Re: CocoonGT 2006 lecture videos?

2006-11-04 Thread Jorg Heymans

David Legg wrote:

Was this years Cocoon Get Together lectures captured on audio or video?

Nope not this year, sorry! It was suggested at some point but the 
suggestion never materialized.


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Re: generating GIFs on the fly

2006-08-29 Thread Jorg Heymans

 I am trying to generate GIFs on the fly with Cocoon. Obviously,
 generating PNGs is no problem, but unfortunately Internet Explorer
 can't handle PNGs because of a number of bugs which conflict with my
 site design. So I am stuck with having to generate GIFs for IE.


 I tried many different solutions to this problem:

 1) Acme
 2) JIU
 3) ImageJ
 4) ImageIO GIF Plugin

Have you tried ImageMagick? I found their encoders to be quite good. At
the time i was using it (3 years ago) the java port - JMagick - wasn't all
that stable, but perhaps this has been improved.


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Re: imagedirectory png width and height not generated?

2006-03-30 Thread Jorg Heymans

Lincoln wrote:
 The generator type imagedirectory doesn't appear to generate the
 attributes width and height for png's. Gifs and jpg are fine.
 Is there a workaround?
 Am I doing something wrong?

If you look at src/java/org/apache/cocoon/util/, you'll
see that it only supports gifs and jpgs for the moment.

It shouldn't be too hard to add support for other filetypes though, it
only requires to have their magic numbers and write some code to peek
into the first bytes of the file.


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Re: [forms libraries] connection timeout??

2006-03-05 Thread Jorg Heymans

Bruyn Bill wrote:

 I get connection timeouts (stacktrace attached).  I don't get it...  Why
 should this be happening?  Cocoon 2.1.8, Java 1.5, Win XP.


 at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.setupCurrentEntity(Unknown 
 at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.startEntity(Unknown Source)
 at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager.startDTDEntity(Unknown 
 at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDTDScannerImpl.setInputSource(Unknown 

Looks like the parser is trying to retrieve a DTD definition declared in
your document. Did your declare the entity resolver with a catalog in
cocoon.xconf (IIRC this is the case by default) ?


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Re: fop 0.91 beta

2006-02-27 Thread Jorg Heymans

Beat De Martin wrote:

 Can I use fop 0.91 beta with Cocoon 2.1.8 ?
 I just got an error.

Please post a stacktrace or a more detailed errormessage. This will
allow people to at least determine if your error is fop or cocoon related.

Jorg Heymans

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Re: Running a shell script from Cocoon

2005-12-12 Thread Jorg Heymans

Peter Flynn wrote:

On Sun, 2005-12-11 at 11:03, Jorg Heymans wrote:
i'm sure you could use Runtime.exec() just about anyware you like to 
call your shellscript. If you need the output of the shell script then 
i'ld put this call in a generator for example.

Could you give an example of the syntax for doing this?

(untested, and evilness of runtime.exec ignored )

  Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cat myfile.xml);
  SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
  factory.newSAXParser().parse(p.getInputStream(), contenthandler);


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Re: Running a shell script from Cocoon

2005-12-11 Thread Jorg Heymans
i'm sure you could use Runtime.exec() just about anyware you like to 
call your shellscript. If you need the output of the shell script then 
i'ld put this call in a generator for example.

Yves Vindevogel wrote:


I was wondering if it is possible to run a shell script from Cocoon.
The script is fairly easy: it calls OpenOffice on the command  line to 
execute a macro.

Yves Vindevogel

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Re: passing arguments from sitemap to a serializer

2005-11-25 Thread Jorg Heymans

Michael Wirz wrote:

 Former question in short: Why does Serializer  not implement 
 Generator, Reader, Transformer do, Serialzer should!

It's part of the design contract of a serializer. Have a look at


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Re: passing arguments from sitemap to a serializer

2005-11-25 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

 Hmmm... this *used* to be the contract. Now for a long time [1],
 Serializers can implement SitemapModelComponent, and the pipeline object
 then calls the setup() method.
 We should fix the docs and state this in the Serializer interface javadoc.

I'm speechless.

(but fixed the javadoc)


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Re: request parameters in sitemap

2005-10-22 Thread Jorg Heymans

Wouter Roosendaal wrote:
 I trying to get cocoon (2.1.7) to request an xml document from an url.
 For example I have tried the following in my sitemap.xmap
map:match pattern=*.qry
  map:generate src={1}/
  map:serialize type=xml/
 When I call the page http://mycocoon/help.qry I expected the call that
 gets passed to cocoon is: but I get an error message from
 cocoon that says:
 The reference to entity q must end with the ';' delimiter.



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Re: Another completed Cocoon Project

2005-10-18 Thread Jorg Heymans

Gerry Kaplan wrote:
 For those who may be interested in seeing another up-and-running
 Cocoon-based site, I have recently deployed a medical reporting application
 called ImpairMaster which can be seen at

Please log an entry in bugzilla following instructions here [1], so we
can add it to the livesites.



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Re: Log4j - logging request uri

2005-10-13 Thread Jorg Heymans

Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

 Not sure... :) Can you please repost the question?

Can one implement an OpenSessionInView pattern using the RequestListener
interface ?


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Re: repeaters alternate row colours

2005-10-13 Thread Jorg Heymans

Gunter D'Hondt wrote:

 wt:repeater-size id=options /

are you still using woody ? If you are in a position to upgrade then the
jx form macros can help you out here.


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Re: Log4j - logging request uri

2005-10-12 Thread Jorg Heymans

Leszek Gawron wrote:
 That's useful! And should be wikified IMO :) Can I implement a
 OpenSessionInView pattern with this?

I remember you asking this before on dev@, when Carsten announced this
interface. I don't think he ever answered actually, ehrm Carsten ?


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Re: Custom generator problem

2005-10-12 Thread Jorg Heymans

Aurélien DEHAY wrote:
 I'm using cocoon 2.1.7 on Tomcat 5.5.9, JDK 1.5.0 on Linux.
 If someone could do the test, and tell me what I'm doing wrong, it would
 be wonderful.

Could you try with 2.1.8dev? It has much better error logging with the
new location mechanism.


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Re: Log4j - logging request uri

2005-10-11 Thread Jorg Heymans
Wojciech Gdela wrote:
 I've switched logging in my cocoon 2.1.7 app to log4j with the help of
 org.apache.avalon.excalibur.logger.Log4JLoggerManager in web.xml.
 I would like to put request uri in my PatternLayout, is there a way to
 do it?
 Now I have pattern: %d{ISO8601} %p [%c] - %m%n
 And I get in my logs:
 2005-10-11 11:46:26,227 ERROR [sitemap.handled-errors] - Not found
 I would like something like:
 2005-10-11 11:46:26,227 ERROR [sitemap.handled-errors] - (/foo/bla) Not

Create a component that implements the o.a.c.RequestListener interface.
In its methods you can set set/remove the log4j diagnostic context with


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Re: Can caching be forced?

2005-10-03 Thread Jorg Heymans

Rob Oxspring wrote:
 I have a match setup to pull data from a remote server for later
 transformation.  The data from the remote server doesn't appear to have
 accurate last modified or useful expiry information but I'd like to
 minimize calls to the remote server all the same.  Is it possible to
 force the remote data to be cached for some fixed period and thereby
 only issue requests to the remote server at some minimum rate (e.g. 1
 request per minute).

see [1]

  map:parameter name=expires value=access plus 1 minutes/



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2005-09-26 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sandor Spruit wrote:

 Right now, my biggest problem is that the Paginator seems to assume 
 request URIs of the pattern page(#) - where # is the page number. I
 had overlooked the page(#) pattern in the Howto.

maybe you could xsl the page() part into a request parameter path and
match this in your sitemap, sounds hacky though...

ie (from the example)
images xmlns:page=;
  image /
  image /
  image /
  transform this into ?page=1
 clean-uri=/cocoon/samples/paginator/page /

 Paginator generates links to other pages by searching for the current
  page number in the URI and replace the (#) with another number. My
 pipeline is triggered by a URI containing a continuation, so the
 paginator finds the current page number in the URI, as part of this
 large integer (sigh). The problems occur when the integer is the
 final digit in my continuation, because the Paginator tries to 
 replace (number) while the final ) is obviously beyond the length
 of the String.

I suggest you log an issue in bugzilla together with your testcase,
maybe the Paginator just needs a bit more shielding as to what it should
search for.


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Re: Minimum number of rows for repeater

2005-09-23 Thread Jorg Heymans

Gerry Kaplan wrote:
 Is there a simple way of specifying the minimum number of rows for a
 repeater. I have a repeater that requires that at least one row exist.
 Currently, I specify that the default number of rows = 1, which works
 great. But it doesn't prevent the user from deleting that row.

A few weeks ago I had the same need/idea, and hacked together a max-size
and min-size attribute for the repeater widget. If you want i can put it
in bugzilla so you can see if it helps your usecase.

If this is useful for other people as well we should nail down the
behaviour and have a go at implementing this properly. Note that things
might get a bit more complicated when you take binding into consideration.


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Re: Minimum number of rows for repeater

2005-09-23 Thread Jorg Heymans

Thomas Lutz wrote:

 +1 for doing this. I implemented this in my validation layer, which
 returns error messages for wrong cardinality. This prevents the user
 from submitting wrong data, but is rather a temp hack, as it would be
 a much nicer GUI if the add or remove buttons of the repeater

this is easily accomplished if you use the jxmacros.

 Why do you think binding could be a problem ? I would say, let in
 everything that comes a long, if it's not enough or too much, display a
that's a good stop-gap solution yes, and probably the only one that
makes sense.

 I am not an expert in CForms sources, nor a java guru, but if you need
 help I could have a look at it... it's on my todo in the next 4 weeks...

Cool! Let me dig up the patch and we'll take it from there.


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Re: Minimum number of rows for repeater

2005-09-23 Thread Jorg Heymans

Jorg Heymans wrote:
 Cool! Let me dig up the patch and we'll take it from there. to start.

If someone could add the Validation stuff that'ld be great, otherwise
i'll have a look at this myself later.


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Re: request parameter with % is lost

2005-09-22 Thread Jorg Heymans

Stefan Pietschmann wrote:

 So basically everytime a parameter value contains an encoded percent
 sign (%25) the param is totally lost – not only its content.

Check your findings against core.log, set the loglevel to DEBUG so it
outputs the request parameters. I just tested this without probs so I
suspect it must be something with your action instead.


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Re: Multi channel Publishing using Open Office and Cocoon

2005-09-22 Thread Jorg Heymans

Robinson, Michael (UK - London) wrote:
 We are currently investigate a way of achieving multi channel publishing
 using Open Office’s native xml file format (Open Document or sxw) as our
 initial file format and performing transformations using Cocoon and the
 xslt files that come with Open Office. I’ve seen a number of articles
 around that talk about achieving this and few work around type solutions
 but I haven’t seen any clean solutions or suggests.

Also note that you can use the deli block to retrieve useragent profiles
for the requesting client and tailor your response accordingly. [1] is a
good read to get up to speed with this.



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Re: Position of folders and files in Cocoon

2005-09-21 Thread Jorg Heymans


 So my question is, where do I have to put my config and log folder that my
 classes used by cocoon (they are stored in cocoonc lib directoty in a jar
 file) can find it?

I'ld say jar cvf config.jar config and put config.jar in lib.


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Re: AW: Position of folders and files in Cocoon

2005-09-21 Thread Jorg Heymans
The reason why your program cannot find the config files is because they
are not in your classpath. One way of doing this is to put the files you
need inside a jar (ie do jar cvf lib\config.jar config from your
project dir).

Alternatively make this into an absolute reference:

public static final String LOGGIN_PROPS_DEFAULT_NAME =

 Sorry I dont get you :( 
 What do I have to do exactly?
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Jorg Heymans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Gesendet: Mittwoch, 21. September 2005 11:06
 Betreff: Re: Position of folders and files in Cocoon
So my question is, where do I have to put my config and log folder 
that my classes used by cocoon (they are stored in cocoonc lib 
directoty in a jar
file) can find it?

 I'ld say jar cvf config.jar config and put config.jar in lib.
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Re: Where do you access HttpResponse from ?

2005-09-21 Thread Jorg Heymans

Laurent Perez wrote:

 I am trying to access the Content-length header from the http response
 directly within my Cocoon app, and if its value is greater than X
 bytes, then trigger some already written business logic (with a
 map:call function=bizlogic).
so you want to execute biz logic depending on the total size of the http
response ...

 I had a look at the RequestListener interface, which can - I assume -
 give back the Response from an Environment, using ObjectModelHelper.
 However I don't know how to obtain the http Content-length header from
 the Response interface.

I don't think it is possible to retrieve response headers using the
servlet API - however check the api docs to be sure.


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Re: How to move a class in scratchpad to a block

2005-09-16 Thread Jorg Heymans

Oliver Powell wrote:

 I believe this class belongs in the next release because:
 - we have used it successfully in production for several months, under
 high load

sounds like a killer argument to me :-)

 - it provides critical (for us) cache functionality not provided by
 CIncludeTransformer or XIncludeTransformer:  it retains or takes on
 the cache validity of its included content, unlike CInclude, which only
 provides expiry/time-based validity - included content's validity is
 ignored. And XInclude isn't Cacheable.
 IncludeTransformer enables us to tweak our caching very finely for
 content coming from our database - updates to the data trigger a cache
 clear event on the Cocoon server. With the scratchpad IncludeTransformer
 _any_ pipeline that includes that data will be removed from the cache
 immediately. This is exactly the functionality we require.

And more good arguments ...

I'll ask on dev@ , and if nobody objects i'll move it out of the scratchpad.

Thanks for your feedback!


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Re: How to move a class in scratchpad to a block

2005-09-16 Thread Jorg Heymans

Jorg Heymans wrote:

 I'll ask on dev@ , and if nobody objects i'll move it out of the scratchpad.

I just had a look at the latest 2.1.x , it is there already so this
component will become part of the next release.


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Re: Serializability of session using the auth fw

2005-09-16 Thread Jorg Heymans

Michael Wirz wrote:

 Thank you very much for this hint!
 This is just a flowscript concern, right?

 Jorg, did you ever enter into the Big Clustering Adventure?
 It seems that if, you had a hell lot of fun..

well i used pound [1] once to loadbalance a few jetty instances running
cocoon - easy to setup, lightning fast and dead cheap :-) For me it
wasn't really a big adventure no, i've heard other stories though ...

Have fun,


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2005-09-15 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sandor Spruit wrote:

 It would also be a great help if somebody could explain what Paginator
 does with the page numbering. It seems to fiddle with the URI to
 fold-in references to other pages? It's kinda hard to see exactly what
 as my URI contains dozends of numbers (a continuation ID) :(

Unrelated, but if you don't like to see the continuation ID in the URL
you can pass it as a hidden param in the form and have a request param
matcher for it, like

map:match type=request-parameter pattern=continuation-id
   map:call continuation={1}/

and in the form template



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Re: Java stream into pipeline?

2005-09-13 Thread Jorg Heymans

Jason Johnston wrote:

 ¿How can we get the stream into the pipeline? OR ¿is there a better
 way to do it?

 One possible approach might be to use the ModuleSource[1] in your
 map:generate to access the XML using an input module.  If you can get
 the InputStream onto the request as a request attribute then you can do
 something like:
 map:generate src=module:request-attr:requestAttributeName /

 Or if you're coming from flowscript you can use the flow-attr: module. I
 use this technique quite a bit.

or 3:

If you're not using flow and are happy to stick this into a plain
generator :

public void generate() throws  {
XMLReader parser =
parser.parse(new InputSource(yourInputStreamHere);

Lots of possibilities really ;-)


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Re: Out of Memory Exception

2005-09-13 Thread Jorg Heymans

Bruce Perryman wrote:
 I've searched and seen that others have had this
 problem, but I haven't found a posted resolution. I'm
 sure this will ring a bell here.
 After the application runs for a while, Tomcat reports
 that Cocoon threw exception

OOMs are not always happening because of faulty code or memory leaks,
sometimes your app just needs a bit more memory. For tomcat, try
increasing the allocated VM memory size :

set the CATALINA_OPTS environment var to
-Xms512m -Xmx512m

If this doesn't help try profiling your code to see what is not getting
gc collected.


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Re: Session lifecycle listener in cocoon?

2005-09-11 Thread Jorg Heymans

Stefan Pietschmann wrote:

 Cocoon, not Tomcat. Is it that easy to just implement the
 HTTPSessionListener Interface and add this Listener to



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Re: SOLVED [Re: Paginator with dynamic page sheet?]

2005-09-09 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sandor Spruit wrote:
 Just in case anyone cares: the point is drumrole NAMESPACE /drumrole
 A dynamically generated pagesheet brings along a bad namespace.
 Invisible, but deadly nevertheless :(
 Strange fact: a very meaningful paginator exception message gets folded
 into an utterly useless NPE at some point.

Is this using branch 2.1.x or some older release? If the latter then it
might be interesting to see what the new stacktrace stuff in branch
would come up with. It is meant to improve exactly this situation.


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Re: SOLVED [Re: Paginator with dynamic page sheet?]

2005-09-09 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sandor Spruit wrote:

 As soon as I've resolved some final issues (high priority!), I've
 planned to see what happens with 2.1.8-dev. Or is the new stacktrace
 stuff moved into 2.2-dev only?

Sylvain ported it to 2.1-dev as well, i'm using it as we speak
(not that i get many stacktraces though *cough*)


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Re: Caching mysteries

2005-08-31 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sandor Spruit wrote:
 I am trying to speed-up my app (a search engine) by using caching. The idea
 is to to run a query once, and allow quick browsing through multiple
 pages of
 results without redoing the query - which is an expensive processing
 step. It
 does not seem to work as expected, in a way I do not understand! :-(
Caching with aggregated has come up numerous times [1], maybe one those
threads gives you a clue.

Otherwise, the logs are pretty good in finding out exactly which
component thinks it should not deliver cached content.

Also, try setting up your sitemap outside of flow and aggregate it with
a static file to isolate the problem ie

map:match pattern=test
  map:part src=mytest.xml/
  map:part src=cocoon:/query/



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Re: serializing external sites

2005-08-31 Thread Jorg Heymans

 Is it possible to serialize external sites.

Use the filegenerator for this :


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Re: Caching: do I interpret the docs correctly, when I assume...

2005-08-29 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sandor Spruit wrote:

 Question: when the key contains *all* the relevant parameters used by my
 components, and there are no other influences (like timestamps), I can
 just return a NOPValidity object (always valid). Right?

as I understand it, yes.


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Re: Passing Java Objects from FlowScript to pipeline components?

2005-08-24 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sandor Spruit wrote:
 In other words: I can use the session object to store Java objects of an
 *aggregated* data type (Collection type), and I can iterate over it. But
 if I want to access the same parameters in JX or XSLT, I need to have an
  *individual* parameter available. Right?

For JX have a look at [1], I don't think you can pass a collection as
parameter in xslt.



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Re: Passing Java Objects from FlowScript to pipeline components?

2005-08-23 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sandor Spruit wrote:
 At some point, my 'stuff' seems to be converted to a String. Can I have
 Java Objects of arbitrary types instead, somehow???

IIRC passing custom objects from flow is not supported (yet?). I had a
similar situation a while ago, i ended up sticking the Map in the
request scope.


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Re: [SOLVED] logger -- I'm missing someting

2005-08-23 Thread Jorg Heymans
great tutorial/writeup, thanks for this !!

Could you add it to the wiki, maybe under something like
UnderstandingCocoonLogging ?

Note that you could also swap the logging implementation with eg log4j,
 this would make this log4j.xconf stuff obsolete.


Boisvert, Éric wrote:
Would you mind explaining how it works? 
 OK.. this is what I understand of log-kit.. please correct me if I'm wrong
 The logkit.conf file is made of 3 sections. The first section, factories,
 defines a series of Logger class factories (factories are special classes
 that manage the creation of a logger type) . 
 For example: factory class=org.apache.cocoon.util.log.CocoonTargetFactory
 This logger type is a special kind of logger made for cocoon that log events
 into a file. Other kind of loggers are possible. 
 What these logger types actually do are described here :
 The second section, targets, are instances of these logger types. For
 example, the 
 cocoon id=sitemap
   format type=cocoon
 %7.7{priority} %{time}   [%{category}] (%{uri})
 %{thread}/%{class:short}: %{message}\n%{throwable}
 is a specific log destination of type 'cocoon' (see the previous example
 factory) named 'sitemap'.. many instance of this kind of logger are possible
 (for example, a certain factory, like SMTPTargetFactory might create a
 logger class that sends emails to someone).If you scan the targets
 section of the logkit.conf, you'll find the familiar list of log files
 (errors, core, sitemap,handled-errors,etc..).  In the default implementation
 of Cocoon, they are all of cocoon type.  The structure of the tags depends
 of the logger type and there are documented on the wiki page.
 The last section, categories, are really like matchers in the sitemap.
 This sections tells what log event to catch and where the send them (in
 which target).  
 Categories are recursive, so categories can be made of other categories:
 category log-level=WARN name=core
   !-- Startup component manager logger --
   category log-level=INFO name=startup
 log-target id-ref=core/
 log-target id-ref=error/
   log-target id-ref=core/
   log-target id-ref=error/
 This kind of works like a matcher for log events coming from components.
 For instance, category log-level=WARN name=core will match all log
 event sent to core.*, and the embedded category category log-level=INFO
 name=startup will match all log events sent to core.startup.* (since this
 category is a sub category of 'core').  If, for instance, a log event is
 sent to core.dummy and there are no such sub category, it will be handle by
 The log-target tags tells where the log event will be logged (the same event
 can be save in  ore that one file, as this example shows).  
 For example, a log event sent to core.startup will be simultaneously logged
 in core and error targets, therefore in this case, 2 differents files (which
 are both cocoon loggers types)
 The log-levels are filters to adjust the verbosity of the log.. The levels
 are DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL_ERROR in this order.  The most verbose
 is DEBUG because it accepts all the other logs types as well.  WARN accepts
 them all except DEBUG, etc.. and finally FATAL_ERROR only accepts
 How does the component knows where to send the log event ??.. well, if you
 look at any sitemap, you might find declarations of components that looks
 like this:
   map:action logger=sitemap.action.xsp-action
 The logger attribute tells that this action (xsp-action) will send the log
 event to 'sitemap.action.xsp-action'.  Looking at the logkit.conf,   you
 should find a sitemap category, and under this category another one called
 category log-level=INFO name=sitemap
   log-target id-ref=sitemap/
   log-target id-ref=error/
   category log-level=INFO name=handled-errors
 !-- Exceptions that will be handled by a sitemap errorhandler are
  logged to this target. --
 log-target id-ref=handled-errors/
 but no action.xsp-axtion, therefore the log events are handled by the
 'sitemap' category, which send the log events to 'sitemap' and 'error'
 targets (which are both cocoon loggers).
 How does it look in the java code ?
 The java code is quite simple.. For all Avalon components, you can use the
 getLogger() method to access the logger and then call a series of methods to
 send a log event, for example.
 getLogger().debug(hi !); 
 will send a DEBUG 

Re: Directory generator for network drives?

2005-08-18 Thread Jorg Heymans

Jonas Lundberg wrote:
 Then you are saying that either
map:generate type=directory src=Bambi/store/
map:generate type=directory src=Bambi\store\
 map:generate type=directory src=file:Bambi\store\
 map:generate type=directory src=file:Bambi/store/
 should work?
 But it does not work for me... Did I get that wrong?

None of these will work, just map it to a local drive if you're able to.


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Re: Directory generator for network drives?

2005-08-17 Thread Jorg Heymans

Jonas Lundberg wrote:

 Am I doing something wrong, or does the directory generator not
 support network drives?

In normal java you'ld be able to access the network drive using
(tested from windows to an SMB share)
File f = new File(myserver\\mydir);
or even
File f = new File(new URI(file:myserver/mydir));

The directory generator (or more precisely the SourceResolverImpl)
resolves both src=\\myserver\mydir and src=myserver\\mydir to
local path $WEBAPP_ROOT/myserver/mydir whereas
src=file:myserver/mydir is resolved to file://myserver/mydir

This is IMO wrong or at least counter intuitive behaviour given how it
works in plain java.

You might try and write your own SourceFactory and register a custom
smb: protocol to get around this, or as Tony suggested just map it to a
network drive and access it local (AKA The Easy Way Out :)


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Re: Transformer to wrap server connection with keeping context

2005-08-15 Thread Jorg Heymans

Jürgen Hofmann wrote:
 The server communication takes place via a proprietary protocol over TCP/IP.
 The server basically receives commands and variables and returns variables
 and messages. The somehow tricky part is, that the server is not context
 free, so I have to keep some context on my side whenever communicating with
 the server.

I have been known to (ab)use cocoon for similar things in my early
cocoon days ;-)

 My idea was to simply create a transformer, which takes the command and
 variables, sends them to the server and outputs the received variables and
 messages. However, I don't want to pass all the context required for correct
 server communication through my transformer, because for the application
 logic it's not needed. Further I need an efficient way for connection
 handling; I want to stay connected to the server as long as the user does
 not log-out.
If i were you i'ld have a good look at the flexibility provided by flow
[1], and keep the connection logic and protocol logic independent of
cocoon in normal java classes. You can use the servlet session to save
the state objects. If you need user interactivity you can use a basic
CForm [2] to handle this.

Note that there is a bit of a learning curve to all this, but it's well
worth the time !



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Re: Transformer to wrap server connection with keeping context

2005-08-15 Thread Jorg Heymans

Jürgen Hofmann wrote:

 With your experience: would you still do this kind of things with cocoon or
 follow a completely different approach? 

To be honest, probably not. I used cocoon as an application hub,
connecting different remote services together through the pipeline

 I'm rather impressed by the power and architecture of cocoon, and I thought
 it could save us quite some time; on the other hand we hardly have any Java
 know-how yet (just plenty of C++). I still believe it would be good for us
 to invest a bit in Java (most of the other techniques used in cocoon should
 be familiar).

I'ld say toy around with it for a bit to see how you find the learning
curve. There are quite a few concepts to grasp if you're new to web


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Re: Authentication problem

2005-07-20 Thread Jorg Heymans

Angelo Immediata wrote:
 First of all very thanks for your reply.
 I'll give a look to the java class later in this day.
 I have tried by using   
 var codiceFiscale = 
 and i have:
   [#document-fragment: null]
 Then i have tried this one:
 var codiceFiscale = 
 and i have an error (TypeError cannot convert null to an object)
 While if i use
 var codiceFiscale = 
 i have null.

I just verified your xpath with oxygen xml, it is correct and should
retrieve the full node value. Even the text() directive at the end
should be fine. Sorry for the red herring :-)

Step through the getXML method to see where exactly it thinks it is
retrieving that value.


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Re: how to call a flow-function from a (request)-string

2005-07-19 Thread Jorg Heymans

Johannes Becker wrote:

 The function:
 function start() {
var param = cocoon.parameters[param];

 eval(param) should work IIRC.

Note that by doing this you are losing much of the declarative nature of
the sitemap. Why not just declare the functions as you need them ?


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Re: Authentication problem

2005-07-19 Thread Jorg Heymans

Angelo Immediata wrote:

 I don't see MMDX but only MM and nothing else.

Have a look at in

IIUC, the getXML method is used there to retrieve your value. Maybe
there is something wrong with the xpath expression ? Try it in isolation
on a similar piece of xml to isolate any problems in your code.


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Re: Authentication problem

2005-07-19 Thread Jorg Heymans

Jorg Heymans wrote:
 Angelo Immediata wrote:
I don't see MMDX but only MM and nothing else.
 Have a look at in
 IIUC, the getXML method is used there to retrieve your value. Maybe
 there is something wrong with the xpath expression ? Try it in isolation
 on a similar piece of xml to isolate any problems in your code.

Actually, try /authentication/USERINFORMATION/CODICE_FISCALE/text() ,
does that work?

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Re: Adding xml string to an aggregation

2005-07-14 Thread Jorg Heymans
Gary Larsen wrote:
 I need to also aggregate an XML formatted string that I’ve generated in
 the flow.  Is there syntax for using a request attribute as a source in
 an aggregate or is there a better way to accomplish this?

This came up a while ago. Have a look at [1], in particular
map:read src=module:flow-attr:myxml/



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Re: Problem starting cocoon webapp in Jetty

2005-07-05 Thread Jorg Heymans

Leszek Gawron wrote:

 version 4.2.9. Could it possibly be caused by a defective jar file??

 Those problems usually smell like wrong handling of endorsed libs.

Yes and based on this, i would say that you're not running the 4.2.x
series of jetty but a 5.x one.

I've used cocoon with almost all 4.2 releases and never had to deal with
endorsed libs. The 5.x series needs special care just like tomcat.


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Re: compiling php

2005-06-30 Thread Jorg Heymans

Adriano Smith wrote:
 If a php file is called in the pipeline as a generator will the file be
 compiled or just displayed as it is? is it possible to mention somwhwre
 that the php is to be compiled and executed. i wish to call a php file
 thro cocoon pipleline. if it is called normally outside cocoon it

2 scenarios AFAIU

1) you access the php through your local filesystem ie
map:generate src=/path/to/my.php/

In this case your php won't be executed ofcourse and cocoon retrieves
the contents of your php file (ie the script itself)

2) you access it through a php-enabled webserver ie
map:generate src=http://php.server/my.php/

In this case your php script will be executed and cocoon retrieves the
*output* of the script into the pipeline.


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Re: compiling php

2005-06-30 Thread Jorg Heymans

Upayavira wrote:
 The Cocoon PHP block never worked correctly, and should not really be
 used. If you need to retrieve data from a PHP page, just use HTTP, e.g:

So why not deprecate it in 2.1.8 and remove it in 2.1.9 ? We shouldn't
be scared to remove broken cruft.


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Re: [Cforms] How to reproduce the selection state?

2005-06-28 Thread Jorg Heymans

Stephan Coboos wrote:
 How can I reproduce the form in order to select Audi in the dropdown box
 for cars automatically?

To set a default selection, just set the value of the widget containing
the selection list.

So this would translate into something like (untested)

  fb:javascript id=cars path=cars direction=load
  var selectedCar = getSelectedCar(); // this calls into flowscript


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${context-root} in log4j.xconf

2005-06-23 Thread Jorg Heymans

Has anyone tried to use variable substition in log4j.xconf?
It uses
param name=File value=${context-root}/WEB-INF/logs/log4j.log /
as an example of variable substitution.

In my setup ${context-root} is empty however. The log4j docs state that
variables are substituted either from system properties or from declared
variables in the property file itself.

My question is now whether
A) ${context-root} is a special property that is set within cocoon
somewhere and is meant to be picked up by log4j (but somehow isn't).
B) is it just a confusing empty variable that is meaningless unless you
define it yourself.

In case the latter applies i would suggest changing it to
${myloggingdirectory} or something, so that people don't expect it to
work out of the box.

Now ideally i would like ${context-root} to be a property set by cocoon
in the log4j environment, pointing to
getServletContext().getRealPath(/). Can this be done ?


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Re: Cforms stability

2005-06-16 Thread Jorg Heymans

Jubin Thomas Kuriakose wrote:

 documentation it is given that CForms is still under development. So is it
 safe to use Cforms for basic development purposes?

Yes it is. CForms is the recommended cocoon way of building web
applications with form interactivity.

Have a look at [1] to get an idea of the ongoing stabilization effort.



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Re: Cocoon session configuration ?

2005-06-13 Thread Jorg Heymans
oceatoon wrote:
 I'm trying to find where I can configure the Time to live of the session ?
 I haven't found this in web.xml nore xconf, is this a tomcat configuration ?

Session timeout can be handled at the servlet container level and is
configured in the session-config element of web.xml using
session-timeout. Does this match your need for session TTL ?


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Re: [flowscript] help w/ static initialization pb

2005-06-07 Thread Jorg Heymans

Mark Lundquist wrote:

 This class exists only for static things.  I just figure out that in
 Java, the static initialization block doesn't run when the class is
 loaded, it gets run upon the first instantiation of the class, and I was
 never instantiating the class.
 When I added
 new Foo();
 to my flowscript, it all started working.  I should probably implement a
 real Singleton pattern for this thing.

Static initializer blocks are run only once and that is when the class
is loaded for the first time. I don't know see how flowscript or Rhino
could possibly intercept this as it's a VM thing.

Put a system.out.println() at the top in the static block to verify
this. Maybe you have a silenced exception making you think the block
doesn't get run ?


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Re: Injecting a String XML document into a pipeline

2005-06-05 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sebastien Arbogast wrote:

map:generate src=module:flow-attr:myxml/

map:read src=module:flow-attr:myxml/

This had me gasping for air as well to be honest :-)

 Oh my god !!!
 This is so clean it's perfect. Thank you very very very much !
 That one should definitely be part of an FAQ about Cocoon... I'll add
 it right now on Planet Cocoon. It's so bad input modules are not
 better documented because obviously they can solve many issues.
 Waoh !

FYI the modulesource does seem to be documented :


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Re: Injecting a String XML document into a pipeline

2005-06-04 Thread Jorg Heymans
Sebastien Arbogast wrote:
 I'm looking for a simple way to inject the string content of a
 flowscript variable into a pipeline for serialization and sending. Of
 course I could do a sendPage() but that would force me to :
 1 - create a dummy JXTemplate to inject the value of my flow variable
 2 - create an XSLT stylesheet to extract the content again.
 In other words, I'm in my flowscript function, I have a variable which
 contains exactly the XML document I want to send to the client. How
 can I do that ?

I would put the string in the request scope, then sendPage() to a
pipeline where a custom generator picks it up and feeds it to the SAX

How does that sound?


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Re: Injecting a String XML document into a pipeline

2005-06-04 Thread Jorg Heymans

Zbigniew Bomert OP wrote:


Are you sure this works when myxml contains xml tags ? Surely the
downstream parser chokes on it as you're effectively writing tags in a
text node ?


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Re: Injecting a String XML document into a pipeline

2005-06-04 Thread Jorg Heymans

Zbigniew Bomert OP wrote:

 function getPipeline(uri, viewData) {
  var pipelineUtil =
  var result = pipelineUtil.processToDOM(uri, viewData);
  return result;


 myxml contains dom xml.

Then your solution works ofcourse. Only thing is that it builds a DOM
representation of the data, which could become memory-problematic for
large documents. Other than that, i like it !


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Re: What does processPipelineTo() method do ?

2005-06-02 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sebastien Arbogast wrote:
 And I found that
 in Cocoon API documentation but there's no precision about parameters
 and what the function does. Can anybody give me more details about
 that ?

Did you read ?


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Re: XMLFileModule for a dynamic file.

2005-06-01 Thread Jorg Heymans

Alexander Berezhnoy wrote:
 Dear friends,
 I've been looking for this feature for a week already, nobody and nowhere
 can't give me a definite answer.
 I want to extract data with XPath from an XML file whoes name depends on
 request parameters.
 The XMLFileModule is statically configured, so the file name is fixed.

Why not plain xslt ?

map:generate type=file src={request-param:myfilename}.xml/
map:transorm src={request-param:myfilename}.xslt/
map:serialize type=xml/

Why can't you just create the pipeline as such and aggregate it in
another where you need the data?

Or did i misunderstand your question?


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Re: Comparison between cocoon and other web technologies

2005-06-01 Thread Jorg Heymans

Baskar Ganesh wrote:
 Hi all,
 Can anyone please tell me where i can find the resources for the
 comparison of cooon with the other web technologies.
 Any justifications for cocoon is better over all the other technologies.
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Re: XMLFileModule for a dynamic file.

2005-06-01 Thread Jorg Heymans

Alexander Berezhnoy wrote:
 Plain XSLT won't help here.
 I need to extract the string and pass it as a param, say, to a reader.


Explain your usecase, maybe there is another way to achieve the same result.


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Re: XMLFileModule for a dynamic file.

2005-06-01 Thread Jorg Heymans

Alexander Berezhnoy wrote:
 Well, here is the usecase.
 The mobile portal supports downloading binary resources for the various
 handsets (that's implemented via the reader).
 The resources to be downloaded depend of the handsets' parameterers, which
 are stored in  xml-file.
 To pass the necessary params to the reader, I need to get them from xml by
 their User-Agent (i.e. to apply an xpath).
 The case is complicated in that the handsets descriptions are stored to the
 different files accorting to their mobile network(Various networks may have
 different settings for some handsets).

sounds familiar to me :) Handling different handsets across different
network operators with different MMSCs is worse than doing cross browser
javascript !

Unfortunately i don't see an easy solution. Did you look into the
deliblock? It integrates UA Profiles and CCPP nicely with cocoon. Maybe
this is a way out for you as you say the handset capabilities/parameters
are stored in xml anyway.


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Re: Parsing Excel files

2005-05-31 Thread Jorg Heymans

Adriano Smith wrote:
 hi ,
 Is it possible to parse excel files using cocoon?
 can someone
 direct me to some links about how to do this ?

You can manipulate Excel files using POI [1], this is integrated in
cocoon as a block.



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Re: enctype problem

2005-05-30 Thread Jorg Heymans
I'm not sure if this is related, but Sylvain just committed a fix WRT
file uploads and request parameters.


Ilja Smoli wrote:
 When I add enctype=multipart/form-data in a form template I lose all the
 parameters from request...
 Im using version 2.1.5. This must be a some bug. How can I fix it? Is it
 possible to fix it without reinstalling whole cocoon or moving to newer

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Re: enctype problem

2005-05-30 Thread Jorg Heymans

Sylvain Wallez wrote:
 Hehe, you're monitoring the cvs list closely :-)

sure thing :P

 Yes, that what I just fixed!



PS this seems like a big enough fix, shouldn't status.xml be adjusted ?

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Re: TeeTransformer

2005-05-23 Thread Jorg Heymans

Ugo Cei wrote:
 I need something like the SourceWritingTransformer that would allow me
 to log, for debugging purposes, the contents of an XML document that is
 output by a generator. The problem with the SWT is that it expects its
 input to contain extra tags to direct its behavior, but my input does
 not contain such tags. I just need the transformer to save its input to
 a file as-is and stop at that.
 The reason for this is that my application is receiving some XML
 documents over HTTP, so I'm using the StreamGenerator and a custom
 trasformer downstream, but for debugging I need to save the contents of
 the stream as they are received. So what I need is simply:
 map:generate type=stream/
 map:transform type=tee src=debug.xml/
 map:transform type=custom/

Why not just write the Document to a file in the transform(Document doc)
method of AbstractDOMTransformer ?


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Re: Checking if a Continuation is valid - ContinuationValidityAction?

2005-05-19 Thread Jorg Heymans

Paul Crabtree wrote:
 Hi all,
 My requirement is that if i have a url constructed like this:
 - if the continuation ID is valid id like to execute that continuation.
 - if it is invalid i'd like to redirect the user to page1.html

IIRC, a specific exception is thrown when an invalid continuation is
requested. You can define an error handler on that pipeline to handle it
appropriately (see


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Re: cocoon exception

2005-05-10 Thread Jorg Heymans
Search the mailinglist, this has come up numerous times.


Adriano Smith wrote:
 I keep getting this error in cocoon logs. Can someone please
 throw light on the cause of this error : 
 I have no clue why suddenly
 it has started coming. 
 Also, When this exception is seen i find that
 iam not able to browse apache cocoon through the browser, but i find
 that the cocoon process is running ( doing grep java )
 The exception is
 pasted below.
 (2005-05-10) 10:29.25:021   [access] (/headlines/fullstory.wml)
 PoolThread-87/CocoonServlet: Internal Cocoon
 EOFException( Broken pipe)

at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletOut.flush(

 at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(

 (2005-05-10) 10:29.25:034   [access] (Unknown-URI)
 Unknown-thread/CocoonServlet: Cocoon got an Exception while trying to
 close stream.
 EOFException( Broken pipe)

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Re: File Upload with Internet Explorer extremly slow

2005-05-09 Thread Jorg Heymans
Cocoon is using it's own upload routines because at the time it was 
developed, there simply was no commons-upload yet.

A few months ago i suggested to replace cocoon's custom upload routines 
with commons-upload, maybe it's time to trigger some attention to this 

Michael Ebert wrote:
Hi Roy,
I changed to Tomcat 5.5.7. Now upload works fine, but I'm not sure,
if the reasen is the migration to tomcat 5.5.7.
what's the difference between 'common upload' and cocoons 'own

am Sonntag, 8. Mai 2005 um 15:25 schrieben Sie:
MM Using commons upload, I find no problem with Tomcat and speed.  I am
MM using Tomcat 5 series, however.
MM On 5/8/05, roy huang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I meet the similar problem,but I'm using file upload
directly.I test the upload speed is fine with jetty but extremely
slow with tomcat 4.1.31.Do you solve your problem?
Roy Huang

MM -
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Michael Ebert
Michael Ebert
Ebert + Grüntjes GbR
Zeil 65-69
60313 Frankfurt
Tel.: +49 69 928879-17

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Re: File Upload with Internet Explorer extremly slow

2005-05-09 Thread Jorg Heymans

Michael Ebert wrote:
Hi Jorg,
thanks for the information about the upload. how can i distinguish
what kind of upload i use? in my application i have an upload form
created with cforms. to handle the upload i wrote some java code in my
java flowscript. Is that the cocoon upload or the common upload?
I don't know how you implemented it. Show us the code.
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Re: NotSerializableException ?

2005-04-30 Thread Jorg Heymans
Sebastien Arbogast wrote:
Upon container shutdown, Spring (or maybe the container itself) tries to
be a good citizen and serialize the session to disk. Now there are some
components/classes in flowscript that are not serializable, hence the
session serialization fails and you get this stacktrace.

And your guess is good. I think my problem comes from a ServiceLocator
singleton I use to access my Spring services. It's not a class of my
own, it's automatically generated by AndroMDA and it has a shutdown()
method which releases resources. It should release that
NotSerializable transaction manager but the problem is how can I
automatically call this method after each request or at least just
before my application is shut down ?
Servlet event listeners [1] are probably what you're looking for. But 
i'm sure there is a spring way of doing this as well.

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Re: NotSerializableException ?

2005-04-29 Thread Jorg Heymans
Not sure but here's my best guess:
Upon container shutdown, Spring (or maybe the container itself) tries to 
be a good citizen and serialize the session to disk. Now there are some 
components/classes in flowscript that are not serializable, hence the 
session serialization fails and you get this stacktrace.

Sebastien Arbogast wrote:
When I shut down my tomcat server with my cocoon application (schaman)
inside, I get a mysterious NotSerializableException which seems to be
linked to both Spring and Flow (see
INFO: Retrait de l'application web pour le chemin de contexte /schaman
- Impossible de sérialiser l'attribut de session FOM JavaScript GLOBAL
pour la session D65F51D70184DCB7004DD1872DE23FAD
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at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.stop(

Re: Just a remark

2005-04-28 Thread Jorg Heymans
Is this on the wiki ? You could create yourself an account then and 
modify it yourself.

Otherwise please log an issue at so it doesn't get lost.
I was just reading the tutorial about control flow. I copy pasted the code from
the tutorial. It didn't seemed to work. I discovere a little typo ... In the
file game.js on line 10, there is a call for guess.jxt. This should be
guess.jx. You'll problably already know this, but I just point it out for you.

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Re: How to read the lastModifiedDate of the original XML file?

2005-04-27 Thread Jorg Heymans
Linden H van der (MI) wrote:
my website consists of several XML pages that are transformed into HTML
using various XSL files. I'd like to add a last modified timestamp,
but that means I need the lastModifiedDate of the original XML, because
the javascript I used takes the moment of generation of the HTML page,
which is basically about 1 minute earlier than the current time.
Does anyone know an elegant way to achieve this?

How about a custom transformer that reads the files and adds a meta 
timestamp tag to your document?

Alternatively (but I'm not sure) you could use an action that reads the 
timestamps and makes them request-local available for the stylesheet.

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Re: soap, xml stream

2005-04-20 Thread Jorg Heymans
Matt P. wrote:
Hello all,
I've gone back in the archive for about 2 years, and didn't find a
satisfying answer. If it's out there, please point it out.
The truth is always out there :-)
I have a c++ application, that consumes and produces xml. The xml output
is serialized (char*). That's the legacy I have to work with.
My problem is finding the way(s) to make this output available to a
Use JNI to get the char* into a string (should be possible but i've 
never used JNI)

Then write a custom generator that does something like the following in 

String myString = myjnifunction.getData();
XMLReader parser = 
parser.parse(new InputSource(new BufferedInputStream( 
 new ByteArrayInputStream(mystring.getBytes();

I have been successful at creating pieces of pipeline to create an input
form, flow the output into a soap envelope, have the soap processed, and
the return soap document transformed to extract the xml output of my
application. cool, so i have this xml string/stream, that doesn't tickle
the xsl transformer who only responds to sax. I can serialize it instead
to an xml, and put this into a pipeline named e.g. match=output.xml,
but how can i use in another part of the sitemap?
Sorry but I fail to see how soap gets into this picture all of a sudden.
I've looked at STX, but we're talking about a big document, and i don't
really want to reimplement a stylesheet that's already there.
Above code can generate MB's of data extremely fast.
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Re: Trang transformer

2005-04-20 Thread Jorg Heymans
You mean a cocoon transformer or a normal transformer ?
If you can find a java based tool (even with a minimal API) that does 
the job then it shouldn't be too hard to turn it into a cocoon transformer.

Suzan Foster wrote:
Does anybody know if there is a trang transformer to translate relax ng 
to xml schema on the fly?

Suzan Foster.

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Re: attaching an object to sendpage

2005-04-19 Thread Jorg Heymans
Upayavira wrote:

Have you ever used JXPath? That would be one way. Otherwise, does the 
NativeObject have an 'unwrap' option? Then you could cast the unwrapped 
object. I'm guessing now though.
JXPath didn't have the capabilities I needed for generating my SAX 
stream, that's why i went with a custom generator instead.

It looks like the nativeobject has most of the properties available to 
call the methods i want in a Javascript way. But I think i'll just stick 
to passing it via the Request, even though it's less declarative to see 
what's going on in my code.

Funny though that this isn't easily doable. I would've thought that 
passing an object from flow to a non-JX pipeline is common stuff - guess 
i was wrong :-)

Thanks for your help
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attaching an object to sendpage

2005-04-18 Thread Jorg Heymans
I would like to do the following
cocoon.sendPage(streamdata, {dataobject , data} );
and then in the generator setup() of the streamdata pipeline somehow 
grab this dataObject object.

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Re: attaching an object to sendpage

2005-04-18 Thread Jorg Heymans
I see, and then in my generator declaration i would do
map:generate ...
   map parameter name=data value={flow-attribute:dataobject}
Is the flow-attribute held in request scope? This data might/will get 
overwritten with concurrent requests from the same client, which is very 
possible in my application.

I guess the FlowHelper syntax equivalent is
Object bean = FlowHelper.getContextObject(objectModel) , but i have the 
same remark here : is the variable stored request-local ?

Upayavira wrote:
Or use the FlowHelper class.
Regards, Upayavira
Arsen A. Gutsal wrote:

On Mon, 2005-04-18 at 16:22 +0200, Jorg Heymans wrote:
I would like to do the following
cocoon.sendPage(streamdata, {dataobject , data} );
and then in the generator setup() of the streamdata pipeline somehow 
grab this dataObject object.

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Re: attaching an object to sendpage

2005-04-18 Thread Jorg Heymans
map:generate ...
   map parameter name=data value={flow-attribute:dataobject}
doesn't work in my case as i need the object as a whole. I don't think 
the map:parameter syntax allows pojos as values, or does it ?

Upayavira wrote:
Jorg Heymans wrote:
I see, and then in my generator declaration i would do
map:generate ...
   map parameter name=data value={flow-attribute:dataobject}
Is the flow-attribute held in request scope? This data might/will get 
overwritten with concurrent requests from the same client, which is 
very possible in my application.

I guess the FlowHelper syntax equivalent is
Object bean = FlowHelper.getContextObject(objectModel) , but i have 
the same remark here : is the variable stored request-local ?

Yes. Has to be, or everything would break!
Regards, Upayavira

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Re: Best Cocoon Resources

2005-04-18 Thread Jorg Heymans
Joao Lopes wrote:
I download some books/tutorials from emule , and i also use 
developerWork website from IBM ...
Hope that isn't Carsten's book you just downloaded :-)
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Re: attaching an object to sendpage

2005-04-18 Thread Jorg Heymans
How can i get at the original object using the flowhelper syntax you 
suggested :

Object bean = FlowHelper.getContextObject(objectModel)
bean is of class org.mozilla.javascript.NativeObject, it doesn't look 
like i can get my original object back from this.

I think i'll have to just go via the request object.
Upayavira wrote:
flow-attribute would return a string, yes. Has been discussed to allow 
it to return objects, but right now it would be a string.

Regards, Upayavira
Jorg Heymans wrote:
map:generate ...
   map parameter name=data value={flow-attribute:dataobject}
doesn't work in my case as i need the object as a whole. I don't think 
the map:parameter syntax allows pojos as values, or does it ?

Upayavira wrote:
Jorg Heymans wrote:
I see, and then in my generator declaration i would do
map:generate ...
   map parameter name=data value={flow-attribute:dataobject}
Is the flow-attribute held in request scope? This data might/will 
get overwritten with concurrent requests from the same client, which 
is very possible in my application.

I guess the FlowHelper syntax equivalent is
Object bean = FlowHelper.getContextObject(objectModel) , but i have 
the same remark here : is the variable stored request-local ?

Yes. Has to be, or everything would break!
Regards, Upayavira

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Re: How can I upload multiple files at same time ?

2005-04-12 Thread Jorg Heymans
I don't think this is possible using standard HTML controls.
There are applet solutions however that allow you to do this 
( for example), maybe this helps your case.

Jarry Liu wrote:
Yes, if I put as input type=file name=addfilename /, in the file
browser, I can only chooser one file to upload. Do you have any
solution to choose multilple files at the same time.

On Apr 12, 2005 10:59 AM, Aurélien DEHAY [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Le mardi 12 avril 2005 à 10:54 -0400, Jarry Liu a écrit :
Hi, everyone.
I want to use checkbox to selelct multiple files and upload them at
the same time? But if I use  input type =file., it can only
Add a name parameter.

support one file. Do you have any idea?
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Re: CHS with Cocoon 2.1.7

2005-04-12 Thread Jorg Heymans
I would say that your web.xml in tomcat is correct and the one in jetty 
has an error in it. Diff them to spot where it's gone wrong.

Jonny Becker wrote:
I'm trying to get CHS running with Cocoon 2.1.7 on Jetty. Compiles, but 
cannot start Cocoon then.
I get following error on startup: 
org.mortbay.util.MultiException[org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The 
content of element type web-app must match 
On Tomcat it works, but not on Jetty.

On the CHS Homepage there was a comment:
CHS would not start in Cocoon 2.1.7, so I backed out asm-1.5.2.jar and 
asm-util-1.5.2.jar to asm-1.4.3.jar and asm-util-1.4.3.jar.

What is this good for? Worked with me without backing out asm.
thanks in advance
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Re: Best way to initialize Context, Session and Request attributes

2005-04-08 Thread Jorg Heymans

Thanks for the answer. Only, these listeners belong to the Servlet API and 
not to Cocoon, so this will not work in batch mode, when there's a 
BatchContext instead of a HttpContext. Is there a Cocoon specific method?

You didn't mention your app is running in batch mode. I don't know much 
about cocoon batch mode. Do you even have Context, Session and Request 
attributes available without the HTTPContext?

But anyway, did you know an action can span multiple matchers? It's how 
the autentication framework works basically, you encapsulate one action 
around all the pipelines you want to protect. Maybe this helps you 
reducing your sitemap code enough already.

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Re: Fwd: SVG with xlink namespace

2005-04-07 Thread Jorg Heymans
what servlet container are you using? Try your sample with a standard 
jetty-2.1.7 build.

Jean-Claude Moissinac wrote:
I'm using a standard 2.1.7 install on a PC/XP
My SVG plays fine in all players and is very simple.
Perhaps, i have to change the SAX parser used?
On Apr 7, 2005 9:56 AM, Joachim Breitsprecher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Jorg Heymans wrote:
Jean-Claude Moissinac wrote:
The prefix xlink for attribute xlink:href associated with an
element type use is not bound.
I just tried this with a stock 2.1.7 build without problems. Maybe your
SVG is dodgy?
I have had similar problems (namespace not bound). If you do not use
the bundled Jetty, make sure that your servlet container is using
Cocoon's endorsed libraries.
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Re: Fwd: SVG with xlink namespace

2005-04-07 Thread Jorg Heymans
Jean-Claude Moissinac wrote:
Sorry, I don't know how to apply your advice.
I've installed a standard Coccon 2.1.7 install.
In the startup process messages, I see:
... Starting Jetty/4.2.23
and in the last line of the startup:
Do you say I have to download a different version of Jetty and install
it in Cocoon?
Nope, this is ok.
I tested with
map:match pattern=testsvg
  map:generate src=d:/temp/try.svg/
  map:serialize type=svgxml/
try.svg is a plain svg with multiple namespaces declared,
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
there is one element with xlink : use xlink:href=#logo x=200 
y=200 / , logo is a defined image.

I am getting no errors whatsoever. Adobe plugin renders it fine, and 
when i use the plain xml serializer i can see that the document went 
through unmodified.

Where do you exactly get this error? Is it in the tool you use to view 
the resulting svg or is it a cocoon error with stacktrace and all?


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Re: Fwd: SVG with xlink namespace

2005-04-07 Thread Jorg Heymans
at org.apache.cocoon.Cocoon.process(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext(
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle(
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$

On Apr 7, 2005 11:20 AM, Jorg Heymans [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Jean-Claude Moissinac wrote:
Sorry, I don't know how to apply your advice.
I've installed a standard Coccon 2.1.7 install.
In the startup process messages, I see:
... Starting Jetty/4.2.23
and in the last line of the startup:
Do you say I have to download a different version of Jetty and install
it in Cocoon?
Nope, this is ok.
I tested with
map:match pattern=testsvg
  map:generate src=d:/temp/try.svg/
  map:serialize type=svgxml/
try.svg is a plain svg with multiple namespaces declared,
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
there is one element with xlink : use xlink:href=#logo x=200
y=200 / , logo is a defined image.
I am getting no errors whatsoever. Adobe plugin renders it fine, and
when i use the plain xml serializer i can see that the document went
through unmodified.
Where do you exactly get this error? Is it in the tool you use to view
the resulting svg or is it a cocoon error with stacktrace and all?
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Re: Fwd: SVG with xlink namespace

2005-04-07 Thread Jorg Heymans
Jean-Claude Moissinac wrote:
Here is a very short test which works when displayed directly, but
doesn't works when served by cocoon with the previously showed
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
svg width=100% height=100% viewBox=0 0 333 250
rect width=100% height=100% fill=rgb(255,255,255)/
set attributeName=display to=inline begin=0.08336/
g id=S80 
path fill=none stroke=rgb(0,0,5) stroke-width=1.5 d= M 0.0
-234.9 1151.1 -231.65 1150.15 -233.5/
use xlink:href=#S80 transform=translate(-3.0 272.0)
scale(0.29522705 0.29522705)  /
You didn't specify the xlink namespace in this document, so ofcourse the 
parser complains that it cannot map the namespace. Just add the 
namespace at the top and it will work.

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Re: Best way to initialize Context, Session and Request attributes

2005-04-07 Thread Jorg Heymans
in my webapp I need to initialize the Context, Session and Request 
attributes, e.g. with database connections, message queues etc. What is 
the best way to do this in Cocoon? Right now I'm using actions, but this 
is not satisfactory, as I have to put the action in many places in my 
sitemaps. Is there a better way to do this, e.g. some kind of hook that is 
called when Contexts, Sessions and Requests are created and disposed?
There are listeners classes available that do just this.
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Re: [Fwd: New version of sunBow available]

2005-04-06 Thread Jorg Heymans
Lars Huttar wrote:
Lars Huttar wrote:
This is great news for Cocoon users... this list needs to know about it!
I haven't had a chance to try it out yet myself.
If you try it, please let the list know how it goes; e.g. what 
versions of Cocoon you find that it works with or doesn't.

For the record, I tried it with Cocoon (both under Jetty and 
under Tomcat 4.1). I couldn't get the Cocoon debugger to work. But then, 
I can't guarantee that I was doing it right, although I followed the 
With Lepido [1] being introduced only a few days ago, i think Sunbow 
will quickly become irrelevant.

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Re: Fwd: SVG with xlink namespace

2005-04-06 Thread Jorg Heymans
Jean-Claude Moissinac wrote:
I have an SVG file, something like
?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
svg width=100% height=100% viewBox=0 0 333 250
use xlink:href=#S1 transform=translate(62.0 213.0)
scale(0.29522705 0.29522705)  /
Note that it is using the xmlns:xlink namespace.
When I try a sitemap like
map:match pattern=kangourou
map:generate type=file src=aa001.svg/
map:serialize type=svgxml/
I get the followin error
The prefix xlink for attribute xlink:href associated with an
element type use is not bound.
I just tried this with a stock 2.1.7 build without problems. Maybe your 
SVG is dodgy?

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Re: installing 2.1.7, excalibur-datasource-1.2.0.jar missing

2005-04-06 Thread Jorg Heymans

Rolf Schumacher wrote:

I deleted all comment lines from my with an
editor macro.
The output should be correct. It's appended.
Hope this helps.
Does cocoon build at all with this block configuration? I can't get it 
to build because this list is missing a few blocks that depend on other 
blocks you've excluded.

Blocks are built by default unless you disable them, but you still need 
to respect the dependencies.

You mention tomcat won't start, but later you say you copy the lib in 
build/webapp/lib which indicates to me you're using the built-in Jetty. 
Maybe you incorrectly deployed to tomcat perhaps?

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Re: Building cocoon 2.1.7 on Windows

2005-04-06 Thread Jorg Heymans
This is working for everyone else AFAIK, anything exotic in your 
configuration ?

Michel SALAIS wrote:
Hi all,
I have an error message while trying to build cocoon on a Windows XP 
system. My JDK is J2SDK1.4.2_08 and JAVA_HOME points to the correct 
diectory. The error message is :
 begin here 
C:\Program Files\cocoon-2.1.7\tools\targets\compile-build.xml:236: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
Files\cocoon-2.1.7\build\cocoon-2.1.7\temp\blocks-build.xml:1232: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
FileNotFoundException: C:\Program 
(L'opération demandée n'a pu s'accomplir sur un fichier ayant une 
section mappée utilisateur ouverte)
 end here ---

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Re: Error opening an Excel-File

2005-04-06 Thread Jorg Heymans
Mirko Freisleben wrote:
Hi all,
I´m generating an ecxel-File with cocoon 2.1.6 and HSSF serializer
After generating the file I get following error-message 

File Error: Data may have been lost
But the Data seems to be all right, nothing get lost.
Does anybody know how to handle the error-message because I would get rid of 
this message.
Which component is giving you this errormessage? Please post the 
complete line from logfile/stdout.

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