Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu on the BBC!!!

2009-10-27 Thread Michael Holloway
On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 12:45 +, Gordon wrote:
> Actually not so in my experience. MS seems to have tsken a leaf out of
> Ubuntu's book. The only driver that did NOT come with Windows 7 for my 2
> y/o Toshiba Satellite was my printereverything else justworked!

I will second that. Everything worked on my machine from a fresh win7

But I think its worth pointing out that a Win7 installation in 2 years
time will have the same driver problems as Vista/XP now. The reason that
Linux always has "good" support for drivers is that its updated/released
so often (6 months in Ubuntu's case). If windows was released that often
it would be the same.

Of course, who would be willing to fork out £200 every six months :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] KDE Konqueror problem

2009-05-26 Thread Michael Holloway
Most online banking sites don't allow "unknown" browsers for security
reasons. I have just tried Natwest in Konqueror and it says "you browser
is not supported".

On Tue, 2009-05-26 at 15:23 +0100, Stephen O'Neill wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 26/05/09 15:17, Kevin Frost wrote:
> > I now constantly get a "Connection to Server Refused" page with 
> > additionally 
> > " SSL negotiation failed"
> I can at least confirm that I get the same problem. I cannot offer a
> workaround beyond the obvious Firefox suggestion.
> I am doubtful that this is a bug in Konqueror - rather that it is a
> firewall setting at the Abbey end - so maybe try contacting your bank.
> Good luck!
> Funnily enough I have literally just a few minutes ago set my mail
> preferences to 'digest' as the message volume seems to be increasing and
> I don't seem to have much input on any of the topics.
> - --
> Stephen O'Neill
> w:
> e:
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAkob+3wACgkQJ+Auntu1v4St6QCfUMrfl+KZLxtm+eE9x5Z1ILw1
> UzkAniQGKjNvK0qMsX26A2TZRXId2LNv
> =d9Xp


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Image Windows Drive into a VM

2009-05-20 Thread Michael Holloway
On Wed, 2009-05-20 at 14:41 +0100, danattwood wrote:
> >
> > Still probably the best solution. My boss's laptop is blue screening on 
> > average twice a day, which obviously, isn't good.
> >
> >   
> Be aware virtualising the machine might not solve the blue screen issue. 
> You might just end up converting a broken laptop into a virtual broken 
> laptop.

If anything, it will probably be even worse!! In my experience, 1 or 2
blue screens can be fixed/ignored. Any more and you may as well start
looking for the install disk!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Installing Ubuntu using wubi on Vista Home machine.....

2009-05-20 Thread Michael Holloway

On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 23:11 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> Really, John, what is the issue with just letting Ubuntu install
> itself in the normal way?
> I find Wubi really annoying [if people haven't noticed already].
> Don't see the need for it, apart from people who want to install it as
> an application on their Windows desktop.

Actually, WUBI saved me a lot of work few days ago. Needed to install
Ubuntu on a machine with a dead CDROM, and no capabilities of Netboot or
USB boot. Worked a charm; and got the old clunker functional again. I do
mostly agree with you though... proper partitioning is the way to go!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Image Windows Drive into a VM

2009-05-20 Thread Michael Holloway
Recently, I spent a lot of time trying to find a decent (easy) way to do
it, and VMWare's P2V (free) is by far the easiest. Other ways are
painfully slow(er) and complicated. 

It worked fine fir Vista64, but for use in VMWare server/workstation.
You can probably use qemu to convert the disk to Virtualbox. 

Bad news, windows needs reactivation. Good luck with that.

On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 16:44 +, Tim Dobson wrote:
> Hi there,
> I wonder if anyone can help.
> I'm in the situation (with someone else's laptop) where it would be 
> ideal if I could image their Windows Vista installation on their machine 
> into a virtual machine, ideally Virtualbox.
> Is this possible at all? Has anyone successfully done anything like this?
> If so, what would be my first steps?
> Cheers,
> Tim
> P.S. Sorry this question is more about Windows than Ubuntu, but I hope 
> you sympathise with my situation! :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyboard not being enabled in Jaunty

2009-05-06 Thread Michael Holloway
Try opening /var/log/messages when you are in the live CD and have a
search for 'keyboard'. It may prove remotely helpful:)

This is my result:
May  6 09:36:14 michael-desktop kernel: [5.770362] input:
USB-compliant keyboard
as /devices/pci:00/:00:1a.0/usb3/3-1/3-1:1.0/input/input3
May  6 09:36:14 michael-desktop kernel: [5.793283] ezkey
0003:0518:0002.0001: input,hidraw0: USB HID v1.10 Keyboard
[USB-compliant keyboard] on usb-:00:1a.0-1/input0

On Wed, 2009-05-06 at 11:05 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Michael Holloway
>  wrote:
> > Of course if you have no keyboard at this point (before x starts) then
> > we can assume something more difficult to fix, like a problem with usb
> > module or something.
> I have a keyboard in grub.
> It is when Ubuntu loads that the keyboard and the mouse disappear.
> Unfortunately the recovery mode is no different, they're "disabled" in
> that mode too.
> I've loaded a Live CD and am looking at the filesystems from that.
> But if I try to boot from any form of installed version I get the same
> symptoms... as soon as the little twiddly "working" thing comes up
> that's my keyboard and mouse gone, so I can't enter usernames,
> passwords or anything... and same happens if I do a Ctrl-Alt-F1 or
> similar during the boot up process... as soon as it gets to a certain
> stage the keyboard just "falls off the planet".
> Ho hum,
> Sean


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Keyboard not being enabled in Jaunty

2009-05-06 Thread Michael Holloway
Hi Sean

I'd suggest booting into recovery mode (or whatever its called, the
second grub menu option) and run

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

There are some options related to keyboard in their which may help (?)

Of course if you have no keyboard at this point (before x starts) then
we can assume something more difficult to fix, like a problem with usb
module or something.

On Wed, 2009-05-06 at 10:34 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> Just fired up a Live CD and trying to look for clues as to why
> keyboard and mouse aren't working in my nackered install of Jaunty.
> To clarify we have what appears to be a successful boot to the login
> prompts on the Ubuntu splash screen but neither mouse nor keyboard are
> doing anything. hence the thing is unusable.
> Where should I be looking for evidence of what I've done to "break"
> the user input side of things?
> Ctrl-Alt-F1 etc. don't work either, so the keyboard is definitely
> disabled, rather than it being a specifically 'X' thing..
> Sean


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Using rsync (or something) to remotely backup a windows drive

2009-04-24 Thread Michael Holloway
There is a command line tool for windows i think called "robocopy" (im
not in the office to check). On my network I use a scheduled task of
robocopy to backup windows machines to a local samba share, and then
rsync that to replicate remotely. I do an incremental backup which is
normally pretty quick, but I'm not sure about restore previous versions

On Fri, 2009-04-24 at 11:53 +0100, Andrew Oakley wrote:
> On 24/04/2009, doug livesey  wrote:
> > Hi -- I have a drive that gets a weekly backup of a Windows network stored
> > to it, and I would like to have that backed up in turn remotely.
> Rsync will do that. However Rsync is not native to MS-Windows, neither
> is SSH/SCP which Rsync can operate over. You may encounter problems
> setting up Rsync on MS-Windows. If you achieve success with Rsync,
> well done. If not... then my simpler solution, for backing up client
> MS-Windows machines onto a Linux server, has been:
> * Set up Samba and Windows Filesharing so that the Linux server can
> see the MS-Windows hard drives over Samba
> * Write a Bash script which mounts the MS-Windows share, then uses Zip
> to traverse to share.
> * Run the Bash script using Cron
> Zip supports many backup-friendly options, including directory
> recursion, incremental updates, timestamping and exclusion lists. For
> example, I have mine set to exclude video files such as  AVI, since
> these are so large they'd quickly fill the server.
> You could probably use Tar/Gzip instead. I chose Zip because it was
> better supported under MS-Windows than tgz. In particular I wanted to
> make it easy for MS-Windows users to extract their own backups out of
> the archive.
> Another feature I considered but did not implement was to use the
> "magic packet" to wake the MS-Windows clients from standby a few
> minutes before the backup.
> -- 
> Andrew Oakley


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 8.10 and WG111v3

2009-03-20 Thread Michael Holloway
Hi Toby

> wlan1 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1b:2f:be:80:69
>   inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
Looks fine

> Kernel IP routing table
Looks fine

> From Jonah.local ( icmp_seq=46 Destination Host Unreachable
what happens if you ping as this point?

> And it says it has the latest firmware version, 1.8,2007/03/01
That's the latest??? Oh well I guess there is nothing you can do about

For troubleshooting purposes:
1. you might like to try opening up your router for password-less
wireless connection...
2. do you dual boot, or have another machine you can plug the dongle in?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 8.10 and WG111v3

2009-03-20 Thread Michael Holloway
You say that the DNS stopped working? It doesn't seem likely.

Can you ping your router via the IP address?
`ping` (or whatever) should work regardless of DNS, while 
`ping` (whatever your routers dns name is) relies on DNS. 
`ping ` will resolve the IP address (which takes <1
second if DNS is working) and then used the cached IP address.

If you can ping your router and not the outside world, then it may be
DHCP problem. Either its not assigning you an IP address correctly, or
perhaps the wrong gateway. What is the output of 'ifconfig' when you are
in this state?

Also: when it comes to wireless problems, its often good to get the
latest firmware for your router. Amazingly this solves connectivity


On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 10:12 +, Toby Satchell wrote:
> Hi,
> I have used this dongle before and it worked, can't remember the specifics.
> But, now the network connects and is authenticated I use WPA, yet
> after a very brief second or two when traffic can be sent and received
> ( Learned by setting ping going before and during connection to the
> wireless network) it appears as though DNS has stopped allowing look
> ups.
> It isn't the router as I have have not changed anything on that and
> DNS works fine for wired connections.
> I have tried this tutorial, but to no avail.
> Does anybody have some advice on how to fix it.
> I am busy this afternoon and evening so the latest I can next test is 
> tomorrow.
> Thanks,
> Toby.
> -- 
> Toby Satchell BSc (Hons)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Netbook suddenly stopped recognising network..,..,

2009-03-17 Thread Michael Holloway
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with eeepc. Nor what the Kernel differences

Which is the default option (the one its on when the menu first comes
up). If is the 3rd option, then try booting the first (probably the
latest) kernel.

Also, when you say "it shows you are running". Where are you getting
that from. Can you type "uname -a" in a terminal and post that info.


On Tue, 2009-03-17 at 13:09 +, John wrote:

> Well, that's no good, I noticed that the third option was the eeepc
> option, which is what it boots up into, and when I tried the the 5th
> option, it doesnt pick up the wireless network at all, its as if its
> isnt even installed.
> The funny thing, as I have already mentioned, even though I click on
> the 3rd option, the eeepc kernel, it shows I'm running 
> Ubuntu 2.24.1
> not eeepc. So, I am really confused why that is happening. Hope its
> not confusing to you. 
> John


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Netbook suddenly stopped recognising network..,..,

2009-03-17 Thread Michael Holloway

Try booting with the 3rd and/or 5th option. It is likely that the 3rd
option was the last good kernel.


> Hi, well, it does seem that attachments arent allowed, but the owner
> has kindly attached it to this url, and I'll post that now, for you to
> look at.
> For some reason, its not posting as a link, so it looks like you will
> have to copy and paste into address bar.
> Thanks.
> John.

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Query about connecting a Ubuntu pc and an xbox

2009-03-12 Thread Michael Holloway

> What sort of HD content is it?
> I stream HD content from my server over a 100Mbit connection via Samba 
> and it tends to work fine (although it's only 720p as that is all my TV 
> supports).

The 720p works fine
The 1080p keeps having to buffer.

My TV also only only supports 720p. I used the 1080p to benchmark. Now I
know I don't need to bother upgrading to fullHD yet :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Query about connecting a Ubuntu pc and an xbox

2009-03-12 Thread Michael Holloway
On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 11:02 +, javadayaz wrote:
> cables are a strict no as my evil has striclty instructed that she is
> sick of the cables. 

I had that problem, the solution was 2 part. 
1. Get trunking and do the cable properly so that they are hidden.
2. Make sure there is lots of goodies on the media centre for her :)

I currently has a Netgear EVA8000 media centre, connected over 100MBit
lan cable. It streams the data from my NAS box in another room. On HD
video it struggles. This could be anything from the processing power of
the Netgear, to the disk read speed of the NAS, to the limit of the LAN
connection. I suspect the LAN is the problem.

I would therefore suggest that you look at making the best connections
to avoid this problem. Fixed cable first, then AC network, and then only
resort to wireless.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Upgrading, was: booting the ubuntu restore DVD

2009-03-06 Thread Michael Holloway
Alan, well corrected. I'm an Alpha 4ish kinda guy ( I like change!), I
forgot that you cant upgrade direct through two releases. 

Though I must say, in theory there shouldn't be a problem with it (if
the option is even there). I'm almost tempted to install hardy just to
try :) But then again, a broken installation and a can of beer is my
idea of a good Friday night!

Rowan, you can pretty much disregard my advice, but at least you know
that your problem is fixed in later releases of Ubuntu.

On Fri, 2009-03-06 at 10:21 +, Alan Pope wrote:

> Careful with instructions such as this. Your brief upgrade guide
> breaks under multiple circumstances.
> 1) If he's running 8.04 (which I believe he is) then it will be an
> unsupported upgrade from 8.04 to 9.04
> 2) If he download and burns the Live desktop CD then this option is
> not provided, only the alternate CD can be used to upgrade in-place
> 3) It doesn't detail gotchas that certainly will be there in the upgrade.
> Therefore I'd always recommend pointing people to the official upgrade
> guide so they can make an educated decision about how and whether to
> upgrade.
> is usually a good place to
> start, and it'll be update when 9.04 releases.
> Cheers,
> Al.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] booting the ubuntu restore DVD

2009-03-06 Thread Michael Holloway

For the record, I have just bought a new computer [I7 based ;)] and have
installed Jaunty (which is still in Alpha so I would not recommend it
yet). I have the same network device as you (RTL8111) and it it works
out of the box. If you feel up to it, when Jaunty comes out next month
you can install that.

After using your system recovery CD (and not updating your system) you
just need to download and burn Jaunty to cd, and then put in in while
ubuntu is running. It will pop up a message saying "Do you want to
update?". Problem solved. 


On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 19:46 +, Rowan wrote:
> It turned out to be, press F12 at the POST screen, as it states in the 
> bottom, then select the optical drive when the boot device menu appears. 
> It seems to have worked. To prevent all  this from happening again,  I 
> need to go to System -> Administration -> Software Sources, and uncheck 
> the Update tab. Hopefully it will be OK now. Sometime in the future I 
> may learn to use Updates selectively, or install DKMS, which is clearly 
> not especially easy. If I get it online tomorrow, I shall drop you all 
> an email from it. Thanks for all the advice ...


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Router reccomendations

2009-02-27 Thread Michael Holloway
I'm assuming you are talking about a home DSL router?

I always recommend Netgear DG834G

The wireless is 54Mbs, (they do have a 108mbs model too) and its ADSL
(not cable). If that's what you are looking for, then 40 quid or so will
buy you a solid reliable piece of hardware.

I use Netgear hardware at home and in the office, and have never had a


On Fri, 2009-02-27 at 17:01 +, John Levin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been having terrible router problems; one is near death, and a 
> back-up I had lying around (SafeCom Swart2) appears to be shoddy, not 
> saving settings etc.
> So it's time to buy a new, reliable router. Can anyone reccommend a 
> decent, reliable wireless router?
> John
> -- 
> John Levin


Re: [ubuntu-uk] HELP-How to formatting my notebook and install Ubuntu

2009-02-19 Thread Michael Holloway
Hi Ruzzuwan

* Before you start, make sure you have backed up any data you wish to
keep. If you are removing your old OS, then EVERYTHING on the hard drive
will be erased! If you are keeping it, then your data should be safe,
however its always a good idea to be sure :)

The easiest way to install is to use the Graphic installation tool on
the CD. Have a look a this link and it shows you all the steps to this
The one section I would like to point out is step 5. If you are going to
delete your old OS, then select "Erase Entire Disc" and it will do the
rest for you. If you wish to keep you current OS, select "Resize".

You will not need any additional drivers (or the driver disc supplied
with your notebook). Ubuntu will detect your hardware and install it
automatically. There is a small chance that a particular piece of
hardware wont "just work", but I suggest you try, and come back here if
you need any further help.

Have fun!


On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 20:55 -0800, rizzuwan wahid wrote:
> To whom it may concern,
> First of all i like to thanks you for sending me a copy of Ubuntu CD.
> I love to install the Ubuntu into my notebook as my OS, but the
> problem is I'm new in this field, I never formatting my notebook
> before, or install new OS into my notebook, I'm still using my OS from
> the day i bought the notebook about a year and half ago, that was
> install by the dealer maybe.
> So the problems are:
> 1. How i want to install my notebook with this Ubuntu.?
> 2. What another driver that i must have for formatting my notebook.?
> 3  What the first step that I've to do until my notebook can operate
> perfectly with Ubuntu?
> 4. Do i still must u...@install my chipset, audio, network, and other
> utilities drivers after i install Ubuntu?
> because from what I've known that all the driver that provided was
> used with Vista or XP OS..
> and I'm using HP Compaq Presario V3658TU with p/n GZ376PA#UUF, 
> Thanks for your cooperation and please guide me, and sorry for the
> inconveniences.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Hooking up a machine running Ubuntu to a Mark 1, BT HomeHub

2009-02-18 Thread Michael Holloway
Haha, Have you checked that your laptop is plugged in and turned on :)

There is very little reason why you should configure your network
interface before attempting to connect it. I imagine (and would be
disgusted if it didn't) that the BT box runs DHCP and therefore your
laptop should auto connect. Additionally, if you use manual
configuration and get anything wrong, then it wont work so its better to
use auto while trying to figure it out. Once everything is working, you
can then go to manual configuration.

With regards to point 5, this will simply identify that fact that linux
has detected the hardware and is prepared to use it. If you do get
output then we are off to a good start.

Point 6 will print out the current network configuration (to some extent
the status). If you are using DHCP and you see a line something like
"inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:" 
then you know that the network auto-configuration has succeeded, and the
problem might be related to DNS or something. If not, then there is no
TCP/IP connection established.

However if you have configured your network with a static IP address, it
will show these details regardless of TCP/IP state (which again makes it
more difficult to diagnose a problem).

On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 17:13 +, Rowan wrote:
> Your suggestions 5 and 6 are at least non-trivial. But, can I do all 
> this configuring of the Ethernet port BEFORE connecting it to the Hub? I 
> have two reasons for preferring this: one, I imagine it is better set-up 
> procedure in general, to configure ports in advance before connecting 
> them (if they are not self-configuring), and two, this Home Hub is 
> exceedingly prone to mental indigestion, requiring from time to time a 
> hard reset to factory condition, and a wait of an hour or more to 
> stabilise itself.
> I would consider switching to a Linux-friendly ISP, which would provide 
> a Linux-friendly router, if there is such a thing.
> As to the ports it has, this is the spec.:
> and, as you can see, it has one RJ-45 Ethernet port and 3 USB 2.0 ports.
> Michael Holloway wrote:
> > Rowan, I think we are all confused that it didn't "just work" as this
> > concept is a bit alien to us :-)
> >
> > Lets start from the beginning.
> >
> > 1. Are the lights on the ethernet ports on both the computer and the BT
> > box green/orange flashing etc ?
> >
> > 2. You say you have "a multitude" of ports. How many Ethernet ports?
> > (Setting up USB is likely to be more difficult).
> >
> > 3. Is the ethernet cable you have a normal CAT 5e cable? (I think there
> > is a different type of cable with the same plug used for ADSL cable or
> > soemthing). 
> >
> > 4. Have you tried using a different network cable?
> >
> > 5. In the terminal, ("Applications->Accessories->Terminal"), can you
> > type "sudo lshw | grep eth" (and enter your password). If there is no
> > output then we can assume there is a driver problem. Otherwise it should
> > list any ethernet ports.
> >  
> > 6. If you go to the terminal and type "ifconfig" what is the output?
> >
> > ... and then we can take it from there.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Michael
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 16:43 +, Rowan wrote:
> >   
> >> I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I made it clear in my first post 
> >> that it didn't just work out of the box like that. You all seem to 
> >> assume I haven't even attempted to configure it, but if you read my 
> >> first message, I state that I have attempted to connect in the 
> >> straighforward way already, and also attempted to use the Network  
> >> Connections panel in the computer (which presumably follows a familiar 
> >> Ubuntu layout) but I see no Ethernet option there.
> >> 
> >
> >
> >
> >   


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Hooking up a machine running Ubuntu to a Mark 1, BT HomeHub

2009-02-18 Thread Michael Holloway
Rowan, I think we are all confused that it didn't "just work" as this
concept is a bit alien to us :-)

Lets start from the beginning.

1. Are the lights on the ethernet ports on both the computer and the BT
box green/orange flashing etc ?

2. You say you have "a multitude" of ports. How many Ethernet ports?
(Setting up USB is likely to be more difficult).

3. Is the ethernet cable you have a normal CAT 5e cable? (I think there
is a different type of cable with the same plug used for ADSL cable or

4. Have you tried using a different network cable?

5. In the terminal, ("Applications->Accessories->Terminal"), can you
type "sudo lshw | grep eth" (and enter your password). If there is no
output then we can assume there is a driver problem. Otherwise it should
list any ethernet ports.
6. If you go to the terminal and type "ifconfig" what is the output?

... and then we can take it from there.


On Wed, 2009-02-18 at 16:43 +, Rowan wrote:
> I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I made it clear in my first post 
> that it didn't just work out of the box like that. You all seem to 
> assume I haven't even attempted to configure it, but if you read my 
> first message, I state that I have attempted to connect in the 
> straighforward way already, and also attempted to use the Network  
> Connections panel in the computer (which presumably follows a familiar 
> Ubuntu layout) but I see no Ethernet option there.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Connecting to my ethernet Connection......

2009-02-13 Thread Michael Holloway
On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 19:08 +, John wrote:
> Oh that's odd, I thought it had connected once since being installed. Oh 
> well. Does anybody have any idea on how get this fixed?
> Thank you.
> John.

Do you have another computer/laptop you can plug in and see if that
works? (Same cable etc). Are you dual booting and if so does it work in
the other OS? Does it work on the live CD? Any of the above working
would basically indicate weather there is a software problem in your
installation, or hardware problem along the way. You could always try a
different cable too (a damaged wire inside the cable could cause this).



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Date issues with perl and 2038-bug?

2009-02-13 Thread Michael Holloway
Matthew, the Unix timestamp is a 32 bit integer, therefore from 0 to

I think Any number above that will give you the date you are looking at,
as it will no longer be in the 32bit range.

In theory you can also have negative number 0 to - 2147483647 though I'm
not sure how the Unix timestamp will read this (probably 1970 again).


On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 08:56 +, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:
> Hi All,
> I've been playing around with a short perl script that tells you the  
> UTC wehn the datestamp on your machine will be 1234567890 (23:30:31  
> tonight if you're interested) and thought I'd try and invoke the 2038  
> bug by passing 99 to the perl script.
> It gives the expected date (00:59:59 Jan 01 1970) however if I then  
> put in 98 it gives the same result.  This then appears to  
> happen for any combination of n9 where n > 3.
> Is this expected behavior? If not, who do I notify and which package  
> do I file a bug against?
> M.
> -- 
> Matthew Macdonald-Wallace


Re: [ubuntu-uk] How to write a Linux virus in 5 easy steps?

2009-02-11 Thread Michael Holloway
> I hope it is /not/ MD5, which has been 'cracked' for a while now ;)
> In principle however, your idea would work well in practice. It's even
> quite possible to do today.
> I would like to see SELinux/AppArmour taken that little bit further
> too. I still refuse to run anti-virus on Linux, I *don't* need it :)
> Matthew.

Okay so maybe not MD5, but the theory :)

AppArmor kept me up till 4am in a hotel in Switzerland during an
emergency a few years ago before I knew it existed. For that reason I
have a personal grudge :) However I definitely agree that more work on
it (extending the app profiles, and possibly pushing to a 2 level, root
+user with frontend) would be valuable!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] How to write a Linux virus in 5 easy steps?

2009-02-11 Thread Michael Holloway
On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 22:14 +, alan c wrote:
> I trust it will not be long before I can feel just a little safer? 
> comments welcomed.

Personally, I would say that this is a very long article stating that
social engineering is platform independent. Anybody can stick a bash
script/binary/.exe on their blog saying "convert all your music to
smaller files" or something. somewhere in the middle there is a wget and
a sudo (or whatever the platform), and a lot of people blindly type in
the password. Even if the source is available, 99% of people wont look.

*nix by nature may be more "secure", and probably the majority of its
users highly resilient to this sort of attack, but the most vulnerable
point of any OS exists behind the keyboard. Essentially, its up to the
OS/ distro to make the user aware (with annoying popups).

I think something like "distro level security" could be implemented,
where ubuntu (/rh/suse etc) maintain say an md5 list of all binaries
available from the repositories (or just the installed ones), and before
executing a file check if it exists in the hash file, and matches, and
then execute or warn. For many users (who don't cross repo line much),
this would be beneficial. For some, little more than annoying.

This is assuming of course that no dodgy code makes its way into the
repositories :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Dual boot on Macbook problems

2009-02-10 Thread Michael Holloway
Doug, I'm no Mac user but I would throw caution to the wind when dual
booting between and internal and external hard drive. Could cause
problems with the MBR/active/boot partition being in the wrong location
when the drive is removed etc.

I would suggest partitioning the internal hard drive and having that
boot both OS's, and use the external as a Data drive or something.


On Tue, 2009-02-10 at 10:32 +, doug livesey wrote:
> Hi -- I tried last night to install Ubuntu on an external FW drive on
> my Macbook.
> It wouldn't reboot from the external drive, and managed to kill the
> install on my main HD -- hopefully the drive itself is ok, but I'm not
> sure (I can see it in the restore list).
> I tried restoring from TimeMachine to my internal drive, but that
> didn't work, so I ended up restoring OSX to the external drive, and am
> currently booting from that.
> What I'm hoping to do now, then, is to install Ubuntu on the internal
> HD, as I want to use it as my main dev environment anyway, so that
> could all have worked out in the end, if my internal HD is ok.
> I thought, however, I'd ask the expert collective about any potential
> gotchas before trying this -- there appear to be a few to ubuntu on a
> mac that I was not previously aware of! ;)
> Cheers,


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Preinstalled Ubuntu was [Fwd: Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference -- now available]

2009-01-28 Thread Michael Holloway
On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 16:10 +, Rob Beard wrote:
> Heck, I even found a cheapo 
> (circa £230) desktop PC listed on PC World's web site which comes with 
> Linux (although I'm not sure if it's either available in store or which 
> version of Linux it is - it's a start though) -

Interestingly, PC World's "Great offers with this product" start with
"Norton 360 All-In-One Security Version 2.0 ", then "Microsoft Office
Home & Student 2007 "

Hows that for randomized recommendations :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Chkdsk for NTFS partition

2009-01-14 Thread Michael Holloway

To be honest, if you don't have windows, you might as well format the
disc as EXT3, or even FAT32 if you are think you might be plugging into
a windows machine at some time. I don't 100% trust using NTFS under
Linux, and the problem you have come across here supports that.

Also, am I missing something? Why do you need a manual for a USB hard
drive :)


On Wed, 2009-01-14 at 08:32 +, Neil Greenwood wrote:
> Hello all,
> I've just bought a LaCie USB hard disk. It had a Windows-only setup
> program that installed the manuals and some software onto the newly
> formatted NTFS partition.
> When I plug it into my Ubuntu box, I get an error message saying that
> the disk could not be mounted because of an $MFT error. It suggests
> running CHKDSK /F and rebooting twice under Windows.
> However, I don't have Windows on my machine, and I was wondering
> someone knows an alternative command I could run under Ubuntu. I'm
> running hardy at the moment.
> I'd prefer not to format it straight away, since I'd like the manuals
> off the disk first, although apparently they're also available for
> download from the LaCie website.
> TIA.
> Cofion,
> Neil.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Wireless N routers

2008-12-18 Thread Michael Holloway
I'll second the powerline option. Haven't tried it myself but a friend
has and works brilliant.

I (living in Germany now) have a 32M cable internet connection. I was
connected over wireless due to inconveniently located cable modem, but
recently got off my read-end and wired a cable through the wall. My
average download speed more than doubled (from 1.5MB/s to 3.3MB/s).

Wireless is great, but if you can avoid it, then definitely do so!

On Wed, 2008-12-17 at 23:47 +, Simon Wears wrote:
> I never thought about the powerline option. Running a cable to my room
> is a bit out the question though unfortunately. Powerline networking
> is something that would work nicely though, as from looking into
> wireless solutions a bit more I found that most wireless routers don't
> support network bridging. the Apple Airport extreme I was recommended
> seems to do everything I need, it's just quite pricey. 
> Thanks for pointing that out, you may have saved me a small fortune!
> Simon


Re: [ubuntu-uk] screensaver freezing

2008-12-03 Thread Michael Holloway

On Wed, 2008-12-03 at 01:08 +, David King wrote:
> I have changed to a different screensaver (SlideScreen) to stop the 
> problem in case it is Helios. Also I changed the setting for Power 
> Management to not switch off the screen (it was previously set to switch 
> off after 40 minutes). I wonder if perhaps the more fancy screensavers 
> are just too much for whatever graphics hardware is in the laptop?
> David King

David. I'm afraid I don't have a solution... but one more Trial and
Error attempt for you. Try disabling the Compiz desktop effects.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Thoughts on Songbird?

2008-12-03 Thread Michael Holloway
Perhaps its my imagination... but this app looks exactly like iTunes
(the one piece of software i chose MS over Mac).

That said, giving it a go as we speak... but its going to have to have
to really make a good impression to win me over from the Amarok camp...

On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 20:29 +, mac wrote:
> Any thoughts on how Ubuntu plays with the 1.0 release of Songbird?
> Mac


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Windows Vista Ultimate Edition

2008-11-17 Thread Michael Holloway
On a more serious note:

1. To make money, eBay is probably the only real option (without
2. You could always have a look if a project such as Wine takes donated
copies of Windows

On Mon, 2008-11-17 at 16:42 +0100, Michael Holloway wrote:

> Send it to MS, tell them it doesn't work and you want your money
> back :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Windows Vista Ultimate Edition

2008-11-17 Thread Michael Holloway
Send it to MS, tell them it doesn't work and you want your money back :)

On Mon, 2008-11-17 at 15:30 +, Jai Harrison wrote:

> Hey guys,
> So I just won a copy of Windows Vista Ultimate Edition in a prize draw
> and figured that it's no use to me as an Ubuntu user. I'm pretty sure
> that it's the retail version (not OEM) and was just wondering if
> anyone had any tips on how a FOSS user could get some value from it
> (e.g. sell it on and how I'd go about doing that or other ways of
> getting something from it).
> Jai "Venko" Harrison

[ubuntu-uk] Outlook pst to evolution

2008-11-11 Thread Michael Holloway

I am in charge of IT in a small company; and have always allowed users
free choice of OS - which of course has resulted in 95% XP/VISTA and a
couple of Macs, and 0 Linux (outside IT).

Recently (after much moaning about how much their outlook crashes etc) a
couple of people have shown interest in *trying* Ubuntu. I'm quite happy
to Dual boot their machines as application wise: I think Ubuntu will
cover all of there needs.

However; we deal with a lot of email in this company, and some users'
archive.pst files are 5GB+, as well as a couple of gigs on the Exchange
servers (outsourced). Googling a way to import this has only resulted in
importing into mozilla in windows (to mbox), then copying the files
across and importing into Evolution. - Also with warnings about folder
trees and folder names (which is a big problem in our case, no detail
necessary). The other thing I found is a 5 year old project "Outport"
which I doubt we be of any use.

Have any of you had experience with this process? Or know of a good way
to do it (without imap-ing in 2 directions). Additionally, for heavy MS
Office users, any warnings? I use OO happily, but I barely even change

Thanks in advance


Re: [ubuntu-uk] more issues with 8.10

2008-11-02 Thread Michael Holloway
Sorry to hear you are having problems... but the the great thing about
linux world is that you can just "try another disctro". In fact I would
encourage everybody to play around with other distro's too, even if your
ubuntu installation is working fine!

On Sun, 2008-11-02 at 11:21 +, Ken Robson wrote:
> Since I installed 8.10 64bit as a fresh install, when I eject a cd 
> (using right click eject) it immediately closed it again before I have 
> time to remove the cd.
> Due to the high number of issues I am going to be removing it and trying 
> a different distro.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Windows 7

2008-10-22 Thread Michael Holloway


Haha!! Love a good chuckle.

Theyre missing one:

Windows 7 Crash Free Edition:

:~$ uname -a

Windows 7 michael-desktop 2.6.39-8-generic #1 SMP Wed Oct 22 01:30:40
UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux


Re: [ubuntu-uk] update failure

2008-10-22 Thread Michael Holloway
When I did my daily updates on Intrepid today - all went well, did the
reboot thing... and then I realised my Skype (medibuntu) had
disappeared... like, completely. 

"apt-get install skype", and it came back. Got no idea why, but it would
seem something "broke" the package and apt therefore removed it?? 

(To be fair, I wasn't really reading what was it was updating)

The pleasures of using ALPHA/BETA!!

On Wed, 2008-10-22 at 10:41 +0100, Sean Miller wrote:
> I upgraded to Intrepid several weeks back, sometime late September -
> this was just a standard daily update.  So now idea why it went wrong
> all of a sudden.
> Anyway, I did an apt-get update and then an apt-get dist-upgrade and
> it's fine now, it seems.
> Will keep an eye on that.
> Sean


Re: [ubuntu-uk] SERIOUS HELP NEEDED!

2008-10-22 Thread Michael Holloway

What are you using postresql for? Do you have any particular "sensitive"
databases on it? If so, seek help on how to backup databases before

It looks to me like this error is somewhat historical, i.e. it was an
upgrade that failed a while ago (due the the old version number).

I am pretty confident that allowing the system to do a full upgrade will
sort out the problem. 

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

... should rebuild the package lists and solve dependency problems...
hopefully :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] OpenOffice 3.0 repositories for Hardy

2008-10-21 Thread Michael Holloway

> I don't understand why LTS release are just stuck on the back burner -
> what is the point of LTS if it's not going to be maintained and kept as
> current as possible for people investing in it.

>From a server perspective - LTS is exactly what I want. When I want the
latest software, I'll get it... but what I need is a system that that
won't break when there are new updates, but does have the important
security patches.

>From a desktop perspective, there is a new release every 6 months... LTS
is just another in the cycle. I've been using Intrepid since Alpha 5...
I cant even wait the six months!!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Mythbuntu crashes with Nvidia driver

2008-10-01 Thread Michael Holloway

Not that i've ever tried it, but you may try having a look at Envy. Its
supposed to help install/configure NVidia and (i think) ATI cards.

sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk


On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 15:14 +0100, Ken Robson wrote:
> I am trying to build a Myth-Tv setup, I have a new board cpu and a 
> second-hand Nvidia 5200 with dvi output.
> Installing with the standard vesa driver works fine, but when I install 
> the restricted mode driver and reboot it crashes/hangs on x startup.
> Any ideas where I should start looking for issues and preferably solutions..
> Ken


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Hardware failure?

2008-09-30 Thread Michael Holloway
> Thanks for all who replied, I have 3 hard drives connected to the
> machine, 2 sata and one usb2 external storage. I am replacing the GPU
> today, a colleague of mine will give him a psu that he has, will try
> that tomorrow. Hopefully those changes will resolve it, if not, I'll try
> from a live cd. problem is the crashes are random, and they happen every
> 1-2 days, so there is a long waiting time between 1 attempt and the other.
> will keep you updated,
> thanks again,
> Seif A,

Hi Seif

If I can add my two cents. I had a problem with my machine a while ago
to do with the onboard SATA controller. I had semi frequent crashes (in
both win & lin), and after a month or two of this the hard drive would
give up. A reformat would bring it back to life. Anyway, you may try
going to the motherboard manufacturers page and see if there are any
bios updates, and this solved my problem.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 12" Ubuntu Inspiron

2008-09-12 Thread Michael Holloway
Is anyone else very confused???

On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 13:18 +0100, Ben Arblaster wrote:
> Stephen O'Neill wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Tony Travis wrote:
> >   
> >> Ciao, Michael.
> >>
> >> È la versione Italiana ;-)
> >> 
> >
> >


Re: [ubuntu-uk] 12" Ubuntu Inspiron

2008-09-12 Thread Michael Holloway
Actually it seems its power by "Linux Ubunto".

Wonder if that's any good :)

On Fri, 2008-09-12 at 12:46 +0100, Bruce Beardall wrote:
> Hi all, in case you're interested, found this through
> Engadget:
> A 12" Ubuntu powered Inspiron for just £299. (available from 6
> October)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] RAID failure after a couple of weeks

2008-09-08 Thread Michael Holloway
> The hardware controller you mention. Does that support Ubuntu? I
> wouldn't mind buying a hardware RAID card as long as it came with some
> kind of monitoring application (so I could tell remotely if the RAID
> fell over) and it managed to come in at the sub 100 quid price...

In my experience, though mostly with IBM servers... the hardware
controllers are rock solid. 

I'm running about 10-15 IBM servers and 2 HP, 1 of the IBMs is quite old
and doesn't have a hardware controller, so I installed 6.06.1 with
mdadm... about a month or two later, one of the hard drives went down in
a similar manner to what you explained. The other has been working fine
ever since, for about a year now. (It's not an important server so never
bothered fixing it).

Don't know if that means anything...


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Age and gender

2008-08-07 Thread Michael Holloway
> I've missed loads, I didn't realise there were so many.
I know, i was just looking too - there really are loads!

> > communities are often "boys-clubs", they are not limited to boys
> only.
> Unfortunately, the statistics disagree with you. For what ever reason
> the FOSS community is almost completely male and left to itself I
> don't think it will change. Women only groups are a reaction to the
> situation and part of the solution, but they are not the final
> solution.

I think, (and without starting WW3 here) that the statistics are linked
to a whole lot more. Women have always been welcome to join in these
communities. (or at least for a long time ?? don't know how it was in
the 80s). But:

1: Perhaps as they are seen as "boys-clubs" women are more reluctant to
join ??

2: I think in general, guys are more competitive (in an alpha male
sense), and the FOSS world is a great place to show off

3: When we had a computer room back in my primary school (running
commodore 64s) - there was a 10 or even 20:1 ratio playing really bad
games. Generally, the girls just laughed as us :) In high school, the
same. And now in my office - most of the guys have WIIs/PS3s or whatever
- and the girls say "yes there boyfriends have one". I REALLY don't know
what it is - but guys just seem to be more into this type of stuff.

3 pt 2: My girlfriend can find the Firefox button on my desktop whether
its in windows or linux. She doesn't care which OS she is in. As much as
i TRY and sell linux - she REALLY doesn't care :)

I don't know what the younger generations are like (ratio wise), but i
suspect the ratio between is decreasing along with the old "nerd/geek"
image that we "the nerds & geeks" had.

(Sorry, that got quite long - ill just stop here)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Age and gender

2008-08-07 Thread Michael Holloway
And apparently there is also

On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 10:08 +0100, London School of Puppetry wrote:
> In a conversation recently someone said to me that Ubuntu is only for
> techies.and blokes at that- and young blokes at that!
> Out of interest, as a middle-aged woman- I rarely see any other female
> names on the forum- but I really like Ubuntu but could not do without
> the help from the Forum
> -what is the general format of the forum?and could anything be done to
> change the age/gender profile to make Ubuntu more accessible to
> others-OR are there lots of middle-aged females out there?
> Caroline
> -- 
> ---
> London School of Puppetry


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Age and gender

2008-08-07 Thread Michael Holloway
Unfortunately... i think that conversation was partly accurate, though
the word "ONLY" is a bit strong. Ubuntu was pretty much created to break
that tradition, and to some extent it is slowly working (spreading to
the not so young, not so male population).

I don't know of many "aimed at/for/by women" communities, but a few of
the KUbuntu contributors and Planet-ubuntu members are part of the KDE
Women team. They might have some interesting info
on this topic there.

I don't particularly agree with the concept of having women-only teams
as i think it creates a visible boundary. While the general open
communities are often "boys-clubs", they are not limited to boys only.

On Thu, 2008-08-07 at 10:08 +0100, London School of Puppetry wrote:
> In a conversation recently someone said to me that Ubuntu is only for
> techies.and blokes at that- and young blokes at that!
> Out of interest, as a middle-aged woman- I rarely see any other female
> names on the forum- but I really like Ubuntu but could not do without
> the help from the Forum
> -what is the general format of the forum?and could anything be done to
> change the age/gender profile to make Ubuntu more accessible to
> others-OR are there lots of middle-aged females out there?
> Caroline
> -- 
> ---
> London School of Puppetry


Re: [ubuntu-uk] El Reg on IBM & Ubuntu

2008-08-06 Thread Michael Holloway
So was anybody else tempted to try this Lotus Symphony???

Well I downloaded it. I must say, while i'm not a fan of JRE - seems to
be a decent package, and hey; i welcome the competition!

There are some, err, "minor" areas that need work... for instance, you
have to install it with sudo (or as root), but, for some reason i cant
get it to work as a user. I've chmod/chowned everything i can find to
make to executable by anyone - and still nothing. Not even an error in
the terminal! Works with sudo though ???

Think I'll stick to for the mo :) 

On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 10:00 +0100, Rob Beard wrote:
> Mac wrote:
> > Do you think members of this list may need to swat up on Notes to 
> > accommodate the influx of new members next year?  :-)
> > 
> > Mac
> *shudders*
> I'd rather not swat up on Notes.  That application still gives me 
> nightmares.
> Rob


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Norm's complaint

2008-08-06 Thread Michael Holloway
Norman, while I agree with you to some extent.

1: Have you tried running the XP -> Vista upgrade? VERRY Messy -
resulted in a re-format for me.

2: 4 Years! Something must be keeping you with us :)

There are a lot of issues with Windows & Mac & Ubuntu and various other
distros. Some of them really annoying, some of them you just learn to
live with. I have to deal with Outlook crashing on users machines at
work every day. Me personally - my evolution crashes every day.
Difference is I forked a lot of money out of my budget to pay for their
Outlook (+Office)! There is no way i can debug the crash, there is no
way i can fix it. Microsoft support is expensive and ineffective (in my
experience). If i have free software (both meanings of free) I accept
that there may be problems.

There are a lot of guys/girls in the FOSS world dedicating a lot of
their time (often without payment) to making things like Ubuntu what it
is today - a TRULY usable desktop OS.

And always remember, for every new bug there are two new features!

On Wed, 2008-08-06 at 12:58 +0100, norman wrote:
> I have used Ubuntu for almost 4 years and, from to time, there have been
> discussions on how to encourage the wider use of the package. The common
> recurring theme refers to ease of use and reliability and, after all
> this time, there are still most annoying defects rearing their ugly
> heads.
> Yesterday I decided to update my granddaughters computer from Edubuntu
> 7.10 to Edubuntu 8.04. No problem, I hear you say, just start Update
> Manager and take it from there. The process started telling me what was
> to happen and indicated that it would take about 2 1/2 hours. Great,
> files were downloaded and the installation process got underway until
> there were about 4 minutes to go then, everything ground to a halt.
> I am not very computerate and know very little about the ins and outs of
> Linux so what should I do? The first thought is to start again but I am
> not sure how to do that and, in any case, it would mean another 2 1/2
> hours with no guarantee of success, the second thought is to scrap
> Edubuntu and return to Windows. However, I am an obstinate sort of
> person so I posed the question on the Ubuntu-users list. Within a very
> short time there was a response by someone giving the following
> reference:-
> There you have it - a very, very important procedure had a bug which
> prevented the final stages of the upgrade process and which has been
> known for some time. Is this way to gain confidence and attract new
> users? I was able to follow the various suggestions without which my
> granddaughter would be using Windows XP Pro today.
> OK, I have sounded off but this sort of thing should not be allowed to
> happen and I would be grateful if someone, who knows their way around
> the Canonical set up, could bring this to the attention of someone who
> cares about the future of Ubuntu.
> Norman 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] React OS- Virtual Box

2008-06-20 Thread Michael Holloway
On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 13:20 +0100, Michael Holloway wrote:
> I am trying the VMware image as we speak... so far i have had to restart
> the machine about 5 times. It freezes at the most random times. I have
> managed to get firefox installed, but nothing else yet...
> I don't really think its ready for any real use...

Haha, and I just got a Blue Screen of Death! Oh how I don't miss those!

I feel somewhat dirty using it, when I got to the Firefox download page
it detects that I'm using windows!

I think that as far as windows compatibility goes, wine is still the
best. And they have just released version 1.0 (
so I imagine that will be in Intrepid. 

In any case, the version in Hardy is pretty stable, and runs WoW!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] React OS- Virtual Box

2008-06-20 Thread Michael Holloway
On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 13:12 +0100, Kris Douglas wrote:
> Any app that is stable in wine... _should_... be stable in rOS.

I am trying the VMware image as we speak... so far i have had to restart
the machine about 5 times. It freezes at the most random times. I have
managed to get firefox installed, but nothing else yet...

I don't really think its ready for any real use...


Re: [ubuntu-uk] How do I know when to reboot after upgrading Ubuntu Server?

2008-06-20 Thread Michael Holloway
If you are doing a kernel upgrade you need to reboot. Any other updates
don't need a reboot, however you may need to restart the relevant
program that has been updated.

On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 10:57 +0100, Andrew Oakley wrote:
> On the Hardy desktop, the update notification icon handily tells me when 
> I need to reboot my desktop for the updates to take effect.
> I also run another machine, a Hardy Server with no GUI.
> After I have performed apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade on the 
> server, how do I know whether or not I need to reboot please?
> -- 
> Andrew Oakley


Re: [ubuntu-uk] React OS- Virtual Box

2008-06-20 Thread Michael Holloway
Does anyone know how well this works? I think i tried it ages ago (might
have been a different [clone]) but it was very very alpha at the time. 

I see that further down the page they say they will go into beta for 0.5
(and they are current only 0.3.4), so i doubt that its very stable at

Javad, please let us/me know how you get on with it :)

On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 08:01 +0100, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> Hi,
> Im just wondering if i will able to run this on virtualbox in Ubuntu?
> I think this is a replica windows os .so if there are any must
> have apps that you have to use in windows can now be used in this!!!
> Thoughts?
> Regards
> Javad


[ubuntu-uk] Top 500 Supercomputers

2008-06-19 Thread Michael Holloway
Check this out, its quite interesting:

Of the top 500: 452 run on *nix based OS's, And a whopping 5 run the
other one!

I just like reading the about the power these things have, and wish i
could get that on my desktop PC!

And you have to laugh... the most powerful computer in the world is an
American nuke machine! What a surprise!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Hi!

2008-06-11 Thread Michael Holloway
On Wed, 2008-06-11 at 07:31 +, Bod Soutar wrote:
> Hey guys, 
> Just found out about the uk loco team. I'm Bodsda, nice to meet you,
> im a 16 year old male who is currently finishing GCSE's. This is just
> to introduce myself but i also wanted to mention a project im working
> on. termTutor is/will be a terminal tutor guide/tutorial for newbies,
> for more info see my LP page, -- if
> anyone fancies getting involved with termTutor gimme a shout on the
> forums, or irc (#ubuntu, #ubuntuforums-beginners) or on LP. Anyway,
> nice to meet you and hope to hear so British voices soon.


I'm not Py-man but hey, maybe i can build a GUI for your app ;)
Haha, no seriously, it's a good idea in this day and age of moving
everything to GUI. Good luck!


[ubuntu-uk] Firefox Download Day (Slightly OT)

2008-06-04 Thread Michael Holloway
Hey Everyone

A bit of fun... let's all help our favourite browser (that's Firefox of
course) get the Guinness World Record for the most downloads in 24
hours... a great accomplishment for the (F)OSS world!

BTW, the States are killing us here... we can do better!



Re: [ubuntu-uk] CTRL+ALT+F(n)

2008-05-19 Thread Michael Holloway
On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 10:59 +0100, Andrew Oakley wrote:
> Michael Holloway wrote:
> >> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
> >> sudo X -configure
> >> sudo mv  /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> >> Haven't tried it yet, but will when I get home to my laptop. Would 
> >> appreciate it if you could let me know if this fixes it!
> > Well after running that, it completely messed up my xorg.conf,
> Eeek! Sorry.

Haha, no worriies. Me and my xorg.conf have become close buddies since i
got a laptop with and Intel GMA 3100 (965 chipset). Last time i make
that mistake!

> > Only problem is now i have an american keyboard!
> System menu - Preferences - Layout tab - Add... - Layout: United Kingdom 
> - Variants: Default - Add - and click Default radio button

Yip, just done it (except using KDE "system settings" method). All is
working perfectly now.

Not really sure If/How/Under what package I should list this as a bug. I
guess under xorg?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] CTRL+ALT+F(n)

2008-05-19 Thread Michael Holloway

> sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
> sudo X -configure
> sudo mv  /etc/X11/xorg.conf
> Haven't tried it yet, but will when I get home to my laptop. Would 
> appreciate it if you could let me know if this fixes it!
> -- 
> Andrew Oakley

Andrew: Thanks for the suggestion.

Well after running that, it completely messed up my xorg.conf, and
reverted my display to (something low?) to the point that the KDE system
settings wasn't even able to configure the video card... However; IT DID
indeed fix the keyboard problem. Using diffs and trial and error i have
isolated the cause:  Xkblayout: "uk". After commenting that out (in my
original xorg.conf), it works. Only problem is now i have an american
keyboard! Will try and figure out a proper solution, and submit a bug or

Section "InputDevice"
... (blah blah)
#   Option  "XkbLayout" "uk"



[ubuntu-uk] CTRL+ALT+F(n)

2008-05-19 Thread Michael Holloway
Hi Guys/Girls

I'm running KUbuntu (and have been for about 4 versions). Since I got
8.04 (from alpha 5) and shiny new Sony Viao, I can on longer CTRL+ALT+F1
to drop the a terminal. While this isn't a huge issue; it is something I
like to use (log tracing for development without mousing to find the
right Konsole).
I have Google'd extensively and can only find 2 year old posts relating
to graphics drivers. I have tried using the 'intel' driver as well as
'vesa' but to no avail. Any one else got this problem, or even better, a



Re: [ubuntu-uk] OpenSSL vulnerability

2008-05-14 Thread Michael Holloway
Hahahaha - so i was just doing the updates on a server in Switzerland
that is getting officially disused in about a week... and i lost my ssh
connection while it was doing reconfigure on openssh-server (i have the
blue screen waiting for me to push okay)... now i cant ssh to the server
anymore!! LUCKILY i don't need to!

Does anyone know if a second port is opened for emergency connections or
something in this situation. I know someone mentioned (i think in uk
podcast) that a second port is opened during dist upgrades. Im about to
do a portscan but im pretty sure my fw will block that!

On Wed, 2008-05-14 at 09:58 +0100, Michael Holloway wrote:
> Well I tell you one thing, I (as a sys admin) am having an entertaining
> morning! Got about 20 servers to do... now which ones use ssh shared
> keys again :)
> + Question: So one of those servers uses HTTPS (Versign SSL Cert). Will
> that need to be updated? Seeing as i only use a key because people like
> to see "secure" and not because there is anything that needs to be
> secure on the site, is it worth going through the process of updating
> it? And is it necessary do you think?
> Cheers,
> Michael


Re: [ubuntu-uk] OpenSSL vulnerability

2008-05-14 Thread Michael Holloway
Well I tell you one thing, I (as a sys admin) am having an entertaining
morning! Got about 20 servers to do... now which ones use ssh shared
keys again :)

+ Question: So one of those servers uses HTTPS (Versign SSL Cert). Will
that need to be updated? Seeing as i only use a key because people like
to see "secure" and not because there is anything that needs to be
secure on the site, is it worth going through the process of updating
it? And is it necessary do you think?


On Tue, 2008-05-13 at 18:18 +0100, Mac wrote:
> I haven't seen this mentioned here, so in case anyone is affected and 
> hasn't seen the advisory...
> Mac


Re: [ubuntu-uk] IMAP Server

2008-05-09 Thread Michael Holloway
On Fri, 2008-05-09 at 13:29 +0100, Andrew Barber wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I am just looking for a couple of suggestions on good IMAP Server
> software. We was looking over DOVECOT recently, but just wondered what
> you guys thought of that and others that are out there.
I guess it depends on how big an environment you are catering for. For
me personally, I have been using Postfix + Courier IMAP for a few years
on my PIII at home running my personal mail and a few other accounts.
Works perfectly well, and easy to set up. 

I'm not sure how extensible either (Dovecot/Courier) are, but i would
guess that they both handle < 100 mailboxes quite happily. 
(note, that is an actual wild guess!)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Hardy Heron Release Party

2008-04-04 Thread Michael Holloway

> Well, as the time fast approacheth, I'm going to throw my hat in the
> ring and say, come the 24th, I shall be sat in the Pembury with a pint.
> Any other Londoners willing to join?
> -- 
> All the best,
> Josh Blacker

I'll probably come along... unless the boss (other half) doesn't let
me :)

So what happens at these release parties? Does everyone bring there
laptops and ubuntu caps and talk geek (eliminating for possibility of
+one's) or is it just a general celebratory beer?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] KlamAV and AV in general

2008-03-11 Thread Michael Holloway

> > 
> If you're sharing a C:\ drive, you've got to be stark starting
> mad...
> That's s bad XP even warns you NOT to do it...
> I totally agree...  But when you can control the way people can access
> it, its not too bad, eg, having a password on it. 
> I do this in a local network with only my machines, and I don't
> recommend you do it otherwise (like in a public environment / office).

Personally, I use samba shares at home - and don't bother with AV. My
dual boot there has access to its windows drives, but doesn't scan - i
have AVG in windows...

At work, i have a samba server too - but that one does run Clam, of

I have read
and though i know that could have easily been written by Mr Gates & Co.
I'm sure there is some accuracy in it. If this is a growing problem -
then when do we need to start caring?

Installing from the Repositories /should/ be 100% safe, and we like to
think that installing stuff of source forge is too (because the source
is open), but as more new/inexperienced Linux users emerge, the gateway
is opening. Take for example, I write a cool program, "xyz", but i
happen to put shell c99 (or worse) in the binary installer.

Does anyone else think maybe it's a good idea to, say, have an option in
Ubuntu install or something to have a memory resident AV enabled? (which
most of us will probably so no to :)

P.S. if anyone is wondering where this is all coming from, the topic of
Fast Flux Hosting has come up at
work and I'm doing some research into how they are compromising web


[ubuntu-uk] KlamAV and AV in general

2008-03-10 Thread Michael Holloway

I've just installed KlamAV on my KUbuntu Laptop, just to have a look at
it. It's virus definition database is huge - ie, windows targeted

It it worthwhile having KlamAV/ClamAV, or any anti-virus on an Ubuntu
(or any *nix) desktop?



[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Alpha 6

2008-03-07 Thread Michael Holloway
Hi Everyone

Hardy Heron is nearly here - Just a month and a half(ish) till final

I see Alpha 6 is available. Has anyone tried it. How buggy/unusable is
it for the Desktop?

I am a very impatient person :) and want to give it a go, but i don't do
live CDs (like i said, impatient!). Last time around i waited for Beta
before i plunged in, and had little or no problems. Is Alpha too soon??
I guess I'm probably going to find out this weekend!

Anyone care to try and share their experience, here are the links.
(any less experienced users, I recommend you don't try :) (Ubuntu) (KUbuntu) (EDUbuntu) (jeOS) (XUbuntu) (Gobuntu) (Studio)



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu PC in Aria

2008-03-07 Thread Michael Holloway
Haha, gotta love the comments underneath!!!

Question 1: "Does the Linux operating system include a web browser?"

Question 2: "Can the linux operating system be removed and Windows XP be
used instead?"

Perheps they should have a link to or something!!!

On Fri, 2008-03-07 at 10:33 +, Kris Douglas wrote:
> Aria is now selling Linux fitted PC's with Ubuntu, and for a VERY good
> price, and a bloody good spec.
> Intel(R) Celeron 3.2GHz Processor
> 80GB – 7200RPM Hard Disk Drive
> DVD Rom drive
> VIA PM 800 Pro Motherboard
> Integrated shared 64MB Graphics
> 5.1 channel AC'97 Sound
> 6 x USB 2.0 Ports
> Integrated Ethernet 10/100 Mbps
> 1 x AGP 8x , 3 x PCI
> Enhance 250W PSU
> Multimedia Keyboard
> Optical Scroll Mouse
> Linux Ubuntu
> -- 
> Kris Douglas
>   Softdel Limited Hosting Services
>   Web:


Re: [ubuntu-uk] where is everyone?

2008-03-04 Thread Michael Holloway
On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 14:53 +, Sean Miller wrote:

> They haven't organised the LinuxWorld Conference this week and not
> told us have they!?!?
> Seriously, any news on when it's going to be?

I know!! I keep checking back on their site; with no luck. Maybe the
problem is that not enough people are planning on setting up stands
there!?!? Could it be?


[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu on HP

2008-02-28 Thread Michael Holloway
Hi Guys

Have any of you got any experience with HP servers and Ubuntu? I always
use IBM but due to (blah blah) it looks like I'm getting HP. I will be
installing 7.10 server on it.

Does anyone have any plus/minus sides to it? Any incompatibilities or
problems you have come up against?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] 'The One': new low-priced laptop with linux inside

2008-02-18 Thread Michael Holloway
On Mon, 2008-02-18 at 13:33 +, Alan Pope wrote:

> I know a few people who dual boot Windows and Linux. Only using Windows
> for gaming. Seems ideal.
I for one am on of these people - a victim of WoW. I have a perfectly
legal and legit copy of Vista, just because i play games in what little
spare time i have. All of the rest of the time (working/surfing/time
killing) is spent in Linux.

I have managed to get most (some?) of the games i have to run in Linux
under Wine, though i must admit i have never tried Cedega. 

The one thing i find is that frame-rate is greatly reduced when running
Windows games in Linux... i guess that is due to Wine. Also, sometimes
the sound is buggy (don't we just love having so many sound engines!).

Playing games (RTC Wolfenstein for instance) works well with the native
client, but i have little hope or many more games going that way - which
is a major pitty.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] driving games

2008-02-14 Thread Michael Holloway
TuxCart :)

On Thu, 2008-02-14 at 15:05 +, Dave Morley wrote:
> On Thu, 2008-02-14 at 13:57 +, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Can anyone suggest some good driving games in buntu gutsy?
> > 
> > Vdrive seems good!
> > 
> > Regards
> > 
> > javad
> Torcs and trigger


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing

2008-02-06 Thread Michael Holloway
Ahhh thats where i saw the Seagate USB thing... on this list!!!

 Forwarded Message 
> Reply-To: British Ubuntu Talk 
> To: British Ubuntu Talk 
> Subject: [ubuntu-uk] Problems with the latest Seagates?
> Date: Sun, 09 Dec 2007 19:17:43 +
> You may have seen this report about problems with the latest Seagate
> drives with GNU/Linux:
> Does anyone know how accurate this is?  I've been thinking of getting
> 500Gb USB drive, and I've tended to use Seagates in the past.  I may 
> need to think again.  What do you reckon?  How about Maxtor instead? 
> (Yes, I know, Seagate owns them, too;  but I don't think the redesign 
> has included Maxtors - yet???)
> Mac

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing

2008-02-06 Thread Michael Holloway
> Ok, morning came and that machine hadn't crashed, so I started the 
> unison sync again to force the machine to crash, and something happened 
> while I had an ssh session open, the server didn't crash as it usually 
> does (without any errors), this time it returned an I/O error to unison 
> and then it crashed, but somehow my ssh session was still going! :) find 
> attached the output from dmesg, it says the XFS partition is corrupt, I 
> am not sure if that is what is causing the crash, or did all those 
> crashes cause the corruption? I am copying all my files over to a secure 
> place, and will try to repair the partition (xfs_repair sdb1).

Hmm, well it still could be to do with the power... especially if its an
external USB device (some sort of distant memories). If i remember well
there is an issue with USB Seagate drives (or perhaps im making that
up), maybe someone on the list can elaborate on that??

As for the crashes corrupting the drive <> visa vera... i more inclined
to think the hardware has caused the crash. It is possible that the
hardware is somewhat faulty, or just that it isn't "on" when Ubuntu
thinks it is. Those errors were read errors which just sounds like a
silly issue like that.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu Crashing

2008-02-05 Thread Michael Holloway

Hmm sounds odd... its possibly due to a HDD power down, and not powered
up. Have you disabled all your power settings in the BIOS?

A log file that might help you diagnose is /var/log/messages - if there
is anything interesting in there, post it here and we'll have a look.


On Tue, 2008-02-05 at 12:03 +, Seif Attar wrote:
> Hello,
> I have ubuntu 7.10 gutsyx64, installed on a new machine I bought, after
> finally getting everything on there, I noticed that it keeps crashing! i
> dont know what causes the crash, it doesn't happen when I am using it,
> usually happens when I have left it for a while (no suspend used, only
> blank screen on idle), when I try to resume my session, the screen works
> normally i can move the mouse, see the applications that were already
> running, but i cannot start new apps, cannot ssh into the machine,
> cannot access apache! now you can imagine how annoying this can be,
> especially when it crashed when i am away from home and need to access
> it!
> Can any1 give me advise on how to troubleshoot this?? I can't run dmesg
> and don't know what logs i should be checking since a hard shutdown is
> forced!
> I did try disabling the nvidia-new driver, thinking it could be causing
> the failure, but it still occured!
> Thanks in Advance,
> Seif A.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Smb problems

2008-02-01 Thread Michael Holloway
Hehe, maybe tjhat's cos it didn't make sense!!!

Okay i have never used the shared folders in gutsy, but i have used
samba shares (configured in text mode) so i might have some insight.
First of all, i am somewhat surprised that "nothing" happened... no
error messages?

Maybe if you pop into the terminal and chown ownership of the shared
folder you may have more luck...

In the terminal "chown -R javad:javad myshare" where myshare is the
folder, err obviously.

Secondly, you may need to check your samba configuration for that folder
to make sure you have write access. I cant help you with that as i dont
know what the GUI looks like.

Maybe we can take it forward from there... 
If no luck, please elaborate on the problem.


On Fri, 2008-02-01 at 09:07 +, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> not even a single reply?
> On 31/01/2008, Javad Ayaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> I have posted this problem, to which i found an answer. But
> the problem has come back.
> Ok basically whenever i click shared folders and add a file in
> it. when i go back and check the added folder isnt there
> leaving the box unpopulated.
> Hope this makes sense. 
> I have samba installed.
> (im basically trying to share files between a gutsy comp and
> an xbox running xbmc.
> Regards
> Javad


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unresponsive 'windows' and icons

2008-01-30 Thread Michael Holloway
> Hi Michael
> Thanks for your response, and I think you got it.  I turned off compiz
> and lo and behold the light shone down on me!  The notification area
> started working, todiscgui worked and so did amsn.  So then I turned
> compiz back on with all the plugins disabled, and then gradually
> turned them on one at a time while starting and stopping the two
> programs.  I discovered that enabling Freely Transformable Windows was
> the cause of the problem with todiscgui.  amsn is proving a little
> more difficult as sometimes it works properly and then it will sulk,
> so I'll have to keep working on that one.  Is this something I should
> report to someone somewhere?
> Many thanks,
> Jen

Hi Jen

I suspect this is probably a (somewhat) known issue, but your input is
always welcomed, so pop down to and report
your findings there.
You might also find it helpful to run "nvidia-settings", and
"compiz-config" on your end, and see if there are any options you can
change to find the neutral ground between nvidia and compiz. I had a
nvidia card on my old machine running beryl ( a compiz spin-off ) and
there was an option somewhere that fixed a lot of issues. I cant
remember what the option was called, but i remember choosing "copy" as
the answer! Maybe someone on the list can elaborate on that :) 



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unresponsive 'windows' and icons

2008-01-29 Thread Michael Holloway
On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 14:39 +, reyasuk wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been using Ubuntu for a few months now and I love it.  I started
> with Feisty and upgraded to Gutsy when it became available.  When I've
> had problems I'm usually able to solve them myself by searching the
> internet and putting all the pieces together.  But this time I'm
> stumped and two weeks is long enough in the wilderness!
> Firstly, the notification area is not working properly, and most of
> the time the icons there do not respond.  Sometimes the first one will
> work with a right click but any additions don't work, although
> yesterday they were all working again and I have no idea why.  Today
> none of them are working.  Next on the list is aMSN, which I have
> uninstall and reinstalled more times than I care to remember, using
> every method I've come across. Then todiscgui, which is part of the
> tovid suite, and I have used this many times in the past with no
> problems (tovidgui works ok).  Both of these were working fine but now
> I cannot use the mouse within either of these programs.  I can click
> on the menu bar and the menus drop down but clicking within the drop
> down menu just closes it, and nothing within the window reacts to the
> mouse at all.  It is possible to navigate with the keyboard though,
> and the mouse functions properly in everything else I use.
> >From everything that I have been reading, I believe that it may be to
> do with the 'window' that the programs run in.  I have discovered that
> aMSN uses 'wish' but I have no idea whether this is where the problem
> lies.  In the course of my research I've also been introduced to tcl
> and tk but all that sort of scripting stuff is beyond my comprehension
> at the moment.  I also believe that python gets thrown into the mix
> somewhere as well.
> The only other problem that has happened recently is having to
> reinstall the nvidia drivers a couple of weeks ago when there was an
> update for xorg that seemed to cause problems for many others as well.
> But I can't say for certain if this is when the other problems
> started.
> Any pointers in the right direction would be much appreciated.  It's
> so hard to explain a problem when you haven't got a clue what you're
> talking about, and it's even harder to search for!
> Many thanks, Jen

Hi Jen

Sounds like your having a fun time time there... :)

My first suggestion is to try disable the Advanced Desktop Effects
(compiz) is System->Preferences->Appearance, in the Visual Effects Tab. 
If that fixes it then at least we have an idea where the problem is
coming from...

My second suggestion is to try reconfigure xorg by typing sudo
"dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal. There is also a command
something like "nvidia-xgl-config" or something that configures for
nvidia cards, but i cant remember exactly what is is...

Hope something here helps!



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Need to convert dv files into vob files in kino

2008-01-28 Thread Michael Holloway
On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 14:34 +, Javad Ayaz wrote:
> ok i will look into itif its the better way (but not easier) of
> doing it! :)

The word "easier" is open to interpretation.

Does "easier" mean spend a few minutes clicking around very helpful
screens with big buttons saying, opening this, and change this setting,
and save etc... ?


Does "easier" mean typing (or even pasting) one line into the terminal ?

The terminal is both very powerful and very easy once you get the hang
of it... and hey, practise makes perfect... one day you'll find yourself
telling someone else to stop wasting their time with point-and-click :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] IBM backs Ubuntu

2008-01-28 Thread Michael Holloway
That is cool... but what's "Ubuntu Linux 7.0"?

On Mon, 2008-01-28 at 01:54 +, Tom Bamford wrote:
> Mac wrote:
> > You may already have seen this interesting development...
> >
> >
> >
> > Mac
> >   
> That's pretty cool. I've been using Ubuntu to persuade businesses to 
> ditch Microsoft and this will definately help because business oriented 
> collaboration is one area that Microsoft has got covered to a tee. I 
> also like IBM because of their Linux support, my Thinkpad is fully 
> supported out of the box with Ubuntu.
> Tom


Re: [ubuntu-uk] jeOS!! umm does it work?

2008-01-14 Thread Michael Holloway

> Thanks for all your input. As far i understand it: jeOS is a lightweight
> distro that does not include any unnecessary software, drivers and
> kernel modules that are normally included for compatibility. I.E. They
> do not need to include compatibility for 1000s of NIC cards, because all
> it needs is the PCNet driver the VMWare emulates.
> In reply to Tom: ive tried on 7.10, 7.04, and 6.06.1. VMWare-server
> version 1.0.2 and 1.0.4. I think that is a fair spread to try on. 1
> Thing that you said that stands out is that you used IDE. i always use
> SCSI but i think its worth a try... thanks.
> Cheers,
> Michael
Haha - and now i decide to RTFM:

I quote: "Please note that in order to reduce the size of JeOS to a
minimum SCSI drivers have not been included in the JeOS kernel. Please
make sure that you instruct VMWare to use an IDE drive instead."

Guess that's my problem!!!


Re: [ubuntu-uk] jeOS!! umm does it work?

2008-01-14 Thread Michael Holloway

On Sat, 2008-01-12 at 14:27 +, Tom Bamford wrote:

> I've just installed JeOS 7.10 on VMware Workstation 6.0.2 on an Ubuntu 
> 7.10 i386 host. It installed perfectly using an IDE emulated hard disk 
> and now it's updated. One cool thing I noticed is that the VMware guest 
> kernel modules are included already in JeOS, that is vmhgfs, vmblock, 
> vmxnet and vmmemctl.
> I used to have a problem installing Dapper Server 6.06 on older versions 
> of VMware. The solution I found was to use the desktop kernel rather 
> than the server kernel as I couldn't get the server kernel to boot on 
> virtual hardware. It's been ages since I had this problem though, I 
> doubt it's even the same issue. What version of VMware software are you 
> running?
> Regards,
> Tom

Thanks for all your input. As far i understand it: jeOS is a lightweight
distro that does not include any unnecessary software, drivers and
kernel modules that are normally included for compatibility. I.E. They
do not need to include compatibility for 1000s of NIC cards, because all
it needs is the PCNet driver the VMWare emulates.

In reply to Tom: ive tried on 7.10, 7.04, and 6.06.1. VMWare-server
version 1.0.2 and 1.0.4. I think that is a fair spread to try on. 1
Thing that you said that stands out is that you used IDE. i always use
SCSI but i think its worth a try... thanks.



[ubuntu-uk] jeOS!! umm does it work?

2008-01-11 Thread Michael Holloway
Has anybody else tried jeOS yet? 

I have tried it on 3 different VMWare servers, 2 AMD based, and one
Intel. No matter how hard i try, i cant get it to work. It installs
fine, and then freezes on boot, failing to load the Kernel. It would
appear that it cant mount the drive. Even when i edit the grub
parameters to use /dev/sda1 instead of the UUID. Even after booting from
the CD and reinstalling grub etc etc. I've tried to use SCSI and IDE
hard drives (i mean virtual hard drives) to no avail. Any one got any
ideas, or come across the problem?  Googling has not resulted in
anything useful.

btw , these 3 vmware servers are all running various other versions of
Ubuntu, from 6.06 to 7.10.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] DVD

2008-01-09 Thread Michael Holloway

I'm trying to remember exactly how i've done this before... but first
point is that i did it in windows using (mostly) opensource software
that may or may not be available for linux.

The first thing i used was virtualdub, which is not to dissimilar to
avidemux. Using that i extracted the audio (not recoded, just extracted)
to own file, and then changed the framerate (an option somewhere) to
25fps and saved the video (also not recoded, but copied) into its own

so i had: 

Then using BeSweet and BeSweetGUI, you convert the audio from 23.97 to
25fps save as audio_pal.mp3

Then using virtualdub again, open video.avi, and add the audo_pal.mp3 as
the audio track. Then save the file as "complete.avi" (again, not
recoding, just using copy).

10 minutes later you have a PAL movie, and you can convert using the
normal methods.

Hopefully this helps, i dont have time to see if the programs work with
linux, or if there is an equivalent.


On Tue, 2008-01-08 at 19:10 +0100, davisjo wrote:
> Many thanks for the posts on DVD software.
> I have tried the DeVeDe software in all it's guises and when I do a
> preview, the sound is totally distorted. So much so, that it is not
> worth transcoding the film.
> Has anyone dragged a film off Ubuntu and used some other software, i.e
> Nero and recoded with any success ? 
> Many thanks
> John


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Display blanking despite settings in gnome-power-manager and gnome-screensaver

2008-01-07 Thread Michael Holloway

There is a bug i think when using ATI cards (we always blame the
graphics cards!)... after much googling, on a friends machine with the
machine problem i came across this to add to the end
of /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "ServerFlags"
 Option "BlankTime" "0"
 Option "StandbyTime" "0"
 Option "SuspendTime" "0"
 Option "OffTime" "0"

Worked for me so you can give it a try.


On Sun, 2008-01-06 at 21:26 +, Iain Lane wrote:
> Hello all,
> I switched to Gutsy from Windows a couple of months ago and have been
> having a blast ever since. However, there is this one problem that I've
> been having ever since the switch and it's pretty annoying. I'd been
> living with it for a few weeks until I got a new laptop (eee pc),
> installed Xubuntu on it and started seeing the exact same problem. Here
> goes:
> After exactly 10 minutes of idleness (no KB or mouse activity), the
> screen will go blank (very irritating when watching movies as players do
> not seem to be able to disable this, either). This is not a blank
> screensaver, as I changed the saver to something else and still just get
> a black screen. In gnome-power-manager (System -> Preferences -> Power
> Management), all sliders are set to "Never". In gnome-screensaver
> (System -> Preferences -> Screensaver), the "Regard the computer as idle
> after" slider is at 40 minutes. Here's what I've tried and failed to do
> so far - nothing made any difference at all:
> * Disable DPMS in xorg.conf
> * Remove gnome-screensaver
> * Install xscreensaver instead
> * Remove gnome-power-management (all per [1])
> Anyone have any ideas what would be causing the screen to blank, and how
> I can stop it? It seems counterintuitive that all of the applets to
> manage this are being ignored.
> Iain
> [1]


Re: [ubuntu-uk] dual boot

2008-01-02 Thread Michael Holloway

is suspect something the following would work, but i dont have a dual
boot machine around to have a look at the settings...

title Windows
map (hd0) (hd1)
map (hd1) (hd0)
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

If not, can you type
"sudo fdisk -l"
in your terminal and paste it in a reply. 


On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 13:12 +, norman wrote:
> Old nuisance is here again - Happy New Year - I had a sata hdd for
> Christmas on to which I installed Win XP Pro having first disconnected
> the Ubuntu hdd. Then, with both drives connected I confirmed that the
> Ubuntu drive is hd0 and the Windows drive is hd1. At the end of menu.lst
> in Grub folder I added at the very end:-
> title Windows
> map (hd0) (hd1)
> map (hd1) (hd0)
> rootverify (hd1,hd0)
> chainloader 
> On starting to boot I pressed esc and, at the bottom of the list, there
> was Windows. I am winning I thought so, after selected Windows I pressed
> enter and saw what I had entered in menu.lst and an error message:-
> Invalid or unsupported executable format.
> I seem to have done something wrong and hope that some kind reader can
> point me in the right direction, please.
> Norman


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Why some people will never switch

2007-12-22 Thread Michael Holloway
Well i can say that i am a bit surprised (if not a little innocently
prejudice) at the results so far with regards to the age group! As a 24M
i didn't expect to see as many in the (insert Politically Correct term,
perhaps) higher categories. I am not surprised, though a bit
disappointed (got myself to blame for that too) about the results of the
gender question! Maybe it's time we change the default colours of gnome
to something more female friendly :)

On the whole, i think its an interesting pole!! Thanks!

P.S. Sorry if i offended anyone, its very early and the coffee hasn't
counteracted on the effects of the Mulled Wine from last night!!

On Fri, 2007-12-21 at 14:10 +, Kirrus wrote:
> Done ;)
> Poll started today, will close on January 31st, so get your votes in now!
> I'll post the results here.
> Regards,
> Kirrus


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Why some people will never switch

2007-12-21 Thread Michael Holloway
On Fri, 2007-12-21 at 12:01 +, Mac wrote:

> Yeah, Eddie!  Let's hear it for us seriously ancient, technologically 
> decrepit listees!  (BTW, I wonder what the average age of the list 
> actually is???)
> ;-)
> Mac

We should set up a poll on launchpad or whatever to find out :)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] GPG grrrs!

2007-12-19 Thread Michael Holloway
On Wed, 2007-12-19 at 15:32 +, Dave Morley wrote:
> Should gpg work over ssh? it maybe an untrusted device. Have you
> tried doing it directly instead?

Well i wouldn't have thought that was an issue, but maybe. The server in
question is in a hosting facility... hardly worth a visit to generate a
PGP key :)

Anyway, i just generated one locally and copied it... seems to work just
fine. Guess its not ideal but then its not for a majorly important



[ubuntu-uk] GPG grrrs!

2007-12-19 Thread Michael Holloway
Hi All

You know when you come across a problem so silly that you just cant get

Anyway, i am trying to create a GPG key on a remote (ubuntu) server over
ssh. In order for GPG to create keys it needs random events to happen on
the machine etc. I can do it on my desktop no probs, but on the
server... i have a bunch ssh terminals open simultaneously, when it
starts generating the key, i have terminals: compiling bind &&
restarting apache && tar cfv - / | gzip -c > /tmp/tmp.tgz && tree &&
mysqldump && one terminal of typing random stuff... all of this going on
for a few minutes, and GPG still wont create the key... i get the below
output, just waiting. The internet has proved less than useful, im
really hoping someone here can help! ? :)

We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.

Not enough random bytes available.  Please do some other work to give
the OS a chance to collect more entropy! (Need 288 more bytes)


Re: [ubuntu-uk] No title bar on windows.

2007-12-12 Thread Michael Holloway
On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 22:25 +, Ian Pascoe wrote:
> Andy, which desktop you using?
> There appears to be a couple of known problems with Compis and title bar
> locking off screen, eithre from launch or after being accidentally moved
> there and not being able to drag it back.
> E

I think more importantly, what video card are you using - let me guess,
NVidia? There has been a problem with this for ages, since the old
compiz,  through beryl, and now into Compiz-Fusion (Which ubuntu calls
Advanced Desktop Effects)

There have been many a work-around in the past,some which still work,
some dont.

There general consensus seems to be to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf
file,  find the device sections add add the two "AddRGb"'s as

Section "Device"
Identifier  "Generic Video Card"
Driver  "nvidia"
Busid   "PCI:1:0:0"
Option  "AddARGBVisuals""True"
Option  "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"

I give that about a 10% chance of working (sorry)... however, and this is the 
part that i throw out the the community... in beryl-manager
there was an option to set something to "copy". Can't remember what 
it was, but it worked. Does anyone know what i'm talking about,or if
there is a similar option somewhere in compiz?


Re: [ubuntu-uk] IDE -> SATA

2007-12-06 Thread Michael Holloway
> Ah, right.  Like Norman, I'm a bit of an old-timer (/pace/, Norman!), 
> and was used to setting jumpers on IDE drives for masters and slaves; 
> so I guess I just transferred this habit to SATA, and assumed it was a 
> hardware thing there, too.  Never thought of checking for BIOS settings 
> when the drives were installed!  Doh!
> Mac
Hehe... takes me back to the days where you had about 10 different
jumpers to set clock-rate/cpu multiplier and cpu voltage... Made getting
a new CPU an adventure...

Ahhh, the good old days. 


Re: [ubuntu-uk] mySQL over ssh tunnel?

2007-12-06 Thread Michael Holloway

On Thu, 2007-12-06 at 11:40 +, Lucy wrote:
> On 06/12/2007, Michael Holloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Guys
> >
> > I want to ask you opinion on this...
> >
> > I want to have a mysql asynchronous replication slave connected over the
> > internet (through IP validating firewalls, not VPN).
> >
> > Is it secure to just use a normal mysql connection? Or is the data
> > un-encrypted, and if so, how easy to sniff/intercept?
> >
> > I'm guessing that using an SSH tunnel (something i've never done before)
> > is the best way to do this??
> >
> > Any opinions/pointers?
> You can setup MySQL to use a secure connection without having to setup
> your own SSH tunnel. See:

Thanks Lucy, but the problem is the slave is on managed server running
mysql-server4... which doesn't support ssl (as far as i can tell).
Hmm, Which raises a second query about whether replication between v4
and v5 even works...???


[ubuntu-uk] mySQL over ssh tunnel?

2007-12-06 Thread Michael Holloway
Hi Guys

I want to ask you opinion on this...

I want to have a mysql asynchronous replication slave connected over the
internet (through IP validating firewalls, not VPN).

Is it secure to just use a normal mysql connection? Or is the data
un-encrypted, and if so, how easy to sniff/intercept?

I'm guessing that using an SSH tunnel (something i've never done before)
is the best way to do this??

Any opinions/pointers?



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Cant run RealPLayer 10

2007-12-05 Thread Michael Holloway

Can you open your terminal in "Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal"
and type


Then copy and past the output into a reply to this email (the error may
help us to figure it out)

You can also try running "sudo realplay" and see if that works.


On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 13:49 +, Primax wrote:

> Cant run RealPLayer 10
> Hi All using Ubuntu 7.10 with all updates.
> I downloaded RealPlayer10GOLD.bin to my Home directory.
> I used chmod a+x RealPlayer10GOLD.bin [enter]
> then sudo ./RealPlayer10GGOLD.bin [enter]
> Password [enter]
> prompt [enter]
> /opt/RealPlayer [enter]
> copying files... [enter]
> When asked whether to allow Installer to configure system wide symbolic 
> links, type Y, and press ENTER, (this I did)
> [enter]
> RealPlayer was finished, the Icon came to Applications, Sound & Video.
> I put the Icon on the Desktop.
> Doubled clicked on it and nothing.
> In the Properties of the RealPlayer Icon I see in the Command "realplay"
> I can not get RealPlayer to run.
> Can any one hep please?
> I done exactly from a book called Ubuntu Linux For Non-Geeks
> This also comes from some websites about RealPlayer10GOLD.bin
> TIA,

Re: [ubuntu-uk] NFS and NetworkManager

2007-12-03 Thread Michael Holloway

> Well, a combination of both seems to have fixed it.
> In summary, I switched the network to manual configuration, meaning that it 
> got brought up during boot rather than at the behest of the tray icon once 
> I'd logged in.
> I was also suffering I think since I was trying to mount three shares at 
> once, 
> and the server couldn't reply quick enough so that none of the three would 
> time out. From what I've read NFS clients time out after a fixed period and 
> then attempt to try again. I've increased the timout from 1.4 seconds to 3 
> seconds, and it seems to have done the trick. It took the last share a couple 
> of minutes to become available, but did so by the time I logged in.
> Thanks for the thoughts!
> Pete.

I know this is solved but i thought i'd put my input in.

i use SMBFS to mount network shares, but (and this has been happening
since i started with ubuntu, 5.10) sometimes it seems to half mount
them, and the machine runs really slowly and cant connect and becomes
unstable as soon as i try access one. I figured it was because the
network hadn't finished loading (i use a manual config).

My solution is to not use fstab, but rather a
script: /usr/local/sbin/mountall (770)

Then in my /etc/rc.local, it runs the script... works like a charm.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] would you believe it

2007-11-29 Thread Michael Holloway
On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 13:39 +, norman wrote:
> > What I suggest is to install windows xp, wipe the hard drive( are you
> > installing to the satat drive? If so you need the driver for the sata
> > device.) and start all over again. After xp works setup the dual boot.
> I am sorry Daniel but I am not quite sure what you mean. Yes I am
> installing to the SATA drive on which I have Ubuntu installed. My idea
> is that the Windows installation process will remove Ubuntu when it
> formats the drive and then continue to install XP. After that I would
> hope to install Ubuntu and thus get a dual boot system. I fail to see
> what you mean by a driver for the SATA device.
> My problem is that the XP process starts as it should do but stops part
> the way through and will not restart.  
> Norman
You shouldn't need a SATA driver (but sometimes you do) when you install
windows. If you are using something like Silicon Image as a SATA RAID
controller (even if you are not using RAID) then you will need a driver.
In theory however, Windows wouldn't even detect the HDD in the first
place when installing so i wouldn't worry about that. 

What does happen with windows install is that they have included a an
ingenious function called "PullOutHAIR" which makes it so that the
install only works when a randomly generated number matches another.

Okay ill stop rambling... my suggestion is to use the Ubuntu live CD and
partition your hard-drive accordingly, and format all the partitions.
but don't install Ubuntu. I would also suggest making a 200MB /boot
partition at the beginning of the HDD. Then install Windows, check that
it works, then install Ubuntu. 

I have done this on quite a few occasions... normally (touch wood) it


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Anything like publisher?

2007-11-20 Thread Michael Holloway

On Tue, 2007-11-20 at 15:47 +, Chris Rowson wrote:
> > On 11/20/07, Sean Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > WRT Wine/Crossover, I wouldnt' be on it... the latest version of Publisher
> > (when I installed a trial on XP)
> >
> > *bet* on it, even ;-)
> >
> > Sean
> >
> Scary!
> To be honest, I'm using older versions of Office (when I have to use
> Office) so didn't know about that problem.
> I wonder. If Linux desktop continues to be taken up well, will
> Microsoft produce I version of Microsoft Office for Linux (like they
> do for Mac). That'd make compatibility a little less of an issue.
> Chris
"""That'd make compatibility a little less of an issue."""

I think that answers you're question... unless we are talking about a
different Microsoft ???


Re: [ubuntu-uk] sshd died?

2007-11-16 Thread Michael Holloway
That sounds good... ill ask them about it. Thanks Alan

On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 15:48 +, Alan Pope wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 15:33 +, Michael Holloway wrote:
> > If by that you mean using a console cable plugged directly into the
> > server (from a laptop or something) then no. 
> Yes, mine is hosted in a datacentre where they provide ssh-to-serial
> access so that it's possible to administer the server even when there
> are network/ssh issues such as this. 
> I'd recommend this in the future for you as it gets you out of a number
> of holes.
> Cheers,
> Al.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] sshd died?

2007-11-15 Thread Michael Holloway
I thought about that... thing is, i have no idea why it has stopped. Its
has never happened to me before in 3-4 years of having remote servers,
so i wouldn't expect to need a cron job. I think having a cron job is
"paranoia" but then sometimes things do go wrong!!! And of course it
still doesn't help me right now cos i cant get in to set the job :)

I'm going to the datacentre next week to install a new server anyway, so
ill just put up with it till then...

On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 17:22 +, Sean Miller wrote:
> You could always schedule a cron job to restart the sshd every 30
> minutes, if your server is a real worry...
> I don't believe killing the daemon aborts active sessions, so it's a
> fairly low risk strategy
> Odd to have to do it, tho... :-o
> Sean


Re: [ubuntu-uk] sshd died?

2007-11-15 Thread Michael Holloway

If by that you mean using a console cable plugged directly into the
server (from a laptop or something) then no. 
If that's not what you mean, please elaborate, as i would be interested
in a backup remote administration method. 

I've just been thinking that i should maybe install vncserver
(firewalled to my ip address, i know vnc has some security issues) as a
backup, because you can get a shell through that. Pitty i didn't think
of it earlier!


On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 14:48 +, Alan Pope wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> On Thu, 2007-11-15 at 13:45 +, Michael Holloway wrote:
> > Anyone have any idea what to do when sshd has died on your server? I
> > mean without rebooting...
> > 
> Serial console access is my second method of access to the server. I'm
> guessing that's not an option here?
> Cheers,
> Al.


[ubuntu-uk] sshd died?

2007-11-15 Thread Michael Holloway
Anyone have any idea what to do when sshd has died on your server? I
mean without rebooting...

I have a server in a remote location, i can't connect with ssh, but
other services (VMware server, apache2) are still running and i can
connect to them. I also can connect through ssh to its VM guests. Any
one know of a way to get in and restart sshd?

I don't really want to restart it because it takes 10 minuets to boot
and start all the VM's, and they are in use.

Any help would be great!


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