Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-06-01 Thread JackOfAll

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> Before the lights go out, this really sucks. 
> Clive if there is anything we can do to help just let us know.

LOL. Appreciate the thought, but if you want to help me, stop posting to
this thread! (And leave me with the last words, in bold. Otherwise, I'll
need to keep posting them over and over again, which will soon get
boring. ;))

PS. Nothing to stop you starting a new thread, perhaps titled, "One for
the road. Farewell to CSOS. RIP." I'll pop-in for a sherry and perhaps
we can raffle the one-of-a-kind, "Wandboard with ES9023 daughterboard,
replacing the sgtl5000", which was the first prototype for what was to
become the Bone Player, to help fund my legal.

Community Squeeze, as a software based distribution for the Wandboard
has ended. It is no more! There are no software images available!

Do not purchase a Wandboard with the specific intention of running
Community Squeeze OS on it. CSOS is no longer available!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-06-01 Thread Pascal Hibon

JackOfAll wrote: 
> And just for the record I am being sued over CS, I received the
> legal paper work 2 days ago. 

Before the lights go out, this really sucks. 
Clive if there is anything we can do to help just let us know.

'M-DAC' ( ->
'Cambridge Audio Azur 840E'
( ->
'Focal MP1200' ( -> 'Focal Electra 1028 Be'
1 x SB3, 1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio and 2 x SB Touch - all wireless
1 x Wandboard Dual behind the bedroom ceiling
1 x Wandboard Dual for 'msqueeze' (
1 x Wandboard Quad (will eventually become my LMS server)
ReadyNAS NVX running LMS 7.8.0.
iPeng 7 on iPhone.
SqueezePad & iPeng 7 on iPad.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-06-01 Thread JackOfAll

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> As I understood it, "software path 1" would also provide an alternative
> for the hardware player.

Unfortunately, I have to throw in the towel. It's just not going to fly.
Triode has made his feelings pretty clear about people "profiting" from
software he has been involved in, (even though the licenses it is
released under do not prevent that), and on the other hand I was being
pressured to remove the work I had done on I2S drivers and support for
the TP Botic cape. (So basically, anyone else wanting to compete against
"their" commercial player would not be given a helping hand.) And on the
basis that Triode is now making something available again with what he
appears to be doing with Arch, (not that I have looked at it), I think
it is better for the CS Fedora based distribution to die and hopefully
be remembered fondly, rather than cause new wounds.

And just for the record I am being sued over CS, I received the
legal paper work 2 days ago. Already this project has cost me thousands
in hosting and legal fees, money I have personally spent. (And that's
before you factor in that I turned down a very lucrative contract to
continue working on CS for "free".) And on Friday I was asked for a
£2000 "retainer" to start a defence against this latest bullshit! Which
leads me into needing to make this clear, (and please Erland do not
contradict me again, because the lack of a public statement from Adrian
and John and your previous "give them time" postings, has contributed to
at least one person, now suing me, purchasing a Wandboard after I
announced my retirement), ..



PS. Michael, if you are reading this, can you please lock this thread.
We really are done here. It's time to tun out the lights.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-31 Thread Pascal Hibon

erland wrote: 
> Software path 1:
> -
> Software path 2:
> -
> -
> No idea regarding hardware.

As I understood it, "software path 1" would also provide an alternative
for the hardware player.

'M-DAC' ( ->
'Cambridge Audio Azur 840E'
( ->
'Focal MP1200' ( -> 'Focal Electra 1028 Be'
1 x SB3, 1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio and 2 x SB Touch - all wireless
1 x Wandboard Dual behind the bedroom ceiling
1 x Wandboard Dual for 'msqueeze' (
1 x Wandboard Quad (will eventually become my LMS server)
ReadyNAS NVX running LMS 7.8.0.
iPeng 7 on iPhone.
SqueezePad & iPeng 7 on iPad.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-31 Thread Owen Smith

erland wrote: 
> Software path 1:
> -
> Software path 2:
> -
> -
> No idea regarding hardware.

Path 2 is too DIY for me, at least while I still have three stockpiled
working Receivers.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-31 Thread erland

SamS wrote: 
> Even a 2-3 sentence summary of where things stand for both hardware and
> software would be MUCH appreciated.
Software path 1:

Software path 2:

No idea regarding hardware.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-31 Thread Owen Smith

SamS wrote: 
> Same situation for me. So this means both hardware and software
> development has stopped?  I have tried to follow along with the last few
> pages, but this is all rather complex for someone like myself, not in
> the software-dev world. 
> Even a 2-3 sentence summary of where things stand for both hardware and
> software would be MUCH appreciated.

I agree that the situation is unclear, especially as to whether the
hardware is continuing.

Personally I was surprised to see that the plan was that the player
hardware would also run a full LMS server. This seems a waste of time to
me and I would have thought anyone geeky enough to be still running LMS.
Surely nearly everyone has a server? All I wanted was a better network
player to replaced my Duet Receiver. Frankly a Duet Receiver that can
play 24/96 would be enough to satisfy me, I'm already using an external
DAC. The community player was overkill for my needs.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-31 Thread SamS

Owen Smith wrote: 
> I've been following the hardware thread but not this one, so this all
> comes as a complete surprise to me to find it stopped. Only someone
> posting a pointer to this thread made me aware.
> I have to say in these days of open source and public domain software, I
> find it galling that liability is considered an issue. It's free, you
> paid nothing for and got no gaurantees, so no-one should be liable for
> anything it does or does not do. Corporations just don't seem to
> understand open source software, they accept the benefits (a free start)
> but all too often give nothing back.

Same situation for me. So this means both hardware and software
development has stopped?  I have tried to follow along with the last few
pages, but this is all rather complex for someone like myself, not in
the software-dev world. 

Even a 2-3 sentence summary of where things stand for both hardware and
software would be MUCH appreciated.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-29 Thread Owen Smith

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I was lucky when I was a teen. Had a small, independent radio/tv repair
> shop a couple of miles away. The old boy that owned it was into HAM
> radio. Got me into tubes. I used to come back from that shop, with sack
> fulls of transformers, tubes, HT caps that he "stripped" out of old
> radio gear, all for free. And he'd order anything for me that he didn't
> have on the shelf. One day I went back to the shop, stood outside it
> scratching my head that it was now a Chinese take away. He had passed
> away.

I used to know a shop like that in Huddersfield in the early 1980s. It
still had a sign in the window advertising battery charging. An old lady
ran it, I think it gave her something to do. I just wish I could
remember her name, it's driving me nuts that I've forgotten.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-29 Thread Owen Smith

I've been following the hardware thread but not this one, so this all
comes as a complete surprise to me to find it stopped. Only someone
posting a pointer to this thread made me aware.

I have to say in these days of open source and public domain software, I
find it galling that liability is considered an issue. It's free, you
paid nothing for and got no gaurantees, so no-one should be liable for
anything it does or does not do. Corporations just don't seem to
understand open source software, they accept the benefits (a free start)
but all too often give nothing back.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-29 Thread michaelvv

HI JackOfAll..

I was a little late on the news, But I need to say , you have done an
amazing piece of work.

Sorry what had happening to you, but you need to know that
"your silly little Internet project" , has been working fine since
the days of "plastic box plays noises".

I'm using it every day (plus 4 friends of mine is doing it too) and we
love it very very much.

I was a little late to grab the latest images, but hopefully someone 
who has them you provide a download link in the future...

Best wishes with your projects in the future, I know you also has
some love for "vacuum tubes" , so we had something in common.

And a little off topics regards the "vacuum tubes"...

I have spend a lot of time off researching (still novice regards tubes),
I find those incredible guys at

My heart told me that my (professional tube builder was moving nowhere
further) so
I have spend a lot of $$$, to build my own based on this amazing guy

Its a 4p1l preamp prototype but it made my 2a3 DC lofting-White play
like a dream...

Some picture from my own site :

/Great thanks Again from Denmark...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

castalla wrote: 
> You need to go to one of those 6:00 AM Morning Glory Raves which are all
> the thing for the workers in the City.  That'll gee you up for the
> interview!

I could tell a couple of stories relating to all night raves when I used
to work in the city. I'll skip past the stuff that would probably need
to be censored, (there might be those of a delicate disposition
present), and just recall how after a day at work, and a hard night at
it partying, you could head to Smithfields meat market for the best
"Full English" cooked breakfast in the country, heavy on the black
pudding and washed down with a glass of Guiness, before getting back
into work, quick wash and brush up, and be sat back at desks before
"normal" people got in at 0900. Forget the alcohol consumption, I don't
know how some people can go without any sleep at all, and still function
correctly the next day. I had problems back then. I definitely couldn't
do it now! ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

JJZolx wrote: 
> See how fast they escort you from the building when you begin referring
> to yourself in the third person. "Clive's wife wants him home by 5:30."
> :eek:

Yep, that's just another example. I do that all the time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JJZolx

See how fast they escort you from the building when you begin referring
to yourself in the third person. "Clive's wife wants him home by 5:30."

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread castalla

JackOfAll wrote: 
> LOL. I dont think I'll need to attend an interview to realise that'll be
> way too "corporate" an environment for me. 
> I'll be getting the scowling looks after referring to a member of the
> opposite sex as "love"  first hour. By hour two, I'll be expedited into
> the political correctness seminar. Hour 3, escorted from the
> building.

You need to go to one of those 6:00 AM Morning Glory Raves which are all
the thing for the workers in the City.  That'll gee you up for the

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

bakker_be wrote: 
> Good for you! I think you should definitely go to the interview!

LOL. I dont think I'll need to attend an interview to realise that'll be
way too "corporate" for me. 

I'll be getting the scowling looks after referring to a member of the
opposite sex as "love" in after the first hour. By hour two, I'll be
expedited into the political correctness seminar. Hour 3, escorted from
the building.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread bakker_be

Good for you! I think you should definitely go to the interview!

Main System: Touch; Marantz SR-5004; TMA Premium 905; TMA Premium 901;
BK Monolith+ FF; HDI Dune Smart D1; Pioneer PDP-LX5090H
iPad 32GB Wifi + Squeezepad (local playback activated)
Acer Iconia Tab A700 + Squeezeplayer
Wandboard Duallite + CSOS, integrated LMS activated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread castalla

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Ta, very much! It seems that presiding over a train crash, is just the
> trigger to get you head-hunted by Google. LOL. It's a funny old world! 
> Where would you place Google on a list of "despicable capitalists"?
> Shall I go to the interview?

If you can't beat 'em ... !!!

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

castalla wrote: 
> All I can say is 'good luck'.

Ta, very much! It seems that presiding over a train crash, is just the
trigger to get you head-hunted by Google. LOL. It's a funny old world! 

Where would you place Google on a list of "despicable capitalists"?
Shall I go to the interview?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Krisbee


Perhaps Clive is too polite to say it, but it's time to shut up. And for
the record, I don't think capitalism is despicable. That was an overly
emotional response to the project's problems.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread castalla

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Forgiving? What's that got to do with the price of bread?
> Maybe I'm in the middle of a discussion with a commercial company about
> doing something which I think will help me and a community project in
> the short term, and whatever thoughts I have towards commercial
> operators, I'll keep to myself, rather than risk the people I'm talking
> to be reading the last page of this public thread and come away with the
> impression that this great bunch of community guys I've been telling
> them about, hate the idea of anyone making a buck, think capitalism is
> despicable, and the company and their products are likely to quickly
> find themselves added to the "avoid like the plague" list. ;)

Ah well, I was just a simple worker in health-care (mainly in what was
once called the Third World) & avoided the endemic plague, at that!  So,
all this commercial jungle stuff is beyond me.  And for what it's worth,
I do think capitalism is despicable - but that's another story!

All I can say is 'good luck'.

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

castalla wrote: 
> I'm evidently not as forgiving of commercial operators in the modern
> world as you are!

Forgiving? What's that got to do with the price of bread?

Maybe I'm in the middle of a discussion with a commercial company about
doing something which I think will help me and a community project in
the short term, and whatever thoughts I have towards commercial
operators, I'll keep to myself, rather than risk the people I'm talking
to be reading the last page of this public thread and come away with the
impression that this great bunch of community guys I've been telling
them about, hate the idea of anyone making a buck, think capitalism is
despicable, and the company and their products are likely to quickly
find themselves added to the "avoid like the plague" list. ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread castalla

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Brian,
> This is going to sound like me having a pop at you again. But I'm
> not. 
> There is no need to name and shame, someone who hasn't done anything
> wrong. I'm not going to name anyone "so they can be avoided like the
> plague". You want to avoid someone like the plague, avoid me. I
> screwed-up by not anticipating. Me, not Triode, not John. Me, not
> Klongin Inc.
> You know, where does this all end? Shall we stir the pot? If one of
> these commercial entities is fulfilling their GPL obligations, (by
> pointing back to the CS web site), from which source code isn't
> available any more, what shall we do? Report them to licensing@fsf.
> Shall we get the FSF on my back? Shall we get their legal people coming
> down on me like a tonne of bricks for not fulfilling my GPL obligations?
> I am trying to help you guys and myself by getting this stuff made
> available again. Images, the repo, source. My obligations didn't end the
> day I retired. 
> We don't need to be bad mouthing people who have not done anything
> wrong, and especially commercial entities that can afford lawyers. I
> don't know whether you guys realise this, but I am in a hole. I was in a
> hole, and it has been dug deeper with the unplugging of the repo. So
> calling people dispicable who don't deserve it and some sort of "avoid
> like the plague" list, is somewhere we really don't need to go right
> now. Think people, please!

You're right, of course.  

But, I reserve the right to consider these shady operators as shabby.  
I'm evidently not as forgiving of commercial operators in the modern
world as you are!   Capt. Mainwaring would have never have behaved like

Anyway, hope you get things sorted out to your peace of mind and

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Krisbee

JackOfAll wrote: 
> We don't need to be bad mouthing people who have not done anything
> wrong, and especially commercial entities that can afford lawyers. I
> don't know whether you guys realise this, but I am in a hole. I was in a
> hole, and it has been dug deeper with the unplugging of the repo. So
> calling people dispicable who don't deserve it and some sort of "avoid
> like the plague" list, is somewhere we really don't need to go right
> now. Think people, please!

I spoke out of turn, and certainly would never ever want to cause more
trouble for you. Clive.  Message received.  Hopefully others will head
your words too.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Krisbee

JackOfAll wrote: 
> And *you* are entitled to see it any way *you* want to. That is *your*
> right! 
> My opinion, if anyone needs to be complaining about anyone else
> profiting out of *my* work, I think that is *my* right. And while I
> might be complaining about many other things, including my own naivety,
> I don't remember complaining about anyone trying to profit out of *my*
> work! ;)

Point taken, I'll say no more about this.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

Krisbee wrote: 
> All very true, but if someone made a request for all the GPL code they
> were using, how would they respond?  And if you had been alerted to this
> perhaps you could have moved to protect the project image in some way.
> Obviously they wouldn't want you to do that. So they take your work, use
> if for commercial profit and protect their own interest, leaving the
> CSOS project with problems.  Well, that's how I see it.

And *you* are entitled to see it any way *you* want to. That is *your*

My opinion, if anyone needs to be complaining about anyone else
profiting out of *my* work, I think that is *my* right. And while I
might be complaining about many other things, including my own naivety,
I don't remember complaining about anyone trying to profit out of *my*
work! ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

castalla wrote: 
> I for one would like some hint who these operators are, so I can avoid
> them like the plague!  I know you are unlikely to name them, but
> something like Klongin Player Inc. instead of Klingon Player Inc. would
> suffice.


This is going to sound like me having a pop at you again. But I'm

There is no need to name and shame, someone who hasn't done anything
wrong. I'm not going to name anyone "so they can be avoided like the
plague". You want to avoid someone like the plague. Avoid me. I
screwed-up by not anticipating. Me, not Triode, not John. Me, not
Klongin Inc.

You know, where does this all end. Shall we stir the pot? If one of
these commercial entities is fulfilling their GPL obligations, (by
pointing back to the CS web site), from which source code isn't
available any more, what shall we do? Report them licensing@fsf. Shall
we get the FSF on my back? Shall we get their legal people coming down
on me like a tonne of bricks for not fulfilling my GPL obligations? I am
trying to help you guys and myself by getting this stuff made available
again. Images, the repo, source. My obligations didn't end the day I

We don't need to be bad mouthing people who have not done anything
wrong, and especially commercial entities that can afford lawyers. I
don't know whether you guys realise this, but I am in a hole. I was in a
hole, and it has been dug deeper with the unplugging of the repo. So
calling people dispicable who don't deserve it and some sort of "avoid
like the plague" list, is somewhere we really don't need to go right
now. Think people, please!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread bakker_be

Krisbee wrote: 
> I deal with questions from my wife about her latop on a daily basis ... 
> I can't finnsh that sentence without risking death if she ever read it.
> :p

Got a wife like that too, and she has an iPhone and an iPad as well
:rolleyes: On top of that she has to make her own pictures of the
jewellery she makes :p

Main System: Touch; Marantz SR-5004; TMA Premium 905; TMA Premium 901;
BK Monolith+ FF; HDI Dune Smart D1; Pioneer PDP-LX5090H
iPad 32GB Wifi + Squeezepad (local playback activated)
Acer Iconia Tab A700 + Squeezeplayer
Wandboard Duallite + CSOS, integrated LMS activated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Krisbee

bakker_be wrote: 
> I deal with end-users on a daily basis in my IT Support job. You'd be
> amazed how little is feasible in that regard :p

I deal with questions from my wife about her latop on a daily basis ... 
I can't finnsh that sentence without risking death if she ever read it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Krisbee

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I think by the time of the F21 release it will be possible. Right now,
> there are a whole heap of issues, and while most can be dealt with
> I'm playing devils advocate Stock F20 ARM image... To do anything
> useful with that, even get past the initial setup screen on Wandboard
> and create a user account, need a serial cable, or modify the image
> before you boot it. Could connect a USB keyboard, but you'd be using
> that blind. I know for sure that the kernel that shipped with the stock
> F20 didn't have the hdmi driver So now user needs to be told to
> purchase a null modem cable, connect to his PC, run terminal
> emulator.. Follow these instructions to get through the inital setup
> screen. Not a simple setup for a "newbie"... Not plug in SDCARD,
> power it up and off you go, and configure squeezelite from the web gui.
> ;)

Your expertise in Fedora makes it plain that starting from a stock F20
ARM image is tricky, and not really practical. Is a netinstall with ssh
plus a kickstart script of no help or not feasible for these ARM boards?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread castalla

Krisbee wrote: 
> All very true, but if someone made a request for all the GPL code they
> were using, how would they respond?  And if you had been alerted to this
> perhaps you could have moved to protect the project image in some way.
> Obviously they wouldn't want you to do that. So they take your work, use
> if for commercial profit and protect their own interest, leaving the
> CSOS project with problems.  Well, that's how I see it.
> No point in crying over spilt milk, we live and learn, even if the
> lessons can be hard.

I for one would like some hint who these operators are, so I can avoid
them like the plague!  I know you are unlikely to name them, but
something like Klongin Player Inc. instead of Klingon Player Inc. would

Touch - Muse M50 EX TPA3123 T-Amp Mini - Acoustics Q10 speakers
Logitech Radio
Logitech UE Smart Radio
Raspberry Pi + Squeezeplug LMS + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox
Cubieboard + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Soundwave SW100
bluetooth speaker
O2 Joggler + SqpOS + Aune X2 T-amp + Mordaunt Short ms-3.40 speakers
IBOX + Debian 7 + LMS 7.8.1 + Squeezelite - Logitech Mini Boombox

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Krisbee

JackOfAll wrote: 
> *Not dispicable, no, not at all!* As far as code is concerned, anyone
> releasing anything under a typical "free" or GPL license knows at the
> point they are doing it, that it is possible and entirely reasonable for
> commercial entities to profit from their work. Everything I have ever
> released under GPL, I have known from that it was possible for people to
> profit from my work. Don't want that to happen, don't release code under
> a GPL license.
> Neither one of the commercial entities has done anything wrong! (Maybe,
> out of courtesy that should have let me know what they were doing.
> That's what I would have done in their position. But nothing required
> them to even notify me that they were going to use what I thought was a
> community image on a commercial player.) It is me that has done
> something stupid. By not anticpating from Day 1, that the community
> images might be used by, or part of a combined harware/software product
> offering, sold by a commercial entity. 
> I don't have much of an issue with anyone using anything I have worked
> on or produced for commercial purposes. The only issue I would have,
> could be, that I would be on the hook if they were sued, for something I
> have produced, that they are selling, that I haven't received a dime
> for! ;)

All very true, but if someone made a request for all the GPL code they
were using, how would they respond?  And if you had been alerted to this
perhaps you could have moved to protect the project image in some way.
Obviously they wouldn't want you to do that. So they take your work, use
if for commercial profit and protect their own interest, leaving the
CSOS project with problems.  Well, that's how I see it.

No point in crying over spilt milk, we live and learn, even if the
lessons can be hard.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

Krisbee wrote: 
> This is exaclty the concept I thought might be feasible - for geek or
> non-geek alike. Surely people could follow instructions? As it is,
> anyone looking for an alternative for their shiny
> newCubietruck/Wandboard now will have to get to grips with some
> technical stuff.

I think by the time of the F21 release it will be possible. Right now,
there are a whole heap of issues, and while most can be dealt with

Right now, stock F20 ARM image... To do anything useful with that, even
get past the initial setup screen on Wandboard and create a user
account, need a serial cable, or modify the image before you boot it.
Could connect a USB keyboard, but you'd be using that blind. I know for
sure that the kernel that shipped with the stock F20 didn't have the
hdmi driver So now user needs to be told to purchase a null modem
cable, connect to his PC, run terminal emulator.. Follow these
instructions to get through the inital setup screen. Not a simple
setup for a "newbie"... Not plug in SDCARD, power it up and off you go,
and configure squeezelite from the web gui. ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Pascal Hibon

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I don't know whether others will see this as good news, or bad.

To me personally, this is very good news !!
Looking forward... :-)

'M-DAC' ( ->
'Cambridge Audio Azur 840E'
( ->
'Focal MP1200' ( -> 'Focal Electra 1028 Be'
1 x SB3, 1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio and 2 x SB Touch - all wireless
1 x Wandboard Dual behind the bedroom ceiling
1 x Wandboard Dual for 'msqueeze' (
1 x Wandboard Quad (will eventually become my LMS server)
ReadyNAS NVX running LMS 7.8.0.
iPeng 7 on iPhone.
SqueezePad & iPeng 7 on iPad.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

Krisbee wrote: 
> Believe me, was trying to read between the lines of your previous posts
> and much of what you just said was in my mind. You mentioned before that
> one, or more, "commercial entities" had freely borrowed your work -
> which is pretty despicable. What a mess!

*Not dispicable, no, not at all!* As far as code is concerned, anyone
releasing anything under a free or GPL license knows at the point they
are doing it, that it is possible and entirely reasonable for commercial
entities to profit from their work. Everything I have ever released
under GPL, I have known from that it was possible for people to profit
from my work. Don't want that to happen, don't release code under a GPL

Neither one of the commercial entities has done anything wrong! (Maybe,
out of courtesy that should have let me know what they were doing.
That's what I would have done in their position. But nothing required
them to even notify me that they were going to use what I thought was a
community image on a commercial player.) It is me that has done
something stupid. By not anticpating from Day 1, that the images might
be used by, or part of a product offering from a commercial entity. 

I don't have much of an issue with anyone using anything I have worked
on or produced for commercial purposes. The only issue I would have,
could be, that I would be on the hook if they were sued, for something I
have produced, that they are selling, that I haven't received a dime
for! ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread bakker_be

Krisbee wrote: 
> This is exaclty the concept I thought might be feasible - for geek or
> non-geek alike. Surely people could follow instructions? As it is,
> anyone looking for an alternative for their shiny
> newCubietruck/Wandboard now will have to get to grips with some
> technical stuff. 
I deal with end-users on a daily basis in my IT Support job. You'd be
amazed how little is feasible in that regard :p

Main System: Touch; Marantz SR-5004; TMA Premium 905; TMA Premium 901;
BK Monolith+ FF; HDI Dune Smart D1; Pioneer PDP-LX5090H
iPad 32GB Wifi + Squeezepad (local playback activated)
Acer Iconia Tab A700 + Squeezeplayer
Wandboard Duallite + CSOS, integrated LMS activated

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Krisbee

JackOfAll wrote: 
> There are reasons why upstreams like Fedora and Ubuntu place as much
> stock in trademark as license protection. If you change one line of
> code, you cannot call it Fedora, that is protected by trademark, it is a
> respin, remix or some such, and "unofficial", so downstreams who make
> mods cannot point fingers straight back at upstream at the point any
> changes they have made or the distribution of their "version" of the
> upstream OS causes them a problem. And the mod doesn't have to be
> significant. It doesn't even have to be code. Change one word in a help
> document. You are no longer some sort of "mirror" site,
> re-distributing XYZ's upstream image, you are now distributing your own
> image.

That clarification should be read by all.  I had understood the project
was effectively distributing it's own image, but not necessarily fully
understood the ramifications.

> The alternative to making sure you have bulletproof legal protection for
> distributing images, is something I looked at and then dismissed some
> time back. User downloads stock Fedora GA image. User puts that on a
> SDCARD and boots device with it. Then he wgets a bash script from the
> device. Running that bash script turns it from a stock Fedora image into
> the music player image. Reboot et voila, you have a Community Squeeze
> Player. No need to distribute an image. User gets the stock Fedora image
> directly from Fedora. You are only distributing a script. Sounds simple.
> But there is at least one issue that I was never able to solve. I
> believe it will be solved by the time F21 ships in October. It
> complicates what the user has to do, to get the device up and running as
> a music player For geeks only It needs to be made simpler, not
> harder! ;)
> I'm not trying to be rude, just being my normal blunt self, but getting
> a SDCARD image to which no changes need to be made (other than to
> extract it) and copy/dd onto a blank SDCARD and the device booted, is
> seen as complicated by some!

This is exaclty the concept I thought might be feasible - for geek or
non-geek alike. Surely people could follow instructions? As it is,
anyone looking for an alternative for their shiny
newCubietruck/Wandboard now will have to get to grips with some
technical stuff.  

> I could write and have suggested I might write a book in a couple of
> recent conversations. But it wont be one or two pages. There is
> enough material here for an epic tome, titled "Everything you never
> wanted to know about distributing 'free' software".

If it ever comes to light, put me down for a copy, it would make
interesting reading.  Thanks again for your time in respondong to my

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

Krisbee wrote: 
> This is perfeclty understandable, but without full knowledge my
> suggestion might seem naive.  Would it not have been possible to create
> and distribute a Fedora based image with the patched kernel and root
> file system, but devoid of the jivelite/squeezelite/webUI/LMS content,
> or parts of, which lead the distributer to be open to legal claim?

There are reasons why upstreams like Fedora and Ubuntu place as much
stock in trademark as license protection. If you change one line of
code, you cannot call it Fedora, that is protected by trademark, it is a
respin, remix or some such, and "unofficial", so downstreams who make
mods cannot point fingers straight back at upstream at the point any
changes they have made or the distribution of their "version" of the
upstream OS causes them a problem. And the mod doesn't have to be
significant. It doesn't even have to be code. Change one word in a help

The alternative to making sure you have bulletproof legal protection for
distributing images, is something I looked at and then dismissed some
time back. User downloads, stock Fedora GA image. User puts that on a
SDCARD and boots device with it. Then he wgets a bash script from the
device. Running that bash script turns it from a stock Fedora image into
the music player image. Reboot and volia, you have a Community Squeeze
Player. No need to distribute an image. User gets the stock Fedora image
directly from Fedora. You are only distributing a script. Sounds simple.
But there is at least one issue that I was never able to solve. I
believe it will be solved by the time F21 ships in October. It
complicates what the user has to do, to get the device up and running as
a music player For geeks only It needs to be made simpler, not
harder! ;)

I could write and have suggested I might right a book in a couple of
recent conversations. But it wont be one or two pages. There is
enough material here for an epic tome, entitled "Every thing you never
wanted to know about distributing 'free' software".

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread JackOfAll

Krisbee wrote: 
> I was hoping Clive would have time to answer my question, #2492 appears
> to offer a possible immunity blueprint for any future efforts, but
> leaves things unanswered.  Perhaps it's not posslbe to illucidate
> further in plublic.

The problem is that legal responsibility doesn't stop for what I'm not
not distributing It still exists for what has already been
distributed. I cannot put the genie back in the bottle. It is out and it
is staying out. And with (there was one, but now two) commercial
entities already using the CSOS F19 image as a basis for a commercial
product, it just makes things even more complicated. And I really don't
want to shine on a torch on why, and make people who might not have been
aware of something, aware of it. Just figure this... There is a bloody
good reason why Clive was talking about making condition number 1 of a
license agreement under which an image is distributed, "For
non-commercial use ONLY! Commercial use prohibited!", and it's not
because Clive wishes to "tax" them for every unit of a product they
sell, to boost his pension pot. It's all about liability! ;)

Krisbee wrote: 
> Good news re: Bone Player if cost is reasonable, bad news if company
> dodge the community image.  Personally, I can't see a company wanting to
> maintain a free image and would be likely to add to the Bone Player cost
> to re-coup any expenditure involved with that free image. 

I hear you, but that side of it would be nothing to do with me. I cant
demand that they use "my" price list.

Krisbee wrote: 
> Bad news if this work now passes into the hands of a "for profit"
> company and is lost to the open community.  Doesn't it also give the
> "for profit" company a rapid way to create and sell a cubietruck image
> if they so wish? Any work you may have done for the Cubietruck will be
> lost to the open community. 

Yep, and unfortunately there is an element of this. Of course, they
don't want code that I haven't published under GPL yet, to be "given
away" to anyone who wants it, ie. competitors. They aren't interested in
anything other than a finished player. But that's the payback for the
finished player, having to distribute community images. They realise
that they need to give something back. And right now, it looks like they
lack a cursory understanding of the GPL, kernel development That
they would have to publish source for kernel modifications to GPL'd
code, (and indeed entire kernel source), with the exception of the board
specific I2S driver packaged as an akmod, which could be licensed under
something other than the GPL and be binary only, is going to derail this

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Krisbee


If you're thinking of taking the debian route, the Robert Nelson
netinstall might be of interest:, but it's a technical

In any case "squeezelite" does exist as a package in debian armhf
testing and unstable repos, but it's not built with either FFMPEG or DSD
support. You may have to adjust the image sources to install it along
with its dependencies. It does install as a service, but you may need to
edit the "etc/default/squeezelite" file to fix the squeezelite options.

I've no idea if any debian image will have WIFI/bluetooth working on the
Wandboard, and have you received a new C revision board?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread snoozer

Thank you Chris, very kind of you.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread ChrisMmm

I see Debian Wheezy is available for the Wandboard. I have used this for
the Beaglebone Black and simply installed Squeezelite for use as a
player. May not be optimised for the purpose and just a player but it
certainly works.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread snoozer

Krisbee wrote: 
> So Pepe, it's extremely sad, and your timing is unfortunate, but like
> other folk in your position, you will need to get to grips with some
> Linux in order to make use of your Wandboard as an audio player. You'll
> need to think about what alternatives distros are out there, and if they
> will give you the functionality you are looking for.  Those previously
> using CSOS, or hoping to use it, may have to think about creating a self
> help group elsewhere on this forum.

Thank you very much Krisbee, I actually think is a great advice to have
a self help group elsewhere on this forum. Appreciated !!

best regards

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread snoozer

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Pepe,
> I'm not being rude. I know what you need. And I'm trying to encourage
> someone else to get you what you need, and cover their backside at the
> same time. 
> Have a little patience, please. (And really, I'm sorry if you think I'm
> being rude. I'm really not!)

Thank you Clive, I might have overreacted. My apologies. I´ll try to
have a little patience as you say. Either case, my invitation for a beer
stands still :)

In the meantime, if anybody wants to share his "experience" with the
wandboard quad please pm me. I´be been following this thread since its
inception, it is very sad that this is coming to an end.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-28 Thread Krisbee

JackOfAll wrote: 
> > Krisbee wrote: 
> > But I have a direct question. The -*the protection of a limited
> > liability company*- was mentioned. Would the creation of such an entity
> > have avoided legal problems? Would you then have been able to create &
> > distribute images for various ARM devices, host repos etc, free from
> > legal threat and interference?  Or it is more complicated than that?  If
> > the answer is it wouldn't have made much difference, then how does
> > anyone ever get anywhere with anything?  Or, perhaps there's something
> > unique about content of this project that's has drawn the attention of
> > potential litigants?> > 
> I really want to answer this, but it is rather a long answer and right
> now, other things, (getting the repo hosted elsewhere), are more
> important.

I was hoping Clive would have time to answer my question, #2492 appears
to offer a possible immunity blueprint for any future efforts, but
leaves things unanswered.  Perhaps it's not posslbe to illucidate
further in plublic.

Triode wrote: 
>  ...I'm afraid the legal issues which Clive has identified distributing
> an OS image also mean that I am personally not in a position to take on
> distribution of CSOS images.
> However I do want to find a way of distributing the playback software to
> users of wandboard devices.  I am looking at whether we can distribute
> code in a different way to enable users to get the same applications on
> their wandboard without needing to distribute an OS image.  This will
> make the distribution mechanism less user friendly, but I hope it will
> mean that there are options for users with wandboards wishing to use as
> squeezebox players which can be supported going forward.
> Adrian

This is perfeclty understandable, but without full knowledge my
suggestion might seem naive.  Would it not have been possible to create
and distribute a Fedora based image with the patched kernel and root
file system, but devoid of the jivelite/squeezelite/webUI/LMS content,
or parts of, which lead the distributer to be open to legal claim?  This
assumes that some of the original image content was to blame for these
legal threats. and/or those buying Wandboard assumed some ongoing
support etc etc.  The "jivelite/squeezelite/webUI/LMS" parts would need
to be installed after the image is running on the Wandboard.  I haven't
expressed this very well, but in a nutshell the CSOS Image would be like
any other speclalist Linux distro install with a mechanism/scripts to
install the vital content, with licences, once the image is up and
running.  This is hardly different to the original pre-built image which
was Patched Kernel + rfs + csos repos, so may be all same legal issues
would still apply.  It also assumes ongoing access to the patched kernel
and repos that previously existed.

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I don't know whether others will see this as good news, or bad.
> In the interests of disclosure and before any rumours start circulating,
> (a couple of other people know now), I am in discussions with a company
> about them selling a product based on my, (what would otherwise have
> never seen a public release), Bone Player design. Whilst that will be
> for profit, (by them), before any accusations are levelled about me
> profiteering from the open source work of others, the payment I have
> asked for, is if they do so using the F20 based image I have produced,
> they have to make a community image available, free of charge, for the
> Wandboard. ... 

Good news re: Bone Player if cost is reasonable, bad news if company
dodge the community image.  Personally, I can't see a company wanting to
maintain a free image and would be likely to add to the Bone Player cost
to re-coup any expenditure involved with that free image. 

> For the current incantation of my F20 based image, which the Bone Player
> depends on, a single image is built from scratch, using exactly the same
> mechanism that Fedora upstream uses to generate their release images,
> with customisations and package additions, which runs on several
> platforms. And before anyone asks how that is possible, (if anyone even
> cares), booting the same image on Wandboard, Cubietruck and BeagleBone,
> without modifying it post download The clever bit, if there is such
> a thing, that makes it board specific when downloaded, is although on
> the web server filesystem the base image is one file, the Tomcat
> servlet, which handles the download, where you select the board,
> replaces the first couple of kb, where the board specific uboot is
> located, on-the-fly, as part of the download. Thus you get a board
> specific image, from a single core image. ie. the uboot is added as part
> of the download process. (Another significant piece to the puzzle was
> the back-port of the extlinux boot functionality from F21 rawhide to the
> F20 image, thus dropping the requirement for the first partition VFAT,
> for booting the BeagleBone

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread JackOfAll

I don't know whether others will see this as good news, or bad.

In the interests of disclosure and before any rumours start circulating,
(a couple of other people know now), I am in discussions with a company
about them selling a product based on my, (what would otherwise have
never seen a public release), Bone Player design. Whilst that will be
for profit, (by them), before any accusations are levelled about me
profiteering from the open source work of others, the payment I have
asked for, is if they do so using the F20 based image I have produced,
they have to make a community image available, free of charge, for the

For the current incantation of my F20 based image, which the Bone Player
depends on, a single image is built from scratch, using exactly the same
mechanism that Fedora upstream uses to generate their release images,
with customisations and package additions, which runs on several
platforms. And before anyone asks how that is possible, (if anyone even
cares), booting the same image on Wandboard, Cubietruck and
BeagleBone. The clever bit, if there is such a thing, that makes it
board specific when downloaded, is although on the web server filesystem
the base image is one file, the Tomcat servlet, which handles the
download, where you select the board, replaces the first couple of kb,
where the board specific uboot is located, on-the-fly, as part of the
download. Thus you get a board specific image, from a single core image.
ie. the uboot is added as part of the download process. (Another
significant piece to the puzzle was the back-port of the extlinux boot
functionality from F21 rawhide to the F20 image, thus dropping the
requirement for the first partition VFAT, for booting the BeagleBone.)

I have also asked for a second "form" of payment It is monetary, but
not up-front and only in the case of legal claims against any "work" I
did for the CS project. 

I have *not* asked for any other kind of monetary payment, now or in the
future, nor do I want any. I am not seeking to profit from this in any

If this doesn't sit well with one or more people, I am sorry, but I
believe if this deal is done, it will be best for me and the best I can
currently do for the people who own and have bought a Wandboard, with
the specific intention of using what should have been a Community
Squeeze image, on them.

Perhaps over a period of time, the community, can
develop/build/distribute their own software images, but in the interests
of having something actually available to replace the CS image in the
short term, I think this makes sense. If it makes me a pariah from a
community perspective, so be it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread Triode

I've refrained from commenting on this thread for a while and don't want
to comment on some of the recent discussion, other than to thank Clive
for all his work on the CSOS.

I'm afraid the legal issues which Clive has identified distributing an
OS image also mean that I am personally not in a position to take on
distribution of CSOS images.

However I do want to find a way of distributing the playback software to
users of wandboard devices.  I am looking at whether we can distribute
code in a different way to enable users to get the same applications on
their wandboard without needing to distribute an OS image.  This will
make the distribution mechanism less user friendly, but I hope it will
mean that there are options for users with wandboards wishing to use as
squeezebox players which can be supported going forward.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread rmac321

snoozer wrote: 
> Clive, let´s try it once more ...

First, please read the thread, the whole thread.  Yes its very long, but
that is because it contains a lot of useful information.  If you aren't
willing to invest your time to read a thread, why ask others to risk far
more than just their time for you?

Next, Perhaps a better approach for now would be to find a linux
distibution that will work on your Wandboard, get it up an running and
add squeezelite to it.

Last, keep in mind, that like all of us, you bought a development board
and hoped it could be transformed into a squeeze player.  You probably
still can, it's just gonna take a little more work on your part
unless/untill John and Adrian decide to take over the CSOS project. 
Many of us weren't sure how it would turn out but knew we'd have a
capable little computer to play with regardless. 

Too hard?  Wandboards frequently go on back order so you should have no
problem recouping your investment.  Clive on the other hand never will!

Nobody made any of us buy Wandboards and nobody ever promised us

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread JackOfAll

bluegaspode wrote: 
> Did I miss it or was it already explained what kind of legal trouble
> there is with the current image and it's distribution? 

The last thing I need to be doing right now, is alerting people to where
is best to attack me, if they are so inclined.

I gave a "blueprint" of what to do regarding someone else, whether a
private individual or business, making the F19 CSOS image available
again using a license, under which you would 

1. Limit to non-commercial use.
2. No warranty, express or implied
3. Limit liability to a nominal amount. ie. $1, £1, 1€.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread JackOfAll

erland wrote: 
> I just want to be very clear that ickStream has nothing to do...
> ...anything that has happened to Clive personally.

Yep, it's true folks, Erland isn't having an affair with my wife! ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Contact Erland first and ask him if it is OK to "borrow" clauses 5 and 6
> from the ickStream NDA agreement. (Which you already have, because I
> know you are a BETA tester.)
Clive this is not directed to you, I'm just quoting your post to make it
easier for people to find your original post, hope that's ok.

First of all, to avoid possible confusion or conspiracy theories, I just
want to be very clear that ickStream has nothing to do with CSOS project
nor anything that has happened to Clive personally. We were looking
forward to see a community player compatible with the Squeezebox
infrastructure and like everyone else around here we all feel very sad
about the current situation both in the project and for Clive

I think the reference to ickStream NDA was just used as an example of a
typical NDA.
I'm no legal expert and due to this I do NOT recommend anyone to use
text from the ickStream NDA.

If someone really wants to distribute images in private, I'd recommend
using the "Warranty" and "Limitation of liability" texts from one of the
available open source licenses. Just make sure you read it and
understand it before you use it and understand that if you are using it
the wrong way it can potentially cause problems both for yourself, your
relatives and people who have previously been involved in CSOS project.
The last part from the 3-clause BSD license looks reasonably simple to
me but since I'm not a legal expert I can't promise it will give anyone
the necessary protection.

For reference, even if I would like to make people happy I would
personally not dare to distribute any images at the moment, the risk of
causing problems for myself, my relatives or anyone who have been
involved in the CSOS project is just too large when I don't understand
what this is all about. I would be willing to share it to a close friend
who I know and thrust but not with someone I don't know.

Clive, if you feel I'm making this sound too scary, please feel free to
correct me.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread bluegaspode

Did I miss it or was it already explained what kind of legal trouble
there is with the current image and it's distribution? 

Can you tell what party is troubling you and/or for what reason? 
With that knowledge it would be much easier to understand the forces
behind the scenes and the probability that others might take over. 
>From what do need people involved with the project need to be
indemnified in the future?

Did you know: *'SqueezePlayer' (* will stream all
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Remote Control + Streaming to your iPad? *'Squeezebox + iPad =
SqueezePad ' (*
Want to see a Weather Forecast on your Radio/Touch/Controller ? => why
not try my 'Weather Forecast Applet'
Want to use the Headphones with your Controller ? => why not try my
'Headphone Switcher Applet'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread Krisbee

snoozer wrote: 
> Clive, let´s try it once more ...

Believe me Clive is not trying to be rude or obstructive.  He is trying
point out that the creation and distribution of Wandboard, or any other,
images has turned into a legal nightmare, and has even gone out of his
way to describe in some detail what anyone would have to do in order to
try to cover themselves against litigation in #2492 above  His hands are
tied, there's nothing he can do now as an individual which doesn't lay
him open to legal threat.  However much other people would like to help,
their hands are tied too, for the reasons Clive has stated. 

It should be fairly clear to all, after reading #2492, that things have
come to an end for CSOS, unless and until some kind of public statement
is forth coming from Triode and or John Swenson, and, as I see it, the
project moves from the reliance on actions taken as private individuals
to the more formal footing of an official legal entity.  Whether that
happens is any ones guess. 

So Pepe, it's extremely sad, and your timing is unfortunate, but like
other folk in your position, you will need to get to grips with some
Linux in order to make use of your Wandboard as an audio player. You'll
need to think about what alternatives distros are out there, and if they
will give you the functionality you are looking for.  Those previously
using CSOS, or hoping to use it, may have to think about creating a self
help group elsewhere on this forum.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread JackOfAll

snoozer wrote: 
> Clive, let´s try it once more ...


I'm not being rude. I know what you need. And I'm trying to encourage
someone else to get you what you need, and cover their backside at the
same time. 
Have a little patience, please. (And really, I'm sorry if you think I'm
being rude. I'm really not!)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread snoozer

Clive, let´s try it once more ...

I am a simple user, an individual, that just want some help on getting
an image for my new wandboard quad and that happens to have received it
just today. I am not familiar with all the stuff you mention, I just
want to rip the image in a single sd card and start listening to my jazz
music again (my squeezebox touch is dead, unfortunately). That´s all,
nothing more nothing else. I can sense you are very sensitive at the
moment, you´ve got your reasons. No need to be rude.

If you are saying that there is no way on earth I can have an image from
you to play music with my wandboard, that is ok. Let´s hope for somebody
help me finding a reasonable way to do it.

have a great day now

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread JackOfAll

snoozer wrote: 
> Suspicious man you are.

LOL. I'm sure people can read between the lines. (Well, some can.) It
might sound like I'm reading from a script, but I need to "trumpet the
party line" and then go on to suggest

Hint, hint If anyone does want to publicly re-distribute the F19
image, before making it available, and I think the person who I am
directing this at will know who he is. (And of course, anyone doing so
should really be obtaining thier own legal advice. Which is something
that I didn't do, but should have done on day 1.) 

Contact Erland first and ask him if it is OK to "borrow" clauses 5 and 6
from the ickStream NDA agreement. (Which you already have, because I
know you are a BETA tester.)

Hypothetically speaking, you take a CSOS image, mount the root
partition, on a Linux box. Add a LICENSE.txt to /etc. Contents. 

Use of this software is subject to the following conditions.
1. For non-commercial use ONLY! Commercial use prohibited!
2. ickStream NDA Clause 5: Warranty. None, express or implied
3. ickStream NDA Clause 6: Limitation of liability.

You should also add something about which legal juristiction is
applicable, but that would depend on who is doing this and where in the
world they are. 

Now unmount and dd that image back to a file. Bonus points, (on covering
your arse), if on the web hosting side, if you make someone who wants to
download the image, accept the license before giving them access to the
file. (Which you really should do!) 

I do have a license which was drawn-up to be used with the F20 images.
However, posting it is probably going to lead to more questions than it
answers. It is long-winded, and doesn't really add anything to the
above. But it really is rather long-winded, due to what was intended to
happen with the dual licensing of squeezelite under a license other than
GPL, still free to use, but locking down the distribution, forcing
another name to be used by anyone making modifications to the image or
wanting to swap the CS licensed version for the GPL'd version, and isn't
really usable (enforceable) unless there is a legal entity, (ie.
business), distributing the software, (still free for personal,
non-commercial use), rather than being distributed by a private

The repo Despite my best efforts at trying to call in favours and
even begging. The only way I can get the repo hosted is by signing a
contract with a commercial provider, which a) effectively indemnifies
them from any content put up there by me, (as a private individual),
somewhere where I don't want to go again. and b) tied to a
multi-month contract, which I don't want to be.. So sorry.. I've
think I've done enough! ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread snoozer

JackOfAll wrote: 
> If you wish to join an "exclusive" club of people who want to sue me for
> having purchased a Wandboard on the promise of something that I am no
> longer distributing, (for a project I'm no longer involved in), PM me
> for my contact details. I am truly sorry!

I´d rather invite you a beer or two next time I´ll visit wherever you
are :) . Why on earth would I waste money in such a thing ?

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I suspect you will not like this answer. You can't! And before anyone
> else takes the image they downloaded in the past, uploads it somewhere
> or makes it a torrent, and points you to it, that person needs to be
> aware that from a legal standpoint they become a distributor of the
> image. And aside from any consequences for themselves, especially if
> acting as a private individual, it will also have consequences for me.
> So please, I don't want to see any "sharing" of images going on in
> public. What you get up to in private, maybe via a PM, well, that's up
> to you ;)

Suspicious man you are.  Isn't there someone among you kind enough to
help me ?. PM me please !. I reside in Madrid, just in case anybody
wants to slip a "pen drive" under my door.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread JackOfAll

snoozer wrote: 
> I have just received my wandboard quad today and found out what´s going
> on with the project in the forum, very unfortunate indeed. Feel sorry
> for you JackOfAll, you have made such a great contribution to this
> project.

If you wish to join an "exclusive" club of people who want to sue me for
having purchased a Wandboard on the promise of something that I am no
longer distributing, PM me for my contact details. I am truly sorry!

snoozer wrote: 
> In the meantime, and while the repo is hosted somewhere else, where
> would I be able to get an image for the quad ?. Any help would be much
> appreciated.

I suspect you will not like this answer. You can't! And before anyone
else takes the image they downloaded in the past, uploads it somewhere
or makes it a torrent, and points you to it, that person needs to be
aware that from a legal standpoint they become a distributor of the
image. And aside from any consequences for themselves, especially if
acting as a private individual, it will also have consequences for me.
So please, I don't want to see any sharing of images going on in public.
What you get up to in private, mabe via a PM, well, that's up to you

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread snoozer

I have just received my wandboard quad today and found out what´s going
on with the project in the forum, very unfortunate indeed. Feel sorry
for you JackOfAll, you have made such a great contribution to this

In the meantime, and while the repo is hosted somewhere else, where
would I be able to get an image for the quad ?. Any help would be much

best regards

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread Krisbee


It seems to me you have every right to be angry about recent
developments, and as far as I'm concerned you're the Saint ... but as
they say "it's enough to try the patience of a Saint" and how you've
managed to hold your tongue in public I really don't know. 

F'wit is the right word. Surely anyone with the an iota of common sense
would realise the relative immaturity of software development on ARM
based devices in general and how dependent it is on Community effort for
each specific device.  In all cases, it has been hardware first and
software second. If you buy into the ARM World, you buy into that risk,
and as far as running Linux is concerned, it's not really for the
non-technical user (or those who are not prepared to put the effort in
to learn enough to use it).  Except, of course, when one or more
talented people get together to give of their expertise and time freely
for the benefit of others.   

> I really want to answer this, but it is rather a long answer and right
> now, other things, (getting the repo hosted elsewhere), are more
> important. 

I'll leave you to do the important things, but I'm keen to hear you

In the meantime, I'd like to think I'm speaking for the silent majority
when I say a lot of people still want this project to succeed in
whatever shape or form is possible, and hopefully they will continue to
offer whatever support, morale or practical, they can.  I'm just a
talentless old schmuck with a smattering of Linux, but if there's
anything I can do to stop this project being flushed down the bog, just

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread JackOfAll

Krisbee wrote: 
> Even the repos have been withdrawn now, and so the project seems to have
> been brought to its knees.

Which Clive is working on, right now, to try and get a repo back up and
running, because whatever the rights and wrongs of any of this, the last
thing he ever wanted to see was the existing users "punished". 

The f'wit who gave me the ultimatum about refunding the money he spent
on a Wandboard or providing him with a software image, can go to hell,
you know who and where I am, I'm waiting for the letter and while I
cannot take responsibility for refunding each one of you individually
for having purchased a Wandboard because of the CS project, the least I
can do is keep the repo, (whether it is called the CS repo or not),
running, while the my 2 ex-colleagues with busy day jobs and lives,
(Saint Triode according to Erland, and John Swenson, the man who can
sprinkle the fairly dust on any piece of crap silicon and make it sound
like a million bucks, as long as he has designed it to sound good and
not just for testing the software), decide if they wish to grow a pair
or leave the whole f'ing thing on my shoulders.

Or maybe, Erland will jump in, lay his cards on the table, offer to host
everything, accept liability for everything, rename CSOS to be ickStream
OS, and give you the roadmap for the ickStream hardware player. ;)

Krisbee wrote: 
> Would the creation of such an entity have avoided legal problems? Would
> you then have been able to create & distribute images for various ARM
> devices, host repos etc, free from legal threat and interference?  Or it
> is more complicated than that?  If the answer is it wouldn't have made
> much difference, then how does anyone ever get anywhere with anything? 
> Or, perhaps there's something unique about content of this project
> that's has drawn the attention of potential litigants?

I really want to answer this, but it is rather a long answer and right
now, other things, (getting the repo hosted elsewhere), are more

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread toby10

Krisbee wrote: 
>  But I have a direct question. The -*the protection of a limited
> liability company*- was mentioned. Would the creation of such an entity
> have avoided legal problems? Would you then have been able to create &
> distribute images for various ARM devices, host repos etc, free from
> legal threat and interference?  Or it is more complicated than that?  

No, the liability remains.  But as the title suggests it "limits" such
liability to the company (LLC) and it's assets, holdings, income.  It
protects the person(s) who own shares in the LLC from personal liability
beyond that of the LLC.  Filing for an LLC is pretty simple and costs
$125 where I live.  However, there are very particular rules on how such
an entity is run and the LLC must file an annual tax return with passive
income/loss included on each owners personal tax returns.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-27 Thread Krisbee

It's becoming clearer that Clive was keeping this project afloat against
all the odds, and at some personal cost, so it's a miracle it lasted
this long.  With a less determined individual at the helm, it probably
would have folded long ago and we all owe him a debt of gratitude. 

What a sad world we live in that a -*"little late night coding on a
"silly little internet project -*"should bring a whole heap of ordure
down on your head.  Whether moving the project to some kind of
kickstart/crowd funding basis would/could avoid the legal problems I
really wouldn't know.  Even the repos have been withdrawn now, and so
the project seems to have been brought to its knees.  The spoilers have
their victory.

But I have a direct question. The -*the protection of a limited
liability company*- was mentioned. Would the creation of such an entity
avoided legal problems? Would you then have been able to create &
distribute images for various ARM devices, host repos etc, free from
legal threat and interference?  Or it is more complicated than that?  If
the answer is it wouldn't have made much difference, then how does
anyone ever get anywhere with anything?  Or, perhaps there's something
unique about content of this project that's has drawn the attention of
potential litigants?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread Pascal Hibon

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Well, you know what.
> Clive used to have a wife. She left him 3 months ago. And while I cannot
> lay the blame for that directly at the door of CS, I am reminded of the
> night that I spoke to her after I came back from the meeting with the
> solictor. Things were never quite the same again after I explained to
> her the risk I had put myself, her and my family at, as CS was not a
> legal entity and that if there was any legal liability to be
> apportioned, it would be against me personally, and that as I did not
> have the protection of a limited liability company, it could result in
> me (and us) being bankrupted. I remember what she said. I'll never
> forget it. Imagine a sentence about me being a stupid fool, but a little
> stonger and needing a few bleeps and you wont be too far away. And they
> got even more "stressed" when I explained that the dedicated "CS backup"
> internet connection that I was providing for the "secondary" repo server
> from the marital home, which was in her name on the contract with the
> internet provider, made her as liable as me. Now double the bleeps.
> Maybe the above might serve as a cautionary tale about how a little late
> night coding on a "silly little internet project" can turn a whole lot
> more serious, real quickly.
> Fact or fiction You decide! ;)

The situation your in is far more serious than any of us could have ever
imagined ! I'm very sorry to hear about all your troubles and I truly
hope things will work out for you.
I have thanked you before for all your efforts in regards to CSOS but I
had absolutely no idea what price you where paying for it... for that I
feel silly... a thank you can never make up for the troubles caused in
your personal life. I just like to say that you have made the right
decision to retire from CSOS, Clive !

'M-DAC' ( ->
'Cambridge Audio Azur 840E'
( ->
Focal MP1200 -> 'Focal Electra 1028 Be'
1 x SB3, 1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio and 2 x SB Touch - all wireless
1 x Wandboard Dual behind the bedroom ceiling
1 x Wandboard Dual for 'msqueeze' (
1 x Wandboard Quad (will eventually become my LMS server)
ReadyNAS NVX running LMS 7.8.0.
iPeng 7 on iPhone.
SqueezePad & iPeng 7 on iPad.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread JackOfAll

rmac321 wrote: 
> ...contemplate the perpetual stress that having a potential claim
> hanging over you (and your family) can cause...

Well, you know what.

Clive used to have a wife. She left him 3 months ago. And while I cannot
lay the blame for that directly at the door of CS, I am reminded of the
night that I spoke to her after I came back from the meeting with the
solictor. Things were never quite the same again after I explained to
her the risk I had put myself, her and my family at, as CS was not a
legal entity and that if there was any legal liability to be
apportioned, it would be against me personally, and that as I did not
have the protection of a limited company, it could result in me (and us)
being bankrupted. I remember what she said. I'll never forget it. Image
a sentence about me be a stupid fool, but a little stonger and needing a
few bleeps and you wont be too far away. Things never were quite the
same. And they got even more "stressed" when I explained that the
dedicated "CS backup" internet connection that I was providing for the
"backup" repo server, which was in her name on the contract with the
internet provider, made her as liable as me. Now double the bleeps.
Maybe the above might server as a cautionary tale about how a little
late night coding on a "silly little internet project" can turn a whole
lot more serious, real quickly.

Fact or fiction You decide! ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread rmac321

First, let me state clearly upfront, this is NOT an attempt to fan any
flames, or bring out the trolls.  This is first and foremost one more
big THANK YOU!! to Clive for all the time and effort put into CSOS.

I do not claim to speak for Clive, and I don't know that this is the
actual or the entire situation.  I may be out of line for saying as much
as this with no actual info, but to all the perplexed readers - please
go back and read the whole thread.  Clive's frustration did not come
about overnight, and his legal concerns have very significant merit. 
Please note, that the one thing NOBODY has offered to do is take over
the hosting and distribution along with the legal quagmire that it
invites.  Most of us don't have the resources, even if we wanted to, but
regardless, it is not a trivial thing to host and distribute software in
a world with potentially litigious people.  I'm not trying to scare
someone away from offering to help, but please, before you beg Clive to
either continue or make an exception for you, or heaven forbid, condemn
him for retiring, contemplate the perpetual stress that having a
potential claim hanging over you (and your family) can cause and
juxtapose that against the whiners and complainers. 

Clive, I wish you a happy retirement and again thank you for all you
have so freely given, at significant cost, both financial and emotional!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread Harald


Hello. I follow this thread since about a year. That was the time when I
discovered the existence of this project. I immediately bought a
wandboard because I was SO happy about this project. And since then it
just works. What a great solution! I used a Squeezebox since 2005 (SB2
and then SB Touch) but as soon as the CSOS worked I sold the SB Touch

So I just want to thank you JackOfAll and all the others for your work!
I have a working player and I am happy with it.

Very best wishes from Vienna/Austria!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread JackOfAll

erland wrote: 
> Once again, thanks for all your efforts and hopefully things will be
> sorted out in one way or another so you can go back and enjoy being part
> of this community.

Round of applause for Erland, please. Having read the exchange between
myself and Erland today, I've just come back home after spending the
afternoon with family, to get the news that the owner of the server that
I lease for hosting, (specifically, the software
repo), has decided that without the indemnity agreement in place for us
to continue hosting on behalf of whatever individual (or group of
individuals) is now "running" Community Squeeze, has pulled the plug. I
was at least trying to keep the repo running for existing users, even if
new users couldn't obtain an image. And as if things couldn't get any
more complicated.

Hammer, I am sorry, this is the reason you have not been able to access
the repo.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
> It's been 3 weeks. How long do you suppose everyone should wait? 
Well, Triode has been around here a long time and as long as I can
remember he have been very fair to everyone and he have contributed a
lot both through forum discussions, his own plugins but also by helping
other developers and providing changes in the LMS core which we can all
benefit from today. If I would have to pick one person in this community
to thank, Triode would without any doubt be on the top of the list. I
understand that you want an announcement as soon as possible but I'm
honestly prepared to give him the time he and JohnSwenson need to make
the right decision. For all the contributions he has made to this
community and the Squeezebox platform I feel that we at least owe him
that much, if this was an easy decision he and JohnSwenson would have
made an announcement by now, there is obviously something more complex
going on and the exact details are really not our business.

I'm just hoping this will be sorted out in one way or another so the
community can go back and produce a community based hardware player,
independent if it's called Community Squeeze or something completely
differently. I'm not giving up on this idea just because you aren't
interested to be involved in it.

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Because the waiting and there having been no public announcement from
> them, directly led to what happened yesterday, because people believe
> that in the current vacuum, I am still Mr Community Squeeze. And I
> remember saying to you how I expected there to be confusion if I
> continued posting in this thread, and *you* encouraged me to do so. Yet
> another mistake!
I'm really sorry about what happened to you yesterday (whatever that
might have been) but I think you have made it crystal clear that you are
no longer Mr Community Squeeze.

Hopefully people will be able to accept that and not contact you about
Community Squeeze in the future. If people didn't understand it when you
posted a few weeks back I think you made it extremely clear with your
posts yesterday and today so now there shouldn't be any doubt. 

If you want to make it even more clear, you can put a link on that points to 'your post from yesterday'
so people who doesn't follow this thread but just access the web site also get the necessary information.
Sometimes the amount of posts in this thread is a bit overwhelming for
people who only visit the forum once a week and I guess they
theoretically could have missed your announcement a few weeks ago.

Once again, thanks for all your efforts and hopefully things will be
sorted out in one way or another so you can go back and enjoy being part
of this community.

Sorry if I've caused unnecessary confusion with any of my posts during
the last two days. I'll try to avoid posting more in this thread in the
near future since my participation currently just seems to cause more

Now I'm crawling back to my cave to have some fun and do some more music
related development...

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread Hammer

JackOfAll wrote: 
> ssh into the WB
> > 

  >   > 
  > sudo rm -rf /home/jivelite/.jivelite
  > sudo csos-cleanInstall -y evtest Flirc SDL jivelite\*
  > sudo flirc_util loadconfig /etc/flirc/jivelite_ralphy_debounce_map.fcfg
  > sudo reboot

> > 
> After it reboots, can you get past the setup screen with the remote
> and dongle? If answer is still no, ssh back into the WB and run
> > 

  >   > 
  > sudo evtest /dev/input/flirc

> > 
> Press some buttons on the remote, you should see output on the
> terminal screen corresponding to pressing/releasing buttons on the
> remote? (Ctrl-C to stop evtest and return to console prompt.)
> If still no, then I think back to 'Plan A' and I'll post you a known
> working dongle.

Hi, it seems like sudo csos-cleanInstall does not work anymore?  I
reflashed my csos image to start with a clean slate and it appears I
can't install the flirc_util again...

I'm a total newbie at this and so if this not working has to do with the
other posts I've read, no big deal.  And thank you again for all your

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread Krisbee

My bitter disappointment at yesterday's statement from JackOfAll, who is
capable of giving us so much, has not diminshed overnight.  I've given
up all hope and plans of buying into an ARM based player.  I probably
know enough Linux to get something running on one of these devices, but
what's the point, as I know only too well it would be a poor second
best.  Where else will I find software that has been highly optimised to
the target hardware? ( Patched kernels, optimsed software compiles and
much more )  Work I've not seen the like of elsewhere. No wonder
JackOfAll has been made lucrative offers.

My own meagre talents don't stretch much beyond user testing, so would
be of little help to this project.  I've learnt a little about Fedora to
do that, grappled with QEMU with some success and I was also forced to
develop at least a basic understanding of what made the CSOS image tick,
so I'm grateful for that opportunity.   It's a tragedy and a terrible
waste and loss to the community, if this has all come to an end.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread JackOfAll

erland wrote: 
> As far as I know you no longer distribute the images and the website
> just contains a reference to contact information, so what do you
> consider yourself to be legally responsible for ?

Erland, you really don't have a clue what is going on here and what is
at stake. Unless/until this gets sorted out, I would suggest that both
of us stop posting on this subject. I have made my position clear, both
on Community Squeeze and that I won't be having anything further to do
with making and releasing hardware/software for the purposes of playing
music via an ARM device.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
> But in the meantime, who do you think is still responsible while the
> other 2 parties play the silent routine?
It's probably preferred to continue this in private, but generally it's
hard to say when I don't know what kind of legal responsibilities you
are talking about and it's probably not a suitable topic for a public

As far as I know you no longer distribute the images and the website
just contains a reference to contact information, so what do you
consider yourself to be legally responsible for ?

Please don't answer in public if it might make the situation worse than
it already is.

I'll avoid posting anything more about this in public since I get the
feeling you believe it will make the situation worse.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread JackOfAll

erland wrote: 
> It should be obvious for everyone that you are no longer part of the
> project

Like it should be obvious that there were 3 people involved in this
project? How comes one of them, (and only one of them), until one or
more of the other 2 publicly state they they are also taking
responsibility, is on the hook for it? Probably because he purchased the
domain names, he paid for hosting the website. He made and distributed
the software packages. He made and distributed the images. Not Adrian
and not John!

erland wrote: 
> obviously someone else needs to take over the legal responsibilities

Exactly? But in the meantime, who do you think is still responsible
while the other 2 parties play the silent routine?

erland wrote: 
> I understand this but I also understand that there might be reasons why
> Adrian/John want to consider what options they have before announcing
> something to the public. I'm just saying that we should give them the
> time they need. Pushing them for an answer will just result in a
> decision they might regret later and I would hate that.

It's been 3 weeks. How long do you suppose everyone should wait? Becuase
the waiting and there having been no public announcement from them,
directly led to what happenned yesterday, because people believe that in
the current vacuum, I am still Mr Community Squeeze. And I remember
saying to you how I expected there to be confusion if I continued
posting in this thread, and *you* encouraged me to do so. Yet another

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread erland

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Erland,
> Please, you are not helping. Unless you want to continue making me
> legally responsible for something which I don't wish to be responsible
> for?
For what it's worth, this was not my intention. 

It should be obvious for everyone that you are no longer part of the
project and obviously someone else needs to take over the legal
responsibilities before images can be be made available again.

JackOfAll wrote: 
> you are the wrong person to be saying it, it needs to come from John
> and Adrian, and it needs to be said publicly.
I understand this but I also understand that there might be reasons why
Adrian/John want to consider what options they have before announcing
something to the public. I'm just saying that we should give them the
time they need. Pushing them for an answer will just result in a
decision they might regret later and I would hate that.

Currently I consider the public activities of the project to be on hold
until Adrian/John feel ready to let us know how they prefer to proceed.
If you like to call it "dead", fine by me, but "dead" means something
permanent to me and that's obviously not the case until we at least know
what Adrian/John wants to do.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-26 Thread JackOfAll

erland wrote: 
> Community Squeeze is not dead until at least a majority of the people
> involved have indicated that they don't plan to continue working on it. 


Please, you are not helping. If you want to continue making me legally
responsible for something which I don't wish to be responsible for.


erland wrote: 
> The only thing I'm reasonably sure about is that it isn't related to me
> personally, but honestly, I can't even be sure of that because I've also
> posted in this thread and something I've posted might have been
> interpreted in a way I didn't intended. I know from personal experience
> from my own plugin development that a simple question can easily be
> interpreted as a demand/expectation if you are on the other side.

Erland, I have no issue with anything you have said or done until now. I
know what you are doing. I know why you are saying what you are. But
believe me, you are the wrong person to be saying it, it needs to come
from John and Adrian, and it needs to be said publicly.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread gstew


Thanks for your response. I apologize for any of my post sounding like
demands... All of what I was/am asking are questions/requests and I did
not intend and hope I did not imply in any way that I expect that any of
the people mentioned were 'expected' to respond. They may or not... or
may in their own good time. As much as anything, I was hoping to provide
openings for responses that will help move the project along, either by
getting suggestions from Clive on what can be done to prevent a
recurrence or requests from Adrian and John on what we can do to

And I believe I understand the spirit of your posts.

Again, thanks.

Greg in Mississippi

P.S. And no, I don't have any special skills that I think would be
useful here... wish I did!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread erland

gstew wrote: 
> I, for one, would be very interested in hearing what thoughts you have
> on what it would take to resurrect the CS
Community Squeeze is not dead until at least a majority of the people
involved have indicated that they don't plan to continue working on it.

However, if you have some skills which you think is needed and are
willing to offer your spare time to help, it's probably a good idea to
contact Triode or JohnSwenson.

gstew wrote: 
> Non-open source (you pay for the image or get it with the HW?),
> Kickstarter, form a mini-corporation
JackOfAll have been extremely clear that money is not the issue, let's
not force him to repeat this again.

gstew wrote: 
> Then, I'm sure a lot of people watching this want to say this, but have
> been too polite (or something), so I will... Adrian and John, what is
> next? 
You posted before my last post, so this is not directed to you, but for
the future, this is exactly the kind of questions we should not demand
an answer on right now.
If we want the project to continue, we need to give Triode/JohnSwenson
time to think about their options and feel that it's fun to continue the
project and not make them feel like a load of expectations just landed
on their shoulders.

When they have had the time to consider all available options, I'm sure
they will let us know their decision, when they feel ready.

gstew wrote: 
> And finally, I, like Krisbee and Pascal (and I am sure, many others),
> have nothing but contempt for the spoilers... but I'd really like to
> know who they are. 
Frankly this is none of our business and it's definitely not something
suitable for a public discussion, we want to keep a positive climate on
these forums we don't want to turn it into a place where people doesn't
feel welcome.
Keep in mind that it can be someone specific but it can also be 10
random people among those currently posting in this thread who have sent
a mails/PMs and pushed/asked for the images.

The only thing I'm reasonably sure about is that it isn't related to me
personally, but honestly, I can't even be sure of that because I've also
posted in this thread and something I've posted might have been
interpreted in a way I didn't intended. I know for personal experience
from my own plugin development that a simple question can easily be
interpreted as a demand/expectation if you are on the other side.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread erland

Let's focus on the facts, JackOfAll have clearly announced that he don't
plan to continue as packager/developer in the CSOS project, he did that
weeks ago, yesterdays post was just a clarification. We don't know the
exact reasons for it and frankly it's none of our business, if JackOfAll
doesn't want to continue that's his decision and he doesn't have to tell
us exactly why. If JackOfAll still wants to continue posting in this
thread and other CSOS related threads, we should encourage him rather
then question if he is back in the project. If he sometime in the future
would decide to join the project again, I'm sure he will let us know and
in that case we should of course welcome him back.

I'll consider Community Squeeze to be dead when we have also heard from
Triode/JohnSwenson that they don't plan to continue, the fact that they
are silent is probably because they are currently considering what
options they have. From my perspective there are a lot people around
here with a lot of knowledge, we shouldn't let the idea with a community
based player die because one project member doesn't feel it's fun to
work on it anymore. If someone have experience with software packaging
or driver development and want to help it's probably a good idea to
contact Triode or JohnSwenson and let them know.

It might sound strange that the following comes from me, but I'm going
to say it anyway since I've personal experience in the area.

I think generally we all have to realise that most(all?) third party
developers around here spend their spare time to improve our music
listening experience. Some do it for free because they like the
challenge and the idea to do something for the community while others do
it for a small compensation through commercial apps/plugins, but in all
cases we are talking about people who prefer to prioritise their spare
time to be spent on things that prolong the life of the Squeezebox

It's easy to forget about this when you want a new feature or you are
frustrated because your system doesn't work or you are tired of waiting.
Let's be honest, it's our own individual choice if we want to stay in
the Squeezebox universe and this community or if we want to move on to
Sonos and other similar systems. If we choose to stay in the community,
we should also make the third party developers feel appreciated and
consider spending our own time to help them with whatever we can, it
might be as easy as testing a new software version or giving feedback on
a solution to guide them in the right direction.

There are some people who believe this is all about money, please
realise that this is NOT the case. With money the demands, critique and
expectations increases rather than decreases, so when you decide to
start asking for money you also have to be prepared to handle requests
from users and helping users who don't get everything to work. In this
regard money can actually make the situation worse if the main problem
is that you feel that people have too high expectations or you feel a
demand from them who you can't fulfil. 

I would personally prefer to see a commercial community based player
rather than no community based player at all, but I also understand what
kind of commitment this would require from the people behind it so I'm
not going to ask for that, I'll instead leave it up to the people behind
it to decide what's appropriate. In my mind it doesn't matter if it
costs money, it doesn't matter if costs as much many as other commercial
alternatives out there, it doesn't matter if the people behind it earn a
lot of money on it, but it do matters that the people behind it is happy
so let's leave the choice to them and let's not push them into a
particular direction.

My experience tells me that in these kind of projects, limited time is a
lot bigger problem than limited budget. You might think that money could
solve this, but in reality it's hard to earn enough money so it's
possible to quit your day job, the community is just too small for this.
Even if it would be possible to earn enough money to quit your day job,
most people also have a family to think about and have to think about
how the situation is going to look like 1-2 years in the future. 

Now, please remember this and let's try to not push Triode and
JohnSwenson for an answer right now, if they need time to think about
their options, let's give them some time.

JackOfAll, thanks for all your efforts in the Community Squeeze project.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
(Developer of 'many plugins/applets (both free and commercial)'
If you like to encourage future presence on this forum and/or third
party plugin/applet development, 'consider purchasing some plugins'

*Interested in the future of music streaming ? 'ickStream -  A world of
music at your fingertips'

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread gstew


First, I want to again thank you for all the effort you put into the
Community Squeeze project. Even if it had just been the configuration,
release, and support of the image, that was a tremendous job and one
that I can't see how you ever had time for (along with eating and
sleeping, much less a real job). And all the things above and beyond
that, well, I can totally get where you are coming from... happy about
it, no, but I can understand and have nothing but sympathy for you.

I, for one, would be very interested in hearing what thoughts you have
on what it would take to resurrect the CS. Non-open source (you pay for
the image or get it with the HW?), Kickstarter, form a mini-corporation,
push the rights to someone who is already doing this type of
distribution, what? I've been following the genesis for over a year now,
had decided it would be the direction for my next digital source, and
like many, am sorely disappointed to hear of its demise. Do you see
anyway to revive it? And what resources in addition to Adrian and John
would be needed?

Then, I'm sure a lot of people watching this want to say this, but have
been too polite (or something), so I will... Adrian and John, what is
next? I suspect there are a lot of lurkers in my shoes, liking the
project and waiting for it to be realized in both SW and HW (as I don't
have or desire a USB-DAC) and really wanting it to continue. So what's
next... and what can we do to help make it happen? Many of us already
have our Wandboxes... If I can contribute a bit to make it into my
Squeezebox replacement, tell me what it is!

And finally, I, like Krisbee and Pascal (and I am sure, many others),
have nothing but contempt for the spoilers... but I'd really like to
know who they are. I don't want to support them, I want to call them out
in any venue I encounter them in, they have shat in what was looking to
be a fabulous sandbox and I want to at least be sure not to enrich them
with my coin or support them in their efforts... a pox on them, but can
someone say who them are?

With much grumbling...

Greg in Mississippi

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread bigblackdog

A pox on the few who have spoilt this project. As a lurker on this forum
have been watching this project with great interest. Thanks for at least
trying as it seems to me that there was a lot of effort put into this by
a few people who have skills well beyond my understanding. BUT as I have
observed in small business many times , often the people you do a favour
for free are the ones who will turn around and complain, or expect
everything to then be in their favour.
May their camel's all run away. Let's hope the Karma bus sorts them out
in the end

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread JackOfAll

Hammer wrote: 
> Given I've tried two dongles and the readouts of lsusb and flirc setup,
> do you think it's the dongle?  Is there anything else I can try on my
> own.

ssh into the WB


  sudo rm -rf /home/jivelite/.jivelite
  sudo csos-cleanInstall -y evtest Flirc SDL jivelite\*
  sudo flirc_util loadconfig /etc/flirc/jivelite_ralphy_debounce_map.fcfg
  sudo reboot

After it reboots, can you get past the setup screen with the remote and
dongle? If answer is still no, ssh back into the WB and run


  sudo evtest /dev/input/flirc

Press some buttons on the remote, you should see output on the screen
corresponding to pressing/releasing buttons on the remote? (Ctrl-C to
stop evtest and return to console prompt.)

If still no, then I think back to 'Plan A' and I'll post you a known
working dongle.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread Krisbee

JackOfAll wrote: 
> .. And for the record, if people had just been a little more patient,
> rather than trying to pressure me to get what you want, you would have
> had the announcement next week about the availability of the F20 images,
> (albeit under another name), the Bone Player, (a BeagleBone DAC cape
> that I have been working on, for which prototype boards now exist, 1
> week away from production, 2 weeks away from being able to ship to
> end-users), the Fedora LMS repo, a migration path for existing CS users
> to a new Wandboard repo and a heap of other stuff which doesn't matter
> now. Instead of which, I need a new hobby, because this one isn't
> working for me!

I hate to think what's been going on in the background to bring this
situation about.  I, for one, had come to rely on the expertise and
generosity of JackOfAll for what was CSOS up to now, and what the
promise of the above might have brought and have been only too willing
to wait patiently for.  I can't believe the stupidity of the action of
people who have brought all this to an end and I have nothing but
contempt for the spoilers.  

There's probably little point in begging JackOfAll to re-consider for
the sake of those like me who deeply appreciate what he has done, can
do, and was planning to do, but how I wish he would 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread Pascal Hibon

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I know I shouldn't be posting this right now, but I've had 2 hours to
> calm down and to be honest, I don't think it matters how much time goes
> by, I'm not going to calm down. This is the final straw!
> And if anyone else wants to sue me, because they feel hard done by, have
> spent 100 quid on a Wandboard, feel agrieved that the CSOS image isn't
> currently available and blame me, PM me. I'll happily provide my
> personal details and contact details for my solicitor. Bring it on!
> Threatening me, won't get me to budge on giving you the image. This is
> what threatening me gets you!
> And for the record, if people had just been a little more patient,
> rather than trying to pressure me to get what you want, you would have
> had the announcement next week about the availability of the F20 images,
> (albeit under another name), the Bone Player, (a BeagleBone DAC cape
> that I have been working on, for which prototype boards now exist, 1
> week away from production, 2 weeks away from being able to ship to
> end-users), the Fedora LMS repo, a migration path for existing CS users
> to a new Wandboard repo and a heap of other stuff which doesn't matter
> now. Instead of which, I need a new hobby, because this one isn't
> working for me!

Sadly, this world is filled with selfish people. It really is a shame
that those same selfish people are responsible for the death of CSOS. I
truly liked this project and the efforts from all contributors. And if
those selfish people are reading this: shame on you!! People like
JackOfAll did this work free of charge for the sake of the community.
It only shows that you are not wordy to get great projects such as CSOS.
But even more important: you people messed it up for everyone else! Hope
you're proud of yourselves now.

'M-DAC' ( ->
'Cambridge Audio Azur 840E'
( ->
Focal MP1200 -> 'Focal Electra 1028 Be'
1 x SB3, 1 x SB Boom, 1 x SB Radio and 2 x SB Touch - all wireless
1 x Wandboard Dual behind the bedroom ceiling
1 x Wandboard Dual for 'msqueeze' (
1 x Wandboard Quad (will eventually become my LMS server)
ReadyNAS NVX running LMS 7.8.0.
iPeng 7 on iPhone.
SqueezePad & iPeng 7 on iPad.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-25 Thread JackOfAll

I know I shouldn't be posting this right now, but I've had 2 hours to
calm down and to be honest, I don't think it matters how much time goes
by, I'm not going to calm down. This is the final straw!




And if anyone else wants to sue me, because they feel hard done by, have
spent 100 quid on a Wandboard, feel agrieved that the CSOS image isn't
currently available and blame me, PM me. I'll happily provide my
personal details and contact details for my solicitor. Bring it on!
Threatening me, won't get me to budge on giving you the image. This is
what threatening me gets you!

And for the record, if people had just been a little more patient,
rather than trying to pressure me to get what you want, you would have
had the announcement next week about the availability of the F20 images,
(albeit under another name), the Bone Player, (a BeagleBone DAC cape
that I have been working on, for which prototype boards now exist, 1
week away from production, 2 weeks away from being able to ship to
end-users), the Fedora LMS repo, a migration path for existing CS users
to a new Wandboard repo and a heap of other stuff which doesn't matter
now. Instead of which, I need a new hobby, because this one isn't
working for me!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread JackOfAll

Hammer wrote: 
> Wow!  That's very kind of you...I'm in the U.S.  Given I've tried two
> dongles and the readouts of lsusb and flirc setup, do you think it's the
> dongle?  Is there anything else I can try on my own.  I'd hate to
> trouble you for something personal like this - vs. something that can
> help the community as a whole...

It's a long weekend, Spring Bank Holiday on Monday here, so Tues would
be the earliest for me to go the the Post Office.

I'm just taking the easy option. Send you a dongle that I've had working
with Wandboard, Cubietruck and BeagleBoneBlack So I know for sure
that one works with a WB and can't see any reason why it wouldn't work
for you. I didn't get involved in the beginning when you first posted
the problem. Let me go back through the thread and see what was said,
what was suggested, and see if I can think of anything else. That'll be
a job for tomorrow. I've planned the rest of my today already. ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread Hammer

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Hammer, where in the world are you? UK or Europe, by chance? I'm happy
> to send you a "known to be working with Wandboard Flirc dongle" and you
> send me yours.

Wow!  That's very kind of you...I'm in the U.S.  Given I've tried two
dongles and the readouts of lsusb and flirc setup, do you think it's the
dongle?  Is there anything else I can try on my own.  I'd hate to
trouble you for something personal like this - vs. something that can
help the community as a whole...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread Rob P

Apart from heat, usb 2.0 may be a bottle neck with high freq bitrates,
unless we map brutefir channels to use onboard DACs (John Swenson's
carrier board comes to my mind).

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread JackOfAll

Rob P wrote: 
> CI'm going to test WB Brutefir with multi-channel sound card (as a
> multiway speaker DSP crossover) , lets see if it won't be to hot with 6
> channels ;)

Be interested to hear how you get on with that. I've still not had time
to fiddle with Brutefir myself, other than to veryify that the LMS
plugin installs and looks like it might work if you configure it. ;)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread JackOfAll


These really will be the last LMS updates that I make for the CS repo. 

The Fedora LMS repo has been ready all week, but I haven't found time to
write the documentation for people to be able to use it/migrate to it,
so. Next week. 

Also, it might be worth noting now, that the FLMS repo 7.8.0 and 7.8.1
packages have had DSD support removed. So you won't want to upgrade if
using 7.8.0 or 7.8.1 and you want to keep DSD support, unless you switch
to the 7.9 unstable branch. I'll explain why in more detail later.
Basically, upstream 7.9 includes the media scanning support for DSD,
when you scan/rescan, from LMS. For anything below 7.9, I'm carrying a
bunch of patches for that. It's caused me another problem this past
week, with someone trying to "dissect" the source RPM that the 7.8.1
package is built from and then asking me a bunch of questions. There are
several other things I'm trying to work on now. I thought that
everything to do with DSD support was going to be upstreamed At some
point, hopefully, all 3 parts of DSD support will be upstreamed. Until
then, I'm fed up with me being the contact person for LMS DSD support,
because I "appear" to the outside world to be "carrying" the patches and
making the binary packages.



  * Sat May 24 2014 - 7.9.0-0.14.20140524git1400870426
  - Git revision public/7.9 0afb4e295a97d296f8221fa22bdb8dd33afea7d1.
  Fix count in 'search' query.
  - Git revision public/7.9 11c94a32ed2ab1e92a89133f1f8fc443d5e583d6.
  Improve cache expiry: don't check tons of prefs on every check, but set
  a timestamp whenever one of those prefs is changes. Use the timestamp in
  the cache key instead. Let cache expire on every restart.
  - Git revision public/7.9 83bfc0c9db4335d15df754c215b9ba2c3e54d9c4.
  Add more prefs to the browse page cache key - they can all influence the
  result of the browse pages.
  - Git revision public/7.9 2f65a95b8983427f73fb89c8544ffaddb75ae06e.
  Some tweaks to the live search.
  - don't hide the menu when the focus goes back to text input.
  - make the menu slightly wider.
  - Git revision public/7.9 4e3e964003e8e889f406a0ad2e98019f5d45d098.
  Disable filetest 'access' on Mac - it's not compatible with older
  - Git revision public/7.9 d1d3914938ab4f47e292a758292607fa61314080.
  Enable live search from the advanced search menu.
  * Fri May 23 2014 - 7.9.0-0.13.20140523git1400659950
  - Git revision public/7.9 4a037048d3ea58e0e900e0ff5067239a64cdede5.
  Add some sanity checking to the id parsing of live search results.
  - Git revision public/7.9 e4f0b314849dd348ad8749d53600917e8871.
  Add keyboard handler for live search results.
  - Git revision public/7.9 1f3ff5f5a853107f27c0efa5c5f3c567039dd50d.
  Don't access event object if it doesn't exist.
  - Git revision public/7.9 8eb6780d4cdbcffdd373dc946ec44dab08a4df5d.
  Fix title when drilling down to item from live search.
  - Git revision public/7.9 fc7600eb953d883072c32a413ba20c0bad967504.
  Fix style for browse controls in search results.
  Change-Id: Ic55385c7ce1d9e92ae049af5f007fae86d3becfb
  - Git revision public/7.9 828a7ef0e86366e7ae1c1d4170438fb0524370a1.
  Add play/add buttons to the live search menu.
  - Git revision public/7.9 03f3c91928902592e47df3ecb518026bdd3d4264.
  Use ext-browse package instead of ext-all, as it now comes with all the
  modules needed for the search.
  - Git revision public/7.9 aad99a99f54a7a6f9450e50ceeeb763d810042c2.
  Fix live search on the search page.
  - Git revision public/7.9 e121eb8671bd924adc6ddc7cd6378b473f501564.
  Changelog update.
  - Git revision public/7.9 451914ecf19d0977433dc5774652903a4ec12c18.
  Add improved live search box at the browse page top.
  - Git revision public/7.9 63901b3e2ae3e22daf9ff4349ccac2b99a373de4.
  In search query optionally return artwork IDs for albums and tracks.
  - Git revision public/7.9 17191760deb8408237c910d17698559572f077c6.
  Rewrite search CLI command to use SQL - it's about 10x faster.



  sudo csos-cleanUpdate-unstable logitechmediaserver

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread Rob P

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Suggest you don't waste any more time on this, if you can use ethernet
> for the moment.  

I have another WB Q running nicely BrutefirDRC on LMS (old REV), so I
can swap them to have wifi on remote one :D.
Off topic: I'm going to test WB Brutefir with multi-channel sound card,
lets see if it will be not to hot with 6 channels ;)
At the moment MiniDSP nanodigi is my preamp/crossover, Brutefir is like
icing on the cake: smoothes freq response and linearises phase...
Thanks again,

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread JackOfAll

Rob P wrote: 
> > 

  >   > 
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ systemctl status brcm4330-bluetooth.service
  > brcm4330-bluetooth.service - Broadcom Bluetooth bcm4330
  > Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/brcm4330-bluetooth.service; enabled)
  > Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2014-05-24 08:34:14 EDT; 36s 
  > Process: 630 ExecStartPre=/sbin/brcm_patchram_plus --timeout=6.0 --patchram 
/lib/firmware/brcm/bcm4330.hcd --baudrate 921600 --use_baudrate_for_download 
/dev/ttymxc2 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

> > 

That doesn't surpise me., Been a few months (or more) since I last
looked ant any of this, but ISTR that if firmware had already been
uploaded it would fail a second time. I also STR, that BT depends on the
wi-fi having been initialised. Which it hasn't been. ;) That's why I
wanted to get wi-fi working before moving onto BT.

There may be something I'm missing Could be something in a later
uboot enabling the 4330 wi-fi/BT or may an update to board.c init file.
So maybe, no code changes to driver but somehwere else there is a code
change to make this fly and it's not just firmware. I'll order another
board, so I have a C1 to get this working with. Suggest you don't waste
any more time on this, if you can use ethernet for the moment.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread Rob P


  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl disable brcm4329-bluetooth
  rm '/etc/systemd/system/'
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl stop brcm4329-bluetooth
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl enable brcm4330-bluetooth
  ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/brcm4330-bluetooth.service' 
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl start brcm4330-bluetooth
  Job for brcm4330-bluetooth.service failed. See 'systemctl status 
brcm4330-bluetooth.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ ^C
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ systemctl status brcm4330-bluetooth.service
  brcm4330-bluetooth.service - Broadcom Bluetooth bcm4330
  Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/brcm4330-bluetooth.service; enabled)
  Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2014-05-24 08:34:14 EDT; 36s ago
  Process: 630 ExecStartPre=/sbin/brcm_patchram_plus --timeout=6.0 --patchram 
/lib/firmware/brcm/bcm4330.hcd --baudrate 921600 --use_baudrate_for_download 
/dev/ttymxc2 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread JackOfAll

Rob P wrote: 
> I'm checking this on R7 if it has any importance... 
> > 

  >   > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo csos-cleanUpdate -y brcm4329-bluetooth
  > Loaded plugins: langpacks
  > Cleaning repos: community-squeeze
  > 2 metadata files removed
  > 2 sqlite files removed
  > 0 metadata files removed
  > Loaded plugins: langpacks
  > community-squeeze| 2.9 kB 00:00
  > community-squeeze/19/armhfp/primary_db |  82 kB   00:00
  > No packages marked for update
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl disable brcm4329-bluetooth
  > rm '/etc/systemd/system/'
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl stop brcm4329-bluetooth
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl enable brcm4330-bluetooth
  > Failed to issue method call: No such file or directory
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl start brcm4330-bluetooth
  > Failed to issue method call: Unit brcm4330-bluetooth.service failed to 
load: No such file or directory. See system logs and 
'systemctl status brcm4330-bluetooth.service' for 
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ systemctl status brcm4330-bluetooth.service
  > brcm4330-bluetooth.service

> > 

My fault, I hadn't pushed the package to the main repo, only my local
staging copy. Try again now...


  sudo csos-cleanUpdate -y brcm4329-bluetooth
  sudo systemctl disable brcm4329-bluetooth
  sudo systemctl stop brcm4329-bluetooth
  sudo systemctl enable brcm4330-bluetooth
  sudo systemctl start brcm4330-bluetooth

JackOfAll's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread Rob P

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I'm flying blind again with this, not being able to test
> > 

  >   > 
  > sudo csos-cleanUpdate -y brcm4329-bluetooth
  > sudo systemctl disable brcm4329-bluetooth
  > sudo systemctl stop brcm4329-bluetooth
  > sudo systemctl enable brcm4330-bluetooth
  > sudo systemctl start brcm4330-bluetooth

> > 

I'm checking this on R7 if it has any importance... 


[fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo csos-cleanUpdate -y brcm4329-bluetooth
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  Cleaning repos: community-squeeze
  2 metadata files removed
  2 sqlite files removed
  0 metadata files removed
  Loaded plugins: langpacks
  community-squeeze| 2.9 kB 00:00
  community-squeeze/19/armhfp/primary_db |  82 kB   00:00
  No packages marked for update
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl disable brcm4329-bluetooth
  rm '/etc/systemd/system/'
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl stop brcm4329-bluetooth
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl enable brcm4330-bluetooth
  Failed to issue method call: No such file or directory
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo systemctl start brcm4330-bluetooth
  Failed to issue method call: Unit brcm4330-bluetooth.service failed to load: 
No such file or directory. See system logs and 
'systemctl status brcm4330-bluetooth.service' for 
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ systemctl status brcm4330-bluetooth.service

Rob P's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread JackOfAll

I'm flying blind again with this, not being able to test


  sudo csos-cleanUpdate -y brcm4329-bluetooth
  sudo systemctl disable brcm4329-bluetooth
  sudo systemctl stop brcm4329-bluetooth
  sudo systemctl enable brcm4330-bluetooth
  sudo systemctl start brcm4330-bluetooth

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread JackOfAll

Rob P wrote: 
> > 

  >   > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo modprobe -r brcmfmac
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo modprobe -v brcmfmac
  > insmod /lib/modules/3.0.35-cm76/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko 
  > insmod 
  > insmod 
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ 

> > 

Nothing useful at the end of either kernel or messages log?

JackOfAll's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread Rob P


[fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo modprobe -r brcmfmac
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo modprobe -v brcmfmac
  insmod /lib/modules/3.0.35-cm76/kernel/net/wireless/cfg80211.ko 
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread Rob P


[fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo grep firmware /var/log/kernel
  Jan  1 01:00:12 wandboard kernel: [2.223233] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  Dec 31 19:00:18 WandPlayer kernel: [2.313216] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  Dec 31 19:00:15 WandPlayer kernel: [2.313230] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  May 23 19:55:21 WandPlayer kernel: [2.313195] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  May 23 19:59:25 WandPlayer kernel: [2.263339] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  Dec 31 19:00:17 WandPlayer kernel: [2.313180] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  Dec 31 19:00:16 WandPlayer kernel: [2.223206] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  Dec 31 19:00:17 WandPlayer kernel: [2.313167] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ 

Rob P's Profile:
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unix mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS F19 Release 1

2014-05-24 Thread JackOfAll

Rob P wrote: 
> > 

  >   > Last login: Sat May 24 07:28:53 2014 from
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ sudo grep firmware /var/log/messages
  > Dec 31 19:00:17 WandPlayer kernel: [2.313180] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  > Dec 31 19:00:18 WandPlayer NetworkManager[216]:  monitoring kernel 
firmware directory '/lib/firmware'.
  > Dec 31 19:00:16 WandPlayer kernel: [2.223206] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  > Dec 31 19:00:19 WandPlayer NetworkManager[212]:  monitoring kernel 
firmware directory '/lib/firmware'.
  > May 24 07:23:04 WandPlayer yum[415]: Updated: 
  > Dec 31 19:00:17 WandPlayer kernel: [2.313167] imx-sdma imx-sdma: loaded 
firmware 1.1
  > Dec 31 19:00:19 WandPlayer NetworkManager[214]:  monitoring kernel 
firmware directory '/lib/firmware'.
  > [fedora@WandPlayer ~]$ 

> > 


  sudo modprobe -r brcmfmac
  sudo modprobe -v brcmfmac

Then look at the end of kernel and messages log files. Anything

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