 January 2015 at 21:58, Colin Law wrote:

 On 28 January 2015 at 21:24, Gareth France wrote:
  Hooray for the OMGUbuntu website. I located their piece about the
  removal of
  Adobe Reader for Linux which included a link to the last version of it.
  'appears' to be working.
  Not exactly the ideal solution, it would be much nicer if both Adobe and
  HMRC played nicely with the community.

 A complaint to HMRC would not go amiss.  I believe there is supposed
 to be a policy of using open formats (reference anyone?).  Can you
 supply a link to the page to download the form from?


  On 28/01/15 21:15, Alan Pope wrote:
  Yes. You need Adobe Reader to fill the form in. Been that way for




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corporation tax submission issues

2015-01-29 Thread Colin Law
On 29 January 2015 at 09:45, Gareth France wrote:
 Unfortunately this is Corporation Tax and there doesn't appear to be any
 other way to do this. It's a ridiculous system, so badly designed. Turns out
 I now need to wait a week for them to post out a 6 digit number to me before
 I can even start!

Presumably you could just print the form out and fill it in by hand.


 On 29/01/15 09:43, Simon Greenwood wrote:

 I believe this is a proprietary component of Adobe Reader, I know the
 issue has been around for a long time as I think I came up against it
 the last time I tried to complete the CT form like this, six or seven
 years ago. Since then I've used a web service and it just works although
 why HMRC can't actually provide one themselves is a mystery.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corporation tax submission issues

2015-01-29 Thread Colin Law
On 29 January 2015 at 10:40, Gareth France wrote:
 Nope, I refuse to start using other people's machines when there is nothing
 wrong with mine. Besides this is not your average form. I imagine many hours
 of banging my head against the screen to complete it. Not really something I
 can do in the library.

There is no point refusing to do something if for you personally it is
the best solution.  Chopping off nose to spite one's face and so on
comes to mind.

I meant to print it at the library rather than filling it in there.  I
am just trying to help, not suggesting that the current situation is
ideal.  Apparently, though, with Adobe not publishing the format it
makes it difficult, to say to least, for an open source solution.
HMRC should not be using a format that requires proprietary software.

 To install Adobe Reader natively in Linux follow this article.

So has that worked around your problem?


 On 29/01/15 10:37, Colin Law wrote:

 Good point.  Does it display if you view it in Firefox or Chromium
 rather than downloading it?   Likely not.  You could put it on a usb
 stick and take it to your library or to a friend or someone with
 Windows and a printer.

 Does Adobe reader work under Wine I wonder.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corporation tax submission issues

2015-01-29 Thread Colin Law
On 29 January 2015 at 10:16, Gareth France wrote:
 You seem to be missing the point. Look at the original post where I state
 that instead of loading the form it loads an error message.

 If I were able to view the form in order to print it, I wouldn't need to
 print it!

Good point.  Does it display if you view it in Firefox or Chromium
rather than downloading it?   Likely not.  You could put it on a usb
stick and take it to your library or to a friend or someone with
Windows and a printer.

Does Adobe reader work under Wine I wonder.


 On 29/01/15 10:06, Colin Law wrote:

 Presumably you could just print the form out and fill it in by hand.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corporation tax submission issues

2015-01-28 Thread Colin Law
On 28 January 2015 at 20:54, Gareth France wrote:
 I am currently about to prepare the first return for my limited company and
 I'm finding the website you have to use for this is quite simply unusable.
 It appears you have to download an interactive PDF and fill it out however
 it simply loads the following message in the default reader:

 Please wait...
 If this message is not eventually replaced by the proper contents of the
 document, your PDF
 viewer may not be able to display this type of document.

I know there are/have been problems with some pdf documents with forms.

Are you able to share the pdf document?

Also which version of Ubuntu are you using and if, in the viewer, you
select help about what does it say in the about box?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corporation tax submission issues

2015-01-28 Thread Colin Law
On 28 January 2015 at 21:15, Alan Pope wrote:
 On 28 January 2015 at 20:54, Gareth France wrote:
 Does anyone have any idea why this is not working correctly? Will I have to
 install a different viewer to do this? In this day and age we really should
 not have to re-jig our computers every time we do something like this. Very
 poor design.

 Yes. You need Adobe Reader to fill the form in. Been that way for years. in case anyone is
interested.  Proprietary Adobe formats in the forms apparently, if I
read it correctly.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corporation tax submission issues

2015-01-28 Thread Colin Law
On 28 January 2015 at 21:24, Gareth France wrote:
 Hooray for the OMGUbuntu website. I located their piece about the removal of
 Adobe Reader for Linux which included a link to the last version of it. It
 'appears' to be working.

 Not exactly the ideal solution, it would be much nicer if both Adobe and
 HMRC played nicely with the community.

A complaint to HMRC would not go amiss.  I believe there is supposed
to be a policy of using open formats (reference anyone?).  Can you
supply a link to the page to download the form from?


 On 28/01/15 21:15, Alan Pope wrote:

 Yes. You need Adobe Reader to fill the form in. Been that way for years.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problem with wine ....

2015-01-27 Thread Colin Law
On 27 January 2015 at 13:47, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 27/01/15 12:42, Daniel Llewellyn wrote:

 you mentioned earlier in the thread that you successfully ran the
 installation on an copy of mint using the same ubuntu packages. Was that
 possibly using a different .wine directory? Have you tried against an
 entirely virgin .wine directory

 Tried everything you suggest.  Colin was spot on with his duplicate.  I'd
 tried looking for it but hadn't tried what he had tried.  The duplicate
 seems to assume the problem exists in wine. Mint, from scratch in a fresh
 installation which I did yesterday uses the identical Ubuntu packages from
 the Ubuntu repos.  This is using 'sudo apt-get install wine' in the Mint
 commandline.  Same packages, identical directory structure - but one works,
 the other doesn't.

 Thanks Colin.  I've posted to giving a bit
 of the story and putting in a link to #1414995

In the working mint and the non-working ubuntu what do
apt-cache policy wine
apt-cache policy wine1.6
which msiexec



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problem with wine ....

2015-01-27 Thread Colin Law
On 27 January 2015 at 11:45, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 20/01/15 10:50, Barry Drake wrote:

 Hi there   Some time ago, I mentioned that I could not install .msi
 files using wine.

 I've reported this as a wine bug at:

 Please, please would somebody take five minutes to repeat and confirm this
 bug.  If you find any .msi file that loads, I owe you a pint!

I see from the bug report that you have used the command
wine msiexec -i ActivePython-

What happens if you just use
msiexec -i ActivePython-





Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problem with wine ....

2015-01-27 Thread Colin Law
On 27 January 2015 at 12:20, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 27/01/15 11:53, Colin Law wrote:

 I see from the bug report that you have used the command wine msiexec -i
 ActivePython- What happens if you just use msiexec -i
 ActivePython- Colin

 Exactly the same happens.  I think msiexec is becoming obsolete now.  wine
 [installer_name].msi works under up-to-date versions of wine.  I think it's
 left there as a legacy command.  Here's what I get:
 $ msiexec -i ActivePython-
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 1 out of range

Googling for
err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 1 out of range msiexec
took me straight to this bug, Yours may be a duplicate of it.


 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 2 out of range
 fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented.
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 1 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 2 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 1 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 2 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 1 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 2 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 3 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 1 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 2 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 3 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 1 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 2 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 3 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 1 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 2 out of range
 err:msidb:get_tablecolumns column 3 out of range




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problem with wine ....

2015-01-27 Thread Colin Law
On 27 January 2015 at 15:51, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 27/01/15 14:54, Colin Law wrote:

 In the working mint and the non-working ubuntu what do apt-cache policy
 wine and apt-cache policy wine1.6 and which msiexec show? Colin

 I think you've got it Colin.  The packages appeared to be the same, I hadn't
 spotted the '4' and the '6' after 'ubuntu' in the name. This is what I get
 from the above:

 barry@mint ~ $ apt-cache policy wine
   Installed: 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4
   Candidate: 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4
   Version table:
  *** 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 0
 500 trusty/universe amd64 Packages
 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 barry@mint ~ $ apt-cache policy wine1.6
   Installed: 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4
   Candidate: 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4
   Version table:
  *** 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu4 0
 500 trusty/universe amd64 Packages
 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
 barry@mint ~ $ which msiexec

 barry@vivid:~$ apt-cache policy wine
   Installed: 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu6
   Candidate: 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu6
   Version table:
  *** 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu6 0
 500 vivid/universe amd64

Also it seems you are using Ubuntu 15.10 which is still in alpha (not
even in beta), and is exactly the version in the bug report.  There
seems little doubt that you are seeing that bug.  You should probably
mark yours as a duplicate to save someone else that effort.

I might suggest that high horses are out of order when complaining
about problems in an alpha release :)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Problem with wine ....

2015-01-27 Thread Colin Law
On 27 January 2015 at 17:24, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 27/01/15 17:14, Colin Law wrote:

 I might suggest that high horses are out of order when complaining about
 problems in an alpha release :) Colin

 Oops!  I hadn't realised I was giving that impression.  Apologies to anyone
 for my own misunderstanding.  :(

Perhaps I was being over-sensitive, I have been doing my best to help
a particularly tedious user on a different list (not Ubuntu related)
who seems to have great difficulty reading the attempts to help him
carefully enough to take appropriate action, and that may have
affected my reading of your posts.






Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyobard issues in 14.10

2015-01-18 Thread Colin Law
On 17 January 2015 at 22:28, Gareth France wrote:

 I don't use Thunderbird, but googling for
 thunderbird threaded view
 suggests that View  Sort by  Threaded  may be it.

 Similarly I would have thought that googling for
 email inline reply
 would have quickly found
 which explains.  Though you can get a big clue from noting the way I
 have been replying, inserting it inline at appropriate point(s) so
 that it is easy for a reader to see what I am replying to.

 Apologies, I find these days that firstly I don't explore either hardware or
 software like I used to when I was 14. There are so many things I don't know
 how to do or have time to do any more. And secondly I'm finding my way of
 working is becoming more and more antiquated, I can program but it seems
 everyone else puts me to shame as I still program as if I'm using Qbasic! As
 for inline posting it just seems like a lot more effort and an order of
 magnitude slower to delete the bits that aren't needed and spread my reply
 out over umpteen different locations in the mail. I'm just a bit of a

It may take you a little more time replying but it saves time for
those reading your questions.  Remember it is you asking for help so
you should do everything you can to make life easier for those you are
asking for help (who are volunteers remember).

 I've given up with the keyboard layout. I've lost the link to the bug again
 and the version on my machine is Installed: 1.5.8-2ubuntu2. I'll just put up
 with it until it fixes itself on an update.

So you have lost the email I sent 1 hour before you posted the reply above?
In the threaded view it should be in the thread a couple of emails up.
Here it is again.

Also if that is the version of ibus then I deduce you are running
Ubuntu 14.10, whereas the new ibus is for 14.04, so it won't help
anyway.  I don't know, but I suspect it may not be back ported for
14.10 as that will be superseded in a few months anyway.

 The threaded view is a great improvement though. Thanks.

I am glad something useful has been accomplished :)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyobard issues in 14.10

2015-01-18 Thread Colin Law
On 18 January 2015 at 09:43, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 18/01/15 09:15, Colin Law wrote:

 Also if that is the version of ibus then I deduce you are running Ubuntu
 14.10, whereas the new ibus is for 14.04, so it won't help anyway. I don't
 know, but I suspect it may not be back ported for 14.10 as that will be
 superseded in a few months anyway.

 One advantage of running the latest versions is that I get the updates
 straight away.  The keyboard problem seems to be well fixed in 15.10, and
 although I rarely drop back to 15.04, I think it's fixed there too.  It's
 just so easy to re-install every six months, I don't know why anyone
 struggles on with anything but the latest.

I think some are still seeing it in 14.10, it seems to be a timing
related issue (or similar) so some see it and some don't.  The bug
report says it is fixed in 15.04 (ie the one currently in alpha
release) and there is a fix in 'proposed' for 14.04, but no mention of
14.10, so I suspect it it still present there.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyobard issues in 14.10

2015-01-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 January 2015 at 20:43, Gareth France wrote:
 I have deleted all but the UK keyboard layout as suggested and all was well
 until I rebooted. Now it is stuck in US layout which is still showing as not

Have you tried installing the new version of ibus?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyobard issues in 14.10

2015-01-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 January 2015 at 20:49, Gareth France wrote:
 Not as yet, I've only just discovered the issue is still present. Where do I
 install it from please?

See comment #70 in the bug, it links to instructions on the wiki on
how to install a package from proposed.


 On 17/01/15 20:48, Colin Law wrote:

 On 17 January 2015 at 20:43, Gareth France wrote:

 I have deleted all but the UK keyboard layout as suggested and all was
 until I rebooted. Now it is stuck in US layout which is still showing as

 Have you tried installing the new version of ibus?




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyobard issues in 14.10

2015-01-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 January 2015 at 20:55, Gareth France wrote:
 Sorry but I have no idea where the bug is.

I linked to it in my earlier post.


 On 17/01/15 20:54, Colin Law wrote:

 On 17 January 2015 at 20:49, Gareth France wrote:

 Not as yet, I've only just discovered the issue is still present. Where
 do I
 install it from please?

 See comment #70 in the bug, it links to instructions on the wiki on
 how to install a package from proposed.


 On 17/01/15 20:48, Colin Law wrote:

 On 17 January 2015 at 20:43, Gareth France wrote:

 I have deleted all but the UK keyboard layout as suggested and all was
 until I rebooted. Now it is stuck in US layout which is still showing

 Have you tried installing the new version of ibus?





Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyobard issues in 14.10

2015-01-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 January 2015 at 21:26, Gareth France wrote:
 I'm not sure how to check if it is installed to be honest, but it may be

To check which version is installed, open a terminal and run
apt-cache policy ibus
That will tell you which one is installed, it should say
  Installed: 1.5.5-1ubuntu3
  Candidate: 1.5.5-1ubuntu3

The one in the Proposed repo is 1.5.5-1ubuntu3.1


 On 17/01/15 20:58, Colin Law wrote:

 On 17 January 2015 at 20:55, Gareth France wrote:

 Sorry but I have no idea where the bug is.

 I linked to it in my earlier post.


 On 17/01/15 20:54, Colin Law wrote:

 On 17 January 2015 at 20:49, Gareth France wrote:

 Not as yet, I've only just discovered the issue is still present. Where
 do I
 install it from please?

 See comment #70 in the bug, it links to instructions on the wiki on
 how to install a package from proposed.


 On 17/01/15 20:48, Colin Law wrote:

 On 17 January 2015 at 20:43, Gareth France wrote:

 I have deleted all but the UK keyboard layout as suggested and all
 until I rebooted. Now it is stuck in US layout which is still showing

 Have you tried installing the new version of ibus?






Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyobard issues in 14.10

2015-01-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 January 2015 at 21:57, Gareth France wrote:
 I have no idea how to set thunderbird to keep emails threaded and I don't
 even know what posting a reply inline with the previous post means. Sorry.

I don't use Thunderbird, but googling for
thunderbird threaded view
suggests that View  Sort by  Threaded  may be it.

Similarly I would have thought that googling for
email inline reply
would have quickly found
which explains.  Though you can get a big clue from noting the way I
have been replying, inserting it inline at appropriate point(s) so
that it is easy for a reader to see what I am replying to.


 On 17/01/15 21:34, Colin Law wrote:

 On 17 January 2015 at 21:00, Gareth France wrote:

 I know but due to the never ending tsunami of emails coming in (mostly
 scams/junk) most things get deleted right away.

 Don't you keep your emails threaded so all these messages are
 together?  If not then I highly recommend it.

 By the way, it is easier to follow the thread if you post your reply
 inline with previous post, which is the convention on this list.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyobard issues in 14.10

2015-01-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 January 2015 at 12:42, Gareth France wrote:
 I've been suffering from this since release day but it's driving me nuts so
 I have to speak out and see if anyone knows the solution. My machine keeps
 defaulting to the American keyboard layout. The icon in the taskbar always
 displays UK but the layout is wrong. I have to switch to American and then
 back to UK almost every time I boot up to resolve it.

Sounds like this bug, a fixed version of ibus should be in the repos soon.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyobard issues in 14.10

2015-01-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 January 2015 at 13:42, Barry Titterton wrote:
 On 17/01/15 13:14, Colin Law wrote:

 On 17 January 2015 at 12:42, Gareth France wrote:

 I've been suffering from this since release day but it's driving me nuts
 I have to speak out and see if anyone knows the solution. My machine
 defaulting to the American keyboard layout. The icon in the taskbar
 displays UK but the layout is wrong. I have to switch to American and
 back to UK almost every time I boot up to resolve it.

 Sounds like this bug, a fixed version of ibus should be in the repos soon.


 The Lubuntu distro has been suffering from ibus problems for quite a while.
 It is nice to know that a fix is on the way.

You can install it from the 'proposed' repo, instructions in one of
the comments on the bug.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] How old is your computer?

2014-12-08 Thread Colin Law
On 8 December 2014 at 12:42, George Tripp wrote:
  I feel it's a pity that Canonical don't collaborate with a supplier

 to provide PC / laptops ..

 Why would installing Ubuntu invalidate the warantee?  You can always
 restore Windows from the install CDs or whatever restore system is
 provided with the machine.

 In theory this is true by might not be possible depending on the on the 
 nature of the problem which has developed.

 However I think my point really is that it shouldn't be necessary to have to 
 pretend I'm using a different operating system in order to have the have 
 consumer rights.

Installing Ubuntu will not change your consumer rights.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] How old is your computer?

2014-12-06 Thread Colin Law
On 6 December 2014 at 15:51, George Tripp wrote:
 I feel it's a pity that Canonical don't collaborate with a supplier to 
 provide PC / laptops which are definitely compatible with Ubuntu. I'd be a 
 potential customer. Although I have installed it on a variety of machines 
 over the years I still feel reluctant to spend £500 or so on something, 
 invalidate the warrantry and have no certainty that it will run the operating 
 system I'd like to use.

Why would installing Ubuntu invalidate the warantee?  You can always
restore Windows from the install CDs or whatever restore system is
provided with the machine.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Re-start wifi?

2014-11-28 Thread Colin Law
On 28 November 2014 at 11:11, Owen Branley wrote:
 When I re-start my wifi connection is not active so I shutdown and reboot!
 Why do I have to do this ?

What do you mean by re-start?  To me, re-starting the computer is the
same as rebooting.
Also what do you mean by not active?  What do you see when you click
on the network icon in the top panel.
Also what version of Ubuntu?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] unity doesn't load after kernel update?

2014-11-26 Thread Colin Law
On 26 November 2014 at 13:03, Alan Lord wrote:
 On 26/11/14 12:00, Will Cooke wrote:

 Hi Alan,  could you try resetting compiz's configuration:

 First rm -rf ~/.compiz-1 if it exists
 Then run gsettings reset-recursively

 Then reboot (or restart lightdm) and see if it makes any difference.

 Thanks Will,

 I'll try and do this later today (I am using my laptop for work right now -
 gnome-fall-back is rather refreshing and quite usable) but can you tell me
 if this will delete my personal settings for the Launcher and Unity before I

 I spoke to the Unity  Compiz maintainers, and they are looking to put
 back in a reset option to compiz to make this easier to fix, if indeed
 this does fix it.

 This has happened to me a few times over the years for no obvious reason and
 is a right PITA to get back as all my settings are invariably lost.

What settings have you changed?  I wonder whether the fact that some
settings are non-standard is a factor in the problem arising in the
first place.  I have never had to reset as far as I can remember,
except when running beta versions once or twice.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] unity doesn't load after kernel update?

2014-11-26 Thread Colin Law
On 26 November 2014 at 15:37, Alan Lord wrote:
 On 26/11/14 15:31, Colin Law wrote:

 What settings have you changed?  I wonder whether the fact that some
 settings are non-standard is a factor in the problem arising in the
 first place.  I have never had to reset as far as I can remember,
 except when running beta versions once or twice.

 Nothing I would think significant (or should be the cause of the problem

 I mean adding my applications to the Launcher, changing the menu from the
 one at the top to the one in the applications' window, showing the date as
 well as the time in the calendar ... that sort of thing

OK, understood.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Reverse engineering data files

2014-11-24 Thread Colin Law
On 24 November 2014 at 08:03, Gareth France wrote:
 I was led to believe by a rep of the company who makes these that this is
 not the case. He was happily discussing with my other companies who have
 done the same.

Can't he let you have a copy of the format specification then?


 On 24/11/14 08:02, Alan Lord wrote:

 On 22/11/14 22:12, Gareth France wrote:

 So my question is this, how does one go about accessing a file like this
 when they do not know the format? I have worked with text based files,
 CSV etc but never something which does not load in a text editor.

 I'm sure you are already aware but just wanted to point out that you
 *might* be actually breaking a law or two depending on the way the
 software and data files are licensed etc...

 This is a public, and archived, mailing list.




Re: [ubuntu-uk] HUD memory leak?

2014-11-21 Thread Colin Law
On 21 November 2014 17:28, Gareth France wrote:
 interesting, however I only use chrome.

Do you have a large number of bookmarks in Chrome?


 On 21/11/14 17:25, Alan Pope wrote:

 On 20 November 2014 20:42, Gareth France

 I was rather surprised to see nearly the whole 8GB ram being used, over
 by the hud itself.

 So what's going on there I wonder?




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Bug report filed re screenshot problem

2014-11-16 Thread Colin Law
On 16 November 2014 14:21, Rowan Berkeley wrote:

Is fglrx installed?  To find out:
apt-cache policy fglrx



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Bug report filed re screenshot problem

2014-11-16 Thread Colin Law
On 16 November 2014 16:11, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
 On 16/11/14 15:43, Colin Law wrote:

 On 16 November 2014 14:35, Rowan Berkeley

 On 16/11/14 14:32, Rowan Berkeley wrote:

 On 16/11/14 14:27, Colin Law wrote:

 On 16 November 2014 14:21, Rowan Berkeley

 Is fglrx installed?  To find out:
 apt-cache policy fglrx


 Yes, it is. But if you are thinking of the bug we looked at yesterday,

 This isn't it, because that one generates an error message and fails to
 perform screenshot, and mine doesn't do that, it performs screenshot,
 but with an old image.

 Sorry, correction: that one does perform screenshot, but with an old
 just like mine. But that one generates an error message, and mine
 That's the only difference.

 I still think it would be worth uninstalling fglrx to see if it fixes
 it, it is a remarkable coincidence to get such an odd symptom.  When I
 uninstalled it  (for a different problem) it automatically fell back
 to the free driver and I don't notice any difference in performance
 (though I am not running graphics intensive games or similar).  You
 can always re-install it again.


 I have found a couple of pages of instructions on how to do that:

 Any comments on those, please, to help me decide whether to pitch into one
 or another of them?

No idea, sorry, I just uninstalled fglrx.  Possibly that was not the
right thing to do but it seemed to work for me.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Screenshot: can't clear old image files, where are they

2014-11-15 Thread Colin Law
On 15 November 2014 12:13, Rowan Berkeley wrote:

 I have upgraded to 14:10, and picked up a bug or two along the way. This one
 is a nuisance, because I use screenshots a lot on my blog. Every time I try
 to make a new screenshot, it just creates a new copy of an old one.
 Therefore, it is storing them somewhere in a queue, and when I try to make a
 new one, it puts that at the bottom of the queue and offers me a fresh
 edition of the snapshot that is stuck at the top. Or a selection from
 several that are stuck there, but never the new one. The official location
 for all screenshots is set by me as the desktop, and I have repeatedly
 deleted everything on there, including hidden files. These things must be
 stored somewhere else. So where are they all, so that I can clear them, and
 perhaps find some way of preventing them from accumulating like this again?

When you click on print screen (if that is how you are taking a
snapshot) what does it show for Save in Folder?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Screenshot: can't clear old image files, where are they

2014-11-15 Thread Colin Law
On 15 November 2014 12:50, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
 On 15/11/14 12:42, Colin Law wrote:

 On 15 November 2014 12:13, Rowan Berkeley


 I have upgraded to 14:10, and picked up a bug or two along the way. This
 is a nuisance, because I use screenshots a lot on my blog. Every time I
 to make a new screenshot, it just creates a new copy of an old one.
 Therefore, it is storing them somewhere in a queue, and when I try to
 make a
 new one, it puts that at the bottom of the queue and offers me a fresh
 edition of the snapshot that is stuck at the top. Or a selection from
 several that are stuck there, but never the new one. The official
 for all screenshots is set by me as the desktop, and I have repeatedly
 deleted everything on there, including hidden files. These things must be
 stored somewhere else. So where are they all, so that I can clear them,
 perhaps find some way of preventing them from accumulating like this

 When you click on print screen (if that is how you are taking a
 snapshot) what does it show for Save in Folder?


 I haven't been using Print Screen, I have been using the Screenshot
 application, because I always want to select an area by hand. But it is
 interesting that the Print Screen command always reverts the destination
 folder to Pictures, no matter how often I try to change it to Desktop. But
 this doesn't really solve my problem. I can find the resulting image file,
 whether it is in Desktop or in Pictures. the trouble is, it is not the
 present screen, but an old one, stored somewhere and regurgitated
 repeatedly. So the question must be, where?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Screenshot: can't clear old image files, where are they

2014-11-15 Thread Colin Law
On 15 November 2014 12:50, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
 On 15/11/14 12:42, Colin Law wrote:

 On 15 November 2014 12:13, Rowan Berkeley


 I have upgraded to 14:10, and picked up a bug or two along the way. This
 is a nuisance, because I use screenshots a lot on my blog. Every time I
 to make a new screenshot, it just creates a new copy of an old one.
 Therefore, it is storing them somewhere in a queue, and when I try to
 make a
 new one, it puts that at the bottom of the queue and offers me a fresh
 edition of the snapshot that is stuck at the top. Or a selection from
 several that are stuck there, but never the new one. The official
 for all screenshots is set by me as the desktop, and I have repeatedly
 deleted everything on there, including hidden files. These things must be
 stored somewhere else. So where are they all, so that I can clear them,
 perhaps find some way of preventing them from accumulating like this

 When you click on print screen (if that is how you are taking a
 snapshot) what does it show for Save in Folder?


 I haven't been using Print Screen, I have been using the Screenshot
 application, because I always want to select an area by hand. But it is
 interesting that the Print Screen command always reverts the destination
 folder to Pictures, no matter how often I try to change it to Desktop. But
 this doesn't really solve my problem. I can find the resulting image file,
 whether it is in Desktop or in Pictures. the trouble is, it is not the
 present screen, but an old one, stored somewhere and regurgitated
 repeatedly. So the question must be, where?

Just to clarify, are you saying that if you hit printscreen, enter a
filename, select an appropriate folder, and hit save, that it saves a
file where requested, with the correct name, but with the wrong



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Automating find and replace

2014-09-17 Thread Colin Law
On 16 September 2014 21:08, Gareth France wrote:
 Not ubuntu related but I'm hoping someone may have the answer I need. Today
 I discovered my webspace has been hacked and several sites now contain
 additional code at the start of every single PHP file. Looking at my backups
 I can see it  has been there for a while so restoring from a very old backup
 could cause me issues.

 Is there some way I could do a recursive find and delete on that code? It is
 a very long single line including slashes, hashes, exclaimation marks etc so
 using sed would be difficult as the examples I have seen show /thing to
 change/thing to change to/.

Not helpful for solving the immediate problem I know, but for the
future the issue would be easy to solve if you kept a master copy of
your source in a version control system such as git.  Then if the site
becomes compromised you can just replace it with the correct code.
Git is trivially easy to setup and start using.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Automating find and replace

2014-09-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 September 2014 07:34, Gareth France wrote:
 I do keep regular backups however the issue is that this has been sitting
 silently for some time and changes made since the last clean backup would
 have been lost.

A VCS is much more than a set of backups.  Since the master resides
away from the website the hacks would never have got into the
repository.  But even if they had somehow got there you could find the
commit that stored them, unroll just that commit (and put back any
valid changes made during that commit) and magically your master would
then be fixed without loosing changes made since then.

Even more than that git gives you a complete history of all the
changes you have ever made, so when something stops working, but you
do not notice imediately, you can go back through the history until
you find the point at which it stopped working so that you can rapidly
find what it was you did wrong.

Give git a go, it is trivial to setup and once you start using it you
will wonder how you ever managed without it.  Seriously.  There are
many tutorials on getting started.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Automating find and replace

2014-09-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 September 2014 14:08, Gareth France wrote:
 I understand. In which case the big issue would be weeding out old redundant
 files and ensuring no hidden files exist from this recent hack before
 creating this system.

I did say it did not help you in your current predicament, but may
help in the future.  Don't worry about weeding out redundant files,
you can delete them after you setup the system, then if you later
realise - oops that wasn't redundant at all - then you can easily
resurrect them.  In fact if you can afford to take a day out to set
the system up then there is an argument for starting immediately,
before de-hacking.  Then if your de-hacking goes awry in ways that are
not immediately obvious, then again you have the history in the


 On 17 Sep 2014 14:01, Daniel Llewellyn wrote:

 On 17 September 2014 08:25, Gareth France wrote:
  Sounds great. My backups are stored on a hard drive here so can't be
  compromised but I'd love to find a way to automate it. I'll look into

 I think the point that Colin is trying to convey is that
 version-control is NOT a backup strategy. version-control sits BEFORE
 the deployment to the live site and stores every change made to every
 file in the site to create a canonical golden master history. You
 then mint your live site as a copy of the version-controlled files.
 This will then allow you to immediately determine whether files have
 been modified since deployment, which files they are, and how they're

 With a backup you are reliant on schedule and spotting the problem
 before it makes its way into your entire history of backups (unless
 you keep backups till the end of time). With a backup you also need to
 restore each archive in-turn until you find one that doesn't have the
 offending code. This is time-consuming! And you have already
 highlighted the problem of backups not accounting for changes made
 since the backup was taken. VCS solves that.

 Version control allows you to immediately isolate the offending code
 and excise it by either rolling-back the commit that added it (in the
 case your vcs was hacked in addition to your live site) or just
 re-deploying your latest golden master over-the-top of the current
 infected live site (in the case your VCS is still secure).

 Daniel Llewellyn




Re: [ubuntu-uk] Automating find and replace

2014-09-17 Thread Colin Law
On 17 September 2014 20:47, Gareth France wrote:

 Not helpful for solving the immediate problem I know, but for the
 future the issue would be easy to solve if you kept a master copy of
 your source in a version control system such as git.  Then if the site
 becomes compromised you can just replace it with the correct code.
 Git is trivially easy to setup and start using.


 I have taken a quick peek and it says git-hub is free for public, open
 source projects. I of course require private hosting as I wouldn't want
 people to peek behind my site. So is there a free option for doing this? I
 really don't have a budget for doing this sort of thing.

sudo apt-get install git git-gui gitk

To keep it happy it some config info that it uses to record who has made changes
git config --global
may also need
git-config --global Yourname

Then you can make a local repository for your stuff.  This seems like
a decent looking tutorial at first site.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unwanted kernels .....

2014-08-15 Thread Colin Law
On 15 August 2014 11:12, Alan Pope wrote:
 On 15 August 2014 11:07, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 15/08/14 11:02, Alan Pope wrote:

 On 15 August 2014 10:59, Barry Drake wrote:

 If I want to do it using apt-get, I'm going to have to use the command
 for every one which will take a while.  Is there a tool
 for automating this just a bit?

 Does this command offer to remove some?
 sudo apt-get autoremove

  No.  All it offers to do is to remove one package no longer required.
 Nothing to do with the kernel is shown.  Ah well ... When I've got time on
 my hands I'll go through them.  Thanks anyway.

 Doesn't take long:-

 Open a terminal and make it full screen.
 uname -a

 Note which kernel you're currently on.

 dpkg -l linux-image*

 To list what kernels you have installed

 sudo apt-get autoremove  

 Then in the autoremove line where the dots are (don't type the dots)
 just copy/paste (double click a linux-image package name, then middle
 click to paste), press space, copy/paste, press space.

That doesn't seem to work for me.  One of the lines from dpkg is
rc  linux-image-3.2.0-2 3.2.0-27.43i386   Linux kernel
image for version 3.2.0 on 32
$ sudo apt-get autoremove linux-image-3.2.0-2
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Note, selecting 'linux-image-3.2.0-27-generic-pae' for regex
Package 'linux-image-3.2.0-27-generic-pae' is not installed, so not removed
0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unwanted kernels .....

2014-08-15 Thread Colin Law
On 15 August 2014 11:36, Alan Pope wrote:
 On 15 August 2014 11:31, Colin Law wrote:
 On 15 August 2014 11:12, Alan Pope wrote:
 On 15 August 2014 11:07, Barry Drake wrote:
 On 15/08/14 11:02, Alan Pope wrote:

 On 15 August 2014 10:59, Barry Drake wrote:

 If I want to do it using apt-get, I'm going to have to use the command
 for every one which will take a while.  Is there a tool
 for automating this just a bit?

 Does this command offer to remove some?
 sudo apt-get autoremove

  No.  All it offers to do is to remove one package no longer required.
 Nothing to do with the kernel is shown.  Ah well ... When I've got time on
 my hands I'll go through them.  Thanks anyway.

 Doesn't take long:-

 Open a terminal and make it full screen.
 uname -a

 Note which kernel you're currently on.

 dpkg -l linux-image*

 To list what kernels you have installed

 sudo apt-get autoremove  

 Then in the autoremove line where the dots are (don't type the dots)
 just copy/paste (double click a linux-image package name, then middle
 click to paste), press space, copy/paste, press space.

 That doesn't seem to work for me.  One of the lines from dpkg is
 rc  linux-image-3.2.0-2 3.2.0-27.43i386   Linux kernel
 image for version 3.2.0 on 32
 $ sudo apt-get autoremove linux-image-3.2.0-2
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 Note, selecting 'linux-image-3.2.0-27-generic-pae' for regex
 Package 'linux-image-3.2.0-27-generic-pae' is not installed, so not removed
 0 to upgrade, 0 to newly install, 0 to remove and 0 not to upgrade.

 It's truncated. Maybe your terminal window is too small? (which is why
 I suggested making it full screen).

Ah, I see.  To get the line
rc  linux-image-extra-3.6.0-030600rc1-generic
3.6.0-030600rc1.201208022 i386  Linux kernel image
for version 3.6.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
to not truncate the name I had to extend the window into the second
monitor even though there is empty space at the right hand end of the
line.  Its algorithm does not seem ideal.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unwanted kernels .....

2014-08-15 Thread Colin Law
On 15 August 2014 13:46, Alan Lord wrote:
 On 15/08/14 10:59, Barry Drake wrote:

 I've gone through an entire development cycle without having to
 re-install 14.10 - just amazing!

 I now have a very large number of unwanted kernels.  There used to be a
 very simple gui tool that let me remove all the ones I didn't want, but
 I don't seem to see it anymore.  If I want to do it using apt-get, I'm
 going to have to use the command for every one which will take a while.
 Is there a tool for automating this just a bit?

 Here's a very neat bash command that I stick in ~/bin for this very purpose:

That only removed one kernel for me (I have lots more).



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unwanted kernels .....

2014-08-15 Thread Colin Law
On 15 August 2014 13:55, Colin Law wrote:
 On 15 August 2014 13:46, Alan Lord wrote:
 Here's a very neat bash command that I stick in ~/bin for this very purpose:

 That only removed one kernel for me (I have lots more).

And the reason seems to be that dpkg -l linux* shows loads of packages
that are not actually installed.  What is that all about?



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