Re: What happens to exceptions not handled within Action class ?

2005-11-11 Thread Mon Cab
The browser is just redirecting to my "fail"
ActionMapping.  And there's nothing going in the logs
(neither the localhost, or the stdout logs) I'm using
Tomcat 5.0.28.

--- Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mon Cab wrote:
> > Specifically exceptions in execute().
> > 
> > Shouldnt these result in a stack trace printout in
> > Tomcat 5.  Or are they printed out to the logs.  
> By default, you'll get a stack trace in the browser
> window and it'll 
> also be logged to stdout (console or catalina.out).
> L.
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Re: tag's default object formatting

2005-11-11 Thread Laurie Harper

Hello all. A while back I poked around and I think I remember finding some 
resource property keys that I could override for Object formatting. For 
instance, using
where foo is a Date on some bean. i want dates output and read in as 
mm/DD/. Anyone know what key I should be use to specify this?

AFAIK there are no properties that give you automatic formatting like 
that. You can format to your requirements using Struts' bean:write tag 
[1] or JSTL's fmt:* tags [2] though.



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Re: What happens to exceptions not handled within Action class ?

2005-11-11 Thread Laurie Harper

Mon Cab wrote:

Specifically exceptions in execute().

Shouldnt these result in a stack trace printout in
Tomcat 5.  Or are they printed out to the logs.  

By default, you'll get a stack trace in the browser window and it'll 
also be logged to stdout (console or catalina.out).


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Re: [OT] JSF Interface Design - Is it Truly Limited?

2005-11-11 Thread Gary VanMatre
> I know there are some leading edge JSF and Shale gurus who monitor this list. 
> I 
> have a basic 
> question: Can rich web application interfaces be created in JSF? 
> I've looked at MyFaces and Tomahawk ( The source 
> code that can be 
> found in the examples at is perplexing. 
> I 
> see data tables, 
> panel groups, and panel grids for the page layout. I do not see standards 
> based 
> CSS design. I 
> don't see how you could create rich web application interfaces with 
> externalized 
> styles using JSF 
> components. 
> I know the concept is that JSF components can be "rendered" for different 
> viewing devices; 
> however, I'm not sure the creators of JSF really thought through the process 
> of 
> how most web 
> applications are created. I think the usual case is that a mock up of the web 
> interface is 
> created by marketing execs and web designers, then that mock up is "wired" by 
> software engineers 
> (in our case we use Struts for the wiring). CSS design is very advanced (see: 
> It is unrealistic to think companies are going 
> to retrain their 
> web designers on a new technology that is less capable then the one they are 
> currently using. 
> As a specific example, the use of such tags in JSF as, 
> "
" is 
> horrible. 
> I think JSF has missed the mark. Rather than tossing out Struts I think Sun 
> should have enhanced 
> Struts by creating a simple process for plugging in web components (perhaps 
> some 
> sort of enhanced 
> Tiles strategy) and they should have also enhanced Struts by adding a better 
> page flow process 
> (similar to Spring WebFlow). 

I think that if you take a better look at JSF, you might see Struts, Spring and 
a reusable visual component framework.  To see this you have to look beyond the 
basic semantics.  So, maybe a forward is called a navigation rule and 
validation is component based verses form based.

I've always seen Struts as building blocks for the rest of the application.  It 
provides the foundation, a starting point.  Each shop seems to pick and choose 
different extension points to exploit. 
JSF provides the same model where extension points in the framework are 
configured via a configuration file.  The framework guts can be swapped with a 
side of a configuration files.  JSF expands on this by providing an API for 
building visual components that have characteristics of event oriented 
programming in a request response architecture.  The component API is a 
starting point.
The fact that the reference implementation delivers a number of vanilla 
components is a strength but maybe a weakness.  The component API should be 
seen as building blocks and not as absolute offering.  I don't think that 
Struts would have lead as many projects to success if the developers could not 
have seen how to take advantage of is swappable parts.

> One of the most promising projects for web application frameworks is a 
> project 
> named, "Clarity" 
> ( The goal of this project is 
> to 
> consolidate and 
> enhance existing frameworks. I hope this is the path to nirvana. 
> I like the JSF concept of pluggable components. My major problem with JSF is 
> the design strategy 
> that states an application is a collection of components and these components 
> have renderers for 
> different devices. I suppose that you could try to wrap CSS design around 
> "" tags if you 
> are creating a web application, but this seems contrary to the JSF model. 
> Please share some guiding thoughts. Especially, if you have a link to some 
> cool 
> example pages 
> created with JSF, I'd like to see them. 
You might take a look at the Shale "rolodex" usecases.  You will see some fun 
CSS action delivered using a JSF view.  It's all done using only two custom 
components and  a few JSF extension points, the rest is vanilla RI.

> Thx. 
> Mike 
> __ 
> Yahoo! FareChase: Search multiple travel sites in one click. 
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Re: [OT] AJAX Recursive Tree

2005-11-11 Thread Laurie Harper

Marcio Ghiraldelli wrote:

Just for not reinventing the wheel, does anybody has a simple tutorial or source for an AJAX/Struts recursive tree? 

Not sure what you mean by that, but if you're just looking for a way of 
displaying an expandable tree control in a web page there's tons of 
examples out there. You can take a look at a simple one based on 
Prototype and Scriptaculous here:

It doesn't do any AJAX stuff, though, it expects the complete tree to be 
rendered in the page. Adding support for dynamically loading sub-trees 
via AJAX would be pretty simple, though.


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Re: Upgrade from struts1.0 to 1.2

2005-11-11 Thread Laurie Harper

bhas wrote:

I think its not getting till the jsp page as the jsp files are not compiled 
when I hit the url.
Can you help me little bit on how to turn on the logging as I do not see any of 
the struts action servlet logs getting printed.

Struts uses Commons Logging [1] for all its logging, see there for 
detailed information on how to configure it. But for a quick-fix, put a 
copy of log4j.jar in your classpath and place the following in 


log4j.rootCategory=WARN, A1
#log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, A1

# A1 is set to be ConsoleAppender sending its output to System.out
log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p [%t] %c{5} - %m%n


That'll dump all Struts logging to the console.


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Re: Ignorant multibox question.

2005-11-11 Thread Keith Sader
Have you stumbled on this link:

I think it's almost verbatim out of the Struts in Action Book


> Lets say I have the following multibox:
> I have a List of POJOs with a name and a boolean value for each POJO.  I want 
> to change the boolean value to true if a user check marks a specific item in 
> the List.
> If I wasn't in struts I could easily do this if I were using a Servlet. But 
> how and where do I read through each POJO in the List changing the POJO 
> instance variable to true if someone check marks it?

Keith Sader

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Re: Dynamically set value of html:select attribute. Possible?

2005-11-11 Thread Wendy Smoak
On 11/11/05, ooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am wondering if it is possible to set the value of an html:select tag 
> attribute dynamically. I want to do something like this:
>  styleClass="${filterControlStyle}">
> The above gives this error:
> "According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute styleClass 
> does not accept any expressions"

Switch to the EL version of the Struts HTML tags and it will work.

Change to
<%@ taglib prefix="html" uri=""; %>
and add the .jar files found under the 'contrib' directory in a Struts
1.2.x distribution.

Alternately, it shoudl work as-is in a JSP 2.0 container.


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Re: [OT] JSF Interface Design - Is it Truly Limited?

2005-11-11 Thread Hubert Rabago
> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Duffy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 4:47 PM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: [OT] JSF Interface Design - Is it Truly Limited?
> I know there are some leading edge JSF and Shale gurus who
> monitor this list.

I would hope so too, but wouldn't you get more responses with a
JSF-specific list?  Anyway, you did send this to the Struts list, so
I'm gonna respond even though I'm not a JSF guru.

> I have a basic
> question:  Can rich web application interfaces be created in JSF?

I've seen demos, so my guess the answer is "yes".

> I've looked at MyFaces and Tomahawk
> (  The source code that can be
> found in the examples at
> is perplexing.  I see data tables, panel groups, and panel
> grids for the page layout.  I do not see standards based CSS
> design.  I don't see how you could create rich web
> application interfaces with externalized styles using JSF components.

Well, you changed the qualifiers now.  Earlier the question was just
"Can I?"  Now it's "Can I, with externalized styles?"

Anyway, JSF is a component-oriented framework, and a higher level of
abstraction than Struts.  Because of that, it's not surprising that
you lose some lower-level control.  I guess you'd just have to be
careful with which set of components you use.  Choose those that'll
give you access to the lower-level functions that matter to you.

> I know the concept is that JSF components can be "rendered"
> for different viewing devices; however, I'm not sure the
> creators of JSF really thought through the process of how
> most web applications are created.  I think the usual case is
> that a mock up of the web interface is created by marketing
> execs and web designers, then that mock up is "wired" by
> software engineers (in our case we use Struts for the
> wiring).  CSS design is very advanced (see:
>  It is unrealistic to think
> companies are going to retrain their web designers on a new
> technology that is less capable then the one they are currently using.

I think the target was "corporate developers", but I'm not sure if
this was the target for JSF or for Creator (the IDE).  Again, I think
it's a matter of what your components allow you to do.

> As a specific example, the use of such tags in JSF as,
> "" is horrible.

Well, it's a higher level of abstraction.  It's like, when in your
Action, you need to call getServlet().someMethod(), whereas before you
just called someMethod() directly from your servlet method.  Is this a
poor metaphor?  I think it's pretty close.  The higher the level you
go to, the farther could get from low-level things you used to take
for granted.

> Please share some guiding thoughts.  Especially, if you have
> a link to some cool example pages created with JSF, I'd like
> to see them.

I remember liking the ICEfaces demos
(, but it turns
out they "look" close to other JSF widgets I've seen.  Well, I tend to
think that components will allow me to control style values.  I guess
I'll have to see.  Right now though, I'm thinking innocent till proven

> Thx.
> Mike

Like I said, I'm not a guru.  I'm just sharing an opinion.


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Re: [OT] JSF Interface Design - Is it Truly Limited?

2005-11-11 Thread Michael Jouravlev
On 11/11/05, Mike Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know the concept is that JSF components can be "rendered" for different 
> viewing devices;
> however, I'm not sure the creators of JSF really thought through the process 
> of how most web
> applications are created.  I think the usual case is that a mock up of the 
> web interface is
> created by marketing execs and web designers

Who creates mockups for desktop app? For Windows, MacOS or Linux? Why
do you think things should be different for browser-based apps? Only
because webapps [still] use HTML and HTML is used by "web designers"?

>, then that mock up is "wired" by software engineers
> (in our case we use Struts for the wiring).  CSS design is very advanced (see:
>  It is unrealistic to think companies are 
> going to retrain their
> web designers on a new technology that is less capable then the one they are 
> currently using.

Why an accounting app should look like an exercise in computer art?


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Re: [OT] JSF Interface Design - Is it Truly Limited?

2005-11-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 11/11/05, Mike Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know there are some leading edge JSF and Shale gurus who monitor this
> list. I have a basic
> question: Can rich web application interfaces be created in JSF?

Sure it can. CSS based or AJAX based, or whatever you want.

But the key issue that you are raising is the design of the *components*
being used, not the architecture of the server side APIs. Just as an
example, the component set that comes with Creator 2 ( is all theme sensitive, with the look
and feel driven primarily by CSS stylesheets. This was accomplished by
having the renderers emit a standard CSS style class name, without the
developer having to do anything special. You select which theme to use by
selecting one of the available theme jars, and you're done.

The main promise of a common API for building components is that folks would
start creating rich component libraries to the same API, so we (as app
developers) can choose components that meet our requirements, from more than
one source. That is already starting to happen, thanks to the fact that some
(smart :-) component developers are indeed adopting JSF, and migrating their
existing component models to support the new API as well.


Ich bin im Urlaub

2005-11-11 Thread bednarz
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

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Dynamically set value of html:select attribute. Possible?

2005-11-11 Thread ooper
Hello all,
I am wondering if it is possible to set the value of an html:select tag 
attribute dynamically. I want to do something like this:

The above gives this error:
"According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file, attribute styleClass does 
not accept any expressions"

Is there some other slick way to do this?

Brian Barnett

Broadband interface (RIA) + mail box saftey =";>
*Your* clubs, no sign up to read, ad supported; try broadband internet. 

[OT] Project Clarity

2005-11-11 Thread Mike Duffy
Does anyone know if there is an official website for Project Clarity



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[OT] JSF Interface Design - Is it Truly Limited?

2005-11-11 Thread Mike Duffy

I know there are some leading edge JSF and Shale gurus who monitor this list.  
I have a basic
question:  Can rich web application interfaces be created in JSF?

I've looked at MyFaces and Tomahawk (  The source 
code that can be
found in the examples at is perplexing.  I 
see data tables,
panel groups, and panel grids for the page layout.  I do not see standards 
based CSS design.  I
don't see how you could create rich web application interfaces with 
externalized styles using JSF

I know the concept is that JSF components can be "rendered" for different 
viewing devices;
however, I'm not sure the creators of JSF really thought through the process of 
how most web
applications are created.  I think the usual case is that a mock up of the web 
interface is
created by marketing execs and web designers, then that mock up is "wired" by 
software engineers
(in our case we use Struts for the wiring).  CSS design is very advanced (see:  It is unrealistic to think companies are going 
to retrain their
web designers on a new technology that is less capable then the one they are 
currently using.

As a specific example, the use of such tags in JSF as, 
"" is

I think JSF has missed the mark.  Rather than tossing out Struts I think Sun 
should have enhanced
Struts by creating a simple process for plugging in web components (perhaps 
some sort of enhanced
Tiles strategy) and they should have also enhanced Struts by adding a better 
page flow process
(similar to Spring WebFlow).

One of the most promising projects for web application frameworks is a project 
named, "Clarity"
(  The goal of this project is 
to consolidate and
enhance existing frameworks.  I hope this is the path to nirvana.

I like the JSF concept of pluggable components.  My major problem with JSF is 
the design strategy
that states an application is a collection of components and these components 
have renderers for
different devices.  I suppose that you could try to wrap CSS design around 
"" tags if you
are creating a web application, but this seems contrary to the JSF model.

Please share some guiding thoughts.  Especially, if you have a link to some 
cool example pages
created with JSF, I'd like to see them.



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Ignorant multibox question.

2005-11-11 Thread bsimonin

Lets say I have the following multibox:


I have a List of POJOs with a name and a boolean value for each POJO.  I want 
to change the boolean value to true if a user check marks a specific item in 
the List.  

If I wasn't in struts I could easily do this if I were using a Servlet. But how 
and where do I read through each POJO in the List changing the POJO instance 
variable to true if someone check marks it?  


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Re: Bean write problem on emebedding an image

2005-11-11 Thread Richard Yee

You are nesting the bean:write tag within a html:img tag. You can't nest 
the tags. Either don't use the html:img tag or replace the bean:write 
with a scriptlet <%= %>


vineesh . kumar wrote:

Hi all,
  I am trying to create a page, so that based on some crieterial the image to 
be displayed is selected.
So i made an Form bean in which i initialize a class array
and i am using logic itereate and bean write to display the image accordingly 
so i wrote

" />

so i am getting an exception like,

  org.apacje.JasperException: /pages/status.jsp(26.50) equal symbol 
the error is on the line
" />

what is the correct way of doing this


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Re: "Can't get definitions factory from context"

2005-11-11 Thread eve

Everything works if I don't configure the validation.
I just added this in my validation.xml:



this is in my struts-config.xml:

and this is my form:


	class="it.unifi.tesi.struts.prova.User" />


That appears to be a Tiles error, not a validator error; does it 
work if you don't configure any validation? If so, what validator 
configuration do you add that leads to the error below?


eve wrote:
I have tiles working in my application. As i try to use the 
validator i get the following error

which may it be the cause?

javax.servlet.ServletException: Can't get definitions factory from context.





root cause
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't get definitions factory from context.






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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Dave Newton

Pilgrim, Peter wrote:

Missed Frank's post. SVG I thought so!

When I save the image it's a PNG. Firefox dosn't support native SVG 
images (yeah yeah, 1.5 RC2 does). I don't know about IE SVG support. 
When you first load the page it shows the image in its original size.


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RE: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Pilgrim, Peter
Missed Frank's post. SVG I thought so!

Peter Pilgrim :: J2EE Software Development
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
Floor 15, 5 Canada Square, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

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RE: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Pilgrim, Peter
Are they are using SVG for the icons or actual GIF/Images?

Peter Pilgrim :: J2EE Software Development
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
Floor 15, 5 Canada Square, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

> -Original Message-
> From: Rafael Nami [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 11 November 2005 10:51
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: OT: Best AJAX framework
> tml heye.html>
> WOW!
> 2005/11/11, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > netsql wrote:
> > > Just to be diferent, there are alternatives to Ajax:
> > >
> > 
> Ooh! Isomorphic is not going to like that. They've had an Ajax toolkit
> product named SmartClient for quite a few years now.
> --
> Martin Cooper
> > .V
> >
> > Rafael Nami wrote:
> >
> >> Super, I tested ajaxtags and really liked it, but that's how I said
> >> before -
> >> The team arged that before using a framework, they have to understand
> >> what
> >> Ajax is.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> -
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RE: I want to create a List of items and then allow the user to choose several items from the List.

2005-11-11 Thread bsimonin
Never mind -- I fixed it with the following:

-Original Message-
From: Simonin, Bradley K. (Brad)
Sent: Fri 11/11/2005 10:38 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: I want to create a List of items and then allow the user to choose 
several items from the List.
Okay.  Let me show you what I have real quick.  In my ValidatorForm  I have a 
instance variables and a method:

private List groups = null;
private GroupBean groupBean = null;

public void setGroups() {
 this.groups = new LinkedList();
 this.groupBean = new GroupBean("Cats", false);
 this.groupBean = new GroupBean("Dogs", false);
 this.groupBean = new GroupBean("Birds", false);

external to the ValidatorForm but in the same package I have the following:

public class GroupBean {
private String groupName = "";
private boolean checkMarked =false;

public GroupBean() {
this.groupName = "";
this.checkMarked = false;

public GroupBean(String groupName, boolean checkMarked) {

public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
this.groupName = groupName;

public String getGroupName() {
return groupName;
public void setCheckMark(boolean checkMarked) {
this.checkMarked = checkMarked;

public boolean getCheckMark () {
return checkMarked;

How can I use the  to traverse the List and put the GroupBean 
object in a multibox?  

Thanks in advance,


p.s. Sorry for the trivial questionI have a cold and I am not thinking 

-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 11/11/2005 9:32 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: I want to create a List of items and then allow the user to choose 
several items from the List.

> Would I create a bean that is just a collection and then populate that 
> collection with the List I want the user to choose from?  How would I put the 
> list in the jsp?

... and a multibox example, in case you want checkboxes rather than a
select list:


(This uses a Map rather than a List, but you get the idea.)


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any experience in Display tag library vs Struts Layout ?

2005-11-11 Thread arnaud gonzales
I have would to know your point of vue between this two tag lib.
Does integration of displayTag is easy an more flexible than struts Layout?
Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences.

Arnaud Gonzales.

[ANN] [JAVAWUG] BOF XIV / Monday / 5th December 2005 / Waxy O'Co nnors / 19:15

2005-11-11 Thread Pilgrim, Peter

The ``JAVA Web User Group'' is pleased to announce.

Please join us for the BOF XIV London / Pre-Javapolis meet-up 
at the ``Waxy O'Connor'' Bar at 19:15M on Monday, 5th December, 2005.

Waxy O'Connors
14 - 16 Rupert Street
Leicester Square

JAVAWUG is a Java User Group and it has already has listing at

Peter Pilgrim :: J2EE Software Development
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
Floor 15, 5 Canada Square, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44-(0)207-883-4497

Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications 


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RE: I want to create a List of items and then allow the user to choose several items from the List.

2005-11-11 Thread bsimonin
Okay.  Let me show you what I have real quick.  In my ValidatorForm  I have a 
instance variables and a method:

private List groups = null;
private GroupBean groupBean = null;

public void setGroups() {
 this.groups = new LinkedList();
 this.groupBean = new GroupBean("Cats", false);
 this.groupBean = new GroupBean("Dogs", false);
 this.groupBean = new GroupBean("Birds", false);

external to the ValidatorForm but in the same package I have the following:

public class GroupBean {
private String groupName = "";
private boolean checkMarked =false;

public GroupBean() {
this.groupName = "";
this.checkMarked = false;

public GroupBean(String groupName, boolean checkMarked) {

public void setGroupName(String groupName) {
this.groupName = groupName;

public String getGroupName() {
return groupName;
public void setCheckMark(boolean checkMarked) {
this.checkMarked = checkMarked;

public boolean getCheckMark () {
return checkMarked;

How can I use the  to traverse the List and put the GroupBean 
object in a multibox?  

Thanks in advance,


p.s. Sorry for the trivial questionI have a cold and I am not thinking 

-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Fri 11/11/2005 9:32 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: I want to create a List of items and then allow the user to choose 
several items from the List.

> Would I create a bean that is just a collection and then populate that 
> collection with the List I want the user to choose from?  How would I put the 
> list in the jsp?

... and a multibox example, in case you want checkboxes rather than a
select list:


(This uses a Map rather than a List, but you get the idea.)


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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Dave Newton

Martin Cooper wrote:

Bzzt! Wrong, sorry. ;-) Firefox 1.5 has native SVG support. 

No wrong here; I know 1.5 has SVG, but it's still an RC, so I don't 
care. I'm rarely impressed by release candidates. The Firefox I and most 
consumers are running doesn't.

I'm always irritated by things like "Ah, but it _does_ support that" 
even if it's in an alpha, experimental branch, because in reality, it  
_doesn't_ support it. In theory, Firefox supports anything you want, 
because you can write a plugin. Just like Eclipse has macros because 
somebody wrote a thin wrapper around bean shell. Until something goes 
into general release it's not supported.


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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Martin Cooper wrote:

Like I said, these guys know their stuff.

That much is most definitely clear :)

I like to think I could have pulled that off, but I'm rather glad I 
didn't have to :)

Martin Cooper


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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Martin Cooper

Dave Newton wrote:

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

I have to admit I just quickly glanced at the code and it wasn't 
immediately clear to me how it worked.  I saw PNGs, but I also saw 
reference to SVG's (Scalable Vector Graphics for anyone that might not 
know).  It makes sense that the growing and shrinking be done with 
SVGs, it's tailor-made for such an application.  I'm not sure where 
the PNGs come in to play either.

Well, the images themselves are PNG. I'm not sure what the svgSrc 
attribute is being used for (or what it is). But Firefox can't display 
SVG (natively), so it's either taking the SVG and scaling it into PNG on 
the server side, or it's just to confuse us ;)

Bzzt! Wrong, sorry. ;-) Firefox 1.5 has native SVG support. The svgSrc 
attribute allows you to take advantage of that. Otherwise it will use 
the PNGs.

I also wasn't aware that 
IE would handle PNG transparency properly, so I'm pretty lost.

It doesn't, by itself. There's some fancy footwork going on behind the 
scenes to make this happen. Like I said, these guys know their stuff.

Martin Cooper


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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti

Yeah, me too :)  Let's just enjoy the uber-coolness of it :)


Dave Newton wrote:

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

I have to admit I just quickly glanced at the code and it wasn't 
immediately clear to me how it worked.  I saw PNGs, but I also saw 
reference to SVG's (Scalable Vector Graphics for anyone that might not 
know).  It makes sense that the growing and shrinking be done with 
SVGs, it's tailor-made for such an application.  I'm not sure where 
the PNGs come in to play either.

Well, the images themselves are PNG. I'm not sure what the svgSrc 
attribute is being used for (or what it is). But Firefox can't display 
SVG (natively), so it's either taking the SVG and scaling it into PNG on 
the server side, or it's just to confuse us ;) I also wasn't aware that 
IE would handle PNG transparency properly, so I'm pretty lost.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Dave Newton

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

I have to admit I just quickly glanced at the code and it wasn't 
immediately clear to me how it worked.  I saw PNGs, but I also saw 
reference to SVG's (Scalable Vector Graphics for anyone that might not 
know).  It makes sense that the growing and shrinking be done with 
SVGs, it's tailor-made for such an application.  I'm not sure where 
the PNGs come in to play either.

Well, the images themselves are PNG. I'm not sure what the svgSrc 
attribute is being used for (or what it is). But Firefox can't display 
SVG (natively), so it's either taking the SVG and scaling it into PNG on 
the server side, or it's just to confuse us ;) I also wasn't aware that 
IE would handle PNG transparency properly, so I'm pretty lost.


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Re: I want to create a List of items and then allow the user to choose several items from the List.

2005-11-11 Thread Wendy Smoak

> Would I create a bean that is just a collection and then populate that 
> collection with the List I want the user to choose from?  How would I put the 
> list in the jsp?

... and a multibox example, in case you want checkboxes rather than a
select list:


(This uses a Map rather than a List, but you get the idea.)


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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Enjoy working tomorrow, I'll be enjoying the Philadelphia 
Video Game Expo with my son!


Rafael Nami wrote:

Dave Newton wrote:
But it's
Friday, my brain hurts.

My brain hurts becoz it's friday and becoz I have to work tomorrow (ow 
god, finally the sun came, and I can't go to the beach ;p).

Cheers and Best All

Rafael Mauricio Nami

2005/11/11, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I have to admit I just quickly glanced at the code and it wasn't
immediately clear to me how it worked.  I saw PNGs, but I also saw
reference to SVG's (Scalable Vector Graphics for anyone that might not
know).  It makes sense that the growing and shrinking be done with
it's tailor-made for such an application.  I'm not sure where the PNGs
come in to play either.

It still is cool as hell though :)


Dave Newton wrote:
 > Dave Newton wrote:
 >> Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
 >>> That *IS* very cool, although I'm not sure how truly useful (that
 >>> wouldn't stop me from using it though, it just LOOKS so
cool!)... but
 >>> it's worth noting that it is really more a demonstration of cool
 >>> DHTML and SVG than AJAX.
 >> I think the images are PNGs?
 > I'm confused now, actually, after starting to look at it. But it's
 > Friday, my brain hurts.
 > Dave
 > -
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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

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Re: I want to create a List of items and then allow the user to choose several items from the List.

2005-11-11 Thread Danny Lee

Maybe this will help:

Countries is a list with bunch of Objects of type Country which have to 
be put in the session scope by


countryName is a form bean property of the type "String" where the 
actual countryName is saved.



JSP snippet:

onchange='itemSelected()' value="${checkOutForm.countryName}">

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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Rafael Nami
Dave Newton wrote:
But it's
Friday, my brain hurts.

My brain hurts becoz it's friday and becoz I have to work tomorrow (ow god,
finally the sun came, and I can't go to the beach ;p).

Cheers and Best All

Rafael Mauricio Nami

2005/11/11, Frank W. Zammetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I have to admit I just quickly glanced at the code and it wasn't
> immediately clear to me how it worked. I saw PNGs, but I also saw
> reference to SVG's (Scalable Vector Graphics for anyone that might not
> know). It makes sense that the growing and shrinking be done with SVGs,
> it's tailor-made for such an application. I'm not sure where the PNGs
> come in to play either.
> It still is cool as hell though :)
> Frank
> Dave Newton wrote:
> > Dave Newton wrote:
> >
> >> Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
> >>
> >>> That *IS* very cool, although I'm not sure how truly useful (that
> >>> wouldn't stop me from using it though, it just LOOKS so cool!)... but
> >>> it's worth noting that it is really more a demonstration of cool
> >>> DHTML and SVG than AJAX.
> >>
> >>
> >> I think the images are PNGs?
> >
> >
> > I'm confused now, actually, after starting to look at it. But it's
> > Friday, my brain hurts.
> >
> > Dave
> >
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> Frank W. Zammetti
> Founder and Chief Software Architect
> Omnytex Technologies
> AIM: fzammetti
> Yahoo: fzammetti
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

tag's default object formatting

2005-11-11 Thread Mario_Hernandez
Hello all. A while back I poked around and I think I remember finding some 
resource property keys that I could override for Object formatting. For 
instance, using
where foo is a Date on some bean. i want dates output and read in as 
mm/DD/. Anyone know what key I should be use to specify this?


Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
I have to admit I just quickly glanced at the code and it wasn't 
immediately clear to me how it worked.  I saw PNGs, but I also saw 
reference to SVG's (Scalable Vector Graphics for anyone that might not 
know).  It makes sense that the growing and shrinking be done with SVGs, 
it's tailor-made for such an application.  I'm not sure where the PNGs 
come in to play either.

It still is cool as hell though :)


Dave Newton wrote:

Dave Newton wrote:

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

That *IS* very cool, although I'm not sure how truly useful (that 
wouldn't stop me from using it though, it just LOOKS so cool!)... but 
it's worth noting that it is really more a demonstration of cool 
DHTML and SVG than AJAX.

I think the images are PNGs?

I'm confused now, actually, after starting to look at it. But it's 
Friday, my brain hurts.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Dave Newton

Dave Newton wrote:

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

That *IS* very cool, although I'm not sure how truly useful (that 
wouldn't stop me from using it though, it just LOOKS so cool!)... but 
it's worth noting that it is really more a demonstration of cool 
DHTML and SVG than AJAX.

I think the images are PNGs?

I'm confused now, actually, after starting to look at it. But it's 
Friday, my brain hurts.


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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Dave Newton

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

That *IS* very cool, although I'm not sure how truly useful (that 
wouldn't stop me from using it though, it just LOOKS so cool!)... but 
it's worth noting that it is really more a demonstration of cool DHTML 
and SVG than AJAX.

I think the images are PNGs?


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Re: [OT]what techonolgies will you use to develop a new web application

2005-11-11 Thread Wendy Smoak
On 11/11/05, Murray Collingwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The I started looking for Tomcat, okay, so it's not included, there must
be a way to add
> it as a App Serverwell, if there is I can't find it.

This hints that Tomcat support is coming soon, though I couldn't find
anything on Sun's site. Craig?

And you can deploy the .war files it creates to Tomcat, if you follow the
instructions here:


Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
That *IS* very cool, although I'm not sure how truly useful (that 
wouldn't stop me from using it though, it just LOOKS so cool!)... but 
it's worth noting that it is really more a demonstration of cool DHTML 
and SVG than AJAX.


Rafael Nami wrote:


2005/11/11, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

netsql wrote:

Just to be diferent, there are alternatives to Ajax:

Ooh! Isomorphic is not going to like that. They've had an Ajax toolkit
product named SmartClient for quite a few years now.

Martin Cooper


Rafael Nami wrote:

Super, I tested ajaxtags and really liked it, but that's how I said
before -
The team arged that before using a framework, they have to understand
Ajax is.

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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

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2005-11-11 Thread Marcio Ghiraldelli
Good resume of avaible open-source taglibs. Perfectly for a "Struts, now 
what" situation. :)

Re: Bean write problem on emebedding an image

2005-11-11 Thread Larry Meadors
On 11 Nov 2005 06:31:34 -, vineesh . kumar
>  scope="session">

Was that just an email typo?

lgic:iterate instead of logic:iterate?


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SwitchAction get Affected by forwardPattern

2005-11-11 Thread alec lee

I am using Struts 1.2.4.

I have 2 modules and was trying to switch from default to moduleA.  In my
moduleA, I've used , since my 

are inside WEB-INF.  In my default module, I have these lines:


contextRelative="false" />

In browser, I requested .../myApp/ and I expect to be forwarded
to .../myApp/moduleA/  But, what I got is that Struts try to
lookup ".../myApp/WEB-INF/moduleA/".  That is, the "/WEB-INF" I 

into the moduleA's  got included into the uri
calculated by SwitchAction.

I am new to Struts and not sure if this is proper behaviour.  But according 

the documentation, 'forwardPattern' should only related to how the path=
attribute of  tag is interpreted.  There should not be any 

between it and how SwitchAction calculate the URL.

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RE: Bean write problem on emebedding an image

2005-11-11 Thread Bruno, Chris
Shouldn't it be more like:

" height="20"

From: "vineesh . kumar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: struts_user 
Subject: Bean write problem on emebedding an image 
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 01:31:34 -0500
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Hi all,
  I am trying to create a page, so that based on some crieterial the image
to be displayed is selected.
So i made an Form bean in which i initialize a class array
and i am using logic itereate and bean write to display the image
accordingly so i wrote

" />

so i am getting an exception like,

  org.apacje.JasperException: /pages/status.jsp(26.50) equal symbol
the error is on the line
" />

what is the correct way of doing this

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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Ulrich Elsner
On 11/11/05, Rafael Nami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> WOW!


> 2005/11/11, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > netsql wrote:
> > > Just to be diferent, there are alternatives to Ajax:
> > >
> >
> >
> > Ooh! Isomorphic is not going to like that. They've had an Ajax toolkit
> > product named SmartClient for quite a few years now.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Martin Cooper
> >
> >
> > > .V
> > >
> > > Rafael Nami wrote:
> > >
> > >> Super, I tested ajaxtags and really liked it, but that's how I said
> > >> before -
> > >> The team arged that before using a framework, they have to understand
> > >> what
> > >> Ajax is.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > -
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >

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Re: Cannot find bean any scope

2005-11-11 Thread Murray Collingwood


On 11 Nov 2005 at 18:12, Sarat, Sukla (S.) wrote:

> Hello
> Here is my code
> It is giving error like "cannot find bean mYear in any scope"
> Any suggestion???
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Sarat

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Re: OT: Best AJAX framework

2005-11-11 Thread Rafael Nami


2005/11/11, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> netsql wrote:
> > Just to be diferent, there are alternatives to Ajax:
> >
> Ooh! Isomorphic is not going to like that. They've had an Ajax toolkit
> product named SmartClient for quite a few years now.
> --
> Martin Cooper
> > .V
> >
> > Rafael Nami wrote:
> >
> >> Super, I tested ajaxtags and really liked it, but that's how I said
> >> before -
> >> The team arged that before using a framework, they have to understand
> >> what
> >> Ajax is.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> -
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Re:Upgrade from struts1.0 to 1.2

2005-11-11 Thread bhas
I think its not getting till the jsp page as the jsp files are not compiled 
when I hit the url.
Can you help me little bit on how to turn on the logging as I do not see any of 
the struts action servlet logs getting printed.

Broadband interface (RIA) + mail box saftey =";>
*Your* clubs, no sign up to read, ad supported; try broadband internet. 

RE: Cannot find bean any scope

2005-11-11 Thread Srinivas.V
can u use name in bean attribute is same name in the logic iterate name

 instead of mYear

thank you

-Original Message-
From: Sarat, Sukla (S.) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 3:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Cannot find bean any scope


Here is my code

It is giving error like "cannot find bean mYear in any scope"
Any suggestion???
Thanks in advance.


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AJAX Recursive Tree

2005-11-11 Thread Marcio Ghiraldelli
Just for not reinventing the wheel, does anybody has a simple tutorial or 
source for an AJAX/Struts recursive tree? 

Cannot find bean any scope

2005-11-11 Thread Sarat, Sukla \(S.\)

Here is my code

It is giving error like "cannot find bean mYear in any scope"
Any suggestion???
Thanks in advance.


Re: Bean write problem on emebedding an image

2005-11-11 Thread amitava . basak


Just replace the qotes.

Amitava Basak
Tata Consultancy Services Limited

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Re: Re: Help Me out!!

2005-11-11 Thread Shailesh Barde
  Hi Deepak,
  Yes, i want to change the value of Resource Bundle at Runtime.For that i have 
written a code but i won't find metod to set the value of key as we have 
put(key,value)method in Map.Can u help me?


On Fri, 11 Nov 2005 Kumar deepak wrote :
>You want to set it in runtime?
>Deepak Kumar
>--- Shailesh Barde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Hello,
> >I have to set the value in the Struts
> > Resource Bundle .Can anyone help me out to know how
> > to set the value for particular key in Resource
> > Bundle either using java.util.*(Resource Bundle) or
> > Struts Util API?There is no method to set the value
> > for a key in both of these API's?
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Shailesh J.Barde
> >
>Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
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Bean write problem on emebedding an image

2005-11-11 Thread vineesh . kumar

Hi all,
  I am trying to create a page, so that based on some crieterial the image to 
be displayed is selected.
So i made an Form bean in which i initialize a class array
and i am using logic itereate and bean write to display the image accordingly 
so i wrote

" />

so i am getting an exception like,

  org.apacje.JasperException: /pages/status.jsp(26.50) equal symbol 
the error is on the line
" />

what is the correct way of doing this

Re: [OT] where does Java Studio from Sun fit in the picture

2005-11-11 Thread Craig McClanahan
On 11/10/05, Murray Collingwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
> I've just been through the demos below and the Java Studio looks a lot
> like NetBeans.
> I'm now assuming that this is just two products from the same cloth, Sun
> Java Studio
> Enterprise 8 == NetBeans 5, is this correct?

Enterprise 8 == NetBeans + a bunch of stuff (2-way UML modelling, profiling,

The Studio Creator product looks neat but from the screen shots I could only
> see JSF
> related stuff. I'm assuming a lot but Craig's comment below would indicate
> the whole
> thing is Shale aware, is this assumption also correct?

Creator is physically based on NetBeans code, but adds modules that are very
much focused on JSF based development. Because Shale is also focused on JSF,
Creator and Shale can coexist (hasn't been tested much yet, will be more

PS What's the difference between downloading NetBeans (been free for ages)
> and Sun
> Java Studio Enterprise (which has only just become free)? Can somebody
> enlighten
> me?

See above.

> mc


On 10 Nov 2005 at 4:41, Craig McClanahan wrote:
> > On 11/10/05, Christian Bollmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Just to add that Sun is offering both Java Studio Enterprise 8
> > > and Java Studio Creator for free now,
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > Yep ... the new policy was announced at JavaOne Tokyo (where I am right
> now,
> > having just presented on both Creator and Shale). It's not a one time
> promo,
> > or related to EA and beta releases only ... this is the future.
> >
> > -- Ch.
> >
> >
> >
> > Craig
> >
> FOCUS Computing - web design
> Mob: 0415 24 26 24
> --
> No virus found in this outgoing message.
> Checked by AVG Free Edition.
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