Re: php URL statements?

2004-02-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i wrote some software for a photograph client of mine to allow him to 
create/delete online albums of the weddings he shots.. it uses rev as 
the front-end and talks to php scripts on the server.. i just used raw 
socket commands instead of using the built-in commands..  it also 
uploaded the images through http post upload feature of php, and then 
did some moving of the files on the server end (again, all through 
php)..  i plan on re-writing it to use ftp, but still need to get around 
to it..

if you're interested in what i've done, i'll strip out the 'private' 
stuff and share the code (i was planning on making a http library with 
it in the future)..


use-revolution mailing list

Re: E-mail

2004-02-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 or use the POP library...and send the email from REV.

actually the POP library is used to retrieve emails.. the SMTP library 
is used to send emails..

i'm just finishing up a new revision of libSmtp that has much better 
support for sending multiple email messages..


use-revolution mailing list

Re: E-mail

2004-02-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  i'm just finishing up a new revision of libSmtp that has much better
  support for sending multiple email messages..

 multithread ?

it already is (as far as runrev's multi-threading goes).. basically it 
allows you to send multiple messages (the same one, or a completely 
different one) using the same connection to the server (saves on system 
resources on both ends)..

libSmtpOpen( serverAddress[, serverPort] )  -- start the connection

libSmtpSend( mailFrom, recipientList, message[, username, password][, 
callbackMessage] )   -- call this one as many times as you need

libSmtpClose   -- end the connection

it's all completed, but i'm just putting the finishing touches on an 
example email sender program (this one has prefs ;-)


use-revolution mailing list

[ANN] libEmail 1.0.2, libSmtp 2.0.2

2004-02-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i've updated the libraries, but be forewarned that i've switched out of 
the dot notation that i was previously using (i made the switch before 
the current thread was started ;-)

libEmail 1.0.2 is a minor update just removing the text wraping in the 
html message body

libSmtp 2.0.2 introduces a new handler and a new function, as well as 
changing the syntax of the libSmtpSend() funciton..

and finally, just to show how it all works together, there's a beauty 
example stack that shows how one can easily create an email sender to 
quickly fire off emails.. please note that unicode support in the 
example stack is rather weak in some areas due to the way it's built, 
not due to the libraries..


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Quicktime in Windows: best way to go?

2004-02-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 19:48:58 -0800 (PST)
From: erik hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Quicktime in Windows: best way to go?
To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
is Quicktime in Windows the best way to go
for crossplatform apps? Windows only apps?
Quicktime is a good solution for cross platform apps
*IF* you dont need Linux
*IF* your users have administrative rights on their computer (Quicktime is 
not installed by default on Windows computers)
*IF* Apple do not change his license policy of Quicktime suddenly (already 
happens few years ago)

I used Quicktime for Windows apps succesfully for Point of Informations, 
but i had nightmares with widely distributed CD-ROM because my end-users 
didn't know how to install Quicktime, or where not allowed to do it or 
there was some failure in the installation process.

For windows only apps DirectX is a much better solution, but unfortunately 
not supported yet by revolution.

It would be very fine if Revolution could support natively the Flash 
Player, because the flash player displays very well sounds, vector graphic 
animation and digital video and is avalaible on Mac, Windows and Linux.

Claude Lemmel
use-revolution mailing list

Re: FlashMX and Runtime Revolution (erik hansen)

2004-02-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You can embedd in revolution a web browser with
altbrowser.dll from altuit.
Within this box you can display a flash movie.
how many minutes max?


Erik Hansen
For me hours...

But in fact i have a flash website made from hundredth of small files (my 
biggest file is 120 kO). I display this flash site within a revolution box.

For me that's much better than displaying ordinary rev fields.

You can also display flash movies through a quicktime player object, but 
you are limited to the version of flash supported by Quicktime.

Displaying through a browser object you are limited to the version of 
flash installed in Internet Explorer. If you upgrade your flash player to 
2004MX, you will play 2004MX !

You can give a test downloading altBrowser.dll from ; there 
is a rev browser on the site ; open this rev browser and try to play your 
flash movie.

Of course you need in Flash to export your movie in an htmlfile within 
witch the swf file is embedded.

I guess that the only limitation of this solution is a memory one because 
you have to run in the same time revolution + (embedded internet explorer) 
+ flash plugin.
I am sure that on a winXP computer with 128 MO RAM it is ok.
On a win98 computer with 64 MO RAM it works but not very fast.


Claude Lemmel / Opus species
use-revolution mailing list

[ANN] libMp3 v0.5.0 (dev)

2004-02-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have no idea if anyone is even going to find this library useful or 
not, but I'm working on a library to do stuff with MP3 files. The 
current build only reads in ID3 v1.x tags, but I'm going to be adding in 
writing for the next release, as well as ID3 v2.x tags (which will be 

Depending on what else I can find to do with MP3's there may not be much 
else to this library, in which case I'll rename it to libId3 (no hidden 
Doom easter egg though ;-)


ps.. go the website above, and click on development

use-revolution mailing list

Re: List etiquette suggestion [almost a flame]

2004-02-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
you increased my intial message from 3 lines to 24 lines by including 
the whole of my message, plus only 3 lines for yours (so far, doing 
okay), but then there's a total of 11 lines of just sigs.. *sigh* i do 
realize that your sig is small, and the other 2 are auto sigs, but you 
can see how that just ends up wasting tons of bandwidth, plus my hard 
drive space, plus my time (having to scan through it all)..

this isn't a personal attack, i've seen much worse sigs and those 
stupid if message this isn't for you, yadda yadda bs auto sigs.. 
you're sending to a mailing list, i don't think it matters..

anyways, that's enough of a rant from me, i'll go back to the pen and 
paper world that i spewed forth from ;-)


ps.. original message was snipped
pss.. that's something else, please only quote what's needed, not the 
whole dang message..

use-revolution mailing list

Re: FlashMX and Runtime Revolution

2004-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I'm new to the list and new to Runtime Revolution.  Wondering if anyone 
can point me in the right direction regarding FlashMX and Runtime 
Revolution integration (I'm interested in knowing how to put Flash 
into a stack and interact with cards).  Thanks.
You can embedd in revolution a web browser with altbrowser.dll from altuit.
Within this box you can display a flash movie.
The flash movie keeps all its interactivity, i did not try to send 
messages from flash to rev, but it should be possible.

Claude Lemmel
use-revolution mailing list

Re: List etiquette suggestion

2004-01-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i'd prefer if people would turn off their sigs on lists, as well as 
trimming off the added list sig.. sometimes the sigs are bigger than the 
actual message..

-Original Message-
  One thing that would help is if people adhered to the RFC-standard

use-revolution mailing list

Revolution and Windows : questions and answers

2004-01-26 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Few years ago xworld released the EXT.dll from Diskotek.
This DLL has a command loadfont to install font in a stack.
Apparently this dll is no more supported by Runrev.
I gave a try and by me it works well with Revolution 212/Windows XP.
Does anybody have a good or a bad experience of this dll with revolution ?
It is reliable ?

I asked this question few weeks ago and received no answer so i had to 
study that by myself.

1) Quicktime player : that's the basic solution when Quicktime is 
avalaible. But on lot of computers Quicktime is not avalaible and the 
end-user is not allowed to install it.

2) According to the rev doc, if Quicktime is not installed, it is possible 
to display AVI movies in the player. I tried but never successed. Was 
someone happier than me ?

3) MCISendString. Few years ago i shared on the metacard list a MPEG 
player for metacard based on MCISendString. This is old technology, but it 
still works.
The MCISendString() function is still in Revolution and Microsoft released 
in 2003 a new documentation for MCI at the adress MSDN Home  MSDN Library
Windows Multimedia  MCI.
4) A good (the best ?) solution. Altuit released altBrowser.dll what 
allows to display a web page in Revolution/Windows. But a web page can 
embedd multimedia activeX. I tried to display html pages embedding Flash 
movies and it works very well. It means than it is possible to display 
digital video (encoded with flash), vector animation, panned sounds, full 
styled html text with tables, CSS, javascript...
The big advantage is that Internet Explorer and Flash Player are on all 
Windows computer since Win98.

Claude Lemmel
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Conference Help stack...

2004-01-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just a note to all Rev users who are interested in using Rev CGI on Linux:

1. revxml is currently *not* supported in Rev CGI Linux engine. I have
tested this on a number of Linux servers running Red Hat 9.0 with the latest
Linux CGI engine that can be found on the RR public FTP server.

2. revdb/libmysql is currently *not* supported in Rev CGI Linux Engine. This
has been tested on Linux servers with RH 9.0 and MySQL 4.0.15.

I downloaded Monte's LibCGI and the following was mentioned in the Intro to

With the purchase of Metacard by RunRev, Revolution now has database
functionality built into the CGI engine.

According to Tuviah:

Everything is supported, revdb and revxml. The embedded engine library is
indeed used for now, and now since RR has aquired MC you can look forward
to an english flexible syntax being integrated into the engine.

However, based on my experience, this is not the case for the Linux engine.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: function for listing all objects in a stack.

2004-01-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This should work. Put this function in the stack script.

To list all fields in a stack:

function listFields
   put the cardNames of this stack into myCardNames
  repeat for each line thisLine in myCardNames
repeat with x=1 to the number of controls on cd thisLine
  if word 1 of the the long name of control x is field then
put the long name of control x  cr after myFields
  end if
end repeat
  end repeat
  return myFields
end listFields


On 16/1/04 5:59 PM, Andre Garzia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Folks,
 It's late here 5:58 AM, i didn't sleep yet... I can't think on a way to
 list all objects in a stack.
 Actually I want to list all fields in a stack.. anyone here got a quick
 function for that?
 Andre Garzia • 2003
 imac2 ibook p100 e uma torradeira
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

[ANN] libEmail v1.00 and libSmtp v2.00

2004-01-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Well after many months of sitting around and doing nothing, I'm finally 
releasing the next version of libSmtp and it's new companion library - 

libSmtp has been re-written and all of the email encoding features that 
were found in the previous versions have all been off-loaded to libEmail.

What's new in libSmtp v2
- almost 100% re-written
- more robust error handling
- everything should be threaded (wait with messages)
- better smtp authentication support and handling

libEmail v1.0.0 is a new library featuring all the great features found 
in the old libSmtp library, but with much better support. All the code 
has been sifted through and re-written in many places. Support for 
unicode in headers and message body parts was added in.

Why two libraries now?
It's not a money grab ^_^ as they are both released into the public 
domain. The reason for the two libraries is to allow me to give better 
attention to the one task that they're to do, but also to allow you 
greater flexibility and choice.

What choices?
By spliting them into two libraries, you can use another library with 
either one of these libraries.

As always, feel free to write with comments, suggestions or fixes 
for undocumented features ;-)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: A message for data waiting at a socket?

2004-01-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
when your client connects to the server, have the server reconnect back 
to the client and let your client act as a server (if that makes sense ;-

what dar was mentioning would work very similiar to what you want to do 
(at least as i understand it)..

- write your data (blocking or non-blocking it doesn't matter)
- read from the socket in non-blocking
ie. read from socket sSocketPointer until CRLF with 
message dataReceived

now whenever your server has data to be sent to the client, the 
message dataReceived will be triggered..


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Interfaces: PC and MAC and the screenGamma property...

2004-01-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In fact, I'm writing this on a Mac, as I have since 1987.

i'm glad to see i'm not the only slow typer around here ;-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Any Russian developers out there?

2003-12-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for your response, but the macToIso and isoToMac Transcript functions
don't apply... We are using FileMaker on the PC...
It is just the text showing as garbage... We tried everything, I think there
is a problem exporting the files from FileMaker.

That's why I was hoping there was a Russian person on this list, to whom we
could talk to and maybe work out some tests...

Tnx anyway ;-)


 From: Rob Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 22 Dec 2003 07:07:40 -0700
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Any Russian developers out there?
 is there anyone who worked out a working solution
 between foreign databases (encodings) and International Rev-apps?
 Hi Ton,
 For cross-platform high-order character handling, look at the
 macToIso and isoToMac Transcript functions.
 For date formatting, one can work backwards using the system
 date...see Serendipity Library's systemDateFormat function for an
 For number formatting, there is no good built-in solution; however
 Serendipity Library includes handlers to capture the users' desired
 number format and format numeric input.
 Rob Cozens
 CCW, Serendipity Software Company
 And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
 from The Triple Foole by John Donne (1572-1631)
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Query Builder

2003-12-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tnx Jan,
This works!

 From: Jan Schenkel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sat, 6 Dec 2003 03:13:33 -0800 (PST)
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Database Query Builder
 It's not working, I don't think I understand how to
 use this... :(
 When I setup a databse-connection and use
   put revQueryLongName(cREVDatabaseQuery[dbhost])
 into msg
 I don't get anything...
 What am I doing wrong?
 Hi Ton,
 Maybe the following is a better example. Suppose you
 have a query named MyFirstQuery.
 put revQueryLongName(MyFirstQuery) into \
 put the cREVDatabaseQuery[dbhost] of tQueryObject
 For a list of all your query objects, use the
 undocumented function 'revQueryObjects'
 So if you only want a quick way to change the host for
 all your queries, you can do something like :
 put _the_new_host_ into tNewHost
 put revQueryObjects() into tQueryObjects
 repeat for each line tQueryObject in tQueryObjects
   set the cREVDatabaseQuery[dbhost] of \
   tQueryObject to tNewHost
 end repeat
 Hope this helped,
 Jan Schenkel.
 As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Query Builder

2003-12-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It's not working, I don't think I understand how to use this... :(
When I setup a databse-connection and use
  put revQueryLongName(cREVDatabaseQuery[dbhost]) into msg
I don't get anything...

What am I doing wrong?


 From: Jan Schenkel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 07:03:52 -0800 (PST)
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Database Query Builder
 When using the Database Query Builder, you have to
 enter the address of the
 database. But is there a way to create a
 preference-file which is loaded
 during startup, because I?m creating a
 mySQL-front-end which uses different
 databases (development db on server 1 and live db on
 server 2).
 Now I created my SQL-statements myself, so I check a
 preference-file at
 startup, which I manually can edit, or edit in my
 preference-tab in the
 program, but I would like to use the Database Query
 Builder and still be
 able to change and save these settings.
 Anyone any advice, because I can?t seem to find
 where the Database Query
 Builder gets and stores its data.
 Thanks in advance,
 Ton Kuypers
 Hi Ton,
 The revDatabase implementation is an interesting one,
 in that each and every query is actually an unplaced,
 empty group.
 The connection information for the query is stored in
 its custom property set named cREVDatabaseQuery :
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbtype]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbhost]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbdatabase]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbport]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbuser]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbpassword]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbssl]
 In order to get the actual group, you have to use the
 undocumented function 'revQueryLongName' ; hand it a
 query name and it gives you the long name of the
 group, after which you can play around with its custom
 properties from a script :
 put revQueryLongName(tQueryName) into tQueryObject
 set the cREVDatabaseQuery[dbhost] of \
 tQueryObject to
 Oh, a little note of warning : do not try to place the
 database query groups onto a card, or the query will
 stop working alltogether. Took me a while to figure
 that one out...
 Hope this helped,
 Jan Schenkel.
 As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Database Query Builder

2003-12-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When using the Database Query Builder, you have to enter the address of the
database. But is there a way to create a preference-file which is loaded
during startup, because I¹m creating a mySQL-front-end which uses different
databases (development db on server 1 and live db on server 2).
Now I created my SQL-statements myself, so I check a preference-file at
startup, which I manually can edit, or edit in my preference-tab in the
program, but I would like to use the Database Query Builder and still be
able to change and save these settings.

Anyone any advice, because I can¹t seem to find where the Database Query
Builder gets and stores its data.

Thanks in advance,

Ton Kuypers
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Database Query Builder

2003-12-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for the warning Jan, will give it a try!


 From: Jan Schenkel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2003 07:03:52 -0800 (PST)
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Database Query Builder
 When using the Database Query Builder, you have to
 enter the address of the
 database. But is there a way to create a
 preference-file which is loaded
 during startup, because I?m creating a
 mySQL-front-end which uses different
 databases (development db on server 1 and live db on
 server 2).
 Now I created my SQL-statements myself, so I check a
 preference-file at
 startup, which I manually can edit, or edit in my
 preference-tab in the
 program, but I would like to use the Database Query
 Builder and still be
 able to change and save these settings.
 Anyone any advice, because I can?t seem to find
 where the Database Query
 Builder gets and stores its data.
 Thanks in advance,
 Ton Kuypers
 Hi Ton,
 The revDatabase implementation is an interesting one,
 in that each and every query is actually an unplaced,
 empty group.
 The connection information for the query is stored in
 its custom property set named cREVDatabaseQuery :
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbtype]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbhost]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbdatabase]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbport]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbuser]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbpassword]
 - cREVDatabaseQuery[dbssl]
 In order to get the actual group, you have to use the
 undocumented function 'revQueryLongName' ; hand it a
 query name and it gives you the long name of the
 group, after which you can play around with its custom
 properties from a script :
 put revQueryLongName(tQueryName) into tQueryObject
 set the cREVDatabaseQuery[dbhost] of \
 tQueryObject to
 Oh, a little note of warning : do not try to place the
 database query groups onto a card, or the query will
 stop working alltogether. Took me a while to figure
 that one out...
 Hope this helped,
 Jan Schenkel.
 As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  (La
 Do you Yahoo!?
 Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

How to display mp3 or mpeg files

2003-12-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I produce educational cd-rom for kids. 97% of my customers have Windows 
computer and 3% Macs.

How to display mp3 or mpeg files from Revolution for my Windows users ?

Quicktime is not an issue because most Windows machine do not have 
Quicktime and most kids are not allowed by the schools or their parents to 
install new pieces of software on the computer (they dont have the admin 
rights in XP).

Any suggestion ?

Claude Lemmel
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How do you paste and *not* retain text formatting? :)

2003-11-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Works! Thanks. :)


On 29/11/03 1:56 PM, Ken Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just a guess, but how about:
 put the clipboardData[text] after the selectedChunk
 Ken Ray
 Sons of Thunder Software
 Web Site: 

use-revolution mailing list

How to display mp3 or mpeg files

2003-11-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I produce educational cd-rom for kids. 97% of my customers have Windows 
computer and 3% Macs.

How to display mp3 or mpeg files from Revolution for my Windows users ?

Quicktime is not an issue because most Windows machine do not have 
Quicktime and most kids are not allowed by the schools or their parents to 
install new pieces of software on the computer (they dont have the admin 
rights in XP).

Any suggestion ?

Claude Lemmel
use-revolution mailing list

How do you paste and *not* retain text formatting? :)

2003-11-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Windows when you paste styled text (for instance copied from the browser)
into a field in a stack, it retains the styled text. How do you make sure
that only the text is pasted, and at the correct cursor position?


use-revolution mailing list

Need a function that re-arranges words(!)

2003-11-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all,

Help! :) I've been trying to figure this out but it's been a mess, even
though I think it's probably an easy one.

What I need is rev code that can do this:

Given any phrase, e.g.: my fat cat

Spit out all of the following (no need to be in this order):

my fat cat
my cat fat
fat my cat
fat cat my
cat my fat
cat fat my

myfat cat
my fatcat

mycat fat
my catfat

fatmy cat
fat mycat

fatcat my
fat catmy

catmy fat
cat myfat

catfat my
cat fatmy


1. The input phrase can be *any* number of words (not just 3).

2. Each line of the results must contain all the words within (no missing

Any takers? Thanks in advance! :)


use-revolution mailing list

Sending applescripts from 10.3

2003-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I¹ve posted this one a few days ago, but got no reply...

Is there anyone having problems sending applescripts to other programs
(Adobe InDesign in my case) when using OS X 10.3?

Everything works fine on 10.2, but on my new Mac they just don¹t work...
Running the scripts from the script-editor goes fine, but I just can¹t get
them working in 10.3 :-(

Anybody any suggestions?


Ton Kuypers
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Sending applescripts from 10.3

2003-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Confirmed, the finder-script works, but so soes an Activate command sent
to InDesign.
But trying to open a document in InDesign fails with an execution error...

Application names are correct, paths are fine, it just doesn't work when
sending it from Revolution :-(


 From: Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 17:07:00 -0700
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Sending applescripts from 10.3
 On Nov 19, 2003, at 4:48 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I¹ve posted this one a few days ago, but got no reply...
 Is there anyone having problems sending applescripts to other programs
 (Adobe InDesign in my case) when using OS X 10.3?
 Everything works fine on 10.2, but on my new Mac they just don¹t
 Running the scripts from the script-editor goes fine, but I just can¹t
 them working in 10.3 :-(
 Anybody any suggestions?
 Have you checked the result function? That is where the result of the
 script will go. If that doesn't help:
 A guess is that the Applescript API has changed in OS X 10.3.
 Or, your Application names and Path names may have changed if you
 upgraded your OS.
 I'm not using applescript in my apps currently, but I can confirm this
 applescript does work on OS X 10.3 from Rev 2.1.2
 tell application Finder
 display dialog Hi buttons {OK}
 end tell
 Hope this helps,
 Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |
 what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
 to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Unicode revisited, this time with htmlText

2003-11-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 SO: what would be the correct syntax for displaying Unicode in 
 htmlText?  and how do I make sure that both English and non-English 
 strings are displayed properly?

you need to convert any character with an ascii code greater than 127 to 
it's html entity (an entity looks like ?)


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Slightly OT: Switching mySQL from win to Mac OSX

2003-11-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry for my late response, but thanks, this got me started and it worked

Ton Kuypers

 From: Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 16:35:39 -0700
 To: How to use Revolution [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Slightly OT: Switching mySQL from win to Mac OSX
 On Nov 14, 2003, at 4:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anyone any suggestions?
 I would not move the raw data files between different servers. It might
 work but a lot could go wrong: different mysql table types, different
 architecture, different mysql servers versions, etc.
 Mysql has command-line tools for creating, exporting and importing
 databases. That's what I would use. Use mysqldump to get a snapshot
 of the database, use mysqladmin to create the database on a new
 server, then do something like mysql -u username dbname  dump.sql 
 to load the sql dump file.
 Alex Rice [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Mindlube Software |
 what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
 to make machines that are disposable  -Ani DiFranco
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Do As applescript behaving different on 10.3?

2003-11-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Now I¹m starting to panic...

This script works on OS X 10.2 but doesn¹t on 10.3... Anyone care to
un-panic me? PLEASE

Put ³tell application ²  quote  ³InDesign 2.0.2²  quote  cr into vScript
Put ³close active document²  cr after vScript
Put ³end tell² after vScript
Do vScript as AppleScript

The result is always ³compiler error² when sending them from RR, when
executing the scripts in the script-editor they all work fine.
(Of course this is just a very simple script, the real ones are a lot

This one works fine:
Put ³tell application ²  quote  ³InDesign 2.0.2²  quote  cr into vScript
Put ³activate²  cr after vScript
Put ³end tell² after vScript
Do vScript as AppleScript

Anyone any clues?


Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

[Q] upgrade to libSmtp

2003-11-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
sorry to put this out on the mailing list..

i've slowly been working on a major(?) upgrade to the smtp library 
(adding unicode support) and i'm trying to decide whether to continue 
using variables as parameters or field pointers as parameters..

 variable parameter example
   put the htmlText of field message into tHtmlText

 field pointer parameter
   libSmtp.anotherCustomFunction(the long id of field message)

obviously both have their pros and cons, but i feel that using field 
pointers gives me the best results, but am not overly sure from a 
programming point of view (nor from the view of the end-programmers)..

please feel free to contact me off-list in regards to this ^_^


use-revolution mailing list

Re: need advice form Guru - traffic light app (Ernst M. Reicher)

2003-11-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I want to make an application which shoes something like traffic lights 
in a small window on 5 computers in a network.
There is a easy (leasy) way to perform your goal if your 5 computers can 
access a shared folder.
Let each computer update periodically in the shared folder in small text 
file what contains the ticks and the color of the computer.
Reading the file of the other computers, each computer can know if the 
other are working or not and their color.

Claude Lemmel
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Animation with Sliding or Walking figures

2003-11-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Wed, 05 Nov 2003 22:20:05 -0800
Scott Rossi wrote

On a Mac laptop with a slowish video card, 20 to 25 looks fair to me.

But the real solution is not speed -- it is one of stopping the forward
sliding motion when a foot is planted on the ground.  The body should
propel itself forward with a foot fixed in place so the constant motion you
are attempting to use is not going to create natural looking motion.

I posted a variation of your stack that illustrates how it could work.
Enter the following in your message box:

  go stack url;


Hope this helps.

Thanks a lot, Scott!

Tonight, I'll check this stack at home. :)


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2003-10-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I can not let work the newTool message.

if i create a new stack with the script
on newTool nTool
  put nTool
end newTool
nothing happens when i switch from browse tool to pointer tool.
What am i missing ?

I can also not let work the saveStackRequest and closeStackRequest 
I reported it to bugzilla and was answered they where trapped by the 
So i know why they dont work but i still dont know how i can let them work 
Any suggestion ?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Some doubts 'bout Revolution

2003-10-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
i'd rather have my buttons looking native in winXP ;-)

-Original Message-
  Set the lookAndFeel to MacOSX -- would be a nice Christmas present

use-revolution mailing list

RE: QT Player only?

2003-09-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for windows users you can always try using quicktime alternative 
available from download at the Kazaa Lite website

look for it on the left navigation bar under Downloads.. there is also 
a Real Player alternative..


ps.. i haven't used either of them, but thought i'd pass the info along 
incase it suits your needs..

use-revolution mailing list

[OT] looking for someone...

2003-09-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
someone from this list contacted me last week in regards to my alwaysOnTop DLL, do 
to some 
changes at my ISP i've lost all my emails, addresses, etc that were stored on the mail 
server.. could you please re-contact me if you still need help..


use-revolution mailing list

EBCDIC to ASCII converter

2003-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Title: EBCDIC to ASCII converter

Hi all...

Has anyone maybe created a converter for EDCDIC files to plain ASCII? I know there are several available as C-routines and conversiontables are available on the web, but why invent the wheel several times


Ton Kuypers

Re: XML Library and diacritics: how to?

2003-09-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Did i miss the answer to this one? We have the same problem/question...


Ton Kuypers

 From: Joël Guillod [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 18:05:05 +0200
 Subject: XML Library and diacritics: how to?
 How can I set the value of an attribute when this value contains non *pure*
 ASCII characters, i.e. diacritics?
 For instance:
 revSetXMLAttribute docid,theNode,Joël -- does not work
 revSetXMLAttribute docid,theNode,uniEncode(Joël,UTF-8) -- does not work
 revSetXMLAttribute docid,theNode,fld containing Joël -- does not work
 This works but is not convenient:
 revSetXMLAttribute docid,theNode,the htmltext of fld containing Joël
 What is the clue?
 Should the uniEncode() use some other language than UTF-8?
 Thanks for actual answer!
 Joël Guillod
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: unicode rtf support

2003-09-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Nope, it doesn't...
I'll maill you offlist a word-file, the word RTF and the RR rtf, so you will
see what happens...


Ton Kuypers

 From: Tuviah Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 4 Sep 2003 19:46:42 -0400
 Subject: re: unicode rtf support
 A client supplies RTF-files saved from MS-Word (Mac  PC) with all kind of
 special characters in it.
 I'm able to import this RTF in my app, getting all specs and all special
 chars are maintained in this text.
 When editing this text and exporting it as an RTF-file, all special chars
 are gone when reopening the file in Word.
 After looking into the specs of the RTF-format, as mentioned in the RR
 documentation, I found that there are special control-chars in the RTF
 format to use Unicode-files, and thus maintaining all special chars.
 Is there a way to export Unicode text as RTF, or is there another way to
 keep all special chars when exporting text-files?
 Yes just get the rtftext of a field and it should export the unicode
 characters as hexidecimal, multibyte characters which should display fine in
 other programs.
 Tuviah Snyder [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought
 use-revolution mailing list

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Re: Unicode RTF export

2003-09-05 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sorry Ron, the idea is ok, but I need to import this data into an InDesign
layout automatically, nu user will touch this file after correcting it in my
So it needs to be RTF or native Word... RTF it will be, as long as the
correct export can be done...


 Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2003 16:00:47 +0900
 Subject: Re: Unicode RTF export
 Hi Ton
 A client supplies RTF-files saved from MS-Word (Mac  PC) with all kind of
 special characters in it.
 I'm able to import this RTF in my app, getting all specs and all special
 chars are maintained in this text.
 When editing this text and exporting it as an RTF-file, all special chars
 are gone when reopening the file in Word.
 After looking into the specs of the RTF-format, as mentioned in the RR
 documentation, I found that there are special control-chars in the RTF
 format to use Unicode-files, and thus maintaining all special chars.
 Is there a way to export Unicode text as RTF, or is there another way to
 keep all special chars when exporting text-files?
 Have you tried htmltext? I use this with unicode text to save formatting and
 special chars. (it is much easier to export formatted unicode text to a
 variable than to import it and add formatting through tagging, but it can be
 done once you get the sequence right) After you import your client's file
 into your app and do your editing you can simply put the htmltext of the fld
 into a variable and then paste it into WORD or whatever.
 use-revolution mailing list

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Unicode RTF export

2003-09-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A client supplies RTF-files saved from MS-Word (Mac  PC) with all kind of
special characters in it.
I'm able to import this RTF in my app, getting all specs and all special
chars are maintained in this text.

When editing this text and exporting it as an RTF-file, all special chars
are gone when reopening the file in Word.

After looking into the specs of the RTF-format, as mentioned in the RR
documentation, I found that there are special control-chars in the RTF
format to use Unicode-files, and thus maintaining all special chars.

Is there a way to export Unicode text as RTF, or is there another way to
keep all special chars when exporting text-files?

Warm regards,
Ton Kuypers 

use-revolution mailing list

Applescript, slightly off-topic...

2003-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Could anyone tell me how to search for 3 returns in a textfile and replace
them by 2 returns...

I am using Revolution, to do some automated layout in Adobe InDesign, but
can¹t seem to find how to use special characters in a search and replace
string using AppleScript...

When using the following script, InDesign unexpectedly quits...

tell application InDesign 2.0.2
set find preferences to nothing
set change preferences to nothing
tell active document
set vSearch to return  return  return
set vReplace to return  return
search for vSearch in active document replacing with vReplace
end tell
end tell

Any other search  replace works fine, but how do I get rid of those

Any help is welcome, I¹m afraid the guys on the Adobe list are sleeping, no
reply there at all :-((

Many thanks in advance,

Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Applescript, slightly off-topic...

2003-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was so afraid someone would come up with this... It crashes InDesign :-((

Ton Kuypers

 From: David M. Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 09:52:53 -0700
 Subject: Re: Applescript, slightly off-topic...
 try this ... i'm pretty sure it will work.
 tell application InDesign 2.0.2
 set find preferences to nothing
 set change preferences to nothing
 tell active document
 set vSearch to ^p^p^p
 set vReplace to ^p^p
 search for vSearch in active document replacing with vReplace
 end tell
 end tell
   Editor  Publisher: The Cole Papers; NEWSINC.V: (650) 557-9595
   Consultant: The Cole Group   F: (650) 557-9696
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Applescript, slightly off-topic...

2003-09-01 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It is the replace part that crashes InDesign... When replacing with €€€ it
works fine, when using the paragraph code it goes wrong...

I now will start working on getting the text into InDesign and do the search
and replace in there...
H... Thank you Adobe :-((

 From: David M. Cole [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 09:52:53 -0700
 Subject: Re: Applescript, slightly off-topic...
 try this ... i'm pretty sure it will work.
 tell application InDesign 2.0.2
 set find preferences to nothing
 set change preferences to nothing
 tell active document
 set vSearch to ^p^p^p
 set vReplace to ^p^p
 search for vSearch in active document replacing with vReplace
 end tell
 end tell
   Editor  Publisher: The Cole Papers; NEWSINC.V: (650) 557-9595
   Consultant: The Cole Group   F: (650) 557-9696
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use-revolution mailing list

Re: OS X: Can launch app but not file

2003-08-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Put tell program   quote  Finder  quote   to open   quote  quote into vScript
Do vScript as applescript

This should do the job ;-)


Ton Kuypers

 From: Kaveh Bazargan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 20:57:25 +0100
 Subject: Re: OS X: Can launch app but not file
 At 11:27 pm -0700 30/8/03, Richard Gaskin wrote:
 The Mac OS API's _launch call has been riddled with issues since Mac OS 7,
 or maybe earlier.  This gets funkier in OS X since a .app is not a file, but
 really a folder.
 Best to use AppleScript and let the Finder sort it out:
  tell program Finder to open
 I am slowly finding my way around. Now how do I send an AppleScript with
 Rev? In Hypercard you chose AppleScript from a pop-up box.
 use-revolution mailing list

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Re: OS X: Can launch app but not file

2003-08-31 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Not as far as I know... But once you get the hang of it, it works pretty
For scripts with variables in it, you can put them together like this, when
using bigger scripts, create them in the script-editor and store them in a
custom property and when needing information from the other program, use
put the result in vResult after the do script part...

Ton Kuypers

 From: Kaveh Bazargan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 21:30:29 +0100
 Subject: Re: OS X: Can launch app but not file
 At 10:20 pm +0200 31/8/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Put tell program   quote  Finder  quote   to open   quote  quote into vScript
 Do vScript as applescript
 This should do the job ;-)
 Hey thanks.
 Is there no easier way? :-(
 use-revolution mailing list

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Re: Lost revMenubar on Windows XP

2003-08-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Same happens here...

Just hit ctrl + M to get the messagebox and type set the loc of current
stack to 400,400 and it is back immediately...

Happy coding,

Ton Kuypers

 From: Jeremy Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 10:05:12 +
 Subject: Re: Lost revMenubar on Windows XP
 This problem occurs often to me as well, the solution is to right click on
 revolution in the task bar select move, then hold down shift and press any
 of the arrow keys, then move the mouse (while still holding shift) and the
 menu bar will reappear. Its a bug that sets the location WAYYY off, is
 anyone fixing this?
 Please help!
 I open Rev 2.03 on Windows XP and sometimes ONLY the toolbar is visible,
 the menuBar does not appear anyplace. Obviously is nothing I can do to open
 even the msg. box and type show revMenuBar.
 When this problem occurs, I try to launch Rev again but still no menuBar is
 appearing - only another toolbar.
 I then restart the machine but the same problem occurs (no menuBar, only
 The only solution I have found is to reinstall the program after I shut
 down the machine. However, I am getting sick and tired in doing a couple of
 installations every day because the menuBar does not appear when launching
 How do I avoid this irritating problem? Why the menuBar is not showing? Is
 this a Rev or Windows problem?
 Any help will be greatly appreciated
 Anthony Kouvoussis
 ninemsn Extra Storage is now available. No account expiration - no need to
 worry about losing your Hotmail account. Click here
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Button Basics?

2003-08-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I can't seem to select individual items of a pop-up menu button to enter
their scripts in 
the script editor.  I tried

select menuItem X of button Button Y

in the message box, but when I open the script editor, it's just for the
whole button, not 
the individual items in the button.  What am I missing?

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Button Basics? -thanks Jan!

2003-08-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks a million to Jan Schenkel!

Problem solved!  I had looked at every single thing in the Menus chapter
of the 
Documentation by Catagory and while I had seen references to MenuPick I 
couldn't make heads or tails out of implementing it.  Sometimes we non
code writers 
know literally nothing and need tips, like the one you gave me, in real
plain English! I 
am following the documentation and beginners discussions closely and have
up for the Dan Shafer book and I hope to get better at this. Thanks again
and also 
thanks to those of you who answered a couple of other beginners questions
for me in 
the past few weeks!


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

use-revolution mailing list

(no subject)

2003-08-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am trying to make a popup button but I can't seem to get the scripts for
the individual 
menu items in place. I assumed that once the button is made and the items
are listed, 
I would be able to access the items individually with the message box:

select menuItem X of button Y

and then open the script editor, but I don't get the script editors for the
menu items, just 
a single one for the whole button.  How can I select an individual menu
item and open 
its scrip editor?


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

use-revolution mailing list

A newbie aks how this was done

2003-08-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi there!

In the absence of a manual (still unavailable) and the upcoming book by Dan
(still unreleased) I have been teaching myself, as suggested, by first
dissecting the 
tutorials and now the example stacks that came with the app.  I have found
that would be absolutely perfect for a current project, but as an absolute
non code-
writer, this thing, which is most like very easy to do, is a complete
mystery to me, no 
matter how hard I look at the inspectors and the scripts.  I am not even
sure these 
books will help when they are available, because many of the terms in the
scripts can 
be found neither in the built in glossary nor in the transcript dictionary,
so I suspect it 
was written in a different language (and I am not familiar with any
language at all).  I 
am talking about the How to object on the right side of the Making
simple soap 
calls card of the SOAP_toolbox.rev stack in the examples folder of version
Since it is not a substack, I can only describe it as a widow on a card
containing a 
number of navigable pages.  This is just what I need, but I can't make
heads or tails it, 
especially the script of the rpcHowTo object.

What language was this thing written in or did it come from Meta- or Super-
HyperCard?  Is this something someone could explain to a non-code person in
a few 
minutes?  If not, where should I look to find out how to do this? (Books,
other RunRev materials I don't have, et.)

Thanks and apologies for my ignorance!


mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Http proxy

2003-08-14 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Dave, 

Indeed, no replies... :-((

Not even from Kevin, but I think he is still on leave (and he deserved it)

The URL you mentioned is very interesting, but you are right... To make it
work, you need the location of the pacfile so that¹s no solution

put hostNameToAddress(WDAP) returns empty though my settings are set to
Automatic detect...

Nope, I guess we have to wait for a respons from our RR friends, unless
anybody else has figuered this one out...


Ton Kuypers

 From: Dave Cragg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 09:26:56 +0100
 Subject: Re: Http proxy
 At 11:54 am +0200 6/8/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For some reason leaving the http-proxy empty prevents RR to use the
 default-settings of explorer on my XP pc.
 So I looked into the registry and found the entry containing the
   put queryRegistry
   CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyServer) into vProxy
   set the HTTPProxy to vProxy
 This works fine when there actually is a proxy set, but on a second PC I set
 the lan settings of explorer to automatically detect settings.
 Now it doesn't work anymore, vProxy is empty and there is no connection
 Does anyone know how to get the HTTTPproxy to work when automatically
 detect settings is choosen?
 Many thanks in advance,
 Ton Kuypers
 You didn't get any replies on this. A pity, as I was also hoping
 someone might have an answer.
 I found some information here about how the Automatically detect
 settings works, and the difference from the Use automatic
 configuration script. setting.
 If my interpretation is correct, at the very least, it looks like you
 would have to parse the javascript FindProxyForURL function.
 But before that, you'd have to find where the script is located.
 Unfortunately, I don't have a setup that allows me to explore this
 Just out of interest, when you set Automatically detect settings,
 is IE able to connect. If so, from Rev, do you get anything returned
 from the following script:
 on mouseUp
  put hostNameToAddress(WDAP)
 end mouseUp
 use-revolution mailing list

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Re: Losing track of time

2003-08-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 As I understand it, the command send x to me -- without a time 
value -- will send the message immediately, before the rest of the 
handler executes. If a time value is included -- send x to me in 1 
tick -- the entire handler finishes executing before any message is 
sent to the queue. Even send x to me in 0 ticks will force the 
rest of the handler to execute before the message gets queued.
Interesting nuance, Jacque.

And certainly worth noting.
Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles do so grow three.
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
From The Triple Foole
by John Donne 1573-1631
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Tools palette

2003-08-12 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To get it back: open the message box, you will see that revMenubar is
active, enter set the loc of stack revMenubar to 400,400 and there is is

Had this problem a lot in the past, recently no problems anymore...

Ton Kuypers

 From: Leston Drake [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 08:42:49 -0600
 Subject: Re: Tools palette
 Yes, I've seen this quite a bit on Win32 (XP). Also the Message box -
 sometimes it disappears and WILL NOT come back...?
 At 04:39 AM 8/11/2003, you wrote:
 Steve Gehlbach wrote:
 Sarah wrote:
 Has anyone else had the problem of the Tools palette disappearing and
 not coming back? Sometimes, it just disappears. It is still ticked in
 the Tools menu and de-selecting/selecting it there does no good.
 Command-T doesn't help either - the only solution is to shut down
 Revolution and start it again.
 I can't work out what causes it to disappear, no pattern has emerged
 yet, so I can't really bugzilla it, but I would be interested to know if
 anyone else has encountered such a problem.
 I've seen it plenty.  Seems more prevalent on Linux than Windows.  I've
 learned to use the pull down menus.  Also have trouble with the property
 inspector disappearing, but it comes back when you close the script
 editor, maybe that is by design.
 use-revolution mailing list
 I believe that, in using Rev 2.xx, under Linux, at least (no win32 box,
 there), it's by feature that the property inspector desappears each time
 the script editor is opened and reappears the script editor is closed.
 Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
 Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
 Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
 Penser et produire l'avantage compétitif
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Http proxy

2003-08-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For some reason leaving the http-proxy empty prevents RR to use the
default-settings of explorer on my XP pc.

So I looked into the registry and found the entry containing the

  put queryRegistry
  CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ProxyServer) into vProxy

  set the HTTPProxy to vProxy

This works fine when there actually is a proxy set, but on a second PC I set
the lan settings of explorer to automatically detect settings.
Now it doesn't work anymore, vProxy is empty and there is no connection

Does anyone know how to get the HTTTPproxy to work when automatically
detect settings is choosen?

Many thanks in advance,

Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Losing track of time

2003-08-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I know there are still background
processes running, but they should have been minimal.
Howard, et al:

I consider a 0.14% error (5 seconds/hour) to be minimal; but I'm not 
calculating longitude for a sailing ship at sea.   :{`)

What are you using to calculate the exact timing?  Have you tried 
storing the seconds (or ticks) when the send is queued, capturing it 
when the message is sent, and calculating elapsed time?
Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

And I, which was two fooles do so grow three.
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
From The Triple Foole
by John Donne 1573-1631
use-revolution mailing list

Re: FatOS engine

2003-08-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have the Studio version  to be developed in X (seem to work fine) 
and distribute to all. I tried to distribute to just X and it used 
the FAT engine. Anyone else in this boat?
Why do you think it's using the FAT engine?
John, Alex, et al:

I noticed yesterday that the Engines folder downloaded with Rev 2.02 
contains only one file: MacOSFat.

Went to look at 2.01; but I trashed the last copy yesterday.
Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company
And I, which was two fooles do so grow three.
 Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee.
From The Triple Foole
by John Donne 1573-1631
use-revolution mailing list

Reading MP3 tags

2003-08-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Title: Reading MP3 tags

Is there anyone who done something to read MP3 tags in RR?
I want to create a little application to keep track of my music CDs and MP3 files, but (lazy as I am) I dont want to enter all info of these files  CDs.
The MP3 specs seem very straight-foreward, though to much to just do it, so if anyone wants me to give a quick look and receive  and aaahh on the application he/she created... ;-)


Ton Kuypers

Re: LibURL file-encoding question

2003-07-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dave, Jan,

I was right in my assumption that the Oracle-guys sent me the wrong data...
They changed the encoding of the XML (don't ask me how or what) and now it
works like a charm :-)

Thanks for your assistance

Ton Kuypers

 From: Dave Cragg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 17:05:08 +0100
 Subject: Re: LibURL  file-encoding question
 At 12:44 pm +0200 23/7/03, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I figured your solution out about 3 minutes after I sent my mail, but too
 bad... It's a no-go :-(
 What happens:
 Use Explorer to fetch the XML data from the database:
   - Shows perfect in the browser.
 Save the file as an XML-file and re-open it:
   - Parsing error
 Open the XML in Notepad and save with UTF8 encoding:
   - Shows perfect in the browser.
 It looks like the problem is in the way Explorer saves the file. I'm
 assuming the original data is utf8 but it looks like it is getting
 saved as ISO latin.
 Get the url in RR and put it into tXMLData
 put uniEncode(tXMLData,UTF8) into URL(file:  tFilePath)
 This will convert the data to utf16 which is probably not what you
 want. (Also, it may be better to save XML data as a binfile  -- put
 ... into url (binfile:  tFilepath)
 Result:  ? x m l  v e r s i o n =  1 . 0  etc.
 The second byte is obviously not used in the XML, so encoding does what it
 has to do, but messes things up.
 The XML does not have the encoding-part in the header, when I add it before
 saving there is no difference.
 Do you know if the XML in the database (Oracle) needs to be formatted or
 transmitted in a special way by any chance? The strange thing is that
 Explorer works with it fine, but saving the file screws it up...
 I'm not sure exactly what you want to do. But if you just want to
 save the data as a utf-8 encoded file, what happens when you download
 with Rev, save to a file (using binfile), and then open in Internet
 use-revolution mailing list

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LibURL file-encoding question

2003-07-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Here is a nice one... I think I am doing something wrong, but I just can¹t
figure out what or where...

I need to download an XML-file from an Oracle-server hosted on a webserver.
The file I receive is around 800 kb in size, downloading works like a

But... When I open the file in Explorer, halfway there is a special char
which prevents loading the rest of the XML-file.
When I open this downloaded file in Notepad, there indeed is a special char
(the ñ in Spanish text for instance).

Saving in Notepad, you have an option ³Encoding². When choosing UTF-8 as the
encoding and saving this file, Explorer opens the XML-file without any

So... How do I download an amount of XML-data from a database and save the
file with UTF-8 encoding?

Seems so simple, maybe I should get a real job, because I don¹t seem to get
this part working :-((

Who saves my life, somebody please.

Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

Re: LibURL file-encoding question

2003-07-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I figured your solution out about 3 minutes after I sent my mail, but too
bad... It's a no-go :-(

What happens:

Use Explorer to fetch the XML data from the database:
  - Shows perfect in the browser.
Save the file as an XML-file and re-open it:
  - Parsing error
Open the XML in Notepad and save with UTF8 encoding:
  - Shows perfect in the browser.


Get the url in RR and put it into tXMLData
put uniEncode(tXMLData,UTF8) into URL(file:  tFilePath)

Result:  ? x m l  v e r s i o n =  1 . 0  etc.
The second byte is obviously not used in the XML, so encoding does what it
has to do, but messes things up.

The XML does not have the encoding-part in the header, when I add it before
saving there is no difference.

Do you know if the XML in the database (Oracle) needs to be formatted or
transmitted in a special way by any chance? The strange thing is that
Explorer works with it fine, but saving the file screws it up...

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

How to use revXML functions in CGI?

2003-07-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all,

How do you use revXML functions in CGI mode?

Need instructions for Linux, Darwin and Windows.



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Linewidth of a graphic not working correct

2003-07-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

As the poster of this bug, I think you misunderstood the problem. Probably I
just didn't explain it the right way...

When I create a graphic of 100x100 pixels and set the linewidth of it to 1,
3, 5, etc. pixels, the item shows its lines exactly at the size of 100
pixels. Just put a colored graphic without lines on top of it and you'll see
they match.

When you do the same thing with graphics having a linewidth of 2, 4, 6, etc.
pixels, the box you see (the right and bottom line) are moved 1 pixel to the
inside, so what you see is a box of 99x99 pixels.

In one of our projects the user can draw rectangles on screen, using a
user-definable grid. But because of this strange behaviour the drawn
rectangles will never be the correct size (so they won't touch each other)
when drawing within the grid. There will always be a gap of one pixel
between to rectangles...

I don't think this has to to anything with me being a newby, or rendering of
graphics, there is just something missing in the way these graphics are
drawn on screen... The visual boundaries (the 8 resize handles) shown on
screen are in the right position, just the lines aren't...

Hope this gives you the proper information to solve this, because I still
think this IS a bug...

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers

 From: Dar Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 15:21:27 -0600
 Subject: Re: Linewidth of a graphic not working correct
 On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 01:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When changing the bordersize from an odd number to even, you the right
 bottom of this object are not set correctly, the line gets thicker,
 but is 1
 pixels smaller than the actual rect... So, using a borderwidth of 1,
 3, 5,
 etc. works the way it is supposed to do, but 2, 4, 6, etc. gives a
 This makes it impossible to create exact images :-(
 In a discussion on this issue, Scott Raney suggested the use of the
 borderWidth property as a workaround for rectangles.
 I think this will work OK for rectangles on both Windows and OS X.  Set
 your lineSize to 0.  That is the size on the first page of the object
 inspector.  Set showBorder to true.  Set threeD to false.  Set the
 border size with borderWidth.
 You may need to experiment with how that might apply to other objects.
 (The meaning of the graphic properties of Revolution objects seems to
 be essentially a set of calls to the OS drawing API, the meaning of
 which--in terms of parameter meaning and rendering meanings--will vary
 slightly from platform to platform.  I don't expect this to change.)
 Dar Scott
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Progress Bar

2003-07-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Still checking out RunRev

I'm loading a file from the internet with load URL. I've been trying 
to make a progress bar show it's status but cant seem to get it to 
work. Has anyone done this, and if so what is the best way to do this?


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Picture in a field?

2003-07-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there a way to perform a text wrap?

The imageSource method seems to place the picture on the same level as a
single line of text.

How would you have multiple lines of text flowing alongside an image in the
same field (like the way it works with HTML)?


use-revolution mailing list

Quicktime Chapter Tracks

2003-07-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
How do I navigate Quicktime Chapter tracks with Revolution.

Is there a native way of navigating Quicktime Chapter Tracks with 
revolution? or cuePoints? AppleScript, QTscript, Director, iShell, and 
others all have way to navigate Chapter Tracks. I'm looking at 
Revolution as a cross-platform solution for current and future projects 
that relies on the ability to navigate Chapter Tracks.

so if anyone knows how to do this please let me know.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: [ANN] Game Available for Test

2003-07-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Very cool! Well done Scott.

I especially like the sliding text effect. :-)

Played a couple of games and looks good so far.


On 3/7/03 10:05 AM, Scott Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Greetings List:
 I've recently been working on a small game called KodeKraker, a variation of
 the classic logic game Mastermind.  I'd like to invite folks with a few
 spare moments (!) to take it for a test run.
 What started out as a programming exercise turned into a fairly involved
 little project.  The game features audio feedback, a custom UI (typical
 Tactile Media eye candy), and a fun little custom dialog system (note: no
 Flash was used in the making of this game).
 To grab the game, type the following in your message box:
  go stack url;
 The stack runs 285K (folks with slower connections please be patient).
 Thanks for reporting any problems or otherwise.
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Fastest way to delete non-contiguous lines in list field

2003-06-30 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi all,

What's the fastest way to delete non-contiguous lines in a list field? These
lines would be listed in the hilitedLines.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: Eliminate doubles in a long list field

2003-06-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Ludovic,

Instead of using a repeat for each line loop, you could use the lineOffset
function. For example:

if lineOffset(l,myLongList) = 0 then
put lcr after myLongList
end if

Hope this helps!

Valetia :-)

On 28/6/03 3:57 PM, Ludovic Thébault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've a long list field with double entry
 I want to eliminate double.
 I use this script :
 repeat for each line l in myLongList
  if l is not in myLongListWithoutDouble then
put lcr after myLongListWithoutDouble
  end if
 end repeat
 But it's long. There is an another solution ? Thanks.
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stopping the User from Adding/Removing Lines to a field

2003-06-28 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Igor,

To prevent people from pasting multiple lines of text, you can:

1. Trap it via the 'pasteKey' message; and then

2. Use the 'clipboardData' property to help you allow only the first line of
whatever's in the clipboard to be pasted into the current selection.

Hope this helps.

Valetia :-)

On 28/6/03 3:38 PM, Igor Couto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all!
 Would anyone know of an easy way to stop a user from removing or adding
 lines to a list field?
 I have a list field with entries that the user should be able to
 CHANGE. The user MUST NOT be able to, however, delete or add lines to
 the field. I thought of using a TABLE field, however my users will
 enter international characters (Esperanto, Icelandic, etc.) that
 Revolution currently does not seem to support in the tables...
 It is easy enough to trap 'enters', 'returns', 'deletes' (forward and
 back). However, there are some functions that the user should be able
 to use that can still wreak havoc with the lines - namely, CUT and
 PASTE... This is all getting SOO complicated, for such a small
 limitation I want to implement, that I feel I must have missed a
 checkbox somewhere that will simply allow me to do it all!
 Can anyone help?
 Igor de Oliveira Couto
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Why must *any* of these be done manually (or, missing widgets)?:-)

2003-06-25 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
A bunch of widgets seem to be missing from RR (even in 2.0). For instance:

When creating multi-column fields, why is it necessary for us to implement
our own resizable field headers (the ones you find in email clients, iTunes,

It's a very common field type - surely Apple and Microsoft must have
provided some sort of OS-level widget thingy for it?

I know Chipp (thanks btw) has a stack that demonstrates how this can be
hacked up in RR, but *why* does it need to be hacked up in the first
place? :-)

It still looks and behaves differently from the one I see most apps
they somehow have access to something we don't? What's the logic behind

Also, how do you (manually again, I guess) insert those ellipses (...) when
the width of a column is too small to fit the text? Anyone has any script
for that?

Do C and REALbasic programmers have to do these things manually too? Seems
like a total waste of time for something that is known to be used again and
again across so many applications. :-)

Any comments/suggestions?


P.S. What about that spinning widget that you see in the lower-middle of the
screen when shutting down or restarting Jaguar? I'm quite sure it's a widget
that's readily available with most of the other programming languages (I
think I caught a glimpse of it in REALbasic one time)...

For instance...this spinning thingy also appears in Microsoft Entourage to
indicate the checking of email. When I upgraded from Mac OS X 10.1 to Jaguar
(which uses a new design for the spinning widget), the design was
*automatically* updated in Entourage (same copy)! A sure sign of it being a
widget...right? :-)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Ok... This is a bug... Another one, but I don't blame them...(if they fix it anyway...)

2003-06-23 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks, will try that, nice workaround :-)


 From: Mark Talluto [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 13:47:02 -0700
 Subject: Re: Ok... This is a bug... Another one, but I don't blame them... (if
 they fix it anyway...)
 On Sunday, June 22, 2003, at 04:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok... This one is deep, deep down in RR and I don¹t blame anyone that
 haven¹t found this problem, but it is annoying :-(
 I have one main program which looks into a folder named ³modules² for
 to load into a list.
 These modules are .rev files containing one group with a lot of
 scripts and properties attached to it.
 One of the custom properties for a group, is a the pSize, containing a
 The main program is 300 pixels wide, when a user clicks on one of the
 modules in the list, the module gets opened, the group gets copied to
 main project, the size of the main project is set to the pSize
 property of
 the copied group and the location of the new group is set according to
 pLoc of the group.
 Everything works perfect in the IDE.
 Everything also works fine in runtime, but only if you don't encrypt
 with a
 Doing so, prevents the resizing, I don't even know if the copying
 I really need to encrypt the files, I need one window containing the
 specific groups and I need to be able to update or add separate
 without remaking the complete project every time...
 Anybody any suggestions?
 Ton Kuypers
 set the passkey to mypassword
 Do this in your opencard of card 1. From that point on, your stack will
 be like normal.  When the stack is closed, it will still be encrypted.
 Best regards,
 Mark Talluto
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Font's in pasted scripts

2003-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It is very frustrating, but a nice workaround is paste as comment and then
remove the comments...

Ton Kuypers

 From: Martin Baxter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2003 08:51:10 +0100
 Subject: Re: Font's in pasted scripts
 Yes, Edwin, you are not alone...
 I too have been seeing some really ugly results from pasting into scripts,
 and haven't found a simple way to fix it.
 The script looks awful because the pretty-printing (aka indentation) loses
 contact with reality, (because of the character widths of the different
 typeface maybe? I don't know the reason for sure) and pressing tab doesn't
 correct it, nor does any attempt to space it by hand.
 I agree this is rather irritating. There is a need for some sort of make
 it better button I think ;-)
 I've been doing battle with a couple of other irritating issues and so have
 just let this go by with a sigh. If I find a simpler fix than the one you
 already use I'll let you know.
 martin baxter
 From: Edwin Gore wrote :
 For me it formats it - in so much as setting indents, etc, but the font and
 style doesn't change. doesn't seem to work under Windows - using
 control-; colorizes, but formatting stays the same, while
 pressing the TAB key seems to format the script (go to a
 line past the section you want to re-format and press TAB
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Ok... This is a bug... Another one, but I don't blame them... (ifthey fix it anyway...)

2003-06-22 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ok... This one is deep, deep down in RR and I don¹t blame anyone that they
haven¹t found this problem, but it is annoying :-(

I have one main program which looks into a folder named ³modules² for files
to load into a list.
These modules are .rev files containing one group with a lot of controls,
scripts and properties attached to it.

One of the custom properties for a group, is a the pSize, containing a

The main program is 300 pixels wide, when a user clicks on one of the
modules in the list, the module gets opened, the group gets copied to the
main project, the size of the main project is set to the pSize property of
the copied group and the location of the new group is set according to the
pLoc of the group.

Everything works perfect in the IDE.

Everything also works fine in runtime, but only if you don't encrypt with a
Doing so, prevents the resizing, I don't even know if the copying works...

I really need to encrypt the files, I need one window containing the
specific groups and I need to be able to update or add separate modules,
without remaking the complete project every time...

Anybody any suggestions?

Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

Another 2.0 bug... Help, need a work-around!!!

2003-06-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Title: Another 2.0 bug... Help, need a work-around!!!

Tested on Windows XM and OSX:

on mouseup
put Bar1 into vBar
create graphic vBar
set the name of it to vBar
set the rect of graphic vBar to 10,45,19,87
set the backgroundcolor of graphic vBar to 0,0,0
end mouseup

Gives a filled rectangle during development, but these items have no fill in 
runtime :-(

And there also seems to be a problem I havent pinned down yet, but when using polygones, in the runtime it doesnt draw the last segment, so Im missing the last line of the object...

Anybody any suggestions?


Ton Kuypers.

(If we would get rewarded for finding bugs and posting them in the database, Id be runner up for the first time in my life for something... AND ID RATHER BE NOT!!!)

Re: Another 2.0 bug... Help, need a work-around!!!

2003-06-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Already solved by our friends of RR...

In the IDE, the opaque of the graphic is set to true. However, in a
standalone this is not set by default and is false thus not filling the

Sothere is a difference between IDE behaviour and standalones... Not very
nice, but at least there is a work-around...

Ton Kuypers

 Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 13:35:51 +0200
 Subject: Another 2.0 bug... Help, need a work-around!!!

 Tested on Windows XM and OSX:
 on mouseup
 put Bar1 into vBar
 create graphic vBar
 set the name of it to vBar
 set the rect of graphic vBar to 10,45,19,87
 set the backgroundcolor of graphic vBar to 0,0,0
 end mouseup
 Gives a filled rectangle during development, but these items have no fill in
 runtime :-(
 And there also seems to be a problem I haven¹t pinned down yet, but when using
 polygones, in the runtime it doesn¹t draw the last segment, so I¹m missing the
 last line of the object...
 Anybody any suggestions?
 Ton Kuypers.
 (If we would get rewarded for finding bugs and posting them in the database,
 I¹d be runner up for the first time in my life for something... AND I¹D RATHER
 BE NOT!!!)

use-revolution mailing list

making non-active backups of stacks; missing cursor in fields;documentation

2003-06-20 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1. Is there any way to make a backup of a stack without shifting to the
backed up stack as the working stack -- i.e., when you do save as... the
stack you save to becomes the main stack -- but i just want to be able to
archive my stacks as i develop them so that if i wreck them, i can at least
go back to an earlier working version?

2. Also, thank you edwin gore for answering my question about why i couldn't
get a text cursor in my text fields -- and your answer that something might
be overlapping them makes perfect sense, since i have a label field adjacent
to each data field -- and this explains my fix too -- when i duplicate the
non-working text field, i make its layer higher and the offending label
is now behind it. and this relates to another problem i was having -- i am
creating layouts for database fields, and sometimes physically change field
layer ordering in order for the user to be able to tab through the logical
(rather than created) sequence of fields. this was giving me problems, too,
but they are obviously due to the same effect -- because changing the
level of a field may then make its label higher than it, and hence
affect its apparent cursor behavior.

3. I know the revolution team is overworked as it is, and like so many other
posters, i am very grateful about the amount documentation we get -- the
problem is that rev is so rich in resources that it's easy to invest a day
in such things as my 2. problem above. it would be so useful to have an
additional component of the docs, say pitfalls, in which various critical
details such as the one above were laid out. this is, to be sure, true of
the existing docs -- the docs present a funny problem reminiscent of the
open source vs closed debate -- and i guess we have to consider the userev
and improverev lists as our open source documentation. But if so, the runrev
team should articulate clearly, clearly in the documentation edwin's trick
about googling the archives for searching, and maybe also create a simple
taxonomy of some sort that could be incorporated into the more valuable
(useful) posts to aid searching.


use-revolution mailing list

POP3 Library?

2003-06-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Is there a POP3 library available? It would compliment Shao Shen's SMTP
library very nicely. Shao - are you working on one?


use-revolution mailing list

thanks and vanishing cursor

2003-06-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Thank you to everyone who so kindly posted suggestions regarding my
travails with runrev 2.0.1 and Valentina. I continue to slog on, thanks in
part to your help.

  I have a few new questions.

1. Is there a way to search the archives so that we don't bother people with
questions that have already been answered?

2. My icons have disappeared -- when I click on the icon set in a button's
inspector, the cursor whirls for a bit and then produces nothing. Why would
this be? Could it have something to do with my changing the externals
setting due to working with Valentina?

3. My text fields don't show an i-beam cursor -- the whole field I'm on is
highlighted, but there is no blinking i-beam cursor in the field at the
point I'm editing. Anyone know how to fix this?


rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

addendum on icons and cursors problem

2003-06-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I should be a beta tester, I seem to have an uncanny ability to destroy
programs. Earlier I reported that the ibeam cursors weren't showing up in my
text fields. Well, I reinstalled Revolution, and now when I duplicate the
field and replace the old field with the new, the new one has a functioning
ibeam cursor. Even with Revolution re-installed, the original fields don't
have an i-beam, only when i duplicate them -- it's as if there was a period
when the field creator was screwed up, and all fields created that time were
messed up, but now news ones work properly.

  Also, after reinstalling Revolution, my icons, which were not showing up
at all (when I tried to choose one in the button object manager), are now
back and choosable.

  I wonder what I did to create these problems?


use-revolution mailing list

valentina and rev 2.0

2003-06-18 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Well, I have been working away trying to write a good dictionary program
for an endangered language i work with. i have been trying to use the
valentina xcmd and runrev 2.0, on both mac os x.2.6 and mac os 9.2.2.  so
far, my results are dismal, to say the least. here are some problems:

a. I open my Valentina database using RunRev's built-in database query
builder; the database has several distinct tables, only one of which has a
unique primary key, though the rest all have records that can be uniquely
identified by field combinations. Now one thing that throws me is this: when
i select the unique field in the table having such to be the primary key,
and then close the database query builder (dbqb) -- when i reopen the dbqb,
it almost always lists None as the primary key, unless I click on the
refresh button. Is this correct behavior? Same thing happens with
multi-field key definitions in the dbqb: i type for example fld 1,fld 2,
fld 3, fld 4 into the dbqb, close it up, and when reopening, the primary
key is listed as None until I click refresh. What is going on here?

  Also, I do not understand why if there is only one database open, RunRev
can give me a number such as 3, 5 or 7. Why not 1? Are there some
ghost databases open? This perplexes me.

b. When I tried to intialize Valentina directly, without using the dbqb, all
hell broke lose. I made a typo in the path to the database, and 1.
Revolution instantly crashed; 2. opening my stack again, and querying
revopendatabases() produced a negative number, something like -412 (followed
by many more digits) [i fixed this by reinstalling _revolution_]. When I was
certain that I had the correct path specified, and ran the stack in which I
was trying to get Valentina initialized, the stack crashed, _and_ the dbqb
no longer functioned-- it was hopelessly broken. On my g4 cube running in
os9.2.2, I cannot now fix this -- even reinstalling RunRev has no effect. I
have checked my Valentina databases using Valentina's built-in checker, and
it says that there's nothing wrong with the database. Does this mean that my
system has to be reinstalled to get things to work? How could this be?

  I really love RunRev, think it's a wonderful and powerful potential tool
for people like me, academics who need some programming power in their
research, but don't have time to learn C++ or some such thing. But I want to
write a database stack that I can give to typical computer users -- when the
program is so finicky, i really worry.

  We so need our Danny Goodman to show up and write us a good cookbook, too.
I think the docs on using the dbqb are quite good, but they really lack in
not giving us a clear-cut example of usage -- e.g., I still can't figure out
how you _delete_ a record using runrev db commands, but i've probably
overlooked something.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: PDF plugin

2003-06-17 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Try the altBrowser plugin of Chipp... Works like a charm :-)

 Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2003 18:36:10 -0400
 Subject: PDF plugin
 Dear friends: I would like to ask if anyone has tried to run the pdf
 plugin within Revolution.  I have a number of .pdf files I want to open
 without exit to the acrobat reader or any other pdf viewer app, the way
 the internet browsers do.
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Linewidth of a graphic not working correct

2003-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
When creating a graphic (rectangle for instance) on a layout, you see the
rect and its eight points WITHIN the object.

When changing the bordersize from an odd number to even, you the right and
bottom of this object are not set correctly, the line gets thicker, but is 1
pixels smaller than the actual rect... So, using a borderwidth of 1, 3, 5,
etc. works the way it is supposed to do, but 2, 4, 6, etc. gives a visual

This makes it impossible to create exact images :-(

We are creating a project were one can draw items on top of a visible grid,
but when activating the snap to grid function, it is impossible to draw
two items exactly next to each other (touching the right of object 1 and the
left of object 2)


It this behaviour a property we can set?


Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Linewidth of a graphic not working correct

2003-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Just tried it on the Mac and no problems over there...

So this strange problem is on Windows (XP) only as far as I can see right

Ton Kuypers

 From: Dar Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 02:29:53 -0600
 Subject: Re: Linewidth of a graphic not working correct
 On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 01:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When creating a graphic (rectangle for instance) on a layout, you see
 rect and its eight points WITHIN the object.
 When changing the bordersize from an odd number to even, you the right
 bottom of this object are not set correctly, the line gets thicker,
 but is 1
 pixels smaller than the actual rect... So, using a borderwidth of 1,
 3, 5,
 etc. works the way it is supposed to do, but 2, 4, 6, etc. gives a
 Is this Windows?
 Dar Scott
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Linewidth of a graphic not working correct

2003-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version 2.0.1 on both OSX and Windows, only the Windows version seems to
have this problem...

 From: Dar Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 02:29:53 -0600
 Subject: Re: Linewidth of a graphic not working correct
 On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 01:56 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 When creating a graphic (rectangle for instance) on a layout, you see
 rect and its eight points WITHIN the object.
 When changing the bordersize from an odd number to even, you the right
 bottom of this object are not set correctly, the line gets thicker,
 but is 1
 pixels smaller than the actual rect... So, using a borderwidth of 1,
 3, 5,
 etc. works the way it is supposed to do, but 2, 4, 6, etc. gives a
 Is this Windows?
 Dar Scott
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Custom Cursors

2003-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It is working in RR 1.1 AND in MC 2.5!!! So what...
So maybe I need XML support in my project so using RR 1.1 is not an option
and MC 2.5 is not on my PC...
 OKlet's get really bloody-minded..
Go ahead, make my day ;-)
 What happens if we do the work in MC 2.5 and then open the
 end result in RR 2.0.1 ?
Creating them in 1.1 and using them in 2.0 works fine, that's the way I am
doing it right now...
So where is the bloody-minded part?
 Just waiting while a tryout version of Photoshop
 decompresses on my work computer..
T, a real developer not having a full version of PhotoShop?
That's a kinky thought... ;-)


 Richmond Mathewson
 Great Macintosh Products
 The MacLaunch Store!
 use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Custom Cursors

2003-06-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1.  Just created a stack with custom cursors in RR 2.0.1
 (Mac OS X) with absolutely no
 problems at all!
 Uploading it to contribs page.

It seems that this is a Windows (XP?) problem only then... Thanks 4 the
effort, will look into your contribution right away!
 2.  Digs about developers not owning photoshop: some of us
 are 'struggling artists' and
 photoshop is very expensive.  Of course if Meister
 Kuijpers is feeling generous he
 is more than welcome to buy me a copy of Photoshop!
I know it is, but because of the complexity an the kind of jobs I am doing
it is very nice for me to have a copy...
And if my budget would allow it, I would by an unlimited user licence for
all of you ;-)

Ton Kuypers

 Richmond Mathewson
 Great Macintosh Products
 The MacLaunch Store!
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Re: Custom Cursors

2003-06-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks for your response... It only took me an hour to find out that your
solution doesn't work in 2.0.1 :-(

Lucky me, I kept a copy of 1.1, and that did the trick :-))



 Is there anybody out there who can explain me how to create my own
 for use in Revolution?
 here, me, here!!! ;-)
 I know how to use PhotoShop, but I don't see a way to get the 1-bit
 into RR with a transparent background :-((
 Make a b/w image (16x16 pixel) of your cursor on a separate layer, just
 to keep
 Then Save for web as gif, 2 colors, check transparency...
 Then import this image as an embedded image.
 Now here's the final trick :-):
 Open the paint tools.
 Choose the brush or the eraser tool
 Click on your image ONCE and IMMEDIATELY UNDO your action!
 This way that image will be converted to RR internal image-format and
 can then be used as a cursor wihout problems...
 on preopenstack ## or whenever
   set the defaultcursor to xxx
   ## the id of your cursor img
 end preopenstack
 I did it before and it works like a charm :-)
 Color cursors are not supported and the project is to complex to move
 image across the screen simulating a custom cursor.
 Any help is welcome...
 Warm regards,
 Ton Kuypers
 Hope that helps...
 Klaus Major
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Why we have to use RR 1.1 together with 2.0...

2003-06-10 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
There are a few thins missing from the property-inspector in version 2.0,
which makes me glad I still have a copy of 1.1 installed...

Anybody who knows other things NOT possible in 2.0, feel free to
(and not possible, I don¹t mean via coding...)

- When creating a menu, the buttons containing the menu are opaque, there is
  no way of making them transparent.
- There is no way of making imported Black  White gifs into cursors,
  Klaus Major's tip works in 1.1.
- Set the grid in preferences to 10 pixels, it stays at 2 pixels, just can't
  get it working properly (this is really annoying)

Any tips are welcome, and I think that our friends from Revolution want to
know about these as well...

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

Custom Cursors

2003-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Is there anybody out there who can explain me how to create my own cursors
for use in Revolution?

I know how to use PhotoShop, but I don't see a way to get the 1-bit artwork
into RR with a transparent background :-((

Color cursors are not supported and the project is to complex to move an
image across the screen simulating a custom cursor.

Any help is welcome...

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers

use-revolution mailing list

Change the color of menu's

2003-06-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Title: Change the color of menu's

Does anybody know if it is possible to change the color of a menu in RR?

Warm regards,

Ton Kuypers

Re: DB externals CGI

2003-06-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Monte,

2.0.1 is now supposed to correct this issue, but I'm still not having any
success. Is it working at your end?


On 2/6/03 8:44 AM, Monte Goulding [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm looking for instructions on using the db externals for CGI.
 Monte Goulding
 B.App.Sc. (Hons.)
 Executive Director
 Sweat Technologies

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is beep zero-based?

2003-06-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Dan,

The transcript dictionary explains it like this:

Cross-platform note:  Windows and OS X do not execute the beep command if
it¹s issued while a beep is playing. This means that if you specify a
numberOfTimes on a Windows or OS X system, the user might hear fewer beeps
because not all of them are sent to the speaker. To ensure that the user
hears a specific number of beeps, use a loop with a wait command after each

  repeat for 4 times -- ensure 4 separate beeps
wait 200 milliseconds
  end repeat

On 8/6/03 10:38 AM, Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I know I'm getting old and my hearing is probably faulty but on OS X at
 least, it seems that beep 2 always produces one beep, beep 3 always
 produces 2, etc. A beep by itself also produces one beep.
 Am I going nuts or is this either a bug or at least a departure from
 what one would expect?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: External SDK

2003-06-06 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks Trevor, we'll give it a try then.

 From: Trevor DeVore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2003 09:17:01 -0400
 Subject: Re: External SDK
 I just went to and downloaded the
 external samples from there.  I also downloaded metacard to test the
 sample external with and everything worked fine except on OS X you need
 to change the name of the compiled bundle to external rather than
 external.bundle for it to work with the sample metacard stack.
 Creating externals with these samples has worked in Rev 2.0 as well.
 Trevor DeVore
 Blue Mango Multimedia
 On Thursday, June 5, 2003, at 07:49 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We are investigating the possibility of creating externals for use
 with RR. With version 1.1.1 there was a External SDK on the website,
 but I can¹t seem to locate this for version 2.0.
 Does anybody know if the specs are still the same?
 Ton Kuypers
 use-revolution mailing list

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Re: Re: Active X support

2003-06-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Being able to call any dll is not enough interesting, the useful part of Activex is 
GUI component integration which can only be done by the editor. 

On Sunday, June 1, 2003, at 03:13 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:

 Just in case you forgot, MC/RR does support the standard Windows code
 library -- the DLL.

Did I miss something?

MC/RR supports the creation and use of an external which is implemented 
as a DLL in Windows.  I assume such a DLL can call functions in other 
pre-built DLLs.

Now being able to call functions in arbitrary DLLs would be cool, but I 
haven't heard this announced.  I enjoyed this when I used LabView.  I 
just filled out a little form and in my code was a call to a DLL.  In 
both environments there will probably be limitations.

Now only if we could get the calling parameter types and other info.  
And get them to make callbacks.  And Handle complex data.  And call 
across networks.  And...  Oh, yeah, if only COM, DCOM, Automation, 
Active X.

Dar Scott

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use-revolution mailing list

Re: Learning RR's Transcript

2003-06-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks to all who replied!.

 Gee you have missed the Revolution !
 You must also have missed the ReBolution then :D

Well, I caught a late, but great??..(I'll look at ReBol)..

Be careful if you fall in love both of Runrev and Rebol ... :)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Learning RR's Transcript

2003-06-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
It seems that my filtering email system has erasen some messages but I remember 
someone joking on developping an IDE for Rebol in Runrev well not so a joke indeed if 
I ever become expert enough in Runrev I will try to do it :)

Thanks to all who replied!.

 Gee you have missed the Revolution !
 You must also have missed the ReBolution then :D

Well, I caught a late, but great??..(I'll look at ReBol)..

Be careful if you fall in love both of Runrev and Rebol ... :)

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Rotate and save JPEG images without compressing again

2003-06-04 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Have you tried recording actions in Photoshop or ImageReady to
automatically perform the rotations before saving the JPEGs?


On 4/6/03 8:31 AM, Sannyasin Sivakatirswami [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone know of a way to import a jpeg image and rotate that image
 save the file without re-compression of the data, and also maintaining
 the original file size?
 Most of the photo manipulation tools we have on the mac (OSX):
 Photoshop, iView, ImageReady can all do this. Unfortunately these tools
 each have their draw backs for a production schedule wherein one is
 trying to dispatch processing of anywhere between 15 and 70 incoming
 hi-res digital photos  from a camera in 10-15 minutes time.

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