Re: How to convert from Tomcat to Geronimo

2008-06-18 Thread Dain Sundstrom
I'd like to suggest you take a look at the Apache OpenEJB plugin for  
Tomcat (  Basically, you drop  
the openejb.war into Tomcat and you get a JEE compatible Tomcat.   
OpenEJB also has support for Collapsed EAR deployment ( 
) which vastly simplifies the development and deployment of EJBs,  
persistence units and web-services (this will be most likely make it  
into the next EJB spec).

If you decide take a look and run into any problems, hit us up on the  
OpenEJB mailing list (


On Jun 18, 2008, at 4:20 PM, Tim Harsch wrote:

Hi all,
   I’m fairly new to J2EE in general, so please forgive  
my naïve question.  I would like to take a simple hello world type  
JSP and Servlet project running via WTP 2.0.2 on Europa.  Running on  
Apache Tomcat Server it runs fine.  But then, after stopping Tomcat,  
when I try to right-click on project and “Run as…”, “Run on Server”  
and choose Geronimo 2.1 then no browser window will open and no page  
is showed.
   I can however manually start the Geronimo server in  
the Servers pane, and navigate to localhost:8080 and see that the  
server is running.

I noticed this fairly recent post, which seems very similar to my  


Re: EJB-QL Compiler Factory

2007-09-16 Thread Dain Sundstrom
Starting with Geronimo 2.0 those properties are ignored.   The new  
versions of Geronimo use OpenEJB 3.0 which has a brand new CMP  
implementation based on OpenJPA.  OpenJPA is a lot smarter then our  
old CMP engine and one of its many tricks is the ability to  
automatically discover the database type and adjust the SQL dialect  


On Sep 10, 2007, at 8:26 PM, Efren Gonzalez wrote:


On the openejb-jar documentation, it says that the ejb-ql-compiler- 
factory and db-syntax-factory are to specify classes that know  
about a certain RDBMS, and that the default is for Derby.

I have used CMP EJBs with MySQL without specifying those two  
parameters (it uses the Derby defaults I suppose) and haven't  
noticed any particular issue, but I was wondering if there are  
specific classes for MySQL.

Does anyone know if there are such classes? Maybe using the Derby  
defaults work OK with MySQL, but performance could be improved by  
using specific MySQL ones?

I have been looking in other threads and on the TranQL site with no  
luck, hope someone can provide any clue on this.



Re: AW: AW: Using JacORB not possible within Geronimo?

2007-07-24 Thread Dain Sundstrom
That is a result of how Geronimo did the integration with OpenEJB not  
the OpenEJB project itself, which has no Yoko dependencies.


On Jul 24, 2007, at 12:39 AM, Andersch, Jens (DWBI) wrote:

Unfortunately openejb has a dependency on Yoko.
Have a look at .../repository/org/apache/geronimo/configs/openejb/ 

How can I get rid of this dependency and tell openejb to use jacorb?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Dain Sundstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Montag, 23. Juli 2007 19:33
Betreff: Re: AW: Using JacORB not possible within Geronimo?

The actual code we use to create the orb bound to java:comp/ORB is
simply ORB orb = ORB.init(); so it should what with what ever you
have configured as the default ORB in your VM.  OpenEJB doesn't even
have a dependency on Yoko.


On Jul 20, 2007, at 8:09 AM, David Jencks wrote:

The yoko stuff is in the connector-deployer defaultEnvironment so
we can construct working jndi references so you can look up
java:comp/ORB and IIRC it's in the ejb stuff for a similar reason.
So if you don't need an automatic resource-ref to java:comp/ORB or
anything similar I think you can override the defaultEnvironments
in config.xml for these two builders.

I think that in geronimo 1.2 we were able to more easily run
without an orb but with the annotation stuff and various
automatic jndi references to orbs it has become more difficult.
I doubt we'll get to it by 2.0 but you might file a JIRA tracking
the problems you've run into here.

david jencks

On Jul 20, 2007, at 1:42 AM, Andersch, Jens (DWBI) wrote:

Thank you for your help,

That seems to work. I only replaced the yoko jars within the
endorsed dir by the jacorb jars and made the following changes
within config.xml:

module name=org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-corba-yoko/2.0-M6/

gbean load=false name=NameServer



gbean load=false name=Server



gbean load=false name=UnprotectedServer




I am not really happy with this solution because I am not sure if
I will get any side effects in the future.

What should I do with the connector-deployer module which also
depends on yoko classes ? If I delete yoko from the

repository subdir I get a lot of exceptions because of the
dependencies in the connector-deployer module.

Moreover the openejb classes throw exceptions if they can't find
the yoko jars in the repository.

So I have to keep them.

module name=org.apache.geronimo.configs/connector-deployer/2.0-

gbean name=ResourceRefBuilder

attribute name=eeNamespaces

attribute name=defaultEnvironment

environment xmlns=
groupId artifactIdj2ee-corba-yoko/
artifactId typecar/
type /dependency /
dependencies /environment



gbean name=AdminObjectRefBuilder

attribute name=eeNamespaces


gbean name=ClientResourceRefBuilder

attribute name=eeNamespaces

attribute name=defaultEnvironment

environment xmlns=
groupId artifactIdclient-corba-
yoko/artifactId typecar/
type /dependency /
dependencies /environment





Von: David Jencks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2007 20:36
Betreff: Re: Using JacORB not possible within Geronimo?

We havent' tried this, and you probably won't be able to use the
corba ejb transport

I would start by moving to the almost released geronimo 1.2 or
also close to release 2.0 since they are set up to use a non-jdk
orb, namely yoko.  I think it will be easier to switch which non-
jdk orb you use than switch from jdk orb to non-jdk orb.

You should then remove the yoko corba spec jars from lib/endorsed
and the yoko jars from the geronimo repository and comment out
stuff in config.xml until geronimo starts :-)

Now put the jacORB spec jar(s) in lib/endorsed and try your app.

Hope this helps

david jencks

On Jul 17, 2007, at 11:46 PM, Andersch, Jens (DWBI) wrote:

Hi All,

does anyone know

Re: AW: Using JacORB not possible within Geronimo?

2007-07-23 Thread Dain Sundstrom
The actual code we use to create the orb bound to java:comp/ORB is  
simply ORB orb = ORB.init(); so it should what with what ever you  
have configured as the default ORB in your VM.  OpenEJB doesn't even  
have a dependency on Yoko.


On Jul 20, 2007, at 8:09 AM, David Jencks wrote:

The yoko stuff is in the connector-deployer defaultEnvironment so  
we can construct working jndi references so you can look up  
java:comp/ORB and IIRC it's in the ejb stuff for a similar reason.  
So if you don't need an automatic resource-ref to java:comp/ORB or  
anything similar I think you can override the defaultEnvironments  
in config.xml for these two builders.

I think that in geronimo 1.2 we were able to more easily run  
without an orb but with the annotation stuff and various  
automatic jndi references to orbs it has become more difficult.   
I doubt we'll get to it by 2.0 but you might file a JIRA tracking  
the problems you've run into here.

david jencks

On Jul 20, 2007, at 1:42 AM, Andersch, Jens (DWBI) wrote:

Thank you for your help,

That seems to work. I only replaced the yoko jars within the  
endorsed dir by the jacorb jars and made the following changes  
within config.xml:

module name=org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-corba-yoko/2.0-M6/ 

gbean load=false name=NameServer



gbean load=false name=Server



gbean load=false name=UnprotectedServer




I am not really happy with this solution because I am not sure if  
I will get any side effects in the future.

What should I do with the connector-deployer module which also  
depends on yoko classes ? If I delete yoko from the

repository subdir I get a lot of exceptions because of the  
dependencies in the connector-deployer module.

Moreover the openejb classes throw exceptions if they can’t find  
the yoko jars in the repository.

So I have to keep them.

module name=org.apache.geronimo.configs/connector-deployer/2.0- 

gbean name=ResourceRefBuilder

attribute name=eeNamespaces 

attribute name=defaultEnvironment

environment xmlns= 
groupId artifactIdj2ee-corba-yoko/ 
artifactId typecar/ 
type /dependency / 
dependencies /environment



gbean name=AdminObjectRefBuilder

attribute name=eeNamespaces 


gbean name=ClientResourceRefBuilder

attribute name=eeNamespaces 

attribute name=defaultEnvironment

environment xmlns= 
groupId artifactIdclient-corba- 
yoko/artifactId typecar/ 
type /dependency / 
dependencies /environment





Von: David Jencks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2007 20:36
Betreff: Re: Using JacORB not possible within Geronimo?

We havent' tried this, and you probably won't be able to use the  
corba ejb transport

I would start by moving to the almost released geronimo 1.2 or  
also close to release 2.0 since they are set up to use a non-jdk  
orb, namely yoko.  I think it will be easier to switch which non- 
jdk orb you use than switch from jdk orb to non-jdk orb.

You should then remove the yoko corba spec jars from lib/endorsed  
and the yoko jars from the geronimo repository and comment out  
stuff in config.xml until geronimo starts :-)

Now put the jacORB spec jar(s) in lib/endorsed and try your app.

Hope this helps

david jencks

On Jul 17, 2007, at 11:46 PM, Andersch, Jens (DWBI) wrote:

Hi All,

does anyone know, if it is possible to deploy an own ear which  
contains a connector rar that uses JacORB instead of the ORB  
Implementation used by Geronimo 1.1.1 itself.

I have the problem that the class loader loads the org.omg classes  
from …/repository/geronimo-spec/geronimo-spec-corba/1.0/geronimo- 
spec-corba-1.0.jar and my jacorb classes from the jar included in  
the rar.

Unfortunately some org.omg classes do not have the same versions  

Re: Still remaining problems using openJPA

2007-07-23 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Jul 23, 2007, at 9:40 AM, Ueberbach, Michael wrote:


meanwhile I got along a bit further in deploying and using an EJB  
3.0 application on g2 (M6). But there still remain some open  

1. I did openJPA enhancing on build time (via ant script) to  
compare the results with enhancing on deploy time.
   In both cases I didn't manage to use the property acces mode for  
an entity bean. In all cases I tried the openJPA parser

   says that there was the attempt to use both field and property  
access. Only one access method is permitted.

   So at last I changed my code to field access mode.
I think your going to have to hit up the OpenJPA mailing list  
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for this one.

2. When using a certain dynamic query I got the following exception

   An error occurred while parsing the query filter 'SELECT person  
FROM Person AS person WHERE LIKE ?1 ESCAPE '|''.

Error message: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT nonfatal user error  
Encountered ESCAPE at character 63, but expected: [AND,  

   While the JPQL Language Reference says:

   The syntax for the use of the comparison operator [ NOT ] LIKE  
in a conditional expression is as follows:
   string_expression [NOT] LIKE pattern_value [ESCAPE  
I know old versions of mysql did not support the SQL standard LIKE  
EXCAPE clause, but I don't know if mysql ever got around to  
implementing this.  Looking at the openjpa docs, it is not listed as  
a limitation of the mysql integration ( 
latest/manual/manual.html#dbsupport_mysql_issues)  I suggest you read  
that over anyway, so you don't have any surprises with mysql.

Anyway, I suggest you first look at the mysql SQL documentation to  
see if it implements ESCAPE.  If it does, you most likely need to  
upgrade.  If not, I don't think there is anything you can do other  
then remove the ESCAPE clause.

3. The most important and irritating problem is the following:

  After starting the database and then geronimo the first access to  
persistent data by an ejb method results in the following exception:

  ERROR [OpenEJB] The bean instances business method encountered a  
system exception: Access denied for user 'geronimo'@'localhost' to  
database 'GERONIMO_DB'

  1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-SNAPSHOT nonfatal general error  
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException: Access denied  
for user 'geronimo'@'localhost' to database 'GERONIMO_DB'

  The access is denied because the name of the database is  
geronimo_db (lower cases) and MySQL on linux works case-sensitive.  
But the correct writing

  of the name has been used when deploying the database pool.

  What is most astonishing is the following!!!

  After stopping the database the attempt to get access to data  
results in

  [MCFConnectionInterceptor] Error occurred creating  
ManagedConnection for  

  javax.resource.spi.ResourceAllocationException: Unable to obtain  
physical connection to jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/geronimo_db

  at org.tranql.connector.jdbc.JDBCDriverMCF.getPhysicalConnection 

  This is clear and expectable. But ...

  after starting the database again: Everything works!
  I can reproduce the whole thing. Conclusion at the moment is: To  
get a working connection to the database I have to force the above  
error situation first. Very strange!

  May someone has an idea about this behaviour?
This is something we should be able to help you with.  Unfortunately,  
I this isn't my area, but hopefully David Jencks will respond quickly :)


Re: AW: Using JacORB not possible within Geronimo?

2007-07-23 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Jul 23, 2007, at 10:51 AM, Rick McGuire wrote:

Dain Sundstrom wrote:
The actual code we use to create the orb bound to java:comp/ORB is  
simply ORB orb = ORB.init(); so it should what with what ever  
you have configured as the default ORB in your VM.  OpenEJB  
doesn't even have a dependency on Yoko.
I would hope this is not true.  ORB.init() returns the singleton  
ORB instance, which is only guaranteed to be functional for  
creating Any and TypeCode instances.

It is true, and that is all the default orb bound into jndi is good  
for per spec.  Any thing beyond that is a vendor specific feature.


Re: EJB 2.1 CMR Bi-Directional with Compound Key

2007-05-30 Thread Dain Sundstrom
I also suggest you skip CMP and move directly to JPA.  Knowing CMP  
isn't going to help you lean JPA at all.


On May 30, 2007, at 1:17 PM, Jay D. McHugh wrote:


I thought about suggesting that you use JPA, but I wasn't sure if  
there was a reason 'bigger than you' that was requiring you to use  

I tried to learn how to use EJB2 entity beans and I was defeated.

I am _very_ glad that OpenJPA is integrated into Geronimo now - It  
is making my life much easier.

If you have any questions once you start working with it I'd be  
happy to answer any questions you have (if I can).

(BTW: Thanks to any and every one who had a part in getting JPA  
working in Geronimo!)


Mark Aufdencamp wrote:
Thanks for the response Gianny.  I've wacked out a small demo that  
I'm working on right now with a session facade, the three beans,  
and the database tables.  I'll let you all know how it goes:)
 I'm planning on hittting EJB 3.0 hard once I understand this.  I  
want to comprehend the legacy way first!

 Original Message 
Subject: Re: EJB 2.1 CMR Bi-Directional with Compound Key
From: Gianny Damour [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, May 30, 2007 7:07 am

Hi Mark,

I had a look to the openejb-jar DD and I think you need to  
drop the  foreign-key-column-on-source/ element from the  
Committee- CommitteeMembers relation. This optional element  
means that the  foreign key columns declared in the following  
cmr-field-mapping  elements are defined by the CMP declared  
by relationship-role-source.

So, this should work:


CommitteeMembers/ ejb-relationship-role-name


Also, you do not need to declare both sides of a relationship:  
the  above is enough to declare the CMR mapping for the  
Committee- CommitteeMembers relation.

BTW, I strongly recommend you to upgrade to OpenEJB3: this  
should be  a seamless migration from a CMP perspective as the  
OpenEJB guys have  done a fantastic work at writing an  
OpenEJB2 schema converter.


On 30/05/2007, at 1:07 AM, Mark Aufdencamp wrote:

 I could really use some help on this!  I have a two Entity  
beans   with a bi-directional relationship, committees  
and   committee_members.  Committees has a single field  
primary key of   committeeId.  Committee_members has a  
compound primary key of   CommitteeId+UserId.  A Foreign Key  
constraint has been defined for   the committee_members table  
based on the committeeId.  I can't seem   to get this to  
deploy and believe it's my openejb-jar.xml   deployment  
descriptor in the relationship section.  I've looked   at  
examples from JBoss and Sun, so I'm fairly certain my ejb-   
jar.xml is correct.

 Does anyone have a working example of a bi-directional  
relatioship   where the many table has a compound key that I  
can take a look at?

 Where can I find documentation on how OpenEJB and TranQL  
interact   to create the O/R map?

 This knowledge are really seems to be lacking documentation  
in   Geronimo.  I'd really like to draw some pretty pictures  
of tables   and beans with the seven different relationship  
types defined for   EJB 2.1.  This would be good preliminary  
work for documenting EJB   3.0 examples.  Please help me  
learn, so I can contribute:)

 Mark Aufdencamp

Re: Openejb: This principle is not authorized

2007-04-13 Thread Dain Sundstrom
I'm not sure exactly what you are doing, so I'll explain how an  
OpenEJB JNDI based login works.

On the client side when you create a JNDIContext with the principal  
and credentials set the OpenEJB JNDI code will open a connection to  
the server and perform a remote login.  The server redirects the  
login request to the OpenEJB SecurityService.login(String user,  
String pass) method.  The SecurityService authenticates the user and  
returns a security token (java.lang.Object).  The client stashes off  
the token and send it on ever request.

To start with, your login module configuration will need to be on the  
server side.  In OpenEJB standalone, you can modify the $ 
{OPENEJB_HOME}/conf/login.conf file.  I don't know what the  
equivalent configuration is for Geronimo.  Secondly, the current  
security service code has the name of the login module hard coded.   
In OpenEJB standalone it is hard coded to PropertiesLogin and in the  
Geronimo integration it is hard coded to OpenEJB.

If you get stuck and want to debug the server, all of the security  
magic for ejb clients happens in GeronimoSecurityService or  
SecurityServiceImpl for OpenEJB standalone.


On Apr 13, 2007, at 7:07 AM, Bert_nor wrote:

Standalone application

dw_realm {  


LoginContext context = new LoginContext(dw_realm,...);

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(java.naming.factory.port, 4201);
props.put(, ...);
props.put(, ...);

Context remoteContext = remoteContext = new InitialContext(props);

javax.naming.AuthenticationException: This principle is not  
	at org.apache.openejb.client.JNDIContext.authenticate 

	at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext 
	at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx 

at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(

It's exception thrown from
org.apache.geronimo.openejb.GeronimoSecurityService.login(String user,
String pass) {
  LoginContext context = new LoginContext(OpenEJB, new
pass)); No LoginModules
configured for OpenEJB

Can be use realm for the current user?

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Apache Geronimo - Users mailing list archive at

Re: JPA in geronimo

2007-02-27 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Feb 24, 2007, at 2:52 PM, Dario Andrade wrote:

How do I assemble a project in order to use geronimo's jpa support?

Does anyone recommend toplink jar lib or openjpa to be added to my  
class path?

I highly recommend OpenJPA over toplink.  I find toplink much more  
picky and hard to understand then OpenJPA.  Also, I find it easier to  
get help and fixes from OpenJPA.


Re: JPA in geronimo

2007-02-27 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Feb 25, 2007, at 2:11 AM, David Jencks wrote:

On Feb 24, 2007, at 8:47 PM, Lasantha Ranaweera wrote:

Hi David,

I have been going on this same jpa sample given on testsuite and  
having a
problem too (may be I am missing some basic thing in JSR). Anyway  
to give a try on this same thread it looks iron is hot here and it  

give some insight on G to our users too. ;)

In my debugging enviroment shows that above sample application  
creates 3
PersistenceUnitGBeans. The one I dont understand it named 'cmp'.  
does it comes from ? Either 'persistence.xml' or 'openejb-jar.xml'  

have that information know. Do you have any idea what is I am missing

That one is created by some magic code dain wrote to map cmp 2.1  
entity beans to jpa.  Apparently it shows up even if you have no  
entity beans.

It should only be created if your application has CMP entities.  If  
notice this code creating a persistence unit for applications without  
CMP entities, it is a bug.


Re: Is there a vendor independent way of accessing EJBs from a standalone client?

2007-02-23 Thread Dain Sundstrom
I suggest you put an interface in that abstracts the lookups.  This  
will let your code easily switch between vendors.


On Feb 22, 2007, at 3:13 PM, Ryan wrote:

You're right, I didn't quite explain things 100%.  I would like to  

a .ear file that contains EJBs and a Swing client.  I would like to be
able to deploy that .ear and have it work on Glassfish or Geronimo,  

don't want to change naming lookups, etc.

I really just want to have the option of switching vendors at a later
date.  I will always use a matching app server and client container  

Geronimos AS with Geronimo ACC, or Glassfish AS with Glassfish ACC).


Jencks wrote:

I'm unclear on whether you plan to run the app client on the same
vendors product as the ejb itself.

If you plan to use  2 vendors you have to use corba.

If you plan to use the app client container and the ejb container  

geronimo, what you are trying should work.  However for geronimo you
would have to have deployed the ejb application first (assuming it is
not packaged in an ear with the app client) and the ejb app would  

to be a parent of the client app.  Under these circumstances the
deployers should be able to find your ejb at deploy time and  
figure out

how to hook up to it when you run the app client.

david jencks

On Feb 22, 2007, at 1:46 AM, Ryan wrote:


I'm working at setting up an application client and am having some
difficulty accessing EJBs on the server.  I'm running my client  
using an

application client container and am trying it out on a few different
application servers.

However, I'm having difficulty finding a way to lookup EJBs in a  
independent manner.  Specifically, almost every doc I can find  
has some

variation of:

Context initialContext = new InitialContext();
Object ref = initialContext.lookup(some vendor specific name  

If I replace some vendor specific name here with the proper vendor
specific name for each app server and re-deploy everything works.

At first I thought I could use application-client.xml to name  
each EJB
and have the container(s) take care of the mapping, but I haven't  

any luck with this approach.  I tried something like this (relevant
parts only):


When I deploy to Glassfish using the above I end up with a JNDI  
name of

ejb/test1234/ConnectionTester and can look it up using

However, when I try to deploy to Geronimo, I get the following error
(while deploying):

org.apache.openejb.OpenEJBException: Cannot find bean
ejb/test1234/ConnectionTester referenced by bean GeronimoEnc.

Obviously I'm missing something because Glassfish appears to use
'ejb-ref-name' as a type of alias for the EJB name while Geronimo  

it contains the name of an existing EJB.

Maybe I'm just not thinking clearly tonight, but isn't there some  
of simple, standard way of looking up an EJB from a standalone  
Is vendor independence even a realistic goal (that's what the  
spec is

for right)?

Thanks in advance for any help,

P.S.  Sorry for the formatting :-(

Re: Gbean within a signed jar

2007-02-12 Thread Dain Sundstrom
Alternatively, just change the code that complains about the  
signature.  We could add a flag to the Geronimo class loader to hide  
all signing data.


On Feb 6, 2007, at 11:54 AM, Spotts, Joel (ISS Atlanta) wrote:

I have a gbean packaged within a signed jar that is placed in my  
EAR. Trouble is it seems that geronimo uses proxy classes on the  
gbean class files, which results in the dreaded:

java.lang.SecurityException: class ...'s signer information does  
not match signer information of other classes in the same package

when geronimo attempts to start the gbean. Anyone have a solution  
to this problem other than not signing the jar?


Yoel Spotts

Re: AW: other appserver/ejb2.1 to geronimo 2.0 migration strategy?

2007-01-26 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Jan 25, 2007, at 1:47 AM, Hans J. Prueller wrote:


thank you for your thoughts. You provided good entry points for me.  
I mentioned hibernate specifically because

we already are using hibernate and CMP in parallel within our  
project (as CMP2.x sometimes does not fulfill all needs).

targeting JPA instead of hibernate specifically is essential –thank  
you for that.

If you can use hibernate in jpa mode, we will be able to support that.

I also would like to do a one-by-one migration because I am afraid  
if we would migrate the whole project at once,

everything could collapse. Doing smaller steps provides more  
control I think.

That is exactly why I wrote the OpenEjb 3 cmp engine on JPA, so beans  
can be migrated one at at time.  Migrating a whole app all at once is  
just to risky.
 However this would mean that you would need to start by  
generating the cmp2 mapping info.

so this is what should to be contained in the Geronimo deployment  
plan right? are deployment plans required also

in Geronimo2 ? (I think there shouldn’t be any more “vendor”  
specific DDs in Java EE 5). But for compatibility reasons
They won't be required, but vendor-DD less deployment is fully  
implemented yet.  You can deploy an ejb module without any plans in  
2.0-M2, but I don't you can deploy any other module types without a  
with my EJB2.1 CMP beans I think I won’t come around to provide a  
mapping file at all ;-)
For OpenEJB3 we use a standard JPA entity-mapping.xml file for the  
I asked about XDoclet support for Geronimo some months ago, at that  
point in time there was no usable version around.

As Java 2 EE 1.4 requires Java 1.4 I cannot work with annotations  
unless the whole app is migrated, so XDoclet would

be of great help…?

J2ee 1.4 requires java 1.4+.  You can run in Java5 if you want.


Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r483346

2006-12-07 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Geronimo 1.2-r483346 - Dec 6, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r480769

2006-11-29 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Geronimo 1.2-r480769 - Nov 29, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r475585

2006-11-15 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Geronimo 1.2-r475585 - Nov 1, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Weekly: Geronimo now with JPA (tm)

2006-11-08 Thread Dain Sundstrom

With this week's snapshot of Geronimo we have OpenJPA integration.
This currently only works with the geronimo-jetty-j2ee server.  Here
is a sample openejb-jar.xml file:

Let us know if you have any problems,


Geronimo 1.2-r472744 - Nov 8, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Geronimo 1.2-r472744 - Nov 1, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r470164

2006-11-02 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Geronimo 1.2-r470164 - Nov 1, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Re: Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r465304

2006-10-19 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Oct 18, 2006, at 6:59 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Oct 18, 2006, at 5:19 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

Geronimo 1.2-r465304 - Oct 18, 2006

NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and  
should be

considered unstable.

The jetty-j2ee server does not start for me. Does it work for you?

I test started all of the binaries before uploading, but I'll  
download geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.2-r465304.tar.gz and try to start it.


Re: Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r465304

2006-10-19 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Oct 19, 2006, at 9:22 AM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

On Oct 18, 2006, at 6:59 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Oct 18, 2006, at 5:19 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

Geronimo 1.2-r465304 - Oct 18, 2006

NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and  
should be

considered unstable.

The jetty-j2ee server does not start for me. Does it work for you?

I test started all of the binaries before uploading, but I'll  
download geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.2-r465304.tar.gz and try to start it.

It works for me on my mac:

$ wget 
09:22:36 (528.97 KB/s) - `geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.2-r465304.tar.gz'  
saved [49455963/49455963]

$ tar -zxf geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.2-r465304.tar.gz
tar: A lone zero block at 122798

$ java -jar geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.2-r465304/bin/server.jar
[] 100%  42s Startup complete

Geronimo Application Server started


Re: Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r465304

2006-10-19 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Oct 19, 2006, at 11:27 AM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

In 1.1.1, the majority of the startup delay is in the console module.
Dain suggested it's because we precompile the JSPs, so each one
becomes a servlet, so each one becomes a GBean, and starting GBeans is
what's slow.  I found it hard to believe they're *that* slow, but I
don't have any factual basis for disputing the claim...  :)  In any
case, it would be great to investigate and optimize the startup time,
or maybe introduce an option for a module that would kick it's startup
into a background task or something.

I've timed it before.  Starting each gbean takes a very very long  
time.  I'd also guess that as you add more gbeans it gets slower.  If  
I had to bet, I'd blame AbstractName and AbstractNameQuery.  When we  
used object names we indexed the names so queries were faster, and  
now we do a liner compare for each life-cycle event fired.


Re: Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r465304

2006-10-19 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Oct 19, 2006, at 12:22 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Oct 19, 2006, at 2:01 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

I'm using Java 1.4.2_09.

Me too. :-)

'java -jar server.jar' on 1.4.2 works for me.

'./ run' on 1.4.2 does not work for me

'./ run' on 1.5 works for me. run works for me in Java 1.4

$ geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.2-r465304/bin/ run
Using GERONIMO_BASE:   /Users/dain/t/geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.2-r465304
Using GERONIMO_HOME:   /Users/dain/t/geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.2-r465304
Using GERONIMO_TMPDIR: /Users/dain/t/geronimo-jetty-j2ee-1.2-r465304/ 
Using JRE_HOME:/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/ 

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_09)...
Starting Geronimo Application Server v1.2-r465304
[] 100%  39s Startup complete


Re: Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r465304

2006-10-19 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Oct 19, 2006, at 12:26 PM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Oct 19, 2006, at 2:27 PM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

In 1.1.1, the majority of the startup delay is in the console module.
Dain suggested it's because we precompile the JSPs, so each one
becomes a servlet, so each one becomes a GBean, and starting  
GBeans is

what's slow.  I found it hard to believe they're *that* slow, but I
don't have any factual basis for disputing the claim...  :)  In any
case, it would be great to investigate and optimize the startup time,
or maybe introduce an option for a module that would kick it's  

into a background task or something.

Agreed that some optimization would be nice. However, this isn't  
really a case of optimization, I think. Something has changed  
quite drastically between 1.1.1 and 1.2-SNAPSHOT. We've more than  
doubled our startup time...

My guess is we have doubled the number of jsp pages and thus the  
number of GBeans.


Here are the numbers from 1.2 jetty:

Module  1/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/rmi-naming/1.2-r465304/ 
car  started in   .274s
Module  2/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-server/1.2-r465304/ 
car started in   .143s
Module  3/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/transaction/1.2-r465304/ 
car started in   .243s
Module  4/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-security/1.2-r465304/ 
car   started in   .333s
Module  5/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis/1.2-r465304/ 
carstarted in   .044s
Module  6/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/openejb/1.2-r465304/ 
car started in  1.785s
Module  7/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/system-database/1.2-r465304/ 
car started in   .000s
Module  9/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/activemq/1.2-r465304/ 
carstarted in   .239s
Module 10/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/jetty/1.2-r465304/ 
car   started in   .533s
Module 11/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/geronimo-gbean-deployer/1.2- 
r465304/car started in   .183s
Module 12/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-deployer/1.2-r465304/ 
car   started in   .203s
Module 13/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/connector-deployer/1.2- 
r465304/car  started in   .128s
Module 14/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/openejb-deployer/1.2-r465304/ 
carstarted in   .302s
Module 15/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/client-deployer/1.2-r465304/ 
car started in   .067s
Module 16/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis-deployer/1.2-r465304/ 
car   started in   .585s
Module 17/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/sharedlib/1.2-r465304/ 
car   started in   .007s
Module 18/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/jetty-deployer/1.2-r465304/ 
car  started in   .259s
Module 19/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/welcome-jetty/1.2-r465304/ 
car   started in   .452s
Module 20/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/webconsole-jetty/1.2-r465304/ 
carstarted in 27.210s
Module 21/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/remote-deploy-jetty/1.2- 
r465304/car started in   .190s
Module 22/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/hot-deployer/1.2-r465304/ 
carstarted in   .278s

And from 1.1 jetty;

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.4.2_09)...
Module  1/20 geronimo/rmi-naming/1.1.1/car  started in   . 
Module  2/20 geronimo/j2ee-server/1.1.1/car started in   . 
Module  3/20 geronimo/j2ee-security/1.1.1/car   started in   . 
Module  4/20 geronimo/axis/1.1.1/carstarted in   . 
Module  5/20 geronimo/openejb/1.1.1/car started in   . 
Module  6/20 geronimo/system-database/1.1.1/car started in   
Module  7/20 geronimo/activemq-broker/1.1.1/car started in   . 
Module  8/20 geronimo/activemq/1.1.1/carstarted in   . 
Module  9/20 geronimo/jetty/1.1.1/car   started in   . 
Module 10/20 geronimo/geronimo-gbean-deployer/1.1.1/car started in   . 
Module 11/20 geronimo/j2ee-deployer/1.1.1/car   started in   . 
Module 12/20 geronimo/openejb-deployer/1.1.1/carstarted in   . 
Module 13/20 geronimo/client-deployer/1.1.1/car started in   . 
Module 14/20 geronimo/axis-deployer/1.1.1/car   started in   . 
Module 15/20 geronimo/sharedlib/1.1.1/car   started in   . 
Module 16/20 geronimo/jetty-deployer/1.1.1/car  started in   . 
Module 17/20 geronimo/welcome-jetty/1.1.1/car   started in   . 
Module 18/20 geronimo/webconsole-jetty/1.1.1/carstarted in   
Module 19/20 geronimo/remote-deploy-jetty/1.1.1/car started in   . 
Module 20/20 geronimo/hot-deployer/1.1.1/carstarted in   . 

And tomcat 1.2

Module  1/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/rmi-naming/1.2-r465304/ 
car  started in   .282s
Module  2/22 org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-server/1.2-r465304/ 
car started in   .142s
Module  3/22 

Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r465304

2006-10-18 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Geronimo 1.2-r465304 - Oct 18, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-r463140

2006-10-12 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Geronimo 1.2-r463140 - Oct 4, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-450299

2006-09-26 Thread Dain Sundstrom

Geronimo 1.2-450299 - Sept 27, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Weekly: Geronimo 1.2-447908

2006-09-21 Thread Dain Sundstrom

We have our first of hopefully a long line of weekly builds published
to the Geronimo unstable directory.  This is still a fairly manual
process, but I'm about half way through updating David Blevins'
publish script.

So now for the guilt trip... I've done my part and spent all day
working on getting the binaries published and now it is your turn.
Let's all pretend that this is a real release and spend a few minutes
reviewing the binaries.



Geronimo 1.2-447908 - Sept 20, 2006



NOTE: This build is not an official release, nor tested, and should be
considered unstable.

Re: Entity bean can not remove itself

2006-07-11 Thread Dain Sundstrom
It has been a long time since I looked at this stuff, but I'm not  
sure an entity can remove itself.  The one thing I know for certain,  
is that calling the ejbRemove remove method has not effect on the  
entity state.  The ejbRemove method is a callback invoked by the  
entity container when the entity container has decided to remove the  
entity.  If you call this method directly, the entity container does  
not see this.

After reviewing the 2.1 spec, I can't see any where that specifies  
that entity can remove itself.  Every remove example, has another  
bean removing the target bean.  At the very least, I'd start by  
marking the entity as reentrant since a remove is conceivably  
reentrancy.  Then I'd try, entityContext.getEJB[Local]Object().remove()


On Jul 10, 2006, at 10:56 PM, D. Strauss wrote:

Hello, Markus

try this:

Way a (the Collection way):
java.util.CollectionEjbLocal c=ejbHome.findAll();
EjbLocal delBean=null;
for(EjbLocal l : c){
//find the bean you want to remove: for now, find the last one

Way b (the usual way):
EjbLocal delBean=ejbHome.findByPrimaryKey(12);

Best regards


mahu2425 schrieb:

Hello Dirk,

I'm not sure what you mean by collection version of ejbRemove().

Could you please explain it a little bit more?

Thank in advance,


Hello, Markus

now I get it ^^ (at least I think so)

So, to summarize it: you work with a CMP bean that is used by  
other beans (JMS in particular). After all things have been done  
I want

to remove the bean?

Using ejbRemove() is OK but you may want to use the Collection  
of ejbRemove. I think (if I remember correctly) that ejbRemove()  

crashed the EJB container. So I used the collection method. It is a
little bit difficult but it worked.

Give it a try and tell us if it works.

Best regards


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im ersten Jahr surfen. 

Re: Loading a dll file in the geronimo

2006-07-06 Thread Dain Sundstrom
Geronimo doesn't do anything special to help you load native  
libraries, nor does it do anything special to prevent you from  
loading a native library.

To load a native library in Java use the System.load(String filename)  
or System.loadLibrary(String libname) methods.   Native libraries can  
be very difficult to work with, so I suggest you read a tutorial or  
book on the Java Native Interface, and write a simple standalone test  
case before attempting to integrate a native library into Geronimo.


On Jul 6, 2006, at 1:06 AM, Santosh Koti wrote:

Hi All,

Is there a way to load a dll file in to the server JVM, has that to  
be done by wrapping it as a jar file  adding a dependency for it..?

I am yet to test on this..?  Has some 1 done this earlier..?



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Re: geronimo 1.1 and activemq 4.0

2006-06-07 Thread Dain Sundstrom
I believe that you can use AMQ 4 as a plain old JCA managed resource,  
by deploying the AMQ 4 rar.  Geronimo will treat this as just another  
resource adapter and will have console support.  I suggest you ask  
for more help on the active mq mailing list.


On Jun 7, 2006, at 3:11 AM, Christoph Sturm wrote:

Hey guys!

the 1.1 candidates seem to run with activemq 3.x still.

When will there be a version that runs with activemq 4.0?
Is it possible to use activemq 4.0 now with geronimo 1.1 anyway?


[announce] Apache Geronimo welcomes Guillaume Nodet as our newest committer

2006-04-27 Thread Dain Sundstrom
The Apache Geronimo PMC is proud to announce Guillaume Nodet as our  
newest Apache Geronimo committer, and look forward to his continued  
great work on XBean and the Geronimo integration with Service Mix.

His work shows initiative, concern to get user feedback, empathy for  
problems faced by other committers and willingness to work on fixing  
these problems.  Guillaume has consistently brought unique and very  
difficult use cases to the XBean project (along with patches), and it  
is these diverse requirements that will ultimately make XBean a success.

We believe he will be an excellent addition to the project and will  
help foster these values in others.

Please join us in congratulating Guillaume,

The Apache Geronimo PMC

Re: commons logging issue

2006-04-13 Thread Dain Sundstrom
Our long term goal is to isolate web applications from the system  
classes.  This means that by default a web application will only see  
the spec jars required by the servlet spec.  Then if an application  
needs more jars, they can either add them to the WEB-INF/lib or the  
geronimo repository and add a dependency.  I would have liked to get  
this into 1.1, but I think 1.1 will ship before I can get to it.


On Apr 13, 2006, at 7:18 AM, Guilherme Rios wrote:

Thanks Pablo,

Should this be addressed? The practical impact is sometimes an  
application will deploy fine in Geronimo/Tomcat but not Geronimo/ 
Jetty (because it will use jars unavailable in the former) or the  
other way around (because app jars will conflict with Geronimo's,  
as already discussed in other thread).

Is there any reason why the repositories differ for both versions?



Pablo wrote:

Guilherme Rios wrote:

Paul McMahan wrote:

I'm not sure why deployment didn't fail in jetty, perhaps you would
have seen a failure later on when you tried to access your


I recall noticing a few days ago some jars missing from  
Geronimo/Jetty /repository when compared to Geronimo/Tomcat.  
Commons Logging was one, there was also one or two others  
missing. Can anyone pls confirm that? (I do not have access to my  
installation at this very moment)
This could be the reason why it works on Geronimo/Jetty but  
not Geronimo/Tomcat.



I'm sending lists of jars for both jetty and tomcat. There are a  
few differences...

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Re: User Feedback Request -- this means you!

2006-03-28 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Mar 28, 2006, at 12:50 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

2) Implementation of J2EE 1.5 (or JEE 5 or whatever we're calling  
it these


JEE 5 is a huge cacophony of specifications. Can you be more specific  
about which specs you would like to see finished first?


Re: User Feedback Request -- this means you!

2006-03-28 Thread Dain Sundstrom
For everyone that listed more documentation, can you be more  
specific?  It will help us prioritize the effort to hit the most  
important stuff first.



On Mar 28, 2006, at 10:31 PM, mikael-aronsson wrote:

Same as below for me

- Original Message - From: Christian Stolz  

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: User Feedback Request -- this means you!

Hi there,
here is my Top 5:
1. Support for JDK1.5
2. JAX-WS support
3. More documentation
4. NetBeans support
5. More frequent releases
Thanks Christian

Re: tying together various components w/ gbeans and spring?

2006-02-24 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Feb 24, 2006, at 8:35 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I've never been able to figure out a reasonable way for this to  
work, maybe someone else has better thinking on the subject. Here's  
the problem I see:

Two configurations , A and B, B is a child of A.  We start with  
both  A and B started.

Stop A, this should stop B first.

Now I want to stop B, so when I restart A, B does not restart.

Anyone see how to make this work?

Um isn't this what startRecusive does?

We have A - B with both running.  Stop(A) will stop B then A.   
StartRecursive(A) will start A and then start B.


Re: tying together various components w/ gbeans and spring?

2006-02-17 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Feb 17, 2006, at 11:49 AM, David Jencks wrote:

On Feb 17, 2006, at 10:50 AM, Tim Kettering wrote:

lets say foo-webapp has a spring context that is started up when the
webapp starts up.  ideally i'd like this spring context to be able to
obtain the various gbeans that are set in the server and make them
available as beans in the context.  has anyone done this, or could
anyone offer some ideas/suggestions on how that might be done?

Dain has some ideas on how to do this generically.  Right now it is  
not very convenient.  An example of something you can do is in  
trunk in the Spring module where there's a spring bean that more or  
less wraps our TransactionContextManager gbean.

In the xbean code we have spring bean factories that expose Geronimo  
services to Spring, but I don't expect that code to be integrated  
into Geronimo for several months (assuming that community wants it at  

Note that depending on the circumstances you might be able to use  
JNDI. (not that I recommend JNDI for much of anything :-).The  
stuff specified in a web app's jndi specification will be  
accessible in any thread that goes through that web app.  Therefore  
if you don't need to access geronimo services (gbeans) during the  
spring startup but only when in use from a web app, you can look up  
stuff like datasources.

I'd like to be able to expose generic geronimo service via the J2EE  
enc, but never got around to adding the configuration code necessary  
to make it happen :(

i will continue to work this angle - and share any answers i might by
miracle discover, considering my very amateur understanding of this
geronimo thing here.  :)

This is definitely an area we are interested in making easier :-)



Re: fail to build with

2005-12-24 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Dec 23, 2005, at 3:27 PM, Nicholas Irving wrote:
am I not using the correct repo? 
axis-1.4-356167.jar does not seem to exist.
It is here 

You may have tried to build during a server outage; I'd just try  
building again.


Re: javamail issue

2005-12-15 Thread Dain Sundstrom
I'm not sure what you are asking.  JavaMail is a specification  
published by the Java Community Process.  We provide a clean room  
implementation of this specification with the Geronimo server  
starting with version 1.0.  If you would like to use the  
implementation published by Sun Microsystems, that is also possible,  
but you will have to acquire that implementation from Sun (it is  
free) since licensing restrictions prevent us from shipping it with  
our server.


On Dec 15, 2005, at 12:11 AM, Arun Venugopal wrote:

Hi Aaaron,

Does that mean that I cannot use the plain javamail implementation  
in Geronimo and that I have to use the APIs provided by Geronimo

Thanks and regards

On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 14:27 -0500, Aaron Mulder wrote:
If you're planning to use Geronimo's JavaMail features, you should  
be on a very current version (built from source or the 1.0 release  
candidate). Then you want to add a line like this to your Geronimo  
deployment plan: importgeronimo/javamail/1.0/car/import That  
way, you should be sure to get our JavaMail code on the classpath  
of your application. The JavaMail configuration is not started by  
default, though it should be started when you deploy an  
application that depends on it. If you want to start it by hand,  
you can always use java -jar bin/deployer.jar start geronimo/ 
javamail/1.0/car Thanks, Aaron On 12/14/05, Arun Venugopal  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi,   I have this piece  
of code that uses javamail . This code works fine when i try it as  
a standalone java application (ie when i put it in java file,  
compile it and run it). But when i put this code in an war (and  
call it from a servlet) and then deploy the war in geronimo, it  
does not work. I am pretty sure that this code is being called as  
any System.out.println that i give in between the code gets  
displayed in the console. Also i tried out the same code in JBoss  
and it seems to work there also.   I have seen many discussions  
in the dev list regarding the JavaMail implementation. But i think  
all that is with regards to creating a new API for geronimo in the  
lines of the mail API's present in JBoss. And that since i am  
using plain java mail it should work irrespective of the  
application server.   Can any one give me any pointers on why i  
am having this issue in geronimo and if i can solve it ... 
--   // 
substitute your mail address here  String from = [EMAIL PROTECTED];   
String to = [EMAIL PROTECTED];  //substitute the host name or ip of your  
smtp server here  String host =;  Properties props =  
new Properties();  props.put(, host);  props.put 
(mail.debug, true);  Session session = Session.getInstance 
(props);  try {   Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);   
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));  InternetAddress[]  
address = {new InternetAddress(to)};  msg.setRecipients 
(Message.RecipientType.TO, address);  msg.setSubject(Test E-Mail  
through Java);  msg.setContent(msg, text/plain);   
msg.setSentDate(new Date());  msg.setText(Test Message);   
Thanks in advance   Regards  ArunThis e-mail and any  
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Re: Load Balancing in Geronimo

2005-10-26 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Oct 25, 2005, at 4:44 PM, Michael Malgeri wrote:

I'm working with a University that wants to implement an  
application on Geronimo that supports 10,000 concurrent users.

There are a number of use cases but here's one that captures the  
primary issue

Will this scenario work in the absence of clustering:

1. Load balancer in front of many linux servers each running Geronimo
2. Each instance or Geronimo connected to the same database server
3. Application only composed of JSPs, Servlets and Javabeans (no EJBs)
4. Users will be accessing shared data such as registering for a class

In this case, if the following is true:

1. Load balancer handles session stickiness
2. Database server handles transactional access to shared data
3. Users can live without session failover

Will this work?
What are the unforeseen problems?
What are the unforeseen restrictions?

It should work.  If they are only using the one database connection,  
I'd suggest that they use a one-phase (normal non-two-phase) JDBC  
connection.  JDBC drivers tend to be more reliable in one-phase mode.


Re: Geronimo disk footprint growth at startup

2005-08-18 Thread Dain Sundstrom
ActiveMQ doesn't use HOWL.  Hiram wrote a transaction log customized  
and tuned for the access patterns of JMS.

Hiram, we have been having a discussion about how the Geronimo disk  
footprint grows by 40MB when started up.  Can you give Dave, Bruce  
and myself some insight on why the logs are the size they are, how  
much they can grow, and what attributes are available to configure this?



On Aug 18, 2005, at 8:21 AM, Bruce Snyder wrote:

On 8/18/05, Dave Colasurdo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmmm.. The only entries in j2ee-server-plan.xml that seems  
relevant is

the HOWLTransactionLog gbean and it specifies the file
var/txlog/howl*.log.   Changing/distributing the changed properties
associated with this gBean either have no effect on the
var/activemq/journal/log*.dat or cause the server startup to fail...

However, in the plan system-activemq-plan.xml.. I found the following
gbean for the journal that seems to define the journal directory  
have found no properties to control the size of the log-000*.dat  

gbean name=ActiveMQ.journal
 !--TODO change to ServerInfo --

 attribute name=directoryvar/activemq/journal/attribute
 attribute name=journalTypedefault/attribute



That's to configure ActiveMQ's use of HOWL. Are you referring to log
files in the modules/assembly/target/geronimo-1.0-SNAPSHOT/var/ 

directory named log-00*.dat? If so, then we'll need to consult Hiram
or James about how ActiveMQ uses HOWL and why the journal's are of
this size.

perl -e 'print unpack(u30,D0G)[EMAIL PROTECTED]5R\F)R=6-E+G-N61ED\! 


The Castor Project

Apache Geronimo

Re: Geronimo disk footprint growth at startup

2005-08-17 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Aug 17, 2005, at 10:11 AM, Dave Colasurdo wrote:

Thanks Bruce.. A few followup questions..

Is there any bound on how large these files can grow or a way to  
configure a smaller value for the recovery log?

I don't believe the files grow at all.  IIRC the logger preallocates  
the files so it is fast.

Why does a simple server startup require 41M of recovery data?  No  
user applications have been installed on this server yet.

Most likely, but what kind of user machine doesn't have 40M of free  
disk space?

Just wondering if there is a way to limit the default disk  
footprint requirement for geronimo...

You can change these settings in the Server plan.  Look for howl.


Re: Geronimo disk footprint growth at startup

2005-08-17 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Aug 17, 2005, at 12:24 PM, Dave Colasurdo wrote:

Dain Sundstrom wrote:

On Aug 17, 2005, at 10:11 AM, Dave Colasurdo wrote:

Thanks Bruce.. A few followup questions..

Is there any bound on how large these files can grow or a way to   
configure a smaller value for the recovery log?

I don't believe the files grow at all.  IIRC the logger  
preallocates  the files so it is fast.

Why does a simple server startup require 41M of recovery data?   
No  user applications have been installed on this server yet.

Most likely, but what kind of user machine doesn't have 40M of  
free  disk space?

Was thinking of the case where geronimo is an embedded technology..  
ISVs generally like embedded technologies to be as small and fast  
as possible.  Just seems strange that starting the server nearly  
doubles the disk footprint when no user applications are installed.  
Any chance of shrinking the default size for the recovery log.  Is  
40M really needed? It seems a bit excessive..

Sure.  In an embedded scenario, the ISV would tweak the howl  
configuration to reduce the foot print.  Now exact what you change is  
something David Jencks will have to tell us.


Re: GBeans threading best practices

2005-08-04 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Aug 3, 2005, at 9:34 AM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

On Aug 3, 2005, at 8:13 AM, Miguel A Paraz wrote:

I'm planning on writing my own GBeans to implement services.

Is it OK to start new Threads - using new Thread() directly, or
indirectly by using util.concurrent facilities which I see in the

You can start threads directly, but it is preferrable to use a  
EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.Executor.  The best practice is to  
have the Executor inject via constructor injection or setter  
injection.  This allows a user of your service to have complete  
control the properties of the thread pool.

Let me be a bit more clear.  I suggest you write your code to use the  
concurrent executor since it is common reusable api with many  
implementations.  When it comes to deploying your service in  
Geronimo, the Geronimo ThreadPool class implements the Executor so  
you can just use that service with a Geronimo GBean reference.


Re: build problem

2005-06-23 Thread Dain Sundstrom
We now use a single global repository list which is way easier to  
maintain.  In maven 1.0 and 1.0.1 there was a bug that caused a  
module to not inherit the repo list from the parent project.


On Jun 23, 2005, at 10:28 AM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

David Jencks wrote:

Are you using maven 1.0.2?  Basically all other versions don't  
work,  either older or newer.

Dumb question, but what changed in the build that stopped maven 1.0  
from working and can we work around it?


Re: Command Line Geronimo Remote deployment

2005-06-14 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Jun 14, 2005, at 12:15 AM, NATARAJAN Sasi Kumar wrote:
   The following command is possible to deploy local. But I  
am expecting remote deployment how can I do. Where can I mention  
the Hostname and what is the argument. Option. Anyone has idea  
please advice to me

deployer.jar -user system -password manager deploy sample.war
Remote deployment is not implemented yet, so you have to be on the  
same computer as the Geronimo server to deploy.  This will be  
implemented before version 1.0 ships.


Re: RSS Syndication and Aggregation

2005-06-06 Thread Dain Sundstrom

On Jun 5, 2005, at 5:25 PM, Scott Anderson wrote:

I would be interested in a standard RSS Syndication/Aggregation  
Service getting included with a future Geronimo distribution. In  
my mind this service would make it easy for developers and content  
providers to...

1) serve up dynamically generated RSS feeds
2) subscribe to remote feeds with support for filtering and/or  
combining feeds and then republishing them (XSLT?)

3) manage subscriptions
4) provide statistics on feed usage

I suspect that the Geronimo dev team's response to this request  
will be something like...great, why don't you get started on  
that. Hopefully, others have been thinking along these same lines  
though. I will be attempting find some time to work on a ROME GBean  
( in the short to medium term. I'll be  
happy to share that code with any interested parties once I have  
something. No guarantees on when that'll be.

If anyone has suggestions on how to structure this service, how to  
integrate with it, or what features you think are important, I'd be  
happy to hear from you here.

Interesting idea.  I'm not too familiar with rss other then rss feeds  
from blogs and new sites.  What sort of information do you see  
Geronimo serving via RSS?   I mean I'm sure we could serve general  
information like blogs, but I'm curious if we could use this for  
management of some kind or something totally different.

Again cool idea,


Re: HTTP Server jetty

2005-04-14 Thread Dain Sundstrom
David is assuming you are asking about the Apache Java based http 
server (and servlet/jsp engine) Tomcat.  If you really meant the Apache 
HTTPd server, the reason we don't ship with it is HTTPd is written in C 
and must be compiled to each platform where our distributions will run 
on a generic Java VM.

Dain Sundstrom
Chief Architect
Gluecode Software
On Apr 14, 2005, at 8:49 AM, David Jencks wrote:
The reasons are primarily historical: the main Jetty developers were 
some of the geronimo founding members and most of us have a lot more 
experience with Jetty than Tomcat.  There is a Tomcat integration and 
several people are working on it, however it is not yet completely 
integrated and functional.  I think the Tomcat work is somewhat 
sidelined at the moment in our effort to finish j2ee certification.  
We would certainly welcome help in finishing the Tomcat integration.

Many thanks,
david jencks
On Apr 14, 2005, at 8:31 AM, Yves Caloz wrote:
Somebody surely already put the question, but I did not find an 
answer, then I ask it nevertheless: Why is Geronimo default with 
Jetty and not HTTP Apache Server integrated ? Is it a licence problem 


Re: Mail Archives and EJB3

2005-02-15 Thread Dain Sundstrom
On Feb 15, 2005, at 4:36 AM, David J. Green wrote:
Hello all!
I'm new here so hang with me.First, I tried to find some 
information in the mail list archives, and received a Velocity Servlet 
error when I tried to view the messages by subject, and also when I 
tried by thread.  Someone might want to look at that, although I know 
you're all busy.
Its been broken for a while.  :(   I think someone on the Apache 
infrastructure team is working on it now.

   Second, I assume Geronimo's  EJB code is written for the 2.1 spec, 
but was curious about the plan once the 3.0 spec is release.  Will 
that be a feature for the future, or will you try to get it up as 
quickly as you can.I'm looking forward to dumping my current 
server program.  Keep up the good work.
Geronimo uses the EJB implementation from OpenEJB (, and it 
is written  to the EJB 2.1 specification.  As for EJB 3.0, it is not 
even at the public draft stage of the JCP process. 
(, so I personally don't expect 
to see a final spec for another year or two.  Given the extreme 
political nature of the EJB 3.0 specification and the huge amount 
change in the EJB 3.0 from the 2.1, I expect to see the EJB 3.0 
specification to change a lot as the vendors attempt to implement it.  
We saw this to a lesser degree when CMP 2.0 was first introduced, and 
when the vendors attempted to implement the public draft, found that 
the dependent objects part of the specification simply did not work.

Anyway,  I personally don't plan on starting on EJB 3.0 until the spec 
stabilizes.  I plan on working on features that will make the user 
experience better, such as providing better error messages to users.  
This is an opensource project, so if you or anyone else is interested 
in working on EJB 3.0, please contribute.

Dain Sundstrom
Chief Architect
Gluecode Software
310.536.8355, ext. 26

Re: Updating the web-site

2005-02-11 Thread Dain Sundstrom
On Feb 11, 2005, at 11:25 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
Doesn't Apache have a free license to use Confluence?
Getting a license for software is normally not an issue. Normally the 
issue is getting infrastructure to agree to run the software.


Re: Geronimo on Fedora

2004-12-01 Thread Dain Sundstrom
Looks like the public repos are out of sync.  Geronimo is the  
integration of 5 projects, and a lot of changes propagate several  
projects.  What happens is the jars for the projects are all published  
at different times, so there is a period where things don't build  
independently.  I suggest you use our maven goals that checkout and  
does a transitive build of geronimo and the sister projects. Simply  

maven m:co
maven m:build
later you can use
maven m:update
maven m:rebuild
Dain Sundstrom
Chief Architect
Gluecode Software
310.536.8355, ext. 26
On Dec 1, 2004, at 2:37 PM, Hari Kodungallur wrote:
I am trying to build Geronimo on Fedora Core 1.
I downloaded the source tar.gz file -- did not checkout the source from
the subversion.
And I did
$ maven
The result is that it stops, with an exception, at Building
server.jar. The exception is shown below at the end of this email.
I will try to debug this. But, I am wondering whether someone has
encountered this error before or knows what the problem is?
I did see that Fedora is not listed in the Known Supported Platforms.
Thanks much!
Here is the exception:
[echo] Building server.jar
[java] Error: Unable to start local kernel
[java] org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.InvalidConfigException:
Invalid GBean configuration for
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java] Caused by:
org.apache.geronimo.kernel.config.InvalidConfigException: Invalid GBean
configuration for
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  ... 6 more
[java] Caused by: net.sf.cglib.core.CodeGenerationException:
java.lang.IllegalStateException--Proxy is stopped
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at
[java]  at

Re: Anyone have a sample EAR?

2004-11-24 Thread Dain Sundstrom
Geronimo builds one at 
applications/magicGball/target/magicGball-ejb.jar, but that requires 
building from source.

Dain Sundstrom
Chief Architect
Gluecode Software
310.536.8355, ext. 26
On Nov 24, 2004, at 3:18 PM, David Jencks wrote:
I think the activemq itest involves deploying an ear.
david jencks
On Nov 24, 2004, at 1:55 PM, Lajos wrote:
I'm trying to debug my own .ear, which won't deploy in Geronimo. Does 
anyone have a super-simple .ear application that runs on M3? I would 
be very grateful if you could post it or email it to me. I'm hoping 
it is just a matter of some descriptor that I have wrong ...


   Lajos Moczar
Open Source Support, Consulting and Training
 Tomcat Unleashed
Cocoon Developer's Handbook
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