Re: [NOOB] Getting the Locale without injection

2007-08-16 Thread Lutz Hühnken

which Tapestry version are you referring to? And what exactly do you
mean with in a final object - are you talking about a component? In
what way is the final part relevant?

In Tapestry 4.0.x, the BasePage provides getLocale() and getMessages()
methods. But I guess that's not what you are looking for?


On 8/16/07, Marcelo C. de Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hello there,

 I want to get the page locale (and the page messages) in a final
 object without having to set them manually (meaning I can't do the
 @InjectObject stuff).

 Is there a way I can do that?

 I've looked for it into the Hivemind docs but I couldn't find
 anything really useful.

 Marcelo C. Freitas

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Re: Class cast exception in ASTChain, Bug OGNL-11

2007-08-16 Thread Damien Uern

Kevin Menard wrote:

On 8/15/07 10:50 AM, in article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andrus
Adamchik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thinking about it some more 

This is not the end of the world for our application. We can either skip the
upgrade or indeed force an interface on the objects involved, or avoid
multi-step property traversal by moving it to Java class.

But at a higher level it seems like the expression compilation algorithm is
sacrificing correctness for performance. An implicit requirement on the @For
to have homogeneous objects in the loop is confusing and non-obvious. A
failover strategy hidden from the users would be great. How hard it would be
to say decorate an expression compiled within a For loop in a try/catch that
would switch to a generic algorithm on the first ClassCastException?

This is an interesting idea that I think would work well.  We ran into
problems ourselves.  OGNL would dump out a ton of output to the console,
but then fallback to an expression that would work.

I think it would be good to allow users to turn off expression 
compilation, i.e. revert to the old way that OGNL worked. Is this 
possible? It would allow us to continue with 4.1, without having all our 
expressions break on us. For me it was only 2 parts of the app that 
needed fixing, but I can imagine loads of people relying on the 
reflective nature of OGNL when constructing their pages...



Damien Uern
Online Applications Developer
Synect Online Solutions

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Re: Class cast exception in ASTChain, Bug OGNL-11

2007-08-16 Thread Kalle Korhonen
Exclude the version that comes with 4.1.2 and fall back to 2.6.7. But, I
think it's the responsibility of us, the users, to iron out the bugs in the
expressionCompiler. I mean it's the least we can do. The benefits far
outweigh the current issues from my perspective and Jesse's more than
willing to fix any emerging issues. Everybody wants it, but if no one but
him is willing to put down some effort, it'll never be finished.


On 8/16/07, Damien Uern [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Kevin Menard wrote:
  On 8/15/07 10:50 AM, in article [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andrus
  Adamchik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thinking about it some more 
  This is not the end of the world for our application. We can either
 skip the
  upgrade or indeed force an interface on the objects involved, or avoid
  multi-step property traversal by moving it to Java class.
  But at a higher level it seems like the expression compilation
 algorithm is
  sacrificing correctness for performance. An implicit requirement on the
  to have homogeneous objects in the loop is confusing and non-obvious. A
  failover strategy hidden from the users would be great. How hard it
 would be
  to say decorate an expression compiled within a For loop in a try/catch
  would switch to a generic algorithm on the first ClassCastException?
  This is an interesting idea that I think would work well.  We ran into
  problems ourselves.  OGNL would dump out a ton of output to the
  but then fallback to an expression that would work.

 I think it would be good to allow users to turn off expression
 compilation, i.e. revert to the old way that OGNL worked. Is this
 possible? It would allow us to continue with 4.1, without having all our
 expressions break on us. For me it was only 2 parts of the app that
 needed fixing, but I can imagine loads of people relying on the
 reflective nature of OGNL when constructing their pages...



 Damien Uern
 Online Applications Developer
 Synect Online Solutions

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Re: T5: radio, label

2007-08-16 Thread Nick Westgate

The problem is actually in the Radio component.
Copy its source to make your own component and apply these changes:


Chris Lewis wrote:


Let me amend my last message. I can use t:label in the form as long as 
its not a child of the t:radiogroup component!

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[Tapestry Beginner] Validation is ignored

2007-08-16 Thread ipoese

Hi Everyone, 

i've been teaching myself tapestry for some time now, and everytime i think
i am finally getting a grip on it something new comes up. 
OK, here's the deal... (i'll be using snippets since you guys probably don't
want a million lines of code... all code i post compiles in it's context and
runs without exceptions)

i have to pages, Login and Register

First for login:

Login.html has:
  tdlabel jwcid=@FieldLabel field=component:usernameUser
  tdinput jwcid=username//td
/tr has:
  bean name=ValidString class=myproject.Validator.ValidString /
  component id=username type=TextField
binding name=value value=username/
binding name=validators value=validators:required,$ValidString /
binding name=displayName value=message:username /
  /component has:

  public abstract String getUsername();
  public abstract void setUsername(String Username);

  public IPage tryLogin(){ // -- gets called when the form around username
is submitted
//do fancy stuff

this works quite good. it checks the enteresd string in username against the
self written Validator $ValidString. I can debug, breakpoint, step-though
and see all the magic happening. quite cool, acctually.

Now for Register

  trtdfirstname /tdtdinput type=text jwcid=firstname
  trtdlastname  /tdtdinput type=text jwcid=lastname
  bean name=ValidString class=myproject.Validator.ValidString / !--
same validator as before --

  !-- Form --
  component id=register type=Form
binding name=listener value=listener:tryUserCreate/
  component id=submitRegister type=Submit
  !-- Attributes of a Person --
  component id=firstname type=TextField
binding name=value value=firstname/
binding name=validators value=validators:required,$ehfgbiasdbgujas
/ !-- NOTE THIS --
  component id=lastname type=TextField
binding name=value value=lastname/
binding name=validators value=validators:required,$ValidString /

  public abstract String getFirstname();  
  public abstract String getLastname();

  public IPage tryUserCreate(){
// do more fancy stuff

now this acctually compiles and runs (!!!) without an error or expection
even tho the gibberish Validator bean in firstname does not exist. This form
has a lot more fields to it, and two more self written validators but this
is pretty much the essence. 
now - the Validators here get ignored. i can write anything after the $ and
it still runs through without any trouble. I can even delete the bean
statement completely withouth raising an exception. 
required is also ignored - it jumps right into the listener without looking
at the Validators. 
This started happening after i had to refactor the class to move it to
another package. Used the NetBeans refactor (which always worked before) and
suddenly it would not validate anymore. Refactoring it back does not help

if i type somthing like this in one if the TextFields it does give me an
exception upon loading the page:
binding name=validators value=validators:required,fsgdsfghkjsn /

Here is what i have tried:

i have moved the Form around in register - even used it inline - same thing
i have copied and pasted the content to a new file - same thing
i have used tapestry 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and the nightly 4.1.3 - same thing
i have deleted the project and reloaded it from svn - same thing
i have set up NetBeans completely new - same thing
i have run the application on two more machines (Windows, Debian, Ubuntu) -
same thing
i have run it with sun java 1.5 and 1.6 - same thing

also, if i tried to use a Fieldlabel (maybe thats the error ?) and copied
the username from Login to Register (it has a username too) - one to one
copy - works in Login, not in Register (the Fieldlabel says no DisplayName
was set in Username - which i definetly had set - and throws an expception)

anybody got any idea why the validators get ignored or why Register is
behaving to strange ? i really need this to work sometime soon... 

Hope this mail is not too cryptic,
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Re: t4.1.2 contrib tree - how to add checkboxes

2007-08-16 Thread mn

ok, i've just implemented my own INodeRenderFactory and it works :)

mn wrote:
 Hi all!
 What is the simplest way to add checboxes to contrib:Tree component? 

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[T4.1] Two beginner questions (Pageconfig / AJAX)

2007-08-16 Thread Michael Wölm

Hi guys,

after a simple basic test application, I decided to use Tapestry now for 
a real-used office application.

I have one small and one general bigger question, hoping you can help me.

The first question is about configurating directory informations for 
pages. In the .application-file I can setup where to search for the 
.class files by default. But what is with the pages itself? I can 
declare each page or component seperately and his directory-path, but no 
Especially if I have my pages in /WEB-INF/pages and my components in 
/WEB-INF/comps, is it possible to set these paths as default?

The second question is about AJAX. I have used the AJAX-concept much in 
PHP - JS[ with Prototype(/Behaviour)].
The tapestry-dev-page gives information how to change an Insertion-Field 
via AJAX. But if I want to change a complete div-component by link, that 
could especially a seperate tapestry-component (Like Ajax.Update() in 
Prototype.js). Is this possible with tapestry itself or do I need the 
tacos-extension? Is there an example source available how to do this or 
could anybody give me some initial How-To-information? Example: If a 
user chooses in selection-field account mmustermann, the 
tapestry-component accountdata should reload with all informations of 

Thanks + Regards,
Michael Wölm

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Re: how to clear the page cach

2007-08-16 Thread Michael Wölm

I think it's that:
at: org.apache.tapestry.disable-caching

(set in application-name.application)

robinson wang schrieb:

when i click a link ,if the session is invalid ,it will return to the page
of login,but when i login again, click then link ,it still return to the
page of login. when i  restart the server , it's ok,i think it's caught by
the page in the pool,how can i clear the pooled page?


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T5: Partial Page Rendering

2007-08-16 Thread bayk

I tried to perform a partial page refresh with tapestry5 and ajax... I used
the following code piece Kris Marinkovic postet on the mailing-list a month
ago... Everything works fine, except if I try to render a component, which
is not surrounded by a form-tag. Then it says: 

org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.util.TapestryException: No object of type is available from the Environment. 
Available types are org.apache.tapestry.MarkupWriter,
org.apache.tapestry.ValidationDecorator, org.apache.tapestry.dom.Document,, 

The code of the component looks like that:

// to retrieve page instances
private RequestPageCache _cache;
// returns markupwriter
private MarkupWriterFactory _mwf;
// sets the environment
private PageRenderInitializer initializer;

public Object onActionFromUpdateLink()
MarkupWriter markupWriter = _mwf.newMarkupWriter();


Page page = _cache.get(pageName);
ComponentPageElement element = page.getRootElement();
for(String id : elementId)
element = element.getEmbeddedElement(id);

RenderQueueImpl queue = new RenderQueueImpl(page.getLog());


return new TextStreamResponse(text/html, 

There has to be an easy solution to that problem, but I just dont get it...

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[Announce] Acegi Security library for Tapestry 5

2007-08-16 Thread Robin Helgelin

Thanks to Ivan Dubrov I've been able to put together an Acegi Security
library for T5. My idea was a library similar to James Carman's
tapestry-acegi for T4.

Basic usage is that it works with the @Secured annotation. Currently
only class level, but page listeners is planned.

There are also a few components planned to make things easier, but
this is merely get it out of the door release. :-).

More information and example usage and application can be found here:


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Re: [Announce] Acegi Security library for Tapestry 5

2007-08-16 Thread Kheldar666

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Re: T5: a layout with varying style sheets

2007-08-16 Thread Chris Lewis
I agree that under normal circumstances the layout component should 
override styles in the embedded component, except in the cases (such as 
this example) where the embedded component represents a page. We /want/ 
the page to be able to have the ability to override styles in the 
general containing styles of the layout. This isn't the same situation 
as using some 3rd party component and needing to override those styles, 
but the problem is that Tapestry sees them as the same.

Robert Zeigler wrote:
Overall, that looks pretty good, but you could handle it easier, I 
think, by using the environment service.
The top level document is available during render from the Environment 
service, so you could use that in place of steps 2 and 3.
Consistent ordering would be nice... the difficult thing there is 
determining what ordering should be the correct ordering.
If you have some way or knowing what the correct ordering ought to be, 
then you could certainly traverse the dom and make sure your new link 
element is inserted in the correct location.
But the real question is knowing what the right order should be. Order 
of render is probably incorrect. For example, you create a layout 
component which inserts your application-specific stylesheets via the 
proposed custom style component. Your layout is embedded in a page, 
and as part of the layout body, there is a component which also uses 
the style component. Rendering order would place the style of the 
layout first, and the style of the embedded component second, which is 
probably not what you want since you might be overriding the 
component-default styling in your application style.  (You could get 
around that be declaring your layout/application-specific style 
component after the t:body/ of your layout component, but...) You 
don't want to have to explicitly define an order in the style 
component since you don't really know what stylesheets will be 
available.  But, again, if you can figure out what the order /ought/ 
to be, you should be able to enforce that order. :)


On Aug 13, 2007, at 8/136:08 PM , Chris Lewis wrote:

So it looks like one would need to (re)create something similar to 
the T4 Shell component.
I've taken a brief look at the DOM api, and if I were to write 
something as focused as a Style component, then it looks like I'd 
have to:

1) create my component class, either in my.namespace.components, or 
another module that is loaded and contributed

2) get a MarkupWriter instance via void beginRender/@BeginRender
3) use writer.getRootElement() to get the root, and then traverse 
into the head
4) assuming eHead is my head Element, use eHead.element(link, 
rel, stylesheet, type, text/css, href, 
TODO-css-url-here), to append a link

Can anyone comment on the (in)correctness of this?
It'd be nice to ensure ordering of the sheets somehow, so they can 
cascade properly. It'd be easier to do that with a more sophisticated 
Shell-link component that handled building the page base (head, 
metas, scripts, etc). Anyway, please share thoughts.


Robert Zeigler wrote:

T5 renders with a dom.
Gives you a lot of control...
You could create a style component that finds the head and inserts 
the appropriate link element.
Then your components could add their own stylesheets using the style 
component, with the page and containing components none the wiser.
You would want to make sure that a given stylesheet is inserted only 
once, of course (eg, if your component is contained within a loop...).

A component like this should be very straightforward to write in T5.


On Aug 13, 2007, at 8/134:51 PM , Chris Lewis wrote:

One of the nice things I learned in my brief investigation of 
T4.1.2 was that the Shell component would automatically pick up any 
style sheets a page declared using the @Style annotation (or 
something like that). I've been wondering how something like this 
might be achieved in T5, using the available components as opposed 
to subclassing a base page. This seems like a feature that would be 
part of the core, as it is such a common need.
I know I could emulate this by creating a layout that expected a 
page property, say externalCss (a collection), and using the Loop 
component to iterate it and insert the link elements. Is this the 
only way to do this in T5?


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Re: T5: radio, label

2007-08-16 Thread Chris Lewis
Nick, thanks for pointing that out and I'm glad to see its a known issue 
(hopefully that means a fix is coming). Thanks for your solution, but 
I'd rather just use the raw label tag. I'm not entirely sure what the 
benefit of using the the label component is to be honest, but it was one 
of those thing where I felt like I had to understand what was happening 
(I'm new to tap).

Thanks again!


Nick Westgate wrote:

The problem is actually in the Radio component.
Copy its source to make your own component and apply these changes:


Chris Lewis wrote:


Let me amend my last message. I can use t:label in the form as long 
as its not a child of the t:radiogroup component!

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Re: [NOOB] Getting the Locale without injection

2007-08-16 Thread Marcelo C. de Freitas
Sorry about my confusion regarding final classes.

I meant a object from a class that's not abstract.

The thing is I'm not subclassing neither *Component nor *Page and I
don't see this class working as or being constructed by a Hivemind

I'm working with 4.1.

2007/8/16, Lutz Hühnken [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 which Tapestry version are you referring to? And what exactly do you
 mean with in a final object - are you talking about a component? In
 what way is the final part relevant?

 In Tapestry 4.0.x, the BasePage provides getLocale() and getMessages()
 methods. But I guess that's not what you are looking for?


 On 8/16/07, Marcelo C. de Freitas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello there,
  I want to get the page locale (and the page messages) in a final
  object without having to set them manually (meaning I can't do the
  @InjectObject stuff).
  Is there a way I can do that?
  I've looked for it into the Hivemind docs but I couldn't find
  anything really useful.
  Marcelo C. Freitas

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Marcelo C. Freitas

ICQ: 24263609
Yahoo: baterausp

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Re: T5: date picker component

2007-08-16 Thread Ted Steen
This is something we will work on for the next release of this component.
All ideas on how to dynamically generate the java script ifFormat
for this (depending on the SimpleDateFormat on the server side) are
welcome. oh! and also how to get the DateTranslator in the module to
parse it correctly.

2007/8/16, Marcelo lotif [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 i was looking for it a few days ago...

 just one question: it will have an easy to set translator in the future?
 if i want to set my own format i'll have to recompile the module ...


 2007/8/13, Ted Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  A new version of our date picker component is released.
  Compability issues with 5.0.5 is resolved.
  There are new features in un-commited code here, sent to me by Martin
  Dietze, but we want to have a closer look before we add it.
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 Marcelo Lotif


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RE : Re: T5: date picker component

2007-08-16 Thread Julien HENRY

As I said on google bug tracker, a good idea would be
to put the date format in a localizable property file.
Typically, date format will depend on the user locale.

But I don't know how to do this... sorry.


--- Ted Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

 This is something we will work on for the next
 release of this component.
 All ideas on how to dynamically generate the java
 script ifFormat
 for this (depending on the SimpleDateFormat on the
 server side) are
 welcome. oh! and also how to get the DateTranslator
 in the module to
 parse it correctly.
 2007/8/16, Marcelo lotif [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  i was looking for it a few days ago...
  just one question: it will have an easy to set
 translator in the future?
  if i want to set my own format i'll have to
 recompile the module ...
  2007/8/13, Ted Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   A new version of our date picker component is
   Compability issues with 5.0.5 is resolved.
   There are new features in un-commited code here,
 sent to me by Martin
   Dietze, but we want to have a closer look before
 we add it.

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  Marcelo Lotif

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Re: T5: radio, label

2007-08-16 Thread Nick Westgate (Work)

You're welcome.
It wasn't a known issue before you found it. I just debugged and logged it.

The benefits of using the label component are:
- DRY: a component declares its label once, and the Label refers to it
- validation decoration of the resulting label


Chris Lewis-5 wrote:
 Nick, thanks for pointing that out and I'm glad to see its a known issue 
 (hopefully that means a fix is coming). Thanks for your solution, but 
 I'd rather just use the raw label tag. I'm not entirely sure what the 
 benefit of using the the label component is to be honest, but it was one 
 of those thing where I felt like I had to understand what was happening 
 (I'm new to tap).
 Thanks again!
 Nick Westgate wrote:
 The problem is actually in the Radio component.
 Copy its source to make your own component and apply these changes:


 Chris Lewis wrote:

 Let me amend my last message. I can use t:label in the form as long 
 as its not a child of the t:radiogroup component!

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Re: Class cast exception in ASTChain, Bug OGNL-11

2007-08-16 Thread Andrus Adamchik

I am an open source developer myself and I *love* when the users submit
patches that work or at least create intelligent Jira's :-) 

But that's not the point here. Even though there is an OGNL-11 bug report,
this is not a bug. This is a new feature of Tapestry 4.1. No matter was
else was said in this thread, there is clearly a consensus between Tapestry
commiters and users about what is causing it. The disagreement is what (if
anything) should be done about that. So it will not help if I open another
bug report saying my @For loop is broken - it will not get fixed unless we
all agree that 4.0 scriptable behavior was a good thing :-)


Kalle Korhonen-2 wrote:
 Exclude the version that comes with 4.1.2 and fall back to 2.6.7. But, I
 think it's the responsibility of us, the users, to iron out the bugs in
 expressionCompiler. I mean it's the least we can do. The benefits far
 outweigh the current issues from my perspective and Jesse's more than
 willing to fix any emerging issues. Everybody wants it, but if no one but
 him is willing to put down some effort, it'll never be finished.

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T5: static page variables in templates

2007-08-16 Thread Chris Lewis


I'm implementing a form with some radio buttons. My understanding so far 
is that the radio buttons provide a value, and that value is stored in 
the containing RadioGroup's value parameter when the form is submitted. 
The form has only 2 radio buttons, each representing a string value. 
This string value should be a constant in the page class, but I can't 
figure out how to grab a constant from the page class in the template. 
In T4 this was done with something like:

How can this be done in T5?


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Re: T5 developing with WTP and TOMCAT

2007-08-16 Thread Denny
Ok, now, I am using jettylauncher eclipse plugin to develop T5. I hope T5
can fix the problem about working with tomcat. There are many people using
tomcat for develop and product.

On 8/15/07, Denny deng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I develop with WTP and TOMCAT. If I set the tomcat don't auto-reload,
 tapestry5 can take the changes of html template, while it can't take the
 chages of page class. It make the hot code replace failed. However, If I
 enable tomcat auto-reload. tapestry can take both html template and page
 class changes. But, it will cause tomcat reload the context. It's very
 and after some times, it will cause tomcat out of memory. I know using
 servlet container will be fine. But I like developing with eclipse WTP.

 So I like the way of T3, T4, just add a java system property.
 -Dorg.apache.tapestry.disable-caching=true. It would be fine. just a bit
 slow while reload the page.
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Re: T5: static page variables in templates

2007-08-16 Thread Daniel Jue
T5 uses Prop, so you should be able to specify it using ${prop:STATIC_MEMBER}

On 8/16/07, Chris Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm implementing a form with some radio buttons. My understanding so far
 is that the radio buttons provide a value, and that value is stored in
 the containing RadioGroup's value parameter when the form is submitted.
 The form has only 2 radio buttons, each representing a string value.
 This string value should be a constant in the page class, but I can't
 figure out how to grab a constant from the page class in the template.
 In T4 this was done with something like:

 How can this be done in T5?


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Re: [Announce] Acegi Security library for Tapestry 5

2007-08-16 Thread Kheldar666

I may have two questions :

- First is it normal that you choose not to use the
SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter ? I used this :

 public static void contributeHttpServletRequestHandler(
 OrderedConfigurationHttpServletRequestFilter configuration,
 WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext) {
   Filter securityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter =

- I tryied to use the loggout feature, but it seams not working : Error
404 when calling /j_acegi_logout. Should I add something somewhere ?

Best regards,

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Re: T5 developing with WTP and TOMCAT

2007-08-16 Thread Daniel Jue
I use Tomcat 5.5.23 and WTP for development.  My context probably
reloads 200-400 times a day.  Only when  I am making changes to
web.xml/context.xml,, hibernate xmls do I need to
stop and then start the server again.

I have never run into a memory issue, although if I run modules
directly from workspace the temp directory under my
workspace/.metadata//server-core can get hosed sometimes.  I've
had more reliability running straight from the Tomcat container, with
everything initialized through WTP.

On 8/16/07, Denny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ok, now, I am using jettylauncher eclipse plugin to develop T5. I hope T5
 can fix the problem about working with tomcat. There are many people using
 tomcat for develop and product.

 On 8/15/07, Denny deng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I develop with WTP and TOMCAT. If I set the tomcat don't auto-reload,
  tapestry5 can take the changes of html template, while it can't take the
  chages of page class. It make the hot code replace failed. However, If I
  enable tomcat auto-reload. tapestry can take both html template and page
  class changes. But, it will cause tomcat reload the context. It's very
  and after some times, it will cause tomcat out of memory. I know using
  servlet container will be fine. But I like developing with eclipse WTP.
  So I like the way of T3, T4, just add a java system property.
  -Dorg.apache.tapestry.disable-caching=true. It would be fine. just a bit
  slow while reload the page.
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Re: T5: static page variables in templates

2007-08-16 Thread Chris Lewis
But alas, you cannot. If I remember correctly, you're not allowed to use 
expansions in parameters (${}). This isn't needed for value as its 
expanded anyway, but the bottom line is T5 throws an exception if you do 
something like this:

t:radio value=prop:STATIC_FIELD/
t:radio value=${prop:STATIC_FIELD}/
t:radio value=STATIC_FIELD/

Even if the page class has this field. It throws an exception with the 

Could not convert 'prop:AGENT_LISTER' into a component parameter 
binding: Class xxx.Login does not contain a property named 
'AGENT_LISTER' (within property expression 'AGENT_LISTER').

Daniel Jue wrote:

T5 uses Prop, so you should be able to specify it using ${prop:STATIC_MEMBER}

On 8/16/07, Chris Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm implementing a form with some radio buttons. My understanding so far
is that the radio buttons provide a value, and that value is stored in
the containing RadioGroup's value parameter when the form is submitted.
The form has only 2 radio buttons, each representing a string value.
This string value should be a constant in the page class, but I can't
figure out how to grab a constant from the page class in the template.
In T4 this was done with something like:

How can this be done in T5?


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Re: T5 developing with WTP and TOMCAT

2007-08-16 Thread Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo

On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 12:54:31 -0300, Denny [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok, now, I am using jettylauncher eclipse plugin to develop T5. I hope T5
can fix the problem about working with tomcat. There are many people  
using tomcat for develop and product.

It's a Tomcat issue, not a Tapestry one. Howard explains the problem here:

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Desenvolvedor, Instrutor e Consultor de Tecnologia
Eteg Tecnologia da Informação Ltda.

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Re: T5: static page variables in templates

2007-08-16 Thread Josh Canfield
I can't test this right now, but my first guess would be that you haven't
implemented a getter method for the value.

do you have a public String getAGENT_LISTER() method?

On 8/16/07, Chris Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 But alas, you cannot. If I remember correctly, you're not allowed to use
 expansions in parameters (${}). This isn't needed for value as its
 expanded anyway, but the bottom line is T5 throws an exception if you do
 something like this:

 t:radio value=prop:STATIC_FIELD/
 t:radio value=${prop:STATIC_FIELD}/
 t:radio value=STATIC_FIELD/

 Even if the page class has this field. It throws an exception with the

 Could not convert 'prop:AGENT_LISTER' into a component parameter
 binding: Class xxx.Login does not contain a property named
 'AGENT_LISTER' (within property expression 'AGENT_LISTER').

 Daniel Jue wrote:
  T5 uses Prop, so you should be able to specify it using
  On 8/16/07, Chris Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I'm implementing a form with some radio buttons. My understanding so
  is that the radio buttons provide a value, and that value is stored in
  the containing RadioGroup's value parameter when the form is submitted.
  The form has only 2 radio buttons, each representing a string value.
  This string value should be a constant in the page class, but I can't
  figure out how to grab a constant from the page class in the template.
  In T4 this was done with something like:
  How can this be done in T5?
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Re: [Announce] Acegi Security library for Tapestry 5

2007-08-16 Thread Kheldar666

Well... I made this, and now I can Login / Logout and use isUserInRole() and
getUserPrincipal() methods

 public static void contributeHttpServletRequestHandler(
 OrderedConfigurationHttpServletRequestFilter configuration,
 WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext,
 LogoutHandler rememberMeLogoutHandler,
 @Inject @Value(${acegi.logout.url})
 String logoutUrl,
 @Inject @Value(${acegi.afterlogout.url})
 String afterLogoutUrl
 ) {
   Filter securityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter =
 LogoutHandler[] logoutHandler = {
   new SecurityContextLogoutHandler(),
   } ;
 LogoutFilter acegiLogoutFilter = new
   new HttpServletRequestFilterWrapper(acegiLogoutFilter),

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Re: T5: static page variables in templates

2007-08-16 Thread Nick Westgate (Work)

You can use agentLister if you add a getAgentLister accessor to your
Prop is the default binding for value and expansions - prop: is not
and you can use expansions in parameters.

Or use message:agentLister with a properties file.


Chris Lewis-5 wrote:
 But alas, you cannot. If I remember correctly, you're not allowed to use 
 expansions in parameters (${}). This isn't needed for value as its 
 expanded anyway, but the bottom line is T5 throws an exception if you do 
 something like this:
 t:radio value=prop:STATIC_FIELD/
 t:radio value=${prop:STATIC_FIELD}/
 t:radio value=STATIC_FIELD/
 Even if the page class has this field. It throws an exception with the 
 Could not convert 'prop:AGENT_LISTER' into a component parameter 
 binding: Class xxx.Login does not contain a property named 
 'AGENT_LISTER' (within property expression 'AGENT_LISTER').
 Daniel Jue wrote:
 T5 uses Prop, so you should be able to specify it using

 On 8/16/07, Chris Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm implementing a form with some radio buttons. My understanding so far
 is that the radio buttons provide a value, and that value is stored in
 the containing RadioGroup's value parameter when the form is submitted.
 The form has only 2 radio buttons, each representing a string value.
 This string value should be a constant in the page class, but I can't
 figure out how to grab a constant from the page class in the template.
 In T4 this was done with something like:

 How can this be done in T5?


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Re: T5: static page variables in templates

2007-08-16 Thread Chris Lewis
Of course not - its a public static member. I realize Tap is trying to 
call this as part of the expansion, but what I'm asking is if there is a 
way to instruct Tap 5 (as there is Tap 4) to look for a static field.

Josh Canfield wrote:

I can't test this right now, but my first guess would be that you haven't
implemented a getter method for the value.

do you have a public String getAGENT_LISTER() method?

On 8/16/07, Chris Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But alas, you cannot. If I remember correctly, you're not allowed to use
expansions in parameters (${}). This isn't needed for value as its
expanded anyway, but the bottom line is T5 throws an exception if you do
something like this:

t:radio value=prop:STATIC_FIELD/
t:radio value=${prop:STATIC_FIELD}/
t:radio value=STATIC_FIELD/

Even if the page class has this field. It throws an exception with the

Could not convert 'prop:AGENT_LISTER' into a component parameter
binding: Class xxx.Login does not contain a property named
'AGENT_LISTER' (within property expression 'AGENT_LISTER').

Daniel Jue wrote:

T5 uses Prop, so you should be able to specify it using


On 8/16/07, Chris Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:



I'm implementing a form with some radio buttons. My understanding so


is that the radio buttons provide a value, and that value is stored in
the containing RadioGroup's value parameter when the form is submitted.
The form has only 2 radio buttons, each representing a string value.
This string value should be a constant in the page class, but I can't
figure out how to grab a constant from the page class in the template.
In T4 this was done with something like:

How can this be done in T5?


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Re: RE : Re: T5: date picker component

2007-08-16 Thread Ted Steen
I think it would be nice to have a DateFormat parameter on the
component which can default to the current locale.
I will have a look at it..

2007/8/16, Julien HENRY [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 As I said on google bug tracker, a good idea would be
 to put the date format in a localizable property file.
 Typically, date format will depend on the user locale.

 But I don't know how to do this... sorry.


 --- Ted Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :

  This is something we will work on for the next
  release of this component.
  All ideas on how to dynamically generate the java
  script ifFormat
  for this (depending on the SimpleDateFormat on the
  server side) are
  welcome. oh! and also how to get the DateTranslator
  in the module to
  parse it correctly.
  2007/8/16, Marcelo lotif [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
   i was looking for it a few days ago...
   just one question: it will have an easy to set
  translator in the future?
   if i want to set my own format i'll have to
  recompile the module ...
   2007/8/13, Ted Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
A new version of our date picker component is
Compability issues with 5.0.5 is resolved.
There are new features in un-commited code here,
  sent to me by Martin
Dietze, but we want to have a closer look before
  we add it.
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Re: T5: static page variables in templates

2007-08-16 Thread Chris Lewis
Exactly. getters/setters are fluff for this, and I prefer the semantics 
of static finals as opposed to storing the possible values in the 
message catalog.
In reality it seems like the radio type components could have a bit more 
cohesion - let me elaborate. If you are using radio buttons, then you 
are absolutely restricting the user to 1 of N available choices. If you 
have multiple instances of absolutely bounded choices, then you have 
multiple radio groups. The point to take home is radio groups are only 
ever used to allow the selection of 1 choice from a known and finite set 
of choices.
This aspect is not encapsulated by the radio component. It seems like 
this could be implemented with a (sorted) map, and then you could supply 
this map object to the radio container. This would alleviate the need to 
explicitly set the value on each radio component in the container, and 
would also open the door for extra validation (like the selection that 
comes it is actually a valid key in the map).

This probably wouldn't be too hard to implement. I'm not at all bashing 
the components, I'm just pointing out what seems like a useful and 
natural improvement.

Daniel Jue wrote:

I think he wants to bypass the need for a getter and try to directly
retrieve something like a static final, which should have the public
visibility needed.  I just assumed prop: would work since you specify
the exact name, instead of having get appended.

I guess ognl's special syntax for getting statics was that you specify
the full path to the class that holds the static?

On 8/16/07, Josh Canfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I can't test this right now, but my first guess would be that you haven't
implemented a getter method for the value.

do you have a public String getAGENT_LISTER() method?

On 8/16/07, Chris Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

But alas, you cannot. If I remember correctly, you're not allowed to use
expansions in parameters (${}). This isn't needed for value as its
expanded anyway, but the bottom line is T5 throws an exception if you do
something like this:

t:radio value=prop:STATIC_FIELD/
t:radio value=${prop:STATIC_FIELD}/
t:radio value=STATIC_FIELD/

Even if the page class has this field. It throws an exception with the

Could not convert 'prop:AGENT_LISTER' into a component parameter
binding: Class xxx.Login does not contain a property named
'AGENT_LISTER' (within property expression 'AGENT_LISTER').

Daniel Jue wrote:

T5 uses Prop, so you should be able to specify it using


On 8/16/07, Chris Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm implementing a form with some radio buttons. My understanding so


is that the radio buttons provide a value, and that value is stored in
the containing RadioGroup's value parameter when the form is submitted.
The form has only 2 radio buttons, each representing a string value.
This string value should be a constant in the page class, but I can't
figure out how to grab a constant from the page class in the template.
In T4 this was done with something like:

How can this be done in T5?


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[T5] Ajax tests

2007-08-16 Thread David Avenante

I play with T5 and want to explore Ajax capacity.

I need to know which service is responsible on the instantiation of a

Is it possible to have a resume (classes implied) of how Tapestry process
component instantiation.

Thanks for any input ;)

T-4.1.2 css overrides broken

2007-08-16 Thread Ken nashua


Something changed with regard to CSS. I was overriding fine in T-4.0. Now it 
is broken.

Here is whats in my layout.css
div#header {
color: black;
clear: both;
padding: 0;
height: 15%;
width: 100%;
background: #fff url( images/trails-header94.jpg ) top left no-repeat;

Here is my markup rendered from my Home.html...
script type=text/javascriptdjConfig = 

script type=text/javascript 

script type=text/javascript
dojo.registerModulePath(tapestry, /assets/static/tapestry);
script type=text/javascript 

script type=text/javascript

!-- Application: trails --
!-- Page: Home --
!-- Generated: Thu Aug 16 13:52:26 EDT 2007 --

meta name=generator content=Tapestry Application Framework, version 
4.1.2 /
link rel=stylesheet type=text/css title=don't select 
href=/styles/tapestryskin/theme.css /

style type=text/css

div#header {
color: black;
clear: both;
padding: 0;
height: 15%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
		background: #fff url( 
) top left no-repeat;


body {
background-repeat: inherit;
padding: 5;
margin: 5;
width:  100%;
		background: #fff url( 
) top left repeat;


div#main {
padding: 15 auto;
width:  100%;

div#splash {
		background: #fff url( 
) top left no-repeat;


div#page {
overflow:   auto;
width:  100%;
padding: 0 0 0 0;
margin: 0 0 0 0;
background-repeat: repeat;
		background: #fff url( 
) top left no-repeat;



body id=Body

div id=page

a id=PageLink href=/
div id=header 

OK, my CustomHead (which extends Shell) rendered the overrides.

Background override works.

header override fails to work

Any ideas?

Best regards
Ken in nashua

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Re: T-4.1.2 css overrides broken

2007-08-16 Thread Ken nashua

What I meant by header override failed to work ...

The original layout.css image appears in Mozilla. IE nothing appears. So my 
header override is as if it does not exist.

Could there be a reserved work collision with header? I did try headermain 
but that did nothing.

I also cleared mozilla cache. No relief.

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tapestry + ognl bootstrap issue - app broken

2007-08-16 Thread Ken nashua

Same stack trace occurs on


My Home.html only renders a stack trace..

Any ideas?

Best regards
Ken in nashua



Caused by:

[classpath:/org/apache/tapestry/html/Style.jwc, line 56, column 55]

at org.trails.i18n.LocaleFilter.service(

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

Re: [Tapestry Beginner] Validation is ignored

2007-08-16 Thread Marcus Schulte
I can't really see your mistake from the code, but anyway, here are
two things that could be wrong:

1. for client-side validation to work, you need to set the
clienValidationEnabled parameter of your form to true

2. be sure to bind the form's delegate-parameter to your delegate.

3. if you want server-side validation check the delegate bean using hasErrors

2007/8/16, ipoese [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Everyone,

 i've been teaching myself tapestry for some time now, and everytime i think
 i am finally getting a grip on it something new comes up.
 OK, here's the deal... (i'll be using snippets since you guys probably don't
 want a million lines of code... all code i post compiles in it's context and
 runs without exceptions)

 i have to pages, Login and Register

 First for login:

 Login.html has:
   tdlabel jwcid=@FieldLabel field=component:usernameUser
   tdinput jwcid=username//td
 /tr has:
   bean name=ValidString class=myproject.Validator.ValidString /

   component id=username type=TextField
 binding name=value value=username/
 binding name=validators value=validators:required,$ValidString /
 binding name=displayName value=message:username /
   /component has:

   public abstract String getUsername();
   public abstract void setUsername(String Username);

   public IPage tryLogin(){ // -- gets called when the form around username
 is submitted
 //do fancy stuff

 this works quite good. it checks the enteresd string in username against the
 self written Validator $ValidString. I can debug, breakpoint, step-though
 and see all the magic happening. quite cool, acctually.

 Now for Register

   trtdfirstname /tdtdinput type=text jwcid=firstname
   trtdlastname  /tdtdinput type=text jwcid=lastname
   bean name=ValidString class=myproject.Validator.ValidString / !--
 same validator as before --

   !-- Form --
   component id=register type=Form
 binding name=listener value=listener:tryUserCreate/

   component id=submitRegister type=Submit

   !-- Attributes of a Person --
   component id=firstname type=TextField
 binding name=value value=firstname/
 binding name=validators value=validators:required,$ehfgbiasdbgujas
 / !-- NOTE THIS --

   component id=lastname type=TextField
 binding name=value value=lastname/
 binding name=validators value=validators:required,$ValidString /

   public abstract String getFirstname();
   public abstract String getLastname();

   public IPage tryUserCreate(){
 // do more fancy stuff

 now this acctually compiles and runs (!!!) without an error or expection
 even tho the gibberish Validator bean in firstname does not exist. This form
 has a lot more fields to it, and two more self written validators but this
 is pretty much the essence.
 now - the Validators here get ignored. i can write anything after the $ and
 it still runs through without any trouble. I can even delete the bean
 statement completely withouth raising an exception.
 required is also ignored - it jumps right into the listener without looking
 at the Validators.
 This started happening after i had to refactor the class to move it to
 another package. Used the NetBeans refactor (which always worked before) and
 suddenly it would not validate anymore. Refactoring it back does not help

 if i type somthing like this in one if the TextFields it does give me an
 exception upon loading the page:
 binding name=validators value=validators:required,fsgdsfghkjsn /

 Here is what i have tried:

 i have moved the Form around in register - even used it inline - same thing
 i have copied and pasted the content to a new file - same thing
 i have used tapestry 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and the nightly 4.1.3 - same thing
 i have deleted the project and reloaded it from svn - same thing
 i have set up NetBeans completely new - same thing
 i have run the application on two more machines (Windows, Debian, Ubuntu) -
 same thing
 i have run it with sun java 1.5 and 1.6 - same thing

 also, if i tried to use a Fieldlabel (maybe thats the error ?) and copied
 the username from Login to Register (it has a username too) - one to one
 copy - works in Login, not in Register (the Fieldlabel says no DisplayName
 was set in Username - which i definetly had set - and throws an expception)

 anybody got any idea why the validators get ignored or why Register is
 behaving to strange ? i really need this to work sometime soon...

 Hope this mail is not too cryptic,
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Re: T-4.1.2 css overrides broken

2007-08-16 Thread Ken nashua

This error persists...

If anyone can elaborate on the impact to CSS and workaround that would be 

I am currently running



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Re: [Tapestry Beginner] Validation is ignored

2007-08-16 Thread ipoese

Marcus Schulte wrote:
 I can't really see your mistake from the code, but anyway, here are
 two things that could be wrong:
 1. for client-side validation to work, you need to set the
 clienValidationEnabled parameter of your form to true
 2. be sure to bind the form's delegate-parameter to your delegate.
 3. if you want server-side validation check the delegate bean using

thanks for the answer - i have figured it out by myself by now - i used the
listener event in the form instead of success - which means no matter what
validation says, the form will still be submitted to the listener. This is
not what i would have expected to happen - but it did happen, and it
confused me greatly. Using the SubmitType submit and success listener now
gets it all working nicely even with the self written validators.

again, thanks for the answer - i think the issue at hand is resolved... 

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Re: Jessionid and static resources

2007-08-16 Thread Jesse Kuhnert
Yeah that is a lame practice.   It doesn't do it anymore.

(or at least won't in the next 5-8 minutes)

On 8/15/07, Kevin Menard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 About a year back I asked about jsessionid being added to static resources
 and how this was messing with us serving those resources up through apache
 httpd [1].  At the time, it was indicated that this would be fixed for 4.1.
 I've just gotten back into the 4.1.x game recently.  Can anyone comment on
 whether or not this has been addressed?



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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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Re: [Announce] Acegi Security library for Tapestry 5

2007-08-16 Thread Robin Helgelin
On 8/16/07, Kheldar666 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I may have two questions :

 - First is it normal that you choose not to use the
 SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter ? I used this :

Is it needed? Can the filter be found without using spring beans? I
want the library to be completly free of spring dependencies (I know I
can't avoid Acegi using spring, but the library doesn't need to.

 - I tryied to use the loggout feature, but it seams not working : Error
 404 when calling /j_acegi_logout. Should I add something somewhere ?

The idea is to use the LogoutService.

LogoutService logoutService;


If that doesn't work, something is wrong :)


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Re: Class cast exception in ASTChain, Bug OGNL-11

2007-08-16 Thread Jesse Kuhnert
Well,  you guys let me know what it is that you want I guess.

Though I'm sure many will not care about the perf increase at all
there are some tapestry users with very large public facing
applications where things like this are a huge bump in response times
- which goes in to all kinds of formulas that eventually come out to
happier users/ less money or similar... maybe

If enough people want it I guess some kind of don't ever compile
option could be made configurable somehow.

On 8/16/07, Andrus Adamchik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am an open source developer myself and I *love* when the users submit
 patches that work or at least create intelligent Jira's :-)

 But that's not the point here. Even though there is an OGNL-11 bug report,
 this is not a bug. This is a new feature of Tapestry 4.1. No matter was
 else was said in this thread, there is clearly a consensus between Tapestry
 commiters and users about what is causing it. The disagreement is what (if
 anything) should be done about that. So it will not help if I open another
 bug report saying my @For loop is broken - it will not get fixed unless we
 all agree that 4.0 scriptable behavior was a good thing :-)


 Kalle Korhonen-2 wrote:
  Exclude the version that comes with 4.1.2 and fall back to 2.6.7. But, I
  think it's the responsibility of us, the users, to iron out the bugs in
  expressionCompiler. I mean it's the least we can do. The benefits far
  outweigh the current issues from my perspective and Jesse's more than
  willing to fix any emerging issues. Everybody wants it, but if no one but
  him is willing to put down some effort, it'll never be finished.

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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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Re: [Announce] Acegi Security library for Tapestry 5

2007-08-16 Thread Kheldar666

For the SecurityContextHolder I went a little too fast... You don't need to
use WebContextApplication  :

   new HttpServletRequestFilterWrapper(new

For the loggout service, if the purpose is to use only the LogoutService...
What's the use of acegi.logout.url ? 

By the way, it's a great work you did. You solve many of my problems in one
jar :)



Robin Ericsson-3 wrote:
 On 8/16/07, Kheldar666 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I may have two questions :

 - First is it normal that you choose not to use the
 SecurityContextHolderAwareRequestFilter ? I used this :
 Is it needed? Can the filter be found without using spring beans? I
 want the library to be completly free of spring dependencies (I know I
 can't avoid Acegi using spring, but the library doesn't need to.
 - I tryied to use the loggout feature, but it seams not working : Error
 404 when calling /j_acegi_logout. Should I add something somewhere ?
 The idea is to use the LogoutService.
 LogoutService logoutService;
 If that doesn't work, something is wrong :)
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Re: FYI T5.0.5 Tree Component based on drag 'n drop folder tree

2007-08-16 Thread 小司
yeah! I will give my attention to it.

2007/8/15, Erik Vullings [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've just created a simple T5 tree component: based on
 Comments are welcome.



T5 Validator

2007-08-16 Thread jglanz
Hey guys, I've been using T5 for a while and haven't needed to create my
own validator until now and I am absolutely dumb founded for how to do
itany insight would be great.

many thx, Jon

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T4: Instance method dangers

2007-08-16 Thread Bill Holloway
I want to cache a rountrip to a database in an instance method of a
page class like this:

public FlowDataPageContent getFlowDataPageContent() {

if (_pageContent == null)
_pageContent = getContentService().getFlowDataPageContent(/*
some data in an ASO */);

return _pageContent;

content service is injected by Spring.

Am I going to get into threading/concurrency problems here?  Is there
a more elegant way to avoid multiple round trips to the database
accessed by my service?


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Re: T4: Instance method dangers

2007-08-16 Thread Jesse Kuhnert
It's thread safe.

A more elegant method may be to push the caching out to something more
generic like your database or object caching strategies such as is
used in things like hibernate.

Some properties - such as those passed in as parameters to components
- are sometimes cached by tapestry during render already as well.

On 8/16/07, Bill Holloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I want to cache a rountrip to a database in an instance method of a
 page class like this:

 public FlowDataPageContent getFlowDataPageContent() {

 if (_pageContent == null)
 _pageContent = getContentService().getFlowDataPageContent(/*
 some data in an ASO */);

 return _pageContent;

 content service is injected by Spring.

 Am I going to get into threading/concurrency problems here?  Is there
 a more elegant way to avoid multiple round trips to the database
 accessed by my service?


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Jesse Kuhnert
Tapestry/Dojo team member/developer

Open source based consulting work centered around

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Re: Jessionid and static resources

2007-08-16 Thread Kevin Menard
Awesome.  Thanks.

Now if I just could get the maven ant tasks to grab the snapshots without
hassle . . .

Any plans to put out shorter release for 4.1.3? ;-)

Thanks again,

On 8/16/07 5:26 PM, in article
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Jesse Kuhnert

 Yeah that is a lame practice.   It doesn't do it anymore.
 (or at least won't in the next 5-8 minutes)
 On 8/15/07, Kevin Menard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 About a year back I asked about jsessionid being added to static resources
 and how this was messing with us serving those resources up through apache
 httpd [1].  At the time, it was indicated that this would be fixed for 4.1.
 I've just gotten back into the 4.1.x game recently.  Can anyone comment on
 whether or not this has been addressed?
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Re: T4: Instance method dangers

2007-08-16 Thread Bill Holloway
Thanks!   I'll talk to the service layer/Spring people tomorrow about
pushing the caching down into the service there.  They've been
thinking about using os cache or something.


On 8/16/07, Jesse Kuhnert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It's thread safe.

 A more elegant method may be to push the caching out to something more
 generic like your database or object caching strategies such as is
 used in things like hibernate.

 Some properties - such as those passed in as parameters to components
 - are sometimes cached by tapestry during render already as well.

 On 8/16/07, Bill Holloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I want to cache a rountrip to a database in an instance method of a
  page class like this:
  public FlowDataPageContent getFlowDataPageContent() {
  if (_pageContent == null)
  _pageContent = getContentService().getFlowDataPageContent(/*
  some data in an ASO */);
  return _pageContent;
  content service is injected by Spring.
  Am I going to get into threading/concurrency problems here?  Is there
  a more elegant way to avoid multiple round trips to the database
  accessed by my service?
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 Jesse Kuhnert
 Tapestry/Dojo team member/developer

 Open source based consulting work centered around

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