Blend level scale query

2010-11-18 Thread David Glasgow
Can anyone say whether the LC blend level 

1/ Corresponds to any particular model of transparency and opacity?

2/ Can be described in units of some kind other than the LC 1-100?

3/ Might approximate a linear scale?  (Although of course these things are very 
trick with perceptual stuff)

4/  Gives reliably similar results across different machines  OSs?


Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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[OT] Re: Audio Triggering + Mouse Event latency

2010-11-16 Thread David Glasgow

On 16 Nov 2010, at 6:00 pm, Richmond wrote:

 Why does it remind me of voice recognition software? . . . and that has, to a 
 extent, died a death.

Nah.  Must be your accent ;-)

I use Dictate for all my reports.  Much faster and more accurate than my 
typing, and no more aches and pains.  

Now its the *thinking* that is the bottleneck. 

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
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Milgram and the Unabomber [OT]

2010-10-22 Thread David Glasgow
As a forensic psychologist I have an interest in both Milgram's work and the 
Unabomber. My recollection is that Kaczynski was a volunteer subject at the 
Murray lab in Harvard, but not for Stan Milgram. They did other poorly 
controlled 'research' there, which certainly would not obtain ethical approval 

Milgram's stood out as being reported sufficiently well to be interpreted,  and 
conducted more systematically. Although Milgram's work would also not now 
obtain ethical approval, it met the standards of the time. 

I may be wrong, but I think Milgram is in the clear on the Unabomber. A Mythoid 
rather than a Factoid?


David Glasgow 

On 21 Oct 2010, at 12:34, wrote:

 Milgram's youngest and most vulnerable undergraduate research subjects was 
 extremely damaged by Milgram's emotionally abusive experiments.
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Re:-Milgram the Unabomber [OT]

2010-10-22 Thread David Glasgow
Jacqueline Landman Gay said:

Uh oh. After reading this list for so long, you've probably got enough 
material for a book by now.

Nah. Nice list. Nice people.


 Mind you, there was that one guy


David Glasgow 

On 22 Oct 2010, at 13:32, wrote:

 Uh oh. After reading this list for so long, you've probably got enough 
 material for a book by now.
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Re: data from USB joystick

2010-10-02 Thread David Glasgow

On 29 Sep 2010, at 6:00 pm, -=JB=- wrote:

 Exactly and that is why I did not mention it in my first response
 because it sounded to me like he wanted to write code that is
 going to allow his program to communicate with a USD device
 and not depend on anything but his program.

You are correct in what you understood, that would be ideal - and I am sure 
would be valuable to many LiveCode users.  

However, I am desperate to know whether my idea will work or not, so, I can do 
some development  testing work using USBOverdrive, and then worry about how to 
package it all up neatly (and cross platform) later, if it does work.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: data from USB joystick

2010-10-01 Thread David Glasgow

On 28 Sep 2010, at 6:00 pm, -=JB=- wrote:
 On Mac I use USB Overdrive.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I downloaded this shareware, and it does the trick on Mac.  You can set it up 
so a joystick generates rawkey messages.  This won't be  a solution for 
delivering a final product, but at least I will be able to do some development 

The only fly in the ointment is that even when disabled, USBOverdrive blocks 
scrolling on my Magic Mouse.  It is bad enough that I travel England stroking 
other people's mice and shouting D,Oh! but now I do it on my own mouse.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 84, Issue 56

2010-09-27 Thread David Glasgow

On 27 Sep 2010, at 2:12 pm, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

 [ they cannot be that other-worldly ]

Oh but they are! 

(or at least, too alien for my abilities)

And yes, the point is not to have any set up panel run separately from the 
LiveCard standalone.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
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data from USB joystick

2010-09-26 Thread David Glasgow
Hello folks,

I really really want to make  a Rev  (Ooops) LiveCode app with a push pull 
interface like on a mixing slider, or 'dive' and 'pull up' on a plain old 

I have raised questions about this a few times on the list over a number of 
years, and got some helpful pointers.  However, having followed these into the 
underpants of USB, I have discovered that is not a place I have the ability to 
work.  So I give up.

Is there anyone on this list who could create a cross platform extension or 
library thingy which would allow me to read the state(s) of an ordinary, off 
the shelf USB joystick?  If so, what would the cost be?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow

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Functionality AND good taste?

2010-09-08 Thread David Glasgow
Hello folks,

I am being encouraged by customers to update and improve a Rev built product I 
produced many years ago.  I have a wish list for functionality changes, but I 
am slightly depressed at how ugly and old the original looks.  I have decided 
to start again from scratch, so there are no limitations on what I can do, 
other than those imposed by Rev and my abilities (mostly the latter). 

I have no background in design, but would like to make the product look better 
and up to date.  I know I can pretty much change the appearance of anything in 
Rev, but this is a serious product for technical use, so I am not thinking oval 
windows and faux glass skins.   I also strongly subscribe to the view that less 
is more, so I don't want reflections and things swooshing about.  Are there any 
books or online resources on making software look simple and good?


Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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Re: InstallGadget 2.0 Public Testing

2010-09-08 Thread David Glasgow

On 7 Sep 2010, at 11:58 am, Monte Goulding wrote:

 Hi Everyone
 If you are interested in being involved in testing InstallGadget 2.0 and it's 
 Rev plugin please download from and send 
 comments off list to
 Monte Goulding
 M E R Goulding Software Development
 Bespoke application development for vertical markets
 InstallGadget - How to create an installer in 10 seconds
 revObjective  - Making behavior scripts behave

I have been using InstallGadget 1.0 for a long time and it has been 
astonishingly well behaved, despite the significant OS changes since it was 

InstallGadget 2.0 looks interesting.  Being rather lazy, I quite like the idea 
of Windows installers on Mac, without the hassle of fiddling about with my 
Windows Machines - but I have no other reason to use Winebottler - which 
effectively would be a 55MB helper app!

Took me just a few ticks to create a .DMG, which worked fine.  How do they do 
that thing with the big arrow pointing to an alias of the app folder?

I suppose I should have sent this off list, but I think that Installgadget 
deserves a bit of unsolicited praise.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
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video screen capture red rings (was Re: OT: Rodeo and media)

2010-07-27 Thread David Glasgow

On 26 Jul 2010, at 3:17 am, wrote:

 The red rings look like Mouseposé which

I can get green rings or ripples to indicate clicks using iShowU video capture 
software from ShinyWhiteBox

I have used a couple of other video capture products, including Snapz pro, 
which I just couldn't get on with.  iShowU works best for me - I have no 
connection with the (Kiwi) developers other than being a satisfied customer.

David G
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Checking the location of a moving object

2010-07-19 Thread David Glasgow
Hello folks.

I am proposing to import data which will form a 'freehand' graphic containing 
about 5,000 data point loc pairs.  I have made a marker to follow the curve 
using the move command, which works fine.  However, I want the user to be able 
to select a threshold on the Y axis above and below which graphics change on 

I therefore need to check the vertical position of the marker, so I did this:

In the starting button:

on mouseUp
   move grc marker to the points of graphic PPG in 90 seconds
end mouseUp

and in the card script:

on checkit
   put the loc of grc marker  movingthe movingcontrols
-- check threshold here
   if the movingcontrols is not empty then send checkit to me in 1 tick
end checkit

I get the first loc for grc marker reported in the message box, but that's 
it.  Is a move completely blocking or am I doing something wrong?

If I can't use move in this way, any suggestions?


David Glasgow
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Re: Checking the location of a moving object

2010-07-19 Thread David Glasgow

On 19 Jul 2010, at 4:17 pm,  Alex Tweedly  wrote:
 Date: 19 July 2010 1:04:05 pm GMT+01:00
 Subject: Re: Checking the location of a moving object
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution
 No, it's not completely blocking. The problem is that the very first call to 
 checkit is BEFORE the move starts, so the movingcontrols is empty, so the 
 send doesn't happen. Should work (i.e. it does in my simple stack :-)  if you 
 change it to (the equivalent of)

Of course!  (Smacks forehead x 3 with palm.)

Thank you very much Alex.

David Glasgow
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OT Bulgaria

2010-05-27 Thread David Glasgow

On 23 May 2010, at 6:00 pm, Richmond wrote:

 This IS Bulgaria; or, as an American friend once put it; I love Bulgaria, it 
 allows me to
 experience the same sort of thrills my ancestors experienced in Texas in the 
 middle of the
 19th century. Have you seen that film Wild Wild West; a sort of steam-punk 
 through distorting glasses? The problem about Wild Wild East is that one is 
 unable to
 remove the distorting glasses.

This caused me to have another Bulgarian flashback.  I was staying in Burgas in 
a block of flats (apartments) on about the 8th floor back in the days of 
communism, when I heard the distant but unmistakable whine of a dot matrix 
printer.  I realised it came from a room on the same floor, so I balcony hopped 
round (I was young, fit and stupid) and peeped in the window.  It was a room 
empty but for about 15 C64 machines all doing stuff, windows open, because of 
the heat.  

Almost anywhere else that would have been unremarkable, but I never saw any 
other digital equipment, in private hands, hospitals or University.  It was 
like coming across a showroom full of sportscars, or a supermarket with a good 
range of products in it.  

Whatever it was going on, it had to be state business, which meant security. 
What was I thinking?

David Glasgow
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Re: Zombie Win icon

2010-05-14 Thread David Glasgow

On 12 May 2010, at 10:22 pm, wrote:

 I don't know the exact answer, but I've never encountered the problem because 
 I always save standalones into a new folder, and I never replace older ones 
 in a folder with newer builds. I just toss the entire old folder and use the 
 new one. So maybe that's the quick solution.
 Alternately, if the thumbs.db file is the culprit, you could try just 
 deleting that. That should force the OS to read the embedded icons in the app 

OK.  It seems that I couldn't find the Thumbs.db file because Vista doesn't 
have them!

In Windows Vista Thumbs.db file has been replaced by a number of 
thumbcache_xxx.db files which are now located within a user's profile at

The zombie icon symptom is normal behaviour for the system:

...when a graphic is viewed and an entry made for it in the database, it is 
maintained indefinitely by the operating system. If the file is deleted, 
the image will remain unless the file or the entire folder are deleted.

Local Thumbs.db and the finder.dat files have irritated me in the past, and 
tripped up some of my scripts.  However, suddenly they seem quite sensible 
compared with a giant, unmodifiable central database.

So.  In short.  Don't do what I did, do what Jacqueline does. (Actually, a good 
general rule in matters Rev)

David Glasgow
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Zombie Win icon

2010-05-12 Thread David Glasgow
Hello folks,

More Windows icon weirdness, I am afraid.  I had a home made icon for a 
standalone very close to release.  I used IcoFX as recommended on this list.  I 
posted recently that my icon looked horrible and dithered on Windows, 
displaying a small icon even when a big one is required (all sizes are  
included in build, and Rev accepts the ico as valid when building).

Sadly, I didn't get any suggestions on list, but someone else suggested that 
perhaps it was a problem with the source image I used to build the icon.  So I 
commissioned a very different looking one from a professional illustrator, and  
looks great.  (I am never going to mess around designing icons again)

Now, I use Rev studio, so the procedure is:

Build icon in Win (Vista) using IcoFX and my great new artwork
Save Mac  Win icons  to memory stick
Build standalone on Mac (referencing icons)
Copy Win standalone to stick
Launch standalone in Vista

The mac standalone with new icon looks lovely

On Vista, when viewed on the memory stick the new icon only appears at small 
sizes, with a generic blue screen icon used at larger sizes.  AND if I drag the 
app to the Win hard drive, the icon changes to the horrible old dithered one I 
no longer use.  So, it seems Vista allows a dead icon to rise from the grave 
and take over a standalone, irrespective of the icon that has been used in the 
Rev build.  Can this be true?  If so:

1/ What is the silver bullet needed to kill off my horrible first icon? (I 
know, silver bullet is vampires...)

2/ Why does my IcoFX icon only appear at small sizes when all sizes are built 
into the icon?

Thanks for any advice

David Glasgow
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Re: Zombie Win icon

2010-05-12 Thread David Glasgow

On 12 May 2010, at 2:22 pm, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

 I'm sorry, David, I don't know the answers to your questions;
 1/ What is the silver bullet needed to kill off my horrible first icon? (I 
 know, silver bullet is vampires...)
 2/ Why does my IcoFX icon only appear at small sizes when all sizes are 
 built into the icon?

Hmm... The horrible old icon only appears in folders in which I have previously 
saved the standalone with the old icon.  New folder = correct icon.  Maybe 
icons  their associations get saved in thumbs.db and aren't smart enough to 
update?  However, I can't work out how to show the thumbs.db file on Vista 
:-/  any suggestions?

I also found that IcoFX can change the icon associated with a .exe file.  
Setting the icon this way seems to make it behave a bit better that via the Rev 
build standalone options.

Not quite ready to fork out $50 yet.surely there must be Windows folks out 
there who understand this stuff?

David Glasgow

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Re: Accessing data from HID compliant USB device

2010-05-09 Thread David Glasgow

On 8 May 2010, at 2:38 pm, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

 Subject: Re: Accessing data from HID compliant USB device
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution
 This one has been churning around in my head for ages, and I finally bought 
 a couple of joysticks to experiment with.
 I want to build a standalone that responds to joystick input.  Nothing 
 requiring huge amounts of data or processing, just detection of joystick 
 position - onscreen response scaling or moving an image.
 I can understand the basic principles of HID, but can't get to grips with 
 where the data goes in either Mac or Windows, and what would be involved in 
 capturing it in Rev.  I have found some developer articles which address 
 this, but they relate to other languages (VB  RB, I think).
 Does the joystick produce keyDown/Up or rawKeyDown/Up messages? If so,
 you could map out the numbers that each motion triggers and have your
 app react accordingly.
 There is a utility on my web site that detects keystrokes and displays
 the various codes for them.

Thanks Sarah,

I wrote a wee stack to look at keystrokes (not as nice as yours), but it seems 
that HID compliant devices work in a much more complex way than simply 
generating characters.  Except of course the keyboard/mouse family, which do 
nothing but generate characters.  I even bought a repro-retro amiga joystick in 
the hope that it worked the old fashioned way, but it doesn't.  I really want 
the mechanical element of pushing and pulling to be present, otherwise I would 
use a mouse or a keyboard.   

There are utilities out there which enable HID devices to be configured to 
generate keystrokes, so they can be used by folks with a disability to use 
whatever software they need to use, rather than the intended games.  However, 
that would mean running a third party utility then running my stack.  Not a 
nice option.

There are some assistive devices that seem to generate keystrokes, but they are 
shockingly expensive. Makes you realise there is a real disability tax when it 
comes to using computers. I also had expected a few Revvers to have written 
standalone games that use joysticks, but maybe that domain is restricted to the 
die-hard X-planers and shoot em ups.

David Glasgow
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Accessing data from HID compliant USB device

2010-05-07 Thread David Glasgow
Hello folks,

This one has been churning around in my head for ages, and I finally bought a 
couple of joysticks to experiment with.  

I want to build a standalone that responds to joystick input.  Nothing 
requiring huge amounts of data or processing, just detection of joystick 
position - onscreen response scaling or moving an image. 

I can understand the basic principles of HID, but can't get to grips with where 
the data goes in either Mac or Windows, and what would be involved in capturing 
it in Rev.  I have found some developer articles which address this, but they 
relate to other languages (VB  RB, I think).

Any advice would be most welcome.


David Glasgow

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Re: Accessing data from HID compliant USB device

2010-05-07 Thread David Glasgow

On 7 May 2010, at 3:23 pm, Craig Newman wrote:
 Wierd. third time this week I am recommending the Service USB gadget:

Thanks Craig, 

Fischertechnik® brings back memories of painfully standing barefoot  on bits my 
brother left lying around on the floor.  

However what I want is the other way round.  I have joysticks, and just want to 
be able to access the HID pages receiving their data. I know they are 
recognised by the OSs, and know that the data is captured if it is not directed 
somewhere specific.  I just don't understand where, or what means might be used 
to read it.  My guess it is pretty low level stuff, but who knows?  Maybe 
someone has already done something like this in Rev.

David G

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Plovdiv (OT)

2010-05-02 Thread David Glasgow

On 2 May 2010, at 8:39 pm, wrote:

 About 3 hours ago my wife and I went for a walk in a park here in Plovdiv; 
 from the hill in the centre of
 the park I could see 3 shopping malls under construction: 

Shopping malls in Plovdiv?  I called in there about 25 years ago on the way to 
Burgas. Todor Zhivkov was the head man back then.  I think it might have been 
there that a friend and I wandered through a shootout between police and some 
New Bulgarians.  Strangely enough, it wasn't on the news that night.  Also 
strangely, neither side shot at us, or even shouted anything at us.  They kind 
of shot round us at each other.

Shopping Malls?  Nah. 

David G

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Re: dot POS files and Corpus Linguistics

2010-04-28 Thread David Glasgow

On 28 Apr 2010, at 3:17 am, wrote:

 I then found out that in the case of corpus files POS means 'parts of speech'.
 This is typical academia delighting in obscurantism.
 Now for more 'fun':
 Also bundled in the corpus are .psd files which, wait for it, are NOT
 Adobe Photoshop files.
 PSD: Probably Something Different ???


I have no knowledge or advice that might help you.  Further, wrangling your 
strange corpus is of no possible use or real interest to me. 

.but somehow I'm hooked.  

There is something of the Pratchett about your posts. Please continue 
instalments on your progress. 

Good Luck,

David Glasgow

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Icon poor in Windows Vista

2010-04-22 Thread David Glasgow
I have followed the various advice on the list, including using Icofx. 

My icon looks good on Mac, good on XP but oddly small and pixelated on Vista.  
It doesn't actuially look like any of the versions built into the icon..

Any ideas?

David Glasgow

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Re: Specialfolderpath (26) and roaming

2010-04-19 Thread David Glasgow

On 19 Apr 2010, at 1:30 pm, Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:

 But it's inside your user folder. Pre-Vista, it points to the user data in 
 application data, and Vista + it points to the user data in appdata/roaming. 
 It's just a change in folder structure. Both places are the approved location 
 for storing user-specific data.
 As far as I can make out, if a user is logged into a server, this
 directory is saved there, and will be accessible whatever machine is
 subsequently used to log in.  I have to say I don't quite understand
 how that would work in practice, because presumably each machine
 could have a different variant of appdata/roaming..
 No, it should save to the local drive. SpecialFolderPath points to the local 
 Apart form not quite getting what is going on with the roaming thing,
 my questions are:
 1/ Does Specialfolderpath (26) serve different purposes on other Win
 No. Same thing.
 2/ Does it matter that a standalone for a single user  non networked
 computer is saving information in the /appdata/roaming directory?
 No. Both save to the local drive.
 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software

Thanks for that! 

How nice to get a 'nothing to worry about' reply.

David G
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Specialfolderpath (26) and roaming

2010-04-18 Thread David Glasgow
Hello folks,

My platform specific saving data script now works fine thanks for the 
advice so far.

However, I was thrown a bit because Specialfolderpath (26) on my Vista machine 
points to a folder /appdata/roaming

As far as I can make out, if a user is logged into a server, this directory is 
saved there, and will be accessible whatever machine is subsequently used to 
log in.  I have to say I don't quite understand how that would work in 
practice, because presumably each machine could have a different variant of 

Apart form not quite getting what is going on with the roaming thing, my 
questions are:

1/ Does Specialfolderpath (26) serve different purposes on other Win versions?

2/ Does it matter that a standalone for a single user  non networked computer 
is saving information in the /appdata/roaming directory?


David Glasgow

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iPhone thought police...

2010-04-17 Thread David Glasgow
Here is El Reg's take on the new Jobsian iPhone developer rules:

Made me smile, anyway.

David Glasgow

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RE: specialfolderpath(preferences) on windows

2010-04-15 Thread David Glasgow

On 15 Apr 2010, at 5:23 am, Paul D. DeRocco wrote:

 No, it's not supported in Windows. Entering
   put specialFolderPath(Preferences)
 in the message box returns nothing in Windows. So your file would have gone
 into the root if you added a slash and your file name.
 On advice from folks in the forum, I use specialFolderPath(asup) on the
 Mac, and specialFolderPath(26) on Windows, and append a slash and my app
 name, to get the name of the folder to put my app preferences in. If the
 folder doesn't exist, I create it.

Thanks, Paul, that makes sense, although I still can't find my wee file, and 
the standalone behaves as though it exists. Nothing in the root.   Maybe this 
has exposed an unrelated bug in my scripting.

Alternatively, maybe there is a hidden and undocumented Chamber of Secrets on 
Windows, containing my file and Douglas' missing left socks

David Glasgow
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specialfolderpath(preferences) on windows

2010-04-14 Thread David Glasgow
Hello folks,

I wrote script to save a text file to specialFolderPath(Preferences)  and 
then reference it on subsequent startups.  I had planned to write an 
alternative bit of script for Windows using specialFolderPath(26), but hadn't 
quite got round to it.

I am using Rev Studio on Mac, so I have to build check, build check etc. on 
Windows.  I built to check something else on Windows, only to find that the 
specialFolderPath(Preferences) script seems to be working.  (It's usually 
things I expect to work, not working, not the other way around, so this was an 
unusual experience).

The file was saved, and found on subsequent startups.  So is 
specialFolderPath(Preferences) cross platform?  If so, where is it?  I tried 
searching for my file but couldn't find it.

David Glasgow
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The RevTalk song

2010-04-01 Thread David Glasgow

On 1 Apr 2010, at 6:00 pm, Scott McDonald wrote:

 What RunRev needs is a song. (The Java guys and gals have more than one, so 
 why don't we?) 

I thought it was Marc Bolan's Children of the Revolution.

Well you can bump and grind
It is good for your mind
Well you can twist and shout let it all hang out
But you won't fool the children of the revolution
No you won't fool the children of the revolution, no no no

David Glasgow

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Sweet Richmond....

2010-03-19 Thread David Glasgow

 From: Richmond Mathewson
 Date: 18 March 2010 6:16:41 am GMT
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: Fit Content
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution
 On 17/03/2010 22:06, wrote:
 The formattedWidth gives you an entry to this...
 Craig Newman
 Who is Richard?

I know the Sweet Lass of Richard Hill


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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 77, Issue 71

2010-03-01 Thread David Glasgow

On 26 Feb 2010, at 11:24 pm, Richmond wrote:

 DON'T spend money on Mac Software; once you have the machine and the 
 operating system
 pretty well everything else should be FREE.

Except stuff we need to sell to earn a crust, right?  ;-)

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Re: Freezing solid

2010-02-25 Thread David Glasgow

On 24 Feb 2010, at 6:00 pm, John Law wrote:

 How does one prevent the program locking up in the middle of a job?

Never, ever, make any mistakes in your scripts :-D

David Glasgow

PS I can risk this facetiousness, because I know good and wise list members 
will give you sound and helpful advice

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Re: Windows 'run as administrator' property of standalone

2010-02-04 Thread David Glasgow

On 3 Feb 2010, at 6:00 pm, Bernard Devlin wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 9:59 AM, David Glasgow wrote:
 I was wondering whether setting this before distribution might reduce the 
 occasional permissions problems which arise.  I was also slightly worried 
 that user levels can apparently be so readily overridden by an executable, 
 and also that there may be unforeseen (by me) adverse consequences if I set 
 this flag before distribution.
 Hi David
 On Vista always have to run Valentina Studio with run as
 administrator or I get errors.
 I would be surprised if you choosing to set such a flag on an
 executable would result in that information being carried over when
 the executable is copied to another system.


Just experimented, and you are dead right.  The flag becomes unset.  
Unfortunately I can't work out what is going on, because I have XP and Vista, 
and the former doesn't report that property.  Nevertheless, setting it on 
Vista, then creating an install on XP and installing back on Vista loses the 
flag somewhere along the way.  Darn it.  It just doesn't seem very professional 
when you ask people to start twiddling within Vistas under-garments.

David G

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Windows 'run as administrator' property of standalone.

2010-02-03 Thread David Glasgow
Whilst trying to solve a problem of a customer, I noticed that on Vista, a 
standalone can have a 'run as administrator' property set, which presumably 
does what it says on the tin.  My recollection is that Pre Vista this was a 
property which could be set on a shortcut, but not the standalone itself.

I was wondering whether setting this before distribution might reduce the 
occasional permissions problems which arise.  I was also slightly worried that 
user levels can apparently be so readily overridden by an executable, and also 
that there may be unforeseen (by me) adverse consequences if I set this flag 
before distribution.

So, should I or shouldn't I?

David Glasgow

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Noise in Windows icon when standalone compiled on Mac

2010-02-03 Thread David Glasgow

I got quite excited about this, because I have struggled to get nice looking 
Windows icons.

The Mac icon generated by was fine, but the Win version 
choked the Rev standalone builder does not include 6 blah blah blah.  I have 
encountered this lots of times with icons from various tools purporting to 
generate valid Windows icons
So I imported it into Iconographer, and chose 'complete icon' from the icon 
menu, and it did some stuff.  The resulting icon is now acceptable to Rev at 
build time, but doesn't look good on Vista, and behaves as if some sizes are 
missing (they're not, as far as I can tell).

Why are icons so blimmin' tricky?

David Glasgow

On 3 Feb 2010, at 10:54 am, Bill Vlahos wrote:

 Subject: Re: Noise in Windows icon when standalone compiled on Mac
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution
 This web site ( will convert between the 
 formats for free.
 They talk about building the Linux icon but Rev doesn't seem to have a way to 
 incorporate an icon for Linux. How would I add the Linux icon to the Linux 
 Bill Vlahos

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Re: Imagesource of char not working as expected in Windows

2010-01-08 Thread David Glasgow

On 1 Jan 2010, at 6:00 pm, Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:

 From: J. Landman Gay
 Date: 1 January 2010 4:52:38 pm GMT
 To: How to use Revolution
 Subject: Re: Imagesource of char not working as expected in Windows
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution
 Jim Ault wrote:
 Of course this should make no difference...
 try using parens
 set the imageSource of last char of fld ResultsT to (binfile:  k)
 answer (binfile:  k)
 I was about the suggest the same thing. It does make a difference. The 
 parentheses are required to force evaluation.
 Jacqueline Landman Gay |
 HyperActive Software   |

I have been busy on other stuff, so I am only just catching up with this.  I 
don't think I will mess with success on this one.  However, the parentheses 
thing is really useful to know.  I always understood they organised evaluation, 
but hadn't appreciated that they force it - which presumable might be what 
happens with a direct reference to a line in the field.  

Still don't quite grasp the platform issue though...

Thanks to all who chipped in.

David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Imagesource of char not working as expected in Windows

2010-01-01 Thread David Glasgow
Firstly, Happy New Year.

It has started well for me because with the help of the list I have solved the 
above.  Last problem of 2009, and first solution of 2010!

I tried pretty much all the suggestions.  (I skipped the suggestion of saving 
to the standalone folder, because the Windows virtualisation dragon would eat 
the data.)

I relabelled the path to avoid non vanilla characters...

I rescripted to save by changing the defaultfolder.

In fact, I rescripted several times to use different methods.  All worked in OS 
X, and none worked in Windows.

As far as I can make out, the problem is something to do with representing the 
path as a variable.  If the path was in quotes, it worked OK both as a script 
and in the message box.  If defined as a variable, it didn't work.  The 
solution was simply to refer directly to the line in the field containing the 
full path.  So, 

 set the imageSource of last char of fld ResultsT to binfile:  the last 
line of field snapshots

worked, but ..

put the last line of field snapshots into k
set the imageSource of last char of fld ResultsT to binfile:  k

.. didn't.

The only thing I could think of is that on Win a character in the URL which is 
benign on the Mac is interpreted as part of the address, but only when copied 
into a variable, not when read directly from the field.  Anyhoo.  Fixed now.

Now to get going with ScreenSteps, and make a manual.

Thanks again for all the suggestions.

David Glasgow

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Imagesource of char not working as expected in Windows

2009-12-29 Thread David Glasgow

I didn't get any on-list responses to this, but got  a good steer from Richmond 
Mathewson (thanks!) off-list.

In brief, my standalone (RR 4.0) takes screenshots and saves them to disk.  
They are also displayed in a field by appending a tilde to the field each time 
a snapshot is taken, and then setting the imagesource of the character to the 
url to which the image was saved.

This works under OS X, but not Windows.  I have wrestled with this and found 
out a little more, but still can't get the darned thing to work.  I moved the 
save location to docs, just in case there was something weird about the 
temporary items location.  I have tested on Vista and Win 7 with the same 

The snapshots are saved to a location such as

C:/Users/DavidG/Documents/This_Much!/Anon 12 28 08 [11-36 
C:/Users/DavidG/Documents/This_Much!/Anon 12 28 08 [11-39 

A field called snapshots holds the list of URLs and is used like this:

set the imageSource of char 1 of last line of field resultsG to line 1 of 
field snapshots

In each case this script runs, the tilde disappears but is not replaced by 
anything.  The imagesource of each tilde is correctly reported if requested.  
The fixed line height of the results field is set to false, and it has 
scrollbars.  However many URLs are referenced, but do not appear, the scrollbar 
never becomes active, so it seems that no 'blank' image is being displayed.  
Setting the imagesource of any tilde to empty causes it to reappear, so 
something is happening to hide/show the character.

I also use the URLs stored in field snapshots to print the graphics using 
this script to populate a printer stack with the images:

 put 1 into k
   repeat for each line j in field snapshots
  set the filename of image pikcha of card k of stack grcprinter to j
  put k+1 into k
   end repeat

This works fine, so unless there is some Windows Ju-Ju I don't know about 
(entirely possible) it really does look as though something is broken in 
imagesource under Windows.  

Can anyone:

1/  Suggest where I am going wrong (if I am)
2/  Confirm that they do or do not have imagesource working under Windows
3/  Suggest a workaround

This is a critical feature in an almost finished project , so I would really 
appreciate some help

David Glasgow

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Imagesource of char not working as expected in Windows

2009-12-20 Thread David Glasgow

I capture, save and display within a scrolling field (results) a series of 
screenshots as follows:

put specialfolderpath(temporary)  /evapics/image  the secs  .png into 
export snapshot from rect trect to file tdest as PNG
set the imagesource of char 1 of last line of field results to binfile:/  

The character referred to is a tilde (~ or wiggleworm, if you prefer common 
usage) placed in the field a tad earlier.  On OSX , this works OK.  However, 
testing a standalone on Vista produces a results field displaying tildes but no 
images.  The images are being save to the temporary folder, so the path looks 
good and I am not falling into the virtualisation heffalump trap.  

I have studio for Mac, so can't debug this.  Any suggestions re what might be 
going on?

David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Relayering grouped groups

2009-12-09 Thread David Glasgow

On 9 Dec 2009, at 4:29 pm, Scott Rossi wrote:

 Subject: Re: Relayering grouped groups
 Reply-To: How to use Revolution

 Recently, David Glasgow wrote:
 I want users to be able to click on an image and have it come to the front,
 relative to the other images.  Obviously the controls within the group
 containing the image needs to move en mass bounded by the layers contained
 within the owning group.  For good reasons, the owning group is not the top
 most layer, and may shuffle forward and back during use.
 I can understand why this would be a bit tricky within a script, but I am 
 getting nowhere.  I had assumed that as long as I knew the range of layers
 contained within the owning group, I would be able to shuffle owned groups
 around within that range.  Doesn't seem to be so.
 Trevor DeVore posted a great library back in May that solves this.
 Look for Relayer Selected Control in the Utility category of RevOnline.
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

Thanks, Scott.  Looking in revonline now!

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Relayering grouped groups

2009-12-08 Thread David Glasgow
I have several groups, each consisting of an image with an external reference, 
and a few graphics They are grouped together in an overall group.  They slide 
about under user control, and unsurprisingly sometimes overlap.  I want users 
to be able to click on an image and have it come to the front, relative to the 
other images.  Obviously the controls within the group  containing the image 
needs to move en mass bounded by the layers contained within the owning group.  
For good reasons, the owning group is not the top most layer, and may shuffle 
forward and back during use.

I can understand why this would be a bit tricky within a script, but I am just 
getting nowhere.  I had assumed that as long as I knew the range of layers 
contained within the owning group, I would be able to shuffle owned groups 
around within that range.  Doesn't seem to be so.

The user guide is less than explicit, and I have tried to see how the 'size and 
position pane' relayers groups, but with no success.

Any helpful pointers?

David Glasgow

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Corrupted screenshots using revprintfield

2009-12-01 Thread David Glasgow
Rev 4, OS X 10.5

I have a results field that accumulates text and images which are imagesource 
references to screen snapshots ( as png) of different parts of the interface.  
One imagesource reference is to a png which is not a snapshot.

The results field looks fine in the stack, but when I print to any printer or 
to PDF, the snapshot PNG references print rectangles of the correct size, in 
the right place but with a corrupted image.  Critically, the one reference 
which isn't to a screenshot prints fine.  If I take a screenshot of the field 
contents, I can print that with no problem, so it looks like a very specific 
interaction between snapshot and revprintfield.  Anyone else getting this?  Any 
suggestions to get around it?

David Glasgow

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Revlet move freezes on Mac Firefox

2009-11-18 Thread David Glasgow

My previous posting on this was too full of waffle.

This is the heart of it (on Leopard Mac):

In Firefox (3.5.5) there are a few glitches:

1/  If I am online, I get a waiting for message on  
launch for maybe a couple of seconds, then a plugin progress bar,  
then the first card.  Don't see any of that in Safari.

2/  Perhaps 30% of object moves freeze part way through.   
Eventually the beach-ball appears, and Firefox is unresponsive for  
anything up to 45 seconds.  Activity monitor reports FF as not  
responding, and then it all suddenly comes back, and the object  
appears at its destination.  Nothing happens to CPU levels during  
lock up.  As far as I can establish the problem only occurs if a  
change of object to be moved has occurred, and then only about % 
30ish of the time. Moving the same object many times does not ever  
seem to trigger the problem.

3/  On Safari I also have the unresponsive until window moved  
problem reported elsewhere, and also discovered that while the  
revlet is running, Cmd-Q doesn't seem to work.  Don't know whether  
that has been found elsewhere.

Is there anything I can try to fix any of the above, or is it just a  
matter of waiting for improvements to the plug in?

David Glasgow

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RevWeb oddities

2009-11-17 Thread David Glasgow
I just decided to see what the fuss was about, and built a simple  
stack for web using 4.0.  I installed the plugin a couple of days  
back, so I think it must be up to date (how do you tell?)

My first reaction was utter amazement that such a thing is possible.   
It reminded me of first seeing Carlie Chaplin eating a shoe in  
Quicktime (circa 1992?) - or the first time I built a standalone for  
Windows using Metacard.  Astonishing!

Anyway, once my jaw had closed, I played around with the stack, which  
is simply a rating scale which allows users to move images up and  
down it to indicate relative preference.  They click on the scale,  
and the currently selected object slides gracefully up or down.

Or at least that's what happens in desktop versions, and in Safari.   
In Firefox (3.5.5) there are a few glitches:

1/  If I am online, I get a waiting for message on  
launch for maybe a couple of seconds, then a plugin progress bar,  
then the first card.  Don't see any of that in Safari.

2/  Perhaps 30% of object moves freeze part way through.  Eventually  
the beach-ball appears, and Firefox is unresponsive for anything up  
to 45 seconds.  Activity monitor reports FF as not responding, and  
then it all suddenly comes back, and the object appears at its  
destination.  Nothing happens to CPU levels during lock up.  As far  
as I can establish the problem only occurs if a change of object to  
be moved has occurred, and then only about %30ish of the time. Moving  
the same object many times does not ever seem to trigger the problem.

3/  On Safari I also have the unresponsive until window moved problem  
reported elsewhere, and also discovered that while the revlet is  
running, Cmd-Q doesn't seem to work.  Don't know whether that has  
been found elsewhere.

I don't really have a sense whether I should be trying to find  
workarounds to the above, or whether they are glitches to be  
expected.  Makes me realise that I had learned more about desktop OSs  
than I was aware of, because having avoided webby stuff for years, I  
haven't really got a clue as to where to start  :-(

David Glasgow

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: AW: AW: AW: OT: what is AW, was: revlet not only on on-rev? was: some HD fun (Klaus on-rev)

2009-11-14 Thread David Glasgow

I prefer Wikipedia ;-)

. but of course, there comes a point where Latin tyrants have to  
surrender to the democracy of usage.

David G

On 13 Nov 2009, at 5:38 pm, Luis wrote:

From: Luis
Date: 13 November 2009 9:56:50 am GMT
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: AW: AW: AW: OT: what is AW, was: revlet not only on  
on-rev? was: some HD fun (Klaus on-rev)

Reply-To: How to use Revolution


Before I apologised to everyone for incorrectly advising them that  
'Re' was short for 'Regarding' and 'Referencing' I checked Wiktionary:

So it goes both ways, Re re.



On 13 Nov 2009, at 08:42, David Glasgow wrote:

And re is not an abbreviation of English regarding or reply  
but a Latin word meaning by the thing (which follows).  Aside  
from in email replies, the most common use is in the law, where  
cases regarding children will be anonymised to a letter and be  
reported Re B

(Sorry to be a trifle nerdy, but I do a lot of courtwork)

David Glasgow

On 12 Nov 2009, at 10:30 pm, Jacques Haussewrote:

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Re: AW: AW: AW: OT: what is AW, was: revlet not only on on-rev? was: some HD fun (Klaus on-rev)

2009-11-13 Thread David Glasgow
And re is not an abbreviation of English regarding or reply but  
a Latin word meaning by the thing (which follows).  Aside from in  
email replies, the most common use is in the law, where cases  
regarding children will be anonymised to a letter and be reported Re B

(Sorry to be a trifle nerdy, but I do a lot of courtwork)

David Glasgow

On 12 Nov 2009, at 10:30 pm, Jacques Haussewrote:


I did never notice... Do I guess right ?

if people from California or Germany answer Rép: on my Swiss- 
french Mac, that means they are also using Apple's mail ? Well,  
they are a large majority...


Le 12 nov. 2009 à 19:09, Klaus on-rev a écrit :

Hi Tiemo,

And Apple's Mail doesn't speak german? ;)

it DOES, but in a bit more sophisticated way.
RE might stand for Replik, gelle?! :-D


Klaus Major

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Re: Difference between XP and Vista/7?

2009-11-02 Thread David Glasgow

On 2 Nov 2009, at 1:24 pm, Lars Brehmer wrote:

In newer versions does in mention in the sandalone settings that  
just adding stacks in Vista / 7 will not allow changes to those  

As far as I can tell about what you are reporting, this is a Vista  
Thing, not  Rev Thing.

In the old pre OS X days, the folder containing an App also tended to  
contain data, docs and whatnot.  All users could run the Apps and  
save data in the enclosing folder.  Apple then bought into the idea  
which had been around for a long time that all Apps should live in  
one place, all data somewhere else (where depending on the sort of  
data it was) - hence the docs folder and app folder.

On Windows it has long been possible for a user to have the privilege  
to run exes, but not write to the folder containing the exe - and in  
these cases ether the save location or the privileges had to change.   
However, XP and earlier were kind of sloppy about this, and it was  
easier to fix privileges on a per user basis than stick to saving  
things where they 'ought' to be.

Vista is not sloppy, but slippery.  Rather than complaining that data  
can't be written, triggering an error or hanging your standalone, it  
will obligingly write your data to somewhere else, and pretend it has  
done what you ask.  Your Rev program has no way of knowing where the  
data has gone, but it sure won't be there when you try to look for it  
later!  What you will find is your original unchanged stack(s).

So, you can save changes to stacks in Vista just don't try to do it  
in the Program directory.  You can have the stacks initially load  
from the program directory, or from a custom property (see Klaus  
Majors recent post Re: Where to place (sub)stacks?) and you can use  
specialfolderpath to save elsewhere after the stacks have been  
changed. Often the script can be made to work the same cross  
platform, although depending on what it is you want to save, you  
might not find an entirely satisfactory place for it to go on Vista,  
and I assume Vista 2.0 errr... I mean Win 7.

David Glasgow

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Drag/Move Cursor?

2009-10-30 Thread David Glasgow

On 30 Oct 2009, at 1:14 pm, Rick Harrison wrote:

I've been trying to figure out how to programmatically
move/drag the cursor in a stack to mimic what a human
would do, as a teaching aid.  The documentation is not
very clear on how to accomplish this.

I have done a fair bit of mucking around moving and constraining the  
cursor.  It can get a bit ugly, tricky, disturbing for the user and  
deprecated by user interface purists.  Much better to hide the cursor  
(set the cursor to none) and then show a fake cursor which you can  
move between two points or along a path as you would with any  
object.  You can even colour the teaching cursor to indicate that  
this is showing the user something and so won't be responsive to  
mouse movements.

David Glasgow
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Making a stack a custom property of a stack

2009-10-28 Thread David Glasgow
A while back Klaus was kind enough to spend some time describing how  
to do this and then use any stack stored in this way.  I was  
impressed at the time, and still am.

In fact this is such a Very Good Thing, I want to suggest that it  
should be an explicit part of the IDE.  I know that would only make  
it marginally easier to do, but it would make it a darn sight more  
obvious to new users.  I do enjoy the ongoing discovery of Revs  
flexibility and power, but can't help thinking that in this case the  
gem would have been useful to me way back at the beginning of  
learning Rev.  I had settled on a world picture that allowed  stacks  
which are modifiable and standalones which are not, and to use the  
former they have to be installed as  stacks when the end user  
installs the whole package. The stack as stack custom property  
changes the game completely, without breaking any rules.  Great.  But  
not obvious.

I have in mind a variant of the custom property tab which would  
display and manages stacks 'banked' within the current stack,  
avoiding the scripting Klaus described.  I don't want to go mouthing  
off to the nice folks in Edinburgh if this isn't such a good idea, so  
I would be interested in the thoughts of the wise...

David Glasgow

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Re: How to filter a big list

2009-10-21 Thread David Glasgow

On 21 Oct 2009, at 6:00 pm, Jérôme Rosat wrotewrote:

Filtering takes the most time when I type  the first and the  
second letter. That takes approximately 800  milliseconds for the  
first char and about 570 milliseconds for the  second char. The  
repeat loop with the contains operator is a little  beat slower  
(about 50 milliseconds) than the filter ... with. There  is no  
significant difference when the third char or more is typed. Of   
course I filter a variable before to put it in the list field

How about the filter with only kicks in after the second or third  
character is typed? The first two characters take a disproportionate  
amount of time, and probably don't reduce the list size substantially.

David Glasgow
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Re: A note about fillGradient and Co.

2009-09-29 Thread David Glasgow

On 28 Sep 2009, at 12:43 pm,  

Wow! Surely Delivering a Message TO the Future would be even

...and Delivering a Message to the Past would save me a *lot* of
trial-and-error. Filed an enhancement request as BZ #8305.

Not if it could be one of those 'Back to the Future' things, where  
you start to fade out of photographs and the like ;-)

David Glasgow
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Re: Where to place (sub)stacks?

2009-09-17 Thread David Glasgow

On 16 Sep 2009, at 6:00 pm, Klaus wrote:

If I would ever need to let the users modify and save STACK files,  
I would go this way:

1. Create all the stacks that will be modified and saved by the end  
user as MAIN stacks!
2. Import each of these stacks into a custom porperty of your  
SPLASH/main stack

set the cStack01 of stack splash or whatever to url(binfile:   

3. When the app starts, I would check if these stacks have already  
been outputted into the users preferences folder:

Mas OS X: specialfolderpath(preferences)
## Current user only

Windows: specialfolderpath(26)
## Current user only

Might be good style to create a subfolder for your app there!

If the stacks are not yet there, I would output all the stacks from  
your CPs:

put specialfolderpath(preferences) into tFolder
put the cStack01 of stack splash or whatever into url(binfile:  
 tFolder  /  name of original stack here...)

## NO suffix necessary!
4. Now the user (your app) can open any of these stack, modify them  
and save them again without permission problems.

5. Pro: If a user deletes one of your stacks (c'mon, we all know  
how they are :-D) you can quickly replace it with a fresh copy!

Know what I mean?
Drop a line if not :-)

Beat Cornaz



Klaus Major


This issue has caused me considerable pain in the past, but I have  
sorted most of it out since Vista flounced onto the OS stage with  
such ill placed confidence. I have just had a results stack in  
the installation folder, and copied it to the users documents folder  
if it isn't already there.  (This is a little unsatisfactory in that  
the results file isn't exactly a user's document in the simplest  
sense, but it does work.)

However, I have never come across the stack as a custom property in  
this context. What is the advantage of doing it that way?  Is it that  
you set the property in the IDE, and so don't actually need the stack  
to be anywhere else in the installation once you build?


David Glasgow

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Re: Radio buttons that don't look like radio buttons

2009-08-20 Thread David Glasgow
Well, how about that.  Radio buttons can have icons.  Did I ever know  
that and forget, or did I just not even consider the possibility?  
Either way, as my kids say, Well, D'uh.

This doesn't solve the mystery properties of my ancient buttons, but  
offers a much more elegant, eye pleasing and flexible solution.   
Thanks very much Howard

David Glasgow

On 19 Aug 2009, at 6:00 pm, Howard Bornstein wrote:

I think if you just set the icon and the hilite icon of the radio  
buttons to

graphics of different colors, it will do what you want.


Howard Bornstein

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Interesting radio button behaviour

2009-08-20 Thread David Glasgow
I stumbled across two more interesting radio button behaviours which  
I didn't know before, and mention out of interest.

It seems a right click on a non hilited button deselects the hilited   
button without setting a new hilite.  I haven't found any Mac radio  
buttons that do this, so I'm not sure whether it is one of those  
cross platform compromises.  It could be a gotcha if at least one of  
a number of radio buttons should always be hilited.

Using an icon and hilited icon rather than the standard blob exposes  
different behaviour.  Even if the autoselect is set to false, *left*  
clicking on an unhilited button has the same result as above.

Funny eh?

David G

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Radio buttons that don't look like radio buttons

2009-08-17 Thread David Glasgow


I have several cards containing many radio buttons, and want to have  
a summary screen which consists of an array of colour indicators  
reflecting the status of the scattered radio buttons.  I remembered  
that many years ago I made some radio buttons that didn't look like  
radio buttons (they were intended to function and look a bit like the  
pop up - down mechanical buttons on old cassette recorders). So I set  
out the summary card with radio buttons which are set and reset by  
user actions on corresponding groups on the relevant card.  That  
works fine.  A brief script built around

set the hilitedbutton of  SummaryGroupOnCard1  to the hilitedbutton  
of the owner of the target

does the trick.

However, the summary display can't look like radio buttons in the  
final product, because users will quite reasonably expect to be able  
to click on them.  I planned to change the properties of the summary  
buttons after I had finished laying out and scripting the cards the  
users will actually interact with.

When the time came, I started to set and tweak properties and colours  
of the buttons on the summary card, but couldn't get the simple plain  
colour patch which switches on or off mutually exclusively with its  
fellow group members.

After maybe an hour of futile clicking, I set out to find the buttons  
I made years ago, and to my amazement succeeded.  However, I *still*  
can't find out how I made the radio buttons not have the little radio  
button blob in the middle.  There is no scripting involved, and no  
icons.   They do have hilited text and fill colours that match - if  
they don't, a little dot appears when selected, like old Win radio  
buttons (I am on OS X).   Selection is only indicated by a change in  
the border.  However, even though I have matched as many properties  
and colours as I can find, my new radio buttons insist on having the  
radio button blob.

I know I could just copy the little group I have, and use them, but  
this is really bugging me.  Was I quite clever years ago, or am I  
being quite dumb now?

David Glasgow

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Re: Transcript should be called Transcript

2009-08-14 Thread David Glasgow

Subject: Re: Transcript should be called Transcript
Reply-To: How to use Revolution


I was saying, pointedly, that the name itself did not stick;  
therefore the

branding was rather less successful than, say, Kleenex.

I did not mean to imply that we were losing our faculties.

I am actually disheartened at the new name because I thiink it  
matters. But
maybe like Avenue of the Americas in Manhattan, perhaps nobody  
will ever

use it.


I mourned the death of Transcript in 2006 

for very selfish reasons.  I'm not sure I like it persisting as a  
nosferatu.  How about T++ or T# ;-)

David Glasgow
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[OT] Waiting for Beta and Visiting Edinburgh

2009-07-16 Thread David Glasgow

On 16 Jul 2009, at 6:00 pm,  

But whatever you do, don't think you are visiting all Scotland when  
you go
to Edinburgh, and if you go north to the Highlands, well, take  
history with


I love Edinburgh (despite my surname), but next week I am off to walk  
the costal path of Arran.  'Scotland in miniature' with the Highland  
boundary fault passing right through it.   Does that count?  :-))

David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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Re Rev timeline stack?

2009-02-05 Thread David Glasgow

On 1 Feb 2009, at 12:31 pm, David Glasgow wrote:

Subject: Rev timeline stack?
Reply-To: How to use Revolution

Has anyone written a timeline stack/group?

I have looked at the software about, which looks luscious  
(especially Bee docs timeline) but it doesn't allow notes etc to be  
added, or vertical timelines with information attached to left and  
right 'branches' of an event.  I can't find my veteran HC  
'CaseLiner stack anymore, which over 15 years ago did what I want,  
albeit not lusciously at all.

(When I say 'timeline', I don't mean a Gantt chart, but the line  
with stalks and information flags, type of thing)


David Glasgow

Just a quick repost in the slight hope that the 'draw-a-curve-spat'  
distracted attention from the above, and that really timeline Rev  
stacks are two a penny.

More likely not, I suspect - so any thoughts on how to approach the  
graphic side?

David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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Rev timeline stack?

2009-02-01 Thread David Glasgow

Has anyone written a timeline stack/group?

I have looked at the software about, which looks luscious (especially  
Bee docs timeline) but it doesn't allow notes etc to be added, or  
vertical timelines with information attached to left and right  
'branches' of an event.  I can't find my veteran HC 'CaseLiner stack  
anymore, which over 15 years ago did what I want, albeit not  
lusciously at all.

(When I say 'timeline', I don't mean a Gantt chart, but the line with  
stalks and information flags, type of thing)


David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: RevCopyFolder XP problem

2009-01-01 Thread David Glasgow
Way back in October, Eric, Ken and others helped out with  
identifying special folders in XP and Vista, in which I could save  
shared and non shared data.  (Because the system I used in my app  
previously breaks under Vista).

Having finally decided on appropriate locations and file  
structures, I have started to script a routine which checks on the  
platform, then checks in each location for the expected folders,  
and copies them there if they are not present.

Debugging is a bit of a painful process on Windows, because I am  
using Studio on Mac and testing under Parallels (XP).  However, as  
far as I can tell, RevCopyFolder doesn't work as advertised on XP.   
In the Rev 2.0 language reference it states:

The revCopyFolder command makes a copy of the entire folder,  
including all files, subfolders, and their contents. The folder  
remains in its original location and the copy is placed in the new  

I only get the top level (i.e  foldertocopy) folder created in the  
new location, with none of its contents, be they files or folders.   
I look at the result for each instance of RevCopyFolder after each  
partial successful copy, which gives me the numerical value '4'.

I know that RevCopyFolder seems to be very erratic on the Mac, but  
is my problem on Win recognised by others?  Is there an easy  


David Glasgow

Cracked it!  Thought I would post the solution just in case it helps  
someone else.

I have no idea why 'the result' is 4, as described above, but this  
only happens if revcopyfolder fails.  And when I say fails, I  
discovered that if the foldertocopy can't be found, Rev doesn't  
complain, it just creates a folder of the designated name at the  
designated destination and puts '4' in the result.  It looks like the  
command has succeeded, until you examine the (non existent) folder  

And why couldn't the foldertocopy be found?  Because revcopyfolder  
doesn't like relative file paths.  The same script with absolute  
paths works fine.

Hmmm.  Starting 2009 on a roll.

Hope no Revistas spent too much time trying to help me.

David G

use-revolution mailing list
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RevCopyFolder XP problem

2008-12-31 Thread David Glasgow
Way back in October, Eric, Ken and others helped out with identifying  
special folders in XP and Vista, in which I could save shared and non  
shared data.  (Because the system I used in my app previously breaks  
under Vista).

Having finally decided on appropriate locations and file structures,  
I have started to script a routine which checks on the platform, then  
checks in each location for the expected folders, and copies them  
there if they are not present.

Debugging is a bit of a painful process on Windows, because I am  
using Studio on Mac and testing under Parallels (XP).  However, as  
far as I can tell, RevCopyFolder doesn't work as advertised on XP.   
In the Rev 2.0 language reference it states:

The revCopyFolder command makes a copy of the entire folder,  
including all files, subfolders, and their contents. The folder  
remains in its original location and the copy is placed in the new  

I only get the top level (i.e  foldertocopy) folder created in the  
new location, with none of its contents, be they files or folders.  I  
look at the result for each instance of RevCopyFolder after each  
partial successful copy, which gives me the numerical value '4'.

I know that RevCopyFolder seems to be very erratic on the Mac, but is  
my problem on Win recognised by others?  Is there an easy workaround?


David Glasgow

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: special folders

2008-11-01 Thread David Glasgow

On 31 Oct 2008, at 5:00 pm, Ken Ray wrote:

Right - in both cases, you can use specialFolderPath(35) and it  
will resolve

properly on both platforms.

Aha.  That is very helpful.  I had followed the link on the Rev  
dictionary page and found CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES = 0x0026
which I hadn't appreciated is pure VB (?), I thought the numerical  
reference was a Windows thing, and represented what I would have to  
put in the parentheses in specialfolderpath ().  I just hadn't read  
properly your web page which clearly states Use the entry under the  
No. heading with specialFolderPath I also hadn't anticipated the  
simplicity of the syntax being the naked decimal number in parentheses.

That one example has no doubt saved me hours of fettling about.

Tiemo is right though - on both Vista and XP, the Application Data (or
ProgramData) folder is a hidden folder that novice users won't have  

That could be exactly what I want for my results stack.  I can see  
that lots of developers use it, presumable for data which are not  
preferences or user accessible products of the program.

The general rule of thumb is:

  - Applications go into C:/Program Files (XP) or C:/ 
Programs (Vista);

accessed with specialFolderPath(38)

  - Support files for the application that the user won't be  
getting access

to go in C:/Documents and Settings/user/Application Data (XP) or
C:/Users/user/AppData/Roaming (Vista); accessed with

I would prefer not to save this stack on a per user basis, but have a  
single copy updated by all users.  Would it be OK just to refer to a  
via specialfolderpath(26) but just trim the path to refer to a folder  
sitting 'above' the /user/ folder?  If not, I think programdata  
might be the way to go.

  - User-generated or user-accessible files go in C:/Documents and
Settings/user/My Documents (XP) or C:/Users/user/ 
Documents (Vista);
accessed with specialFolderPath(documents) or specialFolderPath 

That's great, and I will save all my exported charts and whatnot to a  
user specific folder here.

  - Preferences/settings go in the Registry

Really helpful overall.  Thanks Ken et al.  The fog is clearing, and  
the red herrings are swimming off into the distance.


David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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special folders

2008-10-30 Thread David Glasgow
I am attempting to make a rev project Vista compatible.  The main  
problem is determining where special folders are, and what they are  
best used for.  I want to store a stack which will hold assessment  
results for all users.  Thus there must be no permissions problems  
for any level of user to read from or write to this file.

Problems with OSX and specialfolderpath have been reported for a  
while on 2.9, and I am afraid it still gives me an 'execution error'  
using 3.0 on OSX both in IDE and application, whilst the same stack  
works fine as a standalone in XP.  A bit disappointing, but since the  
problem I am trying to fix is on Windows, not a disaster.

So, on Windows, I had expected to use the vanilla rev  
specialfolderpath syntax, but it seems to me I may need to use  
CDISLs, or can I just test that absolute paths to the appropriate  
folder exist as expected?

I had hoped to use C:documents and settings\all users\documents but  
this doesn't exist on Vista.

I can see that for XP most program data is stored in C:documents and  
settings\all users\application data

In Vista, this exists as a virtualised folder/shortcut which  
redirects to C:programdata

Neither directory is listed on the specialfolderpath page in the Rev  
guide.   For some users these folders are hidden, but I have tested  
read write privileges and that seems to be OK for ordinary users and  
even guests, whether or not the folder is visible.   Am I on the  
right lines with respect to the location?  Am I OK to use the XP form  
and rely on the Vista folder virtualisation, or do I need to write  
separate routines for the two OSs, and use CDISL numbers?

Alternatively, is there a better location for assessment results to  
be read from/written to?  I looked at the new 'public' folder in  
Vista, but it seems that by default this isn't public (or at least  
not on the machine I investigated), and has very confusing permissions.

Finally, what is the syntax for the CDISL version of specialfolder?   
I can't see an example, and using Rev Studio on Mac means it is very  
difficult to experiment.

OH, just had another thought.  I was exploring Vista Business.  Will  
this sort of thing vary in the other versions?


David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: special folders

2008-10-30 Thread David Glasgow

On 30 Oct 2008, at 5:00 pm, Eric Chatonet wrote:

From: Eric Chatonet [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 30 October 2008 12:57:20 pm GMT
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: special folders
Reply-To: How to use Revolution

Bonjour David,

You should have a look at Ken's tips:  
(specialFolderPath' Codes)  
(Vista Gotchas You Should Know About)

Merci Eric,

I had  looked at those links previously.  Very informative, but they  
don't answer my specific questions.  Once I can identify the best  
folder to use, then I will be able to look up the details on Ken's  
remarkable table.

On 30 Oct 2008, at 5:00 pm,Tiemo wrote:

From: Tiemo Hollmann TB [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 30 October 2008 1:30:18 pm GMT
To: 'How to use Revolution'
Subject: AW: special folders
Reply-To: How to use Revolution

Hi David, there is one thing you also have to be aware of in Vista.  
With the
delivery settings of Vista the user dir /AppData is hidden. So if  
your user
should have access to what you are storing you either have to  
create a new
folder in the user dir or the user has to switch OFF the folder  
option don't show hidden folders (or whatever it is named in the  

Just FYI

Thanks Tiemo.  I am not too worried if a folder is hidden, as long as  
it can be accessed for read and write via the standalone.  For any  
files the user can access directly, I will use the documents folder.   
This is just for the app to access.

So, are C:documents and settings\all users\application data (XP) and  
C:/programdata (Vista) the best bets?

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Re: images to movie (was Re: Unicode issues ad infinitum)

2008-09-16 Thread David Glasgow

On 16 Sep 2008, at 9:20 am, Lynn Saults wrote:

I think I can use iMovie to make a movie from pictures, but
that seems rather tedious and clumsy, especially to get the timings  
I want.
I would appreciate suggestions about a good way to do this, using  

alone or with externals or using other software.

I did this a while back with Quicktime.  Not the current version, but  
it worked in a blink of an eye.  My recollection is that although you  
appear to be able to select images individually, QT just sucked up  
all the images in the containing folder and turned them into a  
movie.  Unexpected, (and the result was very funny)  but easy to work  
around.  That may be fixed by now, I suppose.

David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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Rev and joystick or switch

2008-07-24 Thread David Glasgow
I want to use a switch (lever style accessibility gadget) or a very  
simple joystick to enable users to respond to images by pushing away  
or pulling towards themselves.  It needs to work on both Mac  PC.   
Fewer buttons the better, and no flash rumbling or stuff like that.

Any suggestions for simple and preferably cheap hardware that folks  
have used with Rev?


David Glasgow

use-revolution mailing list
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The mystery of inks

2008-07-10 Thread David Glasgow

I am struggling to understand and use inks (Rev 2.9)

I have no idea how these things work, but what I want to achieve is  

I have a jpg image of a human in swim-wear.  The background was  
originally a separate layer in Photoshop, and is a sort of grey green  
swirlyness.  I mention this because it could be changed to something  
else if it would help achieve my goal.  I want to have a primary  
colour show through the human figure but not the background.  So by  
changing an underlying grc fill, the figure should switch from blue  
to yellow, to green, etc.  I don't mind the colour of the swimwear  
changing, but the skin should take as much of the underlying colour  
as possible.

I made a little test stack which looped through all the ink effects  
and applied them to my image which was overlying a grc filled yellow.

First thing is that I was surprised how many inks made no apparent  
difference to the image (7), made the image black (5), or disappear  
completely (7) - irrespective of whether areas of the image t overlay  
the grc or not.  Why is that?

Second thing is that three effects stood out as close to what I  
want.  They were BlendMultiply, BlendDarken and SrcAnd.  Are there  
any significant technical differences between these, or between their  
effects on Windows vs Mac? Anywhere I can read up in them?  I see  
that SrCAnd is described as a legacy.. some legacies are good :-))

Finally, if I did change the jpg background to be transparent, or  
solid colour, or black or something, is there an ink effect which  
would show solid colour through the human part only?  I did try to  
understand the Wikipedia article on alpha channels, but my mind went  
matte and dodged.  Or burned, I forget which.


David Glasgow

use-revolution mailing list
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ScreenMouseLoc ignored in parallels?

2008-06-12 Thread David Glasgow
Can anyone confirm that ScreenMouseLoc is ignored in Windows running  
under Parallels Desktop?  I use

set the screenMouseLoc to globalLoc(the location of group locator)

 which works fine in the Mac standalone, but does nothing on XP  
using Parallels Desktop.

I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised, given the window within  
window paradigm, but I worried a bit that it might be a Rev or  
Windows thing masquerading as a Parallels thing.

(Rev Studio 2.7.4
OS X 10.4.11
XP 2002 SP 2
Parallels Desktop 2.5)

Yes I know, none of the versions are up to date.  But in the case of  
XP this is a Good Thing  ;-)


David Glasgow
use-revolution mailing list
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Extracting pitch information from sound files

2008-03-07 Thread David Glasgow
The subject line pretty much says it all, but more specifically I  
want to statistically analyse change in pitch, not play it, save it  
as sound or relate it directly to any musical system.  So any kind of  
rational number would be fine, and I would then chuck away  
the .wav .aiff or whatever.

1/  How hard would it be to parse sound files recorded in Rev and  
extract just the chunks of data relating to pitch ?

2/  Does it make any difference if the sound is complex (like an  
animal call) or simple like a signal from a tone generator?

3/  Are any of the formats offered by Rev easier to handle in this  

4/  Assuming standard bit rates, how much pitch data would be  
generated by, say a ten second recording?

5/  I have settled for post hoc parsing rather than 'on the fly'  
processing because I assumed the overhead would be too great for the  
latter to work.  Is that right?

5/ Are there any other sensible questions I should be asking?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: unexpected widows nastiness

2008-03-04 Thread David Glasgow

On 3 Mar 2008, at 6:00 pm, Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:

I don't know what's wrong, but since no one else has answered, I'll  
try anyway. :) What I'd do to track this down is to capture the  
file name of the image as it occurs in your script (for example,  
from the variable watcher,) and then see if you can use that file  
name in a simple button handler or from the message box to  
successfully load an image into an image object. I'm thinking the  
grey color is an image that may not be loading correctly. It's all  
I can think of to try, at any rate.

Now why didn't I think of that?  The image displayer changes  
dimensions to fit different shaped pics.  If it got stuck half way  
through, and before the size is scaled to fit the designated area,  
and couldn't display the image, it might be big and grey..

Maybe I should try it on a variety of images.

One difficulty with nailing this one is that I only have Studio, so I  
can't debug on Win.  Still, I know someone who can.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Unexpected Windows nastiness

2008-03-03 Thread David Glasgow
My original post appears below.  Whilst mulling this over in the  
early hours, I suddenly remembered that last week I had (long used)  
standalone which failed to launch.  The problem was later diagnosed  
by the author (thanks Phil) as damage cause by a utility I had used  
systemwide to strip out PPC code from apps.  This had saved a fair  
bit of space, but had killed the app.

Could it be that the same utility has damaged the Windows engine, or  
some other component of the Windows standalone building process?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

On 2 Mar 2008, at 9:26 pm, David Glasgow wrote:

Sorry for the vague subject line for this post, but I can't really  
put it in a nutshell.

I have got so used to building stuff on OS X and then just tweaking  
for Windows, I am completely thrown by this problem.  I am using  
Studio 2.7.4 on a MacBook with XP running under parallels for  
Windows testing.

I have a card which allows a user to select a folder which contains  
JPG images.  The filenames of these images are displayed in a  
number of fields in different ways, reflecting membership of groups  
which are specified by the name.  So ADF01.jpg, ADF02.jpg,  
ADF03.jpg etc. are all exemplars of the 'ADF category. There can be  
any number of categories, and the scripts work out how many and  
which image belongs to which category.  It sounds a bit  
complicated, but it isn't really.  Images can be viewed  
independently, or along with other members of the same category.

Images can be previewed by clicking on the filename, and then an  
order can be generated for something like a slideshow, using  
randomisation combined with conditions.

Anyway, it all works tickety boo in IDE and standalone using OS X.

In Win XP the filenames load and fields are populated as expected.   
Attempting to use any control, or indeed clicking anywhere on the  
card causes all the fields bar one disappear behind (?) a dark grey  
colour.  The single visible field and all obscured controls are  
unresponsive.  Clicking generally causes the 'program not  
responding' thingy to be thrown by the OS.  Not doing anything  
seems to have no effect, except the fans slowly crank up to full  

I have rebuilt the standalone, with the same effect.

I have tried searching archives for something like this, but  
struggled to identify any relevant terms.

Does any of this ring any bells?

David Glasgow

use-revolution mailing list
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Unexpected Windows nastiness

2008-03-02 Thread David Glasgow
Sorry for the vague subject line for this post, but I can't really  
put it in a nutshell.

I have got so used to building stuff on OS X and then just tweaking  
for Windows, I am completely thrown by this problem.  I am using  
Studio 2.7.4 on a MacBook with XP running under parallels for Windows  

I have a card which allows a user to select a folder which contains  
JPG images.  The filenames of these images are displayed in a number  
of fields in different ways, reflecting membership of groups which  
are specified by the name.  So ADF01.jpg, ADF02.jpg, ADF03.jpg etc.  
are all exemplars of the 'ADF category. There can be any number of  
categories, and the scripts work out how many and which image belongs  
to which category.  It sounds a bit complicated, but it isn't  
really.  Images can be viewed independently, or along with other  
members of the same category.

Images can be previewed by clicking on the filename, and then an  
order can be generated for something like a slideshow, using  
randomisation combined with conditions.

Anyway, it all works tickety boo in IDE and standalone using OS X.

In Win XP the filenames load and fields are populated as expected.   
Attempting to use any control, or indeed clicking anywhere on the  
card causes all the fields bar one disappear behind (?) a dark grey  
colour.  The single visible field and all obscured controls are  
unresponsive.  Clicking generally causes the 'program not responding'  
thingy to be thrown by the OS.  Not doing anything seems to have no  
effect, except the fans slowly crank up to full speed.

I have rebuilt the standalone, with the same effect.

I have tried searching archives for something like this, but  
struggled to identify any relevant terms.

Does any of this ring any bells?

David Glasgow

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Developer Dreams... Random Numbers

2007-12-17 Thread David Glasgow

If you're looking for random numbers, is a great source.

Or you could fire up an 8 bit Atari, which also used a physical RNG.

Learn here

how (circa 1990) to get round the beastly problem of *only* being  
able to generate true, non-repeating random numbers ;-)

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: The 'real' meaning of blend level transparency integers

2007-11-12 Thread David Glasgow

On 9 Nov 2007, at 6:00 pm, Jim Ault wrote:

You probably need to 1) calibrate the monitors on some computers  

different OSes/monitors, 2) set the transparency+background of a test
pattern (like they do in TV broadcasting), 3) then build a curve  
that gets
you the 'human linear' transparency values.  Do one according to  
your eye,

then see if others agree with you.

Thanks, Jim.

Maybe I could do  that by building some kind of calibration routine  
into the procedure itself.  Maybe this could establish individual  
transparency thresholds irrespective of hardware, software, mindware  
and eyewear ;-)

Now, how did those old psycho-physicists determine the Just  
Noticeable Difference?  Wikipedia here I come

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
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The 'real' meaning of blend level transparency integers

2007-11-09 Thread David Glasgow

Hello folks,

I am writing a psychological assessment which involves visual signal  
detection.  Basically, a 'blob' slowly appears at a random point  
within one of three invisible rectangles.  I have just about cracked  
the random generation of a loc within a given object.

What I am having trouble with is understanding exactly what the blend  
level integers represent.  I am not image savvy, and don't know if  
these are, or can be related to, any recognised and objective  
transparency units.  Any recommended reading on this sort of thing?

Two specific issues are

1/  A blendlevel set at 50 looks less than 50% transparent to me, and  
an incrementally decreasing transparency doesn't look linear to me.   
Is that to do with the technology or human visual perception?

2/  How confident can I be that the visual effect of incrementally  
decreasing transparency will be equivalent across machines and OSs?   
I understand this is comparing Win 2000 and later with OS X.  Is  
there anything I need to watch out for?


David Glasgow

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Re: Using and Controlling RevSpeak

2007-10-21 Thread David Glasgow

On 19 Oct 2007, at 6:00 pm, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Well I made a stack (which I have just uploaded to
RevOnline; Speech Checker) which took me 3 minutes
to make (swank, swank).

It contains 2 flds:  fSPEECH  and YNO and a

the button contains the following script:

Great.  Why didn't I think of that?

As to the pausing problem, I was wondering if speech is so intensive  
a task, reduced responsivity is inevitable to some degree?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
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Using and Controlling RevSpeak

2007-10-19 Thread David Glasgow

I am working with RevSpeak for the first time.

I am using it to read back to the user the sate of 51 radio buttons,  
so they can be easily checked against the paper copy from which the  
data was originally entered.  It works fine, assuming speech is  
available, and the user doesn't want to pause or abort the readout.

I am having trouble with checking preflight that speech is  
available.  The obvious approach would be to revspeak Starting Read  
back and check for an error.  However, the docs are a little vague  
about the error which would be expected - and which I assume will be  
OS specific.  So, first question is what kind of thing should I check  
for, before either reading out button states or gently advising the  
user that they don't have speech available?

The second point is play - pause - stop controllability. The radio  
button states are each read individually within a loop, with a brief  
wait after a revisspeaking check before reading them.  I thought I  
could implement a read data while 'play' button hilited and stop when  
unhilited (like you might do with audio or video).  However, this  
doesn't seem as easy to script as I expected.  I inserted a 'play'  
button state check within the loop and a contingent exit command, but  
the whole thing is very unresponsive, with the button state sometimes  
missing clicks, and sometimes responding after a delay.  In other  
words, a recipe for furious user clicking stacking up state changes  
until crash (which is what I eventually got).

Has anyone any suggestions?


David Glasgow

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 46, Issue 30

2007-07-17 Thread David Glasgow


On 16 Jul 2007, at 6:00 pm, Phil Jimmieson wrote:

Hi David,
do you use a relative filename for the movie? If so, try getting  
the filename and turning it into an absolute one. I had a problem  
where quicktime movies with relative filenames would work on OSX  
and Mac OS9, but not on Windows - I managed to figure out the path  
was invalid (although it was the same relative path on both boxes).

Check out bug 1161 in the quality control centre:

Thanks Phil, and also Scott.

 I use an absolute path by appending the relative path to the   

I do appreciate your suggestions, but I really can't mess about with  
this issue, which could easily involve a QT and/or a Rev one.  Is  
there a message or property I can rely on to tell me whether a QT  
movie is going to run successfully?  As I said, the movie function  
doesn't seem to work as advertised, so is there anything else?  Ugly  
but effective hacks welcome at this stage..

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: QT on Windows

2007-07-17 Thread David Glasgow

Oooops!  Forgot the subject line.  Sorry.

On 16 Jul 2007, at 6:00 pm, Phil Jimmieson wrote:

Hi David,
do you use a relative filename for the movie? If so, try getting  
the filename and turning it into an absolute one. I had a problem  
where quicktime movies with relative filenames would work on OSX  
and Mac OS9, but not on Windows - I managed to figure out the path  
was invalid (although it was the same relative path on both boxes).

Check out bug 1161 in the quality control centre:

Thanks Phil, and also Scott.

 I use an absolute path by appending the relative path to the   

I do appreciate your suggestions, but I really can't mess about with  
this issue, which could easily involve a QT and/or a Rev one.  Is  
there a message or property I can rely on to tell me whether a QT  
movie is going to run successfully?  As I said, the movie function  
doesn't seem to work as advertised, so is there anything else?  Ugly  
but effective hacks welcome at this stage..

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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QT on Windows

2007-07-16 Thread David Glasgow
I was just putting the finishing touches to a product for a client  
when, on impulse, I 'sexed it up' with a little .mov in the  
standalone splashscreen. I use playstopped to trigger showing the  
splashscreen proper.  This works fine on Mac, reliably running  
wherever I place the enclosing folder.  The same can't be said for  
Windows. With QT installed, some boxes run it fine, and some don't.   
It sometimes behaves as if the filename of the movie  isn't valid  
even though it is always contained within the same folder, and double  
clicking the movie launches QT as expected.  I don't have time to  
work out why this is the case,  so I decided to just skip the movie  
if it isn't going to run, and show the buttons and information fields  
which form the business end of the splashscreen.  This has proved  
more difficult than I expected.  I use Studio, so I can't debug in  
detail on Windows.

I tried checking 'the movie', but was surprised to obtain 'done' way  
before the movie has stopped playing, and using the done message to  
move on in the splash screen causes the movie to appear and then  
quickly disappear on the Mac.  I thought about 'try-catch' but I am  
not sure what conditions I would be testing for.  I tried  
sidestepping the issue by importing a videoclip in AVI format, but  
the QT codecs for AVI are gruesome.  Also, I couldn't make the  
videoclip play predictably at a specific location, however  
specified.  It always appeared significantly offset.

So this isn't about testing to see if QT is installed, it is (I  
think) about testing whether a player object is able to do its stuff,  
and if not, smoothly moving on with business.  Any suggestions?

(This all goes to confirm rule 437 of software development:  Never  
sex up a splashscreen on impulse, especially if you have just  
promised to deliver the product within the week)

Oh yes.  Using 2.7.4 on Mac.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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Re: arrowkey and selectionchanged in a list field

2007-06-25 Thread David Glasgow

On 24 Jun 2007, at 2:12 pm, Eric Chatonet wrote:

Hi David, Mark, Richard, etc.

Le 23 juin 07 à 17:43, Richard Gaskin a écrit :

Mark Smith wrote:

On 23 Jun 2007, at 11:15, David Glasgow wrote:
 Unfortunately, selectionchanged is not sent if the selection   
is  changed via arrow keys.

That's weird - I use this successfully in several projects:
  on selectionChanged
   showInfo the hilitedLine of me -- the handler that displays  
info  about the list item

end selectionChanged
and it certainly works with the arrow keys, without any spcial   

Is there some property of the list field that you've set or unset?

I get the same reliable result here in many applications I use  
list fields in.

Dave, is the traversalOn property set?  The only way I can not get  
the desired behavior is to turn that property off; with it on it  
works like a champ.

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal

I have to apologize: you are right.
I confused with a case I wanted arrow keys to act as a carousel  
then needed to script it.

Thanks for this clarification.

Best regards from Paris,
Eric Chatonet.

Well I'll be jiggered! You are absolutely right!  Selection changed  
by arrowkeys *does* cause the selectionchanged message to be sent

I read this in the dictionary (emphasis added):

The selectionChanged message is sent to a field whenever the user  
makes a text selection or moves the insertion point in the field,  
after the selection is changed. *The selectionChanged message is not  
sent if the user uses the arrow keys to change the selection. To  
respond to use of the arrow keys, handle the rawKeyUp message and  
check the selection within the handler.*

and believed it, so I didn't test to see if it was true, but set  
about scripting the arrow key handler.

Now, should I feel irritated I wasted time on an unnecessary handler,  
or happy that Rev does what I thought it ought to do in the first  
place *and* this list once again comes up trumps?

I think this list tips the scale towards happy :-))

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
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arrowkey and selectionchanged in a list field

2007-06-23 Thread David Glasgow
I have a list field containing the names of JPGs.  I want the  
selected image displayed.  This is easy using mouseup or  
selectionchanged to trigger the appropriate URL being prepended to  
the filename, and the file displayed correctly.

However, I wanted users to be able to arrow up and down through the  
field, and the image to change just as if the selection had changed  
by being clicked on.  Unfortunately, selectionchanged is not sent if  
the selection  is changed via arrow keys.  This is a bit sad, but  
documented as normal behaviour.  This means you need to catch  
arrowkey, and then script accordingly.

I was surprised to discover that the selectedline reported in this  
way seems to lag one behind the actual selected line, and display an  
image adjacent to the correct one.   I put the script in a group  
containing the list field, so I expected the selection to have  
changed by the time the message reached the group.  But it doesn't.   
Que pasa?

I have worked around it by adding or subtracting one from the  
reported selectedline in a switch case structure, but then had to add  
script to test whether the tnewselectedline variable would be taken  
out of range by the calculation.  Happy to have got it working, but I  
can't believe there isn't a better way of doing things (- isn't there  
always in Rev?).

If the selection change by arrow key triggered the selectionchanged  
message, my cludge wouldn't be needed at all.  What have other folks  
done to achieve the same thing?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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Re: corrupted/nonstandard jpg crash

2007-06-21 Thread David Glasgow

On 20 Jun 2007, at 5:48 pm,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So I think you'll be fine; if your users do have the unlikely crash  
at least you'll know where to possibly begin looking. I doubt it  
will happen though, it's more of an historical problem.

Ok, Thanks.

Worry levels reducing .. 50%, 30%, 10% and  normal, at 7%.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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corrupted/nonstandard jpg crash

2007-06-20 Thread David Glasgow

On 20 Jun 2007, at 5:00 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There used to be a crashing bug (I thought it was fixed now though)  
where a corrupted or non-standard image could bring down the  
engine. That might be what's happening here. The solution is to  
delete the image and re-import, preferably in a different format or  
else created by a different program. Some Photoshop jpgs gave me  
trouble once, but the same ones saved in Graphic Converter worked  
okay. Or try swapping jpgs for gifs, or vice versa.

Akk!  Didn't know about this one.  I am just working on a stack which  
will take any number of jpgs dropped in a folder by a user, then   
organise them (into various categories) and then display them (in  
various ways).  It is a dead cert that it will encounter corrupted/ 
nonstandard jpgs.  Just in case  this bug hasn't been squashed, is  
there anything to watch out for?  Does the recipe necessarily include  
importing?  I only propose referencing images (in 2.7.4)

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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Cluster analysis

2007-05-09 Thread David Glasgow

Anyone out there in Revland understand cluster analysis?

How hard would it be to

a/  script the analysis

b/  draw a visual representation of clusters

Even better, anyone out there who has already done it?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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Re: milliseconds timing subliminal stimuli

2007-04-28 Thread David Glasgow

On 27 Apr 2007, at 6:00 pm, Mark Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

David, you may well have been down this route, but the following 
little experiment I found quite interesting:

No, that's a new route to me, and *very* interesting, because you have 
the overhead so close to being constant at around 6 ms.  That is well 
on the way to allowing an automatic calibration routine for any system.

Of course, on top of what the script achieves and demands the screen 
does, there will still be the limitations of screen refresh etc. but 
this is very helpful indeed. Great work!

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Bespoke front end for rev non rev apps

2007-04-27 Thread David Glasgow

On 22 Apr 2007, at 6:00 pm, Ken Wray wrote:

Well, yes - there are a couple of ways to do this, but it breaks down
into two pieces: knowing when the non-Rev program has quit, and
activating your Rev app (bringing it to the front). Take a look at the
following tips for info on how to do this:

Understanding Processes

Getting a List of Running Applications

Making an App Come to the Foreground

Thanks Ken.  I've been away, so gratitude a little late.  I will follow 
these up with interest.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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milliseconds timing subliminal stimuli

2007-04-27 Thread David Glasgow
Thanks to all who previously chipped in on this topic.  I have been 
doing a bit of research, using the following script:


on mouseUp

  --  scrollbars to fiddle with the various times

  --  duration of the image of the person
  get the thumbpos of scrollbar milliseconds

--  duration of the gap between picture and mask
  put the thumbpos of scrollbar gap into tgap

--  this is the duration of the mask
  put the thumbpos of scrollbar show into tshow

--  present a submarine style cross to focus attention
  show group targit
  wait 1000 milliseconds
  hide group targit

  put the milliseconds into tstart

  show image adf03
  wait it milliseconds
  hide image adf03

  put the milliseconds - tstart  return after field actualtime

  wait tgap milliseconds
  show grc rectangle
  wait tshow milliseconds
  hide grc rectangle
end mouseUp.


What happens is that a crosshair style target appears for 1 sec.  Then 
a picture of a person appears for 'it' milliseconds, then there is a 
gap of tgap milliseconds, then a mask appears for tshow milliseconds.  
The mask is a rect filled with a pattern.  Its purpose is a technical 
one, called backward masking (no, not like on heavy metal records).  If 
an image appears briefly followed by the mask, the amount of conscious 
psychological processing permitted by the person viewing it can be 
truncated.  Images which would be recognisable at a given display 
duration are rendered invisible but still processed psychologically.  
Don't ask how, it just works.  (If your really want to know, take a 
look here -- )

You can above see that field 'actualtime' accumulates the duration of 
the display of the picture of the person (plus the time taken to do the 
timing) over successive runs.With the duration of the person image 
set at 30 ms, (gap = 40 ms and mask = 160 ms), I shouldn't be able to 
see the image of the person, at least not conciously, but I can.

Now I expected to get variable effects in appearance, because I am 
testing on a MacBook, so my guess  is that the LCD just won't keep up 
with these rapid display changes. What I was planning to do was shift 
the test stack to a CRT box, and set the refresh rate to 100Hz (in fact 
I think it goes to 138Hz).  In the literature, I can see that images 
can be displayed for a single cycle at 60Hz, and the effect can work).  
What surprised me on the MacBook is the recorded variability of the 
durations, irrespective of the fact that I can see the person when I 
shouldn't be able to.  The mean measured display time (set as above) is 
38 ms, min 32 and max 50, Standard Deviation = 4.46 (over 30 trials).  
I can slide the scrollbar to such a short duration when I can't see the 
image of the person, but of course I can't know whether this is because 
the backward masking is working, or because the image really isn't 

One of the things which occurred to me is that I could adapt the test 
script above to do a kind of calibration routine, so that the 
milliseconds is set to fall in the middle of the distribution of actual 
durations, so that some will be  a little shorter than 30ms, and others 
a little more.

I would welcome any thoughts or comments on what I am doing, and 
suggestions for doing it better.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Bespoke front end for rev non rev apps

2007-04-22 Thread David Glasgow


I have been approached to write a front end for a number of programs, 
most of which are/ will be stacks or rev apps, but not all.  Some will 
be programs from other developers.  The front end will simply be a 
single point from which a number of assessment programs start, and to 
which the user returns when they quit any given program.

I think I can work out (from stuff on the list) how  to launch a non 
rev program, but is there a way to return to the Rev front end after 
the user has finished, which doesn't require the active non rev program 
to do anything other than quit?

I thought about the front end sitting invisible in the background doing 
a regular test using 'send in' to see if the non rev prog was still 
running...and then.?

If that isn't feasible, what should I ask the developers of the non rev 
app to do to pass control back to the front end?

Windows will be the main OS, but OS X/Applescript suggestions would 
also be of interest.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Bluetooth physiological data acquisition

2007-03-09 Thread David Glasgow


Every now and then I have raised this on the list, but at last seem to 
be getting somewhere.  I have found some portable bluetooth 
physiological equipment which seems to be very flexible regarding ways 
of acquiring the data.  The most simple involves an invisible process 
writing 80 bytes to a single line file just about once a millisecond 
(overwriting the previous data).  My Rev application only needs to read 
relevant (2 to 4) bytes of that as often as I need (maybe 10-20 times a 
second for around half an hour ), and append that to a second file, 
which I can then parse and analyse later.  I estimate that the final 
result will be about 18,000 to 36,000 lines of data.

I plan to time it all with a 'send doit  to me in tmills milliseconds' 
but I go a bit vague beyond that.  Any suggestions about how to do the 
read-append as efficiently as possible?   Should I try to read the 
specific bytes I want, or read and append the lot, then pick out the 
parts I want later?  It may be a dumb question, but if the source file 
is in the same directory as the growing destination file, is it quicker 
than if the destination file is 'way over there' buried 6 deep in a 
different directory?  Does an append get slower the larger the 
destination file becomes? Finally, what is the most efficient way of 
making the data read conditional?  I had thought about putting a 
'repeat while' somewhere, but I am not sure where.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Re Parallels Desktop

2007-02-19 Thread David Glasgow
I use it most days for testing, and have had but one problem:  If you 
are doing anything which works with the global location of the pointer, 
it can get confused.  This was also the case for VPC.  Aside from that, 
it is great (mind you, I don't do anything processor intensive, and 
only develop on Mac).  I haven't even bothered to update to the latest 
version of Parallels (if it ain't broke)

David Glasgow

On 20 Feb 2007, at 3:38 am, Mark wrote:

I'm about to bite on an Intel MacBook, I think.  Anybody using 
Parallels with Rev?  Comments?  Suggestions?


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Re: finding renamed files

2007-02-08 Thread David Glasgow

Thanks to all who made suggestions re the above.  The detailed files 
looked promising, but ultimately a bit disappointing.  Maybe last 
accessed might offer something, unless of course the file is renamed 
without opening.  Mind you, I am only interested in files renamed 
because they *mean* something to the user, so I may well want to ignore 
anything renamed without opening.  I will call that a 'feature'  ;-))

I will experiment and see what works best.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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finding renamed files

2007-02-03 Thread David Glasgow
I am looking for a quick and dirty method for walking a directory and 
finding files that have been renamed by the user.  I don't need to find 
them all, just as many as possible.  The folders are likely to 
originally contain matching stems and progressive numbers pjf017.jpg, 
pjf018 .jpg, pfj019 .jpg etc. etc, with the user renamed files standing 
out completely arbitrarily by not following the pattern .

At the moment I do this using the eyeball test, which is remarkably 
quick and efficient but very very very boring because there are often 
thousands of files to scan.  One approach I thought of is to 
progressively filter the folders' contents by nibbling a character off 
the end of the first filename.  If it is completely unique (and 
possibly therefore renamed), nothing will happen.  However if  9 other 
files disappear, it was a name representative of progressive pattern.  
Nibble another character, and so on until it is gone, and any filenames 
left over didn't fit the dominant pattern in the folder.  Yes?  No? .  
Any other suggestions?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Fonts

2006-12-27 Thread David Glasgow

On 17 Dec 2006, at 6:00 pm, Mark Schonewille wrote:

Revolution doesn't come with its own fonts. As a default font, it uses 
Geneva on Mac OS Classic, Lucida Grande on Mac OS X and Arial on 
Windows. I can imagine that your Linux distribution doesn't include 
the font that Revolution wants to use as the default font. It might be 
picking an alternative, but if it does, it may display sizes and 
styles incorrectly. E.g. if the font of an object has been set to 
Lucida Grande, while this font is unavailable under Windows, 
Revolution will always display a 12 points text size instead of the 
text size that you specified.

Not sure wheterh this is on thread, but it is certainly close.  In a 
current project I am encountering *some* objects which display text OK 
in the IDE (OSX) and Mac build, but display at a small size - probably 
12 point  in an XP standalone.  I tend to use Verdana, as a font with a 
good chance of being present on Mac and Win.  I have checked my XP box, 
and find Verdana where it should be.

I have tried setting font size in various places, allowing it to be 
inherited (which is the default for the App), and specifying it at 
object level.  One of the most irritating is the labels on a 7 
radiobutton group.  I have set verdana 24 from the individual buttons, 
all the way up to the stack, but they still display as 12(?) in the XP 

Does it matter if the font is only available as an opentype?  Or is 
something else going on?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: [ANN] Name Generator

2006-12-20 Thread David Glasgow

On 19 Dec 2006, at 11:20 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On Dec 18, 2006, at 5:17 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

go url;

I tried this and generated 50 names.

I don't believe they are random.  I recognise them all from e-mails 
attempting to sell me viagra.  Especially that Israel Kelsey.  Keep an 
eye on her ;-))

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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XP thumbs.db file

2006-10-18 Thread David Glasgow
I have recently had XP users complaining about 'blank' images in what 
is in essence a slide show of images contained in a folder.  The 
standalone assumes everything in the folder is an image, and tries to 
display each.

I had carefully deleted OS X invisible files (the file database and 
custom icon files) from the folder, so I was surprised something had 
seemingly sneaked through.  I have discovered that the problem is an 
ordinarily invisible file created by XP, called thumbs.db, containing, 
unsurprisingly, the thumbnails used in the rather nasty filmstrip view.

Now I know it exists, I can 'filter it without' so that  thumbs.db is 
not included in the list of images to display.  However, it got me to 
wondering how hard it would be to display the images stored in the 
thumbs.db file.

If the answer (using Rev) is 'impossible' or 'tricky', either single 
word response to this post will do.  Only waste brain and finger energy 
if it is more easy than might be expected  ;-))

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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Re: Unwanted Explicit variables set to true?

2006-10-13 Thread David Glasgow

On 12 Oct 2006, at 6:00 pm, Malte Brill  wrote:

Hi David,

check your preferences. Maybe you accidently checked Variable 
checking by default in the script editor pane? Prefs are preserved 
cross versions since 2.7.x so this might be the cause. This setting is 
not exactly the same as setting the explicit vars. You might want to 
check uncheck it once even if it appears unchecked.

Hope that helps,



That is exactly what it was!  Odd thing is I have never before looked 
in Rev preferences.  I was surprised to see how many options there are, 
and have certainly never looked at the script editor pane before.

So the mystery of why remains, but the mystery of what is solved.  For 
me, that is enough.  Thank you so much, I would have spent hours 
messing with this.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
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Unwanted Explicit variables set to true?

2006-10-12 Thread David Glasgow
Hmmm.  Recently, 2.7.2 on OS X started to behave as if 
explicitvariables was set to true.  Perfectly functioning scripts 
opened in the editor would generate unquoted literal errors and moaning 
about undeclared variables.

I today moved to 2.7.4, confident that the problem would go away, but 
it hasn't  -  'put the explicitvariables' in the message box returns 
false.  Setting it to false changes nothing.

I found nothing on this in the archives since 2003.  Que pasa?

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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Re: Subliminal priming

2006-10-10 Thread David Glasgow

On 9 Oct 2006, at 9:34 pm,  J. Scott Saults wrote:

Maybe Phil Jimmieson already explained all of this and more, but 
thought I should share what I know.

Good luck

J Scott Saults
University of Missouri

So in a nutshell, you can time events to close to millisecond precision 
in rev, but can't manage screen events with that precision?  Thanks for 
the information.  Very helpful.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership

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Re: Subliminal priming

2006-10-10 Thread David Glasgow

On 9 Oct 2006, at 9:34 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Subject: Re: Subliminal priming
Reply-To: How to use Revolution

Is it just me, or does anyone else have an irresistible urge to send 
David a lot of money and all my girlfriends numbers?

Mmmm. lot of girls numbers AND money?

Nah.  I think my wife would get suspicious.

Best Wishes,

David Glasgow
Carlton Glasgow Partnership
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