Re: Where are your test definitions?

2024-06-14 Thread Noel Butler

On 15/06/2024 01:04, Thomas Barth via users wrote:

Am 2024-06-14 16:44, schrieb Reindl Harald (privat):

with RDNS_NONE nobody on this planet should accept mails from that 
machine and the admin has to be fired, the message should be jejected 
at SMTP level long before spamassassin

And you would have been dismissed because of your pathological fascist 
thought structure ;-)

Not if he worked for me, it's smtp 101 not only enforce PTRs, but 
enforce matching A/ -> PTR and back again, so they need fix their 
mail server DNS, the bad relay country, not a lot they can do about that 
to that sender.

That said, Harry would never work for me because as you pointed out  
he's pathological, it's why he replies privately, he is perm moderated 
on this and most other lists, please do not reply to him via the list, 
hehas a habit of setting the reply-to, to the list, please check and 
remove it, feel free to tell him what you think of him directly, the 
rest of us already have.

Noel Butler


2024-06-12 Thread Noel Butler

On 13/06/2024 08:59, Rupert Gallagher wrote:

Yesterday I disabled DKIM as a spam indicator, because I got tired of 
adding exceptions. Non-compliant relays should fail hard, but they do 
not. This is a tragedy.

I have NFI why you wasted your time telling us this

DKIM only proves it was sent from domain X, it has ZERO to do with "is 
or is not" spam.

So again, venting your annoyance at your misunderstanding of DKIM with 
us, is pointless.

Noel Butler

Re: kam fails if askdns is disabled

2024-05-25 Thread Noel Butler

On 26/05/2024 01:20, Antony Stone wrote:

On Saturday 25 May 2024 at 16:57:21, Benny Pedersen wrote:

Antony Stone skrev den 2024-05-25 16:52: Is this a reply to something?
something ?, try disable askdns plugin, then do spamassassin --lint

succes ?

hopefully kam know why

there should not be lint errors if just check plugin is enabled, where
all other plugins is disabled

I apologise for not having worked that out from "+1".


Shame on you for not turning on ESP  ;)

When Benny is off his meds, he's like the newbies who lodge support 
tickets saying  "mail doesnt work"  not I cant get my mail because of 
error fooXXX or cant send mail because im an idiot and cant read that we 
dont relay out on port 25, or im trying to relay using my old isps mail 
server... *sigh*  but you get used to ignoring Benny's unintelligible 

Noel Butler

Re: Multiple REFUSED logs with ?

2024-05-17 Thread Noel Butler

On 18/05/2024 08:14, J Doe wrote:


I make use of SpamAssassin 4.0.0 on a low volume e-mail server.  I also
run my own validating resolver with Bind 9.18.27 on the e-mail server.

The only piece of software I have in my e-mail stack that uses SORBS is
SpamAssassin.  I have noticed in my resolver logs multiple entries 

a query of SORBS results in REFUSED results.

Here is an example entry:

10-May-2024 05:34:39.024 lame-servers: info: REFUSED unexpected
RCODE resolving '':

While some queries succeed and SpamAssassin appears to be able to use
SORBS, there are always *multiple* REFUSED results only for

Am I exceeding the number of free queries that SORBS allows ?  If so, 

I need to register with SORBS (similar to how SpamHaus requires
registration to use their DQS service) ?  If so, how do I update my SA
configuration ?


- J

SORBS has been ultra sensitive like that for a few years now, it allows 
lookups, then it doesn't, seconds later it does, I suspect an ill 
configured DoS protection mechanism that's overly paranoid, but good 
luck getting anyone their to listen.

Noel Butler

SA treats percentage spaces wording as uri

2024-05-13 Thread Noel Butler
This morning one of our ent_domains DMARC weekly report from a third 
party was listed as spam by SA which took the wording  
Not_percent-twenty_Resolved and passed it off to URI checks adding to it when there is no dot com after it, and a raw message 
search of that message in less in console confirms it.

Problem with the code that scans the content for things like URI's? It 
shouldn't be assuming there's a TLD after it.

Noel Butler

Re: Whitelist rules should never pass on SPF fail

2024-05-11 Thread Noel Butler

On 11/05/2024 03:40, Bill Cole wrote:

So what? domain owners state hard fail it SHOULD be hard failed, 
irrespective of if YOU think you know better than THEM or not, if we 
hardfail we accept the risks that come with it.

In practice, there is a prioritizing of whose wishes I prioritize on 
the receiving systems I work with. If my customer wants to receive the 
mail and the individual generating the mail is not generating that 
desire fraudulently, I don't care much about what the domain owner 

I hope you have an indemnity clause in your contracts (or written 
statement from them) to legally protect you, and your professional 
indemnity insurance (or your countries version of it) is current...

I do not work for the domain owners of the world and I am not obligated 
to enforce their usage rules on their users.

Obligated no, its your network, your rules, but honouring them is the 
correct "good netizen" thing to do.

I'm sure the crime gangs and spammers reading this list greatly 
appreciate you telling them they got better chances with you then most 

Obviously I take their input seriously when trying to detect fraud but 
I've seen too many cases of "-all" being used with incomplete or 
obsolete lists of "permitted" hosts to accept that they know all of the 
places their mail gets generated.

The idea of using -all is not just configuring it and forgetting it, 
it's part of the accepted risk that if you change something, you change 
your SPF statements too, if they forget, the complaints of blocked mail 
should prompt them to fix it, or if they are just flat out too damn 
lazy, then they get what they deserve.

Adherence has improved out of sight in past 5 to 10 years, and I've seen 
no problems caused by SPF, I can't remember the last time we had one.

I've also given up all hope of getting the few places that are still 
doing transparent forwarding to adopt SRS or any other mechanisms to 
avoid SPF breakage to ever change.

I guess the traffic with them is low, if it was high, blocking would 
likely get them off their buts.

Noel Butler

Re: Whitelist rules should never pass on SPF fail

2024-05-09 Thread Noel Butler

On 09/05/2024 22:47, Bill Cole wrote:

On 2024-05-09 at 08:37:06 UTC-0400 (Thu, 09 May 2024 14:37:06 +0200)
Benny Pedersen 
is rumored to have said:

Bill Cole skrev den 2024-05-09 14:22:

In fact, I can't think of any whitelist test that should pass if SPF 
If you operate on the theory that a SPF failure is always a sign of 
spam, you can make your SpamAssassin always trust SPF failures 
absolutely. I would not recommend that. Some people screw up their SPF 
records. Other people forward mail transparently, which reliably breaks 
SPF. SPF is broken *by design* as a spam control tool AND as a mail 
authentication tool. We knew this 20 years ago, but it remains a useful 
tool if you work with its limits rather than assuming that they do not 

spf domain owner asked for hardfails, so why not score spf_fail as 100 ? 
I believe that has been covered in extreme detail and redundancy here 
and in other email-related fora MANY times over the past 20 years.

Domain owners do not KNOW all the paths their mail follows, even when 
they think that they do. Users frequently find ways to break SPF without 
doing anything wrong.

It's not often I agree with what Benny says, but this is one of them.

So what? domain owners state hard fail it SHOULD be hard failed, 
irrespective of if YOU think you know better than THEM or not, if we 
hardfail we accept the risks that come with it.

This is why SPF should always be handled separately by a milter, so a 
hard fail wont make it to spamassassin or others who think they can 
ignore a domain owners wishes.

Noel Butler

Re: Whitelist rules should never pass on SPF fail

2024-05-08 Thread Noel Butler

On 09/05/2024 05:57, Jarland Donnell wrote:

That's easy though at least. Set the DNSWL rule to 0. I appreciate 
their effort but it's simply not an accurate way to determine the value 
of an email in 2024. It's never been the deciding factor between 
whether or not an email was spam, in any email I've audited in the last 


Trust must be earned, not assumed (or bought)

Noel Butler

Re: spamassassin with gmail

2024-04-15 Thread Noel Butler

On 16/04/2024 08:24, Michael Grant via users wrote:

I am not at all advocating people use gmail.  Something like 68% of the 
planet already uses it and few people like

I really wonder about that, or did they pull a trump...
I ran this June last year, the results are somewhat surprising, of 
course YMMV depending upon you're countries politics or what your ISP is 
like I guess.

Michael Grant

Noel Butler

Re: WARNING: Microsoft has earned removal from SA default welcomelist

2024-04-13 Thread Noel Butler

On 13/04/2024 19:27, Marc wrote:

All nice and well, but a bit decades to late. There should never have 
been such default whitelist. Companies should take care not be on 
blacklists, and should maintain some

Absolutely, no arguments there!

After all spf -all exists already for a long time. So why are 
google/microsoft/yahoo etc still not using it? Why don't

Mostly because all the google spam would pass spf/dkim/dmarc anyway, at 
least tehy tend to learn you more as ham than spam if you send to them 
with spf.

they separate free/spam clients on different infrastructure.

Google do IIRC, Microsoft don't, it's why you wont find many of our 
sites in bing, because they use their own search bots in IP ranges 
shared with f'wit script kiddies, and I issued a directive no 
whitelisting for MS search bots - not until they stick em all in one 
subnet that does not, never has and never will have customers in it.

Now these companies are big enough to abuse the market and force 
everyone to customize just for them. If you would

sadly, thats true, they think they are too big to block, but they have 
all at some time found I don't work that way, nobody, is too big to 
block, and its a shame that likes of spamhaus and spamcop operate that 
way too, essentially shrugging their shoulders and going "oh well"

It is just crazy that on the internet you are expected to clean up 
someone else's mess.

Ahmen to that.


Noel Butler

Re: WARNING: Microsoft has earned removal from SA default welcomelist

2024-04-12 Thread Noel Butler

On 13/04/2024 03:20, Bill Cole wrote:

In my opinion, this is an indication that the default welcomelist 
entries in the official

I'm good with that, so long as likes of google are not in any whitelist 

I haven't been following all the anti spam stuff as much as I used to (I 
have people to do that for me so I can enjoy more of life) in past few 
years, but I've never believed the big providers should ever have been 

I've used clear uridnsbl skip domain for donkies years (I think that's 
the option that removes the dnsbl whitelistings going off memory)  but 
perhaps there should also be a similar command (if not already exist?) 
that clears and disables /all/ whitelisting in rules as well, yes I know 
in the past the recommended method was writing a gazillion entries in zeroing out there scores, but isn't that kind of stupid in 

Trust must be earned, not implied (or bought), as Joanne points out, "my 
spam is your ham and vice versa"

Noel Butler

Re: OT: Trigger words in email addresses?

2024-04-08 Thread Noel Butler

On 08/04/2024 11:40, Jerry Malcolm wrote:

Now here's my question (at least one of them)... I send the validation 
email from DoNotReply

So... recommendations, please... should I change to 
something else, and if so, what is

Typically, noreply@... is used

Have you tried using that sender from a non AWS host, even for just a 

My bet is, it's scoring higher because of AWS, who are abused often by 
spammers and scammers.

server and using AWS's SES SMTP server for outbound.  The

and therein probably lies the answer.

Noel Butler

Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Catch a rejected message ?

2023-12-01 Thread Noel Butler

On 02/12/2023 05:16, Benny Pedersen wrote:

White, Daniel E. (GSFC-770.0)[AEGIS] via users skrev den 2023-12-01 

why do you reply to a member that can't answer on maillist ?

From: Reindl "Toxic Troll" Harald

Because that moderated troll has a long known habit on most of the lists 
he's moderated on (which is pretty much everyone) of setting 
reply-to-list, and those who don't know better, don't bother to check 
where they're replying to.

Which is kinda worrysome since the same people are supposed to be 
mail administrators.

Noel Butler

Re: ATT RBL f---wits

2023-11-28 Thread Noel Butler

On 29/11/2023 00:51, Tracy Greggs via users wrote:

Cableone is SOA on this zone, so they are the issue.

You can ask them to create a PTR for your static IP and hope for the 
best.  Most I have dealt with will do it as long as it's a commercial 

As I pointed out - but failed to copy/paste a couple extra lines - 
cableone have issues, earlier they were reporting SERVFAIL then it was 

The fact OP showed google knowing his PTR. says he should not have to 
have them add it manually, they need to fix what they already have - or 
they need to pay their bill :)

It's also why we dont accept reports here that " oh google says its 
there" because google have a history of not honouring TTL's, and it 
always pays to use a DNS server that you don't think would have your 
zone cached, to get a fresh perspective.

Noel Butler

Re: ATT RBL f---wits

2023-11-27 Thread Noel Butler

On 28/11/2023 08:59, Noel Butler wrote:

~$ host
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Seems like AT  *ARE* doing the correct thing and it is *YOU* with the 
problem. before you start calling others f'wits do better 
investigation, a dig trace indicates root servers dont know you.

Seems your IP provider is the onle with problems, now I get an answer of 

~$ dig +trace -x

< snip > 86400 IN NS 86400 IN NS 10800 IN NSEC NS RRSIG NSEC 10800 IN RRSIG NSEC 8 4 10800 20231211213247 
20231127203247 6558 
2+gjyFWYkWAtkzOAmC7Eeva7hotpQ9Qa3LbkFtfznKBFdPAHHQ1vXs0K Shg=

;; Received 366 bytes from in 194 ms

;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

On 28/11/2023 07:31, Philip Prindeville wrote:

We're being blacklisted by with the following message:

(reason: 550 5.7.1 Connections not accepted from servers without a 
valid sender domain.flph840 Fix reverse DNS for

I don't know what the hell is up with these pinheads:

Noel Butler

Re: ATT RBL f---wits

2023-11-27 Thread Noel Butler

~$ host
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Seems like AT  *ARE* doing the correct thing and it is *YOU* with the 
problem. before you start calling others f'wits do better investigation, 
a dig trace indicates root servers dont know you.

On 28/11/2023 07:31, Philip Prindeville wrote:

We're being blacklisted by with the following message:

(reason: 550 5.7.1 Connections not accepted from servers without a 
valid sender domain.flph840 Fix reverse DNS for

I don't know what the hell is up with these pinheads:

philipp@ubuntu22:~$ dig -tmx @

; <<>> DiG 9.18.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.3-Ubuntu <<>> -tmx @

;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 58379
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;;~$ host
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached


;; Query time: 48 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Nov 19 15:08:29 MST 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 71

philipp@ubuntu22:~$ dig -ta @

; <~$ host
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
<>> DiG 9.18.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.3-Ubuntu <<>> -ta @

;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 19570
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
; IN A


;; Qu~$ host
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
ery time: 72 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Nov 19 15:08:39 MST 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 71

philipp@ubuntu22:~$ dig -x @

; <<>> DiG 9.18.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.3-Ubuntu <<>> -x 

;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 2371
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512


;; Query time: 68 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Nov 19 15:08:55 MST 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 95


So that's not the problem.  You're supposed to be able to get the 
blacklisting fixed if you email 
<> but I've emailed them from 3 different 
addresses and have yet to get a response much less a resolution.

Has anyone else had to deal with this bullocks and gotten it resolved?


Noel Butler

Re: Anybody else getting bombarded with "I RECORDED YOU" spam?

2023-11-11 Thread Noel Butler

On 11/11/2023 22:37, Mike Bostock via users wrote:

There is a way to whitelist domains with no RDNS but so far I haven't
found a way to do this in the .mc file.

Thanks again


Connect:foo  OK

Noel Butler

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2023-10-02 Thread Noel Butler

Anyone else seeing this go haywire?

It's triggering on legit emails everywhere, even from paypal, for past 
few days by looks of helpdesk, and my own paypal email this morning, 2.5 
score is pushing a lot of Email into "Junk folders", for now I'ma change 
that score to 0.25

Noel Butler

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copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate 
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Re: DMARC and SA4

2023-09-28 Thread Noel Butler

On 27/09/2023 12:31, Bill Cole wrote:

Quarantine is a silly concept. Users hate it in practice.

Citation please?

My experiences over the many years differ

SpamAssassin does not implement any form of quarantine. This is not 
because it's a bad idea, but because SA doesn't implement ANY handling 
of delivery and storage.

Nor should it :)

Noel Butler

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copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate 
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Re: Ensuring SPF/DKIM for

2023-07-27 Thread Noel Butler

On 27/07/2023 18:11, Marc wrote:

I am always using -all. I honestly can't think of a good argument to 
use anything else.

I agree.

It's my belief that ~all is only useful for a "production entry test 
phase", once your happy, move to -all

Like DMARC's p=none it's a "getting it going" method that's for you to 
get shit right, then move to p=quarantine, although from memory some 
European countries (Germany?) require or use to require you to either 
accept the message and deliver it, or outright block it with a reject 
message, I'd like to think they've changed that though.

Noel Butler

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copyright protected under international law. You may not disseminate 
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Re: Ensuring SPF/DKIM for

2023-07-27 Thread Noel Butler

On 27/07/2023 17:48, Marc wrote:

The oldest mail server log I can find is from mx-in-08 sadly even that
one is only from 2005 but confirms we were using it then, quite a bit
longer than 2014 :P

Why retire? To go fishing or so? I think GDPR even prohibits keeping 
very old log files, if there is no specific reason for that.

Nah, I could never catch anything more than a cold, but I do like 
camping though, peaceful bliss, no server fans droning, no phones 
ringing, no sitting in traffic... even better that most remote spots are 
RF noise free for amateur radio activities whilst other half sleeps her 
head off ;)

As for GDPR, it doesn't affect us, we don't provide services outside our 
own country, also our government, like other "five eyes" nations, are 
perverted control freaks and tend to view all citizens as criminals and 
enemies of the state, so they would be pleased at that duration, we have 
a meta-data retention law that says we must keep CDR's and mail and web 
server logs for "minimum" of 2 years, funny though, they dont want us to 
keep usenet logs, because the vile scum of the earth and warez pups have 
never heard of usenet have they LOL

Noel Butler

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information, therefore at all times remains confidential and subject to 
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Re: Ensuring SPF/DKIM for

2023-07-27 Thread Noel Butler

On 27/07/2023 13:43, Bill Cole wrote:

No, SPF pre dates that, 1998 or there abouts if my ageing memory serves 

It's failing... :)

SPF originated with an idea of Gordon Fecyk, first written up AFTER he 
left MAPS in 2001. First ID calling it SPF would have been 2003 or so.

A brief refresher from

I'm remembering tiny bits here and there, pfft I'm nearing retirement, 
so maybe that should be sooner rather than latter :)

But 20 years is a long time either way, and the base of my comments 
stand, if you're using an OS or daemon that's that old (or even 10 years 
ago), you STILL have much bigger problems than someone rejecting you on 
SPF :)

The oldest mail server log I can find is from mx-in-08 sadly even that 
one is only from 2005 but confirms we were using it then, quite a bit 
longer than 2014 :P

Noel Butler

This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged 
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Re: Ensuring SPF/DKIM for

2023-07-26 Thread Noel Butler

On 27/07/2023 10:20, Matija Nalis wrote:

mailing lists have been smart enough for over 20 years to rewrite 
sender and
not appear as a basic forwarder - which are you are correct, however 
are forwarding abilities to rewrite sender which avoids this, its been 

years or more since I've used procmail which by default did not.

I personally know several people who still use procmail today, sooo...
Your assumption seems to be that EVERYBODY upgrades on regular
(yearly-or-so?) cycles, and updates their configs to latest recommended
practices at the same time.

This is ideal but reality is far different, that said, most would not be 
using anything from 1990's, if they are, they are have far bigger issues 
than SPF.

That at least I can attest is not always the case (I still see
systems with custom which nobody dares to touch,
and with a good reason!)

As above.

But I won't agree that "it does not exist", nor would I agree that it
doesn't matter (if it didn't matter to them, people wouldn't be
asking me to troubleshoot it, and yet they do)

It "does, not matter", you can't help those who wont help themselves, 
I'm sure we all remember this back in days when banks and governments 
wouldt run compliant DNS, they all expected us to whitelist them, when 
they realised that was not going to happen en masse, they got their act 
together and fixed their stuff, now, at least in this country, they woke 
up and realised the benefits so much so, the govt here is a strong 
proponent of DMARC and mandates all federal govt depts to use it (though 
I've discovered some that dont)

Good for you. But that is anecdotal - you are certainly not 

in every mailing list in existence,

I'm on 117 mailing lists - not that I have time these days to read much 
of it, family life is more important, in past couple weeks I just found 
a few hours to peruse some :)

So, still in 2023, I have to deal with SPF (and DKIM) failing due to 
such forwarders/ML (as well

as misconfigurations, of course)

DKIM is a total failure with mailing lists, but DKIM - unlike SPF in a 
typical setup, is not an out-right reject at MTA level.

Also, 1990s? Weren't first SPF-alike ideas drafted first time in
early-mid 2000s, and SPF itself not published as *proposed* IETF
standard until 2014?
That was less than a decade ago, barely yesterday :)

No, SPF pre dates that, 1998 or there abouts if my ageing memory serves 
me correct, 2014 might have been the SPF RR type, which certain cretins 
from the debian world fought long hard against as their dist versions of 
bind didnt understand it it was that old (heaven forbid debian users ran 
modern software - I hope thats changed since but somehow I suspect 

Noel Butler

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Re: Ensuring SPF/DKIM for

2023-07-26 Thread Noel Butler

On 27/07/2023 05:09, Matija Nalis wrote:

Any SPF, no matter how correctly configured, will lead to false
positives in some cases (e.g. encoutering mailing list

mailing lists have been smart enough for over 20 years to rewrite sender 
and not appear as a basic forwarder - which are you are correct, however 
there are forwarding abilities to rewrite sender which avoids this, its 
been 15 years or more since I've used procmail which by default did not.

If you are going to dry-reach to support an argument, please use modern 
facts and not 1990's. I was a *very* early adopter of SPF back in late 
90's and have had zero issues in 20 years in using SPF (as expected as 
an early adopter, teething issues as with all software needed fine 
tuning in very early days)

Noel Butler

This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged 
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Re: Ensuring SPF/DKIM for

2023-07-26 Thread Noel Butler

On 26/07/2023 17:34, Benny Pedersen wrote:

milters should not be spam scanners, spamassassin is better

SA is perl, perl is faster and better resource nice than python garbage, 
but perl is still slow compared to C, that is why milters will win out 

milter-regex is also light and super speedy, it stops a lot of trash 
before postfix even accepts the message to give to SA

Frankly google is just trash anyway, so anything that blocks 
gmail/google spam is a great idea. (have they stopped google groups from 
backscatter yet, probably not, they are too busy fscking over youtube)

Noel Butler

- Ensuring my "long sig" is even longer, just for Benny

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This I care not about mailing lists, although this is only a 
list/newsletter account its not my personal account

Its one of my older formal but not personal addresses nbot really used 
in that lght now.

thinking of other stuff to put in to annoy Benny but damn running outof 
time, time to go home its 5.50 pm

Re: Sudden surge in spam appearing to come from my email address

2023-07-17 Thread Noel Butler

On 17/07/2023 20:00, Benny Pedersen wrote:

Noel Butler skrev den 2023-07-16 02:05:

it's why anyone who whitelists gmail is a fool (much like those who
use gmail in the first place), we in fact add a positive score for all
google/gmail connections

you still have bigger signature then google/gmail on public maillists

and I'm supposed to care because why, did you forget to take your meds 
again Benny...

Noel Butler

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Re: Sudden surge in spam appearing to come from my email address

2023-07-15 Thread Noel Butler

On 16/07/2023 04:44, Cathryn Mataga wrote:

Someone has figured a way to use  gmail to spam from their servers, 
looks like to me.

huh? They have been doing this for YEARS, google don't care because they 
get to scan (inspect) all the mail, even in transit, that's not "tinfoil 
hat" rubbish either since they long admit it.

it's why anyone who whitelists gmail is a fool (much like those who use 
gmail in the first place), we in fact add a positive score for all 
google/gmail connections

Noel Butler

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Re: authres do not parse sender-id

2023-06-05 Thread Noel Butler

On 05/06/2023 03:38, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

is sender-id still not depricated ?

it's status: historic. It's also patended and since it's broken by 
design, there's no reason to support or use it.

Supporting it used to tip you over the "your-not-spam" line with MS's 
cleanfeed, no idea if it still works that way as I lost my MS contact 
when she left for greener pastures.

Noel Butler

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Re: 0 score not voiding rule

2023-05-27 Thread Noel Butler

On 28/05/2023 12:02, Thomas Cameron wrote:

On 5/27/23 17:21, Noel Butler wrote: apparently does not disable the 
rule (like 0 disables all the others), is that a way of forcing your 
world view upon the rest of the world Kevin?
I thought this welcome crap wasnt being applied until next release... I 
guess Kevin that changed quickly, I might have missed the change as I 
admit to having little time for most lists these days, family life too 
hectic :)

Pretty bold to be a jerk to a guy you're asking for help from.

Be nice, Noel. It's not that hard. I don't know why you've got a burr 
under your saddle, but it's definitely not making a good impression to 
be shitty on a public mailing list while you're asking for help.

*yaaawn*  I'm an early usenetter, I never wrapped idiocy up in cotton 
wool back then, I'm not about to start now.

plonk? oh no what will I do...  roflmfao

Noel Butler

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Re: 0 score not voiding rule

2023-05-27 Thread Noel Butler
AS usual I still dont get whatever you're going on about benny, but v4 
was where these changes were to be, yes, BUT none of our servers are on 

ls /var/lib/spamassassin/
3.004006/ compiled/

On 28/05/2023 00:06, an unmedicated Benny Pedersen trolled:

Noel Butler

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Re: 0 score not voiding rule

2023-05-27 Thread Noel Butler

On 28/05/2023 02:53, John Hardin wrote:

On Sat, 27 May 2023, Noel Butler wrote:


apparently does not disable the rule (like 0 disables all the others),

it is still scoring negative values on messages despite being set some 
time ago, and surviving "new kernel" server restarts

Did you also add:


They are synonyms, might need to kill both explicitly.

Thanks John, will check that out this morning.

I thought this welcome crap wasnt being applied until next release... I 
guess Kevin that changed quickly, I might have missed the change as I 
admit to having little time for most lists these days, family life too 
hectic :)

Noel Butler

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0 score not voiding rule

2023-05-26 Thread Noel Butler


apparently does not disable the rule (like 0 disables all the others), 
is that a way of forcing your world view upon the rest of the world 

it is still scoring negative values on messages despite being set some 
time ago, and surviving "new kernel" server restarts

Noel Butler

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Re: new zip tld

2023-05-19 Thread Noel Butler

On 19/05/2023 20:54, Benny Pedersen wrote:

good or bad, i really dont know

Noel Butler

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Re: Mailing list is being Spam Filtered by O-365

2023-04-20 Thread Noel Butler
Oh, same IP again in this message, you are forwarding your mail via 
verizon business aren't you, no, there is nothing wrong with SA, FR 
lists nor Harrys setup when you forward, you risk breakage, only you 
can deal with this.

On 20/04/2023 22:08, White, Daniel E. (GSFC-770.0)[AEGIS] via users 


Mixing up lists

Received: from

(2a01:111:f400:7d05::201) by

(2603:10b6:903:c0::32) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,

cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6319.25 via 

Transport; Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:50:41 +

Authentication-Results: spf=fail (sender IP is 
ß; dkim=none (message not signed) 

header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none;compauth=fail


Received-SPF: Fail ( domain of 
does not

designate as permitted sender);

client-ip=; helo=vsmtpx-e100-03.localdomain;


Daniel E. White

NASCOM Linux Engineer
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Office: (301) 286-6919

Mobile: (240) 513-5290

From: Reindl Harald 
Organization: the lounge interactive design
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 07:50
To: Daniel White , 
Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Mailing list is being Spam Filtered by 

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of NASA.  Please take care 
when clicking links or opening attachments.  Use the "Report Message" 
button to report suspicious messages to the NASA SOC.

Am 20.04.23 um 13:47 schrieb White, Daniel E. (GSFC-770.0)[AEGIS] via 

How about this:

how about realize that "" has nothing to do with


Received: from

(2a01:111:f400:7d05::201) by

(2603:10b6:930:d4::27) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,

cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6319.25 via 

Transport; Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:27:54 +

Authentication-Results: spf=fail (sender IP is  
<-; dkim=none (message not signed)

header.d=none;dmarc=fail action=oreject;compauth=none reason=452

Received-SPF: Fail ( domain of  <-

does not designate as permitted sender); client-ip=;


From: Reindl Harald 

Organization: the lounge interactive design

Date: Thursday, April 20, 2023 at 07:36

Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Mailing list is being Spam Filtered by O-365

Am 20.04.23 um 13:20 schrieb White, Daniel E. (GSFC-770.0)[AEGIS] via 

Is there any chance that SPF and DKIM records could be added to appear 
in the headers ?

what makes you believe that SPF is part of mail-headers?

dig +short TXT;

"spf2.0/pra ?all"

"v=spf1 -all"

Received-SPF: Pass (mailfrom) identity=mailfrom;


Noel Butler

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Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Mailing list is being Spam Filtered by O-365

2023-04-20 Thread Noel Butler
That is not a server that I can see, completely different 
network even...

/var/mail/corp/n/o/e/noel.butler/Maildir/.Lists.FreeRadius/cur# grep 
"" * | wc -l


Messages in folder  28047

CC'd  F/R ML since you also posting this issue over there

On 20/04/2023 21:47, White, Daniel E. (GSFC-770.0)[AEGIS] via users 

How about this:

Received: from
(2a01:111:f400:7d05::201) by
(2603:10b6:930:d4::27) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.6319.25 via 

Transport; Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:27:54 +
Authentication-Results: spf=fail (sender IP is  
<-; dkim=none (message not signed)
header.d=none;dmarc=fail action=oreject;compauth=none reason=452
Received-SPF: Fail ( domain of  <-

does not designate as permitted sender); client-ip=;

Noel Butler

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2023-01-19 Thread Noel Butler

Pains me to agree with Benny, but the rules should be split out...

On 20/01/2023 09:07, Benny Pedersen wrote:


minor annoyances, score closer to 1


abused, score closer to 2 more appropriate


massively abused,  5 is too low, but most ISP's and enterprises  MTA 
block those two anyway.

YMMV (but unlikely on the last two me thinks)... this is based on 
Australasia, can't speak for what is seen in the EU or US

Noel Butler

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Re: welcomelist_auth and SPF

2022-12-16 Thread Noel Butler

On 17/12/2022 08:35, Marc wrote:

The sender's SPF record includes the sending IP ( in the <>  entry, and SPF_PASS is 

Without even checking anything I can already remember that this is shit. I have blocked whole ranges of them, they 
send spam, try passwords etc. I have the impression that there is 
nothing secure about secureserver and everything seems to be hacked 



s /secureserver/microsoft/

s /secureserver/ ... /

I often have gmail accounts hit our honeypots, to the point that I now 
deliberately take a week or more to clear the google smtp of the day off 
the list, each time, I take longer and longer to remove - just like 
other providers

and I currently have a large chunk of google/amazon/MS/linode/D.O/...  
cloud ranges blocked.

My point is, they are all the same and if someone wishes to whitelist 
them, that's the risk they take, they are answerable to their users, not 
to you, me or anyone else.

Noel Butler

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Re: KAM channel disabling lookups?

2022-10-11 Thread Noel Butler

On 12/10/2022 03:35, Henrik K wrote:

On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 09:29:18AM +0300, Henrik K wrote:

KAM channel ( users might 

to check their rules.. contains this:

meta __RCVD_IN_SORBS 0
meta __RCVD_IN_ZEN 0
meta __RCVD_IN_DNSWL 0

Seems it's been disabling many active and useful DNSBL/WL lookups for 
a long


Ah yeah, now I remember this bug:

Apparently this isn't a "problem" in 3.4, as the channel can't even 
anything from official rules..  so only affects recent 4.0.0/trunk 

or save SA doing extra work, and use the RBL's at MTA level - where they 
should be used and have been used for 25 years in the ISP world

Noel Butler

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Re: subscribe to blacklist for domains

2022-08-16 Thread Noel Butler

On 16/08/2022 01:33, Greg Troxel wrote:

If you accept mail and then send it to /dev/null, then the recipient is
unaware that it was sent, and the sender is unaware that it wasn't

Exactly what happens to high scored spam, if its high is very obvious 
trash and the recipient wont want to know, and well who cares what those 
senders  want to know :)

So I'm a firm believer that at SMTP time, you need to pick one of

550 and you're done

accept and then sort into ham mailboxes and spam mailboxes, with the
idea that the user should be checking all of them

or use both,

1 block the very obvious and non compliant;  95%

2 spam folder the "just triggering spam rules" - a problem with pop3 
users (yes, speaking from an ISP world in Oceana they heavily outweigh 
number of imap users) so the labelled as spam stuff is mixed in their 
normal inbox ;0.1%

3 /dev/null the other obvious ; 0.0001% (ultra low becasue step 1 
catches most)

4 inbox the rest

As for spam folder checking not even I bother with mine except for 
once or twice a year

Noel Butler

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Re: subscribe to blacklist for domains

2022-08-14 Thread Noel Butler

On 14/08/2022 23:15, David Bürgin wrote:

To clarify: Backscatter is caused by 'rejecting' mail with a bounce
message, after first accepting it.

This is what was being suggested by some, I think everyone here knows 
what backscatter means, and what it is.

Noel Butler

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Re: subscribe to blacklist for domains

2022-08-14 Thread Noel Butler

On 14/08/2022 22:37, Martin Gregorie wrote:

On Sun, 2022-08-14 at 11:39 +1000, Noel Butler wrote: On 14/08/2022 
02:38, Martin Gregorie wrote:

3) It would be rather trivial to return spam to sender with a
WTF, that has been a terrible idea since the 90s, given most spam is
spoofed, the end result of this will be your mail server getting the
poor reputation as source of backscatter and going into blacklists :)

 greed - I don't do that, but almost as long as I've been on this list
there have been advocates of it. As I said, I thought about it, but the
effort of writing a filter to determine what, if anything should be
bounced or rejected, has never seemed worth the effort for such a low
volume mail used as myself.


When people advocate for it, it goes to show the only thing they have 
ever been responsible for is their own home mail server with accounts 
for them and maybe a friend or two on it, never for anything commercial, 
you've been around a great many years Martin, so I'm glad you resist the 
temptation of the fools.

Noel Butler

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Re: subscribe to blacklist for domains

2022-08-13 Thread Noel Butler

On 14/08/2022 04:23, Bill Cole wrote:

Not sure what you mean by that... There are a handful of rules that 
sidestep specific false positive cases because the hit being evaded 
isn't meaningful in specific cases. None of those are intended to 
'whitelist' any domain, they exist to avoid incorrect hits.

RCVD_IN_DNSWL*  and some trusted rules, as two examples, in years gone 
by we've had obvious spam not binned because they were in those headers 
taking away the sticks harshness, so we disable them and all like them.

I get it, small offices with no experienced IT on hand might find this 
annoying, but enterprises and ISP world are able to fine tune this, but 
we use a number of blacklists and complex milter-regex rules that stops 
95% of the crud outright before hitting SA.

Noel Butler

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Re: subscribe to blacklist for domains

2022-08-13 Thread Noel Butler

On 14/08/2022 02:38, Martin Gregorie wrote:

3) It would be rather trivial to return spam to sender with a suitable

WTF, that has been a terrible idea since the 90s, given most spam is 
spoofed, the end result of this will be your mail server getting the 
poor reputation as source of backscatter and going into blacklists :)

Noel Butler

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Re: subscribe to blacklist for domains

2022-08-12 Thread Noel Butler

Why are you not blocking with blacklists at the border, ie: MTA.

Given its 0 resources for your MTA, with anti spam checking on SA often 
using significant resources (depending on traffic/number of tests/rules 
etc), its best to stop it getting to SA in the first place.

SA also has this by-default list of domains that it never checks, for 
along time I have disagreed with this, we are the ones to decide who 
gets whitelisted not SA, not some paid third party, the option 
clear_uridnsbl_skip_domain  however prevents this, but then you have to 
locate and 0 all the general rulesets scores that are whitelists as 

On 13/08/2022 09:55, joe a wrote:

I need to refresh my brain on using blacklists with SA, before looking 
more deeply into why this got through.

Today a email slipped through with a very low score that was clearly 
phishy.   A url in question, posing as another, hits no less that 6 
blacklists.  I was going to look at clamav that is in use here, as I 
had just been tuning that a bit and realized that that may be using a 
hammer to drive a screw.  so to speak.

Or are they passe these days?

Noel Butler

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Re: Supposed bounces

2022-07-18 Thread Noel Butler

On 19/07/2022 09:49, Grant Taylor via users wrote:

At the very least they let you know that a message was rejected.

I can then go look at my MTAs logs and deduce why message(s) were 
rejected with more authority than anything the MLM could tell me.

Is that what you tell your customers? I'm damn sure it's not.

But seriously folks, why the noise, its 3 years old (well mine was), 
get over it :)

The age of what prompted the discussion doesn't negate the discussion.

The discussion is OT, you've been around long enough, so has the other 
guy, to know how to query issues about the mlm, and none of it is 
bringing noise onto the list, which I too am now guilty of and shall be 
my last.

Noel Butler

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Re: Supposed bounces

2022-07-18 Thread Noel Butler

On 19/07/2022 09:12, Grant Taylor via users wrote:

Every version of what you describe that I've looked at has been the 
courtesy message.

Which is a joke, because it does not, and qmails ezmlm has never 
included enough of the headers telling us _why_ we rejected it.

But seriously folks, why the noise, its 3 years old (well mine was), get 
over it :)

Noel Butler

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Re: Supposed bounces

2022-07-14 Thread Noel Butler

On 14/07/2022 17:27, Benny Pedersen wrote:

Noel Butler skrev den 2022-07-14 00:38:

ezmlm has been long brain dead, I particularly like its messages
saying its reject message but never tells you the actual 5xx code.

I aint about to go through 2019's logs to find out why either :)

Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

please stop doing this shit to maillists

f@ck off

Noel Butler

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Re: Supposed bounces

2022-07-13 Thread Noel Butler

On 14/07/2022 04:24, Grant Taylor via users wrote:

On 7/13/22 12:19 PM, @lbutlr wrote:

So, a supposed bounce from also three years ago. And that bounce did 
not come from my mail server as I have never run qmail. No IP 
addresses, no Received headers, nothing that could possibly be used to 
figure out what is going on here.

I think this is a courtesy message from the mailing list saying that a 
message that it tried to send to you was bounced.

It provides a copy of (part of) the message for your convenience.

Nothing about that implies that you sent the message that bounced. 
Instead it is extremely likely that you did not originate the message 
that bounced.

ezmlm has been long brain dead, I particularly like its messages saying 
its reject message but never tells you the actual 5xx code.

I aint about to go through 2019's logs to find out why either :)

Noel Butler

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Re: Untrustworthy TLDs and KAM

2022-05-01 Thread Noel Butler
I've dropped both the scores substantially so if it triggers as spam 
there must be other noticeable nastiness.

(There's a reason we've never submitted fp's for review, Australia has 
very strong privacy laws, not quite as strong as Germany, but close to 
it, we have to have users submit them directly, and history shows they 
don't, so I just drop the scores for obvious over-reach and move on, I 
made the comment just to advise the OP is not the only one seeing it)


On 02/05/2022 12:14, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

Feel free to submit fps for review.

On Sun, May 1, 2022, 21:56 Noel Butler  wrote:

.online will be a problem for us, a quick grep of 2 mail servers shows 
a good few FPs, also doubling up seems counter productive, but add 
those with pother rules and it easily triggers limits

On 02/05/2022 11:47, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

Did it cause a fp with a score of 5.0 or higher?

On Sun, May 1, 2022, 21:46 Alex  wrote: Hi,

Four points for a .online TLD with KAM rules

*  2.0 PDS_OTHER_BAD_TLD Untrustworthy TLDs
*  [URI: (online)]

*  2.0 KAM_SOMETLD_ARE_BAD_TLD .bar, .buzz, .cam, .casa, .cfd, .club,
*  .date, .guru, .live, .online, .press, .pw, .quest, .rest, .sbs,
*  .shop, .stream, .top, .trade, .work, .xyz TLD abuse

$ spamassassin --version
SpamAssassin version 4.0.0-r1898781
running on Perl version 5.34.1

Noel Butler

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Noel Butler

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Re: Untrustworthy TLDs and KAM

2022-05-01 Thread Noel Butler
.online will be a problem for us, a quick grep of 2 mail servers shows a 
good few FPs, also doubling up seems counter productive, but add those 
with pother rules and it easily triggers limits

On 02/05/2022 11:47, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

Did it cause a fp with a score of 5.0 or higher?

On Sun, May 1, 2022, 21:46 Alex  wrote:


Four points for a .online TLD with KAM rules

*  2.0 PDS_OTHER_BAD_TLD Untrustworthy TLDs
*  [URI: (online)]

*  2.0 KAM_SOMETLD_ARE_BAD_TLD .bar, .buzz, .cam, .casa, .cfd, .club,
*  .date, .guru, .live, .online, .press, .pw, .quest, .rest, .sbs,
*  .shop, .stream, .top, .trade, .work, .xyz TLD abuse

$ spamassassin --version
SpamAssassin version 4.0.0-r1898781
running on Perl version 5.34.1

Noel Butler

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Re: Regex error in most recent update

2022-02-19 Thread Noel Butler

On 19/02/2022 01:21, The Doctor wrote:

On Fri, Feb 18, 2022 at 10:51:16AM +0100, Bert Van de Poel wrote:

Hi everyone,

I just noticed we had two email servers complain last night after
running sa-update about a regex problem:
config: invalid regexp for __URI_TRY_3LD
'm,^https?://(?:try(?!r\.codeschool)|start|get(?!\.adobe)|save|check(?!out)|act|compare|join|learn(?!ing)|request|visit(?!or|\.vermont)|my(?!sub|turbotax|news\.apple|a\.godaddy|account|support|build|blob)\w)[^.]*\.[^/]+\.(?Variable length lookbehind is experimental in regex; marked by <-- 

m/(?i)^https?://(?:try(?!r\.codeschool)|start|get(?!\.adobe)|save|check(?!out)|act|compare|join|learn(?!ing)|request|visit(?!or|\.vermont)|my(?!sub|turbotax|news\.apple|a\.godaddy|account|support|build|blob)\w)[^.]*\.[^/]+\.(?channel '': lint check of update failed, 

sa-update failed for unknown reasons

Did anyone else notice the same thing or is it just on our end?

Thank you, I am seeing that as well.

Kind regards,

Confirmed, it's erred here for 48 hours

Noel Butler

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Re: Fw: spam from

2021-11-11 Thread Noel Butler
This is _exactly_ why I zero out whitelists. A decent portion of spam 
being rejected here is from gmail, far more than from outlook and co.

Trust can only be earned, not bought and not assumed, whitelists should 
have no place in SA, and why always use   clear_uridnsbl_skip_domain

On 11/11/2021 21:19, Philipp Ewald wrote:

You can report it. Gmail is on DNSWL


Noel Butler

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Re: More Norton Evil Numbers....

2021-09-02 Thread Noel Butler

On 03/09/2021 07:25, Benny Pedersen wrote:

On 2021-09-02 23:14, Jared Hall wrote:

More EvilNumbers from Maria Louise, one of Norton's GMail accounts.
Lucky for me my record was credited and not my actual account :)

is this now your newspaper to post all kind of evil numbers ?, if all 
rule set updates would be aswell we all loose, do your good homework, 
but dont make ads out it here

if its just me, sorry

For once Benny, no, you're right.

Noel Butler

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Re: Lint failing

2021-08-03 Thread Noel Butler

On 04/08/2021 04:44, asparks wrote:

Yes.  As I said I'm working to get rid of that.  Hopefully I can really 
soon, but when you're the only op... and pandemics and all such fun.  I 
got the impression others were having issues as well.


On 2021-08-03 12:18 PM, Thom van der Boon wrote:

I've had no alerts, so no issues here

Noel Butler

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Re: CHAOS: v1.2.2: Of Documentation

2021-07-23 Thread Noel Butler

On 23/07/2021 18:01, Simon Wilson wrote:

- Message from Jared Hall  -
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2021 00:07:52 -0400
From: Jared Hall 
Subject: CHAOS: v1.2.2: Of Documentation

Simon Wilson wrote: could you, please, finally, describe what does this 
module do,

here to the list and/or to the wiki?

the description there is too hard to understand, epecially at the  

and I couldn't force myself to understand it (multiple times).

Maybe you should start with the easy parts and follow with those more
compliated functionality, because I feel the description starts  with 

I'm guessing from the silence in response that this will remain a 


Simon Wilson
M: 0400 12 11 16

Reads perfectly well to me.  I guess to be compatible with any other  
plugin, I must delete all documentation entirely :)
No - but perhaps a start would be to *really* listen when people ask  
questions demonstrating you are not as good as you think you are at  
writing things which make sense to people other than yourself.

Seriously, every single rule that this module can generate is  listed.  
That's a good start, comparatively.

I answer, and have answered, all questions regarding this module.

Again no. Perhaps not all mailing list emails make it through the 

I've still yet to see a list post explaining what this thing does
so no he has not answered all questions about it, the most common sense 
thing of all time is if you advertise your wares, you at least tell 
people WTF it does, you don't send them to some web site to find out 
(which as some posters have indicated apparently does not even tell 

I wont comment on the rest of his trash talk, based on his useless smart 
arse replies, I don't care what this thing does we wont be touching it 
due to his childish pathetic attitude, for all we know it's malware.

Noel Butler

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Re: heads up for false uribl black hits

2021-05-19 Thread Noel Butler

On 20/05/2021 11:58, Bill Cole wrote:

On 2021-05-19 at 21:13:41 UTC-0400 (Thu, 20 May 2021 11:13:41 +1000)
Noel Butler 
is rumored to have said:

By now most of you are aware of the hostile takeover of freenode and 
the mass exodus that's currently underway (if not  see for 
more) [1]

Interestingly it seems has the replacement, Im going to 
obfuscate it else you wont likely see this :)  just replace digits 
with their alpha  lib3ra dott ch4t

in their listings, interesting because they dont seem to list new 
domains that way and that one is new, heh maybe andrew lee controls 
that too, who knows...

The new domain was NOT listed in any RHSBL at 13:55 UTC.

OTOH, they didn't like something about my usual single-venue address 
pattern so I had to register with an alternative tagging pattern.

still listed in URI
Domain Status Manage
libe.cxxx   Listed on URIBL black

at 02:46 UTC

someone has made a delist request about 8 hours ago though

strange  that a service that has a policy of not saying why they list is 
included in default SA

(btw - I have no affiliation with either party - I'm just mentioning it 
here since its where I found my confirm request)

Noel Butler

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2021-05-13 Thread Noel Butler

On 13/05/2021 01:47, Paul Fowler wrote:

Did you ever get a reply for this?
I was wondering the same thing.
DNSRBL is still available, but I don't know how often this is updated.



From: Noel Butler 
Sent: Monday 1 February 2021 01:36

Anyone got an goss on where they went?

Been down since late last year, haven't seen any messages about closing 
up shop.


Nope, I think its abandonware

Noel Butler

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Re: My 10 years old domain have a bad TLD

2021-05-03 Thread Noel Butler

On 03/05/2021 18:15, Denis Chenu wrote:

Le 03/05/2021 à 09:28, Dominic Raferd a écrit : On 03/05/2021 08:15, 
Denis Chenu wrote: Hi,

I own and manage domain since more than 10 years now.
Since some week now, my spamassassin score is lower than before.

Seems some version give a -2 score. Maybe since a debian update.
I never send any spam email.

When looking at spam received : i receive a lot more spam from .com TLD 
than .pro TLD.

Is there a way other than change my domain to fix score and get again a 
perfect score .

Thansk a lot,

I see that .pro is included in KAM_FUN (via _KAM_FUN1) which gives 
+7.75 to SA score. I am not sure if this is a recent change.

Those of us who use the KAM rules will be affected by this unless of 
course we code an exception for your domain.

I have another personal rule which adds +6 for 'unusual' domains - 
including .pro - so your chance of getting an email through to my users 
is zero (sorry), unless indirectly (e.g. via mailing list).

But pro is not a new domain, exist since June 2004.

And clearly : i never receive any spam fro .pro domain myself.

Currently .co seems a lot more used for spam.
And this domain (.co) are not in

.pro have a -1 with SUSP_URI_NTLD_PRO.

on spamhaus : pro = 1.7% bad (score 0.09)

Then what minimal score is required to be allowed ?

Else : if i am a spammer : i look of update of SpamAssassin NTLD and 
avoid this tld.

Clearly : .biz or .online are used some year ago, but i don't see a lot 
now for example.


We seem to see different depending where we are, here in Australia, I do 
not see .pro as a problem at all, .online and .xyz certainly are a 
problem however

Noel Butler

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Re: SA DKIM check

2021-04-01 Thread Noel Butler

On 01/04/2021 23:10, Simon Wilson wrote:

Does SA always do its "own" DKIM check, or can it be told to use an  
already written trusted AuthservId-written Authentication-Results  
header, e.g. from OpenDKIM?


That would be dangerous on a few levels, completely open to fake written 
headers, you could end up "trusting" a spammer

Noel Butler

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2021-01-31 Thread Noel Butler

On 01/02/2021 04:59, Axb wrote:

On 1/31/21 7:57 PM, Jared Hall wrote: On 1/31/2021 6:58 AM, Axb wrote:
Happy Sunday !!!

Cisco forgot to renew
Registry Expiry Date: 2022-01-30T05:00:00Z

Better disable till it's fixed


Stay safe! OK.  Thanks.

Issue has been FIXED.. all looks good

yep, perl scripts we use to monitor our mail servers in key DNSBL's sent 
upalerts at 02:55 local

Noel Butler

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2021-01-31 Thread Noel Butler

Anyone got an goss on where they went?

Been down since late last year, haven't seen any messages about closing 
up shop.

Noel Butler

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2021-01-31 Thread Noel Butler

On 31/01/2021 22:06, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

On 21-01-31 12:58:48, Axb wrote: Cisco forgot to renew
Registry Expiry Date: 2022-01-30T05:00:00Z

On 31.01.21 12:02, Georg Faerber wrote:

That's still one year to go, isn't it?

Updated Date: 2021-01-31T09:40:42Z

they fixed it in the meantime.


try lookup your host, or, any host, it goes to "has address"

Noel Butler

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Re: Apache SpamAssassin and Spammers 1st Amendment Rights

2020-11-20 Thread noel . butler

On 2020-11-21 04:59, Jakob Curdes wrote:

To all: please also rememember that this list is international and not
every corner of the world is interested in the way the current
conflicts in the U.S. are handled.

well said!

Or, in other words, the Nth amendment is part of the U.S.
constitution, for me as a german  my own constitution is the
guide-rail. And yes, it allows me to block spam.
And yes, please let us keep politics out of this list.

and as an Australian, the right to block spammers was supported by the 
courts a very long time ago (those of us old enough i'm sure remember t3 
direct who insisted he had the right to spam and not be blocked - but 
the courts ruled otherwise)

That said, our own Spam Act also excludes charities, pollies and 
religions - however we still have a right to 
filter/trash/block/not-deliver their trash to inboxes, its just those 
orgs cant be prosecuted.


2020-11-05 Thread Noel Butler
On 05/11/2020 21:54, Victor Sudakov wrote:

> An SPF fail is by no means a sure sign of spam. It can be some indicator
> of spamicity (as I thought), but not a decisive sign thereof.

SPF was never designed to be anti-spam, although on face value it does
have that ability given that spammers impersonate domains, it is one of
many tools required required in that battle. 

I was an early adopter of SPF, in its very very early stages, There are
some rare instances in early days where SPF may break in some forwarding
cases, but for well over a decade most forwarders re-write sender so its
not a problem, it's never been a problem with mailing lists for me
either, unlike DKIM,  I've never experienced any deliverability problems
due to SPF, but YMMV. 

Microsofts SRS however gave a lot of headaches with mailing lists and
was such a flop even Microsoft advises against its use. 

> doubt the wizdom of rejecting hard SPF fails in the MTA

Why? Because a handful of people are too clueless to keep their records
up to date?  They set those records in first place to prevent spoofing,
they know the risks they know if they change AS's or suppliers they have
to modify those records, I mean FFS, they change all other records to
new IP's don't they, so frankly they get what they deserve if they can't
be bothered. 

>> i just think default score is made for spamass milter users with do rejects
>> of spam mails, but why not honner spf fail rejections, hmm

If they set a softfail, they dont really care if that domains is
spoofed, or it just isn't an important domain, I adjust my SA rules to
force softfails as spam , I hard reject hardfails on MTA, and I also 
null out any and all whitelisting in SA, 

trust must be earned, not assumed.

Noel Butler 

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Re: the pending whitelist* -> welcomelist* change

2020-10-16 Thread Noel Butler
On 17/10/2020 00:22, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

> On 10/16/2020 5:48 AM, Victor Sudakov wrote: My SpamAssassin reports that
> -0.0 USER_IN_WELCOMELISTuser is listed in 'welcomelist_from'
> However when I change "whitelist_from" to "welcomelist_from", SpamAssassin 
> complains:
> $ spamassassin --lint
> Oct 16 02:46:11.739 [11288] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping, in 
> "/etc/spamassassin/": welcomelist_from *@
> Oct 16 02:46:12.979 [11288] warn: lint: 1 issues detected, please rerun with 
> debug enabled for more information
> Am I not supposed to replace whitelist with welcomelist in my configs?

On 16.10.20 09:20, Kevin A. McGrail wrote: 

> No, not until 4.0 is released.  Good question!

perhaps, the rules above should be defined only for version >=4
and versions <4 should have the original rules. 

I agree, but since Kevin is the one forcing this political crap down our
throats, he wont care and will deny all requests, just run a perl regex
over the rules to remove/replace them ;)

Noel Butler 

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Re: Constructive solution to the blacklist thread

2020-07-24 Thread Noel Butler
On 25/07/2020 04:03, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> I'd say too many people without merit and knowledge of the project
> spouting off building on misinformation and rants more fitting for a
> racist channel on 4chan would be my analysis of what started the discussion.

here we go again, attacking people calling them racists and radical
extremists because we wont roll over and bow to your american political
dictatorship, you act as has been shown here with no thought to others
or consequences to others, you act without even understanding of what
the colour based terms are and where they came from, if you actually did
any research into this (which you admit you did not) youd realise that. 

There are 192 _other_ countries in the world, the USA is united states
of america, not united states of world - get used to pushbacks from
those who are sick of the USA pushing their views and values on to
others because of their own failings, especially when you cant even
protect your own kids from mass murder at hands of gun nuts, when you
can, THEN you can come here and beat your chest about how great a nation
you are.

Re: Why the new changes need to be "depricated" forever

2020-07-24 Thread Noel Butler
On 24/07/2020 23:26, Benny Pedersen wrote:

> Noel Butler skrev den 2020-07-24 14:57:
>> because it shits trolls like you off

dunno what you referenced benny I only click on links that are from
friends/family/trusted sources - which you are none of 

but your so stupid you forget most people on this list are seasoned
network/system admins and take the same approach. 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Why the new changes need to be "depricated" forever

2020-07-24 Thread Noel Butler
On 24/07/2020 22:01, Benny Pedersen wrote:

> Noel Butler skrev den 2020-07-24 03:24:
>> The fact the OP never included you means they knew you were being
>> sarcastic, kevin cant see that because he is in total defensive mode,
>> he thought people would suck up his dictatorship and roll over and
>> move on, but he was so so so wrong.
> is PMC members ROFL right now ? :=)

ask him, thats if he can hear you over those dark voices telling him to
be a dictator 

> why big SIGNATURES on publib maillist ?

because it shits trolls like you off

Noel Butler 

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Re: Why the new changes need to be "depricated" forever

2020-07-23 Thread Noel Butler
On 24/07/2020 04:29, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

> Was it really that unclear that I was speaking tongue-in-cheek?
> Man o Man I missed my calling in life.  I should have gone into scamming
> people if I was able to get you guys to think that load of BS about
> forking was serious
> Ted
> On 7/23/2020 7:06 AM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote: 
>> Note: If you fork a project, you cannot use the name, just the code.

there is currently a large CC discussion at present with about 18 odd
people from this list (no I didnt start it, but was in CC list) who have
been discussing forking, your post might have been sarcasm, but it
actually reflects reality. 

The fact the OP never included you means they knew you were being
sarcastic, kevin cant see that because he is in total defensive mode, he
thought people would suck up his dictatorship and roll over and move on,
but he was so so so wrong. 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Why the new changes need to be "depricated" forever

2020-07-22 Thread Noel Butler
RESENT - list didnt obviously like my original so here is a slightly
more sanatised version 

On 22/07/2020 12:48, Charles Sprickman wrote:

> Oh my god, you snowflakes, please just get over yourselves.
> You are a loud, pedantic, solipsistic minority that is just unwilling to 
> either a) accept this change and move on b) switch to software that doesn't 
> upend your tiny little worldview c) fork it and take this discussion to your 
> fork's technical list.
> Please, there must be somewhere else you can discuss this issue. There's only 
> like 4 of you, you can do this with a cc: list.

The only snowflakes around here are Kevin and his couple of merry
doogooders,  if you dont like democracy at work (ppl having their say) ,
then thats your problem

Re: Thanks to Guardian Digital & LinuxSecurity for the nice post about SpamAssassin's upcoming change

2020-07-21 Thread Noel Butler
On 21/07/2020 01:05, Marc Roos wrote:

>> I'm a bit suspicious about some of the speedup figures quoted, and
> whether rspamd was tested 
>> against an optimized and similarly parameterized SA. It's very easy to
> make SA look bad. 
> I agree. I have even asked on the mailing list how many test rspamd does 
> and how I can configure it to do just one test. Both questions were left 
> unanswered. Have a look at this mailfromd it is really nice.

you did?  I did'nt see it, the batch i put  through it was hundreds of
thousands of messages. my month long test should yield about 30 million
msgs, be glad to let you know at the end of that. 

I did nothing fancy since i'm not an rspamd expert. 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Thanks to Guardian Digital & LinuxSecurity for the nice post about SpamAssassin's upcoming change

2020-07-19 Thread Noel Butler
On 20/07/2020 13:57, Benny Pedersen wrote:

> rspamd is hmm let me say it a joke of we want something better then 
> spamassassin, we could just nok dokument what we want as a programmer point 
> of view, so we make our own problem reinventing the

I have proved over 60 hours that it is insanely better, but, it would be
remiss of me not to conduct a larger, lengthy test before committing
staff resources to wiping spamassassin from our networks 

> are you saying just becourcs rspamd is in c its much better then spamassassin 
> ?

I love perl, I can code it in my sleep, and likely may have on many a
time, but everyone knows that C is many magnitudes faster. 

Noel Butler 

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Re: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Rules referencing WHITELIST or BLACKLIST in process of being Renamed

2020-07-19 Thread Noel Butler
On 20/07/2020 13:23, Olivier wrote:

> "Kevin A. McGrail"  writes:
>> All:
>> As of today, the configuration option WHITELIST_TO has been renamed
>> WELCOMELIST_TO with an alias for backwards compatibility.
> Kevin,
> Please consider adding an easy way to turn the backward compatibility on
> and off.
> So we, person in charge of mail systems, can find all the obscure places
> where the renaming will break something; because I am strongly beleiving
> that issues will arise from the less unsuspected places.
> The compatibility enable option will allow us to run without
> compatibility, notice where the thing break and enable the compatibility
> while solving the issues. That will be the less damaging way for our
> users.

Just think of those 10's thousands of running spamassassin who are not
on these lists, all in for a shock when custom scripts start breaking. 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Thanks to Guardian Digital & LinuxSecurity for the nice post about SpamAssassin's upcoming change

2020-07-19 Thread Noel Butler
On 16/07/2020 14:47, jdow wrote:

> You can probably fork the project and go on running what exists now going 
> forward. That is something I am mulling doing for myself. I just have to ask 
> myself, which is more painful?

Actually, might not have to reinvent the wheel, last time I looked at
rspamd was several years ago. 

Since the politically motivated change in spamassassin was made public
last week, I reinstalled it in a dev lab. Running over the weekend,
tests showed rspamd has remarkably improved, 603% speed increase over
spamassassin (well it does run in C), and 18% more hit rates, when it
came to known false positives, it equalled spamassassin though. 

Obviously before moving production over to it, I need to run it again
over a much longer period of time, but it looks promising, I'll see it
how goes over the next 4 weeks. 


Noel Butler 

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Re: spf fail !

2020-07-18 Thread Noel Butler
On 19/07/2020 10:45, Benny Pedersen wrote:

> Received: from ( 
> [])
> by (Postfix) with ESMTPS
> for ; Sun, 19 Jul 2020 00:41:16 + (UTC)
> gives spf fails now, be carefull

you'll find other mail rejected as well, since someone changed from
hermes to this mailroute machine... 

infra didnt mention anything about the change

Noel Butler 

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Re: Thanks to Guardian Digital & LinuxSecurity for the nice post about SpamAssassin's upcoming change

2020-07-17 Thread Noel Butler
but your OK with your supporters making their sarcastic comments, lol
you're a joke, if you disagree with my posts by all means email the list
owner address and cry away if it makes you feel big, I wont lose any
sleep over it, especially now i've seen the political motives that
direct spamassassins direction. 

On 17/07/2020 21:02, Antony Stone wrote:

> On Friday 17 July 2020 at 12:50:57, Noel Butler wrote:
>> ahhh ye ol  "your opinion differs from mine,  so I want you gone"
> No, I don't mind you having a different opinion, or even expressing it 
> reasonably, but the language and attitude towards other individuals which you 
> displayed in the comment below is not in my opinion acceptable on a mailing 
> list.

Re: Thanks to Guardian Digital & LinuxSecurity for the nice post about SpamAssassin's upcoming change

2020-07-17 Thread Noel Butler
ahhh ye ol  "your opinion differs from mine,  so I want you gone" 

yes, sums your type up rather nicely, desperate for approval and

On 17/07/2020 18:44, Antony Stone wrote:

> On Friday 17 July 2020 at 00:58:05, Noel Butler wrote:
>> I did 24 hours back wanker, but just for you, I'll continue it
> I request that anyone with this attitude to the list, and to people on it, be 
> removed.
> Antony.

Re: Thanks to Guardian Digital & LinuxSecurity for the nice post about SpamAssassin's upcoming change

2020-07-16 Thread Noel Butler
On 17/07/2020 05:35, @lbutlr wrote:

> On 15 Jul 2020, at 20:34, Noel Butler  wrote: 
>> December 27 (our quietest time of year generally) this year has been slated 
>> for our changeover to remove spamassassin from our network.
> Nose. Spite. Face.
> Can you stop posting about this topic now?

I did 24 hours back wanker, but just for you, I'll continue it 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Thanks to Guardian Digital & LinuxSecurity for the nice post about SpamAssassin's upcoming change

2020-07-15 Thread Noel Butler
I guess they're going to go back to the yellowish tinged incandescent
bulbs too, since LEDs available today produce " white " light. They'll
have to change their story books as well, cant call it after "dark" or
"dark" night|skies|... 

It's amazing how SOME Americans are quick to jump on bandwagons about
innocent terms are called, yet FAIL to do ANYTHING about their
population - even KIDS, getting slaughtered and gunned down nearly every
second day in mass shootings. but you only have to look at how they are
acting with COVID19 to know they have NFI about civil priorities. 

No wonder the USA is the joke of the world - and its not all Trumps
fault  <--- (jesus christ, I never thought I'd hear myself say that) 

On 16/07/2020 13:37, Eric Broch wrote:

> You're the ones who've moved, I've gone nowhere. You'll never run out of 
> words to censor. Soon you'll be offended by everything. Where will you hide 
> then. I don't know how you'll escape the planet when everyone and everything 
> offends you. 
> More importantly calling those racists who are not racists is 
> slander--bearing false witness against you neighbor--a violation of the 9th 
> commandment. Instead of fearing God alone you adore the praise of wicked men.
> On 7/15/2020 8:21 PM, Thomas Cameron wrote: 
> On 7/15/20 9:12 PM, Eric Broch wrote: 
> Using the word "blacklist" is racism. Does everyone get this! By definition 
> you ARE a "RACIST" and ARE "White Privilege[d]." 
> This is a political movement to blacklist (oohhh, I said it) anyone 
> who does not comply. We're no longer angry, we're "not excited," how 
> generous. 
> The spamassassin leadership team are political hacks. 
> Don't let the door hit you on the way out, then.
> Thomas

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Thanks to Guardian Digital & LinuxSecurity for the nice post about SpamAssassin's upcoming change

2020-07-15 Thread Noel Butler
On 16/07/2020 13:15, Benny Pedersen wrote:

> Noel Butler skrev den 2020-07-16 04:34:
>> December 27 (our quietest time of year generally) this year has been
>> slated for our changeover to remove spamassassin from our network.
> +1
>> Our policies have long excluded using politically motivated companies,
>> organisations, equipment and software. you made this political, you do
>> not care for the opinions of others unless they agree with yours, so
>> adios amigos.
> whats problem drinking coconut milk now ?, or even take another brik of white 
> chokolate from Ritter Sport ?, does it need to be orange to be good ?, or 
> black ?, maybe brown ?, is it political ?
> where will you go if not using spamassassin ?

are you really so naive to think that SA is the only product around, or
even the only free product around if your skimp? 

PS when i was a kid, a long, VERY long time ago I tried coconut milk -
it was disgusting 

I dont eat chocolate. I dont eat sugar filled lollies, or any of that
crap junk trash. 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Thanks to Guardian Digital & LinuxSecurity for the nice post about SpamAssassin's upcoming change

2020-07-15 Thread Noel Butler
On 16/07/2020 09:24, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> All:
> We're getting some positive attention from the verbiage change.  See
> for a link to a Guardian Digital post about it. 
> Anyway, I hope those not excited by the change will come around.  We are
> working hard to make it as painless as possible and we have gotten word
> that several tools and projects that integrate with SpamAssassin will
> follow suit.
> Regards,

December 27 (our quietest time of year generally) this year has been
slated for our changeover to remove spamassassin from our network. 

Our policies have long excluded using politically motivated companies,
organisations, equipment and software. you made this political, you do
not care for the opinions of others unless they agree with yours, so
adios amigos.

Re: IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PEOPLE RUNNING TRUNK re: [Bug 7826] Improve language around whitelist/blacklist and master/slave

2020-07-14 Thread Noel Butler
On 14/07/2020 19:03, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> Marc and others about voting, 
> The ASF is a meritocracy not a democracy.  Voting privileges are earned by 
> demonstrating merit on a project.  That is the project management committee 
> aka the PMC.  Discussion with the PMC on this change started in early April 
> with a vote in early May by the PMC.   
> To Marc, your Ad hominem attacks are not needed and I will ignore messages 
> that use them.   
> To you and others spouting off, be reminded that this is a publicly archived 
> mailing list and you will be on the wrong side of history.  Consider that 
> when you post.

Ah now the true dictatorship comes out 

"how dare you disagree with me"  "dont like you hating on my decisions" 
wahh wah wahh 

You are the only one being inconsiderate Kevin, if you actually were
serious you would have brought this this out on this list for
discussion, with you know, T H E  U S E R S  of the software to have
their say, without us YOU are irrelevant. 

it shows you treating every single one of us with utter contempt. 

YOU made this decision, YOU have to live with ALL the consequences both
good AND bad so suck it up princess. 

your attack on people disagreeing with you shows YOU have NO thought to
anyone on this but for  jumping on some bandwagon" 

As for side of history? pfft I like probably  over 50% of this list are
NOT Americans, but the world is used to Americans trying to force their
views down down everyone elses throat. 

Feel free to ignore me, I, like most here have made their point very
clear we are disgusted with your dictatorship, we know you don't care
what any of us think,  SO let HISTORY  also reflect that too! 

Since SA does have alternatives, and i get more reasonable debate out of
talking to my rottweilers than you, this ends my waste of time.

Re: IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PEOPLE RUNNING TRUNK re: [Bug 7826] Improve language around whitelist/blacklist and master/slave

2020-07-14 Thread Noel Butler
Firstly, not directred at you lbutlr, but to Harry since I dont care to
read his vile trash, BUT, 

Let the history note that at 0917 on Wednesday, 15 July 2020, I agreed
with something he allegedly posted. 

On 12/07/2020 09:23, @lbutlr wrote:

> On 11 Jul 2020, at 16:38, Reindl Harald  wrote:
>> nobody right in his mind thins about black people in chanis when read
>> something like this in a technical context: slave, master, blacklist,
>> whitelist, blackhat, whitehat

Now, back to OP @lbutlr 

> Do you notice how your words are nothing more than an attack on anyone whose 
> opinion differs from yours?

Thats been Harry's trait for years its why he is moderated here, its why
he is moderated or banned from so many lists I lost count over the
years. He's a sociopath as he sees nothing wrong with what he does. 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PEOPLE RUNNING TRUNK re: [Bug 7826] Improve language around whitelist/blacklist and master/slave

2020-07-14 Thread Noel Butler
On 13/07/2020 06:48, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> This isn't a political forum, though. I'd suggest if you want to debate 
> politics, go somewhere else.  If you want to stop bastard spammers, this is 
> the place.

Bullshit it isnt a political forum - YOU Kevin made it one ! 

One which clearly 99% of people you know them, the  users? the users
that make SA relative, disagree with. 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PEOPLE RUNNING TRUNK re: [Bug 7826] Improve language around whitelist/blacklist and master/slave

2020-07-14 Thread Noel Butler
On 11/07/2020 21:39, Axb wrote:

> On 7/11/20 1:32 PM, Antony Stone wrote: On Saturday 11 July 2020 at 12:42:43, 
> hospice admin wrote:
> Concentrating on the technical issues below ...
> I think there's a fairly wide consensus among those posting on this thread,
> myself included,  that this does not 'make the technology better'.
> That's the point I was attempting to make about Mercedes ... painting their
> cars a different colour does nothing to make it better or worse ... just
> different [in a way that has nothing to do with practical support for
> diversity of any kind].
> For me, the risks of messing up Spam Assassin [or anything else] for months
> to come completely outweighs the benefits of a token 'tip of the hat'
> towards diversity. 
> Unfortunately you speak with the voice of reason, and that is never welcome
> when people are bent on enforcing "political correctness" on the world.
> Any dissenting opinion is regarded as "missing the point" or being
> "insensitive to the oppressed", whether the situation in which the correctness
> police are enforcing their views has anything to do with the oppressed or not.
> I wish you luck in asking people to debate the real question of whether there
> is in fact any problem to be solved, and if there is, what is the sensible way
> to solve it.
> For my part, until anyone can show that the use of words such as blacklist or
> master/slave in technology has anything to do with racial references and are
> therefore being used in an offensive way, rather than as standard terms for 
> the
> industry with no reference at all to human social groups, they're just
> demonstrating themselves as stirring up trouble and heated debate where there
> is no real problem.

Amen to that!
And the ppl pushing these changes now obviously won't step back because
they'd loose their face.

I don't wish them the best. They will be causing a huge amount of ppl a
truckload of grief and unnecessary work.


100% ! 

Looks like i'll have to break my lifetime stance and take pity on
bankers and accountants as well huh 

I mean no more  you're "in the black" 

and bugger me, after some news trash out of - you guess it, the USA
about redskins offending indians and some football, I guess they''' have
to stop saying  your'e " in the red"  too 

only in fucking america. 

SA is open source enough to fork yeah?  I can see that happening 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PEOPLE RUNNING TRUNK re: [Bug 7826] Improve language around whitelist/blacklist and master/slave

2020-07-10 Thread Noel Butler
huh? I dont see that subject in the thread, I guess thats what you mean,
I dunno, you're not talking to an american 

On 11/07/2020 12:38, Charles Sprickman wrote:

> Read Red Scare hours on the timeline tonight...
> On Jul 10, 2020, at 10:35 PM, Noel Butler  wrote: 
> Who is "we" 
> Name the people who decided this pathetic communist dictatorship change and 
> who want to enforce this upon members of 160 odd other countries just because 
> theirs is fucked up? 
> I want names 
> I want to see the voting, come on lets be transparent, who are they, and who 
> are hte ones who declared this an absolute joke voted against it. 
> I want to see the names of the people who dont care what their users and 
> contributors to the project think 
> I await your silence 
> On 11/07/2020 06:27, Kevin A. McGrail wrote: 
> Hello all,
> A common question we are receiving is what about using this terminology
> instead, for example allow/deny.
> The use of welcomelist and blocklist has evolved from discussions since
> April and work done creating patches.  We found that using these names
> of welcomelist and blocklist are non offensive, reasonably descriptive
> and since they still start with W and B, we avoid renaming things like
> RBLs, WLBL, DNSBL, etc. This should help minimize the disruption when
> 4.0 is released with the new configuration options.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Kind Regards, 
> Noel Butler 
> This Email, including attachments, may contain legally privileged 
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Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PEOPLE RUNNING TRUNK re: [Bug 7826] Improve language around whitelist/blacklist and master/slave

2020-07-10 Thread Noel Butler
Who is "we" 

Name the people who decided this pathetic communist dictatorship change
and who want to enforce this upon members of 160 odd other countries
just because theirs is fucked up? 

I want names 

I want to see the voting, come on lets be transparent, who are they, and
who are hte ones who declared this an absolute joke voted against it. 

I want to see the names of the people who dont care what their users and
contributors to the project think 

I await your silence 

On 11/07/2020 06:27, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:

> Hello all,
> A common question we are receiving is what about using this terminology
> instead, for example allow/deny.
> The use of welcomelist and blocklist has evolved from discussions since
> April and work done creating patches.  We found that using these names
> of welcomelist and blocklist are non offensive, reasonably descriptive
> and since they still start with W and B, we avoid renaming things like
> RBLs, WLBL, DNSBL, etc. This should help minimize the disruption when
> 4.0 is released with the new configuration options.
> Regards,

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR PEOPLE RUNNING TRUNK re: [Bug 7826] Improve language around whitelist/blacklist and master/slave

2020-07-10 Thread Noel Butler
On 10/07/2020 16:42, jdow wrote:

> Be sure to purge every instance of "fork" in the code because it sounds too 
> close to the other F..K word. Get the fork out of there.
> {O,o}
> i.e are you guys being just a little stupid here?

I agree, this is just insanity... where will it end. 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: pyzor

2020-06-01 Thread Noel Butler
On 01/06/2020 17:02, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

> On 01/06/2020 10:38, RW wrote: bit of bulk mail gets listed.

On 01.06.20 12:13, Noel Butler wrote: 

> That what started all the complaints, lot of users seem to be subscribed
> to a few news letters, the most common factor for them was ServetheHome
> now getting listed by pyzor, checking my own junk folder, I found a few
> general emails listed, some other news letters, from different
> senders/networks, only over in past 2 weeks, ones that usually dont
> trigger anything, a quick look at shows no change in formatting either.
> I'd rather not nuke pyzor just yet so will adjust to a very low score
> and monitor it.

did it hit too many of other rules? I understand about DCC, and can
understand abot PYZOR (especially because there are users who sign up
something and then report it as spam). 

No common denominator for other hits, usually a couple URI's that always
hit on list manage and some others for the news letters, but some random
mails a couple of rules, nothing major, but the pyzor hit was putting
them over the limit, I've dropped pyzor down to 0.8 now so should be ok
giving a good buffer still before hitting.

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: pyzor

2020-05-31 Thread Noel Butler
On 01/06/2020 10:38, RW wrote:

> bit of bulk mail gets listed.

That what started all the complaints, lot of users seem to be subscribed
to a few news letters, the most common factor for them was ServetheHome
now getting listed by pyzor, checking my own junk folder, I found a few
general emails listed, some other news letters, from different
senders/networks, only over in past 2 weeks, ones that usually dont
trigger anything, a quick look at shows no change in formatting either. 

I'd rather not nuke pyzor just yet so will adjust to a very low score
and monitor it. 

Thanks all.

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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2020-05-30 Thread Noel Butler
Anyone else noticed it seems to scoring much much higher FP's in past
few weeks? 

Ima disable the damn thing I think. 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Spamhaus Technology contributions to SpamAssassin

2019-07-03 Thread Noel Butler
Thanks :)  sorted.. installed and running, will see how it goes 

On 03/07/2019 21:26, Riccardo Alfieri wrote:

> Thanks for pointing that out.
> I warned the webmaster, in the meantime a temporary fix is to go back with 
> the browser "back" arrow and submit the registration again
> On 03/07/19 13:23, Noel Butler wrote: 
>> We would sign up if we could, but after clicking continue of name/email page 
>> it goes to a blank WP page.

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Spamhaus Technology contributions to SpamAssassin

2019-07-03 Thread Noel Butler
We would sign up if we could, but after clicking continue of name/email
page it goes to a blank WP page. 

On 03/07/2019 19:43, Riccardo Alfieri wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm sure that many of you are aware that our datasets are already in use with 
> SpamAssassin's default config, but I wanted to reach out and let you know 
> that we have developed a SpamAssassin plugin that helps you get more out of 
> our DNSBLs.
> The plugin works with our Data Query Service (DQS). The DQS provides you with 
> additional feeds: Zero Reputation Domain & AuthBL, and it also receives 
> updates in 'realtime.' This last point is key, because, as you can see in the 
> latest Virus Bulletin report 
> (, 
> DQS catches 42% more spam than our RSYNC service or public mirrors.
> Last but not least, the usage terms for the DQS are the same as for our 
> public mirrors, meaning that if you already use our public mirrors, you can 
> register for a personal DQS key free of charge.
> You can find all the needed files here: 
> Have fun with our data, and if there are difficulties in installing the 
> plugin, or if you have suggestions, you can drop us a line at 
> or post here. I'll try to keep the list 
> monitored to deliver as much help as I can.

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Filtering at border routers: Is it possible?

2019-03-22 Thread Noel Butler
On 23/03/2019 05:54, Benny Pedersen wrote:

> dont relay mail from port 25, mails there is final recipient only, not 
> forwared

you ave not been taking your medication again Benny

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Proposed rule for too many dots in From

2018-12-20 Thread Noel Butler
On 21/12/2018 09:52, Grant Taylor wrote:

> On 12/20/2018 03:11 PM, Amir Caspi wrote: 
>> Two or more dots in the From username seems to be rather spammy (and we've 
>> talked about it before on the list).
> I feel obligated to comment that my wife's email address (Gmail) has two dots 
> in it.  (Gmail is it's own can of worms for dots as they strip them, and 
> other issues with Gmail.)  As do a number of other people that I exchange 
> email with.

I have to agree with Grant, two dots is crazy low, you might as well
score at one dot.  A lot of emails are  firstname.initial.surname even
many government departments in this part of the world use two dot

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: spamcannibal DNSBL issue

2018-05-30 Thread Noel Butler
On 30/05/2018 17:37, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

> Hello,
> it seems that spamcannibal blacklist is dead, or at least its DNS has
> expired:
> Updated Date: 2018-05-30T03:16:26Z
> and, of course:
> 86385 IN A
> not mentioning where does its web page redirect...


This dnsbl is gone, and its maintainer said it wont be coming back,
anyone using it should remove it from all configs. 

(the seoparking is a tucows landing page) 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: its not monday

2018-04-29 Thread Noel Butler
On 30/04/2018 08:55, RW wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Apr 2018 05:53:56 +0200
> Benny Pedersen wrote:
>> so ignore :)
> Only 5 minute to go till Monday.

was Monday 9hrs and 56 mins ago 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: its not monday

2018-04-29 Thread Noel Butler
On 29/04/2018 13:53, Benny Pedersen wrote:

> so ignore :)

you've neglected to take your medication again Ben 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Anti Phish Rules

2018-04-27 Thread Noel Butler
On 27/04/2018 17:53, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

> On 27.04.18 06:51, Noel Butler wrote: 
>> I suspect Nick is still using and referring to mailscanner (which is/was
>> written in perl), it has/had this ability, I (like a good few of the
>> names around here) used it back in the day as well, until it became
>> clear it was abandonware, and did not like certain newer versions of
>> perl causing exits after each scan, mind you, I did dump it for amavisd
>> back around 2008/9/10, that said I liked that function, and rarely
>> noticed any FP's, my memorys hazy, but IIRC, it disarmed the links,
>> rather than take any scoring action... I might be wrong though, like I
>> said, its been along time.
> I believe that the same arguments (need for hugt whitelist) could apply for
> mailscanner too.

I certainly never needed to whitelist anyone and we processed millions
of messages a day at that ISP 
but as I said, it disarmed it, stopping you from clicking on it, not
marking it as spam or such, which might require more thought 

> I have noticed discussion about this request/issue many times in this
> mailing list, still the same conclusions, so I wanted to point out to
> problems rather than telling the OP "go search list archives".
> Note that I don't like this kind of mismatches too and I would invite having
> such plugin in SA
> I would maybe even avoid initial whitelist to force organizations stop using
> such mismatched URLs (should be safe with not too high scores).

Thats the whole problem, idiotic companies who send links like that
deserve to get blocked/spam-binned,  but everybody runs around creating
whitelists, so why woulld they fix their shit, they have no incentive to
when people whitelist them.

I've never cared who you are, a ma 'n pa op shop, a govt dept, or huge
corporate, like BP, or whoever, you dont get whitelisted by me, and my
users know that, they know not to bitch to us about it, but to the
senders, been my way for a very long time, works for me ;) 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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Re: Anti Phish Rules

2018-04-27 Thread Noel Butler
On 27/04/2018 07:27, David Jones wrote:

> MailScanner became very mature and didn't need any major updates for years 
> then Jules turned it over to Jerry Benton who had a commercial product based 
> on it.  It's still being updated and runs fine now on systemd-based OSes and 
> newer versions of Perl.  One of our customers, Shawn Iversion, is helping 
> Jerry maintain MailScanner now as part of his EFA project.  
> -
> FROM: Kevin Miller <>
> SENT: Thursday, April 26, 2018 4:16 PM
> TO:
> SUBJECT: RE: Anti Phish Rules 
> It's not abandonware - Jules handed it off to some other folks that are 
> actively putting out new versions.  As a matter of fact one came out not too 
> long ago.  MailWatch for MailScanner is also being actively developed still. 
> Latest/greatest is available at [1] for anyone wanting 
> to check it out. 
> ...Kevin 
> -- 
> Kevin Miller 
> Network/email Administrator, CBJ MIS Dept. 
> 155 South Seward Street 
> Juneau, Alaska 99801 
> Phone: (907) 586-0242, Fax: (907) 586-4588 Registered Linux User No: 307357 
> FROM: Noel Butler [] 
> SENT: Thursday, April 26, 2018 12:51 PM
> TO:
> SUBJECT: Re: Anti Phish Rules 
> On 26/04/2018 18:12, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>> On 26.04.18 18:00, Nick Edwards wrote: 
>> We've been using a separate product to do this, but it struck me, maybe
>> spamassassin can do this easier (or without having to call yet another
>> binary to run as can over mails)
>> Rules that look at URLs in a html message  href and src tags, check the "A"
>> tag to see if there is a URL there, and if they do not match,  consider it
>> a phis so apply said phis score to the message.
>> Has anyone done this? module even? 
>> the main problem: may non-spam senders do that, see:
>> and further the discussion in linked bug:
> I suspect Nick is still using and referring to mailscanner (which is/was 
> written in perl), it has/had this ability, I (like a good few of the names 
> around here) used it back in the day as well, until it became clear it was 
> abandonware, and did not like certain newer versions of perl causing exits 
> after each scan, mind you, I did dump it for amavisd back around 2008/9/10, 
> that said I liked that function, and rarely noticed any FP's, my memorys 
> hazy, but IIRC, it disarmed the links, rather than take any scoring action... 
> I might be wrong though, like I said, its been along time.
> -- 
> Kind Regards, 
> Noel Butler 
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It was very mature until it broke with later perls, each child would
exit after a scan, as I said this was back some 8/9 years ago, so if its
maintained again by 2018 one would hope those bugs are eliminated, but,
it caused a few grief, and Jules was MIA (yeah I recall him having
health issues) which didnt help those affected by the nasty child exit
bugs, amavisd suits us fine, though I do miss the phishing disarming,
i'm sure one can coddle up some decent SA rules  if one wanted to. 

Kind Regards, 

Noel Butler 

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